Red Wine

  1. Red Wine and your heart
  2. A comparison of the anticarcinogenic properties of four Red Wine polyphenols
  3. Red Wine astringency: a review
  4. Does a glass of Red Wine improve endothelial function?
  5. Effect of Red Wine ingestion on the antioxidant capacity of serum
  6. Measuring perceptions of quality in food products: the case of Red Wine
  7. Red Wine , dealcoholized Red Wine , and especially grape juice, inhibit atherosclerosis in a hamster model
  8. Antioxidant activity of different phenolic fractions separated from an Italian Red Wine
  9. Red Wine and fractionated phenolic compounds prepared from Red Wine inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro
  10. Red Wine as a cause of migraine
  11. The cardiovascular protective effect of Red Wine
  12. Red Wine procyanidins and vascular health
  13. Alcohol, Red Wine and cardiovascular disease
  14. Inhibition of oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein by phenolic substances in Red Wine
  15. Effects of Red Wine and Wine polyphenol resveratrol on platelet aggregation in vivo and in vitro
  16. Cardioprotection of Red Wine : role of polyphenolic antioxidants.
  17. Antiatherogenic potential of Red Wine : clinician update
  18. Alcohol-free Red Wine enhances plasma antioxidant capacity in humans
  19. Antioxidant effect of Red Wine polyphenols on Red blood cells
  20. Enhancement of Red Wine colour by pre-fermentation addition of copigments
  21. Antiplatelet activity of synthetic and natural resveratrol in Red Wine .
  22. Fractionation of phenolic compounds in Red Wine
  23. Cocoa has more phenolic phytochemicals and a higher antioxidant capacity than teas and Red Wine
  24. The chemistry of Red Wine color
  25. Malvidin-3-glucoside bioavailability in humans after ingestion of Red Wine , dealcoholized Red Wine and Red grape juice
  26. Why are grape/fresh Wine anthocyanins so simple and why is it that Red Wine color lasts so long?
  27. Characterizing the astringency of Red Wine : a case study
  28. A ‘Mouth‐feel Wheel’: terminology for communicating the mouth‐feel characteristics of Red Wine
  29. Changes in the detailed pigment composition of Red Wine during maturity and ageing: A comprehensive study
  30. Bioavailability of trans‐resveratrol from Red Wine in humans
  31. PRed iction of phenolic compounds in Red Wine fermentations by visible and near infraRed spectroscopy
  32. Myocardial protection with Red Wine extract
  33. Red Wine , white Wine , liquor, beer, and risk for coronary artery disease hospitalization
  34. Structural characterization of Red Wine rhamnogalacturonan II
  35. Behaviour and characterisation of the colour during Red Wine making and maturation
  36. Consumption of Red Wine with meals Red uces the susceptibility of human plasma and low-density lipoprotein to lipid peroxidation
  37. Effects of white and Red Wine on endothelial function in subjects with coronary artery disease
  38. New method for evaluating astringency in Red Wine
  39. Formation of vitisin A during Red Wine fermentation and maturation
  40. Color and phenolic compounds of a young Red Wine . Influence of Wine -making techniques, storage temperature, and length of storage time
  41. Isolation, characterization, and evolution in Red Wine vinification of resveratrol monomers
  42. White Wine with Red Wine -like properties: increased extraction of grape skin polyphenols improves the antioxidant capacity of the derived white Wine
  43. Renal damage mediated by oxidative stress: a hypothesis of protective effects of Red Wine
  44. Potent inhibitory action of Red Wine polyphenols on human breast cancer cells
  45. Is dopamine behind the health benefits of Red Wine ?
  46. The copigmentation of anthocyanins and its role in the color of Red Wine : A critical review
  47. The polysaccharides of Red Wine : total fractionation and characterization
  48. Rapid method for the discrimination of Red Wine cultivars based on mid-infraRed spectroscopy of phenolic Wine extracts
  49. Polyphenols produced during Red Wine ageing
  50. Red Wine and beer elevate blood pressure in normotensive men
  51. Determination of anthocyanidins in berries and Red Wine by high-performance liquid chromatography
  52. Different effects of Red Wine and gin consumption on inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis: a prospective randomized crossover trial: effects of Wine on …
  53. pH-dependent forms of Red Wine anthocyanins as antioxidants
  54. Effect of caffeic acid on the color of Red Wine
  55. Endothelin-1 synthesis Red uced by Red Wine
  56. Red Wine polyphenolics increase LDL receptor expression and activity and suppress the secretion of ApoB100 from human HepG2 cells
  57. Red Wine consumption does not affect oxidizability of low-density lipoproteins in volunteers
  58. Effect of consumption of Red Wine , spirits, and beer on serum homocysteine
  59. Formation of biogenic amines throughout the industrial manufacture of Red Wine
  60. Consumption of Red Wine polyphenols Red uces the susceptibility of low-density lipoproteins to oxidation in vivo
  61. Effect of Red Wine and Red grape extract on blood lipids, haemostatic factors, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  62. Mechanism of cardioprotection by resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in Red Wine
  63. Volatile composition of Baga Red Wine : Assessment of the identification of the would-be impact odourants
  64. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, Red Wine or vitamin C in elderly women
  65. Effect of Red Wine and Wine polyphenol resveratrol on endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
  66. Catechin is present as metabolites in human plasma after consumption of Red Wine
  67. Resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent, is a mechanism-based inactivator of cytochrome P450 3A4
  68. First confirmation in Red Wine of products resulting from direct anthocyanin–tannin reactions
  69. Volatile composition of Red Wine from cv. Kalecik Karasι grown in central Anatolia
  70. Application of metalloporphyrins-based gas and liquid sensor arrays to the analysis of Red Wine
  71. Red Wine asthma: a controlled challenge study
  72. Structures and colour properties of new Red Wine pigments
  73. Staining of hybrid composites with coffee, oolong tea, or Red Wine
  74. Anthocyanins from Red Wine –their stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion
  75. The effect of chronic consumption of Red Wine on cardiovascular disease risk factors in postmenopausal women
  76. A new vinylpyranoanthocyanin pigment occurring in aged Red Wine
  77. Effect of grape processing on selected antioxidant phenolics in Red Wine
  78. Analysis of pigmented polymers in Red Wine by reverse phase HPLC
  79. Effects of moderate Sicilian Red Wine consumption on inflammatory biomarkers of atherosclerosis
  80. Red Wine polyphenols enhance endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and subsequent nitric oxide release from endothelial cells
  81. The influence of moderate Red Wine consumption on antioxidant status and indices of oxidative stress associated with CHD in healthy volunteers
  82. Potential mechanism by which resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent, protects neurons
  83. Effects of moderate consumption of Red Wine on platelet aggregation and haemostatic variables in healthy volunteers.
  84. Bioavailability and biokinetics of anthocyanins from Red grape juice and Red Wine
  85. Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation with Red Wine and Red Wine polyphenols
  86. Antiangiogenic properties of natural polyphenols from Red Wine and green tea
  87. Application of a combined artificial olfaction and taste system to the quantification of relevant compounds in Red Wine
  88. The enumeration and identification of acetic acid bacteria from South African Red Wine fermentations
  89. Analysis for low molecular weight phenolic compounds in a Red Wine aged in oak chips
  90. Effect of the consumption of alcohol, white Wine , and Red Wine on platelet function and serum lipids.
  91. Analytical characterization of the aroma of Tinta Negra Mole Red Wine : Identification of the main odorants compounds
  92. Red Wine increases the expression of human endothelial nitric oxide synthase: a mechanism that may contribute to its beneficial cardiovascular effects
  93. The effect of Red Wine and its components on growth and proliferation of human oral squamous carcinoma cells.
  94. A high-fat diet induces and Red Wine counteracts endothelial dysfunction in human volunteers
  95. Direct method for determining seed and skin proanthocyanidin extraction into Red Wine
  96. A blend of polyphenolic compounds explains the stimulatory effect of Red Wine on human endothelial NO synthase
  97. Estrogenic activity in white and Red Wine extracts
  98. The Red Wine antioxidant resveratrol protects isolated rat hearts from ischemia reperfusion injury
  99. Bioavailability of Red Wine anthocyanins as detected in human urine
  100. An electronic nose for the recognition of the vineyard of a Red Wine
  101. Endothelial no release caused by Red Wine polyphenols
  102. Red Wine ingRed ient resveratrol protects from β-amyloid neurotoxicity
  103. Characterization of five type II arabinogalactan-protein fractions from Red Wine of increasing uronic acid content
  104. Analysis of tannins in Red Wine using multiple methods: Correlation with perceived astringency
  105. A linear arabinan from a Red Wine
  106. Ingestion of Red Wine significantly increases plasma phenolic acid concentrations but does not acutely affect ex vivo lipoprotein oxidizability
  107. Effects of cold maceration on Red Wine quality from Tuscan Sangiovese grape
  108. Temporal perception of astringency and sweetness in Red Wine
  109. Separation of biologically active lipids from Red Wine
  110. An amperometric biosensor for polyphenolic compounds in Red Wine
  111. Identification of volatile and powerful odorous thiols in Bordeaux Red Wine varieties
  112. Red Wine is a poor source of bioavailable flavonols in men
  113. Constituents of Red Wine other than alcohol improve endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease
  114. DNA topoisomérase inhibitor acutissimin A and other flavano‐ellagitannins in Red Wine
  115. Concentration of Red Wine by nanofiltration
  116. Imports versus domestic production: A demand system analysis of the US Red Wine market
  117. The emerging role of Mediterranean diets in cardiovascular epidemiology: monounsaturated fats, olive oil, Red Wine or the whole pattern?
  118. Suppression of angiogenesis, tumor growth, and wound healing by resveratrol, a natural compound in Red Wine and grapes
  119. (+)-Catechin in human plasma after ingestion of a single serving of reconstituted Red Wine
  120. Influence of Harmonia axyridis on the sensory properties of white and Red Wine
  121. Olive oil and Red Wine antioxidant polyphenols inhibit endothelial activation: antiatherogenic properties of Mediterranean diet phytochemicals
  122. Screening for potential pigments derived from anthocyanins in Red Wine using nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry
  123. Potent aroma compounds of two Red Wine vinegars
  124. Red Wine polyphenols prevent cardiovascular alterations in L-NAME-induced hypertension
  125. Aroma Composition of Vitis vinifera Cv. Tannat:  the Typical Red Wine from Uruguay
  126. Inhibition of human low-density lipoprotein oxidation by flavonoids in Red Wine and grape juice
  127. Level of single bioactive phenolics in Red Wine as a function of the oxygen supplied during storage
  128. Suitability of domestic grape, cultivar Campbell’s Early, for production of Red Wine
  129. Yeast interactions with anthocyanins during Red Wine fermentation
  130. Effect of Red Wine consumption on lipoprotein (a) and other risk factors for atherosclerosis
  131. Advanced solid phase extraction using molecularly imprinted polymers for the determination of quercetin in Red Wine
  132. Direct HPLC Analysis of Quercetin and trans-Resveratrol in Red Wine , Grape, and Wine making Byproducts
  133. The Red Wine phenolics trans-resveratrol and quercetin block human platelet aggregation and eicosanoid synthesis: implications for protection against coronary heart …
  134. Red Wine polyphenols influence carcinogenesis, intestinal microflora, oxidative damage and gene expression profiles of colonic mucosa in F344 rats
  135. Red Wine mitigates the postprandial increase of LDL susceptibility to oxidation
  136. Inhibition of the PDGF receptor by Red Wine flavonoids provides a molecular explanation for the “French paradox”
  137. Polyphenols in Red Wine inhibit the proliferation and induce apoptosis of LNCaP cells
  138. Dealcoholized Red Wine containing known amounts of resveratrol suppresses atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic rabbits without affecting plasma lipid levels
  139. PRed iction of aged Red Wine aroma properties from aroma chemical composition. Partial least squares regression models
  140. Red Wine consumption improves insulin resistance but not endothelial function in type 2 diabetic patients
  141. Spoilage of bottled Red Wine by acetic acid bacteria
  142. Effects on Red Wine quality of removing juice before fermentation to simulate variation in berry size
  143. Effect of acute intake of Red Wine on flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery
  144. Red Wine acutely induces favorable effects on wave reflections and central pressures in coronary artery disease patients
  145. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic phytoalexin present in Red Wine , enhances expression and activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
  146. Inhibition by Red Wine extract, resveratrol, of cytokine release by alveolar macrophages in COPD
  147. Effect of Red Wine on endothelium-dependent relaxation in rabbits
  148. Alcoholic beverage choice and risk of coronary artery disease mortality: do Red Wine drinkers fare best?
  149. Effect of Red Wine on coronary flow-velocity reserve
  150. Resveratrol, an antioxidant present in Red Wine , induces apoptosis in human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells
  151. Isolation and characterisation of a rhamnogalacturonan II from Red Wine
  152. Red Wine polyphenols, in the absence of alcohol, Red uce lipid peroxidative stress in smoking subjects
  153. Analysis of Red Wine phenolics: comparison of HPLC and spectrophotometric methods
  154. Neuroprotective abilities of resveratrol and other Red Wine constituents against nitric oxide‐related toxicity in cultuRed hippocampal neurons
  155. Antioxidant and radical scavenging properties in vitro of polyphenolic extracts from Red Wine
  156. Determination of flavonoids and stilbenes in Red Wine and related biological products by HPLC and HPLC–ESI–MS–MS
  157. Resveratrol and Red Wine extracts inhibit the growth of CagA+ strains of Helicobacter pylori in vitro
  158. Red Wine polyphenols prevent angiotensin II-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in rats: role of NADPH oxidase
  159. Evaluation of bitterness and astringency of (+)‐catechin and (‐)‐epicatechin in Red Wine and in model solution
  160. Acute effects of a high-fat meal with and without Red Wine on endothelial function in healthy subjects
  161. Molecularly imprinted polymer-assisted sample clean-up of ochratoxin A from Red Wine : merits and limitations
  162. Maintenance of colour composition of a Red Wine during storage. Influence of prefermentative practices, maceration time and storage
  163. Effect of moderate Red Wine intake on cardiac prognosis after recent acute myocardial infarction of subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  164. Effect of ethanol on Red Wine tannin− protein (BSA) interactions
  165. Modulation of haemostatic function and prevention of experimental thrombosis by Red Wine in rats: a role for increased nitric oxide production
  166. Volatile compounds in a Spanish Red Wine aged in barrels made of Spanish, French, and American oak wood
  167. The Red Wine provocation test: intolerance to histamine as a model for food intolerance
  168. Resveratrol, a Red Wine antioxidant, possesses an insulin-like effect in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  169. Mass spectrometric evidence for the formation of pigmented polymers in Red Wine
  170. Red Wine intake prevents nuclear factor-κB activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy volunteers during postprandial lipemia
  171. Red uced progression of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E–deficient mice following consumption of Red Wine , or its polyphenols quercetin or catechin, is associated …
  172. … Inhibition of Human Serum and Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation in Vitro: Identification and Mechanism of Action of Some Cinnamic Acid Derivatives from Red Wine
  173. Treatment with yeast to Red uce the concentration of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  174. Red Wine decreases cyclosporine bioavailability
  175. Rapid liquid chromatography–ultraviolet determination of organic acids and phenolic compounds in Red Wine and must
  176. Iron decreases the antioxidant capacity of Red Wine under conditions of in vitro digestion
  177. Influence of ethanol content on the extent of copigmentation in a Cencibel young Red Wine
  178. Delayed tumor onset in transgenic mice fed an amino acid–based diet supplemented with Red Wine solids
  179. Alcohol and Red Wine : impact on cardiovascular risk
  180. Anti‐Aromatase Chemicals in Red Wine
  181. Ethyl carbamate production by selected yeasts and lactic acid bacteria in Red Wine
  182. Bergamottin, lime juice, and Red Wine as inhibitors of cytochrome P450 3A4 activity: comparison with grapefruit juice
  183. Upregulation of endogenous antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes by the Red Wine polyphenol, resveratrol in cultuRed aortic smooth muscle cells leads to cytoprotection …
  184. Partial neuroprotection of in vivo excitotoxic brain damage by chronic administration of the Red Wine antioxidant agent, trans-resveratrol in rats
  185. Red Wine prevents brain oxidative stress and nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  186. First evidence of acetaldehyde-flavanol condensation products in Red Wine
  187. The effect of Red Wine on experimental atherosclerosis: lipid-independent protection
  188. The aroma of Grenache Red Wine : hierarchy and nature of its main odorants
  189. Antioxidant effect of Red Wine anthocyanins in normal and catalase-inactive human erythrocytes
  190. Adsorption from black tea and Red Wine onto in vitro salivary pellicles studied by ellipsometry
  191. Rat kidney antioxidant response to long-term exposure to flavonol rich Red Wine
  192. Chemometrics and visible‐near infraRed spectroscopic monitoring of Red Wine fermentation in a pilot scale
  193. Resveratrol, an extract of Red Wine , inhibits lipopolysaccharide induced airway neutrophilia and inflammatory mediators through an NF‐κB‐independent mechanism
  194. Red Wine polyphenols induce vasorelaxation by increased nitric oxide bioactivity
  195. Complementary effects of Mediterranean diet and moderate Red Wine intake on haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors
  196. Evaluation of a comprehensive Red Wine phenolics assay using a microplate reader
  197. Yeast-mediated formation of pigmented polymers in Red Wine
  198. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, protects spinal cord from ischemia-reperfusion injury
  199. Inhibition of CYP3A, CYP1A and CYP2E1 activities by resveratrol and other non volatile Red Wine components
  200. Effects of pH, temperature and SO2 on the formation of pyranoanthocyanins during Red Wine fermentation with two species of Saccharomyces
  201. Fractionation of Red Wine polyphenols by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography
  202. Phenolic composition as related to Red Wine flavor
  203. Red Wine consumption and inhibition of LDL oxidation: what are the important components?
  204. Red Wine –cisapride interaction: comparison with grapefruit juice
  205. Phenolic compounds in Red Wine subjected to industrial malolactic fermentation and ageing on lees
  206. Sensory effects of consuming cheese prior to evaluating Red Wine flavor
  207. Red Wine antioxidants bind to human lipoproteins and protect them from metal ion-dependent and-independent oxidation
  208. High hydrostatic pressure pasteurization of Red Wine
  209. Extraction, detection, and quantification of flavano-ellagitannins and ethylvescalagin in a Bordeaux Red Wine aged in oak barrels
  210. Perception of mouthfeel sensations elicited by Red Wine are associated with sensitivity to 6‐n‐propylthiouracil
  211. Red Wine polyphenols increase calcium in bovine aortic endothelial cells: a basis to elucidate signalling pathways leading to nitric oxide production
  212. Red Wine and Red Wine polyphenolic compounds but not alcohol inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation
  213. Partial 26S rDNA restriction analysis as a tool to characterise non-Saccharomyces yeasts present during Red Wine fermentations
  214. Application of molecular methods for the differentiation of acetic acid bacteria in a Red Wine fermentation
  215. Antidiabetic activity of Red Wine polyphenolic extract, ethanol, or both in streptozotocin-treated rats
  216. Influence of micro-oxygenation treatment before oak aging on phenolic compounds composition, astringency, and color of Red Wine
  217. Plasma levels of caffeic acid and antioxidant status after Red Wine intake
  218. Phenolic compounds in a Spanish Red Wine aged in barrels made of Spanish, French and American oak wood
  219. Nonalcoholic Red Wine extract and quercetin inhibit LDL oxidation without affecting plasma antioxidant vitamin and carotenoid concentrations
  220. Suppression of estrogen biosynthesis by procyanidin dimers in Red Wine and grape seeds
  221. A daily glass of Red Wine : does it affect markers of inflammation?
  222. Red Wine contains a potent inhibitor of phenolsulphotransferase.
  223. Reactivity of 3-mercaptohexanol in Red Wine : Impact of oxygen, phenolic fractions, and sulfur dioxide
  224. Analysis of anthocyanins in Red Wine and fruit juice using MALDI-MS
  225. Microbial aromatic acid metabolites formed in the gut account for a major fraction of the polyphenols excreted in urine of rats fed Red Wine polyphenols
  226. Urinary excretion of catechin metabolites by human subjects after Red Wine consumption
  227. Red Wine polyphenols inhibit proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and downregulate expression of cyclin A gene
  228. Changes in phenolic compounds and colour parameters of Red Wine aged with oak chips and in oak barrels
  229. Effect of dietary supplementation of Red or white Wine on human blood chemistry, hematology and coagulation: favorable effect of Red Wine on plasma high-density …
  230. Effect of Red Wine marinades on the formation of heterocyclic amines in fried chicken breast
  231. Separation of pyranoanthocyanins from Red Wine by column chromatography
  232. Resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent polyphenol, prevents superoxide-dependent inflammatory responses induced by ischemia/reperfusion, platelet-activating factor, or …
  233. Apoptotic effect of Red Wine polyphenols on human colon cancer SNU-C4 cells
  234. Kinetics of trans-and cis-resveratrol (3, 4′, 5-trihydroxystilbene) after Red Wine oral administration in rats.
  235. Mechanism-based inactivation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 by grapefruit juice and Red Wine
  236. Canadian terroir: sensory characterization of Bordeaux-style Red Wine varieties in the Niagara Peninsula
  237. Red Wine induced modulation of vascular function: separating the role of polyphenols, ethanol, and urates
  238. Changes in the concentration of yeast-derived volatile compounds of Red Wine during malolactic fermentation with four commercial starter cultures of Oenococcus oeni
  239. Red Wine quality: correlations between colour, aroma and flavour and pigment and other parameters of young Beaujolais
  240. In vitro action of Bordeaux Red Wine on the microhardness of human dental enamel
  241. Biological activities of malvidin, a Red Wine anthocyanidin
  242. Red Wine polyphenols cause endothelium-dependent EDHF-mediated relaxations in porcine coronary arteries via a Red ox-sensitive mechanism
  243. The effect of acute Red Wine polyphenol consumption on postprandial lipaemia in postmenopausal women
  244. Red Wine polyphenols inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell migration through two distinct signaling pathways
  245. A simple method to separate Red Wine nonpolymeric and polymeric phenols by solid-phase extraction
  246. The action of Red Wine and purple grape juice on vascular reactivity is independent of plasma lipids in hypercholesterolemic patients
  247. Red Wine and model Wine astringency as affected by malic and lactic acid
  248. Comparison of antioxidant potentials of Red Wine , white Wine , grape juice and alcohol
  249. Astringent sub-qualities elicited by Red Wine : The role of ethanol and pH
  250. Beneficial effects of a moderate consumption of Red Wine on cellular cholesterol efflux in young men.
  251. Partial and weak oestrogenicity of the Red Wine constituent resveratrol: consideration of its superagonist activity in MCF‐7 cells and its suggested cardiovascular …
  252. Various selected vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and Red Wine residue inhibit bone resorption in rats
  253. Comparison of Red Wine extract and polyphenol constituents on endothelin-1 synthesis by cultuRed endothelial cells
  254. Red Wine does not Red uce mature atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E–deficient mice
  255. Delphinidin, an active compound of Red Wine , inhibits endothelial cell apoptosis via nitric oxide pathway and regulation of calcium homeostasis
  256. Demography of decline of the Red Wine Mountains caribou herd
  257. Effects of Red Wine , tannic acid, or ethanol on glucose tolerance in non—insulin-dependent diabetic patients and on starch digestibility in vitro
  258. Antioxidant capacity of plasma after Red Wine intake in human volunteers
  259. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound in Red Wine , protects against oxidized LDL-induced cytotoxicity in endothelial cells
  260. Determining free sulfur dioxide in Red Wine
  261. Red ox potential evolution during Red Wine aging in alternative systems
  262. Preparative isolation of anthocyanins by high-speed countercurrent chromatography and application of the color activity concept to Red Wine
  263. Different effects of white and Red Wine on lower esophageal sphincter pressure and gastroesophageal reflux
  264. Moderate Red Wine consumption protects the rat against oxidation in vivo
  265. Improvement in the antioxidant status of plasma and low‐density lipoprotein in subjects receiving a Red Wine phenolics mixture
  266. Effect of maturation in small oak casks on the volatility of Red Wine aroma compounds
  267. Determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine and vinegar by immunoaffinity high-pressure liquid chromatography
  268. Evolution of phenolic composition and sensory properties in Red Wine aged in contact with Portuguese and French oak wood chips
  269. No adverse hemodynamic interaction between sildenafil and Red Wine
  270. Moderate consumption of beer, Red Wine and spirits has counteracting effects on plasma antioxidants in middle-aged men
  271. Red Wine aging in oak barrels: evolution of the monosaccharides content
  272. The effect of chronic consumption of Red Wine polyphenols on vascular function in postmenopausal women
  273. Effect of Red Wine maceration techniques on oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins in Wine , cv. Blaufrankisch
  274. Analysis of non-colouRed phenolics in Red Wine : Effect of Dekkera bruxellensis yeast
  275. Red Wine and cardiovascular risks.
  276. Plasma, urine and tissue levels of trans-and cis-resveratrol (3, 4′, 5-trihydroxystilbene) after short-term or prolonged administration of Red Wine to rats.
  277. Red Wine consumption and gastric cancer in Portugal: a case-control study
  278. Effects of sugar and yeast addition on Red Wine fermentation using Campbell Early
  279. Isolation, purification, and characterization of an arabinogalactan from a Red Wine
  280. Dealcoholized Red Wine decreases atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E gene–deficient mice independently of inhibition of lipid peroxidation in the artery wall
  281. Resveratrol, a natural Red Wine polyphenol, Red uces ischemia-reperfusion–induced spinal cord injury
  282. Effect of Red Wine and ethanol on production of nitric oxide in healthy subjects
  283. Amelioration of myoglobinuric renal damage in rats by chronic exposure to flavonol-rich Red Wine
  284. Red Wine protects diabetic patients from meal‐induced oxidative stress and thrombosis activation: a pleasant approach to the prevention of cardiovascular disease in …
  285. Physico‐chemical characteristics of some oenological gelatins and their action on selected Red Wine components
  286. The Red Wine phenolics piceatannol and myricetin act as agonists for estrogen receptor α in human breast cancer cells
  287. Effect of complex polyphenols and tannins from Red Wine on DNA oxidative damage of rat colon mucosa in vivo
  288. Utilisation of a yeast pectinase in olive oil extraction and Red Wine making processes
  289. Polyphenols newly extracted in Red Wine from southwestern France by centrifugal partition chromatography
  290. An odour detection threshold determination of all four possible stereoisomers of oak lactone in a white and a Red Wine
  291. Alcohol‐free Red Wine prevents arterial thrombosis in dietary‐induced hypercholesterolemic rats: experimental support for the ‘French paradox’
  292. Daily moderate amounts of Red Wine or alcohol have no effect on the immune system of healthy men
  293. Red Wine making by immobilized cells and influence on volatile composition
  294. Short-term effect of Red Wine (consumed during meals) on insulin requirement and glucose tolerance in diabetic patients
  295. Effects of Red Wine on 24-hour esophageal pH and pressures in healthy volunteers
  296. Red Wine polyphenolics suppress the secretion of ApoB48 from human intestinal CaCo-2 cells
  297. The chemical characteristics of Korean Red Wine with different grape varieties
  298. Red Wine polyphenols induce EDHF‐mediated relaxations in porcine coronary arteries through the Red ox‐sensitive activation of the PI3‐kinase/Akt pathway
  299. The effect of grape ripening stage on Red Wine color
  300. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rRNA genes in lactic acid bacteria isolated from Red Wine
  301. Intraspecific diversity of Oenococcus oeni isolated during Red Wine -making in Japan
  302. Caffeic acid as biomarker of Red Wine intake
  303. Effects of Red Wine , alcohol, and quercetin on coronary resistance and conductance arteries
  304. The effects of consumption of organic and nonorganic Red Wine on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and antioxidant capacity in humans
  305. Red Wine and black tea polyphenols modulate the expression of cycloxygenase-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase and glutathione-related enzymes in azoxymethane …
  306. Protective effects of Red Wine polyphenolic compounds on the cardiovascular system
  307. Red Wine polyphenols alone or in association with ethanol prevent hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, and production of reactive oxygen species in the insulin …
  308. Acute intake of moderate amounts of Red Wine or alcohol has no effect on the immune system of healthy men
  309. A Red Wine vinegar beverage can inhibit the renin-angiotensin system: experimental evidence in vivo
  310. Multivariate evaluation of changes induced in Red Wine characteristics by the use of extracting agents
  311. Red Wine alcohol promotes quercetin absorption and directs its metabolism towards isorhamnetin and tamarixetin in rat intestine in vitro
  312. … Mass Spectrometry of cis-Resveratrol and trans-Resveratrol:  Development, Validation, and Application of the Method to Red Wine , Grape, and Wine making …
  313. A comparative study on the manufacturing processes of Red Wine
  314. High-performance liquid chromatography with diamond ATR–FTIR detection for the determination of carbohydrates, alcohols and organic acids in Red Wine
  315. Red Wine with the noon meal lowers post-meal blood pressure: a randomized trial in centrally obese, hypertensive patients.
  316. Bentonite and gelatine impact on the young Red Wine colouRed matter
  317. Factors affecting the formation of Red Wine pigments
  318. Pharmacological analysis of Red –Wine -induced migrainous headaches
  319. Free radicals in Red Wine , but not in white?
  320. Moderate Red –Wine consumption partially prevents body weight gain in rats fed a hyperlipidic diet
  321. Wine aroma composition: identification of additional volatile constituents of Red Wine
  322. Absorption and metabolism of antioxidative polyphenolic compounds in Red Wine
  323. Preparation of biosensors by immobilization of polyphenol oxidase in conducting copolymers and their use in determination of phenolic compounds in Red Wine
  324. The effect of Red Wine on blood antioxidant potential
  325. Red Wine raises plasma HDL and preserves long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat kidney and erythrocytes
  326. Polyphenols-enriched Chardonnay white Wine and sparkling Pinot Noir Red Wine identically prevent early atherosclerosis in hamsters
  327. Effect of macerating enzymes on Red Wine aroma at laboratory scale: exogenous addition or expression by transgenic Wine yeasts
  328. Red Wine polyphenolic compounds inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor expression in vascular smooth muscle cells by preventing the activation of the p38 …
  329. Nonalcoholic compounds of Wine : the phytoestrogen resveratrol and moderate Red Wine consumption during menopause.
  330. Polyphenols synergistically inhibit oxidative stress in subjects given Red and white Wine
  331. Red Wine inhibits monocyte chemotactic protein-1 expression and modestly Red uces neointimal hyperplasia after balloon injury in cholesterol-fed rabbits
  332. Red Wine inhibits the cell-mediated oxidation of LDL and HDL
  333. Protective effect of Red Wine on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in the brain and kidney induced by feeding high cholesterol in rats
  334. Changes in amine concentrations during aging of Red Wine in oak barrels
  335. The influence of malolactic fermentation and Oenococcus oeni strain on glycosidic aroma precursors and related volatile compounds of Red Wine
  336. A comparison of the color components and color stability of Red Wine from Noble and Cabernet Sauvignon at various pH levels
  337. Anthocyanin composition of the Red Wine Babić affected by maceration treatment
  338. A study on the sensory characteristics of Korean Red Wine
  339. The Red Wine polyphenol, resveratrol, exerts acute direct actions on guinea-pig ventricular myocytes
  340. Cytoprotection by neutral fraction of tannat Red Wine against oxidative stress-induced cell death
  341. Effect of Red Wine polyphenols on vascular smooth muscle cell function—molecular mechanism of the ‘French paradox’
  342. Combined acute effects of Red Wine consumption and cigarette smoking on haemodynamics of young smokers
  343. Alcoholic calories, Red Wine consumption and breast cancer among premenopausal women
  344. A baroque residue in Red Wine
  345. Direct analysis of trans-resveratrol in Red Wine by high performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescent detection
  346. Characterization of soluble glycoproteins in Red Wine
  347. … of water stress applied alternately to part of the wetting zone along the season (PRD-partial rootzone drying) on Wine quality, yield and water relations of Red Wine …
  348. Effects of Red Wine consumption on serum paraoxonase/arylesterase activities and on lipoprotein oxidizability in healthy-men
  349. Acetobacter oeni sp. nov., isolated from spoiled Red Wine
  350. Red uced plasma homocysteine in obese Red Wine consumers: a potential contributor to Red uced cardiovascular risk status
  351. Analysis of aged Red Wine pigments by capillary zone electrophoresis
  352. Red Wine Polyphenolic Compounds Strongly Inhibit Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression and Its Activation in Response to Thrombin via Direct Inhibition of …
  353. The Relationship Between Norton and Cynthiana, Red . Wine Cultivars Derived from Vitis aestivalis
  354. Red Wine , aspirin and platelet function
  355. The fermentation properties of Red Wine using active dry yeast strains
  356. Differential stilbene induction susceptibility of seven Red Wine grape varieties upon post-harvest UV-C irradiation
  357. Drink to prevent: review on the cardioprotective mechanisms of alcohol and Red Wine polyphenols
  358. Characteristics of piraltin, a polyphenol concentrate, produced by freeze-drying of Red Wine
  359. Mediterranean diet, but not Red Wine , is associated with beneficial changes in primary haemostasis
  360. Changes in composition and sensory quality of Red Wine aged in American and French oak barrels
  361. Determination of chloroanisole compounds in Red Wine by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
  362. Optimisation of a headspace solid-phase microextraction method for the direct determination of chloroanisoles related to cork taint in Red Wine
  363. Characterization of two arabinogalactan-proteins from Red Wine
  364. Determination of phenolic constituents of biological interest in Red Wine by capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection
  365. The effect of different thermovinification systems on Red Wine quality
  366. A simple technique for the detection of Red Wine adulteration with elderberry pigments
  367. Electrochemical biosensors for monitoring malolactic fermentation in Red Wine using two strains of Oenococcus oeni
  368. Red Wine prevents homocysteine-induced endothelial dysfunction in porcine coronary arteries
  369. Mechanism-Based Inactivation of COX-1 by Red Wine m-Hydroquinones:  A Structure−Activity Relationship Study
  370. Trans-resveratrol, a Red Wine ingRed ient, inhibits voltage-activated potassium currents in rat hippocampal neurons
  371. Effects of irrigation and pruning of Shiraz grapevines on subsequent Red Wine pigments
  372. Protective effect of Montilla-Moriles appellation Red Wine on oxidative stress induced by streptozotocin in the rat
  373. Changes in the concentration of volatile oak compounds and esters in Red Wine stoRed for 18 months in re‐used French oak barrels
  374. Resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent polyphenol, protects from ischemia-reperfusion damage of the ovaries
  375. Moderate Red Wine consumption in healthy volunteers Red uced plasma clearance of apolipoprotein AII.
  376. Composition of platelet phospholipids after moderate consumption of Red Wine in healthy volunteers.
  377. Moderate acute intake of de-alcoholised Red Wine , but not alcohol, is protective against radiation-induced DNA damage ex vivo—Results of a comparative in vivo …
  378. Red Wine , spirits, beer and serum homocysteine
  379. Development of a solid-phase extraction method for the simultaneous determination of chloroanisoles and chlorophenols in Red Wine using gas chromatography …
  380. Red uction of oxidative stress and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC) expression by Red Wine polyphenols in zinc deficiency induced intestinal …
  381. Simultaneous separation and identification of oligomeric procyanidins and anthocyanin‐derived pigments in raw Red Wine by HPLC‐UV‐ESI‐MSn
  382. Red Wine Polyphenols Prevent Endothelial Damage Induced by CCl4 Administration.
  383. Red Wine in moderation: potential health benefits independent of alcohol
  384. Continuous malolactic fermentation in Red Wine using free Oenococcus oeni
  385. Effects of different fractions of a Red Wine non-alcoholic extract on ischemia-reperfusion injury
  386. Effect of p-coumaric acid on the color in Red Wine
  387. Acid–base chemistry of Red Wine : analytical multi-technique characterisation and equilibrium-based chemical modelling
  388. The effect of different fluoridation methods on the Red Wine staining potential on intensively bleached enamel in vitro.
  389. The effects of freezing and freeze‐drying of Oenococcus oeni upon induction of malolactic fermentation in Red Wine
  390. Oesophageal and gastric potential difference and pH in healthy volunteers following intake of Coca‐Cola, Red Wine , and alcohol
  391. On the nature of reactions responsible for color behavior in Red Wine : a hypothesis
  392. Fractionation of Red Wine polymeric pigments by protein precipitation and bisulfite bleaching
  393. Elimination of matrix effects for headspace solid-phase microextraction of important volatile compounds in Red Wine using a novel coating
  394. Geology and petrology of the Red Wine alkaline complex, central Labrador
  395. Red Wine consumption prevents vascular oxidative stress induced by a high-fat meal in healthy volunteers
  396. Single and repeated moderate consumption of native or dealcoholized Red Wine show different effects on antioxidant parameters in blood and DNA strand …
  397. An econometric model for identifying value in South African Red Wine
  398. Monitoring alcoholic fermentation of Red Wine by electrochemical biosensors
  399. Solid-state 13C NMR investigation into insoluble deposits adhering to the inner glass surface of bottled Red Wine
  400. Wine and health: Red Wine in a balanced, healthy diet
  401. A daily glass of Red Wine induces a prolonged Red uction in plasma viscosity: a randomized controlled trial
  402. In vitro estimation of iron and zinc dialysability from vegetables and composite dishes commonly consumed in Italy: effect of Red Wine
  403. Wine ‘s placebo effect: How the extrinsic cues of visual assessments mask the intrinsic quality of South African Red Wine
  404. Modulation of rat liver cytochrome P450 activity by prolonged Red Wine consumption
  405. Phenolic compounds in Red Wine digested in vitro in the presence of iron and other dietary factors
  406. Distinctive effects of Red Wine and diet on haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors
  407. Effect of complex polyphenols and tannins from Red Wine (WCPT) on chemically induced oxidative DNA damage in the rat
  408. Selective cytotoxicity of a Red grape Wine flavonoid fraction against MCF-7 cells
  409. Polyphenols and Red Wine as antioxidants against peroxynitrite and other oxidants
  410. Differential response of immature rat uterine tissue to ethinylestradiol and the Red Wine constituent resveratrol
  411. Determination of the impact of the metabolites of sorbic acid on the odor of a spoiled Red Wine
  412. Red Wine aroma: identification of headspace constituents
  413. Inhibition of the decline of volatile esters and terpenols during oxidative storage of Muscat-white and Xinomavro-Red Wine by caffeic acid and N-acetyl-cysteine
  414. Red ox chemistry of Red Wine . Quantification by an oscillating reaction of the overall antioxidant power as a function of the temperature
  415. Beneficial effect of short term intake of Red Wine polyphenols on coronary microcirculation in patients with coronary artery disease
  416. Haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors: differential effects of Red Wine and diet on healthy young
  417. Flavanols and anthocyanins as potent compounds in the formation of new pigments during storage and aging of Red Wine
  418. Effect of ethanol and Red Wine on ochratoxin a-induced experimental acute nephrotoxicity
  419. Evolution of oak-related volatile compounds in a Spanish Red Wine during 2 years bottled, after aging in barrels made of Spanish, French and American oak wood
  420. Optimisation of the derivatisation reaction and subsequent headspace solid-phase microextraction method for the direct determination of chlorophenols in Red Wine
  421. Vascular effects of Red Wine polyphenols in chronic stress-exposed Wistar-Kyoto rats.
  422. Long-term consumption of Red Wine does not modify intestinal absorption or status of zinc and copper in rats
  423. Total antioxidant activities, phenolics, anthocyanins, polyphenoloxidase activities and its correlation of some important Red Wine grape varieties which are …
  424. Isolation of some antimicrobial compounds of Red Wine by OPLC flowing eluent wall technique
  425. Lipoprotein oxidation mediated by J774 murine macrophages is inhibited by individual Red Wine polyphenols but not by ethanol
  426. Effect of alcohol on cytochrome p450 arachidonic acid metabolism and blood pressure in rats and its modulation by Red Wine polyphenolics
  427. Assay of phenolic compounds in Red Wine by on-line combination of capillary isotachophoresis with capillary zone electrophoresis
  428. Quantitative analysis of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol in Red Wine
  429. Potential mechanism of blood vessel protection by resveratrol, a component of Red Wine
  430. Hemochromatosis and Red Wine .
  431. The influence of Red Wine or white Wine intake on platelet function and viscoelastic property of blood in volunteers
  432. The” Red Wine reaction” syndrome
  433. Gel permeation chromatography of anthocyanin pigments from rose cider and Red Wine
  434. Isolation and identification of rutin as the major mutagen of Red Wine
  435. Effect of Red Wine on oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia induced by feeding a high-cholesterol diet in rat
  436. Cardio-protective effect of Red Wine as reflected in the literature
  437. Effect of polyphenolic extracts from Red Wine and 4–OH–coumaric acid on 1, 2–dimethylhydrazine–induced colon carcinogenesis in rats
  438. Influence of the use of selected and non-selected yeasts in Red Wine production
  439. Chromatic characterisation of three consecutive vintages of Vitis vinifera Red Wine : Effect of dilution and iron addition
  440. Inhibition of protein kinase CKII activity by resveratrol, a natural compound in Red Wine and grapes
  441. Influence of aging conditions on the quality of Red Sangiovese Wine
  442. Determination of free sulphur dioxide in Red Wine by alternating current voltammetry
  443. … A-induced renal cortex fibrosis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition: molecular mechanisms of ochratoxin A-injury and potential effects of Red Wine
  444. Resveratrol and Red Wine consumption.
  445. Red Wine effects on peroxidation indexes of rat plasma and erythrocytes
  446. Microbial changes during malolactic fermentation in Red Wine elaboration
  447. Influence of the presence of the lees during oak ageing on colour and phenolic compounds composition of Red Wine
  448. Prevention of LDL α-tocopherol consumption, cholesterol oxidation, and vascular endothelium dysfunction by polyphenolic compounds from Red Wine
  449. Antithrombotic effect of flavonoids in Red Wine
  450. Research on white and Red Wine blending in the production of rose Wine s by means of the partial least squares method
  451. The effect of Red Wine on the fibrinolytic system and the cellular activation reactions before and after exercise
  452. Hedonic prices for Spanish Red quality Wine
  453. Development of Red Wine using Monascus anka
  454. Resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent polyphenol, protects gastric tissue against the oxidative stress in cholestatic rats
  455. Antioxidant activity of phenolic acids and esters present in Red Wine on human low-density lipoproteins
  456. Red Wine ‐induced release of [14C]5‐hydroxytryptamine from platelets of migraine patients and controls
  457. Study on sensory and composition changes in Italian Amarone Valpolicella Red Wine during aging
  458. Study and quantification of monomeric flavan‐3‐ol and dimeric procyanidin quinonic forms by HPLC/ESI‐MS. Application to Red Wine oxidation
  459. Effects of resveratrol, a flavinoid found in Red Wine , on infarct size in an experimental model of ischemia/reperfusion.
  460. Postprandial plasma carotenoid responses following consumption of strawberries, Red Wine , vitamin C or spinach by elderly women
  461. Experimental study of resveratrol and flavonoids in Red Wine with regard to their possible hypolipemic effects
  462. High level of trans-resveratrol, a natural anti-cancer agent, found in Korean Noul Red Wine
  463. Cost-effectiveness of beer versus Red Wine for the prevention of symptomatic coronary artery disease
  464. The influence of malolactic strain on the fermentation on Wine quality of three eastern Red Wine grape cultivars
  465. Glycoproteins: Characterization in a hybrid grape variety (Muscat Bailey A) juice, fermenting must, and resultant Red Wine
  466. Dietary migraine: recent progress in the Red (and white) Wine story
  467. Effects of Red Wine consumption on kidney FA composition
  468. Comparison of analytical methods in determining total antioxidant capacity in Red Wine
  469. Separation of stilbene isomers from Red Wine by overpressuRed -layer chromatography
  470. Identification and quantification of industrial grade glycerol adulteration in Red Wine with Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy using chemometrics and artificial …
  471. Genotoxicity of nitrosated Red Wine and of the nitrosatable phenolic compounds present in Wine : tyramine, quercetin and malvidine-3-glucoside
  472. Instrumentation and automated photometric titration procedure for total acidity determination in Red Wine employing a multicommuted flow system
  473. Trace urea determination in Red Wine and its degradation rate by acid urease
  474. Cardioprotection from ischemia/reperfusion induced by Red Wine extract is mediated by KATP channels
  475. Inhibitory effects of Red Wine extracts on endothelial-dependent adhesive interactions with monocytes induced by oxysterols
  476. Postmortem changes in mule duck muscle marinated in Red Wine
  477. High-altitude pulmonary edema: potential protection by Red Wine .
  478. Preliminary report on effect of level of crop on development of color in certain Red Wine grapes
  479. Food and Red Wine do not exert acute effects on vascular reactivity
  480. Modelling the relation between CieLab parameters and sensory scores for quality control of Red –Wine colour
  481. The endothelium-dependent vasodilator action of a new beverage made of Red Wine vinegar and grape juice
  482. Differentiation between Wine s originating from different Red Wine cultivars and Wine regions by the application of stepwise discriminant analysis to gas …
  483. Centrifugal Precipitation Chromatography− a Novel Chromatographic System for Fractionation of Polymeric Pigments from Black Tea and Red Wine
  484. Chronology of the Red Wine alkaline province, central Labrador
  485. Short history of Red Wine color
  486. Red Wine consumption and oxidation of low-density lipoproteins
  487. Interactions” training system x soil x rootstock” with regard to vine ecophysiology, vigor, yield and Red Wine quality in the Bordeaux area
  488. Acute effects of lyophilised Red Wine on total antioxidant capacity in healthy volunteers.
  489. Effect of freezing grape berries and heating must samples on extraction of components and composition parameters of Red Wine grape varieties
  490. Ultrafiltration and deep-bed filtration of a Red Wine : Comparative experiments
  491. No acute effect of Red Wine on the coagulation pathway in healthy men
  492. An automatic flow injection analysis procedure for photometric determination of ethanol in Red Wine without using a chromogenic reagent
  493. Concomitant consumption of Red Wine and polyunsaturated fatty acids in edible oil does not influence the peroxidation status of chylomicron lipids despite increasing …
  494. Methods for fast analysis of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in Red Wine
  495. Effects of loratadine on Red Wine -induced symptoms and signs of rhinitis
  496. Modulation of cytochrome P450 activity in the kidney of rats following long-term Red Wine exposure
  497. Determination of trans-Resveratrol in China Great Wall ”Fazenda”Red Wine by Use of Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography
  498. Effect of Red Wine on the intestinal absorption of thiamine and folate in the rat: comparison with the effect of ethanol alone
  499. Red Wine in medicine: panacea, fashion or… risk factor?
  500. Moderate daily intake of Red Wine inhibits mural thrombosis and monocyte tissue factor expression in an experimental porcine model
  501. Red Wine of Youth: A Life of Rupert Brooke
  502. Red Wine Extract Prevents Neuronal Apoptosis in Vitro and Red uces Mortality of Transgenic Mice
  503. Protease activity of Oenococcus oeni viable cells on Red Wine nitrogenous macromolecular fraction in presence of SO2 and ethanol
  504. Differential antioxidant properties of Red Wine in water soluble and lipid soluble peroxyl radical generating systems
  505. Experimental model for treating pulmonary metastatic melanoma using grape-seed extract, Red Wine and ethanol
  506. Potential antimicrobial activity of Red and white Wine phenolic extracts against strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans
  507. Release of (14C) 5-hydroxytryptamine from human platelets by Red Wine
  508. The effect of Red Wine polyphenols on cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women.
  509. Clonal polymorphism in the Red Wine cultivars Carmenere and Cabernet Sauvignon
  510. Effect of Subjects’ Sex, Experience, and Training on Their Red Wine Color-Preference Patterns
  511. High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of Red Wine pigments
  512. Influence of different maceration techniques and ageing on proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins of Red Wine cv. Babić (Vitis vinifera, L.)
  513. Development of Red Wine containing high level of trans-resveratrol with domestic grape
  514. Wine as a digestive aid: comparative antimicrobial effects of bismuth salicylate and Red and white Wine
  515. On‐line identification of trans‐resveratrol in Red Wine using a sweeping technique combined with capillary electrophoresis/77 K fluorescence spectroscopy
  516. Influence of the type of barrels and oak variety on the aging of a Ribera del Duero Red Wine
  517. Effect of Red Wine consumption on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and atherosclerosis in aorta and coronary artery in Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits
  518. Biological activity of total lipids from Red and white Wine /must
  519. The effect of oxygen on the composition and microbiology of Red Wine
  520. Polyphenols and Red Wine as peroxynitrite scavengers: a chemiluminescent assay
  521. Red Wine polyphenolics suppress the secretion and the synthesis of Apo B48 from human intestinal CaCo-2 cells
  522. Iron deposits in chronic alcoholics. Special studies in relation to the iron contained in Red Wine .
  524. Determination of organophosphorous pesticide residues in Red Wine by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography
  525. The effect of moderate alcohol consumption as either Red or white Wine in the C57BL/6 mouse atherosclerosis model.
  526. Bioflavonoids and Cardiovascular health: tea, Red Wine , cocoa and Pycnogenol
  527. Treatment of lees vinasses of Red Wine by methanogenic fermentation in presence of tannins and sulphides
  528. Phenolic extraction in Red Wine production
  529. No aspirin in Red Wine
  530. An ethyl acetate fraction obtained from a Southern Brazilian Red Wine relaxes rat mesenteric arterial bed through hyperpolarization and NO-cGMP pathway
  531. Glycerol and ethanol in Red Wine are responsible for urate-related increases in plasma antioxidant capacity
  532. Acute ingestion of Red Wine by men activates platelets but does not influence endothelial markers: no effect of white Wine
  533. Red Wine production
  534. Red Wine derived compounds and their putative
  535. The influence of apple-and Red –Wine pomace rich diet on mRNA expression of inflammatory and apoptotic markers in different piglet organs
  536. Identification and deacidification of lactic acid bacteria in Korean Red Wine
  537. Characterization of yeasts isolated from Red Wine surface film
  538. Coronary heart disease: How do the benefits of ω‐3 fatty acids compare with those of aspirin, alcohol/Red Wine , and statin drugs?
  539. Analytic characteristics of Red Wine from the Canary Islands (Spain)
  540. The influence of Wine additives on colour and colour quality of young Red Wine
  541. Effect of Red Wine consumption on rat liver peroxidation
  542. Red Wine , spirits, beer and serum homocysteine
  543. Use of a helical baffle for Red Wine clarification on a mineral membrane
  544. Determination of electroinactive organic acids in Red Wine by ion-exclusion chromatography using a poly-o-phenylenediamine film modified electrode
  545. Healthy centenarian subjects: the effect of Red Wine consumption on liver function tests
  546. The effect of micro-oxygenation on the phenolic composition, quality and aerobic Wine -spoilage microorganisms of different South African Red Wine s
  547. Effect of fermentation conditions on content of phenolic compounds in Red Wine
  548. Tackling ‘sunburn’in Red Wine grapes through temperature and sunlight exposure
  549. An in vivo experimental protocol for identifying and evaluating dietary factors that delay tumor onset: Effect of Red Wine solids
  550. Evaluation of the cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in the manufacture of Red Wine
  551. Dietary factors affecting the urinary mutagenicity assay system: II. The absence of mutagenic activity in human urine following consumption of Red Wine or grape juice
  552. Formation of acutissimin A in Red Wine through the contact with cork
  553. Changes in color parameters during fermentation and storage of Red Wine using thai roselle under different pHs and SO2 concentrations
  554. Red Wine bottle deposits, II: Cold stabilisation is an effective procedure to prevent deposit formation
  555. Treatment of mcf-7 breast cancer cells with a Red grape Wine polyphenol fraction results in disruption of calcium homeostasis and cell cycle arrest causing selective …
  556. Red uction in the direct‐acting mutagenic activity of Red Wine by treatment with polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
  557. Effect of Red and white Wine on serum lipids, platelet aggregation, oxidation products and antioxidants: a preliminary report
  558. Red Wine production in the coastal counties of California 1960-1980
  559. … reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Tyramine, histamine, 2-phenylethylamine, tryptamine and precursor aminoacids. Application to Red Wine
  560. Studies on Various Light Sources Concerning the Evaluation and Differentiation of Red Wine Color. I
  561. Evolution of residual levels of six pesticides during elaboration of Red Wine s. Effect of Wine -making procedures in their dissappearance
  562. Evaluation of cv. Merlot to make Red Wine
  563. Structural changes of anthocyanins during Red Wine aging: Portisins: A new class of blue anthocyanin-derived pigments
  565. The Red Wine headache and prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors: a blind controlled study
  566. Mutagenicity of Red , Wine in the L-arabinose resistance test with Salmonella typhimurium
  567. Is the protection against ischemia induced by Red Wine linked to its antioxidant capacity?
  569. Acute intake of Red Wine does not affect antioxidant enzymes activities in human subjects
  570. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects of Red Wine and its fractions on Cu (II) induced LDL oxidation evaluated by absorbance and chemiluminescence measurements
  571. Free sulfur dioxide in Red Wine : a comparison of analytical methods in relation to the thermodynamic activity
  572. Isolation and trans-resveratrol analysis in Brazilian Red Wine by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance.
  573. Copigmentation and its impact on the stabilisation of Red Wine pigments
  574. Effects of Red and white Wine on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of rat aorta and human coronary arteries
  575. Antioxidant activity of Red Wine polyphenols in vivo
  576. The Red and the White: The History of Wine in France and Italy in the Nineteenth Century
  577. Effect of certain clarification treatments on some components of Red Wine composition
  578. Genotoxic flavonoids and Red Wine : a possible role in stomach carcinogenesis
  579. Comparative antioxidant effectiveness of white and Red Wine and their phenolic extracts towards low-density lipoprotein oxidation
  580. Wine quality: Correlations with colour density and anthocyanin equilibria in a group of young Red Wine s
  581. The enjoyment of Red Wine is influenced by the shape of the Wine glass
  582. Structure elucidation of phenolic compounds from Red /white Wine with antiatherogenic properties
  583. Effects of pH, sulphur dioxide, alcohol content, temperature and storage time on colour composition of a young Portuguese Red table Wine
  585. Red Wine as resveratrol protective system
  586. A new method of making dry Red Wine
  587. Removal of pesticides from Red and white Wine by the use of fining and filter agents
  588. Analysis of anthocyanins in Red Wine by HPLC using alkylamines
  589. Effect of diet and Red Wine consumption on serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEAS) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) …
  590. Degradation of pyrazophos and methidathion in fortified Red and white Wine under conditions of light and darkness
  591. Suppressive effects of Red Wine polyphenols on voltage-gated ion channels in dorsal root ganglionic neuronal cells
  592. Effects of pH, sulfur dioxide, storage time, and temperature on the color and stability of Red muscadine grape Wine
  593. Red Wine bottle deposits, I: a pRed ictive assay and an assessment of some factors affecting deposit formation
  594. Effect of sulphur dioxide and must extraction on colour, phenolic composition and sensory quality of Red table Wine
  595. Influence of origin and heat treatment of wood for oak barrels (Quercus robur L.) on Red Wine aroma
  596. Cimetidine and Red –Wine headaches
  597. Red Wine is less stress Red ucing than vodka; no differences in neuroendocrine challenge test
  598. Effect of Red versus white Wine on the heart
  599. The antioxidant activity of Californian Red Wine s does not correlate with Wine age
  600. Analysis for four isomers of resveratrol in Red Wine by high performance liquid chromatography
  601. Red Wine quality: influence of Wine making techniques and of crop yield. Trials on Pinot Noir and Gamay
  602. Immune benefits of consuming Red muscadine Wine
  603. Biological changes caused in the pig by daily consumption of Red Wine .
  604. Changes of pigments in the Red Wine
  605. Identification of impact odorants in Bordeaux Red grape juice, in the commercial yeast used for its fermentation, and in the produced Wine
  606. Circular dichroism and spectroscopic studies of Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon and Vitis rotundifolia cv. Noble Red Wine liquid chromatographic fractions
  607. Evaluation of leaf, must and Wine cation contents and of must and Wine s acidity of five Red Wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted onto 3309 Couderc and grown …
  608. Red Wine and white carpets: What we didn’t learn in library school, or when the dog and pony goes bad
  609. Comparative study of Red Wine and Korean black raspberry Wine in adipocyte differentiation and cardiovascular disease related gene expression
  610. Osmotic pressure modeling of white Wine diafiltration and Red Wine concentration by reverse osmosis
  611. The color analysis and antioxidant properties for Red Wine from Sangiovese grapes
  612. Moderate consumption of two Sicilian Red Wine inhibits platelet aggregation
  613. Phenolic antioxidants in Red Wine : Content and activity
  614. Increase of Red Wine colour stability
  615. Radiationless relaxation and Red Wine
  616. The effect of clarification on colour, concentration of anthocyanins and polyphenols in Red Wine
  617. Red Wine administration to apolipoprotein E-deficient mice Red uces their macrophage-derived extracellular matrix atherogenic properties
  619. Effects of acetaldehyde and tannins on the color and chemical age of Red muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) Wine
  620. Vasorelaxation by L-arginine after L-NAME administration in rabbits consuming moderate amounts of Red Wine
  621. Aggregation of platelets is inhibited in vitro by Red Wine as well as its alcohol-deprived equivalent: ethanol is not a necessary component
  622. Sources of acetic and other fatty acids and their role in sluggish and stuck Red Wine fermentations
  623. Changes in concentrations of resveratrol and its related compounds in Red Wine during alcoholic and malolactic fermentation
  624. A method for the rapid and sensitive determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  625. Changes in the solubility of Red colour of Wine in solvents during storage.
  626. Red Wine , Research, and Technology Education
  627. Inhibition of LDL oxidation by white and Red Wine phenolics
  628. Effect of alcoholic fermentation temperature on Red Wine flavor
  629. Red Wine and reactions
  630. Red Wine Induced Modulation of Vascular Function: Separating the Role of Polyphenols, Ethanol, and Urates
  631. Agricultural utilization of wastes from Red Wine distilleries
  632. Influence of Red Wine on liver antioxidation in rats
  633. Content of Resveratrols as a Function of Red Wine Cultivar and of the Year Production (2000-2001-2002)
  634. Impact of Wine matrix on Red Wine finish and consumer acceptance
  635. Characteristics of the Vinaracki Merlot Red Wine colouRed matter depending upon the age
  636. The effect of pH and ethanol on the astringent sub-qualities of Red Wine , and the implications for optimum grape maturity
  637. Differences in the Serum Levels of Acetaldehyde and Cytotoxic Acetaldehyde‐Albumin Complexes after the Consumption of Red and White Wine : In Vitro Effects of …
  638. FEFA and Red Wine grape colour measurements
  639. Red clover isoflavonoids as anthocyanin color enhancing agents in muscadine Wine and juice
  640. Mutagenic substances in Red and white Wine in Chile, a high risk area for gastric cancer
  641. Intestinal uptake of MPP+ is differently affected by Red and white Wine
  642. Effects of dry Red Wine on experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits
  643. Lead in hair and in Red Wine by potentiometric stripping analysis: The university students’ design
  644. Conversion of arginine to ornithine during malo-lactic fermentation in Red Swiss Wine
  645. Modification of biochemical and cellular processes in the development of atherosclerosis by Red Wine
  646. Plasma lipid peroxidation: inhibited by drinking Red Wine but stimulated by white Wine
  647. Are Vegetables, Salads, Herbs, Mushrooms, Fruits and Red Wine Residue that Inhibit Bone Resorption in the Rat a Promise of Osteoporosis Prevention?
  648. Red Wine polyphenols increase plasma total TGF-β
  649. Evaluation of cv. Isabel to elaborate Red table Wine
  651. Dietary supplements: Red Wine , ortolans, and chondroitin sulfate
  652. Phenolic compounds from Red Wine are protective against the DNA damaging effect of ionising radiation ex vivo
  653. Determination of acids and volatile compounds in Red Txakoli Wine by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography
  654. Lifestyle or Resveratrol? Comparison of White and Red Wine Consumption and Colorectal Neoplasia: 493
  655. Et Veientani bibitur faex crassa rubelli (” and they drink thick dregs of Red Wine of veii”): the greek and latin terminology of ‘bad Wine ‘between scientific and …
  656. The pRed iction of the color components of Red Wine s using FTIR, Wine analyses, and the method of partial least squares
  657. Polyphenolics from Red Wine in cancer prevention: influence on apoptosis in human leukemia cells and antioxidant effects in human subjects
  658. Measurement of Trace Pb in Red Wine With Thermal Ionization Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
  659. Post-ischemic myocardial protection with Cabernet-Sauvignon Red Wine
  660. The Red Wine phenolics trans-resveratrol and quercetin block human platelet aggregation and
  661. Effects of skin fermentation time on the phenols, anthocyanins, ellagic acid sediment, and sensory characteristics of a Red Vitis rotundifolia Wine
  662. Drawn to drink: A double-blind randomised cross-over trial of the effects of magnets on the taste of cheap Red Wine
  663. Red Wine , white Wine : Which to choose
  664. Red Wine making.
  665. The deuteriation of constituents in olive oil and Red Wine with Nafion, a polymer supported acid catalyst
  666. In vivo effect of Chianti Red Wine on tissue factor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor and homocysteine levels
  667. Laboratory Red Wine fermentor VF-L
  668. The rise of Red and the wane of white: Wine demand in Ontario Canada
  669. Red Wine polyphenolic compounds induce EDHF-mediated relaxation and hyperpolarization in the porcine coronary artery: involvement of Red ox-sensitive …
  670. A combined innovative approach (electronic nose and electronic tongue) for the pRed iction of Italian Red Wine sensorial descriptors by means of genetic algorithms
  671. Identification of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-derived pigments in Primitivo Red Wine by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS
  672. Application of ultrasonic tensiography to analysis of Red Wine
  673. Characteristics [of] colouRed matters of Frankovka Red Wine
  674. Influence of carbonic maceration on acid Red uction and quality of a Pennsylvania dry Red table Wine
  675. PRed iction of Red and rosé Wine CIELab parameters from simple absorbance measurements
  676. Red raspberry juice and Wine : effect of processing and storage on anthocyanin pigment composition, color and appearance
  677. … developed chinese fermented foods, Peka (one of the chinese yeasts), Biityu (rice Wine ), Anka (Red Wine ), Tubityu (glutenous rice Wine ) and other alcohol …
  678. Evaluation of cv. Tannat to elaborate Red Wine
  679. A toast to the benefits of Red Wine .(Industry Watch)
  680. Study Finds More Reasons to Drink Red Wine
  681. For a Glass of Red Wine
  682. Red Wine -effective prevention from cardiovascular diseases
  683. Competitivity of the Chilean Red Wine in exportation market
  684. Why the Red Wine headache?
  685. Trends in Acreage of Red Wine Varieties
  686. Optimising the antioxidant content of Red Wine
  687. Reach for the vodka, not the Red Wine
  688. Different effects of Wine and Red Wine polyphenols on PAI-1 in healthy men
  689. Evaluating Red Wine Cultivars on Long Island
  690. Red Wine and the Medical and Dental Council
  691. Effects of sewage sludge compost on volatile organic compounds of Wine from Vitis vinifera cv. Red Grenache
  692. Effect of chemical composition on textural quality of Red Wine
  693. Influence of the selected means on the polyphenol stabilization of Red Wine
  694. Red –Wine compound may fight skin cancer
  695. Red Wine making in different fermentation tanks
  696. Red Wine consumption: Another antiatherogenic effect related to decreased lipoprotein (a) levels
  697. Red Wine polyphenolics suppress the secretion and the synthesis of Apo B48 from
  698. TYRE. Red Wine First.(Book Review)
  699. Delay of fat absorption in rats receiving Red Wine
  700. Geology and Wine 6. Terroir of the Red Mountain Appellation, Central Washington State, USA
  701. Increasing Wine Quality with the Addition of Enological Tannins and Enzymes in Red Wine
  702. Sensory study on reconstitution and suppression with a white Wine from Macabeo variety and a Red Wine from Garnacha variety
  703. EPR studies of a Red Wine bottle deposit, and the precipitates from a’model’Wine , and a white Wine , both artificially aged
  704. Red -brown color of lignified tissues of transgenic plants with antisense CAD gene: Wine –Red lignin from coniferyl aldehyde
  705. Influence of temperature on anthocyanin stability in Red Wine
  706. Control of Red Wine making conditions in barrels
  707. Metabolites of catechin in humans after consumption of Red Wine and dealcoholized Red Wine
  708. [Characterization of Red Wine grapes varieties by isoenzymatic analysis].[Spanish]
  709. Cyclosporine and Red Wine don’t mix very well
  710. Wine bottle synthetic closures: Performance and effect upon Red Wine aging & quality
  711. Determination of the hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity of white and Red Wine s during the Wine -making process
  712. The Perennial Quest for a Memorable Red Wine
  713. Oxygen measurement and consumption kinetics during Red Wine making
  714. The quality of oak wood and its use for the vinification and ageing of Wine [forest management, dry white Wine , Red Wine ]
  715. Evaluation of Detection Methods for the HPLC Determination of Stilbenes and Flavonoids in Red Wine
  716. Agrobiological and technological studies of Red Wine varieties of grape.
  717. Effects of skin contact on Red Wine quality and must oxidation on white Wine quality
  718. Red Wine polyphenols improve vascular function in postmenopausal women
  720. Biological and viticultural characteristics of Red Wine grape varieties.
  721. HPTLC analysis of Red Wine pigments
  722. Fuzzy logic for knowledge extraction from data in Wine making. Application to Red Wine color
  723. Red Wine consumption does not affect oxidizability of low-density lipoproteins in volunteers1″ 4
  724. Red Wine is a poor source of bioavailable flavonols in men
  725. New Red Wine Varieties for Trial in the Northern Parts of Eastern North America
  726. Snow, Red Wine , and Intelligent Gray Eyes
  727. Technological study of white and Red Wine grape varieties.
  728. Red Wine consumption and risk of prostate cancer
  729. Molecular explanation for cancer-preventive properties of Red Wine
  730. Red Wine extract gives fruit a new lease of life
  731. The effect of Red Wine and beer on plasma homocysteine levels: a randomised controlled trial
  732. Red Wine derived compounds and their antiatherogenic properties: results of the programme” Wine and Health”[atherosclerosis, coronary disease, French paradox]
  733. Survey and study of volatile phenols in Vitiano Red Wine [Latium]
  734. Response in Red cell deformability to a daily intake of Red Wine or a Wine capsule for 2 weeks in healthy male volunteers.
  735. Renal damage mediated by oxidative stress: A hypothesis of protective effects of Red Wine
  736. Red Wine consumption and oxidation of low-density lipoproteins
  738. Improvement of the quality of aromatic Red rice Wine
  739. A fuzzy rule base for modelling Red Wine color in relation with Wine making parameters
  740. Maceration and its consequences for the Red Wine colours caused by the presence of grape-stalk
  741. Brewing test of Red Wine -grape vines
  742. … determination of ingRed ients in fermentated beverages v. quantitative gaschromatographic determination of anthocyanes and anthocyanides in Red Wine (author’s …
  743. Use of consumer test for sensory evaluation of VQPRD Canavese Red [Wine of quality produced in specific regions-Piedmont]
  744. Red Wine consumption does not affect the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins in humans.
  745. Results of breeding Red Wine varieties at the research station of the Grape and Wine Research Institute, Eger.
  747. Characterization of colour modification during Red Wine conservation by logarithmic colour density
  749. Enological suitability of a yeast strain indigenous to Castilla-La Mancha for Red Wine production
  750. Endothelins and the’French paradox’: Are detrimental effects of Red Wine also associated with an action on endothelin synthesis?
  751. My wife and I have a glass of white Wine most nights, but one of our friends says that we should switch to Red Wine because it is better for our hearts. Is he right?
  752. Effect of malolactic fermentation on the composition of Red Wine
  753. Influence of the tasting panel on the description of the organoleptic profile of Red Wine aged in wood
  754. Results of the barrique maturation of the Red Wine Eger Bull Blood, Part II.
  755. 375ml Transperant/Dark Green Red Wine Glass Bottle
  756. Influence of grape ripeness on composition and quality of Syrah Red Wine
  757. [Maceration and its consequences for the Red Wine colours caused by the presence of grape-stalk].[Italian]
  758. A study of fruit yield and quality in some Red Wine vine cultivars.
  759. Antioxidant And Anticarcinogenic Composite From Green Tea And Red Wine Lee As Food Additive
  760. Breast cancer: estrogen suppression by compounds found in Red Wine and grape seeds
  761. Alternatives to sulphur dioxide in oenology 2: Red Wine technology
  763. Analysis and identification of the main monomeric phenolic compounds and an estimation of antioxidant activity in appellation of origgin Greek Red Wine
  764. Increased capacity of cellular cholesterol efflux of serum after moderate intake of Red Wine in young men
  765. Does moderate Red Wine consumption protect DNA and lipid systems from oxidative damage: in vivo measurements in young and old humans?
  766. Control of the critical points during Red Wine making [HACCP-hazard analysis critical control points-quality systems]
  767. Effects of variety, region and season on near infraRed reflectance spectroscopic analysis of quality parameters in Red Wine grapes
  768. Impact of Red Wine polyphenols (RWP) on the function and structure of the rat cerebral arteriole.
  769. Sensory analysis of traditionally produced Red Wine from the Tacoronte-Acentejo area of the Canary Islands [Spain]
  770. Effect of tying up height and leaf area on Red Wine production and quality
  771. Amelioration of myoglobinuric renal damage in rats by chronic exposure to flavonol-rich Red Wine
  772. Vine Performance and Wine Quality for Four Red Wine Grape Cultivars Grown for Three Growing Seasons in Erie County, Pennsylvania
  773. Analysis of some metals in Wine by means of capillary electrophoresis. Application to the differentiation of Ribeira Sacra Spanish Red Wine s
  774. Effect of acute and chronic moderate Red or white Wine consumption on fasted and postprandial lipemia in the rat
  775. Importance of ageing system on phenolic evolution of Red Wine during its permanence in contact with wood
  776. Rat kidney antioxidant response to long-term exposure to flavonol rich Red Wine
  777. … den be-deutendsten rotweinsorten Osterreichs (Comparison of some high training systems with the most important Austrian Red Wine cultivars). Mitt. Klosterneuburg
  778. Effect of the application of oak wood chips on a Red Wine flavour compounds
  779. Induction of malolactic fermentation in Red Wine with the starter culture viniflora oenos
  780. Gastrointestinal Effects of Complex Polyphenols from Red Wine and Tea in Experimental Animal Models
  781. Viscosity Of Red Wine Over Time When Mixed With Starch-and Gum-Based Thickeners: Implication for Elderly Adults
  782. [Importance of ageing system on phenolic evolution of Red Wine during its permanence in contact with wood].[Spanish]
  783. Protective effect of Red Wine on the frequency of micronuclei in human lymphocytes irradiated in vitro
  784. Raise a Glass to Long Life: Chemical in Red Wine uncorks longevity in yeast and human cells
  785. Study of the volatile composition of a Red Wine aged in French and American oak barrels with several uses
  786. The anthocyanin potential of Red Wine varieties from the Minis vineyard, determined by different methods.
  787. Influence of the barrels type on aging of Red Wine from” Cigales”. Phenols compounds and colour
  788. Organoleptic properties of a Red Wine aged in Spanish, American, French and Hungarian oak barrels
  789. Growth and metabolism of lactic acid bacteria in a model Wine system and a Red Wine with emphasis on carbohydrate metabolism: a thesis submitted in partial …
  790. Inhibition of LDL Oxidation by Phenolic Substances in Red Wine : A Clue to the French Paradox?
  791. Foam aptitude of Trepat and Monastrell Red varieties in cava elaboration. 1. Base Wine characteristics
  792. Assessment of Red Wine varieties grown on the dry sands of Oltenia.
  793. Study of the evolution of the monomeric anthocyanins and of the colour during the fermentation of Red Wine
  794. Effect of wood dust and oak essence addition on flavour of Monastrell Red Wine : preliminary results
  795. Potential mechanism of blood vessel protection by resveratrol, a component of Red Wine .
  796. Effect of Dealcoholized Red Wine Solids Supplementation on Antioxidative Enzyme Activities in Transgenic Mice
  797. Evaluation of esters in Red Wine with different turbidity aged in oak barrels
  798. Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration: Genuine Scientific Inquiry or’Full-Bodied’Red Wine ?
  799. Aging of a Red Wine of the Ribera del Duero (Spain): variations of the monosaccharides, polyphenols and color due to the oak type and the source cooperage
  800. Red or white Wine with your turkey, sir?
  801. Red Wine inhibits neointimal hyperplasia following balloon injury in cholesterol-fed rabbits
  802. Influence of the post-fermentative maceration and the conservation in two types of casks on the phenolic compounds of Red Wine
  804. P-585: Immediate cardiovascular adaptation in response to a glass of Red Wine in healthy subjects
  805. Effect of the application of protein fining agents on the tannins and colour of Red Wine
  806. Density, alcoholic strength and Red ucing sugars of traditional must and Red Wine from the region of Denomination of Origin Tacoronte-Acentejo (Canary Islands)
  808. [Influence of the post-fermentative maceration and the conservation in two types of casks on the phenolic compounds of Red Wine ].[Spanish]
  809. Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated during Red Wine making at a Wine ry in Yamanashi prefecture [Japan]
  810. Top Quality Custom Red Wine Bottle Adhesive Labels Stickers Printing
  811. [Comparison of oak species [Quercus petraea and Q. alba] on Red Wine maturation: composition and quality]
  812. Adipose cell metabolism modulation by Red Wine procyanidins
  813. Effect of freezing grape berries and heating must samples on extraction of components and composition parameters of Red Wine grape varieties
  814. Red Wine and ethanol increase aromatase (estrogen synthase) transcription in rat hippocampal formation
  815. New summer Red Wine to be released at fresno state farm market’s summer solstice celebration june 21 new raisin/almond packaging and veggie/olive oil bbq …
  816. Resveratrol, an Antioxidant Present in Red Wine , Attenuates Hydrogen Peroxide-and β-Amyloid-induced Oxidative Cell Death
  817. Characteristics of Red Wine Grape Cultivars,’Cabernet Sauvignon’,’Pinot Noir’,’Muscat Bailey A’and ‘Cabernet Suntory’
  818. Red Wine polyphenolic compounds strongly inhibit pro-MMP-2 activation in response to throm bin via direct inhibition of MTl-MMP in vascular smooth muscle …
  819. Wine glass Crystal Glass Snow White Mousse Pie Juice Cup Red Wine Glass
  820. Influence of Resveratrol, a Main Polyphenolic Compound Isolated from Red Wine , on Catecholamine Release in the Perfused Rat Adrenal Medulla
  821. Will you have a glass of Red or white Wine ?
  822. Epidemiological study on alcohol consumption trends and on the effects of alcohol consumption on the human body. Note 2: Levels of lead in Red Wine from a northern …
  823. Resveratrol, an Antioxidant in Red Wine , Inhibits Metabolic Formation of Catechol Estrogens and Their Induction of Oxidative Dna Damage and Cell Death
  824. Infra-Red tomography of port-Wine -stain blood vessels in human skin
  825. Composition of anthocyanin pigments in aromatic Red rice and its Wine
  826. Application of aromatic Red rice bran to rice Wine brewing: Studies on Red rice Wine brewing (Part 2)
  827. Immune Benefits of Consuming Red Muscadine Wine : FSHN02-4/FS085, 9/2002
  828. … with Controlled Fermentations. VII. effect of Ante-Fermentation Blending of Red must and White Juice on Color, Tannins, and Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon Wine
  829. For Blood and Wine Are Red
  830. Red or white? Tutankhamun’s Wine preference revealed by LC/MS
  831. Acid treatment of Red table Wine musts for color retention
  832. Wine -dark, Blood Red Sea: Naval Warfare in the Aegean, 1941-1946
  833. Comparative free radical scavenging capacity of the seed extracts obtained from the white and Red grape berries used for Wine -making in Turkey
  834. Blood pressure rate changes after a 4‐oz (118 ml) glass of Red Wine
  835. … with phenelzine (45 mg/day) for agoraphobia, panic disorder, and depressive symptoms complained of a headache after drinking a glass of Red Wine (type and volume …
  836. Effects of the cooking process on the characteristics of aromatic Red rice Wine
  837. Effects of β‐glucosidase activity on the characteristics of aromatic Red rice Wine
  838. Ethanol fermentation of aromatic Red rice without cooking, studies on Red rice Wine brewing (part 1)
  839. Crop yield, fruit quality, and winter injury of 12 Red -fruited Wine grape cultivars in Northern Virginia
  840. Clinical application of photodynamic therapy combined with non-coherent light (Red light) for treatment of port-Wine stains
  841. Cáhal Mór of the Wine –Red Hand: A rhapsody for baritone and orchestra, op. 40
  842. A test of fractional addition of Wine spirits to Red and white port Wine s
  843. Red raspberry and blackberry juice and Wine : the effect of processing and storage on color and appearance
  844. Effects of proteolytic activity on the characteristics of aromatic Red rice Wine
  845. Legal Fictions and Red Room Wine : An Excursion into History
  847. Removal of Red blush and bitterness from white Wine by partial hyperoxidation of juice from the pink-skinned Koshu variety
  848. Effects of rice bran lipids and fermentation temperatures on the characteristics of aromatic Red rice Wine
  849. Evaluation of the grape cv. Isabel for the production of Red table Wine .
  850. Optimization of Red Wine making according to the type of Wine produced
  851. A Wine –Red Sunflower
  852. A Red -FiguRed Wine Bowl
  853. Communist party education in Finland: From Red Flags to Wine tasting
  854. Anthocyanin condensation in Red Wine s and Wine model systems
  855. LA Loubère: The Red and the White. The History of Wine in France and Italy in the XIXth Century (Book Review)
  856. Loubère. The Red and the White: A History of Wine in France and Italy in the Nineteenth Century (Book Review)
  857. Two patients with recurrent fever and Wine Red discolouration of the eyelids
  858. Effect of different clarification techniques on phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in Red and white Wine .
  859. [On the physical treatment of stabilization in Wine bottling: infra-Red radiation].[Italian]
  860. Study of relation between Red grape colour and Wine colour
  861. Construction of Hybrid Yeast Strains with Increased Flocculation and Fermentation Activity for Red Sparking Wine Manufacture
  862. Liqueur Wine from Red grapevine varieties Nero d’Avola [Sicily]
  863. The ageing of Red Wine s in relation to Wine -making techniques. 2: The chromatic features
  864. The ageing of Red Wine s in relation to Wine -making techniques. 1: The polyphenolic components.
  865. Studies on the fertility and grape quality of some Wine varieties with Red grapes.
  866. Must hyperoxidation as alternative flowchart in white Wine production from Red grapes. A contribution on Lambrusco a foglia frastagliata [in Trentino-Alto Adige]
  867. Mutagenic substances in Red and white Wine in Chile, a high risk area for gastric cancer
  868. Mao fruit rations (black and Red ) and citric acid on chemical quality of Mao Wine
  869. Detection of powdery mildew in grapes using a DNA assay and near infra-Red reflectance spectroscopy, and assessment of Chardonnay Wine quality
  870. Determination of aroma precursors in grapes and volatile compounds of Wine processed with Listán Negro Red variety
  871. Effects of Pig Manure and Wine Sludge on Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Growth in Greenhouse
  872. [Effect of two types of barrels for aging Wine on the characteristics and composition of Red Wine s with different time of post-fermentative maceration].[Spanish]
  873. Effect of pesticide residues in the content of organic acids in Red Wine s elaborated in Jumilla Wine -producing region [Spain]
  874. The use of the Red faces of Japanese macaques as experimental material for argon laser therapy of port Wine stains.(Japanese)
  875. The Red Wine hypothesis: from concepts to protective signalling molecules
  876. Moderate Red Wine consumption and cardiovascular disease risk: beyond the “French paradox”
  877. Determination of Red Wine flavonoids by HPLC and effect of aging
  878. Quantitative reconstruction of the nonvolatile sensometabolome of a Red Wine
  879. PRed icting consumption, Wine involvement and perceived quality of Australian Red Wine
  880. Potential applications of PEF to improve Red Wine quality
  881. The antioxidant capacity of Red Wine in relationship with its polyphenolic constituents
  882. The cardiovascular implications of alcohol and Red Wine
  883. Should Red Wine be consideRed a functional food?
  884. Orosensory-directed identification of astringent mouthfeel and bitter-tasting compounds in Red Wine
  885. Red Wine : A drink to your heart
  886. Impact of perceptive interactions on Red Wine fruity aroma
  887. Influence of Red Wine polyphenols and ethanol on the gut microbiota ecology and biochemical biomarkers
  888. Red Wine and cardiovascular health
  889. Loss of anthocyanins in Red –Wine grape under high temperature
  890. The stomach as a “bioreactor”: when Red meat meets Red Wine
  891. Climate drivers of Red Wine quality in four contrasting Australian Wine regions
  892. Pricing strategies for Italian Red Wine
  893. Red Wine polyphenols for cancer prevention
  894. A novel function of Red Wine polyphenols in humans: prevention of absorption of cytotoxic lipid peroxidation products
  895. Chocolate and Red Wine –A comparison between flavonoids content
  896. Perception of fruity and vegetative aromas in Red Wine
  897. Dealcoholized Red Wine decreases systolic and diastolic blood pressure and increases plasma nitric oxide
  898. Experimental evidence for the cardioprotective effects of Red Wine
  899. Red Wine -dependent Red uction of nitrite to nitric oxide in the stomach
  900. Micro-oxygenation of Red Wine : Techniques, applications, and outcomes
  901. Fighting cancer with Red Wine ? Molecular mechanisms of resveratrol
  902. Evolution of phenolic composition of Red Wine during vinification and storage and its contribution to Wine sensory properties and antioxidant activity
  903. Acetic acid bacteria spoilage of bottled Red Wine —a review
  904. Polyphenols are medicine: Is it time to prescribe Red Wine for our patients?
  905. A review of the content of the putative chemopreventive phytoalexin resveratrol in Red Wine
  906. Erratum to: resveratrol and Red Wine , healthy heart and longevity
  907. The colour of Red Wine .
  908. NIR and MIR spectroscopy as rapid methods to monitor Red Wine fermentation
  909. Red Wine consumption increases antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress in the circulation of both young and old humans
  910. Volatile compounds contribution of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Hanseniaspora uvarum during Red Wine vinifications
  911. Dose-related effects of Red Wine and alcohol on heart rate variability
  912. Relationship between Red Wine grade and phenolics. 2. Tannin composition and size
  913. PRed iction of total antioxidant capacity of Red Wine by Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy
  914. Quantitative analysis of Red Wine tannins using Fourier-transform mid-infraRed spectrometry
  915. Estrogen receptor alpha as a key target of Red Wine polyphenols action on the endothelium
  916. Application of pulsed electric fields for improving the maceration process during vinification of Red Wine : influence of grape variety
  917. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after Red Wine consumption is due to both plasma urate and Wine polyphenols
  918. A moderate dose of Red Wine , but not de-alcoholized Red Wine increases coronary flow reserve
  919. Flavonol 3-O-Glycosides Series of Vitis vinifera Cv. Petit Verdot Red Wine Grapes
  920. Effect of ethanol level in the perception of aroma attributes and the detection of volatile compounds in Red Wine
  921. Determination of some phenolic compounds in Red Wine by RP-HPLC: method development and validation
  922. Effect of size, seasoning and toasting in the volatile compounds in toasted oak wood and in a Red Wine treated with them
  923. Volatile compounds of young Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine from Changli County (China)
  924. Is there a market for functional Wine s? Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for resveratrol-enriched Red Wine
  925. LC–MS/MS analysis of phenols for classification of Red Wine according to geographic origin, grape variety and vintage
  926. Inhibition of Ca2+‐activated Cl− channels by gallotannins as a possible molecular basis for health benefits of Red Wine and green tea
  927. Thermodynamics of grape and Wine tannin interaction with polyproline: Implications for Red Wine astringency
  928. Dose-related effects of Red Wine and alcohol on hemodynamics, sympathetic nerve activity, and arterial diameter
  929. Differential effects of polyphenols and alcohol of Red Wine on the expression of adhesion molecules and inflammatory cytokines related to atherosclerosis: a …
  930. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, attenuates ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat liver
  931. Relationship between Red Wine grades and phenolics. 1. Tannin and total phenolics concentrations
  932. Analysis of the influence of the type of closure in the organoleptic characteristics of a Red Wine by using an electronic panel
  933. Moderate consumption of Red Wine , but not gin, decreases erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity: a randomised cross-over trial
  934. Phenolic contents and compositions in skins of Red Wine grape cultivars among various genetic backgrounds and originations
  935. In vitro antioxidant activities of three Red Wine polyphenols and their mixtures: An interaction study
  936. The phenolic composition of Red Wine vinegar produced in barrels made from different woods
  937. Red Wine anthocyanins are rapidly absorbed in humans and affect monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 levels and antioxidant capacity of plasma
  938. Natural occurrence of fumonisin B2 in Red Wine from Italy
  939. Berry integrity and extraction of skin and seed proanthocyanidins during Red Wine fermentation
  940. The metabolic fate of Red Wine and grape juice polyphenols in humans assessed by metabolomics
  941. New genera of yeasts for over-lees aging of Red Wine
  942. Discrimination of flavonoids and Red Wine varietals by arrays of differential peptidic sensors
  943. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in organic Red Wine using different Wine making techniques
  944. A Thorough Study on the Use of Quantitative 1H NMR in Rioja Red Wine Fermentation Processes
  945. Rapid isolation of Red Wine polymeric polyphenols by solid-phase extraction
  946. Enamel susceptibility to Red Wine staining after 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching
  947. Production of Red Wine from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and pawpaw (Carica papaya) using palm-Wine yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  948. Growth and volatile compound production by Brettanomyces/Dekkera bruxellensis in Red Wine
  949. How blending affects the sensory and chemical properties of Red Wine
  950. In vitro fermentation of a Red Wine extract by human gut microbiota: changes in microbial groups and formation of phenolic metabolites
  951. Simulation of retronasal aroma of white and Red Wine in a model mouth system. Investigating the influence of saliva on volatile compound concentrations
  952. Effect of vibration and storage on some physico-chemical properties of a commercial Red Wine
  953. Discrimination of different Red Wine by Fourier-transform infraRed and two-dimensional infraRed correlation spectroscopy
  954. Effect of beer/Red Wine marinades on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in pan-fried beef
  955. Effect of SO2 Concentration on Polyphenol Development during Red Wine Micro-oxygenation
  956. Evaluation of alternative Wine making processes for Red Wine color enhancement
  957. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing on the physicochemical and sensorial properties of a Red Wine
  958. Changes in antioxidant endogenous enzymes (activity and gene expression levels) after repeated Red Wine intake
  959. Inhibiting islet amyloid polypeptide fibril formation by the Red Wine compound resveratrol
  960. Resveratrol and Red Wine function as antioxidants in the nervous system without cellular proliferative effects during experimental diabetes
  961. Aging markers from bottled Red Wine aged with chips, staves and barrels
  962. Volatile composition of toasted oak chips and staves and of Red Wine aged with them
  963. Novel role of Red Wine -derived polyphenols in the prevention of Alzheimerʼs disease dementia and brain pathology: experimental approaches and clinical …
  964. Volatile compounds in Red Wine vinegars obtained by submerged and surface acetification in different woods
  965. Fluorescence polarization immunoassay for rapid screening of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  966. Contribution of several volatile phenols and their glycoconjugates to smoke-related sensory properties of Red Wine
  967. Red uction of ochratoxin A during the fermentation of Italian Red Wine Moscato
  968. Comparative study of the use of maceration enzymes and cold pre-fermentative maceration on phenolic and anthocyanic composition and colour of a Mencía Red Wine
  969. Pharmacokinetics of resveratrol metabolic profile in healthy humans after moderate consumption of Red Wine and grape extract tablets
  970. Impact of short-term intake of Red Wine and grape polyphenol extract on the human metabolome
  971. Red Wine polyphenols prevent metabolic and cardiovascular alterations associated with obesity in Zucker fatty rats (Fa/Fa)
  972. Electrochemical behaviour and antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins from Chilean Red Wine , grape and raspberry
  973. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, protects dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-treated mice
  974. Effects of cluster light exposure on 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine accumulation and degradation patterns in Red Wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Franc)
  975. Reconstitution of the flavor signature of Dornfelder Red Wine on the basis of the natural concentrations of its key aroma and taste compounds
  976. Identification of spectral regions for the quantification of Red Wine tannins with Fourier transform mid-infraRed spectroscopy
  977. Delivery of resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, from solutions and hydrogels via the skin
  978. Mediterranean diet and Red Wine protect against oxidative damage in young volunteers
  979. Is moderate Red Wine consumption safe in inactive inflammatory bowel disease?
  980. PRed iction of Italian Red Wine sensorial descriptors from electronic nose, electronic tongue and spectrophotometric measurements by means of Genetic Algorithm …
  981. Formation of temperature gradients in large‐and small‐scale Red Wine fermentations during cap management
  982. Effects of moderate Red Wine consumption on liver fat and blood lipids: a prospective randomized study
  983. Application of the SPI (Saliva Precipitation Index) to the evaluation of Red Wine astringency
  984. Sensory characters of Cabernet Sauvignon dry Red Wine from Changli County (China)
  985. Effects of Red Wine polyphenols on postischemic neovascularization model in rats: Low doses are proangiogenic, high doses anti‐angiogenic
  986. Revealed preference analysis of Red Wine attributes using polarisation
  987. Intake of alcohol-free Red Wine modulates antioxidant enzyme activities in a human intervention study
  988. Raf and MEK protein kinases are direct molecular targets for the chemopreventive effect of quercetin, a major flavonol in Red Wine
  989. Red Wine consumption and risk of prostate cancer: the California men’s health study
  990. Monitoring of evolution during Red Wine aging in oak barrels and alternative method by means of an electronic panel test
  991. Impact of concentration of ellagitannins in oak wood on their levels and organoleptic influence in Red Wine
  992. Intake of Red Wine increases the number and functional capacity of circulating endothelial progenitor cells by enhancing nitric oxide bioavailability
  993. Heterogeneity in Red Wine polyphenolic contents differentially influences Alzheimer’s disease-type neuropathology and cognitive deterioration
  994. Determination of caffeic acid in Red Wine by voltammetric method
  995. Is Red Wine a SAFE sip away from cardioprotection? Mechanisms involved in resveratrol‐and melatonin‐induced cardioprotection
  996. RETRACTED: Resveratrol, a unique phytoalexin present in Red Wine , delivers either survival signal or death signal to the ischemic myocardium depending on dose
  997. Alternatives for sample pre-treatment and HPLC determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine using fluorescence detection
  998. High throughput analysis of Red Wine and grape phenolics adaptation and validation of methyl cellulose precipitable tannin assay and modified somers color assay to …
  999. Grape seed and Red Wine polyphenol extracts inhibit cellular cholesterol uptake, cell proliferation, and 5-lipoxygenase activity
  1000. Elucidating the mechanism of lipid membrane-induced IAPP fibrillogenesis and its inhibition by the Red Wine compound resveratrol: a synchrotron X-ray reflectivity …
  1001. Application of an electronic tongue to study the effect of the use of pieces of wood and micro-oxygenation in the aging of Red Wine
  1002. Strong cardioprotective effect of resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, on isolated rat hearts after ischemia/reperfusion injury
  1003. Determination of anthocyanins in Red Wine using a newly developed method based on Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy
  1004. Isolation of Carignan and Merlot Red Wine oligosaccharides and their characterization by ESI-MS
  1005. Changes in chemical composition of a Red Wine aged in acacia, cherry, chestnut, mulberry, and oak wood barrels
  1006. Polyphenols from Red Wine modulate immune responsiveness: biological and clinical significance
  1007. No difference between Red Wine or white Wine consumption and breast cancer risk
  1008. Optimization of conditions for anthocyanin hydrolysis from Red Wine using response surface methodology (RSM)
  1009. Influence of maceration temperature in Red Wine vinification on extraction of phenolics from berry skins and seeds of grape (Vitis vinifera)
  1010. Multistarter from organic viticulture for Red Wine Montepulciano d’Abruzzo production
  1011. Copigmentation between malvidin-3-glucoside and some Wine constituents and its importance to colour expression in Red Wine
  1012. Rapid measurement of phenolics compounds in Red Wine using Raman spectroscopy
  1013. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, suppresses pancreatic cancer by inhibiting leukotriene A4 hydrolase
  1014. In vitro electrophysiological mechanisms for antiarrhythmic efficacy of resveratrol, a Red Wine antioxidant
  1015. Noah’s nectar: the proteome content of a glass of Red Wine
  1016. Micro-oxygenation strategy depends on origin and size of oak chips or staves during accelerated Red Wine aging
  1017. Gut and microbial resveratrol metabolite profiling after moderate long-term consumption of Red Wine versus dealcoholized Red Wine in humans by an optimized ultra …
  1018. Red Wine phenolic complexes and their in vitro antioxidant activity
  1019. … of Malolactic Fermentation by Oenococcus Oeni and Lactobacillus Plantarum to the Changes in the Nonanthocyanin Polyphenolic Composition of Red Wine
  1020. Synergy study of the inhibitory potential of Red Wine polyphenols on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation
  1021. First study of determination of aromatic compounds of Red Wine from Vitis vinifera cv. Castanal grown in Galicia (NW Spain)
  1022. Beneficial effects of low doses of Red Wine consumption on perturbed shear stress-induced atherogenesis
  1023. In vitro bioconversion of polyphenols from black tea and Red Wine /grape juice by human intestinal microbiota displays strong interindividual variability
  1024. Cabernet sauvignon Red Wine astringency quality control by tannin characterization and polymerization during storage
  1025. Red Wine and cardiovascular health the” French Paradox” revisited
  1026. How good antioxidant is the Red Wine ? Comparison of some in vitro and in vivo methods to assess the antioxidant capacity of Argentinean Red Wine s
  1027. Polysaccharide characterization of commercial dry yeast preparations and their effect on white and Red Wine composition
  1028. A prospective cohort study of Red Wine consumption and risk of prostate cancer
  1029. Evolution of polyphenolic compounds in Red Wine from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes processed by pulsed electric fields during aging in bottle
  1030. Use of patatin, a protein extracted from potato, as alternative to animal proteins in fining of Red Wine
  1031. The Red Wine polyphenol resveratrol shows promising potential for the treatment of nucleus pulposus–mediated pain in vitro and in vivo
  1032. Influence of toasting of oak chips on Red Wine maturation from sensory and gas chromatographic headspace analysis
  1033. Influence of the elimination and addition of seeds on the colour, phenolic composition and astringency of Red Wine
  1034. Red Wine polyphenolics Red uce the expression of inflammation markers in human colon-derived CCD-18Co myofibroblast cells: potential role of microRNA-126
  1035. Instrumental measurement of bitter taste in Red Wine using an electronic tongue
  1036. Characterization of a neutral polysaccharide with antioxidant capacity from Red Wine
  1037. Red Wine and green tea Red uce H pylori-or VacA-induced gastritis in a mouse model
  1038. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): Volatile Composition, Phenolic Content, and in Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Red Wine
  1039. Enamel susceptibility to coffee and Red Wine staining at different intervals elapsed from bleaching: a photoreflectance spectrophotometry analysis
  1040. Whilst it’s Red Wine with beef, it’s booze with a cruise!
  1041. Chemical characterization of Red Wine grape (Vitis vinifera and Vitis interspecific hybrids) and pomace phenolic extracts and their biological activity against …
  1042. Compositional and sensory impacts from blending Red Wine varietals
  1043. Neuroprotective properties of Spanish Red Wine and its isolated polyphenols on astrocytes
  1044. Effect of grape indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains on Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Red Wine quality
  1045. From Red Wine to polyphenols and back: A journey through the history of the French Paradox
  1046. Polyphenols from Red Wine are potent modulators of innate and adaptive immune responsiveness
  1047. Greater effectiveness of ε-viniferin in Red Wine than its monomer resveratrol for inhibiting vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration
  1048. Electrochemical microoxidation of Red Wine
  1049. Phenolic compound profiles in berry skins from nine Red Wine grape cultivars in northwest China
  1050. Early exposure to ethanol but not Red Wine at the same alcohol concentration induces behavioral and brain neurotrophin alterations in young and adult mice
  1051. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress in rat liver
  1052. Anti-Helicobacter pylori and urease inhibitory activities of resveratrol and Red Wine
  1053. Red Wine polyphenols do not lower peripheral or central blood pressure in high normal blood pressure and hypertension
  1054. Isolation of Red Wine components with anti-adhesion and anti-biofilm activity against Streptococcus mutans
  1055. Impact of serving temperature on sensory properties of Red Wine as evaluated using projective mapping by a trained panel
  1056. The influence of polyphenol rich apple pomace or Red ‐Wine pomace diet on the gut morphology in weaning piglets
  1057. Moderate consumption of Red Wine and human platelet responsiveness
  1058. A natural alternative to sulphur dioxide for Red Wine production: Influence on colour, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content
  1059. Gut microbial metabolism of polyphenols from black tea and Red Wine /grape juice is source-specific and colon-region dependent
  1060. A kinetic study on extraction and transformation phenomena of phenolic compounds during Red Wine fermentation
  1061. Isolation and characterization of tyramine-producing Enterococcus faecium strains from Red Wine
  1062. Combining olfactory and gustatory clues in the judgment of aging potential of Red Wine by Wine professionals
  1063. Effect of drinking on adiponectin in healthy men and women: a randomized intervention study of water, ethanol, Red Wine , and beer with or without alcohol
  1064. A comparison of the effect of macerating enzymes and pulsed electric fields technology on phenolic content and color of Red Wine
  1065. Using headspace solid phase micro-extraction for analysis of aromatic compounds during alcoholic fermentation of Red Wine
  1066. Protective effects of polyphenolics in Red Wine on diabetes associated oxidative/nitrative stress in streptozotocin‐diabetic rats
  1067. Ethylidene-bridged flavan-3-ols in Red Wine and correlation with Wine age
  1068. New extraction sorbent based on aptamers for the determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  1069. Determination of organic acids in Red Wine and must on only one RP-LC-column directly after sample dilution and filtration
  1070. Red Wine antioxidants protect hippocampal neurons against ethanol-induced damage: a biochemical, morphological and behavioral study
  1071. Characterization of taste-active fractions in Red Wine combining HPLC fractionation, sensory analysis and ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass …
  1072. The Red Wine extract‐induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase is mediated by a great variety of polyphenolic compounds
  1073. Red Wine prevents the postprandial increase in plasma cholesterol oxidation products: a pilot study
  1074. Effect of micro-oxygenation and wood type on the phenolic composition and color of an aged Red Wine
  1075. The effect of bacterial strain and aging on the secondary volatile metabolites produced during malolactic fermentation of Tannat Red Wine
  1076. Pallidol, a resveratrol dimer from Red Wine , is a selective singlet oxygen quencher
  1077. Red Wine and equivalent oral pharmacological doses of resveratrol delay vascular aging but do not extend life span in rats
  1078. Discriminated release of phenolic substances from Red Wine grape skins (Vitis vinifera L.) by multicomponent enzymes treatment
  1079. Angiotensin II induces the vascular expression of VEGF and MMP-2 in vivo: preventive effect of Red Wine polyphenols
  1080. Chronic treatment with Red Wine polyphenol compounds mediates neuroprotection in a rat model of ischemic cerebral stroke
  1081. Red Wine and component flavonoids inhibit UGT2B17 in vitro
  1082. Studies on the copigmentation between anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols and their influence in the colour expression of Red Wine
  1083. Red Wine antioxidant resveratrol‐modified cardiac stem cells regenerate infarcted myocardium
  1084. Analysis of protein composition of Red Wine in comparison with rosé and white Wine s by electrophoresis and high-pressure liquid chromatography− mass spectrometry …
  1085. Effect of alternative techniques to ageing on lees and use of non-toasted oak chips in alcoholic fermentation on the aromatic composition of Red Wine
  1086. The Red Wine antioxidant resveratrol prevents cardiomyocyte injury following ischemia-reperfusion via multiple sites and mechanisms
  1087. Determination of Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Sr and Zn in Red Wine samples by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy: Evaluation of …
  1088. Comparison of metal oxide-based electronic nose and mass spectrometry-based electronic nose for the pRed iction of Red Wine spoilage
  1089. Effects of Red Wine on ochratoxin A toxicity in intestinal Caco-2/TC7 cells
  1090. Effects of Red Wine on endothelial function: postprandial studies vs clinical trials
  1091. Utilization of jamun fruit (Syzygium cumini) for production of Red Wine
  1092. Activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by Red Wine polyphenols: impact of grape cultivars, growing area and the vinification process
  1093. The development of an activated carbon from cherry stones and its use in the removal of ochratoxin A from Red Wine
  1094. Effect of low doses of Red Wine and pure resveratrol on circulating endothelial progenitor cells
  1095. Red Wine polyphenols improve an established aging-related endothelial dysfunction in the mesenteric artery of middle-aged rats: role of oxidative stress
  1096. Chronic intake of Red Wine polyphenols by young rats prevents aging-induced endothelial dysfunction and decline in physical performance: role of NADPH oxidase
  1097. … factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor are differentially affected by early chronic ethanol or Red Wine …
  1098. Evaluation of lysozyme stability in young Red Wine and model systems by a validated HPLC method
  1099. Postprandial improvement of endothelial function by Red Wine and olive oil antioxidants: a synergistic effect of components of the Mediterranean diet
  1100. Red uction of ochratoxin A levels in Red Wine by bentonite, modified bentonites, and chitosan
  1101. Effects of maceration conditions on the polyphenolic composition of Red Wine Plavac mali
  1102. Relationship between grape phenolic maturity and Red Wine phenolic composition.
  1103. Red Wine extract protects against oxidative-stress-induced endothelial senescence
  1104. Chromatic characteristics and anthocyanin profile of a micro-oxygenated Red Wine after oak or bottle maturation
  1105. A moderate Red Wine intake improves blood lipid parameters and erythrocytes membrane fluidity in post myocardial infarct patients
  1106. The use of oak chips during the ageing of a Red Wine in stainless steel tanks or used barrels: Effect of the contact time and size of the oak chips on aroma compounds
  1107. Effect of various proteins on different molecular weight proanthocyanidin fractions of Red Wine during Wine fining
  1108. Early exposure to ethanol or Red Wine and long-lasting effects in aged mice. A study on nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, hepatocyte growth factor …
  1109. In vitro hemorheological effects of Red Wine and alcohol-free Red Wine extract
  1110. Resveratrol, a component of Red Wine , elicits dilation of isolated porcine retinal arterioles: role of nitric oxide and potassium channels
  1111. Simulated digestion and antioxidant activity of Red Wine fractions separated by high speed countercurrent chromatography
  1112. Moderate consumption of Red Wine (cabernet sauvignon) improves ischemia‐induced neovascularization in ApoE‐deficient mice: effect on endothelial progenitor cells …
  1113. Effect of addition of commercial grape seed tannins on phenolic composition, chromatic characteristics, and antioxidant activity of Red Wine
  1114. Effects of Red Wine polyphenolic compounds on paraoxonase-1 and lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 in hyperhomocysteinemic mice
  1115. Determination of atrazine residues in Red Wine samples. A conductimetric solution
  1116. In vivo PCR-DGGE analysis of Lactobacillus plantarum and Oenococcus oeni populations in Red Wine
  1117. Immunochemical and mass spectrometry detection of residual proteins in gluten fined Red Wine
  1118. Regular moderate intake of Red Wine is linked to a better women’s sexual health
  1119. Rapid determination of trans-resveratrol in Red Wine by solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber derivatization and multidimensional gas chromatography–mass …
  1120. Cardioprotective effects of Red Wine and vodka in a model of endothelial dysfunction
  1121. Endothelium-derived contracting factors mediate the Ang II-induced endothelial dysfunction in the rat aorta: preventive effect of Red Wine polyphenols
  1122. Moderate intake of Red Wine improves ischemia-induced neovascularization in diabetic mice—roles of endothelial progenitor cells and nitric oxide
  1123. Red Wine , chocolate and vascular health: developing the evidence base
  1124. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of a Red Wine Pigment: Catechin-(4,8)-malvidin-3-O-glucoside
  1125. Development of a very sensitive electrochemical magneto immunosensor for the direct determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  1126. Molecular effects elicited in vitro by Red Wine on human healthy peripheral blood mononuclear cells: potential therapeutical application of polyphenols to diet-related …
  1127. The effects of ultra-high pressure treatment on the phenolic composition of Red Wine
  1128. High-efficiency high performance liquid chromatographic analysis of Red Wine anthocyanins
  1129. Red Wine consumption improves in vitro migration of endothelial progenitor cells in young, healthy individuals
  1130. Degree of hydrolysis of some vegetable proteins used as fining agents and its influence on polyphenol removal from Red Wine
  1131. Polyphenols in Red Wine aged in acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) and oak (Quercus petraea) wood barrels
  1132. Anthocyanin composition in Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine vinegar obtained by submerged acetification
  1133. Feasibility study on the use of a head space mass spectrometry electronic nose (MS e_nose) to monitor Red Wine spoilage induced by Brettanomyces yeast
  1134. The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus yeast on colour properties and pigment profiles of a Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine
  1135. Changes in Red Wine soluble polysaccharide composition induced by malolactic fermentation
  1136. Daily Red Wine consumption improves vascular function by a soluble guanylyl cyclase-dependent pathway
  1137. Ochratoxin A removal from Red Wine by several oenological fining agents: bentonite, egg albumin, allergen-free adsorbents, chitin and chitosan
  1138. Effect of early seed removal during fermentation on proanthocyanidin extraction in Red Wine : A commercial production example
  1139. Identification of dimeric anthocyanins and new oligomeric pigments in Red Wine by means of HPLC‐DAD‐ESI/MSn
  1140. Role of gender and estrogen receptors in the rat aorta endothelium-dependent relaxation to Red Wine polyphenols
  1141. Drinking modulates monocyte migration in healthy subjects: a randomised intervention study of water, ethanol, Red Wine and beer with or without alcohol
  1142. Determination by LC of polyphenols in Italian Red Wine
  1143. Red Wine polyphenols cause growth inhibition and apoptosis in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells by inducing a Red ox-sensitive up-regulation of p73 and down …
  1144. Identification and characterization of complex bioactive oligosaccharides in white and Red Wine by a combination of mass spectrometry and gas chromatography
  1145. Chinese yellow Wine and Red Wine inhibit matrix metalloproteinase‐2 and improve atherosclerotic plaque in LDL receptor knockout mice
  1146. Monitoring the process to obtain Red Wine enriched in resveratrol and piceatannol without quality loss
  1147. … of myricetin and quercetin using solid phase microextraction–high performance liquid chromatography–ultra violet/visible system in grapes, vegetables and Red Wine …
  1148. Effects of Red Wine flavonoid components on biomembranes and cell proliferation
  1149. A novel model to study the biological effects of Red Wine at the molecular level
  1150. Determination of trans-resveratrol in Red Wine by adsorptive stripping square-wave voltammetry with medium exchange
  1151. Advanced ultra high pressure liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric methods for the screening of Red Wine anthocyanins and derived pigments
  1152. Rapid measurement of methyl cellulose precipitable tannins using ultraviolet spectroscopy with chemometrics: Application to Red Wine and inter-laboratory calibration …
  1153. Red Wine consumption and prevention of atherosclerosis: an in vitro model using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  1154. Effect of Red Wine on adipocytokine expression and vascular alterations in fructose-fed rats
  1155. Sun protection by Red Wine ?
  1157. Suppression of human monocyte tissue factor induction by Red Wine phenolics and synthetic derivatives of resveratrol
  1158. Pattern-based discrimination of organic acids and Red Wine varietals by arrays of synthetic receptors
  1159. Assessing the color of Red Wine like a taster’s eye
  1160. Cole-Cole measurement of dispersion properties for quality evaluation of Red Wine
  1161. Non-instrumental immunochemical tests for rapid ochratoxin A detection in Red Wine
  1162. Comparative metabolic profiling to investigate the contribution of O. oeni MLF starter cultures to Red Wine composition
  1163. … of dispersive solid-phase extraction and ultra-fast liquid chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry in food additive residue analysis of Red Wine
  1164. Efficacy of palate cleansers for Red uction of astringency carryover during repeated ingestions of Red Wine
  1165. Monitoring acetaldehyde concentrations during micro-oxygenation of Red Wine by headspace solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber derivatization
  1166. Partitioning of potassium during commercial-scale Red Wine fermentations and model Wine extractions
  1167. Pigment composition and color parameters of commercial Spanish Red Wine samples: Linkage to quality perception
  1168. Acute treatment with Red Wine polyphenols protects from ischemia-induced excitotoxicity, energy failure and oxidative stress in rats
  1169. Influence of Dekkera bruxellensis on the contents of anthocyanins, organic acids and volatile phenols of Dão Red Wine
  1170. Controlling asphalt aging by inclusion of byproducts from Red Wine industry
  1171. Treatment of Red Wine vinasses with non-conventional substrates for removing colouRed compounds
  1172. Quantitative colorimetric assay for total protein applied to the Red Wine pinot noir
  1173. Oxidative stability of Red Wine stoRed in packages with different oxygen permeability
  1174. Red Wine : a source of potent ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ
  1175. Consequences of extended maceration for Red Wine colour and phenolics.
  1176. The effect of Red Wine on plasma leptin levels and vasoactive factors from adipose tissue: a randomized crossover trial
  1177. Red Wine increases adipose tissue aromatase expression and regulates body weight and adipocyte size
  1178. Distinct signalling mechanisms are involved in the dissimilar myocardial and coronary effects elicited by quercetin and myricetin, two Red Wine flavonols
  1179. Evolution of Red Wine anthocyanins during malolactic fermentation, postfermentative treatments and ageing with lees
  1180. Selective proapoptotic activity of polyphenols from Red Wine on teratocarcinoma cell, a model of cancer stem-like cell
  1181. Toxicological effects of Red Wine , orange juice, and other dietary SULT1A inhibitors via excess catecholamines
  1182. Alcohol-free Red Wine inhibits isoproterenol-induced cardiac remodeling in rats by the regulation of Akt1 and protein kinase C α/β II
  1183. The effects of new Alibernet Red Wine extract on nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species production in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1184. Lignin-derived oak phenolics: a theoretical examination of additional potential health benefits of Red Wine
  1185. Influence of age on Red Wine colour during fining with bentonite and gelatin
  1186. Elicitation of immune responsiveness against antigenic challenge in age-related diseases: effects of Red Wine polyphenols
  1187. … the Hydroxycinnamate Decarboxylase/Vinylphenol Red uctase Activity of Dekkera/Brettanomyces: Application for Dekkera/Brettanomyces Control in Red Wine …
  1188. Red Wine polyphenols prevent endothelial dysfunction induced by endothelin-1 in rat aorta: role of NADPH oxidase
  1189. Extraction of trans-resveratrol from Red Wine and optimization by response surface methodology
  1190. Pedot modified electrodes in amperometric sensing for analysis of Red Wine samples
  1191. Red Wine protects against ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat liver
  1192. Validation of a method for analysis of aroma compounds in Red Wine using liquid–liquid extraction and GC–MS
  1193. Determination of sudan dyes in Red Wine and fruit juice using ionic liquid‐based liquid–liquid microextraction and high‐performance liquid chromatography
  1194. Relaxation induced by Red Wine polyphenolic compounds in rat pulmonary arteries: lack of inhibition by NO‐synthase inhibitor
  1195. Influence of wood origin in the polyphenolic composition of a Spanish Red Wine aging in bottle, after storage in barrels of Spanish, French and American oak wood
  1196. The flavonoid kaempferol is responsible for the majority of estrogenic activity in Red Wine
  1197. Evaluation of Red Wine made on a small scale utilizing frozen must
  1198. Short-term Red Wine consumption promotes differential effects on plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, sympathetic activity, and endothelial …
  1199. Comparison of acute effects of Red Wine , beer and vodka against hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress and increase in arterial stiffness in healthy humans
  1200. Mesoporous silica SBA-15, a new adsorbent for bioactive polyphenols from Red Wine
  1201. Potential application of dietary polyphenols from Red Wine to attaining healthy ageing
  1202. Hedonic price for the Italian Red Wine : a panel analysis
  1203. Is it merely a myth that alcoholic beverages such as Red Wine can be cardioprotective?
  1204. Red Wine consumption not associated with Red uced risk of colorectal cancer
  1205. Antioxidant activity evolution during Portuguese Red Wine vinification and their relation with the proanthocyanidin and anthocyanin composition
  1206. Red Wine , arterial stiffness and central hemodynamics.
  1207. Direct quantitative evaluation of complex substances using computer screen photo-assisted technology: the case of Red Wine
  1208. Red versus white Wine as a nutritional aromatase inhibitor in premenopausal women: a pilot study
  1209. Model aging and oxidation effects on varietal, fermentative, and sulfur compounds in a dry botrytized Red Wine
  1210. Characteristics of Red Wine fermentation of freeze-concentrated Campbell Early grape juice using various Wine yeasts
  1211. Diffusion of nitric oxide through the gastric wall upon Red uction of nitrite by Red Wine : physiological impact
  1212. Impact of wooden barrel storage on the volatile composition and sensorial profile of Red Wine
  1213. Sensory descriptive analysis of a Red Wine aged with oak chips in stainless steel tanks or used barrels: Effect of the contact time and size of the oak chips
  1214. Development and validation of a UHPLC method for the determination of flavonoids in Red Wine
  1215. Lowering the alcohol content of Red Wine does not alter its cardioprotective properties
  1216. Influence of ethanol, malate and arginine on histamine production of Lactobacillus hilgardii isolated from an Italian Red Wine
  1217. The application of D-optimal design for modelling the Red Wine ageing process
  1218. Red Wine triggers cell death and thioRed oxin Red uctase inhibition: effects beyond resveratrol and SIRT1
  1219. Polyphenols and cholesterol efflux: is coffee the next Red Wine ?
  1220. Limited genetic diversity among clones of Red Wine cultivarCarmenere’as revealed by microsatellite and AFLP markers
  1221. Changes in quality of pork patty containing Red Wine during cold storage
  1222. Red Wine decreases asymmetric dimethylarginine via SIRT1 induction in human endothelial cells
  1223. Statistical study of the influence of fungicide treatments (mancozeb, zoxamide and copper oxychloride) on heavy metal concentrations in Sicilian Red Wine
  1224. PRed iction of Red Wine colour and phenolic parameters from the analysis of its grape extract
  1225. Red Wine polyphenols protect n− 3 more than n− 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid from lipid peroxidation
  1226. Effects of Red Wine and vodka on collateral-dependent perfusion and cardiovascular function in hypercholesterolemic sWine
  1227. trans‐Resveratrol, an extract of Red Wine , inhibits human eosinophil activation and degranulation
  1228. Total mercury, inorganic mercury and methyl mercury determination in Red Wine
  1229. Tribological behaviour of human enamel in Red Wine and apple juice environments
  1230. Uncovering the vasorelaxant effect induced by Vale do Sao Francisco Red Wine : A role for nitric oxide
  1231. Effect of the presence of lysated lees on polysaccharides, color and main phenolic compounds of Red Wine during barrel ageing
  1232. Effect of polyphenol concentrations on astringency perception and its correlation with gelatin index of Red Wine
  1233. Comparison of high-performance liquid chromatography separation of Red Wine anthocyanins on a mixed-mode ion-exchange reversed-phase and on a reversed …
  1234. Beef stock Red uction with Red Wine –Effects of preparation method and Wine characteristics
  1235. Combination of several mass spectrometry ionization modes: A multiblock analysis for a rapid characterization of the Red Wine polyphenolic composition
  1236. Advanced liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry profiling of anthocyanins in relation to set of Red Wine varieties certified in Czech Republic
  1237. Red Wine interferes with oestrogen signalling in rat hippocampus
  1238. Effects of pulsed electric fields on phenols and colour in young Red Wine
  1239. Effect of Red Wine antioxidants and minor polyphenolic constituents on endothelial progenitor cells after physical training in mice
  1240. … -assisted ionic liquid dispersive liquid-phase microextraction followed high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of fungicides in Red Wine
  1241. The influence of skin maceration time on the phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of Red Wine Teran (Vitis vinifera L.)
  1242. Study of Red Wine neuroprotection on astrocytes
  1243. Odor detection thresholds and enantiomeric distributions of several 4-alkyl substituted γ-lactones in Australian Red Wine
  1244. Red Wine ameliorates CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats
  1245. LDL isolated from plasma-loaded Red Wine procyanidins resist lipid oxidation and tocopherol depletion
  1246. Ecology of indigenous lactic acid bacteria along different Wine making processes of Tempranillo Red Wine from La Rioja (Spain)
  1247. Discrimination of Red Wine age using voltammetric electronic tongue based on multifrequency large-amplitude voltammetry and pattern recognition method
  1248. Effect of Red Wine polyphenol dietary supplementation on two phase II enzymes in liver of hyperhomocysteinemic mice
  1249. The longevity factor: how resveratrol and Red Wine activate genes for a longer and healthier life
  1250. The determination of titratable acidity and total tannins in Red Wine
  1251. High dose of Red Wine elicits enhanced inhibition of fibrinolysis
  1252. Decreased endothelin-1 levels after acute consumption of Red Wine and de-alcoholized Red Wine
  1253. Conversion of hydroxycinnamic acids into volatile phenols in a synthetic medium and in Red Wine by Dekkera bruxellensis
  1254. Impact of chronic treatment with Red Wine polyphenols (RWP) on cerebral arterioles in the spontaneous hypertensive rat
  1255. Lanthanides determination in Red Wine using ultrasound assisted extraction, flow injection, aerosol desolvation and ICP-MS
  1256. Palatability traits of muffin prepaRed with Red Wine
  1257. Antiradical properties of Red Wine portisins
  1258. Does white Wine qualify for French paradox? Comparison of the cardioprotective effects of Red and white Wine s and their constituents: resveratrol, tyrosol, and …
  1259. Evaluation of fining efficiency of corn zeins in Red Wine : a preliminary study.
  1260. Fate of ochratoxin A content in Argentinean Red Wine during a pilot scale vinification
  1261. The effect of the Red Wine polyphenol resveratrol on a rat model of biliary obstructed cholestasis: involvement of anti-apoptotic signalling, mitochondrial biogenesis and …
  1262. Development of CE–dual opposite carbon‐fiber micro‐disk electrode detection for peak purity assessment of polyphenols in Red Wine
  1263. Effect of Red Wine on urinary protein, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, and liver-type fatty acid–binding protein excretion in patients with diabetic nephropathy
  1264. Application of an NiTi alloy coated with ZrO2 solid-phase microextraction fiber for determination of haloanisoles in Red Wine samples
  1265. Lipoxygenase inhibition by Red Wine phenolics compounds
  1266. Diversity in Spoilage Yeast Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis Isolated from French Red Wine . Assessment During Fermentation of Synthetic Wine Medium
  1267. Resveratrol, a phytoestrogen found in Red Wine , down-regulates protein S expression in HepG2 cells
  1268. Red Wine polyphenols prevent cyclosporine-induced nephrotoxicity at the level of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway.
  1269. Multivariate Bayesian discrimination for varietal authentication of Chilean Red Wine
  1270. Morbidity of Harmonia axyridis mediates ladybug taint in Red Wine
  1271. Acute effects of low doses of Red Wine on cardiac conduction and repolarization in young healthy subjects
  1272. Protective effect of resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent polyphenol, on rats subjected to portal vein thrombosis
  1273. Red Wine polyphenolic compounds inhibit tracheal smooth muscle contraction during allergen‐induced hyperreactivity of the airways
  1274. Simultaneous determination of 20 components in Red Wine by LC‐MS: Application to variations of Red Wine components in decanting
  1275. Red Wine , but not Port Wine , protects rat hippocampal dentate gyrus against ethanol-induced neuronal damage—relevance of the sugar content
  1276. Effects of Red Wine on the electrical activity and functional coupling between prefrontal–parietal cortices in young men
  1277. Red Wine polyphenols improve endothelium-dependent dilation in rat cerebral arterioles
  1278. Sensitized synchronous fluorimetric determination of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid in Red Wine based on their immobilization on nylon membranes
  1279. Vineyard and fermentation studies to elucidate the origin of 1, 8-cineole in Australian Red Wine
  1280. Influence of variety and commercial yeast preparation on Red Wine made from autochthonous Hungarian and Canadian grapes. Part I: phenolic composition
  1281. Repeated Red Wine consumption and changes on plasma antioxidant capacity and endogenous antioxidants (uric acid and protein thiol groups)
  1282. Determination of resveratrol in Red Wine by solid phase extraction-flow injection chemiluminescence method
  1283. Red or white Wine assumption and serum antioxidant capacity
  1284. Dry Red Wine making using yeast immobilized on cork pieces
  1285. Consumer rejection threshold for 1, 8-cineole (eucalyptol) in Australian Red Wine
  1286. The French paradox: Determining the superoxide‐scavenging capacity of Red Wine and other beverages
  1287. Sensory Evaluation of Suspected Harmonia axyridis-tainted Red Wine Using Untrained Panelists
  1288. The relationship between body mass index and the variation in plasma levels of triglycerides after short-term Red Wine consumption
  1289. Red Wine may be used in the therapy of myocarditis
  1290. A glass of Red Wine to improve mitochondrial biogenesis? Novel mechanisms of resveratrol
  1291. Effect of Red Wine associated with physical exercise in the cardiovascular system of spontaneously hipertensive rats
  1292. Dealcoholized Red Wine reverse vascular remodeling in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome: role of NAD (P) H oxidase and eNOS activity
  1293. Antioxidative activity of Red Wine with the increased share of phenolic compounds from solid parts of grape
  1294. Effect of Cladosporium rot on the composition and aromatic compounds of Red Wine
  1295. … Studies of Ochratoxin A Mycotoxin at Gold Electrodes Modified with Cysteamine Self‐Assembled Monolayers. Its Ultrasensitive Quantification in Red Wine Samples
  1296. Correlation between yield, must attributes and nutritional status of the greek Red Wine grape variety ‘Agiorgitiko’
  1297. Molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction in a syringe needle packed with polypyrrole-encapsulated carbon nanotubes for determination of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  1298. The glass that cheers: Phenolic and polyphenolic constituents and the beneficial effects of moderate Red Wine consumption
  1299. Bolus ingestion but not regular consumption of native or dealcoholized Red Wine modulates selected immunological functions of leukocytes in healthy volunteers
  1300. Monitoring the effect of micro-oxygenation before malolactic fermentation on South African Pinotage Red Wine with different colour and phenolic analyses
  1301. Protection and reversal of hepatic fibrosis by Red Wine polyphenols in hyperhomocysteinemic mice
  1302. Fingerprinting of Red Wine by headspace solid-phase dynamic extraction of volatile constituents
  1303. Effects of a daily intake of one glass of Red Wine on biomarkers of antioxidant status, oxidative stress and inflammation in healthy adults
  1304. … Lactate Amperometric Enzyme Electrode Based on L‐Lactate Oxidase Immobilized in a Laponite Gel on a Glassy Carbon Electrode. Application to Dairy Products and Red Wine
  1305. Effect of pectinase in grape (Red glove) production and quality of Red Wine
  1306. Comparison of two clean up techniques in isolation of ochratoxin A from Red Wine
  1307. Chemical markers in the aroma profiles of South Moravian Red Wine distillates
  1308. The Red Wine polyphenol resveratrol Red uces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-induced DNA damage in MCF-10A cells
  1309. Effects of chronic Red Wine consumption on the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin 1, angiopoietin 2, and its receptors in rat erectile tissue
  1310. HPLC Determination of Free Amino Acids Profile of Dão Red Wine : Effect of Dekkera bruxellensis Contamination
  1311. Authentication of Red Wine Vintage Using Bomb-Pulse 14C
  1312. Red Wine metabolites modulate NF-κB, activator protein-1 and cAMP response element-binding proteins in human endothelial cells
  1313. Antibacterial activity of Red and white Wine against oral streptococci
  1314. Investigation of the chemical and sensory properties of Red Wine pigments.
  1315. Effects of grape variety, harvest date, fermentation vessel and Wine ageing on flavonoid concentration in Red Wine s
  1316. Effects of resveratrol, an important component of Red Wine , on intestinal cancer development
  1317. Changes in quality of pork meat seasoned with Red Wine during storage
  1318. Cardioprotective effects of a non-alcoholic extract of Red Wine during ischaemia and reperfusion in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
  1319. Combination of near infraRed spectroscopy and electronic nose for alcohol quantification during the Red Wine fermentation
  1320. A new class of anthocyanin‐procyanidin condensation products detected in Red Wine by electrospray ionization multi‐stage mass spectrometry analysis
  1321. Effect of the aging on lees and other alternative techniques on the low molecular weight phenols of Tempranillo Red Wine aged in oak barrels
  1322. LC−MS Determination and Pharmacokinetics of p-Coumaric Acid in Rat Plasma after Oral Administration of p-Coumaric Acid and Freeze-Dried Red Wine
  1323. Red Wine authenticity: Impact of technology on anthocyanin composition
  1324. Loi Evin–an advertising ban in the Homeland of Red Wine
  1325. Effect of natural ingRed ients and Red Wine for manufacturing meat products on radiation sensitivity of pathogens inoculated into ground beef
  1326. Protective effects of Red Wine flavonols on 4‐hydroxynonenal‐induced apoptosis in PC12 cells
  1327. Differences in vasodilatory response to Red Wine in rat and guinea pig aorta
  1328. Probing the antioxidant activity of polyphenols by CIDNP: from model compounds to green tea and Red Wine
  1329. Anthocyanins in’Cabernet Gernischet'(Vitis vinifera L. cv.) Aged Red Wine and Their Color in Aqueous Solution Analyzed by Partial Least Square Regression
  1330. Anti-Atherogenic Effects of a Phenol-Rich Fraction from Brazilian Red Wine (Vitis labrusca L.) in Hypercholesterolemic Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Knockout …
  1331. Consuming a small-moderate dose of Red Wine alone can alter the glucose–insulin relationship
  1332. Resveratrol, a Red Wine constituent, blocks the antimitogenic effects of estradiol on human female coronary artery smooth muscle cells
  1333. Investigation of the impact of commercial malolactic fermentation starter cultures on Red Wine aroma compounds, sensory properties and consumer preference
  1334. Matrix‐less laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry of polyphenols in Red Wine
  1335. PRECLINICAL STUDY: Modulation of rat cerebellum oxidative status by prolonged Red Wine consumption
  1336. Feasibility of using a miniature fiber optic uv‐vis‐nir spectrometer to assess total polyphenol index, color intensity and volumic mass in Red Wine fermentations
  1337. Red Wine polyphenols prevent acceleration of neovascularization by angiotensin II in the ischemic rat hindlimb
  1338. Volatile compounds and odor preferences of ground beef added with garlic and Red Wine , and irradiated with charcoal pack
  1339. Effects of roasted Korean oak chip addition on the aging of Red Wine
  1340. What is saignée and how will it affect my Red Wine ?
  1341. Moderate Red Wine drinking does not help cut women’s breast cancer risk
  1342. The Chemistry of Red Wine Color
  1343. Quality characteristics and free amino acid content of seasoning pork meat aged by Red Wine
  1344. Antioxidant activity of Red Wine phenolic extracts towards oxidation of corn oil
  1345. Content of bioactive compounds in semi-dry Red Wine
  1346. Cardiovascular researcher fabricated data in studies of Red Wine
  1347. Phenolic compound profiles in selected Queensland Red Wine s at all stages of the Wine -making process
  1348. Multifunction spectrometer for optical inspection of Red Wine
  1349. Analysis of nine food additives in Red Wine by ion-suppression reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using trifluoroacetic acid and ammonium …
  1350. WITHDRAWN: Significant amounts of melatonin in Red Wine : Its consumption increases blood melatonin levels in humans
  1351. The short-term influence of a Mediterranean-type diet and mild exercise with and without Red Wine on patients with the metabolic syndrome
  1352. Relationship between Wine scores and visible–near-infraRed spectra of Australian Red Wine s
  1353. Phenolics in Red Wine pomace and their potential application in animal and human health
  1354. Application of thin-layer chromatography to rank the efficacies of five antioxidants in Red Wine
  1355. Estimation of alcohol concentration of Red Wine based on Cole-Cole plot
  1356. Non-Destructive VIS/NIR Reflectance Spectrometry for Red Wine Grape Analysis
  1357. Preparation and evaluation of Red Wine from Punjab purple (Syn. H. 516) variety of grapes
  1358. Effects of fining on phenolic compounds and colour of Red Wine obtained with addition of increased amounts of grape solid phase in pomace
  1359. … dots and carbon nanotubes with polypyrrole in a syringe needle for automated molecularly imprinted solid phase pre-concentration of ochratoxin A in Red Wine …
  1360. Effects of alkalinity and hardness of washing solutions on the color and removal of Red –Wine soil
  1361. Comparative potency of green tea and Red Wine polyphenols in attenuating staphylococcal superantigen-induced immune responses
  1362. Tannin quantification in Red grapes and Wine : Comparison of polysaccharide-and protein-based tannin precipitation techniques and their ability to model Wine …
  1363. Gel-based immunotest for simultaneous detection of 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenol and ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  1364. Organic production of Red Wine grapes under plastic cover in subtropical region of Brazil
  1365. Is Red Wine a Good Medicine?
  1366. Does Red Wine Red uce cardiovascular risks?
  1367. Antihypertensive angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity and antioxidant activity of Vitis hybrid-Vitis coignetiae Red Wine made with Saccharomyces …
  1368. Properties of Red Wine fermented using freeze-concentrated Muscat Bailey A grape juice
  1369. Antioxidant phenolic substances of Turkish Red Wine s from different Wine regions
  1370. Influence of different commercial fining agents on proanthocyanidin fraction and antioxidant activity of a Red Wine from Baga grapes
  1371. Effects of Vitis coignetiae on the quality and antihypertension of Vitis hybrid Red Wine
  1372. Vine water status is a key factor in grape ripening and vintage quality for Red Bordeaux Wine . How can it be assessed for vineyard management purposes?
  1373. Arterial pharmacokinetics of Red Wine polyphenols: Implications for novel endovascular therapies targeting restenosis
  1374. Marinating beef with South African Red Wine may protect against lipid peroxidation during cooking
  1375. Questions hang over Red –Wine chemical
  1376. Effect of addition of Red Wine on the physicochemical properties and sensory score of cooked pork patty
  1377. Changes in the quality of pork patties during frozen storage on the addition of Red Wine
  1378. The Mediterranean diet, part II: Red Wine and cardiovascular disease–More facts, less fancy
  1379. Sex-dependent alterations in erythrocyte trace element levels and antioxidant status after a month of moderate daily Red Wine consumption
  1380. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of Red and white Wine extracts
  1381. Absorption and metabolism of Red Wine polyphenols and their potential health benefits in cardiovascular function
  1382. The odor of colors: Can Wine experts and novices distinguish the odors of white, Red , and rosé Wine s?
  1383. Raising a glass of Red Wine against cancer, or not?
  1384. Measurement of Cole-Cole Plot for Quality Evaluation of Red Wine
  1385. Free radical scavenging and cytotoxic activity of five commercial standardized extracts (Red Wine , green tea, pine bark, polygonum and pomegranate)
  1386. Effect of protein-tannin ratio and tannin concentration on the bovine serum albumin (BSA)-based precipitation method for Red Wine tannin concentration
  1387. Influence of variety and commercial yeast preparation on Red Wine made from autochthonous Hungarian and Canadian grapes. Part II. Oral sensations and sensory …
  1388. Effect of moderate Red Wine consumption on the development and progression of metabolic syndrome as a complex risk factor for cardiovascular disease and …
  1389. Changes in the quality of beef jerky containing additional Red Wine
  1390. Photo-catalysis of Red Wine stains using titanium dioxide sol-gel coatings on wool fabrics
  1391. A glass of Red Wine to keep vascular disease at bay, but what about pemphigus vulgaris?
  1392. Understanding extended berry maturation: Implications of fruit sugar content on aroma precursors and green aromas in Red Wine grapes
  1393. Red Wine but not ethanol at low doses can protect against the toxicity of methamphetamine
  1394. Red Wine Consumption is Inversely Associated with 2-Amino-1-Methyl-6-Phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] Pyridine–DNA Adduct Levels in Prostate
  1395. Characterization of Uva Longanesi Red Wine by selected parameters related to astringency
  1396. Application of least squares support vector machines for discrimination of Red Wine using visible and near infraRed spectroscopy
  1397. Inhibitory mechanism of polyphenol compounds isolated from Red Wine on catecholamine release in the perfused rat adrenal medulla
  1398. Rapid, simple, and economical method for quantification of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  1399. Understanding Chinese consumers’ Red Wine preferences
  1400. Red Wine , sex, and a genius
  1401. Differentiation strategies of quality Red Wine in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
  1402. Effects of polyphenolic composition on sensory perception of Croatian Red Wine Babić
  1403. Contribution of non-volatile and aroma fractions to in-mouth sensory properties of Red Wine s: Wine reconstitution strategies and sensory sorting task
  1404. HPLC analysis of trans-resveratrol in human plasma after Red Wine consumption
  1405. A Red Wine polyphenolic extract Red uces the activation phenotype of cultuRed human liver myofibroblasts
  1406. PRed iction of Wine color attributes from the phenolic profiles of Red grapes (Vitis vinifera)
  1407. A numerical evaluation of the classification of Portuguese Red Wine
  1408. The oxidation of Red and white Wine s and its impact on Wine aroma
  1409. In vitro hemorheological effects of Red Wine , alcohol free Red Wine extract and alcohol
  1410. Experiences with the cultivation characteristics of new fungus-resistant varieties for Red Wine production.
  1411. Qualitative and quantitative determination of phenolic antioxidant compounds in Red Wine and fruit juice with the Agilent 1290 Infinity 2D-LC Solution
  1412. Effects of the maceration enzymes on evolution of pyranoanthocyanins and cinnamic acids during the cabernet gernischet (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) Red Wine making
  1413. Development and Validation of an Analytical Method for the Determination of trans- and cis-Resveratrol in Wine : Analysis of Its Contents in 186 Portuguese Red …
  1414. Is Coffee the Next Red Wine ? Coffee Polyphenol and Cholesterol Efflux
  1415. Development of water melon (Citrullus vulgaris L.) Red Wine
  1416. On the electroporation of mash for the production of Red Wine
  1417. Impact of malolactic fermentation on Red Wine color and color stability
  1418. EPR study of free radicals in non-and gamma-irradiated nutritive supplements containing anthocyanins concentrate from lyophilized Red Wine
  1419. Effect of cold maceration treatment on anthocyanins in Red Wine production of Öküzgözü grapes.
  1420. Compression‐molded biocomposite boards from Red and white Wine grape pomaces
  1421. Composition of flavonoid phenolic polymers isolated from Red Wine during maceration and significance of flavan-3-ols in foods pertaining to biological activity
  1422. Effect of incorporation of mahua extract, fining agent and ageing on the quality characteristics of Red Wine
  1423. Ethanol and Red Wine polyphenols induce the short‐term downregulation of PAI‐1 gene expression in vivo in rat aortic endothelium
  1424. Sensory and physicochemical characterization of Cerasuolo di Vittoria Red Wine
  1425. The influence of a Mediterranean diet with and without Red Wine on the haemostatic and inflammatory parameters of subjects with the metabolic syndrome
  1426. Effect of pulsed electric fields on proanthocyanidins in young Red Wine
  1427. The influence of Red Wine on lipid of golden hamsters plasma
  1428. Cold pasteurisation of Red Wine s with high hydrostatic pressure to control Dekkera/Brettanomyces: Effect on both aromatic and chromatic quality of Wine
  1429. Effects of bentonite clarificants on organic acids contents in Red Wine during clarification
  1430. The influence of pH and late microoxygenation on sourness, bitterness and astringency of Red Wine
  1431. Heating of Red Wine and grape juice in food preparations does not affect their antioxidant capacity and total phenol content
  1432. Influence of chips, lees and micro-oxygenation during aging on the phenolic composition of a Red Sangiovese Wine
  1433. Microorganisms with capacity for phosphate solubilization in Dão Red Wine (Portugal)
  1434. Respiratory and vascular effects of some fractions isolated from Red Wine
  1435. Consideration of the influence of aging process, type of Wine and oenological classic parameters on the levels of wood volatile compounds present in Red Wine s
  1436. Determination of pesticides in Red Wine by QuECheRS extraction, rapid mini-cartridge cleanup, and LC-MS-MS detection
  1437. True or False: Drinking a Glass of Red Wine a Day Can Increase Longevity
  1438. Sensory profile and contribution of major components of aroma in dry Red Wine quality
  1439. The Analysis of resveratrol in Red Wine by on-fibre derivatisation/SPME
  1440. Red Wine polyphenol resveratrol regulates Heme Oxygenase‐1 conversely for the disruption of Caveolin‐1/eNOS platform and improve left ventricular function in …
  1441. Effect of pulsed electric field processing of Red grapes on Wine chromatic and phenolic characteristics during aging in oak barrels
  1442. Moderate Red Wine consumption influences the development and progression of metabolic syndrome as a complex risk factor for cardiovascular disease and …
  1443. Direct analysis of Red Wine using ultra-fast chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry
  1444. Trapezitsa-new Red Wine grapevine variety
  1445. Exploring the Health Benefits of Wine -A substantial body of research suggests that moderate consumption of Red Wine may protect against cardiovascular …
  1446. Analysis of sweeteners and synthetic pigments used in commercial available Red Wine of Henan province.
  1447. Ranking the efficacies of selected Red Wine phenolic anti-oxidants using reversed-phase HPLC
  1448. Oak aging of Red Wine
  1449. Red dry Wine modulates plasma cholesterol levels and cardiac enzymes in humans
  1450. Is abstinence from Red Wine hazardous to your health?
  1451. Red , white, and ‘green’: the cost of greenhouse gas emissions in the global Wine trade
  1452. Early source limitation as a tool for yield control and Wine quality improvement in a high-yielding Red Vitis vinifera L. cultivar
  1453. Effect of the influent COD concentration on the anaerobic digestion of Wine ry wastewaters from grape-Red and tropical fruit (guava) Wine production in fluidized bed …
  1454. Effects of marination on the aroma of pan-fried wild boar meat. Part 1-Red Wine marinade.
  1455. Quality improvement of a white and a Red Wine with less sulphur dioxide by the addition of a mixture of glutathione, caffeic acid and gallic acid
  1456. Design of temperature monitoring system for Red Wine fermentation based on ZigBee
  1457. Rooting out the active cardioprotective components in Red Wine
  1458. … chromatographic efficiency in varietal authenticity verification of Red Wine s based on their anthocyanin profiles: Interference of pyranoanthocyanins formed during Wine …
  1459. Sensory properties of premium Spanish Red Wine s and their implication in Wine quality perception
  1460. Studies on the changes in the extraction of phenolics and color characteristics by the enzyme treatment of Red grape (Muscat Bailey A) Wine during fermentation
  1461. Visual, Spectrophotometric, and Colorimetric Measurement of Red Wine and Wine Blends
  1462. The Impact of Red Wine on Blood Pressure Dizziness Continues
  1463. Influence of irrigation on vine plant behaviour and on Wine quality in Red Wine rootstocks cultivated in central Wallis, Switzerland
  1464. Heterogeneity in genetic and phenotypic characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from Red and white Wine fermentations
  1465. Phenolic compositions of 50 and 30 year sequences of Australian Red Wine s: The impact of Wine age
  1466. Quality characteristics of sauteing chili sauce shrimp with Red Wine
  1467. Immunosensors for Atrazine Detection in Red Wine Samples.
  1468. Determination of lead in Red Wine for CCQM-K30 international comparison by using ID-ICPMS
  1469. Genetic characterization of some Romanian Red Wine grapevine varieties
  1470. Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in Red Wine , protects against rotenone-induced apoptosis through autophagy induction
  1471. Oak wood ellagitannins influence on the organoleptic perception of Red Wine
  1472. Olfactory specificity of Red -and black-berry fruit aromas in Red Wine s and contribution to the Red Bordeaux Wine concept
  1473. Properties of Functionalities and Storage of Red Wine Containing High Level of trans-Resveratrol
  1474. Scientists find clues to aging in a Red Wine ingRed ient’s role in activating a protein
  1475. Modulating effects of Red Wine and beer on heterocyclic aromatic amines carcinogenesis
  1476. Red uction of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines formation in pan-friedmeat by Red Wine and pilson beer
  1477. Importance of Anthocyanic Copigmentation on the Color Expression of Red Wine in Warm Climate
  1478. Study on recognition of the true or false Red Wine based on visible-near infraRed spectroscopy
  1479. Detection of the main quality indicators in Red Wine with infraRed spectroscopy based on FastICA and Neural network
  1480. Monitoring Red Wine fermentation in Australia: a novel application of visible and near infraRed spectroscopy
  1481. The Little Red Book of Wine Law: A Case of Legal Issues
  1482. Red Wine composition and sensory analysis with different inoculation times for malolactic fermentation
  1483. Assessing the Wine anthocyanin profile for Red grape varieties identification
  1484. Red Wine Consumption and Associated Health Benefits, the Resveratrol Story
  1485. Aging Effect of Red Wine on the Quality Properties and Sensory Score of Cooked Seasoned Pork
  1486. Expensive and colour intensive—are these the factors of success? A hedonic liking model using the example of Red Wine
  1487. Physiological Functionalities of Vitis hybrid (Sheridan)-Rubus coreanus Red Wine Made by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1488. Protection by Red Wine polyphenols against metabolic and cardiovascular alterations associated with obesity: A possible link with estrogen alpha receptor
  1489. The potential of spectral reflectance technique for the detection of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in two Red -berried Wine grape cultivars
  1490. Red Wine may decrease endogenous estrogen levels in premenopausal women, but does this protect against breast cancer?
  1491. The Antimicrobial Effect of Red Wine on Bacillus Cereus in Simulated Gastrointestinal Conditions
  1492. Research concerning the evolution of grape maturation and polyphenols content in two Red Wine grape cultivars in the conditions of Timisoara (Romania)
  1493. Effect of Red Wine and grape juice against foodborne pathogens and probiotics
  1494. Dual opposite carbon-fiber micro-disk electrodes for detection and purity assessment of CE peaks from polyphenols in Red Wine
  1495. Last of the Red Wine (Performance)
  1496. Resveratrol, a Red Wine polyphenol, suppresses pancreatic cancer by inhibiting leukotriene A4 hydrolase
  1497. Postprandial endothelial function: The effect of various types of fat and of Red Wine intake on flow-mediated dilation in healthy volunteers
  1498. The secrets of Red Wine –determination of polyphenols by comprehensive 2D LC with PDA and MS-MS (IT-TOF) detection
  1499. Red Wine : can you have too much of a good thing?
  1500. Centrifugal partition chromatography followed by HPLC for the isolation of cis-ε-viniferin, a resveratrol dimer newly extracted from a Red Algerian Wine
  1501. Protective Effect of Red Wine Extract Supplement against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats: Effects on Mitochondrial Antioxidant and Structural …
  1503. Analysis of Wine volatile profile by purge-and-trap–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry: Application to the analysis of Red and white Wine s from different Spanish …
  1504. Treatment of wastewater from Red and tropical fruit Wine production by zeolite anaerobic fluidized bed reactor
  1505. Comparison of Red Wine preparation methods.
  1506. Red Wine and vascular endothelium
  1509. Correlations between South African Red grape and Wine colour and phenolic composition: Comparing the Glories, Iland and bovine serum albumin tannin precipitation …
  1510. … brand” Wine of Stefanesti” by extending in culture a new clones: Feteasca alba 97 ST. and Feteasca regala 72 ST. for white Wine , and for Red Wine Feteasca neagra 6 …
  1511. Red Wine , flavonoids and imune system
  1512. Review of the optimum conditions for ageing Red Wine
  1513. Are Wine categories convex? A preliminary study on white and Red Wine categories.
  1514. Survey on indigenous Oenococcus oeni strains isolated from Red Wine s of Valtellina, a cold climate Wine -growing Italian area
  1515. Odor detection thresholds and enantiomeric distributions of several 4-alkyl substituted gamma-lactones in Australian Red Wine .
  1516. Red , white and’green’: the cost of carbon in the global Wine trade
  1518. Red Wine and the antioxidant status of saliva
  1519. Viticultural performance of Red and white Wine grape cultivars in southwestern Idaho
  1520. Statistical modelling of fine Red Wine production
  1521. Yellow Wine and Red Wine : the Primary Prevention in Coronary Artery Disease
  1522. Components of the Red Wine in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  1523. Stay young on Red Wine drugs? Think again
  1524. Red Wine mimic can fight diabetes
  1525. Determination of Fe, Mn and Pb by GFAAS in Red Wine
  1527. Changes in physicochemical and sensory characteristics of rice Wine , Yakju prepaRed with different amount of Red yeast rice
  1528. Comparative study of the effect of Wine aging on lees, mycooxigenation and the addition of commercially prepaRed manoprotein on Red Wine
  1529. The influence of Red Wine on lipid of golden hamsters plasma
  1530. Concentrating the benefits of Red Wine ?
  1531. The determinations of total acids in Red Wine
  1533. Determination of Trace Inorganic Elements in Red Wine
  1534. Determination of Fe, Mn and Pb by GFAAS in Red Wine
  1535. Effect of Red Wine extract supplementation on antioxidant and fibrinolitic properties in people
  1536. Red Wine Polyphenols and Vascular Function
  1537. French Red Wine Sales in Southern China: Case: Frere International Trade Limited Company
  1538. Resveratrol levels in Missouri Red Wine
  1539. Views grapevine: Red Wine colour
  1540. Dispersion Properties of Red Wine Based on Cole-Cole Plot
  1541. Element and Red ox homeostasis in rats after Red Wine consumption
  1542. Wine strain improvement strategies to enhance Red Wine safety based on parietal adsorption activity
  1543. Abstract# 24: Inhibitory mechanisms of breast cancer cell and tumor growth by Red Wine polyphenols
  1544. Red Wine Polyphenols’ Effects on Gut Microbiota Ecology
  1545. Characterization of Kratošija Red Wine depending on grapes yield per hectare
  1546. On the dynamics of the Red ox potential during” in Red ” Wine making.
  1547. Red Wine acts through a familiar drug target
  1548. Selection of protoklones of vine varies for Red Wine making
  1549. Deoxygenation of Red Wine by treatment with nitrogen
  1550. Effects of Red Wine consumption on the metabolic syndrome-cross-sectional analysis of data from PRed IMED
  1551. Analysis of the influence of the type of closure in the organoleptic characteristics of a Red Wine by using an electronic panel
  1552. Preparation and evaluation of Red Wine from Punjab purple variety of grapes
  1553. Red Wine Tied to Lower Colorectal Cancer Risk
  1554. Influence of oxygen addition on the phenolic composition of Red Wine
  1555. Immunosensors for atrazine detection in Red Wine samples
  1556. Influence of some fractions isolated from Red Wine on oxygen cellular consumption
  1557. Regular moderate intake of Red Wine is linked to a better women’s sexual health
  1558. Influence of the oak wood on the phenolic composition of Red Wine
  1559. Effect of uric acid on plasma antioxidant capacity after Red Wine consumption in human
  1560. The influence of alcohol content on the consumer acceptance of Red Wine and threshold values of selected Wine odorants
  1561. Impact of malolactic fermentation on Red Wine color
  1562. Factors Affecting Culturability, Viability, and Filterability of Dekkera Bruxellensis in Red Wine
  1563. To drink or not to drink-Are there cardiovascular benefits to Red Wine consumption?
  1564. Microorganisms with capacity for phosphate solubilization in Da o Red Wine (Portugal)
  1565. Yellow Wine and Red Wine inhibit matrix metalloproteinase-2 and improve pathological changes of atherosclerosis in LDL receptor knockout mice
  1566. Chips, lees, and micro-oxygenation: influence on some flavors and sensory profile of a bottled Red Sangiovese Wine
  1567. Effect of Red Wine Intake on the Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidantion of Rat Liver.
  1568. Antioxidant capacity of plasma after Red Wine intake in Human
  1570. Ultrasonic preliminary measurements of oenological malolactic fermentation parameters in Red Wine
  1571. Analysis of the Bordeaux Red Wine industry using the hedonic pricing model
  1572. Identification of a Red Wine Marker in Residues from a 13th Century Cellar: Highlights of Analytical Chemistry in Switzerland
  1573. Drinking guidance for Red Wine : to be taken with meals: Red Wine prevents the postprandial increase of plasma oxidized lipids
  1574. An identity authentication anti-counterfeiting technology for Red Wine industry
  1575. Brewing test of Red Wine -grape vines, 3
  1576. An assessment of the anti-oxidant and pro-oxidant profiles of Red Wine and selected phenolic components
  1577. Wine strain improvement strategies to enhance Red Wine safety based on parietal adsorption activity. Selection of Spanish, Portuguese and Sicilian Wine yeasts.
  1578. Resveratrol, Red Wine , and blood pressure
  1579. The change in the levels of cytokines and growth factors in healthy young adults after regular Red Wine consumption
  1580. Red Wine Polyphenols Prevent Metabolic and Cardiovascular Alterations
  1581. Gender-dependent alteration of metal element homeostasis after one-month of Red Wine consumption
  1584. Prevention of breast cancer progression by Red Wine polyphenols
  1585. He titi me te waihoka pohutukawa/Mutton birds and Red Wine
  1586. Conceptualizing and Improving Red Wine Grape Cultivars Grown in Kentucky
  1587. Vinification of Pinot Noir Red Wine in industrial conditions
  1588. Testing fungus resistant varieties of Red Wine .
  1589. Delineation of the Cardioprotective Agents found in Red Wine
  1590. Are preferences for Red Wine in special occasion heterogeneous?: forced versus non forced approach
  1591. Prolonged Red Wine consumption changes hepatic Red ox status and inflammation
  1592. (Poly) phenolic Constituents and the Beneficial Effects of Moderate Red Wine Consumption
  1593. Analysis of aroma components in the grape and dry Red Wine of 8804 by GC/MS
  1594. Different Behaviour of Plasma Antioxidant Status after Red Wine Consumption in Subjects of the Same Sex: A Preliminary Report
  1595. Long live the Red Wine extract, Resveratrol
  1596. Resveratrol: Chemoprevention with Red Wine
  1597. The effect of height trunk on features of varieties for Red Wine in Zaječar vineyards [Serbia]
  1598. Detection of six kinds of acid in Red Wine with infraRed spectroscopy based on FastICA and neural network
  1599. The role of melatonin in Red Wine -induced cardioprotection
  1600. Research on optimization technology for the preparation of good quality Red Wine from Novac grape.
  1601. Anti-proliferative effects of non-anthocyanic Red Wine phenolics on Caco-2 cells
  1602. Effect of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Red Wine and main phenols on mouse skeletal muscle cells
  1603. The Red Wine of Denomination of Origin in Castilla-La Mancha [Spain]: a hedonic price analysis
  1604. Estrogen Receptor Alpha as a Key Target of Red Wine Polyphenols Action on the
  1605. TCA and Precursors in Red Wine Using In-Matrix Derivatisation Followed by SPME on the SLB™-5ms
  1606. Effect of high resveratrol content Red Wine versus ethanol on homeostasis in rats
  1607. Effect of a Red Wine compound on LPS-induced inflammatory processes in vivo and in vitro
  1608. Yeast strain and its chemical and sensory impact on Red Wine phenolics
  1611. T01-P-05 Chianti Red Wine and female sexuality
  1612. Role of the mitochondria on the paradoxical effect of Red Wine polyphenols on angiogenesis
  1613. Astringency of Red Wine , Influence of Viticulture and Vinification
  1614. Implementation of the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) in the line of making sweet Red Wine .
  1615. Aspects regarding the variation of chromatic characteristics during malolactic fermentation in Red Wine .
  1616. Red Wine polyphenolics have anti‐cancer effects in colon‐cancer and target oncogenic microRNAs as potential underlying mechanisms
  1617. In silico identification of Red Wine catechin binding sites on human and rat serotransferrins
  1618. How good antioxidant is the Red Wine ? Comparison of some in vitro and in vivo methods to assess the antioxidant capacity of Argentinean Red Wine s
  1619. C008 Endothelial NO synthase activation by a Red Wine Phenolic extract: isolation of active components by bioguided fractionation
  1620. Growth behavior and volatile compound production by Brettanomyces bruxellensis in Red Wine
  1621. Electronic panel test used to monitor the ageing of a Red Wine carried out in oak barrels and by alternative methods
  1623. Monitoring of evolution during Red Wine aging in oak barrels and alternative method by means of an electronic panel test
  1624. Natural occurrence of fumonisin B2 in Red Wine from Italy Part A Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment
  1625. Effects of moderate Red Wine consumption on biomarkers of vascular disease and cancer in male human subjects
  1626. New Technology-Studies on Resveratrol, an Active IngRed ient in Red Wine
  1627. Red Wine but not ethanol at low doses can protect against the neurotoxicity of methamphetamine
  1628. Researches concerning the report of foliar surface-quantity-quality of some Red Wine vine varieties cultivated in different ecosystems
  1629. Proton Induced X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Red Wine Samples Using the Union College Pelletron Accelerator
  1630. PRed iction of soluble solids content and ph in Red Wine by visible and near infraRed spectroscopy
  1631. Austrian Red Wine Samples Reveal Enhanced Activity of the Enzyme Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase
  1632. Metabolic Engineering of the Red Wine Compound Resveratrol.
  1633. Direct Analysis of Red Wine Using Ultra-Fast Chromatography and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  1634. Red Wine color-relating color to composition in young Wine s and pRed icting the color of aged Wine s
  1635. Effects of Red Wine drinking on total polyphenol content and antiradical activity of oral fluids
  1636. Antioxidative effect of green tee and Red Wine polyphenol extracts on RINm5F cells after oxidative stress induction
  1637. Influence of Polyphenol Compounds Isolated from Red Wine on Catecholamine Release
  1638. Effects of Resveratrol found in Red Wine on Nucleus Pulposus.
  1639. Effect of a polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor on the quality of grape and Red Wine
  1640. Red Wine polyphenols attenuates inflammation on CCD‐18Co colon cells and target microRNA‐126
  1642. Examination of non-destructive measurements of Red Wine grapes using visible/NIR spectroscopy
  1643. Red Wine consumption and low-or high-dose resveratrol treatment improve aging biomarkers but do not extend life span in rats
  1644. Effects of Red Wine and Vodka on Collateral-Dependent Perfusion and Cardiovascular Function in Hypercholesterolemic SWine
  1645. Abstract# 2135: Red Wine consumption and risk of prostate cancer in a multiethnic cohort of male health plan members
  1646. Application of an electronic tongue to study the effect of the use of pieces of wood and micro-oxygenation in the aging of Red Wine
  1647. Red Wine extract, resveratrol, on maintenance of organ function following trauma-hemorrhage
  1648. Biochem BiophysRes Commun: Red Wine decreases asymmetric dimethylarginine via SIRT1 induction in human endothelial cells
  1649. EPR and Antioxidant Studies of Dark Chocolate, a Red Wine Vinegar and a Cider Vinegar
  1650. Red Wine Consumption Increases Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Improves Endothelial Function in Obese Type II Diabetics
  1652. Hedonic Regression Analysis Comparing Napa to Paso Robles Red Wine Prices With an Emphasis on Screw Cap Closure Methods
  1653. Merlot 7Vl and Cabernet Sauvignon 30Vl, clonal selection for Red Wine designation of origin.
  1654. C0132 Investigating antiplatelet activity of Red and white Wine
  1655. Polyphenolic compounds of Red Wine : relationship with the antioxidant properties and effects on the metabolic syndrome induced in high-fructose fed rats
  1656. The antimicrobial effect of Red Wine , white Wine , tannins and alcohol on E. coli, S. aureus, S. cholerae and E. faecalis.
  1657. UV-VIS Spectroscopy of Tannins and Phenols in Red Wine Using the Short Path SpecVette™ Cuvette
  1658. A Total Red Wine Polyphenolic Extract Prevents a Pathological Phenotype Manifested on Cardiomyocytes Isolated from Rats with Nutritionally-induced Metabolic …
  1659. Red Wine antioxidants and heterocyclic amine formation: new evidence in the Maillard Reaction-antioxidant relationship
  1660. Large Size Glass Beer or Red Wine Barrel Jar Glass Bottle
  1661. Eff ects of Red Wine consumption on the metabolic syndrome: cross-sectional analysis of data from PRed IMED: trabalho de investigação: Efeito do consumo de vinho …
  1662. A Red Wine Extract Supplement Protects against Apoptosis and Inhibits Changes in Mitochondrial Permeability and Membrane Potential
  1663. Proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry to determine changes in flavor compounds during Lagrein Red Wine maturation in wooden and stainless steel …
  1664. Effect and Time Course of Acute Red Wine Consumption on Blood Antioxidant Capacity and Arterial Distensibility in Male Smokers
  1665. Intake of Red Wine Increases the Number and Functional Capacity of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells by Enhancing Nitric Oxide Bioavailability
  1666. Comparison of Resveratrol and Red Wine Polyphenolic Compounds in the Inhibitory Effects on Adrenal Catecholamine Release
  1667. B015 Differential modulation of oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways by Red Wine polyphenols, provinols™, in tissues from zucker fatty rats (FA/FA)
  1668. The ingRed ient of Red Wine , resveratrol, aggravates the effects of free fatty acids (FFA) on the hepatic stellate cell line LX–2
  1669. Red Wine -derived resveratrol exacerbates the effects of free fatty acids on hepatic stellate cells in vitro whereby promoting fibrogenesis
  1670. Intake of Red Wine polyphenols prevents the stimulatory effect of angiotensin II on ischemia-induced neovascularization in the rat hindlimb
  1671. Effect of metal chelators, ascorbate, glutathione and phloroglucinol on Red Wine oxidation
  1673. Intake of Red Wine polyphenols prevents the stimulatory effect of angiotensin II on ischemia‐induced neovascularization in the rat hindlimb
  1674. Contractile and extensile effects of Red and white Wine on rat and Mongolian gerbil gastrointestinal smooth muscle
  1675. The Rostock Red Wine study: the impact of alcohol on the detoxification capacity of the liver measuRed by [13C] methacetin-and [methyl-13C] methionine-breath tests
  1676. The Netherlands: Claiming’Red Wine is Healthy’, is a Breach of Art. 4.3 of the Claims Regulation: This Article Holds a General Prohibition for Alcoholic Beverages with …
  1677. 721 The Effect of the Red Wine Polyphenol Resveratrol on Cholestasis: Anti-Apoptotic, Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Autophagy
  1678. Resveratrol, a Red Wine Polyphenol, Inhibits Neointimal Growth by Decreasing Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration Independent of Nitric Oxide Synthase In Vivo.
  1680. Andrade ACM, Cesena FHY, Consolim-Colombo FM, Coimbra SR, Benjó AM, Krieger EM, et al. Short-term Red Wine consumption promotes differential effects …
  1681. matter and tested the effects of alcohol on the survival of Vibrio cholerae in gin, Red Wine and ethanol. 2 We found V. cholerae did not survive in 20% gin at 1 …
  1682. Effect of plant growth regulator applicatións on phenolic quality of Red grape berry skin and Red Wine vitis vinifera l, evs cabernet sauvignon and carménere
  1683. FamC30-5-1: A Potential Red Wine Selection for Florida
  1684. Effects of using Red Wine , grape molasses and pomegranate concentrate in marination, of chicken breast meat on quality characteristics [Conference poster].
  1685. 116. The Action of Resveratrol, A Phytoestrogen Found in Grapes and Red Wine , on the Intervertebral Disc
  1687. Statistical study of the influence of fungicide treatments (mancozeb, zoxamide and copper oxychloride) on heavy metal concentrations in Sicilian Red Wine
  1689. Polyphenols from Sardinian Red Wine can modulate NOX1-dependent reactive oxygen species production in human enterocyte-like cells treated with a dietary mixture …
  1690. Corella D, et al. Differential effects of polyphenols and alcohol of Red Wine on the expression of adhesion molecules and in-flammatory cytokines related to …
  1691. … Source Utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Isolates Mediated via a Heritable Prion StateImpact of Malolactic Fermentation on Red Wine Color and Color …
  1692. Red , White, and Drunk All Over: A Wine -soaked Journey from Grape to Glass
  1693. Histamine content in Red and sparkling Wine and relationship with Wine quality
  1694. Quality characteristics of the germinated brown rice Wine added with Red pepper
  1695. Red tapuy: a healthier version af Philippine rice Wine
  1696. Effect of plant growth regulator applications on phenolic quality of Red grape berry skin and Wine Vitis vinifera L., cvs Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenère
  1697. When the Rivers Ran Red : An Amazing Story of Courage and Triumph in America’s Wine Country
  1698. Manufacture of the Red ginseng vinegar fermented with Red ginseng concentrate and rice Wine , and its quality evaluation
  1699. The Aussi Value Innovation: how Australia Escaped the Red Queen of Global Wine Business
  1700. What makes a good Bordeaux Wine ? A sensory characterization of Bordeaux and Bordeaux Supérieur Red Wine s based on regression analysis
  1701. Sensitive lysozyme testing in Red and white Wine using the RIDASCREEN FAST Lysozyme ELISA.
  1702. The Red ‐headed stepchild of Wine ? Marketing muscadine Wine s in the Southern USA
  1703. Wine Reputation: Are There Differences Between Red And White Wine ?
  1704. A Red high quality and resistance Wine grape cultivar’Beimei’.
  1705. Analysis of pyrimethanil, metalaxyl, dichlofluanid, and penconazol in must and Wine from Red grapes by solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography
  1706. Valorisation of local Red varieties in diversifying Wine assortment
  1707. Metabolic activity stimulation of the Wine yeasts by polyphenols extracted from Red grapes
  1708. Optimization of Fermentation Condition for Red Ginseng Wine Using Response Surface Methodology.
  1709. Bokbunja Wine Industry Waste as Precursor Material for Carbonization and Its Utilization for the Removal of Procion Red MX‐5B from Aqueous Solutions
  1710. Aftertaste-Rosés let Wine makers see Red : lifestyle Wine
  1711. Comprehensive survey of the distribution of colour and phenolics of different Red grape Wine vineyard blocks from the Robertson area in South Africa
  1712. Effect of plant growth regulator applications on phenolic quality of Red grape berry skin and Wine Vitis vinifera L., cvs Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenère
  1713. Italian Red premium Wine demand analysis using AIDS on scanner data
  1714. Modern processes research of accelerated aging into Red Wine s produced in” Valul lui Traian” Wine region.
  1715. Test of Red Wine making with” Selector system” Wine -makers and” oxyflow” device
  1716. Breeding of Red Rose ‘Magic Wine ‘with Good Color and Shape
  1717. Application of sweet rice Wine koji in Red koji rice Wine manufacture.
  1718. Retraction: Does white Wine qualify for french paradox? comparison of the cardioprotective effects of Red and white Wine s and their constituents: Resveratrol, tyrosol …
  1719. Dimethyl sulfoxide presence in Red table Wine materials
  1720. Technology optimization of dry and dessert Wine production of Red grape variety Avgusta
  1721. When the Rivers Ran Red : An Amazing Story of Courage and Triumph in America’s Wine Country
  1722. The influence of different must composition on the colour compounds of Red Montenegrian Vranac Wine .
  1723. Pseudo Wine Glass’ Radiological Appearance of Intracranial Haemorrhage as a Result of Chemotherapy-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Red Cell Sedimentation
  1724. The influence SO2 to the colour compounds and the quality of Red Vranac Wine .
  1725. The study of the fenolic maturation potential in some varieties of grapes for good quality Red Wine s in the conditions of the Wine -growing area of Segarcea.
  1726. Effect of different rootstocks on survival percentage of Red and white Wine grape varieties by chip budding.
  1727. … and Grape Composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in Wet and Cool SeasonsInfluence of Vine Capacity and Water Status on Wine Quality Attributes of …
  1728. From Red Wine to Red tomato: Composition with context
  1729. Environmental impacts of consumption of Australian Red Wine in the UK
  1730. A review of the current knowledge of Red Wine colour.
  1731. Application of high‐power ultrasounds during Red Wine vinification
  1732. Sensory-active compounds influencing Wine experts’ and consumers’ perception of Red Wine intrinsic quality
  1733. Effects of Red Wine polyphenols and alcohol on glucose metabolism and the lipid profile: a randomized clinical trial
  1734. A comprehensive study of Red Wine properties according to variety
  1735. Extraction, evolution, and sensory impact of phenolic compounds during Red Wine maceration
  1736. A review of the current knowledge of Red Wine colour
  1737. Study of sensory interactions among Red Wine fruity esters in a model solution
  1738. Exergy analysis of Wine production: Red Wine production process as a case study
  1739. Impact of Wine making practices on the concentration and composition of tannins in Red Wine
  1740. Molecular properties of Red Wine compounds and cardiometabolic benefits
  1741. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in RAW264. 7 macrophages of malvidin, a major Red Wine polyphenol
  1742. Preliminary study of the effect of ultrasound on physicochemical properties of Red Wine
  1743. Factors affecting extraction and evolution of phenolic compounds during Red Wine maceration and the role of process modelling
  1744. Sensory expectations generated by colours of Red Wine labels
  1745. Comparative study of microbial-derived phenolic metabolites in human feces after intake of gin, Red Wine , and dealcoholized Red Wine
  1746. Mining logistics data to assure the quality in a sustainable food supply chain: A case in the Red Wine industry
  1747. Sensorial properties of Red Wine polyphenols: Astringency and bitterness
  1748. On the effects of higher alcohols on Red Wine aroma
  1749. Red Wine polyphenols modulate fecal microbiota and Red uce markers of the metabolic syndrome in obese patients
  1750. Volatile composition of Merlot Red Wine and its contribution to the aroma: Optimization and validation of analytical method
  1751. Application of a new Dynamic Gastrointestinal Simulator (SIMGI) to study the impact of Red Wine in colonic metabolism
  1752. Effect of acute and chronic Red Wine consumption on lipopolysaccharide concentrations
  1753. Free radical generation induced by ultrasound in Red Wine and model Wine : An EPR spin-trapping study
  1754. Effect of high pressure treatments on the physicochemical properties of a sulphur dioxide-free Red Wine
  1755. Moderate Red Wine consumption is associated with a lower prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the PRed IMED population
  1756. Effect of Red Wine consumption on biomarkers of oxidative stress
  1757. Red Wine , resveratrol and atrial fibrillation
  1758. Compositional and sensory characterization of Red Wine polymers
  1759. Putative role of Red Wine polyphenols against brain pathology in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  1760. Antioxidant features of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanins: Experimental and theoretical approaches
  1761. Cardiovascular risk and benefits from antioxidant dietary intervention with Red Wine in asymptomatic hypercholesterolemics
  1762. Extrinsic attributes responsible for Red Wine quality perception: A cross-cultural study between France and Spain
  1763. Sensitivity analysis in a life cycle assessment of an aged Red Wine production from Catalonia, Spain
  1764. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Red Wine made from grapes treated with different fungicides
  1765. Barrel maturation, oak alternatives and micro-oxygenation: Influence on Red Wine aging and quality
  1766. The classification of white Wine and Red Wine according to their physicochemical qualities
  1767. Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of Red Wine extract: unveiling the mechanisms in colonic epithelial cells
  1768. Impact of polyphenols from black tea and Red Wine /grape juice on a gut model microbiome
  1769. Influence of coffee and Red Wine on tooth color during and after bleaching
  1770. Studying the effect of storage conditions on the metabolite content of Red Wine using HILIC LC–MS based metabolomics
  1771. Influence of phenolic compounds on the sensorial perception and volatility of Red Wine esters in model solution: An insight at the molecular level
  1772. Sensory evaluation of impact of Wine matrix on Red Wine finish: a preliminary study
  1773. Influence of berry size on Red Wine colour and composition
  1774. Protective effects of tea, Red Wine and cocoa in diabetes. Evidences from human studies
  1775. Evolution of microbiological and chemical parameters during Red Wine making with extended post-fermentation maceration
  1776. Profiling of microbial-derived phenolic metabolites in human feces after moderate Red Wine intake
  1777. Oenological perspective of Red Wine astringency
  1778. Faecal metabolomic fingerprint after moderate consumption of Red Wine by healthy subjects
  1779. Paper microfluidics for Red Wine tasting
  1780. … use of selected Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Lachancea thermotolerans yeast strains as an alternative to thetraditional malolactic fermentation in Red Wine …
  1781. Evolution of phenolic compounds and astringency during aging of Red Wine : Effect of oxygen exposure before and after bottling
  1782. The effects of pre-fermentative addition of oenological tannins on Wine components and sensorial qualities of Red Wine
  1783. Freeze-drying encapsulation of Red Wine polyphenols in an amorphous matrix of maltodextrin
  1784. Sensory interactions between six common aroma vectors explain four main Red Wine aroma nuances
  1785. Influence of storage conditions on phenolic compounds stability, antioxidant capacity and colour of freeze-dried encapsulated Red Wine
  1786. Red Wine and oenological extracts display antimicrobial effects in an oral bacteria biofilm model
  1787. Evolution of quality parameters during Red Wine dealcoholization by osmotic distillation
  1788. Use of non-Saccharomyces in single-culture, mixed and sequential fermentation to improve Red Wine quality
  1789. A daily glass of Red Wine associated with lifestyle changes independentlyimproves blood lipids in patients with carotid arteriosclerosis: results from …
  1790. Phylogenetic profile of gut microbiota in healthy adults after moderate intake of Red Wine
  1791. Evaluation of the impact of initial Red Wine composition on changes in color and anthocyanin content during bottle storage
  1792. Experimental and theoretical data on the mechanism by which Red Wine anthocyanins are transported through a human MKN-28 gastric cell model
  1793. Identification of phenolic compounds in Red Wine extract samples and zebrafish embryos by HPLC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS
  1794. Evaluation of grape pomace from Red Wine by‐product as feed for sheep
  1795. Rapid solid-phase extraction and analysis of resveratrol and other polyphenols in Red Wine
  1796. Olfactory impact of higher alcohols on Red Wine fruity ester aroma expression in model solution
  1797. Classification of Red Wine based on its protected designation of origin (PDO) using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  1798. Determining the impact of industrial Wine yeast strains on organic acid production under white and Red Wine -like fermentation conditions
  1799. Use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Torulaspora delbrueckii strains in mixed and sequential fermentations to improve Red Wine sensory quality
  1800. Preliminary study of the effects of ultrasound on Red Wine polyphenols
  1801. Development of a QCM-D biosensor for Ochratoxin A detection in Red Wine
  1802. Wine finish in Red Wine : The effect of ethanol and tannin concentration
  1803. Red Wine tannin structure–activity relationships during fermentation and maceration
  1804. Reactivity of polymeric proanthocyanidins toward salivary proteins and their contribution to young Red Wine astringency
  1805. Cardioprotective effects of moderate Red Wine consumption: Polyphenols vs. ethanol
  1806. Analysis of consumers’ preferences for a special-occasion Red Wine : A dual response choice experiment approach
  1807. Electricity generation using white and Red Wine lees in air cathode microbial fuel cells
  1808. Changes in LDL oxidative status and oxidative and inflammatory gene expression after Red Wine intake in healthy people: a randomized trial
  1809. Clinical phenotype clustering in cardiovascular risk patients for the identification of responsive metabotypes after Red Wine polyphenol intake
  1810. Effect of early oxygen exposure on Red Wine colour and tannins
  1811. Assessing the efficacy of PEF treatments for improving polyphenol extraction during Red Wine vinifications
  1812. Influence of Brettanomyces ethylphenols on Red Wine aroma evaluated by consumers in the United States and Portugal
  1813. Multiple anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic properties of Red Wine polyphenolic extracts: differential role of hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols and stilbenes on …
  1814. Novel multiresidue method for determination of pesticides in Red Wine using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and solid phase extraction
  1815. Stability of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity during storage of a Red Wine powder
  1816. Spectrophotometric characterization of Red Wine color from the vineyard region of Metohia
  1817. Fast and sensitive detection of ochratoxin A in Red Wine by nanoparticle-enhanced SPR
  1818. Differential protective effects of Red Wine polyphenol extracts (RWEs) on colon carcinogenesis
  1819. The hedonic price for Italian Red Wine : do chemical and sensory characteristics matter?
  1820. Resveratrol requires Red Wine polyphenols for optimum antioxidant activity
  1821. Extraction, separation and identification of anthocyanins from Red Wine by-product and their biological activities
  1822. Malvidin, a Red Wine polyphenol, modulates mammalian myocardial and coronary performance and protects the heart against ischemia/reperfusion injury
  1823. Effect of ripeness and viticultural techniques on the rotundone concentration in Red Wine made from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Duras
  1824. Moderate Red Wine consumption improves hemorheological parameters in healthy volunteers
  1825. Organ-protective effects of Red Wine extract, resveratrol, in oxidative stress-mediated reperfusion injury
  1826. Influence of volatile thiols in the development of blackcurrant aroma in Red Wine
  1827. Influence of grape composition on Red Wine ester profile: comparison between Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz cultivars from Australian warm climate
  1828. Fluorescence approach for measuring anthocyanins and derived pigments in Red Wine
  1829. Amyloid aggregation of lysozyme: The synergy study of Red Wine polyphenols
  1830. A kinetic approach to describe the time evolution of Red Wine as a function of packaging conditions adopted: Influence of closure and storage position
  1831. Sensory and chemical characterization of phenolic polymers from Red Wine obtained by gel permeation chromatography
  1832. Impact of pulsed‐electric field and high‐voltage electrical discharges on Red Wine microbial stabilization and quality characteristics
  1833. Human bioavailability and metabolism of phenolic compounds from Red Wine enriched with free or nano-encapsulated phenolic extract
  1834. … of the anti-oxidant activity of the total polyphenols extracted from Hibiscus Sabdariffa L., Glycine max L. Merr., yellow tea and Red Wine through reaction with …
  1835. Effect of dietary supplementation with Red Wine extract or vitamin E, in combination with linseed and fish oil, on lamb meat quality
  1836. “My midwife said that having a glass of Red Wine was actually better for the baby”: a focus group study of women and their partner’s knowledge and …
  1837. Microbial metabolomic fingerprinting in urine after regular dealcoholized Red Wine consumption in humans
  1838. Chloride channel inhibition by a Red Wine extract and a synthetic small molecule prevents rotaviral secretory diarrhoea in neonatal mice
  1839. Facile one-pot synthesis of Au–PEDOT/rGO nanocomposite for highly sensitive detection of caffeic acid in Red Wine sample
  1840. Revisiting the mechanistic basis of the French Paradox: Red Wine inhibits the activity of protein disulfide isomerase in vitro
  1841. Treatment by fining agents of Red Wine affected by phenolic off-odour
  1842. … about the influence of high hydrostatic pressure processing in parallel with oak chip maceration on the physicochemical and sensory properties of a young Red Wine
  1843. Characterization of macromolecular complexes in Red Wine : Composition, molecular mass distribution and particle size
  1844. Investigation of different sample pre-treatment routes for liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry detection of caseins and ovalbumin in fortified Red Wine
  1845. Astringency Red uction in Red Wine by whey proteins
  1846. Rapid and sensitive inhibition-based assay for the electrochemical detection of Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin M1 in Red Wine and milk
  1847. Red Wine and diabetes health: getting skin in the game
  1848. Intake of Red Wine in different meals modulates oxidized LDL level, oxidative and inflammatory gene expression in healthy people: a randomized crossover …
  1849. Evolution of pigments, tannins and acetaldehyde during forced oxidation of Red Wine : Effect of tannins addition
  1850. Rapid screening and quantification of residual pesticides and illegal adulterants in Red Wine by direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry
  1851. A full factorial study on the effect of tannins, acidity, and ethanol on the temporal perception of taste and mouthfeel in Red Wine
  1852. Influence of partial dealcoholization by reverse osmosis on Red Wine composition and sensory characteristics
  1853. Rapid assay of resveratrol in Red Wine by paper spray tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution
  1854. The expression of a full-bodied Red Wine as a function of the characteristics of the glass utilized for the tasting
  1855. Biogenic amines in Red Wine : The impact of technological processing of grape and Wine
  1856. Resveratrol and endometrium: a closer look at an active ingRed ient of Red Wine using in vivo and in vitro models
  1857. The effects of heat treatment on the phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of Red Wine pomace seasonings
  1858. From vine to Wine : photophysics of a pyranoflavylium analog of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanins
  1859. Model of acceptance of a new type of beverage: Application to natural sparkling Red Wine
  1860. Separation and purification of polyphenols from Red Wine extracts using high speed counter current chromatography
  1861. Volatile compounds and sensorial characterisation of Red Wine aged in cherry, chestnut, false acacia, ash and oak wood barrels
  1862. Analysis of the impact of fining agents types, oenological tannins and mannoproteins and their concentrations on the phenolic composition of Red Wine
  1863. High pressure inactivation of Brettanomyces bruxellensis in Red Wine
  1864. Dynamic characterization of Red Wine astringency: Case study with Uruguayan Tannat Wine s
  1865. Effect of hydroxytyrosol on quality of sulfur dioxide-free Red Wine
  1866. Efficiency of population-dependent sulfite against Brettanomyces bruxellensis in Red Wine
  1867. Pre-fermentative cold maceration, saignée, and various thermal treatments as options for modulating volatile aroma and phenol profiles of Red Wine
  1868. Red Wine consumption is associated with fecal microbiota and malondialdehyde in a human population
  1869. Red Wine age estimation by the alteration of its color parameters: Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy as a tool to monitor Wine maturation time
  1870. Red Wine , toast of the town (again)
  1871. Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 favors the initial metabolism of Red Wine polyphenols when added to a colonic microbiota
  1872. Red uced Production of Higher Alcohols by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Red Wine Fermentation by Simultaneously Overexpressing BAT1 and Deleting BAT2
  1873. Studying the evolution of anthocyanin-derived pigments in a typical Red Wine of Southern Italy to assess its resistance to aging
  1874. Effect of addition of overripe seeds from white grape by-products during Red Wine fermentation on Wine colour and phenolic composition
  1875. Antihypertensive and antioxidant effects of supplementation with Red Wine pomace in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1876. Dealcoholated Red Wine induces autophagic and apoptotic cell death in an osteosarcoma cell line
  1877. Differential effect of initiating moderate Red Wine consumption on 24-h blood pressure by alcohol dehydrogenase genotypes: randomized trial in type 2 diabetes
  1878. Polyphenol, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of six different white and Red Wine grape processing leftovers
  1879. α-Glucosidase inhibiting activity and bioactive compounds of six Red Wine grape pomace extracts
  1880. Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy combined with second-order multivariate algorithms for the quantification of polyphenols in Red Wine samples
  1881. How do esters and dimethyl sulphide concentrations affect fruity aroma perception of Red Wine ? Demonstration by dynamic sensory profile evaluation
  1882. Resveratrol, a Red Wine antioxidant, Red uces atrial fibrillation susceptibility in the failing heart by PI3K/AKT/eNOS signaling pathway activation
  1883. Effects of adding Red Wine on the physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of uncuRed frankfurter-type sausage
  1884. The effect of alcohol and Red Wine consumption on clinical and MRI outcomes in multiple sclerosis
  1885. Olfactory impact of dimethyl sulfide on Red Wine fruity esters aroma expression in model solution
  1886. Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 impacts colonic metabolism in a simulator of the human gut microbiota during feeding with Red Wine polyphenols
  1887. Acute effects of Red Wine on cytochrome P450 eicosanoids and blood pressure in men
  1888. Cardioprotective efficacy of Red Wine extract of onion in healthy hypercholesterolemic subjects
  1889. Differential expression of selected Oenococcus oeni genes for adaptation in Wine -like media and Red Wine
  1890. … with three commercial inactive dry yeasts on the colour, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides and astringency of a model Wine solution and Red Wine
  1891. Effect of maceration duration on physicochemical characteristics, organic acid, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Red Wine from Vitis vinifera L. Karaoglan
  1892. Red Wine tannins fluidify and precipitate lipid liposomes and bicelles. A role for lipids in Wine tasting?
  1893. Copigmentation of malvidin-3-O-glucoside with five hydroxybenzoic acids in Red Wine model solutions: Experimental and theoretical investigations
  1894. The influence of pectolytic enzyme addition and prefermentative mash heating during the Wine making process on the phenolic composition of Okuzgozu Red Wine
  1895. Molecularly imprinted polymer‐based solid phase clean‐up for analysis of ochratoxin A in beer, Red Wine , and grape juice
  1896. The effect of temperature, pH, and ionic strength on color stability of Red Wine
  1897. The impacts of temperature, alcoholic degree and amino acids content on biogenic amines and their precursor amino acids content in Red Wine
  1898. Processing of Red Wine by pulsed electric fields with respect to quality parameters
  1899. The effect of item Red uction on assortment satisfaction—A consideration of the category of Red Wine in a controlled retail setting
  1900. Robust ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) partial least-squares (PLS) models for Tannin quantification in Red Wine
  1901. High-performance liquid chromatography determination of Red Wine tannin stickiness
  1902. Effects of Red Wine tannat on oxidative stress induced by glucose and fructose in erythrocytes in vitro
  1903. Effects of Red Wine intake on human salivary antiradical capacity and total polyphenol content
  1904. Moderate consumption of Red Wine can modulate human intestinal inflammatory response
  1905. Phenolic compounds from Red Wine and coffee are associated with specific intestinal microorganisms in allergic subjects
  1906. Enological tannin effect on Red Wine color and pigment composition and relevance of the yeast fermentation products
  1907. Red Wine prevents the acute negative vascular effects of smoking
  1908. Effect of Wine making on the composition of Red Wine as a source of polyphenols for anti-infective biomaterials
  1909. Aberrant behavioral and neurobiologic profiles in rodents exposed to ethanol or Red Wine early in development
  1910. PRed icting the composition of Red Wine blends using an array of multicomponent peptide-based sensors
  1911. … )× reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (RP-LC-UV-MS) analysis of anthocyanins and derived pigments in Red Wine
  1912. Selected yeasts to enhance phenolic content and quality in Red Wine from low pigmented grapes
  1913. … study of the enological potential of different Wine making byproducts: implications in the antioxidant activity and color expression of Red Wine anthocyanins in a model …
  1914. Effect of dietary supplementation with either Red Wine extract or vitamin E on the volatile profile of lamb meat fed with omega-3 sources
  1915. Isolation, characterization, and determination of a new compound in Red Wine
  1916. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for the determination of nitrosamines in Red Wine
  1917. Influence of Red Wine pomace seasoning and high-oxygen atmosphere storage on carcinogens formation in barbecued beef patties
  1918. Rationale for haze formation after carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) addition to Red Wine
  1919. Impact of Wine making techniques on classical enological parameters and rotundone in Red Wine at the laboratory scale
  1920. … microextraction based on the solidification of a floating organic droplet used for the simultaneous determination of six fungicide residues in juices and Red Wine
  1921. Grapevine-shoot stilbene extract as a preservative in Red Wine
  1922. Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose on tartrate salt, protein and colour stability of Red Wine
  1923. Development and validation of a green capillary electrophoretic method for determination of polyphenolic compounds in Red Wine samples
  1924. Red uction of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol in Red Wine by activated carbons with different physicochemical characteristics: Impact on Wine quality
  1925. Trace determination of organophosphate esters in white Wine , Red Wine , and beer samples using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with ultra-high …
  1926. Effect of pulsed electric field treatment during cold maceration and alcoholic fermentation on major Red Wine qualitative and quantitative parameters
  1927. Development of a rapid method for the quantitative analysis of four methoxypyrazines in white and Red Wine using multi-dimensional Gas Chromatography–Mass …
  1928. Relationship of soluble grape-derived proteins to condensed tannin extractability during Red Wine fermentation
  1930. Nanosilica-based molecularly imprinted polymer nanoshell for specific recognition and determination of rhodamine B in Red Wine and beverages
  1931. Rapid and sensitive method for the determination of eight food additives in Red Wine by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
  1932. Oxygen incorporation and dissolution during industrial-scale Red Wine fermentations
  1933. Towards the fecal metabolome derived from moderate Red Wine intake
  1934. Influence of packaging and aging on the Red Wine volatile composition and sensory attributes
  1935. Understanding the relationship between Red Wine matrix, tannin activity, and sensory properties
  1936. Phenolics from Wine making By‐Products Better Decrease VLDL‐Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol Levels than Those of Red Wine in Wistar Rats
  1937. … hydrostatic pressure treatment: An artificial accelerating aging method which did not change the region and variety non-coloRed phenolic characteristic of Red Wine
  1938. Resveratrol and Alzheimer’s disease: message in a bottle on Red Wine and cognition
  1939. Moderate Red Wine and grape juice consumption modulates the hydrolysis of the adenine nucleotides and decreases platelet aggregation in streptozotocin-induced …
  1940. Markers of typical Red Wine varieties from the Valley of Tulum (San Juan-Argentina) based on VOCs profile and chemometrics
  1941. Chemopreventive potential of powdeRed Red Wine pomace seasonings against colorectal cancer in HT-29 cells
  1942. Stability of saliva microbiota during moderate consumption of Red Wine
  1943. Tracing changes in atmospheric sources of lead contamination using lead isotopic compositions in Australian Red Wine
  1944. Singlet oxygen detection using Red Wine extracts as photosensitizers
  1945. An electrochemical approach: Switching Structures of rare earth metal Praseodymium hexacyanoferrate and its application to sulfite sensor in Red Wine
  1946. Red Wine and Wine pomace Red uced the development of insulin resistance and liver steatosis in HFD-fed mice
  1947. Role of melatonin, melatonin receptors and STAT3 in the cardioprotective effect of chronic and moderate consumption of Red Wine
  1948. The effect of anthocyanins from Red Wine and blackberry on the integrity of a keratinocyte model using ECIS
  1949. Quantitative analysis of Bordeaux Red Wine precipitates by solid-state NMR: Role of tartrates and polyphenols
  1950. Red Wine extract decreases pro-inflammatory markers, nuclear factor-κB and inducible NOS, in experimental metabolic syndrome
  1951. Electrochemical evaluation of trans-resveratrol levels in Red Wine based on the interaction between resveratrol and graphene
  1952. Addition of wood chips in Red Wine during and after alcoholic fermentation: Differences in color parameters, phenolic content and volatile composition
  1953. Dot blot and PCR for Brettanomyces bruxellensis detection in Red Wine
  1954. Visible-near infraRed reflectance spectroscopy for nondestructive analysis of Red Wine grapes
  1955. Screening of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-derived pigments in Red Wine grape pomace using LC-DAD/MS and MALDI-TOF techniques
  1956. Assessing the role of emotional associations in mediating crossmodal correspondences between classical music and Red Wine
  1957. Green tea, cocoa, and Red Wine polyphenols moderately modulate intestinal inflammation and do not increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) production
  1958. Role of endothelial cell membrane transport in Red Wine polyphenols-induced coronary vasorelaxation: involvement of bilitranslocase
  1959. Are Enterococcus populations present during malolactic fermentation of Red Wine safe?
  1960. Complex carbohydrates of Red Wine : characterization of the extreme diversity of neutral oligosaccharides by ESI-MS
  1961. The effects of flash release conditions on the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Pinot noir Red Wine
  1962. Antioxidant efficiency of oxovitisin, a new class of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanins, revealed through quantum mechanical investigations
  1963. 2-Methylbutyl acetate in Wine s: Enantiomeric distribution and sensory impact on Red Wine fruity aroma
  1964. Variations in oxygen and ellagitannins, and organoleptic properties of Red Wine aged in French oak barrels classified by a near infraRed system
  1965. Interaction between Red Wine procyanidins and salivary proteins: Effect of stomach digestion on the resulting complexes
  1966. Effect of co‐inoculation with yeast and bacteria on chemical and sensory characteristics of commercial Cabernet Franc Red Wine from Switzerland
  1967. Fermentation volume studies for Red Wine experimentation
  1968. Consumer preferences for Red Wine in the Spanish market
  1969. Selection of lactic bacteria to induce malolactic fermentation in Red Wine of cv. Cencibel
  1970. Effect of ultra-high pressure treatment on the chemical properties, colour and sensory quality of young Red Wine
  1971. Protective effects of Red Wine and resveratrol for foodborne virus surrogates
  1972. Tartaric acid in Red Wine as one of the key factors to induce superconductivity in FeTe0. 8S0. 2
  1973. Red Wine consumption may affect sperm biology: the effects of different concentrations of the phytoestrogen myricetin on human male gamete function
  1974. Modulation of mitochondrial capacity and angiogenesis by Red Wine polyphenols via estrogen receptor, NADPH oxidase and nitric oxide synthase pathways
  1975. Occurrence and formation kinetics of pyranomalvidin-procyanidin dimer pigment in merlot Red Wine : Impact of acidity and oxygen concentrations
  1976. Red Wine polyphenol extract efficiently protects intestinal epithelial cells from inflammation via opposite modulation of JAK/STAT and Nrf2 pathways
  1977. Beneficial effects of a Red Wine polyphenol extract on high-fat diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats
  1978. The trans-atlantic retroperitoneal sarcoma working group (TARPSWG):“Red Wine or white”?
  1979. No longer a waltz between Red Wine and mint tea: The portrayal of the children of immigrants in French newspapers (2003–2013)
  1980. Protective effects of Merlot Red Wine extract and its major polyphenols in PC12 cells under oxidative stress conditions
  1981. The impact of mycorrhizal fungi on Sangiovese Red Wine production: phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties
  1982. Zibibbo Nero characterization, a Red –Wine grape revertant of Muscat of Alexandria
  1983. Remarkable proanthocyanidin adsorption properties of Monastrell pomace cell wall material highlight its potential use as an alternative fining agent in Red Wine …
  1984. Grape seed removal: effect on phenolics, chromatic and organoleptic characteristics of Red Wine
  1985. Dual effect of Red Wine on liver Red ox status: a concise and mechanistic review
  1986. Copigmentation between malvidin-3-O-glucoside and hydroxycinnamic acids in Red Wine model solutions: Investigations with experimental and theoretical methods
  1987. Red Wine and pomegranate extracts suppress cuRed meat promotion of colonic mucin-depleted foci in carcinogen-induced rats
  1988. Electroanalysis of caffeic acid in Red Wine and investigation of thermodynamic parameters using an Ag nanoparticles modified poly (thiophene) film glassy carbon …
  1989. Sensory descriptors, hedonic perception and consumer’s attitudes to Sangiovese Red Wine deriving from organically and conventionally grown grapes
  1990. Grape seed proteins: A new fining agent for astringency Red uction in Red Wine
  1991. Data on changes in Red Wine phenolic compounds, headspace aroma compounds and sensory profile after treatment of Red Wine s with activated carbons with …
  1992. Optoelectronic sensor device for monitoring the maceration of Red Wine : Design issues and validation
  1993. Improvement and stabilization of Red Wine color
  1994. Structures of polymeric pigments in Red Wine and their derived quantification markers revealed by high‐resolution quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry
  1995. Use of a flor velum yeast for modulating colour, ethanol and major aroma compound contents in Red Wine
  1996. The influence of packaging on the time evolution of Red Wine
  1997. Portable detection of ochratoxin A in Red Wine based on a structure-switching aptamer using a personal glucometer
  1998. Arterial compliance may be Red uced by ingestion of Red Wine
  1999. Surface modification influencing adsorption of Red Wine constituents: The role of functional groups
  2000. Solid cation exchange phase to remove interfering anthocyanins in the analysis of other bioactive phenols in Red Wine
  2001. Thiamin analysis in Red Wine by fluorescence reverse phase-HPLC
  2002. Cardiovascular effects induced by northeastern Brazilian Red Wine : role of nitric oxide and Red ox sensitive pathways
  2003. A kinetic approach to describe the time evolution of Red Wine as a function of packaging and storage conditions
  2004. Wine labels in Austrian food retail stores: A semiotic analysis of multimodal Red Wine labels
  2005. Purification and structural characterisation of lipid transfer protein from Red Wine and grapes
  2006. Assessment of color adsorption by yeast using grape skin agar and impact on Red Wine color
  2007. Antioxidant and antihypertensive effects of a chemically defined fraction of syrah Red Wine on spontaneously hypertensive rats
  2008. … 2/carbon nanotubes decorated with a nanocomposite of Pt nanoparticles as a new platform for the electrochemical detection of catechin in Red Wine and green tea …
  2009. Characterization of the phenolics and free radical scavenging of romanian Red Wine
  2010. Thermal effects of pump-overs during Red Wine fermentation
  2011. Modulation of chemical and sensory characteristics of Red Wine from Mencía by using indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains
  2012. Development of a γ‐alumina‐ nanoparticle‐functionalized porous polymer monolith for the enrichment of Sudan dyes in Red Wine samples
  2013. Aged Red Wine pigments as a source of inspiration for organic synthesis—the cases of the color-stable pyranoflavylium and flavylium-(4→ 8)-flavan chromophores
  2014. Partial dealcoholization of Red Wine by nanofiltration and its effect on anthocyanin and resveratrol levels
  2015. Effects of fining with different bentonite labels and doses on colloidal stability and colour of a Valpolicella Red Wine
  2016. Necroptosis mediates the antineoplastic effects of the soluble fraction of polysaccharide from Red Wine in Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats
  2017. … study of malvidin-3-O-glucoside copigmented by phenolic compounds: The effect of molar ratio, temperature, pH, and ethanol content on color expression of Red Wine …
  2018. Green tea, Red Wine and lemon extracts Red uce experimental tumor growth and cancer drug toxicity
  2019. Study of substituted ester formation in Red Wine by the development of a new method for quantitative determination and enantiomeric separation of their corresponding …
  2020. Contribution of monomeric anthocyanins to the color of young Red Wine : statistical and experimental approaches
  2021. Membrane lipids protected from oxidation by Red Wine tannins: A proton NMR study
  2022. In-line measurement of color and total phenolics during Red Wine fermentations using a light-emitting diode sensor
  2023. Resveratrol‐an ingRed ient of Red Wine abrogates the reproductive capacity in male mice
  2024. Determination of pesticides in Red Wine by QuEChERS extraction, rapid mini-cartridge cleanup and LC–MS–MS detection
  2025. Dietary nitrite induces nitrosation of the gastric mucosa: the protective action of the mucus and the modulatory effect of Red Wine
  2026. Red Wine activates plasma membrane Red ox system in human erythrocytes
  2027. Ecological wool dyeing with pulps of lavender, broom, and Red Wine
  2028. Ratiometric oxygen imaging to pRed ict oxygen diffusivity in oak wood during Red Wine barrel aging
  2029. Article commentary: tryptophan-ethylester, the false (unveiled) melatonin isomer in Red Wine
  2030. Rapid fluorescence spectroscopic screening method for the sensitive detection of thiabendazole in Red Wine
  2031. Modeling the antioxidant capacity of Red Wine from different production years and sources under censoring
  2032. Technical feasibility of glucose oxidase as a prefermentation treatment for lowering the alcoholic degree of Red Wine
  2033. … alcohol-free Red Wine provide more beneficial effects on systemic haemodynamics, lipid profile and oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats than Red Wine
  2034. Hypotheses on the effects of enological tannins and total Red Wine phenolic compounds on Oenococcus oeni
  2035. Effects of tannic acid, green tea and Red Wine on hERG channels expressed in HEK293 cells
  2036. Pharmacokinetics of table and Port Red Wine anthocyanins: A crossover trial in healthy men
  2037. Effect of Wine ry yeast lees on Touriga Nacional Red Wine color and tannin evolution
  2038. Periodic aeration of Red Wine compaRed to microoxygenation at production scale
  2039. Regulation of vascular endothelial function by Red Wine procyanidins: Implications for cardiovascular health
  2040. The snob effect of Red Wine : Estimating consumer bias in experimental blind Wine tastings
  2041. A daily glass of Red Wine and lifestyle changes do not affect arterial blood pressure and heart rate in patients with carotid arteriosclerosis after 4 and 20 weeks
  2042. The production of Red Wine from black jasmine rice
  2043. Fresh meat quality of pigs fed diets with different fatty acid profiles and supplemented with Red Wine solids
  2044. Italian Red Wine in the Japanese market: a hedonic price analysis
  2045. Ultrasensitive and simultaneous determination of twenty-one amino acids and amines in culture media, Red Wine and beer
  2046. The mechanism about the resistant dextrin improving sensorial quality of rice Wine and Red Wine
  2047. Odorant screening and quantitation of thiols in Carmenere Red Wine by gas chromatography–olfactometry and stable isotope dilution assays
  2048. Specific phenolic compounds and sensory properties of a new dealcoholized Red Wine with pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) extract
  2049. Investigation of monomeric and oligomeric Wine stilbenoids in Red Wine s by ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole time‐of …
  2050. Advice on lifestyle changes (diet, Red Wine and physical activity) does not affect internal carotid and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity in patients with carotid …
  2051. Volatile phenols depletion in Red Wine using molecular imprinted polymers
  2052. Surface roughness and erosion of nanohybrid and nanofilled resin composites after immersion in Red and white Wine
  2053. Qualitative and sensory evaluation of Sangiovese Red Wine obtained from organically and conventionally grown grapes.
  2054. Red Wine Ingestion Prevents Microparticle Formation After a Single High-Fat Meal—A Crossover Study in Healthy Humans
  2055. Red Wine , white Wine , rosé Wine , and grape juice inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme in human endothelial cells
  2056. Variation in phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and color in Red Wine treated with enzymatic extract of Kluyveromyces marxianus
  2057. Assessment of the genetic polymorphism and physiological characterization of indigenous Oenococcus oeni strains isolated from Aglianico del Vulture Red Wine
  2058. Effects of freeze-dried Red Wine on cardiac function and ECG of the Langendorff-perfused rat heart
  2059. Red Wine intake but not other alcoholic beverages increases total antioxidant capacity and improves pro-inflammatory profile after an oral fat diet in healthy volunteers
  2060. Quantification of the acute effect of a low dose of Red Wine by nonlinear measures of RR and QT interval series in healthy subjects
  2061. Molecular analysis of Red Wine yeast diversity in the Ribera del Duero DO (Spain) area
  2062. Effects of Red Wine on postprandial stress: potential implication in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease development
  2063. A sensory approach for the monitoring of accelerated Red Wine aging processes using multi-block methods
  2064. Relaxant and antioxidant capacity of the Red Wine polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin, on isolated mice corpora cavernosa
  2065. A selective fluorescent sensor for fast detection of hydrogen sulfide in Red Wine
  2066. Physico‐mechanical evaluation of the aptitude of berries of Red Wine grape varieties to resist the compression in carbonic maceration vinification
  2067. Red Wine proteins: Two dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis
  2068. Properties of Chitosan-Genipin films grafted with phenolic compounds from Red Wine
  2069. Preconcentration and analysis of Rhodamine B in water and Red Wine samples by using magnesium hydroxide/carbon nanotube composites as a solid‐phase …
  2070. Effect of sulfur dioxide addition in wild yeast population dynamics and polyphenolic composition during spontaneous Red Wine fermentation from Vitis vinifera cultivar …
  2071. The Red Wine polyphenol, resveratrol improves hemodynamics, oxidative defence and aortal structure in essential and malignant hypertension
  2072. Short-term administration of alibernet Red Wine extract failed to affect blood pressure and to improve endothelial function in young normotensive and …
  2073. Influence of different phenolic fractions on Red Wine astringency based on polyphenol/protein binding
  2074. Draft Genome Sequence of Oenococcus oeni Strain X2L (CRL1947), Isolated from Red Wine of Northwest Argentina
  2075. Red or white Wine consumption effect on atherosclerosis in healthy individuals (In Vino Veritas study).
  2076. Effect of alcohol-free Red Wine concentrates on cholesterol homeostasis: An in vitro and in vivo study
  2077. Inventory of lactic acid bacteria populations in Red Wine varieties from Appellation of Origin Méntrida
  2078. Removal of fumonisin B1 and B2 from model solutions and Red Wine using polymeric substances
  2079. The integrated quality assessment of Chinese commercial dry Red Wine based on a method of online HPLC-DAD-CL combined with HPLC-ESI-MS
  2080. Determination of chlorophenols in Red Wine using ionic liquid countercurrent chromatography as a new pretreatment method followed by high‐performance liquid …
  2081. Chinese consumer preference for Red Wine attributes
  2082. Extraction of ochratoxin A in Red Wine with dopamine‐coated magnetic multi‐walled carbon nanotubes
  2083. Estrogen receptor α participates to the beneficial effect of Red Wine polyphenols in a mouse model of obesity-related disorders
  2084. A New and Sensitive TLC Method to Measure Trans-Resveratrol in Red Wine
  2085. Quality characteristics of Red Wine from Cheongsan (Vitis amurensis) grape cultivar
  2086. Colorimetric study of the interactions between different families of Red Wine pigments using transmittance and reflectance measurements
  2087. Highly efficient malolactic fermentation of Red Wine using encapsulated bacteria in a robust biocomposite of silica-alginate
  2088. Effect of Red Wine consumption on serum oxidation and adiponectin levels in overweight and healthy individuals
  2089. Anti‐Diabetic Activity Phenolic Constituents from Red Wine Against α‐Glucosidase and α‐Amylase
  2090. Synthesis of the main Red Wine anthocyanin metabolite: Malvidin-3-O-β-glucuronide
  2091. Red Wine polyphenol compounds favor neovascularisation through estrogen receptor α-independent mechanism in mice
  2092. Role of AMP-activated Protein Kinase in NO-and EDHF-mediated Endothelium-dependent Relaxations to Red Wine Polyphenols.
  2093. Chronic treatment with Red Wine modulates the purinergic neurotransmission and decreases blood pressure in hypertensive SHR and diabetic-STZ rats
  2094. Draft genome sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum XJ25 isolated from Chinese Red Wine
  2095. The effect of Red and white Wine on color changes of nanofilled and nanohybrid resin composites
  2096. Effects of Red Wine on established markers of arterial structure and function in human studies: current knowledge and future research directions
  2097. Screening of lactic acid bacteria with high activities malolactic enzyme and analysis of indigenous flora in Red Wine
  2098. Protection of aroma volatiles in a Red Wine with low sulphur dioxide by a mixture of glutathione, caffeic acid and gallic acid
  2099. Certified clone and powdery mildew impact rotundone in Red Wine from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Duras N
  2100. Antimicrobial activities of Red Wine -based formulations containing plant extracts against Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Hadar
  2101. Research on quality of Red Wine varieties, obtained at Bujoru Vineyard, Dealu Bujorului Wine Center, Romania
  2102. Improved 2 D‐HPLC of Red Wine by incorporating pre‐process signal‐smoothing algorithms
  2103. Arandell’—A disease-resistant Red Wine grape
  2104. The effect of inactivated yeast-based products on the process of Wine aging, phenolic compounds and sensory characteristics of Red Wine Prokupac
  2105. Automatic fruit sorting by non-destructive determination of quality parameters using visible/near infraRed to improve Wine quality: I. Red Wine production
  2106. Inhibitory effects of Red Wine on lipid oxidation in fish oil emulsion and angiogenesis in zebrafish embryo
  2107. Chemical composition, total phenolic content and colour of Red Wine obtained from grapes autochthonous to Romania
  2108. Relationships between skin flavonoid content and berry physical-mechanical properties in four Red Wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)
  2109. A colorimetric multilayer sensor for discriminating Red Wine and green tea by measurement of antioxidant activity
  2110. The effect of Red Wine consumption on hormonal reproductive parameters and total antioxidant status in young adult male rats
  2111. Bioaccessibility of ochratoxin A from Red Wine in an in vitro dynamic gastrointestinal model
  2112. Fining of Red Wine monitoRed by multiple light scattering
  2113. eNOS promoter activation by Red Wine polyphenols: An interaction study
  2114. Comparison of the effect of 8 closures in controlled industrial conditions on the shelf life of a Red Wine
  2115. Red uction of radiation-induced nitrative stress in leucocytes and kidney cells of rats upon administration of polyphenolic complex concentrates from Red Wine
  2116. Innovation ecosystem: a trigger for new product development? Exploring the acceptance of a sparkling Red Wine amongst Spanish small business actors
  2117. Design and performance testing of a DNA extraction assay for sensitive and reliable quantification of acetic acid bacteria directly in Red Wine using real time …
  2118. Study of the inheritability of the yeast trait “interaction with natural antioxidant activity of Red Wine ” in four generations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its enhancing …
  2119. Wine Experts’ Subjectivities of Young-Dong Red Wine madefrom Campbell-Early Grape: Q Method
  2120. Influence of temperature and storing time on selected Red Wine physical properties
  2121. Rapid assessment of Red Wine compositional parameters by means of a new Waveguide Vector Spectrometer
  2122. Composite resin susceptibility to Red Wine staining after water sorption
  2123. Quantitative research on consumer behavior by optical Red Wine marketing
  2124. Effects of supplementing with Red Wine solids on the oxidative status in pigs fed diets with different fatty acid profiles
  2125. Media representations of scientific research findings: From ‘stilbenoids raise CAMP expression’to ‘Red Wine protects against illness’
  2126. Preperation of Red Wine by blending of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and jamun (Syzygium cuminii L. Skeels) juices before fermentation
  2127. Effect of organic substrates on the growth and on the first yield of local Bulgarian Red Wine variety “Mavrud”
  2128. Nutritional requirements and survival of the Red Wine spoilage yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis
  2129. Maceration procedures alternative to the standard vinification in Red : the case of Nero di Troia Wine
  2130. Electrooxidation of free sulfite by an integrated system of glassy carbon modified electrodes with nickel phthalocyanines and membrane absorber in Red Wine
  2131. In vitro action of 2.2′-azobis-2 amidinopropan dihydrochloride, Red Wine polyphenols, resveratrol and catechin on anion permeability for chloride in human Red blood …
  2132. Effects of resveratrol, grape juice or Red Wine consumption Irisin levels and fibronectin type III domain containing protein 5 and uncoupoling protein gene …
  2133. The Health Benefits of Red Wine
  2134. Wine tartrate stabilization by different levels of cation exchange resin treatments: impact on chemical composition, phenolic profile and organoleptic properties of Red …
  2135. Removal of 4-ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol with polyaniline-based compounds in Wine -like model solutions and Red Wine
  2136. Determination of 24 pesticide residues in Red Wine using a QuEChERS sample preparation approach and LC-MS/MS detection
  2137. Sequencing of Red Wine proanthocyanidins by UHPLC-ESI-Q-ToF
  2138. Resveratrol-fortification of Red Wine does not provide greater inhibition of human lung cancer cell survival compaRed to non-fortified Wine .
  2139. The French paradox revisited: cardioprotection via hormesis, Red Wine and resveratrol
  2140. Improved Sensitivity and Specificity for trans-Resveratrol in Red Wine Analysis with HPLC–UV and LC–MS
  2141. Correlation of Metal and trans-Resveratrol Concentrations in Red Wine
  2143. Comparative study on the changes of aroma components in the grape and dry Red Wine of Cabernet Sauvignon
  2144. … Co-tetrakis (para-aminophenyl) porphyrin and ortho-phenylenediamine. Characterization and electrocatalytic sulfite oxidation behavior of a basic extract from Red Wine
  2145. Volatile phenolics in Teran PTP Red Wine
  2146. Effects of Red Wine , grape juice and resveratrol consumption on bone parameters of Wistar rats submitted to high-fat diet and physical training.
  2147. Polyphenols of Red grapes in Wine and concentrates for use in rehabilitation technologies
  2148. A comparative 87Sr/86Sr study in Red and White Wine s to validate its use as geochemical tracer for the geographical origin of Wine
  2149. Performance and apparent digestibility of growing pigs fed diets with different fat sources and supplemented with organic Red Wine solids
  2150. What gives a Wine its strong Red color? Main correlations affecting copigmentation
  2151. A novel preparation technique of Red (sparkling) Wine for protein analysis
  2152. Influence of Enological Treatments on Dissolved Oxygen Content of Moroccan Red Wine
  2153. Assessment the influence of maturation and aging on Red Wine color and their antioxidant properties
  2154. The Ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) for the microbiological stabilization of Red Wine
  2155. Influence of Red Wine fermentation oenological additives on inoculated strain implantation
  2156. Optimisation of preservatives for dealcoholised Red Wine using a survival model for spoilage yeasts
  2157. Red Wine Inhibits Aggregation and Increases ATP-diphosphohydrolase (CD39) Activity of Rat Platelets in Vitro
  2158. Reversion of nitrate tolerance in rat aorta rings by freeze‐dried Red Wine
  2159. Red Wine flavonoids and vascular health
  2160. Transformation of biologically active stilbenoids from grapevine to Red Wine , food supplement and beverage
  2161. Moderate Red Wine consumption in cardiovascular disease: Ethanol versus polyphenols
  2162. Grape seed tannins: impact on Red Wine
  2163. Monitoring the influence of high power ultrasound treatment and thermosonication on inactivation of Brettanomyces bruxellensis in Red Wine
  2164. Impact of pectolytic enzyme on the fermentation time and free-run juice rate of Sharad Red Wine
  2165. Control of native spoilage yeast on dealcoholized Red Wine by preservatives alone and in binary mixtures
  2166. Comparing Red Wine Color in V. vinifera and Hybrid Cultivars
  2167. Feasibility of dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for extraction and preconcentration of Cu and Fe in Red and white Wine and determination by flame atomic …
  2168. Influence of the temperature and oxygen exposure in Red Port Wine : A kinetic approach
  2169. Preparative purification and isolation of pyranoanthocyanins from Red Wine and evaluation of their antioxidant activity
  2170. Detection of antibiotic sensitivity in multi drug resistant microorganisms using Red Wine
  2171. Finding sensory profiles amongst Red Wine composition: a novel nationwide approach
  2172. The phenolic chemistry and spectrochemistry of Red sweet Wine -making and oak-aging
  2173. Determination of 18 pesticide residues in Red Wine by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry with isotope dilution technique
  2174. Red Wine benefits and side effects: a Review
  2175. Red obsession: The ascent of fine Wine in China
  2176. Influence of different types of wood contact on the quality of Red Wine with particular consideration of used barriques after water jet milling.
  2177. Reply to Gulson’s comments on’Tracing changes in atmospheric sources of lead contamination using lead isotopic compositions in Australian Red Wine ‘
  2178. Paradoxical effect of nonalcoholic Red Wine polyphenol extract, Provinols™, in the regulation of cyclooxygenases in vessels from Zucker fatty rats (fa/fa)
  2179. Red Wine enhances glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) and insulin responses in type 2 diabetes during an oral glucose tolerance test
  2180. Phenolic and chromatic properties of Beibinghong Red ice Wine during and after vinification
  2181. Influence of different yeast/lactic acid bacteria combinations on the aromatic profile of Red Bordeaux Wine
  2182. In vivo antioxidant activity of grape, pomace and Wine from three Red varieties grown in Argentina: Its relationship to phenolic profile
  2183. Quality characteristics of white pan bread added with Red Wine
  2184. Influence of selective removal of grapevine leaves on quality of Red Wine
  2185. The Efficiency of Application Nanosilver in Technological Processes of Making Red Wine
  2186. Protective effects of Red Wine polyphenols and grape-seed proanthocyanidin extract on acetaminophen-induced liver injury
  2187. Fining of Red Wine s with pomace cell wall material: effect on Wine phenolic composition
  2188. The roles of phytochemicals in Red Wine as a protective agent against alcohol damage
  2189. The effect of moderate Red Wine consumption on 24-h blood pressure trajectory in type 2 diabetes; a six-month randomized controlled intervention trial: P802
  2190. Influence of the dominance of must fermentation by Torulaspora delbrueckii on the malolactic fermentation and organoleptic quality of Red table Wine
  2191. Is there any relationship between the type of alcoholic beverage and oral cancer? Focus on Red Wine in an European perspective
  2192. The premium price for Italian Red Wine s in new world Wine consuming countries: the case of the Russian market
  2193. Antidepressant-like activity of Red Wine phenolic extracts in repeated corticosterone-induced depression mice via BDNF/TrkB/CREB signaling pathway
  2195. Influence of freezing skin grapes to extract phenolic compounds during Red Wine maceration
  2196. Model Study on Changes in Key Aroma Compounds of Dornfelder Red Wine Induced by Treatment with Toasted French Oak Chips (Q. robur)
  2197. Determination of three chlorophenols in Red Wine by sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled with dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and …
  2198. Effect of adding seeds during maceration on color and functional contents of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine
  2199. Modulator role of trilinolein/triolein and resveratrol on the health promoting effects of processed foods: Edible oils and Red Wine
  2200. Multivariate study of the evolution of phenolic composition and sensory profile on mouth of Mexican Red Merlot Wine aged in barrels vs wood chips
  2201. Effect of enzyme additions on the oligosaccharide composition of Monastrell Red Wine s from four different Wine -growing origins in Spain
  2202. Instantaneous heat shock treatment in grape during pre-harvest stages enhances phenolic-linked medicinal properties in Red Wine
  2203. Ensemble machine learning based on a voting method using Red Wine dataset for business education
  2204. Study of phenolic compounds in Red grapes and Wine s from Murfatlar Wine center
  2205. Lowering histamine formation in a Red Ribera del Duero Wine (Spain) by using an indigenous O. oeni strain as a malolactic starter
  2206. A new method for the detection of early contamination of Red Wine by Brettanomyces bruxellensis using Pseudomonas putida 4-ethylphenol methylene hydroxylase (4 …
  2207. Determination of volatile organic compounds in Kazakhstan Red Wine by headspace solid-phase microextraction in combination with GC-MS
  2208. Quality Parameters of Red Wine Produced From ‘Kallmet’Grape Variety, Grown In Albanian Territory
  2209. Red Wine s of Medoc: What is Wine tasting worth?
  2210. Polysaccharide composition of Monastrell Red Wine s from four different Spanish terroirs: Effect of Wine -making techniques
  2211. Vine water deficit impacts aging bouquet in fine Red Bordeaux Wine
  2212. Characterization of seed and skin polyphenolic extracts of two Red grape cultivars grown in Croatia and their sensory perception in a Wine model medium
  2213. Red Wine as an antimicrobial against dental plaque: Preliminary studies in a biofilm model
  2215. Studies regarding the impact of aging time on color of Red Wine merlot obtained in recas vineyard
  2216. Descriptor Fingerprints and Their Application to Red Wine Clustering and Discrimination
  2217. Acute transient myopic shift induced by Red Wine : a case report
  2218. Chemical and physical arrangements and ecological impact on Red Wine micro-Oxygenation.
  2219. Determination of carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl in Red Wine by high pressure liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry.
  2220. Key changes in Wine aroma active compounds during bottle storage of Spanish Red Wine s under different oxygen levels
  2221. Validation of a SPE clean-up method for ochratoxin A determination in Red Wine
  2222. Effect of the addition of different types of oenological commercial tannins on phenolic and sensorial Red Wine characteristics evolution
  2223. The effect of Red and white Wine consumption on breast cancer risk in women
  2224. MLF: Malolactic fermentation and Red Wine colour
  2225. Utilization of jamun (Syzygium cuminii L.) fruit for production of Red Wine : An overview
  2226. Quality Changes of Venison Marinated in Red Wine Marinade during Storage
  2227. The role of grape-derived protein in limiting Red Wine tannin
  2228. High pressure inactivation of Brettanomyces bruxellensis in Red Wine .
  2229. Addition protocols and their effects on extraction and retention of grape phenolics during Red Wine fermentation and aging
  2230. Discussion: Tracing changes in atmospheric sources of lead contamination using lead isotopic compositions in Australian Red Wine Chemosphere (2016) 154, 40-47 …
  2231. Non-personal and personal determinants of Red Wine purchase rather than other Wine s among Chinese consumers: modelling multilevel and cross-level interactions
  2232. Correction to Olfactory Impact of Higher Alcohols on Red Wine Fruity Ester Aroma Expression in Model Solution
  2233. Polyvinylalcohol stabilizes anthocyanins of Red Wine in the solid phase but not in the aqueous phase
  2234. Some facts about Red Wine
  2235. Effect of Three Major Polyphenols in Red Wine on Sodium Channel Current in Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglia Cells
  2236. Effect of the introduction of chrysanthemum on the nutritional and sensory properties of cabernet sauvignon Red Wine
  2237. Effect of recycled yeast inoculum on fermentation and quality of Red Wine produced from Punjab purple (Syn H516) grapes
  2238. Effect of Red Wine Polyphenols on the Expression of Transthyretin in Murine Choroid Plexus
  2239. Antiproliferative effects of Red and white Wine extracts in PC-3 prostate cancer cells
  2240. Beneficial Effects of Moderate Intake of Red Wine on Glycemic Control, Lipid Profile and Pancreas Histoarchitecture in Diabetic Rats Fed on High Carbohydrate …
  2241. Red Wine , Resveratrol, and Vascular Aging: Implications for Dementia and Cognitive Decline
  2242. The influence of price on supply of the Czech producers of bottled Red quality Wine
  2243. Is there consensus among Wine quality ratings of prominent critics? An empirical analysis of Red Bordeaux, 2004–2010
  2244. Extra virgin olive oil and Red Wine polyphenols modulate fecal microbiota and Red uce metabolic risk factors in high insulin resistant obese patients
  2245. … Use of Selected Schizosaccharomyces pombe andLachancea thermotolerans Yeast Strains as an Alternative to theTraditional Malolactic Fermentation in Red Wine …
  2246. Impact of the Wine Matrix on the Perception of Finish in Red Wine
  2248. Production of a malolactic fermentation starter culture using autochthonous O. oeni strains to Red uce the histamine content in Red Wine
  2249. Oxygen’s Impact on Red Wine Aging
  2250. Potential of a Multiparametric Optical Sensor for Determining in Situ the Maturity Components of Red and White Vitis vinifera Wine Grapes
  2252. Exercise, Red Wine , or both?
  2253. Influence of Wine region provenance on phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and radical scavenger activity of traditional Portuguese Red grape varieties
  2254. Forget The Glass Of Red Wine For Good Health
  2255. Consumer Perception towards High-quality Red Wine in China
  2256. Red Wine Is Good for Your Teeth
  2257. Red Wine consumption in “the new world “and “the old world”
  2258. Research on anti-cancer active component in Red Wine
  2259. Red Wine : A key element of rituals among navy troops
  2261. Plant protection product residues in Red grapes and Teran PTP Wine
  2262. Decoding the Taste of Red Wine using a Sensomics Approach
  2263. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis to Red Wine
  2264. Effects of Red Wine and different doses of polyphenols from dealcoholised Red Wine on endothelial function in subjects with metabolic syndrome
  2265. Mucolytics in COPD: Like Red Wine ?
  2267. The innovative use of bentonite in Red Wine stabilization.
  2268. Testing notes: Savoury and textural Roussanne-the Red Wine drinker’s white
  2269. Evaluation of plasma antioxidant status after Red Wine intake
  2270. Phenolic profile and antioxidant capacity of ten dry Red Wine s from two major Wine -producing regions in China
  2271. Oxygen impacts on chemical and sensory evolutions in Red Wine
  2272. Assessment of Red Wine quality parameters in correlation with consumers’ safety.
  2274. Elucidation of key antioxidant components in Red Wine via challenge with a range of oxidants using an HPLC comparison to faux Wine
  2275. Terahertz wave characteristics of Red Wine
  2276. Segmenting Wine markets with diverse price functions: Evidence from California Red and white Wine s sold in British Columbia
  2277. The effect of Red Wine dyes on human health
  2278. Development of HACCP system for production of natural dry Red Wine
  2279. PCR-based DGGE fingerprinting and identification of the microbial population in South African Red grape must and Wine
  2281. Research on some biological and technological features of Red Wine varieties in conditions of “Minis Maderat” Vineyard
  2282. 5 Reasons the Benefits of Red Wine Are Overhyped.
  2283. Strategies for Increasing the Release of Pigments in Red Wine
  2284. Effect of temperature and short term storage on Red Wine rheologic properties
  2285. Red Wine , arterial stiffness and central hemodynamics Kalliopi Karatzi
  2286. I prefer a dry Red thanks’: a consumer behavioural study of resident Auckland Chinese Wine consumption and Wine -related tourism
  2287. Multistarter From Organic Viticulture For Red Wine Montepulciano D’abruzzo Production
  2289. Red Wine consumption: dietary option in the healthy lifestyle modification?
  2290. The Contribution Of Mono-And Diglucosidic Anthocyanins To Red Wine Color
  2291. Effect of storage conditions on the anthocyanin distribution of Red Wine
  2293. Red Wine increases SHBG production by HepG2 cells
  2294. Volatile composition of Merlot Red Wine and its contribution to the aroma: optimization and validation of analytical method
  2295. Drying/encapsulation of Red Wine to produce ingRed ientes for healthy foods
  2296. Would you like Red or WHITE Wine ?-I would like Red Wine : Native speaker perception of (non-) native intonation patterns
  2298. Syrah tropical Red Wine and residue health benefits according to in vitro and in vivo analysis using Wistar rats.
  2299. Enhancing Red Wine complexity using novel yeast blends
  2300. … : 2329-6488 JALDD, an open access journal Furthermore, evidence has been provided that certain alcoholic drinks such as Red Wine possesses anti-oxidant …
  2301. Investigation of Variable Micro-oxygenation Rate and Exposure Point on Red Wine Aging
  2302. Grapevine: Organic chemistry and Red Wine colour
  2303. Influence of the Manufacturing Process on Changes in the Concentrations of Selected Key Aroma Compounds of Dornfelder Red Wine
  2304. Grapevine: Australian fortified Red Wine
  2305. Drying/encapsulation of Red Wine to produce ingRed ients for healthy foods
  2306. Enzymatic transformations of resveratrol from Red Wine
  2307. Changes in the fecal profile of inflammatory markers after moderate consumption of Red Wine : a human trial study
  2309. Rapid assessment of Red Wine compositional parameters by means of a new Waveguide Vector Spectrometer
  2310. Environmentally Friendly Synthesis of p‐Doped Red uced Graphene Oxide with High Dispersion Stability by Using Red Table Wine
  2311. Effect of addition of overripe seeds from white grape by-products during Red Wine fermentation on Wine colour and phenolic composition
  2312. Enhancement of Red Wine Structure and Mouthfeel Through the Addition of Enological Tannins
  2314. Determination of suitability of kosetevek grape variety cultivated in Elaziğ province for the production of Red Wine .
  2315. Effects of Injection of Red Wine on Physico-chemical Characteristics of Pork Loin Ham
  2316. Molecular analysis of Red Wine yeast diversity in the Ribera del Duero DO (Spain) area
  2317. Quantification of the Polyphenolic Constituents of Retail Samples of Red Wine
  2318. Influence of Brettanomyces volatile compounds on the sensory properties of Red Wine
  2319. Determination of Cl, K, Mg, Mn, Na and V in brazilian Red Wine by neutron activation analysis
  2321. Evaluation and control of polyphenols in grape must and Red Wine .
  2322. Red Wine Molecule Makes a Comeback to Activate SIRT1
  2323. Evaluation of the evolution of the anthocyanins profile in Red Wine grape varieties in Alentejo
  2324. Antioxidant Effects of Phytochemicals in Texas Red Wine in Breast Cancer Cells
  2325. Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum XJ25 Isolated from Chinese Red Wine
  2326. Does Alcohol and Red Wine Consumption Play a Role in Multiple Sclerosis Disease Course?(P2. 213)
  2327. Prototype development for automatic control of the malolactic fermentation process in the production of Red Wine .
  2328. New vineyards yield grapes for Red Wine blend
  2329. Foundation of Red Wine making strategies on assessment of grapes maturation and maturity.
  2330. Instrumental and Sensory Evaluation of Red Wine Astringency
  2331. Impact of ion exchange resin treatment on Red Wine sensory profile, phenolic and mineral composition
  2332. Antioxidant Efficiency of Oxovitisin, a New Class of Red Wine Pyranoanthocyanins, Revealed through Quantum Mechanical Investigations
  2333. Do weak stationary magnetic fields affect the perceived astringency of Red Wine ?
  2334. Impact of acidity and oxygen concentrations on chemical evolution and pigment formation in merlot Red Wine
  2335. Evaluating the effects of sweet-type Red Wine on nutrition and health by novel system and imagination for improving safety and quality of foods.
  2336. Faecal Metabolomic Fingerprint after Moderate Consumption of Red Wine by Healthy Subjects
  2337. Red Wine sweetness preference according to consumer segmentation
  2338. Influence of the concentrate of Red Wine polyphenols on glutamate neurotoxicity
  2339. Tannin structure-activity correlations during Red Wine extraction operations
  2340. Marketing Strategies of Food Innovations and their Effect on Consumer Acceptance (Innovative Labels for Crianza Red Wine )
  2341. Effect of NanostructuRed Silver on Biologically Active Substances and Microbiological Processes of Dry Red Wine
  2342. Red Wine polyphenols modulate fecal microbiota and Red uce markers of the metabolic syndrome in obese patients
  2343. The influence of the clone and rootstock on the Red Wine composition from the vineyard Sâmburești.
  2344. Identification and characterization of odorant compounds in Carmenere Red Wine .
  2345. Identification and Characterization of Odorant Compounds in Carmenere Red Wine
  2346. Red Wine Consumption Is Linked to Clinical Improvement and Delisting From the Heart Transplant Waiting List
  2347. Removal of fumonisin B1 and B2 from model solutions and Red Wine using polymeric substances
  2348. Red Wine sweetness preference according to consumer segmentation
  2350. Effection of different yeasts and maceration enzymes on aromatic components of cabernet gernischt Red Wine
  2351. Activity of Red Wine polyphenols on endothelial no-synthase (eNOS)
  2353. Seal the deal on pH, Red Wine colour and tannin during bottle ageing
  2354. Aged care: Resveratrol and Red Wine revisited: Can we prevent ageing?
  2355. Moderate intake of Red Wine promotes a significant increase of phenolic metabolites in human faeces
  2356. Tracing Historic Industrial Lead Emissions Using Lead Isotopic Compositions in Red Wine
  2358. Effects of ionizing radiation on the physicochemical properties of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon
  2359. GC/MS for profiling volatile constituents of Red Wine and their changes during radiation processing
  2360. Salad, a Glass of Red Wine , and a Discussion about How to Effectively Answer Questions in Appellate Argument
  2361. Improved sensitivity and specificity for trans-Resveratrol in Red Wine analysis with HPLC-UV and LC-MS.
  2362. In Vivo Attenuation of Acute CCl4 Hepatotoxicity by Alcoholic Red Wine
  2363. Flavour Science: Chapter 97. Decoding the Taste of Red Wine using a Sensomics Approach
  2364. An evaluation of the flora adjacent to Wine grape vineyards for the presence of alternative host plants of grapevine Red blotch-associated virus
  2365. Effect of Red Wine polyphenols and Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 on the composition and metabolism of human gut microbiota
  2366. Influence of sequential and mixed fermentations with non-Saccharomyces yeasts on the sensory profile of Red Wine
  2367. A Sensory Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Jelly with Red Wine and Honey Based on Fuzzy Mathematics
  2368. Influence of coffee and Red Wine on tooth color during and after bleaching
  2369. Anthocyanin composition of young Red Wine cv. Ruby Cabernet and Syrah: effect of time and storage conditions.
  2370. To dine with Red Wine : Systems approach to studying resveratrol’s protection against inflammatory colorectal cancer
  2371. Relaxant and antioxidant capacity of Red Wine polyphenols on isolated mice corpora cavernosa
  2372. Red Wine grape crops impacted by fungus outbreak
  2373. 750ml Dark Green Frosted Glass Red Wine Bottle
  2374. Effect of Temperature during Bottle Aging on the Flavor Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Ruby Cabernet Red Wine
  2375. Application of NMR spectroscopy and chemometrics based approach to examine the effect of Red Wine polyphenols on TNF-α production
  2376. Consumer perception of Red Wine from brazilian tropical semi-arid Wine ry added of organic acids for pH adjusting.
  2378. Behavior of some varieties with black grapes for Red Wine in the first three years after planting on improved sandy soils from Southern Oltenia
  2379. The Effect of Viticultural Climate on Red and White Wine Typicity-Characterization in Ibero-American grape-growing regions
  2381. Effects of ionizing radiation in the physico-chemical characteristics of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon
  2382. Employment of ultra-violet (UV-C) radiation as na alternative technology to sulfites for the microbiological stability of Red Wine -preliminary results.
  2383. Oxygen and ellagitannin evolution and organoleptic properties of french Red Wine aged in near infra-Red classification wood barrels
  2384. Determination of sensory descriptors in tropical Red Wine using visible/near infraRed (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy.
  2385. Improvement of Red Wine quality through partial grape drying on the trellis: essay on the grapevine variety Diolinoir in Ticino
  2386. Separation and purification of polyphenols from Red Wine extracts using high speed counter current chromatography B Analytical technologies in the biomedical and …
  2387. I taste Red : the science of tasting Wine .
  2388. Effects of pH, temperature and SO2 on pyranoanthocyanins (Vitisins) in Red Wine by response surface methodology.
  2389. Molecular mechanisms of action of grape and Red Wine polyphenols against oxidative and inflammatory processes in atherosclerosis
  2390. Comparison of the effect of 8 closures in controlled industrial conditions on the shelf life of a Red Wine
  2391. Effect of cyclodextrin and extraction method on extraction of phenolic compounds extraction from Red Wine pomace
  2392. The Impact of Commercial Tannin Additions and Addition Timing on Finger Lakes Red Wine Color
  2393. The effect of Red Wine extract, resveratrol, on the degree and rate of orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs
  2394. Performances and apparent digestibility of growing pigs fed with different fat sources and supplemented with organic Red Wine solids.
  2395. Effect of Storage on Organoleptic Acceptability of Red Wine PrepaRed from Jamun (Syzygium cuminii (L.) Skeels) Fruits
  2396. Phenolic and sensory evolution of a Red Wine from Jaen grape variety aged in different kinds of oak wood barrels
  2397. Effect of Red Wine extract on oxidative stability of lamb patties enriched with omega-3 fatty acids.
  2398. … Science: Chapter 31. Influence of the Manufacturing Process on Changes in the Concentrations of Selected Key Aroma Compounds of Dornfelder Red Wine
  2399. A petrographic, geochemical, and geochronological study of rare earth element mineralization in the Red Wine intrusive suite, Labrador, Canada
  2400. Solubilization of Chemically Red uced Graphene Oxide through Environmentally Friendly Synthesis Using Catechol in Coffee and Table-top Red Wine
  2401. The role of nitrite-derived nitric oxide in gastric physiology: biochemical mechanisms, molecular targets and the modulatory effect of Red Wine
  2402. Effect of dietary supplementation with either, Red Wine extract or vitamin E, in combination with omega 3 sources on microbiological and sensory quality of lamb meat.
  2403. Effects of co-inoculation on Wine -quality attributes of the high-acid, Red hybrid variety chambourcin
  2404. Effects of ionizing radiation in the physico-chemical characteristics of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon; Efeitos da radiacao ionizante nas caracteristicas fisico-quimicas …
  2405. Colloidal stability of polyphenols in young Red Wine by Acacia gum: the major implication of arabinogalactan-proteins rich in proteins
  2406. Study of «dried fruits» aromas molecular markers in Merlot and Cabernet-Sauvignon grapes and Red Wine : Sensory, analytical and agronomic approaches
  2407. Electroanaiysis of Caffeic Acid in Red Wine with Ag Nanoparticles Modified Poly (Thiophene) Film Glassy Carbon Electrode
  2409. Study of the evolution of anthocyanins, tannins and derivatives during making and ageing of Red Wine from rioja by ft-ir and hplc-ms/ms
  2410. Classification of Red and White Wine by Smell Classification
  2411. Red Wine Again?: Commentary on an article by Erin L. Hsu, PhD, et al.:“Dioxin Exposure Impairs BMP-2-Mediated Spinal Fusion in a Rat Arthrodesis Model”
  2412. In vitro studies on the effect of Red Wine polyphenols and cyclic guanosine monophosphate export in the regulation of vascular and erectile tone
  2413. The influence of geomorphology on the sensorial quality of Red Wine s from the Șarba Wine region, Odobești Vineyard
  2414. Isolation And Characterization Of Natural Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors From Antioxidant Rich Red Wine Grapes (vitis Vinifera)
  2415. Flavour Science: Chapter 50. Effect of Temperature during Bottle Aging on the Flavor Profile and Antioxidant Capacity of Ruby Cabernet Red Wine
  2416. 50 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism: How Mustard, Red Wine , and Days at the Beach Can Help You Lose Weight & Stay Healthy
  2417. … L, Roca-Rodriguez MdM, Delgado-Lista J, Cardona F, Andres-Lacueva C, Tinahones FJ. Effect of acute and chronic Red Wine consumption on lipopolysaccharide …
  2418. … , V.; et al. Removal of 4-Ethylphenol and 4-Ethylguaiacol with Polyaniline-Based Compounds in Wine -Like Model Solutions and Red Wine . Molecules 2015, 20 (8) …
  2420. Vitamin C and the Red Wine Polyphenol Resveratrol-but not Curcumin and the Glycolysis Inhibitors 2-Deoxyglucose, Dichloroacetate and 3-Bromopyruvate …
  2421. Seeing Red : China’s Wine Market
  2422. Micro-oxygenation and fining agent treatments: Impact on color of Moroccan Red press Wine
  2423. Comparisons of 17 Red Wine grape (Vitis vinifera l.) cultivars under deficit irrigation over four years in the San Joaquin Valley of California: responses of vine …
  2424. … jugging is Jugged Hare (known as civet de lièvre in France), which is a whole hare, cut into pieces, marinated and cooked with Red Wine and juniper berries
  2425. Preparation of Wine from Red pumpkin and sugar beet root
  2426. Photosensitizer effects of artificial Red cells on dye laser irradiation in an animal model assuming port-Wine stain treatment
  2427. … for Wine making: A Survey of the Main Varieties Grown in Quebec for Red Wine ProductionImpacts of Natural Yield Variance on Wine Composition and Sensory …
  2430. The impact of some Wine -making practices on the quality of Vranec Red Wine s from Macedonia produced by the newly-selected local strain “F-78”
  2431. Artificial Red blood cells as potential photosensitizers in dye laser treatment against port-Wine stains
  2432. Aspects of production of fruit vinegar. Red and white Wine vinegar
  2433. Valorisation of hybrid grape variety into processing of Red sparkling Wine
  2436. Technical and economic evaluation of maceration of Red grapes for production everyday Wine
  2437. Not Just Red and White: Wine Expertise Influences Wine Color Descriptions
  2438. Segmenting Wine Market: California Red and White Wine Retail Prices in British Columbia
  2439. Impact of Red blotch disease on grape and Wine composition and quality
  2440. A Wine Red copper (II) complex of a tetradentate nitrogen donor showing two-electron oxidation. Generation of a copper (II)-phosphine bond
  2441. Wine maturation: Use of ultrasound treatment and non-Saccharomyces yeasts for accelerating ageing on lees in Red Wine s
  2442. Investigation of Yield Regulation of Red Grapes on the Concentration of Some Crucial Wine Components
  2443. Heat requirements for Red grapevine cultivars in the Wine -producing region of Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
  2444. The effect of natural polyphenol complex of Red grape Wine on L-arginine/NO system in peripheral blood of rats under low doses of ionizing radiation
  2445. Is green Wine just a Red herring?: Wine
  2446. Optimized Wine quality potential through fruit-zone management practices in Red varieties
  2447. Wine -growing origins affect the structure of oligosaccharides in Red Wine s
  2449. QSRR study on GC retention time of aromatic components in Red raspberry Wine
  2450. Red Obsession: Foreign conglomerates battle over Chinese Wine
  2451. Rapid quantification of four anthocyanins in Red grape Wine by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry
  2452. Heavy metals in Georgian Red Wine s Kindzmarauli and Saperavi of Wine enterprise “Khareba”
  2453. Changes in Fermentative Characteristics of Red Ginseng Wine using Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Red Ginseng Marc
  2454. Assessing the Effect of Different Percentages of Red Blotch Affected Fruit on Wine Composition for Cabernet Sauvignon
  2455. A Bottle of White, a Bottle of Red , Perhaps a Bottle of BC Wine Instead: Evaluating BC Wine Sales Policy and Canada’s WTO Commitments
  2456. Image and choice of Burgundy Red Wine s: Difference between Wine makers and Wine sellers.
  2457. Wine : Shiraz comes in from the cold: The Tasmanian Red that could
  2458. Effect of Red koji on the antioxidant properties of Guangdong Hakka rice Wine
  2459. Colour and quality peculiarities of induced Red variety of anchellote grape for manufacturing qualitative Wine materials
  2460. Evaluation on nutritional and healthy effects of dry-type Red grape Wine by BDI-GS system and food safety discussion.
  2462. JAMIE GOODE: I Taste Red : The Science of Tasting Wine . University of California Press, Oakland CA, 2016, 224 pp., ISBN 978-0-520-29224-6 (hardcover), $29.95.
  2463. Influence of thermal regimes during fermentation-maceration process on foaming properties of Wine materials for Red sparkling Wine production
  2464. White or Red : It’S All in Your Head: A Crisp and Refreshing Book About Wine
  2465. Characteristics of Red pitaya Wine fermented by different yeast strains
  2466. The Influence of Geomorphology on the Sensorial Quality of Red Wine s from the Șarba Wine Region, Odobești Vineyard
  2467. Study on clarification of Red raspberry Wine with pectinase.
  2469. Micro-Oxygenation and Fining Agent Treatments: Impact on Color of Moroccan Red Press Wine
  2470. Jelly nutrients… Leftovers… Red vs. white Wine … Eye nutrients
  2471. Application of Wine Pomace Seeds as Finning Agent During Production of Red Wine s And its Effects Over Colour Parameters
  2472. Application of Wine Pomace seeds as finning agent during production of Red Wine s and its effects over colour parameters
  2473. Detection of 4 kinds of sudan Red dyes residues in Wine cued egg by gel permeation chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography.
  2474. Biological activity of Red wriggler earthworm using puncture Wine weed with cow dung as substrate
  2475. Optimization of process conditions of ginseng and Red deer placenta grape Wine .
  2476. Role of major Wine constituents in the foam sensory properties of sparkling Wine s made from Red grapes
  2477. The cheeseboard in Dutch fine dining restaurants, III: Using the FSC model in finding good cheese-Wine combinations: A pilot study with Red bacteria cheeses
  2478. Dietary Toxicity Evaluation of Brown Rice Starter Red Kojic Rice Wine
  2480. Ogilby, Milton, Canary Wine , and the Red Scorpion: Another Look at Kant’s Deduction of Taste
  2481. The concentration, composition and structure of oligosaccharides in Wine are affected by grape cultivar: the example of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Monastrell Red …
  2482. … Hips, 2007, The Republic of Wine , 2006, Red Sorghum Clan, 2013) in 2012, and after the film adaptations of novels, such as Red Sorghum, Raise the Red …
  2483. Contribution of Red Wine consumption to human health protection
  2484. Red Wine technology
  2485. Red Wine consumption and cardiovascular health
  2486. Red Wine dryness perception related to physicochemistry
  2487. Impact of Red Wine consumption on cardiovascular health
  2488. Cold maceration application in Red Wine production and its effects on phenolic compounds: A review
  2489. The effects of grape and Red Wine polyphenols on gut microbiota–A systematic review
  2490. PRed iction models to control aging time in Red Wine
  2491. Red Wine consumption associated with increased gut microbiota α-diversity in 3 independent cohorts
  2492. How must pH affects the level of Red Wine phenols
  2493. Verification of imported Red Wine origin into China using multi isotope and elemental analyses
  2494. Polyphenol extracts from Red Wine and grapevine: Potential effects on cancers
  2495. Effectiveness of chitosan as an alternative to sulfites in Red Wine production
  2496. The power of Dionysus—Effects of Red Wine on consciousness in a naturalistic setting
  2497. Mathematical modelling to enhance Wine making efficiency: a review of Red Wine colour and polyphenol extraction and evolution
  2498. Geographical identification of Chianti Red Wine based on ICP-MS element composition
  2499. Microwave-assisted extraction and membrane-based separation of biophenols from Red Wine lees
  2500. Red Wine clarification and stabilization
  2501. Fine Wine or sour grapes? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of Red Wine polyphenols on vascular health
  2502. Cardioprotective effect of Red Wine and grape pomace
  2503. Direct quantification of Red Wine phenolics using fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics
  2504. Red ucing the negative sensory impact of volatile phenols in Red Wine with different chitosans: Effect of structure on efficiency
  2505. Optimization of fermentation-relevant factors: A strategy to Red uce ethanol in Red Wine by sequential culture of native yeasts
  2506. … analysis combined with machine learning for geographical and varietal authentication, and pRed iction of phenolic compound concentrations in Red Wine
  2507. Consumer preferences for different Red Wine styles and repeated exposure effects
  2508. Development of an immunochromatographic test strip for the detection of ochratoxin A in Red Wine
  2509. Impact of berry size at harvest on Red Wine composition: a Wine maker’s approach
  2510. Red Wine extract preserves tight junctions in intestinal epithelial cells under inflammatory conditions: Implications for intestinal inflammation
  2511. Antimicrobial activity of Red Wine and oenological extracts against periodontal pathogens in a validated oral biofilm model
  2512. Comparison of high pressure treatment with conventional Red Wine aging processes: impact on phenolic composition
  2513. In vitro gastrointestinal absorption of Red Wine anthocyanins–Impact of structural complexity and phase II metabolization
  2514. Study of potential anti-inflammatory effects of Red Wine extract and resveratrol through a modulation of interleukin-1-beta in macrophages
  2515. The influences of Red Wine in phenotypes of human cancer cells
  2516. Comparison of the in vitro gastrointestinal bioavailability of acylated and non-acylated anthocyanins: Purple-fleshed sweet potato vs Red Wine
  2517. … of Torulaspora delbrueckii co-fermentation with two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with different aromatic characteristic to improve the diversity of Red Wine …
  2518. Plasma metabolites associated with frequent Red Wine consumption: a metabolomics approach within the PRed IMED Study
  2519. Quality evaluation of different varieties of dry Red Wine based on nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics
  2520. Quality and volatile compounds in Red Wine at different degrees of dealcoholization by membrane process
  2521. Aroma modulation of Cabernet Gernischt dry Red Wine by optimal enzyme treatment strategy in Wine making
  2522. The pro-oxidant activity of Red Wine polyphenols induces an adaptive antioxidant response in human erythrocytes
  2523. Sustainable graphene aerogel as an ecofriendly cell growth promoter and highly efficient adsorbent for histamine from Red Wine
  2524. Flavonol profile is a reliable indicator to assess canopy architecture and the exposure of Red Wine grapes to solar radiation
  2525. Improved synthesis of analogues of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanin pigments
  2526. Wine tasting based on emotional responses: An expedite approach to distinguish between warm and cool climate dry Red Wine styles
  2527. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of anion-exchange membrane amx-sb fouled by Red Wine components
  2528. Characterization of bulk and surface properties of anion-exchange membranes in initial stages of fouling by Red Wine
  2529. Investigating the effect of extrinsic cues on consumers’ evaluation of Red Wine using a projective mapping task
  2530. Ultrasound treatment of crushed grapes: Effect on the must and Red Wine polysaccharide composition
  2531. Fractionation of Red Wine grape pomace by subcritical water extraction/hydrolysis
  2532. Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Starmerella bacillaris strains interaction modulates chemical and volatile profile in Red Wine mixed fermentations
  2533. Oak wood volatiles impact on Red Wine fruity aroma perception in various matrices
  2534. A fluorescent probe for sensitive detection of hydrazine and its application in Red Wine and water
  2535. Study of the role of oxygen in the evolution of Red Wine colour under different ageing conditions in barrels and bottles
  2536. Effects of high power ultrasound treatments on the phenolic, chromatic and aroma composition of young and aged Red Wine
  2537. Formation and accumulation of acetaldehyde and strecker aldehydes during Red Wine oxidation
  2538. Impact of whisky lactone diastereoisomers on Red Wine fruity aromatic expression in model solution
  2539. Theoretical and practical approach to the dealcoholization of water-ethanol mixtures and Red Wine by osmotic distillation
  2540. Mathematical modelling of anthocyanin mass transfer to pRed ict extraction in simulated Red Wine fermentation scenarios
  2541. Stability of anthocyanins and their degradation products from cabernet sauvignon Red Wine under gastrointestinal pH and temperature conditions
  2542. The effect of prefermentative addition of gallic acid and ellagic acid on the Red Wine color, copigmentation and phenolic profiles during Wine aging
  2543. Effects of grape quality on the environmental profile of an Italian vineyard for Lambrusco Red Wine production
  2544. Insights from combining techno-economic and life cycle assessment–a case study of polyphenol extraction from Red Wine pomace
  2545. Application of spectroscopic UV-Vis and FT-IR screening techniques coupled with multivariate statistical analysis for Red Wine authentication: Varietal and vintage year …
  2546. Nitrogen sources added to must: effect on the fermentations and on the Tempranillo Red Wine quality
  2547. Red Wine , resveratrol, and Alzheimer’s disease
  2548. Insights on the role of acetaldehyde and other aldehydes in the odour and tactile nasal perception of Red Wine
  2549. Daily Red Wine vinegar ingestion for eight weeks improves glucose homeostasis and affects the metabolome but does not Red uce adiposity in adults
  2550. A mechanistic model for the extraction of phenolics from grapes during Red Wine fermentation
  2551. The oxygen consumption kinetics of commercial oenological tannins in model Wine solution and Chianti Red Wine
  2552. Determination of the age of dry Red Wine by multivariate techniques using color parameters and pigments
  2553. Impact of cherry, acacia and oak chips on Red Wine phenolic parameters and sensory profile
  2554. Ground‐and Excited‐State Acidity of Analogs of Red Wine Pyranoanthocyanins
  2555. Characterization of key aroma compounds in a commercial rum and an Australian Red Wine by means of a new sensomics-based expert system (SEBES)—an …
  2556. Alcohol and Red Wine consumption, but not fruit, vegetables, fish or dairy products, are associated with less endothelial dysfunction and less low-grade …
  2557. Fabrication of SnO2 decorated graphene composite material and its application in electrochemical detection of caffeic acid in Red Wine
  2558. Comparison between Red Wine and isolated trans-resveratrol on the prevention and regression of atherosclerosis in LDLr (−/−) mice
  2559. Partial least squares calibrations and batch statistical process control to monitor phenolic extraction in Red Wine fermentations under different maceration conditions
  2560. The Red Wine component ellagic acid induces autophagy and exhibits anti‐lung cancer activity in vitro and in vivo
  2561. Bioactive compounds and metabolites from grapes and Red Wine in breast cancer chemoprevention and therapy
  2562. Moderate Red Wine consumption increases the expression of longevity-associated genes in controlled human populations and extends lifespan in Drosophila …
  2563. Patterns of sweetness preference in Red Wine according to consumer characterisation
  2564. Minty aroma compounds in Red Wine : Development of a novel automated HS-SPME-arrow and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry quantification method
  2565. Phenolic compounds of Red Wine Aglianico del Vulture modulate the functional activity of macrophages via inhibition of NF-κB and the citrate pathway
  2566. Fungicide residues affect the sensory properties and flavonoid composition of Red Wine
  2567. Non-Saccharomyces yeasts as bioprotection in the composition of Red Wine and in the Red uction of sulfur dioxide
  2568. Characterization of Red Wine native colloids by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with online multidetection
  2569. Investigation of olfactory interactions of low levels of five off-flavour causing compounds in a Red Wine matrix
  2570. Flavor modification of dry Red Wine from Chinese spine grape by mixed fermentation with Pichia fermentans and S. cerevisiae
  2571. Fluorescent silicon nanoparticles-based ratiometric fluorescence immunoassay for sensitive detection of ethyl carbamate in Red Wine
  2572. Volatile composition of oak wood from different customised oxygenation Wine barrels: Effect on Red Wine
  2573. Creation and validation of a reactor engineering model for multiphase Red Wine fermentations
  2574. Reaction mechanisms of oxygen and sulfite in Red Wine
  2575. Efficiency of carboxymethylcellulose in Red Wine tartaric stability: Effect on Wine phenolic composition, chromatic characteristics and colouring matter stability
  2576. Factors influencing olfactory perception of selected off-flavour-causing compounds in Red Wine -A review
  2577. A novel fluorimetric method to evaluate Red Wine antioxidant activity
  2578. Influence of Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts in the formation of pyranoanthocyanins and polymeric pigments during Red Wine making
  2579. Economic-environmental impact analysis of alternative systems for Red Wine ageing in re-used barrels
  2580. Tribology and QCM-D approaches provide mechanistic insights into Red Wine mouthfeel, astringency sub-qualities and the role of saliva
  2581. Red Wine High-Molecular-Weight Polyphenolic Complex: An Emerging Modulator of Human Metabolic Disease Risk and Gut Microbiota
  2582. Determination of phenolic compounds in human saliva after oral administration of Red Wine by high performance liquid chromatography
  2583. Effect of Structural Transformations on Precipitability and Polarity of Red Wine Phenolic Polymers
  2584. Microwave irradiation: impacts on physicochemical properties of Red Wine
  2585. On-site, rapid and visual determination of Hg2+ and Cu2+ in Red Wine by ratiometric fluorescence sensor of metal-organic frameworks and CdTe QDs
  2586. Influence of must yeast-assimilable nitrogen content on fruity aroma variation during malolactic fermentation in Red Wine
  2587. The influence of the Wine making process on the elemental composition of the Marselan Red Wine
  2588. Pulsed electric field treatment of Red Wine : Inactivation of Brettanomyces and potential hazard caused by metal ion dissolution
  2589. Effects of low sulfur dioxide concentrations on bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties of Aglianico Red Wine
  2590. Effects of Huangjiu, Baijiu and Red Wine combined with high-fat diet on glucose and lipid metabolism: Aggravate or alleviate?
  2591. Digital image-based tracing of geographic origin, Wine maker, and grape type for Red Wine authentication
  2592. Phenolic Analysis and In Vitro Biological Activity of Red Wine , Pomace and Grape Seeds Oil Derived from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Montepulciano d’Abruzzo
  2593. Towards on-line monitoring of phenolic content in Red Wine grapes: A feasibility study
  2594. Effect of pulsed electric fields on mannoproteins release from Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the aging on lees of Caladoc Red Wine
  2595. Friction forces of saliva and Red Wine on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces
  2596. Assessment of tryptophan, tryptophan ethylester, and melatonin derivatives in Red Wine by SPE-HPLC-FL and SPE-HPLC-MS methods
  2597. Oak barrel tannin and toasting temperature: Effects on Red Wine condensed tannin chemistry
  2598. … synthesis of graphene oxide sheets supported Cu2S nanodots for high sensitive electrochemical determination of caffeic acid in Red Wine and soft drinks
  2599. Resveratrol transformation in Red Wine after heat treatment
  2600. Red Wine -enriched olive oil emulsions: Role of Wine polyphenols in the oxidative stability
  2601. Quality evaluation of Chinese Red Wine based on cloud model
  2602. Assessment of traditional clarifiers on the adsorption of ochratoxin A in Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine and their kinetics
  2603. Changes in Red Wine composition during bottle aging: impacts of grape variety, vineyard location, maturity, and oxygen availability during aging
  2604. Varietal classification of Red Wine samples from four native Greek grape varieties based on volatile compound analysis, color parameters and phenolic composition
  2605. Isolation of proanthocyanidins from Red Wine , and their inhibitory effects on melanin synthesis in vitro
  2606. First evidence of epicatechin vanillate in grape seed and Red Wine
  2607. Influence of Wine polysaccharides on white and Red Wine mouthfeel
  2608. Cell wall–anthocyanin interactions during Red Wine fermentation-like conditions
  2609. Comparing the effects of different unsaturated fatty acids on fermentation performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and aroma compounds during Red Wine …
  2610. Red Wine Oxidation: Accelerated Ageing Tests, Possible Reaction Mechanisms and Application to Syrah Red Wine s
  2611. Relevance of the concentrations and sizes of oligomeric Red Wine pigments to the color intensity of commercial Red Wine s
  2612. Comparison of the antioxidant effects of equine estrogens, Red Wine components, vitamin E, and probucol on low-density lipoprotein oxidation in postmenopausal …
  2613. Understanding microoxygenation: Effect of viable yeasts and sulfur dioxide levels on the sensory properties of a Merlot Red Wine
  2614. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry reveals detailed chromatographic fingerprints of anthocyanins and anthocyanin adducts in Red Wine
  2615. Effect of temperature and duration of maceration on colour and sensory properties of Red Wine : A review
  2616. Influence of processing parameters on phenolic compounds and color of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine concentrates obtained by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration
  2617. Analysing the impact of music on the perception of Red Wine via Temporal Dominance of Sensations
  2618. Fermentative and post‐fermentative oxygenation of Corvina Red Wine : influence on phenolic and volatile composition, colour and Wine oxidative response
  2619. Affinity and selectivity of plant proteins for Red Wine components relevant to color and aroma traits
  2620. Melatonin treatment enhances the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of Red Wine
  2621. Membrane-based clarification and fractionation of Red Wine lees aqueous extracts
  2622. Spray-dried Ancellotta Red Wine : natural colorant with potential for food applications
  2623. Effects of grape juice, Red Wine and resveratrol on liver parameters of rat submitted high-fat diet
  2624. The electronic transitions of analogs of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanin pigments
  2625. Development and validation of an UHPLC-HRMS protocol for the analysis of flavan-3-ol metabolites and catabolites in urine, plasma and feces of rats fed a Red Wine …
  2626. Vasorelaxant Effects Induced by Red Wine and Pomace Extracts of Magliocco Dolce cv.
  2627. Resveratrol and its dimers ε‐viniferin and δ‐viniferin in Red Wine protect vascular endothelial cells by a similar mechanism with different potency and efficacy
  2628. Enological tannins affect acetaldehyde evolution, colour stability and tannin reactivity during forced oxidation of Red Wine
  2629. Red Wine polyphenols do not improve obesity‐associated insulin resistance: A randomized controlled trial
  2630. Smartphone-based colorimetric assay of antioxidants in Red Wine using oxidase-mimic MnO 2 nanosheets
  2631. Red Wine extract disrupts Th17 lymphocyte differentiation in a colorectal cancer context
  2632. SO2, high pressure processing and pulsed electric field treatments of Red Wine : Effect on sensory, Brettanomyces inactivation and other quality parameters during one …
  2633. Fractionation and characterization of polyphenolic compounds and macromolecules in Red Wine by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation
  2634. Red Wine quality pRed iction using machine learning techniques
  2635. The evaluation of the antidiabetic effects of Red Wine polyphenols with the view of in silico pRed iction methods
  2636. … of Perceptive Interactions between Volatile and Nonvolatile Compounds: The Case of Proanthocyanidic Tannins and Red Wine Fruity Esters—Methodological …
  2637. Highlighting protein fining residues in a model Red Wine
  2638. Red Wine grape pomace attenuates atherosclerosis and myocardial damage and increases survival in association with improved plasma antioxidant activity …
  2639. Intermolecular copigmentation between five common 3-O-monoglucosidic anthocyanins and three phenolics in Red Wine model solutions: The influence of substituent …
  2640. Generation of the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol from tyrosol present in beer and Red Wine in a randomized clinical trial
  2641. Red Wine and garlic as a possible alternative to minimize the use of nitrite for controlling Clostridium sporogenes and Salmonella in a cuRed sausage: Safety and …
  2642. Graphene-based materials as solid phase extraction sorbent for chromium (VI) determination in Red Wine
  2643. Astringent Gallic Acid in Red Wine Regulates Mechanisms of Gastric Acid Secretion via Activation of Bitter Taste Sensing Receptor TAS2R4
  2644. Oral interactions between a green tea flavanol extract and Red Wine anthocyanin extract using a new cell-based model: insights on the effect of different oral …
  2645. Oxygen exposure during Red Wine fermentation modifies tannin reactivity with poly-L-proline
  2646. Bioavailability of Red Wine and grape seed proanthocyanidins in rats
  2647. Effect of moderate Red Wine versus vodka consumption on inflammatory markers related to cardiovascular disease risk: a randomized crossover study
  2648. Supplementation with Red Wine extract increases insulin sensitivity and peripheral blood mononuclear Sirt1 expression in nondiabetic humans
  2649. Mycotoxins in Red Wine : Occurrence and risk assessment
  2650. Effect of clarification process on the removal of pesticide residues in Red Wine and comparison with white Wine
  2651. Red Wine consumption mitigates the cognitive impairments in low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLr−/−) mice
  2652. Effect of different carboxymethyl cellulose structure parameters on tartrates stability of Red Wine : viscosity and degree of substitution
  2653. Compositional consequences of partial dealcoholization of Red Wine by reverse osmosis-evaporative perstraction
  2654. Phenolic composition influences the effectiveness of fining agents in vegan-friendly Red Wine production
  2655. … -performance liquid chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry metabolomic approach to studying the impact of moderate Red –Wine consumption on urinary …
  2656. Effect of enological treatments on phenolic and sensory characteristics of Red Wine during aging: Micro-oxygenation, sulfur dioxide, iron with copper and gelatin fining
  2657. Selective separation and determination of quercetin from Red Wine by molecularly imprinted nanoparticles coupled with HPLC and ultraviolet detection
  2658. Aroma profile and chemical composition of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration concentrates of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon
  2659. Part I. Polyphenols composition and antioxidant potential during ‘Blaufränkisch’grape maceration and Red Wine maturation, and the effects of trans-resveratrol addition
  2660. The dose–response effect on polyphenol bioavailability after intake of white and Red Wine pomace products by Wistar rats
  2661. Highly fluorescent hybrid pigments from anthocyanin-and Red Wine pyranoanthocyanin-analogs adsorbed on sepiolite clay
  2662. Comparative evaluation of Red Wine from various European regions using mass spectrometry tools
  2663. Chemical characterization of an encapsulated Red Wine powder and its effects on neuronal cells
  2664. Pre-fermentative supplementation of unsaturated fatty acids alters the effect of overexpressing ATF1 and EEB1 on esters biosynthesis in Red Wine
  2665. Taste the bass: low frequencies increase the perception of body and aromatic intensity in Red Wine
  2666. Untangling the impact of Red Wine maceration times on Wine ageing. A multidisciplinary approach focusing on extended maceration in Shiraz Wine s
  2667. Influence of the volatile substances released by oak barrels into a Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine and a discoloRed Macabeo white Wine on sensory appreciation by a …
  2668. Effect of Red Wine or its polyphenols on induced apical periodontitis in rats
  2669. NiCo2O4 nanorods decorated MoS2 nanosheets synthesized from deep eutectic solvents and their application for electrochemical sensing of glucose in Red Wine and …
  2670. Analysis of aroma and polyphenolic compounds in Saperavi Red Wine vinified in Qvevri
  2671. A computational study of the ground and excited state acidities of synthetic analogs of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanins
  2672. Combining high-power ultrasound and enological enzymes during Wine making to improve the chromatic characteristics of Red Wine
  2673. A combined phenolic extraction and fermentation reactor engineering model for multiphase Red Wine fermentation
  2674. Phenolic complex of Red Wine materials from grapes growing in the Crimea
  2675. Can a certain concentration of rotundone be undesirable in Duras Red Wine ? A study to estimate a consumer rejection threshold for the pepper aroma compound
  2676. Preliminary study on enzymatic-based cleaning of cation-exchange membranes used in electrodialysis system in Red Wine production
  2677. Red Wine consumption, coronary calcification, and long-term clinical evolution
  2678. Red Wine and green tea flavonoids are cis-allosteric activators and competitive inhibitors of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1)-mediated sugar uptake
  2679. New molecularly imprinted polymers for Red ucing negative volatile phenols in Red Wine with low impact on Wine colour
  2680. A multi-criteria approach to evaluate the sustainability performances of Wine s: the Italian Red Wine case study
  2681. … chromatography and mass spectrometry, application to determining multiple partition coefficients: A practical tool for understanding Red Wine fruity volatile perception …
  2682. A novel fluorescence assay for resveratrol determination in Red Wine based on competitive host-guest recognition
  2683. Influence of matrix on the bioavailability of nine fungicides in Wine grape and Red Wine
  2684. Identification of compounds in Red Wine that effectively upregulate aquaporin-3 as a potential mechanism of enhancement of skin moisturizing
  2685. Monitoring of the Rioja Red Wine production process by 1H NMR spectroscopy
  2686. The tribology of Red Wine
  2687. Triplet excited states and singlet oxygen production by analogs of Red Wine pyranoanthocyanins
  2688. Pre‐fermentative cold maceration in the presence of non‐Saccharomyces strains: effect on fermentation behaviour and volatile composition of a Red Wine
  2689. Data on changes in Red Wine phenolic compounds and headspace aroma compounds after treatment of Red Wine s with chitosans with different structures
  2690. Effect of a grapevine‐shoot waste extract on Red Wine aromatic properties
  2691. A new Red Wine pRed iction framework using machine learning
  2692. A novel “turn-on” fluorescent probe based on naphthalimide for monitoring H2S levels in living cells and Red Wine
  2693. Apple juice and Red Wine induced mirror‐image circular dichroism in quantum dots
  2694. Development and application of a real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for quantification of Acetobacter aceti in Red Wine
  2695. Estimating economic and environmental impacts of Red –Wine -making processes in the USA
  2696. Pre-fermentative cold maceration in presence of non-Saccharomyces strains: Evolution of chromatic characteristics of Sangiovese Red Wine elaborated by sequential …
  2697. The effects of copigments, sulfur dioxide and enzyme on the mass transfer process of malvidin-3-glucoside using a modelling approach in simulated Red Wine …
  2698. An insight into chemical composition and bioactivity of’Prokupac’Red Wine
  2699. Conventional measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Red Wine overestimate SO2 antimicrobial activity
  2700. Individual differences in thresholds and consumer preferences for rotundone added to Red Wine
  2701. Utilization of wastewaters from Red Wine technology for xanthan production in laboratory bioreactor
  2702. The influence of polyphenol supplementation on ester formation during Red Wine alcoholic fermentation
  2703. Study of the multi-equilibria of Red Wine colorants pyranoanthocyanins and evaluation of their potential in dye-sensitized solar cells
  2704. Characterization of Red Wine proanthocyanidins using a putative proanthocyanidin database, amide hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC), and time-of …
  2705. … extraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis provides a suitable tool for assaying limonene-derived mint aroma compounds in Red Wine
  2706. The effect of Red Wine on colour stability of three different types of esthetic restorative materials: An in vitro study
  2707. Extraction of mycotoxin alternariol from Red Wine and from tomato juice with beta-cyclodextrin bead polymer
  2708. Consumer Perception of Red Wine by the Degree of Familiarity Using Consumer-Based Methodology
  2709. In vitro and in silico interaction studies with Red Wine polyphenols against different proteins from human serum
  2710. Effect of β-lactoglobulin on perception of astringency in Red Wine as measuRed by sequential profiling
  2711. Concentration with Nanofiltration of Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon Produced from Conventionally and Ecologically Grown Grapes: Effect on Volatile Compounds and …
  2712. … content, antioxidant capacity and phenolic profile during cold pre-fermentative maceration and subsequent fermentation of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine
  2713. Use of alimentary film for selective sorption of haloanisoles from contaminated Red Wine
  2714. The impact of cold plasma on the phenolic composition and biogenic amine content of Red Wine
  2715. Potential of non-Saccharomyces yeast for improving the aroma and sensory profile of Prokupac Red Wine
  2716. Co-existence of inoculated yeast and lactic acid bacteria and their impact on the aroma profile and sensory traits of tempranillo Red Wine
  2717. Tin and mercury and their speciation (organotin compounds and methylmercury) in worldwide Red Wine samples determined by ICP-MS and GC-ICP-MS
  2718. Progress in chemometrics and biostatistics for plant applications, or: a good Red Wine is a bad white Wine
  2719. Red uction of Red Wine astringency perception using vegetable protein fining agents
  2720. Red Wine astringency: Correlations between chemical and sensory features
  2721. Red Wine Oxidation Characterization by Accelerated Ageing Tests and Cyclic Voltammetry
  2722. More hawthorn and less dried longan: the role of information and taste on Red Wine consumer preferences in China
  2723. Evolution of Red Wine in oak barrels with different oxygen transmission rates. Phenolic compounds and colour
  2724. Clinical effects of the exposure to Red Wine during at-home bleaching
  2725. Incremental support vector machine combined with ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy for rapid discriminant analysis of Red Wine
  2726. Effect of the atmospheric pressure cold plasma treatment on Tempranillo Red Wine quality in batch and flow systems
  2727. Anti-Diabetic and Antioxidant Activities of Red Wine Concentrate Enriched with Polyphenol Compounds under Experimental Diabetes in Rats
  2728. NMR-based systematic analysis of bioactive phytochemicals in Red Wine . First determination of xanthurenic and oleanic acids
  2729. Intestinal cytotoxicity induced by Escherichia coli is fully prevented by Red Wine polyphenol extract: Mechanistic insights in epithelial cells
  2730. Red Wine -inspiRed tannic acid–KH561 copolymer: its adhesive properties and its application in wound healing
  2731. Wood powders of different botanical origin as an alternative to barrel aging for Red Wine
  2732. Comparative analysis regarding the chemical and microbiological characteristics of some Red Wine assortments produced in two Romanian viticultural areas
  2733. Expert reviews, peer recommendations and buying Red Wine : experimental evidence
  2734. Impact of Botrytis cinerea‐infected grapes on quality parameters of Red Wine made from witheRed grapes
  2735. Vineyard calcium sprays shift the volatile profile of young Red Wine produced by induced and spontaneous fermentation
  2736. Does bottle color protect Red Wine from photo‐oxidation?
  2737. Optimization of an aqueous two-phase system for the determination of trace ethyl carbamate in Red Wine
  2738. A new approach to pRed icting the extraction of malvidin-3-glucoside during Red Wine fermentation at industrial-scale
  2739. Cardiovascular protection effect of a Northeastern Brazilian lyophilized Red Wine in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  2740. Optimal Control Applied to Oenological Management of Red Wine Fermentative Macerations
  2741. A highly sensitive and selective fluorescent probe for tracking hydrogen sulfide in Red Wine
  2742. Ultrasound treatment of Red Wine : Effect on polyphenols, mathematical modeling, and scale-up considerations
  2743. Melatonin treatment enhances the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of Red Wine
  2744. A 2-year multisite study of viticultural and environmental factors affecting rotundone concentration in Duras Red Wine
  2745. Pulsed electric field (PEF) technology for microbial inactivation in low-alcohol Red Wine
  2746. Effects of moderate Red Wine on cardiovascular risk factors in diabetics: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  2747. The content of linoleic acid in grape must influences the aromatic effect of branched-chain amino acids addition on Red Wine
  2748. Effects of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) of Red Wine to improve skin whitening and moisturizing in healthy women–a placebo-controlled randomized …
  2749. High power ultrasounds: A powerful, non-thermal and green technique for improving the phenolic extraction from grapes to must during Red Wine vinification
  2750. Evolution of the multielemental content along the Red Wine production process from tempranillo and grenache grape varieties
  2751. AWRI report: What makes a Red Wine green?
  2752. Red Wine Extract Inhibits VEGF Secretion and Its Signaling Pathway in Retinal ARPE-19 Cells to Potentially Disrupt AMD
  2753. Synthesis of hierarchical mesoporous graphite oxide/Al2O3 from MIL-100 (Al) for the electrochemical determination of caffeic acid in Red Wine samples
  2754. A short training as an enhancer of sensory ability: The case of Red Wine consumers
  2755. Total As and As speciation from worldwide collected Red Wine samples
  2756. Oak barrel tannin and toasting temperature: Effects on Red Wine anthocyanin chemistry
  2757. Total sulfur dioxide determination in Red Wine by suppressed ion chromatography with in-sample oxidation and SPE
  2758. Access to Wine experts’ long-term memory to decipher an ill-defined sensory concept: the case of green Red Wine
  2759. Effect of Barrel-to-Barrel Variation on Color and Phenolic Composition of a Red Wine
  2760. Microencapsulation of polyphenolic compounds recoveRed from Red Wine lees: Process optimization and nutraceutical study
  2761. Part II. Influence of Trans-resveratrol addition on the sensory properties of ‘Blaufränkisch’Red Wine
  2762. Effect on Merlot Red Wine of fining agents mixture: application of the simplex centroid design
  2763. … fingerprinting subjected to chemometrics as a valuable tool to address food classification and authentication: Application to Red Wine , paprika, and vegetable …
  2764. Effects of oenological tannins on aroma release and perception of oxidized and non-oxidized Red Wine : A dynamic real-time in-vivo study coupling sensory evaluation …
  2765. Adding α-pinene as a novel application for sulfur dioxide-free in Red Wine
  2766. The influence of different strains of Oenococcus oeni malolactic bacteria on profile of organic acids and phenolic compounds of Red Wine cultivars Rondo and Regent …
  2767. Identification of Chemical Markers of Commercial Tropical Red Wine Candidates for the São Francisco Valley Geographical Indication
  2768. Effects of ultrasound on the formation of oxidative pigments in a model Red Wine solution containing glutathione
  2769. Study of the relationship between Red Wine colloidal fraction and astringency by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled with multi-detection
  2770. Kinetic and metabolic behaviour of the pectinolytic strain Aureobasidium pullulans GM-R-22 during pre-fermentative cold maceration and its effect on Red Wine quality
  2771. Detection of Red Wine Faults over Time with Flash Profiling and the Electronic Tongue
  2772. Model Optimization for the PRed iction of Red Wine Phenolic Compounds Using Ultraviolet–Visible Spectra
  2773. Study of the Influence of different yeast strains on Red Wine fermentation with NIR spectroscopy and principal component analysis
  2774. Spray drying encapsulation of Red Wine : Stability of total monomeric anthocyanins and structural alterations upon storage
  2775. Determination of bisphenol A in Red Wine using a double vortex–ultrasound‐assisted microextraction assay: Role of the interfacial properties
  2776. Phenolic profiles of Red Wine relate to vascular endothelial benefits mediated by SIRT1 and SIRT6
  2777. Effect of grape juice, Red Wine and resveratrol solution on antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepactic function and lipid profile in rats feds with high-fat diet
  2778. … formation of acetaldehyde in model Wine solutions under different ultrasound parameters: A key bridge-link compound for Red Wine coloration during ageing
  2779. Monitoring of Sangiovese Red Wine Chemical and Sensory Parameters along One-Year Aging in Different Tank Materials and Glass Bottle
  2780. Preliminary results on tartaric stabilization of Red Wine by adding different carboxymethylcelluloses
  2781. Qualitative effects of the addition of witheRed grapes to a freshly produced Red Wine : the traditional governo all’uso toscano practice
  2782. Red Wine Bottling and Packaging
  2783. Biogenic amines and polyamines in Wine s: Does Dekkera/Brettanomyces Red Wine spoilage increases the risk of intake by consumers?
  2784. Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings for the Aging of Red Wine
  2785. Analysis of association between intake of Red Wine polyphenols and oxidative stress parameters in the liver of growing male rats
  2786. … of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone extraction and standard addition strategy for the accurate determination of multiple allergen residues in Red Wine by UPLC-MS/MS
  2787. An insight into chemical composition and biological activity of Montenegrin Vranac Red Wine
  2788. Ethylchloroformate Derivatization for GC–MS Analysis of Resveratrol Isomers in Red Wine
  2789. The Red Wine polyphenol resveratrol induced relaxation of the isolated renal artery of diabetic rats: The role of potassium channels
  2790. Effect of Red Wine and its major components on periodontitis and systemic inflammation in rats.
  2791. Influence of supplementing Red Wine with oak staves of various ellagitannin release potentials and different micro-oxygenation doses on Wine colour and …
  2792. Phenolic composition and total antioxidant capacity analysis of Red Wine vinegars commercialized in Portuguese market
  2793. Orthogonal optimization of extraction and analysis for Red Wine residues in simulated and archaeological materials using LC/MS and HPLC methods
  2794. Perceptual interactions and characterisation of odour quality of binary mixtures of volatile phenols and 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine in a Red Wine matrix
  2795. … Osmosis Process in Different Operating Conditions on Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Conventional and Ecological Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine
  2796. Consumer Profile and Drivers Influencing Consumer Behavior towards Fondillón, a European Protected Naturally Sweet Red Wine
  2797. Effect of Low-Frequency Ultrasonication on Red Wine Astringency
  2798. Development of potential yeast protein extracts for Red Wine clarification and stabilization
  2799. Storage of a Touriga Nacional Red Wine in contact with Juglans regia L. and Quercus petraea L. wood chip species: comparative influence on phenolic and sensory …
  2800. A photoresponsive molecularly imprinted polymer with rapid visible-light-induced photoswitching for 4-ethylphenol in Red Wine
  2801. Investigating the effects of two volatile phenols on aroma perception of four Red Wine cultivars using Projective Mapping
  2802. Colour, Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the Slovak Alibernet Red Wine samples
  2803. Changes in Skin Flavanol Composition as a Response to Ozone-Induced Stress during Postharvest Dehydration of Red Wine Grapes with Different Phenolic Profiles
  2804. Red Wine Aging by Different Micro-Oxygenation Systems and Oak Wood—Effects on Anthocyanins, Copigmentation and Color Evolution
  2806. Barrel-to-barrel variation of phenolic and mineral composition of Red Wine
  2807. Effect of Aging Vessel (Clay-Tinaja versus Oak Barrel) on the Volatile Composition, Descriptive Sensory Profile, and Consumer Acceptance of Red Wine
  2808. A fluorescent probe for colorimetric detection of bisulfite and application in sugar and Red Wine
  2809. Action of Red Wine and polyphenols upon endothelial function and clinical events
  2810. The importance of total polyphenols content in Red Wine
  2811. Impact of two yeast strains on Tempranillo Red Wine aroma profiles throughout accelerated ageing
  2812. In-Line Monitoring of Red Wine Fermentation
  2813. Quantitative analysis of glycerol concentration in Red Wine using Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy and chemometrics analysis
  2814. Enological properties of Red Wine produced from native Kösetevek grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivated in Eastern Anatolia
  2815. The colloidal stabilization of young Red Wine by Acacia senegal gum: The involvement of the protein backbone from the protein-rich arabinogalactan-proteins
  2816. Non-thermal ultrasonic extraction of polyphenolic compounds from Red Wine lees
  2817. Effect of peduncle on aroma of cabernet sauvignon dry Red Wine
  2818. Potato protein fining of phenolic compounds in Red Wine : A study of the kinetics and the impact of Wine matrix components and physical factors
  2819. Potential of cooperage byproducts rich in ellagitannins to improve the antioxidant activity and color expression of Red Wine anthocyanins
  2820. PRed iction of anthocyanin concentrations during Red Wine fermentation: development of Fourier transform infraRed spectroscopy partial least squares models
  2821. Pinore’: The New Red Wine Variety Cross-BRed between ‘Pinot Noir’and ‘Regent’Vines
  2822. Effects of Vine Water Status and Exogenous Abscisic Acid on Berry Composition of Three Red Wine Grapes Grown under Mediterranean Climate
  2823. Based on Multi-Activity Integrated Strategy to Screening, Characterization and Quantification of Bioactive Compounds from Red Wine
  2824. Time of Postharvest Ethylene Treatments Affects Phenols, Anthocyanins, and Volatile Compounds of Cesanese Red Wine Grape
  2825. Estimation of polyphenols by using HPLC–DAD in Red and white Wine grape varieties grown under tropical conditions of India
  2826. Assessment of volatile compounds of some Red Wine samples from republic of Moldova and Romania using GC-MS analysis
  2827. The Nutraceutical Impact of Polyphenolic Composition in Commonly Consumed Green Tea, Green Coffee and Red Wine Beverages: A Review. Recent Adv …
  2828. … compound: The effect of caffeic and rosmarinic acids addition on the chromatic quality and phenolic composition of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine from the Hexi …
  2829. Effects of different harvest times on the maturity of polyphenols in two Red Wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) in Qingtongxia (China)
  2830. Use of atherogenic index of plasma in evaluating the potential cardioprotective effects of Red Wine consumption: Studies in Nigerian young adult volunteers.
  2831. Microwave‐induced free radicals production in Red Wine and model Wine by electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping
  2832. … inoculation of SiO2-alginate encapsulated bacteria and yeasts on volatiles, amino acids, biogenic amines and sensory profile of Red Wine with lysozyme addition
  2833. Effect of Red Wine intake on serum and salivary melatonin levels: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
  2834. Effect of Kaolin/Defoliation Combined with Dry Ice on Lambrusco Red Wine Production to Constrain the Effects of Climate Change
  2835. Proteomic analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to study the effects of Red Wine polyphenols on oxidative stress
  2836. Effect of ultrasound irradiation on the particle size distribution and rheological properties of Red Wine
  2837. Red Wine polyphenols modulate bone loss in the ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  2838. The effect of Red Wine in modifying the salivary pellicle and modulating dental erosion kinetics
  2839. Elimination of aflatoxins B1 and B2 in white and Red Wine s by bentonite fining. efficiency and impact on Wine quality
  2840. Digestion and absorption of Red grape and Wine anthocyanins through the gastrointestinal tract
  2841. Impacts of added oenological tannins on Red Wine quality to counteract Botrytis infection in Merlot grapes
  2842. Use of Red Wine polyphenols as a natural preservative in health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids-enriched lamb patties
  2843. Rapid determination of amino acids in beer, Red Wine , and donkey-hide gelatin by gradient elution of HPLC: from micellar liquid chromatography to high submicellar …
  2844. The power of Dionysus–Effects of Red Wine on consciousness: a naturalistic study in a Wine bar
  2845. A UFLC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of eight bioactive constituents from Red Wine and dealcoholized Red Wine in rat plasma: Application to a …
  2846. Effect of Sonication Treatment and Maceration Time in the Extraction of Polysaccharide Compounds during Red Wine Vinification
  2847. Dynamic Raman Fusion Spectroscopy for Rapid Quality Discriminant Analysis of Red Wine
  2848. Changes in the levels of headspace volatiles, including acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, in Red and white Wine following light irradiation
  2849. Bioactive Complexity of the Red Wine “Portugizac”; Is Younger More Beneficial?
  2850. Polymeric substances for the removal of ochratoxin A from Red Wine followed by computational modeling of the complexes formed
  2851. Using high-power ultrasounds in Red Wine making: Effect of operating conditions on Wine physico-chemical and chromatic characteristics
  2852. Effects of consuming different doses of Red Wine on male blood pressure
  2853. Effect of sodium sulfite, tartaric acid, tannin, and glucose on rheological properties, release of aroma compounds, and color characteristics of Red Wine
  2854. The sensory properties and chromatic characteristics of Feteascǎ Neagrǎ Red Wine after the treatment with gum arabic and alternative oak products
  2855. New System to Increase the Useful Life of Exhausted Barrels in Red Wine Aging
  2856. Effects of Red Wine Vinegar Beverage on the Colonic Tissue of Rodents: Biochemical, Functional and Pharmacological Analyses
  2857. Multi-target detection of egg-white and pig gelatin fining agents in Nebbiolo-based aged Red Wine by means of nanoHPLC-HRMS
  2858. Effects of Various Volumes of Red Wine on Liver Function of Male Wistar Rats
  2859. Chronic and acute effects of Red Wine versus Red muscadine grape juice on body composition, blood lipids, vascular performance, inflammation, and antioxidant …
  2860. Red Wine produced from the Isabella and Ives cultivar (Vitis Labrusca): profile of volatiles and aroma descriptors
  2861. Anomalous T-induced second order diffraction loss and magnetic transition in Red –Wine -doped highly oriented pyrolytic graphite at the magic angle
  2862. The Role of Nutritional Habits and Moderate Red Wine Consumption in PON1 Status in Healthy Population
  2863. … –PrepaRed by a Galvanic Replacement Reaction–and Carboxylic Multi‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Electrochemical Detection of Caffeic Acid in Red Wine
  2864. Physicochemical and sensory properties of non-alcoholic Red Wine produced using vacuum distillation
  2865. Antioxidant constituents and antioxidant activity of some Red Wine and Red table grape varieties, cultivated in different regions of Bulgaria
  2866. Improving Red Wine Color and Mouthfeel Over Time
  2867. From bench to bar side: Evaluating the Red Wine storage lesion
  2868. Co-fermentation of Red grapes and white pomace: A natural and economical process to modulate hybrid Wine composition
  2869. The evolution of phenolic compounds in Vitis vinifera L. Red berries during ripening: Analysis and role on Wine sensory—A review
  2870. The kinetics of oxygen and SO2 consumption by Red Wine s. What do they tell about oxidation mechanisms and about changes in Wine composition?
  2871. Polyphenol fingerprinting approaches in Wine traceability and authenticity: Assessment and implications of Red Wine s
  2872. Electrochemical detection of food preservative SO2 in Red Wine using SiO2 coated CdS nanomaterials
  2873. Lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria isolated from Red Wine
  2874. Identification of antioxidant products from plasma treated Red Wine
  2875. Use of Non-Saccharomyces yeasts for Red ucing the ethanol contents of Red Wine
  2876. Level of biogenic amines in Red and white Wine s, dietary exposure, and histamine-mediated symptoms upon Wine ingestion
  2877. Addition of Grape Skin and Stems Extracts in Wine s during the Storage to Red uce the Sulfur Dioxide: Impact on Red Wine Quality
  2878. GC-MS Modified Quechers Method for Multiresidue Pesticide Determination in Red Wine .
  2879. Moderate Red Wine intake in Secondary Prevention for patients with cardiovascular disease
  2880. Alcoholic Fermentation Monitoring and pH PRed iction in Red and White Wine by Combining Spontaneous Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Algorithms
  2881. Graphene aerogel decorated with MoS2 sheets: an efficient electrochemical sensing platform for caffeic acid in Red Wine sample
  2882. Red Wine quality pRed iction through active learning
  2883. Influence of different malolactic fermentation techniques on changes in chemical properties and volatile compounds of cv. Teran Red Wine (Vitis vinifera L.)
  2884. Why do not polyphenols of Red Wine protect against the harmful effects of alcohol in alcoholism?
  2885. Sulfur free Red Wine s through the use of grapevine shoots: Impact on the Wine quality
  2886. Chemical constituents, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-lipase activities of composites derived from green tea, lemon peels and Red Wine lees
  2887. Vine growth, fruit, and Wine quality of Red Wine grapes cultivated in different trellises
  2888. Application of soy protein isolate in the fining of Red Wine
  2889. Quality perception and willingness to pay: The case of Red Wine with health-beneficial effects
  2890. The Impact of Optical Berry Sorting on Red Wine Composition and Sensory Properties
  2891. Assessment of antioxidant and antimutagenic properties of Red and white Wine extracts in vitro
  2892. Identifying a role of Red and white Wine extracts in counteracting skin aging: effects of antioxidants on fibroblast behavior
  2893. Messiás: A Red Wine Cultivar
  2894. … vis and FTIR Partial Least Squares models: comparison and combination of two spectroscopy techniques with chemometrics for polyphenols quantification in Red Wine
  2895. Quality evaluation of white and Red Wine varieties, from the main vineyards of Romania
  2896. Research on Red Wine Quality Based on Data Visualization
  2897. Phenolic Compound, Antioxidant and Quality of Red Wine and White Wine at Different Storage Period within Two Weeks
  2898. Impact of the contact time of different oak wood chips on Red Wine phenolic composition evolution after bottling
  2899. Panelists bias matrix estimation in a Red Wine trained panel: A potential tool for data pre‐treatment and feedback calibration
  2900. Application of BP Neural Network Algorithm in Classification of Red Wine Grades
  2901. PRed icatore: An innovative sweet Red Wine as a tool for the economic enhancement of grape wastes derived by cluster thinning
  2902. Benefits of Red Wine -A Review
  2903. Diabetes, blood sugar and Red Wine A personal study
  2904. Effects of Red Wine on accelerated gastric emptying following Nissen fundoplication
  2905. Design of tourism package with paper and the detection and recognition of surface defects–taking the paper package of Red Wine as an example
  2906. Effect of Daily Moderate Red Wine Consumption on Paraoxonase 1
  2907. From grape to Wine : Fate of ochratoxin A during Red , rose, and white Wine making process and the presence of ochratoxin derivatives in the final products
  2908. The influence of oenological tannins on the fermentation and color stability of a Romanian Red Wine
  2909. Managing Wine quality using Torulaspora delbrueckii and Oenococcus oeni starters in mixed fermentations of a Red Barbera Wine
  2910. Management of malolactic fermentation to enhance Red Wine colour
  2911. Effect of soy protein as a fining agent on quality of’Cabernet Sauvignon’dry Red Wine .
  2912. Identification of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Red Wine samples by RT-qPCR
  2913. Moving Towards Automated, In-Line Monitoring of Phenolic Extraction During Red Wine Fermentations. Part 1: Influence of Sample Preparation and …
  2914. Portable Photometer for Procyanidins Quantitation in Red Wine
  2915. Impact of the application of vegetable proteins and yeast extract in the chemical and aromatic profile of Red Wine
  2916. Identifcation of chemical markers of commercial tropical Red Wine candidates for the São Francisco Valley Geographical Indication.
  2917. Red Wine triggers may lead to better understanding of migraine headache: a narrative review
  2918. The quantification of Red Wine phenolics using fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics
  2919. Astringency sub‐qualities of Red Wine s and the influence of Wine –saliva aggregates
  2920. The Impact of Optical Berry Sorting on Red Wine Composition and Sensory Properties. Foods 2021, 10, 402
  2921. Effect of different cultural practices on the performance of the Red Wine grape cultivar’Malbec’recently grown in Bekaa, Lebanon
  2922. Phenolic antioxidants in Red dessert Wine produced with innovative technology
  2923. Effects of regular administration of Red Wine on testicular profile and body weight in adult male experimental mode
  2924. A new role of Red Wine in modulating erythrocytes 2 antioxidant defense 3
  2925. … − HRMS fingerprinting subjected to chemometrics as a valuable tool to address food classification and authentication: application to Red Wine , paprika, and vegetable …
  2927. Effect of air-polishing on properties of nanocomposite submitted to coffee, Red Wine and cigarette smoke
  2928. Development of a Wine Metabolomics Approach for the Authenticity Assessment of Selected Greek Red Wine s
  2929. Mass change of a sodium bicarbonate air-polished nanocomposite exposed to cigarette smoke, coffee, and Red Wine
  2930. Partial projective mapping and ultra‐flash profile with and without Red light: A case study with white Wine
  2931. Red Wine retards Abeta deposition and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
  2932. Comparison between standardized sensory methods used to evaluate the mousy off-flavor in Red Wine
  2933. Application of rt-pcr for acetobacter species detection in Red Wine
  2934. Genetic Improvement of Wine yeasts for opposite adsorption activity of phenolics and ochratoxin A during Red Wine making
  2935. Influence of different impregnation process of cabernet sauvignon dry Red Wine aroma
  2936. Label style and color contribution to explain market price difference in Italian Red Wine s sold in the Chinese Wine market
  2937. Use of polyaspartates for the tartaric stabilisation of white and Red Wine s and side effects on Wine characteristics
  2938. Elimination of ochratoxin A from white and Red Wine s: Critical characteristics of activated carbons and impact on Wine quality
  2939. Red and white Wine lees as a novel source of emulsifiers and foaming agents
  2940. Advances in the molecular mechanism of wild yeast on color stability of Red Wine
  2941. Electroanalytical determination of gallic acid in Red and white Wine samples using cobalt oxide nanoparticles-modified carbon-paste electrodes
  2942. Evaluation of tooth staining with Red Wine after tooth bleaching with nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma.
  2943. A procedure for the measurement of Oxygen Consumption Rates (OCRs) in Red Wine s and some observations about the influence of Wine initial chemical composition
  2944. Red Rose and Red Wine : Rereading some Verses of Abu Nuwas’s Divan
  2946. Modulation of tight junctions in intestinal epithelial cells by Red Wine polyphenols
  2947. Red Wine polyphenols reverse depressive-like behaviors in mice induced by repeated corticosterone treatment
  2948. Red , White, And… Orange? A New Look into an Old Wine (P20-007-19)
  2949. Development and Validation of a Simple RP-HPLC-PDA Method for Determination of 18 Polyphenols in Grape Juice and Red Wine
  2950. Red Wine Quality PRed iction Model
  2951. Novel approach to Red Wine sensory evaluation.
  2952. P2683 Beneficial effects of Red Wine intake upon gut microbiota and parallel effects upon plasma metabolomics
  2953. Red Wine and Yacon as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Potential
  2954. Is Moderate Daily Consumption of Red Wine a Good Solution?
  2956. The Effect of the Storage on the Content of the Malvidin-3-Glucoside in Red Wine
  2957. Development of Flash Détente Applications for Impacting Red Wine Style and for Production of Colour Stable Red Wine s and Concentrate
  2958. The Correlation between Red Wine Index Returns and Stock Price: Multi-Country Evidence
  2959. Effects of Red Wine , grape juice and resveratrol consumption on bone parameters of Wistar rats submitted to high-fat diet and physical training
  2960. Pulsed Electric Field processing of Red grapes (cv. Rondinella): Modifications of phenolic fraction and effects on Wine evolution
  2961. Impact of grapevine Red blotch disease on Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot Wine composition and sensory attributes
  2962. Effects of pectinase treatment on the physicochemical and oenological properties of Red dragon fruit Wine fermented with Torulaspora delbrueckii
  2963. WITHDRAWN: Cutaneous IgA vasculitis flare-ups associated with intake of Red Wine
  2964. Red Wine and atherosclerosis: Implications for the Mediterranean diet
  2966. Sogrape: how to successfully launch a Red Wine brand in a category led by price and no other brands
  2967. Sogrape: how to successfully launch a Red Wine brand in a category led by price and no other brands
  2968. Sogrape: how to successfully launch a Red Wine brand in a category led by price and no other brands
  2969. Sogrape: how to successfully launch a Red Wine brand in a category led by price and no other brands
  2970. Sogrape: how to successfully launch a Red Wine brand in a category led by price and no other brands
  2971. Red Wine Imbalance Problem Solving with Cause and Effect Analysis
  2973. Flavour profiling of Red Wine with respect to different strains of yeast
  2974. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on selected Red Wine quality parameters
  2975. Red Wine and food pairing that brings beneficial effects on the health from a scientific point of view
  2976. Modeling the effect of temperature on rheological properties of Red Wine
  2977. Optimization of a micro‐scale fermentation set‐up: repeatability and comparison with larger‐scale Red Wine fermentation
  2978. Sulfide-bound copper removal from Red and white Wine using membrane and depth filters: Impacts of oxygen, H2S-to-Cu ratios, diatomaceous earth and Wine volume
  2979. … -induced plasma optical emission spectrometry, evaluating different calibration methods and exploring potential of the obtained data in the assessment of Wine …
  2980. Tasting Empanadas and Red Wine in Chile’s Popular Unity Revolution
  2981. Application of QFD Methodology to Red Wine Sector
  2982. … by UHPH to Produce Wine Without SO2: the Colloidal Structure, Microbial and Oxidation Control, Colour Protection and Sensory Quality of the Wine
  2983. Alternative Technologies to Modify and Measure Red Wine Astringency and Quality
  2984. Red uction of visceral fat in response to consumption of Red Wine vinegar
  2985. Red Wine Color Resolution with Rational Decision-Making Methods
  2986. “Portugizac Mlado vino”; is the aroma of younger Red Wine more attractive?
  2987. Investigating the Effects of Temperature and Ethanol on Adsorption Interactions Between Red Wine Polyphenols and Grape-derived Cell Wall Material in Model Wine …
  2988. Optimization of Red Wine Brewing Processing Condition by using Taguchi Method
  2989. Effects of Red ‐Wine Grape Pomace on the Quality and Sensory Attributes of Beef Hamburger Patty
  2990. Keep this Spanish Red Wine on your counter for easy refills-at the equivalent of under $8 a bottle.
  2991. Variation in phenolic composition and color features of Red Wine during vinification
  2992. Effects of consuming different doses of Red Wine on male blood pressure.
  2993. Identification of Red Wine categories based on physicochemical properties
  2996. Early detection of grapevine leafroll disease in a Red -berried Wine grape cultivar using hyperspectral imaging
  2997. 4096 Additive effects of exercise training upon cognitive function in regular Red Wine consumers compaRed to abstainers
  2998. HDL cholesterol modulation by Aronia melanocarpa and Red Wine extract supplementation
  2999. Determination of the Effect of a Kind of Fujian Green Red Wine on Relieving Physical Fatigue
  3000. Fatty Acids and Antimicrobial Properties of Red Table Wine
  3001. Application of a grape surface majority pectinolytic species, Aureobasidium pullulans, to low-temperature Red Wine making: development and stability of Wine colour
  3002. Light, regular Red Wine consumption at main meals: A key cardioprotective element of traditional Mediterranean diet
  3003. Interactive effects of bud loading, training system and rootstock on growth, crop yield and quality of ‘Kalecik karasi’ (Vitis vinifera L.) Red Wine variety
  3004. … quality: Sourced from the research article “Use of alimentary film for selective sorption of haloanisoles from contaminated Red Wine ”(Food Chemistry, 2020) …
  3005. Histological and toxicological effect of Wine from cashew fruits compaRed with imported Red Wine
  3006. Red Wine Volatile Acidity Problem Solving with Cause and Effect Analysis
  3007. Effect of Resistance Training and Red Wine Intake on Lipid Profile in Mice
  3008. Cork powder as a new natural and sustainable fining agent to Red uce negative volatile phenols in Red Wine
  3009. Neither polyphenol-rich Red Wine nor fenofibrate affects the onset of type-1 diabetes mellitus in the BB rat
  3010. Additives: The effects of enzyme and tannin applications on Red Wine
  3012. Mitigating Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Impact on Final Wine Composition
  3013. “Red Wine , Please”: Rebellious Drinking in Kate O’Brien’s Fiction
  3016. Research advance on stable mechanism of endophytic fungi to Red Wine colour during the aging
  3017. Development of a potential functional yogurt using bioactive compounds obtained from the by-product of the production of Tannat Red Wine
  3018. Influence of supplementation with two specific inactivated dry yeast and grape-skin extract on the color and composition of Red Wine
  3019. Effects of Milk, Cheese, and Strawberry Counteracting Tooth Discoloration Induced by Coffee or Red Wine
  3020. Research progress on Red Wine astringency.
  3021. Wine authentication: a fingerprinting multiclass strategy to classify Red varietals through profound chemometric analysis of volatiles
  3022. The Effect Of Treatment Of A Red Wine With Two Commercial Aeration Devices
  3023. Supplementation with SEPIFITTM Protect, a complex of a natural Red Wine extract, vitamin E and zinc, improves exercise recovery in healthy men
  3025. Effects of grapevine Red blotch disease on Cabernet franc vine physiology, bud hardiness, and fruit and Wine quality
  3026. Effects of different yeasts on physicochemical and oenological properties of Red dragon fruit Wine fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Torulaspora delbrueckii …
  3027. Forecasting Australian Red Wine Sales with SARIMA and ANNs
  3031. Influence of soil management on the Red grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Mencía must amino acid composition and Wine volatile and sensory profiles in a humid region
  3032. Toward A Green Integrated Approach For The Extraction And Separation Of Biophenols From Red Wine Lees
  3033. Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of Red raspberry Wine
  3034. Effect of ion exchange resins on white and Red Wine pH: Impact on Wine sensory characteristics
  3035. Effect of Resistance Training and Red Wine Intake on Lipid Profile in Mice
  3036. Exploring the effect of oxygen exposure during malolactic fermentation on Red Wine color
  3037. Influence of individual indicators of the physical and chemical composition of Red Wine materials on the secondary fermentation process
  3038. Visceral Fat Red uction in Response to Red Wine Vinegar Consumption
  3039. A Study on Consumption of European Red Wine in China (1680-1840): state of the art, questions, hypothesis, sources and methodology
  3040. Influence of vertical training systems on warm climate Red Wine making: Wine parameters, polyphenols, volatile composition and sensory analysis
  3041. Structure design of Red Wine cushioning packaging.
  3042. Red Wine in cuRed Bísaro pig ham to minimise salt content and improve physico-chemical atributes
  3044. Characterisation of Wine yeasts for varietal Red Wine production by using chemical, sensory and metabolomic tools
  3045. Actuarial decision-making: the example of Bordeaux Red Wine auctions
  3046. Effect of clarification process on the removal of pesticide residues in Red Wine and comparison with white Wine Part B Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural …
  3047. Changes in Red Wine composition during bottle aging: Impacts of viticultural conditions and oxygen availability
  3048. In-office bleaching for the remineralization of enamel lesions filled with organic components of Red Wine .
  3049. A Study on Competitive Advantages of an American Red Wine Importer-A Resource-Based View
  3050. Product Development of Chinese Steamed Cake using Red Wine Dreg as Functional IngRed ient
  3051. Developing process simulation models for Red Wine fermentation: Anthocyanin mass transfer and extraction
  3053. Quantitative determination and comparison the contents of tannic acid and resveratrol in Red Wine
  3054. Conventional Measurements of SO2 in Red Wine Overestimate SO2 Antimicrobial Activity
  3055. Determination six cations in Chinese liquor, Red Wine , beer and several kinds of yellow Wine by ion chromatography with conductivity detection.
  3057. Does supplying organic Wine s enhance a firm’s brand image? An empirical approach on the Swedish Red Wine market
  3058. Red Wine phenolic composition: the effects of summer pruning and cluster thinning
  3059. Internationalization of Indonesian Traditional Culinary (Case Study: Enrichment Goat Tongseng with Red Wine )
  3060. Glass Bottle Filling Machinery for Red Wine /Automatic Beer Washing Capping Machine
  3062. Melatonin and its derivatives in Red Wine : contribution of fermenting microorganisms
  3063. Phenolic compounds, total antioxidant capacity and volatile components of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine s from five different Wine -producing regions in China
  3064. Glassware/Glass Bottle/Red Wine Bottle/Champagne Bottle 750ml
  3065. Ultrasonic Synthesis of Polysodium-4-styrene Sulfonate coated Functionalized MWCNTs for Electrochemical Detection of Anti-Oxidant Drug in Red Wine
  3066. Neither Moderate Consumption of Sugarcane Liquor (“Cachaca”) Nor of Red Wine Affect Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers in Healthy Individuals
  3068. Red , White, and Orange? A New Look into an Old Wine
  3069. Pomasicle: A Novel Fermentation Process for Red Wine Exploring Extraction Kinetics and Aroma Characteristics in a Post Fermentation Ethanolic Medium
  3070. AVIRAM M: Consumption of Red Wine with meals Red uces the susceptibility of human plasma and low-density lipopr…
  3071. Evaluation of Red Wine Pigmented Tannin by a Suite of Mass Spectrometric Techniques
  3072. Effect of pre-fermentative addition of flavanols on the color attributes and phenolic profiles of’Cabernet Sauvignon’dry Red Wine .
  3073. … coumaric acid in rat plasma by UPLC-MS/MS and its application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of monomer compound and Red Wine …
  3074. Highly Polymerized Wine –Red Carbon Nitride to Enhance Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Performance of Hematite
  3075. Formulation and Nutrient Analysis of Vitamin C Enriched Red Wine Using Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.)
  3076. Preference analysis for Andalusian consumers about the pairing of goat cheese and Red Wine .
  3077. Cleaning of anion-exchange membranes after contact with Red Wine by using saline solutions
  3078. Classification of french Red Wine s and monitoring of Wine ageing with a portable electronic nose
  3079. Addition of Red Wine on the Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Characteristics of UncuRed Frankfurter-type Sausage
  3081. Role of Caveolae in Cardioprotective Activity of the Red Wine Polyphenol Resveratrol
  3082. Evolution of AMX-Sb anion-exchange membrane properties in initial stages of fouling by Red Wine
  3083. Comprehensive Multivariate Analysis of Red Wine Phenolic Composition, Color and Quality Components With Simultaneous Absorbance and Fluorescence …
  3084. Colloidal stabilization of young Red Wine by acacia senegal gum: the major implication of protein-rich arabinogalactan-proteins.
  3085. Rapid ochratoxin A determination in Red Wine using supported liquid membrane extraction followed by fluorescence spectroscopy
  3086. Red , white and green: environmental communication on Wine bottle labels from New York’s Hudson River Region
  3087. Investigation of the surface of anion-exchange membranes after contact with Red Wine by methods of atomic-force and fluorescent microscopy
  3088. Fining: Impact of fining agent types, oenological tannins and mannoproteins on the phenolic composition of Red Wine
  3090. Application of liquid chromatography combined with low-field drift tube ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC× IM-TOFMS) for Red Wine fingerprinting
  3091. Visible-near infraRed spectroradiometry-based detection of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 in a Red -fruited Wine grape cultivar
  3092. Natural Material Shungite as Solid-Phase Extraction Sorbent for the Extraction of Red Synthetic Dye Ponceau 4R from Tap Water, Wine , and Juice
  3093. Relationship between post veraison temperature and the dynamics of anthocyanin development and berry quality in Red Wine grape (Vitis vinifera) cultivars Shiraz and …
  3094. Wine exports: Red varieties lead Australia’s export growth
  3095. Red and White Wine Lees Show Inhibitory Effects on Liver Carcinogenesis
  3096. Fatty acids and antimicrobal properties of Red table Wine
  3097. Effect of Issatchenkia terricola WJL-G4 on Deacidification Characteristics and Antioxidant Activities of Red Raspberry Wine Processing
  3098. Grapevine Red Blotch Disease Etiology and Its Impact on Grapevine Physiology and Berry and Wine Composition
  3099. Identification & Quantification of Impurities in Red & White Wine By GC-MS
  3100. Identifying a Role of Red and White Wine Extracts in Counteracting Skin Aging: Effects of Antioxidants on Fibroblast Behavior. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 227
  3101. Comparison of fining Red Wine s with purified grape pomace versus commercial fining agents: effect on Wine chromatic characteristics and phenolic content
  3102. Specific features of Red table Wine batonnage.
  3103. Red and White Wine Data Analysis-PRed ict Quality of Wine
  3105. Adsorption of Azo Dye Acid Red 73 onto rice Wine lees: adsorption kinetics and isotherms
  3106. Identification, quantification, and sensory profile of esters and alcohols of a Mexican Red Merlot Wine comparing barrel ageing with wood chips, using a multivariable …
  3107. Red firing clays for the manufacture of vessels for Wine fermentation and maturation by means of technological processes
  3108. Impact of Red and white Wine macromolecules on the removal of copper (I) sulfide by membrane filtration
  3109. Physicochemical properties of Red millet: A novel Chinese rice Wine brewing material
  3110. Odor activity value in Red Wine s aroma from three Wine regions in Romania
  3112. … to modulate the rotundone and 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Fer Red Wine s from a temperate climate Wine region with very …
  3113. Research of anthocyanins in Red special Wine “Nikala”
  3115. Clustering of Red /White Wine and Allergen/Non-Allergen Data Sets by Using Descriptor Fingerprints
  3116. Effect of bottle storage on changes in phenolics and antioxidant capacity of Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine s from five different Wine -producing regions in China.
  3117. Use of Organoleptic Methodologies to Evaluate Wine Oligosaccharides and Wine s made from Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Positive Vines Subjected to Various …
  3119. Optimization for fermentation of Red bean rice Wine using response surface methodology.
  3120. Oak wood offers a wide range of tools for Wine aging, which one to choose? Sourced from the research article “Impact of oak wood modalities on the (non) …
  3121. Investigation of the Impact of Grapevine Red Blotch Disease on Grape and Wine Composition and Wine Sensory Attributes
  3122. Intravenous injection of artificial Red cells and subsequent dye laser irradiation causes deep vessel impairment in an animal model of port-Wine stain
  3123. Ethanol and methanol levels of Red dragon fruit Wine (Hylocereus costaricensis) with the treatment of sugar and fermentation time
  3124. Utilization of Wine Industry Waste (Red Grapes) as Natural Antioxidant for Development of Functional Mutton Rolls
  3125. Linfield College Wine Lecture Series: Panel Discussion of Red , White & Black
  3127. I taste Red : the science of tasting Wine
  3128. Research of the extraction process and stock of phenolic compounds of localized Wine -technical Red and white varieties of grapes
  3129. Investigation of the influence of technological extrasion methods of pulp on the composition and quantitative content of phenolic substances in Red natural Wine …
  3131. Improving technology of Red sparkling Wine production
  3132. Biochemical profiling of Red and white Wine varieties grown under tropical condition
  3133. Phytochemical profiles and antioxidant capacities of white and Red ginseng as affected by marinating media (vinegar, yellow Wine , and Chinese liquor)
  3134. The use of Wine yeast in the production of Red Wine s in biotechnology
  3135. Studies on the influence of the load charged on the technological potential of Red cultivated vineyards in the Wine center of Iaşi Copou
  3136. Can Red -light 5-aminolevulinic photodynamic therapy cure port Wine stains on comb animal model?
  3137. Dynamic changes in aroma, functional components and hypoglycemic effect in vitro of Red raspberry Wine during fermentation.
  3138. Impact of Red and white Wine macromolecules on the removal of copper (I) sulfide by membrane filtration
  3139. Isolation and Identification of Non-Saccharomyces Strains From Red Koji and Their Effect on the Flavor Constituents of Rice Wine
  3141. Visible− near infraRed spectroscopy− based detection of Grapevine leafroll− associated virus 3 in a Red − fruited Wine grape cultivar
  3142. Of a lovely maid I tell: Sombre eyes of a gazelle, Throat of hind, and Wine Red lip, Teeth like bubbles sweet to sip.

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