“If any of you are on the fence about getting the blends, don’t be. I started them back in March and have had many things improve. I’m going to be 61 years old next month and I feel confident that some issues that have developed over the past few years are now reversible. I’m happy with the progress I am making and can’t thank Gavin enough for all the help he has given my husband and myself. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be better ?”
Borden “Hyellow! So… my husband ordered Nebula and we received it today in the morning. I’ve slowly started 22:2 earlier this week so this morning I immediately made coffee and got my 4Oz shot with Nebula after around 40 minutes I started feeling this crazy energy! I jumped in my work out clothes and got a great work out, I usually have to drag myself to work out. My energy is usually lowish and after doing a few things I have to pause and take a break and then continue. I’ve felt sluggish for so long and like I have this sort of cloud/fog in my brain. I feel anxiety often and over think a lot, I usually feel like a 90 year old inside but today after taking Nebula I feel like a 20 year old inside. No brain fog, no pausing every few hours between activities, not dragging myself to work out, I feel so damn great! I have around 50 lbs to lose, had major medical issues since the age of 19 with a chronic, weird autoimmune condition so I’m super excited to see future changes, since today it’s only been my first time trying the blends. I don’t know how you Gavin Robert McGowen have accomplished all this work with the blends, how long it has taken you to have all the science behind them and all your work, but I’m so impressed and thank you for your work! I can’t even explain properly how great I feel and I just want to feel like this everyday of my life from now on! I’ve truly felt super powerful! (Now I just wish a lot more people could experience this!) ????”
“I started with Seven Sages and Trinity for depression, after having such quick results I added Spice, Peel and Super Nova. Then I won the $600 blends which added to my regime. I love them all… depression and brain fog completely gone. I also have so much energy. I use to have to take a nap to get through the day, but not anymore.”
“I haven’t had time write a formal testimony but A spot on my lung that was discovered in March on a X-ray had grown. I was scheduled with a follow up CT scan and the area had increased and had gotten more dense. A pet scan on August 14 showed a high uptake value which points to cancer so I was scheduled for a biopsy September 3rd. I ended up in ER August 30th and another X-ray was done and the spot was gone!! I have ongoing lung issues due to a drug resistant bacteria so seeing junk in my lungs seems common now for me. I have been on the Blend’s now for 10 weeks now and that’s the only thing I have done differently. You cannot imagine how happy I was. I went through cancer treatment twice and the thought of doing it again literally made me sick. Thank you Gavin for what you do it’s not only the blends but it’s literally saving some of us.”
“My husband had prostate cancer which metastasized to his bones, doing research we ran across Intersteller blends and reached out to Gavin for advice and also read up on the different blends.. In February we both started doing the blends and fasting. It is now August and we are happy to say at my husbands last visit to his doctor he is cancer free. Of course we know cancers are tricky so will continue on with the blends. A big thanks to Gavin for all his advice and patience with both my husband and myself.”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.