
  1. (Acacetin), Apigenin 7-O-Apioside (Apiin), 5, 7-Dihydroxyflavone (Chrysin) And Luteolin); Anti-Inflammatory 5-Lox Inhibitors (5, 6, 7-Trihydroxyflavone (Baicalein), 5, 6, 3 …
  2. (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract And Water-Soluble Nanomicelles Of Green Rooibos Extract Encapsulated With Ascorbic Acid For Enhanced Aspalathin Content In Ready-To …
  3. Acute Assessment Of An Aspalathin-Enriched Green Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract With Hypoglycemic Potential
  4. Ameliorative Effect Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) On Hmgb1-Induced Septic Responses In Vitro And In Vivo
  5. Ameliorative Effect Of Aspalathin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) On Acute Oxidative Stress In Caenorhabditis Elegans
  6. An In Vitro And In Vivo Hepatotoxicity Study Of An Aspalathin-Rich Green Rooibos Extract
  7. An Investigation Into The Effects Of Aspalathin On Myocardial Glucose Transport Using Cardiomyocytes From Control And Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistant Rats, And …
  8. Anti-Inflammatory Effects Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) In Vitro And In Vivo
  9. Antioxidant Activity Of The Dihydrochalcones Aspalathin And Nothofagin And Their Corresponding Flavones In Relation To Other Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Flavonoids …
  10. Antithrombotic Activities Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin Via Inhibiting Platelet Aggregation And Fiia/Fxa
  11. Aspalathin A Unique Phytochemical From The South African Rooibos Plant (Aspalathus Linearis): A Mini Review
  12. Aspalathin Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative Stress In H9C2 Cardiomyoblasts
  13. Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Inhibit Endothelial Protein C Receptor Shedding In Vitro And In Vivo
  14. Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Inhibits High Glucose-Induced Inflammation In Vitro And In Vivo
  15. Aspalathin From Aspalathus Linearis (Rooibos) Reduces Osteoclast Activity And Increases Osteoblast Activity In Vitro
  16. Aspalathin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis): A Bioactive C-Glucosyl Dihydrochalcone With Potential To Target The Metabolic Syndrome
  17. Aspalathin Improves Glucose And Lipid Metabolism In 3T3‐L1 Adipocytes Exposed To Palmitate
  18. Aspalathin Improves Hyperglycemia And Glucose Intolerance In Obese Diabetic Ob/Ob Mice
  19. Aspalathin Protects Insulin‐Producing Β Cells Against Glucotoxicity And Oxidative Stress‐Induced Cell Death
  20. Aspalathin Protects The Heart Against Hyperglycemia-Induced Oxidative Damage By Up-Regulating Nrf2 Expression
  21. Aspalathin Reverts Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Through Increased Autophagy And Decreased Expression Of P53/Mtor/P62 Signaling
  22. Aspalathin, A C-Glucosyl Dihydrochalcone From Rooibos Improves The Hypoglycemic Potential Of 1 Metformin In Type 2 Diabetic (Db/Db) Mice 2
  23. Aspalathin, A C-Glucosyl Dihydrochalcone From Rooibos Improves The Hypoglycemic Potential Of Metformin In Type 2 Diabetic (Db/Db) Mice
  24. Aspalathin, A Dihydrochalcone C‐Glucoside, Protects H9C2 Cardiomyocytes Against High Glucose Induced Shifts In Substrate Preference And Apoptosis
  25. Aspalathin, A Flavonoid In Aspalathus Linearis (Rooibos), Is Absorbed By Pig Intestine As A C-Glycoside
  26. Aspalathin, A Natural Product With The Potential To Reverse Hepatic Insulin Resistance By Improving Energy Metabolism And Mitochondrial Respiration
  27. Aspalathin-Enriched Green Rooibos Extract Reduces Hepatic Insulin Resistance By Modulating Pi3K/Akt And Ampk Pathways
  28. Aspalathin-Rich Green Rooibos Extract Lowers Ldl-Cholesterol And Oxidative Status In High-Fat Diet-Induced Diabetic Vervet Monkeys
  29. C-Glycosylflavonoids. The Chemistry Of Aspalathin
  30. Comparison Of The Antioxidant Activity Of Aspalathin With That Of Other Plant Phenols Of Rooibos Tea (Aspalathus Linearis), Α-Tocopherol, Bht, And Bha
  31. Concise And Scalable Synthesis Of Aspalathin, A Powerful Plasma Sugar-Lowering Natural Product
  32. Concise Total Syntheses Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin
  33. Correction: Van Der Merwe, Jd, Et Al. Short-Term And Sub-Chronic Dietary Exposure To Aspalathin-Enriched Green Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract Affects Rat …
  34. Differential Modulation Of Gene Expression Encoding Hepatic And Renal Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes By An Aspalathin-Enriched Rooibos Extract And Aspalathin
  35. Effect Of Heat On Aspalathin, Iso-Orientin, And Orientin Contents And Color Of Fermented Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Iced Tea
  36. Electrospraying As A Suitable Method For Nanoencapsulation Of The Hydrophilic Bioactive Dihydrochalcone, Aspalathin
  37. Encoding Hepatic And Renal Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes By An Aspalathin-Enriched Rooibos Extract And Aspalathin Sameega Abrahams1, Sedicka …
  38. Enhancing Aspalathin Stability In Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Ready‐To‐Drink Iced Teas During Storage: The Role Of Nano‐Emulsification And Beverage Ingredients …
  39. Green Rooibos Extract From Aspalathus Linearis, And Its Component, Aspalathin, Suppress Elevation Of Blood Glucose Levels In Mice And Inhibit Α-Amylase And Α …
  40. Human Absorption And Metabolism Of Aspalathin, A C-Glycosyl Dihydrochalcone From Rooibos Tea
  41. Hypoglycemic Effect Of Aspalathin, A Rooibos Tea Component From Aspalathus Linearis, In Type 2 Diabetic Model Db/Db Mice
  42. Identification Of Broad-Based Sensory Attributes Driving Consumer Preference Of Ready-To-Drink Rooibos Iced Tea With Increased Aspalathin Content
  43. In Silico Modeling Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin Against Sglt2
  44. In Situ Flavonoid Analysis By Ft-Raman Spectroscopy:  Identification, Distribution, And Quantification Of Aspalathin In Green Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis)
  45. In Vitro Assessment Of Aspalathin-Enriched Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract Treatment In Statin-Induced Hepatotoxicity
  46. In Vitro Hepatic Biotransformation Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin, Dihydrochalcones Of Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis), And Assessment Of Metabolite Antioxidant …
  47. Inhibitory Interactions Of Aspalathus Linearis (Rooibos) Extracts And Compounds, Aspalathin And Z-2-(Β-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-3-Phenylpropenoic Acid, On Cytochromes …
  48. Intestinal Transport Characteristics And Metabolism Of C-Glucosyl Dihydrochalcone, Aspalathin
  49. Inulin As Microencapsulating Agent Improves Physicochemical Properties Of Spray-Dried Aspalathin-Rich Green Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract With Α-Glucosidase …
  50. Isolation Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Using High-Performance Countercurrent Chromatography: Sample Loading And Compound …
  51. Minimising Variation In Aspalathin Content Of Aqueous Green Rooibos Extract: Optimising Extraction And Identifying Critical Material Attributes
  52. Myocardial Glucose Clearance By Aspalathin Treatment In Young, Mature, And Obese Insulin-Resistant Rats
  53. Oxidation Of The Dihydrochalcone Aspalathin Leads To Dimerization
  54. Oxidative Fragmentation Of Aspalathin Leads To The Formation Of Dihydrocaffeic Acid And The Related Lysine Amide Adduct
  55. Preparation Of Rooibos Extract-Chitosan Microparticles: Physicochemical Characterisation And Stability Of Aspalathin During Accelerated Storage
  56. Renal Protective Effects Of Aspalathin And Nothofagin From Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) In A Mouse Model Of Sepsis
  57. Rooibos Tea: Equilibrium And Extraction Kinetics Of Aspalathin
  58. Short-Term And Sub-Chronic Dietary Exposure To Aspalathin-Enriched Green Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Extract Affects Rat Liver Function And Antioxidant Status
  59. The C‐Glycosyl Flavonoid, Aspalathin, Is Absorbed, Methylated And Glucuronidated Intact In Humans
  60. The Concise Synthesis And Biological Evaluation Of C-Glycosyl Chalcone Analogues Inspired By The Natural Product Aspalathin
  61. The Effect Of Aspalathin On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity
  62. The Effect Of Aspalathin On Levels Of Sugar And Lipids In Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic And Normal Rats
  63. The Physicochemical Properties And Stability Of Aspalathin In Micro-And Nanoencapsulated Green Rooibos Extract Formulations
  64. The Stability Of Aspalathin, Iso-Orientin And Orientin In Rooibos Iced Tea
  65. The Transcription Profile Unveils The Cardioprotective Effect Of Aspalathin Against Lipid Toxicity In An In Vitro H9C2 Model
  66. The Transport Of The Rooibos Tea Flavonoid Aspalathin Across The Skin And The Intestinal Epithelium
  67. Transcription Profile Unveils The Cardioprotective Effect Of Aspalathin Against Lipid Toxicity
  68. Transport Of Aspalathin, A Rooibos Tea Flavonoid, Across The Skin And Intestinal Epithelium
  69. Visualization Of Aspalathin In Rooibos (Aspalathus Linearis) Plant And Herbal Tea Extracts Using Thin-Layer Chromatography
  70. Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activity And Hypouricemic Effect Of Aspalathin From Unfermented Rooibos

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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