See What Others Have To Say

“Ordered the blends just a week ago after a super-fast delivery to the Netherlands within 3 days from shipping. I began mixing and taking the blends with espresso 4 times a day. I try to eat one keto/ low carb meal at the evening. I think this method works the best because the blends are being absorbed much faster without food. So I experienced amazing results in a short period of time(8 days) And to be honest . I am currently taking the 11 combo blend. 1 week after taking the blends I feel fucking AWESOME. I was suffering from low energy moods and brain fog. Physically tired almost all the time. Anxiety problems. Lack of concentration. Skin irritations. And honestly I am impressed because I see positive changes in everything I was suffering from. With the blends I keep and keep going. When I started taking the blends my daily routines switched and the energy and focus level increased like 100x if not more.

From eating fast-food everyday and minimum exercising. To fasting and eating low carb meals and walking a minimum of 15 kilometers daily. The first couple days where a little bit difficult to adjust my lifestyle and get more disciplined. But the blends helped me with that. And gave me so much energy so there was no time for being lazy. Started enjoying my life again and realized what your possibilities are as a human being if u get the right nutritions. I got my power back and broke the psychological barriers. I realized one thing. The nutrients and food we get in our body are affecting our lives permanently.


Ahmet Yilmaz

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“It’s so hard to believe that just two months ago I started the blends. I went from 60mg of prozac a day for over 12 years to 0 mg a day!!!! I was deeply depressed, I couldn’t hardly function, to thriving! I feel alive, alert, engaged, as where I felt the life was leaving my body. What I had sought in Dr’s & Rx’s for anxiety & depression I have found in Trinity! I feel exactly how I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL!!!! HAPPY”

Sharon Reemes Mathews

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Trinity and Thermo has given me the fucking confidence and energy and realisation that i can do all these things and focus on positivity for myself and the few others that do the same for me, MY thoughts matter and the things that i want and love matters more than any fucking negative idiots i thought i had to deal with. the world is nothing but a canvas that YOU paint on if you simply stop thinking that anything has power over you and your life, and pick up the fucking brush and start painting what your life should be like because its under your control and your perception not others or their opinions or negativity or stupidity, suddenly you realise life has nothing but positivity and precise manifestation for you as long as you put yourself up and not anymore have to deal with shitty unchangable pessimistic idiots who make their world just as shit as they are just because theyre your ‘friends’ or relatives and family. Existence is nothing but what you make it to be, and now i have the fucking confidence to apply myself into it and not deal with anything that goes against my grain!”

Adhem Taha

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“After a year of following Gavin’s Facebook database, watching testimonials, reading up on the ingredients in these herbal supplements, and watching videos about dry fasting, I eventually became mentally ready to ease my way into self-experimentation. I tried dry fasting with prep alone and felt spiritually and mentally refreshed. I decided to try Trinity alone (at first) after researching the ingredients and reading many awesome testimonials. The first time I took it, I noticed an extra burst of clarity, focus, and peace. Two weeks later I started to notice I had not experienced my seldom spouts of anxiety and depression. (I’m typically a happy, funny, upbeat person, but do have moments). I’ve known it had to with nutritional deficiencies. I could not recall having the “bad” moments and it took me a bit to connect the dots because I didn’t suffer from severe issues anyway. In general, I was simply HAPPIER. I used to smoke cigarettes off and on. Right before Trinity I was having 1-2 daily. Not until I realized that I lost a pack of cigarettes that the urge disappeared without a struggle! Trinity keeps me in a deeper state of mind and body than prior to it, so I assume it is why every time I notice I’m healthier, Trinity pops into my head…like my afflictions became epiphanies, rather than struggles! Amazing. I get a cold like clockwork this time of year, and have been around several sick people. That suffrage was skipped and I am convinced the factors are the herbal essentials in Trinity. My skin is clearer. I could go on but this a testimony on my behalf, not a biography! My next step is combining it with dry fasting. Do your research, apply it to yourself, and get ready to thrive. I’m still on my way. We have the key!”

Gaby Avina

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McDonough, GA

“I haven’t suffered from anxiety or depression in quite some time, and I usually feel pretty darn great. That said, since I received my 7 day challenge pack at the beginning of the year, and have been sampling the herbs, I’ve been insanely productive! I’ve had a job interview, I’m 1/3 way through an intricate art project, I’ve cleaned and organized my garage, and my studio, and am ready to start painting it a fresh new color.

I’m on fire!”

Felisa Thibodeaux

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“So many great things to say about Gavin & Interstellar Blend. First and foremost the customer service is bar none. Gavin is extremely responsive and essentially provides free consultation via facebook and gmail. He answers questions and makes recommendations based on your situation, finances, and health goals.

Then, the turnaround time on orders as well as the flexible payment options is incredible. Even though I placed my order after midnight, I received a text within a couple of hours with an Apply Pay invoice. Like I said Gavin is highly accessible! And the fact that they even accept Apple Pay speaks leaps and bounds to Gavin trying to make it easy as possible for customers to get their hands on his products.

I can’t say enough great things about Matcha. As soon as I tasted it I was reminded that quality makes all the difference. Matcha is known for not tasting that great. But the Interstellar Matcha tastes fine. I’ve been taking it with 1 oz shots of espresso and I’m stunned at how smooth it is. And then the ENERGY – it’s unreal. Gavin & co: I’m here for the long haul. Interstellar is now part of daily health regimen and you’ve just found yourself another life long customer. “


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“A close friend of mine lost over 30 pounds by dry fasting along with a few different blends, using Gavin’s instructions. She had high praise for the herbs, so I started reading into them and decided to try Trinity. After 4 days of taking ~3/8th tsp of Trinity in the mornings with coffee, I feel generally calmer and more positive, more focused and able to complete tasks, and have noticeably improved digestion. It has really been too short of a time to even convince myself – everyone wants to believe they can find a relatively cheap cure for tons of their problems. But based so far on the experience of a close friend, my positive interactions in dealing directly with Gavin, and my very limited time of taking it myself, my skepticism is fading. And I’m feeling great.”

Chris Cole

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“All I can say if you have doubts about Trinity like I did erase them from your mind. Within hours of taking this blend my energy level shot up and my mind seemed more clear. I also found myself being able to have conversations with coworkers that usually get under my skin within minutes. Gavin has really struck gold here!! Love this product!!”

Justin A Columbus

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“I have been taking Interstellar Blend since the Original formula. There are so many benefits to taking the blends, I don’t know where to begin. When I started taking the blends I could tell a difference within hours. The first day, I just felt better in general, I seemed to have more energy, improved mental clarity and focus. Within a few days, I definitely noticed an increase of steady energy and also noticed I was less anxious. My work out improved and I also slept better at night. Since I have started taking the blends, these are my long term improvements; I no longer have anxiety (was daily) or depression (few times per year), my blood pressure has gone down, my vision has improved, I retain muscle mass easier, I look younger, and I have a new found rejuvenated energy and youthful vitality. Heres a benefit I sometimes forget about, I used to get cramps from nerve damage as a residual affect from chemo therapy and radiation treatments (I am a stage 4 cancer survivor…13 years out). When I would get anxious or nervous, my jaw and tongue would cramp up and I wasn’t able to speak. It was quite embarrassing and also very painful. I cannot remember the last time I cramped up and that’s a good thing! When I first found IB, I felt right away it was something special, but I had no idea there were so many positive benefits. You are only a by-product of what you put into yourself, no matter where you are currently on the health spectrum the blends will simply help elevate you to a higher level.”

Frank Beverly

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“Just would like to share I had been on pharmaceutical medication for over 5 years, June last year the doors open for me to have natural medicine then just over 2 weeks ago I started on Intersteller Blend ,I ordered your ultimate combo package. Well what can I say I am alive, I feel bloody amazing such a polar opposite to where my body, mind and emotions were. So amazing just a true connection to oneself -Balance. The best investment I have ever spent on myself. All our life we search and spend trying to find true connection to oneself, to feel that bliss within. Well I can truly say these natural herbs work. I am living it. They are the real deal. Thank you so much!”

Wendy Taylor

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Trinity has made a difference in my life. It along with all the positive post from Gavin and the people in that group. I used to take Zanax every day. Since being in Trinity it’s been 9 months since I took it. For anyone that experiences anxiety or depression it is worth it to try it. For some it’s not an overnight fix all, but give it time. I may have a moment now and then but I used to have many sometimes on a daily basis. The problem with Zanax and other pharmaceuticals you become dependent on them not with the blends. I’m grateful that I was introduced to these herbs by Gavin. Thanks”

Nina Nair

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“I have been fasting for years, and began dry fasting at some point. Trinity is one of the greatest aids to not only fasting but life in general. It dissipates hunger and drowsiness, and makes you feel like a million bucks. Its opens all your senses and generally puts you in a state of clear and manageable euphoria. This blend is one of the most versatile and use full combinations I have ever come across, the benefits to body and mind are almost too many to mention. It’s a nootropic, a rejuvenator, a mood enhancer and a relaxer. All anxiety depression are history with this stuff especially when combined with dry fasting. It is also an appetite suppressant that actually works…..”

Thermo has aided my weight loss and blood sugar control, being insulin resistant means that too many carbs can have a devastating effect on my energy and weight, and I have definitely felt that Thermo aids with that…..”

Nebula is dangerously good stuff, providing inner strength, clarity and rejuvenation. I find this has helped my workouts so much and also life in general. Not being a very assertive person, this has definitely helped me sort that out. Be careful not to take to much as drive can turn into aggression. But in the right doses this turns you into a force of nature, a driven focused machine, ready to take on anything and anyone who stands in your way. For workouts, it has helped my recovery significantly, and my drive to exercise, not in an angry way but a calm focused way. It has also removed anxiety and depression. S e x drive through the roof, virility through the roof. Nebula is the magic bullet to bring out the primal.”

“Gavins products are in a league of their own, the quality, prices and work ethic is all 10/10. It is always an absolute pleasure to do business with Gavin, and I would highly recommend all his products to anyone who wants to live a better life…..”

Ronin Sianb

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“My journey for optimal began many years ago. I have tried more products than most and have been at it now for 58 years. I became acquainted with Gavin a number of years ago through his writings and posts on fasting and bio-hacking us humans. Gavin reignited my passion for optimal potential and I just had to meet this guy in person, so I took a trip to Austin Texas and sat down for lunch with this unique individual, we discussed our mutual love of all things in human potential and optimal living. This was prior to him launching Interstellar Plan or his creation of the blends.

So, I have been here from the beginning and have used or tried almost all of his blends. Each was a building on the successes of the past and not one of his blends have disappointed. I am presently taking Trinity, Super Nova, and Thermo, with adding in some Pine Pollen, Shilajit and his most excellent Matcha green tea. I can work a full day of hard labor, for me its a labor of love working in my gardens, building furniture and running a commercial mushroom farm. I highly suggest if your looking to up your game, you have come to the right spot.”

Robert Patrick

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“So I’ve had tremendous benefits from taking Gavin Botanical herbal blends. My entire endocrine system and nervous system was really screwed up from some long-term water fasting

(21 days) followed by some intense hot yoga that I did a few years back!

After discovering all the research that Gavin has tirelessly put together and implementing quite a few of his protocols I’m happy to say that anxiety and depression I struggled with for so long have lifted. If you’re thinking about getting on the 7-Day Interstellar challenge think no more. What Gavin has to offer works and it doesn’t turn you into a zombie like the Pharmaceuticals do. Good luck!”

Glenn Paris

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“I can definitely tell the difference on days I take the Trinity. My mood is more balanced and I have waaaay more stamina. I always like to do double the dose on days when my job requires more physical endurance from me.”

Joy Mollnar

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Apigenin has been a game changer. I have been taking Apigenin for over a year now. I was prescribed Ritalin since the age of 13, I always skipped my doses and denied any of the anti depressants the doctors always offered me. After years of battling with depression from the drugs, I finally rid my body of all these artificial, dangerous, and unhealthy chemicals from my lifestyle. That was a long time ago, and since then I have been always searching for uplifting, health enhancing, anti-aging elements to pair with my diet. I searched for years for ancient herbs, finally I found Gavin through my friends group and thank god for that. I always praise his products because they have given me the chance to challenge myself and have major benefits at the same time. These products may seem like a hefty investment, but what does your health and your life at the very core mean to you? If filling your body with chocolate and soda is your answer, then this probably isn’t for you(and maybe SHOULD BE). If you want to start a new healthy lifestyle, or continue fulfilling your goals and add a powerful, life-changing element into the mix to join you, then what the F&^% are you waiting for? I’m about to get another batch, using these blends are the favorite part of my day and I always look forward to continuing life and smashing the impossible with them by my side. Cheers Gavin, and thank you!!!”

Michael Mannino

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“For a few years now, I have been experiencing fatigue, depression, and full blown anxiety episodes. By episodes I mean beyond mental thoughts of woe, actual physical manifestations of heavy breath, pain in chest and even falling down on the ground and curling into a ball. This was alarming to me, because the only solutions that were available was the pharmaceutical d r u g s. D r u g s was not an option for me. I am straight edge, that is to say a very natural person. As much as it is within my ability to do so, I consume cruelty free, natural, organic, non GMO foods. For a short time I was even Vegan.

I sought out the council of doctors and ran some tests, but my resolve was to have a natural solution. I have suffered for years with no ease.

Gavin, the creator of Interstellar Blends became a specific interest to me because they are all natural. I had a few brief conversations with Gavin beyond the usual social media chatter on a more serious note aboutA my circumstance. He sent me Trinity to try. I thought what the heck? I put a small measured amount in my coffee and went about my day and my week. I noticed a considerable amount of ease and difference. The first notation was more energy. I was able to put in a full day, thus creating a more productive week for my personal and business. I did not take my usual nap. I had clarity of thought as in, if I misplaced something, within seconds I could recall where I left it, instead of my usual frantic panic re tracing my steps. The most significant result was my relief from anxiety. I did not experience one attack or episode in seven days. I must note that I did have thoughts, but they did not take hold of me…they were fleeting, moments and then I regained my composure and didn’t loose myself. My overall moral and spirit is lifted as well. I can’t wait to try all of the other blends and even embark on the 7 Day Challenge everyone is talking about. If you are experiencing anxiety and depression, confusion, and want a natural solution with herb healing, I encourage you to give Interstellar a try. And tell them Chelleby Starr sent you!”

Chelleby Starr

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“You know, even without dry fasting or fluid restriction, your blends make intermittent fasting during the day ridiculously easy. I’ve been doing 1/8th teaspoon each of Seven Sages, Thermo, Trinity, Peel, and Spice in 8 oz hot water in the morning, and I can easily go until dinner time with no hunger and not even a thought of food. Trying to do that without blends is impossible during a stressful work day, which often has me reaching for carbs. I am now certain that stress (oxidative and otherwise!) is what causes the ravenous carb-hunger through a complex hormonal cascade, and your blends block that cascade from happening.”

Beth Halle

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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