“Nebula is the second herbal blend that I’ve tried and it gave me so much energy. I started with Trinity to treat my anxiety and depression, & it worked for me in four days.
I read that nebula was like motivational rocket fuel so I had to try it. I like to try the blends individually first to see how they work. I started taking Nebula and had amazing sleep, only needing around 5 hours.
The first time I tried it, I put it in my black coffee and literally worked all day, I normally need to take a nap during the day, but I no longer need them. These blended herbs helped me realize I don’t need 7-8+ hours of sleep per night. My sleep is of better quality & I need few hours.
Nebula also gave me a different level of confidence, mainly with my work. It’s like I’m more sure of myself & not as hesitant to make decisions. It gives me the ability to just flow with things without over thinking. So far Ive tried Trinity, Shilajit, Nebula, and I just bought hypnotic so that I can start dry fasting. My next purchase is definitely going to be autophagy activator. These herbs are simply amazing. Its like the key that’s been missing to keep me sharp and on point.”
“I was already familiar with some blends, like Trinity, Autophagy, Matcha, Seven Sages, Spice and Peel, Pine Pollen, etc… for myself and mother fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I saw some benefits when my mon had her sciatica pain and was relieved using spice and peel. So when my sister sent me a message a couple of months ago from Cameroon, telling me that her husband has just been diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer (met to the lungs and bones) and was in serious pain. he couldn’t even move without screaming for pain. I immediately sent a text message to Gavin and he answered me right away. He advised to get the Vital Force Combo, which I did. All these conversations back and forth between my sister, myself and Gavin happened in lest than hour. So, i purchase the blends and they were delivered whithin10 days.
My brother-in-law started taking the blends right away and the hardest part was fasting. It’s usually hard for people to believe that they can go a few hours without foods and not die. My sister also started to learn about keto diet and how to control his insulin level ( he is also diabetic and was taking insulin daily or twice a day).
As far as some benefit we’ve seen so far, he when back to work about a week after starting the blends. The pain was almost gone and he was more energetic. He has stopped taking insulin because his blood sugar is now within normal limit. His skin looks awesome, and the surprising part was that at this next doctor visit, his PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) went from 900 to 0.67. I’m a nurse practitioner and I’ve never seen a psa that high or going back to normal that fast. His medical providers were choked as well.
So now my whole family is learning about the blend are starting to get some as well. Mostly ACB, because cancer is like the flu in my family. Many thanks to Gavin for doing all this, been there for us, and his promptitude in answering questions and giving advices. Thanks.”
Been through tons of negative energy in the year 2019, anxiety, depression, relationship. Energy level reached till the bottom. As a trader going through all these is not an easy path, feeling super high stress, loose focus, money almost everything. Throughout time, I have been following Shaun Lee as one of the reputable people in this universal. He gave some real-life testimonials after taking the Interstellar Herbs. That’s what caught my eye, I take the leap of faith and make my first purchase at the year 2020 of the ultimate sampler pack. Life starts changing tremendously in all aspects. Health, mindset, energy level levelling up like a regain of the true you. Thank you, Gavin the founder created this amazing herb on this planet that changing people lives. Every day I living my life fullness. I been sharing this herbs to my best friends too! Sharing is caring!
I’ve only been taking Interstellar blends for 2-3 months and Im amazed I can even feel this way. Human again. I’ve tried so many prescription pills, supplements in the past, yoyo’d all over the place on this one other fasting protocol for a year, and I was about to give up.. Discovered Interstellar blends after researching dry fasting and was hesitant at first, joined the FB group, did alot of research but I’m so glad I bought the blends. Ive been in a fog for the past 10 years battling mystery issues like chronic fatigue, concentration issues, non existent memory, apathy and derealization and I can honestly say for the first time in a long time, I feel alive, memories are coming back and have started drawing again everyday (Long time artist. Derealization and apathy is a b!tch ). I’m slowly getting my zest for life back everyday. Everything is science based, Gavin doesn’t BS people. Do your own research on these things (past the first page of g@@gle. Lol) and try the samples, the site and FB group have a treasure trove of science backed information and studies.
I can honestly say these blends have changed my life for the better. I was looking for a way to lose weight by fasting, gain mental clarity and be in overall good health. The first blend I ever tried made me not eat for 4 days and I had no hunger/cravings for food at all. These blends are a life changer and I’m forever grateful for Gavin and his team for these amazing blends and their excellent customer service.
Interstellar Blends are life changing! I first started following the creator, Gavin, when he started uploading YouTube videos about dry fasting years ago. I first tried the Original and Supernova blends several years ago. They helped me heal my stomach after picking up some parasites traveling, increased my focus and helped my mood and motivation within a very short time. Around that time, I got back into extended pure water fasts (no salt) and dry fasting and stopped the blends. Then I fell into fasting with salt water, which was a huge mistake for me. I have been back on the blends consistently for about 6 months and I feel incredible. I have more energy, my skin glows, my hair grows fast, I am laser focused, my mood has improved, I sleep better, I have more motivation and just feel more joy and passion for life now. I suffered from vertigo for months that came on suddenly last summer and within a week, it was completely gone. There are a ton of scientific studies to back up the blends on the website and a nifty search function to help you navigate through them all if you want to know the hows and whys. Gavin encourages you to do your own research (his part of helping you become an independent free thinker) but always answers questions. His advice is consistent and has not changed over the many years I have followed him. The price may seem steep but once you try them, you will realize how much you have been missing out on.
These blends can change and will most likely change your life if you apply yourself. You cant just take them and expect an instant result but you will feel a difference in your mood. It make you not want to eat as much and from my experience it makes me choose healthier options but that probably comes from all the science Gavin gives you on the daily. Apply yourself and the blends will help you get through anything. Honestly. Best costumer service as well, message Gavin and his team and they will reply almost instantly. Im going to be buying from him as long as he can be producing them. As for the price? What do you expect from such high quality. Try the blends for yourself and see how you feel.
I started looking into fasting to help me regain my energy and metal clarity. I started my fasting journey with water, salt, and potassium. Besides being gross, I still felt low energy and irritable. That’s when someone recommended Interstellar blends- GAME-CHANGER! Fasting is way easier with the blends! Also, I’m back to being a happy person! Fasting made me edgy, and during Covid times, I’m not looking to become more irritable. Also, the customer service is STELLAR!!
“I ordered the nebula and trinity blend about a week ago and I’m already seeing results. At first I may have thought that the results seemed a little far fetched or it could be a little unclear but the testimonies and reviews are the truth.
I recently started my journey to a healthier life about 2-3 months ago. I’ve been trying to find every mental edge I can by doing whatever I can and these two blends have definitely given me an advantage by Providing more mental clarity and my mind just feels sharper all the way around. I’m not exactly sure what the blends do to do this but trust me they work.
If you’re doubting or have questions of if you should get them then I highly recommend Trinity and Nebula to start out. Over all I’ve had more mental clarity less anxiety and less depression. They’ve definitely played apart in my increased mental performance. Don’t question if you should get them and go for it.”
“The Blends are changing my life!! I recommend you read this…
I’ve just got to say, I’m truly grateful for the owner of this company and his products. These blends have been a GODSEND. No exaggeration.
I’m 33 years old, and the past 15 years of my life were plagued with clinical depression, negative mindset, physical pain, drug and alcohol addiction, laziness, sadness, and more.
I’ve been using the Interstellar Blends for almost 2 months now, and the dramatic change in my life can not only be recognized by me, but by anyone who has ever known me. I am CONSISTENTLY happy, driven, full of natural/useful energy, and my overall mindset has seemingly shifted.
I’ve been vigilant in the past in trying to find a solution to my problems; including but not limited to anti-depressants, therapy, meditation, prayer, exercise, diet change, vitamins, self help programs, and support groups. Some of these have been effective TO AN EXTENT, but something has always felt as though it was lacking…some aspect of what I needed and wanted wasn’t quite there. I either was “happy” but didn’t have energy, “content” but didn’t have the drive to follow my dreams, “stable” but didn’t feel like my life was going anywhere…and quite frankly the general consensus was that I wasn’t pleasant to be around. Within a matter of time those “good feelings” evaporated and I was left back at what felt like rock bottom, feeling hopeless and like a failure. I had to accept the idea that this was how life was going to be, and that seemed pointless.
It truly feels as though the Blends have unlocked a part of my brain that was dormant. They are helping allow me to reach my GREATEST potential. I feel capable of accepting things I can’t change (I DO NOT WORRY), AND I have the strength, mindset, energy and willingness to change things that ARE in my control. I FEEL HAPPY AND FREE!!
Today I feel like a walking miracle and a WARRIOR. I constantly feel jubilant and elated, healthy, focused, driven, energized, my physical pain is managed, and my overall well-being is extraordinary. My performance at work is better than it has ever been (even better than when I took Adderall), coworkers actually enjoy being around me, people are constantly attracted to me (including beautiful women J), my house is immaculate, and my mindset is allowing me to constantly attract good things into my life. I still meditate, and don’t put mind or mood altering “drugs” in my body, but it now feels like nothing is lacking. I am not worried about the next “crash”. My life is CONSISTENTLY GOOD. “Bad things” still occasionally happen, of course, but I feel intuitively capable of dealing with them and conquering them. Everything seems to just fall into place by itself, and I always seem to be in the right place at the right time. I’ve heard this described as a real life “Limitless” pill. Pretty accurate description…
I currently take Trinity, Nebula, at least twice daily with coffee (sometimes decaf) on an empty stomach (first thing in the morning) and they give me my focus and mental clarity, extreme drive, and overall elation (and more).
I take Spice at least once daily to help manage my back pain and inflammation, and small amounts of Peel 2-3 times a day seems to keep me looking healthy and GLOWING (healthy looking skin with no bags under my eyes).
I just started taking Victorious to boost my immune system against viral threats, so we will see how that plays out.
I currently have an order coming for 7 Sages and Hypnotic and I’m eager to see what those have to offer…But I honestly can’t fathom how things can get any better.
The science is there if you need to do your research first, but you can save yourself some time and just try the stuff out. Within a month I’m fairly certain you’ll be incapable of not seeing the change. Do yourself a favor and let these Blends unlock what is already hiding within you.”
Eternally grateful,
“For starters, this has got to be the best customer service I have ever experienced. I had a couple of errors on my side during the order and shipping and Gavin helped me out through everything and made the experience so much better.
This this this this is my favorite blend hands down. I’m an anxious person, and this just f*cking decimates my anxiety. On the first week of using Trinity, out of the blue I decided to fast for 48 hours (which I hadn’t done before) and I just BREEZED through that fast. I felt like I was high all the time with Trinity. Insane focus, insane CHILL.
I don’t ever want to wake up without my Trinity, believe me.
Thanks Gavin for such an amazing experience. ABSOLUTE FIVE STARS ON EVERYTHING.”
“Helico It’s the best , I had been having digestive problems for 2 years, everything I ate hurt my stomach and I constantly had gas and abdominal swelling, it hurt a lot and I was uncomfortable every day.
I stopped eating dairy because I thought I was lactose intolerant, I stopped eating all kinds of things that could irritate my colon and stomach and still the discomfort, bloating and stomach damage would not stop.
I began medical treatments that previously aggravated my stomach and intestinal problem.
I came here one day on someone’s recommendation and wanted to buy Helico to try out if a natural alternative could work for me since nothing had worked for me and I was tired of living day by day with my stomach like this.
In just the first week I had my stomach back in shape, the gas had almost completely disappeared, the abdominal swelling had not returned, I improved so quickly and so satisfactorily that I find it incredible.
I am very grateful because Helico cured my stomach in a week and did what traditional medicine could not do in 2 years, now I feel very good, and my stomach is perfect in 90%, I do not feel uncomfortable, I feel good every day and even I can eat everything that I did not eat before and nothing hurts my stomach, every food feels good and really improve my life, thanks.”
“Bought the Original Full Spectrum Formula and I love it! I put it in my coffee in the morning for my fast and I feel amazing throughout the day! I plan on buying more to try out. I feel fueled to get through my workout with a breeze. I feel like I can run forever on the treadmill. Has me feeling like superman! If you workout, you should certainly buy it.
This also helps me with my game development. I feel like my brain is on super drugs. I feel so focused and locked in. Before I would have to take breaks or go for a walk just to clear my mind. Now I run straight through! I read books with better understanding now. I feel like I retain the info better, its insane!
To anyone thinking that it’s too high priced, its a great investment in your health! If you dont take care of yourself now, you will certainly pay later with doctor visits! Health is wealth. If I had made a lot of money, I would have an entire room filled with this stuff! My main goal is to regain my vigor, and sexual wellness. I am a customer forever, I dont see anyone else with this type of quality and good reputation.”
“During the Summer of 2020 I did a 134 day fast with no food, only the blends. This was a journey to my own health maximization and couldn’t have been done without the blends. How do I know this? In 2018 I did a 110 day fast before finding Interstellar Products and I am able to make an educated, objective comparison.
I am a trained healthcare Clinicians and completed this fast while in a pandemic, working full time in s hospital and had no illness or sick days. My mind was focused and clear and I experienced no exhaustion or hunger throughout the 4.5 months. This I attribute to the blends.
I prepared for this fast and had been purchasing blend specials for months, so I had them on hand. I started with the Ultimate Sampler. That is a huge bargain and a great way to try what amazing products are here. Yes, they cost more, but hospital bills, doctor visits, medications and daily pain and suffering in a diseased body cost exponentially more. My quality of life matters and fasting saves you money on all of those things AND no grocery bills.
Initially I took every blend, every day. That got me into the habit of fasting and helped my body break the habit of food. I had plenty of fuel in my fat cells, but the body needs to adapt to not being overfed. I listened to my body and reduced the quantity of daily blends to Senolytic, Super Hair, Peel and Nebula as my base each day. I would then add in Autophagy, Trinity, Spice, Shilajit and others. THEY ALL have their place in my life. I still take blends daily and will for my lifetime.
The customer service is bar none, the quality of the products is outstanding and the intangible benefits to a healthy life are beyond my vocabulary.
Fasting is a choice. It is a proven strategy for longevity and maximizing health. Interstellar Blends, supercharge fasting results by supporting your biology with scientifically supported ingredients that boost your systematic ability to reset, reverse and heal all the damage accumulated during your lifetime. Our lifestyles in the “modern” era have wreaked havoc on the anatomy and physiology of the human structure. Interstellar Blends are the antidote to a life filled with dis-ease and damage.
Choose you. Choose a healthy future living your best life with health and vitality. There is not a blend here that will not have a noticeable impact on you for the better.
I am a customer for life. Fasting will forever be a part of my days and blends will always be included so that I am ensuring my body has what it needs to repair for the onslaught of environmental and other toxins that we encounter each and every day. Interstellar Blends are like internal cellular armor protecting your system from attack. You owe it to your mind, body and Spirit to support your vessel with the best. Interstellar Blends are the top of the line and your vessel will thank you.”
“Autonomous, what else to say besides WOW. A life changing blend. First of all I had been blown away by seven sages and Trinity, and after taking those two i had decided to get on many other blends like Lutolin, spice and Peel (some of my other favorites) Interstellar is my life style this past year, so when Autonomous came out i knew i had to grab some so i placed a large order so that I could get one of the samples and im glad I did. Autonomous makes you feel like you are in the flow state all day. Before this blend i thought i could only focus on one business and maintain a high quality focus and function. Boy was I wrong, since starting Autonomous along with my other blends I am now starting 3 other companies and flying through life. These arent just simple companies either. Im taking my life from one simple business paying me well to a potential 500 million dollars in holdings companies in the matter of a few months. If that doesnt sell you on this blend, I dont know what will! Just try it!!! Flow baby, flowww.”
“These blends changed my life completely. Before adhering to a dry intermittent fasting schedule, I found it nearly impossible to drop weight and stay fit once I’d lost it. Thanks to these amazing blends I’m able to be at high energy, low grogginess, and almost zero laziness.
I’m a big proponent for this combo pack. It allows me to run effortlessly, for long periods of time, and sustain a healthy frame of mind among intense working conditions. Never before have I been able to achieve this level of flow in my day to day life.
I attribute my younger complexion, defined muscle tone, and lack of catching colds/flus/infections to these miraculous blends. My personal favorites are the Peel, Anti-Adipogenic, and ACB. They enable me to fly high without hunger pains, muscle spasms, or other side affects. Thank you so much for these offerings!”
“I ordered a large size of Seven Sages and took it solo to test it out and this stuff is the goods!
If you’re looking for mental robustness, stamina and clarity in the perfect dosage, this is a blend you should add to your next purchase.
I really enjoy the positive effects on my mindset and focus from taking Seven Sages. This is a blend for the person who values being at their optimal everyday.
It’s now definitely a staple!”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.