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Studies on smallpox and complications of smallpox vaccination: E. Mead Johnson Award address
The development of a stable smallpox vaccine
smallpox and the Indians in the American colonies
The diagnosis of smallpox
An outbreak of smallpox in New York City
smallpox in Spanish and Mexican California 1770-1845
Remarks upon the introduction of inoculation for smallpox in England
Viraemia in smallpox.
Complications of vaccination against smallpox
smallpox diagnosis with special reference to electron microscopy
smallpox in the American war of independence
Questions and answers on smallpox and vaccination
smallpox in Tripolitania, 1946: an epidemiological and clinical study of 500 cases, including trials of penicillin treatment
Inherited smallpox
smallpox in the Industrial Pennines, 1953.
Outbreak of smallpox in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas in 1949
The antibody response in man following infection with viruses of the pox group III. Antibody response in smallpox
smallpox inoculation in colonial Boston
The smallpox epidemic of 1797 in Mexico
Acute Perivaseular Myelinoelasis (” Acute Desseminated Encephalomyelitis”) in smallpox.
Permanency of the mild type of smallpox.
Effect of smallpox vaccination on the outcome of pregnancy
The antibody response to smallpox vaccination as measured by a tissue culture plaque method
Variation in type of infectious disease as shown by the history of smallpox in the United States 1895-1912
smallpox and related virus infections in man
smallpox inoculation in England and America: A reappraisal
Infection and immunity in smallpox.
The effect of smallpox vaccination during pregnancy on the incidence of congenital malformations
smallpox outbreak in Brighton, 1950-51.
Virus and Virus Antigen in the Blood of smallpox Patients. Their Significance in Early Diagnosis and Prognosis.
Myth of the Origin of smallpox
Problems in maintaining immunity to smallpox
Survival of variola virus in dried exudate and crusts from smallpox patients.
A laboratory test for diagnosis of smallpox
The smallpox pandemic of 1870-1874:(Section of Epidemiology and State Medicine)
New Antiviral Chemo-therapeutic Agent active against smallpox Infection.
Studies on theSerological Diagnosis of smallpox.
Laboratory and vaccination studies with dried smallpox vaccines
On the influence of previous vaccination in cases of smallpox
smallpox in Tottenham-1957.
Acute pericarditis after smallpox vaccination
An Agar-Ge Precipitation Test for the Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox.
Immediate (so-called immune) reaction to smallpox vaccination
smallpox in a General Hospital, 1953. A Review of Administrative and Clinical Problems.
The Diagnosis of smallpox by the Paul Method.
The Preparation of Anti-smallpox Vaccine by Culture of the Virus in the Chorio-Allantoie Membrane of Chick Embryos, and its Use in Human Immunization.
Principal provisions of smallpox vaccination laws and regulations in the United States
smallpox Vaccination: Multiple-pressure Method
Observations on the formation of smallpox scars.
Incidence of arthritis in smallpox
Encephalitis following smallpox vaccination
James Killpatrick and smallpox Inoculations in Charlestown
Sulfanilamide in the Treatment of smallpox
smallpox in Staffordshire, 1947
Peripheral nerve and root disturbances following vaccination against smallpox: Study of five cases, review of the literature and discussion of related entities
The use of smallpox vaccine
smallpox and sulphonamide
The heat resistance of dried smallpox vaccine.
Yellow fever vaccination, simple or associated with vaccination against smallpox, of the populations of French West Africa by the method of the Pasteur Institute …
Intradermal vaccination against smallpox
smallpox in Kenya.
Antivaccinal Gamma-Globulin in smallpox Prophylaxis.
smallpox and Alastrim. Use of the Chick Embryo to distinguish between the Viruses of Variola Major and Variola Minor.
Herpes simplex following artificial fever therapy: smallpox vaccination as a factor in its prevention
smallpox eradication
Climate and disease incidence in India, with special reference to leprosy, phthisis, pneumonia and smallpox
smallpox in the Middle East. Lessons from 100 cases.
Vaccination Against smallpox: II. Jet Injection of Chorio-Allantoic Membrane Vaccine
The Epidemiology of smallpox.
Experimental Serotherapy of, smallpox.
Laboratory investigation of smallpox patients with particular reference to infectivity in the early stages.
Difference in persistence of smallpox and alastrim virus on the chorio-allantois.
Dried smallpox vaccine
The Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox.
Diffuse glomerulonephritis following revaccination for smallpox
smallpox vaccine in the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex
Isolation of smallpox virus from the nasopharynx of patients with variola sine eruptione
smallpox in Twenty States, 1915-1920
A combined yellow fever-smallpox vaccine for cutaneous application.
Changes in the incidence and fatality of smallpox in recent decades
Sydenham’s original treatise on smallpox with a preface, and dedication to the Earl of Shaftesbury, by John Locke
Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following smallpox Vaccination: Report of a Case
smallpox vaccination with prolonged vaccinia
Bilateral optic neuritis following smallpox vaccination and diphtheria-tetanus toxoid
Individual Immunity against smallpox.
False positive serologic reactions for syphilis: due to smallpox vaccinations (vaccinia)
Prognosis of neurologic illness following vaccination against smallpox
Skin cancer in smallpox vaccination scars—a report of five cases
The essentials of smallpox vaccination
A True State of the smallpox in Williamsburg, February 22, 1748
Pityriasis-rosea-like eruption following smallpox vaccination
Further studies on the preparation of smallpox vaccine by the chick-embryo method.
Sulphanilamide in Treatment of smallpox. Review of 103 Cases.
Revaccination as a measure of immunity to smallpox
smallpox in relation to state vaccination laws and regulations
Local Hypersensitiveness: III. Hypersensitiveness of Guinea Pigs Treated with Eggwhite During smallpox Vaccination
Further observations on 17D-yellow fever vaccination by scarification, with and without simultaneous smallpox vaccination
Use of Chorio-Allantoic Membrane Culture smallpox Vaccine in Texas.
Aerial convection from smallpox hospitals
The Edinburgh Outbreak of smallpox 1942.
Antibiotics in smallpox.
Locke and Sydenham: a fragment on smallpox (1670)
Diaplacental infection of the foetus with the virus of german measles despite immunity of the mother: Analogous observations in smallpox
smallpox vaccination laws, regulations, and court decisions
Multiple smallpox vaccinations in the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex
An outbreak of smallpox in American military personnel in Japan
smallpox and vaccination
A Proposed Potency Test for smallpox Vaccine. I. Evaluation of Chick Embryo LD50 Method
Vaccination with avianized smallpox vaccine
Comparative susceptibility of cell cultures to vaccinia virus: application to the standardization of smallpox vaccine
A preliminary communication on the etiology of smallpox
History and frequency of smallpox vaccinations and cases in 9,000 families
The production of smallpox vaccine in tissue culture of bovine embryonic skin.
The Paul test in the diagnosis of smallpox
Local quarantine and inoculation for smallpox in the American colonies (1620-1775)
Vaccination, smallpox and the Law-An Experiment in Scientific Jurisprudence
Intradermal smallpox Vaccination
Complications of smallpox vaccination and theirtreatment with vaccinia immune gamma globulin
Dr. James Smith and the Public Encouragement for Vaccination for smallpox
Development of the global smallpox eradication programme
Changes in type of contagious disease: with special reference to smallpox and scarlet fever
A Laboratory Method for the Diagnosis of smallpox
Congenital Cataract and Maternal smallpox.
Chorio-allantoic membrane infection as a diagnostic test for smallpox
smallpox and vaccination in British India during the last seventy years
smallpox Immunization of the Amerindian
Vaccination technique and the control of smallpox epidemics.
Virucidal Activity of β-Propiolactone Vapor: II. Effect on the Etio-logical Agents of smallpox, Yellow Fever, Psittacosis, and Q Fever
Serologic tests for syphilis following smallpox vaccination and including Reiter protein complement fixation technic
Further Clinical Studies with smallpox Vaccine of Chick-Embryo Origin.
The Relation of smallpox Morbidity to Vaccination Laws.
A Dry smallpox Vaccine.
A Method for Estimating the Potency of smallpox Vaccine.
The effect of antivaccinia gamma globulin on smallpox vaccination in view of a proposed attempt to prevent postvaccinal encephalitis.
smallpox in the United States: Its Decline and Geographic Distribution
smallpox in a child aged 3 days
Studies with dried and glycerinated smallpox vaccines of full and diminished potencies
Asiatic smallpox.
Duration of immunity following vaccination against smallpox
Vaccination against smallpox. I. Lyophilized vaccinia virus from infected chorio-allantoic membranes.
The Middlesex smallpox Outbreak
The case of smallpox of Theodorus Prodromus (XIIth Cent. AD)
smallpox control by mass vaccination with dried vaccine
smallpox in Tanganyika 1918-1954.
Some general considerations on the pathology of smallpox
Production and use of smallpox vaccine virus cultivated in the chorio-allantoic membrane of chick embryos
Specific leprous reactions and abnormal vaccinia induced in lepers by smallpox vaccination
The bacteriology of the skin lesions in smallpox
The smallpox epidemic on the Upper Missouri
The Use of the Chorio-Allantois of the Developing Chick Embryo in the Diagnosis of smallpox.
smallpox vaccination followed by acute renal failure
Epidemic smallpox in Jiddah
Extent of immunization and case histories for diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, and typhoid fever in 200,000 surveyed families in 28 large cities
Further work on forecasting smallpox epidemics in India and British tropical countries based on previous climatic data
Historical notes on smallpox and inoculation
A skin test for susceptibility to smallpox: human endermal reactions to killed vaccine virus
Some Aspects of the Epidemiology of smallpox in Scotland in 1942. [Abridged.]
Primary response of children to glycerinated or dried smallpox vaccines of calf lymph or chick embryo origin
smallpox immunity in 5,000 college students
(b) Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox
smallpox in 1947.
The epidemic of virulent smallpox in Windsor and the vicinity
Observations on the effects of smallpox vaccination on tuberculosis patients
Inoculation for the smallpox in colonial America
Vaccination against smallpox: Apparent Anomalies in Protection afforded.
Combined smallpox—17D yellow fever vaccine for scratch vaccination
Notes on smallpox in Africans.
Recurrent herpes of the cornea and recurrent herpetic fever: results of treatment with smallpox vaccine
smallpox in Kweilin, Kwangsi, 1940-1941. An Epidemiological and Clinical Study
smallpox in Uttar Pradesh.
Chloramphenicol and ACTH in smallpox.
Experience in Massachusetts and a few other places with smallpox and vaccination
Experimental Observation on Simultaneous Immunization against smallpox.
Statistical Studies in Immunity. smallpox and Vaccination
Purpura associated with vaccination against smallpox
Antibiotics in smallpox.
Problems associated with simultaneous vaccination with BCG and smallpox vaccines.
… smallpox Vaccine of Low Bacterial Content: Part II. Comparison of a Quaternary Ammonium Compound (Roccal) with Brilliant Green in the Preparation of smallpox …
Leukocytic reactions in smallpox, chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles and mumps
Subcutaneous and Intradermal smallpox Vaccination.
Immunity to smallpox
smallpox in Madras City-a Study in Retrospect.
Vaccinia gangraenosa. A Rare Complication after Vaccination against smallpox.
Herpes zoster provoked by smallpox vaccination
The blood in smallpox during a recent epidemic
A Further Study of Statistics Relating to Vaccination and smallpox
Responses to smallpox vaccination in military recruits
Aerial convection from smallpox hospitals
smallpox and Variolation in a Village in Palestine in December, 1921.
The control of the smallpox contact
Pyogenic arthritis and osteomyelitis following smallpox: a report of 21 cases
smallpox vaccination as carried out at Lehigh University
The feasibility of smallpox eradication
The Death Rate and Epidemiology of smallpox in Hongkong.
A Comparison of Reactions to Dermovaccine and to Neurovaccine for smallpox
Toxoplasmosis complicated by Chickenpox and smallpox. Report of a Case.
An Episode in the History of smallpox Vaccination in New Hampshire
Illness Occurring in Contacts with Confluent smallpox.
Subcutaneous smallpox Vaccination with Bacteria Free Vaccine.
A small outbreak of smallpox in Detroit
Vaccine prepared from chicken embryo cultures for immunization against smallpox
The Clinical Diagnosis of smallpox and Chickenpox
An Unusual case of smallpox.
Prevalence of smallpox
The relation between smallpox vaccination and poliomyelitis.
smallpox and vaccination
Subcutaneous emphysema in smallpox
smallpox and Vaccination.
Application of the Feulgen reaction to the laboratory diagnosis of smallpox.
Further experience in forecasting epidemics of smallpox, plague, and cholera in India, and its bearing on the reduction of cholera
Tetanus following Vaccination against smallpox, and Its Prevention: With Special Reference to the Use of Vaccination Shields and Dressings
The Present Type of smallpox.
Current Status of Immunization Procedures—A Symposium: Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox and Vaccination.
The outbreak of smallpox in Middlesex, 1944
The influence of smallpox and vaccination on pulmonary tuberculosis
On the Correlation Between Vaccination and smallpox in the London Epidemic, 1901-2
Failure of smallpox vaccine in treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis
A Practical Treatise on smallpox: Illustrated by Colored Photographs from Life
Recent smallpox epidemic in Denver
smallpox vaccination and pregnancy
smallpox vaccination reactions
Pregnancy associated with haemorrhagic smallpox
Researches on Immunity against smallpox.
A study of the immunogenicity of smallpox vaccines
Studies on the Etiological Relationship between smallpox and Sheep Pox, and Prophylactic Vaccination against Sheep Pox.
smallpox as a cause of false positive reactions to the Kahn test
smallpox in India. A Suggestion
The smallpox Inoculation Controversy and the Boston Press 1721-2
Febrile Reactions among smallpox Contacts.
Cases in which smallpox was Suspected but Unconfirmed.
False Positive Serologie Tests for Syphilis following smallpox Vaccination.
smallpox and vaccination in Cuba
The stability of the viral potency of smallpox vaccine when prepared in calf globulin, dehydrated, and stored without refrigeration
Observations on the smallpox Epidemic in Alexandria during March 1932 to February 1933.
Active Immunity: Preventions Against smallpox, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Typhoid
smallpox in the First Half of 1947.
smallpox in English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
Confluent smallpox treated with penicillin
Treatment of smallpox with an antigen-antibody mixture
The 1946 smallpox experience in Seattle
Penicillin and smallpox. Report of Four Cases.
Further Experience of Dry Vaeeine for Vaccination against smallpox.
smallpox in Port au Prince, Haiti.
New views on protection against smallpox.
The Value of Laboratory Tests in the Diagnosis of smallpox.
smallpox Vaccination: A Comparison of Vaccines and Techniques
Vaccination against smallpox
The Recent smallpox outbreak in Fitchburg
An Argument in Favor of Vaccination, with Statistics of the Incidence of smallpox in the United States, Its Dependencies and Canada
Liver Extract and Sulphonamides in smallpox
Kinetics of deterioration of smallpox vaccine
An Epidemic Episode of smallpox in Naples.
The smallpox Outbreak on Mersey-side, 1946.
smallpox and Vaccination.
Prontosil in smallpox.
Edinburgh Outbreak of smallpox, 1942
Salol in smallpox
The 1954-55 Epidemic of smallpox in Tabriz.
False Positive Serologie Reactions for Syphilis with special reference to those due to smallpox Vaccinations (Vaccinia).
Studies in the purification of anti-smallpox vaccine.
Compulsory smallpox vaccination: The University City, Missouri, case
smallpox in Twins at Birth
Vaccination against smallpox: Interpretation of Results.
The Control of smallpox.
A study of 1,000 cases of smallpox.
smallpox on a New Zealand Hospital Ship.
The Control of smallpox.
smallpox Prevalence throughout the World during and after the Second World War.
The Diagnosis of smallpox.
Report of a case of hemorrhagic smallpox: a consideration of the role played by the hemolytic Streptococcus
The Jenner vaccine well preserved and carefully propagated is a permanent preservative against smallpox
The Diagnosis of smallpox—II
regarding’Vaccination against smallpox‘, with
An Outbreak of smallpox in British Troops with a Note on the Use of Sulphathiazole in Treatment.
smallpox 1947 [Abridged]
Isolation and Study of the Properties of smallpox Virus. I. Direct Isolation of smallpox Virus in Tissue Cultures.
The smallpox Epidemic in Aden in 1929.
smallpox in Porto Rico, 1916
smallpox and Vaccination
Flocculation Tests for the Differential Diagnosis of smallpox and Chickenpox
PERSISTENT MULTIPLE HERPES-LIKE ERUPTION: Response to Repeated Intradermal Injections of smallpox Vaccine
Acupuncture the best means of Vaccination against smallpox
Disciform keratitis secondary to smallpox
smallpox Hospitals and Air-borne Contagion.
A World Review of smallpox Incidence (September 1951).
Dermoabrasion therapy for scars: experience of 150 cases of smallpox scars
Disease and Sickness on the Wisconsin Frontier: smallpox and Other Diseases
Variolation and other Observations made during a smallpox Epidemic in the Southern Province of Tanganyika.
A Suggested Scheme for smallpox Treatment.
The Preparation of smallpox Vaccine
Comparative Blood Studies in smallpox and Chickenpox.
Fever without Rash after Contact with smallpox.
On the Presence of smallpox Virus in the Flesh, Organs and Blood of Cattle after the Collection of smallpox Lymph.
Duration of immunity following modern smallpox vaccine inoculation
The Adoption of Inoculation for smallpox in England and France
Outbreak of smallpox in a hospital
False Positive Serological Reactions for Syphilis in smallpox Vaccinations
The Ascertainment by Mouse Experiment of Immunity to smallpox and Vaccinia.
A smallpox Epidemic
Epidemic of smallpox
The Clinical Course and Treatment of smallpox in Tjilendek in 1949.
Results of Subcutaneous smallpox Vaccination in Adults.
Simultaneous Immunization Against smallpox and Diphtheria
Shall the Public Take Full Responsibility for smallpox?
Effects of smallpox Vaccination (Vaccinia) on Serologic Tests for Syphilis.
The smallpox epidemic at Niagara Falls
Epidemiological Data on smallpox in France between 1945 and 1952.
Studies on hemolytic streptococci isolated from hemorrhagic smallpox
A smallpox Epidemic
Duration of smallpox immunity
Febrile Illness in smallpox Contacts.
smallpox on an Indian reservation
VIRGINIA. Inspection for smallpox on the lower Potomac and Rappahannock
Blood Studies in smallpox, with Special Reference to Alastrim.
smallpox vaccination of the newborn: Report on 808 attempts
smallpox in the Vaccinated
Anti-vaccinial Gamma-Globulin. A Further Report on smallpox Prophylaxis.
Shall the Public Take Full Responsibility for smallpox?
Biometric Studies of the Multiple Pressure Method of Vaccination against smallpox.
smallpox and vaccination
Inoculation of smallpox as a Prophylactic Measure as practised by the Natives at Djen in Nigeria.
The Preparation and Testing of Elementary Body Suspensions from Vaccinia Filtrates and their Possible Use in smallpox Prevention
smallpox in Houston County, Ga.
smallpox and Vaccination in Algeria.
Ocular Complications in smallpox
smallpox, Jenner and Vaccination
The Management of an Outbreak of smallpox. 1.-Clinical Aspects.
… Protists; Algae and Fungi, Including Chytridiineae; Various Plassomyxinae, the Causes of Molluscum Contagiosum, smallpox, Syphilis, Cancer, and …
Vaccination and smallpox
The Epidemic Curve of smallpox
smallpox-17D Vaccine.
Controlling smallpox under Chinese Rural Conditions.
“The organism of smallpox,” with demonstrations
On the distribution of severity of attack in cases of smallpox
… Farm Families: 11,490 Persons in 2,477 Farm Security Administration Borrower Families, 1940: VI. Extent of Immunization against smallpox, Diphtheria, and Typhoid …
The recent smallpox epidemic in Massachusetts
A Case of Encephalopathy following smallpox.
Elimination of smallpox in Montreal by Vaccination
Medical and Public Health Attitude toward smallpox Vaccination and Diphtheria Immunization
The Occurrence of smallpox in the United States and Measures Taken by the Federal Government for Its Control
Prevention of smallpox by Vaccination and Revaccination
Studies on the Causal Organism of smallpox Vaccine.
A Case of smallpox brought into France by Air: the Arras Epidemic.
Complications of smallpox Vaccination.
Beneficial effect of smallpox vaccine on recurrent aphthous ulcers of mouth and tongue
smallpox Outbreak in Mindoro.
The Management of an Outbreak of smallpox. 2.-Administrative and Epidemiological Aspects.
Pemphigus Vulgaris: Failure of Treatment with Riboflavin and smallpox Vaccine
A Study of the smallpox Prevalence and Inoculation Data in Some Districts of Kiangsu Province.
Parental and familial factors in the acceptance of diphtheria and smallpox immunization
Duration and Degree of Immunity against smallpox Conferred by Infantile Vaccination
Encephalitis and Encephalo-myelitis following Vaccination against smallpox: Report of Five Cases.
Revaccination for smallpox of Schoolchildren. after Primary Vaccination with Chick Embryo Vaccine.
Haemagglutination by smallpox Virus. 8. The Development of Antihaemag-glutinin by Vaccinia Viruses of Different Origins.
Control Measures in the Monroe County, Michigan, smallpox Epidemic, 1923
Relation between the Accelerated Reaction and the Anti-smallpox Virulicide Power.
The Duration of Viraemia after Vaccination and smallpox.
smallpox Vaccination and Pulmonary Tuberculosis
A Note on the Method Used to Prevent the Importation of smallpox into the Philippine Islands
A smallpox Outbreak at Leyden Island, Ceylon, 1958.
On AD-Vaceine. III. Thermostable smallpox Lymphs.
On Subcutaneous Vaccination against smallpox.
The Skin Test for Immunity to smallpox
The stability of the viral potency of smallpox vaccine when prepared in the globulin and other protein fractions of calf plasma, dehydrated, and stored at tropical …
A Little-Known Complication of smallpox in Tanganyika.
Note on the” Immunity Reaction” following Vaccination against smallpox.
The Vancouver Outbreak of Haemorrhagic smallpox
Some Social and Epídemioiogical Aspects of smallpox in West Bengal including Calcutta-The Problems of its Control and Eradication.
Significance of the” Immunity Reaction” following Vaccination against smallpox.
Utilization of Micro-precipitation in Agar in the Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox.
The Value to be attached to smallpox Vaccination and to the Reaction of Immunity.
A Brief Note on the Effect of Vaccination for smallpox on Leprosy.
smallpox Studies in Tissue Culture. I. Culture of Vaccine Virus in vitro.
smallpox Vaccination in Childhood, in the Light of Results of Inoculations in the Swedish Army, 1908-33.
smallpox! 1913
My Experience with smallpox
A Critical Review of the Clinical Features of 13,686 Cases of smallpox (Variola Minor).
smallpox and Vaccination: Director, Division of Biologic Laboratories, Department of Public Health, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Titration of smallpox vaccines from ten countries sent to East Pakistan during the 1958 smallpox epidemic
The Treatment of smallpox by the External Application of Potassium Permanganate.
smallpox—OLD AND NEW.
smallpox Control by Mass Vaccination with Dried Vaccine.
Field Evaluation of Dry smallpox Vaccine and Aging Glycerinated Vaccine in East Pakistan.
NOTES ON smallpox.
smallpox, 1947.
smallpox in the Unvaccinated
Evaluation of smallpox programmes
Variola, or smallpox
smallpox in the Unvaccinated
smallpox and Alastrim.
The influence of ascorbic acid on the decrease in the number of eosinophils after smallpox-vaccination
smallpox control
smallpox-1936= VARIOLE-1936
smallpox= VARIOLE
Notes on smallpox.
On the Culture of smallpox Lymph in Flasks and Incubating Eggs.
smallpox in Middlesex
Diagnosis of Chickenpox and smallpox
smallpox or Chickenpox?
Diagnosis of smallpox
The Control of smallpox.
Alastrim and smallpox.
The Treatment of smallpox by Xylol.
smallpox Illustrated: A Practical Treatise on smallpox
The smallpox Menace.
What Price smallpox
Report of the Committee on smallpox
smallpox AT MOMBASA
smallpox and War
Alastrim and smallpox aetiologically compared.
Notes for a Discussion On the Cause of smallpox
The Modern Treatment of smallpox with Ultraseptyl.
The only certain prophylaxis against smallpox is human vaccine which, if well inoculated, does not transmit infectious-contagious nor diathetic disease
smallpox IN JAPAN.
smallpox at 18 Days
smallpox in the United States
Treatment of smallpox particularly by Xylol.
Report on the smallpox situation in Georgia
THE smallpox QUESTION.
smallpox, with special reference to the diagnosis
How to Diagnose smallpox
The Treatment of smallpox.
Interrelation between Neutralizing Substances in the Blood and Cutaneous Reactions following Vaccination against smallpox.
Comments on a Case of smallpox.
smallpox in France in 1926-27.
Report of smallpox in Nebraska
smallpox in Harrison County, W. Va.
smallpox in Louisiana
smallpox: Its Diagnosis
smallpox in Asia, 1939/40
smallpox at Evansile, Ind.
smallpox in Charlestown, W. Va., under control
smallpox in the United Kingdom
On the Diagnosis of smallpox.
smallpox in India in 1939
smallpox in Asia, 1938/39
Points from Letters: smallpox in the Unvaccinated
smallpox at Nottingham
smallpox in Canada from 1913-1923.
smallpox in India.
smallpox in Africa.
Three Cases of Hæmorrhagic smallpox with Recovery
smallpox in Africa, 1937-38
The Use of the Haemagglutina-tion-lnhibition Test for the Diagnosis of smallpox.
The smallpox Outbreak
smallpox in North America, 1938
smallpox at Cape Nome
Campaign against smallpox
Alastrim and smallpox in the Same Patient.
smallpox: A Clinical Study
Report on the investigation of smallpox in North Carolina and Georgia
Methods of Spread of smallpox.
smallpox in North America
smallpox in Africa, 1938/39
smallpox in Searcy, Ark.
The smallpox Chain.
On Recurrent smallpox.
smallpox in England= La variole en Angleterre
Recent Trend of smallpox in Europe
Points from Letters: smallpox in the Unvaccinated
Points from Letters: smallpox
smallpox in Edinburgh, 1942
smallpox in Vancouver.
The Paul Test in the Diagnosis of smallpox.
Notes on Recent Cases of smallpox in Govan and Kinning Park
Pre-Natal Infection with smallpox
Protection of France against smallpox.
The smallpox Epidemic.
smallpox in North Kedah (1946-47).
Quarantine in smallpox
PORTO RICO. smallpox in Ponce
Researches on the Aetiology of smallpox.
smallpox in India; a suggestion.
smallpox in the Vaccinated
Aetiology of smallpox.
smallpox Contacts
Anti-Vaccinationists and Modified smallpox
smallpox (continued)= Variole (suite)
PORTO RICO. Reports from San Juan—smallpox situation
smallpox in Egypt. A Review.
in transmitting smallpox from man to cow. Neverthe
Clinical Department: Probable smallpox—Report of Case
Concerning smallpox Outbreak in Califomia
Demyelinating encephalomyelitis in a cynomolgus monkey following vaccination against smallpox and simultaneous inoculation of a neutropic virus recovered from a …
Edinburgh Outbreak of smallpox, 1942
The keeping quality of smallpox vaccine
Ambulatory smallpox.
Treatment of smallpox with Liver.
Lessons from an outbreak of smallpox
PORTO RICO. smallpox in San Juan
Some observations on an epidemic of smallpox
Anti-Vaccinationists and Modified smallpox
An Outbreak of smallpox in Ceylon in 1957.
An Epidemic of smallpox in Togoland from November 1944 to May 1945.
Prophylaxis Against smallpox
Changes in smallpox Virus.
smallpox IN UTERO
The Disappearance of smallpox in Poland.
A State-Wide smallpox Survey in Tennessee
Is Revaecination Necessary for the Prevention and Suppression of smallpox?
A Note on the Aërial Convection of smallpox
Further Remarks on the Distribution of Severity in Cases of smallpox
China: smallpox= Chine: Variole
smallpox and Human Sacrifice
smallpox: A Clinical Study of About 2,000 Cases of the Disease
smallpox and Human Sacrifice
smallpox and Vaccination in Japan
Recent Outbreaks of smallpox
smallpox in the Vaccinated
Concerning smallpox Outbreak in California
smallpox Contacts
smallpox of Yesterday and To-Day in South Africa.
ITALY. smallpox on the steamship New England
Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox in the Vaccinated
smallpox and Vaccination
The smallpox Epidemic of 1955 in France.
Prontosil, the Drug of Choice in smallpox.
The Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox.
Laboratory Aids to Diagnosis of smallpox.
smallpox in the Vaccinated
smallpox as an Industrial Disease Or Accident
Summary report on the 2nd session of the Joint OIHP-WHO Study Group on smallpox
Vaccination against smallpox
Vaccination against smallpox
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox in British India
smallpox: A Case with Minimal Lesions
Cases and deaths from smallpox in Tennessee from October 1, 1899, to March 5, 1900
PSEUDO (?) OR MODIFIED (?) smallpox.
An Epidemic of smallpox at Rheims.
Alastrim, smallpox and Vaccination.
The smallpox Pandemic of 1870–1874: President’s Address
Edward Jenner and the Discovery of smallpox Vaccination
PORTO RICO. Reports from Ponce—End of smallpox
smallpox in England and Wales.
Organization of the Campaign against smallpox in Poland.
Epidemiology of smallpox in Morocco.
week Emergency smallpox regulations were
Recollections of the smallpox epidemic of 1882
smallpox in Indian Territory
Sporadic Cases of smallpox and Varioloid in 1947.
Report of Committee on Standard Methods of Preparing smallpox Vaccine
smallpox VACCINATION-Reply
smallpox Vaccination
A Rare Pitfall in the Diagnosis of smallpox.
Antiseptic Treatment of smallpox.
by Sheldon, the woman, Chinese, had had smallpox when
smallpox Vaccine from Tissue Culture.
A Study of the Recent Rise of smallpox Cases in the Madras City.
A review of the literature on smallpox, vaccination and chickenpox, from January, 1923, to October, 1924
Result of Revaccination as an Index of the Degree of Protection against smallpox.
Outbreak of smallpox
The Truth about smallpox and Vaccination
Report on cases of smallpox treated at the isolation hospital at the” Best”
Preparation of smallpox Vaccine on the Calf’s Skin.
Kinetics of deterioration of smallpox vaccine.
smallpox in West Virginia—Quarantine and mail service
smallpox in Indo-China, 1938
The Question of Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox at Hoquiam and Aberdeen, Wash., and vicinity
Intracutaneous Vaccination against smallpox.
The Incidence of smallpox in Relation To Sanitation
Vaccination against smallpox.
smallpox at Perry, ife.
New Technic for Vaccination against smallpox.
Antiseptic Treatment of smallpox.
smallpox in Haiti.
Vaccination against smallpox.
On the Treatment of smallpox by Large Doses of Hydrarg. C. Creta.
A Method of Testing smallpox and Vaeeine Immunity.
Vaccination for smallpox
Dried smallpox vaccine
smallpox In French Indo-China
smallpox and Vaccination in USSR
smallpox eradication. 771
smallpox on the Isthmus.
smallpox In French Indo-China= La variole en Indochine française
The Doric and Lawton arrive at San Francisco, having had smallpox en route
A Prophylactic (?) Against smallpox
Vaccination against smallpox
Rapid Diagnosis of smallpox by the Method of Tieche.
smallpox and Vaccination in Poland.
A Curious Case of smallpox Vaccination.
smallpox in Singapore: A review of some epidemiological features
Observations on Vaccination against smallpox.
Inoculation of alastrim or West Indian smallpox
Immunotherapy of smallpox.
Preliminary Results of Vaccination against smallpox in 1950.
smallpox in British India= La variole dans l ‘Inde britannique
On the Necessity of Vaccination and Revaccination of Individuals who have Suffered from smallpox
The Effect of smallpox on the Destiny of the Amerindian
smallpox IN ENGLAND AND WALES:(Communiqué of the Office international d’Hygiène publique.)
smallpox in the Vaccinated
Prevention of smallpox by Vaccination and Revaccination: A Critical Study
Case of smallpox with Minimal Lesions: New Diagnosis
smallpox, vaccination and inculation
A Preliminary Note on smallpox imported into England during 1946.
smallpox Vaccination Certificate
The Use of Histological Methods in the Rapid and Certain Diagnosis of smallpox
Points from Letters: Vaccination Against smallpox
Illness in smallpox Contacts.
Organization of a smallpox eradication service
smallpox in Nyasaland
A smallpox Epidemic in Ibadan: Some Health Education Aspects
Experiences of Intracutaneous smallpox Vaccination during 20 Years.
smallpox in Germany: Occurrence during the Year 1910 and during the Period 1896-1910
Comparative Investigations of smallpox Vaccines.
Remarks On the Question of the Aerial Dissemination of smallpox Infection Round smallpox Hospitals
Deaths from smallpox in India reported from 1939 to 1945
Points from Letters: Case of smallpox with Minimal Lesions
Edinburgh Outbreak of smallpox
Intracutaneous Inoculation against smallpox.
Hospital Care of smallpox in Montreal
Subject of Following Letter: Fresno smallpox Epidemic of Year 1925
Legislation with Reference to smallpox and Vaccination
smallpox in East Africa and Asia
The Quinquennial Epidemics of smallpox in Bengal.
An Epidemic of smallpox in Paris in February-March 1947.
Resistance to smallpox by the Vaccinated and the Unvaecinated.
smallpox from the steamship Vancouver imported to New Whatcom, Wash.
Report on the smallpox vaccination campaign carried out during the period Octobre 1950-December 1955
smallpox in Nyasaland
Comments on the Recent smallpox Epidemic in Windsor and Vicinity
The initial exanthem of smallpox
The Recent Outbreak of smallpox in Singapore.
Edward Jenner and the Discovery of smallpox Vaccination
Variola minor, a true type of smallpox with special reference to a recent outbreak
POINTS FROM LETTERS: smallpox Vaccination
smallpox eases notified in Europe and some extraeuropean countries 1919-1943
A Study of smallpox Vaccination in Primary School Children
The Leucocyte Formula after smallpox Vaccination.
Pseudo-smallpox in Rabaul in Feb. 1914. Addition to Former Article.
The Recent Outbreak of smallpox, Introduced from India by the SS” Tuscania”
Notes on Cases of smallpox treated with Sulphanil-amide.
Paschen’s Method for Two-Day smallpox Vaccine.
Report from Vanceboro, Xe-smallpox on Canadian bordeli-[rain
On an epidemic of smallpox of irregular type in Trinidad during 1902-1904
Clinical and Therapeutic Notes on smallpox in Eritrea.
smallpox AND VACCINIA.
The Adoption of Inoculation for smallpox in England and France
smallpox in Refugee Pakistan
Aerial Convection from smallpox Hospitals
GERMANY. Report from Berlin—Plague and smallpox information
The Morphological Demonstration of the smallpox Organism in Tissue Culture.
Humoral Immunity and its Value in determining Need for Revaecination against smallpox.
Prevalence of smallpox.—Pierce urges that energetic state¬
The Dutch Epidemic of smallpox (Alastrim) in the Summer of 1929.
The Significance of Some Recent smallpox Statistics for the Pacific Coast
Recent Experiences with smallpox Vaccination in Sweden.
smallpox in England and Vaccination in Germany.
Anti-smallpox Vaccination in the Haute Volta.
smallpox Vaccination in Windsor, Ontario
Does vaccination help to spread smallpox?
smallpox in Equatorial Africa
A Filling Apparatus for smallpox Lymph.
Résistance to smallpox among Vaccinated and Un-vaecinated Persons.
smallpox in the United States. Prevalence and Geographic Distribution during the Calendar Year 1910
Choiera and smallpox in British India during the Second Quarter of 1939
The Preparation of Primarily Bacteria Free smallpox Vaccine.
smallpox among Ship’s Crew.
Notes on a Case of Variola Nigra.(Malignant or Black smallpox.)
Transactions on account of smallpox in northern Miaine, Canadian border-Report ofsanitary work in the Madawaska region.
A Report on the Multiple Pressure Technique in Anti-smallpox Vaccination.
Experiments for the Study of the Virus of smallpox Vaccine after Intracutaneous Passages by Ledingham and MeClean’s Method.
Problems and Causes of smallpox immunization Failures.
Annual report on the national anti-smallpox vaccination programme in the Republic of Colombia, 1959
New Experiences on the Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox and their Practical Importance for the Sanitary Service.
The Notification of Infectious Diseases, with Special Reference to smallpox.
Observations and Experiences of Post-War Vaccination against smallpox.
Production method of smallpox vaccine at the Michigan State Laboratories, Lansing, USA
Permanence of the Mild Type of smallpox.
Germany’s Vaccination against smallpox.
The Nervous Complications oî Vaccination against smallpox in USSE
On the Value of Carbolic Acid in the Preparation of Organism-free Anti-smallpox Lymphs.
Compulsory smallpox vaccination; the University City, Missouri, case.
The Red-Light Treatment of smallpox.
smallpox in Humahuaca (Jujuy).
Differentiation of the Cell-Inclusions of Alastrim from those of smallpox.
Vaccination against smallpox in Infants.
Human Vaccine as a Prophylactic of smallpox: Its Advantages and Disadvantages
smallpox within Nine Months of Primary Vaccination. A Case Report.
Aerial Convection of smallpox
A Case of Confluent smallpox: Treatment—Chemotherapy
The Preventive Treatment of smallpox.
Subcutaneous Vaccination against smallpox.
Subcutaneous Vaccination against smallpox.
The Immune Reaction as a Measure of Immunity to smallpox.
The Adoption of Inoculation for smallpox in England and France
The Red-Light Treatment of smallpox.
smallpox in a partially. Immunized Neighbourhood.
The Passing of the Red-Light Treatment of smallpox.
An Outbreak of Mild smallpox in a Massachusetts Community.
Disinfection of Ships after smallpox.
NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS: Anti smallpox vaccination requirements
On the Tropic Property of smallpox Virus.
About the duration of immunity with smallpox vaccination
ITALY. Reports from Naples—smallpox in Sicily
Injuries Caused by Staphylococei in smallpox Vaccine at the MassVaccination in Malmö 1932.
Recent Experiences of Ship-borne smallpox.
Difference in Survival of smallpox and Alastrim Virus on Chorio-Allantoid Membrane.
On the Necessity of Informing Practitioners of the Appearance of smallpox in a District, immediately it is Recognized.
Some Reflections on Present Day Defence against smallpox in the British Isles.
Observations and Experiences of Post-War Vaccination against smallpox.
A new way of differential diagnosis of smallpox using allergy reactions
smallpox in British India and Burma
smallpox in British India and Burma
smallpox in East Africa and Asia= La variole en Afrique orientale et en Asie
INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS: Form of the Interaatioual Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination against smallpox
The smallpox Outbreak in Malmö, Sweden, in 1931-32.
smallpox and Vaccination in the Union of the Soviet Republics.
Eneephalitic Syndromes following Vaccination against smallpox.
The Duration of the Protection against smallpox after Intracutaneous Vaccination.
Early Diagnosis of smallpox by the Initial Exanthem.
An Experience of Subcutaneous smallpox Vaccination in Country Practice.
An Application of Treatment by Induction of Hyperemia to smallpox.
The Recent smallpox Epidemic in the Paris Region.
Vaccination against smallpox by a Special Method of Puncture.
Recent smallpox in Edmonton and Deductions Therefrom
A Recent Outbreak of Haemorrhagic smallpox in British Columbia
A simple container for transport of smallpox lymph in the tropics
Disposal of smallpox Dead. A Summary of Practices followed by Certain Authorities.
smallpox Vaccination of Schoolchildren in Oslo.
Vaccination and smallpox Inoculation in Haute Volta.
smallpox Vaccination among Natives in Rural Areas.
Purulent Arthritis Complicating smallpox
A stable dried smallpox vaccine: summary of the method of preparation based on methods described by Collier
Report of the WHO Consultative Group on Laboratory Investigation of Dried smallpox Vaccine
Gasperini’s Sign in the Early Diagnosis of smallpox. Note on the Epidemic in Bari from November 1945 to March 1947.
The Duration of Immunity after Vaccination against smallpox.
Some Interesting Features Connected with the Outbreak of smallpox at North Adams, Mass., in 1904
smallpox in Kentucky: A Report of an Investigation of the Prevalence of the Disease at Points on the Green River
Penicillin in Purification of smallpox Vaccine.
The Epidemiology of Virulent Oriental smallpox. A Study of Eight Cases of smallpox occurring among a Thoroughly Vaccinated Group of Men.
On the Preparation of a Bacteria-free Dried smallpox Vaccine.
smallpox cases and deaths notified in Europe and in certain countries in Africa and America from 1943 to 1945
Points from Letters: smallpox and Chicken-pox
Complications of Vaccination Against smallpox.—According to Greenberg, approximately 5,000,000 persons were
The Role of Bedbugs in the Transmission of Variola (smallpox) Vaccine.
smallpox cases and deaths notified in Europe and in certain countries outside Europe, from 1943 to 1345
Trends in Medicine: Some Personal Specific Experiences with Typhoid Fever and smallpox
Virulent smallpox. A Report of the Outbreak at New Bedford, Mass., May 14-July 28, 1915
Vaccination and smallpox on the Witwatersrand.
the Territory. Nearly every unvaccinated person in Muskogee and other towns hashad it. smallpox in Tacoma, Wash.
The, Association between smallpox Vaccination and Poliomyelitis.
smallpox cases and deaths notified in Europe and in certain countries outside Europe, from 1944 to 1946
ITALY. Report from Naples—Condition of plague and smallpox
smallpox Vaccine prepared in Rabbit Kidney Tissue Culture.
Vaccination against smallpox and Post-Vaccinal Encephalitis.
Cases and deaths Of smallpox in India (British Provinces and some Indian States), 1939-1945
actuals, and those for malaria, smallpox, plague and
ITALY. Inspection at Naples and Palermo—smallpox in Naples and in the province of Benevento
Public Health Activities abroad. Protection against smallpox and Alastrim in England.
smallpox Virus Haemagglutination. 9. Investigations on the Passage of Antihaemagglutinins into the Cerebrospinal Fluid.
Report of the African Conference on smallpox Eradication, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, 16-19 November 1959
Inoculation of the Monkey as a Means of Diagnosis of Doubtful Outbreaks of smallpox.
The Vaccination Committee’s Report: Proposed Legislation Concerning Vaccination against smallpox.
Complications of Vaccination against smallpox. Their Prevention by the Use-of Formolized Vaccine.
Intradermal Vaccination against smallpox.
The Preparation of Anti-smallpox Vaccine from the Chorio-Allantoic Membrane, of Chick Embryos-its Possibilities in the Philippines.
Is GPI a Sequel’of Anti-smallpox Vaccination?
Cerebral Complications in Hamburg Children after smallpox Vaccination, 1939-1958.
Two Cases of smallpox at Saint-Die (Vosges); Observations on Epidemiology and Prophylaxis.
smallpox Epidemic at Eagle Pass, Tex., during the Winter of 1917-18
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Reports from Manila—Plague and smallpox
An Appreciation of smallpox as it Affects the Hygiene Services of the British Army To-Day
Vaccination for smallpox—The Three-Point Chisel Method
Neurological Complications of Anti-smallpox Vaccination in Santiago, Chile.
Improvement of smallpox Vaccine and Vaccination. A Method of in vitro Culture of the Virus.
Intradermal Vaccination against smallpox in Current Practice.
Immunity Reaction following Vaccination against smallpox: Note presented to the Interim Commission at its Fourth Session
Acute Pericarditis After smallpox Vaccination
A Review of smallpox treated in Ancón Hospital and Discussion regarding its Differential Diagnosis and Eradication from Panama and Colon.
Plague and smallpox in British India and Burma
Immunity Reaction following Vaccination against smallpox: Note by Dr. G. Stuart, Secretariat, Interim Commission
Fatal Encephalitis after smallpox Vaccination.
smallpox in the United States, Insular Possessions, New England and Massachusetts, 1913–1923
Remarks Intended to Show the Innocuous Character of Humanized Vaccine as a Preventative of smallpox
On Vaccination against smallpox in the Eastern Lowlands (of Eritrea).
Purification of Dried smallpox Vaccine by Streptomycin.
Action of Ultra-Violet Rays on smallpox Eruption.
Immunity Reaction following Vaccination against smallpox: Note presented to the Interim Commission at its Fourth Session
Observations and Experiences during smallpox Vaccination in the Province of North-Rhine-Westphalia.
Dried Vaccine and Campaigns against smallpox in Warm Countries.
ITALY. Reports from Naples—smallpox in Naples and Palermo—Plague in Egypt
efficacy of vaccination in conferring immunity against smallpox
Lyophilized smallpox Vaccine: Maintenance of Potency at Room Temperature and at 37° C.
False-Positive Tests for Syphilis after smallpox Vaccination.
Result of the Forecast of Cholera, smallpox and Plague in India in 1932 and Forecast for 1933
Pyogenic arthritis and osteomyelitis following smallpox; a report of 21 cases.
A Filtered and Pore Lymph for Vaccination against smallpox.
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Mortality statistics of plague and smallpox for January, 1901
Result of the Forecast of Cholera, smallpox and Plague in India in 1931 and Forecast for 1932
The Vancouver Outbreak of Haemorrhagic smallpox. I. Epidemio-logical Study of the Outbreak.
Combined Vaccination against Diphtheria and smallpox Compared with the Former alone.
The Degree and the Duration of Immunity Conferred by smallpox Vaccination Considered in Relation to the Type of Vaccinial Reaction.
The value of vaccination: at and after infection with smallpox: with some reference to the duration of protection afforded by vaccination
Clinical Results Obtained with smallpox Vaccine Purified with Tyrothricin.
INDIA. Plague, smallpox, and cholera in Bombay from June 7, 1900, to March 6, 1901
Cases of Plague, Cholera and smallpox reported in India in 1939-40
Attenuation of smallpox during the Eruption of Vaccinia.
On the Occurrence of Foot-and-Mouth Virus in smallpox Lymph.
Laboratory and vaccination studies with dried smallpox vaccines: a report to the World Health Organization
Positive Reactions for Syphilis in Children after Vaccination against smallpox.
smallpox Vaccine from Tissue Cultures of Cattle Tongue and Observations on Culture Vaccine.
are partly a priori; of direct evidence he only produces a list of cases of smallpox classified according to the length of time the patients were considered too ill …
NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS: Anti-smallpox Inoculation Requirements= AVIS AUX VOYAGEURS: Certificats de vaccination anti-varioliques exigés_x000D_
The Vancouver Outbreak of Haemorrhagic smallpox. III. Clinical Notes.
On Encephalitis after Chickenpox, smallpox, Vaccination and Measles.
Result of the Forecast of Cholera, smallpox and Plague Incidence in India in 1930, and New Forecast for 1931
On Changes in Virus by Means of Culture in Fertilized Hens’ Eggs, and the Relation between smallpox Vaccine and Fowlpox.
Jeunerian Vaccination of Patients previously attacked by Modified smallpox: Vaccination of Varicella Patients.
The Management of outbreaks of smallpox, diphtheria, and scarlet fever
The Effect of smallpox on the Destiny of the Amerindian. E. Wagner Steam and Allen E. Steam. Boston, Mass.: Bruce Humphries, 1945. Pp. 153. $2.50.
INDIA. Report from Bombay—Cholera, smallpox, and plague (Continued)
Vaccination against smallpox by Vaccine Grown on the Chorio-Allantoie Membrane of the Chick Embryo.
Public Health Administration: Controlling smallpox, Diphtheria, Scarlet Feuer and Measles in Scarboro’Township
The Enrichment, Pure Culture and Increase of Virulence in the Causal Organism of smallpox by Injection into the Rabbit’s Eye.
New Facts that Tend to Demonstrate the Superiority of Humanized over Animal Vaccine, for the Prophylaxis of smallpox
Mixed Vaccination against Yellow Fever and smallpox in the Native Population of Senegal.
Haemagglutination by smallpox Virus. 7. The Ability of Vaccinia Viruses of Different Origins to Haemagglutinate.
To the cytological diagnosis of rabies and smallpox. Epstein (Arch. of the Russian Prot. Society, II)
The following cases of smallpox, yellow fever, cholera and plague
Studies on smallpox and Typhus amongst the Bosnians returning from the Balkans.
Value of the Immunity Reaction in smallpox Vaccination; Complications Consecutive to Primary Vaccination among Children Aged from 1 to 3 Years.
Variations on a Theme by Sydenham: smallpox. PB Wilkinson. Bristol: John Wright, 1959; PP. 76. Illustrated. 175 6d.
Revaccination against smallpox with Calf Lymph and Vaccinia Virus grown on Chick Embryos.
https://apps. who. int/iris/handle/10665/174372r, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
Supplement: Precis on the Management of Outbreaks of smallpox, Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever
All members of the class will be given the intradermal skin test for immunity. Immunize a large white rabbit with smallpox virus
Penicillin as an Agent for Purifying smallpox Vaccine (Calf-Propagated Vaccinia Virus)
Enteric, Cholera and smallpox in the Army of the Dutch East Indies, and Preventive Inoculation for the Same.
Requirements for biological substances: 5. Requirements for smallpox vaccine, report of a study group [meeting held in Geneva from 3 to 8 November 1958]
Principles of Prophylaxis Against Typhoid Fever, Whooping-Cough, Scarlet Fever and smallpox
Generalized Vaccinia in a Patient with Eczema. Considerations on smallpox Vaccination in Cases of Skin Disease.
The Percutaneous Penetration of Neurotroplc Yellow Fever Virus. Mixed Vaccination against Yellow Fever and smallpox. Preliminary Note.
Cases of Plague, Cholera and smallpox reported in India in 1939-40= Cas de peste, de choléra et de variole déclarés dans l ‘Inde en 1939-40
… , but the claims on the medical profession at present made it very difficult to secure qualified men who could devote time to this work. smallpox Vacciniation in Dorset …
Leucocyte Counts in Monkeys injected with the Virus of Typhus, Tsutsugamushi and smallpox.
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yeUow fever, smallpox, typhusand relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plagne, choiera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, choiera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing lever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus
and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
The combined use of the viruses of yellow fever and vaccinia by the scratch method for immunization against yellow fever and smallpox
NOTIFICATIONS of plagne, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plage, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plage, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellovr fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and elapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yeOovr fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsang fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellovr fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Xegislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox,
typhus and relapsing fever
under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under Intemadonat Sanitary Legislation
The 1950, smallpox Epidemic in Athens, Piraeus and Suburbs.
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under fiiternational Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Samtary Leg^ lation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus aud relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
NOTIFICATIONS of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever under International Sanitary Legislation
List of Ports where, in the Event of Cholera, Plague or smallpox occurring, this Information is reported by Telegram to—and by—the Eastern Bureau of the Health …
List of Ports where, in the Event of Cholera, Plague or smallpox occurring, this Information IS reported by Telegram to—and by—the Eastern Bureau of the Health …
List of Ports where, in the Event of Cholera, Plague or smallpox occurring, this Information IS REPORTED BY TELEGRAM TO—AND BY—THE EASTERN BUREAU …
The Occurrence of smallpox among Monkeys of the Genera Mycetes and Cebus, resulting from an Epidemic in the Primeval Forest on the Tributaries of the Upper …
Discussion on March 14, 1933, at a Meeting of the Swedish Medical Society on smallpox and Compulsory Vaccination in Childhood.
smallpox in Europe, 1950–1971
Complications of smallpox vaccination, 1968: national surveillance in the United States
Complications of smallpox vaccination, 1968: results of ten statewide surveys
smallpox and smallpox vaccination policy
Selective epidemiologic control in smallpox eradication
The recovery of smallpox virus from patients and their environment in a smallpox hospital
An airborne outbreak of smallpox in a German hospital and its significance with respect to other recent outbreaks in Europe
A prospective study of serum antibody and protection against smallpox.
Complications of smallpox vaccination: national survey in the United States, 1963
Prophylaxis of smallpox with methisazone
Prophylactic Treatment of smallpox Contacts with N-Methylisatin (β-Thiosemicarbazone (Compound 33T57, Marboran).
Deaths attributable to smallpox vaccination, 1959 to 1966, and 1968
A study of inapparent infection in smallpox
The history and traditional treatment of smallpox in Ethiopia
The survival of smallpox virus (variola minor) in natural circumstances.
Pregnancy and smallpox.
The Athenian plague: smallpox
Haemorrhagic smallpox
smallpox and monkeypox in non-human primates
A study of intrafamilial transmission of smallpox
Inactivated smallpox vaccine. A comparison of inactivation methods
The use of vaccinia hyperimmune gamma-globulin in the prophylaxis of smallpox
Field trials of methisazone as a prophylactic agent against smallpox
Development of smallpox vaccine in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Studies on the virus content of mouth washings in the acute phase of smallpox
COMPLICATIONS OF smallpox VACCINATION UNITED STATES 1963: II. Results Obtained by Four Statewide Surveys
Assessment of vaccination coverage, vaccination scar rates, and smallpox scarring in five areas of West Africa
Epidemiological studies in smallpox. A study of intrafamilial transmission in a series of 254 infected families.
Virus excretion in smallpox: 1. Excretion in the throat, urine, and conjunctiva of patients
Electron microscopy in the rapid diagnosis of smallpox.
Routine childhood vaccination against smallpox reconsidered
The use of hyperimmune antivaccinia gamma-globulin for the prevention and treatment of smallpox
Epidemiology of smallpox in West Pakistan: I. Acquired immunity and the distribution of disease
AB0 blood groups and smallpox in a rural population of West Bengal and Bihar (India)
Air sampling to recover variola virus in the environment of a smallpox hospital
smallpox-like viruses from camels in Iran
Experience with electron microscopy in the differential diagnosis of smallpox
Virus excretion in smallpox: 2. Excretion in the throats of household contacts
smallpox in Bradford, 1962
Malignant tumors in smallpox vaccination scars: a report of 24 cases
New Mexico’s smallpox Epidemic of 1780–1781
smallpox immunization in the United States
Treatment with methisazone of complications following smallpox vaccination
How traditional Dahomian society interpreted smallpox
Antibody response in non-haemorrhagic smallpox patients
Epidemiologic aspects of smallpox in Yugoslavia in 1972
The diagnosis of smallpox
Epidemiology in the global eradication of smallpox
A critical examination of the Indian smallpox eradication program.
Inactivated smallpox vaccine: immunogenicity of inactivated intracellular and extracellular vaccinia virus
Fatal myocarditis after vaccination against smallpox: report of a case
smallpox transmission in southern Dahomey: a study of a village outbreak
Simultaneous administration of smallpox, measles, yellow fever, and diphtheria—pertussis—tetanus antigens to Nigerian children
Vaccination against smallpox
Haemorrhagic smallpox. A Study of 240 Cases.
Intracutane-ous smallpox vaccination with a weak pathogenic vaccinia virus (” MVA virus”).
The prevention of smallpox: from Edward Jenner to Monckton Copeman
Stenosis of the nostrils: a case report, following smallpox
The limited role of attenuated smallpox virus in the management of advanced malignant melanoma
Transmission of smallpox by contact and by aerosol routes in Macaca irus
smallpox vaccination by intradermal jet injection: 1. Introduction, background and results of pilot studies
Viraemia in haemorrhagic and other forms of smallpox.
smallpox and related poxvirus infections in the simian host
Bone lesions due to smallpox
Basal cell epithelioma at site and following smallpox vaccination: report of a case
Ontogenesis of human smallpox virus
smallpox frequency and severity in relation to A, B and O blood groups
Response of Volta children to jet inoculation of combined live measles, smallpox and yellow fever vaccines
History of smallpox and its prevention
Guide to the laboratory diagnosis of smallpox for smallpox eradication programmes.
smallpox as an etiologic factor in male infertility
Routine smallpox vaccination.
A non-infectious smallpox vaccine.
A simple laboratory test to distinguish the virus of smallpox from that of alastrim.
smallpox vaccination of eczema patients with a strain of attenuated live vaccinia (CVI-78)
Bone involvement after vaccination against smallpox
Cardiac complications after vaccination for smallpox
Complications of smallpox vaccination.
Haemorrhagic smallpox: 1. Preliminary haematological studies
Comparative studies of smallpox vaccination by the bifurcated needle and rotary lancet techniques
smallpox in Sierra Leone. II. The 1968-69 eradication program.
The international reference preparation of smallpox vaccine: an international collaborative assay
Conjunctivitis and subclinical infection in smallpox
smallpox vaccination
Status of eradication of smallpox (and control of measles) in West and Central Africa.
smallpox and the ABO blood groups in Brazil
Virulence of variola virus isolated from smallpox cases of varying severity.
A Simplified Technique for Vaccination against smallpox.
The effect of residual moisture in lyophilized smallpox vaccine on its stability at different temperatures
The end of routine smallpox vaccination in the United States
smallpox vaccination in pregnancy: A prospective study
The Diagnosis of smallpox by Immunofluorescence.
A comparative study of clinical reactions observed after application of several smallpox vaccines in primary vaccination of young adults
Malignant change in smallpox vaccination scars
Relation between smallpox vaccination and outcome of pregnancy.
Thrombocytopenic purpura after smallpox vaccination
Malignant melanomas in smallpox vaccination scars: Report of six cases
A generalized herpetic infection simulating smallpox in a gorilla
smallpox vaccination: when and whom to vaccinate
Controlled Trial of Marboran on Group vaccinated against smallpox.
A study of the effect of simultaneous vaccination with BCG and smallpox vaccine in newborn infants
The 1962 smallpox outbreak and the British press
Haemorrhagic smallpox: 2. Specific bleeding and coagulation studies
Consequences of smallpox vaccination in leprosy patients
smallpox in England and wales 1962
Complications of smallpox vaccination, 1968 surveillance in a Comprehensive Care Clinic
Studies of Variola Virus and immunity in smallpox: I. Variola Virus hemagglutinins
The international standard for anti-smallpox serum
Faith Tabernacle smallpox epidemic, Abakaliki, Nigeria
Two funeral-associated smallpox outbreaks in Sierra Leone
Observations on the classification and interpretation of reactions to smallpox vaccination
Handbook for smallpox eradication programmes in endemic areas
Some observations on the role of methisazone (‘Marboran’) in the prophylaxis of smallpox in a rural area
Standardization and mass application of combined live measles-smallpox vaccine in Upper Volta
Interferon in Dermal Crusts of Human Vaccinia Virus Vaccinations Possible Explanation of Relative Benignity of Variolation smallpox.
A study of New and Old World monkeys to determine the likelihood of a simian reservoir of smallpox
Role of hospital in smallpox outbreak in Kuwait.
The significance of serological tests in controlling the success of smallpox revaccination.
Antibody response following smallpox vaccination and revaccination
Biologically false-positive serologic tests for syphilis due to smallpox vaccination.
Illness attributed to smallpox Vaccination during 1951-60. Part I. Illnesses reported as” Generalized Vaccinia”.
Progress in international smallpox eradication.
smallpox and Patriotism: The Norfolk Riots, 1768-1769
Serologic responses of children after primary vaccination and revaccination against smallpox
smallpox handler’s lung
A stable freeze-dried smallpox vaccine made in monolayer cultures of primary rabbit kidney cells
The introduction of jet injection mass vaccination into the national smallpox eradication program of Brazil.
Treatment of smallpox with cytosine arabinoside
Complications of smallpox vaccination. Effects of vaccinia immune globulin therapy
Strategy and tactics for smallpox eradication
Clinical-laboratory experiences with combined dried live measles-smallpox vaccine
An evaluation of measles and smallpox vaccines simultaneously administered.
smallpox in Toronto, 1962
smallpox diagnosis and electron microscopy.
smallpox vaccination by intradermal jet injection: 3. Evaluation in a well-vaccinated population
Investigation of hospital-associated smallpox–Vitoria, Espirito Santo.
Studies of smallpox antibody levels of sera from samples of the vaccinated adult population of Madras
smallpox: A Retrospect
A clinical laboratory study of smallpox in Brazil. Accuracy of the laboratory diagnosis of smallpox in patients with Brazilian variola minor infection.
WHO Expert Committee on smallpox Eradication [meeting held in Geneva from 22 to 29 November 1971]: second report
Comparison of dried vaccine with fresh Indian buffalo-calf lymph in revaccination against smallpox
Suppression of the histoplasmin reaction with measles and smallpox vaccines
smallpox and the ABO system in Southern Brazil
smallpox vaccination by intradermal jet injection: 2. Cutaneous and serological responses to primary vaccination in children
Clinical types of smallpox as seen in an epidemic
smallpox control in Canada
Vaccinia necrosum following smallpox vaccination for chronic herpetic ulcers
smallpox vaccination and serum anti-A levels
Correlation of three potency assay methods for smallpox vaccines
A method for preparing smallpox vaccine on a large scale in cultured cells
Natural transmission of smallpox from man to performing monkeys: An ecological curiosity
Case of malignant smallpox treated with compound 33T57
Relationship of clinical severity, antibody level, and previous vaccination state in smallpox
Active search operations for smallpox-an Ethiopian experience
A survey of complications to smallpox vaccination.
smallpox–world changes and implications for eradication.
Effect of interval between inoculation of live smallpox and yellow-fever vaccines on antigenicity in man
An improved smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccination of eczema patients with attenuated live vaccinia virus.
The continuing threat of smallpox
smallpox vaccination in malnourished children.
Studies on placentae and infants from women vaccinated for smallpox during pregnancy
Basal Cell Epithelioma in smallpox Vaccination Scar: Report of a Case
Simultaneous administration of live virus vaccines: measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, and smallpox
Persistence of facial scars of smallpox in West African populations
ABO Blood Group and smallpox.
Humoral and cellular immune responses of mice to rabies and smallpox vaccines
Complement requirement of the neutralizing antibody appearing after immunization with smallpox vaccine
Some aspects of the epidemiology of smallpox in Nepal.
Complications of smallpox vaccination: Surveillance during an island-wide program in Puerto Rico, 1967–1968
The epidemiology of smallpox in the Republic of Mali
smallpox treated with compound 33T57
smallpox Vaccination Studies with Serial Dilutions of Vaccine. 1. Primary Vaccination and Revaccination in Human Adults.
The histopathological changes in the temporal bone resulting from acute smallpox and chickenpox infection
smallpox in children
Unusual responses to smallpox vaccinations in two children
Did President Lincoln Give the smallpox to William H. Johnson?
Herpes simplex skin lesions simulating smallpox
Experimental variola in monkeys. Part I. Studies on disease enhancing property of cortisone in smallpox: a preliminary report.
smallpox in Central Province, Nyasaland
ABO blood groups in active cases of smallpox.
smallpox SURVEILLANCE: End of Year Summary—1970
Simultaneous administration of live measles virus vaccine and smallpox vaccine.
Transformation of human blood lymphocytes under the influence of smallpox antigen
smallpox or Chickenpox: An Iroquoian Community’s Reaction to Crisis, 1901-1902
smallpox in England and Wales 1962: The smallpox Outbreak in South Wales in 1962
Evaluation of the fluorescent antibody technique for the diagnosis of smallpox
smallpox vaccination: before or after one year of age?
A gas chromatographic method of measuring residual water in freeze-dried smallpox vaccine
A severe complication of smallpox vaccination.
The persistence of smallpox in remote unvaccinated villages during eradication program activities.
Role of Mosquitoes in the Spread of smallpox
The neurological complications of vaccination against smallpox and measles.
Antibody response in haemorrhagic smallpox.
Titration of live measles and smallpox vaccines by jet inoculation of susceptible children
Clinical smallpox classification and frequency of type of variola major
A study of immunity to smallpox in persons who have experienced a previous attack
Some Epidemiological and Clinical Features of smallpox and its Diagnosis.
An epidemiological analysis of the 1971 smallpox outbreak in Aralsk, Kazakhstan
Eradication of smallpox: The critical year ahead
Wart treatment by vaccination with smallpox vaccine: a preliminary report.
Acute pericarditis following smallpox vaccination.
Improvements in the rabbit scarification method for the assay of smallpox vaccine
Relationship between pock counts on the chorio-allantoic membrane and percentages of” takes” in primary vaccination of human beings with two smallpox vaccines
End of routine smallpox vaccination in childhood
A comparison of the rabbit scarification technique with titrations in cell cultures for the potency assay of smallpox vaccine
Antibody response to smallpox vaccination as expressed by plaque reduction on HeLa cells
Evaluation of virological laboratory methods for smallpox diagnosis
Effect of simultaneous BCG and smallpox vaccination in schoolchildren: Report of a WHO-sponsored preliminary study
Inoculation for smallpox (variolation) as performed in England prior to Jenner’s discovery
Complications of smallpox vaccination in Alabama, 1968.
Mass preventive medicine: A program for smallpox eradication and measles control throughout West Africa
Combined immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and smallpox
Combined BCG and smallpox immunization: a preliminary report on a method using the WHO bifurcated needle.
Plastic ampoules for liquid smallpox vaccine
Prevention of smallpox in Alta California during the Franciscan Mission Period (1769-1833).
Studies of false positive serological tests for syphilis following smallpox vaccination.
The Epidemic of smallpox in Wroclaw in 1963.
Tissue culture end-point titrations as a routine potency test for smallpox vaccine
Continue smallpox vaccination.
Nodulus cutaneus with hemorrhage in a smallpox vaccination scar
smallpox in England and Wales 1962
Results of a virological study of smallpox convalescents and contacts.
Congenital smallpox
smallpox 1962-Matters arising.
Eleven cases of smallpox.
smallpox vaccination and pregnancy.
Hemorrhagic smallpox. A study of 22 cases to determine the cause of bleeding.
Report of a Conference: Projected Studies on Immunization against smallpox
Accuracy of smallpox diagnosis by immunfluorescence with a purified conjugate
Skin complications of smallpox vaccination.
Control of smallpox and influenza
Take rates by double versus single insertions of smallpox vaccine in revaccinees.
Taking part in smallpox RESEARCH in INDIA
Inoculation in the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1721
Precipitation in gel test in diagnosis of smallpox.
Virus particle content of smallpox vaccines
smallpox‘in Kulmbach.
Epidemiological and virological studies on the off-season smallpox cases in Calcutta
smallpox eradication in Brazil, 1967-69
The origins of smallpox in central Africa
smallpox vaccination.
… neutralizing antibody against variola virus by the degree of focus reduction on HeLa cell cultures and its application to revaccination with smallpox vaccines of various …
smallpox control in Indonesia during the second quarter of the century and re-establishment of endemic smallpox from 1947
The smallpox Epidemic in Gdansk in 1962.
Advances in the Immunoprophylaxis of smallpox
Agar Gel Diffusion Precipitin Test in the Diagnosis of Haemorrhagic smallpox.
Complications of smallpox Vaccination, 1968—Results of a Statewide Survey in Alaska
smallpox vaccination immunity in relation to number of insertions
smallpox outbreaks in two Brazilian villages: epidemiologic characteristics
Herpesvirus hominis infection at a smallpox vaccination site
smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliomyelitis immunization
Inoculation and vaccination: smallpox, cowpox and vaccinia
Proposed Potency Testing of smallpox Vaccine: II. Comparative Titration in Rabbits, Chick Embryos and Tissue Culture
smallpox vaccination: ABO and Rhesus blood groups
Rapid Virus Diagnosis [Abridged] Rapid Methods of Diagnosis in smallpox
Jadassohn tumour arising at smallpox vaccination site
Use of the Fluorescent Antibody Technique in the Detection and Differential Diagnosis of smallpox.
Methodology of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine production
Survey of vaccination status and past smallpox experience of an urban population of West Pakistan
Combined BCG and smallpox vaccination.(A field trial in Rwanda.).
Characteristics of an epidemic of smallpox, Gerere Hamlet, Nigeria, 1968
smallpox Vaccination in Hospital Personnel: Results of a Survey and Vaccination Program at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
smallpox in Sierra Leone. I. Epidemiology.
The status of the microscopic diagnosis in the epidemiology of smallpox.
Field investigation of an outbreak of smallpox at Bawku, Ghana: May-October 1967
Symposium: is routine smallpox vaccination necessary in the United States? October, 1970.
Discontinuance of routine smallpox vaccination
Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox and Similar Viral Diseases by means of Tissue Culture Methods. I. Sensitivity of Tissue Culture Methods in the Detection of Variola …
“The Skunk and the smallpox:” Mythology and Historical Reality
Transmission of smallpox in endemic areas
Vaccination against smallpox
A Study of smallpox in Karachi.
The transmission pattern of smallpox in Eastern Mali.
Variola Virus and Immunity in smallpox. II. Recovery of Variola-Specific Soluble Antigens from Infected Rhesus Monkey Kidney Cells
Treatment of warts with smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccination.
A Field Trial of Tissue Culture smallpox Vaccine.
On the prophylactic activity of N-methyl isatin β-thiosemicarbazone against smallpox infection.
smallpox contagiousness
Studies of smallpox vaccination by bifurcated needles in Kenya
Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox vaccination for chronic herpetic ulcers
Acute, transient encephalopathy in young children following smallpox vaccination
Change in smallpox vaccination policy
A trial with a mixed BCG/smallpox vaccine given intradermally.
The effect of the smallpox eradication measles control programme on measles admissions to the Lagos Infectious Diseases Hospital, Yaba, Nigeria.
smallpox vaccination in a university and economy in use of vaccine
Costs associated with the protection of the United States against smallpox
smallpox immunization.
The smallpox Outbreak in Moscow in 1959-60.
Serological Studies in Children vaccinated against smallpox under Protection with GammaGlobulin or Methisazone.
smallpox Vaccination Studies with Serial Dilutions of Vaccine. 2. Statistical Evaluation of Quantal Response Data.
smallpox vaccination in these Islands
Review of the status of smallpox in the south-east Asia region
A new form of smallpox vaccine
Epidemics of smallpox in Poland in the Years 1953-1963.
Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox and Similar Viral Diseases by means of Tissue Culture Methods. III. Additional Modes of Differentiating Viruses of the Pox Group in …
A Comparison between Two Techniques of smallpox Vaccination.
Chemoprophylactic approach to the control of smallpox
Reliability of the Rapid Electron Microscopic Diagnosis of smallpox.
Concomitant enterovirus infection, smallpox vaccination, and exanthem
smallpox vaccines: attributes of egg and calf lymph vaccines
The Kuwait smallpox outbreak (1967).
Reaction to tuberculin, susceptibility to diphtheria and immunity against smallpox among medical students over a decade.
smallpox Vaccination in Pregnancy
Revaccination against smallpox.
Present status and future plan of smallpox eradication programme in India
Evaluation of results of the testing of smallpox vaccines: A report on statistical methods
smallpox vaccination campaign for Rhode Island hospital personnel.
Freeze-drying methods for smallpox cell culture vaccines.
Serological studies on an outbreak of smallpox in the State of Bahia-Brazil in 1969
Impact of mass communication in a smallpox vaccination campaign
Response of specific skin hypersensitivity and haemagglutination inhibiting antibody after smallpox vaccination in human newborns and adults
Relation between the neutralizing and haem-agglutination-inhibiting antibodies in smallpox.
Oral and nasal immunization with Poxvirus vacciniae. I. Criteria for smallpox immunity and immunology of the conventional cutaneous reaction to vaccination.
Peripheral nerve and root disturbances following active immunization against smallpox and tetanus
smallpox Control and Magical Thinking in 1962.
smallpox Vaccination
Why does smallpox still exist?
Convulsive reactions after smallpox vaccination.
Field evaluation of combined more attenuated live measles (Moraten)-smallpox vaccine in Honduras and Costa Rica
The clinical features of smallpox-Part III
An Epidemic of smallpox in the North Cameroons 1961-62.
Primary malignant melanoma in a smallpox vaccination scar: report of a case and review of the literature.
A Trial of Formalin-Inactivated smallpox Vaccine in Berlin.
smallpox vaccination
Vaccination against smallpox
Airborne Transmission of smallpox
smallpox Vaccination
Vaccination against smallpox
Vaccination against smallpox
Discontinuance of Routine smallpox Vaccination
Antibody Response after” Atypically” Performed smallpox Vaccination.
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox in England and Wales 1962
smallpox vaccination.
smallpox vaccination.
The smallpox Epidemic in Ansbach in 1961.
Diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus immunization combined with smallpox vaccination
Airborne Transmission of smallpox
Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox.
Some complications of untreated smallpox
smallpox Vaccination
Vaccinal Reactions and smallpox Immunity
smallpox Antibodies.
Laboratory Diagnosis of smallpox and Similar Viral Diseases by means of Tissue Culture Methods. II. Differentiation of smallpox Virus from Varicella, Vaccinia …
Control and eradication of smallpox
For and Against smallpox Vaccination
Comparative Study of Methods of Evaluating the Activity of smallpox Vaccine.
Vaccination Against smallpox
Haemagglutination-inhibiting variola antibodies in blood serum of former smallpox patients, their healthy siblings, and unvaccinated controls from other areas
An outbreak of smallpox in Chingleput district, Madras
Comparison of titrations on the chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryos with the rabbit scarification technique for the potency assay of smallpox vaccines
Some problems arising from a case of smallpox in a London borough
smallpox vaccination vs inoculation
An outbreak of smallpox in an urban area
Risks of smallpox vaccination
Pattern of transmission of smallpox in Delhi.
The Resistance of smallpox Virus.
Protective plastic film dressing in smallpox vaccination.
Procedure following an Outbreak of smallpox in a General Hospital.
6-azauridine in smallpox.
The transmission pattern of smallpox in a West African school population.
Epidemic smallpox in a rural district (Santhal Parganas)
A Comparison of Two Methods of Vaccination against smallpox in Nigeria.
smallpox vaccination in new born babies
An outbreak of smallpox in a village in Afghanistan
Some problems of smallpox vaccination in India and how to solve them.
Outbreaks of smallpox during 1968 in some villages of Jaipur district, Rajasthan
smallpox surveillance in the strategy of global eradication
Comparative Study of Russian Freeze-Dried smallpox Vaccine and an Indian Cow-Calf Lymph.
Reactions to smallpox vaccination
Results of virological examination of smallpox convalescents and contacts
A comparative study of smallpox vaccination techniques under field conditions.
Studies of Variola Virus and Immunity in smallpox. III. Measurement of Antibodies to High-Molecular-Weight Soluble Antigens of Variola Virus Using the Bis-diazotized …
Cutaneous responses to smallpox revaccination with calf lymph and the effect of fluorocarbon purification of the vaccine
smallpox in Rhodesia and the use of the electron microscope in the diagnosis of this and other diseases
Public health and the law. smallpox vaccination and organized religion.
Epidemiological characteristics of smallpox outbreaks in two small Brazilian villages
The Recent Outbreak of smallpox in Port Elizabeth.
Ten-Year Hospital Plan—smallpox in Great Britain—Military Medicine
A study of variation in the number of pock lesions formed on the chorioallantoic membranes of chick embryos by titrating National Reference smallpox vaccine virus.
Rate of inactivation of smallpox and vaccinia viruses by fixatives used in histological methods.
A short report on the epidemiological findings of smallpox outbreaks in the state of Tamil Nadu, July 1968-June 1969
Some Observations on Clinical Reactions following smallpox Vaccination.
Neurological complications following smallpox vaccination.
Cardiac Complications after smallpox Vaccinations
Potency testing of smallpox vaccine
The smallpox eradication programme in Sierra Leone
Clinical assessment of an isothizole thiosemicarbazone against smallpox.
A comparison of multiple pressure and scratch techniques in vaccination against smallpox
Protection and Control Measures in Imported smallpox Epidemics.
Methisazone (Marboran) in smallpox prophylaxis and in the treatment of complications of vaccination. A review.
Thermostability and other Factors in the Choice of a smallpox Vaccine.
Keeping Properties of Dried smallpox Vaccine Containing Antibiotics.
Results of the study on the simultaneous administration of BCG and smallpox vaccines.
The use of univalent cations for the stabilization of smallpox vaccine.
smallpox vaccination following childhood postvaccinal encephalitis
A short report on epidemiological investigations of smallpox outbreaks in 1969 in a few villages of Nellore District of Andrapradesh
List of participants: World Health Organization Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in smallpox Eradication, New Delhi, 30 October-2 November 1972
smallpox and Necropsies
smallpox and ABO blood groups in the Congo
Comparison of 3 types of smallpox vaccines.
smallpox Vaccine (Dried), an Aid for Permanent Vaccination Stations.
smallpox at Mpulungu
The detection of cerebral reactions after smallpox vaccination in adults.
Sequelae following smallpox vaccination in the Sepik District of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea.
Electrophoretic Pattern of Serum Proteins and of C-Protein Reaction in smallpox.
Further studies with precipitation in gel test in diagnosis of smallpox. Part I. Studies on detection of antibodies in sera by pig test.
smallpox–present and future
Results of virological and immunological studies in children with complications resulting from smallpox vaccination.
smallpox (Supected case)
A study of the effect of simultaneous vaccination with BCG and smallpox vaccine in newborn infants
smallpox and chickenpox [poster].
smallpox revaccination
smallpox in Meschede, 1970.
smallpox SURVEILLAISCH—1972
smallpox Revaccination
smallpox 1967= VARIOLE 1967
smallpox in Regensburg.
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL NOTES (contd.): smallpox
smallpox vaccination of normal and eczematous children with the attenuated CVI-78 strain of vaccinia virus.
smallpox Revaccination
Bilateral Damage of the Cochlear and Vestibular Nerves following smallpox Vaccination.
Oral and nasal immunization with Poxvirus vacciniae. II. New methods of smallpox vaccination.
An anthro-pozoonotic focus of vaccinia in cows transmitted to milkers in the course of smallpox vaccination of children.
smallpox in Toronto, 1962
smallpox in Wands-worth 1967.
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL NOTES (contd.): smallpox
… on simultaneous vaccination in guinea pigs with BCG and smallpox and diphtheria-pertussis combined vaccines. I. Simultaneous vaccination with BCG and smallpox …
Some personal reflections on the clinical aspects of smallpox
Treatment of verrucae with smallpox vaccine
The clinical features of smallpox part 3
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1972
smallpox INCIDENCE—1970
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1970
smallpox Reported in the United States
smallpox vaccination.
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1970
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1971
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1971-72
smallpox vaccination
Vaccination Against smallpox
Paraguay: report on a survey to determine the status of smallpox and levels of smallpox immunity
Further details on Hanover, Germany, smallpox incident
smallpox vaccination.
smallpox Contacts
smallpox vaccinations.
smallpox in England and Wales 1962
Bleeding and coagulation studies in smallpox and chicken-pox, Madras, India, 1962-63
Illness attributed to smallpox Vaccination during 1951-60. Part III. Fatal Illnesses reported as associated with Vaccination but not as Generalized Vaccinia or as Post …
Vaccination Against smallpox
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox: Cases and deaths in 1964
Contraindictions to smallpox vaccination.
smallpox ON BOARD A SHIP
Measures to be taken in case of outbreaks in countries free from smallpox
smallpox incidence: India, January-June 1968
Further observation on the smallpox epidemic at Mpulungu
Indian, German, and other European views on smallpox and its effects.
Report of the smallpox Pilot Projects Committee.
The control of smallpox in Greater Bombay
smallpox in Minas Gerais State.
smallpox ON BOARD A SHIP
smallpox Vaccination in Fairfield, 1782
smallpox ON BOARD A SHIP
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Vaccination
Contraindications to smallpox vaccination.
Factors involved in transmission of smallpox and duration of immunity
smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Vaccination
International certificate of vaccination or revaccination against smallpox
Risks of smallpox Vaccination
Development of the smallpox surveillance programme in Andhra Pradesh
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox vaccination
Vaccination Against smallpox
The case for continued smallpox vaccination
Contraindication to smallpox vaccination.
Vaccination Against smallpox
A study of 240 cases of haemorrhagic smallpox
smallpox vaccines
smallpox and Vaccination.
smallpox eradication
smallpox Vaccination
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox occurrence in the município of São Paulo, Brazil, 1945-69.
… , organization and execution of national smallpox eradication campaign in India:(to be presented to the WHO Expert Committee on smallpox, Geneva-14-20 …
Vaccination Against smallpox
… evaluation of the national smallpox eradication programme in different parts of India:(to be presented to the WHO Expert Committee on smallpox, Geneva-14-20 …
Control of smallpox in Delhi Municipal Corporation
Vaccination Against smallpox
The origins of smallpox in Central Africa part 1
Age distribution of patients in endemic smallpox-Part II
smallpox eradication programme in Ghana
Points from Letters: smallpox Rash
Present state of global smallpox eradication
Importation of smallpox cases into Nepal
Vaccination Against smallpox
Methods to ascertain that smallpox transmission in an area has been interrupted
Review of smallpox situation in the world
smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Vaccination
smallpox: Cases and deaths in 1965* ab
Treatment of smallpox Patients with Anti-smallpox γ-Globulin.
smallpox in Utero
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox control and eradication
Packaging of smallpox Vaccine
Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox Vaccination
Observations on some Complications arising after Revaccination for smallpox.
The planning, organization and execution of smallpox eradication campaign in Pakistan
smallpox studies in Madras City, India
Cases of smallpox in Diisseldorf. Clinical Report.
Vaccination Against smallpox
smallpox in the municipio of Sao Paulo, Brazil 1945-1969: a 25-year review
Vaccination against smallpox.
Comparative study of the virus neutralising antibody levels and types of skin reaction in smallpox revaccinated persons
Points from Letters: Eradicating smallpox
The National smallpox Eradication Program: India’s Struggle against smallpox.
Risks of smallpox Vaccination
Place of smallpox Vaccination In the United States
Editoral: Chemoprophylaxis against smallpox
smallpox surveillance in Afghanistan
Vaccination against smallpox
Control of smallpox epidemics by surveillance
Global eradication of smallpox
Osteomyelitis in smallpox.
A study of smallpox vaccination in France in 1966.
The Duration of Postvaceinal Immunity to smallpox.
Regional Office for Africa. smallpox-a pictorial guide to diagnosis.
Teaching exercise: field investigation of a smallpox case: problem for students
Experience in performing vaccination against smallpox by the needleless method
Status of smallpox eradication activities
smallpox vaccine in ointment form.
Complications of smallpox vaccination
Multiple abscesses as a sequel of untreated smallpox
Reactions to smallpox Vaccination
Reactions to smallpox Vaccination
Analysis of mass vaccination against smallpox.
Points from Letters: smallpox Vaccination
smallpox: observations on the reliability of rapid electron microscopic diagnosis
Contribution of the French Territory of Afars and Issas to smallpox control in East Africa
AGAINST smallpox
AGAINST smallpox
Clinical and Epidemiological Data in an Epidemic of smallpox.
Points from Letters: smallpox Vaccination
Points from Letters: smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Vaccine in Plastic Tubing
Failed smallpox Vaccinations
A Simple and Fast Method of smallpox Vaccination.
Failed smallpox Vaccinations
Cross notification in smallpox eradication
smallpox eradication campaign-Brazil: situation in 1972
Vaccination of smallpox contacts.
An Urban Epidemic of smallpox in Africa.
smallpox vaccination In hospital personnel
Clinical Observation of smallpox Vaccination in Newborn Infants
smallpox Vaccination in Pregnancy
Organization of a smallpox eradication campaign
smallpox Measles Program: status report as of February 20, 1967
Teaching exercise: smallpox surveillance: syllabus for the discussion leaders
An Outbreak of smallpox in the Trucial Oman States
Organization of the Treatment of Complications of smallpox Vaccination in Children during the smallpox Epidemic in Wroclaw in 1963.
A short report on epidemiological findings of smallpox outbreaks in the city of Madras: January-June 1968
smallpox vaccination before the age of 3 months: evaluation of safety
Prevention of smallpox-Immunization Reactions.
smallpox Chemoprophylaxis
A smallpox Vaccination Campaign by an Industrial Medical Department.
Physicians Debate Routine smallpox Vaccinations
smallpox Vaccination Certificates
Discontinuation of routine smallpox vaccination.
smallpox Vaccination in Basel.
Results of smallpox Vaccination in Infants.
Assessment of the smallpox vaccination programme in Afghanistan
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL NOTES (continued): smallpox (VARIOLA MINOR)—Monmouthshire, Wales, United Kingdom
smallpox Vaccination Certificates
smallpox Vaccine in Plastic Tubing
smallpox Vaccination and Pregnancy.
Evaluation of the precipitation-in-gel reaction in the diagnosis of smallpox
Reactions to smallpox Vaccination
smallpox eradication in Iraq-1972.
The Clinical Aspects of smallpox and Reactions to Vaccination.
Failed smallpox Vaccinations
Encourage and appreciate immediate reporting of smallpox: methods to determine the efficacy of the programs
Post-vaccinal Complications in Children During an Outbreak of smallpox.
smallpox Inoculation Controversy in Norfolk: 1768-1776
smallpox Vaccine in Plastic Tubing
The Significance of Revaccination against smallpox for the Continuation of Immunity in Man.
Studies on the Antigenicity of Inactivated smallpox Vaccine.
Potency and stability characteristics of smallpox vaccine used in the smallpox eradication programme in Western and West-Central Africa
smallpox Inoculation in Colonial New Jersey: A Contemporary Account
Lymphadenitis after smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Scare-A Suspect Case in Winnipeg in December, 1965
The smallpox eradication programme in Afghanistan
Antibody Response after Revaccination of Adults against smallpox.
Non-encephalitic disease after smallpox vaccination.
Epidemiology of an outbreak of smallpox in Mostardas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Animal tests of smallpox vaccines in mice by challenge with variola.
smallpox eradication programme Punjab 1972: three years of experience in Punjab Province
Primary smallpox vaccination by jet injections
Special problems relating to the smallpox eradication programme in Afghanistan
Purification of smallpox vaccine with fluorocarbon.
Parental Attitudes to smallpox Vaccination.
Can the Course of smallpox Vaccination be influenced by Drug Treatment?
Status of smallpox eradication activities: country, Zambia
NARRATION: An Episode in Early American Vaccination Against smallpox, 1809
INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS: International Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination against smallpox
smallpox eradication: report of a WHO scientific group [meeting held in Geneva from 17 to 24 October 1967]
Epidemiological investigation of a smallpox outbreak in a city reported to be 100% vaccinated
Evaluation of smallpox Vaccination Techniques in Children and Adults in Ernani Agricola School in Belo Horizonte.
Hemorrhagic smallpox caused by alastrim virus: Report on a case in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Conquest of smallpox in Maharashtra State: containment and follow-up measures: failures and achievements
smallpox Vaccinations in Western Germany and West Berlin in 1957 and 1958.
Malignancy in a smallpox Vaccination scar
Serological Reactions in Revaccination after smallpox Vaccination.
Gel-electrophoresis in the smallpox diagnosis
Present status and future plans for the smallpox eradication programme in Nepal
smallpox eradication project Punjab 1972: some aspects of smallpox eradication in Lahore
Observations on inter-relationships between smallpox eradication and public health services
Observations on the treatment of complications after vaccination against smallpox.
WHO Expert Committee on smallpox [meeting held in Geneva from 14 to 20 January 1964]: first report
Epidemiological investigations, smallpox Eradication Programme in Togo 1969
Low level transmission of smallpox in a well vaccinated area, Pasar Minggu, Djakarta, Indonesia (February-August 1970)
Dr. Samuel Lord and the smallpox Epidemic of 1765–66 at Chatham, Massachusetts
Endemic smallpox in rural East Pakistan. 1, Methodology, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases, and intervillage transmission
smallpox and traditional medicine in the developing countries of Africa and Asia.
Assessment of phase I of the smallpox Eradication/Measles Control Program of Niger
A cutaneous allergic manifestation associated with smallpox vaccination.
Studies on laboratory testing of smallpox vaccines used in India under the National smallpox Eradication Programme. Potency and bacterial sterility studies.
SEA/RC16/R8-Synchronization of smallpox Eradication Activities in Neighbouring Countries
Early smallpox Vaccination. The Age Distribution of Febrile Convulsions after Primary smallpox Vaccination.
Duration of Viremia Following Vaccination and smallpox
Laboratory study of smallpox in patients of the” Emilio Ribas” Infectious Disease Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil. II. An evaluation of the different indirect diagnostic …
Scar survey in smallpox eradication programme of West Pakistan
Studies of smallpox vaccination by jet injection in Brazil
Dead men tell no tales:(an account of a recent smallpox outbreak in Afghanistan)
Cutaneous complications of mass vaccination against smallpox in Kuwait, 1967.
Brief history of epidemiology and control of smallpox in Turkey and recent developments in vaccine production.
Skin response to smallpox revaccination and haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies.
Recommendations of the committee: World Health Organization Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in smallpox Eradication, New Delhi, 30 October-2 …
Investigation of an Outbreak of smallpox in a Police Station Area within Basirhat Sub-Division of West Bengal.
Program: World Health Organization Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in smallpox Eradication, New Delhi, 30 October-2 November 1972
The epidemiological efficacy of smallpox vaccination performed during the first six months of life.
Marmelzat, WL: Malignant tumors in smallpox scars
General information: Inter-Regional Seminar on smallpox Eradication, Lagos, Nigeria, 13-20 May 1969
Disease of the skin of the hands of milkmaids from cows infected with smallpox vaccine in humans
A BCG and smallpox vaccination campaign in Algeria.
Vaccinia Virus and Problems of smallpox Vaccination.
A Case of Diabetes Insipidus arising after smallpox Vaccination.
smallpox vaccination between 1961 and 1965 and its complications between 1946 and 1966 in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia.
A rare complication of smallpox vaccination: toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell).
Potency and stability of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine.
smallpox in England and Wales 1962: smallpox in Bradford 1962: A Clinical Review
Examination of Anti-smallpox Vaccines for the Presence of Contaminant Viruses.
Freeze-Dried smallpox Vaccine: Report of a Trial in Kuala Lumpur.
Inauguration of the seminar: World Health Organization Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in smallpox Eradication, New Delhi, 30 October-2 November 1972
Danger to the Human Embryo resulting from smallpox Vaccination during Pregnancy.
The relationship between cutaneous reactions and humoral immunity after smallpox revaccination in young people aged 20-21.
Studies on laboratory testing of smallpex vaccines used in India under the national smallpox eradication programme.
SEA/RC17/5-smallpox eradication
Scar surveys as a tool for evaluation and supervision of the smallpox eradication programme East Java Province, Indonesia
Investigations on the pathogenic characters of staphylococci isolated during the various stages of smallpox vaccine production.
Assessment of the vaccination component of the programme: from the revised Handbook for smallpox eradication programmes in endemic areas
Trials of Various Excipients in the Lyophilization of smallpox Vaccine.
Investigation of the question of contamination of smallpox vaccine with parainfluenza and rhinoviruses of cattle.
Virus excretion in the throat, urine and conjunctiva of smallpox cases
Of what importance is an” asthenie” vaccination reaction for the occurrence of complications of the central nervous system after smallpox vaccination?
smallpox, vaccinia and human monkeypox viruses
Ineffective and effective papular and vesicular reactions to revaccination against smallpox. I. Morphological results.
Purulent Meningitis after smallpox Vaccination: The Question of Postvaccinal Decrease in Resistance to Infection.
Rural areas: smallpox and measles in the member states of the Organization for Coordination and Cooperation in the control of major endemic diseases.
The effect of measles infection and of vaccination with certain live vaccines on humoral immunity to smallpox
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Simultaneous Vaccination with BCG and smallpox Vaccine-Part 1. Experiments in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits
Intradermal smallpox Vaccination by Jet Injection.
Study of Antigens and Antibodies of smallpox and Vaccinia by Microprecipitation in Gels.
Provisional agenda item 10: smallpox eradication
Neurologic complications after smallpox vaccination daring the mass vaccination campaign in Poland in 1963.
Provisional agenda item 15: status of smallpox eradication in the Americas
A Study of the Possibility of Oral Immunization of Experimental Animals with smallpox Vaccine Virus. Report I. Immunological Shifts in the Vaccinated Animals.
SEA/RC17/15-Conclusions and recommendations arising from the technical discussions on smallpox eradication
… circular concerning the bringing up to date of technical instructions to be recommended to physicians in charge of anti-smallpox vaccination and revaccination
Leucocytolysis as Indicator of Specific Reactivity of Tissue to Vaccinia Virus after smallpox Vaccination. Clinical, Experimental and Electron-Microscopical …
Experiments on challenge with variola of vaccinia immunity transferred to cell cultures. A contribution to the evaluation of smallpox vaccines.
smallpox eradication: a preliminary survey of the eradication programme in southern Blue Nile Province.
The question of differences in the frequency of neural complications following primary smallpox vaccination with the vaccinia strains” Elstree” and” Hamburg”.
Lyophilized smallpox tissue culture vaccine. Clinical trial and comparison with dermo-vaccines.
Increase of Virulence for the Rabbit of a smallpox Virus after Passage in Calf Testicular Cell Cultures.
Ineffective and effective papular and vesicular reactions to revaccination against smallpox. III. Investigation of antibody response by the neutralization test.
… item 14: estimated requirements for smallpox eradication in the Americas; estimate of the kind and amount of international assistance required for the smallpox …
Ineffective and effective papular and vesicular reactions to revaccination against smallpox. II. Serological results with the haem-agglutination inhibition test.
Instructions concerning the method of smallpox inoculation and the method of curing this disease taking into consideration the nature and way of life of the Indians of …
Reports of the Federal Ministry of Health. Vol. 9. Statutory smallpox vaccination practice. Opinion and proposals of the Federal Ministry of Health as of 15th July 1970.
Soluble Antigens of Pox Viruses. II. Rapid Diagnosis of smallpox. Studies on Agar Precipitation and Immunofluorescence Tests.
Studies on viability of variola virus. Part I. Viability of variola virus in smallpox material on glass slides, in capillary lubes on filter paper anil cotton threads.
Vaccination stamp for smallpox vaccination. A disposable instrument ready for use with freeze-dried vaccine.
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Simultaneous Vaccination with BCG and smallpox Vaccine-Part 2. Experiments in the innunized aminals and the rabbit …
Rapid heat stability (boiling) versus conventional heat stability (standard) test of freeze dried smallpox vaccine.
Investigations on the effect of treatment with inactivated vaccinia virus (vaccinia antigen) on the course of fever in primary smallpox vaccination in adults.
Successful and unsuccessful nodular and vesicular reactions after smallpox revaccination. IV. Number of insertions, persistence, vaccination interval, individual and …
Soluble Antigens of Pox Viruses. I. Studies on smallpox and Vaccinia Viruses Soluble Antigens.
Passive and adoptive immunization of baby mice with virus vaccinia and variola: a potency assay for smallpox vaccines.
The death rate among vaccinated infants within 4 weeks after smallpox vaccination.
… substances: manufacturing establishments and control laboratories, poliomyelitis vaccine (inactivated, poliomyelitis vaccine (oral, smallpox vaccine, report of …
… IN SOUTH GERMANY In Central Europe the incidence of cowpox in cattle and humans has been rare since the vaccination campaign against smallpox in the 19th …
Table 5: smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1971: Reports received by 2 May 1972
Unsuccessful and successful nodular and vesicular reactions after revaccination against smallpox. IV. Number of cuts, early and late reactions, persistency …
… against tetanus by a single dose of concentrated toxoid. II. Possibilities of combining it with various other living vaccines (measles, smallpox, yellow fever and BCG.
Experimental study of the effect of gamma-globulin on immunogenesis in smallpox vaccination. I. Features of the vaccinal reaction and immunologic responses of …
… Senegal with Schwarz Living Further Attenuated Vaccine introduced by Dermojet Injector (Needle-less). Possible Advantages of Association of Measles and smallpox …
Studies on Simultaneous Vaccination in Guinea Pigs with BCG and smallpox and Diphtheria-Pertussis Combined Vaccines. II. Simultaneous Vaccination with BCG …
332 AuG. 10, G1963 LESSONS ABBOUT smallpox
… administration may require any person on an international voyage who does not show sufficient evidence of protection by a previous attack of smallpox to possess, on …
SEA/RC16/7-Synchronization of national campaigns for eradication of smallpox in adjoining territories
From the Lettsomian Lectures for 1961.[iv] smallpox. Part II.
… sanitary regulations: quarantine procedures for International Travel with special reference to three epidemic diseases of South-East Asia-cholera, smallpox and …
The smallpox story: life and death of an old disease
smallpox as a biological weapon: medical and public health management
smallpox and its eradication
Principles and lessons from the smallpox eradication programme
smallpox in two systems of knowledge
Global eradication of smallpox
smallpox: clinical and epidemiologic features.
The conquest of smallpox: the impact of inoculation on smallpox mortality in eighteenth century Britain
The global eradication of smallpox
smallpox: the triumph over the most terrible of the ministers of death
The myth of the medical breakthrough: smallpox, vaccination, and Jenner reconsidered
The eradication of smallpox
Edward Jenner and the eradication of smallpox
smallpox: An attack scenario.
The Changed Mother, or what the smallpox Goddess did when there was no more smallpox
smallpox inoculation in Africa
The goddess Śītalā and epidemic smallpox in Bengal
smallpox: emergence, global spread, and eradication
smallpox eradication.
smallpox in Nineteenth‐Century India
Surveillance of smallpox
smallpox eradication in West and Central Africa.
Analysis of the complete genome of smallpox variola major virus strain Bangladesh-1975
Revising the conquest of Mexico: smallpox, sources, and populations
The minimum protective level of antibodies in smallpox
The history of smallpox and its spread around the world
Imnlunization against smallpox before Jenner
Spanish and Nahuatl views on smallpox and demographic catastrophe in Mexico
Voices of disaster: smallpox around the Strait of Georgia in 1782
smallpox in Kenya, 1880–1920
The two faces of smallpox: A disease and its prevention in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century Sweden
smallpox vaccination reactions, prophylaxis, and therapy of complications
Potential virulence determinants in terminal regions of variola smallpox virus genome
Who discovered smallpox vaccination? Edward Jenner or Benjamin Jesty?
Declaration of global eradication of smallpox
Did smallpox reduce height? Stature and the standard of living in London, 1770‐18731
The global eradication of smallpox: final report of the Global Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication, Geneva, December 1979
Intimidation, coercion and resistance in the final stages of the South Asian smallpox eradication campaign, 1973–1975
Poxvirus dilemmas—monkeypox, smallpox, and biologic terrorism
smallpox: a history of its rise and fall
smallpox: ten years gone.
The smallpox vaccination strain MVA: marker, genetic structure, experience gained with the parenteral vaccination and behavior in organisms with a debilitated …
The dynamics of smallpox epidemics in Britain, 1550–1800
The odyssey of smallpox vaccination
Remission of chronic lymphocytic leukemia after smallpox vaccination
smallpox and epidemiological-demographic change in Europe: the role of vaccination
The persistence of neutralizing antibodies after revaccination against smallpox
The history of smallpox vaccination in Germany: a first step in the medicalization of the general public
Out of Africa: the slave trade and the transmission of smallpox to Brazil, 1560-1831
smallpox and climate in the American Southwest
smallpox: gone but not forgotten
smallpox in the Pacific Northwest: the first epidemics
smallpox and its eradication in Finland: Implications for disease control
smallpox in London: factors in the decline of the disease in the nineteenth century
Virus content of smallpox scabs
Sewers and scapegoats: spatial metaphors of smallpox in nineteenth century San Francisco
smallpox in aboriginal Australia, 1829–31
smallpox at the Cape of Good Hope in the eighteenth century
Historical epidemiology of smallpox in Åland, Finland: 1751–1890
Leicester and smallpox: the Leicester method
MVA vaccination against smallpox: clinical tests with an attenuated live vaccinia virus strain (MVA).
Historical review of smallpox, the eradication of smallpox and the attenuated smallpox MVA vaccine
American Indian population recovery following smallpox epidemics
Disease as device: the role of smallpox in Bleak House
Adverse reactions after smallpox vaccination
The Nessus shirt in the new world: smallpox blankets in history and legend
The world’s last endemic case of smallpox: surveillance and containment measures
The introduction of smallpox in the Greater Southwest
Vaccination policy against smallpox, 1835–1914: a comparison of England with Prussia and Imperial Germany
smallpox and its control in Canada
Politics and public health: smallpox in Milwaukee, 1894-1895
Surgeons, smallpox, and the poor: A history of medicine and social conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749-1799
The great Charlestown smallpox epidemic of 1760
Did smallpox reduce height?
smallpox and its eradication
Modelling the different smallpox epidemics in England
smallpox used them up: References to epidemic disease in northern plains winter counts, 1714-1920
Osteological evidence for smallpox: a possible case from seventeenth century Ontario
smallpox in Southeast Asia
A reality in our time: Certification of the global eradication of smallpox
smallpox and its post-eradication surveillance.
The high plains smallpox epidemic of 1837-38
CDC and the smallpox Crusade
From inoculation to vaccination: smallpox in Sweden in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
The remaining stocks of smallpox virus should be destroyed
The Florey Lecture, 1983-Biological control, as exemplified by smallpox eradication and myxomatosis
smallpox eradication: a Cold War victory
The introduction of smallpox vaccine in 1803 and the adoption of immunization as a government function in Puerto Rico
smallpox vaccine and vaccination in the intensified smallpox eradication programme
The cost of disease eradication: smallpox and bovine tuberculosis
To Save the Children: smallpox Inoculation, Vaccination, and Public Health in Guanajuato, Mexico, 1797-1840 1
The eradication of smallpox
The epidemiology of smallpox
smallpox and nutritional status in England, 1770-1873: on the difficulties of estimating historical heights
smallpox in Aboriginal Australia, the early 1830s
Current status of smallpox vaccine.
smallpox vaccination and its consequences: first experiences with the highly attenuated smallpox vaccine “MVA”
Why the smallpox virus stocks should not be destroyed
smallpox surveillance
The age-dependent risk of postvaccination complications in vaccinees with smallpox vaccine
smallpox eradication: progress and problems.
smallpox eradication–the final battle.
Virological evidence for the success of the smallpox eradication programme
Immune responses to measles and smallpox vaccinations in malnourished children
Science in Europe/smallpox Death in Britain Challenges Presumption of Laboratory Safety: Peer review failed dismally
Commentary on early contact-era smallpox in the Pacific Northwest
Evaluation of smallpox vaccination policy
The global eradication of smallpox. Final report of the Global Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication
Aftermath of a hypothetical smallpox disaster.
Microbes and muskets: smallpox and the participation of the Amerindian allies of New France in the Seven Years’ War
smallpox epidemics in cities in Britain
The right to die? Anti-vaccination activity and the 1874 smallpox epidemic in Stockholm
smallpox eradication
smallpox did reduce height: a reply to our critics
The god of smallpox: aspects of Yoruba religious knowledge
Human poxvirus disease after smallpox eradication.
The eradication of smallpox: organizational learning and innovation in international health administration
Oscillatory dynamics of smallpox and the impact of vaccination
The edge of utility: slaves and smallpox in the early eighteenth century
Indications for smallpox vaccination: policies still differ.
Basal cell carcinoma arising in a smallpox vaccination site.
Italian smallpox of the sixteenth century
Topography of variola smallpox virus inverted terminal repeats
smallpox inoculation and demographic trends in eighteenth-century Scotland
The Jenner bicentenary: the introduction and early distribution of smallpox vaccine
Traces of a smallpox epidemic in the family of Ramesses V of the Egyptian 20th dynasty
smallpox: an historical review
smallpox eradication in the Americas
The British, slaves, and smallpox in Revolutionary Virginia
Activity of colloidal silver preparations towards smallpox virus
New smallpox case seems lab-caused
smallpox on the Northwest Coast, 1835-1838
Rhazes: the original portrayer of smallpox
Socioeconomic change and disease: smallpox in colonial Kenya, 1880–1920
Commentary: smallpox eradication in west and central Africa revisited.
Macassans and Aboriginal smallpox: the ‘1789’and ‘1829’epidemics
smallpox vaccination revisited. Some observations on the biology of vaccinia.
Detection by radioimmunoassay of antibodies in human smallpox patients and vaccinees
The Pueblo Indian smallpox Epidemic in New Mexico, 1898-1899
French reactions to Jenner’s discovery of smallpox vaccination: the primary sources
The influence of John Hunter’s inoculation practice on Edward Jenner’s discovery of vaccination against smallpox
smallpox vaccination during pregnancy.
smallpox in the Sudan
Air sampling of smallpox virus
Pattern of intrafamilial transmission of smallpox in Calcutta, India
smallpox and vaccinia in the United States—1972
smallpox in Central Australia: evidence for epidemics and postulations about the impact
An hypothesis for the periodicity of smallpox epidemics as revealed by time series analysis
Sirhak Medicine: Measles, smallpox, and Chŏng Tasan
Possible changes in the frequency of the human ABO blood groups in Iceland due to smallpox epidemics selection
After smallpox eradication: yaws?
Human poxvirus infection after the eradication of smallpox
Biohazards due to orthopoxvirus: should we re-vaccinate against smallpox?
Epidemic and governmentality: smallpox in Sydney, 1881
smallpox diagnosed 400 years later: results of skin lesions examination of 16th century Italian mummy.
Differentiation of smallpox and camelpox viruses in cultures of human and monkey cells
The implementation of compulsory health legislation: infant smallpox vaccination in England and Wales, 1840-1890
Pox Britannica: smallpox inoculation in Britain, 1721-1830
The African connection: Cotton Mather and the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1721-1722
Confusion, controversy, and quarantine: The Muncie smallpox epidemic of 1893
Mummified, frozen smallpox: is it a threat?
Farewell to smallpox vaccination.
The weight of evidence and the burden of authority: Case histories, medical statistics and smallpox inoculation
Is smallpox a hazard in church crypts?
The conquest of smallpox.
smallpox in person: personification or personalization (Africa)?
Al-Razi Book on smallpox and Measles
Remission of chronic lymphocytic leukemia after smallpox vaccination
Response of camels to intradermal inoculation with smallpox and camelpox viruses
The smallpox story: from variolation to victory
The smallpox saga and the origin (s) of vaccination
Evaluation of a measles-smallpox vaccination campaign by a sero-epidemiologic method
Should the smallpox virus be allowed to survive?
Clinical and serologic study of four smallpox vaccines comparing variations of dose and route of administration. Primary percutaneous vaccination.
Doctor Thomas Dimsdale, and smallpox in Russia: the variolation of the empress Catherine the Great
Thomas Jefferson and smallpox vaccination.
Chromosomal aberrations and SCE in lymphocytes of children revaccinated against smallpox
Large-scale use of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine prepared in primary cultures of rabbit kidney cells
Until god knows when: smallpox in the late-colonial Philippines
Recurrent herpes simplex infection at a smallpox vaccination site
Can we stop smallpox vaccination? The cessation of vaccination will not only save thousands of patients who would otherwise have suffered from complications …
Failure of cytosine arabinoside in treating smallpox: a double-blind study
smallpox in Launceston, 1887 and 1903
The threat of bioterrorism: a reason to learn more about anthrax and smallpox.
Gene homology between orf virus and smallpox variola virus
Global eradication of smallpox [with discussion]
Spread of smallpox among a Somali nomadic group.
Experimental study of the role of inactivated vaccine in two-step vaccination against smallpox
Outbreaks of smallpox due to variolation in China, 1962–1965
Spatial aspects of a smallpox epidemic in a small brazilian city
Keratoacanthoma in a smallpox vaccination site
smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks
smallpox-induced scars: treatment by dermabrasion
smallpox surveillance in Bangladesh: I-Development of surveillance containment strategy
smallpox in seventeenth-century English literature: reality and the metamorphosis of wit
smallpox surveillance
smallpox eradication: a global appraisal
The dreadful scourge’: responses to smallpox in Sydney and Melbourne, 1881-2
Urban hospital and rural village smallpox in Bangladesh.
The saga of smallpox eradication: an end and a beginning
The 1972 smallpox outbreak in khulna municipality, Bangladesh: II. Effectiveness of surveillance and containment in urban epidemic control
smallpox and biological warfare: the case for abandoning vaccination of military personnel.
smallpox and the double decrement table: a piece of actuarial prehistory
Mark Twain and James WC Pennington: Huckleberry Finn’s smallpox Lie
The history and traditional treatment of smallpox in the Sudan
Lessons for implementation from the world’s most successful programme: the global eradication of smallpox
smallpox surveillance in Bangladesh: II-smallpox facial scar survey assessment of surveillance effectiveness
The eradication of smallpox in Shanghai, China, October 1950—July 1951
smallpox vaccine, then and now. From the” cow lymphe” to the cell-culture vaccine
Surveillance of orthopoxvirus infections, and associated research, in the period after smallpox eradication
The Problems of Implementation: The Failure and Success of Public Vaccination against smallpox in Ireland, 1840-1873
The behavioral treatment of a thirty year smallpox obsession and hand washing compulsion
Mapping the geographical diffusion of a Finnish smallpox epidemic from historical population records
Princes and peasants: smallpox in history
Oral immunization against smallpox.
Ten years of freedom from smallpox: lessons and experiences. Dedicated to the tenth anniversary of worldwide freedom from smallpox.
Basal-cell epithelioma occurring in a smallpox vaccination scar
Predicting smallpox epidemics: a statistical analysis of two Finnish populations
Experimental smallpox in chimpanzees
Standardization of smallpox vaccines and the eradication programme–a WHO perspective.
Clinical observations on smallpox: a study of 1233 patients admitted to the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Calcutta, during 1973
Counterimmunoelectrophoresis for the diagnosis of smallpox.
Disease and society: VOC Cape Town, its people and the smallpox epidemics of 1713, 1755 and 1767
“A tissue of the most flagrant anomalies”: smallpox vaccination and the centralization of sanitary administration in nineteenth-century London
Beyond smallpox eradication.
Confronting emerging infections: lessons from the smallpox eradication campaign.
War or peace: smallpox and the use and abuse of public health.
Re-devising Jennerian vaccines?: European technologies, Indian innovation and the control of smallpox in South Asia, 1850-1950
Clinical and serologic study of four smallpox vaccines comparing variations of dose and route of administration. Basic study and laboratory standardization.
Mormons and the smallpox Epidemic of 1853
Should smallpox virus be destroyed? The relevance of the origins of vaccinia virus.
smallpox and Colonial Medicine in Nineteenth Century India
smallpox: setting the research agenda
The conquest of smallpox
The results of examinations of wildlife monkeys for the presence of antismallpox antibody and viruses of the smallpox group.
Cardiac complications after vaccination for smallpox.
A death from inoculated smallpox in the English Royal Family
Participation of the public in global smallpox eradication.
Biological warfare fears may impede last goal of smallpox eradicators
Duration of virus excretion in the throat of asymptomatic household contacts of smallpox patients.
Potential sources for a return of smallpox
The decline of smallpox and the demographic revolution of the eighteenth century
smallpox eradication in Ethiopia: report to the International Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication
Isolation of vaccinia virus from the pharynx of children vaccinated against smallpox.
Vaccines for smallpox
Vaccines for smallpox
Lessons learnt from the intensified campaign against smallpox in India and their possible applicability to other health programmes, with particular reference to …
State church charity and smallpox: an epidemic crisis in the City of Mexico 1797-98.
Matthieu Maty and the Adoption of Inoculation for smallpox in Holland
Clinical and serologic study of four smallpox vaccines comparing variations of dose and route of administration. Standard percutaneous revaccination of children who …
smallpox vaccination: The end of an era
smallpox in the Sudan 1925-1964.
Experiments on terminal disinfection by formaldehyde vapor in the case of smallpox
The incidence and control of smallpox between 1900 and 1958
Fighting smallpox on the Texas border: an episode from PHS’s proud past.
Undernutrition and immunity: smallpox vaccination in chronically starved, undernourished subjects and its immunologic evaluation
Correlation between cutaneous reaction in vaccinees immunized against smallpox and antibody titer determined by plaque neutralization test and ELISA
Clinical and serologic study of four smallpox vaccines comparing variations of dose and route of administration. Standard percutaneous revaccination of children who …
smallpox, subfecundity, and sterility: A case study from a nineteenth-century Dutch municipality
A possible relation between human pathogenicity of smallpox vaccines and virus growth at elevated temperatures
smallpox ERADICATION: Vaccination Policy
Escape from catastrophe: The Saami’s experience with smallpox in eighteenth-and early-nineteenth-century Sweden
Derrick Baxby, Jenner’s smallpox vaccine. The riddle of vaccinia virus and its origin, London, Heinemann Educational Books, 1981, 8vo, pp. xiv, 214, illus..£ 8.50.
The 1972 smallpox outbreak in Khulna Municipality, Bangladesh: I. Methodology and epidemiologic findings
Pulmonary calcification following smallpox handler’s lung
International cooperation and pandemic diseases: regimes and the role of epistemic communities in combating cholera, smallpox and AIDS
T and B rosetting lymphocytes in the blood of smallpox patients.
Myths in medicine. Surveillance-containment is key to eradication of smallpox.
Tapping the flow of information in a rural region: the example of the smallpox eradication program in Bihar, India
smallpox in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. II. Eradication using mobile teams.
History, Hypothesis and fiction: smallpox and Aboriginal genocide
Certification of smallpox eradication
Verification of the safety, inoculability, reactogenicity and antigenic properties of a live recombinant smallpox-hepatitis B vaccine in an experiment in volunteers
White Man’s Medicine vs. Hopi Tradition: The smallpox Epidemic of 1899
Edward Jenner (1749-1823): The history and effects of smallpox, inoculation, and vaccination
Strategies that led to the Eradication of smallpox in Puerto Rico, 1882–1921
Rider Haggard and smallpox.
smallpox vaccination
Eradication by vaccination: the memorial to smallpox could be surrounded by others
Pulmonary calcification in smallpox handler’s lung
Tasks in the wake of smallpox eradication
Occupationally-acquired smallpox in an IgM-deficient health worker
Granuloma pyogenicum—a hitherto unrecognized complication of smallpox vaccination
Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of smallpox
Operation smallpox zero
smallpox: post-eradication surveillance
Clinical and immunological study of percutaneous revaccination in children who originally received smallpox vaccine subcutaneously
Evaluation of Two Kinds of smallpox Vaccine: CVI-78 and Calf Lymph Vaccine: I. Clinical and Serologic Response to Primary Vaccination
The influence of smallpox revaccination upon the foetus.
smallpox virus destruction delayed yet again
Development of a numerically additive combined vaccine against tetanus and smallpox
Concurrent smallpox and chickenpox
Vaccinia necrosum after smallpox vaccination for herpes labialis.
The Jenner bicentenary; still uses for smallpox vaccine
On the matter of smallpox.
Pathomorphological and immunofluorescent studies of smallpox vaccine neurotropism
smallpox: Is the End in Sight?
Thomas Michael Nowell and his ‘Matière de Boulogne’: A Neglected Figure in the History of smallpox Vaccination
How smallpox showed the way
smallpox in nonendemic countries
Fighting” Civic smallpox“: The Civic Club of Allegheny County’s Campaign for Billboard Regulation, 1896-1917
Bicentennial of smallpox vaccine: experiences and lessons
Investigations on allergic and serological reactions following inoculation of inactivated smallpox vaccines by cutaneous scarification.
The 1781-1782 smallpox Epidemic in Baja California
Eradication of smallpox and elimination of poliomyelitis: contrasts in strategy
Part IV: smallpox in northern India: Diversity and order in a regional medical culture
Dr Edward Jenner (1749-1823) of Berkeley, and vaccination against smallpox.
smallpox vaccination certificates
smallpox: point of no return
Vaccination of smallpox contacts.
Hazards of smallpox vaccination
smallpox and its eradication/f. fenner…[et al.]
Mankind’s Magnificent Milestone: smallpox Eradication
The social histories of smallpox and tuberculosis in Canada (culture, evolution and disease)
Black death, smallpox, and continuity in nature: philosophies in generating new knowledge from clinical experiences
Evaluation of Two Kinds of smallpox Vaccine: CVI-78 and Calf Lymph Vaccine: II. Clinical and Serologic Observations of Response to Revaccination with Calf Lymph …
smallpox ten years gone: what next?
smallpox in early Singapore (Part IV)(1860-1872).
The archaeological recovery of smallpox victims in Hawaii: scientific investigation or public health threat?
smallpox virus stocks
Risk of a deliberate release of smallpox virus: its impact on virus destruction
It Was Not smallpox: The Miami Deaths of 1732 Reexamined
Contribution to the problem of challenge vaccination: observations on vaccination of cured smallpox cases in India in 1971, 1972 and in 1973
The development of the virus concept as reflected in corpora of studies on individual pathogens*. 5. smallpox and the evolution of ideas on acute (viral) infections
The Sopono cult and smallpox vaccinations in Lagos
smallpox eradication: selected management issues.
Demographic aspects of the 1702-1703 smallpox epidemic in the St. Lawrence Valley
Stimulation of cynomolgus peripheral blood lymphocytes with tetanus toxoid and smallpox vaccine
smallpox and literature in eighteenth-century Spain
smallpox eradication programme
AIDS: The New smallpox among Native Americans
Eradication and possible reintroduction of smallpox
smallpox eradication in Somalia: report to the International Commission on the smallpox Eradication Programme in Somalia
smallpox: outbreak in Somalia slows rapid progress toward eradication
Global program of smallpox eradication. 1. smallpox in the world before acceptance of the program of its eradication by the World Health Organization
Five years of freedom from smallpox.
smallpox epidemic in a Brazilian community
Results of examining wild monkeys for the presence of smallpox antibodies and smallpox group viruses
smallpox eradication in Somali nomadic encampments: The search for a culturally acceptable method of case detection, case isolation, and outbreak control
Goat smallpox in Chad: study of the pathogeny of the virus in sheep and goats
Global smallpox eradication programme
Surveillance at weekly markets in the smallpox eradication programme in India
President revokes plan to destroy smallpox
Comparative assessment of the means and methods of immunizing humans against smallpox
smallpox showed the world the way
Epidemiology of smallpox in West Pakistan III. Outbreak Detection and Interlocality Transmission
smallpox in Athenry 1875
Offer and request: preventive measures against smallpox in Sweden 1750-1900
Frequency of acrocentric chromosomal associations in children immunized with smallpox vaccine
Cotton Mather Anguishes Over the Consequences of His Son’s Inoculation Against smallpox
Inoculation against smallpox in England
Virus content of smallpox scabs on different days of illness
smallpox Immunization in Alta California A Story Based On José Estrada’s 1821 Postscript
A tale of two cities Montreal and the smallpox epidemic of 1885.
smallpox epidemics and folk’s responses in the late Chosŏn period
Diseases on the margin: morphologies of tuberculosis and smallpox in San Francisco, 1860-1940
smallpox: never again!
Effect of smallpox vaccination on the product of conception.
MVA-vaccine in primovaccination against smallpox after the age of three (author’s transl)
A smallpox outbreak in Merka town, Somalia
Laboratory diagnosis of smallpox: role of the Virus Reference Laboratory, Colindale, 1947–70
Measures for smallpox eradication in the Czech countries at the beginning of the 19th century.
Junior Division Winner: The Migration of smallpox and Its Indelible Footprint on Latin American History
Communicable disease control In the early history of Alaska I-smallpox
smallpox eradication in West and Central Africa
The Nepal smallpox eradication programme: description and analysis
smallpox and AIDS.
smallpox vaccine
Continuing mortality and morbidity from smallpox vaccination.
smallpox vaccination with protection by interferon and an interferon inducer
What to do with the smallpox virus
Fatality, facial scarring and blindness from smallpox in Bangladesh
Report on a visit to the People’s Republic of China to consider matters relating to the certification of smallpox eradication, 14-30 July 1979
smallpox and royalty
smallpox eradication
Cost-effectiveness analysis of the intensified campaign against smallpox in India.
smallpox in nineteenth-century India
Is routine vaccination a necessity in a smallpox eradication programme?
Aborigines-was It smallpox?
smallpox Vaccination
Corrigendum: Freedom from smallpox: case histories on four countries where cases were missed for extended periods
Antibodies to measles, smallpox, influenza and arenaviruses in schizophrenic patients
Leiomyosarcoma in a smallpox vaccination scar: case report and review of literature
Destruction of the smallpox virus
Plexus paresis and smallpox vaccination (author’s transl)
Vaccination against smallpox: is it relevant now?
smallpox virus reprieve?
Modelling the dynamics of smallpox outbreaks in London, 1647-1893
An angel’s trumpet Development of the heat stable smallpox vaccine
The Birth and Death of smallpox
Post-smallpox eradication policies
The last known outbreak of smallpox in India
smallpox in early Singapore.(Pt III) 1850-1859.
Reinvestigation of smallpox outbreaks
Algorithms in the diagnosis and management of exotic diseases. XIX. Major tropical viral infections: smallpox, yellow fever, and Lassa fever
Skin reactivity and antibody response following vaccination against smallpox
The Eradication of smallpox From India
Conceptual evolution from gastritis, to peptic ulcer and gastric cancer, to ‘cystitis of the stomach’and, finally, to a smallpox equivalent
The establishment of an effective reporting system for smallpox in Indonesia
Exotic Infectious Diseases: smallpox
The eradication of smallpox in Sudan
The effect of vaccination status on the clinical form and outcome of the disease in smallpox patients (author’s transl)
A call for the destruction of smallpox virus stores.
Paralyses following smallpox vaccination and revaccination.
Moscow Research Institute of Viral Preparations tissue-culture smallpox vaccine in a coded control experiments of adult revaccination by scarification
Autistic syndrome (Kanner) and vaccination against smallpox (author’s transl)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Reverend Cotton Mather: their campaigns for smallpox inoculation
Dr William Woodville (1752–1805) and the St Pancras smallpox Hospital
Pus, Pox, Propaganda and Progress: The Compulsory smallpox Vaccination Controversy in Utah, 1899-1901
From surviving smallpox to preventing measles
Fur trader and Indian office obstruction to smallpox vaccination in the St. Louis Indian superintendency, 1831-1834
Post-smallpox eradication surveillance
Problem of persistence of facial pock marks among smallpox patients
The achievement of global eradication of smallpox: final report of the Global Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication, Geneva, December 1979
Proposal for using tissue culture for the potency test of smallpox vaccine
Scientists still debate the fate of smallpox virus
Deaths due to smallpox vaccination in France 1968-1977 (author’s transl)
New smallpox outbreak leads scientist to suicide
Local reaction and neutralization test in smallpox vaccination after previous inoculation with MVA. Stickl’s graduated vaccination (author’s transl)
Poxvirus infections in humans following abandonment of smallpox vaccination
smallpox management on Prince Edward Island, 1820–1940: From neglect to fulfilment
Orthopoxvirus surveillance: Post-smallpox eradication policy
smallpox Virus Stocks: More Votes
Plan of action for the smallpox eradication programme in Somalia 1978/1979
smallpox Eradication: A Saga of Triumph and Betrayal
Architectures of pestilence: smallpox, tuberculosis, and the spatial control of epidemic disease
smallpox and Its Eradication. History of International Public Health, no. 6
Monkeypox and smallpox in Africa
Study of the properties of a tissue smallpox vaccine manufactured by the Moscow Research Institute of Viral Preparations
What Do You Think of smallpox Inoculation? A Crucial Question in the Eighteenth Century, Not Only for Physicians
Basocellular carcinoma in a smallpox vaccination scar
Mobilization of Health Manpower to Meet Health Needs: Lessons Learned from the smallpox Eradication Program
Report to the International Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication in the Yemen Arab Republic: June 1979
Search at the weekly markets for detection of smallpox outbreaks which occurred during previous years
The development of epidemiological surveillance systems for smallpox and poliomyelitis: changing concepts in operational categories
Study of the multiple puncture method in smallpox vaccination of children
Immunological efficacy of smallpox vaccination in children with relative contraindications to vaccination
Emergency logistical operation:(for containment of the smallpox epidemic in Somalia)
False positive results in VDRL slide test following smallpox immunization.
smallpox diffusion between small and dispersed historic Native American populations
smallpox: POST-ERADICATION POLICY: Destruction of Variola Virus Stocks
The certification of smallpox eradication in countries without recent reported endemic transmission
Whither smallpox?
Nomadic population movement in south-western Somalia and its influence on the planning of smallpox surveillance
smallpox history
Revaccination studies in children with graded potency of smallpox vaccines.
Tenth anniversary of smallpox eradication: Results of epidemiological and virological surveillance and studies in the post-eradication period
Pox Americana: the great North American smallpox epidemic of 1775-1783
From the editors: can the world put smallpox behind it?
An estimation of the impact of smallpox eradication on the expectation of life in selected less developed countries.
From the editors: smallpox-facing the unthinkable
The Demise of smallpox
The Epidemiology of smallpox
Immunological characteristics of the 2-stage method of smallpox vaccination
Danger to the human caused by animal poxvirus following discontinuation of mandatory vaccination against smallpox
The Conquest of smallpox
Use of the monkey pox virus for evaluating the intensity of the immunity against smallpox in experiments on M. rhesus
The Eradication of smallpox: A Revisionist View: Edward Jenner’s Cowpox Vaccine. The History of a Medical Myth. Peter Razzell. Caliban Books, Firle, Lewes …
The Conquest of smallpox
A memoir of Dr Norman Joseph Ainley (1924-1962), and a last look at smallpox and vaccination.
… study of the smallpox vaccines from B-51, EM-63 and L-IVP in a controlled epidemiological experiment. II. The characteristiics of the immunogenicity of the smallpox …
The natural hisory of smallpox.
Another smallpox Scare
Comparative study of smallpox vaccines from strains B-51, EM-63 and L-IVP in a controlled epidemiologic trial. I. Reactogenic characteristics of the smallpox vaccines
smallpox—26 Years Ago
Lack of smallpox Protection
The History of smallpox Vaccination
Relationship between the incidence of neurologic complications following smallpox vaccination and the generation and infectious activity of vaccine from strain L-IVP
Study on DNA and polypeptides of a smallpox virus in Dendroctonus armandi Tsai et Li.
Congruences in Chinese and Western medicine from 1830-1911: smallpox, plague and cholera.
smallpox: COUNT DOWN
Has smallpox virus a future?
Book Review: The Conquest of smallpox
Peter Razzell, The Conquest of smallpox. Firle, Sussex, Caliban Books, 1977. X, 190 pp.,£ 8.00.
smallpox: COUNT DOWN
smallpox destruction set for 1999.
When do we stop vaccinating against smallpox?
smallpox: COUNT DOWN: smallpox SURVEILLANCE
The Conquest of smallpox. By Peter Razzell. Sussex: Caliban Books, 1977. Pp. x, 190.£ 8.00.
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1874
smallpox and AIDS.
The smallpox Story: In Word and Pictures
Retention of the smallpox Virus
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1974
Isolation of vaccinia virus from the sternal puncture of a smallpox revaccinée with latent leukosis.
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1973-1974
smallpox IS DEAD
smallpox in Jakarta Residency, 1970
smallpox: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Case of chickenpox mistaken for smallpox
smallpox SURVEILLANCE—1973
A field day for smallpox in Sibpur, Bangladesh
smallpox SURVEILLANCE: Collection and Testing of Specimens
Persistant danger of smallpox and necessity of continuing mandatory smallpox vaccination in France
Vaccination against smallpox.
The role of aviation in the epidemiology of smallpox
smallpox Vaccination
Suspected smallpox case reported at Hospital A
smallpox vaccination (author’s transl)
smallpox eradication
smallpox-POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Severe Case of Chickenpox Suspected to be smallpox
smallpox vaccine stocks
smallpox and Queen Anne
smallpox vaccination
smallpox virus to be destroyed.
smallpox and eradication?
Vaccination against smallpox
Tenth anniversary of smallpox eradication
Abolition of compulsory vaccination against smallpox. Increased danger to humans from animal smallpox?(author’s transl)
The mystery of the smallpox cases in the Lafit Mountains, Equatoria Province, Sudan
The Quarantine and Investigation Systems for smallpox in the Early Qing Dynasty.
Study of the comparative effects of smallpox on four Indian groups
Report on smallpox situation in Madagascar
smallpox vaccination.
Donald R. Hopkins, Princes and Peasants: smallpox in History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983)
smallpox eradication
smallpox vaccination in a country district (author’s transl
Hazards of smallpox vaccination.
smallpox, the Continental Army, and General Washington
Safety standards in smallpox laboratories
smallpox vaccination.
smallpox surveillance in remote and innaccessible areas of India
smallpox Eradication
Is the end near for smallpox stocks?
Symposium on smallpox eradication.
POST-smallpox ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Discontinuation of smallpox Vaccination1
The Eradication of smallpox From India
Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox vaccination for students.
smallpox: Clues from a killer
smallpox and Its Eradication
A persistent focus of smallpox in Botswana, 1973
Rider Haggard and smallpox
Progress Toward Eradication of smallpox
World-wide Absence of smallpox Certified
smallpox eradication in Rajasthan, India.
Hazards of smallpox vaccination
The last outbreak of smallpox in Sweden.
Points: Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox vaccination in the Forces.
C hordopoxvirinae, genus Orthopoxvirus. Causa-tive agent of smallpox, which was a severe and
smallpox Eradication
The Conquest of smallpox: The Impact of Inoculation on smallpox Mortality in Eighteenth Century Britain
From dreaded epidemic to rare disease-smallpox in Sweden 1750-1900.
smallpox Vaccination Reaction
Coxsackie virus infection simulating smallpox.
Comparative assessment of means and methods of smallpox vaccination.
Worldwide eradication of smallpox or from Sarah Nelmes to Ali Maow Maalin
The smallpox eradication programme in Indonesia
POST-smallpox ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Discontinuation of smallpox Vaccination
smallpox virus: better to store?
Hazards of smallpox vaccination.
Bangladesh smallpox eradication programme Mohakhali, Dacca
Veterinary surgeons and the production of the smallpox vaccine in Belgium
Support of smallpox Inoculation by Washington, Adams and Jefferson
WHO panel: Death penalty for smallpox.
Management of suspected cases of smallpox in the post-eradication period
smallpox eradication in Iran: report
smallpox Eradication—The Bangladesh Campaign
smallpox pock mark survey in Bangladesh: with an assessment of reporting efficiency
At Start of Second smallpox-Free Decade, Debate Continues About Keeping Virus
World-wide eradication of smallpox
Frank Fenner, Donald Ainslie Henderson, Isao Arita, Zdenek Je ek, and Ivan Danilovich Ladnyi.” smallpox and Its Eradication”(Book Review)
Selective smallpox Vaccination for Special Risk Groups
World Health to lose smallpox–and Nakajima?
smallpox SURVEILLANCE: Collection and Testing of Specimens= SURVEILLANCE DE LA VARIOLE: Collecte et expertise de prélèvements
smallpox eradication in Nepal
Effective smallpox Immunization of Young Adults.
The Sopono Cult and smallpox Vaccinations in Lagos
The last victims of smallpox in Ytre Nordhordland. Experiences of a local physician
smallpox vaccinations in a specialist consultative station and smallpox vaccinations of children in the years 1965-1972.
Points from Letters: smallpox vaccination for students?
Vaccination of smallpox contacts.
Certificates of Contraindication to smallpox Vaccination
Charles-Marie de la Condamine: Early Advocate of Inoculation for smallpox
Vaccination of smallpox contacts.
smallpox Eradication: Man’s Success in Eliminating a Most Dangerous Disease
smallpox vaccination for nurses.
The National Commission for Assessment of the smallpox Eradication Programme in India
The Two Faces of smallpox: A Disease and Its Prevention in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Sweden
Two hundred years ago: the first smallpox vaccinations in Vienna
The smallpox eradication program in Nepal
Use of the passive hemaglutination reactions for the determination of anti-smallpox antibodies in primary vaccination and revaccination against smallpox
Points: Unnecessary smallpox vaccination
Book Review: smallpox: Cholera
smallpox Vaccine For Herpes Zoster
smallpox Vaccination Discontinuation
Dedicated to the Tenth Anniversary of smallpox Eradication
The smallpox Fallacy: Struggling with Suffering and Meaning
Donald R. Hopkins, Princes and peasants. smallpox in history, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1983, 8vo, pp. xx, 380, illus.,£ 21.25.
Assignment report on smallpox eradication, Indonesia
From eradication of smallpox to prevention ofblindness in Nepal
Prevention of complications of smallpox vaccination
Results of the research on the preparation and testing of live oral smallpox vaccine in tablet form
The Conquest of smallpox: The Impact of Inoculation on smallpox Mortality in Eighteenth Century Britain
smallpox eradication in West and Central Africa revisited: commentary
Pattern of intrafamilial transmission of smallpox in the city of Calcutta
Validation of the subcutaneous-jet method of smallpox vaccination
The special programme to confirm smallpox eradication in Iran
Byron’s bicentennial.” I said the smallpox has gone out of late
Horses, Guns, and smallpox
JR Smith.” The Speckled Monster: smallpox in England, 1670-1970, with Particular Reference to Essex”(Book Review)
The Migration of smallpox and Its Indelible Footprint on Latin American History. Junior Division Winner.
Summary of the contributions of the smallpox programme to other health programmes through surveys in Bangladesh
Special report on smallpox and its eradication in Yunnan Province, China
Extinguishing the Invisible Fire: The Eradication of smallpox
Immunopathological circumstances in the structure of complications appearing after smallpox vaccination
smallpox Virus Stocks: More Votes
An evaluation of the effectiveness of smallpox surveillance and containment in Somalia
Journalistic look at historical success: The smallpox Story in Words and Pictures
Report of the International Commission for Preliminary Assessment of smallpox Eradication in Ethiopia, 3-18 April 1979
smallpox and vaccination in Madagascar and the Comores.
Regulations for smallpox vaccination in the German Federal Republic.
Recommendations of the third Coordination Meeting for smallpox Eradication, Nairobi, 17-19 April 1978
Report on a visit to Thailand in preparation for the certification of smallpox eradication, May 1978
Madonna With a Heart Scarred As a Face With Bad Maybe smallpox
Contemporary reactions to smallpox inoculation in eighteenth-century France
Development and trial of a new system of active search for the intensive suppression of smallpox outbreaks in India
The Conquest of smallpox: The Impact of Inoculation on smallpox Mortality in Eighteenth Century Great Britain by Peter Razzell, and: Edward Jenner’s Cowpox …
Study of allergic reactions in the body after experimental smallpox vaccination
Counter current immunoelectrophoresis in diagnosis of smallpox.
Is smallpox a Hazard in Church Crypts?
Bacteriophages isolated from smallpox vaccine
Symposia Series in Immunobiological Standardization: Volume 19. International Symposium on smallpox Vaccine
smallpox and Guinea Worm Disease as Metaphors
smallpox control in Indochina: variolation vs vaccination?
Cytogenetic study of blood lymphocytes in children revaccinated against smallpox
The mechanism of group differences in the character of the vaccinal process in immunization against natural smallpox.
Surgeons, smallpox, and the Poor: A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749-1799
Electron microscopic study of the kinetics of smallpox vaccine interaction with alveolar macrophages when administered intratracheally
Various memorable dates from the history of smallpox vaccination
Report of the Consultation on Worldwide Certification of smallpox Eradication: held in Geneva from 11-13 October 1977
A fatal enigma?: the reception of smallpox inoculation in colonial Massachusetts
Abnormal postvaccination course after oral smallpox immunisation (author’s transl)
Jenner’s smallpox Vaccine: The Riddle of the Vaccinia Virus and Its Origin
Report to the Global Commission for Certification of smallpox Eradication: United Arab Emirates
smallpox SURVEILLANCE: Laboratories retaining variola virus reduced to nine
International Commission for the Assessment of smallpox Eradication in Pakistan: Islamabad, Pakistan, 6-18 December 1976
Transitory monoclonal gammaopathy after smallpox vaccination
The Reverend Francis Higginson Describes His Young Daughter’s Death from smallpox on Board a Ship Bound for Massachusetts in 1629
Studies on the factors affecting laboratory diagnosis of smallpox by precipitation in gel and culture on chorio-allantoic membrane.
Assessment of Ladakh smallpox eradication programme activities
Report to the Global Commission for Certification of smallpox Eradication on the smallpox free states of the Arab countries of the Gulf area
A DESTROYING ANGEL: THE CONQUEST OF smallpox IN COLONIAL BOSTON, by Ola Elizabeth Winslow (Book Review)
smallpox eradication in the Yemen Arab Republic: status report, November 1978
Dartford’s Capital River. Paddle Steamers, Personalities and smallpox Boats
Response of the body to smallpox vaccination in persons with repeated negative vaccinal antecedents
Report on a visit to Ethiopia by members of the Global Commission for smallpox Eradication, 31 May-15 June 1978
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication in Ethiopia, 1-17 October 1979
Assessment of activities in preparation for the certification of smallpox eradication in Angola: visit report
BLISS, Plague: A Story of smallpox in Montreal
GLOBAL ERADICATION OF smallpox: Laboratories Holding Variola Virus
The impact of city surveillance teams in Bangladesh during the smallpox eradication campaign.
A simple way of improving the haemagglutinating titre of the vaccinia virus in the lyophilised smallpox vaccine.
smallpox eradication programme: report on a visit to Southern Rhodesia, 10-30 January 1978
Primary vaccination against smallpox in children under the age of five years—A rural field study
The influence of modifications in the potency of smallpox vaccines on the immunological reactivity of the organism.
… countries showing the status of smallpox vaccination certificate requirements for international travellers and obligatory routine smallpox vaccination according to …
Parental knowledge and attitude to smallpox vaccination in a rural community of South India
smallpox vaccination–Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (author’s transl)
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication in the Yemen Arab Republic: 2-10 June 1979
Vehicle maintenance in the smallpox Eradication Programme in Somalia, 1977-1979
Provisional agenda item 28: report on the present status of the global smallpox eradication program
Remission of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia After smallpox Vaccination-Reply
GLOBAL ERADICATION OF smallpox: Transfer of Variola Virus Stock
When Plague Strikes: The Black Death, smallpox, AIDS
Characteristics of cellular immune reactions in animals vaccinated with smallpox and ADPT vaccines
Worldwide smallpox eradication last know foci and global certification
Assessment of immunity status of primary school children against smallpox in a rural population of Bundelkhand
Outbreak containment in the Somalia smallpox eradication programme
When Plague Strikes: The Black Death, smallpox, AIDS
Comparative study of cutaneous scars and HAI antibodies after smallpox revaccination.
… to accidental inoculation of a massive subcutaneous dose of smallpox vaccine in a subject vaccinated and revaccinated against smallpox. Treatment and recovery …
A study of variola strains obtained from different states in India during smallpox eradication.
The Nepal smallpox eradication programme: description and analysis/prepared by PN Shrestha, DA Robinson and J. Friedman
Cytokine inducing fever after smallpox vaccination is identified
smallpox and BCG vaccination in the newborn: follow up study.
MARBLE, Surgeons, smallpox and the Poor. A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749–1799
The Eradication of smallpox: Organizational Learning and Innovation in International Health
Investigation of the throat washings of household contacts of smallpox patients for variola virus.
Peter Sköld, The two Faces of smallpox. A Disease and its Prevention in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Sweden, Démographie Data Base, 1996
smallpox: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Contact spread of vaccinia viras
The Global Commission for Certification of smallpox Eradication: status report on the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
Management of reserve stocks of vaccine in the post-smallpox eradication period
The Influence of Korean Catholic Church on the Introduction of smallpox Vaccination by Cheong Yak-yong: A Hypothesis
Basal cell carcinoma arising in a smallpox vaccination site
Key Figure in World smallpox Eradication Receives Jenner Medal at Royal Society of Medicine
Assessment of vaccination scar rates and smallpox pock marks in some villages of PHC Kochha Bhanwar, Distt. Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
Lack of correlation between complications after smallpox vaccination and the ABO blood-group system.
Cytogenetic characteristics of the vaccination process in children, primarily vaccinated against smallpox
The threat of bioterrorism: A reason to learn more about anthrax and smallpox
Detection of smallpox antibodies in human serum using the labeled-antibody technic
Places visited and persons examined in preparation for and during visits by international commissions for the certification of smallpox eradication
Joint report of the international commissions for the certification of smallpox eradication in the countries of the Horn of Africa: Nairobi, 26 October 1979
Allan Everett Marble.” Surgeons, smallpox, and the Poor: A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749-1799″(Book Review)
Localization of specific antigen in the organs of newborn animals vaccinated with liver smallpox vaccine
Relationship of the frequency of acrocentric chromosome associations and the immune response in children primarily vaccinated against smallpox
Use of immobilized proteinases for purification of sheep smallpox virus
smallpox as Selective Force on the Pattern of ABO Blood Group Distribution in the Populations of the Himalayas
… between the group factors of the blood systems ABO, MNSs, and rhesus and peculiarities of the vaccination process in children immunized against smallpox
smallpox eradication programme in the Republic of Djibouti: 6 November 1977 to 20 December 1977: assessment of the present situation and implementation …
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS: Requirement of smallpox Vaccination Certificates in International Travel
The Stigma of Mental Illness—smallpox Tragedy—An Expedition to Bath
The Effect of Early BCG and smallpox Immunization on Serum Bilirubin Levels in the Newborn
Localization of specific antigen in the organs of newborn animals vaccinated with live smallpox vaccine
Studies on freeze dried smallpox vaccine as a source of antigen in the precipitation-in-gel test.
Antibody response in rabbits after smallpox vaccination with varying tissue injury.
… book’s in-adequacies, it is a most useful, well written guide for anyone setting out to record EEGs and can be thoroughly recommended. The Eradication of smallpox …
Isolation of vaccinia virus from the cerebrospinal fluid following anti-smallpox primovaccination in a subject with chronic ethylism.
ADVERSE REACTION TO smallpox VACCINATION: Disseminated Vaccinia Infection
smallpox vaccine. 3 Lyophilized vaccine heat stability.
General vaccination in the 19th century. The relationship between the physician and the population as the background of smallpox vaccination in the Lucerne canton
Patterns of the cytogenetic changes in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of children immunized against smallpox and parotitis
Experimental basis for associated subcutaneous jet injection immunization against plague and smallpox
Allan Everett Marble-Surgeons, smallpox and the Poor: A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749-1799
Dynamics of anti-vaccinia HAI antibodies during the first month after smallpox revaccination at 20 years.
Surgeons, smallpox, and the Poor: A History of Medicine and Social Conditions in Nova Scotia, 1749–1799 by Allan Everett Marble
Nonspecific resistance to heterologous viral infection after immunization with smallpox vaccine
A diagnostic kit for thé surveillance of smallpox, cholera and yellow fever. A descriptive note.
… of Atlanta (United States of America) to the French military physicians who participated in the Tropical African world program to eradicate smallpox: the Pharo, October …
Ola Elizabeth winslow. A Destroying Angel: The Conquest of smallpox in Colonial Boston Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1974. Pp. x, 137. 5.95andMichaelM …
Adaptation and cultivation of the Perego strain of ovine smallpox virus in tissue culture and an evaluation of its immunogenic properties
… : today, a new lease of life is at hand for one out of every ten children in West Africa who used to be either killed, left mentally retarded or blinded by smallpox
smallpox vaccination with a strain of attenuated live vaccinia (CV-I) and revaccination with a standard strain.
Use of electron microscopy for the rapid diagnosis of poxvirus diseases (smallpox) in swine
Isolation of poxvirus vacciniae from embryonal tissues of women vaccinated against smallpox during early pregnancy (Serbocroatian)
Results of a year’s use of of a box for supervision of cholera, yellow fever and smallpox in Upper Volta.
Association of the blood group factors of the ABO, MNSs and Rh systems with the peculiarities of the vaccine process in children immunized against smallpox.
… of the Global Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication first meeting: 4-7 December 1978: plan for global certification of smallpox eradication by the …
smallpox: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Squirrels proved to maintain monkeypox virus transmission in nature
Increased number of precursors of rosette-forming cells sensitive to thymus hormone in the spleen of mice vaccinated with smallpox vaccine
smallpox: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: First isolation of monkeypox virus from a wild animal infected in nature
… of the degree of specific humoral immunity, content of serum immunoglobulins and isolation of vaccinia virus in children with post-vaccinal encephalitis after smallpox …
Determination of the take efficiency of lyophilized smallpox vaccine as a function of the vaccination technic (double scarification, multi-puncture and jet injection)
smallpox eradication in the autonomous region of Tibet in the People’s Republic of China: including the results of pockmark and vaccination scar surveys …
Increase in the content of thymus hormone sensitive rosette-forming cell precursors in the spleen of mice vaccinated against smallpox
The immunogenic capacity of soluble” vaccinia” antigen (fractionated smallpox vaccine) administered simultaneously with inactivated typhoid vaccine and with …
… or smallpox virus, on the ultrastructure of KB cells. III. Changes in the ultrastructure of KB cells within 6–11 days infection with Adenovirus type 5 and smallpox virus.
The effect of mixed infections induced by adenovirus type 5 and vaccinia or smallpox virus, on the ultrastructure of KB cells II. Observations of changes in the …
Indonesia 1971/72: smallpox vaccinators as surveillance workers
Coming in January 1988: smallpox AND ITS ERADICATION 1
Serologic investigation of HBV in 302 patients who had a history of smallpox
Methodology for preparation of appropriate data for the 31 countries remaining to be certified free of smallpox
Diagnosis and management of smallpox
smallpox: anything to declare?
Planning for smallpox outbreaks
Containing bioterrorist smallpox
Transmission potential of smallpox in contemporary populations
smallpox: the fight to eradicate a global scourge
Modeling potential responses to smallpox as a bioterrorist weapon.
smallpox vaccine: the good, the bad, and the ugly
The greatest killer: smallpox in history
Scourge: the once and future threat of smallpox
A model for a smallpox-vaccination policy
Discovery of antivirals against smallpox
The eradication of smallpox
smallpox and the native American
Analyzing bioterror response logistics: the case of smallpox
Developing new smallpox vaccines.
Duration of antiviral immunity after smallpox vaccination
An attempt at a new analysis of the mortality caused by smallpox and of the advantages of inoculation to prevent it
Emergency response to a smallpox attack: the case for mass vaccination
Clinical responses to undiluted and diluted smallpox vaccine
Group interest versus self-interest in smallpox vaccination policy
Transmission potential of smallpox: estimates based on detailed data from an outbreak
US military smallpox vaccination program experience
Pox Americana: the great smallpox epidemic of 1775-82
The public and the smallpox threat
smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions; guidance for clinicians
Dose-related effects of smallpox vaccine
Ring vaccination and smallpox control
Cutting edge: long-term B cell memory in humans after smallpox vaccination
Incidence and follow-up of inflammatory cardiac complications after smallpox vaccination
smallpox vaccination: a review, part II. Adverse events
smallpox vaccination and myopericarditis: a clinical review
Expected adverse events in a mass smallpox vaccination campaign.
Exploring the potential of variola virus infection of cynomolgus macaques as a model for human smallpox
The ocular complications of smallpox and smallpox immunization
Real-time PCR system for detection of orthopoxviruses and simultaneous identification of smallpox virus
Strengthening national preparedness for smallpox: an update.
smallpox vaccination: risk considerations for patients with atopic dermatitis
The last smallpox epidemic in Boston and the vaccination controversy, 1901–1903
Case isolation and contact tracing can prevent the spread of smallpox
A different view of smallpox and vaccination
The case for voluntary smallpox vaccination
smallpox: a disease and a weapon
smallpox, vaccination and adverse reactions to smallpox vaccine
Myopericarditis following smallpox vaccination among vaccinia-naive US military personnel
Myopericarditis following smallpox vaccination
smallpox: a potential agent of bioterrorism
Controlling smallpox
Potential antiviral therapeutics for smallpox, monkeypox and other orthopoxvirus infections
smallpox vaccinations: How much protection remains?
The sequence of camelpox virus shows it is most closely related to variola virus, the cause of smallpox
Evaluating plague and smallpox as historical selective pressures for the CCR5-Δ32 HIV-resistance allele
Human monkeypox and smallpox viruses: genomic comparison
Response to smallpox vaccine in persons immunized in the distant past
Real-time PCR assay to detect smallpox virus
Toward a containment strategy for smallpox bioterror: An individual-based computational approach
Alastrim smallpox variola minor virus genome DNA sequences
Design and development of oral drugs for the prophylaxis and treatment of smallpox infection
An emergent poxvirus from humans and cattle in Rio de Janeiro State: Cantagalo virus may derive from Brazilian smallpox vaccine
Immunogenicity of a highly attenuated MVA smallpox vaccine and protection against monkeypox
Evaluation of 21st-century risks of smallpox vaccination and policy options
smallpox in history: the birth, death, and impact of a dread disease
Shared modes of protection against poxvirus infection by attenuated and conventional smallpox vaccine viruses
smallpox vaccination policy—the need for dialogue
The threat of smallpox and bioterrorism
smallpox research activities: US interagency collaboration, 2001
Detection of smallpox virus DNA by LightCycler PCR
smallpox and bioterrorism
Pathogenesis and potential antiviral therapy of complications of smallpox vaccination
Highly attenuated smallpox vaccine protects mice with and without immune deficiencies against pathogenic vaccinia virus challenge
Modified vaccinia Ankara: potential as an alternative smallpox vaccine
smallpox DNA vaccine protects nonhuman primates against lethal monkeypox
The speckled monster: a historical tale of battling smallpox
Clinical investigation of smallpox in 1767
Clonal vaccinia virus grown in cell culture as a new smallpox vaccine
Vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine; recommendations of the Advisory Committee Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2001
Disease and its impact on politics, diplomacy, and the military: the case of smallpox and the Manchus (1613-1795)
The British, the Indians, and smallpox: what actually happened at Fort Pitt in 1763?
Rotting face: smallpox and the American Indian
Preventing the return of smallpox
The cause of death in smallpox: an examination of the pathology record
The host response to smallpox: analysis of the gene expression program in peripheral blood cells in a nonhuman primate model
Toward a containment strategy for smallpox bioterror: an individual-based computational approach
smallpox: a review of clinical disease and vaccination
smallpox models as policy tools
smallpox and smallpox vaccination: neurological implications
Taking Advantage of the Positive Side‐Effects of smallpox Vaccination
Adverse events occurring after smallpox vaccination
Development and experience with an algorithm to evaluate suspected smallpox cases in the United States, 2002–2004
Inverse association between melanoma and previous vaccinations against tuberculosis and smallpox: results of the FEBIM study
Ocular complications of smallpox vaccination
Distinct time effects of vaccination on long-term proliferative and IFN-γ–producing T cell memory to smallpox in humans
Public resistance or cooperation? A tale of smallpox in two cities
smallpox vaccination techniques; from knives and forks to needles and pins
smallpox vaccination: a review, part I. Background, vaccination technique, normal vaccination and revaccination, and expected normal reactions
Diagnosing smallpox in possible bioterrorist attack.
The pitfalls of bioterrorism preparedness: the anthrax and smallpox experiences
smallpox bioterror response
Logistics of community smallpox control through contact tracing and ring vaccination: a stochastic network model
smallpox vaccination and bioterrorism with pox viruses
Countering the posteradication threat of smallpox and polio
Can postexposure vaccination against smallpox succeed?
Aligning simulation models of smallpox outbreaks
Contact vaccinia—transmission of vaccinia from smallpox vaccination
Eosinophilic-lymphocytic myocarditis after smallpox vaccination
smallpox, vaccination, and the Pax Neerlandica: Indonesia, 1550-1930
smallpox revisited?
Recommendations for using smallpox vaccine in a pre-event vaccination program; supplemental recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization …
ACAM2000 clonal Vero cell culture vaccinia virus (New York City Board of Health strain)–a second-generation smallpox vaccine for biological defense
smallpox vaccination in 2003: key information for clinicians
The seat of death and terror’: urbanization, stunting, and smallpox
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans occurring in a smallpox vaccination scar
Effectiveness of postexposure vaccination for the prevention of smallpox: results of a delphi analysis
smallpox vaccine: problems and prospects
The Supreme Court’s Indian Law Decisions: Deviations from Constitutional Principles and the Crafting of Judicial smallpox Blankets
smallpox and pregnancy: from eradicated disease to bioterrorist threat
Induction of human T cell-mediated immune responses after primary and secondary smallpox vaccination
smallpox vaccine: contraindications, administration, and adverse reactions
The first smallpox epidemic on the Canadian Plains: in the fur-traders’ words
The infectious dose of variola (smallpox) virus
The politics of public health: smallpox in Chile
smallpox and bioterrorism: Public-health responses
Update: cardiac-related events during the civilian smallpox vaccination program–United States, 2003
Dangerous pathogens in the laboratory: from smallpox to today’s SARS setbacks and tomorrow’s polio-free world
smallpox and bioterrorism
Between persuasion and compulsion: smallpox control in Brooklyn and New York, 1894-1902
How devastating would a smallpox attack really be?
Avoiding the smallpox spirits: Colonial epidemics and Southeastern Indian survival
smallpox and pan-Orthopox Virus Detection by Real-Time 3′-Minor Groove Binder TaqMan Assays on the Roche LightCycler and the Cepheid Smart Cycler …
A pious fraud: the Indian claims for pre-Jennerian smallpox vaccination
Analysis of historical data suggests long-lasting protective effects of smallpox vaccination
Adverse events after smallpox immunizations are associated with alterations in systemic cytokine levels
Risks of serious complications and death from smallpox vaccination: a systematic review of the United States experience, 1963–1968
Diagnosing smallpox: would you know it if you saw it?
smallpox and measles: historical aspects and clinical differentiation
Did bioweapons test cause a deadly smallpox outbreak?
Primary Induction of Human CD8+ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Interferon-γ-Producing T Cells after smallpox Vaccination
Women with smallpox vaccine exposure during pregnancy reported to the National smallpox Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry–United States, 2003
A rapid detection method for Vaccinia virus, the surrogate for smallpox virus
smallpox: clinical features, prevention, and management
… of d- and l-2-Cyclopentenone and Their Utility for the Synthesis of Carbocyclic Antiviral Nucleosides against Orthopox Viruses (smallpox, Monkeypox, and Cowpox …
The cause of the plague of Athens: plague, typhoid, typhus, smallpox, or measles?
Ocular complications in the Department of Defense smallpox vaccination program
Recent events and observations pertaining to smallpox virus destruction in 2002
Modelling responses to a smallpox epidemic taking into account uncertainty
smallpox: clinical and epidemiologic features
An overview on the use of a viral pathogen as a bioterrorism agent: why smallpox?
Identification of vaccinia virus epitope-specific HLA-A* 0201-restricted T cells and comparative analysis of smallpox vaccines
Vir-pox: An agent-based analysis of smallpox preparedness and response policy
Standardized emergency management system and response to a smallpox emergency
smallpox: residual antibody after vaccination
Eczematous skin disease and recall of past diagnoses: implications for smallpox vaccination
smallpox vaccination and risk of allergy and asthma
smallpox containment updated: considerations for the 21st century
smallpox—eradicated, but a growing terror threat
Cardiac adverse events following smallpox vaccination–United States, 2003
Antiviral prophylaxis of smallpox
Update: adverse events following civilian smallpox vaccination–United States, 2003
smallpox: an ancient disease enters the modern era of virogenomics
Risks of smallpox vaccination: 200 years after Jenner
Update: adverse events following smallpox vaccination–United States, 2003
Emergency physicians’ perspectives on smallpox vaccination
Vaccination success rate and reaction profile with diluted and undiluted smallpox vaccine: a randomized controlled trial
smallpox really did reduce height: a reply to Razzell
Biochemical and functional analysis of smallpox growth factor (SPGF) and anti-SPGF monoclonal antibodies
smallpox: the main site of transmission is the oropharynx
Attitudes of healthcare workers in US hospitals regarding smallpox vaccination
smallpox and the Disintegration of the Roman Economy after 165 AD
smallpox vaccines: looking beyond the next generation
Mouse neurotoxicity test for vaccinia-based smallpox vaccines
Adverse reactions to smallpox vaccine: the Israel Defense Force experience, 1991 to 1996. A comparison with previous surveys
Myocarditis: the unexpected return of smallpox vaccine adverse events
The smallpox vaccine and postvaccinal encephalitis
Update: cardiac and other adverse events following civilian smallpox vaccination–United States, 2003
Update: adverse events following civilian smallpox vaccination–United States, 2003
Uncertain advances: a review of the final phases of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960–1980
Quantitation of CD8+ T Cell Responses to Newly Identified HLA-A*0201–restricted T Cell Epitopes Conserved Among Vaccinia and Variola (smallpox) Viruses
Reasons physicians accepted or declined smallpox vaccine, February through April, 2003
Chickenpox or smallpox: the use of the febrile prodrome as a distinguishing characteristic
smallpox vaccines: current and future
Recommendations for using smallpox vaccine in a pre-event vaccination program: supplemental recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization …
smallpox vaccination: a national survey of emergency health care providers
Encephalitis complicating smallpox vaccination
smallpox vaccine
SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Israeli smallpox Revaccination Program
Forecasting the geographical spread of smallpox cases by air travel
Graves’ disease presenting as localized myxoedematous infiltration in a smallpox vaccination scar.
smallpox vaccine: ahead of its time
An epidemic model with virtual mass transportation: the case of smallpox in a large city
Ocular vaccinia following exposure to a smallpox vaccinee
Rough-and-tumble behind Bush’s smallpox policy
Anthrax, tularemia, plague, ebola or smallpox as agents of bioterrorism: recognition in the emergency room
smallpox vaccination—the call to arms
Antiviral activity of cyclopentenyl nucleosides against orthopox viruses (smallpox, monkeypox and cowpox)
smallpox: A primer
smallpox immunization in the 21st century: the old and the new
Bichat guidelines for the clinical management of smallpox and bioterrorism-related smallpox
Preventing second-generation infections in a smallpox bioterror attack
The Free Economic Society and the Battle against smallpox: A” Public Sphere” in Action
Averting disaster: The Hudson’s Bay Company and smallpox in Western Canada during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
A postevent smallpox mass vaccination clinic exercise
Topical cidofovir for the treatment of dermatologic conditions: verruca, condyloma, intraepithelial neoplasia, herpes simplex and its potential use in smallpox
Rates and risks of transmission of smallpox and mechanisms of prevention
smallpox vaccination and patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
smallpox and live‐virus vaccination in transplant recipients
smallpox manifestations and survival during the Boston epidemic of 1901 to 1903
A spotlight on smallpox
The 1947 smallpox vaccination campaign in New York City, revisited
smallpox: the fight to eradicate a global scourge
Risks and benefits of preexposure and postexposure smallpox vaccination
Lack of vaccinia viremia after smallpox vaccination
Unintended smallpox Vaccination of HIV-1—Infected Individuals in the United States Military
Bioterrorism and smallpox planning: information and voluntary vaccination
Possible relationship between porotic hyperostosis and smallpox infections in nineteenth-century populations in the northern frontier, South Africa
Duration of immunity after smallpox vaccination: a study on vaccination policy against smallpox bioterrorism in Japan
Slavery, smallpox, and revolution: 1792 in Ile de France (Mauritius)
Is live smallpox lurking in the Arctic?
smallpox: a vulnerable specter
smallpox, polio and now a cancer vaccine?
The Beauty and the Beast—smallpox and Marriage in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Sweden
The scarring mechanism of smallpox
The new cell culture smallpox vaccine should be offered to the general population
Information, trust and the diffusion of smallpox vaccination: The case of Scania in Sweden, 1802–1835
Stevens-Johnson syndrome after immunization with smallpox, anthrax, and tetanus vaccines
Supplemental recommendations on adverse events following smallpox vaccine in the pre-event vaccination program: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on …
Modeling a safer smallpox vaccination regimen, for human immunodeficiency virus type 1–infected patients, in immunocompromised macaques
smallpox and history: the example of Botswana, 1930-1964
smallpox: Its history and reemergence as a weapon of biological warfare
smallpox eradication in West and Central Africa: surveillance-containment or herd immunity?
The eradication of smallpox: Edward Jenner and the first and only eradication of a human infectious disease
Preparation for an outbreak of smallpox in Israel.
smallpox Vaccine Adverse Events Monitoring and Response System for the first stage of the smallpox vaccination program
“Cotton Mather, you dog, dam you! I’l inoculate you with this; with a pox to you”: smallpox inoculation, Boston, 1721
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: medical and religious controversy following her introduction of smallpox inoculation
smallpox, October 1945
smallpox revisited
smallpox and the smallpox vaccine controversy
The new cell culture smallpox vaccine should not be offered to the general population
MicroPox-A Large-Scale and Spatially Explicit Microsimulation Model for smallpox Planning
smallpox, bioterrorism, and the neurologist
smallpox vaccination: Some risk communication linchpins
A culture of disfigurement: imagining smallpox in the long eighteenth century
Separate worlds set to collide: smallpox, vaccinia virus vaccination, and human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Modeling for a smallpox-vaccination policy against possible bioterrorism in Japan: the impact of long-lasting vaccinal immunity
The plan to fight smallpox
Risk of vaccinia transfer to the hands of vaccinated persons after smallpox immunization
smallpox vaccine development quickened
Preparing for the pox: A theory of smallpox in Bengal and Britain
smallpox vaccination and adverse cardiac events
smallpox: an update for nurses
Mass smallpox vaccination and cardiac deaths, New York City, 1947
The key to success: The role of local government in the organization of smallpox vaccination in Sweden
The great smallpox epidemic
Anticipating smallpox as a bioterrorist weapon
Preevent vaccination against smallpox: a survey of pediatric emergency health care providers
Responding to the threat of smallpox bioterrorism
Demonic affliction or contagious disease? Changing perceptions of smallpox in the late Edo period
An epidemiological analysis of the 1971 smallpox outbreak in Aralsk, Kazakhstan
Blocking smallpox: A second defense
The smallpox vaccine debate
The Bradford smallpox outbreak in 1962: a personal account
smallpox and Other Scourges of
smallpox vaccination and the patient with an organ transplant
smallpox: what every otolaryngologist should know
Countermeasures to the reemergence of smallpox virus as an agent of bioterrorism
The use of smallpox virus as a biological weapon: the vaccination situation in France
Some Jewish responses to smallpox prevention in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: a new perspective on the modernization of European Jewry
smallpox: vaccine reactions and contraindications
Focal and generalized folliculitis following smallpox vaccination among vaccinia-naive recipients
The Federal smallpox Vaccination Program: Where Do We Go From Here? The United States should take advantage of a pause in the program to assess its …
Should smallpox vaccine be made available to the general public?
smallpox vaccine: Not worth the risk
Legal and ethical considerations in government compensation plans: A case study of smallpox immunization
The Awful Judgements of God upon the Land: smallpox in Colonial Cambridge, Massachusetts
That Wonderful Year: smallpox, Genetic Engineering, and Bio-terrorism
Addressing the concerns about smallpox
smallpox and smallpox vaccination
The smallpox vaccination campaign of 2003: why did it fail and what are the lessons for bioterrorism preparedness
Keeping the lock on smallpox
smallpox-past or not past?
The speckled monster: Canada, smallpox and its eradication
Orally available cidofovir derivative active against smallpox
Myocarditis after smallpox vaccination: a case report
smallpox as a biological weapon: Implications for the critical care clinician
Conference warns of danger of re-emergence of smallpox as weapon of bioterror.
Consent and compensation: a social compact for smallpox vaccine policy in the event of an attack
smallpox vaccine: don’t do it.
Anticipating smallpox and monkeypox outbreaks: Complications of the smallpox vaccine
smallpox transmission risks: how bad?
smallpox: what the dermatologist should know
smallpox and the Baiame waganna of Wellington Valley, New South Wales, 1829-1840: the earliest nativist movement in Aboriginal Australia
The physicians’ dilemma in the 18th-century French smallpox debate
Emergency medicine tools to manage smallpox (vaccinia) vaccination complications: clinical practice guideline and policies and procedures
“The King of Terrors” Revisited: The smallpox Vaccination Campaign and its Lessons for Future Biopreparedness
smallpox vaccination campaign in the doldrums
Bioterrorism preparedness: the smallpox vaccine debate
USA to increase smallpox vaccine stockpile
smallpox: the disease and strategies for its control.
Laboratory confirmation of generalized vaccinia following smallpox vaccination
Was smallpox Overhyped?
Superinfection following smallpox vaccination (vaccinia), United States: surveillance January 2003 through January 2004
Critical evaluation of smallpox vaccination for laboratory workers
Pregnancy discovered after smallpox vaccination: Is vaccinia immune globulin appropriate?
Ethical considerations in the formation of smallpox vaccine policy
Vaccines and bioterrorism: smallpox and anthrax
Uncertain benefit: the public policy of approving smallpox vaccine research
smallpox vaccination revisited
smallpox in the 21st century
New look at old data irks smallpox-eradication experts
Public mistrust: the unrecognized risk of the CDC smallpox Vaccination Program
Knowledge and attitudes about bioterrorism and smallpox: a survey of physicians and nurses
smallpox Shots: Make Them Mandatory.
smallpox in Ireland‐an historical note with possible (and unwelcome) relevance for the future
Differential willingness to undergo smallpox vaccination among African-American and white individuals
Correction: transmission potential of smallpox in contemporary populations
US smallpox vaccine programme stalls as volunteers balk
Studies in smallpox and vaccination
A pox on Amherst: smallpox, Sir Jeffery, and a town named Amherst
WHO dissenter warns against plans to retain smallpox virus
Diagnosis, management, and containment of smallpox infections
smallpox vaccine adverse events among civilians–United States, February 25-March 3, 2003
smallpox vaccination in the early 19th century using live carriers: the travels of Francisco Xavier de Balmis
smallpox: a disease of the past? Consideration for midwives
Cardiac deaths after a mass smallpox vaccination campaign–New York City, 1947
Cardiac deaths after a mass smallpox vaccination campaign-New York City, 1947
Urticaria, exanthems, and other benign dermatologic reactions to smallpox vaccination in adults
smallpox vaccine
Flow cytometry and T-cell response monitoring after smallpox vaccination
Public health: Bush’s smallpox vaccination plan
US urged to provide smallpox vaccines for emergency crews
Negotiating with Dharma Pinnu: Towards a Social History of smallpox in Colonial Orissa
National preparedness for biological warfare and bioterrorism: smallpox and the ophthalmologist
smallpox: remembrance of things past, or the coming plague?
Could smallpox come back?
Interim smallpox guidelines for the United Kingdom: Developing new policies from old evidence
smallpox: a possible comeback
Reactions and Overreactions: smallpox Vaccination, Complications, and Compensation
Frequency of vaccinia virus isolation on semipermeable versus nonocclusive dressings covering smallpox vaccination sites in hospital personnel
The risks and benefits of pre-event smallpox vaccination: where you stand depends on where you sit
smallpox eradication: Temporary retention of variola virus stocks
smallpox infections during pregnancy, lessons on pathogenesis from nonpregnant animal models of infection
Papular spongiotic dermatitis of smallpox vaccination: report of 2 cases with review of the literature
From smallpox to SARS: is the past prologue?
Bush smallpox Inoculation Plan Near Standstill
Compliance with Infant smallpox Vaccination Legislation in Nineteenth‐century Rural England: Hollingbourne, 1876–88
smallpox and public health: a reality check
Mass smallpox immunization program in a deployed military setting
Assessing the proliferation of smallpox
White House debate on smallpox shows plan for wide vaccination
smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks
Does smallpox still pose a threat?
Frequency of revaccination against smallpox
smallpox: the threat of bioterrorism and the risk of the vaccine
The next agent of terror? Understanding smallpox & its implications for prehospital crews.
smallpox vaccination after a bioterrorism-based exposure
smallpox vaccination for emergency physicians: joint statement of the AAEM and the SAEM
Focus on smallpox threat revived
Montana Fever’: smallpox and the Montana State Board of Health
Randomized trial comparing vaccinia on the external surfaces of 3 conventional bandages applied to smallpox vaccination sites in primary vaccinees
Pulmonary manifestations of other agents: brucella, Q fever, tularemia and smallpox.
smallpox vaccine, ahead of its time: how the late development of laboratory methods and other vaccines affected the acceptance of smallpox vaccine
USA firms up smallpox vaccine plans
Who will pay for the adverse events resulting from smallpox vaccination? Liability and compensation issues
Commentary: Perspectives on smallpox eradication
smallpox vaccination techniques: 2. Accessories and aftercare
smallpox vaccine policy: the national debate.
smallpox vaccination plan grinds to a halt
A mass smallpox vaccination campaign: reasonable or irresponsible?
Health professionals challenge US smallpox vaccination plan
Key information regarding smallpox vaccine
New generation of cell culture assay for smallpox vaccine potency
Skin reaction following immunization with smallpox vaccine: a personal perspective
The smallpox vaccination of health care workers: professional obligations and defense against bioterrorism
Treating patients with smallpox in the operating room
Rapid diagnosis of smallpox infection and differentiation from its mimics
Immunity conferred by smallpox vaccine: How long does immunity last?
smallpox vaccination confers long lasting
smallpox Vaccine
Terror and triage: Prioritizing access to mass smallpox vaccination
Diagnosis of smallpox
Oral drug and old vaccine renew smallpox bioterror debate
smallpox, Public Health Threat
Of smallpox and empire
Pox Americana: The Great smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82
United States smallpox response plans: a commentary from the Bioterrorism Taskforce (BICHAT) perspective
Safety of the smallpox vaccine among military recipients
The Merchant’s Logick’: Numerical Debates over smallpox Inoculation in Eighteenth-Century England
Hopkins Dean criticizes smallpox research
smallpox and vaccination
Cardiac dysrhythmia following smallpox vaccination
25 years since the eradication of smallpox: why poxvirus research is still relevant
Toward a Containment Strategy for smallpox Bioterror: An Individual-Based Computational Approach (Brookings Institution
smallpox Disease Surveillance—United States, 2002–2003
smallpox vaccination–implications for the occupational health professional
Māriyamman’s Śakti: The Miraculous Power of A smallpox Goddess
Zabdiel Boylston and smallpox inoculation
smallpox and smallpox virus–200 years since the first vaccination in Norway
806-1 Pattern of cardiac isoenzyme elevation in probable smallpox associated myocarditis
smallpox vaccine and pregnancy
The smallpox threat: The school nurse’s role
Results of basic and applied investigations on oral immunization against smallpox
smallpox vaccination in Siena during the Napoleonic era
Oncology nursing implications related to smallpox bioterrorism preparations.
WHO advocates investment in global infrastructure for outbreaks such as smallpox
smallpox Vaccination What the Pediatrician Needs to Know
India’s scientists question need for research on smallpox virus
US not ready to destroy smallpox stocks
Scientists join smallpox vaccine controversy
US dilutes smallpox vaccine supplies
Laboratory diagnosis to differentiate smallpox, vaccinia, and other vesicular/pustular illnesses
smallpox vaccination for emergency physicians
Al Raz’s book on smallpox and measles
Side effects leave smallpox vaccine in limbo
Interim guidelines for smallpox response and management published in the United Kingdom
smallpox vaccine adverse events among civilians–United States, March 4-10, 2003
smallpox: clinical highlights and considerations for vaccination.
UK awards contract for smallpox vaccine
smallpox: A brief overview.(Primary Care Update)
smallpox in Glasgow, 1900-1902
The beginnings of the smallpox vaccine in São Paulo: a little-known storu
Eradication of smallpox, already 20 years ago
With demand lacking, smallpox vaccine expiring
smallpox–past, present and future
US panel advises caution over smallpox vaccination
UK smallpox vaccine comes under fire from US
An update on smallpox
smallpox vaccination becomes a social, financial…
Is smallpox “in” again?
Semipermeable dressing used to cover smallpox vaccination sites as a cause of skin damage
Public health nurses’ views on voluntary smallpox vaccination.
Deliberate Extinction: Whether to Destroy the Last smallpox Virus
Why, which, how, who, when? A personal view of smallpox vaccination for the 2000s
WHO gives a cautious green light to smallpox experiments
Freedom from smallpox?
Comments regarding “On prognosis” by William Farr (1838), with reconstruction of his longitudinal analysis of smallpox recovery and death rates
smallpox vaccine injury and law guide
Inoculating for smallpox.
Legal implications of the smallpox vaccination program
smallpox Sense: Vaccine has Small but Significant Risks
Hospital Recruitment for the smallpox Pre-Event Vaccination Program: Experiences from Florida, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Tennessee, December 2002–June 2003
Defending against viruses in biowarfare: how to respond to smallpox, encephalitides, hemorrhagic fevers
smallpox vaccine program launched amid concerns raised by expert panel, unions
Vaccinating health care workers against smallpox in an isolated primary care facility
Should you volunteer for the smallpox vaccine?
A look behind the scenes: bioterrorism, smallpox, and public health policy.
From foe to friend: geographical and environmental factors and the control and eradication of smallpox in India
smallpox eradication
smallpox vaccine program lagging
Go slow with smallpox shots, panel says
Reactogenicity, safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant bivaccine against smallpox and hepatitis B in limited clinical trials
smallpox vaccine
smallpox and the impact of vaccination among the Parsees of Bombay
Progression of the lesion at the site of inoculation after smallpox vaccination
Workshop on smallpox legal preparedness: what have we learned from smallpox legal preparedness?
The Final Inch: The Eradication of smallpox and Beyond
smallpox vaccine:“non-take” responses in previously vaccinated adults
Bioterrorism preparedness–Part II. smallpox vaccination in a hospital setting.
The Eradication of smallpox. Edward Jenner and the First and Only Eradication of a Human Infectious Disease
A social structure model for evaluating the effect of response measures on the spread of smallpox
US draws up plans for smallpox outbreak after terrorist attack
The threat of smallpox: eradicated but not erased
Understanding the threat of smallpox
smallpox vaccine revisited
Study uses math model to determine effects of a smallpox attack
Facing up to smallpox.
US to vaccinate 500,000 workers against smallpox
smallpox vaccine safety
smallpox vaccine adverse events among civilians–United States, February 18-24, 2003
From smallpox to polio and beyond: disease surveillance in India.
Old Tactics, New Threat: What Is Today’s Risk of smallpox?
Current infection-control issues for smallpox disease and vaccinia vaccine
Looking Back at smallpox.
Experts weigh prevention, therapy for ocular vaccinia in smallpox vaccinees
smallpox vaccine adverse events among civilians–United States, January 24-February 18, 2003
The effect of semipermeable dressings on smallpox vaccine site evolution
The US smallpox vaccination plan
UK government denies that smallpox vaccination plans have fallen short of target
Outcry greets US plan to test smallpox vaccine on children
smallpox still poses a threat
smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine Injury Table. Interim final rule
smallpox: A review for health educators
… of Cutaneous Vaccinia From Health Care Workers Who Receive smallpox VaccineRisk of Cutaneous Vaccinia From Health Care Workers Who Receive smallpox …
Under scrutiny: smallpox vaccine recommendations
smallpox vaccinations: The risks and the benefits
smallpox in the post-eradication era.
Should smallpox vaccine be tested in children?
Positive response to US smallpox vaccine policy
smallpox vaccination and the WHO
smallpox eradication: WHO Advisory Committee on Variola Virus Research
Hugh Downman and smallpox inoculation
smallpox: The spaces and subjects of public health
smallpox 2002–Silent Weapon
The’smallpox War’on the Kimberley Diamonds Fields in the mid-1880s
The Speckled Monster: a historical tale of battling smallpox
smallpox: Eradicated more than 20 years ago, this killer is again causing concern. Will you know it when you see it?
To inoculate or not to inoculate?: the debate and the smallpox epidemic of Boston in 1721
Update on smallpox vaccines
smallpox vaccine and pregnancy
Should the human smallpox virus (variola) be destroyed?
Removing health care workers from clinical duties after smallpox vaccination: Is it really necessary?
We all fall down: could smallpox return?
Virtual hunt for smallpox drugs
smallpox, bioterrorism agent
Germany’s smallpox jab plan meets with resistance
smallpox: Preparing for an Old (but no longer familiar) Threat
smallpox vaccination advice
WHO marks 25th anniversary of last naturally acquired smallpox case
Armed Services smallpox Vaccination: Medical Research and military Necessity
smallpox and bioterrorism
Dutch health service is asked to draw up smallpox contingency plans
Recruitment begins for US smallpox vaccine trial
Vaccination against smallpox—1806
Prophylaxis of smallpox in Romanian Traditional Medicine
Latex allergens are not detectable in reconstituted smallpox vaccine or vaccine vial stoppers
smallpox vaccination in the shadow of Jenner
A spatial analysis of the smallpox epidemic in Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1887-1888
smallpox and Bioterrorism
Preparing for smallpox: Occupational Health Nursing Update
Generalized vaccinia 2 days after smallpox revaccination
200 years of the smallpox vaccine
smallpox, big worries. Preparing medical-response teams is easier said than done, according to healthcare providers across the nation.
Heart problems seen in some people receiving smallpox vaccination
Health Care Worker Attitudes Toward smallpox Vaccination
Clinical recognition and management of patients exposed to biological warfare agents: Anthrax, smallpox, plague, and botulism
To be or not to be vaccinated. The smallpox controversy plays out in California hospitals.
Implementing a smallpox vaccination program aboard an aircraft carrier
Mass vaccination after a smallpox attack might be best, researchers suggest
Cardiac cases trigger advisory about smallpox vaccination
smallpox vaccination: a personal perspective on an imperfect essential.(Cover Article)
Unanimous vote approves tweak to smallpox genome
The smallpox debate
smallpox Overview
Safeguarding our nation’s children: The diagnosis, management, and containment of smallpox in infants and children
CDC releases guidelines for treating adverse reactions to smallpox vaccination
Risks to children of health care personnel receiving smallpox vaccination
smallpox WHO?
Is smallpox” in” again?
Claim that smallpox vaccine protects against HIV is premature, say critics
Historical perspective of smallpox in Mexico: emergence, elimination, and risk of reemergence due to bioterrorism
smallpox in the ED
smallpox Vaccination Update: Legislation protects nurses and their families affected by volunteer program.
smallpox and the disintegration of the Roman economy after 165 AD (Roman Empire).
smallpox smokescreen
Then and now: smallpox vaccinations: immunizing today’s population involves factoring in more health risks than was necessary 50 years ago.
smallpox Bioterrorism Vaccination Policy Decision Analysis Using Computer Modeling and Simulation
smallpox 2003
Can smallpox response teams use the experience of disease management programs?
The smallpox threat
smallpox vaccine
The threat of smallpox
smallpox vaccination: on hold, but lessons learned; CDC panel recommends just starting with frontline personnel, not the general population.(News)
Who pays what: Cost of Vaccinating HCW with smallpox in the US under S-1VP
Society for assisted reproductive technology position statement on donor suitability of recipients of smallpox vaccine (vaccinia virus)
smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge
Isolation and identification of the smallpox virus which caused iatrogenic vaccinia in children in the city of Vladivostok
smallpox lives
smallpox Then and Now
smallpox, Then and Now
smallpox Vaccine Reinstated
smallpox update
What PAs need to know about smallpox
smallpox Studies
Why smallpox could be eradicated
Diagnosis and Management of smallpox
The Threat of smallpox: Eradicated But Not Erased: A Review of the Fiscal, Logistical and Legal Obstacles Impacting the Phase I Vaccination Program
smallpox and smallpox Vaccine—Just the Facts
Triage of a febrile patient with a rash: a comparison of chickenpox, monkeypox, and smallpox
smallpox, revisited.(Updates)
smallpox: A Primer
Computers fight smallpox
Early detection of smallpox
smallpox: Federal, State, and Regional Plan
The smallpox Scenario.
A smallpox refresher
smallpox in Telemark in the last part of the 19th century
Book Review-smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge (D. Koplow)
smallpox–historical or real threat
Companies on the fence about biodefense: what will it take to make vaccines and drugs for smallpox, Ebola, and plague look like enticing business prospects?
Overview of smallpox Preparedness and Response
smallpox disease and the reasons why people usually
The spectre of smallpox
Mysteries of the smallpox vaccine
Frequently Asked Questions About smallpox Vaccine
Looking Back at smallpox
Proposed Ne7v smallpox Hospital at Birkenhead.
smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Source. By D. Koplow, University of California Press, 2003. Pp. 265. $24.95 (£ 17.95).
smallpox—The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge. David A Koplow. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003, pp. 274, £17.95 ISBN: 0-520-23732-3.
The Life and Death of smallpox
Scourge. The Once and Future Threat of smallpox
The smallpox Vaccine for Personal Benefit
smallpox and smallpox vaccine: ocular and systemic risks and ethical uncertainties.
Support for smallpox Vaccine
State Perspectives on Surveillance of smallpox and Surveillance of smallpox Vaccination Adverse Events
smallpox vaccine: does it work?
The life and death of smallpox
PETER RAZZELI. The Conquest of smallpox. Firle, Sussex: Caliban Books, 1977. x-190 pp. 8
smallpox as a bioterroristic threat
Commentary on the 1971 smallpox epidemic in Aralsk, Kazakhstan, and the Soviet Biological Warfare Program (no. 2)
smallpox: The next threat?
UK prepares for smallpox attack
Outcry greets US plan to test smallpox vaccine on children
College graduates’ smallpox-related knowledge
Gearing up for smallpox
Legal Implications of the smallpox Vaccine Program
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Supplemental recommendations on adverse events following smallpox vaccine in the pre-event vaccination …
What you need to know about the smallpox vaccine
The United States Experience with smallpox Vaccine: 2003
Administering smallpox vaccine: A two-pronged risk
Biology & Community Intertwined: Example of smallpox
smallpox: New Mode of Old Disease
smallpox Vaccines for Everyone?
The smallpox Diary
The Politics of smallpox Modeling Rice University-November 2004
New smallpox vaccine shows promise
smallpox and Other Scourges of the Dead
smallpox Vaccine.(Shorts)
AAP statement on smallpox vaccine
Implementation of smallpox vaccination in California
smallpox vaccination plan is’ kaput’–or is it?
Risks of smallpox Vaccination—ReplyRisks of smallpox Vaccination—Reply
smallpox vaccine dogma challenged
AAFP policy on smallpox immunization
Federal and State smallpox Preparedness and Response Plans
smallpox vaccination not for everyone
President Bush signs smallpox Personnel Protection Law
Scourge: The Once and Future Threat of smallpox
smallpox vaccine: the reality, the risk
smallpox Virus Gets Another Reprieve
smallpox Vaccine Safety Surveillance
The smallpox Epidemic
smallpox, big risk.(Scan)
smallpox Preparedness: Developing messages and materials
Support for smallpox vaccinations
smallpox: preparation without inoculation
Online educational resources for smallpox
Accidental exposure to smallpox vaccine, Russian Federation
smallpox vaccine plan mired in concern over risks vs. benefits
What are the hurdles in caregiver smallpox inoculations?
smallpox Clinics: How Technology Can Aid The Clinician
smallpox vaccination: The occupational health perspective
First smallpox vaccine forum takes place
Effect Of smallpox Vaccination Lasts Much Longer
Montagu and Jenner: The Campaign Against smallpox
smallpox vaccination
smallpox virus as biological weapon
Resume smallpox vaccination?
Support for smallpox vaccinations
smallpox: Is the Department of Defense Prepared?
The ocular complications of smallpox and smallpox immunization
The smallpox vaccine and coronary artery disease: A personal perspective
smallpox—The Disease & Vaccine. A “Guide to Issues” for CCE Educators
A Mathematical Model of How smallpox Can Be Used as a Biological Weapon
One response to the threat of bioterror: smallpox vaccination
US smallpox vaccination programme update
Inspections of the smallpox research laboratories
smallpox vaccination becomes a social, financial…
Did bioweapons test cause a deadly smallpox outbreak?(Biowarfare)
All Americans should be offered smallpox vaccine, says public
IC issues surround smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccination and (unnecessary?) caution
The Goddess Šītalā and Epidemic smallpox in Bengal
Efficacy of UK smallpox vaccine questioned
DOD starts smallpox effort
The scars of smallpox
The rate of smallpox vaccine-associated adverse events in the United States, and smallpox preparedness activities by the Netherlands, Germany, and WHO
Hospital smallpox Vaccination Monitoring System (HSVMS)
Stochastic Simulation of Bioterrorist smallpox
US smallpox Program: IOM Panel Raises Questions, Expresses Doubts
smallpox vaccination in Senta county in the early 19th century
smallpox vaccination and pregnancy
What Oncologists Should Know About the smallpox Vaccine
NYS smallpox PVS: Why It’s Not Part of the Registry
Report on measures taken to contain and eradicate the smallpox outbreak locale in the city of Aralsk, part II
A position statement on smallpox vaccination programs
EPs Split on smallpox Vaccine
US reviews smallpox vaccination policy
smallpox Vaccines: What are your risks and rights?
Questions and answers about autoimmunity and the smallpox vaccine
smallpox, big worries.
Carrell, Jennifer Lee. The speckled monster; a historical tale of battling smallpox
The Speckled Monster: A Historical Tale of Battling smallpox
Controversy continues over smallpox vaccinations
smallpox: Implications for Infection Control Practitioners—Part Two
DOD changes smallpox shot plan
Re-visiting Past Emergencies of smallpox Differential EM Diagnosis
smallpox Vaccine Stock Can Be Stretched
Eradication of smallpox, twenty years ago now
smallpox–or a Mimic?.(Photo Essay)
The Conquest of smallpox: The Impact of Inoculation on smallpox Mortality in Eighteenth Century Britain
Missed opportunity for Registries: The smallpox Experience
smallpox vaccine: views of the Academy of Medicine in Imperial Brazil
Statistical and Epidemiologic Challenges in Modeling Response to a Potential smallpox Outbreak
Rotting Face: smallpox and the American Indian
Rotting Face: smallpox and the American Indian
smallpox vaccine revisited (diluted, too)
HHS tries to boost smallpox programme
CDC releases interim smallpox response plan and guidelines
Risks of smallpox Vaccination
smallpox bioterrorist conference highlights divisions over vaccines
First attempts at smallpox engrafting (variolation) in the18th-century in Bologna
Convergent research reveals new smallpox treatment target
Old smallpox vaccination may still protect
Hands: the last great smallpox outbreak in Minnesota (1924-25)
Retaining smallpox Stocks
Emergency Medicine Groups Protest US smallpox Plan
Report on measures taken to contain and eradicate the smallpox outbreak locale in the city of Aralsk (September/October, 1971)
smallpox Vaccination: Review of the Implementation of the Military Program
Lessons Learned from Practicing a Mass smallpox Vaccination Plan in Rural Arkansas
Neurologic Complications of smallpox Vaccination
smallpox Vaccination and the Nurse
smallpox Vaccination: National Security and Individual Risk
Discovery of the disease and medical explanation-focusing on smallpox
Scourge: The Once and Future Threat of smallpox
Invisible Invaders, smallpox and Other Diseases in Aboriginal Australia 1780-1880 [Book Review]
Invisible Invaders: smallpox and Other Diseases in Aboriginal Australia, 1780-1880
Epidemic modeling techniques for smallpox
of Jenner’s growing disillusionment with the public reception of his smallpox
smallpox vaccination risks and public policy
USA prepares defences against smallpox attack
smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions
US, UK and Canada begin preparations for possible smallpox bioterror attacks
Adverse events after smallpox vaccination
Mathematical modelling of the spatio‐temporal spread of smallpox epidemics
The Plausible Spread of the smallpox Virus
New smallpox Vaccine Backed for High-Risk Needs
smallpox vaccine in persons with eczema
Invisible Invaders: smallpox and Other Diseases in Aboriginal Australia, 1780-1880
Updated post-event smallpox response plan and guidelines
Reactions after smallpox Vaccination
smallpox–eradicated disease and a potential terrorist weapon
The history of infection control: smallpox: an infection controlled
Role Of Em In The Diagnosis Of smallpox And Other Causes Of Rash Illness
Risk Communication and the National smallpox Vaccination Program: Lessons Learned
The IOM Committee on smallpox Vaccination
US urged to provide smallpox vaccines for emergency crews
smallpox: implications for infection control practitioners. Part one: disease characteristics and history
Researchers launch a Web-based resource for smallpox research
Too busy to spot a smallpox outbreak
smallpox vaccination compensation in place
A smallpox shot in the dark.(Opinion)
Real-Time PCR Assay To Detect smallpox
David Koplow. smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge. 265 pp., bibl., index. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 2003. $24.95
smallpox Compensation Legislation Passes: Adequate funding still needed for successful program.
smallpox vaccinations in Navarre (Spain) between September and November 1801
A Statistical Model of smallpox Vaccine Dilution
US smallpox vaccination off to slow start
US health officials recommend offering smallpox
25th Anniversary of the Last Case of Naturally Acquired smallpox
Are you girding for pre-event smallpox immunization?
Pox Americana: The Great smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82
UK drug firm halts smallpox vaccine trial
smallpox Vaccination Increases Risk of Myocarditis
An analysis of the proposed national strategy for smallpox vaccination of health care workers
Monkey smallpox trial suspended over painkiller use
The real philanthropic expedition of the smallpox vaccine: monarchy and modernity in 1803
smallpox vaccination campaign in the doldrums.(Infectious Diseases)
Further information in support of a selective smallpox vaccination policy
smallpox research causes concern over public health risks.(Risk Reporter)
The risk of anthrax and smallpox in Australia.-editorial
The Ocular Complications of smallpox andsmallpox Immunization—Reply
Number reacting to smallpox vaccination is higher than expected
Educating Health Care Professionals in the Threat of Biological Attacks: A Digital Guide to smallpox
Adverse events following smallpox vaccination
Factors Related to the Formation of smallpox Response Teams in US Hospitals
smallpox vaccination: the risks for patients with atopic dermatitis
Pox Americana: The Great smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82
The Effects of Mass Transportation During a Deliberate Release of smallpox
Safety of the smallpox Vaccine Among Military Recipients—Reply
Persuasion, Complusion, and Popular Responses to smallpox Vaccination in Brooklyn and New York, 1894-1902
Infectious Diseases and smallpox Politics in New Mexico’s Rio Abajo, 1847–1920
Building an Integrated High School Curriculum Focused on the Biology and History of smallpox
smallpox vaccination and the real burden of adverse reactions
No smallpox shot for health care staff with infants: one hospital’s plan
smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: administrative implementation. Interim final rule
The Eradication of smallpox: Edward Jenner and the First and Only Eradication of a Human Infectious Disease
Creating public information and medical consultation hotlines for a pre-event smallpox vaccination program
Workers’ Compensation and Other Employee Concerns about the smallpox Vaccination Program
Ischaemic events and myopericarditis after smallpox vaccination
Global Health Security Initiative strengthens preparedness and response to smallpox and other bioterrorist threats
New cache eases shortage worries.(smallpox Vaccines)
smallpox: Clinical Description and Recommendations for a Vaccination Program”: A Bioterrorism Education and Training Resource
Chief medical officer confirms key health workers will be vaccinated against smallpox
… of different assay techniques for potency determination of smallpox vaccines and to assess the suitability of candidate (s) for a new international standard for smallpox …
Before the Eradication of God: the Yoruba smallpox Deity Shonponna in tm aLuko’s One Man, One Wife
Medical Treatment and Response to Suspected smallpox: Information for Health Care Providers During Biologic Emergencies
Canada stocks up on smallpox vaccine, pushes bioterrorism training
smallpox immunization in 19th century Brazil: inoculation, variolization, vaccine, and revaccination
NACOSH presses OSHA on rulemaking, whistleblowers, smallpox
Development of a Vaccine for Immunization Against smallpox and Anthrax
Perceptions regarding Tarrant County’s preparedness for a bioterrorism attack involving smallpox
Vaccination, not eradication: The Eradication of smallpox by Hervé Bazin
Obtainment and study of the efficacy of a vaccine against avian smallpox in a cell culture
US hospitals balking at smallpox vaccination
Informing Practice: smallpox Vaccination Process Through the Lense of the Public Health Code of Ethics
Orally available cidofovir derivative active against smallpox
Developing a quarantine plan to respond to a biological attack with smallpox: Using the Delphi technique in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina
ACIP issues guidelines on the use of smallpox vaccine in a pre-event vaccination program
Responding to First Responders: A Proposal for a smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Description of the Full Range of Adverse Events (AE) following Pre-event smallpox Vaccination, New York City–2003
Risks of serious complications and death from smallpox vaccination: a systematic review of the United States exp…
Working With Unions to Protect San Francisco General Hospital Workers in the smallpox Vaccination Campaign
$100 million more for smallpox vaccinations
Emerging vaccine strategies against smallpox threat to pregnant women and other subpopulations with immuno-deficiencies
Elizabeth A. Fenn. Pox Americana: The Great smallpox Epidemic of 1775–82. 384 pp., illus., index. New York: Holtzbrinck/Hill & Wang, 2003. $15
Global Governance of’Contentious’ Science: The Case of the World Health Organization’s Oversight of smallpox Virus Research
Air-borne Diseases: smallpox, Measles and Tuberculosis
Seeds against smallpox: Joaquim Vás and the scientific translation of bananeira brava seeds in Goa, India (1894-1930)
Bioterrorism Preparedness: smallpox and Related Pox Viruses
Naleway et al. Eczematous skin disease and recall of past diagnoses: implications for smallpox vaccination. Ann Intern Med 2003; 139: 1-7
Vaccinia Virus—Developing Drugs to Mitigate Complications from smallpox Vaccination
ORIGINAL ARTICLES Differential Willingness to Undergo smallpox Vaccination Among African-American and White Individuals.
Commentary on Implications of the 1971 Outbreak in Aralsk, Kazakhstan, for US smallpox Vaccination Policy (No. 1)
Vaccine strategy when the smallpox model fails: 1. immune cognition, Malaria and the Fulani
machinery as blood-poison. smallpox and vaccination, while they did not communicate any lasting changes to the blood
Risk of Cutaneous Vaccinia From Health Care Workers Who Receive smallpox Vaccine
Testimony on” Russia, Iraq, and Other Potential Sources of Anthrax, smallpox, and other Terrorist Weapons”
1954-1955: smallpox epidemic in Brittany
C-reactive protein and vaccinia specific lymphocyte proliferative responses following smallpox immunization
Royal College of Radiologists Annual Undergraduate Essay Prize Melanoma: the New smallpox? Can Vaccines be Used to Treat Melanoma?:(Essay submitted for …
Bioterrorism: The Threat Posed by smallpox, Anthrax, and Botulism
First airmen to be immunized within 60 days: AIR FORCE IS POISED TO IMPLEMENT BUSH smallpox VACCINE PLAN
Comparative study of reactogenicity, innocuity, efficacy and immunogenicity of the vaccinal strains Ovo Difterin Forte and C Hen Modified of avian smallpox.
Juan Ignacio Molina’s Elegy,” De peste variolarum,” and the Chilean smallpox Plague of 1761: A Personal Account
Hand‐rub agents; patient skin prep; smallpox vaccine; instrument tape; cardiac catheterization laboratory
Recommendation for Using smallpox Vaccine in a Pre-Event Vaccination Program: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Russia, Iraq, and Other Potential Sources of Anthrax, smallpox, and Other Bioterrorist Weapons: Hearing Before the Committee on International Relations …
smallpox and pan-Orthodox Virus Detection by Real-Time 3′-Minor Groove Binder TaqMan Assays Oil the Roche LightCycler and the Cepheid Smart Cycler Platforms
See also Abortion; Constipation; Diarrhea; Eye problems; Fevers; Indigestion; Jaundice; smallpox; Sore throat; Thomson, Samuel; Tonic; Tuberculosis; Wounds …
… also Backache, Bleeding, Colds, Cramp, Croup, Deafness, Evil eye, Eye problems, Fevers, Headache, Heart trouble, Nosebleed, Rheumatism, Shingles, smallpox …
20 years without smallpox
New Jersey’s smallpox Vaccination Clinic Experience, 2003: Lessons Learned and Implications for Future Practice
Medicine in Stamps Edward Jenner (1749-1823): conqueror of smallpox
15 smallpox
A tale of 2 epidemics: link discovered between smallpox and HIV resistance
The US smallpox vaccination program: a review of a large modern era smallpox vaccination implementation program
smallpox vaccines: Past, present, and future
The life and death of smallpox
Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination
The history of smallpox
On the origin of smallpox: correlating variola phylogenics with historical smallpox records
The history of the smallpox vaccine
smallpox and the literary imagination, 1660-1820
Effects of behavioral changes in a smallpox attack model
If smallpox strikes Portland…
Containing a large bioterrorist smallpox attack: a computer simulation approach
Angel of death: the story of smallpox
smallpox transmission and control: spatial dynamics in Great Britain
The smallpox eradication game
ACAM2000™: the new smallpox vaccine for United States Strategic National Stockpile
Adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States, January-October 2003
LC16m8: an attenuated smallpox vaccine
The immunology of smallpox vaccines
Expunging variola: the control and eradication of smallpox in India, 1947-1977
Immunity and immunological memory following smallpox vaccination
Immunity from smallpox vaccine persists for decades: a longitudinal study
Severe eczema vaccinatum in a household contact of a smallpox vaccinee
smallpox vaccines for biodefense: need and feasibility
Genome sequence diversity and clues to the evolution of variola (smallpox) virus
smallpox: the death of a disease: the inside story of eradicating a worldwide killer
Individual‐based computational modeling of smallpox epidemic control strategies
Gender effects on humoral immune responses to smallpox vaccine
Safety and immunogenicity of IMVAMUNE, a promising candidate as a third generation smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccines for biodefense
smallpox and American Indians revisited
smallpox vaccine–induced antibodies are necessary and sufficient for protection against monkeypox virus
Genetic basis for adverse events after smallpox vaccination
Human effector and memory CD8+ T cell responses to smallpox and yellow fever vaccines
Identification of poxvirus CD8+ T cell determinants to enable rational design and characterization of smallpox vaccines
Responding to bioterrorist smallpox in San Antonio
Countermeasures to the bioterrorist threat of smallpox
A chemokine-binding domain in the tumor necrosis factor receptor from variola (smallpox) virus
Proteome‐wide analysis of the serological response to vaccinia and smallpox
Fractured States: smallpox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India 1800-1947
How long ago did smallpox virus emerge?
smallpox in Washington’s army: Strategic implications of the disease during the American Revolutionary War
smallpox subunit vaccine produced in planta confers protection in mice
Antiviral treatment is more effective than smallpox vaccination upon lethal monkeypox virus infection
The world’s first immunization campaign: the Spanish smallpox Vaccine Expedition, 1803–1813
smallpox in Africa during colonial rule
Neurologic adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States, 2002-2004
The immunogenetics of smallpox vaccination
Antiviral immunity following smallpox virus infection: a case-control study
IMVAMUNE®: modified vaccinia Ankara strain as an attenuated smallpox vaccine
New generation smallpox vaccines: a review of preclinical and clinical data
The eradication of smallpox, a success story for modern medicine and public health: What lessons for the future?
Clinical and immunological response to attenuated tissue-cultured smallpox vaccine LC16m8
Will first-responders show up for work during a pandemic? Lessons from a smallpox vaccination survey of paramedics
Priority, invisibility and eradication: the history of smallpox and the Brazilian public health agenda
Nonhuman primates are protected from smallpox virus or monkeypox virus challenges by the antiviral drug ST-246
Quantification of antibody responses against multiple antigens of the two infectious forms of Vaccinia virus provides a benchmark for smallpox vaccination
An attenuated LC16m8 smallpox vaccine: analysis of full-genome sequence and induction of immune protection
In vitro efficacy of ST246 against smallpox and monkeypox
A randomized, double-blind, dose-finding phase II study to evaluate immunogenicity and safety of the third generation smallpox vaccine candidate IMVAMUNE®
Major increase in human monkeypox incidence 30 years after smallpox vaccination campaigns cease in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Progressive vaccinia in a military smallpox vaccinee-United States, 2009
Vaccines for preventing smallpox
ACAM2000: a newly licensed cell culture-based live vaccinia smallpox vaccine
Catching cowpox: the early spread of smallpox vaccination, 1798–1810
Myocarditis, pericarditis, and dilated cardiomyopathy after smallpox vaccination among civilians in the United States, January–October 2003
An integral equation model for the control of a smallpox outbreak
Integrated analysis of genetic and proteomic data identifies biomarkers associated with adverse events following smallpox vaccination
Redundancy and plasticity of neutralizing antibody responses are cornerstone attributes of the human immune response to the smallpox vaccine
Evaluation of smallpox vaccines using variola neutralization
The vaccination controversy: the rise, reign, and fall of compulsory vaccination for smallpox
smallpox vaccination: comparison of self-reported and electronic vaccine records in the Millennium Cohort Study
smallpox DNA vaccine delivered by novel skin electroporation device protects mice against intranasal poxvirus challenge
An update on smallpox vaccine candidates and their role in bioterrorism related vaccination strategies
smallpox vaccine and its stockpile in 2005
A novel, cell culture-derived smallpox vaccine in vaccinia-naive adults
Vaccination against smallpox
smallpox and related orthopoxviruses
The Future of smallpox Vaccination: is MVA the key?
Public health and bioterrorism: renewed threat of anthrax and smallpox
Determination of the appropriate quarantine period following smallpox exposure: an objective approach using the incubation period distribution
Rabbitpox virus and vaccinia virus infection of rabbits as a model for human smallpox
Surveillance guidelines for smallpox vaccine (vaccinia) adverse reactions
Infectiousness of smallpox relative to disease age: estimates based on transmission network and incubation period
smallpox during pregnancy and maternal outcomes
Genetically stable and fully effective smallpox vaccine strain constructed from highly attenuated vaccinia LC16m8
Antibody profiling by proteome microarray reveals the immunogenicity of the attenuated smallpox vaccine modified vaccinia virus ankara is comparable to that of …
Comparison of smallpox outbreak control strategies using a spatial metapopulation model
Introduction: Simultaneously Global and Local: Reassessing smallpox Vaccination and Its Spread, 1789–1900
The Spanish royal philanthropic expedition to bring smallpox vaccination to the New World and Asia in the 19th century
US civilian smallpox preparedness and response program, 2003
Prevalence of antibodies to Vaccinia virus after smallpox vaccination in Italy
Monitoring the safety of a smallpox vaccination program in the United States: report of the joint smallpox Vaccine Safety Working Group of the advisory committee on …
Killing a killer: what next for smallpox?
Risk of lymphoma and leukaemia after bacille Calmette-Guérin and smallpox vaccination: a Danish case-cohort study
Highly attenuated smallpox vaccine protects rabbits and mice against pathogenic orthopoxvirus challenge
smallpox and cowpox under the Southern Cross: the smallpox epidemic of 1789 and the advent of vaccination in colonial Australia
Extracting key information from historical data to quantify the transmission dynamics of smallpox
smallpox and biological warfare: a disease revisited
Safety profile of smallpox vaccine: insights from the laboratory worker smallpox vaccination program
Combining game theory and risk analysis in counterterrorism: A smallpox example
The origin of the smallpox outbreak in Sydney in 1789
The nonreplicating smallpox candidate vaccines defective vaccinia Lister (dVV-L) and modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) elicit robust long-term protection
Political epidemiology: Strengthening socio-political analysis for mass immunisation–lessons from the smallpox and polio programmes
Immunogenicity and protection efficacy of subunit-based smallpox vaccines using variola major antigens
Host range, growth property, and virulence of the smallpox vaccine: vaccinia virus Tian Tan strain
smallpox and season: reanalysis of historical data
Quantitative evidence for judgments on the efficacy of inoculation for the prevention of smallpox: England and New England in the 1700s
smallpox vaccines: New formulations and revised strategies for vaccination
Cytokine expression patterns associated with systemic adverse events following smallpox immunization
Monkeypox-induced immunity and failure of childhood smallpox vaccination to provide complete protection
Zabdiel Boylston’s evaluation of inoculation against smallpox
Did the US Army distribute smallpox blankets to Indians
The World Health Organization and global smallpox eradication
smallpox vaccine does not protect macaques with AIDS from a lethal monkeypox virus challenge
Short-and long-term immunogenicity and protection induced by non-replicating smallpox vaccine candidates in mice and comparison with the traditional 1st …
Adverse events following smallpox vaccination with ACAM2000 in a military population
Mass vaccination and surveillance/containment in the eradication of smallpox
Rinderpest, deadly for cattle, joins smallpox as a vanquished disease
A protein-based smallpox vaccine protects non-human primates from a lethal monkeypox virus challenge
Molecular smallpox vaccine delivered by alphavirus replicons elicits protective immunity in mice and non-human primates
A protein-based smallpox vaccine protects mice from vaccinia and ectromelia virus challenges when given as a prime and single boost
Chimpanzee/human mAbs to vaccinia virus B5 protein neutralize vaccinia and smallpox viruses and protect mice against vaccinia virus
smallpox in the new world
… immunogenicity and protective effect conferred by vaccination with combinations of modified vaccinia virus Ankara and licensed smallpox vaccine Dryvax in a …
Pregnancy, birth, and infant health outcomes from the National smallpox Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry, 2003–2006
Tecovirimat, a p37 envelope protein inhibitor for the treatment of smallpox infection.
The smallpox vaccination program: public health in an age of terrorism
Circulating smallpox knowledge: Guatemalan doctors, Maya Indians and designing Spain’s smallpox vaccination expedition, 1780–1803
Development of smallpox vaccine candidates with integrated interleukin-15 that demonstrate superior immunogenicity, efficacy, and safety in mice
Cellular immune responses to diluted and undiluted aventis pasteur smallpox vaccine
Comparative evaluation of the immune responses and protection engendered by LC16m8 and Dryvax smallpox vaccines in a mouse model
Surfing a genetic association interaction network to identify modulators of antibody response to smallpox vaccine
4. How did the smallpox vaccination program come about?
Dramatic rescue relieves rare case of smallpox infection
Pitted but not pitied’ or, does smallpox make you small?1
smallpox as a bioterrorist weapon: myth or menace?
The smallpox vaccine induces an early neutralizing IgM response
Willingness of private physicians to be involved in smallpox preparedness and response activities
Detection of human orthopoxvirus infections and differentiation of smallpox virus with real‐time PCR
Postexposure immunization with modified vaccinia virus Ankara or conventional Lister vaccine provides solid protection in a murine model of human smallpox
Genomic differences of Vaccinia virus clones from Dryvax smallpox vaccine: the Dryvax-like ACAM2000 and the mouse neurovirulent Clone-3
Activity of vaccinia virus-neutralizing antibody in the sera of smallpox vaccinees
Immune responses to the smallpox vaccine given in combination with ST-246, a small-molecule inhibitor of poxvirus dissemination
Human immune memory to yellow fever and smallpox vaccination
Household transmission of vaccinia virus from contact with a military smallpox vaccinee–Illinois and Indiana, 2007
Third-generation smallpox vaccines: challenges in the absence of clinical smallpox
The new smallpox: An epidemic of words?
Still protected against smallpox?: estimation of the duration of vaccine-induced immunity against smallpox
Jenner’s ladies: women and vaccination against smallpox in early nineteenth‐century Britain
Eczema vaccinatum resulting from the transmission of vaccinia virus from a smallpox vaccinee: an investigation of potential fomites in the home environment
A TALE OF TWO GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS smallpox Eradication’s Lessons for the Antipolio Campaign in India
Cardiac complications after smallpox vaccination.
The effect of social mixing controls on the spread of smallpox—a two-level model
Pursuing protection from disease: the making of smallpox prophylactic practice in Colonial Punjab
smallpox vaccination site complications
smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes (SPICE): dissecting functional sites and abrogating activity
Surveillance and control measures during smallpox outbreaks
Phenotypic and genetic diversity of the traditional Lister smallpox vaccine
Drought, smallpox, and emergence of Leishmania braziliensis in northeastern Brazil
Imagining inoculation: smallpox, the body, and social relations of healing in the eighteenth century
Public health, culture, and colonial medicine: smallpox and variolation in Palestine during the British Mandate
Safety and immunogenicity of new cell-cultured smallpox vaccine compared with calf-lymph derived vaccine: a blind, single-centre, randomised controlled trial
Keeping the memory of smallpox virus.
smallpox, syphilis and salvation: Medical breakthroughs that changed the world
Eczema herpeticum and clinical criteria for investigating smallpox
Evaluation of preterm births and birth defects in liveborn infants of US military women who received smallpox vaccine
smallpox antiviral drug development: satisfying the animal efficacy rule
Heterogeneity in the A33 protein impacts the cross-protective efficacy of a candidate smallpox DNA vaccine
Differential regulation of granzyme and perforin in effector and memory T cells following smallpox immunization
Genomic sequence of a clonal isolate of the vaccinia virus Lister strain employed for smallpox vaccination in France and its comparison to other orthopoxviruses
Mapping perceptions related to acceptance of smallpox vaccination by hospital emergency room personnel
Healthcare workers who elected not to receive smallpox vaccination
Comparative efficacy of replicating smallpox vaccine strains in a murine challenge model
smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes (SPICE): regulation of complement activation on cells and mechanism of its cellular attachment
Tecovirimat for smallpox infections.
A Canada-Brazil network in the global eradication of smallpox
Insights from the structure of a smallpox virus topoisomerase-DNA transition state mimic
Standardization of a neutralizing anti-vaccinia antibodies titration method: an essential step for titration of vaccinia immunoglobulins and smallpox vaccines evaluation
A rapid, high-throughput vaccinia virus neutralization assay for testing smallpox vaccine efficacy based on detection of green fluorescent protein
Cattle disease faces total wipeout; rinderpest goes the way of smallpox
Effectiveness assessment of countermeasures against bioterrorist smallpox attacks in Japan using an individual-based model
Reflections on the eradication of smallpox
Development of a highly efficacious vaccinia-based dual vaccine against smallpox and anthrax, two important bioterror entities
Safety, immunogenicity and protective efficacy in mice of a new cell-cultured Lister smallpox vaccine candidate
Ischemic cardiac events during the Department of Health and Human Services smallpox vaccination program, 2003
Preventing the misuse of biology: Lessons from the oversight of smallpox virus research
Borrowing, adapting, and learning the practices of smallpox: notes from Colonial Goa
Genetic resistance to smallpox: lessons from mousepox
GeneChip resequencing of the smallpox virus genome can identify novel strains: a biodefense application
Kinetics of serum cytokines after primary or repeat vaccination with the smallpox vaccine
Tail scarification with Vaccinia virus Lister as a model for evaluation of smallpox vaccine potency in mice
Contingency planning for a deliberate release of smallpox in Great Britain-the role of geographical scale and contact structure
Performance of an algorithm for assessing smallpox risk among patients with rashes that may be confused with smallpox
Genomic sequence and analysis of a vaccinia virus isolate from a patient with a smallpox vaccine-related complication
Comparative efficacy of modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) as a potential replacement smallpox vaccine
Detection of vaccinia DNA in the blood following smallpox vaccination
Detection of vaccinia virus DNA, but not infectious virus, in the blood of smallpox vaccine recipients
Should the US and Russia destroy their stocks of smallpox virus?
A case study of possible differential diagnoses of a medieval skeleton from Denmark: leprosy, ergotism, treponematosis, sarcoidosis or smallpox?
Efficacy of novel plasmid DNA encoding vaccinia antigens in improving current smallpox vaccination strategy
Use of an electronic monitoring system for self-reporting smallpox vaccine reactions
Adventitious agents and smallpox vaccine in strategic national stockpile
Severe headaches following smallpox vaccination
Response surface methodology to determine optimal cytokine responses in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells after smallpox vaccination
Antibody responses to vaccinia membrane proteins after smallpox vaccination
Immunophysical properties and prediction of activities for vaccinia virus complement control protein and smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes using …
Evaluation of modified vaccinia virus Ankara as an alternative vaccine against smallpox in chronically HIV type 1-infected individuals undergoing HAART
The earliest notes on the reproduction number in relation to herd immunity: Theophil Lotz and smallpox vaccination
Comparison of military and civilian reporting rates for smallpox vaccine adverse events
Modeling responses to anthrax and smallpox attacks
smallpox eradication: lessons learnt from a success story.
Eradicating smallpox in Indonesia: the archipelagic challenge
smallpox as a Weapon for Bioterrorism
Reducing the dose of smallpox vaccine reduces vaccine-associated morbidity without reducing vaccination success rates or immune responses
Micro-simulation of a smallpox outbreak using official register data
Self-reported adverse health events following smallpox vaccination in a large prospective study of US military service members
Proteomic basis of the antibody response to monkeypox virus infection examined in cynomolgus macaques and a comparison to human smallpox vaccination
Prediction of smallpox outbreak and evaluation of control-measure policy in Japan, using a mathematical model
Ridding London of smallpox: the aerial transmission debate and the evolution of a precautionary approach
Laboratory worker knowledge, attitudes and practices towards smallpox vaccine
Estimation of the duration of vaccine-induced residual protection against severe and fatal smallpox based on secondary vaccination failure
Clinical and immunological responses to undiluted and diluted smallpox vaccine with vaccinia virus of Lister strain
Generalized vaccinia, progressive vaccinia, and eczema vaccinatum are rare following smallpox (vaccinia) vaccination: United States surveillance, 2003
Struggling to a monumental triumph: re-assessing the final phases of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960-1980
Vaccinating freedom: smallpox prevention and the discourses of African American citizenship in antebellum Philadelphia
Using the EM algorithm to estimate the disease parameters for smallpox in 17th century London
History of contemporary medicine: A brief history of smallpox eradication in Iran
Safeguarding slaves: smallpox, vaccination, and governmental health policies among the enslaved population in the danish west indies, 1803–1848
Follow-up of cardiovascular adverse events after smallpox vaccination among civilians in the United States, 2003
How China Became the” Cradle of smallpox“: Transformations in Discourse, 1726-2002
Evaluating public health responses to reintroduced smallpox via dynamic, socially structured, and spatially distributed metapopulation models
Expansion, reexpansion, and recall-like expansion of Vγ2Vδ2 T cells in smallpox vaccination and monkeypox virus infection
The persistence of humoral and cellular immunities more than three decades after smallpox vaccination
Assembling a smallpox biodefense by interrogating 5-substituted pyrimidine nucleoside chemical space
Australian public and smallpox
smallpox virus plaque phenotypes: genetic, geographical and case fatality relationships
From Jenner to modern smallpox vaccines
Clinical responses to smallpox vaccine in vaccinia-naive and previously vaccinated populations: undiluted and diluted Lancy-Vaxina vaccine in a single-blind …
Medical statistics and hospital medicine: the case of the smallpox vaccination
Comparison of clinical presentation of acute myocarditis following smallpox vaccination to acute coronary syndromes in patients< 40 years of age
Maxi-Vac: planning mass smallpox vaccination clinics
Optimization of a MRC-5 cell culture process for the production of a smallpox vaccine
Possible autoimmune reactions following smallpox vaccination: the biologic false positive test for syphilis
Policies for biodefense revisited: The prioritized vaccination process for smallpox
smallpox is a dormant volcano
Pestilence and power: the smallpox epidemic of 1780–1782 and intertribal relations on the northern Great Plains
Laser resurfacing of smallpox scars
Immunosuppressive treatments reduce long-term immunity to smallpox among patients with breast cancer
Vulvar vaccinia infection after sexual contact with a military smallpox vaccinee–Alaska, 2006
smallpox vaccination and ischemic coronary events in healthy adults
Lady Montagu and the introduction of smallpox inoculation to England
Analysis of cases reported as generalized vaccinia during the US military smallpox vaccination program, December 2002 to December 2004
Impact of ST-246® on ACAM2000™ smallpox vaccine reactogenicity, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy in immunodeficient mice
Coadministration of cidofovir and smallpox vaccine reduced vaccination side effects but interfered with vaccine-elicited immune responses and immunity to …
Predictors of smallpox vaccination among healthcare workers and other first responders
Traditional smallpox vaccination with reduced risk of inadvertent contact spread by administration of povidone iodine ointment
Karel Raska and smallpox
Persisting humoral antiviral immunity within the Japanese population after the discontinuation in 1976 of routine smallpox vaccinations
Demographic and clinical factors associated with response to smallpox vaccine in preimmunized volunteers
The Global Great Society and the US commitment to smallpox eradication
Factors affecting implementation of the US smallpox vaccination program, 2003
Could First Fleet smallpox infect Aborigines?–a note
Transmission patterns of smallpox: systematic review of natural outbreaks in Europe and North America since World War II
Cutaneous responses to vaccinia in individuals with previous smallpox vaccination
Intranasal cowpox virus infection of the mouse as a model for preclinical evaluation of smallpox vaccines
Benign hypersensitivity reactions to smallpox vaccine
Love Me Two Times.’From smallpox to AIDS: Contagion and Possession in the Cult of?? tal?
smallpox vaccine stability after maintenance at temperatures not recommended for shipping
IMVAMUNE, an attenuated modified vaccinia Ankara virus vaccine for smallpox infection.
Modeling dimensions of choice in accepting the smallpox vaccine
In vitro activity of cidofovir against the emerging Cantagalo virus and the smallpox vaccine strain IOC
Rhazes diagnostic differentiation of smallpox and measles
Hospital preparedness and management of patients affected by viral haemorrhagic fever or smallpox at the Lazzaro Spallanzani Institute, Italy
The smallpox vaccine: a multidimensional model of choice
Vitiligo iridis in patients with a history of smallpox infection
Validation of a screening instrument to identify persons for exclusion from smallpox vaccination
Poxviruses: smallpox vaccine, its complications and chemotherapy
smallpox vaccination is not associated with infertility in a healthy young adult population
Bioterrorism and smallpox: Policies, practices, and implications for social work
Association between smallpox vaccination and hepatitis C antibody positive serology in Pakistani volunteers
What dermatologists do not know about smallpox vaccination: results from a worldwide electronic survey
Prediction of residual immunity to smallpox, by means of an intradermal skin test with inactivated vaccinia virus
Of medicine and statecraft: smallpox and early colonial vaccination in French West Africa (Senegal-Guinea)
Epidemic smallpox in India
US military service members vaccinated against smallpox in 2003 and 2004 experience a slightly higher risk of hospitalization postvaccination
Vaccinia virus infection after sexual contact with a military smallpox vaccinee-Washington, 2010
smallpox vaccine with integrated IL-15 demonstrates enhanced in vivo viral clearance in immunodeficient mice and confers long term protection against a lethal …
Immunogenic properties of plant-derived recombinant smallpox vaccine candidate pB5
A Population Survey of smallpox Knowledge, Perceptions, and Healthcare-Seeking Behavior Surrounding the Iraq Invasion—Connecticut 2002–03
A process for sentinel case review to assess causal relationships between smallpox vaccination and adverse outcomes, 2003–2004
Immune responses to vaccinia and influenza elicited during primary versus recent or distant secondary smallpox vaccination of adults
The smallpox destruction debate: Could a grand bargain settle the issue?
A review of the smallpox vaccine adverse events active surveillance system
Stability of diluted smallpox vaccine under simulated clinical conditions
Folliculitis after smallpox vaccination: a report of two cases.
smallpox eradication and Brazil: an interview with Donald A. Henderson
Virologic and Pathogenic Aspects of the Variola Virus (smallpox) as a Bioweapon
Economics of cardiac adverse events after smallpox vaccination: lessons from the 2003 US Vaccination Program
Trust and risk in smallpox vaccination
Monitoring health care workers after smallpox vaccination: findings from the Hospital smallpox Vaccination-Monitoring System
smallpox and Epidemic Threat in Nineteenth-Century Xhosaland
smallpox vaccination techniques: considerations and unresolved issues
New insights about host response to smallpox using microarray data
Lymph or Liberty’: Responses to smallpox Vaccination in the Eastern Australian Colonies
Interpreting the epidemiology of postexposure vaccination against smallpox
Vulvar vaccinia infection after sexual contact with a smallpox vaccinee
Occurrence of a basal cell carcinoma and dermatofibroma in a smallpox vaccination scar
An excellent measure: the battle against smallpox in Tibet, 1904-47
Long-term T cell memory to human leucocyte antigen-A2 supertype epitopes in humans vaccinated against smallpox
Cell-mediated immune responses to smallpox vaccination
Multiple branch retinal arteriolar occlusions associated with smallpox vaccination
New Jersey’s smallpox vaccination clinic experiences, 2003
Should the US and Russia destroy their stocks of smallpox virus?
Detailed kinetics of immune responses to a new cell culture-derived smallpox vaccine in vaccinia-naive adults
The smallpox vaccine: An update for oral health care professionals
… events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States–response and comment on reporting of headaches as adverse events after smallpox …
Report faults smallpox vaccination
Rationalizing disease: James Kilpatrick’s Atlantic struggles with smallpox inoculation
A contagious journey within a culture of complacency: the smallpox scare of 1962 in New York and Toronto.
smallpox vaccines induce antibodies to the immunomodulatory, secreted vaccinia virus complement control protein
Some Right Jabs and Back in the Ring-Lessons Learned from the Phase I Civilian smallpox Program
Women and vaccinations: From smallpox to the future, a tribute to a partnership benefiting humanity for over 200 years
smallpox Virus Resequencing GeneChips Can Also Rapidly Ascertain Species Status for Some Zoonotic Non-Variola Orthopoxviruses
Quarantined within a new colonial order: The 1876-1877 Lake Winnipeg smallpox epidemic
smallpox vaccination: a conundrum of risks and outcomes
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the ‘Opening’of Japan
A mouse-based assay for the pre-clinical neurovirulence assessment of vaccinia virus-based smallpox vaccines
The United States smallpox bioterrorism preparedness plan: Rational response or potemkin planning
Adverse event related to smallpox vaccination
When a disease it selfe doth Cromwel it’: The rhetoric of smallpox at the Restoration
Hospital decision-making regarding the smallpox pre-event vaccination program
Successful treatment in the monkeypox and variola primate models of smallpox by the oral drug ST-246
The challenges of developing an antiviral agent for the treatment of smallpox using the animal efficacy rule
smallpox vaccinations and adverse events
Cytokines, skin, and smallpox–a new link to an antimicrobial peptide
Estimating the disease parameters for smallpox in London over the period 1708 to 1748
smallpox revaccination of 21 000 first responders in Israel: lessons learned
Active telephone surveillance to evaluate adverse events among civilian smallpox vaccine recipients
WHO-led or WHO-managed? Re-assessing the smallpox Eradication Program in India, 1960–1980
Dark winter and the spring of 1972: deflecting the social lessons of smallpox
The Southampton smallpox inoculation campaigns of the eighteenth century
The smallpox vaccine injury compensation program
Durable neutralizing antibodies after remote smallpox vaccination among adults with and without HIV infection
Pre-event smallpox vaccination for healthcare workers revisited—the need for a carefully screened multidisciplinary cadre
smallpox and bioterrorism
smallpox vaccination site reactions: two cases of exaggerated scarring and a brief review
Sexual imperialism on the China station during the Meiji Restoration: The control of smallpox and syphilis at Yokohama, 1868–1871
Clinical and immune response to undiluted and diluted smallpox vaccine
Preparing for a smallpox bioterrorist attack: pulse vaccination as an optimal strategy
Development of prophylactics and therapeutics against the smallpox and monkeypox biothreat agents
Knowledge about the initial presentation of smallpox among emergency physicians in Washington, DC
Characterization and use of mammalian-expressed vaccinia virus extracellular membrane proteins for quantification of the humoral immune response to smallpox …
smallpox and vaccination in Tasmania
smallpox over San Diego: joint real-time federations of distributed simulations and simulation users under a common scenario
A Case of Exemplarity: CF Rottböll’s history of smallpox inoculation in Denmark–Norway, 1766
Decision making for bioterror preparedness: Examples from smallpox vaccination policy
Responding to suspected smallpox cases in the Los Angeles County from 2002 to 2006: identifying areas for education
Sending Away the smallpox Gods
Cautious interpretation of data regarding myopericarditis associated with smallpox vaccination
smallpox eradication, laboratory visits, and a touch of tourism: travel notes of a Canadian scientist in Brazil
… randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CJ-50300, a newly developed cell culture-derived smallpox vaccine, in healthy …
Regulation of catalysis by the smallpox virus topoisomerase
Predicting residual immunity against smallpox
Pox Americana-Vaccinating More Emergency Doctors for smallpox: A Law and Economics Approach to Work Conditions
Encephalitis after secondary smallpox vaccination
Absence of detectable viremia in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from smallpox vaccinees: implications for blood safety
Infections of common marmosets with calpox virus: A model for smallpox virus infections
smallpox among the tungus peoples: The language of a disease
Clinical and immunological comparison of smallpox vaccine administered to the outer versus the inner upper arms of vaccinia-naive adults
Unnoticed amendment bans synthesis of smallpox virus
smallpox and New York City’s smallpox hospital
Analysis of a previous smallpox vaccination study: estimation of the time period required to acquire vaccine-induced immunity as assessed by revaccination
Thirtieth anniversary of world health organization’s world wide smallpox eradication.
Discovery and Development of New Antivirals for smallpox
Controversial role of smallpox on historical positive selection at the CCR5 chemokine gene (CCR5-Δ32)
Pre-event smallpox vaccination and postevent exposure and disease: a report of the Joint Task Force on smallpox Vaccination for Allergists
Eradicating smallpox
Beveled needle technique is not associated with low take rates in israeli smallpox revaccination campaign
Needlestick injury with smallpox vaccine
Absence of oropharyngeal vaccinia virus after vaccinia (smallpox) vaccination
Persistence of vaccinia at the site of smallpox vaccination
Multifaceted contributions: health workers and smallpox eradication in India
Dermatological lesions near the smallpox vaccination site after scab detachment
Validity of self-assessment of skin reaction after smallpox vaccination
Rebelling against lawful authority? The vaccination controversy during the smallpox epidemic at Muncie, Indiana, 1893
Governments, off-patent vaccines, smallpox and universal childhood vaccination
The bio scare: Anthrax, smallpox, SARS, flu and post-9/11 US empire
smallpox: dispelling the myths
Making the right decision: Benjamin Franklin’s son dies of smallpox in 1736
A relationship between US healthcare worker smallpox vaccination rates in 2003 and presidential election results in 2004
Programmatic factors related to smallpox vaccine uptake by healthcare workers and others
The state of vaccination: British doctors, indigenous cooperation, and the fight against smallpox in colonial Burma
Mozart and smallpox
Stockpiling smallpox virus
smallpox — the death of a disease: The inside story of eradicating a worldwide killer
smallpox eradication’s lessons for the antipolio campaign in India
Immunity to smallpox and vaccinia: the future of smallpox vaccines
Lessons learned from smallpox vaccination of US Navy forces before Operation Iraqi Freedom
To be vaccinated or not? A survey of Turkish emergency physicians regarding smallpox
Ring vaccination versus mass vaccination in event of a smallpox attack.
“The people have no more love left for the Commonwealth”: Media, migration and identity in the 1961–62 British smallpox outbreak
The design and development of drugs acting against the smallpox virus
smallpox, vaccinia, and the eye
smallpox redux: an Australian perspective
Immunizations against bioterrorism: smallpox and anthrax
according to their vaccination requirements. smallpox
Early disease management strategies in case of a smallpox outbreak
Here’s to Your Health: Reconsidering smallpox
Biological microchip for identification of orthopoxviruses and agents causing the same clinical picture as in smallpox
Public Health Surveillance for Suspected smallpox in the United States, 2003–2005: Results of a National Survey
Eczema vaccinatum: a reaction to the smallpox vaccine
smallpox: An eradicated infection with persistent sequels–Case report and a brief on smallpox
Gastroparesis Following smallpox Vaccination: 723
Precedent and the Aboriginal Response to Global Incursions: smallpox and Identity Reformation Among the Coast Salish
Pediatricians knowledge, views, and perspectives on smallpox and smallpox vaccine
smallpox in Sydney
smallpox and the memory of D-Bernoulli. An early example of applied statistics.
World Health Assembly votes not to destroy smallpox virus
The topicality of return to smallpox vaccination: problems and prospects
Risk of smallpox, vaccination, bioterrorism
smallpox Biodefense: A Multifactorial Analysis
Spanish royal philanthropic expedition and smallpox vaccination
Preparedness for a smallpox outbreak: comparing metrics for assessing levels of vaccination among health-care workers by state
smallpox vaccination does not elevate systemic levels of prothrombotic proteins associated with ischemic cardiac events
Pre-event willingness to receive smallpox vaccine among physicians and public safety personnel
smallpox Vaccination in Pregnancy
The smallpox in the Early Joseon Dynasty and
Transcriptional interactions during smallpox infection and identification of early infection biomarkers
An update on the development of drugs against smallpox.
… of d- and l-2-Cyclopentenone and Their Utility for the Synthesis of Carbocyclic Antiviral Nucleosides against Orthopox Viruses (smallpox, Monkeypox, and Cowpox …
Advisory Group of Independent Experts to review the smallpox research programme (AGIES): comments on the scientific review of variola virus research, 1999 …
Rapid Implementation of a smallpox Vaccine Facility
Expunging Variola: The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India, 1947-1977 by Sanjoy Bhattacharya
Expunging Variola: The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India 1947-1977
smallpox and Vaccination in Cuba (1911)[with Commentary]
Characterization of a vaccinia virus strain used to produce smallpox vaccine in Argentina between 1937 and 1970
Vaccination against smallpox in the Posteradication Era
Reconsideration of the smallpox vaccination administration site
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the” Opening” of Japan
A contemporary analysis of the smallpox vaccination program
At the intersection of public health and national security: The evolution of smallpox policy in the Clinton and GW Bush administrations
Myocarditis after smallpox/vaccinia immunization: passive vaccine safety surveillance compared to prospective studies
Modeling and parameterization for a smallpox simulation study
The Control of smallpox in the British Army During the Nineteenth Century Based on Records from the Windsor Garrison
smallpox vaccination, the establishment of vaccination boards, and state formation in Venezuela and Cuba in the nineteenth century
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge and the” Opening” of Japan
Reaction after smallpox vaccination
Rule out smallpox in the ED: an interesting case of streptococcus pyoderma
Cutaneous Reactivity to smallpox Vaccine: Gender and Product Differences
Killing The Greatest Killer—smallpox
Researchers discover important smallpox pathogen-host interactions
Dissecting complement regulatory sites of the smallpox inhibitor of complement and abrogating function with a monoclonal antibody (44.37)
smallpox and social control in colonial Saint-Louis-du-Senégal
US military smallpox vaccination program: occupational impact of immunizations on aircrew in Air Mobility Command, US Air Force
“Lo! the Poor Indian!” Colonial Responses to the 1862–63 smallpox Epidemic in British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Simian smallpox (or monkey smallpox): study of 8 cases observed at Impfondo Hospital in Republic of Congo
Immune status in a primary smallpox vaccinee who failed to develop an immunization site reaction
smallpox vaccination: a review of adverse events for contemporary health care providers
DA Henderson: smallpox. The Death of a Disease. The Inside Story of Eradicating a Worldwide Killer
8. Development of a stable smallpox vaccine Collier L. J Hyg 1955; 53: 76–101
Fractured States: smallpox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India, 1800-1947
smallpox: Pathogenesis and Host Immune Responses Relevant to Vaccine and Therapeutic Strategies
smallpox—The Death of a Disease: The Inside Story of Eradicating a Worldwide Killer: By DA Henderson
Fractured States: smallpox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India 1800-1947 New Perspectives in South Asian History, vol. 11
Emotional intelligence and organizational culture: A study of West Virginia’s 2003 smallpox vaccination project
Adventitious viruses and smallpox vaccine
Piercing the veil: reading the African-American experience of smallpox vaccination in Philadelphia, 1823-1923
The story of smallpox
Current Status of smallpox Research
The indifferent many and the hostile few: an assessment of smallpox vaccination in the’model native state’of Travancore, 1804-1941.
Introduction of the Pelleted smallpox Vaccine TEOVak into Serial Production to Provide Biosafety of the Population of the Russian Federation
It eradicated smallpox, but how?
Variola (smallpox)
Correlates of public health workforce acceptance of smallpox immunization in Virginia
Vaccinia DNA in blood after smallpox vaccination
smallpox (Variola) and Poxviruses
smallpox outfoxed
Unraveling the structure of the variola topoisomerase IB-DNA complex: a possible new twist on smallpox therapy
Vectors of Colonialism: The smallpox Epidemic of 1780-82 and Northern Great Plains Indian Life
The 1727 St Kilda epidemic: smallpox or chickenpox?
tUpon pdsib and prevetion of smallpox iissued bythis Bttreau’unddr
smallpox post-vaccinal encephalitis: vaccinia virus interaction with the blood brain barrier
smallpox (Variola)
The Checkered History of smallpox Research at Vector
smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccine
smallpox Control History
smallpox in Human History
smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccine
smallpox vaccine
smallpox: Is it Over?
Bioterrorism: Anthrax, Sarin, and smallpox What Can Be Done
The Life and Death of smallpox
smallpox.\p= m-\DuringFebruary and March, smallpox appeared
cases of smallpox.
Patent landscape of countermeasures against smallpox and estimation of grant attraction capability through patent landscape data
smallpox. 932
VIRILENT smallpox.
“It Depends on Where You Look”: The Unusual Presentation of Scurvy and smallpox Among Klondike Gold Rushers as Revealed Through Qualitative Data Sources
Ban urged on smallpox studies
smallpox and the Literary Imagination 1660–1820
smallpox vaccine
smallpox.—There are said to be forty cases of smallpox in
smallpox in 1971
The life and death of smallpox
David E. Shuttleton, smallpox and the Literary Imagination, 1660–1820
smallpox vaccine
Ian Glynn and Jenifer Glynn. The Life and Death of smallpox
DAVID E. SHUTTLETON. smallpox and the Literary Imagination, 1660–1820. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 265. $85.00 (cloth).
Leading the fight against smallpox
Importing of smallpox
smallpox and the Literary Imagination
smallpox and the Literary Imagination, 1660–1820 by David E. Shuttleton
The battle against smallpox in Austria
smallpox: The death of a disease by DA Henderson
Patient safety tools: SARS, smallpox, monkeypox, and avian flu
UK prepares for smallpox attack
smallpox stockpiles too small, out of date.
smallpox vaccine infects toddler
Ian and Jennifer Glynn, The life and death of smallpox, London, Profile Books, 2004, pp. x, 278, illus.,£ 17.99 (hardback 1-86197-608-9).
smallpox Situation.-The Department of Public Health
Imported smallpox.—A case of smallpox was detected
smallpox Worldwide
The last case of smallpox in Denmark–the organizing conditions in 1970
HIV and smallpox
smallpox Zero: An Illustrated History of smallpox and Its Eradication
Qne new case of smallpox in Penacola.
smallpox.—Only two new cases of smallpox were received
smallpox in Atlanta.
The 30th anniversary of smallpox eradication
Variola (smallpox) Virus
smallpox IN BRADFORD, 1962
smallpox. Accordingly, there is more than passing
More Fatal than smallpox
smallpox in English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
smallpox Vaccination
Angel of death–the story of smallpox
period smallpox was very prevalent, and scarcely apersonal descrip.
Clinical virologists and the smallpox-threat: a comparison between Germany and the UK
Public health surveillance for smallpox-United States, 2003-2005.
NEW CASES OF smallpox
smallpox in Ferrara in the nineteenth century
smallpox 5, new cases
New smallpox vaccine approved by US FDA
Mathematical Modeling Of smallpox Withoptimal Intervention Policy
smallpox: Defeating the Scourge and Provoking Resistance
smallpox Outbreak.—Fifty cases of smallpox are reported
Historic aspects and early smallpox management approaches in the New World
Risks of smallpox Vaccination
smallpox preparedness in Denmark
depriving smallpox of its erstwhile questionable glory of
smallpox in the Spanish New World
smallpox in Montgomery.
Live smallpox experiments may go ahead
First smallpox Vaccine Since 1931 Approved by FDA
Attention to smallpox
smallpox Imported
One case of smallpox at Key West, Fla. KEY WEST, FLA., December 14, 1896.
vicinity of smallpox hospital involves some degree
UK awards contract for smallpox vaccine
Expunging Variola-The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India 1947-1977
Expunging Variola: The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India 1947–1977
employ physician to treat smallpox patients and furnish
Lessons from smallpox Vaccination
Change in smallpox Vaccination Policy
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
Disease and the “Darkest Africa” Myth: Novels About AIDS and smallpox
smallpox in Pulaski County.\p= m-\Accordingto issued by the county physician, there are about thirty-five
Expunging Variola: The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India, 1947–1977
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge and the ‘Opening’of Japan
Vaccinators in Japan: The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
smallpox vaccine on the fast track
One case of smallpox in Seattle, Wash.
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
Risk Assessment in smallpox Bioterrorist Aggression
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the” Opening” of Japan
Lessons learned from a smallpox outbreak in Stockholm 1963
New smallpox Vaccine Immunogenic and Safe
ton, Cincinnati member, diagnosed the cases as smallpox
Outbreak of smallpox.—The state department of public
Innovative Data Collection Methods in smallpox Program Evaluation
VIRULENT smallpox.
A pox on smallpox
The Conquest of smallpox: The Impact of Inoculation on smallpox Mortality in Eighteenth Century Britain. Peter Razzel. London: Caliban Books, 2nd (edn) 2003, pp …
The response to the diagnosis of smallpox (variola) in South Carolina–what every practitioner should know.
ment in smallpox particularly, and the results reported have varied, though they have been most encouraging
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
Misconceptions about Edward Jenner and the Eradication of smallpox
pest-house and caring for smallpox
Commemoration of Thirty Years of Freedom from smallpox, Remarks, 31 July 2009, WHO/SEARO, New Delhi.
Nevada City; three cases of smallpox are reported.\p= m-\Diph
The semantics of smallpox in Early Modern English
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” of Japan
BOSTON smallpox EPIDEMIC OF 1721
smallpox heads back onto research agenda
nois was then in greater danger of smallpox epidemic
mencing eruption of smallpox. This developed rapidly, be¬
smallpox: an old disease but still a threat in the XXI century
Disease and the “Darkest Africa” Myth: Novels About AIDS and smallpox
Oral drug and old vaccine renew smallpox bioterror debate
smallpox vaccines: circling the wagons
smallpox mortality and morbidity in late-seventeenth century Westminster
New smallpox Vaccine Found Immunogenic
smallpox Vaccination in Pregnancy
smallpox in Bedford, Pa., and vcinity.[Telegram.]
smallpox Revaccination Shows Retained Immunity
Surveillance and Control Measures after smallpox Outbreaks
seems that smallpox prevention stems significantly
Bioterrorism and smallpox
Advisory Group of Independent Experts to review the smallpox research programme (AGIES)
smallpox Vaccination Guaranteed.\p= m-\Accordingto
Bioterrorism smallpox Guidebook
One case of smallpox in Key West, Pla.
smallpox Antiviral Drug
Glow-in-the-dark smallpox
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” of Japan–By Ann Jannetta
Report on smallpox epidemic in Alabama. BIRMINtEHAM, ALA., January£ 6, 1898.
Programmatic Factors Related to Uptake of smallpox Vaccine among Healthcare Workers
Focus on new antiviral drugs for AIDS and smallpox treatments.
Emergency Physicians’ Current Attitudes Toward smallpox Vaccination
Executing a Mass Immunization Program at the County level using CDC’s smallpox Clinic model
Studying DNA polymerase complex of smallpox virus
Photo Quiz. Reaction After smallpox Vaccination
Battling smallpox: State and Local Boards of Health
smallpox Immunization: Determinants of acceptance of vaccination
Role of Electron Microscopy in Monitoring for Potential smallpox Cases and Other Rash Illnesses
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” of Japan. By Ann Jannetta. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. 264 pp. $45.00 (Cloth).
smallpox Vaccine and Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes in Military Service Members
Renewal of Immunological Memory to smallpox: Use of New Tools Yields Old Results
The Gratitude of the smallpox kami
smallpox vaccine/typhoid vaccine
Tried and tested: From smallpox to measles
smallpox–inappropriate vaccination site.
Experiences with smallpox: Stories of survivors and caregivers
Ocular Complications in the Department of Defense smallpox Vaccination Program
smallpox: The American Fur Company Pox Outbreak of 1837-1838
smallpox quarantine huts in 18th and 19th century Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, Japan.
“An excellent measure”: the battle against smallpox in Tibet, 1904-471
smallpox vaccine Myopericarditis: case report
Vaccination: who should decide when doctors disagree?: the Muncie smallpox epidemic of 1893
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the ‘Opening’of Japan: Jannetta, Ann: Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 245 pp., Publication Date: May …
claimed that no such energetic campaign against the smallpox
smallpox eradication: memories and milestones
Sanjoy Bhattacharya. Expunging Variola: The Control and Eradication of smallpox in India, 1947–1977. xx+ 327 pp., bibl., index. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2006
… early nineteenth century American physicians: With relevance to the intercession attempts on the smallpox virus, with focus on the smallpox epidemic of 1837 …
smallpox and Population Change in 18th and 19th Century Amakusa Islands, Kyushu, Japan
Report of Passed Assistant Surgeon Smith on the prevalence of smallpox in Crittenden County, Ark. MEMPHIS, TENN., January 19, 1896.
smallpox Martyr Bio-Terrorism Scenario Modeling Computer Systems Lab 2009-2010
smallpox in Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA, GA., January 17, 1898.
SHORT REPORT Infectiousness of smallpox relative to disease age: estimates based on transmission network and incubation period
Differentiation of geographic biovariants of smallpox virus by PCR
Revisiting smallpox: Is a Now’Dead’Virus Still a Threat?
Genital Herpes Mimicked by smallpox Vaccination Exposure
smallpox-related knowledge and beliefs among recent college graduates
Effects of behavioral changes and mixing patterns in mathematical models for smallpox epidemics
Analysis of the effectiveness of control strategies against bioterrorist smallpox attacks by using Individual Based Model
Spatial diffusion of smallpox in a rural area of Japan during early modern age
If AIDS Went the Way of smallpox
Contagion by Conceit: Menstruosity and the Rhetoric of smallpox into the Age of Inoculation
Diversity of neutralizing antibody responses in human smallpox vaccinees
One case of smallpox in Tacoma, Wash. TACOMA, WASH., February 6, 1897.
Cardiac Adverse Events After smallpox (Vaccinia) Immunization
Factors that influence the decision of military dependents to decline smallpox vaccination during an outbreak
Linking smallpox eradication to spread of HIV
… . smallpoxhistory. ucl. ac. uk/(Wellcome Trust Centre), http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/smallpox (Wikipedia), http://www. who. int/csr/disease/smallpox/en/(World Health …
Characterization of the proliferative response to the smallpox vaccine in human immune PBMC
Rhazes diagnostic differentiation of smallpox and measles
The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London.
Acting Assistant Surgeon, USM HS smallpox in Iowa.
Death by smallpox investigating the relationship between anaemia and viruses in 18th and 19th century South Africa
Study of coding sequences of variable regions in smallpox virus genome
Reorientation of German tropical medicine–research on smallpox vaccine in post-war Germany
New vaccine protects against smallpox and anthrax in animal trials
What you need to know about smallpox vaccination: what is the real risk of an adverse reaction?
Contact Vaccinia: Update on the Military smallpox Vaccination Experience
Fractures States: smallpox, Public Health and Vaccination Policy in British India 1800–1947
Anthrax vaccine/smallpox vaccine/other vaccines
smallpox-1119 Typhus fever-1119
main successful. smallpox, typhoid, paratyphoid, tetanus, and
Enhanced surveillance for smallpox using a varicella surveillance system: An evaluation of the surveillance system
Organization of book content is sim-ple: Diseases are divided into five ma-jor classes of reportage-from those (eg, smallpox) which are interna
Recovery from blindness following smallpox or measles: Dutch miracle stories, 14th-18th century
smallpox inmild form, now on decline, prevailing in city. Ninety-six cases to date. All necessary sanitary measures are being rigidly enforced.
nized a worldwide organization with the intention of completely eradicating smallpox. All they needed was a very large supply of effective vaccine and many
smallpox vaccine injury compensation program: smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine Injury Table. Adoption of interim final rule as final rule with an amendment
A great desolation: yellow fever, smallpox and influenza in American history
The effect of residual moisture in lyophilized smallpox vaccine on its stability at different temperatures-JD Sparkes & P. Fenje………..
Data Acquisition Issues in a Survey of Healthcare Professionals in Hospitals and Health Departments Invited To Participate in the US smallpox Immunization …
Book review: DA Henderson, smallpox: The Death of a Disease. The Inside Story of Eradicating a Worldwide Killer (New York: Prometheus Books, 2009), 334 pp …
Directed Morphogenesis of smallpox Vaccine for Enhanced Immunogenicity and Decreased Side Effects
… recommended to all those who wish to learn something of how modern human biologists think of this war-torn subject. Variations on a Theme by Sydenham: smallpox …
Prayer dance for the cure of smallpox-the hoso-odori in Kagoshima Prefecture
smallpox among the negro settlements, located near the Mississippi River, in the State of Arkansas, and” WHEREAS, For weeks the lives and health of the people …
smallpox vaccination, the establishment of vaccination boards, and state formation in Venezuela and Cuba in the nineteenth century
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology position statement on donor suitability of recipients of smallpox vaccine (vaccinia virus)
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology position statement on donor suitability of recipients of smallpox vaccine (vaccinia virus)
Clinical Aspects of Bioterrorism (Anthrax, Plague and smallpox)
Evaluation of the vaccinal process in skin-scarification and oral immunization of rabbits with live smallpox vaccines
smallpox Eradication/Measles Control in Equatorial Guinea:” One Wrong Move and You’re Dead”
The Blood Cleaner: No bigger than a pen, this device filters smallpox, Ebola and other viruses from the blood
Two new cases of smallpox in Pensacola, Fla. PENSACOLA, FLA., May 12, 1896. SIR: I have the honor to inform you that Dr. RW Hargis, special physician of the …
4647-cell culture for preparation of recombinant bivaccine against smallpox and hepatitis B
smallpox in Key West. KEY WEST, FLA., June 24, 1896. SI; R: I have the honor to report the existence of ofsmallpox in this city. The local health authorities have taken …
Interferon Agonists/Mimetics as Therapeutics for smallpox and Other Respiratory Viruses
An Evaluation of Counter Measures for smallpox Outbreak using an individual based model and Taking into Consideration the Limitation of Human Resources of …
smallpox in London: factors in the decline of the disease in the nineteenth century, by ANNE HARDY 1ll The training and careers of those apprenticed to apothecaries …
been vaccinated against smallpox, 22.5 per cent against typhoid, and 21.9 per cent against diphtheria; only 67
The National smallpox Vaccination Program: Opinion leaders perceptions of state health department roles and responsibilities during the vaccination initiative
Use of antibiotics in the treatment of ulceronecrotic tonsillitis due to vaccination by tabletted smallpox vaccine
One case of smallpox in Indianapolis, Ind. INDIANAPOLIS, May 29, 1896. SIR: It is my duty to make public the information that, of smallpox is now in the pesthouse of …
Primary smallpox vaccination temporally associated with new onset urticaria-angioedema (UrtAng) evolving to chronic disease
Epidemiology of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Part 4: smallpox, Polio, and Varicella
Erratum to? Tail scarification with Vaccinia virus Lister as a model for evaluation of smallpox vaccine potency in mice?[Vaccine 2007; 25 (45): 7743? 53]
smallpox, scarlet fever, influenza, diphtheria and meningitis all show
A Quantitative Comparison of Vaccinia Virus Shedding from Conventional Dressing Sites and Vaccination Lesions after smallpox Vaccination
… , Vertue betray’d: or, Anna Bullen.(1682). Los Angeles: Clark Memorial Library, 1981. Pp. xi+ 80.(No price stated). Baxby, Derrick, Jenner’s smallpox vaccine: the riddle …
Comparative Study of Contagious Diseases in Clay County vs. Riley County: Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, smallpox, Typhoid Fever, 1907-1917
rates and mortality among the under-fives? There is not one reference to vaccination for smallpox. Are these peripheral issues? The most interesting chapter of …
Lessons Learned from smallpox Eradication and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak: Part 2: SARS Surveillance in Hong Kong and the United States …
Typhoid, TABT and smallpox vaccines are familiar agents; cholera, typhus, polio and occa¬ sionally plague are within my purview but nobody
… viruses: Exploring current fundamental issues of memory T cells and utilizing quantitative immunology to compare correlates of protection following smallpox …
The smallpox virus has been eradicated thanks to widespread vaccinations with the vaccinia virus. But because live vaccinia virus is used, some vaccine …
Reports of cholera, plague, smallpox, typhus fever, and yellow fever received during the current week
Fusion proteins encoded by orf 129L of ectromelia and orf A30L of smallpox viruses cross-react with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies
16. Kaksi Sonnim, The smallpox Goddess
Secrecy Has No Excuse: The Florida Land Boom, Tourism, and the 1926 smallpox Epidemic in Tampa and Miami
… programmes are concerned with reducing the prevalence and incidence of a particular infectious disease, such as TB or smallpox. The human papillomavirus (HPV) …
MOBILE, ALA., March 11, 1898. SIR: I have the honor to report that case of smallpox was sent to the pesthouse on the 6th instant, the 7th instant, and 7 on the 10th.
598. Effective Humoral and Cellular smallpox-Immune Responses Using a Combination of Plasmids Delivered by Intramuscular Injection Followed by Constant …
F.-X. D’Entrecolles and Chinese Medicine: A Jesuit’s Insights in the French Controversy surrounding smallpox Inoculation
… . We could add severe acute respiratory syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Ebola virus, avian influenza, anthrax, smallpox, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome …
Chapter Four. Sudan 1902-3: smallpox Delivers Both Fear And Opportunity
Five Years After 9/11–Fearing smallpox,… and the Vaccine Against it
FEATURE PAPER: The Electronic Data Capture System Used to Monitor Vaccines during the US Army’s smallpox Vaccination Campaign
COS 12-8: Quantifying the effects of space on disease transmission: A Bayesian analysis of smallpox outbreaks in Missions of the Southwest United States
Germany’s smallpox jab plan meets with resistance
In the 1 August 2006 issue of the Journal, in the article by Kim SH, et al (Kim SH, Bang JW, Park KH, et al. Prediction of residual immunity to smallpox, by means of an …
585. Improved Efficacy of DNA Vaccines for HIV and smallpox Using Constant-Current Electroporation
there were 25,106 cases of smallpox. In 1926 the smallpox morbidity totaled 41,643 cases in our own country. Among the states, Indiana led with 3571 cases; then …
Yuba County above with Sutter 16 Over in the Empire State, a young man recently be-came ill with smallpox. This is the statement of Dr. Mathias Nicoll, Jr., State …
Perry, 67 Iowa, 146. Liability of City for smallpox Expenses.—The Appellate
contributed $7,500. smallpox in England.
A Real Options Valuation of Bavarian Nordic’s smallpox vaccine IMVAMUNE
Vienna, Sept. 14, 1907. The smallpox Epidemic.
with trachoma in Syria and Burma-PG Winkler, U Ko Lay, FA Assaad, & TK Sundaresan…………………… 177 Cutaneous responses to smallpox revaccination with calf …
The rediscovery of smallpox
Emergence and reemergence of smallpox: the need for development of a new generation smallpox vaccine
The eradication of smallpox–an overview of the past, present, and future
Operational framework for deployment of the World Health Organization smallpox vaccine emergency stockpile in response to a smallpox event
Oral tecovirimat for the treatment of smallpox
smallpox in the post-eradication era
17th century variola virus reveals the recent history of smallpox
House on fire: the fight to eradicate smallpox
The adoption of inoculation for smallpox in England and France
smallpox: a history
An early American smallpox vaccine based on horsepox
smallpox vaccines: targets of protective immunity
What was the primary mode of smallpox transmission? Implications for biodefense
Challenges and achievements in prevention and treatment of smallpox
Reevaluating the risk of smallpox reemergence
Clinical guidance for smallpox vaccine use in a postevent vaccination program
Life and death of smallpox
Factors affecting the likelihood of monkeypox’s emergence and spread in the post-smallpox era
History of smallpox and its spread in human populations
Lessons from the eradication of smallpox: an interview with DA Henderson
We should be prepared to smallpox re-emergence
Defending against smallpox: a focus on vaccines
The development and approval of tecoviromat (TPOXX®), the first antiviral against smallpox
Diverse variola virus (smallpox) strains were widespread in northern Europe in the Viking Age
Labmade smallpox is possible, study shows
The De Novo Synthesis of Horsepox Virus: Implications for Biosecurity and Recommendations for Preventing the Reemergence of smallpox
The expanded programme on immunization: a lasting legacy of smallpox eradication
Drug development against smallpox: present and future
The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth‐century London1
Genome-wide association study of antibody response to smallpox vaccine
Successful smallpox eradication: what can we learn to control COVID-19?
Beyond the myths: Novel findings for old paradigms in the history of the smallpox vaccine
A vaccinia virus renaissance: new vaccine and immunotherapeutic uses after smallpox eradication
Health system capacity in Sydney, Australia in the event of a biological attack with smallpox
smallpox and colonial medicine in nineteenth-century India
The origins and genomic diversity of American Civil War Era smallpox vaccine strains
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824
The smallpox threat: a time to reconsider global policy
smallpox: can we still learn from the journey to eradication?
Offline: The lessons of smallpox eradication for COVID-19
Revisiting Jenner’s mysteries, the role of the Beaugency lymph in the evolutionary path of ancient smallpox vaccines
The prevention and eradication of smallpox: a commentary on Sloane (1755)’An account of inoculation’
Insights into human CD8+ T‐cell memory using the yellow fever and smallpox vaccines
Influence of population immunosuppression and past vaccination on smallpox reemergence
New effective chemically synthesized anti-smallpox compound NIOCH-14
Genome-wide analysis of polymorphisms associated with cytokine responses in smallpox vaccine recipients
smallpox watch
Outbreaks of human monkeypox after cessation of smallpox vaccination
From smallpox to big data: the next 100 years of epidemiologic methods
An overview of tecovirimat for smallpox treatment and expanded anti-orthopoxvirus applications
Vaccinations against smallpox and tuberculosis are associated with better long-term survival: a Danish case-cohort study 1971–2010
Race and sex-based differences in cytokine immune responses to smallpox vaccine in healthy individuals
Was smallpox a widespread mild disease?
Emergency supply chain management for controlling a smallpox outbreak: the case for regional mass vaccination
The geography of smallpox in England before vaccination: A conundrum resolved
Risks associated with smallpox vaccination in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Three different paths to introduce the smallpox vaccine in early 19th century United States
Characterization of two historic smallpox specimens from a Czech museum
Patterns of smallpox mortality in London, England, over three centuries
Modelling and Bayesian analysis of the Abakaliki smallpox data
A prospective study of the incidence of myocarditis/pericarditis and new onset cardiac symptoms following smallpox and influenza vaccination
Are we prepared in case of a possible smallpox-like disease emergence?
Vaccinia viruses: vaccines against smallpox and vectors against infectious diseases and tumors
“Remarkable solutions to impossible problems”: lessons for malaria from the eradication of smallpox
Optimal resource allocation response to a smallpox outbreak
Genome-wide genetic associations with IFNγ response to smallpox vaccine
A brief history of vaccines: smallpox to the present.
Treacle and smallpox: two tests for multicriteria decision analysis models in health technology assessment
smallpox vaccine safety is dependent on T cells and not B cells
smallpox as an actual biothreat: lessons learned from its outbreak in ex-Yugoslavia in 1972
Modelling the impact of a smallpox attack in India and influence of disease control measures
smallpox at Sydney Cove–who, when, why?
Rabbitpox: a model of airborne transmission of smallpox
smallpox vaccination and all-cause infectious disease hospitalization: a Danish register-based cohort study
… (inoculation of horsepox): An early alternative to vaccination (inoculation of cowpox) and the potential role of horsepox virus in the origin of the smallpox …
smallpox and the epidemiological heritage of modern Japan: towards a total history
Re-assembly of nineteenth-century smallpox vaccine genomes reveals the contemporaneous use of horsepox and horsepox-related viruses in the USA
Prospective safety surveillance study of ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine in deploying military personnel
War against smallpox: Edward Jenner and the global spread of vaccination
Mousepox, a small animal model of smallpox
smallpox and globalization or the first achieved plannetary goal
Are we there yet? The smallpox research agenda using variola virus
Variola virus genome sequenced from an eighteenth-century museum specimen supports the recent origin of smallpox
Short-term clinical safety profile of brincidofovir: A favorable benefit–risk proposition in the treatment of smallpox
Fertility and early-life mortality: Evidence from smallpox vaccination in Sweden
In vitro characterization of a nineteenth-century therapy for smallpox
The end of a global pox: America and the eradication of smallpox in the Cold War era
Safety and immunogenicity of IMVAMUNE® smallpox vaccine using different strategies for a post event scenario
Live vaccinia virus-coated microneedle array patches for smallpox vaccination and stockpiling
Should remaining stockpiles of smallpox virus (variola) be destroyed?
Serological responses in humans to the smallpox vaccine LC16m8
Atypical cowpox virus infection in smallpox-vaccinated patient, France
Viral pandemics: from smallpox to Covid-19
Benefit-risk assessment for brincidofovir for the treatment of smallpox: US Food and Drug Administration’s Evaluation
Use of vaccinia virus smallpox vaccine in laboratory and health care personnel at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses—recommendations of the …
Comparative pathology of smallpox and monkeypox in man and macaques
Safety, immunogenicity, and surrogate markers of clinical efficacy for modified vaccinia Ankara as a smallpox vaccine in HIV-infected subjects
Human monkeypox–After 40 years, an unintended consequence of smallpox eradication
The efficacy and pharmacokinetics of brincidofovir for the treatment of lethal rabbitpox virus infection: a model of smallpox disease
Forgotten NIH smallpox virus languishes on death row
Evaluation of disease and viral biomarkers as triggers for therapeutic intervention in respiratory mousepox–an animal model of smallpox
Agent-based models as policy decision tools: The case of smallpox vaccination
smallpox virus destruction and the implications of a new vaccine
Myocarditis secondary to smallpox vaccination
Transcriptomic profiles of high and low antibody responders to smallpox vaccine
Early smallpox vaccine manufacturing in the United States: introduction of the “animal vaccine” in 1870, establishment of “vaccine farms”, and the beginnings …
Globalisation of Variolation: The Overlooked Origins of Immunity for smallpox in the 18th Century
smallpox and Native American mortality: The 1780s epidemic in the Hudson Bay region
Epidemic size, duration and vaccine stockpiling following a large-scale attack with smallpox
A multi-pronged scoping review approach to understanding the evolving implementation of the smallpox and Polio eradication programs: what can other …
Evidence for residual immunity to smallpox after vaccination and implications for re-emergence
Genomic analysis, phenotype, and virulence of the historical Brazilian smallpox vaccine strain IOC: implications for the origins and evolutionary relationships of …
Cardiac safety of Modified Vaccinia Ankara for vaccination against smallpox in a young, healthy study population
Is it time to destroy the smallpox virus?
A multicenter, open-label, controlled phase II study to evaluate safety and immunogenicity of MVA smallpox vaccine (IMVAMUNE) in 18–40 year old subjects …
Lessons from a modern review of the smallpox eradication files
Urban inoculation and the decline of smallpox mortality in eighteenth‐century cities—a reply to R azzell
Cytokine production associated with smallpox vaccine responses
Exercise Mataika: White Paper on response to a smallpox bioterrorism release in the Pacific
Impact of cytokine and cytokine receptor gene polymorphisms on cellular immunity after smallpox vaccination
Safety and immunogenicity of LC16m8, an attenuated smallpox vaccine in vaccinia-naive adults
Human leukocyte antigen genotypes in the genetic control of adaptive immune responses to smallpox vaccine
Assessing a drug for an eradicated human disease: US Food and Drug Administration review of tecovirimat for the treatment of smallpox
Likelihood of smallpox recurrence
How valid are assumptions about re-emerging smallpox? A systematic review of parameters used in smallpox mathematical models
Boston’s historic smallpox epidemic
HLA alleles associated with the adaptive immune response to smallpox vaccine: a replication study
Third-generation smallpox vaccine strain-based recombinant vaccines for viral hemorrhagic fevers
Recent advances in the study of live attenuated cell-cultured smallpox vaccine LC16m8
The strategic use of novel smallpox vaccines in the post-eradication world
Safety and immunogenicity of modified vaccinia Ankara as a smallpox vaccine in people with atopic dermatitis
The public life of a woman of wit and quality: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the vogue for smallpox inoculation
smallpox vaccination induces a substantial increase in commensal skin bacteria that promote pathology and influence the host response
Temporality and discontinuity as aspects of smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia
The effects of post-exposure smallpox vaccination on clinical disease presentation: addressing the data gaps between historical epidemiology and modern surrogate …
An examination of John Fewster’s role in the discovery of smallpox vaccination.
Multivalent smallpox DNA vaccine delivered by intradermal electroporation drives protective immunity in nonhuman primates against lethal monkeypox challenge
The threat of synthetic smallpox: European perspectives
Safety and immunogenicity of modified vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic smallpox vaccine in vaccinia-naive and experienced human immunodeficiency virus-infected …
smallpox eradication in Bangladesh, 1972–1976
Improving the care and treatment of monkeypox patients in low-resource settings: applying evidence from contemporary biomedical and smallpox biodefense …
From smallpox eradication to the future of global health: innovations, application and lessons for future eradication and control initiatives
smallpox variolation during the revolutionary war
Daniel Bernoulli, d’Alembert and the inoculation of smallpox (1760)
Comment: characterization of two historic smallpox specimens from a Czech museum
Common SNPs/Haplotypes in IL18R1 and IL18 Genes Are Associated With Variations in Humoral Immunity to smallpox Vaccination in Caucasians and African …
smallpox: new perspectives regarding risk assessment & management
Game theory of pre-emptive vaccination before bioterrorism or accidental release of smallpox
Breaking the deadlock over destruction of the smallpox virus stocks
Development of an attenuated smallpox vaccine candidate: The KVAC103 strain
Monkeypox—Enhancing public health preparedness for an emerging lethal human zoonotic epidemic threat in the wake of the smallpox post-eradication era
Proteomic assessment of humoral immune responses in smallpox vaccine recipients
Treatment with the smallpox antiviral tecovirimat (ST-246) alone or in combination with ACAM2000 vaccination is effective as a postsymptomatic therapy for …
Countermeasures and vaccination against terrorism using smallpox: pre-event and post-event smallpox vaccination and its contraindications
smallpox eradication: the vindication of Jenner’s prophesy
smallpox Eradication: African Origin, African Solutions, and Relevance for COVID-19
Population-level differences in disease transmission: A Bayesian analysis of multiple smallpox epidemics
Critical role of perforin-dependent CD8+ T cell immunity for rapid protective vaccination in a murine model for human smallpox
High-dimensional gene expression profiling studies in high and low responders to primary smallpox vaccination
Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of a Potential smallpox Therapeutic, Brincidofovir, in a Lethal Monkeypox Virus Animal Model
Vaccination through time: from the first smallpox vaccine to current vaccination campaigns against the COVID-19 pandemic
Cowpox virus infection of cynomolgus macaques as a model of hemorrhagic smallpox
Sex difference in immune response to vaccination: A participant-level meta-analysis of randomized trials of IMVAMUNE® smallpox vaccine
International health and the limits of its global influence: Bhutan and the worldwide smallpox eradication programme
Development of the small-molecule antiviral ST-246® as a smallpox therapeutic
Genetic Variation in IL18R1 and IL18 Genes and Inteferon γ ELISPOT Response to smallpox Vaccination: An Unexpected Relationship
Modelling of optimal vaccination strategies in response to a bioterrorism associated smallpox outbreak
Safety of attenuated smallpox vaccine LC16m8 in immunodeficient mice
The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth‐century London: a commentary
Contact transmission of vaccinia virus from smallpox vaccinees in the United States, 2003–2011
Predicting epidemiological transitions in infectious disease dynamics: smallpox in historic London (1664-1930)
Developments in antivirals against influenza, smallpox and hemorrhagic fever viruses
Research with variola virus after smallpox eradication: Development of a mouse model for variola virus infection
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma arising in a smallpox scar
smallpox: 12 000 years from plagues to eradication: a dermatologic ailment shaping the face of society
Disease, religion and medicine: smallpox in nineteenth-century Benin
John Haygarth’s 18th-century ‘rules of prevention’for eradicating smallpox
The role of brincidofovir in preparation for a potential smallpox outbreak
Adverse Events Post smallpox-Vaccination: Insights from Tail Scarification Infection in Mice with Vaccinia virus
Cure or protection? The meaning of smallpox inoculation, ca 1750–1775
Susceptibility of Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to Monkeypox Virus: A Low Dose Prospective Model for Monkeypox and smallpox Disease
Cardiovascular drugs and cancer: of competing risk, smallpox, Bernoulli, and d’Alembert
Historical review: Towards the 50th anniversary of the last major smallpox outbreak (Yugoslavia, 1972)
Orthopoxviruses: vaccinia (smallpox vaccine), variola (smallpox), monkeypox, and cowpox
Humoral immunity to smallpox vaccines and monkeypox virus challenge: proteomic assessment and clinical correlations
Immunogenicity and safety of three consecutive production lots of the non replicating smallpox vaccine MVA: A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled …
One of the recent attacks of smallpox in Europe: A massive vaccination campaign during the epidemic in Wrocław in 1963
Dracunculiasis eradication and the legacy of the smallpox campaign: What’s new and innovative? What’s old and principled?
NIH finds forgotten smallpox store
Global risks, divergent pandemics: contrasting responses to Bubonic Plague and smallpox in 1901 Cape Town
Bioluminescent imaging of vaccinia virus infection in immunocompetent and immunodeficient rats as a model for human smallpox
Genomic sequence and virulence of clonal isolates of vaccinia virus Tiantan, the Chinese smallpox vaccine strain
The smallpox war in Nuxalk Territory
… , double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II trial investigating the safety and immunogenicity of modified vaccinia Ankara smallpox vaccine (MVA-BN®) in 56 …
Unusual features of vaccinia virus extracellular virion form neutralization resistance revealed in human antibody responses to the smallpox vaccine
Disaster, technology, and community: Measuring responses to smallpox epidemics in historic Hidatsa villages, North Dakota
GM-CSF production allows the identification of immunoprevalent antigens recognized by human CD4+ T cells following smallpox vaccination
From smallpox eradication to contemporary global health initiatives: enhancing human capacity towards a global public health goal
Impaired innate, humoral, and cellular immunity despite a take in smallpox vaccine recipients
“LIKE HEROD’S MASSACRE”: Quarantines, Bourbon Reform, and Popular Protest in Oaxaca’s smallpox Epidemic, 1796-1797
Analysis of variola and vaccinia virus neutralization assays for smallpox vaccines
The smallpox Epidemics in America in the 1700s and the Role of the Surgeons: Lessons to be Learned During the Global Outbreak of COVID-19
“In want of nourishment for to keep them alive”: Climate fluctuations, bison scarcity, and the smallpox epidemic of 1780–82 on the northern Great Plains
Analysis of pregnancy and infant health outcomes among women in the National smallpox Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry who received Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed
Immunomodulator-based enhancement of anti smallpox immune responses
Viral evolution: mummy virus challenges presumed history of smallpox
Race, Disease, and Public Violence: smallpox and the (Un) Making of Calgary’s Chinatown, 1892
smallpox vaccination: an early start of modern medicine in America
Enhanced safety surveillance study of ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine among US military service members
The role of vaccination, antiorthopoxvirus drug, and social cooperativity in a mathematical model of smallpox control
Side-by-side comparison of gene-based smallpox vaccine with MVA in nonhuman primates
Co-administration of the broad-spectrum antiviral, brincidofovir (CMX001), with smallpox vaccine does not compromise vaccine protection in mice challenged with …
The end of smallpox for Indigenous Peoples in the United States, 1898–1903: An unnoticed finale
Ectromelia virus disease characterization in the BALB/c mouse: a surrogate model for assessment of smallpox medical countermeasures
Experiences with smallpox eradication in Ethiopia
Inoculation of the poor against smallpox in eighteenth-century England
Linear epitopes in vaccinia virus A27 are targets of protective antibodies induced by vaccination against smallpox
Interferon α/β Decoy Receptor Encoded by a Variant in the Dryvax smallpox Vaccine Contributes to Virulence and Correlates with Severe Vaccine Side Effects
Preventing the return of smallpox: molecular modeling studies on thymidylate kinase from Variola virus
Establishment of the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) as a novel animal model for comparing smallpox vaccines administered preexposure in both …
Phase 3 efficacy trial of modified vaccinia Ankara as a vaccine against smallpox
Use of the LC16m8 smallpox vaccine in immunocompromised individuals is still too risky
Re-assessing the Foundations: Worldwide smallpox Eradication, 1957–67
Comparative efficacy of intramuscular and scarification routes of administration of live smallpox vaccine in a murine challenge model
smallpox vaccination-associated myopericarditis is more common with the newest smallpox vaccine
Low-temperature multiple micro-dispensing on microneedles for accurate transcutaneous smallpox vaccination
smallpox inoculation: translation, transference and transformation
Bayesian Phylogeography and Pathogenic Characterization of smallpox Based on HA, ATI, and CrmB Genes
An open-label, single arm, phase III clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CJ smallpox vaccine in previously vaccinated healthy adults
Efficacy of tecovirimat (ST-246) in nonhuman primates infected with variola virus (smallpox)
Administering vaccination in interwar Algeria: medical auxiliaries, smallpox, and the colonial state in the communes mixtes
Activity, specificity, and probe design for the smallpox virus protease K7L
Variola minor in England and Wales: the geographical course of a smallpox epidemic and the impediments to effective disease control, 1920–1935
Pacific Eclipse–A tabletop exercise on smallpox pandemic response
smallpox and the Indians in the American Colonies
Acute Late-Stage Myocarditis in the Crab-Eating Macaque Model of Hemorrhagic smallpox
Failure of the smallpox vaccine to develop a skin lesion in vaccinia virus-naïve individuals is related to differences in antibody profiles before vaccination, not after
Carrying the Pox: The Use of Children and Ideals of Childhood in Early British and Imperial Campaigns Against smallpox
Design of inhibitors of thymidylate kinase from Variola virus as new selective drugs against smallpox
The remaining smallpox stocks: the healthiest outcome
Experiencing smallpox in eighteenth-century England
Al Rhazes and the beginning of the end of smallpox
Identification of protective T-cell antigens for smallpox vaccines
The smallpox vaccine: The dispute between Bernoulli and d’Alembert and the calculus of probabilities
An Analysis of the United States and United Kingdom smallpox Epidemics (1901–5)–The Special Relationship that Tested Public Health Strategies for Disease …
An interaction quantitative trait loci tool implicates epistatic functional variants in an apoptosis pathway in smallpox vaccine eQTL data
smallpox samples are found in FDA storage room in Maryland
Compartmental disease transmission models for smallpox
Vaccination‐related side effects, humoral immunity, and adverse events during the civilian smallpox vaccination campaign, Arkansas, 2003
smallpox: The first vaccine
The effect of smallpox and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination on the risk of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection in Guinea-Bissau and Denmark
The XIX century smallpox prevention in Naples and the risk of transmission of human blood-related pathogens
The Emergency campaign for smallpox eradication from Somalia (1977–1979)—Revisited
TLR3 and TLR9 agonists improve postexposure vaccination efficacy of live smallpox vaccines
DA Henderson, smallpox eradicator
Lessons and innovations from the West and Central African smallpox eradication program
smallpox vaccination in the German Empire. Vaccination between biopolitics and moral economy
Preparedness for a smallpox pandemic in Japan: public health perspectives
Cannabinoids lead to enhanced virulence of the smallpox vaccine (vaccinia) virus
Vaccinia Virus: From Crude smallpox Vaccines to Elaborate Viral Vector Vaccine Design
The Depiction of smallpox and Other Dermatologic Lesions on the Surfaces of Ancient Terracotta Statues from Mali, West Africa
smallpox in art: considerations on some of its medical and social aspects.
The effect of smallpox on the New World
A randomized phase II trial to compare safety and immunogenicity of the MVA-BN smallpox vaccine at various doses in adults with a history of AIDS
Profiling of the antibody response to attenuated LC16m8 smallpox vaccine using protein array analysis
Logistics in smallpox: the legacy
A health policy simulation model of smallpox and Ebola haemorrhagic fever
Use of live Variola virus to determine whether CAST/EiJ mice are a suitable surrogate animal model for human smallpox
Modeling the effect of herd immunity and contagiousness in mitigating a smallpox outbreak
Understanding smallpox vaccination
Using ICR and SCID mice as animal models for smallpox to assess antiviral drug efficacy
Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease following Bacille Calmette–Guérin and smallpox Vaccination: A Population-based Danish Case–Cohort Study
Stamping out fires! Controlling smallpox with targeted mass vaccination
Extent of systemic spread determines CD8+ T cell immunodominance for laboratory strains, smallpox vaccines, and zoonotic isolates of vaccinia virus
smallpox in chickens
The Introduction of Edward Jenner’s smallpox Vaccination to Tibet in the Early 19th Century
smallpox in the modern scientific and colonial contexts 1721–1840
smallpox: when should routine vaccination be discontinued?
Iconography and wax models in Italian early smallpox vaccination
Epidemics, indigenous communities, and public health in the COVID-19 era: views from smallpox inoculation campaigns in colonial Guatemala
Choosing the right model for policy decision-making: the case of smallpox epidemiology
smallpox autoinoculation via tattoo in a soldier
Epitope prediction, modeling, and docking studies for H3L protein as an agent of smallpox
smallpox and polio eradication in India: comparative histories and lessons for contemporary policy
We could not answer to ourselves not doing it’: maternal obligations and knowledge of smallpox inoculation in eighteenth-century elite society
smallpox Eradication and the Rise of Global Governance
The contributions of William Money MRCS to smallpox vaccination and control–A little-known story
Dispersing the Foetal Toxin of the Body: Conceptions of smallpox Aetiology in Pre-modern China
smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000: sites and duration of viral shedding and effect of povidone iodine on scarification site shedding and immune response
Lessons from smallpox eradication campaign in Bihar state and in India
Michael Bennett, War Against smallpox: Edward Jenner and the Global Spread of Vaccination
smallpox and its eradication in the Democratic Republic of Congo: lessons learned
Lessons learnt from the German smallpox outbreaks after World War II
Buccal viral DNA as a trigger for brincidofovir therapy in the mousepox model of smallpox
Triumphs and tribulations of COVID-19 vaccines: Lessons to be learned from smallpox epidemics in the 1700s
Long‐term safety of replication‐defective smallpox vaccine (MVA‐BN) in atopic eczema and allergic rhinitis
40 years without smallpox
We should not dismiss the possibility of eradicating COVID-19: comparisons with smallpox and polio
How history of mathematics can help to face a crisis situation: the case of the polemic between Bernoulli and d’Alembert about the smallpox epidemic
Humoral immunity to primary smallpox vaccination: impact of childhood versus adult immunization on vaccinia vector vaccine development in military …
A report of 2 cases of myopericarditis after Vaccinia virus (smallpox) immunization
CHAPTER THREE. Saved from smallpox but Starving in the Sugar Cane Fields: Java and the Northwestern Philippines
Edward Jenner’s 1798 report of challenge experiments demonstrating the protective effects of cowpox against smallpox
The beginnings of smallpox vaccination in Spain seen through the correspondence of Ignacio María Ruiz de Luzuriaga (1801–1802)
Secondary and tertiary transmission of vaccinia virus after sexual contact with a smallpox vaccinee—San Diego, California, 2012
Ischemic cardiac events and other adverse events following ACAM2000® smallpox vaccine in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Guns of Peace and an Early Campaign against smallpox
Fighting the smallpox Epidemic of 1837-38: The Response of the American Fur Company Traders
smallpox, vaccinations, and demographic divergences in nineteenth-century colonial Indonesia
Human Medical Experimentation: From smallpox Vaccines to Secret Government Programs
Chest pain, ST elevation, and positive cardiac enzymes in an austere environment: differentiating smallpox vaccination-mediated myocarditis and acute coronary …
Mucosal immunization induces a higher level of lasting neutralizing antibody response in mice by a replication-competent smallpox vaccine: vaccinia Tiantan …
Freeze-dried live attenuated smallpox vaccine prepared in cell culture “LC16-KAKETSUKEN”: Post-marketing surveillance study on safety and efficacy …
Response to Brinkmann et al.“Re-assembly of 19th century smallpox vaccine genomes reveals the contemporaneous use of horsepox and horsepox-related …
The certification of smallpox eradication and implications for guinea worm, poliomyelitis, and other diseases: confirming and maintaining a negative
Estimating the size of the US population at risk of severe adverse events from replicating smallpox vaccine
Union Jack or Yellow Jack? smallpox, sailors, settlers and sovereignty
The last case of smallpox
Multigenerational Effects of smallpox Vaccination
Vaccinia virus-induced smallpox postvaccinal encephalitis in case of blood–brain barrier damage
Serological Immunity to smallpox in New South Wales, Australia
Preemptive Tecovirimat Use in an Active Duty Service Member Who Presented With Acute Myeloid Leukemia After smallpox Vaccination
Visualizing public health risks: Graphical representations of smallpox in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries
Vaccinating against Vasoori: Eradicating smallpox in the ‘model’ princely state of Travancore, 1804–1946
… Model of Ternary Cyclodextrin Complex of ST-246 Was Built to Achieve a Reasonable IV Infusion Regimen for the Treatment of Human Severe smallpox
Estimation of R (t) based on illness onset data: An analysis of 1907–1908 smallpox epidemic in Tokyo
The contribution of residents who cooperate with ring-vaccination measures against smallpox epidemic
Long term recall of memory CD8 T cells in mice to first and third generation smallpox vaccines
Unintentional transfer of vaccinia virus associated with smallpox vaccines: ACAM2000® compared with Dryvax®
The current and future landscape of smallpox vaccines
A case series of smallpox vaccination-associated myopericarditis: effects on safety and readiness of the active duty soldier
Human antibody responses to the polyclonal Dryvax vaccine for smallpox prevention can be distinguished from responses to the monoclonal replacement vaccine …
George Washington and smallpox: a revolutionary hero and public health activist
SARS-CoV-2 vs smallpox: mass vaccinations in the mirror
Estimated size of the population at risk of severe adverse events after smallpox vaccination in Israel
smallpox epidemic models and response strategies
The Colonial Travels and Travails of smallpox Vaccine, c. 1820–1840
A New Document on smallpox Vaccination
Pressure Growing to Set a Date to Destroy Remaining smallpox Stocks
Influenza, Measles, SARS, MERS, and smallpox
Misdiagnosis or Political Assassination? Re-examining the Death of Panchen Lama Lobsang Palden Yeshe from smallpox in 1780
An Alteration in the human countenance’: Inoculation, Vaccination, and the Face of smallpox in the Age of Jenner
WHO celebrates 40 years since eradication of smallpox
Erythema multiforme following smallpox vaccination
The historical development of immunization in Germany. From compulsory smallpox vaccination to a National Action Plan on Immunization
smallpox in the post-eradication era/La variole dans l’ere posteradication
Abigail Adams, smallpox, and the spirit of 1776
The first major vaccination campaign against smallpox in Lombardy: the mass vaccination campaign against coronavirus… nothing new… only terminology
The late media emergency of smallpox vaccine, news coverage of Spanish press (1999-2004)
History and eradication of smallpox in Turkey
smallpox and bioterrorism
Live Vaccinia Virus-Coated Microneedle Array Patches for smallpox Vaccination and Stockpiling. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 209
An Alteration in the human countenance: Inoculation, Vaccination, and the Face of smallpox in the Age of Jenner
The peace gun and the eradication of smallpox
A single vaccination of nonhuman primates with highly attenuated smallpox vaccine, LC16m8, provides long-term protection against monkeypox
Controversies and lessons from the history of smallpox: the case of massive vaccination in British Corfu (1852)
“Undistinguished Destruction”: The Effects of smallpox on British Emancipation Policy in the Revolutionary War
Myopericarditis Associated With smallpox Vaccination Among US Army Personnel–Fort Hood, Texas, 2018
WHO to decide fate of smallpox stocks
Rethinking the History of smallpox in the Early Twentieth Century: The SS Korea and Uncertainty Surrounding the Diagnosis of smallpox
Lovesick in the Time of smallpox: Romancing the State of Nature in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy
smallpox and dracunculiasis: the scientific value of infectious diseases that have been eradicated or targeted for eradication. Is schistosomiasis next?
smallpox in the Medici family, Florence, 1519–1737: a historical cohort study
Preface: On the Eradication of smallpox and the Beginning of a Public Health Career
smallpox Vaccination in Early Colonial India: Diversity in Resistance
smallpox vaccination of laboratory workers at US variola testing sites
Duration of neutralizing antibody persisting in Thai individuals after childhood vaccination against smallpox
smallpox vaccination, colonial Sydney and serendipity
Evidence of vaccinia dissemination despite lack of major reaction following smallpox vaccination
Vaccinia virus: it’s use in smallpox vaccine and epidemiology
Design of inhibitors of thymidylate kinase from Variola virus as new selective drugs against smallpox: Part II
The integration of epistasis network and functional interactions in a GWAS implicates RXR pathway genes in the immune response to smallpox vaccine
Weapons of mass hysteria, faulty biothreat predictions, and their impact on national (in) security: A case-study of smallpox or the misuse of mathematical modeling to …
The beginning of smallpox vaccination in the Duchy of Parma
Introduction of Obligatory Vaccination Against smallpox in Dalmatia and the City of Split During the First Half of the 19th Century
smallpox and BCG vaccination in childhood and cutaneous malignant melanoma in Danish adults followed from 18 to 49 years
Delivering smallpox Vaccination in Bordeaux
… following immunization, following use of smallpox vaccine during a public health emergency: a guidance document for smallpox vaccine safety surveillance
Knowledge, Actors and Strategies: smallpox Vaccination in Mexico City, 1803-1872
Development of current smallpox vaccines
smallpox in Aboriginal Australia, 1829–1831
Racial disparity, social determinates of health, and slavery during the Boston smallpox epidemics of the eighteenth century
The double-edged sword: smallpox vaccination and the politics of public health in Cuba
smallpox in Santiago, Concepción and Santafé: A Comparisson of the Enlightened Sanitary Strategies (1782-1807)
Design of inhibitors of thymidylate kinase from Variola virus as new selective drugs against smallpox: part II
„smallpox in the Harem: Communicable Diseases and the Ottoman Fear of Dynastic Extinction during the Early Sultanate of Ahmed I (r. 1603–17)“
Secrecy Has No Excuse: The Florida Land Boom, Tourism, and the 1926 smallpox Epidemic in Tampa and Miami
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling to determine the dose of ST-246 to protect against smallpox in humans
Variola virus (smallpox)
Phase-out of smallpox vaccination and the female/male HIV-1 prevalence ratio: an ecological study from Guinea-Bissau
Total costs associated with replicating and non-replicating smallpox vaccines
smallpox bioterrorism preparedness: The importance of technology and education for early detection and response
Edward Jenner’s role in the introduction of smallpox vaccine
smallpox (Variola)
Short-term and longer-term protective immune responses generated by subunit vaccination with smallpox A33, B5, L1 or A27 proteins adjuvanted with aluminum …
smallpox vaccine and resident responses in modern Shanghai: Focusing on regional and cultural comparison
United in Scholarship, Divided in Practice:(Re) Translating smallpox and Measles for Seventeenth-Century Jews
Variola: smallpox
Protection from smallpox: beyond immune biomarkers
The public acceptance of smallpox vaccination to fight bioterrorism in Japan: results of a large-scale opinion survey in Japan
Experiencing Locally, Thinking Globally: smallpox Vaccination as a Framework for Understanding the Global Early Modern
smallpox eradication: Leadership and legacy
Public Health and the Emergence of New Clinical Settings for smallpox Inoculation in Boston, 1753 to 1764
Operation Parasite: diamonds, smallpox, and mass expulsions of strangers in colonial Sierra Leone
Optimizing high dimensional gene expression studies for immune response following smallpox vaccination using Taqman® low density immune arrays
Bernard Shaw and the smallpox Epidemic of 1901–2
E3L and F1L gene functions modulate the protective capacity of modified vaccinia virus Ankara immunization in murine model of human smallpox
An Operation More Appropriate for Women: The Gendering of smallpox Vaccination in the Spanish Empire
The Last Days of smallpox: Tragedy in Birmingham By Mark Pallen. 2018. Independently published, 9th April 2018–ISBN-13: 978-1980455226
… to the bicentennial of the independence of Colombia: Reading practices of Antonio Nariño and the development of a presumably effective vaccine against smallpox”
Pox and the Pulpit: The Catholic Church and the Propagation of smallpox Vaccination in Early Nineteenth-Century France
Remodeling smallpox in nonhuman primates
smallpox inoculation and the Ottoman contribution: a brief historiography
Long-term effects of smallpox vaccination on expression of the HIV-1 co-receptor CCR5 in women
smallpox vials from 1950’s found in US lab storage room
Construction of a bivalent vaccine against anthrax and smallpox using the attenuated vaccinia virus KVAC103
Why Covid19 will not be gone soon: Lessons from the institutional economics of smallpox vaccination in 19th Century Germany
The remaining smallpox stocks: the wrong debate?–Authors’ reply
Estimated prevalence of smallpox vaccine contraindications in Israeli adolescents
smallpox inoculation (variolation) in East Africa with special reference to the practice among the Boran and Gabra of northern Kenya
The effects of vaccination strategies against smallpox bioterrorism with agent-based simulation
Anthrax and smallpox errors highlight gaps in US biosafety
A Challenge to the Cause: smallpox Inoculation in the Era of American Independence, 1764 to 1781
Reflections on New York City’s 1947 smallpox Vaccination Program and Its 1976 Swine Influenza Immunization Program
Epidemics of smallpox and the Introduction of Vaccines in the Bistriţa Region (XVIII–XIX Centuries)
Edward Jenner and vaccination: the road to elimination of epidemic smallpox
Curing and inoculating smallpox: The career of Simeon Worlock in Paris, Brittany and Saint-Domingue in the 1770s
Where should we keep smallpox virus?
smallpox in Oxfordshire, 1700–99, and the Implications of Familial Transmission Routes
smallpox as a Bioweapon: Should We Be Concerned?
Expanding the histologic findings in smallpox‐related post‐vaccinial non‐viral folliculitis
High risk genotypes for schizophrenia may have been adaptive in the context of smallpox
Recurrent epicardial ventricular tachycardia following smallpox vaccination
smallpox at the Siege of Boston:’Vigilance against this most dangerous Enemy’
Defying providence’: a salutary new look at the history of smallpox
Domination across Space and Time: smallpox, Relativity, and Climate Ethics
Between vaccines, diseases, and resistances: the impacts of a smallpox epidemic in nineteenth-century Porto Alegre
Safety and Immunogenicity of LC16m8, an Attenuated smallpox Vaccine in Vaccinia-Naive Adults
smallpox lives to die another day
Unaccountable Subjects: Contracting Legal and Medical Authority in the Newgate smallpox Experiment (1721)
Law, History, And Epidemics: A review of the book “American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from smallpox to COVID-19”
Did smallpox cause stillbirths? Maternal smallpox infection, vaccination and stillbirths in Sweden, 1780-1839
Bestiality in a Time of smallpox: Dr. Jenner and the “Modern Chimera”
Disciplining a ‘Pathological Province’? Orissa, smallpox and Colonial Order
smallpox vaccine complications: the dermatologist’s role in diagnosis and management
smallpox and global governance
Dissecting the Pamphlet Literature of the Boston smallpox Inoculation Controversy
Reply to “Use of the LC16m8 smallpox Vaccine in Immunocompromised Individuals Is Still Too Risky”
His heart was three sizes too smallpox
Cultures of Contagion and Containment?: The Geography of smallpox in Britain in the Pre-vaccination Era
Osler and the Infected Letter: A History of Disinfecting Mail with Special Reference to smallpox
French Beef Was Better than Hampstead Beef’: Taste, Treatment and Pauperism in a London smallpox Hospital, 1871
smallpox vaccination induces a substantial increase in commensal skin bacteria that promote pathology and enhance immunity
Modernizing stockpiles of medical countermeasures against smallpox: benefits, risks, and knowledge gaps
smallpox, Anthrax, and the historiography of cutaneous diseases
smallpox: A comparative analysis of the United States and Australia
Microsimulation study of the release of pneumonic plague and smallpox on a synthetic civilian population
Never mind the science, here’s the convention on biological diversity: viral sovereignty in the smallpox destruction debate
Prevalence of smallpox and the trend of smallpox Inoculation in Fars in the first Pahlavi period
smallpox inoculation and the Royal Society, 1700–1723
Healthiness and disease in Marmato gold mines during the 19th century: Between the smallpox plague and the War of a Thousand Days
Cutaneous reactions associated with ACAM2000 smallpox vaccination in a deploying US Army unit
Diverse variola virus (smallpox) strains were widespread in northern Europe in the Viking Age
smallpox Eradication in Mexico
Understanding of smallpox in Ancient China
The phase after the eradication of smallpox in Mexico, 1952-1977
From inoculation to vaccination: the fight against smallpox in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries
The Eradication of smallpox in Bahrain
Estimation of Absolute Bioavailability of the Chemical Substance of the Anti-smallpox Preparation NIOCH-14 in Mice
Isolation in Times of Epidemic: Reflections for our Present from a smallpox Epidemic in Concepción (Chile)
Confronting Public Health Imperialism: A Transnational Feminist Analysis of Critical Nurse Responses to the National smallpox Vaccination Program of 2002
smallpox: should we destroy the last stockpile?
Polyfunctional T cell and neutralizing antibody responses to ACAM2000TM smallpox vaccine immunization in primary-vaccinated individuals
The discontinuation of routine smallpox vaccination in the United States, 1960-1976: an unlikely affirmation of biomedical hegemony
To Inoculate, or Aim to Eradicate smallpox
Pivotal strategies in smallpox eradication
Culture and Colonial Medicine: smallpox in Abeokuta, Western Nigeria
The epidemic of smallpox in Guangdong Province and its prevention and treatment in the Republican period
Diverse variola virus (smallpox) strains were widespread in northern Europe in the Viking Age
Carrying Home the Enemy: smallpox and Revolution in American Love and Letters, 1775–76
Critical factors for parameterisation of disease diagnosis modelling for anthrax, plague and smallpox
A wild and wondrous ride: CDC field epidemiologists in the east Pakistan smallpox and cholera epidemics of 1958
The history of smallpox vaccination in the Imperial Moscow foster house
Newer smallpox vaccines require new test methods
Medical Appropriation in the ‘Red’Atlantic: Translating a Mi’kmaq smallpox cure in the mid-nineteenth century
smallpox, Numeric Data, and Calculating Risk in Colonial Boston, 1720s∼ 1750s
Correction: A Multicenter, Open-Label, Controlled Phase II Study to Evaluate Safety and Immunogenicity of MVA smallpox Vaccine (IMVAMUNE) in 18-40 Year Old …
smallpox, vaccination and the Launceston Epidemic, 1887
smallpox Eradication in Shiraz during 1926 to 1941
smallpox, Interiority and the Emergence of the Modern European Autobiography
smallpox Vaccination-Associated Myopericarditis
Triturator for smallpox vaccine production
smallpox: forgotten by public, remains a concern for public health
HISTORY OF MEDICINE-REVIEW-OPEN ACCESS Vaccination of the Ethnic Greeks (Rums) Against smallpox in the Ottoman Empire: Emmanuel Timonis and …
The Mormon Hawaiian Mission and the smallpox Epidemic of 1853
Combating Contagion: smallpox and the Protection of Public Health in North Carolina, 1750 to 1825
Is smallpox Dead?(The Story of Highly Contagious and Most Feared Disease)
Comparison of smallpox vs. HIV/AIDS eradication strategies
Traditional Knowledge and the smallpox Eradication Campaign
The Results of Re-certification of Reference Standard Sample Used for the Examination of Quality smallpox Vaccines
Vaccinia virus as the smallpox vaccine
War Against smallpox: Edward Jenner and the Global Spread of Vaccination by Michael Bennett
America’s Original Immunization Controversy: The Tercentenary of the Boston smallpox Epidemic of 1721
smallpox still haunts scientists: results of a questionnaire-based inquiry on the views of health care and life science experts and students on preserving the …
Our space at the heart of the smallpox vaccine expedition: A service-learning project for social studies and citizenship education in Galicia (Spain)
smallpox watch: frozen mummies and envelopes of scabs could contain remnants of one of history’s most prolific killers
Adventures of a Female Medical Detective: In Pursuit of smallpox and AIDS
smallpox Vaccine Stockpile and Vaccination Policy
Vaccination of the Ethnic Greeks (Rums) Against smallpox in the Ottoman Empire: Emmanuel Timonis and Jacobus Pylarinos as Precursors of Edward Jenner.
The Language of Epidemics: Narrative, Biology, and the Other from smallpox to AIDS
… to the bicentennial of the independence of Colombia: Reading practices of Antonio Nariño and the development of a presumably effective vaccine against smallpox
The Economics of Sick Calves: The Use of Calves for smallpox Vaccine Lymph Production in Britain and its Empire, 1870s–1900s
Airborne assassin: Why the official stockpiles of the smallpox virus must be destroyed
De curandis hominum morbis: An 18th century medical prescription for measles and smallpox in the Nuevo Reino de Granada
The Unwelcomed Traveler: England’s Black Death and Hopi’s smallpox
Representing the mob: the destruction of a smallpox isolation hospital in Orange, New Jersey 1901
Analysis of Vaccinal Process Peculiarities in Persons Immunized with smallpox Live Vaccine in Case of Primary Vaccination and Revaccination
Considering the” public” in public health: popular resistance to the smallpox Eradication Programme in India.
Cutaneous Desmoplastic Leiomyosarcoma Development at smallpox Vaccination Site.
The History of smallpox Epidemics in Sri Lanka: Humanity’s Triumph Over a Global Scourge
An Unfortunate Need to Revisit smallpox Preparedness
smallpox vaccine recommendations: is trust a shot in the arm?
… of a ternary inclusion complex containing hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and meglumine for solubility enhancement of poorly water-soluble ST-246, an anti-smallpox …
smallpox: Variolation in East and West
Acral Papulovesicular Eruption in a Soldier Following smallpox Vaccination
The utility of smallpox vaccine scars in the forensic identification process
Michael Bennett, War Against smallpox. Edward Jenner and the Global Spread of Vaccination
Use of smallpox vaccine in laboratory and health-care workers at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses
Control, containment and health education in the smallpox-vaccination campaigns in Mexico in the 1940s
Relocating Pastorian Medicine: Accommodation and Acclimatization of Pastorian Practices against smallpox at the Pasteur Institute of Chengdu, China, 1908–1927
The Swiss Canton of Thurgau-not the Kingdom of Bavaria-was the first state to introduce compulsory vaccination against smallpox
The Discoverer of Vaccination and smallpox Vaccin: Edward Jenner
Repeated high-dose (5 × 108 TCID50) toxicity study of a third generation smallpox vaccine (IMVAMUNE) in New Zealand white rabbits
From Swine Flu to smallpox: Government Compensation Programs for Vaccines and Terrorism
Epidemic smallpox, Roman Demography, and the Rapid Growth of Early Christianity, 160 CE to 310 CE
Administering vaccination in interwar Algeria: Auxiliaires médicaux, smallpox, and the colonial state in the communes mixtes
Cowpox helped against smallpox; will the goat lentivirus (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus) help against HIV-1?
Ethics-Lessons from smallpox Fall 2020
The Immune Response: Romanticism and the Radical Literary History of smallpox Inoculation
Cross-Border movements, smallpox Epidemics, and Public Health
smallpox Eradicated
Bob H. Reinhardt: The End of A Global Pox. America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era
The napoleonic state and public health policies: smallpox vaccination in napoleonic Italy (1800-1814)
Potential Bioterrorism Agents with Mucocutaneous Findings (Anthrax, Plague, Tularemia, smallpox)
History of smallpox Vaccination and of the Vaccine Supply in Hungary, up to 1890
Advisory group of independent experts to review the smallpox research programme (AGIES): report to the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland …
Mortality from smallpox: The 1780s Epidemic in the Hudson Bay Region
The legacy of smallpox and polio vaccines: A pandora box or gordian knot in the 21st century?
Killing the Speckled Monster: Riots, Resistance, and Reward in the Story of smallpox Vaccination
Scoring the feasibility of covid-19 eradication using smallpox and polio as benchmarks
Efficacy of approved smallpox Vaccines in Human and Canine Cancer Therapy: Adipose-tissue derived Stem Cells (ADSC) take up VACV and serve as a protective …
Sites of complaint and complaining: Fever and smallpox hospitals in late-Victorian London
Successful treatment of smallpox scars by using radiofrequency device with single microneedle
The last days of smallpox: tragedy in Birmingham
History of smallpox Epidemics that Ravaged Ceylon from 1500 to 1800
smallpox in the posteradication era
Sites of Complaint and Complaining: Fever and smallpox Hospitals in Late-Victorian London
smallpox Denaturalized, Demonized, and Eradicable
A Study on the Chinese Name of smallpox
The Overview of Development in smallpox Vaccine
American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from smallpox to COVID-19
The Study of smallpox Disease Confrontation in Iran in Qajar Era
Physicians’ willingness to be vaccinated with a smallpox vaccine to prevent monkeypox viral infection: A cross-sectional study in Indonesia
smallpox redux?
smallpox vaccine
A Historical Investigation into Combatting smallpox in Iran: 1948–1967 (First to Third Development Projects)
Surgeon Senjee Pulney Andy’s trials in treating smallpox using leaves of Azadirachta indica in southern India in the 1860s
Encountering the smallpox Goddess: The Auspicious Song of Sítala
Great deal like smallpox: destitution business and state drought relief in Nebraska 1890-1895.
Evidence for Residual Immunity to smallpox After Vaccination
Correction for Hutson et al.,“Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of a Potential smallpox Therapeutic, Brincidofovir, in a Lethal Monkeypox Virus Animal Model”
Povidone iodine ointment application to the vaccination site does not alter immunoglobulin G antibody response to smallpox vaccine
“Destroying Generation after Generation”: Outbreaks of smallpox in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala (1780-1810)
smallpox Debate
Revisiting the 1970 smallpox outbreak in Meschede, Germany: Lessons for a post-COVID world.
smallpox or Chickenpox?
smallpox and vaccination: a historical aspect
smallpox vaccine
First smallpox Drug Approved
smallpox Is Still an Issue Today
smallpox Infectious Disease
Study on Evolution of the Names of smallpox
smallpox Vaccine working group
COVID-19 and collective responsibility: a lesson from the smallpox outbreak in Moscow in 1960
Considering smallpox
Making smallpox history
smallpox Vaccination: STS Model for Global Immunization Campaigns
smallpox vaccine
smallpox Vaccine Work Group
after smallpox. By M. Chomel.
Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a polyvalent DNA vaccine against human orthopoxvirus infections based on smallpox virus genes
Medical Doctors Rule the City’: Roman Załuski’s Zaraza/The Epidemic and the 1963 smallpox Outbreak in Wrocław
smallpox Vaccine Work Group introduction
The Case for Voluntary smallpox Vaccination
smallpox and immunization policies in Argentina in the long term
China in the Worldwide Eradication of smallpox, 1900-1985: Recovering and Democratizing Histories of International Health
Memories: One Polio Pandemic, One smallpox Outbreak, Coronavirus Pandemic.
smallpox Eradication
6. smallpox: Word of Terror (1797-1798)
smallpox Vaccination Policy—The Need For Dialogue
I Think it Highly Necessary to Have it Done Before They Go Out into the World’: Inoculation, Responsibility and Patterns of Familial Transmission of smallpox
Poliomyelitis Virus vs smallpox: an ordinary differential equation model comparison
Humoral immunity, vaccination period and demographic characteristics of first immunized smallpox vaccine recipients
Books: Angel of Death. The Story of smallpox: Lessons from a Previous Pandemic
smallpox: The Death of a Disease and House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate smallpox
smallpox vaccine/tecovirimat
smallpox Epidemics and smallpox Treatment
Destroying’This Happy Copy of Eden’Chilean Alfred Helsby’s Anti-Vaccination Writings, smallpox, and Atlantic Networks
William H. Foege: House on Fire. The Fight to Eradicate smallpox
smallpox: the big picture
Poliomyelitis vs smallpox: an ordinary
Post-smallpox Vaccination Skin Eruption in a Marine
Legal measures on vaccination against smallpox in the Principality of Serbia in the 1830s-1840s
The Scope of Inoculation Efforts and the Impact of smallpox on the Parish of San Agustín Jonacatepec in 1797
Eradicating smallpox: Through an implementation lens
Civil Liberties and the War on smallpox
The Last Dutch smallpox Epidemic: Infectious Disease and Social Inequalities in Amsterdam, 1870-1872
Battling smallpox before Vaccination: Inoculation in Eighteenth-Century Germany
Early reception of smallpox inoculation in Italy: insights from the correspondence of the Fellows of the Royal Society
History of smallpox (Ābele) in Persia
American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from smallpox to COVID-19
Reimagination and Retaliation: Medical Technology, Orientalism, and smallpox Variolation in the British Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate smallpox
smallpox was unimportant, mortality rate of 0.4
House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate smallpox
smallpox PLAGUE IN COLONIAL BRAZIL Historical tragedy or genocide?.
William H. Foege, House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate smallpox
CHAPTER ONE. smallpox Vaccination And Demographic Divergences In The Nineteenth Century
3. Typhus and smallpox: Partners in Death (1761-1762)
Major Increase in Human Monkeypox Incidence 30 Years After smallpox Vaccination Campaigns Cease in the Democratic Republic of Congo: AW Rimoin et al. PNAS …
The characteristics of treatment of smallpox and its significance recorded in the Duchanggyeongheombang
Drug Approved to Treat smallpox After a Bioterrorist Attack
Illustrating the History of smallpox Vaccination: An Instructive Example for Creating an Online Exhibit with Omeka S
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824. By Paul Kelton
smallpox and the origins of vaccination
smallpox: Eradicated but Not Erased
smallpox and Women: Housemaids in the City of Campeche, 1855
Extirpating the Loathsome smallpox: A Study in the History and Demise of smallpox, as Aided by Thomas Jefferson
smallpox at the Hotel Dieu of Paris in 1900. An unpublished letter of Professor Brissaud
The court physician, the clergyman, a learned society and smallpox
London’s smallpox maps
Osler’s ManVs Redemption of Man: Preemptive protection, attitudinal inoculation, and smallpox inoculation
“This Outrageous Desease”–Charles Larpenteur’s Observations of the 1837 smallpox Epidemic
The adaptability and resilience of cities to major epidemics: a comparison of Sydney and Phoenix subject to a hypothetical smallpox epidemic
Improved smallpox Vaccines
The American Almanac, smallpox in Santiago in 1872 and the isolations hospitals
John Fewster and smallpox Vaccination
Eye decoction due to smallpox complications in the Viceroyalty of New Granada in the 18th century
Use of ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine in laboratory and healthcare personnel
Investigating the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of smallpox in the Persian medicine books
Dr. James Smith’s Dream of Eradicating smallpox and the National Vaccine Institution
Seok-Young Ji, who saved many people’s lives and laid the foundation for independent modern medicine of Korea through the introduction of smallpox …
Lessons from the Past-The smallpox Outbreak in Yugoslavia, An Impact on Public Health and the Economy
smallpox in Tabasco: its impact and preventive measures (1890-1915)
Negotiating Dharma Pinnu: Towards a social history of smallpox in colonial Orissa
Scottish smallpox: Enlightenment Medicine and the Fight Against smallpox in Scotland, 1750-1850
A Study on the Anti-smallpox Policy of Joseon Government-General.
smallpox vaccine Chest pain: 3 case reports
From eradication of smallpox to prevention of blindness in Nepal
Epidemicological Society, by the smallpox and Vaccination Committee
smallpox vaccine Myocarditis: case report
Angel of Death: The Story of smallpox by Gareth Williams
Study on evolution in smallpox therapy until 17th century in Europe
Ann Jannetta, The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the’Opening’of Japan
Incidents in reposition of smallpox virus laboratories and its retrospect and ponderation
smallpox, Global Health, and US Foreign Policy
New smallpox Vaccines for an Ancient Scourge
AreWe Prepared in Case of a Possible smallpox-Like Disease Emergence?
The evidence of smallpox in the archaeological record: A case from the Saxon site of Soham, Cambridgeshire
Variola minor in coalfield areas of England and Wales, 1921–34: Geographical determinants of a national smallpox epidemic that spread out of effective control
A Case of Respiratory Failure due to smallpox Pneumonia.
Global smallpox eradication
Spread of the smallpox vaccine in Bilbao (1801–1802), the role of Lope de Mazarredo (1769–1820)
smallpox Vaccination in 19th Century Manila
The Vaccinators: smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” Of Japan
The remaining smallpox stocks: the wrong debate?
smallpox vaccine Myopericarditis: 2 case reports
Extermination of the smallpox Virus–Light at the End of the Tunnel… or not–the Stalemate Continues
The Period of smallpox in a Village in Tlaxcala: Mortality and Preventive Measures (1830, 1840, and 1903)
Ruminant Vaccines: A Guide to Surviving smallpox During a National Emergency
The End of an Old Enemy: smallpox in Clay County, Kansas, 1900-1925
Alternative Immunological Markers to Document Successful Multiple smallpox Revaccinations
In Vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth-Century Therapy for smallpox
smallpox Vaccines and Eczema
Antonine Plague, Black Death and smallpox Epidemic versus COVID-19. How Did Humankind Cope with the Grapple Against the Biggest Epidemics, and What …
Optimization of Vaccine Virus Accumulation in the Development of smallpox Drugs Based on Cell Cultures
Literary periodicals and the La Condamine campaign for inoculation against smallpox
Animal Matters: Bovine smallpox Vaccine at the Connaught Laboratories and University Farm
The global eradication of smallpox and the work of Frank Fenner
smallpox vials in USA After the
Why You’ll Never Catch smallpox.
The beginnings of the smallpox vaccination in Burgos (1801-1802)
Biological Nightmare, How to Respond to a smallpox Outbreak
250 years of smallpox vaccination in Europe
Acral papulovesicular eruption to smallpox vaccination
The Curse of Payoka Kamuy1: The History of smallpox and Its Prevention and Cure among the Ainu from the 18th Century to 1868
Zacatecas: the Epidemics of Typhus and smallpox at the End of the 19th Century. A Quantitative Approach, 1892-1893
Sopona, Social Relations & the Political Economy of Colonial smallpox Control in Ekiti, Nigeria
Workers with signs of smallpox in the collection of Regional Office of Labor, Rio Grande do Sul, 1933-1944
The Religious Politics of smallpox Vaccination, 1899-1901
ED management of bioterrorism patient smallpox
Recombinant short TNF-BD protein from smallpox virus is pharmacologically active in an experimental septic shock model
Treatment and remedies against smallpox outbreaks in Ferrara in the late nineteenth century
My Mother Tied Me on Her Back: Story of smallpox
Let’s finally condemn the smallpox virus to extinction
Wrestling the Würgengel: smallpox and inoculation in German society and culture, 1754-1800
Analysis of public knowledge in preventing infectious diseases such as smallpox in Krawang Ijo village
About smallpox and vaccination practices in Minas Gerais (Brazil) in the 19th century
smallpox vaccination of laboratory workers at national variola testing sites
Dialogic and ritual language resources in a colonial Mayan text to heal smallpox
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824 by Paul Kelton
Drawing Circles Around smallpox Hospitals: Cartography, Calculation, and Surveillance
Peculiarities of Disinfection of Microbiological Safety Cabinets and Premises of Virological Laboratories when Carrying out Works with the smallpox Virus
Adventures of a Female Medical Detective: In Pursuit of smallpox and AIDS
A Cloud of Controversy: George Washington and smallpox Inoculation During the American Revolution
Study on the DNA vaccine against Anthrax and smallpox in mice
Inoculation, vaccination and public hygiene against smallpox
Revisiting smallpox Epidemic in Punjab (c. 1850–c. 1901)
smallpox vaccination in napoleonic Italy (1800-1814)
Adventures of a female medical detective: in pursuit of smallpox and AIDS
Preformulation study on anti-smallpox drug tecovirimat
The effective immunization of plasmid DNA vaccine targeted for smallpox virus
Marked on the skin: vaccination and smallpox in Argentina (1870-1910)
Containing Disease and Disaster: The Role of Hôtel Dieu of Montreal during the smallpox Outbreak, 1885
4. An Eighteenth-Century Mongolian Treatise on smallpox Inoculation: Lobsang Tsültim’s “The Practice of Preparing Medicine for the Planting of Heaven’s White …
George Boole, saucy little Alice and an uneventful smallpox vaccination: one of the greatest stories never told
Reseña de” The global eradication of smallpox.” de Bhattacharya S, Messenger S, editors.
LB11. A Single Dose of the MVA-BN smallpox Vaccine Induces an Early Protective Antibody Response Similar to a Traditional Replicating Vaccine and Is Suitable for …
The impact of smallpox and vaccination in Northern Germany in 18th and 19th centuries
Seeds against smallpox: Joaquim Vás and the Scientific Translation of Wild Plantain Seeds in Goa
The smallpox on Ballarat’: Nineteenth-century public vaccination on the Victorian goldfields
smallpox Inoculation and Race Relations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century America
Effects of Behavioral Changes in smallpox and Influenza Models
Surveillance Guidelines for smallpox Vaccine (vaccinia) Adverse Reactions
Mathematical Model for the Transmission of smallpox from European Colonists to Native American Populations
smallpox vaccine Vaccine encephalopathy in an infant with
Characterization of antibody response to smallpox vaccination using wes
Captain Cook, Whisky and smallpox: A comment on Colonisation
The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era
Human Medical Experimentation: From smallpox Vaccines to Secret Government Programs
smallpox Eradication: Is the Time Right for Destruction of the Virus Stocks?
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824 by Paul Kelton
The smallpox epidemic and fear of the vaccine in Goiás
Position on donors and smallpox vaccine: a committee opinion
smallpox eradication-destruction of variola virus stocks
The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era
Saints,” Savages,” and smallpox: Epidemic Disease and the Colonization of New England, 1616-1637
Position on reproductive donors and smallpox vaccine: a committee opinion
smallpox: The Death of a Disease. The Inside Story of Eradicating a Worldwide Killer
Generalized Vaccinia in an Active Duty Service Member: One of the Many Faces of smallpox Vaccine-Related Cutaneous Adverse Reactions
Periodical outbreaks of smallpox presented in two communities in the Westerwald in the 18th-century
Use of smallpox vaccine in laboratory and health-care workers at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses [proposed revisions]
smallpox vaccine Vaccinia in a child following secondary and
Manuel Julián Grajales: propagator of smallpox vaccine in South America. Anatomist and surgeon
Book Review: Human Medical Experimentation: From smallpox Vaccines to Secret Government Programs
smallpox: Killer of Man, Killer of Culture-Effects on Indigenous Populations During 18th Century New France
AS GOOD AS AN ARMY: Mapping smallpox during the Seven Years’ War in North America
Postexposure smallpox Vaccines-Can We Extend the Therapeutic Window?
Influence of a smallpox infection on morpho-and an immuno-physiological state of carp Cyprinus carpio L.
dall, Nyander held that smallpox, measles, the plague, dysen
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518-1824. New Directions in Native American Studies
Recurrent Guillain-Bare syndrome in a child after smallpox
The Deadly Hemorrhagic Form of smallpox: An Epidemic Disease in British Colonial India
The First Inoculation Debate: A Quantitative Text Analysis of the Boston smallpox Epidemic of 1721
American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from smallpox to COVID-19
Death by Inoculation: The Fashioning of Mortality in Eighteenth-Century smallpox Pamphlets
“All Dregs of the said Distemper”: Containing smallpox and Religious Dissent in Colonial Connecticut
The Prevalence of smallpox and the Spread of Vaccination in Late Nineteenth Century Taiwan, Evidence from the Household Registers.
A New intervention for an Old Scourge in China and India: The Introduction of smallpox Vaccination in Nineteenth century Canton and Madras
On the Relationship Between Science and International Health Policy: Examples from smallpox and Spina Bifida
smallpox in Mexico: a history of continuities and ruptures in its control, prevention and eradication, 1870-1950
Does smallpox vaccination modify HIV disease progression among ART-naive people living with HIV in Africa?
Destruction of the smallpox Virus Stocks: Negotiating for Consensus in the World Health Organization
VI. Struggling toward the Millennium: War, smallpox, Witchcraft
Evaluation of the human sensitivity to smallpox virus by the primary cultures of the monocyte-macrophages
Bioterrorism, smallpox and Race: The Bio-Politics of Mass Vaccination
Colonialism and smallpox in the Ionian Islands during the” British protection”: The case of vaccination in Corfu (1852).
Mechanisms of antibody-mediated protection for a protein-based smallpox vaccine
Cases Can Caution: Polio Eradication, Risk Exposure, and the smallpox Case as Precedence
Tuberculosis, smallpox and Cholera: from Isolated Contamination to Pandemic: Deadly Infectious Diseases in the Memoirs of Father Pochard (1800–1831)
Bob H. Reinhardt. The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era.
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824. By Paul Kelton. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2015 …
Holding on to Culture: The Effects of the 1837 smallpox Epidemic on Mandan and Hidatsa
Anthrax vaccine/smallpox vaccine First report of hypothyroidism: case report
The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era. By Bob H. Reinhardt
… we do Like Here it Would be Extinguished Everywhere”. Conflicts, Tensions and Authority: The Action of Justice Faced with the Threat of smallpox in Chile’s Southern …
The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era by Bob H. Reinhardt
Adverse Events Post smallpox-Vaccination: Insights from Tail Scarification
A study on the 1946 smallpox epidemic in Japan and measures taken against it
The Battle of the Microbes: smallpox, Malaria and Cholera in Southeast Asia
Bob H. Reinhardt, The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of smallpox in the Cold War Era
Vaccine hesitancy and other obstacles to COVID-19 control: lessons from smallpox
Understanding Epidemic and Encampment: Yellow Fever and the Soldiers of smallpox Bay, Bermuda
P03-565-Widespread smallpox. hallucinations after an occipital lobe ischaemia episode
… Like Here it Would be Extinguished Everywhere”. Conflicts, Tensions and Authority: The Action of Justice Faced with the Threat of smallpox in Chile’s Southern …
The forgotten symptom: smallpox‘s affective impressions and the climate of fear during the smallpox Inoculation Debate, Boston 1721-22
Histopathological diagnosis of cutaneous smallpox in backyard poultry (Gallus domesticus) in Uruguay.
Generalized Vaccinia After smallpox Vaccination With Concomitant Primary Epstein Barr Virus Infection
Genetic Variation in the IL18R1 and IL18 Genes is Associated with IFN-γ Elispot Response to smallpox Vaccination–An Unexpected Relationship
A proteome-wide comparison of human antibody responses to the standard polyclonal vaccine for smallpox prevention and the monoclonal replacement ACAM2000 …
DoD Clinical Guidelines for Post-smallpox Vaccine Associated Myopericarditis Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network (VHCN)
Confronting Biological Plagues: Famed Epidemiologist Assesses Our Readiness for Ebola, smallpox, Anthrax—and Bioterror Attacks
Pre-existing humoral immunity in military smallpox vaccinees temporally effects MVA-vectored transgene expression in dendritic cells
Characterization of the cowpox and mousepox homologs of the smallpox virus B22 protein and their roles in mouse disease models
smallpox and polio eradication in India: comparative histories and lessons for contemporary policy Erradicação da varíola e da pólio na Índia: histórias …
1.1 Variola (smallpox). Plaster cast (Universitäts-Hautklinick Münster) page 12 2.1 View of the smallpox Hospital near St Pancras, 1771 (Wellcome Collections) 48 3.1 …
Genome Sequence of Vaccinia virus Strain Lister-Butantan, a Lister Vaccine Variant Used during a smallpox Eradication Campaign in Brazil
Comparison of protective properties of smallpox DNA vaccine based on variola virus A30L gene and its variant with modified codon composition
The discontinuation of routine smallpox vaccination in the United States, 1960-1976: an unlikely affirmation of biomedical hegemony A descontinuação da …
smallpox transmission and control in Britain before vaccination Romola Davenport1, 2, Gill Newton1, 2, Max Satchell1, 2 and Leigh Shaw-Taylor1, 3
Genome Sequence of Vaccinia virus Strain Lister-Butantan, a Lister Vaccine Variant Used during a smallpox Eradication Campaign in Brazil
of smallpox through vaccination. The society was dissolved in 1809 and replaced by the National Vaccine Establishment, whose conflicts in leadership convinced Jen …
Evaluation of a non-viral vaccine in smallpox-vaccinated individuals and immunized HLA-transgenic mice
Comparison of protective properties of the smallpox DNA-vaccine based on the variola virus A30L gene and its variant with modified codon usage
Scarring the landscape: The 1827 Halifax smallpox epidemic
Shots, Everybody?: British Anti-smallpox Vaccination and the Development of Multifaceted Anti-vaccine Rhetoric on Internet Parenting Forums
Recipe for an epidemic: Environmental perspectives on the 1885 smallpox epidemic and historical anti-vaccination
Development and Characterization of Ectromelia Virus-Moscow in the BALB/c Mouse Model for smallpox Therapeutic and Prophylaxis Drug Efficacy Testing Under …
… the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Commission for the Certification of smallpox Eradication later, the cult of Sıtala, the ‘smallpox goddess’, has persisted …
Comment on the” medical-legal report of the 1865 smallpox epidemic in Valparaiso” by Doctor Manuel Antonio Carmona
Living or dying during the 1797 smallpox epidemic in Mexico City
Alexandre Reydellet, Navy surgeon (1793-1859): a life devoted to fighting smallpox at Reunion Island
… Consortium; Eric Fillman, MD, San Antonio Military Medical Center; Liesl Grenier, MD, Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center smallpox vaccination is associated with …
Mucosal immunization induces a higher level of lasting neutralizing antibody response in mice by a replication-competent smallpox vaccine: Vaccinia Tiantan …
“A fit judgement for their intolerable wickedness”: Settler Responses to the 1862 smallpox Epidemic in Victoria
Review of Penschow, JD (2021) Battling smallpox before vaccination: inoculation in eighteenth-century Germany
Paul Kelton, Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824
COVID-19 vs. smallpox: The role of media on the responses to pandemics
The Horse Doctor’s Harangue Makes an Appearance During the Boston smallpox-Inoculation Controversy
Paul Kelton. Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824.
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824
Cherokee Medicine, Colonial Germs: An Indigenous Nation’s Fight against smallpox, 1518–1824
… at the Louisiana Hospital. In the book he discussed many aspects of patient care, including treatments he had found successful for smallpox, wound infections, and …
… 8,500 viewers. There were five different performances, each repeated five or six times in succession. In order, they were Story of smallpox (Hôsôtan), Dissolute Jewel …
50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: smallpox and Air Travel: Need for Vigilance
Use of surveillance in disease eradication efforts: PART 1: Introduction to the concept and use of surveillance in the eradication of smallpox
An examination of John Fewster’s role in the discovery of smallpox vaccination
16 The Vital Role of Illustration in the Literature of Childhood smallpox
… carrier may be man 4 or beast or an inanimate vehicle such as a boat, and what is thus got rid of may be a contagious disease such as smallpox—are found among …
DA Henderson, MD, MPH, September 7, 1928, to August 19, 2016, Eradicated One of Mankind’s Greatest Scourges—smallpox
Epidemics and Slavery in Colonial Maranhão: How São Luís’s Municipal Council Tried to Control the 1743-1744 smallpox Epidemics
Dr. John Jeffries (1745-1819) and the uncertain practices of smallpox medicine
The knights in white: anniversary-30 years of a world without smallpox.
… had had the natural smallpox, and 111 had been twice revaccinated. In the year 1838, there were, in the whole army, twenty-four cases of smallpox, partly children. Of …
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