“I started using the Super Hair Blend when Gavin had the first samples and made my first Super Hair Blend purchase and ended up using it for two months. My hairdresser asked what I was doing and said my gray was like 50% less gray and much thicker and healthier and I had noticed I could get by without coloring for 4-6 weeks, normally I had to color every 2 weeks because the gray was so pronounced. I had also started using another product in gel form at the same time that claimed anti aging benefits so I wasn’t really sure which product was giving me this benefit or maybe a combination of both. I finished both products and took a couple of months off and my gray returned with a vengeance. I am approx 80-90% gray. I have dark hair so the gray really shows with new growth 1/2” in a couple of weeks. Once I started using the Super Hair Blend again my hair is now about 30% gray and I color 4-6 weeks apart. Im hoping with continued use the gray will continue to diminish. Gavin has another incredible winner. Thank you Gavin!!!”
“As someone who has suffered from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) since 22 (29 now) I am willing to try anything to get my hormone levels more balanced. This definitely has made a world of difference. I have been urged by many doctors to keep taking birth control to keep my estrogen levels up but I really would prefer not to take artificial anything if I can help it.
Recently my car was broken into on a hike and they took my purse which contained my birth control. My partner surprised me with the blends and the timing and results couldn’t be any better. I was lucky to get my period every 3 months and the bleeding was always light which made me feel worried since that was unusual in my past experience. Within a week of getting off the pills and taking niagra I had a heavy and almost detoxifying feeling period. Post period I feel a definitive change in my body and mood. (Things that are affected my my hormone imbalance.) I’m beginning to feel my old self.
I’m planning on going to a doctor after 6 months to confirm that my hormone levels are normal and to do my women’s wellness. It’s all natural stuff and does more than make you a frisky biscuit. It also gives me loads of energy and helps me get deeper with my spiritual practices. It’s pricey but is worth it given how much it has transformed my body and mind.”
“What can I say but BUUUUYY THIS BLEND! It is quite literally my favorite blend of all. This blend coupled with thermo and you will be feeling like a million bucks. My bf has been taking this and its done wonders for him as hes been coming off a medication hes been on for 8 years. This stuff saved him! I really think it’s a must have for everyone who is buying blends! Do not skip nebula! Seriously, its incredible! I don’t even need caffeine when I take it. I can only take it 1-2 times a day or I am just buzzing, my bf can take it more times because his health isn’t as good as mine and he likes to feel amped. I would pair this with thermo for sure. I have also been taking a bunch of other blends and they are doing wonders for my body! I am going to leave reviews for those individually but my favorite blends so far are, nebula, hair tonic, peel, and autophagy (AMAZING). I have so many others I still need to get and try! Thank you Gavin for your continued efforts to make the BEST products in the market. Everyone needs these blends!!!”
“I took the Nebula blend for the first time and… holy sh*t muddaf*cka!!! I have been inside the last 11 years due to major illness (Lyme and stage 4 cancer)…. and I was out and about in no time at all. We hiked 5 miles today! I’m mentally kicking myself for not purchasing the blends this time last year! I probably could have been healed by now…. ARRRRGH!!! If you are on the fence about purchasing blends for fatigue, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Nebula blend!!! SUPER AWESOME GOODNESS!!! SO WISH I’d tried Nebula a year ago. Thanks to everyone who posts testimonials. They are SUPER Helpful!! <3”
“I cannot say enough good things about the Interstellar Blends. My life has changed since I first started taking them 2 months ago. In just that short amount of time, the blends have given me new life and make me appreciate life again. For the past couple of years I have been struggling really badly with severe depression and anxiety. I had been searching for a cure or treatment for the longest time, experimenting with different types of herbs and supplements, but to no avail. When one of my friends at my gym suggested this company to me, I was desperate to try anything that could help, so I gave it a shot and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I started out with the Original and got instantly hooked. I started to mix and match different kinds with it such as Nebula, Thermo, Matcha, Seven Sages, and Trinity. My favorite combo so far is Trinity and Seven Sages hands down. Not only do they offer the countless health benefits just like all the other blends, but they give me this everlasting energy in my mind and body like nothing else I’ve ever tried. I love taking the two together first thing in the morning with some tea, and then again in the evening. I now sleep much better, wake up alert and ready for the day, and beam with positivity and confidence all throughout each week. I have never had results like these with any other treatment I’ve tried, and it doesn’t even come close. Ever since I started taking Interstellar Blends, my life has changed drastically, for the better. I am the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. Whether you struggle with a mental illness or not, I highly suggest to anyone and everyone to incorporate these blends into their lives. I promise you will not regret it!“
“I ordered THERMO one month ago. It is my first time trying this stuff. I heard a lot about it from my friend but was hesitant to try it. I’m battling my blood sugar in pre-diabetes range. So I decided to give it a try.
I received my blend and started with 1/8 teaspoon dose. I was surprised to see results in three days! My fasting glucose level was about 20% lower! And I didn’t feel any discomfort or bloating in my stomach when I was taking the blend.
I am almost done with my pack now and getting ready to order more. I love the effect of THERMO and feel really good about taking this NATURAL supplement. I will try other products and definitely tell others about it. I already promised my friend a dinner for inspiring me to try it!”
“The past few years, I found my energy declining. Once a marathoner, I lost all enthusiasm for running, as well as my commitment to follow a training plan. The less I moved, the more unwell I started becoming.. Food stopped being a fuel for the body that I had once control over, grazing became an all day, every day event. I had insatiable sugar cravings that I couldn’t resist. Just as unhealthy as the physical changes were the defense mechanisms I found myself developing to justify my not thriving … I had a lame excuse for everything! Still, I knew I was out of balance but any attempts I made to correct it were worthless. Motivational thinking, self help books are rather worthless when your physical self is out of whack.
Not recognizing myself, I made an appointment for a physical evaluation. I always had scalp psoriasis, now bloodwork revealed borderline Hashimotos (hypothyroid),. and many of my symptoms, brain fog and bloating, suggested celiac….all auto immune disorders. I was looking at a lifetime of pharmaceutical intervention.
Fortunately at that time, a friend reintroduced me to Interstellar, the original blend. Incredibly, it made it possible for me to commit to a 4 hour daily eating window. Within ten days I began noticing physical changes, scalp psoriasis GONE, my hair looked shiny and felt softer, my skin had a clearer quality, and most significantly, I stopped waking up just as tired as when i went to bed…I began to feel a return of energy!
I then decided to invest in Trinity and less than a month ago added Thermo. What I’m experiencing can only be described as FREEDOM. My thinking is clear and for the first in a long time I’m able to keep focused on my daily goals. The uncontrollable cravings for garbage food is gone. I’ve started running again and am building up mileage. Even in the Northeast winter weather, I am grateful for every mile I log…I’m feeling like quite a badass, lol. Not to mention, I lost 9 pound. I’m looking forward to my first fast this weekend.
Thank you for your work and product. The blends are restoring my freedom to live life to its fullest again.”
“After following Gavin on Facebook for a few months, I decided to jump in. I purchased the largest package of blends. I am 61 years young. I have been health minded all of my adult life and I have managed to stay off of all medications. Still life happens! I have been in several serious auto accidents starting at 6 years old. I have had several closed head injuries, much scaring within the fascia throughout much of my body. 20 years ago I was in auto accident which left me with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as well as a host of other issues. Over time with a healthy diet, fasting, herbs and supplements many of the issues have improved and I have been able to manage. I am always looking for solutions and improvement! I began taking the blends just a few months ago, ( May 2019) Within a few weeks the fibromyalgia symptoms had improved 90%. A month into taking the blends I began 22/2,44/4 66/6 and 88/8. I needed to lose 20 pounds to be at my lowest healthy weight. With the blends, fasting is SO easy and I dropped the 20 pounds in 1 month. About the same time I added Super Nova, with this blend the chronic fatigue became a thing of the past for me. Next I added Luteolin, I notice within three days of adding Luteolin that my flexibility increased dramatically. The following month I added Super Hair blend. I have always been blessed with good hair, However my hair is the thickest, strongest and shiniest it has ever been. I added Autophagy blend a few weeks ago. This blend COMPLETELY takes hunger away. The first couple of weeks I only took it once a day because that’s all I needed to eliminate hunger. However in the last week I began taking it 4 times a day. I knew this blend did other things besides eliminating hunger so I decided to experiment. After the first day of taking Autophagy 4 times a day, I began feeling areas of my body heating up to the point of slight burning. It wasn’t painful but enough to take notice. Every area that I felt this heating up, is an area of internal scaring. So I KNOW healing is taking place! My skin is softer, smoother and is more toned. Age spots are fading. Wrinkles and lines are diminishing. My experience with the InterstellarBlends is the Blends rebuild your body from the inside out. Things within my body that I hoped would be repaired is being repairing. Things that I didn’t know needed to be repaired is repairing. And things that I thought couldn’t be repaired is being repaired. My friends comments are… You look great, you looked good before, but you look great now! Your getting younger! You glow! You Sparkle! The transformation that takes place is not only physical, it’s also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In 2017 I had a great and unexpected loss, leaving me experiencing more grief, sadness and sorrow than I thought was possible to endure. I managed to function and continue on with life by focusing on graditute. A few weeks of taking Interstellar Blends, I noticed that even though I was still experiencing sadness the emotional pain attached to the sadness was gone. This is HUGE. I didn’t even know that this was possible. Two months into taking Interstellar Blends I attended my twin Grandsons birthday party. I share these Grandsons with my first husband which was also attending the party. The ending of my first marriage took place 36 years ago, however it was filled with trauma that continue both for my (now grown) son and myself for several years. Even though much time has past, and much healing and forgiveness has taken place. I still always experienced a sense of dread when I am going to be in the presence of my first husband. After leaving the birthday party I became aware this time there was NO dread. This is HUGE. I am SO grateful for Gavin’s BRILLIANCE and his COURAGE to share it with the world, so that we may BENEFIT!”
Hey, Gavin ~ I wanted you to know that I’m super jazzed about your Rewire. I’ve been over-drinking off and on for several years now. Sometimes too much; sometimes too often. Rarely both at the same time. And fortunately never to the extent that it became a physical addiction. But it was definitely a bad habit.
Last week, after back-to-back vacations, I went from 3-4 drinks/day (2 wine at lunch/2 at dinner) to zero.
I’ve been walking past my half-finished bottle of Silver Oak all week, with no interest. Finally threw it out.
I’m so excited that I feel like I can drink only when I really want to, without having to quit completely… AND without wanting to drink daily.
Thanks again for everything y’all are doing to bring to market non-pharma solutions to real world problems! 🥳🥰
“Autophagy Activator is Gavin’s most incredible blend yet. If you take this blend and then try and go stuff your face, you’re going to have a bad time. You’re not going to get your money’s worth at all-you-can-eat buffets anymore. If you try and force it, then things get very uncomfortable. Your body simply rejects big meals. I tried to power down a big dinner the other night and forgot I had taken this blend that morning. I felt so sick and uncomfortable trying to force myself to eat more food. Unreal! I’ve always been like Garfield with food, but not with this blend. It’s the first time in my life that I don’t feel like binge eating anymore. Incredible! Take a dose in the morning, eat keto (low or zero carb) and you’ll barely feel hungry. Food just doesn’t interest anymore. I’ve never come across an appetite suppressant blend like this. You’re going to have to plan your daily meal carefully otherwise you won’t be able to finish it. It cuts your food intake by about half.”
“Yesterday I received an order of peel, spice, super hair, and nebula. I got a bonus of a big bag of pine pollen!! Did not expect that awesomeness. Can I just tell you just how obsessed I am with pine pollen? Within moments of drinking it I felt a feeling of well-being. I’ve taken pine pollen twice now and I feel like I’m gonna take it for the rest of my life. I’m excited to see how I feel in a month while taking all these blends! #nextlevel”
“I’ve been on permanent 22/2 for nearly 2 months now, I started with Nebula and for the last couple of weeks sometimes I throw in there some Thermo and/or Trinity and/or Seven Sages. I mentioned before how great I felt energy and emotional wise but these past days I noticed something insane: I’ve had the most painful periods since day one. I’ve passed out from the pain before and it’s always a pretty miserable time. Earlier this year I started experiencing pelvic pain, and basically what looked like symptoms of endometriosis or PCOS, I was in pain, skipping periods and feeling like hell. Dr said all the blood panels, hormone tests and ultrasound looked normal but maybe I could have “traits” of PCOS so I accepted that I would feel ongoing discomfort for good since I was already so used to super painful periods. Well since doing 22/2, blends, cutting of dairy and most meats my period has being going regular these last cycles and I haven’t experienced any of the pain I have felt most my life or any of the pain I started experiencing earlier this year ?? I have never ever in my life experienced a normal-super mild pain/discomfort period! I also have chronic- can’t even move- migraines, I was having at least one a week for the last year maybe, and in these last two months I’ve had maybe 2 migraines. I’m so impressed and feel very fascinated now about learning more about healing and helping my body naturally! Much much appreciation for Gavin’s work. I just want to feed blends to all my family and loved ones now!”
“Thank you so much! I feel so healthy since beginning to use these supplements! I am a petite person who has always struggled with maintaining my weight. I have always been physically active, a so to speak gym rat. I can not think of any time in my life that I haven’t had a regular exercise routine. As a 5′ 1″, 44 year old, I have fluctuated from 115 to 145 for most of my adult life. When I began my Interstellar Blend journey a year ago I was at the top of my weight gain at 145. When I decided to try intermittent fasting, I reached out to Gavin and he suggested I start with Trintity and Thermo. I continued my regular exercise routing but incorporated intermittent fasting and the supplements and within 4 months I was down to 120. I have maintained this weight ever since. Recently, when preparing for a surgical procedure, I went off of the supplements as suggested by my doctor. I noticed then how much the supplements have helped with my moods. I was suddenly anxious and cranky! Once resuming Interstellar Blends I feel so much more balanced and I am still maintaining my weight! I feel great, and I’m maintaining a healthy weight without fluctuation for the first time in my life and I owe it all to Gavin and his Interstellar Blends!! Thank you!!!”
“This blend is truly a creation. I cannot give enough credit for this blend alone in this review, as it really is something you need to experience for yourselves! The Autophagy blend has changed how I feel since since the first dose, I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my appetite and an intense sense of well-being each day I take it, my sleep is a lot more restful and I’m a lot more in tune, focused and awake during the day, even on days where I may not have slept enough. This blend is really something special and has had such a huge positive impact on me in such a short period of time using it, I can understand why it’s sold out before its been put on sale even! I’ve noticed each day of using the Autophagy blend my appetite is decreasing to a point where fasting is now so much easier to do for extended periods of time, they have minimised the side effects of the first 24hours of the fast, to a point that makes fasting a breeze to maintain. The blends start to work immediately I find and provide me with an uplifting sense of well-being which motivates and pushes me to start my day on the right path! Cannot thank Gavin enough for this amazing blends and I can’t wait for time to unveil the many health benefits this blend will further provide me with.”
“Ok everyone this Autophagy Blend is life changing. I have been doing extended fasting for the past year. The first 3 days are always the hardest for me as I stay hungry and my moods are awful. The fourth day is when I finally get into the groove and can mellow out for the remainder of my fast. That being said I dont fast as often as I would like because of the mood swings in the beginning. This Autophagy Blend is a game changer. I have been taking it for two weeks, I take it four times a day and my last blend of the day I add an additional 1/8 tsp before going to bed. I never wake up hungry. Since taking this Autophagy Blend I have gone back to doing 88/8 cycles back to back. No hungry, no mood swings, no cravings, no binges. I think this is Gavin’s best blend to date and I will never be without it. I feel more relaxed, probably because my mood swings have vanished and I am actually enjoying fasting. I have also had more energy during my fast. Not sure if its from the Autophagy blend or if its enhancing my other blends but I look forward to my 4-6 mile walk everyday now and during my walk instead of wishing I was done I find myself thinking about the positive results my walk is giving me , I am feeling stronger and my stamina has increased. I used to walk a mile in 20-22 minutes but now I am walking a mile 16-17.5 minutes and I do several sprints in between each mile. I am definitely experiencing more joy in each day. The only change I have made is adding the Autophagy Blend so I know this is the reason. Trust me and just get it and try it if you want to up your game when fasting. I promise you will not be disappointed. This is a total game changer and I believe this blend will help me reach my next fitness level I have been struggling to achieve. Thank you Gavin you have outdone yourself on this one!”
“I have been taking Interstellar Blends for three months and I can honestly say I am a different person from when I began taking them. No more forcing myself to get through the day with little joy, focus and motivation.!! I reached out to Gavin after reading through his website. I told him I was struggling with depression and had other cognitive and memory issues that were very concerning. He suggested I start taking his Seven Sages and Trinity blend. I scoured his website and Facebook page and read everything I could about these blends. I was so skeptical that these could work like the people who were taking them said. But I was desperate to feel better and because my brain seemed to be declining so rapidly I was willing to try anything. Plus he offered a money back guarantee if all symptoms of depression and anxiety were not gone in 7 days, so I purchased the blends.. Prior to taking the blends I was was barely able to function, no energy, no motivation, no desire, no feelings. In addition to having these very low feelings I also had brain fog, very little short or long term memory and my thoughts were extremely disorganized. When trying to explain to Gavin how I felt I said “I feel like my brain is deaf and blind”. By the third day of taking Seven Sages and Trinity I was completely depression and anxiety free!! It worked! It really worked! This has been a miracle for me as I have struggled on and off with depression for 22 years and have researched this subject extensively trying antidepressants, stimulants, natural tinctures, talk therapy, cognitive therapy, healing prayer rooms, acupuncture, niacin therapy, high doses of turmeric, Myers cocktail and anything else that was recommended. Some of these did partially help, but nothing worked as quickly as Seven Sages and Trinity on not only bringing me completely out of my depression, but also helping with my memory and overall brain function. Before Interstellar blends i would start many projects, but finish hardly anything. My thoughts and actions were all over the place. I am now able to finish tasks with ease. My thoughts are much more organized and everyday it feels like everything in my brain is working together. With the encouragement of Gavin I completed a 66/6 challenge and lost 32 lbs in 12 days. Because of Gavin’s generosity I won hundreds of dollars worth of blends that I now incorporate into my daily life. I honestly feel better than I ever have and am eternally grateful to Gavin and Interstellar blends.”
“First off, Id like to show my appreciation for Gavin and all of the hard work he does to run this operation and provide us a way out from the traditional health system! At first, I was very hesitant and skeptical about the potential of the interstellar herbs and all the positive claims. After doing some research, I realized that all the modes of healing that his approach consists of, comes from years/months of his personal study. The advice he gives helps us restore our body and reclaim our optimal performance. If you follow his protocol without deviating from it, you will achieve your health goals. The problem is that people try to add in their two cents and end up swaying from the result proven regiment! After studying the website for while, I decided to try the herbs out. I ordered Trinity, Spice, Peel. Within 1.5 weeks of consistent intermittent dry fasting, keto/paleo diet, my inflammation decreased, yellowing of the skin subsided, eyes began to whiten, sleep began to feel as I was a child again, and mood levels/emotions started to balance. I forgot what it felt like to be foggy, groggy and unhealthy. If you are contemplating trying these out, really sit down and prioritize what health means to you. Do the math, people see the price tag and immediately turn away. How much are you spending eating out? How much are you spending on your daily Starbucks? How much are you spending on junk that you don’t need? Now do some calculations on a couple months of herb supply! Sit down and ask yourself, how much does living a healthy, enhanced, balanced quality of life mean to you? Weight out the pros and cons between your stupid spending and living healthy. Don’t be stupid!”
“I am grateful to be able to have tried most of the blends. My first one was peel. After doing keto faithfully for over a year I was stalled no matter what I did. The peel was a miracle and bumped me to the next level. The weight fell off and I reached my goal. This remains one of my favorites. I added blends for other issues along the way and each really targets something different. Overall my mood, sleeping, brain fog, fatigue etc have all improved so much. When I lost my job of 23 years my first thoughts were how will I pay my mortgage and how will I afford the blends. May seem like a strange reaction to some but I couldn’t fathom going through such a difficult situation without the blends knowing all those mood swings and anxiety would return. Thankfully I didn’t have to and a year later it all work out awesomely. Now for the new blend autophagy…OMG what an amazing addition. I have always had to deal with weight issues and binge eating. It will be my life long battle. Sometimes I get off track and struggle to get back. This happened lately and I was having a hard time no matter what I tried. I got autophagy last week and again it proved to deliver success. Normally I always feel hungry, even when sticking to my regimen truth is I could always eat. This blend shut that down. For once in my life I wasn’t hungry. It doesn’t make you jittery or anxious it just shuts down the hunger. In 6 days I was able to lose the 9 pounds I gained falling off track. This stuff is a game changer and I never want to be without it. Thank you Gavin for all the research and guidance it is truly appreciated!!”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.