Premature Senescence

”Senescence is more than merely a cell division clock that regulates the proliferative lifespan of normal cells. “Premature” senescence is an active cytostaticprogram that is triggered in response to proliferative or genotoxic stress, such as the expression of strong oncogenes, tumor suppressor loss, exposure to DNA damage, and reactivation of tumor suppressor pathways. Unlike replicative senescence, premature senescence can be induced irrespective of the replicative “age” of cells, is independent of telomere attrition, and cannot be overridden by restoration of telomerase activity.24

The first example of oncogene-induced senescencewas described in 1997, where forced expression of an oncogenic allele of Ras induced a senescence response in primary human and rodent cells that was accompanied by the induction of p53 and p16INK4A.25 Inactivation of p53 or p16INK4A was sufficient to enable the proliferation of Ras-expressing rodent cells, and co-expression of adenoviral protein E1A and Ras was sufficient to enable senescence bypass in human cells. Of note, this study implied that oncogene-induced senescence acted as an important barrier to uncontrolled proliferation during multistep tumorigenesis and also provided a biological mechanism for the observed cooperation between Ras and immortalizing oncogenes (such as viral oncoproteins) alluded to earlier.

The Ras proteins are master regulators of pathways that cooperate to drive cell proliferation, growth, and survival. Dissection of Ras signaling through the use of engineered Ras mutants and activated forms of downstream signaling components identified the Raf/MEK/MAPK cascade as the major arm of Ras signaling that triggered senescence.26,27Hence, activation of the very same pathways that promote cellular transformation can also drive senescence when tumor suppressor genes are intact, thus implying that senescence can serve as an antiproliferative response to aberrant mitogenic cues.

Oncogene-induced senescence is not the only form of premature senescence that has been described. In fact, many forms of cellular damage, including exposure to ionizing radiation, cytotoxic drugs, and oxidative stress, can induce a cytostatic program that is phenotypically indistinguishable from senescence. Gene expression profiling studies support the notion that these senescence programs are related and demonstrate a strong similarity to the canonical replicative senescence program triggered by telomere erosion. Cellular senescencethus appears to represent a common response to cellular stress.

Interestingly, virtually all of the known stimuli that induce senescence—including telomere malfunction and hyperproliferation—can activate a DNA damage response (DDR), suggesting that some aspects of DDR signaling are crucial triggers of senescence. Accordingly, abrogation of DNA damage signaling through mutation/deletion of key regulators such as ATM, NBS1, CHK2, and ATR suppresses senescence, largely due to a failure to activate the p53 pathway.7,28 Furthermore, DDR signaling can trigger generation of the SASP29 and the global chromatin changes that are observed in senescent cells.30

Generally, it appears that a substantial damage “threshold” must be reached before replicative or premature senescence responses can be triggered. For example, cells with minor DNA damage may arrest only transiently, providing an opportunity for the repair of genetic lesions. However, when DNA damage is extensive, cells may opt to undergo cell death or enter senescence. This notion of dose dependence holds true for oncogene-induced senescence, which is partly governed by the induction of negative feedback mechanisms that control mitogenic signaling.31 High levels of Ras causing hyperreplication, extreme mitogenic stress, negative feedback signaling, and a strong DDR are required for Ras-induced senescence, whereas mutation of Ras without overexpression instead promotes proliferation and cellular transformation.32,33”

Why is it bad?

Cellular Senescence in Ageing, Age-Related Disease and Longevity

“Cellular senescence is the state of permanent inhibition of cell proliferation. Senescent cells are characterized by several features including increased activity of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-GAL) and senescenceassociated secretory phenotype (SASP). In vitro, 2 types of senescence have been described. One is telomere-dependent replicative senescence and the second is stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS). Despite some tissue-specific characteristics many kinds of cells, including stem/progenitor cells, can undergo senescence both in vitro and in vivo. Senescent cells were detected in murine, primate and human tissues using different markers. There is mounting evidence that senescent cells contribute to ageing and age-related disease by generating a low grade inflammation state (senescenceassociated secretory phenotype-SASP). Even though cellular senescence is a barrier for cancer it can, paradoxically, stimulate development of cancer via proinflammatory cytokines. There is evidence that senescent vascular cells, both endothelial and smooth muscle cells, participate in atherosclerosis and senescent preadipocytes and adipocytes have been shown to lead to insulin resistance. Thus, modulation of cellular senescence is considered as a potential pro-longevity strategy. This can be achieved by: elimination of selected senescent cells, epigenetic reprogramming of senescent cells, preventing cellular senescence or influencing the secretory phenotype. Some pharmacological interventions have already shown promising results“


  1. 1693-P: Rapamycin Reduces Maternal Diabetes-Induced Neural Tube Defects by Suppressing premature senescence
  2. 17beta-estradiol attenuates TNF-α-induced premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells through regulating the ROS/NF-κB pathway
  3. 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin (TCDD) induces premature senescence in human and rodent neuronal cells via ROS-dependent mechanisms
  4. 2, 3, 7, 8‐Tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin induces premature senescence of astrocytes via WNT/β‐catenin signaling and ROS production
  5. 2.1 The centrosomal protein TACC3 controls paclitaxel sensitivity by modulating a premature senescence program
  6. 5-FU-injured bone marrow stromal cells initiate stress-induced premature senescence of hematopoietic cells
  7. 5-methoxytryptophan protects MSCs from stress induced premature senescence by upregulating FoxO3a and mTOR
  8. 68: Stress-induced premature senescence in airway epithelium and accelerated lung allograft aging
  9. A bioactive polysaccharide TLH-3 isolated from Tricholoma lobayense protects against oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in cells and mice
  10. A Comparative Analysis of Stress Granule Assembly in Replicative and Stress-Induced premature senescence
  11. A comparison of replicative senescence and doxorubicin-induced premature senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from human aorta
  12. A Highlights from MBoC Selection: Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2–related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stress-induced premature senescence
  13. A Micro-RNA Connection in-Mediated premature senescence of Human Melanocytes
  14. A positive feedback loop between Pim-1 kinase and HBP1 transcription factor contributes to hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence and apoptosis
  15. A Possible Role of Stress-Induced premature senescence, SIPS, as a Producer of the Stress-Resistant Microenvironment
  16. A Preliminary Study on Relationship between Leaf premature senescence Characteristic and Leaf N Content, Roots Activity in Hybrid Rice during Grain Filling Stage …
  17. A quantitative chemiluminescent method for studying replicative and stress-induced premature senescence in cell cultures
  18. A role for mitochondrial oxidants in stress-induced premature senescence of human vascular smooth muscle cells
  19. A single cytosine deletion in the OsPLS1 gene encoding vacuolar-type H+-ATPase subunit A1 leads to premature leaf senescence and seed dormancy in rice
  20. A steroid like phytochemical Antcin M is an anti-aging reagent that eliminates hyperglycemia-accelerated premature senescence in dermal fibroblasts by …
  21. A system biology approach to provide a mechanistic understanding of radiation induced premature senescence in endothelial cells
  22. AB0088 Deficient Autophagy Induces premature senescence in Aging and Osteoarthritis
  23. Abiotic Stresses Intervene with ABA Signaling to Induce Destructive Metabolic Pathways Leading to Death: Premature Leaf senescence in Plants
  24. Ablation of galectin-3 induces p27KIP1-dependent premature senescence without oncogenic stress
  25. Abnormal mitosis in hypertetraploid cells causes aberrant nuclear morphology in association with H2O2‐induced premature senescence
  26. Absence of premature senescence in Werner’s syndrome keratinocytes
  27. Abstract A60: Role of telomere dysfunction in the premature cellular senescence of Hutchinson‐Gilford progeria syndrome
  28. Abstract B36: premature senescence is enhanced by PKCeta and its polymorphic variant V374I
  29. Abstract# 3472: HdmX overexpression inhibits oncogenic ras induced premature senescence.
  30. Accelerated premature stress-induced senescence of young annulus fibrosus cells of rats by high glucose-induced oxidative stress
  31. Accelerated senescence of Cord Blood Endothelial Progenitor Cells From Premature Neonates is Driven by Sirt1 Decreased Expression
  32. Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Induction of premature senescence: Role of DDB2
  33. Acetyl‐11‐keto‐β‐boswellic acid triggers premature senescence via induction of DNA damage accompanied by impairment of DNA repair genes in hepatocellular …
  34. Actin-binding doliculide causes premature senescence in p53 wild type cells
  35. Activation of a cAMP Pathway and Induction of Melanogenesis Correlate with Association of p16INK4 and p27KIP1 to CDKs, Loss of E2F-Binding Activity, and premature senescence of Human Melanocytes
  36. Activation of a PGC-1-related coactivator (PRC)-dependent inflammatory stress program linked to apoptosis and premature senescence
  37. Activation of p38 and changes in mitochondria accompany autophagy to premature senescence-like phenotype switch upon chronic exposure to selenite in colon …
  38. Activation of p53 with Nutlin-3a radiosensitizes lung cancer cells via enhancing radiation-induced premature senescence
  39. Acute activation of AMP-activated protein kinase prevents H2O2-induced premature senescence in primary human keratinocytes
  40. Additive effects of C2-ceramide on paclitaxel-induced premature senescence of human lung cancer cells
  41. Adiponectin corrects premature cellular senescence and normalizes antimicrobial peptide levels in senescent keratinocytes
  42. Adiponectin prevents diabetic premature senescence of endothelial progenitor cells and promotes endothelial repair by suppressing the p38 MAP kinase/p16INK4A …
  43. Adiponectin suppresses UVB-induced premature senescence and hBD2 overexpression in human keratinocytes
  44. Adult Sox2+ stem cell exhaustion in mice results in cellular senescence and premature aging
  45. Advances in understanding leaf premature senescence and its molecular mechanism in rice
  46. Agents that cause DNA double strand breaks lead to p16INK4a enrichment and the premature senescence of normal fibroblasts
  47. Aging with ING: a comparative study of different forms of stress induced premature senescence
  48. Akt determines replicative senescence and oxidative or oncogenic premature senescence and sensitizes cells to oxidative apoptosis
  49. ALA-PDT elicits oxidative damage and apoptosis in UVB-induced premature senescence of human skin fibroblasts
  50. Altered myogenesis and premature senescence underlie human TRIM32-related myopathy
  51. AMPK-mediated downregulation of connexin43 and premature senescence of mesangial cells under high-glucose conditions
  52. An in vitro study on biological characteristics of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in microenvironment of premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells
  53. Analysing the contribution of ATM/ATR pathway activation in establishing the premature senescence of E2F1/E2F2-/-bone-marrow-derived macrophages
  54. Analysis and gene mapping of rice premature senescence mutant zs.
  55. Analysis of mineral element content in premature senescence walnut leaves under drip irrigation and fertilization condition [J]
  56. Analysis on relationship among cotton premature senescence, red leaf disease and Alternaria leaf spot disease.
  57. Androgen receptor accelerates premature senescence of human dermal papilla cells in association with DNA damage
  58. Androgenic alopecia and stress-induced premature senescence by cumulative ultraviolet light exposure
  59. Angelica sinensis polysaccharides ameliorate stress-induced premature senescence of hematopoietic cell via protecting bone marrow stromal cells from oxidative …
  60. Ankyrin-B syndrome: enhanced cardiac function balanced by risk of cardiac death and premature senescence
  61. Anti-aging activity of kimchi during fermentation period against oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in cellular model
  62. Anti-aging effect of black rice against H2O2-induced premature senescence
  63. Anti-aging effects and mechanisms of kimchi during fermentation under stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
  64. Anti-aging effects of cyanidin under a stress-induced premature senescence cellular system
  65. Anti-photoaging potential of Botulinum Toxin Type A in UVB-induced premature senescence of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro through decreasing senescence …
  66. Apoptosis changes and SA-beta galactosidase expression in stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) model of human skin fibroblasts.
  67. Arsenic increases Pi-mediated vascular calcification and induces premature senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells
  68. Arsenite induces premature senescence via p53/p21 pathway as a result of DNA damage in human malignant glioblastoma cells
  69. Assessing the role of stress signalling via p38 MAP kinase in the premature senescence of Ataxia Telangiectasia and Werner syndrome fibroblasts
  70. Astragaloside exerts anti-photoaging effects in UVB-induced premature senescence of rat dermal fibroblasts through enhanced autophagy
  71. Attenuation of Replication Stress–Induced Premature Cellular senescence to Assess Anti‐Aging Modalities
  72. Attenuation of TGF-β signaling suppresses premature senescence in a p21-dependent manner and promotes oncogenic Ras-mediated metastatic transformation in …
  73. Autophagic cell death and premature senescence: New mechanism of 5-fluorouracil and sulforaphane synergistic anticancer effect in MDA-MB-231 triple negative …
  74. Autophagy impairment induces premature senescence in primary human fibroblasts
  75. Autophagy inhibition switches low-dose camptothecin-induced premature senescence to apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells
  76. Autophagy through 4EBP1 and AMPK regulates oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in auditory cells
  77. Autophagy: The missing link between non-enzymatically glycated proteins inducing apoptosis and premature senescence of endothelial cells?
  78. B56 INFLAMMATION AND VASCULAR PERMEABILITY: Cigarette Smoke (cs) Induces premature senescence In Highly Proliferative Endothelial Colony Forming …
  79. Bcl-2 activates a programme of premature senescence in human carcinoma cells
  80. Bcl-2 promotes premature senescence induced by oncogenic Ras
  81. Bcl-2 protects against oxidative stress while inducing premature senescence
  82. Beryllium induces premature senescence in human fibroblasts
  83. Bisdemethoxycurcumin increases Sirt1 to antagonize t-BHP-induced premature senescence in WI38 fibroblast cells
  84. Bisphosphonates induce premature senescence and impair proliferation and migration of normal human oral keratinocytes
  85. Bmal1-deficient mouse fibroblast cells do not provide premature cellular senescence in vitro
  86. BMP4-Smad signaling pathway mediates adriamycin-induced premature senescence in lung cancer cells
  87. B-myb rescues ras-induced premature senescence, which requires its transactivation domain
  88. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells protected rat cardiomyocytes from premature senescence
  89. Branched-chain amino acids enhance premature senescence through mammalian target of rapamycin complex I-mediated upregulation of p21 protein
  90. BRE plays an essential role in preventing replicative and DNA damage-induced premature senescence
  91. Ca2+/Redox-Sensitive Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis through OxLDL/ROS/p21-Dependent premature senescence and Cytokine Induction in …
  92. Ca2+/Redox-Sensitive Tyrosine Kinase PYK2 Promotes Atherogenesis Through OxLDL/ROS/p21-Dependent premature senescence in Endothelium
  93. Cancer Biology; Inhibition of NDRG1 expression induced premature senescence
  94. Cancer cell survival following DNA damage-mediated premature senescence is regulated by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent Inhibition of sirtuin 1
  95. Cancer stem cells and escape from drug-induced premature senescence in human lung tumor cells: implications for drug resistance and in vitro drug screening …
  96. Carbon filter prevents ozone fleck and premature senescence of tobacco leaves
  97. Cardiolipin activates MAP kinases during premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts
  98. Cardiolipin induces premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts
  99. Cathepsin cleavage of sirtuin 1 in endothelial progenitor cells mediates stress-induced premature senescence
  100. Causes and Controlling Measures of Cotton premature senescence in Yangtze River Cotton Area [J]
  101. Caveolin‐1 deficiency induces premature senescence with mitochondrial dysfunction
  102. Caveolin-1 expression and stress-induced premature senescence in human intervertebral disc degeneration
  103. Caveolin-1 mediated p53 activation in stress induced premature senescence and its antagonistic pleiotropic implications in cancer
  104. CBX8 antagonizes the effect of Sirtinol on premature senescence through the AKT-RB-E2F1 pathway in K562 leukemia cells
  105. CBX8 suppresses Sirtinol-induced premature senescence in human breast cancer cells via cooperation with SIRT1
  106. CD34+ cells from patients with myelodysplastic syndrome present different p21 dependent premature senescence
  107. Cell cycle arrest by human cytomegalovirus 86-kDa IE2 protein resembles premature senescence
  108. Cell cycle regulation in H2O2-induced premature senescence of human diploid fibroblasts and regulatory control exerted by the papilloma virusE6 and E7 proteins
  109. Cell proliferation and amplifies long‐term temozolomide‐and radiation‐induced cytotoxicity in melanoma cells: A role for autophagy and premature senescence
  110. Cell-Free Culture Supernatant of Probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum Protects Against H2O2-Induced premature senescence by Suppressing ROS-Akt-mTOR Axis in …
  111. Cells deleted for Brca2 COOH terminus exhibit hypersensitivity to γ-radiation and premature senescence
  112. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) of human diploid fibroblasts and melanocytes
  113. Cellular senescence and Premature Aging in Lung Diseases
  114. Cellular senescence in normal and premature lung aging
  115. Changes in levels of foliar carbohydrates and myo-inositol before premature leaf senescence of Populus nigra induced by a mixture of O3 and SO2
  116. Changes of the expression for genes related with senescence and the telomerase activity during cellular replicative and premature senescence in human embryonic …
  117. Characterization and fine mapping of the rice premature senescence mutant ospse1
  118. Characterization and fine-mapping of a novel premature leaf senescence mutant yellow leaf and dwarf 1 in rice
  119. Characterization and Mapping of a Novel Premature Leaf senescence Mutant in Common Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
  120. Chromosome aberrations and cellular premature senescence as radiation-induced sub-lethal effects: Implications for laser-driven charged-particle radiotherapy
  121. Chronic low dose rate ionizing radiation exposure induces premature senescence in human fibroblasts that correlates with up regulation of proteins involved in …
  122. Chronic NF-κB activation delays RasV12-induced premature senescence of human fibroblasts by suppressing the DNA damage checkpoint response
  123. Chronic Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Disrupt Mitochondrial Homeostasis and Promote Premature Endothelial senescence
  124. Cilostazol inhibits oxidative stress–induced premature senescence via upregulation of Sirt1 in human endothelial cells
  125. Circular RNA expression profile in human fibroblast premature senescence after repeated ultraviolet B irradiations revealed by microarray
  126. Cisplatin-induced premature senescence with concomitant reduction of gap junctions in human fibroblasts
  127. c-Jun-deficient cells undergo premature senescence as a result of spontaneous DNA damage accumulation
  128. Coenzyme Q10 Alleviates Chronic Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Induced Premature Endothelial senescence
  129. Cofilin mediates actin destabilization and shape change in replicative senescence and stress-induced premature senescence
  130. Colonization of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) culms exhibiting premature senescence (dead heads) associated with Fusarium pseudograminearum …
  131. Comparison of global DNA methylation profiles in replicative versus premature senescence
  132. Comparison of replicative senescence and stress‐induced premature senescence combining differential display and low‐density DNA arrays
  133. Comparison of the effects of 40% oxygen and two atmospheric absolute air pressure conditions on stress-induced premature senescence of normal human diploid …
  134. Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Fertility in premature senescence Cotton Fields in the Yellow River Region
  135. Compromising the constitutive p16INK4a expression sensitizes human neuroblastoma cells to Hsp90 inhibition and promotes premature senescence
  136. Conditioned medium derived from human amniotic stem cells delays H2O2‑induced premature senescence in human dermal fibroblasts
  137. Constitutive Activation of rac1 Results in Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Induces Premature Endothelial Cell senescence
  138. Contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress to cellular premature senescence induced by antiretroviral thymidine analogues
  139. Contribution of p16INK4a and p21CIP1 pathways to induction of premature senescence of human endothelial cells: permissive role of p53
  140. Control of premature senescence for the high and stable output of cotton.
  141. Cooperative role between p21cip1/waf1 and p27kip1 in premature senescence in glandular proliferative lesions in mice
  142. Copper ability to induce premature senescence in human fibroblasts
  143. Cordyceps militaris extract protects human dermal fibroblasts against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and premature senescence
  144. Co-regulation of p16INK4A and migratory genes in culture conditions that lead to premature senescence in human keratinocytes
  145. Correction: Adiponectin Suppresses UVB-Induced premature senescence and hBD2 Overexpression in Human Keratinocytes
  146. Correlation between senescence and DNA repair in cells from young and old individuals and in premature aging syndromes
  147. Corrigendum to’Autophagic cell death and premature senescence: New mechanism of 5-fluorouracil and sulforaphane synergistic anticancer effect in MDA-MB-231 …
  148. Cr (VI) induces premature senescence through ROS-mediated p53 pathway in L-02 hepatocytes
  149. Cristacarpin promotes ER stress-mediated ROS generation leading to premature senescence by activation of p21waf-1
  150. Curcumin attenuates hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence via the activation of SIRT1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  151. Cyclic mechanical tension reinforces DNA damage and activates the p53-p21-Rb pathway to induce premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells
  152. Cyclophosphamide induces premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts by activating MAP kinases
  153. Cytokinesis defects, polyploidy and premature senescence in SSeCKS/Gravin/AKAP12-null mouse embryo fibroblasts
  154. Cytoplasmic Retention of CDC6 Induces premature senescence in Immortalized Cells and Suppresses Tumor Formation in Mice
  155. Damaged DNA binding protein 2 in reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulation and premature senescence
  156. Davallialactone from mushroom reduced premature senescence and inflammation on glucose oxidative stress in human diploid fibroblast cells
  157. DDB2, an essential mediator of premature senescence
  158. DEC1, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor and a novel target gene of the p53 family, mediates p53-dependent premature senescence
  159. Deconstructing PML‐induced premature senescence
  160. Deficient autophagy induces premature senescence in aging and osteoarthritis
  161. Depletion of CSN5 inhibits Ras-mediated tumorigenesis by inducing premature senescence in p53-null cells
  162. Deregulation of hsa-miR-20b expression in TNF-α-induced premature senescence of human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells
  163. D-galactose induces premature senescence of lens epithelial cells by disturbing autophagy flux and mitochondrial functions
  164. Diagnosis of premature senescence of cotton using SPAD value
  165. Differences in protein changes between stress‐induced premature senescence and replicative senescence states
  166. Differential protein expression in senescent human skin fibroblasts and stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) fibroblasts
  167. Diperoxovanadate can substitute for H2O2 at much lower concentration in inducing features of premature cellular senescence in mouse fibroblasts (NIH3T3)
  168. Discussion on premature senescence of Maize and Its Prevention Technology [J]
  169. Disorazole C1: A potent antimitotic agent that induces premature senescence
  170. Disruption of a Upf1-like helicase-encoding gene OsPLS2 triggers light-dependent premature leaf senescence in rice
  171. Dissecting the Regulatory Network of Leaf premature senescence in Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Transcriptome Analysis of ZmELS5 Mutant
  172. DNA deletion and impairment of mitochondrial biogenesis are mediated by reactive oxygen species in ionizing radiation-induced premature senescence
  173. Dominant Gene cplsr1 Corresponding to Premature Leaf senescence Resistance in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)F
  174. Down regulation of CD147 boosts the premature senescence in human skin fibroblasts by destroying the redox balance and inhibiting klotho
  175. Down-regulation and decreased activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 in H2O2-induced premature senescence
  176. Down-regulation of Asymmetric Arginine Methylation During Replicative and H2O2-induced premature senescence in WI-38 Human Diploid Fibroblasts
  177. DP 4.08 P16 triggers premature senescence of congenital DM1 myoblasts
  178. Drug-induced premature senescence model in human dental follicle stem cells
  179. Dysfunction during Aging and senescence: Effect of lipopolysaccharides on adipogenic potential and premature senescence of adipocyte progenitors
  180. Early loss of proliferative potential of human peritoneal mesothelial cells in culture: the role of p16INK4a-mediated premature senescence
  181. Effect of bisphenol A on stress-induced premature senescence
  182. Effect of lipopolysaccharides on adipogenic potential and premature senescence of adipocyte progenitors
  184. Effect of Maize Straw Return to Soil on premature senescence [J]
  185. Effect of rapamycin on high glucose-induced autophagy impairment, oxidative stress and premature senescence in rat mesangial cells in vitro
  186. Effect of removal of basal fruiting branches on some premature senescence characters of different cotton genotypes.
  187. Effect of removal of early squares on verticillium wilt and premature senescence in Bt transgenic cotton
  188. Effect of Saikokeishito, a Kampo medicine, on hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence of normal human dermal fibroblasts
  189. Effect of sulfated galactan from Porphyra haitanensis on H2O2-induced premature senescence in WI-38 cells
  190. Effect of water stress and nutrition stress on premature senescence-related enzyme activity in harvested broccoli
  191. Effects of Early Fruiting Branch Removal on Physiological Traits of Leaves Related to premature senescence, Yield, and Fiber Quality of Transgenic Bt Cotton
  192. Effects of estrogen on stress-induced premature senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells: a novel mechanism for the “time window theory” of menopausal …
  193. Effects of ginsenoside and Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on UVB irradiation-induced premature senescence of skin fibroblasts.
  194. Effects of Potassium Oligosaccharide Acids Effervescent Tablet on premature senescence and Yield of Wheat [J]
  195. Effects of removal of early fruiting branches on yield, fiber quality and premature senescence in Bt transgenic cotton
  196. Effects of sirolimus on ultraviolet B irradiation-induced premature senescence of skin fibroblasts
  197. Effects of the estrogen receptor on stress-induced premature senescence of vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro
  198. eIF2α phosphorylation bypasses premature senescence caused by oxidative stress and pro-oxidant antitumor therapies
  199. Elimination of protein aggregates prevents premature senescence in human trisomy 21 fibroblasts
  200. Endogenous transmembrane TNF-alpha protects against premature senescence in endothelial colony forming cells
  201. Enhanced elimination of oxidized guanine nucleotides inhibits oncogenic RAS-induced DNA damage and premature senescence
  202. Epigallocatechin gallate suppresses premature senescence of preadipocytes by inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and induces senescent cell death by regulation …
  203. Epigenetic enhancement of p66Shc during cellular replicative or premature senescence
  204. Erratum. Adiponectin Prevents Diabetic premature senescence of Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Promotes Endothelial Repair by Suppressing the p38 MAP Kinase …
  205. Escape from premature senescence is not sufficient for oncogenic transformation by Ras
  206. Escherichia coli producing colibactin triggers premature and transmissible senescence in mammalian cells
  207. Essential role for premature senescence of myofibroblasts in myocardial fibrosis
  208. Establishment of H2O2‐Induced premature senescence in Human Fibroblasts Concomitant with Increased Cellular Production of H2O2
  209. Ethylene production and premature senescence of needles from fir trees (Abies alba)
  210. Evaluation of premature senescence and senescence biomarkers in carcinoma cells and xenograft mice exposed to single or fractionated irradiation
  211. Evidence that premature senescence affects photosynthetic decline of wheat flag leaves during growth in elevated carbon dioxide
  212. Exploiting “oncogene addiction” and “premature senescence” to design novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer
  213. Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons derived from vehicle exhaust gas induces premature senescence in mouse lung fibroblast cells
  214. Expression of catalytically active telomerase does not prevent premature senescence caused by overexpression of oncogenic Ha-Ras in normal human fibroblasts
  215. Expression of Clusterin suppresses Cr (VI)-induced premature senescence through activation of PI3K/AKT pathway
  216. Expression of senescence-associated miR-34c and SIRT1 in premature senescence of human skin fibroblasts induced by ultraviolet B
  217. Expression of β-catenin in oxidative stress-induced premature senescence of human skin fibroblasts
  218. Extension of Life Span and Delay of Stress–Induced premature senescence of Trabecular Meshwork (TM) Cells Incubated at Low Oxygen Tension
  219. FGFR3 signaling induces a reversible senescence phenotype in chondrocytes similar to oncogene-induced premature senescence
  220. Fibroblast growth factor 21 delayed endothelial replicative senescence and protected cells from H2O2-induced premature senescence through SIRT1
  221. Fibroblast Stimulation of Blood Vessel Development and Cancer Cell Invasion in a Subrenal Capsule Xenograft Model: Stress-Induced premature senescence Does Not Increase Effect1
  222. FP258 VNN1 mediates renal maladaptive repair after AKI by inducing premature senescence of renal tubular cells
  223. From the Hayflick mosaic to the mosaics of ageing.: Role of stress-induced premature senescence in human ageing
  224. Fullerene derivatives induce premature senescence: A new toxicity paradigm or novel biomedical applications
  225. Fullerenol Protects Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells from Oxidative-Stress-Induced premature senescence Model in vitro
  226. Fullerenol protects retinal pigment epithelial cells from oxidative stress–induced premature senescence via activating SIRT1
  227. Fullerenol Protects RPE cells from Oxidative-stress Induced premature senescence via Activation of SIRT1
  228. Gadd45b deficiency impairs G2/M cell cycle progression leading to premature senescence
  229. Gadd45b deficiency promotes premature senescence and skin aging
  230. Gardenia jasminoides extract-capped gold nanoparticles reverse hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence
  231. Gefitinib induces premature senescence in non-small cell lung cancer cells with or without EGFR gene mutation
  232. Gene expression and regulation in H2O2-induced premature senescence of human foreskin fibroblasts expressing or not telomerase
  233. Gene mapping of starch accumulation and premature leaf senescence in the ossac3 mutant of rice
  234. Genetic analysis and fine mapping of a premature leaf senescence mutant in rice (Orzya sativa L.).
  235. Genetic analysis and high-resolution mapping of a premature senescence gene Pse(t) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  236. Genetic analysis of biochemical traits in short season upland cotton with no premature senescence
  237. Genetic and physio-biochemical characterization of a novel premature senescence leaf mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  238. Genetic diseases of premature aging as models of senescence
  239. Genetic effects and diagnosis of premature senescence of leaf in upland cotton.
  240. Ginsenoside Rg1 attenuates Busulfan-induced premature senescence
  241. Ginsenoside Rg1 delays tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced premature senescence in human WI-38 diploid fibroblast cells
  242. Ginsenoside Rg1 protects human fibroblasts against psoralen-and UVA-induced premature senescence through a telomeric mechanism
  243. Glucosamine attenuates hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence in human retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro
  244. Glucose utilization via glycogen phosphorylase sustains proliferation and prevents premature senescence in cancer cells
  245. Glutathione depletion induces ferroptosis, autophagy, and premature cell senescence in retinal pigment epithelial cells
  246. Glycated collagen I induces premature senescence-like phenotypic changes in endothelial cells
  247. Glyoxal‐induced premature senescence in human fibroblasts
  248. GP 9 04 premature senescence of myoblasts in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
  249. Growth kinetics rather than stress accelerate telomere shortening in cultures of human diploid fibroblasts in oxidative stress‐induced premature senescence
  250. Guiqi polysaccharide protects the normal human fetal lung fibroblast WI-38 cells from H2O2-induced premature senescence
  251. GW24-e0410 Stress-induced premature senescence in primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  252. GW25-e2369 Lipoic acid inhibits oxidative stress-induced premature senescence via upregulation of Sirt1 in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells
  253. GW25-e4428 Exogenous Hydrogen Sulfide Delays Nicotinamide-Induced premature senescence via SIRT1 pathway in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells
  254. Haploinsufficiency for BRCA1 leads to cell-type-specific genomic instability and premature senescence
  255. Heat shock induces apoptosis in human embryonic stem cells but a premature senescence phenotype in their differentiated progeny
  256. Helicobacter pylori-induced premature senescence of extragastric cells may contribute to chronic skin diseases
  257. Heme oxygenase-1 and interleukin-11 are overexpressed in stress-induced premature senescence of human WI-38 fibroblasts induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide …
  258. Hepatitis B virus X protein overcomes stress-induced premature senescence by repressing p16INK4a expression via DNA methylation
  259. Hepatitis C virus Core protein overcomes stress-induced premature senescence by down-regulating p16 expression via DNA methylation
  260. HEREDITARY premature senescence OF THE RABBIT I. CHROmC FOR~; G~ m~ RAL FEATURES
  261. Hereditary premature senescence of the rabbit: I. Chronic form; general features
  263. Heterogeneity in premature senescence by oxidative stress correlates with differential DNA damage during the cell cycle
  264. HIF1α delays premature senescence through the activation of MIF
  265. High doses of synthetic antioxidants induce premature senescence in cultivated mesenchymal stem cells
  266. High intensity ras signaling induces premature senescence by activating p38 pathway in primary human fibroblasts
  267. High-magnitude compression accelerates the premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells via the p38 MAPK-ROS pathway
  268. Histological evidence of oxidative stress and premature senescence in preterm premature rupture of the human fetal membranes recapitulated in vitro
  269. Histone H4 lysine 16 hypoacetylation is associated with defective DNA repair and premature senescence in Zmpste24-deficient mice
  270. Histone modifications contribute to cellular replicative and hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence in human embryonic lung fibroblasts
  271. HIV antiretroviral therapy drugs induce premature senescence and altered physiology in HUVECs
  272. Human electronegative LDL induces mitochondrial dysfunction and premature senescence of vascular cells in vivo
  273. Human fibroblast cells are resistant to low levels of DNA double-strand break induced apoptosis and subsequently undergo drug-induced premature senescence
  274. Human lipodystrophies linked to mutations in A-type lamins and to HIV protease inhibitor therapy are both associated with prelamin A accumulation, oxidative …
  275. Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells protect against premature renal senescence resulting from oxidative stress in rats with acute kidney …
  276. Hydrogen sulfide delays nicotinamide-induced premature senescence via upregulation of SIRT1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
  277. Hyperoxia-induced premature senescence requires p53 and pRb, but not mitochondrial matrix ROS
  278. Hypoxia reoxygenation induces premature senescence in neonatal SD rat cardiomyocytes1
  279. Identification and characterization of secretory proteins during ionizing radiation-induced premature senescence
  280. Identification and comparative analysis of premature senescence leaf mutants in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  281. Identification of 30 protein species involved in replicative senescence and stress‐induced premature senescence
  282. Identification of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase that is required for suppression of premature senescence in Arabidopsis
  283. Identification of p38MAPK-dependent genes with changed transcript abundance in H2O2-induced premature senescence of IMR-90 hTERT human fibroblasts
  284. Identification of p53-dependent genes potentially involved in UVB-mediated premature senescence of human skin fibroblasts using siRNA technology
  285. IGF-1 rescues human intervertebral annulus cells from in vitro stress-induced premature senescence
  286. IGF-1 Rescues Human Intervertebral Annulus Cells in a Novel Model of in Vitro Stress-Induced premature senescence: Paper# 19.
  287. IL-6-STAT3 signaling and premature senescence
  288. Impact of ER stress-regulated ATF4/p16 signaling on the premature senescence of renal tubular epithelial cells in diabetic nephropathy
  289. Impact of ozone on the activity and quantity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in potato foliage and its relation to premature senescence.
  290. Impact of premature senescence on radiosensitivity measured by high throughput cell-based assays
  291. In memoriam Olivier Toussaint–Stress-induced premature senescence and the role of DNA damage
  292. Increased abundance of cytoplasmic and nuclear caveolin 1 in human diploid fibroblasts in H2O2-induced premature senescence and interplay with …
  293. Increased chemo-sensitivity by knockdown coilin expression involved acceleration of premature cellular senescence in HeLa cells
  294. Increasing the complexity of respiratory syncytial virus infection: Reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, and premature senescence
  295. Induction of EMT by twist proteins as a collateral effect of tumor-promoting inactivation of premature senescence
  296. Induction of premature senescence by hsp90 inhibition in small cell lung cancer
  297. Induction of premature senescence by single and fractionated irradiation in human cancer cell line and xenografted mice model
  298. Induction of premature senescence in cardiomyocytes by doxorubicin as a novel mechanism of myocardial damage
  299. Induction of premature senescence in cardiomyocytes by oxidative stress as a novel mechanism of myocardial dysfunction
  300. Induction of premature senescence in human fibroblasts through endoplasmic reticulum stress: protection by phenolic diterpenes
  301. Induction of premature senescence in human lung cancer by fungal immunomodulatory protein from Ganoderma tsugae
  302. Induction of premature senescence program by an inhibitor of histone deacetylase sodium butyrate in normal and transformed rat fibroblasts
  303. Inflammatory cytokine TNF-α promotes premature senescence of rat nucleus pulposus cells through PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
  304. Influence of RNA interference in p53 gene on the expressions of genes involved in ultraviolet B-induced premature senescence and photocarcinogenesis in human …
  305. Inhibition of nuclear factor-erythroid 2–related factor (Nrf2) by caveolin-1 promotes stress-induced premature senescence
  306. Inhibition of stress induced premature senescence in presenilin-1 2 mutated cells with water soluble Coenzyme Q10 Q2
  307. Inhibition of stress induced premature senescence in presenilin-1 mutated cells with water soluble Coenzyme Q10
  308. Inhibition of the K+ Channel KCa3. 1 Reduces TGF-b1-Induced premature senescence
  309. Inhibition of the K+ Channel KCa3. 1 Reduces TGF-β1-Induced premature senescence, Myofibroblast Phenotype Transition and Proliferation of Mesangial Cells
  310. Inhibition of thioredoxin reductase 1 by caveolin 1 promotes stress‐induced premature senescence
  311. Inhibition of Twist1-mediated invasion by Chk2 promotes premature senescence in p53-defective cancer cells
  312. Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cells premature senescence with rutin attenuates and stabilizes diabetic atherosclerosis
  313. Initiation of premature senescence by Bcl-2 in hypoxic condition
  314. Inonotus obliquus protects against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and premature senescence
  315. Ins and outs of tumour control: when a potentially dangerous cell can’t be repaired, it must be either stopped or killed. premature senescence of cancerous cells is one …
  316. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 4 and 7 released by senescent cells promote premature senescence in mesenchymal stem cells
  317. Insulin-like growth factor-1 attenuates oxidative stress-induced hepatocyte premature senescence in liver fibrogenesis via regulating nuclear p53–progerin …
  318. Interaction of nematodes with Fusarium moniliforme, incitant of premature senescence of maize
  319. Interleukin-1β induced premature senescence of articular chondrocytes
  320. Interleukin-6 Induces premature senescence Involving Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 5
  321. Intestinal stem cells acquire premature senescence and senescence associated secretory phenotype concurrent with persistent DNA damage after heavy ion …
  322. Investigation of premature senescence and red leaf occurrence in different cotton varieties.
  323. Involvement of abscisic acid in PSII photodamage and D1 protein turnover for light-induced premature senescence of rice flag leaves
  324. Involvement of MAP-kinase cascades in regulation of sodium-butyrate-induced premature senescence
  325. Involvement of MAP-kinase cascades into the regulation of sodium butyrate induced premature cell senescence
  326. Ionizing irradiation inhibits keloid fibroblast cell proliferation and induces premature cellular senescence
  327. Ionizing radiation and busulfan induce premature senescence in murine bone marrow hematopoietic cells
  328. Ionizing radiation-mediated premature senescence and paracrine interactions with cancer cells enhance the expression of syndecan 1 in human breast …
  329. Is post-traumatic stress disorder associated with premature senescence? A review of the literature
  330. Isolation and physiological characteristics of a premature senescence mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  331. JNK inhibition sensitizes tumor cells to radiation-induced premature senescence via Bcl-2/ROS/DDR signaling pathway
  332. Klotho RNAi induces premature senescence of human cells via a p53/p21 dependent pathway
  333. Knockdown of IL-8 Provoked premature senescence of Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  334. Knocking out the gene RLS1 induces hypersensitivity to oxidative stress and premature leaf senescence in rice
  335. Lack of vitamin D receptor causes stress-induced premature senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells through enhanced local angiotensin-II signals
  336. Large CTG repeats trigger p16-dependent premature senescence in myotonic dystrophy type 1 muscle precursor cells
  337. Lipid mediators of autophagy in stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial cells
  338. Long noncoding RNA H19 mediates melatonin inhibition of premature senescence of c‐kit+ cardiac progenitor cells by promoting miR‐675
  339. Long-term arsenite exposure induces premature senescence in B cell lymphoma A20 cells
  340. Long-term exposure to TNF-α leads human skin fibroblasts to a p38 MAPK-and ROS-mediated premature senescence
  341. Losartan inhibits STAT1 activation and protects human glomerular mesangial cells from angiotensin II induced premature senescence
  342. Loss of Cdh1 Triggers premature senescence in Part via Activation of Both the RB/E2F1 and the CLASPIN/CHK1/P53 Tumor Suppressor Pathways
  343. LPS-induced premature osteocyte senescence: Implications in inflammatory alveolar bone loss and periodontal disease pathogenesis
  344. Lutein suppresses hyperglycemia‐induced premature senescence of retinal pigment epithelial cells by upregulating SIRT1
  345. MAD2 depletion triggers premature cellular senescence in human primary fibroblasts by activating a p53 pathway preventing aneuploid cells propagation
  346. Malvidin protects WI-38 human fibroblast cells against stress-induced premature senescence
  347. Management practices to control premature senescence in Bt cotton
  348. Mapping mechanisms and charting the time course of premature cell senescence and apoptosis: lysosomal dysfunction and ganglioside accumulation in endothelial …
  349. Mapping of post-flowering drought resistance traits in grain sorghum: association between QTLs influencing premature senescence and maturity
  350. Mapping QTL for drought stress-induced premature senescence and maturity in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
  351. Maternal Characteristics versus Egg Size and Energy Density: Do Stocked Lake Trout in Lake Ontario Experience Premature Reproductive senescence?
  352. Measurements of hydrogen peroxide induced premature senescence: senescence-associated β-galactosidase and DNA synthesis index in human diploid fibroblasts …
  353. Mechanism of premature senescence of cotton plants grown under drip irrigation and mulch film: plant growth response and nutrient status.
  354. Mechanism of radiation induced premature senescence of bone marrow stromal cells: experiment with murine bone marrow stromal cells
  355. Mechanisms of premature cell senescence
  356. Meiotic drive by the Y-linked D gene in Aedes aegypti (L.)(Diptera: Culicidae) is associated with disruption of spermiogenesis, leading to premature senescence of …
  357. Melatonin reverses H2O2‐induced premature senescence in mesenchymal stem cells via the SIRT1‐dependent pathway
  358. Melatonin suppresses doxorubicin‐induced premature senescence of A549 lung cancer cells by ameliorating mitochondrial dysfunction
  359. Mesenchymal stem cells from rats with chronic kidney disease exhibit premature senescence and loss of regenerative potential
  360. Meteorological Conditions and Countermeasures for premature senescence of Insect-Resistant Cotton [J]
  361. Microparticles released by senescent endothelial cells promote premature endothelial senescence associated with an impaired NO formation and oxidative …
  362. MicroRNA regulation of ionizing radiation-induced premature senescence
  363. MicroRNA-34a (miR-34a) Mediates Retinal Endothelial Cell premature senescence through Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Loss of Antioxidant Activities
  364. Microtubule binding and disruption and induction of premature senescence by disorazole C1
  365. Mild mitochondrial uncoupling prevents premature senescence in human dermal fibroblasts
  366. MiR-23a-depressed autophagy is a participant in PUVA-and UVB-induced premature senescence
  367. Mitochondrial DNA deletion and impairment of mitochondrial biogenesis by reactive oxygen species in ionizing radiation-induced premature senescence
  368. Mitoxantrone ability to induce premature senescence in human dental pulp stem cells and human dermal fibroblasts
  369. MMP-9 inhibition provokes premature senescence resulting in inhibition of medulloblastoma tumor growth via p16 INK4A and mitogen-activated protein kinase …
  370. Modelling human ageing: Role of telomeres in stress-induced premature senescence and design of anti-ageing strategies
  371. Modulation of PPARγ provides new insights in a stress induced premature senescence model
  372. Molecular basis for premature senescence induced by surfactants in normal human cells
  373. Molecular biomarkers indicate precocious in vitro senescence in fibroblasts from SAMP6 mice: evidence supporting a murine model of premature senescence …
  374. Molecular mechanisms of premature senescence in cotton
  375. Molecular models of aging: comparative analysis of gene signatures in replicative senescence and stress induced premature senescence
  376. Monoamine oxidase‐A is a novel driver of stress‐induced premature senescence through inhibition of parkin‐mediated mitophagy
  377. MOZ increases p53 acetylation and premature senescence through its complex formation with PML
  378. Mussel oligopeptides protect human fibroblasts from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced premature senescence
  379. NaDC3 induces premature cellular senescence by promoting transport of krebs cycle intermediates, increasing NADH, and exacerbating oxidative damage
  380. NADPH oxidase NOX1 is involved in activation of protein kinase C and premature senescence in early stage diabetic kidney
  381. NCOA4 depletion leads to replication stress and premature senescence
  382. Nek6 suppresses the premature senescence of human cancer cells induced by camptothecin and doxorubicin treatment
  383. Nevirapine induces growth arrest and premature senescence in human cervical carcinoma cells
  384. Nijmegen breakage syndrome fibroblasts expressing the C-terminal truncated NBNp70 protein undergo p38/MK2-dependent premature senescence
  385. Not Affect the Overexpression of p21WAF‐1 after Exposure of IMR‐90 hTERT Fibroblasts to a Sublethal Concentration of H2O2 Leading to premature senescence
  386. Novel contributors and mechanisms of cellular senescence in hypertension-associated premature vascular aging
  387. Novel mechanisms of sublethal oxidant toxicity: induction of premature senescence in human fibroblasts confers tumor promoter activity
  388. Nuclear swelling occurs during premature senescence mediated by MAP kinases in normal human fibroblasts
  389. Obesity and type-2 diabetes as inducers of premature cellular senescence and ageing
  390. Occludin‐mediated premature senescence is a fail‐safe mechanism against tumorigenesis in breast carcinoma cells
  391. Ochratoxin A induced premature senescence in human renal proximal tubular cells
  392. Oct4 suppresses IR‑induced premature senescence in breast cancer cells through STAT3-and NF‑κB-mediated IL‑24 production
  393. Oncogenic ras induces premature senescence in endothelial cells: role of p21Cip1/Waf1
  394. Oncogenic ras provokes premature cell senescence associated with accumulation of p53 and p16INK4a
  395. Osthole Delays Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced premature senescence in Neural Stem Cells
  396. Overactive Arginase Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Premature Endothelial Cell senescence during Diabetic Retinopathy
  397. Overexpression of apolipoprotein J in human fibroblasts protects against cytotoxicity and premature senescence induced by ethanol and tert …
  398. Overexpression of CHMP7 from rapeseed and Arabidopsis causes dwarfism and premature senescence in Arabidopsis
  399. Overexpression of SIRT6 in porcine fetal fibroblasts attenuates cytotoxicity and premature senescence caused by D-galactose and tert-butylhydroperoxide
  400. Oxidative DNA damage causes premature senescence in mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient for Krüppel‐like factor 4
  401. Oxidative stress and premature senescence in corneal endothelium following penetrating keratoplasty in an animal model
  402. Oxidative stress induces premature senescence by stimulating caveolin-1 gene transcription through p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase/Sp1–mediated activation of …
  403. Oxidative stress-induced inhibition of Sirt1 by caveolin-1 promotes p53-dependent premature senescence and stimulates the secretion of interleukin 6 (IL-6)
  404. Oxidative stress-induced premature senescence dysregulates VEGF and CFH expression in retinal pigment epithelial cells: implications for age-related …
  405. Oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells
  407. Oxygen-sensing Nox4 generates genotoxic ROS to induce premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells through MAPK and NF-κB pathways
  408. P16 INK4a Deletion Ameliorated Renal Tubulointerstitial Injury in a Stress-induced premature senescence Model of Bmi-1 Deficiency
  409. P161: Adiponectin suppresses UVB-induced premature senescence and hBD2 overexpression by blocking p38, JNK/SAPK MAPK signaling in human normal …
  410. P196: Adiponectin ameliorate cellular premature senescence and restitute abnormal increase of antimicrobial peptide level in senescent keratinocyte
  411. P2-03-05: Attenuation of TGF-beta Signaling Suppresses premature senescence in a p21-Dependent Manner and Promotes Oncogenic ras-Mediated Metastatic …
  412. p21 WAF1 and hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced premature senescence of H9c2 cardiomyocytes
  413. p41-Arc, a regulatory subunit of Arp2/3 complex, can induce premature senescence in the absence of p53 and Rb
  414. p53 and ATF-2 partly mediate the overexpression of COX-2 in H2O2-induced premature senescence of human fibroblasts
  415. Paeonol protects against premature senescence in endothelial cells by modulating Sirtuin 1 pathway
  416. Pak4 induces premature senescence via a pathway requiring p16INK4/p19ARF and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling
  417. Partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation induces premature senescence in human fibroblasts and yeast mother cells
  418. Pathways of aging: comparative analysis of gene signatures in replicative senescence and stress induced premature senescence
  419. Pegylated IFN-α sensitizes melanoma cells to chemotherapy and causes premature senescence in endothelial cells by IRF-1-mediated signaling
  420. Performance and Mechanisms of premature senescence in Cotton
  421. Persistent DNA damage-induced premature senescence alters the functional features of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
  422. Persistent DNA damage‐induced premature senescence alters the functional features of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
  423. PFG acted as an inducer of premature senescence in TIG-1 normal diploid fibroblast and an inhibitor of mitosis in the HeLa cells
  424. Pharmacological DNA-PK inhibition induces ATM/p53 dependent premature senescence with immunomodulatory phenotype in irradiated cancer cells
  425. Phenotypic characterization and fine mapping of mps1, a premature leaf senescence mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  426. Photosynthesis and chloroplast ultra-structure characteristics of flag leaves for a premature senescence rice mutant.
  428. Placental telomere shortening in stillbirth: a sign of premature senescence?
  429. PML is induced by oncogenic ras and promotes premature senescence
  430. PML regulates p53 acetylation and premature senescence induced by oncogenic Ras
  431. Polymerase I and transcript release factor (PTRF)/cavin-1 is a novel regulator of stress-induced premature senescence
  432. PPM1B depletion induces premature senescence in human IMR-90 fibroblasts
  433. Prelamin A accumulation in endothelial cells induces premature senescence and functional impairment
  434. Prelamin a accumulation induced by hiv protease inhibitors or lamin a mutations triggers premature senescence and calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells
  435. Prelamin accumulation in primary endothelial cells induces premature senescence and activation
  436. Preliminary Study on Identification Indexes of the Anti-premature senescence at Wheat Seed Germination Stage
  437. Premature aging/senescence in cancer cells facing therapy: good or bad?
  438. Premature B-cell senescence as a consequence of chronic immune activation: Implications for vaccination of immune compromised individuals
  439. Premature cardiac senescence in DahlS. Z-Leprfa/Leprfa rats as a new animal model of metabolic syndrome
  440. Premature cell senescence in human skin: dual face in chronic acquired pigmentary disorders
  441. Premature cellular senescence induced by pyocyanin, a redox-active Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxin
  442. Premature immune senescence in children with MS: Too young to go steady
  443. Premature leaf senescence 3, encoding a methyltransferase, is required for melatonin biosynthesis in rice
  444. Premature leaf senescence modulated by the Arabidopsis PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4 gene is associated with defense against the phloem-feeding green peach …
  445. Premature lung aging and cellular senescence in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and COPD/emphysema
  446. Premature mitochondrial senescence and related ultrastructural changes during lung carcinogenesis modulation by curcumin and resveratrol
  447. premature senescence activation in DLD‑1 colorectal cancer cells through adjuvant therapy to induce a miRNA profile modulating cellular death
  448. premature senescence and cellular phenotype transformation of mesangial cells induced by TGF-B1
  449. premature senescence and increased TGFβ signaling in the absence of Tgif1
  450. premature senescence in Cells From Patients With Autosomal Recessive Hypercholesterolemia (ARH) Evidence for a Role for ARH in Mitosis
  451. premature senescence in cultured skin fibroblasts from subjects with cystic fibrosis
  452. premature senescence in human breast cancer and colon cancer cells by tamoxifen-mediated reactive oxygen species generation
  453. premature senescence in plants along a motorway
  454. premature senescence in primary muscle cultures of myotonic dystrophy type 2 is not associated with p16 induction
  455. premature senescence in Primary Muscle Cultures of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 Is Not Associated With p16 Induction (P2. 047)
  456. premature senescence induced by DNA demethylating agent (Decitabine) as therapeutic option for malignant pleural mesothelioma
  457. premature senescence Induced by Ionizing Radiation Requires AKT Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species in Glioma
  458. premature senescence involving p53 and p16 is activated in response to constitutive MEK/MAPK mitogenic signaling
  459. premature senescence is a major response to DNA cross-linking agents in BRCA1-defective cells: implication for tailored treatments of BRCA1 mutation carriers
  460. premature senescence is a primary fail-safe mechanism of ERBB2-driven tumorigenesis in breast carcinoma cells
  461. premature senescence of balding dermal papilla cells in vitro is associated with p16INK4a expression
  462. premature senescence of cardiac fibroblasts and atrial fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation
  463. premature senescence of circulating T cells in HCV-chronically infected patients (105.41)
  464. premature senescence of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)–Predominantly a potassium disorder caused by an imbalance of source and sink
  465. premature senescence of cotton: current developments
  466. premature senescence of Cotton—The Future of Crop Nutrition Problems?
  467. premature senescence of endothelial cells upon chronic exposure to TNFα can be prevented by N-acetyl cysteine and plumericin
  468. premature senescence of endothelial cells: Methusaleh’s dilemma
  469. premature senescence of highly proliferative endothelial progenitor cells is induced by tumor necrosis factor-α via the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway
  470. premature senescence of human endothelial cells induced by inhibition of glutaminase
  471. premature senescence of mesothelial cells is associated with non-telomeric DNA damage
  472. premature senescence of Naïve CD4+ T-Cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  473. premature senescence of skin fibroblasts from insulin-dependent diabetic patients with kidney disease
  474. premature senescence of T cells in long-term survivors of renal transplantation
  475. premature senescence of T lymphocytes from patients with β-thalassemia major
  476. premature senescence of T-cell subsets in axial spondyloarthritis
  477. premature senescence of the immune system in rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis patients.
  478. premature senescence of vascular cells is induced by HIV protease inhibitors: implication of prelamin A and reversion by statin
  479. premature senescence, endothelial turnover and accelerated atherosclerosis in SLE: the relationship between circulating endothelial cells, telomere length and …
  480. Premature T cell senescence in Ovx mice is inhibited by repletion of estrogen and medicarpin: a possible mechanism for alleviating bone loss
  481. Premature T cell senescence in pediatric CKD
  482. Premature vascular senescence in metabolic syndrome: Could it be prevented and reversed by a selenorganic antioxidant and peroxynitrite scavenger ebselen?
  483. Prevention and reversal of premature endothelial cell senescence and vasculopathy in obesity-induced diabetes by ebselen
  484. Prevention of premature senescence requires JNK regulation of Bcl-2 and reactive oxygen species
  485. Probucol inhibits JAK2−STAT pathway activation and protects human glomerular mesangial cells from tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced premature senescence
  486. Profile gene expression of H_ (2) O_ (2)-induced premature senescence of human fibroblasts
  487. Profile of P66SHC expression and histone modifications in replicative cell senescence and oxidative-stress induced premature senescence
  488. Progerin-induced replication stress facilitates premature senescence in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome
  489. Program of premature senescence is not induced by sodium butyrate in transformants with JNK1, 2 knockout
  490. Progress in molecular mechanism underlying plant premature senescence
  491. Promising markers for the detection of premature senescence tumor cells induced by ionizing radiation: Cathepsin D and eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1
  492. Propagation Of Stress-Induced premature senescence In Culture Of Human Endometrial Stem Cells: Paracrine Effect Of Igf-Binding Protein 3
  493. Protective potential of mistletoe (Viscum album coloratum) against oxidative stress and cellular premature senescence
  494. Proteome oxidative carbonylation during oxidative stress-induced premature senescence of WI-38 human fibroblasts
  495. Pseudomonas pyocyanin inhibits wound repair by inducing premature cellular senescence: role for p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
  496. Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) induced premature senescence as a model for stress-induced premature senescence
  497. PTEN status switches cell fate between premature senescence and apoptosis in glioma exposed to ionizing radiation
  498. Purple sweet potato color inhibits endothelial premature senescence by blocking the NLRP3 inflammasome
  499. QTL mapping for premature senescence and related physiological traits in Wheat
  500. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals induction of premature senescence in human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to chronic low‐dose rate gamma …
  501. Radiation-induced premature cellular senescence involved in glomerular diseases in rats
  502. Radiation-induced premature senescence is associated with specific cytogenetic changes
  503. RAP2.6L overexpression delays waterlogging induced premature senescence by increasing stomatal closure more than antioxidant enzyme activity
  504. Rapamycin increases radiosensitivity of cancer cells by induction of premature senescence.
  505. Rat notochordal cells undergo premature stress-induced senescence by high glucose
  506. RB maintains quiescence and prevents premature senescence through upregulation of DNMT1 in mesenchymal stromal cells
  507. Real space flight travel is associated with ultrastructural changes, cytoskeletal disruption and premature senescence of HUVEC
  508. Reasons of cotton premature senescence in Xinjiang and related prevention and control techniques.
  509. Receptor for advanced glycation end-products promotes premature senescence of proximal tubular epithelial cells via activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress …
  510. REDD1 protects osteoblast cells from gamma radiation-induced premature senescence
  511. Reducing mammary cancer risk through premature stem cell senescence
  512. Reductions in the number of mid-sized antral follicles are associated with markers of premature ovarian senescence in dairy cows
  513. Regiospecific Synthesis of Ring A Fused Withaferin A Isoxazoline Analogues: Induction of premature senescence by W-2b in Proliferating Cancer Cells
  514. Regrowth of Human Dermal Fibroblasts after 8-MOP plus UVA Treatment Implications for Stress-Induced premature senescence and Replicative Cellular …
  515. Regulation and role of miRNA and target genes in cell cycle during oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in mesenchymal stem cells
  516. Regulation of arginine methylation in endothelial cells: role in premature senescence and apoptosis
  517. Regulation of Respiration and the Oxygen Diffusion Barrier in Soybean Protect Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation from Chilling-Induced Inhibition and Shoots from premature senescence
  518. Regulation of Subsoiling on premature senescence of Corn [J]
  519. Regulation of the Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein and Its Role in premature senescence
  520. Release and suppression of caspases by gamma-tocotrienol prevent apoptosis and delay aging in stress-induced premature senescence of skin fibroblasts
  521. Repeated exposure of human skin fibroblasts to UVB at subcytotoxic level triggers premature senescence through the TGF-β1 signaling pathway
  522. Repeated exposure of mouse dermal fibroblasts at a sub-cytotoxic dose of UVB leads to premature senescence: a robust model of cellular photoaging
  523. Replicative senescence and oxidant‐induced premature senescence: beyond the control of cell cycle checkpoints
  524. Repression of the SUMO‐specific protease Senp1 induces p53‐dependent premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts
  525. Reprogramming suppresses premature senescence phenotypes of Werner syndrome cells and maintains chromosomal stability over long-term culture
  526. Research progress of premature senescence in cotton
  527. Research Progress on premature senescence of Hybrid Rice [J]
  528. Research Survey of Cot-ton premature senescence [J]
  529. Restoring SIRT6 expression in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome cells impedes premature senescence and formation of dysmorphic nuclei
  530. Resveratrol enhances ionizing radiation-induced premature senescence in lung cancer cells
  531. Resveratrol induced premature senescence and inhibited epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cancer cells via induction of tumor suppressor Rad9
  532. Resveratrol induced premature senescence is associated with DNA damage mediated SIRT1 and SIRT2 down-regulation
  533. Resveratrol induces premature senescence in lung cancer cells via ROS-mediated DNA damage
  534. Resveratrol relieves hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence associated with SIRT1 in human mesenchymal stem cells
  535. Resveratrol, but not dihydroresveratrol, induces premature senescence in primary human fibroblasts
  536. Retraction for Roy et al.,“DDB2, an Essential Mediator of premature senescence”
  537. Rich fraction, and tocopherol in enhancing collagen synthesis and inhibiting collagen degradation in stress-induced premature senescence model of human diploid …
  538. Ripe areca nut extract arrests the cultivated normal human oral keratinocyte in G1/S phase and modulates the premature senescence
  539. Role of in Replicative senescence and DNA Damage-Induced premature senescence in p53-Deficient Human Cells
  540. Role of Notch expression in premature senescence of murine bone marrow stromal cells
  541. Role of p16INK4a and BMI-1 in oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in human dental pulp stem cells
  542. Role of p38 MAPK pathway in BMP4-mediated Smad-dependent premature senescence in lung cancer cells
  543. Role of p38alpha kinase in activation of premature senescence program in transformed mouse fibroblasts
  544. Role of Prion protein in premature senescence of human fibroblasts
  545. Role of progerin-induced telomere dysfunction in HGPS premature cellular senescence
  546. ROS‐generating oxidases N ox1 and N ox4 contribute to oncogenic R as‐induced premature senescence
  547. Salidroside protects against premature senescence induced by ultraviolet B irradiation in human dermal fibroblasts
  548. Salidroside protects human fibroblast cells from premature senescence induced by H2O2 partly through modulating oxidative status
  549. SCID dogs: similar transplant potential but distinct intra-uterine growth defects and premature replicative senescence compared with SCID mice
  550. Screening of senescence-associated genes with specific DNA array reveals the role of IGFBP-3 in premature senescence of human diploid fibroblasts
  551. Selection of identification indexes of anti-premature senescence at seed germination stage in cucumis melon.
  552. senescence and death of primitive cells and myocytes lead to premature cardiac aging and heart failure
  553. senescence-messaging secretome factors trigger premature senescence in human endometrium-derived stem cells
  554. Sequential Activation of the MEK-Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase and MKK3/6-p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways Mediates Oncogenic ras-Induced premature senescence
  555. Shikonin induces apoptosis, necrosis, and premature senescence of human A549 lung cancer cells through upregulation of p53 expression
  556. Single base substitution in OsCDC48 is responsible for premature senescence and death phenotype in rice
  557. Single exposure of human fibroblasts (WI‐38) to a sub‐cytotoxic dose of UVB induces premature senescence
  558. Sirt1 modulates premature senescence-like phenotype in human endothelial cells
  559. SIRT1 protects against emphysema via FOXO3-mediated reduction of premature senescence in mice
  560. SIRTain regulators of premature senescence and accelerated aging
  561. SnoN functions as a tumour suppressor by inducing premature senescence
  562. Sodium butyrate do not induce the program of premature senescence in transformants with JNK1, 2 knockout
  563. SORBS2 and TLR3 induce premature senescence in primary human fibroblasts and keratinocytes
  564. SRSF2 is required for sodium butyrate-mediated p21WAF1 induction and premature senescence in human lung carcinoma cell lines
  565. Stathmin/Op18 depletion induces genomic instability and leads to premature senescence in human normal fibroblasts
  566. Stem Cell Factor Inhibits premature senescence of Megakaryocytes during ex vivo Expansion of Human Cord Blood CD34+ Cells Using Thrombopoietin
  567. Stem cell injury and premature senescence
  568. Stress factor–dependent differences in molecular mechanisms of premature cell senescence
  569. Stress induced premature senescence: a new culprit in ovarian tumorigenesis?
  570. Stress-induced (premature) senescence
  571. Stress‐induced premature senescence (SIPS)
  572. Stress-induced premature senescence and replicative senescence are different phenotypes, proteomic evidence
  573. Stress-induced premature senescence and tissue ageing
  574. Stress-induced premature senescence as a mechanism of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-induced endothelial dysfunction (547.18)
  575. Stress-induced premature senescence as alternativetoxicological method for testing the long-term effectsof molecules under development in the industry
  576. Stress‐induced premature senescence in BJ and hTERT‐BJ1 human foreskin fibroblasts
  577. Stress-induced premature senescence in hTERT-expressing ataxia telangiectasia fibroblasts
  578. Stress-induced premature senescence in mononuclear cells from patients on long-term hemodialysis
  579. Stress-induced premature senescence of dermal papilla cells compromises hair follicle epithelial-mesenchymal interaction
  580. Stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial and endothelial progenitor cells
  581. Stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial cells.
  582. Stress-induced premature senescence of endothelial cells: a perilous state between recovery and point of no return
  583. Stress-induced premature senescence or stress-induced senescence-like phenotype: one in vivo reality, two possible definitions?
  584. Stress-induced premature senescence program activated in the mesenchymal stem cells by antioxidant treatments
  585. Stress-Induced premature senescence Promotes Proliferation by Activating the SENEX and p16INK4a/Retinoblastoma (Rb) Pathway in Diffuse Large B-Cell …
  586. Stress-induced premature senescence upregulates the expression of …
  587. Stress-induced premature senescence. Essence of life, evolution, stress, and aging.
  588. Stress-Induced premature senescence: Another Mechanism Involved in the Process of Accelerated Aging in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  589. Stress-induced premature senescence: from biomarkers to likeliness of in vivo occurrence
  590. Studies on biochemical assistant breeding technology of earliniess without premature senescence of the short–season upland cotton
  591. Study on the Parameters of Digital Images of Diagnosis on Cotton premature senescence Grade [J]
  592. Study on the replicative and premature senescence induced by hydrogen peroxide of human embryonic lung fibroblasts
  593. SU5416 Induces premature senescence and Inhibits Proliferation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells From Patients With AMD
  594. SU5416 induces premature senescence in endothelial progenitor cells from patients with age-related macular degeneration
  595. Sublethal doses of surfactants induce premature senescence in normal human skin cells
  596. Sublethal heat shock induces premature senescence rather than apoptosis in human mesenchymal stem cells
  597. Sublethal oxidative stress induces the premature senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from endometrium
  598. Supplemental Data Article Akt Determines Replicative senescence and Oxidative or Oncogenic premature senescence and Sensitizes Cells to Oxidative Apoptosis
  599. Suppression of autophagy dysregulates the antioxidant response and causes premature senescence of melanocytes
  600. Suppression of premature senescence and Promotion of Metastatic Transformation: Role of Reduced TGF-Beta Signaling in Human Cancer Progression
  601. Suppression of the DHX9 helicase induces premature senescence in human diploid fibroblasts in a p53-dependent manner
  602. Suppression of thioredoxin-1 induces premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts
  603. Sustained inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation impairs cell proliferation and induces premature senescence in human fibroblasts
  604. Telomerase positive human diploid fibroblasts are resistant to replicative senescence but not premature senescence induced by chemical reagents
  605. Telomere shortening in stillbirth: a sign of premature placental senescence
  606. TGF-β Induces Premature and Replicative senescence in Cancer Cells
  607. The ability of E1A to rescue ras-induced premature senescence and confer transformation relies on inactivation of both p300/CBP and Rb family proteins
  608. The adipokine visfatin/nampt induces premature senescence and telomere damage in human endothelial cells
  609. The antioxidative defense system is involved in the premature senescence in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum NC89)
  610. The centrosomal protein TACC3 controls paclitaxel sensitivity by modulating a premature senescence program
  611. The chromatin-associated Phf12 protein maintains nucleolar integrity and prevents premature cellular senescence
  612. The definition of chemiluminescence intensity in experimental model of premature senescence
  613. The determination of chemiluminescence intensity in an experimental model of premature senescence
  614. The Effect of CpTI Cotton on Main Diseases and premature senescence
  615. The Effect of Stress Induced premature senescence on the Expression of Heterogeneous RibonucleoIeoprotein
  616. The expression and effect of microRNA-33 in the H2O2-induced premature senescence of NIH/3T3 cells
  617. The function of CUX1 in oxidative DNA damage repair is needed to prevent premature senescence of mouse embryo fibroblasts
  618. The gene expression profile of psoralen plus UVA-induced premature senescence in skin fibroblasts resembles a combined DNA-damage and stress-induced cellular …
  619. The HBP1 transcriptional repressor participates in RAS-induced premature senescence
  620. The inflammatory cytokine TNF-α promotes the premature senescence of rat nucleus pulposus cells via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
  621. The influence of polyethylene film mulch on the growth and the premature senescence of flue-cured tobacco on the coast of the Inland Sea.
  622. The inhibition of Nek6 function sensitizes human cancer cells to premature senescence upon serum reduction or anticancer drug treatment
  623. The involvement of epigenetic silencing of Foxa2 in cellular replicative and premature senescence induced by hydrogen peroxide
  624. The matrikine N-acetylated proline-glycine-proline induces premature senescence of nucleus pulposus cells via CXCR1-dependent ROS accumulation and …
  625. The Mph1 helicase can promote telomere uncapping and premature senescence in budding yeast
  626. The obtaining of transgenic cottons resistant to premature senescence
  627. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is implicated in the premature senescence of primary human endothelial cells exposed to chronic radiation
  628. The possible mechanism of cotton premature senescence under drip irrigation below mulch film-From the perspective of growth and nutrients.
  629. The PPARδ-mediated inhibition of angiotensin II-induced premature senescence in human endothelial cells is SIRT1-dependent
  630. The preconditioning of berberine suppresses hydrogen peroxide-induced premature senescence via regulation of Sirtuin 1
  631. The problems of premature senescence in occupational lung diseases
  632. The redox-sensitive induction of the local angiotensin system promotes both premature and replicative endothelial senescence: preventive effect of a standardized …
  633. The research about comparison of biological characteristics between replicative cell senescence and oxidative-stress induced premature senescence
  634. The role of cellular senescence in Werner syndrome: toward therapeutic intervention in human premature aging
  635. The role of p21 in ionizing radiation induced premature senescence
  636. The role of p38 kinase in the activation of the premature senescence program in transformed mouse fibroblasts
  637. The SCFFBXO46 ubiquitin ligase complex mediates degradation of the tumor suppressor FBXO31 and thereby prevents premature cellular senescence
  638. The STAT3-IGFBP5 axis is critical for IL-6/gp130-induced premature senescence in human fibroblasts
  640. The Sturgeon Ovarian Liquid and the Perch Roe Extract are Able to Enhance the Recovery of the Fibroblasts after their Stress-induced premature senescence
  641. The suppressed proliferation and premature senescence by ganciclovir in p53-mutated human non-small-lung cancer cells acquiring herpes simplex virus-thymidine …
  642. The thyroid hormone receptor β induces DNA damage and premature senescence
  643. Therapeutic and space radiation exposure of mouse brain causes impaired DNA repair response and premature senescence by chronic oxidant production
  644. Therapeutic doses of doxorubicin induce premature senescence of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from menstrual blood, bone marrow and adipose tissue
  645. Therapeutic efficacy of Kangen‐karyu against H2O2‐induced premature senescence
  646. Thrombospondin 1 mediates transforming growth factor beta induced premature senescence in primary glioblastoma cells
  647. Time-dependently expressed markers and the characterization for premature senescence induced by ionizing radiation in MCF7
  648. TLK286, a novel glutathione analog prodrug, induces irreversible G2 cell cycle arrest and premature senescence
  649. Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction (TRF) Treatment Promotes Proliferation Capacity of Stress-Induced premature senescence Myoblasts and Modulates the Renewal of …
  650. Tospo viral infection instigates necrosis and premature senescence by micro RNA controlled programmed cell death in Vigna unguiculata
  651. Transcription factor Sp1 prevents TRF2ΔBΔM-induced premature senescence in human diploid fibroblasts
  652. Transcriptional factor HBP1 targets P16INK4A, upregulating its expression and consequently is involved in Ras-induced premature senescence
  653. Transcriptional up-regulation of antioxidant genes by PPARδ inhibits angiotensin II-induced premature senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells
  654. Transcriptome analysis of a premature leaf senescence mutant of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  655. Transcriptome Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns Potentially Associated with premature senescence in Nicotiana tabacum L.
  656. Transcriptome and proteome analysis in human senescent fibroblasts and fibroblasts undergoing premature senescence induced by repeated sublethal …
  657. Transcriptomic profiling suggests a role for IGFBP5 in premature senescence of endothelial cells after chronic low dose rate irradiation
  658. Transfection with human adenovirus type 5 early-region 1A protects the primary human fibroblasts from ras-induced premature senescence in vitro
  659. Transient Increased Extracellular Release of H2O2 during Establishment of UVB‐Induced premature senescence
  660. Transient postnatal overfeeding causes liver stress-induced premature senescence in adult mice
  661. Treatment-sensitive premature renal and heart senescence in hypertension
  662. TZAP plays an inhibitory role in the self-renewal of porcine mesenchymal stromal cells and is implicated the regulation of premature senescence via the p53 …
  663. Ultrastructural and genetic characterization of a mutant exhibiting starch accumulation and premature leaf senescence in Medicago sativa
  664. Ultraviolet B exposure triggers premature senescence in human skin fibroblasts.
  665. Unbalanced consumption of vitamins and premature senescence.
  666. Upregulation of annexin A2 in H2O2-induced premature senescence as evidenced by 2D-DIGE proteome analysis
  667. UV light induces premature senescence in Akt1-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts by increasing intracellular levels of ROS
  668. UVB-induced premature senescence of human diploid skin fibroblasts
  669. Versican/PG-M assembles hyaluronan into extracellular matrix and inhibits CD44-mediated signaling toward premature senescence in embryonic fibroblasts
  670. Whey Protein Attenuates Angiotensin II-Primed premature senescence of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells through Upregulation of SIRT1
  671. Wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1 (Wip1) forestalls cellular premature senescence at physiological oxygen levels by regulating DNA damage response signaling …
  672. WITHDRAWN: Hexavalent chromium induces premature senescence through reactive oxygen species-mediated p53 pathway in L-02 hepatocytes
  673. YB-1 is important for late-stage embryonic development, optimal cellular stress responses, and the prevention of premature senescence
  674. Zinc finger protein 637 protects cells against oxidative stress-induced premature senescence by mTERT-mediated telomerase activity and telomere …
  675. α5β1 integrin antagonists reduce chemotherapy‐induced premature senescence and facilitate apoptosis in human glioblastoma cells

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