”Hey Gavin! Just wanted to give you an update since we have not chatted in a while! Ive been really loving the blends…and seeing/feeling the results! Im so grateful for your kick ass work! For real, I didn’t realize how much “social anxiety” I had, since I was young really, I was a shy kid. Ive always been passionate and did my best to do what I wanted to do, but it was with a shakiness inside of me that I no longer experience. My son is also benefiting. I started my daughter on them as well, since she has a case of being a 12 year old girl. She’ll be spending more time with her father, hopefully the days i give it to her will have enough of an impact on her well being to help her navigate teenage hood. I feel more comfortable in my relationships and with myself. Darks thoughts are very rare…even considering my truck is without a transmission and I need to figure out an other of life’s curve ball. Ive been investing in dance classes (salsa and bachata) and because I Followed my passion landed a dream job in the art world that has good possibilities for advancement. Soon maybe adding teaching to it dance as well. Much love, Marie xx P.s. The most interesting part is that i used to get a lump on my left breast about a week before my period and pms/cramps were very bad. Last month there was no lump! And pain was totally manageable!”
“I started all of the blends you recommended for the fracture and surgical repair healing. I did not have them with me so could not start until the 14th break occurred on the 4th and surgery the 5th, – 2 weeks later – 3 weeks and 2 days post op the Xray looks great, strength and Range of motion are excellent – I have permission to drive and I am starting to walk with a cane instead of a walker. I am pain free, most of the swelling is gone except for a slight bit of dependent edema around my ankle, if my leg is down for too long. The typical recovery time after an event like this is 8-12 weeks depending on the health the person. Looks like I will be totally recovered in 6 weeks or less and I am certain the blends, Peel spice Shilajit and Matcha are responsible for the rapid healing. Thank you and I can’t wait for your new products!”
“I’ve always had thin Hair and after about age 40 I started getting more and more Hair in my combs and brushes. I wasn’t going bald, but my Hair was breaking very easily. Haircuts became optional as my Hair would only grow to shoulder length before breaking off. My Hair and beard felt brittle and dry, and the skin underneath my beard dried out and itched constantly unless treated with something. Also most of my beard is grey now. I can see Super Tonic Hair slowly improving all these things. There’s less Hair in my comb, my Hair and beard feels softer and less brittle, and my scalp and facial skin under the beard feels healthier and itches considerably less. The grey hasn’t reversed yet, but I’ve only been on the blend for a couple weeks. I’ll post an update in a year or so when the blend has had a chance to work. Once again, an incredible product from Interstellar Blends!”
“When I found interstellar blends, I have to admit, I was taken aback by the prices. I almost clicked away from the website but there was so much research and other people sharing about how the blends had helped them, I couldn’t ignore it. So I decided to go with the Original blend. My hope was that it would help me with fasting. I’ve been fasting off and on for years but I have some type of metabolic issues so I can never go beyond around 23+ hours before I become hypoglycemic. Like dangerously hypoglycemic (I’m not diabetic but purchased a blood sugar machine because I wanted to confirm that my sugars were getting low And they were each time). This frustrated me so much as I wanted to get the benefits of long fasts but low blood sugar is a dangerous thing. I thought maybe the blends would help.
Because I’m never one to do things slowly, as soon as I got my package, I figured I try a 3 day dry-fast following the instructions on the site and in the Facebook group. That first morning I took the Original, I felt more energy within a few hours. I thought maybe it’s in my head. But I fasted that entire day, and the next, and the next and felt great. And I went walking every single day. Yes, there were times I felt thirsty and imagined food and fluids. But it was totally doable. Absolutely ZERO low blood sugar (I checked). I worked during the fast. I walked. Did all my normal stuff. I eat very low carb, anyway, and I think that may have helped a tiny bit leading up to it. But I have no doubt the blends helped me get through the fast (and two more 3-day fasts the following 2 weeks). Gavin, you’re definitely on to something. This stuff is amazing. Now I understand the cost. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Thank you so so much for shipping out pretty much immediately, despite what is going on in the world! I have taken a good amount of the offered supplements in the past due to a friend who had highly suggested them to me several years back and they worked so well, so quickly I almost didn’t even notice.. I had been on antidepressants and anxiety meds since a teenager on and off and those were never a solution so it was amazing to feel better in a natural way but I actually somehow forgot about them with my busy life and traveling so much and while everything in this specific blend I *try* to incorporate into my daily health plan, it’s almost impossible to get All of them regularly unless you are living on a very cool farm (hey, I also tried that!)
packaging could be better maybe some glass jars.. I feel like I waste a lot of product sometimes if I do not immediately put in something else 💕
Anyways.. The ingredients in these are very beneficial to the mind and body. If feeling at peace with yourself is something you honestly desire than I would definitely suggest at least trying a sample of this, or Nebula.. Trinity, even some Shilajit.. They all are good natural things that we don’t get in normal every day food. So yeah! Try something new if the same old isn’t working :)”
“Another score for the blends! Last year I was diagnosed with bilateral optic nerve atrophy and at the rate it was progressing, was told to expect a severe vision impairment within the next 8-10 years. I also was developing a cataract and borderline glaucoma (I’m only 37 years old). I also get an MRI every six months to look for signs of MS (optic nerve damage can be an early sign). For the last six months I’ve been faithfully using the blends, transitioning from 20:4 intermittent fasting to 22/2 dry fasting. Today’s appointment results? Absolutely no dymylenation of the myelon sheaths on my optic nerves, vision acuity testing shows total stability, and my pressure levels have dropped from the low 20’s to 14. My doctor’s CMA told me I should be dancing! No more drops and he doesn’t want to see me for six months for rechecking my visual acuity and no MRI for a year (I’ve been doing monthly pressure checks and MRI’s and acuity testing every six)! I just started Spice and Peel and am working up to 44/4 dry fasting… I’m exciting for my next visit in October and even better results!!”
“I have been on these awesome blends now for quite a few months.. I havnt done well with the fasting yet but that’s me not the blends cause I have started and it worked.. but wow before these blends I would always obsess over my weight and my looks because of my weight.. I had ppd, I would be in the bathroom bawling my eyes out while brushing my teeth.. I was on ppd meds that gave me headaches.. yes it worked for ppd but I was scared of those headaches.. and then I kept on seeing all these testimonies on this group and I kept thinking to myself.. what is this? (I joined this group for fasting support not realizing what this group DRY FASTING: REVERSING CANCER, DIABETES, OBESITY, DEPRESSION & AGING really was all about!) and then I saw a post about depression and these blends and the weight loss from these blends.. and so I decided to give it a try.. I loved it the from the first day! The difference in myself is amazing! I’m not obsessing over my weight! I am actually happy with myself.. even tho I’m at the highest I been (while Not being pregnant) (and it’s sugar my choice) -I need to stop that and I know) but my mental health is wow! My libido is wow! I now have Gavin Robert McGowen business cards in my purse to hand out to anyone who mentions anything that they would help for.. because I’m always mentioning the blends somehow! But I am just amazed.. like the other day I went shopping and yes I had to get a bigger size than what I was before I got pregnant with my last child but I felt good I still felt pretty.. I have taken that next step with myself and have finally started loving myself! “
“This blend is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I have noticed several things from taking spice regularly…consistent digestion, clearer skin, healthier nail growth, regulated hunger and weight loss. I have had ridges in my nail for years, and they are virtually gone (about 90% at least). This is from taking spice for a little less than 3 months. After this period of going to my doctor, my cholesterol was reduced by about 35 points total. Of all the products and natural remedies being sought out from naturopaths, accupuncturists, nutritionists and more, this is by far the most incredible investment I have made toward my health and well being. Uncertain if this is coincidence or not, but my immunity seems to be stronger and capable of fighting off infections quicker and resistant to bacterial and viral infections. I am now taking spice along with other blends and I feel incredible energy, alertness and restful sleep at night better than I have in several years. I just feel well! Thank you for this blend, I am officially a lifetime and exclusive customer!”
“Thanks again for all your help with advice for my dad, he loves the blends and his blood sugars are well within a manageable range now! He even had a blood test and his A1C was a 7 compared to the 11 he had been only a few months earlier! My mom has also been using the sample of Trinity you included in their first order and in her words it’s life changing, and she could feel the difference immediately!”
“Seems like fate brought Julio, my boyfriend, and Gavin together for my benefit in New York City in 2015. I was diagnosed with colon cancer, which had spread to my liver on December 2016. Doctors went in for exploratory surgery and I woke up with my cancerous intestine cut out. Soon after, I started chemo and was lucky that Julio brought me some tea that would help with prevention and recovery. While taking chemo, which as we all know can make one tired, the tea actually gave me energy. I would take my freshly made bottle of tea when I would wake up in the morning on an empty stomach to cleanse my healing intestine and hoped it would help my liver wash out any mysterious little cells trying to hinder my battle. I also took a bottle of tea to chemo or on my days off, I would have it by my side. I understand all the benefits of what is put into the tea: nutrients, natural cancer blockers, but I believe the boost of energy helped me the most. I didn’t get depressed or we can say that the energy that I was given by the tea helped me think cleaner, when chemo naturally makes you foggy, down, and exhausted- just different. On October 12th it will be my year anniversary of being tumor free after doing liver re-sectioning, which is a procedure that takes out your cancerous liver with hopes that your liver will grow back healthy. Mine did. So when I heard Gavin would be coming out with his INTERSTELLAR ACB September 30th, I decided to purchase it- OF COURSE, and do a little Interstellar Tea celebrating. Just need that confidence that something is working for me and if it is as simple as tea, bring it on! “
“Ok, I’m back for one more review, because something pretty astonishing happened. I had gone to a functional medicine doctor for hormone level follow up due to my previous thyroid issues. I continued to take blends, alternating them so I can watch for which blend does what for me. I took ACB the most because of the healing capabilities I had already experienced. The Dr listened to me for almost an hour (I was shocked too…) and wrote out very thorough orders for my lab work. He wrote lyme and EBV on there because of some of the symptoms I had reported. I thought he was insane, but I did spend the first half of my life in the North East. He actually encouraged me to continue to take my blends, and advised me to eat only from an elimination diet menu (Low FODMAP)
My Lab work came back with positive CHRONIC indicators, which means this had been causing issues for me for a while.
I continued to take the blends as I allowed some of the other issues to clear up. I researched my options for treatments, and I began to look into the Cowden and Buhner Protocols. I refused to do any antibiotics at that point.
I wanted to wait though to get tested to see exactly which bands and co-infections I had, I learned way more about lyme than I ever cared to know. I learned what Herxing was and that most likely that was what was happening to me. I didn’t realize it at the time, but when the spirochetes die off, your body goes through some pretty horrible symptoms and you have to detox WELL. I went with it and took epsom salt baths, and alkaseltzer with lemon juice a bit after my blends, and continued to do 22/2 and 44/4 protocols to allow my body to cleanse, but I did need to flush during that time. Low and behold, when I retested for a closer look at band activity, it all came back negative. Imagine that.
I also ordered my Husband Apigenin because he had a bout of craziness with elevated liver enzyme levels and a ton of abdominal pain in the ER in May, and they of course ran about 8 tests and repeated lab work and could not diagnose him. Even afterwards.
He continued on the Apigenin in small dosing for maintenance and he has experienced zero issues since. His functional doc follow up labs were on point. I wish I could get him to fast even a 22/2 because it is so beneficial.
Thanks again, Gavin.”
“I came across The Interstellar Plan by accident, read up on it and was intrigued. Read the reviews and felt a glimmer of hope for myself but I was still skeptical. Then after trying to make head or tails of the wealth of information provided after losing count how many times I read through it all I simply decided to try it.
By the time i found these herbs I was a middle aged lady who was a mess mentally and physically. A not so pleasant upbringing, adulthood was 13 yrs of a very violent marriage, burying children, depression set in. I went into another relationship and 5 yrs later after he did internal damage and I lost most of my teeth from the beatings I was done, I closed off. I started comfort eating excessively. My depression was at an all time high, I stopped socialising.
I call these herbs my mid life crisis saviour. After only a couple of weeks of trying the SUPER ULTIMATE COMBO I feel “better”, seems like such a lame word but cannot fully explain how I simply feel better within myself after taking these herbs. I am drinking more water, walking more, losing weight. my head doesn’t feel so rattled.
I have never been a coffee drinking but decided to take the herbs according to what was in the plan so I did, will never gain a love for coffee but doing as the plan suggests is only right.
Do I recommend the herbs.? YES I do. If you can’t afford a lot of herbs, that’s cool, simply read through the descriptions on each herb and decide what you feel you need and try 1 or 2 small sachets to start with. Personally I feel that’s all you will need to make a decision to buy more in time. Gavin has provided us with the information and the quality herbs, the rest is up to us. At this point I am simply making an effort to understand it all, continuously going back and reading through it all and doing it as precisely as I can according to the plan and so far I am winning in every way. no matter what is happening in your life or the lead up to why you are here reading this, I do feel these herbs will make a difference in your life. Wishing you all the best no matter where you are on your journey in life.”
“I have been using the blends for only a week now but wow!
Although I am not (yet) able to say exactly which one is having the most effect, as I am taking them as a mix of all in the sample, within 20 minutes after taking them I get a shot of focus and energy!
I have always struggled with depression, anxiety and managing my anger but with those blends it is just gone, like I am very aware that I am annoyed at something but I am able to handle the situation and just deal with it with ease and smile on my face!
I got this sample combo as I wanted to try as many as I could. Next step will be to take them individually on different days to really see which one is affecting me most and which are my favourites!
I must admit, I sat on the sidelines for a while, thinking that they are expensive, all i can say, is that it was totally worth it and i will be ordering again very soon!”
“Hi Everyone Just wanted to come and leave a quick testimonial on the blends! I myself have been taking all 9 blends for about 2 months – and feeling so much better! And finally seeing some movement in my weight as well as a huge difference in mood/mental clarity and energy levels. So when I heard my dad, who has been a type 2 diabetic for over 20 years, was being pressured by his doctor to go on insulin I contacted Gavin for his advice. He suggested Peel and Thermo; my dad started taking them last Friday and has seen an incredible improvement in his numbers in only a week that I had to share with the group and all the new members.
Examples of the difference is his numbers are from as high as around 16 before the blends, and he hasn’t seen a number above 10 all week. Even with numbers as low at 5.5 an hour after eating! This is unheard of for him even while taking his prescribed medications It’s amazing to see such great results in a short period of time, we are hopeful they will be down to a normal range consistently in no time!”
“Hi Gavin, I would like to take a little of your time to say a few things to you. In 2011 I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and had the malignant tumor removed surgically. In the next year and a half I researched everything I could find in alternative cancer treatments. While doing dry fasting research in 2013, I serendipitously found you. Since then, you have been a much appreciated constant in my dry fasting experience. You have shared endless amounts of information on fasting, nutrition, supplements, exercise, genetics, health, fitness and more. You have been paramount in motivation to me over the years. I struggle to imagine something that I could do for YOU, some way to say thank you for all that you do. You see, it isn’t just being cancer free for 8 years, dry fasting has cured my psoriasis and fibromyalgia.
I no longer suffer pain from lateral and medial epicondylititis in both arms, or bursitis in both hips. I no longer have high blood pressure or high triglycerides. And not only do I no longer need BP or triglyceride medication, I no longer need antidepressants, anti anxiety medication, or pain medication. Thank you for Interstellar Blends. Trinity has given me peaceful sleep, literally, for the first time in my adult life. Peel gives my skin the most beautiful glow. Thermo gives me amazing energy all day, even while fasting! In addition, Original and Matcha are a perfect combination of blends that have improved every aspect of my life. I can not say thank you enough for helping me take back control over my health, body and mind. Thank you for being the wonderful human being that you are.
Thank you for caring enough for others that you share the wealth of information that you have acquired from your years of research. Your enthusiasm is infectious and I am blessed to call you friend. I hope to be able to give back to you some day. Until then, know that you are appreciated more than I could possibly put into words and that you make a positive difference in this world every day.
With my entire heart I say thank you Gavin! With my deepest sincerity,”
“Absolutely unbelievable, I agree with someone else’s statement that 1/8 of anything could make such a difference. I have been taking the Supernova for anxiety and panic attacks, with good results, but after trying the Trinity Iam blown away, one of these little spoons in my coffee in the morning and the anxiety is gone, completely, it also has the benefit of not being as nasty tasting as Supernova which also works, but this is so much more condensed you need less and therefore doesn’t change the flavor of your coffee. I love it.”
“This is an incredible company. Gavin Robert McGowen, Interstellar Blends…. specializes in Chinese herbs. He mixes them for optimal health. I have gone to Chinese healers before and purchased just one small bottle of just one herb for $80. Gavin herb packets contain an incredible amount of herbs mixed together. If you have any health issues or know of anyone with health issues, write him on his Facebook site, Gavin Robert McGowen, and tell him everything you are going through and he will advise you of what products you need to order and how to take them. Prescription drugs are chemicals with side effects that mask/bandaid the Illness/disease. Most vitamins don’t fix the body either and can cause even more problems if taken wrong. Chinese herbs have been around for thousands and thousands of years healing people. Herbs heal the body even if you are still not eating healthy or not exercising. Everyone that knows me… Knows I am a very positive, happy, healthy upbeat person. I had neck surgery (bedridden 4 months) and a year later broken foot surgery (bedridden for 3 months) and found that I had no energy, gained weight, labs show high cholesterol for the first time in my life and, also, thyroid problems, was put on many prescription drugs. I started taking Gavin herbs and feel like a million dollars, energy back, feel great again, all my labs are, once again, coming back excellent for 65 years of age. Cholesterol getting good again and no thyroid problems, losing weight.. and no (none) prescription drugs or vitamins in my system… Just the small combination of herbs I take in my coffee every morning and whatever herbs I take at night. What I really love about his herbs is all the health benefits and how they heal the body.
Now for over a year I have been doing a daily fast where I, only, eat/drink one meal midday… A day. Small snack/drink at night. Coffee in the morning. Nothing for the rest of the day. All my labs are excellent… My Doctor said whatever you are doing… Keep doing it.. for 65 years of age… You are in excellent shape! I really feel Gavin’s herbs have completely straighten out my body after neck surgery/foot surgery/tons and tons of prescription drugs because of surgeries/inability to function/bedridden/weight gain/thyroid/cholesterol issues. And remember I, only, eat one meal (drink)/small snack (drink) a day. I highly recommend taking Gavin’s herbs for maximum health, clarity, energy, removing illness/disease and removing yourself from prescription drugs. Remember one small bottle of one Chinese herbs can cost $80 (I know this). Gavin’s packets are tons of herbs in one package that he has studied and mixed together for optimal health. The cost is so worth the investment of optimal health, clarity of mind, removal of pharmaceutical drugs and excellent lab reports and feeling incredible again. Study his site, read all the testimonies (he is healing people of every illness/disease), write him with your concerns (don’t try and figure it out yourself) and start taking his herbs even if you are in good health… (He has herbs for people who eat healthy and exercise daily to increase their health even more). I can’t say enough good things about this company and his herbs products and I highly recommend taking them for an over all feeling of optimal health. You can’t put a price on health… Without health… Nothing else matters… Nothing! Gavin started studying Chinese herbs when the medical system killed his healthy mother that started having a health problem of just not feeling good. He truly believed that there was a better way than all the prescription drugs, tests, treatments, illness, sickness that we are all going through that don’t make sense. I have a incredible pantry full of vitamins that I no longer take now that I take his herbs. Give him a try and, especially, pass his site to anyone that is suffering with their health and needs another option other than what they are being sold to them by our medical and pharmaceutical fields.”
“I’ve purchased a couple of different blends (along with getting few samples) & love them all. I really adore how Thermo makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. Along with the other blends I have energy like never before but this, Super Nova & Peel are my FAVES! In the past three weeks, I’ve done mostly 88/8 and a couple 44/4 & 22/2 and I was able to drop more weight than ever all while feeling great. I have the energy to workout dry fasted! My thoughts are so clear & my mind is so sharp. I don’t feel ANY hunger at all. Struggle with food is GONE! I look & feel better than I felt in years. Most of all, I have a skin condition (annulare granuloma) which is starting to look so much better with less inflammation, less noticeable & I’m really HOPEFUL that the blends & dry fasting will help the appearance of my skin without steroids! Friends & family are noticing the changes and starting to ask questions, I’m raving about these blends to EVERYONE! I was on the fence at first (I’m a total & utter skeptic) but I’m so thrilled I gave this a chance. LIFE CHANGING”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.