
Phytoecdysteroids are plant-derived ecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroids are a class of chemicals that plants synthesize for defense against phytophagous (plant eating) insects. These compounds are mimics of hormones used by arthropods in the molting process known as ecdysis. When insects eat the plants with these chemicals they may prematurely molt, lose weight, or suffer other metabolic damage and die.

Chemically, phytoecdysteroids are classed as triterpenoids, the group of compounds that includes triterpene saponins, phytosterols, and phytoecdysteroids. Plants, but not animals, synthesize phytoecdysteroids from mevalonic acid in the mevalonate pathway of the plant cell using acetyl-CoA as a precursor.

Over 250 ecdysteroid analogs have been identified so far in plants, and it has been theorized that there are over 1,000 possible structures which might occur in nature.[1] Many more plants have the ability to “turn on” the production of phytoecdysteroids when under stress, animal attack or other conditions.[2]

The term phytoecdysteroid can also apply to ecdysteroids found in fungi, even though fungi are not plants.

Some plants or fungi that produce phytoecdysteroids include Achyranthes bidentata,[3] Tinospora cordifolia,[4] Pfaffia paniculata,[5] Leuzea carthamoides,[6]Rhaponticum uniflorum,[7] Serratula coronata,[8]Cordyceps, and Asparagus.[9]

  1. … Behavioral Parameters during Learning of Rats in an Operant Feeding Task and Evaluation of Biochemical Indexes after Dietary Consumption of the phytoecdysteroid …
  2. … carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with insects-phytophagans Part 2. Variability of the composition of phytoecdysteroids in agrocoenosis and their …
  3. … Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with herbivorous insects report 2. Composition variability of phytoecdysteroids in agrocenoses and …
  4. 24 (241)[Z]-dehydroamarasterone B, a phytoecdysteroid from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides
  6. 3α,14α,22R,25-Tetrahydroxy-5β(H)-cholest-7-en-6-one, a phytoecdysteroid from Acanthophyllum gypsophiloides possessing anti-inflammatory and analgesic …
  7. 7, 8beta-dihydroponasterone A, a new phytoecdysteroid from the needles of the Japanese Yew, Taxus cuspidata
  8. A furostanol saponin and phytoecdysteroid from roots of Helleborus orientalis
  9. A new family of phytoecdysteroids isolated from aerial part of Ajuga reptans var. atropurpurea
  10. A new phytoecdysteroid
  11. A new phytoecdysteroid from Ajuga taiwanensis
  12. A new phytoecdysteroid from the roots of Achyranthes bidentata Bl.
  13. A new phytoecdysteroid from the stem bark of Vitex cienkowskii
  15. Absolute Configuration and Docking Study of Canescensterone, a Potent phytoecdysteroid, with Non‐Lepidopteran Ecdysteroid Receptor Selectivity
  16. Acceleration of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) Larval Development by phytoecdysteroid
  17. Action of phytoecdysteroids on the bile-secretory function of the normal liver and in experimental hepatitis
  18. Additional Minor phytoecdysteroids of Serratula wolffii
  19. An experimental study of the hepatoprotective properties of phytoecdysteroids and nerobol in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver lesion
  20. Analysis of phytoecdysteroids in Cultured Plants of Ajuga Nipponensis Makino
  21. Application of phytoecdysteroids in sericulture
  22. Biochemistry of sterols, cardiac glycosides, brassinosteroids, phytoecdysteroids and steroid saponins
  23. Biological activity of natural phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga iva against the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci and the persea mite Oligonychus perseae
  24. Biological activity of phytoecdysteroids and their derivatives inin vitro tests onDrosophila melanogaster cells
  25. Biological effects of phytoecdysteroids and chronic low-dose irradiation
  26. Biosynthesis of phytoecdysteroids in Ajuga hairy roots: clerosterol as a precursor of cyasterone, isocyasterone and 29-norcyasterone
  27. Biosynthetic origin of C-26 and C-27 of the phytoecdysteroids cyasterone and 29-norcyasterone in Ajuga hairy roots
  28. Biotransformations of putative phytoecdysteroid biosynthetic precursors in tissue cultures of Polypodium vulgare
  29. Characterization of phytoecdysteroid glycosides in meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) seed meal by positive and negative ion LC-MS/MS
  30. Chemotaxonomic significance of ecdysteroid agonists and antagonists in the Ranunculaceae: phytoecdysteroids in the genera Helleborus and Hepatica
  31. Chromatographic procedures for phytoecdysteroids
  32. Comparative experimental investigation of the anabolic activity of phytoecdysteroids and steranabols
  33. Complex phytoecdysteroid cocktail of Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae)
  34. Composition and location of phytoecdysteroids in Ajuga reptans in vivo and in vitro cultures
  35. Damage-induced accumulation of phytoecdysteroids in spinach: a rapid root response involving the octadecanoic acid pathway
  36. Detection of phytoecdysteroids by gustatory sensilla on chelicerae of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus
  37. Dietary effects of four phytoecdysteroids on growth and development of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella
  38. Dietary phytoecdysteroids
  39. Different responses of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. to plant extract, Ajuga reptans L., containing phytoecdysteroids depending on the time of administration.
  40. Differential response of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. to phytoecdysteroid depending on the time of administration
  41. Distribution and identities of phytoecdysteroids in the genus Briza (Gramineae)
  42. Distribution and identity of phytoecdysteroids in Gomphrena spp.(Amaranthaceae)
  43. Distribution and levels of phytoecdysteroids in plants of the genus Silene during development
  44. Distribution and levels of phytoecdysteroids within individual plants of species of the Chenopodiaceae
  45. Distribution of phytoecdysteroids in plants of Uzbekistan and the possibility of using drugs based on them in neurological practice
  46. Distribution of phytoecdysteroids in the Caryophyllaceae
  47. Dual inhibition of BACE1 and Aβ aggregation by β-ecdysone: Application of a phytoecdysteroid scaffold in Alzheimerâ s disease therapeutics
  48. Dual inhibition of BACE1 and Aβ aggregation by β-ecdysone: Application of a phytoecdysteroid scaffold in Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics
  49. E-and Z-isomers of new phytoecdysteroid conjugates from French Polynesian Microsorum membranifolium (Polypodiaceae) Fronds
  50. Early and Uniform Maturation in Silkworm Bombyx mori L. by phytoecdysteroid Extracted from a Plant of Family Caryophyllaceae
  51. Ecdysteroside, a phytoecdysteroid from Silene tatarica
  52. Effect of 20-Hydroxyecdysone, a phytoecdysteroid, on Development, Digestive, and Detoxification Enzyme Activities of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera …
  53. Effect of intragastrically injection of phytoecdysteroids on some indicators of hormonal status in rats
  54. Effect of phytoecdysteroid on Disease Incidence, Melting and Economic Characters of the Mulberry Silkworm
  55. Effect of phytoecdysteroid on incubation period and per cent fertilized egg of multivoltine mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori Linn.
  56. Effect of phytoecdysteroid on Pure Breed Performance of Silkworm Bombyx mori L.
  58. Effect of phytoecdysteroid on silk producing potential of multivoltine mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori Linn)
  59. Effect of phytoecdysteroids and nerobol on parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and phospholipid spectrum of liver mitochondrial membrane in …
  60. Effect of phytoecdysteroids and steranobols on the activity and stability of membrane-bound enzymes of liver mitochondria in experimental hepatitis
  61. Effect of phytoecdysteroids from Achyranthes aspera extracts on spinning behaviour of Bombyx mori L larvae.
  62. Effect of phytoecdysteroids on protein synthesis and Akt/mTOR signaling after downhill running in skeletal muscle of mice
  63. Effect of pRi T-DNA genes and elicitation on morphology and phytoecdysteroid biosynthesis in Ajuga bracteosa hairy roots
  64. Effective extraction of phytoecdysteroids from fronds of Matteuccia struthiopteris and Osmunda japonica
  65. Effects of ingested phytoecdysteroids in the female soft tickOrnithodoros moubata
  66. Effects of ingested phytoecdysteroids on the growth and development of two lepidopterous larvae
  67. Effects of phytoecdysteroid on the proliferation and activity of bone cells
  68. Effects of phytoecdysteroids (PEDS) Extracted from Cyanotis arachnoidea on Rumen Fermentation, Enzyme Activity and Microbial Efficiency in a Continuous …
  69. Effects of phytoecdysteroids and bemithyl on functional, metabolic, and immunobiological parameters of working capacity in experimental animals
  70. Effects of Root-knot Nematode Infection on the Content of phytoecdysteroids in Spinach
  71. Effects of root-knot nematode infection on the content of phytoecdysteroids in spinach.
  72. Effects of the ingestion of Serratula tinctoria extracts, a plant containing phytoecdysteroids, on the development of the vineyard pest Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera …
  73. Efficient determination of phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga species and Polypodium vulgare by high-performance liquid chromatography
  74. Estimation of the hypoglycemic effect of phytoecdysteroids
  75. Estrogen receptor beta is involved in skeletal muscle hypertrophy induced by the phytoecdysteroid ecdysterone
  76. Evaluation of effectiveness of a preparation on the basis of phytoecdysteroids for treatment of traumatic injuries of oral mucosa in orthodontic patients
  77. Evaluation of Various phytoecdysteroids for their Influence on Synchronization of Maturation and Economic Characters of Silkworm Bombyx mori L
  78. Extraction and monitoring of phytoecdysteroids through HPLC
  79. Feasibility study on the use of several phytoecdysteroids as biopesticides via evaluation of their interaction models with Ecdysone receptors of Helicoverpa armigera …
  80. Feasibility study on the use of several phytoecdysteroids as biopesticides via evaluation of their interaction models with ecdysone receptors of Helicoverpa armigera …
  81. Field evaluation of phytoecdysteroid (Sampoorna) for maturity and spinning in silkworm larvae, Bombyx mori L.
  82. Fluctuation of phytoecdysteroids in developing shoots of Taxus cuspidata
  83. Gustatory perception of phytoecdysteroids in Plodia interpunctella larvae
  84. High-performance liquid chromatography of the phytoecdysteroids ofMelandrium nutans
  85. Identification and quantitative analysis of the phytoecdysteroids in Silene species (Caryophyllaceae) by high-performance liquid chromatography: novel ecdysteroids …
  86. Impact of Gamma Irradiation Induced Variation in Cell Growth and phytoecdysteroid Production in Sesuvium portulacastrum
  87. Impact of phytoecdysteroid treatment on the Larval performance of multivoltine mulberry Silkworm bombyx mori linn
  88. In vitro bioassay for the effect of Ajuga reptans phytoecdysteroids on Trialeurodes vaporariorum larval development
  89. In vitro production of metabolism-enhancing phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica
  90. In vitro production of phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica
  91. Influence of Different Treatment Regimes of phytoecdysteroid on Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
  92. Influence of phytoecdysteroid on silk producing potential of Multivoltine mulberry silkworm (bombyx mori l.)
  93. Influence of phytoecdysteroid on silk producing potential of multivoltine mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.).
  95. Influence of phytoecdysteroids isolated from Coix aquatica on cocoon characteristics of silkworm Bombyx mori L.
  96. Influence of preparations containing phytoecdysteroids and plant steroid glycosides on the life span and stress resistance of Drosophila melanogaster
  97. Insect-Induced Synthesis of phytoecdysteroids in Spinach, Spinacia oleracea
  98. Interaction of a substance based on phytoecdysteroids (BTK-8L) with components of fractionated chromatin from intact rat liver
  99. Interactions between Spinacia oleracea and Bradysia impatiens: A role for phytoecdysteroids
  100. Investigation of phytoecdysteroid content in selected Indian plants and their activity in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
  101. Isolation and analysis of a new phytoecdysteroid from Cyanotis arachnoidea CB Clarke
  102. Isolation and identification of chemical constituents of phytoecdysteroids from the root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl
  103. Isolation and identification of phytoecdysteroids from juice of Serratula quinquefolia
  104. Lack of interference of common phytoecdysteroids with production of nitric oxide by immune-activated mammalian macrophages
  105. Larvicidal and brine shrimp activities of Vitex schiliebenii extracts and isolated phytoecdysteroids on Anopheles gambiae Giles SS larvae
  106. Lesterone, a new phytoecdysteroid from the seeds ofLeuzea carthamoides
  107. Limnantheoside C (20-Hydroxyecdysone 3-O-β-ᴅ-glucopyranosyl-[1→ 3]-β-ᴅ-xylopyranoside), a phytoecdysteroid from Seeds of Limnanthes alba (Limnanthaceae)
  108. Limnantheoside C (20-Hydroxyecdysone 3-O-β-ᴅ-glucopyranosyl-[1→ 3]-β-ᴅ-xylopyranoside), a phytoecdysteroid from Seeds of Limnanthes alba (Limnanthaceae)
  110. Low-Polarity phytoecdysteroids from the Juice of Serratula coronata L. (Asteraceae)
  111. Mechanisms of genoprotective action of a phytoecdysteroid drug (BTK-8L) in chromatin damage by tetrachloromethane
  112. Mechanisms of the genoprotective action of a phytoecdysteroid drug (BTK-8L) in chromatin damage by chlorofos
  113. Natural Compounds: phytoecdysteroids
  114. Neo-clerodane diterpenes and phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga decumbens Thunb. and evaluation of their effects on cytotoxic, superoxide anion generation and …
  115. New minor phytoecdysteroids from the juice of Serratula coronata L.(Asteraceae)
  116. New phytoecdysteroids from cultured plants of Ajuga nipponensis Makino
  117. New phytoecdysteroids from roots of Ajuga reptans varieties
  118. Nutraceutical interest of phytoecdysteroid in Microsorum species of French Polynesia
  119. Obtainment and Characteristics of phytoecdysteroid-Producing Аjuga turkestanica (Rgl.) Plant Cell Cultures
  120. On the distribution of phytoecdysteroids in plants
  121. Pesticidal character of phytoecdysteroids fromAjuga multiflora Bunge (Labiatae) on larvae ofCryptorrhynchus lapathi L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
  122. phytoecdysteroid accumulation in plants and bioactivities in animal models
  123. phytoecdysteroid analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-thermospray mass spectrometry
  124. phytoecdysteroid and Clerodane Content in Three Wild Ajuga Species in Israel
  125. phytoecdysteroid and its use in sericulture
  126. phytoecdysteroid C2‐hydroxylase is microsomal in spinach, Spinacia oleracea L.
  128. phytoecdysteroid changes protein content in the larvae of Bombyx mori.
  129. phytoecdysteroid constituents from Cyanotis arachnoidea
  130. phytoecdysteroid levels and distribution during development in Limnanthes alba Hartw. ex Benth.(Limnanthaceae)
  131. phytoecdysteroid overproduction in Polypodium vulgare prothalli
  132. phytoecdysteroid production by Ajuga reptans tissue cultures
  133. phytoecdysteroid profiles in seeds of Sida spp. (Malvaceae)
  134. phytoecdysteroid profiling of Silene vulgaris by UPLC-ESI-MS
  135. phytoecdysteroid turnover in spinach: Long-term stability supports a plant defense hypothesis
  136. phytoecdysteroid-enriched quinoa seed leachate enhances healthspan and mitochondrial metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans
  137. phytoecdysteroid, taxisterone, from Taxus cuspidata
  138. phytoecdysteroids and anabolic-androgenic steroids-structure and effects on humans
  139. phytoecdysteroids and antibacterial activity of the plant Coronaria flos-cuculi
  140. phytoecdysteroids and flavonoid glycosides among Chilean and commercial sources of Chenopodium quinoa: variation and correlation to physico‐chemical …
  141. phytoecdysteroids and Flavonoids from Gastrolychnis tristis
  142. phytoecdysteroids and glycoceramides from Eriophyton wallchii
  143. phytoecdysteroids and insect-plant relationships in the Chenopodiaceae
  144. phytoecdysteroids and Other Biologically Active Compounds from Plants of the Genus Ajuga.
  145. phytoecdysteroids and other constituents from the roots of Klaseopsis chinensis.
  146. phytoecdysteroids and vitamin D analogues-similarities in structure and mode of action
  147. phytoecdysteroids as antifeedants towards several beetles that include polyphagous and monophagous feeding guilds
  148. phytoecdysteroids as deterrents of insects-phytophags: effect of Serratula coronata on the development of the Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis …
  149. phytoecdysteroids as modulators of the Toxoplasma gondii growth rate in human and mouse cells
  150. phytoecdysteroids Contents of Extracts Obtained from Different Parts of Six Ferns Native to Korea
  151. phytoecdysteroids effects on mammalians, isolation and analysis.
  152. phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga iva act as potential antidiabetic agent against alloxan-induced diabetic male albino rats
  153. phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga macrosperma var. breviflora Roots
  154. phytoecdysteroids from arial parts of Ajuga chamaecistus subsp. tomentella
  155. phytoecdysteroids from Atriplex nummularia
  156. phytoecdysteroids from Digitalis ciliata and D. purpurea leaves
  157. phytoecdysteroids from Lamium spp: identification and distribution within plants
  158. phytoecdysteroids from Serratula komarovii
  159. phytoecdysteroids from Silene jenisseensis
  160. phytoecdysteroids from Silene plants: distribution, diversity and biological (antitumour, antibacterial and antioxidant) activities
  161. phytoecdysteroids from Silene praemixta
  162. phytoecdysteroids from the Aerial Part of Silene colpophylla
  163. phytoecdysteroids from the juice of Serratula coronata L.(Asteraceae)
  164. phytoecdysteroids from the rhizomes of Brainea insignis
  165. phytoecdysteroids from the roots of Achyranthes bidentata Blume
  166. phytoecdysteroids from the stem bark of Vitex doniana and their anti-inflammatory effects.
  167. phytoecdysteroids from the stem bark of Vitex doniana with anti-inflammatory activities
  168. phytoecdysteroids in Kochia scoparia (burning bush)
  169. phytoecdysteroids in seeds and plants of Rhagodia baccata (Labill.) Moq. (Chenopodiaceae)
  170. phytoecdysteroids in seeds of Lloydia serotina (Liliaceae)
  171. phytoecdysteroids in the genus Agapanthus (Alliaceae)
  172. phytoecdysteroids in the genus Asparagus (Asparagaceae)
  173. phytoecdysteroids in the Genus Microsorum (Polypodiaceae) of French Polynesia
  174. phytoecdysteroids increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cells
  175. phytoecdysteroids influence on the hormonal status and apoptosis in growing rats
  176. phytoecdysteroids of Caryophyllaceae Juss.
  177. phytoecdysteroids of Diploclisia glaucescens seed
  178. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Melandrium I. Polypodin B 22-acetate from Melandrium turkestanicum
  179. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Serratula. Ajugasterone C 20, 22-monoacetonide from Serratura wolffii
  180. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Silene. XI. 2-Deoxy-α-ecdysone 3-acetate from Silene scabrifolia
  181. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Silene. XVI. Viticosterone E 22-O-benzoate from Silene wallichiana
  182. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Silene. XVII. Ecdysterone 22, 25-di-O-benzoate from Silene scabrifolia
  183. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genus Silene. XVIII. 2-Deoxyecdysterone 20, 22-monoacetonide from Silene brahuica
  184. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusRhaponticum polypodin B 22-O-benzoate fromRhaponticum carthamoides
  185. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene
  186. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene X. Sileneoside E — 2-Deoxy-α-ecdysone 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside — FromSilene brahuica
  187. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene XII. 5α-Ecdysterone 22-O-benzoate fromSilene scabrifolia
  188. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene XIV. Brahuisterone fromSilene brahuica
  189. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene XVI. 5α-sileneoside E FromSilene brahuica
  190. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene XX. Integristerone A 25-acetate fromSilene brahuica
  191. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene. III. Sileneoside A — A new glycosidic ecdysteroid ofSilene brachuica
  192. phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genusSilene. VII. Sileneoside D — ecdysterone 3-O-α-D-galactopyranoside fromSilene brahuica
  193. phytoecdysteroids of Plants of the Silene Genus. 2-Dehydroxyecdysterone-3-O-benzoate from Silene wallichiana
  194. phytoecdysteroids of plants of theSilene genus and the dynamics of their accumulation
  195. phytoecdysteroids of plants of theSilene genus. XIX. The structure of sileneoside G
  196. phytoecdysteroids of Rhaponticum carthamoides. II. Rhapisterone B
  197. phytoecdysteroids of Rhaponticum uniflorum root
  198. phytoecdysteroids of Serratula centauroides Herb from Cisbaikalia
  199. phytoecdysteroids of Silene guntensis and their in vitro cytotoxic and antioxidant activity
  200. phytoecdysteroids of Silene linicola
  201. phytoecdysteroids of Silene viridiflora
  202. phytoecdysteroids of the East Asian Caryophyllaceae
  203. phytoecdysteroids of the plant Dianthus hoeltzeri.
  204. phytoecdysteroids of the plants of the genusSilene XV. Silenoside F — Brahuisterone 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside fromSilene brahuica
  205. phytoecdysteroids ofRhaponticum carthamoides
  206. phytoecdysteroids ofSilene nutans. II. 22-Deoxyecdysterone and features of its mass spectrum
  207. phytoecdysteroids ofSilene nutans. III. Nusilsterone
  208. phytoecdysteroids-containing extract from Stachys hissarica plant and its wound-healing activity
  209. phytoecdysteroids-from isolation to their effects on humans
  210. phytoecdysteroids: a novel defense against plant-parasitic nematodes
  211. phytoecdysteroids: a novel, non-androgenic alternative for muscle health and performance
  212. phytoecdysteroids: biological aspects
  213. phytoecdysteroids: biological effects, application in agriculture and complementary medicine (as presented at the 14-th Ecdysone Workshop, July, 2000, Rapperswil …
  214. phytoecdysteroids: diversity, biosynthesis and distribution
  215. phytoecdysteroids: isolation and biological applications
  216. phytoecdysteroids: phytochemistry and pharmacological activity
  217. phytoecdysteroids: structure, sources, and biosynthesis in plants
  218. phytoecdysteroids: understanding their anabolic activity
  219. Plant Triterpenoid Crosstalk: The Interaction of Brassinosteroids and phytoecdysteroids in Lepidium sativum
  220. Polypodium vulgare L. (Wood Fern): In Vitro Cultures and the Production of phytoecdysteroids
  221. Potential of novel phytoecdysteroids isolated from Vitex doniana in the treatment depression: Involvement of monoaminergic systems
  222. Production of phytoecdysteroids by Hairy Root Cultures of Ajuga reptans var. atropurpurea
  223. Prospects for the use of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) containing phytoecdysteroids and polyphenols
  224. Punisterone [(20R,24S)-25-Deoxy-11α,20,24-trihydroxyecdysone]:  A New phytoecdysteroid from Blandfordia punicea
  225. Quantification of 20-hydroxyecdysone, a Major phytoecdysteroid, in Ajuga Chamaecistus ssp. Tomentella Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
  226. Quinoa seeds leach phytoecdysteroids and other compounds with anti-diabetic properties
  227. Role of phytoecdysteroid Treatment Time in the Maturation Process of () Hybrid Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. When Maintained at Low …
  228. Role of phytoecdysteroids in insect pest management: A review
  229. Separation methods for phytoecdysteroids
  230. Serratula tinctoria L. and S. wolffii Andrae-promising sources of biologically active phytoecdysteroids.
  231. Side-chain cleaved phytoecdysteroid metabolites as activators of protein kinase B
  232. Sileneoside H, a New phytoecdysteroid from Silene brahuica
  233. Simultaneous determination of three phytoecdysteroids in the roots of four medicinal plants from the genus Asparagus by HPLC
  234. Small‐scale analysis of phytoecdysteroids in seeds by HPLC‐DAD‐MS for the identification and quantification of specific analogues, dereplication and …
  235. Spectral rules of phytoecdysteroids
  236. Stress-protective properties of phytoecdysteroids
  237. Structure of a novel phytoecdysteroid, vitexirone, and efficient isolation of phytoecdysteroids fromVitex fisherii
  238. Survival and metamorphosis rate of swimming crab Portunus pelagicus larvae with the use of phytoecdysteroid in the artificial feed
  239. Synthesis of natural ecdysteroids and structural analogs by chemical transformations of available phytoecdysteroids
  240. Synthesis of sidisterone, a phytoecdysteroid from Silene dioica (L.) Clairv.
  241. Systemic effects of phytoecdysteroids on the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae)
  242. Taste detection of phytoecdysteroids in larvae of Bombyx mori, Spodoptera littoralis and Ostrinia nubilalis
  243. Taxonomic distribution of phytoecdysteroids in seeds of members of the Chenopodiaceae
  244. The analysis of phytoecdysteroids in single (preflowering stage) specimens of fat hen, Chenopodium album
  245. The association of phytoecdysteroids with flowering in fat hen,Chenopodium album, and other members of the Chenopodiaceae
  246. THE EFFECT OF phytoecdysteroid OF Cycas revolua, Portulaca oleracea, AND Morus sp. ON MOLTING PERIOD, GROWTH AND SURVIVAL RATE OF TIGER …
  247. The effect of rol genes on phytoecdysteroid biosynthesis in Ajuga bracteosa differs between transgenic plants and hairy roots
  248. The first cytochrome P450 in ferns: Evidence for its involvement in phytoecdysteroid biosynthesis in Polypodium vulgare
  249. The Karlson Lecture. phytoecdysteroids: what use are they?
  250. The phytochemical, biological, and medicinal attributes of phytoecdysteroids: an updated review
  251. The phytoecdysteroid profiles of 7 species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae)
  252. The phytoecdysteroid β-ecdysone is genotoxic in Rodent Bone Marrow Micronuclei and Allium cepa L. Assays
  253. The results of experimental study of phytoecdysteroids as erythropoiesis stimulators in laboratory animals
  254. The role of phytoecdysteroids in bracken fern,Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn as a defense against phytophagous insect attack
  255. Therapeutic effect of phytoecdysteroids rich extract from Ajuga iva on alloxan induced diabetic rats liver, kidney and pancreas
  256. Thin‐Layer Chromatography of phytoecdysteroids
  257. Three new phytoecdysteroids containing a furan ring from the roots of Achyranthes bidentata Bl.
  258. Three phytoecdysteroids from Sagina japonica and potential biotransforming pathways of japonicone
  259. Tolerance of the Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to ingested phytoecdysteroids
  260. Transformations of ecdysteroids in the synthesis of their structural analogs and minor phytoecdysteroids
  261. Two Minor phytoecdysteroids of the Plant Silene Viridiflora
  262. Two new phytoecdysteroids from Sphenocentrum jollyanum Pierre root
  263. Two new phytoecdysteroids from the fern Schizaea dichotoma
  264. Two new phytoecdysteroids from the needles of Taxus Canadensis
  265. UV-protective Effects of phytoecdysteroids from Microsorum grossum Extracts on Human Dermal Fibroblasts
  266. Variation in phytoecdysteroid accumulation in seeds and shoots of Spinacia oleracea L. accessions
  267. Various in vitro systems of Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi L.): a new potential source of phytoecdysteroids?

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