(39 customer reviews)


Price Each:

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $395.00.

SKU: COM-SUP-ULTSAM-25SEV Categories: ,

TRINITY $100 25g 72 servings

NEBULA $100 25g 72 servings

THERMO $100 25g 72 servings

MATCHA $75 250g 72+ servings

SHILAJIT $100 100g 72+ servings

PINE POLLEN $75 250g 80+ servings

SEVEN SAGES $250 210g 126+ servings

$800 value for $395 ! SAVE 51 %!!!



1/4 tsp



1/2 tsp Seven Sages 

In black coffee or cold brew 


1/4 tsp 




1/2 tsp Shilajit 

In black coffee or cold brew 


1-3 tbs pine pollen in grapefruit juice

Wake up in the morning, take on an empty stomach and fly!



The Ultimate Fat Burning Formula & Glucose Disposal Agent


A little more frequent is more effective than a lot all at once.

Start with 1/8 teaspoon in 2-4 oz of hot water

every 4-6 hours and adjust accordingly.


​​Click on links below to in depth learn about each of the ingredients in this amazing one of a kind blend!  Test your blood sugar before and after and see for yourself!

Higenamine (Norcoclaurine) as stimulant and fa (lotus)





  1. Activates FOXO3 the longevity gene
  2. Dual PI3K / mTOR inhibitor 
  3. Cardiovascular and metabolic health
  4. Improves insulin sensitivity
  5. Inhibits obesity and metabolic syndrome
  6. Neuroprotective effects 
  7. Significant longevity-extending effects
  8. Wide distribution of [3H](-)-epigallocatechin gallate, a cancer preventive tea polyphenol, in mouse tissue
  9. Targeting Multiple Signaling Pathways by Green Tea Polyphenol (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate
  10. Protective effects of the green tea polyphenol (−)-epigallocatechin gallate against hippocampal neuronal damage after transient global ischemia in gerbils
  11. Tea Polyphenol (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Inhibits DNA Methyltransferase and Reactivates Methylation-Silenced Genes in Cancer Cell Lines
  12. Effects of green tea polyphenol on methylation status of RECK gene and cancer cell invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells
  13. Introducing Nanochemoprevention as a Novel Approach for Cancer Control: Proof of Principle with Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate
  14. Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3 Gallate Inhibits Her-2/Neu Signaling, Proliferation, and Transformed Phenotype of Breast Cancer Cells
  15. Role of the Retinoblastoma (pRb)–E2F/DP Pathway in Cancer Chemopreventive Effects of Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-gallate
  16. Green tea polyphenol (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate treatment of human skin inhibits ultraviolet radiation-induced oxidative stress
  17. Protective effects of green tea polyphenol against reactive oxygen species-induced oxidative stress in cultured rat calvarial osteoblast



Serving size 1/4 tsp once or twice a day For Sample Only.

250g = 80+ servings
  • Pine Pollen Nutritional Content
  • Alanine Arginine Aspartic Acid
  • Cysteine Glutamic Acid Glycine
  • Histidine Isoleucine Leucine
  • Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine
  • Proline Serine Threonine
  • Tryptophan Tyrosine Valine
  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Flavonoids
  • Lignans
  • Coenzymes
  • Enzymes
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • Monosaccharides
  • Nucleic Acids
  • Oleic acid
  • Polysaccharides
  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Unsaturated Fatty Acids
  • Vitamin A
  • Beta-Carotene
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Molybdenum
  • Phosphor
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Silicon
  • Sodium
  • Zinc


Potent 50% Fulvic Acid Extract Powder


  1. Anti-ulcerogenic / Anti-stress – Adaptogenic
  2. Immunomodulator
  3. Antioxidant
  4. Analgesic
  5. ​Anti-inflammatory
  6. Nutritive Tonic
  7. Blood sugar lowering effects
  8. Modulates neuro chemicals
  9. A p h r o d i s i a c/Reproductive Health support​
  10. Antiallergic action
  11. Cognition Enhancer

Our shilajit 50% Shilajit Based Fulvic Acid Concentration
Each batch tested to be free from heavy metals or any contaminants.


1/8 teaspoon 200:1 = 25 teaspoons 1:1

DOSAGE IS 1/8 TEASPOON  (best taken preworkout)


“THE MUSHROOM OF IMMORTALITY” Liver Regeneration, Neuroprotector, Anti Cancer, AMPK activator, mTOR inhibitor


“THE HERB OF IMMORTALITY” Combats Aging, Strengthens Heart, Lifts Spirits, AMPK activator


“DESTROYER OF WEAKNESS” Contains All Trace Minerals & the Critical Fulvic Acid – 2nd only to DNA in Importance


​”DIAMOND OF THE FOREST” ” THE GIFT FROM GOD” Super Antioxidant, Supports Overall Health, Anti Stress, Anti Aging


“SIBERIAN GINSENG” Memory Booster, Anti Stress & Fatigue


​”THE GOLDEN ROOT” Mood Enhancer, Combats Anxiety & Depression, mTOR inhibitor

Wild Ginseng

​”KING OF HERBS” Anti Stress & Fatigue, Promotes Strength & Endurance, AMPK activator


​”SUPER IMMUNE BOOSTER” Improves Energy, Promotes Longevity, Anti Aging, Builds Qi, Preserves Telomere Length, mTOR inhibitor


“HERBAL TONIC SUPERSTAR” Boosts Energy & Improves Oxygen Utilization, Increases Endurance


​”THE HERB THAT DOES IT ALL” Boosts Memory & Alertness, Supports All Organs & Bodily Functions, Relieves Fatigue

Polyrhachis Ant

“HERB OF KINGS” Dramatic Increase in Strength & Power, Speeds Workout Recovery

Red Asparagus Root

“THE FLYING HERB” Elevates Mood, Promotes Deep Sleep, Lung Tonic – Increases the Lung’s Ability to Extract Qi (life force) from Air


Enhances Mood, Protects Urinary Tract, Increases Sperm Count, Restores Vigor, Vitality & Stamina

Tongkat Ali

​”MALAYSIAN GINSENG” Normalizes Blood Sugar, Reduces Cortisol, Stabilizes Hormones, Builds Deep Strength


​DESERT GINSENG “THE STALK ENLARGER” Increases Vitality, Anti Aging, Builds Deep Strength, Promotes Healthy Colon Function

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Super Brain & Memory Booster, Stimulates Nerve Growth, Boosts Intelligence & Concentration

Cervi Cornu Pantorichum

Increases Energy, Endurance, Stamina, Muscle Growth & Overall Vitality, Tonifies All Three Treasures,

He Shou Wu

Promotes Longevity, Improves Fertility, Historically Revered to Slow Gray Hair, Provides Deep Primordial Energy, mTOR inhibitor


“THE BEAUTY HERB” Makes Skin Moist, Radiant & Glowing, Aids Digestion, Lowers Blood Sugar, Improves Eyesight


​INCREASES NITRIC OXIDE Phenomenal for Cardiovascular System, Balances Hormones, Releives Sore Joints, Skeletal Health


Blood Tonic & Purifier, Restores Adrenals & Improves Kidney Function, Relieves PMS Symptoms, Improves Circulation of Blood in Brain

​Nettle Root

Protects Prostate, Optimizes & Regulates Hormones

Pine Pollen

POWERFUL SUPERFOOD, Hormone Balancer, Powder of Youth!

Mucana Pruriens

BRAIN TONIC, Promotes Strong Mental Health, Supports Positive Mood, Increases Dopamine, Prevent Parkinsons


​Nourishes Vitality, Combats Stress, Super Qi Tonic, Relieves Chronic Fatigue, Promotes Mental Sharpness & Memory, Immune Booster


​Builds Jing, Tonifies Kidneys, Relieves Lower Back & Knee Pain Issues, Reduces High Blood Pressure

Ajuga Turkestanica

Builds Rapid Muscle, Increases Strength, Dramatically Reduces Workout Recovery Time, Contains the Powerful Ecdysterone: Turkesterone

Catuaba Bark

Mood Support, Protects Brain, Enhances Vitality, Powerful tonic or Men & Women, Relieves De


What is it??

Imagine your brain and body like a light and bright or pin ball machine with all these different activation points that light up when stimulated or turned on, got it visualized? Good, these are your receptors. Now then we want to activate and light up all of them but not all at once AND to retain the novel experiential effect, the “newness” of each we only want to light it up once a week so it’s always special and appreciated and doesn’t get played out or worn out. This is the idea behind INTERSTELLAR BLEND SEVEN SAGES, almost 180 of the most powerful longevity promoting, cognitive enhancing, mood elevating, energy inducing, kick ass, feel incredible all day long ingredients on the planet IN ONE but strategically spaced out to make tolerance and burn out impossible.

7 totally different formulas for each of the 7 different days of your week—because every day is an ADVENTURE!!!

Click on ingredients to learn about the benefits of each:

Ziziphus spinoza

  1. Effects of Zizyphus jujube Extract on Memory and Learning Impairment Induced by Bilateral Electric Lesions of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert in Rat
  2. Comparison of the sedative and hypnotic effects of flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides extracted from Semen Ziziphus jujube
  3. Identification of bioactive constituents of Ziziphus jujube fruit extracts exerting antiproliferative and apoptotic effects in human breast cancer cells
  4. Antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects of the polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujube cv. Shaanbeitanzao
  5. Effect of jujube methanol extract on the hepatotoxicity in CCl4-treated rats
  6. The protective effect of Zizyphus jujube fruit on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in mice by anti-oxidative activities
  7. Immunomodulating and antioxidant effects of polysaccharide conjugates from the fruits of Ziziphus Jujube on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome rats
  8. Effects of neutral jujube date polysaccharide on the proliferation of rat splenocytes


    To get the most out of your blends you want to explore alternating them —one day Seven Sages the next day the other blends; so for instance since Seven Sages is 7 unique blends (Monday – Sunday) it would look like this:

    TUESDAY OFF instead take (Trinity, Matcha, Thermo, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit)
    THURSDAY OFF instead take (Trinity, Matcha, Thermo, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit)
    SATURDAY OFF instead take (Trinity, Matcha, Thermo, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit)

    The beauty of this approach is you get a full 14 day break between each of the Seven Sages daily blends and your receptors fully reset between each activation.


  1. REUEL

    I have been taking these blends for over half a year now and I have to say that they add an immediate uplifting balance to my daily life every time I take them daily and especially when I make a regular habit out of it. I have tried all of them for weeks at a time (minus Niagra LOL) and have to say they each provide super stamina, focus, and calm that other herbal blends can’t come close to. I recently talked with Gavin about how I enjoyed the products and he told me about the Seven Sages so I have just completed a week long test of taking Seven Sages as well with the different blends each day and it again has given me that focused uplifting effect. Great products and I will continue to use them. Continuing my second week of Seven Sages now!

  2. Michelle Marie

    My business Revenue went up because these herbs grounded me helped me stay focused and think with clarity! I doubled my energy while on This Magnificent combo!
    I am truly grateful I have found these herbs because I have thrown out all of my vitamins and this is all I need!! I Am a Lifer!
    Michelle Marie
    CEO of Qmanifest
    Health Coach/ Theta Practitioner licensed paramedic/
    Retired Firefighter
    Fort Lauderdale Fl

  3. Sanam Azemoon

    I have been taking these herbal blends since the very first one Gavin created and sometimes I still can’t believe the difference they make! I’ve tried them all and over the years they have only gotten better and better. They have helped me gain control of my anxiety and PTSD, improving my mental clarity and peace of mind immensely. Also, I remember a little over a year and a half ago I was having severe abdominal pain that turned out to be an ovarian cyst which doctors told me there was no remedy for. I was prescribed pain medication and just told to wait and see if it reduced in size or burst. Meanwhile I was in the most excruciating pain of my life for weeks. I didn’t care much for the pain medication because of how groggy it made me feel. So, distracted by the pain I would occasionally forget to take my blends in the morning and I started noticing that when I missed a day the pain would be significantly worse the next day. I tested this. It was definitely the blends. They were providing me amazing pain relief when I didn’t even realize it! I knew right then 1000% that I would keep taking these blends as long as I possibly could.

  4. K Fontenot

    The Interstellar Blend is amazingly balancing. This sample pack gets you started on ALL of its products to sample everything, it’s truly cost effective to see exactly which one works best for you!

    It helps balance my emotions, If I am anxious it calms me. If I can’t focus it sharpens my mind. If I need energy well… you get the idea. Sounds too good to be true but my experience with The Interstellar Blends and all of the products have been consistently phenomenal for over the last two years!

    If you take the time to read each herb and their benefits, then this is a real no brainer to buy. The longest lived people in the world have taken these Herbs, it’s the ultimate health supplement unlike anything else of its kind. The Interstellar Blend was crafted specifically to not only improve the quality of life, but lengthen the time to enjoy it.

    I had been suffering silently with Fibromyalgia for over 6 years and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to come across these Herbs. If you suffered from constant, relentless pain for not just days or weeks…but years, I know you’d do anything to at least get one day pain free. This is truly a game changer and I am able to really live and take back my life. What else do you have to lose? So get this starter pack, you’ll thank me later!

    You really haven’t tried everything if you haven’t tried these Herbs!

  5. Chauntawe

    I’ve been taking Interstellar Blends for a couple years now, every time that I get settled on a blend and think to myself “this is it, this is the blend for me thats helping to create huge changes in my life” , he comes out with something new. I’ll be so happy with the Blends previous that I’ll be somewhat reluctant to purchase and try something new but everytime I do I am never disappointed and more so completely amazed at how something, anything can always get better no matter how good you think it is and seven sages is just that, in an array of amazing blends it is the next best thing. I encourage anyone that wants to improve their life, along with diet and exercise to start taking this herbal blend on a daily basis. You wont br disappointed. In fact disappointment will not even cross your mind cause you’ll be too preoccupied with all the great things that you’ll be thinking about instead.

  6. Rob Lauderdale

    Gavin! I hope you are well and things are rocking on. I can’t imagine it otherwise.

    I have returned from Bermuda in pretty good shape. The Seven Sages kept me healthy and sane. Thank you so much for rushing them to me before our departure. There’s no way I’ll ever leave the dock without them. Together with fasting I was able to maintain my energy and alertness in addition to not feeling seasick. Normally on the trip out and on the return, traveling around the clock and eating whatever whenever for 5-6 days would leave me completely exhausted…and queasy/green if the conditions were less than ideal. Not this time. 7 weeks of work, herbs, and fasting when I could get away with it, flew by and I arrived home in pretty good shape.
    Unfortunately we have two troublesome teenagers at home. That’s a relationship tester for sure. Thank you so much for the blends!! I’ve been able to maintain some sanity and clarity since my return. Luckily I’m able to sneak some Sage and Trinity into my girlfriend’s coffee too. I think it helps but I may need to quadruple her dose.

    I should also mention that taking your blends and practicing intermittent fasting since Dec, I’ve lost not only fat that I didn’t know I had but also the little pains that have crept up over the last few years…finger joint aches and a wicked lower back pain. I now realize that I have control over even more than I thought. This is unbelievable. This is Power!

  7. Darla Lisa

    I have to say that i am on my 6th day of Seven Sages, & Trinity No depression, happy, not down, clear minded, feeling energetic. I will be taking this for a long time, I feel happy and amazing. Thank you Gavin for creating this amazing blend to keep positive, happy, and living life the right way … You Rock

  8. Rich Ryan

    These blends are really amazing. Trinity will ERASE your depression & anxiety. Bad mood? No energy? People annoying the F out of you? The world closing in on you? Doom & Gloom? You hate everything and everybody? Your whole life is worthless crap and you just want to die?
    Take a big dose of Trinity and it all goes away.
    I’ve been on these blends for 2+ years and the benefits are too numerous to count. Better skin, brighter eyes, more energy, younger looking, great mood, positive attitude, etc. Out of curiosity, I tried to find something else even close to these blends, and there nothing out there. Nothing even in the same solar system. Most herbal blends have 2-15 ingredients at 1 to 1 concentration. Trinity has 78 ingredients at 200:1 concentration. There’s just no comparison. You have to go to the site and look at the ingredients list. It will boggle your mind. That’s what convinced me to take the plunge and try them. Gavin has taken the bull the horns and said OK Mrs. Nature, let’s unleash the full potential of herbs and see what they can really do! No compromise, no cost cutting, no cutting corners, the best of the best finest quality ingredients available anywhere on the planet. Everybody needs to be taking these blends so they can unleash the true potential of their life!

  9. Tiffani Hillin

    High quality, life changing herbs here. They have already regenerated my body (and life) before and I am putting another order in today. I trust Gavin to know the best sources! I am excited to introduce them to my friends and family and report back the results.

  10. John B

    My first experience with this combo was my favorite of the several approaches I have tried with using these blends. I have used and tried many supplements through the years but so far this approach has surpassed all of them.
    Truly made the 22:2 fasting easy and calm. Going to use them again for 44:4

  11. Jeneva

    AMAZING! My mom finally ordered interstellar blends and let me try for a few days and I can’t wait to get my own! I don’t want to go a day without the balance and the energy. Thanks Gavin!

  12. Wendy L

    Love the blends! I have ordered the combo of blends several times and keep coming back. Having all the different ones to choose from is great. I started with everything in the combo, except seven sages and finished with them. They definitely make fasting a breeze… while keeping me energized, my appetite under control, calm and alert. I feel great when I’m taking them and it’s much cheaper than spending money on crap food or meds. Even though I’m a fan of all the blends…. my favorites are Trinity (keeps me relaxed and calm) and Thermo. Kudos Gavin for all of these amazing blends!! Keep them coming.

  13. Cyndy Brown-Carlson

    I am the sole caretaker of my handicapped husband and my energy, strength, and mood were deteriorating. I had to take a nap everyday as I was up all day and night caring for him. My Rolfer introduced me to the Interstellar Blends…”Give them a try,” he said. I agreed and he ordered the products for me.
    I was skeptical at first but took the blends everyday. It was probably a week later that I noticed I wasn’t taking the daily naps I needed before. My strength increased and my whole mood seemed to lighten up. Facing each new day became easier and I continued with the blends and looked forward to enjoying them every morning.
    I love the taste as I drink them in hot water as my daily tea and am amazed at how long the products last. I will be placing my third order and have informed friends and family to also try using the Interstellar Blends.
    Never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that such natural products could work so well.
    Thank You Gavin for giving me my life back!
    Cyndy B.

  14. Jeremiah Burns

    If your questioning how to start this or if you should at all, start with a sample pack and DON’T question anymore. As Gavin stated “it gives you the full affect” and also gives you the ability to decide what blend works for you. Although the price seems high at first, you will completely save money not buying the CRAP you used to consume. Gavin has consistently given discounted rates, many many sample blends, and his delivery is so fast it’s honestly shocking how he keeps up (I think it’s the blends;)

    I struggled with my weight and “hereditary” lies of addiction my entire life. Even After breaking so many chains of over indulgence, it still took a toll on me! I lost my hair, my weight was up and down all the time and my stress was through the roof. Years of toxic meds and alcohol took its toll- Something was off inside!

    Insert blends:
    I found these blends 6 months ago and will NEVER stop.. before the blends I was good at life and “doing it all”, but something was missing. I was in shape and active but it hurt bad and it ached and I had BAD stomach issues nonstop(insert all the nasty things your stomach can do and that was me in one day) I told my wife weeks before the blends- “there is something aching in my bones and I can’t seem to figure it out!” The absolute moment I took my first blend the tightness and tiredness vanished! I started a 22/2 for a couple months before the blends and once I got them it changed the entire game!

    I don’t speak on this topic blindly. I stay on a constant 22/2, run a holistic massage therapy business, and have a family to tend after. With these blends and constant support from this website, I do it with complete confidence and clarity!
    My hair is growing back, my teeth and eyes are whiter then ever, and To top it off I finally have that amazing 6 pack at the age of 38! FOR THE FIRST TIME?

    Natural! Honest! Educational!

    So to you Gavin- “The Shaman of Herbal Blends”
    Thank you thank you thank you for changing my life!
    please keep doing what you do. I plan to live over 100 if you let us?

  15. Millos1107

    My boyfriend and I were attracted to the variety of the blends because of the the health benefits offered through a more natural option. We joined the Facebook group and read the testimonies and did research for about a year before we dove in.

    We purchased the SUPER ULTIMATE SAMPLER PACK. We took the Seven sages daily and Matcha / Trinity / Shilajit twice a day and pine pollen about once a week for about 3 months. My boyfriend was taking Nebula and Trinity and he loved it! He was focused and more determined at work.
    I noticed I was able to complete my 12 hour nursing shifts without the burn out at the end of the day. My body was able to recover from the emergency cases a lot smoother. I had over all an improvement in my body. I felt alert and not as hungry throughout the day. We both started doing 18/6 and worked our way to 22/2 daily for about 3 months. With the blends we were able to do two cycles of 44/4 without the intense mood swings or headaches.
    The real change is when we ran out. Wow!!, within a week I felt sluggish, not as focused and overall crummy.

    I will most definitely order a larger quantity and try a few new ones!
    Thanks Gavin!

  16. Christian Silva

    I tried the Super Ultimate Sampler pack, my favorite’s so far are matcha, trinity and pine pollen. After trying the blends I felt more energy, and endurance in my workouts. The blends helped me with mental clarity, I felt more focused and my days go longer with more energy.These blends help with dry fasting, I used to do 16/8 or 18/6 water fasting and didn’t think I’d try a dry fast until I checked out this website and the blends. Water fasting alone was tough with 18/6 but with blends on a 22/2 dry fast I can get use to it. I’ve lost about 5lbs I’m 5’7 weighed 150 now at 145.
    Been on these blends for a couple days, I walk when I can, I probably go about 2 miles, and workout almost everyday. My goal is not a lot of weight loss as a reason for the 22/2 more just losing fat, and building muscle and being healthy overall. I will be ordering perhaps the ACB 10 Blend. I want to try the spice and peel next, I will be doing 22/2 perhaps 44/4 with autophagy and see how that goes. Thank you Gavin for your blends.
    I recommended you try the ultimate sampler pack and get the spice and peel, to try all of them on the cycle, matcha and pine pollen were great. Thank you again Gavin look forward to trying spice and peel!

  17. Amy G

    Products don’t affect me the same way many people claim to. I need to be faster to really feel the affects of the blend but have come to realize they improve my overalls sense of well being.
    I have taken most all of them and the one that I have been looking for my whole life is the super hair. It actually has helped my hair come in fuller. For anyone that struggles thin hair you know how important that is!
    I can’t rave that the blends changed my life from the first dose but I can say my winter depression wasn’t nearly as strong as before, I have more joy in my everyday and better hair.
    These blends can feel pricey but I am willing to invest the $ to buy more because of the difference they make in my life.

  18. LJ Johnson

    Not even sure where to start here!

    A little background on me. I am a nurse, an avid faster, and a water fasting coach. I have successfully helped many people lose weight, come off pharmaceuticals, and get their lives back. My approach is slower and takes time as I’m working with a very sick population. I personally found myself in a situation where I needed to lose weight quickly for a weight loss competition. My weight stalled at around 160 lbs, no matter what I ate (or didnt eat). The more I increased my activity, the more my body resisted letting go of those lbs…
    …and then I found Gavin and his blends; an absolute game changer! Talk about rip the bandaid off. Stall?!?! Hahaha. NO SUCH THING!

    Check out Gavin’s FB group for my journey and the epic pics.

    Now, to review the blends! Holy f*%$! I was brand new to dry fasting, blends, and Gavin’s protocols, but the blends made the 30/5 doable. Theres no way I could have completed 100 miles in 5 days, no food, no water, and dropped 30 lbs! I was so in tuned with my body, I could feel when the blends would kick in and wear off. I cant tell you at this point which blends do what (that matcha is yummy and super smooth though), as I took most of them at the same time and am still using them to drop my last 5 lbs.

    After my 30/5 (did I say I dropped 30 lbs in 5 days?!?!) I started the 88/8 to finish off my last lbs for the competition (as I write this I have 5 to go!!). I was starting to wonder if the blends were really that nessessary so I did blends every other day. BAD IDEA! The first day I had ZERO motivation, felt light headed, major muscles felt weak and burning on my walks. I just didnt have the umph to push through the miles. I was dragging major ass. Next morning I woke up and could barely get out of bed. Oh, and I was f%$*ing HUNGRY. So I go back on protocol and I’m a force to be reckoned with! I tore up those trails! The next morning I woke up and felt great too! I gave it one more try with no blends, same thing. Dragging ass and flat like shit the next morning.

    The blends are the real deal and the protocols are amazing. If you’re sick of being fat, want your health and vitality, and dont want to be a slave to the pharmaceutical industry, put these in your cart and become super human!

    P.S. You gotta check out my before and after photos. I cant believe them myself!

  19. Evan P

    This is good stuff! I’m a first time user of herbs and new to fasting as well. About a month ago, I decided to take advantage of this whole covid situation to come up with a disciplined plan of action to get my body to peak strength. I ended up coming across the 22/2 fasting plan and have been doing it for a week now with the herbs. I can definitely feel the improved clarity and feeling. Favorites so far are trinity, nebula, seven sages.

  20. KJ

    I have been using the blends for only a week now but wow!

    Although I am not (yet) able to say exactly which one is having the most effect, as I am taking them as a mix of all in the sample, within 20 minutes after taking them I get a shot of focus and energy!

    I have always struggled with depression, anxiety and managing my anger but with those blends it is just gone, like I am very aware that I am annoyed at something but I am able to handle the situation and just deal with it with ease and smile on my face!
    I got this sample combo as I wanted to try as many as I could. Next step will be to take them individually on different days to really see which one is affecting me most and which are my favourites!

    I must admit, I sat on the sidelines for a while, thinking that they are expensive, all i can say, is that it was totally worth it and i will be ordering again very soon!

  21. Bernadette Andersen

    I am a certified holistic health coach and have worked with some amazing professionals over the years using herbs with clients and had great success. I was introduced to interstellar through a energy healer I was working with.. I will admit when I first looked at this site and all the amazing herbs, I was a little overwhelmed with were to start, other than knowing I wanted to try them all. This is Chinese herbs on steroids. I was having physical pain and anxiety from a terrible car accident. I run my own business, so I have a lot of expectations but on my daily schedule. I reached out to Gavin and got an immediate response. The customer service and care he extends toward his customers is amazing. I started out with the sampler pack per Gavin Suggestion. First and foremost Trinity literally gave me balance in my body immediately. Nebula made me instantly made me feel the pep in my step. a few days later I took a 1/8 of tsp of nebula with 1/8 Thermo. It was the wow factor on feeling energized and totally boosted my workouts. I feel in love with it all within days and had to order more and explore with other formulas. I have a family history of Alzheimer’s, so brain support is very important to me. I really have a tough time with focus and especially studying. I have been in school for functional medicine and also training for CPT. I tried the ALZ and Lutoelin and the affects on my mental clarity was amazing. Just when I didn’t think anything could top the results I was getting at this point, I added the Zombie killer. Within a few days, I noticed fatigue in my body was gone. It felt like better muscle balance and overall well being, I had not felt for a few years. I had also had blood work done prior to that 2nd oder that showed my WBC a little on the low side. I used the Peel and Spice morning and night for that. I went back to get WBC checked 3 mos later and it was back to normal. I have never been able to handle Matcha green tea, it always gave me the jitters and made me feel anxious. This matcha green tea was the perfect fit. it taste great and gave me just a balanced energy I need without the jitters. I was so excited to find a product that I could get all the amazing benefits of matcha green tea. I am very grateful for Gavin amazing product line, his customer service, and the results I have gotten very literally every blend.

  22. Shah

    I usually do not write reviews for products, but after having the interstellar blends I felt compelled. After reading the site and researching the blends for 3-4 yrs I decided to actually give them a go. due to covid the blends took a while to come and so in that time I started to dry IF for 2 weeks. From that alone I saw a massive improvement in my state of mind, creating a feeling of lightness and clarity.

    Once the blends came, everything changed. I had been a deep meditator for a few month before trying all this and noticed changes like stillness and reduction in anxiety and increased visual acuity, after trying Trinitiy in the morning with my coffee, I felt all those feelings amplified, in a calm, clears headed way. I had a feeling like being surround by a bubble of light. Anything can happen in the external and it doesn’t change your state.

    Once I brought in the other blends from the sampler packages, I felt my muscle retention during the dry fasts were evident. There’s a constant clarity and flow, where you’re walking , driving, working everything seems pleasant. My favourite combo is the trinity, nebular Thermo and Seven Sages.

    When I went home I shared trinity with my parents and brother who were skeptical but after reading the list of ingredient they were more than happy to try. Things I noticed where they were in a better state of mind, less anxious or snappy. Conversations flowed and even though the feeling for them was subtle I could tell the change.

    If you really want a change or already on a journey to self improvement this can be the stepping stone to send you to the next level and I’m already considering getting another supply.

    Don’t shy from the price tag, it shows the amount of ingredients in the products and they come in a huge box, well packaged that gives you the feel like you’re opening a box of presents on Christmas Day.

    Don’t think just try them, consider how much you spend on products, gym memberships, Netflix, cable etc and then consider the potential these blends have to change you state of mind and health and increase you wealth.

    Nuff said, don’t think just try

  23. Valerie Jacinto

    SUPER ULTIMATE SAMPLER PACK w/ SEVEN SAGES is amazing. I have now been taking my herbs for 1 month and I feel amazing.
    I have suffered from extreme anxiety since I was 17. I have tried everything possible. I read every book, watched programs, and even tried hypnosis. I felt as though I would never feel like myself again. I started to accept the fact that I would feel anxious my entire life.
    I was introduced to interstellar herbs by my trading mentor Shaun Lee. I always seen him put them on his Instagram but was never curious enough to look into them.
    After this plandemic started I know I needed to find something to help keep my immune system at it’s peak. Shaun put up a video about the herbs and I got curious. I wanted to try them so I got the sample pack. I am so glad I did.
    Now at 37 I can finally say that I feel more like myself then I ever did before. My mind is clearer then ever. I feel happy and healthy for the first time in 20 years. These herbs are amazing. I felt the effects almost immediately. I can’t wait to try them all. Thank you for all you do.

  24. Lando G

    I have been going through years of depression and anxiety, not wanting to leave my house, afraid of being around people that I didn’t have a recent familiarity with, extreme dizziness, its been really bad. Once I was made aware of the blends and how it could potentially help me get out of my funk I jumped. I really loved the Super Ultimate Sampler w/ Seven Sages. I’ve had the product for a month now and almost immediately felt a difference in overall wellbeing. My first notice of it was with my anxiety. I happened to be experiencing anxiety the day the product arrived. I was also feeling a pressure in my frontal lobe. Once I mixed and drank the herbs I literally felt the pressure dwindling immediately. Next was with my energy. I start my day a midnight and sometimes drink with decaf and caffeinated coffee. I feel great with both. My energy and focus has greatly improved and I know it has to do with the herbs. Coming out of a depression my confidence has really needed to gain momentum and return to normal. Shilajit “the destroyer of weakness” has been helping me mentally regain control and restore the belief in myself. I know each herb serves its purpose but I can say this is one I really hold dear. Implementing the fasting protocol I believe amplifies everything. I fasted before but never tried dry fasting. I’d do at most a 16/8 water fast. Since I began dry fasting w/ the herbs, as well as doing some physical fitness body fat has decreased like never before.I attribute that to thermo. I’m planning to go on the 5 day fast in the upcoming weeks. Blame the shilajit for giving me my mental power back. I know the Seven Sages also help with mental clarity and bringing you back to a balanced and positive mind state. I’m really happing knowing that all the blends work in unison with each other but also can be taken separately due to the many benefits each one has to offer. I come from a family of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, parent has had a stroke so once I was educated on interstellar it was a no brainer for me. I will definitely be spreading the word about these blends.

  25. Emilio

    Interstellar Blends has brought to the world the closest thing to a limitless pill that there is. My experience with the blends has been life-changing. I already work out, meditate, practice gratitude, and am generally health conscious and aware, but the blends have unlocked a whole new level. They correct the energy/focus dips that inevitably arise as part of our natural human experience. Simply put, i feel amazing every day.

    This sampler is a great intro to the blends. It’s lasted me 2 months now, and I’m about to order some more trinity, seven sages, and probably try new ones. Most of the blends are still going to last me another few months at least, so although it seems like a huge investment at first, it’s truly a bargain.

    I’ve told all of my close friends and family about the blends, as they have truly enhanced my life experience. I would recommend them to absolutely anyone.

  26. The Big Bang

    Was recommended these by Shaun Lee who is well known in the trading world

    I was coming to a point where I was making losses so I took the rest of my winnings out and purchased some herbs to invest in myself

    I haven’t done any dry fasting on them yet but results are clear as day. The best way to describe how it felt and what it done is it was like I had pin point concentration while sitting on the head of a pin which improved my trading 10 fold

    Also just in life focus was there I had no worries no cares. I no longer feel fear or anxiety only love and peace

  27. Grant Bowen

    This sampler pack was a great introduction to the blends to really get feel for the different herbs and there incredible effects,Trinity & seven sages in my morning coffee had me singing on my commute to work on a rainy cold Monday morning hahaha, the mental clarity and overall increase in well being is just phenomenal with such a positive outlook on life and any challenge that comes my way wether its relationships, work, or any hardships that life being the rollercoaster that it is throws at me is easily diminished & overcome.

    I really do enjoy working out as well so the pine pollen goes hand in hand added to my protein shake giving me the jam packed minerals & nutrients that it contains also the natural testosterone boost. Some times after a long week/day and you struggle to find the energy to go to the gym we’ve all been there right? Well this is where Nebula comes in WOW! does that stuff pack a punch Im going to the gym no question not only that but I will smash out a high intensity session no problem with astronomical amounts of energy. No need for these pre-workouts that are on the market that the fitness industry promotes full off harmful ingredients.

    I recently just finished a 40hr dry-fast using shilajit & trinity and felt incredible afterwards feels like my body and mind has reset itself. Overall I’m over the moon with these blends and I can’t wait to try more as theres so many with amazing different benefits, I’m so happy I’ve found interstellar blends I’m a customer for life. Thanks Gavin!

  28. Bryan Scott F.

    If you’re on the fence about pulling the trigger on the blends, don’t be. It is in your best interest to get these wonderful herbs in your body as soon possible. I started off with their “Super ultimate sampler pack w/ Seven Sages” and was/ am highly satisfied. Good bang for your buck. You get a whole array of different blends which gives you the opportunity to see what you LOVE and what you just like. I will be placing my 2nd order shortly for myself as well as for my mom. I can confidently tell you that I am a life long customer, as long as these blends are being curated, I will be purchasing them.

    My Top 4 Favorites are #1 Trinity – #2 Seven Sages – #3 Peel – #4 Shilajit
    Those will definitely be my main purchases going forward, though I’d like to try all of them lol. I love the blends 🙂 they make me happy. The day that the blends were scheduled to arrive, I started fasting… 7hrs into the fast, the blends arrived. I took my first dose of trinity and very quickly began to feel the effects. 26hours into the dry fast, I threw on my 40 pound weighted vest and took off on a 3.5 mile walk through my surrounding neighborhoods/ mountains (mind you I hadn’t been AT ALL active all 2020).
    44 hours later I completed the fast (don’t think I could have reached 44 hours w/out the blends). I’ve taken them religiously every day since then.

    Things are starting to change within me. The combo of Trinity and Seven Sages “gives me back to my self”.
    My mind, body and spirit were hi jacked for the last 24 years of my life. I lived in the backseat of my consciousness allowing addiction to ravage my life which fueled the depression and anxiety because I KNEW I wanted to be in the driver seat, but the want wasn’t enough. I would self sabotage myself on a daily basis not understanding why I couldn’t stop. Vicious cycle. The blends give me an edge. They make “becoming better” second nature. Evolving into a more intelligent and strong individual is the main thing I desire while taking these blends. They shave off the BULLS*** from your life/ mind. Things are heating up and starting to get really good inside, I can feel it. BYE BYE old me. I’m leaving it all behind. I don’t want anything to do with the person I was for most of my life. Thank you Gavin and anyone else involved in the production of these blends. God bless.
    P.S. Shoutout to KingShaunLee for putting me on to the blends

  29. Jonnathan Cuevas

    Just get the blends dude. If you don’t know where to start, get the Super Ultimate Sampler Pack & you’ll find your favorites. I really love that it brings a wide variety of blends for you to incorporate into your daily morning routine! I was skeptical at first & now I’m like “I need to get more”. The feeling of being in control of my morning is priceless to me.

    As someone who’s always wanted to build more muscle, these herbs are the truth. Never built this much muscle this fast, never seen such definition in the shape of my muscle either. Fat literally shreds off even in the most difficult places to burn it. Gotten many comments and compliments from people asking about my health regimen.

    As a full time entrepreneur, my business has flourished, my confidence has skyrocketed, my stock trading has improved drastically due to my heightened emotional intelligence. Meditations go DEEP on these blends & help me visualize more vividly the lifestyle I’m creating for myself!

    Thanks so much Gavin, your time and effort into discovering and developing these blends has truly made a difference in many people’s lives, and I can honestly say the same, so cheers to you bro! Let’s keep riding high!

  30. Chris

    I came across The Interstellar Plan by accident, read up on it and was intrigued. Read the reviews and felt a glimmer of hope for myself but I was still skeptical. Then after trying to make head or tails of the wealth of information provided after losing count how many times I read through it all I simply decided to try it.
    By the time i found these herbs I was a middle aged lady who was a mess mentally and physically. A not so pleasant upbringing, adulthood was 13 yrs of a very violent marriage, burying children, depression set in. I went into another relationship and 5 yrs later after he did internal damage and I lost most of my teeth from the beatings I was done, I closed off. I started comfort eating excessively. My depression was at an all time high, I stopped socialising.
    I call these herbs my mid life crisis saviour. After only a couple of weeks of trying the SUPER ULTIMATE COMBO I feel “better”, seems like such a lame word but cannot fully explain how I simply feel better within myself after taking these herbs. I am drinking more water, walking more, losing weight. my head doesn’t feel so rattled.
    I have never been a coffee drinking but decided to take the herbs according to what was in the plan so I did, will never gain a love for coffee but doing as the plan suggests is only right.
    Do I recommend the herbs.? YES I do. If you can’t afford a lot of herbs, that’s cool, simply read through the descriptions on each herb and decide what you feel you need and try 1 or 2 small sachets to start with. Personally I feel that’s all you will need to make a decision to buy more in time. Gavin has provided us with the information and the quality herbs, the rest is up to us. At this point I am simply making an effort to understand it all, continuously going back and reading through it all and doing it as precisely as I can according to the plan and so far I am winning in every way. no matter what is happening in your life or the lead up to why you are here reading this, I do feel these herbs will make a difference in your life. Wishing you all the best no matter where you are on your journey in life.

  31. Kiran Devarajan

    A great way to start your journey into the different blends offered here.

    As someone with ADD who didn’t see instant results, I was skeptical at first. I tried the blends for a few days perfectly (as recommended), and by the 4th day I was breaking my fast early, missing doses and by the end of the first week there were a couple of days I didn’t fast or take the blends at all.

    A couple of months went by before I tried the blends again, and it was because I had become really fed up with my lack of motivation, dedication or willingness to do anything productive. In addition to this, working from home and lockdown had seen me gain a few KG! This time, with the motivation to lose weight and actually be productive with my time, I started fasting and taking the blends again. I joined the Telegram group and kept up to date for the most part, and even asked for advise on the chat here. It was clear that this isn’t a miracle drug and the effects do take time to kick in, but damn, a couple of weeks sticking at it and the difference is clear.

    I do feel more driven, and honestly the “hunger” you may feel the first week or so quickly fades and eating 1 meal a day becomes normal. The time you are awake, till you break fast in the evening is immensely different. Focused & sharp is how I would describe it. I used to get bored of whatever I was doing fairly quickly, the only thing that kept me engaged for a decent amount of time was playing games but that honestly took away so much of my time I wish I could have back. I don’t have that problem anymore – when I start something, I see it through till the end. I don’t have energy dips throughout the day, I don’t “need a break” every 20 minutes.

    If you want to make a change, and I mean really want to, this is the way forward. But you do have to stick it out – the bigger your problems, the longer it is to fix. But unless you win the lottery, that’s life! Start here 🙂

  32. Kevin Navarrete

    My experience with these herbs have been astronomical. The first time I tried them I was mind blown by how quickly I felt energized and clarity that I can honestly say I haven’t really felt until these blends. It unlocked new dimensions for me and had me feeling like a super saiyan lmao

    As a full time entrepreneur and trader I found this to give me an edge to stay on top of my game. I’ve seen insane growth internally and externally in my personal and business life. I’ve have got tons of compliments on how toned my body is now & how clear my skin has gotten.

    I was quite impressed and shared them with my friends and family who also fell in love with them and are now using them on the daily. Thank you Gavin I’m grateful for these magical herbs and the community you have built to allow us to elevate to new levels!

  33. Hunter Crisp

    So first off, I HAVE GOT TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE for to you Gavin.. the blends have completely changed my life in the most positive way. I never knew how good my body could feel. my experience with these have been completely insane, and I could never imagine my life without these blends.
    For a while, I was just watching from the sidelines.. Everybody I knew was taking these blends and I couldn’t figure out why. I was to the understanding that these were just very healthy things to put in your body. then I did my own extended research into these and I found out that these ARE THE MOST HEALTHY HERBS YOU COULD EVER INTAKE INTO YOUR BODY. So once I decided to purchase them for myself, thats when the real magic had happened.
    The first day I got them, I instantly felt a difference in my body, in my mind. the clarity that I had received was absolutely crazy, I couldn’t believe it, especially with the personal and spiritual development I have done as a trader and entrepreneur. I really wish I could show my one month transformation pictures on here as well because I was very consistent with the blends and the gym, the amount of strength I had gained, the toning of my body was amazing. I have never looked so good in my life. my friends and family couldn’t believe the results that I had received.
    thank you Gavin for really going out of your way to create such amazing products and helping others in all areas and aspects of life. you have truly impacted the world in a way that some may not understand just yet, but with the community tat you have structured and created, the word of mouth marketing is powerful and your business and life is sure ready to explode, so for that Gavin, I thank you and keep up the amazing work!!! 5 STAR REVIEW FROM ME!!!

  34. Josh

    I’ve struggled with a severe case of Lyme disease in my life. At the beginning of 2021, I had a relapse, even though I was taking a lot of supplements and under a doctor’s treatment. A friend of mine introduced me to intermittent fasting, and it became a tremendous help in the battle.

    This led me to more and more research, and I came across Gavin and Interstellar Blends. First of all, the amount of research and information available was extremely helpful. Knowing that I could jump right into fasting, and that immediately my inflammation was improved upon, was a huge blessing. Eventually, I purchased the Super Ultimate Sampler so that the fasting was a bit more tolerable for the longer fasts.

    The sampler was a nice opportunity to try different herbs and see which ones had the best effect. Trinity made me feel more at ease pretty much immediately, and the Matcha was really helpful in curbing hunger. Overall, the blends have helped move me forward toward much better health, which I’m so grateful for.

    Ultimately, because of my faith in Jesus, we’ve been praying for complete healing. He loves us, and just like He healed people when He walked this earth, He still heals today.

    If you’re reading this, I want you to know that God loves you and so do I. You’re never alone.

    Gavin, thanks so much for helping people. You’ve been a blessing to my life and to the lives of others.

  35. Shak

    Ive always been into consiousness and subconciousness. Wondering how consious are we of our daily lives and habits. Are we aware of what we do? And how we do them?

    These blends have definetly increased my consiousness. I am more aware of the things i do and how they are done. They have become a part of my daily routine and enjoy every second creating them. Whilst taking you get to meditate on the fact that what you are taking is beneficial for you in ways you cant imagine. The amount of herbs included into one gives me gosebumps knowing the amount of healthy nutrients i am getting.

    We are constantly putting in cheap, GMO and unhealthy foods into our body and there is now a good alternative. If you read through the herbs and understand them better it will help you much more with your decision. Although you shouldnt need to decide anyway. For the price that it is and the reviews you see, its worth trying. We spend money on other ridiculous stuff but why not stop that and give this a try and see for yourself.

    I would like to end with my total appreciation to Gavin for creating something special. Thank you!

  36. Harrison Lanes

    After being curious about trying these blends for over a year, I decided to finally pull the trigger and order the ultimate sampler. Given all of the great reviews, my expectations were high, but these blends were everything that I had hoped for.

    My favorites from the sampler have to be Seven Sages, Nebula, Trinity, and the Pine Pollen. About 15-20 minutes after having my morning coffee with these blends, i feel energized, focused and uplifted. It is simply a more enjoyable state of being having these herbs in your body. I know now that I’m going to want interstellar blends to be a part of my daily routine moving forward, as this is a great investment to make towards yourself.

    I would recommend interstellar blends to anybody that wants to lose weight, or is suffering from fatigue or depression. This is a much better alternative than pharmaceuticals that will cause other problems in your body. Thank you Gavin and Shaun Lee for your wisdom about fasting with these herbs, now I feel great every single day.

  37. Stefan van der Lingen

    Since I was little, I had problems with my concentration. When I was 16, they gave me the “ADD” label and I got prescribed ritalin as a solution to the what they called “behavioural problems”. It did give me more focus, but I started noticing the big side effects immediately. At that moment I started the journey to find something to improve my concentration, without having bad side effects. Now, almost 10 years later, I tried many substances and learned a lot about my health and the benefits to meditating. But I was still not having the desired concentration that I was looking for.
    About 3 months ago, I first heard of Interstellar Blends, through a friend. A little over one month now, I started using the blends of the “Super Ultimate Sampler Pack w/ Seven Sages”. I feel more present in the moment now. The intensity of my concentration/focus improved and the amount of time I can stay focussed drastically improved. I feel more present in the moment, instead of being wandered off in my mind very often. The end result is that I feel more confident and more in control of my life.
    I can clearly say that this is the BEST find in my memory/concentration improvement search so far. At first the costs scared me off, but I can say it is totally worth it because I am way more productive. The herbs totally earn themselves back, it is a good investment. I am going to recommend this to my friends because they deserve to experience this. I would like to thank the interstellar team.

  38. Alexandre Machado

    So I started to take the Interstellar blends on January 24th and I was going to wait 1 month to write about my experience with the blends. However, I feel amazing and spectacular with only taking them for 1 week and a half, so I don’t see the necessity to wait for 1 month to write about my interstellar experience with them!
    I was forced to change my environment and a little of my routine. I got way out of line with my healthy habits and started to stop exercising, diminish the healthy food intake, and started vicious habits again. Was breaking the connection with my higher self, if you will. So after thinking about what I could do, I decided to jump into the Interstellar Blends because of how greatly everyone talks about them (which I now understand) and It would push me to reach the state of mind, body and spirit I had before. It completely TRANSCENDS my expectations! I´m way more energized than I was previously. Way more calm and non-stress compared with before. Trinity and Nebula (my favorites so far) are really contributing for my healthy new lifestyle which is GREATER THAN BEFORE!
    I´m back on my feet and everyday I wake up ready to conquer the world with ZERO STRESS AND ANXIETY!
    Taking the leap of faith is something that people should never regret and I know that with these blends there is no regret whatsoever! It gave me more than what I was expecting and again, this is only with 1 week and a half of taking the blends!
    I’m curious about Rewire, Autonomous and Gains for my next order! Trinity is the one I will never lack since it puts me in a zen-mode.
    My advice for everyone who wants to give them a try is to start with the “Super Ultimate Sampler Pack w/ Seven Sages”. It comes with a lot of blends to experience, including Trinity and Nebula.
    Thank you Gavin and the team for the amazing experience!!!

  39. Mike Navarrete

    Thank you. Best way I could begin this review. My younger brother was in town and he gave me the ultimate sampler pack blend, so a serving of each. This was about 30 minutes before hosting a seminar. The level of awareness, clarity and euphoria compared to very few moments in my life. I’m a pretty grateful and joyful person so clearly feeling a difference, that spoke volumes to me.

    That was just the first time haha.

    I’ve now bought an ultimate sampler packer, followed by a variety of other blends as well. I’ve been plant based for almost 4 years and even with that I’ve never broken beneath 12% body fat but let me tell you, its astonishing the impact this has had on me. The fat burning is very transparent in just your first few days honestly but what made the most impact to me in regard to the weight loss aspect was the relationship I began to develop with food. Fasting seemed like such a chore before but now a day goes by and the desire for food isn’t really there. I started to develop a vibrational perspective to food and naturally would look at it as nutrition rather than almost a leisure.

    There’s many dimensions to the experience with not just the blends but the community as well. Identify what you want to progress in or what your health concerns are and research or ask questions. Just the learning alone on the website has been worth it. Different blends for different times of the day as well.

    As a serial entrepreneur like my friend Jon who also left a review, “tapping in” is almost default now. Levels of awareness much higher, I’m honestly having so much fun with these on a mental, spiritual and physical level. Excited to experiment with the rest of them and share them with people who have specific health conditions. My mom is having dramatic back issues, I’ll more than likely leave another review based on what we experiment to help her as well. I have extreme gratitude for you Gavin, especially creating something that is solution and prevention based rather than some temporary band aid.

    The value goes above and beyond. Tap into the interstellar plan, easily one of the best investments of my life.

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