(37 customer reviews)


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Imagine your brain and body like a pin ball machine with all these different activation points that light up when stimulated or turned on, got it visualized? Good, these are your receptors. Now then we want to activate and light up all of them but not all at once AND to retain the novel experiential effect, the “newness” of each we only want to light it up once a week so it’s always special and appreciated and doesn’t get played out or worn out. This is the idea behind INTERSTELLAR BLEND SEVEN SAGES, almost 180 of the most powerful longevity promoting, cognitive enhancing, mood elevating, energy inducing, kick ass, feel incredible all day long ingredients on the planet IN ONE but strategically spaced out to make tolerance and burn out impossible.

7 totally different formulas for each of the 7 different days of your week—because every day is an ADVENTURE!!!

Click on ingredients to learn about the benefits of each:

Holy basil

  1. Cholinergic basis of memory improving effect of Ocimum tenuiflorum Linn
  2. Bioinspired synthesis of highly stabilized silver nanoparticles using Ocimum tenuiflorum leaf extract and their antibacterial activity
  3. Determination of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant and chemopreventive potential of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. and Ocimum tenuiflorum L.).
  4. Effects of seasonal variation on the central nervous system activity of Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil
  5. Effect of triadimefon: a triazole fungicide on oxidative stress defense system and eugenol content in Ocimum tenuiflorum L.
  6. Efficacy of an extract of ocimum tenuiflorum (OciBest) in the management of general stress: A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study
  7. Effects of drying, fermented and unfermented tea of Ocimum tenuiflorum Linn. on the antioxidant capacity.
  8. Evaluation of antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Ocimum tenuiflorum (Lamiaceae) and Prediction of Biological
  9. Evaluation of antioxidant and wound healing effects of alcoholic and aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn in rats
  10. Antioxidant activity and lipid-lowering effect of essential oils extracted from Ocimum sanctum L. leaves in rats fed with a high cholesterol diet
  11. Antidiabetic effects of the different fractions of ethanolic extracts of Ocimum sanctum in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats
  12. Ocimum sanctum Linn. (Holy Basil) Ethanolic Leaf Extract Protects Against 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]Anthracene-Induced Genotoxicity, Oxidative Stress, and Imbalance in Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzymes

Ziziphus spinoza

  1. Effects of Zizyphus jujube Extract on Memory and Learning Impairment Induced by Bilateral Electric Lesions of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert in Rat
  2. Comparison of the sedative and hypnotic effects of flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides extracted from Semen Ziziphus jujube
  3. Identification of bioactive constituents of Ziziphus jujube fruit extracts exerting antiproliferative and apoptotic effects in human breast cancer cells
  4. Antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects of the polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujube cv. Shaanbeitanzao
  5. Effect of jujube methanol extract on the hepatotoxicity in CCl4-treated rats
  6. The protective effect of Zizyphus jujube fruit on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in mice by anti-oxidative activities
  7. Immunomodulating and antioxidant effects of polysaccharide conjugates from the fruits of Ziziphus Jujube on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome rats
  8. Effects of neutral jujube date polysaccharide on the proliferation of rat splenocytes

The price is $350 for 10-20 weeks worth depending on your dosage; you will receive 7 unique formulas in 50g bags labeled Monday – Sunday all at 50:1 concentration.

Each 50g bag = 6 TBS = 72 1/4 tsp. So $350 could potentially last 72 weeks at 1/4 tsp a day.

$100 samples available as well which should last you 4-6 weeks depending on dose.


As with any supplement, consult your medical practitioner prior to using this product if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, other dietary supplements or have a medical condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*Daily Value has not been established

37 reviews for SEVEN SAGES

  1. Tony C

    I can’t say enough about Seven Sages. It’s literally changed my life. I was taking adderall daily and starting to feel like a zombie, I saw a post about this being an alternative so I figured I’d give it a shot. From day 1 I couldn’t be more pleased. The mental clarity, focus and all around happiness it’s brought me was more than I ever hoped or expected. Everyday and blend brings something new and great, from a nice calm energy to a shoot through the roof type of focus and motivation. Ill be a lifelong customer. This is possibly one of the best purchases of my life.

  2. Rob Helfrick

    Gavin to me is an intuitive self trained master herbalist I’ve experienced his original interstellar blend which is an amazing overall health tonic I’ve also used trinity over time which is a wonderful universal helper for all that ails the mind body spirit harmonizing the mental emotional body in a way that is unsurpassed by anything I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried it all. It seems he has a relationship to the plant world with herbs that goes far beyond a mere education. Though I have nothing major that has debilitated me recently I’ve read testimonials from people that have and have had unusual if not miraculous results from taking his herbs regularly. I highly recommend his genius to my friends and I believe his products are very universal and can and do help the world at large. We all have a gift to bring to this world and herbalism Is obvious to me is one of his. Thanks Gavin for your contribution to my own journey. <3

  3. Chauntawe

    If you are willing. You can change your life and experience unimaginable states of being with the help of intermittent fasting and the magic touch of seven sages . My life has taken off like a rocket and I have not slowed down since I have decided to make certain lifestyle changes and the one thing that has been the fuel supply for my trajectory other than the power of will to keep with it is absolutely interstellar blends. I have been taking interstellar blends
    for over a year now and it has helped me to start intermittent fasting and discontinue certain habits like drinking alcohol eating junk food and smoking weed. I feel naturally high all the time, at this point feeling the intoxicating influence of alcohol or weed is just a bummer and has no real positive effects that can’t be equally created by fasting and taking blends daily with literally no side effects . Anxiety and depression are almost non-existent at this point and I am beginning to feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind on because my brain is actually functioning at a desired level and beyond compared to pretty much all the rest of my adult life. These herbs were given to us by nature for a reason and Gavin has put them together in such an elegant and alchemical way that it is truly a blessing to have access to these blends. If I could describe seven sages in just two words it would be without hesitation. (LIFE CHANGING). I highly recommend seven sages with every ounce of my being.

  4. Kristine

    I’ve been taking Seven Sages for a couple months now and I definitely think about things that I usually don’t think about. Like remembering a situation and how I was feeling or thinking. Then I’m like ‘why did it bother me so much or why did I even react that way?’ But I’m not filled with regret…I guess you can say these are my aha moments of really learning life lessons and having a better understanding.

    It’s like coming full circle by having this higher sense which allows me to access information and wisdom that otherwise wouldn’t be available through my own rational mind.

    I feel as though my relationships thrive on self-growth and cutting cords of any attachments. With the Seven Sages, I truly embody a state of unconditional self-love. A sense of wholeness and I don’t feel the need to extract love from other people, instead I know I am an infinite source of love. Truly, you become more aware of how strong and powerful your purpose becomes.

    With the Seven Sages I see clearly that we co-create reality through our own thoughts and emotions. And ultimately we are responsible for our own happiness. It takes work to stay in this mental state…after-all positivity always seem an upward hill where negativity can be a downward slope.

    I’m becoming less afraid of other people’s reactions and I try to stay true to myself—although through emotional intelligence, I do try to remain empathetic of those around me without compromising my truth. I find that Seven Sages help keep me on track.

    For now…I’m learning not to take things too seriously. Working on myself and being the master of my own reality without sucking the fun out of life! I think the Seven Sages can awaken your inner child and allow it to thrive. It truly can help you feel energized, inspired and overflowing with creativity.

  5. Rich Ryan

    This stuff is unbelievable. It’s the perfect herbal blend. Has everything in it, 170+ super herbs, spread out over a 7 day cycle so your body never gets used to it. It is anti-cancer, anti-aging, helps mental clarity, elevates mood, reverses heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Nothing else out there is even close to it. I take this stuff everyday and feel great and know that I’m giving myself the best possible chance to live to 100 years old or beyond! I won’t be dying of cancer, heart disease, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, or anything else thanks to this stuff!
    Thanks Gavin! You’re the Man!

  6. Courtney Taylor

    It’s been a few months now that I’ve taken Seven Sages almost daily, and it is without a doubt my favorite herb blend I’ve ever had (and I’ve had many over the past decade!). I started out at 1/4 tsp daily, but am now at 1 tsp because I want more of it in my body! The combination of 50:1 extracts of the most potent and health promoting tonic herbs on the planet, plus several safe nootropics, and even longevity nutrients like vitamin K2, choline, resveratrol and quite a few others. It is an herb blend, ultra brain booster and a longevity multi-vitamin at the same time.

    I have experienced noticeable changes since I started taking it. Physically I have more energy on a consistent basis, better stamina, and daily intermittent fasting is far easier than before. Mentally, I am considerably more confident and bold, I am sharper and quicker, and I just feel that any problem can be solved and I can have a great time doing it!

    I am about to have to get more soon because I’ve been giving small amounts to my son, and strongly encouraging a couple friends who are staying with me to put it in their morning coffee. I just want people to feel amazing so I don’t mind sharing at all.

  7. Rob Helfrick

    Seven sages seems to me has opened channels in my brain that may have been afflicted due to drug use in my long ago past and permanently repaired or rewired them and the different blends for each day of the week really seem to heighten perception in slightly different ways I almost always take it with trinity which greatly compliments the seven sages formula, Thanks Gavin, you do great work.

  8. Darla

    I needed this so badly and was rushed to me and it is a lifesaver and Gavin is the best person

  9. Tom

    This blend is amazing. I feel when I don’t include it with the rest of the blends. It brings everything up to another level of focus and awareness; especially with my butter coffee. I have dabbled in racetams and other nootropics before trying this and I can say that this blend includes quality nootropic choices to help with memory, recollection, and focus. It is crazy how much is in this blend. Don’t leave this blend out of the mix!

  10. Joseph Bolack

    Gavin Robert McGowen’s products have worked magic for me. I felt the effects within the same day, and they increased over the week. The benefits included elimination of my anxiety, a dramatic increase in testosterone, control over everyday life, and workout performance. As I had only ordered a sample at the time, I soon ran out. Within days, my anxiety, depression, and poor eating habits returned. Everything seemed hopeless yet again, only to be rectified by a new order of his product, and switching back to an eating window. I can’t recommend this product enough, it’s a pleasure to find someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

  11. Colby Gomez

    This product really does work wonders. Gavin produces something that’s really one of a kind and you actually get results! I tried the original formula a while back. My friend bought some and I immediately noticed the difference after I took it 30 minutes later. Some time has passed and I saw that they seven sages was available. I was curious to give it a try. I felt amazing the entire month I was taking it. I didn’t feel fatigued. I was getting a full night’s rest. I even stopped drinking coffee. I always felt so naturally aware and energized. I although recommend that you go one day on one day off with the seven sages. That way your body doesn’t get entirely used to it. I want to look into getting more of the seven sages. And I totally recommend that everyone gives this at least one try. Gavin is the man. Keep doing what you’re doing.

  12. Scott Alford

    I’ve now been taking seven sages & trinity for nearly a year & tell everyone I know about them! I love the approach of the seven sages blend that provides for something a little different each day. It mixes easily in my coffee (along with Matcha) and kick starts every single day for me.

    I initially started taking it to increase my energy levels and focus (which it does beautifully!), but the icing on the cake has been the weight loss. Without changing my (already fairly healthy & balanced) diet, the addition of Seven Sages, Trinity & Matcha have facilitated a loss of 25 pounds, bringing me down nearly to my ideal weight. It does absolute wonders for my digestion & keeping everything regular.

    Gavin is an absolute wealth of knowledge & information. I encourage everyone not only to try the blends, but also to read all of the content he puts out there. He is ahead of his time in so many ways. These blends may just be a pathway to the fountain of youth. At age 43, I’m healthier, fitter, leaner and more vibrant than I was at 23. Thank you Gavin!!


    Well I have to be honest and say I am a creature of habit. Throughout my endless effort to lose weight I came across a dry fast video on Youtube (can’t remember the young lady’s name) who described her journey mentioning “the blends” repeatedly never really giving full detail of what they were. No link in the description box, nothing. From there I made a full court dash to Google to see what the heck she was talking about. After finding all of nothing related to weight lose with the abbreviated search, I expanded it to dry fasting and, Voila… Enter Interstellar.

    Now to keep it real I was aghast at the prices given that that’s the conditioning of my prefrontal cortex. But then I began to read, and read, and read only imagining that this is how it must’ve been learning in the 18th and early 19th century before humans where dumbed down to the state that exists today. Intimidated yet filled with intrigue, I thought to myself who is this guy?? Who has such intense detail of each and every product and each and every ingredient? No research necessary, hardcore facts right at your fingertips. After days of reading, it was time
    for my entire body to be taken to the levels described… Enter The Blends.

    I can’t speak for everybody, but you’d be hard pressed not to want to try them all immediately.
    However Gavin manages to keep it simply and honest if you ask him where to begin. So I started with SuperNova and Trinity to get a head start on what was then an upcoming 44:4 challenge for 2019 (something I’d never accomplished by the way). I had been OMAD with a 20:4 window for 4 months and thought I had done pretty well losing 19 lbs. But to catapult my inner badass I needed something more and man did those 2 blends take me there! HAD NO PROBLEM doing 44:4’s back to back and lost 10lbs before the challenge even began. But could I possible achieve a 66:6? As much as I’d been hearing about Seven Sages and Thermo
    I figured I couldn’t possible lose. I’m going to get on Thermo in a minute, but Seven Sages! Man, talk about a Kundalini Effect! I have NEVER been more energetic, had more clarity, and a Spiritual Awakening about who I am and the direction my Life is headed EVER. I feel so FREE!
    Unstoppable. Negative Energy from ANY source backs the Hell UP! Its crazy, but I thank Gavin immensely for this alone. I don’t even know if he realizes what he’s brought to the table here and my gratitude it ENDLESS!

    Ok, let me end with Thermo. I don’t know about you guys but this blend and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice are my match made in Heaven and I will not live without it. It is the destroyer of cravings of any kind, and I can say ending the 4th week of this challenge I am down 30lbs THIS MONTH!!!!! Gavin, continue to stay laser focused on your mission because you are changing lives for the better and even though I don’t know you personally, I believe this is just your beginning! One Love…

  14. Curran Coughlin

    This stuff is amazing!!! I have never seen such a good combo of nootropics and Chinese herbs in my life but here it is. This is my favorite blend to start off the day 🙂 it has a brightening and broadening effect on your mind and consciousness which is quite nice! I am on an 88/8 and this is essential to my fast. This one and the thermo are my absolute favorites so far I still have some to try though. All these herbs are so well put together it blows my mind! Thank you for these awesome products! They’re dope to say the least 🙂

  15. Meghan Davis

    Seven Sages rocks my world! It makes me so sharp and alert! I love the mental focus and awareness!

  16. Arv

    I have to admit, I did not know much about what to expect upon starting a routine of Trinity and Seven Sages. After placing an order in September 2019, I was very curious as to how these herbs will provide a positive advantage to my life. I am a 22 year old healthy male, and within a short amount of time I was able to realize that the Interstellar Blends are truly life changing and could benefit anyone for all sorts of problems.

    In the past, I have suffered a bit from anxiety and depression, along with a lack of motivation and brain fog (which may have been attributed to excessive THC use). However, I have always tried to naturally keep myself as healthy and as positive thinking as possible. Doing this became a trick of wonder with the herbs. There are so many effects that I know I was receiving which I am just not able to point out or put a name on, but one thing is for sure that I felt better than ever.

    Taking 1 tsp of Seven Sages with 1/4tsp of Trinity in the mornings with my Coffee would have me feeling amazing for the whole day. I noticed that my memory was getting better, and I was paying attention to details that I normally would not have. I was able to find simplicity in success, not having to wonder or search for different ways to do things. As a post-graduate student, I feel that the herbs complimented my lifestyle perfectly and even assisted me with meeting deadlines and being ontop of things. One major thing, these herbs allowed me to keep faith in myself, and believe that whatever I was doing, I was going in the right direction. Normally, I would attempt something without truly believing I could do it/achieve it (example, getting grades between 80-90s) on my tests. However with the herbs, I had complete faith and confidence in myself as long as I had prepared/reviewed properly for whatever the upcoming task was.

    As someone in the medical field, I have looked over the positive effects observed in the various research studies/articles posted by Gavin for each of his ingredients. I must say that Gavin has gone to an extreme extent to provide herbs with such potency that lead to significant biochemical/physiological effects. I know family members that have diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. I would recommend them to consult their doctor to take a break from their medications, and truly experience the impact and disease fighting-wonder of Interstellar Blend Longevity Herbs.

  17. Dagan Mott

    I started taking Seven Sages about 6 months ago. I almost immediately noticed a change in my daily habits. I was getting up earlier, working out first thing in the morning, and felt alert throughout the day. Now I am more motivated than ever. Before I was introduced to Interstellar, I was extremely lazy and run down at all times. I didn’t care about taking care of my body. But now I treat my body right with Interstellar Blends, and tackle every day with enthusiasm. The best part is how long the supply lasts, and how well it stacks with other blends.

    I have been taking it with Trinity in the morning and at night, and sometimes in the afternoon. I love how the potency of Seven Sages never wears down. My body never gets used to the same old feeling, since there is a different blend for each day of the week. I feel like I cant start my days without taking this product!

    Interstellar has changed my life and I will be a lifelong customer. To anyone who is considering which blends to buy, I highly suggest Seven Sages. In my opinion, Seven Sages is the best product that Interstellar has to offer. Stack it with other blends of your choice, and I promise you will feel unstoppable.

  18. C Regis

    I began using seven sages, autophagy and luteolin about two months ago. I was able to immediately cut down my food intake from three usually heavy meals to one main meal and a snack per day with the use of autophagy. Not only was I capable of reducing the number of meals I had per day but also my portion sizes drastically decreased. It felt great to be satiated and less bogged down by consuming less food. Contrary to my initial suspicion regarding having less energy as a result of consuming less food, I was now markedly more energetic and had increased vitality. Needless to say, two months later I have lost approximately 15 pounds with very little effort.
    The seven sages’ blends provided great support for me mentally. I am in my mid-fifties and pursuing my second PhD. My norm before I began taking the blends was feeling mentally drained and unable to focus. However, after about the end of the first week using each of the blends as recommended, I was able to stay up later studying and also noticed I did not suffer mental exhaustion. Some nights I had to stop myself from studying so I had enough time to rest for work the next day. I am very thankful to my daughter for recommending interstellar blends to me because I am no longer suffering through completing my PhD program.
    Luteolin just seems to work synergistically with the other blends apart from the amazing benefits it offers on its own. I would highly recommend these products to anyone and everyone. For those who may think they are in good health, I would still suggest you try interstellar blends to determine what added health benefits they offer.

  19. okhai

    I have dislexia don’t mind my grammer please (:

    This shit is so fucking good. The first time i bought a sample of the seven sages, I was like is this it?
    But for some reason I lost a lot of my fear. There wear certan things where i did not really have all the courouge for.

    So for example i had things i know from my heart there where not meant for me. However my body was to scared to let it go so everytime i wanted to let it go i felt anxionoues. I 100% procent believe sevensages changed that. When i sad goodbye to the things i was scared to let go, I was really suprised how it went.
    it really flowed out of me with no fear at all. I am for sure going to buy a bigger order right now.

    Annother thing is that I was happy without any exertnial force again, i noticed this 2/3 hours later. I was asking myself “Hu why am I feeling so good” Could it be the the seven sages. I now 100% believe that. Annother thing was that i did not eat till 3pm without any effort

    The last things that wear amazing was that i Litterly SAW my body becomming fit that is just something you need to expierence on your own.

  20. Philippe Tjantele

    This was the first blend I have ever ordered and I assure you it will not be my last.

    I’m really into intermittend fasting and I love the idea of making the fasting period more interesting. I ordered some blends under which this one. First of I was mindblown by how fast the delivery is. I live in Belgium and I got it 4 days after I made the order. That is actually faster then some products I order from Belgium itself. When I opened the box I was very pelase to find the beautiful sturdy packaging. The design and quality of each package is just outstanding.

    When I started to take it I was suprised by how good it dissolves in my morning coffee. It actually adds this very subtle taste to it and to be honest I miss this taste anytime I have a coffee without it. It just such a pure groundy taste and you feel your body and mind thanking you for it when drinking it. I also got added to the telegram group and this way you really learn from everyone in it. Such an awesome network of interesting people each on their own journey.
    You also get the opportunity to text Gavin personally and I’m always amazed at how quickly he gets back to you. Really thankful for that!

    After a couple days i could really start feeling the benefits. I was more clear and aware. I could feel emotions coming up before they really overwelmed my body and it was like I had more control over which I wanted to feel or stop before I was complety overwhelmed by them.
    My memory was also a lot better very quickly after starting to take it. I found this old lock for a locker from a while back. I totally forgot it let alone the combination. I could feel the emotion coming up of annoyance that I had forgotten this but I stopped it and stayed calm. All of a sudden the combination just came back to me.

    The added clarity and awareness of emotions added with a better sense of memory is just so powerful that I will def order another batch when this one is finished. It will definatly take a while because the packages are huge compared to how much you should take of it.

    Really happy I started this journey and super grateful for the great products and service.

    Def recommend!



    Emotionally stable


  21. Derek Thomas

    I am 45 years old Cert. Global Breath-Work / Meditation facilitator and well as an owner of a Holistic Surf Retreat company and Conscious Breath Workshop. I also work as an integrated treatments provider for a well known psychiatrist. My life for the most part consists of traveling to remote locations around the globe, being extremely active while holding space through guiding/facilitating others in deep guided immersive experiences as well as teaching them techniques for optimal mind/body health via a blend of the eastern arts and scientific knowledge related to functioning of our beings. I’ve been using interstellar herbs for about 3 years now and they have no doubt been an additional step along the way to my own personal optimal life experience and further find them to quite literally assist others with creating lasting positive life shifts. I also appreciate that Gavins life story and personal challenges brought him to create this company through embracing his journey and living authentically.

    Always very health consciousness both physically and mentally with lots of traveling I found myself totting around an array of supplements with me which was costly, time consuming for ordering the various supplements/shipping. They also took up a lot of precious space in my bags as well as at my locations and the process daily consumption had me feeling a slightly neurotic to by honest with so many containers etc.

    When I came across Interstellar Herbs I was as many here have stated somewhat skeptical. I was also however very fairly familiar with quite a few of the herbs having lived a few years prior adhering to an ayuervedic diet. The power of these blends are profound and undeniable yet never leave me feeling overly stimulated. I immensely enjoy the Seven Sages as they have a variety of herb and slight flavor discrepancies for each morning when I create my blend. I quickly noticed the extended duration I was able to hold periods of deep focus while feeling a sense of calm, clarity as well as heightened vitality.

    I take the herbs in the morning and then again in the afternoon on the days I choose to do so. If I consume the them in the afternoon say before yoga or guiding one of my sessions I immediately feel immense focus paired with an elevated mood boost unlike any other supplement previous. Another huge benefit is that I have not become sick for the last 2 1/2 years sense taking these highly potent blends. In addition there is an immense benefit related to fasting & intermittent fasting when taking the blends. Very grateful that someone took the time to source the highest quality herbs from their native environment at their ideal harvest time. The attention to detail is just undeniable and rare to find in products these days. I am planing to use these herbs in my upcoming retreats.

    Since finding Interstellar Herbs I have found that I’ve been able to remove many many other supplements from my diet that my pocket book went on its own. I can travel easily with these and they last for a very long time. Sometimes I am in extremely remote places for up to 7 months at time and it’s simple to bring provisions for these long periods as they are not bulky and I never have issues with the airports as the packaging is so legit! I carry them on as well as put them in my check in however usually always carry them on to make sure nothing happens to them.

    I use Seven Sages as well as Trinity and Supernova alternating between these two additional blends each morning along with the daily Seven Sages. I also am particular to the Autophagy for periods of fasting and an extended durations of sustained focus.These herbs are staples for my mind and body health and I am by profession a mind/body health facilitator so hopefully that should tell you something. Thanks again Gavin for your attention to detail rarely found in products and especially supplements these days.

  22. Andy Williams

    I ordered a large size of Seven Sages and took it solo to test it out and this stuff is the goods!

    If you’re looking for mental robustness, stamina and clarity in the perfect dosage, this is a blend you should add to your next purchase.

    I really enjoy the positive effects on my mindset and focus from taking Seven Sages. This is a blend for the person who values being at their optimal everyday.

    It’s now definitely a staple!

  23. Danny R

    I’ve just finished my first order of the large Seven Sages blends and must say I am very impressed with the effects.

    I found that taking these blends first thing in the morning with raw honey gave me a level of focus and mental clarity that I have never experienced before! As someone who’s job consists of a lot of physical activity, I found that these blends had also eliminated the fatigue I used to get towards the end of a worl shift.

    I must add; the delivery time was very quick considering I ordered from the UK and the service and support recieved from Gavin and the interstellar team was flawless, as they answers any queries I had though telegram chat.

    I couldn’t reccomend the Seven Sages blend enough.

    Total game changer!

  24. Glenn Swift

    I was skeptical at first as this was the first time I had tried any blends at all from Interstellar. One week on and I have to say this stuff really works, like seriously 100% noticeable. My cognitive functioning is noticeably better and is my overall effectiveness at work and home.
    As recommended I use it on an empty stomach and take with black coffee in the morning. This sets me up for the day.
    I have read comments like total game changer well i agree that’s a pretty good summary. Combine with good diet and exercise and BOOM new person. Thanks for opening my mind to this hidden gem..

  25. George P.

    Seven Sages Review.

    As an entrepreneur, you need high efficiency brain flow to connect the dots within your brain in order to either understand information or be creative about your business. I believe there will be many of you, who wakes up in the morning and tried any kind of morning routine, to get their brain started asap to work mode and actually make it effective. For me it usually took 2-3 hours to actually get mine running in the perfect zone mode, where I could make fast and effective decisions. Seven Sages effectively managed to keep my brain running like Swiss timepiece. Every morning I wake up, I get all my blends in combination with Trinity (sometimes I add nebula or supernova for energy) and I can go straight to the office, get all my daily tasks smashed within 1-2 hours, and it already saves me 2-3 hours of my day, which is massive change, it basically adds you 1-2 days of additional work day per week! If you have considerably well thought business and it brings cash flow, this Blend provides a perfect Return-On-Investment, if you love your time. That’s where I put this blend into me schedule as a perfect time-saver. I’m able to work on my 7 figure business, spend time with family, spend time with my girlfriend, friends, have clean diet and also train 6 times a week for 2 hours a day.

  26. Sebastian Gaeta

    As someone who is very used to nootropics and already used some of the things in the mix, I was very pleasantly surprised with how much of a difference a small amount of it makes. I would add only a small amount to coffee and it would increase and enhance the effect of the coffee (which would only normally be a relatively short lived high for me) for perhaps 2-3 hours.
    To start with I was stacking it with the Senescent Cell Blend and felt this was a really powerful combo prolonging the effects further and going into other kind of territory of manifesting very particular things very quickly in my life. Very excited to combine with other interstellar blends to see the effects.
    I’ve managed to do some really creative work whilst using it on a very small amount compared to the nootropic stack I was using myself which I was having up to 6g of! As I get to the last of what’s left Im going to try bigger amounts of it as I’m very interested to see what say a tsp or 2 would do! Im guessing it could probably replace what I was using and be more profound just simply because of the sheer amount of different things in there. It was also interesting the subtle changes each day so your body never quite gets used to the blend.
    Overall really innovative blend and concept very impressed. I had even thought of making the blend I was making for myself commercially available as I didn’t see many other people doing anything similar, that was before trying Gavin’s blends and realising there is at least one company really taking it to the next level and is always on the cutting edge! Big fan

  27. alejandra freire

    I’m in the health care field, very demanding. it requires a lot of mental focus and energy. For months I started to feel like a zombie going to work, literally no energy, fatigued, brain fog. I just knew where to go and what to do. I would also get anxious randomly.
    I started using 7 sages, trinity, nebula for 3 weeks, 1/8 of each at 6am & 12pm. I don’t drink as much coffee anymore, I mix these three with hot water before I eat. I do think fasting before helps with absorption I think, it works instantly for me. I noticed mood booster, mental clarity, and much energy than before. 7 sages most definitely helps you focus and staying sharp in all aspect in life not just work. I would 100% recommend theses three together, but if you must not miss one its 7 sages !!!

  28. Kieron Mackenzie

    Like many of you here I first came across InterstellarBlends through the well known Mr Shaun Lee, as an aspiring trader I was intrigued. Around the same time period I stumbled across prolonged fasting. I had dicovered a whole new world, and with it, I developed a whole new persective on health and diet. After my first few successful fasts, it was time to up the ante. After seeing Shaun consistently flaunt his collection of blends, I decided it was time for my first purchase. Trinity, Peel, Original, and Matcha were on the menu, but to my suprise, upon receiving my order I discovered Gavin had sent a complimentary side dish of Seven Sages. He must have know what he was doing. Hence why I am here, constructing this review. After 4 amazing experiences with my 4 different blends, it turns out the generous free sample of Seven Sages rapidly rose to the top of my rankings. Here are my thoughts…

    One particular moment with Seven Sages sticks in my head and it was the first time I had tried it fasted. When I say fasted, I mean about 16 hours since my last meal. But prior I had been a sugar and insulin spiking addict all my life. So for me 16 hours felt good. I felt clear. I remember quickly consuming some Seven Sages with black coffee before leaving the house. I had already tried the likes of Triniity and Original previously and my experiences with them rendered me excited and somewhat confident in my journey to come with Seven Sages. Excited because I could not wait for the subtle effect of the blend to take effect, eager to see if the special Sages rendered any change in my mood. I was confident that no matter what I felt, I was treating my body well, and nourishing it on a level I could not yet fully understand. I just knew that outside of protein carbs and fats, I was feeding my cells and energising my whole system. These blends WILL make you feel amazing and YES, at times, the subtle eurphoria resembled a high, but to approach these blends from a junkie perspective is simply wrong. My mood elevates with these blends, a kind of elevation that could only be the manifstation of TRUE health and TRUE nourishment.

    The experiece with Seven Sages that day left me speechless, I recall driving past my house on my way to run some errands and all of a sudden, like Gavin says, its as if my brain just lit up! The most welcomed feeling of happiness, joy and positivty waved through me. This is the only way to describe it. It is as if my fasted state amplified the blend and out of somewhere Seven Sages spoke to me. It told me everything was going to be okay and that life was worth looking forward to. Either that or Seven Sages simply allowed my brain to house these thoughts. It felt like all this time, a deep rooted positivity existed within me and this blend had unlocked it. This miracle product had allowed me to live how my soul had been wanting me to my entire life. At a time where I had many external reasons to feel overwhelmed and depressed. These blends and the Seven Sages in particular allowed me to feel hope. A Hope through my experience that a different mindstate was and IS possible. So for that, to Gavin and InterStellarBlends I am eternally grateful. To everyone else…Please try these blends..and start with this one. It will change your life.

  29. Cordelia

    I am happy with the choice of blends that Gavin recommended. I was looking for an all natural ingredients blend that would help with my anxiety. I am also a preschool and childcare business owner and teacher. I have a lot on my plate as I am new to the mompreneur world. I wanted a blend that would help ease my anxiety, keep me focused and give me some good energy and Gavin was able to recommend TRINITY. I ordered trinity and it came quickly with a gift of another blend (SUPERNOVA) , this I like to mix with my smoothie. But TRINITY is the real deal. It tickles all of the boxes of the way I want to feel throughout my day. I am able to stay focused and get all of my daily tasks complete with a focus and calm mind, clutter free. Because I love TRINITY so much , I decided to start adding to my blend collection to maintain my healthy lifestyle and habits. Because I work with kids, there’s always some type of sickness going around. I wanted to keep myself and family from getting sick as often or just recovering faster from when we do get sick. Again, Gavin recommended SEVEN SAGES along with a few other blends. Well, I decided to add SEVEN SAGES to the collection. I’ve been pleased with the results. We barely get sick anymore or even if we attempt to catch a common cold or something, our body will recover before we notice any symptoms. These blends are a miracle and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle and don’t want to mess with crap going into their body. They work so well and the best part is, they help keep your body clean and healthy and get the job done. I am grateful my hubby directed to these blends and Gavin is super helpful and is there to answer any questions or concerns quickly. My life has improved for the better because of these blends and I am much happier and stress free. I’ll be adding more to our collection. Oh, also while on these blends, I notice less intake of food on a daily basis. Thank you!

  30. Jeremiah Holguin

    I am no stranger to medicinal herbs and high performance health. I have spent many years researching and growing medicinal plants as they are a deep passion for me. In addition to this I am very attentive to The Quality of intention and quality of the execution of the intention as I consult and work with many high performing people across the strata of society and i have to keep pace with a potent tempo in order to be able to show up fully and be invaluable to these types of individuals. I highly refine and nurture my precious life force and am very cognizant of the things I come into contact with to see if they can help me along the way. Now Enter the Seven Sages interstellar blend which was gifted to me by a dear friend.

    I was blown away – there were plants I had never even remotely heard of. I immediately went to the website and was again blown away by the level of quality curation. So i began to test them out and they have become a wonderful addition to my weekly stack – they truly are an all-in-one blend that hits so many different bases at once. They’re effects are wonderful and very synergistic to my internal alchemy.

    Next up is peel and spice which I am very excited to experiment with as I prepare myself for nebula 😎! If you’re a fan of high level alchemy, longevity, and overall potency then the interstellar blends are for you!

  31. Eli

    Mann so first off, I wasn’t really skeptical about any of the products. I’ve seen in my family line loads of bad health. So I took it upon myself to take a health conscious road and learn whatever I needed to take to just BE in a better state of health. So I ran across a pretty known trader I’m sure a lot people who trade knows. A stand up guy so I’ve been doing research on the blends for like a month and a half from reading reviews to being in the telegram chat.

    First purchase was trinity and rewire. By far was some of the best feelings I’ve had internally in terms of state of being from sense of calmness to feeling the vibration of my body lol. Definitely was next level nothing I experienced. Getting on the fasting protocol of 22/2 wasn’t to hard to grasp just the fact that managing that anxious/ nauseous feeling of not eating for hours was the biggest challenge for me. I kept persisting through it no matter the feeling.

    By far seven sages was a top favorite for me from just all the different ingredients for different days felt like an adventure of damn what will I experience new internally today lol. My favorite days were Tuesday and Sunday something about those days of blends just had me in a heightened state. Unexplainable lol. By far definitely will be a lifetime customer not to mention Gavin’s straightforwardness has me dying laughing sometimes. Real stand up guy can definitely tell he cares about people and product and shows hella integrity of his brand and what he is about. Which is exactly how I want to run my business ventures!

  32. Candace

    I am happy with the choice of blends that Gavin recommended. I was looking for an all natural ingredients blend that would help with my anxiety. I am also a preschool and childcare business owner and teacher. I have a lot on my plate as I am new to the mompreneur world. I wanted a blend that would help ease my anxiety, keep me focused and give me some good energy and Gavin was able to recommend TRINITY. I ordered trinity and it came quickly with a gift of another blend (SUPERNOVA) , this I like to mix with my smoothie. But TRINITY is the real deal. It tickles all of the boxes of the way I want to feel throughout my day. I am able to stay focused and get all of my daily tasks complete with a focus and calm mind, clutter free. Because I love TRINITY so much , I decided to start adding to my blend collection to maintain my healthy lifestyle and habits. Because I work with kids, there’s always some type of sickness going around. I wanted to keep myself and family from getting sick as often or just recovering faster from when we do get sick. Again, Gavin recommended SEVEN SAGES along with a few other blends. Well, I decided to add SEVEN SAGES to the collection. I’ve been pleased with the results. We barely get sick anymore or even if we attempt to catch a common cold or something, our body will recover before we notice any symptoms. These blends are a miracle and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle and don’t want to mess with crap going into their body. They work so well and the best part is, they help keep your body clean and healthy and get the job done. I am grateful my hubby directed to these blends and Gavin is super helpful and is there to answer any questions or concerns quickly. My life has improved for the better because of these blends and I am much happier and stress free. I’ll be adding more to our collection. Oh, also while on these blends, I notice less intake of food on a daily basis. Thank you!

  33. Anh Duc Nguyen

    I started with Interstellar back in 2020 and I can never look back, as the benefits it has provided me are an excellent value for money. At first I was skeptical because of the price, but please trust me there are no regrets!

    Below are the products that I have been taking and it’s health benefits to me.

    – Trinity- will give you a sense of calmness, stillness, and relaxed state of mind. If you’re short tempered like me then you start to become more cool, things stop bothering you.

    – Seven Sages – from all the food you eat, your environment, the people you surround yourself with, the media. It creates a negative thinking on you at times without you noticing, you wake up at times with a negative outlook on life. But Seven Sages clears all of this. You take it and you just feel absolutely blessed, no negativeness.

    – Nebula the confidence giver. This has particular helped me overcome myself, I do boxing and with Nebula lets just say I punch a lot more back! In the gym, the last rep that I struggle with: Nebula helps me get it.

    – Alderstone this specifically helps me within the gym, my muscle mass and testosterone level increase dramatically with this.

    – Thunder helps me with my sex life, I was suffering from premature ejaculation and low libido. This boosts me way back up. Its also the greatest aphrodisiac, you don’t have to wait so long for your next round!

    – Pine Pollen at first its a bit to drink this as its clumpy but if you’re about your health then mind over matter 🙂. This help improve my skin so much, smoother!

    All in all, each condition you are facing Intestellar will have a solution. Especially Gavin, I message him on facebook for any queries and he points me in the correct direction. Can’t thank him enough.

    Everyone tends to fast with these blends but to be honest, I don’t. But I still reap the benefits (of course if I fast it will be more) so don’t worry if you can’t fast. As long as you take them.


  34. Tarik

    Before finding Gavin and these amazing blends I would often find myself sinking lower into my bad habits each day and relapsing consistently. Seven Sages is amazing and really gives a different boost each day. I love how there is a different blend for each day of the week. The first blend I started with was autonomous after being told about it by a friend for ADHD. Now I am taking 11 blends and plan to add more. In the present moment I can change my thoughts of bad habits into “this wouldn’t benefit me” and having no urge to do it thanks to REWIRE. I have also been using PEEL and SPICE which helped clear my face a good amount. I plan on adding PLUSH to the mix in the future for skin care. Every time I take LUTELOIN my mind becomes clear. Same with TRINITY, my mind becomes calm but very focused. I am currently taking 13 blends. Each blend does what it is supposed to do. When I was first introduced I was skeptical but willing to try. I did not want to take amphetamines for ADHD. I have even refused anti-depressants. All of these blends are amazing and one day I will be taking the majority of them. They may seem expensive at first but it truly is worth every penny. Not only are the blends amazing but so is the whole interstellar staff. Gavin is extremely generous and is easily contactable.

  35. Jereme Torres

    These blends give me the energy I need to crush it everyday! Beforehand I always felt sluggish and tired whenever I do strenuous work. Gives me an adrenaline rush never felt before without the nasty side effects other so called brands promote.

    Also unlocks something in my brain that opened my eyes to things I didn’t notice before in my daily life. I’m more alert and focused on the present moment. Literally feel like Neo when he dodged the bullets from the Agents. This helped a ton with trading as I get distracted a lot of times. My attention span increased dramatically ever since.

    Overall these blends showed me how limitless life can be when you align your Mind, Body, and Spirit. So grateful to have connected with you Gavin! Keep doing you! Supporting you all the way!

  36. Matthew W

    “I spent 9 years in pain searching for how to get back to going after what I really wanted. Finally after taking blends for a few months, I’m completely back to it. You don’t want to know the number of issues I was having from hiding from my dreams but all of them are solved. Depression, anxiety, muddled and cloudy thinking, emotional pain. I was really praying hard for something to help me. Finally found it.

    Luteolin helped me think normally again.

    Trinity allowed and eased my nervous system to work out the trauma.

    Spaceborn put my mind and body in a higher place.

    Seven Sages allowed me to see subtleties in what was going on with me.

    Autonomous let my mind be unencumbered when understanding.

    Rewire eased the process of changing habits.

    Supernova gave me that kick to keep working through it.

    Matcha let me focus in a relaxed state.

    Stomach reset really seemed to remove a lot of issues automatically, like a fresh slate with how emotions, brain, and gut are connected.

    Thunder is making me less controllable and under others’ influence. Big D energy.

    The others are just as powerful.

    Not to mention fasting making me push through it without physical distraction and coffee to keep me energized. Never would drink coffee before now it’s the best part of my day. I did combine it also with a healing technique called NET but I doubt it’s necessary unless you’re as fucked up as I was lol.

    Blends are it man. Buy them.”

  37. Tina Marie Bertoli

    I really believe that Seven Sages could be my favorite of the blends. There is something so deep, so wise, so profound that I feel I’m tapping into within mySelf. I was taking some other blends for a few months and when they ran out I decided to just stick with Seven Sages for a while. But I also had doubts that it would be as powerful without the others.

    Boy was I wrong! Seven Sages is so incredibly powerful! I LOVE that there is a different packet for each day of the week. I feel like I’m in alignment with the energy of the day, and feel a sense of clarity, focus, and positivity with the moment no matter what the moment brings.

    But it’s deeper than that! I feel elevated like my vibration and frequency are higher. The things that used to bother me or upset me, don’t matter, because I am centered in me, who I AM, and why I AM here. I don’t feel as reactive and have bursts of joy come through just simply by breathing, being, and living.

    This level of sharpness, vibrancy, inspiration, and creativity is what I’ve been searching for for so long, and now it’s just naturally bubbling up in me! Gavin, I am sincerely so incredibly grateful to have my life back. Words can never truly express my gratitude for what you have created.

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