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The chemistry of Indian PIPER species
A chemical and pharmacological investigation of PIPER methysticum Forst
Isolation, identification, and insecticidal properties of PIPER nigrum amides
PIPER olactam D, a new aristolactam from Indian PIPER species
A neolignan from PIPER sumatranum
Passive aggression: an alternative hypothesis for the PIPER -Pheidole association
Two amides from PIPER brachystachyum
Identification of fungicidal and nematocidal components in the leaves of PIPER betle (PIPER aceae)
Essential oil of PIPER marginatum
Phenological variation in the neotropical understory shrub PIPER arielanum: causes and consequences
Relationships among leaf construction cost, leaf longevity, and light environment in rain-forest plants of the genus PIPER
The PIPER aceae amides I: Structure of PIPER cide, a new insecticidal amide from PIPER nigrum L
Minor amides of PIPER species
Antimicrobial PIPER metabolite and related compounds
Aurantiamides: A new class of modified dipeptides from PIPER aurantiacum
Determinants of photosynthetic capacity in six rainforest PIPER species
Chemical constituents of peppers (PIPER spp.) and application to food preservation: naturally occurring antioxidative compounds.
Alkaloids of PIPER longum Linn—I: Structure and synthesis of PIPER longumine and PIPER longuminine
Phenylpropene, benzoic acid and flavonoid derivatives from fruits of Jamaican PIPER species
Propiophenones from PIPER marginatum1
Diseases of pan (PIPER betle) in the Central Provinces
Essential oil components as markers for identification of PIPER betle L. cultivars
Wound healing activity of Curcuma aromatica and PIPER betle.
The narcotic pepper: the chemistry and pharmacology of PIPER methysticum and related species
Chemical and sensory properties of black pepper oil (PIPER nigrum L.)
The origin and distribution of kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f., PIPER aceae): A phytochemical approach
β-Phenylethylamine-derived amides from PIPER guayranum
Cytotoxic pyridone alkaloids from the leaves of PIPER aborescens
Photosynthetic light acclimation in two rainforest PIPER species with different ecological amplitudes
Structural and synthetic studies on the retrofractamides—Amide constituents of PIPER retrofractum
Analysis for kawa pyrones in extracts of PIPER methysticum
Coexistence of five sympatric PIPER (PIPER aceae) species in a tropical dry forest
The true armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta: a victim of the pied PIPER or a seasonal migrant?
Interactions between crown structure and light environment in five rain forest PIPER species
Neolignans from PIPER futokadsura
Cytotoxic pyridone alkaloids from PIPER aborescens
Characterization of a platelet-activating factor receptor antagonist isolated from haifenteng (PIPER futokadsura): specific inhibition of in vitro and in vivo platelet …
Safrole, the main component of the essential oil from PIPER auritum of Panama
In vitro responses of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Distribution of PIPER ine in vegetative parts of PIPER nigrum
The PIPER rhythm–a phenomenon related to muscle resonance characteristics?
A Forum for Researchers: The Manipulative Materials Strategy: The Latest Pied PIPER ?
The biosynthesis of PIPER ine in PIPER nigrum
Piplartine-dimer A, a new alkaloid from PIPER tuberculatum
Chemical constituents of PIPER syhaticum (Roxb) and PIPER boehmerifoliurn (Wall)
PIPER ine determination in pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and its oleoresins—a reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatographic method
Lignans of PIPER clusii
Fecundity, fruiting pattern, and seed dispersal in PIPER amalago (PIPER aceae), a bat-dispersed tropical shrub
Structures and Syntheses of Two Phenolic Amides from PIPER nigrum L.
Essential oil constituents of Ashanti pepper (PIPER guineense) fruits (berries)
Isolation and identification of amides from PIPER callosum. Synthesis of PIPER callosine and PIPER callosidine
Current state and prospective trends of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) production
Phenolics of green pepper berries (PIPER nigrum L.)
Patterns of allozyme variation in three Costa Rican species of PIPER
Breakage and regrowth of PIPER species in rain forest understory
Comparison of the central nervous system activity of the aqueous and lipid extract of kava (PIPER methysticum).
Laboratory evaluation of PIPER guineense for the protection of cowpea against Callosobruchus maculatus
Studies on the constituents of the crude drug” PIPER is Longi Fructus.” On the alkaloids of fruits of PIPER longum L.
Lignans from PIPER cubeba
Medicinal Species of PIPER , Pharmacognostic Delimitation
Evolutionary trends in the Central American species of PIPER (PIPER aceae)
Isobutyl Amides from Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Flavonoid compounds from PIPER peepuloides
Further chemical studies of PIPER peepuloides
Insecticidal Joint Action of PIPER cide and Co-occurring Compounds Isolated from PIPER nigrum L.
Taxonomic Revision of PIPER subgenus Ottonia (PIPER aceae)(South America)
New amides from the extracts of PIPER guineense
Mutualism between three species of tropical PIPER (PIPER aceae) and their ant inhabitants
PIPER methystine, a novel pyridone alkaloid from PIPER methysticum
The Pied PIPER and the Prodigal Children. A Report on the Indonesian-Chinese Students who went to Mao’s China
Extracts from the fruits of PIPER guineense Schum. and Thonn
Taxonomic studies in the PIPER aceae-I. The pedicellate PIPER s of Mexico and Central America (PIPER subg. Arctottonia)
Kava lactones in PIPER methysticum from Fiji
Who will pay the PIPER or leave the check on the table for the other guy
XXVIII.—The Stem-Endodermis in the Genus PIPER
Constituents of Tropical Medicinal Plants, IXX1 GC/MS-Investigations of the constituents of PIPER amalago-30 new amides of the PIPER ine-Type
High-performance liquid chromatography of kava lactones from PIPER methysticum
Structure and Synthesis of New Phenolic Amides from PIPER nigrum L.
Studies on the physicochemical characteristics of volatile oil from pepper (PIPER nigrum) extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide
… of the essential oil of PIPER bette/Untersuchungen über die antimykotischen, physikochemischen und phytotoxischen Eigenschaften des ätherischen Öls von PIPER …
Compositional differences of black, green and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) oil from three cultivars
“Dear Mr. PIPER …”: Using drama to create context for children’s writing
Lignans of PIPER cubeba
A new amide from PIPER demeraranum
PIPER Methysticum Forst. II. The Synthesis of dl-Methysticin and dl-Dihydromethysticin
241. PIPER ettine from PIPER nigrum; its isolation, identification, and synthesis
Tumour inhibitory plants. Amides of PIPER novae-hollandiae (PIPER aceae)
Antifertility effect of PIPER betle Linn. extract on ovary and testis of albino rats.
Novel amide alkaloids from the roots of PIPER guineense
Dihydropiplartine from PIPER bartlingianum
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune: Accountability in the human services
Novel prenylated hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives from PIPER saltuum
Chemical Constituents of PIPER schmidtii: Structure of a New Neolignan Schmiditirr
Paying the PIPER : Third-Party Payor Liability for Medical Treatment Decisions
Browning’s Source for” The Pied PIPER of Hamelin”
Pied PIPER politics and the child-care debate
Foliar diagnosis, nutrition and yield stability of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Sarawak
The Pied PIPER of Hamelin: A Child’s Story
Plant parasitic nematodes associated with black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Kerala
A prenylated benzoic acid derivative from the leaves of PIPER taboganum
Cinnamylidenbutenolide aus PIPER sanctum
Studies on morphology and chemistry of PIPER betle L.
Black pepper [PIPER nigrum]: Evidence of carcinogenicity
Antimotility effects of PIPER betele (L.) leaf extract on washed human spermatozoa
Chromosome numbers in PIPER
Distribution of leaf shapes of PIPER sp. in a tropical cloud forest: evidence for the role of drip-tips
Ascospore dispersion of the causal agent of Nectria blight of PIPER nigrum
Inflorescence and flower development in the PIPER aceae III. Floral ontogeny of PIPER
Chemical study of PIPER betel leaves.
The development and destruction of porosity within Upper Jurassic reservoir sandstones of the PIPER and Tartan Fields, Outer Moray Firth, North Sea
The vascular anatomy of PIPER methysticum
The Evolution of the Pied PIPER
Field and laboratory studies of the feeding behaviour of the PIPER Hyporhamphus ihi with reference to the role of the lateral line in feeding
Functional morphology of the PIPER Hyporhamphus ihi with reference to the role of the lateral line in feeding
Inhibitory action of PIPER betle on the initiation of 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene-induced mammary carcinogenesis in rats
Simulation model for the PIPER PA-30 light maneuverable aircraft in the final approach
Mrs. PIPER & the Society for Psychical Research
Evaluation of fruits of PIPER longum Linn. and leaves of Adhatoda vasica Nees for anthelmintic activity.
Establishment of PIPER nigrum in vitro
Pepper analysis, composition of volatile oil of black pepper, PIPER nigrum
Total synthesis of sylvamide, a PIPER alkamide
Dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans from PIPER cubeba
Dry Matter and Protein Yields and Nitrate Content of PIPER Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.) in Response to Nitrogen Fertilization1
Constituents of PIPER sylvaticum: structure of Sylvatesmin
Biological Activities of Hexane Extract of PIPER cubeba Against Rice Weevils and Cowpea Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Effects of cypermethrin+ dimethoate and extracts of PIPER guineense and Azadirachta indica on the pests and yield of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata
Ishwarol, the main sesquiterpene in PIPER amalago
Lignans of PIPER trichostachyon
Studies on Blackening of Pepper (PIPER nigrum, Linn) During Dehydration
Insect Antifeeding Substances in Parabenzoin praecox and PIPER futokadzura
Determination of pungent constituents of PIPER nigrum
Some constituents of the stems of PIPER interruptum opiz
Who pays the PIPER ?
Studies on the chemical constituents of PIPER hancei Maxim III
Revised structure and synthesis of PIPER olein acids, guineensine and wisanine from PIPER guineense
Phylogeny and the patterns of leaf phenolics in gap-and forest-adapted PIPER and Miconia understory shrubs
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune: The beginnings of academic anthropology in California
Anatomical and ultrastructural aspects of the ant‐food cell of PIPER cenocladum C. DC.(PIPER aceae)
Teaching tomorrow’s psychology students: Who pays the PIPER ?
Pharmacologically active principle of PIPER retrofractum
Studies on the Interactions of Meloidogyne Incognita, Radopholus Similis and Fusarium Solani on Black Pepper (PIPER Nigrum L.)
Does he who pays the PIPER call the tune? Historians, ethics, and the community
Snail transmission of species of Phytophthora with special reference to foot rot of PIPER nigrum
A new linalool derivative and other constituents from PIPER ribesoides
Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of PIPER methysticum
The genus PIPER (PIPER aceae) in New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Australia, 1
Structure and behaviour of chromosomes in PIPER and Peperomia (family PIPER aceae)
Effect of black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn) and PIPER ine on growth, blood constituents and organ weight in rats.
Materials for chinese PIPER
Insecticidal activity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) extracts.
The PIPER aceae Amides II: Synthesis of PIPER cide, A New Insecticidal Amide from PIPER nigrum L.
The Structure of Futoquinol, a Constituent of PIPER futokadzura SIEB. et ZUCC.
Hexose metabolism in developing tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv Maris PIPER
EpoxiPIPER olid aus PIPER sanctum/EpoxiPIPER olid from PIPER sanctum
Who Paid the PIPER ? Publishing Economics in Boston, 1763-1775
Physiological studies of Bacillus radicicola of soybean (Soja max PIPER ) and of factors influencing nodule production
The pied PIPER of Hamelin: a medical-historical interpretation
Studies on the genus PIPER —X: Structure of pipoxide. A new cyclohexene epoxide from P. hookeri Linn
Aristolactams and 4, 5-dioxoaporphines from PIPER longum
Laboratory evaluation of toxicity of two alkaloidal amides of PIPER guineense to four species of stored-product insects.
From Anonymous Announcer to Radio Personality, From Pied PIPER to Payola: The American Disc Jockey, 1950–1970
Is TV a Pied PIPER ?
Changes in Partitioning of Current Assimilate During Tuber Bulking in Potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) cv Maris PIPER
Paying Browning’s PIPER
Central activity of aqueous extracts of PIPER methysticum (kava)
Inflorescence and flower development in the PIPER aceae. II. Inflorescence development of PIPER
The Structure and Total Synthesis of Futoenone, a Constituent of PIPER futokadzura SIEB. et ZUCC.
Toxicity of aluminium to black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Sarawak
Influence of VA mycorrhizal colonization on root-knot nematode infestation in PIPER nigrum L
Insecticidal Properties of Some Metabolites of Jamaican PIPER spp., and the Amides Synthesized from 5,6-Z and E-Butenolides of PIPER fadyenii
Constituents of West African medicinal plants. XIV. Constituents of PIPER guineense Schum, and Thonn.
Growth responses of three contrasting PIPER species growing under different light conditions
Carcinogenicity examination of betel nuts and PIPER betel leaves
Carcinogenesis induced by black pepper (PIPER nigrum) and modulated by vitamin A
The structure of futoamide: a constituent of PIPER futokadzura Sieb. et Zucc.
Pre-PIPER post-Minnekahta red beds in the Williston Basin
The Morphology and Histology of PIPER Betle, Linn. (the Betel-vine)
Constituents of West African Medicinal Plants. IX. Dihydrocubebin, a new lignan from PIPER guineense.
PIPER Oil Field, North Sea: fault-block structure with Upper Jurassic beach/bar reservoir sands
The vegetation of Mount PIPER , Central Victoria: a study of a continuum
Isolation and constitution of the narcotic substance from kawa‐kawa,(PIPER Methysticum)
“Pied PIPER ” of Urbana
Carbon‐13 NMR spectra of PIPER alkamides and related compounds
Volatile Compositional Differences Between Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum)
False‐Positive alkaloid reactions obtained with extracts of PIPER methysticum
Role of plant parasitic nematodes in the slow wilt disease complex of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Kerala
New C6-C3 and C6-C1 Compounds from PIPER lenticellosum
The climbing species of new world PIPER (PIPER aceae)
Effect of neem oilcake and sawdust against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
PIPER field: geology
If you pay the PIPER , do you call the tune? Public defenders in America’s criminal courts
Minor lignans of PIPER clusii
A cinnamoyl pyrrolidine amide from PIPER peepuloides
Electrophoretic Analyses of Anther Proteins from Male‐Fertile and Male‐Sterile Sudangrass, Sorghum vulgare var. sudanense (PIPER )1
Some reactions of futoxide, a constituent of PIPER futokadzura Sieb. et Zucc.
Studies on the physicochemical characteristics of volatile oil from pepper (PIPER nigrum) extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide.
Effect of PIPER betle L. and its extracts on the growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus.
Efficacy of different organic amendments against pbytonematodes associated with betelvine (PIPER betle. L)
Stratigraphy of the Nesson, PIPER and Rierdon Formations of Central Montana
The Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture Transnational Regulation of the Labor Relations of Multinational Enterprises
The New Private Practice: A Study of PIPER & Marbury’s Neighborhood Law Office
Some principles of competition as illustrated by Sudan grass, Holcus sorghum sudanensis (PIPER ) Hitch
Action learning versus the pied PIPER approach
Development geology of the PIPER Oilfield
Pathogenicity of Radopholus similis to black pepper (PIPER nigrum).
Effect of PIPER betle Linn (Stalk) extract on male rat fertility
Organic amendments and control of foot rot of PIPER betle caused by Phytophthora parasitica var. PIPER ina.
… methane chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the products obtained by steam distillation and aqueous acid extraction of commercial PIPER …
The mutagenicity of nitrite-treated aqueous extract of PIPER betle L.
Analysis of the constituents of PIPER methysticum by gas chromatography methane chemical ionization mass spectrometry. New constituents of kava resin
Paying the PIPER : ARL Libraries Respond to Skyrocketing Journal Subscription Prices.
Diseases of pan (PIPER betle) in Sylhet, Assam
Studies on effect of Psoralea corylifolia and PIPER betle on cholinesterase and succinic dehydrogenase enzymes as possible targets of their anthelmintic action
Paying the PIPER , calling the tune: implications of changes in reimbursement
Pied PIPER : a historical overview of the US Space Power Reactor Program
Origin, distribution and botany of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Fluoride content of PIPER betel and its constituents.
The isolation and characterization of kadsurenone from haifenteng (PIPER futokadsura) as an orally active specific receptor antagonist of platelet-activating factor.
Application of the vertical seismic profile to the PIPER field
He who pays the PIPER : Foundations, the medical profession, and medical education reform
Routing a modern Pied PIPER of Hamelin
Effect of maturity on some chemical constituents of Sri Lankan pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Psychopharmacologic profile of an aqueous extract of PIPER umbellatum
The Pied PIPER phenomenon and the processing of victims: The transactional analysis perspective re-examined
Little leaf disease of PIPER nigrum in Sri Lanka
Chromosome numbers in Peperomia Ruiz & Pav.(PIPER aceae) and a note on chromosome number of PIPER magnificum Trelease
Search for anthelmintics of plant origin: activities of volatile principles of Acorus calamus and PIPER longum against Ascaris lumbricoides
Interaction between Meloidogyne incognita and the fungus Fusarium sp. on black peppervine (PIPER nigrum. L)
Endoparasitic nematodes infecting roots of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in two districts of Karnataka, India.
Caryophyllene epoxide from the oil of Artemisia scoparia, Elsholtzia polystatchya, PIPER hookeri and PIPER brachystachyum.
Studies in the development of the PIPER aceae I. The suppression and extension of sporogenous tissue in the flower of PIPER betel L. var. monoicum C. DC
Letting the PIPER call the tune: experimenting with different forestry extension methods in the northern Sudan.
The effects of mineral nutrition on inter-sprout competition in cv. Maris PIPER
Preliminary characterization of aqueous extracts of PIPER methysticum (kava, kawa kawa)
Studies on in vitro propagation of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.
Effect of different packing methods, temperature conditions, treatment with chemicals on the senescence and storage behaviour of betel (PIPER betle L.) leaves.
The School Pays the PIPER , but How Much: Attorneys’ Fees in Special Education Cases after the Handicapped Children’s Protection Act of 1986
The PIPER and the Physicist
Relationships of foliar nutrient levels with yield in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
The present status of pepper [PIPER nigrum] in Malaysia.
The effect of burning and mowing on Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER (Festuca scabrella Torr.)
PIPER of Many Tunes: Duncan Campbell Scott
Diseases ofPan (PIPER betle) in Sylhet, Assam
Harriet and the PIPER
Prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives from PIPER marginatum
Phenolics of green pepper berries (PIPER nigrum L.).
Can we pay the PIPER ? Linkages between the macroeconomy and the welfare state
The isolation and identification of PAF inhibitors from PIPER wallichii (Miq.) Hand-Mazz and P. hancei Maxim.
Spectral Properties of Juvenile and Adult Leaves of PIPER betle and Their Ecological Significance
A new carbonyl compound from PIPER methysticum Forst.
Demonstration of the Pipe Corrosion Management System (PIPER ).
Transmission by Snails of the Species of Phytophthora which causes Foot Rot of PIPER nigrum L. in Sarawak
Chris-Craft Corp. v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.: Liability in the Context of a Tender Offer
Effect of temperature and phosphorus fertilization on yield and composition of PIPER sudangrass.
The yellows disease of pepper (PIPER ) and spreading decline of citrus.
Accumulation pattern of oleoresin and related chemical constituents in black pepper (PIPER nigrum) berries during growth and development
Liquid chromatographic method for determination of PIPER ine in PIPER nigrum (black and white pepper)
Habitat characteristics of Sidalcea nelsoniana PIPER (Malvaceae) at Walker Flat, Yamhill County, Oregon
Microcomputer databases in the classroom: It’s time to pay the (design) PIPER
The Penny PIPER of Saranac
An Outland PIPER
Trophotylenchulus floridensis, Raski, a new endoparasite of PIPER nigrum L. from Kerala.
Carcinogenicity testing of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) using the Egyptian toad (Bufo regularis) as a quick biological test animal
Leaf lesions associated with foot rot of PIPER nigrum and P. betle caused by Phytophthora palmivora
PIPER Alpha technical investigation: further report
ω-Hydroxyisodillapiole, a new cinnamyl alcohol from PIPER novae-hollandiae
Paying the PIPER : Performance Rights in Musical Recordings
Insecticide and larvicide activity in the extract of PIPER peepuloides Royle (PIPER aceae).
Radio: Pied PIPER or Educator?
Growth root-knot nematode infestation and phosphorus nutrition in PIPER Nigrum (L.) as influenced by vesicular arbusclar mycorrhizae
Allelopathic potential of Columbus grass (Sorghum almum)(PIPER ) Parodi.
The PIPER : a play in four acts
A new disease of PIPER betle.
Past and Present with Mrs. PIPER
High-Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Determination of PIPER ine in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Kava (PIPER methysticum, PIPER aceae)
The PIPER and the Reed
Effect of berry maturation on some chemical constituents of black, green and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) from three cultivars
Browning’s’ Pied PIPER of Hamelin’: Two Levels of Meaning
Paying the PIPER , calling the tune: Implications of changes in reimbursement
Inter relationships of infectivity between the burrowing and root knot nematodes in black pepper, PIPER nigrum L
Role of Petiole in Protein Metabolism of Senescing Betel (PIPER betle L.) Leaves
Chemical analysis of some varieties of Indian pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Biologically active phenylpropene and benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER aduncum leaves
… and pH on Nitrate Nitrogen and Growth of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.) Staph and Hubbard] and Sudangrass [Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Staph]1
Composition of essential oil from PIPER attenuatum.
Propagation of single-node pepper [PIPER nigrum] cuttings
The Edwin Ford PIPER Collection of Folksongs
Paying the PIPER in Federal Civil Rights Litigation
Larvicidal effects of six amide alkaloids from PIPER guineense
Prevention of photo-induced chlorophyll loss by the use of lime reflectant on the leaves of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
The quantitative determination of the kawa lactones in PIPER methysticum. 2nd Report: The determination of kawain, methysticine and yangonine in Rhizoma Kawa …
Fatty acid composition of brazilian plants. I. Stizolobium aterrimum PIPER & tracy andLucuma caimito roem. Seed oils
PIPER longum L.-A new host record for Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.
Strategy for the preparative-scale high-performance liquid chromatographic isolation of kadsurenone and futoquinol from the medicinal plant PIPER futokadsura
N-isobutyl-trans-2-trans-4-eicosadienamide and other alkaloids of fruits of PIPER guineense
Merocriconema braziliensis gn, sp. n.(Criconematidae: Nematoda) from PIPER sp
PIPER Field: Reservoir Engineering
NMR spectra and structure elucidation by indor of the pepper acids derived from the pungent components of PIPER nigrum
Population behaviour of Radopholus similts in roots of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Kerala, India
The Penny PIPER of Saranac: An Episode in Stevenson’s Life
The pied PIPER phenomenon: Family systems and vulnerability to cults
New record of two flea beetles infesting black pepper PIPER nigrum L leaves.
Concentrations of total nitrogen in squash, cucumber and melon in relation to growth, and to a PIPER ‐steenbjerg effect
Phaseolus glabellus PIPER , a noteworthy variant of the P. coccineus complex?
A microscopic examination of starch depletion in tubers of cv. Maris PIPER during sprouting
Anti-insect and juvenile hormone mimicking activities of essential oils of Adhatoda vasica, PIPER longum and Cyperus rotundus
Andre Norton: Feminist Pied PIPER in SF
A New Kind of Rule: The Subversive Narrator in” Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and” The Pied PIPER of Hamelin.”.
Phytochemical investigation of Arctostaphylos columbiana PIPER and Arctostaphylos patula greene (Ericaceae)
Assessment of losses of betelvine (PIPER betle) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Jabalpur (MP).
Studies on foot-rot and leaf-rot of PIPER betle L. Host range and role of cuttings in the spread of the disease.
Awards of Attorneys’ Fees against Attorneys: Roadway Express v. PIPER
Paying the PIPER : Legal Aid in Proceedings before the Court of Justice
Lincoln Steffens: Pied PIPER of the Kremlin
Evaluation of some fungicides and antibiotics against fungal and bacterial pathogens of betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Flavonol glycosides of pepper (PIPER nigrum), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and allspice (Pimenta dioica). 3. Phenolics of spices.
Spiritism, Hypnotism and Telepathy as Involved in the Case of Mrs. Leonora E. PIPER and the Society of Psychical Research
Fungistatic action of PIPER methysticum extracts and their constituents.
Drought tolerance in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cultivars: an evaluation of physiological parameters.
Typification of Aster jessicae PIPER and reinstatement of A. mollis Rydberg (Asteraceae)
Comparison report of the OECD/CSNI International Standard Problem 21 (PIPER -ONE experiment SB-7)
PAF inhibitors: Neolignans from PIPER kadsura
Modelling the PIPER Field using layer cross flow at faults
Cultivation and trade of pepper (PIPER nigrum) in Bangka Island.
Chemical analysis of trade grades and by-products of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Thermal-hydraulic design of PIPER -ONE loop
Interactions of fungi and nematodes on black pepper.(PIPER nigrum L.)
PIPER Field: Operational Aspects of Drilling/Completions/Workovers/Data Acquisition and Well Performance
Studies on the chemical constituents of PIPER macropodum C. DC
Sorghum-Sudan Hybrid SX-11, PIPER Sudan Grass, and Alfalfa-Orchardgrass for Dairy Pastures
He who pays the PIPER …: the crisis of authority during Yarrabah’s foundation era
Successful establishment of PIPER nigrum in tissue culture.
Hydrates-a factor in PIPER Alpha
The history of the PIPER -Claymore-Flotta pipeline system
Acoustic flight test of the PIPER Lance
Biometric studies on yield and its component characters on pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
the PIPER among the ruins: the God Pan in the Work of Arnold Böcklin
Who pays the PIPER ?
Survey of the genetic resources of PIPER methysticum Forst. f. in Oceania
Possibility of using a bacterial antagonist against fungal diseases of PIPER betle L. and corchorus spp.
Effect of contact shading on leaf chlorophyll content and yield performance in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
The Pied PIPER -A Key to Understanding Robert Penn Warren’s” Blackberry Winter”
Effect of Plant Density and Moisture Supply on the Forage Quality of Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Staph)1
Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Betelvine (PIPER betle L., PIPER aceae)
Potential carcinogenicity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Studies on the Pungent Constituents in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Part II. Photochemical changes of PIPER ine
The rationale for deflowering in pepper (PIPER nigrum L. var. Kuching) cultivation
H. Beam PIPER : An Annotated Bibliography
PIPER v. Reyno: Change of Law and the Forum Non Conveniens Inquiry
The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act of 1986: time to pay the PIPER ?
Pied PIPER syndrome–case report.
On PIPER -Payers and Tune-Callers: Proposition 13 and the Financing of the Los Angeles Unified School District
Evaluation of chemicals for the control of Phytophthora from PIPER nigrum.
Phytochemical studies of selected species of PIPER
Studies on the Pungent Constituents in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Part I. Determination of pungent principles in black pepper
Selection of antagonistic soil microbes against a few fungal pathogens of PIPER betle L
Suzuki: Pied PIPER of Fiddledom
Growth and productivity of PIPER nigrum var. Kuching under different planting systems
Studies on indigenous drugs used in uterine disorders. Pharmacological actions of the extract of the fruits of PIPER auranticum and an attempt for the identification of its …
Guatemala’S Giron: Good Shepherd or Pied PIPER ?
A new method of colorimetric determination of PIPER ine using p-nitrophenyl diazonium fluoborate in pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Production of Fusion Organs by the Species of Phytophthora which causes Foot Rot of PIPER nigrum L. in Sarawak
Is Piaget a Pied PIPER ?
Methods for the instrumental analysis of the components of a CO2 extract of PIPER nigrum
Effects of PIPER sp extract on pregnancy in rats.
The study of PIPER futokadsura neoligans on brain protection after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats
Studies on the Pungent Constituents in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Part III. PIPER ine isomers
Diseases ofPan (PIPER betle) in Sylhet, Assam
Syntheses of cis and trans 2-methoxy-4, 5-methylenedioxycinnamoylPIPER idide and revised structure of a new alkaloid from PIPER peepuloides
PIPER Fieed, uk North Sea Interpretive Log Analysis And Geologic Factors, Jurassic Reservoir Sands
7.4 Root Infusion of Phosphorous Acid for the Control of Phytophthora Foot Rot in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
A Root Disease of PIPER nigrum L. in Sarawak caused by a Species of Phytophthora
Tetraploid S. sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf obtained by colchicine.
Nematodes of Amazonia. II. Parasitic and free-living nematodes associated with black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao).
William Thomas PIPER , Sr.: Inventor and Local Benefactor
The Sulfapyrimidines. Lawrence H. Sophian, David L. PIPER , and George H. Schneller. New York: A. Colish, for the Lederle Laboratories, 1952. 180 pp.
Discussion and reports: Mr. Sumner’s review of the PIPER report.
of investigations published by PIPER , EVANS, MCKEE, and MORSE
Toxic Waste: Who Pays the PIPER -A Private Party’s Federal and Texas Rights to Recovery of Voluntary Cleanup Costs of Toxic Waste
A Phytophthora wilt of Pepper, PIPER nigrum.
Paying the PIPER : what tune will the government call?
The nitrogen complex of Indian foodstuffs. Condiments: 1. Black pepper (PIPER nigrum).
Constituents of pepper. part III. Isobutyl amides from pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Some Late Latin Peculiarities of” PIPER “
A chromene an isoprenylated methyl hydroxybenzoate and a C-methyl flavanone from the bark of PIPER hostmannianum
Isolation and purification of a virus infecting PIPER betle
Research work to obtain pepper (PIPER negrum l.) mutants resistant to Fusarium disease
Further investigation of the insecticidal activity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) on major storage insect pests of corn and …
Aflatoxin production on PIPER longum fruits under different temperatures
Yowell v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.: Recovery of Lost Inheritance in Wrongful Death Actions
Influence of maturity and time of planting on the rooting of stem cuttings of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Soil water potential and soil temperature effects on growth and nutrient uptake of sudangrass seedlings (Sorghum vulgare var. PIPER )
Comments on drawings of Italian gardens by FM PIPER
The man who is called the Pied PIPER of dance.
Population dynamics of phytonematodes associated with betelvine (PIPER betle L.), banana and paddy with special reference to crop rotation
A naturally occurring trans-2-cis-4-isomer of wisanine from PIPER guineense
A Six-Year Simulated-History Match Of The PIPER Field
Proposal of an International Standard Problem to be carried out in PIPER -ONE facility
Anthracnose of PIPER betle L. caused by Colletotrichum dasturii Boy sp. nov. in Bengal.
High-Volume Electrical Submersible Pumping in the Sulphate-Scaling Environment of the PIPER Field
Discussion of “Runoff from rain and snow” by Arthur M. PIPER
Etiology of the yellowing and wilt diseases of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
PIPER Aircraft’s Vero Beach Plant: An Analysis of Locational Determinants in Light Aircraft Manufacturing
Comments on ‘The palaeomagnetism of the Central Zone of the Lewisian foreland, north-west Scotland’by JDA PIPER
Herbivory as a selective force in PIPER arieianum C. DC.(PIPER aceae)
The Impact of PIPER Aircraft Co. v. Reyno on the Foreign Plaintiff in the Forum Non Conveniens Analysis
Studies on the Pungent Constituents in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Part IV. Pungency of PIPER ine
RNA metabolism in senescing detached betel (PIPER betle L.) leaves
Technical Change and the Pied PIPER
Educational Financing in Canada 1970-71 to 1984-85: Who Calls the Tune, Who Pays the PIPER ?.
Policy analysis: he who pays the PIPER : federal funding of research
Children’s Literature: Eluding the Modern Pied PIPER .
Influence of severed reduction in source area of yield attributes and photosynthate accumulation in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) laterals
Paying the PIPER and Calling the Tune: Accountability in
He Who Calls the Tune Must Pay the PIPER : Compensation for Regulatory Takings of Property after First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los …
Pathogenic relationship of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita with betelvine (PIPER betel L.)
A comparison of the characteristics of the PIPER professor nominees and other college faculty.
Investigations on sprout growth in cv. Maris PIPER : tuber wounding effects and growth from tuber cores of different dimensions
Biochemical cytological and yield characteristics of PIPER nigrum and allied species
The Inaugural Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture: The NLRB: Challenges of the Next Decade
PIPER -ONE research: facility description for OECD-CSNI International Standard Problem N. 21 (ISP 21)
Temperature Distribution near the Growing Vapor-Crystal Interface in PIPER -Polich Method
The PIPER of Francheville.
PIPER -ONE research: available instrumentation and specifications for OECD-CSNI International Standard Problem 21 (ISP 21)
X-ray crystal structure of a naturally occurring trans-2-cis-4-isomer of wisanine, a PIPER ine-type alkaloid from PIPER guineense
Effect of cover plants on early growth and yield of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
PIPER -ONE research: boundary and initial conditions for OECD-CSNI International Standard Problem 21 (ISP 21)
Who pays the PIPER ?
Establishment of suspension cultivars of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Myron PIPER Gilmore
Competing agenda in smoking control agencies:” Those who pay the PIPER …”
Studies in Neotropical PIPER aceae I. A new species of PIPER from Ecuador
Chromatographic Isolation of Insecticidal Components from PIPER guineense
Tune Without a PIPER
Who is the PIPER ?
He who pays the PIPER : a comparative case study of two vocational rehabilitation organizations and their task-environments
Tune Without a PIPER
Pasture and greenchop performance comparisons…: PIPER Sudangrass and Sudan Hybrids Under Irrigation
Geologic map of the PIPER Peak Quadrangle, Nevada-California
Who Pays The PIPER
Pepper (PIPER mgrum L).
Terapie a prevence askaridiózy kontinuální medikací krmiva PIPER -azinem a hygromycinem.
vancouveriana Trelease apud Tidestrom in PIPER and Beattie, Fl.
PIPER , Frederic A.-1944 (holograph)
Effect of an extract from the cauline of PIPER kadsura ohwi on endotoxin-induced hypotension and lung injury in rats
Later Spartan History-Linda J. PIPER : Spartan Twilight. Pp. xi+ 244; 1 map+ 4 plans. New Rochelle, New York: Aristide D. Caratzas, 1986. $60.
Effect of source removal on developing spike in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
When the PIPER is out of tune.
Tune without a PIPER
Tune without a PIPER
Rhizolex 50 WP—a new fungicide to control the foot rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.) caused bySclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
Phytochemical investigation of Arctostaphylos columbiana PIPER and Arctostaphylos patula Greene
Studies on foot rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii [in Bangladesh]
Management of the Fetal Arms in Breech Extraction: A method to facilitate application of PIPER forceps
Occurrence of Radopholus similis on betel vine (PIPER betle L.) in Karanataka
Paying the PIPER
Exhibitions: John PIPER
Studies in genus PIPER
Age: The PIPER
Problems in Cultivation of Pepper Plant (PIPER nigrum L.) on Stand Point of Its Root System in Amazonia Region
Corporate Disclosure of Securities Information Prior to Registration: The Effect of Chris-Craft Indus., Inc. v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.
Study allelopathy of Gliricidia maculata on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
A flight investigation of the ultra-deep-stall descent and spin recovery characteristics of a 1/6 scale radiocontrolled model of the PIPER PA38 Tomahawk
Paying the PIPER
Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine (PIPER betel L.)
Market outlook for pepper [PIPER nigrum]
President of PIPER Aircraft
Paying the PIPER .
A new species belonging to the genus Anonaepestis Ragonot (Lepidoptera, Phycitinae) attacking black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in West Africa
Vitamin C in chewing betel leaf (PIPER betel).
Telepathy and Mrs. PIPER
PIPER Jaffray Tower
PIPER Oil Field
Chance, the PIPER
Pearce, S. and PIPER , D.(eds).” Literature of Europe and America in the 1960s”(Book Review)
PIPER Aircraft v. Reyno
F. Jantschke: Orang-Utans in Zoologischen Gärten. PIPER , München 1972. 251 pp. DM 19.80 (paperback).
Charles Vancouver PIPER
Cytoembryological research on the genus PIPER .
Federation by H. Beam PIPER (Book Review)
… and field investigation on the conditions at chimneys and fireplaces. RoeykPIPER s tetthet. En laboratorie og feltundersoekelse vedroerende problemer knyttet til PIPER …
Gabriel Josipovici, David PIPER and Richard Holmes’s Shelley (Book Review)
The Pied PIPER of Regensburg
The PIPER and the Bard: a Study of William Blake
Gaynell Reyno v PIPER Aircraft Company (Case no 79/27/47 USA)
The pied PIPER of Hamelin
Henry Beker and Fred PIPER .
The PIPER and the Bard: A Study of William Blake
Stem anatomy of PIPER nigrum and PIPER colubrinum and the development of their graft union.
Civil Procedure-the Erie Doctrine and Relation Back of Supplemental Pleadings under Rule 15 (c)-Davis v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.
PIPER Working Paper 87-4
The PIPER of Laments
A look at the genus PIPER in Malaysia
The legend of the PIPER .[Opera in one act]
Elizabeth PIPER Deschenes M. Douglas Anglin and
The Second Circuit Follows the Tune of PIPER
PIPER . The Community Church Movement (Book Review)
The marketing of Malaysian pepper [PIPER nigrum]
Arts to Follow Political PIPER ?
Devon Francis, Mr. PIPER and His Cubs (Book Review)
Frederik Magnus PIPER , 1746-1824
Sir Hubert Parry’s’ The Pied PIPER of Hamelin’
Deterrent effect of yellow ginger (Curcuma longa L.), betel (PIPER betle L.) and sweetflag (Acorus calamus L.) extracts on feeding and oviposition behaviour of some …
John PIPER and Other Exhibitions. London and Norwich
… smut caused by Ustilago scitaminea Syd. and head smut caused by Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kuhn) Clinton in Sudan grass Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stampf in the …
Biologie Des Menschlichen Verhaltens: Grundriss Der HumanethologieIrenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt München: PIPER , 19841
Peter PIPER Pepper-A New Hybrid
E. SCHMALZRIEDT, Platon. Der Schriftsteller und die Wahrheit. München, PIPER , 1969. 398 S. Pr. DM 64,-
A Fifth Grade Dramatization of the Pied PIPER
Francis, Devon,” Mr. PIPER and His Cubs”(Book Review)
A gift from Mrs. PIPER
The Pied PIPER and Physical Education
Mario Wandruszka, Sprachen: vergleichbar und unvergleichlich. Munich: R. PIPER & Co. Verlag, 1969. Pp. 541.
James Hays PIPER , a Sketch
The two species of PIPER studied were PIPER adunca L. and a species determined as PIPER medium Jacq. The development of the former, as far as followed …
The Pied PIPER of Wein
Some chemical constituents of PIPER ribesoides Wall.
The Pied PIPER of Copenhagen
Tunes of a Penny PIPER
Does the Payer of the PIPER Call the Tune?.
A New Pepper: Peter PIPER
PIPER Aircraft Co. v. Reyno
Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. PIPER
Soil and Plant Analysis. By CS PIPER
William Bowman PIPER ,” Laurence Sterne”(Book Review)
Design and technical direction of The Pied PIPER of Hamelin
PIPER zentanum, n. sp.-Ramulis glabris; foliis modice petiolatis
A Note on William W. PIPER and Academy Architecture in Oregon in the Nineteenth Century
Kentaurische Philosophie. By Hermann Wein. Munich, R. PIPER & Co., 1968. Pp. 338.
Dieter Nohlen, Wahlsysteme der Welt. Daten und Analysen, München-Zürich, R. PIPER & Co., 1978, pp. 449.
Resonance Tests on a PIPER PA-32R Tailplane Before and After Damage.
The Science Fiction of Mark Clifton by H. Beam PIPER (Book Review)
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3F-60: LOCKPORT, NEW YORK: 1943-06-30
Genetics and breeding strategy of PIPER nigrum L.
PIPER O’Dundee
PIPER v. Chris-Craft Industries, Inc.-Is There Security in Section 14 (e)
Propagation ofbangla variety ofpan (PIPER betle) in the central provinces
WILLIAM BOWMAN PIPER .” The Heroic Couplet”(Book Review)
Biomedical research: who will pay the PIPER ?
Who Pays the PIPER If you Cut into the Dance (88-608)
Validation of a Criterion Referenced Test for Young Handicapped Children: PIPER .
A quick method of propagating pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
PIPER contains over 1,000 species. MIQUEL (10) separates 7
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3L: TAPPAHANNOCK, VIRGINIA: 1943-11-20
David PIPER : The treasures of Oxford. New York & London: Paddington Press, 1977. 144 pp., 130 illus., 16 col. pls.£ 6.96.
Midwestern Writers: EDWIN FORD PIPER
New Taxa of PIPER Linn. from China
Helsinki: Pied-PIPER of Freedom
A National Law Practice: Will PIPER Lead the Way
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J4A: FALFURRIAS, TEXAS: 1944-05-18
Efecto de remover las brácteas y las penúltimas hojas sobre el desarrollo de la espiga de pimienta negra (PIPER nigrum L.)
Studies on propagation method of pepper, PIPER nigrum var. Kuching
New Species of PIPER from Central America
English and Irish Broadsides in the Edwin Ford PIPER Collection
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J-2: EASTABOGA, ALABAMA: 1943-07-08
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3F-50: BLYTHE, CALIFORNIA: 1943-12-19
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3L: ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA: 1943-11-14
Recent Developments: New Hampshire v. PIPER : Opens Doors to Bar Admission
Israel—Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft. Herausgegeben von Kurt Sontheimer (R. PIPER and Co. Verlag, Muenchen, 1968), pp. 364.
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J4A: DOUGLASSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA: 1943-08-21
New species of PIPER from Panama
The Donegal PIPER : Irish Bagpipe Tunes, Played on the Irish Bagpipes by Neil A. Duddy
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3L-65: VANDERGRIFT, PENNSYLVANIA: 1943-08-14
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J-2: SOUTH BELOIT, ILLINOIS: 1943-10-10
Samuels and PIPER ,” International Accounting: A Survey”(Book Review)
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J5A: ASHLAND KENTUCKY: 1943-07-31
Corporate Takeover Statutes and the Defeated Offeror: The Aftermath of PIPER
POEMS: The PIPER /The Song of the Swallow/Heatherfields
PIPER -ONE research: experimental data report of PIPER -ONE test PO-SB-7, OECD CSNI 2nd Workshop on ISP 21, Calci (I), Apr. 13-14, 1989
Lieut.-colonel john PIPER , cb, 4th foot, 1783-1821
The electronic organ as pied PIPER
The PIPER Field-Development Plan For Rapid Field Evaluation
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER 74A: WICHITA, KANSAS: 1943-06-03
PIPER interim report-anatomy of a disaster
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J5B: POWDERVILLE, MONTANA: 1943-07-21
PIPER Field: Surface Facilities Operating Performance and Problems Experienced
New amide constituents of Indian PIPER species [chemical investigation of the petrol extract of the seeds PIPER aurantiacum Wall]
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3F-65: NEW CASTLE, PENNSYLVANIA: 1944-02-17
The Corporate PIPER Calls the Archival Tune
PIPER purulhanum, n. sp.–Ramulis glabris; foliis modice petiolatis glabris, limbo ovato-acuminato basi ima aequilatera
Elizabeth PIPER Deschenes, Ph. D. and M. Douglas Anglin, Ph. D•
More Than Just a Place to Live: A History of Raymond, Love, Heppner, and PIPER Halls
Deutschland und der Kalte Krieg. By Ernst Nolte.(Munich: PIPER , 1974. Pp. 760. DM 64.)
The effects of gamma irradiation on medicinal plants and spices (2): PIPER cubeba, PIPER nigrum, PIPER retrofractum, amomum cardamomum, and myristica fragrans
Not PIPER angustifolium Lamarck: Not PIPER elongatum Vahl
Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Otto A. PIPER
Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honor of Otto A. PIPER
PIPER , DGB” A. Kaverin: A Soviet Writer’s Response to the Problem of Commitment”(Book Review)
Aubrey Beardsley as schoolboy artist: Drawings for” The pay of the pied PIPER “
Genetic diversity and crop improvement in pepper (PIPER nigrum)
James R. PIPER , and Carroll Temple, Jr. Kettering-Meyer Laboratory
Cuttings of pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.) in various media
Acoustical Flight Test of the PIPER Lance
PIPER and Beattie’s Flora of the Northwest Coast
Pepper processing in Malaysia-a review [PIPER nigrum].
The PIPER Cub: simplicity takes flight and endures
DGB PIPER ,” VA Kaverin: A Soviet Writer’s Response to the Problem of Commitment”(Book Review)
A communication support program for pepper [PIPER nigrum] growers in Sarawak
A new species of PIPER from the interior of Suriname
Andrei S. Markovits reviews four anthologies by Ernst PIPER , Reinhard Kuehnl, Dan Diner, and Hilmar Hoffmann (Book Review)
Controlling powdery mildew of PIPER betle L.
Klaus von Beyme, Die Politischen Theorien der Gegenwart. Eine Einführung, München, PIPER , 1972, pp. 337 [sp].
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3C-65: MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA: 1943-10-09
Einführung in das Recht. R. PIPER & Co. Verlag, München, 1963. 196 Seiten, kart. 6, 80; geb. 8, 80 DM
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3C-50: ATLANTA, GEORGIA: 1943-07-25
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J3F-65: HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA: 1943-07-17
Mr. PIPER and His Cubs. By Devon Francis. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1973. Pp. xi+ 256. $7.95.
Using a FORTRAN Program and PIPER Diagrams To Facilitate Understanding of Water Chemistry
Viking PIPER : giant economy size laybarge
Hans Christoph PIPER : Predigtanalysen. Kommunikation und Kommunikationsstörungen in der Predigt. Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, Verlag Herder …
SISYRINCHIUM IDAHOENSE Bickn., var. birameum (PIPER ), n.
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J4E: FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS: 1943-12-21
The Structure of Futoamide: A Constituent of PIPER futokadzura SIEB. et ZUCC.
Agronomic recommendations for pepper [PIPER nigrum] cultivation in Sarawak
The pied PIPER : an operatic fantasy
Spiritism and Mrs. PIPER
The Soviet Law of Defamation and the Case of Gosteleradio v. Whitney and PIPER
rads pay PIPER , want the tune
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J-3: NEAR FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA: 1947-05-26
PIPER -ONE research: measured initial and boundary conditions for OECD CSNI International Standard Problem 21 (ISP 21)
Anthiacuose of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.).
Design theory, by DR Hughes and FC PIPER . Pp 240.£ 25· 00. 1985. ISBN 0-521-25754-9 (Cambridge University Press)
Secure Speech Communications (Henry J. Beker and Fred C. PIPER )
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J-2: CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND: 1943-07-05
The Installation Of An Eight Point Permanent Mooring System In The PIPER Field
PIPER Aircraft Co. v. Reyno; Hartzell Propeller, Inc. v. Reyno. 102 S. Ct. 252
Improving the keeping quality of canned green pepper [PIPER nigrum]
PIPER -A parallel inference engine for the Butterfly multi-computer
Drilling Without Conductors PIPER Field Development
The Order of Consciousness-Eric Voegelin: Anamnesis: Zur Theorie des Geschichte und Politik (Munich: R. PIPER Verlag, 1966. Pp. 395)
Anatomical and Histochemical Changes in Berries of PIPER nigrum L.
Telepathy, Spiritism, Hypnotism and the Case of Mrs. Elenora E. PIPER
Report of the survey for radioactive contamination following the PIPER Alpha incident
Spiritism, Telepathy and Mrs. PIPER
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J5A: CRETE, NEBRASKA: 1943-10-07
Telepathy, Spiritism, and Mrs. PIPER
Spiritism, Telepathy, and Mrs. PIPER
Comparison of nutrient status of upper and lower part of various slopes on soil under pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cultivation
Spiritism, Hypnotism, Telepathy and Mrs. Leonora E. PIPER
Spiritism and Mrs. Leonora PIPER
Thermal-hydraulic design of PIPER -ONE loop”, University of Pisa Report, DCMN-RL 003 (82), Pisa (I)
Who Pays the PIPER for Attorneys’ Fee Awards in GSBCA Bid Protest Cases-The Case of Julie Research Laboratories, Inc.
Comment on “Professional Problem Domains of Consulting Archaeologists: Responsibility Without Authority” by Harry M. PIPER
Proposal of planning hydrogen related experiences in PIPER -ONE facility, University of Pisa Report, DCMN-NT 001 (82), Pisa (I)
Procedure-Standing under the Williams Act, Section 14e-Chris-Craft Industries, Inc. v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.
An improved mechanized pepper [PIPER nigrum] thresher
Effect of Plant Population on Seed Yields of Lahoma and PIPER Sudan Grass
Obituary notices: Arthur PIPER Adams, 1859–1933; Walter Craven Ball, 1877–1933; Frederick William Fletcher, 1853–1933; Sydney Alexander Kay, 1874–1933; …
Der gesetzmässige Lebenslauf der Völker Chinas und Japans. Von Hartmut PIPER . 9½× 6, pp. xv+ 110. Leipzig: Theodor Weicher, 1929.
Early progress of work on the biology and control of the pepper [PIPER nigrum] weevil, Lophobaris PIPER is Marshl.(Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
HW PIPER ,” The Active Universe: Pantheism and the Concept of Imagination in the English Romantic Poets”(Book Review)
PIPER and Peperomia (PIPER aceae) New to Panama
Some observations on the incidence of quick wilt in the germplasm collection of genus PIPER
Spiritism and Mrs. Leonora E. PIPER
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER J-3: BOWMAN FIELD, LOUISVILLE: 1943-08-08
Candolle, C. de. New species of PIPER from Panama. Smiths. Misc.
Pollen Polytypism of PIPER Kadsura Ohwi
Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis, 1846) attacking pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in the State of Para.
The Active Universe.’Pantheism and the concept of Imagination in the English Romantic poets’,” HW PIPER “(Book Review)
PIPER : a new fast reactor fuel pin performance code
PIPER v. Supreme Court of New Hampshire: Frozen Legal Structures Warming to Change
Die Parlamentarischen Regierungssysteme in Europa. By Klaus von Beyme.(Munich: R. PIPER & Co. Pp. 1025. DM. 125.–)
Cochran: Transfer-Printed: Angler & PIPER
Paying the PIPER : Federal Funds and State Interests. A Proposal for Governing NAEP.
Physiology of flushing and spiking in PIPER nigrum
Who Paid the PIPER ? Publishing Economics in Boston, 1763-1775. Journalism Monographs Number 38.
Constitutional Law: Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. PIPER -Residency Requirements for Bar Admission Invalidated
PIPER -ONE: an experimental apparatus to evaluate thermal-hydraulic transients in BWRs after small breaks
Spiritism and Mrs. Leonora E. PIPER
The effect of maturity and storage on the viability of pepper seeds (PIPER nigrum L.)
Studies on competition in Sudan grass (Holcus sorghum sudanensis (PIPER ) Hitch.)
The Endodermis. Part I. The Occurrence of Cell Division in the Endodermis. Part II. The Stem-Endodermis in the Genus PIPER
Who Pays the PIPER if You Cut Into the Dance? An Analysis of Independent Federation of Flight Attendants v. Zipes
The analysis of specific chemical components of pepper (PIPER nigrum) and the effects upon sperm motility
Studies on the diseases of’Pan'(PIPER betle L) at Chittagong, Bangladesh: Control of Sclerotium rolfsii.
Klaus Von Beyme, Parteien in westlichen Demokratien, München, PIPER & Co., 1982, 520 pp.(sp).
Studies on the diseases of PIPER betle L. at Chittagong, Bangladesh: physiology of Sclerotium rolfsii causing sclerotia write
Flora of the Northwest Coast. By Charles V. PIPER and R. Kent Beattie. Published by the authors, Washington, DC, November 10, 1915. Pp. xiii + 418. Price $1.50.
Kan cham phrikthai (PIPER nigrum Linn.) nai watsadu pak cham chanit tang tang.
Phytophthora foot rot of Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in west Malaysia.
Specific chemical components of pepper (PIPER nigrum) and their spermatocidal activities upon goat’s sperm.
New Species of PIPER and Peperomia (PIPER aceae) from Peru
Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation; Essays in Honor of Otto A. PIPER , Edited by William Klassen and Graydon F. Snyder. 302 pp. New York, Harper …
Genetic variability studies for some cultivars of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and evaluation of some grass cultivars by index selection
Cecropia obtusifolia and PIPER auritum
Influence of moisture stress on the relative water content (RWC) in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.
PIPER -ONE test PO-SB-7c: post-test analysis performed by RELAP5/MOD2 code
Permanent Mooring System for Large Construction and Support Vessels in the PIPER Field
Cercospora leaf-spot on PIPER longum Linn.
Mass screening of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) seedling for resistance to Phytophthora palmivora
Martin Greiffenhagen: Das Dilemma des Konservatismus in Deutschland, Verlag R. PIPER & Co. München 1971, 406 pp. Helga Grebing: Konservative gegen die …
Spirtism and Mrs. Leonora E. PIPER , and Doctor Thomson J. Hudson’s Theories in Regard to It
The adaptability of black pepper varieties (PIPER nigrum L.) on saturated soil conditions.
Open Sesame-Bar Admissions after Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. PIPER , 105 S. Ct. 1272 (1985)
Feasibility analysis of PIPER -ONE loop: a system to simulate SBLOCA in BWRs”(in Italian), University of Pisa Report, IIN-RP 416 (80), Pisa (I), Sept. 1980
Effects of size of stem cutting and shoot density on the growth and yield of pepper (PIPER nigrum var. Kuching)[in Peninsular Malaysia]
Stemonitis nigrescens Rex., a new record on PIPER betle L. in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Effects of shade and N fertilizer on leaf anatomical characteristics of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L. cv trioicum)
Gewerkschaften und Arbeitsbeziehungen in kapitalistischen Ländern. By Klaus von Beyme.(Munich: R. PIPER Verlag, 1977. Pp. 381. DM 22, paper.)
Foreclosure and United States v. Maryland Bank & Trust Co.: Paying the PIPER or Learning How to Dance to a New Tune
Lifting the Curse of the Roman: Quintus Horatius Flaccus Meets the Pied PIPER of Hamelin.
… . Ideen Zur Sozial Psychologie (On the Way to a Fatherless Society. Ideas on Social Psychology). By Alexander Mitscherlich, MD Munich: R. PIPER & Co. Verlag, 1963 …
Foot and root disease of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Reproductive growth and development of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L. cv. Trioicum) under varying levels of shade and N fertilizer
Sudan grass variety Sirius (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf).
Flushing, flowering, fruit-set and yield character studies in pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: PIPER PA-22 AND OHIO NATIONAL AIR GUARD: MANSFIELD, OHIO: 1959-11-07
eye. PIPER has pointed out that in dark-adap ed
Morpho-anatomical and chemical adaptations of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L. cv. Trioicum) to varying light intensities and nitrogen levels
Both Diurnal and Nocturnal Frugivores Eat the Fruits of PIPER sancti-felicis,(PIPER aceae)
Effects of Selected Nutrients on the Quality of Forage, as Evidenced by the Dry Matter Digestibility and Chemical Composition of PIPER Sudangrass
Black Pepper Plant (PIPER nigrum L.) Growth in Relation to Soil Temperature in Amazonia
The decontamination of spices by gamma irradiation with reference to black and white pepper [PIPER nigrum]-a review
PIPER ettine From PIPER nigrum: Its Isolation, Identification and Synthesis, and, The Constituents of the Non-Saponifiable Fraction of Spartium junceum L.
The management of Phytophthora foot rot disease of PIPER nigrum in Sarawak, Malaysia
Little sickle leaf disease of black pepper [PIPER nigrum].
Senescene behavior gamma-irradiated detached betle (PIPER betle L.) leaf
The Federal Courts’ Authority to Assess Attorneys’ Fees Directly against Counsel-Roadway Express, Inc. v. PIPER
Fast breeder reactor fuel pin performance code’PIPER ‘
PIPER betle-a new host of Pratylenchus coffeae in India.
Temperature and water potential effects on physiological functions of sudangrass (Sorghum vulgare var. PIPER )
Evaluation of some natural products against a bacterial pathogen of betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Effect of irradiation and storage post-irradiation of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) on counts of microorganisms hygienic indicator using methods of conventional …
Forum Non Conveniens-Effect of Law of Alternate Forum on Propriety of Dismissal-PIPER Aircraft Co. v. Reyno
Excluding Birds from Reservoirs and Fish Ponds by WL McAtee and SE PIPER , Department of Agriculture, Leaflet No. 120
A comparative study of the occurence of anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in cultivars of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) recently introduced in Porto Velho, state …
Preliminary study of the inheritance of HCN accumulation in sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare var. Sudanense (PIPER ) Hitchc.), A
Toxic Waste: Who Pays the PIPER -A Private Party’s Federal and Texas Rights to Recovery of Voluntary Cleanup Costs of Toxic Waste.
… over Foreign Corporations Dealing Indirectly with the State: Application of the Minimum Contracts Theory When Interpreting a Long-Arm Statute-Cozzens v. PIPER …
Torts: Pied PIPER Doctrine–Right of Recovery of Children Attracted into Street by Vendors for Injury by Another Vehicle
Health Hazard Evaluation Determination, Report No. HHE-78-110-585, PIPER Aircraft Corporation, Vero Beach, Florida
Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. PIPER : Invalidation of Bar Residency Requirements under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the United States Constitution
Density Oscillations of Biotype E Greenbugs (Homoptera: Aphididae) Cultured on’PIPER ‘Sudangrass and Kentucky Bluegrass
A New Chromene and a New Prenylated Benzoic Acid Derivative from PIPER aduncum Leaves
Residues of granular carbamate insecticides in leaves of betelvine, PIPER betle Linn.
Yield, protein, and hcn content of varieties of sudangrass Sorghum vulgare sudanense (PIPER ) Hitchc and pearl millet Pennisetum
… Requirements for Bar Admission Struck Down as Violative of the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV of the Constitution, PIPER v. Supreme Court of …
Isolation and bioassay of insecticidal principles from black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) against three stored grain insects [Philippines]
The effect of ionizing radiation (gamma ray) on the microbial content, terpenes and PIPER ine of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
… ; La Psychoanalyse des Neuroses et des Psychoses; Demonism Verified and Analysed; Miracles and the New Psychology and Past and Present with Mrs. PIPER
Heritability of some quantitative fodder characters in three crosses of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) and Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.
Effectiveness of different fungicides in the treatment of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) stem cuttings infected by Nectria haematococca (Fusarium solani f. sp. PIPER is).
Effect of organic amendments and antagonistic plants on control of root-knot nematode infesting betelvine (PIPER betel L.)
… Temperature Variation on Composition, Fouling Tendency, and Corrosiveness of Combustion Gas from a Pulverized-Fuel-Fired Steam Generator”(PIPER , John D., and …
Discussion:“Fireside Deposits on Steam Generators Minimized Through Humidification of Combustion Air”(Murphy, Jr., Paul, PIPER , JD, and Schmansky, CR, 1951 …
Discussion:“Fireside Deposits on Steam Generators Minimized Through Humidification of Combustion Air”(Murphy, Jr., Paul, PIPER , JD, and Schmansky, CR, 1951 …
Discussion:“Fireside Deposits on Steam Generators Minimized Through Humidification of Combustion Air”(Murphy, Jr., Paul, PIPER , JD, and Schmansky, CR, 1951 …
Discussion:“Fireside Deposits on Steam Generators Minimized Through Humidification of Combustion Air”(Murphy, Jr., Paul, PIPER , JD, and Schmansky, CR, 1951 …
Discussion:“Fireside Deposits on Steam Generators Minimized Through Humidification of Combustion Air”(Murphy, Jr., Paul, PIPER , JD, and Schmansky, CR, 1951 …
Studies on the sporulation of Phytophthora parasitica Dastur var. PIPER ina Dast. Responsible for Leaf and Foot-rot of Pan, PIPER betle. L.
Reproductive biology of Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh varieties grandiflorum and candidum (PIPER ) Abrams (Liliaceae)
Efficacy of some systemic fungicides to the growth of Phytophthora parasitica KK8 causes foot rot disease of betel vine [PIPER betle linn.] at Khon Kaen province [in …
In the experiment of 1902 PIPER discovered that sulphur-lime was 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory of the Bussey Institution
Peanuts Hucko and his Pied PIPER Quintet
Widerstand—Staatssreich—Attentat: Der Kampf der Opposition Gegen Hitler. By Peter Hoffmann. (Munich: R. PIPER & Co. 1969. Pp. 988. DM 58.) and The German Resistance to Hitler: Resistance Thinking on Foreign Policy …
Plato’s Dialogues as Literature-Egidius Schmalzriedt: Platon: der Schriftsteller und die Wahrheit. Pp. 398. Munich: PIPER , 1969. Cloth, DM. 64.
Securities Law-Damages for Violation of Section 14 (e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Chris-Craft Industries, Inc. v. PIPER Aircraft Corporation
OECD CSNI ISP 21, PIPER -ONE test PO-SB-7: post test analysis performed at Pisa University by RELAP5/MOD2 code, OECD CSNI 2nd Workshop on ISP 21, Calci (I) …
Investigation of Aircraft Accident: CESSNA 140 AND PIPER PA-11: MIAMI, FLORIDA: 1950-01-22
Securities Regulation–Regulation of Tender Offers–Standing under Section 14 (e)–PIPER v. Chris-Craft Industries, Inc.
… -Günter Zmarzlik: Wieviel Zukunft hat unsere Vergangenheit? Aufsätze und Überlegungen eines Historikers vom Jahrgang 1922, PIPER Paperback, PIPER & Co. Verlag …
[Rezension] Dieter Nohlen (Hrsg.): PIPER s Wörterbuch zur Politik, Bd. 5: Internationale Beziehungen: Theorien-Organisationen-Konflikte. München: PIPER Verlag …
… . Translated by LP Jacks. University Books, New York. 1962. $10; Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation: Essays in Honour of Otto a. PIPER . Edited by William …
No Standing for the Tender Offeror in a Section 14 (e) Damage Suit: PIPER v. Chris-Craft Industries, Inc.
Readings in Art and Design Education: Vol. 1 (After Hornsey), Vol. 2 (After Coldstream) ed. by David Warren PIPER
Wilhelm Worringer, Problematik der Gegenwartskunst 28 p., München: R. PIPER & Co., 1948
Argument from Roman Law in Political Thought, 1200–1600. By Myron PIPER Gilmore.(Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pp. 148. $2.00.)
Part 507 Of Regulations Of The Administrator: Airworthiness Directives: SubPart P: Piaggio, PIPER , Porterfield
Benno Reifenberg and Wilhelm Hausentein, Max Beckmann 54 pp., 86 pl. (5 in color), München: R. PIPER & Co., 1949
Fatty Acids of Phrenosin and Kerasin.(Biochem. Journ., vol. xxx, p. 100, Jan., 1936.) Chibnall, AC, PIPER , SH, and Williams, EF
… FW Dillistone. Hodder and Stoughton. 1964. 12s. 6d.; The Spirit and the Word. By AM Allchin. Faith Press. 1963. 6s.; Belief and Faith. By Josef PIPER . Faber and Faber …
… , Aldo Martello Editore, 1955/2. DRAYER, W. and PALLOTTINO, M., Tarquinia-Wandmalereien aus Etruskischen Grabern-S. 50. Munchen, R. PIPER & Co. Verlag, 1955
Klaus Von Beyme, Die parlamentarischen Regierungssysteme in Europa, München, 1970, PIPER Verlag, pp. 1025 [sp].
Dieter Wagner, and Tomkowitz Gerhard, Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer! Der Anschluß Österreichs 1938. Munich: PIPER and Co., 1968. Pp. 392. DM 25.
The Comprehensive Management of Delirium Tremens.(Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., vol. cviii, p. 345, Jan. 30, 1937.) PIPER , P., and Cohn, JV
Three Fantasies on Old Themes: 1. The PIPER of Polmood. 2. Hebrew Slumber Song. 3. Russian Village
H2/02 Three-Body Rates at High Temperatures William J. Marinelli, William J. Kessler, Lawrence G. PIPER , and W. Terry Rawlins Physical Sciences Inc. 20 New …
Erratum-” Phenylated 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Derivatives from PIPER marginatum
Die Deutsche Bankenkrise 1931: Finanzen und Politik. By Karl Erich Born. München, R. PIPER & Co. Verlag, 1967. Pp. 286.
Series 1: 15-A Fairy PIPER
The revised PIPER Fatigue Scale: psychometric evaluation in women with breast cancer.
The public inquiry into the PIPER Alpha disaster
From Adrian PIPER
Antifungal amides from PIPER hispidum and PIPER tuberculatum
Phytochemistry of the genus PIPER
Cortical drives to human muscle: the PIPER and related rhythms
Antifungal amides from PIPER arboreum and PIPER tuberculatum
Cortical correlate of the PIPER rhythm in humans
Insecticidal activity of PIPER tuberculatum Jacq. extracts: synergistic interaction of PIPER amides
Following the pied PIPER : Do individual returns herd around the market?
Paying the PIPER : choice and constraint in changing HR functional roles
Black pepper: PIPER nigrum
Essential oils from four PIPER species
Cenocladamide, a dihydropyridone alkaloid from PIPER cenocladum
Amides from PIPER brachystachyum and PIPER retrofractum
Selective Effect of 2′,6′-Dihydroxy-4′-Methoxychalcone Isolated from PIPER aduncum on Leishmania amazonensis
Plant regeneration from various expiants of cultivated PIPER species
Antimicrobial phenylpropanoids from PIPER sarmentosum
Paying the PIPER : An empirical examination of longer-term financial consequences of illegal corporate behavior
Learning from the PIPER alpha accident: A postmortem analysis of technical and organizational factors
Phenylalkanoids from PIPER marginatum
Phenylpropanoids and neolignans from PIPER regnellii
Polyphenols and alkaloids from PIPER species
Adrian PIPER : A Retrospective
Antibacterial activity of isolates from PIPER longum and Taxus baccata
Survivors of the PIPER Alpha oil platform disaster: long-term follow-up study
Paying the PIPER : causes and consequences of art patronage
Hypoglycemic effect of the water extract of PIPER sarmentosum in rats
Essential oils from PIPER cernuum and PIPER regnellii: antimicrobial activities and analysis by GC/MS and 13C-NMR
Isobutylamides from PIPER ridleyi
Phylogeny and patterns of floral diversity in the genus PIPER (PIPER aceae)
Antifungal Amide from Leaves of PIPER hispidum
Genetic control of kavalactone chemotypes in PIPER methysticum cultivars
IsoPIPER olein B: an alkamide from PIPER nigrum
Kavalactones from PIPER methysticum, and their 13C NMR spectroscopic analyses
Larvicidal Activity of Isobutylamides Identified in PIPER nigrum Fruits against Three Mosquito Species
Differences in seed germination responses may promote coexistence of four sympatric PIPER species
Insecticidal Neolignans from PIPER decurrens
Essential oil constituents of some PIPER species
Paying the PIPER : Productivity, incentives, and financing in US higher education
An aristolactam from PIPER acutisleginum and revision of the structures of PIPER olactam B and D
A C-glucosylflavone from leaves of PIPER lhotzkyanum
Agronomy of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Constituents of the essential oil of PIPER aduncum L. growing wild in the Amazon region
PIPER dardine, a PIPER idine alkaloid from PIPER tuberculatum
Anatomy of PIPER colubrinum Link.
Antifungal Activity of Benzoic Acid Derivatives from PIPER lanceaefolium
Cytotoxic and antibacterial dihydrochalcones from PIPER aduncum
A bite is a bite is a bite? Constraints on response to folivory in PIPER arieianum (PIPER aceae)
Microwave-Assisted Extraction of PIPER ine from PIPER nigrum
Diseases of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L) and their management
Phenylpropanoids and tetrahydrofuran lignans from PIPER solmsianum
Constituents of Chinese PIPER species and their inhibitory activity on prostaglandin and leukotriene biosynthesis in vitro
Supercritical fluid extraction of black pepper (PIPER nigrun L.) essential oil
PIPER alpha and the Cullen report
Phenolic antibacterials from PIPER betle in the prevention of halitosis
Isobutylamides and a new methylbutylamide from PIPER sarmentosum
Biological Activity of the Essential Oil of PIPER betle L.
Antioxidant and non‐toxic properties of PIPER betle leaf extract: in vitro and in vivo studies
Decision making in crises: The PIPER Alpha disaster
Aroma compound analysis of PIPER nigrum and PIPER guineense essential oils from Cameroon using solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography, solid-phase …
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of PIPER angustifolium
Two new alkaloids, PIPER cyclobutanamides A and B, from PIPER nigrum
Insecticidal and acaricidal activity of PIPER nonaline and PIPER octadecalidine derived from dried fruits of PIPER longum L.
Alkaloids from PIPER puberullum
A PIPER idine Amide Extracted from PIPER longum L. Fruit Shows Activity against Aedes aegypti Mosquito Larvae
Antiamoebic activity of PIPER longum fruits against Entamoeba histolytica in vitro and in vivo
Insecticidal activity of myristicin from PIPER mullesua
Amides of PIPER amalago var. nigrinodum
Regeneration mode in neotropical PIPER : habitat and species comparisons
Antimicrobial Properties of the Constituents of PIPER aduncum
Trade-offs in antiherbivore defenses in PIPER cenocladum: ant mutualists versus plant secondary metabolites
Stomatal dynamics and its importance to carbon gain in two rainforest PIPER species
Leaf essential oils of three Panamanian PIPER species
Modeling the supercritical fluid extraction of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) essential oil
Interaction of various PIPER methysticum cultivars with CNS receptors in vitro
The reversible antifertility effect of PIPER betle Linn. on Swiss albino male mice
Gibbilimbols A−D, Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Alkenylphenols from PIPER gibbilimbum
A theoretical explanation of the PIPER ‐Steenbjerg effect
The roles of echolocation and olfaction in two Neotropical fruit-eating bats, Carollia perspicillata and C. castanea, feeding on PIPER
Evidence for conspecificity of PIPER methysticum Forst. f. and PIPER wichmannii C. DC
A chromene and prenylated benzoic acid from PIPER aduncum
Composition and chemical polymorphism of the essential oils from PIPER lanceaefolium
Keith PIPER : Relocating the Remains
PIPER nigrum L.
Oxygenated cyclohexanes from PIPER species
Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Phenolic Compounds from Green Pepper (PIPER nigrumL.)
Identification and transmission of PIPER yellow mottle virus and Cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in Sri Lanka
Effects of Aframomum melegueta and PIPER guineense on sexual behaviour of male rats
Predispersal seed predation on five PIPER species in tropical rainforest
Extraction of PIPER ine from PIPER nigrum (Black Pepper) by Hydrotropic Solubilization
Conceptual Art and Feminism: Martha Rosler, Adrian PIPER , Eleanor Antin, and Martha Wilson
Mosquito larvicidal activity of PIPER nonaline, a PIPER idine alkaloid derived from long pepper, PIPER longum
Identification of PIPER yellow mottle virus, a mealybug-transmitted badnavirus infecting PIPER spp. in Southeast Asia
The explosion and fire on the PIPER Alpha platform, 6 July 1988. A case study
French validation of the revised PIPER Fatigue Scale
Diurnal variation of Δ13CO2, ΔC18O16O and evaporative site enrichment of δH218O in PIPER aduncum under field conditions in Trinidad
Chabamide, a novel PIPER ine dimer from stems of PIPER chaba
A chromene from PIPER aduncum
Toxicity studies in mice of common spices, Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark and PIPER longum fruits
Male-sex-associated RAPD markers in PIPER longum L.
Micropropagation of black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.) through shoot tip cultures
In vitro micropropagation of PIPER longum–an important medicinal plant
Fungicidal activity of PIPER nonaline, a PIPER idine alkaloid derived from long pepper, PIPER longum L., against phytopathogenic fungi
Risk analysis and risk management for offshore platforms: lessons from the PIPER Alpha accident
Constituents from PIPER marginatum fruits
In the Pit with PIPER
The Pied PIPER of Hamelin
A Chain of Events: The Government Cover-Up of the Black Hawk Incident and the Friendly-Fire Death of Lt. Laura PIPER
Sarisan from leaves of PIPER affinis hispidinervum C. DC (long pepper)†
Cepharadione A from PIPER methysticum
Antigiardial and immunostimulatory effect of PIPER longum on giardiasis due to Giardia lamblia †
Dihydrochalcones from PIPER longicaudatum
Anticonvulsant effects of extracts of the West African black pepper, PIPER guineense
Getting the PIPER to play a better tune: Understanding and resolving advertiser-agency conflicts
A Constitutional Pied PIPER : The Norther Irish Good Friday Agreement
Oxygenated cyclohexanes from PIPER cubeb
The effect of activated charcoal supplemented media to browning of in vitro cultures of PIPER species
Antifungal benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER Dilatatum in honour of Professor GH Neil Towers 75th birthday
Leaf litter decomposition of PIPER aduncum, Gliricidia sepium and Imperata cylindrica in the humid lowlands of Papua New Guinea
Feeding behaviour of bats and the dispersal of PIPER arboreum seeds in Brazil
Five new prenylated p-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives with antimicrobial and molluscicidal activity from PIPER aduncum leaves
Plants feed ants: food bodies of myrmecophytic PIPER and their significance for the interaction with Pheidole bicornis ants
An amide from fruits of PIPER nigrum
LC-MS analysis and structural determination of new amides from Javanese long pepper (PIPER retrofractum)
Novel Compounds from PIPER methysticum Forst (Kava Kava) Roots and Their Effect on Cyclooxygenase Enzyme
Evaluation of the modulatory influence of black pepper (PIPER nigrum, L.) on the hepatic detoxication system
PIPER idine alkaloids from PIPER retrofractum fruits
Two amides from PIPER tuberculatum fruits
PIPER betol, methylPIPER betol, PIPER ol a and PIPER ol b: A new series of highly specific PAF receptor agonists from PIPER betle
Flavour and off-flavour compounds of black and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) I. Evaluation of potent odorants of black pepper by dilution and concentration …
Fruit Oil Composition of PIPER chaba Hunt., P. longum L. and P. nigrum L.
A comparative study of the essential oils of five PIPER species from Peninsular Malaysia
Effect of PIPER longum Linn, Zingiber officianalis Linn and Ferula species on gastric ulceration and secretion in rats
The presence of Cholinomimetic and calcium channel antagonist constituents in PIPER betle Linn.
Effects of oxazepam and an extract of kava roots (PIPER methysticum) on event-related potentials in a word recognition task
Patterns of genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity of light response in two tropical PIPER (PIPER aceae) species
Inhibition of platelet MAO-B by kava pyrone-enriched extract from PIPER methysticum Forster (kava-kava)
Neolignans and alkaloids from PIPER argyrophylum
Extract of kava (PIPER methysticum) and its methysticin constituents protect brain tissue against ischemic damage in rodents
Identification of factors determining kavalactone content and chemotype in Kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f.)
Influence of PIPER betle on Hepatic Marker Enzymes and Tissue Antioxidant Status in Ethanol-Treated Wistar Rats
GC Analysis and Odor Profiles of Four New Indian Genotypes of PIPER nigrum L.
Computer-assisted optimization in the development of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of kava pyrones in PIPER methysticum …
A new dihydropiplartine and piplartine dimer from PIPER rugosum
Plant regeneration from callus cultures of PIPER longum L. by organogenesis
Pied PIPER revisited
Two chromenes and a prenylated benzoic acid derivative from PIPER aduncum
John PIPER ,’Conqueror of the Interior’
Aspects of insecticidal action of PIPER guineense Schum and Thonn fruit powders against Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)(Coleoptera, Bruchidae)
A Teacher’s” Pied PIPER ” Effect on Young Authors.
MHPT. BAS: a computer program for modified Hill–PIPER diagram for classification of ground water
Cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibitory compounds with antioxidant activities from PIPER methysticum (kava kava) roots
Effect of orally administered betel leaf (PIPER betle Linn.) on digestive enzymes of pancreas and intestinal mucosa and on bile production in rats.
Reasons, attitudes, and values: Replies to Sturgeon and PIPER
Effect of leaf essential oil from PIPER solmsianum C. DC. in mice behaviour
Phenylpropanoids and (−)-ledol from two PIPER species
Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method for quantitative analysis of the six major kavalactones in PIPER methysticum
Efficacy of a special Kava extract (PIPER methysticum) in patients with states of anxiety, tension and excitedness of non-mental origin—A double-blind placebo …
DiPIPER amides A, B, and C: bisalkaloids from the white pepper PIPER nigrum inhibiting CYP3A4 activity
In vitro neuropharmacological evaluation of PIPER ovatine, an isobutylamide from PIPER piscatorum (PIPER aceae)
Stomatal dynamics and its importance to carbon gain in two rainforest PIPER species. I. VPD effects on the transient stomatal response to lightflecks
Piscicidal properties of PIPER ovatine from PIPER piscatorum (PIPER aceae)
Antithrombotic action of the kava pyrone (+)-kavain prepared from PIPER methysticum on human platelets
In vitro and in vivo inhibition of pulmonary cytochrome P450 activities by PIPER ine, a major ingredient of PIPER species.
Graph clustering of PIPER nigrum L.(black pepper)
Psychiatric intervention after the PIPER Alpha disaster
Unsaturated amides from PIPER species (PIPER aceae)
Construct validity of the revised PIPER Fatigue Scale in Korean women with breast cancer
Characterisation of chemical constituents of Indian long pepper (PIPER longum L.).
Hypolipidemic effect of black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.) in rats fed high fat diet
Effects of areca nut, inflorescence PIPER betle extracts and arecoline on cytotoxicity, total and unscheduled DNA synthesis in cultured gingival keratinocytes
Effects of extracts of seed and leaf of PIPER guineense on skeletal muscle activity in rat and frog
Funding for religious schools in England and the Netherlands. Can the PIPER call the tune?
Lignans and neolignans from PIPER schmidtii
Electrospray high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in phytochemical analysis of kava (PIPER methysticum) extract
Non-polar constituents from leaves of PIPER lhotzkyanum
Enantioselective conversion of p-hydroxypropenylbenzene to (+)-conocarpan in PIPER regnellii
Flavour and off-flavour compounds of black and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) III. Desirable and undesirable odorants of white pepper
Alkamides and Other Constituents of PIPER longum1
An N-methyl aristolactam and an oxygenated cyclohexane derivative from PIPER ribesioides
Dynamic stomatal behavior and its role in carbon gain during lightflecks of a gap phase and an understory PIPER species acclimated to high and low light
Neuromuscular blocking activity of methanolic extract of PIPER sarmentosum leaves in the rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation
Potential antiamoebic property of the roots of PIPER longum Linn.
Neolignans from PIPER aequale
Allometric Model for Leaf Area Estimation in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Constituents from PIPER divaricatum
New Monoterpene‐Substituted Dihydrochalcones from PIPER aduncum
Essential Oil Composition of Four Popular Indian Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Successful invasion of the neotropical species PIPER aduncum in rain forests in Papua New Guinea
Evaluation of Clarias anguillaris treated with spice (PIPER guineense) for washed mince and kamaboko-type product
The pied PIPER of crime in America: An analysis of the presidents’ and public’s agenda on crime
Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of PIPER cernuum
Sesamin a potent antifeedant principle from PIPER mullesua
Betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
The PIPER Field, Block 15/17, UK North Sea
Soil seed bank and growth rates of an invasive species, PIPER aduncum, in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea
The use of PIPER guineense fruit oil (PFO) as protectant of dried fish against Dermestes maculatus (Degeer) infestation
Biomass and nutrient accumulation of PIPER aduncum and Imperata cylindrica fallows in the humid lowlands of Papua New Guinea
Characterization of two interspecific hybrids of PIPER
Sesquiterpenes of Amazonian PIPER species*
Density Patterns of PIPER Ant‐Plants and Associated Arthropods: Top‐Predator Trophic Cascades in a Terrestrial System?1
Quantitative risk assessment applied to offshore process installations. Challenges after the PIPER alpha disaster
Molecular characterization of PIPER nigrum L. cultivars using RAPD markers
Structure‐activity relationships of insecticidal amides from PIPER guineense root
Essential oil analysis and trace element study of the roots of PIPER nigrum L
The British offshore oil industry after PIPER Alpha
A rapid in vitro propagation protocol for PIPER barberi Gamble, a critically endangered plant
Morphological, phytochemical, and genetic variation in Hawaiian cultivars of’awa (kava, PIPER methysticum, PIPER aceae)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration–tau as a pied PIPER ?
Distribution and characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis on the phylloplane of species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) in three altitudinal levels
Three neolignans from the roots of PIPER capense
Kava (PIPER methysticum) in the South Pacific: its importance, methods of cultivation, cultivars, diseases and pests
The PIPER played to us all: orchestrating the cultural Cold War in the USA, Europe, and Latin America
Phytochemical studies on PIPER umbellatum L
Villiramulins A and B: New phenol derivatives from PIPER villiramulum
Induction of rooting and root growth in black pepper cuttings (PIPER nigrum L.) with the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizae
A lignan from PIPER chaba stems
Geographic survey of genetic variation in kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f. and P. wichmannii C. DC.)
PIPER ine, a plant alkaloid of the PIPER species, enhances the bioavailability of aflatoxin B1 in rat tissues
Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from leaf segments of PIPER colubrinum
Constituents of the leaves of PIPER caninum
Piplaroxide, an Ant-Repellent PIPER idine Epoxide from PIPER tuberculatum
Concise, efficient new synthesis of PIPER cide, an insecticidal unsaturated amide from PIPER nigrum, and related compounds
Pied PIPER : Musical activities to develop basic skills
In memory of the news and of our selves: The art of Adrian PIPER
Identification of volatiles generated by potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum cv: Maris PIPER ) infected by Erwinia carotovora, Bacillus polymyxa and Arthrobacter sp
Flavour and off-flavour compounds of black and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) II. Odour activity values of desirable and undesirable odorants of black pepper
Numerical taxonomy of South Indian PIPER L
The antimicrobial efficiency of PIPER betle Linn leaf (stalk) against human pathogenic bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi.
Pharmacology of PIPER marginatum Jacq. a folk medicinal plant used as an analgesic, antiinflammatory and hemostatic
Roasting Studies on Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
… of cell proliferation, gene expression, production of cytokines, and cell cycle progression in primary human T lymphocytes by PIPER lactam S isolated from PIPER …
Paying the digital PIPER
Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita and Radopholus similis on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Partial characterization and identification of a virus associated with stunt disease of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in South India
Chromatographic isolation of insecticidal amides from PIPER guineense root
Light environment and phytochrome-controlled germination in PIPER auritum
Aduncamide, a Cytotoxic and Antibacterial b-Phenylethylamine-Derived Amide from PIPER aduncum
Neolignans and a lignan from PIPER clarkii
Contact leukomelanosis induced by the leaves of PIPER betle L.(PIPER aceae): A clinical and histopathologic survey
Effect of maternal light environment on seed germination in PIPER auritum
New megastigmane glycoside and aromadendrane derivative from the aerial part of PIPER elongatum
Potential of varietal resistance and PIPER guineense seed oil to control infestation of stored millet seeds and processed products by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)
Arieianal, a Prenylated Benzoic Acid from PIPER arieianum
Essential Oil Composition of Four Major Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Effect of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza on rooting of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
The PIPER Alpha Oil Rig Disaster
In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activities of Phenylpropanoids from PIPER betle L. (PIPER aceae)
Application of RAPD fingerprinting in selection of micropropagated plants of PIPER longum for conservation
International harmonisation: he who pays the PIPER calls the tune
Gender and the Barnum effect: A reinterpretation of PIPER -Terry and Downey’s results
Studies on quality evaluation of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
A new species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, north-eastern India
Antibacterial hydroxycinnamic esters from PIPER caninum from Paluma, north Queensland, Australia. The crystal and molecular structure of (+)-bornyl coumarate
Levodopa reversible loss of the PIPER frequency oscillation component in Parkinson’s disease
C-fiber-evoked autonomic cardiovascular effects after injection of PIPER betle inflorescence extracts
Feeding habits of PIPER (Trigla lyra) in the Saronikos Gulf (Greece)
Aromatic Plants from Brazil. III. The Chemical Composition of PIPER gaudichaudianum Kunth and P. mikanianum (Kunth) Steudel Essential Oils
Chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of PIPER fulvescens, a plant traditionally used in Paraguay
Inhibition of Aflatoxin Biosynthesis by PIPER longumine Isolated from PIPER longum L.
PIPER betle leaves reversibly inhibits fertility of male rats
He Who Pays the PIPER Should Call the Tune: Dual Sovereignty in US Environmental Law
Leaf respiration in PIPER species native to a Mexican rainforest
Neolignans and an isoprenylated phenol from PIPER clarkii
Impact of drying on quality of betel leaf (PIPER betle L.).
Determination of optimum tuber planting density in the potato varieties Pentland Squire, Cara, Estima, Maris PIPER and King Edward
Paying the PIPER for pharmacoeconomic studies
Carcinogenicity testing of some constituents of black pepper:(PIPER nigrum)
Some recent isolation studies from potential insecticidal PIPER species
Paying the PIPER : the NETT strikes a sour note
Genetic variation and micropropagation in three varieties of PIPER longum L.
Uterine muscle reactivity to repeated administration and phytochemistry of the leaf and seed extracts of PIPER guineense
Drug absorption in vitro model: filter-immobilized artificial membranes: 2. Studies of the permeability properties of lactones in PIPER methysticum Forst
Field application of Paecilomyces lilacinus for the control of Meloidogyne incognita on betelvine, PIPER betle
Child sacrifice: Black America’s price of paying the media PIPER
Time to Quite Paying the Payola PIPER : Why Music Industry Abuse Demands a Complete System Overhaul
An embryological study of kava, PIPER methysticum
Taking Monologism Seriously: Bakhtin and Tsvetaeva’s “The Pied PIPER ”
Exploring the insecticidal, larvicidal and repellent properties of PIPER guineense Schum. et Thonn. seed oil for the control of rust-red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum …
Kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f.): The Polynesian dispersal of an Oceanian plant
New species and combinations in Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis (PIPER ) Verdc.(Leguminosae, Phaseoleae)
Regeneration of PIPER betle from callus tissue
Natural enemies of major insect pests of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in India
Adventitious shoot regeneration from root, internode, petiole and leaf explants of PIPER colubrinum Link.
… effects of mineral turpentine, low aromatic white spirits, aqueous extracts of Cassia alata, and aqueous extracts, ethanolic extracts and essential oil of betel leaf (PIPER betle) on …
Pied PIPER : the many lives of Noah Greenberg
Synthesis of sarmentosine, an amide alkaloid from PIPER sarmentosum
Two new species, sectional designations and new combinations in Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis (PIPER ) Verdc.(Leguminosae, Phaseoleae)
Cramming Down Future Claims in Bankruptcy: Fairness, Bankruptcy Policy, Due Process, and the Lessons of the PIPER Reorganization
Structure and function of dimorphic prop roots in PIPER auritum L.
Distribution and damage caused by scale insects and mealy bugs associated with black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linnaeus) in India
Effects of light quantity and quality and soil nitrogen status on nitrate reductase activity in rainforest species of the genus PIPER
Prenylated hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives from PIPER murrayanum
Neolignans from PIPER polysyphorum C. DC
The isolation and structural elucidation of three new neolignans, puberulins A, B, and C, as platelet activating factor receptor antagonists for PIPER puberulum
Restoration of a Native Grassland as Habitat for the Golden Sun Moth Synemon plana Walker (Lepidoptera; Castniidae) at Mount PIPER , Australia
The impact of ion exchange processes on subsurface brine transport as observed on PIPER diagrams
The effect of gamma radiation on the microflora and essential oil of Ashanti pepper (PIPER guineense) berries
The pied PIPER goes electronic
Abortion and the Pied PIPER of Compromise
Effects of termite damage to maize of seed extracts of Azadirachta indica and PIPER guineense in farmers’ fields
PIPER methysticum: enantiomeric separation of kavapyrones by high performance liquid chromatography
Qualitative and quantitative micellar electrokinetic chromatography of kavalactones from dry extracts of PIPER methysticum Forst. and commercial drugs
Drying of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) using solar tunnel dryer
A life in the making: Chris Langan, uilleann PIPER
Combination of capillary GC, GC/MS and 13C‐NMR for the characterization of the rhizome oil of PIPER betle L.(PIPER aceae) from Vietnam
Ecophysiological Constraints on the Distribution of PIPER Species
Evaluation of the allelopathic potential of Kava (PIPER methysticum L.) for weed control in rice
The prince and the PIPER : haut, bas and the whole body in early modern Europe
High vapour pressure deficit exacerbates xylem cavitation and photoinhibition in shade-grown PIPER auritum HB & K. during prolonged sunflecks
A wax ester from PIPER clarkii
Synthesis of gibbilimbols AD, cytotoxic and antibacterial alkenylphenols isolated from PIPER gibbilimbum
Ammonium and nitrate uptake in gap, generalist and understory species of the genus PIPER
Capentin: a novel sesquiterpene from the roots of PIPER capense
Polyploidy in a cultivar of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and its open pollinated progenies
Production of kavapyrones by Kava (PIPER methysticum) tissue cultures
Effect of Extract of Leaf and Seed of PIPER guineense on Some Smooth Muscle Activity in Rat, Guinea‐pig and Rabbit
Lignans and neolignans from stems and fruits of PIPER wightii
Should Juries Decide Aircraft Design-Cleveland v. PIPER Aircraft Corp. and Federal Preemption of State Tort Law
Composition of the Essential Oil of PIPER acutifolium Ruiz. and Pav. from Peru
High performance thin layer chromatographic method for the determination of PIPER ine from PIPER nigrum Linn
Neolignans, cyclohexanes and alkaloids from PIPER wightii
PAF antagonistic benzofuran neolignans from PIPER kadsura
Estimation of phenolic compounds in green pepper berries (PIPER nigrum L.) by high-performance liquid chromatography
Ecofriendly integrated management of foot rot of black pepper (PIPER nigrum).
Growth and nutrient content of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cuttings as influenced by inoculation with biofertilizers.
Competitive effects of three tropical tree species on two species of PIPER
Feeding specialization oí two species of bats and the fruit quality or PIPER arboreum in a Central Brazilian gallery forest
Study the analgesic effect of PIPER Nigrum extract by formalin test in mice
Multiculturalism: pied PIPER of Canadian nationalism (and Joy Kogawa’s ambivalent antiphony)
Supercritical fluid extraction of kava lactones from PIPER methysticum (kava) herb
Antioxidative Constituents from the Aerial Part of PIPER elongatum VAHL.
Can the PIPER call the tune? Innovation and experiment with deprived families in Britain, 1940–1980s: The work of family service units
Comparison between green and black pepper oils from PIPER nigrum L. Berries of Indian and Sri Lankan origin
GC/MS investigations of the minor constituents of PIPER guineense stem.
PIPER barberi Gamble–a redescription of the species with a note on the karyotype
Teaching the Laufe-PIPER forceps technique at cesarean delivery.
Mrs. PIPER revisited
Adrian PIPER : ideas into art
Insecticidal activity of Dennettia tripetaltJ Baker f. and PIPER guineens~ Schum. and Thonn. against Dennestes maculatus Degeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) …
Micropropagation of an endangered species of PIPER barberi Gamble and its conservation
The constitunets of PIPER boehmeriaefolium var. tonkinense
Mount PIPER grasslands: pitfall trapping of ants and interpretation of habitat variability
Differences in potato development (Solanum tuberosum cv. Maris PIPER ) in zero and conventional traffic treatments are related to soil physical conditions and radiation …
Paying the PIPER : Proposed Reforms of the Increasingly Bountiful bu Controversial Profession of Trial Consulting
PIPER octadecalindine, a New PIPER idine Alkaloid from PIPER retrofractum Fruits
He who pays the PIPER
Floral development of dioecious species and trends of floral evolution in PIPER sensu lato
Fifteen Minutes With Adrian PIPER : an interview with franklin sirmans
Benzofuranoid Neolignans from PIPER wightii Miq.
Other economically important species of PIPER
Aflatoxin B1‐induced micronuclei and cell cycle alterations in lung and bone marrow cells and their modulation by PIPER argyrophyllum extract
Effects of PIPER nigrum L. on epileptiform activity in cortical wedges prepared from DBA/2 mice
Response to Horwitz, Debbane, and PIPER
A note on PIPER aduncum in Morobe province, Papua New Guinea.
Neolignans from Indian PIPER Species: Structure of Hookerinone A, a novel Neolignan
The PIPER to the Laird of Grant
Development of an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Elevated CO2 enhances growth in the rain forest understory plant, PIPER cordulatum, at extremely low light intensities
Who pays the PIPER ? Intergenerational aspects of school choice
Compositional analysis of the leaf oils of PIPER callosum Ruiz & Pav. from Peru and Michelia montana Blume from India
The use of antibiotics to control systemic bacteria in in vitro cultures of PIPER nigrum cv Kuching
Universality and Difference in Women’s Abstract Painting: Krasner, Ryan, Sekula, PIPER , and Streat
Effects of Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium solani on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Free and Glycosidically Bound Volatiles of Pepper (PIPER Nigrum L.)
The United Kingdom Offshore Safety Regime: Before and After PIPER Alpha
Anti-hepatitis B virus of seven compounds isolated from PIPER Kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi
Phaophanit and PIPER
Eminem: Pied PIPER of hate
Methyl 4-Hydroxy-3-(3′-methyl-2′-butenyl)benzoate, Major Insecticidal Principle from PIPER guanacastensis
The Pied PIPER of Hamelin: Folklore Encounters Malevolent Cults1
Who Pays the PIPER ? The Funding of Political Campaigning in the UK, US and the Consequences for Political Marketing and Public Affairs
Compositional Analysis of the Leaf, Stem and Rhizome Oils of PIPER lolot C. DC. from Vietnam
Micropropagation of betel vine (PIPER betle L.)
Carcinogenic effect of force-feeding an extract of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in Egyptian toads (Bufo regularis)
Non-sedating anti-convulsant activity of PIPER guineense in mice
Pitfall trapping for surveying ant assemblages: lessons from a study at Mount PIPER , Victoria
Decontamination of kava (PIPER methysticum) for in vitro propagation
Differences in shoot regeneration response from cotyledonary node explants in Asiatic Vigna species support genomic grouping within subgenus Ceratotropis (PIPER ) …
Effect of different light intensities on growth and yield of betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Biological control of root-knot nematode on betelvine, PIPER betle, by Paecilomyces lilacinus
Lignans and neolignans from stems of PIPER wightii
One new and two rare alkamides from two samples of the fruits of PIPER longum
Separation of insecticidal components from an extract of the roots of male PIPER guineense (west African black pepper) by gas chromatography
Composition of the Essential Oil from the Aerial Parts of PIPER pierrei C. DC. from Vietnam
The pied PIPER of debt-for-nature swaps
Pests and Diseases of Betelvine PIPER Betle and Their Natural Enemies in India
The palingenesy of the PIPER oil field, UK North Sea
The Leaf Oil of PIPER ossanum Trel. from Cuba
Learning the Lessons of PIPER Alpha?
Effect of manganese on mineral nutrition and growth of black pepper (PIPER nigrum, L.)
The variability study of some quantitative traits in sudan grass [Sorghum sudanense PIPER .(Staph.)]
Variability in open pollinated seedlings of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Water stress effects on membrane damage and activities of catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzymes in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
The sociological pied-PIPER : moving forward without RATs
Occurrence of Verticillium chlamydosporium Goddard in a black pepper ( PIPER nigrum L.) garden in Kerala
Squeezing the square peg of digital sound sampling into the round hole of copyright law: who will pay the PIPER
Reproductive system of pollu beetle, Longitarsus nigripennis Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a major pest of black pepper, PIPER nigrum Linnaeus
Post PIPER alpha: some reflections on offshore safety regimes from a Norwegian perspective
Paying the PIPER : Comments on Liability for Natural Resource Injury: Beyond Tort
Tobacco marketing: shackling the pied PIPER : To stop the young from smoking we must move beyond advertising bans
Mythic is as mythic does: The making of Adrian PIPER , 1967–1975.
Junk skepticism and recovered memory: A reply to PIPER
Kanamycin sensitivity of cultured tissues of PIPER nigrum L
Direct shoot regeneration from cotyledonary nodes as a marker for genomic groupings within the Asiatic Vigna (subgenus Ceratotropis {PIPER } Verdc.) species
PIPER methysticum (kava) under discussion: observations on quality, effectiveness and safety
Bactericidal activity of macela (Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) DC.) and jaborandi-falso (PIPER aduncum L.) against strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated …
Influence of weather on the yield of pepper cv. panniyur 1 (PIPER nigrum L.)
Methylenedioxyphenyl substituted compounds from PIPER species as inhibitors of liver microsome-mediated aflatoxin B1-DNA binding in vitro
Effect of growth regulators in the propagation of sarkaraikolli (Gymnema sylvestre), medicinal coleus (Coleus forskohlii) and thippili (PIPER longum).
A spectrophotometric method to estimate PIPER ine in PIPER species
A commensalism between PIPER marginatum Jacq.(PIPER aceae) and a coccinellid beetle at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Chemical constituents of PIPER aduncum Linn (PIPER aceae)
PIPER Alpha-a personal experience
Olfactory axon pathfinding: who is the pied PIPER ?
Undue Levity”: The Moral Complexity of Browning’s” Pied PIPER
Chemical constituents of PIPER mullesua
Management of Phytophthora foot rot and nematode diseases in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
The Denial of Future Tort Claims In re PIPER Aircraft: Will the Court’s Quick-Fix Solution Keep the Debtor Flying High or Bring it Crashing Down
Induction of epidermal proliferation and expressions of PKC and NF-κB by betel quid extracts in mouse: the role of lime-PIPER additives in betel quid
Growth of bush pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) plants as influenced by light and nutrients
New PIPER idinamide dimers from PIPER peepuloides
Growth of zinc selenide single crystal by the modified PIPER and Polich sublimation method
The volatile constituents and microbiological studies on kaempheria galanga, hibiscus abelmoschus, and PIPER longum
Managing fire risk onboard offshore platforms: Lessons from PIPER Alpha and probabilistic assessment of risk reduction measures
The pied PIPER of superstrings.
A teacher’s “Pied PIPER ” effect on young authors
Power, ideology and the regulation of safety in the Post-PIPER Alpha offshore oil industry
Ants that pay the PIPER .
Pharmacognostical studies on the roots of PIPER nigrum l. ii: chemical and pharmacological studies
Human and organizational error in operations of marine systems: occidental PIPER alpha
Compatibility of phorate and chlorpyriphos with Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai.) applied for integrated disease management in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Analysis of divergence in eight species of PIPER using D2-statistics
Analysis of essential oil of PIPER betle L. leaves from South-India using GC-FID, GC-MS and olfactometry
Who pays the PIPER …
Occupational health management of police officers involved in the PIPER Alpha disaster
(Z)-N-formylnornuciferin isolated from PIPER argyrophylum
Chemical constituents in leaves of PIPER laetispicum
Breakup of the firewall between the B and C modules of the PIPER alpha platform—I. Analysis by hand calculation
Paying the PIPER twice: gender and the process of globalization
PIPER Officinarum: A Potent Anitatherosclerotic And Hypolipidaemic Agent
Chemical composition of essential oils from the leaves of PIPER muricatum BI. and PIPER ribesioides Wall.
Patient-funded research: paying the PIPER or protecting the patient?
The reversible antifertility effect of PIPER betle Linn. on Swiss albino male mice.
Human and organizational error in operations of marine systems: Occidental PIPER alpha and high-pressure gas systems on offshore platforms
Quality of powdered black pepper (PIPER Nigrum L.) during storage. II. Principal components analyses of GC and sensory profiles
Some effects of defoliation on plains rough fescue (Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER ) in central Alberta
There was a PIPER , a Scottish PIPER
Keith PIPER : After resistance, beyond destiny
(E, E)-N-Isobutyl-2, 4-octadienamide from PIPER marginatum
A History of the Office of PIPER to the Sovereign
Description of Meloidogyne PIPER i sp. n.(Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) Isolated from the Roots of PIPER nigrum in South India
Constituents of the essential oils from PIPER sylvestre growing in Mauritius
Criteria for prosthetic provision:“He who pays the PIPER calls the tune”
Antioxidant activity of selected PIPER species
She who pays the PIPER calls the tune
Domestic violence and divorce mediation: A rejoinder to Kaganas and PIPER and a proposal that the mediation process should always serve the best interests of the …
PIPER acutistigmum C. DC.(PIPER aceae): A new record for India
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory properties of PIPER betle L.
Stereochemistry of Neolignans – A Revised Structure for a Neolignan Isolated from the Roots of PIPER capense
Health, medicine, and ophthalmology: facing the facts and paying the PIPER LVI Edward Jackson memorial lecture
3,4-Epoxy-8,9-dihydropiplartine. A New Imide from PIPER verrucosum
National or international style? From Nicodemus Tessin the younger to Fredrik Magnus PIPER
Some immunomodulatory principles isolated from PIPER kadsura
Water stress effects on betelvine (PIPER betle L.) and its alleviation by n-triacontanol
Breakup of the firewall between the B and C modules of the PIPER Alpha platform—II. Analysis by finite elements and comparison with hand calculation
Studies on propagation, optimal growth conditions and fruit formation of the medicinal plant PIPER longum L
Benzofuranoid neolignans from PIPER kadsura
The political economy of risk: PIPER Alpha and the British offshore oil industry
Phylogenetic study of PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) based on ITS regions of nrDNA
Cleveland v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.: The Tenth Circuit Holds that the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 Does Not Preempt State Common Law Claims for Negligent Design
Classification of South Indian species of PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) by metric method
PIPER Field: Improved Reservoir Characterisation
Protection of stored Zea mays L. against Sitophilus zeamais L. with non-toxic natural products: potentials of Xylopia aethiopica and PIPER guineense.
Hiring the Cheapest PIPER : Arbitration of Subcontract Disputes by Boards of Contract Appeals
Vilification of Identity and the Exilic Narrative: The Illustrated Pied PIPER Story
PIPER pense, a Tetrahydropyridine Alkaloid from PIPER Ponapense Stems and Leaves
Studies on some derivatives of crotepoxide–an antitumor constituent of PIPER futokadzura
Antifeedant activity of PIPER guineense Schum & Thonn. Amides against larvae of the sorghum stem borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Ecology of co-occurring species of neotropical PIPER (PIPER aceae): Distribution, reproductive biology, and seed predation.
Two 6-Substituted 5,6-Dihydropyran-2-ones from PIPER reticulatum
Field evaluation of insecticides for the control of mussel scale (Lepidosaphes PIPER is Gr.) on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Essential oil components in leaves and stems of PIPER bisasperatum (PIPER aceae)
Studies on PAF antagonistic bicyclo (3, 2, 1) octanoid neolignans from PIPER kadsura
Anti-platelet activating factor constituents, 2, 5-diaryltetrahydrofuran type lignans, from PIPER futokadsura Sied. et Zucc
Insecticide and fungicide effects of betel, PIPER betle L. volatile oil on selected cotton pests.
Stereochemistry of diastereomeric neolignans from PIPER hookeri by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
PIPER Alpha-the US regulatory response
P (l) aying the PIPER : Making safe spaces for marginalised voices
Genetic divergence in betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Feeding habits of PIPER , Trigla lyra (LINNAEUS, 1758) inhabiting the Aegean Sea
A crisis in child psychiatric service delivery: why hasn’t the PIPER been paid?
US Bancorp’s PIPER Deal an Integration Success
The action of kavain, a kava pyrone prepared from the psychotropic remedy PIPER methysticum, on presynaptic neurotransmission
The unpaid PIPER calls the tune: Popular education in the face of bureaucracy
Evaluation of variability and classification in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf) varieties in regard to feed …
Volatile Constituents of the Essential Oil of PIPER mullesua from Manipur (India)
New record of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) on black pepper (PIPER nigrum).
Safety Survey Using PIPER Alpha Disaster Evidence
The PIPER at the gates on the dawn of the 21st century
Intercropping Colocasia taro with black pepper (PIPER nigrum) on Pohnpei
Studies on the chemical composition of cubeb PIPER cubeba Linn.
The inhibitory effect of alocoholic extract of PIPER hancei on platelet aggregation
Atividade antiinflamatória de extratos de PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER aceae)
Genetic variability and character association analysis in Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanese (PIPER ) Stapf).
The Cultural Cold War: Faust Not the Pied PIPER
Interactions of Radopholus similis with Fusarium solani on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Who pays the PIPER ? Ownership and control in Scottish based management buyouts
Finley, Forbes and the First Amendment: Does He Who Pays the PIPER Call Tune
A pied PIPER : computer music to attract students to computer science/engineering
John La Farge’s” Bishop Hatto and the Rats” and” The Pied PIPER of Hamelin Town” in the Chicago Sketchbook
Pharmacognostical studies on the roots of PIPER nigrum L. III: Determination of essential oil and PIPER ine
Effect of plant growth regulators on yield parameters, yield and quality of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) variety Panniyur-1
An Analysis of In re PIPER Aircraft Corporation
Synergistic activity of the monolignol dillapiol and variation of its production in two plants, Anethum graveolens and PIPER aduncum.
Divergence and diversification of the genus PIPER and the order PIPER ales
Three new prenylated benzoic acid derivatives and molluscicidal sesquiterpenoids from PIPER aduncum leaves
Aviation Law: Preemption of State Law Tort Claims by the Federal Aviation Act-Do State Law Tort Claims Survive the Attack Cleveland v. PIPER Aircraft Corp., 985 F. 2d …
Deregulation and the Pied PIPER approach to diversification
1,3 -Benzodioxole -5-(2,4,8-triene- methyl nonaoate) and 1,3 -benzodioxole -5-(2,4,8-triene-isobutyl nonaoate) from PIPER mullesua
Studies on chemical constituents of PIPER austrosinense
Optimization of a vortex generator configuration for a 1/4-scale PIPER Cherokee wing
Paying the PIPER : The Crisis in Chronic Care
Ab initia Geometry-Optimization and NMR Studies of Chemical Constituents of PIPER sarmentosum
Callus culture of PIPER aduncum for the production of bioactive micromolecules
The Ivanhoe/Rob Roy story; post PIPER , pre-Cullen
Post-test analysis of PIPER -ONE PO-IC-2 experiment by RELAP5/MOD3 codes
Determination of 1,3-Benzodioxanes in PIPER mullesua by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography
Through a glass darkly: Magazine pays PIPER for stories lax on facts, chock full o’fiction.
The invasion of PIPER aduncum in Papua New Guinea: friend or foe?
Regulatory issues on PIPER methysticum (kava)
Site Selection, Well Planning, and Collision-Avoidance Considerations for the PIPER Field Redevelopment
Helping People Adjust to Loss: A Short-Term Group Therapy Approach, by William E. PIPER , Mary McCallum, Anthony S. Joyce, Scott C. Duncan, J. Fyfe Bahrey, & …
He who pays the PIPER calls the tune?
One Step Conversion of Toxic β-asarone from Acorus calamus into 1-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-1,2-dihydroxypropane and Asaronaldehyde Occurring in PIPER clusii
Phytochemical and biological investigation of PIPER aduncum, a traditional remedy from Papua New Guinea
Effect of ultra high pressure (UHP) and temperature on the volatiles and PIPER ine content of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Growth and morphology of vegetative and reproductive branches in betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Increased-rate stability studies for St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), Ginkgo biloba and Kava Kava (PIPER methysticum) under unfavourable environmental …
Pied PIPER : Navy’s Transfer of Combat Logistics Force Fleet
Performances for fifty years of Indonesian independence: articles from the Indonesian press [Introduced by Suzan PIPER , translated by Tony Day and Suzan PIPER .]
A Sequence Stratigraphic and Ichnofabric Analysis of the Upper Jurassic Sgiath and PIPER formations, Tartan Field, Outer Moray Firth
Effect of triacontanol and number of internodes on growth of cutting of long pepper (PIPER retrofractum Vahl.)
Breakup of the Firewall between the B and C Modules of the PIPER Alpha platform—I. Analysis by Hand Calculation
PIPER Field–UK Outer Moray Firth Basin, North Sea
Der psychoaktive Spezialextrakt WS 1490 aus dem Wurzelstock von PIPER methysticum (Kava-Kava)–ein Report
Chromosome number in PIPER spp.
Effect of low temperature stress on betel vine (PIPER betle L.) types, Bangla and Desavari.
PIPER methysticum: an anxiolytic
Effects of seeding rate and time of cut on the yield and quality of sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.)
[The anti-arrhythmic effect of the selective sigma-receptor antagonist DuP 734 [1-(cyclopropylmethyl)-4-(2′-(4”-fluorophenyl)-2′-oxoethyl) PIPER idine HBr]].
Reversed-phase liquid chromatography of 1, 3-benzodioxanes in PIPER mullesua
PIPER B and Saltire A-topside design for installation
Pied PIPER effect on oriental armyworm in northeastern China: implications for forecasting summer sutbreaks
Strength analysis of filament wound fiber reinforced composite PIPER under internal pressure
Some new PAF antagonistic neolignans from PIPER betle
1-(3, 4-Dimethoxy-α, β-dihydrocinnamoyl) pyrrole, a Novel Amide from PIPER brachystachyum
Who Paid the PIPER : The CIA and the Cultural Cold War
Persistence of Copper on Betelvine (PIPER betle L.) Leaves and Soil Following Application of Bordeaux Mixture
1H and 13C NMR assignments of dihydropipataline, the main of four long‐chain 1‐(3, 4‐methylenedioxyphenyl)‐alkanes from PIPER darienence DC
An ergonomics appraisal of the PIPER Alpha disaster
Research Note: The Pedigree of the Blind PIPER of Gairloch
Forgetting a Homeless Colonial: Gender, Religion, and Transnational Childhood in Lawrence Durrell’s’ Pied PIPER of Lovers’
The Response to PIPER Alpha: Recent Offshore Safety Developments in the UK
Extraction and physico-chemical studies of diastase-like enzyme from PIPER betle Petioles: Part 1
The UK offshore operators’ response to the PIPER Alpha disaster
Interactions between species of PIPER and Pheidole-ants
Erich Katz: The Pied PIPER Comes To America
The Crystal Structure of 3‐(4′‐Methoxyphenyl) propanoyl pyrrole of PIPER lolot C. DC from Vietnam
Rural physicians practising emergency medicine: paying the PIPER
Paying for the PIPER : capital & labour in Britain’s offshore oil industry
Resistance of Amazonian PIPER species to Nectria haematococca f. sp. PIPER is
PIPER hispidinervium, a new host of bacterial wilt.
The Pied PIPER of Jazz: Does Jazz Belong at School? Wynton Marsalis Thinks So.
Effect of the essential oil from PIPER solmsianum C. DC. leaves in mice Behaviour
Simultaneous Equivalents’ Adrian PIPER , Bernadette Mayer, Hannah Weiner in 0–9
Thermal behaviour and binary phase diagram of (S)-(+)-4, 4′-(1-methyl-1, 2-ethandiyl)-bis-(2, 6-PIPER -azinedione)(dexrazoxane), a cardioprotective agent, and of its …
Intergovernmental policy lessons from Canadá: Paying the PIPER and calling the tune
Late-glacial and Holocene stratigraphy of PIPER Lake, Pictou County, Nova Scotia: evidence for Younger Dryas perennial ice cover and sustained instability during the …
Determination of PIPER ine in Root of PIPER nigrum L. by HPLC
A new method of vegetative propagation in betelvine (PIPER betle L.
Effects of a common mycorrhizal network and light on growth and community structure of understory shrubs, PIPER and Psychotria, in a moist neotropical forest
PIPER -ONE Research: the experiment PO-SD-8 related to the evaluation of the Isolation Condenser performance. Post-test analysis carried out by RELAP5/MOD3-/7j …
Night Dancer: Mythical PIPER of the Native American Southwest
Has PIPER really called the tune?
The genus PIPER in North-East India: species diversity, taxonomy and its potential for commercialization.
Morphology, distribution and indigenous uses of spiked pepper (PIPER aduncum L.)
Ultrastructural studies on phytophthora palmivora infection on betelvine (PIPER Betle L.)
Who is Calling the PIPER ? Is There a Tune? The New Regulatory Systems for Medical Devices in the United Kingdom and Canada
Elf Enterprise Caledonia PIPER /Saltire pipeline bundler
When the PIPER Speaks
PIPER Griper
Adrian PIPER : A Retrospective
Adrian PIPER : A Retrospective
Who Pays the PIPER ?
New Science Out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books in Honour of AI Doyle ed. by Richard Beadle and AJ PIPER
Time to Quite Paying the Payola PIPER : Why Music Industry Abuse Demands a Complete System Overhaul
Paying the PIPER , Calling the Tune: A Transaction Cost Politics Analysis of the National Endowment for the Arts
Determining An Optimum Vortex Generator Configuration For A PIPER Cherokee Wing
The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of PIPER guineense on the Histology of some Organs of Oreochromis niloticus (Limn) Pisces: Cichlidae
Occurrence of Phytophthora palmivora in betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Two new dihydrochalcones from PIPER aduncum leaves
Toxicity of PIPER abyssinica seeds to Nubian goats.
Exhibitions: ADRIAN PIPER
Paying the PIPER
Psychometric properties of the revised PIPER Fatigue Scale in Greek women with breast cancer
Stomatal dynamics and its influence on photosynthetic utilization of sunflecks by two PIPER species native to contrasting microenvironments.
Technology: Pied PIPER or playground bully? or, creating meaningful measures using emerging technologies: separating the reality from the myths
New PIPER Slows, Streamlines Production
Effect of different sources and levels of nitrogen on the incidence of root-knot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Evaluation of ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer for black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Celebrating Semiotic’s Pioneer, Pathfinder, Mentor, Midwife, Pied PIPER , King Midas, Gold Standard, Magician, Troubador, Trickster, Friend,” Tom”
Phytochemical biomonitored study of PIPER hostmannianum; Estudo fitoquimico biomonitorado de PIPER hostmannianum
Paying the PIPER and Calling the Tune: Principles and Prospects for Reforming Physician Payment in Canada
Effect of organic and inorganic sources and graded levels of nitrogen on yield of betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Paying the PIPER
He who pays the PIPER .
Validity of the revised PIPER Fatigue Scale for detecting fatigue in women with breast cancer undergoing treatment
Studies on carbofuran and carbendazim residues in PIPER betle leaves
Federal Preemption of Aircraft Design Certification Standards after Cleveland v. PIPER Aircraft Corp.: Can General Aviation Manufacturers Recover
Paying the PIPER
Paying the PIPER .
Paying the PIPER .
Paying the PIPER .
Paying the PIPER !
Paying the PIPER
Paying the PIPER .
PIPER Alpha: report retrospective
Bionomics and population dynamics of lace bug Diconocoris distanti drake (hemiptera: tingidae) damaging black pepper PIPER nigrum L. in Sri Lanka
Repellent and insecticidal properties of PIPER retrofractum against insect pests of crops and stored grain.
Biosynthesis of PIPER idinic amides in the PIPER tuberculatum; Biossintese de amidas PIPER idinicas em PIPER tuberculatum
Milwaukee’s PIPER Music Palace Evolves
Effect of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) on body weight and some serum lipid fractions in whole body gamma irradiated albino rats
Chemical components of PIPER hancei (Ⅰ)
… : Mandibular Retrusion, Temporomandibular Joint Derangement, and Orthognathic Surgery Planning by Kurt P. Schellhas, MD, Mark A. PIPER , MD, DMD, Russell W …
Infestation by Aleurocanthus valparaiensis David & Subramaniam (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Karnataka-a first record.
Structure and development of the secretory trichomes in leaves of PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. regnellii (PIPER aceae)
Portents on PIPER street
Protein marker on some PIPER L.
L’Acteur-Roi: PIPER Prince
Annual Inspection of PIPER PA-28-180; N9520J
Exhibitions: Reviews-Keith PIPER
Two amides from PIPER tuberculatum fruits.
Exhibitions: Reviews-Adrian PIPER
Insurance–PIPER Alpha “et al”
Exhibitions: Reviews-Vong Phaopanit/Keith PIPER
Tip One for the PIPER
The Rule in Cradock v. PIPER (1850): Exception or Principle
Discussion of’group as a whole’: Response to Horwitz, Debbane, and PIPER .
Flap-Adrian PIPER
John G.(Jack) Corazzini (1938-1999) Master Teacher, Scientist-Practitioner, Humanist, Visionary, Leader, Mentor, Pied PIPER ,“Good Father,” and Friend
Exhibitions: Reviews-Adrian PIPER and Brenda Croft
Constituents from PIPER References divaricatuin
PIPER B ushers in the next offshore generation
Literature of Europe and America in the 1960s, ed. Spencer Pearce and Don PIPER (Book Review)
The pied PIPER of funding
Edited hy Ernst PIPER . Translated by James Knowlton and
PIPER Piping
PIPER Alpha. A lesson learnt?
Pursuing the PIPER : A Pied Tale
PIPER Resources State and Local Government on the Net
Greening of the TNC: Paying the PIPER
PIPER rudnick: litigated privacy issues
PIPER -one Research: overview of the experiments carried out and lesson learned
Offshore operations post PIPER Alpha
XXX (A Poem for Adrienne PIPER )
New PIPER : Too Early to Predict Eclipse Impact
Five new species of PIPER from Bolivia
In-vitro propagation of PIPER methysticum
Smokejumper Obituary: PIPER , Leonard L.(Missoula 1949)
New PIPER , new tune [Transco gas pipeline operator]
Michael King and Christine PIPER , How the Law Thinks About Children, Arena, 1995, 191 pages
The Transformation of the Professional Workforce-The 24th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Use of fertilizer to increase the yield of paan [PIPER betle L.]
Paying the PIPER : Causes and Consequences of Art Patronage
Health and Safety: Lessons from PIPER Alpha
Isoenzyme variation in PIPER nigrum L.
Paying the PIPER : Causes and Consequences of Art Patronage
Preliminary studies on the population of phytonematodes with betlevine [PIPER betle] and their control by indigenous nematicide
PIPER at the Gates of Dawn
Investigation into the chemical and biological properties of Malaysian PIPER : some preliminary results.
Paying the PIPER by Alan Peacock (Book Review)
ON POLITICS; Who Pays the Political PIPER When Police Are Policed?
The PIPER alpha disaster: A summary of the major events
Reform of the legal profession: who pays the PIPER ?
Reform of the legal profession: who pays the PIPER ?
Paying the PIPER : Funding Bodies and Training
Book Pricing Update: Peter PIPER Picked a Peck of Pre-Pub Prices
Seven years after PIPER Alpha: safety claims and the new safety regime
Implementation of Lord Cullens research and development recommendations following the PIPER Alpha disaster
Biological activities of compounds from PIPER species
í Stefan Andres. Die Sintfut. Ill: Der graue Regenbogen. München. PIPER . 1959. 493 pages. 1980 dm.
Antibacterial property of PIPER betle L.
Note: Synthesis of N-[3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)Propanoyl]Pyrrole, a Metabolite of PIPER brachystachyum
The Wayside PIPER
Experience in isolation condenser performance gained by PIPER -one operation
And then there were two. Children and second language learning By Terry PIPER
The legacy of the pied PIPER : Obe in Oregon
Pharmacognostical studies on the roots of PIPER nigrum L.: Ethnopharmacological and morphological
Chemical constituents in root and stem of PIPER laetispicum (Ⅱ)
opera, a musical dramatization of Rob-crt Browning’s poem about the PIPER
Jane PIPER Clendinning is an associate professor of music theory at Florida State
Icing Flight Tests in PIPER Malibu N77DE
Sociology of culture–Paying the PIPER : Causes and Consequences of Art Patronage edited by Judith Huggins Balfe
Paying the PIPER : Productivity, Incentives, and Financing in US Higher Education
Sharad S. Singhal**”, Sanjay Awasthi*, Utpal Pandya”, John T. PIPER “
Alan Peacock,” Paying the PIPER . Culture, Music and Money”(Book Review)
The PIPER Cub Offense
Preliminary planning of BIP tests to be performed in PIPER -ONE apparatus
Antibacterial activity of PIPER chaba Hunter (Chui)[in Bangladesh]
Identification of marker for aluminium (Al) stress resistance of PIPER nigrum L. by isozyme
Paddy the PIPER calls the tune; Music
Paying the PIPER : Productivity, Incentives, and Financing in US Higher Education
The Genetics of Sheep. Edited by L. PIPER and A. Rubinsky. CAB International. 1997. 611 pages. Price£ 95. ISBN 0 85199 200 5
The PIPER at the Gateway between West & East: Challenges before Design as an Underserved Discipline
Who’s Gonna Pay the PIPER for Free Online Databases?.
In-vitro propagation of PIPER nigrum Linn.
Christine PIPER , The Responsible Parent: A Study in Divorce Mediation
Anti-inflammatory activity of PIPER amalago on inflammation induced in Wistar rats
Paying the PIPER : Productivity, Incentives, and Financing in US Higher Education
Paying the PIPER : Productivity, Incentives, and Financing in US Higher Education
Reviews-Pied PIPER by John Bean and Amelia Oldfield. Cambridge: University Press, 1991.£ 7.95, 91 pp.
Baylor’s” Pied PIPER
PIPER ovatine and others amides isobutylic in leaves and roots of PIPER ottonoides (PIPER aceae)
Thomas R. PIPER , Mary C. Gentile, and Sharon Parks,” Can Ethics Be Taught? Perspectives, Challenges and Approaches at Harvard Business School”(Book Review)
RA PIPER (ed.), The Gospel Behind the Gospels. Current Studies on Q (Book Review)
Hitlers Wien: Lehrjahre eines Diktators. By Brigitte Hamann. Munich: PIPER . 1996. Pp. 652. DM 59.00. ISBN 3-492-03598-1.
The effect of climbing pole preservation on PIPER nigrum growth
Through the Looking Glass Darkly: Cleveland v. PIPER Aircraft and Second Collision Liability
Stimulation of insulin secretion by extracts of PIPER tuberculatum-abstract
Paying for the PIPER : Capital and Labour in Britain’s Offshore Oil Industry
Sustainable Farming–Farming in Nature’s Image: An Ecological Approach to Agriculture by Judith D. Soule and Jon K. PIPER
Pied PIPER : The Many Lives of Noah Greenberg
Cultural Commentary: The Pied PIPER of Parmenter Street-The Philanthropic Work of F. Holland Day
The Selection of Downhole Annulus Systems for the PIPER , Claymore, and Saltire Fields
Labor Relations in the Rapidly Changing Workplace of the New Millennium-The 22nd Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
The investigation of the performance benefits of half delta strakes mounted on a PIPER Navajo
The effect of concentration and preparation manner of PIPER betle L. leaf suspension to major pest population and yield of Capsicum annuum L.
Who pays the PIPER calls the tune: A fiscal approach to measuring Russian federalism
Effect of aluminum on black pepper (PIPER nigrum, L.) grown in nutruent solution
[The effect of climbing pole preservation on PIPER nigrum growth].[Indonesian]
The Pied PIPER of Just Causes-Jerome Shestack Takes over as ABA President
Alan Peacock, Paying the PIPER : Culture, Music and Money, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1993, xii+ 156p
A new dimer of amide from PIPER longum
Arthur Lewis PIPER , MD: A medical missionary in the Belgian Congo
A new species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from the Seychelles
Free Radical Scavenging Action of Volatile Oil from PIPER longum L. and Its Relationship with Molecular Structure
Exergetic optimization of diameter of PIPER in thermal power plants. Optimizacion exergetica de diametros en tuberias en centrales termicas
Recycling system allows zero wastewater discharge at Mount PIPER power station
Incident reconstruction-PIPER Alpha case study
Nondestructive inspection of PIPER PA25 forward spar fittings
Paying for the PIPER , Capital and Labour in Britain’s Offshore Oil Industry
Extraction and physico-Chemical studies of Diastase-Like Enzyme from PIPER betel petioles: Part II
Formation of PIPER ine from in vitro culture of PIPER nigrum (Paniyoor) L.
Review of PIPER Rae Gaubatz, Beyond the Great Wall: Urban Form and Transformation in the Chinese Frontiers
Comparison of the Contents of Trace Elements in Different Parts of PIPER kadsura
Application of CATHARE code to the isolation condenser experiment in PIPER -ONE loop
The High Ground Settlement of Colle PIPER Near Collalbo, Renon (BZ): Considerations on Unpublished Ceramic fragments
Peter PIPER rolls dough: banks toss $25 million to pizza chain for regional expansion
A joyful passion for proofs: The pied PIPER of mathematics
Phytochemical investigations of Casearia, Cornutia, Cupania and PIPER species
Altitudinal effects on leaf morphology and their implications of plasticity in PIPER species
Offshore fire and blast risks: a review of technical and regulatory advances since PIPER Alpha
The application of molecular techniques inı the diagnosis of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) viruses in Sarawak
Antibacterial and molluscicidal properties of PIPER betle Linn.
Impact assessment of PIPER auritum Kunth on Pohnpei, FSM.
Acting for insured on instructions of insurer: he who pays the PIPER doesn’t necessarily call the tune.
Study on antiplatelet activity of alcohol extracts from PIPER species native to Yunnan
Betel [PIPER betle. L.] leaf has antibacterial property
Quantitative determination of loss in yield of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Kannur District (Kerala, India).
Funding for Private Schools in England and the Netherlands: Can the PIPER Call the Tune? Occasional Paper.
Antioxidative fractions from the leaves of betel (PIPER betle L.).
Effects of liming on the growth and yield of pepper (PIPER nigrum. L) grown on ultisol I: changes in soil chemical properties
Production Of PIPER Betle L. Callus Tissues For Diosgenin
Is the PIPER Paid Gradually or Suddenly: Selected Issues in as Damages and the Pollution Exclusion Clause
Evaluating long pepper (PIPER sp) resistance to bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum.
Management and construction of a major zero discharge water supply and treatment scheme at Mount PIPER Power Station-Australia
Anatomy of stem in xeromorphic species of genus PIPER (PIPER aceae) in Cuba.
Response of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) variety Panniyur-1 and cultivars to indirect organogenesis.
During which I abuse myself but don’t need to pay the PIPER .(G-Jo Acupressure)
Michael Hartnett-Necklace of Wrens/Keeping Time-The PIPER and the Poet
Botanical pesticide from betel (PIPER betle L.)
PIPER , Ronald A.(ed.) The Gospel Behind the Gospels: Current Studies on Q. Supplements to Novum Testamentum, 75. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1995. Pp. xi+ 411. Cl. $135 …
Aetiology and control of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) yellow mottle virus disease
Antiinflammatory effects of Thottea grandiflora, Solanum torvum and PIPER betle.
Book Review: Asia and the Pacific: Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola PIPER (eds.), Women and Work in Globalising Asia (London: Routledge, 2002, 238 pp.,£ …
Somatic embryogenesis from leaf explant of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) variety panniyur
… Experimental Evaluation of Drug Testing and Treatment Interventions for Probationers in Maricopa County, Arizona Elizabeth PIPER Deschenes, Susan Turner
Perception of Adoption Level in Beteline (PIPER betal Linn) in the Context of Some Agro-Economic and Socio-Personal Factors in South 24-Parganas District, West …
Interaction of PIPER betel extracts and Fusarium oxysporum in culture
A coal–mine’safety case’: suggestions from the petroleum industry following the PIPER Alpha disaster
Distribution of the pepper nematode, Trophotylenchulus PIPER is on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) roots
Nondestructive Inspection of PIPER PA-25 Forward Spar Fuselage Attachment Fitting.
Palynological study of PIPER and Peperomia (PIPER aceae) species from Tucumán province (Argentina).
Management of human error in operations of marine systems: a post-mortem analysis of the PIPER Alpha accident: technical and organizational factors
Effects of different levels of indole acetic acid on the rooting success of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Characterization and yield evaluation of a native population of long pepper (PIPER hispidinervum C.DC) in an extractive reserve in the state of Acre …
Morphological, phytochemical, and genetic variation in Hawaiian cultivars of’Awa (kava, PIPER methysticum, PIPER ceae)
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Component from the Fructus of PIPER longum (II)
Biosynthesis of benzofuran neolignans in PIPER regnellii
ELIZABETH PIPER DESCHENES is a researcher in RAND’s Criminal Justice Program. Her previous work focused on criminal careers of violent
Koinonia: from Hate, through Dialogue, to Culture in the Large Group. By P. de Maré, R. PIPER & S. Thompson London: Karnac. 1991. XXIII+ 262 pp.£ 16.95.
Efficacy of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) as pesticide on Rhizopertha dominica (F) in stored wheat.
Distribution and ecological characteristics of Lewisia longipetala (PIPER ) Clay, a high-altitude endemic plant
The Denial of Future Tort Claims in In re PIPER Aircraft: Will the Court’s Quick-Fix Solution Keep the Debtor Flying High or Bring It Crashing Down?
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Component from the Fructus of PIPER longum (Ⅱ)
Effect of gamma irradiation on the changes in volatiles in black pepper (PIPER Nigrum Linn)
The Pied PIPER syndrome: The relationship between intragroup dichotomization and bipolar groupthink
The Peter PIPER Pickled Pepper Mystery: Arts Educators Collaborate To Create a Musical Play for Pre-schoolers Barbara Poston-Anderson
Azospirillum – A Possible Biocontrol agent for Seedvine Rot of Betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Pharmacognostic study of Thai medicinal plants part 2 Cymbopagon nardus Rendle leaves, PIPER retrofractum Vahl. fruits and Psidium guajava Linn. leaves
Interactions between the ant predator Dipoena sp. and the PIPER -Pheidole mutualism: Behavioral perspectives on community ecology
Bioactive constituents from PIPER methysticum forst (kava kava) roots
MUNDY, P., BUTCHART, D., LEDGER, J. and PIPER , S. The vultures of Africa. Academic Press, London: 1992 (originally published by Acorn Books, Johannesburg …
Insecticidal Activity of Isobutylamides Identified in PIPER nigrum Fruits against Culex pipiens pallens Adults
Microbial flora from Heved brasiliensis and PIPER nigrum in Xishuangbanna and antagonism of some fungi in these microbes
Methylxanthines and phosphodiesterase inhibitors in the treatment of airways disease: JF Costello and PJ PIPER , eds London: Parthenon, 1994, 200 pages,£ 28.00
The effect of PIPER wallichii on contents of EAAs in ischemic brainstem of dogs and its protective action on the ischemic insult of brainstem
Paying the PIPER but Changing the Tune: Policy Changes and Initiatives for the American Jail (From American Jails: Public Policy Issues, P 240-246, 1991, Joel A …
Koinonia: from hate, through dialogue to culture in the large group by Patrick de Mare, Robin PIPER and Sheila Thompson. Publish
Toxicity of crude black pepper (PIPER nigrum) extract against 2-month old American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana)
The Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Three New Neolignans, Puberulins A, B, and C, as Platelet Activating Factor Receptor Antagonists from PIPER puberulum
Pharmacological studies of the crude methanol extract from PIPER sarmentosum Roxb. on the neuromuscular junction in rats
Biology of the lace Bug Diconocoris distanti Drake (Hemiptera: Tingidae): a pest of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Sri Lanka
Measurements of the Radar Cross Section and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) Images of a PIPER Navajo at 9.5 GHz and 49 GHz
Insecticidal activity of Compounds Derived from PIPER nigrum Methanol Extract Against Culex pipiens and Aedes togoi
Evaluation of the insecticidal activity of the extracts from PIPER grande Vahl (PIPER aceae) using the biological model Drosophila melanogaster
Studies on the rhizosphere fungi and bacteria-flora of Hevea brasiliensis, PIPER nigrum, coffea arabica in Xishuangbanna
Sm-Nd-and Pb-Pb-isotope systems on the lower crust xenoliths in dykes and explosion PIPER on Southern Kola Peninsula. Sm-Nd-i Pb-Pb-izotopnye sistemy v …
Effect of some soil moisture conservation practices on soil moisture regime during field establishment of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in mid country sloping …
… ••••••..•• Edward M. Read The Costs and Effects of Intensive Supervision for Drug Offenders•••••. Joan Peteroilia Susan Thrner Elizabeth PIPER De8chene8 A Day …
… •••••••• Edward M. Read The Costs and Effects of Intensive Supervision for Drug Offelnders••.••• Joan Petersilia Susan 7’it. rner Elizabeth PIPER Deschenes A Day …
Sm-Nd-and Pb-Pb-isotope systems on the lower crust xenoliths in dykes and explosion PIPER on Southern Kola Peninsula
Toxicity of Catharanthus roseus (chichirica), PIPER nigrum (black pepper) and Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) to Periplaneta americana (American cockroaches)
Immunomodulatory Activity of PIPER betle, Zingiber aromatica, Andriographis paniculata, Allium sativum, and Oldenlandia corymbosa Grown in Indonesia
The effect of phosphate rocks, triple super phosphate and their combinations on the performance of Sorghum bicolor var. dura (L.) x sorghum Sudanese (PIPER )(stapf) …
… •••••••••• Edward M. Read The Costs and Effects of Intensive Supervision for Drug Offenders•••••• Joan Petersilia Susan Thrner Elizabeth PIPER Deschenes A Day …
Comparative efficacy of leaf extract of PIPER betle L. and carbendazim on Colletotrichum falcatum Went in vitro and sett borne infection of red rot of sugarcane.
Effect of PIPER ine, a Primary Component of Black pepper (PIPER nigrum), on the Arachidonic acid Metabolism in Platelet Aggregation Induced by Collagen
The insecticidal action of four botanicals [Mitracarpus scaber, Napoleona imperialis, PIPER guineense, Diodia sarmentosa] against three storage beetles …
Comparison of transpiration rate and stomatal and leaf features in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.), clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr and Perry), cinnamon …
… nigra, Coriandrum sativum, Cuminum cyminum, Curcuma longa, Elettaria cardamomum, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum, PIPER nigrum, Trigonella foenum …
NUREG/IA 0135-Post-Test Analysis of PIPER -ONE PO-IC-2 Experiment by RELAP5/MOD3 Codes
Mercer Law Review Vol. 047 Issue 03-042 pg. 0927-An Analysis of In re PIPER Aircraft Corporation
… 1998 medal winners, shown here at the annual meeting with the Division executive and Jerome H. Remick III, from the left Georgia Pe-PIPER (vice chair), John …
Volatile constituents of Brazilian PIPER aceae. 4. Essential oil composition of PIPER dactylostigmum, P. plurinervosum and P. vitaceum
1, 3-benzodioxole-5-(2, 4, 8-triene-methyl nonaoate) and 1, 3-benzodioxole-5-(2, 4, 8-triene-isobutyl nonaoate) from PIPER mullesua+.
2.10 Lord Rossmore, a gentleman PIPER .
Leishmanicide effect of a 2, 6-diydroxy-4-metoxichalcona isolated in PIPER aduncum; Efeito leishmanicida da 2, 6-diidroxi-4-metoxichalcona isolada de PIPER …
Bernard Lewis, Kreuz, Stern und Halbmond. 2000 Jahre Geschichte des Nahen Ostens, PIPER Verlag: München 1997, 520 S.
14. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, Baltimore, Wil-liams & Wilkins, 1995 15. PIPER BF, Lindsey AM, Dodd MJ: The development of an instrument to measure the …
… Nadolny: Breon Mitchell, trans. New York: Viking/Penguin, 1997. 214 pp. ISBN 0-670-87301. From the original German text Ein Gott der Frechheit. Munich: R. PIPER …
Bioactive aristolactams from PIPER umbellatum
A review of PIPER spp.(PIPER aceae) phytochemistry, insecticidal activity and mode of action
Antifungal Amides from PIPER scutifolium and PIPER hoffmanseggianum
Antioxidant activity of PIPER betle L. leaf extract in vitro
Composition and antifungal activity of essential oils from PIPER aduncum, PIPER arboreum and PIPER tuberculatum
Antimicrobial activity of PIPER fruits
Antifungal Cyclopentenediones from PIPER coruscans
Chemical constituents and bioactivity of PIPER sarmentosum
Isolation, Synthesis, and Evolutionary Ecology of PIPER Amides
Current Perspectives on the Classification and Phylogenetics of the Genus PIPER L.
PIPER : a model genus for studies of phytochemistry, ecology, and evolution
The antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) seeds
Preliminary pharmacological studies on PIPER chaba stem bark
Chemical constituents of the roots of PIPER sarmentosum
Analysis of kavalactones from PIPER methysticum (kava-kava)
Immunomodulatory and antitumor activity of PIPER longum Linn. and PIPER ine
PIPER : an FFT‐based protein docking program with pairwise potentials
GC–MS Analysis of the Essential Oils of PIPER nigrum L. and PIPER longum L.
Antimycobacterial Compounds from PIPER sanctum
Antibacterial constituents from the berries of PIPER nigrum
In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Three PIPER Species
Antidiabetic activities of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of PIPER betle leaves in rats
Inhibitory effects of PIPER umbellatum and PIPER peltatum extracts towards myotoxic phospholipases A2 from Bothrops snake venoms: isolation of 4-nerolidylcatechol …
Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oils from PIPER species
Antioxidant Activity of PIPER betel Leaf Extract and Its Constituents
Synergistic effects of three PIPER amides on generalist and specialist herbivores
Areas of endemism and distribution patterns for Neotropical PIPER species (PIPER aceae)
Antileishmanial amides and lignans from PIPER cubeba and PIPER retrofractum
Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in selected PIPER species
Ethnobotany of the genus PIPER (PIPER aceae) in Thailand
PIPER idine alkaloids from PIPER methysticum
Trypanocidal tetrahydrofuran lignans from inflorescences of PIPER solmsianum
PIPER betle: a potential natural antioxidant
Hepatitis induced by Kava (PIPER methysticum rhizoma)
Effects of PIPER longum fruit, PIPER sarmentosum root and Quercus infectoria nut gall on caecal amoebiasis in mice
Antiplatelet effects of acidamides isolated from the fruits of PIPER longum L.
Leishmanicidal constituents from the leaves of PIPER rusbyi
Evaluation of antifungal activity of PIPER solmsianum C. DC. var. solmsianum (PIPER aceae)
Effect of γ-irradiation on antioxidant activity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Effect of Storage on the Essential Oil Composition of PIPER nigrum L. Fruits of Different Ripening States
A phylogeny of the tropical genus PIPER using ITS and the chloroplast intron psbJ–petA
Biodiversity of PIPER in South India–application of GIS and cluster analysis
Efficacy of PIPER (PIPER aceae) Extracts for Control of Common Home and Garden Insect Pests
Hepatoprotective activity of the fruits of PIPER longum linn
Effect of PIPER betle Leaf Extract on Alcoholic Toxicity in the Rat Brain
Cyclobutanoid Amides from PIPER arborescens
Antimicrobial screening of different extracts of PIPER longum Linn
Benzoic Acid Derivatives from PIPER Species and Their Fungitoxic Activity against Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum
Antiproliferative effects of two amides, PIPER ine and piplartine, from PIPER species
Antioxidant efficacy of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and PIPER ine in rats with high fat diet induced oxidative stress
Biogeography of Neotropical PIPER
Management of rodents in crops: the Pied PIPER and his orchestra
Essential oil composition of PIPER guineense and its antimicrobial activity. Another chemotype from Nigeria
Adulticidal activity against Stegomyia aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) of three PIPER spp.
Antifungal flavanones and prenylated hydroquinones from PIPER crassinervium Kunth
Radioprotective Property of the Ethanolic Extract of PIPER betel Leaf
Antifungal activity of PIPER guineense of Cameroon
Anti-inflammatory Neolignans from PIPER kadsura
Antimicrobial activity of Terminalia catappa, Manilkara zapota and PIPER betel leaf extract
Antioxidant activity of some phenolic constituents from green pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and fresh nutmeg mace (Myristica fragrans)
Effect of the aqueous extract of dry fruits of PIPER guineense on the reproductive function of adult male rats
Evaluation of the genotoxicity of piplartine, an alkamide of PIPER tuberculatum, in yeast and mammalian V79 cells
Analysis of PIPER aceae Germplasm by HPLC and LCMS: A Method for Isolating and Identifying Unsaturated Amides from PIPER spp Extracts
The pied PIPER of Hamelin: Adorno on music education
Inhibition of Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase by Alkamides Isolated from the Fruits of PIPER longum and PIPER nigrum
A rapid method for isolation of PIPER ine from the fruits of PIPER nigrum Linn.
Antimicrobial Activity of PIPER ribesoides Root Extract Against Staphylococcus
Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Activity of Methanolic Extract of PIPER betel
Investigations of anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of PIPER cubeba, Physalis angulata and Rosa hybrida
Physicochemical and Microbiological Qualities of Steamed and Irradiated Ground Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Benzoic Acid Derivatives from PIPER Species and Their Antiparasitic Activity
Attraction of the fruit-eating bat Carollia perspicillata to PIPER gaudichaudianum essential oil
Leaf essential oils of four PIPER species from the State of Ceará-Northeast of Brazil
HPLC analysis of flavokavins and kavapyrones from PIPER methysticum Forst.
The effect of PIPER betle and Psidium guajava extracts on the cell-surface hydrophobicity of selected early settlers of dental plaque
Isolation and identification of antiplatelet aggregatory principles from the leaves of PIPER lolot
Piplartine, an amide alkaloid from PIPER tuberculatum, presents anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in mice
Nigramides A−S, Dimeric Amide Alkaloids from the Roots of PIPER nigrum
Volatile Chemical Constituents of PIPER aduncum L and PIPER gibbilimbum C. DC (PIPER aceae) from Papua New Guinea
Protective effects of PIPER nigrum and Vinca rosea in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Comparison of soxhlet, ultrasound-assisted and pressurized liquid extraction of terpenes, fatty acids and Vitamin E from PIPER gaudichaudianum Kunth
PIPER ine from the fruits of PIPER longum with inhibitory effect on monoamine oxidase and antidepressant-like activity
Antifungal PIPER olides from PIPER malacophyllum (Prels) C. DC.
Antibacterial activity of extracts and neolignans from PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck
New Amide Alkaloids from the Roots of PIPER nigrum
Pressurized fluid extraction of carotenoids from Haematococcus pluvialis and Dunaliella salina and kavalactones from PIPER methysticum
Potency of PIPER crocatum decoction as an antihiperglycemia in rat strain Sprague dawley
Chemical Constituents of PIPER betle Linn. (PIPER aceae) roots
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Nonpolar Constituents from Different Parts of Kava Plant (PIPER methysticum)
Psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry: who pays the PIPER ?: A perspective from the Critical Psychiatry Network
Variability in Essential‐Oil Composition of PIPER marginatum sensu lato
Paying the PIPER : the high cost of funerals in South Africa
Complete plastid genome sequences of Drimys, Liriodendron, and PIPER : implications for the phylogenetic relationships of magnoliids
Screening of antagonistic bacteria for biological control of nursery wilt of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Antioxidative and Antiplatelet Effects of Aqueous Inflorescence PIPER betle Extract
Efficacy of extracting solvents to chemical components of kava (PIPER methysticum) roots
RP-HPLC method for determination of PIPER ine from PIPER longum Linn. and PIPER nigrum Linn
Phytochemical studies on the seed extract of PIPER nigrum Linn.
An ethanolic extract of leaves of PIPER betle (Paan) Linn mediates its antileishmanial activity via apoptosis
New cytotoxic cyclobutanoid amides, a new furanoid lignan and anti-platelet aggregation constituents from PIPER arborescens
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions with Kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f.)
MethylPIPER ate derivatives from PIPER longum and their inhibition of monoamine oxidase
Healing property of the PIPER betel phenol, allylpyrocatechol against indomethacin-induced stomach ulceration and mechanism of action
… of heat processing of spices on the concentrations of their bioactive principles: Turmeric (Curcuma longa), red pepper (Capsicum annuum) and black pepper (PIPER …
Anti-inflammatory activity of the extract, fractions and amides from the leaves of PIPER ovatum Vahl (PIPER aceae)
Paying the PIPER : investing in infrastructure for patient safety
Antileishmanial activities of dihydrochalcones from PIPER elongatum and synthetic related compounds. Structural requirements for activity
In vitro antifungal activity of extracts and neolignans from PIPER regnellii against dermatophytes
Black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)’the king of spices’–A review
Inhibition of CCl4-induced liver fibrosis by PIPER longum Linn.?
A re-evaluation of kava (PIPER methysticum)
Analysis of genetic diversity in PIPER nigrum L. using RAPD markers
Identification of Novel Electrophilic Metabolites of PIPER methysticum Forst. (Kava)
Inhibition of TNFα-induced activation of nuclear factor κB by kava (PIPER methysticum) derivatives
Chemical Compositions and Biological Activities of Leaf Essential Oils of Twelve Species of PIPER from Monteverde, Costa Rica
Novel Aromatic Ester from PIPER longum and Its Analogues Inhibit Expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules on Endothelial Cells
Antimicrobial effects of PIPER guineense ‘Uziza’and Phyllantus amarus ‘Ebe-benizo’on Candida albicans and Streptococcus faecalis
Activity-guided isolation of antiplasmodial dihydrochalcones and flavanones from PIPER hostmannianum var. berbicense
Protective effects of amide constituents from the fruit of PIPER chaba on d-galactosamine/TNF-α-induced cell death in mouse hepatocytes
Reproducing the PIPER trilinear diagram in rectangular coordinates
Natural antioxidants: PIPER sarmentosum (kadok) and Morinda elliptica (mengkudu)
Amides from PIPER tuberculatum fruits
A test of the effects of climate and fruiting of PIPER species (PIPER aceae) on reproductive patterns of the bat Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae)
Potent CYP3A4 Inhibitory Constituents of PIPER cubeba
Activity of Neolignans Isolated from PIPER regnellii (MIQ.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.) YUNCK against Trypanosoma cruzi
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere soil and its growth promotion on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cuttings
The anti-adherence effect of PIPER betle and Psidium guajava extracts on the adhesion of early settlers in dental plaque to saliva-coated glass surfaces
A new aristolactam alkaloid and anti-platelet aggregation constituents from PIPER taiwanense
Toxicity and antitermite activities of the essential oils from PIPER sarmentosum
Ethnoveterinary study for antidermatophytic activity of PIPER betle, Alpinia galanga and Allium ascalonicum extracts in vitro
Efficacy of Botanical Insecticides from PIPER Species (PIPER aceae) Extracts For Control of European Chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Aum Shinrikyô and the Japanese media: the pied PIPER meets the lamb of god
An ethanol extract of PIPER betle Linn. mediates its anti-inflammatory activity via down-regulation of nitric oxide
Amides from PIPER nigrum L. with dissimilar effects on melanocyte proliferation in‐vitro
The Agronomy and Economy of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-the” King of Spices”
Portfolios, the Pied PIPER of teacher certification assessments: Legal and psychometric issues
PIPER ine, an active principle from PIPER nigrum, modulates hormonal and apolipoprotein profiles in hyperlipidemic rats
Adrian PIPER as African American Artist
Lignans, an amide and anti-platelet activities from PIPER philippinum
Safety review of kava (PIPER methysticum) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration
Dispersal Ecology of Neotropical PIPER Shrubs and Treelets
Caldensin, a new natural N-methylaristolactam from PIPER caldense
Traditions in oral hygiene: chewing of betel (PIPER betle L.) leaves
Testosterone 5α-reductase inhibitory active constituents of PIPER nigrum leaf
Cytotoxic Constituents of PIPER sintenense
Alteration of pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline following oral administration of PIPER longum in hens
Components from Sri Lankan PIPER betle L. leaf oil and their analogues showing toxicity against the housefly, Musca domestica
Alkamides from the fruits of PIPER longum and PIPER nigrum displaying potent cell adhesion inhibition
New insecticidal amides from petroleum ether extract of dried PIPER nigrum L. whole fruits
Divergence of secondary metabolism in cell suspension cultures and differentiated plants of PIPER cernuum and P. crassinervium
Comparative toxicity of Croton macrostachys, Jatropha curcas and PIPER abyssinica seeds in Nubian goats
Antihyperglycemic Activity of PIPER betle Leaf on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Anxiolytic properties of PIPER methysticum extract samples and fractions in the chick social–separation–stress procedure
Antifungal derivatives from PIPER mollicomum and P. lhotzkyanum (PIPER aceae)
Antioxidant activity of prenylated hydroquinone and benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER crassinervium Kunth
Extracts of kava (PIPER methysticum) induce acute anxiolytic-like behavioral changes in mice
Paying the PIPER : Foundation evaluation capacity calls the tune
High-frequency plant regeneration through cyclic secondary somatic embryogenesis in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Essential Oil Composition of Four Major Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) III
… in the late cretaceous with later species divergence in the tertiary: a phylogenetic, biogeographic and molecular dating analysis of PIPER and Peperomia (PIPER aceae)
Supplementation With Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), but not Kava Kava (PIPER methysticum), Inhibits Human CYP3A Activity In Vivo
Inhibitory effects of PIPER betle on production of allergic mediators by bone marrow-derived mast cells and lung epithelial cells
Toxicity of extracts and isobutyl amides from PIPER tuberculatum: potent compounds with potential for the control of the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis
Metabolism of (−)-grandisin from PIPER solmsianum in Coleoptera and Lepidoptera species
Insecticidal amides from fruits of PIPER Nigrum Linn.
Lignan profile of PIPER cubeba, an Indonesian medicinal plant
ACAT inhibition of alkamides identified in the fruits of PIPER nigrum
Evaluation of PIPER cubeba extract,(‐)‐cubebin and its semi‐synthetic derivatives against oral pathogens
Applicability, validity, and reliability of the PIPER Fatigue Scale in postpolio patients
Enhanced cognitive performance and cheerful mood by standardized extracts of PIPER methysticum (Kava‐kava)
Psychometric properties of the revised PIPER Fatigue Scale in Dutch cancer patients were satisfactory
Metabolite-cytochrome P450 complex formation by methylenedioxyphenyl lignans of PIPER cubeba: mechanism-based inhibition
Association of a badnavirus in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) transmitted by mealybug (Ferrisia virgata) in India
Paying the PIPER : a study of musicians and the music business
Preparative isolation and purification of amides from the fruits of PIPER longum L. by upright counter-current chromatography and reversed-phase liquid …
Studies of the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of the methanolic extract of PIPER sarmentosum Roxb. leaves in rats.
Neolignans from PIPER futokadsura and their inhibition of nitric oxide production
Characterization of Odorants Causing an Atypical Aroma in White Pepper Powder (PIPER nigrum L.) Based on Quantitative Measurements and Orthonasal …
Pied PIPER of Lovers
Quality assurance of stored pepper (PIPER guineense) using controlled processing methods
Composition of the Essential Oil of PIPER hispidum Sw. from Cuba
Effect of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and kava kava (PIPER methysticum) supplementation on digoxin pharmacokinetics in humans
Isolation and synthesis of TNF-a release inhibitors from Fijian kawa (PIPER methysticum)
The effects of fixed-bed drying on the yield and composition of essential oil from long pepper (PIPER hispidinervium C. DC) leaves
Antifungal activity of the extracts and neolignans from PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck
Potential use of PIPER nigrum ethanol extract against pyrethroid-resistant Aedes aegypti larvae
Colonising aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on PIPER aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea
Essential Oil Constituents of PIPER cubeba L. fils. from Indonesia
Genetic diversity amongst landraces of a dioecious vegetatively propagated plant, betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Gene Expression Profiles of Drosophila melanogaster Exposed to an Insecticidal Extract of PIPER nigrum
Antioxidative, Antihyaluronidase and Antityrosinase Activities of Some Constituents from the Aerial Part of PIPER elongatum VAHL.
Genetic diversity of” Pimenta Longa” genotypes (PIPER spp., PIPER aceae) of the Embrapa Acre germplasm collection
Inhibitory property of the PIPER betel phenolics against photosensitization-induced biological damages
A New Larvicidal Lignan from PIPER fimbriulatum.
Antifertility efficacy of PIPER betle Linn.(Petiole) on female albino rats
Who pays the PIPER
Inhibitory property of PIPER betel extract against photosensitization-induced damages to lipids and proteins
The species diversity of the genus PIPER from Thailand
Comparative morphology and anatomy of the leaf and stem of Peperomia dahlstedtii C. DC., Ottonia martiana Miq. and PIPER diospyrifolium Kunth (PIPER aceae)
The controvertible role of kava (PIPER methysticum G. Foster) an anxiolytic herb, on toxic hepatitis
Protection effect of PIPER betel leaf extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats
Unusual composition of the essential oils from the leaves of PIPER aduncum
Studies on Essential Oil Composition of Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)—V
Antifertility activity of PIPER longum Linn. in female rats
Amides with anti-platelet aggregation activity from PIPER taiwanense
Behavior of Salmonella Rubislaw on ground black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Potential control of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) with PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER aceae) extracts demonstrated by chromosomal biomarkers and toxic effects on …
Effect of Capsicum annuum (red sweet and cayenne) and PIPER nigrum (black and white) pepper powders on the shelf life of fresh pork sausages packaged in …
In vitro activity of compounds isolated from PIPER crassinervium against Trypanosoma cruzi
Efficacy of PIPER ine, an alkaloidal constituent from PIPER nigrum on erythrocyte antioxidant status in high fat diet and antithyroid drug induced hyperlipidemic rats
Analysis of minor flavonoids in PIPER hostmannianum var. berbicense using liquid chromatography coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass …
Bioactive alkenylphenols from PIPER obliquum
Volatile Constituents of the Leaf Oils of PIPER aduncum L. from Different Regions of Pernambuco (Northeast of Brazil)
The invasive shrub PIPER aduncum and rural livelihoods in the Finschhafen area of Papua New Guinea
A DNA-Damaging Oxoaporphine Alkaloid from PIPER caninum
Do Ants Feed Plants? A 15N Labelling Study of Nitrogen Fluxes from Ants to Plants in the Mutualism of Pheidole and PIPER
The effect of a synergistic concentration of a PIPER nigrum extract used in conjunction with pyrethrum upon gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster
Who pays the PIPER ?
PIPER longumine, a constituent of PIPER longum L., inhibits rabbit platelet aggregation as a thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist
Quantification of kavalactones and determination of kava (PIPER methysticum) chemotypes using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for quality control in Vanuatu
Herbicidal and Fungicidal Activities of Lactones in Kava (PIPER methysticum)
PIPER (PIPER aceae) in the Philippine Islands: the climbing species
Extracts and kavalactones of PIPER methysticum G. Forst (kava-kava) inhibit P-glycoprotein in vitro
The pied PIPER of Cambridge
Spatial influence on the important volatile oils of PIPER nigrum leaves
Three new natural cyclopentenedione derivatives from PIPER carniconnectivum
Protective effect of PIPER longum fruit ethanolic extract on radiation induced damages in mice: a preliminary study
Susceptibility of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to pellitorine, an amide isolated from PIPER tuberculatum (PIPER aceae)
Optimization of pressurized liquid extraction of PIPER gaudichaudianum Kunth leaves
Chemical characterization of seven PIPER species (PIPER aceae) from Federal District, Brazil, based on volatile oil constituents
Histamine release inhibitory activity of PIPER nigrum leaf
Complete 1H and 13C NMR assignments of two phytosterols from roots of PIPER nigrum
In vivo growth inhibition of sarcoma 180 by PIPER longuminine, an alkaloid amide from the PIPER species
Histology of organogenesis from callus cultures of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Plant growth promoting rhizhobacteria (PGPR)-mediated root proliferation in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) as evidenced through GS Root software
Quantitative determination of anti‐fungal and insecticide amides in adult plants, plantlets and callus from PIPER tuberculatum by reverse‐phase high‐performance …
Inhibitory effect of ethanol extract of PIPER longum L. on rabbit platelet aggregation through antagonizing thromboxane A2 receptor
Factor analysis of the Revised PIPER Fatigue Scale in a caregiver sample
Translation and cultural adaptation of the PIPER Fatigue Scale for use in Sweden
Development of sex-associated SCAR markers in PIPER longum L
PIPER longum inhibits VEGF and proinflammatory cytokines and tumor-induced angiogenesis in C57BL/6 mice
Paralytic effect of alcoholic extract of Allium sativum and PIPER longum on liver amphistome, Gigantocotyle explanatum
PIPER longum Linn. Extract inhibits TNF-α-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules by inhibiting NF-κB activation and microsomal lipid peroxidation
Piptigrine, a new Insecticidal Amide from PIPER Nigrum Linn.
Clastogenicity of PIPER cubeba (PIPER aceae) seed extract in an in vivo mammalian cell system
Fixed and volatile chemical constituents from stems and fruits of PIPER tuberculatum Jacq. and from roots of P. hispidum HBK
Antimalarials and antioxidants compounds from PIPER tricuspe (PIPER aceae)
Biocontrol of collar rot disease of betelvine (PIPER betle L.) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii by using rhizosphere-competent Pseudomonas fluorescens NBRI-N6 and P …
Effects of kava (Kava-kava,’Awa, Yaqona, PIPER methysticum) on c-DNA-expressed cytochrome P450 enzymes and human cryopreserved hepatocytes
Circadian rhythm of anti‐fungal prenylated chromene in leaves of PIPER aduncum
Comparative pesticidal activity of dichloromethane extracts of PIPER nigrum against Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune? The relationship between parents and direct payments for people with intellectual disabilities
Pink Floyd’s The PIPER at the Gates of Dawn
… effects of metabolites of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains on the different growth phases of Phytophthora capsici, foot rot pathogen of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L …
Insecticidal properties of essential oils of PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.; PIPER aduncum L. and Tanaecium nocturnum (Barb. Rodr.) Bur. & K. Shum against Tenebrio …
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.): I. Direct somatic embryogenesis from tissues of germinating seeds and ontogeny of …
Mechanism-based inhibition of human liver microsomal cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) by alkamides of PIPER nigrum
HPLC assisted chemobiological standardization of α-glucosidase-I enzyme inhibitory constituents from PIPER longum Linn-An Indian medicinal plant
New prenylated benzoic acid derivatives of PIPER hispidum
Expeditious synthesis of bioactive allylphenol constituents of the genus PIPER through a metal-free photoallylation procedure
Kava root (PIPER methysticum L.) as a potential natural herbicide and fungicide
In vivo growth-inhibition of Sarcoma 180 by piplartine and PIPER ine, two alkaloid amides from PIPER
Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oils of Three PIPER Species from Monteverde, Costa Rica
Effect of source and method of application of zinc on yield and quality of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
New constituents of PIPER guineense fruit and leaf.
Volatiles of myrmecophytic PIPER plants signal stem tissue damage to inhabiting Pheidole ant‐partners
Essential Oil of PIPER tuberculatum var. tuberculatum (Micq.) CDC Leaves
Paying the PIPER ?: voluntary organisations, accountability and government contracting.
Phenolic acid amides: a new type of DNA strand scission agent from PIPER caninum
Neuropharmacological profile of PIPER betel leaves extract in mice
Landrace/gender-based differences in phenol and thiocyanate contents and biological activity in PIPER betle L.
Chemical constituents from PIPER marginatum Jacq.(PIPER aceae)—antifungal activities and kinetic resolution of (RS)-marginatumol by Candida antarctica lipase …
A new natural product and insecticidal amides from seeds of PIPER nigrum Linn.
In vitro antiangiogenesis activity of standardized extracts of PIPER sarmentosum roxb
PIPER cubeba targets multiple aspects of the androgen-signalling pathway. A potential phytotherapy against prostate cancer growth?
3α,4α-Epoxy-2-PIPER idone, a new minor derivative from leaves of PIPER crassinervium Kunth (PIPER aceae)
Melanogenesis stimulation in murine B16 melanoma cells by PIPER nigrum leaf extract and its lignan constituents
Mosquito repellent activity of PIPER guineense and Xylopia aethiopica fruits oils on Aedes aegypti
Using PIPER species diversity to identify conservation priorities in the Chocó Region of Colombia
Damages in EC antitrust actions: who pays the PIPER ?
Spatial analysis for PIPER species distribution in India
Stem diversity, cauline domatia, and the evolution of ant–plant associations in PIPER sect. Macrostachys (PIPER aceae)
Graft recovery of PIPER nigrum L. runner shoots on PIPER colubrinum Link. rootstocks as influenced by varieties and month of grafting.
Essential Oil Composition of Four Major Cultivars of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)—IV
Cohesion, alliance, and outcome in group psychotherapy: Comments on Joyce, PIPER , & Ogrodniczuk (2007)
Deciphering superimposed Ellesmerian and Eurekan deformation, PIPER Pass area, northern Ellesmere Island (Nunavut)
Nutrient management in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Classical and new proving methodology: Provings of Plumbum metallicum and PIPER methysticum and comparison with a classical proving of Plumbum metallicum
Identification of hybrids in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) using male parent-specific RAPD markers
Detection and characterization of the phytoplasma associated with a phyllody disease of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in India
Anti-inflammatory Activity of PIPER Magnibaccum (PIPER aceae)
Pseudomonas fluorescens mediated systemic resistance in black pepper ( PIPER nigrum L.) is driven through an elevated synthesis of defence enzymes
Analysis of neolignans compounds of PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck by HPLC
Notes on the genus PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) in Thailand
Isolation and amplification of genomic DNA from recalcitrant dried berries of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)—a medicinal spice
Two New Insecticidal Amides and a New Alcoholic Amide from PIPER nigrum Linn.
C2H2F4-Oleoresins of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale (L.) Rosc.) from Vietnam: Antimicrobial Testings, Gas Chromatographic …
The Faithful Preacher (Foreword by John PIPER ): Recapturing the Vision of Three Pioneering African-American Pastors
Effect of extracts of PIPER nigrum L. on the bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say).
Biosynthetic origins of the isoprene units of gaudichaudianic acid in PIPER gaudichaudianum (PIPER aceae)
Imputation or union with Christ? A response to John PIPER
Toxicity and spraying schedules of a biopesticide prepared from PIPER guineense against two cowpea pests
John PIPER and Coventry, in war and peace
The importance of petiole structure on inhabitability by ants in PIPER sect. Macrostachys (PIPER aceae)
Development of a single-tube multiplex RT–PCR for the simultaneous detection of Cucumber mosaic virus and PIPER yellow mottle virus associated with stunt disease …
Determination of Kavalactones in Dried Kava (PIPER methysticum) Powder Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy and Partial Least-Squares Regression
Anticancer activities of constituents of kava (PIPER methysticum)
Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in Black Pepper Oil (PIPER nigrum L.)
Efficacy of PIPER nigrum (PIPER aceae) extract for control of insect defoliators of forest and ornamental trees
Characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Indian long pepper (PIPER longum L.) and betel vine (PIPER betle L.) in India
Tissue culture regeneration of a medicinal plant from Mexico: PIPER auritum Kunth.
Development of a promising interspecific hybrid in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) for Phytophthora foot rot resistance
(+)-Bornyl PIPER ate, a new monoterpene ester from PIPER aff. pedicellatum roots
Essential oil of PIPER carniconnectivum C.CD. Leaves and Stems
Antidepressant amides from PIPER laetispicum C. DC
Increased sensitivity of Hep G2 cells toward the cytotoxicity of cisplatin by the treatment of PIPER betel leaf extract
Gender-specific responses of PIPER betle L. to low temperature stress: changes in chlorophyllase activity
Successful micropropagation protocol of PIPER methysticum
Analysis of plant extracts by NIRS: simultaneous determination of kavapyrones and water in dry extracts of PIPER methysticum Forst.
Influence of PIPER betle on hepatic marker enzymes and tissue antioxidant status in D-galactosamine-induced hepatotoxic rats
… genetic distance threshold for identification of clones using amplified fragment length polymorphism: a case study with five species in the tropical plant genus PIPER
… Yield, Crude Protein Content and Crude Protein Yield of a Sorghum–Sudangrass Hybrid[Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.] in the …
Comment by Matthew PIPER , William Mair, Linda Partridge on Min, KJ, Flatt, T., Kulaots, I., Tatar, M.(2006)” Counting calories in Drosophila dietary restriction” Exp …
Synthesis of Arieianal, a Prenylated Benzoic Acid from PIPER arieianum
The commercialization of clinical research: who pays the PIPER , calls the tune?
Antinociceptive Activities of Aqueous and Ethanol Extracts of PIPER betle. Leaves in Rats
High dose of commercial products of kava (PIPER methysticum) markedly enhanced hepatic cytochrome P450 1A1 mRNA expression with liver enlargement in rats
Melanogenesis stimulation in murine B16 melanoma cells by Kava (PIPER methysticum) rhizome extract and kavalactones
Study on chemical components of {\sl PIPER hancei}
IISR Thevam’,’IISR Malabar Excel’and’IISR Girimunda’-three new black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) clones
Rain man or pied PIPER ? Moving business schools beyond media rankings with mass customization and stakeholder education
Docking with PIPER and refinement with SDU in rounds 6–11 of CAPRI
Efficacy of PIPER guineense (Schum & Thonn) seed extract against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) as influenced by different extraction solvents
PIPER cubeba demonstrates anti-estrogenic and anti-inflammatory properties
Phylogenetic Patterns, Evolutionary Trends, and the Origin of Ant—Plant Associations in PIPER section Macrostachys: Burger’s Hypotheses Revisited
Expression of pathogenesis related proteins in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in relation to Phytophthora foot rot disease
A reappraisal of TrianaeoPIPER Trelease: convergence of dwarf habit in some PIPER species of the Chocó
Larvicidal efficacy of essential oil of betel leaf (PIPER betle) on the larvae of the old World screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana in vitro
Sequencing of coat protein gene of an isolate of cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper (PIPER nigrum L) in India
Fluorescence and HPLC-based standardization of PIPER nigrum fruits
Aqueous Extraction of Hydroxychavicol from PIPER betle L. leaves
Essential Oils of PIPER dumosum Rudge and PIPER aleyreanum C.DC (PIPER aceae) from Brazilian Amazonian Forest
Alkamides from PIPER nigrum L. and Their Inhibitory Activity against Human Liver Microsomal Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6)
Spasmolytic activity of PIPER nigrum fruit aqueous extract on rat non-pregnant uterus
On Paying the PIPER : Financial Responsibility for Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court
Extraction of PIPER ine from PIPER Nigrum (Black Pepper) by Aqueous Solutions of Surfactant and Surfactant + Hydrotrope Mixtures
Rapid structural determination of amides in PIPER longum by high‐performance liquid chromatography combined with ion trap mass spectrometry
Antibacterial activity of extract, fractions and four compounds extracted from PIPER solmsianum C. DC. var. solmsianum (PIPER aceae)
Determination of genetic variation in PIPER species using 4C nuclear DNA and RAPD markers
Quantitative elimination of flavokavines A and B from kava kava (PIPER methysticum G. Forst) by isoelectric focused adsorptive bubble separation
He who pays the PIPER …
Evaluation of PIPER betle on platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor binding activities
Identification of elicitor-induced PR5 gene homologue in PIPER colubrinum Link by suppression subtractive hybridization
Chemical constituents, antioxidative and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and oleoresin of tailed pepper (PIPER cubeba L)
… bud thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on cowpea to three concentrations and spraying schedules of PIPER guineense Schum …
Combined effects of arbuscular mycorrhizas and light on water uptake of the neotropical understory shrubs, PIPER and Psychotria
Leaf Oil Composition of PIPER aduncum subsp. ossanum (C. CD.) Saralegui from Cuba
Re: the persistence of folly: a critical examination of dissociative identity disorder. What are Dr PIPER and Dr Merskey trying to do?
Regulating safety, regulating profit: cost-cutting, injury and death in the British North Sea after PIPER Alpha
Pollinators and pollen dispersal of PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Potential allelopathic effects of PIPER nigrum, Mangifera indica and Clausena lansium
Nutrient diagnosis of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) gardens in Kerala and Karnataka.
Morphology and anatomy of vegetative organs of PIPER crassinervium HB & K.(PIPER aceae)
The genus PIPER (PIPER aceae) in Honduras
Quantitative HPLC analysis of some marker compounds of hydroalcoholic extracts of PIPER aduncum L.
Hawaiian’awa PIPER Methysticum A Study In Ethnobotany
An improved method for in vitro large scale propagation of PIPER betle L
Gastric ulcerogenic activities of PIPER guineense extract in rats
Chemical Composition of the Aerial Parts of PIPER nigrum L. from Cuba
Validation of PIPER methysticum var. wichmannii (PIPER aceae)
Anti-stress, nootropic and anticonvulsant potential of fruit extracts of PIPER longum L
Leaf Essential Oil of PIPER barbatum HBK (PIPER aceae) from Peru
The tumorigenic characteristics of lime-PIPER betel quid-transformed JB6 cells
PIPER (PIPER aceae) in New Guinea: the non-climbing species
He who pays the PIPER must know the tune
A further note on the genus PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) from Thailand
The tumor promoting effect of lime-PIPER betel quid in JB6 cells
Effect of irrigation intervals and nitrogen fertilizer rates on fresh forage yield of Sudangrass [Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.]
Water and Ethanol Extracts of PIPER nigrum in Regulating Thyroid Function and Lipid Peroxidation in Mice
3-Farnesyl-2-hydroxybenzoic acid is a new anti-Helicobacter pylori compound from PIPER multiplinervium
Modifying effects of PIPER longum on cell surface abnormalities in 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis
Comparisons between the Antioxidant Activities of the Extracts of Anacardium occidentale and PIPER betle
A new method of synthesis and Antibacterial activity evaluation of PIPER amides
Essential Oil Constituents of PIPER vicosanum Yunker from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Drama and community: Who the PIPER , whose the tune?
Multivariate analysis in fifty cultivars/landraces of ‘black pepper'(PIPER nigrum L.) occurring in Kerala, India
Preventing Clostridium difficile–associated disease: is it time to pay the PIPER ?
Constituents of the essential oils from PIPER friedrichsthalii C.DC. and P. pseudolindenii C.DC. from Central America
Screening of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) germplasm for resistance to foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian.
Guineensine, an Acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase inhibitor, from the fruits of PIPER longum
Paying the PIPER ? Implications of social insurance payments for conflict propensity
Mutualism, Antiherbivore Defense, and Trophic Cascades: PIPER Ant-Plants as a Mesocosm for Experimentation
Safety evaluation of Sri Lankan PIPER betle leaf extracts in rats
Volatile Constituents of PIPER aceae from Santa Catarina, Brazil—Essential Oil Composition of PIPER cernuum Vell. and Peperomia emarginella (Sw.) C. DC.
Determination of Six Kavalactones in Dietary Supplements and Selected Functional Foods Containing PIPER methysticum by Isocratic Liquid Chromatography with …
Egoyan’s film adaptation of Banks’s The Sweet Hereafter:” The Pied PIPER ” as trauma narrative and mise-en-abyme
Gas chromatographical and antimicrobial studies on Alpinia calcarata and PIPER betle from Sri Lanka
Pay the PIPER and call the tune: changing health care financing mechanisms to address public-private health sector mix inequities
Is the quality of kava (PIPER methysticum Forst. f.) responsible for different geographical patterns
Antispasmodic effect of PIPER nigrum fruit hot water extract on rat ileum.
Bioactivity of two powdered spices PIPER guineense thonn & schum and Xylopia aethiopica (dunal) a. Richard] as home-made insecticides against …
Essential Oil from the Leaves of PIPER augustum from “Alberto M. Brenes” Biological Preserve, Costa Rica
Genetic fingerprinting of PIPER nigrum L. and PIPER longum L. Cultivars using RAPD markers
Toxicological evaluation of the essential oil of PIPER aduncum L.
Response of PIPER species to water stress
Volatile Constituents of the Leaves and Stems of PIPER glandulosissimum Yunck.
Caldensin, a new natural n-methylaristolactam from PIPER Caldense
Studies on Antigenotoxic Effect of PIPER betle Leaves
… spray–mass spectrometry (HPLC‐CIS/MS): a new tool for the analysis of non‐polar compound classes in plant extracts using the example of PIPER methysticum forst
Two New Insecticidal Amide Dimers from Fruits of PIPER nigrum Linn.
Shame in alterities: Adrian PIPER , intersubjectivity, and the racial formation of identity
Significance of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of PIPER nigrum L.[Marich] as an ingredient and possible marker of Ayurvedic formulations
Insecticidal activities of essential oil from PIPER betle Linn. against storage insect pests
Hypocrella panamensis sp. nov.(Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales): a new species infecting scale insects on PIPER carrilloanum in Panama
… study of the Kuche Depression, Tarim Basin, and Cenozoic uplift of the Tian Shan Range, Western China” Baochun Huang, John DA PIPER , Shoutao Peng, Tao Liu …
Screening black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) varieties/cultivars against Phytophthora disease in the nursery
Chemical Standardization and quantification of PIPER in from methanolic extract of PIPER nigrum by HPLC method on the basis of isolated markers
Reply to JDA PIPER on “The making and unmaking of a supercontinent: Rodinia revisited”
Assessment and conservation of intraspecific variability in PIPER nigrum (‘Black Pepper’) occurring in the Western Ghats of Indian Peninsula
Michael Collins PIPER : an American far right emissary to the Islamic World
Gastroprotective Effects of PIPER carpunya Against Diclofenac-Induced Gastric Lesions in Rats
Larvicidal activity of PIPER guineense and Spilanthes mauritiana crude-powder against Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus in Kilifi District, Kenya
Therapeutic potentials and untoward effects of PIPER betle and its quid
Varietal differences in nitrate nitrogen concentration of Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) stapf)
Effects of light intensity on the growth characteristics and net photosynthesis of PIPER kadzura native to Korea for indoor plants
Assessment of genetic variability in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) varieties through RAPD and AFLP analyses.
Antileishmanial activity of hydroalcoholic extract and fractions obtained from leaves of PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.)
Antifungal activity of essential oils of PIPER species against Crinipellis perniciosa, Phytophthora palmivora and Phytophthora capsici
Molecular and morphological characterization of new promising black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) lines
Study on three aristololatams from PIPER wallichii
Against traffic: de/formations of race and freedom in the art of Adrian PIPER
Effects of Methanol Extract of PIPER chaba Stem Bark on Chronic Inflamation in Rats
Antimicrobial activity of tiger’s betel (PIPER porphyrophyllum NE Br., PIPER aceae)
Translation terrain and pied PIPER detour: How experts eliminated a Norwegian digital city project
Spike proliferation in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Antifungal activity of plant extracts and oils against fungal pathogens of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume), and turmeric …
… of the capabilities of accelerated solvent extraction and sonication as extraction techniques for the quantification of kavalactones in PIPER methysticum (Kava) roots by …
Evaluation of indigenous Azospirillum isolates for growth promotion in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L) rooted cuttings.
Bio-control of Radopholus similis on black pepper, PIPER nigrum L. under field conditions
Essential Oils from Bolivia. VIII. PIPER aceae: PIPER heterophyllum Ruiz et Pavón, P. aduncum L
Drug interactions between herbs and medicines: Hypericum perforatum and PIPER methysticum
Faunal Studies in Model PIPER spp. Systems, with a Focus on Spider-Induced Indirect Interactions and Novel Insect-PIPER Mutualisms
Cucumber mosaic virus infection of kava (PIPER methysticum) and implications for cultural control of kava dieback disease
Inhibitory effects of alcoholic extracts of Allium sativum and PIPER longum on gross visual motility and glucose uptake of Fasciola gigantica and Gigantocotyle …
Effect of solarized potting mixture on growth of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) rooted cuttings in the nursery.
… nitrogen fertilizer application rates based on soil nitrogen fertility with the goal of lowering nitrate nitrogen concentrations in Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) …
A new species and two new varieties of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from Thailand
Effect of gamma-irradiation on microbial decontamination and organoleptic quality of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Analysis of PIPER auritum: A Traditional Hispanic Herb
Volatile constituents of essential oils isolated from leaf and inflorescences of PIPER longum Linn.
“He who pays the PIPER …”, the anomaly of custom and constitution local government and traditional leadership
An introduction to kava PIPER methysticum
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune? Commissioners’ evaluation of advocacy services for people with learning disabilities
Chemopreventive and antilipidperoxidative efficacy of PIPER longum (Linn.) on 7, 12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) induced hamster buccal pouch …
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune: Reflections on the inherent conflicts in auditing
Missions for the glory of God: An analysis of the missionary theology of John PIPER
Chemistry, biocidal and antioxidant activities of essential oil and oleoresins from PIPER cubeba (seed)
Kava (PIPER methysticum)
In Vitro Effect of Fungicides, Plant Extracts and Smoke on Conidial Germination of Fusarium oxysporum Root Rot Pathogen of PIPER betle
Evaluation of composted coir pith with chemical and biofertilizers on nutrient availability, yield and quality of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Introduction to Pied PIPER of Lovers
Radiometric study on bioaccumulation of gold by an alkaloid extracted from fruits of PIPER nigrum
decontamination of powdered black. pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) by using microwave
Phytophthora diseases of betelvine (PIPER betle L.): a menace to betelvine crop.
Effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens (IISR-6) and Trichoderma harzianum (P-26) on growth of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in the nursery
Two new species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from Malay Peninsula
Identification of in vitro responsive immature embryo size for plant regeneration in Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanenses PIPER )
A simple and convenient method of standardization of PIPER longum — An Ayurvedic medicinal plant
Molecular orbital analysis of antioxidative activity of phenolics from Tessaria integrifolia and PIPER elongatum
Structural Characterization of Genuine (-)-PIPER methystine, (-)-EpoxyPIPER methystine, (+)-Dihydromethysticin and Yangonin from the Kava Plant (PIPER methysticum)
Sustaining crop production in the developing world through “the nutrient buffer power concept”–A case study with Black pepper (PIPER nigrum) growing at low …
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune: A study to consider how the opportunity to employ workers using cash payments affects the support relationship
Effect of PIPER nigrum seed powder and dust formulation on Callosobruchus maculatus (f.)
Insecticide effects of natural amides from PIPER and of the synthetic derivative tetrahydroPIPER ine on Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Musca domestica …
The diimide drug PIPER has a cytotoxic dose-dependent effect in vitro and inhibits telomere elongation in HELA cells
Aneuploid Variation of Chromosome Number in the Somatic Cells of PIPER magnificum Trel.
Future Research in PIPER Biology
Walking in the city: the motif of exile in performances by Krzysztof Wodiczko and Adrian PIPER
How business will pay the university PIPER
Fungicidal activity of PIPER betle extract against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae
Evidence for a Novel Mutualism in the Tropical Understory Shrub PIPER urostachyum1
Biological Control of Phytophthora Foot-Rot of Betelvine (PIPER betle Linn.)
In vitro antioxidant activity of PIPER nigrum Linn
Role of Light and Phytochrome on PIPER aduncum L. Germination: An Adaptive and Environmental Approach
Novel in planta assay for selection of antagonistic bacteria against Phytophthora capsici on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L)
Biosynthetic origin of the isoprene units in chromenes of PIPER aduncum (PIPER aceae)
PIPER betle L. inflorescence causes allergic contact dermatitis of the hands during betel quid assembly
A multi-proxy lithostratigraphic record of Late Glacial and Holocene climate variability from PIPER Lake, Nova Scotia
Pied PIPER of Atheism: Philip Pullman and Children’s Fantasy
Molecular identification of Phytophthora nicotianae isolates causig leaf rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Synergistic effect of temperature of acetone extraction of PIPER guineense on maize weevil (Stitophylus zea mays) by mixture experimental design
Pharmacological studies on extracts from PIPER boehmeriaefolium var. tonkinense
Relationship of species PIPER based on morphological and leaf essential oils characters in Yogyakarta
The legend of the Pied PIPER
Root infusion of phosphorous acid for the control of phytophthora foot rot in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
John PIPER in the 1930s: Abstraction on the Beach
Antifungal PIPER olides, coumarins, pyrones and amides from PIPER species and synthetic analogs
Cardiovascular action of PIPER longum
Essential Oil of PIPER renitens (Miq.) Yunck Leaves and Stems (PIPER aceae) from Brazilian Amazonian Forest
Molecular cloning of a cDNA fragment encoding hydroxy methyl glutaryl CoA reductase in PIPER colubriunum.
Dose Dependent Effect of PIPER betle Linn. Leaf Extract on Erythrocytes of Experimental Mice
Insecticidal activity of PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER aceae) on Aetalion sp.(Hemiptera: Aetalionidae), plague of economic importance in Amazon
Genetic structure and mating system of PIPER hispidinervum
Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER (Hall’s fescue): a technical conservation assessment
Effect of PIPER betle on Hepatotoxicity and Antioxidant Defense in Ethanol-Treated Rats
Efficacy of bush pepper (PIPER guineensis) in the control of mold fungus in stored maize (Zea mays L.) seeds
The Contractile Effect of Ethanolic Extract of West African Black Pepper (PIPER guineense) on Isolated Guinea Pig Ileum
Short synthesis of a new cyclopentene-1, 3-dione derivative isolated from PIPER carniconnectivum
Molecular structures of two bicyclo-(3.2. 1)-octanoid neolignans from PIPER kadsura
Differential expression of metallothionein type-2 homologues in leaves and roots of Black pepper (PIPER nigrum L)
Subversive Humor: The Performance Art of Hannah Wilke, Eleanor Antin, and Adrian PIPER
Effect of nutrient integrated bio-fertilizer, vermicompost and mustard oil cake+ inorganic on betelvine (PIPER betle L.) crop.
Effect of PIPER betel on Blood Glucose and Lipid Profiles in Rats After Chronic Ethanol Administration
Fruit production and leaf longevity in the tropical shrub PIPER aduncum L. in Sumatra
The effect of PIPER hancei extract on the atherosclerosis of rabbits
Rhizospheric Pseudomonas fluorescens enhances PIPER ine production in PIPER nigrum, a possible means of biochemical defence against Phytophthora capsici
Clinical validation of PIPER nigrum and Nyctanthes arbor-tristis formulation for antimalarial activity
Antimicrobial activity of Psidium guajava and PIPER betle extracts on selected foodborne bacteria
Prostate cancer: student Liz PIPER gained confidence in dealing with patients with prostate cancer after reading a learning zone article
Study on proliferation effect of extracts of PIPER longum on mesenchymal stem cells of rat bone marrow and the relationship to chemical functional groups
Energy consumption and size distribution in the grinding of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and black pepper (PIPER nigrum L)
Study on the effects of mixtures of acetone extracts of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) seeds on the development of Sitophilus …
Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Banishing the Pied PIPER
PIPER betle L as a anti-inflammatory agent
Effect of temperature and water restriction on PIPER aduncum L. seed germination
Chemical Constituents of PIPER pedicellatum C. DC.
Solute accumulation in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) varieties in response to water stress
Effect of Carrier Media on Population Fluctuation of Trichoderma harzianum (MTCC5179) in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Rhizosphere and their Interaction with …
Ultrasound-Assisted Conversion of Toxic β-Asarone into Nontoxic Bioactive Phenylpropanoid: Isoacoramone, A Metabolite of PIPER Marginatum and Acorus …
Don’t Fear the Social Relations Model: Reply to PIPER , Ogrodniczuk, Lamarche, and Joyce
Comparison of spasmolytic activities of PIPER longum, P. sarmentosum and Quercus infectoria extracts with loperamide and verapamil in rat and guinea pig …
Effect of PIPER Abyssinica and Jatropha curcas against experimental Haemochus contortus infection in desert goats
A simple method for estimating nitrate nitrogen concentrations of standing Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf) and Sudan‐type sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench …
The effect of Long-pepper essential oil (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.) and of Tween®; 80 emulsifier on the mycelial growth of Alternaria alternate (Fungi: Hyphomycetes …
The effect of Beetle leaves (PIPER Betle Linn) for dental caries formation
PIPER giordanoi (PIPER aceae): A new species from southeastern Brazil
The effect of essential oil of PIPER aduncum in controlling Colletotrichum musae on post harvest bananas
Ground effect determination of a PIPER comanche
Micropropagation of ‘Awa (Kava, PIPER methysticum)
Analysis of the essential oil of three species of PIPER collected in the region of the Distrito Federal (Cerrado-Brazilian Savannah) and comparison with oils of plants …
Invasion of PIPER aduncum in the shifting cultivation systems of Papua New Guinea: Foreword by David Pimentel
The Pied PIPER Returns for the Old Folks
Identification of alkaloids of pepper (PIPER nigrum) and kadok (PIPER sarmentosum) and the biotransformation of PIPER ine using Aspergillus niger
The Diva & the Rancher: The Story of Norma PIPER and George Pocaterra
Kava (PIPER methysticum): Growth in Tissue Culture and In Vitro Production of Kavapyrones
In-vitro vasodilatory activity of the hexanic extract of leaves and stems from PIPER truncatum Vell. in rats
Chemical constituents of Mesua ferrea L. and PIPER nigrum L. and their larvicidal activities
Theological tenets of the evangelistic ministry of John PIPER during the years 1980–2002
Mechanism of PIPER gas emissions from coal seams
Three new species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from the Guianas
Effect of the addition of leaf residues of PIPER aduncum to soil on parasitism of Meloidogyne incognita in tomato.
Temperature-dependent Changes in Susceptibility of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. to the Essential Oils of Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum.) and Black Pepper (PIPER …
Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth. By Brigitte Hamann. Munich: PIPER . 2002. Pp. 688.€ 26.90. ISBN 3-492-04300-3.
Morfología y anatomía comparativa de la hoja y tallo de Peperomia dahlstedtii C. DC., Ottonia martiana Miq. y PIPER diospyrifolium Kunth (PIPER aceae)
The efficacy and mode of action of PIPER (PIPER aceae) botanical insecticide for control of insect pests of the home and garden
Varietal improvement of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Malaysia
Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Drimys, Liriodendron, and PIPER : Implications for the phylogeny of magnoliids and the evolution of GC content
Antibacterial activity of PIPER nigrum, Coriandrum sativum, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Ferula narthex
Powerful Emotive Agents’: The Association between Ben Nicholson and John PIPER
Screening of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cultivars for water stress
The repellent and lethal effects of black pepper (PIPER nigrum), chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) extracts towards …
Critical Realism: he who pays the PIPER calls the tune’
Anti-Ulcer Effects of PIPER Betel, Solanum Nigrum and Zingibercassumunar on Ulceration Induced by Selected Ulcerogens Inrats
We Believe in God’s Sovereign Goodness: A Rejoinder to John PIPER
Effect of ultra high pressure under argon and temperature on the volatiles and PIPER ine content and microbiological quality of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Tuning up for training but who pays the PIPER ?
Management of Colletotrichum spp. on PIPER longum Linn.
Influence of irrigation regimes and fertility levels on growth of long pepper (PIPER longum L.).
A method for isolation and reverse transcription of high quality RNA from PIPER species.
Flavonoids from inflorescences of PIPER hispidum Kunth (PIPER aceae) and acetylated derivatives
Assessing the potential of kava (PIPER methysticum Forst) and wild kava (PIPER aduncum L.) as organic amendments for managing root-knot nematodes
Antifungal activity of cubebin from PIPER cubeba
The genus PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) of microbasin of Sítio Cabuçu-Proguaru Atlantic Rain Forest of Guarulhos, SP, Brasil
Book Review: Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola PIPER (eds.), Women and Work in Globalising Asia (London: Routledge, 2002, 238pp., no price given, hbk.)
In vitro callus induction and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
General practice: who’s paying the PIPER ?
First report of Oidium PIPER is on PIPER aduncum in Brazil.
Flat note from the pied PIPER of globalization
Antibacterial activity of extracts and neolignans from PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. var. pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck
Development of SCAR marker for Phytophthora resistance in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
System Identification and Parameter Estimation of the PIPER PA32-301 Saratoga
Residual generator function design for actuator fault detection and isolation of a PIPER PA30 aircraft
Study on the RAPD specific band of Kava (PIPER , PIPER aceae) transferring to the SCAR molecular marker
Root distribution pattern of bush-black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) employing radiotracer technique
The PIPER prostate brachytherapy planning system
A new record of PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER aceae) in Singapore
Cytotoxic effect of ethanolic extract of Temu Kunci (Kaempferia pandurata) and Sirihan (PIPER aduncum L.) on breast cancer line
In vitro culture of PIPER longum Linn.
Management of foot rot and leaf rot of betelvine (PIPER betle) caused by Phytophthora parasitica by using safer fungicides.
Positive reflections: personal experience of coming to terms with scars meant that Liz PIPER could help her patient
Paying the PIPER : funding broadcast news
Effect of Ultra High Pressure Under Argon and Temperature on the Volatiles and PIPER ine Content and Microbiological Quality of Black Pepper (PIPER Nigrum L.)
Determination of aflatoxin B1 (PIPER nigrum L.) and oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) by thin-layer chromatography and densitometry
A Pied-PIPER situation: Do bureaucratic researchers produce more science?
Preliminary study on the micropropagation in vitro of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Don’t Throw Out the Baby With the Bathwater (PTSD Is Not Overdiagnosed)/Rebuttal to Dr Brunet, Ms Akerib, and Dr Birmes/Rebuttal to Dr Merskey and Dr PIPER
{\sl In vitro} selection of black pepper ({\sl PIPER nigrum} Linn.) somaclones resistant to foot rot using culture filtrate of {\sl Phytophthora capsici}
Hematological and histopathological changes in female albino rats after gamma irradiation and/or PIPER nigrum treatment
Influence of plant characters on dry yield of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Morphology and anatomy of the vegetative organs of PIPER hispidum Sw.(PIPER aceae)
Susceptibility of Non-target Aquatic Micro-invertebrates and Vertebrates to PIPER guineense (PIPER aceae) and Spilanthes mauritiana (Asteraceae) Powder in …
PIPER longurn
Who pays the PIPER ?
Effect of time and frequency of cutting in the essential oil production of long pepper (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.)
PIPER methysticum
Essential oil composition of four major cultivars of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-IV
Methanolic Seed Extract of PIPER Guineense Inhibits Fertility of Female Sprague Dawley Rats
Brian J. PIPER
Control of Cultivated Cowpea Pests with Mixtures of Extracts from PIPER guineense and Other Plants
Physical and nutritional characteristics of the encapsulated matriz of long pepper (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.) synthetic seed production
The PIPER link: Money, control, and equity in public school finance
Solid rheological characteristics of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) during cryogenic grinding
Highland minstrel to tourist icon: The changing role of the Highland PIPER in Nova Scotia society, 1773-1973
Rebuttal to Dr Merskey and Dr PIPER
Genetic similarity of natural populations of pimenta-de-macaco (PIPER aduncum L.) obtained throug RAPD analysis
Sex change in PIPER thomsoni Hook.(PIPER aceae).
Paying the PIPER and Calling the Tune: Spotlight on Debt Collection in Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land 1817 and Thereabouts
Cardiac revascularization of the medically refractory elderly patient: it is TIME to pay the PIPER
Reproductive Biology of Hackelia venusta (PIPER ) St. John (Boraginaceae)
Effect of irrigation and fertilizer on leaf production of betel vine (PIPER betle L.).
Impact of irrigation regimes and fertility levels on quality of long pepper (PIPER longum L.).
Isolated amides of PIPER hoffmannseggianum; Amidas isoladas de PIPER hoffmannseggianum
In vitro plant regeneration from cotyledon explants of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Screening long pepper (PIPER spp.) for resistance to bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum.
Effect of Arsenic on the Disposition Kinetics of Sulphadimidine and Protective efficacy of Pipali (PIPER longum) in Cockerels
Phytochemical study of PIPER chimonantifolium; Estudo fitoquimico de PIPER chimonantifolium
The Pied PIPER : A Handbook
Effects of Catharanthus roseus, Kalanchoe laciniata and PIPER longum extracts on the proliferation of hormone-dependent breast cancer (MCF-7) and colon cancer …
Paying the PIPER
Effects Of Length And Mode Of Setting Of Cuttings On Sprouting And Seedling Development Of Black Pepper (PIPER NIGRUM L.) Vines.
The pied PIPER of hamelin
Damage threshold level of Rotylenchulus reniformis in betelvine (PIPER betle Linn.)
Mary McCallum’*, William E. PIPER “, John S. Ogrodniczuk” and Anthony S. Joyce’
Does he who pays the PIPER , call the tune?
The effects of leaf extracts of Myristica, PIPER , Tabebuia species and the gall extract of Quercus infectoria on Insulin Secreting Cells
Antitermite properties of PIPER spp. extracts
Synthesis of PIPER longumine Derivatives Isolated from PIPER longum L. and their Inhibitory Activity on Aflatoxin Production
Endophytic Bacteria for the Biological System Management of Radopholus similis, the Key Nematode Pest of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-Final Report of the …
Development of rice straw paper coated with betle (PIPER betle Linn.) leaf oil for extending shelf life of durian paste.
C. West’, E. PIPER , M. Nihsen, C. Roscnkrans, R. Crawford, D. Sleper, Mayland, and S. Gunterb 2
Chemical Compounds, Anticancer and Antioxidant Activities of Volatile Oil from PIPER sarmentosum Roxb., Polyscias fruticose Harms. And Polygonum odoratum Lour.
The Pied PIPER : A Handbook
Emmanuel Todd: Weltmacht USA. Ein Nachruf, München:: PIPER Verlag 2003, 266 S.
New prenilade derivative of PIPER hostmanianum leaves; Novo derivado prenilado das folhas de PIPER hostmanianum
Seeding rate for the sorghum‐sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor Moench× Sorghum sudanense [PIPER ] Stapf.) in the mixed seeding cultivation with corn (Zea mays …
Antimycobacterial activities of terpenes/sterols from hexane and tannins and flavonoids from methanol extracts of PIPER guiniense Linn.(PIPER acene) seeds
Gilbert, and PIPER . 1846.
Pied PIPER of Lovers
Antifungi propiophenones of PIPER marginatum leaves; Propiofenonas antifungicas das folhas de PIPER marginatum
America pays the PIPER , big time
The Idiot PIPER : OS/2 and IBM
PIPER aduncum
Relationship between the bat Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758)(Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) and plants of the genus PIPER (Linnaeus, 1737)(PIPER ales …
Preliminary analysis of the PIPER Alpha disaster by applying a SSMS model
pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) clones
He who pays the PIPER calls the tune.
He Who Pays the PIPER , Calls the Tune..
Paying the climate change PIPER
Biochemical effect of PIPER Guinense sidet on some organs of Wister albino rats
New minority derivatives of leaves from PIPER crassinerivum Kunth; Novos derivados minoritarios das folhas de PIPER crassinerivum Kunth
Book Review: Let the Nations Be Glad by John PIPER
Alkylbenzenes and sesquiterpenes of PIPER malacophyllum leaves; Alquilbenzenos e sesquiterpenos das folhas de PIPER malacophyllum
Integrated Pest Management for’Awa (PIPER methysticum)
Paying the PIPER : Politicians and Workchoices
Being the Sarenaerary PIPER for the Month of 19 ber, in which are
The PIPER at the gates of dawn
Enzymatic activity of oxidases in secondary metabolism of PIPER solmsianum; Atividade enzimatica de oxidases no metabolismo secundario de PIPER solmsianum
Lignans of PIPER richardifolium kunth; Lignanas de PIPER richardifolium kunth
Being the Supernamerary PIPER for the Month of January, in which are Inferted thoe gations and A/ivers, for which we had not Room before.
Paying the PIPER , Calling the Tune
Comparative study of protoplast isolation in PIPER nigrum L. and PIPER colubrinum Link.
The Aging of the American Workforce-The 27th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Coll. No. 5705 of IISR, Calicut (INGR 08100; IC563950) PIPER (PIPER nigrum)
Pharmacological effect of PIPER xanthostachyum on rodents.
Studies on bio-accumulation of {sup 51} Cr by PIPER Nigrum
Studies on bio-accumulation of 51Cr by PIPER Nigrum
Paying the PIPER : Music in Pre-1642 Cheshire
The Future of Collective Bargaining-The 28th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Paying the PIPER : Music in Pre-1642 Cheshire
Isolation and determination of active components in PIPER nigum L.
Discrimination of PIPER longum and PIPER retrofractum fruits by chromatographic fingerprint analysis
Playing the PIPER : Music in pre-1542 Cheshire
Isolation, Synthesis, and Evolutionary Ecology of PIPER
H. Barari#, AW Ferguson*, RW PIPER , E. Smith
Paying the PIPER : Music in Pre-1642 Cheshire
Paying the PIPER : Executives and Legal Fees
ZkMMMS PIPER , from Maiaga for Rotterdam, with the Wind at
Elizabeth Libby PIPER Deschenes: July 1, 1953-April 20, 2008
PIPER Reed, Navy Brat
Peter PIPER Picked a Problem Trickier than most. Can Computer Science Solve the Problem Peter PIPER Picked?
PIPER Reed, Navy Brat
Barton, and the PIPER forceps and their use under special con
Portfolios, the Pied PIPER of teacher
Knowledge Workers in the New Economy: From Cliché to Contract-The 26th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
The payer and the PIPER -a view on evidence-based medicine: personal view: SAMJ forum
ACAT inhibitory effect of Guineensine isolated from PIPER longum L.
Rats, global poverty, and paying the PIPER
PIPER ovatine and others amides isobutylic in leaves and roots of PIPER ottonoides (PIPER aceae); PIPER ovatina e outras amidas isobutilicas em folhas e raizes de PIPER …
Lignans of PIPER richardifolium kunth
He who pays the PIPER : Invited Commentary on… The psychiatrist as expert witness, Parts 1 and 2
Rezension: Ernst PIPER : Alfred Rosenberg: Hitlers Chefideologe
Three new species of PIPER (PIPER aceae) from the Guianas
Biodiversity of PIPER in South India and application of GIS and cluster analysis in search of its distribution
Rapid identification of Chinese medicinal material PIPER willichii and it’s substitues wih RAPD
A pied-PIPER situation: do bureaucratic researchers produce more science?
ACAT inhibitory effect of Guineensine isolated from PIPER longum L
Microscopic structure study of the leaf of PIPER Linn. from South China
The igneous rocks of Greece: The anatomy of an orogen. Georgia Pe-PIPER and David JW PIPER .
Corporate Self-Regulation and the Future of Workplace Governance-The 30th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Evaluation of antimycobacterial activity of some PIPER species
How to Pay the PIPER : It’s Time to Call Different Tunes for Congressional and Judicial Salaries
How to Pay the PIPER -It’s Time to Call Different Tunes for Congressional and Judicial Salaries
and Co., Surgeons. Sold by Sherwood, Gilbert, and PIPER .
Anti-ageing efficacy of Phaeomeria speciosa (bunga kantan) and PIPER betle (sireh)
Reproductive structures of PIPER amalago var. medium Linnaeus (PIPER aceae)
Enzymic alterations in Phytophthora capsici inoculated and uninoculated plants of PIPER species
Total synthesis of demethoxypiplartine, piplaroxide, and desmethylpiplaroxide: Three compounds isolated from PIPER imperiale
Biochemical changes caused due to Colletotrichum gleoesporides in PIPER longum.
En-acting “others”: Ethnic, gender, and racial performance in works by Eleanor Antin, Adrian PIPER , and Anna Deavere Smith
Performance of some Sudangrass, Sorghum sudanense, PIPER (Stapf) genotypes compared with the local hybrid (102)
Economic importance of PIPER species of North-East India and its potential for introduction into agroforestry systems.
Studies on osmotic dehydration of green pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Isolation of Tracheopasmolytic Compounds From PIPER cubeba Fruits
A Fallen Faith. By Dr. Sheppard. PIPER , Stephenson, and Spence.
Investigation on effect of irrigation methods on betel (PIPER betle L.) production
Carol PIPER Heming, Protestants and the Cult of the Saints in German-Speaking Europe, 1517-1531. Kirksville, MO: Truman State UP, 2003, xiii + 170 pp. (Sixteenth …
served by reiterating our concerns. It is yet another example of the truth of the old adage about paying the PIPER and calling the tune. Kassirer, an outspoken …
The” doric chariot” grounding on PIPER reef-impact assessment and remediation
Multi-asset Portfolio Systems: The Buy-side’s New Pied PIPER
He who pays the PIPER calls the tune: The role of the industry sponsor in acute stroke trials
He Who Pays the PIPER Calls the Tune’: Aden and Somaliland, c. 1869–1914
Father Nature: Fathers as Guides to the Natural World ed. by Paul S. PIPER , Stan Tag
PIPER Linn.(PIPER aceae), a newly recorded genus of Shaanxi.
Economic evaluation of betel (PIPER betle l.) cultivation in Kurunegala and Gampaha districts of Sri Lanka
Review of Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States Edited by Eric M. Coombs, Janet K. Clark, Gary L. PIPER , and Alfred F. Cofrancesco, Jr.
Alfalfa—Improvement by Breeding. CV PIPER . 94 Alfalfa—Methods of Breeding by Selection. JM WESTGATE 144
Book review: SUNIL MANGHANI, ARTHUR PIPER and JON SIMONS, Images: A Reader. London: Sage, 2006. 352 pp. ISBN 978—1412900447 (hbk); 978 …
Studies on essential oil composition of cultivars of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-V
Toxicities of the PIPER ine an amide from the PIPER species
The influential factors to plant regeneration from callus of bearing PIPER nigrum Linn.
Evaluation of fungal pathogens of PIPER guineense seeds and their effects on germination
Economic analysis of marketing of betel (PIPER betle L.) leaf in Kurunegala and Gampaha districts of Sri Lanka
Occurrence of anthracnose in bush black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Chemical Genomics and Drug Discovery; Toxicological evaluation of a new compound isolated from the root of PIPER chaba
Effect of type of fertilizer on growth and yield of betel (PIPER betle l.) vines
A Study of Naturally Occurring Viral Diseases of Betelvine (PIPER belle L.) and their Management : A Review
Encapsulation of PIPER sarmentosum within ca-alginate beads
Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil and extracts of PIPER chaba Hunter
Regeneration and establishment of whole plants from kava (PIPER methysticum Forster) meristems in tissue culture
Phytohormone producing azospirillum from pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) rhizosphere
The Role That Asexual Reproduction Plays in the Regeneration of Tropical PIPER Shrubs: Habitat Differences and Genetic Consequences
Search for macro-and microscopic markers from genuine fruits of PIPER species and its adulterants.
Bio-chemical studies on the Effect of Melia Azedarach and PIPER Longum in Hepatotoxic Liver Diseases
… and neolignans of PIPER regnelii (Miq.) C. DC. var Pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck; Avaliacao da atividade antifungica de extratos e neolignanas de PIPER regnelli (Miq.) C …
Lazarus, Mary and Martha: Social-scientific approaches to the gospel of John. By Philip F. esler and Ronald PIPER : Book reviews
Phylogeny, morphology, and the evolution of ant-plant associations in PIPER section Macrostachys (PIPER eceae)
Antioxidant effect of PIPER nigrum on hepatocyte membrane and LDL oxidation and non
… becomes truth: Biblical feminist and evangelical complementarian hermeneutics (Kenneth Burke, Letha Scanzoni, Nancy Hardesty, Wayne Gruden, John PIPER ).
Kava Kava: PIPER Methysticum
Symptoms of bacterial blight and identification of the causal organism on PIPER betle Linn.
Cinnamamides from PIPER capense with affinity to the benzodiazepine site on the GABAA receptor
Bioactive C-geranylated metabolites from PIPER crassinervium: biological and biosynthetic studies
The Case for Sweeping Reforms of Employee Benefits: What We Should Demand of Employees, Unions and Government-The 25th Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Microbial metabolism of kava lactones from PIPER methysticum
PIPER aduncum helps fusariosis control and growth promotion in black pepper.
Effects of PIPER longumine Isolated from PIPER longum L. on Platelet Aggregation and VSMC Proliferation
Studies on bioaccumulation of 198Au by an alkaloid extracted from fruits of PIPER nigrum (Family: PIPER aceae)
X-band ESR study on evaluation of radicals induced in pasteurized pepper [PIPER nigrum]
Book Review: International Education for the Millennium: Toward Access, Equity and Quality edited by Benjamin PIPER , Sarah Dryden-Peterson and Young …
Alkamides, ACAT inhibitors from the fruits of PIPER longum
Antibacterial activity of cold and hot extracts of PIPER nigrum fruit by disc diffusion method.
Development of hand gel with betel crude extract (PIPER betle Linn.).
… .: Det konservative Folkepartis historie i et halvt århundrede, 1915-1965. København, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1966. Ill. Bind I: Jørgen Hatting: Fra PIPER til Christmas Møller …
High caryophyllene black pepper germplasm (PIPER nigrum)
Original Research Lipid lowering effects of PIPER sarmentosum Extract in Ovariectomy-induced Obese Rats
Effectiveness and Safety of Botanical Pesticides Applied in Black Pepper (PIPER Nigrum) Plantations
Spasmolytic activity of PIPER nigrum fruit aqueous extract on rat nonpregnant uterus
Bio-chemical studies on the hepatoprotective effect of Eclipta alba and PIPER longum.
Effects of PIPER sarmentosum extract and glycyrrhizic acid on blood pressure and body weight in ovariectomized rats
Soil mycoflora in the rhizozphere of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and their antagonisms against Phytophthora capsici Leon.
Prevention of postoperative intraperitoneal adhesions in rats by alcoholic extract of PIPER longum an experimental study
Kava (PIPER methysticum) Safety Concerns and Studies on PIPER methystine, an Alkaloid in Kava
… of PIPER methysticum extract on chemical bond of the radiopharmaceutical sodium iodide (I {sup 123}) to blood elements; Estudo da influencia do extrato de PIPER …
Effects of PIPER longum fruit, PIPER sarmentosum root and quercus infectoria nut gall on amoebiasis in mice and small intestine motility in rats and guinea-pigs
Changes in forage quality of Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) stapf) II. Yield, energy and protein feeding value
Variability in Phytophthora capsici (Leonian) isolates of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) based on nutritional preferences and isozyme profiles.
EVALUATION OF THE TOXICITY OF Elettaria cardamomum AND PIPER nigrum EXTRACTS AGAINST larvae of Culex pipiens L.
Antileishmanial efficacy of PIPER betle L. extract and its fractions against experimental visceral leishmaniasis
PIPER betel-A Gold Mine for Antioxidative and Anti-ulcer Drug
Insecticidal action of PIPER nigrum seed powder and its dust formulations on Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)(Coleoptera: Bruchidae).
Тн: family of PIPER , in Sweden, possess a curious antique chain, to which the following tradition is attached. It was given by the Devil to their founder, in a remote age …
Field evaluation of PIPER guineense and spilanthes mauritiana powder as mosquito larvicides in Kilifi district, Kenya
Effect of various nitrogen fertilizer doses on yield and some quality attributes of Sorghum x sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench x Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) …
Serious Renal Dysfunction After Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Can be Predicted: Brown JR, DeVries JT, PIPER WD, et al. Am Heart J 2008; 155: 260–6
Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Germplasm with High Oleoresin Content and Bold Berries
PIPER longuminine from PIPER longum with inhibitory effect on alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone-induced melanin production
Studies on analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities of methanol extract of PIPER sarmentosum leaves in experimental animals
Growth and nutrient uptake of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) varieties in nursery as influenced by the application of Pseudomonas fluorescens and …
In vitro anthelmintic screening of PIPER longum against Toxocara cati.
Efektifitas Sistem Fertigasi Kendi pada Tanaman Lada Perdu (PIPER nigrum Linn)(Effectiveness of Pitcher Fertigation System on Bushes Pepper Crops)
PIPER betel Leaves: A Potential Gold Mine of Radioprotective and Photoprotective Compounds
The long-chain paraffin constituents of rose-petal wax. By AC CHIBNALL, HA EL MANGOURI and SH PIPER ……………. 506
San Jose, San Jose State College: Dead End, Pied PIPER , Dybbuk, Hollow Crown (readers’ theatre), Man for All Seasons, Rivals, Madame
Factor affecting dissemination of becterial leaf spot (Xanthomonas campetris pv. betlicola) disease and identification of resistant varieties of betel (PIPER betle l.)
… and silicon carbide fibers for improving in vitro plant regeneration and Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in Sudan grass [Sorghum sudanense (PIPER )]
Robotized thermal and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of pepper [PIPER nigrum] mild mottle virus infection in Nicotiana benthamiana
Antimicrobial effects of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarifa L.) and betel leaves (PIPER betle L.) on the growth of food-related bacteria including foodborne pathogens.
The effect of betle (PIPER betle L.) leaf juice pretreatment on the pharmacokinetics of propranolol on male white rat
Inhibitory and inductive effects of kava -kava ( PIPER methysticum Forst) on human cytochrome P450 enzymes
Insecticidal and synergistic properties of PIPER nigrum seed extracts investigated using acute toxicity assays and gene expression profiling of Drosophila melanogaster
… of importance because of our belief in the sovereignty of our loving and merciful God. In Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, John PIPER and friends tackle …
Pyrazines and Pyridines from Black Pepper Oil (PIPER nigrum L.) and Haitian Vetiver Oil (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash)
Faulting within Upper Jurassic claymore Mbr and PIPER Fm sandstones of the Witch Ground Graben, Outer Moray Firth, UKCS.
TJ Barrett, Fine-grained Sediments: Deep-Water Processes and Facies edited by DAV Stow and OJW PIPER /123 JS Bell, The Caribbean-South American Plate …
Insecticidal activity of extracts of black pepper PIPER nigrum (PIPER aceae) on progeny of grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
Therapeutic evaluation of a combination of Bambusa arundinacea, Calotropis gigantea, PIPER nigrum, Zingiber officinole, Colchicum autoummale, Asphalt and …
A comparative study of the inhibitory effects of three plants extract; PIPER guinenese (Uziza), Tapinathus bangnensis (Awuse) and Xylopia aethiopicum (Uda) on the …
Comparison of Spasmolytic Activities of PIPER longum, P. sarmentosum and Quercus infectoria Extracts with Loperamide and Verapamil in Rat and Guinea Pig …
Biological activities of 3, 4, 5-trimethoxybenzenopropanic acid and extract from PIPER tuberculatum Jacq. fruits with anti-snake venom and Leishmaniosis potential …
… , Shinya Nishida 430 The Preparation of Lignans via Intermolecular Cycloadditions with Quinodimethanes John Mann, Susan E. PIPER 432 Methoxyphenyldiazirine as …
Paul Scheffer: Augenzeuge im Staate Lenins. Ein Korrespondent berichtet aus Moskau 1921-1930. R. PIPER & Go. Verlag, Munchen, 1972. 449 s. DM3B.
… : An evaluation and history of major awards for children’s books in the English-speaking world. New ed. Shenstone, Lichfield, Staffs: Pied PIPER Publishing, 2005. 464p …
… . By Steven G. Laitz, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, xxii+ 714 pp. The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis. By Jane PIPER Clendinning, and Elizabeth …
668: Neighbour of the Beast, by Andrew PIPER
17. Music Do I Hear? Homer, Borges, And The Pied PIPER
Coll. No. 5529 of IISR, Calicut (INGR 08099; IC398868) PIPER (PIPER thomsonii)
23 (I-9) Novel Dimeric Amide Alkaloids from the Roots of PIPER nigrum and their Biomimetic Synthesis by Diels-Alder Reactions
Pictor Ignotus, 68-69″ Pied PIPER of Hamelin, The,” 63″ Pietro of Abano,” 63-64″ Rabbi Ben Ezra,” 61, 63 Return of the Druses, The, 57
… & Witsch 1976. 587 s.; DM 32. KD Bracher: Zeitgeschichtliche Kontroversen. Um Faschismus, Totalitarismus, Demokratie. München, R. PIPER & Co. 1976. 159 …
Fatigue in Brazilian cancer patients, caregivers, and nursing students: a psychometric validation study of the PIPER Fatigue Scale-Revised
Conventional and modern propagation techniques in PIPER nigrum
Overview for various aspects of the health benefits of PIPER longum linn. fruit
PIPER umbellatum L.: a comparative cross-cultural analysis of its medicinal uses and an ethnopharmacological evaluation
Phytochemical evaluation and antioxidant activity of PIPER cubeba and PIPER nigrum
Enacting Others: Politics of Identity in Eleanor Antin, Nikki S. Lee, Adrian PIPER , and Anna Deavere Smith
Chemistry and pharmacology of PIPER longum L
In vitro antifungal activity of hydroxychavicol isolated from PIPER betle L
Adrian PIPER : race, gender, and embodiment
Isolation of PIPER dine from PIPER nigrum and its antiproliferative activity
Alkaloids from PIPER sarmentosum and PIPER nigrum
Bioactivities of PIPER aduncum L. and PIPER obliquum Ruiz & Pavon (PIPER aceae) essential oils from eastern Ecuador
Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of PIPER longum Linn a review
Comparative morphoanatomy of PIPER betle L. cultivars in India.
A study on the mixing proportion in groundwater samples by using PIPER diagram and Phreeqc model
Efficient regeneration and antioxidant potential in regenerated tissues of PIPER nigrum L.
… oils composition and insecticidal effect of different tissues of PIPER capense L., PIPER guineense Schum. et Thonn., PIPER nigrum L. and PIPER umbellatum L. grown in …
Trypanocidal activity of PIPER arboreum and PIPER tuberculatum (PIPER aceae)
Chemistry and in vitro antioxidant activity of volatile oil and oleoresins of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Chemical Variation in PIPER aduncum and Biological Properties of Its Dillapiole‐Rich Essential Oil
In vitro conservation of PIPER aduncum and PIPER hispidinervum under slow-growth conditions
Variability in essential oil composition of PIPER dilatatum LC Rich
IFRS monopoly: the Pied PIPER of financial reporting
Antimalarial Activity of Methanolic Leaf Extract of PIPER betle L.
Tissue culture of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Pakistan
Antibacterial activity of PIPER betle leaves
Synergistic effects of amides from two PIPER species on generalist and specialist herbivores
Quantitative estimation of PIPER ine in PIPER nigrum and PIPER longum using high performance thin layer chromatography
Development of RAPD markers for authentication of PIPER nigrum (L.)
Amides from PIPER capense with CNS Activity – A Preliminary SAR Analysis
Achieving reliability and high accuracy in automated protein docking: ClusPro, PIPER , SDU, and stability analysis in CAPRI rounds 13–19
Antimicrobial, antioxidative and antihemolytic activity of PIPER betel leaf extracts
Antiinflammatory activity of PIPER longum fruit oil
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune: Power and the direct payment relationship
Chemistry, cytotoxicity and antileishmanial activity of the essential oil from PIPER auritum
Intrinsic anticarcinogenic effects of PIPER sarmentosum ethanolic extract on a human hepatoma cell line
Diferuloylmethane augments the cytotoxic effects of piplartine isolated from PIPER chaba
Antimicrobial property of PIPER betel leaf against clinical isolates of bacteria
Acaricidal activity and chemical composition of the essential oil from three PIPER species
PIPER betle Linn. a maligned Pan-Asiatic plant with an array of pharmacological activities and prospects for drug discovery
… composition and insecticidal effect of different tissues of PIPER capense L., PIPER guineense Schum. et Thonn., PIPER nigrum L. and PIPER umbellatum L. grown …
Antihyperlipidemic Compounds from the Fruit of PIPER longum L.
Investigations on PIPER betle grown in Sri Lanka
Comparative studies on the antimicrobial activity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) extracts
Cytotoxic Amide Alkaloids from PIPER boehmeriaefolium
In vivo anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the aqueous extract of the leaves of PIPER sarmentosum
The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS): a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial using an aqueous extract of PIPER methysticum
Antibacterial effects of extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and PIPER guineense on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Profiling of PIPER betle Linn. cultivars by direct analysis in real time mass spectrometric technique
Efficacy of chemically characterized PIPER betle L. essential oil against fungal and aflatoxin contamination of some edible commodities and its antioxidant activity
Anti-secretory, anti-inflammatory and anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of several fractions isolated from PIPER carpunya Ruiz & Pav.
In Vitro Investigation of the Potential Immunomodulatory and Anti-Cancer Activities of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum) and Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
Hepatoprotective amide constituents from the fruit of PIPER chaba: Structural requirements, mode of action, and new amides
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts of betel leaves (PIPER betle) from solvents with different polarities
Drying of Betel Leaves (PIPER betle L.): Quality and Drying Kinetics
Aqueous extract of PIPER sarmentosum decreases atherosclerotic lesions in high cholesterolemic experimental rabbits
PIPER ine production by endophytic fungus Periconia sp. isolated from PIPER longum L.
Endophytic bacterial flora in root and stem tissues of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) genotype: isolation, identification and evaluation against Phytophthora capsici
Neurocognitive effects of kava (PIPER methysticum): a systematic review
Potential plant growth-promoting activity of Serratia nematodiphila NII-0928 on black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Properties of PIPER ovatum Vahl
Who pays the PIPER ? The political economy of freedom of information
Antiquorum sensing activity of essential oils isolated from different species of the genus PIPER
Evaluation of antihistaminic activity of PIPER betel leaf in guinea pig
Inhibitory efficacy of PIPER nigrumlinn. extract on corrosion of AA1100 IN HCl
The pied PIPER
The degradation kinetics of flavor in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Protective effect of PIPER longum Linn. on monosodium glutamate induced oxidative stress in rats
Phytotoxicity of Sarmentine Isolated from Long Pepper (PIPER longum) Fruit
Antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of betel leaf (PIPER betle L.) against some food borne pathogens
A new hypoxia inducible factor-2 inhibitory pyrrolinone alkaloid from roots and stems of PIPER sarmentosum
Antiparasitic activity of prenylated benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER species
PIPER sarmentosum as an antioxidant on oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by hydrogen peroxide
Biological activity of the essential oil from the leaves of PIPER sarmentosum Roxb.(PIPER aceae) and its chemical constituents on Brontispa longissima (Gestro) …
Chemical composition, oviposition deterrent and larvicidal activities against Aedes aegypti of essential oils from PIPER marginatum Jacq.(PIPER aceae)
Hydroxychavicol: a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor obtained from the leaves of betel, PIPER betle
Insecticidal properties of PIPER nigrum fruit extracts and essential oils against Spodoptera litura.
Use of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) as feed additive in broilers diet
Antifungal activity of natural and synthetic amides from PIPER species
Alkaloids from PIPER nigrum and PIPER betle
Chemistry and Biological Activity of Essential Oils from PIPER Claussenianum (PIPER aceae)
Antimicrobial activity of PIPER arboreum and PIPER tuberculatum (PIPER aceae) against opportunistic yeasts
Antifungal compounds from PIPER species
Antiproliferative effect of the methanol extract of PIPER crocatum Ruiz & Pav leaves on human breast (T47D) cells in-vitro
Chemical composition and cytotoxic, mutagenic and genotoxic activities of the essential oil from PIPER gaudichaudianum Kunth leaves
Chemical Compositions, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of PIPER caninum Blume
Evaluation of the cytotoxic and leishmanicidal activity of extracts and fractions of PIPER cumanense and PIPER holtonii
Green synthesis of silver-protein (core–shell) nanoparticles using PIPER betle L. leaf extract and its ecotoxicological studies on Daphnia magna
Antimicrobial activity of PIPER ine purified from PIPER nigrum
PIPER idine alkaloids from PIPER retrofractum Vahl. protect against high-fat diet-induced obesity by regulating lipid metabolism and activating AMP-activated protein …
Antiplatelet effects of piplartine, an alkamide isolated from PIPER tuberculatum: possible involvement of cyclooxygenase blockade and antioxidant activity
Pro-apoptotic effect of the landrace Bangla Mahoba of PIPER betle on Leishmania donovani may be due to the high content of eugenol
Comparative chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of berry and leaf essential oils of PIPER nigrum L
Re-introduction of kava (PIPER methysticum) to the EU: is there a way forward?
Pellitorine, a Potential Anti-Cancer Lead Compound against HL60 and MCT-7 Cell Lines and Microbial Transformation of PIPER ine from PIPER Nigrum
Toxicity of PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER ales: PIPER aceae) from the Amazon forest for the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)
Inhibitory Effects of Black Pepper (PIPER Nigrum) Extracts and Compounds on Human Tumor Cell Proliferation, Cyclooxygenase Enzymes, Lipid Peroxidation and …
Caffeic Acid Esters and Lignans from PIPER sanguineispicum
HPTLC method for analysis of PIPER ine in fruits of PIPER species
Temporal dynamics of primary motor cortex gamma oscillation amplitude and PIPER corticomuscular coherence changes during motor control
Activity-guided isolation of antileishmanial compounds from PIPER hispidum
Anti-oxidant activity of PIPER longum Linn.
Dihydroisocoumarins produced by Xylaria sp. and Penicillium sp., endophytic fungi associated with PIPER aduncum and Alibertia macrophylla
Sesquiterpenes from Xylaria sp., an endophytic fungus associated with PIPER aduncum (PIPER aceae)
In vitro morphogenesis and cell suspension culture establishment in PIPER solmsianum C. DC.(PIPER aceae)
Acute toxicity against Artemia franciscana of essential oils isolated from plants of the genus Lippia and PIPER collected in Colombia
PIPER ine, a PIPER idine alkaloid from PIPER nigrum re-sensitizes P-gp, MRP1 and BCRP dependent multidrug resistant cancer cells
Antioxidant, anti-TB activities, phenolic and amide contents of standardised extracts of PIPER sarmentosum Roxb
Chemical composition of essential oils of PIPER jacquemontianum and PIPER variabile from Guatemala and bioactivity of the dichloromethane and methanol extracts
Antifungal activities of compounds isolated from PIPER abutiloides Kunth
Laetispicine, an amide alkaloid from PIPER laetispicum, presents antidepressant and antinociceptive effects in mice
Redeeming Singleness (Foreword by John PIPER ): How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life
Genetic diversity analysis in PIPER species (PIPER aceae) using RAPD markers
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of vellaikodi variety of PIPER betle Linn leaf oil against dental pathogens.
Determination of the percentage inhibition of diameter growth (PIDG) of PIPER betle crude aqueous extract against oral Candida species
Antimicrobial activity of flavonoids from PIPER lanceaefolium and other Colombian medicinal plants against antibiotic susceptible and resistant strains of Neisseria …
Derivatives of Pheophorbide‐a and Pheophorbide‐b from Photocytotoxic PIPER penangense Extract
Neolignans from PIPER kadsura and their anti-neuroinflammatory activity
The n-hexane and chloroform fractions of PIPER betle L. trigger different arms of immune responses in BALB/c mice and exhibit antifilarial activity against human …
Antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity screening of sumatran kaduk (PIPER sarmentosum Roxb.)
… bacteria and evaluation of selected isolates for suppression of burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis Thorne) using three varieties of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L …
Antimicrobial efficacy of fruit extracts of two PIPER species against selected bacterial and oral fungal pathogens
Bacteriostatic effect of PIPER betle and Psidium guajava extracts on dental plaque bacteria.
Effects of ethanol extract of PIPER guineense seeds (Schum. and Thonn) on the conception of mice (Mus Musculus)
The Antimicrobial Activity, Mosquito Larvicidal Activity, Antioxidant Property and Tyrosinase Inhibition of PIPER Betle
Compatibility of Piriformospora indica and Trichoderma harzianum as dual inoculants in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
New amide alkaloid from the aerial part of PIPER capense Lf (PIPER aceae)
Antiproliferative activity of aqueous extract of PIPER betle L. and Psidium guajava L. on KB and HeLa cell lines
PIPER sarmentosum increases nitric oxide production in oxidative stress: a study on human umbilical vein endothelial cells
PIPER sarmentosum inhibits ICAM-1 and Nox4 gene expression in oxidative stress-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cells
The invasive shrub PIPER aduncum in Papua New Guinea: a review
Anti-hepatotoxic and anti-oxidant effects of extracts from PIPER nigrum L. root
Nutrition of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-a Brazilian experience
Antioxidant Capacity and Larvicidal and Antifungal Activities of Essential Oils and Extracts from PIPER krukoffii
Inhibitory Effects of Bakuchiol, Bavachin, and Isobavachalcone Isolated from PIPER longum on Melanin Production in B16 Mouse Melanoma Cells
Antifungal Activity of Essential Oil and Extracts of PIPER chaba Hunter Against Phytopathogenic Fungi
Becoming a citizen of the world: Deleuze between Allan Kaprow and Adrian PIPER
Validation of drying models and rehydration characteristics of betel (PIPER betel L.) leaves
Bioactivity guided isolation of mosquito larvicide from PIPER longum
Design, development and evaluation of oral herbal formulations of PIPER nigrum and Nyctanthes arbortristis.
Antinociceptive effect of crude extract, fractions and three alkaloids obtained from fruits of PIPER tuberculatum
Control of Fusarium wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici using leaf extract of PIPER betle L.: a preliminary study
The chemical constituents of PIPER kadsura and their cytotoxic and anti-neuroinflammtaory activities
Antinociceptive properties of conocarpan and orientin obtained from PIPER solmsianum C. DC. var. solmsianum (PIPER aceae)
Improving the knowledge on PIPER betle: Targeted metabolite analysis and effect on acetylcholinesterase
Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of PIPER betel leaves.
HPLC Analysis of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Compressed Propane Extracts from PIPER amalago L. with Antileishmanial Activity
Geranylation of benzoic acid derivatives by enzymatic extracts from PIPER crassinervium (PIPER aceae)
Fire in the night: The PIPER Alpha disaster
Comparative Phytochemical Evaluation and Antioxidant Assay of PIPER longum L. and PIPER chaba Hunter Used in Indian Traditional Systems of Medicine
The revised PIPER fatigue scale (PFS-R) for Italian cancer patients: a validation study
Prenylated benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER aduncum L. and P. hostmannianum C. DC.(PIPER aceae)
Novel dimeric amide alkaloids from PIPER chaba Hunter: isolation, cytotoxic activity, and their biomimetic synthesis
Antileishmanial activity of nerolidol-rich essential oil from PIPER claussenianum
Ideotype concept in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
What is there between Minneapolis and St. Andrews? A Third Way in the PIPER -Wright Debate
Will paying the PIPER change the tune?
Antioxidant and antihepatotoxic activities of ethanolic crude extract of Melia azedarach and PIPER longum
… activity against Candida albicans, C. parapsilopisis, Candida krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans of essential oils from leaves of PIPER and Peperomia species
Growth enhancement of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) by a newly isolated Bacillus tequilensis NII-0943
PIPER sarmentosum enhances fracture healing in ovariectomized osteoporotic rats: a radiological study
Allelopathic Activity of PIPER sarmentosum Roxb.
Antimicrobial and wound healing activities of PIPER hayneanum
Simultaneous determination of bioactive compounds in PIPER nigrum L. and a species comparison study using HPLC-PDA
Estrogenic and serotonergic butenolides from the leaves of PIPER hispidum Swingle (PIPER aceae)
Simultaneous UFLC–ESI–MS/MS determination of PIPER ine and PIPER longuminine in rat plasma after oral administration of alkaloids from PIPER longum L.: Application …
Chemical constituents from PIPER longum
A new species and three taxonomic changes in PIPER (PIPER aceae) from Thailand
Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum) and Its Bioactive Compound, PIPER ine
How not to build a supercontinent: A reply to JDA PIPER
Repellency of essential oil of PIPER aduncum against Aedes albopictus in the laboratory
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the black pepper, PIPER nigrum L.(PIPER aceae)
Antifungal activity of PIPER diospyrifolium Kunth (PIPER aceae) essential oil
Anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive and antipyretic effects of the ethanol extract from root of PIPER sarmentosum Roxb
Bioassay-Guided Isolation of Constituents of PIPER sarmentosum Using a Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential Assay
Bioactive markers based pharmacokinetic evaluation of extracts of a traditional medicinal plant, PIPER sarmentosum
Geographic variation in host-specificity and parasitoid pressure of an herbivore (Geometridae) associated with the tropical genus PIPER (PIPER aceae)
PIPER peltatum: biomass and 4-nerolidylcatechol production
Isolation and characterization of eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci from an endemic species, PIPER polysyphonum (PIPER aceae)
Standardization and in vivo antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of fruit and leaf of PIPER sarmentosum
Isolation and plant growth-promoting properties of rhizobacterial diazotrophs from pepper vine (PIPER nigrum L.).
Chemical constituents from tiger’s betel, PIPER porphyrophyllum NEBr. (Fam. PIPER aceae)
Proximate and qualitative analysis of different parts of PIPER sarmentosum, and quantification of total amides in various extracts
Two new amides with cytotoxic activity from the fruits of PIPER longum
Pharmacognostical studies on leaf of PIPER betle
Cumanensic acid, a new chromene isolated from PIPER cf. cumanense Kunth.(PIPER aceae)
Chemometric analysis of ESIMS and NMR data from PIPER species
Green synthesis of silver-protein (core–shell) nanoparticles using PIPER betle L. leaf extract and its ecotoxicological studies on Daphnia magna
Secretory cells in PIPER umbellatum (PIPER aceae) leaves: a new example for the development of idioblasts
Inhibitory effect of essential oils of Allium sativum and PIPER longum on spontaneous muscular activity of liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica
The effect of PIPER betel extract on the wound healing process in experimentally induced diabetic rats
The lignan eudesmin extracted from PIPER truncatum induced vascular relaxation via activation of endothelial histamine H1 receptors
Evaluation of genetic diversity in PIPER spp using RAPD and SRAP markers
Assessing cancer-related fatigue: the psychometric properties of the Revised PIPER Fatigue Scale in Italian cancer inpatients
Isolation and evaluation of endophytic bacteria against plant parasitic nematodes infesting black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
β-sitosterol among other secondary metabolites of PIPER galeatum shows inhibition of TNFα-induced cell adhesion molecule expression on human endothelial cells
The primordial inflation polarization explorer (PIPER )
Paying the PIPER and calling the tune?: A meta-regression analysis of the double-dividend hypothesis
Influence of temperature, light and plant growth regulators on germination of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) seeds
Effect of PIPER betle on cardiac function, marker enzymes, and oxidative stress in isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity in rats
Isolation, spectroscopic characterization and computational modeling of chemical constituents of PIPER longum natural product
Two new ceramides from the stems of PIPER betle L.
20 Years on lessons learned from PIPER Alpha. The evolution of concurrent and inherently safe design
Composition of the Essential Oil of PIPER bavinum C. DC. from Vietnam
Invasive competitor and native seed predators contribute to rarity of the narrow endemic Astragalus sinuatus PIPER
The Effect of Microwaves on Essential oils of White and Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) and their Antioxidant Activities
Standardization of spray-dried powder of PIPER betle hot water extract
Scanning electron microscopic study of PIPER betle L. leaves extract effect against Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175
A study on the micro-propagation and antioxidant activity of PIPER longum (an important medicinal plant)
The comparison of antioxidative and proliferation inhibitor properties of PIPER betle L., Catharanthus roseus [L] G. Don, Dendrophtoe petandra L., Curcuma …
The effect of PIPER aduncum Linn.(Family: PIPER aceae) essential oil as aerosol spray against Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus Skuse
Modulation of ionizing radiation induced oxidative imbalance by semi-fractionated extract of PIPER betle: an in vitro and in vivo assessment
Accelerated stability and chemical kinetics of ethanol extracts of fruit of PIPER sarmentosum using high performance liquid chromatography
Proclaiming a Cross-Centered Theology (Contributors: Thabiti M. Anyabwile, John MacArthur, John PIPER , RC Sproul)
Antimicrobial Activity of PIPER gaudichaudianum Kuntze and Its Synergism with Different Antibiotics
Antibacterial activity of PIPER longumine an alkaloid isolated from methanolic root extract of PIPER Longum L
Chemical investigation of aliphatic compounds of PIPER betle (leaf stalk)
Seed transmission of PIPER yellow mottle virus in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L).
Development and in-home testing of the pretoddler inhalable particulate environmental robotic (PIPER Mk IV) sampler
The comparative ability of antioxidant activity of PIPER crocatum in inhibiting fatty acid oxidation and free radical scavenging
Acute and subchronic toxicity study of the water extract from the fruits of PIPER chaba Hunter in rats
Optimization of DNA Extraction from Seeds of Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.
Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of PIPER capense essential oil against the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae
Activity of the Extracts and Neolignans from PIPER regnellii against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Secrets of the piped PIPER : strategies for composing music for young musicians
Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS): A mixed methods RCT using an aqueous extract of PIPER methysticum
S/he who pays the PIPER calls the tune? Professionalism, developmentalism, and the paucity of in‐service education within the research profession
Main constituents and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil of PIPER artanthe
Antibacterial activity of fresh leaves of PIPER betle linn
Studies on the neuroprotective role of PIPER longum in C6 glioma induced rats
Strong spatial genetic structure in five tropical PIPER species: should the Baker–Fedorov hypothesis be revived for tropical shrubs?
… and screening of antifungal activity against Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cladosporium cladosporioides of essential oils of leaves and fruits of PIPER species
Three new compounds from PIPER montealegreanum Yuncker (PIPER aceae)
Essential Oil Composition From Leaves and Fruits of PIPER divaricatum G. Mey.
Analysis of genetic diversity of PIPER spp. in Hainan Island (China) using inter-simple sequence repeat ISSR markers
The quantum Co-evolution unit: an example of ‘Awa (Kava—PIPER methysticum G. Foster) in Hawaiian culture
He who pays the PIPER calls the tune’: Household Entertainments
A new amide, PIPER chabamide F, and two new phenylpropanoid glycosides, PIPER chabaosides A and B, from the fruit of PIPER chaba
Final report on the safety assessment of PIPER methysticum leaf/root/stem extract and PIPER methysticum root extract
Cytotoxicity evaluation and characterization of chloroform extract of leaf of PIPER sarmentosum possessing antiangiogenic activity
Larvicidal effects of crude extracts of dried ripened fruits of PIPER nigrum against Culex quinquefasciatus larval instars
For the Fame of God’s Name: Essays in Honor of John PIPER
Scientific validation of PIPER nigrum by HPLC and anti-oxidative assay markers.
Studies on antidepressant and antinociceptive effects of ethyl acetate extract from PIPER laetispicum and structure–activity relationship of its amide alkaloids
Paying the PIPER
Sequestration of prenylated benzoic acid and chromenes by Naupactus bipes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) feeding on PIPER gaudichaudianum (PIPER aceae)
Antioxidant activity and quantitative composition of extracts of PIPER species from Guatemala with potential use in natural product industry
Evaluation of PIPER aduncum Linn. essential oil (Fam: PIPER aceae) against Periplaneta americana (L.)
Study on the contents of aristololactams in PIPER wallichii and their renal cytotoxicities
Caldensinic acid, a prenylated benzoic acid from PIPER caldense
Hepatoprotective action of ethanolic extracts of Melia azedarach Linn. and PIPER longum Linn and their combination on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats
Offshore integrity management 20 years on-an overview of lessons learnt post PIPER alpha
Antibacterial activity and quantitative determination of protein from leaf of Datura stramonium and PIPER betle plants
Anti-mycobacterial activity of PIPER longum L. fruit extracts against multi drug resistant Mycobacterium Spp
Hydrolysis of methyl benzoate from PIPER arboreum by Naupactus bipes beetle
Synthesis of coruscanones A and B, metabolites of PIPER coruscans, and related compounds
Effects of PIPER sarmentosum water extract on 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 bioactivity in ovariectomy-induced obese rats.
Chabamides F and G, two novel dimeric alkaloids from the roots of PIPER chaba hunter
Antibacterial effects of extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and PIPER guineense on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Antileishmanial activity of 3-(3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) propanoic acid purified from Amazonian PIPER tuberculatum Jacq., PIPER aceae, fruits
M1 cytogenetic and physiological effects of gamma-rays in sudan grass (Sorghum Sudanense (PIPER .) Stapf)
Evaluation of antileishmanial activity of eupomatenoid-5, a compound isolated from leaves of PIPER regnellii var. pallescens
A new amide alkaloid from the leaves of PIPER sarmentosum
PIPER sarmentosum Roxb protects lungs against oxidative stress induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
Chemical diversity of essential oils of 15 PIPER species from Guatemala
Comparison of volatile compounds in pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) by simultaneous distillation extraction (SDE) and GC-MS
Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial potentials of Alangium salvifolium and PIPER longum against multi-drug resistant bacteria from clinical isolates
A study case on Timiz(PIPER Capense)
A study on the RAPD and SCAR molecular markers of PIPER species
Molluscicidal effect of PIPER guineense
Insecticidal Properties of Zingiber officinale and PIPER cubeba Essential Oils Against Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
A C-Glycosylflavone from PIPER ossanum, a Compound Conformationally Controlled by CH/π and Other Weak Intramolecular Interactions
Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression and endogenous gene silencing in PIPER colubrinum Link. by vacuum infiltration
The Pied PIPER of the ghetto: Lyndon Johnson, environmental justice, and the politics of rat control
Radical scavenging ability of some compounds isolated from PIPER cubeba towards free radicals
Effects of phytochemicals from Carica papaya roots and seeds and PIPER guineense seeds on germination of spores of Colletotrichum destructivum.
Effect of PIPER longum Linn on histopathological and biochemical changes in isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in rats.
Effectiveness of PIPER betle leaf infusion as a palpebral skin antiseptic
Laboratory evaluation of West African black pepper (PIPER guineense) seed powder against maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Mots.)
Adulticidal Activity of Olea vera, Linum usitatissimum and PIPER nigera against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti under Laboratory Conditions
Physiological, morphological and biochemical characteristics of the sexual propagation of PIPER aduncum (PIPER aceae)
PIPER rhythm in the activation of the gastrocnemius medialis during running
Alkamides from PIPER longum and PIPER nigrum as Inhibitors of IL-6 action
Remembering the PIPER alpha disaster
Kava (PIPER methysticum)
Paying the PIPER : the cost of Ca2+ pumping during the mating call of toadfish
Anti lipid peroxidation activity of PIPER trioicum Roxb. and Physalis minima L. extracts.
Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil from PIPER amalago L.
New records of Ponthieva brenesii (Orchidaceae) y PIPER xanthostachyum (PIPER aceae) in the State of Veracruz, México
Climbing black pepper (PIPER guineense) seeds as an antisickling remedy
Efficacy of PIPER aduncum extract against the adult housefly (Musca domestica)
The effect of acute and chronic (short and long term) oral administrations of black pepper (PIPER guineense) aqueous extract on the body weight and …
The influence of contracts on smallholder pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) producers in Costa Rica under different market conditions
The primordial inflation polarization explorer (PIPER ): Optical design
Seasonal Evaluation and Chemical Composition of Volatile Fractions from PIPER claussenianum by Hydrodistillation and SPME
First report of a’Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’-related strain associated with a yellows disease of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in India.
Proteomic evaluation on antiplatelet activity of PIPER longumine derived from PIPER longum
Molluscicidal activity of PIPER cubeba Linn., PIPER longum Linn. and Tribulus terrestris Linn. and their combinations against snail Indoplanorbis exustus Desh.
Studies on the Epidemiology of Leaf Rot and Leaf Spot Diseases of Betel Vine (PIPER Betle L.)
Commissioning reform in the NHS: will he who pays the PIPER ever really call the tune?
The developmental basis of an evolutionary diversification of female gametophyte structure in PIPER and PIPER aceae
A comparative study on corrosion inhibition of mild steel using PIPER nigrum L. in different acid medium
Effective spore density of Glomus mosseae, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), for inoculation of rooted cuttings of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.)
Evaluation of sanitizing efficacy of acetic acid on PIPER betle leaves and its effect on antioxidant properties
Phytochemical studies and GC/MS analysis on the isolated essential oil from the leaves of PIPER betle L. var. Sirugamani1 (SGM1)
Free radical scavenging activity of ethanolic leaves extract and its different solvent fractions of PIPER betle L. in vitro
Fatigue-related decrease in PIPER rhythm frequency of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle during isometric contractions
Use of copper sulphate for controlling systemic contamination in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cultures.
Studies on the chemical constituents of the stems of PIPER betle
PIPER rhythm of the electromyograms of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle during isometric contractions
Mosquito repellent activity of PIPER betel Linn.
Effect of storage conditions on free radical scavenging activities of crude plant material of PIPER longum
Practicing Affirmation (Foreword by John PIPER ): God-Centered Praise of Those Who Are Not God
Translocation and distribution of 32P labelled potassium phosphonate in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L)
Effects of culture filtrates of endophytic fungi obtained from PIPER aduncum L. on the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Characterizing the cauline domatia of two newly discovered Ecuadorian ant plants in PIPER : an example of convergent evolution
Neuroprotective action of PIPER longum against MPTP-induced changes in mouse brain
Bioactivity of PIPER guineense Schum. & Thonn seed and Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf powder against Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)
Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of root extracts of PIPER Chaba
The effect of Psidium guajava and PIPER betle extracts on the morphology of dental plaque bacteria
Effect of PIPER betle on plasma antioxidant status and lipid profile against D-galactosamine-induced hepatitis in rats
Search for TNF-alpha sensitivity degradation principles from medicinal foods-hepatoprotective amide constituents from Thai natural medicine PIPER chaba
… molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and c-reactive protein following administration of aqueous extract of PIPER sarmentosum on experimental …
Potential roles of essential oil and extracts of PIPER chaba Hunter to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes
Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of PIPER maingayi Hk. F.
Screening of PIPER cubeba (Linn) fruits for anti-ulcer activity.
An extract of Zingiber officinale and PIPER retrofractum combination and its effect to cancer cell line
Studies on bio-accumulation of 51 Cr by PIPER nigrum
Discriminative-stimulus and time-course effects of kava-kava (PIPER methysticum) in rats
Survivability of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cuttings from different portions of vine and growing media
Identification of Phytophthora and nematode-resistant sources from open-pollinated progenies of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) using a modified protocol.
PIPER (PIPER aceae) in the Solomon Islands: the climbing species
Management of foot rot of betel vine (PIPER betle L.) caused by Phytophthora parasitica Dastur
Antimicrobial activity of the extract and fraction of red betel leaf (PIPER betle Linn.)
A census of PIPER L.(PIPER aceae) in Terai, Duars and the hills of Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas
Active compounds isolated from red betel (PIPER crocatum Ruiz & Pav) leaves active against Streptococcus mutans through its inhibition effect on …
An efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocol for black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) using embryogenic mass as explant
Chemical constituents from air-dried PIPER longum
A clinical trial of Pippali (PIPER longum Linn.) with special reference to Abheshaja
Identifying sequences potentially related to resistance response of PIPER tuberculatum to Fusarium solani f. sp. PIPER is by suppression subtractive hybridization
Composition Comparison of Essential Oils Extracted by Hydrodistillation and Microwave-assisted Hydrodistillation from Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Grown in …
… evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum, Pochonia chlamydosporia and Pasteuria penetrans in a root knot nematode infested black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) garden in …
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the lectin from Canavalia boliviana PIPER seeds
Antioxidant activity of combined ethanolic extract of Eclipta alba and PIPER longum Linn.
Single tube duplex PCR for simultaneous detection of Phytophthora capsici and Radopholus similis infecting black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
PIPER protrusum (PIPER aceae), a new species from southern Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence
Insecticidal activity of long-pepper essential oil (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.) on fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Prenylhydroxybenzoic acid compounds with pungent activity from PIPER arieianum (CDC) leaves
Intraspecific variability of dihydrochalcone, chromenes and benzoic acid derivatives in leaves of PIPER aduncum L.(PIPER aceae)
Evaluation of the acute toxicity, genotoxicity and mutagenicity of ethanol extract of PIPER aduncum
Differential induction of chitinase in PIPER colubrinum in response to inoculation with Phytophthora capsici, the cause of foot rot in black pepper
Death and oil: A true story of the PIPER Alpha disaster on the North Sea
In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of extracts, fractions, and eupomatenoid-5 obtained from PIPER regnellii leaves
Anti-hepatotoxic and anti-oxidant effects of extracts from PIPER nigrum L. root
Cytochalasins produced by Xylaria sp., an endophytic fungus from PIPER aduncum
Fly ash-Excellent filler for black pepper, PIPER nigrum dust formulation against Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)
Study of the glow curve structure of the minerals separated from black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Alkaloids and lignans from stems of PIPER betle
The effects of extracts of PIPER guineense seeds on insect pest damage to cowpea plants
… impact do major civilian disasters have upon medicine? Bradford City Football Club stadium fire, 1985, King’s Cross Underground fire, 1987, PIPER Alpha offshore oil …
Evaluation of antiulcer activity of PIPER betel leaves extract in rats
In vitro antioxidant activity of Zingiber officinale, PIPER retrofractum, and their combinations
Mediation of cholino-PIPER ine like receptors by extracts of PIPER nigrum induces melanin dispersion in Rana tigerina tadpole melanophores
Contributing factors in PIPER PA28 and cirrus SR20 aircraft accidents
Inseticidal activity of PIPER hispidum (PIPER aceae) leaves extract on (Hypothenemus hampei)
Who Pays the PIPER ?
Efficacy of fungicides and bioagents against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing blight in PIPER longum.
Ecological behaviour and biogeography of endemic species of the genus PIPER L. in Africa: A case of the Guineo-Congolean region
Potentially allelopathic effects of the essential oils of PIPER hispidinervium C. DC. and Pogostemon heyneanus (Benth) on weeds
Neolignans and lignan from PIPER wallichii
Cardiovascular effects of two amides (PIPER ine and PIPER dardine) isolated from PIPER tuberculatum Jacq.
Performace of rooted cuttings of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) with organic substitution of nitrogen
Cloning and characterization of two osmotin isoforms from PIPER colubrinum
Observations on PIPER hymenophyllum Miq.: A Rare Wild PIPER species in Sri Lanka
PIPER aduncum fallows in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea
Caldensinic acid, a benzoic acid derivative and others compounds from PIPER carniconnectivum
Lipase catalyzed regioselective hydrolysis of Crotepoxide isolated from PIPER cubeb Cass DC
SPAR profiles for the assessment of genetic diversity between male and female landraces of the dioecious betelvine plant (PIPER betle L.)
Chemical characterization and acaricidal activity of the essential oil from PIPER aduncum subsp. ossanum against Varroa destructor.
Antifungal Activity and Nail Permeation of Nail Lacquer Containing PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. CD. var. pallescens (C. DC.) Yunck (PIPER aceae) Leave Extracts and …
Analgesic effect of ethanol extract of long pepper (PIPER retrofractum Vahl) on mice Swiss-Webster strain
Effect of PIPER longum Linn. in monosodium glutamate toxicity in rats.
A Study of John PIPER as a Pastor-Preacher
Distribution and ecology of root mealybugs associated with black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linnaeus) in Karnataka and Kerala, India.
Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia Dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak PIPER SP. Asal Papua
Molecular characterization of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) using RAPD and SSR markers
Inhibitory effects of ethanolic extract of PIPER trioicum on amylase, lipase and α-glucosidase.
Protective Effect of PIPER longum Fruits against Experimental Myocardial Oxidative Stress Induced Injury in Rats
Effects of Methanol Extract of PIPER umbellatum Leaves on Contraceptive and Sexual Behaviour in Rodents
Isolation and identification of antioxidant compounds leaf betel seating (PIPER sarmentosum Roxb. Ex Hunter)
Biomass production and chemical composition of essential oil of PIPER callosum as affected by spacing in Manuas-Amazonas State, Brazil.
Chemical composition of essential oils from leaves of Helicteres guazumifolia (Sterculiaceae), PIPER tuberculatum (PIPER aceae), Scoparia dulcis (Arecaceae) and …
He Who Pays the PIPER Calls the Tune’: Muslim Sponsors of Islamic Revival in Crimea
PIPER sarmentosum prevents glucocorticoid-induced osteoporotic bone resorption by increasing 11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 activity
Adaptation studies of PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.(long pepper) species in Itajaí Valley-SC, by the chemical composition of essential oil obtained by microwave and …
Alternative fuels and developing nations: who will pay the PIPER
Anti-adipogencic Effect of PIPER Nigrum Linne
Environmental variables and PIPER assemblage composition: a mesoscale study in the Madeira-Purus interfluve, Central Amazonia
Effects of PIPER kadsura Ohwi on natal rat microglial activation
Rapid identification of bacterial isolates from aqueous kava (PIPER methysticum) extracts by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing
Thinking. Loving. Doing.(Contributions by: R. Albert Mohler Jr., RC Sproul, Rick Warren, Francis Chan, John PIPER , Thabiti Anyabwile): A Call to Glorify God …
Development and Validation of a Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Method for Quantitative Determination of Butenolides in PIPER malacophyllum (C. Presl) C …
Effects of PIPER sarmentosum (Kaduk) water extract on adiponectin and blood glucose levels in ovariectomy-induced obese rats.
Integrated nutrient management (INM) in long pepper (PIPER longum L.).
Administering’Operation Pied PIPER ‘-how the London County Council prepared for the evacuation of its schoolchildren 1938-1939
Pharmacognostic study on the leaf of PIPER betle L
Vegetative propagation of wild species of the genus PIPER , with potential for use as rootstocks in black pepper (PIPER nigrun)
Insights into the mechanism of PIPER betle leaf‐induced contact leukomelanosis using C57BL/6 mice as the animal model and tyrosinase assays
Identification and Separation of Cannabis sativa, Embleia ribes, Myristica fragrans and PIPER longum from Organic Extract on Silica Gel Surface with Anionic Micellar …
Komposisi Kimia dan Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri PIPER gibbilimbum C. Dc.: PIPER aceae
PIPER Alpha oil and gas platform disaster, July 6, 1988
Anti-plaque activity of PIPER betle leaf extracts
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the hexane and benzene extracts of the PIPER betle (leaf stalk)(Family: PIPER aceae) from India
Townscape, anti-scrape and surrealism: Paul Nash and John PIPER in The Architectural Review
Bioefficacy of methanolic root extract of PIPER longum L. against isolated strains of Keratinophilic fungi
Isolation of three compounds from the roots of PIPER officinarum
The Fences Between Us (Dear America): The Diary of PIPER Davis, Seattle, Washington, 1941
The use of traditional treatment modalities with special mention of PIPER sarmentosum in treatment of bone fracture
Thermogravimetric analysis of long pepper (PIPER hispidinervium C. DC.) essential oil
In vitro antioxidant capacity of fractions from PIPER peltatum L. leaves.
Administering ‘Operation Pied PIPER ‘–how the London County Council prepared for the evacuation of its schoolchildren 1938–1939
In vitro antifungal activity of crude extracts of PIPER tuberculatum.
Analysis of the genetic relationship between PIPER methysticum and pepper by AFLP
Damage location using added masses in PIPER Tomahawk aircraft wing
Implicit egotism on the baseball diamond: Why Peter PIPER prefers to pitch for the Pittsburgh Pirates
Incidence of Erythrina gall wasp (Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim), an invasive insect pest on Erythrina spp., in major black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) areas of Kerala and …
Left Out By the Pied PIPER : The UN Response to Children in Localized Conflict Settings
Evaluation of Propagation Methods by Seeds and Cuttings in PIPER aduncum (PIPER aceae)
Light and temperature in the seed germination of long pepper (PIPER hispidinervum) and monkey pepper (PIPER aduncum)
Effect of PIPER kadsura Ohwi on learning and memory of Alzheimer’s disease model in rat
A sesquiterpenlactone pseudoguaianolide type from PIPER Berlandieri l.(PIPER aceae)
Simultaneous Determination of Ten Active Components in 12 Chinese PIPER Species by HPLC
The Third Way: Mediation of Products Claims in the PIPER Aircraft Trust
Putative transgenic plants through in planta transformation against Phytophthora foot rot in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
Effect of PIPER extracts on pork stability
Antimicrobial activity and HPTLC profiling of PIPER longum Linn. after microbial decontamination by gamma irradiation.
Effect on human sperm mitochondrial activity by PIPER betle and Calendula officinalis
One Step Purification of PIPER ine Directly from PIPER nigrum L. by High Performance Centrifugal Partition Chromatography
The Pied PIPER of Hamelin
Chemical and microbiological study of the essential oil of PIPER auritum Kunth (Caisimón de anís).
Notes on PIPER rubroglandulosum (PIPER aceae) in Thailand
The efficacy of Xylopia aethiopica and PIPER guineense seeds powder on Sitophilus oryzae mortality
Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age by Andrew PIPER
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil from the leaves of PIPER lanceaefolium a plant traditionally used in Colombia.
James Gifford, ed., Pied PIPER of Lovers by Lawrence Durrell
Dichamanetin, a C-benzylated flavonoid from PIPER sarmentosum inhibits cell growth and induces G1 cell cycle arrest in cancer cells through mitochondrial-mediated …
The PIPER calls the tune: How uilleann bagPIPER s averted obsolescence through technology, networks and community
… SIX SPECIES OF WILD PIPER : PIPER baccatum Blume, PIPER firmum Blume, PIPER majusculum C. DC, PIPER miniatum 1 Blume, PIPER crocatum Ruiz & Pav. and PIPER …
Nematicidal activity of Strychnos nuxvomica leaf and its constituents against the Radopholus similis infesting black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.).
… loss due to aleyrodid flies Singhiella pallida (Singh) and Aleurocanthus rugosa Singh and control of Singhiella pallida (Singh) in betelvine (PIPER betle L.) ecosystem.
Study of allelopathic effect of water extracts of Vicia villosa (Roth.) on the initial development of different varieties Sorghum sudanense (PIPER (Stapf.)).
Fractionation of Active Components from PIPER cf. fragile Essential Oil as Aromatherapy for Anti-Obesity
Biological control of foot rot of betelvine (PIPER betel L.) caused by Phytophthora parasitica dastur
Paying the PIPER : Is Culture Ever Free?
Chemical characterization and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of PIPER marginatum Jacq.
Physiological and molecular variation among the two genders of PIPER betel L.
Extraction efficiency of water, ethanol and supereritical carbon dioxide for amide content from fruit of PIPER sarmentosum using colorimetry and high performance liquid …
Antioxidant activity of water extracts from thermally treated black pepper (PIPER nigrum, Linn.) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn.).
Increased prevalence of wheeze associated with elevated levels of particulate matter (PM) measured by a child surrogate robot (PIPER )
Effect of organic nutrition on the performance of betel vine (PIPER betle L.)’Ambadi’
Antipyretic Activity of PIPER nigrum and Nyctanthes arbor-tristis in Different Dosage Forms
Purification, Characterization and N‐terminal Sequence Analysis of Betel Leaf (PIPER betle) Invertase
Paying the PIPER : Funding local government retiree health care benefits
Performance of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L) as intercrop with coconut in the alluvial plains of West Bengal.
Modelling of freezing kinetics of extract of betel leaves (PIPER betle L.)
Evaluation of antiulcerogenic potential of PIPER betel leaves extract as an adjuvant therapy with omeprazole against stress ulcers in rats
Integrated nutrient management for intercropping long pepper (PIPER longum) in coconut garden.
Comparative study of the quality factors of two different cultivars of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)-Karimunda and Panniyur-I.
Atividade fungicida do óleo essencial de PIPER marginatum L.(PIPER aceae) sobre Fusarium oxysporum (Schlecht) in vitro
Efficacy of fungicides and bioagents on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing blight in PIPER longum
PIPER Reed, Navy Brat
Purification and identification of apoptosis modulator PIPER nonaline from PIPER longum Linn. against prostate cancer cells
Inhibitory effects of essential oil of Allium sativum and PIPER longum on gross visual motility and glucose uptake of Fasciola gigantica and Gigantocotyle explanatum
In vitro and in vivo selection of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) mutants tolerant to Fusariosis
Flora of the Itatiaia National Park – Brazil: Manekia and PIPER (PIPER aceae)
Effects of dihydrocubebin, a lignan isolated from Indonesian plant PIPER cubeba, on the histamine release from rat mast cells
Studies on Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) cultivars by sensory and instrumental techniques.
Drying and solid-liquid extraction of hydroxychavicol and eugenol from betel leaves (PIPER betle L.)
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on growth performance of PIPER longum L.(PIPER aceae) under sterilized soil conditions
In vitro antileishmanial activity of hydroalcoholic extract, fractions, and compounds isolated from leaves of PIPER ovatum Vahl against Leishmania amazonensis
Effects of Powder and Extract from PIPER sarmentosum Roxb. Leaves and Tinospora crispa Miers. ex Hook. F\& Thoms. Stems on Blood Glucose Level Hematological …
Comparison and bioevaluation of PIPER longum fruit extracts.
The proverbial” Pied PIPER “: a festschrift volume of essays in honor of Wolfgang Mieder on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Fungitoxic potential of the essential oil the PIPER hispidinervum (long-pepper) against phytopathogenic fungi Bipolaris sorokiniana, Fusarium oxysporum e …
Above-ground net primary production of plains rough fescue [Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER ] after a single defoliation on five landform elements
Disease prediction model of foot rot and leaf rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.) caused by Phytophthora parasitica in West Bengal.
Effects of seasonality and the size of host plants on abundance of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) galls on PIPER arboreum (PIPER aceae)
Antin and PIPER
Paying the PIPER : Performing rights organizations and their role in the retail function
Isomerization of essential oil of (PIPER hispidinervium) C. DC to obtain isosafrole
Studies on the Effects of Phosphine on Salmonella enterica Serotype Enteritidis in Culture Medium and in Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum)
John PIPER . Myfanwy PIPER
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory and Hypoglycemic Activities of PIPER trioicum Extract
John PIPER , Myfanwy PIPER : Lives in Art
PIPER Airport Site 1: A Stewart Complex Settlement in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Study of the anti-inflammatory and antitumour effects of a hydroethanolic extract of the plant PIPER marginatum
Tissue culture of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Pakistan.
Anxiety-reducing tropical plants: Phytochemical and pharmacological characterization of Souroubea sympetala and PIPER amalago
Survey of Colletotrichum blight of PIPER Betle
Study on technology of supercritical fluid extract on white PIPER .
Differential Expression of Gene of Streptococcus Mutans in Response to Treatment with PIPER Betle Aqueous Extract–A Research Framework
Development and Validation of UV Spectroscopic Method for the Quick Estimation of PIPER Betle Leaf (PBL) Extract
Current status of the PIPER experiment
Inhibition Of Thioacetamide–Induced Liver Fibrosis By PIPER Nigrum Linn
Re L (A child)(Contact: Domestic violence): Commentary by Christine PIPER , Judgement by Felicity Kaganas
Phytochemical and biological evaluation of PIPER muricatum Blume for standardisation towards development of health care product
Cardiac cholesterol granulomas in a PIPER gurnard, Trigla lyra (L.)
Patterns of genetic variation in Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER across the Canadian Prairie
Refining the tobacco dependence phenotype using the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives: Correction to PIPER et al.(2008).
Clinical Study of PIPER Retrofractum Vahl.(Javanese Long Pepper) Extracts as an Androgenic Phytopharmaca in Male Hypogonadism
Microbial Metabolism of Yangonin, a Styryl Lactone from PIPER methysticum (Kava)
Toxicology:’PIPER Methysticum’, Kava Kava
Potential of extracts of fresh and dehydrated fruits of PIPER tuberculatum Jacq.(PIPER aceae) in the development of the fall army worm.
Antifungal flavonoids isolated from PIPER septuplinervium (Miq.) C. DC (PIPER aceae)
Accelaratory effect of ethanolic extract of PIPER betel on gastrointestinal transit: involving calcium innervations in mice.
Influence of PIPER nigurm L. on corrosion inhibition of mild steel in citric acid medium.
Effects of PIPER longum L. on chills in Japanese young women: time-dependent changes in skin surface temperature and its recovery rate following the exposure to …
Essential oil components of Pogostemon heyneanus Benth, PIPER hispidinervum C. DC. and Ocimum americanum L. obtained in the Amazon.
He who pays the PIPER ?
Seasonal incidence and control of white fly (Dialeurodes pallida Singh) infestation in betel vine (PIPER betle L.)
John PIPER in Kent and Sussex’
PIPER fossil from a neotropical forest of the late cretaceous of Colombia: inferred ages of origin and patterns of diversification of the genus
First Report of Anthracnose Disease of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum) Caused by an Unknown Species of Colletotrichum
Antinociceptive, antidepressant, anxiolytic and toxicity studies on PIPER laetispicum C. DC
Who were the PIPER brothers of Leichhardt NSW?
Changes in the Antioxidant Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidation in Betel Vine (PIPER betel L.) Subjected to Water Stress
The trypanocidal action of eupomatenoid-5 isolated from PIPER regnellii var. pallescens may be related to an imbalance between the antioxidant system and ROS
AlkenylalDides froID PIPER ntaingayi Hk. F
Steven PIPER —’Evidence should be weighed not measured’
The pied PIPER of Hamelin
Steven Edward PIPER (28 February 1945-15 March 2009)
Chemical fingerprinting of PIPER muricatum Blume by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with two dimensional correlation IR spectroscopy and high performance …
Seasonal incidence and control of black fly (Aleurocanthus rugosa Singh) infesting betelvine (PIPER betle L)
Prenylated protocatechuic acid derivatives with anti-oxidant activity from PIPER heterophyllum
Comparison Between Activity and Mechanism of Inhibition of Essential Oil Betel Leaf (PIPER Betle, Linn) With Eugenol Against Some of Bacterial Pathogens
The Pied PIPER of Hamelin
Larvicidal and antioviposition effects of the volatile oils of PIPER guineense and Xylopia aethiopica on Aedes aegypti.
… Predicting Patient’s Relapse (WI-PREPARE)(appears in: The Wisconsin Predicting Patients’ Relapse Questionnaire). Copyright: Bolt, DM; PIPER , ME; McCarthy, DE; …
Pied PIPER to the Y generation
Tastan, I., Schreckenberg, R., Mufti, S., Abdallah, Y., PIPER , HM, & Schlüter, KD (2009). Parathyroid hormone improves contractile performance of adult rat ventricular …
Research concerning the using of Sorghum x Sudan Grass Hybrid (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench× Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.) in the fodder plant …
Artist Profile… Michael PIPER
Time to Pay the PIPER
Is It Time to Pay the PIPER ?
PIPER : A Musical in Three Acts
Effect of the extracts of PIPER cumanense and PIPER eriopodon in the behavior of genes involved in oxidation process of the skin
Adrian PIPER : Race, Gender and Embodiment
Obituary—GH PIPER , FGS 95
1 “The Politics of My Position” Adrian PIPER and Mythic Being
William E. PIPER : Negotiating the complexities of psychotherapy.
Universities, Futures: A Roundtable with Darin Barney, Andrew PIPER , and Joanna Zylinska
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Michael PIPER Rektor
Strong remedies. 4. PIPER nigrum in Norwegian folk tradition.
Phytochemical investigations of PIPER sarmentosum and Zanthoxyllum gilletii
Studies on Chemical Constituents of PIPER retrofractum
Natural quartz TL property and similarity in PIPER nigrum L; Propiedad TL de cuarzo natural y similitud en pimienta negra (PIPER nigrum L.)
Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities from the Root of PIPER taiwanense
PIPER : a musical in three acts: an honors thesis (HONRS 499)
PIPER , Pearl Oral History Interview
Adrian PIPER : Race, Gender, and Embodiment/Enacting Others: Politics of Identity in Eleanor Antin, Nikki S. Lee, Adrian PIPER , and Anna Deavere Smith
The Fences Between Us; The Diary of PIPER Davis
Boston Office of DLA PIPER and Massachusetts Advocates for Children
Adrian PIPER and Immanuel Kant: Toward a Synthesis of Art and Philosophy
Romantic Moderns: English Writers and the Imagination from Virginia Woolf to John PIPER
Carin Bergström, Stina PIPER : grevinna i 1700-talets Sverige (Stockholm: Atlantis, 2007). 264 s.
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of PIPER
Comparison and bioevaluation of PIPER longum fruit extracts
Dance to the PIPER : The Highland Bagpipe in Nova Scotia
Determination of Kadsurenone in Caulis PIPER kadsure by HPLC
Investing in Children: Policy Law and Practice in Context, Christine PIPER , Devon, Willan Publishing, 2008, pp. vii+ 254, ISBN 978-184392-324-4, ISBN 978-84392 …
Comparative study of antimicrobial activities of various extracts of different PIPER fruits
Dance to the PIPER : The Highland Bagpipe in Nova Scotia
In vitro antifungal activity of hydroxychavicol isolated from PIPER betle L
Dance to the PIPER : The Highland Bagpipe in Nova Scotia.
Family Responsibilities Discrimination in the Great Recession-The 32nd Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Art on an axis: this biography of John PIPER and his wife is an important addition to our understanding of mid-20th century English culture
Joint review of the mathemagician and pied PIPER : a collection in tribute to Martin Gardner
A new alkenylphenol of PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae) roots; Um novo alquenilfenol das raizes de PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae)
Natural quartz TL property and similarity in PIPER nigrum L
Studies on the antimicrobial activity of PIPER nigrum against the microbes of animal health importance
Influence of soil physico-chemical properties on productivity of black pepper (PIPER nigrumL.)
Return of the Public: Why Market Fundamentalism Failed and What Labor Can Do About It to Save the World-The 31st Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
Antiparasitic activity of flavonoids from PIPER species
… to control of fusariose in king pepper (PIPER nigrum L.); Sintese de derivados do acido maleamico para o controle da fusariose em pimenta-do-reino (PIPER …
Andrew PIPER . Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age
Who Pays the PIPER ? Agendas, Priorities and Accountabilities
Antioxidant activity in PIPER betel and Nicotiania tabaum.
Resource allocation to vegetative versus reproductive structures in PIPER sp
Strong remedies. 3. PIPER longum and P. cubeba in Norwegian folk tradition.
PIPER on Respect for Personal Autonomy and Prudential Value
Biocidal potential of essential oils of PIPER aduncum, PIPER hispidinervum and Syzygium aromaticum on important pathogenic and toxigenic microorganisms …
Health and Safety An ergonomics appraisal of the PIPER Alpha disaster
He Who Pays the PIPER : National Responses to Cross-Border Bank Crises
PIPER : Primordial Inflation Polarization Explorer
Alkenyl phenols in leaves of PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae); Alquenilfenois nas folhas de PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae)
Phytochemical and hypoglycemic effect investigation of methanolic flower extract from PIPER claussenianum
Study of in vitro and in vivo extraction of kavalactones of pharmaceutical form containing ground plant drug (PIPER methysticum G. Forster)
Hitlers Judenhass. Klischee und Wirklichkeit. By Ralf Georg Reuth. Munich: PIPER Verlag. 2009. Pp. 374. Cloth€ 22.95. ISBN 9783492051774.
The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada (by Liza PIPER )
Negative power prices. Who will have to pay the PIPER ? Market actors are affected differently
The Efficacy of PIPER crocatum Extract in Reducing the Symptoms of Physiological Fluor Albus
Development of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Method for Identity Assessment of PIPER betle L., as a Starting Material for Herbal Medicine Product
Influence of agritechnical methods of Sorghum sudanense (PIPER .) Stahf. cultivation upon productivity and sowing quality of seeds.
Evaluation of Alternative Types of Supporting Materials for Betel (PIPER betle L.) Cultivation
Investigation of main fungal diseases of pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Hainan Province and their pathogen identification.
Alkenyl phenols in leaves of PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae)
[Preliminary study of the effect of PIPER betle [Paan] leaves on the blood pressure, the pulse rate and some biochemical parameters in a sample of a faculty of …
Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of PIPER capensis Lf
Variational trivariate fitting using Worsey–PIPER macro elements on tetrahedral partitions
Antioxidants of roots of PIPER cuyabanum C. DC.(PIPER aceae)
A new species and new names in PIPER section Ottonia (PIPER aceae) in Southeast Brazil
Foreign matter identification in PIPER Nigrum samples
Bioactivity-guided isolation of leishmanicidal chalcones from PIPER delineatum
Adult Heart Muscle Cells, by HM PIPER and PG Spieck• ermann. Darmstadt: Steinkopff Verlag, 1984, 166 pages, $24.00.
“The Rubbish Pile and the Grave”: Nation and the Abject in John PIPER , Graham Sutherland and Mervyn Peake
Optimization of spray drying process of leaf extract of PIPER bettle L.(sirih)
Reply to PIPER et al.: Drosophila dietary restriction—Does it hold water?
Anti lipid peroxidation activity of PIPER trioicum roxb. and physalis minima l. extracts
Antifungal constitutes of PIPER dilatatum (PIPER aceae) roots
Development of sex-associated SCAR markers in PIPER longum L.
The biological activity of PIPER ovatine and PIPER longuminine isolated from PIPER ovatum Vahl on epimastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi
Assessment of hygienic conditions of ground pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) by means of two methodologies for detecting the light filth.
< The> effect of psidium guajava and PIPER betle extracts on the morphology of dental plaque bacteria
Activity-guided isolation of antileishmanial compounds from PIPER hispidum
Bowles, John P. Adrian PIPER : Race, Gender, and Embodiment. Durham: Duke UP, 2011. Browner, Carol H., and Carolyn F. Sargent, eds. Reproduction, Globalization …
Antioxidant properties of leaf crude extracts of PIPER nigrum L.(PIPER aceae)
The Primordial Inflation Polarization Explorer (PIPER ): Instrument Description.
Peculiarities of photosynthetic activity and yield formation in Sorghum sudanense (PIPER .) Stahf. sowings depending on the rates and methods of sowing.
Genome-wide Expression Profiling of PIPER ine and PIPER nigrum Linne
The degradation kinetics of flavor in black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Effect of drip irrigation on yield, nutrient uptake and of bush pepper (PIPER nigrum) intercropped in coconut garden.
A Review of Potentials of Black Pepper (PIPER Nigrum L.) to Replace Antibiotics in Monogastric Animal Nutrition
Spatial analysis of chemical attributes of the soil and productivity in the black pepper crop (PIPER nigrum, L.).
Lectures 15: program 16: the PIPER at Hanging Rock gate
Volatile constituents of essential oil isolated from the leaves of PIPER chaba hunt. Occuring in Bangladesh
Investigation on extraction of oleoresin from black pepper (PIPER nigrum) and its antioxidant properties
Comparison of antioxidant activities and free radical scavenging potential of black and white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) essential oils.
The Effect of PIPER sarmentosum on the Epicardial Fat of the Dexamethasone Treated Sprague-Dawley Rats.
PIPER Alpha and the Evolution of Inherently Safe Design and Integrity Management: An Overview of Interpretations and Lessons Learned
A Chesapeake childhood: Teaching colonial childhood history at the Geddes-PIPER House
Adult Heart Muscle Cells. Isolation, Properties and Applica-tions, edited by HM PIPER and PG Spieckermann. Darmstadt: Steinkopff, 1984; New York: Springer-Verlag …
Rickettsia Pays the PIPER ; New Actors and Some Bad Actin’
Optimization of solid-liquid extraction of betel leaves (PIPER betle L.)
Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial evaluation of the methanol extract and fractions of the leaves of PIPER umbellatum Linn (PIPER aeceae)
Responses to seasonal water deficit in two PIPER species growing in an altitudinal gradient in Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Argentina).
Volatile constituents of essential oil isolated from the leaves of PIPER chaba Hunt. occurring in Bangladesh.
Inhibitory response of drug resistant bacteria towards methanol extract of PIPER longum L. fruit
Effect of organic and inorganic sources of n on growth, yield and disease incidence of betelvine (PIPER betle l.)
Expected Circular Polarization Detection by the Primordial Inflation Polarization Explorer (PIPER )
Analysis of genetic diversity of PIPER spp. in Hainan Island (China) using inter-simple sequence repeat ISSR markers
Isolation and morphological identification of Phytophthora capsici the causal agent of foot rot disease on PIPER nigrum L.
Growth enhancement of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) by a newly isolated Bacillus tequilensis NII-0943
Biomass Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oil of PIPER callosum as Affected by Spacing in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil
Inhibitory and Bactericidal Effects of Pseuderanthemum palatiferum and PIPER betle L. Leaves Extracts Against Salmonella species
Development of HPTLC Finger Printing of Different Variety of PIPER Betle Linn Leaf Oil Grown in Tamilnadu
Antiproliferative effects of Gynandropsis gynandra and PIPER methysticum on human and lung cancer cells
Biochemical parameters of plants of pimenta longa (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.) under different conditions of cultivation in the Municipal district of Igarapé-Açu, PA.
Comparison of two equipments (teams) of extraction for reflux in the antimicrobial activity of the extracts watery, ethanolic and chloroform of PIPER nigrum L.
Drying of betel leaves (PIPER betle L.): quality and drying kinetics
Privacy, Loyalty and Free Speech: Pushing the Boundaries of the Modern Employment Relationship-The 33rd Annual Kenneth M. PIPER Lecture
PIPER ine Production by Endophytic Fungi Isolated from PIPER nigrum
Assessment of dry fruit of PIPER nigrum extract toxicity against old house borer (Hylotrupes bajulus L.) larvae.
Cytochalasin produced by Xylaria sp., a endophytic fungi of PIPER aduncum (PIPER aceae); Citocalasinas produzidas por Xylaria sp., um fungo endofitico de PIPER …
Effect of Nitrogen fertilization and seed rate on growth and forage yileld of Sudan grass Sorghum sudanense PIPER stapf
Antileishmanial Alkaloids from Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Upregulation of cyclooxygenase system and growth factors as plausable mechanism of antinuclerogenic activity of leaf of PIPER betle Linn: a molecular insight
Drying of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Using Solar Tunnel Dryer
Management of PIPER longum (L.) disease complex with bio-agents, organic amendments and chemicals.
Effect of NPK fertilization and plant population on seed yield of sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf)
A Focus on Cryogenic Engineering for the Primordial Inflation Polarization Explorer (PIPER ) Mission
Antibacterial Effect of Ximenia Americana (Linn), PIPER Guineese (Schum ET Thonn) and Dissortis Rotundifolia Triana (Pier).
Anticancer Activity of Zingiber Officinale and PIPER Retrofractum Extract Combination on Hela Cell Line
Efficacy of biodynamics, biofertilizer and farm yard manure on betelvine (PIPER betle L.) crop.
Antinociceptive, antidepressant, anxiolytic and toxicity studies on PIPER laetispicum C. DC.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of extracts of betel leaves (PIPER betle) from solvents with different polarities
Extraction and polyacrylamide gels electrophoresis analysis (SDS-PAGE) of total protein from leaves and roots of PIPER tuberculatum
Books: Romanian Writing: An Invasion of Penguins, a Pied PIPER , and Ceausescu’s Daughter
Influence of irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality of long pepper (PIPER longum L.).
Larvicidal activity of essential oils of two cultivars of PIPER betle (L) against Culex quinquefasciatus
Relationship of morphological traits and seed yield of plain rough fescue grass (Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER ) with different origins
From the Pied PIPER Infrared Reconnaissance Subsystem to the Missile Defense Alarm System: Space-Based Early Warning Research and Development, 1955-1970
SHORT COMMUNICATION The Comparative Ability of Antioxidant Activity of PIPER crocatum in Inhibiting Fatty Acid Oxidation and Free Radical Scavenging
Study on Changes in Root Systems of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L) and Support Tree (Gliricidia sepium L) between Two Consecutive Support Tree Prunings
Psychopharmacology: The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS): a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial using an aqueous extract of PIPER …
Jan M. Ziolkowski, Bridget K. Balint with Justin Lake, Laura Light and Prydwyn O. PIPER , eds. A Garland of Satire, Wisdom, and History: Latin Verse from Twelfth …
Radiation mutagenesis in the species of genus sorghum with emphasis on the sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf.).
Time to Pay the PIPER : Pension Risk Sharing, Intergenerational Equity and Dissonance with the Conceptual Paradigm of Insolvency Law in Canada
Supercritical CO2 extraction of oleoresin from black pepper (PIPER nigrum) and antioxidant activity of the oleoresin
In vitro inhibition of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides of thippali (PIPER longum) by different fungal and bacterial isolates.
Biocontrol agents and Arachis pintoi promote the growth of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) and reduce the incidence of yellow disease.
Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen on growth, productivity and disease incidence of betelvine (PIPER betle L.) in coastal-saline zone.
How Did Peter PIPER Pick a Peck of Organic Produce? An Examination of the Price Premiums and Price Behavior of Organic Produce at Wholesale and Retail Markets
… ABSTRACTS B. KIAUTA (Bergen/LB, The Netherlands) TR MITRA (Calcutta, India) P. BUCZYSKI (Lublin, Poland) W. PIPER (Hamburg, Germany) K. INOUE …
Depositional Patterns and Stratigraphic Relationships in a Sag Basin: Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring, PIPER and Sundance Formations, NW Wyoming
Adulticidal activity of olea vera, linum usitatissimum and PIPER nigera against anopheles stephensi and aedes aegypti under laboratory conditions
Alteration of uterine receptivity and modulation of uterine protein expression during periimplantation by natural product from PIPER species leads to pregnancy …
Protease inhibition activity of semi-synthetic derivatives of PIPER ine isolated from PIPER tuberculatum (PIPER aceae) from Brazilian Flora
Encapsulation of Essential Oils of PIPER Nigrum and Monodora myristica from South-West Nigeria Using Gum Arabic
Effects of Leaf Extracts from PIPER sarmentosum Roxb., Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Per. and Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. on Blood Glucose Level, Chemistry of Urine …
Antagonistic Effect of Trichoderma spp. Against Phytophthora the Foot Rot Pathogen of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
High α-radioactivity level in betel leaf (PIPER Betel) and chewing tobacco
Seasonal incidence and control of black fly (Aleurocanthus rugosa Singh) infesting betelvine (PIPER belle L).
Effect of the addition of extracts from PIPER nigrum and Cinnamon oficialis on the oxidative stability of dry-fermented sausages during cold storage.
The molluscicidal effects of extracts of Capsicum annuum (Sweet pepper), Ocimum Basilicum (Scent leaf) and PIPER nigrum (Black pepper) on fresh water snails
Betz, Edward as remembered by Bud Sullivan, Beth Mason-Gregory, Peggy Rosson, Jesse Marks, Pearl PIPER , Ted Leland, Judith Chambers, Laurence …
The Prohibition against Recovering Attorney Fees in Mortgage Foreclosure: It’s Time for Delinquent Debtors to Pay the PIPER in North Dakota
Antimicrobial effects of boesenbergia pandurata and PIPER sarmentosum leaf extracts on planktonic cells and biofilm of oral pathogens
Effect of irrigation regime and IW: CPE ratio on survival of Phytophthora parasitica Dastur causing foot and leaf rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.).
Lead uptake and its effect on plant growth and photosynthesis of PIPER sarmentosum (wild pepper) and epipremnum aureum (money plant)
… Cytotoxic on Breast Cancer Cells Line and Antioxidant of Water Extract of Catharanthus roseus [L] G. Don., Dendropthoe petandra L., Curcuma mangga Val., PIPER …
Effect of sowing date, irrigation interval, nitrogen fertilizer, harvesting stage and cutting number on fresh forage yield of sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf)
In vitro antiplasmodial activities and cytotoxicity of water extracts of PIPER rostratum Roxb., Sida rhombiforia Linn. and Tiliacora triandra (Colebr.) Diels
… and visuals commissioned by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.:” Illusion of Control” is a work with film maker Brian Cullen (UK), Uilleann PIPER Ivan Goff,(New York …
Insecticidal effectiveness of PIPER retrofractum and Tephrosia vogelii extracts against Crocidolomia pavonana and Plutella xylostella and the safety of the extracts to …
… Victorian Quartet: Four Forgotten Women Writers. Liz Thiel, Elaine Lomax, Bridget Carrington, and Mary Sebag-Montefiore. Lichfield: Pied PIPER Publishing, 2008. 296 …
Forging Fijian Camaraderie: The cultural significance and social uses of kava (yaqona)(PIPER methysticum Forst. f) in three upper watershed communities in …
… oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO2 driven by El Nino Welp, Lisa R.; Keeling, Ralph F.; Meijer, Harro AJ; Bollenbacher, Alane F.; PIPER , Stephen C.; Yoshimura …
Insecticidal activity of PIPER cubeba fruit and Tephrosia vogelii leaf extracts on the cabbage head caterpillar, Crocidolomia pavonana
Representing Segregation: Toward an Aesthetics of Living Jim Crow, and Other Forms of Racial Division. Ed. Brian Norman and PIPER Kendrix Williams. Albany: State …
Albrecht, Helmut, and Sinclair Coghill Dunnett, Chimpanzees in Western Africa (Munich, R. PIPER and Co., 1971). Bender, Ruth E., The Conquest of Deafness …
Jan M. Ziolkowski and Bridget K. Balint, eds., with, Justin Lake, Laura Light, and Prydwyn PIPER , A Garland of Satire, Wisdom, and History: Latin Verse from Twelfth …
PIPER ; A. miliaceus Roxb.; A. miliformis Schult.; Holcus exiguus Forssk.; H. halepensis L.; H. halepensis var. miliformis (Schult.) Hitchc.; H. sorghum var. exiguus …
… . There are many computational servers available for predicting protein docking and I will be evaluating five protein docking web servers: PIPER , GRAMM-X, 3D …
… -5 neolignans isolated of PIPER regnellii (Miq.) C. DC. Var regnellii with in vitro anticancer activity; Identificacao da neolignana Eupomatenoide-5 isolada da PIPER …
Efficacy of Trichoderma spp. against Phytophthora parasitica and Pythium spp. causing foot rot and leaf rot of betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
Mapping spaces. Mapping vision: Goethe, cartography, and the novel/Andrew PIPER ; Just how naughty was Berlin? The geography of prostitution and female sexuality …
… summary of measurements, data and analysis for the: Cessna 182 Skylane, Cessna 208B Caravan I, Dornier 228-202, Dornier 328-100, PIPER PA-42 Cheyenne III …
COS 25-8: The costs and benefits of mutualism: Evaluation of PIPER -ant plants along an altitudinal gradient in the north-eastern Andes of Ecuador
The Musician’s Guide to Aural Skills, by Joel Phillips, Jane PIPER Clendinning, and Elizabeth West Marvin. New York: WW Norton, 2005.
The excessive number of free radicals in human body could increase lipid peroxides and causes a variety of degenerative diseases. PIPER crocatum is a plant containing natural chemicals …
With $160 M In Hand For Fund IV, PIPER Jaffray Eyes Two New Energy Funds
H-France Review Vol. 11 (May 2011), No. 116 Jan M. Ziolkowski and Bridget K Balint (with Justin Lake, Laura Light, and Prydwyn PIPER ), eds. and trans., A …
Antileishmanial activity of 3-(3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl) propanoic acid purified from Amazonian PIPER tuberculatum Jacq…
Identification of the mechanism of action of eupomatenoid-5 isolated from PIPER regnellii var. pallescens on Trypanosoma cruzi
Coll. No. V 90/P-92 (IC266417; INGR10065), a Black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) Germplasm with Oval Shaped Berries
… , codicological, prosopographical and linguistic commentary, and indexes, including the Biographical Register of Durham Cathedral Priory (1083-1539) by AJ PIPER (3 …
F irst, a little background. 5 PIPER was born Rose Theodora Sams in New York City on 7 October 1917.6 She got her BA (majoring in art, minoring in ge
London School of Economics/Cities Regeneration Group Roy Adams OBE 17 March 2010-“Community Recovery; paying the PIPER /calling the tune”
… Pitner and Daniela Homan. Vienna: Böhlau, 2006. Pp. 260, illus. Hamann, Brigitte. Kronprinz Rudolf: Ein Leben im Verborgenen. Munich: PIPER Verlag, 2006. Pp. 544 …
HOuse-Doc-96-260 23 Apr 80 302p.: Not available in PIPER copykdue to small.
Golden heart of the nature: PIPER betle L.
The PIPER Fatigue Scale-12 (PFS-12): psychometric findings and item reduction in a cohort of breast cancer survivors
Biological role of PIPER nigrum L.(Black pepper): A review
PIPER nigrum and PIPER ine: An Update
Comparative analysis of antibacterial activity of four PIPER betle varieties
Alkaloids from PIPER : a review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology
Studies on PIPER betel of Sri Lanka
Pharmacognostical and phytochemical study of PIPER longum L. and PIPER retrofractum Vahl.
Anti-HBV active constituents from PIPER longum
Growth and survival of Salmonella in ground black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Chemical and Biological Analyses of the Essential Oils and Main Constituents of PIPER Species
Paying for the PIPER : capital and labour in Britain’s offshore oil industry
Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, and Antipyretic Activities of the Ethanol Extract of PIPER interruptum Opiz. and PIPER chaba Linn.
A New Hydroxychavicol Dimer from the Roots of PIPER betle
Plant growth promoting potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from PIPER nigrum
PIPER nigrum, PIPER betle and Gnetum gnemon- Natural Food Sources with Anti-Quorum Sensing Properties
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using PIPER longum leaf extracts and its cytotoxic activity against Hep-2 cell line
Phytofabrication and characterization of silver nanoparticles from PIPER betle broth
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of various solvent extracts, PIPER ine and PIPER ic acid from PIPER nigrum
In situ biosynthesis of Ag, Au and bimetallic nanoparticles using PIPER pedicellatum C. DC: green chemistry approach
Chemical composition and amoebicidal activity of PIPER hispidinervum (PIPER aceae) essential oil
Paying the PIPER : The high cost of funerals in South Africa
Phosphate solubilizers from the rhizosphere of PIPER nigrum l. in karnataka, India
Structural and Sensory Characterization of Key Pungent and Tingling Compounds from Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
A review of the literature and latest advances in research of PIPER sarmentosum
Antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic activity of PIPER longum root aqueous extract in STZ induced diabetic rats
Chemical characterization of essential oil constituents of four populations of PIPER aduncum L. from Distrito Federal, Brazil
Natural products for materials protection: mechanism of corrosion inhibition of mild steel by acid extracts of PIPER guineense
Antioxidant, anticancer, and apoptosis-inducing effects of PIPER extracts in HeLa cells.
Antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the methanolic extract of PIPER betle leaves
Flavonoids of PIPER sarmentosum and its cytoprotective effects against oxidative stress
Evaluation of Constituents of PIPER retrofractum Fruits on Neurotrophic Activity
PIPER betle-mediated green synthesis of biocompatible gold nanoparticles
Speed-dependent variation in the PIPER rhythm
Diversity of endophytic fungal community associated with PIPER hispidum (PIPER aceae) leaves
The Pied PIPER of Neo Liberalism Calls the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: An Analysis of Education Policy Text from 2000-2012.
Anti-tuberculosis neolignans from PIPER regnellii
Antileishmanial activity of amides from PIPER amalago and synthetic analogs
PIPER betle shows antioxidant activities, inhibits MCF-7 cell proliferation and increases activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase
Leishmanicidal activity of an alkenylphenol from PIPER malacophyllum is related to plasma membrane disruption
… of Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. essential oil, its antifungal, antiaflatoxin, antioxidant activity and efficacy as antimicrobial in preservation of PIPER nigrum L. fruits
Acaricidal activity and repellency of essential oil from PIPER aduncum and its components against Tetranychus urticae
Essential oils composition of four PIPER species from Brazil
Rapid detection of PIPER yellow mottle virus and Cucumber mosaic virus infecting black pepper (PIPER nigrum) by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
Studies on the chemical and flavor qualities of white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) derived from five new genotypes
Chemistry, antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials of white pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) essential oil and oleoresins
Antimicrobial activity of the crude extract of PIPER sarmentosum against methicilin-resistant
Histological changes in the heart and the proximal aorta in experimental diabetic rats fed with PIPER sarmentsoum
Antifungal activity of raw extract and flavanons isolated from PIPER ecuadorense from Ecuador
Cytotoxic mechanism of PIPER gaudichaudianum Kunth essential oil and its major compound nerolidol
Development and validation of rapid RP-HPLC method for estimation of PIPER ine in PIPER nigrum L
Protective effect of PIPER betle leaf extract against cadmium-induced oxidative stress and hepatic dysfunction in rats
Evaluation of antidiarrhoeal effect of Black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Paenibacillus glucanolyticus, a promising potassium solubilizing bacterium isolated from black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) rhizosphere
Phosphate-solubilizing microbes and their occurrence in the rhizospheres of PIPER betel in Karnataka, India
Occurrence, biological activities and 13C NMR data of amides from PIPER (PIPER aceae)
Pharmacognostical and phyto-physicochemical profile of the leaves of PIPER betle L. var Pachaikodi (PIPER aceae)—valuable assessment of its quality
Determination of nutrient uptake characteristic of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Phytochemical investigation of extract/solvent fractions of PIPER nigrum linn. Seeds and PIPER betle linn. Leaves
Using concept maps to assess learning of safety case studies–The PIPER Alpha disaster
The effect of cryogenic grinding and hammer milling on the flavour quality of ground pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Antioxidant, Antitubercular and Cytotoxic Activities of PIPER imperiale
Antiprotozoal activity of essential oils derived from PIPER spp. grown in Colombia
Leishmanicidal compounds from the fruits of PIPER longum
Antioxidant enzyme activity and malondialdehyde levels can be modulated by PIPER betle, tocotrienol rich fraction and Chlorella vulgaris in aging C57BL/6 mice
An Investigation of the Vegetative Anatomy of PIPER sarmentosum, and a Comparison with the Anatomy of PIPER betle (PIPER aceae)
Insecticidal activity of PIPER essential oils from the Amazon against the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Smith)(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Evaluation of the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and gastric antiulcer activities of the essential oil from PIPER aleyreanum C. DC in rodents
Inhalation of the essential oil of PIPER guineense from Cameroon shows sedative and anxiolytic-like effects in mice
Directed seed dispersal of PIPER by Carollia perspicillata and its effect on understory plant diversity and folivory
PIPER betel leaf extract: anticancer benefits and bio-guided fractionation to identify active principles for prostate cancer management
Chemical study and larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti of essential oil of PIPER aduncum L. (PIPER aceae)
Antioxidant and anti-atherogenic activities of three PIPER species on atherogenic diet fed hamsters
Three new phenylpropanoyl amides from the leaves of PIPER sarmentosum and their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities
In vitro antiparasitic activity and chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from the fruits of PIPER cubeba
Antioxidant and cytoprotective activities of PIPER betle, Areca catechu, Uncaria gambir and betel quid with and without calcium hydroxide
Growth study and essential oil analysis of PIPER aduncum from two sites of Cerrado biome of Minas Gerais State, Brazil
… and modes of action of four Cameroonian dietary spices ethno-medically used to treat cancers: Echinops giganteus, Xylopia aethiopica, Imperata cylindrica and PIPER …
In vivo and in vitro antiasthmatic studies of plant PIPER longum Linn
Palladium nanoparticles: single-step plant-mediated green chemical procedure using PIPER betle leaves broth and their anti-fungal studies
Characteristic differences in metabolite profile in male and female plants of dioecious PIPER betle L.
Morphological and molecular characterization of Fusarium spp. associated with yellowing disease of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) in Malaysia
Patterns of secondary metabolite allocation to fruits and seeds in PIPER reticulatum
A comparison of leaf crystal macropatterns in the two sister genera PIPER and Peperomia (PIPER aceae)
PIPER nigrum: micropropagation, antioxidative enzyme activities, and chromatographic fingerprint analysis for quality control
Chemical composition, circadian rhythm and antibacterial activity of essential oils of PIPER divaricatum: a new source of safrole
Impact of different fertilization methods on the soil, yield and growth performance of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
The anti-biofouling effect of PIPER betle extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and bacterial consortium
Possible Therapeutic Uses of Salvia triloba and PIPER nigrum in Alzheimer’s Disease–Induced Rats
Broad spectrum corrosion inhibition: corrosion and microbial (SRB) growth inhibiting effects of PIPER guineense extract
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase by derivatives of PIPER ine, an alkaloid from the pepper plant PIPER nigrum, for possible use in Parkinson’s disease
Photocatalytic activity of Ag nanoparticles synthesized by using PIPER pedicellatum C. DC fruits
Antimicrobial, antileishmanial and cytotoxic compounds from PIPER chaba
A rapid multi-residue method for pesticide residues determination in white and black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Effect of methanolic extract of PIPER nigrum fruits in Ethanol-CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats.
Larvicidal activities and chemical composition of essential oils from PIPER klotzschianum (Kunth) C. DC. (PIPER aceae)
Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in HCl solution using Pipali (PIPER longum) fruit extract
Chemical constituents from three medicinal plants: PIPER renitens, Siparuna guianensis and Alternanthera brasiliana
Sarmentosumols A to F, new mono-and dimeric alkenylphenols from PIPER sarmentosum
Evaluation of the powder of PIPER guineense and pirimiphos-Methly F for the control of cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)
Nephroprotective effect of Kabab chini (PIPER cubeba) in gentamycin-induced nephrotoxicity
Isolation and characterization of antidermatophytic bioactive molecules from PIPER longum L. leaves
Chemical Compositions, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oils of PIPER officinarum (PIPER aceae)
PIPER nonaline from PIPER longum Linn. induces ROS-mediated apoptosis in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells
Exoproteome and Secretome Derived Broad Spectrum Novel Drug and Vaccine Candidates in Vibrio cholerae Targeted by PIPER betel Derived Compounds
Effects of ionic surfactants on the morphology of silver nanoparticles using Paan (PIPER betel) leaf petiole extract
Does oral ingestion of PIPER sarmentosum cause toxicity in experimental animals?
Corrosion inhibition and adsorption behaviour of extracts from PIPER guineensis on mild steel corrosion in acid media
PIPER species protect cardiac, hepatic and renal antioxidant status of atherogenic diet fed hamsters
Anti-inflammatory activity of two varieties of Pippali (PIPER longum Linn.)
Purification of amide alkaloids from PIPER longum L. using preparative two-dimensional normal-phase liquid chromatography× reversed-phase liquid chromatography
Study on the phytochemical properties and proximate analysis of PIPER umbellatum (Linn) from Nigeria
Tissue distribution profiles of three antiparkinsonian alkaloids from PIPER longum L. in rats determined by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
Efficacy of an herbal formulation LI10903F containing Dolichos biflorus and PIPER betle extracts on weight management
In vitro antibacterial activity of crude extracts produced by endophytic fungi isolated from PIPER hispidum Sw
Neolignans and phenylpropanoids from the roots of PIPER taiwanense and their antiplatelet and antitubercular activities
Synergistic larvicidal effect and morphological alterations induced by ethanolic extracts of Annona muricata and PIPER nigrum against the dengue fever vector Aedes …
Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Anti-glication Effects of the Hexane Extract from PIPER auritum Leaves in Vitro and Beneficial Activity on Oxidative Stress and …
Neurobehavioral and toxicological activities of two potentially CNS-acting medicinal plants of PIPER genus
Synchronous EMG activity in the PIPER frequency band reveals the corticospinal demand of walking tasks
Isolation and characterization of PIPER ine from the fruits of black pepper (PIPER nigrum)
Screening of antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic potential of oil from PIPER longum and PIPER ine with their possible mechanism
Dihydrochalcones and benzoic acid derivatives from PIPER dennisii
In vitro efficacy of the essential oil of PIPER cubeba L.(PIPER aceae) against Schistosoma mansoni
Fungitoxic principles and invitro antifungal activity of extracts from Carica papaya and PIPER guineense on Colletothrichum destructivum.
Effect of PIPER sarmentosum extract on the cardiovascular system of diabetic sprague-dawley rats: electron microscopic study
Analysis of the blackening of green pepper (PIPER nigrum Linnaeus) berries
Phytochemistry and antimicrobial potential of basic metabolites of PIPER umbellatum, PIPER guineense, Ocimum gratissimium and newbouldia laevis extracts
Rhizobacteria of pepper (PIPER nigrum) and their antifungal activities
Antioxidant, Antiproliferative and Antimicrobial Activities of the Volatile Oil from the Wild Pepper PIPER capense Used in Cameroon as a Culinary Spice
TLC–bioautography-guided isolation, HPTLC and GC–MS-assisted analysis of bioactives of PIPER betle leaf extract obtained from various extraction techniques: In …
An in vitro study on the anti-adherence effect of Brucea javanica and PIPER betle extracts towards oral Candida
Evaluation of larvicidal activity of the methanolic extracts of PIPER alatabaccum branches and P. tuberculatum leaves and compounds isolated against Anopheles …
Extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles by endophytic Bordetella sp. isolated from PIPER nigrum and its antibacterial activity analysis.
In vitro anthelmintic activity of stem extracts of PIPER betle Linn against Pheritima posthuma
PIPER -betle-shaped nano-S-catalyzed synthesis of 1-amidoalkyl-2-naphthols under solvent-free reaction condition: a greener “nanoparticle-catalyzed organic …
Hypolipidemic effects of a new PIPER ine derivative GB-N from PIPER longum in high-fat diet-fed rats
Supercritical extraction of neolignans from PIPER regnelli var. pallescens
Antagonistic Activities of Endophytic Bacteria against Fusarium Wilt of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum).
Anti-snake venom activities of ethanolic extract of fruits of PIPER longum L.(PIPER aceae) against Russell’s viper venom: characterization of PIPER ine as active principle
Hydroxychavicol, a PIPER betle leaf component, induces apoptosis of CML cells through mitochondrial reactive oxygen species‐dependent JNK and endothelial nitric …
Performance of the Swedish version of the revised PIPER fatigue scale
Antibacterial Activity of Nigella sativa and PIPER nigrum
Comparative studies on physicochemical properties and GC-MS analysis of essential oil of the two varieties of the black pepper (PIPER nigrum Linn.)
Effect of heat treatment on the antioxidant properties of Tetrapleura tetraptera, Xylopia aethiopica and PIPER guineense
Modeling the potential geographic distribution of black pepper (PIPER nigrum) in Asia using GIS tools
Identification of sex-specific DNA markers in betel vine (PIPER betle L.)
Fungicidal activity of four essential oils from PIPER capense, PIPER borbonense and Vetiveria zizanoides growing in Comoros against fungi decay wood
Expression and functional analysis of two osmotin (PR5) isoforms with differential antifungal activity from PIPER colubrinum: prediction of structure–function relationship …
Scientific validation of folk medicinal uses in Bangladesh of PIPER betle L. leaves to alleviate pain and lower blood sugar
In vitro antioxidant and nitric oxide scavenging activities of PIPER guineense seeds
Ethnobotany and species specific molecular markers of some medicinal sakhan (PIPER , PIPER aceae)
Rapid validated HPTLC method for estimation of PIPER ine and PIPER longumine in root of PIPER longum extract and its commercial formulation
Short-Term Effects of Black Pepper (PIPER nigrum) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis and Rosmarinus eriocalyx) on Sustained Attention and on Energy and …
Antiulcer and gastric antisecretory effects of dichloromethane fraction and piplartine obtained from fruits of PIPER tuberculatum Jacq. in rats
Zingiber officinale, PIPER retrofractum and combination induced apoptosis and p53 expression in myeloma and WiDr cell lines
Isolation of PIPER ine and few sesquiterpenes from the cold petroleum ether extract of PIPER nigrum (black pepper) and its antibacterial activity
Aroma chemical composition of PIPER guineense Schumach. & Thonn. From Lagos, Nigeria: a new chemotype
Cloning and characterization of resistance gene analogues (rgas) from PIPER nigrum l. cv. semongok aman and PIPER colubrinum link
In vitro antibacterial activity of PIPER longum L. fruit
Column chromatography-free solution-phase synthesis of a natural PIPER -amide-like compound library
Antioxidant activity of Mokkathotapapada leaves of PIPER betel L. Cv. Kapoori
Direct shoot regeneration from nodal, internodal and petiolar segments of PIPER longum L. and in vitro conservation of indexed plantlets
Nutritional composition of some PIPER nigrum (L.) accessions from Nigeria
Natural recovery of rough fescue (Festuca hallii (Vasey) PIPER ) grassland after disturbance by pipeline construction in central Alberta, Canada
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic evaluation of hydroalcoholic extract and fractions from seeds of PIPER cubeba L.(PIPER aceae)
Antioxidant activity, phenolic, flavonoid and tannin content of PIPER betle and Leucosyke capitella
Comparative effect of PIPER betle, Chlorella vulgaris and tocotrienol-rich fraction on antioxidant enzymes activity in cellular ageing of human diploid fibroblasts
The PIPER forum on 20 years of fiscal decentralization: a synthesis
Hepatoprotective effect of PIPER guineense aqueous extract against ethanol-induced toxicity in male rats.
PIPER guineense (PIPER aceae): Chemistry, Traditional Uses, and Functional Properties of West African Black Pepper
Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of PIPER hispidum Sw. essential oil collected in Venezuela
Effect of diets supplemented with Ethiopian pepper [Xylopia aethiopica (Dun.) A. Rich (Annonaceae)] and Ashanti pepper [PIPER guineense Schumach. et Thonn …
Secondary metabolites isolated from PIPER chimonantifolium and their antifungal activity
The leishmanicidal activity of a cyclopentenedione derivative isolated from the roots of a native Amazonian pepper (PIPER carniconnectivum)
Germination and vigor of long-pepper seeds (PIPER hispidinervum) as a function of temperature and light
Characterization and HPLC quantification of PIPER ine isolated from PIPER guineense (fam. PIPER aceae)
In vitro regeneration system for multiplication and transformation in PIPER nigrum L.
Two New Sphingolipids from the Leaves of PIPER betle L.
In search of Watty PIPER : the history of the “Little Engine” story
Biological activities of Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae) and PIPER cubeba (PIPER aceae) essential oils against pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera …
Chemical compositions and antibacterial activity of the leaf and stem oils of PIPER porphyrophyllum (Lindl.) NE Br.
PIPER v. Big Pine School District of Inyo County: Indigenous Schooling and Resistance in the Early Twentieth Century
Development of SCAR marker for sex determination in dioecious betelvine (PIPER betle L.)
He Who Appoints the PIPER : Understanding Reasons and Implications of Agency Management’Politicisation’in Slovakia
New amide alkaloids from PIPER longum
Grain yield production of Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (PIPER ) Stapf) as influenced by cutting numbers, potassium rates, and intrarow spacing in a semiarid …
Antibiotic resistance reversal of multiple drug resistant bacteria using PIPER longum fruit extract
Pharmacological screening of herbal extract of PIPER nigrum (Maricha) and Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini) for anticonvulsant activity
Psychometric properties of the Q uick PIPER : a shortened version of the PIPER F atigue scale
Insecticidal activity of isobutylamides derived from PIPER nigrum against adult of two mosquito species, Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes aegypti
Extracts from the leaves of PIPER piscatorum (Trel. Yunc.) obtained by supercritical extraction of with CO2, employing ethanol and methanol as co-solvents
Peter PIPER picked a peck of pickled peppers: an interface for playful language exploration
Antifungal activity of extracts from PIPER aduncum leaves prepared by different solvents and extraction techniques against dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum …
Sensitive method for determination of piplartine, an alkaloid amide from PIPER species, in rat plasma samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
… donovani pteridine reductase 1: comparative protein modeling and protein–ligand interaction studies of the leishmanicidal constituents isolated from the fruits of PIPER …
Pharmacognostic specifications of eight cultivars of PIPER betle from eastern region of India
In silico characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of two evolutionarily conserved miRNAs (miR166 and miR171) from black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.)
Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in citric acid by aqueous extract of PIPER nigrum L.
Antioxidant activity of black pepper (PIPER nigrum L.) oil obtained by super critical CO2
Antibacterial activity of PIPER cubeba Linn. fruit extracts against selected bacterial pathogens in Basrah City
Toxicity, antifeedant, egg hatchability and adult emergence effect of PIPER nigrum L. and Jatropha curcas L. extracts against rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica …
A new benzoic acid derivative isolated from PIPER cf. cumanense Kunth (PIPER aceae)
New constituents from the dried fruit of PIPER nigrum Linn., and their larvicidal potential against the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti
Effect of the hexane extract of PIPER auritum on insulin release from β-cell and oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat
Chlorophyllase in PIPER betle L. has a role in chlorophyll homeostasis and senescence dependent chlorophyll breakdown
Alkamides and their biological activity from PIPER longum Linn
Indonesian oleaginous yeasts isolated from PIPER betle and P. nigrum
Heck–Matsuda Arylation as a Strategy to Access Kavalactones Isolated from Polygala sabulosa, PIPER methysticum, and Analogues
Psidium guajava and PIPER betle leaf extracts prolong vase life of cut carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) flowers
Antibacterial activity of high safrole contain essential oils from PIPER xylosteoides (Kunth) Steudel
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of leaf essential oil from PIPER malacophyllum (C. Presl.) C. DC.
Normalized trivariate B-splines on Worsey-PIPER split and quasi-interpolants
Antiviral activity of fractions from leaves of PIPER regnelli var. pallescens
Mineral composition and visual symptoms of nutrients deficiencies in long pepper plants (PIPER hispidinervum C. DC.)
Effect of PIPER betle and Brucea javanica on the differential expression of hyphal wall protein (HWP1) in non-Candida albicans Candida (NCAC) species
Pipali (PIPER longum) and Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) extracts as green corrosion inhibitor for aluminum in NaOH solution
Antibacterial and hemolytic activities from PIPER montealegreanum Yuncker (PIPER aceae)
Toxicity study of antidiabetics functional drink of PIPER crocatum and cinnamomum burmannii
New amide alkaloids from PIPER longum fruits
Alkaloids from PIPER : a review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology
White pepper extract (PIPER nigrum L.) as antibacterial agent for Streptococcus mutans in vitro
Response of Lesser Grain Borer, Rhizopertha dominica (Fabr.)[Coleoptera: Bostrichidae] to Powders and Extracts of Azadirachta indica and PIPER guineense Seeds.
Insect pest damage to leaves of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp): comparative effects of aqueous extracts of PIPER guineensis, Allium sativum and Myristica …
The primordial inflation polarization explorer (PIPER )
Review on the ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of PIPER sarmentosum: scientific justification of its traditional use
Evaluation of antimicrobial and antimalarial activities of crude extract, fractions and 4-nerolidylcathecol from the aerial parts of PIPER umbellata L. (PIPER aceae)
Standardized extract of PIPER ovatum (PIPER aceae) to control Aedes aegypti larvae (Diptera: Culicidae)
Inhibition of aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus by phenolic compounds extracted of PIPER betle L
The hanging rock PIPER : Weir, Lindsay, and the spectral fluidity of nothing
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