Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flower has been utilized as a popular drink all around the world and has been used as a medicinal healing practice.
The scientific name for this flower is Hibiscus sabdariffa. This flower has a very sour taste and may have to be sweetened if ingested as a tea. This flower originated in North Africa and Southeast Asia however it now grows in many tropical and subtropical climates.

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower

Healthy Cholesterol – Insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia are strongly associated with metabolic syndrome (MeSy), which is considered to be a reversible clinical stage before its evolution to coronary heart disease and diabetes. Currently, the antihypertensive and hypolipidemic properties of aqueous Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts (HSE) have been demonstrated in clinical trials and in vivo experiments.Significant differences in total cholesterol, HDL-c, and the TAG/HDL-c ratio were found when the means of absolute differences among treatments were compared (ANOVA p<0.02). Therefore, in addition to the well documented hypotensive effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa, we suggest the use of HSEP in individuals with dyslipidemia associated with MeSy.


Cancer Fighting – Hibiscus protocatechuic acid (PCA), a phenolic compound isolated from the dried flower of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Malvaceae), demonstrated antioxidant and antitumor promotion effects in our previous study. Overexpression of Bcl-2 in HL-60 cells delayed the occurrence of Hibiscus PCA-induced apoptosis. These data suggest that Hibiscus PCA is an apoptosis inducer in human leukemia cells, and that RB phosphorylation and Bcl-2 protein may play a crucial role in the early stage.


Prevents Oxidative Stress – Hibiscus anthocyanins (HAs), a group of natural pigments occurring in the dried flowers of Hibiscus sabdariffa L., which is a local soft drink material and medical herb, were studied for antioxidant bioactivity. The histopathological evaluation of the liver revealed that Hibiscus pigments reduced the incidence of liver lesions including inflammatory, leucocyte infiltration, and necrosis induced by t-BHP in rats.


The aqueous HSE investigated in this study enhanced the systemic AOP and reduced the oxidative stress in humans. Furthermore, the increased urinary hippuric acid excretion after HSE consumption indicates a high biotransformation of the ingested HSE polyphenols, most likely caused by the colonic microbiota.


Anti Obesity – The effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Hs) calyx extract on fat absorption-excretion and body weight in rats, was investigated. Besides, a collateral effect emerging from the study is that Hs extract components at the intermediate and greater concentrations used in this experiment could be considered possible anti-obesity agents, through their tendency to inhibit α-amylase. Numerous experimental studies have confirmed the important role of medicinal plants or their active components in the prevention and treatment, and in lowering risk factors of MS. As oxidative stress and inflammation are involved in the association between obesity, insulin resistance (IR) and hypertension, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant components like polyphenols might be useful as a treatment for MS.


Anti-Depressant – Hibiscus tiliaceus L. (Malvaceae) is used in postpartum disorders. Methanol extract of H. tiliaceus significantly decreased the duration of immobility in both animal models of antidepressant activity, forced swimming and tail suspension tests. Results indicate an antidepressant-like profile of action for the extract of Hibiscus tiliaceus without sedative side effect.


Kidney Stone Prevention – The present study aims at systematic evaluation of the calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa to establish its scientific validity for anti-urolithiatic property using ethylene glycol-induced hyperoxaluria model in male albino rats. It can be concluded that the calyces of H. sabdariffa are endowed with anti-urolithiatic activity and do not have genotoxic effects. Thus, it can be introduced in clinical practices and medicine in the form of orally administered syrup after further investigations and clinical trials.


Lowers Blood Pressure – The effectiveness of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (HS) in the treatment of risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease is assessed in this review by taking a comprehensive approach to interpreting the randomized clinical trial (RCT) results in the context of the available ethnomedical, phytochemical, pharmacological, and safety and toxicity information. The daily consumption of HS calyx extracts significantly lowered SBP and DBP in adults with pre to moderate essential hypertension and type 2 diabetes. In addition, HS tea was as effective at lowering blood pressure as Captropril, but less effective than Lisinopril. Over half of the RCTs showed that daily consumption of HS tea or extracts had a favorable influence on lipid profiles including reduced total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides as well as increased HDL-C.


Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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