“So I must say its effortless to give this product a 5 star review and write 3 paragraphs. I could literally talk until the world ends about how absolutely life changing this is.
So I want to start out with a disclaimer that the person I bought these blends for is literally crying that he’s almost completely run out of his Spice and Peel (I purchased Trinity as well and will be replenishing all three).
My father is a complete non believer in Chinese anything unless it comes in the form of takeout with complimentary fortune cookies (some of the herbs are common in Traditional Chinese Medicine). The fact that he’s the one in full blown panic because he’s about to run out is almost hard to take seriously.
I can remember the day he laughed at me and called it “witchcraft”?. He refused for an entire year to try the blends until one day he had reached his breaking point.
He had gotten to the end of his line and was about to change his mind just long enough to change his life. In agonizing pain unbearable and completely suffocating to the point of wanting to die; in his desperation for relief and the will to try anything and I mean anything!
He suffers horribly from gout; was so crippled in his right hand from pain that it would cause nausea and make him throw up. This was horrendous for me to watch my pillar of strength be such a victim to this condition. My dad is a mechanic connoisseur, if you will, and lives in his garage working on his 69 Camero so this was destroying not only his physical self but everything he loved to do as well. He came to me and asked if I could order him some of that “intestinal hippy dust” he called it. Haha!
So I ordered it through Gavin who personally without a second delay —no I’m not exaggerating, he literally responded to my request within seconds of the message being sent along with personalizing my order to meet my budget and preferences. He answered all of my questions and provided me with any information I needed [IM REALLY ANNOYING WITH QUESTIONS). I felt like as if I had my own personal on call herbalist and I was his only client— in this day and age of factory line customer service for half assed cheap inadequate products you can only imagine how much of a relief that was.
So the big day was here faster than I could shake a stick; my package came promptly and it couldn’t have been a better time considering the flare up of my dad’s worst nightmare was once again happening . My dad, I must say was a trooper and really gave it the gallant effort. He took the blends religiously everyday, same time, in his coffee or in cherry juice plain . He did this once in the morning and that’s it! Yes just once a day!
After 4 days I saw him at the dinner table opening and closing his hand with a perplexed look on his face when all of a sudden he said, “Well I’ll be damned… I don’t know what’s in that dirt but I haven’t closed my hand in almost a year! I hate to admit I was wrong but that shit really works!” It was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had to see my efforts of persuasion and belief in Gavin’s products result in my dad’s complete obliteration of his pain and suffering.
Fast forward to now and he’s like a totally new man; pain free and finally a believer! My dad hasn’t had one, not one, flare up of gout since taking the blends! He’s energetic, lively and said he doesn’t feel as old anymore. LOL I cant express my gratitude or my appreciation for Gavin’s hard work and dedication. It must have been a difficult road in obtaining these perfectly proportioned pungent particles of perfectly priced products.
I’m so obsessed with knowing that Gavin has changed my dad’s life and continues to change so many others. These blends were his calling and he was born to do this! If you’re going to invest in anything in life invest in yourself, the rest will follow! Invest in your state of mind, your happiness, your health, your body; invest in someone like Gavin and his blends who is invested in you and has made helping others his life’s passion! Invest in your ability to view the world as you should with an INTERSTELLAR outlook. Buy these blends— you’ll only regret not doing it sooner.
I personally take Peel and Trinity twice daily. I have been diagnosed with Wilson’s disease; an autoimmune disease that effects the liver due to the body not eliminating copper and essentially poisoning the liver with too much. I was advised my liver is not gonna make it to the other half of my birthday’s; I’m 27 years old and the only solutions countless doctors could come up with is a transplant. I will keep an update on my experience but so far my last doctor visit caused some raised eyebrows at how much my levels had changed to reflect liver regeneration taking place. Yes my liver was in fact healing itself and the blends are to thank.
So I will continue the blends and reap the benefits of Gavin’s dedication. I’m now thinking I still have skin in this game, “Put me in coach! I’m INTERSTELLAR and I’m not going down without a fight!!!!” BEST supplement out there !!!!!!!!!!!”
“I started to take these herbs to increase mental clarity and motivation- I had no idea these herbs would work so well. I’ve been taking the herbs for 2 weeks now and the difference in my physical and mental state has been incredible. I’m waking up earlier than I ever was every single day and working harder with more determination than ever before.
The combo pack is great because it lets you try every single herb and find out for yourself the ones that give you the effects you’re looking for. Personally, my absolute favorites were Nebula and Trinity. My anxiety and fear completely disappeared with them! I also feel a giant confidence and energy boost every time I take a dose.
For anyone not sure what to take and looking for some guidance, try out this combo pack you’re not going to be disappointed. I’ll post the protocol I’ve been using below.
Spice 1/4 Tsp
Peel 1/4 Tsp
7 Sages 1/4 Tsp
Matcha 1/8 Tsp
Shilajit 1/8 Tsp
Thermo 1/8 Tsp
Nebula 1/8 Tsp
Trinity 1/8 Tsp
I take this three times a day and follow a strict Keto diet and restrict fluids during the 23:1 fasting period. I work out three times per week and do yoga on my days off. “
“Wow!!! This blend is a game changer. I have been using Trinity for months now, and I was worried that maybe I had developed a tolerance to it. The first month on Trinity was amazing, but than I hit a plateau with the results. I would do a fast, but then as soon as I came back onto eating, even if it was on an intermittent fasting keto diet, it was a real struggle to lose the extra weight, especially my spare tire. I started taking Interstellar Blend “SENOLYTIC” : Zombie Cell Killer a little over two weeks ago with my morning Trintiy in coffee, and have continued intermittent keto and suddenly not only am I losing weight again, but I have a TON more energy for everything in my life!. Not only that, but most of the weight loss is from my gut and love handles. I am down 14.4 lbs so far. Best of all, I am noticing changes in my body that I was not expecting. My focus is razor sharp. Sex with my girlfriend has not been this good in months. I have been diagnosed with psoriasis, and my skin has not looked this good in years!!“
”Thunder is a one of a kind blend. After taking it, I’ve felt recharged and ready for action in all aspects of my life. Thank you for your hard work and dedication with all your herbs blends, it has changed my life.”
“I am recovering from several years of raw veganism which resulted in my health being totally destroyed especially very weak digestion, chronique fatique, muscle wasting, fungal overgrowth, interstitial cystitis; dry skin. I first started to heal with embarking on a ketogenic diet but it was not enough to heal many of my long term health issues. Fortunately I discovered Interstellar blends from Gavin and have been using them for a few months now—Trinity, ACB, Peel and Spice. I have already seen a huge improvement in my chronic fatique symptoms; fungal overgrowth is slowly in decline and pain from interstitial cystitis has also lessened. I also suffer from insomnia and always when I wake up and take Trinity during the night I fall asleep very soon again and can sleep till morning. I did not have such success with any other supplements before. I am really excited about future development while being on the herbs and I am planning to now buy more to further deepen my recovery including – Nebula and Seven Sages.”
“Since taking Gavin’s Pine Pollen, Super Nova and Trinity, I can’t believe how much happier I feel! I used to be depressed and didn’t want to leave the house. Now I’m walking around the city daily, dumped a jerk and don’t even feel that upset about it, and finally had the courage to hit a class at Orangetheory! It’s like this “positive” attitude and “no longer embarrassed to go out” mentality came out of nowhere – my insecurity is fading. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to walk the city streets and flirt with men…???” #LovingTheseBlends #LifeChanging
“65 years old and feeling fantastic!!! No prescription drugs and only take Gavin Robert McGowen, herbs everyday! Last three years, had huge neck surgery… metal plate with 10 screws put in my neck replacing 4 disc (bed ridden 4 months), extensive broken foot surgery (bed ridden 3 months), extensive nose surgery to remove huge bone spur blocking nose cavity causing, constant, nose bleeding and ear pain (bedridden 2 weeks). Broken 30 year old bridge/20 year old crown in mouth, tons of work to repair. Off and on tons and tons of prescription drugs during all surgeries… felt lousy!!! No energy, fatigue, tired all the time, sleep all the time, gaining weight. High cholesterol, thyroid problem, stomach problems and blood pressure up and down. Doctors wanted to put me on all these life long prescription drugs and I said no way. Started researching and friend, Becky Barr, recommend Gavin herbs. Started taking them… And here I am today!!! Brand new, kicking butt at 65! Natural… It works!!! Prescription drugs, totally, had my body destroyed and I went from bed to sofa back to bed, everyday, with, absolutely, no energy and sick all the time. Emailed Gavin with symptoms and started herb program that he recommended. Got off all prescription drugs, started taking herbs… Hair changed, nails changed, body changed, skin changed, attitude changed, energy changed, health changed, weight changed, all test results changed… All symptoms gone… Tests results excellent! Doctor said… Whatever you are doing, keep doing it… Because it is working. You are in excellent shape for 65 years old!! Just went on a month long vacation, in British Columbia, putting on 200 miles a day enjoying all the sites (Rental car mileage.. 6000 new miles)… Pure Energy!!! Again…. Natural… It works!!!! Some of my friends are starting the herbs too… After seeing all the changes in me!! One friend just ordered over $1000 in herbs after she told me.. you looked horrible.. can’t believe how you look now… I was worried about you!”
“I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia for over 25 years. Many people and Dr’s have little clue how to treat it or what it is or how it’s caused. I was treated in California, England U.K., and Hawaii.
I’ve been given so many different medications for it each one I stopped because of side affects or that they made it worse. I was told I would just have to live with the pain and manage it best I can.
However after trying the combo blends Spice and Peel I have had the most relief ever with absolutely no side affects or unnatural ingredients harming my body!These blends are truly a blessing and amazing!
There have been times I couldn’t walk or swim or move parts of my body without being in unbearable pain, when sleep was nearly impossible and I was drained and feeling completely hopeless. After taking these blends I’ve been able to get my own self employment on the rise and attend to many other things I’d been putting off due to stress from the pain and anxiety.
I’m beyond grateful for these blends and will continue to take them. They have also cured cold sores I would get every year when I was sick or dehydrated I can say now they are gone completely! Yet another thing the dr’s said couldn’t be cured!
Thank you Gavin McGowen for all your hard work and effort in helping others heal themselves!”
“All I can say my life is in such short amount of time has improved overall in health, energy, clarity, focus and happiness. Taking these blends have really open my mind into new level and I love it. I started to take these herbs when I saw a top trader in the UK called Shaunlee talk about it and how the herbs can help you clean your body and most importantly your mind. I can say he was very right, the feeling of been scared afraid anxiety depression brain fog ect has been getting diminished in my daily life routine. My energy has improved in such a way I cant explain because its crazy the amount of energy I have! I used to come home from work or playing ect and used to take naps for hours and still wake up sluggish; ever since I’ve been taking the herbs I dont need that 4 hour nap like I used to. I am able to get more work done and really focus on my craft and pay attention to the finer details in things. I am more aware of my surroundings than ever that even my co workers and friends are surprised of the change in such a short amount of time.
I do a 36 hour fast with herbs and drink Trinity every 8 hours along with a mix of the seven sages. The seven sages is something I use every day for energy mind clarity ect with an empty stomach. You definitely have to see how your body reacts with the doses you are taking and mix it up to find the perfect amount for yourself, everyone is different at the end of the day. I’ll be trying new herbs from her and going to see the personal growth in a couple of months.
The amount of clarity it has given me is insane i have recommended it to my friends and family to increase energy clarity brain fog ect. This will really change the way they look at things and will open up their brains and stop getting fed bs from the media. I love the way this makes me feel and cant wait to continue taking the herbs and overall getting better health and feeling more alive thank you interstellar for the amazing products!!!”
AMAZING AND LIFE CHANGING I dont know where to start… I was reading many of the information (studies, reviews, product descriptions) for over an year now and was fascinated from the first moment i read all this amazing stuff on Gavins site. He dont want to sell only products, Gavin is looking on the whole thing with every little piece of the puzzle. After one year of only looking (i dont had money to spent for at this time) i started with my first order. EVERY DOLLAR I SPENT FOR IT WAS BEST INVESTET!!! First i was ordering the challenge combo essentials and combined with fasting (i am on vegan keto with fasting for about 3 years now, BUT never had this amazing effects on the wellbeeing ever before). Then i took the next step and ordered the stomach reset combo and the january special. MAN, this was the next level stuff i was wishing for the Last years. Actually i am waiting for my next order (should be comming these days ;), the 25 mega blend combo, glucose blocker and Jing force I NEVER WANT TO MISS THE BLENDS EVER AGAIN I feel brain unfogged, amazing, happy, fearless, healthy, gut pain and bloatings are away, psoriasis is over 50% better and is going away week by week, i am selfconfident, stresslevel is down, i love life, less stress with my lovely wife, seeing everything clear and feel the BEST IN MY LIVE I EVER FELT. My wife had lost her depression and panic attacks over 90%, stopped her depression-medication, feels amazing, loves the super tonic hair blend and our relationship is better than ever, relaxed and amazing. I am a silent reader in the telegram group Gavin made for his custmers… Gavin is a man that stands to his words, helps people from his deepest heart with passion and love, he is loyal, tells the truth without fear. He is really a man with a heart of gold and that is what you get when you take his advice and his products. Gavin and his blends take the life of me and my lovely wife manu to absolutely lovely perfection. I want to thank you from my deepest heart Gavin Robert McGowen Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂
Best greetings from Germany,
Where should i start!!!!? From Gavin? From his kidness ? From the blends? from the love and support he provide to us daily? Everything Is PERFECT! I had a lot of health problems after the big bad *** my immune was really weak! But all the blends especially trinity Helped me remove my stress help me fight the post *** syndrom also the 22/2 he suggest is really hard to follow it in your mind in the first place because some time you will want to break And eat more times than one BUT Trust me follow the 22/2 and what ever gavin suggest Because its really work Like magic!!! Also One Blend i used and it changed my whole life is AUTONOMOUS! i have adhd and once i take autonomous its like i dont have adhd and i can understand my forex knowledge deeply first time i feel like a normal Person with the focus and understanding in something! Now i will include my whole family I now see results especially my mom With epilipsia and seizure!
Thanks for everything Mr Gavin for your help & Mrs christine for the fast shipping always.
The majority of people today are constantly tired and fatigued and they think that it is ‘normal’. I was one of them, always slow and lacking energy. That is until I started fasting and using Nebula. It is truly the absence of fatigue. Not only do I rarely feel tired, I can also work out for much much longer. As someone who trains through boxing, I am still light on my feet after hours of training and rounds and rounds of sparring. I was never lacking confidence, but with Nebula, even that was stepped up a notch so for those who feel like they do lack confidence, Nebula will show you a whole new world.
I have been a customer and user of these blends for quite some time now – so this review isn’t one that I am writing out of an initial excitement or buzz. Of course after I initially started using trinity, nebula etc, I noticed a great change in my mental well-being as well as physical performance. It is widely understood, especially within the community, however, that you only truly realise how much of a change the blends make when you go some time without using them. I felt a loss of clarity, increased brain fog etc – all the things I’ve experienced my whole life and things that I thought were “normal” before using the blends. In short, as weird as it may sound, I only really understood their effects when I wasn’t actually using them. And these blends don’t just help you during the day – Hypnotic has solved all of my sleep related issues. In the past I’ve struggled with insomnia as a result of my depression and anxiety and whereas trinity was the answer during the day – hypnotic helped me massively in the night. And no it’s nothing like a sleeping pill and you won’t KO the second you take it. Rather, when you do KO it’ll be the best sleep you’ve had and when you wake up, you’ll be fresh and ready for the day instantly.
If you’re reading this chances are you are skeptical, so was I :). Let me share my experience with you. So first I was online searching for ways to self develop into a better human. I then came across a famous Forex Trader I follow he recommend these Blends as they destroy fear and help you maintain mental clarity. And they help you become stronger physically and mentally. So I thought let me give this a try. I don’t believe I am weak in those areas but if I can improve when why not💪🏻
Later I reached out to Gavin via the Telegram Groupchat for some more information. He leaves no stone unturned. It has been a pleasure to meet him as he has shared so much vital knowledge with me about the human body backed with tons of scientific research! That was when I decided I have to try this.
So I purchased Trinity and Nebula as he recommend these two blends for me to help enhance my mental clarity and focus, he also sent me a free sample of Autonomous. They also help to incline your health as a whole! So my first day was pretty magical. I mixed 1/8th of a teaspoon of each into a black coffee on an empty stomach. And I fasted 20 hours that day, I now do this on a regular basis.
How did the Blends make me feel?
I felt lifted within half an hour. I then later went to work and everyone noticed I was in a much happier mood and I couldn’t stop smiling. I was extra confident and my focus was laser like. I usually make upto 3 mistakes per day as I work in the catering industry as well as running my own business on the side. However since I have started following Gavins methodologies and advice I haven’t made a single one for over a week. I am left in Awe about how amazing they really are. I also feel much more productive on a daily basis and I feel invincible sometimes 😉 I used to get agitated by small stuff but I no longer experience this.
How did the blends affect my Physical Health?
At first there wasn’t much of a change for the first 2 days to be completely honest. But after those two days I saw my stomach become much more toned day by day. I also noticed I felt a lot more energetic than before. My skin has started to glow more and my hair has become softer than before I’ve noticed. These are both things other people have noticed about me! 🙂 I have lost a lot of excessive body fat in a short amount of time even though this is not what I was aiming for, I am satisfied with it.
Would I recommend them?
I would recommend these blends to everyone and anyone! I would 110% recommend these! If you are looking to change your life and you are unhappy and feel as if tho you could do and become more and reach your full potential as a human. Then this could be a stepping stone, that’s what it has been for me. And I am glad I have taken the step even though I am only 19 years old I don’t believe you need to get to a certain age to start prioritising your own well-being, I will be a lifetime customer for sure. These blends will promote a healthier lifestyle for you , even when some of my favourite junk food is put on front of me I reject it even tho I have a strong sweet tooth. I could not have done this without the 3 blends mentioned above. Thankyou for you hard work Gavin, it will definitely be noticed.
For those who may wonder how I take the blends, I have a black coffee each morning with the blends. I don’t eat any food until 7:00-9:00pm in the evening ( This is my feeding time) I also eat a balance meal each time to ensure I am getting the correct nutrition. I then take Trinity with a glass of hot water each night before bed. My quality of sleep has improved significantly. Another thing I also noticed was usually my alarm could be going on for 30 minutes and it wouldn’t wake me up before using the blends. Now as soon as the clock hits 10:00am and my alarm goes off by 10:01am my eyes would quickly open and I feel full of energy. Before I started taking the blends I would lie in bed for at least 30 minutes every morning trying to wake myself up.
Even tho I am consuming less calories I feel much better, maybe less is more in that sense. Who knows?🤞“
“Just went to doctor for my yearly exam. I am 72 years old. Most men my age have prostate issues. Each year, my PSA score had been climbing. Last year it was 2.6. This year it had gone down to 1.9. Great to know that it reduced thanks to Gavin’s herbs.”
“Seven Sages and Trinity ended my depression in 3 days. I have struggled on and off for 22 years using prescription meds, natural tinctures/vitamins , vitamin therapy, cognitive therapy, acupuncture …”
”Okay folks … I have not shared this publicly, but this is precisely … the time to do it!!! Back in July … I succumbed to visiting the Hospital, because I was getting “nowhere … fast!” with my Doctor. Fourth-one years with excruciating heartburn, and no promise or investigative studies recommended by my G.P. I instinctively knew … that it was more than just a “Tums” or “Roland’s” fix!!! Then … was finally given med’s! They worked for a while, until I was immune to them. So … here I am at the Hospital, waiting to be diagnosed … finally! I had suspected that I had an ulcer, or possibly a Hiatus Hernia. After being there for hours … and being cared for appropriately, they ordered up a CT Scan, along with a Gastric throat Scan, plenty of bloodwork requisitions too. Next … was an X-ray as well as an Ultrasound of what seemed … like my whole anatomy! Kudos to the Hospital!!! … I suspected, that answers … would be coming! Ends up … that I was overwhelmed with my prognoses as I sat there alone, bewildered and frightened … by the news! My initial self prognoses was right, I had a Sliding Hiatus Hernia. Then came the more devastating news!!! Two ulcers and inflammation in my esophagus … Fibroses in both bottom lobes of my lungs, and a 1.5 cm mass on the head of my Pancreas! I sat there motionless … my eyes welled up with tears, my head aching and bewildered by the news! All of these diagnoses I felt were relatable to the ongoing heartburn. The acid was destroying everything it came in contact with!It was so bad … that it had spilled over into my lungs, creating scar tissue. It had literally burned and creating ulcers, in my throat … that by the way if not addressed, could easily have turned into esophageal cancer!!!! Now … I about fell apart with the the news regarding my Pancreas. We all know … probabilistic mindsets about that. Patrick Swayze and others … like him, my heart sank! I cried all the way home, had to pull over at one point … because I was a wreck! I cried for two days straight. Then … I spoke to my closest family members/friends, as they consoled me. Thankfully … and most appreciatively, one of my family members … immediately was in touch, with Gavin! Within a short week span … “ACB” was delivered to my door! I was elated!!!!! Especially after spending hours on the internet … reading about and giving credence to my fears. GAVIN TO THE RESCUE … and the ANGEL that prompted this action! It’s been the scariest time in my life, a time of great reflection with mortality … as well.
This morning … after five long months of waiting, I received my results of my MRI! Keep in mind … that I started my “ACB” immediately, after receiving it! Drum roll … please!!!!!!! Throat is clear … ulcers gone! Fibroses on the continuous mend from acid damage! That scary mass … completely “GONE!” Like it “NEVER” existed!!!!!!! I have never felt so liberated, happy, ecstatic and free! Thanks to Gavin, my Sister-in-law, my Family … and friends! Those of you … who cared the most, and subsequently came to my aid. Those that held me … supported me, and called me daily … my heartfelt appreciation, love and mention. You all know … who you are! ❤️✝️❤️ I realize that this is obviously a very long post … it’s partly the “Chatty Cathy” personality known about me, but more importantly … wanting to give my personal accolades of joy and appreciation, as well as making others aware of grave prognoses … that”CAN” and”WILL” be reversed!!! PLEASE consider your livelihood … realize that your prognoses can be eradicated, with starting on and proceeding with “ACB!” I think you “ALL” are worth “LIVING” the good life!!! Once again … I would like to extend my utmost LOVE and APPRECIATION to my LOVES … GAVIN and KRISTINE … without both of YOU, and your BLENDS … your AMAZING and LOVING concern, well … we just won’t go there! To my Sister-in-law Deb … my heartfelt gratitude, for initiating my Cure. To the rest of my Family/Friends who stood by me … you all know who you are, my sincerest love and gratitude! I NEVER air my personal “anything” on “Social Media” but I am also, a very loving and compassionate person!, who feels compelled to SHARE my HAPPY and GRATEFUL journey. PLEASE … if this Post can impress those of you suffering, and hoping for “LIFE” PLEASE put your FAITH in GOD … and in GAVIN!!! ❤️❤️❤️✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️”
“I have been healing Lyme disease and adrenal fatigue the last 11 years. I have tried many different healing modalities, including a raw diet, cannabis oil, CBD oil, and Amazonian plant medicines. While I highly recommend these healing modalities bc they are tremendously healing, I HIGHLY recommend taking the blends (along with doing an intermittent fasting routine). I have experienced INCREDIBLE results in the last week, on the blends alone. Guys, this is an incredible combination. I take these blends (along with Peel and Spice, so it’s hard to say which blends are creating these amazing results), but it STOPS schizoaffective (schizophrenia + bipolar) meltdowns almost immediately. It also prevents them (which is HUGE). I’ve never experienced that outcome with anything I’ve ever tried. If anything, some adaptogenic herbs induce psychosis…. These blends calm the inner storm. They also create an awesome firestorm of goodness in your brain (very much the way Gavin described), making you feel very mentally alert. The blends also prevent you from feeling hungry while fasting. I’d struggled to get off my fruit sugar addiction for about a year (preventing me from reliably and easily intermittent fasting). I started on the blends and fasting has been a cinch since! It makes fasting SO easy to do. The blends also elevate mood tremendously. Interestingly, after about a week of taking the blends everyday, 4x per day, I felt my brain ‘reset’ after about a week of taking the blends. I’ve been struggling with insomnia the last 11 years and I fell asleep very quickly and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in over a decade. My under-eye baggage (which I’ve had the past 11 years) has lifted tremendously in that time, as well! (Under-eye baggage signifies struggling kidneys and adrenals.) Very exciting stuff! I HIGHLY Recommend taking these blends! Thank you, Gavin, for this SUPER Awesome Goodness!!”
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.