Deer Velvet Antler is known as a supplement in the fitness genre. It works as a natural adaptogen and restores the homeostasis to an unbalanced body by assisting where it is required. While having an effect on many systems of the body it has a complex chemical composition.
The more active ingredient in deer velvet antler is IGF-1 which are required by the body to process any substances that assist in maintaining its health and well being. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2,000 years. While it continues to be a fundamental ingredient in TCM currently, other countries such as Asia, Europose and America have also used Deer Velvet Antler to treat many different medical conditions. Some of the benefits are increased improvement in general health, increase in blood supple and circulation, blood pressure reduction, increased levels of energy and endurance, increased muscle recovery.
There is preliminary evidence for other possible benefits of Velvet Antler, and this supplement may potentially have a role in fracture/bone healing rates, anti-additive properties, and improving skin regeneration rates pending more research; all three topics show some promise right now.
Healers and doctors in China have studied the effects of deer antler velvet for more than 2,000 years. The rest of the world however is just now catching up. It wasn’t until 1999 that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of deer velvet antler as a scientifically supported and compliant treatment for its beneficial effects in treating arthritis.
Russian and Japanese researchers believe the polysaccharides in antler may also reduce the blood’s tendency to clot, improving circulation, decreasing stroke risk. In several studies they found that many participants with high or low blood pressure also showed changes in blood pressure toward normal after taking an alcohol extract of antler called pantocrin or rantarin. They discovered that the extract appears to lower blood pressure in both human subjects and laboratory animals.
While it is a strange concept because of where the ingredient comes from there have been many counts of athletes utilizing this supplement. For example an article by the Business Insider shared that between 20 to 40 percent of professional MLB and NFL athletes have admitted to utilizing deer velvet antler.
Improve muscular strength – Because of the gradual increase of our age we naturally begin to produce less Human Growth Hormone and IGF-1. It is the liver that produces IGF-1 but only when HGH is high. It then converts it into the IGF-1. This same compound is currently on a prohibited list with the World-Anti-Doping Agency because they declared it gives the athletes an unfair advantage to build strength and muscle mass.
Another Study declared it improves the Fatigue Effect by Altering the Expression of Genres Related to Muscle strength in Skeletal Muscle of Mice (Article)
Faster healing factor and hair growth – A study conducted showed that because of the supply of collagen and IGF1 deer velvet antler can speed up the recovery process and healing of wounds and hair growth.
Many people suffer from hair loss despite the development of several medical treatments using plant materials. It is of great importance to develop new and promising treatments for wound healing and hair promotion. The findings in this study illustrate the possibility of a new treatment for human baldness during the wound healing process. If hair growth can be effectively controlled, then people with alopecia can potentially find a cure. (Article)
Physical and Bone Growth – A study conducted on mice concluded: our study of the effects of EVA dietary supplementation on body weight and femur development in growing rats tends to be supportive of the beneficial effects of EVA on bone development. Considering the traditional use of EVA as a tonic and valuable drug in Oriental medicine with long history, these findings provide support for continued exploration of nutraceuticals or functional foods.
Supplies Collagen and Minerals to Joints and Skin – A study by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology was able to find evidence that deer velvet antler assists in the strengthening of joints and bones while simultaneously reducing the systems of joint paint.
These results suggest that TVAPL are effective in preventing bone loss in OVX rats. The effect of TVAPL on osteoporosis is due to inhibition of IL-1 and IL-6 by nVAP, and promotion of mitosis. sVAP has similar bioactivity as nVAP. Thus, both TVAPL and sVAP may be potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. (Article)
Improve Stamina and Endurance– All groups within a double blind study showed significant improvement in strength. However the group with the deer antler powder showed the greatest increase in isokinetic knee extensor stength and endurance. (Article)
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.