“WOWZA, if you haven’t tried Autophagy Activator yet you have to. I received it as part of the special running now. I contacted Gavin through facebook thats how I found this magician, my main concern was my pre menopause hot flashes, I would wake up 3/4 times at night sweating really bad; took me a long time to fall back asleep and again woke up sweating, just AWFUL nights; I didn’t wanna reach for hormones that my doctor recommended. Let me tell you its been 10 days now, no hot flashes anymore, lost 10 lbs, lots of energy I’m not hungry to the point you look at food and think, “Will I ever crave bad food AGAIN??”scary? My husband think I’m gone die soon cos im not eating like I used to ?but I eat what Gavin recommends- sardines greens, beets and more from the list, I’ll message him every time I have questions and he answers no mater what time it is. Cant wait to see what else I will benefit out of the blends!!!! Thank you very much Gavin !!!”
“I have been taking Autophagy with Nebula first thing every morning for just over a week now! Wow! It is just amazing. The Autophagy makes my fasting much easier, I regularly just have one meal a day, I have noticed that I don’t need to eat as much in the meal. Combined with the Nebula in the morning, it really is kick-ass fuel, I am more focussed, brain-fog disappears, more productive… the benefits keep on coming. I don’t get an afternoon slump, if I feel tiredness creeping in I have some more Autophagy with Peel and I’m back up to speed until my feeding window. I’m not sure if this is a side-effect of the Autophagy but I have lost around 7lbs weight without even trying. Glad I bought a big bag to keep me going! Another benefit I have noticed is my hair seems to be growing much faster, again it will be interesting to see if this is because of the Autophagy. I have been taking Gavin’s blends for over two years now, in that time I have sorted my mental health and now my physical health, feeling better than I have done for 10 years. I’m 44 years old and still not a grey hair to be found, all my blood results show my body is in top form. Fasting – Blends – Good Diet Thank you Gavin for another Interstellar Blend!!!”
“Helico works right away in killing Helicobater Pylori! I’ve been trying to get rid of this for years. The first side effects were not pleasant as the bacteria put up a fight. BUT after about 3 days I started getting better. I used to feel exhausted every time I ate. This no longer happens. I expect to see better and better health results now that the bacteria is gone. Thank you Gavin for your endless supply of info and support. You are much appreciated!”
“Okay so, my pancreatic cancer is gone. I’ve used Peel and Super Nova religiously. I won’t deny that’s it’s been a fight but my doctor doesn’t know what to say. I refused chemo and other meds because I simply couldn’t afford them. When it got really tough, I got a hold of Gavin and he didn’t flinch in setting me up with what he thought could help. It did. I’m getting back to my normal self but I wouldn’t be able to say this without Gavin’s amazing Blends. What I did, Peel and Super Nova in the morning and dry fasted all day at work. I’d eat a good prepared meal at night then repeat. On days off I always made the goal to only use the blends in tea or coffee and dry fast on days off. I’m cancer free!”
“GAME CHANGER!!! I’ve been taking 10-15 mile walks daily as a part of Gavin’s 88/8 challenge regiment and up to cycle 5 I was finding myself having very little trouble energy-wise completing my walks. Some leg and foot pain…but no real fatigue. But cycle 5 brought with it Mother Nature’s monthly calling card and with it a fatigue that blew the wind out of me…until Thermo. I do my walks first thing in the morning when I work or have lots of things to do and even with the first recommended shot for the challenge I was finding myself dragging…having to stop and take 3 minute breaks dang near after every mile or so. Then came the second shot with Thermo. I can’t even explain the night and day difference walking those first couple of miles without Thermo vs. walking the last couple of miles with it. I would take the shot…swish it around my mouth for 30 seconds as Gavin recommends…and I swear I would feel my whole body awaken almost instantly! I’ve now added Thermo to EACH of my shots throughout the day for the crazy clean energy it gives…and I’m ordering another Thermo for backup so that I never run out!!! As a person who has suffered from low-energy ALL HER LIFE…with that time of the month being a particularly debilitating time for me energy-wise…you have no idea how awesome it is to have something that gives me my life back the way Thermo does! There was a time I would literally have to call off from work during my cycle because of how incredibly fatigued I would be. To be able to go from that to being able to walk 10 miles during my cycle with ease…LIFE CHANGING”
“I received the Autophagy and peel blends just a few days ago and all I can say is WOW. I have been suffering from arthritis due to old injuries from years of weight lifting, auto accidents, painting murals, etc… This had caused me to to put ME on the back burner. After seeing so many others benefit from the blends, I finally gave in. I chose the autophagy blend because I read about the appetite suppressant effects it had on others. The Peel blend was chosen bc I want the glowing skin that all blend users are raving about! The first morning I took it, I mixed both with just a bottle of water. It was an almost immediate rush of energy. Not the nasty stimulant kind either. I went on to complete a full day of working outside in 98 degrees. I actually forgot to eat and was not hungry all day! I had to actually force myself to eat dinner. This is unheard of as I LOVE to eat, lol. It is now day four since I’ve been using the blends and my appetite has shrunk, my energy levels are through the roof, my aches and pains have drastically gone down, and I am up and at em in the morning with a new zest for life. I also wanted to point out that I have suffered from tightness in the chest for years now. I chalked it up to anxiety and kind of just expected it to always be there. Especially at night. I would literally feel my heart beat through my ears until I fell asleep. Wellll folks, it’s so weird because that feeling is completely gone! Poof! Even if I try to stress myself out on purpose to emulate it, my heart is just steady as ever. No tightness whatsoever! I can’t even wait to see what other ailments melt away. These blends are kick ass! Gavin has put so much thought and research into every single ingredient. There is no way I’d ever be able to afford to buy or even FIND every single one by itself. This blend is a masterpiece, perfectly orchestrated like a piece of fine ass music ? Bravo Gavin! Bravo”
“Hello Family, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for this amazing blend NIAGRA. I’ve been married for over 20 years, and I thought the romance was not where it once was. It was a combination of life happening and health issues. This blend gave me a desire for my husband that I was overtaken by. It feels like we are in our 20’s again -before the children came. I know men always say, “more sex please” and with these blends I can honestly say he has met his match. The level of intimacy brought back into our marriage cannot be measured. All I know is the sex has never been better and the strength, duration, and intensity of my orgasm is INSANE!!! The blend calms me and puts me in a romantic mood. I have energy and stamina throughout the stellar event. My husband asks what’s gotten into me and I just tell him – he just drives me wild. It’s nice to now have the flirty talks and the schoolgirl giggles once again. This blend is truly a game changer, and I will continue to use this product to sustain this wonderful feeling of love, youth, vigor, and euphoria. I have shared this product with my sister, and she had the same experience. God gave us literally everything to make this world paradise on earth.”
“Today is day 14 for me on Autogaphy. Early on I wasn’t sure I was feeling immediately what others felt, I just knew from my first dose I lost my appetite. GONE… just GONE!! Over the past 2 weeks it has had a cumulative effect on me. I’m not hungry, staying on point when I have something to accomplish, clear thoughts, my sleep is more restful, ( in the midst of personal turmoil) which for me is a small miracle in itself. I’m quite surprised how I’m handling it! I don’t know how he blends these, but I understand how he can’t keep it in stock! At times the thought of eating another bite… makes me nauseous. Me??? Not want want to eat? My husband wants to know who took his wife???? No mood swings, no cravings, fasting is much easier, mental clarity.. energy….the list can go on….try this… you seriously will not be sorry. 18 months ago, I had never heard of dry fasting! ( where was my head ?????) I had been doing intermittent fasting/low carb and having small results. A dear friend was a member of Gavin’s group and added me. I was just blown away by what I was reading! Shortly after I joined I asked her if she had used any of Gavin’s blends. She had not…. but I decided to try them. Peel & Spice were the first I tried. Having just had a total hip replacement, I hoped they would help with healing….Damn!! Let just say I’m older than Gavin…. and I felt after 2 days on these 2 I could go to the club and keep up, if my new hip would cooperate of course. At my staple removal my surgeon commented how well I was healing! Could it be… the blends??? ? I decided after I was released from my surgeon, I was going to try more blends, no 2 ways about it. When I went for my 3 month check up, my Dr could not believe how the incision had healed! I decided that I was going to try & address my depression. Again … great results..off of anxiety meds and antidepressants after literally YEARS!!!! My only child suffered a near fatal accident when he was 18 and I had been on those meds since that time. He is now 36.. Do the math. In a matter of months I felt I could safely wean myself. I ordered more blends….and could only hope for similar results…. when I had blood work done 4 months after sticking my toe in the” BLEND sea”.. these were my initial results… Dropped 11 pounds, completely off of blood pressure medication I’d been taking for 15 years, my cholesterol dropped 54 points. My physician attributed that drop to the “new statin” she had prescribed until I told her I never had the RX filled!!!! When my hubby saw my results he asked if he could try My blends. I wasn’t sure I wanted to share, but relented. ? He has been prediabetic for years. Wellllll … yep you guessed it.. Our personal PCP as well as his Dr’s at the VA told him he could no longer be considered pre diabetic. SCORE…. Of course we both made changes to our eating habits, small changes, we eat differently, and different foods but the common denominator for us was the blends!!! This has been a tough year for me… 2 surgeries, my fathers passing, major surgery or hubby ( he had his hip replaced!!.. such a copy cat!) but I’m handling it. Some days more than others, and a friend who kicks my butt when I need it… And Gavin.. You will never know how much you have helped me personally. I don’t know when the hell you sleep, because no matter when I contact you.. you always answer me. Without missing a beat. Your willingness to help virtual strangers is a gift to all of us, and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you for making this your life’s work. You’ll never completely understand my gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you”
“My husband’s a1c dropped to the point where he is not considered pre-diabetic any longer taking Peel & Spice. I was able to go completely off blood pressure meds over a year ago taking the Peel & Spice. Gavin’s products are THE real deal. We started with the blends for health reasons, weight loss was a bonus.”
“Thank you Gavin! I have struggled with psoriasis for 20 years and have tried every product on the market. Within the first week of taking Peel, my skin became noticeably clearer. By the second week, my entire body is completely clear! The fine lines around my eyes are gone, my hair and nails are growing stronger and thicker and I feel fantastic! Another amazing product to add to my Interstellar regimen. Smiling from head to toe!”
“I am happy, blessed and proud to say that I have been taking Interstellar Herbs since back in 2015, when only THE ORIGINAL blend existed. I had been a holistic personal trainer for years, and tried so many products in an attempt to help, not only myself, but my clients in various areas of their health and wellness. I personally had suffered with anxiety my whole life and had tried every natural product out there! It seemed the older I got, the worse the anxiety and I finally succumbed to trying pharma drugs in order to deal with it. My doctor, and most doctors prescribe depression meds for anxiety. I kept saying I am not depressed, I have anxiety, there is a difference! She told me the antidepressant drugs also treat anxiety, so I tried. Well, I ended up trying 3 different ones and they all ended up making me depressed and actually, feel crazy! They made my brain spin and I began to have depressive melt downs which I had never experienced before. Enter Interstellar ORIGINAL. After following Gavin and reading about the results others were experiencing I began reviewing all of the ingredients and research from that blend, I decided to give it a try. For the first time in my life I experienced calm clarity and energy that wasn’t manic, or jittery. I was hooked, in a good way!!!! I never looked back. I began Intermittant Fasting, typically doing 3 days twice a month. I did lose some weight but I was mainly doing this to reset my body at a cellular level and rid myself of any damaged cells that could lead to disease. I finally felt normal, strong and amazing. Gavin introduced Shilajit, Pine Pollen, Ceremonial (Highest Grade) Green Tea and I added those. Boom! Up I rose, feeling better and better all the time. The Pine Pollen helped balance my hormones and made my hair grow like crazy among other things. The Green Tea gave me even more healthy energy and is super anti-aging as well. Next came SuperNova, a more concentrated version of THE ORIGINAL blend, which was really great because I didn’t have to use as much product and still got the same, if not even more, benefit!!! I really didn’t think that could be improved upon! During that time, without realizing a why, I just naturally dropped to basically eating once a day as I wasn’t hungry all day and had great energy with the combined products so far. The few extra pounds I was still holding just melted off then. Next was Gavins Thermo, which is also an amazing product! However, I work outside in Florida heat, so I backed off of this one just because it did heat me up and I didn’t need the warmth, or to burn off anymore weight. It is still amazing though for anyone needed those benefits!! The HOLY GRAIL of all the products for me though was TRINITY!!! Honestly, it still is! If I thought I had calm clarity and less anxiety before, I honestly felt like something in my brain shifted into the Interstellar realm when I added Trinity. I believe I was so used to living with such intense anxiety that the relief I had from the Original and SuperNova had eliminated it and it did reduce it to a level I had never experienced. HOWEVER, TRINITY is my LOVE! TRINITY obliterated the remaining anxiety that I didn’t realize I still had and the total calm, clarity peace came like I had and have never experienced. My thoughts become even more razor sharp and my ability to remain calm in so many intensely difficult situations I have lived through since then has just been priceless!!!! I also have tried Seven Sages and it is incredible as well, for me it is a great addition to Trinity. Trinity seems to make nature come more alive, colors are brighter and everything just shifts in ways you can only experience if you try it! I have continued to basically do 22/2 ever since and weight has not come back with the exception of a few months I ran out of product and began eating too much. I gained back 15 pounds and started feeling that nagging anxiety creeping back not quite so in love with life and nervous again too much. Once I got back on my herbs and went back to 22/2, the pounds came off fast and I have maintained the same weight within around 4-5 lbs since. Usually, its just around the holidays if I eat more than normal, but it comes right back off very easily. When PEELZ came out, I added that! I had a small cyst on my wrist for years and this product ridded me of it! My skin looked good before from using all of the other herbs, but it started to glow and my pores shrunk! My energy went up even more and I just felt even more awesome! I couldn’t believe it!!! Then there is NIAGRA, holy mother of WOW! Um, women, yes, you must try this and men, you must get this for your lady, (but be warned, if you do, you should get yourself some Thunder, unless you have incredible stamina already, even if you do, I’m sure it will be fun for you both!) IT WORKS! Its also great to use in conjunction with Pine Pollen for women for hormonal balancing. You can micro-dose Niagra (if not wanting full on hours of raw passion), with normal amount of Pine Pollen and it balances out hormones beautifully. Another note on Pine Pollen, it is a superfood, so it does replace the need for too much food and it’s a concentrated superfood, so you get so many benefits without having all of the calories. Its also great if your trying to build some muscle tone. I have always had a hard time building just some muscle tone with my body type. When I use Pine Pollen with working out, I can finally get that definition and strength better than with any Protein powder, eating 10 eggs, or other things I have tried. I will be 48 in a couple of months. People never believe my age. I still get carded often and even when I go to Doctors appointments for check ups, they ask me what my secret is!!! Just this week my new gynecologist, did a double take when he looked at my chart and looked at me, he said “are you really almost 48?” Same words followed “OMG, you look amazing, what is your secret?” Maybe this is a little TMI, but even the exam, etc., he and his assistant were like you literally are more like someone at least 20 years younger, even as far as, well everything goes. You are healthy inside and out! LOL My blood work all came back perfect and my primary care doctor (who is the one who originally tried to get me to take a variety of anti-depressants years ago, with horrific side effects) still can’t believe it. She says I’m aging in reverse. LOL I’ve gotten healthier over the years. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still age, but just slower than I know I would be if I wasn’t taking Interstellar Herbs and Intermittent fasting. I just know it! Friends and others ask me how I do it and when I tell them, I wish they would believe me! So many people would benefit in the most amazing ways possible if they would just TRY THEM!!!! Too many people get hung up on the cost. I say, have you been grocery shopping lately? Crap food is expensive, organics and healthy cost more (worth it also but costs more) When I eat once a day, the herbs pay for themselves and I am feeding my cells disease prevention and anti-aging FOOD! How much do most people spend on sugary, fatty coffee drinks? Or, junky snack food daily, never mind all of the meals eaten. It ends up costing less and the benefits cannot be measured in $$. Long term especially, disease, loss of energy, loss of mental capacity, hospitals, no thanks!!! I feel I am doing the best possible thing I can for myself and my family by continuing using the products. I am a single mother, with 2 teens still at home and starting a new business from the ground up in the last few months. There is no way I would be able to handle the stress of everything with the anxiety I used to suffer from. I want to perform at my peak and be the best I can be in every area, stay focused, grounded, clear thinking, have the energy and drive to make all my dreams come true and set an example for my kids. I’m developing a new product and service to help the environment, I want to leave this gift for all of our children and generations to come! Interstellar Herbs gives me that ability and edge to believe its possible and the confident drive to GO FOT IT!!!! Give yourself and those you love the biggest GIFT you could ever give them, which is the best, healthiest, calmest yet energetic, supportive, loving, present version of you,… and this will be possible with these products I PROMISE YOU THAT! Finally, I want to be around for many years DISEASE FREE, and I also believe that the products Gavin produces give us all that chance. I have known him since 2015 and watched, read the research he provides, done trials on myself and read what the products have done for so many people through the years! You can’t argue with science or the results! I am next adding Spice, ACB, and Apigenin. I will be back in a few months to review these products! Just really want to say a huge THANK YOU to Gavin for stepping up and spending countless hours, days, weeks, months and years doing the research and creating such life giving gifts really! And to Kristine also for being there and such a huge part of making it all work! You two are Angels! ❤”
“I have been taking luteolin for just over a week and I have felt a huge improvement! I am so excited to share that my memory is completely back! I had been struggling with memory issues because of a concussion from a car accident a year ago. Within a week of adding in luteolin, my memory is back on point and I have zero brain fog at all!! This is a huge win!! I was already taking Seven Sages, Trinity, Peel and Spice and had great results, so when I added in luteolin that was the magic bullet I needed to expedite the improvements in my brain functioning! I am so grateful for Gavin and the blends, I can’t wait to see what else improves with continued use!! <3”
“Being an adult is not an easy thing to pull off day in and day out. I am a full-time-working single mom of three beautiful children and a law school student, as a cherry on top. Running operations at my house is a full-on production on daily basis and I constantly have to be on top of my game, or everything will crumble with the domino effect. I have been struggling for many years not only with my physical health, but also with excess weight and emotional problems, all until I found out about Gavin’s magic blends. I have tried all of them (with the exception of Thunder lol) and I must say that Trinity is my favorite blend of all. Some of its effect can be felt almost instantly, after taking the first dose, but you will feel the most after taking it consistently for about 2-3 days. I’m sharing my personal experience below: As we age, most people start accepting health problems as part of a normal aging process, when it is far from the truth. For about two years in a row my Hair started thinning out, it turned dry and brittle. I have tried every supplement on the planet internally, and every mask and oil topically, to no avail. But once I started taking Gavin’s blends, Hair stopped falling out and breaking. My Hair dresser is not having to chop off as much of the ends, each time I get my Hair done. I’m still planning on trying the anti-gray blend, in hopes that it will help turn my grays back to normal Hair color. My skin has been very dry for as long as I can remember. I had eczema, with cracking and sometimes bleeding skin, on my hands. Being a mom of three, my hands were often times wet throughout the day, which caused me a great deal of discomfort and even pain, at times. A dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream, but it only made things worse, if used for prolonged periods of time. Since I started taking the blends, eczema had completely cleared and my skin tone is even and healthy. Most women, and many men will relate to the problem of mood swings. There were many moments throughout the day when I felt my mood was elevated, just to find myself stressed out, irritated or seriously upset about something shortly after. My mood is more stable now ever since I became a mom. I often find patience to kiss one more bruise, and to listen to one more never-ending story, and to give one more hug before bed to my kindergartener, when I was often short-tempered in the past. I surprise myself lately, when I find more patience and humility for my 2 teenagers, than ever before. And I surprise myself the most, when I am able to give kindness to myself. I used to be pretty hard on myself, placing unreasonable expectations and pressing forward, no matter the cost. Now I am being a lot more realistic and find fun and interesting things that I actually enjoy doing, which helps me have a better quality of life and a better mom for my children. Don’t get me wrong, I still have plenty of stress in my life, but my reaction to it is much different. I have a sense of calmness and peace, and it is in this state that I am able to make better decisions and have better interactions with everyone around me. I’ve had an issue with blood sugar levels for a while, although I was never diagnosed with diabetes (but both of parents have). I have attempted intermittent fasting, but found it difficult because I often felt strong hunger pangs, shakiness and dizziness, combined with being moody and irritable. After many attempts, I gave up on the idea of fasting and watched my waistline expand. But with the blends, I found it to be almost easy to stay away from food for 66 hours at a time. I am still preparing for the 88 hour fast, and I am confident that with the right mindset and Gavin’s blends in my kitchen cabinet, I will achieve that goal soon enough. Thank you Gavin for your hard work, dedication, patience, and kindness!”
“I am blown away by the results from these blends. I purchased just three weeks ago, and every day I take them, the benefits just get better and better. From clear, focused energy, to better sleep, blood sugar regulation, and a noticeable difference in my skin and eye health. Just amazing! My whole family has been taking the blends every day, and I just recommended them to my mother and sent her home with a seven day supply of most of the blends in the Super Ultimate Sampler. I’m ordering again, and this time adding the ACB. I love having all of these blends in my house and available at all times, as I keep giving them out to family to try when they visit! Many thanks to Gavin and his healing work”
“My initial order included the combo of Spice and Peel. I can already tell a difference in my mood throughout the day. In the past, I’ve had some anxiety and mild depression and am confident that this combination, along with Trinity, is already leveling me out. What’s also great is the amount of product you get. I was amazed at how big the bags were for Spice and Peel. That says a lot, it’s worth the price knowing that you only need a small amount so it should last you for quite a while. I also enjoyed the samples that were added to my order which prompted me to place a second order for said samples. Try the products, I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed.
I received a sample of Matcha with my first order and it really does pack a punch! It has helped with my fasting immensely. I take the Matcha, Nebula and Thermo in separate “shots” of either decaf green tea or decaf coffee, before a workout. I sail through the workout, feeling like I can do even more. I am a firm believer in these blends.
Trinity was part of my first order. I ordered this based on the reviews of it’s calming effect. I’ve only been using the blends for five days but I’m noticing a huge difference in such a short amount of time. I combine Trinity with Spice and Peel and it’s like it sets the tone for my day. I have noticed I’m sleeping deeper. I’ve had sleep issues ever since I was pregnant and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and am up for hours. Trinity is definitely helping with that issue. If you’re on the fence as to what to order, read the reviews of each one and just pick a starting point. I feel Trinity should be part of your first order.”
“Like most people, I told Gavin my life situation and he got back to me with the exact things I should do and take for my specific situation. He is a wealth of knowledge about all things concerned with health. Aside from the blends, he gave other dietary advice which since implementing, has shown almost instant benefits. Looking at all of the reviews before purchasing, I thought “there is no way these are all real” but having finally bit the bullet and ordered my own blends, I can see why he only gets good feedback.
There is nothing bad to say, the blends are amazing. You won’t hear about interstellar on TV or radio because this is not a brand that needs advertising, the results speak for themselves. I purchased autonomous because at times I have extreme difficulty staying focused and my mind just runs away with itself. I have tried things like modafinil which had an ok effect, but the side effects were simply not worth it. After taking autonomous, I see why there is a rave about these products. My mind is clear, but not wired, I can focus on whatever I want for as long as is needed without feeling unnatural or getting headaches or anything negative. I use autonomous with trinity, seven sages and a free sample of supernova that Gavin sent with my order.
I didn’t get a massive order because it was my first order but needless to say, my next order I will be ordering the whole damn shop. You are not going to find these products in your local health shop or supermarket. I can only imagine the difficulty it took to craft such perfect blends to deliver such amazing benefits, and Gavin is continuously improving and striving to create better and more helpful blends. Fuck your pills and medicines, this is the future.”
“I am grateful to be taking these blends! I’d been so fed up with being in pain. Doctors told me it was depression and injuries that may never heal. I’d tried many natural products with little or no relief. My intuition made me feel that there must be a natural remedy. Recently I came across Gavins page. I saw one of his product reviews and was drawn to look further. I enquired about his products he was very kind, helpful and informative told me what I could take that was vegetarian and would help my back pain and anxiety. He suggested the blends Spice and Peel and told me that after 3 weeks I’d have zero back pain! He said I would also like the blend Thermo too. I ordered the combo pack of Spice and Peel and started taking the blends the last week of August. I am now completely back pain free! This is like a miracle, because I was injured as a child thrown from my horse and was stepped on several times also, I’ve had two car accidents causing serious impact and back pain. I’ve also suffered from migraines since I was a child and haven’t had one since I started the blends! I feel amazing! I feel New life! After nearly 30 years of pain I am now feeling full relief! Thank you Gavin for what you do, and for the time and support you have shown me!”
“I am the sole caretaker of my handicapped husband and my energy, strength, and mood were deteriorating. I had to take a nap everyday as I was up all day and night caring for him. My Rolfer introduced me to the Interstellar Blends…”Give them a try,” he said. I agreed and he ordered the products for me. I was skeptical at first but took the blends everyday. It was probably a week later that I noticed I wasn’t taking the daily naps I needed before. My strength increased and my whole mood seemed to lighten up. Facing each new day became easier and I continued with the blends and looked forward to enjoying them every morning. I love the taste as I drink them in hot water as my daily tea and am amazed at how long the products last. I will be placing my third order and have informed friends and family to also try using the Interstellar Blends. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that such natural products could work so well. Thank You Gavin for giving me my life back!”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.