When age doth creep and muscles wane in strength,
And hormone changes cause our weight to rise,
When activity grows less in length,
And lipid turnover in our fat cells lies;
When we misjudge our body’s need for fare,
And stress and lifestyle changes weigh us down,
Fear not, for there’s a solution fair,
This potion, brewed with wisdom and with care,
Does combat factors causing weight to grow.
It sparks the metabolism’s flame fair,
And helps the muscle mass to overflow.
Testosterone and estrogen doth it boost,
Staving off the weight that hormones hoist,
It prompts the lipid turnover, once reduced,
Now in their youthful vigor, they rejoice.
The activity it prompts, both mild and keen,
Calories burned, the body’s energy renewed,
With INTERSTELLAR BLENDS, the body lean,
For exercise it brings a fortitude.
The body’s needs it doth perceive and meet,
No overeating, just what it requires.
And life’s stresses, it doth discreetly beat,
To a healthier life, it inspires.
So, fear not the weight that aging brings,
For INTERSTELLAR BLENDS, the answer sings.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.