See What Others Have To Say

“This is my third time ordering interstellar blends. The first time I took the blends I lost 18 lbs in 1 month. I noticed, while fasting, the only thing I could think about was water. This will pass after the first week. After taking his products I cured my asthma. This is huge for me because I was told I would die with asthma and its incurable. I used to use my inhaler 4-5 times a day for 30 years. I have not needed albuterol for 3 months and I fully believe it has been cured. No prescription drug has attempted to cure me. Rather, I believe the rx market is designed for profit. I believe ACB, Spice, and Apigenin were the difference. The best way I have found to stay consistent is to pre-mix them in small water bottles (Dasani is my choice because the bottle is wider and better to shake) and write numbers on them to take in a planned and science based order. Gavin’s products may be expensive but they are worth every penny. Each and every blend has a specific purpose and role to make a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. The blends are the real deal and anyone who says else wise simply has not tried them. Science ma constantly be evolving and changing but these blends do not lie. They work! Blends 5 stars Customer satisfaction 5 stars (Heres why) Most online businesses are a joke as far as customer service goes. Gavin has answered every question I have had and has even left me inspired with a Thunder fist. When I called the number on the business card I was expecting a transfer or to leave a message. Gavin personally answered the phone and answered all of my questions. This to me is rare and shows he is genuinely a caring and growing business man. You cannot fake passion and you cannot fake success. These blends are all the above. Thank you Gavin and Interstellar Blends”

Steve Greenwood

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“First I would like to say that I have been on a life long quest for health, I am 60 years of age, I hope that gives folks an idea of what I may or may not have tried over the years in this quest. It has been far and few between in finding quality supplements to help stem the tide of age related maladies for both the mind and body. I came upon Gavins blends a number of years ago and have been a loyal client ever since, of the listed product line I have utilized 13 different blends and none of them have disappointed. I am pleased that I was able to meet Gavin in person that many years ago. At the time I was feeling a bit down and out, my energy levels were waining and my emotional mindset was all over the place. I started out on the “Original Blend”, It was a godsend and over the years, each time Gavin create a new blend I made sure I was one of the first in line to receive and utilize these magnificent creations of his. I will have to say that of all the blends it was “Trinity” that put me in the mindset I had hoped to find in that lifelong quest of health and happiness. It was at that time, that for me personally, I no longer had to jump from one product line to the next in the hopes of finding an effective remedy to those maladies of aging. I feel I am at my best after a dose of Trinity in my morning coffee. I’ll be a lifelong client as long as “Interstellar Blends” are available to purchase.”

Robert Patrick

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“Interstellar Blends is nothing but quality from their products to customer service. First starting out with not taking any supplements for my health in the past 2-3 years these are a game changer. From the first time taking these products I have noticed a difference on the quality of my mind and health. My mind is able to be very clear and stay focused on what ever the task at hand is. My memory is on point, my energy is always high, and the time it takes for me to regroup and attack the day is short. My gym routines are laser focused and am able to preform more repetitions. With taking any of the blends I have also noticed it keeps me in the present. Being in the present has helped me become even more aware of how I feel about any situation at any given time. The blends have been a catalyst for me to dive deeper, and remain relaxed, on any thing that comes up. This is great because I enjoy reading and it helps me really understand what the author is writing and feel their emotions when they were writing, much easier then before. The customer service of Interstellar Blends has been top notch. The response time to hear back from them is short if not instant. The love and guidance on how you should be taking each supplement makes it the easiest to make sure that you get the most out of your supplements. Interstellar you have a customer for life. Thank you”

Joe Pacenka

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“I’ve been taking the blends since 2017. I’m in my late twenties, thin, I don’t fast and I don’t work out. I started because I was starting to think I had chronic fatigue or something. I would get off work in the after noon and take 3-4 hour naps, no energy drink could keep me awake. This is on top of sleeping atleast 9-10 hours at night. I was also feeling extremely emotional, literally ANYTHING could make me cry. I couldn’t look at a picture of a cute animal without bursting into tears. I decided to just spend the money and see what all the fuss was about. Almost immediately I saw a difference. I stopped needing to nap completely even when I wanted to take a nap in the middle of the day I just couldn’t. My emotions are controlled now. Anxiety and depression are kept at bay.

Sometimes I get lazy and stop taking them and about a week later I start feeling all my old symptoms again. Currently I take Trinity, Spice and ACB. I have not gotten sick this whole winter season even though I’ve been around multiple people with colds and the flu. What I found extremely weird though is that normally I get crazy horrible miserable cedar allergies dec-March and usually I have to take Allegra EVERY SINGLE DAY during these months. I have only had to take Allegra a handful of times during these past months. It’s so bizarre because I’ve always struggled with severe cedar allergies my whole life except for this past season!

My mom has always had high blood pressure but recently it got bad enough that the doctor put her on meds. She didn’t like the side effects so I told her about how I thought the Peel blend might help her. A few days into taking the Peel her blood pressure was normal, she says she feels great and has more energy. My dad has even noticed a difference in her mood and will ask her if she’s taken her Peel if she’s acting cranky. She’s about to be on her third bag of Peel!

Thank you so much Gavin. I look forward to trying out Apigenin and Nebula next!”

Stacy Silva

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“So I first started taking blends when Gavin introduced Peel in April of 2018 in his Facebook group. He was talking about this amazing combination of ingredients that helped bring down blood sugar readings. As someone with Gestational Diabetes when I had my daughter and also someone whose body shape screamed INSULIN RESISTANT (apple shape with larger middle), I knew I needed to try this blend and begin to regain control of my health. I was already doing daily 22:2 fasts, but my blood sugar readings were still too high. I was on board for trying this new product. I ordered before it even hit the website and had my first Peel package within a few days. Gavin’s turnaround with orders is crazy fast. So I tried my first Peel order. I ordered the 20:1, lower concentration, so I was taking a 1/2 tsp about every 4-6 hours with a swig of water. At first the taste of it gave me the shivers but soon I started loving the flavor – craving it even. At the same time, since I still had my blood sugar monitor from when I had gestational diabetes I decided to keep a more careful eye on my morning blood sugar readings. Within a week it was down 30 points! From about 130 to about 100 in the morning. After another week I was consistently in the 90’s! Okay, I was a believer! But the extra benefits were what kept me taking my Peel. Suddenly I had more energy to tackle my chore list. And a haze of “blues” (perhaps mild depression) seemed to suddenly lift and my family noticed I was smiling more. In the summer I was feeling so good that I allowed my PeelS to run out, thinking I would be fine. After about a week my husband started asking me what was wrong. I just seemed “down.” I realized the only thing that had changed was my Peel had run out. Oh geez! Time to reorder and rely on Gavin’s quick shipping! Since that time I have never let my Peel run out. If I get close to the end of my jar I reorder to make sure that I don’t have any days without it. My husband is now a believer in how much it helps my energy and mood and even reminds me to take my blends. I added Spice and Pine Pollen to my days and now, from trying the samples Gavin includes in orders at times I am deciding on what next to add. Thermo, Seven Sages and Trinity are all in my next shopping cart! With the encouragement of his Facebook group I have now moved to 44:4 fasting for enhanced insulin resistance healing and my Peel and Spice make fasting much easier. Weight is falling off that mid-section and I am moving toward more of an hourglass shape rather than an apple shape. My husband is not only seeing my mood shift but my body shape shift and is becoming a great fan of Interstellar Blends! Blends will be a permanent part of my routine for my physical and mental well-being. I am so happy that I found Gavin, Kristine and all of the research and science that goes with these products.”

KD Darby

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“I have been taking several of the blends for 6 months now. I have been practicing intermittent fasting for years but wanted to look into the health benefits of longer fasts and dry fasting. I stumbled onto Interstellar Blends Website and I knew I needed to learn more so I joined Gavin’s social media page. I was impressed with his interactions when he received questions. He goes out of his way to present his scientific research and gives FREE help to anyone who asks. I don’t know if people understand what a blessing that is. He wants to help people live a healthy lifestyle and heal their bodies. He answers the questions on his social account and creates relationships with the individuals that enter his Weight Loss Challenges. Gavin not only provides generous incentives to lose weight and get healthy but he will be your biggest cheerleader. He also provides the tough love that people need for the gentle push. He will not give up on you! Gavin is the real deal and he will help people achieve their individual goals. He has integrity as a business owner and it reflects in his customer service as well as the quality of the blends that he creates. I purchased the blends because I believe in the fasting lifestyle and I knew my health could be improved by taking things up a notch. My life is pretty hectic, like everybody’s, and I found myself “white knuckling” every single day. I was tired no matter how much sleep I got and my fuse with my children and others was growing shorter. I am a stay at home Mom. I homeschool my 6 kids. My triplet boys (my last 3 of the 6) require energy and stamina that I just could not muster. I eat healthy and workout, cardio and strength training. However, I just could not keep up with all of my responsibilities and it took a toll on my mental health. Interstellar Blends to the rescue. Gavin to the rescue. I love Matcha, Seven Sages, Peel, and Spice. They are all fantastic. However, Trinity, Thermo, and Nebula are so far my favorites. But they all work together and I am working on completing my Interstellar Blends stash. I love Thermo because I can tell a difference in my workouts. I sweat very quickly and have increased my weight in every single lift after YEARS of trying. Personally, I burn more calories and have more intensity. I don’t have to make myself work harder, I just do it. Does that make sense? Trinity has helped calm the sea of “crazy” in my head. The frantic feeling that I had everyday has been released. My life is a circus but I can handle things when they start spiraling out of control. And they will. But I no longer fall into a deep depression when things go awry. Trinity helps me remain calm and helps me breathe during the storm. It’s a God send. And last but most certainly not least is my baby Nebula. She is beautiful in every way. Nebula allows me to make it through the dreaded afternoon droop time. In fact, I no longer have a droop time. Nebula gives me the energy to accomplish and take on my very long days. Nothing has ever done this for me. I’ve always fought my low energy levels. Always! I figured it was just me. This fantastic blend has given me super powers, I swear! I am so productive and enjoy my life because I don’t feel like I am dragging my feet every where I go. It is life changing. Thank you Gavin for your research and your science. You are changing lives. Thank you for your hustle and love of your clients. God Bless You!.“

Sarah Hawkins

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“When reflecting on the value that Interstellar Blends has added to my life the words that come to mind are: Life Changing, phenomenal, blessing, thankful, magic, exceptional, extraordinary, outstanding, amazing…and I could go on and on. I am 38 years old, with a little girl and a set of twin boys, all together 3 kids 4 years old and under. My husband is deployed overseas. Being able to perform at my best is a must, not just for survival purposes but so I can shape and form my kids in a way that sets them up for as much success as possible, I must not just survive but be present. After having 3 babies in 2 years I found myself having to lose weight, correct the insulin resistance I seemed to have developed along with blood pressure issues and figure out a way to clear the clouds in my brain. This started my research and foray into intermittent fasting and eventually extended fasting. I was able to muscle my way through the fasts but let me tell you a lot of discipline was required. Enter Interstellar Blends. I became a member of the group long before my first purchase. Dry fasting was something I had heard of but usually disregarded. As I began to read more and more and hear the testimonials of others, I decided to jump in. My first experience with the blends was a 66-hour dry fast, I was prepared for it to be hard, but with the blends I breezed right through, my workouts unhindered if not superior and my mental clarity better than ever. Since the first time there have been many more 24, 48- and 66-hour dry fasts accompanied by the blends. Each day I take them I am more and more convinced I have found a resource that will allow me to be my best, I have found something that allows me a profound edge. I love to be active, lift heavy, work hard, raise my kids in an active life style and work daily to achieve the best results in life I can. I want to leave this world better than I found it. Sure, to accomplish these goals there are many factors necessary, but I truly believe Interstellar Blends are one of the major components to the success of my goals. With the blends I have experienced mental clarity, discipline amplified like never before, better sleep, more patience, a profound improvement in my ability to process, plan and accomplish goals, thoughts and desires. And all the results from my Internal Medicine doctor came back normal. If you are on the fence about making an investment to purchase the blends, I encourage you to make the jump, you will not be disappointed. What Gavin has been able to accomplish with these blends is truly a gift to anyone willing to accept it. The blends have changed my life in the best way possible thus changing the lives of those around me as I am able to be the best version of myself possible for each person that I love and interact with. Thank you Gavin. Thank you for taking the time to invest your heart, soul and mind in to these life changing blends.”

Sarah Ashleigh

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“Gratitude is what comes to mind when thinking about Interstellar Blends. What Gavin has done to enhance the lives of so many is how this world is able to change for the better. I’ve always believed that everything the human body needs to thrive has already been put on this earth. Gavin’s extensive research, knowledge and experience has brought my belief to an accessible reality. Life is hard and last year I had fallen on very hard times like losing my father and almost my home. Stress and grief certainly took a toll on my body and mind. After a few months of learning and reading all about what Gavin and Interstellar Blends preached, I had decided I was worth the investment and bought Trinity and Thermo. Needless to say, I am happily a customer for life. The blends have given me back my happy. I’m more patient and energized, making me the mother my kids deserve and the wife that my husband adores. Do yourself a favor and decide to invest in yourself with the help of Interstellar Blends.”

Jenny Pfaff

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“Be yourself, but BETTER! Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten what you were looking for? Or have you ever been in the middle of telling a story and suddenly realize you don’t remember the point you were trying to make? What about when you have a task to complete, do you procrastinate or get distracted easily when you finally sit down and get started making it impossible to complete quickly? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by all that you have to do that you can’t focus long enough to get even one project on your to do list completed? For me, I experienced all of those things, maybe not every day but often enough that it frustrated me. I found this site when researching fasting and decided to purchase a Sampler pack to enhance my fasting experience and improve my health. I’m pretty healthy as it is but let’s be honest, I’m an overachiever and am always looking for ways to be better, feel stronger, have more positive energy and be able to keep up with my very energetic 8 year old twins. I have been using the blends for about 3 weeks now and here is what I love and what I’ve experienced so far: 1. I love that there is a blend for every day of the week (Seven Sages)-Everyone knows Mondays are different from Saturdays. I love that I can be mentally ready for anything-and maybe even a little sharper on days when I need it most. 2. The description of Shilajit-DESTROYER OF WEAKNESS-doesn’t that just sound COOL? When I take this one, I find myself saying DESTROYER OF WEAKNESS out loud. I know that may sound silly but this little affirmation helps me to believe it is working! 3. I haven’t used many of the blends independently of one another so I can’t tell you specifically which one is doing what for me besides generally helping me feel healthy and keep a positive outlook, the exception, however is with Nebula. When I take Nebula, my already motivated, positive, energetic personality is amplified. I am OVERFLOWING with FOCUSED energy. I don’t mean “scattered, let me start a list for all that I want to do today but then I lose the list” kind of energy. I’m talking about laser focused, procrastination busting energy. I DO NOT feel tired, I do not drag my feet in the morning, I don’t get distracted easily or have to slowly get my day started. I take my blends with Nebula and I am at 100%. I can run 12 miles and feel great (I’m a runner anyway-I am not saying you’ll be able to start from zero and go run 12 miles) or I can sit down to work and check 10 things off my to do list before 9am. Nebula increases my productivity and ability to stay on track. Even if a distraction comes up (a phone call or a person walking in interrupting me) I can easily pick back up where I left off and work projects to completion. I NEVER WANT TO BE WITHOUT Nebula, this has to be my favorite. 4. Overall-I feel confident, powerful, positive, energetic, rested, calm, and AMAZING! My combo included samples of: Peel, Matcha, Spice, Trinity, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit, Seven Sages, Thermo and Niagra. Through the combination of these blends, I am sleeping well and I’m waking up easily. I feel strong and motivated before my workouts and have endurance and power during the workouts. I’m confident and I find myself complimenting others-something I didn’t often do in the past, probably because of my own self-consciousness. I don’t feel hungry when I shouldn’t and I’m able to fast longer which is helping me work toward my goal weight (or to just maintain). To circle back to the questions I asked above-I didn’t buy the blends thinking I needed to fix those little moments of forgetfulness or distraction because they just seemed like a normal part of life, but I believe the blends HAVE fixed them!! Besides all the energy and productivity I experience with Nebula, I believe the combination of all the other blends has eliminated those moments of forgetfulness that seemed normal to me before. I notice others around me having those moments and I’m able to help them remember what they were doing or saying. It makes me feel mentally strong not having those distractions. I may still start a to do list but now I’ve noticed that even if the list is in the house and I’m out at the store, I can remember 99% of the items on the list where before, I couldn’t function without a list in front of me telling me what I was supposed to be doing and even with the list in front of me, I could get easily distracted making a 10 minute project become something that takes hours to complete. This has to be the most unexpected benefit I have experienced with the blends. I can’t wait to see how I feel in 3 months-I expect the benefits will just keep growing. Thank you!!”

Kelly Morgan

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“I know without a doubt that Trinity and Seven Sages combined are my favorite blends that I have tried so far. Before those I tried the Original Interstellar blend, Super Nova and Nebula, which are all great blends as well. I’ve had issues with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember and as soon as I took my first dose of Trinity + Seven Sages in the morning, it’s like all of my mental issues were obliterated almost instantly! These herbs have changed my life for the better. Throughout the day I feel alert, energized, focused, and my self-confidence is through the roof! I work an 8 hour shift at my job where a lot of movement and heavy lifting is required, and while I’m on these herbs I never feel tired which is amazing after only taking one morning dose. My thoughts are crystal clear- Seven Sages does a great job neutralizing brain fog, while increasing memory ability. Its a much better alternative than taking Adderall because you can feel energized and focused all day without feeling cracked out and jittery. Trinity works great for mental clarity as well, I feel an inner peace, my mind is at ease, and the things I worry about in life aren’t so scary any more! Thank you Gavin so much for creating these blends and getting the herbs from the best sources! I truly feel revitalized while taking these herbs, they definitely work together very well, and I feel like I can be the best version of myself while on them. Trinity also curbs hunger, which is great because I like to dry fast in the morning between 8am and noon. I have nothing but love for these herbs, and I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to transform into the best version of themselves.”

Derrick Jeter

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“Before I started the (Interstellar) blends/herbs… I had two test that said I had Lyme Disease. After I started the blends/herbs… Lyme Disease test came back negative. Doctor blamed it on some of the tests giving inaccurate readings? Before I started the blends/herbs.. I was told I had high cholesterol and needed medication rest of my life… After the blends/herbs… Cholesterol fine… No medication needed. I eat pretty healthy and one meal a day… How the hell did I get high cholesterol.. amazing! Actually, the Lyme Test results were the last straw for me… More medications! With some Surgeries that started the whole downfall… on many medications (7), tests results going haywire/positive on many things, no energy, sick all the time, weight gain, sleeping all the time, negative, not getting better. I, finally, listened to a friend telling me to get on your blends. So I got on your blends… Cold turkey stopped all medications, tests results all came back negative, weight drop, energy back, feeling good, positive again, etc. I think the medical field works to keep you sick and on medication. I see this all the time. I had a few surgeries and, actually, needed the medications afterwards… But I didn’t need to be on any of them for life like I was told! The surgeries put me down and the medications kept me down! The natural blends/herbs took my body back to health! I had, always, love herbs and taken them before. But just one herb was very expensive and you really need knowledge of what not to mix and how much to take… just like anything else. Your packages that contain tons of herbs, the right amount and proper mixture are a total deal and cover/address so many issues with the whole body. It is a no brainier for me!?? I was taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers, pain pills after the surgeries and had severe stomach problems… So they put me on stomach medicine. Was itching all the time, itch medications. Got dizzy/nausea easy, dizzy/nausea medication. Now that my test were coming in positive.. I needed Lyme medication, Cholesterol medication and Calcium medication. Went to specialist and he told me any of those medications would have hurt your stomach… All of them almost destroyed your stomach. It will take a year for your stomach to recover from this damage. Now they wanted to put me on more medications and I was feeling like crap and never improving… Just getting worse! Finally said enough .. everything they were doing was destroying my body… I was like a guinea pig! I have come to the conclusion that the government and medical field use us as guinea pigs to test everything… Surgeries, treatments, medications, chemicals, vaccinations, tests, food, drinks, games, movies, technology, etc. To see how it affects us, controls us, what it does to our minds and bodies. It is all about controlling us and putting money in their pockets! Oh, and I forgot to mention that my thyroid was off and needed lifetime medication for that too! After the blends… Thyroid was fine! Amazing!!”

Barbara M. Poitras

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“I am 60 yrs old and I have had a lifetime of trying to lose weight and be healthy. I was Vegetarian from 18 yrs. old and for many, many years. I became grain free, practiced intermittent fasting and and water fasting for the past 10 yrs. and although my blood results have always been good for being overweight, I still was unable to lose any significant weight. My Mother came to live with us 10 yrs ago at the age of 89 with the life expectancy of 2 yrs. She had been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. In the first 6 months. that she lived with me, I weaned her from her drugs and she went on to the same way of eating as my family. My Mother is now 98 1/2 yrs old. She has lived 10 years beyond what the Dr. said she would live. Still with dementia but, never had anything more than a slight cold in 10 years. In the winter of 2018, I first started hearing about dry fasting. I had done two 30+ day water fast in my life and many juice and water fast but, had never heard of dry fasting before. At the end of Jan. 2019 I did my first 44/4 dry fast. Loved it! I found it easy to do and I lost 14 lbs. on the first cycle. I continued on with more cycles of dry fasting and then on March 10th. my Mother unfortunately had aspiration pneumonia and ended up in the hospital for four days. I took her out because they or of course were taking us down a road of death purely because of her age. I brought her home and she started doing very well the next day. While, I was at the hospital with her I Messaged Gavin to ask him a couple of questions about my dry fasting experiences, at this point I was not using the blends. Gavin being the extremely Special & generous person that he is, offered to send me some samples of his blends. They could not have come at a better time! Because I chose to bring my Mother home early, I ended up having to do a lot of her life-saving needs that kept me up a few nights and my days became extremely busy with having visits from nurses, bathers, Social workers etc. I was on the blends at this point and even though I was going through a very trying time trying to help my Mother survive, I chose to continue on with my dry fasting cycles. I have read from other people about having so much more energy on the blends but, unfortunately where I didn’t feel an abundance of energy, I think they were saving me from becoming the next hospital victim. I have heard all the stories about Caretakers and how they would die even before the person they were caring for. I promised myself when we took in my Mom that I would not let that happened to me. I have too much to live for. “Trinity” seemed to keep me even keeled and capable of handling all the stress that I was bombarded with. It helped me sleep very peacefully at night and ready to take on the next day. “Matcha” definitely gave me energy enough to get through another trying day. I have done 14 dry fasts since Jan and I have lost 44 lbs. Losing the weight obviously helped me to care for my Mom as well. “Peel” has also helped to improve how I feel while dry fasting. My nails are growing quickly and my skin is looking healthier instead of tired. I know for sure if it weren’t for the blends I never would of been able to keep up the stamina of caring for my Mom, Husband, Grandchildren or myself. I’m so grateful for the Dry Fasting group board and all the advice and support. I am inspired by all the others who are successfully becoming their true selves. But, most of all so blessed to have come across Gavin and all of his wonderful gifts of knowledge and wisdom that he is so graciously sharing with the world. I am also glad to be putting my Husband’s health and mine back together, instead of falling apart. We will definitely continue to use Interstellar blends to help mend and repairing ourselves for happier & healthier Senior years to come. Thank you Gavin!!!!”

Roberta Jackson

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“The Interstellar product line is truly amazing. In today’s age, many large corporations spend huge amounts of money creating monopoly’s in the market, swarming the product space surrounding supplementation and personal health upgrades. Many of these products are counter productive to actually increasing one’s health. What Gavin has been able to do with Interstellar is truly phenomenal. Through immense research, and deep learning, Gavin has created a superior line of products that genuinely better the well being of any person who consumes them. The fact that majority of North America drinks 1 coffee per day makes his products even more of a necessity, as it blends perfectly with caffeine. My wife took Gavin’s entire line of products during the pregnancy of our first child, and she turned out magnificent. Her name is Laila, and she is one happy baby – always glowing, a perfect bill of health, and energized with a smile. I have personally benefited from taking the products. Many upgrades in my health have been realized over the last 2 years, which is when I started taking the products. Being the CEO of a large company, father of a newborn, and training to play professional hockey, I need to have the best supplements on the market – and that is exactly what the Interstellar products are – the best. I always say, you can’t put a price on your health – and it should be everyone’s #1 priority in life. Thank you Gavin for making this world a better place, one persons health at a time. “

Founder, The Beard Club Chris Stoikos

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”Man, I love a good healing story and this time it is mine. Four years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids and the doc said we would keep an eye on it to see when/if I needed surgery. Bleeding, pain, no fun… Three years ago I started fasting. Still experiencing fibroid symptoms. Year and a half ago I started blends. Today? No fibroid symptoms. No pain! No bleeding! At my newest checkup the gynecologist said there was no evidence of fibroids. HOLY CRAP!”

KD Darby

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“OMG!!!!! I Realized this morning that ALL of the little skin tags on my neck are GONE!!!!! I hadn’t even noticed them diminishing… I just looked in the mirror this morning and they’re GONE!! Interstellar Blends did this!! I haven’t been doing the best on the fasting/weight loss, but the effects of just taking the herbs is changing my skin!! WOW. I am in shock right now-Those little buggers were spreading like wildfire on my neck… Now they are just GONE. GONE!!!”

Sonya Dee

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“I usually do not write reviews for products, but after having the interstellar blends I felt compelled. After reading the site and researching the blends for 3-4 yrs I decided to actually give them a go. due to covid the blends took a while to come and so in that time I started to dry IF for 2 weeks. From that alone I saw a massive improvement in my state of mind, creating a feeling of lightness and clarity.

Once the blends came, everything changed. I had been a deep meditator for a few month before trying all this and noticed changes like stillness and reduction in anxiety and increased visual acuity, after trying Trinitiy in the morning with my coffee, I felt all those feelings amplified, in a calm, clears headed way. I had a feeling like being surround by a bubble of light. Anything can happen in the external and it doesn’t change your state.

Once I brought in the other blends from the sampler packages, I felt my muscle retention during the dry fasts were evident. There’s a constant clarity and flow, where you’re walking , driving, working everything seems pleasant. My favourite combo is the trinity, Nebula, Thermo and Seven Sages.

When I went home I shared trinity with my parents and brother who were skeptical but after reading the list of ingredient they were more than happy to try. Things I noticed where they were in a better state of mind, less anxious or snappy. Conversations flowed and even though the feeling for them was subtle I could tell the change.

If you really want a change or already on a journey to self improvement this can be the stepping stone to send you to the next level and I’m already considering getting another supply.

Don’t shy from the price tag, it shows the amount of ingredients in the products and they come in a huge box, well packaged that gives you the feel like you’re opening a box of presents on Christmas Day.

Don’t think just try them, consider how much you spend on products, gym memberships, Netflix, cable etc and then consider the potential these blends have to change you state of mind and health and increase you wealth.

Nuff said, don’t think just try”

Shah M

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“What makes a good song? Is it the melody, the sequence of notes, the beat, the words, the breaks, the stops? I’d say it’s balance of all these thing in synchronistic proportion to one another. When all of the elements are there complementing each other, creating synergy, its transcendent and outstanding. I like a good song, who doesn’t , right? Well I feel like that philosophy applies to many things in life not just music, an amazing meal, an innovative idea, a product. I have been interested in health, well being and finding a way to bring out the resonance of my existence into clear and self evident vibrancy for most of my adult life. I have searched, experimented with different diets, supplements and products for years searching for the right combination of substance to pronounce with definition the resonance I desire for my body. I started using Gavins Blends a few years ago and when I first started it was a clear and undeniable positive effect. I stopped using and taking a plethora of different supplements and products that I feel were redundant in addiction to Interstellar blends. There was no comparison. No need to pop open all these containers and take all these tablets and mix all these powders in smoothies everyday when I could just mix this easy to use, ready to go formula into my coffee or tea in the morning and throughout the day. So again, like I wrote earlier these blends are an amazing and balanced combinations of all the right stuff that makes up a masterpiece. Well, done Gavin. You keep me coming back for more, please don’t ever stop. Thank you.”

Chauntawe Hubbard

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“Finding out about Gavins blends was life changing for me. For years I suffered from PCOS, anxiety/depression, and constant lower back pain. Over the summer I followed the 22/2 program mega dosing with Trinity, Nebula, Shilajit, Peel & Spice, Seven Sages, and Pine Pollen. The chronic back pain I had for years was gone within a week. I finally was able to sleep through the night. I’ve always had issues with anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Taking the blends has changed me into a much happier, emotionally stable person. Trinity has had such a calming effect on my moods without leaving me feeling tired or depressed. Nebula has also been another favorite of mine! It gives the extra energy boost I need and leaves me feeling motivated. My job as a nurse can be very stressful, so Nebula gives me what I need to make it through tough shifts. Another unexpected blessing was the blends helping with my PCOS. I became pregnant when doctors told me I never would have another child. I believe the blends played a huge role in my pregnancy and its such a blessing. As of right now I am only taking small doses of Trinity, Peel & Spice, Shilajit, and Pine Pollen. I have had no morning sickness and fatigue has rarely been an issue. My pregnancy has been healthy thus far and I will continue to take the blends. His product is truly amazing and worth the cost. I recommend this for any woman out there going through anxiety, depression, and fertility issues.”

Alexandria Carrington

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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