“I have never been a good sleeper. And now that I am in my 70’s I feel tired most of the time. It’s an awful way to go through life. I took a Sleep Apnea test and I was surprised to learn that Apnea wasn’t what I suffered from. I became very distraught because I did not want to take medication to improve my sleep and I did not know what else could help me as I’ve tried numerous natural supplements to attempt to help my situation. My son told me about Interstellar and their new product Hypnotic. As he said that Interstellar’s founder is brilliant and makes no-compromise products, I was willing to give it a try.
After experiencing a night of sleep on 1/4 teaspoon dosage, I am absolutely amazed!!!
This product works wonders!!!! Like nothing else I’ve ever experienced! Even when I wake up during the night I can fall back asleep immediately and am so surprised when I look at the clock to see that several hours have passed and indeed I have been in a deep restful sleep! I wake up more refreshed and not groggy with a hung over feeling that other natural supplements or medications have made me feel.
It’s been nearly a week of using Hypnotic and the experience keeps getting even better ! Hands down, by far the best sleep supplement I’ve ever experienced and I have tried many before. You’ve got a goldmine here as MANY people will benefit from getting the unparalleled restorative high quality rest that Hypnotic provides. Thank you Interstellar for making such a powerful difference in the quality in my life. “
“After my first week of trying trinity and supernova I’m feeling very switched on and dialled in , as the week has progressed its as if my mind has been fine tuning , clearing the brain fog and just generally feeling like ive been balancing out overall, a greater sense of self and a feeling of well being and positivity even while having stuff going on. Really really impressed and very optimistic about trying the rest , so much so that ive quickly ordered several other blends that will complement these very well and I can’t imagine how good I’ll feel once I’m taking these additional blends alongside 22/2 fasting . I’ve also introduced my partner to them and cant wait to see her enjoying them too. I’ve tried various supplements/nootropics for brain health and cognitive enhancement etc and there have been some okay ones that have you thinking you “might” be benefitting from them but nothing like these , you know these are working simple as that. I don’t think there’s anything out there even close to interstellar !! Along with Gavin’s knowledge and his constant readiness to help when asking any questions , you really cant go wrong with Interstellar Blends ,The overall health benefits are so wide ranging it’s crazy and i wish i found these years ago.”
“My life is changed, as advertised. This sampler was my first experience with interstellar blends. I suffered from brain fog and fatigue, and from day 1 they have been obliterated. (within 20 mins of drinking the first cup too) For years i’d been searching for something to take to just feel good, i have a cabinet full of almost every natural vitamin or supplement you can find at your local natural grocery store.. But nothing i’ve taken aside from psychedelics assisted me to feel as good as these blends.
i have not felt this consistently good in my entire life, and I actually experienced some growth in my subconscious programming; i had programmed myself to believe that no matter how good i felt at any point, it wouldnt last.. That belief was obliterated along with the brain fog. After drinking the blends i feel like my mind-body-soul is aligned and i’ve experienced so much growth in other facets of my life since the first blend i drank. I’m extremely grateful for the recommendation of Trinity and seven sages from my friend
To top of the stellar product experience, i have texted Gavin a few times with questions and he responds quicker than most of my friends and family lol
I recently read his story and am super grateful for the journey that lead him to creating Interstellar blends. i’ve recommended the product to so many i know and i’m excited for people to come over so i can make them a cup.. His ripple effect of positive change in the world due to the benefits of all the products is immeasurable.
I am a customer for life!”
“This stuff is AWESOME!
A scoop of this in the morning and away you go. I love the feeling of clarity, confidence and power you get from this blend.
Nebula has some powerful ingredients at super high concentrations in the right mix to give you that extra clean energy needed to DOMINATE your day!
IMO, this mixes awesome with Trinity and Seven Sages.
I ramped up my exercise volume and intensity whilst taking it and feel totally indestructible. Awesome performance increaser.
This is a powerful blend so if you need a boost this is the one to get!”
“I am a 45 years old Cert. Global Breath-Work / Meditation facilitator and well as an owner of a Holistic Surf Retreat company and Conscious Breath Workshop. I also work as an integrated treatments provider for a well known psychiatrist. My life for the most part consists of traveling to remote locations around the globe, being extremely active while holding space through guiding/facilitating others in deep guided immersive experiences as well as teaching them techniques for optimal mind/body health via a blend of the eastern arts and scientific knowledge related to functioning of our beings. I’ve been using interstellar herbs for about 3 years now and they have no doubt been an additional step along the way to my own personal optimal life experience and further find them to quite literally assist others with creating lasting positive life shifts. I also appreciate that Gavin’s life story and personal challenges brought him to create this company through embracing his journey and living authentically.
Always very health consciousness, both physically and mentally, with lots of traveling I found myself totting around an array of supplements with me which was costly, time consuming for ordering the various supplements/shipping. They also took up a lot of precious space in my bags as well as at my locations and the process daily consumption had me feeling a slightly neurotic to be honest with so many containers etc.
When I came across Interstellar Herbs I was as many here have stated somewhat skeptical. I was also however very fairly familiar with quite a few of the herbs having lived a few years prior adhering to an ayuervedic diet. The power of these blends are profound and undeniable yet never leave me feeling overly stimulated. I immensely enjoy the Seven Sages as they have a variety of herb and slight flavor discrepancies for each morning when I create my blend. I quickly noticed the extended duration I was able to hold periods of deep focus while feeling a sense of calm, clarity as well as heightened vitality.
I take the herbs in the morning and then again in the afternoon on the days I choose to do so. If I consume the them in the afternoon say before yoga or guiding one of my sessions I immediately feel immense focus paired with an elevated mood boost unlike any other supplement previous. Another huge benefit is that I have not become sick for the last 2 1/2 years sense taking these highly potent blends. In addition there is an immense benefit related to fasting & intermittent fasting when taking the blends. Very grateful that someone took the time to source the highest quality herbs from their native environment at their ideal harvest time. The attention to detail is just undeniable and rare to find in products these days. I am planing to use these herbs in my upcoming retreats.
Since finding Interstellar Herbs I have found that I’ve been able to remove many many other supplements from my diet that my pocket book went on its own. I can travel easily with these and they last for a very long time. Sometimes I am in extremely remote places for up to 7 months at time and it’s simple to bring provisions for these long periods as they are not bulky and I never have issues with the airports as the packaging is so legit! I carry them on as well as put them in my check in however usually always carry them on to make sure nothing happens to them.
I use Seven Sages as well as Trinity and Supernova alternating between these two additional blends each morning along with the daily Seven Sages. I also am particular to the Autophagy for periods of fasting and an extended durations of sustained focus.These herbs are staples for my mind and body health and I am by profession a mind/body health facilitator so hopefully that should tell you something. Thanks again Gavin for your attention to detail rarely found in products and especially supplements these days.”
“Bro the blends literally gave me a part of myself back, less emotional reaction to things that usually put my body and mind in a fray that I’ve accepted most of my adult life… the neurogenic benefits are very real.
Was up damn near all night realizing I’ve been a lazy fuck and not been operating at my potential, actually not even close. Ideas and motivation to implement plans popping there head in my conscious, but they been there waiting for the smoke to clear
I am literally a different person than I was a month ago! Clairvoyant as ever and restored. You have changed my life my guy!”
“Interstellar blends have changed my life, in July i purchased a sample pack of Trinity to test as I was feeling down and depressed and didn’t want to seek medical attention or take any of them horrible antidepressants. I noticed a huge difference in the first week in my mood and energy levels. I felt a lot calmer than before. I take the trinity first thing in the morning in black coffee. Since taking Trinity, I need to sleep a lot less to have the same amount of productivity the next day, waking up naturally without the need of an alarm.
Since taking Trinity, I have lost a lot of belly fat without having to make any changes to my lifestyle. I saw these blends originally on IG on kingshaunlee’s profile and was a bit hesitant at first to buy them because of the price but I am very grateful that I did and continue to expand the number of blends I take.
I contacted Gavin on what to buy next to add to trinity as i used to suffer from chronic migraines everyday which Trinity has helped reduce but i’m on the path the get rid of them entirely with these blends. If you’re hesitating about buying these blends, don’t!”
“Interstellar Blends have truly been life altering! I have been an avid gym goer the majority of my life and somewhat well versed it diet and nutrition. Having said that I still suffered from low energy during times throughout the day with brain fog like crazy. Even with caffeine consumption. It wasn’t until i tried the blends that all changed. I started with the Original Blend to test the waters. Also included was a sample of Trinity. Mind blowing from the very first dose. I had an immediate sense of euphoria. It’s actually hard to put into words. Complete clarity…mental focus…
Prior to the herbs i thought of myself as somewhat of an introvert, or so I had labeled myself. Trinity has completely changed that! My Mind, Body, and Spirit had aligned and I began operating at levels I had never operated at before. All self-imposed limitations gone! I’ve since tried several other of the Blends and they have all worked miracles in different ways physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Not long ago my Mother had told me she was suffering from anxiety/anxiousness and that stress was increasing. To the point she was waking up in the middle of the night in a panic state. I immediately told her she had to try Trinity. With some skepticism she agreed. She could not believe the energy she had felt. I checked back a couple days later. She said she was still waking up but was not as bad. A little after a week…GONE! She was not experiencing the middle of the night bouts of anxiety anymore. She has since added Peel & Spice to help with other ailments and is absolutely sold as her aches and pains subsided.
I can’t say enough about the blends. Absolute game-changer! Life altering. So thankful i came across Gavin and appreciate what he has done for us.
Esoteric > Exoteric”
I have been using Trinity for a few months, and I am about to order more. I am a day trader and I use to get anxious to get into a trade. I lost a lot of money doing that. With Trinity I am now patient and wait for all confirmations before I just jump in. Completely destroyed anxiety. Also when I lose a trade it use to take a toll on me mentally. Now I am no longer depressed. I just have the on to the next mentality. I will be trying Seven Sages next. I would recommend Trinity to anyone.
First time i was very skeptical about the herbs and thought they will not work, but then i did a research and i decided to order a sample package of nebula. And honestly is the best thing i ever had.. I was always tired in the morning and was sleeping too much. Before when i didnt knew about the herb, i was drinking too much , a couple energy drinks and a lot of coffee just to get me focused and keep going for the day. Now with Nebula i just need one spoon in the morning before my workout , and one at lunchtime and i have energy for the whole day. And even with so much energy i can sleep at night and wake up with more energy. Even my sleep has improved and i feel amazing when i wake up. It has so much benefits and i will recommend this to every human being i meet. Thank you so much Gavin!!
I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH! One month ago I broke a rib processing firewood. I’m 59 years old, and have been healthy and active all my life. I lift, train with kettle bells, and have 20 years of martial arts experience, Aikido, Kendo and Karate. I’m no stranger to pain. I’ve recently been struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, as if the broken rib pain weren’t enough. ALL my joints ached, and the busted rib made it hard to breathe, and sleep, or cough. NOTHING HELPED, not meds, not edibles, not my hot tub or massage. Then I found this site. Gavin recommended I try Spice and Peel for their anti inflammatory pain relieving properties. My order couldn’t get to me fast enough! In LESS THAN A WEEK it arrived! I did exactly what the directions said and gradually increased my dose. Took it three times a day and gradually, within 5 days or so, my rib pain was GONE! Seriously? My Dr. said it would be 6 to 8 weeks! In addition, my arthritis pain and joint aches disappeared. Seriously. Now here’s the good part. I wanted to see if it was all in my head, if this stuff was REALLY helping me to that degree, so I stopped taking the blends for a few days. Bad move. Mind you, I’m eat paleo keto. I take top of the line supplements. Clean, no booze, no weed, no meds. The only thing I did different was stop the blends. My rib is fine, healed, no pain. But the RA came back with a vengeance. My joints were on fire, hips, hands, shoulders all ache like hell. I had to be sure. I will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. Moral of the story is this stuff is the real deal. Believe it. Peel and Spice changed my life. I’m never going without ever again. Ever. Thank you Gavin! I know I’ll live longer now and my QUALITY OF LIFE will be so much better. I’m forever in your debit.
Was recommended these by Shaun Lee who is well known in the trading world I was coming to a point where I was making losses so I took the rest of my winnings out and purchased some herbs to invest in myself I haven’t done any dry fasting on them yet but results are clear as day. The best way to describe how it felt and what it done is it was like I had pin point concentration while sitting on the head of a pin which improved my trading 10 fold Also just in life focus was there I had no worries no cares. I no longer feel fear or anxiety only love and peace
“Day 3 of taking Spice, peel, Thermo, Matcha Tea, Pine Pollen and Niagra while doing the 22/2. Started Luteolin on 10/23/19. 10/16/19 This morning, I woke up with NO pain in my hands. I usually wake up and my pinky finger is usually hurting and I think that it’s arthritis. I would wake up and it would hurt so badly in the morning. But for the first time in about a year NO PAIN!!! I just entered into menopause and would get horrible hot flashes at night. Last night, the amount of hot flashes were cut in half…now mind you this is only on day 3 with the blends, which are Spice, peel, Thermo, Matcha Tea, Pine Pollen and Niagra. 10/18/19 I have noticed today that ALL inflammation is gone in my body. No bloated stomach, hands, legs, and feet. I feel really good. The only thing that’s happening and it’s totally my fault is…I’m waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom from the 2 hours that I use to re-hydrate. I may have to change the time that I re-hydrate to the middle of the day. I believe that will alleviate the midnight bathroom visits. But other than that…I feel AMAZING! 10/20/19 Niagra!!! Lord HELP ME!!! So now I’ve been taking the blends for 6 days so far. The Niagra blend is a God send (since God created all things). For someone going through the unfortunate stage of menopause and losing her libido…Niagra has put me back in the game of intimacy with my loving husband. This blend has definitely rekindle my sexual desire towards my husband. This blend has given me this orgasmic orgasm that is out of this world…I kid you NOT!!! I mean, it’s simply AMAZING!!! This blend right here is a BIG DOG GAME CHANGER and I can’t thank Gavin enough on creating such a powerful sexual herbal blend for women. Understand, going through the change has been HELL on wheels but with this BLEND, it’s totally doable concerning the bedroom! The lack of interest is gone, my libido is coming back slowly but surely to before I started this cycle of life of menopause. 10/30/19 Sciatic nerve pain. So, I’ve been dealing with sciatica pain for about 10 years on the right side of my butt cheek. I had lower back pain, burning down my leg, difficulty moving around in the bed before I would go to sleep. I would do some exercises to try and alleviate the sciatic pain…which only helped for a short time. At one time, I was going to the chiropractor 3 times a week to get adjusted for 3 months straight. I was even considering getting cortisone injections because the pain was so severe. I even did physical therapy a couple times a week…which didn’t help at all! The doctor prescribed anti-inflammation medication that would stop me from having (my) regular bowel movements. Hell, I had to stop that, because I wouldn’t have a BM for like 5 days and would end up taking a laxative. I just realized last night while lying in the bed, that my pain is GONE!!! I don’t know which blend that’s stopping the pain BUT I’m truly thankful that the pain is gone!!! I would wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain and now…NO MORE BACK PAIN! Gavin, words couldn’t truly express the thankfulness that I’m feeling being pain free! Thank you so much for all that you and Kristine do!”
“First of all, thanks Gavin for all the information and study links and for your straightforward way to do things. I’m learning a lot reading on your website, it’s a priceless knowledge.
I started the blends 2 weeks ago by mixing it all together and I was not sure what to think about it. After 3 days I took them separately and my energy level raised up and my days became so much easier. I’m working on a farm and it’s physically demanding, but with the blend, especially peel and spice, I feel energized all day long and I can even go for a walk at night. Also, my knee joints are now painless and even my back feels better after putting up with a pain for more than 30 years!
I truly recommend the blends, it is pure energy!!!”
“I have to brag about another blend that is near and dear to me. AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATOR
I’d planned to break my fast for an event in which I was trying to think of ways to not go to because I was afraid of over indulging. I did my research on what blends could help me mentally and physically during my break and I kept coming across Autophagy Activator. I made my shake and tripled the dose of Autophagy and prior to dinner i took a shot and ordered a nice salad; i didn’t even ieat the entire salad. When i got home my mood was sooooo calm and relaxing; I slept amazing with absolutely no cravings the entire day. I have started my rehydrating phase and preparing for my 88 hour dry fast and still no cravings. The AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATOR will be my go to blend between cycles. Gavin I can’t thank you enough for teaching me about these amazing herbs. The studies of these blends are helping me understand what mistakes I made throughout my life and prepare me for further life longevity. Thank you”
“A year and a half ago, my daughter (almost 13 at the time) wrote me a letter describing her anxiety, depression, self harming and suicidal thoughts. It was my worst nightmare. My child wanted to kill herself. Her Dr. wanted to put her on medication right away, but since he was retiring, he couldn’t monitor her. We started looking for a new Dr., but it actually took until 2 months ago to get one locally for her. She never started medication. At the same time, my husband was diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression. He too was quietly suffering from suicidal thoughts. His Dr. even mentioned that he could be bipolar. This made perfect sense to me! He was prescribed antidepressants. These were not helping him, they actually made him worse. I had been following Gavin for over a year at this time. Quietly participating in dry fasts here and there. I wasn’t using any of his blends because I was still learning about them and wasn’t sure how they could benefit me personally. Now, all of a sudden I have two family members suffering from severe mental health issues. I started reading more about the blends and asked Gavin 101 questions. I told him my story and he told me which blends to get them on. I listened to everything he said. He’s truly amazing when it comes to listening and helping you. I started both my husband and my daughter on different protocols that focused mostly on trinity. (My hubby has an assortment of issues, so I put him on EVERYTHING!) Very quickly they both started turning around. Both were calmer and happier. It was a struggle at first because, let’s face it, the blends don’t taste great! My daughter fought me constantly, whining and crying about how gross they were and she didn’t want to take them. So, for a long while they were both on and off of the blends. When they were off, they spiralled into a deep dark negative place. Especially my husband. It was awful. But we all persevered and finally they both recognized that they can’t go off them. Ever. They even ask for them now. When Gavin came out with Luteolin, I had to try it on them. They were doing ok, but hey, maybe this one will help even more! Boy, was I right! It was instant! The very first dose, my daughter was laying on the couch and told me her arms were too heavy to even take her blends! After forcing her, she took them. Minutes later she jumped off the couch and said she wanted to go for a run! And she did! She said she felt so fantastic! Her biggest struggle is being in social settings. Her anxiety takes over and she just wants to go home. She was constantly turning down invites to stay home. Since regularly taking Luteolin, she has blossomed so much socially! She hosted a party, she goes out with friends all the time, she volunteers 3x a week in the community and just started high school! She takes the city bus by herself without paranoia. She’s a normally functioning teenager! Thank you Gavin for saving my kid and giving her her life back! All this without medications that may cause suicidal thoughts. I am no longer in fear of losing her. She even prepares her own blends every morning and night without a fight! She’ll even prepare my husband’s and mine at night! My daughter started sleeping better with the Luteolin. She was also suffering from insomnia. She sleeps like a baby now. I was so impressed that I started giving it to everyone at night. I’ve never slept so good. Even my husband, who has tossed and turned his whole life, finally gets a good night sleep! All the blends are fantastic and serve different purposes. Luteolin is like the icing on the cake. It just makes them all better! Especially if you suffer from anxiety, depression or insomnia.”
“I cannot believe how well these blends work! You barely feel like you’re fasting and when you finally eat, your hunger is mild. This is great for those of us who struggle with food addiction and binging. We always seem to self-sabotage our efforts once an eating window opens, but the AUTOPHAGY formula stops that from happening. It took me a long time to believe it would happen for me after watching so many people lose huge amounts of weight in such little time but once I gave it a try, I was amazed at how perfectly everything in the protocol works synergistically. I never thought I would be able to go 10 miles or more in one day but now it feels normal! In the beginning I thought 5 miles a day was pushing it.
The THERMO blend really warms you up so you’re able to walk in the frigid temperatures and withstand the ice baths. I couldn’t believe I was outside in 12 degrees and wasn’t freezing to death! The NIAGRA formula is a great one to take for PMS, I barely feel like anything is happening during most cycles now! I have fibroids which cause long, heavy periods but with this blend (and with the help of the others) it’s painless. I’m hoping these blends will shrink and eradicate the fibroids in time…we shall see! Overall, I just feel a constant stream of energy and since it’s not the jittery high you get from weigh loss pills or energy drinks, I didn’t even realize it for a while. One day I thought, wow I’m never really exhausted like I used to be ALL THE TIME! My mood has been good and steady since starting the blends, no low points or bouts of depression like I used to have. I’m just mellow and energized, a big switch from the somber, sleepy person I used to be! I can’t describe how grateful I am that I stumbled upon this group and these magical herbs because I’m a customer for life!”
“I’m a retired (disabled) pharmacist…I’ve been obese my entire life…27 years of hard flooring and standing 12-16 hours/day… plantar fasciitis, and arch pain in my feet drove me to anti-inflammatory meds and steroid injections in my ankles, between my toes, and in my arches so that I could continue to work. Improper alignment of spine from having to lean on pharmacy counter while working produced 2 bulging discs in my lower back, and produced aggravated knee pain from a previous auto injury. Several years ago I tore the ligaments in the arches of both of my feet… I was only able to be on my feet one hour MAX per day… I’ve endured years of physical therapy, (with the refusal to take pain medication), portable TENS unit & biofeedback techniques, ‘REALITY’ … I was unable to resume work, which brought on stress,(loss of income), mental health deterioration with temporary depression… I gained ~138lbs in one year. I chose to have gastric bypass surgery and lost ~137lbs since that time weight has ping-ponged up and down with countless attempts of conventional weight loss methods…As a result, I was left with adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, a screwed up metabolism, and a host of other physical issues. I found modified Keto March 29,2019 and began my lifestyle change. I’ve experimented with IF, OMAD, water fasts of 24’s, 48’s, 72’s with the longest fast of 14 days. I was averaging a 2-3 lb. loss per week, and by July I hit a weight loss stall (total loss 3 lbs for the entire month). I searched the Internet for solutions and stumbled across a post from someone using Interstellar Blends (Devine intervention)…I began to thoroughly educate myself with the research Gavin provided with each blend…He announced that a new blend called Autophagy Activator was going to become available in October 2019…with my physical issues I thought what a great option to help my body heal itself. I have been taking the Autophagy blend for 10 weeks (with no other blends). My energy levels have greatly increased, my weight loss has increased with an average of 3-4 lbs per week! I used to walk with the aid of a cane with a max of 2,000-3,000 steps per day. I’m currently able to walk without my cane and have been able to increase my distance to 7,000-8,000 steps per day. I have lost 39.8 lbs since beginning the use of the Autophagy blend making my total weight loss to date 131.2 lbs. I’ve just recently purchased several more blends to help with my overall health and longevity. I’m choosing not to do dry fasting and I’m approaching my health and weight loss with a slow and steady approach…Quitting is not an option… been there done that.”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.