Interstellar Blends offers potent herbal samples, each providing approximately 72 servings per 25g.
An advanced blend with potent anti-cancer properties, ACB may inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce apoptosis, and modulate oxidative stress, promoting cellular health and vitality.
Inhibiting fatty acid synthesis, this blend reduces lipid accumulation and improves insulin sensitivity, fostering a healthier metabolic state.
A harmonious solution for hypertension management and kidney wellness, this formulation modulates aldosterone levels through hypotensive and nephroprotective ingredients, fostering a balanced internal ecosystem.
A concentrated and sophisticated formulation designed to enhance cognitive function and provide neuroprotective benefits, safeguarding the mind against neurodegenerative conditions.
Inhibiting the formation of fat cells, this blend promotes healthy lipid metabolism, balances glucose levels, and offers anti-inflammatory benefits, paving the way for a more vibrant existence.
Combatting fatigue with grace, this blend enhances energy and vitality through adaptogens that improve endurance, reduce stress, and elevate stamina.
A champion of neurogenesis and cognitive health, Apigenin aids in brain injury recovery and helps prevent age-related testosterone decline, while also nurturing hair in its anagen growth phase.
A natural analgesic, Ascendance artfully combats pain and inflammation by targeting inflammatory pathways, providing effective pain management and enhancing overall well-being.
Elevating cognitive function, this blend boosts mental clarity and focus, featuring memory-enhancing ingredients that support a sharp, agile mind.
A catalyst for cellular rejuvenation, this activator encourages repair processes and acts as an appetite suppressant, fostering fat loss and promoting longevity.
Enhancing lipolysis and energy expenditure, B3AR Activator counters catecholamine resistance, invigorating the journey toward wellness.
Neutralizing lipotoxicity, this formulation targets ceramide synthesis to support metabolic health and enhance overall well-being.
Supporting lipolysis and enhancing fat metabolism, DHA contributes to obesity prevention while nourishing the body.
Promoting cardiovascular vitality, EKG addresses risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, nurturing a robust heart and circulatory system.
A targeted approach to fatty liver disease and obesity, this blend employs phytochemical regulation to optimize fatty acid metabolism and liver function.
A protective shield against EMF and radiation damage, Force Field enhances immune function and mitigates cellular damage, safeguarding your health in a modern world.
Improving glucose homeostasis and reducing inflammation, Galectin Inhibitor supports healthier adipose tissue dynamics in the context of obesity.
Enhancing GLP-1 activity, this blend aids in appetite regulation and improves insulin sensitivity, fostering a harmonious balance within the body.
Supporting balanced blood sugar levels, this formulation inhibits sugar absorption and enhances glucose metabolism, promoting metabolic harmony.
Active components derived from Jiaogulan, Gypenoside supports cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, and enhances energy levels.
Combating Helicobacter pylori infections, Helico alleviates gastrointestinal discomfort with its antibacterial properties, promoting digestive health.
A multifaceted approach to combating obesity, Holy Grail enhances lipolysis and improves metabolic health, revealing a path to vitality.
Harnessing phytochemicals that induce mild stress responses, Hormesis improves metabolic health and combats obesity through beneficial cellular mechanisms.
Enhancing sleep quality, Hypnotic reduces anxiety and promotes restful sleep, guiding you to restorative slumber and tranquility.
Promoting kidney restoration, Jing Force supports detoxification and combats chronic kidney disease, nurturing the body’s vital filtration system.
Modulating lipid metabolism, Lactoferrin reduces inflammation and improves insulin sensitivity, serving as a cornerstone for obesity management.
Promoting the breakdown of fats and enhancing metabolic processes, Lipolytic supports effective weight management, guiding you to your goals.
A guardian of liver health, this blend aids in regeneration and detoxification, ensuring optimal function and resilience of this vital organ.
Enhancing lung health, Lung Power supports optimal respiratory function, empowering your body with each breath.
A multifaceted powerhouse, Luteolin provides antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective benefits, enhancing cognitive health and fortifying immune defense.
Rich in antioxidants, Interstellar Matcha supports cardiovascular health, metabolism, and mental clarity, infusing vitality into your daily routine.
Harnessing phytochemicals that ameliorate obesity and related metabolic symptoms, NAFLD regulates lipid metabolism and reduces inflammation.
A motivational rocket fuel, Nebula boosts overall strength and vitality, empowering you to reach new heights.
Enhancing fertility and sexual wellness, Niagra balances hormones and boosts energy, fostering a flourishing intimate life.
Stimulating the Nrf2 pathway, this activator enhances antioxidant defenses and cellular protection, nurturing wellness from within.
Eliminating parasites and restoring gut health, Paraslayer enhances digestion and promotes a balanced microbiome.
Delivering antioxidant-rich bioactive compounds, Peel combats oxidative stress and promotes vitality, invigorating your body’s defenses.
A natural ally for hormonal balance, Pine Pollen boosts immune function and offers anti-aging benefits, celebrating the beauty of life.
Enhancing skin health, the Plush Beauty Blend promotes collagen synthesis and improves skin elasticity, revealing your inner radiance.
Mega fat loss fast. A powerful purgative, Purge detoxifies the gut and promotes gastrointestinal health, facilitating a cleaner, more efficient body.
Promoting optimal oral health, Sabretooth prevents tooth decay and combats gum disease, ensuring a radiant smile.
Targeting senescent cells, this blend promotes healthy aging and tissue rejuvenation, fostering vitality throughout the years.
Optimizing brain and body function, Seven Sages promotes longevity and cognitive enhancement, guiding you toward your fullest potential.
An adaptogenic marvel, Shilajit reduces stress and supports overall vitality, connecting you to the earth’s ancient wisdom.
Enhancing cellular health and longevity, the SIRT1 Activator supports mitochondrial efficiency, nurturing the body’s energy centers.
Supercharging physical and spiritual well-being, Spaceborn supports cognitive enhancement and immune defense, expanding your horizons.
Rich in polyphenols, Spice combats oxidative stress and promotes cellular health, adding flavor to your journey toward wellness.
Enhancing hair and scalp health, Super Tonic Hair promotes growth and prevents graying, celebrating the beauty of every strand.
Boosting vitality and stamina, Supernova supports stress resilience and cellular energy, igniting your inner fire.
Enhancing energy and hormonal balance, The Original boosts libido and immunity, celebrating the essence of life.
Enhancing fat metabolism, Thermo regulates blood sugar levels for effective weight management, guiding you on your wellness journey.
Supporting cardiovascular health, Throm enhances circulation and reduces inflammation, nurturing your heart with every beat.
Revolutionizing male sexual health, Thunder enhances testosterone levels and combats erectile dysfunction, empowering intimacy and connection.
A champion for bone health, Titanium combats osteoporosis, enhancing bone density and protecting against oxidative stress.
Supporting mental clarity and emotional balance, Trinity enhances the fasting experience, guiding you toward holistic wellness.
Fortifying respiratory health with antiviral properties, Victorious strengthens defenses against respiratory viruses, ensuring resilience in a changing world.
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