Hepatoprotective Agents (Keeping Liver Healthy)

Coming September 2022!

  1. Hepatoprotective effect of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil
  2. Possible mechanism of Hepatoprotective activity of Azadirachta indica leaf extract: part II
  3. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Phyllanthus niruri
  4. The evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of Taiwan folk medicine ‘Teng-Khia-U’
  5. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Acanthus ilicifolius
  6. Hepatoprotective activity of verbenalin on experimental liver damage in rodents
  7. Hepatoprotective effects of rubiadin, a major constituent of Rubia cordifolia Linn.
  8. Hepatoprotective activity of Emblica officinalis and Chyavanaprash
  9. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging effects of Nelumbo nucifera
  10. Screening of Hepatoprotective plant components using a HepG2 cell cytotoxicity assay
  11. Hepatoprotective activity of Psidium guajava Linn. leaf extract
  12. Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhaavia diffusa L. roots—a popular Indian ethnomedicine
  13. Hepatoprotective activity of Schouwia thebica webb
  14. Herbal preparations as a source of Hepatoprotective Agents.
  15. Hepatoprotective activity of phenylethanoids from Cistanche deserticola
  16. Hepatoprotective effect of combretum quadrangulare and its constitutents
  17. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.
  18. Choleretic effect of picroliv, the Hepatoprotective principle of Picrorhiza kurroa1
  19. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Acathopanax senticosus
  20. Boerhaavia diffusa: a study of its Hepatoprotective activity
  21. Hepatoprotective activity of thymoquinone in isolated rat hepatocytes
  22. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Antrodia camphorata Extract
  23. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Cassia fistula leaf extract
  24. Hepatoprotective activity of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata against carbontetrachloride.
  25. Hepatoprotective effects of emodin from Ventilago leiocarpa
  26. Hepatoprotective and immunological effects of antioxidant drugs.
  27. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Rosa damascena
  28. Hepatoprotective activity of Abutilon indicum on experimental liver damage in rats
  29. Hepatoprotective and anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of constituents from Brazilian propolis
  30. Hepatoprotective studies on Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.
  31. Hepatoprotective effects of Turkish folk remedies on experimental liver injury
  32. Hepatoprotective activity of ethyl acetate extract of Acacia catechu
  33. Hepatoprotective effect of C-Phycocyanin: protection for carbon tetrachloride andR-(+)-pulegone-mediated hepatotoxicty in rats
  34. Hepatoprotective effect of Himoliv®, a polyherbal formulation in rats
  35. Hepatoprotective activity of two plants belonging to the Apiaceae and the Euphorbiaceae family
  36. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Amalkadi Ghrita against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  37. Inhibition of Kupffer cell functions as an explanation for the Hepatoprotective properties of silibinin
  38. Hepatoprotective activity of Cassia fistula leaf extract
  39. The effect of Chinese Hepatoprotective medicines on experimental liver injury in mice
  40. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of agaro-oligosaccharides in vitro and in vivo
  41. Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Terminalia catappa
  42. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of stem bark of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.
  43. Hepatoprotective activity of Gundelia tourenfortii
  44. Four di-O-caffeoyl quinic acid derivatives from propolis. Potent Hepatoprotective activity in experimental liver injury models
  45. Hepatoprotective effects of Eclipta alba on subcellular levels in rats
  46. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging activities of phenolic petrosins and flavonoids isolated from Equisetum arvense
  47. Hepatoprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
  48. Hepatoprotective effect of Apocynum venetum and its active constituents
  49. Cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging effects of propolis from Brazil, Peru, the Netherlands and China
  50. Is Vernonia amygdalina hepatotoxic or Hepatoprotective? Response from biochemical and toxicity studies in rats
  51. Structure-Hepatoprotective relationships study of soyasaponins I-IV having soyasapogenol B as aglycone
  52. β-Glucuronidase-inhibitory activity and Hepatoprotective effect of Ganoderma lucidum
  53. Hepatoprotective constituents of Cudrania tricuspidata
  54. Hepatoprotective studies on Phyllanthus emblica Linn. and quercetin.
  55. Hepatoprotective activity of andrographolide against galactosamine & paracetamol intoxication in rats.
  56. Hepatoprotective activity of carrot (Daucus carota L.) against carbon tetrachloride intoxication in mouse liver
  57. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant property of Andrographis paniculata (Nees) in BHC induced liver damage in mice
  58. The Hepatoprotective action of ten herbal extracts in CCl4 intoxicated liver
  59. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of legumes
  60. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Gentiana olivieri herbs on subacute administration and isolation of active principle
  61. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of Sida rhombifolia Linn
  62. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of jigrine post-treatment against thioacetamide induced hepatic damage
  63. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Anoectochilus formosanus and Gynostemma pentaphyllum
  64. Hepatoprotective pyrrole derivatives of Lycium chinense fruits
  65. Hepatoprotective role of ferulic acid: a dose-dependent study
  66. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of a traditional medicinal plant of Chile, Peumus boldus
  67. Hepatoprotective Activity of Moringa oleifera on Antitubercular Drug-Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  68. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of artichoke extracts and constituents in cultured rat hepatocytes
  69. Hepatoprotective effects of Hibiscus, Rosmarinus and Salvia on azathioprine-induced toxicity in rats
  70. In vivo Hepatoprotective activity of active fraction from ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba leaves
  71. Hepatoprotective effect of Tephrosia purprea in experimental animals
  72. Hepatoprotective activity of scopoletin, a constituent of Solanum lyratum
  73. Screening of antiradical, antilipoperoxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of nine plant extracts used in Caribbean folk medicine
  74. Hepatoprotective activity of Achyrocline satureioides (Lam) DC
  75. Hepatoprotective Influence of Adansonia digitata Pulp
  76. Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutaki) Royle ex Benth as a Hepatoprotective agent–experimental & clinical studies.
  77. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective actions of the medicinal herb, Crassocephalum crepidioides from the Okinawa Islands
  78. Hepatoprotective activity of Terminalia catappa L. leaves and its two triterpenoids
  79. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory properties of Tinospora cordifolia in CCl4 intoxicated mature albino rats
  80. Hepatoprotective effect of the total alkaloid fraction of Solanum pseudocapsicum leaves
  81. Hepatoprotective activity of “jigrine” on liver damage caused by alcohol, Carbontetrachloride and paracetamol in rats
  82. Silymarin as a new Hepatoprotective agent in experimental cholestasis: new possibilities for an ancient medication
  83. Hepatoprotective activity of the fruits of piper longum linn
  84. Hepatoprotective activity of Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. in rats
  85. Hepatoprotective effects of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury: inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 expression
  86. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Hygrophila auriculata (K. Schum) Heine Acanthaceae root extract
  87. Hepatoprotective effect of rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) on CCl 4-induced liver damage in rats
  88. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea latifolia and Nicotiana glauca
  89. Hepatoprotective effect of extracts from Pergularia daemia Forsk.
  90. Hepatoprotective Effect of Myristicin from Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) on Lipopolysaccharide/d-Galactosamine-Induced Liver Injury
  91. Hepatoprotective activity of Pterocarpus santalinus Lf, an endangered medicinal plant
  92. Crude extracts of Hepatoprotective plants, Solanum nigrum and Cichorium intybus inhibit free radical-mediated DNA damage
  93. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Vernonia amygdalina on Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatic Damage in Mice
  94. Hepatoprotective effect of ginsenoside Rb1 and compound K on tert‐butyl hydroperoxide‐induced liver injury
  95. Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyphenolic Compounds from Cynara scolymus Against CCl4 Toxicity in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes
  96. Studies on the antihypertensive, antispasmodic, bronchodilator and Hepatoprotective activities of the Carum copticum seed extract
  97. Hepatoprotective effects of insulin-like growth factor I in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced cirrhosis
  98. Hepatoprotective effect of Swertia chirata on rat.
  99. Hepatoprotective effects of Nigella sativa L and Urtica dioica L on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme systems and liver enzymes in carbon tetrachloride …
  100. Hepatoprotective activity of Centaurium erythraea on acetaminophen‐induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  101. Hepatoprotective effects of Liv-52 on ethanol induced liver damage in rats
  102. Hepatoprotective activity of tocha, the stems and leaves of Ampelopsis grossedentata, and ampelopsin
  103. Hepatoprotective activity of Beta vulgaris against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats
  104. Metabolic insights into the Hepatoprotective role of N‐acetylcysteine in mouse liver
  105. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Cassia occidentalis against paracetamol and ethyl alcohol intoxication in rats
  106. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous–methanol extract of Artemisia vulgaris
  107. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Ginkgo biloba in rats.
  108. Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium lappa Linne on liver injuries induced by chronic ethanol consumption and potentiated by carbon tetrachloride
  109. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of tender coconut water on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  110. Hepatoprotective effect of the methanolic extract of Curculigo orchioides in CCl4-treated male rats
  111. Hepatoprotective effect of endogenous nitric oxide during ischemia‐reperfusion in the rat
  112. Hepatoprotective properties of ursodeoxycholic acid
  113. Oleanolic acid nanosuspensions: preparation, in‐vitro characterization and enhanced Hepatoprotective effect
  114. Hepatoprotective activity of Trianthema portulacastrum L. against paracetamol and thioacetamide intoxication in albino rats
  115. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  116. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of low molecular weight sulfated polysaccharide from Laminaria japonica
  117. An evaluation of Lawsonia alba extract as Hepatoprotective agent
  118. Antiinflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of Ventilago leiocarpa
  119. Hepatoprotective activity of Apium graveolens and Hygrophila auriculata against paracetamol and thioacetamide intoxication in rats
  120. Hepatoprotective mechanism of silymarin: no evidence for involvement of cytochrome P450 2E1
  121. Hepatoprotective activity of Tridax procumbens against d-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatitis in rats
  122. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 expression by oleanolic acid: Hepatoprotective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury
  123. Hepatoprotective effect of some edible mushrooms
  124. Hepatoprotective effects of Platycodon grandiflorum on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice
  125. Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum Sanctum leaf extract against Paracetamol included Hepatic damage in rats
  126. Anticholestatic effect of picroliv, active Hepatoprotective principle of Picrorhiza kurrooa, against carbon tetrachloride induced cholestasis.
  127. Antipyretic, antidiarrhoeal, hypoglycaemic and Hepatoprotective activities of ethyl acetate extract of Acacia catechu Willd. in albino rats
  128. Hepatoprotective principles from the flowers of Tilia argentea (linden): structure requirements of tiliroside and mechanisms of action
  129. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of punicalagin and punicalin on carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver damage in rats
  130. Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats.
  131. Hepatoprotective Effect of Phyllanthus in Taiwan on Acute Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride
  133. Studies on Hepatoprotective and antioxidant actions of Strychnos potatorum Linn. seeds on CCl4-induced acute hepatic injury in experimental rats
  134. Hepatoprotective Diastereomeric Lignans from Saururus chinensis Herbs
  135. Hepatoprotective effect of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. on experimental liver injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride or D-galactosamine: Lipopolysaccharide
  136. Quercetin exhibits Hepatoprotective activity in rats
  137. Hepatoprotective effects of Andrographis paniculata against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage
  138. Studies on Hepatoprotective, antispasmodic and calcium antagonist activities of the aqueous‐methanol extract of Achillea millefolium
  139. Hepatoprotective effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract against tamoxifen-induced liver injury in rats
  140. Hepatoprotective effect of the natural fruit juice from Aronia melanocarpa on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  141. Hepatoprotective and toxicological evaluation of Andrographis paniculata on severe liver damage.
  142. Structure–Hepatoprotective activity relationship of 3, 4‐dihydroxycinnamic acid (caffeic acid) derivatives
  143. Hepatoprotective Effects of Arctium Lappa on Carbon Tetrachloride- and Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Damage
  144. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activity of peh-hue-juwa-chi-cao in male rats
  145. Hepatoprotective effects of bergenin, a major constituent of Mallotus japonicus, on carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated rats
  146. Hepatoprotective role of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide against BCG-induced immune liver injury in mice
  147. Mechanisms for the Hepatoprotective action of kolaviron: studies on hepatic enzymes, microsomal lipids and lipid peroxidation in carbontetrachloride-treated rats
  148. Hepatoprotective effect of Epaltes divaricata extract on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  149. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of punicalagin and punicalin on acetaminophen‐induced liver damage in rats
  150. Hepatoprotective activity of Luffa echinata fruits
  151. New Hepatoprotective triterpenes form Canarium album
  152. Hepatoprotective effect of lupeol and lupeol linoleate on tissue antioxidant defence system in cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  153. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri on nimesulide-induced oxidative stress in vivo
  154. LC analysis of Hepatoprotective diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata.
  155. Powerful Hepatoprotective and hepatotoxic plant oligostilbenes, isolated from the Oriental medicinal plant Vitis coignetiae (Vitaceae)
  156. Hepatoprotective Sesquiterpene Glycosides from Sarcandra glabra
  157. A new potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in vitro and in vivo, the Hepatoprotective drug anisyldithiolthione
  158. Hepatoprotective activity of Thunbergia laurifolia Linn extract in rats treated with ethanol: in vitro and in vivo studies
  159. Diastereoselective and enantioselective total synthesis of the Hepatoprotective agent clausenamide
  160. Structures of New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Saponins from the Flower Buds of Panax notoginseng and Hepatoprotective Effects of Principal Ginseng Saponins
  161. Hepatoprotective effect of extracts from Lentinus edodes mycelia on dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver injury
  162. Hepatoprotective activity of Trichopus zeylanicus extract against paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats.
  163. Some Hepatoprotective garden plants
  164. Hepatoprotective and safety evaluation studies on Sarsaparilla
  165. Chemistry and Hepatoprotective activity of an active fraction from Barleria prionitis Linn. in experimental animals
  166. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective activity of jigrine against galactosamine induced hepatopathy in rats
  167. The efficacy of N‐acetylcysteine as a Hepatoprotective agent in liver transplantation
  168. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective actions of the medicinal herb Artemisia campestris from the Okinawa Islands
  169. Hepatoprotective activity of Adhatoda vasica aqueous leaf extract on D-galactosamine-induced liver damage in rats
  170. Hepatoprotective role of interleukin 10 in galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide mouse liver injury
  171. Structures of New Sesquiterpenes and Hepatoprotective Constituents from the Egyptian Herbal Medicine Cyperus longus
  172. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative properties of Salacia reticulata: preventive effects of phenolic constituents on CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  173. The use of RAPD in assessing genetic variability in Andrographis paniculata Nees, a Hepatoprotective drug
  174. Hepatoprotective effect of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil: A carbon-tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis model in rats
  175. Immunomodulatory and Hepatoprotective effects of in vivo treatment with free radical scavengers.
  176. β-Glucuronidase inhibitory activity and Hepatoprotective effect of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid from the rhizomes of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
  177. Comparative choleretic and Hepatoprotective properties of young sprouts and total plant extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis in rats
  178. Hepatoprotective nature of seaweed alcoholic extract on acetaminophen induced hepatic oxidative stress
  179. Anastatins A and B, new skeletal flavonoids with Hepatoprotective activities from the desert plant Anastatica hierochuntica
  180. Hepatoprotective activity of the leaves of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis linn.
  181. Hepatoprotective activity of ellagic acid against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  182. The Hepatoprotective effects of Taiwan folk medicine ham-hong-chho in rats
  183. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Boehmeria nivea var. nivea and B. nivea var. tenacissima
  184. Hepatoprotective effect of the fractions of Ban-zhi-lian on experimental liver injuries in rats
  185. Hepatoprotective activity of Azadirachta indica leaves on paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats.
  186. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus racemosa leaf extract on liver damage caused by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  187. High‐Performance Thin‐Layer Chromatographic analysis of Hepatoprotective diterpenoids from Andrographis paniculata
  188. Hepatoprotective activity of Cichorium intybus L. leaves extract against carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity
  189. Hepatoprotective, superoxide scavenging, and antioxidative activities of aromatic constituents from the bark of Betula platyphylla var. japonica
  190. Hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effect of a new silybin–phosphatidylcholine–vitamin E complex in rats
  191. Hepatoprotective constituents from zedoariae rhizoma: absolute stereostructures of three new carabrane-type sesquiterpenes, curcumenolactones A, B, and C
  192. Tribulusamide A and B, new Hepatoprotective lignanamides from the fruits of Tribulus terrestris: indications of cytoprotective activity in murine hepatocyte culture
  193. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Bupleurum kaoi Liu (Chao et Chuang) extract and its fractions fractionated using supercritical CO2 on CCl4-induced liver …
  194. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Tetracera loureiri
  195. Hepatoprotective effect of allicin on tissue defense system in galactosamine/endotoxin challenged rats
  196. Hepatoprotective phenylpropanoids from Scrophularia buergeriana roots against CCl4-induced toxicity: action mechanism and structure-activity relationship
  197. Hepatoprotective effect of Vitex negundo against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage
  198. Serum levels of Hepatoprotective peptide adiponectin in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  199. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of the roots of Decalepis hamiltonii against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  200. Hepatoprotective action of an oleanolic acid‐enriched extract of Ligustrum lucidum fruits is mediated through an enhancement on hepatic glutathione regeneration …
  201. Hepatoprotective action of nine constituents isolated from the leaves of Clausena lansium in mice
  202. Hepatoprotective effects of Pittosporum neelgherrense Wight&Arn., a popular Indian ethnomedicine
  203. Acute hepatitis induced by Chinese Hepatoprotective herb, xiao-chai-hu-tang
  204. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ricinus communis Leaves
  205. Phytochemical constituents and Hepatoprotective activity of Viburnum tinus
  206. Hepatoprotective effects of propolis extract on carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver injury in rats
  207. Hepatoprotective effect of total flavonoids from Laggera alata against carbon tetrachloride-induced injury in primary cultured neonatal rat hepatocytes and in …
  208. Hepatoprotective activity of the whole plants of Fumaria indica
  209. Hepatoprotective Effect of Baicalin, a Major Flavone from Scutellaria radix, on Acetaminophen‐Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  210. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba on experimental liver damage in rats and mice
  211. Hepatoprotective triterpenes from Sedum sarmentosum
  212. Hepatoprotective effect of tectoridin and tectorigenin on tert-butyl hyperoxide-induced liver injury
  213. Hepatoprotective effect of 20 (S)-ginsenosides Rg3 and its metabolite 20 (S)-ginsenoside Rh2 on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced liver injury
  214. Hepatoprotective Effects of Whey Protein on D-Galactosamine-Induced Hepatitis and Liver Fibrosis in Rats
  215. Hepatoprotective mechanism of schisandrin B: role of mitochondrial glutathione antioxidant status and heat shock proteins
  216. Hepatoprotective effect of Cheonnyuncho (Opuntia humifusa) extract in rats treated carbon tetrachloride
  217. Hepatoprotective and antibacterial effects of extracts from Trichilia emetica Vahl.(Meliaceae)
  218. An isocoumarin with Hepatoprotective activity in Hep G2 and primary hepatocytes from Agrimonia pilosa
  219. Hepatoprotective and hepatotoxic actions of oleanolic acid-type triterpenoidal glucuronides on rat primary hepatocyte cultures
  220. Structure and Hepatoprotective activity of a biflavonoid from Canarium manii
  221. Hepatoprotective Properties in the Rat of Mitracarpus scaber (Rubiaceae)
  222. The Hepatoprotective Effects of Solanum alatum Moench. on Acetaminophen-induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  223. Hepatoprotective Activity of Taiwan Folk Medicine: Eclipta prostrata Linn. against Various Hepatotoxins Induced Acute Hepatotoxicity
  224. The Hepatoprotective action of ellagotannins
  225. Verification of the Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effect of silymarin in experimental liver injury with tetrachloromethane in dogs
  226. Hepatoprotective activity of Trichilia roka on carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver damage in rats
  227. Norisoprenoids and Hepatoprotective flavone glycosides from the aerial parts of Beta vulgaris var. cicla
  228. Hepatoprotective effect of Liv. 52 on antitubercular druginduced hepatotoxicity in rats
  229. Hepatoprotective properties of liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea
  230. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Morus bombycis Koidzumi on CCl4-induced liver damage
  231. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of Cassia tora leaf extract
  232. Hepatoprotective and hypolipidaemic effects of glycoprotein isolated from Gardenia jasminoides ellis in mice.
  233. A comparative study of ethanol extract of leaves of Tephrosia purpurea pers and the flavonoid isolated for Hepatoprotective activity
  234. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of “Chhit-Chan-Than” from Taiwan
  235. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Alnus japonica extracts on acetaminophen‐induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  236. The Hepatoprotective effect of Bupleurum kaoi, an endemic plant to Taiwan, against dimethylnitrosamine-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  237. Hepatoprotective compounds of the roots of Cudrania tricuspidata on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  238. Possible mechanism of Hepatoprotective activity of Azadirachta indica leaf extract against paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats: Part III
  239. The Hepatoprotective effects of Limonium sinense against carbon tetrachloride and β‐D‐galactosamine intoxication in rats
  240. Hepatoprotective effect of lactic acid bacteria, inhibitors of β-glucuronidase production against intestinal microflora
  241. An experimental study of the Hepatoprotective properties of phytoecdysteroids and nerobol in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver lesion
  242. Evaluation of Indian herbal Hepatoprotective drugs.
  243. Hepatoprotective effects of Wedelia calendulacea
  244. Choleretic and Hepatoprotective properties of Eupatorium cannabinum in the rat
  245. Hepatoprotective principles from the stem bark of Moringa pterygosperma
  246. Hepatoprotective constituents in plants 15: protective effects of natural-occurring flavonoids and miscellaneous phenolic compounds as determined in an HepG2 cell …
  247. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective constituents from the leaves of Juglans sinensis
  248. Furocoumarins from Angelica dahurica with Hepatoprotective activity on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  249. Hepatoprotective effect of flavonol glycosides rich fraction from egyptian Vicia calcarata desf. Against CCI 4-induced liver damage in rats
  250. Hepatoprotective effect of Centella asiatica (L) in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  251. Further evidence for zinc as a Hepatoprotective agent in rat liver toxicity
  252. Pharmacological studies of Mentha longifolia phenolic extracts. II. Hepatoprotective activity
  253. Hepatoprotective Effects of Traditional Medicines. Isolation of the Active Constituent from Seeds of Celosia argentea
  254. Two New Hepatoprotective Stilbene Glycosides from Acer mono Leaves
  255. Hepatoprotective effect of Cassia angustifolia Vahl
  256. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities of Ballota glandulosissima
  257. A comparison of Hepatoprotective activities of aminoguanidine and N-acetylcysteine in rat against the toxic damage induced by azathioprine
  258. Hepatoprotective effect of prostaglandins
  259. An investigation on the Hepatoprotective activity of Gymnosporia montana
  260. Antioxidative and In Vitro Hepatoprotective activity of Bupleurum kaoi leaf infusion
  261. Cimetidine enhances the Hepatoprotective action of N-acetylcysteine in mice treated with toxic doses of paracetamol
  262. Preliminary phytochemical and Hepatoprotective studies on turnip Brassica rapa L
  263. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects of antioxidant therapy.
  264. Hepatoprotective effects of Inula britannica on hepatic injury in mice
  265. A convenient synthesis and Hepatoprotective activity of imidazo [1, 2-c] pyrimido [5, 4-e] pyrimidine, tetraazaacenaphthene and tetraazaphenalene from cyclic ketene …
  266. Hepatoprotective effect of plant preparations
  267. The Hepatoprotective principle of Hypoestes triflora leaves
  268. Hepatoprotective activity of rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus Linn against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  269. Hepatoprotective effect of fetal tissue cytosol and its thermostable fraction in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatitis
  270. Hepatoprotective and antihyperliposis activities of in vitro cultured Anoectochilus formosanus
  271. Hepatoprotective phenolic constituents of Rhodiola sachalinensis on tacrine‐induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  272. Hepatoprotective effect of BPC 157, a 15-aminoacid peptide, on liver lesions induced by either restraint stress or bile duct and hepatic artery ligation or CCL4 …
  273. Hepatoprotective effect of majonoside R2, the major saponin from Vietnamese ginseng (Panax vietnamensis)
  274. The Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of propolis ethanol extract on chronic alcohol-induced liver injuries
  275. Hepatoprotective effects of propolis extract on paracetamol‐induced liver damage in mice
  276. Hepatoprotective effect of Amoora rohituka
  277. New Hepatoprotective saponins, bupleurosides III, VI, IX, and XIII, from Chinese Bupleuri Radix: Structure-requirements for the cytoprotective activity in primary …
  278. Hepatoprotective effects of Lycium chinense Mill fruit extracts and fresh fruit juice
  279. Mechanisms of apigenin-7-glucoside as a Hepatoprotective agent
  280. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Effects of Solanum alatum
  281. Hepatoprotective activity of Leucas hirta against CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats
  282. Evaluation of the antiinflammatory Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Lycium chinense from Taiwan
  283. The Hepatoprotective cytochrome P-450 enzyme inhibitor isolated from the Nigerian medicinal plant Cochlospermum planchonii is a zinc salt
  284. Hepatoprotective effect of Angelica archangelica in chronically ethanol-treated mice
  285. Hepatoprotective effect of sesquiterpenes in turmeric
  286. Comparative evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of carotenoids of microalgae
  287. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Eucalyptus maculata.
  288. Hepatoprotective activity of Nelumbo nucifera Geartn. flower: an ethnopharmacoiogical study
  289. Hepatoprotective effect of coumestans isolated from the leaves of Wedelia calendulacea Less. in paracetamol induced liver damage
  290. Hepatoprotective effect of extracts and phenolic compound from marine algae in bromobenzene-treated rats
  291. Hepatoprotective flavonol glycosides from the aerial parts of Rodgersia podophylla
  292. Hepatoprotective effects of the water extract from adzuki bean hulls on acetaminophen-induced damage in rat liver
  293. Kupffer cell activity is involved in the Hepatoprotective effect of dietary oligofructose in rats with endotoxic shock
  294. Pyrogallol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats: a model to evaluate antioxidant Hepatoprotective Agents.
  295. In vivo effect of free radical scavenger Hepatoprotective Agents on superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in patients.
  296. Effect of the Hepatoprotective Drug LIV 52 on Liver Damage
  297. Hepatoprotective Activity and the Mechanisms of Action of Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.:Fr.) P. Karst. (Ling Zhi, Reishi Mushroom) (Aphyllophoromycetideae)
  298. Hepatoprotective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa on tissue defence system in D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats
  299. Hepatoprotective Agents in Oxidative Stress Injury of Perfused Hepatocytes
  300. Hepatoprotective Effect and Antioxidant Role of Caesalpinia bonducella on Paracetamol-induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  301. Mechanisms of Hepatoprotective effect of preparation containing superlow doses of antibodies to granulocytic colony-stimulating factor
  302. Hepatoprotective effect of manual acupuncture at acupoint GB34 against CCl4-induced chronic liver damage in rats
  303. Hepatoprotective activity of the Indian medicinal plant Polygala arvensis on D-galactosamine-induced hepatic injury in rats
  304. Structures of three new oleanene glucuronides isolated from Lathyrus palustris var. pilosus and Hepatoprotective activity
  305. Hepatoprotective action of abhrak bhasma, an Ayurvedic drug in albino rats against hepatitis induced by CCl4
  306. Hepatoprotective effect of extracellular polymer produced by submerged culture of Ganoderma lucidum WK-003
  307. Biochemical Studies on the Hepatoprotective Effect of
  308. Mechanism of Hepatoprotective action of bile salts in liver disease
  309. Synthesis and pharmacological activities of novel bicyclic thiazoline derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. Ii.(7-alkoxycarbonyl-2, 3, 5, 6-tetrahydropyrrolo [2, 1-b] …
  310. Hepatoprotective activity of Hypericum perforatum L. alcoholic extract in rodents
  311. Hepatoprotective bile acid ‘ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)’: Property and difference as bile acids
  312. Hepatoprotective effects of irisolidone on tert-butyl hyperoxide-induced liver injury
  313. Further studies on the Hepatoprotective effects of Cochlospermum tinctorium rhizomes
  314. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Abutilon indicum.
  315. Hepatoprotective dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans of Torreya nucifera against CCl4-induced toxicity in primary cultured rat hepatocytes
  316. Screening of Momordica dioica for Hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory activities
  317. Sesquiterpenes with Hepatoprotective activity from Cnidium monnieri on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  318. 3, 4, 5-trihydroxy benzoic acid (gallic acid), the Hepatoprotective principle in the fruits ofterminalia belerica-bioassay guided activity
  319. Hepatoprotective effect of an active constituent isolated from the leaves of Ricinus communis Linn
  320. Hepatoprotective role of zinc in lead-treated, protein-deficient rats
  321. The synthesis and Hepatoprotective activity of esters of the lupane group triterpenoids
  322. Partial hydrolysis of soyasaponin I and the Hepatoprotective effects of the hydrolytic products. Study of the structure-Hepatoprotective relationship of soyasapogenol B …
  323. In vitro free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective compound from Sanguisorbae radix
  324. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv (from Picrorhiza kurroa) in Mastomys natalensis infected with Plasmodium berghei.
  325. Potentially Hepatoprotective glycolipid constituents of Lycium chinense fruits
  326. Isolation, structure elucidation and In Vivo Hepatoprotective potential of trans‐tetracos‐15‐enoic acid from Indigofera tinctoria Linn.
  327. Hepatoprotective effects of Brassica rapa (turnip) on d-galactosamine induced liver injured rats
  328. HEGPOL: randomized, placebo controlled, multicenter, double-blind clinical trial to investigate Hepatoprotective effects of glycine in the postoperative phase of …
  329. Hepatoprotective activity of Thespesia populnea bark extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in rats
  330. Hepatoprotective drugs for the treatment of virus-induced chronic hepatitis: from hypercarcinogenic state to hypocarcinogenic state
  331. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Bergamot orange in rats
  332. Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv against alcohol-carbon tetra chloride induced damage in rat
  333. Hepatoprotective activity of xanthones and xanthonolignoids against tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes—comparison with silybin
  334. Hepatoprotective effect of few Ayurvedic herbs in patients receiving antituberculus treatment
  335. Hepatoprotective Effect of Coccinia indica Against Induced Hepatotoxicity
  336. Alaternin and emodin with hydroxyl radical inhibitory and/or scavenging activities and Hepatoprotective activity on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  337. Hepatoprotective activity of polyhydroxylated 2-styrylchromones against tert-butylhydroperoxide induced toxicity in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes
  338. Hepatoprotective effects of Pluchea indica (less) extract in experimental acute liver damage in rodents
  339. Comparative Hepatoprotective activity of three Phyllanthus species, P. urinaria, P. niruri and P. simplex, on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in the rat
  340. Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisia scoparia against carbon tetrachloride: an environmental contaminant
  341. Dose-dependent toxicity of CCl4 in isolated rat hepatocytes and the effects of Hepatoprotective treatments
  342. Iridoids from Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora and their Hepatoprotective activities in vitro
  343. Hepatoprotective action of schisandrin B against carbon tetrachloride toxicity was mediated by both enhancement of mitochondrial glutathione status and induction of …
  344. Hepatoprotective studies of a fraction from the fruits of Terminalia belerica roxb. On experimental liver injury in rodents
  345. Hepatoprotective aliphatic glycosides from three Goodyera species
  346. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Polyalthia longifolia.
  347. Hepatoprotective activity of the fruits of Momordica dioica
  348. HPLC profile analysis of Hepatoprotective oleanene-glucuronides in Puerariae Flos
  349. Experimental studies on the effect of Hepatoprotective compounds.
  350. The Hepatoprotective effect of putrescine against cadmium-induced acute liver injury
  351. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of extract of Carmellia sinensis (black tea) in rats
  352. Delayed fas‐mediated hepatocyte apoptosis during liver regeneration in mice: Hepatoprotective role of TNFα
  353. Antiallergic, Antipyretic, Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Aqueous Extract of Coronopus didymus LINN
  354. Hepatoprotective activity of Annona muricata Linn. and Polyalthia cerasoides bedd.
  355. Scorzonerosides A, B, and C, novel triterpene oligoglycosides with Hepatoprotective effect from Chinese Bupleuri Radix, the roots of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd
  356. Folklore Hepatoprotective herbal recipes from Assam in Northeast India
  357. Purification and Characterization of a 43 kD Hepatoprotective Protein from the Herb Cajanus indicus L.
  358. Hepatoprotective effect of seaweeds’ methanol extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced poisoning in rats
  359. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of foeniculum vulgare miller seed fixed oil extract in mice and rats
  360. Hepatoprotective flavonol glycosides of Saururus chinensis herbs
  361. The Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Effects of Fractions from Cudrania cochinchinensis var. gerontogea
  362. IFN-γ-inducible protein-10 (CXCL10) is Hepatoprotective during acute liver injury through the induction of CXCR2 on hepatocytes
  363. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 expression by 2-(allylthio) pyrazine, a potential chemoprotective agent: Hepatoprotective effects
  364. Hepatoprotective Effect of a Hot-Water Extract from the Edible Thorny Oyster Spondylus varius on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  365. Hepatoprotective activity of licorice in rat liver injury models
  366. Hepatoprotective effect of Chichorium Intybus L. on liver toxicity in rat
  367. Interleukin-6 is a key mediator of the Hepatoprotective and pro-proliferative effects of ischaemic preconditioning in mice
  368. Antioxidant effects and Hepatoprotective activity of 2,5-dihydroxy-4,3′-di(β-d-glucopyranosyloxy)-trans-stilbene from Morus bombycis Koidzumi roots on CCl4 …
  369. In Vivo Hepatoprotective Effect of Baicalein, Baicalin and Wogonin from Scutellaria rivularis
  370. Hepatoprotective activity of reduohanxiao-tang (Yuldahanso-tang) is related to the inhibition of β-glucuronidase
  371. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of HESA-A (a marine compound) pretreatment against thioacetamide-induced hepatic damage in rabbits.
  372. Synthesis of the lupane group triterpenoids and there Hepatoprotective activity
  373. Gastroprotection induced by silymarin, the Hepatoprotective principle of Silybum marianum in ischemia-reperfusion mucosal injury: role of neutrophils
  374. CC chemokine ligand 2/monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 directly inhibits NKT cell IL-4 production and is Hepatoprotective in T cell-mediated hepatitis in the mouse
  375. Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. against country made liquor induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats fed on controlled calorie diet
  376. Hepatoprotective effects of the shark bile salt 5β-scymnol on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice
  377. Hepatoprotective mechanisms of Yan-gan-wan
  378. Hepatoprotective effect of the extract and isocytisoside from Aquilegia vulgaris
  379. Hepatoprotective effect of lactic acid bacteria
  380. Hepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective potential of histamine (H2)-receptor antagonists
  381. Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extract from aerial part of agrimmony
  382. Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv, the active principle of Picrorhiza kurrooa, on rat hepatocytes against paracetamol toxicity
  383. Hepatoprotective and toxicological evaluation of hepatomed, an ayurvedic drug.
  384. Hepatoprotective effects of Fumaria parviflora L. on CCl4–induced hepatotoxicity
  385. Medicinal foodstuffs. XXV. Hepatoprotective principle and structures of ionone glucoside, phenethyl glycoside, and flavonol oligoglycosides from young seedpods of …
  386. Small scale rat hepatocyte primary culture with applications for screening Hepatoprotective substances
  387. Hepatoprotective activity of Pistacia vera L. gum extract in rats
  388. Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv isolated from Picrorhiza kurrooa against thioacetamide toxicity on rat hepatocytes
  389. Effect of a herbal Hepatoprotective product on drug metabolism in patients of cirrhosis and hepatic enzyme function in experimental liver damage
  390. Tetrahydroswertianolin: a potent Hepatoprotective agent from Swertia japonica Makino
  391. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective actions of Quercus aliena acorn extract against CCl4-induced liver
  392. Phenolic constituents of Galla Rhois with Hepatoprotective effects on tacrine-and nitrofurantoin-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  393. Hepatoprotective effects of water extract of Liriopis tuber on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  395. Hepatoprotective potential of lycopene on D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide induced hepatitis in rats
  396. Glycosmis arborea extract as a Hepatoprotective agent
  397. Pharmacological and Pathological Studies on Taiwan Folk Medicine (IX): The Hepatoprotective Effect of the Methanolic Extract from Echinops Grijisii
  398. Comparative study of the Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin and silybin on isolated rat hepatocytes
  399. Hepatoprotective effects of white and red ginseng extracts on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  400. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of meadowsweet extract during experimental toxic hepatitis
  401. Some morphometric evidence of Hepatoprotective effects of (+)-cyanidanol-3
  402. Study of structure-Hepatoprotective relationships of oleanene-type triterpenoidal glucuronides obtained from several fabaceous plants on rat primary hepatocyte …
  403. Hepatoprotective effect of the sea buckthorn-and-pinks oil
  404. β muricholic acid: a new Hepatoprotective agent
  405. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective potential of jigrine pre-treatment on thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats
  406. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of propolis extract in carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  407. Hepatoprotective effect of the endothelin receptor antagonist TAK‐044 against ischemia‐reperfusion injury in the canine liver
  408. Substitution for natural musk in Pien Tze Huang does not affect its Hepatoprotective activities
  409. Hepatoprotective effect of picroliv against rifampicin‐induced toxicity
  410. The glycine analogue, aminomethanesulfonic acid, inhibits LPS-induced production of TNF-α in isolated rat Kupffer cells and exerts Hepatoprotective effects in mice
  411. Hepatoprotective effects of Yinchenhao Tang and its constituent absorbed into blood after oral administration
  412. Hepatoprotective effects of chloroform extract from leaf of Terminalia catappa in relation to the inhibition of liver IL-6 expression
  413. Is silymarin Hepatoprotective in alcoholic liver disease?
  414. Production of a Hepatoprotective cerebroside from suspension cultures of Lycium chinense
  415. Biochemical mode of action of a Hepatoprotective drug: Observations on (+)-catechin
  416. Hepatoprotective effects of cystathionine against acetaminophen-induced necrosis.
  417. Hypolipemic effect of water extracts of Picrorrhiza rhizoma in PX-407 induced hyperlipemic ICR mouse model with Hepatoprotective effects: A prevention study
  418. Quantitative ultrastructural analysis of Hepatoprotective effects of (+)-cyanidanol-3 on alcoholic liver damage
  419. Effect of Hepatoprotective ayurvedic drugs on lipases following CCl4 induced hepatic injury in rats.
  420. Hepatoprotective activity of low molecular fucoidan oligosaccharides from Laminaria japonica in mice with liver injury
  421. Hepatoprotective, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Extract from Portulaca oleracea
  422. Hepatoprotective activity of silymarin against hepatic damage in Mastomys natalensis infected with Plasmodium berghei.
  423. Hepatoprotective effect of propagermanium on Corynebacterium parvum and lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in mice.
  424. Study on Hepatoprotective effect of peptide S-8300 from shark liver
  425. … rhododendrin and (–)-rhododendrol [=(–)-betuligenol] and X-ray crystal and molecular structure of rhododendrin [= betuloside], a Hepatoprotective constituent of Taxus …
  426. Hepatoprotective Effects of Taiwan Folk Medicine: Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nak. on Experimental Liver Injuries
  427. Antiarthritic and Hepatoprotective effect of derinat on adjuvant arthritis in rats
  428. Hepatoprotective effect of carnosine on liver biochemical parameters in chronic ethanol intoxicated rat
  429. Taurine conjugate of ursodeoxycholate plays a major role in the Hepatoprotective effect against cholestasis induced by taurocheno‐deoxycholate in rats
  430. Hepatoprotective effect of Enliv® on paracetamol-induced liver damage in broiler chicks
  431. Hepatoprotective effect of a curcumin/absinthium compound in experimental severe liver injury
  432. Hepatoprotective activity of Cichorium intybus, an indigenous medicinal plant
  433. Hepatoprotective activity of Indigofera aspalathoides extract against CCl4-induced liver damage
  434. Ethanol elimination in man under influence of Hepatoprotective silibinin.
  435. Anionic polysaccharides: A class of substances with Hepatoprotective and antiadhesive properties in rat liver preservation
  436. Hepatoprotective effects of electro-acupuncture at taechung (LR3) and Yangji (TE4) on experimental liver injury in rats
  437. Hepatoprotective effect of a protein isolated from Cajanus indicus (Spreng) on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice.
  438. Derivatization of soyasapogenol A and their Hepatoprotective activities
  439. A Hepatoprotective effect of an aqueous extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) rind against acetaminop hen treated rats
  440. The Hepatoprotective effects of Epimedii herba through the antioxidation
  441. Biochemical studies on the Hepatoprotective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa on changes in liver mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in d …
  442. Hepatoprotective activity of a herbal protein CI‐1, purified from Cajanus indicus against β‐galactosamine HCl toxicity in isolated rat hepatocytes
  443. Hepatoprotective effects of Panax notoginseng: Ginsenosides-Re and—Rg1 as its active constituents in D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury
  444. Hepatoprotective Activity Of Ptreocarpus Marsupium Roxb. And Butea Frondosa Koen. Ex. Roxb.
  445. Hepatoprotective and hepatotoxic activities of sophoradiol analogs on rat primary liver cell cultures
  446. Cochlospermum planchonii rhizome extract with Hepatoprotective activity inhibits cytochrome P‐450 monooxygenases
  447. Hepatoprotective effects of Liv-52 and its indirect influence on the regulation of thyroid hormones in rat liver toxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride
  448. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of an aqueous extract of olive leaves in male albino rats
  449. Insight into the involvement of Kupffer cell-derived mediators in the Hepatoprotective effect of glycine upon inflammation: study on rat precision-cut liver slices
  450. Screening of Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plant extracts on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  451. Hepatoprotective action of adenovirus‐transferred HNF‐3γ gene in acute liver injury caused by CCl4
  452. The efficacy of Hepatoprotective Agents in experimental chronic hepatitis
  453. Hepatic resection under liver surface or perfusion cooling together with Hepatoprotective Agents of PGE1 and urinastatin
  454. Hepatoprotective effects of prostacyclins on CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  455. Hepatoprotective effect of a nonselective endothelin receptor antagonist (TAK-044) in the transplanted liver
  456. The Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides isolated from submerged fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum
  457. Plants used in Hepatoprotective remedies in traditional African medicine
  458. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Celosia argentea Linn. seeds in rats.
  459. Comparative study of the effects of essentiale and the novel Russian Hepatoprotective agent” phospholiv” in a model of acute hepatitis in rats
  460. Hepatoprotective and anti-diabetic effects of Pelvetia siliquosa, a marine algae, in rats
  461. Hepatoprotective effect of Sabina przewalskii against menadione‐induced toxicity
  462. Hepatoprotective effects of Gentiana scabra on the acute liver injuries in mice
  463. Enteric sorbents potentiate Hepatoprotective effect of Eplir in experimental toxic hepatitis
  464. Study in the Hepatoprotective effect of Sipyimiguanjung-tang and Osuyubujaijung-tang
  465. Study of the anti-icteric and Hepatoprotective activity of Persea gratissima Gaertner (Lauraceae) seeds
  466. The Hepatoprotective effect of hepatic stimulator substance (HSS) against liver regeneration arrest induced by acute ethanol intoxication
  467. Experimental model of hepatic venoocclusive disease (VOD) caused by dactinomycin-preliminary report about Hepatoprotective effect of amifostine
  468. Antioxidant and immunomodulant effect of Hepatoprotective drugs
  469. Hepatoprotective plants used by the tribals of wynadu, malappuram and palghat districts of kerala, India.
  470. Screening of the Hepatoprotective drugs from folk medicines
  471. Correlations between common tests for assessment of liver damage: indices of the Hepatoprotective activity of promethazine in carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity
  472. Hepatoprotective Effects of Poly Herbal Formulation (Hepa-1000) on t-BHP Induced Toxicity in Human Hepatoma Cells
  473. Hepatoprotective effect of isonicotinoylhydrazone SH7 against chronic isoniazid toxicity
  474. Bioassay for evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Liv-52, a Polyherbal formulation, on ethanol metabolism in chronic alcohol exposed rats
  475. Enhancement in antioxidant‐based Hepatoprotective activity of trolox by its conjugation to lactosylphenylpyranoside
  476. Synthesis and pharmacological activities of novel cyclic disulfide and cyclic sulfide derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents
  477. Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Novel Bicyclic Thiazoline Derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. I. 8-Ethoxycarbonyl-5, 6-dihydrothiazolo [2, 3-c][1, 4] …
  478. Hepatic and intestinal first-pass effects of a new Hepatoprotective agent, YH439, in rats.
  479. Hepatoprotective activity of the Trikatu Churna-an Ayurvedic formulation
  480. The Hepatoprotective effect of active compounds of Kochiae fructus on D-galactosamine-intoxicated rats
  481. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of betaine on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  482. Hepatoprotective effect of Fe-TPEN on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  483. Fractionation using supercritical CO2 influences the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of propolis against liver damage induced by tert‐butyl hydroperoxide
  484. Hemorheological and clinical efficiency of a new phospholipid Hepatoprotective drug Phosphogliv in patients with psoriatic arthritis
  485. Hepatoprotective effect of rhinax on antitubercular drug-induced hepato-toxicity in rats.
  486. Species differences in pharmacokinetics of a Hepatoprotective agent, YH439, and its metabolites, M4, M5, and M7, after intravenous and oral administration to rats …
  487. Hepatic resection under in situ hemihepatic hypothermic perfusion with Hepatoprotective Agents.
  488. A rare flavonol glycoside from Aerva tomentosa Forsk as antimicrobial and Hepatoprotective agent
  489. Hepatoprotective effect of Silybum Marianum (L.) Gaertn. and Glycyrrhiza Glabra L. in the rats
  490. Adhesion Molecules on Intermediate TCR Cells II. Hepatoprotective Effects of Hyaluronic Acid on Acute Liver Injury
  491. Comparison of the Hepatoprotective effects of immune cells and serum in Schistosoma mansoni‐infected immunosuppressed mice
  492. The Hepatoprotective and cholagogic action of glycyrrhizic acid derivatives
  493. Hepatoprotective effects of oleanene glucuronides in several edible beans
  494. Hepatoprotective effects of 6 (5H)-phenanthridinone from chemical-induced centrilobular necrosis.
  495. New derivatives of triazino-and imidazoindole with Hepatoprotective activity
  496. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of herbal constituents
  497. Hepatoprotective activity of Haridradi ghrita on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  498. Hepatoprotective effect of several constituents of Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et SC Cheng, and L. macranthoide Hand.-Mazz. on CC1 (4) and D-galactosamine …
  499. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin (carsil) on liver of D-galactosamine treated rats. Biochemical and morphological investigations.
  500. Hepatoprotective ability of a novel botanical formulation on mild liver injury in rats produced by acute acetaminophen and/or alcohol ingestion.
  501. Inhibition of carbon tetrachloride‐induced lipid peroxidation by novel antioxidants in rat hepatic microsomes: Dissociation from Hepatoprotective effects in vivo
  502. Pharmacokinetics and Hepatoprotective Effects of 2‐Methylaminoethyl‐4, 4 ‘‐diiiethoxy‐5, 6, 5’, 6 ‘‐dimethylenedioxybiphenyl‐2‐carboxylic acid‐2’‐carboxylate …
  503. The Hepatoprotective effect of oxygen during halothane anesthesia.
  504. Mechanisms of the Hepatoprotective effect of nitrendipine in the isolated perfused cat liver
  505. Hepatoprotective and hypoglycemic activity of Viburnum lantana L.
  506. In vitro evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Cassia tora Linn.
  507. Hepatoprotective effect of Panax ginseng against thioacetamide intoxication in rats
  508. In vitro free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective activities of Taraxacum mongolicum
  509. Hepatoprotective properties of aqueous extract from Pentaphylloides fruticosa during chronic toxic hepatitis
  510. Hepatoprotective effects of 1-[(2-thiazolin-2-yl)-amino] acetyl-4-(1, 3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydro-1H-1-benzazepin-3, 5-dione hydrochloride (KF-14363) in …
  511. Hepatoprotective activity of analogs of cinnamic acid
  512. The Hepatoprotective and hyoplipidemic effect of flower pollen lipid extract in androgenized rats
  513. Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin in androgenic-anabolic steroid-induced liver damage
  514. Lochein-a novel Hepatoprotective drug
  515. Evaluation Of Hepatoprotective Activity Of The Stem Bark Of Disopyros Cordifolia Roxb.
  516. Synthesis of thiazolidine-2-thione derivatives and evaluation of their Hepatoprotective effects
  517. Hepatoprotective effects of amino acids with branched hydrocarbon chains and taurine in experimental subchronic alcohol intoxication and ethanol withdrawal
  518. Hepatoprotective effects of garlic during hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis induced by 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene
  519. Hepatoprotective effect of plant components: inhibition of tumornecrosis factor-α-dependent inflammatory liver injury
  520. Action of Hepatoprotective Agents in a tetracycline lesion of the liver
  521. Hepatoprotective Activity of Root Extracts of Boerhaavia erecta L. and B. rependa L.
  522. Hepatoprotective Activity Of Polygala Elongata Against CCI4-Induced Hepatotoxicity In Rats
  523. Synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-β-carboline derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. IV. Positional isomers of 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-2-methylthiothiocarbonyl-β-carboline …
  524. Synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro-β-carboline Derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. II. Alkyl 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro-β-carboline-2-carbodithioates
  525. Hepatoprotective effect of a polyherbal formulation (ayush-liv. 04) against ethanol and CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
  526. Screening of Hepatoprotective substances from higher fungi by primary cultured rat hepatocytes intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride
  527. Hepatoprotective activity of Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix extract
  528. Study on Extraction and Hepatoprotective Function of Isoflavones from Callus Cultures of Maackia amurensis [J]
  529. Hepatoprotective and cardiac inhibitory activities of ethanolic extracts from plant leaves and leaf callus of Eclipta alba
  530. Polysubstituted 2H-pyran-2-ones: A new class of Hepatoprotective Agents
  531. Hepatoprotective Effects of Allium monanthum MAX. Extract on Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage in Rat
  532. Garlic exerts Hepatoprotective effects during 4‐nitroquinoline 1‐oxide‐induced oral carcinogenesis in rats
  533. Screening of Medicinal Plants Having Hepatoprotective Activity Effects with Primary Cultured Hepatocytes Intoxicated Using Carbon tetrachloride Cytotoxicity
  534. … response of primary cultures of human and rat hepatocytes to aflatoxin B1-induced cytotoxicity and protection by the Hepatoprotective agent (+)-cyanidanol-3
  535. Hepatoprotective effects of gamma-L-glutamylhistamine
  536. Immunomodulating, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective action of the phytopreparation lochein
  537. Dactinomycin-induced veno-occlusive disease in rats. The Hepatoprotective action of amifostine. Evaluation in a light and electron microscope
  538. Effect of a Hepatoprotective agent, YH-439, on the pharmacokinetics of furosemide and azosemide in rats.
  539. Studies on beneficial role and subchronic toxicity of livergen: A polyherbal Hepatoprotective drug
  540. Effect of Hepatoprotective ayurvedic drugs on lipolytic activities during CCl4 induced acute hepatic injury in albino rats.
  541. Hepatoprotective effects of Opuntia humifusa against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
  542. Hepatoprotective effects of lobenzarit disodium on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice
  543. Hepatoprotective effects of some anthocyanic vegetal extracts
  544. Hepatoprotective effect of granules of the dry extract obtained from Gentianopsis barbata (Froel) Ma
  545. Hepatoprotective effect of lipophen–a novel natural combined phospholipid preparation
  546. Metabolic changes of acetaminophen after intravenous administration to rats pretreated with a Hepatoprotective agent, YH-439.
  547. Comparison of Hepatoprotective effects between ethanol and water extract of Yinchenhao Tang in mice [J]
  548. Hepatoprotective effect of flower pollen lipid extract in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  549. Ursodeoxycholic acid. Physical properties and Hepatoprotective activity
  550. Hepatoprotective effects of silybum marianum and calendula officinalis polyphenolic extracts in rat
  551. Hepatoprotective activities of Rosa davurica root extract in rats intoxicated with bromobenzene
  552. Experimental study of the Hepatoprotective effect of chitosan
  553. Hepatoprotective Activity of Jincanbao on CCl_4-induced Hepatic Damage in Mice [J]
  554. Partial Hepatoprotective effects of allylthiobenzimidazole in the absence of cytochrome P4502E1 suppression: effects on epoxide hydrolase, rGSTA2, rGSTA3/5 …
  555. ${\beta}-Glucuronidase-inhibitory\; Activity $ and Hepatoprotective Effect of Herbal Medicines
  556. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effect of compounds isolated from galla rhois (Rhus javanica Linne)
  557. Hepatoprotective substances: A partial assessment
  558. Hepatoprotective Effect of Selenium and Vitamin£ in Rabbits Fed a High-fat Diet
  559. 1-O-galloyl-6-O-(4-hydroxy-3, 5-dimethoxy) benzoyl-β-D-glucose, a new Hepatoprotective constituent from Combretum quadrangulare
  560. Hepatoprotective effect of exo-polysaccharide produced from submerged mycelial culture of Ganoderma lucidum WK-003 by using industrial grade medium
  561. Hindering of rat chronic hepatit progression by means of new Hepatoprotective preparation «phospholiv».
  562. Effects of the Hovenia dulcis THUMBER var. Koreana Nakai extracts on Hepatoprotective activities and improvement of hepatofunction
  563. Effect of Hepatoprotective ayurvedic drugs on lysosomal enzymes during hepatic injury induced by single dose of CCl4.
  564. Hepatoprotective effects of picroliv in alcohol-fed albino rats
  565. Hepatoprotective effect of Liv. 100, a polyherbal formulation, on mitochondrial enzymes in anti-tubercular drug-induced liver damage in rats
  566. Hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effects of extracts from Persicae Semen
  567. In vitro tests of 1, 3-dithia-2-thioxo-cyclopent-4-ene to evaluate the mechanisms of its Hepatoprotective action
  568. Hepatoprotective activity of cucurbitacin
  569. Hepatoprotective effect of Sagittaria sagittifolia against cadimum-induced acute liver injury on rats
  570. Optimization of Hepatoprotective therapy of viral hepatitis with consideration of neuromediatory link of pathogenesis
  571. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Different Ethyl Acetate Extract ofEclipta Alba [J]
  572. A radical scavenging compound, 3-pyridinol, in instant coffee and its Hepatoprotective activity
  573. Hepatoprotective Activities of Biologically Active Agents from Crude Drugs (I)-Hepatoprotective Activities of Traditional Korean Herbal Prescriptions
  574. Effects of a novel Hepatoprotective drug, ZNC-2381, on Fas-induced hepatocellular caspase-3 activity and apoptosis in mice
  575. Factors influencing the protein binding of YH‐439 using an equilibrium dialysis technique. A new Hepatoprotective agent
  577. 2-Acetylpyrrole, a Hepatoprotective Compound from Streptomyces sp. A-5071
  578. Extraction of pectins and investigation of their physicochemical and Hepatoprotective properties
  579. A pharmacological study of the Hepatoprotective activity of fructose-1, 6-diphosphate
  580. Morphological and biochemical study of the Hepatoprotective effect of AICA-phosphate.
  581. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cucurbitacin Derivatives
  582. Thiourea and thiosemicarbazide derivatives: Structure, transformations, and pharmacological activity. Hepatoprotective effect of triazino-and imidazoindoles
  583. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Effects of Osumokkya-tang
  584. The effect of silymarin, a Hepatoprotective substance, on liver histones in irradiated rats
  585. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Extract of Eclipta alba on Liver Damage [J]
  586. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of silymarin in liver damage experimentally produced with carbon tetrachloride in dogs.
  587. Hepatoprotective effects of honey on experimental liver injuries induced by some food additives
  588. Hepatoprotective Effect Of Sephadex G50 Red Fraction Of H. Rosasinensis Petal Anthocyanin Administered To Rats In Ethanol
  589. Study of Xiaoyao Tablet on Hepatoprotective action
  590. Hepatoprotective effects of acerola cherry extract powder against D-galactosamine-induced liver injury in rats and its bioactive compounds
  591. Analysis of the Hepatoprotective activity and the toxicological, chemical and physical-chemical profiles of a sample of Brazilian propolis
  592. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of silymarin in an experimental carbon tetrachloride intoxication of liver in dogs
  593. Hepatoprotective effect of G009 on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in primary cultured rat hepatocytes
  595. Effect of Hepatoprotective Agents and Bile Acids on TNF- Production in Macrophage Cell Lines
  596. Hepatoprotective studies of Coccinia indica Linn. in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury
  597. Use of Hepatoprotective drugs in leprosy treatment
  598. Hepatoprotective Activity of Kadhaka Kadhiradi Kashayam
  599. Hepatoprotective lignan compound from Schizandrae Fructus on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  600. Studies on Hepatoprotective activity of vitex leucoxylon L.
  601. Hepatoprotective activity of 1-ethoxysilatrane and 1-isopropoxygermatrane
  602. Hepatoprotective Activity of Chungpesagan-tang is Related to the Inhibition of
  603. Efficacy of different medical herbal preparations as Hepatoprotective Agents
  604. A controlled trial of choleretic and Hepatoprotective actions of Livzon and dehydrocholic acid in a model of obstructive jaundice in albino rats
  605. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative activity of some methoxy-and nitroderivatives of acridinyl-9-thioacetic acids
  606. Hepatoprotective properties of liproxol
  607. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of tomato extracts
  608. Hepatoprotective effects of Protecliv in the experiments
  609. Hepatoprotective activity of Navayasa curna and Hasava combination
  610. Hepatoprotective effects of waxy brown rice fermented with Agrocybe cylindracea
  611. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of a non-pharmacopoeial Unani compound drug in patients of viral hepatitis
  612. The transport of a Hepatoprotective agent, isopropryl 2-(l-3-dithiethane-2-ylidene)-2 [N (4-methyl-thiazole-2-yl) carbamoyl] acetate (YH439), across Caco-2 cell …
  613. Synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro-β-carboline Derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. I. Dithiocarbamates of Several α-Amino Acids
  614. Increases in Hepatic Gammaglutamyl Transferase Following Alcohol Consumption. A Hepatoprotective Rather Than a Pathogenic Role
  615. Use of Hepatoprotective Agents in hepatomegaly syndrome in children: An experience with Liv. 52 syrup
  616. Hepatoprotective and Hypolipidemic Activity of Plantaginis Herba Extracts in Diabetic Model
  617. Hepatoprotective action of phosphogliv in surgery of patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis
  618. In‐vivo and in‐vitro Hepatoprotective effect of 4‐thia‐prostaglandin E1 and 7‐fluoroprostacyclin in rats
  619. Hepatoprotective effect of the methanol fraction of chinese cabbage on liver injury in rats treated by bromobenzene
  620. Hepatoprotective effects of waxy brown rice fermented with Coprinus cinereus
  621. Hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective, and Nephroprotective Effects of-‘Saengjinyanghyul-tang ($ Sh\={e} ngj\={i} ny\v {a} ngxu\{e}-t\={a} ng $)’-in Streptozotocin-Induced …
  622. Hepatoprotective Properties of Allium tuberosum in CCl₄ intoxicated Rats
  623. … and mutagenecity of benzo [a] pyrene by isopropyl-2-(1, 3-dithietane-2-ylidene)-2-[N-(4-methylthiazol-2-yl) carbamoyl] acetate (YH439), a novel Hepatoprotective …
  624. An Experimental Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Gokajisilsosiho-Tang
  625. Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Pyrimidine Derivatives in Acute Dichloroethane Intoxication
  626. Hepatoprotective Effects of Buckwheat Extract in Rabbits Fed on a High-fat Diet
  627. Hepatoprotective reactivity of a copper-di-Schiffbase active centre analogue of Cu2Zn2 superoxide dismutase.
  628. Investigations into mechanism of action of Hepatoprotective effect of Sarcostemma brevistigma
  629. Hepatoprotective effect of Rumecis Semen
  630. Studies on a Hepatoprotective protein from a herbal source
  631. Hepatoprotective action of PGE1 analogue estimated by measuring the concentrations of acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate
  632. Hepatoprotective effect of kasni against aflatoxin B1 induced hepatic damage in mice
  633. Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of
  634. Study on Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Korean Red Ginseng-Mixed Formula
  635. Hepatoprotective agent (+)-cyanidanol increases the synthetic phase of hepatocellular regeneration.
  636. Phycocyanin as an anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective compound. An Electron Microscopy study
  637. Hepatoprotective properties of soybean proteins and their use for dietary therapy of chronic toxic hepatitis
  638. Synthesis and evaluation of novel Hepatoprotective L-cysteine prodrugs.
  639. Hepatoprotective effect of Rumecis Semen
  640. Hepatoprotective effects of cyproterone acetate in mice; minimal role of metallothionein
  641. Hepatoprotective effects and Mechanism of Flavonoids
  642. Simultaneous determination of a new Hepatoprotective agent, YH439, and its metabolites, M4, M5, and M7 in plasma and urine by high-performance liquid …
  643. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chinese Traditional Prescription, Dalwoneum
  644. Paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity: lack of enhancement of the Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcysteine by sodium sulphate
  645. In vitro Hepatoprotective evaluation of organolead (II) complexes on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity: Synthesis, characterization and biopotency
  646. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Properties of IdB 1016, A New Flavanolignan Complex
  647. Optimization of Conditions for Production of Hepatoprotective Isoflavones in Maackia amurensis Suspension Cell Cultures [J]
  648. Hepatoprotective Effect of Several Constituents ofLonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et SC Cheng, and L. macranthoide Hand. Mazz. on CC14 and DGalactosamine …
  649. Hepatoprotective properties of tea.
  650. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extracts of Berberis tinctoria
  651. Hepatoprotective activity of Scoparia dulcis linn. against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver cirrhosis in rats
  652. Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on C {sup l4}-induced liver damage in rats under oxidative stress of radiation exposure
  653. Screening for Hepatoprotective Medicinal Plants
  654. Hepatoprotective constituents from Beta vuIgaris var. cycla
  655. Experimental study of the Hepatoprotective effect of transcranial transcutaneous electrostimulation and the synthetic analog of leu-enkephalin dalargin
  656. Hepatoprotective effect of garlic (Allium Sativum) and vitamin E on experimental liver injuries induced by ultraviolet radiation
  657. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chinese Traditional Prescription, Dalwoneum
  658. Hepatoprotective properties of phospholiv, a preparation containing phosphatidylcholine from sunflower seeds and glycyrrhizic acid, in modeled cirrhosis of rat liver
  659. Hepatoprotective effects of ginseng intestinal metabolite IH-901 on chemical-induced hepatic damage
  660. Hepatoprotective effects and Mechanism of Flavonoids
  661. Hepatoprotective effect of the endothelin receptor antagonist TAK-044 against ischemia-reperfusion injury in the cirrhotic rat liver
  662. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus fraternus L. and Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) correa used against jaundice in NE India.
  663. 38) Evaluation of Hepatoprotective actions of abhrak bhasma in albino rats after the induction of hepatitis by the single dose of CCl
  664. Hepatoprotective constituents from Beta vulgaris var. cycla
  665. Hepatoprotective activities of glycyrrhizin and baicalin in primary cultured rat hepatocytes
  666. Hepatoprotective effects of recombinant human growth hormone in rats with thioacetamide-induced cirrhosis
  667. Biochemical and molecular studies on the Hepatoprotective effect of ginger
  668. Anti-fatigue and Hepatoprotective Activities of Nokyangbotang
  669. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulating effect of phylloquinone in toxic damage to the liver
  670. Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of tetrametgylpyrazine on acute econazole-induced liver injury
  671. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Effects of Osumokkya-tang
  672. Comparative characteristics of choleretic and Hepatoprotective effects of Halenia corniculata (L.) Cornaz decoction and xanthone substances in dependence of their …
  673. Hepatoprotective and Antidiabetic Effects of Pelvetia siliquosa in Rats
  674. Hepatoprotective effect of Tibetan remedy” Dig-Da-Shi-Tan”
  675. Complex of lipamide with β-cyclodextrin and its Hepatoprotective action
  676. Hepatoprotective Effects of Viticis Fructus Extractin Rats treated with CC14
  677. Hepatoprotective and Antidiabetic Effects of Pelvetia siliquosa in Rats
  678. Synthesis of 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-β-carboline derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. III. Introduction of substituents onto methyl 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-β-carboline-2 …
  679. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory studies of an Indian medicinal plant.
  681. Hepatoprotective effect of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil
  682. Hepatoprotective effect of Lingzhi extract on CCl4-induced hepatic lesion
  683. Study on Hepatoprotective effect of an extract from Plantago asiatica L
  684. Effect of a new Hepatoprotective agent, YH-439, on the hepatobiliary transport of organic cations (OCs): selective inhibition of sinusoidal OCs uptake without …
  685. Studies of radioprotective and Hepatoprotective properties of new plants; Doslyidzhennya radyiozakhisnikh yi gepatoprotektornikh vlastivostej novogo roslinnogo …
  686. Studies on Hepatoprotective activity of Polyscias fruticosa based on antioxidant mechanism
  688. Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of Hepatoprotective Agents in a liver lesion by combined ethanol and tuberculostatic Agents
  689. Effect of Hepatoprotective Agent Liv. 52 on Nutrition Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients
  690. Hepatoprotective effect of Acanthopanax divaricatus var. albeofructus
  691. Wad, El Hady Asmaa M., A Novel Hepatoprotective effect of urea in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotxicity in rats
  692. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of wedelia calendulacea lees
  693. Hepatoprotective Properties of Potentiated Antibodies to Cholecystokinin
  694. Hepatoprotective Action of Phytopreparation from Limonium Gmelinii
  695. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Activities of Traxacum mongolicum
  696. The Hepatoprotective effect of neurotensin and its relation to calcium
  697. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Activities of Traxacum mongolicum
  699. Hepatoprotective effect of Fe-TPEN
  700. Hepatoprotective Effects of Brassica campestris L. var. rapifera
  701. Saucerneol B with Hepatoprotective Effect of the Roots of Saururus chinensis
  702. Administration of phospholipide Hepatoprotective drug Phosphogliv in patients with psoriatic arthritis (preliminary results)
  703. Hepatoprotective Activity of Crude Drugs in Scrophulariaceae
  704. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chrysanthemum indicmn Liime Extract in Rats treated with CC14
  705. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Eucalyptus maculata.
  706. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Potential of jigrine on thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats
  707. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Effects of Chinese Traditional Prescription, Keokhachukeu-tang
  708. Studies on the Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of chondroitin sulfate
  709. Studies on the Hepatoprotective role of the herb Phyllanthus niruri.
  710. The Structure-Activity Relationship of Hepatoprotective Phenylpropanoids from Underground Part of Scrophularia buergeriana
  711. Hepatoprotective effects of DDB-S on alcoholic liver injury in rats
  712. Hepatoprotective effects of flavonoid compounds is dependant on the antioxidant and detoxificant enzyme activity
  713. Evaluation of DOPEXAMINE-HYDROCHLORIDE as intra-and postoperatively Hepatoprotective agent in liver surgery: 250
  714. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Oxygen during Halothane Anesthesia
  715. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Polygonum Odoratum
  716. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of tiopronin in mice
  717. The possible Hepatoprotective role of taurine: an in vivo and in vitro study
  718. Synthesis of Asiatic Acid Derivatives and their Hepatoprotective Activity
  719. Hepatoprotective activity of Hypericum hookerianum Wight and Arn
  721. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2 by CW292, a new Hepatoprotective agent
  722. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of ginkgo biloba leave extracts
  723. Clinical Observation on Hepatoprotective Effect of Compound Glycyrrhizin in Treating Patients with Multidrug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  724. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of jigrine post-treatment against thioacetamide induced hepatic damage
  725. Immunomodulating and Hepatoprotective action of retinoids in toxic liver involvement induced by D-galactosamine
  726. Hepatoprotective Effect Of Menthol In Male Rats Induced With Carbon Tetrachloride
  728. Hepatoprotective constituents form the rhizomes of Rhodiola sacra
  730. Hepatoprotective Effect of Several Traditional Medicinal Herbs on Hepatic Injury in Mice or Rats
  731. Antiradicalar, antioxidant and In vitro Hepatoprotective effects of fractions isolated from Xylopia phloiodora
  732. Hepatoprotective Effect of Daidzin in Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Liver Injury
  733. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Ethanolic Extract of Calocybe indica on Mice with CCl4 Hepatic Intoxication
  734. Hepatoprotective activity of Centaurium erythraea on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  735. Studies on the Hepatoprotective Activity of Oleanolic Acid from Wedelia calendulacea Less
  736. Hepatoprotective constituents from the rhizomes of Rhodiola sacra
  737. Hepatoprotective constitutents from Hedyotis diffusa and Gardenia jasminoides
  738. The effect of Hepatoprotective preparations thioctacid and flavobion on histones in intact and regenerating lever in irradiated rats. Vliyanie gepatoprotektivnykh …
  739. Hepatoprotective activity of Cuscuta reflexa extract on experimental liver damage in rats.
  740. Catechin with Hepatoprotective Effect of the Leaves of Juglans sinensis
  741. Hepatoprotective Effect of Thunbergia Laurifolia in Primary Culture of Rat Hepatocytes Treated with Ethanol
  742. Hepatoprotective effect of roots of Morinda longissima YZ Ruan Rubiaceae
  743. Hepatoprotective constitutents from Hedyotis diffusa and Gardenia jasminoides
  744. Studies on Hepatoprotective and Antitumor Activity of Immature Cotton Boll extracts
  745. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Acteoside on Carbon tetrachloride\ulcornerInduced Liver Damage in Mice
  746. Hepatoprotective Effects and Acute Toxicity Test of the Extract of Jejo, the powder of Protaetia brevitarsis
  747. Hepatoprotective Effects of Silybin-Phosphatidylcholine Complex in Septic Rats
  748. Study the Hepatoprotective effect of panax notoginseng on CCl4 and PAR-intoxicated rat liver
  749. Catechin with Hepatoprotective Effect of the Leaves of Juglans sinensis
  750. Free Radical Scavenging and Hepatoprotective Compounds in vitro of Mori Ramulus
  751. Toxicological Study of Pleurotus tuber-regium Sclerotium and Its Potential Hepatoprotective Effects
  752. Hepatoprotective effects 18b-glycyrrhetinic acid on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  753. YH439, a Hepatoprotective Agent, Suppresses Cytokines and Nitric Oxide Production in LPS-primed Rats Administered with CCI4
  754. Hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta alba in alcohol induced oxidative stress in male albino rats
  755. Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenol extract from fresh cocoa seeds against ethanol induced hepatic damage in rats
  756. Hepatoprotective Effect of Liriopis Tuber fraction on Hep3B and BRL on carbon tetrachloride-induced Hepatotoxicity
  757. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Acteoside on Carbon tetrachloride lnduced Liver Damage in Mice
  758. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Acteoside on Carbon tetrachloride lnduced Liver Damage in Mice
  759. Hepatoprotective Effects of Waxy Brown Rice Cultured with Agrocybe cylindracea (DC.) Gillet
  760. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex Delile. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  761. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Caesalpinia Sappan in the Freshly Isolated Rat Hepatocytes and in Rat model
  762. Hepatoprotective effect of lingzhi extract on chronic hepatic toxication by diethyl-nitrosamine and carbon tetrachloride
  763. Hepatoprotective and Cholagogic Effects of Tectorigenin Isolated from the Flower Extract of Pueraria thunbergiana
  764. An Isocoumarin with Hepatoprotective Activity in Hep G2 and Primary Hepatocytes from Agrimonia pilosa
  765. Hepatoprotective and Anti-cirrhotic Effects of Hypericum patulum Thumb. ex Murr
  766. Hepatoprotective effect of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. in the rats
  767. Hepatoprotective effect of SY-640, a novel acetamide derivative, on Propionibacterium acnes and lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in mice.
  768. Hepatoprotective Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Inhibitor of β-Glucuronidase Production against Intestinal Bacteria
  769. Hepatoprotective activity of ginsenoside Rh2 on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced liver injury
  770. Two Novel Hepatoprotective Stilbene Glycosides of Acer mono Leaves to Toxicity Induced by H₂O₂
  771. Hepatoprotective activity of 2, 4-monofurfuryliden-tetra-o-methyl sorbitol (MSF) in rats. VII. Comparison between the protective activity of MSF and 2 of its analogs …
  772. Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Novel Bicyclic Thiazoline Derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents. II.(7-Alkoxycarbonyl-2, 3, 5, 6-tetrahydropyrrolo (2, 1-b) …
  773. Hepatoprotective activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
  774. Immunomodulating, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of immobilized dosage forms of rifampicin and cephalexin
  775. Hepatoprotective and Blood Alcohol Lowering Effects of Fruit Peduncle Extract of Hovenia dulcis var. Koreana in the In Vitro and In Vivo Animal Models
  776. Hepatoprotective Effects of A0023 Ethyl Acetate Extract on Thioacetamide (TAA)-induced Hepatic Fibrosis in Mice
  777. Hepatoprotective effects of Platycodi Radix on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  778. Hepatoprotective activity of sauchinone, a lignan from Saururus chinensis
  780. Isolation of Butein from Rhus verniciflua and Synthesis of Its Derivatives with Hepatoprotective and Antioxidative Activities
  781. Hepatoprotective effects of solanum nigrum extracts on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  782. Hepatoprotective Effect of Alcohol-Extract Propolis Against Acetaminophen-induced Acute Hepatic Injury in Mice
  783. Hepatoprotective effect of Paecilomyces tenuipes polysaccharides on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  784. Hepatoprotective Constituents of Psoralea corylifolia against Tacrine-induced Cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  785. In-vitro and In-vivo Hepatoprotective studies of Naregamia alata and Hygrophila auriculata on D-Galactosamine Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  787. Hepatoprotective activity of 2-styrylchromone derivatives against the pro-oxidant hepatotoxic effect elicited by tert-butylhydroperoxide in freshy isolated rat hepatocytes
  788. Hepatoprotective Effect of Hovenia dulcís Thunb. on Experimental Liver Injuries Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride or D-Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide
  789. The Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of methanol extract and its fractions of Phellinus linteus in Hep G2 cells
  790. The Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcysteine in acetaminophen intoxication is due to early glutathione replenishment via stimulation of anaplerotic …
  791. Hepatoprotective herbs–a review
  792. A review of natural products with Hepatoprotective activity
  793. Hepatoprotective activity of some indigenous plants
  794. Hepatoprotective activity of Amaranthus spinosus in experimental animals
  795. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of five eggplant varieties
  796. NF-κB signaling, liver disease and Hepatoprotective Agents
  797. Hepatoprotective properties of Bauhinia variegata bark extract
  798. Oxidative stress signaling underlying liver disease and Hepatoprotective mechanisms
  799. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Momordica dioica Roxb. leaves
  800. Identification of Hepatoprotective flavonolignans from silymarin
  801. Hepatoprotective and inhibition of oxidative stress in liver of Prostechea michuacana
  802. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities of Plantago major L
  803. Hepatoprotective potential of Aloe barbadensis Mill. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  804. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Clerodendrum serratum L.
  805. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ethanolic extracts of edible lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) leaves
  806. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of some medicinal plants against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  807. Hepatoprotective And Antioxidant Effects Of Argyreia speciosa In Rats
  808. Hepatoprotective effects of Solanum nigrum Linn extract against CCl4-iduced oxidative damage in rats
  809. The Hepatoprotective effects of selenium against cadmium toxicity in rats
  810. Hepatoprotective studies on Sida acuta Burm. f.
  811. Hepatoprotective effect of pinoresinol on carbon tetrachloride–induced hepatic damage in mice
  812. Effect of chrysin on Hepatoprotective and antioxidant status in D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats
  813. A study on antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective actions of Aegiceras corniculatum (stem) extracts
  814. Hepatoprotective potential of extracts from seeds of Areca catechu and nutgalls of Quercus infectoria
  815. Hepatoprotective activity studies of herbal formulations
  816. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. Standardized Extract
  817. Hepatoprotective effect of Cichorium intybus on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  818. Hepatoprotective activity of Sapindus mukorossi and Rheum emodi extracts: in vitro and in vivo studies
  819. Hepatoprotective effect of syringic acid and vanillic acid on concanavalin a-induced liver injury
  820. Hepatoprotective role of PXR activation and MRP3 in cholic acid‐induced cholestasis
  821. Hepatoprotective effect of Ginkgoselect Phytosome® in rifampicin induced liver injurym in rats: Evidence of antioxidant activity
  822. Hypolipidaemic & Hepatoprotective effects of Psidium guajava raw fruit peel in experimental diabetes
  823. Hepatoprotective effect of the root extract of Decalepis hamiltonii against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats
  824. A novel Hepatoprotective saponin from Celosia cristata L.
  825. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Thai mango seed kernel extract
  826. Hepatoprotective effect of Vitis vinifera L. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  827. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of the coffee diterpenes kahweol and cafestol on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  828. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the fruits of Coccinia grandis Linn
  829. Antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective potential of the extract from Parathelypteris nipponica (Franch. et Sav.) Ching
  830. Hepatoprotective effect of syringic acid and vanillic acid on CCl4-induced liver injury
  831. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus carica Linn leaf extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  832. Hepatoprotective amide constituents from the fruit of Piper chaba: Structural requirements, mode of action, and new amides
  833. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba phytosomes in carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver injury in rodents
  834. Hypothetical mode of action of earthworm extract with Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties
  835. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Amaranthus spinosus against CCl4 induced toxicity
  836. Hepatoprotective effect of three herbal extracts on aflatoxin B1-intoxicated rat liver
  837. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective actions of medicinal herb, Terminalia catappa L. from Okinawa Island and its tannin corilagin
  838. Hepatoprotective and curative properties of Kombucha tea against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity
  839. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethyl acetate extract of Teucrium polium L. against carbontetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in rats
  840. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of a lichen Usnea ghattensis in vitro
  841. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of the aqueous extract from Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) root against alcohol-induced oxidative stress
  842. Hepatoprotective effects of S-adenosyl-L-methionine against alcohol-and cytochrome P450 2E1-induced liver injury
  843. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aerial parts of Tephrosia purpurea L. and stem bark of Tecomella undulata
  844. Development and evaluation of Hepatoprotective polyherbal formulation containing some indigenous medicinal plants
  845. In vivo Hepatoprotective activity of the aqueous extract of Artemisia absinthium L. against chemically and immunologically induced liver injuries in mice
  846. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.)(Apiaceae)
  847. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Pisonia aculeata L. against CCl4-induced hepatic damage in rats
  848. The Effectiveness of Ethanolic Extract of Amaranthus tricolor L.: A Natural Hepatoprotective Agent
  849. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. et. Thonn. extract in ethanol treated rats: in vitro and in vivo studies
  850. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of flax and pumpkin seed mixture rich in ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids in hypercholesterolemic rats
  851. Hepatoprotective effect of andrographolide against hexachlorocyclohexane-induced oxidative injury
  852. Hepatoprotective potential of Fumaria indica Pugsley whole plant extracts, fractions and an isolated alkaloid protopine
  853. Hepatoprotective and some haematological effects of Allium sativum and vitamin C in lead-exposed wistar rats
  854. Hepatoprotective actions of melatonin: possible mediation by melatonin receptors
  855. Hepatoprotective role and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) flowers infusion against trichloroacetic acid-exposed in rats
  856. Hepatoprotective effects of Ganoderma lucidum peptides against D-galactosamine-induced liver injury in mice
  857. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective property of leaf extracts of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats
  858. Acylated phenylethanoid oligoglycosides with Hepatoprotective activity from the desert plant Cistanche tubulosa
  859. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus carica leaf extract on rifampicin-induced hepatic damage in rats
  860. Hepatoprotective activity of chitosan against isoniazid and rifampicin-induced toxicity in experimental rats
  861. The Hepatoprotective effect of bael leaves (Aegle marmelos) in alcohol induced liver injury in albino rats
  862. Hepatoprotective effects of berberine on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats
  863. Hepatoprotective effects of Spirulina maxima in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a case series
  864. Potential Hepatoprotective effects of new Cuban natural products in rat hepatocytes culture
  865. Hepatoprotective activity of Capparis spinosa root bark against CCl4 induced hepatic damage in mice
  866. Hepatoprotective effect of Carissa carandas Linn root extract against CCl4 and paracetamol induced hepatic oxidative stress
  867. Hepatoprotective effect of Hypericum japonicum extract and its fractions
  868. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of swertiamarin from Enicostemma axillare against D-galactosamine induced acute liver damage in rats
  869. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Tylophora indica (Linn.) in rats
  870. Synthesis and biological evaluation of NO-donor-tacrine hybrids as Hepatoprotective anti-Alzheimer drug candidates
  871. Preliminary phytochemical screening of Ipomoea obscura (L): A Hepatoprotective medicinal plant
  872. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. et Thonn. on aflatoxin B1-induced liver damage in mice
  873. Hepatoprotective evaluation of Anogeissus latifolia: In vitro and in vivo studies
  874. Hepatoprotective effect ofHygrophila spinosa andCassia occidentalis on carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in experimental rats
  875. Hepatoprotective activities of two Ethiopian medicinal plants
  876. Naringenin-loaded nanoparticles improve the physicochemical properties and the Hepatoprotective effects of naringenin in orally-administered rats with CCl 4 …
  877. Hepatoprotective potentials of Phyllanthus amarus against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  878. A search for Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Rhus coriaria L. against oxidative stress cytotoxicity
  879. Hypolipidaemic and Hepatoprotective effects of ethanolic and aqueous extracts from Asparagus officinalis L. by‐products in mice fed a high‐fat diet
  880. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Arachniodes exilis (Hance) Ching
  881. Hepatoprotective activity of picroliv, curcumin and ellagic acid compared to silymarin on paracetamol induced liver toxicity in mice
  882. … of the extract and some isolated compounds of Clausena lansium stem bark: anti-trichomonal, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects
  883. Enhancing bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata, a well‐known medicinal food, through its herbosome
  884. New Hepatoprotective Coumarinolignoids from Mallotus apelta
  885. Potential Hepatoprotective effects of fullerenol C60 (OH) 24 in doxorubicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats with mammary carcinomas
  886. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of the methanolic extract from Halenia elliptica
  887. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Commiphora berryi (Arn) Engl bark extract against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats
  888. The Hepatoprotective activity of kinsenoside from Anoectochilus formosanus
  889. Synergistic Hepatoprotective effect of Schisandrae lignans with Astragalus polysaccharides on chronic liver injury in rats
  890. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Zanthoxylum armatum DC in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  891. Hepatoprotective and in vivo antioxidant effects of Byrsocarpus coccineus Schum. and Thonn.(Connaraceae)
  892. Phytochemical screening of methanolic extract and antibacterial activity of active principles of Hepatoprotective herb, Eclipta alba
  893. Isolation of quinic acid derivatives and flavonoids from the aerial parts of Lactuca indica L. and their Hepatoprotective activity in vitro
  894. In vitro antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effects of Lentinula edodes against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  895. Hepatoprotective activity of Vitex negundo leaf extract against anti-tubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity
  896. Hepatoprotective effects of lupeol and mango pulp extract of carcinogen induced alteration in Swiss albino mice
  897. Betaine improved adipose tissue function in mice fed a high-fat diet: a mechanism for Hepatoprotective effect of betaine in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  898. PGE2-regulated wnt signaling and N-acetylcysteine are synergistically Hepatoprotective in zebrafish acetaminophen injury
  899. Hepatoprotective efficacy of certain flavonoids against microcystin induced toxicity in mice
  900. Hepatoprotective activity of six polyherbal formulations in CCl4-induced liver toxicity in mice
  901. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of magnolol on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats
  902. Hepatoprotective effect of Lepidium sativum against carbon tetrachloride induced damage in rats
  903. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Solanum fastigiatum (false “Jurubeba”) against paracetamol-induced liver damage in mice
  904. Hepatoprotective potentials of onion and garlic extracts on cadmium-induced oxidative damage in rats
  905. Potential Hepatoprotective activity of ononitol monohydrate isolated from Cassia tora L. on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  906. In-vitro antioxidant and in-vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Leucas ciliata L
  907. Hepatoprotective effect of chrysin on prooxidant‐antioxidant status during ethanol‐induced toxicity in female albino rats
  908. New insights into generalized Hepatoprotective effects of oleanolic acid: key roles of metallothionein and Nrf2 induction
  909. Screening of Hepatoprotective effect of a herbal mixture against CCl
  910. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Ptrospermum acerifolium ster leaves
  911. Hepatoprotective effect of Trichosanthes cucumerina Var cucumerina L. on carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  912. Bioactive constituents from Chinese natural medicines. XXVI. Chemical structures and Hepatoprotective effects of constituents from roots of Rhodiola sachalinensis
  913. Phytoconstituents with Hepatoprotective activity
  914. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective activity of fermented fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) in diabetic rats
  915. Water-extractable phytochemicals from Phyllanthus niruri exhibit distinct in vitro antioxidant and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity against paracetamol-induced liver …
  916. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Ocimum basilicum Linn. and Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. against H2O2 and CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in …
  917. Hepatoprotective effects of Coptidis rhizoma aqueous extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver hepatotoxicity in rats
  918. Phytochemical investigation and Hepatoprotective activity of Cupressus sempervirens L. leaves growing in Egypt
  919. Hepatoprotective activity of Luffa acutangula against CCl4 and rifampicin induced liver toxicity in rats: A biochemical and histopathological evaluation
  920. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Egyptian moraceous plants against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress and liver damage in rats
  921. Hepatoprotective activity of Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz flowers against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  922. Hepatoprotective activity of liposomal flavonoid against arsenite-induced liver fibrosis
  923. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Physalis peruviana Extract against Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury in Rats
  924. Hepatoprotective effect of electrolyzed reduced water against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  925. Hepatoprotective activity of Vitex trifolia against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage
  926. Hepatoprotective activity of Clerodendrum inerme against CCl4 induced hepatic injury in rats
  927. Hepatoprotective effect of infliximab, an anti-TNF-α agent, on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis
  928. In vivo Hepatoprotective effects of Rhoicissus tridentata subsp. cuneifolia, a traditional Zulu medicinal plant, against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats
  929. Hepatocyte NF-κB activation is Hepatoprotective during ischemia-reperfusion injury and is augmented by ischemic hypothermia
  930. Protein isolate from the herb, Phyllanthus niruri L.(Euphorbiaceae), plays Hepatoprotective role against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage via its antioxidant …
  931. Hepatoprotective effects of an active part from Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb. against acetaminophen-induced toxicity in mice
  932. Hepatoprotective effects of ethanolic extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius on paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats.
  933. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Aegle marmelos Correa. against CCl4-induced oxidative stress and early tumor events
  934. The Hepatoprotective effect of carnosine against ischemia/reperfusion liver injury in rats
  935. Hepatoprotective Constituents from the Roots and Stems of Erycibe hainanesis
  936. Hepatoprotective effect of 3-alkynyl selenophene on acute liver injury induced by D-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide
  937. Hepatoprotective effect of Bacoside-A, a major constituent of Bacopa monniera Linn
  938. Hepatoprotective phytocompounds from Cryptomeria japonica are potent modulators of inflammatory mediators
  939. Hepatoprotective activity of Eugenia jambolana Lam. in carbon tetrachloride treated rats
  940. Walnut Polyphenols Prevent Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride and d-Galactosamine: Hepatoprotective Hydrolyzable Tannins in the Kernel Pellicles of …
  941. Hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract of Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merill. leaves
  942. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of stem methanolic extract of Justicia gendarussa Burm.
  943. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of polyphenol extracts from Telfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin) leaves on acetaminophen induced liver damage.
  944. The Hepatoprotective effect of alcoholic extract of Annona squamosa leaves on experimentally induced liver injury in Swiss albino mice
  945. Assessment of anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective potency of Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula leaf in Wistar albino rats
  946. Hepatoprotective Effects of Flavonoids from Shekwasha (Citrus depressa) against D-Galactosamine-Induced Liver Injury in Rats
  947. Study of the Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of the pulp of Eugenia jambolana (jamun) in albino rats
  948. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of the total alkaloid fraction of Hygrophila auriculata leaves
  949. A search for Hepatoprotective activity of fruit extract of Mangifera indica L. against oxidative stress cytotoxicity
  950. Hepatoprotective effects of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  951. Light and temperature regulated terpene biosynthesis: Hepatoprotective monoterpene picroside accumulation in Picrorhiza kurrooa
  952. Hepatoprotective activity from ethanol fraction of Thuja occidentalis Linn
  953. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of standardized ethanolic extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.
  954. A review of Hepatoprotective natural products.
  955. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Bacopa monnieri Linn. aerial parts
  956. Hepatoprotective constituents from Cleome droserifolia
  957. Hepatoprotective effects of paramylon, a β-1, 3-D-glucan isolated from Euglena gracilis Z, on acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  958. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Cordia macleodii leaves
  959. Differential gene expression in mouse liver associated with the Hepatoprotective effect of clofibrate
  960. Changes in hepatic gene expression in response to Hepatoprotective levels of zinc
  961. Comparative Hepatoprotective effect of vitamins A and E against gasoline vapor toxicity in male and female rats
  962. Dose-dependent Hepatoprotective effect of emodin against acetaminophen-induced acute damage in rats
  963. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Kyllinga nemoralis (Hutch & Dalz) rhizomes
  964. Hepatoprotective potential of methanol extract of Clerodendrum infortunatum Linn. against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  965. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Euphorbia tirucalli
  966. Hepatoprotective effect of oleuropein in mice: mechanisms uncovered by gene expression profiling
  967. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective diarylheptanoids from the bark of Alnus japonica
  968. Hepatoprotective triterpenes from hairy root cultures of Ocimum basilicum L.
  969. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Cirsium setidens NAKAI against CCl4-Induced Liver Damage
  970. Hepatoprotective effect of tocopherol against isoniazid and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in albino rabbits
  971. Comparative evaluation of different extracts of leaves of Psidium guajava Linn. for Hepatoprotective activity.
  972. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanol extract of Ficus glomerata
  973. Hepatoprotective effect of Sabia parviflorawall: an experimental study
  974. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Amorphophallus campanulatus Roxb. tubers
  975. Hepatoprotective effects of salidroside on fulminant hepatic failure induced by d‐galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide in mice
  976. Hepatoprotective effects of an anthocyanin fraction from purple-fleshed sweet potato against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice
  977. Bile salt–phospholipid conjugate ursodeoxycholyl lysophosphatidylethanolamide as a Hepatoprotective agent
  978. Anti-apoptotic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Gomisin A on Fulminant Hepatic Failure Induced by D-Galactosamine and Lipopolysaccharide in Mice
  979. Hepatoprotective effects of Calotropis gigantea extract against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  980. Glucose-lowering, Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic activities of stem bark of Ficus racemosa in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  981. Hepatoprotective properties of Caesalpinia sappan Linn. heartwood on carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity
  982. Hepatoprotective role of endogenous interleukin-13 in a murine model of acetaminophen-induced liver disease
  983. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Zhi-Zi-Da-Huang decoction and its two fractions against acute alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  984. Integral pharmacokinetics of multiple lignan components in normal, CCl4-induced hepatic injury and Hepatoprotective Agents pretreated rats and correlations with …
  985. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Sphaeranthus indicus against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  986. The Hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effects of Saururus chinensis against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  987. Efficient synthesis of the first betulonic acid–acetylene hybrids and their Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activity
  988. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of root bark of Calotropis procera R. Br (Asclepediaceae).
  989. Hepatoprotective effect of Pergularia daemia (Forsk.) ethanol extract and its fraction
  990. Hepatoprotective effects of γ-irradiated caraway essential oils in experimental sepsis
  991. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and Hepatoprotective effect of semen of Rumex crispus
  992. Hepatoprotective activity of bacoside A against N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver toxicity in adult rats
  993. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus reticulatus.
  994. Hepatoprotective activity of Camellia sinensis and its possible mechanism of action
  995. Glycoprotein of Zanthoxylum piperitum DC has a Hepatoprotective effect via anti-oxidative character in vivo and in vitro
  996. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of Peltophorum pterocarpum against paracetamol induced acute liver damage in rats
  997. Hepatoprotective activity of Morus alba (Linn.) leaves extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  998. Pharmacology and chemistry of a potent Hepatoprotective compound Picroliv isolated from the roots and rhizomes of Picrorhiza kurroa royle ex benth.(kutki)
  999. In vitro Hepatoprotective compounds from Suaeda glauca
  1000. Hypotaurine is an energy-saving Hepatoprotective compound against ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat liver
  1001. Hypoglycemic, vasorelaxant and Hepatoprotective effects of Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Sprengel: A potential agent for the treatment of metabolic syndrome
  1002. Compound Cordyceps TCM-700C exhibits potent Hepatoprotective capability in animal model
  1003. Observation of the Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Trianthema decandra Linn.(Vallai sharunnai) roots on carbon tetrachloride-treated rats
  1004. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and in-vitro cytotoxic activity of leaves of Premna serratifolia Linn
  1005. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of Acer tegmentosum M. extracts
  1006. Hepatoprotective activity of hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Alocasia indica (Linn.)
  1007. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Carissa spinarum root extract against CCI4-and paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1008. Hepatoprotective activity of licorice water extract against Cadmium-induced toxicity in rats
  1009. Lead finding from medicinal plants with Hepatoprotective potentials
  1010. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effect of CGX, an herbal medicine, against toxic acute injury in mice
  1011. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of total phenolics from Laggera pterodonta on chemical-induced injury in primary cultured neonatal rat hepatocytes
  1012. Duration-dependent Hepatoprotective effects of propolis extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  1013. Metabolic response of soy pinitol on lipid‐lowering, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective action in hamsters fed‐high fat and high cholesterol diet
  1014. Hepatoprotective effects of misoprostol and silymarin on carbon tetrachloride‐induced hepatic damage in rats
  1015. Medicinal flowers. XXIV. Chemical structures and Hepatoprotective effects of constituents from flowers of Hedychium coronarium
  1016. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of tubers of Momordica tuberosa Cogn. against CCl4 induced liver injury in rats
  1017. In vitro Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the crude extract and isolated compounds from Irvingia gabonensis
  1018. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Capparis decidua stems against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats.
  1019. Screening of leaves and roots of Eclipta alba for Hepatoprotective activity.
  1020. Hepatoprotective activity of brown alga Padina boergesenii against CCl4 induced oxidative damage in Wistar rats
  1021. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of the methanol extract of the leaves of Satureja macrostema
  1022. Hepatoprotective property of Thespesia populnea against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats.
  1023. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of fruit pulp of Limonia acidissima Linn
  1024. In vivo antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extract of Mesua ferrea linn
  1025. Hypocholesterolemic and Hepatoprotective effects of flaxseed chutney: evidence from animal studies
  1026. Hepatoprotective Effects of Sedum sarmentosum on D-Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide–Induced Murine Fulminant Hepatic Failure
  1027. Hepatoprotective effect of Rheum emodi roots (Revand chini) and Akseer-e-Jigar against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1028. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of leaf extract of Justicia gendarussa Burm.
  1029. Screening of roots of Baliospermum montanum for Hepatoprotective activity against paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats
  1030. Hepatoprotective Effects of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Seed Cakes during the Chicken Broiler Fattening
  1031. Potential Hepatoprotective effects of vitamin E and Nigella sativa oil on hepatotoxicity induced by chronic exposure to malathion in human and male albino rats
  1032. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extracts of Elaeis guineensis Jacq leaf
  1033. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin C on sodium nitrite-induced lipid peroxidation in albino rats
  1034. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective action of the crude ethanolic extract of the flowering top of Rosa damascena
  1035. Flavonoids and Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Senna surattensis (Burm. f.) in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1036. The phyto-phospholipid complexes-phytosomes: A potential therapeutic approach for herbal Hepatoprotective drug delivery
  1037. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of leaves of Acalypha racemosa in carbon tetrachloride treated rats
  1038. Hepatoprotective Effect of Scoparia dulcis on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  1039. Hepatoprotective activity on Vitex negundo Linn.(Verbenaceae) by using Wistar Albino rats in Ibuprofen induced model.
  1040. Hepatoprotective activity of Coccinia indica leaves extract
  1041. Hepatoprotective effect of Leucophyllum frutescens on Wistar albino rats intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride
  1042. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective seeds mixture diet rich in ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids
  1043. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of different fractions of ethanolic extract of immature leaves of Mangifera indica (Linn.) in alloxan induced diabetic …
  1044. The Hepatoprotective effects of Dorema auchri on carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  1045. Hepatoprotective activity of Coccinia grandis leaves against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats.
  1046. … natural medicines. XXIII. Absolute structures of new megastigmane glycosides, sedumosides A4, A5, A6, H, and I, and Hepatoprotective megastigmanes from Sedum …
  1047. In vitro antioxidant and preliminary Hepatoprotective activity of Oroxylum indicum Vent leaf extracts
  1048. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of flowers of Calotropis procera (Ait) R. Br. in CCl4 induced hepatic damage
  1049. Hepatoprotective activity of Cleome viscosa Linn. extract against thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1050. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of the roots of Hibiscus esculentus Linn.
  1051. Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisiae Capillaris Herba and Picrorrhiza Rhizoma combinations on carbon tetrachloride–induced subacute liver damage in rats
  1052. Hepatoprotective and toxicological assessment of an ethnomedicinal plant Euphorbia fusiformis Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don
  1053. The Hepatoprotective effect of Cassia fistula (amaltas) leaves in isoniazid and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rodents
  1054. Experimental study of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of clove and cardamom in ethanol induced hepatotoxicity, Tanta Med
  1055. Hepatoprotective effects of Pimpinella anisum seed extract in rats
  1056. Hepatoprotective study of curcumin-soya lecithin complex
  1057. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of Spondias pinnata
  1058. Chromium-induced changes in ultramorphology and secondary metabolites of Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn.–an Hepatoprotective plant
  1059. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Azadirchata indica leaves.
  1060. Potential Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant role of methanol extract of Oldenlandia umbellata in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  1061. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Cissus quadrangularis stem extract against isoniazid-induced liver damage in rats
  1062. In vivo biodistribution, anti-inflammatory, and Hepatoprotective effects of liver targeting dexamethasone acetate loaded nanostructured lipid carrier system
  1063. Hepatoprotective activity of Amomum subulatum Roxb against ethanol-induced liver damage
  1064. Hepatoprotective activity of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) water extract against D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats
  1065. Lysosomal leakage and lack of adaptation of Hepatoprotective enzyme contribute to enhanced susceptibility to ethanol‐induced liver injury in female rats
  1066. Hepatoprotective effect of tumour necrosis factor α blockade in psoriatic arthritis: a cross-sectional study
  1067. Further studies on the Hepatoprotective effects of Anoectochilus formosanus
  1068. Growth arrest–specific protein 6 is Hepatoprotective against murine ischemia/reperfusion injury
  1069. Hepatoprotective effects of antioxidants in chronic hepatitis C
  1070. Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extract and fractions of African mistletoe Tapinanthus bangwensis (Engl. & K. Krause) from Nigeria
  1071. Evaluation of the hepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective effect of Rwandese herbal drugs on in vivo (guinea pigs barbiturate-induced sleeping time) and in vitro (rat …
  1072. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Grewia asiatica fruit against oxidative stress in swiss albino mice
  1073. Hepatoprotective effect of leaf extracts of Andrographis lineata nees on liver damage caused by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  1074. Hepatoprotective effect of Enicostemma littorale blume and Eclipta alba during ethanol induced oxidative stress in albino rats.
  1075. HPTLC analysis of Hepatoprotective diterpenoid andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata nees (kalmegh)
  1076. Hepatoprotective and hypoglycemic activities of Viburnum opulus L
  1077. Hepatoprotective effect of Cocculus hirsutus on bile duct ligation-induced liver fibrosis in Albino Wistar rats
  1078. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera Lam. Leave on isolated rat hepatocytes
  1079. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin B12 on dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver injury
  1080. Hepatoprotective activity of desert truffle (Terfezia claveryi) in comparison with the effect of Nigella sativa in the rat
  1081. Hepatoprotective effect of the pulp/seed of Aegle marmelos Correa ex Roxb against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  1082. Hepatoprotective activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Momordica charantia Linn. leaves against carbon tetra chloride induced hepatopathy in rats
  1083. A polyacetylene from Gymnaster koraiensis exerts Hepatoprotective effects in vivo and in vitro
  1084. Antioxidant activity of Hepatoprotective Silymarin and Silybum marianum L. extract
  1085. A comprehensive review on bergenin, a potential Hepatoprotective and antioxidative phytoconstituent
  1086. A Cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective Agent from Withania somnifera and Biological evaluation of its Ester Derivatives
  1087. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Tylophora indica (Linn.) in rats
  1088. Search for bioactive constituents from several medicinal foods: Hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, and antiallergic activities
  1089. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of the ethyl acetate extract of Enicostemma axillare (Lam). Raynal against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  1090. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Eupatorium ayapana against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1092. Potent Hepatoprotective effect in CCl4-induced hepatic injury in mice of phloroacetophenone from Myrcia multiflora
  1093. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Linn against paracetamol intoxication in rats
  1094. Demand of herbal Hepatoprotective formulations in Lucknow-A Survey
  1095. Hepatoprotective activity of Beta vulgaris against CCl4 induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1096. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Phaseolus trilobus, Ait on bile duct ligation induced liver fibrosis in rats
  1097. Chemical constituents and Hepatoprotective activity of Juncus subulatus.
  1098. Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolite from Amorphophallus paeoniifolius for Hepatoprotective activity.
  1099. Comparative Hepatoprotective activity of Liv-52 and livomyn against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in rats
  1100. Hepatoprotective effect of Averrhoea carambola fruit extract on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  1101. Modification of C2 functional group on asiatic acid and the evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects
  1102. Hepatoprotective effect of Morus alba L. in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice.
  1103. Semimechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for Hepatoprotective effect of dexamethasone on transient transaminitis after trabectedin (ET-743) …
  1104. Stability-indicating LC–PDA method for determination of picrosides in Hepatoprotective Indian herbal preparations of Picrorhiza kurroa
  1105. Hepatoprotective, antioxidant and phytochemical properties of leaf extracts of Newbouldia laevies
  1106. Hepatoprotective Effects of Thespesia lampas Dalz & Gibs in CCl4 Induced Liver Injury in Rats
  1107. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cassia Fistula Linn.
  1108. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Ougeinia oojeinensis barks in CCl4 treated male rats
  1109. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Fumaria parviflora and Momordica balsamina from Saudi folk medicine against experimentally induced liver injury in rats.
  1110. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Elephantopus tomentosus. Ethanol Extract
  1111. Hepatoprotective effects of Rubus aleaefolius Poir. and identification of its active constituents
  1112. Hepatoprotective effect of Arazyme on CCl4-induced acute hepatic injury in SMP30 knock-out mice
  1113. Design, synthesis, and pharmacological evaluation of the aqueous prodrugs of desmethyl anethole trithione with Hepatoprotective activity
  1114. Hepatoprotective effects of Ficus racemosa stem bark against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  1115. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)-Hepatoprotective herb with therapeutic potential
  1116. Hepatoprotective effects and safety evaluation of coumarinolignoids isolated from Cleome viscosa seeds
  1117. Hepatoprotective Effect of Shidagonglao on Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride
  1118. Self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system for enhanced bioavailability and improved Hepatoprotective activity of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate
  1119. Hepatoprotective effect of Curcuma longa L. in D-galactosamine induced liver injury in mice: evidence of antioxidant activity.
  1120. Hepatoprotective effects of Berberis lycium, Galium aparine and Pistacia integerrima in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-treated rats
  1121. Hepatoprotective effect of pentoxifylline against D-galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1122. A study on the Hepatoprotective effect of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) Nees on mice.
  1123. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Ephedra foliate, Alhagi maurorum, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Hibiscus sabdariffa against experimentally induced liver …
  1124. Fabrication and investigations on Hepatoprotective activity of sustained release biodegradable piperine microspheres
  1125. Hepatoprotective effect of Premna corymbosa (Burm. f.) Rottl. & Willd. leaves extract on CCl4 induced hepatic damage in Wistar albino rats
  1126. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Murdannia bracteata methanol extract
  1127. Hepatoprotective Effect of Lonchocarpus sericeus Leaves in CCl4- Induced Liver Damage
  1128. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cirsium arisanense Kitamura in Tacrine-Treated Hepatoma Hep 3B Cells and C57BL Mice
  1129. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Azima tetracantha Lam. leaves extracts against CCl4- induced liver injury in rats
  1130. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of fruit pulp of Cassia fistula (AFCF) against carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) induced liver damage in albino rats
  1131. Hepatoprotective and Antibacterial Activity of Ursolic Acid Extracted from Hedyotis corymbosa L.
  1132. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of total extracts and stereoidal saponins of Solanum xanthocarpum and Solanum nigrum in paracetamol induced …
  1133. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Cyathea phalerata Mart. (Cyatheaceae)
  1134. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of the methanol extract of Careya arborea bark in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma-bearing mice
  1135. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of Lythrum salicaria
  1136. In vitro Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of diprenylated isoflavonoids from Erythrina senegalensis (Fabaceae)
  1137. Evaluation of in vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Portulaca oleracea L. against paracetamol-induced.
  1138. Hepatoprotective activity of the Leucas lavandulaefolia on d (+) galactosamine-induced hepatic injury in rats
  1139. Hepatoprotective activity of extracts of leaves of Calotropis gigantea
  1140. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Smilax chinensis L. root
  1141. Hepatoprotective effects of Hovenia dulcis fruit on ethanol-induced liver damage in vitro and in vivo
  1142. Studies on Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extracts of fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr.
  1143. Review on plants havin g Hepatoprotective activity
  1144. Study of a Hepatoprotective and antioxidant fraction from Erythrina Senegalensis stem bark extract: In vitro and in vivo
  1145. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Broccoli ‘Brassica oleracea’ in Rats
  1146. Hepatoprotective properties of fractions from meadowsweet extract during experimental toxic hepatitis
  1147. Hepatoprotective potential of Decalepis hamiltonii (Wight and Arn) against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1148. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Ethanol Extract from Phellinus merrillii on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Damage
  1149. Hepatoprotective potential of calcium and magnesium against cadmium and lead induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  1150. Hepatoprotective effects of a concentrate and components of sake against galactosamine (GalN)-induced liver injury in mice
  1151. Hepatoprotective effects of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaf extract in CCl4-induced liver injury in albino rats
  1152. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Callistemon lanceolatus
  1153. Hepatoprotective effect of Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves against alcohol induced liver injury in Albino rats.
  1154. Hepatoprotective activity of petroleum ether, diethyl ether, and methanol extract of Scoparia dulcis L. against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  1155. Hepatoprotective effect of fermented Artemisia princeps Pampanini by lactic acid bacteria
  1156. Hepatoprotective effect of a protein-enriched fraction from the maggots (Musca domestica) against CCl 4-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1157. Hepatoprotective effects of setarud against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  1158. Hepatoprotective role of bis-demethoxy curcumin analog on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase induced by alcohol and polyunsaturated fatty acid in rats
  1159. Study of the Hepatoprotective effect of ginger aqueous infusion in rats
  1160. Structure‐Hepatoprotective activity relationship study of sesquiterpene lactones: a QSAR analysis
  1161. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Gymnema sylvestre
  1162. Hepatoprotective activity of Stereospermum suaveolens against CCl4-induced liver damage in albino rats
  1163. Hepatoprotective Evaluation of Butea monosperma against Liver damage by Paracetamol in Rabbits
  1164. The Hepatoprotective activity against ethanol-induced cytotoxicity by aqueous extract of Antrodia cinnamomea
  1165. Hepatoprotective Effects of Propolis Extract: A Biochemical and Histopathological Approach
  1167. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of isolated compounds from Pistacia integerrima
  1168. Potential Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Extract of Gracilaria corticata in AFB1 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
  1169. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of the stems of Anisochilus carnosus against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1170. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of Citrus microcarpa Bunge (Family Rutaceae) fruit peel against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in male BFAD …
  1171. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors is Hepatoprotective against fulminant hepatic failure induced by lipopolysaccharide and d‐ …
  1172. Hepatoprotective effect of green tea (Camellia sinesis) on cadmium chloride induced toxicity in rats.
  1173. Hepatoprotective activity of Capparis sepiaria stem against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicty in rats
  1174. In-vitro Hepatoprotective activity of Justicia gendarussa stem on isolated rat hepatocytes
  1175. Hepatoprotective Activity of Purified Fractions from Garcinia kola Seeds in Mice Intoxicated with Carbon Tetrachloride
  1176. Isolation of Hepatoprotective phenylpropanoid from Lactuca indica
  1177. Hepatoprotective effects of Nigella sativa and bees’ honey on hepatotoxicity induced by administration of sodium nitrite and sunset yellow
  1178. Hepatoprotective effect of the solvent fractions of the stem of Hoslundia opposita Vahl (Lamiaceae) against carbon tetrachloride-and paracetamolinduced liver …
  1179. Hepatoprotective effects of marine and kuhuang in liver transplant recipients
  1180. Hepatoprotective action of zerumbone against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity
  1181. Hepatoprotective activity of polysaccharopeptides from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium on thioacetamide-intoxicated mice
  1182. Hepatoprotective compounds of Cassiae Semen on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in Hep G2 cells
  1183. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Pimenta dioica leaves extract
  1185. Experimental Study of Three Flavonoids Isolated from Hypericum japonicum Thunb. on Hepatoprotective and Jaundice-relieving Effects [J]
  1186. Studies on Hepatoprotective properties of leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae)
  1187. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effect of Vitex negundo leaves
  1188. Screening of ethanolic extract of Stachytarpheta indica L.(Vahl) leaves for Hepatoprotective activity.
  1189. Hepatoprotective effect of Centella asiatica against paracetamol induced liver damage in broiler chicken
  1190. Trans-3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid (cinnamic acid) derivatives: structure-activity relationship as Hepatoprotective Agents
  1191. Dietary fish oil as Hepatoprotective agent in Mus musculus
  1192. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Symplocos racemosa bark extract on DMBA induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats
  1193. An experimental model for study of the Hepatoprotective activity of Nasturtium officinale (Watercress) against acetaminophen toxicity using in situ rat liver system
  1194. Hepatoprotective activity of LIV-first against carbon tetra chloride-induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  1195. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. flowers
  1196. Investigations on Hepatoprotective activity of leaf extracts of Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr.(Rutaceae)
  1197. Hepatoprotective activity of Psidium guajava extract and its phospholipid complex in paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats
  1198. Search for TNF-alpha sensitivity degradation principles from medicinal foods-Hepatoprotective amide constituents from Thai natural medicine Piper chaba
  1199. PEGylated lactoferrin enhances its Hepatoprotective effects on acute liver injury induced by D-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide in rats
  1200. Hepatoprotective activity of Saccharum officianarum against ethyl alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1201. Hepatoprotective activity of Leucas lavandulaefolia against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1202. Hepatoprotective effects of glycine and vitamin E, during the early phase of liver regeneration in the rat
  1203. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of two iridoids from Mussaenda ‘dona aurora’
  1204. Hepatoprotective activity of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (L.)
  1205. PEGylated lactoferrin enhanced its Hepatoprotective effects on acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  1206. Studies on Hepatoprotective activity of traditional ayurvedic formulation’Vidakana Choornam’against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rat
  1207. Hepatoprotective effects of Garcinia kola seed against hepatotoxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  1208. Galactosamine‐induced hepatotoxic effect and Hepatoprotective role of a protein isolated from the herb Cajanus indicus L in vivo
  1209. Hepatoprotective activity of flowers of Cassia auriculata R. Br. against paracetamol induced liver injury
  1210. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of 70% ethanolic bark extract of Albizzia lebbeck in rats
  1211. Hepatoprotective activity of Caesalpinia bonducella seeds on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rats
  1212. Hepatoprotective effect of Gossipium hirsutum extract on acute experimental hepatitis on rat liver injury
  1213. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of the methanolic extract of Acalypha racemosa leaf in carbon tetrachloride-treated rats
  1214. Hepatoprotective effects of the nitric oxide donor isosorbide-5-mononitrate alone and in combination with the natural hepatoprotectant, silymarin, on carbon …
  1215. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of Portulaca oleracea L. on D-galactosmaine-induced hepatic injury in rats
  1216. Hepatoprotective effect of Echinops tenuisectus (Compositae) on CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats
  1217. Hepatoprotective effect of Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  1218. Hepatoprotective activity of Trianthema decandra on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1219. Hepatoprotective activity of laticiferous plant species (Pergularia daemia and Carissa carandas) from Western Ghats, Tamilnadu, India.
  1220. Hepatoprotective potential of flavonoid rich fraction of Enhydra fluctuans against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats
  1221. In-vitro evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Pergularia daemia Forsk
  1222. Hepatoprotective herbal drug, silymarin from experimental pharmacology to clinical medicine-A review
  1223. A Study of Hepatoprotective activity of Hedyotis corymbosa. Linn, in albino rats
  1224. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the fractions of Ficus microcarpa using in vitro and ex vivo models
  1225. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Andrographis echioides N. against acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1226. Hepatoprotective effect of Flemingia strobilifera R. Br. on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1227. Hepatoprotective activity of herbal extracts in carbon tetrachloride intoxicated albino rats by measuring anti-oxidant enzymes
  1228. Studies on Hepatoprotective effect of hexane extract of Dillenia indica against CCl4 induced toxicity and its safety evaluation in wistar albino rats.
  1229. Hepatoprotective role of Garcinia kola (Heckel) nut extract on methamphetamine: Induced neurotoxicity in mice
  1230. Hepatoprotective Potentials Of Hibiscus rosasinensis Petal anthocyanin Extracts Against Carbon tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Damage in Wistar Rats.
  1231. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of camellia sinensis against methotrexate-induced liver damage in rats
  1232. Hepatoprotective effect of Cleome viscosa L. seeds in paracetamol induced hepatotoxic rats
  1233. Chromone glycosides and Hepatoprotective constituents of Hypericum erectum
  1234. Hepatoprotective effect of Indian medicinal plant Psidium guajava Linn. leaf extract on paracetamol induced liver toxicity in Albino rats.
  1235. Comparative evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of andrographis paniculata and Silymarin in ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in albino wistar rats.
  1236. Hepatoprotective activity of wheatgrass juice
  1237. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Clitoria ternatea L. and Cassia angustofolia vahl leafs against CCl4 induced liver toxicity in rats
  1238. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Tephrosia purpurea whole plant aqueous extract
  1239. Neuropharmacological safety evaluation of jigrine: A polyherbal Hepatoprotective formulation
  1240. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Chloroxylon swietenia (Rutaceae) on acetaminophen induced toxicity in male albino rats.
  1241. Hepatoprotective effect of Glinus oppositifolius Linn
  1242. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Hedyotis corymbosa on perchloroethylene induced rats
  1243. Hepatoprotective activity of Acacia Ferruginea DC. Leaves against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  1244. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Terminalia pallida
  1245. Hepatoprotective effect of Picrorrhiza kurroa on antioxidant defense system in antitubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1246. Hepatoprotective Effect of Crude Extract and Isolated Lignans of Justicia simplex. Against CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity
  1247. Hepatoprotective effect of Wedelia calendulaceae against thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats
  1248. Hepatoprotective effects of daidzein against 7, 12-dimetylbenz [a] anthracene-induced oxidative stress in mice
  1249. Formulation and evaluation of proprietary polyherbal formulation for their Hepatoprotective activity.
  1250. Hepatoprotective and Antifatigue effects of Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus) in SD rats and …
  1251. Hepatoprotective properties of balm Herbamarin and hydrolysates from marine invertebrates in toxic hepatitis and ethanol intoxication
  1252. Sesquiterpenes with Hepatoprotective Activity from Torilidis Fructus on Tacrine-induced Cytotoxicity in Hep G2 Cells
  1253. Hepatoprotective activity of LAB (lactobacillus acidophilus. Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus) in Rat treated with Carbon tetrachloride …
  1254. Hepatoprotective Effect of Anthocyanin Extracted from Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato on Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Damage in Mice
  1255. Hepatoprotective Effects of Saururus chinensis Baill against 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) Induced Toxicity
  1256. Hepatoprotective activity of tectorigenin, β-glucuronidase inhibitor on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced cytotoxicity of HepG2 cells
  1257. The comparison between Hepatoprotective effects of silybin-phosphatidylcholine compound and those of silybin against acute hepatic damage induced by carbon …
  1258. Two New Hepatoprotective Stilbene Glycosides from Acer mono Leaves against H₂O₂-Induced Oxidative Damage in Primary Cultured Rat Hepatocytes
  1259. Hepatoprotective Effects of Taraxacum officinale Root Extract on Permethrin-induced Liver Toxicity in Adult Mice. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research …
  1260. Hepatoprotective effects of branched chain амinо acids and taurine rats undergoing subchronic alcohol intoxication and withdrawal
  1261. Effects of methyl (+)(3S)-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydro-3-hydroxymethyl-β-carboline-2-carbodithioate (THC), a new Hepatoprotective agent, on acute liver injuries induced by …
  1262. Hepatoprotective activity of compound K and ginsenoside Rb1 isolated from Panax ginseng on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced liver injury
  1263. Hepatoprotective action of total liver extract combined with vitamin B 12 vitamin E, and vitamin K in the course of treatment with multiple mycobacterial Agents in …
  1264. Hepatoprotective PROPERTIES OF SEAWEEDS LIPIDS Hepatoprotector properties of lipids of Black Sea seaweeds Ceramium rubrum (Huds.) Ag …
  1265. 13 Hepatoprotective Properties of Tea
  1266. Pharmacokinetics of YH-439, A Hepatoprotective agent, after intravenous and oral administration of four different doses to rats
  1269. Hepatoprotective activity of Abrus precatorius Linn. against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1270. Hepatoprotective Effect of Adenema hyssopifolium G. Don (Gentianaceae) in Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1271. Hepatoprotective activity of Calotropis gigantea root bark experimental liver damage induced by D-galactosamine in rats
  1272. Hepatoprotective effect of catechin isolated from the root of Rosa rugosa Thunb
  1273. Hepatoprotective effect of Grifola frondosa water extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  1274. Radical scavenging abilities and Hepatoprotective effect of [N, N′-Bis (salicylidene) ethane-1, 2-diaminato] oxovanadium (IV) complex in CCl4-treated rats
  1275. Hepatoprotective potential of petroleum ether leaf extract of Crossandra infundibuliformis on CCl4 induced liver toxicity in albino mice
  1276. Evaluation of ethanolic extract of root of Bergenia ligulata for Hepatoprotective, diuretic and antipyretic activities.
  1277. Modification of C11, C28, C2, 3, 23 or C2, 23, 28 functional groups on asiatic acid and evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects
  1278. Hepatoprotective effect of Hibiscus hispidissimus Griffith, ethanolic extract in paracetamol and CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  1279. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extracts of bark of Zanthoxylum armatum DC in CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats.
  1280. Hepatoprotective role of nitric oxide in an experimental model of chronic iron overload
  1281. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus retusa (Moraceae).
  1282. Hepatoprotective effects of African locust bean (Parkia clappertoniana) and negro pepper (Xylopia aethiopica) in CCl4-induced liver damage in wistar albino …
  1283. … Caspase Inhibitor PF-03491390 Is Retained in the Liver for Prolonged Periods With Low Systemic Exposure, Exerting a Hepatoprotective Effect Against α-Fas …
  1284. Hepatoprotective effect of water soluble extract of Coleus barbatus on cholestasis on young rats
  1285. Study on the Hepatoprotective effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida) against paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar Albino rats
  1286. Hepatoprotective activity-a review.
  1287. Hepatoprotective activity of Daucus carota L. aqueous extract against paracetamol, isoniazid and alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in male wistar rats
  1288. Hepatoprotective effect of chicory (Chicorium intybus) root extract against orotic acid-induced fatty liver in rats
  1289. Hepatoprotective and toxic characteristics of the whole herb of traditional Tibetan folk medicine Swertia mussotii Franch
  1290. Hepatoprotective Effects of GongJin-dan on Ethanol-mediated Experimental Liver Damage in Rats
  1291. Hepatoprotective Activity of Enicostema Axillare Against CCl4-Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats
  1292. Silymarin: An effective Hepatoprotective agent against diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1293. Hepatoprotective effect of Cichorium Intybus linn (Kasni) Extracts against Carbon Tetrachloride induced Liver Damage
  1294. Modification of C2, 3, 23, 28 functional groups on asiatic acid and evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects
  1295. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Capacities of Paecilomyces japonica and Cordyceps sinensis in Rats with CCl₄-Induced Hepatic Injury
  1296. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cardiospermum helicacabum Stem Extracts Against Carbontetrachloride-induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
  1297. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Capparis brevispina DC. stem bark
  1298. Hepatoprotective activity of Crataegii fructus water extract against cadmium-induced toxicity in rats
  1299. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chai-Hu-Ching-Kan-Tang on Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Rats
  1300. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of extract of ginkgo biloba in rats of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
  1301. Hepatoprotective activity of salidroside isolated from Acer Termentosum Max on D-galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1302. Evaluation of the toxicological properties and Hepatoprotective effects of PAI-N002, a mixture of herbal extracts, in rats
  1304. Hepatoprotective potential of ‘rheum emodi wall’on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage
  1305. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of root bark of Salacia chinensis.
  1306. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of aqueous rhizome extracts of picrorhiza kurroa on CCl4 induced liver toxicity in albino rats.
  1307. Hepatoprotective activity of extracts from stem of Calycopteris floribunda Lam. against carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity in rats
  1308. Hepatoprotective effect of Solena amplexicaulis (tuber) on acute carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity.
  1309. Hepatoprotective Effect of Gagam-GongJin-dan extract against Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  1310. Hepatoprotective role of captopril on paraquat induced hepatotoxicity
  1311. Anti-oxidative and Hepatoprotective Activities of the Total Flavonoids from the Leaf of Lindera aggregata (Sims) Kosterm. Against Mice Liver Injury Induced by Carbon …
  1312. Hepatoprotective effects of 50% ethanolic extract of Mimosa pudica against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1313. Comparative Hepatoprotective activity of different extracts of spirulina against CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
  1314. Asymmetric Synthesis of (R)‐(−)‐Rhododendrol, the Aglycone of the Hepatoprotective Agent Rhododendrin
  1315. PHCOG MAG.: Research Article Hepatoprotective activity of Bacopa monnieri L. against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1316. Hepatoprotective activity of Taraxacum Officinale Water Extract against D‐galactosamine‐induced hepatitis in rats.
  1317. Hepatoprotective Efficiency of Combined Administration of Natural Antioxidants (Rutin and Vitamin E) and Cysteine in Hyperthermic Irradiated Rats.
  1318. Hepatoprotective and behavioral effects of jigrine in galactosamine-induced hepatopathy in rats
  1319. Hepatoprotective action of Pterocarpus marsupium against streptozotocin-induced oxidative stress
  1320. Hepatoprotective activity of Launaea pinnatifida against CCl4 induced hepatic injury in rats
  1321. Hepatoprotective effect of Syzygium aromaticum extract on acute liver injury induced by thioacetamide
  1322. Hepatoprotective effect of Pterocarpus marsupium against carbon tetrachloride induced damage in albino rats
  1323. Genetic transformation of a Hepatoprotective plant, Phyllanthus amarus
  1324. Hepatoprotective activity of silymarin floating drug delivery system against anti tuberculosis drug.
  1325. Hepatoprotective effect of the methanolic extract of whole plant of Borreria articularis on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  1326. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Stereospermum suaveolens on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1327. In vivo and In vitro Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Classical ayurvedic formulation Punarnavashtak kwath against Ethanol induced hepatotoxicity
  1328. A Study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Garcinia kola Water Extract in Amodiaquine and Artesunate treated
  1329. The Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extracts from Ficus hirta on N, N-dimethylformamide induced acute liver injury in mice
  1330. Hepatoprotective effects of citric acid and aspartame on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1331. Hepatoprotective activities of daidzin, daidzein, genistein and puerarin in primary cultured rat hepatocytes
  1332. Hepatoprotective Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Peptides against Alcohol-induced Liver Injury in Mice [J]
  1333. Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides isolated from Phellinus gilvus against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  1334. Hepatoprotective Effect of Clerodendrum inerme Linn. Ethanolic Extract
  1335. Synthesis and evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of some new mannich bases bearing benztriazole moiety
  1336. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba in albino rats
  1337. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of strain Lactobacillus casei 114001 in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity model
  1338. Screening of traditional Saudi plants for Hepatoprotective effect
  1339. Preparation, characterization and evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of NNDMAC biodegradable parenteral sustained release microspheres
  1340. Hepatoprotective studies on aerial parts of Moringa oleifera Lam. on Carbon tetrachloride induced liver cell damage in albino rats.
  1341. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Rhododendron arboreum Sm leaf.
  1342. Hepatoprotective activity of a complex compound of 5-hydroxy-6-methyluracil and succinic acid in experimental peritonitis
  1343. Hepatoprotective activity of terpenoids and terpenoid fractions of Scoparia dulcis L
  1345. Hepatoprotective effect of Bhumyamalki (Phyllanthus fraternus Webster) and Phaltrikadi decoction in patients of acute viral hepatitis
  1346. Hepatoprotective activity of Plumeria alba extract against paracetamol induced-hepatotoxicity in rats
  1347. Hepatoprotective activity of Sachharum officinarum against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1348. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Senna hirsuta (Cassia hirsuta) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxication in rats.
  1349. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of Balanites roxburghii against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1350. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of roots & rhizomes of Antigonon leptopus Hook against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1351. Comparative evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of polyherbal formulations PHF-A and PHF-B in rats.
  1352. Hepatoprotective action of prostaglandin A2 analogs under CCl4‐induced liver injury in vitro
  1353. Hepatoprotective Activity of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) Pollen Grains in Rats
  1354. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of leaves of Anisochilus carnosus (Linn.) Wall
  1355. Clinical study of Hepatoprotective drug Phyllanthus amarus.
  1356. Hepatoprotective effect of an immortal human fetal hepatic cell transplantation on CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  1357. Hepatoprotective Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Peptides on Immunological Liver Injury in Mice [J]
  1358. Hepatoprotective activity of Bacopa monniera on D-galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1359. Hepatoprotective Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid Against Bromobenzene-Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  1360. Studies on active principle of Flammulina velutipes polysaccharides containing germanium with Hepatoprotective effect
  1362. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of Coccinia grandis aqueous leaf extract on ethanol induced liver toxicity in albino rats.
  1363. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Prunella vulgaris by carbontetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  1364. Hepatoprotective effect of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) against acute liver injury induced by Carbon tetrachloride in Sprague‐Dawley rats
  1365. Hepatoprotective effect of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth against acetaminophen intoxication in rats.
  1366. Hepatoprotective activities of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin
  1367. Hepatoprotective effect of the methanolic leaf extract of Palisota hirsuta against CCL4-induced hepatic damage in mice.
  1368. Hepatoprotective activity of Momordicia diocia Roxb fruits in Carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxic Rats
  1369. Hepatoprotective activity of polyherbal formulation containing some indigenous medicinal plants in rats
  1370. Hepatoprotective activity of Baliospermum montanum (willd) Muell.-Arg. In rats treated with carbon tetrachloride: In vivo and in vitro studies
  1371. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extracts of Glinus oppositifolius and Trianthema decandra against paracetamol induced liver damage
  1372. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Livina, a polyherbal liquid formulation.
  1374. Hepatoprotective Activity Evaluation Of Cichorium glandulosum
  1375. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Amomum xanthoides
  1376. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effect of Compounds from the Flowers of Bidens bipinnata L.
  1377. Phenolic constituents, Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of Pluchea dioscoridis
  1378. Hepatoprotective effect of Leucas cephalotes Spreng on CCl4 induced Liver damaged in rats
  1379. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of Allium victorialis leaf extracts on the high fat diet supplied mice
  1380. PHCOG MAG. Research Article Hepatoprotective activity of extracts from Pergularia daemia Forsk against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats
  1381. Hepatoprotective activity of Helicteres isora Linn. against CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats.
  1382. Hepatoprotective activity of Punarnava leaves against carbontetrachloride induced toxicity.
  1383. Correlation between antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of a vegetal bioproduct
  1384. Hepatoprotective role of zinc sulphate in acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity
  1385. Preclinical investigation of the safety of the new Hepatoprotective phytopreparation silymar
  1386. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cynodon dactylon on CCI4 Induced Experimental Mice
  1387. Hepatoprotective activity of leaf-extract of Calotropis procera against acetaminophen-and hepatitis virus-induced liver damage in rats
  1388. Hepatoprotective activity of barks extract of six Cinnamomum species on carbon tetrachloride-induced in albino rats
  1389. Hepatoprotective and anti-fatigue effects of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus)
  1390. Hepatoprotective constituents of Saururus chinensis roots against tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in human liver-derived Hep G2 cells
  1391. Hepatoprotective Activity of an Aqueous Extract of Stem and Leaves of Boerhaavia diffusa Against Carbon Tetra Chloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1392. Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyherbal Formulation (Normeta®) in Oxidative Stress Induced by Alcohol, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Iron in Rats
  1393. Hepatoprotective effects of the water extract of Protaetia brevitarsis larva against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  1394. Improving the solubility of fraxinellone to increase its oral bioavailability and Hepatoprotective action against acute liver injury in mice
  1395. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective efficacy of methanolic extract of Mesua ferrea Linn leaves in experimentally challenged mice
  1396. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of Azadirachta indica Leaf Extractonaceclofenac Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1397. Hepatoprotective effect of diheptanoin and tritreptanoin chronic consumption against steatosis in rats
  1398. Study of Hepatoprotective activity of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine fumarate and lipoate in the experimental toxic hepatitis
  1399. Hepatoprotective activity of the alcoholic extract of the dried leaves of Cassia alata, Linn.
  1400. Hepatoprotective and immune modulating effects of Grifola frondosa water extract on the CCl4‐induced liver injury in rats
  1401. Estimation of biomarkers berberine and gallic acid in polyherbal formulation punarnavashtak kwath and its clinical study for Hepatoprotective potential
  1402. Hepatoprotective activities of methanolic extract of Nauclea latifolia
  1403. Hepatoprotective Effect on Aerial Parts of Gentiana manshurica Kitag
  1404. Hepatoprotective effects of Calotropis gigantea extract against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats.
  1405. Olanzapine-induced hepatopathy in albino rats: A newer model for screening putative Hepatoprotective Agents, namely silymarin
  1406. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Bacopa monnieri Linn. Aerial Parts Against Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1407. Hepatoprotective effect of chitosan oligosaccharides on CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  1408. Bioactive compounds (Hepatoprotective or anti-inflammatory xenobiotics)/cyclodextrin nanoparticles: a comparative study
  1409. Hepatoprotective And Antioxidant Potential Of Calotropis Gigantea In Cyclosporine-An Induced Hepatotoxicity
  1410. Assessment of Hepatoprotective role of Eucalyptus tereticornis leaf extract in Rattus norvegicus after vanadium intoxication.
  1411. The Hepatoprotective effect of the polyphenolic compounds in the roots of Trichilia connaroides Wight and Arn
  1412. Hepatoprotective effects of phenolic acid from Salvia chinensis Benth. on CCl4 induced acute liver injury in mice.
  1413. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of the methanolic extract of Mucuna pruriens Bak. roots
  1414. Study on the Hepatoprotective effect of Peristrophe japonica
  1415. Hepatoprotective effects and the underling mechanisms of Ganoderma lucidum.
  1416. Cholagogic Effect and Hepatoprotective Effect of Longdan Xiegan Pill (with Caulis Akebial Australis) on Experimental Cholestasis in Mice [J]
  1417. Antiinflammatory, Analgesic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Aerial part of Viburum sargentii for. sterile
  1418. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging activities of Lagerstroemia speciosa Linn. leaf extract
  1419. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of traditional herbal formulation.
  1420. Hepatoprotective Activity of Launaea Intybacea against CCl4–induced Hepatic Injury in Rats.
  1422. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the Retama raetam seeds on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  1423. Comparative study of Liv. Compound syrup and herbal formulations for Hepatoprotective activity.
  1424. Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activity of cultivate Cistanche deserticola YC Ma
  1425. Hepatoprotective activities of Rubus coreanus depends on the degree of ripening
  1426. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of root of Cadaba farinosa Forsk. against carbon tetra chloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1427. Hepatoprotective Activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. on Experimental Liver Damage in Albino Rats
  1428. Hepatoprotective activity of remaxol in patients with chronic hepatic disorders
  1429. A simple method of synthesis of triterpene glycosides similar to glycyrrhizic acid and their Hepatoprotective activity in vitro
  1430. Hepatoprotective effect of 2-demethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxycarbonyl-11-deoxymisoprostol
  1431. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of naturally occurring withasteroid metal ion conjugates of Withania somnifera in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in …
  1432. Evaluation of polysaccharide extracted from Spirulina sp. as Hepatoprotective agent against malignant cells
  1433. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanol extract of xBrassicaraphanus on liver injury in rats treated by d-galactosamine
  1434. Conservation Efforts Through In Vitro Seed Germination of a Hepatoprotective Plant – Phyllanthus beddomie (Gamble) Mohanan
  1435. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Injinho-Tang and Osumogwa-Tang
  1436. Hepatoprotective potential of aqueous extract of Zingiber officinale leaves using CCl
  1437. Hepatoprotective and inhibition of oxidative stress in liver tissue of Oxystelma esculentum on paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats
  1438. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Polyphenols in Leaves of Artemisia Princeps Pamp
  1439. Hepatoprotective effects of plants extracts from baekdu mountain on tacrine-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  1440. Experimental study of Hepatoprotective activity of hydroxymethyluracil
  1441. Hepatoprotective effects of Silymarin on ethanol induced acute liver injury in rats [J]
  1442. Hepatoprotective Activity of Jatropha curcas Leaf Extract against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  1443. Hepatoprotective effects of corn peptides prepared by dual enzyme method on D-galactosamine-induced liver injury in mice
  1444. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative properties of Chinese herbal medicine xiao-chai-hu-tang formulated with Bupleurum kaoi Liu on carbon tetrachloride …
  1445. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative activities of the essential oils of Origanum syriacum [L.], Thymus decussatus [benth] and salvia multicaulis [vahl enum], J
  1446. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant actions of an extract of the russian thistle in paracetamol hepatitis in rats
  1447. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Feronia limonia leaves on paracetamol-induced hepatic injury in rats
  1448. 6 Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Spirulina
  1449. Hepatoprotective Activity of Averrhoa Carambola, Cajanus Cajan and Paederia Foetida against Acetaminophen and D-Galactosamine Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1450. Comparative study of the Hepatoprotective efficacy of a few marketed polyherbal products
  1451. Hepatoprotective activity of Eclipta prostrata LINN. extract in ethanol induced rat hepatic injury
  1452. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of the Fractions of Coccinia grandis against Paracetamol-induced Hepatic Damage in Mice
  1453. Hepatoprotective activity of three vegetable peel extracts: an in vitro study
  1454. Hepatoprotective activity of polyherbal formulation against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1455. Evaluation of ethanol extracts of leaves and fruit of piper sarmentosum for in vivo Hepatoprotective activity
  1456. Hepatoprotective activity of roots and rhizomes of Antigonon leptopus Hook.
  1458. Primary study on Hepatoprotective effect of curcuminoid in mice
  1459. Studies on strengthening and restoring effects and Hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta [J]
  1460. Hepatoprotective effect of stem bark of Bauhinia racemosa Lam against paracetamol induced toxicity in rats.
  1461. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Stachytarpheta indica on wistar strain rats
  1462. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Madhuca longifolia (koenig) bark against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats: in vitro and in vivo studies.
  1463. Therapeutic effects of Yin Chen Hu Gan San (Capillaris Hepatoprotective Powder) for acute parenchymatous hepatitis of horses.
  1464. … of Allium cepa bulbs, Luffa acutangula fruits, Nyctanthes arbostristis leaves, Swertia chirata twigs and Woodfordia floribunda leaves with Silymarin for Hepatoprotective …
  1465. Hepatoprotective effect of TNF
  1466. Hepatoprotective effect of Pistacia lenticus var. Chia total extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  1467. Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of 8,9‐epoxy brevifolin in rats, a Hepatoprotective constituent isolated from Phyllanthus simplex Retz by liquid …
  1468. Hepatoprotective activity of Nymphoides cristatum on carbon tetrachloride induced acute hepatic damage in albino rats.
  1469. Hepatoprotective Effect of Silymarin Against Hepatotoxicity Induced by Anti‐tubercular Drugs in Malnourished Rats
  1470. Hepatoprotective Effect of Alcohol-Extract Propolis Against Acetaminophen-induced Acute Hepatic Injury in Mice [J]
  1471. Bio-evaluation of antioxidant-Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Azadirchata indica leaves.
  1472. A few ethnomedicinal Hepatoprotective plants of Tripura State, India: a field study.
  1473. Hepatoprotective Effects of Phenolic Acid from Salvia chinensis Benth. on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice [J]
  1474. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Feronia limonia (leaves)
  1475. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Monochoria vaginalis against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1476. Hepatoprotective drugs from plants.
  1477. Clinical Trials of Eclipta Prostrata (L.) L as Hepatoprotective and Their Market Formulations
  1478. Hepatoprotective activity of Pongamia pinnata flower extract against Paracetamol induced hepatic damage in albino rats.
  1479. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Classical Ayurvedic Formulation Punarnavashtak Kwath Against Paracetamol Induced …
  1480. Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect and Cytochrome P450 Regulation of Scutellaria Radix
  1481. Hepatoprotective effects of the water extracts of Hovenia dulcis Thunb on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in the primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes
  1482. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of Zosima absinthifolia.
  1483. Methods and Applications of Hepatoxicity and Hepatoprotective Assays
  1484. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus mollis (Vahl) leaf extract on ccl4 induced hepatic damage in wistar albino rats.
  1486. Hepatoprotective and blood alcohol lowering effects of Korean Raisin Tree (Hovenia dulcis var. Koreana Nakai) polar extracts
  1487. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus lawii against carbon tetrachloride induced Hepatic damage in rats
  1488. Hepatoprotective Effect of L-35-A Polyherbal Formulation
  1489. Derivatives of Methyllambertianate as Promising Correctors of Cytostatics with Hepatoprotective and Hemostimulating Activity
  1490. Hepatoprotective Activity of Brahmi ghrita
  1491. Three Tropical Plants with Hepatoprotective properties
  1492. Hepatoprotective Effects of Corn Peptides Against D-galactosamine-Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  1493. Anti-inflammatory activity of Hepatoprotective remedy hepaton.
  1494. Hepatoprotective properties of Sphaeranthus indicus on carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver damage in rats.
  1495. Hepatoprotective activity of Stachys extracts against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1497. Hepatoprotective effect of Moringa oleifera leaves extract on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats
  1498. The Hepatoprotective effect of andrographolide on acute hepatitis induced by cocaine in mice [J]
  1499. Hepatoprotective effects of the Herba Houttuyniaeb for carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury in rats
  1500. Hepatoprotective effect of root extracts of Tylophora Indica (wight & arn) against ethanol induced liver damage in rats
  1501. Evaluation of Antidiabetic, Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of AIIium Sativum (Linn.) in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
  1502. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Sphaeranthus indicus L. against Paracetamol-induced Hepatic Damage in Mice
  1503. Enhancing bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata, a well-known medicinal food, through its herbosome.
  1504. Hepatoprotective potentials of Butea monosperma (Lam) Taub leaves extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity by non invasive method.
  1505. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Bridelia retusa against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  1506. Hepatoprotective Effects of Potato Peptide against D-Galactosamine-induced Liver Injury in Rats
  1507. In vivo and In vitro Hepatoprotective studies of various extracts of Aphnamixis polystatchya
  1509. Hepatoprotective effect of a preparation of combined glutathione-enriched yeast and rice embryo/soybean extracts
  1510. Hepatoprotective effect of hepatophyt in experimental drug hepatitis
  1511. Hepatoprotective activity of Melia azedarach Linn. flower extract against paracetamol induced hepatic damage in albino rats.
  1512. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and immuno-stimulant effects of nutraceutical compounds from carotenoid origin in rat treated with carbon tetrachloride
  1513. Hepatoprotective effect of Compound Glycyrrhizin on patients undergoing transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization
  1514. Hepatoprotective activity of Solanum trilobatum L., a medicinal plant.
  1515. Hepatoprotective Effect of Hyaluronic Acid
  1516. Taraxacum Mongolicum H. Suppress Hepatoprotective Activity by Increasing Liver Antioxidant Enzyme in Carbon Tetrachloride()-induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1517. Hepatoprotective properties of MARDI-produced virgin coconut oil
  1518. Hepatoprotective activity of the decoction of the fruits of Passiflora foetida Linn. on CCl4 induced hepatic injury in rats.
  1519. Screening of selected medicinal plants for their Hepatoprotective activity.
  1520. Hepatoprotective activity of Polycarpea corymbosa.
  1521. Mechanism of the Hepatoprotective Activities of the Garcinia Hydroxybiflavanonol, GB1
  1522. Zeaxanthin as a Hepatoprotective
  1523. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF RUBIA CORDIFOLIA
  1524. Hepatoprotective Evaluation of Scoparia dulcis L.
  1525. Studies on strengthening and restoring effects and Hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta
  1526. Hepatoprotective effects of rhKD/APP on acute hepatic injury
  1527. In-Vitro And In-Vivo Studies of Some Medicinal Plants For Their Hepatoprotective Activity
  1528. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Studies of Prinsepia utilis Royal
  1529. Effect for Hepatoprotective Activities from Cirsium setidens NAKAI
  1531. Standardization and in vitro evaluation of five medicinal plants for its Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant activity
  1533. Hepatoprotective effect of amukkarac curanam in acetaminophen intoxicated rats
  1534. Hepatoprotective studies on Utleria salicifolia Bedd. Ex. Hook. f.
  1535. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Diarylheptanoids from the Bark of Alnus japonica
  1536. Hepatoprotective activity of Clerodendron inerme extract.
  1537. Hepatoprotective effect of Shugananlening extract against acute hepatic injury in mice
  1538. Interrelation between antioxidant Hepatoprotective action of some derivatives of monochromanes and trimethylphenols and energy structural quantum-chemical …
  1540. Role of stilbens in mechanisms Hepatoprotective properties of polyphenols Maackia amurensis
  1541. Hepatoprotective effects of selenium preparations at toxic hepatites at rats
  1542. Hepatoprotective Effects of Pluchea indica (L.) Less. Aqueous Extract
  1545. Hepatoprotective effects on Taiwan Folk Medicine: wedelia chinensis on three hepatotoxin-induced hepatotoxicity
  1546. Experimental validation of the Hepatoprotective and anticancer properties of Vernonia amygdalina: A review
  1548. Hepatoprotective fraction from aerial parts of Delonix regia
  1549. Hepatoprotective Effect of Dehydroglyasperin C against Carbon Tetrachloride‐Induced Tissue Damage in Mice Model
  1550. Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh): a traditional Hepatoprotective medicinal herb of India.
  1551. Hepatoprotective Activity of Fruit Extract of Sesbania Grandiflora, Pers.
  1552. Hepatoprotective effect of C-phycocyanin against carcinogenic di-methylnitrosamine substance
  1553. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Polyalthia longifolia.
  1554. Hepatoprotective Activities of Iridoids from Veronicastri Radix
  1555. Hepatoprotective Effects of Corn Peptides on Immunological Liver Injury in Mice
  1556. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Momordica Cymbalaria Hook. F.
  1557. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Tylophora indica Linn.
  1558. Hepatoprotective Effect of Morin in CCI4-Induced Liver Injury
  1559. Biochemical assays to find out the positive or negative effect of doses of Hepatoprotective medicinal plant extracts in albino rats.
  1560. Clinical Trials of Phyllanthus Amarus as Hepatoprotective and Their Market Formulations
  1561. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chai-Hu-Ching-Kan-Tang on Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Rats.
  1562. HYPOLIPIDAEMIC, ANTIOXIDATIVE AND Hepatoprotective EFFECTS OF Persea americana (Lauraceae) LEAF EXTRACTS IN RATS
  1563. The Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of Urtica dioica L. seed extract.
  1564. Hepatoprotective effect of TNFα blockade in psoriatic arthritis: a cross-sectional study
  1565. Research Paper In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Gymnema Sylvestre
  1566. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of Antrodia camphorata extract
  1567. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Calotropis gigantea R. Br root.
  1568. Studies of the interaction between the Hepatoprotective detoxifying activity of chemical compounds and their molecular structure using quantum chemical descriptors
  1569. The Hepatoprotective effect of glycine is mediated through upregulation of proregenerative and downregulation of antiproliferative mediators in the liver
  1570. Hepatoprotective Effects of Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-2 against Oxidative Stress and Aging
  1571. Total Synthesis of Hepatoprotective Wogonin and Isowogonin
  1572. Hepatoprotective Herbal Drug, Silymarin from Experimental Pharmacology to Cmedicine-A Review
  1573. Anti-oxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Alcoholic Extract of Terminalia arjuna
  1574. Hepatoprotective and toxic characteristics of the whole herb of traditional Tibetan folk medicine Swertia mussotii Franch
  1575. Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect and Cytochrome P450 Regulation of Scutellaria Radix
  1576. Hepatoprotective activity of Momordica dioica Roxb. fruits in CCl4 induced hepatotoxic rats.
  1577. The Hepatoprotective effect of Diltiazem on acute hepatitis induced by cocaine in mice
  1578. Mechanism-based PKPD model for Hepatoprotective effect of dexamethasone on transient transaminitis after trabectedin (ET-743) treatment
  1579. Hepatoprotective Effect of Extracts from BmK on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Injury in Mice
  1580. Total Synthesis of Hepatoprotective Isowogonin and a Synthetic Approach to Wogonin
  1581. Hepatoprotective effect of electroacupuncture at GB34 (Yangreungcheon) in CCl4-intoxicated rats.
  1582. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Picrorrhiza Rhizoma in High Fat Diet Supplied Mice. A Pevention Sudy.
  1583. Hepatoprotective treatment improves leukocyte responses of Wistar rats intoxicated by CCl4.
  1585. Hepatoprotective Effects of Brassica rapa (Turnip) and Its Fermented Agents
  1586. Preparation of Total Glycosides of Paeonia lactiflora and Research on its Hepatoprotective Effects in Mice
  1587. Hepatoprotective potential of Hedyotis diffusa L.(ulasimankalat) on acetaminophen-induced Hepatits on male Mus musculus (albino mice).
  1588. Hepatoprotective effects of glycine and vitamin E, during the early phase of liver regeneration in the rat
  1589. Hepatoprotective Activity of Premna serratifolia Linn. On Experimental liver damage in rats
  1590. Hepatoprotective effects and mechanism of herb of Shanghantou on the CCL4-induced acute live injury in mice.
  1591. Hepatoprotective effects of the baicalein on D-GalN/LPS induced acute liver failure in mice
  1592. Evaluation of antitumor. Hepatoprotective and antimutagenic potentials of Phellinus gilvus
  1593. Hepatoprotective action of dry aqueous extract from Boerhavia erecta L.(toston) in rats.
  1594. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Carrot (Daucus Carota L.) as Antioxidant on Intoxicated rats with Ccl4
  1595. A study on Hepatoprotective effects of Cepharanthine Hydrochloride on acute liver injury in mice.
  1596. The Possible Hepatoprotective Effect Of Taurine In Diethyl Nitrosamine (DEN) Treated Rats
  1597. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of aerial part of Euphorbia nerifolia in CCl4 induced hepatotoxic rats.
  1598. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Cuscuta chinensis against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1599. Hepatoprotective effect of Mahonia oiwakensis stems against carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity
  1600. Role of Ficus bengalensis Leaves as a Hepatoprotective on Rifampicin Induced Hepatic Damage in Albino Rats
  1601. Bio-chemical studies on the Hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta alba and Piper longum.
  1602. Hepatoprotective Effect of Yerba Mate (IlexParaguariensis) Extract against Carbontetrachloride-Induced Liver Damage In Rats
  1603. Study of the Hepatoprotective activity of fumaria officinalis linn. extract in ccl4 induced hepatotoxicity in wistar albino rats
  1605. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Coptis Extract on Liver Damage in Rats
  1606. Hepatoprotective activity of certain medicinal plants against chronic carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rats.
  1607. The Hepatoprotective effect of oat beta-glucans on liver injury in hyperlipemia rats.
  1608. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Ziziphus mauriatiana on Liver Damaged Caused by Paracetamol in Rats
  1609. The Hepatoprotective Effects of Solanum Incanum on Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Guinea Pigs
  1610. Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium Lappa on carbon-tetrachloride-and acetaminophen-induced liver damage
  1611. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Aralia Continentalis against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury
  1612. Study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Paecilomyces tenuipes polysaccharides on alcohol-induced L-02 cell injury
  1613. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Nitric Oxide Modulators and Antioxidants in Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Albino Rats
  1614. Possible Hepatoprotective effects of certain natural products with olive oil, on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  1615. Hepatoprotective activity of Andrographis paniculata (Nees) leaves on paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats.
  1619. Hepatoprotective Activity of Oxalis corniculata Leaves against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Female Albino Wistar Rats
  1620. Phcog Rev.: Short Review The Phyto-phospholipid Complexes-Phytosomes: A Potential Therapeutic Approach for Herbal Hepatoprotective Drug Delivery
  1621. Hepatoprotective Activity of Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica against CCl_4 Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice
  1622. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Magnolol on Acetaminophen-induced Liver Damage in Rats.
  1623. Exposure to Oscillating High Electrical Potential and the Associated Low Frequency Magnetic Field Enhances the Hepatoprotective Action of Schisandrin B in Vivo …
  1624. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Ginsenoside Rg3 and Its Metabolite Ginsenoside Rh2 Against Oxidative Stress Induced by Alcohol
  1625. Research of housefly maggot chitosan on lowering lipid and Hepatoprotective effect.
  1626. Hepatoprotective effects of equol through antioxidative and anti‐apoptotic function in 7, 12‐Dimetylbenz (a) anthracene‐induced oxidative stress of mice
  1627. Mechanism-Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model for Hepatoprotective Effect of Dexamethasone on Transient Transaminitis After Trabectedin (ET …
  1628. Immunomodulating, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of immobilized forms of aminoglycoside antibiotics in toxic damage to the kidneys complicated with …
  1629. Hepatoprotective Effects of Pluchea indica (L.) Less. Aqueous Extract against Thioacetamide-induced Liver Fibrosis in Mice
  1631. Hepatoprotective Activity of Bauhinia variegata Bark against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Female Albino Wistar Rats.
  1632. Hepatoprotective role of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. leaf extract following arsenic trioxide intoxication in albino rats, Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout).
  1633. Study of Hepatoprotective activity of Cynodon dactylon extract in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar albino Rats
  1634. P27 Hepatoprotective effects of silibinin on experimental preeclampsia induced by L-NAME in rats is associated with reduction in inflammatory cytokines levels
  1635. Identification of Phytochemical Constituents of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino and their Hepatoprotective Effect against/er?-Butylhydroperoxide …
  1637. Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extracts from Corm’s of Amorphophallus paeonifolius Against Carbontetra Chloride Induced Hepatotoxicity …
  1638. Hepatoprotective Effects of Paecilomyces tenuipes Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Toxicity in Primary Cultures of Adult Rat Hepatocytes
  1639. Hepatoprotective Effect of Forest frog’s oviduct oil on Acetaminophen-induced Liver Injury in Mice.
  1640. Improved Donor Insulin Resistance via Decreased Chronic ER Stress Is Not Hepatoprotective to Steatotic Livers Undergoing Liver Transplantation
  1641. Hepatoprotective Effect of Acteoside-1 isolated from Acer termentosum Max on D-galactosamine induced Liver Injured Rats
  1642. Hepatoprotective effect of Hippophae rhamnoides seed oil on the CCl4-reduced injuries.
  1643. Hepatoprotective studies on leaves of Erythrina indica against carbon tetra chloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1644. Hepatoprotective Effect of Luteolin on Fulminant Hepatic Failure by D-Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide
  1645. Studies on Hepatoprotective Effects on Eupatilin and Jaceosidin Isolated from Artemisia princeps PAMPANINI
  1646. Available Online through Research Article www. ijptonline. com Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF SOLENA AMPLEXICAULIS (TUBER) ON ACUTE CARBON …
  1647. Hepatoprotective potential of Moringa oleifera leaves against ethanol-CCl4 induced hepatic injury in experimental rats.
  1649. Comparison of Hepatoprotective Effect of Glycyrrhiza, Salvia Chinensis Benth, Zishentang on Acute Hepatic Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice [J]
  1650. Phytochemical constituents of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino and their Hepatoprotective effects against tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced cytotoxicity in …
  1651. Naringenin-Loaded Nanoparticles Improve the Physicochemical Properties and the Hepatoprotective Effects of Naringenin in Orally-Administered Rats with CCl4 …
  1652. Betaine Supplementation Improved Adipose Tissue Function in Mice Fed High‐Fat Diet: A Mechanism for Hepatoprotective Effect of Betaine in Non‐alcoholic Fatty …
  1653. Hepatoprotective and a Potential Antiviral Effect of Biphenyl Dimethyl Dicarboxylate/Amantadine for an Acute Viral Hepatitis Induced by MHV-2 in ICR Mice
  1654. WITHDRAWN: Hepatoprotective effects of Achyranthes bidentata polysaccharides on dimethoate-induced oxidative stress, and histopathological and ultrastructural …
  1655. Hepatoprotective Activity of Taraxacum mongolicum H. Complex (TMC) against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced Hepatotoxicity
  1656. Hepatoprotective Effects of Soybean Varieties Containing Different Levels of Isoflavones and Anthocyanins against Carbon Tetrachloride‐Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  1657. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of the total alkaloids from Corydalis saxicola bunting of the acute chemical hepatic injury model mice
  1658. Hepatoprotective Effects of Anthocyanin from Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Damage in Mice
  1659. Hepatoprotective activity of fruits of Balanites roxburghii against paracetamol and CCl4 induced hepatic lesions in rats.
  1661. Hepatoprotective Effect of Phellunus Linteus, Inonotus Obliquus and Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi Extracts in Rats Induced Carbon Tetrachloride
  1662. Hepatoprotective activity of petroleum ether, diethyl ether, and methanol extract of Scoparia dulcis L. against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  1663. Hepatoprotective Constituents of Saururus chinensis Roots Against Tacrine-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human Liver-Derived Hep G2 Cells
  1664. Ki-67 And P53 Expression Of Melatonin Hepatoprotective Effects Against Toxicity Of Carbon Tetrachloride In Rats
  1668. Growth arrest-specific protein 6 is Hepatoprotective against murine ischemia/reperfusion injury
  1669. PP-032 Hepatoprotective activity of Momordica cymbalaria Hook. F against thioacetamide induced hepatic injury in rats
  1670. A review on Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plants
  1671. Hepatoprotective and anti‐inflammatory cytokines in alcoholic liver disease
  1672. A review on Hepatoprotective herbal drugs
  1673. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of standardized herbal extracts
  1674. Lead finding from Phyllanthus debelis with Hepatoprotective potentials
  1675. Hepatoprotective activity of Musa paradisiaca on experimental animal models
  1676. Hepatoprotective activity of Indian Phyllanthus
  1677. Hepatoprotective medicinal plants of Ayurveda-A review
  1678. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effects of whey protein and Spirulina in rats
  1679. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of a mangrove plant Lumnitzera racemosa
  1680. Hepatoprotective activity of Andrographis paniculata and Swertia chirayita
  1681. Pharmacological screening of Coriandrum sativum Linn. for Hepatoprotective activity
  1682. Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects of water-soluble polysaccharidic extract of Pleurotus eryngii
  1683. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Solidago microglossa containing polyphenolic compounds
  1684. A review on Hepatoprotective plants
  1685. Studies on the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Talinum triangulare
  1686. Hepatoprotective activity of Hepax–A polyherbal formulation
  1687. Hepatoprotective activity of dried-and fermented-processed virgin coconut oil
  1688. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of licorice extract against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats
  1689. Hepatoprotective effects of Orthosiphon stamineus extract on thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats
  1690. Hepatoprotective activity of cinnamon ethanolic extract against CCI4-induced liver injury in rats
  1691. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of the polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujube cv. Shaanbeitanzao
  1692. Hepatoprotective effect of poly herbal formulation against various hepatotoxic Agents in rats
  1693. Hepatoprotective effect of coenzyme Q10 in rats with acetaminophen toxicity
  1694. Hepatoprotective effects of geniposide in a rat model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  1695. Hepatoprotective effects of methanol extract of Carissa opaca leaves on CCl 4-induced damage in rat
  1696. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of silibinin in a rat model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  1697. Hepatoprotective potential of Clitoria ternatea leaf extract against paracetamol induced damage in mice
  1698. Tacrine-Silibinin Codrug Shows Neuro- and Hepatoprotective Effects in Vitro and Pro-Cognitive and Hepatoprotective Effects in Vivo
  1699. Hepatoprotective role and antioxidant capacity of selenium on arsenic-induced liver injury in rats
  1700. Preparation, preliminary characterization, antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and antitumor activities of polysaccharides from the flower of tea plant (Camellia sinensis)
  1701. Evaluation of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective properties of vanillin in carbon tetrachloride-treated rats
  1702. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of phenolic rich fraction of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaves
  1703. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Portulaca oleracea in combination with lycopene in rats
  1704. In vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extracts of Daucus carota seeds in experimental animals
  1705. Hepatoprotective effects of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.): a combination of antioxidant and anti-apoptotic activities
  1706. Hepatoprotective activity of berberine is mediated by inhibition of TNF-α, COX-2, and iNOS expression in CCl4-intoxicated mice
  1707. Preliminary characterization, antioxidant activity in vitro and Hepatoprotective effect on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice of polysaccharides from the …
  1708. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of endo-polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus grown on tofu whey
  1709. Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of lycorine from Sternbergia fisheriana (Herbert) Rupr.
  1710. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of grapeseeds against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  1711. Hepatoprotective effects of almond oil against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  1712. Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum sanctum alcoholic leaf extract against paracetamol-induced liver damage in Albino rats
  1713. Differential Hepatoprotective mechanisms of rutin and quercetin in CCl 4-intoxicated BALB/cN mice
  1714. Hepatoprotective versus oncogenic functions of STAT3 in liver tumorigenesis
  1715. Hepatoprotective properties of kombucha tea against TBHP-induced oxidative stress via suppression of mitochondria dependent apoptosis
  1716. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Thunbergia laurifolia Linn. on experimental opisthorchiasis
  1717. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective effects of polyphenol-rich extract from Houttuynia cordata tea
  1718. Hepatoprotective effects of polyprenols from Ginkgo biloba L. leaves on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1719. Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin on lindane-induced oxidative stress in male wistar rats
  1720. Hepatoprotective Effect of Flavonoid Glycosides from Lespedeza cuneata against Oxidative Stress Induced by tert‐Butyl Hyperoxide
  1721. Hepatoprotective activity of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tubers against paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  1722. Hepatoprotective potential of polyphenol rich extract of Murraya koenigii L.: An in vivo study
  1723. Hepatoprotective effects of baicalein against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  1724. Hepatoprotective role of naringin on nickel-induced toxicity in male Wistar rats
  1725. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory properties of aqueous extract of Curcuma longa in carbon tetra chloride intoxicated Swiss albino mice
  1726. Toxicological evaluation and Hepatoprotective potential of Clerodendron glandulosum. Coleb leaf extract
  1727. Hepatoprotective activities of picroliv, curcumin, and ellagic acid compared to silymarin on carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in mice
  1728. Hepatoprotective Iridoid Glycosides from the Roots of Rehmannia glutinosa
  1729. Hepatoprotective effect of biherbal ethanolic extract against paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  1730. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of Cyathea gigantea (Wall. ex. Hook.) leaves against paracetamol–induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1731. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of flowers of Nerium oleander against CCl4–induced liver injury in rats
  1732. Herbal Hepatoprotective Agents: A review
  1733. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity appraisal of four selected Fumaria species and their total phenol and flavonoid quantities
  1734. Hepatoprotective effect of lucidone against alcohol-induced oxidative stress in human hepatic HepG2 cells through the up-regulation of HO-1/Nrf-2 antioxidant genes
  1735. Comparison of the Hepatoprotective activity between cultured Cordyceps militaris and natural Cordyceps sinensis
  1736. Hepatoprotective potential of aqueous extract of Butea monosperma against CCl4 induced damage in rats
  1737. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of the red ginseng essential oil in H2O2-treated HepG2 cells and CCl4-treated mice
  1738. Hepatoprotective glycosides from Leonurus japonicus Houtt.
  1739. A review on Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plants
  1740. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic leave extract of Moringa oleifera on the histology of paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  1741. Hepatoprotective activity of Elephantopus scaber on alcohol-induced liver damage in mice
  1742. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Rubus parvifolius L.
  1743. Terpenoids from Juniperus procera with Hepatoprotective activity.
  1744. Mangiferin exerts Hepatoprotective activity against D-galactosamine induced acute toxicity and oxidative/nitrosative stress via Nrf2–NFκB pathways
  1745. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Astragalus polysaccharides against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatocyte damage in common carp …
  1746. Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous leaf extract and crude isolates of Murraya koenigii against in vitro ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity model
  1747. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Hybanthus enneaspermus against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  1748. Hepatoprotective activity of Tribulus terrestris extract against acetaminophen-induced toxicity in a freshwater fish (Oreochromis mossambicus)
  1749. Okra’Hibiscus esculentus L.: A study of its Hepatoprotective activity
  1750. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Garcinia indica fruit rind in ethanolinduced hepatic damage in rodents
  1751. An evaluation of the hypoglycemic, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of onion (Allium cepa L.) on alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits.
  1752. Hepatoprotective effects of total saponins isolated from Taraphochlamys affinis against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  1753. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract against carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4)-induced hepatocyte damage in common carp (Cyprinus …
  1754. Hepatoprotective effect and its possible mechanism of Coptidis rhizoma aqueous extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced chronic liver hepatotoxicity in rats
  1755. The Hepatoprotective potential of Spirulina and vitamin C supplemention in cisplatin toxicity
  1756. Resveratrol nanoparticle system improves dissolution properties and enhances the Hepatoprotective effect of resveratrol through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory …
  1757. Hepatoprotective activity of Sonchus asper against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries in male rats: a randomized controlled trial
  1758. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of ethyl acetate fraction of Tephrosia purpurea
  1759. Hepatoprotective activity of quercetin against acrylonitrile‐induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1760. Phytochemical analysis, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Alchornea cordifolia methanol leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1761. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of silibinin on experimental preeclampsia induced by L-NAME in rats
  1762. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective action of Asparagus racemosus Willd. root extracts
  1763. The Hepatoprotective effect of coumarin and coumarin derivates on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury by antioxidative activities in rats
  1764. Hepatoprotective influence of vitamin C on thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in Wistar male rats
  1765. Anti-inflammatory/anti-fibrotic effects of the Hepatoprotective silymarin and the schistosomicide praziquantel against Schistosoma mansoni-induced liver …
  1766. Hepatoprotective efficacy of curcumin against arsenic trioxide toxicity
  1767. Comparative fingerprint and extraction yield of medicinal herb phenolics with Hepatoprotective potential, as determined by UV-Vis and FT-MIR spectroscopy
  1768. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of rhizophora mucronata mangrove plant in CCl4 intoxicated rats
  1769. Hepatoprotective activity of the total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx fruit in mice treated by paracetamol
  1770. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of a polysaccharide from Bei Chaihu (Bupleurum chinense DC)
  1771. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of Cissampelos pareira against carbon-tetrachloride induced hepatic damage
  1772. Phenolic compounds from Foeniculum vulgare (Subsp. Piperitum)(Apiaceae) herb and evaluation of Hepatoprotective antioxidant activity
  1773. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective properties of Tinospora cordifolia against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1774. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Majoon-e-Dabeed-ul-ward against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury
  1775. Hepatoprotective effect of Matrine salvianolic acid B salt on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis
  1776. Hepatoprotective effect of Solanum xanthocarpum fruit extract against CCl4 induced acute liver toxicity in experimental animals
  1777. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative activities of Cornus officinalis against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  1778. Hepatoprotective effects of Panus giganteus (Berk.) corner against thioacetamide-(TAA-) induced liver injury in rats
  1779. Isolation and identification of phlorotannins from Ecklonia stolonifera with antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties in tacrine-treated HepG2 cells
  1780. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Cucurbita maxima aerial parts
  1781. Isolation of phlorotannins from Eisenia bicyclis and their Hepatoprotective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hyperoxide
  1782. Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin in lipopolysaccharide/-galactosamine model of liver injury in rats: relationship to HO-1/CO antioxidant system
  1783. Hepatoprotective effect of Curdrania tricuspidata extracts against oxidative damage
  1784. Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morg
  1785. Agaricus blazei Murill as an efficient Hepatoprotective and antioxidant agent against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  1786. Hepatoprotective and antiviral properties of isochlorogenic acid A from Laggera alata against hepatitis B virus infection
  1787. Hepatoprotective activity of Glycosmis pentaphylla against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Swiss albino mice
  1788. Hepatoprotective effect of aged black garlic on chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  1789. Hepatoprotective effects of Yi Guan Jian, an herbal medicine, in rats with dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis
  1790. Hepatoprotective activity of Terminalia paniculata against paracetamol induced hepatocellular damage in Wistar albino rats
  1791. Hepatoprotective effects of IL-22 on fulminant hepatic failure induced by d-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide in mice
  1792. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Polyalthia longifolia and Cassia spectabilis leaves against paracetamol-induced liver injury
  1793. Hepatoprotective effects of vitamin E/selenium against malathion-induced injuries on the antioxidant status and apoptosis-related gene expression in rats
  1794. Pregnane X receptor mediated-transcription regulation of CYP3A by glycyrrhizin: a possible mechanism for its Hepatoprotective property against lithocholic acid …
  1795. Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects of Satureja khuzestanica essential oil in alloxan-induced type 1 diabetic rats
  1796. Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant role of sun, sulphited-dried apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) and its kernel against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  1797. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Tamarix nilotica flowers
  1798. Hepatoprotective effect of Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz flowers on diclofenac sodium induced liver toxicity in rats
  1799. Hepatoprotective effect of feeding celery leaves mixed with chicory leaves and barley grains to hypercholesterolemic rats
  1800. A review on Hepatoprotective activity of silymarin
  1801. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatocyte damage in Cyprinus carpio
  1802. Edible Oils for Liver Protection: Hepatoprotective Potentiality of Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil against Chemical‐Induced Hepatitis in Rats
  1803. New Quinic Acid Derivatives from Hepatoprotective Inula crithmoides Root Extract
  1804. Hepatoprotective effect of Bathysa cuspidata in a murine model of severe toxic liver injury
  1805. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort ethanolic extract on concanavalin-A induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1806. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamins C and E against gasoline vapor-induced liver injury in male rats
  1807. Hepatoprotective effect of acetonic and methanolic extracts of Heterotheca inuloides against CCl4-induced toxicity in rats
  1808. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Vitis thunbergii on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats through anti-oxidative activities
  1809. Hepatoprotective herbs: an overview
  1810. Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of Delonix regia flower extracts
  1811. Free radical scavenging activity of Castanopsis indica in mediating Hepatoprotective activity of carbon tetrachloride intoxicated rats
  1812. Hepatoprotective effect of Ficus carica leaf extract on mice intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride
  1813. Niosomes as a novel pharmaceutical formulation encapsulating the Hepatoprotective drug silymarin
  1814. Hepatoprotective, antinociceptive and antioxidant activities of cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine as histamine H2 receptor antagonists
  1815. Biochemical studies on the Hepatoprotective effects of pomegranate and guava ethanol extracts
  1816. Hepatoprotective effects of purified oleuropein from olive leaf extract against ethanol-induced damages in the rat
  1817. Hepatoprotective treatment attenuates oxidative damages induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  1818. The molecular mechanisms of the Hepatoprotective effect of gomisin A against oxidative stress and inflammatory response in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  1819. Hepatoprotective effect of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) on CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in rats
  1820. Hepatoprotective Effects of 2′,4′-Dihydroxy-6′-methoxy-3′,5′-dimethylchalcone on CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  1821. Cytotoxicity evaluation and Hepatoprotective potential of bioassay guided fractions from Feronia limmonia Linn leaf
  1822. Hepatoprotective effect of MMP-19 deficiency in a mouse model of chronic liver fibrosis
  1823. Hepatoprotective effects of corn peptides against carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver injury in mice
  1824. Hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract of Fagonia indica Burm in carbon tetra chloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  1825. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Premna esculenta Roxb. against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  1826. Hepatoprotective activity of the Phyllanthus species on tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BH)-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  1827. Hepatoprotective activity of Vitis vinifera root extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats.
  1828. Hepatoprotective activity of Leptadenia reticulata stems against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1829. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Silybum marianum plant in rats
  1830. Study of Hepatoprotective activity of Solanum nigrum and Cichorium intybus
  1831. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Leucas aspera against d-galactosamine induced liver damage in rats
  1832. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of an ethanol extract of Syzygium jambos (L.) leaves
  1833. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Aframomum melegueta on ethanol-induced toxicity in rats.
  1834. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of chloroform and ethanol extracts of Gmelina asiatica aerial parts
  1835. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill roots against antitubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity in experimental models
  1836. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Amaranthus viridis Linn
  1837. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  1838. The Hepatoprotective effect of sodium nitrite on cold ischemia-reperfusion injury
  1839. Hepatoprotective effects of Berberis vulgaris L. extract/β cyclodextrin on carbon tetrachloride–induced acute toxicity in mice
  1840. Hepatoprotective Diterpenoids Isolated from Andrographis paniculata
  1841. Hepatoprotective potential of Tecomella undulata stem bark is partially due to the presence of betulinic acid
  1842. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Oxalis corniculata against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced injuries in rat
  1843. Silibinin and its Hepatoprotective action from the perspective of a toxicologist
  1844. Hepatoprotective effects of pantothenic acid on carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats
  1845. Application of proteomic and bioinformatic techniques for studying the Hepatoprotective effect of dioscin against CCl4-induced liver damage in mice
  1846. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of fructo-oligosaccharide in D-galactose-treated Balb/cJ mice
  1847. Hepatoprotective activity of crude flavonoids extract of Cajanus scarabaeoides (L) in paracetamol intoxicated albino rats
  1848. Hepatoprotective and cytoprotective properties of Hyptis suaveolens against oxidative stress–induced damage by CCl4 and H2O2
  1849. Hepatoprotective activity of Aloe vera gel against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  1850. Hepatoprotective activity of superliv liquid and repchol in CCl4 induced FLKS syndrome in broilers
  1851. Hepatoprotective activity of Cichorium endivia L. extract and its chemical constituents
  1852. Cytochrome P450 dysregulations in thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats and the counteracting effects of Hepatoprotective Agents
  1853. Hepatoprotective activity of Cyperus alternifolius on carbon tetrachloride–induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1854. Hepatoprotective effect of ghrelin on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
  1855. In vitro Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of crude extract and isolated compounds from Ficus gnaphalocarpa
  1856. Hepatoprotective activity of a vinylic telluride against acute exposure to acetaminophen
  1857. Medium optimization and potential Hepatoprotective effect of mycelial polysaccharides from Pholiota dinghuensis Bi against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver …
  1858. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of marine halophyte Luminetzera racemosa bark extract in CCL4 induced hepatotoxicity
  1859. Essential oils of four Rwandese Hepatoprotective herbs: Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis and antioxidant activities
  1860. Hepatoprotective activity of Melia azedarach leaf extract against simvastatin induced Hepatotoxicity in rats
  1861. Hepatoprotective activity of Tagetes erecta against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1862. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of Terminalia arjuna bark on isoniazid induced toxicity in albino rats
  1863. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Myelophil on restraint stress-induced liver injury in BALB/c mice
  1864. Hepatoprotective effect of tamoxifen on steatosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mouse models
  1865. Hepatoprotective action of Radix Paeoniae Rubra aqueous extract against CCl4-induced hepatic damage
  1866. Optimization of extraction, preliminary characterization and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides from Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Benth
  1867. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Desmodium triquetrum DC
  1868. Hepatoprotective effects of dieckol-rich phlorotannins from Ecklonia cava, a brown seaweed, against ethanol induced liver damage in BALB/c mice
  1869. Hepatoprotective activity of Symplocos racemosa bark on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1870. Chemical structures and Hepatoprotective effects of constituents from the leaves of Salacia chinensis
  1871. Hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activity of liposomal quercetin in combating chronic arsenic induced oxidative damage in liver and brain of rats
  1872. Brazilian Bidens pilosa Linne´ yields fraction containing quercetin-derived flavonoid with free radical scavenger activity and Hepatoprotective effects
  1873. Hepatoprotective activity and antioxidant effects of El Nabka (Zizyphus spina-christi) fruits on rats hepatotoxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride
  1874. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album Linn. against paracetamol induced liver damage
  1875. Hepatoprotective effects and mechanisms of dehydrocavidine in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis
  1876. Hepatoprotective effects of phloridzin on hepatic fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride against oxidative stress-triggered damage and fibrosis in rats
  1877. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Swietenia mahagoni L. Jacq.(Meliaceae) bark against paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats
  1878. Hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and renal-protective effects of organic and conventional grapevine leaf extracts (Vitis labrusca var. Bordo) on Wistar rat …
  1879. Hepatoprotective activity of sesame meal on high fat fed wistar rats
  1880. Immunomodulatory and Hepatoprotective role of feed‐added Berberis lycium in broiler chicks
  1881. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album Linn: in vitro and in vivo studies
  1882. Hepatoprotective and immunological functions of Nigella sativa seed oil against hypervitaminosis A in adult male rats
  1883. Mechanisms of the Hepatoprotective effects of tamoxifen against drug-induced and chemical-induced acute liver injuries
  1884. Hepatoprotective effects of chestnut (Castanea crenata) inner shell extract against chronic ethanol-induced oxidative stress in C57BL/6 mice
  1885. Hepatoprotective and TNF-α inhibitory activity of Zosima absinthifolia extracts and coumarins
  1886. In vivo Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Russula albonigra against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  1887. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of ethanol extract of Vitex glabrata on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  1888. Hepatoprotective activity of fermented Curcuma longa L. on galactosamine-intoxicated rats
  1889. Hepatoprotective Activity of the Ethanolic Extract of Ficus caricaLinn. LeavesinCarbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicityin Rats
  1890. Further studies on the Hepatoprotective effect of Antrodia camphorata in submerged culture on ethanol-induced acute liver injury in rats
  1891. Hepatoprotective Role of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) in Meat Type Chicken Fed Aflatoxin B1 Contaminated Feed.
  1892. Comparative Study of the Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Artemisia iwayomogi and Artemisia capillaris on Ethanol‐Administered Mice
  1893. Hepatoprotective potential of Andrographis paniculata aqueous leaf extract on ethanol induced liver toxicity in albino rats
  1894. Interleukin‐33 Is Hepatoprotective during liver ischemia/reperfusion in mice
  1895. Hepatoprotective role of vitamin B12 and folic acid in arsenic intoxicated rats
  1896. Hepatoprotective effects of total triterpenoids and total flavonoids from Vitis vinifera L against immunological liver injury in mice
  1897. Hepatoprotective Activity of Plectranthus Amnoinicus Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1898. Hepatoprotective activity of Mentha arvensis Linn. leaves against CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
  1899. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and Ameliorative Effects of Methanolic Extract of Leaves of Grewia mollis Juss. on Carbon Tetrachloride–Treated Albino Rats
  1900. Hepatoprotective activity of Chrysophyllum albidum against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  1901. Hepatoprotective potential of Caesalpinia crista against iron-overload-induced liver toxicity in mice
  1902. Hepatoprotective effect of Piper guineense aqueous extract against ethanol-induced toxicity in male rats
  1903. Hepatoprotective activity of the total saponins from Actinidia valvata dunn root against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  1904. Hepatoprotective activity of Azima tetracantha Lam. in experimental animals
  1905. Purification of selenium-containing allophycocyanin from selenium-enriched Spirulina platensis and its Hepatoprotective effect against t-BOOH-induced apoptosis
  1906. Evaluation of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis fruit juice Hepatoprotective effect upon ethanol toxicity in rats.
  1907. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of different fractions of methanolic extract of Momordica charantia (Linn.) in alloxan induced diabetic rats
  1908. Screening of ethyl acetate extract of Bridelia micrantha for Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidant activities on Wistar rats
  1909. Hepatoprotective and in vitro antioxidant effect of Carthamus tinctorious L, var Annigeri-2-, an oil-yielding crop, against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  1910. Hepatoprotective effects of antioxidants against non-target toxicity of the bio-insecticide spinosad in rats
  1911. An updated review on Hepatoprotective medicinal plants
  1912. Hepatoprotective effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Allium hirtifolium (Persian shallot) in diabetic rats
  1913. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Lagenaria siceraria aerial parts
  1914. Hepatoprotective effects of Clitoria ternatea and Vigna mungo against acetaminophen and carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  1915. Neuroprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of micronized purified flavonoid fraction (Daflon®) in lipopolysaccharide-treated rats
  1916. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Leaves of Cassia sophera Linn.
  1917. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of induced pluripotent stem cells in the mouse model of liver injury
  1918. Hepatoprotective activity of Mikania scandens (L.) willd. against diclofenac sodium-induced liver toxicity in rats
  1919. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant arylbenzofurans and flavonoids from the twigs of Morus mesozygia
  1920. Hepatoprotective activity of Pinus roxburghii Sarg. wood oil against carbon tetrachloride-and ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity
  1921. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of the leaves of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit on acetaminophen Induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  1922. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of crude fractions of endophytic fungi of Ocimum sanctum Linn. in rats
  1923. Hepatoprotective activity of Adina cordifolia against ethanol induce hepatotoxicity in rats
  1924. Hepatoprotective constituents of Torilis radiata Moench (Apiaceae)
  1925. Antimalarial and Hepatoprotective effects of entire plants of Anastatic hierochuntica
  1926. A Hepatoprotective Lindera obtusiloba extract suppresses growth and attenuates insulin like growth factor-1 receptor signaling and NF-kappaB activity in …
  1927. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic and aqueous extract of flowers of Sesbania grandiflora (Linn) induced by CCl4
  1928. Hepatoprotective properties of silymarin
  1929. Hepatoprotective activity of turmeric and garlic against 7-12, dimethylbenzanthracene induced liver damage in wistar albino rats
  1930. Exploitation of the Antioxidant Potential of Geranium Macrorrhizum (Geraniaceae): Hepatoprotective and Antimicrobial Activities
  1931. Hepatoprotective activity of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle Ex. Benth extract against alcohol cytotoxicity in mouse liver slice culture
  1932. Hepatoprotective effect of chitooligosaccharides against tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced damage in Chang liver cells
  1933. Isolation and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. against chemically induced liver injuries in rats
  1934. Hepatoprotective activity of Feronia limonia root
  1935. Hepatoprotective action of ethanolic extracts of Melia azedarach Linn. and Piper longum Linn and their combination on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1936. Hepatoprotective property of oral silymarin is comparable to n-acetyl cysteine in acetaminophen poisoning
  1937. Comapartive study on Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus amarus and Eclipta prostrata against alcohol induced in albino rats
  1938. A comparative study on the Hepatoprotective action of bear bile and coptidis rhizoma aqueous extract on experimental liver fibrosis in rats
  1940. Hepatoprotective effect of garlic (Allium sativum) and milk thistle (silymarin) in isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1941. Hepatoprotective effect of Cissus quadrangularis stem extract against rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1942. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Trichosanthes lobata on paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  1943. Hepatoprotective and in vivo antioxidant activities of ethanolic extract of whole fruit of Lagenaria breviflora
  1944. Hepatoprotective activity of punarnavashtak kwath, an Ayurvedic formulation, against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and on the HepG2 cell line
  1945. Hepatoprotective activity of livergen, a polyherbal formulation against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1946. Hepatoprotective effect of Berberis vulgaris L. extract on CCI4-induced toxicity in rats
  1947. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Crocus sativus L.(Saffron) stigma in comparison with silymarin against rifampin induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1948. Hepatoprotective Activity of Flowers of Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) Macbr. against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  1949. Hepatoprotective effect of Mitragyna rotundifolia Kuntze on CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  1950. Hepatoprotective effects of saponarin, isolated from Gypsophila trichotoma Wend. on cocaine-induced oxidative stress in rats
  1951. Structures of two new phenolic glycosides, kaempferiaosides A and B, and Hepatoprotective constituents from the rhizomes of Kaempferia parviflora
  1952. Hepatoprotective effect of Platycodon grandiflorum against chronic ethanol-induced oxidative stress in C57BL/6 mice
  1953. Hepatoprotective activity of phloretin and hydroxychalcones against Acetaminophen Induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  1954. Hepatoprotective effects of Pycnogenol in a rat model of non‐alcoholic Steatohepatitis
  1955. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective potential of Ficus microcarpa L. fil. bark extracts
  1956. Hepatoprotective activity of Allium paradoxum
  1957. Hepatoprotective effect of lactic acid bacteria in the attenuation of oxidative stress from tert-butyl hydroperoxide
  1958. Hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities of selenocystine in experimental liver injury of rats
  1959. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of flower extract of Millingtonia hortensis Linn. on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  1960. Hepatoprotective effect of carrot (Daucus carota L.) on paracetamol intoxicated rats
  1961. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of balanites aegyptiaca (l.) del against ccl^ sub 4^ induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1962. Phytochemical Studies and Hepatoprotective activity of Melia azedarach Linn, against CCl
  1963. Thidiazuron-induced shoot organogenesis and production of Hepatoprotective lignan phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin in Phyllanthus amarus
  1964. Hepatoprotective activity of Sphaeranthus amaranthoides on D–galactosamine induced hepatitis in albino rats
  1965. Hepatoprotective activity of Cucumis sativus against cumene hydroperoxide induced-oxidative stress
  1966. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Amaranthus caudatus Linn. against paracetamol-induced hepatic injury in rats
  1967. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album Linn. against alcohol induced liver damage
  1968. Development and characterization of phyto-vesicles of wedelolactone for Hepatoprotective activity
  1969. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of C-phycocyanin from Arthrospira maxima SAG 25780 in CCl4-induced hepatic damage rats
  1970. Hepatoprotective Effect of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Leaf Extracts on Ethanol-Induced Injury on Clone 9 Rat Liver Cells
  1971. Caspase-1 is Hepatoprotective during trauma and hemorrhagic shock by reducing liver injury and inflammation
  1972. Anti-oxidative and Hepatoprotective effect of beta-carotene on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats
  1973. Hypocholesterolemic and Hepatoprotective effects of “Triguero” Asparagus from Andalusia in rats fed a high cholesterol diet
  1974. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Garcinia indica Linn fruit rind
  1975. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cucumis trigonus Roxb. Fruitagainst CCl4 Inducesd Hepatic Damage in Rats
  1976. Hepatoprotective efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid in pediatrics acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  1977. Evaluation of acute toxicity and Hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract of Dichrostachys cinerea (Wight and Arn.) leaves
  1978. Possible Hepatoprotective potential of Cynara scolymus, Cupressus sempervirens and Eugenia jambolana against paracetamol-induced liver injury: in-vitro and …
  1979. Lead finding from whole plant of Marrubium vulgare L. with Hepatoprotective potentials through in silico methods
  1980. Hepatoprotective activity of Desmodium oojeinense (Roxb.) H. Ohashi against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity
  1981. Hepatoprotective activities of a sesquiterpene-rich fraction from the aerial part of Cichorium glandulosum
  1982. Hepatoprotective activity of two Indian medicinal plants from Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu.
  1983. A new Hepatoprotective flavone glycoside from the flowers of Onopordum alexandrinum growing in Egypt
  1984. Hepatoprotective effect of Vitamin–E & C in Albino rats
  1985. Hepatoprotective effect of Cassia auriculata L. leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride intoxicated liver damage in Wister albino rats.
  1986. Digalacturonide flavones from Egyptian Lantana camara flowers with in vitro antioxidant and in vivo Hepatoprotective activities
  1987. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Vernonia amygdalina leaf
  1988. Hepatoprotective activity of the edible snail (Bellamia bengalensis) flesh extract in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1989. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging activities of extracts and a major compound isolated from the leaves of Cineraria abyssinica Sch. Bip. exA. Rich.
  1990. Hepatoprotective activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, captopril and enalapril, against paraquat toxicity
  1991. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Flemingia macrophylla on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Hepatotoxicity in Rats Through Anti-Oxidative …
  1992. Comparative study on Hepatoprotective activity of Aegle marmelos and Eclipta alba against alcohol induced in albino rats
  1993. Hepatoprotective potential of ether insoluble phenolic components of n-butanol fraction (EPC-BF) of flaxseed against CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  1994. Hepatoprotective Effect of Filipendula hexapetala Gilib. (Rosaceae) in Carbon Tetrachloride‐induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  1995. Assessment of Hepatoprotective effect of Tecomella undulata (Sm.) Seem., Bignoniaceae, on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  1996. Hepatoprotective activity of fresh Polygonum Multiflorum against HEP G2 hepatocarcinoma cell proliferation
  1997. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Tragopogon porrifolius methanolic extract
  1998. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Hypnea muciformis ethanolic extract on CCl4 induced toxicity in rats
  1999. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Khaya senegalensis bark in rats
  2000. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of dried flower extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. on rats treated with carbon tetrachloride
  2001. Hepatoprotective role of neutrosecR on hepatic damage induced by combination of zidovudine and combined anti-tuberculous Agents in rats
  2002. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin E
  2003. Hepatoprotective potential of in vitro Bacopa monnieri (L.) against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in albino mice
  2004. Screening of aerial parts of Abutilon bidentatum for Hepatoprotective activity in rabbits
  2005. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Zingiber chrysanthum Rosec. rhizomes.
  2006. Mechanisms for Hepatoprotective effects of hyaluronidase immobilized by the nanotechnology method of electron-beam synthesis
  2007. Hepatoprotective effect of garlic homogenate co-administered with anti-tuberculosis drugs in ratliver enzymes
  2008. Correlation between antistress and Hepatoprotective effects of schisandra lignans was related with its antioxidative actions in liver cells
  2009. Hepatoprotective effect of Otostegia persica Boiss. shoot extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  2010. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz & Gibs
  2011. Antimalarial and Hepatoprotective Effects of Crude Ethanolic Extract of Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (W.Curt.:Fr.)P.Karst. (Higher Basidiomycetes …
  2012. Scientific validation of polyherbal Hepatoprotective formulation against paracetamol induced toxicity
  2013. Hepatoprotective activity of active fractions of Thespesia lampas Dalz and Gibs (Malvaceae)
  2014. The vitamin E derivative, EPC-K1, suppresses inflammation during hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury and exerts Hepatoprotective effects in rats
  2015. Hepatoprotective effect of taurine against oxidative stress due to methotrexate in rat
  2016. Antioxidant activities in vitro and Hepatoprotective effects of Lysimachia clethroides Duby on CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  2017. Hepatoprotective effects of the polysaccharide isolated from Tarphochlamys affinis (Acanthaceae) against CCl4-induced hepatic injury
  2018. Study of aging and Hepatoprotective activity of Vitis Vinifera L. seeds in albino rats
  2019. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective efficacy of Majoon‐e‐Dabeed‐ul‐ward against acetaminophen‐induced liver damage: A Unani herbal formulation
  2020. The Hepatoprotective effects of adenine nucleotide translocator-2 against aging and oxidative stress
  2021. Hepatoprotective effect of Barringtonia acutangula Linn. leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  2022. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Lawsonia inermis against paracetamol induced rats
  2023. Comparative Study of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of” Telfairia occidentalis”(Ugu) Leaves And Silymarin on Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage in …
  2024. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl ex Hornem) Thurnb ex Lehm in CCl4 treated rats
  2025. Hepatoprotective effect of an aqueous extract of the leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana’Godseffiana’Muell Arg (Euphorbiaceae) against carbon tetrachloride …
  2026. In vivo and in vitro antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective properties of polyphenols from Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux
  2027. Involvement of CYP450 system in Hepatoprotective activity of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)-produced virgin coconut oils
  2028. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of aqueous extract of Vigna mungo (Linn.) Hepper on rifampicin-induced toxicity in albino rats
  2029. Rho‐kinase–dependent pathway mediates the Hepatoprotective effects of sorafenib against ischemia/reperfusion liver injury in rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  2030. Hepatoprotective effect of Handaeri-gomchi (Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis Nakai) extract against chronic alcohol-induced liver damage in rats
  2031. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of roots of Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers
  2032. Hepatoprotective activity of a phytotherapeutic formula on thioacetamide–induced liver fibrosis model.
  2033. Pharmacognostic and pharmacological aspects of potent herbal Hepatoprotective drugs-a review.
  2034. Hepatoprotective effects of select water–soluble PARP inhibitors in a carbon tetrachloride model
  2036. A proteomic approach in investigating the Hepatoprotective mechanism of Schisandrin B: role of raf kinase inhibitor protein
  2037. Hepatoprotective effects of orally administered melatonin and Tinospora cordifolia in experimental jaundice
  2038. Hepatoprotective activity of aerial part of Glinus oppositifolius L. against Paracetamol-induced Hepatic Injury in Rats
  2039. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous and ethanolic extract of Oxalis corniculata against intoxication of thioacetamide induced rats
  2040. Hepatoprotective effect of Moringa oleifera in isoniazid induced rats
  2041. Hepatoprotective Effect of Crossostephium chinensis (L.) Makino in Rats
  2042. Constitutive phenolics and Hepatoprotective activity of Eugenia supra-axillaris leaves
  2043. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effects of Lantadene A, a pentacyclic triterpenoid of Lantana plants against acetaminophen-induced liver damage
  2044. Hepatoprotective effects of vitamin C, DPPD, and L-cysteine against cisplatin-induced oxidative stress in male rats
  2045. Hepatoprotective activity of Stevia rebaudiana bert. leaves against thioacetamide induced toxicity
  2046. Research development on Hepatoprotective effect and hepatotoxicity based on bupleurum saikosaponin components
  2047. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. leaves on experimental rats by acute and chronic models
  2048. Hepatoprotective activity of Murraya koenigii against ethanol induced liver toxicity model in experimental animals
  2049. Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Sharbat-e-Deenar Against Carbon Tetrachloride− Induced Liver Damage
  2050. Hepatoprotective effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor caju) in broilers fed aflatoxin.
  2051. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of bark extract of Bridelia retusa spreng in CCL4 treated female mice.
  2052. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aqeous leaf extract of Swietenia mahogani (Maliaceae) in chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  2053. Evaluation of Jasminum grandiflorum for Hepatoprotective activity in isoniazid induced liver damage
  2054. Hepatoprotective potential of Elaeis guineensis leaf against paracetamol induced damage in mice: a serum analysis
  2055. Enhancement of Hepatoprotective efficacy of propolis by fabrication of liposomes, as a platform nano-formulation for multi-component natural medicine
  2056. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Clitoria ternatea leaf extracts by using in vivo model.
  2057. Hepatoprotective effect of Aegle Marmelos (L.) Corr. Leaf powder (Crude) against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  2058. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extracts of Sphaeranthus indicus (Linn) on paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  2059. RETRACTED: Hepatoprotective effects on alcoholic liver disease of fermented silkworms with Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus kawachii
  2060. Hepatoprotective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Cissampelos pareira against rifampicin and isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity
  2061. Hepatoprotective effect of prolactin and cysteine contained in perfusion and preservation solutions on porcine liver stored in simple hypothermia
  2062. Hepatoprotective activity of Capparis decidua aqueous and methanolic stems extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced liver histological damage in rats.
  2063. (E)‐2‐benzylidene‐4‐phenyl‐1, 3‐diselenole has antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties against oxidative damage induced by 2‐nitropropane in rats
  2064. Hepatoprotective effects and HSV-1 activity of the hydroethanolic extract of Cecropia glaziovii (embaúba-vermelha) against acyclovir-resistant strain
  2065. Hepatoprotective effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit juice and seed extracts against CCL4-induced toxicity
  2067. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Argemone mexicana aerial Part Extracts on CCL_4 induced liver damage in wistar rats
  2068. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus benghalensis
  2069. Important Hepatoprotective botanicals in ISM
  2070. Hepatoprotective and anti-hepatitis C viral activity of Platycodon grandiflorum extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic injury in mice
  2071. … spectrometry-based comparative inorganic profile of leaf-derived in vitro calli and in vivo leaf samples of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn.—a Hepatoprotective …
  2072. Hepatoprotective activity of Achyranthes aspera linn against paracetamol induced toxicity
  2073. Hepatoprotective effects of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  2074. Enhancing Hepatoprotective Bioactive’s from Phyllanthus Amaraus Through Immobilization
  2075. Herbal and Hepatoprotective drugs acting on peptic ulcer and liver disease: a review.
  2076. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of green tea extract and selenium on CCL4-induced fibrosis
  2077. Hepatoprotective Activity of Scutellariae Radix Extract in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet with Chronic Alcohol Exposure
  2078. Nanoscale Hepatoprotective herbal decoction attenuates hepatic stellate cell activity and chloroform-induced liver damage in mice
  2080. Hepatoprotective activity of Spillanthes acmella Extracts against CCl4-induced liver toxicity in rats
  2081. Hepatoprotective activity of Cassia fistula root against Carbon tetrachloride-Induced Hepatic Injury in rats (Wistar)
  2082. Comparative study of Hepatoprotective action of remaxol, reamberin and ademethionine in liver injury induced by antituberculosis drugs (experimental study)
  2084. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of Alisma orientale
  2085. Hepatoprotective functions of sulfur containing amino acids: Possibilities of hepatocellular carcinoma prevention
  2086. Hepatoprotective potentials of Butea monosperma stem bark extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  2087. Determination of Phyllanthin and gallic Acid in herbal Hepatoprotective formulation by TLC-densitometry analysis
  2088. Hepatoprotective potentials of water extract of Bauhinia purpurea bark against alcohol induced toxicity
  2089. Hepatoprotective effect of sarcophine isolated from soft coral (Sarcophyton glaucum) in rats.
  2090. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Zizyphus spina-christi fruits on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2091. Hepatoprotective activity of livshis, a polyherbal formulation in CCl4-Induced hepatotoxic male Wistar rats: A toxicity screening approach
  2093. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and ameliorative effects of Azadirachta indica on Eimeria papillata-induced infection in mice
  2094. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Mimosa pudica roots against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  2095. Hepatoprotective effect of the selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, eplerenone against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  2096. Hepatoprotective effect of Terminalia chebula on gentamicin induced toxicity in rats.
  2097. Analgesic and Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Ocimum gratissimum (L.)
  2098. … of a standardized animal model of chronic hepatotoxicity using acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in the evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of health …
  2099. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of stem bark of Homalium zeylanicum in rats.
  2100. Hepatoprotective effects and antioxidant role of scutia myrtina on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2101. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn. seed extract
  2102. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of broccoli extract against Ccl^ Sub 4^ in rats
  2103. Hepatoprotective activity of Spatholobi Caulis water extract against acetaminophen-induced toxicity in rats
  2104. Hepatoprotective effects of whey protein isolate against acute liver toxicity induced by dimethylnitrosamine in rat
  2105. Screening and identifying of Hepatoprotective compounds in Paeoniae Radix Rubra
  2106. Hepatoprotective action of dietary bluefin tuna skin proteins on CCl 4-intoxicated mice
  2107. Study of Hepatoprotective effects of rutin on acetaminophen and carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  2108. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective activity of Aegle marmelos (linn.) corr leaves against carbon tetrachloride
  2109. Preparation of total licorice saponin and research on its Hepatoprotective effect
  2110. Hepatoprotective activity of CrPic against alloxan-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2111. Hepatoprotective Effect of Omega-3 and Selenium on Methotrexate induced Hepatotoxicity.
  2112. Hepatoprotective activity of Plumeria albaand Aloe veraon CCl
  2113. Remaxol Hepatoprotective therapy of patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection in day unit of tuberculosis dispensary
  2114. Hepatoprotective properties of Morinda pubescens JE Smith (Morinda tinctoria Roxb.) fruit extract
  2115. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of a triherbal formulation against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  2116. Effectiveness of the Hepatoprotective activity of reamberine, remaxol, and ademethionine and risk assessment in their use in patients with respiratory tuberculosis and …
  2117. Hepatoprotective and antioxidants activity of ethanolic extract of Cuscutta reflexa roxb
  2118. Hepatoprotective Effect of Nigella Sativa Linn (Kalajira) On Paracetamol-induced Liver Damage
  2119. Hepatoprotective activity of Ecbolium viride (Forsk.) Alst.(Acanthaceae) on experimental liver damage in rats
  2120. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus bengalensis Linn leaves
  2121. Formulation and evaluation of Hepatoprotective polyherbal formulation containing indigenous medicinal plants
  2122. Hepatoprotective effect of Gallic acid and Gallic acid Phytosome against Carbon Tetrachloride induced damage in albino rats
  2123. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Calotropis procera (AIT) R. Br root extract against CCL4 induced hepato-oxidative stress in Albino rats.
  2124. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of polyherbal formulation-Livomyn
  2126. Screening of methanol extract of roots and rhizomes of Smilax zeylanica L for Hepatoprotective effect against carbontetrachloride induced hepatic damage
  2127. Comparison of Hepatoprotective effects of clofibrate and its novel siliconized analogue in isolated rat hepatocyts
  2128. Enhancing Hepatoprotective bioactives of Phyllanthus amarus through immobilization by growth promoters and media changes
  2129. Hepatoprotective activity of Uvaria chamae root bark methanol extract against acetaminophen-induced liver lesions in rats
  2130. Reactive oxygen species scavenging activity and Hepatoprotective effects of a polyphenolic extract obtained from Cuscuta Europaea
  2131. Hepatoprotective Role of Herbal Plants–A Review
  2132. Hepatoprotective activity of Butea monosperma bark on liver damage caused by paracetamol in rats
  2133. Hepatoprotective, weight-reducing and hypolipidemic effects of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. fruit vinegar
  2134. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of different fractions of Brassica oleracea in alloxan induced diabetic rats
  2135. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic extracts of Boerhaavia diffusa and Anisochlilus Carnosus against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2136. Hepatoprotective activity of Clitoria ternatea L. leaves against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  2137. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) muell.-arg in rats.
  2138. Clinical evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.) processed in Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Wild.) Miers in patients …
  2139. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Allium cepa linn.(liliaceae) in rats
  2140. Hepatoprotective Effect of Crude Peanut Polysaccharide on Carbon Tetrachloride-or Alcohol-induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice [J]
  2141. Hepatoprotective role of the pomegranate (Punica granatum) juice on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats
  2142. Phytochemical Investigation and Hepatoprotective Activity of Cissampelos pareira Against Carbon-tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  2143. Hepatoprotective Effect of Stamen Extracts of Mesua ferrea L. against Oxidative Stress induced by in Liver Slice Culture Model
  2144. Hepatoprotective effect of Otostegia persica Boiss. Shoot extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  2145. Comparative Hepatoprotective activity of liv-52 and silymarine against hepatotoxicity induced by antiandrogen–bicalutamide in rats
  2146. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of Gomphrena celosioides (Amaranthaceae) on Wistar rats intoxicated with tetrachloride carbon
  2147. Design and Hepatoprotective evaluation of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate (DDB) and silymarin solid dispersion and self-micro emulsifying drug delivery …
  2148. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia root extract on Aflatoxin B
  2149. Antidiabetic, Anti-hyperlipidemic & Hepatoprotective effect of a Polyherbal Unani formulation “Qurs Tabasheer” in STZ-diabetic wistar rats
  2150. Hepatoprotective AND MICROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THREE GENERA: Equisetum, Lycopodium, AND Gentiana.
  2151. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Zizphus rotundifolia (Linn.) against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  2152. Hepatoprotective activity of mentha arvensis linn against alcohol-CCL4 induced toxicity in albino rats
  2153. Hepatoprotective effects of various enzyme hydrolysates from oysters on tacrine-induced toxicity in human hepatoma cells
  2154. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Barleria montana leaves in ethanol treated rats
  2155. Revisiting Hepatoprotective natural products from a biological point of view
  2156. Hepatoprotective effect of hesperidin on normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: Biochemical and histological evidences
  2157. Investigation of Flavonoidal Constituents and Hepatoprotective Activity of Myoporum laetum
  2158. Study the possible Hepatoprotective effect of different doses of Ammi majus seeds’ extract against CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
  2159. Hepatoprotective effect of Momordica charantia in ammonium chloride induced hyperammonemic rats
  2160. Research of the Hepatoprotective effects of sugar cane juice against alcohol‐induced liver injury in rats
  2161. Hepatoprotective effect of Lysimachia paridiformis Franch. var. stenophylla Franch. on CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  2162. Hepatoprotective activity of Gumma (Leucas cephalotes Spreng.) against Carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  2163. Hepatoprotective effects of marjoram (Origanum marjorana L.) on oxidative stress against Carbon-Tetrachloride-Induced Toxicity in Rats
  2164. Hepatoprotective effect of Cassia tora seeds on experimental animal model
  2165. Hepatoprotective effect of bark of Phellodendron amurense RUPR. on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride
  2166. Hepatoprotective activity of Trapa acornis shell extracts against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  2167. The Hepatoprotective activity of Fenugreek seeds’ extract against carbon tetrachloride induced liver toxicity in rats
  2168. Hepatoprotective effect of Lactobacillus plantarum against Salmonella typhimurium in mice
  2169. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous alcoholic (70%) extract of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk against antitubercular drugs induced hepatic damage
  2170. Antioxidant and antiradical properties of polyphenols in the mechanism Hepatoprotective actions of preparations Maackia amurensis
  2171. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Hiptage bengalensis leaves against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2172. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Potential of Extracts from Whole Plant of Solanum surattense Burm
  2173. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Picrorhiza kurroa in carbon tetrachloride (ccl4) induced hepatotoxicity in albino wistar rats
  2174. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanolic extract of Anethum graveolens L. on paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats
  2175. Hepatoprotective activity of tuberous root of Ipomoea digitata linn. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  2176. Analysis of the Utilization of Hepatoprotective Agents in Prevention and Treatment of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs Induced Liver Damage
  2177. Hepatoprotective herbal medicne: A review
  2178. The Hepatoprotective effects of dihydromyrcenol and geranyl formate in an experimental model of acute hepatic injury induced by the use of carbon tetrachloride.
  2179. In vitro Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of the Whole Plant of Glossocardia bosvallea (L. f.) DC against CCl4-Induced Oxidative Stress in Liver Slice Culture …
  2180. Comparative study of the Hepatoprotective activities of Vitex Negundo linn. and Moringa Oleifera lam. in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in experimental animals
  2181. In vivo Hepatoprotective Potential of Nigella sativa Extract Against Rifampicin Induced Sub-chronic Hepatotoxicity and Altered Redox Status
  2182. Investigation of In vitro, In vivo Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Eugenia jambolana Lam. stem bark
  2183. Hepatoprotective Activity and Anti-Oxidant Activity of Anthocephalus Indicus In Ehtanolinduced Hepatotoxicity In Albino Wistar Rats
  2184. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic leaf extract of Alianthus exelssa root against carbon tetrachloride toxicity induced in albino rat Rattus rattus (Wistar).
  2185. An Overview on Hepatoprotective Activity of Natural Products
  2186. Hepatoprotective effects of Actinidia arguta against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide
  2187. Hepatoprotective Effect of an Aqueous Extract of the Rhizomes of Sansevieria senegambica Baker Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Injury
  2188. Hepatoprotective effect of thiophane in rats with experimental carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatitis
  2189. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract delphinium root, against alcohol induced hepatotoxic rats
  2190. Mechanisms of Hepatoprotective effect of immobilized granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
  2191. Gastrointestinal and Hepatoprotective effects of Ocimum sanctum L. Syn (holy basil or tulsi): validation of the ethnomedicinal observation
  2192. Extraction and identification of the Hepatoprotective bio-active components of the root of Actinidia deliciosa
  2193. Hepatoprotective effects of Amaranthus tricolor Linn. extracts on the alloxan diabetic rat (Rattus norwegicus)
  2194. Hepatoprotective Activity of Vitex quinata Roots against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats.
  2195. Hepatoprotective Effects of Pig Placental Hydrolysates on Liver Damage-induced Rats by Injecting Carbon Tetrachloride
  2196. Hepatoprotective effect of euphorbia hirta on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  2197. Hepatoprotective effect of Akebia saponin D on the acute liver injury induced by CCl4 in mice
  2198. Hepatoprotective activity of Solanum trilobatum Linn against CCL4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2199. Antiulcer and Hepatoprotective effects of Semicarpus anacardium Linn. seed extract
  2200. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of the Methanol Extract of the Flowers of Tamarindus indica
  2202. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF Justicia adhatoda, Mimosa pudica AD Vitex negundo AGAI ST Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY I ALBI O RATS-I VIVO …
  2203. Comparative Hepatoprotective effect of β-carotene and Liv-52 against paracetamol induced liver toxicity in male and female rats
  2204. Hepatoprotective effect of hydroethanolic extract of Hybanthus enneaspermus against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  2205. Bioassay-guided fractionation of a Hepatoprotective and antioxidant extract of pea by-product
  2206. Clinical outcomes of long-term anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective treatments in patients with chronic hepatitis B
  2207. … for treatment of jaundice by the folk and tribal medicinal practitioners of several districts in Bangladesh and review of their scientifically reported Hepatoprotective …
  2208. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin during negative energy balance in sheep
  2209. The Progress in Study on Hepatoprotective Effect of Some Traditional Chinese Medicines [J]
  2212. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  2213. Hepatoprotective Activity of Citrullus colocynthis Linn.
  2214. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Blumea mollis D. Don Merr. on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats.
  2215. Hepatoprotective effect of triphala in aflatoxicosis
  2216. Hepatoprotective effect of Zanthoxylum armatum DC
  2217. Hepatoprotective effect of Hemidesmus indicus var. pubescens leaf extract on paracetamol induced hepatic damage
  2218. Anti-fatigue and Hepatoprotective effects of fermented antler
  2219. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cistanche tubulosa
  2220. Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF Ipomoea mauritiana jacq AGAINST AMOXICILLIN INDUCED TOXICITY IN ALBINO RATS.
  2221. Hepatoprotective mechanism of crinum asiaticum L and lycorine in carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in swiss albino mice
  2223. A novel fluorinated stilbene exerts Hepatoprotective properties in CCl4-induced acute liver damage
  2224. Hepatoprotective role of milk thistle (Silybum marianum) in meat type chicken fed aflatoxin B1 contaminated feed.
  2225. Investigation onto the mechanism behind the Hepatoprotective effect of cucurbitacin compounds
  2226. Advances in Hepatoprotective compounds from medicinal plants studies on natural in China [J]
  2227. Comparative study on the Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidation effects of oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and asiatic acid
  2228. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Stachytarpheta indica ON WISTAR RATS
  2229. Hepatoprotective Effects of
  2230. A drug based on water-ethanol extract of oyster mushroom mycelium displays Hepatoprotective properties in experimental model of steatohepatitis
  2231. A study on the use of Apitherapy as a Hepatoprotective tool
  2232. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of an indigenous Triherbal formulation from South Eastern Nigeria using Wistar Albino Rats
  2233. Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisia monosperma and silymarin on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rat
  2234. Hepatoprotective activity of essential phospholipids, licorice, and their combinations tested on experimental hepatitis
  2235. Antioxidant, genoprotective and Hepatoprotective activities of Panus giganteus (berk.) corner/Wong Wei Lun
  2236. Hepatoprotective Activity of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz Water Extract and Polysaccharides against CCl_4-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  2237. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of some dimethoxy flavones
  2238. Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanol extract of Sarcopyramis Nepalensis
  2239. Hepatoprotective Activity of Prunus persica Peaches against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  2240. Hepatoprotective properties of mymecylon umbellatum leaves
  2241. Cardioprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of natural products in metabolic syndrome
  2242. Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Acetone Extract from” Cienfuegosia digitata” Cav.(Malvaceae) Against Alcohol Hepatotoxicity in Albinos Wistar Rats
  2244. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of date seed extract (Phoenix dactylifera) var; Deiri Abadan, against carbon tetrachloride toxicity in male rats
  2246. Chemical constituents, proximate composition and Hepatoprotective activity of abutilon muticum
  2247. Hepatoprotective Effect of Pergularia daemia on Cadmium Chloride Induced Toxicity in Rats
  2248. Clinical Study on Jiangmei Pill in Hepatoprotective Effect
  2249. BP for the natures, flavour, meridian tropism of Chinese medicine and Hepatoprotective effect
  2250. Synthesis and Hepatoprotective activity of three amino acid conjugates of ursolic acid
  2251. Hepatoprotective activity of Costus igneus against Paracetamol induced liver damage
  2252. Hepatoprotective effects of immobilized granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and hyaluronidase preparation and their mechanisms
  2253. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Extract of Rhyncosia Beddomei Baker Leaves Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity
  2254. A search for Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Cucurbita moschata in isolated rat hepatocytes
  2255. Is Berberis asiatica a good substitute for Berberis aristata in preparation of Hepatoprotective drugs?
  2256. Hepatoprotective activity of Melia azedarach L. against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  2257. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of the total flavonoids extraction from Hypericum japonicum by response surface methodology
  2259. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Gossypium herbacium on paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats
  2261. A novel pharmaceutical formulation (Niosomes) of the Hepatoprotective drug silymarin
  2262. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects of infliximab on experimental alcoholic steatohepatitis
  2263. Reducing oxidative stress and Hepatoprotective effect of
  2264. A REVIEW OF Hepatoprotective NATURAL PRODUCTS
  2265. Studies on Hepatoprotective activity of hydroalcoholic leaf extract of pongamia pinnata against i/r induced hepatic reperfusion injury
  2266. Hepatoprotective Activity of Momordica diocia Roxb Fruits in CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  2267. Pyrrole alkaloids from the fruits of Lycium chinense and their Hepatoprotective activity
  2268. Hepatoprotective effects of Rhubarb Choleretic capsule against alcoholic fatty liver in rats
  2269. Hepatoprotective effect of sodium molybdate on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  2270. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bauhinia variegata (Linn.) Whole Stem against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatopathy in Rats
  2271. Hepatoprotective effect of Cyamopsis tetragonolobus Linn. on carbon-tetrachloride (CCL
  2272. Hepatoprotective Effect of Otostegia persica Boiss. Shoot Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Damage in Rats.
  2273. Hepatoprotective effects of leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica and Peristrophe bicalyculata in alloxan induced diabetic rat models
  2274. Hepatoprotective effects of Embelia tsjeriam-cottam fruit extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in wistar rats.
  2275. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of fruits of Sesbania grandiflora L. Pers against thiocetamide and ranitidine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2276. In vitro Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of the Whole Plant of Rungia repens (L.) Nees, Against CCl4 Induced Oxidative Stress in Liver Slice Culture Model
  2277. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanol Extract
  2278. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Leaves of NeriumIndicum
  2279. Hepatoprotective Effect of CT Extract against Oxidative Damage
  2280. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of rhizome and callus culture of Dioscorea deltoidea against d-galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2281. Hepatoprotective HERBAL POTENTIALS OF AYURVEDA.
  2282. Hepatoprotective Effect of GanKang Granula Against Hepatic Damage in Rats and Mice
  2283. Artichoke Waste as a Source of Health Promoting Hepatoprotective Phenolics
  2284. Hepatoprotective Potentials of M Momordica charantia
  2286. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective drugs in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B [J]
  2287. In Vivo Hepatoprotective Effect of the Trianthema Decandra
  2288. Phytochemical Evaluation of Ingredients and Role of Bioactive Markers In Hepatoprotective Property of Liv 52.
  2289. Research Progress in Hepatoprotective Effect of Propolis and Active Components
  2290. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of Alisma orientate.
  2291. Correction of metabolic profile and reproductive function of cows by preparations with Hepatoprotective action
  2292. Screening of anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic and Hepatoprotective activities of selected medicinal plants
  2293. Study of Chemical Constituents and Hepatoprotective Activity of Ganoderma lucidum
  2294. Enzymatic and haematological studies on efficacy of some Hepatoprotective herbal and non-herbal formulations
  2295. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Vitis vinifera Stem Bark
  2296. Hepatoprotective effect of biherbal ethanolic extract against paracetamol‑induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  2297. Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of Delonix regia flower extracts
  2298. Analysis of Crude Drugs Present In the Hepatoprotective Polyherbal Formulation by HPTLC Technique
  2299. Hepatoprotective constituents of Torilis radiata Moench (Apiaceae)
  2300. Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF MILLETTIA ABOENSIS (Hook. F) BAKER.
  2301. Hepatoprotective action of the Egyptian variety of Phyllanthus atropurpureus
  2302. Meta-analysis of Preventive Effects of Hepatoprotective on Liver Damage in Patients Undergoing Initial Treatment for Tuberculosis
  2303. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of combination of Phyllanthus niruri and Curcuma longa extracts in wistar rats
  2304. Hepatoprotective Potential of Russelia Equisetiformis Plant Extract on Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Experimental Models
  2305. A Systemic Review on Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of Psidium Guajava Leaf and Fruit Extract
  2306. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Aegel Marmelos Linn. in animal models
  2307. Hepatoprotective effect of Crepidiastrum denticulatum against chronic alcohol induced liver damage in rats
  2308. Silymarin production as a Hepatoprotective and anticancer drug by tissue culture method
  2309. Hepatoprotective effect of deanol aceglumate on experimental stress-induced gastropathy and diabetes mellitus
  2310. Hepatoprotective Effect of Paecilomyces japonica in db/db Mice
  2311. Hepatoprotective properties of cytochrome C in traumatic toxicosis
  2312. Chemical composition and nutritional effect of physalis peruviana plant as functional food and Hepatoprotective agent
  2313. Evaluation of antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effect of buffalo milk protein fraction in albino rats.
  2315. Hepatoprotective effect of Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn leaf extracts against CCl
  2316. Antihyperglycaemic and Hepatoprotective Effect of Phyllanthus Emblica Fruit in Diabetic Animal Model
  2317. Hepatoprotective Effects of Cichorium glandulosum on Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice
  2318. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Tetrandrine Against CCl_4-induced Oxidative Stress in Rats
  2319. Aminoguanidine potentiates the Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin in CCL
  2320. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of the ethanolic extracts prepared from the seeds of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten
  2321. Investigation of In vitro, In vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Eugenia jambolana Lam. stem bark
  2323. Hepatoprotective Activity of Kadukkai Maathirai (A Siddha Polyherbal Formulation) Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Damage in Rat
  2324. Effects of Alum Hepatoprotective on NAFLD Rat’s Hepatic Tissue ADP and TNF-α [J]
  2325. Hepatoprotective efficiency of Nigella sativa L. extract on D-galactosamine induced toxicity
  2326. Hepatoprotective Mechanisms of Trans-Anethole against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Mice
  2329. Hepatoprotective Effect of Peanut Peptide in D-Galactose-induced Liver Damage in Rats
  2330. Hepatoprotective And Pharmacology Studies Of Standardized Ethanolic Extract Of Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.
  2331. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanol Extract of Melastoma malabathricum Leaf in Rats
  2332. Nutraceuticals from beetroot pomace extract with antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects
  2333. Hepatoprotective Activity of Leaves of Pongamia pinnata In CCl4 Induced Hepatic Model
  2334. Hepatoprotective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Fresh Leaves of Cassia alata on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Toxicity
  2335. Experimental Study on Dose-effect Relationship of Hepatoprotective Effect of the Different Extraction from Bupleurum longicaule var. giraldii
  2336. In vivo Hepatoprotective effect of Salvia miltorrhiza Bunge against ethanol-induced oxidative stress
  2337. Hepatoprotective effects of Rubus coreanus Miquel concentrates on liver injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  2339. Hepatoprotective Properties of Alstonia Scholarsis Againts Carbon Tetra Chloride Induced Hepatic Damage In Rats
  2340. Hepatoprotective effect of in situ portal infusion of self-prepared liver protective solution during portal vain occlusion in rats with obstructive jaundice
  2341. Hepatoprotective Effects of Dieckol Isolated from Ecklonia cava against Ethanol-induced Liver Damage; In vitro and in vivo
  2342. Hepatoprotective effects of thiacremonone, a sulfur compound isolated from garlic, on the acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity
  2344. Pharmacological studies on silybum marianum and marjorana hortensis plant extracts with special reference to the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects
  2345. Hepatoprotective Effect of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCI4) Induced Acute Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  2346. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and Anthelmintic Activities of Methanol Extract of Urtica dioica L. Leaves
  2347. Anti–Ulcer activity of Kozhiavarai Ilai Chooranam (Canavalia Virosa.(Roxb), W&A) & Hepatoprotective activity of “Vengara Chunnam”
  2348. In-vitro antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effects of the plant Ocimum sanctum Linn. against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  2349. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Hypothermic Perfusion of Normal Saline in Period of Inflow Occlusion of Liver in Rats
  2350. Hepatoprotective activity of the alcoholic extract of Wattakaka volubilis Linn. Against paracetamol induced toxicity in albino rats
  2351. Phytochemical Investigation, Hepatoprotective Activity, Analgesic Activity and Antimicrobial Activity of Aerial Parts of Polygonum Glabrum Willd.
  2352. Biochemical, hematological and histological effect of malaysian buah naga fruit extract on Hepatoprotective activity in paracetamol–induced experimental albino rats.
  2353. CGX II, a Herbal Formula, Exerts Anti-Fibrotic and Hepatoprotective Effects in Animal Model
  2354. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Acanthopanax koreanum Nakai in induced liver injury model in Wistar rats
  2355. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Activity of a Triherbal Formulation (Gongronema latifolia, Ocimum gratissimum and Vernonia amygdalina).
  2357. Hepatoprotective Effects of Protein Hydrolysate from Navicula incerta (microalgae) on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Damage in vitro and in vivo.
  2358. Hepatoprotective effect of Evodia officinalis Dode on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  2359. Resveratrol nanoparticle system improves dissolution properties and enhances the Hepatoprotective effect of resveratrol through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory …
  2360. Ursodeoxycholyl lysophosphatidylethanolamide (UDCA-LPE) Generates Hepatoprotective conjugated UDCA, Phosphatidylcholine, Medium-chain Fatty acids and …
  2361. Hepatoprotective effect of Aqueous stem bark extract OF Boswellia Dalzielii against CCL4 induced Hepatotoxicity
  2362. Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Acetone Extract of Sida alba L.(Malvaceae) Against Alcohol Induced Liver Damage in albinos Wistar Rats
  2363. Hepatoprotective Effects of Metformin on Fructose Induced Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in Rats
  2364. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative properties of chinese herbal medicine Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang formulated with Bupleurum kaoi Liu on carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  2365. Hepatoprotective Effects of N-acetylcysteine Injection on Tetrachloride-induced Injury in Primary Rat Hepatic Cells
  2366. Chemopreventive and Hepatoprotective Effects of 6-Shogaol in HepG2 cells and Diethylnitrosamine-Treated Mice
  2367. Hepatoprotective properties of boerhavia diffusa and aerva lanata against carbon tetra chloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  2368. Hepatoprotective Effect of Clerodendrum colebrookianum Walp., against Paracetamol and Carbon-tetrachloride Induced Liver Damage
  2369. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of aqueous extract of Vigna mungo (Linn.) Hepper on rifampicin-induced toxicity in albino rats
  2370. Hepatoprotective effects of Nigella sativa seeds extract against ethanol induced hepatic tissue changes in Wistar rats
  2371. In vivo Hepatoprotective Potential of Nigella sativa Extract Against Rifampicin Induced Sub-chronic Hepatotoxicity and Altered Redox Status
  2372. Hepatoprotective Effect of Flavonoid Glycosides from Lespedeza cuneata against Oxidative Stress Induced by tert-Butyl Hyperoxide
  2373. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cordycepin-increased Cordyceps militaris Extract Against Orotic Acid-Induced Fatty Liver in Rats
  2374. Hepatoprotective effects of water decoction of root of Ziziphus mucronata against dimethoate induced hepatotoxicity.
  2375. 9 Hepatoprotective Effects of Plants in the Family Phyllanthaceae
  2376. Hepatoprotective Effect of an Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of Sansevieria liberica Gerome and Labroy Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Injury in …
  2377. [PS 18] Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Leaves, Stem Bark and Roots of Entada africana Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity …
  2378. OA01. 20. Enhanced Hepatoprotective activity of piperine loaded optimised chitosan microspheres
  2379. Caspase-1 is Hepatoprotective through up-regulation of autophagy after hemorrhagic shock (169.20)
  2380. Isolation of 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12-hexadehydrositost-5-en-3β-ol with mild Hepatoprotective effect from Landolphia owariensis P. Beauv.
  2381. … Influence of Rarely Repeated Immobilization Episodes on the Interleukin-1 [beta]-Dependent Reaction of Blood Leukocytes and Hepatoprotective Effect of Restraint …
  2382. Volume: 2: Issue-2: April-June-2011 ISSN 0976-4550 Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF Sphaeranthus indicus (Linn) ON …
  2383. New Hexadecan-2-ol and 3-Hydroxymethyloctadecanoate with Hepatoprotective Activity and Cytotoxicity Activity from Grindelia camporum Greene (Asteraceae)
  2384. Review of natural products with Hepatoprotective effects
  2385. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin
  2386. Hepatoprotective herbal drug, silymarin from experimental pharmacology to clinical medicine.
  2387. Hepatoprotective effects of mushrooms
  2388. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  2389. Antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) essential oil and its Hepatoprotective potential
  2390. Antioxidant activity and potential Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Cyclina sinensis
  2391. A review of Hepatoprotective plants used in Saudi traditional medicine
  2392. Hepatoprotective function of Penthorum chinense Pursh
  2393. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant capacity of Melochia corchorifolia extracts
  2394. Hepatoprotective role of Sestrin2 against chronic ER stress
  2395. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Curcuma longa on thioacetamide induced liver cirrhosis in rats
  2396. Hepatoprotective and antiviral functions of silymarin components in hepatitis C virus infection
  2397. Metabonomics study on the Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from different preparations of Angelica sinensis
  2398. Phytochemical, cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of Delonix regia leaves extract
  2399. Hepatoprotective herbs, avicenna viewpoint
  2400. Hepatoprotective and anti‐fibrotic functions of interleukin‐22: therapeutic potential for the treatment of alcoholic liver disease
  2401. Hepatoprotective effect of water extract from Chrysanthemum indicum L. flower
  2402. Hepatoprotective effects of the dual peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor alpha/delta agonist, GFT505, in rodent models of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease …
  2403. Hepatoprotective effect of aged black garlic extract in rodents
  2404. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Schisandra chinensis pollen extract on CCl4-induced acute liver damage in mice
  2405. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective activity of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in diabetic rats
  2406. Characterization, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Ilex latifolia Thunb
  2407. Hepatoprotective effects of kombucha tea: identification of functional strains and quantification of functional components
  2408. Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin and alpha-tocopherol against cisplatin-induced oxidative stress
  2409. GPR120 on Kupffer cells mediates Hepatoprotective effects of ω3-fatty acids
  2410. Characterisation of polysaccharides from green tea of Huangshan Maofeng with antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects
  2411. Hepatoprotective evaluation of the total flavonoids extracted from flowers of Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic: in vitro and in vivo studies
  2412. Hepatoprotective effect of gallic acid isolated from Peltiphyllum peltatum against sodium fluoride-induced oxidative stress
  2413. Triterpenoids of Ganoderma theaecolum and their Hepatoprotective activities
  2414. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Dunaliella salina in paracetamol-induced acute toxicity in rats
  2415. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Fagonia schweinfurthii (Hadidi) Hadidi extract in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in HepG2 cell line and rats
  2416. Hepatoprotective effects of fermented Curcuma longa L. on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats
  2417. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of pomegranate peel and whey powders in rats
  2418. Hepatoprotective effects of eburicoic acid and dehydroeburicoic acid from Antrodia camphorata in a mouse model of acute hepatic injury
  2419. Hepatoprotective potential of chestnut bee pollen on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damages in rats
  2420. Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant, and Ameliorative Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and Vitamin E in Acetaminophen Treated Rats
  2421. Compositional characterisation of soluble apple polysaccharides, and their antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects on acute CCl4-caused liver damage in mice
  2422. Hepatoprotective effects of Malva sylvestris L. against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  2423. Hepatoprotective potential of Convolvulus arvensis against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  2424. Bioactive compounds, antioxidant potential, and Hepatoprotective activity of sea cucumber (Holothuria atra) against thioacetamide intoxication in rats
  2425. Isolation, characterization, and Hepatoprotective effects of the raffinose family oligosaccharides from Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch
  2426. Hepatotoxicity and the present herbal Hepatoprotective scenario
  2427. … component of propolis with a plethora of biological activities: A review on its anti‐inflammatory, neuroprotective, Hepatoprotective, and cardioprotective effects
  2428. Hepatoprotective Effects of Triterpenoids from Ganoderma cochlear
  2429. Hepatoprotective effect of Rhodiola imbricata rhizome against paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  2430. Hepatoprotective effects of Gentiana asclepiadea L. extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats
  2431. Hepatoprotective properties of sesamin against CCl4 induced oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis in mice via JNK pathway
  2432. Hepatoprotective effects of cod liver oil against sodium nitrite toxicity in rats
  2433. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of vasicinone in mice
  2434. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides from Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch seeds
  2435. Hepatoprotective effect of Chenopodium murale in mice
  2436. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves in carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated rats
  2437. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of germinated and fermented mung bean on ethanol-mediated liver damage
  2438. Hepatoprotective triterpenes from traditional Tibetan medicine Potentilla anserina
  2439. Characterization of Polysaccharides with Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities from the Wild Edible Mushroom Russula vinosa Lindblad
  2440. Hautriwaic acid as one of the Hepatoprotective constituent of Dodonaea viscosa
  2441. Study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Juniperus phoenicea constituents.
  2442. Hepatoprotective effects of berberine on liver fibrosis via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase
  2443. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of (−)-Epigallocatechin 3-O-(3-O-Methyl) gallate (EGCG3″Me) from Chinese Oolong Tea
  2444. Preliminary characterization and potential Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Cipangopaludina chinensis
  2445. Hepatoprotective activity of twelve novel 7′-hydroxy lignan glucosides from Arctii Fructus
  2446. Hepatoprotective effect of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract on lantadenes-induced hepatotoxicity in guinea pigs
  2447. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective activities of mycelia zinc polysaccharide from Pholiota nameko SW-02
  2448. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Ipomoea staphylina leaves
  2449. Hepatoprotective effects of Juglans regia extract against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats
  2450. Free radical scavenging, in vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of folk medicine Trichodesma sedgwickianum
  2451. Hepatoprotective activity of moralbosteroid, a steroidal glycoside isolated from Morus alba
  2452. Carthamus red from Carthamus tinctorius L. exerts antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect against CCl4-induced liver damage in rats via the Nrf2 pathway
  2453. The anti-inflamm-aging and Hepatoprotective effects of huperzine A in D-galactose-treated rats
  2454. Hepatoprotective effects of Lycium chinense Miller fruit and its constituent betaine in CCl4-induced hepatic damage in rats
  2455. Hepatoprotective effect of 2, 3-dehydrosilybin on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  2456. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of anthocyanins in black rice bran on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  2457. Mechanism of Hepatoprotective effect of Boesenbergia rotunda in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in rats
  2458. Hepatoprotective role of ethanolic extract of Vitex negundo in thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in male rats
  2459. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Pouteria campechiana on acetaminophen-induced hepatic toxicity in rats
  2460. Hepatoprotective effect of Crocus sativus (saffron) petals extract against acetaminophen toxicity in male Wistar rats
  2461. Total phenolic, flavonoid contents, in-vitro antioxidant activities and Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous leaf extract of Atalantia ceylanica
  2462. Metabolomics study on the Hepatoprotective effect of scoparone using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadruple time-of-flight mass …
  2463. Investigation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of standardized Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizome in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damaged rats
  2464. Herbal extract as Hepatoprotective-A review
  2465. Hepatoprotective effects of Silybum marianum (Silymarin) and Glycyrrhiza glabra (Glycyrrhizin) in combination: a possible synergy
  2466. Pretreatment Hepatoprotective effect of regular aerobic training against hepatic toxicity induced by doxorubicin in rats
  2467. Hepatoprotective activity of date fruit extracts against dichloroacetic acid-induced liver damage in rats
  2468. Antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and Hepatoprotective effects of the ethanol extract of Mahonia oiwakensis stem
  2469. Hepatoprotective properties of the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn): a review
  2470. Comparative Hepatoprotective activities of selected Indian medicinal plants
  2471. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Withania somnifera against paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  2472. Hepatoprotective effect of mulberry water extracts on ethanol-induced liver injury via anti-inflammation and inhibition of lipogenesis in C57BL/6J mice
  2473. Hepatoprotective effects of pecan nut shells on ethanol-induced liver damage
  2474. Hepatoprotective activity of Marrubium vulgare against paracetamol induced toxicity
  2475. The role of miR-34a in the Hepatoprotective effect of hydrogen sulfide on ischemia/reperfusion injury in young and old rats
  2476. Antihyperglycemic, hypolipidemic, Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of dietary clove (Szyzgium aromaticum) bud powder in a high‐fat diet/streptozotocin …
  2477. Hepatoprotective potential of Aloe vera polysaccharides against chronic alcohol‐induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2478. Hepatoprotective activity of cultured mycelium of Morel mushroom, Morchella esculenta
  2479. Hepatoprotective effect of pretreatment with Thymus vulgaris essential oil in experimental model of acetaminophen-induced injury
  2480. The Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) supplementation in a Cretan population with non-alcoholic fatty liver …
  2481. Hepatoprotective effect of Cichorium intybus L., a traditional Uighur medicine, against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  2482. Hepatoprotective effect and mechanistic insights of deoxyelephantopin, a phyto-sesquiterpene lactone, against fulminant hepatitis
  2483. Identification of a Hepatoprotective Peptide in Wheat Gluten Hydrolysate against d-Galactosamine-Induced Acute Hepatitis in Rats
  2484. Hepatoprotective Properties Of Aqueous Leaf Extract Of Persea Americana, Mill (Lauraceae) ‘Avocado’ Against Ccl4-Induced Damage In Rats
  2485. Hepatoprotective activity of Tephrosia purpurea against arsenic induced toxicity in rats
  2486. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous methanolic extract of Viola odorata against paracetamol-induced liver injury in mice
  2487. DPPH free radical scavenging activity and phenotypic difference in Hepatoprotective plant (Silybum marianum L.)
  2488. Isolation, preliminary characterization and Hepatoprotective activity of polysaccharides from Tamarindus indica L.
  2489. In Vitro Antioxidant and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Leave Extract of Raphanus Sativus in Rats Using CCL4 Model
  2490. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract from Meconopsis integrifolia (Maxim.) Franch
  2491. Metabolomics research on the Hepatoprotective effect of Angelica sinensis polysaccharides through gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
  2492. Improved glycemic control, pancreas protective and Hepatoprotective effect by traditional poly-herbal formulation “Qurs Tabasheer” in streptozotocin induced …
  2493. Hepatoprotective Action of Echinophora platyloba DC Leaves Against Acute Toxicity of Acetaminophen in Rats
  2494. Hepatoprotective action of celery (Apium graveolens) leaves in acetaminophen-fed freshwater fish (Pangasius sutchi)
  2495. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous leaf extract of Andrographis paniculata Nees against carbon tetrachloride–induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2496. Hepatoprotective effects of syringin on fulminant hepatic failure induced by D‐galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide in mice
  2497. Hepatoprotective activity of the neem-based constituent azadirachtin-A in carbon tetrachloride intoxicated Wistar rats
  2498. Phytochemistry and Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Amaranthus tricolor Linn. roots
  2499. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Bauhinia hookeri extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice and characterization of its …
  2500. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous methanolic extract of Morus nigra against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2501. Cardioprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of Citrus hystrix peels extract on rats model
  2502. Characterization and Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex HF Chou sarcocarp
  2503. Hepatoprotective effects and antioxidant, antityrosinase activities of phloretin and phloretin isonicotinyl hydrazone
  2504. Hepatoprotective effects of Allium cepa (onion) extracts against paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  2505. Hepatoprotective effect of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) oil on hepatotoxic rats
  2506. A REVIEW ON Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY.
  2507. … and biopharmaceutical characterization of amorphous solid dispersion of nobiletin, a citrus polymethoxylated flavone, with improved Hepatoprotective effects
  2508. Hepatoprotective effects of secoiridoid-rich extracts from Gentiana cruciata L. against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  2509. Hepatoprotective effect of fucoidan isolated from the seaweed Turbinaria decurrens in ethanol intoxicated rats
  2510. Pharmacological potential of Populus nigra extract as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular and Hepatoprotective agent
  2511. Two xanthones from Swertia punicea with Hepatoprotective activities in vitro and in vivo
  2512. The Hepatoprotective effects of Hypericum perforatum L. on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats
  2513. Metabolomics coupled with pattern recognition and pathway analysis on potential biomarkers in liver injury and Hepatoprotective effects of yinchenhao
  2514. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of naringenin and its β-cyclodextrin formulation in mice intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride: a comparative study
  2515. Ashvagandharishta’prepared using yeast consortium from Woodfordia fruticosa flowers exhibit Hepatoprotective effect on CCl4 induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  2516. Hepatoprotective effects of Yulangsan polysaccharide against isoniazid and rifampicin-induced liver injury in mice
  2517. Hepatoprotective effects of swimming exercise against D-galactose-induced senescence rat model
  2518. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of saponarin, isolated from Gypsophila trichotoma Wend. on paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  2519. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of khamira Gaozaban Ambri Jadwar Ood Saleeb Wala (KGA)
  2520. Hepatoprotective potential of prosopis farcta beans extracts against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in wister rats
  2521. Suppression of the TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway and inhibition of hepatic stellate cell proliferation play a role in the Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin …
  2522. Enhancement of absorption and Hepatoprotective potential through soya-phosphatidylcholine-andrographolide vesicular system
  2523. Hepatoprotective activity of ginsenosides from Panax ginseng adventitious roots against carbon tetrachloride treated hepatic injury in rats
  2524. Design and optimization of self-nanoemulsifying delivery system to enhance quercetin Hepatoprotective activity in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  2525. Hepatoprotective Sesquiterpenes and Rutinosides from Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng
  2526. Hepatoprotective effects of fermented field water-dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) extract and its major constituents
  2527. Palm kernel cake extract exerts Hepatoprotective activity in heat-induced oxidative stress in chicken hepatocytes
  2528. Hepatoprotective effect of Arctium lappa root extract on cadmium toxicity in adult Wistar rats
  2529. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of organic and conventional grape juices in rats fed a high-fat diet
  2530. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Hammada scoparia against ethanol-induced liver injury in rats
  2531. Enhanced glycemic control, pancreas protective, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects by umbelliferon-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(2 I→ 1 II)-α-D-glucopyranoside …
  2532. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of N-acetyl cysteine in carbamazepine-administered rats
  2533. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin on di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) induced injury in liver FL83B cells
  2534. Hepatoprotective and in vivo antioxidant activities of the hydroethanolic leaf extract of Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) in antitubercular drugs and alcohol models
  2535. Chemopreventive and Hepatoprotective effects of Epigallocatechin‐gallate against hepatocellular carcinoma: role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans pathway
  2536. Hepatoprotective effects of Adenanthera pavonina (Linn.) against anti-tubercular drugs-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2537. The Hepatoprotective effect and chemical constituents of total iridoids and xanthones extracted from Swertia mussotii Franch
  2538. Hepatoprotective effect of limonin, a natural limonoid from the seed of Citrus aurantium var. bigaradia, on D-galactosamine-induced liver injury in rats
  2539. Proteomics study on the Hepatoprotective effects of traditional Chinese medicine formulae Yin-Chen-Hao-Tang by a combination of two-dimensional polyacrylamide …
  2540. Agomelatine: an antidepressant with new potent Hepatoprotective effects on paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  2541. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective effects of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity
  2542. Aqueous extract of Artemisia capillaris exerts Hepatoprotective action in alcohol–pyrazole-fed rat model
  2543. Hepatoprotective effect of cryptotanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza in D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced fulminant hepatic failure
  2544. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of total flavonoid C-glycosides from Abrus mollis extracts
  2545. … plasma and urine metabolomics coupled with HPLC/QTOF-MS and chemometric analysis on potential biomarkers in liver injury and Hepatoprotective effects of Er-Zhi …
  2546. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Melaleuca styphelioides on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2547. Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum vulgare in Wistar rats against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  2548. Hepatoprotective triterpenoids and saponins of Schefflera kwangsiensis
  2549. Hepatoprotective effect of herbal drug on CCl4 induced liver damage.
  2550. Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extract of Alcea rosea against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2551. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of rhizome of Podophyllum hexandrum against carbon tetra chloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2552. Hepatoprotective Effect Of Cymbopogon Citratus Aqueous Extract Against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Liver Injury In Male Rats
  2553. Puerarin improves metabolic function leading to Hepatoprotective effects in chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  2554. Hepatoprotective bioactivity of the glycoprotein, antrodan, isolated from Antrodia cinnamomea mycelia
  2555. Potential antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effects of an aqueous extract formula derived from three Chinese medicinal herbs against CCl4-induced liver …
  2556. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effect of ganodermanontriol against t-BHP-induced oxidative stress
  2557. Hepatoprotective activity of fruit extract of Garcinia pedunculata
  2558. Hepatoprotective triterpenoid saponins from Callicarpa nudiflora
  2559. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Bauhinia purpurea leaves against paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats
  2560. Hepatoprotective Effects of Aqueous Extract from Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (Higher Basidiomycetes) on α-Amanitin−Induced Liver …
  2561. Hepatoprotective effects of reynosin against thioacetamide-induced apoptosis in primary hepatocytes and mouse liver
  2562. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Veronica ciliata Fisch. extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  2563. Hepatoprotective effect of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. lignans and its formula with Rubus idaeus on chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
  2564. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Phyllanthus fraternus against a chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide
  2565. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of chenopodium album extract
  2566. Targeted metabolomics of serum acylcarnitines evaluates Hepatoprotective effect of Wuzhi Tablet (Schisandra sphenanthera extract) against acute …
  2567. Hepatoprotective coumarins and secoiridoids from Hydrangea paniculata
  2568. Anti-Inflammatory, gastrointestinal and Hepatoprotective effects of Ocimum sanctum Linn: an ancient remedy with new application
  2569. Plants used in Hepatoprotective remedies in traditional Indian medicine
  2570. Hepatoprotective effect of methylsulfonylmethane against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
  2571. Hepatoprotective and hepatocurative properties of alcoholic extract of Carthamus oxyacantha seeds
  2572. Comparison of Hepatoprotective activity of Swertia chirayita and Andrographis paniculata plant of North–East India against CCl4 induced hepatotoxic rats
  2573. Antioxidantactivities In Vitro And Hepatoprotective Effects Of Nelumbo Nucifera Leaves In Vivo
  2574. Hepatoprotective effect of commercial herbal extracts on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  2575. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin phytosomes compared to milk thistle extract in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2576. Hepatoprotective activity of puerarin against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries in rats: a randomized controlled trial
  2577. Hepatoprotective effect of silyamarin in individuals chronically exposed to hydrogen sulfide; modulating influence of TNF-α cytokine genetic polymorphism
  2578. Coffee has Hepatoprotective benefits in Brazilian patients with chronic hepatitis C even in lower daily consumption than in American and European populations
  2579. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Boswellia ovalifoliolata bark extracts
  2580. Hepatoprotective activity of Oxalis corniculata L. ethanolic extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats and its in vitro antioxidant effects
  2581. Proteomics analysis of Hepatoprotective effects for scoparone using MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry with bioinformatics
  2582. A novel solid dispersion system for natural product-loaded medicine: silymarin-loaded solid dispersion with enhanced oral bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity
  2583. Hepatoprotective effect of Curcuma longa against lead induced toxicity in Wistar rats
  2584. Gene expression profiling reveals underlying molecular mechanism of Hepatoprotective effect of Phyllanthus niruri on thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in …
  2585. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of tofu (curdle soymilk) against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats
  2586. The Hepatoprotective effect of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berries on induced aflatoxin B1 poisoning in chickens
  2587. Quantum-chemical study on relationship between structure and antioxidant properties of Hepatoprotective compounds occurring in Cynara scolymus and Silybum …
  2588. Phenolic composition, DNA damage protective activity and Hepatoprotective effect of free phenolic extract from Sphallerocarpus gracilis seeds
  2589. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous leaf extract of Murraya koenigii against lead-induced hepatotoxicity in male wistar rat
  2590. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects of methanolic root extract of Cassia singueana in rats following acute and chronic carbon tetrachloride …
  2591. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of linden (Tilia platyphyllos L.) infusion against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  2592. Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcystiene on the toxic hazards of titanium dioxide nanoparticles
  2593. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the essential oils of four Libyan herbs
  2594. Phenolic profiling by UPLC–MS/MS and Hepatoprotective activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum against CCl4 induced liver injury in Wistar rats
  2595. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of fenugreek seeds on rats
  2596. Hepatoprotective potential of Cassia auriculata roots on ethanol and antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity in experimental models
  2597. Cardioprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of ellagitannins from European oak bark (Quercus petraea L.) extract in rats
  2598. Rectification of impaired adipose tissue methylation status and lipolytic response contributes to Hepatoprotective effect of betaine in a mouse model of alcoholic liver …
  2599. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of andrographolide derivatives as potent Hepatoprotective Agents
  2600. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus religiosa leaves against isoniazid+ rifampicin and paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity
  2601. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of processed Aloe vera gel in a mice model of alloxan induced diabetes mellitus
  2602. Hepatoprotective effects of artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
  2603. Hepatoprotective medication for liver injury
  2604. Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees (kalmegh), a traditional Hepatoprotective drug from India
  2605. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effect of methanol extract of Caralluma fimbriata in streptatozocin induced diabetic albino rats
  2606. Hepatoprotective effect of β-chitosan from gladius of Sepioteuthis lessoniana against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in Wistar rats
  2607. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Clitoria ternatea (Linn.) flower against acetaminophen-induced liver damage
  2608. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of stem bark extract of Khaya grandifoliola (Welw) CDC and Entada africana Guill. et Perr
  2609. Hepatoprotective and Anti-oxidant Activities of Glossogyne tenuifolia Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  2610. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of Morinda tinctoria Roxb. against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  2611. Synthesis and Hepatoprotective properties of Acanthus ilicifolius alkaloid A and its derivatives
  2612. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Solanum xanthocarpum leaf extracts against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  2613. Hepatoprotective effects of S‐adenosylmethionine and silybin on canine hepatocytes in vitro
  2614. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of Terminalia arjuna against cadmium provoked toxicity in albino rats (Ratus norvigicus)
  2615. Hepatoprotective effect of Phyllanthus niruri aqueous extract in acetaminophen sub-acutec exposure rabbits
  2616. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Melastoma malabathricum leaf in rats
  2617. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Malva parviflora against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2618. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous-methanolic extract of Suaeda fruticosa in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  2619. Combined Hepatoprotective and antidepressant effects of resveratrol in an acute model of depression
  2620. Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum americanum L Leaves against paracetamol–induced liver damage in rats
  2621. Effects of silver nanoparticle (Ag NP) on oxidative stress, liver function in rat: hepatotoxic or Hepatoprotective?
  2622. Hepatoprotective effects of a chinese herbal formula, longyin decoction, on carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver injury in chickens
  2623. Hepatoprotective potential of some local Medicinal Plants against 2-Acetylaminoflourene-induced damage in rat
  2624. Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols rich methanolic extract of Amorphophallus commutatus var. wayanadensis against CCl4 induced hepatic injury in swiss albino …
  2625. Evaluation of acute toxicity of neem active constituent, nimbolide and its Hepatoprotective activity against acute dose of carbon tetrachloride treated albino rats
  2626. Antiatherogenic, Hepatoprotective, and hypolipidemic effects of coenzyme Q10 in alloxan-induced type 1 diabetic rats
  2627. Comparative Hepatoprotective potential of Tinospora cordifolia, Tinospora sinensis and Neem-guduchi
  2628. Hepatoprotective effect of fermented soybean (nutrient enriched soybean tempeh) against alcohol-induced liver damage in mice
  2629. Hepatoprotective Prenylaromadendrane-Type Diterpenes from the Gum Resin of Boswellia carterii
  2630. Abrusamide A and B, two Hepatoprotective isomeric compounds from Abrus mollis Hance
  2631. Hepatoprotective activity of Chhit-Chan-Than extract powder against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  2632. Hepatoprotective effects of melatonin against pronecrotic cellular events in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  2633. Chemical structures and Hepatoprotective effects of constituents from Cassia auriculata leaves
  2634. Current evidence for the Hepatoprotective activities of the medicinal mushroom Antrodia cinnamomea
  2635. Hepatoprotective effects of Astragalus kahiricus root extract against ethanol-induced liver apoptosis in rats
  2636. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of N-Trisaccharide in different experimental rats
  2637. Current view of zinc as a Hepatoprotective agent in conditions of chlorpyrifos induced toxicity
  2638. Hepatoprotective effect of Amomum xanthoides against dimethylnitrosamine-induced sub-chronic liver injury in a rat model
  2639. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of aqueous ethanol extract of Cestrum nocturnum against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  2641. Induction of Nrf2 and metallothionein as a common mechanism of Hepatoprotective medicinal herbs
  2642. In vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Allium cepa bulb in ethanol induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  2643. Hepatoprotective effect of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) against induced chronic liver cirrhosis
  2644. The Hepatoprotective effect of fraxetin on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fibrosis by antioxidative activities in rats
  2645. Identification of pyroglutamyl peptides in Japanese rice wine (sake): presence of Hepatoprotective pyroGlu-Leu
  2646. Hepatoprotective effect of Houttuynia cordata thunb extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in mice
  2647. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Crataegus songarica Methanol Extract
  2648. Hepatoprotective activity of LC–ESI-MS standardized Iris spuria rhizome extract on its main bioactive constituents
  2649. The mechanism of Hepatoprotective effect of sesquiterpene rich fraction from Cichorum glandulosum Boiss. et Huet on immune reaction-induced liver injury in mice
  2650. Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Rourea induta Planch.(Connaraceae) against CCl4-induced liver injury in female …
  2651. Hepatoprotective effects of lycopene against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
  2652. Indian herbal medicine as Hepatoprotective and hepatocurative: a review of scientific evidence
  2653. Hepatoprotective effect of whole plant extract fractions of Marsilea minuta linn
  2654. Cadmium-induced toxicity and the Hepatoprotective potentials of aqueous extract of jessiaea nervosa leaf
  2655. Hepatoprotective effects of DL-α-lipoic acid and α-Tocopherol through amelioration of the mitochondrial oxidative stress in acetaminophen challenged rats
  2656. Hepatoprotective action of Orthosiphon diffusus (Benth.) methanol active fraction through antioxidant mechanisms: an in vivo and in vitro evaluation
  2657. Hepatoprotective activity of Gentiana veitchiorum Hemsl. against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2658. Hepatoprotective activity of Clearliv a polyherbal formulation in Wistar rats
  2659. Hepatoprotective effects of Ixora parviflora extract against exhaustive exercise-induced oxidative stress in mice
  2660. Pretreatment Hepatoprotective effect of the marine fungus derived from sponge on hepatic toxicity induced by heavy metals in rats
  2661. Hepatoprotective effects of Iranian Hypericum scabrum essential oils against oxidative stress induced by acetaminophen in rats
  2662. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous methanolic extract of Rumex dentatus in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2663. Hepatoprotective evaluation of Ganoderma lucidum pharmacopuncture: In vivo studies of ethanol-induced acute liver injury
  2664. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic effects of icetexanes isolated from stem-bark of Premna tomentosa
  2665. Hepatoprotective effect of Caralluma umbellate against acetaminophen induced oxidative stress and liver damage in rat
  2666. Targeting silymarin for improved Hepatoprotective activity through chitosan nanoparticles
  2667. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Parinari curatellifolia root
  2668. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Hibiscus Polyphenol Rich Extract (HPE) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)–induced damage in rats
  2669. Hepatoprotective effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids against repeated subacute acetaminophen dosing in rats
  2670. In vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Glycyrrhiza glabra extract on carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced oxidative-stress mediated hepatotoxicity
  2671. Hepatoprotective and antineoplastic properties of Protaetia brevitarsis larvae
  2672. Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective activities of Tamarindus indica fruit pulp in alloxan induced diabetic rats
  2673. Hepatoprotective effect of Satureja khuzestanica essential oil and vitamin E in experimental hyperthyroid rats: evidence for role of antioxidant effect
  2674. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Alocasia indica tuber
  2675. Hepatoprotective effects of Limonium tetragonum, edible medicinal halophyte growing near seashores
  2676. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Lannea coromandelica Linn. on thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2677. Study of the Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Feijoa sellowiana fruits against MDMA using the isolated rat liver perfusion system
  2678. Hepatoprotective role of kaempferol during alcohol-and ΔPUFA-induced oxidative stress
  2679. Hepatoprotective phenolic glycosides from Gymnema tingens
  2680. PASS-predicted Hepatoprotective activity of Caesalpinia sappan in thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats
  2681. Oral Hepatoprotective ability evaluation of purple sweet potato anthocyanins on acute and chronic chemical liver injuries
  2682. Antioxidantactivity In Vitro And Hepatoprotective Effect Of Phlomis Maximowiczii In Vivo
  2683. CCl 4 induced genotoxicity and DNA oxidative damages in rats: Hepatoprotective effect of Sonchus arvensis
  2684. Hepatoprotective role of liver fatty acid binding protein in acetaminophen induced toxicity
  2685. Hepatoprotective activity of Crotalaria juncea against thioacetamide intoxicated rats
  2686. Hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of methanolic leaf extract of Heinsia crinita (Rubiaceae) in alloxan-induced diabetic albino Wistar …
  2687. Hepatoprotective studies on methanolic extract of whole plant of Lindernia ciliata
  2688. Current scenario for the Hepatoprotective effects of Inchinkoto, a traditional herbal medicine, and its clinical application in liver surgery: A review
  2689. Hepatoprotective effects of apple polyphenol extract on aluminum-induced liver oxidative stress in the rat
  2690. Hepatoprotective activity of herbal preparation (HP-4) against alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  2691. Hepatoprotective activity of Parmelia perlata (Huds.) Ach. against CCl4 induced liver toxicity in Albino Wistar rats
  2692. Hepatoprotective effect of zingerone (4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) butan-2-one) in lipopolysaccharide induced liver injury mouse model through down …
  2693. Hepatoprotective effects of Thymus and Salvia essential oils on paracetamol-induced toxicity in rats
  2694. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Cryptolepis buchanani
  2695. Hepatoprotective activity of Cichorium intybus (Linn.) root extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino Wistar rats
  2696. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Syzygium jambos (Linn.) leaf against paracetamol intoxicated Wistar albino rats
  2697. Hepatoprotective effect of manganese chloride against CCl 4-induced liver injury in rats
  2698. Antioxidant, anticancer and Hepatoprotective activities of Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne extract as well as α-tocopherol and amygdalin production from in vitro culture
  2699. Hepatoprotective effect of superfine particles of herbal medicine against CCl4-induced acute liver damage in rats
  2700. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of pentagamavunon-0 against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in rats
  2701. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of fruit extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum & Thonn) Taubert
  2702. Hepatoprotective effect of green propolis is related with antioxidant action in vivo and in vitro
  2703. Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Boschniakia rossica on carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in mice
  2704. Hepatotoxicity and Hepatoprotective effects of African medicinal plants
  2705. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius in protein energy malnutrition induced liver and kidney damage
  2706. Hepatoprotective effects of Hovenia dulcis extract on acute and chronic liver injuries induced by alcohol and carbon tetrachloride
  2707. In Vitro Hepatoprotective Activity of Isolated Fractions of Cressa Cretica
  2708. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic leaf extract of Anacardium occidentale (cashew) on carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in wistar rats
  2709. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Cassytha filiformis against CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats
  2710. Hepatoprotective potential of new steroid against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury
  2711. Quantitative phytochemical estimation and evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Dendrobium ovatum (L.) Kraenzl whole plant against …
  2712. Hypoglycemic, Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Ethanolic Root Bark Extract of Chrysophyllum albidum in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats.
  2713. Antischistosomal and Hepatoprotective activity of Morus alba leaves extract
  2714. Analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective and nephritic effects of the aerial parts of Pulicaria arabica (Family: Compositae) on rats
  2715. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective efficacy of Moringa oleifera seed oil on CCl4-induced liver damage in Wistar albino rats
  2716. Hepatoprotective Effect of Active Constituents Isolated from Mung Beans (Phaseolus radiatus L.) in an Alcohol‐Induced Liver Injury Mouse Model
  2717. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Ixora pavetta against isoniazid and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2718. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of different extracts of guizhencao (herba bidentis bipinnatae) against liver injury in hyperlipidemia rats
  2719. Phytochemistry and Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Corchorus olitorius on carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity
  2720. Hepatoprotective property of ethanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity
  2721. Phytochemical screening, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of leaf extracts of Zapoteca portoricensis
  2722. Hepatoprotective agent tethered isoniazid for the treatment of drug-induced hepatotoxicity: Synthesis, biochemical and histopathological evaluation
  2723. Hepatoprotective effects of Cynara scolymus L. extract on CCl4 induced liver injury in broiler chickens.
  2724. Anticlastogenic and Hepatoprotective properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract against nitrobenzene-induced toxicity in rats
  2725. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of Corchorus depressus L. against CCl4 induced toxicity in HepG2 cell line
  2726. Hepatoprotective efficacy of chicory alone or combined with dandelion leaves against induced liver damage
  2727. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Jerusalem artichoke extracts on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  2728. Hepatoprotective effects of remote perconditioning during renal ischemia.
  2729. Hepatoprotective effect of the flavonoid fraction isolated from the flower of Inula britannica against D-Galactosamine-induced hepatic injury
  2730. A new flavonoid C-glycoside from Solanum elaeagnifolium with Hepatoprotective and curative activities against paracetamol-induced liver injury in mice
  2731. Antiproliferative and Hepatoprotective activity of metabolites from Corynebacterium xerosis against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells
  2732. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of extracts from Salvia—Nelumbinis naturalis against nonalcoholic steatohepatitis induced by methionine-and …
  2733. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb. on paracetamol induced toxicity
  2734. Hepatoprotective effects of extracts from processed corni fructus against D-galactose-induced liver injury in mice
  2735. Antiulcer, wound healing and Hepatoprotective activities of the seaweeds Gracilaria crassa, Turbinaria ornata and Laurencia papillosa from the southeast …
  2736. Hepatoprotective Models and Various Natural Product Used in Hepatoprotective Agents: a Review.
  2737. Hepatoprotective potential of astaxanthin against 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in cultured rat hepatocytes
  2738. Hepatoprotective effect by pretreatment with olprinone in a swine partial hepatectomy model
  2739. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of ferulic acid against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice
  2740. Hepatoprotective activity of Thymus linearis against paracetamol-and carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in albino mice
  2741. … suppresses LPS-induced NF-κB and MAPK activation in RAW 264.7 and rat peritoneal macrophages and exerts Hepatoprotective effects on carbon …
  2742. Hepatoprotective effects of erythropoietin on D‑galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide‑induced fulminant hepatic failure in mice
  2743. Free radical scavenging and Hepatoprotective effects of salidroside analogs on CCl 4-induced cytotoxicity in LO2 cells
  2744. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Salvia officinalis L. Hydroalcoholic Extract in Male Rats
  2745. The Hepatoprotective activity of blue green algae in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice
  2746. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Vernonia Amygdalina (Bitter Leaf) and its effect on some biochemical parameters in alloxan-induced diabetic …
  2748. Hepatoprotective and anticlastogenic effects of ethanol extract of Irvingia gabonensis (IG) leaves in sodium arsenite-induced toxicity in male Wistar rats
  2749. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of an organic grapevine leaf (Vitis labrusca L.) extract in diabetic rats
  2750. Hepatoprotective effects of cathepsin B inhibitor on acute hepatic failure induced by lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamine in mice
  2751. Hepatoprotective activity of ethyl acetate extract of Adhatoda vasicain Swiss albino rats
  2752. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Activities of Deinoxanthin-Rich Extract from Deinococcus radiodurans R1 against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in …
  2753. Determination of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective ability of flavonoids of Cichorium intybus
  2754. The involvement of heme oxygenase 1 but not nitric oxide synthase 2 in a Hepatoprotective action of quercetin in lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatotoxicity of D …
  2755. Determination of ursolic acid in fractionated leaf extracts of Ocimum gratissimum Linn and in developed herbal Hepatoprotective tablet by HPTLC
  2756. The Hepatoprotective properties of an extract from the brown alga Saccharina japonica
  2757. Hepatoprotective effect of extract of black cincau (Mesona palustris BL) on paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  2758. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves extracts of Carissa carandas Linn
  2759. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of water-soluble polysaccharide fraction of stellaria media L.
  2760. Synthesis of two trisaccharides related to the Hepatoprotective phenylethanoids leonoside E and F isolated from Leonurus japonicus Houtt
  2761. Hepatoprotective role of Abelmoschus esculentus (Linn.) Moench., on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  2762. Amifostine enhances the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of UW and HTK preservation solutions
  2763. Hepatoprotective effect of germanium-containing Spirulina in rats with d-galactosamine-and lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatitis
  2764. In vitro/in vivo characterization of nanocrystalline formulation of tranilast with improved dissolution and Hepatoprotective properties
  2765. Antioxidant, Antiinflammation and Hepatoprotective activity of Schizandrae Fructus processed with differenciated steaming number
  2766. Review of plants with Hepatoprotective activity evaluated in Mexico
  2767. Hepatoprotective mechanisms of Ageratum conyzoides L. on oxidative damage induced by acetaminophen in Wistar rats
  2768. Hepatoprotective effects of Solanum nigrum Linn fruits against cadmium chloride toxicity in albino rats
  2769. Hepatoprotective activity of Euphorbia hirta Linn. Plant against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury in rats
  2770. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic fruit extracts of Phoenix dactylifera (Arecaceae) on thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats
  2771. Hepatoprotective effect of Schisandra chinensis on high-fat diet-induced fatty liver in rats
  2772. Hepatoprotective and proteomic mechanism of Sphaeranthus indicus in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  2773. Hepatoprotective properties of isoflavonoids from roots of Maackia amurensis on experimental carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage
  2774. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the aqueous extract from the rhizome of Phragmites australis
  2775. The antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective effects of magnolol on diabetic rats induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin.
  2776. Hepatoprotective potentials of aqueous extract of Convolvulus pluricaulis against thioacetamide induced liver damage in rats
  2777. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of an ethanol extract of Piper Cubeba fruits
  2778. The Hepatoprotective effect of diltiazem and silymarin
  2779. Hepatoprotective activity of Acalypha indica linn against thioacetamide induced toxicity
  2780. Hepatoprotective effect of peptic hydrolysate from salmon pectoral fin protein byproducts on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in Sprague–Dawley rats
  2781. Up-regulation of nerve growth factor in cholestatic livers and its Hepatoprotective role against oxidative stress
  2782. In vivo and in vitro Hepatoprotective potential of kaempferol, a flavone glycoside from Capparis spinosa
  2783. Hepatoprotective saikosaponin homologs from Comastoma pedunculatum
  2784. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bee Propolis in Rat Model of streptozotocin-Induced diabetic hepatotoxicity light and electron microscopic study
  2785. Hepatoprotective effects of lactic acid-fermented garlic extracts on fatty liver-induced mouse by alcohol
  2786. Synthesis and the Hepatoprotective activity of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan derivatives
  2787. Antioxidative burst and Hepatoprotective effects of ethanol root extract of Hippocratea africana against paracetamol-induced liver injury
  2788. Investigation of the Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Hypericum mysorense
  2789. Hepatoprotective effects of Rubus coreanus miquel concentrates on liver injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  2790. Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera seeds extract against ethanol induced liver damage in wistar …
  2791. Hepatoprotective effect of Origanum elongatum against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced toxicity in rats
  2792. Hepatoprotective Effects of Terminalia chebula Fruit Extract against 2-AAF–Induced Hepatic Damage in Albino Mice: Role of MDR1 and COX-2
  2793. Hepatoprotective effect of bis(4‐methylbenzoyl) diselenide against CCl4‐induced oxidative damage in mice
  2794. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Selaginella lepidophylla
  2795. Purification and Hepatoprotective effect of Momordica polysaccharides
  2796. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of Polyalthiya longifolia fruits: An In-vitro and In-vivo approach
  2797. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cornus mas Fruits Extract Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatic Damage in Male Albino Rats
  2798. Hepatoprotective and Hypolipidemic effects of Carthamus tinctorius oil in Alloxan-induced type 1 diabetic rats
  2799. Formulation development and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of self nanoemulsifying drug delivery system of antioxidant coenzyme Q 10
  2800. Hepatoprotective effects of extracts and polysaccharides from seaweed
  2801. Hepatoprotective activity of Desmodium gangeticum in paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  2802. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant effect of Polygala rosmarinifolia Wight & Arn against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2803. Hepatoprotective effects of Justicia adhatoda L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver injury in Swiss albino mice
  2804. Hepatoprotective activity of Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica
  2805. Hepatoprotective activity of leaf of methanol extract of Laurus nobilis L. against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2807. The Hepatoprotective effect of quertulin in rats with disbiosis after high-fat diet
  2808. Hepatoprotective effect of DT 56a is associated with changes in natural killer T cells and regulatory T cells
  2809. Leaf extract of Markhamia platycalyx: polyphenolic profile, acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective and in vitro antioxidant activities
  2810. Hepatoprotective effect of caffeine on diethylnitrosamine-induced liver injury in rats.
  2811. Chemical Composition and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from a Hepatoprotective Herbal Mix
  2812. Experimental evaluation of Echinops echinatus as an effective Hepatoprotective
  2813. Hepatoprotective properties of taurine during carbon tetrachloride intoxication
  2814. Evaluation of antidiabetic, antidyslipidemic & Hepatoprotective activity of Homalium zeylanicum in alloxan induced diabetic rats
  2815. Hepatoprotective effects of early pentoxifylline administration on hepatic injury induced by concanavalin A in rat
  2816. Hepatoprotective effect of Genista quadriflora munby extract against ethanol induced toxicity
  2817. Phenolic contents of Gleditsia triacanthos leaves and evaluation of its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities
  2818. Hepatoprotective effect of Momordica charantia extract against CCL4 induced liver damage in rats
  2819. Hepatoprotective effects of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) lyophilized powder on dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis in rats
  2820. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of corosolic acid on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  2821. Hepatoprotective effect of β-sitosterol on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in ethanol-induced hepatotoxic rats
  2822. Erythropoietic and Hepatoprotective Potential of Ethanolic Extract of Nauclea latifolia in Mice Infected with Plasmodium berghei berghei
  2823. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous-ethanolic extract of Solanum nigrum against nimesulide intoxicated albino rats
  2824. Phytochemical profile of a microalgae Euglena tuba and its Hepatoprotective effect against iron‐induced liver damage in Swiss albino mice
  2825. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of artichoke against carbon tetrachloride-toxicity in rats
  2826. Molecular mechanisms underlying Hepatoprotective effect of artichoke extract: modulates tnf-induced activation of nuclear transcription factor (NF-KAPPA ẞ) …
  2827. In vitro antioxidant/radical scavenging activities and Hepatoprotective roles of ethanolic extract of Cassia occidentalis leaves in sodium arsenite-treated male Wistar …
  2828. Hepatoprotective effect of Ecballium Elaterium fruit juice against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rats
  2829. High Frequency Shoots Regeneration for Mass Multiplication of Phyllanthu s fraternus Webster—An Important Antiviral and Hepatoprotective Plant
  2830. Hepatoprotective effect of Spirulina platensis against aluminum chloride induced liver damage in rats
  2831. Hepatoprotective effect of royal jelly against cisplatin-induced biochemical, oxidative stress, anti-oxidants and histopathological abnormalities
  2832. Novel quercetin glycoside with promising Hepatoprotective activity isolated from Lobularia libyca (viv). CfW (Brassicaceae)
  2833. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of Schizandra chinensis Baill. Extracts containing active components in alcohol-induced HepG2 cells
  2834. Hepatoprotective Effect of Calotropis procera in Isoniazid and Rifampicin Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  2835. Hepatoprotective effect of Silybum marianum on experimental hepatotoxicity in broilers
  2836. Hepatoprotective activity of whole plant extract of Leptadenia pyrotechnica against paracetamol induced damage in rats
  2837. Hepatoprotective activity of quality certificated traditional Doenjang in Korea
  2838. Study of the possible Hepatoprotective effect of propolis against the hepatotoxic effect of atorvastatin in albino rats
  2839. Comparative Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extracts of Cuscuta australis against acetaminophen intoxication in wistar rats
  2840. Hepatoprotective effects of Mimic of Manganese superoxide dismutase against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury
  2841. Design and evaluation of herbal Hepatoprotective formulation against paracetamol induced liver toxicity
  2842. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of the methanol extract of the root of Uvaria afzelii (Annonaceae)
  2843. Hepatoprotective effects of Cynara extract and silymarin on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rats
  2844. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of ethanolic root extract of Bauhinia variegata Linn
  2845. Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for simultaneous analysis of andrographolide, phyllanthin, and hypophyllanthin from herbal Hepatoprotective …
  2846. Hepatoprotective effects of Ger-Gen-Chyn-Lian-Tang in thioacetamide-induced fibrosis in mice
  2847. Study of Hepatoprotective effects of xymedon.
  2848. Hepatoprotective activity of lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley fruits against paracetamol induced hapatotoxicity in mice
  2849. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous seed extract of Nigella sativa against highly active antiretroviral therapy induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2850. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Ecbolium viride (Forssk.) Alston roots against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in albino wistar rats
  2851. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Garcinia indica fruit rind in antitubercular drug-induced liver injury in rats
  2852. Hepatoprotective effect of Parkia biglobosa stem bark methanolic extract on paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar Rats
  2853. Hepatoprotective Effect of Drynaria quercifolia fronds hydroalcoholic extract and isolated constituent against CCl4-induced hepatocellular damage
  2854. Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhavia diffusa extract
  2855. Hepatoprotective properties of native humic acids isolated from lowland peat of Tomsk region
  2856. In vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extract of dioclea reflexa seed in rats following acute or chronic liver injury
  2857. Hepatoprotective effects of B-1, 3-(D)-glucan on bortezomib-induced liver damage in rats
  2858. Study to evaluate the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of roots extracts of Doronicum hookeri in CCl4 treated rats
  2859. Hepatoprotective Effects of Ageratum conyzoides L. on biochemical indices induced by acetaminophen toxicity in Wistar rats
  2860. Hepatoprotective effect of fermented rice bran against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in mice
  2861. Comparative antioxidant study of stem and stem induced callus of Phyllanthus fraternus Webster—an important antiviral and Hepatoprotective plant
  2862. Exploration of Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Solanum nigrum-an experimental study
  2863. Enhanced intestinal absorption activity and Hepatoprotective effect of herpetrione via preparation of nanosuspensions using pH‐dependent dissolving‐precipitating …
  2864. Design, synthesis and Hepatoprotective activity of analogs of the natural product goodyeroside A
  2865. Hepatoprotective Effect of Zizyphus vulgaris on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Liver Damage in Rats as Animal Model
  2866. Hepatoprotective role of sodium selenite against oxidative damage induced by mercuric chloride in rat albinos wistar
  2867. Evaluation of anti-oxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Couroupita guianensis leaves
  2868. Hepatoprotective Potential of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Santalum album Linn. Leaves
  2869. Hepatoprotective effects of 25 herbal formulas in primary rat hepatocytes
  2870. Hepatoprotective effects of green tea and its polyphenols: preclinical observations
  2871. Hepatoprotective effect of chamomile capitula extract against 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2872. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extract of Origanum majorana in CCl4 induced liver injuryin rats
  2873. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of functional food formulations using in vitro and in vivo models of CCl4 radical induced toxicity
  2874. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous and ethanol extracts of Dendrophthoe falcate Linn leaves
  2875. Hepatoprotective Therapy
  2876. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Madhuca longifolia (Koenig) leaves
  2877. Bioassay Guided Fractionation and Hepatoprotective Activity of Oleanolic Acid Acetate Isolated from Vitex negundo Linn.
  2878. Pharmacokinetic variations of tetramethylpyrazine phosphate after oral administration in hepatic precancerous mice and its Hepatoprotective effects
  2879. Evaluation of Iyengariastellata for its hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective activity.
  2880. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Valeriana wallichii in CCL4 treated rats
  2881. Jabuticaba [Pliniajaboticaba (Vell.) Berg] skins decrease lipid peroxidation: Hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidemic effects
  2882. Hepatoprotective acyl glycosides obtained from Erycibe hainanesis
  2883. Hepatoprotective effects of Zamzam water against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats: biochemical, histopathological, and molecular evidences
  2884. Hepatoprotective activity of Spirulina species.
  2885. Hepatoprotective effect of estradiol and-Lipoic Acid in Rats
  2886. Hepatoprotective effects of natural Calculus Bovis against diethylnitrosamine induced hepatic injury in rats
  2887. Composition of lipoidal matter and evaluation of Hepatoprotective, cytotoxic, and antioxidant activities of Khaya grandifoliola C. DC. growing in Egypt
  2888. Comparative Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Activities of Astragalus Gummifer Labill Herb and Roots in Rats
  2889. Hepatoprotective activity of Anogeissus latifolia leaf and bark extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2890. Hepatoprotective activity of Ardisia solanacea in CCl4 induced Hepatoxic albino rats
  2891. Hepatoprotective activity of Caralluma umbellata in Chicken
  2892. Hepatoprotective activity of a new germanium-organic biologically active substance (medgerm) in experimental hepatitis
  2893. Hepatoprotective activity of maytenus emarginata against paracetamol-induced liver injury in male Wistar rats
  2894. Effects of Omija (Schizandra chinensis Baillon) concentrate on blood alcohol clearance and Hepatoprotective function in rats induced by acute ethanol intoxication and …
  2895. Hepatoprotective effects of met-enkephalin on acetaminophen-induced liver lesions in male CBA mice
  2896. Pharmacological intervention of the fruit of plant Ananas comosus acting as Hepatoprotective activity in animal models
  2897. The dopamine agonist piribedil exerts Hepatoprotective effects on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage
  2898. The potential Hepatoprotective activity of Allium paniculatum and Capparis spinosa on thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2899. Hepatoprotective effect of polyherbal formulations in paracetamol induced hepatic damaged experimental rats
  2900. Hepatoprotective activity of isolated herbal compounds
  2901. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of Rhus mysorensis in albino rats
  2902. Hepatoprotective effect of Inula racemosa on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induced injury in rats
  2903. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of some Saudi medicinal plants
  2904. Hepatoprotective activity of aerial parts of plant extract of Callicarpa macrophylla in rats
  2905. Hepatoprotective and toxicological studies of Salvia bucharica methanolic extract in rabbits
  2906. Hepatoprotective effects of Lysimachia christinae Hance extracts on acute liver injury induced by tripterygium glycosides in mice
  2907. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of extracts of flowers of Tridax procumbens Linn, against Dgalectosamine induced hepatotoxicity in male Wister albino …
  2908. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Actinodaphne madraspatana against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  2909. Satwa from three Tinospora species exhibits differential Hepatoprotective activity against repeated acetaminophen dosing in rats
  2910. Combinational Effect of Cajanus cajan, Silybum marianum and Andrographis paniculata on In vivo Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Carbon Tetrachloride …
  2911. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of Simarouba amara Aublet (Simaroubaceae) stem bark against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatic damage in …
  2912. Hepatoprotective activity of flavonoids purified and ethanolic extract from Iraqi propolis against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in male mice
  2913. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Lithocarpus polystachyus against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries in rat
  2914. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Swertia chirayata on paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats
  2915. Chunggan extract (CGX), a traditional Korean herbal medicine, exerts Hepatoprotective effects in a rat model of chronic alcohol consumption
  2916. Study of Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Smilax zeylanica L. leaf against carbontetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  2917. Hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta alba on experimentally induced liver damage in rats
  2918. Hepatoprotective effect of artichoke extract against pre-cancerous lesion of experimentally induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats
  2919. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic activity of origanum minutiflorum grown wild in Turkey
  2920. Hepatoprotective effect of Cleome gynandra on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  2921. Hepatoprotective Activity Combination Between Morinda Citrifolia Linn (Mengkudu) Extract And Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
  2922. Evaluation of acute toxicity and Hepatoprotective effect of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis in experimental animals
  2923. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of methanolic extract of Anthemis scrobicularis herbs.
  2924. Hepatoprotective effect of Hypecoum erectum extract on experimental D-galactosamine-induced damage of rat liver
  2925. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Mangifera indica leaf extracts against mercuric chloride-induced liver toxicity in mice
  2926. Hepatoprotective Role of Curcumin against Acetaminophen induced toxicity in rats
  2927. The Hepatoprotective effects of corn silk against dose-induced injury of ecstasy (MDMA) using isolated rat liver perfusion system
  2928. Hepatoprotective effect of nitric oxide in experimental model of acute hepatic failure
  2929. The Hepatoprotective activity of the herbal preparation Salivin against carbon tetrachloride (Ccl4) induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  2930. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and in vivo antioxidant activity of the methanolic stem extract of Costus afer (bush cane) in alcohol induced liver cirrhosis in rats
  2931. Olea europaea Linn (Oleaceae) Fruit Pulp Exhibits Hypocholesterolemic and Hepatoprotective Effects via Regulation of Peroxisome Proliferation-Activated Receptor …
  2932. Hepatoprotective effect of pretreatment with rosemary and ginger essential oil in experimental model of acetaminophen-induced injury
  2933. The main components analysis of Laetiporus sulphureu crude extract and its Hepatoprotective effect on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  2934. Hepatoprotective Effect of Lepidium Sativum Linn (Cruciferae) Total Alkaloid Fraction against CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity on Rats
  2935. Effect of the pretreatment with acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) juice on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in mice–Hepatoprotective potential of acerola juice
  2936. Hepatoprotective activity of three Cameroonian medicinal plants against oxidative damages induced by paracetamol and CCl4 in primary rat hepatocytes
  2937. Hepatoprotective activity of betulonic acid amides containing piperidine or pyrrolidine nitroxide moieties
  2939. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Limonia elephantum leaves
  2940. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and in-vivo antioxidant activity of Tamarindus indica L. seeds extracts in Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  2941. Hepatoprotective effects of soy protein isolate against dimethylnitrosamine-induced acute liver injury in Sprague Dawley rat
  2942. Hepatoprotective effect of Eugenia singampattiana Bedd leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride induced jaundice
  2943. Hepatoprotective activity of Canavalia gladiata root extract on d-galactosamine induced hepatic damage
  2944. Hepatoprotective effect of edible oyster mushroom Pleurotus cornucopiae against sodium arsenite induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2945. Hepatoprotective activity of Luffa cylindrica (L.) MJ Roem. leaf extract in paracetamol intoxicated rats
  2946. Hepatoprotective effect of acetone semicarbazone on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma induced carcinogenesis in experimental mice
  2947. Mechanism of Hepatoprotective action of methionine and composition” Metovitan” against a background of antituberculosis drug administration to rats
  2948. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and lipid peroxidation activity of the leaves of the plant Crataeva magna Buch Ham (Family Capparidaceae).
  2949. A comparative study on the Hepatoprotective effect of Tamarindus indica and vitamin E in long Evans rats
  2950. Hepatoprotective Role of Caesalpinia bonduc: A Histopathological and Biochemical Study
  2951. Hepatoprotective effect of Solanum xanthocarpum in paracetamol induced hepatic damage in experimental animals
  2952. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous ethanolic extract of aerial parts of crotalaria verrucosa linn paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2953. Comparative efficacy of herbal and synthetic amino acids for growth performance and Hepatoprotective action in broiler chickens
  2954. Hepatoprotective effect of Alchornea cordifolia leaf on liver damage in albino rats
  2955. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Actinodaphne hookeri Meissn. leaf extracts against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  2956. Secondary metabolites isolated from dichloromethane fraction of rough lemon stem and Hepatoprotective effect of limonianin
  2957. Design and synthesis of novel pyranone-based insulin sensitizers exhibiting in vivo Hepatoprotective activity
  2958. Pharmacoeconomic profiles of four Hepatoprotective drugs used for the treatment of drug-induced liver injury
  2959. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Gynandropsis gynandra
  2960. Phytochemical investigation and evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities on the aerial parts of Barleria montana (Acanthaceae)
  2961. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Tectona grandis Linn.
  2962. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Bacopa monnieri and Vinca rosea against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  2963. Hepatoprotective activity of Calotropis gigantea flowers against carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  2964. The Hepatoprotective effect of Acanthopanax senticosus fermentation products in fatty liver model
  2965. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective action of cassava leaf flour extract against injury induced by CCl4 in rats
  2966. … insights into the effects of formulation type and compositional mixtures on the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of dietary supplements based-on Hepatoprotective …
  2967. Experiment study on the Hepatoprotective effect of mogrosides
  2968. Possible Hepatoprotective effects of lacidipine in irradiated DOCA-salt hypertensive albino rats
  2969. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Melia azedarach L on wistar rats
  2970. Hepatoprotective effects of gardenia jasminoides ellis extract in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by a high fat diet in C57BL/6 mice
  2971. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Plectranthus amboinicus against antitubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  2972. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract from the stem bark of Synedrella nodiflora on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in Swiss albino rats
  2973. Anti-Oxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Ziziphus mucronata Fruit Extract Against Dimethoate-Induced Toxicity
  2974. Antidiabetic, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Diospyros pilosanthera blanco (Family: Ebenaceae) and its …
  2975. Hepatoprotective effects of Tinospora cordifolia extract in streptozotocin induced damage in diabetic rats
  2976. Hepatoprotective and hepatocurative effects of nabk honey in penicillin-induced hepatic toxicity.
  2978. Chemical components and Hepatoprotective effect of the extracts of apple-shaped pear peels on CCl4-caused liver injury in mice
  2979. Hepatoprotective activity and inhibitory effect of flavonoid–rich extract of Brysocarpus coccineus leaves on mitochondrial membrane permeability transition pore
  2980. An investigation of the Hepatoprotective potential of Garcinia kola seed extract in an anti-tubercular treatment model
  2981. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr.(Leeaceae) stem bark against paracetamol induced liver toxicity in rats
  2982. Comparison of Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Activities of Bupleurum marginatum Wall. ex DC. and Bupleurum chinense DC
  2983. Evaluation of polyherbal formulation, livomyn for it’s Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity.
  2984. Indium titanium oxide nanoparticles induced hepatic damage: Hepatoprotective role of novel 2-Imino-4-methyl-1, 2-Dihydropyrimido [5, 4C] Quinoline-5 (6H) …
  2985. Hepatoprotective potential of young leaves of Triticum Aestivum Linn, against CCL4 induced hepatotoxicity
  2986. The analytical review of pharmaceutical market of the modern Hepatoprotective drugs
  2988. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF Iphiona grantioides AND Pluchea arguta FOR ACETAMINOPHEN INDUCED TOXICITY IN RABBITS.
  2989. A study on the Hepatoprotective activities of Methanol Extract of Spinacia oleracea (Linn.) to the Induced Hepatotoxicity in wistar rat models
  2990. Hepatoprotective effect of Panax notoginseng saponins in hepatic fibrosis rats
  2991. In vitro plantlet regeneration from Alysicarpus monilifer, a source of Hepatoprotective drug
  2992. RAPD based genetic variability assessment in Andrographis paniculata (Burm f.) Wall. ex Nees (Kalmegh): an important Hepatoprotective herb
  2993. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Leea asiatica leaves against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  2994. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin and ursodeoxycholic acid in chronic hepatitis C patients
  2995. Ethanolic extract of Emilia sonchifolia leaves possess erythropoietic and Hepatoprotective effect in mice infected with Plasmodium Berghei Berghei
  2996. Hepatoprotective effects of polygonum bistorta (LINN) and its active principle against acetaminophen-induced toxicity in rats
  2997. The choleretic and Hepatoprotective effect of Hypecoum erectum extract
  2998. Spectrum-effect relationship of Bupleurum chinense for Hepatoprotective effect based on cluster analysis and typical correlation analysis
  2999. Hematological and Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus in streptozotocin induceddiabetic male Wistar rats
  3000. Mechanism of action involved in the Hepatoprotective activities of methanol extract of Cassytha filiformis L. aerial parts in CCl4-induced liver damage
  3001. Hepatoprotective Effects of Vitamin E Against Malathion-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Rat Liver
  3002. Hepatoprotective Activity Of Cinnamon Zeylanicum Leaves Against Alcohol Induced Albino Rats
  3003. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective properties of “Phytovenol” capsules on the model of medicamentous hepatitis in rats
  3004. Hepatoprotective potential of Azima tetracantha and Tribulus terrestris on ferrous sulfate-induced toxicity in rat
  3005. Selection and evaluation of biochemical parameters for antialcohol and Hepatoprotective effects of foods and traditional medicines
  3006. Hepatoprotective effects of triterpenoid isolated from Schizandra chinensis against acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
  3007. Hepatoprotective Effects of Carotenoids on the Kidneys of Adult Wistar Rats
  3008. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Taraxacum officinale against carbon tetrachloride induced acute hepatic damage in the rat
  3009. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Leaves of Clitoria Ternatea (L)
  3010. Comparative study on some selected species of Ocimum genus on free radical scavenging activity and Hepatoprotective activity against CCl4 induced intoxication in …
  3011. Hepatoprotective effects of saponins from Rhizoma Panacis Majoris on hepatic fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  3012. The Health Consequences of Fructose, its Metabolite, Dihydroxyacetone and the Hepatoprotective Effects of Selected Natural Polyphenols in Rat Hhepatocytes
  3013. Hepatoprotective effects of kombucha tea and silymarin against thioacetamide induced liver toxicity in rats
  3014. Hepatoprotective activity of Elytraria acaulis plant extracts in Albino rats
  3015. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective (preventive & curative) activity of leaves extract of ROSA Centifolia on experimental animal models
  3016. Side-effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the liver in dogs and Hepatoprotective effect of plant remedies
  3017. Study of the Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of local propolis in rabbits
  3019. AND Hepatoprotective POTENTIALS
  3020. Effective Components of Hepatoprotective Drugs
  3021. Hepatoprotective Activity of Gloriosa superba on Liver Damage Caused by CCL4 in Rats
  3022. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective and antiulcer activity of the aerial parts of Ocimum canum SIM
  3023. Hepatoprotective activity of 1-(4-(Dimethylamino) Benzylidene)-5-(2-Oxoindolin-3-ylidene) Thiocarbohydrazone in rats
  3024. Screening of in vitro Cytotoxicity, Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Oxidative Stress Inhibiting Potential of Clitoria ternata in Carbon Tetrachloride Induced …
  3025. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco (Family Ebenaceae) in diethylnitrosoamine-induced …
  3026. Study of composition and technology of Hepatoprotective and immunostimulative action drug
  3027. phytochemical screening and Hepatoprotective activity of the aerial parts of Lotus polyphyllos ED Clarke family fabaceae growing in Egypt
  3028. Hepatoprotective effect of rapamycin in rats with obstructive jaundice
  3029. Hepatoprotective activity and sub acute toxicity study of whole part of the plant Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata (Orchidaceae)
  3030. Haematinic activity of Puli Ilai Chooranam (Tamarindus indica (L) and Hepatoprotective activity of Chara Parpam.
  3031. Hepatoprotective, Antiulcerogenic, Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities of Musa acuminata Peel and Pulp
  3032. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cichorium endivia L. Extract [J]
  3033. Hepatoprotective activity of Uvaria narum in paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats: a biochemical and histopathological evaluation
  3034. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Mucuna Pruriens Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Wister Rats
  3035. Hepatoprotective potential of Trigonella foenum graecum in deltamethrin induced albino rats
  3036. Studying of Hepatoprotective properties of dry extract from apricot leaves on the model of liver lesion by tetrachloromethane
  3037. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effect of Corchorus depressus L. against CCl4-induced toxicity in rats.
  3038. Metabolomic study on the Hepatoprotective effects of modified Sinisan using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadruple time-of-flight …
  3039. The Hepatoprotective activity of remaxol and S-adenosyl-L-methionine for liver damage caused by reserve-series antituberculosis drugs
  3040. Hepatoprotective properties of the leaf extract of Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) on carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  3042. Hepatoprotective and gastro protective studies of Terminalia arjuna leaves extract and phytochemical profile
  3043. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Herbal Formulation
  3044. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Lannea coromandelica Linn. on thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3045. Hepatoprotective activity of Ceriops decandra (Griff.)
  3046. Hepatoprotective effect of Alpinia officinarum on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion-induced injury in rats
  3047. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium murale in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in rabbits
  3048. Anti-oxidative activity and Hepatoprotective effect of lyophilized powder of liquid fermentation products from Cordyceps militaris
  3049. Phytochemical investigation and Hepatoprotective screening of Embelia Basaal (ROEM. & SCHULT.) DC.
  3050. The hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective efficacies of a essential phospholipids with methionine and atorvastatin in patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes …
  3051. Hepatoprotective Effect of Yellow and Red Carrots (Daucus carota L.) Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3052. Anti oxidative, anti peroxidative and Hepatoprotective potential of Phyllanthus amarus against anti Tb drugs
  3053. A study of Hepatoprotective effects of Curcuma Xanthorrhiza and Ipomoea Aquatica on thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats/Salim Said Salim Alkiyumi
  3054. Hepatoprotective activity of Gentiana veitchiorum Hemsl.against against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  3055. Hepatoprotective constituents from halophyte plant, Limonium tetragonum (Thunb.) Bullock, attenuating HSC-T6 proliferation and RAW264. 7 activation
  3056. Research Article Development and Evaluation of Polyherbal Tablet from Some Hepatoprotective Herbs
  3057. AN UPDATED REVIEW ON Hepatoprotective MEDICINAL PLANTS IN 2012
  3058. Hepatoprotective Activity of Borreria hispida on Paracetamol induced Liver Damage
  3059. A Review on Hepatoprotective Activity of Psidium Guajava
  3060. Hepatoprotective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Physalis minima leaves on rifampicin-isoniazid induced rats
  3061. Synergistic Hepatoprotective Effect of Feronia limonia L., Citrullus colocynthis L., and Tribulus terrestris L. against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Swiss …
  3062. Hepatoprotective Acitivity of a Polyherbal Formaltion: A histological study.
  3063. In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective Activities of Laurus nobilis (Lauraceae) Wood Extract and Its Constitutive Phenolics
  3064. Hepatoprotective Effect of Dicliptera chinensis Polysaccharide with Diffent Molecular Weight on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Acute Liver Injury in Rats
  3065. Potential Hepatoprotective Effects of Licorice Root (Radix glycyrrhizae) Extract against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes
  3066. Hepatoprotective activity of powdered leaves extract of Adenanthera pavinia against Paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  3067. Phytochemical Investigation and Hepatoprotective Activity of Coscinium Fenestratum Colebr., A Rare…
  3068. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanol Extract of Conyza bonariensis against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Swiss Albino Mice
  3069. Hepatoprotective Effect Study of Orazamide in Treatment of Anti-tuberculosis
  3071. Hepatoprotective effects of the aqueous extract from Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) against Thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3072. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Sonerila tinnevelliensis Fischer (Melastomataceae) whole plant-CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3073. Hepatoprotective effects of grape seeds polyphenolcomplex
  3074. Potential antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effects of an aqueous extract formula derived from three Chinese medicinal herbs against CCl4-induced liver …
  3075. Remarks on Sasidharan et al.“Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effects of Lantadene A, a Pentacyclic Triterpenoid of Lantana Plants against Acetaminophen …
  3076. Research of the Hepatoprotective activity of sweet woodruff dry extract
  3077. Hepatoprotective Activity of Selected Medicinal Plants in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
  3078. Hepatoprotective Effect of Rosa RugosaExtracts against Oxidative Damage
  3081. A study on Hepatoprotective activity of Pergularia daemia.
  3082. Retraction: Sasidharan et al. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effects of Lantadene A, a Pentacyclic Triterpenoid of Lantana Plants against Acetaminophen-induced …
  3083. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Linden (Tilia platyphyllos L.) Infusion Against Ethanol-Induced…
  3084. Comparison in Hepatoprotective and Jaundice-relieving Effects of Zhizi Baipi olecoction Extracting Solution of 1000 Da by Using Three Methods
  3085. INVESTIGATION OF Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF Melia azedarach L. LEAVES
  3086. Hepatoprotective Effects of Silybum marianum
  3087. Evaluation of Antibacterial and Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album
  3088. Hepatoprotective and in vitro antimicrobial activities and phytochemical analysis of Schrebera swietenoides (Roxb)
  3090. Hepatoprotective, anticancer & antiviral effects of Bhui Amla in unani medicine: an overview
  3091. Hepatoprotective activity of spirocyclic derivative oxindole under acute hepatic ischemia
  3092. Detoxicant and Hepatoprotective effect of cystamine dihydrochlorid in acute intoxication by carbone tetrachloride
  3093. Hepatoprotective activity of Brassica oleraceae L. var. italica
  3094. Hepatoprotective activity of Eurycoma longifolia Jack. roots
  3095. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Anaphyllum wightii Schott.
  3096. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF Iphionagrantioides AND PlucheaargutaFOR ACETAMINOPHEN INDUCED TOXICITY IN RABBI
  3097. Assessment of Hepatoprotective Activity of Hibiscus vitifolius leaves in CCL4 induced hepatotoxic rats
  3098. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Borago Officinalis by Carbontetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3099. Hepatoprotective activity lipophilic and hydrophilic lime leaves extract research
  3100. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Asteracantha longifoliain rats
  3101. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthusniruri in thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in male wistar rats
  3102. Hepatoprotective properties of Commiphora opobals–A traditional medicinal plant of Saudi Arabia
  3104. Hepatoprotective Effects of Carotenoid on the Liver Cells of Adult Wistar Rats
  3105. Hepatoprotective Effects of Yintian Granule on Experimental Liver Injury in Mice
  3106. Development of composition and technology of hard gelatinous capsules of Hepatoprotective and immunomodulating action
  3107. Anti Ulver activity of Panai Poo Chooranam (Borassus flabellifer, Linn) and Hepatoprotective activity of Arithiraadhi Chooranam
  3108. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effects of Carotenoid on Liver Enzymes of Adult Wistar Rats
  3110. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous and pure extracts of raisin in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  3112. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthusniruri in thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity in male wistar rats
  3114. Hepatoprotective activity of a polyherbal preparation against D-galactosamine induced hepatoxicity in rats
  3115. Synthesis and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Some Novel Andrographolide Derivatives
  3116. Hepatoprotective Effects Of Gambia Albidum Bark Extract
  3117. Hypolipidaemic and Hepatoprotective activity of Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Nees flower extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice.
  3118. Cornigerin, A new Lignan from the Hepatoprotective Active Fractions of Cynara cornigera
  3119. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn
  3121. Assessment of Hepatoprotective Activity of Strobilanthes asperrimus in Thioacetamide Induced Hepatoxic Rats
  3122. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bauhinia Purpurea L. Methanolic Leaves Extract
  3123. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects and bioactivities of Phyllanthus Niruri and Melastoma Malabathricum/Zahra Abdulqader Amin
  3124. Pharmacological investigations on antiinflammatory, Hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities of some selected Indian medicinal plants
  3125. Commensal microbiota is Hepatoprotective and suppresses liver fibrosis in mice
  3126. Hepatoprotective Potential Of Leaf And Bark Extracts Of Gambia ALBIDUM
  3127. Hepatoprotective and Anti-fibrotic Effects of Permeable GCLC on Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats
  3129. Preliminary Hepatoprotective activity of Jigarine CL on Carbon Tetra Chloride induced hepatic damage in rats
  3130. Hepatoprotective effect of red rice and prickly pear on ccl₄treated rats
  3131. Hepatoprotective effects of Silymarin on TNF-α/D-GaIN induced Liver Damage
  3132. Hepatoprotective Activity of Tamarindus indica on Liver Damage Caused by Thioacetamide
  3133. Onion peel extracts have Hepatoprotective effects and decrease blood levels of LDL cholesterol in liver injuried rats
  3134. The Hepatoprotective effect of chicory on induced liver injury in Rats
  3135. Hepatoprotective Effects of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract On The Kidneys of Adult Wistar Rats
  3136. Using phospholipids as Hepatoprotective Agents for dyslipidemia correction in adolescents with metabolic syndrome
  3137. Hepatoprotective effect of garcinol on dimethylnitrosamine‐induced experimental liver fibrosis
  3138. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the pentane fraction of wild carrot oil
  3139. Jiangzhi and Hepatoprotective effect of salidroside on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [J]
  3140. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of aqueous ethanol extract of Cestrum nocturnum against paracetamol paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity.
  3141. Bioactivity of different formulations of artichoke and milk thistle, commonly used for Hepatoprotective effects
  3142. Hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects of selected Malaysian medicinal plant extracts/Mohammed Abdullah Mahdi Alshawsh
  3143. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Zizizphus nummularia fruits on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3144. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of leaves of Soymida febrifuga A. Juss. on paracetamol induced liver toxicity in rats
  3145. Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Hepatoprotective Activity on the Berries of Vitex Agnus-Castus.
  3146. Synthesis and Hepatoprotective Activity of Glycoside Conjugates of Ursolic Acid
  3147. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Nigella sativa Oil in Cyclosporine Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
  3148. Hepatoprotective Effects of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract on Mercury Induced Renotoxicity in Adult Wistar Rats
  3150. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Polygonum Glabrum Willd on Hepatotoxicity Induced Rats.
  3151. Purification of the Hepatoprotective fraction from Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. turkestanica
  3152. Anti-Hypercholesterolemic and Hepatoprotective effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Moringa oleifera in Rats fed with
  3153. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the Acacia nilotica flowers on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  3154. Pre-clinical and Clinical study on Palagarai Parpam for Hepatoprotective Activity in the management of Kalleral Noi (Liver disease) and Pre-clinical and Clinical …
  3155. Cytotoxicity and Hepatoprotective activities of chemical constituents from Stauntonia brachyanthera Hand-Mazz
  3156. Exploration of Hepatoprotective activity on fruit extracts of Morinda citrifolia L (Indian Divine Noni) against CCl4 induced toxicity
  3157. Synthesis and Evaluation of In-Vitro Hepatoprotective Activity of Novel 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro Quinazoline Derivatives.
  3158. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging effects of n-butanol extract of Rhantherium suaveolens
  3159. The Hepatoprotective actions of melatonin against D-galactosamine in male rabbits
  3160. Hepatoprotective Potential of Citrus Paradisi Flowers Against Paracetamol Induced Toxicity in Rabbits
  3161. Hepatoprotective efficacy and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid in pediatric cancer patients treated with chemotherapy
  3163. Hepatoprotective effect of burdock concentrate against ConA induced liver damage in mice
  3164. Article Details Hepatoprotective activity of aerial parts of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. in Paracetamol and Isoniazid-Rifampicine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3165. Hepatoprotective effect of mixture of Hovenia duleis, Morus alba, and Canarium album on liver of mice
  3166. Hepatoprotective activity of the wild carrot chloroform-based fraction against CCl4-induced liver toxicity in mice
  3167. Hepatoprotective Effect of Allopurinol against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Rats
  3168. Experimental Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Butea monosperma Extract on Antitubercular Drugs Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3169. Experimental Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Butea monosperma Extract on Antitubercular Drugs Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  3170. Hepatoprotective Effects of 4-hydroxy-2-benzoxazolone Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  3171. Hepatoprotective effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on female rats drenched with paracetamol
  3172. Hepatoprotective effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on female rats drenched with paracetamol
  3173. Hepatoprotective Potential of Propolis toward Hepar Injury Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride
  3174. Screening of Abutilon muticum for Bioactive Constituents, Mineral Contents, Antioxidants and Hepatoprotective activity
  3176. Hepatoprotective Effect of Turmeric from Fatty Liver Induced by Ethanol in Rats as Compared to Silymarin
  3178. Hepatoprotective role of vitex negundo and caesalpinia sappan in thioacetamide-induced liver injury in rats/Farkaad A. Abdul Kadir
  3179. Hepatoprotective Effect of Chamomile Capitula Extract against 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  3180. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Green Pepper and Parsley on the Toxicity Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats
  3181. Therapeutic Potential of Polysaccharide-Rich Fraction from Morinda Citrifolia Fruits as Hepatoprotective Agent
  3183. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous methanolic extract of Viola odorata against paracetamol paracetamol-induced liver injury in mice.
  3185. Hepatoprotective effects of pentoxifylline against acrolein-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in rat liver
  3188. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Girardenia Zeylanica Dcne Leaf Extract Against Ccl4 Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  3190. Hepatoprotective Effects of Fermented Smilax china Leaf Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Injury in Mice
  3191. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous aqueous-methanolic extract of Suaeda fruticosa in paracetamol paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits.
  3193. Hepatoprotective Activities of Allium hookeri Methanol Extract in Mouse Intoxicated with Acetaminophen
  3194. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Boerrhavia diffusa L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3195. Hepatoprotective activity of the crude leaf extract of Ipomoea batatas Linn. against acetaminophen and alcohol induced liver damage on Sprague-Dawley rats.
  3196. Hepatoprotective potential of tender coconut water from five-month old coconut fruit and silymarin on methotrexate-induced liver damaged on male Mus musculus …
  3197. he Hepatoprotective Effects of Vitamin C and Micronized Vitamin C against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats: A Comparative Study
  3198. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of two coumarin derivatives against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress and liver damage in rats
  3199. Hepatoprotective activity of Thymus linearis against paracetamol and carbon tetrachloride tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in albino mice.
  3200. Large Dose Means Significant Effect?-Investigation of the Hepatoprotective effects and dose-effect relationship of Chi-Dan-Tui-Huang decoction on alpha …
  3201. Hepatoprotective constituents of Opuntia ficus-indica seeds against ethanol-intoxicated rat primary hepatocytes
  3202. Hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus longiflorus Heyne ex. Hook. f. against acetaminophen induced hepatotocxicity in rats.
  3204. Hepatoprotective effects of Paeonia anomala against acetaminophen-induced cell damage through activation of anti-oxidant system
  3206. The Hepatoprotective Effects of Crataegi Fructus on MCD-Diet-induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in C57BL/6J Mice
  3207. Hepatoprotective effects of Schisandra chinesis (Turcz.) Bail juice on carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver damage in rats
  3208. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Polygonum odoratum L. extract against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3209. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Astragalus persicus and Astragalus tournefortii against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  3210. Hepatoprotective Effect of Lignans and Polysaccharides from Caulis of Schisandra Chinensis against Acute Injury Induced by Ethanol in Mice
  3211. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of Boesenbergia Rotunda and Curcuma Longa rhizomes extracts in thioacetamide-induced liver damage in rats/Suzy Munir …
  3212. Comparative histological study between the Hepatoprotective effect of Quercetin and Trigonella fenum graecum extract in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity …
  3214. Hemoxygenase-1 and its downstream product Biliverdin suppress HCV replication and provides Hepatoprotective effects in humanized uPA/SCID mice
  3216. Comparative Study of the Possible Hepatoprotective Effect of Each of N-acetylcysteine, Coenzyme Q10 and Aloe Vera Gel in Acute Acetaminophen Induced …
  3217. In-silico docking study of phytochemicals identified from the roots of Ardisia paniculata, Bridelia tomentosa and Smilax ovalifolia for the Hepatoprotective activity
  3218. Hepatoprotective effects of PPARα: molecular basis and pathophysiological role of PPARα in acute inflammation and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
  3219. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous ethanolic extract of roots of Clitoria ternata linn against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3220. Hepatoprotective Potential of Propolis, Ginger and Silymarin against Methotrexate-Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3221. Hepatoprotective lignans of Opuntia ficus-indica seeds against ethanol insult to primary rat hepatocytes
  3222. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol Extract from Gentiana rhodantha Franch. Ex Hemsl Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatic Damage in …
  3223. Rectification of impaired adipose tissue methylation status and lipolytic response contributes to Hepatoprotective effect of betaine in a mouse model of alcoholic liver …
  3224. Hepatoprotective role of taurine and garlic extract in minimizing the histopathological changes in liver induced by long-term exposure to copper sulphate in …
  3225. Hepatoprotective Effect of Orostachys japonicus and Fermented Orostachys japonicusAgainst Orotic Acid-Induced Fatty Liver in Rats
  3226. In vitro studies of the hepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective potential and metabolism of chalcones and a tacrine-silibinin codrug
  3227. Hepatoprotective effects of B-1, 3-(D)-glucan on bortezomib-induced liver damage in rats Sıçanlarda bortezomib indüklü karaciğer hasarında B-1, 3-(D)-glukan’ın …
  3228. OA02. 07. Experimental evaluation of “yakritashula vinashini vatika” wsr to Hepatoprotective potential in albino rats.
  3229. 0083. Hepatoprotective effects of hydrogen sulphide against acute liver failure
  3230. Medicinal plants with Hepatoprotective activity in Iranian folk medicine
  3231. A comprehensive overview of Hepatoprotective natural compounds: mechanism of action and clinical perspectives
  3232. A review on Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory herbal plants
  3233. Hepatoprotective and anti-fibrotic Agents: It’s time to take the next step
  3234. Commensal microbiota is Hepatoprotective and prevents liver fibrosis in mice
  3235. Hepatoprotective effects of Chinese medicinal herbs: a focus on anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative activities
  3236. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Anoectochilus roxburghii
  3237. A phytochemical and computational study on flavonoids isolated from Trifolium resupinatum L. and their novel Hepatoprotective activity
  3238. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of intracellular polysaccharide from Pleurotus eryngii SI-04
  3239. Impact of phenolic composition on Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of four desert medicinal plants
  3240. Extraction, identification, fractionation and isolation of phenolic compounds in plants with Hepatoprotective effects
  3241. In vitro and in vivo experimental hepatotoxic models in liver research: applications to the assessment of potential Hepatoprotective drugs
  3242. Hepatoprotective and pancreatoprotective properties of the ethanolic extract of Nigerian propolis
  3243. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of Indian Sunderban mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza L. leave
  3244. Hepatoprotective activity of Moringa oleifera against cadmium toxicity in rats
  3245. Hepatoprotective effect of isoquercitrin against acetaminophen-induced liver injury
  3246. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective activities of residue polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris SU-12
  3247. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effects of Pistacia lentiscus leaf and fruit extracts
  3248. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of lycopene on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rat
  3249. Purification, characterization and Hepatoprotective activities of mycelia zinc polysaccharides by Pleurotus djamor
  3250. Hepatoprotective effect of leaf extracts from Citrus hystrix and C. maxima against paracetamol induced liver injury in rats
  3251. Hepatoprotective effect of kaempferol against alcoholic liver injury in mice
  3252. Hepatoprotective effects of Nigella sativa seed extract against acetaminophen-induced oxidative stress
  3253. Isoprenylated flavonoids from the root bark of Morus alba and their Hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activities
  3254. Models of Hepatoprotective activity assessment
  3255. Hepatoprotective effects of polymethoxyflavones against acute and chronic carbon tetrachloride intoxication
  3256. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Salix subserrata against CCl 4-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats
  3257. Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides extracted from Zizyphus jujube cv. Huanghetanzao
  3258. Hepatoprotective effect of the fucoidan from the brown seaweed Turbinaria tricostata
  3259. Hepatoprotective effects of AdipoRon against d-galactosamine-induced liver injury in mice
  3260. The use of marine-derived bioactive compounds as potential Hepatoprotective Agents
  3261. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Alysicarpus vaginalis against nitrobenzene-induced hepatic damage in rats
  3262. Hepatoprotective effects of Portulaca oleracea extract against CCl4-induced damage in rats
  3263. Hepatoprotective effect of Quercetin supplementation against Acrylamide-induced DNA damage in wistar rats
  3264. Hepatoprotective effect and chemical assessment of a selected egyptian chickpea cultivar
  3265. The comparison of antioxidative and Hepatoprotective activities of Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharide (CP) and sulfated CP
  3266. Hepatoprotective effect of grape seed oil against carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in liver of γ-irradiated rat
  3267. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatocyte damage in common carp …
  3268. Hepatoprotective effect of exosomes from human-induced pluripotent stem cell–derived mesenchymal stromal cells against hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
  3269. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effect of curcumin against copper toxicity in rats
  3270. Free Radical-Scavenging, Anti-Inflammatory/Anti-Fibrotic and Hepatoprotective Actions of Taurine and Silymarin against CCl4 Induced Rat Liver Damage
  3271. Purification, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharide from Cissus pteroclada Hayata
  3272. Hepatoprotective effects of Zataria multiflora ethanolic extract on liver toxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in mice
  3273. The Hepatoprotective activity of olive oil and Nigella sativa oil against CCl 4 induced hepatotoxicity in male rats
  3274. Multifunctional tacrine–trolox hybrids for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with cholinergic, antioxidant, neuroprotective and Hepatoprotective properties
  3275. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin (Silybum marianum) on hepatotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  3276. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Adansonia digitata extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3277. Flavonoids from sugar beet leaves as Hepatoprotective agent
  3278. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of dried fig against oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in rats
  3279. Hepatoprotective and anti-tumor effects of targeting MMP-9 in hepatocellular carcinoma and its relation to vascular invasion markers
  3280. Lipid-lowering, Hepatoprotective, and atheroprotective effects of the mixture Hong-Qu and gypenosides in hyperlipidemia with NAFLD rats
  3281. Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin against diethyl nitrosamine induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  3282. Hepatoprotective effect of licorice, the root of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer, in alcohol-induced fatty liver disease
  3283. Comparative evaluation of Hepatoprotective activities of geniposide, crocins and crocetin by CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  3284. Hepatoprotective effects of Dicliptera chinensis polysaccharides on dimethylnitrosamine-induced hepatic fibrosis rats and its underlying mechanism
  3285. Hepatoprotective effect of Rosa canina fruit extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rat
  3286. Hepatoprotective effect of orally applied water-soluble pristine C 60 fullerene against CCl 4-induced acute liver injury in rats
  3287. Hepatoprotective activity of Lepidium sativum seeds against D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide induced hepatotoxicity in animal model
  3288. Hepatoprotective effects of kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside from Carthamus tinctorius L. on CCl4-induced oxidative liver injury in …
  3289. Hepatoprotective activity of total iridoid glycosides isolated from Paederia scandens (lour.) Merr. var. tomentosa
  3290. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Cedrelopsis grevei on cypermethrin induced oxidative stress and liver damage in male mice
  3291. Hepatoprotective activity of flavonoids from Cichorium glandulosum seeds in vitro and in vivo carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  3292. Hepatoprotective properties of extensively studied medicinal plant active constituents: possible common mechanisms
  3293. Partial purification and identification of three antioxidant peptides with Hepatoprotective effects from blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) hydrolysate by peptic hydrolysis
  3294. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of whole plant of Andrographis paniculata against CCl 4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3295. Fuzhuan tea consumption imparts Hepatoprotective effects and alters intestinal microbiota in high saturated fat diet‐fed rats
  3296. Anti-oxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of lithospermic acid against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver oxidative damage in vitro and in vivo
  3297. Hepatoprotective effect of a polysaccharide from Crassostrea gigas on acute and chronic models of liver injury
  3298. Hepatoprotective effects of lignans extract from Herpetospermum caudigerum against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  3299. Target profiling analyses of bile acids in the evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of gentiopicroside on ANIT-induced cholestatic liver injury in mice
  3300. Hepatoprotective effect of Terminalia chebula against t-BHP-induced acute liver injury in C57/BL6 mice
  3301. FTO-dependent function of N6-methyladenosine is involved in the Hepatoprotective effects of betaine on adolescent mice
  3302. Preliminary characterizations, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of polysaccharide from Cistanche deserticola
  3303. Hepatoprotective effect of Citrus limon fruit extract against carbofuran induced toxicity in Wistar rats
  3304. Hepatoprotective properties of oleanolic and ursolic acids in antitubercular drug-induced liver damage
  3305. Improved Hepatoprotective effect of liposome-encapsulated astaxanthin in lipopolysaccharide-induced acute hepatotoxicity
  3306. Cytotoxicity and Hepatoprotective attributes of methanolic extract of Rumex vesicarius L.
  3307. Hepatoprotective effect of Taraxacum officinale leaf extract on sodium dichromate‐induced liver injury in rats
  3308. Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Cichorium intybus L. Extract Against Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Damage in Rats
  3309. Hepatoprotective effect of mulberry (Morus nigra) leaves extract against methotrexate induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rat
  3310. Hepatoprotective effect of oral application of a silymarin extract in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3311. An in vivo and in vitro investigation on Hepatoprotective effects of Pimpinella anisum seed essential oil and extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  3312. Phytochemical, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Alnus nitida bark in carbon tetrachloride challenged Sprague Dawley rats
  3313. Dietary Aloe vera improves plasma lipid profile, antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective enzyme activities in GIFT-tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after Streptococcus iniae …
  3314. Hepatoprotective effect of withanolide-rich fraction in acetaminophen-intoxicated rat: decisive role of TNF-α, IL-1β, COX-II and iNOS
  3315. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentiality of Randia dumetorum Lam. leaf and bark via inhibition of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines
  3316. Structural characterization, molecular modification and Hepatoprotective effect of melanin from Lachnum YM226 on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
  3317. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective role of gold nanoparticles against murine hepatic schistosomiasis
  3318. Metabolic profile and Hepatoprotective activity of the anthocyanin-rich extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces
  3319. Polysaccharide-mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Sargassum siliquosum JG Agardh: Assessment of toxicity and Hepatoprotective activity
  3320. The Hepatoprotective role of Silymarin in isoniazid induced liver damage of rabbits
  3321. Hepatoprotective effects of allyl isothiocyanate against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rat
  3322. Hepatoprotective effect of phosphatidylcholine against carbon tetrachloride liver damage in mice
  3323. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols from apple pomace extract via apoptosis inhibition and Nrf2 activation in mice
  3324. Hepatoprotective effect of flavonoids from Cirsium japonicum DC on hepatotoxicity in comparison with silymarin
  3325. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the oil fractions from wild carrot (Daucus carota ssp. carota)
  3326. Cyclophosphamide-induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats: the modulatory role of gallic acid as a Hepatoprotective and chemopreventive phytochemical
  3327. Beneficial effects of camellia oil (Camellia oleifera Abel.) on Hepatoprotective and gastroprotective activities
  3328. Hepatoprotective effect of ganoderma triterpenoids against oxidative damage induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide in human hepatic HepG2 cells
  3329. Stachyose increases absorption and Hepatoprotective effect of tea polyphenols in high fructose‐fed mice
  3330. Polysaccharides from Angelica and Astragalus exert Hepatoprotective effects against carbon-tetrachloride-induced intoxication in mice
  3331. Study of therapeutic properties of the prototype injection of a Hepatoprotective drug based on flavolignans of silybum marianum
  3332. Effectiveness of Hepatoprotective drugs for anti-tuberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity: a retrospective analysis
  3333. Hepatoprotective effect of resveratrol against ethanol-induced oxidative stress through induction of superoxide dismutase in vivo and in vitro
  3334. Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharide isolated from Agaricus bisporus industrial wastewater against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in mice
  3335. Hepatoprotective potential of antioxidant potent fraction from Urtica dioica Linn.(whole plant) in CCl4 challenged rats
  3336. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin among under treatment tuberculosis patients: A randomized clinical trial
  3337. Hepatoprotective effect of cold-pressed Syzygium aromaticum oil against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3338. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of mycelia selenium polysaccharide by Hypsizigus marmoreus SK-02
  3339. Transdermal cumin essential oil nanoemulsions with potent antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities: In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation
  3340. Lipid-lowering and Hepatoprotective effects of Vitis vinifera dried seeds on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3341. Hepatoprotective effect and synergism of bisdemethoycurcumin against MCD diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice
  3342. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of procyanidins from wild grape (Vitis amurensis) seeds in ethanol-induced cells and rats
  3343. Hepatoprotective triterpene saponins from the roots of Glycyrrhiza inflata
  3344. The hop constituent xanthohumol exhibits Hepatoprotective effects and inhibits the activation of hepatic stellate cells at different levels
  3345. Hepatoprotective effect of trans-Chalcone on experimentally induced hepatic injury in rats: inhibition of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis
  3346. Hypolipidemic, Hepatoprotective and renoprotective effects of Cydonia oblonga Mill. fruit in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  3347. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective potential and chemical profiling of propolis ethanolic extract from Kashmir Himalaya region using UHPLC-DAD-QToF-MS
  3348. Hepatoprotective activities of Triphala and its constituents
  3349. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Pandanus odoratissimus root against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3350. Chemical composition, antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effects of chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) decoction extract against alcohol-induced …
  3351. Hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruits against acetaminophen-induced acute liver damage
  3352. Eremophila maculata—Isolation of a rare naturally-occurring lignan glycoside and the Hepatoprotective activity of the leaf extract
  3353. Glycyrrhizin, silymarin, and ursodeoxycholic acid regulate a common Hepatoprotective pathway in HepG2 cells
  3354. Hepatoprotective properties of Dandelion: recent update
  3355. Methodology to nanoencapsulate Hepatoprotective components from Picrorhiza kurroa as food supplement
  3356. Determination of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant role of walnuts against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  3357. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) seed oil
  3358. Novel neuroprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of citric acid in acute malathion intoxication
  3359. In vitro bioaccessibility, human gut microbiota metabolites and Hepatoprotective potential of chebulic ellagitannins: A case of Padma Hepaten® formulation
  3360. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of grape seeds and skin against Ehrlich solid tumor induced oxidative stress in mice
  3361. Hepatoprotective effect of the root extract of green tea against malathion-induced oxidative stress in rats
  3362. Hepatoprotective effect of Ficus religiosa latex on cisplatin induced liver injury in Wistar rats
  3363. Hepatoprotective effect of Geranium schiedeanum against ethanol toxicity during liver regeneration
  3364. Hepatoprotective phenylethanoid glycosides from Cirsium setosum
  3365. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Penthorum chinense Pursh extract against t-BHP-induced liver damage in L02 cells
  3366. Hepatoprotective effect of carob against acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat
  3367. Hepatoprotective efficacy of gallic acid during Nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver inflammation in Wistar rats
  3368. Hepatoprotective effect of phenylethanoid glycosides from Incarvillea compacta against CCl 4-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  3369. Phytochemical Screening and Hepatoprotective Effect of Alhagi maurorum Boiss (Leguminosae) Against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rabbits
  3370. Six new compounds from Atractylodes lancea and their Hepatoprotective activities
  3371. Anti-diabetic, alcohol-metabolizing, and Hepatoprotective activities of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) leaf extracts
  3372. Hepatoprotective effects of soluble rice protein in primary hepatocytes and in mice
  3373. Hepatoprotective Effect of Wheat-Based Solid-State Fermented Antrodia cinnamomea in Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rat
  3374. Hepatoprotective effects of Solanum nigrum against ethanol-induced injury in primary hepatocytes and mice with analysis of glutathione S-transferase A1
  3375. Hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effects of sodium molybdate in a rat model of bile duct ligation
  3376. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin on endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation after intense exercise in mice through phosphoinositide 3-kinase and …
  3377. Assessment of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective potential of withaferin A on bromobenzene-induced injury in Swiss albino mice: possible involvement of …
  3378. Preliminary evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of the polyherbal formulation
  3379. Hepatoprotective effect of Commiphora myrrha against d-GalN/LPS-induced hepatic injury in a rat model through attenuation of pro inflammatory cytokines and …
  3380. Hepatoprotective and anticancer activities of Allomyrina dichotoma larvae
  3381. Chemical characteristics and enhanced Hepatoprotective activities of Maillard reaction products derived from milk protein-sugar system
  3382. Hepatoprotective effects of a proprietary glycyrrhizin product during alcohol consumption: a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, crossover study
  3383. Chemopreventive and Hepatoprotective roles of adiponectin (SULF2 inhibitor) in hepatocelluar carcinoma
  3384. Hawthorn ethanolic extracts with triterpenoids and flavonoids exert Hepatoprotective effects and suppress the hypercholesterolemia-induced oxidative stress …
  3385. Synergistic Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Solanum xanthocarpum and Juniperus communis against paracetamol and azithromycin induced …
  3386. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters from microalga-Haematococcus pluvialis
  3387. Pharmacokinetics in Vitro and in Vivo of Two Novel Prodrugs of Oleanolic Acid in Rats and Its Hepatoprotective Effects against Liver Injury Induced by CCl4
  3388. Hepatoprotective potential of Fagonia olivieri DC. against acetaminophen induced toxicity in rat
  3389. Pharmacological safety evaluation of a traditional herbal medicine “Zereshk-e-Saghir” and assessment of its Hepatoprotective effects on carbon tetrachloride induced …
  3390. Serum metabonomics study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Corydalis saxicola bunting on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats by 1H NMR …
  3391. Bio-assay guided identification of Hepatoprotective polyphenols from Penthorum chinense Pursh on t-BHP induced oxidative stress injured L02 cells
  3392. Hepatoprotective Effects and Mechanisms of Action of Triterpenoids from Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (Agaricomycetes) on α-Amanitin …
  3393. Hepatoprotective Effects of Schisandra sphenanthera Extract against Lithocholic Acid–Induced Cholestasis in Male Mice Are Associated with Activation of the …
  3394. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of D-chiro-inositol-enriched tartary buckwheat extract in high fructose-fed mice
  3395. The molecular mechanism underlying the Hepatoprotective potential of Moringa oleifera leaves extract against acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  3396. Hepatoprotective effect of apple polyphenols against concanavalin A-induced immunological liver injury in mice
  3397. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of a New Tablets Formulation from Tamarindus indica L.
  3398. Isolating the metabolic pathways involved in the Hepatoprotective effect of Muntingia calabura against CCl4-induced liver injury using LC/MS Q-TOF
  3399. Hepatoprotective effects of zingerone on carbon tetrachloride-and dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver injuries in rats
  3400. Genoprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart. var. sorbilis) on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  3401. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant polyphenols from a standardized methanolic extract of the leaves of Liquidambar styraciflua L.
  3402. The Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extracts of Penthorum chinense Pursh against acute alcohol-induced liver injury is associated with ameliorating hepatic …
  3403. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of fermented red ginseng against high fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats
  3404. A new type of liquid silymarin proliposome containing bile salts: its preparation and improved Hepatoprotective effects
  3405. Evidences of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Citrullus colocynthis fruits in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity.
  3406. Hepatoprotective potential of Lavandula coronopifolia extracts against ethanol induced oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  3407. Hepatoprotective effect of fermented ginseng and its major constituent compound K in a rat model of paracetamol (acetaminophen)‐induced liver injury
  3408. Comparative Hepatoprotective effects of tocotrienol analogs against drug-induced liver injury
  3409. Identification and screening of chemical constituents with Hepatoprotective effects from three traditional Chinese medicines for treating jaundice
  3410. Reducing oxidative stress and Hepatoprotective effect of water extracts from pu-erh tea on rats with high-fat diet
  3411. In vitro and In vivo antimycobacterial, Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory activity of Euclea natalensis and its mode of action
  3412. Hepatoprotective effect of stem of Musa sapientum Linn in rats intoxicated with carbon tetrachloride
  3413. Hepatoprotective effects of glycyrrhizin and omega-3 fatty acids on Nuclear Factor-kappa B pathway in thioacetamide-induced fibrosis in rats
  3414. Medical plant extracts and natural compounds with a Hepatoprotective effect against damage caused by antitubercular drugs: A review
  3415. Hepatoprotective effect of Anacyclus pyrethrum Linn. against antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity in SD rats
  3416. Phenolic Composition and Hepatoprotective Activities of Allium Hookeri Against Hydrogen‐Peroxide‐Induced Oxidative Stress in Cultured Hepatocytes
  3417. Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in acute liver injury: Hepatoprotective efficacy, subchronic toxicity, tumorigenicity, and biodistribution
  3418. Hepatoprotective activity of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare) extract against cyclophosphamide toxicity in male rats
  3419. Antiobesity, hypolipidemic, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Achyranthes aspera seed saponins in high cholesterol fed albino rats
  3420. Spirulina exhibits Hepatoprotective effects against lead induced oxidative injury in newborn rats
  3421. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of vitex honey against paracetamol induced liver damage in mice
  3422. Polyethylene sebacate-silymarin nanoparticles with enhanced Hepatoprotective activity
  3423. Hepatoprotective limonoids from andiroba (Carapa guianensis)
  3424. Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extracts from leaves of Dendropanax morbifera leveille against alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and in vitro anti-oxidant …
  3425. Hepatoprotective effect of Crocus sativus on amiodarone-induced liver toxicity
  3426. Hepatoprotective activity of aerial parts of Otostegia persica against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  3427. Extracts from Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Edible Mushrooms Enriched with Vitamin D Exert an Anti-Inflammatory Hepatoprotective Effect
  3428. Quantitative Ethnobotanical survey of traditional siddha medical practitioners from Thiruvarur district with Hepatoprotective potentials through in silico methods
  3429. Hepatoprotective effect of Zataria multiflora Boisson cisplatin-induced oxidative stress in male rat
  3430. Hepatoprotective effects of selenium during diabetes in rats
  3431. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of mixed micellar lipid formulation of phyllanthin and piperine in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rodents
  3432. Hepatoprotective effects of Yulangsan polysaccharide against nimesulide-induced liver injury in mice
  3433. Estimation of bioactive compound, maslinic acid by HPTLC, and evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity on fruit pulp of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. cultivars in India
  3434. Hepatoprotective activity of Borago officinalis extract against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3435. Hepatoprotective and Renoprotective Effects of Lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.) Essential Oils Against Malathion-Induced Oxidative Stress in Young Male Mice
  3436. Hepatoprotective and antiviral efficacy of Acacia mellifera leaves fractions against hepatitis B virus
  3437. Hepatoprotective properties and biotransformation of berberine and berberrubine by cell suspension cultures of Dodonaea viscosa and Ocimum basilicum
  3438. Hepatoprotective constituents of Firmiana simplex stem bark against ethanol insult to primary rat hepatocytes
  3439. Hepatoprotective effect of grape seed proanthocyanidins on Cadmium-induced hepatic injury in rats: possible involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction …
  3440. Potential Hepatoprotective effects of fullerenol nanoparticles on alcohol-induced oxidative stress by ROS
  3441. Hepatoprotective effect of Monotheca buxifolia fruit against antitubercular drugs-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3442. Hepatoprotective effect of 17β-estradiol as antioxidant modulators against stress damage
  3443. … acid 3β-caprylate: an active principle from Euryale Ferox Salisb. seeds with antidiabetic, antioxidant, pancreas & Hepatoprotective potential in streptozotocin induced …
  3444. Hepatoprotective effects of Micromeria croatica ethanolic extract against CCl 4–induced liver injury in mice
  3445. Assessment of Hepatoprotective potential of N. indicum leaf on haloalkane xenobiotic induced hepatic injury in Swiss albino mice
  3446. Hepatoprotective effect of herb formula KIOM2012H against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  3447. Hepatoprotective and proapoptotic effect of Ecballium elaterium on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3448. Hepatoprotective activity of Peganum harmala against ethanol-induced liver damages in rats
  3449. Hepatoprotective effects of hoveniae semen cum fructus extracts in ethanol intoxicated mice
  3450. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Azolla microphylla phytochemically synthesized gold nanoparticles on acetaminophen–induced hepatocyte …
  3451. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of lycopene in acute cholestasis
  3452. Hepatoprotective effect of a polyherbal extract containing Andrographis paniculata, Tinospora cordifolia and Solanum nigrum against paracetamol induced …
  3453. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of a pigment–protein complex from Chlorella vulgaris on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in vivo
  3454. Acute atorvastatin is Hepatoprotective against ischaemia‐reperfusion injury in mice by modulating eNOS and microparticle formation
  3455. Hepatoprotective, antioxidant, and anticancer effects of the tragopogon porrifolius methanolic extract
  3456. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanol extract from Berchemia lineate against CCl4-induced acute hepatotoxicity in mice
  3457. Hepatoprotective effect of Lycopodium clavatum 30CH on experimental model of paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  3458. Hepatoprotective effects of ginseng in rats fed cholesterol rich diet
  3459. In vitro and in vivo anti-diabetic and Hepatoprotective effects of edible pods of Parkia roxburghii and quantification of the active constituent by HPLC-PDA
  3460. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of dietary Angelica sinensis extract against carbon tetrachloride‐induced hepatic injury in Jian Carp (Cyprinus carpio var …
  3461. Hepatoprotective activity of hepatoplus on isoniazid and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3462. Development, characterization, and evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Abutilon indicum and Piper longum Phytosomes
  3463. Potential Antioxidant, Antiproliferative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Crataegus Meyeri
  3464. Hepatoprotective effect of Cuscuta campestris Yunck. whole plant on carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver injury in mice
  3465. The Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin against drugs and toxic Agents: an updated review
  3466. Hepatoprotective effects of sesamol loaded solid lipid nanoparticles in carbon tetrachloride induced sub‐chronic hepatotoxicity in rats
  3467. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extracts of leaves of Basella alba in albino rats
  3468. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Dicoma anomala Sond. aqueous root extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  3469. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic activities of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl extracts in animal models: characterization by high performance liquid chromatography …
  3470. Hepatoprotective effect of diffractaic acid on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  3471. Toxicological and biochemical studies on Schinus terebinthifolius concerning its curative and Hepatoprotective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  3472. Evaluation of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, thrombolytic and Hepatoprotective activities of roots of Premna esculenta (Roxb)
  3473. Vinegar amount in the process affected the components of vinegar-baked Radix Bupleuri and its Hepatoprotective effect
  3474. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin C on lithocholic acid-induced cholestatic liver injury in Gulo (−/−) mice
  3475. Flavonoid profiles of three Bupleurum species and in vitro Hepatoprotective of activity Bupleurum flavum Forsk.
  3476. Enhanced Hepatoprotective activity of andrographolide complexed with a biomaterial
  3477. A study on Hepatoprotective activity of Mimosa pudica in albino rats
  3478. A new octadecenoic acid derivative from Caesalpinia gilliesii flowers with potent Hepatoprotective activity
  3479. Effects of Hepatoprotective compounds from the leaves of Lumnitzera racemosa on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in vitro
  3480. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Vernonia amygdalina and Azadirachta indica against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in Sprague …
  3481. A recent update on Hepatoprotective potential of herbal plant
  3482. Hepatoprotective effect of Helicanthus elastica
  3483. Hepatoprotective triterpenes from the gum resin of Boswellia carterii
  3484. Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla var. flavescens (Swiss chard): flavonoids, Hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic activities
  3485. Hepatoprotective Effects of Soybean Embryo by Enhancing Adiponectin-Mediated AMP-Activated Protein Kinase α Pathway in High-Fat and High-Cholesterol Diet …
  3486. Enhanced nitric oxide-mediated autophagy contributes to the Hepatoprotective effects of ischemic preconditioning during ischemia and reperfusion
  3487. The Hepatoprotective effect of the combination use of Fructus Schisandrae with statin–A preclinical evaluation
  3488. Drug interactions between Hepatoprotective Agents ursodeoxycholic acid or glycyrrhizin and ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir in healthy Japanese subjects
  3489. Hepatoprotective activity of Mammea africana ethanol stem bark extract
  3490. Hepatoprotective effects of grape seed procyanidin B2 in rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis
  3491. … , identification, and in vivoevaluation of flavonoid fractions of chloroform/methanol extracts of Rheum emodi roots for their Hepatoprotective activity in Wistar …
  3492. The Hepatoprotective effect of Haoqin Qingdan decoction against liver injury induced by a chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide
  3493. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of extracts of aerial parts of Bidens pilosa L (Asteraceae)
  3494. Hepatoprotective efficacy of medicinal mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regium
  3495. Effect of brewing duration on the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective abilities of tea phenolic and alkaloid compounds in a t-BHP oxidative stress-induced rat hepatocyte …
  3496. Anti-diabetic, alcohol metabolizing enzyme, and Hepatoprotective activity of Acer tegmentosum Maxim. stem extracts
  3497. Synthesis, characterization and medical efficacy (Hepatoprotective and antioxidative) of albendazole-based copper (II) complexes–an experimental and theoretical …
  3498. Hepatoprotective effect of Mangifera-indica stem bark extracts on paracetamol-induced oxidative stress in albino rats
  3499. Hepatoprotective activity of heptoplus on isoniazid and rifampicin induced liver damage in rats
  3500. Altered distribution of regulatory lymphocytes by oral administration of soy-extracts exerts a Hepatoprotective effect alleviating immune mediated liver injury …
  3501. Hepatoprotective activity of exogenous RNA
  3502. Hepatoprotective effect of juglone on dimethylnitrosamine‑induced liver fibrosis and its effect on hepatic antioxidant defence and the expression levels of α …
  3503. Hepatoprotective and stress-reducing effects of dietary Moringa oleifera extract against Aeromonas hydrophila infections and transportation-induced stress in …
  3504. Hepatoprotective effect of Prunus armeniaca L.(Apricot) leaf extracts on Paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  3505. Eight new cycloartane triterpenoids from Beesia calthifolia with Hepatoprotective effects against D-galactosamine induced L02 cell damage
  3506. Novel iridal metabolites with Hepatoprotective activities from the whole plants of Iris japonica
  3507. Metabolomics approach to identify therapeutically potential biomarkers of the Zhi-Zi-Da-Huang decoction effect on the Hepatoprotective mechanism
  3508. GC-MS analysis: in vivo Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of achillea biebersteinii afan. Growing in Saudi Arabia
  3509. Synergetic Hepatoprotective Effect of Phenolic Fractions Obtained from Ficus Carica Dried Fruit and Extra Virgin Olive Oil on CCL4‐Induced Oxidative Stress and …
  3510. Identification of Hepatoprotective xanthones from the pericarps of Garcinia mangostana, guided with tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative injury in HL-7702 cells
  3511. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of Malva neglecta L. hydroethanolic leaf extract in male rat induced with carbon tetrachloride
  3512. Hepatoprotective and antibacterial activity of Lippia nodiflora Linn. against lipopolysaccharides on HepG2 cells
  3513. Hepatoprotective iridoid glucosides from Callicarpa nudiflora
  3514. Use of information parameters as criterion for determination of biological activity of Hepatoprotective preparations
  3515. Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activity of aqueous cherry extract on rats
  3516. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Hamelia patens extracts.
  3517. Murine breast carcinoma 4T1 cells are more sensitive to atranorin than normal epithelial NMuMG cells in vitro: Anticancer and Hepatoprotective effects of atranorin in …
  3518. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of Stemonocoleus micranthus harms (Fabaceae) stem bark extract
  3519. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Wheat, Carrot, and Mango as Nutraceutical Agents against CCl4-Induced Hepatocellular Toxicity
  3520. Hepatoprotective Activity of Water Extracts from Chaga Medicinal Mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (Higher Basidiomycetes) Against Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide−Induced …
  3521. Hepatoprotective effects of lactic acid-fermented garlic extract against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in rats
  3522. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of ellagitannins and galloyl esters isolated from Melaleuca styphelioides on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in …
  3523. Hepatoprotective effect of Acantholimon bracteatum (Girard) Boiss. on formaldehyde-induced liver injury in adult male mice
  3524. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of phenolic compounds from olive pomace
  3525. Hepatoprotective effects of lycopene on liver enzymes involved in methionine and xenobiotic metabolism in hyperhomocysteinemic rats
  3526. Hepatoprotective potential of Saraca ashoka (Roxb.) De Wilde bark by carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats
  3527. Anti-oxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of White Ginsengs in H2O2-Treated HepG2 Cells
  3528. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective effects of polyphenols extracted from the stems and leaves of Sphallerocarpus gracilis
  3529. Hepatoprotective effect of Diospyros lotus leaf extract against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice
  3530. Hepatoprotective properties of betulonic acid amide and heptral in toxic liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in combination with ethanol
  3531. Hepatoprotective activity of Holostemma ada Kodien shcult, extract against paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats
  3532. Hepatoprotective effects of parsley, basil, and chicory aqueous extracts against dexamethasone-induced in experimental rats
  3533. Hepatoprotective effect of collagen peptides from cod skin against liver oxidative damage in vitro and in vivo
  3534. Hepatoprotective effects of traditional chinese medicine on liver fibrosis from ethanol administration following partial hepatectomy
  3535. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Ajuga nipponensis extract by ultrasonic-assisted extraction
  3536. Hepatoprotective effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats
  3537. Advance in studies on Hepatoprotective effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its main components
  3538. Hepatoprotective leads from plants
  3539. Is honey able to potentiate the antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of medicinal plants consumed as infusions for Hepatoprotective effects?
  3540. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Azolla microphylla based gold nanoparticles against acetaminophen induced toxicity in a fresh water common carp fish …
  3541. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Asphodeline lutea (L.) Rchb. roots extract in experimental models in vitro/in vivo
  3542. Advances in research on Hepatoprotective activity and synthesis of oleanolic acid derivatives
  3543. Bioactive content, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of whole plant extract of Micromeria fruticosa (L) Druce ssp Serpyllifolia F Lamiaceae against Carbon …
  3544. Hepatoprotective effects of a self-micro emulsifying drug delivery system containing Silybum marianum native seed oil against experimentally induced liver injury
  3545. Hepatoprotective and neuroprotective tocopherol analogues isolated from the peels of Citrus unshiu Marcovich
  3546. Evaluation of extracts of seeds of Syzygium cumini L. for Hepatoprotective activity using CCl4-induced stressed rats
  3547. Comparative study of the antioxidative activity of culinary herbs and spices, and Hepatoprotective effects of three selected Lamiaceae plants on carbon tetrachloride …
  3548. Hepatoprotective pyranocoumarins from the stems of Clausena emarginata
  3549. Interactions between transporters and herbal medicines/drugs: a focus on Hepatoprotective compounds
  3550. Evaluation of Antibacterial action and Hepatoprotective efficiency of Solanum nigrum leaves extract on acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity
  3551. Hepatoprotective activity of a new polyherbal formulation against paracetamol and D-galactosamine induced hepatic toxicity
  3552. Hepatoprotective Effect of Lentinus edodes Mycelia Fermented Formulation against Alcoholic Liver Injury in Rats
  3553. Hepatoprotective effects of licochalcone B on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in mice
  3554. Immunosuppressive and Hepatoprotective potential of Sarcococca saligna and its biomarker components
  3555. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of chloroform and methanol extracts of Opuntia monacantha in paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  3556. Hepatoprotective medicinal plants used by the Gond and Bhill tribals of District Raisen Madhya Pradesh, India
  3557. Hepatoprotective effects of Sapium sebiferum in paracetamol-induced liver injury
  3558. Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of abietic acid from Isodon wightii (bentham) H. hara
  3559. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Hepacare®, a herbal formulation against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  3560. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic root extract of Taraxacum Syriacum Boiss against acetaminophen intoxication in rats
  3561. Hepatoprotective effect of trimethylgallic acid esters against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  3562. Schistosomicidal, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the methanolic fraction from Clerodendrum umbellatum Poir leaves aqueous extract in …
  3563. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of hydroponic-cultured ginseng folium by fermentation
  3564. New pathways driving the experimental Hepatoprotective action of tempol (4-hydroxy-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) against acute hepatotoxicity
  3565. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Bombax ceiba flowers against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3566. The antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of the ethyl acetate leaf extract of Ficus pseudopalma Blanco
  3567. Hepatoprotective effects of a Chinese herbal formulation, Yingchen decoction, on olaquindox-induced hepatopancreas injury in Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian)
  3568. An alternative Hepatoprotective and antioxidant agent: the Geranium
  3569. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Combretum albidum G. don against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3570. Hepatoprotective effects of deuterium depleted water (DDW) adjuvant with Satureja rechingeri essential oils
  3571. Fenugreek seed extract and its phytocompounds-trigonelline and diosgenin arbitrate their Hepatoprotective effects through attenuation of endoplasmic reticulum stress …
  3572. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Cinnamomum tamala leaves in rats
  3573. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Hygrophila spinosa (K. Schum) Heine Acanthaceae stem extract
  3574. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Justicia spicigera ethyl acetate fraction and characterization of its anthocyanin content
  3575. Screening of Hepatoprotective activity of Madhuca longifolia bark on D-Galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3576. Hepatoprotective effects of Acalypha indica and Centella asiatica in rat’s liver against hypoxia
  3577. Hepatoprotective Activity of an Herbal Composition, MAP, a Standardized Blend Comprising Myristica fragrans, Astragalus membranaceus, and Poria cocos
  3578. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and ameliorative potentials of aqueous leaf extract of Gazania krebsiana (Less.) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver …
  3579. Hepatoprotective action of various partitions of methanol extract of Bauhinia purpurea leaves against paracetamol-induced liver toxicity: involvement of the …
  3580. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Tribulus terrestris
  3581. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Acacia modesta wall against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity
  3582. Hepatoprotective Activity of Haliotis discus hannai Ino Extract on Lipopolysaccharide‐Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  3583. Hepatoprotective effect of Zataria Multiflora Boiss against malathion-induced oxidative stress in male rats
  3584. Study on Hepatoprotective effects of total flavonoids in Scorzonera austriaca Wild in vivo and in vitro
  3585. Evaluation of methanol extract of Polygonum minus Huds. leaves for its Hepatoprotective activity
  3586. Hepatoprotective ayurvedic plants–a review
  3587. Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of Flacourtia montana J. Grah leaf extract in male Wistar rats
  3588. Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous root bark extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus, Terminalia avicennioides, and their mixture in diethylnitrosamine-treated rats.
  3589. The antihyperglycemic, Hepatoprotective and renoprotective potentials of the aqueous extract of Costus lucanusianus on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  3590. Hepatoprotective effect of Adansonia digitata L.(Baobab) fruits pulp extract on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3591. Evaluation of phytochemical constituents of the fruits of cucumis sativus linn. for their Hepatoprotective activity by molecular docking studies
  3592. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album Linn. in Ethanol induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  3593. Isolation of herpetin from Herpetospermum seed and Hepatoprotective activity of liposomal herpetin against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  3594. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective potential of hydroethanolic extract of Ficus pumila L. on CCl4 induced liver damage in rats
  3595. Hepatoprotective effect and GC-MS analysis of traditionally used Boswellia sacra oleo gum resin (Frankincense) extract in
  3596. Flavonoids from Capsella bursa-pastoris and their Hepatoprotective activities in vitro
  3597. Pirimidine derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents
  3598. In Vitro Study on Hepatoprotective effect of Phyllanthus fraternus against lead induced toxicity
  3599. Hepatoprotective effects of Sumaeyaksuk (Artemisia argyi H.) extract on LPS-mediated inflammatory response
  3600. Hepatoprotective and Immunosuppressive Effect of Synedrella nodiflora L. on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Intoxicated Rats
  3601. Hepatoprotective activity of viscosine is mediated by attenuation of hepatic macrophages and iNOS expression in CCl4-intoxicated rats
  3602. Hepatoprotective evaluation of Iranian Satureja Rechingeri essential oils against oxidative injuries induced by acetaminophen in Wistar rats
  3603. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of Cassia sieberiana leaves in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3604. Phenylethanoid glycosides from Houttuynia cordata and their Hepatoprotective activities
  3605. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Lippia multiflora Leaves against ethanol-induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats
  3606. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of methanolic extract of different parts of Tamarindus indica Linn in rats following acute and chronic carbon tetrachloride …
  3607. Phytochemical screening and Hepatoprotective efficacy of leaves extracts of annona squamosa against paracetamol induced liver toxicity in rats
  3608. Phoenix roebelenii O’Brien DNA profiling, bioactive constituents, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities
  3609. Hepatoprotective effect of nigella sativa seed in sterptozotocine induced diabetic albino rats: histological observations
  3610. Cytotoxic, caspase-3 induction and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of phyllanthin, a major constituent of Phyllanthus niruri
  3611. Hepatoprotective property of varnya mahakashaya-An Innovative Insight
  3612. Hepatoprotective medicinal herbs and animal models for their screening-a review
  3613. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic leaves extract of Jatropha gossypifolia
  3614. Ameliorative potentials of Saponins from Helianthus annuus roots on Hepatoprotective and some kidney function indices of alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  3615. Coffee as Hepatoprotective factor
  3616. Hepatoprotective effect of preparations produced from chlorophytum comosum (l.) at experimental toxic damage in wistar rats
  3617. Hepatoprotective activity of different extracts of Pterospermum acerifolium against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  3619. Hepatoprotective mechanism of lycorine against carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity in Swiss albino mice–a proteomic approach
  3620. Hepatoprotective and Curative Effect of Eclipta Prostrata On CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
  3622. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effects of apple cider vinegar (a prophetic medicine remedy) on the liver of male rats
  3623. Histological and Hepatoprotective Effect of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Gongronema latifolium Benth in Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatic Toxicity in Male Albino …
  3624. Hepatoprotective and in vivo antioxidant activity of Olax subscorpioidea Oliv.(Olacaceae) and Distemonathus benthamianus Baill.(Caesalpiniaceae)
  3625. Hepatoprotective potentials of Picralima nitida against in vivo carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatotoxicity
  3626. Bioassay-guided fractionation of a Hepatoprotective and antioxidant extract of pea by-product
  3627. Hepatoprotective Activity of Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) Bulb Extracts
  3628. Hepatoprotective role of wheatgrass on alcohol and ΔPUFA-induced oxidative stress in rats
  3629. Does inchinkoto, a herbal medicine, have Hepatoprotective effects in major hepatectomy? A prospective randomized study
  3630. 6-Methoxyflavonol Glycosides with In Vitro Hepatoprotective Activity from Chenopodium Bonus-henricus Roots
  3631. A Comprehensive Review on in vitro and in vivo Models used for Hepatoprotective Activity
  3632. Hepatoprotective effect of Caesalpinia gilliesii and Cajanus cajan proteins against acetoaminophen overdose-induced hepatic damage
  3633. Hepatoprotective effects of arbutin against liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
  3634. Hepatoprotective effects of coriandrum sativum essential oil against acute hepatotoxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride on rats
  3635. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of hydromethanolic extract of Daniella oliveri leaves in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3636. Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract and 5-hydroxy, 7, 8, 2′ trimethoxy flavone of Andrographis alata Nees. in carbon tetrachloride treated rats
  3637. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of phyllanthin against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in Cyprinus carpio
  3638. Hepatoprotective effects of Flagellaria indica are mediated through the suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers in rats
  3639. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant role of Ziziphus jujuba leaves on paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats
  3640. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Litsea glutinosa against hepatotoxin induced toxicity
  3641. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Chichorium intybus roots on isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity
  3642. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of leaves of Mimosa pudica Linn in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in albino rats
  3643. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of total flavonoids of Indocalamus latifoli
  3644. Review of Hepatoprotective Agents in herbs
  3645. Hepatoprotective activity of alcoholic extract of Chonemorpha fragrans root in against Paracetamol and Isoniazid-induced liver damage in rats
  3646. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Diospyros virginiana in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in swiss albino rats
  3647. In vitro Hepatoprotective effects of fermented Curcuma longa L. by Aspergillus oryzae against alcohol-induced oxidative stress
  3648. Hepatoprotective effect of Livplus-A polyherbal formulation
  3649. Hepatoprotective Activity of Lantana camera against carbon tetra chloride Induced hepatotoxicity in Wister Rat
  3650. Cornigerin, a new sesqui-lignan from the Hepatoprotective fractions of Cynara cornigera L
  3651. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Caesalpinia bonduc against CCl4 induced chronic hepatotoxicity
  3652. Hepatoprotective and urease inhibitory activities of garlic conjugated gold nanoparticles
  3653. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effects of rumex acetosella on the carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3654. Hepatoprotective activity of Adhatoda vasica and Vitex negundo leaf extracts against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3655. Use of Tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] Kuntze) as a Hepatoprotective Agent in Geriatric Conditions
  3656. Hepatoprotective Effect of Pandanus odoratissimus L Inflorescence Extracts in Acetaminophen-treated Guinea Pigs
  3657. Hepatoprotective effect of dexmedetomidine against radioiodine toxicity in rats: Evaluation of oxidative status and histopathologic changes
  3658. Hepatoprotective activity of bark extracts of Terminalia catappa linn in albino rats
  3659. Hepatoprotective effect of ulinastatin in a rat model of major hepatectomy after obstructive jaundice
  3660. Hepatoprotective role of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Linn. against carbon tetrachloride-induced injuries
  3661. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Eriocaulon quinquangulare in vitro using porcine liver slices against ethanol induced liver toxicity and free radical …
  3662. Hepatoprotective activity of herbal composition SAL, a standardize blend comprised of Schisandra chinensis, Artemisia capillaris, and Aloe barbadensis
  3663. Hepatoprotective benzofurans and furanolignans from Gymnema tingens
  3664. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Karisalai Karpam, a polyherbal Siddha formulation against acetaminophen-induced hepatic damage in rats
  3665. Hepatoprotective activities and bioactive constituents of Stephania abyssinica
  3666. Hepatoprotective liposomal glycyrrhizin in alcoholic liver injury
  3667. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the commerson’s anchovy (Stolephorus commersonnii)
  3668. Hepatoprotective effects of Artemia salina L. extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity
  3669. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin on lambdacyhalothrin induced hepatotoxicity in male Wistar rats
  3670. A Study of Hepatoprotective Effect of Unani Formulation (Qurs Rewand) in Rats
  3671. Hepatoprotective effects of the decoction and macerated leaves of Rhamnus alaternus L. on rats exposed to carbon tetrachloride
  3672. Hepatoprotective effects ethanol extract of magrove propagule (Rhizophora mucronata) in white rat strain Sprague dawley induced carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
  3673. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Paeonia emodi (Wall.) rhizome methanol extract and its phenolic compounds rich fractions
  3674. Assessment of Hepatoprotective potential of Solanum xanthocarpum (whole plant) Linn. against isoniazid & rifampicin induced hepatic toxicity in wistar rats
  3675. Hepatoprotective effect of coumarin and chlorophyll against aflatoxicosis in rat
  3676. Hepatoprotective effect of Crotalaria longipes Wight & Arn, ethanol extract in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  3677. Hepatoprotective Effect of Tricholoma giganteum (Agaricomycetes) in a Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Rat Model
  3678. Hepatoprotective effect of kampo formula “Juzen-taiho-to” on bromobenzene-induced toxicity in mice
  3679. Phytochemicals, Antioxidative and in vivo Hepatoprotective Potentials of Litsea floribunda (BL.) Gamble (Lauraceae)-An Endemic Tree Species of the Southern …
  3680. Hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, antioxidant activity and phenolic constituents of Quercus robur leaves
  3681. Hepatoprotective effect of pioglitazone in cases of chemotherapy induced steatohepatitis
  3682. Antioxidant Activity of Dropwort (Oenanthe javanica DC) Fermented Extract and its Hepatoprotective Effect against Alcohol in Rats
  3683. Assessment of Hepatoprotective activity of Caralluma cicatricose against CCl4-induced liver damage in rabbits
  3684. Hepatoprotective activities of Lappula barbata and Plantago holosteum against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats and their in vitro antioxidant effects
  3686. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Extract of Andrographis paniculata in Wistar Rats
  3687. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Caesalpenia crista leaves against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3688. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective effects of polyphenolic fraction from Rivea hypocrateriformis in paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar albino rats
  3689. Role of Ginseng as Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory against Methotrexate Induced Liver Injury in Rats.
  3690. Usefulness of real-time elastography strain ratio in the assessment of bile duct ligation-induced liver injury and the Hepatoprotective effect of chitosan: an experimental …
  3691. To Evaluate Hepatoprotective Activity of Leaves of Ocimum Sanctum Using Animal Model
  3692. Hepatoprotective effects of ethanol extract of Caesalpiniabonduc against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
  3693. Hepatoprotective potential of herbal medicine
  3694. Effect of Qurs-e-Rewand (a Hepatoprotective unani formulation) on pentobarbitone induced sleeping in mice
  3695. Hepatoprotective effects of dual-coated and uncoated mixture of probiotics in rats
  3697. Phyllanthus amarus: A Hepatoprotective Agent in Acetaminophen induced Liver Toxicity in adult Wistar Rats
  3698. Hepatoprotective activity of isoalantolactone isolated from the roots of Inula racemosa (Hook. F.)
  3699. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of the food seasoning curry leaves Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng.(Rutaceae)
  3700. Hepatoprotective activity of combination of Phyllanthus niruri and Curcuma longa extracts against ethanol induced toxicity in wistar rats
  3701. Pharmacological investigation of leaves of Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb) for Hepatoprotective activity
  3702. Hepatoprotective effect of Hippocampus abdominalis hydrolysate
  3703. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Acanthospermum hispidum (DC) leaves on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rat
  3704. Physicochemical characterization and Hepatoprotective activity of Mandur bhasma
  3705. Antidiabetic, Antilipidermic And Hepatoprotective Effect Of Methanolic Extract of Cissampelos Owariensis Leaves In Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
  3706. Hepatoprotective diterpenoids from the roots of Salvia grandifolia
  3707. Hepatoprotective activity of n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions of Sida acuta on thioacetamide induced liver injury in rats
  3708. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of baicalin against CCl 4-induced hepatotoxicity
  3709. Optimization Extraction of Crassostrea gigas Polysaccharides and its Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Against BCG‐LPS‐Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice
  3710. Effects of antibiotics on LPS induced liver cell injury and Hepatoprotective activity of compound ammonium glycyrrhizin.
  3711. Hepatoprotective activity of the infusion of the dried leaves of Cassia alata Linn.
  3712. Hepatoprotective effect of Plumbago indica root extract on thioacetamide-induced liver damage in rats
  3713. Hepatoprotective Effect of Captopril on Liver Toxicity Induced by High and Low Dose of Paracetamol in Rats: Histological Study
  3714. In Vitro Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Nepenthes Khasiana Hook. F against Ethanol-Induced Liver Injury in Rats
  3715. Hypolipidemic, Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory role of Chios Mastic gum in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice with fatty liver disease
  3716. Hepatoprotective Effects of Herbal Drug on Adriamycin Induced Toxicity in Developing Chick Embryos
  3717. Hepatoprotective effects exerted by propolis against doxorubicin-induced rat liver toxicity: a biochemical and histopathological study
  3718. Antidiabetics in combination with hydroxychloroquine improve antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  3719. Hepatoprotective effect of matricaria chamomilla hot aqueous extract against methomyl 90%-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  3720. The Hepatoprotective effects of concomitant administration of calcium and magnesium on cadmium and lead co-intoxicated rats
  3721. Hepatoprotective effect of casodex after trauma hemorrhage in a rodent model
  3722. Hepatoprotective effects of umbilical cord blood stem cells against liver fibrosis in vivo
  3723. Hepatoprotective activity of Sonchus asper in paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rabbits
  3724. Hepatoprotective activity of Nigella sativa extract in D-galactosamine induced hepatic injury in rats
  3725. Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Crude Extract of Thunbergia laurifolia Leaves against Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice
  3726. Hepatoprotective Effects of Crude Extracts of Pongamia pinnata in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Albino Wistar Rats
  3727. Elucidation of the Hepatoprotective moiety of 5β-scymnol that suppresses paracetamol toxicity in mice
  3728. Leaves of Schinus polygamous (Cav.) Cabrera (Anacardiaceae) are a potential source of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant phytochemicals
  3729. Pharmacological investigations of Graptophyllum pictum as Hepatoprotective potential in albino rats
  3730. Hepatoprotective effect of Paeoniae radix via Nrf2 activation
  3731. Hepatoprotective activity of fruit extracts of Phyllanthus acidus Linn. in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxic model in albino rats
  3732. Expression of pro-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective factors at early stages of alcoholic liver disease in humans and the impact of short term abstinence.
  3733. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Solanum macrocarpon leaves against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats
  3734. Hepatoprotective effect of asparagus racemosus in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3735. Evaluation of endophytic fractions of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. roots for Hepatoprotective activity in rats
  3736. Essential Oil From Leaf Galls on Pistacia chinensis ssp. integerrima: Chemical Composition, In Vitro and In Vivo Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity
  3737. Hepatoprotective effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on mercury-induced hepatotoxicity in adult female Wistar rats
  3738. Hepatoprotective effect of various extracts of Bambusa vulgaris Striata on Carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injuries
  3739. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Macrotyloma uniflorum Seed (Horse gram) in Ethanol-Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  3740. Hepatoprotective Activity of Plant Peptides
  3741. Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin c on Capecitabine-induced liver injury in rats
  3742. Comparative Hepatoprotective effects of Concomitant Administration of Ca, Mg and the Combination of Ca and mg Against Cd and Pb co-Intoxicated Rats.
  3743. An Experimental Study to Evaluate Hepatoprotective Activity of Herbal Formulation in Rats
  3744. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of stem bark of Berberis aristata against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
  3745. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Sphaeranthus indicus against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3746. Hepatoprotective activity of Oxalis stricta Linn. on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  3747. Evaluation of gastroprotective, Hepatoprotective and hypotensive activities of Ulmus campestris bark extract
  3748. Hepatoprotective potential of kumaryasava and its concentrate against CCl4-induced hepatic toxicity in Wistar rats
  3749. Study of Hepatoprotective activity of flowers tansy polysaccharide complex
  3750. Hepatoprotective activity of Somanathi Tamra Bhasma in paracetamol induced liver toxicity in albino-rats
  3751. Constituents from Zhuyeqing Liquor with Hepatoprotective effect on alcohol-induced HepaG 2 toxicity
  3752. Pharmacognostic study of some important Hepatoprotective plants
  3753. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Pistacia lentiscus L. Fatty Oil in Rats Intoxicated by Carbon Tetrachloride.
  3754. Hepatoprotective role of Abutilon indicum on Lead induced liver injury in Wistar rats
  3755. Pharmacological Screening of Polyherbal Formulation for Hepatoprotective Activity on Albino Rats
  3757. Preclinical evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the polyherbal formulation “LIVOPICK”
  3758. Antioxidant activity in vitro and Hepatoprotective effects in vivo of compound Lobelia
  3759. Hepatoprotective Activity of Leaf Extract of Laurus Nobilis L. against CCL4 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  3760. Hepatoprotective Activity
  3761. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Lavandula officinalis L. in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  3762. Hepatoprotective Effect of Silymarin and Propolis in Chemically Induced Chronic Liver Injury in Rats.
  3763. Identification and assay of the flavonoids in medicinal plants with Hepatoprotective action
  3764. Hepatoprotective Effects of Garcina kola (Bitter kola) against Paracetamol-Induced Oxidative Damage and Glycogen Degranulation in Hepatocytes of Adult Male …
  3765. Hepatoprotective and nephrotoxic effects of methanol leaf extract of Telfairia occidentalis (Hook f.) in adult female albino rats (Rattus norvegicus).
  3766. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant efficacy of aqueous stem bark extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn.) Del. against acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats
  3767. Hepatoprotective Agent Present In Pods of Clitoria Ternatea with Evidence of Histopathological Analysis
  3768. San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the Hepatoprotective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in …
  3769. Hepatoprotective effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Oliveria decumbens against hepatotoxicity induced by cadmium chloride in adult male rat
  3772. Hepatoprotective action of stem bark extracts of Newbouldia laevis in rats treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)
  3773. Cytotoxic and Hepatoprotective effects of Bupleurum flavum flavonoids on hepatocellular carcinoma HEP-G2 cells
  3774. Solanumnigrum L. as a Hepatoprotective Agent
  3775. Hepatoprotective effect of sarvakalp kwath against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in albino rats
  3776. Triterpene saponin constituents from roots of Bupleurum falcatum: Hepatoprotective effects on D-galactosamine-induced cell damage
  3777. Good king-henry (Chenopodium bonus-henricus L.)–a source of Hepatoprotective flavonoids
  3778. Hepatoprotective Activity of Stem Bark of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis linn
  3779. Hepatoprotective activity of Chenopodium album leaves extract in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3780. Effect on Blood Lipid and Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Hemp Seed Oil in Hyperlipidemic Rats
  3781. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic leave extracts of V. album on paracetamol-induced laboratory animals
  3782. Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Activity of Shanxi Aged Vinegar in Hydrogen Peroxide-Treated HepG-2 Cells
  3783. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Moringa olifera (LAM)
  3784. Hepatoprotective Effect of Croton macrostachyus Hochst. Ex Del Leaves Against CCl4-Induced Liver Damage
  3785. Metabolomic Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Yinchenhao Tang and its Major Bioactive Constituents
  3786. Fabrication of surfactant-free quercetin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles: evaluation of Hepatoprotective efficacy by nuclear scintigraphy
  3787. Research of Hepatoprotective melatonin properties and the role of polymorphism of the geme mtnr1b in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
  3788. Anti-HSV-1 and Hepatoprotective activities of the Soft coral Sarcophyton acutum from the red sea
  3789. Hepatoprotective effect of Bifidobacterium adolescentis SPM0212 on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  3790. Hepatoprotective effects of simvastatin on paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats
  3791. Highlight report: overview of Hepatoprotective compounds
  3792. Polyprenols from Vitis vinifera leaves and their Hepatoprotective activity
  3793. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Dolichousnea longissima (Ach.) Articus Extract against Cisplatin Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats
  3794. Hepatoprotective Effect of Chenopodium Album Linn. Whole Plant on Biochemical Parameters Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  3795. Efficacy of Hepatoprotective Agents with or without antiviral drugs on liver function and fibrosis in patients with hepatitis B: a meta-analysis
  3796. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Rostellularia procumbens by using ethanol induced model in rats
  3797. Hepatotoxicity induced by monosodium glutamate (MSG) in rats and the possible Hepatoprotective role of n-acetylcysteine
  3798. Hepatoprotective activity of Ganoderma lucidium (Curtis) P. Karst against cyclophosphamide-induced liver injury in mice
  3799. Synergistic Hepatoprotective effect of grape juice with date palm fruit methanolic extracts
  3800. Hepatoprotective activity of herbal extract mixture (HEM) on ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3801. Analysis of application of Hepatoprotective drugs in the First People’s Hospital of Zhaotong during 2012-2014.
  3802. Hepatoprotective activity of Tephrosia purpurea on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  3803. Apoptotic, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of a triherbal formulation against d-galactosamine hepatotoxicity
  3804. Hepatoprotective activity of Cassia tora on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity
  3805. Hepatoprotective effects of zinc sulphate and silymarin against thallium-induced poisoning in rats
  3806. Evaluation of Anti-Oxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Desmostachya bipinnata Leaf Extracts by Various Hepatotoxin Induced Albino Rat Models
  3807. an important Hepatoprotective medicinal plant
  3808. Hepatoprotective effects of aerva javanica against paracetamol induced liver toxicity
  3809. Hepatoprotective effects of the total triterpenoids from Ganoderma lingzhi on α-amanitin-induced liver injury in mice
  3810. Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF INDUCED HEPATO
  3811. Inhibitory activity of the protein carbonylation and Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanol-soluble extract of Caesalpinia coriaria Jacq
  3812. Hepatoprotective effects of betaine against oxidative stress induced by levodopa and benserazide in rats
  3813. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Acalypha wilkesiana Muell Arg. Leaves on some Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Albino Rats
  3815. Hepatoprotective Effects and Antioxidant Potential of Polyherbal Formulation Against CCl4-Induced Hepatic Injury in Albino Rats
  3816. Three New Flavonoid Glycosides from the Fruits of Luffa echinata Roxb.-a Hepatoprotective Plant
  3817. Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Extract of Stem Bark of Berberis Lycium Royale in Isoniazid Induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  3819. Hepatoprotective effect of Syringae vulgaris flos ethanolic extracts in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats
  3820. Hepatoprotective effect of Quail egg against carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  3821. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Amaranthus gangeticus leaves against carbontetrachloride induced hepatic damage in albino rats
  3822. Hepatoprotective Activity of Hydroalcoholic and Ethyl Acetate Extract of Abutilon Indicum Leaf on Rats
  3823. Hepatoprotective role of BASELLA RUBRA on 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis in rat model
  3824. Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Calotropis procera a.(Asclepladaceae) in Paracetamol-Induced Liver Injury
  3825. A water-soluble polysaccharide from Auricularia auricula root and its Hepatoprotective effect against acute carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  3826. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Roscoea purpurea, a Zingiberaceous herb collected from Kumaun hills of Uttarakhand.
  3827. Ethnobotanical survey of Medicinal Plants used as Hepatoprotective in Imphal east and west district of Manipur, India.
  3828. Hepatoprotective effect of urine of one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) against ethanol induced liver damage in rats
  3829. Study of Hepatoprotective Effect Produced by the Fruits of Phyllanthus emblicus and Silymarin against Cisplatin Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3830. Screening of Hepatoprotective Effects of Four Different Brands of Polyherbal Bitter Formulations against Tetrachloromethane (CCl4) Induced Hepatotoxicity In Wistar …
  3831. A preliminary study on the Hepatoprotective activity of Musa paradisica roots in albino rats.
  3832. Hepatoprotective, therapeutic and in vitro cytotoxic activities of dandelion in comparison with silymarin
  3834. Peptides of a plant origin exerting Hepatoprotective properties
  3835. Evaluation of the efficiency of Hepatoprotective monotherapy using succinic acid and methionine for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease at the stage of steatohepatitis
  3836. Screening Methods for Hepatoprotective Agents in Experimental Animal’s
  3837. Hepatoprotective effect of leaf extracts from Citrus
  3838. Progress in Hepatoprotective Effect of Main Compositions in Astragali Radix
  3839. Biochemical Profiling and Synergistic Potential of Medicinal Plants as Hepatoprotective
  3840. Advance in study on Hepatoprotective effects and its mechanism of polysaccharides
  3841. Hepatoprotective Effects of Moringa Oleifera Seeds Against Ethanol Induced Liver Damage In Wistar Rats
  3843. Two new lanostane type triterpenes isolated from the Hepatoprotective active acetone extract of fruits of Luffa echinata Roxb.
  3844. Hepatoprotective Acti Induced Rat Hepatic Injury
  3845. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxident activity of salvadora persica
  3846. Development of Hepatoprotective action tablets based on plant blend
  3847. Hepatoprotective effect of hydroethanolic extract of Tragopogongraminifolius in rats induced withCCl4
  3850. Hepatoprotective effect of hydroethanolic extract of Tragopogongraminifolius in rats induced withCCl4
  3851. Caesalpinia decapetala Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract
  3853. Hepatoprotective Activity of Of Naringin Against Acute Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  3854. Synthetic Novel 1, 4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives Act as Potential Hepatoprotective Agent against CCl4Induced Rat Hepatocytes
  3857. In vitro anticancer and Hepatoprotective activity studies of Garcinia xanthochymus
  3858. Hepatoprotective Effect of Herb Formula KIOM2012H Against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
  3859. Antioxidativeand Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisia absinthium L. hydroalcholic extractin rat
  3860. Synergistic Hepatoprotective effect of Combretum dolichopetalum root and sylimarin in rats
  3861. Allocation phytoecdysteroids from Stachys hissarica and studying their Hepatoprotective activity
  3862. Providing scientific evidence for the use of dietary supplements: a case study in Hepatoprotective plants
  3863. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Extract of Maesa Indica Bark Against CCL4 Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  3864. Hepatoprotective Effect of Alloe Health Drink in Broiler Chicken
  3866. Hepatoprotective effects of Breviscapine in rats with insulin resistance
  3868. Hepatoprotective effect of leaves of Erythrina indica Lam.
  3869. Bioactive phenolic compounds from Hepatoprotective plants: extraction, identification and isolation
  3870. Monoterpenes from the leaves of Hydrangea paniculata and their Hepatoprotective activities
  3871. Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a New Hepatoprotective Polyherbal Formulation in ICR Male Mice
  3872. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Amorphophallus commutatus var. wayanadensis
  3873. … on the effects of formulation type and compositional mixtures over the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of dietary supplements based-on Hepatoprotective …
  3874. In vivo anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective of aerial part of Silene villosa
  3876. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Extract of Rhyncosia Beddomei Baker Against Ethanol Induced Hepatotoxicity
  3877. Hepatoprotective effects of mannose on immunological liver injury in mice
  3878. In vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective Action of L-α-phosphatidylcholine in Alcohol-induced Toxicity Model
  3879. Hepatoprotective and proapoptotic effect of Ecballium elaterium on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  3881. Histological evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of leaves of corn in acute toxic liver damage
  3882. Hepatoprotective effect of Pyracantha fortuneana polysaccharides on liver injury induced by CCI_4 in rats
  3883. Hepatoprotective potential of root extract of Leucas aspera.
  3884. Hepatoprotective effect of metadoxine on experimentally induced alcoholic hepatic injury in rats
  3886. Hepatoprotective effects of mannose on immunological liver injury in mice
  3887. Phytochemical analysis of the Hepatoprotective fraction of Comastoma pedunculatum using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
  3890. Phytochemical evaluation and studies on the Hepatoprotective properties of seed coat extracts of cicer arietinum species
  3891. Extraction Process of Salvia and Pueraria Hepatoprotective Compound
  3892. Characterization of the Hepatoprotective effects of dietary flaxseed in aged laying hens
  3893. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Studies of Annonasenegalensispers.(Annonaceae) Stem Bark.
  3894. Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanolic Extract of Whole Plant of Rhynchosia beddomei in Wistar Rats
  3896. A pharmacological screening of Hepatoprotective effect of western ghats mushrooms in zebra fish
  3897. Hepatoprotective Effect of Solanum melongena/Eggplant against Acute Hepatitis
  3898. Hepatoprotective Potential of Total Anthraquinone Fraction of Rheum emodi: In vitro and In vivo Studies
  3899. Hepatoprotective effect of zincovit drop against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in wistar rats
  3900. Honey potentiating antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of Hepatoprotective plants infusions
  3901. Reconnoitering Capparis zeylanica Seeds as Hepatoprotective Agent
  3902. Study results on Hepatoprotective effect of “antitoxic preparation” on test animal with acute liver infection developed by lipopolysaccharide
  3904. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of Cassia fistula in N-Diethylnitrosamine induced hepatocarcinogenesis in Wistar rats
  3906. Hepatoprotective Role of AV/LCP/18 In CCl4 Induced FLKS Syndrome in Commercial Broilers
  3907. Hepatoprotective Effect of Mangosteen Peel Extract on Borax-Induced Male Rats
  3908. Anticancer and Hepatoprotective Diterpene Derivatives from Photosensitized Oxidation
  3909. Hepatoprotective activity of superliv liquid in CCL4 induced flks syndrome in commercial broilers
  3910. Antiplasmodial and Hepatoprotective Potentials of Certain Traditional Antimalarial Remedies Used in Nigeria
  3911. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of against CCl Spilanthes radicans
  3912. Hepatoprotective functions of the hemostatic system in experimental xenobiotic-induced biliary injury
  3914. Hepatoprotective Activity of Parameria Laevigata A. Juss.(Aprocynaceae) Bark on Induced Acute Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rats.
  3915. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Scoparia dulcis on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Chronic Liver Injury in Mice
  3916. Metabolic profile and Hepatoprotective activity of the anthocyanin-rich extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces
  3917. Hepatoprotective Effects of Chitosan‐Phloroglucinol Conjugate in Cultured Hepatocyte
  3918. Hepatoprotective Role of Zinc Sulphate in Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Toxicity
  3919. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol Extract of Whole Plant of Aristolochia krisagathra Sivarajan and Pradeep against CCl^ sub 4^-Induced Liver Injury …
  3920. Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Effects of the Homogenate of Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruits
  3921. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Shorea robusta on Carbon tetrachloride induced hepatocytes
  3924. Licorice demonstrates Hepatoprotective effect in alcohol-induced fatty liver disease
  3926. Potential Hepatoprotective effect of different solvent fractions of Ocimum gratissimum (OG) in a paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar albino rats
  3927. Hepatoprotective efficiency of methanol extract of red algae against chromium-induced oxidative damage in Wistar rats
  3928. Favorable Hepatoprotective Effects of Gongjin-dan on the Acute Ethanol-induced Liver Damaged C57BL/6 Mice
  3929. Comparison of Hypoglycaemic, Hepatoprotective and Antiinflammatory Activities of Natural Plant and Callus Cultures of Munroina pinnata
  3930. An investigation on hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of oyster and reishi mushroom in diabetic and normal mice
  3931. The Hepatoprotective role of the aqueous extract of ginger against the harmful effects of paracetamol in rats
  3932. Hepatoprotective and in-vitro anti-HIV-1 effect of Alectryon tomentosus F. Muell leaf extract and its phytochemical profile
  3933. Hepatoprotective Effect of Limonium tetragonum Extract Following Acute Alcohol Intoxicity in Rats
  3934. Hepatoprotective Activity of Michelia nilagirica against Paracetamol Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats
  3937. Hepatoprotective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 in rats treated with Hydrogen Peroxide
  3938. A pharmacognostic and Hepatoprotective studies of selected mushrooms of western ghats in zebra fish model
  3939. Study on Hepatoprotective effect of root methanolic extract of Acanthus ilicifolius L. in carbon tetrachloride induced mice
  3940. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Cryptocoryne Spiralis against Thioacetamide Induced Acute Liver Failure
  3941. Hepatoprotective Prospective Of Camel Milk In Liver Disease; Modern And Iranian Traditional Medicine
  3942. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Amorphophallus campanulatus Tubers Extract against Paracetamol-Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  3943. Hepatoprotective Role of Nerium Oleander in Thioacetamide-Induced Chronic Inflammation
  3944. Hepatoprotective Activity of Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Toxicity
  3945. Hepatoprotective effects of mushroom extracts in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea treated Balb/c mice
  3946. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of leaf extracts from Morella serrata (Lam.) Killick (Myricaceae).
  3947. The Hepatoprotective role of the aqueous extract of ginger against the harmful effects of paracetamol in rats
  3948. Hepatoprotective activity of chenopodium album Linn. in carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity rats
  3949. The role of Leonotis nepetifolia as a Hepatoprotective agent against acetaminophen-induced toxicity in vivo
  3950. The Hepatoprotective effect of vitamin C in paraquat induced toxicity in male rats
  3951. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Cauliflower Leaves Against Methotrexate Induced Toxicity In Albino Rats
  3952. D-Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide Induced Hepatoprotective Activity of Boswellia ovalifoliolata
  3954. Metabolic profile and Hepatoprotective activity of the anthocyanin-rich extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces
  3955. Effect of Basil Leaves (Ocimum sanctum L.) Infusion as Hepatoprotective Agent Induced by Paracetamol
  3956. Hepatoprotective activity of methanol extract of Ampelocissus araneosa (Planch.) against paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
  3957. Hepatoprotective Effects of a Proprietary Glycyrrhizin Product during Alcohol Consumption: A Randomized, Doubleâ Blind, Placeboâ Controlled, Crossover Study
  3958. Hepatoprotective activity of Michelia champaca L. against carbontetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
  3959. Hepatoprotective Effect of Trigona spp. Bee Propolis against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury in Rat
  3960. Hepatoprotective effect of orally applied water-soluble pristine C₆₀ fullerene against CCl₄-induced acute liver injury in rats
  3961. Hepatoprotective property evaluation of fish oil from Sardinella fimbriata over fatty liver disease
  3962. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Ocimum basilicum against CCl4–induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  3963. Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisia princeps and its active compound eupatilin against oxidative stress
  3964. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Selaginella involvens Aqueous Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatic Damage in Mice
  3965. Hepatoprotective effects of Indole-3-carbinol against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  3967. Hepatoprotective Activity of Siringipaerathi Chooranam on Ccl4 and Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity and Anti-Oxidant Activity in In-Vivo and In-Vitro Models.
  3968. Hepatoprotective Effect of Coreopsis tinctoria on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  3970. Preclinical evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Grewia hirsuta extract on ethylene glycol induced liver damage in Wister albino rats
  3971. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyherbal Formulation PN01 Against Paracetamol and Isoniazid Induced Liver Damage
  3973. Hepatoprotective potential of Neolamarckia cadamba roxb.(Bosser) erthanolic leaf extract against ibuprofen. Induced liver damage on Rattus novergicus (Albino rats).
  3974. Withdrawn: Hepatoprotective effects of Tribulus terrestris L.(Zygophyllales: Zygophyllaceae) hydro-alcholic extract on non-alcoholic fatty liver-induced rats
  3976. Solanum muricatum Aiton Juice as A Hepatoprotective Agent in Wistar Rats Induced With Carbon Tetrachloride
  3977. Evaluation of In Vitro and in Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Pongamia Pinnata Linn., Seed Extract against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar …
  3978. Hepatoprotective Effect of Acetone Strawberry (Fragaria X Ananassa) Fruit Extracts on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice
  3979. Hepatoprotective Effect of Jojoba Oil on DNA Damage and Antioxidant Enzymes Induced by Cadmium in Rats
  3980. Hepatoprotective Q1 Q2 and urease inhibitory activities of garlic conjugated gold nanoparticles1
  3981. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of fermented red ginseng against liver injury in hyperlipidemia rats
  3982. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl. Fruit Extract against Ethanol Induced Liver Toxicity in Experimental Rodents
  3983. The study of Hepatoprotective influence of anti-diabetic herbal tea on the histological state of liver in rats with streptozotocin nicotinamide induced diabetes type 2
  3984. Hepatoprotective effect of Trichosanthes anguina Linn root extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  3986. Withdrawn: Hepatoprotective effects of Tribulus terrestris L.(Zygophyllales: Zygophyllaceae) hydro-alcholic extract on non-alcoholic fatty liver-induced rats [Braz. J. Biol …
  3987. The inhibition of methyl ferulic acid on duck hepatitis B virus replication in vivo and Hepatoprotective effect
  3988. Hepatoprotective activity of the extract of Nandina domestica Thunb. against arsenic trioxide induced hepatic injury in rats
  3989. Hepatoprotective Effect of Total Flavones of Artemisia capillaris Thunb. on Acute Hepatic Injury in Rats
  3990. Fenofibrate Potentiates the Antihyperglycemic, Antidyslipidemic and Hepatoprotective Activity of Pioglitazone in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
  3993. Hepatoprotective Activities of Huoshan Dendrobium Officinale Kimura et Migo Water Extracts on Carbontetrachloride-induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  3996. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Tanacetum parthenium on CCl4 induced liver damage in rat
  3997. Asparagus racemosus Linn. Potentiates the Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Activity of Fenofibrate in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats
  3998. Hepatoprotective effects of palm oil and coconut water in the serum of Wistar rats exposed to cadmium chloride contaminated diet
  4001. Hepatoprotective Effect of Jojoba Oil and Nigella Sativa Seeds in Rats Fed Diet Containing Aflatoxin
  4002. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Procyanidins fromWild Grape (Vitis amurensis) Seeds in Ethanol-Induced Cells and Rats
  4004. … for Mass Multiplication of Desmodium Gangeticum (L.) DC—An Important Anticancer, Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective Endangered Medicinal Plant
  4005. Page Hepatoprotective Effects of Curcumin in rats after bile duct ligation via down-regulation of Rac1 and NOX1
  4006. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra extracts against TCDD-induced hepatocyte damage in Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian).
  4007. Comparative Hepatoprotective Effects of Ginkgo biloba, Berberis lycium, Tinospora cordifolia and Hippophae salicifolia against Lantadenes-Induced Sub-Acute …
  4008. Hepatic matrix metalloproteinase-10 exerts a Hepatoprotective role after acute liver injury
  4009. Preclinical Study of Siddha Drug Pavalaveerachunnam for it’s Hepatoprotective, Hypolipidemic, Diuretic and Lithotriptic Activities.
  4010. Molecular bases underlying the Hepatoprotective effects of coffee
  4011. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin: From chemistry to medicine
  4012. Hepatoprotective natural triterpenoids
  4013. A critical review on Hepatoprotective effects of bioactive food components
  4014. Hepatitis C: From inflammatory pathogenesis to anti-inflammatory/Hepatoprotective therapy
  4015. A review on some medicinal plants with Hepatoprotective effects
  4016. Chalcones as putative Hepatoprotective Agents: Preclinical evidence and molecular mechanisms
  4017. Selected Hepatoprotective herbal medicines: Evidence from ethnomedicinal applications, animal models, and possible mechanism of actions
  4018. Hepatoprotective effect of sitagliptin against methotrexate induced liver toxicity
  4019. A review for discovering Hepatoprotective herbal drugs with least side effects on kidney
  4020. Advances in Hepatoprotective medicinal plants research
  4021. A biomedical investigation of the Hepatoprotective effect of radix salviae miltiorrhizae and network pharmacology-based prediction of the active compounds and …
  4022. Characterization, antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of purple sweetpotato polysaccharides
  4023. Hepatoprotective effect of berberine against methotrexate induced liver toxicity in rats
  4024. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of quercetin 7-rhamnoside in vitro and in vivo
  4025. A network-based pharmacology study of the herb-induced liver injury potential of traditional Hepatoprotective Chinese herbal medicines
  4026. Allium tuberosum: Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective activities
  4027. Mitochondria protection as a mechanism underlying the Hepatoprotective effects of glycine in cholestatic mice
  4028. Hepatoprotective and hematoprotective effects of Falcaria vulgaris aqueous extract against CCl 4-induced hepatic injury in mice
  4029. Studies on the Hepatoprotective effect of fucoidans from brown algae Kjellmaniella crassifolia
  4030. Characterization of polysaccharides with antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities from the edible mushroom Oudemansiella radicata
  4031. Structural characterization, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Sophorae tonkinensis Radix
  4032. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective role of selenium against silver nanoparticles
  4033. Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin on hepatocellular carcinoma through autophagic and apoptic pathways
  4034. Improved Hepatoprotective activity of silymarin via encapsulation in the novel vesicular nanosystem bilosomes
  4035. Hepatoprotective effects of Lactobacillus on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4036. A network pharmacology-based study on the Hepatoprotective effect of Fructus Schisandrae
  4037. Hepatoprotective potential of Malvaviscus arboreus against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  4038. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of single clove garlic against CCl 4-induced hepatic damage in rabbits
  4039. Capparis spinosa leaves extract: Source of bioantioxidants with nephroprotective and Hepatoprotective effects
  4040. A proanthocyanidin-rich extract from Cassia abbreviata exhibits antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities in vivo
  4041. Hepatoprotective effects of garlic against ethanol-induced liver injury: A mini-review
  4042. Flavonoids with Hepatoprotective activity from the leaves of Cleome viscosa L.
  4043. Na+‐taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide inhibition has Hepatoprotective effects in cholestasis in mice
  4044. Purification, preliminary characterization and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides from dandelion root
  4045. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of purified Rhodiola rosea polysaccharides
  4046. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging actions of quercetin nanoparticles on aflatoxin B1-induced liver damage: in vitro/in vivo studies
  4047. Hepatoprotective activities of rosmarinic acid against extrahepatic cholestasis in rats
  4048. Hepatoprotective potential of isoquercitrin against type 2 diabetes-induced hepatic injury in rats
  4049. Silymarin: a potent Hepatoprotective agent in poultry industry
  4050. Hepatoprotective effects of berberine on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  4051. In vitro assessment of Hepatoprotective Agents against damage induced by acetaminophen and CCl 4
  4052. Hepatoprotective effects exerted by Poria Cocos polysaccharides against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice
  4053. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Polygonum orientale on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4054. Hepatoprotective effect of methyl ferulic acid against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
  4055. Hepatoprotective effect of Coreopsis tinctoria flowers against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in mice
  4056. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of acantholimon gilliati eerial part methanolic extract
  4057. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective properties of selenium modified polysaccharide from Lachnum sp.
  4058. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of white cabbage essential oil
  4059. Phenolic compounds from Syzygium jambos (Myrtaceae) exhibit distinct antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities in vivo
  4060. The Hepatoprotective and microRNAs downregulatory effects of crocin following hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
  4061. Hepatoprotective effect of hesperidin in hepatocellular carcinoma: involvement of Wnt signaling pathways
  4062. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharide fraction from Cyclocarya paliurus in high-fat emulsion-induced hyperlipidaemic mice
  4063. Hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia microdasys (Lehm.) Pfeiff flowers against diabetes type II induced in rats
  4064. Hepatoprotective and hypoglycemic effects of a tannin rich extract from Ximenia americana var. caffra root
  4065. Hepatoprotective effect of citral on acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in mice
  4066. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of swertiamarin on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity via the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway
  4067. Molecular mechanisms related to the Hepatoprotective effects of antioxidant-rich extra virgin olive oil supplementation in rats subjected to short-term iron …
  4068. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic Tanacetum parthenium extract on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  4069. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective efficiency of selenium nanoparticles against acetaminophen-induced hepatic damage
  4070. Mesenchymal stromal cell-derived exosome-rich fractionated secretome confers a Hepatoprotective effect in liver injury
  4071. Hepatoprotective, antihyperlipidemic, and anti-inflammatory activity of Moringa oleifera in diabetic-induced damage in male wistar rats
  4072. Lycopene: Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects toward bisphenol A-induced toxicity in female Wistar rats
  4073. Alleviating the liver toxicity of chemotherapy via pH-responsive Hepatoprotective prodrug micelles
  4074. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin against LPS/d-GalN induced acute liver injury in mice by inhibiting the IKK/NF-κB and MAPK signal pathways
  4075. Hepatoprotective effect of Phytosome Curcumin against paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in mice
  4076. Hepatoprotective effect of boldine in a bile duct ligated rat model of cholestasis/cirrhosis
  4077. Characterization and Hepatoprotective activity of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. cultivar Eshu No. 8)
  4078. Oral bioavailability enhancement and Hepatoprotective effects of thymoquinone by self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system
  4079. Hepatoprotective effect of rhein against methotrexate-induced liver toxicity
  4080. Hepatoprotective effects of insect extracts in an animal model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  4081. Nano-lipid complex of rutin: Development, characterisation and in vivo investigation of Hepatoprotective, antioxidant activity and bioavailability study in rats
  4082. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Capparis spinosa L. fractions and Quercetin on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced acute liver damage in mice
  4083. Hepatoprotective effect of parthenolide in rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  4084. Validation of the antihyperglycaemic and Hepatoprotective activity of the flavonoid rich fraction of Brachychiton rupestris using in vivo experimental models and …
  4085. Comparative studies on the hypolipidemic, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of catechin-enriched green and oolong tea in a double-blind clinical trial
  4086. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of intracellular mycelium polysaccharides from Pleurotus geesteranus against alcoholic liver diseases
  4087. Senna singueana: Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, antiapoptotic properties and phytochemical profiling of a methanol bark extract
  4088. The Hepatoprotective effect of the probiotic Clostridium butyricum against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in mice
  4089. Hepatoprotective activities of Antrodia camphorata and its triterpenoid compounds against CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  4090. Vitamin D nanoemulsion enhances Hepatoprotective effect of conventional vitamin D in rats fed with a high-fat diet
  4091. Rutin exhibits Hepatoprotective effects in a mouse model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by reducing hepatic lipid levels and mitigating lipid-induced oxidative …
  4092. Hepatoprotective effect of 2′-O-galloylhyperin against oxidative stress-induced liver damage through induction of Nrf2/ARE-mediated antioxidant pathway
  4093. Isorhamnetin: A Hepatoprotective flavonoid inhibits apoptosis and autophagy via P38/PPAR-α pathway in mice
  4094. Malaysian propolis, metformin and their combination, exert Hepatoprotective effect in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  4095. In vitro/in vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of defatted extract and flavonoids isolated from Astragalus spruneri Boiss.(Fabaceae)
  4096. Syzygium aqueum: A polyphenol-rich leaf extract exhibits antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, pain-killing and anti-inflammatory activities in animal models
  4097. Hepatoprotective and in vitro antioxidant effects of native depolymerised-exopolysaccharides derived from Termitomyces albuminosus
  4098. The potential Hepatoprotective effect of royal jelly against cadmium chloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice is mediated by suppression of oxidative stress and …
  4099. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of quercetin loaded chitosan/alginate particles in vitro and in vivo in a model of paracetamol-induced toxicity
  4100. In vitro and in vivo antioxidative and Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Cortex Dictamni
  4101. Hepatoprotective potential of ethanolic extract of Aquilaria agallocha leaves against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in SD rats
  4102. Hepatoprotective effect of thymol against subchronic toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles: Biochemical and histological evidences
  4103. Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenol-enriched fraction from Folium Microcos on oxidative stress and apoptosis in acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice
  4104. Hepatoprotective effect of metadoxine on acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in mice
  4105. Hepatoprotective influence of quercetin and ellagic acid on thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4106. Hepatoprotective effects of a functional formula of three Chinese medicinal herbs: experimental evidence and network pharmacology-based identification of …
  4107. The Hepatoprotective effect of Phyllanthus emblica L. fruit on high fat diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in SD rats
  4108. New application of the commercial sweetener rebaudioside a as a Hepatoprotective candidate: Induction of the Nrf2 signaling pathway
  4109. Silymarin-loaded eudragit nanoparticles: formulation, characterization, and Hepatoprotective and toxicity evaluation
  4110. Hepatoprotective Properties of a Polyphenol-Enriched Fraction from Annona crassiflora Mart. Fruit Peel against Diabetes-Induced Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress
  4111. Hepatoprotective effects of crocin on biochemical and histopathological alterations following acrylamide-induced liver injury in Wistar rats
  4112. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of phenol-rich fraction of Juniperus communis Linn. leaves
  4113. Theanine: the unique amino acid in the tea plant as an oral Hepatoprotective agent
  4114. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Spirulina platensis against lead-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in catfish; Clarias gariepinus
  4115. Synthesis and primary evaluation of the Hepatoprotective properties of novel pyrimidine derivatives
  4116. Hepatoprotective activity of chrysin is mediated through TNF-α in chemically-induced acute liver damage: An in vivo study and molecular modeling
  4117. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective activities of rosemary and thyme in gentamicin-treated rats
  4118. Magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate shows Hepatoprotective effects in a cyclophosphamide-induced model of hepatic injury
  4119. Hepatoprotective effects of Auricularia cornea var. Li. polysaccharides against the alcoholic liver diseases through different metabolic pathways
  4120. PPARα mediates the Hepatoprotective effects of nutmeg
  4121. High resolution UPLC-MS/MS profiling of polyphenolics in the methanol extract of Syzygium samarangense leaves and its Hepatoprotective activity in rats with CCl4 …
  4122. Novel flavonoids from Lonicera japonica flower buds and validation of their anti-hepatoma and Hepatoprotective activity in vitro studies
  4123. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin on liver cirrhosis using a combination of biochemical analysis and magnetic resonance-based electrical …
  4124. Hepatoprotective properties of Penthorum chinense Pursh against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4125. Galangin-loaded, liver targeting liposomes: Optimization and Hepatoprotective efficacy
  4126. Flavonoid rutinosides from Cinnamomum parthenoxylon leaves and their Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity
  4127. Hepatoprotective and inhibiting HBV effects of polysaccharides from roots of Sophora flavescens
  4128. Potential antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effects of Juniperus phoenicea berries against CCl4 induced hepatic damage in rats
  4129. Hepatoprotective Dibenzocyclooctadiene and Tetrahydrobenzocyclooctabenzofuranone Lignans from Kadsura longipedunculata
  4130. Hepatoprotective effects of Antrodia cinnamomea: The modulation of oxidative stress signaling in a mouse model of alcohol-induced acute liver injury
  4131. … peptides-enriched Ganoderma lucidum: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study of its antioxidation and Hepatoprotective efficacy in healthy …
  4132. Hepatoprotective Cocrystals and Salts of Riluzole: Prediction, Synthesis, Solid State Characterization, and Evaluation
  4133. Magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate has Hepatoprotective effects in an oxaliplatin‑induced model of liver injury
  4134. Hepatoprotective effects of raspberry (Rubus coreanus Miq.) seed oil and its major constituents
  4135. Hepatoprotective activity of the extract of Homalium letestui stem against paracetamol-induced liver injury
  4136. Hepatoprotective effect of low doses of caffeine on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  4137. Metabolites of dietary acteoside: Profiles, isolation, identification, and Hepatoprotective capacities
  4138. Hepatoprotective effects of Lactobacillus plantarum C88 on LPS/D-GalN–induced acute liver injury in mice
  4139. Five-Golden-Flowers Tea: Green extraction and Hepatoprotective effect against oxidative damage
  4140. Hepatoprotective effect of fraxin against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in vitro and in vivo through regulating hepatic antioxidant, inflammation response …
  4141. Albizia harveyi: phytochemical profiling, antioxidant, antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective activities of the bark extract
  4142. Tannin-rich extracts from Lannea stuhlmannii and Lannea humilis (Anacardiaceae) exhibit Hepatoprotective activities in vivo via enhancement of the anti …
  4143. Hepatoprotective effect of gamma-mangostin for amelioration of impaired liver structure and function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
  4144. Methanolic extract of dill leaves inhibits AGEs formation and shows potential Hepatoprotective effects in CCl4 induced liver toxicity in rat
  4145. Preclinical Hepatoprotective effect of herbalism against ethanol induced hepatotoxicity: a review
  4146. Pristimerin as a novel Hepatoprotective agent against experimental autoimmune hepatitis
  4147. Hepatoprotective effects of Gentianella turkestanerum extracts on acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice
  4148. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects of enzymatic and acidic-hydrolysis of Pleurotus geesteranus mycelium polysaccharides on alcoholic liver diseases
  4149. The Hepatoprotective effect of gallic acid on mercuric chloride-induced liver damage in rats
  4150. Hepatoprotective effect of Stachys pilifera ethanol extract in carbon tetrachloride-induce hepatotoxicity in rats
  4151. The Hepatoprotective effect of selenium‐enriched yeast and gum arabic combination on carbon tetrachloride‐induced chronic liver injury in rats
  4152. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract from the seeds of Orychophragmus violaceus against liver injury in mice and HepG2 cells
  4153. Hepatoprotective effects of diosmin and/or sildenafil against cholestatic liver cirrhosis: The role of Keap-1/Nrf-2 and P38-MAPK/NF-κB/iNOS signaling pathway
  4154. Hepatoprotective effect of lawsone on rifampicin-isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity in in vitro and in vivo models
  4155. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic activity of Alchemilla mollis
  4156. Hepatoprotective effect of ginsenoside Rg1 from Panax ginseng on carbon tetrachloride‐induced acute liver injury by activating Nrf2 signaling pathway in mice
  4157. Hepatoprotective effect of loquat leaf flavonoids in PM2. 5-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease via regulation of IRs-1/Akt and CYP2E1/JNK pathways
  4158. Hepatoprotective effects of green Capsicum annum against ethanol induced oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in rats
  4159. The antioxidative and Hepatoprotective effects comparison of Chinese angelica polysaccharide (CAP) and selenizing CAP (sCAP) in CCl4 induced hepatic injury mice
  4160. Hepatoprotective effect of tempol on oxidative toxic stress in STZ-induced diabetic rats
  4161. Mango leaf tea promotes Hepatoprotective effects in obese rats
  4162. Obesity challenges the Hepatoprotective function of the integrated stress response to asparaginase exposure in mice
  4163. Hepatoprotective potential of Phyllanthus muellarianus leaf extract: studies on hepatic, oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers
  4164. An overview of Hepatoprotective effects of thymoquinone
  4165. Molecular Hepatoprotective effects of lipoic acid against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats: Hepatoprotection at molecular level
  4166. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of A. cerana honey against acute alcohol-induced liver damage in mice
  4167. Characterizations and Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Mori Fructus in rats with alcoholic-induced liver injury
  4168. Isoquinolines from Corydalis tomentella from Tibet, China, possess Hepatoprotective activities
  4169. The Hepatoprotective role of reduced glutathione and its underlying mechanism in oxaliplatin-induced acute liver injury
  4170. Nrf2 activators from Glycyrrhiza inflata and their Hepatoprotective activities against CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  4171. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of exopolysaccharides isolated from Pleurotus geesteranus on alcohol-induced liver injury
  4172. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin via TRAF6/JNK pathway in acute hepatitis
  4173. … -Medicinal Mushroom, Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes): A Species with Antioxidant, Immunomodulatory, and Hepatoprotective Activities in Hypercholesterolemic …
  4174. Biogenic selenium and its Hepatoprotective activity
  4175. Hepatoprotective effects of Methyl ferulic acid on alcohol-induced liver oxidative injury in mice by inhibiting the NOX4/ROS-MAPK pathway
  4176. Hepatoprotective effect of α-mangostin against lipopolysaccharide/d-galactosamine-induced acute liver failure in mice
  4177. Screening of Hepatoprotective compounds from licorice against carbon tetrachloride and acetaminophen induced HepG2 cells injury
  4178. Antidiabtic and Hepatoprotective effects of bitter fraction of Stevia rebaudiana alcoholic extract on streptozotocin-induced diabetic male mice
  4179. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Lawsonia inermis L. leaves against 2-acetylaminofluorene induced hepatic damage in male Wistar rats
  4180. Augmentation of Hepatoprotective potential of Aegle marmelos in combination with piperine in carbon tetrachloride model in wistar rats
  4181. Quantitative determination of stilbenoids and dihydroisocoumarins in Shorea roxburghii and evaluation of their Hepatoprotective activity
  4182. Hepatoprotective effects of nicotiflorin from nymphaea candida against concanavalin a-induced and d-galactosamine-induced liver injury in mice
  4183. Hepatoprotective effect of Forsythiae Fructus water extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in mice
  4184. Antihyperlipidaemic and Hepatoprotective activities of acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis exopolysaccharides from Pleurotus eryngii SI-04
  4185. Hepatoprotective effects of Yulangsan flavone against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  4186. Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides isolated from Dendrobium officinale against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice via regulation of the Nrf2 …
  4187. Hepatoprotective effect of the solvent extracts of Viola canescens Wall. ex. Roxb. against CCl 4 induced toxicity through antioxidant and membrane stabilizing …
  4188. Antioxidant properties of Ferulago angulata and its Hepatoprotective effect against N-nitrosodimethylamine-induced oxidative stress in rats
  4189. Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and Hepatoprotective effects of phillygenin in mouse
  4190. Hepatoprotective potential and chemical characterization of Artocarpus lakoocha fruit extract
  4191. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of an oral sustained release Hepatoprotective caffeine loaded w/o Pickering emulsion formula–Containing wheat germ oil and stabilized …
  4192. Hepatoprotective activity of Butea monosperma bark against thioacetamide-induced liver injury in rats
  4193. Hepatoprotective effect of food preservatives (butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene) on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rat
  4194. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities of the Cnidoscolus chayamansa (Mc Vaugh) leaf extract in chronic models
  4195. Hepatoprotective effects of Vaccinium arctostaphylos against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats
  4196. Cytotoxic and partial Hepatoprotective activity of sodium ascorbate against hepatocellular carcinoma through inhibition of sulfatase-2 in vivo and in vitro
  4197. Hepatoprotective Effects of Sophoricoside against Fructose‐Induced Liver Injury via Regulating Lipid Metabolism, Oxidation, and Inflammation in Mice
  4198. Antidiabetic, hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Arctium lappa root’s hydro-alcoholic extract on nicotinamide-streptozotocin induced type 2 model of …
  4199. Cuscuta arvensis Beyr “Dodder”: In Vivo Hepatoprotective Effects Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4200. New aspects on the Hepatoprotective potential associated with the antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic and anti-inflammatory activities of Vernonia condensata …
  4201. Hepatoprotective effect of carboxymethyl pachyman in fluorouracil-treated CT26-bearing mice
  4202. Metabonomic profiling in study Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Flammulina velutipes on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury rats using GC …
  4203. Hepatoprotective immune response during Trichinella spiralis infection in mice
  4204. Synergistic Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of artichoke, fig, blackberry herbal mixture on HepG2 cells and their metabolic profiling using NMR coupled with …
  4205. Chenopodium bonus-henricus L.–A source of Hepatoprotective flavonoids
  4206. Phytochemical characterization and bioactivity of Lycium europaeum: A focus on antioxidant, antinociceptive, Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects
  4207. Phytochemical composition, Hepatoprotective, and antioxidant activities of Phyllodium pulchellum (L.) Desv
  4208. A Sargassum fluitans borgesen ethanol extract exhibits a Hepatoprotective effect in vivo in acute and chronic liver damage Models
  4209. Hepatoprotective effects of corilagin following hemorrhagic shock are through akt-dependent pathway
  4210. Hepatoprotective activity of iridoids, seco-iridoids and analog glycosides from Gentianaceae on HepG2 cells via CYP3A4 induction and mitochondrial pathway
  4211. Hepatoprotective effect of blocking N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in male albino rats exposed to acute and repeated restraint stress
  4212. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Crude Polysaccharide Extracts from Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (Agaricomycetes), by …
  4213. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Artemisia dracunculus against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4214. Oleanolic acid-amino acids derivatives: Design, synthesis, and Hepatoprotective evaluation in vitro and in vivo
  4215. Assesment of Hepatoprotective activity of roots and barks of Achyranthes aspera in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4216. Exploration of Hepatoprotective effect of gentiopicroside on alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholestatic liver injury in rats by comprehensive proteomic and …
  4217. Enhanced regeneration and Hepatoprotective effects of Interleukin 22 fusion protein on a predamaged liver undergoing partial hepatectomy
  4218. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective effect of free phenolic extract from barley during malting process
  4219. Hepatoprotective effect of steroidal glycosides from Dioscorea villosa on hydrogen peroxide-induced hepatotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  4220. Hepatoprotective effect of Descurainia sophia seed extract against paracetamol-induced oxidative stress and hepatic damage in mice
  4221. Flavonoids with Hepatoprotective Activity from the Leaves of Cleome chelidonii
  4222. Hepatoprotective activity of vitamin E and metallothionein in cadmium-induced liver injury in Ctenopharyngodon idellus
  4223. Antiobesity, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Diallyl trisulphide (DATS) alone or in combination with Orlistat on HFD induced obese rats
  4224. The Hepatoprotective activity of a new derivative kaempferol glycoside from the leaves of Vietnamese Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels
  4225. Enhanced pharmacokinetic behavior and Hepatoprotective function of ginger extract-loaded supersaturable self-emulsifying drug delivery systems
  4226. A combination of coffee compounds shows insulin-sensitizing and Hepatoprotective effects in a rat model of diet-induced metabolic syndrome
  4227. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of glycyrrhetinic acid on CCl4-induced damage in precision-cut liver slices from Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. jian) …
  4228. Hepatoprotective effect of esculetin on ethanol-induced liver injury in human HepG2 cells and C57BL/6J mice
  4229. Phenolic compounds analysis, antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective effects of Periploca angustifolia extract on cadmium-induced oxidative damage in HepG2 cell line …
  4230. Exploration of antioxidant, antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective activity of Diplazium esculentum-A wild edible plant from North Eastern India
  4231. Black Radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. niger) Extract Mediates Its Hepatoprotective Effect on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatic Injury by Attenuating Oxidative …
  4232. Eight new phenylethanoid glycoside derivatives possessing potential Hepatoprotective activities from the fruits of Forsythia suspensa
  4233. Development, characterization, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of poly (Ɛ-caprolactone) nanoparticles loaded with a neuroprotective fraction of …
  4234. Ellagic acid glycosides with Hepatoprotective activity from traditional Tibetan medicine Potentilla anserina
  4235. GC-MS analysis and Hepatoprotective activity of the n-hexane extract of Acrocarpus fraxinifolius leaves against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in male albino …
  4236. Nanoemulsion as a novel carrier system for improvement of betulinic acid oral bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity
  4237. A new multifunctional hydroxytyrosol-clofibrate with hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective effects
  4238. Hepatoprotective effects of ethyl pyruvate against CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis via inhibition of TLR4/NF-κB signaling and up-regulation of MMPs/TIMPs ratio
  4239. Hepatoprotective activity of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou mangrove plant against CCl4 induced liver damage
  4240. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Nigella sativa seeds dietary supplementation against lead acetate-induced oxidative damage in rabbit–purification and characterization of …
  4241. Hepatoprotective standardized EtOH–water extract of the leaves of Ziziphus jujuba
  4242. Hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia dillenii seed oil on CCl4 induced acute liver damage in rat
  4243. Insights of antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective properties of antimicrobial secondary metabolites of corm extract from Caladium x hortulanum
  4244. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of methanolic extracts of Zilla spinosa and Hammada elegans against carbon tetrachlorideinduced hepatotoxicity in …
  4245. Nonionic surfactant based thymoquinone loaded nanoproniosomal formulation: in vitro physicochemical evaluation and in vivo Hepatoprotective efficacy
  4246. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Corydalis saxicola Bunting on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats by 1H-NMR-based metabonomics and …
  4247. Hepatoprotective activity of Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) aerial parts against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents and analysis of polyphenolic …
  4248. Effect of melatonin versus vitamin D as antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Agents in STZ-induced diabetic rats
  4249. Hepatoprotective potentials of methanol extract of T. conophorum seeds of carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in Wistar rats
  4250. Potential Hepatoprotective role of galectin-3 during HCV infection in end-stage renal disease patients
  4251. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of Cichorium intybus (Kasni) seed extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in rats
  4252. Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin in rats after bile duct ligation via downregulation of Rac1 and NOX1
  4253. Hepatoprotective properties of curcumin
  4254. Hepatoprotective effect of wedelolactone against concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice
  4255. Hepatoprotective effects of zerumbone against paracetamol-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats
  4256. Hepatoprotective effect of san-cao granule on con A-induced liver injury in mice and mechanisms of action exploration
  4257. Comparison of Hepatoprotective effect from ischemia-reperfusion injury of remote ischemic preconditioning of the liver vs local ischemic preconditioning of the …
  4258. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Asparagus albus leaves in carbon tetrachloride‐induced liver injury rats
  4259. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of combination between hinokiflavone and Glycyrrhizin against CCl4 induced toxicity in rats
  4260. Hepatoprotective effect of 10% ethanolic extract from Curdrania tricuspidata leaves against ethanol-induced oxidative stress through suppression of CYP2E1
  4261. Hepatoprotective principles and other chemical constituents from the mycelium of Phellinus linteus
  4262. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective effect of hydroethanolic extract of stem bark of Oroxylum indicum
  4263. Hepatoprotective effects of selenium-biofortified soybean peptides on liver fibrosis induced by tetrachloromethane
  4264. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Honey of Apis cerana Fabricius on Bromobenzene‐Induced Liver Damage in Mice
  4265. Phenolic profile, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anti-ulcerogenic and Hepatoprotective activities of Pimenta racemosa leaves
  4266. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of methanol extractof Moringa oleifera leaves in rats
  4267. Hepatoprotective flavonoids in Opuntia ficus-indica fruits by reducing oxidative stress in primary rat hepatocytes
  4268. Efficient Hepatoprotective activity of cranberry extract against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar albino rat model: Down-regulation of liver enzymes and …
  4269. Hepatoprotective standardized etoh–water extract from the seeds of fraxinus rhynchophylla hance
  4270. Evidence of hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering and Hepatoprotective effects of the Bixin and Bixin: β-CD inclusion compound in high-fat-fed obese mice
  4271. Hepatoprotective Effect of Essential Oils from Hyptis crenata in Sepsis-Induced Liver Dysfunction
  4272. Ethanol extract and its dichloromethane fraction of Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel exhibited Hepatoprotective effects against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in vitro and in …
  4273. Preliminary characterization, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Taishan Pinus massoniana pollen
  4274. Artichoke edible parts are Hepatoprotective as commercial leaf preparation
  4275. Hepatoprotective role of Hydrangea macrophylla against sodium arsenite-induced mitochondrial-dependent oxidative stress via the inhibition of MAPK/Caspase-3 …
  4276. Hepatoprotective mechanism of freshwater clam extract alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: elucidated in vitro and in vivo models
  4277. Hepatoprotective effect of fullerenol/doxorubicin nanocomposite in acute treatment of healthy rats
  4278. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of Erythrina indica leaves against antitubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity in experimental rats
  4279. Profile of bioactive compounds in Nymphaea alba L. leaves growing in Egypt: Hepatoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity
  4280. Phytochemical Investigation, Antitumor Activity, and Hepatoprotective Effects of Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Leaf Extract
  4281. Reduction of the DNA damages, Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant potential of the coconut water, ascorbic and caffeic acids in oxidative stress mediated …
  4282. Hepatoprotective activity of quercetin against paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  4283. The Antioxidative, Antiaging, and Hepatoprotective effects of alkali-extractable polysaccharides by Agaricus bisporus
  4284. Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. against oxidative stress-induced liver injury
  4285. Hepatoprotective and antiapoptotic role of aged black garlic against hepatotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide
  4286. UPLC/QTOF/MS profiling of two Psidium species and the in-vivo Hepatoprotective activity of their nano-formulated liposomes
  4287. Serum metabonomics study of the Hepatoprotective effect of amarogentin on CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in mice by GC-TOF-MS analysis
  4288. Hepatoprotective effects of kaempferol-3-O-α-l-arabinopyranosyl-7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside on d-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide caused hepatic failure in …
  4289. Hepatoprotective effect of engineered silver nanoparticles coated bioactive compounds against diethylnitrosamine induced hepatocarcinogenesis in …
  4290. In vitro antioxidant activities of enzymatic hydrolysate from Schizochytrium Sp. and its Hepatoprotective effects on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in vivo
  4291. Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidative, and Hepatoprotective Effects of Trans 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol/Sesame Oil on Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis in Rats
  4292. Hepatoprotective effect of 7-hydroxycoumarin against methyl glyoxal toxicity via activation of Nrf2
  4293. Integrative Hepatoprotective efficacy comparison of raw and vinegar-baked Radix Bupleuri using nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics
  4294. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Swaras and Hima extracts of Tinospora cordifolia and Boerhavia diffusa in Swiss albino mice
  4295. A review on Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plants
  4296. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of L-ascorbate 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4, 6-dimethyl-1, 2-dihydropyrimidine-2-one upon exposure to carbon tetrachloride
  4297. Antiulcer and Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extract of Plantago ovata seed on indomethacin-ulcerated rats
  4298. Hepatoprotective effects of ethanol extracts from Folium Syringae against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in vitro and in vivo
  4299. Urinary metabonomics study of the Hepatoprotective effects of total alkaloids from Corydalis saxicola Bunting on carbon tetrachloride-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in …
  4300. New apigenin glycoside, polyphenolic constituents, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of Gaillardia grandiflora and Gaillardia pulchella aerial …
  4301. Rheum turkestanicum rhizomes possess anti-hypertriglyceridemic, but not hypoglycemic or Hepatoprotective effect in experimental diabetes
  4302. Hepatoprotective effect of Ugonin M, a Helminthostachys zeylanica constituent, on acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4303. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and antidepression effects of rumex tingitanus extracts and identification of a novel bioactive compound
  4304. Phytochemical Profiling and Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Cuscuta Campestris by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array …
  4305. The Hepatoprotective role of thiol reductants against mitoxantrone-induced liver injury
  4306. Hepatoprotective effects of betaine on liver damages followed by myocardial infarction
  4307. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of novel endophytic fungus Achaetomium sp., from Euphorbia hirta
  4308. Herb-drug interaction between the traditional Hepatoprotective formulation and sorafenib on hepatotoxicity, histopathology and pharmacokinetics in rats
  4309. Chemical constituents from Sambucus williamsii Hance fruits and Hepatoprotective effects in mouse hepatocytes
  4310. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from spent mushroom substrates (Laetiporus sulphureus) in acute alcohol-induced mice
  4311. Hepatoprotective effect of Red Sea sponge extract against the toxicity of a real-life mixture of persistent organic pollutants
  4312. Hepatoprotective Effect of Auricularia delicata (Agaricomycetes) from India in Rats: Biochemical and Histopathological Studies and Antimicrobial Activity
  4313. Discovery and structure-activity relationship of auriculatone: A potent Hepatoprotective agent against acetaminophen-induced liver injury
  4314. Hepatoprotective effects of phloretin against CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  4315. Hepatoprotective and metabolic effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens against hyper caloric diet in cyclic female albino rats is mediated through estradiol …
  4316. Nootkatone confers Hepatoprotective and anti‐fibrotic actions in a murine model of liver fibrosis by suppressing oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis
  4317. HPLC-ESI-MS/MS characterization of phenolics in Prunus amygdalus, cultivar “umm alfahm” and its antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity
  4318. Hepatoprotective effect of flavonoid-enriched fraction from Cyclocarya paliurus leaves on LPS/D-GalN-induced acute liver failure
  4319. Hepatoprotective effects of naturally fermented noni juice against thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in rats
  4320. Comparison of the Hepatoprotective effects of four endemic Cirsium species extracts from Taiwan on CCl4-induced acute liver damage in C57BL/6 mice
  4321. A new nortriterpenoid, a sesquiterpene and Hepatoprotective lignans isolated from the fruit of Schisandra chinensis
  4322. Hepatoprotective effect of Gan Kang Yuan against chronic liver injury induced by alcohol
  4323. Hepatoprotective effect of ψ-glutathione in a murine model of acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity
  4324. Hepatoprotective effects of litchi (Litchi chinensis) procyanidin A2 on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in ICR mice
  4325. Composition, antioxidant activities and Hepatoprotective effects of the water extract of Ziziphus jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao
  4326. Hepatoprotective effect of beetroot juice on liver injury in male Sprague–Dawley rats
  4327. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Gardenin A in cellular and high fat diet fed rodent models
  4328. Baicalein enhances the oral bioavailability and Hepatoprotective effects of silybin through the inhibition of efflux transporters BCRP and MRP2
  4329. Hepatoprotective role of Ricinus communis leaf extract against d-galactosamine induced acute hepatitis in albino rats
  4330. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Spondias mombin leaf and stem extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  4331. A comparative study of Hepatoprotective effect of Inula britannica L aqueous extract and glibenclamide in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
  4332. Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin pretreatment against paracetamol-induced liver damage and partial hepatectomy in rats
  4333. Hypocholesterolaemic and Hepatoprotective effects of virgin avocado oil in diet‐induced hypercholesterolaemia rats
  4334. The role of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 in Hepatoprotective activity of natural products: a review
  4335. Antiinflammatory and Hepatoprotective medicinal herbs as potential substitutes for bear bile
  4336. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc Extract in a Mouse Model of Alcoholic Liver Injury Through High-Resolution Metabolomics
  4337. Hepatoprotective effects of rice-derived peptides against acetaminophen-induced damage in mice
  4338. Evaluating the Hepatoprotective efficacy of Aloe vera polysaccharides against subchronic exposure of aflatoxins B1
  4339. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Plantago major growing in Egypt and its major phenylethanoid glycoside, acteoside
  4340. Hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic and antidiabetic effects of Dendrophthoe pentandra leaf extract in rats
  4341. Pharmacological activities: Hepatoprotective, Cardio protective, Anti-cancer and anti-microbial activity of (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus): A review
  4342. Metabolomics study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Phellinus igniarius in chronic ethanol-induced liver injury mice using UPLC-Q/TOF-MS combined with ingenuity …
  4343. Hepatoprotective effect of Cassia obtusifolia seed extract and constituents against oxidative damage induced by tert‐butyl hydroperoxide in human hepatic HepG2 …
  4344. Assignment of absolute configuration of a new Hepatoprotective schiartane-type nortriterpenoid using X-ray diffraction
  4345. Antithyroidic and Hepatoprotective properties of high-resolution liquid chromatography–Mass spectroscopy-standardized Piper betle leaf extract in rats and …
  4346. Hepatoprotective effects of capsaicin and alpha-tocopherol on mitochondrial function in mice fed a high-fat diet
  4347. Hepatoprotective effect of hydromethanolic leaf extract of Musanga cecropioides (Urticaceae) on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury and oxidative stress
  4348. Hepatoprotective properties for Salvia cryptantha extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  4349. Hepatoprotective hemiterpene glycosides from the rhizome of Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm
  4350. Hepatoprotective and cytotoxic activities of Anvillea garcinii and isolation of four new secondary metabolites
  4351. Melatonin: a Hepatoprotective agent against radioiodine toxicity in rats.
  4352. Treatment effect of a flavonoid prescription on duck virus hepatitis by its Hepatoprotective and antioxidative ability
  4353. Isoglycyrrhizinate magnesium enhances Hepatoprotective effect of FK506 on ischemia-reperfusion injury through HMGB1 inhibition in a rat model of liver …
  4354. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of flavonoids from Arbutus pavarii against CCl4 induced hepatic damage
  4355. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) protein hydrolysate against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rats
  4356. Impact of edaphic factors and nutrient management on the Hepatoprotective efficiency of Carlinoside purified from pigeon pea leaves: an evaluation of UGT1A1 activity …
  4357. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of ethanolic and ethyl acetate stem bark extracts of Copaifera multijuga (Fabaceae) in mice
  4358. Evaluation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of fruit rind extract of Garcinia dulcis (Roxburgh) Kurz
  4359. Triticum aestivum sprout-derived polysaccharide exerts Hepatoprotective effects against ethanol-induced liver damage by enhancing the antioxidant system in …
  4360. Liver-specific metabolomics characterizes the Hepatoprotective effect of saponin-enriched Celosiae Semen extract on mice with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  4361. Assignment of the absolute configuration of Hepatoprotective highly oxygenated triterpenoids using X-ray, ECD, NMR J-based configurational analysis and HSQC …
  4362. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extracts of Prosopis farcta and Lycium shawii against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4363. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Dendrocnide sinuata,(Blume) Chew
  4364. Hepatoprotective impact of Chlorella vulgaris powder on deltamethrin intoxicated rats
  4365. Anti-fibrogentic and Hepatoprotective potential of methanolic olive extract on cadmium induced toxicity in rats
  4366. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Syringa oblata leaves ethanol extract with the indicator of glutathione S-transferase A1
  4367. Hepatoprotective properties of ethanol seed extract of Citrus paradisi Macfad (grape fruit) against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  4368. Extract of Citrus maxima (pummelo) leaves improve Hepatoprotective activity in Wistar rats submitted to the induction of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis
  4369. Hepatoprotective activity of Rhus oxyacantha root cortex extract against DDT-induced liver injury in rats
  4370. Oleanolic acid derivative DKS26 exerts antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective effects in diabetic mice and promotes glucagon‐like peptide‐1 secretion and expression in …
  4371. Polydatin exhibits the Hepatoprotective effects through PPAR-α/-β signaling pathway in Streptozocin-induced diabetic mice
  4372. Comparative evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Xymedon preparation derivatives with ascorbic acid and methionine
  4373. Hepatoprotective glycosides from the rhizomes of Imperata cylindrical
  4374. Selective recognition and preliminary separation of Hepatoprotective component silybin from milk thistle seeds by the prepared core–shell magnetic molecularly …
  4375. In vivo and in vitro Hepatoprotective effects of Geranium koreanum methanolic extract via downregulation of MAPK/Caspase-3 pathway
  4376. Hepatoprotective effect of Maytenus robusta Reiss extract on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in mice and HepG2 cells
  4377. HPLC-PDA-MS/MS characterization of bioactive secondary metabolites from Turraea fischeri bark extract and its antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities in vivo
  4378. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of oil from baru almonds (Dipteryx alata Vog.) in a preclinical model of lipotoxicity and dyslipidemia
  4379. Hepatoprotective effect of taurine and coenzyme Q10 and their combination against acrylamide-induced oxidative stress in rats
  4380. Dereplication-guided isolation of novel Hepatoprotective triterpenoid saponins from Celosiae Semen by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with …
  4381. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. leaves against antitubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity
  4382. The Hepatoprotective effects of Radix Bupleuri extracts against D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide induced liver injury in hybrid grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus♂ …
  4383. Hepatoprotective effects of limb ischemic post-conditioning in hepatic ischemic rat model and liver cancer patients via PI3K/ERK pathways
  4384. Analyzing the Hepatoprotective effect of the Swertia cincta Burkillextract against ANIT-induced cholestasis in rats by modulating the expression of transporters and …
  4385. Hepatoprotective effect of bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid tiliamosine from Tiliacora racemosa in high-fat diet/diethylnitrosamine-induced non-alcoholic …
  4386. … of Periploca laevigata: Preliminary phytochemical analysis and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant capacity and assessment of Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and …
  4387. Hepatoprotective effect of albumin peptides from corn germ meal on chronic alcohol‐induced liver injury in mice
  4388. Hepatoprotective mechanism of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br. through ultrastructural signaling prevention against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-mediated …
  4389. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of different ethanol concentrations in extraction from leaves of Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai
  4390. Hepatoprotective Activity of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. Paracetamol-induced Liver Damage in Rats and Correlation with Their Chemical Compounds
  4391. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of dietary Glycyrrhiza polysaccharide against TCDD-induced hepatic injury and RT-PCR quantification of AHR2, ARNT2 …
  4392. Structural basis for the Hepatoprotective effects of antihypertensive 1, 4-dihydropyridine drugs
  4393. Hepatoprotective triterpenoids and lignans from the stems of Schisandra pubescens
  4394. Dietary functional flavonoids as natural Hepatoprotective Agents against acute liver injury from hop (Humulus lupulus L.)
  4395. Hepatoprotective effects of nonpolar extracts from inflorescences of thistles Cirsium vulgare and Cirsium ehrenbergii on acute liver damage in rat
  4396. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of kaempferol 3-O-β-D-(2, 6-di-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl) galactopyronoside against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury …
  4397. Evaluation of hematoprotective and Hepatoprotective properties of aqueous extract of Ceterach officinarum DC against streptozotocin-induced hepatic injury in male …
  4398. Hepatoprotective potential of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb in hepatotoxicity induced by simvastatin and its consequences on biochemical and haematological indices
  4399. Profiling and determination of phenolic compounds in Indian marketed Hepatoprotective polyherbal formulations and their comparative evaluation
  4400. The Hepatoprotective effect of Arnebia euchroma hydro-alcoholic extract against liver toxicity induced by CCl4 in mice
  4401. Hepatoprotective effect of Poly herbal formulation containing indigenous medicinal plants against various hepatotoxic Agents in rats
  4402. Effect of oxymatrine HSPC liposomes on improving bioavailability, liver target distribution and Hepatoprotective activity of oxymatrine
  4403. Hepatoprotective effect of Eriobotrya japonica leaf extract and its various fractions against carbon tetra chloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4404. Plasma metabolomics study of the Hepatoprotective effect of glycyrrhetinic acid on realgar-induced sub-chronic hepatotoxicity in mice via 1H NMR analysis
  4405. Phytochemical, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of different fractions of Moringa oleifera leaves methanol extract against liver injury in animal model
  4406. Hepatoprotective effects of MHY3200 on high-fat, diet-induced, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats
  4407. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ameliorate ethanol-induced adipose hyperlipolysis: a mechanism for Hepatoprotective effect against alcoholic liver …
  4408. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of the ethanol extract of Cassia fistula L. barks
  4409. Antioxidant properties of flavonoid derivatives and their Hepatoprotective effects on CCl 4 induced acute liver injury in mice
  4410. Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin and capsaicin against lipopolysaccharide induced liver damage in mice
  4411. Steroidal alkaloids as an emerging therapeutic alternative for investigation of their immunosuppressive and Hepatoprotective potential
  4412. Hepatoprotective activity of extract of Homalium Letestui stem against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  4413. Endogenous Antioxidant and LOX-Mediated Systems Contribute to the Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Partition of Methanol Extract of Muntingia …
  4414. Does the intestinal microenvironment have an impact on the choleretic effect of inchinkoto, a Hepatoprotective herbal medicine?
  4415. In-vivo Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extracts of Sphaeranthus amaranthoides and Oldenlandia umbellate
  4416. Hepatoprotective and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Algerian Capparis spinosa. L
  4417. Hepatoprotective effect of gallotannin-enriched extract isolated from gall on hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  4418. Assessment of Hepatoprotective role of phenolic extract of urtica dioica and silver nanoparticles in male rat induced by carbon tetra-chloride
  4419. Hepatoprotective Role of Eclipta alba against High Fatty Diet Treated Experimental Models–A Histopathological Study
  4420. Perspectives of the Apiaceae Hepatoprotective Effects – A Review
  4421. Triacylglycerols of the seed oil of Linum grandiflorum Desf.: Their composition, cytotoxicity, and Hepatoprotective activity
  4422. Hepatoprotective effect of calculus bovis sativus on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice by inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis of hepatocytes
  4423. Hepatoprotective effect of Aegle marmelos augmented with piperine co-administration in paracetamol model
  4424. … dialyzable leukocyte extract (IMMODIN) as adjuvant in albendazole therapy on mouse model of larval cestode infection: Immunomodulatory and Hepatoprotective …
  4425. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bacillus subtilis-Fermented Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Extract on an Alcoholic Fatty Liver in Rats
  4426. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective activity of Saponaria officinalis on paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  4427. Phytochemistry, antioxidant, and Hepatoprotective potential of Acanthospermum hispidum DC extracts against diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4428. Antilithiatic and Hepatoprotective effects of Ferula assa-foetida oleo-gum-resin on ethylene glycol-induced lithiasis in rats
  4429. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of fish oil on isoniazid-rifampin induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4430. In vivo carbon tetrachloride-induced Hepatoprotective and in vitro cytotoxic activities of Garcinia hombroniana (seashore mangosteen)
  4431. Assessment of Hepatoprotective potential of Radix Fici Hirtae on alcohol-induced liver injury in Kunming mice
  4432. Hepatoprotective effects of Berberis vulgaris leaf extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4433. Hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, and Hypolipidemic effect of chokeberry pomace on polish merino lambs
  4434. Hepatoprotective activity of Centella asiatica linn. against paracetamol induced liver damage in experimental animals
  4435. 1H-NMR Based Serum Metabolomics Study to Investigate Hepatoprotective Effect of Qin-Jiao on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4436. Synthesis of bis (Isoxazol-4-ylmethylsulfanyl) alkanes and some metal complexes as a Hepatoprotective Agents
  4437. Nypa fruticans Wurmb. Vinegar’s aqueous extract stimulates insulin secretion and exerts Hepatoprotective effect on STZ-induced diabetic rats
  4438. Potential involvement of PPAR α activation in diminishing the Hepatoprotective effect of fenofibrate in NAFLD: accuracy of non-invasive panel in determining the stage …
  4439. The Hepatoprotective effect of jaboticaba peel powder in a rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus involves the modulation of thiol/disulfide redox state through …
  4440. Hepatoprotective Activity of Chitosan Nanocarriers Loaded with the Ethyl Acetate Extract of a Stenotrophomonas sp. Bacteria Associated with the Red Sea …
  4441. The involvement of sirtuin 1 and heme oxygenase 1 in the Hepatoprotective effects of quercetin against carbon tetrachloride-induced sub-chronic liver toxicity in rats
  4442. New iridoid glycosides from the fruits of Forsythia suspensa and their Hepatoprotective activities
  4443. Hepatoprotective naphthalene diglucoside from Neanotis wightiana aerial parts
  4444. Prunus tomentosa seed waste as a source of aromatic glycosides: valuable phytochemicals with α-glucosidase inhibitory and Hepatoprotective properties
  4445. Hepatoprotective effect of Alhagi sparsifolia against Alcoholic Liver injury in mice
  4446. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum) ethanolic extract on doxorubicin-induced liver injured rats
  4447. Hepatoprotective effect of Herpetospermum caudigerum Wall. on carbon tetrachloride‐induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
  4448. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of leaf and leaf callus extracts of Anisochilus carnosus (L) wall.
  4449. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Spondias mombin leaf and stem extracts upon carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress
  4450. Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcysteine in trabectedin-induced liver toxicity in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma
  4451. A Screening Study of Hepatoprotective Activity of Liquid Extract from Common Tansy Tanacetum vulgare L. Herb in the setting of Subchronic Hepatitis in Rats
  4452. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of the roots of Uraria picta
  4453. Hepatoprotective and anti-obesity effects of Korean blue honeysuckle extracts in high fat diet-fed mice
  4454. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective studies on leaves of Macaranga tanarius
  4455. Hepatoprotective effects of chlorogenic acid under hyperglycemic conditions
  4456. Hepatoprotective activity of Punica granatum leaf extract against Carbon Tetrachloride induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4457. Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Properties of Levopimaric Acid Derivatives
  4458. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Cymbopogon citratus Stapf (Lemon grass) extract in paracetamolinduced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4459. Hepatoprotective efficacy of ethanolic extracts of rhizome Curcuma amada Roxb. in experimental rats
  4460. Hepatoprotective evaluation and isolation of the major secondary metabolites from the ethyl acetate extract of liquid culture filtrate of Chaetomium globosum
  4461. Hepatoprotective effects of aqueous extract of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seeds on ethanol-induced oxidative damage in Wister rats
  4462. Hepatoprotective potential of green tea extract against experimental hepatotoxicity in rats
  4463. Hepatoprotective effects of Xylose-Taurine Reduced against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in cultured hepatocytes
  4464. Hepatoprotective activity of Tamarindus indica Linn stem bark ethanolic extract against hepatic damage induced by co-administration of antitubercular drugs isoniazid …
  4465. Evaluation of antiproliferative and Hepatoprotective effects of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum)
  4466. Hepatoprotective evaluation of Trapa natans against drug-induced hepatotoxicity of antitubercular Agents in rats
  4467. Hypoglycemic, antidyslipidemic, Hepatoprotective and antilipid peroxidation activities of hydromethanol leaf extract of Helianthus annuus in alloxan-induced diabetic …
  4468. Isolation, characterization, and Hepatoprotective activities of terpenes from the gum resin of Boswellia carterii Birdw
  4469. Secondary metabolites and Hepatoprotective activity of Euphorbia retusa
  4470. Immunomodulatory and Hepatoprotective properties of Solanum torvum (Turkey berry)
  4471. Hepatoprotective evaluation of aqueous-ethanolic extract of Capparis decidua (Stems) in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in experimental rabbits.
  4472. Redox proteomics reveals the Hepatoprotective effect of must from Pedro Ximénez dried grapes in aged Mus spretus mice
  4473. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of The Lipoidal Matters of Ficus Lutea Leaves
  4474. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata against thioacetamide induced toxicity in the liver of albino rats
  4475. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic shoot extract of Bambusa bambos against carbon tetrachloride induce acute liver toxicity in Wistar rats
  4476. Characterization, antioxidant activities and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharides from pre-pressing separation Fuji apple peel
  4477. Hepatoprotective potential of lyophilized hydro-alcoholic extract of Roylea elegans Wall. against CCl4 and PCM induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  4478. Hepatoprotective activity of Costus speciosus (Koen. Ex. Retz.) Against paracetamol induced liver injury in mice
  4479. Searching for Potential Biomarkers of Penthorum chinense Pursh by Extraction Method and HPLC-MS Analysis Integrated with Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect
  4480. Hepatoprotective potential of elsholtzia densa against acute and chronic models of liver damage in wistar rats
  4481. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of propolis against sub-chronic diazinon induced hepatotoxicity
  4482. Preliminary Characterization of Phenolic Acid Composition and Hepatoprotective Effect of Stachys pumila
  4483. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective activity of algerian Santolina chamaecyparissus L. extracts
  4484. Hepatoprotective effects of Poly-[hemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-catalase-carbonic anhydrase] on alcohol-damaged primary rat hepatocyte culture in vitro
  4485. Hepatoprotective Activity of Aruvadha churnam a Traditional Siddha Formulation against Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  4486. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Carica papaya (Papaw Leaf) and Loranthus bengwensis (cocoa mistletoes) against diclofenac induced …
  4487. Hepatoprotective effect of chitosan-caffeic acid conjugate against ethanol-treated mice
  4488. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective activities of the ethyl acetate fraction separated from the fruit of Livistona chinensis
  4489. Hepatoprotective evaluation of Arogyavardhini Rasa against paracetamol-induced liver damage in rats
  4490. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective potentials of the aerial parts of Silene villosa Caryophyllaceae methanol extract in rats
  4491. Hepatoprotective effects of Allium sativum and Withania somnifera on ochratoxin A-induced toxicity in rats
  4492. In vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd
  4493. Significance of Hepatoprotective liver specific targeted drug delivery: A review on novel herbal and formulation approaches in the management of hepatotoxicity
  4494. Hepatoprotective Effect of Camel Milk on Poloxamer 407 Induced Hyperlipidaemic Wistar Rats
  4495. Hepatoprotective effect of peony total glucosides and the underlying mechanisms in diabetic rats
  4496. Hepatoprotective effect of royal jelly, grape seed extract, and Lycium barbarum against diethylnitrosamine-induced liver toxicity in rats
  4497. Gypenoside UL4-Rich Gynostemma pentaphyllum Extract Exerts a Hepatoprotective Effect on Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  4498. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract from Caragana jubata (Pall.) Poir. shoots in the model of acute hepatitis induced by acetaminophen in rats
  4499. Antioxidant activities and Hepatoprotective potential of Dracocephalum rupestre Hance extract against CCl4‐induced hepatotoxicity in Kunming mice
  4500. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of a Polyprenol-Containing Drug in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
  4501. Current status of Hepatoprotective medicinal plants: Natural products used in Hepatoprotective remedies in traditional medicine
  4502. Hepatoprotective activity of pineapple (Ananas comosus) juice on isoniazid-induced rats
  4503. Hepatoprotective effect of tofu processed from germinated soybean on carbon tetrachloride induced chronic liver injury in mice
  4504. Hepatoprotective effects of chinese medicine herbs decoction on liver cirrhosis in rats
  4505. Neuro-and Hepatoprotective effects of methylene blue in rats treated with lipopolysaccharide endotoxin
  4506. A comparative study on the anti-schistosomal and Hepatoprotective effects of vinpocetine and isosorbide-5-mononitrate on Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice
  4507. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous and ethanolic Bixa orellana L. leaf extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  4508. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of vitamin E and melatonin against copper-induced toxicity in rats
  4509. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Clidemia hirta against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)−Induced Oxidative Stress and Hepatic Damage in Mice
  4510. Hepatoprotective effect of Ethanolic Extract of Holarrhena antidysenterica against Paracetamol Induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats
  4511. Hepatoprotective effect of simvastatin in mice with DMBA-induced breast cancer: Histopathological, biochemical and antioxidant status evaluation
  4512. Hepatoprotective role of α-Lipoic acid and thymoquinone in acetaminophen-induced liver injury: Down-regulation of COX-2 and flt-1 expression
  4513. Investigation of Hepatoprotective Properties of the Ethanolic Extract of Careya arborea Roxb. Bark in Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4514. Mechanism of Hepatoprotective potential of aqueous leaves extract of Eucalyptus obliqua (Myrtaceae) in carbon tetrachloride intoxicated Wistar rats
  4515. Protein-rich extract of Musca domestica larvae alleviated metabolic disorder in STZ-induced type 2 diabetic rat model via Hepatoprotective and pancreatic β-cell …
  4516. Hepatoprotective Effect of Quercetin on Bisphenol A-Induced Toxicity
  4517. Hepatoprotective activity of alkaloid fractions from ethanol extract of Murraya koenigii leaves in experimental animals
  4518. The possible Hepatoprotective effect of apricot against acrylamide induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4519. Pharmacological evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of AHPL/AYTAB/0613 tablet in carbon tetrachloride-, ethanol-, and paracetamol-induced …
  4520. Pharmacological evaluation of Allium cepa extract as Hepatoprotective potential in albino rat
  4521. Hepatoprotective effect of ginseng, green tea, cinnamon their combination against acetamiprid-induced oxidative stress in rats
  4522. The Hepatoprotective effect of lycopene on Con A-induced liver injury in mice
  4523. Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Effect of an Aqueous Extract of Alchornea cordifolia Leaves
  4524. Hepatoprotective effect against CCl4-induced acute liver damage in mice and High-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometric method for analysis of the …
  4525. Hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective and molecular docking studies of 5-[(4-chlorophenoxy) methyl]-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole-2-thiol
  4526. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Indigofera barberi in Rats against Paracetamol Induced Hepatic Injury
  4527. Comparison of the Hypoglycemic, Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Asparagus racemosus Linn. in Combination with Gliclazide and Pioglitazone …
  4528. Bioactive properties: enhancement of Hepatoprotective, antioxidant and DNA damage protective effects of golden grey mullet protein hydrolysates against …
  4529. The evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin, Phyllanthus niruri extract and choline combination
  4530. Research progress of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of total glucosides of peony in Hepatoprotective effects
  4531. The Hepatoprotective properties of methanolic extract of Garcinia kola administration on azathioprine-induced liver toxicity of adult sprague-dawley rats
  4532. Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of oxalis debilis kunth against CCl4-induced liver damage
  4533. Adefovir dipivoxil loaded proliposomal powders with improved Hepatoprotective activity: formulation, optimization, pharmacokinetic, and biodistribution studies
  4534. Hepatoprotective Activity of Rubia tinctorum’s Extract against CCl4 Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats
  4535. Hepatoprotective activity of satwa, an ayurvedic formulation, against alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  4536. Hepatoprotective role of vardenafil against experimentally induced hepatitis in mice
  4537. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Tephrosia purpurea Linn. stem
  4538. Hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of young shoots of Bambusa arundinaceae in thioacetamide induced liver injury in rats
  4539. Hepatoprotective effect of methanol fruit pulp extract of Musa paradisiaca on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in Wistar rats
  4540. Comparative estimation vassseland Hepatoprotective properties galenic plant drugs of 16 Caragana Lam. species
  4541. Hepatoprotective effects of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire (Yerba mate) extract in rats
  4542. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of peel of Punica granatum
  4543. Hepatoprotective effects of Cichorium intybus against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in broiler
  4544. In-vitro antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic fraction of the leaves of Grewia asiatica Linn. in rats
  4545. Hepatoprotective activity of 1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thione derivatives, which contains on C5-atomic carbon hydroxy (phenyl) methyl dependent
  4546. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Hydnocarpus laurifolia: An in vitro and in vivo evaluation
  4547. Hepatoprotective properties of selected plants against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  4548. Hepatoprotective effects of methanol leaf extract of Pterocarpus santalinoides DC on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus)
  4549. Hepatoprotective effects of hexane root extract of Alchornea laxiflora in sodium arsenate toxicity in wistar albino rats
  4550. Hepatoprotective Potential and Histological Studies of Effects of Celosia Argentea L. on Paracetamol-Induced Liver Damage
  4551. Anticoccidial and Hepatoprotective effects of artemisinin liquid extract, cinnamon essential oil and clove essential oil against Eimeria stiedae infection in rabbits
  4552. Hepatoprotective effect of Polygonum hyrcanicum methanolic extract on the carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  4553. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Mimosa pudica leaves in type 2 diabetic rats
  4554. An overview of the Hepatoprotective potentials of Phyllanthus amarus
  4555. Hepatoprotective role of Moringa oleifera ethanolic leaf extract on Liver functions (Biomarker) in cadmium chloride induced hepatotoxicity in Albino wistar rats
  4556. Hepatoprotective activity of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. leaves against D-galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4557. A new Hepatoprotective effect of statins: are they always safe for the liver?
  4558. Potential recruiting and Hepatoprotective effects of ellagic acid in D-galactosamine-induced liver damage in rats
  4559. Hepatoprotective Effects of Avicennia Marina (Forssk.) Vierh.
  4560. Trees with Hepatoprotective and Cardioprotective Activities
  4561. In vitro and In vivo Hepatoprotective studies on methanolic extract of aerial parts of Ludwigia hyssopifolia G. Don Exell
  4562. Study II on Chrozophora oblongifolia aerial parts: assessment of antioxidant activity, Hepatoprotective activity and effect on hypothalamic-gonadal axis in adult male …
  4563. Hepatoprotective effect of red ginger rhizome extract in deep frying oil-fed male wistar rats
  4564. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extracts of root and peel of in Punica granatum wistar rats
  4565. Demonstration of Hepatoprotective action of camel milk through improving antioxidant activity and regulating gene expression in mice
  4567. Hepatoprotective effect of phenylethanoid glycosides from Cistanche deserticola against chronic hepatic injury induced by alcohol.
  4568. Hepatoprotective potential of glyceryl trinitrate against chemically induced oxidative stress and hepatic injury in rats
  4569. Hepatoprotective Activity of Talinumportulacifolium forsk, Extract against Paracetamol Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  4570. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of fruit rind extract of Garcinia morella (Gaertn.) Desr.
  4571. Hepatoprotective effects of capping protein gelsolin against hyperoxia-induced hepatotoxicity, oxidative stress and DNA damage in neonatal rats
  4572. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of PAVETTA INDICA LINN leaves
  4573. Evaluation of in-vitro antioxidant potential and in-vivo Hepatoprotective activity of root extract of Quercus oblongata D. DON
  4574. Levels of lactase dehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, glycogen, bilrubin and evaluate the Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Mimosa …
  4575. Possible Hepatoprotective Effects of Mustard Seed Extract Against Paracetamol-Induced Liver Injury in Male Albino Rat
  4576. Hepatoprotective effect of Fufang-Huanglu oral liquid on α-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced hepatitis jaundice in mice
  4577. Hepatoprotective Effects of Green Tea and Its Polyphenols: A Revisit
  4578. In vitro antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Ceropegia spiralis against paracetamol induced liver injury
  4579. Plasma marker based Hepatoprotective evaluation of some novel synthesized benzofluorenone analogues: A medicinal chemistry approach
  4580. Antioxidant capacity and Hepatoprotective effect of ethyl acetate fraction from shoot of Aralia elata on alcohol-induced cytotoxicity
  4581. Hepatoprotective and Antibacterial Potential of Purified Active Components from Sesuvium portulacastrum extracts
  4582. Synergetic Hepatoprotective Effects of Korean Red Ginseng and Pueraria Radix on the Liver Damaged-Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) in Mice
  4583. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic leaf extract of Vernonia amygdalina against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats
  4584. Pharmacognostic Standardizations of Traditionally used Hepatoprotective Plant Fraxinus Micrantha
  4585. In vivo evaluation of antihyperlipidemic, antihyperglycemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Vernonia anthelmintica seeds in diet model.
  4586. Study on the Hepatoprotective Effects of Hugan Tablets Based on Serum and Liver Metabonomics
  4587. A dose Dependent Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of eucalyptus oil on Streptozotocin induced diabetic mice model
  4588. Hepatoprotective and Anti-inflammatory activities of Hydroalcoholic extract of Bark of Erythrina indica
  4589. Metabonomics study on Hepatoprotective effect of Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus based on UPLC-Q-TOF-MS
  4590. Metabolic profiling of endogenous bile acids: a novel method to assess Hepatoprotective effect of Tanreqing capsule on carbon-tetrachloride-induced liver injury in …
  4591. Antioxidant Potential, Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Effect of Curcumin in a Rat Model of Hepatotoxicity
  4592. Hepatoprotective activity of brown alga Lobophora variegata against chromium induced oxidative damage in wistar rats
  4593. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activity of Fraxinus floribunda bark and the influence of extraction process on their bioactivity
  4594. Hepatoprotective Effect of Green Tea Extract against Cyclophosphamide Induced Liver Injury in Albino Rats
  4595. Hepatoprotective effect of ultrafine powder of Dendrobium officinale against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice
  4596. Data on in vivo antioxidant, hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective potential of Thaumatococcus daniellii (Benn.) Benth leaves
  4597. Hepatoprotective properties of the glycolipoprotein extract from Eisenia foetida
  4598. Hepatoprotective Effect of Tamarixdioica roots on acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in male mice
  4599. Hepatoprotective activity of Plumbago zeylanica linn. Against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4600. Ethnobotany and preliminary bioactivity investigation on Hepatoprotective medicinal plants from the Mouhoun Region of Burkina Faso
  4601. The Hepatoprotective Effects of Hep G2 Cells and the Alcohol-Metabolizing Enzyme Activities of Lemon-Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) Leaf Extracts
  4602. Histological research of Hepatoprotective activity of tablets Lavaflam in rats with subchronic hepatitis
  4603. Hepatoprotective and antidyslipidemic effect of in CCl induced Ferula asafoetida
  4604. Diet switch and omega-3 hydroxy-fatty acids display differential Hepatoprotective effects in an obesity/nonalcoholic fatty liver disease model in mice
  4605. Hepatoprotective effects of methanol extract of Alchornea cordifolia leaves against anti-tubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4606. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of dry standardized extract of Apeiba tibourbou Aubl, in mice
  4607. Comparative Hepatoprotective Activity of Fumaria farviflora Lam. Leaf Extract and Silymarin on Isoniazid and Rifampicin-induced Hepatotoxic Rats
  4608. Investigation of Hepatoprotective And Antioxidant Activity of Tridax Procumbens Linn.(Asteraceae) Extract Against Rifampicin Induced Hepatotoxicity In Male Albino …
  4609. Experimental and Mathematical Model for the Hepatoprotective Effect of Methanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaf against CCl4-induced Hepatotoxicity in Sprague …
  4610. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of Ficus asperifolia (Miq.) on carbon tetrachlorideinduced hepatic damage in Wistar rats
  4611. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bacillus subtilis-fermented Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Extract on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver in Rats
  4612. Investigation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Celosia argentea against Tissue Injury Caused by Rifampicin Administration
  4613. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Euphorbia royleana linn in carbon tetrachloride treated guinea pig
  4614. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activities of Solenostemon monostachyus P. Beauv (Lamiaceae) leaf extract
  4615. In Vitro and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Madhuca Longifolia L Leaves on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Rats
  4616. Hepatoprotective Effect of Microemulsion-Based System of Prunus Cerasus Kernel Extract on CCL4-induced Liver Damage in Mice
  4617. Hepatoprotective Action of Thymoquinone
  4618. Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Three Olive Leave Species Cultivated in Aljouf Region, Saudi Arabia
  4619. Hepatoprotective Effect of Costus Roots Extract against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Liver Injury in Guinea Pigs
  4620. Hepatoprotective effect of Bellamya Javanica: Aspartate transaminase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase activity, and liver histopathology in mice …
  4621. Hepatoprotective activity of Thymus vulgaris extract against Toxoplasma gondii infection
  4622. Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin in alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity: a memoir on the preclinical studies
  4623. Preclinical evaluation of Siddha Polyherbal formulation Pitha Kamalai Choornam for its Hepatoprotective activity in wistar albino rats
  4624. Hepatoprotective activity of hydroalcohilic extract of Annona squamosa seeds
  4625. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of purple onion bulb (Allium cepa Linn) on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
  4626. An Insight of Herbal Drugs and their Pharmaceutical Formulations Reported to have Hepatoprotective Activity
  4627. 5-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione-based fibrates as potential hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Agents
  4628. Hepatoprotective Role Of Thymosin β4 In Alcoholic Liver Injury And Fibrosis
  4629. … detection of Rutin, Quercetin, Gallic acid, Caffeic acid, Ferulic acid, Coumarin, Mangiferin and Catechin in Hepatoprotective commercial herbal formulations by …
  4630. Evaluation of Antidiabtic and Hepatoprotective effects of aquatic extract of Stevia rebaudiana leaves (sweet fraction) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
  4631. Hepatoprotective role of Solenostemma argel growing in Egypt on ethanol induced oxidative damage in rats
  4633. Hepatoprotective Effects of Nicotiflorin from
  4634. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Schrebera swietenioides Bark against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in wistar rats
  4635. In vitro and In vivo Antioxidant assessment and Hepatoprotective activity of Aponogeton natans (Linn.) Engl. and Krause on Diclofenac sodium induced Liver Toxicity
  4636. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and invitro cytotoxic activity of leaves of Chrozophora plicata Linn
  4637. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of Vicia cracca against carbon tetrachloride induced oxidative stress in mice
  4638. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous bark extract of Bosweillia dalzielii against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  4639. Assessment of Hepatoprotective activity of Musa paradisica linn. Whole plant extract against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in wistar rats
  4640. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of methanol stem bark extract of Haematostaphis barteri Hook. F. against paracetamol and carbon tetrachloride-induced liver …
  4641. Hepatoprotective potentials of Sida corymbosa (Broom weed) ethanolic leaf extract against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced acute hepatotoxicity in male …
  4642. Hepatoprotective effects of oyster hydrolysate on lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamine-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4643. Hepatoprotective activity of Bridelia retusa leaves against paracetamol-induced liver damage in Swiss albino mice.
  4644. The Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcysteine with repeated toxic acetaminophen ingestions: a case report
  4645. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant activity, and Hepatoprotective effects of Zizyphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd leaves extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  4646. Hepatoprotective activity of Colocasia antiquorum against alcohol induced liver injury in rats
  4647. Hepatoprotective Mongolian prescription II enhances the antitumor effects of chemotherapeutics in hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts
  4648. Comparison of the Hepatoprotective Effects of Four
  4649. Hepatoprotective Activity of Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. Seeds Extracts Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats
  4650. Immunological, Cytogenetic and Hepatoprotective Effect of Viola odorata Methanolic Extract on Methotrexate Induced Albino Male Mice
  4651. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF LIKVEROL
  4652. Medicinal plants as Hepatoprotective Agents in Indian systems of medicine: A review
  4653. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous leaf extract of soursop on some biochemical parameters of paracetamol-induced liver damage of Wistar rats
  4654. Hepatoprotective effects of Semisulcospira libertine hydrolysate on alcohol-induced fatty liver in mice
  4655. Triterpenoids of Ganoderma sessile and their Hepatoprotective activities
  4656. Hepatoprotective effects of Pleurotus ferulae polysaccharide on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic injury in mice
  4657. Corrigendum to “Hepatoprotective Role of Ethanolic Extract of Vitex negundo in Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Male Rats”
  4658. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Astragalus echinops and Astragalus logopodioides ethanolic extracts on paracetamol-induced liver injury in rats
  4659. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of lyophilized extract of acerola bagasse against CCl4‐induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  4660. Hepatoprotective Activity of Yigan Mingmu Oral Liquid against Isoniazid/Rifampicin-Induced Liver Injuries in Rats
  4661. Alpha-1 anti-trypsin exerts a Hepatoprotective effect on immune-mediated hepatitis and acetaminophen-induced liver injury
  4662. Hepatoprotective effect of a polyherbal formulation and ascorbic acid in paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rabbits
  4663. Identification of Hepatoprotective constituents in Limonium tetragonum and development of simultaneous analysis method using high-performance liquid …
  4664. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Kaempferol-3′-sulfonate on CCl4-induced Acute Liver Damage in Mice
  4665. Hepatoprotective effect of Indian herbs and spices in alcohol-induced liver diseases
  4666. Combined Hepatoprotective Activity of Murraya koenigii and Phyllanthus niruri Extracts Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Alcoholic Rats
  4667. Assessment of the Hepatoprotective activity of the seeds of Hunteria umbellata (Hallier F.) on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage in Wistar albino rats
  4668. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanol extract of matoa leaves (Pometia pinnata) against paracetamol-induced liver disease in rats
  4669. Hepatoprotective effect of leaf ethanolic extract Etlingera hemisphaerica Blume to recovery mercuric chloride toxicity on mice
  4670. Comparative Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activities of single and combined administration of silymarin, Ficus leaves and pomegranate peel extracts on CCl4 …
  4671. Hepatoprotective Effect of an Antrodia cinnamomea Product Via a Novel Process on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4672. Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharides on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  4674. Standardization of some Hepatoprotective medicinal plants
  4675. Hepatoprotective Natural Products
  4676. Hepatoprotective products according to State Medicine Nomenclature from Republic of Moldova
  4677. Utilization and Safety of Hepatoprotective Drugs: A Retrospective Pharmacoepidemiology Study on Two Databases of China
  4678. Hepatoprotective Activity of Sharbat Deenar, against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4679. Evaluation of Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Dendrophthoe pentranda Leaves on CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxic Rat
  4680. Hepatoprotective potential of Rumex vesicarius against malathion hepatotoxicity in adult albino rats
  4681. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of cinnamaldehyde against isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity
  4682. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of a polyherbal formulation on HepG2 cell line
  4683. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Impact of Ginger Extract Against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats
  4684. Standardisation and in Vitro Evaluation of Flavonide Containing Medicinal Plants for its Hepatoprotective Activity-Review Article
  4685. Antimicrobial and Hepatoprotective Activities of Edible Mushrooms
  4686. Hepatoprotective effect of various antioxidants in the pathogenesis of opisthorchiasis
  4687. Retraction: Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of the aqueous extract of Olea europaea leaves against Diclofenac-induced liver damages in mice
  4688. A Review on Traditional Plants and Herbs are used to Evaluation for their Hepatoprotective activity
  4689. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective role of selenium against silver nanoparticles [Corrigendum]
  4690. Hepatoprotective Activity of Hedyotis corymbosa (Linn.) Lam. Extract Against Anti-Tubercular Drug Induced Hepatic Damage in Sprague-Dawley Rats
  4691. Hepatoprotective effects of ginseng saponins in a mouse model of carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury
  4692. Hepatoprotective properties of Gentiana SPP: Against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  4693. Study of quality evaluation and Hepatoprotective effect of Licozinat matrix tablet
  4694. Hepatoprotective activity of the aerial parts of Caralluma dalzielii NE Brown against carbon tetrachloride -induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4695. Traditional Hepatoprotective Unani Formulation Jawarish-e-Utraj
  4696. The Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Two Tea Polysaccharides
  4697. Phytochemical and Hepatoprotective study of Nymphaea nouchali in Experimental Rats
  4698. Hepatoprotective Effect of Picroside I on Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatic Fibrosis Determined by Metabolomic and Proteomic Analyses
  4699. Insilico Docking Study of the Compounds Identified from the leaves of Orthosiphon stamineus for Hepatoprotective activity
  4702. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Hepatotoxic Activities of Root Extracts of Cyperus pertenuis in Rats
  4703. In vivo Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Enicostemma littorale against Ccl4 Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  4704. Retracted: Mechanism of Hepatoprotective Effect of Boesenbergia rotunda in Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  4705. In vitro antioxidant, Hepatoprotective potential and chemical profiling of Syzygium aromaticum using HPLC and GC-MS.
  4706. Hepatoprotective effects of simvastatin in a model of hepatitis on top of schistosomaisis
  4707. Retracted: PASS-Predicted Hepatoprotective Activity of Caesalpinia sappan in Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats
  4708. Hepatoprotective Effect of Solvent Fractions from Raphiolepis indica against Oxidative Stress
  4709. Hepatoprotective Activities of the Methanol Extract of Angelica shikokiana and Isoepoxypteryxin against Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  4710. A review of evidence based Hepatoprotective selected medicinal plants used in Bangladeshi traditional medicine
  4711. Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol extract of Pavetta Indica Linn leaves
  4712. Phenolic compounds and Hepatoprotective activity of Centaurea aegyptiaca L. on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4713. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Total Triterpenoids from Poria cocos
  4714. Hepatoprotective Effects of Ganoderma lucidum on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Chronic Liver Disease in Rats
  4715. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of Bauhinia variegata seeds against ferric chloride-induced lipid peroxidation in chicken liver homogenate
  4716. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Potentials of Methanol Leaf Extract of Arachis hypogea
  4717. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of Haegan-jeon through activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 and optimization of herbal composition based on …
  4718. Hepatoprotective effect of Cymbopogon citratus essential oils against nevirapine-induced hepatic damage in Wistar albino rats
  4719. SILYMARIN: A Hepatoprotective AGENT
  4720. An Overview of Hepatoprotective Effects of Thymoquinone
  4721. Histological study of Hepatoprotective aspect of indigo and its isolated isothiocyanate compound against N-Nitrosopyrrolidine in toxicated mice
  4722. Hepatoprotective and Anti-anemic Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Moringa oleifera in Wistar Rats
  4723. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect of Extracts of Some Commonly Consumed Local Fruits in Maiduguri
  4724. Hepatoprotective effects of different combinations of sweet orange, Unshiu mikan, and mini tomato juice powders against tert‐butyl hydroperoxide‐induced oxidative …
  4725. Hepatoprotective Role of Boric Acid Supplementation on Liver Injury Induced by Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion
  4726. Hepatoprotective and hepatoregenerative therapeutic effects of polyherbal medicine Heparmin TM on Rattus norvegicus Wistar with liver fibrosis
  4727. Antioxidant Activity Of Linklive Care™: A Hepatoprotective polyherbal formulation
  4728. Hepatoprotective Role of Hydrangea macrophylla against Sodium Arsenite-Induced
  4729. Hepatoprotective Activity of Curcuma mangga Extract on Paracetamol-Induced Male Mice
  4732. Comparative Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Berberis asiatica stem bark and root
  4733. Triterpenoids from Poria cocos and Their Potential In vitro Hepatoprotective Effects
  4734. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activities Aqueous and Hydroethanolic Extracts from the Leaves of Erythrococca anomala in Rats
  4735. Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Hyphaene thebaica (Doum fruit) on paracetamol-induced liver injury in albino rats
  4736. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanolic leaves extract of Cassia arereh in CCl4-induced rat liver damage
  4737. Hepatoprotective Effect of Cuscuta campestris Yunck.
  4738. Hepatoprotective activity of sea cucumber Phyllophorus sp. extract in carp (Cyprinus carpio)
  4739. Hepatoprotective activity of pistachia khinjuk
  4741. Anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective properies of CMG in an experimental model of diabetes
  4743. Hepatoprotective Action of Boric Mineral Waters in Toxic Hepatosis: Experimental Study
  4744. Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Effects of Garcinia kola Heckel Stem Bark Extract and Triterpenoid Fraction Against Sodium Arsenite-Induced Toxicity in Rat …
  4745. TPGS Stabilized Silymarin Proliposome: Improve Phisico Chemical Properties and Hepatoprotective Activity
  4746. Hepatoprotective Mechanisms of Eicosapentaenoic Acid in High-Fat Fed Mice and Identification of Biomarkers for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Humans
  4747. 215. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective potential of Bilvadi Gutika in cypermethrin induced toxicity in Wistar Albino rats
  4748. Membranstabilizing activity of humic substances as the integral index of their Hepatoprotective properties.
  4749. Developing DILI models in zebrafish for screening of Hepatoprotective Agents
  4750. Hepatoprotective Activity of Leaf and Leaf Callus Extracts of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq.
  4751. Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis and Hepatoprotective Activity of Swertia chirayita Extracts
  4752. Evaluvation of Anti-Oxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Ixorea Coccinea Leaf Extracts by Using Invitro and Invivo Models
  4753. Hepatoprotective Effect of Alpha lipoic Acid versus Intoxication with Imidacloprid Widely Used in KSA in Albino Rats
  4755. Protective effect of Tritone (Livosone) on oxidative DNA damage and its Hepatoprotective potential against various hepatotoxic agent in wistar rats
  4756. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of oligoribonucleotides-D-mannitol complexes against thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis
  4757. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activity of marine red algae Gracillaria corticata
  4758. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Fruit Extract of A. comosus in Paracetamol Induced Liver Toxicity in Rats
  4759. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ficus religiosa Leaf Extract in Rats
  4760. Hepatoprotective Activity of Bixa orellana Linn Leaf Extracts
  4761. An Adenosine Derivative Compound as a Hepatoprotective Agent
  4762. The Hepatoprotective Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Against Oxidative Stress
  4763. The study of Hepatoprotective activity of dry extract of ginger on a model of experimental hepatitis in rats
  4765. Hepatoprotective effects of Ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on rats with tr ans planted guerin’s carcinoma
  4766. Hepatoprotective Potential of Blepharis persica (Burm. F.) O. Kuntze
  4767. Hepatoprotective effect of white grubs Phyllophaga ephilida (Coleoptera) methanolic extracts on liver injury induced by CCl4 in rats
  4768. Hepatoprotective activity of the hydro-alcoholic extract of the Gracilaria edulis (Gmelin)
  4769. Hepatoprotective effects of Eseye extract on acute alcoholic liver damage in mice
  4770. Antimalarial, Anti-hemolytic, Hepatoprotective, and Nephroprotective Activities of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Leaf Extract in Plasmodium berghei Infection in Mice
  4771. Hepatoprotective Activity of Avocado and Coconut Oils Against Biochemical Alteration and Oxidative Stress Induced by Nicotine in Male Albino Rats
  4773. Cuscuta arvensis beyr” dodder”: In vivo Hepatoprotective effects against acetaminophen-ınducedhepatotoxicity in rats
  4774. Hepatoprotective effect of apple polyphenol extract in rats under experimental insulin resistance
  4775. Hepatoprotective effect of 50% ethanol extract of seagrass rhizome (Cymodocea Rotundata) against liver tissues in paracetamol-induced rats
  4776. Identification of Bioactive Compounds and Possible Mechanism of Hepatoprotective Activity of Ficus microcarpa l. Fil. Bark Extracts in Ethanol-Induced Chronic …
  4777. Hepatoprotective activity of aerial parts of Erythrina crista-galli
  4778. Estimated Few Biochemical Blood Parameters Suggests Hepatoprotective Activity of Oyster Mushroom
  4780. Determination of Hepatoprotective Properties of Clinacanthus Nutans and Strobilanthes Crispus
  4781. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Polyphenols in Acalypha wilkesiana Leaves
  4782. Hepatoprotective Activity of the Extract of Crataeva nurvala Bark Against CCl4 induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  4783. Assessment of Hepatoprotective effect of extracts of Alstonia boonei leaf in isoniazid and rifampicin co-treated rats
  4784. Hepatoprotective Effect of Oligoribonucleotides-D-mannitol Complexes under Thioacetamide-induced Hepatotoxicity
  4785. Hepatoprotective effect of Acantholimon gilliati Turril, kew. Bull. on formaldehyde induced liver injury in adult male mice.
  4786. EFFECT OF Hepatoprotective ROLE EVALUATION OF Hibiscus rosa-sinensis LEAVES AND POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum) PEELS AQ UEOUS …
  4787. Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective effects of moringa oleifera leaf extras in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats.
  4788. Investigation of Phytochemical Profile and other Safety Parameters for A Hepatoprotective Proprietary Polyherbal Formulation (Liverem) by Using Advanced …
  4789. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Tranilast against Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats
  4790. Hepatoprotective Activity of Garcinia binucao (Blanco) Choisy (Clusiaceae) Fruit on Induced Acute Liver Damage in Sprague Dawley Rats
  4791. Hepatoprotective EFFECT OF GREEN TEA AND THYME IN RATS
  4792. Application of multiattribute utility theory in pharmacoeconomic evaluation of anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective therapy for chronic hepatitis B
  4794. Hepatoprotective effect of camel milk in antituberculous drugs induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rats, J
  4795. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Ixora Chenensis (Linn.) Leaves
  4796. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. Fruits on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Damage in Rats
  4797. Hepatoprotective Effect of Blue Honeysuckle on Rat Hypothyroidism
  4798. A Screening Study of Hepatoprotective Activity of Liquid Extract from Common Tansy Tanacetum vulgare L. Herb in the setting of Subchronic Hepatitis in Rats
  4799. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanolic extract of Jatropha tanjorensis on acetaminophen-induced toxicity in rat model
  4800. Hepatoprotective Effect of Allopurinol and Garlic Extract against Experimentally–Induced Hepatotoxicity
  4801. Hepatoprotective Principles and Other Chemical Constituents from the Mycelium of Phellinus linteus
  4802. Study on antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of ganoderma lucidum (LEYSS. EX FR.) KARST
  4803. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Activities of Ethanolic Extract Leaves of Aristolochia Albida Duch. Against CCl4-Induced Hepatic and Renal …
  4804. In-Vitro Assessment of Phyllanthus Debilis for Hepatoprotective Activity against Damage Induced by Paracetamol on Hepg2 Cells
  4805. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Solanum Seaforthianum Leaf Extract against Ccl4-Induced Li~ 1
  4806. Hepatoprotective activity of linklive Care™ against Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in female mice
  4807. Corrigendum to” Nrf2 Activators From Glycyrrhiza Inflata and Their Hepatoprotective Activities Against CCl 4-induced Liver Injury in Mice”[Bioorg. Med. Chem. 25 (20) …
  4808. Hepatoprotective effect of Fufang-Huanglu oral liquid on^ 5;-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced hepatitis jaundice in mice
  4809. Comparing Hepatoprotective Effects of Aqueous Extract of Cassia Fistula (Amaltas) Leaves and Silymarin
  4811. Hepatoprotective Effect of Biofield Energy Treatment On Tert-Butyl Hydro Peroxide Induced Liver Injury in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Line (HepG2)
  4812. Hepatoprotective Activities of Cordilleran Blueberry, Raspberry and Strawberry
  4814. Hepatoprotective Effects of a Combination of Spices (Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves, and Turmeric)
  4816. Preneoplastic lesion preventive and Hepatoprotective effects of Terminalia brownii fresen stem extracts in experimental rat Model
  4817. Hepatoprotective Effect of Camel Milk on Poloxamer 407 Induced Hyperlipidaemic Wistar Rats. Open Access Maced J Med Sci
  4818. A study on Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous seed extract of Vigna Unguiculata (l) Walp against ethanol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4819. Reconnaissance of Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyherbal Formulation in Paracetamol and Ethanol Induced Hepatotoxicity Models of Albino Wistar Rats
  4820. Hepatoprotective Effects of London Rocket (Sisymbrium irio L) Extract against CCL4 induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats.
  4821. Hepatoprotective activities of Autranella congolensis and Sapium ellypticum against carbone tetrachloride induced liver injuries in experimental rats.
  4822. Differentiated Antiplatelet and Hepatoprotective Therapy in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease on the Background of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in …
  4823. Hepatoprotective Effects of Folium syringae Extracts Against Ethanol-induced Acute Liver Injury
  4824. The study of Hepatoprotective effect of apple polyphenol concentrate under experimental insulin resistance in rats
  4825. Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF ETHYL ACETATE FRACTION OF SENGGUGU’S ROOT BARK (Clerodendrum serratum L. Moon) ON RATS INDUCED BY …
  4826. Methionine Fermented Associated with Silybum Marianum is a Potential Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant in Cats with Inflammatory Liver Disease
  4827. Themes: Title: Hepatoprotective effect of Camellia sinensis ethanolic extract in cadmium chloride-induced hepatic injury in rats
  4828. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Traditional Siddha Formulation Seenakara Parpam against D-Galactosamine Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats
  4829. Hepatoprotective activity of Bridelia retusa bark extracts against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage rats.
  4830. Hepatoprotective effects of different combinations of sweet orange, Unshiu mikan, and mini tomato juice powders against tertâÄêbutyl hydroperoxideâÄêinduced …
  4831. Study on Hepatoprotective effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves to prevent hepatocyte lesion induced by CCl
  4832. Hepatoprotective Effect of Phloroglucinol from South Indian Marine Macroalgae against Liver Disorders
  4834. Evaluation Of Hepatoprotective Activity Of Hydroethanolic Extract Of Whole Plant Of Clematis Buchananiana Dc Against Paracetamol Induced Liver Injury In Wistar …
  4836. Hepatoprotective Activity of Basella Rubra Linn Against Ethanol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Male Wistar Albino Rats
  4840. The Hepatoprotective effects of prostacyclin mimetics are associated with their anti‐oxidative actions
  4843. Evaluation of in Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Erythrina Indica L., Stem Bark Extracts Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Albino Rats
  4844. The antioxidant and in vitro Hepatoprotective activities of some chemical fractions from Phyllanthus reticulates Poir. plant
  4845. Ethnopharmacological based evaluation of Anogeissus pendula Edgew extracts for antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential
  4846. In vitro study on the Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activities of protein rice bran extract against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in HepG2 cells
  4847. Tannin-rich extracts from Lannea stuhlmannii and Lannea humilis (Anacardiaceae) exhibit Hepatoprotective activities in vivo via enhancement of the anti-apoptotic …
  4848. Hepatoprotective effect of Peltophorum pterocarpum leaves extracts and pure compound against carbon tetra chloride induced liver injury in rats
  4849. The Hepatoprotective Effects Of Coptisine On Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Acute Liver Damage In Mice
  4850. Hepatoprotective Effect of Rosa roxburghii Juice on Chronic Ethanol-induced Liver Injury in Mice
  4852. The potential Hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of rebamipide against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in the rat
  4853. Phytochemical Profiling and Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Cuscuta Campestris by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection
  4854. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of kaempferol 3-O-β-D-(2, 6-di-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl) galactopyronoside against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury …
  4855. Hepatoprotective effect of cichorium intybus linn (kasni) seeds extracts on carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in albino mice
  4856. The Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Momordica charantia methanolic extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4857. Themes: Title: Study of Hepatoprotective effect of Zingiber officinale L. hydroethanolic risom extract in male rat induced with carbon tetrachloride
  4859. A combinatorial approach to study Hepatoprotective activity of Acanthus ilicifolius leaf extract against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
  4860. : Study of the Potential Hepatoprotective Effect of Inulin Nanoparticles against Chlorpromazine Induced-Hepatic Damage in Rats
  4861. Hepatoprotective effect and antioxidant activities of rutin against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in HepG2 cells
  4862. Themes: Title: Hepatoprotective Effect of Manganese Chloride Against CCl4-Induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress in Rats.
  4863. The Antioxidant And Hepatoprotective Effects Of Ginger And Fish Oil On Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Oxidative Stress In Male Rats
  4864. Hypolipidemic, Hepatoprotective and Laxative Effects of Dietary Fiber from Passiflora edulis Fruit Peel
  4865. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oil from Maqian (Zanthoxylum myriacanthum var. pubescens) in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Mice
  4866. Investigations on Hepatoprotective Potential of Centratherum Anthelminticum in Paracetamol and Carbon Tetrachloride (CCI4)-Induced Liver Injury
  4867. Hepatoprotective Effect of Capsicum frutescens Supplemented Diet against Acetaminophen Induced Liver Damage in Laboratory Animals
  4868. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effect of aqueous extract of Costus spicatus jacq. Rhizome extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic Rats–histological study
  4869. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Lawsonia inermis Linnaeus leaf ethyl acetate extract on Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  4870. Themes: Title: Hepatoprotective effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Allium hirtifolium (Persian shallot) in diabetic rats
  4871. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharide from Crassostrea gigas internal organs against CCl_4 induced hepatic injury in mice
  4873. Zinc Sulfate & Curcuma domestica are Hepatoprotective Agents against acute liver injury model induced by CCl4
  4874. The hop constituent xanthohumol exhibits Hepatoprotective effects against acute alcohol-induced liver injury
  4875. Syzygium aqueum: A Polyphenol-Rich Leaf Extract Exhibits Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, Pain-Killingnand Anti-inflammatory Activities in Animal Models.
  4876. Clinical observation of preventive Hepatoprotective effect of traditional Chinese medicine on drug-induced liver injury induced by chemotherapy of breast cancer
  4877. Hepatoprotective effects of sulfated polysaccharide from Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas against hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl_4) in mice
  4878. Insilico Design, Synthesis of Hybrid Taurine Amino Acid and Peptide Analogues for Studies on Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity
  4879. Hepatoprotective Activity of Indonesian Stingless Bee Propolis Against Toxicity of Anti-tuberculosis Drug on Pulmonary Tb Patients
  4880. In vitro Hepatoprotective ef cacy of rhizome extract of Hedychium spicatum in paracetamol induced toxicity in HepG2 cell line
  4881. Anti-hemolytic, Hepatoprotective, and Nephroprotective Effects of Black Tea Extract against Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice
  4882. Antihypertensive and Hepatoprotective effects of yogurt containing purple sweet potato extract and casein hydrolysate.
  4883. The Hepatoprotective effect of Aesculus hippocastanum seed extract against concanavalin A-induced acute liver injury in mice via inhibition of ROS and JNK pathway
  4884. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Bauhinia Tomentosa Linn. In Paracetamol & Thioacetamide-Induced Toxicity
  4885. A proanthocyanidin-rich extract from Cassia abbreviate exhibits antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities in vivo. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  4886. Evaluation of the possible Hepatoprotective effects of coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid against lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in rats
  4888. In Vitro Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of the Leaf Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Asteracantha Longifolia and Andrographis Paniculata …
  4889. Neoboutonia melleri var velutina Prain: in vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of the aqueous stem bark extract on acute hepatitis models
  4890. ANTIOXIDANT AND Hepatoprotective POTENTIALS OF ETHYLACETATE AND METHANOL FRACTIONS OF Lannea barteri Oliv.(Anarcadiaceae) LEAF …
  4891. The hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective efficacies of a fixed-dose combination of essential phospholipids with methionine (EPL+ M) during atorvastatin (A) therapy in …
  4892. PE-015: Impact of Hepatoprotective Medications on the Safety and Efficacy of OBV/PTV/r plus DSV±Ribavirin in HCV GT1b-infected Asian Patients
  4893. Medicinal plants possessed Hepatoprotective activity
  4894. The in vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective actions of selected Chinese teas
  4895. Hepatoprotective activity of metformin: a new mission for an old drug?
  4896. Mechanistic insights of Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin: therapeutic updates and future prospects
  4897. Hepatoprotective effects of rosmarinic acid: Insight into its mechanisms of action
  4898. Structural characterization and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from the leaves of Toona sinensis (A. Juss) Roem
  4899. Chemical constituents of Ligusticum chuanxiong and their anti-inflammation and Hepatoprotective activities
  4900. Coumarin Analogues from the Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck and Their Hepatoprotective Activity
  4901. Antitumor and Hepatoprotective activity of natural and synthetic neo steroids
  4902. Hepatoprotective effects of resveratrol in non-alcoholic fatty live disease
  4903. Heilaohuguosus AS from the fruits of Kadsura coccinea and their Hepatoprotective activity
  4904. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of residue polysaccharides by Pleurotus citrinipileatus
  4905. Antipyretic and Hepatoprotective potential of Tinospora crispa and investigation of possible lead compounds through in silico approaches
  4906. Comparison of the Hepatoprotective effects of the three main stilbenes from mulberry twigs
  4907. Hepatoprotective effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized using aqueous leaf extract of Rhizophora apiculata
  4908. Hepatoprotective effect of Misopates orontium in rats
  4909. Structural Characterization and Hepatoprotective Activity of Naphthoquinone From Cucumis bisexualis
  4910. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Ipomoea staphylina Linn
  4911. Hepatoprotective potentials of Acridocarpus orientalis in mice
  4912. Hepatoprotective effect of baicalein against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4913. Antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of resveratrol on oxidative stress-induced liver damage in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
  4914. Hepatoprotective effect of melatonin in toxic liver injury in rats
  4915. In-depth Hepatoprotective mechanistic study of Phyllanthus niruri: In vitro and in vivo studies and its chemical characterization
  4916. Omaveloxolone and TX63682 are Hepatoprotective in the STAM mouse model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  4917. Metabolic profile and Hepatoprotective effect of Aeschynomene elaphroxylon (Guill. & Perr.)
  4918. Hepatoprotective effects of blue honeysuckle on CCl4‐induced acute liver damaged mice
  4919. Hepatoprotective effect of Parkia biglobosa on acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress in Wistar rats
  4920. Isolation and characterization of flavonoid derivatives with anti-prostate cancer and Hepatoprotective activities from the flowers of Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers
  4921. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of watercress extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4922. Structural characteristics and Hepatoprotective potential of Aralia elata root bark polysaccharides and their effects on SCFAs produced by intestinal flora metabolism
  4923. Phytomodulatory effects of silver nanoparticles on Corchorus olitorius: its antiphytopathogenic and Hepatoprotective potentials
  4924. Estimation of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Sphaeranthus indicus Linn leaves extract
  4925. Hepatoprotective effect of atorvastatin on Cadmium chloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4926. The Hepatoprotective effect of myricetin against lipopolysaccharide and D-galactosamine-induced fulminant hepatitis
  4927. Characterizations and Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Mesona blumes against tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4928. Hepatoprotective impact of the bile acid receptor TGR5
  4929. Structural characterization, neuroprotective and Hepatoprotective activities of flavonoids from the bulbs of Heleocharis dulcis
  4930. Hepatoprotective activity of glucosyloxybenzyl succinate derivatives from the pseudobulbs of Pleione bulbocodioides
  4931. Innovative application of helium-neon laser: enhancing the germination of Adansonia digitata and evaluating the Hepatoprotective activities in mice
  4932. Hepatoprotective effects and structure-activity relationship of five flavonoids against lipopolysaccharide/d-galactosamine induced acute liver failure in mice
  4933. In vivo Hepatoprotective and In vitro radical scavenging activities of Cucumis ficifolius A. rich root extract
  4934. Structural characterization and in vitro Hepatoprotective activity of polysaccharide from pine nut (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.)
  4935. Fabrication of Ligusticum chuanxiong polylactic acid microspheres: A promising way to enhance the Hepatoprotective effect on bioactive ingredients
  4936. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Shanxi aged vinegar extract against oxidative damage in vitro and in vivo
  4937. Hepatoprotective effect of plant polysaccharides from natural resources: A review of the mechanisms and structure-activity relationship
  4938. A systematic review on Hepatoprotective activity of quercetin against various drugs and toxic Agents: Evidence from preclinical studies
  4939. Antioxidative, hypoglycaemic and Hepatoprotective properties of five Vaccinium spp. berry pomace extracts
  4940. Effects of food processing on in vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of green tea extracts
  4941. Hepatoprotective effect of gastrodin against alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
  4942. Hepatoprotective activity and nephroprotective activity of peel extract from three varieties of the passion fruit (Passiflora sp.) in the albino rat
  4943. The Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides from Pleurotus ostreatus on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury rats
  4944. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Polygonum equisetiforme methanolic extract
  4945. Phytochemicals, antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on diethylnitrosamine toxicity in rats
  4946. Structural characterization, modification and Hepatoprotective effects of polysaccharide from Mori Fructus
  4947. Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera against cartap‐ and malathion‐induced toxicity in Wistar rats
  4948. Hepatoprotective potential of Sargassum muticum against STZ-induced diabetic liver damage in wistar rats by inhibiting cytokines and the apoptosis pathway
  4949. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Croton hypoleucus extract in an induced-necrosis model in rats
  4950. A novel acidic polysaccharide from the residue of Panax notoginseng and its Hepatoprotective effect on alcoholic liver damage in mice
  4951. Hepatoprotective effect of chlorogenic acid against chronic liver injury in inflammatory rats
  4952. Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin and taurine against bisphenol A-induced liver injury in rats
  4953. Anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of Radix Bupleuri extract against oxidative damage in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) via Nrf2 and TLRs …
  4954. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of modified polysaccharides from Coprinus comatus in mice with alcohol-induced liver injury
  4955. Bergenin exerts Hepatoprotective effects by inhibiting the release of inflammatory factors, apoptosis and autophagy via the PPAR-γ pathway
  4956. Characterization of natural melanin from Auricularia auricula and its Hepatoprotective effect on acute alcohol liver injury in mice
  4957. A review of the Hepatoprotective effects of hesperidin, a flavanon glycoside in citrus fruits, against natural and chemical toxicities
  4958. Anti-diabetic, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Brassica oleracea sprouts
  4959. Hepatoprotective effects of Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) leaf extracts in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats
  4960. Hepatoprotective Effect of Neoagarooligosaccharide via Activation of Nrf2 and Enhanced Antioxidant Efficacy
  4961. Hepatoprotective effects of phosphatidylserine liposomes on carbon tetrachloride‐induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4962. Differential Hepatoprotective role of the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in paracetamol‐induced liver injury
  4963. Hepatoprotective effects of dietary Artemisia (Artemisia annua) leaf extract on common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to ambient ammonia
  4964. Hepatoprotective effect of cranberry Nutraceutical extract in non-alcoholic fatty liver model in rats: impact on insulin resistance and Nrf-2 expression
  4965. Hepatoprotective activity of linalool in rats against liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride
  4966. Novel Hepatoprotective peptides derived from protein hydrolysates of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)
  4967. Hepatoprotective Effect of Apigenin Against Liver Injury via the Non-canonical NF-κB Pathway In Vivo and In Vitro
  4968. Quercetin loaded monolaurate sugar esters-based niosomes: Sustained release and mutual antioxidant—Hepatoprotective interplay
  4969. Hepatoprotective effects of total phenylethanoid glycosides from Acanthus ilicifolius L. against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  4970. A comprehensive review on Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activities of chrysin against various drugs and toxic Agents
  4971. The Hepatoprotective effect of sitagliptin against hepatic ischemia reperfusion-induced injury in rats involves Nrf-2/HO-1 pathway
  4972. Antioxidant capacity and Hepatoprotective role of chitosan-stabilized selenium nanoparticles in concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice
  4973. Hepatoprotective effect of oleuropein-rich extract from olive leaves against cadmium-induced toxicity in mice
  4974. Physicochemical properties and Hepatoprotective effects of glycated Snapper fish scale peptides conjugated with xylose via maillard reaction
  4975. Hepatoprotective Cocrystals of Isoniazid: Synthesis, Solid State Characterization, and Hepatotoxicity Studies
  4976. Hepatoprotective potential and antioxidant activity of Allium tripedale in acetaminophen-induced oxidative damage
  4977. Hepatoprotective effect of a fucoidan extract from Sargassum fluitans Borgesen against CCl4-induced toxicity in rats
  4978. Hepatoprotective properties of Curcuma longa L. extract in bleomycin-induced chronic hepatotoxicity
  4979. Hepatoprotective action of papain-hydrolyzed buffalo milk protein on carbon tetrachloride oxidative stressed albino rats
  4980. Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in Kunming mice
  4981. Hepatoprotective Effect of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria on Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats
  4982. The Hepatoprotective effects of Salvia plebeia R. Br. extract in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  4983. Hepatoprotective mechanisms of taxifolin on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in mice
  4984. Protocatechuic acid exhibits Hepatoprotective, vasculoprotective, antioxidant and insulin-like effects in dexamethasone-induced insulin-resistant rats
  4985. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of total flavonoids of Qu Zhi Ke (peel of Citrus changshan-huyou) on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats via …
  4986. Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidative effects of total flavonoids from Qu Zhi Qiao (fruit of citrus paradisi cv. Changshanhuyou) on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in …
  4987. Hepatoprotective effects of a traditional Chinese medicine formula against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo and in vitro
  4988. Anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ellagitannin isolated from Melaleuca styphelioides
  4989. Tropolone derivatives with Hepatoprotective and antiproliferative activities from the aerial parts of Chenopodium album Linn
  4990. Synergistic Hepatoprotective effects of CGplus on CCl4-induced acute injury
  4991. Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin on liver injury via irisin upregulation and oxidative stress reduction in rats with type 2 diabetes
  4992. Exploration of the Hepatoprotective chemical base of an orally administered herbal formulation (YCHT) in normal and CCl4-intoxicated liver injury rats. Part 2: hepatic …
  4993. Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin on CCl4-induced hepatic damage in broiler chickens model
  4994. Hepatoprotective effect of limonene against chronic immobilization induced liver damage in rats
  4995. Hepatoprotective activity of Erythrina× neillii leaf extract and characterization of its phytoconstituents
  4996. Hepatoprotective effect of a polysaccharide from Radix Cyathulae officinalis Kuan against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rat
  4997. Hepatoprotective effects of melatonin and celecoxib against ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  4998. Evolution of TLR4 role in mediating the Hepatoprotective effects of estradiol after traumatic brain injury in male rats
  4999. A green approach for simultaneous analysis of two natural Hepatoprotective drugs in pure forms, capsules and human plasma using HPLC-UV method
  5000. Hepatoprotective efficacy of Premna integrifolia L. leaves against aflatoxin B1-induced toxicity in mice
  5001. Structural characterization of phosphorylated Pleurotus ostreatus polysaccharide and its Hepatoprotective effect on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  5002. Hemostatic and Hepatoprotective bioactivity of Junci Medulla Carbonisata-derived carbon dots
  5003. Hepatoprotective effect of boldine against diethylnitrosamine‐induced hepatocarcinogenesis in wistar rats
  5004. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Capacity of Mallotus repandus Ethyl Acetate Stem Extract against d-Galactosamine-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5005. Hepatoprotective effect of capsaicin against concanavalin A-induced hepatic injury via inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation
  5006. Hepatoprotective activity of Uncaria tomentosa extract against sub-chronic exposure to fipronil in male rats
  5007. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Taurisolo, a Nutraceutical Enriched in Resveratrol and Polyphenols, Involves Activation of Mitochondrial Metabolism in Mice Liver
  5008. Hepatoprotective homoisoflavonoids from the fruits of Cucumis bisexualis
  5009. Hepatoprotective effects of synbiotic soy yogurt on mice fed a high-cholesterol diet
  5010. In vivo Hepatoprotective effects of a peptide fraction from krill protein hydrolysates against alcohol-induced oxidative damage
  5011. Hepatoprotective effect of Solanum surattense leaf extract against chemical-induced oxidative and apoptotic injury in rats
  5012. Studies on antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and vasculoprotective potential of Viola odorata and Wrightia tinctoria
  5013. Hepatoprotective effect of Citrus aurantium L. against APAP-induced liver injury by regulating liver lipid metabolism and apoptosis
  5014. Hepatoprotective benefits of vitamin C against perfluorooctane sulfonate-induced liver damage in mice through suppressing inflammatory reaction and ER stress
  5015. Hepatoprotective effect of the ethanol extract of Illicium henryi against acute liver injury in mice induced by Lipopolysaccharide
  5016. In vivo Hepatoprotective potential of extracts obtained from floral spikes of Prunella vulgaris L
  5017. Extracts from fermented black garlic exhibit a Hepatoprotective effect on acute hepatic injury
  5018. Functional teas from the stems of Penthorum chinense Pursh.: phenolic constituents, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity
  5019. Hepatoprotective role of Thymol in drug-induced gastric ulcer model
  5020. Hepatoprotective activity of raspberry ketone is mediated via inhibition of the NF-κB/TNF-α/caspase axis and mitochondrial apoptosis in chemically induced acute …
  5021. Hepatoprotective potential of aqueous extract of Allium eriophyllum Boiss in high-fat diet-induced fatty liver diseases
  5022. Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective properties of alkali-and enzyme-extractable polysaccharides by Dictyophora indusiata
  5023. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of Strobilanthes kunthianus against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5024. Polyphenolic composition, antiradical and Hepatoprotective activities of bilberry and blackberry pomace extracts
  5025. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of Cajanus cajan in N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver damage
  5026. Phytochemical analysis and Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of Maytenus royleanus leaves extract against anti-tuberculosis drug induced liver injury in …
  5027. Hepatoprotective potential of Hura crepitans L.: A review of ethnomedical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies
  5028. Optimization of ultrasonic-microwave assisted extraction and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from Trametes orientalis
  5029. Enhanced oral bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity of thymoquinone in the form of phospholipidic nano-constructs
  5030. Hepatoprotective effect of allicin against acetaminophen‐induced liver injury: Role of inflammasome pathway, apoptosis, and liver regeneration
  5031. A novel Hepatoprotective activity of Alangium salviifolium in mouse model
  5032. The potential missing links between Hepatoprotective dioscin and alcoholic liver disease
  5033. Flavonoids from Eucommia ulmoides and their in vitro Hepatoprotective activities
  5034. Hepatoprotective potential of standardized Ficus species in intrahepatic cholestasis rat model: involvement of nuclear factor-κB, and Farnesoid X receptor signaling …
  5035. Ursodeoxycholic acid exerts Hepatoprotective effects by regulating amino acid, flavonoid, and fatty acid metabolic pathways
  5036. Hepatoprotective and neuroprotective flavanes from the fruits of Ulmus pumila L.(Ulmaceae).
  5037. The structural analysis and its Hepatoprotective activity of melanin isolated from Lachnum sp
  5038. Hepatoprotective activity of some medicinal plants in Sudan
  5039. Hepatoprotective Effect of Inonotus obliquus Melanins: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies
  5040. Phytochemical composition, isolation and Hepatoprotective activity of active fraction from Veronica ciliata against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury via p62 …
  5041. Hepatoprotective activity of Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoids in alcohol-induced liver injury in mice, an iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis
  5042. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of Terminalia bellirica and its bioactive component ellagic acid against diclofenac induced …
  5043. The Hepatoprotective effects of Sedum sarmentosum extract and its isolated major constituent through Nrf2 activation and NF-κB inhibition
  5044. Hepatoprotective potency of ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola (Heckel) seed against acute ethanol-induced oxidative stress in Wistar rats
  5045. Assessment of Hepatoprotective effect of chokeberry juice in rats treated chronically with carbon tetrachloride
  5046. Novel Hepatoprotective role of Leonurine hydrochloride against experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis mediated via AMPK/SREBP1 signaling pathway
  5047. Chemical composition and Hepatoprotective effect of essential oil from Myrtus communis L. flowers against CCL 4-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats
  5048. Sulfated modification of the polysaccharides from Crassostrea gigas and their antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities through metabolomics analysis
  5049. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Root extract of Baliospermum montanum (Willd) Muell Arg
  5050. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of virgin coconut oil at maximum physical activity
  5051. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of combination between fermented camel milk and Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extract against CCl 4 induced liver toxicity in …
  5052. Improved in vitro and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of liposomal silymarin in alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  5053. Hepatoprotective effect of seabuckthorn leaf-extract in lead acetate-intoxicated Wistar rats
  5054. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Justicia gendarussa Leaf Extract in Carbofuran-Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  5055. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of Pycnogenol® in acetaminophen‐induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5056. A histomorphometric study on the Hepatoprotective effects of a green rooibos extract in a diet-induced obese rat model
  5057. Hepatoprotective effects of morinda citrifolia leaf extract on ovariectomized rats fed with thermoxidized palm oil diet: evidence at histological and ultrastructural …
  5058. Chemical characterisation and Hepatoprotective potential of Cosmos sulphureus Cav. and Cosmos bipinnatus Cav.
  5059. A hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based solid dispersion of curcumin with enhanced bioavailability and its Hepatoprotective activity
  5060. Hepatoprotective potential of partially hydrolyzed guar gum against acute alcohol-induced liver injury in vitro and vivo
  5061. Hepatoprotective potential of 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone against alcohol and high-fat diet induced liver toxicity via attenuation of oxido-nitrosative stress and NF-κB …
  5062. Optimization, characterization and Hepatoprotective effect of polysaccharides isolated from Stipa parviflora Desf. against CCl4 induced liver injury in rats using surface …
  5063. Isolation, structural elucidation and in vitro Hepatoprotective activity of flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis
  5064. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antiepileptic activities of Chrysanthemum trifurcatum
  5065. Hepatoprotective activity of praecoxin A isolated from Melaleuca ericifolia against carbon tetrachloride‐induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Impact on oxidative stress …
  5066. Probiotic and Hepatoprotective activity of lactobacillus isolated from Mongolian camel milk products
  5067. Hepatoprotective Effect of Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Through the Modulation of Gut Permeability and Inflammasomes in a Model of Alcoholic Liver …
  5068. Hepatoprotective activity of Dypsis lutescens against D-galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and its phytoconstituents
  5069. Potential Hepatoprotective Activity of Super Critical Carbon Dioxide Olive Leaf Extracts against CCl4-Induced Liver Damage
  5070. Characterization and Hepatoprotective evaluation of sesquiterpenes and diterpenes from the aerial parts of Juniperus sabina L.
  5071. Hepatoprotective effects of an Acer tegmentosum Maxim extract through antioxidant activity and the regulation of autophagy
  5072. Hepatoprotective effect of celecoxib against tamoxifen-induced liver injury via inhibiting ASK-1/JNK pathway in female rats
  5073. Hepatoprotective effect of total flavonoids of Mallotus apelta (Lour.) Muell. Arg. leaf against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats via modulation of TGF-β1 …
  5074. Hepatoprotective effects of ZLY16, a dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α/δ agonist, in rodent model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  5075. Calcium supplementation shows a Hepatoprotective effect against high-fat diet by regulating oxidative-induced inflammatory response and lipogenesis activity …
  5076. In vitro/in vivo Hepatoprotective properties of 1-O-(4-hydroxymethylphenyl)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside from Moringa oleifera seeds against carbon tetrachloride-induced …
  5077. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and antifungal activities of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) essential oil
  5078. Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plants: A mini review
  5079. Hepatoprotective role of berberine against paraquat-induced liver toxicity in rat
  5080. Assessment of the Hepatoprotective effect of developed lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPHNPs) encapsulating naturally extracted β-Sitosterol against …
  5081. Hepatoprotective species from the Chilean medicinal flora: Junellia spathulata (Verbenaceae)
  5082. Hepatoprotective effect of different combinations of 18α-and 18β-glycyrrhizic acid against CCl4-induced liver injury in rats
  5083. Hepatoprotective Glucosyloxybenzyl 2-Hydroxy-2-isobutylsuccinates from Pleione yunnanensis
  5084. Hepatoprotective properties of red betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav) leaves extract towards H2O2-induced HepG2 cells via anti-inflammatory, antinecrotic …
  5085. Improved Hepatoprotective activity of Beta vulgaris L. leaf extract loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS): in vitro and in vivo evaluation
  5086. Fumonisin B1‐induced mitochondrial toxicity and Hepatoprotective potential of rooibos: An update
  5087. Molecular docking and preclinical study of five-membered S, S-palladaheterocycle as Hepatoprotective agent
  5088. Hepatoprotective effect of Azadirachta indica leaf fractionated extracts against snake venom toxicity on Albino rats
  5089. Enhanced oral bioavailability, anti-tumor activity and Hepatoprotective effect of 6-shogaol loaded in a type of novel micelles of polyethylene glycol and linoleic acid …
  5090. Hepatoprotective effect of chiisanoside from Acanthopanax sessiliflorus against LPS/D‐GalN‐induced acute liver injury by inhibiting NF‐κB and activating Nrf2/HO‐1 …
  5091. Promising therapeutic use of Baccharis trimera (less.) DC. as a natural Hepatoprotective agent against hepatic lesions that are caused by multiple risk factors
  5092. Improved in vitro antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effects of a fermented Inula britannica extract on ethanol-damaged HepG2 cells
  5093. Structural elucidation and Hepatoprotective activities of polysaccharides from a mutant mSM-105 of Catathelasma ventricosum with enhanced production of 1, 6-β …
  5094. Hepatoprotective peptides purified from Corbicula fluminea and its effect against ethanol‐induced LO2 cells injury
  5095. Hepatoprotective effects of red beetroot‐based beverages against CCl4‐induced hepatic stress in Sprague Dawley rats
  5096. Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective activity of the roots of Calanthe fimbriata Franch
  5097. Hepatoprotective actions of ascorbic acid, alpha lipoic acid and silymarin or their combination against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5098. Metabonomics Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Panax notoginseng Leaf Saponins Using UPLC/Q-TOF-MS Analysis
  5099. New Hepatoprotective isoflavone glucosides from Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi
  5100. Hepatoprotective effect of coffee pulp aqueous extract combined with simvastatin against hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
  5101. Hepatoprotective effects of Cassia semen ethanol extract on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in experimental rat
  5102. Hepatoprotective effect of SGLT2 inhibitor on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  5103. Exploration of anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effect of curcumin on co-administration with acetylsalicylic acid
  5104. Micellar propolis nanoformulation of high antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity
  5105. Hepatoprotective Role of Berberine on Doxorubicin Induced Hepatotoxicity–Involvement of Cyp
  5106. Arctigenin exhibits Hepatoprotective activity in Toxoplasma gondii-infected host through HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB pathway
  5107. Hepatoprotective effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone against alcoholic liver injury through activating Nrf2-mediated antioxidant and inhibiting TLR4-mediated …
  5108. In vivo anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities of Orobanche crenata (Forssk.) aerial parts in relation to its phytomolecules
  5109. Characterization of Hepatoprotective metabolites from Artemisia annua and Cleome droserifolia using HPLC/PDA/ESI/MS–MS
  5110. LC-MS/MS analysis and Hepatoprotective activity of artichoke (Cynara Scolymus L.) leaves extract against high fat diet-induced obesity in rats
  5111. Functional coix seed protein hydrolysates as a novel agent with potential Hepatoprotective effect
  5112. Hepatoprotective activity of Leptadenia hastata (asclepiadaceae) on acetaminophen-induced toxicity in mice: in vivo study and characterization of bioactive …
  5113. Hepatoprotective Angelica sinensis silver nanoformulation against multidrug resistant bacteria and the integration of a multicomponent logic gate system
  5114. Hepatoprotective effect of sodium hydrosulfide on hepatic encephalopathy in rats
  5115. The Hepatoprotective effects of zinc glycine on liver injury in meat duck through alleviating hepatic lipid deposition and inflammation
  5116. Hepatoprotective Effect and Molecular Mechanisms of Hengshun Aromatic Vinegar on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  5117. Mechanism of the Hypoglycemic Activity and Hepatoprotective Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Cecropia obtusifolia Bertol
  5118. In vitro biological activities and in vivo Hepatoprotective role of brown algae-isolated fucoidans
  5119. Hepatoprotective effect of N-acetylcystein loaded niosomes on liver function in paraquat-induced acute poisoning
  5120. A new cocrystal of isoniazid-quercetin with Hepatoprotective effect: The design, structure, and in vitro/in vivo performance evaluation
  5121. Hepatoprotective effect of essential oils of Nepeta cataria L. on acetaminophen-induced liver dysfunction
  5122. Bioautography-based identification of antioxidant metabolites of Solanum nigrum L. and exploration its Hepatoprotective potential against D-galactosamine …
  5123. Hepatoprotective effects of Pleurotus ostreatus protein hydrolysates yielded by pepsin hydrolysis
  5124. Hepatoprotective Effect of Jianpi Huoxue Formula on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Induced by Methionine-Choline-Deficient Diet in Rat
  5125. Hepatoprotective and cytotoxicity properties of aqueous extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra in Wistar rats fed with high-fat diet
  5126. Hepatoprotective, Antihyperlipidemic and Radical Scavenging Activity of Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on Alcoholic Liver …
  5127. Properties of melanin from Lachnum YM156 and its Hepatoprotective effect in Cd-exposure mice
  5128. Antioxidant flavonoids from Alhagi maurorum with Hepatoprotective effect
  5129. A liver-on-a-chip for Hepatoprotective activity assessment
  5130. Mapping the evidence of Hepatoprotective properties of Moringa oleifera from sub-Saharan African countries: a systematic review protocol
  5131. Hepatoprotective effect of artichoke leaf extracts in comparison with silymarin on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  5132. Hepatoprotective activity of Verbena litoralis, Verbena montevidensis and their main iridoid, brasoside
  5133. Hepatoprotective effect of Raspberry ketone and white tea against acrylamide-induced toxicity in rats
  5134. Phytotherapy: An anti-hepatotoxicity and Hepatoprotective approach in chemotherapy
  5135. Study on the Hepatoprotective effects of lemon balm and dandelion leaf extract combination in carbon tetrachloride-mediated liver injured mice
  5136. Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols isolated from virgin coconut oil against sub-chronic cadmium hepatotoxicity in rats is associated with improvement in …
  5137. Antioxidant properties and Hepatoprotective effect of the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum L. against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  5138. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of aerial parts of Moringa oleifera in prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Wistar rats
  5139. GCMS fingerprinting, in vitro pharmacological activities, and in vivo anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effect of selected edible herbs from Kashmir valley
  5140. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of active fractions of Lannea barteri Oliv.(Anarcadiaceae) in rats
  5141. Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of lactoferrin in rats
  5142. Hepatoprotective Effect of Pericarpium zanthoxyli Extract Is Mediated via Antagonism of Oxidative Stress
  5143. Hepatoprotective effects of vitamin E against hexachlorobenzene-induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress in rats: histological, biochimical and antioxidant status …
  5144. Hepatoprotective effect of Thymus vulgaris extract on sodium nitrite-induced changes in oxidative stress, antioxidant and inflammatory marker expression
  5145. Antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective effect of 10 medicinal herbs on CCl4-induced liver injury in mice
  5146. Phytochemical characterization and Hepatoprotective effect of active fragment from Adhatoda vasica Nees. against tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative …
  5147. In vivo Hepatoprotective activity and the underlying mechanism of chebulinic acid from Terminalia chebula fruit
  5148. Smad3 C-terminal phosphorylation site mutation attenuates the Hepatoprotective effect of salvianolic acid B against hepatocarcinogenesis
  5149. Hepatoprotective effect of crude polysaccharides extracted from Ganoderma lucidum against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice
  5150. Systematically identifying the Hepatoprotective ingredients of schisandra lignan extract from pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic perspectives
  5151. Hepatoprotective effect and possible mechanism of phytoestrogen calycosin on carbon tetrachloride–induced liver fibrosis in mice
  5152. Hepatoprotective effects of Di Wu Yang Gan: A medicinal food against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo and in vitro
  5153. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of the Crude Extract and Solvent Fractions of Clutia abyssinica (Euphorbiaceae) Leaf Against CCl4-Induced …
  5154. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Pterocarpus santalinoides methanol leaf extract
  5155. Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin against diclofenac-induced liver toxicity in male rats based on biochemical parameters and histological study
  5156. Hepatoprotective effects of Camellia nitidissima aqueous ethanol extract against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in SD rats related to Nrf2 and NF-κB signalling
  5157. Chemical characterization of polysaccharides from Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. infusion and its Hepatoprotective effects
  5158. The Hepatoprotective mechanisms of 17β-estradiol after traumatic brain injury in male rats: Classical and non-classical estrogen receptors
  5159. Hepatoprotective activity of royal jelly on mercuric chloride–induced damage model in rats
  5160. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Hedera helix extract on acetaminophen induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in mice
  5161. Hepatoprotective effects of zinc (II) via cytochrome P-450/reactive oxygen species and canonical apoptosis pathways after arsenite waterborne exposure in common …
  5162. Secondary metabolites of petri-dish cultured Antrodia camphorata and their Hepatoprotective activities against alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
  5163. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Annona squamosa seed extract against alcohol-induced liver injury in Sprague Dawley rats
  5164. Evaluation of antitumor activity and Hepatoprotective effect of mitomycin C solubilized in chamomile oil nanoemulsion
  5165. Carbon Dots from Paeoniae Radix Alba Carbonisata: Hepatoprotective Effect
  5166. Hepatoprotective Effects of Indole, a Gut Microbial Metabolite, in Leptin-Deficient Obese Mice
  5167. Hepatoprotective effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid-enriched fermented Hovenia dulcis extract on ethanol-induced liver injury in mice
  5168. Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective potential of whole plant extract and isolated compounds of Aeginetia indica
  5169. Hepatoprotective steroids from roots of Cynanchum otophyllum
  5170. Optimization, isolation, characterization and Hepatoprotective effect of a novel pigment-protein complex (phycocyanin) producing microalga: Phormidium …
  5171. Hepatoprotective effects of steamed and freeze-dried mature silkworm larval powder against ethanol-induced fatty liver disease in rats
  5172. Optimization, Characterization and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Effects of Gold Nanoparticles Biosynthesized by Eryngium bungei Boiss. Hydro-Alcoholic Extract
  5173. Hepatoprotective role of swimming against arsenic induced oxidative stress in mice
  5174. Quantification of biochemical compounds in Bauhinia Variegata Linn flower extract and its Hepatoprotective effect
  5175. Hepatoprotective effect of rebamipide against methotrexate-induced hepatic intoxication: role of Nrf2/GSK-3β, NF-κβ-p65/JAK1/STAT3, and PUMA/Bax/Bcl-2 signaling …
  5176. Structural characterization, Hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidemic activities of alkaloid derivatives from Murraya koenigii
  5177. Hepatoprotective effect of Kombucha tea in rodent model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
  5178. The Hepatoprotective effect of ginger
  5179. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of Yigan mingmu oral liquid against acute alcohol-induced liver injury in rats
  5180. Cubosomes as a potential oral drug delivery system for enhancing the Hepatoprotective effect of Coenzyme Q10
  5181. Hepatoprotective Activity of InlB321/15, the HGFR Ligand of Bacterial Origin, in CCI4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Mice
  5182. Hepatoprotective effects of silymarin coated gold nanoparticles in experimental cholestasis
  5183. Green synthesized selenium nanoparticles using Spermacoce hispida as carrier of s-allyl glutathione: to accomplish Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity …
  5184. Hepatoprotective effect of Phellinus linteus mycelia polysaccharide (PL-N1) against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mouse
  5185. Chemical profile and Hepatoprotective activity of ethyl acetate extracts of Euphorbia paralias and Euphorbia geniculata (Euphorbiaceae) from Egypt
  5186. Investigation of polyphenol profile, antioxidant activity and Hepatoprotective potential of Aconogonon alpinum (All.) Schur roots
  5187. Isolation, characterization and Hepatoprotective activity of naturally occurring protopine against simvastatin induced liver toxicity in experimental rodents
  5188. Composition and Hepatoprotective activity of essential oils from Ethiopian thyme species (Thymus serrulatus and Thymus schimperi)
  5189. The Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
  5190. Plant secondary metabolites with Hepatoprotective efficacy
  5191. The Hepatoprotective effects of XCHD and MgIG against methotrexate-induced liver injury and inflammation in rats through suppressing the activation of AIM2 …
  5192. Chemical Components and Hepatoprotective Mechanism of Xwak Granule in Mice Treated with Acute Alcohol
  5193. Isolation of an antioxidant peptide from krill protein hydrolysates as a novel agent with potential Hepatoprotective effects
  5194. Drug interaction study of flavonoids toward OATP1B1 and their 3D structure activity relationship analysis for predicting Hepatoprotective effects
  5195. Hepatoprotective potential of Ferula communis extract for carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative damage in rats
  5196. Self-emulsifying drug delivery system of black seed oil with improved hypotriglyceridemic effect and enhanced Hepatoprotective function
  5197. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Korean ginseng extract GS-KG9 in a D-galactosamine-induced liver damage animal model
  5198. Evaluation of the Acute Hepatoprotective Potential of Hydroethanolic Extract of Duranta erecta L. Parts
  5199. Preparation and evaluation of phytosomes containing ethanolic extract of leaves of Bombax ceiba for Hepatoprotective activity
  5200. Attenuation of the Hepatoprotective effects of ileal apical sodium dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) inhibition in choline-deficient L-amino acid-defined …
  5201. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective synergistic effects of selenium nanoparticles and vitamin. E against acrylamide‐induced hepatic alterations in male albino mice
  5202. Carbohydrates from Mikania glomerata Spreng tea: Chemical characterization and Hepatoprotective effects
  5203. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective activity of Pulicaria incisa subspecies candolleana and in silico screening of its isolated phenolics
  5204. The research of 1, 2, 4-triazole derivatives Hepatoprotective activity under tetracycline and infectious hepatitis
  5205. Hepatoprotective effects of Hovenia dulcis seeds against alcoholic liver injury and related mechanisms investigated via network pharmacology
  5206. Hepatoprotective effects of oridonin against bisphenol A induced liver injury in rats via inhibiting the activity of xanthione oxidase
  5207. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Zanthoxylum armatum on paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  5208. Hepatoprotective Tetrahydrobenzocyclooctabenzofuranone Lignans from Kadsura longipedunculata
  5209. Structurally diverse coumarin-homoisoflavonoid derivatives with Hepatoprotective activities from the fruits of Cucumis bisexualis
  5210. Antioxidant, hypoglycemic, and Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous and ethyl acetate extract of carob honey in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  5211. Hepatoprotective effect of chiisanoside against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice
  5212. Hepatoprotective effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A in D-galactose-treated aging mice
  5213. Evaluation of the antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, and anti-inflammatory activities of bisresorcinol isolated from the trunk of Heliciopsis terminalis
  5214. Metabolic Profiling of Buddleia indica Leaves using LC/MS and Evidence of their Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity Using Different In Vitro and In Vivo …
  5215. Hepatoprotective effect of forsythiaside a against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in zebrafish: Coupling network pharmacology with biochemical pharmacology
  5216. Hepatoprotective effects of extracts, fractions and compounds from the stem bark of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth: Evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies
  5217. Hepatoprotective Effects of Standardized Extracts from an Ancient Italian Apple Variety (Mela Rosa dei Monti Sibillini) against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced …
  5218. A Discovery of Relevant Hepatoprotective Effects and Underlying Mechanisms of Dietary Clostridium butyricum Against Corticosterone-Induced Liver Injury in Pekin …
  5219. Isolation and characterization of neolignan derivatives with Hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activities from the fruits of Citrus medica L. var. Sarcodactylis Swingle
  5220. Exploration of the Hepatoprotective chemical base of an orally administered herbal formulation (YCHT) in normal and CCl4-intoxicated liver injury rats. Part 1 …
  5221. Synergistic enhancement and Hepatoprotective effect of combination of total phenolic extracts of Citrus aurantium L. and methotrexate for treatment of rheumatoid …
  5222. Hepatoprotective activity of Chloroform and Ethyl acetate extract of Dipteracanthus patulus against Paracetamol induced Hepatotoxicity in rats through Antioxidant …
  5223. Hepatoprotective effect of zinc and magnesium against subchronic cadmium toxicity on biochemical, histopathological and neurobehavioral parameters in Wistar rats
  5224. Toxicological Evaluation and Hepatoprotective Efficacy of Rosmarinic Acid-Rich Extract from Ocimum basilicum L.
  5225. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Stachys pilifera. Benth on acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in male rats
  5226. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Piper retrofractum against Paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley rat
  5227. The Hepatoprotective effects of fennel seeds extract and trans‐Anethole in streptozotocin‐induced liver injury in rats
  5228. Isolation, structure identification and Hepatoprotective activity of a polysaccharide from Sabia parviflora
  5229. Synthesis and biological evaluation of picroside derivatives as Hepatoprotective Agents
  5230. Hepatoprotective effect of Pandanus odoratissimus seed extracts on paracetamol-induced rats
  5231. Hepatoprotective potential of Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil against hexavalent chromium-induced hematotoxicity, biochemical, histological, and …
  5232. Hepatoprotective effect of eugenol on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  5233. Hepatoprotective Essential Oils: A Review
  5234. Synergistic and Hepatoprotective effect of total glucosides of paeony on ankylosing spondylitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  5235. Hepatoprotective Effects of Selenium-Enriched Probiotics Supplementation on Heat-Stressed Wistar Rat Through Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects
  5236. CoQ10 exerts Hepatoprotective effect in fructose-induced fatty liver model in rats
  5237. Hepatoprotective effects of Gamisoyo-san against acetaminophen-induced liver injuries
  5238. Hepatoprotective Effects of Aqueous Extract of Opilia celtidifolia (Opiliaceae) Leaves against Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5239. In Vivo Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Activity of Acylated Iridoid Glycosides from Scrophularia hepericifolia
  5240. Hepatoprotective effects of the n-butanol extract from Perralderia coronopifolia Coss. against PCP-induced toxicity in Wistar albino rats
  5241. Experimental evidence of the antioxidant effect of a multi-ingredient traditional Persian formulation with Hepatoprotective activity
  5242. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of radish seed aqueous extract on cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress in mice
  5243. Hepatoprotective Effect of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extracted Dabai Pulp Oil and Its Defatted Pulp
  5244. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of a standardized pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit extract in high fat diet-induced obese C57BL/6 mice
  5245. Water Extract of Artemisia annua L. Exhibits Hepatoprotective Effects Through Improvement of Lipid Accumulation and Oxidative Stress-Induced Cytotoxicity
  5246. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective effect of the common cat’s foot herb dry extract
  5247. Hepatoprotective effects of Psidium guajava on mitochondrial enzymes and inflammatory markers in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity
  5248. Hepatoprotective effect of gentiopicroside in combination with leflunomide and/or methotrexate in arthritic rats
  5249. Similar Hepatoprotective effectiveness of Diphenyl diselenide and Ebselen against cisplatin-induced disruption of metabolic homeostasis and redox balance in …
  5250. Hepatoprotective Effects of Streptococcus thermophilus LM1012 in Mice Exposed to Air Pollutants
  5251. Whole Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)-Enriched Diet Is Hepatoprotective in the Obese Zucker Rat, a Model of the Metabolic Syndrome
  5252. Hepatoprotective effects of vicenin-2 and scolymoside through the modulation of inflammatory pathways
  5253. Antioxidant capacity and Hepatoprotective activity of myristic acid acylated derivative of phloridzin
  5254. Garcinia mangostana peel extracts exhibit Hepatoprotective activity against thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis in rats
  5255. Pterostilbene Exerts Hepatoprotective Effects through Ameliorating LPS/D-Gal-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice
  5256. The Hepatoprotective effects of squid gonad phospholipids on fatty liver disease in zebrafish
  5257. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Dicranopteris linearis leaf extract against paracetamol-induced liver intoxication in rats
  5258. Fiber and phenolic compounds contribution to the Hepatoprotective effects of mango diets in rats fed high cholesterol/sodium cholate
  5259. Hepatoprotective effect of crude polysaccharide isolated from Lycium barbarum L. against alcohol‐induced oxidative damage involves Nrf2 signaling
  5260. A Hepatoprotective Effect of a Hot Water Extract from Loliolus beka Gray Meat Against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Damage in Hepatocytes
  5261. Hepatoprotective Effect of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelium in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
  5262. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of Polysaccharides Extracted from Liriope spicata Var. Prolifera in C57BL/6J Mice with High-Fat Diet-Induced …
  5263. Identification of protein-polysaccharide nanoparticles carrying Hepatoprotective bioactives in freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea Muller) soup
  5264. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of oral administration of aqueous fraction of methanolic extract of Costus afer leaves during induction of hepatocellular …
  5265. Hepatoprotective effects of Lactococcus chungangensis CAU 1447 in alcoholic liver disease
  5266. The synergistic Hepatoprotective potential of Beta vulgaris juice and 2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid in lead-intoxicated rats via improving the hepatic oxidative …
  5267. Involvement of P450s and nuclear receptors in the Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin on liver injury by bacterial lipopolysaccharide
  5268. Hepatoprotective activity of silymarin encapsulation against hepatic damage in albino rats
  5270. Optimized piperine–phospholipid complex with enhanced bioavailability and Hepatoprotective activity
  5271. Mentha pulegium aqueous extract exhibits antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective effects in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  5272. Anti-oxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of Salvia officinalis essential oil against vanadium-induced oxidative stress and histological changes in the rat liver
  5273. Apple polyphenols modulates the antioxidant defense response and attenuates inflammatory response concurrent with Hepatoprotective effect on grass carp …
  5274. Bioactivity-guided isolation of aurone derivatives with Hepatoprotective activities from the fruits of Cucumis bisexualis
  5275. Hepatoprotective properties of methanol leaf extract of Pterocarpus mildbraedii Harms on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats (Rattus …
  5276. … Complex of Caffeic Acid: Development, In vitro Characterization, and In Vivo Investigation of Antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective Action in Rats
  5277. Hepatoprotective effect of Moringa oleifera leaves aquatic extract against lead acetate–induced liver injury in male Wistar rats
  5278. The potential Hepatoprotective effects of lovastatin combined with oral hypoglycemic Agents in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats
  5279. Xymedone conjugate with para-aminobenzoic acid. Estimation of Hepatoprotective properties
  5280. Metabolomics research on the Hepatoprotective effect of cultured bear bile powder in α-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholestatic mice
  5281. Hepatoprotective effect of Linagliptin against liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice
  5282. A comparison of Hepatoprotective activity of Bacoside to Silymarin treatment against a combined Isoniazid and Rifampin-induced hepatotoxicity in female Wistar rats
  5283. Hepatoprotective, antioxidant and, anti-inflammatory potentials of gallic acid in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats
  5284. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of curcuminoid isolates from turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome on CCl4-induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats
  5285. Hepatoprotective and renoprotective properties of lovastatin-loaded ginger and garlic oil nanoemulsomes: insights into serum biological parameters
  5286. Hepatoprotective activity assessment of amino acids derivatives of picroside I and II
  5287. Hepatoprotective effect of arjunolic acid against cisplatin‐induced hepatotoxicity: Targeting oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis
  5288. HPTLC Separation of a Hepatoprotective Combination in Pharmaceutical Formulation and Human Plasma
  5289. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects of the ethanol extract of Dendropanax morbifera Leveille on the T-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced HepG2 cell damages
  5290. Gallic acid: A promising genoprotective and Hepatoprotective bioactive compound against cyclophosphamide induced toxicity in mice
  5291. Metabolic profiling and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of Malpighia glabra L. leaves
  5292. Hepatoprotective effects of Morchella esculenta against alcohol-induced acute liver injury in the C57BL/6 mouse related to Nrf-2 and NF-κB signaling
  5293. Study on Quality Standards and Hepatoprotective Effect of Curcuma phaeocaulis Radix
  5294. Hepatoprotective effect of apolipoprotein A4 against carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury through mediating hepatic antioxidant and inflammation response …
  5295. Efficiently Capturing Mitochondria-Targeted Constituents with Hepatoprotective Activity from Medicinal Herbs
  5296. Hepatoprotective and hematological effects of Justicia secunda Vahl leaves on carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity in rats
  5297. Dietary fiber of psyllium husk (Plantago ovata) as a potential antioxidant and Hepatoprotective agent against CCl4-induced hepatic damage in rats
  5298. The Hepatoprotective effect and mechanism of lotus leaf on liver injury induced by Genkwa Flos
  5299. Nine prenylated acylphloroglucinols with potential anti-depressive and Hepatoprotective activities from Hypericum scabrum
  5300. Hepatoprotective effect of Omega-3 PUFAs against acute paracetamol-induced hepatic injury confirmed by FTIR
  5301. Simultaneous characterization and quantification of flavonoids in Morus australis root as potential Hepatoprotective nutraceutical
  5302. Green chicory leaf extract exerts anti-inflammatory effects through suppressing LPS-induced MAPK/NF-κB activation and Hepatoprotective activity in vitro
  5303. The Hepatoprotective effect of livergol microemulsion preparation (nanoparticle) against bromobenzene induced toxicity in mice
  5304. Lophenol and lathosterol from resin of Commiphora kua possess Hepatoprotective effects in vivo
  5305. Hepatoprotective Effects of Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni Tea) on Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats
  5306. A new polyoxygenated flavonol gossypetin-3-o-β-d-robinobioside from Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D. Dietr. and in vivo Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti …
  5307. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects of copper-nicotinate complex against fatty liver in rat model
  5308. Hepatoprotective effects of Huangqi decoction (Astragali Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma) on cholestatic liver injury in mice: Involvement of alleviating …
  5309. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effects against acute CCl4‐induced liver damage in mice from red‐fleshed apple flesh flavonoid extract
  5310. Hepatoprotective lignans and triterpenoids from the roots of Kadsura longipedunculata
  5311. Eight new glycosides with Hepatoprotective activity isolated from the aerial parts of Morinda parvifolia
  5312. Chemical composition, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities of methanol extracts from leaves of Terminalia bellirica and Terminalia sericea …
  5313. Hepatoprotective effect of Ginkgo biloba extract against methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity via targeting STAT3/miRNA-21 axis
  5314. Hepatoprotective Activity of Melittin on Isoniazid and Rifampicin Induced Liver Damage in Male Albino Rats
  5315. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effects of curcumin and nanocurcumin against paraquat‐induced liver injury in rats: Modulation of oxidative stress and Nrf2 pathway
  5316. Is cannabidiol hepatotoxic or Hepatoprotective: A review
  5317. Betulin/2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex: Physicochemical characterization and Hepatoprotective activity
  5318. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, genoprotective, and cytoprotective effects of quercetin in a murine model of arthritis
  5319. Hepatoprotective Effect of the Fruits of Polygonum orientale L. Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Mice
  5320. Hepatoprotective effect of Lobelia alsinoides Lam. in Wistar rats
  5321. In-vitro Antioxidant and In-Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethenolic Extract of Tectona grandis Bark Against CCl4 Induced Liver Injury in Rats
  5322. Hepatoprotective Effect of Seed Coat ofEuryale ferox Extract in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Induced by High-fat Diet in Mice by Increasing IRs-1 and Inhibiting …
  5323. Hepatoprotective activity of depsidone enriched Cladonia rangiferina extract against alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity targeting cytochrome P450 2E1 induced …
  5324. Tocotrienols activate Nrf2 nuclear translocation and increase the antioxidant-related Hepatoprotective mechanism in mice liver
  5325. A brief review on Drug-induced hepatotoxicity: Use of Hepatoprotective Agents
  5326. Hepatoprotective effect of an ethanol extract of Tradescantia pallida against CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
  5327. Hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and Hepatoprotective effects of Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms ethanolic bark extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats
  5328. Neuroprotective and Hepatoprotective effect of whole red rice forms against oxidative stress in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
  5329. Assessment of Hepatoprotective Activity of Rajata Bhasma in CCl¬ 4 Induced Hepatotoxicity Rats
  5330. Hepatoprotective effect of the unsaponifiable matter from olive, linseed and sesame oils against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  5331. Hepatoprotective Activity of Thalictrum Foliolosum (Ranunculaceae) Root Ethanolic Extract.(2020)
  5332. In vivo Hepatoprotective and in vitro Radical Scavenging Activities of Extracts of Rumex abyssinicus Jacq. Rhizome
  5333. Hepatoprotective Effect of Fresh Grape Juice Prepared by a Low-Speed Masticating Juicer in db/db Mice
  5334. Composite ammonium glycyrrhizin has Hepatoprotective effects in chicken hepatocytes with lipopolysaccharide/enrofloxacin‑induced injury
  5335. A pharmacological audit and advancement on the recent trend of research on Ficus benghalensis L. including its in vitro Hepatoprotective activity
  5336. Antiproliferative, Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities of Clematis gouriana Roxb. Extracts
  5337. Hepatotoxicity and Hepatoprotective Agents: A Mini review
  5338. Hepatoprotective studies of floral extracts of Gomphrena serrata L. and piperic acid on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity
  5339. Hepatoprotective Effects of Polydatin-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles in Diabetic Rats: Modulation of Glucose Metabolism, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation …
  5340. The evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of flavonoids from Scorzonera austriaca Wild against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in vitro and in vivo
  5341. Hepatoprotective effect of essential phospholipids enriched with virgin coconut oil (Phoscoliv) on paracetamol‐induced liver toxicity
  5342. Traditional Hepatoprotective herbal medicine of Koch tribe in the South-West Garo hills district, Meghalaya
  5343. Hepatoprotective effect of Zataria multiflora L. hydroethanolic extract in male rats treated by acetaminophen
  5344. Hepatoprotective Effect of Garcinol in Acute Paracetamol Induced and Chronic Alcohol Induced Liver Injury in Experimental Rats
  5345. Antihyperglycemic and Hepatoprotective properties of miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) compared to aspartame in alloxan-induced diabetic mice
  5346. Synergistic Hepatoprotective Interaction between α-Tocopherol and Ascorbic Acid on Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5347. Antioxidant and in vivo Hepatoprotective effects of Gardenia gummifera Lf fruit methanol extract
  5348. Hepatoprotective effect of Centella asiatica 50% ethanol extract against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in BALB/c mice
  5349. Antioxidant, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, and Hepatoprotective activities of pentacyclic triterpenes isolated from Ziziphus oxyphylla Edgew
  5350. Hepatoprotective effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Cichorium intybus in a rat model of obstructive cholestasis
  5351. Hepatoprotective Effect of Echinochrome Pigment in Septic Rats
  5352. Hepatoprotective effect of Matricaria chamomilla aqueous extract against 1, 2-Dimethylhydrazine-induced carcinogenic hepatic damage in mice
  5353. Sweritranslactone D, a Hepatoprotective novel secoiridoid dimer with tetracyclic lactone skeleton from heat-transformed swertiamarin
  5354. The proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole has Hepatoprotective effects in in vitro and in vivo rat models of acute liver injury
  5355. Hepatoprotective effect of opioid peptides in stress
  5356. Hepatoprotective properties of p-coumaric acid in a rat model of ischemia-reperfusion
  5357. Anti-obesity and Hepatoprotective effects in obese rats fed diets supplemented with fruit purees
  5358. Hepatoprotective effects of red cabbage in hypercholesterolemic diet-induced oxidative stressed rabbits
  5359. Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of High-Polydextrose Snack Food on Swiss Albino Mice
  5360. Hepatoprotective effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in CCl 4-induced liver cirrhosis
  5361. Hepatoprotective Potentials of Ethanolic Extract of Solanum melongena Linn Fruit on Monosodium Glutamate-Intoxicated Rats’ and Liver Section Histology
  5362. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Flemingia tuberosa Dalzell in CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5363. Hepatoprotective activity of Foeniculum vulgare against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits
  5364. In vitro Antioxidant and in vivo Hepatoprotective Activities of Root Bark Extract and Solvent Fractions of Croton macrostachyus Hochst. Ex Del.(Euphorbiaceae …
  5365. Hepatoprotective effect of total flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch in liver injury mice
  5366. Hepatoprotective, cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Dioon spinulosum leaves Dyer Ex Eichler and its isolated secondary metabolites
  5367. Hepatoprotective effects of the Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn): a revisit
  5368. Anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective potential of shaddock (Citrus maxima) peel extract
  5369. Hepatoprotective effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor nilotinib against cyclosporine‐A induced liver injury in rats through blocking the Bax/Cytochrome C/caspase‐3 …
  5370. Hepatoprotective effect of ketoconazole in chronic liver injury model.
  5371. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of crude methanolic extract of Datura metel L. in mice
  5372. Hepatoprotective and Anti-Hepatitis effect of non pharmacopoeial compound formulation on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
  5373. A Polyphenol-Rich Fraction from Eugenia uniflora Exhibits Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activities In Vivo
  5374. Panaxynol from Saposhnikovia diviaricata exhibits a Hepatoprotective effect against lipopolysaccharide + D-Gal N induced acute liver injury by inhibiting Nf-κB/IκB-α …
  5375. The antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective effects of myricitrin on aged mice with D-galactose
  5376. … properties of (2E)-3-[4-(dimethylamino) phenyl]-1-(naphthalen-2-yl) prop-2-en-1-one; a d-π-A chalcone derivative and its docking studies as a potent Hepatoprotective …
  5377. An Animal Study to Compare Hepatoprotective Effects Between Fermented Rice Bran and Fermented Rice Germ and Soybean in a Sprague-Dawley Rat Model of …
  5378. A review on Hepatoprotective activity of various medicinal plant
  5379. Hepatoprotective Activity of Yellow Chinese Chive against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Injury via Nrf2 Signaling Pathway
  5380. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties from the extract and fractions of Annona senegalensis Pers (Annonaceae) stem bark grown in Nigeria
  5381. A study to evaluate the Hepatoprotective activity of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotic in CCl
  5382. Iridoid glucosides and triterpene acids from Phlomis linearifolia, growing in Uzbekistan and its Hepatoprotective activity
  5383. Hepatoprotective Activity of BV-7310, a Proprietary Herbal Formulation of Phyllanthus niruri, Tephrosia purpurea, Boerhavia diffusa, and Andrographis …
  5384. Biochemical study of Hepatoprotective collection of plant origin
  5385. Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Effect of Exopolysaccharides From Cultivated Ophiocordyceps Sinensis Against CCl4-Induced Liver Damages
  5386. Hepatoprotective effect of ginger and grape seed, alone and in combination orally, in paracetamol induced acute liver toxicity in rats
  5387. Phytoconstituents and Hepatoprotective Effect of Suaeda monoica Forssk and Suaeda pruinosa Lange
  5388. Cytotoxic, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Silybum marianum variety albiflorum growing in Egypt
  5389. … , immunohistochemical and biochemical investigation on the in vitro antioxidant, myeloprotective, hematoprotective and Hepatoprotective effects of Hypericum …
  5390. Antioxidant Activity and Hepatoprotective Potential of Piper chaba Roots against Paracetamol-Induced Liver Injury
  5391. Anti‐hyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective properties of wheat bran with different particle sizes
  5392. Asteraceae: A review of Hepatoprotective plant principles.
  5393. Hepatoprotective activity of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in sodium nitrite-induced hepatotoxicity
  5394. PI3K/Akt and Nrf2/HO-1 pathways involved in the Hepatoprotective effect of verapamil against thioacetamide toxicity in rats
  5395. Hepatoprotective Bile Acid Co-Drug of Isoniazid: Synthesis, Kinetics and Investigation of Antimycobacterial Potential
  5396. Hepatoprotective activities of ethanolic roots extract of Ageratum conyzoides on alloxan-induced hepatic damage in diabetic Wistar rats
  5397. In vitro antioxidants and Hepatoprotective effects of Pleurotus tuber-regium on carbon tetrachloride–treated rats
  5398. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Ehretia laevis Roxb against paracetamol induced acute Hepatotoxicityin wistar rats
  5399. Hepatoprotective Effects of a Ruthenium (II) Schiff Base Complex in Rats with Diet-Induced Prediabetes
  5400. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.(Fenugreek) seed extract against sodium nitrite toxicity in rats
  5401. Novel peripheral role of Nurr-1/GDNF/AKT trajectory in carvedilol and/or morin hydrate Hepatoprotective effect in a model of hepatic ischemia/reperfusion
  5402. Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective effect of Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina against streptozotocin-induced diabetes in male rats
  5403. Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 regulates the Hepatoprotective effects of remote ischemic conditioning in hemorrhagic shock
  5404. Hepatoprotective effect of melatonin via activation of Nrf2 and anti-apoptotic proteins in burn rats
  5405. … Folium Camelliae Nitidissimae extract by ultrafast liquid chromatography with quadrupole–time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and Hepatoprotective effect against CCl4 …
  5406. Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Aloe niebuhriana Latex Extract from Yemen
  5407. Hepatoprotective Effects of a Novel Trihoney against Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Comparative Study with Atorvastatin
  5408. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Acidic-Hydrolysis Residue Polysaccharides from Shiitake Culinary-Medicinal Mushroom Lentinus edodes …
  5409. Hepatoprotective effect of breads with extracts of plants growing in the Far East
  5410. Ultrasound exposure ameliorates the Hepatoprotective effect of herpetrione nanosuspension via oral delivery
  5411. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Phenyl Glycosides Isolated From Heliciopsis lobata
  5412. Application of nanoencapsulated silymarin to improve its antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activities against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in broiler …
  5413. Pharmacokinetic study of Hepatoprotective coumarinolignoids from Cleome viscosa in mice using validated high-performance liquid chromatography …
  5414. Histopathological and ultrastructure studies on hepatotoxicity of arsenic in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822): Hepatoprotective effect of Amphora …
  5415. Hepatoprotective effects of ethanolic extract of Boerhaavia diffusa against oxaliplatin induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats.
  5416. Hepatoprotective activity of a purified methanol extract and saponins from the roots of Chenopodium bonus-henricus L.
  5417. Network Pharmacology Study of the Hepatoprotective Effects of Quercetin-Containing Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anoectochilus roxburghii, and Validation …
  5418. Hepatoprotective Potential of Novel Siddha Formulation Santha Santhrodhaya Mathirai against Paracetamol and Methotrexate Induced Hepatotoxicity in Chang liver …
  5419. The Hepatoprotective Capacity of Steeping kersen Leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) on Diabetic Rat. Electron J Gen Med. 2020; 17 (5): em225
  5420. Hepatoprotective effect of ultrasonicated ginseng berry extract on a rat mild bile duct ligation model
  5421. Assessment of Hepatoprotective and Antiulcer Activity of Launaea aspleniifolia Hook in Laboratory Animals
  5422. “Double” Pyrimidine Derivatives: Synthesis and Primary Assessment of Hepatoprotective Properties In Vitro
  5423. The Potential Hepatoprotective Effect of Metformin in Hepatitis C Virus‐infected Adolescent Patients with Beta Thalassemia Major: Randomized Clinical Trial
  5424. The Hepatoprotective activities of Kalimeris indica ethanol extract against liver injury in vivo
  5425. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Clerodendrum paniculatum Leaf on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Toxicity Model in Swiss Albino Rats and Its …
  5426. Triterpenoid saponins with Hepatoprotective effects from the fresh leaves of Metapanax delavayi
  5427. Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanol extract of Curcuma heyneana rhizome on isoniazid and rifampin-induced liver injury rats
  5428. Two new phenylpropanoid glycosidic compounds from the pseudobulbs of Pleione bulbocodioides and their Hepatoprotective activity
  5429. Exploration of Hepatoprotective Potential and Phytochemicals of Ziziphus oxyphylla Edgew.
  5430. Aqueous Asteriscus graveolens Extract Exhibits Antidiabetic and Hepatoprotective Effects in Diabetic Rats
  5431. LC-MS-based identification of bioactive compounds and Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activities of Bignonia binata leaves against carbon tetrachloride …
  5432. Hepatoprotective medicinal plants traditional knowledge to scientific evidences: A review
  5433. Antihyperglycemic, antihyperlipidemic and Hepatoprotective effects of Ficus ottoniifolia (Miq.) Miq. Supplementation in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
  5434. Evaluation of Methanolic Extract of Clitoria ternatea Hepatoprotective & Nephroprotective Activity in Rats
  5435. An Ethnobotanical Study of Hepatoprotective Herbs from Shahrekord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Southwest of Iran
  5436. Isolation, characterization, and Hepatoprotective properties of betulinic acid and ricinine from Tetracarpidium conophorum seeds (Euphorbiaceae)
  5438. The efficacy of remaxol as a Hepatoprotective agent in long-term psychopharmacotherapy
  5439. A study of the Hepatoprotective effect of Plantago psyllium L. seed extract against Carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats
  5440. Hepatoprotective Effects of Algerian Crataegus oxyacantha Leaves
  5441. Hepatoprotective role of Legalon 70 against hydrogen peroxide in chickens
  5442. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potentials of ethanol stem bark extract of Daniela oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch and Dalz (Caesalpinaceae)
  5443. Assessment of antioxidant and Hepatoprotective potential of Satureja montana extracts against CCl4 induced liver damage
  5444. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Caralluma europaea Stem Extract against CCl4-Induced Hepatic Damage in Wistar Rats
  5445. Hepatoprotective activity of 2-piperidone isolated from leaf extracts of Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. ex Schweinf in carbon tetrachloride induced …
  5446. Hepatoprotective studies of aqueous leaf and root extracts of Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn. against ethanol induced hepatic stress in rats
  5447. Hypoglycemic, Hepatoprotective, and hypolipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Eryngium billardieri root on nicotinamide/streptozotocin-induced type II diabetic …
  5448. Anti-Oxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Senecio biafrae on CCl4-induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5449. The Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effect of saffron stigma alcoholic extract against vincristine sulfate induced toxicity in rats
  5450. Hepatoprotective effect of a novel lactic acid‐fermented garlic extract functional food product against acute liver injury
  5451. Hepatoprotective effects and mechanisms of Ixeris denticulate water extract on liver cirrhosis in experimental rat
  5452. Hepatoprotective Activities of Polysaccharide From the Fruit of Ribes odoratum Wendl. on High-Fat-Sucrose Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice
  5453. Hepatoprotective effects of the methanol extracts of the leaves of Napoleonaea imperialis against carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced hepatic damage in …
  5454. Hepatoprotective effect of Moringa oleifera extract on TNF-α and TGF-β expression in acetaminophen-induced liver fibrosis in rats
  5455. Plant extracts with putative Hepatoprotective activity
  5456. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Vanillin in Isoniazid-Rifampicin Induced Hepatocellular Damage
  5457. Hepatoprotective activity of bergenin against xenobiotics-induced oxidative stress in human hepatoma (HepG2) cells. CMUJ
  5458. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective effects of olive fruit pulp extract: in vivo and in vitro study
  5459. Hepatoprotective Effects of Taraxacum officinale Root Extract on Permethrin-induced Liver Toxicity in Adult Mice
  5460. Hepatoprotective effects of Meconopsis aculeata extract against CCl 4 induced oxidative damage in rats
  5461. Hepatoprotective Potency of Chrysophanol 8-O-Glucoside from Rheum palmatum L. against Hepatic Fibrosis via Regulation of the STAT3 Signaling Pathway
  5462. Discrimination of Lycium chinense and L. barbarum Based on Metabolite Analysis and Hepatoprotective Activity
  5463. Hepatoprotective Xanthones from the Aerial Parts of Pyrethrum tatsienense
  5464. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of 8, 8-Dimethyl-5-P-Tolyl-3, 4, 7, 8-Tetrahydro-2 H-Pyrido [4, 3, 2-de] Cinnolin-3-One
  5465. Antioxidants with Hepatoprotective activity
  5466. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant a ctivities of combination of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Zingiber officinale in ccl4-intoxicated rats
  5467. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Ipomoea staphylina Linn
  5468. Anti-diabetic activity and Hepatoprotective effect of Chrozophora tinctoria (L.) Rafin leaves aqueous extract in STZ induced diabetic rats model
  5469. Hepatoprotective effect of allium hooshidaryae hydroalcoholic extract on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in male rats
  5470. Hepatoprotective effects of beetroot juice at maximum physical activity
  5471. Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory, Anti-pyretic, Analgesic, and Hepatoprotective Properties of Terminalia macroptera
  5472. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective activity of Raphanus sativus var. sativus in Sprague-Dawley rats
  5473. Hepatoprotective Effects of Black Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel Extract on Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats
  5474. Structure-Hepatoprotective Activity Relationship Study of Iridoids: A QSAR Analysis
  5475. Drug-induced Hepatotoxicity and Hepatoprotective Medicinal Plants: A Review
  5476. Investigation of Hepatoprotective effect of some algae species on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in rats
  5477. Hepatoprotective role of curcumin in rat liver cirrhosis.
  5478. Hepatoprotective role of fruit extract of Terminalia arjuna in acetaminophen intoxicated mice
  5479. Validation of Hepatoprotective use of polygonum perfoliatum extract against paracetamol induced toxicity in Wistar rats
  5480. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effects of arogyavardhini against D-galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5481. Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Extract of Persian Gulf Brown Algae Sargassum swartzii Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  5482. New mechanistic insights into Hepatoprotective activity of milk thistle and chicory quantified extract: The role of hepatic Farnesoid-X activated receptors
  5483. Hepatoprotective Effect of Bioactive Fraction of Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. Bark Against Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Liver Toxicity
  5484. Comparative Hematological and Biochemical Studies on the Effect of Some Hepatoprotective Agents in Rats
  5485. Antioxidants and Hepatoprotective Study of a Purified Bauhinia Variegate Leaves and Flowers against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Toxicity in Experimental …
  5486. … 2/myeloid differentiation factor 88/nuclear factor kappa B/NLR family pyrin domain-containing 3 signaling pathways in the Hepatoprotective effect of Lagotis …
  5487. Hepatoprotective Effect of Eclipta Alba on Membrane Marker Enzymes against Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage
  5488. Combined Hepatoprotective Effect of Leaves and Flowers of Bassia latifolia Roxb in Paracetamol Hepatotoxic Rats
  5489. Dietary rice bran plays a significant role in the Hepatoprotective effect in hypercholesterolemic rats
  5490. Hepatoprotective ability of tetramethylpyrazine produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
  5491. Influence of Process Methods on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Curcumin Analogs Synthesized from Culilawan Oil in Mice (Mus musculus L.) with CCl₄ Induced Liver …
  5492. Identification of Mitochondrial Ligands with Hepatoprotective Activity from Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix Using Affinity Ultrafiltration/Liquid Chromatography …
  5493. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective effect of pumpkin seed oil in CCl4-intoxicated rats
  5494. Hepatoprotective natural products
  5495. Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective and in vitro cytotoxic activities of Cichorium intybus L. extract
  5496. Hepatoprotective activity of isostrictiniin from Nymphaea candida on Con A-induced acute liver injury in mice
  5497. Handbook of Research on Herbal Liver Protection: Hepatoprotective Plants
  5498. Hepatoprotective effect of Xiayuxue decoction ethyl acetate fraction against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in mice via inducing apoptosis and suppressing …
  5499. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of a polyherbal megakutki against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity
  5500. … Wedelia and Eclipta (Fam. Asteraceae) used in ASU systems of medicine with special reference to in-silico screening of Hepatoprotective potential of marker …
  5501. Hepatoprotective activity of mangrove snail (Telescopium sp.) extract in sprague dawley rats induced by paracetamol
  5502. Hepatoprotective Effects of Garlic Extract against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Liver Injury via Modulation of Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory Activities and …
  5503. The potential Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin on cholestatic liver injury in rats
  5504. Hypoglycaemic, insulin releasing, and Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of Aloe perryi Baker resin (Socotran Aloe) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  5505. Role of Panax Ginseng as an Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective after Liver Toxicity caused by Flutamide in Adult Male Rats
  5506. GC/MS profile, DNA protectant and Hepatoprotective effects of Praecitrullus fistulosus fruit methanol extract.
  5507. Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Activity of Artemisia absinthium L. on Diclofenac-induced Toxicity in Rats
  5508. Glycyrrhizin and Omega-3 fatty acids have Hepatoprotective roles through toll-like receptor-4
  5509. The Potential Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Astragalus davisii against Paracetamol Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5510. Hepatoprotective Effect of Tagetes Erecta L. Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5511. Hepatoprotective effects of Shilajit on high fat-diet induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in rats
  5512. Eliciting callus culture for production of Hepatoprotective flavonoids and phenolics from Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don Endl)
  5513. Hepatoprotective effect of prazosin is comparable to n-acetylcysteine in acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  5514. Adding Hepatoprotective plants to beverage water: an alternative to conventional drugs for broiler production
  5515. Hepatoprotective effect of silymarin in cyclosporine-induced oxidative stressed male rats
  5516. Combination therapy of Momordica charantia Linn.(Bitter Melon) with antihyperglycemic agent gives increased antioxidative and Hepatoprotective actions in alloxan …
  5517. Prospect of Mitochondria-Targeted Antioxidants as a Hepatoprotective and Anti-Alcoholic Liver Disease Agent
  5518. Hepatoprotective effects of ethyl pyruvate against carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress, biochemical and histological alterations in rats
  5519. Antioxidant characteristics and Hepatoprotective effects of a formula derived from Maydis stigma, Nelumbo nucifera and Taraxacum officinale against carbon …
  5520. Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant and Hypolipidemic Potentials of Mucuna pruriens in a Diabetic Experimental Animal Model
  5521. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus fraternus in Wistar rats
  5522. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potentials of Lasimorpha senegalensis Schott Leaf Extract on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5523. Hepatoprotective activity of natural compounds and plant extracts in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  5524. Pre-clinical evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of phytol in wistar albino rats
  5525. Toxicity Assessment, Evaluation of Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity on Cordia obliqua Fruit Extracts
  5526. Metabolic profiling of Solanum villosum Mill subsp. miniatum (bernh. ex willd.): Hepatoprotective and antifibrotic activity in a rat model of liver fibrosis
  5527. Hepatoprotective Activity of Betulin and Dipterocarpol Derivatives
  5529. Role of Nrf2/HO-1 and PI3K/Akt genes in the Hepatoprotective effect of cilostazol
  5530. Microbiological Study Of A Perspective Hepatoprotective Agent Based On Dry Extract From Prunus Domestica Fruits
  5531. Hepatoprotective effect of desi and kabuli cultivars of Cicer arietinum L (chick peas) against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats
  5532. Resolving a Binary Mixture of Hepatoprotective Drugs Using Different Validated Spectrophotometric Methods
  5533. Hepatoprotective activities of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) in rats suffering from obesity.
  5534. Hepatoprotective effects of l-citrulline against Doxorubicin-induced liver damage in rats: An analysis of serum biomarkers
  5535. Assessment of the Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanol Seed Extract of Garcinia kola on Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Liver Toxicity in Albino Rat Models
  5536. Hepatoprotective effect of meal replacement seeds juice based on sweet potato (MRSJ) against CCl 4-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells
  5537. Hepatoprotective effect of Ainsliaea acerifolia water extract on LPS/D-GalN-induced acute liver injury in human HepG2 cells
  5538. Exploration of the Hepatoprotective Effect and Mechanism of Swertia mussotii Franch in an Acute Liver Injury Rat Model
  5539. Phytophospholipid Complexes: A Potential Novel Carrier System for Hepatoprotective Drug Delivery System
  5540. Hepatoprotective Effect of Raphiostylis Beninensis Ethanol Root Extract on Carbon-tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced Liver Attack and Damage in Rats.
  5541. Hepatoprotective efficacy of edible macrofungi Dacryopinax spathularia (Schwein) and Schizophyllum commune (Fries) against Carbon tetrachloride induced …
  5542. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry profiling and Hepatoprotective activity of purified saponin and flavonoid fractions …
  5543. Bergenin Exhibits Hepatoprotective Activity Against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in ICR Mice.
  5544. Hepatoprotective Activity of Citrus Limetta on Wistar Albino Rats Hrishabh Jangid*, Mohammad Mukim, Rahul Ancheria, Ankit Sharma Kota College of Pharmacy, Kota …
  5545. Allopurinol potentiates the Hepatoprotective effect of metformin and vitamin E in fructose-induced fatty liver in rats
  5546. Hepatoprotective and Reno-protective Effects of Artichoke Leaf Extract and Rosemary Extract against Paracetamol Induced Toxicity in Albino Rats
  5547. Preliminary evaluation of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of Prosopis ruscifolia leaf extract in mice
  5548. Hepatoprotective effect of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit juice in rats fed with high fat high cholesterol diet
  5549. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Adiantum lunulatum Burm. F. leaf in alcohol-induced rat model
  5550. Hepatoprotective effects of chamazulene against alcohol-induced liver damage by alleviation of oxidative stress in rat models
  5551. Hepatoprotective Activity of a Taurine-Rich Water Soluble Extract from Octopus vulgaris Meat
  5552. Hepatoprotective efficacy of methanolic extract of monochoria vaginalis in acetaminophen induced toxicity in hep G2 cell lines
  5553. Pomegranate Peel Extract and Quercetin Possess Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity against Concanavalin A-induced Liver Injury in Mice
  5554. Hepatoprotective effect of methanol seed extract of Citrus tangerina on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats
  5556. Hepatoprotective efficacy of methanolic extract of Indigofera suffruticosa (Mill) on paracetamol-induced liver damage in mice
  5557. Hepatoprotective studies on methanolic extract of caryopses of Echinochloa colona Link.
  5558. Hepatoprotective and antioxidative effects of Allium sativum var lehsun gulabi on acetaminophen induced acute hepatitis in male albino rats
  5559. Biochemical research of Hepatoprotective activity of Lavaflam tablets in rats with subchronic hepatitis
  5560. Hepatoprotective activity of Ficus semicordata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. leaves aqueous extract on D-galactosamine induced toxicity in HepG2 cell line
  5561. Hepatoprotective effect of Tetracarpidium conophorum oil in diclofenac sodium induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5562. Hepatoprotective Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaves and Seeds Powder on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5563. The use of vyazolistnogo labaznik (Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim) to increase the antioxidant activity of Hepatoprotective collection of plant origin
  5564. Preliminary Study on Hepatoprotective Activity of Aqueous Crude Extract of Allium ascalonicum against Ethanol-induced Liver Injury in Mice
  5565. Hepatoprotective and proapoptotic effect of Ecballium elaterium on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5567. Moringa Peregrina Leaf Extracts Produce Anti-obesity, Hypoglycemic, Anti-hyperlipidemic, and Hepatoprotective Effects on High-Fat Diet Fed Rats
  5568. Hepatoprotective Activity of Nigella sativa and Piper nigrum against Concanavalin A-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Mouse Model
  5569. Hepatoprotective Effect of Yiqijianpi Formula (YQJPF) on Liver Failure Through Modulation of Hypoxic and Apoptosis Pathways
  5570. Evaluation of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. fruit Ethanolic extract for Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity against CCl4 induced liver injury in rats
  5571. Characterization of 3‐aminospirostane alkaloids from roots of Solanum paniculatum L. with Hepatoprotective activity
  5572. Screening of anticancer, Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of ethanol extract of Elephantopus scaber L.
  5573. Preclinical Study on Hepatoprotective Effect of Pollen Extract of Pinus brutia Ten.(Red Pine) in Mice and Phenolic Acid Analysis Pinus brutia Ten.(Kızılçam) …
  5574. Phytochemistry, Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of Euphorbia cooperi NE Br.
  5575. Hepatoprotective Effects of Plumbago zeylanica L., A Folk Medicine from Southwest China
  5577. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in mice of trang to (ixora duffii) leaf extract
  5578. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Rhaphiostylis beninensis ethanol root extract on carbon tetrachloride (ccl4)-induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress
  5579. Comparison Hepatoprotective Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil and Curcuma Longa Linn Against Doxorubicin Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rat
  5580. Hepatoprotective Effects of the Leaves of Agauria salicifolia against Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury in Mice
  5582. … Characterization of Phenolic Compounds in Butanol Fraction of Ficus Lyrata Leaves and In Vivo Assessment of Hepatoprotective and Hypocholesterolemic Activities …
  5583. Evaluation of some Hepatoprotective preparations in experimentally induced hepatopathy in Baladi goats
  5584. Hepatoprotective Effects of Hypoestes rosea in Acetaminophen-Induced Toxicity in Albino Rats
  5585. Phytochemical Assessment, in vivo Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Evaluation of Aerva javanica Crude Methanolic Extract
  5587. Anti-hyperglycaemic, Anti-dyslipidaemic and Hepatoprotective Effects of the Polyherbal Mixture Diarth in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
  5588. Identification of Polyphenolic Compounds and Hepatoprotective Activity of Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus L.) Edible Part Extracts in Rats
  5589. Hepatoprotective Effect of Qushihuayu Formula on Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Induced by MCD Diet in Rat
  5590. Hepatoprotective Activity of Gentisic Acid on 5-Fluorouracil Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
  5591. Kasni (Cichorium intybus): A Unani Hepatoprotective Drug
  5592. Investigating the mechanism behind Hepatoprotective activity of Livafit
  5593. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Irradiated Chicory Root on Liver Necrosis
  5594. Hepatoprotective Activity of Cordia lutea Lam Flower Extracts Against Paracetamol‑Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5595. A Stereological and Biochemical Examination: Hepatoprotective Activity of Anthemis odontostephana Boiss. Ethanol Extract Against CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity in …
  5596. Isolation, Characterization of Phytochemical Compounds and Hepatoprotective Activity Evaluation in Rats of Various Extracts from Cyperus esculentus L. tubers
  5597. Evaluation of the antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Mucuna pruriens (L) cv. utilis forage meal and their polyphenols extract in Sprague Dowley rats
  5598. Health Benefits of Bioactive Phytochemical Avicularin and Their Potential Role as Hepatoprotective Agent: In Vivo and In-Silico Data Analysis.
  5599. Hepatoprotective Effect of Corn Silk Infusion in Male Wistar Rats
  5600. Hepatoprotective and Hematological Effects of Solanum melongena (Garden Egg), Solannum lycopersicum (Tomato) and Daucus carrots Subsp. Sativus (Carrot) …
  5601. Hepatoprotective Activity of the Biherbal Extract in Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Hepatoxicity—A Study of Histopathological Image Analysis
  5602. Hepatoprotective and antineoplastic potencial of red propolis produced by the bees Apis mellifera in the semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
  5603. Hepatoprotective Effect of Ginger Induced Experimentally by Dimethoate And Liver Injury in Adult Male Rabbits
  5604. Exploration of Hepatoprotective Potential and Phytochemicals of Ziziphus oxyphylla Edgew
  5605. Hepatoprotective effect of hypoxenum against exogenous toxicosis of white rats
  5606. Study of the Hepatoprotective action of rutan
  5607. ANTIOXIDATIVE AND Hepatoprotective EFFECTS OF Artemisia santonica AND Origanum syriacum AGAINST Schistosoma mansoni INFECTION
  5608. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Aya Bringaraja Karpam, a Herbo metallic Siddha formulation by using Zebra fish Model
  5609. Determination of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant role of thyme (origanum onites l.) infusion against ethyl alcohol induced oxidative stress in rats.
  5610. Identification of Polyphenolic Compounds and Hepatoprotective Activity of Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus L.) Edible Part Extracts in Rats
  5611. Medicinal Plants with Hepatoprotective Use: An Ethnobotanical Study of Hepatoprotective Herbs from Shahrekord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Southwest of …
  5612. Review on Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of Medicinal plants against Paracetamol Induced animal model
  5613. The Hepatoprotective Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Aqueous Extract Against Cadmium-Induced Toxicity on Male Rats
  5614. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Coriandrum sativum L. against hepatic injury by Lambda-cyhalothrin insecticide
  5615. Hepatoprotective Impact of Seaweed (Sargassum muticum) Nanoparticles against Diethylnitrosamine Promoted Progression of Liver Tumor in Male Rats.
  5616. Image analysis for diagnosis and early detection of Hepatoprotective activity
  5617. Hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, anti-amylase, and antiglucosidase effects of Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in rats.
  5619. Hepatoprotective Effect of Neonatal Administration of Non-Opioid Leu-Enkephalin Analogue in Adult Albino Rats Subjected to Antenatal Hypoxia
  5620. Hepatoprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Origanum vulgare against doxycycline toxicity.
  5621. Antidiabtic and Hepatoprotective
  5622. Bioactive Components and Hepatoprotective Activity of Acanthopleura vaillantii (Chiton) against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice
  5623. Evaluation of Anti-diabetic, Hepatoprotective and Antilipidemic Potentials of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) on Albino Rats
  5624. A review on anti-microbial and Hepatoprotective properties of himalayan wild fern Nephrolepis cordifolia (Pani Amla)
  5625. A Review on Hepatoprotective Activity of Citrus Limetta
  5626. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and anticancer potential of Ehretia laevis: An In-vitro evidence
  5628. Hepatoprotective activity of Caspian saffron (Crocus caspius Fisch and Mey) flowers against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in mice
  5629. Hepatoprotective and antiobesity effects of mirabegron, a novel β3-adrenoceptor agonist, on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in obese rats
  5630. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Neem Extract in Rifampin Induced Acute Hepatic Failure in Rats.
  5631. Hepatoprotective Impact of Geraniol Against CCl4-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats.
  5632. Hepatoprotective Potential of Tephrosia purpurea in Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5633. Hepatoprotective Activity of Against CCl-Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats
  5634. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective potential of aqueous leaf extract of Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf)
  5635. Hepatoprotective activity of Limnophila repens against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  5636. Hepatoprotective Agents as calcium channel blockers in paracetamol-induced and alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity models (curative method) in rats
  5637. Hepatoprotective of Eclipta Alba Methanolic Extract in Isoniazid and Rifampicin Proved Oxidative Hepatic Injury
  5638. Hepatoprotective Effects of Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid (A Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor) in Immunological Liver Injury in Rats
  5639. Design, synthesis and evaluation of 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione-Based fibrates as potential hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Agents
  5640. Phytochemical screening and Hepatoprotective potential of Niphidium albopunctatissimum Lellinger on alcoholic hepatoxicity induced in albino rat
  5641. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity in methanolic extract of Aerial parts of Hibiscus surattensis
  5642. Eryngium Bungei Boiss Extract Has Hepatoprotective Effect Against Liver Damage Induced by Acetaminophen in Rats: Novel Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory …
  5643. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of methanolic extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca against streptozotocin-induced liver damage in rats
  5644. Hepatoprotective effects of ursodeoxycholic acid explored via global metabolomics and bile acid profilings
  5645. Cocos nucifera L. inflorescence extract: An effective Hepatoprotective agent
  5646. Preformulation Study of Pugun Tano (Curanga fel-terrae [Lour.] Merr) Ethanolic Extract Granule Mass in Capsule as Hepatoprotective Drug
  5647. The Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Curcumin and N-acetylcysteine in rats exposed to arsenic
  5648. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees. extracts on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  5649. Hepatoprotective Effects of Capparis spinosa L. Fruit Extract in Mice
  5650. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effect of Guaiacum officinale in diabetes induced male albino wistar rats.
  5651. Isolation and Identification of Flavonoids from Arctiumlappa Stem and Study the Hepatoprotective Effecton Acetaminophen Induced Liver Damage.
  5653. Hepatoprotective action of Nagdantyadi Ghrita: a literature
  5654. In vivo antioxidant and Hepatoprotective activity of ethanol leaf extract of Senna hirsuta Mill
  5655. Hepatotoxic effect of lead and Hepatoprotective effect of Hydrilla verticillata on hepatic transcriptional and physiological response in edible fish Labeo rohita.
  5656. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera flower on ccl4 -induced toxicity in rats
  5657. Hematological and Biochemical Changes in Rats Induced With Diethyl Nitrosamine and the Hepatoprotective Role of Some Antioxidants
  5658. Synthesized oxime and ketone derivatives of ibuprofen have higher hepatic safety profile and Hepatoprotective potential against acute CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in …
  5659. Antiobesity, antioxidant and Hepatoprotective properties of aqueous infusion of Kochia scoparia seeds in rats with diet-induced metabolic syndrome
  5660. Hepatoprotective Activity of Hovenia dulcis Thumb. on Paracetamol Induced Liver Toxicity in Mice.
  5661. Lipid Peroxidation and Hepatoprotective Activity of Bauhinia Vahli Against Carbon Tetra Chloride Induced Toxicity
  5662. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of Sargassum wightii against CCl4 induced hepatic damage.
  5663. Hepatoprotective Impact of TLR9 Antagonist ODN 2088 Against Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Hepatic Injury
  5664. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Thymus Daenensis on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5665. An Overview on Hepatoprotective Activity.
  5666. In-Vitro Hepatoprotective Activity of Lindernia Madayiparense Extracts
  5667. Hepatoprotective effect of rutin and N-acetyl cysteine against isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity
  5668. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Artabotrys zeylanicus Stem against Various Hepatotoxins Induced Hepatotoxicity in …
  5669. EVALUATION OF Hepatoprotective ACTIVITY OF Eugenia floccosa Bedd. AGAINST INJURY IN CCL RATS 4
  5670. An Indian Desert Shrub ‘Hiran Chabba’, Farsetia hamiltonii Royle, Exhibits Potent Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effect Against Iron-Overload Induced Liver Toxicity …
  5671. Hepatoprotective effect of opioid peptides in stress. Research Results in Pharmacology 5 (1): 77–96
  5672. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Tephrosia purpurea L. against carbon tetrachloride intoxicated wistar rats
  5673. Hepatoprotective Effects of Curcumin Nanomicells in Alcohol-induced Liver Injury: Comparison with Curcumin and Silymarin in Mice Model
  5675. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of the methanol leaf extract of Diaphananthe bidens in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  5676. Hepatoprotective potential of the aqueous leaf extract of Telfairia occidentalis on the Liver function parameters in Adult Wistar Rats
  5677. Hepatoprotective, anti-hemolytic, and anti-radical properties of cold-pressed, no-solvent, extract of bottle gourd fruit
  5678. Hepatoprotective action of Nagdantyadi ghrita: A literature review
  5679. Hepatoprotective and choleretic activity of Tanacetum vulgare flowers extract
  5680. Hepatoprotective Activity of Silymarin in Combination with Clorsulon Against Fasciola hepatica in Naturally Infected Sheep
  5681. Hepatoprotective effects of Quassia amara stem bark against cadmium-induced toxicity in male Wistar rats
  5682. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of ayurvedic Amritarishta
  5683. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Essential Oil of Etlingera Fenzlii (Kurz) Skronick & M. Sabu (Zingiberaceae)–The Honey Bee Repellent Endemic Plant …
  5684. Hepatoprotective Potential of the Medicinal Herbs: An Updated
  5685. Hepatoprotective Activity of Leucas cephalotes against Paracetamol induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5686. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Potential of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Stem Bark as Abhava Pratinidhi Dravya (Substitute) of Rohitaka (Tecomella undulata (Sm.) …
  5687. Phytochemical Screening and Hepatoprotective Potential of Aqueous Fruit Pulp Extract of Adansonia digitata against CCL4 Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5688. Antioxidants and Hepatoprotective effects of chitosan nanoparticles against hepatotoxicity induced in rats
  5689. Hepatoprotective activity of Prunus domestica fruit extract against paracetamol-induced liver damage in Albino rats
  5690. Hepatoprotective Activity of Some Indigenous Plants of Northern India Against Chronic Paracetamol Intoxication in Rats
  5691. Phytochemical analysis and Hepatoprotective activity of Raphanus sativus var. Sativus in Sprague-Dawley rats: Hepatoprotective activity of Raphanus sativus var
  5692. study Study of the Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyherbal Formulation on Alcohol Induced Hepatotoxicity
  5693. Isolation and quantitative analysis of metabolites from Scrophularia buergeriana and their Hepatoprotective effects against HepG2 Cells
  5694. Biochemical and histopathological investigations of Hepatoprotective potential of Phoenix dactylifera against isoniazid induced toxicity in animal model.
  5695. Hepatoprotective Effect of Gum Arabic in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Potential Modulation of Intestinal Microbiota (FS07-07-19)
  5696. Hepatoprotective Molecules and Extracts Profile from Calotropis procera R. Br.
  5697. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities of the Cnidoscolus chayamansa (Mc Vaugh) leaf extract in chronic models
  5698. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effects of Capparis spinosa in Induced Thallium Poisoning in Rats.
  5699. In vivo Hepatoprotective potential and antioxidant properties of fractions derived from the ethanolic extract of Acanthospermum hispidum DC
  5700. Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum against hydralazine induced toxicity: An In vitro study
  5703. Hepatoprotective activity of Basella rubra on paracetamol induced toxicity in chicken
  5705. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Ocimum basilicum extract in CCl4-induced rats hepatotoxicity compared with silymarin.
  5706. Phytoconstituents, Hepatoprotective, and Antioxidant Activities of Euphorbia Cooperi NE Br.
  5707. To Study Analgesic, Hypoglycemic and Hepatoprotective Activity of Moringa olefera Leaf Extract in Albino Wistar Rats
  5708. A Comparative Hepatoprotective Effect of Liraglutide and Nano Extracts of Ficus carica and Olea europaea Leaves on Diabetes-Induced in Laboratory Animals.
  5709. Hepatoprotective Effect of Nigella Sativa Seed Extract against Isoniazid and Rifampacin Induced Hepatotoxicity.
  5710. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of the Methanolic Extract of Barleria Cuspidata against CCl4 Induced Liver damage in Experimental Rats
  5711. Hepatoprotective effect of lupeol is mediated through gluconeogenic enzymes: An experimental study.
  5712. Hepatoprotective Effect of Spissum Extract from Immature Walnut based on Model of Paracetamol-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Rats
  5713. Development standardization and Pharmacological Pharmacological Screening of Polyherbal Formulation for Hepatoprotective Activity
  5714. Hepatoprotective Effect of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck Ethanol Extract in Paracetamol-Induced Rats
  5715. Antimicrobial and Hepatoprotective Potential of Pterospermum acerifollium leaves Extracts on Swiss albino mice
  5716. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of hyaluronic acid-conjugated gold nanoparticles.
  5717. Study on Hepatoprotective mechanisms of Veratrilla baillonii based on network pharmacology
  5718. The Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Potential of Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) Ethanol Extract in Paracetamol-induced Rats
  5719. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of ethanolic leaves extract of Avicennia marina against alcohol-induced liver toxicity in rats
  5721. MEDICINAL PLANTS USED IN Hepatoprotective: A REVIEW
  5722. Hepatoprotective effects of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on diazinon induced liver damage in female mice
  5723. The Hepatoprotective capacity of selected natural products from South Africa
  5724. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Commelina diffusa Burm extracts on gentamicin-induced liver damage in rats
  5725. Study of Hepatoprotective effect of a new herbal remedy “Hepatropin” on a model of hepatitis in rats caused by tuberculostatic medicines
  5726. Hepatoprotective effects of Erythrina abyssinica Lam Ex Dc against Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Sprague Dawley Rats
  5727. A Review on Study of Hepatoprotective Activity of Chenopodium Album Linnon CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5728. Callicarpa macrophylla Leaves Extracts Evaluated as Hepatoprotective in Wistar Rats
  5729. Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Potentials of Aqueous Leaves ExtractofLimoniaacidissimain Phenylhydrazine-Induced AnaemicWistar Rats
  5730. Hepatoprotective effect of medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Alagar hills of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, India
  5731. Hepatoprotective and lipid-lowering effect of an apple vinegar beverage with oyster polysaccharides
  5732. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Ethanolic Extracts of Faidherbia albida Fruits and Stem Bark Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5733. Hepatoprotective Effects of Crude Phenolic-rich Extract from Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
  5734. A study on Biochemical Analysis of some traditionally used Hepatoprotective Medicinal Plants and In-Vivo assay in Rodent model
  5735. Investigating the Hepatoprotective potential of Ocimum americanum L. ethanol extract in rifampicin-induced hepatotoxicity mice
  5736. The structural analysis of melanin and its Hepatoprotective effect from Lachnum sp.
  5738. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Activities of Combination of Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Zingiber officinale in CCl4-intoxicated Rats
  5740. Hepatoprotective effects of Tribulus terrestris, Ashwagandha and N-acetylcysteine on liver fibrosis in carbon tetrachloride-induced rats
  5742. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Onion Peels Containing Protocatechuic Acid
  5743. Hepatoprotective and Hypolipidemic Effects of Herbs
  5744. In vitro Hepatoprotective activity of ursolic acid against CCL4-induced damage in hepatocytes.
  5745. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Momordica charantia leaves in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in Wistar rats
  5746. Carvedilol as a valuable Hepatoprotective agent against methotrexate-induced damage chiefly due to its anti-oxidant inheritence
  5747. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective activity of methanolic extract of Cleome viscosa and Cleome gynandra in STZ-induced diabetic rats
  5748. Role of Hepatoprotective drugs in the management of skin disorders with special reference to Kitibha (psoriasis): A case study
  5749. Studies on Hepatoprotective Activity of Various Extracts of Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity Rats.
  5750. Hepatoprotective effect of Hydroalcoholic extract of Potentilla reptans on oxidative stress biomarkers in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5751. Tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) as Hepatoprotective Agent: A Revisit
  5753. Hepatoprotective and body weight lowering effects of the aqueous leaf extract of Phyllanthus pentandrus Schumach. and Thonn (Phyllanthaceae) in …
  5755. Explore the mechanism of Swertia mussotii Franch. for Hepatoprotective effects with iTRAQ-LC-MS/MS.
  5757. Hepatoprotective effects of norgalanthamine on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in mice
  5758. Hepatoprotective Activities Of Polar And Non Polar Extract Kembang Sepatu Flower (Hibiscus rosasinensis L.)
  5760. Barley Sprouts May Have a Hepatoprotective Effect by Reducing Oxidative Stress in Habitual Alcohol Drinkers: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled …
  5761. Preliminary phytochemical screening and Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of whole plant of Evolvulus alsinoides using CCl4 induced …
  5762. The Research of 1, 2, 4–Triazole Derivatives Hepatoprotective Activity Under Tetracycline and Infectious Hepatitis
  5763. Caesalpinia bonduc Linn Extracts Exhibit Hepatoprotective Effect on HepG2 Cells against Paracetamol by Up-regulating Glutathione Related Genes.
  5765. In Silico Approach for Hepatoprotective Activity of Piper crocatum Leaf Towards CYP2E1 Protein:(TJPS-2020-0154. R2)
  5766. Hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols in rats with experimental thioacetamide-induced toxic liver pathology
  5767. Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Fresh and Fermented Clam Meretrix meretrix from Kalimantan, Indonesia
  5768. The Hepatoprotective activity of caraway essential oil (Carum carvi L.) against iron oxide nanoparticles induced toxicity in Wistar rats
  5769. The Hepatoprotective effect of Cheral as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation on mice (Mus musculus) with breast cancer
  5770. Phytochemistry and Hepatoprotective Activity of Chloroform Extract of NKC Ingredient in Santalum album Against D-Galactosamine Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5771. Hepatoprotective Effect Of Kangkong (Ipomoea Aquatica) Leaf In Sprague Dawley Rats
  5773. The use of metabolic Hepatoprotective infusion drug remaxol in the treatment of patients with alcohol dependence (literature review)
  5774. Hepatoprotective activity of against Carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage Pentatropis nivalis in rats
  5775. Screening of Antitumor and Hepatoprotective Activity Components from Hedyotis diffusa
  5776. Hepatoprotective Activities of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schottin Mice Model with Liver Injury Induced by Paracetamol
  5777. Curative and Hepatoprotective action of fenugreek (Trigonellafoenumgaraecum) seeds against cisplatin induced oxidative liver damage in male albino rats
  5778. Article Details Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effects of Selected Fruit Peel Extracts and Their Poly Herbal Mixture on CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity: An in vivo Study
  5779. Hepatoprotective and nephroprotective effects of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.(Fenugreek) seed extract against sodium nitrite toxicity in rats
  5782. Hepatoprotective effect of Azolla microphylla on isoproterenol-induced rats and the identification of active compound through HPTLC and GC-MS analysis.
  5783. Assessment of the Hepatoprotective activity of Tragopogon graminifolius DC. aqueous extract on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
  5784. Study on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Oxalis coriniculata L. and Related Mechanism by Regulating Oxidative Stress and TLR-2/NF-κB Signaling Pathway
  5785. Hepatoprotective studies on methanolic extract fractions of Lindernia ciliata and development of qualitative analytical profile for the bioactive extract
  5786. Extraction and Hepatoprotective activity of Pterospermum acerifolium on antitubercular drug induce toxicity in Swiss albino mice
  5788. Hepatoprotective Activity of Two Species of Sphaeranthus on Experimental Animal Models–a Comparative Study
  5789. Density functional theory study on the relationship between structure and Hepatoprotective activity of saponins from licorice
  5790. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Polyherbal Extracts in Rats
  5792. Hepatoprotective Activity of the Biherbal Extract in Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatoxicity—A Study (CCl4) of Histopathological Image Analysis
  5793. Hepatoprotective and Antioxidative Effect of Rosmarinic Acid Against Bile Duct Ligated (BDL)-Induced Cholestatic in Male Rats
  5794. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Albizia lebbeck Linn, Cassia occidentalis Linn and Swertia chirata Roxb. against paracetamol induced liver injury in wistar …
  5796. Pharmacological screening of polyherbal Hepatoprotective-‘Doctor’s LIVAFIT’
  5797. Development of Hepatoprotective polyherbal formulation from methanolic extracts of stems of Berberis aristata, fruits of Piper longum and roots of Boerhaavia …
  5798. Ursolic acid from a Hepatoprotective to powerful anticancer
  5799. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Ficus Platyphylla Del Holl
  5800. IL-6 and NFE2L2: A putative role for the Hepatoprotective effect of N. Sativa, P. Ginseng and C. Sempervirens in AFB-1 induced hepatocellular carcinoma in …
  5801. Phytochemical Screening and In Vivo Hepatoprotective Activity of the Cordia Myxa L Fruit Extracts Against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5802. The Relationship between Prohibitin1 Expression Levels and Hepatotoxicity Induced by Acetaminophen and Hepatoprotective Effects of S-adenosylmethionine in …
  5803. Hepatoprotective Effects of Novel Cultivated Antrodia cinnamomea
  5804. Fumonisin B1-induced mitochondrial toxicity and Hepatoprotective potential of rooibos: An update.
  5805. Hepatoprotective activities of aqueous extract of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) against lead-induced hepatotoxicity in albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)
  5807. Hepatoprotective Effect of Aqueous Extract of Gyrocarpus asiaticus on Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Zebra Fish
  5808. Hepatoprotective Evaluation of Galanga (Alpinia Officinarum) Rhizome Extract against Antitubercular Drugs Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
  5809. In silico Analysis of Hepatoprotective Properties of Bael Leaves
  5810. Phenolic compounds and Hepatoprotective potential of Anastatica hierochuntica ethanolic and aqueous extracts against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
  5811. Medical plant extracts and natural compounds with a Hepatoprotective effect against damage caused by antitubercular drugs: A review María Adelina Jiménez …
  5812. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Effect of Essential Oil of Etlingera Fenzlii (Kurz) Skronick & M. Sabu (Zingiberaceae)
  5813. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects of copper-nicotinate complex against fatty liver in rat model, Veterinary World, 12 (12): 1903-1910
  5814. Hepatoprotective activity of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in sodium nitrite-induced hepatotoxicity, Veterinary World, 13 (9): 1815-1821
  5815. Hepatoprotective Effect of DL-Methionine on Diclofenac-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats: An Experimental Study
  5816. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective action of Solanum melongena l. peel extract against paracetamol induced liver damage in albino rats
  5817. Hepatoprotective effects of Yinchenzhufu decoction on intrahepatic cholestasis liver injury in mice induced by ANIT via suppressing TLR4/NF-κB pathway
  5818. Silibinin from a Hepatoprotective to excellent antineoplastic agent
  5819. 1, 3-Benzodioxole-based Fibrate Derivatives as Potential Hypolipidemic and Hepatoprotective Agents
  5821. Investigations on Hepatoprotective effect of extract in Paracetamol Cuscuta reflexa induced toxicity
  5822. Investigation of Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of 6-14 Amaranthus dubius leaves, by in vivo and in silico methods
  5823. Hepatoprotective Effects of Pomegranate and Apple Juices Against N-nitrosodiethylamine-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Male Rats
  5824. Comparative Hepatoprotective effect of Nigella sativa pre-and post-treatment to rabbits
  5825. Hepatoprotective and Anti-oxidant effects of Nepeta Ispahanica Boiss extract on CCL4 induced liver Injury
  5827. Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Ethanolic Extracts of Faidherbia albida Fruits and Stem Bark against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Damage in Rats
  5828. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective activity of Hexafite in D-galactosamine hepatitis, antioxidant activity of the drug and its ingredients
  5829. Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of Caulerpa lentillifera against acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  5831. Hepatoprotective effects of Nigella sativa seed extract against acetaminophen-induced oxidative stress
  5832. Hepatoprotective Effect of Figs and Olives Fruits in CCl4 Induced Hepatic rats
  5833. Determination of Hepatoprotective and antioxidant role of thyme (origanum onites L.) infusion against ethyl alcohol induced oxidative stress in rats
  5834. OSR1 Plays a Hepatoprotective Role in High-Fat Diet Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  5835. Hepatoprotective Effect of Chrysanthemum zawadskii Extract (CZE) in Experimentally Induced Liver Damage Model In Vitro and In Vivo
  5836. In Vivo Hepatoprotective Potential of Rubus rosifolius Linn., Sapinit (Philippine Wild Berry)
  5837. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective potential of Itraconazole in CCl4 induced liver injury mouse model
  5838. Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Aerial Parts of Artemisia pallens in Mediating Hepatoprotective Activity of RIF+ INH Intoxicated Rats
  5839. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effect of aqueous extract of costus spicatus jacq. rhizome extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats–histological study
  5840. Article Details in vitro antioxidant and in vivo Hepatoprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Ziziphus rugosa Lam. leaves

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