Stress & Aging

  1. Oxidative stress, aging and the proteasomal system
  2. Introduction: oxidant stress, aging, and exercise.
  3. stress, aging, and brain oxidative damage
  4. stress aging of Al–xCu alloys: experiments
  5. stress, aging, and neurodegenerative disease.
  6. Animal models of oxidative stress, aging, and therapeutic antioxidant interventions
  7. Oxidative stress, aging and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
  8. aging and oxidative stress
  9. Mitochondrial oxidative stress, aging and caloric restriction: the protein and methionine connection
  10. Oxidative stress and aging
  11. stress aging of Al–Cu alloys: computer modeling
  12. Oxidative stress and aging: beyond correlation
  13. stress and the aging immune system
  14. Decreased proteolysis caused by protein aggregates, inclusion bodies, plaques, lipofuscin, ceroid, and ‘aggresomes’ during oxidative stress, aging, and disease
  15. aging and oxidative stress.
  16. stress and aging
  17. Psychological stress and coping in aging.
  18. Mechanisms of aging: an appraisal of the oxidative stress hypothesis
  19. stress aging in the electron glass
  20. stress, aging, and mental health
  21. Implications of the stress aging yield phenomenon with regard to stress corrosion cracking
  22. stress, aging, and resilience: Can accrued wear and tear be slowed?
  23. stress, aging, and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Molecular Mechanismsa
  24. The role of oxidative damage and stress in aging
  25. On the Formation of Surface States during stress aging of Thermal Si‐SiO2 Interfaces
  26. Senescence marker protein-30 protects mice lungs from oxidative stress, aging, and smoking
  27. stress and the aging hippocampus
  28. aging, stress and the hippocampus
  29. stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death.
  30. Adaptive mechanisms to oxidative stress during aging
  31. The role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging
  32. aging, energy, and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
  33. Protein degradation in mitochondria: implications for oxidative stress, aging and disease:: a novel etiological classification of mitochondrial proteolytic disorders
  34. Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress and aging
  35. stress, aging and retirement
  36. Mitochondria, oxidative stress and aging
  37. The neuroendocrinology of stress and aging: the glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis
  38. Oxidative stress, caloric restriction, and aging
  39. Oxidative stress and protein aggregation during biological aging
  40. Cognitive impairment of rats caused by oxidative stress and aging, and its prevention by vitamin E
  41. Alterations of antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress markers in aging
  42. Mitochondrial free radical generation, oxidative stress, and aging
  43. Importance of individuality in oxidative stress and aging
  44. Oxidative stress, accumulation of biological’garbage’, and aging
  45. Reducing cardiovascular stress with positive self-stereotypes of aging
  46. Skin antioxidants: their role in aging and in oxidative stress—new approaches for their evaluation
  47. The effects of stress and aging on glutathione metabolism
  48. Protein oxidation in aging, disease, and oxidative stress
  49. Work stress in aging police officers
  50. aging and oxidative stress: studies of some genes involved both in aging and in response to oxidative stress
  51. aging: is oxidative stress a marker or is it causal?
  52. stress aging in anhydrous nylon 6–10
  53. Cell aging in relation to stress arousal and cardiovascular disease risk factors
  54. Alcohol, aging, and the stress response
  55. Multi-stress aging of stator bars with electrical, thermal, and mechanical stresses as simultaneous acceleration factors
  56. Glucocorticoids, stress, and their adverse neurological effects: relevance to aging
  57. aging and oxidative stress: modulation by dietary restriction
  58. Oxidative stress and aging: role of exercise and its influences on antioxidant systems
  59. A novel hypothesis of lipofuscinogenesis and cellular aging based on interactions between oxidative stress and autophagocytosis
  60. Oxidative stress as a causal factor in differentiation and aging: a unifying hypothesis
  61. Physical activity and oxidative stress during aging
  62. Mitochondrial oxidative stress: physiologic consequences and potential for a role in aging
  63. Oxidative stress in brain aging, neurodegenerative and vascular diseases: an overview
  64. Mitochondrial oxidative stress plays a key role in aging and apoptosis
  65. stress, glucocorticoids, and aging.
  66. Oxidative stress in brain aging: implications for therapeutics of neurodegenerative diseases
  67. Role of oxidative stress and protein oxidation in the aging process
  68. stress and glucocorticoids in aging
  69. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial DNA mutations in human aging
  70. Oxidative stress, radiation-adaptive responses, and aging
  71. stress and aging
  72. Scanning tunneling microscopy of optical fiber corrosion: surface roughness contribution to zero‐stress aging
  73. Mitochondrial DNA mutations, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in mammalian aging
  74. Dose effect of oxidative stress on signal transduction in aging
  75. Managing the stress of aging: The role of control and coping
  76. Mitochondrial mutations may increase oxidative stress: implications for carcinogenesis and aging?
  77. Plant aging increases oxidative stress in chloroplasts
  78. Oxidative stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and Impairment of Antioxidant Enzymes in aging
  79. Salivary cortisol levels and stress reactivity in human aging
  80. Oxidative stress and brain aging: is zinc the link?
  81. Skin low molecular weight antioxidants and their role in aging and in oxidative stress
  82. Surface oxidase and oxidative stress propagation in aging
  83. Oxidative stress and the mitochondrial theory of aging in human skeletal muscle
  84. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging and neurodegenerative disease
  85. Conservation of resources, stress, and aging
  86. Oxidative stress in head trauma in aging
  87. Role of oxidative stress in Drosophila aging
  88. Possible involvement of proteasome inhibition in aging: implications for oxidative stress
  89. Oxidative stress, redox imbalance, and the aging process
  90. stress and aging: theoretical and empirical challenges for interdisciplinary research
  91. stress responses and innate immunity: aging as a contributory factor
  92. aging and cardiovascular reactivity to stress: longitudinal evidence for changes in stress reactivity.
  93. Regulation of Oxidative stress by the Anti-aging Hormone Klotho*♦
  94. Lipofuscin as an indicator of oxidative stress and aging.
  95. The relaxation response: reducing stress and improving cognition in healthy aging adults
  96. stress, immunity, and aging
  97. Oxidative stress and inflammation in brain aging: nutritional considerations
  98. Age differences in stress, coping, and appraisal: Findings from the Normative aging Study
  99. Longevity, stress response, and cancer in aging telomerase-deficient mice
  100. Similar gene expression patterns characterize aging and oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster
  101. Impairment of learning and memory in rats caused by oxidative stress and aging, and changes in antioxidative defense systems
  102. Extracellular redox state: refining the definition of oxidative stress in aging
  103. Protein oxidation and proteolysis during aging and oxidative stress
  104. stress resistance and aging: influence of genes and nutrition
  105. Longevity and aging: beneficial effects ofexposure to mild stress
  106. Elevated oxidative stress in models of normal brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  107. The HPA axis response to stress in women: effects of aging and fitness
  108. aging and oxidative stress in neurodegeneration
  109. The effects of stress on memory and the hippocampus throughout the life cycle: Implications for childhood development and aging
  110. aging-induced phenotypic changes and oxidative stress impair coronary arteriolar function
  111. Effect of stress during aging on the precipitation of θ′ in Al-4 Wt pct Cu
  112. stress-induced premature senescence. Essence of life, evolution, stress, and aging.
  113. Autophagy, proteasomes, lipofuscin, and oxidative stress in the aging brain
  114. Glutathione, oxidative stress and aging
  115. Current issues concerning the role of oxidative stress in aging: a perspective
  116. Multiple stress aging of solid-dielectric extruded dry-cured insulation systems for power transmission cables
  117. Oxidative stress and vascular aging
  118. Molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress in aging: free radicals, aging, antioxidants and disease
  119. Genome-wide study of aging and oxidative stress response in Drosophila melanogaster
  120. Impact of aging on stress-responsive neuroendocrine systems
  121. Mechanism of guanine-specific DNA damage by oxidative stress and its role in carcinogenesis and aging
  122. Oxidative stress protection and vulnerability in aging: putative nutritional implications for intervention
  123. Replicative aging, telomeres, and oxidative stress
  124. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, aging and disease
  125. Oxidative stress in aging in the C57B16/J mouse cochlea
  126. Rat brain and liver mitochondria develop oxidative stress and lose enzymatic activities on aging
  127. Chronic stress-induced acceleration of electrophysiologic and morphometric biomarkers of hippocampal aging
  128. Optical fiber corrosion: coating contribution to zero-stress aging
  129. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function with aging–the effects of calorie restriction
  130. Mitochondrial DNA mutations, oxidative stress, and aging
  131. Telomere shortening and mood disorders: preliminary support for a chronic stress model of accelerated aging
  132. Endogenous oxidative stress: relationship to aging, longevity and caloric restriction
  133. Sex, stress and the hippocampus: allostasis, allostatic load and the aging process
  134. The immune system in the oxidative stress conditions of aging and hypertension: favorable effects of antioxidants and physical exercise
  135. Protein, lipid and DNA repair systems in oxidative stress: the free-radical theory of aging revisited
  136. stress hormones and brain aging: adding injury to insult?
  137. stress theories of aging
  138. Oxidative stress during aging of stationary cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  139. Hippocampal vulnerability to stress and aging: possible role of neurotrophic factors
  140. Immunohistochemical and ELISA Assays for Biomarkers of Oxidative stress in aging and Diseasea
  141. stress aging of a Cu-10Ni-6Sn spinodal alloy
  142. c-Abl in oxidative stress, aging and cancer
  143. Exercise and hormesis: oxidative stress-related adaptation for successful aging
  144. Beneficial effects of moderate exercise on mice aging: survival, behavior, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial electron transfer
  145. Yeast ABC transporters–a tale of sex, stress, drugs and aging
  146. Melatonin: a principal neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone: its anti-aging effects
  147. Role of Hsp70 in regulation of stress-kinase JNK: implications in apoptosis and aging
  148. Nitric oxide and cellular stress response in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders: the role of vitagenes
  149. The role of thioredoxin in the aging process: involvement of oxidative stress
  150. Involvement of oxidative stress-induced abnormalities in ceramide and cholesterol metabolism in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  151. Does emotionality predict stress? Findings from the normative aging study.
  152. Mi to chon drial The ory of aging Ma tures Roles of mtDNA Mu ta tion and Ox i da tive stress in Hu man aging
  153. Free radicals: key to brain aging and heme oxygenase as a cellular response to oxidative stress
  154. Molecular biology of glutamate receptors in the central nervous system and their role in excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and aging
  155. Mitochondrial alterations, cellular response to oxidative stress and defective degradation of proteins in aging
  156. The Maillard reaction and oxidative stress during aging of soybean seeds
  157. aging alters the apoptotic response to genotoxic stress
  158. Oxidative stress, exercise and aging
  159. aging reduces adaptive capacity and stress protein expression in the liver after heat stress
  160. aging, stress, and cognitive function.
  161. Behavioral dysfunction, brain oxidative stress, and impaired mitochondrial electron transfer in aging mice
  162. An update on the oxygen stress–mitochondrial mutation theory of aging: genetic and evolutionary implications
  163. Apoptosis and oxidative stress in the aging brain.
  164. Effects of aging and stress on hippocampal structure and function
  165. Oxidative stress, antioxidant defences and aging
  166. Mitochondrial protein oxidation and degradation in response to oxidative stress and aging
  167. Oxidative stress and superoxide dismutase in development, aging and gene regulation
  168. Oxidative stress and aging in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
  169. The effects of aging and oxidative stress on learning behavior in C. elegans
  170. Increased oxidative stress with aging reduces chondrocyte survival: correlation with intracellular glutathione levels
  171. The effects of aging and oxidative stress on psychomotor and cognitive behavior
  172. Evidence for a shift in the Th-1 to Th-2 cytokine response associated with chronic stress and aging
  173. aging and depression: vulnerability and stress across adulthood
  174. Proteasome function in aging and oxidative stress: implications in protein maintenance failure
  175. aging-induced up-regulation of nuclear binding activities of oxidative stress responsive NF-kB transcription factor in mouse cardiac muscle
  176. Surface State Formation during Long-Term Bias-Temperature stress aging of Thin SiO2–Si Interfaces
  177. Effects of neurohormonal stress and aging on the activation of mammalian heat shock factor 1.
  178. Oxidative stress in human aging and mitochondrial disease-consequences of defective mitochondrial respiration and impaired antioxidant enzyme system
  179. Selective mitochondrial autophagy, or mitophagy, as a targeted defense against oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging
  180. Cognition impairment in the genetic model of aging klotho gene mutant mice: a role of oxidative stress
  181. Alterations in oxidative stress scavenger system in aging rat brain and lymphocytes
  182. Two subpopulations of mitochondria in the aging rat heart display heterogenous levels of oxidative stress
  183. Dietary supplementation with antioxidants improves functions and decreases oxidative stress of leukocytes from prematurely aging mice
  184. MAO inhibitors and oxidant stress in aging brain tissue
  185. Ultraslow dynamics and stress relaxation in the aging of a soft glassy system
  186. Oxidative stress in the aging rat heart is reversed by dietary supplementation with (R)‐α‐lipoic acid
  187. Mechanism of stress aging in Al-Cu (-Mg-Ag) alloys
  188. Postirradiation aging affects stress and strain in polyethylene components.
  189. Gender differences in free radical homeostasis during aging: shorter‐lived female C57BL6 mice have increased oxidative stress
  190. aging, changes in the cardiovascular system, and responses to stress
  191. Age‐associated increases in oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in cardiac interfibrillar mitochondria: implications for the mitochondrial theory of aging
  192. Proteasome regulation of oxidative stress in aging and age-related diseases of the CNS
  193. Calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in brain cells and suppresses oxidative stress during aging
  194. Endogenous salicylic acid protects rice plants from oxidative damage caused by aging as well as biotic and abiotic stress
  195. Methionine sulfoxide reductases: relevance to aging and protection against oxidative stress
  196. stress management, aging, and disease
  197. Muscle-specific expression of Drosophila hsp70 in response to aging and oxidative stress
  198. Adjustment in aging: the roles of life stress, hassles, and self-efficacy.
  199. Modulation of Lon protease activity and aconitase turnover during aging and oxidative stress
  200. Life stress, Hassles, and Self‐Efficacy in aging: A Replication and Extension1
  201. A physical model for degradation of drams during accelerated stress aging
  202. Therapeutics against mitochondrial oxidative stress in animal models of aging
  203. Redox regulation of heat shock protein expression in aging and neurodegenerative disorders associated with oxidative stress: a nutritional approach
  204. Oxidative stress and aging: catalase is a longevity determinant enzyme
  205. Effect of Water Content on stress aging of Nylon 6–10
  206. aging and posttraumatic stress disorder
  207. p66Shc: at the crossroad of oxidative stress and the genetics of aging
  208. Towards a “free radical theory of graying”: melanocyte apoptosis in the aging human hair follicle is an indicator of oxidative stress induced tissue damage
  209. Phenomenological prediction of tensile strength of E-glass composites from available aging and stress corrosion data
  210. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) as a marker of oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis and aging: effect of progressive resistance training
  211. Oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial DNA damage in human retinal pigment epithelial cells: a possible mechanism for RPE aging and age-related macular …
  212. The effect of aging on stress responsiveness and central corticosteroid receptors in the brown Norway rat
  213. The influence of aging on critical transformation stress levels and martensite start temperatures in NiTi: part II—discussion of experimental results
  214. Zero stress aging and the static fatigue transition in optical glass fibers
  215. Oxidized amino acids in the urine of aging rats: potential markers for assessing oxidative stress in vivo
  216. aging induces cardiac diastolic dysfunction, oxidative stress, accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts and protein modification
  217. Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Terminalia chebula fruit
  218. Insulin-like signaling, metabolism, stress resistance and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  219. Critical reviews of oxidative stress and aging: advances in basic science, diagnostics and intervention
  220. The influence of aging on critical transformation stress levels and martensite start temperatures in NiTi: part I—aged microstructure and micro-mechanical modeling
  221. aging of cardiac myocytes in culture: oxidative stress, lipofuscin accumulation, and mitochondrial turnover
  222. Human skeletal muscle satellite cells: aging, oxidative stress and the mitotic clock
  223. Role of Oxidative and Nitrosative stress, Longevity Genes and Poly (ADPribose) Polymerase in Cardiovascular Dysfunction Associated with aging
  224. Nutritional factors in cerebral aging and dementia: epidemiological arguments for a role of oxidative stress
  225. Exercise training in aging: hemodynamic, metabolic, and oxidative stress evaluations
  226. stress/aging: endocrine profiles/reproductive dysfunction in men
  227. Brain oxidative stress in animal models of accelerated aging and the age-related neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease
  228. … ‐deficient diet extends mouse lifespan, slows immune and lens aging, alters glucose, T4, IGF‐I and insulin levels, and increases hepatocyte MIF levels and stress …
  229. Loss in oxidative stress tolerance with aging linked to reduced extracellular signal‐regulated kinase and Akt kinase activities
  230. Late-life emergence of early-life trauma: The phenomenon of late-onset stress symptomatology among aging combat veterans
  231. aging and oxidative stress in progressive supranuclear palsy
  232. Redox regulation by thioredoxin superfamily; protection against oxidative stress and aging
  233. Long-term moderate magnesium-deficient diet shows relationships between blood pressure, inflammation and oxidant stress defense in aging rats
  234. aging in wire insulation under multifactor stress
  235. aging, sex differences, and oxidative stress in human respiratory and limb muscles
  236. Ceramide, stress, and a” LAG” in aging
  237. Recurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder in late life: A cognitive aging perspective
  238. Membrane and receptor modifications of oxidative stress vulnerability in aging: nutritional considerations
  239. Interpretation of yield drops induced by stress–aging treatments of polymers
  240. Study of GP Zones in Al–Cu Alloys by stress aging
  241. Coenzyme Q10 Protects the aging Heart against stress: Studies in Rats, Human Tissues, and Patients
  242. Interaction between static fatigue and zero-stress aging in E-glass fiber composites
  243. … glucocorticoid receptor response to low dose dexamethasone administration in aging combat veterans and holocaust survivors with and without posttraumatic stress …
  244. Modification by vitamin E and exercise of oxidative stress in regions of aging rat brain: studies on superoxide dismutase isoenzymes and protein oxidation status
  245. aging and stress-induced changes in complement activation and neutrophil mobilization
  246. The influence of aging and aortic stiffness on permanent dilation and breaking stress of the thoracic descending aorta
  247. A phenomenological aging model for combined thermal and electrical stress
  248. Organismal stress and telomeric aging: An unexpected connection
  249. Oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  250. The role of stress concentrations in acceleration creep and sorption-induced physical aging
  251. Differential effects of exercise and heat stress on liver HSP70 accumulation with aging
  252. Influence of aging and social isolation on changes in brain monoamine turnover and biosynthesis of rats elicited by novelty stress
  253. Oxidative stress and aging reduce COX I RNA and cytochrome oxidase activity in Drosophila
  254. aging-related increase in oxidative stress correlates with developmental pattern of beta-secretase activity and beta-amyloid plaque formation in transgenic Tg2576 …
  255. Shear stress relaxation and physical aging study on simple glass-forming materials
  256. The longitudinal course of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among aging military veterans
  257. Appearance of amyloid β-like substances and delayed-type apoptosis in rat hippocampus CA1 region through aging and oxidative stress
  258. Hormetic modulation of aging and longevity by mild heat stress
  259. Flow induced by a sphere settling in an aging yield-stress fluid
  260. … in Bcl-2: Bax ratio, oxidative stress, redox-active iron and apoptosis associated with aluminum-induced neurodegeneration: increased susceptibility with aging.
  261. Myocardial and skeletal muscle aging and changes in oxidative stress in relationship to rigorous exercise training
  262. stress, inflammation and natural immunity in the aging process: a new theory
  263. aging-related oxidative stress depends on dietary lipid source in rat postmitotic tissues
  264. Mental stress response, arterial stiffness, and baroreflex sensitivity in healthy aging
  265. Sympathoadrenal activity and psychosocial stress. The significance of aging, long-term smoking, and stress models.
  266. Genetic stability and oxidative stress: common mechanisms in aging and cancer
  267. Chronic stress, aging and morphine analgesia: chronic stress affects the reactivity to morphine in young mature but not old rats.
  268. Selected contribution: differential expression of stress-related genes with aging and hyperthermia
  269. Coping with extreme stress and aging
  270. The effect of aging on the electromyographic activity of pelvic floor muscles: a comparative study among stress incontinent patients and asymptomatic women
  271. Oxidative stress on mitochondrial antioxidant defense system in the aging process: Role of DL-α-lipoic acid and L-carnitine
  272. The stationary phase model of aging in yeast for the study of oxidative stress and age-related neurodegeneration
  273. Role of membrane lipids in regulation of vulnerability to oxidative stress in PC12 cells: implication for aging
  274. Erythrocyte disaggregation shear stress, sialic acid, and cell aging in humans
  275. Mild stress-induced stimulation of heat-shock protein synthesis and improved functional ability of human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro
  276. Residual stress, aging, and fatigue fracture in injection molded glassy polymers I. Polystyrene
  277. … of AA-6201 alloy for manufacturing of high conductivity and extra high conductivity wires with property of high tensile stress after artificial aging heat treatment for all …
  278. The roles of dopamine oxidative stress and dopamine receptor signaling in aging and age-related neurodegeneration
  279. Multiple stress aging of magnet wire by high frequency voltage pulses and high temperatures
  280. A three-phase multi-stress accelerated electrical aging test facility for stator bars
  281. Common mechanisms for declines in oxidative stress tolerance and proliferation with aging
  282. Lipid peroxidation, occupational stress and aging in workers of a prehospital emergency service
  283. Hepatic oxidative stress during aging: effects of 8% long-term calorie restriction and lifelong exercise
  284. Modulating cellular aging in vitro: hormetic effects of repeated mild heat stress on protein oxidation and glycation
  285. A mechanism proposed to explain the rise in oxidative stress during aging
  286. Effect of physical aging on stress relaxation of poly (methyl methacrylate)
  287. Coping with stress: a physician’s guide to mental health in aging.
  288. Oxidative stress in leukocytes from young prematurely aging mice is reversed by supplementation with biscuits rich in antioxidants
  289. Effect of physical aging on thermal stress development in powder coatings
  290. Accelerated tissue aging and increased oxidative stress in broiler chickens fed allopurinol
  291. Environmental Enrichment‐Behavior‐Oxidative stress Interactions in the Aged Rat: Issues for a Therapeutic Approach in Human aging
  292. Metabolism, physiology and stress defense in three aging Ins/IGF‐1 mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
  293. Effect of physical aging and thermal stress on the behavior of polyester/TGIC powder coatings
  294. Age-related retinal degeneration in animal models of aging: possible involvement of taurine deficiency and oxidative stress
  295. Activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is altered by aging and exposure to social stress in female rhesus monkeys
  296. A mild stress, hypergravity exposure, postpones behavioral aging in Drosophila melanogaster
  297. Influence of long-term aging and superimposed creep stress on the microstructure of 2.25 Cr-1Mo steel
  298. From the stress theory of aging to energetic and evolutionary expectations for longevity
  299. The effects of long-term vitamin E treatment on gene expression and oxidative stress damage in the aging Brown Norway rat epididymis
  300. stress Response and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  301. stress, glucocorticoids, and their role in degenerative changes in the aging hippocampus.
  302. The origin of photo-oxidative stress in the aging eye
  303. Regression, stress, and readjustment in aging: A structured, bio-psychosocial perspective on coping and professional support
  304. The retrograde response links metabolism with stress responses, chromatin-dependent gene activation, and genome stability in yeast aging
  305. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle: effects of aging and exercise training
  306. Corticosteroid Receptors in Brain: Relationship of Receptors to Effects in stress and aging a
  307. Effect of mean stress (stress ratio) and aging on fatigue-crack growth in a metastable beta titanium alloy, Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
  308. Improvements in strength and stress corrosion cracking properties in aluminum alloy 7075 via low-temperature retrogression and re-aging heat treatments
  309. Slowing down aging from within: mechanistic aspects of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells.
  310. Effects on immune responses by chronic stress are modulated by aging
  311. New estimating techniques for multi-stress aging test of large generator stator winding insulation
  312. Mechanisms of red blood cell trauma in assisted circulation. Rheologic similarities of red blood cell transformations due to natural aging and mechanical stress.
  313. Contribution of personality research to an understanding of stress and aging
  314. aging is associated in the 344/N Fischer rat with decreased stress responsivity of central and peripheral catecholaminergic systems and impairment of the …
  315. Oxidative stress” and muscle aging: influence of age, sex, fiber composition and function
  316. Mid-life stress and cognitive deficits during early aging in rats: individual differences and hippocampal correlates
  317. stress orientation of nitrogen during the quench-aging of nitrogen ferrite
  318. Mild heat stress stimulates 20S proteasome and its 11S activator in human fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro
  319. Sleep disruption, oxidative stress, and aging: new insights from fruit flies
  320. Effect of physical aging and variable stress history on the strain response of polymeric composites
  321. Gender and ethnic differences in urinary stress hormones: the population-based Chicago Health, aging, and Social Relations Study
  322. … DNA damage and lipid peroxidation together with mitochondrial DNA mutation in human lung tissues during aging—smoking enhances oxidative stress on the aged …
  323. Oxidative stress and aging: studies on an East-Sicilian, ultraoctagenarian population living in institutes or at home.
  324. Neuroprotective role of neurokinin B (NKB) on β-amyloid (25–35) induced toxicity in aging rat brain synaptosomes: involvement in oxidative stress and excitotoxicity
  325. aging characteristics of polymer lightning arrester by multi-stress accelerated aging test
  326. Oxidative stress-associated vascular aging is xanthine oxidase-dependent but not NAD (P) H oxidase-dependent
  327. Die surface stress variation during thermal cycling and thermal aging reliability tests
  328. Aluminum, restraint stress and aging: behavioral effects in rats after 1 and 2 years of aluminum exposure
  329. aging and obesity augment the stress-induced expression of tissue factor gene in the mouse
  330. aging and the cellular response to stress: reduction in the heat shock response
  331. Predicting cerebral blood flow response to orthostatic stress from resting dynamics: effects of healthy aging
  332. Oxidative stress and aging–the use of superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics to extend lifespan
  333. Nitric oxide and oxidative stress in cardiovascular aging
  334. Mitochondrial dysfunctions during aging: vitamin E deficiency or caloric restriction–two different ways of modulating stress
  335. Human aging alters the first phase of the molecular response to stress in T-cells
  336. stress-free aging of optical fiber in water and humid environments: Part 2
  337. Multiple stress aging of HV polymeric insulation
  338. An improved cold stress test for aging mice
  339. Influence of multistep aging on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of aluminum alloy 7010
  340. Protein aging by carboxymethylation of lysines generates sites for divalent metal and redox active copper binding: relevance to diseases of glycoxidative stress
  341. aging and assessment of physiological strain during exercise-heat stress
  342. Modulation of baroreflex sensitivity and spectral power of blood pressure by heat stress and aging
  343. aging: The fitness-stress continuum and genetic variability
  344. Effect of stress on microstructural change due to aging at 823 K in multi-layer welded joint of 2.25 Cr–1Mo steel
  345. The plasma membrane redox system: a candidate source of aging-related oxidative stress
  346. Coping with the stress of aging—creatively.
  347. Leisure activities, stress, and health among bereaved and non-bereaved elderly men: The normative aging study
  348. Residual stress, aging and fatigue fracture in injection‐molded glassy polymers. II. Polycarbonate
  349. Differential regulation of forebrain glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA expression by aging and stress
  350. Environmental aging of epoxy resins: synergistic effect of sorbed moisture, temperature, and applied stress
  351. A Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) prevents mitochondrial aging by protecting against oxidative stress
  352. Interactions among the effects of aging, chronic disease, and stress on adrenocortical function in Syrian hamsters
  353. Thermo‐oxidative and photo‐oxidative aging of polypropylene under simultaneous tensile stress
  354. stress-free aging of optical fibers in liquid water and humid environments: Part 1
  355. Yield behavior of a mild steel after prestraining and aging under reversed stress
  356. Effect of behavioral stress on coronary artery relaxation altered with aging in BHR
  357. Evidence for the accumulation of oxidative stress during cellular aging of human diploid fibroblasts
  358. Coenzyme Q10 Protects From aging-Related Oxidative stress and Improves Mitochondrial Function in Heart of Rats Fed a Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA)-Rich …
  359. The effect of aging and an oxidative stress on peroxide levels and the mitochondrial membrane potential in isolated rat hepatocytes
  360. stress and neuroendocrine changes during aging
  361. Effect of aging on performance, muscle activation and perceived stress during mentally demanding computer tasks
  362. Linking oxidative stress and genetics of aging with p66Shc signaling and forkhead transcription factors
  363. Women, aging and post-disaster stress: Risk factors for psychological morbidity
  364. Excessive vasoconstriction after stress by the aging kidney: inadequate prostaglandin modulation of increased endothelin activity
  365. stress, satisfaction, competence: Findings from the Bonn Longitudinal Study on aging.
  366. Effect of physical aging on tensile stress relaxation and tensile creep of cured EPON 828/epoxy adhesives in the linear viscoelastic region
  367. DNA repair, oxidative stress and aging
  368. Role of olive oil and monounsaturated fatty acids in mitochondrial oxidative stress and aging
  369. Step stress aging of plated wire memories
  370. Oxidative stress results in increased sinks for metabolic energy during aging and sprouting of potato seed-tubers
  371. Elemental strain and trapped space charge in thermoelectrical aging of insulating materials. Part 1: Elemental strain under thermo-electrical-mechanical stress
  372. A cellular stress model for the sequestration of redox‐active glial iron in the aging and degenerating nervous system
  373. Generalized stress relaxation behaviour and physical aging in heterogeneous amorphous polyblends
  374. aging, vertebral density, and disc degeneration alter the tensile stress‐strain characteristics of the human anterior longitudinal ligament
  375. aging and the skin blood flow response to the unloading of baroreceptors during heat and cold stress
  376. Iron induces oxidative stress and may alter the rate of aging in the housefly, Musca domestica
  377. Physical symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in an aging population
  378. stress and survival of aging Escherichia coli rpoS colonies
  379. Work-related stress symptoms of aging employees in municipal occupations
  380. Intracellular interactions under oxidative stress and aging: a hypothesis.
  381. Critical reviews of oxidative stress and aging
  382. Effects of vitamin E depletion/repletion on biomarkers of oxidative stress in healthy aging
  383. Bulk moduli from physical aging and stress relaxation data
  384. Effect of aging on stress reactivity of the adrenal cortex in laboratory primates. Dependence on the time of day
  385. Gene expression of α‐endosulfine in the rat brain: correlative changes with aging, learning and stress
  386. Increasing oxidative stress in aging
  387. The release and uptake of excitatory amino acids in rat brain: effect of aging and oxidative stress
  388. aging, stress, and autonomic control.
  389. Oxidant stress leads to impaired regulation of renal cortical oxygen consumption by nitric oxide in the aging kidney
  390. aging is associated with a decrease in synaptosomal glutamate uptake and an increase in the susceptibility of synaptosomal vitamin E to oxidative stress
  391. Effects of solidification structure and aging condition on cyclic stress–strain response in Al–7% Si–0.4% Mg cast alloys
  392. Influence of aging on Kupffer cell respiratory activity in relation to particle phagocytosis and oxidative stress parameters in mouse liver
  393. Role of carbonyl stress in aging and age-related diseases
  394. aging prolongs the stress-induced release of noradrenaline in rat hypothalamus
  395. Intermediate phases, reversibility windows, stress-free and non-aging networks, and strong liquids
  396. aging lowers steady-state antioxidant enzyme and stress protein expression in primary hepatocytes
  397. Effects of step-quench and aging on mechanical properties and resistance to stress corrosion cracking of 7050 aluminum alloy
  398. Estrogens normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress and increase glucocorticoid receptor immuno-reactivity in hippocampus of aging male …
  399. stress and old age: A case study of black aging and transplantation shock
  400. Photocurrent studies of stress and aging in pentacene thin film transistors
  401. aging, stress, and affective disorders.
  402. Effect of long-term Actyl-L-Carnitine on stress-induced analgesia in the aging rat
  403. stress‐Assisted Diffusion to Dislocations and its Role in Strain aging
  404. On stress-relaxation experiments and their significance under strain-aging conditions
  405. Effect of zero stress aging on mechanical characteristics of optical fibers
  406. aging influences multiple incidices of oxidative stress in the aortic media of the Fischer 344/NNia× Brown Norway/BiNia rat
  407. aging, stress, and society: a psychoneuroendocrinological view
  408. The Effect of aging on Glutathione Peroxidase-I Knockout Mice—Resistance of the Lens to Oxidative stress
  409. Hormetic Mechanisms of Anti-aging and Rejuvenating Effects of Repeated Mild Heat stress on Human Fibroblasts in Vitro
  410. Effects of aging and stress aging on Creep Resistance of Single Crystal Ni-base Superalloy CMSX-4
  411. Protective role of dietary vitamin E on oxidative stress in aging
  412. Oxidant injury in PC12 cells—a possible model of calcium “dysregulation” in aging: I. Selectivity of protection against oxidative stress
  413. Indicators of oxidative stress in aging rat brain. The effect of nerve growth factor
  414. Posttraumatic stress in aging World War II survivors after a fireworks disaster: A controlled prospective study
  415. Temperature, stress response and aging
  416. aging reduces responsiveness to BSO-and heat stress-induced perturbations of glutathione and antioxidant enzymes
  417. Oxidative stress and antioxidants in aging
  418. Application of a model for strain aging under stress to niobium
  419. aging of AISI type 304 austenitic stainless steel containing nitrogen and its influence on stress corrosion cracking
  420. Influence of aging and exercise‐induced stress on human platelet function
  421. stress, aging, and mental health.
  422. Influence of aging on stress ulcer formation in rats
  423. Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking as a factor in nuclear power plant aging
  424. Influence of dynamic strain aging on the stress exponent and the dislocation substructure for the creep of Al Mg alloys
  425. Development of nitric oxide and prostaglandin mediation of shear stress–induced arteriolar dilation with aging and hypertension
  426. Sporadic inclusion-body myositis and hereditary inclusion-body myopathies: diseases of oxidative stress and aging?
  427. Neuroautoantibody immunoreactivity in relation to aging and stress in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
  428. Environmental aging and stress‐cracking of poly (ethylene terephthalate)
  429. The effects of stress on plasma ACTH and corticosterone in young and aging pregnant rats and their fetuses
  430. Creep and physical aging of PVC: dependence on stress and temperature
  431. Analysis of variable stress history on polymeric composite materials with physical aging
  432. Plasma thyroxine and cortisol under basal conditions and during cold stress in the aging dog
  433. Effect of sintering temperature on nonlinear electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of (CoO, Cr2O3, La2O3)-doped ZnO–Pr6O11-based …
  434. Rapid development and a long life: an association expected under a stress theory of aging
  435. Impairment of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR)-dependent biological response by oxidative stress and aging: correlation with post-translational modification of …
  436. aging alters the force-frequency relationship and toxicity of oxidative stress in rabbit heart
  437. Neutron scattering from MnCu alloys near the critical composition: effects of stress and aging
  438. Effect of aging on stress Relaxation of Inconel X-750 Bolt at 923 and 1033 Κ
  439. Effects of plasma polymer on the multi-stress aging of organic insulation and proposed degradation mechanisms
  440. Influence of strain aging on the strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress
  441. Mechanical stress in PECVD a-SiC: H: aging and plasma treatments effects
  442. Immunological alterations with aging—laying a stress on recent progress in Japan
  443. Cholinergic systems in aging: the role of oxidative stress
  444. Effects of aging on LH and prolactin after LHRH L-dopa, methyl-dopa, and stress in male rat
  445. stress and adaptation in humans–aging, illness, psychosocial stress
  446. Mechanical stress enhances expression and production of plasminogen activator in aging human periodontal ligament cells
  447. Effects of stress and vapor exposure before and during aging on enthalpy relaxation of poly (vinyl chloride)
  448. Effect of the antioxidant action of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on aging and oxidative stress
  449. A study of radiation-induced aging: response of irradiated and nonirradiated mice to cold stress
  450. agingDB: A database for oxidative stress and calorie restriction in the study of aging
  451. Molecular mechanisms of anti-aging hormetic effects of mild heat stress on human cells
  452. Strain-aging, strain-rate sensitivity, and flow stress variations at intermediate temperatures in a two-phase Ti-Al alloy
  453. Mitochondrial Oxidative stress and aging in the Filamentous Fungus Podospora anserina
  454. Microsomal Glutathione S-Transferase 1 in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium:  Protection against Oxidative stress and a Potential Role in aging,
  455. Regenerative Medicine: Antagonic‐stress® Therapy in Distress and aging. I. Preclinical Synthesis—2003
  456. stress, cells and tissue aging
  457. Multiple stress aging of high voltage polymeric insulation
  458. Basics of multi-stress aging tests: survey of actual operating conditions of large industrial motors
  459. Oxidative stress does not modulate metabolic rate or skeletal muscle sympathetic activity with primary aging in adult humans
  460. aging, stress, and sudden cardiac death
  461. The effect of aging on the yield stress of a single-crystal superalloy
  462. aging and stress‐induced changes in choline and glutamate uptake in hippocampus and septum of two rat strains differing in longevity and reactivity to stressors
  463. The nature of the response to stress with aging
  464. Plasma levels of 8-epiPGF2α, an in vivo marker of oxidative stress, are not affected by aging or Alzheimer’s disease
  465. A cellular stress model for the differential expression of glial lysosomal cathepsins in the aging nervous system
  466. aging, stress, and chronic disease interact to suppress plasma testosterone in Syrian hamsters
  467. stress response and aging
  468. Oxidative modification of enzymes during aging and acute oxidative stress
  469. No-stress aging of aramid/epoxy composites
  470. Neuroendocrine and immune responses to stress in aging
  471. Effect of cellular aging on the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 by mechanical stress in human periodontal ligament cells
  472. Replicative senescence as a model of aging: the role of oxidative stress and telomere shortening–an overview
  473. Antagonic-stress: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. II. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by electron microscopy
  474. Anomalous aging in two‐phase systems: Creep and stress relaxation differences in rubber‐toughened epoxies
  475. Role of oxidative stress in aging
  476. Effect of saline and water stress and of early aging of algaroba seed germination.
  477. Nonlinear properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of praseodymium oxide-based ZnO varistors by Er2O3 doping
  478. Structure and properties of beryllium bronze after stress aging
  479. Effect of aging and oxidative/genotoxic stress on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activity in rat brain.
  480. Calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: Modulation of oxidative stress
  481. Effects of long-term running stress on the ultrastructure of the aging mouse heart
  482. stress and aging effects on female workers
  483. Influence of long-term aging at 520° C and 560° C and the superimposed creep stress on the microstructure of 1.25 Cr-0.5 Mo steel
  484. High temperature properties and aging–stress related changes of feco materials
  485. stress, spirituality, and cytokines in aging and cancer
  486. Nondestructive detection and assessment of damage in aging aircraft using a novel stress-strain microprobe system
  487. Physical aging in poly (methyl methacrylate)/poly (styrene‐co‐acrylonitrile) blends. I. stress relaxation
  488. Metallothionein expression and stress responses in aging human diploid fibroblasts
  489. Introduction. Oxidative stress in mitochondria disorders of aging.
  490. aging effects on monotonic, stress-paused, and alternating creep of type 304 stainless steel
  491. Study on the multi-stress aging of stator insulation based on fingerprint parameters
  492. stress, hospitalization, and aging.
  493. aging and oxidative stress
  494. Premature aging as a function of long-term environmental stress
  495. Suppression of oxidative stress in aging NZB/NZW mice: effect of fish oil feeding on hepatic antioxidant status and guanidino compounds
  496. aging is not accompanied by sympathetic hyperresponsiveness to air-jet stress
  497. Probing the in Vivo Relevance of Oxidative stress in aging Using Knockout and Transgenic Mice
  498. Regulation of beta adrenergic receptors on rat mononuclear leukocytes by stress: receptor redistribution and down-regulation are altered with aging.
  499. Antagonic-stress: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. I. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by light and fluorescence microscopy
  500. Accelerated aging in combined stress environments
  501. Multifactor stress aging of electrical insulation
  503. Increased F2-isoprostane levels in the rat brain and plasma caused by oxidative stress and aging, and inhibitory effect of vitamin E
  504. Effect of aging on internal stress and fatigue fracture of poly (4‐methyl pentene‐1)
  505. Effects of aging duration, stress ratio during aging and stress path on stress-strain behaviour of loose Fraser River sand
  506. Electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of ZPCCE-based varistor ceramics
  507. Effects of immobilization stress on open field behavior and plasma corticosterone levels of aging C57BL/6J mice
  508. Oxidative stress-associated vascular aging is independent of the protein kinase C/NAD (P) H oxidase pathway
  509. Deformation bands in ceria‐stabilized tetragonal zirconia/alumina: II, stress‐induced aging at room temperature
  510. Influence of aging and tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition on tissue levels of norepinephrine during stress
  511. stress-and aging-associated modulation of macrophage functions
  512. An analysis of multi-factor aging of mica-epoxy insulation systems by the infinite sequential stress method
  513. Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Uncaria sinensis Havil
  514. Strength degradation and recovery during zero-stress aging of fused silica optical fibers
  515. Elevated temperature aging of stress annealed Fe-Ga transduction alloys with built-in uniaxial stress anisotropies
  516. Water and ion distributions in myocytes cultured under oxidative stress mimic changes found in the process of aging
  517. stress state effect on dynamic strain aging and surface markings during stretching of AlMg7 alloy sheet
  518. Effects of aging on the stress-strain and creep behaviors of lead free solders
  519. Oxidative stress state in aging and longevity mechanisms
  520. Evidence suggesting a nitric oxide-scavenging activity for traditional crude drugs, and action mechanisms of Sanguisorbae Radix against oxidative stress and aging
  521. Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense: Effects of aging and exercise
  522. Deficiency in integrin-mediated transmembrane signaling and microfilament stress fiber formation by aging dermal fibroblasts from normal and Down’s syndrome …
  523. Creep and plastic strains of 304 stainless steel at 593 C under step stress changes, considering aging
  524. aging and oxidative stress resistance in human fibroblasts
  525. aging families and stress
  526. Increased susceptibility of cellular membranes to the induction of oxidative stress after ingestion of high doses of fish oil: effect of aging and protective action of dl-α …
  527. Roles of Shc signaling in oxidative stress response and aging
  528. The influence of aging stress on the yield point phenomenon in the zirconium alloy, ozhennite 0.5
  529. Alpha-tocopherol pretreatment improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in aortic strips of young and aging rats exposed to oxidative stress
  530. Scleral calcification and photoreceptor cell death during aging and exposure to chronic stress
  531. Energetic stress induces premature aging of diploid human fibroblasts (Wi-38) in vitro
  532. Effect of aging and stress history on the undrained strength of ultra-weak cohesive soils
  533. The effect of cold work and strain aging on the sulfide stress cracking resistance and mechanical properties of expanded tubular steels-a laboratory study
  534. Effectiveness of thermo-mechanical stress in accelerated aging of turn insulation in motor coils
  535. Effect of various stress-relief annealing treatments on permeability and aging of grain-oriented electrical steel strips
  536. Effect of trace phosphorus and boron on the stress rupture and creep properties of direct aging IN718 alloy
  537. Models of oxidative stress in the biology of aging
  538. Changes in jun N‐terminal kinase activation by stress during aging of cultured normal human fibroblasts
  539. Evaluation of Acceleration Factors in Sequential stress aging Test
  540. Benzodiazepine receptor binding response to acute and chronic stress is increased in aging animals
  541. Peroxidative stress and cerebral aging.
  542. Study is first to confirm that stress speeds aging
  543. Genetics, redox signaling, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in mammalian aging
  544. Electrical properties and stability against DC accelerated aging stress of lanthania doped praseodymia-based zinc oxide varistor ceramics
  545. Effects of purslane herb on stress ability of aging mice induced by D-galactose
  546. Oxidative stress, poly (ADP) ribosylation and aging: in vitro studies on lymphocytes from normal and Down’s syndrome subjects of different age and from patients with …
  547. The apparent viscosity of the protoplasm of subepidermal stem basis cells of Pisum sativum. Relation to aging, drought tolerance and water stress
  548. Caloric intake, oxidative stress and aging
  549. 1.3 µm buried heterojunction laser diodes under high electrical stress: Leakage currents and aging behavior
  550. aging in brown fat: antioxidant defenses and oxidative stress
  551. Spontaneous deformation during aging under stress in a copper-beryllium alloy
  552. Cellular Oxidative stress, aging, and the Local RAS
  553. Analyzing correlation between neurophysiological parameters and level of stress hormone cortisol in aging
  554. Effect of Zero stress aging on the Strength of Optical Fibers
  555. Regulation of neurogenesis in the aging vertebrate brain: role of oxidative stress and neuropsychiatric factors
  556. Craze growth in stress relaxation conditions: Effects of physical aging
  557. Effect of single aging on stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of INCONEL X-750 under PWR conditions
  558. Analysis of phase transformation kinetics by intrinsic stress evolutions during the isothermal aging of amorphous Ni (P) and Sn/Ni (P) films
  559. Effect of aging on psychological stress-induced increases in noradrenaline release in the rat anterior hypothalamus: an in vivo microdialysis study
  560. The aging dependent effects of the oxidative stress on the expression of some genes
  561. Dietary vitamin E in oxidative stress and aging
  562. aging and the environment: the stress theories
  563. Effects of stress aging on changes in mechanical properties and microstructures of Hastelloy-X and Hastelloy-XR
  564. Individual and interactive influence of temperature, stress, physical aging and moisture on creep, creep rupture and fracture of epoxy matrix and its composite
  565. Human T cell clones in long-term culture as models for the impact of chronic antigenic stress in aging
  566. Intermittent stress relaxation and thermal aging of vulcanized rubber
  567. aging during elevated temperature stress relaxation of IM7/K3B composite
  568. stress and aging. A counter-cultural development of locus of control and coping behavior in the elderly
  569. Effect of macroscopic stress on accelerated aging of GaInAsP channeled substrate buried heterostructure lasers
  570. Analysis of thermal stress in early age concrete based on aging degree method
  571. stress, glucocorticoids, and aging
  572. Features of lipid peroxidation in brain and liver tissues from aging rats under stress
  573. The change of microstructure of large stator winding insulation in multi-stress aging
  574. Cellular aging and oxidative stress
  575. Basal and stress induced concentrations of adrenal gland catecholamines and plasma ACTH during aging.
  576. The craze growth response in stress relaxation conditions for a styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer during physical aging
  577. Maillard reaction and oxidative stress are interrelated stochastic mechanisms of aging
  578. The aging of America: culture, stress, and sex
  579. Oxidative stress and calorie restriction in aging
  580. Effects of static strain aging on residual stress stability and alternating bending strength of shot peened AISI 4140
  581. Oxidative stress and aging-Second International Conference. Technologies for assessment and intervention strategies. 2-5 April 2001, Maui, USA.
  582. aging, energy, and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
  583. The effects of stress and physical aging on the creep compliance of a polymeric composite
  584. stress saturation in a nickel-base superalloy, under different aging treatments
  585. The effect of cold rolling and aging treatment on the stress corrosion cracking of SUS 316L and SUS 316 stainless steels in high temperature water
  586. stress and aging
  587. Does work stress enhance the rate of aging?
  588. stress and aging effects on the transformation characteristics in Au-Cd alloys
  589. Oxidative stress in animal models of accelerated aging, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease
  590. Effects of aging on prolactin release after stress in female and male rats
  591. The change of microstructure of epoxy mica insulation in multi-stress aging
  592. stress and aging (author’s transl)
  593. Singular stress Behavior in a Bonded Hereditarily‐Elastic aging Wedge. Part I: Problem Statement and Degenerate Case
  594. Applying a stress and resiliency framework for teaching adult development and aging throughout the social work undergraduate-level curriculum
  595. In vivo and in vitro molecular imaging techniques to clarify the mechanism of oxidative stress related to brain aging and neuro-degenerative diseases
  596. Effects of microcrystallinity on physical aging and environmental stress cracking of poly (ethylene terephthalate)(PET)
  597. stress relief mechanism of aging in plated-wire memories
  598. stress chemiluminescence of polymeric materials; predictive applications to the aging process
  599. aging and acute stress decrease corticotropin releasing hormone in the ovary of the Fischer 344/N rat
  600. Singular stress Behavior in a Bonded Hereditarily‐Elastic aging Wedge. Part II: General Heredity
  601. Adrenal neuropeptide Y mRNA but not preproenkephalin mRNA induction by stress is impaired by aging in Fischer 344 rats
  602. Modeling Of aging Of Solid Dielectric Materials In Multiple stress Environment
  603. Effect of naltrexone on stress-induced bioactive prolactin release in aging male rats
  604. aging of Plant Tissue and stress-Strain Curves, Modulus of Elasticity and Specific Gravity of Plant Tissues
  605. Precipitation evolution in HT-9 steel under thermal aging and stress rupture conditions
  606. Homebound aging women and the management of stress
  607. 1. Oxidative stress and aging
  608. Salt regulation and leaf senescence in aging leaves of Jaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray (Asteraceae), a salt marsh species exposed to NaCl stress
  609. Substituted 2-hydroxy-1, 2-dihydropyrrol-3-ones: fluorescent markers pertaining to oxidative stress and aging
  610. stress relaxation in semi-crystalline PEN films: Physical aging effects
  611. Insulin signaling, glucose metabolism oxidative stress, and aging
  612. Proposed research on class I components to test a general approach to accelerated aging under combined stress environments
  613. aging an Fe-Ni-Co-Nb-Ti-Si superalloy under tensile stress
  614. Endogenous Dangers: stress, the aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death. Robert M. Sapolsky. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. xii, 429 pp., illus. $55.
  615. Posttraumatic stress symptomatology in aging combat veterans: The direct and buffering effects of stress and social support
  616. Melatonin and its Role in aging and oxidative stress
  617. Creep, stress rupture, and isothermal aging of reinforced polyphthalamide
  618. Neurotoxicity of kainate to the hippocampus is not accrued by aging, stress and exogenous corticosterone in Wistar Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
  619. A multi-stress environmental chamber for the aging of all-dielectric self-support fiber optic cables
  620. Asymptotics near the tip of a crack of the state of stress and strain of inhomogeneously aging bodies
  621. Aspects of stress and aging in the rat (author’s transl)
  622. Changes in myocardial norepinephrine levels in response to stress, exercise and aging in control and T. cruzi-infected rats.
  623. Role of altered blood properties in the propagation of ischemic blood flow: contribution of aging and oxidative stress
  624. Progress in the studies of the oxidative stress and mitochondrial DNA mutations with aging
  625. Oxidative stress, caloric restriction, and aging
  626. The effect of hight temperature stress aging on the fatigue strength of 2024/T alclad double row riveted single lap joints
  627. Effect of aging on peak systolic left ventricular wall stress in normal subjects
  628. Formation of 8-hydroxyguanine in DNA by aging and oxidative stress
  629. … of 18R long range ordered Cu-Zn-Al single crystals the temperature and strain rate dependence of the critical stress and the influence of dynamic strain aging
  630. aging and technological advances: Health and stress
  631. aging, Health, stress and Technology in the Work Context: Concepts and Issues
  632. aging study of optimized submicron n-MOSFET’s (DC, AC and alternating stress conditions): correlation between charge pumping and classical parameters
  633. Social support, stress, and depression: Measurement and analysis of social well-being, mental health, and quality of life in a context of aging and Chinese culture.
  634. aging and psychological stress
  635. Role of mitochondria in oxidative stress associated with aging and apoptosis: studies in intact cells
  636. Disturbances of homeostasis by heat stress or aging and its treatment with minidoses of MAO blockers
  637. Effect of aging on the general corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of uranium–6 wt% niobium alloy
  638. aging aggravates heterogeneities in cell-size and stress-intolerance of cardiac ventricular myocytes
  639. Accelerated aging behavior under a compressive stress of Metglas 2605S2 amorphous ribbons
  640. A back-stress-based rationale for creep behavior during dynamic aging
  641. stress Evolution in Electrodeposited Copper Metallization during Room-Temperature aging
  642. Effect of thermal aging on stress corrosion cracking of neutron-irradiated type 316 stainless steel in high temperature pure water
  643. Perceived stress and coping among adults caring for aging family members.
  644. Posttraumatic stress and aging in older survivors of remote trauma
  645. Drought and water stress in New York vineyards and the potential for atypical aging of New York wines
  646. Effect of physical aging on the stress and birefringence relaxation behaviors in polycarbonate glass
  647. aging, free radicals and stress
  648. aging under mechanical stress: first experiments and related simulations for a silver-based multilayer mirror
  649. Physical modification of nylons by stress–aging and blending
  650. Strain-aging under constant stress in vanadium
  651. The Prospects for Immunorestoration in the Treatment of Immuno-Deficiency Arising from aging or stress
  652. stress, the aging brain, and the mechanisms of neuron death
  653. aging of porcelain suspension insulators under mechanical and electrical stress on EHV AC lines
  654. Ceramide-driven stress signals in cancer and aging
  656. Oxidative stress and aging in colon carcinogenesis
  657. Mitochondrial DNA mutation, oxidative stress, and alteration of gene expression in human aging
  658. Effects of aging on cutaneous regional and superficial capillary blood flows during heat stress in the rat
  659. An empirical study on the mental health of elderly people based on an aging stress-support model.
  660. Analysis of Weak stress aging in Earth Dam
  661. Reliability Impact of Stockpile aging: stress Voiding
  662. Invigoration of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seed by matriconditioning and its relationship with storability, dormancy, aging, stress tolerance and ethylene …
  663. Effects of Straining, aging, and stress-Relieving on Mechanical Properties of Steels for Arctic Service
  664. Relation between stress relaxation and aging resistance of rubber vulcanizates. II. Effect of copper in various accelerated stocks
  665. Low-temperature strain aging in In–Pb alloys under conditions of stress relaxation
  666. Experimental study on reliability and stress-free aging effects on hermetically coated fibers
  667. Longevity, stress response, and cancer in aging telomerase-deficient mice
  668. Effects of aging, thyrotropin releasing hormone and stress on plasma concentrations of growth hormone in the growing pigs
  669. stress-corrosion cracking, strain aging, and creep
  670. aging Characteristics of Polymer Lighting Arrester by Multi-stress Accelerated aging Test
  671. Role of telomerase in maintaining hematopoietic stem cell telomere length during replicative stress and aging
  672. Effect of aging, organ allografting, and surgical stress on rat thymus histidine decarboxylase activity
  673. Effect of aging on yield stress and corrosion resistance of die cast magnesium alloy
  675. MAO Inhibitors in aging: Can They Serve as Protective Agents in Cardiac Tissue Against Oxidative stress?
  676. Multi-stress aging Test Technology for Suspension Polymer Insulator
  677. Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductases in aging and oxidative stress
  678. to an Understanding of stress and aging
  679. Slow growth, stress response and aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  680. Design limits for HT9 cladding using stress-induced aging data
  682. Multifactor stress aging of electrical insulation. Final report 1 Feb 89-30 Sep 90
  683. FRET and FLIM microscopy in the study of the role of oxidative stress and apoptosis in aging
  684. Study on the development of PD parameters during the process of multi-stress aging of stator winding
  685. Estimates of yield strength changes due to dislocation pinning and internal stress relaxation during aging of a ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel
  686. Reliability Evaluation Criteria and Multi-stress aging Test for Polymer Insulator
  687. Relation between stress Relaxation and aging Resistance of Rubber Vulcanizates. II. Effect of Copper in Various Accelerated Stocks
  688. Antioxidant mechanisms of ascorbate and (R)-α-lipoic acid in aging and transition metal ion-mediated oxidative stress
  690. Skeletal muscle protein oxidation and oxidative stress in exercise, immobilization and aging: possible mechanisms
  691. The Effect of stress aging on the Yield Strength of 250 Grade, 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steel Sheet
  692. Vasopressin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and the structural indices of the function of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system in aging and stress
  693. A study on the mechanical properties change by stress aging of 2.25 Cr-1Mo steel
  695. Relation between stress relaxation and aging resistance of rubber vulcanizates—some preliminary investigations
  696. stress, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function, and aging: focus on corticotropin-releasing factor
  697. Thin Films stress aging Study using Micromachined Cantilevers
  698. stress, Hormones, and aging
  699. Physical aging, Coreset Curl, and stress Relaxation of PETG Polyester
  700. Multi-stress aging of extruded insulation systems for transmission cables. Final report
  701. Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamic supraoptic nuclei of albino rats during nociceptive stress and aging
  702. Adult hippocampal cell birth and death in relation to stress, aging and the vasculature
  703. The effect of aging and cold working on the high-temperature low-cycle fatigue behavior of alloy 800H: Part I. The effect of hardening processes on the initial stress …
  704. aging and stress, Biology of
  705. Ozone-induced changes in the status of Rubisco in aging foliage of Populus and Quercus and the role of Rubisco in stress compensation
  706. Homeostatic Processes in Brain aging: The Role of Apoptosis, Inflammation, and Oxidative stress in Regulating Healthy Neural Circuitry in the aging Brain
  708. stress–aging and Its Effects on Tensile Properties of Some Stainless and Ultra-High-Strength Steels
  709. Role of NADPH and hydrogen peroxide in modulating oxidative stress and oocyte aging
  710. Increasing stress Resistance Often Postpones aging
  711. Overexpression of MnSOD reduces oxidative stress and pro‐apoptotic signaling in the aging mouse heart
  712. Ultrastructure of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus in white rats following painful stress and during aging
  715. The effects of stress, aging and interleukin-1-beta on the content and release of pituitary hormones and hypothalamic neurotransmitters
  716. Effects of physical aging on the stress-strain and creep behaviors of lead free solders
  717. Oxidative stress and lipid catabolism during aging of potato seed-tubers
  718. CBP35-CBP67 interaction in stress response and aging
  719. Ubiquitin-independent degradation of oxidized proteins by the proteasome in oxidative stress, aging and disease
  720. 5 stress, Hormones, and aging
  721. Dynamic strain aging of zircaloy-4 PWR fuel cladding in biaxial stress state
  722. Mechanism of delaying aging process with optimal stress
  723. Theoretical analysis of stress relaxation measurements by bend tests for (Fe50Ni50) 1− xBx glasses: alloying effects on aging
  724. Introducing Professor Nikki Holbrook, stress signaling and aging section editor
  725. aging, corticosteroids and stress
  726. Public Enemy Number 1–stress: A Practical Guide to the Effects of stress and Nutrition on the aging Process and Life Extension
  727. A phenomenological aging model for combined thermal and electrical stress [comment and reply]
  728. Magnetic resonance studies of free radical-mediated oxidative stress in brain: Relevance to aging and Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological disorders.
  729. Serial Review: Oxidative stress and aging
  730. Carbonyl stress in Molesular Biochimistry of aging
  731. aging female brain: is there a change of adaptive stress?
  732. Introduction to serial reviews on aging and oxidative stress
  733. stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility and aging Characteristics of Al-Zn-Mg-Ti Alloys
  734. stress Disorder in aging
  735. Method of testing thermal aging of materials under stress
  737. Regulation of the DREF Gene Expression by Oxidative stress and aging
  738. Effects of aging on the Hormonal Response to stress
  739. Effect of normal aging on atrial natriuretic factor and atrial pressures during postural and exercise stress
  740. Oxidative stress in Brain aging
  741. Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the aging phenomena
  742. stress, Immunity and aging. Edited by Edwin L. Cooper New York: Marcel Dekker 1984. Pp 314. SFr 166.
  743. Maximum stress, Brain Support, Anti-aging & More
  744. stress corrosion cracking in almar 362 mar-aging stainless steel.
  745. Improvement in the mechanical properties of steel N18K9M5T under the influence of applied stress during aging
  746. Role of Psychological Factors in the aging Process-stress and Self-Perceived Health as Predictors of aging
  747. Cognitive aging, stress and Pharmacological Intervention
  748. Caloric intake, oxidative stress and aging
  749. aging neurons–stress, the aging Brain and the Mechanism of Neuron Death by Robert M. Sapolsky
  750. Method for accelerated aging under combined environmental stress conditions
  751. Analysis of residual breakdown voltage versus aging time with cyclic bending stress for windings
  752. Oxidative stress and the Loss of Receptor Sensitivity in aging
  753. Ionizing radiation, aging, and chronic psychological stress
  754. stress and strain of aging innovators in the product development process
  756. The effect of proper stress on the aging mice^ behavior and immune function
  757. Cardiac genetic responses to stress and aging
  758. Molecular Inflammation and Oxidative stress as the Underlying Mechanism for the aging Process
  759. Mitochondrial oxidative stress as an underlying mechanism of murine aging.
  760. Invited Review: An Integrated View of Oxidative stress in aging: Basic Mechanisms, Functional Effects and Pathological Considerations
  761. stress, the aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
  762. Test Plan to Update SRS HLW Tank Material Properties Database by Determining Synergistic Effects of Dynamic Strain aging and stress Corrosion Cracking (U …
  763. Oxidative stress, Cerebral aging and Longevity
  764. Strawberry or blueberry supplementation may protect against increased oxidative stress vulnerability from both irradiation and aging
  765. Oxidative stress and aging of the male reproductive tract
  767. aging and Post-traumatic stress Disorder.
  768. aging nickel alloy with low coefficient of expansion for thermical stress
  769. Re-examination of the glucocorticoid hypothesis of stress and aging
  770. On the aging Behaviors of the Magnetic stress Sensitivity of Very Fine Mo-Permalloy Ribbons for Memory Elements
  771. stress, The aging Brain and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death
  772. Early histochemical aging of arteries submitted to constant physical stress
  773. Effect of aging treatment on stress corrosion cracking behavior of alumina borate whisker reinforced aluminum composite
  774. Effects of swimming stress in water of different temperature on aging mechanism of mice
  775. The aging Heart: Its Function and Response to stress
  776. Effect of embrittlement on creep crack growth rate for W-added 12Cr ferritic heat resistant steel concerning multi-axial stress and aging
  777. stress Systems in aging–Cognitions and Dementia
  778. Conservation of Resources, stress, and aging
  779. Snoek mechanism and long range diffusion in Nb during aging under stress
  780. The effect of exercise training on behavior and oxidative stress in aging mice
  781. Involvement of Neurogranin in aging, Disease, and stress
  782. stress and Old Age: A Case of Black aging and Transplantation Shock.
  783. stress-assisted, microbial-induced corrosion of stainless steel primary piping and other aging issues at the Omega West Reactor
  784. Effect of Cold stress on Myocardium of aging Rat
  785. Sewers Under stress: A Comprehensive Approach to an aging Problem
  786. Bulk Moduli from Physical aging and stress Relaxation Data
  787. Reliability Impact of Stockpile aging: stress Voiding; TOPICAL
  788. Growth hormone booster attenuates memory impairment and oxidative stress in the genetic model of aging gene Klotho mutant mice
  789. aging is not accompanied by sympathetic hyperresponsiveness to environmental stress
  790. The effect of potential and aging on the Pb-assisted stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of alloy 22 gas tungsten arc-welded weldments
  791. The role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular changes with human aging
  793. The role of thioredoxin system in oxidative stress and cell aging
  794. Oxidative stress and aging processes in transgenic growth hormone mice.
  795. Role of Oxidative stress in aging of the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  796. Unavailability of Systems with Time-Dependent Failure Rates and stress-Dependent aging
  797. Steroid Receptor Action in the Hippocampus in stress and aging
  798. The effects of matrix aging and residual stress changes on K3B/IM7 laminates
  799. Effect of Two-Step aging Treatment on the stress Corossion Cracking Resistance of 7050 Al Alloy
  800. Effects of aging on the Localized and stress Corrosion of AlLi 2090 Alloy in Deaerated 3.5% NaCl
  801. Deformation by aging under stress in Cu-Be Alloy Castings
  802. γ-irradiation-induced oxidative stress and aging of cultured endothelial cells
  803. Symposium synopsis: PNI and aging: Immune functions interact with stress, vulnerability, and resources in older populations
  804. stress, infection, and aging in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): An evolutionary approach
  806. Effects of straining, aging, and stress-relieving on mechanical properties of steels for Arctic service
  808. A comparison of MOSFETs aging under dc, ac and alternating stress conditions
  809. Effect of aging on resistance to oxidative stress in human endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)
  810. A model of chronic situational stress and its effect on the rate of aging and the longevity of rats
  811. Contribution of Chinese prescription Kangen-karyu in the oxidative stress-related aging process
  814. Lens stress Forces in the aging Human Lens Anterior
  815. Role of oxidative stress in the vascular dysfunction related to hypertension and aging
  816. Expression Profile of aging and Oxidative stress Response in Drosophila melanogaster
  817. Evaluating Silicone Rubber Materials and Fillers for Outdoor Insulator Housings and Sheds in Accelerating aging of Environmental stress
  818. The Biological Axis of Senescence, stress, and aging as Construct for Cancer, Disease, and Death
  819. {gamma}-irradiation-induced oxidative stress and aging of cultured endothelial cells; stress oxydant et vieillissement vasculaire in vitro etude apres irradiation …
  821. Physical aging Rates of stress Relaxation in Miscible Polymer Blends
  822. Employment as a mediating factor on the psychological stress of middle-aged women caring for an aging parent.
  823. 3. ENVIRONMENT, stress AND aging
  824. Accelerated aging in combined stress environments.[Synergistic effects of thermal and radiation environments on Bacillus subtilis]
  826. Vasopressin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid and the structural indices of the function of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system in aging and stress
  827. Oxidative stress and aging: Edited by RG Cutler, L. Packer, J. Bertram and A. Mori, Birkhäuser Verlag; Basel, 1995; xii+ 396 pp. $124.00 (hb). ISBN 3‐7643 …
  828. Melatonin, Nitric Oxide Synthase and Oxidative stress: Implications in aging
  829. Effect of aging on the induction of stress protein in normal human skin.
  830. The Effect of aging and aging Under stress on the Tear Strength of Filled Natural Rubber Vulcanizates
  831. Effect of tempering in an external stress field on the structure of an aging Ni-V alloy
  832. Relation between stress Relaxation and aging Resistance of Rubber Vulcanizates. Some Preliminary Investigations
  833. Elevated-temperature Combined stress-rupture Plus Fatigue Strength of Waspaloy Having Having Different aging Treatments And/or Molybedenum Contents
  834. Lipid peroxidation, occupational stress and aging in workers of a prehospital emergency service
  835. aging and the skin blood flow response to the unloading of baroreceptors during heat and cold stress
  836. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in human skeletal muscle: interaction of aging and physical activity
  837. Continuous stress relaxation and intermittent stress of diene vulcanizates during oxidative aging
  839. … of the microstructure of a weld of the same composition as X 20 CrMoV 12 1 by means of purely thermal aging and by aging under mechanical stress at 550 C
  840. Effects of thermal aging on stress Corrosion Cracking and mechanical properties of stainless steel weld metals
  841. The effect of stress relief heat treatment and strain aging on A737 Grade C pressure vessel steel.
  842. Conclusions for 3 years of study on the effect of drought stress and available nitrogen on formation of atypical aging flavor defect in wine
  843. The effect of swimming stress on the content of brain lipofuscin and the ability of learning and memory of aging mice
  845. Modulation of neurobiological correlates of hippocampal aging by corticosteroids and chronic stress
  846. Effect of aging on the plane stress/plane strain behavior of aluminum-lithium 2090 alloy
  848. aging and oxidative stress in epididymal spermatozoa of the Brown Norway rat
  849. Individual and interactive influence of temperature, stress, physical aging and moisture on creep, creep rupture and fracture of epoxy matrix and its composite.
  850. Effect of titanium additions on aging characteristics and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of Al-Zn-Mg alloys
  851. Downregulation of telomerase by aging and oxidative stress in rat testis
  852. stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Al-Cu-Mg-Si Alloys after Two-Step aging
  853. Wasting Away: stress response keeps aging cells from fattening up (Fat cell formation)
  854. Tugging at Heartstrings: Protein associated with heart abnormalities and premature aging syndrome transmits mechanical stress to the nucleus
  855. Effects of exercise training, aging, gender and mental stress upon cardiac autonomic nervous function
  856. Comparative characterization of oxidative stress in some hereditary diseases differing in predisposition of neoplasms and early aging
  857. aging exacerbates stress-induced senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells during vascular remodeling
  858. Effect of stress on the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane in hippocampus of the aging mice induced by D-galactose
  859. Effect of aging on the dependence of fatigue crack growth behavior on mean stress (stress ratio) in the {beta}-titanium alloy: Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al
  860. Caloric restriction, oxidative stress and aging: Studies in red and white blood cells from rhesus monkeys
  861. Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms of Heat-Resistant Steels Due to Their Thermal aging Under Cyclic Loading in Condition of Complex stress State
  862. Investigation with the Oxidative stress Theory (The Free Radical Theory) of aging Neurobiology in the Experimental Spinal Cord Trauma Model: A Biochemical Study
  863. Test Plan to Update SRS High Level Waste Tank Material Properties Database by Determining Synergistic Effects of Dynamic Strain aging and stress Corrosion …
  864. … the universality of deformation mecha-nisms in phase transitions in solids, liquids biological, tissues (tumor growth, aging, adaptation to stress and medical treatment …
  865. stress Relieving of Cold Drawn Cu 1.8 wt.% Be by an aging Process
  866. Effect of crystallinity and crazing aging and residual stress on creep of kel canvas laminate and geon respectively interim report
  867. Modulation of angiogenesis in adult rat brain-effect of aging, stress, environmental enrichment and antidepressant treatment
  868. Enduring effects of chronic unpredictable stress in mid-aged rats on spatial learning and memory in aging
  869. Influence of Thermal aging on Primary Water stress Corrosion Cracking of Cast Austenitic Stainless Steels
  870. Cytoprotective Effect on Oxidative stress and Inhibitory Effect on Cellular aging of Terminalia chebula and Uncaria sinensis
  871. Influence of thermal aging on primary water stress corrosion cracking of cast duplex stainless steels
  872. Regulation of small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channels (SK) in mouse brain in response to aging and stress
  873. Proteomic, transcriptomic, signal transduction and functional studies of stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) & potential role of SIPS in human aging
  875. Effect of aging on heart tolerance toward anoxia stress and protective effects of SOD, ATP and Sini Decoction (SD) on heart
  876. … yeast has revealed that a protein complex known to play an essential role in transcriptional silencing at mating-type loci and telomeres also controls aging and stress …
  879. … , PJ, Eds. Dementia and aging: Ethics, Values, and Policy Choices, 120 Carlier, IVE, and Gersons, BPR Brief report. Partial posttrau-matic stress disorder (PFSD): The …
  880. Role of the cellular stress response in the biogenesis of redox-active astrocytic inclusions in the aging nervous system
  881. Heterotypic cell interactions between stress-induced prematurely senescent mammary stroma and neighboring epithelial cells in aging and breast cancer
  882. Influence of thermal aging on primary water stress corrosion cracking of cast duplex stainless steel (second report). Consideration on fractography after slow strain rate …
  884. Flow stress at Low Temperatures and Strain aging of High Cr-Fe Alloys with Small Amounts of C and N
  885. Importance of the Lon protease in mitochondrial protein turnover and cellular bioenergetics during oxidative stress and aging
  886. … animal studies of the effects of “han-dling” and prematal stress on lifelong patterns of stress hormone reactivity, emo-tionality and brain aging (Barbazanges, Vallee, et …
  889. Relationship between the pre-straining and the induced stress in the AISI 304 steel strain aging; Relacao entre a pre-deformacao ea tensao induzida no …
  890. Properties of the AK4-1 alloy after additional aging under stress
  891. Antioxidant effect of EGb 761 on aging and oxidative stress
  892. The antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD-4 ) in oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  893. 84. Contribution of oxidative stress to increased fibrinogen during human aging
  894. Oxidative stress and aging.
  895. The aging stress response
  896. aging and glycoxidant stress
  897. The stress of aging
  898. Relationship of electrophilic stress to aging
  899. Oxidative stress, aging, and central nervous system disease in the canine model of human brain aging
  900. mTOR signalling: the molecular interface connecting metabolic stress, aging and cardiovascular diseases
  901. Prognostics approach for power MOSFET under thermal-stress aging
  902. Biological mechanisms of disease and death in Moscow: rationale and design of the survey on stress aging and Health in Russia (SAHR)
  903. Psychological and metabolic stress: a recipe for accelerated cellular aging?
  904. The role of oxidative stress in the aging process
  905. UV, stress and aging
  906. Oxidative stress and aberrant signaling in aging and cognitive decline
  907. An integrated view of oxidative stress in aging: basic mechanisms, functional effects, and pathological considerations
  908. Update on the oxidative stress theory of aging: does oxidative stress play a role in aging or healthy aging?
  909. Frontiers in the use of biomarkers of health in research on stress and aging
  910. The redox stress hypothesis of aging
  911. Oxidative stress and vascular inflammation in aging
  912. aging-related oxidative stress in healthy humans
  913. The role of COX-2 and Nrf2/ARE in anti-inflammation and antioxidative stress: aging and anti-aging
  914. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging
  915. The role of stress factors during aging of the immune system
  916. stress, inflammation, and aging
  917. p53, oxidative stress, and aging
  918. aging and stress: past hypotheses, present approaches and perspectives
  919. Gene expression changes in response to aging compared to heat stress, oxidative stress and ionizing radiation in Drosophila melanogaster
  920. stress, aging and reliability of antioxidant enzyme defense
  921. Concurrent phase separation and clustering in the ferrite phase during low temperature stress aging of duplex stainless steel weldments
  922. Oxidative stress in aging-matters of the heart and mind
  923. Oxidative stress and the aging brain: From theory to prevention.
  924. Environmental-induced oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders and aging
  925. Social context, stress, and plasticity of aging
  926. Age identity in context: stress and the subjective side of aging
  927. The sirtuins, oxidative stress and aging: an emerging link
  928. Low-frequency dielectric response of epoxy-mica insulated generator bars during multi-stress aging
  929. Markers of oxidant stress that are clinically relevant in aging and age-related disease
  930. Oxidative stress-related aging: A role for prostate cancer?
  931. Depression gets old fast: do stress and depression accelerate cell aging?
  932. Protein stress and stress proteins: implications in aging and disease
  933. Oxidative stress and aging prevention
  934. Do US black women experience stress-related accelerated biological aging?
  935. stress proteins in aging and life span
  936. Is the oxidative stress theory of aging dead?
  937. Interactive effects of stress and aging on structural plasticity in the prefrontal cortex
  938. The heat shock response: systems biology of proteotoxic stress in aging and disease
  939. Yeast stress, aging, and death
  940. The speedometer of life: stress, health and aging
  941. Basic biology of skeletal aging: role of stress response pathways
  942. Oxidative stress action in cellular aging
  943. Markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes and plasma during aging in humans
  944. Oxidative stress, inflamm-aging and immunosenescence
  945. Sirt1 regulates aging and resistance to oxidative stress in the heart
  946. The endoplasmic reticulum stress response in aging and age-related diseases
  947. aging, oxidative stress and antioxidants
  948. Proteomic quantification and identification of carbonylated proteins upon oxidative stress and during cellular aging
  949. The endoplasmic reticulum stress response and aging
  950. HPA axis responsiveness to stress: implications for healthy aging
  951. Oxidative stress in aging: theoretical outcomes and clinical evidences in humans
  952. Influence of physical exercise on neuroimmunological functioning and health: aging and stress
  953. stress-response hormesis and aging:“that which does not kill us makes us stronger”
  954. stress-activated cap’n’collar transcription factors in aging and human disease
  955. Intrinsic skin aging: the role of oxidative stress
  956. Oxidative stress and aging
  957. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial DNA mutation, and apoptosis in aging
  958. Effects of stress on health and aging: Two paradoxes
  959. Glycation stress and photo-aging in skin
  960. Proteotoxic stress and inducible chaperone networks in neurodegenerative disease and aging
  961. Influence of elastic tensile stress on aging process in an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
  962. Oxidative stress response elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction: implication in the pathophysiology of aging
  963. Lysosomes and oxidative stress in aging and apoptosis
  964. Sirt1 protects the heart from aging and stress
  965. Crosstalk between oxidative stress and SIRT1: impact on the aging process
  966. Coenzyme Q, oxidative stress and aging
  967. Regulation of proteasome-mediated protein degradation during oxidative stress and aging
  968. Oxidative stress and aging: is methylglyoxal the hidden enemy?
  969. DNA replication stress, genome instability and aging
  970. From estrogen-centric to aging and oxidative stress: a revised perspective of the pathogenesis of osteoporosis
  971. Oxidative stress in aging: from model systems to human diseases
  972. ER and aging—protein folding and the ER stress response
  973. Regulation of HSF1 Function in the Heat stress Response: Implications in aging and Disease
  974. Sestrins at the crossroad between stress and aging
  975. Redox regulation of cellular stress response in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of vitagenes
  976. Oxidative stress and aging: the potential role of iron
  977. Markers of oxidative stress in erythrocytes during aging in humans
  978. Worms under stress: C. elegans stress response and its relevance to complex human disease and aging
  979. The SODyssey: superoxide dismutases from biochemistry, through proteomics, to oxidative stress, aging and nutraceuticals
  980. Endothelial aging associated with oxidative stress can be modulated by a healthy mediterranean diet
  981. Cardiac mitochondrial bioenergetics, oxidative stress, and aging
  982. Systemic oxidative stress associated with the neurological diseases of aging
  983. Neuroinflammation associated with aging sensitizes the brain to the effects of infection or stress
  984. Psychological stress in childhood and susceptibility to the chronic diseases of aging: moving toward a model of behavioral and biological mechanisms.
  985. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress activate inflammasomes: impact on the aging process and age-related diseases
  986. Mitochondrial stress signals revise an old aging theory
  987. Chronic pain, perceived stress, and cellular aging: an exploratory study
  988. stress and exercise: Getting the balance right for aging immunity
  989. Prospective study of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and coronary heart disease in the Normative aging Study
  990. The role of oxidative stress in nervous system aging
  991. stress and glucocorticoid contributions to normal and pathological aging.
  992. Response to the increase of oxidative stress and mutation of mitochondrial DNA in aging
  993. Long-term exercise treatment reduces oxidative stress in the hippocampus of aging rats
  994. Cardiac aging in mice and humans: the role of mitochondrial oxidative stress
  995. Oxidative stress and autophagy in cardiac disease, neurological disorders, aging and cancer
  996. stress contributes to the development of central insulin resistance during aging: implications for Alzheimer’s disease
  997. Proactive aging: A longitudinal study of stress, resources, agency, and well-being in late life
  998. Circulating glycotoxins and dietary advanced glycation endproducts: two links to inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and aging
  999. Role of oxidative stress from mitochondria on aging and cancer
  1000. A mouse model of ATR-Seckel shows embryonic replicative stress and accelerated aging
  1001. The oxidative stress theory of aging: embattled or invincible? Insights from non-traditional model organisms
  1002. Redox homeostasis and cellular stress response in aging and neurodegeneration
  1003. Effect of pre-strain and two-step aging on microstructure and stress corrosion cracking of 7050 alloy
  1004. The importance of plasma membrane coenzyme Q in aging and stress responses
  1005. ER stress and hormetic regulation of the aging process
  1006. Cell stress and aging: new emphasis on multiplex resistance mechanisms
  1007. stress appraisals and cellular aging: A key role for anticipatory threat in the relationship between psychological stress and telomere length
  1008. Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres
  1009. Oxidized mitochondrial protein degradation and repair in aging and oxidative stress
  1010. Hormesis, cellular stress response and vitagenes as critical determinants in aging and longevity
  1011. Comparative studies of oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in aging
  1012. aging affects the cardiovascular responses to cold stress in humans
  1013. Childhood maltreatment and telomere shortening: preliminary support for an effect of early stress on cellular aging
  1014. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and cardiolipin in aging
  1015. Cellular stress responses, hormetic phytochemicals and vitagenes in aging and longevity
  1016. Mouse models of oxidative stress indicate a role for modulating healthy aging
  1017. Dysregulated neuronal–microglial cross-talk during aging, stress and inflammation
  1018. … of the mitochondrial Lon Protease allows adaptation to acute oxidative stress but dysregulation is associated with chronic stress, disease, and aging
  1019. Role of oxidative stress and AT1 receptors in cerebral vascular dysfunction with aging
  1020. stress response and aging
  1021. aging under stress in polymer glasses
  1022. Environmental enrichment, prefrontal cortex, stress, and aging of the brain
  1023. stress and aging induce distinct polyQ protein aggregation states
  1024. Curcumin ameliorates arterial dysfunction and oxidative stress with aging
  1025. Continuous oxidative stress due to activation of polyamine catabolism accelerates aging and protects against hepatotoxic insults
  1026. Translational research involving oxidative stress and diseases of aging
  1027. Oxidative stress and accelerated vascular aging: implications for cigarette smoking
  1028. Impact of ACE2 deficiency and oxidative stress on cerebrovascular function with aging
  1029. PPARγ and stress: implications for aging
  1030. Exploring the role of genetic variability and lifestyle in oxidative stress response for healthy aging and longevity
  1031. Direct evidence of endothelial oxidative stress with aging in humans: relation to impaired endothelium-dependent dilation and upregulation of nuclear factor-κB
  1032. Psychological stress and skin aging: a review of possible mechanisms and potential therapies
  1033. Mitochondrial dysfunction in brain aging: role of oxidative stress and cardiolipin
  1034. Mild stress and healthy aging: applying hormesis in aging research and interventions
  1035. Magnetorheology in an aging, yield stress matrix fluid
  1036. Replicative stress, stem cells and aging
  1037. Exercise and immobilization in aging animals: the involvement of oxidative stress and NF-κB activation
  1038. Cellular stress response: a novel target for chemoprevention and nutritional neuroprotection in aging, neurodegenerative disorders and longevity
  1039. Against the oxidative damage theory of aging: superoxide dismutases protect against oxidative stress but have little or no effect on life span in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1040. Vascular aging: chronic oxidative stress and impairment of redox signaling—consequences for vascular homeostasis and disease
  1041. Analysis of strengthening in AA6111 during the early stages of aging: Atom probe tomography and yield stress modelling
  1042. Hormetic effects of regular exercise in aging: correlation with oxidative stress
  1043. Deficient synthesis of glutathione underlies oxidative stress in aging and can be corrected by dietary cysteine and glycine supplementation–
  1044. Vascular oxidative stress in aging: a homeostatic failure due to dysregulation of NRF2-mediated antioxidant response
  1045. Adaptogens in medical herbalism: elite herbs and natural compounds for mastering stress, aging, and chronic disease
  1046. Oxidative stress and expression of chaperones in aging mollusks
  1047. Psychological stress and aging: role of glucocorticoids (GCs)
  1048. Carbonyl stress in aging process: role of vitamins and phytochemicals as redox regulators
  1049. Oxidative stress activates a specific p53 transcriptional response that regulates cellular senescence and aging
  1050. Effect of aging on cardiac function during cold stress in humans
  1051. 17β-Estradiol, aging, inflammation, and the stress response in the female heart
  1052. Protective role of tea catechins on erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress during human aging
  1053. Allotment gardening and other leisure activities for stress reduction and healthy aging
  1054. aging increases mitochondrial DNA damage and oxidative stress in liver of rhesus monkeys
  1055. Mitochondrial oxidative stress caused by Sod2 deficiency promotes cellular senescence and aging phenotypes in the skin
  1056. Mitochondrial dysfunction during brain aging: role of oxidative stress and modulation by antioxidant supplementation
  1057. Carnosinase levels in aging brain: redox state induction and cellular stress response
  1058. Effects of stress hormones on the brain and cognition: Evidence from normal to pathological aging
  1059. Long-term effects of increased glucose entry on mouse hearts during normal aging and ischemic stress
  1060. Characteristics of high voltage polymer insulator under accelerated artificial tropical climate multi stress aging
  1061. Survival responses to oxidative stress and aging
  1062. aging is associated with hypoxia and oxidative stress in adipose tissue: implications for adipose function
  1063. Oxidative stress accumulates in adipose tissue during aging and inhibits adipogenesis
  1064. Effects of the association of aging and obesity on lipids, lipoproteins and oxidative stress biomarkers: a comparison of older with young men
  1065. B6D2F1 Mice Are a Suitable Model of Oxidative stress–Mediated Impaired Endothelium-Dependent Dilation With aging
  1066. Evolution of stress and deformations in high-temperature polymer matrix composites during thermo-oxidative aging
  1067. Chronic stress, allostatic load, and aging in nonhuman primates
  1068. The effects of perceived stress and attitudes toward menopause and aging on symptoms of menopause
  1069. Long-term potentiation at CA3–CA1 hippocampal synapses with special emphasis on aging, disease, and stress
  1070. Chrononutrition against oxidative stress in aging
  1071. Accumulation of mutants in “aging” bacterial colonies is due to growth under selection, not stress-induced mutagenesis
  1072. Comparing the yeast retrograde response and NF‐κB stress responses: implications for aging
  1073. stress‐associated H 3 K 4 methylation accumulates during postnatal development and aging of rhesus macaque brain
  1074. Does cellular aging relate to patterns of allostasis?: An examination of basal and stress reactive HPA axis activity and telomere length
  1075. Respiratory function decline and DNA mutation in mitochondria, oxidative stress and altered gene expression during aging
  1076. Accelerated fat cell aging links oxidative stress and insulin resistance in adipocytes
  1077. Psychological stress and reproductive aging among pre-menopausal women
  1078. stress responses, vitagenes and hormesis as critical determinants in aging and longevity: Mitochondria as a “chi”
  1079. Interaction of stress, lead burden, and age on cognition in older men: the VA Normative aging Study
  1080. Rule-based cell systems model of aging using feedback loop motifs mediated by stress responses
  1081. Influence of quenching and aging on residual stress in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy 7449
  1082. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial protein quality control in aging
  1083. Evolution of grain boundary precipitates in Al 7075 upon aging and correlation with stress corrosion cracking behavior
  1084. Oxidative stress contributes to aging by enhancing pancreatic angiogenesis and insulin signaling
  1085. Effect of homogenization and aging treatment on mechanical properties and stress-corrosion cracking of 7050 alloys
  1086. aging of alkali-resistant glass and basalt fibers in alkaline solutions: Evaluation of the failure stress by Weibull distribution function
  1087. stress relaxation in aging soft colloidal glasses
  1088. The human tripeptide GHK-Cu in prevention of oxidative stress and degenerative conditions of aging: implications for cognitive health
  1089. Endoplasmic reticulum stress in wake‐active neurons progresses with aging
  1090. The aging kidney: role of endothelial oxidative stress and inflammation
  1091. A model of premature aging in mice based on altered stress-related behavioral response and immunosenescence
  1092. Evidence for premature aging due to oxidative stress in iPSCs from Cockayne syndrome
  1093. The effect of aging on the relaxation of residual stress in cast aluminum
  1094. Oxidative stress, telomere length and biomarkers of physical aging in a cohort aged 79 years from the 1932 Scottish Mental Survey
  1095. Roles of amyloid precursor protein family members in neuroprotection, stress signaling and aging
  1096. Does aging make employees more resilient to job stress? Age as a moderator in the job stressor–well-being relationship in three Finnish occupational samples
  1097. α-Tocotrienol quinone modulates oxidative stress response and the biochemistry of aging
  1098. The effects of aging on the cyclic stress-strain behavior and hysteresis loop evolution of lead free solders
  1099. Nuclear mechanotransduction: response of the lamina to extracellular stress with implications in aging
  1100. Hyperactive S6K1 mediates oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in aging: inhibition by resveratrol
  1101. NADPH oxidase and aging drive microglial activation, oxidative stress, and dopaminergic neurodegeneration following systemic LPS administration
  1102. Soy isoflavones attenuate oxidative stress and improve parameters related to aging and Alzheimer’s disease in C57BL/6J mice treated with D-galactose
  1103. Oxidative stress and skeletal muscle dysfunction with aging
  1104. p66Shc, oxidative stress and aging: importing a lifespan determinant into mitochondria
  1105. Oxidative stress and inflammation: hypothesis for the mechanism of aging
  1106. stress photo‐oxidative aging behaviour of polyamide 6
  1107. Prediction of flow stress in dynamic strain aging regime of austenitic stainless steel 316 using artificial neural network
  1108. aging exacerbates obesity-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in perivascular adipose tissue in mice: a paracrine mechanism contributing to vascular redox …
  1109. Elevation by oxidative stress and aging of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in rats and its prevention by vitamin E
  1110. Logarithmic relaxation and stress aging in the electron glass
  1111. Effects of aging on stress-induced martensitic transformation in ductile Cu–Al–Mn-based shape memory alloys
  1112. Assessing late-onset stress symptomatology among aging male combat veterans
  1113. FoxO3a regulates hematopoietic homeostasis through a negative feedback pathway in conditions of stress or aging
  1114. Dynamic chromatin localization of Sirt6 shapes stress-and aging-related transcriptional networks
  1115. Ca2+ signaling, mitochondria and sensitivity to oxidative stress in aging astrocytes
  1116. Traffic-related air pollution and QT interval: modification by diabetes, obesity, and oxidative stress gene polymorphisms in the normative aging study
  1117. Accelerated aging in major depression: the role of nitro-oxidative stress
  1118. Insulin regulates aging and oxidative stress in Anopheles stephensi
  1119. Sevoflurane induces endoplasmic reticulum stress mediated apoptosis in hippocampal neurons of aging rats
  1120. Prognostics of power MOSFETs under thermal stress accelerated aging using data-driven and model-based methodologies
  1121. Differential regulation of proteasome functionality in reproductive vs. somatic tissues of Drosophila during aging or oxidative stress
  1122. “Doing” gardening and “being” at the allotment site: Exploring the benefits of allotment gardening for stress reduction and healthy aging
  1123. Hippocampal volume in aging combat veterans with and without post-traumatic stress disorder: relation to risk and resilience factors
  1124. Potential ergogenic effects of L-arginine against oxidative and inflammatory stress induced by acute exercise in aging rats
  1125. … oxidative stress in cancer-associated fibroblasts drives lactate production, promoting breast cancer tumor growth: understanding the aging and cancer connection
  1126. aging augments mitochondrial susceptibility to heat stress
  1127. Protective role of chrysin against oxidative stress in d‐galactose‐induced aging in an experimental rat model
  1128. Examining the aging process through the stress-coping framework: Application to driving cessation in later life
  1129. Melatonin prevents oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant enzyme expression and activity in the liver of aging rats
  1130. Relationship between oxidative and occupational stress and aging in nurses of an intensive care unit
  1131. Ovarian hormones, aging and stress on hippocampal synaptic plasticity
  1132. Alagebrium chloride protects the heart against oxidative stress in aging rats
  1133. Cellular stress responses, mitostress and carnitine insufficiencies as critical determinants in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of hormesis and vitagenes
  1134. Cellular stress and protein misfolding during aging
  1135. The exercise-induced stress response in skeletal muscle: failure during aging
  1136. stress as a potential modifier of the impact of lead levels on blood pressure: the normative aging study
  1137. aging increases oxidative stress and renal expression of oxidant and antioxidant enzymes that are associated with an increased trend in systolic blood pressure
  1138. stress profiling of longevity mutants identifies Afg3 as a mitochondrial determinant of cytoplasmic mRNA translation and aging
  1139. MnSOD deficiency results in elevated oxidative stress and decreased mitochondrial function but does not lead to muscle atrophy during aging
  1140. The ASK1-Signalosome regulates p38 MAPK activity in response to levels of endogenous oxidative stress in the Klotho mouse models of aging
  1141. Heterogeneity of neuroendocrine stress responses in aging rat strains
  1142. aging analysis reveals slowed tau turnover and enhanced stress response in a mouse model of tauopathy
  1143. Do stress trajectories predict mortality in older men? Longitudinal findings from the VA normative aging study
  1144. aging brain: prevention of oxidative stress by vitamin E and exercise
  1145. Heat stress and hormetin-induced hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis, and differentiation
  1146. Oxidative stress-induced JNK activation contributes to proinflammatory phenotype of aging diabetic mesangial cells
  1147. Aberrant insulin receptor signaling and amino acid homeostasis as a major cause of oxidative stress in aging
  1148. Dietary iron concentration may influence aging process by altering oxidative stress in tissues of adult rats
  1149. A long-term high-fat diet increases oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the inner ear of D-galactose-induced aging rats
  1150. Oxidative proteome modifications target specific cellular pathways during oxidative stress, cellular senescence and aging
  1151. Study of trap states in polyspirobifluorene based devices: Influence of aging by electrical stress
  1152. “SR stress” in mixed hindlimb muscles of aging male rats
  1153. Effects of an enriched environment on the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex produced by stress and on working memory during aging in the awake rat
  1154. aging and Oxidative stress: A New Look at Old Bone.
  1155. Fructose and glucose differentially affect aging and carbonyl/oxidative stress parameters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
  1156. Accelerated aging during chronic oxidative stress: a role for PARP-1
  1157. aging-associated oxidative stress modulates the acute inflammatory response in skeletal muscle after contusion injury
  1158. aging in a colloidal glass in creep flow: Time-stress superposition
  1159. Cellular stress from excitatory neurotransmission contributes to cholesterol loss in hippocampal neurons aging in vitro
  1160. Kainate-induced seizures, oxidative stress and neuronal loss in aging rats
  1161. aging diurnal rhythms and chronic stress: Distinct alteration of diurnal rhythmicity of salivary α-amylase and cortisol
  1162. Protective Effect of Selenoarginine against Oxidative stress in d-Galactose-Induced aging Mice
  1163. stress and aging minimization in photoplastic AFM probes
  1164. 8-Oxo-7, 8-dihydroguanine: links to gene expression, aging, and defense against oxidative stress
  1165. A comprehensive review of biochemical and molecular evidences from animal and human studies on the role of oxidative stress in aging: an epiphenomenon or the …
  1166. Oxidative stress-induced changes in pyridine nucleotides and chemoattractant 5-lipoxygenase products in aging neutrophils
  1167. Methionine sulfoxide reductase B in the endoplasmic reticulum is critical for stress resistance and aging in Drosophila
  1168. Oxidative stress induces apolipoprotein D overexpression in hippocampus during aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  1169. Caloric restriction improves endothelial dysfunction during vascular aging: Effects on nitric oxide synthase isoforms and oxidative stress in rat aorta
  1170. Oxidative stress caused by blocking of mitochondrial Complex I H+ pumping as a link in aging/disease vicious cycle
  1171. Physical aging of polymer films quenched and measured free-standing via ellipsometry: controlling stress imparted by thermal expansion mismatch between film and …
  1172. Osmopriming improves tomato seed vigor under aging and salinity stress
  1173. Effect of compressive stress aging on transformation strain and microstructure of Ni-rich TiNi alloy
  1174. Nonlinear microrheology of an aging, yield stress fluid using magnetic tweezers
  1175. Muscle aging and oxidative stress in wild-caught shrews
  1176. Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases: Targets of oxidative stress in brain aging and neurodegeneration
  1177. Comparative multi stress aging of thermoplastic elastomeric and silicone rubber insulators in Pakistan
  1178. Inflammation and oxidative stress as biomarkers of premature aging in persons with intellectual disability
  1179. Chronic green tea catechins administration prevents oxidative stress-related brain aging in C57BL/6J mice
  1180. Depressive symptomatology, psychological stress, and ovarian reserve: a role for psychological factors in ovarian aging?
  1181. stress and aging: A biological double jeopardy?
  1182. Evolution of the tension/compression and shear cyclic stress-strain behavior of lead-free solder subjected to isothermal aging
  1183. Neocortex and Allocortex Respond Differentially to Cellular stress In Vitro and aging In Vivo
  1184. Erythrocyte sialic acid content during aging in humans: correlation with markers of oxidative stress
  1185. Oxidative stress in testis of animals during aging with and without reproductive activity
  1186. Anaerobic vs aerobic pathways of carbonyl and oxidant stress in human lens and skin during aging and in diabetes: A comparative analysis
  1187. Environmental enrichment reduces the response to stress of the cholinergic system in the prefrontal cortex during aging
  1188. Oxidative stress and chronological aging in glycogen-phosphorylase-deleted yeast
  1189. Earlier stress exposure and subsequent major depression in aging women
  1190. Exposure to 16O-Particle Radiation Causes aging-Like Decrements in Rats through Increased Oxidative stress, Inflammation and Loss of Autophagy
  1191. aging increases basal but not stress-induced levels of corticosterone in the brain of the awake rat
  1192. Testing the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging in primate fibroblasts: is there a correlation between species longevity and cellular ROS production?
  1193. Peripheral biomarkers of oxidative stress in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  1194. A role of fatty acids in the development of oxidative stress in aging. A hypothesis
  1195. … -specific knockdown of IGF-1 decreases vascular oxidative stress resistance by impairing the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response: a novel model of vascular aging
  1196. aging results in increased autophagy of mitochondria and protein nitration in rat hepatocytes following heat stress
  1197. Impaired cardiac SIRT1 activity by carbonyl stress contributes to aging-related ischemic intolerance
  1198. Red wine polyphenols improve an established aging-related endothelial dysfunction in the mesenteric artery of middle-aged rats: role of oxidative stress
  1199. Role of oxidative stress and adenosine nucleotides in the liver of aging rats.
  1200. Mitochondria impairment correlates with increased sensitivity of aging RPE cells to oxidative stress
  1201. Vitamin D: oxidative stress, immunity, and aging
  1202. The chronic stress of caregiving accelerates the natural aging of the immune system
  1203. Oxidative stress and aging in the NematodeCaenorhabditis elegans
  1204. Oxidative stress in the brain of reproductive male rats during aging
  1205. Does the oxidative stress theory of aging explain longevity differences in birds? II. Antioxidant systems and oxidative damage
  1206. Effects of aging and hypercholesterolemia on oxidative stress and DNA damage in bone marrow mononuclear cells in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
  1207. N-glycosylation profiling of plasma provides evidence for accelerated physiological aging in post-traumatic stress disorder
  1208. Psychoneuromicrobiology: cytomegalovirus infection as a putative link between stress, aging, and immunity
  1209. Loss of adaptation to oxidative stress as a mechanism for aortic damage in aging rats
  1210. Effects of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder on metabolic risk, quality of life, and stress hormones in aging former refugee children
  1211. Role of oxidative stress in skin aging
  1212. The ATM cofactor ATMIN protects against oxidative stress and accumulation of DNA damage in the aging brain
  1213. A role for dicer in aging and stress survival
  1214. … serum veritas—in serum sanitas? Cell non-autonomous aging compromises differentiation and survival of mesenchymal stromal cells via the oxidative stress …
  1215. An electrochemical framework to explain the intergranular stress corrosion behavior in two Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloys as a function of aging
  1216. Grape-derived polyphenols improve aging-related endothelial dysfunction in rat mesenteric artery: role of oxidative stress and the angiotensin system
  1217. Strained coherent interface energy of the Guinier–Preston II phase in Al–Cu during stress aging
  1218. Chronic stress in adulthood followed by intermittent stress impairs spatial memory and the survival of newborn hippocampal cells in aging animals: prevention by FGL …
  1219. Rac1 modulates acute and subacute genotoxin-induced hepatic stress responses, fibrosis and liver aging
  1220. Alteration in flow (shear stress)-induced remodelling in rat resistance arteries with aging: improvement by a treatment with hydralazine
  1221. Prefrontal cortex, caloric restriction and stress during aging: studies on dopamine and acetylcholine release, BDNF and working memory
  1222. Anti-aging effects of cyanidin under a stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
  1223. Does the oxidative stress theory of aging explain longevity differences in birds? I. Mitochondrial ROS production
  1224. Testing Predictions of the Oxidative stress Hypothesis of aging Using a Novel Invertebrate Model of Longevity: The Giant Clam (Tridacna Derasa)
  1225. … of tyrosine kinase B activity by the Cyp46/cholesterol loss pathway in mature hippocampal neurons: relevance for neuronal survival under stress and in aging
  1226. The aging myostatin null phenotype: reduced adiposity, cardiac hypertrophy, enhanced cardiac stress response, and sexual dimorphism
  1227. 8-hydroxyguanine in urine and serum as an oxidative stress marker: effects of diabetes and aging
  1228. Hippocampal CA1 transcriptional profile of sleep deprivation: relation to aging and stress
  1229. Effect of long term aging on microstructure and stress rupture properties of a nickel based single crystal superalloy
  1230. stress‐mediated hormetic modulation of aging, wound healing, and angiogenesis in human cells
  1231. Autophagy following heat stress: the role of aging and protein nitration
  1232. Evaluating liquefaction potential by seismic dilatometer (SDMT) accounting for aging/stress history
  1233. Effect of aging and oxidative stress on elongation factor-2 in hypothalamus and hypophysis
  1234. The role of oxidative stress in skin aging
  1235. Early and late-onset effect of chronic stress on vascular function in mice: a possible model of the impact of depression on vascular disease in aging
  1236. aging well in an upscale retirement community: The relationships among perceived stress, mattering, and wellness
  1237. Effect of aging under compressive stress along [100] in Co–Ni–Ga single crystals
  1238. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in Down’s syndrome: relevance to aging and dementia
  1239. Anti-aging effects and mechanisms of kimchi during fermentation under stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
  1240. Effects of a growth hormone-releasing hormone antagonist on telomerase activity, oxidative stress, longevity, and aging in mice
  1241. Posttraumatic stress disorder and aging
  1242. A novel origin for granulovacuolar degeneration in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: parallels to stress granules
  1243. Isothermal physical aging characterization of Polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) films by creep and stress relaxation
  1244. Linking Lysosomal Trafficking Defects with Changes in aging and stress Response in Drosophila
  1245. Norepinephrine treatment and aging lead to systemic and intracellular oxidative stress in rats
  1246. Protective role of Psoralea corylifolia L. seed extract against hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction induced by oxidative stress or aging
  1247. Interactions between injury, stress resistance, reproduction, and aging in Drosophila melanogaster
  1248. The role of glyoxalases for sugar stress and aging, with relevance for dyskinesia, anxiety, dementia and Parkinson’s disease
  1249. Mechanistic insights into aging, cell-cycle progression, and stress response
  1250. Shear rejuvenation, aging and shear banding in yield stress fluids
  1251. The effect of aging on the DNA damage and repair capacity in 2BS cells undergoing oxidative stress
  1252. Considerations for sampling time in research on aging: Examples from research on stress and cognition.
  1253. Dysregulation of hepatic iron with aging: implications for heat stress-induced oxidative liver injury
  1254. Premature aging with impaired oxidative stress defense in mice lacking TR4
  1255. aging-related changes in cutaneous corticotropin-releasing hormone system reflect a defective neuroendocrine-stress response in aging
  1256. Effect of Hf on stress rupture properties of DD6 single crystal superalloy after long term aging
  1257. aging linked to type 2 diabetes increases oxidative stress and chronic inflammation
  1258. Modeling of Ni4Ti3 precipitation during stress-free and stress-assisted aging of bi-crystalline NiTi shape memory alloys
  1259. Telomere, DNA damage, and oxidative stress in stem cell aging
  1260. Effects of aging on activity of the prefrontal cortex and autonomic nervous system during mental stress task
  1261. Hematopoietic stem cells lacking Ott1 display aspects associated with aging and are unable to maintain quiescence during proliferative stress
  1262. Effect of thermal and hygrothermal aging on the plane stress fracture toughness of poly (ethylene terephthalate) sheets
  1263. Oxidative stress during aging of the yeast in a stationary culture and its attenuation by antioxidants
  1264. Effect of mean stress and stress amplitude on the ratcheting behaviour of 316LN stainless steel under dynamic strain aging regime
  1265. … ‐dependent senescent phenotype of lens epithelial cells as a biological marker of aging and cataractogenesis: the role of oxidative stress intensity and specific …
  1266. Measuring stress next to Au ball bond during high temperature aging
  1267. aging impairs the expression of the catalytic subunit of glutamate cysteine ligase in soleus muscle under stress
  1268. Why do older men report low stress ratings? Findings from the Veterans Affairs Normative aging Study
  1269. Expression pattern of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense-related genes in the aging Fischer 344/NHsd rat cochlea
  1270. A role of phosphatidylserine externalization in clearance of erythrocytes exposed to stress but not in eliminating aging populations of erythrocyte in mice
  1271. The influence of aging treatments on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of PH 13-8 Mo steel welds
  1272. Activation of the Hog1p kinase in Isc1p-deficient yeast cells is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress sensitivity and premature aging
  1273. The role of α-tocopherol in motor hypofunction with aging in α-tocopherol transfer protein knockout mice as assessed by oxidative stress biomarkers
  1274. DNA damage and DNA replication stress in yeast models of aging
  1275. Thioredoxin, oxidative stress, cancer and aging
  1276. Analysis of aging-related oxidative stress status in normal aging animals and development of anti-aging interventions
  1277. Using Drosophila melanogaster to study the positive effects of mild stress on aging
  1278. Testing hypotheses of aging in long-lived mice of the genus Peromyscus: association between longevity and mitochondrial stress resistance, ROS …
  1279. The effects of aging on indices of oxidative stress and apoptosis in the female Fischer 344/Nnia X Brown Norway/BiNia rat heart
  1280. … in space-flight, aviation and railway engine operators, for the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress, immunological impairment, and pre-mature cell aging
  1281. Cerebrovascular expression of proteins related to inflammation, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity is altered with aging
  1282. Proteasome alterations during adipose differentiation and aging: links to impaired adipocyte differentiation and development of oxidative stress
  1283. Low in vivo brain glucose consumption and high oxidative stress in accelerated aging
  1284. Estradiol valerate and tibolone: effects upon brain oxidative stress and blood biochemistry during aging in female rats
  1285. Gene expression profiling of oxidative stress response of C. elegans aging defective AMPK mutants using massively parallel transcriptome sequencing
  1286. Effect of aging on 24-hour pattern of stress hormones and leptin in rats
  1287. Markers of oxidative stress and aging in Duchene muscular dystrophy patients and the possible ameliorating effect of He: Ne laser
  1288. Oxidative stress in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon with compressed lifespan–a model for addressing aging
  1289. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and enzymes of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system during stress and aging
  1290. Estimation of long-term creep behavior of polycarbonate by stress-time superposition and effects of physical aging
  1291. Influence of aging on the sleep rebound induced by immobilization stress in the rat
  1292. Oxidative stress in the aging murine olfactory bulb: redox proteomics and cellular localization
  1293. Cytomegalovirus antibodies in dried blood spots: a minimally invasive method for assessing stress, immune function, and aging
  1294. Effect of graded corticosterone treatment on aging-related markers of oxidative stress in rat liver mitochondria
  1295. Renal aging in WKY rats: changes in Na+, K+-ATPase function and oxidative stress
  1296. stress, aging, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and reliability of antioxidant enzyme defence
  1297. Current overview of functions of FoxO proteins, with special regards to cellular homeostasis, cell response to stress, as well as inflammation and aging
  1298. Stabilizing internal stress as the thermodynamic factor of martensite aging effects
  1299. Regulation of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 by GSH: a new insight to the role of oxidative stress in aging-associated inflammation
  1300. Telomere elongation followed by telomere length reduction, in leukocytes from divers exposed to intense oxidative stress–implications for tissue and organismal aging
  1301. A two-tiered compensatory response to loss of DNA repair modulates aging and stress response pathways
  1302. Physical aging of plastoferrites under tensile stress and its effect on microwave properties
  1303. aging impairs the control of prefrontal cortex on the release of corticosterone in response to stress and on memory consolidation
  1304. Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
  1305. Changes in relative glucose metabolic rate following cortisol administration in aging veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: an FDG-PET neuroimaging study
  1306. Inhibitory Effects of Ethanol Extracts from Nuruk on Oxidative stress, Melanogenesis, and Photo-aging
  1307. The effect of seed aging on wheat emergence on the response of environmental stress
  1308. The ecological stress theory of aging and hormesis: an energetic evolutionary model
  1309. aging impairs neurogenic contraction in guinea pig urinary bladder: role of oxidative stress and melatonin
  1310. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 at the crossroad of metabolic stress and inflammation in aging
  1311. Sphere settling in an aging yield stress fluid: link between the induced flows and the rheological behavior
  1312. Nitrosative stress in aging–its importance and biological implications in NF-κB signaling
  1313. … cytochrome c release and suppression of caspases by gamma-tocotrienol prevent apoptosis and delay aging in stress-induced premature senescence of skin …
  1314. Melatonin, oxidative stress, and the aging brain
  1315. Constitutively active phosphatase inhibitor-1 improves cardiac contractility in young mice but is deleterious after catecholaminergic stress and with aging
  1316. Lysophosphatidylcholine enhances oxidative stress via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway in rat aorta during aging
  1317. Airways oxidative stress, lung function and cognitive impairment in aging
  1318. Power of the five elements: the Chinese medicine path to healthy aging and stress resistance
  1319. Antagonistic pleiotropy and the stress theory of aging
  1320. Gene expression changes in long‐term culture of T‐cell clones: genomic effects of chronic antigenic stress in aging and immunosenescence
  1321. Mitochondrial pathways governing stress resistance, life, and death in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina
  1322. Proteome profiling of aging in mouse models: differential expression of proteins involved in metabolism, transport, and stress response in kidney
  1323. aging influences multiple indices of oxidative stress in the heart of the Fischer 344/NNia× Brown Norway/BiNia rat
  1324. Influence of aging on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in digestive tract of rats
  1325. Enhanced immunity in slowly aging mutant mice with high mitochondrial oxidative stress
  1326. aging impact on the accelerated thermal cycling performance of lead-free BGA solder joints in various stress conditions
  1327. Oxidative stress, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 levels in the gastrointestinal tract of aging rats
  1328. Oxidative stress in the kidney of reproductive male rats during aging
  1329. stress to the rescue: is hormesis a ‘cure’for aging?
  1330. Biomarkers for cognitive aging part II: oxidative stress, cognitive assessments, and medication adherence
  1331. Evaluation of role of oxidative stress on aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: a brief review
  1332. Extended longevity mechanisms in short-lived progeroid mice: identification of a preservative stress response associated with successful aging
  1333. stress distribution and hillock formation in Au/Pd thin films as a function of aging treatment in capacitor applications
  1334. Influence of applying external stress during aging on martensitic transformation and the superelastic behavior of a Ni-rich NiTi alloy
  1335. The GATA Transcription Factor egl-27 Delays aging by Promoting stress Resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1336. stress–thermooxidative aging behavior of polyamide 6
  1337. Regular exercise attenuates oxidative stress in aging rat tissues: a possible mechanism toward anti-aging medicine
  1338. Nitrones for understanding and ameliorating the oxidative stress associated with aging
  1339. aging modifies brain region-specific vulnerability to experimental oxidative stress induced by low dose hydrogen peroxide
  1340. Advanced glycation end products, oxidative stress and metalloproteinases are altered in the cerebral microvasculature during aging
  1341. C. elegans STI-1, the homolog of Sti1/Hop, is involved in aging and stress response
  1342. DAF-2/Insulin-Like Signaling in C. elegans Modifies Effects of Dietary Restriction and Nutrient stress on aging, stress and Growth
  1343. Time–aging time–stress superposition in soft glass under tensile deformation field
  1344. NADPH oxidase-dependent oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in hippocampus of D-galactose-induced aging rats
  1345. Contribution of glutamatergic signaling to nitrosative stress‐induced protein misfolding in normal brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases
  1346. aging: a reflection about physical activity and oxidative stress in woman.
  1347. stress and immune system aging
  1348. Modeling seed aging effect on wheat seedling emergence in drought stress: Optimizing germin program to predict emergence pattern
  1349. Gender-based differences in leptinemia in healthy aging, non-obese individuals associate with increased marker of oxidative stress
  1350. 12 Memory Impairments Associated with stress and aging
  1351. aging and excitotoxic stress exacerbate neural circuit reorganization in amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain transgenic mice
  1352. Protection against oxidative stress caused by intermittent cold exposure by combined supplementation with vitamin E and C in the aging rat hypothalamus
  1353. Survivin expression increases during aging and enhances the resistance of aged human fibroblasts to genotoxic stress
  1354. Drosophila cyclin D/Cdk4 regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and aging and sensitizes animals to hypoxic stress
  1355. Glucocorticoids exacerbate cognitive deficits in TDP-25 transgenic mice via a glutathione-mediated mechanism: implications for aging, stress and TDP-43 …
  1356. aging under stress and mechanical fragility of soft solids of laponite
  1357. Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China, III: oxidative stress and aging in Tibetan and Han elderly highlanders
  1358. Role of oxidative stress in mechanisms of premature aging in shift labor workers.
  1359. The effects of aging and cognitive stress disposition on driver situation awareness and performance in hazardous conditions
  1360. Translucent tissue defect in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers is associated with oxidative stress accompanying an accelerated aging phenotype
  1361. Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against H2O2 induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse model
  1362. Oxidative stress in the kidney of reproductive female rats during aging
  1363. Non-destructive monitoring of Au ball bond stress during high-temperature aging
  1364. Protective role of vitamins E and C against oxidative stress caused by intermittent cold exposure in aging rat’s frontoparietal cortex
  1365. Effects of microcrystallinity and morphology on physical aging and its associated effects on tensile mechanical and environmental stress cracking properties of poly …
  1366. Advanced 45nm MOSFET small-signal equivalent circuit aging under DC and RF hot carrier stress
  1367. The NF-κB-like factor DIF could explain some positive effects of a mild stress on longevity, behavioral aging, and resistance to strong stresses in Drosophila …
  1368. Effect of growth hormone treatment on pancreatic inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis related to aging in SAMP8 mice
  1369. Effect of stress on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of 12Cr3W3Co steel during aging and short-term creep
  1370. Oxidative stress and neurodegeneration: an inevitable consequence of aging? Implications for therapy
  1371. Strain aging of X100 steel in service and the enhanced susceptibility of pipelines to stress corrosion cracking
  1372. Mild stress and healthy aging: perspectives for human beings
  1373. The observation of stress-induced leakage current of damascene interconnects after bias temperature aging
  1374. Loss of androgen receptor in aging and oxidative stress through Myb protooncoprotein-regulated reciprocal chromatin dynamics of p53 and poly (ADP-ribose) …
  1375. aging effects on the BDNF mRNA and TrkB mRNA expression of the hippocampus in different durations of stress
  1376. Peroxyl-induced oxidative stress in aging erythrocytes of rat
  1377. A complex dietary supplement modulates nitrative stress in normal mice and in a new mouse model of nitrative stress and cognitive aging
  1378. Job satisfaction, emotion regulation, stress relations and aging
  1379. Coronary artery circumferential stress: departure from Laplace expectations with aging
  1380. A simple and effective scheme for data reduction of stress relaxation incorporating physical-aging effects: An analytical and numerical analysis
  1381. Influences of compressive stress and aging on dielectric properties of sodium bismuth titanate ceramics
  1382. Protein Misfolding and Cellular stress in Disease and aging
  1383. Methylglyoxal, oxidative stress, and aging
  1384. Fructose as a factor of Carbonyl and oxidative stress development and accelerated aging in the yeast Saccharomyces
  1385. Role of oxidative stress in aging
  1386. Differential regulation of hepatic heme oxygenase-1 protein with aging and heat stress
  1387. Resilience, stress, and the neurobiology of aging: The association between well-being and aging
  1388. Investigation of the degradation mechanisms of InP/InGaAs DHBT under bias stress conditions to achieve electrical aging model for circuit design
  1389. Effect of aging on fracture toughness and stress corrosion cracking resistance of forged 7475 aluminum alloy
  1390. Using multi-stress aging test to evaluate and improve medium-voltage stator insulation for adjustable speed drive applications
  1391. aging, Rejuvenation and Thixotropy in Complex Fluids: Time-dependence of the Viscosity at Rest and under Constant Shear Rate or Shear stress
  1392. Iron induced oxidative stress and aging
  1393. Effects of aging on kidney graft function, oxidative stress and gene expression after kidney transplantation
  1394. Effect of aging on preoperative oxidative stress
  1395. stress relaxation of a polycarbonate blend after hygrothermal aging
  1396. Vascular aging and oxidative stress: hormesis and adaptive cellular pathways
  1397. Liquefaction, lateral stress, consolidation state, and aging
  1398. A comparison study of thermal aging effect on mold compound and its impact on leadframe packages stress
  1399. Oxidative stress in vascular aging
  1400. Oxidant stress and mitochondrial signaling regulate reversible changes of ERα expression and apoptosis in aging mouse glomeruli and mesangial cells
  1401. The effect of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on parameters of oxidative stress in different regions of aging rat brains after acute hypoxia
  1402. Dynamic strain aging in stress controlled creep–fatigue tests of 316L stainless steel under different loading conditions
  1403. aging, oxidative stress and sarcopenia: a systemic approach
  1404. Oxidative stress and aging: a clinical and biochemical study
  1405. aging and stress-dependent dielectric properties of multiferroic bismuth ferrite ceramics
  1406. Interactions of overweight, poor oral health, and stress related to chronic disease in an aging population
  1407. Association between exposure to combat‐related stress and psychological health in aging men: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study
  1408. Modeling SiO2 ion impurities aging in insulated gate power devices under temperature and voltage stress
  1409. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, stress and aging: identifying the complex interplay of genetic pathways following the treatment with humic substances
  1410. Expression of prostaglandin PGE2 receptors under conditions of aging and stress and the protective effect of the EP2 agonist butaprost on retinal ischemia
  1411. Does psychosocial stress accelerate the aging process?
  1412. Effects of resveratrol on morphology and oxidative stress of brain tissues in aging mice
  1413. Mild stress in the aging heart: role of ischemic preconditioning
  1414. in stress, Coping, and aging‘
  1415. Curcumin protects brain from oxidative stress through inducing expression of UCP2 in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion aging-rats
  1416. aging exacerbates restraint stress-induced inhibition of antigen-specific antibody production in mice
  1417. Factors affecting static strain aging under stress at room temperature in a Fe–Mn–C twinning-induced plasticity steel
  1418. Defective nuclear translocation of stress-activated signaling in senescent diploid human fibroblasts: a possible explanation for aging-associated apoptosis resistance
  1419. Effects of isothermal aging and in-situ current stress on the reliability of lead-free solder joints
  1420. Thermal aging effect on charging and discharging currents in polymers under DC stress
  1421. The effects of aging of the cyclic stress-strain and fatigue behaviors of lead free solders
  1422. Influence of mechanical stress and temperature aging on a change of electrical connection resistance
  1423. Dielectric strength of laminated paper and polymer materials under aging and tensile stress at 77 K
  1424. aging phenomenon of 15 kV EPR cable insulation by electrical and thermal stress
  1425. Roles of Oxidative stress in the aging Process ofDrosophila melanogaster
  1426. Effects of external stress during aging on microstructure and properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy
  1427. Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
  1428. aging reduces left atrial performance during adrenergic stress in middle aged and older patients
  1429. Effect of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus extracts on stress response and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1430. Nitric oxide and cellular stress response in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders
  1431. Reduced Defense of Central Blood Volume During Acute Lower Body Negative Pressure–Induced Hypovolemic Circulatory stress in aging Women
  1432. Several issues on the designment of pulse electrical stress aging test device of insulation materials
  1433. The role of oxidative stress in C. elegans aging
  1434. Mechanical stress modified ferroelectric aging behavior
  1435. Post-hypoxic oxidative stress in aging pea seeds: I. Hypoxia development during imbibition
  1436. Survival and longevity improvements at extreme ages: an interpretation assuming an ecological stress theory of aging
  1437. … techniques and phenomena of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in light water reactors (LWRs). SCC evaluating techniques for predicting core internal and pipe aging …
  1438. Glucocorticoid receptors, stress and aging
  1439. Mechanical stress and circuit aging aware VLSI CAD
  1440. Oxidative stress, cognitive dysfunction, and brain aging
  1441. The effect of stress-induced senescence on aging human cord blood-derived endothelial cells
  1442. Glycation of mitochondrial proteins, oxidative stress and aging
  1443. Oxidative stress and aging: a comparison between vertebrates and invertebrates
  1444. … alterations in the rat central nervous system in response to experimentally co-induced chlorpyrifos and cold stress: a comparative assessment in aging rats
  1445. The influence of aging on the stress-strain and creep behavior of SAC solder alloys
  1446. stress urinary incontinence in the aging male: current treatment options
  1448. Underfill and mold compound influence on PoP aging under high current and high temperature stress
  1449. Study on effect of residual stress distributions on kinetics of static strain aging after cold rolling
  1450. Oxidative stress: aging and disuse.
  1451. The hepatoprotective effects of adenine nucleotide translocator-2 against aging and oxidative stress
  1452. … stimulates transcription factors (Nrf2 & NFkB), increases antioxidant defenses, decreases oxidative stress, and restores renal dopamine D1 receptor function in aging
  1453. Survival Across the Fitness-stress Continuum Under the Ecological stress Theory of aging: Caloric Restriction and Ionizing Radiation
  1454. The effects of grammatical class and lexical stress on word retrieval in aging and aphasia
  1455. Pathways to aging Well among College-Educated Women: The Roles of Personality Development and stress and Coping.
  1456. Improvement of stress Corrosion Resistance in Aluminum Alloy 7075 through Retrogression and Re-aging Modification
  1457. Gentilly-2 NPP-Concrete aging effects on long term pre-stress losses and propagation of concrete cracking due to pressure testing
  1458. Evolution of the stress-Strain and Creep Behavior of Underfill Encapsulants With aging
  1459. Oxidative stress and aging in the Budding YeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae
  1460. Changes in residual stress in low carbon stainless steel for nuclear reactor usage suffered from deformation and aging
  1461. stress, aging, andWound Healing
  1462. Effect of Re and aging time on microstructure and stress rupture life of corrosion resistance directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy
  1463. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in traumatic brain injury in aging
  1464. Employee aging: Climate, stress, and Coping.
  1465. Response to letter regarding article,“Impact of ACE2 deficiency and oxidative stress on cerebrovascular function with aging”
  1466. Factors Predicting the Perception of Positive aging In the Presence of Chronic stress
  1467. Role of GDNF in the behavior and cognitive impairment of mice induced by chronic stress and aging
  1468. stress and aging of construction project managers in hong kong and the motherland
  1469. Influence of aging Temperature on the Microstructure and stress Rupture Property of DZ951 Alloy
  1470. Cold stress offered modulation on chlorpyrifos toxicity in aging rat central nervous system
  1471. The role of exercise on oxidative stress and inflammation in the aging brain
  1472. Oxidative stress, aging, and Cardiovascular Disease
  1473. Oxidative stress as an universal cause of aging–from human somatic cells to the unicellular yeast and bacteria
  1474. Yeast stress, aging, and Death
  1475. Oxidative stress-elevated high gamma glutamyl transferase levels, and aging, intake of tropical food plants, migration and visual disability in Central Africans
  1476. Anti‐oxidation activities of CordyMax in an oxidative stress model: A mechanism of its anti‐aging property
  1477. Protective effects of berries and walnuts against the accelerated aging and age‐associated stress caused by irradiation in critical regions of rat brain
  1478. stress-immunity-health (problem of premature aging in veterans of special risk subdivisions)
  1479. The Sel {ka Valley Study of Health and aging: Unraveling Senescence, stress and Frailty
  1480. Performance of precipitates in the stress aging treatment of 7075 Al alloy
  1481. Mild stress as a means to modulate aging: from fly to human?
  1482. An Evaluation of Tensile Characteristics of the stress aging Heat-treated SM45C Steel by Acoustic Emissions
  1483. Vessel aging. The role of oxidative stress and protein glycation
  1484. … and Lifetime at Double aging Processes II: Estimation of Long-term Mechanical Behavior and Lifetime of Polymeric Materials from Short-time Creep and stress …
  1485. The long life of birds: an examination of the oxidative stress theory of aging
  1486. Effect of compressive stress on ferroelectric aging behavior of hybrid-doped Fe3+/Nb5+ BaTiO3 ceramics
  1487. Oxidative stress and susceptibility to virus-induced lung fibrosis in aging mice
  1488. Appraisal, stress, and aging
  1489. Mitigation of oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling by fruit and walnut polyphenols: implications for cognitive aging.
  1490. Does Chronic stress Accelerate Late-aging Cognitive Decline In Memory And Executive Functioning?
  1491. Post-hypoxic Oxidative stress in aging Pea Seeds: II. Post-hypoxic Events
  1492. Sensing and Responding to stress Stimuli in Caenorhabditis elegans: Implications for aging and Immunity
  1493. Down-regulation and alternative splicing of methionine synthase as an adaptive response to oxidative stress in aging and neurological disorders
  1494. Interaction of stress and lead burden on cognition in older men: the VA Normative aging Study
  1495. Interplay between aging and unloading on oxidative stress in fast-twitch muscles
  1496. stress corrosion cracking behavior and two-step aging of high strength Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy
  1497. The human Lon protease in mitochondrial stress protection and aging
  1498. Oxidative stress in aging: Important or overtaken
  1500. aging: A Little (Oxidative) stress is Good for You
  1501. aging: A Little (Oxidative) stress is May be Good for You
  1502. aging alters regional vascular conductance and arterial pressure during orthostatic stress.
  1503. The effect of a monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitor; pargyline on oxidant stress/antioxidant status in aging rat tissues
  1504. Regulation of translation and transcription by SIRT1: Potential novel mechanisms for regulating stress response and aging
  1505. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and reproductive system activity changing of female rats with prenatal stress during aging
  1506. Long-term consequences of chronic PTSD on quality of life, cardiovascular risk and stress hormones in aging former refugee children
  1507. A Micro-review of Oxidative-stress Hypothesis and its Affect on aging
  1508. A Relationship between Smoking and stress, Vaso-aging degree
  1509. PCR markers, stress, and healthy aging
  1510. Anti‐aging activity of kimchi during fermentation period against oxidative stress‐induced premature senescence in cellular model
  1511. Effects of silybin on inhibiting glycoxidative stress and improving the learning and memory in aging rats treated by D-galactose
  1512. Effects of aging and Gender on the Preoperative Oxidative stress
  1513. < The> relationship between indicators of plasma oxidative stress and photo aging
  1514. TOPIC 03-1–Oxydative stress, NO, aging
  1515. Internal stress and capacitance aging of BME-MLCCs
  1516. aging alters the mitochondrial stress response
  1517. The Speedometer of Life: stress, Health and aging
  1518. The relationship between Indicators of plasma oxidative stress and photo aging
  1519. Studies on aging Using Oxidative stress Mouse Models
  1520. aging and functional capacity-stress factors and coping resources
  1521. Use of Embedded Bond stress Sensors to Determine aging
  1522. Role of Oxidative stress and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans: Relevance to Human aging.
  1523. Depression gets old fast: Do stress and depression accelerate cell aging?: Erratum.
  1524. A Relationship between Exercise and Health Factors including stress, Fatigue and Vaso-aging degree
  1525. Opioid Receptors in aging and Oxidative stress
  1526. The response of vascular smooth muscle ten in the aging rats to oxidative stress
  1527. Reseach of oxidative stress induces aging in rabbit intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus cells injured by H2O2
  1528. Nox4 NADPH Oxidase‐dependent Mitochondrial Oxidative stress Promotes Cardiovascular Disease in aging
  1530. Glucocorticoid receptors, stress and aging
  1531. aging augments mitochondrial susceptibility to environmental stress
  1532. Medical and psychological prevention of stress-induced premature aging
  1533. Power of the Five Elements The Chinese Medicine Path to Healthy aging and stress Resistance
  1534. aging, Oxidative stress, and Cardiovascular Disorders
  1535. Role of NADPH Oxidase in Oxidative stress and aging
  1536. Moxibustion on Carbonyl stress and Expression of p19ARF and p53 mRNA in Livers of D-galactose-Induced aging Rats
  1537. Upregulation of Cardiac Beta3-Adrenergic Receptor-Activated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Promotes Cardiac aging: Role of Oxidant stress
  1538. DNA repair and cancer. In: Oxidative stress in aging.
  1539. Oxidative stress, Angiogenesis and Apoptosis in Relation to aging
  1540. The Moderating Role of Exercise in stress-related Effects on the aging Brain
  1542. Family structure, development, and stress as frameworks for understanding late-life planning in aging families of individuals with intellectual/developmental …
  1543. Premature aging with impaired oxidative stress
  1544. Regulation of aging and stress Resistance in the Heart by Longevity Factors
  1545. An aging Study of Oxidative stress Related Markers in Mouse Retinas
  1546. Formation of Polymer Glasses Under stress and Its Influence on Physical aging
  1547. Modeling of the aging process in stress-strength models
  1548. PGC‐1α deletion accelerates angiotensin II induced endothelial dysfunction by increasing mitochondrial oxidative stress and vascular aging
  1549. aging and stress relaxation in an actin network
  1550. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation, and Nrf2‐mediated antioxidant dysregulation with frail aging
  1551. Oxidative stress, Dietary Restriction and aging
  1552. aging Endothelial Cells Exhibit Decreased Response to Atheroprotective Shear stress
  1553. aging Affects the Response of the Left Atrium to Adrenergic stress
  1554. Methylation of CpG island in aging lens epithelial cells and during oxidative stress affects Sp1 binding and activity in LEDGF promoter
  1556. Relationship between oxidative and occupational stress and aging in nurses of an intensive care unit
  1557. Role of Oxidative stress in Mediating Elevated Blood Pressure with aging
  1558. … prevents ethanol-induced oxidative stress: regulation of selected dehydrogenase activities in the skeletal muscle fibers of male albino rat with reference to aging.
  1559. Elevated expression of alpha7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor during the early stages of damage by oxidative stress in the aging rat brain
  1560. Bax and oxidative stress in the aging mouse brain
  1561. Metabolism and aging: ER stress prolongs life
  1562. Hearing Acuity, aging and Physiological stress
  1563. Human RPE Cells Aged in vitro Differ From Young Cells in Sensitivity to Oxidative stress-But the aging Effect is not Simple and the Type of stress Matters
  1564. Expressional Variation of Endoplasmic Reticulum stress Signaling Factors in Mouse Tissues by aging
  1565. Role of Oxidative stress in aging of the Retina in the ApoB100, LDLR-/-Mouse, a Murine Model of aging of the Human Retina
  1566. Mild stress and Healthy aging: Applying Hormesis in aging Research and Interventions
  1567. Theories of biological aging: Role of oxidative stress Biyolojik yaşlanma teorileri: Oksidatif stresin Rolü
  1568. Relation between protein degradation and oxidative stress during aging in rat muscle
  1569. Rosacea, Inflammation, and aging: The Inefficiency of stress
  1570. Study on the Correlation between PSR and Korean stress Test for Continued Operation of aging NPP
  1571. Systemic protein aggregation in stress and aging restructures cytoplasmic architecture
  1572. C. elegans stress response and its relevance to complex human disease and aging
  1573. stress enhanced shear yielding in aging polymer glasses
  1574. Regulators and Effectors of Acetyltransferase p300 During Oxidative stress, Heart Disease and aging
  1575. Cytoprotective functions of amyloid precursor protein family members in stress signaling and aging
  1576. … to Their Nonexponentially Viscoelastic Behaviors at Double aging Processes (I): A Set of Reduced Universal Equations on the stress Relaxation Modulus and Creep …
  1577. aging Enhances Endoplasmic Reticulum stress-Induced Apoptosis in Murine Macrophages
  1578. Epigenetic aging of the Oxidative stress Response in the Mouse RPE
  1579. The physiological effects of stress and aging on chaperone-mediated autophagy
  1580. The sirtuins, oxidative stress and aging: An emerging link
  1581. Oxidative stress and inflammation: Implication in endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular aging on murine models
  1582. … the sympathoadrenal system response to psychoemotional stress under hypoxic conditions in aged people with physiological and accelerated aging of the respiratory …
  1583. Midlife Meaning Moderates the Relationship Between Anticipating aging and Perceived stress
  1584. Induction of cellular stress responses by phytochemicals for nutritional applications toward anti-aging intervention
  1585. stress Applied during Vitrification Influencing the Subsequent Physical aging of Polymer Glasses
  1586. ER-stress Drives The Increased Susceptibility To Lung Fibrosis In aging Individuals
  1587. Greater resistance to psychophysical stress in p66Shc-/-adult mice, a model of delayed aging
  1588. Cardiovascular aging: Influence of Oxidative stress and Senescent Cellular Phenotypes
  1589. Accelerated aging during chronic oxidative stress: a role for PARP‐1?
  1590. Impact of stress Present During the Thermal Quench on the Subsequent Physical aging in Polymer Films
  1591. Carbonyl stress in aging Process: Role of Vitamins and Phytochemicals as Redox Regulators
  1592. Best Counselling Practices for Adult Children who are Experiencing Caregiver stress of aging Parents
  1593. Electro Hydraulic Control Harmonic aging stress Elimination Devices-Modeling and Simulation of the Shock Excitation Part
  1594. Molecular chaperons mediated pathways of stress protective and anti-aging effects of adaptogens
  1595. Mechanisms of hepatic iron accumulation with aging and environmental heat stress
  1596. Physical aging of Glassy Polyvinyl Chloride in Non-uniform stress Field
  1597. Residual stress distribution of wheel tread for freight car due to aging effect
  1598. aging Characteristics of Bolt Pretension of stress-laminated Timber
  1599. Letter by Tsuda Regarding Article,“Impact of ACE2 Deficiency and Oxidative stress on Cerebrovascular Function With aging”
  1600. Role of Oxidative stress and Angiotensin II in Cerebral Vascular Dysfunction with aging
  1601. Is affect associated with stress and inflammatory biomarkers in healthy aging Seventh-day Adventists?
  1602. aging Alters the Unfolded Protein Response to Endoplasmic Reticulum stress in Mouse Lung
  1603. Deformation of molecular and cell structures is a general mechanism of stress, adaptation, cancer growth, aging and evolution in the species
  1604. Effects of Long-Term aging Treatment on stress Rupture Properties of FGH95 Ni-Base Superalloy
  1605. Mouse models of accelerated lenticular aging by carbonyl and oxidant stress
  1606. Regulation of Myocardial Survival and Death by Autophagy during Myocardial stress and aging
  1607. Dilatometric Analysis to study aging of aluminum alloys, published in “Quenching and Cooling, Residual stress and Distortion Control
  1608. Oxidative stress Associated Melanocyte-Loss and Hair Growth Capacity in the aging Hair Follicle: A Model for Tissue-Specific aging
  1609. Effects of Iron Addition on aging Behavior of Barium Titanate Ceramics under Compressive stress
  1610. Relationship between Surface Residual stress Fields and Hydrothermal Environment on Low Temperature aging of 3Y-TZP
  1611. Influence of Flow Quench Rate on the Internal stress and aging Dynamics of a Repulsive Colloidal Glass
  1612. 34. aging: Oxidative stress and Senescent Cellular Phenotypes
  1613. Increased oxidative stress with aging plays important roles to increase vulnerability in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  1614. Oxidative stress related biomarkers in aged-related human studies on vitamin intervention and healthy aging cohorts
  1615. O xidative stress contributes to brain aging. Use of antioxidant vita-mins, especially over the long term, might confer cognitive benefits.
  1616. Relationship of glutathione deficiency to oxidative stress-related disease and aging
  1617. Dysregulation of hepatic iron with aging: implications for stress‐induced oxidative liver injury
  1618. Left coronary artery stress relaxation properties of aging spontaneously hypertensive rats and Sprague Dawley rats
  1619. The Effects of aging and Cognitive stress Disposition on Driver Situation Awareness and Performance under Hazardous Conditions
  1620. The aging Phenomenon, Related with DNA Damage, MMR Deficiency and Oxidative stress, Has Different Outcomes in Tw…
  1621. Jund is a Critical Modulator of Oxidative stress-induced Vascular aging
  1622. aging is a determinant in anoxia stress tolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1623. Effects of chronic anger stress on rats’ aging process and neuroendocrine-immune mechanism.
  1624. Multi-stress accelerated aging test method for distribution polymer surge arresters
  1625. Capacitance change measurements during the aging of the model solid-liquid insulators under HVDC stress
  1626. A Study of Delamination Mechanism of Thermal Barrier Coating under Thermal Cycling and aging Condition by Residual stress History
  1627. Association between Black Carbon Exposure, Oxidative stress Genes and Blood Pressure in the Normative aging Study.
  1628. Replicative senescence may be a suitable model for assessing in vivo endothelial cell oxidative stress and inflammation with aging in humans
  1629. Chronic Environmental Enrichment Improves aging-related Endothelial Dysfunction in Rats: Role of Oxidative stress
  1630. Effect of stress assisted aging on superelastic behavior of a hot-rolled niti shape memory alloy
  1631. Global Genome Responses to DNA-Repair Deficiency Modulate aging and stress Response Pathways
  1632. Reduced Endothelium‐Dependent Dilation with aging in Humans is Associated with Endothelial Oxidative stress and Enhanced Expression of NADPH Oxidase
  1633. Effects of acute and long-term chronic social stress and aging on cognition: involvement of novel synaptic cell adhesion molecules
  1634. PTEN loss antagonizes aging through promoting regeneration and prevents oxidative stress induced cell death
  1635. Basic investigation of aging weld joint and repair weld joint integrity assessment using neutron residual stress measurement method
  1636. aging and excitotoxic stress exacerbate neural circuit reorganization in APP intracellular domain (AICD) transgenic mice
  1637. Cell-Specific Interference with Endothelial PPARγ Produces Oxidative stress and Accelerates Vascular aging
  1638. Alteration in Cardiac MIF-AMPK Cascade in Response to Ischemic stress with aging
  1639. Analyzing the microarray mRNA profile of graying human hair follicles: a promising approach in stress and aging research
  1640. Bulk and micro-scale rheology of an aging, yield stress fluid, with application to magneto-responsive systems
  1641. … stress Serration and the Unique Arch-shaped stress plateau in the Deformation Behaviour of Ti-50.8 at.% Ni Wire by Selective Electrical Resistance Over-aging
  1642. aging-associated Alteration in the Cardiac MIF-AMPK Cascade in Response to Ischemic stress
  1643. Mitochondrial uncoupling and remodelling during caloric restriction: Implications for oxidative stress and aging
  1644. The primary pathogenetic role of vascular hypoperfusion, mitochondria failure and oxidative stress in aging and Alzheimer disease
  1645. aging Effect on Femoral stress Fracture Risk in Pin-hole after Computer-navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty
  1646. Electro Hydraulic Control Harmonic aging stress Elimination Devices-Modeling and Simulation of the Hydraulic Vibrator with the Frequency Modulation Rotary Valve
  1647. aging exacerbates obesity‐induced oxidative stress and inflammation in perivascular adipose tissue in mice: a paracrine mechanism contributing to vascular redox …
  1648. aging Restricts Electrical Signaling along Endothelial Tubes via Enhanced Activation of SKCa/IKCa Channels: Role for Oxidative stress
  1649. 26. Treatment Using a Therapeutic Peptide Inhibitor Against the stress Mediator NFkB Delayed Age-Dependent Spinal Degeneration in an Accelerated aging Mouse …
  1650. Oxidative and energetic stress: regulation of Nrf2 and mitochondrial biogenesis for slowed aging interventions
  1651. Ott1 (Rbm15)-Deficient Hematopoietic Stem Cells Are Unable to Maintain Quiescence During Replicative stress and Display Features of Premature aging
  1652. Effect of long‐term green tea ingestion on cellular signaling systems related to oxidative stress and survival in the aging rat hippocampal formation
  1653. The effects of age and neuroticism on stress reactivity and cortisol diurnal rhythms: findings from the Normative aging Study
  1654. Physiological quality of chamomile [Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert] seeds after accelerated aging and salt stress
  1655. The Role of the Nrf2 Dimerization Partner Maf-S in Drosophila Gene Regulation, stress Response and aging
  1656. … and ultralow doses of physical and chemical effects on the biological tissues (phase transitions, chemical reactions, tumor growth, aging, adaptation to stress …
  1657. Changes in Muscle Calcium Handling, Oxidative stress and Contractile Function with aging and Long-term Exercise Training in Senescent Rats
  1658. Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse …
  1659. … Intervention Reverses Oxidative stress-Induced Epigenetic Alterations in Colon Cancer Cells: Clues for New Chemopreventive Measures Against aging and …
  1660. Glutathione and Ascorbate: The balance between oxidant and carbonyl stress in the aging human lens
  1661. Forkhead Transcription Factor 3a (FOXO3a) is Involved in the Regulation of Functional Response to aging and stress in Murine Cardiomyocytes
  1662. Expression pattern of oxidative stress-related genes and prestin in the aging fischer 344/NHSD rat cochlea
  1663. Regulation of Sumoylation in Lens Epithelial Cells During aging And Oxidative stress: Sumoylation Reduces LEDGF’s Stability And DNA-Binding Efficiency
  1664. Cardiac function in response to pressure‐overload and aging‐induced stress involves regulation of mitochondrial dynamics by the mitochondrial kinase, Pink1
  1665. Effect of Red Grape Extract on Nicotine Induced Oxidative stress on Antioxidants Enzymes in the Kidney Tissue of Male Albino Rat with Reference to aging
  1666. … 1a (PGC‐1a) deficiency accelerates endothelial dysfunction during chronic angiotensin II treatment by increasing mitochondrial oxidative stress and vascular aging
  1667. Isochaihulactone protects PC12 cell against H (2) O (2) induced oxidative stress and exerts the potent anti-aging effects in D-galactose aging mouse model
  1668. … of oxidant stress using liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry: method evaluation and application in study of biological variation in aging
  1669. A GATA Transcription Factor, egl-27, Delays aging by Promoting stress Resistance in C. elegans
  1670. [P8-215] Anti-aging Activity of Black Rice and Its Active Components against stress-induced Premature Senescence Cellular Model
  1671. Effect of drought-induced stress by PEG-6000 and seed accelerated aging on germination characteristicsof Chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.)
  1672. Microstructure and mechanical properties of JLF-1 and CLAM steels exposed to thermal aging with stress
  1674. The onset ofnew ofboth of of of of ofspontaneous: episodes recurrent depression bipolar disorder appears become autonomous, or stress, as lifetime course illness …
  1675. 68: stress-induced premature senescence in airway epithelium and accelerated lung allograft aging
  1676. 244 Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
  1677. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of JLF-1 and CLAM Steels Exposed to Thermal aging with stress Yanfen LI, Takuya NAGASAKA and Takeo MUROGA 1) …
  1678. 173. aging and stress effects on behavioral outcomes and tumor growth in a mouse model of prostate cancer
  1679. MnSOD and ALDH‐2 deficiency potentiate aging‐associated vascular dysfunction, mitochondrial oxidative stress and mtDNA strand breaks
  1680. TOPIC 07–Oxydative stress and aging
  1681. 9 mRNA Modulations in stress and aging
  1683. Hepatoprotective Effects of Adenine Nucleotide Translocator-2 against Oxidative stress and aging
  1684. HIF-2: Standing Guard at the Crossroads of stress and aging
  1685. … Variations Related to Drought Tolerance in Contrasting Grape RootstocksInfluence of Mechanical Canopy Manipulation and Differential RDI stress on the Phenolic …
  1686. Oxidative stress, aging, and diseases
  1687. The Immunoproteasome in oxidative stress, aging, and disease
  1688. Oxidative stress in aging human skin
  1689. Corrosion resistance of a two-stage stress-aged Al–Cu–Mg alloy: Effects of stress–aging temperature
  1690. Effects of stress–aging on the microstructure and properties of an aging forming Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy
  1691. Evolution of precipitate microstructure during stress aging of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
  1692. Evolution of precipitates during two-stage stress–aging of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
  1693. Phosphorylation of αB-crystallin: Role in stress, aging and patho-physiological conditions
  1694. The effect of stress–aging on dimensional stability behavior of Al-Cu-Mg alloy
  1695. Mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging and healthspan
  1696. Metabolic syndrome, aging and involvement of oxidative stress
  1697. Multimarker screening of oxidative stress in aging
  1698. Oxidative stress in stem cell aging
  1699. Oxidative stress in aging
  1700. The role of oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiovascular aging
  1701. stress biology and aging mechanisms: toward understanding the deep connection between adaptation to stress and longevity
  1702. Sex differences in biological markers of health in the study of stress, aging and health in Russia
  1703. Influence of stress aging process on variants of nano-Ni4Ti3 precipitates and martensitic transformation temperatures in NiTi shape memory alloy
  1704. Oxidative stress and aging diseases
  1705. Positive oxidative stress in aging and aging-related disease tolerance
  1706. A long journey into aging, brain aging, and Alzheimer’s disease following the oxidative stress tracks
  1707. Epigenetics and oxidative stress in aging
  1708. Proteostasis, oxidative stress and aging
  1709. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in aging and cancer
  1710. Revisit the stress-orienting effect of θ’in Al-Cu single crystal during stress aging
  1711. Influence of stress‐aging processing on precipitates and mechanical properties of a 7075 aluminum alloy
  1712. Oxidative stress response and Nrf2 signaling in aging
  1713. Relationship between hyposalivation and oxidative stress in aging mice
  1714. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 1. What is glycative stress
  1715. Effects of external stress aging on morphology and precipitation behavior of θ ″phase in Al-Cu alloy
  1716. Alterations of the translation apparatus during aging and stress response
  1717. Oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular aging in hypertension
  1718. Microglia priming with aging and stress
  1719. Exercise modulates oxidative stress and inflammation in aging and cardiovascular diseases
  1720. Oxidative stress and its downstream signaling in aging eyes
  1721. Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies 2016
  1722. Changing distribution and geometry of S′ in Al–Cu–Mg single crystals during stress aging by controlling the loading orientation
  1723. Skeletal muscle aging: influence of oxidative stress and physical exercise
  1724. A mitochondrial superoxide theory for oxidative stress diseases and aging
  1725. stress and aging act through common mechanisms to elicit neuroinflammatory priming
  1726. Oxidative stress: role of physical exercise and antioxidant nutraceuticals in adulthood and aging
  1727. Traumatic stress, oxidative stress and post-traumatic stress disorder: neurodegeneration and the accelerated-aging hypothesis
  1728. Single pulse short-circuit robustness and repetitive stress aging of GaN GITs
  1729. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and the mitochondria theory of aging
  1730. Social support, stress and the aging brain
  1731. Oxidative stress-mediated aging during the fetal and perinatal periods
  1732. Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies
  1733. Dysregulated physiological stress systems and accelerated cellular aging
  1734. Mechanisms and consequences of oxidative stress in lung disease: therapeutic implications for an aging populace
  1735. Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial Hsp22: a role in resistance to oxidative stress, aging and the mitochondrial unfolding protein response
  1736. The role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in accelerated aging and major depressive disorder
  1737. Oxidative stress in aging: advances in proteomic approaches
  1738. The effects of stress on cognitive aging, physiology and emotion (ESCAPE) project
  1739. Polyphenol stilbenes: molecular mechanisms of defence against oxidative stress and aging-related diseases
  1740. Brain-skin connection: stress, inflammation and skin aging
  1741. Oxidative stress and aging: learning from yeast lessons
  1742. Life stress, glucocorticoid signaling, and the aging epigenome: implications for aging-related diseases
  1743. aging-related changes in oxidative stress response of human endothelial cells
  1744. Mitochondria and oxidative stress in heart aging
  1745. Effect of loading orientations on the microstructure and property of AlCu single crystal during stress aging
  1746. The decay of redox-stress response capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: revising the redox theory of aging
  1747. The role of intracellular zinc release in aging, oxidative stress, and Alzheimer’s disease
  1748. A futile battle? Protein quality control and the stress of aging
  1749. Accelerated aging in schizophrenia patients: the potential role of oxidative stress
  1750. Skin aging and oxidative stress: Equol’s anti-aging effects via biochemical and molecular mechanisms
  1751. Red blood cell oxidative stress impairs oxygen delivery and induces red blood cell aging
  1752. Oxidative stress predicts cognitive decline with aging in healthy adults: an observational study
  1753. Metabolic stress, autophagy, and cardiovascular aging: from pathophysiology to therapeutics
  1754. aging and the HPA axis: stress and resilience in older adults
  1755. The contribution of oxidative stress and inflamm-aging in human and equine asthma
  1756. Happily (n) ever after: aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis loss and cellular senescence
  1757. Role of oxidative stress on platelet hyperreactivity during aging
  1758. Oxidative stress and human skin connective tissue aging
  1759. Sinapic acid and its derivatives as medicine in oxidative stress-induced diseases and aging
  1760. New insights into the role of mitochondrial dynamics and autophagy during oxidative stress and aging in the heart
  1761. stress in biology and medicine, role in aging
  1762. Coping with stress during aging: the importance of a resilient brain
  1763. Calcium signaling alterations, oxidative stress, and autophagy in aging
  1764. Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in osteoclastogenesis, skeletal aging and bone diseases
  1765. Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging in an urban, African American cohort: relevance of glucocorticoid signaling
  1766. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 7. Glycative stress and skin aging
  1767. Restricted access: spatial sequestration of damaged proteins during stress and aging
  1768. Mitochondrial stress signaling in longevity: a new role for mitochondrial function in aging
  1769. The paradoxical role of thioredoxin on oxidative stress and aging
  1770. Sympathetic regulation during thermal stress in human aging and disease
  1771. The role of nutrient-based epigenetic changes in buffering against stress, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease
  1772. Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation reverses vascular dysfunction and oxidative stress with aging in mice
  1773. A new role for oxidative stress in aging: the accelerated aging phenotype in Sod1−/− mice is correlated to increased cellular senescence
  1774. Oxidative stress and accelerated aging in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorder
  1775. Reflections on the theories of aging, of oxidative stress, and of science in general. Is it time to abandon the free radical (oxidative stress) theory of aging?
  1776. Ultraviolet radiation-induced skin aging: the role of DNA damage and oxidative stress in epidermal stem cell damage mediated skin aging
  1777. aging causes decreased resistance to multiple stresses and a failure to activate specific stress response pathways
  1778. Apolipoprotein D takes center stage in the stress response of the aging and degenerative brain
  1779. Oxidative stress and genetic markers of suboptimal antioxidant defense in the aging brain: a theoretical review
  1780. Practicality of intermittent fasting in humans and its effect on oxidative stress and genes related to aging and metabolism
  1781. Beyond diabetes: does obesity-induced oxidative stress drive the aging process?
  1782. Sirtuin functions in female fertility: possible role in oxidative stress and aging
  1783. Changes in oxidative stress markers and biological markers of muscle injury with aging at rest and in response to an exhaustive exercise
  1784. Air pollution stress and the aging phenotype: the telomere connection
  1785. aging studies on polymeric insulators under DC stress with controlled climatic conditions
  1786. A viewpoint on considering physiological principles to study stress resistance and resilience with aging
  1787. A contribution to unravel the mysteries of electrical aging under DC electrical stress: where we are and where we would need to go
  1788. Tissue-specific autophagy responses to aging and stress in C. elegans
  1789. Elevated endoplasmic reticulum stress response contributes to adipose tissue inflammation in aging
  1790. Effects of creep-aging parameters on aging precipitates of a two-stage creep-aged Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy under the extra compressive stress
  1791. Intense piano training on self-efficacy and physiological stress in aging
  1792. Oxidative stress in disease and aging: mechanisms and therapies 2018
  1793. A stress-induced cellular aging model with postnatal neural stem cells
  1794. Oxidative stress is a central target for physical exercise neuroprotection against pathological brain aging
  1795. SIRT6, oxidative stress, and aging
  1796. Bacopa monnieri as an antioxidant therapy to reduce oxidative stress in the aging brain
  1797. Complex interplay between health and successful aging: role of perceived stress, resilience, and social support
  1798. aging and thermoregulatory control: the clinical implications of exercising under heat stress in older individuals
  1799. Oxidative stress and salvia miltiorrhiza in aging-associated cardiovascular diseases
  1800. Traumatic stress and accelerated cellular aging: from epigenetics to cardiometabolic disease
  1801. SKN-1/Nrf, stress responses, and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1802. Brain aging, memory impairment and oxidative stress: a study in Drosophila melanogaster
  1803. Methylglyoxal-induced dicarbonyl stress in aging and disease: first steps towards glyoxalase 1-based treatments
  1804. NOX4 NADPH oxidase-dependent mitochondrial oxidative stress in aging-associated cardiovascular disease
  1805. Impaired autophagy activity is linked to elevated ER-stress and inflammation in aging adipose tissue
  1806. stress, telomeres, and psychopathology: toward a deeper understanding of a triad of early aging
  1807. Aquaporin membrane channels in oxidative stress, cell signaling, and aging: recent advances and research trends
  1808. Oxidative stress and aging: correlation with clinical parameters
  1809. Effects of co-worker and supervisor support on job stress and presenteeism in an aging workforce: a structural equation modelling approach
  1810. Posttraumatic stress disorder-related cardiovascular disease and accelerated cellular aging
  1811. Inflammation, aging, and oxidative stress
  1812. Redox signaling of NADPH oxidases regulates oxidative stress responses, immunity and aging
  1813. Postovulatory aging causes the deterioration of porcine oocytes via induction of oxidative stress
  1814. Editorial Perspective: Psychological stress and epigenetic aging–what can we learn and how can we prevent?
  1815. Molecular consequences of psychological stress in human aging
  1816. Obesity in aging exacerbates blood–brain barrier disruption, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress in the mouse hippocampus: effects on expression of genes …
  1817. Growing up or growing old? Cellular aging linked with testosterone reactivity to stress in youth
  1818. Astaxanthin alleviates brain aging in rats by attenuating oxidative stress and increasing BDNF levels
  1819. Role of stress, depression, and aging in cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
  1820. Space charge behavior in XLPE cable insulation under ac stress and its relation to thermo-electrical aging
  1821. Synergy assessments of plant extracts used in the treatment of stress and aging-related disorders
  1822. Influence of stress on γ ″precipitation behavior in Inconel 718 during aging
  1823. The interplay between autophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction in oxidative stress-induced cardiac aging and pathology
  1824. The effects of long-term stress exposure on aging cognition: a behavioral and EEG investigation
  1825. Stability of MX-type strengthening nanoprecipitates in ferritic steels under thermal aging, stress and ion irradiation
  1826. Mitochondrial stress restores the heat shock response and prevents proteostasis collapse during aging
  1827. What is the evidence for stress resistance and slowed aging?
  1828. SIRT1 signalling protects mouse oocytes against oxidative stress and is deregulated during aging
  1829. Occupational stress of anesthesia: effects on aging
  1830. Associations between air pollution and perceived stress: the Veterans Administration Normative aging Study
  1831. A cell-intrinsic interferon-like response links replication stress to cellular aging caused by progerin
  1832. Obesity-and aging-induced excess of central transforming growth factor-β potentiates diabetic development via an RNA stress response
  1833. From late-onset stress symptomatology to later-adulthood trauma reengagement in aging combat veterans: Taking a broader view
  1834. Is there still any role for oxidative stress in mitochondrial DNA-dependent aging?
  1835. Beyond ROS clearance: Peroxiredoxins in stress signaling and aging
  1836. Oxidative stress promotes peroxiredoxin hyperoxidation and attenuates pro-survival signaling in aging chondrocytes
  1837. Effects of aging and oxidative stress on spermatozoa of superoxide-dismutase 1-and catalase-null mice
  1838. The determinants of presenteeism: a comprehensive investigation of stress-related factors at work, health, and individual factors among the aging workforce
  1839. Reevaluating the “subjective weathering” hypothesis: subjective aging, coping resources, and the stress process
  1840. Impact of aging on cardiac function in a female rat model of menopause: role of autonomic control, inflammation, and oxidative stress
  1841. Circadian deep sequencing reveals stress-response genes that adopt robust rhythmic expression during aging
  1842. Aberrant mTOR activation in senescence and aging: a mitochondrial stress response?
  1843. Residual stress relief in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy by a new multistage interrupted artificial aging treatment
  1844. Rhodiola rosea L.: an herb with anti-stress, anti-aging, and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention
  1845. Cytogenetic analysis of wheat seeds submitted to artificial aging stress
  1846. Evaluation of the influence of fullerenol on aging and stress resistance using Caenorhabditis elegans
  1847. aging and oxidative stress reduce the response of human articular chondrocytes to insulin‐like growth factor 1 and osteogenic protein 1
  1848. Reduced insulin/IGF-1 signaling restores the dynamic properties of key stress granule proteins during aging
  1849. Sulforaphane reactivates cellular antioxidant defense by inducing Nrf2/ARE/Prdx6 activity during aging and oxidative stress
  1850. stress, work ability, and an aging workforce: A study among women aged 50 and over.
  1851. Universal NBTI compact model for circuit aging simulation under any stress conditions
  1852. Aged rats are hypo-responsive to acute restraint: implications for psychosocial stress in aging
  1853. Recovery of indicators of mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative stress, and aging with (−)-epicatechin in senile mice
  1854. Effect of aging on the stress crack resistance of an HDPE geomembrane
  1855. Early-life stress and reproductive cost: A two-hit developmental model of accelerated aging?
  1856. Role of beta-adrenergic receptors and sirtuin signaling in the heart during aging, heart failure, and adaptation to stress
  1857. Reduced intraepithelial corneal nerve density and sensitivity accompany desiccating stress and aging in C57BL/6 mice
  1858. Association between informal caregiving and cellular aging in the survey of the health of wisconsin: the role of caregiving characteristics, stress, and strain
  1859. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract prevents ovarian aging by inhibiting oxidative stress in the hens
  1860. Toward an understanding of mechanism of aging-induced oxidative stress in human mesenchymal stem cells
  1861. aging exacerbates pressure-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress in mouse cerebral arteries
  1862. Hepatic steatosis exacerbated by endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated downregulation of FXR in aging mice
  1863. Gut flora-dependent metabolite Trimethylamine-N-oxide accelerates endothelial cell senescence and vascular aging through oxidative stress
  1864. The design of two-step-down aging test for LED lamps under temperature stress
  1865. Sestrins are Gatekeepers in the Way from stress to aging and Disease
  1866. Astaxanthin affects oxidative stress and hyposalivation in aging mice
  1867. aging induced endoplasmic reticulum stress alters sleep and sleep homeostasis
  1868. aging mechanisms: linking oxidative stress, obesity and inflammation
  1869. Long-term adaptation to traumatic stress in light of adult development and aging perspectives
  1870. Cytochrome P450-2E1 promotes aging-related hepatic steatosis, apoptosis and fibrosis through increased nitroxidative stress
  1871. aging: oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants
  1872. aging with ING: a comparative study of different forms of stress induced premature senescence
  1873. Telomeric aging: mitotic clock or stress indicator?
  1874. Evolution of the Cyclic stress-Strain Behavior of Doped SAC Solder Materials Subjected to Isothermal aging
  1875. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that impair stress granule formation in aging cells
  1876. Oxidative stress and cardiovascular aging: interaction between NRF-2 and ADMA
  1877. aging-related oxidative stress: positive effect of memory training
  1878. Oxidative stress induces the decline of brain EPO expression in aging rats
  1879. The role of shear stress in fault healing and frictional aging
  1880. Green coffee extract enhances oxidative stress resistance and delays aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1881. Effect of aging on storage and voiding function in women with stress predominant urinary incontinence
  1882. stress and aging at the nuclear gateway
  1883. … of aging, oxidative stress, neuronal excitability, and functional decline of the aging nervous system? Insights from a snail model system of neuronal aging and …
  1884. Skin aging and oxidative stress
  1885. Id1 ablation protects hematopoietic stem cells from stress-induced exhaustion and aging
  1886. Diverse Functions of mRNA Metabolism Factors in stress Defense and aging of Caenorhabditis elegans
  1887. NADPH oxidase 2-dependent oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in the ventral cochlear nucleus of D-galactose-induced aging rats
  1888. The role of Na/K-ATPase signaling in oxidative stress related to aging: implications in obesity and cardiovascular disease
  1889. Oxidative stress in the aging process: fundamental aspects and new insights
  1890. Increased oxidative and nitrative stress accelerates aging of the retinal vasculature in the diabetic retina
  1891. Vitamin C deficiency in the brain impairs cognition, increases amyloid accumulation and deposition, and oxidative stress in APP/PSEN1 and normally aging mice
  1892. Acacetin promotes healthy aging by altering stress response in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1893. The cellular sequelae of early stress: focus on aging and mitochondria
  1894. Influence of perceived stress on incident amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Einstein aging Study
  1895. Frailty is associated with lower expression of genes involved in cellular response to stress: results from the toledo study for healthy aging
  1896. Carnosine and taurine treatments diminished brain oxidative stress and apoptosis in D-galactose aging model
  1897. In vivo properties of the disaggregase function of J‐proteins and Hsc70 in Caenorhabditis elegans stress and aging
  1898. The inverted CD4: CD8 ratio is associated with gender-related changes in oxidative stress during aging
  1899. … of post-traumatic stress disorder in aging Vietnam-era veterans: veterans administration cooperative study 569: course and consequences of post-traumatic stress …
  1900. Lycopene ameliorates oxidative stress in the aging chicken ovary via activation of Nrf2/HO-1 pathway
  1901. Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM10 alleviating oxidative stress and restoring the gut microbiota in d-galactose-induced aging mice
  1902. Cyclic stress-Strain Behavior of SAC305 Lead Free Solder: Effects of aging, Temperature, Strain Rate, and Plastic Strain Range
  1903. Impact of long-term RF-EMF on oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in aging brains of C57BL/6 mice
  1904. Hot carrier stress: aging modeling and analysis of defect location
  1905. Thermal stress resistance and aging effects of Panax notoginseng polysaccharides on Caenorhabditis elegans
  1906. Telomere length–a cellular aging marker for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder
  1907. Nrf2 deficiency exacerbates obesity-induced oxidative stress, neurovascular dysfunction, blood–brain barrier disruption, neuroinflammation, amyloidogenic gene …
  1908. Induction of oxidative stress causes functional alterations in mouse urothelium via a TRPM 8‐mediated mechanism: implications for aging
  1909. PGC-1α protects RPE cells of the aging retina against oxidative stress-induced degeneration through the regulation of senescence and mitochondrial quality control …
  1910. Accumulation of electrophilic aldehydes during postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes causes reduced fertility, oxidative stress, and apoptosis
  1911. Carotid endothelial shear stress reduction with aging is associated with plaque development in twelve years
  1912. Regulation of aging and oxidative stress pathways in aged pancreatic islets using alpha-lipoic acid
  1913. Ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probe for synergistic detection of monoamine oxidase B and its contribution to oxidative stress in cell and mice aging models
  1914. Poor maternal nutrition and accelerated postnatal growth induces an accelerated aging phenotype and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle of male rats
  1915. … of the impact of chronic psychological stress on health-related quality of life and clinical biomarkers: protocol for the Australian Healthy aging of Women Study
  1916. Arginine methyltransferase PRMT8 provides cellular stress tolerance in aging motoneurons
  1917. Oxidative stress and age-related changes in T cells: is thalassemia a model of accelerated immune system aging?
  1918. Glycative stress and glyoxalase in kidney disease and aging
  1919. aging-associated oxidative stress inhibits liver progenitor cell activation in mice
  1920. Glycogen at the crossroad of stress resistance, energy maintenance, and pathophysiology of aging
  1921. Major depressive disorder mediates accelerated aging in rats subjected to chronic mild stress
  1922. Effect of long-term treatment with melatonin on vascular markers of oxidative stress/inflammation and on the anticontractile activity of perivascular fat in aging …
  1923. Impact of air pollutants on oxidative stress in common autophagy-mediated aging diseases
  1924. Evaluation of the aging process of dye-sensitized solar cells under different stress conditions
  1925. Peripheral vascular function, oxygen delivery and utilization: the impact of oxidative stress in aging and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
  1926. An Anthocyanin-Rich Extract of Acai (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) Increases stress Resistance and Retards aging-Related Markers in Caenorhabditis elegans
  1927. How Japan and the US can reduce the stress of aging
  1928. The daily rhythms of mitochondrial gene expression and oxidative stress regulation are altered by aging in the mouse liver
  1929. stress-dependent opposing roles for mitophagy in aging of the ascomycete Podospora anserina
  1930. Fisetin as a caloric restriction mimetic protects rat brain against aging induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and neurodegeneration
  1931. aging-related changes in in vitro-matured bovine oocytes: oxidative stress, mitochondrial activity and ATP content after nuclear maturation
  1932. STRAP: stress-aware placement for aging mitigation in runtime reconfigurable architectures
  1933. Daily melatonin protects the endothelial lineage and functional integrity against the aging process, oxidative stress, and toxic environment and restores blood flow in …
  1934. Matrine attenuates D-galactose-induced aging-related behavior in mice via inhibition of cellular senescence and oxidative stress
  1935. Osteoporosis and Alzheimer pathology: role of cellular stress response and hormetic redox signaling in aging and bone remodeling
  1936. Impact of oxidative stress in premature aging and iron overload in hemodialysis patients
  1937. Oxidative stress in aging brain: nutritional and pharmacological interventions for neurodegenerative disorders
  1938. Healthy aging does not compromise the augmentation of cardiac function during heat stress
  1939. Stability analysis of a model gene network links aging, stress resistance and negligible senescence
  1940. Mitochondria, oxidative stress and aging
  1941. Fine-grained aging-induced delay prediction based on the monitoring of run-time stress
  1942. Inhibition of oxidative stress and skin aging-related enzymes by prenylated chalcones and other flavonoids from Helichrysum teretifolium
  1943. Hydrogen sulfide signaling in oxidative stress and aging development
  1944. Telomere length, oxidative stress, inflammation and BDNF levels in siblings of patients with bipolar disorder: implications for accelerated cellular aging
  1945. Exenatide mitigated diet-induced vascular aging and atherosclerotic plaque growth in ApoE-deficient mice under chronic stress
  1946. Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides activate antioxidant defense by promoting Nrf2-dependent cytoprotection and ameliorate stress insult during aging
  1947. Crack cocaine addiction, early life stress and accelerated cellular aging among women
  1948. Lactobacillus plantarum AR501 Alleviates the Oxidative stress of D‐Galactose‐Induced aging Mice Liver by Upregulation of Nrf2‐Mediated Antioxidant Enzyme …
  1949. Posttraumatic stress disorder and accelerated aging: PTSD and leukocyte telomere length in a sample of civilian women
  1950. Suppression of Sestrins in aging and osteoarthritic cartilage: dysfunction of an important stress defense mechanism
  1951. Peripubertal stress with social support promotes resilience in the face of aging
  1952. Chlorophyll fluorescence for high-throughput screening of plants during abiotic stress, aging, and genetic perturbation
  1953. Cell-type specific changes in glial morphology and glucocorticoid expression during stress and aging in the medial prefrontal cortex
  1954. The moderating effects of aging and cognitive abilities on the association between work stress and negative affect
  1955. A youthful age identity mitigates the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms on successful aging.
  1956. Effects of stress and aging on ribonucleoprotein assembly and function in the germ line
  1957. The effect of aging on mitochondrial complex I and the extent of oxidative stress in the rat brain cortex
  1958. Effect of long-term aging on the microstructure, stress rupture properties and deformation mechanisms of a new cast nickel base superalloy
  1959. aging and SKN-1-dependent Loss of 20S Proteasome Adaptation to Oxidative stress in C. elegans
  1960. … and stress factors of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal stem cells: new insight into EqASCs isolated from EMS horses in the context of their aging
  1961. stress and relaxation among aging Catholic priests
  1962. Effect of aging on urodynamic parameters in women with stress urinary incontinence
  1963. Influence of aging treatments on alterations of microstructural features and stress corrosion cracking behavior of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy
  1964. Agro-industrial by-products and their bioactive compounds—An ally against oxidative stress and skin aging
  1965. mTOR inhibition rejuvenates the aging gingival fibroblasts through alleviating oxidative stress
  1966. … -deficient Prdx6 repairs aberrant Sumoylation-mediated Sp1 dysregulation-dependent Prdx6 repression and cell injury in aging and oxidative stress
  1967. … on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells through attenuating oxidative stress and the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in a mouse model of d-galactose-induced aging
  1968. Sirtuin 1 protects the aging heart from contractile dysfunction mediated through the inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in cardiac-specific …
  1969. Role of MAPK‐mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in the heart during aging in senescence‐accelerated prone mice
  1970. Glycative stress and anti-aging. 4: The evaluation of glycative stress: Evaluation for anti-glycative effect
  1971. stress and biological aging
  1972. Accelerated aging of reproductive capacity in male rat offspring of protein-restricted mothers is associated with increased testicular and sperm oxidative stress
  1973. Oxidative stress and aging
  1974. Effect of aging treatment on the exfoliation corrosion and stress corrosion cracking behaviors of 2195 Al–Li alloy
  1975. Curcumin mitigates accelerated aging after irradiation in Drosophila by reducing oxidative stress
  1976. … responsive heat shock protein OsHSP18. 2 implicates in seed vigor, longevity and improves germination and seedling establishment under abiotic stress
  1977. Effect of black mulberry (Morus nigra) extract treatment on cognitive impairment and oxidative stress status of d-galactose-induced aging mice
  1978. … induces mitochondrial DNA common deletion by oxidative stress in human skin dermal fibroblasts: implication for human skin connective tissue aging
  1979. … of ischemic post-conditioning-induced cardioprotection via down-regulating oxidative stress and up-regulating PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β pathway in isolated aging rat …
  1980. Perceived stress is associated with accelerated monocyte/macrophage aging trajectories in clinically normal adults
  1981. Evaluation of oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes during the aging process in rats treated with resveratrol
  1982. Molecular and biochemical evidence on the protective role of ellagic acid and silybin against oxidative stress-induced cellular aging
  1983. stress, inflammation, and aging: an association beyond chance
  1984. Increased macromolecular damage due to oxidative stress in the neocortex and hippocampus of WNIN/Ob, a novel rat model of premature aging
  1985. Amelioration of premature aging in mtDNA mutator mouse by exercise: the interplay of oxidative stress, PGC-1α, p53, and DNA damage. A hypothesis
  1986. Depressive symptom trajectories, aging-related stress, and sexual minority stress among midlife and older gay men: Linking past and present
  1987. Differential menopause-versus aging-induced changes in oxidative stress and circadian rhythm gene markers
  1988. Fibroblast growth factor 21 protects mouse brain against D-galactose induced aging via suppression of oxidative stress response and advanced glycation end …
  1989. Increased endoplasmic reticulum stress in mouse osteocytes with aging alters Cox-2 response to mechanical stimuli
  1990. Creep and aging of hard-sphere glasses under constant stress
  1991. Selenium nanoparticles-loaded chitosan/citrate complex and its protection against oxidative stress in D-galactose-induced aging mice
  1992. Flavonoid-rich ethanol extract from the leaves of diospyros kaki attenuates D-galactose-induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation-mediated brain aging …
  1993. Microstructure and strain-stress analysis of the dynamic strain aging in inconel 625 at high temperature
  1994. Inosine improves cognitive function and decreases aging-induced oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in aged female rats
  1995. Chromosomal processes in mind-body medicine: chronic stress, cell aging, and telomere length
  1996. Quasi-programmed aging of budding yeast: a trade-off between programmed processes of cell proliferation, differentiation, stress response, survival and death defines …
  1997. Psychological stress-induced catecholamines accelerates cutaneous aging in mice
  1998. Effect of paraquat-induced oxidative stress on gene expression and aging of the filamentous ascomycete Podospora anserina
  1999. Oxidative stress associated with middle aging leads to sympathetic hyperactivity and downregulation of soluble guanylyl cyclase in corpus cavernosum
  2000. Effect of low-temperature aging treatment on thermally-and stress-induced phase transformations of nanocrystalline and coarse-grained NiTi wires
  2001. Purpose in Life’as a psychosocial resource in healthy aging: An examination of cortisol baseline levels and response to the Trier Social stress Test
  2002. Insight into electron traps and their energy distribution under positive bias temperature stress and hot carrier aging
  2003. Activation of PPAR-γ by pioglitazone attenuates oxidative stress in aging rat cerebral arteries through upregulating UCP2
  2004. Critical stress of high‐density polyethylene during stress and photo‐oxidative aging
  2005. A glance at… telomeres, oxidative stress, antioxidants, and biological aging
  2006. Building resistance to stress and aging: The toughness model
  2007. Oxidative stress associated with aging activates protein kinase Cε, leading to cilia slowing
  2008. Nutrients and diet: A relationship between oxidative stress, aging, obesity, and related noncommunicable diseases
  2009. Equol’s anti-aging effects protect against environmental assaults by increasing skin antioxidant defense and ECM proteins while decreasing oxidative stress and …
  2010. Mitochondrial elongation in the macular RPE of aging monkeys, evidence of metabolic stress
  2011. Oxidative stress and the brain: an insight into cognitive aging
  2012. Tucum-do-Cerrado (Bactris setosa Mart.) may promote anti-aging effect by upregulating SIRT1-Nrf2 pathway and attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation
  2013. aging related ER stress is not responsible for anabolic resistance in mouse skeletal muscle
  2014. Whey protein concentrate supplementation protects rat brain against aging-induced oxidative stress and neurodegeneration
  2015. Pink1 and Parkin regulate Drosophila intestinal stem cell proliferation during stress and aging
  2016. Alteration of selenoprotein expression during stress and in aging
  2017. A modified multi-gene genetic programming approach for modelling true stress of dynamic strain aging regime of austenitic stainless steel 304
  2018. Fine-grained aging prediction based on the monitoring of run-time stress using DfT infrastructure
  2019. Oxidative stress decreases in the trophocytes and fat cells of worker honeybees during aging
  2020. BTI-induced aging under random stress waveforms: Modeling, simulation and silicon validation
  2021. Interplay of coarsening, aging, and stress hardening impacting the creep behavior of a colloidal gel
  2022. Lentivirus-mediated klotho up-regulation improves aging-related memory deficits and oxidative stress in senescence-accelerated mouse prone-8 mice
  2023. Materials aging at the mesoscale: kinetics of thermal, stress, radiation activations
  2024. Relationship between biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial/microcirculatory function in successful aging versus healthy youth: a …
  2025. Cardiovascular disease in aging and the role of oxidative stress
  2026. EPA or DHA enhanced oxidative stress and aging protein expression in brain of d-galactose treated mice
  2027. Erythropoietin attenuates the memory deficits in aging rats by rescuing the oxidative stress and inflammation and promoting BDNF releasing
  2028. Mechanism of action of magnesium lithospermate B against aging and obesity-induced ER stress, insulin resistance, and inflammsome formation in the liver
  2029. Chronic stress from adolescence to aging in the prefrontal cortex: a neuroimmune perspective
  2030. Association of depressive symptoms, trait anxiety, and perceived stress with subclinical atherosclerosis: results from the Chicago Healthy aging Study (CHAS)
  2031. The pequi pulp oil (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) provides protection against aging-related anemia, inflammation and oxidative stress in Swiss mice …
  2032. Long-term l-serine administration reduces food intake and improves oxidative stress and Sirt1/NFκB signaling in the hypothalamus of aging mice
  2033. Antioxidant extract counteracts the effects of aging on cortical spreading depression and oxidative stress in the brain cortex
  2034. Cytochrome P450-2E1 is involved in aging-related kidney damage in mice through increased nitroxidative stress
  2035. Effect of brief thermal aging on stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of LDSS 2101 in the presence of chloride and thiosulphate ions
  2036. stress/strain aging mechanisms in Al alloys from first principles
  2037. Markers of hypoxia and oxidative stress in aging volunteers ingesting lycosomal formulation of dark chocolate containing astaxanthin
  2038. Rapamycin mitigates erythrocyte membrane transport functions and oxidative stress during aging in rats
  2039. aging-associated oxidative stress leads to decrease in IAS tone via RhoA/ROCK downregulation
  2040. Acute stress enhances emotional face processing in the aging brain
  2041. Room-temperature creep and stress relaxation in commercial purity titanium–Influence of the oxygen and hydrogen contents on incubation phenomena and aging …
  2042. Anti-aging property of G2013 molecule as a novel immunosuppressive agent on enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidative stress determinants in rat model
  2043. Financial strain is associated with increased oxidative stress levels: the Women’s Health and aging Studies
  2044. Shape memory behavior of [111]-oriented NiTi single crystals after stress-assisted aging
  2045. aging phenomena of paper-oil insulating system under different voltage stress
  2046. Mitochondrial dysfunction in the aging heart is accompanied by constitutive no-synthases uncoupling on the background of oxidative and nitrosative stress.
  2047. An in vitro evaluation of anti-aging effect of guluronic acid (G2013) based on enzymatic oxidative stress gene expression using healthy individuals PBMCs
  2048. Supplementation of mussel peptides reduces aging phenotype, lipid deposition and oxidative stress in D-galactose-induce aging mice
  2049. Effects of posttraumatic stress disorder and metabolic syndrome on cognitive aging in veterans
  2050. Neonatal stress affects the aging trajectory of female rats on the endocrine, temperature, and ventilatory responses to hypoxia
  2051. The correlations between aging of the human body, oxidative stress and reduced efficiency of repair systems
  2052. Is aortic wall shear stress affected by aging? An image-based numerical study with two age groups
  2053. Mitochondrial dysfunction in aging rat brain regions upon chlorpyrifos toxicity and cold stress: an interactive study
  2054. Telomere length, telomerase activity, stress, and aging
  2055. Age and the effect of exercise, nutrition and cognitive training on oxidative stress–The Vienna Active aging Study (VAAS), a randomized controlled trial
  2056. aging-associated changes in oxidative stress, cell proliferation, and apoptosis are prevented in the prostate of transgenic rats overexpressing regucalcin
  2057. Parental post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms are related to successful aging in offspring of Holocaust survivors
  2058. Dysregulation of DAF-16/FOXO3A-mediated stress responses accelerates oxidative DNA damage induced aging
  2059. DICER1: A Key Player in rheumatoid arthritis, at the crossroads of cellular stress, innate immunity, and chronic inflammation in aging
  2060. … of amorphous silicon carbonitride: Deposition temperature dependence of bonding structure, refractive index, mechanical stress and their aging under ambient air
  2061. Nuclear accumulation of HSP70 in mouse skeletal muscles in response to heat stress, aging, and unloading with or without reloading
  2062. Ayurvedic Amalaki Rasayana promotes improved stress tolerance and thus has anti-aging effects in Drosophila melanogaster
  2063. Telomere protein RAP1 levels are affected by cellular aging and oxidative stress
  2064. Exploring aging-related stress among older spousal caregivers
  2065. Attenuation of p38α MAPK stress response signaling delays the in vivo aging of skeletal muscle myofibers and progenitor cells
  2066. aging as a precipitating factor in chronic restraint stress-induced tau aggregation pathology, and the protective effects of rosmarinic acid
  2067. Long-range correlations and fractal dynamics in C. elegans: Changes with aging and stress
  2068. Application of time–temperature–stress superposition principle on the accelerated physical aging test of polycarbonate
  2069. Do p53 stress responses impact organismal aging?
  2070. Hydrogen-enhanced orientation dependence of stress relaxation and strain-aging in Hadfield steel single crystals
  2071. Compressive stress relaxation modeling of butadiene rubber under thermo‐oxidative aging
  2072. DNA methylation of oxidative stress genes and cancer risk in the Normative aging Study
  2073. Increased dipeptidyl peptidase-4 accelerates diet-related vascular aging and atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice under chronic stress
  2074. Frailty in aging and its influence on perceived stress exposure and stress-related symptoms: evidence from the Swiss Vivre/Leben/Vivere study
  2075. Protective effect of seleno-β-lactoglobulin (Se-β-lg) against oxidative stress in d-galactose-induced aging mice
  2076. p19INK4d controls hematopoietic stem cells in a cell-autonomous manner during genotoxic stress and through the microenvironment during aging
  2077. Role of oligomeric proanthocyanidins derived from an extract of persimmon fruits in the oxidative stress-related aging process
  2078. Physical aging in polycarbonate nanocomposites containing grafted nanosilica particles: A comparison between enthalpy and yield stress evolution
  2079. Oxidative stress in carotid arteries of patients submitted to carotid endarterectomy. The role of aging process
  2080. Numerical simulation of residual stress in an Al-Cu alloy block during quenching and aging
  2081. A comparative study of impact of electrical stress and thermal aging on transformer oil
  2082. Effects of long-term thermal aging on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of cast austenitic stainless steels in simulated PWR primary water
  2083. Effects of aging on stress-related responses of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of male rats
  2084. A pleasant familiar odor influences perceived stress and peripheral nervous system activity during normal aging
  2085. Study on space charge behavior of XLPE after long-term aging under temperature gradient and DC stress
  2086. Psychological stress and cellular aging
  2087. Inhibition of oxidative stress in cholinergic projection neurons fully rescues aging-associated olfactory circuit degeneration in Drosophila
  2088. Pathways of aging: comparative analysis of gene signatures in replicative senescence and stress induced premature senescence
  2089. Shared signatures of social stress and aging in peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression profiles
  2090. Effect of pre-aging on stress corrosion cracking of spray-formed 7075 alloy in retrogression and re-aging
  2091. Instruction-level NBTI stress estimation and its application in runtime aging prediction for embedded processors
  2092. Gene-environment interactions in late life: linking psychosocial stress with brain aging
  2093. Comparative analysis of oxidative stress during aging of Kluyveromyces marxianus in synthetic and whey media
  2094. On the stress-assisted aging in NiTiHfPd single crystal shape memory alloys
  2095. Comparing cracking time and structure changes of different high‐density polyethylenes during stress and photo‐oxidative aging
  2096. Selenocysteine modulates resistance to environmental stress and confers anti-aging effects in C. elegans
  2097. Effects of stress relaxation aging with electrical pulses on microstructures and properties of 2219 aluminum alloy
  2098. Boundary conditions for emotional well-being in aging: The importance of daily stress
  2099. Effects of prenatal stress on structural brain development and aging in humans
  2100. The relationship between skin aging and steady state ultraweak photon emission as an indicator of skin oxidative stress in vivo
  2101. Methodology for overhead conductor replacement considering operational stress and aging characteristics
  2102. Posttraumatic stress disorder and aging
  2103. Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase type 5 increases longevity and healthful aging through oxidative stress protection
  2104. Changes in neuronal CycD/Cdk4 activity affect aging, neurodegeneration, and oxidative stress
  2105. stress-induced phase transformation and room temperature aging in Ti-Nb-Fe alloys
  2106. stress-aware routing to mitigate aging effects in SRAM-based FPGAs
  2107. Support managing population aging stress of emergency departments in a computational way
  2108. Persistent attenuation of brain oxidative stress through aging in perinatal maternal separated rat pups supplemented with choline and docosahexaenoic acid …
  2109. Magnesium, oxidative stress, and aging muscle
  2110. Oxidation resistance 1 is essential for protection against oxidative stress and participates in the regulation of aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
  2111. Effects of thermal aging on material properties, stress corrosion cracking, and fracture toughness of AISI 316L weld metal
  2112. Anti-aging effects of M2000 (β-D-mannuronic acid) as a novel immunosuppressive drug on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidative stress parameters in an …
  2113. Residual stress evolution during long-term and cyclic aging and annealing of gold films deposited by electron beam evaporation
  2114. Effects of thymoquinone on sperm parameters, apoptosis, testosterone level, and oxidative stress in a mouse model of D-galactose-induced aging
  2115. Modulation of pancreatic islets’ function and survival during aging involves the differential regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress by p21 and CHOP
  2116. aging induced evolution of the cyclic stress-strain behavior of lead free solders
  2117. Psychophysiological responses to stress related to anxiety in healthy aging
  2118. Altered expression of iron regulatory proteins with aging is associated with transient hepatic iron accumulation after environmental heat stress
  2119. Biological aging and life span based on entropy stress via organ and mitochondrial metabolic loading
  2120. Oxidative stress and aging: a non-invasive EPR investigation in human volunteers
  2121. Anti-aging factor, serum alpha-Klotho, as a marker of acute physiological stress, and a predictor of ICU mortality, in patients with septic shock
  2122. Age-and sex-related differences in the lipid profile and stress response in human aging
  2123. Inhibiting RIP1 improves chronic stress-induced cognitive impairments in D-galactose-induced aging mice
  2124. A study of electrical aging of the turn-to-turn oil-paper insulation in transformers with a step-stress method
  2125. Periplasmic Acid stress Increases Cell Division Asymmetry (Polar aging) of Escherichia coli
  2126. Influence of metallization layout on aging detector lifetime under cyclic thermo-mechanical stress
  2127. Functional changes of the coronary microvasculature with aging regarding glucose tolerance, energy metabolism, and oxidative stress
  2128. Oxidative stress, aging and mitochondrial dysfunction in liver pathology
  2129. Relationship between cortisol reactivity to psychosocial stress and declarative memory decline during aging: Impact of age and sex
  2130. Effect of a novel three-step aging on strength, stress corrosion cracking and microstructure of AA7085
  2131. Heavy metal exposure, in combination with physical activity and aging, is related with oxidative stress in Japanese women from a rural agricultural community
  2132. Effect of stress–aging Treatments on Precipitates of Pre-retrogressed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy
  2133. Collapse of redox homeostasis during aging and stress
  2134. Coupling astogenic aging in the colonial tunicate Botryllus schlosseri with the stress protein mortalin
  2135. Flaw stability considering residual stress for aging management of spent nuclear fuel multiple-purpose canisters
  2136. Investigation on thermal oxidative aging of nitrile rubber (NBR) O-rings under compression stress
  2137. … with herbal formula B307 alleviates cardiac failure in aging R6/2 mice with Huntington’s disease via suppressing oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis
  2138. Effects of the aging temperature and stress relaxation conditions on γ′ precipitation in Inconel X-750
  2139. Beyond and behind the fingerprints of oxidative stress in age-related diseases: Secrets of successful aging
  2140. High stress wet aging of cable dielectrics-meeting new challenges
  2141. Combating oxidative stress as a hallmark of cancer and aging: Computational modeling and synthesis of phenylene diamine analogs as potential antioxidant
  2142. Skin aging and oxidative stress
  2143. Dose rectification of an imbalance between DPP 4 and GLP‐1 ameliorates chronic stress‐related vascular aging and atherosclerosis?
  2144. An overview of current research of the effect of foods on aging and stress
  2145. Polymerization kinetics and polymerization stress in resin composites after accelerated aging as a function of the expiration date
  2146. Long-Term aging and Quick stress Testing of 980-nm Single-Spatial Mode Lasers
  2147. Application of the method of accelerated aging to evaluate the stress tolerance of seeds
  2148. Age-Associated features of oxidative stress as marker of vascular aging in comorbid course of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2149. Cellular stress and AMPK activation as a common mechanism of action linking the effects of metformin and diverse compounds that alleviate accelerated aging …
  2150. Regional gene expression of inflammation and oxidative stress responses does not predict neurodegeneration in aging
  2151. Effect of pre-aging temperature in retrogression and re-aging treatment on stress corrosion resistance of 7050 aluminum alloy
  2152. A Pilot Study on Cultural stress Anxiety Syndrome, Its Implications on aging
  2153. Major effects on non-ohmic properties and aging stress behavior of ZPCCD semiconducting varistors with Er2O3 doping changes
  2154. Extracellular matrix modulates morphology, growth, oxidative stress response and functionality of human skin fibroblasts during aging in vitro
  2155. stress-aware loops mapping on CGRAs with considering NBTI aging effect
  2156. aging and stress: the role of the environment in cellular replication
  2157. Effect of grain boundary on the precipitation behavior and hardness of Al-Cu-Mg alloy bicrystals during stress–aging
  2158. Microstructural changes in Inconel® 740 after long-term aging in the presence and absence of stress
  2159. … stress and down-regulates neuroprotective transcription factor Npas4 and Npas4-regulated genes in hippocampal tissues of tumorgraft mice—an aging …
  2160. Involvement of the nuclear structural proteins in aging-related responses of human skin to the environmental stress
  2161. aging augments renal vasoconstrictor response to orthostatic stress in humans
  2162. Study on the chromaticity of LED lamps given by online test during accelerated aging under thermal stress
  2163. Licorice extract attenuates brain aging of d-galactose induced rats through inhibition of oxidative stress and attenuation of neuronal apoptosis
  2164. SRAM read performance degradation under asymmetric NBTI and PBTI stress: Characterization vehicle and statistical aging data
  2165. Long term isothermal aging effects on the cyclic stress-strain behavior of Sn-Ag-Cu solders
  2166. Nab2 maintains thymus cellularity with aging and stress
  2167. Microscopic Phase Field Study on the Kinetics of Order-Disorder Transition of APDBs Formed Between DO22 Phases During stress aging
  2168. Defects in TOR regulatory complexes retard aging and carbonyl/oxidative stress development in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2169. Oxidative stress and aging
  2170. stress serration and arch-shaped Lüders stress plateau behaviour of Ti–50.8 at% Ni wire prepared by selective electrical resistance over-aging
  2171. Effect of direct aging on stress concentration sensitivity of GH4169 superalloy
  2172. Development and effects of laughter therapy program in geriatric successful aging and stress in elderly
  2173. Externally regulated programmed aging and effects of population stress on mammal lifespan
  2174. Amyloid-beta transporter expression at the choroid plexus in normal aging: the possibility of reduced resistance to oxidative stress insults.
  2175. Imposition of defined states of stress on thin films by a wafer-curvature method; validation and application to aging Sn films
  2176. De A. Effect of aging on psycho-motor components in relation to perceived stress among healthy citizens
  2177. Simultaneous Protection of Organic p- and n-Channels in Complementary Inverter from aging and Bias-stress by DNA-Base Guanine/Al2O3 Double Layer
  2178. Telomere length, telomerase activity, stress and aging
  2179. Extension of the Mechanical Threshold stress Model to Static and Dynamic Strain aging: Application to AA5754-O
  2180. Reduced serine racemase expression in aging rat cerebellum is associated with oxidative DNA stress and hypermethylation in the promoter
  2181. stress evokes stronger medial posterior cingulate deactivations during emotional distraction in slower paced aging
  2182. Effects of aging Treatment on Intergranular Corrosion and stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of AA7003
  2183. Effect of thermal aging on the intergranular stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of type 310S stainless steel
  2184. aging and psychological stress
  2185. Molecular dynamics simulation of asphaltic material: Molecular dynamics simulations of oxidative aging of asphalt molecules under stress and moisture
  2186. Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility and hydrogen-induced additive stress of 7050 aluminum alloy under various aging states
  2187. KCa3.1 upregulation preserves endothelium‐dependent vasorelaxation during aging and oxidative stress
  2188. stress-induced premature senescence: another mechanism involved in the process of accelerated aging in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  2189. Does manipulation of arterial shear stress enhance cerebrovascular function and cognition in the aging brain? Design, rationale and recruitment for the Preventia …
  2190. The study on the stress and photo-oxidative aging of polyethylene cable sheath under different processing conditions
  2191. Hypertension exaggerates renovascular resistance via miR-122-associated stress response in aging
  2192. Effects of stress on memory: relevance for human aging
  2193. Study on current and junction temperature stress aging effect for accelerated aging test of light emitting diodes
  2194. Fatty acid composition and oxidative stress parameters in plasma after fish oil supplementation in aging
  2195. Effects of cold work and aging treatments on the microstructure and stress corrosion cracking initiation behavior of solution annealed alloy 690
  2196. stress-induced corticosterone secretion covaries with working memory in aging
  2197. Race and incarceration in an aging cohort of Vietnam veterans in treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  2198. Attenuation of Replication stress–Induced Premature Cellular Senescence to Assess Anti‐aging Modalities
  2199. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 2. The Evaluation of Glycative stress: Measurement of blood glucose, glycated proteins and intermediates.
  2200. The influence of aging on the effectiveness of heat stress in preventing disuse muscle atrophy
  2201. N‐γ‐(L‐Glutamyl)‐L‐selenomethionine enhances stress resistance and ameliorates aging indicators via the selenoprotein TRXR‐1 in Caenorhabditis elegans
  2202. Effect of hydropriming and seed aging on seed germination and biochemical characteristics of pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed under salt stress
  2203. ZnO Varistors IV Characteristics Change against Current-Pulse Load and Thermal aging stress
  2204. Conducted immunity of Bandgap in SOI technology after electrical stress aging
  2205. Increased resistance to stress and an anti-aging effect due to Acanthopanax sessiliflorus roots in Caenorhabditis elegans
  2206. … of various perceived-stress situations with depressive symptoms in≥ 50-year old Taiwanese men and women: Results from the Taiwan Longitudinal Study on aging
  2207. Investigation of Non-Pressure Sinter Silver in Power Module with High Accelerated stress aging Test
  2208. aging rather than stress strongly influences amino acid metabolisms in the brain and genital organs of female mice
  2209. aging peculiarities of stress resistance in elite athletes
  2210. Suppression of Sestrins in aging and osteoarthritic cartilage: dysfunction of an important stress defense mechanism
  2211. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 3. The evaluation of glycative stress: Measurement of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
  2212. Special issue on “Oxidative stress and mitochondrial alterations in aging and disease”
  2213. Better to burn out than it is to rust: coordinating cellular redox states during aging and stress
  2214. stress, Depression, and Drug Use Among aging Mexican American Men Living in the Barrio
  2215. Phase field simulation of coherent precipitation of Ni4Ti3 particles during stress-assisted aging of a porous NiTi alloy
  2216. Circadian clock boosts stress-response genes during aging
  2217. Oral treatment with the herbal formula B401 protects against aging-dependent neurodegeneration by attenuating oxidative stress and apoptosis in the brain of …
  2218. Effects of aging on the cyclic stress strain and fatigue behaviors of lead-free solders
  2219. Oxidative stress is a driver of normal and pathological ovarian aging
  2220. Transgenic mice overexpressing glia maturation factor-β, an oxidative stress inducible gene, show premature aging due to Zmpste24 down-regulation
  2221. Cellular stress Response, Hormesis, and Vitagens in aging and Longevity: Role of mitochondrial “Chi”
  2222. Correction to: Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging in an urban, African American cohort: relevance of glucocorticoid signaling
  2223. … trial on the effect of a broad-spectrum dietary supplement on key biomarkers of cellular aging including inflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage in …
  2224. Determination of cut-off time of accelerated aging test under temperature stress for LED lamps
  2225. Oxidative stress & FoxO Transcription Factors in Cardiovascular aging
  2226. Differential translocation of heat shock factor-1 after mild and severe stress to human skin fibroblasts undergoing aging in vitro
  2227. The comparison of causal relationships of job stress between Thai immigrant employees with and without rearing their aging parents
  2228. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 9. Glycative stress and schizophrenia.
  2229. The role of visual perceptual stress in primary mental ability aging
  2230. Lifetime assessment method using multiple-stress acceleration aging for flexible cable of portable electric machines
  2231. aging and Arthritis: Oxidative stress and Antioxidant Effects of Herbs and Spices
  2232. Oxidative stress in aging
  2233. Long-term influences of combat exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms on brain structure, health, and functioning: The Vietnam Era Twin Study of aging.
  2234. Factors affecting static strain aging under stress at room temperature in a Fe-Mn-C twinning-induced plasticity steel
  2235. Inflammation and oxidative stress limit adaptation to stretch-shortening contractions in aging
  2236. The Impact of seed size and aging on physiological performance of lentil under water stress
  2237. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 10. Glycative stress and liver disease.
  2238. Endoplasmic reticulum stress of skeletal muscle and exercise training effects in aging and obesity
  2239. Skin aging and stress
  2240. stress, cognition, and aging: An examination of predictors and mechanisms.
  2241. aging With HIV and Oxidative stress
  2242. Thermoplastic materials surface aging performance under multi-stress conditions
  2243. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 6. Glycative stress and kidney disease.
  2244. … oral therapy dosage formulation for mobility, skeletal muscle power and functional performance, hypothalamic-pituitary-brain relationship in health, aging and stress …
  2245. stress-Strength Structural Reliability Model with a Stochastic Strength aging Deterioration Process
  2246. Endothelium aging and Oxidative stress
  2247. Is sub-chronic exercise in Combination with medicinal nanoparticles a protective strategy against Doxorubicin-induced Hepatic oxidative stress and apoptosis in aging …
  2248. Effect of Nursing Care Bundle on aging and stress
  2249. Daily stress and everyday annoyances during aging
  2250. Oxidative stress induced alterations during aging: quantifying the metabolic changes associated with aging and oxidative stress
  2251. Electrical aging characteristics of 15 kV EPR cable under the multi-stress conditions
  2252. Accelerated aging in schizophrenia: Shortened telomeres, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and oxidative stress
  2253. Lifetime stress accelerates epigenetic aging
  2254. Effect of aging processes on corrosion behavior and stress corrosion sensitivity of pre‐stretched 7075 aluminum alloy
  2255. aging impairs induction of redox factor-1 after heat stress: a potential mechanism for heat-induced liver injury
  2256. Disparity between online and offline tests in accelerated aging tests of LED lamps under electric stress
  2257. Oxidative stress in aging
  2258. Analysis of deformation in inconel 718 when the stress anomaly and dynamic strain aging coexist
  2259. Mechanism of Anti‐aging and Oxidative stress Regulation Effect by Marine Fish oil and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid
  2260. Manufacturing of hemp/PP composites and study of its residual stress and aging behavior
  2261. Novel IC Sub-Threshold IDDQ Signature And Its Relationship To aging During High Voltage stress
  2262. aging male germ cells: responses to oxidative stress & the effects of altered antioxidant status
  2263. The case for early psychotherapy in aging combat veterans experiencing late onset stress symptomatology
  2264. Anti-aging Effects of Camellia Japonica flower extract on a pollutant-induced stress
  2265. stress and cellular aging: Associations between stress-related factors and leukocyte telomere length
  2266. Mind-body health and healing: Using the power of the brain to prevent disease, reduce stress, and slow aging
  2267. stress-accelerated photothermal oxidative aging behavior of polyamide 6
  2268. Study on acceleration factor at 5000 h multiple stress test and aging evaluation of EVA insulator
  2269. Accelerated aging procedures of bending piezoelectric structures using electrical stress induced approaches
  2270. Extensive desiccation and aging stress tolerance characterize Gaillardia pulchella (Asteraceae) seeds
  2271. Immune dysfunction and cognitive deficit in stress and physiological aging. Part II: New approaches to cognitive disorder prevention and treatment
  2272. Socially housed female macaques: a translational model for the interaction of chronic stress and estrogen in aging
  2273. Cell stress and proteostasis networks in biology, aging, and disease
  2274. Depression in the elderly: Interactions with aging, stress, chronic pain, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disorders
  2275. Oxidative stress and CCN1 protein in human skin connective tissue aging
  2277. A Systems Approach to stress and Resilience in Humans: Mindfulness Meditation, aging, and Cognitive Function
  2278. The effects of age range, gender, and presence of helpers in measuring the stress and strain of baby boomers caring for aging parents
  2279. Nucleolar stress triggers the irreversible cell cycle slow down leading to cell death during replicative aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2280. Metabolism, mitochondrial stress, and aging: how neuroendocrine signaling coordinates metabolic state in aging and neurodegenerative disease models
  2281. Effects of stress–aging on Hardness and Microstructure in Al-2Cu Alloy Bicrystal
  2282. Musculoskeletal Health in Women: Impact of stress, aging, and Pregnancy
  2283. Local relaxation, aging, and memory of polymer glasses at rest and under stress
  2284. Fear of aging moderates post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among older adults exposed to Hurricane Sandy
  2285. aging sensors for on-chip metallization of integrated LDMOS transistors under cyclic thermo-mechanical stress
  2286. Perspectives of spirituality, aging and caregiver stress among adult caregivers
  2287. Increased oxidative stress and vascular aging by zinc deficiency in mice
  2288. A study on the effect of economic stress on aging anxiety among elderly: focusing on the moderating effect of age and self-oriented motivation of volunteering
  2289. Organelle stress and mTOR in aging-Associated Inflammation
  2290. Nutrients and Diet: A Relationship between Oxidative stress, aging, Obesity, and Related Noncommunicable Diseases
  2291. Phosphorylation of αB-crystallin: Role in stress, aging and patho-physiological conditions General subjects
  2292. … of priming treatments on germination of Smooth vetch (Vicia dasycarpa) under drought stress and maintaining this advantage following aging by using post …
  2293. Caregiver burden and chronic illness among aging adults: an analysis of the factors moderating levels of caregiver burden/stress in caregivers.
  2294. Signaling Pathways in Eukaryotic stress, aging, and Senescence: Common and Distinct Pathways
  2295. GW25-e1653 SIRT1 enhances therapeutic efficacy of aged mesenchymal stem cells in rat myocardial infarction via lightening MSCs aging and heightening stress …
  2296. Research on Al particles reinforced thermal stress aging treatment behavior of composite lead-free solder
  2297. Perceived stress predicts function and movement-evoked joint pain in aging African Americans with osteoarthritis
  2298. Evaluation on relaxation behaviors of compressive residual stress of peened Ni-base superalloy alloy 706 test specimens after thermal aging treatment
  2299. Effect of long-term aging on the microstructures and stress rupture properties of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy at 980 C
  2300. Ribo-tag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocyte reveals down-regulation of peroxisome and mitochondria biogenesis under aging and oxidative stress
  2301. Associations of low testosterone levels with stress vulnerability and antidepressant response in aging males
  2302. New challenges in aging modeling-pulse stress
  2303. Striving for Positive aging Among Chinese Older People: Effects of Life stress and Control Beliefs in a Longitudinal Study
  2304. The influence of aging and mechanical stretch in alveolar epithelium ER stress and inflammation
  2305. aging & Shear stress
  2306. Molecular Mechanisms of Oxidative stress in aging
  2307. Microscopic dynamics and stress relaxation in aging colloidal gels with tunable inter-particle interactions
  2308. We should protect our cells and telomeres from oxidative stress: A review of aging mechanisms.
  2309. Estimating aging parameter of XLPE and its nanocomposites under AC voltage using step-stress test
  2310. The interplay between biological stress and cellular aging
  2311. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 8. Glycative stress and arteriosclerotic disease.
  2312. Oxidative stress Causes aging: Genetics and Epigenetics
  2313. Effect of High Temperature Long-term aging on Tensile Alloy and stress Rupture Properties of a Nickel Base Single Crystal Alloy
  2314. Protective role of the mitochondrial Lon protease in homeostasis, oxidative stress‐adaptation, disease, and aging (756.6)
  2315. aging photoreceptors: light, stress and transcription
  2316. Life stress and epigenetic aging
  2318. Molecular Models of aging: Comparative Analysis of Gene Signatures in Replicative Senescence and stress Induced Premature Senescence
  2319. Oxidative stress in Disease and aging: Mechanisms and Therapies 2016
  2320. The directional coarsening of the aging precipitates in Ni75Al11. 5V13. 5 alloy under an externally applied stress
  2321. Oxidative stress in Disease and aging: Mechanisms and Therapies
  2323. Follicle aging: a question of stress?
  2324. Epigenetic stress response and stem cell aging
  2325. Oxidative stress: Its role in regulating aging and longevity
  2326. Oxidative stress and the Decline of Adaptive Homeostasis in aging
  2327. Mitochondrial stress signaling in disease and aging (474.3)
  2328. Timing modeling at RT-level by separation of design-and stress related aging impacts
  2329. Characterization and Modeling of Metabolic stress Responses in Cellular aging
  2330. The telomere hypothesis of stress and aging
  2331. A multimodal neuroimaging approach to the interplay between stress and aging
  2332. P429 The activity of monoamine oxidases is tightly related to mitochondrial membrane fluidity altered by aging, obesity and oxidative stress.
  2333. Hematopoietic Stem Cell aging and Oxidative stress
  2334. RiboTag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocytes under aging and oxidative stress
  2335. Cytoskeleton protects from stress and aging
  2336. stress and aging in Honey Bee Workers
  2337. Voltage pulse stress effect on gate stack TDDB distributions at nanometric scale: Consequence on aging by ESD
  2338. Cathodic Protection, Coatings that Shield Cathodic Protection, stress Corrosion Cracking and Corrosion Assessment in aging Coated Pipe Lines and Buried …
  2340. Effects of aging on shear cyclic stress strain and fatigue behaviors of lead free solder joints
  2341. Influence of oxidative stress in aging on antioxidant levels in healthy male and females
  2342. The Omics of aging: Insights from Genomes upon stress
  2343. Cumulative and Persistent Changes in the Brain in Response to stress and aging
  2344. Oxidative stress parameters as markers of the rate of aging and longevity in mice
  2345. Prolonged dietary curcumin supplementation augments Nrf2 nuclear translocation and attenuates oxidative stress in skeletal muscle of aging rats
  2346. Oxidative stress and Endoplasmic Reticulum stress in Kidney aging: Impact of Uremic Toxins as the Cause of stress
  2347. Implication of various oxidative stress pathways in the aging phenotype of Prpf31-mutant mice
  2348. Glycative stress and anti-aging 5. Glycative stress and receptors for AGEs as ligands.
  2349. Age and gender aspects of the status of lipid profile and stress-realizing systems of the human body in the aging process
  2350. “Chemobrain”: the aging brain and oxidative stress
  2351. Synergistic Effects of Ancestral stress and aging on Anxiety-like Behaviours
  2352. aging, stress, and Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease: Studies Using C. elegans
  2353. Determining The Relationship Between aging And Oxidative stress In A Drosophila Melanogaster P38Kb Framework
  2354. Apoptosis of Hypothalamic Neurosecretory Cells in stress and aging: The Role of Immunomodulators
  2355. Obesity in aging exacerbates blood brain barrier disruption, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the mouse hippocampus: effects on expression of genes …
  2356. Anti‐aging and neuroprotective effects of Jambolan (Eugenia jambolana) L. via modulation of stress response signaling in C. elegans (829.26)
  2358. aging and heat stress: From rest to exercise
  2359. REST and the regulation of stress resistance, brain aging, and Alzheimer’s disease
  2360. Evidence of Youthful aging: Chronic stress and the Association With DNA Damage
  2361. aging effects on atherosclerosis susceptible sites in Vertebrobasilar System: studying oscillatory shear index and averaged wall shear stress criteria
  2362. Peculiarities of Sympathoadrenal Response to Psychoemotional stress under Hypoxia in the Elderly with Physiological and Accelerated aging of Respiratory System
  2363. C108 aging: THE COMMON DENOMINATOR: Failure Of stress-Induced Responses In aging And Ipf Fibroblasts Is Associated With Persistent Activation Of Mtor
  2364. Novel miRNAs and their function in response to stress during aging in C. elegans
  2365. Impact of endoplasmic reticulum stress on the postovulatory aging of the mouse oocyte
  2366. The anti-stress and anti-aging effects of phosphatidylcholine in C. elegans
  2367. Effects of Thermal aging and Manufacture Induced stress on Structure Integrity and Performance of TE Module.
  2368. Are There Gender Differences in stress Response in Older Adults? Findings from the Normative aging Study
  2370. Effects of Oxidative stress on Circadian Gene Expression during aging
  2371. The effect of anti-aging agents in skin oxidative stress induced by UV Radiation in vivo
  2372. Physiologic stress drives accelerated aging of hematopoietic stem cells
  2374. Mitochondrial oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy in arterial aging
  2375. Correlated Oxidative stress and Mitochondrial Abnormalities in aging are Discontinuous with Alzheimer’s Disease
  2376. Epigenetic derepression of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-κB-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk
  2377. Association between perceived psychological stress and cognitive decline in aging: a systematic review protocol
  2378. aging and Sex-Dependent Adaptive Homeostasis in Response to Oxidative stress
  2379. Physical aging of Polymer Glasses Vitrified under stress
  2380. Effect of aging and stress on Stability of β Phase in Au-Cd-Ag
  2381. Post-Traumatic stress Disorder and Dementia in aging Veterans: An Overview for Health Care Professionals
  2382. … snakehead fish (Channa striata) for repairing of learning-memory capability and motoric activity: a case study of physiological aging and aging-caused oxidative stress …
  2383. aging, stress and Inflammation in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease
  2385. Evaluation of Thermal aging Effect on stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Fusion Boundary of A533 Gr. B and Alloy 152
  2386. Oxidative stress in carotid arteries of patients submitted to carotid endarterectomy. The role of aging process1
  2387. Hydrogen Sulfide Signaling in Oxidative stress and aging Development
  2388. The mitochondrial stress response and its impact on prohibitin-mediated aging phenotypes
  2389. Artificial aging Time Effect on Fatigue stress for Friction Stir Welded AA6061T6
  2390. Antioxidant extract counteracts the effects of aging on cortical spreading depression and oxidative stress in the brain cortex1
  2391. Study on the Influences of stress on Successful aging: Evaluation of Moderating Effect Mediated on Positivity and Family Support
  2392. mberHappily (n) ever after: aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis loss and cellular senescence
  2393. Mitochondrial oxidative stress in skeletal muscle and cardiac aging
  2395. AC stress and standard cell aging characterization to enhance reliability coverage of logic circuits
  2396. Association Between Informal Caregiving and Cellular aging in the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin: The Role of Caregiving Characteristics, stress, and Strain
  2397. The Role Of Er stress In aging In Vitro And In Vivo Models Of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury
  2398. Role of hormonal regulation and stress in the interaction of sleep and biorhythms in aging
  2400. Flow induced by a sphere settling in an aging yield-stress fluid
  2402. NIPA As a Novel Regulator of aging and stress Response of the Primitive HSC Pool
  2403. Physical aging of Thin and Ultrathin Free-Standing Polymer Films: Effect of stress and Reduced Glass Transitions
  2404. Epigenetic derepression of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-ĸB-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk
  2405. Water stress: white wines at risk of premature aging.
  2406. Effect of alcohol extract of Cortex Eucommiae on oxidative stress markers in serum of brain aging model mice
  2407. Effects of aging Treatment on Intergranular Corrosion and stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of AA7003
  2408. aging study and electrical resistance based stress-monitoring of rubber seals
  2409. The daily rhythms of mitochondrial gene expression and oxidative stress regulation are altered by aging in the mouse liver
  2410. 017 Interpersonal Violence, Posttraumatic stress Disorder, and aging-Related Genitourinary Dysfunction in an Ethnically-Diverse, Community-Based Sample of …
  2411. Regulation of lipogenesis in human adipose tissue: Effect of metabolic stress, dietary intervention and aging.
  2412. Racial differences in biomarkers of stress and cell aging: Latent transition analysis of 5-year change among patients in the heart and soul study
  2413. P6571 Daily melatonin safeguards the endothelial lineage and functional integrity against the aging process, oxidative stress and a toxic environment and restores …
  2414. Evaluating mitochondrial stress response gene Clpp-regulated DNA methylome dynamics in female reproductive aging
  2415. Id1 Ablation Protects Hematopoietic Stem Cells from stress-Induced Exhaustion and aging
  2416. SCC growth behavior of SUS630 in high-temperature water. 2nd report. The effects of thermal aging, temperature and applied stress on SCC
  2417. The importance of food for aging and longevity. Food composition, oxidative stress and weight are important factors
  2418. Predominant Alterations in the Gene Expression Pattern of Molecules Involved in Immune Reaction and Cell stress in the aging Myocardium
  2419. Effects of test temperature, stress, and thermal aging on SCC growth behavior of SUS630 in high-temperature water
  2420. Protein carbonylation, a marker of oxidative stress, during aging and its modulation by dietary restriction
  2421. Hesperetin Protects Porcine Oocyte from Oxidative stress by In Vitro aging
  2422. Endothelial c-Myc Protects the Heart From Pro-Inflammatory Changes During aging and Atherogenic stress
  2423. Passive leg movement-induced vasodilation: Impact of aging in women, physical activity, and oxidative stress
  2424. Redox regulation of cellular stress response in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of vitagenes and hormesis
  2425. NADP Stimulates DNA Reparation after Thermodynamic stress in Cardiomyocytes of aging MDX Mice
  2426. Behavioural Effects of Chronic Immune Activation on Drosophila aging and Sensitivity to Acute stress
  2427. Sirtuins and stress Response in Skin Cancer, aging, and Barrier Function
  2428. Effects of drought stress and foliar application of zinc and manganese on seed quality of red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during the accelerated aging test
  2429. … D, Garofalo C, et al. Altered modulation of lamin A/C‐HDAC2 interaction and p21 expression during oxidative stress response in HGPS. aging Cell. 2018; 17: e12824 …
  2430. Cst1 Discriminates Between Senescence Due to Replicative and stress-Induced Endothelial Cell aging
  2432. Nicotine Enhances Oxidative stress Mediated Retinal Degeneration In The aging Eye
  2433. Consequences of early-life stress for microglia throughout life: Relevance for the hippocampus in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  2434. Effect of dynamic strain aging on cyclic stress response and deformation behavior of Zircaloy-2
  2435. Mitochondrial elongation in the retinal epithelium of aging monkeys: evidence of metabolic stress
  2436. Autonomic regulation at emotional stress under hypoxic conditions in the elderly with physiological and accelerated aging: effect of hypoxic training
  2437. Micromechanical processes of frictional aging and the affect of shear stress on fault healing: insights from material characterization and ultrasonic velocity …
  2438. Rapid stress-testing vs. long-term aging: a case study of 980-nm emitting single-spatial mode lasers
  2439. Effects of Life Events on the Onset of Delayed Post-Traumatic stress Disorder in aging Combat Veterans
  2440. Exploring the role of dopamine in stress response and aging in Drosophila melanogaster – implications for neurodegenerative diseases
  2441. Genetic risk for increased oxidative stress in the aging brain: Implications for white matter integrity and cognition
  2442. Effect of desynchronosis on oxidative stress biomarkers and the state of glial intermediate filaments in the brains of rats subject to aging
  2443. Nâ γâ (Lâ Glutamyl) â Lâ selenomethionine enhances stress resistance and ameliorates aging indicators via the selenoprotein TRXRâ 1 in Caenorhabditis elegans
  2444. Cardiac-Specific Deletion of P62/Sequestosome1 (SQSTM1) Accelerates Cardiac aging and Enhances Oxidative stress
  2445. PGC-1α regulates mitochondrial calcium homeostasis, SR stress and cell death to mitigate skeletal muscle aging
  2446. Modeling Cerebral Autoregulation During Orthostatic stress in the Presence of aging and Hypertension
  2447. Muscadine Grape Extract Improves Exercise Capacity and Reduces Oxidative stress in aging Transgenic (mRen2) 27 Hypertensive Female Rats
  2448. Serum glycomarkers of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal-endosomal system stress in human healthy aging and diseases
  2449. … study of the impact of chronic psychological stress on health-related quality of life and clinical biomarkers: protocol for the Australian Healthy aging of Women Study.
  2450. ER stress-mediated FoxO1 induces impaired insulin signaling and hepatic steatosis in aging process
  2451. Decreased Autophagy and Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress Induction During aging, Is Associated with Aberrant Macrophage Recruitment and Lung Remodeling …
  2452. A97 ROLE OF aging ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF LUNG DISEASE (S): aging And Er stress Regulates Mitochondrial Homeostasis In Lung Epithelial Cells: Atf3 …
  2453. Mitochondrial stress response gene clpp plays a role in female reproductive aging
  2454. The Effect of aging and Rapid Saline Infusion on Compensatory Reserve during Whole‐Body Passive Heat stress
  2455. Endothelial Function And Cardiovascular stress Markers After A Single Dive In aging Rats (ApoE Knockout Rats)
  2456. Oxidative stress in C. elegans: Discovery of a mechanistic role for gamma-ketoaldehyde lipid peroxidation products in the Free Radical Theory of aging
  2457. Klotho protein protects against aging and nicotine-induced chronic cellular stress
  2458. The Role of Oxidative stress and Mutations of Mitochondrial DNA at aging, Age Pathology, and Apoptosis-Pharmacorrection by Mitochondria-targeted Antioxidant …
  2459. Mechanisms of aging: Neuronal Orchestration of stress Resistance and Protein Homeostasis in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
  2460. Evaluating mitochondrial stress response gene clpp-regulated global gene expression dynamics in female reproductive aging
  2461. Effects of allicin on the capacity for learning and the expression of oxidative stress related proteins in D-galactose induced aging rats
  2462. P752 Sex-associated differences in oxidative stress and renin-angiotensin system contribute to a differential regulation of vascular aging
  2463. The Role of Oxidative stress and Mutations of Mitochondrial DNA at aging, Age Pathology, and Apoptosis-Pharmacorrection by Mitochondria-targeted Antioxidant …
  2464. Genetic Interference with PPARγ in Endothelium Accelerates Oxidative stress, Inflammation, and Vascular Senescence With aging
  2465. PPARγ activation attenuates oxidative stress and improves cerebral arteries endothelial dysfunction in aging rat through up-regulating UCP2
  2466. Thermal aging Effects on Residual stress and Residual Strain Distribution on Heat Affected Zone of Alloy 600 in Dissimilar Metal Weld
  2467. Increased Nadph-Oxidase Activity Is Associated With Reduced Telomere Length in the Human Vascular Wall: The Influence of Oxidative stress on Biological aging
  2468. C108 aging: THE COMMON DENOMINATOR: The Identification Of Molecular Mechanisms Associated With Oxidative stress-Induced Cellular Senescence In …
  2470. Effects of Surface Roughness and aging on the Electrical Contact Resistance and Residual stress in Gold-nickel-copper Connector Materials
  2471. The Experience of Wives/Female Companions of aging Vietnam Veterans with Chronic Posttraumatic stress Disorder: A Qualtative Replication Study
  2472. Abstract T MP114: PPARγ in Endothelial Cells Plays an Essential Role in Protecting Against Vascular aging: Role of Oxidative stress and Rho Kinase
  2473. Mechanistic pathways linking mitochondrial oxidative stress and white matter degeneration in the aging mammalian female brain
  2474. Lung aging in C57/Bl6 and BALB/c mice is characterized by defects in surfactant metabolism, increased ER stress-signalling and inflammasome formation
  2475. Analysis of the stress-Strain State of an aging Viscoelastic Arch Fabricated Additively under Gravity for Various Time Modes of Layer-by-Layer Accretion
  2476. aging And ER stress Regulates Mitochondrial Homeostasis In Lung Epithelial Cells: ATF3 Regulates PINK1 Transcription
  2477. Impaired Subendocardial Contractility and Longitudinal Shortening With aging, Reduce Midwall Fiber stress, Increasing Circumferential Shortening and Preserving …
  2478. 8Co-senior author 9Present address: Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular stress Responses in aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), University Hospital …
  2479. Nucleolar stress triggers the irreversible cell cycle slow down leading to cell death during replicative aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sandrine Morlot1234 …
  2480. Oxidative stress From Altered Cardiac β3-adrenergic Receptor-activated Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase/NO Pathways Promotes Cardiac aging
  2481. stress corrosion cracking initiation behavior of alloy 600 with the consideration of long-term thermal aging and triaxial stress state
  2482. A110 THE SLEEPY AND aging BRAIN: OSA AND COGNITION IN THE ELDERLY: Estradiol Prevents Brain Oxidative stress Induced By Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia …
  2483. The Telomerase Plays a Pivotal Role in Collateral Development Under Ischemia by Suppressing aging-Induced Production of Oxidative stress, Expression of p53 and …
  2484. An essential role of the iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme isu-1 in the aging and stress responses of C. elegans
  2485. aging and Oxidative stress-Induced Dysregulation of LEDGF Gene in Lens Epithelial Cells and Lenses Released by Sulforaphane Through Epigenetic Reprograming
  2486. PO-302 The Research on the Effects of Resistance Training on the stress of Skeletal Muscle Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondrial Autophagy in aging Rats
  2487. Re: Effect of aging on Storage and Voiding Function in Women with stress Predominant Urinary Incontinence: P. Zimmern, HJ Litman, CW Nager, GE Lemack, HE …
  2488. Hepatic expression of redox factor‐1 and thioredoxin‐1: effects of aging and environmental heat stress
  2489. Sumoylation At K16 Of Specificity Protein 1 Represses Prdx6 Transcription Leading To Lens Epithelial Cell Death During Oxidative stress And aging
  2490. 24 Effects of Theanine and Other Ingredients of Tea on stress and aging
  2491. Increased Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Accelerates Diet-Related Vascular aging and Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice under Chronic stress
  2492. … Hormesis in aging Research and Therapy-Suresh IS Rattan Practical Limitations of Prescribing stress as an Anti-aging Treatment-Valery E. Forbes Hormesis, aging …
  2493. stress and aging: A neurovisceral integration perspective
  2494. Bone angiogenesis and vascular niche remodeling in stress, aging, and diseases
  2495. Nuclear organization in stress and aging
  2496. Influences of stress–aging on the precipitation behavior of δ phase (Ni3Nb) in a nickel-based superalloy
  2497. Plant polyphenols, more than just simple natural antioxidants: Oxidative stress, aging and age-related diseases
  2498. CEO stress, aging, and death
  2499. Effect of stress–aging treatment on the mechanical and corrosion properties of Al− Zn− Mg− Cu alloy
  2500. Yield stress aging in attractive colloidal suspensions
  2501. Dicarbonyl stress at the crossroads of healthy and unhealthy aging
  2502. The link between chronic stress and accelerated aging
  2503. Synchronous improvement of mechanical properties and stress corrosion resistance by stress–aging coupled with natural aging pre-treatment in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy …
  2504. aging-Oxidative stress, antioxidants and computational modeling
  2505. Adrenal aging and its implications on stress responsiveness in humans
  2506. The involvement of stress granules in aging and aging‐associated diseases
  2507. Precipitation kinetics in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy during stress–aging
  2508. Multi-stress aging investigations of HTV silicone rubber filled with Silica/ATH composites for HVAC and HVDC transmission
  2509. Investigation of 9000 hours multi-stress aging effects on High-Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber with silica (nano/micro) filler hybrid composite …
  2510. Biomarkers, oxidative stress and autophagy in skin aging
  2511. Oxidative stress in Human Pathology and aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Perspectives
  2512. Psychological stress and cellular aging in cancer: a meta-analysis
  2513. Shortened processing duration of high-performance Sm-Co-Fe-Cu-Zr magnets by stress–aging
  2514. Oxidative stress in the aging substantia nigra and the etiology of Parkinson’s disease
  2515. Oxidative stress and reproductive function in the aging male
  2516. stress and immunological aging
  2517. Healthful aging mediated by inhibition of oxidative stress
  2518. Interplay between bioenergetics and oxidative stress at normal brain aging. aging as a result of increasing disbalance in the system oxidative stress–energy provision
  2519. Oxidative stress in cognitive and epigenetic aging: a retrospective glance
  2520. stress aging of Al–Cu–Mg–Ag single crystal: the effect of the loading orientations
  2521. Oxidative stress at the crossroads of aging, stroke and depression
  2522. The effects of inflammation, aging and oxidative stress on the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes)
  2523. Vitamin D deficiency: effects on oxidative stress, epigenetics, gene regulation, and aging
  2524. Physician-training stress and accelerated cellular aging
  2525. The role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular aging and cardiovascular diseases
  2526. Oxidative stress and advanced lipoxidation and glycation end products (ALEs and AGEs) in aging and age-related diseases
  2527. The aging stress response and its implication for AMD pathogenesis
  2528. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 13. Regulation of Glycative stress. 1. Postprandial blood glucose regulation
  2529. Antioxidant effects of curcumin in models of neurodegeneration, aging, oxidative and nitrosative stress: A review
  2530. Oxidative stress and thrombosis during aging: the roles of oxidative stress in RBCs in venous thrombosis
  2531. The role of signaling pathways of inflammation and oxidative stress in development of senescence and aging phenotypes in cardiovascular disease
  2532. Zero stress aging of Glass and Carbon Fibers in Water and Oil—Strength Reduction Explained by Dissolution Kinetics
  2533. Emerging roles of oxidative stress in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  2534. Effect of stress aging Induced Precipitates on Corrosion Behavior of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
  2535. Evolution of the adaptogenic concept from traditional use to medical systems: Pharmacology of stress‐and aging‐related diseases
  2536. Autophagy in female fertility: a role in oxidative stress and aging
  2537. Psychological and biological resilience modulates the effects of stress on epigenetic aging
  2538. The roles of general and domain-specific perceived stress in healthy aging
  2539. Plant-derived bioactives and oxidative stress-related disorders: A key trend towards healthy aging and longevity promotion
  2540. aging mechanisms of polymeric materials under DC electrical stress: A new approach and similarities to mechanical aging
  2541. REST and stress resistance in the aging kidney
  2542. ER stress activates immunosuppressive network: implications for aging and Alzheimer’s disease
  2543. The geroscience agenda: Toxic stress, hormetic stress, and the rate of aging
  2544. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 14. Regulation of Glycative stress. 2. Inhibition of the AGE production and accumulation
  2545. Are insulin-resistance and oxidative stress cause or consequence of aging
  2546. Psychosocial stress and epigenetic aging
  2547. aging and leukemic evolution of hematopoietic stem cells under various stress conditions
  2548. Oxidative stress in oocyte aging and female reproduction
  2549. RiboTag translatomic profiling of Drosophila oenocytes under aging and induced oxidative stress
  2550. Epigenetic upregulation of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-κB–driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk
  2551. Neuronal cells rearrangement during aging and neurodegenerative disease: metabolism, oxidative stress and organelles dynamic
  2552. stress, coping, and aging
  2553. Proteostatic stress as a nodal hallmark of replicative aging
  2554. Adolescence and aging: Impact of adolescence inflammatory stress and microbiota alterations on brain development, aging, and neurodegeneration
  2555. Telomere length and oxidative stress and its relation with metabolic syndrome components in the aging
  2556. Oxidative stress links aging-associated cardiovascular diseases and prostatic diseases
  2557. Epigenetics as a key link between psychosocial stress and aging: concepts, evidence, mechanisms
  2558. Early life stress, frontoamygdala connectivity, and biological aging in adolescence: a longitudinal investigation
  2559. Enhanced matrix precipitation of T1 (Al2CuLi) phase in AA2055 Al–Li alloy during stress aging process
  2560. Potential implications of polyphenols on aging considering oxidative stress, inflammation, autophagy, and gut microbiota
  2561. Air pollution-induced placental alterations: an interplay of oxidative stress, epigenetics, and the aging phenotype?
  2562. Quality of Life, Health and Environment in Older Adults: Nursing House stress aging Assessment
  2563. Accelerated aging characterization of lithium-ion cells: Using sensitivity analysis to identify the stress factors relevant to cyclic aging
  2564. Physical exercise: An inducer of positive oxidative stress in skeletal muscle aging
  2565. Comparison of autonomic stress reactivity in young healthy versus aging subjects with heart disease
  2566. Plant-derived antioxidants protect the nervous system from aging by inhibiting oxidative stress
  2567. The Keap1-Nrf2 system: a mediator between oxidative stress and aging
  2568. Voluntary exercise reverses immune aging induced by oxidative stress in aging mice
  2569. Effects of artificial aging on microstructure, mechanical properties and stress corrosion cracking of a novel high strength 7A99 Al alloy
  2570. Proteasome stress in skeletal muscle mounts a long-range protective response that delays retinal and brain aging
  2571. Galactose-induced skin aging: the role of oxidative stress
  2572. Preserving transcriptional stress responses as an anti‐aging strategy
  2573. Histone deficiency and accelerated replication stress in T cell aging
  2574. Protection of hematopoietic stem cells from stress-induced exhaustion and aging
  2575. stress response capacity analysis during aging and possible new insights into aging studies
  2576. The wrinkling of time: aging, inflammation, oxidative stress, and the circadian clock in neurodegeneration
  2577. Mindfulness, stress, and aging
  2578. Effect of methionine restriction on aging: its relationship to oxidative stress
  2579. Role of resveratrol and selenium on oxidative stress and expression of antioxidant and anti-aging genes in immortalized lymphocytes from Alzheimer’s disease …
  2580. Mitophagy and oxidative stress: The role of aging
  2581. Emerging topics in C. elegans aging research: Transcriptional regulation, stress response and epigenetics
  2582. Diabetes stress and health: Is aging a strength or a vulnerability?
  2583. Recent advances in the anti‐aging effects of phytoestrogens on collagen, water content, and oxidative stress
  2584. Ets21c governs tissue renewal, stress tolerance, and aging in the Drosophila intestine
  2585. 17β-estradiol modulates SIRT1 and halts oxidative stress-mediated cognitive impairment in a male aging mouse model
  2586. Impact of endoplasmic reticulum stress on oocyte aging mechanisms
  2587. Some naturally occurring compounds that increase longevity and stress resistance in model organisms of aging
  2588. Protective mechanism of humanin against oxidative stress in aging-related cardiovascular diseases
  2589. Study of aging effects on optical properties and residual stress of HfO2 thin film
  2590. Brains and brawn: stress-induced myokine abates nervous system aging
  2591. stress breaks universal aging behavior in a metallic glass
  2592. Oxidative-inflammatory stress in immune cells from adult mice with premature aging
  2593. Protection against oxidative stress and anti-aging effect in Drosophila of royal jelly-collagen peptide
  2594. Mitochondrial unfolded protein response: a stress response with implications for fertility and reproductive aging
  2595. Chronic stress exposure and daily stress appraisals relate to biological aging marker p16INK4a
  2596. Oxidative stress and Cellular Senescence Are Involved in the aging Kidney
  2597. aging, stress, and senescence in plants: what can biological diversity teach us?
  2598. Oxidative stress in aging.
  2599. Oxidative stress in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE): Role of aging, and DJ-1
  2600. Mitochondrial stress-initiated aberrant activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome regulates the functional deterioration of hematopoietic stem cell aging
  2601. Effects of stress‐aging Pretreatment on Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of a Ni–Cr–Nb–Mo–Ti Alloy
  2602. aging and stress induced β cell senescence and its implication in diabetes development
  2603. Mediterranean diet, stress resilience, and aging in nonhuman primates
  2604. Enhancing the stress corrosion cracking resistance of a low-Cu containing Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy by step-quench and aging heat treatment
  2605. Molecular mechanisms of aging: the role of oxidative stress and epigenetic modifications
  2606. Mitochondria, oxidative stress, cancer, and aging
  2607. Is carbonyl/AGE/RAGE stress a hallmark of the brain aging?
  2608. Oxidative stress, aging, and Short Peptides
  2609. The stress of lung aging: endoplasmic reticulum and senescence tête-à-tête
  2610. Promotion of oxidative stress is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and muscle atrophy in aging mice
  2611. Hyperactivation of Nrf2 increases stress tolerance at the cost of aging acceleration due to metabolic deregulation
  2612. Implication of oxidative stress, aging, and inflammatory processes in neurodegenerative diseases: growth factors as therapeutic approach
  2613. Friend or foe: Lipid droplets as organelles for protein and lipid storage in cellular stress response, aging and disease
  2614. … potential implications of polyphenols in influencing the interrelationship between oxi-inflammatory stress, cellular senescence and immunosenescence during aging
  2615. FABP3-mediated membrane lipid saturation alters fluidity and induces ER stress in skeletal muscle with aging
  2616. Function, oxidative, and inflammatory stress parameters in immune cells as predictive markers of lifespan throughout aging
  2617. Oxidative stress resistance as a factor in aging: evidence from an extended longevity phenotype of Drosophila melanogaster
  2618. Glucose‐induced oxidative stress and accelerated aging in endothelial cells are mediated by the depletion of mitochondrial SIRTs
  2619. Omega-3 supplementation and stress reactivity of cellular aging biomarkers: an ancillary substudy of a randomized, controlled trial in midlife adults
  2620. DAF‐16 stabilizes the aging transcriptome and is activated in mid‐aged Caenorhabditis elegans to cope with internal stress
  2621. The HPA axis under stress and aging: individual vulnerability is associated with behavioral patterns and exposure time
  2622. Longitudinal associations between perceived stress and views on aging: Evidence for reciprocal relations.
  2623. aging increases vulnerability to stress-induced depression via upregulation of NADPH oxidase in mice
  2624. Astaxanthin attenuates d-galactose-induced brain aging in rats by ameliorating oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and regulating metabolic markers
  2625. Navigating Black aging: The Biological Consequences of stress and Depression
  2626. Effects of atmospheric aging processes on in vitro induced oxidative stress and chemical composition of biomass burning aerosols
  2627. Hsf1 promotes hematopoietic stem cell fitness and proteostasis in response to ex vivo culture stress and aging
  2628. aging and human heat dissipation during exercise-heat stress: an update and future directions
  2629. The stress field ages: A close look into cellular aging processes
  2630. Ancestral stress programs sex-specific biological aging trajectories and non-communicable disease risk
  2631. Physical exercise, autophagy and cardiometabolic stress in aging
  2632. aging increases oxidative stress in semen
  2633. Advancing research on psychosocial stress and aging with the Health and Retirement Study: Looking back to launch the field forward
  2634. Effects of aging under stress on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of EN AW 7075 Alloy
  2635. GlyNAC supplementation improves glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, aging hallmarks, metabolic defects, muscle …
  2636. The skin Epilipidome in stress, aging, and inflammation
  2637. Nucleolar and ribosomal DNA structure under stress: yeast lessons for aging and cancer
  2638. New label‐free automated survival assays reveal unexpected stress resistance patterns during C. elegans aging
  2639. Hormone Replacement Therapy and aging: A Potential Therapeutic Approach for Age-Related Oxidative stress and Cardiac Remodeling
  2640. The goddess who spins the thread of life: Klotho, psychiatric stress, and accelerated aging
  2641. Modulating the integrated stress response to slow aging and ameliorate age-related pathology
  2642. The role of oxidative stress and natural antioxidants in ovarian aging
  2643. Disarranged neuroplastin environment upon aging and chronic stress recovery in female Sprague Dawley rats
  2644. Predicting the effect of aging and defect size on the stress profiles of skin from advancement, rotation and transposition flap surgeries
  2645. Nobiletin delays aging and enhances stress resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans
  2646. The aging of heroes: Posttraumatic stress, resilience and growth among aging decorated veterans
  2647. aging influences in the blood-brain barrier permeability and cerebral oxidative stress in sepsis
  2648. Biological age is a universal marker of aging, stress, and frailty
  2649. Accelerated multi stress aging and life estimation of polymeric insulators
  2650. Self-Perceptions of aging Moderate Associations of Within-and Between-Persons Perceived stress and Physical Health Symptoms
  2651. Loss of chromatin structural integrity is a source of stress during aging
  2652. The impact of depression and anxiety treatment on biological aging and metabolic stress: study protocol of the MOod treatment with antidepressants or …
  2653. Effects of Test Temperature and Prior aging on the Cyclic stress-Strain Behavior of Lead Free Solders
  2654. Constitutive models for dynamic strain aging in metals: Strain rate and temperature dependences on the flow stress
  2655. Special Issue “Oxidative stress in aging and Associated Chronic Diseases”
  2656. Enhanced magnetic properties of Fe-rich Sm-Co-Fe-Cu-Zr magnets by compressive stress–aging
  2657. Revealing the aging time on the precipitation process and stress corrosion properties of 7N01 aluminium alloy
  2658. Lifelong posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence from aging Holocaust survivors
  2659. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, hormesis and calorie restriction: The current perspective in the biology of aging
  2660. Effect of Anoectochilus roxburghii flavonoids extract on H2O2-Induced oxidative stress in LO2 cells and D-gal induced aging mice model
  2661. Tropisetron protects against brain aging via attenuating oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation: The role of SIRT1 signaling
  2662. The Role of Oxidative stress in the aging Heart
  2663. D-Galactose-induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the cochlear basilar membrane: an in vitro aging model
  2664. Two-photon imaging of oxidative stress in living erythrocytes as a measure for human aging
  2665. Daily associations among aging perceptions, perceived health, and perceived stress in older adults
  2666. The stress polarity signaling (SPS) pathway serves as a marker and a target in the leaky gut barrier: implications in aging and cancer
  2667. stress-induced precocious aging in PD-patient iPSC-derived NSCs may underlie the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease
  2668. Mitophagy and oxidative stress in cancer and aging: focus on sirtuins and nanomaterials
  2669. Movement-evoked pain, physical function, and perceived stress: An observational study of ethnic/racial differences in aging non-Hispanic Blacks and non-Hispanic …
  2670. l-Theanine attenuates liver aging by inhibiting advanced glycation end products in d-galactose-induced rats and reversing an imbalance of oxidative stress and …
  2671. Light‐Activated stress Relaxation, Toughness Improvement, and Photoinduced Reversal of Physical aging in Glassy Polymer Networks
  2672. Role of Direct aging and Solution Treatment on Hardness, Microstructure and Residual stress of the A357 (AlSi7Mg0. 6) Alloy Produced by Powder Bed …
  2673. Combination of exercise training and L-arginine reverses aging process through suppression of oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in the rat heart
  2674. Relationship closeness buffers the effects of perceived stress on transcriptomic indicators of cellular stress and biological aging marker p16INK4a
  2675. α- and β-Santalols Delay aging in Caenorhabditis elegans via Preventing Oxidative stress and Protein Aggregation
  2676. Mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress involved in oocyte aging: an analysis using single-cell RNA-sequencing of mouse oocytes
  2677. Dynamic UTR usage regulates alternative translation to modulate gap junction formation during stress and aging
  2678. Reduction of aging-induced oxidative stress and activation of autophagy by bilberry anthocyanin supplementation via the AMPK–mTOR signaling pathway in aged …
  2679. Effects of Long-Term Vibration on Cellulose Degradation in an Oil-Impregnated Pressboard under Simultaneous Thermal–Electrical–Mechanical stress aging
  2680. Special issue on ‘Biomarkers of Oxidative stress, aging and Nutrition in Human Studies’
  2681. The exacerbation of aging and oxidative stress in the epididymis of sod1 null mice
  2682. Rapamycin confers neuroprotection against aging-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neurodegeneration in old rats through activation of …
  2683. aging aggravated liver ischemia and reperfusion injury by promoting hepatocyte necroptosis in an endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent manner
  2684. aging and hyperglycemia intensify dyslipidemia-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in rats: assessment of restorative potentials of ALA and EPA+ DHA
  2685. aging and Light stress Result in Overlapping and Unique Gene Expression Changes in Photoreceptors
  2686. Chebulinic acid and Boeravinone B act as anti-aging and anti-apoptosis phyto-molecules during oxidative stress
  2687. Effects of aging on cardiac oxidative stress and transcriptional changes in pathways of reactive oxygen species generation and clearance
  2688. Maltol (3-Hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone) Slows d-Galactose-Induced Brain aging Process by Damping the Nrf2/HO-1-Mediated Oxidative stress in Mice
  2689. Regulation of Hypoxic Signaling and Oxidative stress via the MicroRNA–SIRT2 Axis and Its Relationship with aging-Related Diseases
  2690. Effect of stress-induced martensite aging on martensite variant reorientation strain in NiMnGa single crystals
  2691. Effects of quenching agents, two-step aging and microalloying on tensile properties and stress corrosion cracking of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys
  2692. Astaxanthin attenuates oxidative stress and immune impairment in D-galactose-induced aging in rats by activating the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway and suppressing the NF …
  2693. Effects of aging on the stress-induced martensitic transformation and cyclic superelastic properties in Co-Ni-Ga shape memory alloy single crystals under compression
  2694. Serine deficiency exacerbates inflammation and oxidative stress via microbiota-gut-brain axis in D-galactose-induced aging mice
  2695. Stevia residue extract ameliorates oxidative stress in d-galactose-induced aging mice via Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway
  2696. Evaluation of the oxidative stress response of aging yeast cells in response to internalization of fluorescent nanodiamond biosensors
  2697. Inorganic nitrite supplementation improves endothelial function with aging: translational evidence for suppression of mitochondria-derived oxidative stress
  2698. aging behavior and lifetime prediction of PMMA under tensile stress and liquid scintillator conditions
  2699. Depression caused by long-term stress regulates premature aging and is possibly associated with disruption of circadian rhythms in mice
  2700. Apigenin restores endothelial function by ameliorating oxidative stress, reverses aortic stiffening, and mitigates vascular inflammation with aging
  2701. Glutathione as a mediator of cartilage oxidative stress resistance and resilience during aging and osteoarthritis
  2702. The Role of Human Satellite III (1q12) Copy Number Variation in the Adaptive Response during aging, stress, and Pathology: A Pendulum Model
  2703. Folic acid attenuates remodeling and dysfunction in the aging heart through the ER stress pathway
  2704. Metformin alleviates stress-induced cellular senescence of aging human adipose stromal cells and the ensuing adipocyte dysfunction
  2705. Almond Skin Extracts and Chlorogenic Acid Delay Chronological aging and Enhanced Oxidative stress Response in Yeast
  2706. Constitutive modeling of flow stress and work hardening behavior while considering dynamic strain aging
  2707. … between stress corrosion cracking resistance and grain-boundary precipitates of a new generation high Zn-containing 7056 aluminum alloy by non-isothermal aging …
  2708. Career Retrospective: Tom Johnson—Genetics, Genomics, stress, Stochastic Variation, and aging
  2709. Revealing grain structure development and texture evolution during elastic stress-assist aging of Mg–Zn alloys
  2710. TMBIM6 regulates redox-associated posttranslational modifications of IRE1α and ER stress response failure in aging mice and humans
  2711. Exploring ER stress response in cellular aging and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
  2712. Managing expectations: how stress, social support, and aging attitudes affect awareness of age-related changes
  2713. Kidney physiology and pathophysiology during heat stress and the modification by exercise, dehydration, heat acclimation and aging
  2714. Reliability modeling for metallized film capacitors based on time-varying stress mission profile and aging of ESR
  2715. … ‐induced normal breast epithelial cellular aging and its related breast cancer growth through mitochondrial autophagy and oxidative stress mitigated by ginsenoside …
  2716. Dihydromyricetin attenuates D-galactose-induced brain aging of mice via inhibiting oxidative stress and neuroinflammation
  2717. Rag1 immunodeficiency‐induced early aging and senescence in zebrafish are dependent on chronic inflammation and oxidative stress
  2718. NPGPx-mediated adaptation to oxidative stress protects motor neurons from degeneration in aging by directly modulating O-GlcNAcase
  2719. Parabiosis incompletely reverses aging-induced metabolic changes and oxidant stress in mouse red blood cells
  2720. Understanding the Impact of Industrial stress Conditions on Replicative aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2721. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells improve thymus and spleen function of aging rats through affecting P21/PCNA and suppressing oxidative stress
  2722. … induces cytoprotective autophagy of female germline stem cells in vitro and ameliorates aging caused by oxidative stress through upregulated sequestosome …
  2723. Pterostilbene Attenuates Particulate Matter-Induced Oxidative stress, Inflammation and aging in Keratinocytes
  2724. ER stress links aging to sporadic ALS
  2725. Microstructural characterization and quantitative phase analysis of Ni-rich NiTi after stress assisted aging for long times using the Rietveld method
  2726. Flavonoids from Sacred Lotus Stamen Extract Slows Chronological aging in Yeast Model by Reducing Oxidative stress and Maintaining Cellular Metabolism
  2727. Red ginseng has stronger anti-aging effects compared to ginseng possibly due to its regulation of oxidative stress and the gut microbiota
  2728. stress–thermal oxidative aging behavior of hydrogenated nitrile rubber seals
  2729. Calcium dobesilate reverses cognitive deficits and anxiety-like behaviors in the D-galactose-induced aging mouse model through modulation of oxidative stress
  2730. Oxidative stress in aging: stayin’alive?
  2731. Influence of Artificial aging on Mechanical Properties and High stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al–Mg–Si Alloy
  2732. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibition prevents vascular aging in mice under chronic stress: Modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation
  2733. One-Year Clinical aging of Low stress Bulk-Fill Flowable Composite in Class II Restorations: A Case Report and Literature Review
  2734. Altered Ca2+ Handling and Oxidative stress Underlie Mitochondrial Damage and Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in aging and Disease
  2735. Studying the aging evolution of oil-paper insulation comprising of a gas cavity under the stress of AC and DC voltage depending on partial discharge and dissolved …
  2736. Global Advocacy for Integrative Health and Communication: stress, aging, and Mind–Body Practices
  2737. stress response decay with aging visualized using a dual-channel logic-based fluorescent probe
  2738. Nrf2, stress and aging
  2739. Systemic oxidative stress, aging and the risk of cardiovascular events in the general female population
  2740. Preventive effect of small-leaved Kuding tea (Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Bl.) polyphenols on D-galactose-induced oxidative stress and aging in mice
  2741. Effect of annealing method and applied stress on aging behavior of copper-aluminum bimetals
  2742. Alumina‐toughened zirconia for dental applications: Physicochemical, mechanical, optical, and residual stress characterization after artificial aging
  2743. stress, mental health, and aging
  2744. Perception of stress in aging: the role of environmental variables and appraisal of the life experiences on psychological stress
  2745. The dynamic changes of Nrf2 mediated oxidative stress, DNA damage and base excision repair in testis of rats during aging
  2746. Investigation of the effect of low temperature aging on the mechanical properties and susceptibility to sulfide stress corrosion cracking of 22% Cr duplex stainless steel
  2747. Understanding the long-term connections between posttraumatic stress, subjective age, and successful aging among midlife and older adults
  2748. Supplementing glycine and N-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) in aging HIV patients improves oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, endothelial …
  2749. NOL12 repression induces nucleolar stress-driven cellular senescence and is associated with normative aging
  2750. stress Resistance Screen in a Human Primary Cell Line Identifies Small Molecules That Affect aging Pathways and Extend Caenorhabditis elegans’ Lifespan
  2751. The transfer of specific mitochondrial lipids and proteins to lipid droplets contributes to proteostasis upon stress and aging in the eukaryotic model system …
  2752. Associations between social burden, perceived stress, and diurnal cortisol profiles in older adults: implications for cognitive aging
  2753. Bajitianwan attenuates D-galactose-induced memory impairment and bone loss through suppression of oxidative stress in aging rat model
  2754. Fructus Ligustri Lucidi preserves bone quality through the regulation of gut microbiota diversity, oxidative stress, TMAO and Sirt6 levels in aging mice
  2755. Active Peptide KF-8 from Rice Bran Attenuates Oxidative stress in a Mouse Model of aging Induced by d-Galactose
  2756. … and Hydrodistillation on the Active Non-Volatile Components in Lemon Essential Oil and the Effects of the Resulting Oils on aging-Related Oxidative stress in …
  2757. … Benefits of Exercise and MitoQ on Memory Function, Mitochondrial Dynamics, Oxidative stress, and Neuroinflammation in D-Galactose-Induced aging Rats
  2758. aging Induces Hepatic Oxidative stress and Nuclear Proteomic Remodeling in Liver from Wistar Rats
  2759. stress reactivity elicits a tissue-specific reduction in telomere length in aging zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  2760. Oxidative stress Risk Is Increased with a Sedentary Lifestyle during aging in Mexican Women
  2761. Evaluating the stress–strain behavior of MSW with landfill aging
  2762. Are the parents all right? parental stress, ethnic culture and intergenerational relations in aging families
  2763. Exercise training initiated at old stage of lifespan attenuates aging-and ovariectomy-induced cardiac and renal oxidative stress: role of baroreflex
  2764. Modeling the effect of physical aging on the stress response of amorphous polymers based on a two-temperature continuum theory
  2765. … ‐activated receptor γ coactivator 1α regulates mitochondrial calcium homeostasis, sarcoplasmic reticulum stress, and cell death to mitigate skeletal muscle aging
  2766. Application of Oxidative stress to a Tissue-Engineered Vascular aging Model Induces Endothelial Cell Senescence and Activation
  2767. … stress disorder and neuroprogression in women following sexual assault: protocol for a randomized clinical trial evaluating allostatic load and aging process …
  2768. … metabolite urolithin B attenuates intestinal immunity function in vivo in aging mice and in vitro in HT29 cells by regulating oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling
  2769. Effect of stress on the work ability of aging American workers: mediating effects of health
  2770. aging is associated with increased TRB3, ER stress, and hepatic glucose production in the liver of rats
  2771. Astroglial biotin deprivation under endoplasmic reticulum stress uncouples BCAA‐mTORC1 role in lipid synthesis to prolong autophagy inhibition in the aging brain
  2772. … targets of zinc oxide nanoparticles during the aging process: role of cross-talk between mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress in the genotoxic …
  2773. Effects of postovulatory oviduct changes and female restraint stress on aging of mouse oocytes
  2774. … stress and thioretinaco ozonide: Effects of glyphosate, fluoride and electromagnetic fields on mitochondrial dysfunction in carcinogenesis, atherogenesis and aging
  2775. Selective Autophagy Receptor p62/SQSTM1, a Pivotal Player in stress and aging
  2776. … mimetic, provides neuroprotection against normal and d-galactose-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis through activation of autophagy in male rats during aging
  2777. Effect of oxidative stress on AIF‐mediated apoptosis and bovine muscle tenderness during postmortem aging
  2778. PTENα is responsible for protection of brain against oxidative stress during aging
  2779. Reaction to endoplasmic reticulum stress via ATF6 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis deteriorates with aging
  2780. A study on performance characterization considering six-degree-of-freedom vibration stress and aging stress for electric vehicle battery under driving conditions
  2781. … of selenium-enriched peptides from Cardamine violifolia on D-galactose-induced brain aging by alleviating oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neuron …
  2782. Accelerated aging tests and characterizations of solar mirrors: Comparison of combinations of stress factors on degradation
  2783. Effect of stress relaxation on accelerated physical aging of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber using time-temperature-strain superposition principle
  2784. Compressive stress-hydrothermal aging behavior and constitutive model of shield tunnel EPDM rubber material
  2785. In situ study of the stress relaxation during aging of nickel-base superalloy forgings
  2786. Mahanimbine Improved aging-Related Memory Deficits in Mice through Enhanced Cholinergic Transmission and Suppressed Oxidative stress, Amyloid Levels, and …
  2787. Resveratrol as an adjunctive therapy for excessive oxidative stress in aging covid-19 patients
  2788. Anomalous aging and stress relaxation in macromolecular physical gels: The case of strontium alginate
  2789. Impact of chronic stress exposure on cognitive performance incorporating the active and healthy aging (AHA) concept within the cross-sectional Bern Cohort …
  2790. … aging related memory impairment via suppressing brain oxidative stress, neurodegeneration and modulating neurotrophic factors in d-galactose-induced aging …
  2791. Microstructure evolution and stress rupture properties of K4750 alloys with various B contents during long-term aging
  2792. Victimization in early adolescence, stress, and depressive symptoms among aging sexual minority men: Findings from the multicenter AIDS cohort study
  2793. Flow stress characterization of carbon steel S25C in the temperature range of cold forming with an emphasis on dynamic strain aging
  2794. … (PTSD) in mid-age and older adults differs by immigrant status and ethnicity, nutrition, and other determinants of health in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on aging …
  2795. Changes in Chromatin Organization Eradicate Cellular stress Resilience to UVA/B Light and Induce Premature aging
  2796. stress-state dependence of dynamic strain aging: Thermal hardening and blue brittleness
  2797. Combination of chick embryo and nutrient mixture prevent D-galactose-induced cognitive deficits, immune impairment and oxidative stress in aging rat model
  2798. Influence of aging on chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression-like behavior in male C57BL/6J mice
  2799. stress-induced aberrations in sensory processing predict worse cognitive outcomes in healthy aging adults
  2800. Roles of Progesterone Receptor Membrane Component 1 in Oxidative stress–Induced aging in Chorion Cells
  2801. Development of a cyclophosphamide stress test to predict resilience to aging in mice
  2802. UV-fluorescence imaging of silicon PV modules after outdoor aging and accelerated stress testing
  2803. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D deficiency accelerates male reproductive senescence in aging mice and 1,25(OH)2D3 alleviates oxidative stress via NF-κB/SOD
  2804. DNA damage and aging on hematopoietic stem cells: Impact of oxidative stress in ApoE−/− mice
  2805. Predicting plasticity‐controlled failure of glassy polymers: Influence of stress‐accelerated progressive physical aging
  2806. Positive and Negative aging Perceptions as Predictors of the Longitudinal Trajectory of Perceived stress
  2807. 3.1 An Integrated BAW Oscillator with<±30ppm Frequency Stability Over Temperature, Package stress, and aging Suitable for High-Volume Production
  2808. Moderate aerobic exercise on bone quality changes associated with aging and oxidative stress in balb/c mice
  2809. Does removal of work stress explain improved sleep following retirement? The Finnish Retirement and aging study
  2810. The study on aging behaviors and critical stress of cross-linked high-density polyethylene during stress and photo-oxidative aging
  2811. Chronic treatment with acetaminophen protects against liver aging by targeting inflammation and oxidative stress
  2812. Correlation between telomere length and biomarkers of oxidative stress in human aging
  2813. A stress-induced miR-31–CLOCK–ERK pathway is a key driver and therapeutic target for skin aging
  2814. … precipitation behavior and its influence on the stress relaxation cracking susceptibility of Super304H austenitic stainless steel weld metal during long-term aging
  2815. Zero stress aging in notched multi‐component glass fibers
  2816. Fermented product of rice with Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens induces anti-aging effects and heat stress tolerance in nematodes via DAF-16
  2817. Alleviation effects of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract on inflammation and oxidative stress in ad-galactose-induced aging mouse model by modulating the gut …
  2818. … cells protect thymus structure and function in aged C57 mice by downregulating aging-related genes and upregulating autophagy-and anti-oxidative stress …
  2819. stress evolution in restrained GGBFS concrete due to autogenous deformation: bayesian optimization of aging creep
  2820. Phenylbutyrate ameliorates prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and nucleus accumbens neural atrophy as well as synaptophysin and GFAP stress in aging mice
  2821. Epigenetic aging and perceived psychological stress in old age
  2822. Mechanisms of endothelial stiffening in dyslipidemia and aging: Oxidized lipids and shear stress
  2823. Pre-strain effects on critical stress and hydrogen content for hydrogen-induced quasi-cleavage fracture in a TRIP-aided bainitic ferrite steel: Martensitic transformation …
  2824. Mutational signatures of redox stress in yeast single-strand DNA and of aging in human mitochondrial DNA share a common feature
  2825. Effect of ginkgo biloba extract EGb761 on hippocampal neuronal injury and carbonyl stress of D-Gal-Induced aging rats
  2826. aging-dependent downregulation of SUV39H1 histone methyltransferase increases susceptibility to stress-induced depressive behavior
  2827. When Anger Remains Unspoken: Anger and Accelerated Epigenetic aging Among stress-Exposed Black Americans
  2828. aging-related overactivity of the angiotensin/AT1 axis decreases sirtuin 3 levels in the substantia nigra, which induces vulnerability to oxidative stress and …
  2829. Oxidative stress-Mediated Stem Cell aging
  2830. The effects of agomelatine on endoplasmic reticulum stress related to mitochondrial dysfunction in hippocampus of aging rat model
  2831. Significant improvement of stress and aging biomarkers using a novel stress management program with the cognitive restructuring method” Pythagorean Self …
  2832. Induced Trf2 deletion leads to aging vascular phenotype in mice associated with arterial telomere uncapping, senescence signaling, and oxidative stress
  2833. Role of stress and Hormones of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis in aging
  2834. Pre-breakdown Phenomena and Influence of aging Byproducts in Thermally Aged Low Pour Point Ester Fluids Under AC stress
  2835. “Accelerated aging” of the heart as heart failure with preserved ejection fraction—analysis using leg-positive pressure stress echocardiography
  2836. Prebiotic Agrocybe cylindracea crude polysaccharides combined with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG postpone aging-related oxidative stress in mice
  2837. Djulis supplementation against oxidative stress and ultraviolet radiation‐induced cell damage: The influence of antioxidant status and aging of skin in healthy subjects
  2838. Nitrative stress-related autophagic insufficiency participates in hyperhomocysteinemia-induced renal aging
  2839. A minimally invasive, low-stress method for serial blood collection in aging mice
  2840. High-and Low-frequency Accelerated stress Tests for aging Assessment of MOSFET Parameters
  2841. The effect of stress-induced martensite aging in tension and compression on B2–B19′ martensitic transformation in Ni50. 3Ti32. 2Hf17. 5 high-temperature shape …
  2842. Exercise stress leads to an acute loss of mitochondrial proteins and disruption of redox control in skeletal muscle of older subjects: An underlying decrease in …
  2843. Upregulated IGFBP3 with aging Is Involved in Modulating Apoptosis, Oxidative stress, and Fibrosis: A Target of Age-Related Erectile Dysfunction
  2844. Linear stress relaxation and probe reorientation: comparison of the segmental dynamics of two glassy polymers during physical aging
  2845. aging as a risk factor for cardiac surgery: Blunted ischemic‐reperfusion stress response?
  2846. Precipitate behavior, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy during non-isothermal creep aging with axial tension stress
  2847. stress-induced pathology and accelerated aging
  2848. Alterations in organismal physiology, impaired stress resistance, and accelerated aging in drosophila flies adapted to multigenerational proteome instability
  2849. H2S protects from oxidative stress-driven ACE2 expression and cardiac aging
  2850. Effect of grain boundary precipitates on the stress rupture properties of K4750 alloy after long-term aging at 750° C for 8000 h
  2851. aging and oxidative stress alter DNA repair mechanisms in male germ cells of superoxide dismutase-1 null mice
  2852. NXP032 Ameliorates aging-Induced Oxidative stress and Cognitive Impairment in Mice through Activation of Nrf2 Signaling
  2853. Micro-RNA335-5p targeted inhibition of sKlotho and promoted oxidative stress–mediated aging of endothelial cells
  2854. Cacao powder supplementation attenuates oxidative stress, cholinergic impairment, and apoptosis in d-galactose-induced aging rat brain
  2855. Taxifolin retards the d-galactose-induced aging process through inhibiting Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress and regulating the gut microbiota in mice
  2856. Prenatal hyperhomocysteinemia induces oxidative stress and accelerates ‘aging‘of mammalian neuromuscular synapses
  2857. Protective skin aging effects of cherry blossom extract (Prunus Yedoensis) on oxidative stress and apoptosis in UVB-irradiated HaCaT cells
  2858. Metformin Protects Against Inflammation, Oxidative stress to Delay Poly I: C-Induced aging-Like Phenomena in the Gut of an Annual Fish
  2859. Micromechanics of stress-softening and hysteresis of filler reinforced elastomers with applications to thermo-oxidative aging
  2860. Interface of aging and Acute Peripheral Neuropathy Induced by Oxaliplatin in Mice: Target-Directed Approaches for Na+, K+—ATPase, Oxidative stress, and 7-Chloro …
  2861. Social support, neurocognition, and posttraumatic stress disorder: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on aging
  2862. Peroxisomal stress Response and Inter-Organelle Communication in Cellular Homeostasis and aging
  2863. aging response on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of wrought precipitation-hardened magnesium alloy
  2864. Albicanol Alleviates D-Galactose-Induced aging and Improves Behavioral Ability Via by Alleviating Oxidative stress-Induced Damage
  2865. Identification of the redox-stress signaling threshold (RST): Increased RST helps to delay aging in C. elegans
  2866. Eco-art Activities for Older Adults: Reducing stress and Reframing aging
  2867. Autonomic stress Response and Perceived Effort Jointly Inform on Dual Tasking in aging
  2868. The Impact of Psychosocial stress from Life Trauma and Racial Discrimination on Epigenetic aging—A Systematic Review
  2869. Syringaresinol derived from Panax ginseng berry attenuates oxidative stress-induced skin aging via autophagy
  2870. Potential effects of mung bean protein and a mung bean protein–polyphenol complex on oxidative stress levels and intestinal microflora in aging mice
  2871. A novel composited process of solution treatment-hot gas forming and stress relaxation aging for titanium alloys
  2872. Naringin prevents follicular atresia by inhibiting oxidative stress in the aging chicken
  2873. D-Galactose-Induced Accelerated aging Model on Auditory Cortical Neurons by Regulating Oxidative stress and Apoptosis in Vitro
  2874. stress relaxation aging behavior and constitutive modelling of AA7150-T7751 under different temperatures, initial stress levels and pre-strains
  2875. aging and trauma: post traumatic stress disorder among Korean war veterans
  2876. Characteristics and Kinetics of Cellulose Degradation in Oil-Impregnated Pressboard under Simultaneous Thermal-Electrical-Mechanical stress Accelerated aging
  2877. … and in vivo evaluation of resveratrol-loaded topical gel containing deformable vesicles for a significant reduction in photo-induced skin aging and oxidative stress
  2878. Dihydromyricetin Improves Cognitive Impairments in d‐Galactose‐Induced aging Mice through Regulating Oxidative stress and Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase
  2879. Effect of stress Relaxation aging on Precipitation Kinetics of Al–Cu–Li Alloy
  2880. PP‐1β and PP‐2Aα modulate cAMP response element‐binding protein (CREB) functions in aging control and stress response through de‐regulation of αB‐crystallin …
  2881. Hexokinase 2 is dispensable for photoreceptor development but is required for survival during aging and outer retinal stress
  2882. Effect of hygrothermal aging on the high-temperature interlaminar mechanical properties of CFRP under a complex stress state
  2883. Protective Effect of Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum) Extract against UV-and AGEs-Induced Skin aging via Alleviating Oxidative stress and Collagen Degradation
  2884. A New Method to Characterize and Model stress-Relaxation aging Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Under Age Forming Conditions
  2885. Novel therapeutic approaches targeting oxidative stress in aging
  2886. Mogroside-rich extract from Siraitia grosvenorii fruits protects against the depletion of ovarian reserves in aging mice by ameliorating inflammatory stress
  2887. Sirtuin 3 therapy attenuates aging expression, oxidative stress parameters, and neointimal hyperplasia formation in vein grafts
  2888. Study of pre-strain before artificial aging on mechanical property and stress corrosion behavior of 2297 Al–Cu–Li alloy
  2889. Resveratrol, SIRT1, oxidative stress, and brain aging
  2890. Interaction of stress relaxation aging behavior and microstructural evolution in Inconel 718 alloy with different initial stress status
  2891. Influence of aging on microstructure, mechanical properties and stress corrosion cracking of 7136 aluminum alloy
  2892. A unified aging compact model for hot carrier degradation under mixed-mode and reverse EB stress in complementary SiGe HBTs
  2893. Oxidative stress and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE): Implications in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of aging-related Diseases
  2894. Manual therapy regulates oxidative stress in aging rat lumbar intervertebral discs through the SIRT1/FOXO1 pathway
  2895. Fermented pomegranate extracts protect against oxidative stress and aging of skin
  2896. aging‐related changes of cognitive performance and stress regulation in high functioning elderly individuals
  2897. Intestinal aging is alleviated by uridine via regulating inflammation and oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro
  2898. Lifestyle for stress buffer and reverse cell aging
  2899. Sleep deprivation induces oxidative stress in the liver and pancreas in young and aging rats
  2900. Study on double peaks aging strengthening and stress corrosion cracking behaviour of 7075 aluminium alloy
  2901. Psychosocial stress, Memory, and Successful aging of the Community-Residing Elderly
  2902. Comprehensive improvement of stress corrosion cracking resistance and strength by retrogression and re-aging in Al-8.9 Zn-2.6 Mg-1.7 Cu alloy
  2903. Growth differentiation factor-15, a novel systemic biomarker of oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular aging: Potential role in cardiovascular diseases
  2904. Folic acid prevents habituation memory impairment and oxidative stress in an aging model induced by D-galactose
  2905. Effect of β-D-mannuronic acid (M2000) on oxidative stress enzymes’ gene using healthy donor peripheral blood mononuclear cells for evaluating the anti-aging …
  2906. Barkhausen Noise monitoring of microstructure and surface residual stress in maraging steel manufactured by Powder Bed Fusion and aging
  2907. 2′-Fucosyllactose Ameliorates Oxidative stress Damage in d-Galactose-Induced aging Mice by Regulating Gut Microbiota and AMPK/SIRT1/FOXO1 Pathway
  2908. The Effect of Subsequent stress-Induced Martensite aging on the Viscoelastic Properties of Aged NiTiHf Polycrystals
  2909. aging-induced impaired endothelial wall shear stress mechanosensing causes arterial remodeling via JAM-A/F11R shedding by ADAM17
  2910. Saponins of panax japonicus confer neuroprotection against brain aging through mitochondrial related oxidative stress and autophagy in rats
  2911. Impaired proteostasis in senescent vascular endothelial cells: a perspective on estrogen and oxidative stress in the aging vasculature
  2912. Free radicals in oxidative stress, aging, and neurodegenerative disorders
  2913. … an edible green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens prevent aging-induced spatial memory impairment by suppressing GSK-3β-mediated ER stress in dorsal hippocampus
  2914. Mitochondria: Master Regulator of Metabolism, Homeostasis, stress, aging and Epigenetics
  2915. Nutraceuticals Role in stress, aging, and Neurodegenerative Disorders
  2916. Influence of External Interface Normal stress on the Growth of Cu–Sn IMC During aging
  2917. Partially saturated canthaxanthin alleviates aging-associated oxidative stress in d-galactose administered male wistar rats
  2918. The (minority) stress of hiding: the effects of LGBT identities and social support on aging adults’ concern about housing
  2919. SEMO‐1, a novel methanethiol oxidase in Caenorhabditis elegans, is a pro‐aging factor conferring selective stress resistance
  2920. Effect of adjacent hydrophilic polymer thin films on physical aging and residual stress in thin films of poly(butylnorbornene‐ran‐hydroxyhexafluoroisopropyl …
  2921. Ganoderma lucidum Rhodiola compound preparation prevent d-galactose-induced immune impairment and oxidative stress in aging rat model
  2922. Gemfibrozil, a lipid‐lowering drug, reduces anxiety, enhances memory and improves brain oxidative stress in D‐galactose induced‐aging mice
  2923. Mini-review on lipofuscin and aging: focusing on the molecular interface, the biological recycling mechanism, oxidative stress, and the gut-brain axis functionality
  2924. A Mini Review of Astaxhantin and Oxidative stress in aging
  2925. … of Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic Flowers Exerts Inhibitory Effects Against Oxidative stress in H2O2-Induced HepG2 Cells and D-Galactose-Induced aging Mice
  2926. Theoretical Study for Dynamic Strain aging in Niobium: Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Flow stress
  2927. Statins Mitigate stress-Related Vascular aging and Atherosclerosis in apoE-Deficient Mice Fed High Fat-Diet: The Role of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 …
  2928. Flow stress of 2024 aluminum alloy during multi-directional forging process and natural aging after plastic deformation
  2929. The Effect of aging Conditions on the stress Relaxation Behavior of 17-7PH Stainless Steel
  2930. Multi-stress aging Studies on Polymeric Surge Arresters for HVDC Transmission
  2931. Environmental Impact and aging Properties of Natural and Synthetic Transformer Oils under Electrical stress Conditions
  2932. Cellular stress in aging and Cancer
  2933. Corn Embryo Ameliorates Cognitive Dysfunction and Anxiety-like Behaviors in D-galactose-induced aging Rats via Attenuating Oxidative stress, Apoptosis and Up …
  2934. Effects of aging on proteasomal-ubiquitin system, oxidative stress balance and calcium homeostasis in middle-aged female rat colon
  2935. Influence of stress and depression on the immune system in patients evaluated in an anti-aging unit
  2936. Autophagy in aging and Oxidative stress
  2937. Accelerated Biologic aging, Chronic stress, and Risk for Sepsis and Organ Failure Following Trauma
  2938. … to Prevent the Photo‐aging of the Skin in a Reactive Oxygen Species Depletion‐independent Manner: The Key Role of Mitogen and stress‐activated Protein Kinase …
  2939. Effect of Cold Pressing and aging on Reduction and Evolution of Quenched Residual stress for Al-Zn-Mg-Cu T-Type Rib
  2940. Glutathione deficiency and oxidative stress in aging: metabolic mechanism and targeted intervention
  2941. Brain regions activation during stress and accelerated biological aging
  2942. The role of chemokine (cc motif) ligand 2 in inflammation, oxidative stress, aging and metabolism
  2943. Maternal stress programs accelerated aging of the basal ganglia motor system in offspring
  2944. Daily Perceptions of aging and Implications for stress Reactivity
  2945. … voltage response measurements for low-voltage power cables used in nuclear power plant: potential methods for aging detection due to thermal stress
  2946. Space charge accumulation mechanism near the stress cone of cable accessories under electrical-thermal aging
  2947. Numerical simulation of stress evolutions in 2A14 aluminum alloy components during solution and aging process
  2948. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 12. Glycative stress and dementia
  2949. Impact of family function on the relationship between self-perception of aging and stress in midlife
  2950. Olive oil reduces chronic psychological stress-induced skin aging in mice through the NF-κB and NRF2 pathways
  2951. Development of probabilistic primary water stress corrosion cracking initiation model for alloy 182 welds considering thermal aging and cold work effects
  2952. Correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder among Veterans in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on aging
  2953. Red blood cell aging as a homeostatic response to exercise-induced stress
  2954. The Prospects for Immunorestoration in the Treatment of Immuno-Deficiency Arising from aging or stress
  2955. Childhood stress and Psychopathology: It’s Not Too Early to Look at Biological aging.
  2956. Longitudinal association of carotid endothelial shear stress with renal function decline in aging adults with normal renal function: A population-based cohort …
  2957. aging adults needing care: Interventions to respond to family needs and stress
  2958. Perennials have evolved a greater resistance to exogenous H2O2 than annuals, consistent with the oxidative stress theory of aging
  2959. Ramberg–Osgood stress–Strain Analysis of the Effects of aging Treatment and Welding on IN600 with a Three-Stage Strain Hardening Behavior
  2960. The Role of Nrf2 in D-Galactose-Induced Cardiac aging in Mice: Involvement of Oxidative stress
  2961. Effect of Methionine Restriction on aging: Its Relationship to Oxidative stress. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 130
  2962. Involvement of Ghrelin Dynamics in stress-Induced Eating Disorder: Effects of Sex and aging
  2963. Longitudinal evaluation of perceived stress and memory complaints in the Einstein aging Study
  2964. Hormonal priming to overcome drought stress and aging damage in groundnut seed (Arachis hypogaea L.)
  2965. … ‐induced aging mice: Histomorphometric, immunohistochemical localization (B‐cell lymphoma 2, Bcl2‐associated X protein, and active capase3), and oxidative stress …
  2966. Effects of Yoga on Oxidative stress During aging
  2967. Effects of coffee intake on oxidative stress during aging-related alterations in periodontal tissue
  2968. Job demands and work stress in relation to aging
  2969. An immune stress test for resilience to aging: Pneumococcal vaccine response
  2970. The interaction of aging and oxidative stress contributes to pathogenesis in mouse and human Huntington disease neurons
  2971. Effect of natural aging on the stress corrosion cracking behavior of A201-T7 aluminum alloy
  2972. Neuroprotective efficacy of withaferin a on aging mediated oxidative stress in striatum and Substantia nigra of wistar albino rat.
  2973. Investigation of Quality of Life, Harmony, Healthy Behaviors for aging, Perceived stress, Disparities in Healthcare, Microaggressions, and Discrimination as …
  2974. Investigation of aging processes of insulating materials in multi-stress environment: investigation of novel electrical aging quantities: a case of low voltage …
  2975. … effect of Codonopsis pilosula oligosaccharides against d-galactose-induced aging in SD rats via suppression of oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis
  2976. Nutrient sensing, the oxidative stress response, and stem cell aging
  2977. The Complex Relationship Between Early-Life stress and Cellular aging
  2978. Influence of aging on mechanical properties, wear and residual stress of a Heusler Al-Cu-Fe alloy
  2979. A case of subjective cognitive complaints in older adults: anxiety, stress, and aging in an elderly client
  2980. Effects of resveratrol combined with soy isoflavones on apoptosis induced by oxidative stress in hippocampus of aging model rats
  2981. Stereological study and analysis of oxidative stress during renal aging in rats1
  2982. Resveratrol Hinders Postovulatory aging by Modulating Oxidative stress in Porcine Oocytes
  2983. Chronic Glucocorticoid stress Reveals Increased Energy Expenditure and Accelerated aging as Cellular Features of Allostatic Load
  2984. Does HbA1c Influence the Relationship between stress and Cognition? Findings from the VA Normative aging Study
  2985. Nuclear Organization in stress and aging
  2986. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 15. Regulation of Glycative stress. 3. Reduction of AGEs intake from food.
  2987. … Rg1 protects against aging-induced renal interstitial fibrosis due to inhibition of tubular epithelial cells endoplasmic reticulum stress in SAMP8 mice
  2988. Mitochondrial oxidative stress and energy metabolism: Impact on aging and longevity
  2989. stress, well-being and aging in the Italian banking sector: evidence and future perspectives
  2990. Neurodegeneration During aging: The Role of Oxidative stress Through Epigenetic Modifications
  2991. Oxidative stress and aging and Medicinal Plants as Antiaging Agents
  2992. In-vitro antioxidant and in-vivo anti-aging with stress resistance on Caenorhabditis elegans of herbaceous peony stamen tea
  2993. stress-induced pathology and accelerated aging.
  2994. Structural, nonlinear electrical characteristics, and stability against DC‐accelerated aging stress behavior of Er‐doped 20 nm ZnO–Bi2O3–Mn2O3‐based varistors
  2995. Personality Pathology and Cognitive aging: The Role of Interpersonal stress
  2996. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate as a Biomarker for stress and aging Research
  2997. Commentary: the effects of inflammation, aging, and oxidative stress on the pathogenesis of Type II Diabetes
  2998. Targeting kynurenine metabolism to reduce inflammation and enhance stress response during aging
  2999. A framework for TSV based 3D-IC to analyze aging and TSV thermo-mechanical stress on soft errors
  3000. The Influence of Compressive-stress-Induced Martensite aging on the Two-Way Shape Memory Effect in Single Crystals of Ni49Fe18Ga27Co6 Ferromagnetic Alloy
  3001. stress & ACCELERATED aging
  3002. Special issue on” Cell stress in development, aging and disease”
  3003. The Interaction of aging and Cellular stress Contributes to Pathogenesis in Mouse and Human Huntington Disease Neurons
  3004. Diet and stress Impair Ovarian Function in Mid-life, Increasing Risk of Chronic Diseases of aging in Primates
  3005. Effect of Thermal aging on the stress Corrosion Cracking Sensitivity of Z3CN20. 09M Stainless Steel
  3006. Why Naked Mole-Rats Have High Oxidative Damage but Live a Long Life: A Simple Explanation Based on the Oxidative stress Theory of aging
  3007. Transverse relaxation characteristic and stress relaxation model considering molecular chains of HTPB coating based on pre-strained thermal aging
  3008. Effect of Duplex aging Heat Treatment on the stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V α+ β Titanium Alloy in Methanol
  3009. Investigation of aging processes of insulating materials in multi-stress environment: the role of thermo-mechanical and radio-mechanical stresses on low …
  3010. Daily Perceived stress and Physical Health Symptoms: Moderation by Self-Perceptions of aging
  3011. Mitochondrial Oxidative stress and Energy Metabolism: Impact on aging and Longevity
  3012. Oxidative stress and aging: changes in important cell signaling pathways
  3013. Numerical Modelling of Compression stress Relaxation and Compression Set of Elastomer O-Ring During aging
  3014. Effect of aging on the availability of amino acids from an immune-enhancing diet (IED) after a surgical stress in rats
  3015. Rest-phase hypothermia reveals a link between aging and oxidative stress: a novel hypothesis
  3016. The role of light desynchronosis in the development of stress-induced aging
  3017. Dietary Intake as a stress Mediator of Accelerated aging and Mortality
  3018. Improvement of oxidative stress in older women is dependent on resistance training volume: Active aging Longitudinal Study
  3019. Vitagenic Effect of Specific Bioactive Fractions of Rhodiola with Trachurus sp. Extract Against Oxidative stress-Induced aging in Human Amnion Derived Epithelial …
  3020. The Influence of Care stress for Older Patients, Self-perceptions of aging, aging Anxiety on Retirement Preparation in Nurses
  3021. aging and gender-related effects of tauroursodeoxycholic acid treatment on liver functions, plasma lipid profile, and oxidative stress
  3022. Genetic analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans pry-1/Axin suppressors identifies genes involved in reproductive structure development, stress responses, and aging
  3023. Effect of external stress on the post-aging mechanical properties of rolled magnesium alloys
  3024. Effect of polyphenol secondary metabolites on oxidative stress and inflammatory responses associated with aging diseases
  3025. Protective Effects of Sal B on Oxidative stress-Induced aging by Regulating the Keap1/Nrf2 Signaling Pathway in Zebrafish
  3026. The Effect of Lifetime stress on Accelerated Epigenetic aging
  3027. Analysis of transcription factor FOXO in the regulation of stress, aging, and neuromuscular tissue homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster
  3028. Correlation Between Photosensitizer-Mediated Oxidative stress and aging stress for Red Blood Cell Membrane Mechanical Property
  3029. Almond Skin Extracts and Chlorogenic Acid Delay Replicative aging by Enhanced Oxidative stress Response Involving SIR2 and SOD2 in Yeast
  3030. Oxidative stress impairs the Nur77-SIRT1 axis resulting in a decline in organism homeostasis during aging
  3031. Liquid droplet aging and fibril formation of the stress granule protein TIA1 low complexity domain
  3032. Oxidative stress and aging/Oksidatif Stres ve Yaslanma.
  3033. … of saponins from Panax japonicus on neurons of the colon myenteric plexus in aging rats through reduction of α‐synuclein through endoplasmic reticulum stress
  3034. Progerin triggers a phenotypic switch in vascular smooth muscle cells that causes replication stress and an aging-associated secretory signature
  3035. Cardiovascular disease in aging and the role of oxidative stress
  3036. Antioxidant and Anti-aging Effects of Extracts from Leaves of Chamaecrista nomame (Siebold) H. Ohashi on Oxidative stress-Induced Human Dermal Fibroblasts
  3037. National Poll on Healthy aging: Joy and stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  3038. Glycative stress and anti-aging: 11. Glycative stress and infertility.
  3039. Recommended resources on aging: Oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants
  3040. The effects of aging and oxidative stress on the integrity of DNA in male germ cells
  3041. Effect of different doses of curcumin on sperm parameters and oxidative stress in testis of d-galactose induced aging mice model
  3042. aging of the Molding Compound Identification using Piezoresistive Silicon Based stress Sensor
  3043. Bayesian analysis of a constant-stress accelerated life testing with thermal aging life model under general progressive type-II censored data
  3044. … sensitivity in skeletal muscle mitochondria increases reactive oxygen species production in mouse models of aging and oxidative stress but not denervation
  3045. … of alpha-tocopherol and cycloferon in the regulation of apoptosis in neurons of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus and pinealocytes during stress and aging
  3046. Anti-aging Effects of Black Ginseng Extract via H2O2-Induced Oxidative stress Regulation in Human Keratinocytes
  3047. Geraniol Attenuates Oxidative stress and Neuro-inflammation Mediated Cognitive Impairment in D‑galactose‑induced Mouse aging Model
  3048. stress Mediating Genes in aging, Health, and Longevity Traits: Effects of Multiple Interactions
  3049. Specific telomere protection ensured by FOXO3a upon genotoxic stress and during aging
  3050. … consequences of childhood maltreatment on genes associated with stress response, oxytocinergic system, and biological aging: an intergenerational approach
  3051. Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Vascular aging And Atherosclerotic Ischemic Stroke.
  3052. Behavioral and Biological Resilience Modulates stress Effects on Epigenetic aging
  3053. Oxidative stress: Implications in Chronic Inflammation-Cancer and aging
  3054. Investigation on the stress Relaxation aging Behavior of 2195 Al-Li Alloy
  3055. The Attenuating Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplementation on aging-Related Oxidative stress in Rat’s Heart Tissue
  3056. Metabolic Flux Signature Perturbations: Endoplasmic Reticulum stress, Diet, and aging
  3057. A molecular switch for Cdc48 activity and localization during oxidative stress and aging
  3058. Pharmacological correction of alterations of apoptosis of the neurons of the hypothalamus suprachiasmatic nucleus and pinealocytes during aging and stress.
  3059. … restores endothelial function by ameliorating oxidative stress, prevents foam cell formation, reverses aortic stiffening, and mitigates vascular inflammation with aging
  3060. Longitudinal Relations Between Views on aging and Perceived stress: Evidence for Mutual Associations
  3061. New Insights Into Thymic Functions During stress, aging, and in Disease Settings
  3062. … et Rhizoma, Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma, and Chuanxiong Rhizoma extract on mitochondrial oxidative stress in hydrogen peroxide-induced endothelial cell aging
  3063. aging, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and the liver
  3064. Maternal Prenatal Depression and Decelerated Epigenetic Gestational aging: Competing Roles of SSRIs and Prenatal stress
  3065. Effect of High Temperature and High stress-Assisted Austenite aging on Martensitic Transformations in High-Strength Ti–51.8 ат.% Ni Single Crystals
  3066. Effects of polyphenols in aging and neurodegeneration associated with oxidative stress.
  3068. The role of chemokine (cc motif) ligand 2 in inflammation, oxidative stress, aging and metabolism
  3069. Free Radicals and Oxidative stress: The Role of Mitochondria in aging and Mortality
  3070. Effects of Mitochondrial UPR-Mediated Oxidative stress Regulation and aging on Breast Cancer
  3071. Understanding the Effects of Occupational stress and Familial stress on Diabetes Management Among aging Working Latinas with T2DM
  3072. DPP-4/GLP-1 axis as a potential therapeutic target in chronic stress-related vascular aging and atherosclerosis
  3073. Nucleolar stress as an aging hallmark: the role of NOL12 and FoxM1
  3075. Red Blood Cell Membrane Oxidation/aging Toward Cell Death: Photosensitizer stress of Cis-Porphyrin
  3076. Navigating Black aging: The Impact of stress and the Power of Resilience in Promoting Health
  3077. The aging Lymphocyte, stress, and Immunity
  3078. Vitamin D, Oxidative stress, and aging
  3079. Effects of Resveratrol on Platelet Oxidative stress and aging Index and Storage Time
  3080. Imperatorin Ameliorates the aging-Associated Porcine Oocyte Meiotic Spindle Defects by Reducing Oxidative stress and Protecting Mitochondrial Function
  3081. Cellular aging: A Mitochondrial Approach to Oxidative and Glucocorticoid stress.
  3082. Model framework for the simulation of microstructure and yield stress during aging of industrial Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloys
  3083. Effects of Three-Step aging on Microstructure and stress Corrosion Cracking of 7N01 Aluminum Alloys
  3084. … mitochondrial ATP production, reduced mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity, and increased oxidative stress in PBMCs are associated with aging in adult EGAT …
  3085. stress and worry during cognitive aging: behavioral and neural correlates
  3086. Quantification of seed aging on seed germination properties of Wild mustard under Salinity stress
  3087. Impaired UPRER is associated with Chronic Endoplasmic Reticulum stress in aging Endothelial Cells
  3088. Oviductus Ranae Improves Cognitive Disorder and Suppresses Oxidative stress in aging Mice by Activating Nrf2 Pathway
  3089. … Correction of Alterations in Apoptosis of Neurons of the Hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and Pinealocytes in Rats during aging and under stress
  3090. Energetic stress and Proteodynamics in aging and Longevity
  3091. Ethanolic Media Effect on the Susceptibility to stress Corrosion Cracking in an X-70 Microalloyed Steel with Different aging Treatments
  3092. Relieving Cellular Energy stress in aging, Neurodegenerative, and Metabolic Diseases, SIRT1 as a Therapeutic and Promising Node
  3093. Microscopic analysis of polyimide nanocomposites aging mechanism exposed to partial discharges under high frequency voltage stress
  3094. Strain aging and stress Relief Cracking Susceptibility of Precipitate Strengthened Alloys INCONEL 740H and 347H
  3095. The effect of high-temperature and high-stress martensite aging on martensitic transformation and microstructure of Ti–51.5 at% Ni single crystals
  3096. Buffalo Milk Can Rescue Fatigue in Young Mice, Alleviate Oxidative stress and Boost Learning and Memory in aging Mice
  3098. How does Techno-stress Influence the Adaptation Behaviours of the aging Workforce during an IT-Implementation?
  3099. The role of light desynchronosis in the development of stress-induced aging
  3100. stress State of Unbounded Space Near a Cylindrical Cavity with a Non-Circular Cross-Section for aging Elastic-Viscoplastic Materials
  3101. Posttraumatic stress Disorder and Advanced aging.
  3102. Impact analysis of stress factors on the aging trajectory of Li-ion battery
  3103. … metabolite urolithin B attenuates intestinal immunity function in vivo in aging mice and in vitro in HT29 cells by regulating oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling
  3104. Psychological stress as a Risk Factor for Accelerated Cellular aging and Cognitive Decline: The Involvement of Microglia-Neuron Crosstalk
  3105. The HPA stress axis shapes aging rates in long-lived, social mole-rats
  3106. Welding residual stress reduction assessment in steel rings via the spectral harmonic vibration aging test
  3107. Effect of aging on the microstructure and stress corrosion resistance of Al–Zn‒Mg alloy
  3108. The effects of plant hormones on improvement of natural and artificial aging wheat seed under salt stress
  3109. The effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on biological markers of stress, immune function and cellular aging among breast cancer survivors with chronic …
  3110. aging Model and Parameter Determination for High Pressure Gas Cables at Elevated Electro-Thermal stress
  3111. An activation energy-based method for assessing the aging state of cellulose insulating paper under the synergistic effect of mechanical stress and heat
  3112. Role of hydrophilic support on the physical aging and stress development in thin polynorbornene films
  3113. Targeting Oxidative stress in Brain aging. Effects of Increasing DHA Intake
  3114. The stress of Lung aging: Endoplasmic Reticulum and Senescence Tête-à-Tête
  3115. The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis under stress and aging: Individual Vulnerability is Associated with Behavioral Features and Exposure Time
  3116. Effect of retrogression re‐aging treatment on the stress corrosion behavior of the 7075 Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy
  3117. A Novel Lithium Ion Capacitor Safety Evaluation and Multi-Functional Variable stress Performance Degradation Under Accelerated aging Test
  3119. The Cellular Sequelae of Early stress: Focus on aging and Mitochondria
  3120. Impaired Autophagic Off-rate is Responsible for Cardiac aging via Oxidative stress
  3122. Glutaredoxin1 Preserves Endoplasmic Reticulum stress Response in Aortic Endothelium in aging
  3123. Effect of Physical and Chemical aging on the Yield stress of the filled Epoxy System 828DEAGMB.
  3124. Alcohol and the aging brain: increased alcohol sensitivity potentially magnifying oxidative stress
  3125. Mothers’ stress may lead to preterm births, faster aging in children
  3127. Study on the microstructure of 2124 aluminum alloy subjected to stress assisted aging
  3128. An Integrated View of Cognition, Oxidative stress, Brain Functions, and Nutritional Interventions in aging
  3129. Immunometabolic stress and Ketone Bodies in Disorders of the aging Brain
  3130. Erratum: Do depressive symptoms shape blacks’ perceptions of stress over time?(Innovation in aging
  3131. aging‐induced Mitochondrial Damage: The Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum stress
  3132. Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the aging brain: Linking in metabolism, stem cells, proteostasis, and stress adaptation
  3133. Purpose in Life, stress Reactivity, and Cognitive aging: A Longitudinal Investigation
  3134. Electro-Acupuncture ameliorates memory and learning in induced brain aging via antioxidant, anti-apoptotic and anti-stress properties.
  3135. Long-lasting stress, burnout syndrome, aging, and risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
  3136. aging and Early Life stress: Telomerase Dynamics and the Consequences for Telomeres in a Wild Bird
  3137. Effects of Heat Treatment on Exfoliation Corrosion, Intergranular Corrosion, stress Corrosion Cracking, and Joining Corrosion of AA7075 with Advanced aging and T6
  3138. aging Influence Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative stress through Check Some Proinflammatory Cytokines Levels and Oxidant Status in Older Adults: an …
  3140. DHEAS/cortisol index as a marker of stress-induced premature aging.
  3142. Sex-dependent hepatomegaly, and increased hepatic oxidative stress in old male and female 3xTg-AD mice as compared to mice with physiological aging.
  3143. Silicon Human: oxidative stress model for aging, Parkinson’s disease and precision therapies
  3144. Protective mechanism of hydrogen on oxidative stress-induced retinal aging
  3145. An Interplay between Inflammation, Oxidative stress and Cellular aging in a Controlled Human Malaria Challenge Study
  3146. Physiological sway of aging on oxidative stress and levels of some minerals in diabetes type II of both female and male in Sulaimaniyah city
  3147. The PP2A/4/6 subfamily of phosphoprotein phosphatases regulates DAF-16 during aging and confers resistance to environmental stress in postreproductive adult C …
  3148. aging Comparison of the RTV and nano RTV insulator coatings due to thermal and electrical stress
  3149. Development of the Yield stress due to aging: Verification of the abc-model based on K0-CRS tests
  3150. Author Correction: Combination of chick embryo and nutrient mixture prevent D-galactose-induced cognitive deficits, immune impairment and oxidative stress in aging …
  3151. … Factors Are Associated with Post-Traumatic stress Disorder in Immigrant and Canadian-Born Adults: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on aging
  3152. Selenomethionine attenuates D-galactose-induced cognitive deficits by suppressing oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in aging mouse model
  3153. Shear stress and cerebrovascular function during acute isometric exercise: the role of exercise intensity and aging
  3154. mTORC1 Crosstalk With stress Granules in aging and Age-Related Diseases
  3155. aging and Metabolic stress Are Associated With Disrupted White Matter Integrity in Children and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease
  3158. The ApoB100, LDLR-/-mouse model as an experimental model to study aging of the retina: focus on autophagy, inflammation and oxidative stress.
  3159. Comparing Linear stress Relaxation and Fluorescence Recovery: Measuring Segmental Dynamics during the aging of Polymer Glasses
  3160. PWSCC initiation of alloy 600: Effect of long-term thermal aging and triaxial stress
  3161. The telomerase plays a pivotal role in collateral development under ischemia by suppressing aging-induced production of oxidative stress, expression of p53 …
  3163. Dynamic Changes in Lung Microbiota of Broilers in Response to aging and Ammonia stress
  3164. Statins Ameliorates Chronic stress-Related Vascular aging and Atherosclerotic Plaque Growth in ApoE-Deficient Mice Fed High Fat-Diet
  3165. Public Database-Driven Insights Into aging stress-Associated Defective Gut Barrier With Low SARS-CoV-2 Receptors
  3166. … of Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic Flowers Exerts Inhibitory Effects Against Oxidative stress in H₂O₂-Induced HepG2 Cells and D-Galactose-Induced aging Mice
  3167. The Goddess Who Spins the Thread of Life: Klotho, Psychiatric stress, and Accelerated aging
  3168. … Factors Are Associated with Post-Traumatic stress Disorder in Immigrant and Canadian-Born Adults: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on aging
  3169. Ethanolic Media Effect on the Susceptibility to stress Corrosion Cracking in an X-70 Microalloyed Steel with Different aging Treatments
  3170. Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside Improves Ovarian Reserve in aging Mouse by Inhibiting Oxidative stress
  3171. Endoplasmic reticulum stress induced proliferation remains intact in aging mouse β-cells
  3172. PGC-1α regulates mitochondrial-sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-mediated calcium exchange, SR stress and cell death to mitigate skeletal muscle aging
  3173. ADAM17 impairs F11R/JAM‐A‐mediated wall shear stress mechanosensing and induces aging‐related inward artery remodeling
  3174. aging Accelerates Pulmonary Fibrosis Via the Activation of Integrated stress Response and Recruitment of Monocyte-Derived Alveolar Macrophages
  3175. Hexokinase 2 is dispensable for photoreceptor development but is required for survival 1 during aging and outer retinal stress 2
  3176. Green tea polyphenols upregulate the Nrf2 signaling pathway and suppress oxidative stress and inflammation markers in D-galactose-induced liver aging in …
  3177. The associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels with genetic, epigenetic and oxidative stress-based aging markers and a combined prediction of all-cause mortality
  3178. P18 Vascular aging Index of the Finger Photoplethysmogram: A Validation Study with Vascular Stiffness, Mental stress, and Day-to-Day Variability
  3179. Many causes of delirium have been proposed, including neuroinflammation, neuronal aging, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter deficiency, neuroendocrinopathy …
  3180. Erratum to: Markers of Hypoxia and Oxidative stress in aging Volunteers Ingesting Lycosomal Formulation of Dark Chocolate Containing Astaxanthin
  3181. Reduction of Kir4. 1 channel activity in an oxidative stress-related aging model
  3182. Functional characterization of Kir2. 1 channel in an oxidative stress-related model of aging neuroglia
  3183. Kir2. 1 channels in an oxidative stress-related model of aging neuroglia
  3184. 104-Glucose-Induced Endothelial Oxidative stress and Accelerated aging are Mediated by Mitochondrial SIRTs
  3186. O-03: Hepatoprotective Effects of 17β Estradiol on Glucose Transporter and Oxidative stress in aging Female Rat Liver
  3187. … and Planning A 29: 1243–55. Baglioni, AJ (1989)’Residential relocation and health of the elderly’, in KS Markides and CL Cooper (eds) aging, stress and Health, New …
  3188. PWSCC Behavior of Alloy 600 under Long-term Thermal aging and Triaxial stress

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