“So I’m totally floored! I got Peel, Spice, and Thermo delivered on Tuesday (added to Original, Trinity, and Matcha that I usually take). 22 hour dry fasts, no extra exercise, no diet change except adding the longevity shake with the blends I have, really stressful week doing nights at work… weighed in today and I dropped from 251 to 243… since Tuesday morning. ? I’ve always been too scared to go longer that 22 hour dry fasts (I’m a nurse… years of training are hard to ignore) but am going to work on 44 hour fasts this week and for once, it feels doable!”
“First I want to say that I am fortunate to take a large majority of the blends offered. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint one specific result to one specific blend, but I do believe that ALL of the blends have contributed to the great results which I am about to share. I think often times we notice more when things are wrong or bad rather than taking notice when things are good. But if you are aware and present, if you start to pay attention, you will see that these blends impact SO MANY areas of your life. Here are a few examples of how these blends have impacted me. Perhaps Gavin can comment on the specific blend associated 1. I used to struggle with cold sores on my mouth and nose (herpes virus). I would get them every month or two due to stress or too much sun. I believe it has almost been a year since having one. Even when the conditions arose to get one I might feel the sensation of one but magically they would never appear and the feeling would dissipate quickly. 2. My skin has greatly improved. I had an age spot on my hand (I WISH I would have taken a before and after picture because it is incredible). I was self conscious about it because it made me look and feel older than I was. It is now gone. In addition, the sun spots and freckles on my arms and legs are much less. Even my aesthetician has had to increase my facial frequency because she said my cell turnover is just so much higher than it used to be.
Another interesting thing that happened – and this would have to do with rapid healing but I recently had to have stitches. When I went in to have them removed the doctor commented that he had never seen anything like it. My skin and wound had healed so quickly and nicely that it had completely healed OVER the stitches. He had to access them for removal with an incision. ? 3. I stopped taking thyroid medicine when I started taking blends. This has probably been two years now. I recently started taking Luteolin from Interstellar and after a new blood test, my Thyroid levels are the best they have ever been (although borderline) and quite honestly I feel no side effects of Hypothyroidism 4. I am happier and less stressed. This is subtle but noticeable. Even my husband has commented that I have a new energy and peace about me. And truthfully I just feel like smiling and laughing more. There is more that I can say but these reviews can get lengthy. ….I did take Autophagy this morning. I’ve been doing longer fasts and plant based feeding windows to improve my gut bacteria and I’ve struggled a bit with hunger. Today is different. I am not hungry per usual. Also just a little tip: Make a Matcha smoothie!! Wow! It’s my new staple. Nut milk, Stevia, flaxseeds, spinach, and a good scoop of Matcha. It’s life changing ?”
“Gavin. This my first review for you.
I am a huge fan of the Interstellar Blends. I wanted to go into supersonic mode, so I decided to make the monthly special 13 blends purchase. All I can say is that these blends deliver. If you are planning on doing fasting of any kind, these can help ease off some fasting reactions. I am an athlete, so I personally am just following a keto program currently. I sometimes use black coffee. For those of you who want to mask the taste of the herbs, it may be your best option with a side boost of caffeine. I myself prefer water. I enjoy a few cups of matcha a day to keep energy levels up and hunger pangs away.
I know there is the hypnotic sleep blend. I do not have that but the trinity helps me with sleep. I believe sleep is where the healing happens.
I am 43 yrs old and one thing I noticed was an increase in my libido. What can I say but longer, harder and stronger with way more increased sensitivity. I’m just gonna go on a limb and say the blends help with hormonal balance. Take 3 spoons of Pine Pollen powder before bed. Whoa!
I love love love the Peel and Spice. If you have inflammation, load your body up with polyphenols. You will find that in green teas as well as a good high polyphenol olive oil, which I consume. I take a teaspoon each of Peel and Spice if I want to heal faster.
I love the Seven Sages blend as you are getting different herbs each day. To me, it’s like micro-dosing just the right amount for the herbs to do its action.
I’m looking into purchasing a bunch of herbs to help continue the self healing journey.
Thanks Gavin!”
“I just have to share this. I went home for a short vacation. I always have my niece cut my Hair. I never told her about the Pine Pollen and Apigenin. Kelly says to me. What’s going on with your Hair? I said what do you mean? She says there’s a shit load of new Hair that’s about 4″ long and millions of tiny newer Hairs coming in. I WAS ECSTATIC! It’s always nice to hear it from a Hair professional. So I gave her some interstellar business cards and told her about the new product coming out.”
“I love this Matcha!! I came to the blends at 60 years of age looking to enhance the change in lifestyle I had implemented a year before that. I lost about 30 pounds, started hitting the gym and lifting weights but always fell like I was dragging myself around, could never feel “normal” levels of energy. Out of desperation I started on adderall, small dose, every other day and it worked but left me feeling wired. Within one day of starting this Matcha I was done with the adderall!
With such success on one of the blends I wanted to know what other benefits I could derive from other blends so I started with the Sampler pack figuring I could get the most help and the best bang for my buck. Once I started them I was hooked! Starting with Pine Pollen. It seemed completely counterintuitive to take these huge doses of pollen given my extreme allergy history to all pollens but I began taking it before the heavy allergy season in my location and once the pollen really began showing up naturally I noticed no allergy problems!! NONE! I used to experience seasonal asthma that required me to constantly carry and use a rescue inhaler. No MORE!!!
Seven Sages – the name alone made me want it since it promised to help expand my pre-established spiritual practice and boy did it!!! Meditation became easy, I can experience deeper levels of relaxation which allows me to receive higher level energies so my visions and communication with spiritual energy is so much easier, more fluent, and clear now. I can’t wait to take it every morning!
Trinity makes me feel sharp and alive. My health is excellent, my blood work is perfect. I also typically practice a 22/2 eating schedule and the blends make it super easy to go the day without eating or hunger. I feel soooo good to be a 61 year old female in the best shape of my life! I take no prescription medications and have put several friends and family members on the blends with great success.
But I saved the best story for last! I have a daughter who had a medical history of chronic pancreatitis who had her pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, duodenum, and appendix removed in a massive surgery that made her insulin dependent overnight. She experienced severe complications from the surgery that had her hospitalized literally every other week for over 18 months while her body tried to adapt to the changes. She had a mesh hernia repair six months after the first surgery and was plagued with infections for a year. She lost 60 pounds lost enormous time with her only child who was 18 months old at the time and was so sick I was terrified she was going to die. I started her on the Sampler pack this July and she has been healthy for over a month, the first time she has gone that long without hospitalization since January 2018. This is solely due to the blends!!! They truly create miracles!”
“I joined the facebook page some time ago. But it was a while before i mustered the courage to approach Gavin to try the blends for myself. So many people were having amazing results and Gavin was fantastic in advising me which combination of herbs to try. I developed acne rosacea (suddenly and severely at the age of 49 and had lived with it for nearly 2 years, I tried most of the topical medications prescribed by my dermatologist but none worked, i changed my skincare, my makeup but nothing helped. I had previously fasted and eaten very clean ( so there wasn’t any explanation as to why the rosacea had triggered). The blends were my last resort. The shipping was quick (to the UK) and the results have been stunning. My skin has cleared completely, I have not had a new spot develop in over a month, my pores and skin feel as they did before i developed the rosacea. (No bumps or roughness). I barely wear makeup and people think i do not look my age at all. The blends and dry fasting have literally changed my life. I was never an anxious person but people (my children and husband) have noticed that i am more laid back and less stressed. Nothing gets me down. If you are thinking should i invest in the blends? Try them you will not be disappointed.”
“It’s challenging to pick a favorite blend, since they all seem to work together so well! I have done many fasts in my life and up until incorporating these herb blends I had varying degrees of difficulty and success with each of those experiences. Sometimes even dangerous results. I had put the idea of fasting aside for many years after ending up in the cardiac ward for an expensive hospital stay. When I decided to give it another shot I researched all the information that was currently being shared and I eventually came across Gavin’s Interstellar Blends by way of his Facebook group. I had been incorporating keto, bulletproof and intermittent fasting with some success and I was also always on the lookout for potentially better ways to improve my health. The promise of these herbs seemed great and compelled me to give them try. The first time I tried them the effects were instant, uplifting and like I had energized focus to do whatever needed to be done! I would say that Seven Sages is my favorite, as I take it first thing and can feel the difference right away. For months I used the blends with daily fasting and I felt great, like being happy was effortless. A real testament to the blends effectiveness is when I stopped taking them. For several months I didn’t buy blends and I have to say it was one of the hardest times for me emotionally and mentally, coupled with a gray and long winter. I knew that as soon as I could afford to, I would be buying these blends again. When I did get the blends again I bought them at the best value offered and the largest size available because I know how valuable they are! And this time I was reinvigorated to challenge myself with the extended fluid restricted fasting challenge using the blends. And I will say that it has been the most effective way I have ever released excess weight and moved toward the healthiest version of myself that I have ever done. It’s surreal to think about how much I have changed in a short amount of time. And using these blends has made that possible, not only in a way that i have been able to release weight, it’s also in the way that I have been able to remain functional in my life while doing these fasts. In the past when i have done water fasts and dry fasts, at some point i would basically be in bed, just trying to sleep it off. With the use of these blends i can do what i need to do. Yes, sometimes it is challenging and most of the time it is almost too easy. And it has been one of, if not the best decision I have ever made. Thank you, Gavin, for making this product and for the generosity of your time in supporting customers in your Facebook groups.“
“I have become more healthy, disciplined and sure of myself just by following Gavin all these years. His never-say-die attitude has been my most treasured gift asides the incredible science info and the blends. Thank you Gavin Robert McGowen!”
“Before I started taking Luteolin, I was experiencing intense depression and anxiety. I had recently been laid off from work, and my previous methods of dealing with depression, ie regular 5htp doses and walking outside, were just not helping this time around. I reached out to Gavin and he recommended Luteolin in conjunction with Trinity Blend. The Trinity Blend I had used before, and I loved the way it enabled me to easily fast, but I had never tried Luteolin before. When I took my first dose of Luteolin, in about 10-15 minutes it started kicking in. The first thing I noticed was that my body relaxed big time. In fact I was surprised to find out just how tense my body was because apparently I had gotten used to it. An hour after the dose, not only did I notice that I was still relaxed, but I also noticed that my anxiety/depression were gone. I was able to do constructive work again on fixing my situation. After two weeks on Luteolin, I landed an audition for a role in a small movie, something which had been a dream of mine forever, but that I had never had the energy to pursue. I am also lined up for part time work, and actively and happily engaged in finding full time work. Luteolin is a complete game changer for me, and I highly recommend it for any anxiety or depression symptoms. Also, I noticed that my memory dramatically improved. I can remember phone numbers and account numbers easily now.”
“This stuff is amazing!!! I have never seen such a good combo of nootropics and Chinese herbs in my life but here it is. This is my favorite blend to start off the day ? it has a brightening and broadening effect on your mind and consciousness which is quite nice! I am on an 88/8 and this is essential to my fast. This one and the Thermo are my absolute favorites so far I still have some to try though. All these herbs are so well put together it blows my mind! Thank you for these awesome products! They’re dope to say the least ?”
“My boyfriend and I were attracted to the variety of the blends because of the the health benefits offered through a more natural option. We joined the Facebook group and read the testimonies and did research for about a year before we dove in. We purchased the SUPER ULTIMATE Sampler PACK. We took the Seven Sages daily and Matcha / Trinity / Shilajit twice a day and Pine Pollen about once a week for about 3 months. My boyfriend was taking Nebula and Trinity and he loved it! He was focused and more determined at work. I noticed I was able to complete my 12 hour nursing shifts without the burn out at the end of the day. My body was able to recover from the emergency cases a lot smoother. I had over all an improvement in my body. I felt alert and not as hungry throughout the day. We both started doing 18/6 and worked our way to 22/2 daily for about 3 months. With the blends we were able to do two cycles of 44/4 without the intense mood swings or headaches. The real change is when we ran out. Wow!!, within a week I felt sluggish, not as focused and overall crummy. I will most definitely order a larger quantity and try a few new ones! Thanks Gavin!”
“Hey Gavin….im on day 5 of taking my stack of Seven Sages Trinity and Nebula…at first I was a little questionable and expected it to work like magic like taking Xanax but I didn’t get discouraged. I began to feel better every day and worked on keeping a positive mind state. I’ve been struggling with depression. anxiety, panic disorder, depersonalization and depression…..today I woke up and I felt a little shitty cuz I was out drinking from 8 to 3 in the morning, I went to bed at 5 and woke up at 10, after about being up for 10 minutes and feeling slightly crappy I realized I felt normal, no anxiety/depression and all that. I was motivated felt the passion in life like ‘I once had, and normally I would of been hungover and sleeping till 1 or 2. I just wanted to thank you.”
“Wanted to share that I’ve experienced a significant decrease in my heart disease symptoms over the last year since I doubled my Spice/Peel intake. I can tell the main blockage on my Widow Maker artery on the back of my heart, that I’ve been carrying for over 15 years, has shrunk significantly. The proof is that when I have a bad day and eat all kinds of crap that I shouldn’t eat, I experience almost no symptoms from it. A year ago I would’ve almost died from eating all that garbage. Now, almost nothing. Also, my depression is pretty much gone since starting Apigenin, Luteolin, and supplementing with Mag, Zinc and Lithium. 1/4 tsp API, 1/2 tsp Lut, 4 caps Mag and Zinc, 10 drops Lithium. Twice a day for all. My Spice/Peel intake is 2 tsp 20:1, 1/2 tsp 200:1. I alternate between 20:1 and 200:1. Usually do one of them 20:1 and the other 200:1, and switch it up every month or two. Take one in the morning, the other in the evening. So Gavin has hit on the cure for arterial blockages as well. Amazing stuff!”
Good Evening Gavin. I’ve been meaning to write you for 6 or 7 weeks now. I wanted to let you know that I love your blends. This summer my Dad got a secondary CDiff infection after his triple bypass and took a turn for the worse. He was intubated and fighting for his life for 8 weeks. I had to balance his needs along with my 6 kids. I know that your blends not only kept me sane but also gave me the stamina to keep going from day to day. Even with very little sleep. Thank you for your research and commitment to quality. You literally kept me sane this summer. Bless you!!!! I just hustled and got myself some more cash to invest in some of the blends I don’t have yet. Right now – I can’t live without Nebula. But it’s so hard to pick one. I know you get messages like this regularly but I wanted to thank you with a message as well as my patronage. You have a customer for life. Have a great evening.
“Finished 7 cycles 22/2 and I’m taking Nebula 1-2 times per day. I’m a believer now; easier time waking up in the morning, fewer instances of high anxiety, beast mode in the gym, my heart rate rests around 45 beats per minute at night (which I’m assuming is a good thing). I stay active throughout the entire day and don’t get tired. When I have training or presentations to give I’m way more energetic and engaged, everyone at work has noticed the 7 lbs I lost in a week. I hit 14 years of active duty naval service last month and I have not felt this good and healthy since I was 19, I turn 33 in a few months. Also Gavin, thank you for Thunder– My wife approves!”
“One more,…after my long previous post,…this is an honest thank you with much gratitude. I must give a big shout out to Gavin Robert McGowen his most amazing Interstellar Herb Blends.
I’ve been using them for years now, before that I suffered terribly with anxiety and my brain would flood, especially in stressful situations. I suffered from PTSD and ADD really. The blends have really reworked my brain and keep me from having total panic meltdowns like I used to have. I know all too well what it feels like living with Anxiety and Depression your whole life. It’s like a dark trapped hole that no matter how much motivational stuff you read, affirmations you do, blah, blah blah,….sometimes it only makes you feel worse because you don’t feel better. You still feel lost, panicked, confused, afraid and sometimes paralyzed by it all. Sometimes you feel like you are going to die. I know. I’ve been there. PTSD is very real too and the source is different for each person. But trauma rewires your brain to experience it over and over when those “triggers” are set off. That causes anxiety/panic and/or depression over time. You cannot “talk” or “talk therapy” your brain back to proper functioning, as your brain works on chemical processes. an aside: some people think because I’ve set out and done the things that I have that I never had the reasons to hold back, or demons to fight,” like them. Nope, I’ve had plenty. I was just never going turn those “reasons” into “excuses”. So, I felt the fear and panic all along but I was just crazy enough to do the “ITS” anyway. I’ve messed up a lot along the way but no one ever succeeds in life without a wake a failures. I digress,… I still feel it from time to time but the blends have helped.
Healing Trauma and Dis-ease: Nature has provided us with cures for nearly everything. We have just been cut off from that knowledge by Business aka Big Pharma, ah-him that’s a whole other rant I won’t get into. But Gavin has made it his life’s mission to rediscover and discover even more ways to use the cures of herbs and plants, how they work also which ones work synergistically with others to heal our brains first, organs, muscles skins etc. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s not. He’s literally one of MOST SCIENCE based people I’ve ever encountered. (With exceptions of some of my clients here who are Engineers for NASA) If you have read this far let me just say,… (I am not an affiliate, I am not getting paid or anything and he didn’t not ask, nor know I am posting this, so please don’t go there.) I ain’t, I don’t,…keep reading ? lol I also have several friends lately that I know the blends could help and “would actually be open minded enough” to at least fully check into them.
Why don’t I don’t post about this more often? Because unless someone’s asks, they usually won’t care to listen. Or if I suggest the blends, then they often think I’m just trying to sell something. I’m not. I have nothing to do with the company, other than using the herbs most of the time since 2016. (I’m pretty sure around then) There are many different blends now since the single Original formula available when I started. What I love besides the FACT that they WORK,…is that he has spent years doing and documenting all of science based research as to how and why each ingredient is in each new blend and how they work so you can read it for yourself. Honestly, you won’t believe it until to experience it. But still do your research. I’ve watched so many lives been changed over the years by the blends not just anxiety & depression but diabetes, heart disease, skin issues, inflammation, weight loss (big time) even cancer,…no, I am not lying. He’s got some new ones now I haven’t tried YET, but most I have and I love them all-def have my personal favorites. When people ask me why I look like I don’t age,. or can’t believe my age,… it’s gotta the herbs and intermittent fasting,…there’s many anti-aging herbs in the blends. Thank you Gavin. I would recommend “liking” the Interstellar Blends FB page and contacting him via there with any questions vs. his personal FB.
Final mention: before you look and immediately disregard because they cost money. If you truly need help reach out to Gavin and be nice, tell him your health situation and he will be able to recommend what and where to start. He even does special bundles and different ways he can help…so if you would like to try something and don’t know what or how (there are a lot more options now) just ask him. But be cool. Don’t be rude please. Should be a given but well,…it apparently isn’t always. Costs: 1. Calculate how much money per day your life is worth to you. Can you even out a price on that? 2. How much money are you spending on pharmaceuticals?? I’ve seen so so so many get completely off pharma drugs. 3. How much are you spending on junk food and bad habits? 4. Would you rather spend money on being healthy? Or spend money on being sick? ? I know which one costs more and sucks way more, bet you do too! There’s more but I will leave it at that. I gotta get back to work. Have a Grateful Day. If ya have any questions you would rather ask me DM me. Love to all! ???”
“I have been going through years of depression and anxiety, not wanting to leave my house, afraid of being around people that I didn’t have a recent familiarity with, extreme dizziness, its been really bad. Once I was made aware of the blends and how it could potentially help me get out of my funk I jumped. I really loved the Super Ultimate Sampler w/ Seven Sages. I’ve had the product for a month now and almost immediately felt a difference in overall wellbeing. My first notice of it was with my anxiety. I happened to be experiencing anxiety the day the product arrived. I was also feeling a pressure in my frontal lobe. Once I mixed and drank the herbs I literally felt the pressure dwindling immediately. Next was with my energy. I start my day at midnight and sometimes drink with decaf and caffeinated coffee. I feel great with both. My energy and focus has greatly improved and I know it has to do with the herbs.
Coming out of a depression my confidence has really needed to gain momentum and return to normal. Shilajit “the destroyer of weakness” has been helping me mentally regain control and restore the belief in myself. I know each herb serves its purpose but I can say this is one I really hold dear. Implementing the fasting protocol I believe amplifies everything. I fasted before but never tried dry fasting. I’d do at most a 16/8 water fast. Since I began dry fasting w/ the herbs, as well as doing some physical fitness body fat has decreased like never before.I attribute that to Thermo. I’m planning to go on the 5 day fast in the upcoming weeks. Blame the shilajit for giving me my mental power back. I know the Seven Sages also helps with mental clarity and bringing you back to a balanced and positive mind state. I’m really happy knowing that all the blends work in unison with each other but also can be taken separately due to the many benefits each one has to offer. I come from a family of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, parent has had a stroke so once I was educated on interstellar it was a no brainer for me. I will definitely be spreading the word about these blends.”
“Dear Gavin,
My brother has been using your products for a while now. He has preached and preached about how fantastic your blends are. He provided me with some samples of Trinity, Seven Sages and Supernova. I immediately fell head over heals. The energy boost, the mood enhancement… oh my goodness. I used to come home from work feeling dead tired, exhausted and actually miserable. I’d rarely have enough energy to get dinner together, clean or run errands. After using small doses of the samples (as I didn’t want to run out) I would come home in the best mood with the energy to cross everything off of my to do list every single day! That was enough for me to become a die hard fan and save up for my first purchase!
I recently received my order of Nebula, Trinity, Thermo, Super Hair Tonic and Pine Pollen. All I have to say is HOLY SH!T!!!! I am a whole new person and I feel freaking fantastic. I am now taking the proper dosage and just can’t believe how much energy I have! My mood has enhanced substantially and I have the endurance to keep on grinding allllll dayyyy. I have never felt more like the bubbly and energetic girl I used to be in high school!
Gavin… you are a HERO. Your career choice is truly a noble one. You are going to get such good karma for making people feel as good as your supplements have made me feel. You have made a LIFELONG customer out of me. I only wish that the entire world could try your supplements and best believe that I am preaching to everyyyy single person I know (my husband is already hooked)!
I also want to mention that your customer service is UNMATCHED. Before I purchased my supplements, you respond to my question so promptly. But what reallyyyy stood out to me is your service after I purchased my supplements. There was an issue with USPS in delivering my package and you were so on top of helping me resolve the issue. And Kristine was soooo kind to me as well in our interaction. You guys are absolutely awesome people!!!
I’m not great with words, but thank you for changing my life in a way I never thought possible!”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.