“This has got to be the best blend combo I’ve ever had. this has shown significant improvement in my daily life.
This has boosted confidence, helped me focus. Along with all that , since I drink it twice a day (once morning and once afternoon with black coffee) it keeps me going through out my day and also helped with my mentality and weight loss.
I tried the nebula and Trinity sample to start with and I will be purchasing more. My mind set has become more positive and clear.
Definitely must try these two becuase this stuff REALLY WORKSSS!!!
Gavin has done an amazing job with these natural blends, I’ve been on Adderall but the after feeling sucks. With these natural blends you feel great throughout the whole time, the day I missed one morning I actually felt less confident and doubting myself and feeling very low. This has helped with anxiety.
This is highly recommended !!! will be purchasing for life.”
“First thing First, Interstellar blends are a game changer. I ordered Super Hair Tonic and have been taking it for about 3 weeks now and I can already see the difference.I have Wavy curls, and my hair were pretty well until I moved to Canada. After moving to Canada, I started experiencing grey hair, Hair-Fall, low hair volume and my hair started to break very easily. I tried so many supplements and hair care products but all in vain. I was so frustrated and stopped caring about my hair at all.
Then my friend introduced me to Interstellar Blends. I reached out to Gavin and he recommended Super Tonic Hair. I was very skeptical at first as everything i’ve tried until now had shown no result but I thought of giving it a try. The order came in just few days of ordering it. I have been taking the Super Tonic Hair for 3 weeks and I can literally see the difference in my hair. They are now getting longer, less hair-fall and I can also see new hairs growing. And its not just about the hair but after I started taking Super Tonic Hair, my whole body feels so different, Very light and always at ease. This blends are really life changing and I can’t thank Gavin enough for creating this blend. He is very knwoledgable and answers any question that I have right away. The Customer service is very SPOT-ON.
Over-all I am very happy with the result and I am really glad that I gave interstellar blends a try. I can’t wait to explore other blends and reset my body.
I have just become the lifetime customer of Interstellar Blends.”
“Holy Moly! I dove in to the interstellar blends with the help of some people i followed on instagram, I had seen them post about it numerous times and it peaked my interest. What really made me purchase the blends was the chest pains I was getting from using preworkout I wanted something not so caffeine based but still gave me the energy and drive to push on so i went with Trinity and Nebula. To my surprise was gifted with a free sample curtesy of Gavin so i got to try the Matcha green tea which was amazing.
Although I haven’t used Nebula and Trinity separately I do know that the effects of both have significantly improved my day to day experience when I wake up I’m excited for the day and have enough drive to get everything i want done and even have enough energy to workout in the evening without having to take and pre workout I’m still going strong from the trinity and nebula from the morning. I have started to experiment with taking another dose with tea in the evening and that’s going well.I have already told my daily about the benefits of these blends and how they improve your day to day routine and stop any type of anxiety or second guessing you have.
Just want to thank Gavin for creating such a great product for the people if you’re worried about this being fake or the price being to much just know it is very much worth the price and these blends last a while pull the trigger and start to improve your life now with interstellar blends you will only wish you started sooner. I’m going to tryout the shilajit next very excited!”
If your skeptical because you see the prices idk what to tell you. But if you willing to spend some money for some top quality herbs trust you won’t regret it. But it won’t just magically work, you have to put in the work. Gavin gives so much advice backed up with science and he shows you step by step so you can have the best experience with the herbs. Ive been on Trinity, supernova, and Autonomous that mix has been my favorite lately. Take it in the morning and your ready to go for the day. I would recommend this to anyone, just give it a try and see how you feel.
I seem to have found the key to all my irritating health issues and I couldn’t be happier and have never felt better. I have even ordered a blend for my Mum to try. I want my family to thrive and feel as good as they can the same way I now do so I have recommended Interstellar blends to them all. I started taking Trinity about 2 weeks ago, Seven Sages one week ago and have had Autonomous a few times. The effects from these blends have been beyond my expectations. I didn’t think I could feel this level of mental clarity. I couple them with 22/2 fast as recommended by Gavin. I honestly feel flipping amazing! My mental clarity is incredible. I have been told by family I seem like I’m in less of a daydream. I feel more chatty and outgoing, need way less sleep and have a clear head every day! Also no back ache since I started. I had had a number of visits to a chiropractor and they did not touch on my back issues the same way blends and intermittent fasting seem to have. There’s no other reason the back ache could have gone so this is an unexpected bonus! I have also been told my skin looks fresher. I really haven’t felt this good in years. No brain fog and I can multitask well again. One other huge bonus for me is that I actually feel like I am relating better to my kids who have autism and ADHD. It’s like I understand how their brains work a bit better and I feel like a better version of myself for this. I also have Chrons disease so I have just started Interstellar Helicobacter and Paraslayer blends . After taking for a month I will be able to review these products too. After such incredibly positive results from the other blends in so short a time I enthusiastically await my next delivery. Absolutely life changing! Thank you Gavin McGowan for your incredible amount of knowledge and advice which you have been on hand to offer every step of the way! I wouldn’t be without Interstellar blends now.
Would recommend it to everybody. Even if you are healthy or sick. Each product work for different reason. Research it and you will be 110% costumer for life.
“I don’t know how to begin this review. When I first came upon interstellar blends I didn’t know what to expect or how to take it. It seemed to be blown out of proportion from what I was reading. Boy was I wrong. This stuff helped me in so many ways. Trinity was helping me with anxiety, sleeping better, and helped my breathing a lot too. It was also really good for weight control. I’ve lost motivation to look good for vanity reasons but I noticed when I started taking Trinity my cravings and hunger was less and also I would crave healthier foods
Shilajit was another one that would help bring a lot of focus and clarity to myself and the two in conjunction are very helpful for being calm, focused, and ready for anything really.
I got sick last year and was taking the blends and fasting along with the win hof method and never had any serious symptoms although I still had to quarantine I felt amazing. So there goes that to the media and to the people that are being fear mongered to the sickness which you probably all know what I’m talking about by now.
In conclusion, this stuff is really great. I got a sample pack and it really is worth the high price tag. What’s the value of living a healthy and happy life? It’s priceless.”
It is hard to know where to begin except to say that I will be forever grateful to my dear friend who gave me Trinity in my time of terrible loss and grief. Depression, stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness were causing me to doubt my future. I had tried many options to help me out of the darkness that I was feeling and absolutely nothing helped until a couple of weeks into taking Trinity. At first, I didn’t notice any change and that is probably because I didn’t think that anything could help me or even save me. Until people around me began to notice and realised that I had started to sleep better and actually started to smile. I now have more focus & clarity, I feel more in control of my thoughts & emotions. I am enjoying the feeling of happiness again and want to get out of bed looking forward to my day. I cannot put a price on being able to live a happy life (most of the time) but I am almost there and will not stop taking my Trinity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to my friend, Gavin & Interstellar.
I have used many of the blends for some years now, with wonderful results on my health, especially my mental health. I suffer from severe PTSD and Trinity has helped me a lot with that. But it wasn’t until I tried Purge that everything changed for me. It has changed my life so much, that it’s hard to write this review because I start to cry my eyes out from gratitude when I think about it. I have suffered from PTSD all my life and it has slowly been killing me, and I have developed all kinds of stupid problems along with it, for example, an eating disorder, in an attempt to manage my feelings. And Purge just removed it. Eating disorder – gone! Suddenly I don’t have to overeat to calm myself down anymore. I have tried everything to get rid of it, so I couldn’t believe it when my brain suddenly didn’t crave food anymore. My life doesn’t revolve around food anymore. I can’t even begin to tell you how this has completely changed who I am and how I function. If you’re thinking about trying Purge, you should know that it doesn’t just Purge you out physically and get rid of your fat, it clears the shit out of your mind, too. And the best effect of all is, that the other blends suddenly hits harder after Purge. I can´t explain it, but it’s like there was a bunch of crap in the way inside my body before, preventing the blends to fully absorb. But I can tell you, after Purge, the other blends hit harder now. I am so grateful that I finally found something that can help me. I would also like to say something about Gavin since I have noticed that some are nervous to approach him. I haven´t had that much direct contact with him, but I have seen him interact with others online. And he is for sure the sweetest man, and he genuinely cares about the wellbeing of others. This man is trying to change the world. He has for sure changed mine.
So my sister told me about the blends over a year ago and I finally gave in and bought the sample pack. I was on work training the week my blends arrived. I struggled to stay alert throughout the day training so I started experimenting with the blends. I started by taking the 7 sages and the nebula. Within the hour I felt energised but the big thing is the whole day I never felt sleepy or tired My energy levels were amazing. Then a few days ago I woke up fluey and with a fever my throat was itchy and I thought I had COVID. I am a nurse and we often work long hours . I took a combination of victorious, luteolin, senolyticpeel and spice. It didn’t take for me to begin to feel better and the 2nd dose later I was back to normal. I didn’t even have to take the day off I am currently using Super hair tonic as my hair had thinned out and I can’t wait to order the bigger pack as I only have the sample size. Wish I had started using the blends last year when I first heard of them. I can’t wait to experiment with the rest of the blends. Thanks Gavin for your research and obviously amount of work you put into this. Still have a lot to read on the various blends but what I have used so far is simply amazing.
Trinity is simply the gold standard. If there is only 1 blend you could get, I would always say get Trinity. Gave it to some friends and even though they don’t do 22/2 (or even fasting in general) they could notice a difference rather quickly (like straight away for 1 of them and after few days for another). For myself, I just keep coming back to it and when testing 22/2 without it, it just becomes so obvious the impact Trinity has on your mood, energy levels, ect. I went through a difficult period (stress related) and now looking back at it with a clear mind, I can honestly say that 22/2 with the blends has helped me stay more focussed and have the clarity the get myself out of this period. Which would be one of the biggest compliments you can give the blends (and thus also Trinity): They take you to a higher level (in all aspects of life) and keep you there without any compromises. It is just a smooth journey all the way and I love that I have started it and I’ll be a customer for life! Thank you Gavin and the Interstellar team!!!
“Hey Gavin, what can I say??? These blends changed my and my clients life. I’ve always been obsessed with optimizing my brain and performance and I run a business teaching other entrepreneurs this. Best believe EVERY CUSTOMER of mine has to order Trinity, Nebula, Shilajit and seven sages as a bear minimum. Best health products on planet earth. nothing even close. Keep being great brother! The nootropic is amazing as well! Fuck it haha every blend I’ve tried is amazing. But those 5 are my go to’s.”
“Started taking Trinity and Seven Sages about 4 weeks ago and the results have been amazing! I have more energy and think more clearly. Waking up in the morning feels like a reward now, I know I will have a wonderful and productive day.
When first ordering I was a bit skeptical, but I took the chance and made the purchase. The order was delivered fast and it came in a nice wrapping. When first taking the combo I immediately noticed a difference in a good way.
Feeling like I am in control of my thoughts and emotions has turned my life to the better. Can not say how thankful I am for Gavin and the rest of the interstellar team. I will be purchasing more of Trinity and Seven Sages for sure, and thinking of adding Nebula and Autonomous for the next order!
These blends are life changing and I personally will be a customer for life!”
“Oceans of gratitude to you!
I was preparing to write this brilliant testimonial and walked into our kitchen to make tea before I did (in our magical, epicurean co-living space) and saw a couple who were just returning from their vacation in Cabo. The first statement out of my beloved friends mouth was “What did you do to your hair!? It looks so good!” I had an amazing laugh and shared with her about Interstellar Herbs Super Hair Tonic which she is now purchasing so she can experience fuller, more lustrous locks.
I’ve been taking Super Hair faithfully for 3 weeks and in this short frame of time have experienced profound, hyper-accelerated hair growth.
One of the questions I asked my friend was what differences she noticed and she said my hair looked significantly fuller, thicker and shinier than it did before they left for Cabo 20 days ago.
Prior to utilizing Super Hair I was experiencing a substantial amount of hair shed due to numerous stressors. Not only can I see 2 full inches (<<< read that again, 2 inches in 3 weeks!) of new hair growth blossoming in places where I was previously shedding hair, I can see a new richness in color tone and my hair returning to its natural vibrancy from youth.
One of the most valuable gifts of these sacred herbs is that I can FEEL and SEE my true self for the first time in years. The restoration of health to my hair and sheer fact that this is only the beginning of the results I’m going to experience is a phenomenal blessing and inspiration.
One thing I know for certain about Interstellar Herbs is that If you utilize the blends that resonate with you uniquely and stick with the protocols, IT WORKS WONDERS.
Gavin has also been a massive support and generously shared his wealth of knowledge with me when I had questions about the blends, supportive science and how they work in the body.
I full-heartedly recommend Interstellar Herbs for next level health maximization!”
“So to start with I never knew what to expect, after seeing results through the reviews and progress people was making I had to look into it further. the past year I have been struggling with depressions, stress and anxiety therefore been on a journey digging deep into reprogramming my subconscious mind and spiritual being.
– Trinity has worked wonders in helping me do just that; with doing a 16 hour fast I would wake up in the morning and mix the herbs in with coffee and I’m just in a world of my own full of focus and mental clarity! I am a full time Trader and these help me so much even with not eating i still feel full of so much energy and mentally switched on.
– A few months down the line and I am in a much better place mentally and physically; I feel fully in control with my thoughts and emotions. I don’t even know where to begin in recommending this product to anyone with a little brain fog or just struggling with past trauma that’s causing depression and being anxious about the future, live in the moment and connect with your higher self with reprogramming your subconscious mind you can tap into a whole new world full of abundance, joy and fulfilment; these herbs help you a lot along the journey. I cannot thank Gavin and his team enough I’m so happy about coming across this product and I am soo excited about my next order!! Yous have a customer for life! THANK YOU!”
“I am Walter Gastelum, a tax attorney in Mexico and RetailForexTrader. I started using the Interstellar Blend products last year, on the recommendation of a friend.
My interest was practically to concentrate during my reading and study days, so I acquired SHILAJIT Blend. The results are the best and I am very grateful for these products.
I researched the benefits of shilajit for memory and concentration and there are very good references to its properties. Among those that help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders.
I currently have in my possession Nebula and Trinity Blends, which I use to do my daily kundalini meditation routine.”
When I was researching fasting, came across the Interstellar Blends. Bought them, and started taking them to combat my insulin resistance, anemia, hypothyroidism, bone loss, and needed weight loss. I have tried many products over the years, I teach health and nutrition now since I got off the steroids and pharmaceuticals years ago and started to rebuild my health from all the prior damage it caused. These blends are exceptional, nothing like them on the market. The website is full of actual studies, helping you to see the root causes of the problems so you can correct them. At first one might say they are expensive, but what you are getting is well worth the price. If you want to heal your body and regain your health, take the blends!!
There is a key factor for the blends to work and is YOU. Is YOU are NOT willing to change your mind set and life style then the blends are not for you. Don’t blame the blends for not working if you are not willing to give up sugar, junk food because the problem has been all along YOU and the one that does not want to change is YOU!! Gavin gives you the tools and instructions for you to succeed. You can do the 22/2 or dry fast is YOUR choice, for every plan there is a protocol that you must follow if you don’t then you are setting yourself for failure. Regarding the price if you look at how much you are getting and how ling is going to last you then it makes sense plus this is an investment in your health And if you are not willing to invest in yourself then you have no business buying the blends.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.