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Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
Conceptualizing functional NEUROPLASTICITY
Homer2 is necessary for EtOH-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Stress, depression, and NEUROPLASTICITY: a convergence of mechanisms
Threoretical aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
Toward a theory of NEUROPLASTICITY
Antidepressants and NEUROPLASTICITY
Mitochondria and NEUROPLASTICITY
Central NEUROPLASTICITY and pathological pain
NEUROPLASTICITY subserving motor skill learning
NEUROPLASTICITY mediated by altered gene expression
The musician’s brain as a model of NEUROPLASTICITY
Learning in the fast lane: new insights into NEUROPLASTICITY
Training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in young children
Invited Review: NEUROPLASTICITY in respiratory motor control
Natural rewards, NEUROPLASTICITY, and non-drug addictions
Contribution of central NEUROPLASTICITY to pathological pain: review of clinical and experimental evidence
Evidence for four forms of NEUROPLASTICITY
Mitochondria in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurological disorders
Social influences on NEUROPLASTICITY: stress and interventions to promote well-being
NEUROPLASTICITY: from MRI to depressive symptoms
NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular resilience in mood disorders
Drug addiction as a pathology of staged NEUROPLASTICITY
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
The dark side of NEUROPLASTICITY
Buddha’s brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and meditation [in the spotlight]
The dynamic brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and mental health
Alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY in depression: the hippocampus and beyond
NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
NEUROPLASTICITY and swallowing
NEUROPLASTICITY in the context of motor rehabilitation after stroke
Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY and behavior
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY after cochlear implantation
Corticosteroid receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and its applications for rehabilitation
What blindness can tell us about seeing again: merging NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprostheses
NEUROPLASTICITY in mood disorders
Dynamic network connectivity: a new form of NEUROPLASTICITY
Structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in relation to traumatic stress
Stress during development: Impact on NEUROPLASTICITY and relevance to psychopathology
NEUROPLASTICITY failure in Alzheimer’s disease: bridging the gap between plaques and tangles
Exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY in persons living with Parkinson’s disease
NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity
Studies of NEUROPLASTICITY with transcranial magnetic stimulation
Functional and structural imaging of pain-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY, psychosocial genomics, and the biopsychosocial paradigm in the 21st century
NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery in multiple sclerosis
NEUROPLASTICITY of neocortical circuits in schizophrenia
NEUROPLASTICITY and brain repair after stroke
Modification of hippocampal neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY by social environments
Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY evoked by inflammation
NEUROPLASTICITY—exercise-induced response of peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor
D1-receptor impact on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
Brain damage and NEUROPLASTICITY: mechanisms of recovery or development?
Neural interface technology for rehabilitation: exploiting and promoting NEUROPLASTICITY
Sex differences in cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
NEUROPLASTICITY in the mesolimbic dopamine system and cocaine addiction
Vulnerability to depression: from brain NEUROPLASTICITY to identification of biomarkers
Preemptive analgesia. Clinical evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY contributing to postoperative pain.
Dynamic NEUROPLASTICITY after human prefrontal cortex damage
NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive aging: the scaffolding theory of aging and cognition
NEUROPLASTICITY and constraint-induced movement therapy
Cellular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY signaling pathways linked to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
Systems NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain: recruiting additional neural resources for successful motor performance in elderly persons
NEUROPLASTICITY following non-penetrating traumatic brain injury
Stress risk factors and stress-related pathology: NEUROPLASTICITY, epigenetics and endophenotypes
Impairments of NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular resilience in severe mood disorders: implications for the development of novel therapeutics.
Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY in the basal ganglia: the role of exercise in Parkinson’s disease
Schizophrenia as a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY
Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY–a holistic approach and future perspectives
Voluntary exercise induces a BDNF-mediated mechanism that promotes NEUROPLASTICITY
Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and magnetic resonance imaging morphometry: what is happening in the schizophrenic brain?
NEUROPLASTICITY: Evidence from aphasia
Angiogenesis, neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke
Consolidation of human motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY by D-cycloserine
Molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and pharmacological implications: the example of tianeptine
Probing the role of HDACs and mechanisms of chromatin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
How NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve protect cognitive functioning
Old dogs learning new tricks: NEUROPLASTICITY beyond the juvenile period
Development of a cortical visual neuroprosthesis for the blind: the relevance of NEUROPLASTICITY
Improving poststroke recovery: NEUROPLASTICITY and task-oriented training
Cortisol inhibits NEUROPLASTICITY induction in human motor cortex
Using NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training to improve verbal memory in schizophrenia
Influence of different estrogens on NEUROPLASTICITY and cognition in the hippocampus
NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury and training: an emerging paradigm shift in rehabilitation and walking recovery
The pathogenesis of clinical depression: stressor-and cytokine-induced alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY
Preoperative back pain is associated with diverse manifestations of central NEUROPLASTICITY
New medications for drug addiction hiding in glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive training in schizophrenia: an interim report on the effects 6 months later
Mechanisms of epilepsy progression: current theories and perspectives from NEUROPLASTICITY in adulthood and development
Serotonin affects transcranial direct current–induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
NMDA and opioid receptors: their interactions in antinociception, tolerance and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
Serotonin neurons, NEUROPLASTICITY, and homeostasis of neural tissue
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in the sensorimotor network of professional female ballet dancers
NEUROPLASTICITY regulation by noradrenaline in mammalian brain
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and NEUROPLASTICITY in bipolar disorder
Focusing effect of acetylcholine on NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor cortex
Neural circuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in mood disorders: insights for novel therapeutic targets
Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY induced by early-life stress: functional and molecular aspects
Signaling pathways regulating gene expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neurotrophic mechanisms in the action of antidepressants: a critical overview
Antipsychotic drugs and NEUROPLASTICITY: insights into the treatment and neurobiology of schizophrenia
Effectiveness of sensory and motor rehabilitation of the upper limb following the principles of NEUROPLASTICITY: patients stable poststroke
The role of BDNF as a mediator of NEUROPLASTICITY in bipolar disorder
Homers regulate drug-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for addiction
Exercise‐induced behavioral recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in the 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1, 2, 3, 6‐tetrahydropyridine‐lesioned mouse basal ganglia
Neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY, and new genes for schizophrenia
Adult neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
The role of motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in designing rehabilitation approaches for musculoskeletal pain disorders
Wind-up and NEUROPLASTICITY: is there a correlation to clinical pain?
Acute and chronic craniofacial pain: brainstem mechanisms of nociceptive transmission and NEUROPLASTICITY, and their clinical correlates
Reproduction‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Natural behavioural and neuronal alterations associated with the production and care of offspring
Beyond the monoaminergic hypothesis: NEUROPLASTICITY and epigenetic changes in a transgenic mouse model of depression
Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Cellular NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms mediating pain persistence.
NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the pathophysiology of chronic pain
Endocrine regulation of cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY: our pursuit to unveil the complex interaction between hormones, the brain, and behaviour.
Random noise stimulation improves NEUROPLASTICITY in perceptual learning
NEUROPLASTICITY of dopamine circuits after exercise: implications for central fatigue
Cocaine and amphetamine-like psychostimulants: neurocircuitry and glutamate NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and schizophrenia
Catecholaminergic consolidation of motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
NEUROPLASTICITY and major depression, the role of modern antidepressant drugs
Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic aphasia
NEUROPLASTICITY in old age: sustained fivefold induction of hippocampal neurogenesis by long‐term environmental enrichment
Improving the potential of NEUROPLASTICITY
Intensive amplitude-specific therapeutic approaches for Parkinson’s disease: toward a NEUROPLASTICITY-principled rehabilitation model
Non-invasive brain stimulation to assess and modulate NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
Assistive listening devices drive NEUROPLASTICITY in children with dyslexia
Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy, hyperactive and psychotic children: insights from neuroimaging
Serotonin and brain: evolution, NEUROPLASTICITY, and homeostasis
New strategies in the development of antidepressants: towards the modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY pathways
New insights into the roles of microRNAs in drug addiction and NEUROPLASTICITY
The impact of voluntary exercise on mental health in rodents: a NEUROPLASTICITY perspective
Rho GTPases as regulators of morphological NEUROPLASTICITY
Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to NEUROPLASTICITY
Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY and cervical spinal cord injury: translational perspectives
Dental NEUROPLASTICITY, neuro‐pulpal interactions, and nerve regeneration
Examining the neuroscience evidence for sensory-driven NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for sensory-based occupational therapy for children and adolescents
The NEUROPLASTICITY-associated arc gene is a direct transcriptional target of early growth response (Egr) transcription factors
Seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird telencephalon: a role for melatonin
NEUROPLASTICITY and brain imaging research: implications for rehabilitation
NEUROPLASTICITY of semantic representations for musical instruments in professional musicians
NEUROPLASTICITY predicts outcome of optic neuritis independent of tissue damage
Changes in hippocampal morphology and NEUROPLASTICITY induced by adolescent THC treatment are associated with cognitive impairment in adulthood
Physiological evidence consistent with reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in human adolescents born preterm
Perinatal brain damage in children: NEUROPLASTICITY, early intervention, and molecular mechanisms of recovery
Allergen–Induced Sensory NEUROPLASTICITY in Airways
A proposed model of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve in older adults
Neuropathic pain is associated with depressive behaviour and induces NEUROPLASTICITY in the amygdala of the rat
The origin of synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY: crucial molecules or a dynamical cascade?
Expanding the biological basis of tinnitus: crossmodal origins and the role of NEUROPLASTICITY
The effects of intra-oral pain on motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with short-term novel tongue-protrusion training in humans
The pharmacology of NEUROPLASTICITY induced by non‐invasive brain stimulation: building models for the clinical use of CNS active drugs
NEUROPLASTICITY in the adjustment to blindness
Quantitative sensory testing and human surgery: effects of analgesic management on postoperative NEUROPLASTICITY
Long-term effects of spinal cord injury on sexual function in men: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in the mesolimbic system induced by natural reward and subsequent reward abstinence
NEUROPLASTICITY as a double-edged sword: Deaf enhancements and dyslexic deficits in motion processing
Noninvasive brain stimulation to modulate NEUROPLASTICITY in traumatic brain injury
Face sensorimotor cortex and its NEUROPLASTICITY related to orofacial sensorimotor functions
Distinct patterns of functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY associated with learning Morse code
NEUROPLASTICITY, learning and recovery after stroke: a critical evaluation of constraint-induced therapy
PET evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in adult auditory cortex of postlingual deafness
NEUROPLASTICITY in human callosal dysgenesis: a diffusion tensor imaging study
NEUROPLASTICITY of face primary motor cortex control of orofacial movements
How antidepressant drugs act: a primer on NEUROPLASTICITY as the eventual mediator of antidepressant efficacy
Axonal response to traumatic brain injury: reactive axonal change, deafferentation, and NEUROPLASTICITY.
NEUROPLASTICITY of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis early in life requires recurrent recruitment of stress-regulating brain regions
Neurocircuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in PTSD
The role of brain extracellular proteins in NEUROPLASTICITY and learning
The dorsal raphe nucleus and serotonin: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY linked to major depression and Alzheimer’s disease
Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY through upregulation of β1-integrin in human umbilical cord-derived stromal cell implanted stroke model
Long-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on markers for NEUROPLASTICITY: differential outcomes in anesthetized and awake animals
Impact of exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in spinal cord injured humans
NEUROPLASTICITY, culture, and society
The salutary effects of DHA dietary supplementation on cognition, NEUROPLASTICITY, and membrane homeostasis after brain trauma
NEUROPLASTICITY in brain reward circuitry following a history of ethanol dependence
NEUROPLASTICITY within the mesoaccumbens dopamine system and its role in tobacco dependence
NEUROPLASTICITY of edentulous patients with implant‐supported full dentures
Time window for voluntary exercise–induced increases in hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY molecules after traumatic brain injury is severity dependent
NEUROPLASTICITY. Key to recovery after central nervous system injury.
Transcriptome analysis of synaptoneurosomes identifies NEUROPLASTICITY genes overexpressed in incipient Alzheimer’s disease
Gender-specific modulation of short-term NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual cortex induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
NEUROPLASTICITY as a target for the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia
NEUROPLASTICITY and successful cognitive aging: a brief overview for nursing
NEUROPLASTICITY in the processing of pitch dimensions: A multidimensional scaling analysis of the mismatch negativity
NEUROPLASTICITY in amputees: main implications on bidirectional interfacing of cybernetic hand prostheses
NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction: cellular and transcriptional perspectives
Modifying the brain activation of poor readers during sentence comprehension with extended remedial instruction: A longitudinal study of NEUROPLASTICITY
Meditation and NEUROPLASTICITY: Using mindfulness to change the brain
Exercise-mediated locomotor recovery and lower-limb NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke.
Spinal cord NEUROPLASTICITY following repeated opioid exposure and its relation to pathological pain
Musical expertise induces NEUROPLASTICITY of the planum temporale
Sex-specific effects of chronic fluoxetine treatment on NEUROPLASTICITY and pharmacokinetics in mice
NEUROPLASTICITY, aging, and cognitive function
Homer isoforms differentially regulate cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Fluoxetine exerts age-dependent effects on behavior and amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat
Network-level NEUROPLASTICITY in cortico-basal ganglia pathways
NEUROPLASTICITY of sensory and sympathetic nerve fibers in a mouse model of a painful arthritic joint
Cross‐modal NEUROPLASTICITY in neonatally enucleated hamsters: structure, electrophysiology and behaviour
Implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in murine models of stroke
Nicotinergic impact on focal and non-focal NEUROPLASTICITY induced by non-invasive brain stimulation in non-smoking humans
NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery: Training models and compensatory strategies in music therapy
Neurogenesis is absent in the brains of adult honey bees and does not explain behavioral NEUROPLASTICITY
Neurophysiological evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY at multiple levels of the somatosensory system in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
NEUROPLASTICITY in cigarette smokers is altered under withdrawal and partially restituted by nicotine exposition
Who is the ideal candidate?’: decisions and issues relating to visual neuroprosthesis development, patient testing and NEUROPLASTICITY
Tianeptine: potential influences on NEUROPLASTICITY and novel pharmacological effects
D-cycloserine: an evolving role in learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
NEUROPLASTICITY: an appreciation from synapse to system
Cellular signalling pathways of spinal pain NEUROPLASTICITY as targets for analgesic development
Tests for NEUROPLASTICITY in the anuran retinotectal system
Historical notes on reorganization of function and NEUROPLASTICITY.
Combining transcranial direct current stimulation and neuroimaging: novel insights in understanding NEUROPLASTICITY
Accumbens Homer2 overexpression facilitates alcohol-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in C57BL/6J mice
Engraftment of human nasal olfactory stem cells restores NEUROPLASTICITY in mice with hippocampal lesions
NEUROPLASTICITY in the olfactory system: differential effects of central and peripheral lesions of the primary olfactory pathway on the expression of B‐50/GAP43 and the …
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorecovery
NMDA receptor mechanisms contribute to NEUROPLASTICITY induced in caudalis nociceptive neurons by tooth pulp stimulation
Cochlear implants and NEUROPLASTICITY: linking auditory exposure and practice
Human NEUROPLASTICITY and education
Dose-dependent nonlinear effect of L-DOPA on paired associative stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Positive and negative NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for age-related cognitive declines
NEUROPLASTICITY in addictive disorders
A review of NEUROPLASTICITY: some implications for physiotherapy in the treatment of lesions of the brain
Prolonged therapeutic hypothermia does not adversely impact NEUROPLASTICITY after global ischemia in rats
Doublecortin as a marker of adult NEUROPLASTICITY in the canary song control nucleus HVC
Lithium and neuropsychiatric therapeutics: NEUROPLASTICITY via glycogen synthase kinase-3β, β-catenin, and neurotrophin cascades
Face sensorimotor cortex: its role and NEUROPLASTICITY in the control of orofacial movements
… depressive phenotype induced in adult female rats by adolescent exposure to THC is associated with cognitive impairment and altered NEUROPLASTICITY in the prefrontal …
NEUROPLASTICITY of excitatory and inhibitory cortical circuits in schizophrenia
Neuroendocrine actions of organohalogens: thyroid hormones, arginine vasopressin, and NEUROPLASTICITY
Motor training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Intracerebral peripheral blood stem cell (CD34+) implantation induces NEUROPLASTICITY by enhancing β1 integrin-mediated angiogenesis in chronic stroke rats
Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and magnetic resonance imaging morphometry
Neuropeptide modulation of central amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY is a key mediator of alcohol dependence
Interhemispheric NEUROPLASTICITY following limb deafferentation detected by resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) and functional …
An evaluation of NEUROPLASTICITY and behavior after deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in an animal model of depression
Can endocrine disruptors influence NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain?
A NEUROPLASTICITY (brain plasticity) approach to use in artificial neural network
The new neuroscience frontier: promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and brain repair in traumatic brain injury
NEUROPLASTICITY and sensitization
Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in functional recovery after stroke
Spatio-temporal mapping cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome
Corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone have opposing effects on adult NEUROPLASTICITY in the avian song control system
NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular therapy in cerebral infarction
NEUROPLASTICITY changes during space flight
Time-dependent effects of escitalopram on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and NEUROPLASTICITY related targets in the central nervous system of rats
The role of genes involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in the observation of a gene-environment interaction (GxE) in schizophrenia
Reserve pool neuron transmitter respecification: Novel NEUROPLASTICITY
Tracking the expression of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission-related proteins and NEUROPLASTICITY markers after noise induced hearing loss
Stress and addiction: contribution of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) system in NEUROPLASTICITY
Electrophysiological markers of skill-related NEUROPLASTICITY
Brain and memory: modulation and mediation of NEUROPLASTICITY
Neuronal nitric oxide contributes to NEUROPLASTICITY-associated protein expression through cGMP, protein kinase G, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase
Dissecting structure–function interactions in acute optic neuritis to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY as a target for the pharmacotherapy of psychiatric disorders: New opportunities for synergy with psychotherapy.
Postinjury administration of L-deprenyl improves cognitive function and enhances NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
Corticotropin releasing factor and NEUROPLASTICITY in cocaine addiction
NEUROPLASTICITY of sign language: implications from structural and functional brain imaging
Rapid effect of nicotine intake on NEUROPLASTICITY in non-smoking humans
Extended allergen exposure in asthmatic monkeys induces NEUROPLASTICITY in nucleus tractus solitarius
Catalpol increases hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and up-regulates PKC and BDNF in the aged rats
Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY pathways and antidepressant-like behavioural responses following the short-term (3 and 7 days) administration of the 5-HT4 receptor …
NEUROPLASTICITY and psychiatry
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of cerebral hemispherectomy and stroke
… on spontaneously active developing neuronal networks—an inquiry into the reciprocal linkage between intrinsic biorhythms and NEUROPLASTICITY in early ontogeny
Treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY following intensive naming therapy in a case of chronic Wernicke’s aphasia
Stress-induced tau phosphorylation: functional NEUROPLASTICITY or neuronal vulnerability?
Sex steroid‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral activation in birds
NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery of function after brain injury
Functional electrical therapy for hemiparesis alleviates disability and enhances NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in specific limbic system circuits may mediate specific kindling induced changes in animal affect—implications for understanding anxiety associated …
NEUROPLASTICITY in the damaged dentate gyrus of the epileptic brain
Genetic manipulation of cell death and NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in traumatic brain injury
NEUROPLASTICITY and positive psychology in clinical practice: A review for combined benefits
Central NEUROPLASTICITY and decreased heart rate variability after particulate matter exposure in mice
Different NEUROPLASTICITY for task targets and distractors
D2 receptor block abolishes theta burst stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor cortex
Modulation by GABA of NEUROPLASTICITY in the central and peripheral nervous system
Cross-modal NEUROPLASTICITY in the blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi: a WGA-HRP tracing study.
Intrahippocampal transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY
Motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with lingual nerve injury in rats
Ependymin, a gene involved in regeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY in vertebrates, is overexpressed during regeneration in the echinoderm Holothuria glaberrima
A putative role for cell cycle‐related proteins in microtubule‐based NEUROPLASTICITY
… in BDNF and synapsin I within the occipital cortex and hippocampus after mild traumatic brain injury in the developing rat: reflections of injury-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
Influence of Testosterone Metabolites on Song-Control System NEUROPLASTICITY during Photostimulation in Adult European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
NEUROPLASTICITY: Teaching an old brain new tricks
Neuropathic pain and NEUROPLASTICITY in functional imaging studies
NEUROPLASTICITY‐based computerized cognitive remediation for geriatric depression
Inducible proto-oncogenes of the nervous system: their contribution to transcription factors and NEUROPLASTICITY
Depression and treatment. Apoptosis, NEUROPLASTICITY and antidepressants.
MDMA (“ecstasy”) abuse as an example of dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY
Assessing and inducing NEUROPLASTICITY with transcranial magnetic stimulation and robotics for motor function
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY: roles in early life seizures and chronic epilepsy.
Curcumin prevents corticosterone‐induced neurotoxicity and abnormalities of NEUROPLASTICITY via 5‐HT receptor pathway
Focal hand dystonia–a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY?
Psychostimulant drugs and NEUROPLASTICITY
Death receptor Fas (CD95) signaling in the central nervous system: tuning NEUROPLASTICITY?
NEUROPLASTICITY associated with tactile language communication in a deaf-blind subject
Nonsenescent Hsp27-upregulated MSCs implantation promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke model
Perineural α2A-Adrenoceptor Activation Inhibits Spinal Cord NEUROPLASTICITY and Tactile Allodynia after Nerve Injury
Arc expression and NEUROPLASTICITY in primary auditory cortex during initial learning are inversely related to neural activity
NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal formation
Biologic transplantation and neurotrophin-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
Neurologic links between epilepsy and depression in women: Is hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY the key?
NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic brain injury: a study of GABAergic terminal loss and recovery in the cat dorsal lateral vestibular nucleus
Molecular mechanisms of cytokine-induced neuroprotection: NFκB and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in the smooth muscle of the myenterically and extrinsically denervated rat jejunum
NEUROPLASTICITY in the rearrangement of olfactory tract fibers after neonatal transection in hamsters
Ups and downs in the hippocampus: the influence of oscillatory sleep states on “NEUROPLASTICITY” at different time scales
Deletion of CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 induces pathological aggression, depression-related behaviors, and NEUROPLASTICITY genes dysregulation in …
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord transection: increased cardiac sympathetic innervation density and SPN arborization
The complex role of the serotonin transporter in adult neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY. A critical review
Stroke: NEUROPLASTICITY and recent approaches to rehabilitation
Chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii causes myenteric NEUROPLASTICITY of the jejunum in rats
Rapid action on NEUROPLASTICITY precedes behavioral activation by testosterone
Characterization of KIAA0513, a novel signaling molecule that interacts with modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY, apoptosis, and the cytoskeleton
Glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in cocaine addiction
NEUROPLASTICITY, learning, and memory.
NEUROPLASTICITY of the sensorimotor cortex during learning
Selected Contribution: NEUROPLASTICITY in nucleus tractus solitarius neurons after episodic ozone exposure in infant primates
Morphine produces circuit-specific NEUROPLASTICITY in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
The ageing brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and lifelong learning
Emotion regulation, happiness, and the NEUROPLASTICITY of the brain.
The tyrosine phosphatase STEP constrains amygdala-dependent memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Structural brain alterations following 5 days of intervention: dynamic aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY–a paradigm shift in neurosciences.
VEGF signaling mediates bladder NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammation in response to BCG
Neuromaturation and NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Auditory System.
Learning experience and NEUROPLASTICITY–a shifting paradigm
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by tooth pulp stimulation in trigeminal subnucleus oralis involves NMDA receptor mechanisms
Literacy and NEUROPLASTICITY: Transforming Our Perspectives and Ourselves.
NEUROPLASTICITY in the sparing or deterioration of function after early olfactory tract lesions
Treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY following focal injury to the motor cortex
Methamphetamine enhances paced mating behaviors and NEUROPLASTICITY in the medial amygdala of female rats
Implications of positive and negative NEUROPLASTICITY on cognition in HIV
Explanatory models for NEUROPLASTICITY in retinotectal connections
Is NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity?
Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY and functional consequences of single versus recurrent early-life seizures
New type of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY after nerve repair in brachial plexus lesions
NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory system.
Animal models of depression and NEUROPLASTICITY: assessing drug action in relation to behavior and neurogenesis
Extinction-induced NEUROPLASTICITY attenuates stress-induced cocaine seeking: a state-dependent learning hypothesis
Are symbolic behaviour and NEUROPLASTICITY an example of gene-culture coevolution?
From restoration of NEUROPLASTICITY to the treatment of depression: clinical experience
NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprotection in enteric neurons: role of epithelial cells
Tyrosine hydroxylase regulation in neurotransmission and NEUROPLASTICITY
Tamalin is a critical mediator of electroconvulsive shock-induced adult NEUROPLASTICITY
Periaqueductal gray NEUROPLASTICITY following chronic morphine varies with age: role of oxidative stress
The adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of behavioral maintenance
NEUROPLASTICITY, the aging brain, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Quantum theory and NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for social theory.
NEUROPLASTICITY, cultural evolution and cultural difference
In Vivo Imaging of Fatty Acid Incorporation into Brain to Examine Signal Transduction and NEUROPLASTICITY Involving Phospholipids
NEUROPLASTICITY, development, and steroid hormone action
Investigating cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY in single cases: Lessons learned from applying functional neuroimaging techniques to the traditional neuropsychological case …
Opioid tolerance and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY: The basis for brain development, learning, and recovery from injury
NEUROPLASTICITY in vagal afferent neurons involved in cough
… and cell cycle activation in neurons are alternative effector pathways: the ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde concept’of Alzheimer’s disease or the yin and yang of NEUROPLASTICITY
Corticotropin-releasing factor, NEUROPLASTICITY (sensitization), and alcoholism
Potential for polysialylated form of neural cell adhesion molecule-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY within the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurosecretory system of the …
Neuropsychiatric illness: a case for impaired NEUROPLASTICITY and possible quantum processing derailment in microtubules
Functional recovery in T13–L1 hemisected rats resulting from peripheral nerve rerouting: role of central NEUROPLASTICITY
Pharmacological characterisation and modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of self-injurious behaviour
Timed changes of synaptic zinc, synaptophysin and MAP2 in medial extended amygdala of epileptic animals are suggestive of reactive NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation research for speech, language, and swallowing disorders
Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY effects of febrile seizures in the developing brain
NEUROPLASTICITY and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
NEUROPLASTICITY and impulse control disorders
Face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with intraoral alterations
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in patients recovering from acute optic neuritis
NEUROPLASTICITY and phonotaxis in monaural adult female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer)
Innovative treatment approaches in schizophrenia enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY: aerobic exercise, erythropoetin and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY of the song control system in tropical, flexibly, and opportunistically breeding birds
Cellular and molecular bases of NEUROPLASTICITY: brainstem effects after cochlear damage
Calcium channel antagonists prevent urinary bladder growth and NEUROPLASTICITY following mechanical stress
Developmental hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY following carotid body denervation: Central and peripheral adaptations☆
Peripheral chemosensitivity and central integration: NEUROPLASTICITY of catecholaminergic cells under hypoxia
NEUROPLASTICITY: biological evolution’s contribution to cultural evolution
NEUROPLASTICITY and clinical pain
Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY for neurosurgeons
Circadian modulation off NEUROPLASTICITY in humans and potential therapeutic implications
Transfer of NEUROPLASTICITY from nucleus accumbens core to shell is required for cocaine reward
Phantom limbs, self-organizing feature maps, and noise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY
Infant stress, NEUROPLASTICITY, and behavior
Depression and NEUROPLASTICITY. Interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune systems
NEUROPLASTICITY of primary afferents in the neo‐natal cat and some results of early deafferentation of the trigeminal spinal nucleus
Sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY: Evidence from unilateral brain lesions in children.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and PAS-induced cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the awake rhesus monkey
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
Common aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY, stress, mood disorders and mitochondrial functions
Altered interaction between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep EEG suggests an altered NEUROPLASTICITY in patients suffering from major depressive disorder
Effects of the standardized Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on NEUROPLASTICITY
Effect of caloric restriction on myenteric NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat duodenum during aging
Contributions of cyclooxygenase-2 to NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropathology of the central nervous system
Long-term intellectual outcome of traumatic brain injury in children: limits to NEUROPLASTICITY of the young brain?
NEUROPLASTICITY in the cat’s visual system Origin, termination, expansion, and increased coupling of the retino-geniculo-middle suprasylvian visual pathway following …
NEUROPLASTICITY as a Proposed Mechanism for the Efficacy of Optometric Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation.
NEUROPLASTICITY after unilateral visual cortex damage in the newborn cat
Induction and modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by transcranial direct current stimulation
NEUROPLASTICITY as an Ecology of Mind A Conversation with Gregory Bateson and Catherine Malabou
A conceptual framework for interpreting neuroimaging studies of brain NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive recovery
Neuroactive steroids, mood stabilizers, and NEUROPLASTICITY: alterations following lithium and changes in Bcl-2 knockout mice
NEUROPLASTICITY and learning lead a new era in stroke rehabiliation
Sympathetic nervous system NEUROPLASTICITY
Ortho-substituted 2, 2′, 3, 5′, 6-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 95) alters rat hippocampal ryanodine receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY in vitro: evidence for altered hippocampal …
… cognitive deficits in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP8) involves the amelioration of angiogenic/neurotrophic factors and NEUROPLASTICITY systems in the …
Role of neurostimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the rehabilitation of dysphagia after stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY of face sensorimotor cortex and implications for control of orofacial movements
Accessories to addiction: G protein regulators play a key role in cocaine seeking and NEUROPLASTICITY
SONU20176289, a compound combining partial dopamine D2 receptor agonism with specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor activity, affects NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal …
Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in a limbic input to the hypothalamus
Intact nociception-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in transgenic mice deficient in neuronal nitric oxide synthase
NEUROPLASTICITY and the developing brain: implications for therapy
Dynamic NEUROPLASTICITY and the automation of motivated behavior
Acute stress regulation of NEUROPLASTICITY genes in mouse hippocampus CA3 area—Possible novel signalling pathways
Bidirectional regulation of mitochondrial gene expression during developmental NEUROPLASTICITY of visual cortex
Present and accounted for: Sensory stimulation and parietal NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and repair in the central nervous system: implications for health care
NEUROPLASTICITY may play a role in inter-individual difference among neuropsychiatric disease treatment efficacy.
NEUROPLASTICITY: main mechanisms and their clinical significance
Amyloid beta‐derived NEUROPLASTICITY in bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells is mediated by NPY and 5‐HT2B receptors via ERK1/2 signalling pathways
Transcription factors: potential roles in drug-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Role of quantitative electroencephalography, neurotherapy, and NEUROPLASTICITY in recovery from neurological and psychiatric disorders
Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY: respiratory gases, development, and spinal injury
Specificity of developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in humans: Evidence from sensory deprivation and altered language experience
Biological bases of NEUROPLASTICITY–in vivo and in vitro studies: Interest for the auditory system
Theoretical and clinical significance of NEUROPLASTICITY
… of CREB expression in the periaqueductal gray induces a predator stress-like pattern of changes in pCREB expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and anxiety in …
Commonality of molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropathology: integrative approach
Ependymins and their potential role in NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration: calcium-binding meningeal glycoproteins of the cerebrospinal fluid and extracellular matrix
NEUROPLASTICITY Research and Its Educational Implications [J]
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY induced by melatonin in entorhinal neurons of rats exposed to toluene inhalation.
Steroidogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird brain
You can teach an old dog new tricks: harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY after brain injury in older adults
… on the expression and ultrastructural localization of N-cadherin and neural cell adhesion molecule in the quail ciliary ganglion: an in vivo model of NEUROPLASTICITY
Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY deficits in mood disorders
Long-term treadmill exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and associated memory recovery of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: an experimenter blind, randomized …
Spinal cord mechanisms of referred pain and related NEUROPLASTICITY
Drugs used in Alzheimer’s disease and NEUROPLASTICITY
Panexperientialism, quantum theory, and NEUROPLASTICITY
Specific activation of estrogen receptor alpha and beta enhances male sexual behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in male Japanese quail
Roles of BDNF in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in cats subjected to partial dorsal ganglionectomy
Integration by the neuronal growth cone: a continuum from NEUROPLASTICITY to neuropathology
… smooth muscle by atypical sympathetic pathways following neonatal ganglionectomy in the rat: structural and functional investigations of enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY
Recovery potentials following CNS lesions: A brief historical perspective in relation to modern research data on NEUROPLASTICITY
Gangliosides, NEUROPLASTICITY, and behavioral recovery after brain damage
NEUROPLASTICITY and chronic pain
NEUROPLASTICITY and aggression: an interaction between vasopressin and serotonin
Polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule is involved in the NEUROPLASTICITY induced by axonal injury in the avian ciliary ganglion
Hearing Matters: NEUROPLASTICITY: The New Frontier in Audiology
NEUROPLASTICITY in the superior cervical ganglion as a consequence of long-lasting inhibition
Do the calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases play a role in NEUROPLASTICITY?
Connectivity of transplants in the cerebellum: A model of developmental differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
Spinal brain-derived neurotrophic factor governs NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery from cold-hypersensitivity following dorsal rhizotomy
NEUROPLASTICITY in the MPTP-lesioned mouse and nonhuman primate
NEUROPLASTICITY in hemispheric syndrome: An interesting case report
… opiate abusers: relation to mitogen activated protein kinase, phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15 kDa, and Akt signaling pathways involved in NEUROPLASTICITY
Deep brain stimulation: challenges to integrating stimulation technology with human neurobiology, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neural repair
A tropomyosine receptor kinase inhibitor blocks spinal NEUROPLASTICITY essential for the anti-hypersensitivity effects of gabapentin and clonidine in rats with peripheral …
Tissue pathophysiology, NEUROPLASTICITY and motor behavioural changes in painful repetitive motion injuries
The effect of post‐surgical NEUROPLASTICITY on the stability of systemic pain perception: A psychophysical study
Learning and implicit memory: mechanisms and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROwords 8 Plasticity and NEUROPLASTICITY
The controversial nature of the evidence for NEUROPLASTICITY of afferent axons in the spinal cord
NEUROPLASTICITY in vision dysfunction
Role of Neurotrophin 3 in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in rats subjected to cord transection
Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in occipital areas in blind teenagers
Time-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in mesostriatal projections after unilateral removal of vibrissae in the adult rat: compartment-specific effects on horseradish peroxidase …
Can concepts of neurodevelopment and NEUROPLASTICITY explain post-traumatic psychoses?
NEUROPLASTICITY: Learning Physically Changes the Brain
Changes in signaling pathways regulating NEUROPLASTICITY induced by neurokinin 1 receptor knockout
Phantom limb pain: aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY and intervention
… kinase A activation down-regulates, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation up-regulates σ-1 receptors in B-104 cells: Implication for NEUROPLASTICITY
A cautionary note from a neuroscientist’s perspective: Interpreting from mirror neurons and NEUROPLASTICITY
Perceptual learning induces NEUROPLASTICITY, enabling improvement of visual functions
Late LEO: A new system for the study of NEUROPLASTICITY in Xenopus
Cortical brain dysfunction in early schizophrenia: secondary pathogenetic hierarchy of NEUROPLASTICITY, psychopathology and social impairment
Distribution of GAP-43 mRNA in the immature and adult cerebellum: a role for GAP-43 in cerebellar development and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in the human hypothalamus during ageing
Lesion-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and the sparing or recovery of function following early brain damage
Stroke rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY: Efficacy and methods available
NEUROPLASTICITY—A New Approach to the Pathophysiology of Depression
The mind and the brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and the power of mental force
NEUROPLASTICITY of the central hypercapnic ventilatory response: Teratogen‐induced impairment and subsequent recovery during development
Spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic pain
Identification of Munc13-3 as a candidate gene for critical-period NEUROPLASTICITY in visual cortex
Genomics and variation of ionotropic glutamate receptors: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY following skill and strength training: Evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation studies
Endogenous opioids and prenatal determinants of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of descending and segmental systems after spinal cord contusion
NEUROPLASTICITY: a new window on therapeutics in neuropsychiatric disease
Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Morphometry—Reply
Noise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY in self-organizing feature maps: a neurocomputational model of phantom limbs.
Therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY, and rehabilitation
… implant of intraneural multielectrodes in human for controlling a 5-fingered hand prosthesis, delivering sensorial feedback and producing rehabilitative NEUROPLASTICITY
Face motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with alterations in the oral environment of the adult rat
Absolute Pitch and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY: New biochemical mechanisms
Influence of toxicants on neural cell adhesion moleculemediated NEUROPLASTICITY in the developing and adult animal: persistent effects of chronic perinatal low-level …
NEUROPLASTICITY and development: The acquisition of morphosyntax in children with early focal lesions and children with specific language impairment
Insulin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in the central nervous system
Interrelationships between NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery of function after cerebellar lesions in rats
Reply: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
“Anomalous” representations and perceptions: implications for human NEUROPLASTICITY
Long-Chain Fatty Acid Transport at the Blood-Brain Barrier and Incorporation into Brain Phospholipids: A New In Vivo Method for Examining NEUROPLASTICITY, and Brain Second …
Thomistic Hylomorphism, Self-Determination, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Grace: The Case of Addiction
… prolonged exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder with D-cycloserine: further support for treatments that promote experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
What exactly is central to the role of central NEUROPLASTICITY in persistent pain?
NEUROPLASTICITY and Parkinson’s disease
The Existence of FGFR1–5-HT1A Receptor Heterocomplexes in Midbrain 5-HT Neurons of the Rat: Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY
Central Auditory Processing and Language Learning Impairments: Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY Research.
From NEUROPLASTICITY to scaffolding: a giant step for cognitive aging research?
Atypical antidepressive mechanisms: glutamatergic modulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in case of tianeptine
Proteinase‐activated receptors (PARs) in the nervous system: Roles in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrauma
Anatomical and metabolic corticotectal NEUROPLASTICITY after neonatal cerebral hemispherectomy: Correlations with visual field sparing.
Neurobiology and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia: continuity across the life cycle
Steroid receptor coactivator 2 modulates steroid‐dependent male sexual behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Update on surgery for diffuse low-grade gliomas: brain mapping, hodotopy and NEUROPLASTICITY
Growth factors involved in the development, maturation and NEUROPLASTICITY of midbrain dopamine neurons
Potential treatment strategies for enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration after ischemic stroke
ReGrasp, a robotic tool to investigate fine motor control and track therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Can selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) improve motor recovery after stroke? What is the role of NEUROPLASTICITY?
NEUROPLASTICITY explained by broad-scale networks and modularity?
Enhancing Performance for Action and Perception: Multisensory Integration, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprosthetics, Part I
NEUROPLASTICITY and The Feldenkrais Method®
Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Peak Performance
NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by Robot-assisted Gait Training in a Stroke Patient: A case report
Cognitive adaptations and NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons from event-related brain potentials
Neuroimaging in cerebral palsy: A clearer vision of NEUROPLASTICITY
Recovering from acquired childhood aphasia (ACA)–20 years later, learning about the NEUROPLASTICITY of language
Clinical consequences of the role of glutamate and NEUROPLASTICITY in depressive disorder
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
Re-organization of pain care: NEUROPLASTICITY to health system plasticity
NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord of monoarthritic rats: from metabolic changes to the detection of interleukin-6 using mRNA differential display
Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemer’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
The phenomenon of NEUROPLASTICITY in the mechanisms of reflexotherapy
Sustainability in the synapses: NEUROPLASTICITY and transformative learning
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY within and across sensory modalities
Effects of chronic blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors by MK-801 on NEUROPLASTICITY of the micturition reflex pathway after partial urethral obstruction in the rat
NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation
NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic diffuse versus focal brain injury in children: Studies of verbal fluency
Upper extremity training for individuals with cervical spinal cord injury: functional recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY
Modification of alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders: In vitro and in vivo studies of NEUROPLASTICITY
Towards a new paradigm in neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY
Monitoring nociceptive NEUROPLASTICITY: quantitative sensory testing: a better therapeutic endpoint for managing the pain of surgery?
DNA content revealed by cytophotometry in neurons: variability related to NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with implant supported full dentures
Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemr’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
NEUROPLASTICITY: Bridging psychoanalysis and neuroscience
Cochlear nuclei NEUROPLASTICITY after auditory nerve and cochlea removal
NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression may be indicated by S100B
NEUROPLASTICITY: from physiological adaptation to the concept of therapeutic plasticity
NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis for therapeutics in spinal cord injuries and diseases
Does NEUROPLASTICITY have a role on postoperative pain?
NEUROPLASTICITY of the hippocampus and striatum: models for aging and neurodegenerative disease
Editorial Focus: role for neural growth factor in autonomically driven arrhythmogenesis? Focus on:“Structural NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord …
NEUROPLASTICITY, Experience, and Mechanisms of Brain Information Storage
Protease-activated receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY: Protease-activated receptors as a possible target for cathepsin B
Different profiles of NEUROPLASTICITY in human neurocognition
NEUROPLASTICITY in the cat’s visual system: test of the role of the expanded retino-geniculo-parietal pathway in behavioral sparing following early lesions of visual cortex
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in children after early cochlear implantation
Daily Administration of Ibuprofen Modifies Neuroinflammation Gene Expression, but not NEUROPLASTICITY Gene Expression in Traumatic Brain Injured Rats
Structural and functional characteristics of potassium channels and their role in NEUROPLASTICITY
Acoustic tone or medial geniculate stimulation cue training in the rat is associated with neocortical NEUROPLASTICITY and reduced akinesia under haloperidol challenge
Induction of GAP‐43 modulates NEUROPLASTICITY in PBSC (CD34+) implanted‐Parkinson’s model
Stress hormones and NEUROPLASTICITY in the diabetic brain
Enhancing Performance for Action and Perception: Multisensory integration, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprosthetics, Part II
NEUROPLASTICITY of CNS oxygen toxicity (CNS‐OT): increased risk of seizure due to hyperbaric preconditioning (PC) and kindling effect
NEUROPLASTICITY and its application for skills in innovative workplaces
Electrical Stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Identification of disabled‐1 as a candidate gene for critical period NEUROPLASTICITY in cat and mouse visual cortex
Afferent and efferent connectivity of neocortical transplants in the cerebellar hemisphere of the rat: A study of age differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
Chronic Deep Brain Stimulation and Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Depression: Effects on NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
Asymmetrical behavior without an asymmetrical brain: Corpus callosum and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in middle age: an ecologically valid approach
NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory pathway: From basic research to clinics
Application of the NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais method with a canine with traumatic spinal cord injury: a case study. Orthoped
Importance of NEUROPLASTICITY changes in mood disorder
Conference Report (8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY)
NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome
… of growth‐associated protein B‐50 (GAP‐43) in the cerebellum of weaver and PCD‐mutant mice: Lack of B‐50 involvement in NEUROPLASTICITY of Purkinje cell terminals …
Assessment of musical training induced NEUROPLASTICITY by auditory event related potentials and neural networks
Protein kinase C pathway on cardiac sympathetic nerve NEUROPLASTICITY and myocardial interstitial remodeling [J]
The mind and the brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and the power of mental force
NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis for early rehabilitation of stroke patients
A Benefit Cost Study of a new Preschool Program Based on NEUROPLASTICITY
Motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Twisted Thoughts and Elastic Molecules: Recent Developments in NEUROPLASTICITY
Depressive recurrence: cognitive alterations and NEUROPLASTICITY
Mitochondria in NEUROPLASTICITY, Neurologic Disease and Aging.
The neurobiology of orthodontics: treatment of malocclusion through NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of chronic stress on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY: Animal studies.
Aβ inhibits specific kinesin motors involved in both mitosis and neuronal function; potential implications for neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease …
Maturational regulation of glutamate receptors and their role in NEUROPLASTICITY
Functional roles of intrinsic neurotrophin-3 in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY of cats following partial ganglionectomy
NEUROPLASTICITY of emotional processing in cerebellar lesions as evidenced by event-related potentials
Is NEUROPLASTICITY of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Maternally Mediated?
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus: an interplay of prefrontal-limbic circuits
Neurotransmitters and NEUROPLASTICITY during cochlear development: in vivo and in vitro studies
Hippocamus NEUROPLASTICITY in immature rats following recurrent seizure injury
Gender differences of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans, as revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation
Adrenergic NEUROPLASTICITY is maintained in the nutritional rehabilitated adult rat
NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of abnormal stereotyped motor behavior: Effects of environmental enrichment
Chronic Antidepressant Treatment in the Nigrostriatal System: the Impact of Antidepressant-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
Role of the peripheral vestibular system on NEUROPLASTICITY induced by hypergravity stimulation
Pharmacological and behavioral enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY in the MPTP-lesioned mouse and nonhuman primate
NEUROPLASTICITY and aphasia: Lessons from constraint-induced language therapy
Cognitive Rehabilitation Computer Brain Solutions: Prevention Powerhouse or a Warm Fuzzy Wannabe? A Perspective in NEUROPLASTICITY and Practicality
NEUROPLASTICITY in adult hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system: Mechanisms involved in responding to a single systemic hypertonic saline injection.
Characterisation and Therapeutic Application of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Swallowing Motor Cortex
Functional and structural cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in trigeminal neuropathic pain
Enhancing human cognitive capital by harnessing the brain’s inherent NEUROPLASTICITY
The role of variation in singing behavior in the regulation of seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in European starlings
NEUROPLASTICITY in young bilingual children: Evidence from ERPs in an executive control task
NEUROPLASTICITY and high frequency rTMS in hereditary pure cerebellar degeneration
Development, Learning, and NEUROPLASTICITY: Where We Are Now
Involvement of Gangliosides in NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Nervous System in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in the remitted state of unipolar depressive disorder
The Effect of Repeated Exposure to Unpredictable Reward on Dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY
Recent Knowledge on NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
The Promise of NEUROPLASTICITY: An Interview with Sharon Begley
NEUROPLASTICITY and temporal retardation of development (paedomorphic morphology) inhuman evolution: A consideration of biological requirements for the plasticity …
Clinical lmplications of NEUROPLASTICITY and Chronic
Involvement and NEUROPLASTICITY of cholinergic interneurons of the nucleus accumbens in initiation and excessive alcohol drinking
Atomic force microscopy study of ECM‐integrin modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal dentate granule cells in epilepsy
Cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY: a clinical perspective
Visual Neuroprosthesis Development: The Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and its implications on rehabilitation
Small steps to NEUROPLASTICITY in adults
Decisions and Issues Relating to Visual Neuroprosthesis Development, NEUROPLASTICITY and Patient Testing
CENT Computer Enabled NEUROPLASTICITY Treatment
Literacy and NEUROPLASTICITY: Transforming Our Perspectives and Ourselves
NEUROPLASTICITY in Post-Stroke Patients
NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for the Clinical Anesthesiologist
Emerging analgesics and future directions: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and sensory stimulation
Orthodontic Avenues to NEUROPLASTICITY
Change Your Mind: NEUROPLASTICITY & Buddhist Transformation
Nerve Growth Factor and NEUROPLASTICITY
To Harness NEUROPLASTICITY, Start with Enthusiasm
NEUROPLASTICITY and Psychotropic Drugs
Is NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity?
The concept of the integrative activities of neurons and mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
Dopaminergic impact on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans: the importance of balance
The impact of type II diabetes on behavioral and cellular aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and the Power of Mental Force (New York: Harper, 2003).
NEUROPLASTICITY after a spinal cord injury
NEUROPLASTICITY of inhibitory control
The Administration of the Flesh: The discourse of self-improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY
Novel insights in the neurobiology of depression: a role for NEUROPLASTICITY
Impact of Ephedrine and Its Nature Derivates on NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
Between Mind and Brain: Final and Efficient Causation in Relation to NEUROPLASTICITY
Donald G. Stein: Pioneer in the Areas of NEUROPLASTICITY and Recovery of Function
Molecular and cellular NEUROPLASTICITY in animal models of depression
The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in Persistent Low Back Pain.: A Literature Review
Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
Effects of nicotine on PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy human
Augmented Cognition as Rehabilitation: Facilitating NEUROPLASTICITY?
Musicians as a model for early and going NEUROPLASTICITY
Angiotensin, NEUROPLASTICITY and stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY and Repair Following Injury to the Central Nervous System
Facilitating NEUROPLASTICITY: evidence-based novel interventions for occupational therapists
NEUROPLASTICITY in Opioid Addiction
Cervical spinal cord injury and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
Imaging Pathophysiology and NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke
Modulation of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology and NEUROPLASTICITY by Environmental Factors
Approaches to optimise NEUROPLASTICITY induction in the human motor cortex.
What does NEUROPLASTICITY Teach us about Treatment-Resistant Depression?
NEUROPLASTICITY in olfactory sensation
Fragile X Syndrome: From NEUROPLASTICITY to New Hope
AMPA receptor potentiators: mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY, interindividual variability and functional recovery in neuropsychology
Effects of amygdala prestimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus
Pain and NEUROPLASTICITY: Anatomical changes and somatotopic reorganization: A reply to JS Morley.
The role of glutamate in my professional life: From molecular NEUROPLASTICITY to the relief of suffering
Research of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Effect Post-stroke Disphasia and NEUROPLASTICITY
Age-and disease-related NEUROPLASTICITY of chemically identified neuronal circuits: A tribute to Professor Erminio Costa
Uterine NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult virgin rat
Brain NEUROPLASTICITY and Computer-Aided Rehabilitation in ADHD
Allergic airway inflammation and sensory NEUROPLASTICITY
New non-invasive transcranial stimulation techniques in NEUROPLASTICITY research
Age Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hamster Hippocampus
Functional and structural correlates of skilled behaviour: lateralisation and NEUROPLASTICITY
A rapid kindling paradigm used to examine hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of the visual system after early brain lesion
NEUROPLASTICITY after Physical Therapy A Pre-Study: Test-Retest-Effects in Healthy Participants
Morphological insight into new opportunities using Bcl-2 and P53 in studies of neurotrophicity, neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY in brain ischemia
Activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY following contusion spinal cord injury in the adult rat
Reply [NEUROPLASTICITY Predicts Outcome of Optic Neuritis Independent of Tissue Damage]
Importance of public policy areas for instructional technology in economically challenging times: brain fitness as a self-help NEUROPLASTICITY tool
Transcranial direct current stimulation and human NEUROPLASTICITY
Keynote: Neuronal and glial signalling in pain NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrophin regulation by genetics, exercise and neural injury
Hormonal and environmental control of NEUROPLASTICITY in adult male songbirds
The genes associated with termination of the critical period of NEUROPLASTICITY in visual cortex
NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
NEUROPLASTICITY of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis evoked by early-life experience: Molecular and functional aspects
Long-term effects on learning and memory and hippocamus NEUROPLASTICITY in immature rats following recurrent seizures
The effects of sildenafil on NEUROPLASTICITY in human neuroblastoma cells
Imaging of the recovery from stuttering reveals spontaneous NEUROPLASTICITY
Involvement of Gangliosides in NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Nervous System in Physiological and Pathological
NEUROPLASTICITY in the cochlear nucleus of the developing chinchilla
Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy efectiveness on brain NEUROPLASTICITY in patients suffering from anxiety disorders
The NEUROPLASTICITY potential of melatonin following transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats
NEUROPLASTICITY-based training may normalise auditory gating in schizophrenia and improve verbal processing
NEUROPLASTICITY of the Enteric Nervous System Induced by Inflammatory Conditions of the Gut
Motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in an aged mouse model of cerebral ischemia
NEUROPLASTICITY and Calcium Signaling in Stressed Rat Amygdala
and Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY: Integrating Psychospiritual and Biological Approaches to Mental Health with a Focus on Obsessive-Compulsive
Using the MPTP Mouse Model to Understand NEUROPLASTICITY: A New Therapeutic Target for Parkinson’s Disease?
NEUROPLASTICITY-based training may normalise auditory gating and improve verbal processing in schizophrenia
The Serotonergic System and NEUROPLASTICITY are Implicated in the Effect of Phytochemicals on Mood and Cognitive Disorders
Characterization of conditioned effects in the kindling model of epilepsy and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of explicit memory during training–a fMRI study in normal aging and MCI
Face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with intraoral alterations
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY With Spinal Manipulation, Exercise, Injury and Pain
Cervical Radicular Pain Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Somatosensory Pathway.
Neuron Restrictive Silencer Factor-mediated epigenetic processes in NEUROPLASTICITY
Investigating signal cascades promoting activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in monkey primary visual cortex
Implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in murine models of stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY in the Mesolimbic System Induced by Sexual Experience and Subsequent Reward Abstinence
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotoxicology: Central breathing control following developmental nicotine or ethanol exposure
Cortical functional activations in musical talents and nontalents in visuomotor and auditory tasks: implications of the effect of practice on NEUROPLASTICITY
A Review of:“The Mind and the Brain NEUROPLASTICITY and the Power of Mental Force” Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Sharon Begley, 2002, Harper Collins Publishers, New …
NEUROPLASTICITY for Readaptation to Earth’s Gravity in the Vestibular System following Hypergravity Stimulation
Modelling the inhibitory effects of epileptiform activity on NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat hippocampal slice
The impact of hypothyroidism on neurocognitive functioning: A model of NEUROPLASTICITY in the mature adult human brain
Transcriptional response to spatial learning and foraging in honey bees: molecular bases for adult NEUROPLASTICITY
… Based Medicine Review: Can Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) improve motor recovery after stroke? What is the role of NEUROPLASTICITY?
Central excitation and inhibitory mechanisms and NEUROPLASTICITY are also manifested in trigeminal nociceptive pathways
NEUROPLASTICITY for Readaptation to Earth’s Gravity in the Vestibular System Following Hypergravity Stimulation
Role of BDNF-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in patients affected by Fibromyalgia versus other chronic rheumatic diseases
NEUROPLASTICITY after constraint induced movement therapy: Patients with ipsilateral cortico-spinal organisation
AMPA-type glutamate receptors and behavioural NEUROPLASTICITY: Bidirectional role of GluA1 subunits
Art meets science–empowering stroke patients to regain muscular control through creative graphics technology, psycho-physiology and NEUROPLASTICITY.
The Effects of Ephrin Receptor B2 on Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Areas Remote From the Cortical Infarction
Vulnerability and Resilience to Social Defeat: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY Within the Mesolimbic Dopamine Circuit
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) as a modulator of NEUROPLASTICITY and emotional behavior in animal models
NEUROPLASTICITY following pallidal stimulation for dystonia
… assessment and development of treatment strategies for brain tumors: Promoting neurorestoration and reducing harm to bystander cells and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive training, depressive symptoms, and functional outcome in schizophrenia
NEUROPLASTICITY in cat Deiters nucleus following brain injury; a light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical study of terminal loss and recovery.
Role of BDNF-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in patients affected by Fibromyalgia versus other chronic rheumatic diseases.
Nerve growth factor and/or monosialoganglioside GM1-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in brain of decorticated adult and aged rats.
Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the perilesion cortex after focal cortical infarcts in rats
Dipole parameter estimation of M50 auditory evoked fields applied to the study of training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor system by transcranial magnetic stimulation: from pathophysiology to a therapeutic option in movement disorders
Deafferentation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chick auditory neurons: A matter of life or death
Non-invasive interventions to alter maladaptive NEUROPLASTICITY in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A systematic review and a pilot study
Role of the calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclases in NEUROPLASTICITY
Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in major depressive disorder: a high field MRI study
Indications of NEUROPLASTICITY using diffusion tensor imaging of children with spastic cerebral palsy before and after intensive voice treatment
Functional Recovery in T13 Spinal Cord Injury Rats Resulting from Peripheral Nerve Rerouting: Role of the Central Nervous System NEUROPLASTICITY: 826
Cell loss and impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD)
NEUROPLASTICITY in the phrenic motor system: Intermittent hypoxia, spinal cord injury and stem cell transplantation
Neural networks, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neuromodulation: A framework for understanding formal thought disorder and delusions
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in the human visual cortex following beneficial anti‐VEGF treatment in exudative age‐related macular degeneration
New approaches and targets in psychiatry hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in an animal model of depression: influence of chronic fluoxetine and Δ-9 …
Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemer’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
Highly transient NEUROPLASTICITY following one session of learning to use a sensory substitution device: an fMRI study
Changes in Anal Sphincter Muscle Physiology and Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY with Temporary Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Greater gray matter volume in Broca’s area in psychiatric patients with preserved verbal working memory–evidence for compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY?
NEUROPLASTICITY of Micturition Reflex Pathways with Cyclophosphamide-Induced Cystitis
The effects of experimental pain on primary motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with novel orofacial motor learning
Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY–A short consensus of the concepts: Clinical utility of neurotrophic factor therapy (cerebrolysin) in VaD–Data from a new pilot …
Trk Moves on Track: retrograde transport of TrkA mediates sensory NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental colitis
Fetal–Neonatal Iron Deficiency Affects Neurotrophic Factor Expression, Neural Differentiation, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Rat Hippocampus
Anatomical specificity of cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus accumbens of sensitized rats
Brains in fast forward: Comment on” Rapid action on NEUROPLASTICITY precedes behavioral activation by testosterone” by Charlier, Ball and Balthazart.
The role of the IQ motif, a protein kinase C and calmodulin regulatory domain, in NEUROPLASTICITY, RNA processing, and RNA metabolism
Changes in executive function after NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive remediation training in first-episode versus chronic schizophrenia
Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in Acute Diverticulitis: Differential Regulation of Colonic Excitatory Nerve Pathways By Cyclooxygenase Isoforms
Actions and Interactions of Cholinergic and Excitatory Aminoacid Receptors on Phosphoinositide Signals, Excitotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
Differential NMDA and GABA-A receptor expression during critical period NEUROPLASTICITY of the cat visual cortex
Asymmetrical localisation of the motor cortex after perinatally acquired intracerebral hemorrhage: Volume shift versus NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of spinal cord neurons based on piezoelectric stimulation and electrophysiological analysis after stem cell-derived progenitor transplant
Amyloid Beta-derived NEUROPLASTICITY in Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells is Mediated by NPY and 5-HT2B Receptors via ERK1/2 Signaling Pathways
Effects Of Apolipoprotein E, Sex, And Estrogen On The NEUROPLASTICITY Of Olfactory Receptor Neurons In Mice Following Olfactory Bulbectomy
NEUROPLASTICITY pathways-ß-catenin, AKT/PKB, BDNF-in an animal model of depression: influence of chronic F9-tetrahydrocannabinol administration
NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus of adult Syrian hamsters, a region of the central nervous system involved in both memory formation and the neural control of …
… play a central role in the development of stress-induced neuronal abnormalities. Stress has been proposed to impair NEUROPLASTICITY by selectively target-ing …
NEUROPLASTICITY of rat trigeminal subnucleus oralis neurons after tooth pulp deafferentation and after depletion of somatosensory C-fiber afferents with neonatal …
… circuitry activated by cocaine-associated cues in an animal model of cocaine craving: Involvement of AMPA glutamate receptors and cortical NEUROPLASTICITY
PW01-22-Agomelatine treatment reverses changes in NEUROPLASTICITY induced by prenatal stress in rats
The role of interleukin-6 and interferon-in alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY associated with chronic stressor exposure
5 Attachment genes? Associations of dopaminergic, serotonergic, oxytonergic and NEUROPLASTICITY candidate genes with attachment security and disorganization
O-031 Hyperacute cortical NEUROPLASTICITY following preoperative embolization of brain AVMs
* Poster 165: Qi Gong for Physical Rehabilitation for Parkinson-Related Falls: A NEUROPLASTICITY Approach
O-28-Serotonin-1A receptor related morphogenic signaling is associated with regional brain volumes and network NEUROPLASTICITY
Article 1: Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at 1 Day Versus 1 Week After Cerebral Ischemia on Functional Improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
Raskin, SA (Ed.). (2011). NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation. New York, NY: Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-60918-137-6, 351 pp.
237. Stem cell therapy: NEUROPLASTICITY as a novel cellular mechanism for regeneration
7 Routes to memory: NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal formation
2 The malleable brain: NEUROPLASTICITY in the motor system
XVIII-11 Neonatal Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY: A Critical Contribution from Environment
Induction of GAP-43 Modulates NEUROPLASTICITY in PBSC (CD34+) Implanted-Parkinsonâ s Model
The role of Abl in regulation of AP-1 transcription factor in NEUROPLASTICITY
… games for rehabilitation purposes combines innovative computer technology with contemporary rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY theories. With technological …
Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: more than 40 years of research
Beneficial effects of physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY and cognition
Harnessing the power of NEUROPLASTICITY for intervention
Neuropathological approaches to cerebral aging and NEUROPLASTICITY
Dynamic brains and the changing rules of NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for learning and recovery
NEUROPLASTICITY in depressed individuals compared with healthy controls
NEUROPLASTICITY and dysfunction after gastrointestinal inflammation
NEUROPLASTICITY as a function of second language learning: anatomical changes in the human brain
Neurorehabilitation: applied NEUROPLASTICITY
Molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY: an expanding universe
Physical exercise, NEUROPLASTICITY, spatial learning and memory
Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY-based rehabilitation
Exploring a NEUROPLASTICITY model of music therapy
Investigating the evolution of a NEUROPLASTICITY network for learning
Advanced MRI techniques to improve our understanding of experience-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and clinical practice: building brain power for health
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: a bridge between inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY
The effects of poststroke aerobic exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review of animal and clinical studies
The aging mind: NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cognitive training
Anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY: an expert group report and statement based on the BJA Salzburg Seminar
NEUROPLASTICITY underlying the comorbidity of pain and depression.
New treatment strategies of depression: based on mechanisms related to NEUROPLASTICITY.
NEUROPLASTICITY and the next wave of antidepressant strategies
Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY–Overview, significance and future directions
NEUROPLASTICITY and virtual reality
Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in major depressive disorder
In vivo evidence for NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
Evolution of NEUROPLASTICITY in response to physical activity in old age: the case for dancing
NEUROPLASTICITY in the adaptation to prosthodontic treatment.
The brain’s way of healing: Remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of NEUROPLASTICITY
Serotonin and NEUROPLASTICITY–links between molecular, functional and structural pathophysiology in depression
Chemoreception and NEUROPLASTICITY in respiratory circuits
Exercise-enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY targeting motor and cognitive circuitry in Parkinson’s disease
From serotonin to NEUROPLASTICITY: evolvement of theories for major depressive disorder
Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY for rehabilitation
NEUROPLASTICITY associated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Microglia: an interface between the loss of NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
Mind over matter–what do we know about NEUROPLASTICITY in adults?
Associative learning and sensory NEUROPLASTICITY: how does it happen and what is it good for?
NEUROPLASTICITY of supraspinal structures associated with pathological pain
Allocating structure to function: the strong links between NEUROPLASTICITY and natural selection
Mechanisms of action and persistent NEUROPLASTICITY by drugs of abuse
NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
Epigenetic mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and the implications for stroke recovery
The various forms of NEUROPLASTICITY: Biological bases of learning and teaching
Is NEUROPLASTICITY in the central nervous system the missing link to our understanding of chronic musculoskeletal disorders?
Structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in human learning of spatial routes
Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in human Parkinson’s disease: What is the evidence telling us?
A review of cardiorespiratory fitness-related NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain
Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging
Insights into rapid modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by brain estrogens
Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: implications for intervention and NEUROPLASTICITY in psychopathology
Pornography addiction–a supranormal stimulus considered in the context of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY beyond sounds: neural adaptations following long-term musical aesthetic experiences
A single bout of aerobic exercise promotes motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and predictors of alcohol recovery
Molecular aging of the brain, NEUROPLASTICITY, and vulnerability to depression and other brain-related disorders
Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: future directions for rehabilitation clinical trials
Corticotropin releasing factor in NEUROPLASTICITY
Hyperbaric oxygen induces late NEUROPLASTICITY in post stroke patients-randomized, prospective trial
Diffuse low-grade gliomas and NEUROPLASTICITY
Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY for motor rehabilitation after stroke: considering the effects of aerobic exercise and genetic variation on brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Moderating variables of music training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a review and discussion
NEUROPLASTICITY in the maternal hippocampus: Relation to cognition and effects of repeated stress
Consciousness, brain, NEUROPLASTICITY
Epigenetic mechanisms in mood disorders: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY
Non-pharmacological interventions and NEUROPLASTICITY in early stage Alzheimer’s disease
Rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY in children with unilateral cerebral palsy
Neuroscience of exercise: NEUROPLASTICITY and its behavioral consequences
NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from patients harboring gliomas
NEUROPLASTICITY and pain: what does it all mean?
Digital media, the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder
Systems level NEUROPLASTICITY in drug addiction
NEUROPLASTICITY and MRI: a perfect match
Lifestyle modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY: how physical activity, mental engagement, and diet promote cognitive health during aging.
Physical exercise as a diagnostic, rehabilitation, and preventive tool: influence on NEUROPLASTICITY and motor recovery after stroke
A review of transcranial magnetic stimulation and multimodal neuroimaging to characterize post-stroke NEUROPLASTICITY
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in dopaminergic therapy for Parkinson disease
Efficient NEUROPLASTICITY induction in chronic stroke patients by an associative brain-computer interface
Effects of exercise on mitochondrial function, NEUROPLASTICITY and anxio-depressive behavior of mice
Exercise regulation of cognitive function and NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy and diseased brain
Adaptive responses of neuronal mitochondria to bioenergetic challenges: Roles in NEUROPLASTICITY and disease resistance
Altered expression of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the brain of depressed suicides
Cerebral versus ocular visual impairment: the impact on developmental NEUROPLASTICITY
Impact of exercise training on NEUROPLASTICITY-related growth factors in adolescents
The origin, and application of somatosensory evoked potentials as a neurophysiological technique to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a framework for visual-motor training approaches in rehabilitation
Clinical implications of NEUROPLASTICITY–the role of rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
Effects of physical exercise on neuroinflammation, NEUROPLASTICITY, neurodegeneration, and behavior: what we can learn from animal models in clinical settings
Environmental enrichment duration differentially affects behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in adult mice
Sonic hedgehog signaling and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
Increase in PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after a treatment courseof transcranial direct current stimulation for depression
Recovery of olfactory function induces NEUROPLASTICITY effects in patients with smell loss
Botanicals as modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY: focus on BDNF
Cognitive tutoring induces widespread NEUROPLASTICITY and remediates brain function in children with mathematical learning disabilities
Recognising NEUROPLASTICITY in musculoskeletal rehabilitation: a basis for greater collaboration between musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapists
Stress-induced NEUROPLASTICITY:(Mal) adaptation to adverse life events in patients with PTSD–A critical overview
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY and the origin of neurodegenerative diseases
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset
Genetic variation and NEUROPLASTICITY: role in rehabilitation after stroke
Interpreting intervention induced NEUROPLASTICITY with fMRI: the case for multimodal imaging strategies
A NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of chronic stress in the basolateral amygdala
Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery in post-stroke aphasia by non-invasive brain stimulation
An acoustic gap between the NICU and womb: a potential risk for compromised NEUROPLASTICITY of the auditory system in preterm infants
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: its impact upon NEUROPLASTICITY and NEUROPLASTICITY inducing transcranial brain stimulation protocols
Exercise and environmental enrichment as enablers of task-specific NEUROPLASTICITY and stroke recovery
Adult hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY triggers susceptibility to recurrent depression
Agomelatine, a novel intriguing antidepressant option enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY: a critical review
Cognitive and NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms by which congenital or early blindness may confer a protective effect against schizophrenia.
Electroconvulsive therapy mediates NEUROPLASTICITY of white matter microstructure in major depression
NEUROPLASTICITY of selective attention: Research foundations and preliminary evidence for a gene by intervention interaction
Estrogen-and progesterone-mediated structural NEUROPLASTICITY in women: evidence from neuroimaging
Social plasticity relies on different NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms across the brain social decision-making network in zebrafish
An investigation of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY following stroke in adults: is there evidence for a critical window for rehabilitation?
Engagement in community music classes sparks NEUROPLASTICITY and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds
Social isolation stress induces anxious-depressive-like behavior and alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in adult male mice
NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training via laptop computer improves cognition in young individuals with recent onset schizophrenia
Dynamics and function of distal regulatory elements during neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Strength and aerobic exercises improve spatial memory in aging rats through stimulating distinct NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms
Clinical value of serum NEUROPLASTICITY mediators in identifying the central sensitivity syndrome in patients with chronic pain with and without structural pathology
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a driving force behind NEUROPLASTICITY in neuropathic and central sensitization pain: a new therapeutic target?
The effect of aerobic exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY within the motor cortex following stroke
Reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in aged rats: a role for the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Hodotopy, NEUROPLASTICITY and diffuse gliomas
Colitis-induced NEUROPLASTICITY disrupts motility in the inflamed and post-inflamed colon
The roles of sensitization and NEUROPLASTICITY in the long-term regulation of blood pressure and hypertension
Crebinostat: a novel cognitive enhancer that inhibits histone deacetylase activity and modulates chromatin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation for treatment-resistant geriatric depression
NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
Constraint-induced movement therapy: a method for harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to treat motor disorders
Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY to augment cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
Intelligence and eeg measures of information flow: efficiency and homeostatic NEUROPLASTICITY
Default-mode network functional connectivity in aphasia: therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Ephrin‐B2 prevents N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor antibody effects on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY
Estrogen and female reproductive tract innervation: cellular and molecular mechanisms of autonomic NEUROPLASTICITY
Augmenting NMDA receptor signaling boosts experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult human brain
Opposite optimal current flow directions for induction of NEUROPLASTICITY and excitation threshold in the human motor cortex
NEUROPLASTICITY: unexpected consequences of early blindness
NEUROPLASTICITY: Effects of Physical and Cognitive activity on brain structure and function.
Language exposure induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the bilingual brain: A follow-up fMRI study
Electroconvulsive therapy and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in neocortical, limbic and paralimbic cortex
Increased fractional anisotropy in the motor tracts of Parkinson’s disease suggests compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY or selective neurodegeneration
Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammation: relevance for multiple sclerosis
Dental occlusal changes induce motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY
Influence of aerobic training and combinations of interventions on cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
Multiple neuroimaging measures for examining exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults: a quasi-experimental study
Two types of exercise‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in congenital hemiparesis: a transcranial magnetic stimulation, functional MRI, and magnetoencephalography study
Musical training orchestrates coordinated NEUROPLASTICITY in auditory brainstem and cortex to counteract age-related declines in categorical vowel perception
Cannabidiol reduces neuroinflammation and promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after brain ischemia
Respiration following spinal cord injury: evidence for human NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of language in left‐hemisphere stroke: Evidence linking subsecond electrophysiology and structural connections
NEUROPLASTICITY of prehensile neural networks after quadriplegia
Amygdalar expression of proteins associated with NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression and suicide
Chronic enhancement of serotonin facilitates excitatory transcranial direct current stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Spaceflight-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans as measured by MRI: what do we know so far?
Functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY induced by short-term tactile training based on braille reading
Cross-species approaches to cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY research
Physical activity modulates common NEUROPLASTICITY substrates in major depressive and bipolar disorder.
The effects of exercise on dopamine neurotransmission in Parkinson’s disease: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY to modulate basal ganglia circuitry
NeuroLSD1: splicing-generated epigenetic enhancer of NEUROPLASTICITY
B-vitamin and choline supplementation increases NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke
Visual attention in deaf humans: A NEUROPLASTICITY perspective
NEUROPLASTICITY to a single-episode traumatic stress revealed by resting-state fMRI in awake rats
Hyperbaric oxygen can induce NEUROPLASTICITY and improve cognitive functions of patients suffering from anoxic brain damage
Repeated tongue lift movement induces NEUROPLASTICITY in corticomotor control of tongue and jaw muscles in humans
Analysis of 23andMe antidepressant efficacy survey data: implication of circadian rhythm and NEUROPLASTICITY in bupropion response
NEUROPLASTICITY-dependent and-independent mechanisms of chronic deep brain stimulation in stressed rats
Pharmacologic approaches to cerebral aging and NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from the stroke model
Motor learning in a complex balance task and associated NEUROPLASTICITY: a comparison between endurance athletes and nonathletes
RNA-sequencing of the brain transcriptome implicates dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, circadian rhythms and GTPase binding in bipolar disorder
Thyroid hormones and learning-associated NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of ascending and descending pathways after somatosensory system injury: reviewing knowledge to identify neuropathic pain therapeutic …
Negative NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic traumatic brain injury and implications for neurorehabilitation
Effects of vitamin D supplementation on NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomised trial
Exercise promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in both healthy and depressed brains: An fMRI pilot study.
NEUROPLASTICITY subserving the operation of brain–machine interfaces
Pleiotropic control by testosterone of a learned vocal behavior and its underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
The stress-proof brain: Master your emotional response to stress using mindfulness and NEUROPLASTICITY
The modulation of adult NEUROPLASTICITY is involved in the mood-improving actions of atypical antipsychotics in an animal model of depression
Regular exercise promotes memory function and enhances hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice
Effects of high-versus moderate-intensity training on NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after focal ischemia
Transcriptomics in interferon-α-treated patients identifies inflammation-, NEUROPLASTICITY-and oxidative stress-related signatures as predictors and correlates of …
A clinical value of NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke
Fluoxetine modulates hippocampal cell signaling pathways implicated in NEUROPLASTICITY in olfactory bulbectomized mice
Combining computerized social cognitive training with NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training in schizophrenia
The power of NEUROPLASTICITY for pastoral and spiritual care
TRPV currents and their role in the nociception and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke gait recovery and noninvasive brain stimulation
NEUROPLASTICITY in human alcoholism: studies of extended abstinence with potential treatment implications
The effect of manual therapy and NEUROPLASTICITY education on chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial
Treadmill exercise alleviates impairment of cognitive function by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in the high-fat diet-induced obese mice
The effects of stress during early postnatal periods on behavior and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY markers in adult male mice
Cortical development and NEUROPLASTICITY in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
Transcriptional evidence for the role of chronic venlafaxine treatment in neurotrophic signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY including also glutatmatergic-and insulin …
A review of impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia investigated with non-invasive brain stimulation
Similarities and differences in NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms between brain gliomas and nonlesional epilepsy
Increasing NEUROPLASTICITY to bolster chronic pain treatment: A role for intermittent fasting and glucose administration?
Second messengers mediating the expression of NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of chronic pain in the rat
The role of orphanin FQ/nociceptin in NEUROPLASTICITY: relationship to stress, anxiety and neuroinflammation
Low-dose candesartan enhances molecular mediators of NEUROPLASTICITY and subsequent functional recovery after ischemic stroke in rats
NEUROPLASTICITY-based brain stimulation interventions in the study and treatment of schizophrenia: a review
Airway vagal NEUROPLASTICITY associated with respiratory viral infections
Mental practice: applying motor PRACTICE and NEUROPLASTICITY principles to increase upper extremity function
Agmatine, by improving NEUROPLASTICITY markers and inducing Nrf2, prevents corticosterone-induced depressive-like behavior in mice
Melatonin attenuates impairments of structural hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in OXYS rats during active progression of A lzheimer’s disease‐like pathology
Hypnosis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and the plastic paradox
Diabetes mellitus may induce cardiovascular disease by decreasing NEUROPLASTICITY
Minocycline enhances hippocampal memory, NEUROPLASTICITY and synapse-associated proteins in aged C57 BL/6 mice
Harnessing cueing training for NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson disease
Subcortical and cortical correlates of pitch discrimination: Evidence for two levels of NEUROPLASTICITY in musicians
A framework for understanding the relationship between descending pain modulation, motor corticospinal, and NEUROPLASTICITY regulation systems in chronic …
Measuring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with cerebral palsy rehabilitation: an MRI based power analysis
Mild thyroid hormone insufficiency during development compromises activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus of adult male rats
Interindividual variability and intraindividual reliability of intermittent theta burst stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the healthy brain
The effects of aerobic exercise on the recovery of walking ability and NEUROPLASTICITY in people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of animal and …
Intravenous infusion of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells promotes functional recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY after ischemic stroke in mice
NEUROPLASTICITY and amblyopia: vision at the balance point
Hemispheric contributions to language reorganisation: An MEG study of NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic post stroke aphasia
Serotonergic NEUROPLASTICITY in alcohol addiction
Age-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in Alzheimer Tg2576 mice following modulation of brain amyloid-β levels
Language experience and the brain: variability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and bilingualism
Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism, human memory, and synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY
Baclofen facilitates sleep, NEUROPLASTICITY, and recovery after stroke in rats
MicroRNA-17–92 cluster in exosomes enhance NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after stroke in rats
The promise of NEUROPLASTICITY for pastoral care and counseling
Structural but not functional NEUROPLASTICITY one year after effective cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder
Acute and chronic effects of noradrenergic enhancement on transcranial direct current stimulation‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Impairment of NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex by alcohol
NEUROPLASTICITY changes of rat brain by musical stimuli during fetal period
Meta-analysis of six genes (BDNF, DRD1, DRD3, DRD4, GRIN2B and MAOA) involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and the risk for alcohol dependence
Poststroke NEUROPLASTICITY processes
Embodied cognitive flexibility and NEUROPLASTICITY following Quadrato Motor Training
Rolipram improves cognition, reduces anxiety-and despair-like behaviors and impacts hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY after transient global cerebral ischemia
Stress induced NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorders
Testosterone has antidepressant-like efficacy and facilitates imipramine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in male rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress
The role of celestial compass information in Cataglyphis ants during learning walks and for NEUROPLASTICITY in the central complex and mushroom bodies
fMRI assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in youths with neurodevelopmental-associated motor disorders after piano training
Individual and environmental contributions to treatment outcomes following a NEUROPLASTICITY-principled speech treatment (LSVT LOUD) in children with dysarthria …
The effects of taekwondo training on peripheral NEUROPLASTICITY-related growth factors, cerebral blood flow velocity, and cognitive functions in healthy children: A …
Computational models and motor learning paradigms: Could they provide insights for NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke? An overview
An mGlu 5-Positive Allosteric Modulator Rescues the NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits in a Genetic Model of NMDA Receptor Hypofunction in Schizophrenia
Neural basis of tDCS effects on auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia: a case report evidence for cortical NEUROPLASTICITY modulation
Endogenous opioid-induced NEUROPLASTICITY of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area influences natural and opiate reward
NEUROPLASTICITY: synaptogenesis during normal development and its implication in intellectual disability
Brain circuit–gene expression relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY of multisensory cortices in blind children
The neuroimmune-NEUROPLASTICITY interface and brain pathology
NEUROPLASTICITY in action post-stroke: Challenges for physiotherapists
Features of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY associated with multidirectional novel motor skill training: a TMS mapping study
NEUROPLASTICITY changes on human motor cortex induced by acupuncture therapy: a preliminary study
NEUROPLASTICITY and the logic of cognitive neuropsychology
Role of IGF1R+ MSCs in modulating NEUROPLASTICITY via CXCR4 cross-interaction
NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after intensive language therapy in chronic post stroke aphasia: which factors are relevant?
Cocaine‐specific NEUROPLASTICITY in the ventral striatum network is linked to delay discounting and drug relapse
Auditory NEUROPLASTICITY, hearing loss and cochlear implants
NEUROPLASTICITY and the brain connectome: what can Jean Talairach’s reflections bring to modern psychosurgery?
Motherhood and infant contact regulate NEUROPLASTICITY in the serotonergic midbrain dorsal raphe
Mechanisms of nicotinic modulation of glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Sub-chronic agmatine treatment modulates hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and cell survival signaling pathways in mice
Caspase 3 involves in NEUROPLASTICITY, microglial activation and neurogenesis in the mice hippocampus after intracerebral injection of kainic acid
Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: the legacy of the cholinergic hypothesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and future directions
Toward unraveling reading–related modulations of tDCS–induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the human visual cortex
Occlusion and adaptation to change: NEUROPLASTICITY and its implications for cognition
NEUROPLASTICITY, axonal guidance and micro‐RNA genes are associated with morphine self‐administration behavior
Translational studies exploring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with motor skill learning and the regulatory role of the dopamine system
Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and ethanol’s effects on plasticity in the striatum and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord
Pre-reproductive maternal enrichment influences rat maternal care and offspring developmental trajectories: behavioral performances and NEUROPLASTICITY …
IGF-II promotes neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY recovery in a long-lasting model of oxidative damage induced by glucocorticoids
Preoperative transcranial direct current stimulation: exploration of a novel strategy to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY before surgery to control postoperative pain. A …
Communication difficulty and relevant interventions in mild cognitive impairment: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
Trigeminal NEUROPLASTICITY underlies allodynia in a preclinical model of mild closed head traumatic brain injury (cTBI)
Executive dysfunction predicts treatment response to NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation (nCCR-GD) in elderly patients with major depression
Cognitive consequences of aging with HIV: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
Unilateral pyramidotomy of the corticospinal tract in rats for assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY-inducing therapies
Alcohol intoxication by binge drinking impairs NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral effects of fluoxetine after experimental stroke
Enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY by the metabolic enhancer piracetam associated with improved mitochondrial dynamics and altered permeability transition pore …
The impact of chronic early administration of psychostimulants on brain expression of BDNF and other NEUROPLASTICITY-relevant proteins
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve in aging with HIV: Recommendations for protection and rehabilitation
Motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY following brachial plexus transfer
Participation of group I p21-activated kinases in NEUROPLASTICITY
Computer enabled NEUROPLASTICITY treatment: a clinical trial of a novel design for neurofeedback therapy in adult ADHD
Subacute intranasal administration of tissue plasminogen activator promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and improves functional recovery following traumatic brain injury …
Genetic association of the transcription of NEUROPLASTICITY‐related genes and variation in stress‐coping style
Increased NEUROPLASTICITY and hippocampal microglia activation in a mice model of rapid antidepressant treatment
Exercise induced NEUROPLASTICITY to enhance therapeutic outcomes of cognitive remediation in schizophrenia: analyzing the Role of Brai Nderived Neurotrophic Factor
How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Angiogenic factors, bladder NEUROPLASTICITY and interstitial cystitis—new pathobiological insights
(In) activity-related NEUROPLASTICITY in brainstem control of sympathetic outflow: unraveling underlying molecular, cellular, and anatomical mechanisms
Melatonin improves NEUROPLASTICITY by upregulating the growth‐associated protein‐43 (GAP‐43) and NMDAR postsynaptic density‐95 (PSD‐95) proteins in cultured …
NEUROPLASTICITY and memory formation in major depressive disorder: an imaging genetics perspective on serotonin and BDNF
NEUROPLASTICITY of imagined wrist actions after spinal cord injury: a pilot study
The social construction of mental illness and its implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
Neurosteroid Agonist at GABA A receptor induces persistent NEUROPLASTICITY in VTA dopamine neurons
Structural imaging for addiction medicine: from neurostructure to NEUROPLASTICITY
Cognitive neuroscience: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY with neural decoding and biofeedback
Combined transcranial alternating current stimulation and continuous theta burst stimulation: a novel approach for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
Epimedii Herba: A Promising Herbal Medicine for NEUROPLASTICITY
Preserving NEUROPLASTICITY: Role of glucocorticoids and neurotrophins via phosphorylation
Anatomically discrete sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY in zebra finches as reflected by perineuronal nets
The role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) in brain development, maturation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Pharmacological treatment of sleep disorders and its relationship with NEUROPLASTICITY
Genes involved in neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY, and bipolar disorder: CACNA1C, CHRNA1, and MAPK1
Dose dependency of transcranial direct current stimulation: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY induction in health and disease
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental neck pain: a study of potential mechanisms impeding clinical outcomes of training
Functional analysis of rare variants found in schizophrenia implicates a critical role for GIT1–PAK3 signaling in NEUROPLASTICITY
Investigating the extent of NEUROPLASTICITY: Writing in children with perinatal stroke
Cognitive stimulation during lifetime and in the aged phase improved spatial memory, and altered NEUROPLASTICITY and cholinergic markers of mice
Variability of neuronal responses: Types and functional significance in NEUROPLASTICITY and neural Darwinism
Periodic maternal deprivation may modulate offspring anxiety-like behavior through mechanisms involving NEUROPLASTICITY in the amygdala
Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY in spinal cord injury patients: a study on movement-related brain potentials
Use of sensory substitution devices as a model system for investigating cross-modal NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Chronic methylphenidate regulates genes and proteins mediating NEUROPLASTICITY in the juvenile rat brain
Structural MRI-based measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in an extended amygdala network as a target for attention bias modification treatment outcome
Neurocircuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in PTSD.
Toward development of epigenetic drugs for central nervous system disorders: Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY via H3K4 methylation
Acute ketamine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation expression in drug addiction-related rat brain areas
Modulation of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY by Fas/CD95 regulatory protein 2 (Faim2) in the course of bacterial meningitis
KB220Z™ a pro-dopamine regulator associated with the protracted, alleviation of terrifying lucid dreams. Can we infer NEUROPLASTICITY-induced changes in the …
Role of HIF-1α-activated Epac1 on HSC-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke model
Dopamine D3 and acetylcholine nicotinic receptor heteromerization in midbrain dopamine neurons: Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY
Effect of electro-acupuncture on NEUROPLASTICITY of spinal cord-transected rats
n-3 fatty acids: role in neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Transcranial direct current stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY genes: implications for psychiatric disorders
CNS NEUROPLASTICITY and salt-sensitive hypertension induced by prior treatment with subpressor doses of ANG II or aldosterone
Accessible online NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted training for children with ADHD
Paternal physical exercise improves spatial learning ability by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in male pups born from obese maternal rats
Acupuncture therapies and NEUROPLASTICITY
Modulating motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY with priming paired associative stimulation in young and old adults
Ventral tegmental area dopamine cell activation during male rat sexual behavior regulates NEUROPLASTICITY and d-amphetamine cross-sensitization following sex …
Motor cortex hyperexcitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Modulation of testosterone-dependent male sexual behavior and the associated NEUROPLASTICITY
Your brain on ink: a workbook on NEUROPLASTICITY and the journal ladder
Invited Address:“The Times They Are A-Changin’” Gene Expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Developmental Research
Intrinsic exercise capacity in rats influences dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY induced by physical training
Respiratory modulation of human autonomic function: long‐term NEUROPLASTICITY in space
Distribution and fate of DCX/PSA-NCAM expressing cells in the adult mammalian cortex: a local reservoir for adult cortical NEUROPLASTICITY?
Lactulose enhances NEUROPLASTICITY to improve cognitive function in early hepatic encephalopathy
Application of NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais Method® with a runner with scoliosis and hip and lumbar pain: A case report
Evidence for schizophrenia as a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY
Heterogeneity of stimulus-specific response modification—an fMRI study on NEUROPLASTICITY
Systems biology of immunomodulation for post-stroke NEUROPLASTICITY: multimodal implications of pharmacotherapy and neurorehabilitation
Vascular signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 promotes angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY long-term after stroke
Special issue on anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
D-Cycloserine restores experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury in the developing rat brain
… and volumetric magnetic resonance imaging using an MR-compatible hand-induced robotic device suggests training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with …
Electrophysiological correlates of morphological NEUROPLASTICITY in human callosal dysgenesis
Supplementation with complex milk lipids during brain development promotes NEUROPLASTICITY without altering myelination or vascular density
Enhancement of the FGFR1 signaling in the FGFR1-5-HT1A heteroreceptor complex in midbrain raphe 5-HT neuron systems. Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY and …
Timing of motor cortical stimulation during planar robotic training differentially impacts NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
NEUROPLASTICITY for spontaneous functional recovery after neonatal hypoxic ischemic brain injury in rats observed by functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging
Long-term effects of cocaine experience on NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus accumbens core of addiction-prone rats
Effect of the Nicotinic α4β2-receptor Partial Agonist Varenicline on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Motor Cortex
Assessing and stabilizing aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in autism spectrum disorder: the potential role of transcranial magnetic stimulation
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorehabilitation
Dairy fat blend improves brain DHA and NEUROPLASTICITY and regulates corticosterone in mice
… and anxiety-like responses and influences the response of fluoxetine in olfactory bulbectomised mice: adaptive changes in hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY markers and 5 …
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation provokes NEUROPLASTICITY in repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats
Benign essential blepharospasm is a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY: lessons from animal models
Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarius and increased risk of sudden death in mice with acquired temporal lobe epilepsy
Adaptive and pathological inhibition of NEUROPLASTICITY associated with circadian rhythms and sleep.
Clozapine counteracts a ketamine-induced depression of hippocampal-prefrontal NEUROPLASTICITY and alters signaling pathway phosphorylation
Long‐term NEUROPLASTICITY of the face primary motor cortex and adjacent somatosensory cortex induced by tooth loss can be reversed following dental implant …
Distinct NEUROPLASTICITY processes are induced by different periods of acrobatic exercise training
NEUROPLASTICITY and second messenger pathways in antidepressant efficacy: pharmacogenetic results from a prospective trial investigating treatment resistance
NEUROPLASTICITY-based technologies and interventions for restoring motor functions in multiple sclerosis
NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive and linguistic skills training improves reading and writing skills in college students
Bridging the gap between clinical neuroscience and cognitive rehabilitation: The role of cognitive training, models of NEUROPLASTICITY and advanced neuroimaging in …
NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
Multisensory integration and NEUROPLASTICITY in the human cerebral cortex
Omega-3 fatty acids and traumatic neurological injury: from neuroprotection to NEUROPLASTICITY?
Exercise as a way of capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY in late adulthood
In vivo and in vitro effects of vortioxetine on molecules associated with NEUROPLASTICITY
fMRI and MRS measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in the pharyngeal motor cortex
Local and extensive NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome: a resting-state fMRI study
S182 Introduction to NEUROPLASTICITY and its application in neurorehabilitation
No difference in paired associative stimulation induced cortical NEUROPLASTICITY between patients with mild cognitive impairment and elderly controls
tPA promotes ADAMTS-4-induced CSPG degradation, thereby enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY following spinal cord injury
Worker brain development and colony organization in ants: Does division of labor influence NEUROPLASTICITY?
Increased NEUROPLASTICITY may protect against cardiovascular disease
NEUROPLASTICITY, neurotransmitters and new directions for treatment of anomia in Alzheimer disease
A role for interleukin 17A in IBD‐related NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY pathways and protein-interaction networks are modulated by vortioxetine in rodents
l‐3‐n‐butylphthalide promotes neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebral ischemic rats
Activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY induced by an enriched environment reverses cognitive deficits in scribble deficient mouse
Qi Gong to improve postural stability (QTIPS) for Parkinson fall prevention: a NEUROPLASTICITY approach
NEUROPLASTICITY and the edentulous patient-toward a paradigm shift in oral rehabilitation
Rehabilitation after stroke: the role of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
Optimization of artificial neural network architecture using NEUROPLASTICITY
Vimentin regulates NEUROPLASTICITY in transected spinal cord rats associated with micRNA138
Altered differential control of sympathetic outflow following sedentary conditions: role of subregional NEUROPLASTICITY in the RVLM
The changeable nervous system: Studies on NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebellar cultures
Failure of spinal paired associative stimulation to induce NEUROPLASTICITY in the human corticospinal tract
NEUROPLASTICITY and outcome in schizophrenia: the role of psychological interventions.
The clinical relevance of NEUROPLASTICITY in corticostriatal networks during operant learning
Innovative strength training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and increased muscle size and strength in children with spastic cerebral palsy: an experimenter-blind case study …
Role of Wnt/β‐catenin pathway in the nucleus accumbens in long‐term cocaine‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a possible novel target for addiction treatment
The cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY of reading recovery following chronic stroke: A representational similarity analysis approach
Responses of neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY related genes to elevated CO2 levels in the brain of three teleost species
Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY of language in chronic post stroke aphasia: a mismatch negativity study of (A) Grammatical and meaningful/less mini …
Recovery of consciousness as manifestation of NEUROPLASTICITY
Positive NEUROPLASTICITY: The neuroscience of mindfulness
… corticosterone-induced depression-like behavior and restores brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression, neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus
NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery in rehabilitation after stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY, sensitization, and pain
Post-stroke rehabilitation: importance of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration processes
NEUROPLASTICITY, sensitization, and pain
Retrogenesis: a model of dementia progression in Alzheimer’s disease related to NEUROPLASTICITY
Irritable bowel syndrome may be induced by decreased NEUROPLASTICITY
Staging of NEUROPLASTICITY alterations during epileptogenesis (temporal lobe epileply as an example)
Genes involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and stressful life events act on the short‐term response to antidepressant treatment: a complex interplay between genetics and …
… and keishito prevents social isolation-induced behavioral abnormalities and down-regulation of phosphorylation of NEUROPLASTICITY-related signaling molecules …
Response contingency directs long-term cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in prefrontal and striatal dopamine terminals
Binge alcohol alters exercise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY associated with treated aphasia recovery
New approaches in the study of the NEUROPLASTICITY process in patients with central nervous system lesions
Neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in pain
Thinking, fast and slow: highlights from the 2016 BJA seminar on anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
IGF1R+ dental pulp stem cells enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY in hypoxia-ischemia model
Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY by transcranial direct current stimulation
dl-3-n-butylphthalide promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and motor recovery in stroke rats
Aristotle and agent-directed NEUROPLASTICITY
Foreword for NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorehabilitation
Seizure-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive network reorganization in epilepsy
NEUROPLASTICITY and its relevance for multiple sclerosis
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY of the superior temporal plane in early and late blindness
Enhanced serotonin signaling increases intestinal NEUROPLASTICITY
Oral biomarkers in exercise‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease
Behavioral improvement and regulation of molecules related to NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic rat spinal cord treated with PEDF
A murine model of cervical spinal cord injury to study post-lesional respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
Di-n-butyl phthalate exposure negatively influences structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY via Rho-GTPase signaling pathways
Predegenerated Schwann cells–a novel prospect for cell therapy for glaucoma: neuroprotection, neuroregeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY
Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in corticomotor pathways of the tongue muscles
NEUROPLASTICITY, genre, and identity: Possibilities and complications
5-HTT deficiency affects NEUROPLASTICITY and increases stress sensitivity resulting in altered spatial learning performance in the Morris water maze but not in the …
Compromised NEUROPLASTICITY in cigarette smokers under nicotine withdrawal is restituted by the nicotinic α 4 β 2-receptor partial agonist varenicline
NEUROPLASTICITY and neuromodulation in children
Long-term treatment with oriental medicinal herb artemisia princeps alters NEUROPLASTICITY in a rat model of ovarian hormone deficiency
Recovery from anomia following semantic feature analysis: therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY relies upon a circuit involving motor and language processing areas
Effects of withdrawal from repeated amphetamine exposure in peri-puberty on NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in mice
Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY may play a role in irritable bowel syndrome: implication from the comorbidity of depression and irritable bowel syndrome
ICD and DSM: NEUROPLASTICITY and staging are still missing
NEUROPLASTICITY and its relevance to psychiatric disorders
NEUROPLASTICITY-related mechanisms underlying the antidepressant-like effects of traditional herbal medicines
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY in Diogenes syndrome: a proposed mechanism to explain clinical improvement
Transcranial direct current stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Bone marrow stromal cells promote NEUROPLASTICITY of cerebral ischemic rats via a phosphorylated CRMP2-mediated mechanism
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in trained, but not untrained adolescent Sprague-Dawley rats
NEUROPLASTICITY of A-type potassium channel complexes induced by chronic alcohol exposure enhances dendritic calcium transients in hippocampus
NEUROPLASTICITY in the blind and sensory substitution for vision
Nicotine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY counteracts the effect of schizophrenia-linked neuregulin 1 signaling on NMDAR function in the rat hippocampus
NEUROPLASTICITY in dynamic neural networks comprised of neurons attached to adaptive base plate
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis: changing moment-by-moment
Sensorimotor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the early stage of Bell’s palsy
… construct of “habitus operativus bonus” compatible with the modern neuroscience concept of human flourishing through NEUROPLASTICITY? A consideration of …
Introduction to special issue:“Current perspectives on NEUROPLASTICITY”
How can NEUROPLASTICITY be utilized to improve neuropathy symptoms?
Applying NEUROPLASTICITY to educating agile-thinking managers
Commentary: Extraordinary environments, extreme NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorder–reflections on pathways from adversity to mental disorder prompted by …
Perinueronal nets development correlates with developmental and adult NEUROPLASTICITY related to song learning in the songbird brain
Atomic force microscopy investigations of fibronectin and α5β1-integrin signaling in NEUROPLASTICITY and seizure susceptibility in experimental epilepsy
Randomized Controlled Trial of CI Therapy for Progressive MS: Increased Real-World Function and NEUROPLASTICITY on MRI (I7-1.008)
Effects of lithium and aripiprazole on brain stimulation reward and NEUROPLASTICITY markers in the limbic forebrain
Neuronutrient amino-acid therapy protects against reward deficiency syndrome: dopaminergic key to homeostasis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Commentary on “Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism”: The early years
NEUROPLASTICITY, Performativity, and Clergy Wellness: Neighbor Love as Self-Care
Cholinergic impact on NEUROPLASTICITY drives muscarinic M1 receptor mediated differentiation into neurons
Non-cytotoxic concentration of cisplatin decreases NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins and neurite outgrowth without affecting the expression of NGF in PC12 cells
NEUROPLASTICITY in aging: Implications for behavioral and lifestyle combined interventions
Functions of microglia in the healthy brain: focus on NEUROPLASTICITY
A critical period in postnatal NEUROPLASTICITY of olfaction: a pediatric tracheostomy model
Improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY after Combined Rehabilitation to Forced Grasping
Increase in PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after a treatment course of intranasal ketamine for depression. Report of three cases from a placebo-controlled trial
Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY in seawater‐adapted European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Nongenomic actions of 17-β estradiol restore respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY in young ovariectomized female rats
Can Digital Games Be a Way of Improving the NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke Damage? Can the Adult Brain Grow New Cells or Rewire Itself in Response to a New …
Individual predisposition for learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
Does Neuroimaging Provide Evidence of Meditation-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY?
Gene therapy and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
Change in NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in response to acute activity-based therapy in persons with spinal cord injury
NEUROPLASTICITY–basis for lifelong learning
Chronic cerebral ischemia, NEUROPLASTICITY, possibilities of therapy
Surgical leg rotation: cortical NEUROPLASTICITY assessed through brain mapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation
The role of spasticity in functional neurorehabilitation–Part 1: the pathophysiology of spasticity, the relationship with NEUROPLASTICITY, spinal shock and clinical …
NEUROPLASTICITY of the bilingual brain: Cognitive control and reserve
NEUROPLASTICITY and Healthy Lifestyle: How Can We Understand This Relationship?
Body-brain-avatar interface: a tool to study sensory-motor integration and NEUROPLASTICITY
Postinjury NEUROPLASTICITY in central neural networks
361. Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease
Cultural Revolution in Cognitive Science: From NEUROPLASTICITY to Genetic Mechanisms of Acculturation.
Toward a more personalized motor function rehabilitation in Myotonic dystrophy type 1: The role of NEUROPLASTICITY
An optimized dosing regimen of cimaglermin (neuregulin 1β3, glial growth factor 2) enhances molecular markers of NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after …
NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation therapy
Neurocognition and NEUROPLASTICITY:: What Does It All Mean for Clinical Practice?
Syrian hamster NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms fail as temperature declines to 15° C, but histaminergic neuromodulation persists
NEUROPLASTICITY of central corticotropin-releasing factor and serotonergic systems in anxiety-related behavior
NEUROPLASTICITY and mental wellness: Our path forward
Role of the ventral tegmental area in methamphetamine extinction: AMPA receptor-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
The use of immersive virtual Reality in neurorehabilitation and its impact in NEUROPLASTICITY
… of a whole-body approach to brain health in autism: how transduction between metabolism and electrophysiology points to mechanisms for NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in multiple sclerosis
C-40 Computerized NEUROPLASTICITY Training Increases Processing Speed of Verbal Information: A Pilot Study of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
The role of emotion, vision, and touch in movement learning NEUROPLASTICITY and the mirror neuron system
Advanced perceptual learning techniques induce NEUROPLASTICITY to enable improved visual functions
Glucagon-like peptide-1 as predictor of body mass index and dentate gyrus neurogenesis: NEUROPLASTICITY and the metabolic milieu
NEUROPLASTICITY in the Pain, Emotion, and Cognition Nexus
NEUROPLASTICITY and repair in rodent neurotoxic models of spinal motoneuron disease
The Adaptable Brain: Biology of Social NEUROPLASTICITY
Meditation experience associated with structural NEUROPLASTICITY
Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: working one eye gives an advantage to the other
Post-Oberlin procedure cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in traumatic injury of the upper brachial plexus
Emergence of the consonance pattern within synaptic weights of a neural network featuring Hebbian NEUROPLASTICITY
Epigenetics and NEUROPLASTICITY-Evidence and Debate
Hearing matters: Debilitating tinnitus a problem, and solution, in NEUROPLASTICITY
Understanding adolescent NEUROPLASTICITY: a guide to developing resiliency programmes for adolescents
Electrical stimulation and tinnitus: NEUROPLASTICITY, neuromodulation, neuroprotection
Reversal of neuronal atrophy: role of cellular immunity in NEUROPLASTICITY and aging
Influence of motor cortex stimulation during motor training on NEUROPLASTICITY as a potential therapeutic intervention
NEUROPLASTICITY after aquired brain injury
Design, construction and analysis of an alternative stroke rehabilitation device based on the principels of NEUROPLASTICITY
Calbindin‐D28k and calretinin in chicken inner retina during postnatal development and NEUROPLASTICITY by dim red light
NEUROPLASTICITY of PACAP expression and function in micturition reflex pathways
NEUROPLASTICITY and Extracellular Proteolysis
NEUROPLASTICITY in normal and brain injured patients: Potential relevance of ear wiggling locus of control and cortical projections
NEUROPLASTICITY and mindfulness meditation
Pediatric Constraint Induced Movement Therapy: Harnessing Adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY
Exercise, NEUROPLASTICITY, and growth factors in adolescence
Central NEUROPLASTICITY and functional outcome of swinging upper limbs following repetitive locomotor training of lower limbs in stroke patients
S183 Physiologic basis of NEUROPLASTICITY
6. NEUROPLASTICITY, epilepsy and NEUROPLASTICITY as a potential treatment for some forms of epilepsy
Stress, Depression and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in constraint-induced movement therapy
Changes to the brain: Methods of investigation, aging, and NEUROPLASTICITY.
NEUROPLASTICITY: A Fresh Beginning for Life
Computerized cognitive training based upon NEUROPLASTICITY
Contribution of Corticospinal Modulation and Total Electrical Energy for Peripheral-Nerve-Stimulation-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY as Indexed by Additional Muscular …
Neurofilament heavy chain expression and NEUROPLASTICITY in rat auditory cortex after unilateral and bilateral deafness
NEUROPLASTICITY: Exciting experiences make neurons less excitable
Exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY: Benefits of High Intensity Interval Exercise
On Defining NEUROPLASTICITY: A Book Review of Dr. Norman Doidge’s The Brain That Changes Itself
Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY by drug therapy
SUMOylation in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurological disorders
Serotonin buffers hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and emotional behavior
Assessing and stabilizing aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in autism spectrum disorder using transcranial magnetic stimulation: preliminary findings from a proof-of-principle …
Simulating pancreatic NEUROPLASTICITY: in vitro dual-neuron plasticity assay
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by exercise
Cognitive rehabilitation and modulating NEUROPLASTICITY with brain stimulation: promises and challenges
The use of immersive virtual reality in neurorehabilitation and its impact in NEUROPLASTICITY
The Significance of Sleep Deprivation in the Development of Local Epilepsy from the Point of View of NEUROPLASTICITY
New approaches in the study of NEUROPLASTICITY process in patients with central nervous system lesion
NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted intervention for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: A new therapeutic direction
Acquiring Tastes through Online Activity: NEUROPLASTICITY and the Flow Experiences of Web Users
The role of spinal manipulation in modulating NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
Study the effects of NEUROPLASTICITY on major depression disorder in rTMS combined with antidepressant treatments
The comparative pattern of neuromidin and magnetic stimulation influence on NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental traumatic neuropathy
Cerebrospinal biomarkers in Alzheimer disease—potential roles as markers of prognosis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Thinking in 140 characters: The internet, NEUROPLASTICITY, and intelligence analysis
NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Onset Multiple Sclerosis
Aberrant cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the OSA patient (Commentary on Opie et al.)
NEUROPLASTICITY in Bipolar Disorder: Insights from Neuroimaging
Initiation of olfactory memory in patients after successful treatment of patients with congenital hyposmia–the role of NEUROPLASTICITY
Mapping the dynamics of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY of skilled motor learning using micro X-ray fluorescence and histofluorescence imaging of zinc in the rat
An exploration of the role of cellular NEUROPLASTICITY in large scale models of biological neural networks
New insights on the interplay between psychopharmacology and NEUROPLASTICITY in psychiatric disorders
What Educators and Parents Should Know About NEUROPLASTICITY, Learning and Dance
Letter to Editor: Application of NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais Method with a runner with scoliosis and lower quarter pain: Additional …
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY types in aphasia recovery and its influencing factors: a systematic review of literature
NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
P312 fMRI analysis of the human brain’s NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis of movement disorders compensation after traumatic brain injury
Connectivity modeling and NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
Significance of sleep deprivation in the development of local epilepsy from NEUROPLASTICITY opinion
Learning in the damaged brain/spinal cord: NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and Antipsychotics in Treatment of Schizophrenia
Bilingualism, executive control and NEUROPLASTICITY
… Imaging of Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Patients Treated with Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: Predictors and Clinically Correlated Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY
INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: NEUROPLASTICITY of selective attention: Research foundations and preliminary evidence for a …
The bilingual neurocognitive network: an investigation of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive performance
Visual intelligence in action: A question of balance? NEUROPLASTICITY: recent findings on the visual system for the practitioner
Dopaminergic Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans-Contribuition of Receptor Subtypes and Dosage
NEUROPLASTICITY-A Biochemical Wonder
Developing a NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Treatment Program for Psychopathy: Treatment Foci and Options
Translational studies exploring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with motor skill learning and the regulatory role of the dopamine system.
Central NEUROPLASTICITY and lower limbs functional outcome following repetitive locomotor training in stroke patients
NEUROPLASTICITY and Headaches: A Review of the Literature
The potential therapeutic effect of BDNF on GABAergic NEUROPLASTICITY dysfunction in late-life anxiety
Addiction, hippocampal neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult brain
Reply to El-Dib and Glass: NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex in premature newborns exposed to recorded maternal sounds
Effects of an acute bout of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY.
Effects of β-asarone on NEUROPLASTICITY-related factors in hippocampus of rat model of depression
Exercising the Tibialis Anterior Muscle of Children with Cerebral Palsy for Improved NEUROPLASTICITY using an Electrical Guitar
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for cocaine addiction.
Dependence of nociceptive detection thresholds on physiological parameters and capsaicin-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a computational study
The contribution of NEUROPLASTICITY induced in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus to cocaine addiction.
The long-term effects of methamphetamine on depressive-like behaviour and NEUROPLASTICITY in stress-sensitive rats
Higher Neural Functions and Behavior: Motor learning in a complex balance task and associated NEUROPLASTICITY: a comparison between endurance athletes …
Main theoretical, pathophysiological and practical aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY.
Molecular and functional study of vasopressin/oxytocin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in Caenorhabditis elegans
Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY training (TNT)
Nigrostriatal degeneration dictates a top-down genetic program for NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorepair: Focus on the hippocampus and Wnt/GSK-3β/β-catenin signaling …
5. T cell immunity and NEUROPLASTICITY
Inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the cornea
Postinjury NEUROPLASTICITY in Central Neural Networks
NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation Therapy
Christopher A. Shaw and Jill C. McEachern Is There a General Theory of NEUROPLASTICITY?
NEUROPLASTICITY and Healthy Lifestyle: How Can We Understand This Relationship?
… : Glucoallostasis control of plasticity of the neural networks of error commission, detection, and correction modulates NEUROPLASTICITY to influence task precision
NEUROPLASTICITY aspects of the traumatic brain injury consecuences
Shining a light on new thinking in NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons for the classroom.
C. Campbell Teskey A General Framework for NEUROPLASTICITY Theories and Models
NEUROPLASTICITY: the impact of age and injury
396. NEUROPLASTICITY benefits of adding aerobic exercise to cognitive training in first-episode schizophrenia patients
From NEUROPLASTICITY to Applied Proposals: Early Stimulation and Its Implementation in Costa Rica
NEUROPLASTICITY and Predictors of Alcohol Recovery
Brain Development and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY Protocols: Inducing and Measuring Change
NEUROPLASTICITY: A study to understand the formation of neural pathways when learning a new skill
NEUROPLASTICITY and Blindness: From Clinical Setting to Technology Research
NEUROPLASTICITY: Changing concept in understanding chronic pain
Ear manipulations help model NEUROPLASTICITY limitations
Stress Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and Mental Disorders
Feedback and NEUROPLASTICITY rehabilitation for brain damage
NEUROPLASTICITY in Athletic Training
A Case Study on Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY in a Patient With Schizophrenia
Redesigning the Brain: The Effect of Bilingualism on NEUROPLASTICITY
Reaction Time as a Measure of NEUROPLASTICITY After Aerobic Exercise
Modulation Of NEUROPLASTICITY In Humans By Advanced Stimulation Protocols And Neuromodulators
The influence of attentional focus on NEUROPLASTICITY following a seven-day balance training intervention
Effect of brevican deficiency on NEUROPLASTICITY mediating molecules
NEUROPLASTICITY and auditory deprivation
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorestoration in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: Experimental studies in the mouse
Interactions Between Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma (DLGG), Brain Connectome and NEUROPLASTICITY
Coordinated reset and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY after Traumatic Brain Injury
Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy and injured brain
Nine. The Plastic Brain Fundamentals of Neuroscience and NEUROPLASTICITY
Investigating the NEUROPLASTICITY of Chronic Pain Utilizing Biofeedback Procedures
Spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in Chronic Pain
P299 Inter-individual variability and intra-individual reliability of iTBS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the healthy brain
The Use of Clinical Improvisation to Improve Attention and Memory Deficits in Stroke Patients: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Recovering Brain. A Critical …
Commentary: NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone—ADDENDUM
Effects of blueberries on cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY
Expression of NEUROPLASTICITY Genes in Cerebral Cortex of Down Syndrome
Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY by cortical stimulation
Second-Language Phonology Learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
Measuring NEUROPLASTICITY Associated with Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation
Could NEUROPLASTICITY be an answer to different antidepressants efficacy among individuals?
Effect of NEUROPLASTICITY-based BRAINFIT Mind Exercises on Attention Skills of Primary School Students
Improving and Predicting Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury: NEUROPLASTICITY, Imaging Modalities, and Perspective Therapy
NEUROPLASTICITY: The brain as a master key for the physical recovery after a cerebral vascular incident
Motor learning induced NEUROPLASTICITY in minimally invasive surgery
Assessing NEUROPLASTICITY with Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
Fatigue as a potential modulator of NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
Landscape Architecture and NEUROPLASTICITY: A Role for Design in Addressing the Impact of Early Childhood Trauma
Pedagogical implications of vocal learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based Auditory Processing Speed Training in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
Effects of Exercise-Altered Immune Functions on NEUROPLASTICITY
Designing and evaluating technologies for virtual reality therapies that promote NEUROPLASTICITY
The role of neuroimaging in understanding the impact of NEUROPLASTICITY after CNS damage
NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord following laser irradiation
Characterization and Comparison of NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms in Rat and Human Cortex
NEUROPLASTICITY in Art Therapy for Depression
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by peripheral nerve stimulation
Improving and predicting outcomes of traumatic brain injury: NEUROPLASTICITY, imaging modalities, and perspective therapy
The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY for Pastoral and Spiritual Care by Kirk A. Bingaman
NEUROPLASTICITY during motor rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease
NEUROPLASTICITY in Apraxia Recovery
Common NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms underlying drugs and food reward
NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted therapy for Down syndrome: a translational approach
NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in sclerosis
Questioning the Medical Model of Mental Health: A Review of The Social Construction of Mental Illness and Its Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
Physiological Basis to Use NEUROPLASTICITY for Rehabilitation after CNS Damage
Experimental and clinical neck pain: Studies on training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Cortical Injury and NEUROPLASTICITY During Brain Development
NEUROPLASTICITY in the mammalian clock: the effect of aging and seasons
Relationship between serum and brain luteinizing hormone and markers of NEUROPLASTICITY during the mouse estrous cycle
Non Invasive Brain Stimulation Therapy Restores NEUROPLASTICITY in Depression
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Promotes NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke: mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and evidence from animal models
Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY in seawater-adapted European
Androgens and NEUROPLASTICITY: contributions to the pathogenesis and treatment of depression
NEUROPLASTICITY and Early Intervention: Effectiveness on Children with Perinatal Stroke
The efficacy of non-invasive brain stimulation protocols for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY
Measuring motor-training induced NEUROPLASTICITY using diffusion and functional MRI: A Sensitive, Pathology-Robust Approach
NEUROPLASTICITY isn’t Just About the Brain… 1: Review of a Webinar by Pat Ogden on 20th February 2013
NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits and Working Memory Performance in Individuals with Early Alzheimer’s Disease
NEUROPLASTICITY in deafness: Evidence from studies of patients with cochlear implants
NEUROPLASTICITY and spinal control: Latest evidence of sensorimotor involvement in low back pain
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental neck pain: a study of potential mechanisms impeding clinical outcome…
Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in aphasia: A better understanding of brain function for more efficient interventions
NEUROPLASTICITY and Speech-Language Pathology: What it Means for Language Development and How to Apply it to Therapy
Endogenous and treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease
The Effects of Gonadal Hormones on Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
Abstract T MP46: Stroke-Related NEUROPLASTICITY During Steering of Human Gait
Altered NEUROPLASTICITY of prefrontal cortex in adult autism spectrum disorder
NEUROPLASTICITY with cochlear implants: Underlying neuronal mechanisms
Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY To Repair The Injured Spinal Cord
Reviews of Textbooks of Motor Learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
The Effect of Exercise on Motor Function and NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s Disease
Long-Term Behavioral Adaptations and NEUROPLASTICITY following Adolescent Anesthetic Exposure
NEUROPLASTICITY, neuroimaging, and bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
Accessible online NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted training for children with ADHD
DP Cain Synaptic Models of NEUROPLASTICITY: What Is LTP?
P310 Brain stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY underlying therapeutic response in phantom sounds
NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuromarker Driven Neuromodulation: The Future Path to Normalizing Brain Function
Neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and the Treatment of Brain Disorder
Exploring NEUROPLASTICITY in acute mild traumatic brain injury
Novel role for transcranial magnetic stimulation to study post-traumatic respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
Docosahexaenoic Acid Promotes Recovery of Motor Function by Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms
Improving NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning by brain stimulation techniques
Design of a Novel Servo-motorized Laser Device for Visual Pathways Diseases Therapies Based on NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in play: Outcomes after Hemispherectomy in Rasmussen Encephalitis
NEUROPLASTICITY in the female brain-Short and long term effects of hormonal contraception
Contribution of NEUROPLASTICITY in the insular cortex induced by nerve injury to neuropathic pain
The Relationship Between NEUROPLASTICITY Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Patient reported Function
Perineuronal nets and song learning-related NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird brain
The effects of ethanol on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY in a vertebrate and an invertebrate model of learning
Perception of non-native sounds in a second language: Electrophysiological evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in the phonological system
Role of Smad2 in the processes of NEUROPLASTICITY related to hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory
Cholinergic enhancing strategies and brain NEUROPLASTICITY. From preclinical evidence to clinical applications.
Motor planning and Sensory NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL Reconstruction
TDCS polarity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY changes in physiological brain aging: a multimodal study
Epigenetic regulation of HCN channels: a window into NEUROPLASTICITY?
Fingolimod-induced functional NEUROPLASTICITY in Multiple Sclerosis (P4. 372)
Combined transcranial alternating current stimulation and cTBS: a novel approach for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
Defining the role of ciliary proteins BBS (Bardet-Biedl syndrome) in NEUROPLASTICITY
Research in Non invasive brain stimulation to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery in Stroke rehabilitation
The regulation of thyroid hormone action during developmental and seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird song control system
Epigenetic Modifications Mediate Experience-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY; Relevance to the Etiology and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Highlights in basic autonomic neurosciences: Sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY in the post-ischemic heart
P093 Transcranial cortex stimulation, NEUROPLASTICITY and learning: An experimental and computational study
Mechanisms of respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY elicited by reduced respiratory neural activity
Poster Abstracts from the Seventh International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis: NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation in MS
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY Across Auditory, Visual, and Somatosensory Modalities in Children with Cochlear Implants
NEUROPLASTICITY and Mindfulness in Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Cause for Great Optimism
NEUROPLASTICITY after Sexual Experience in the Nucleus Accumbens of Syrian hamsters
Does the Co-citation Map Predict Disciplinary Clusters in NEUROPLASTICITY Theory?
Effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based Cognitive Rehabilitation Training on Neuropsychological Functioning and White…
Notes on NEUROPLASTICITY Investigation using Coupled Electrical and Electrochemical Sensing through Carbon Electrodes
C0075 Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: A Method for Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Treat Motor Disorders
The Effects of Diet Induced Obesity and Metabolic Irregularities on Hippocampal-Based Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in Young Female and Male Rat
Comparison of the Influences of Neuromidin and Magnetic Stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in Experimental Traumatic Neuropathy
Effect of breviscapine on NEUROPLASTICITY in intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
UTR extension and alternate polyadenylation in NEUROPLASTICITY: an emerging paradigm?
Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging.
Keynote: Research that Improves Lives: Harnessing the Power of NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Language Function for Survivors of Stroke and Brain Injury
NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodegeneration in patients suffering from mood disorders: putative blood biomarkers and cognitive functions.
Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging: Commentary on Baum and Titone.
O mega-3 fatty acids and traumatic neurological injury: from neuroprotection to NEUROPLASTICITY
Long term administration of methamphetamine in Tat mice causes altered behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY gene expression–Implications in neuroAIDS
Chapter 4. Contemporary issues and theories of motor control, motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
T014 A brain network perspective on tDCS induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Single versus dual or multiple sites stimulation
The efficacy of paired-associative stimulation for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in motor cortex of healthy individuals: a qualitative review
A Pilot Study of NEUROPLASTICITY Based Cognitive Remediation in Early Onset Psychosis
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Sexual Experience-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the Nucleus Accumbens after in Syrian Hamsters
Synaptic Sweet Talk: How Do Perineuronal Nets Contribute to Epileptogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY?
Calcium binding proteins NEUROPLASTICITY in vertebrate retinas exposed to dim light
HD Brain-Train: NEUROPLASTICITY as a Target to Improve Function in Huntington’s Disease
Intermittent hypoxia induces NEUROPLASTICITY changes in the nucleus of the solitary tract (1132.1)
Case report: using NEUROPLASTICITY principles in the physiotherapy management of a person with chronic hemiplegia whose goal is community ambulation
NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with Parkinson’s disease and myoclonus epilepsy
Electrophysiological Evidence for Central NEUROPLASTICITY of the Contralesional Ear in Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Schwannoma
Mindful Awareness and Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY: Integrating Psychospiritual and Biological Approaches to Mental Health with a Focus on Obsessive-Compulsive …
NEUROPLASTICITY possibly induced by a series of prefrontal rTMS for major depression
Recognising NEUROPLASTICITY in musculoskeletal rehabilitation: A basis for greater collaboration between musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapists
Alterations to hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan in a rodent model of FASD
George D. Mower Immediate Early Gene Expression and Critical Period NEUROPLASTICITY in the Visual Cortex
Feed-forward thalamic modulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex
Abstract TP143: Effects of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Novel Blood Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke
Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment: Epigenetics, NEUROPLASTICITY, Meditation, and Music Therapy
Differences and Similarities in the Impact of Different Types of Stress on Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in Serotonin Transporter Deficient Mice
Acquisition and retention of asymmetric bimanual skills: Behavioral correlates of NEUROPLASTICITY
Anatomical specificity of the action of testosterone in relation to the regulation of birdsong and the underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
Hebbian NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Corticospinal Tract as Induced by Specific Electrical and Magnetic Stimulation Protocols
Optogenetic Deconstructing the Mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY Modulated by Repetitive Cortical Stimulation
Reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with depression as indexed by paired associative stimulation paradigm combined with EEG
Cognitive flexibility, NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms and brain synchrony in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
NEUROPLASTICITY and the developing brain: The psychophysiological effects of mindfulness meditation on school-aged children
Promotion of NEUROPLASTICITY by modifying perineuronal nets using polysialic acid
NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of the mechanism of electroconvulsive therapy: a proton magnetic resonance and functional connectivity investigation
Correction: Age-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms in Alzheimer Tg2576 Mice Following Modulation of Brain Amyloid-β Levels
NEUROPLASTICITY, Dosage and Repetition Priming Effects in Individuals with Stroke Induced Aphasia
NEUROPLASTICITY in Human Alcoholism: Studies of Extended Abstinence with Potential Treatment Implications George Fein1, 2 and Valerie A. Cardenas1 …
Vascular Stat3 Promotes Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY Long-Term After Stroke
Identifying potential NEUROPLASTICITY changes in the brains of young Chinook salmon during salt water entry
Effect of optogenetic stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY of the embryonic chick motor system
The treatment of tinnitus by modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex and the role of Mg ions
NEUROPLASTICITY, Dosage, and Repetition Priming Effects in Individuals with Stroke-Induced Aphasia
Synaptic Abnormalities and NEUROPLASTICITY: Molecular Mechanisms of Cognitive Dysfunction in Genetic Mouse Models of Schizophrenia
… mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Theoretical propositions spec-ulating the potential benefits of mindfulness intervention on inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in MCI are …
The Role of Gonadal Sex Steroids in NEUROPLASTICITY of Brains of Male Peromyscus leucopus Subjected to Different Photoperiods
Correction: Transcriptional Evidence for the Role of Chronic Venlafaxine Treatment in Neurotrophic Signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY Including also Glutatmatergic-and …
Naturally Motivated Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY: How Sexual Experience Affects Neural Activation During Sexual Behavior in Female Syrian Hamsters
Exploring outcomes for Wilsonian organic NEUROPLASTICITY (WON) on test anxiety scores of students enrolled in an introduction to helping relationship class: A …
New avenues to facilitate NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy brain: The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on motor learning and the impact of acute physical …
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances NEUROPLASTICITY and Forelimb Recovery after Stroke in Aged Rats
NEUROPLASTICITY in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Older People with Schizophrenia Measured by Paired Associative Stimulation
Pre-reproductive maternal enrichment influences rat maternal care and offspring developmental trajectories. Behavioral performances and NEUROPLASTICITY correlates
Doublecortin-like knockdown in the adult mouse brain: implications for neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY and behaviour
Altered developmental NEUROPLASTICITY due to polysialyltransferase ST8SiaII deficiency in mice leads to schizophrenia-like phenotype
Intermittent Hypoxia during Gestation Disrupts Respiratory Rhythm and NEUROPLASTICITY in Newborn Rat Brainstem‐spinal cord Preparations In Vitro
Orthodontic tooth movement is associated with orofacial mechanical and thermal hypersensitivities and face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY
Intensive stuttering therapy based on NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning principles: treatment efficacy for adults who stutter
Investigating effects of behavioural flexibility and NEUROPLASTICITY on acclimation success of outcrossed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) …
Using stimulation and repetitive task practice to promote NEUROPLASTICITY targeted at improving hand function in individuals with chronic tetraplegia.
Sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord transection increases the susceptibility to ischemia-induced sustained ventricular tachycardia
NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarius precedes development of functional changes in autonomic regulation of arterial pressure in obese Zucker rats
Effects of a poor maternal diet on stress-induced tau phosphorylation in offspring: implications in HPA axis reactivity and NEUROPLASTICITY
Aging, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuro Rehabilitation. Aging Sci 2: e110. doi: 10.4172/2329-8847.1000 e110 Page 2 of 2 Volume 2• Issue 1• 1000e110 Aging Sci …
Altered expression of NEUROPLASTICITY related genes is associated with pathophysiology of human depression: expression analysis in postmortem human brain of …
Protocol Title: Cracking addiction: does BRAIN Stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY reverse prefrontal cortex hypoactivity in cocaine and neW stImulanTs …
Experience-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the Dorsal Striatum and Prefrontal Cortex in the MPTP-Lesioned Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
NEUROPLASTICITY and Post-Synaptic Rebound-Induced Spiking at Purkinje Cell-Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Synapses.
Part I: Catalytic Direct Carbon-Hydrogen Arylation of Pyrazoles Part II: Toward Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY with Small Molecules
NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult visual cortex: role of Semaphorin 3A aggregation by perineuronal nets and development of a custom apparatus for longitudinal evaluation …
Sox9 conditional knockdown reduces chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan expression, increases NEUROPLASTICITY, and improves motor function in a mouse model of …
RNA sequencing to profile transcriptional changes within the medullary raphe: potential mechanisms of central NEUROPLASTICITY driving the recovery of eupneic …
P 138: Improving NEUROPLASTICITY Through Neuroinflammation Pathways as a Therapeutic Goal in the Treatment of Autism
124. Experimental Medicine Approaches to Leveraging Auditory Information Processing NEUROPLASTICITY Toward Therapeutic Development in Schizophrenia
Conditional Sox9 ablation 30 days after spinal cord injury: Testing the therapeutic value of a successful acute strategy to increase NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of chronic …
FV 13 Electrophysiological correlates of language recovery–an MEG study of NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic post stroke aphasia
A Review of Kirk A. Bingaman’s The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY for Pastoral and Spiritual Care
EP 28. Fornix DBS enhances long-term spatial memory independent of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
Keynote lecture 5: NEUROPLASTICITY-based strategies applied to delay onsets of-and to treat-psychiatric and neurological disorders
Type 2 deiodinase in the developing song system of the zebra finch: a path to NEUROPLASTICITY?
ID 26–Chronic enhancement of serotonin facilitates excitatory tDCS induced NEUROPLASTICITY
5 Marina E. Wolf The NEUROPLASTICITY of Addiction
The involvement of TOR protein kinase and PI3K class 1 in the regulation of circadian NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
The role of pulmonary mast cells in neurotrophin 4 mediated cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in neonatal asthma
Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 30. Addiction, Hippocampal Neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Adult Brain
2 Q Advanced MRI techniques to improve our understanding of 3 experience-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Neurological Rehabilitation: Chapter 3. NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord
B101 ASTHMA PATHOGENESIS: Mast Cells Are Essential Source Of Neurotrophin 4 (nt4) For Allergen-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY In Neonatal Allergic Asthma
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY: modern approaches and clinical future
Dance for NEUROPLASTICITY: A descriptive systematic review
NEUROPLASTICITY in cognitive and psychological mechanisms of depression: an integrative model
Intermittent metabolic switching, NEUROPLASTICITY and brain health
Beyond clinical changes: rehabilitation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in MS
NEUROPLASTICITY of language networks in aphasia: Advances, updates, and future challenges
NEUROPLASTICITY in adult human visual cortex
Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a mechanistic model and prospects for promoting plasticity
The translational landscape in spinal cord injury: focus on NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration
Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY in a hybrid biopolymer transistor by dual modes modulation
Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY with strength training
Neurotrophic factors and NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression
NEUROPLASTICITY of sensorimotor control in low back pain
Functional relevance of resistance training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in health and disease
Achieving NEUROPLASTICITY in artificial neural networks through smart cities
Central nervous system NEUROPLASTICITY and the sensitization of hypertension
NEUROPLASTICITY as a foundation for human enhancements in space
NEUROPLASTICITY and aphasia treatments: new approaches for an old problem
Now is the critical time for engineered NEUROPLASTICITY
Brain functional reserve in the context of NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke.
Precision Neuroimaging Opens a New Chapter of NEUROPLASTICITY Experimentation
Post-learning micro-and macro-structural NEUROPLASTICITY changes with time and sleep
Persistent effects of obesity: a NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis
Potential effects of MSC-derived exosomes in NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
Lactate and BDNF: Key Mediators of Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY?
A review of exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke: pathology and mechanisms
NEUROPLASTICITY-driven timing modulations revealed by ultrafast functional magnetic resonance imaging
NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan and aging effects in bilinguals and monolinguals
Preclinical studies of NEUROPLASTICITY following experimental brain injury: an update
MicroRNA-dependent control of NEUROPLASTICITY in affective disorders
Physical exercise enhances NEUROPLASTICITY and delays Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of teaching the concept of NEUROPLASTICITY to induce a growth mindset on motivation, achievement, and brain activity: A meta-analysis
Shaping NEUROPLASTICITY by using powered exoskeletons in patients with stroke: a randomized clinical trial
Finding the intersection of NEUROPLASTICITY, stroke recovery, and learning: scope and contributions to stroke rehabilitation
Systematic review on exercise training as a NEUROPLASTICITY-inducing behavior in multiple sclerosis
Bite or brain: implication of sensorimotor regulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in oral rehabilitation procedures
Occupational NEUROPLASTICITY in the human brain: a critical review and meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
Olfactory loss and regain: lessons for NEUROPLASTICITY
Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease: a metasynthesis of the literature
Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with neurodegenerative diseases using brain stimulation techniques
Imaging functional NEUROPLASTICITY in human white matter tracts
Spinal interneurons as gatekeepers to NEUROPLASTICITY after injury or disease
Evidence for training-dependent structural NEUROPLASTICITY in brain-injured patients: a critical review
Differences in NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury in varying animal models and humans
The role of fMRI in the assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: a systematic review
The potential of virtual reality for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in children with amblyopia
Photoperiod-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the circadian system.
NEUROPLASTICITY in aphasia: A proposed framework of language recovery
NEUROPLASTICITY and environment: A pharmacotherapeutic approach toward preclinical and clinical understanding
Acute aerobic exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY of the motor cortex: a systematic review
Rehabilitation following spinal cord injury: how animal models can help our understanding of exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Yoga-and meditation-based lifestyle intervention increases NEUROPLASTICITY and reduces severity of major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial
NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke recovery. The role of microglia in engaging and modifying synapses and networks
Circadian modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by melatonin: a target in the treatment of depression
Lateral artificial synapses on hybrid perovskite platelets with modulated NEUROPLASTICITY
Peripheral nerve injuries, pain, and NEUROPLASTICITY
The antidepressant effect of testosterone: An effect of NEUROPLASTICITY?
Principles of motor learning to support NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL injury: implications for optimizing performance and reducing risk of second ACL injury
Chronic linaclotide treatment reduces colitis-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and reverses persistent bladder dysfunction
Functional and dysfunctional NEUROPLASTICITY in learning to cope with stress
Gut Microbiota and NEUROPLASTICITY
Flavonoids as a Natural Enhancer of NEUROPLASTICITY—An Overview of the Mechanism of Neurorestorative Action
High-intensity interval training after stroke: an opportunity to promote functional recovery, cardiovascular health, and NEUROPLASTICITY
Evaluating visual NEUROPLASTICITY with EEG in schizophrenia outpatients
Functional hypoxia drives NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis via brain erythropoietin
Shifting focus: a clinician’s guide to understanding NEUROPLASTICITY for anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation
The effects of biological sex and ovarian hormones on exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and brain degeneration: strategies for protection during the aging process
Neurosteroids: non-genomic pathways in NEUROPLASTICITY and involvement in neurological diseases
Neuroprocessing mechanisms of music during fetal and neonatal development: a role in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodevelopment
Modulation of binary NEUROPLASTICITY in a heterojunction-based ambipolar transistor
Chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment is associated with cytokine dysregulation and disruptions in NEUROPLASTICITY
Impact of coffee and cacao purine metabolites on NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodegenerative disease
Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Balance training increases cortical thickness in visual and vestibular cortical regions
Leveraging NEUROPLASTICITY to enhance adaptive learning: the potential for synergistic somatic-behavioral treatment combinations to improve clinical outcomes in …
NEUROPLASTICITY of the visual cortex: in sickness and in health
Training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in children with developmental coordination disorder
Language in preterm born children: atypical development and effects of early interventions on NEUROPLASTICITY
Hormones and NEUROPLASTICITY: A lifetime of adaptive responses
NEUROPLASTICITY following short‐term strength training occurs at supraspinal level and is specific for the trained task
Electroconvulsive therapy, electric field, NEUROPLASTICITY, and clinical outcomes
Magnetic seizure therapy reduces suicidal ideation and produces NEUROPLASTICITY in treatment-resistant depression
The olfactory system of zebrafish as a model for the study of neurotoxicity and injury: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and disease
Enriching communicative environments: Leveraging advances in NEUROPLASTICITY for improving outcomes in neurogenic communication disorders
Single housing‐induced effects on cognitive impairment and depression‐like behavior in male and female mice involve NEUROPLASTICITY‐related signaling
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive function in early-stage, mild-moderate hearing loss: Evidence of neurocognitive benefit from hearing aid use
NEUROPLASTICITY as a convergent mechanism of ketamine and classical psychedelics
Physical exercise prevents cognitive impairment by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and mitochondrial function in doxorubicin-induced chemobrain
Cerebrospinal fluid NEUROPLASTICITY-associated protein levels in patients with psychiatric disorders: a multiplex immunoassay study
Exercise alleviates cognitive functions by enhancing hippocampal insulin signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY in high-fat diet-induced obesity
Class I histone deacetylase inhibition by tianeptinaline modulates NEUROPLASTICITY and enhances memory
Cafeteria diet and probiotic therapy: cross talk among memory, NEUROPLASTICITY, serotonin receptors and gut microbiota in the rat
NEUROPLASTICITY and anterior cruciate ligament injury
Effects of physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY and brain function: a systematic review in human and animal studies
NEUROPLASTICITY, limbic neuroblastosis and neuro-regenerative disorders
NEUROPLASTICITY-related correlates of environmental enrichment combined with physical activity differ between the sexes
Biomarkers of Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY as Promising Clinical Tools for Stroke Recovery Evaluation
NEUROPLASTICITY and network connectivity of the motor cortex following stroke: a transcranial direct current stimulation study
Recovery of offline and online sentence processing in aphasia: Language and domain-general network NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in desert ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)–importance for the ontogeny of navigation
Melatonergic agonist regulates circadian clock genes and peripheral inflammatory and NEUROPLASTICITY markers in patients with depression and anxiety
Dysregulated bile acid synthesis and dysbiosis are implicated in Western diet–induced systemic inflammation, microglial activation, and reduced NEUROPLASTICITY
Dysregulation of auditory NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
High motor cortex excitability in highly hypnotizable individuals: a favourable factor for NEUROPLASTICITY?
Disconnected body representation: NEUROPLASTICITY following spinal cord injury
Functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY associated with second language proficiency: An MRI study of Chinese-English bilinguals
Impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in the prefrontal cortex in depression indexed through paired associative stimulation
Pharmacological modulation of hypoxia-induced respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the developing hypothalamus: integrative epigenomic approaches
Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY following early-life social adversities: the possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Dopamine D3 Receptor Heteromerization: Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprotection
Ginsenoside Rg1 prevents chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: associations with microglia-mediated cytokines, neuroinflammation, and NEUROPLASTICITY
Nurturing the preterm infant brain: leveraging NEUROPLASTICITY to improve neurobehavioral outcomes
Protocols of non-invasive brain stimulation for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
Vasogenic edema versus NEUROPLASTICITY as neural correlates of hippocampal volume increase following electroconvulsive therapy
Effects of Different High-Intensity Interval Training Regimens on Endurance and NEUROPLASTICITY After Cerebral Ischemia
Mechanisms of timing, timbre, repertoire, and entrainment in NEUROPLASTICITY: mutual interplay in neonatal development
Cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma driven by TrkB signaling
Retraining walking over ground in a powered exoskeleton after spinal cord injury: a prospective cohort study to examine functional gains and NEUROPLASTICITY
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for Functional Recovery
Common cellular and molecular mechanisms and interactions between microglial activation and aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in depression
Exploratory study of the long-term footprint of deep brain stimulation on brain metabolism and NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of obesity
Immediate early genes in social insects: a tool to identify brain regions involved in complex behaviors and molecular processes underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
Dose-related target occupancy and effects on circuitry, behavior, and NEUROPLASTICITY of the glycine transporter-1 inhibitor PF-03463275 in healthy and schizophrenia …
Environmental signals on microglial function during brain development, NEUROPLASTICITY, and disease
Digital Financial Decision With A View of NEUROPLASTICITY/Neurofinancy/Neural Networks
Inverse paired-pulse facilitation in NEUROPLASTICITY based on interface-boosted charge trapping layered electronics
NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebral visual impairment (CVI): assessing functional vision and the neurophysiological correlates of dorsal stream dysfunction
Role of astroglia in diet-induced central NEUROPLASTICITY
Reduced tactile acuity in chronic low back pain is linked with structural NEUROPLASTICITY in primary somatosensory cortex and is modulated by acupuncture …
Comparative hippocampal synaptic proteomes of rodents and primates: differences in NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins
Neurofeedback and NEUROPLASTICITY of visual self-processing in depressed and healthy adolescents: A preliminary study
High-intensity interval training on NEUROPLASTICITY, balance between brain-derived neurotrophic factor and precursor brain-derived neurotrophic factor in poststroke …
Weight loss, behavioral change, and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in children with obesity through a multidisciplinary treatment program
Motor learning, NEUROPLASTICITY, and strength and skill training: moving from compensation to retraining in behavioral management of dysphagia
Sleep as a model to understand NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: observational, perturbational and interventional approaches
Diabetes and the link between NEUROPLASTICITY and glutamate in the aging human motor cortex
NEUROPLASTICITY of cognitive control networks following cognitive training for chronic traumatic brain injury
Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY linking early adversity to depression: developmental considerations
Modulation of DNA methylation and gene expression in rodent cortical NEUROPLASTICITY pathways exerts rapid antidepressant-like effects
Translational profiling of stress-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the CA3 pyramidal neurons of BDNF Val66Met mice
White matter NEUROPLASTICITY: Motor learning activates the internal capsule and reduces hemodynamic response variability
Effects of metformin on recognition memory and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with metabolic syndrome
Stress induced NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorders 2018
Memory and cognition-related NEUROPLASTICITY enhancement by transcranial direct current stimulation in rodents: a systematic review
Spinal cord injury: lessons about NEUROPLASTICITY from paired associative stimulation
Motor NEUROPLASTICITY: A MEG-fMRI study of motor imagery and execution in healthy ageing
Curcumin protects against chronic stress-induced dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY and depression-like behaviors via suppressing IL-1β pathway in rats
Ca2+ channel dynamics explain the nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY induction by cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex
Dance, aging, and NEUROPLASTICITY: An integrative review
Locomotor activities as a way of inducing NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from conventional approaches and perspectives on eccentric exercises
Blueberry supplementation attenuates microglia activation and increases NEUROPLASTICITY in mice consuming a high-fat diet
Feasibility aspects of exploring exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial
The role of Smad2 in adult NEUROPLASTICITY as seen through hippocampal-dependent spatial learning/memory and neurogenesis
AIM2 deletion promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and spatial memory of mice
NEUROPLASTICITY in visual impairments
Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY via Ion Migration in van der Waals Layered Copper Indium Thiophosphate
Molecular and microstructural biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY in neurodegenerative disorders through preclinical and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging …
The treatment of Goji berry (Lycium barbarum) improves the NEUROPLASTICITY of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in aged rats
Increase in blood levels of growth factors involved in the NEUROPLASTICITY process by using an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in post-stroke …
General anesthetic exposure in adolescent rats causes persistent maladaptations in cognitive and affective behaviors and NEUROPLASTICITY
Brain endothelial cell-derived exosomes induce NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with ischemia/reperfusion injury
Environmental enrichment and social isolation mediate NEUROPLASTICITY of medium spiny neurons through the GSK3 pathway
Physical exercise ameliorates psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunctions by hippocampal mitochondrial function and NEUROPLASTICITY in post-traumatic stress …
Effects of tDCS on NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammatory biomarkers in bipolar depression: Results from a sham-controlled study
Reduction of BDNF results in GABAergic NEUROPLASTICITY dysfunction and contributes to late-life anxiety disorder.
Overcoming resistance to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: targeting serotonin, serotonin-1A receptors and adult NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprotective effect of treadmill training in the chronic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
In vivo online monitoring of testosterone-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in a female songbird
The NEUROPLASTICITY marker PSA-NCAM: Insights into new therapeutic avenues for promoting neuroregeneration
An integrated model of slow-wave activity and NEUROPLASTICITY impairments in major depressive disorder
Implications on hypnotherapy: NEUROPLASTICITY, epigenetics and pain
Depression impedes NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life after stroke
Brain stimulation‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY underlying therapeutic response in phantom sounds
Exploring the effect of adaptogenic Rhodiola Rosea extract on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in trained musicians modulates the effects of chronic pain on insula-based networks–A resting-state fMRI study
Sex differences after chronic stress in the expression of opioid-, stress-and NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the rat hippocampus
The NEUROPLASTICITY of division of labor: worker polymorphism, compound eye structure and brain organization in the leafcutter ant Atta cephalotes
Reading intervention and NEUROPLASTICITY: A systematic review and meta-analysis of brain changes associated with reading intervention
Effects of exercise on proactive interference in memory: potential NEUROPLASTICITY and neurochemical mechanisms
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can induce NEUROPLASTICITY and significant clinical improvement in patients suffering from fibromyalgia with a history of childhood …
Central irisin administration affords antidepressant-like effect and modulates NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of mice
NEUROPLASTICITY of Cortical Planning for Initiating Stepping Poststroke: A Case Series
NEUROPLASTICITY and brain reorganization associated with positive outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in progressive multiple sclerosis: A fMRI study
A high-fat high-sugar diet in adolescent rats impairs social memory and alters chemical markers characteristic of atypical NEUROPLASTICITY and parvalbumin interneuron …
Activity-Dependent Neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY of Auditory Neurons Following Conductive Hearing Loss in Adult Mice.
Distinct regulation of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and ciliary genes by corticosteroid receptors
Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic aphasia after phonological component analysis: A matter of intensity
Music therapy enhances executive functions and prefrontal structural NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury: evidence from a randomized controlled trial
Influencing NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke treatment with advanced biomaterials-based approaches
Tau-mediated dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY and glial plasticity
Neural stem cell transplantation promotes functional recovery from traumatic brain injury via brain derived neurotrophic factor-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
Appropriate exercise level attenuates gut dysbiosis and valeric acid increase to improve NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive function after surgery in mice
Constraint induced movement therapy promotes contralesional-oriented structural and bihemispheric functional NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cerebello-thalamic injury underpins the clinical presentation of tremor in multiple sclerosis
Glucocorticoid regulation of the glutamatergic synapse: Mechanisms of stress-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and the role of exercise and diet on cognition
Mechanisms underlying NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarii following hindlimb unloading in rats
Adult mouse DRG explant and dissociated cell models to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY and responses to environmental insults including viral infection
Altered corticomotor latencies but normal motor NEUROPLASTICITY in concussed athletes
Serotonin depletion causes valproate-responsive manic-like condition and increased hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY that are reversed by stress
Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY to improve motor recovery after stroke
Extreme NEUROPLASTICITY of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in hibernating mammalian species
Differentiated effects of robot hand training with and without neural guidance on NEUROPLASTICITY patterns in chronic stroke
A cross-talk between blood-cell NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes and environmental enrichment in working dogs
Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY-related targets following stress-induced acute escape deficit
NEUROPLASTICITY in brain injury: maximizing recovery
Hydrogen sulfide: a target to modulate oxidative stress and NEUROPLASTICITY for the treatment of pathological anxiety
Can non-invasive brain stimulation be considered to facilitate reoperation for low-grade glioma relapse by eliciting NEUROPLASTICITY?
Photophobia: shared pathophysiology underlying dry eye disease, migraine and traumatic brain injury leading to central NEUROPLASTICITY of the trigeminothalamic …
Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY and dysmotility in inflammatory disease: key players and possible therapeutic targets
Activation of 5-HT1A postsynaptic receptors by NLX-101 results in functional recovery and an increase in NEUROPLASTICITY in mice with brain ischemia
A NEUROPLASTICITY and functional restoration after stroke
Cognitive Load of Exercise Influences Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY of Healthy Elderly: An Exploratory Investigation
Nicotine‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in striatum is subregion‐specific and reversed by motor training on the rotarod
Reduced cortical excitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and salivary cortisol in 11–13-year-old children born to women with gestational diabetes mellitus
NEUROPLASTICITY, bilingualism, and mental mathematics: A behavior-MEG study
Higher-order surgical questions for diffuse low-grade gliomas: supramaximal resection, NEUROPLASTICITY, and screening
Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY of the white matter connectome in children with perinatal stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke aphasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional imaging studies of reorganization of language processing
Efficacy, trainability, and NEUROPLASTICITY of SMR vs. alpha rhythm shooting performance neurofeedback training
Social isolation in rats: Effects on animal welfare and molecular markers for NEUROPLASTICITY
rTMS induces analgesia and modulates neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in neuropathic pain model rats
GABA-enriched fermented Laminaria japonica improves cognitive impairment and NEUROPLASTICITY in scopolamine-and ethanol-induced dementia model mice
Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated NEUROPLASTICITY in old age
Combination of jaw and tongue movement training influences NEUROPLASTICITY of corticomotor pathways in humans
NEUROPLASTICITY of the sensorimotor neural network associated with walking aid training in people with multiple sclerosis
NEUROPLASTICITY in children and adolescents in response to treatment intervention: A systematic review of the literature
The role of cell adhesion molecule genes regulating NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction
Therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a placebo …
NEUROPLASTICITY in the cerebello-thalamo-basal ganglia pathway: A longitudinal in vivo MRI study in male songbirds
Targeted application of motor learning theory to leverage youth NEUROPLASTICITY for enhanced injury-resistance and exercise performance: OPTIMAL PREP
Overground gait training promotes functional recovery and cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in an incomplete spinal cord injury model
Sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY-and stress-related gene expression and protein levels in the rat hippocampus following oxycodone conditioned place preference
Circadian clock genes and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY genes oscillate in the phrenic motor system
… lucidum aqueous extract prevents hypobaric hypoxia induced memory deficit by modulating neurotransmission, NEUROPLASTICITY and maintaining redox …
Physiotherapy based on problem‐solving in upper limb function and NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic stroke patients: A case series
Eccentric cross-exercise after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Novel case series to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of exercise timing and intensity on NEUROPLASTICITY in a rat model of cerebral infarction
Intensive treadmill exercise increases expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and its downstream transcript targets: a potential role in NEUROPLASTICITY
An integrated approach to neuro-development, NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive improvement
Transcranial magneto-acoustic stimulation improves NEUROPLASTICITY in hippocampus of Parkinson’s disease model mice
NEUROPLASTICITY in the acoustic startle reflex in larval zebrafish
The prevalence of the Val66Met polymorphism in musicians: Possible evidence for compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY from a pilot study
Effects of subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus of Sprague …
NEUROPLASTICITY, neurotransmission and brain-related genes in major depression and bipolar disorder: focus on treatment outcomes in an asiatic sample
Effects of testosterone treatment on hypothalamic NEUROPLASTICITY in female-to-male transgender individuals
Nociception, pain, NEUROPLASTICITY and the practice of osteopathic manipulative medicine
Hallucinations, NEUROPLASTICITY, and prediction errors in schizophrenia
Involvement of the serotonergic system and NEUROPLASTICITY in the antidepressant effect of curcumin in ovariectomized rats: comparison with oestradiol and fluoxetine
CD74 promotes perineural invasion of cancer cells and mediates NEUROPLASTICITY via the AKT/EGR-1/GDNF axis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Single Exposure to the Cathinones MDPV and α-PVP Alters Molecular Markers of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Adult Mouse Brain
Tumour necrosis factor in NEUROPLASTICITY, neurogenesis and alcohol use disorder
Effect of acute exposure to toluene on cortical excitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and motor learning in healthy humans
Erratum to “The Role of fMRI in the Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A Systematic Review”
How musical training shapes the adult brain: predispositions and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults revealed by temporary occlusion of one eye
Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY through intracranial θ-burst stimulation in the human sensorimotor cortex
Mimic Drug Dosage Modulation for NEUROPLASTICITY Based on Charge‐Trap Layered Electronics
Disentangling the effects of spinal cord injury and related neuropathic pain on supraspinal NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review on neuroimaging
The death of localizationism: The concepts of functional connectome and NEUROPLASTICITY deciphered by awake mapping, and their implications for best care of brain …
Diffusion tensor-MRI detects exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal microstructure in mice
NEUROPLASTICITY associated with changes in conversational turn-taking following a family-based intervention
Computerized Training for NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognitive Improvement.
Environmental enrichment and brain NEUROPLASTICITY in the kainate rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy
Transcranial magnetic stimulation-electroencephalography measures of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY are altered after mild traumatic brain injury
Petroleum pollution and decrease NEUROPLASTICITY in brain development of the Ogoni children in Rivers State, Nigeria
The elusive obvious: The convergence of movement, NEUROPLASTICITY, and health
Second hit hypothesis in dystonia: Dysfunctional cross talk between NEUROPLASTICITY and environment?
NEUROPLASTICITY in the Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Protective effects of vortioxetine in predator scent stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder in rats: Role on NEUROPLASTICITY and apoptosis
Uncovering a ‘sensitive window’of multisensory and motor NEUROPLASTICITY in the cerebrum and cerebellum of male and female starlings
Caffeine consumption plus physical exercise improves behavioral impairments and stimulates NEUROPLASTICITY in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR): an animal …
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
In vitro nociceptor NEUROPLASTICITY associated with in vivo opioid-induced hyperalgesia
Examining the relationship between NEUROPLASTICITY and learned helplessness after ACLR: early versus late recovery
A multivariate neuromonitoring approach to NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive training in recent onset psychosis
Effect of long-term administration of antiretroviral drugs (Tenofovir and Nevirapine) on neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in mouse hippocampi
NEUROPLASTICITY and Multilevel System of Connections Determine the Integrative Role of Nucleus Accumbens in the Brain Reward System
Portable neuromodulation induces NEUROPLASTICITY to re-activate motor function recovery from brain injury: a high-density MEG case study
α-Cyperone Confers Antidepressant-Like Effects in Mice via NEUROPLASTICITY Enhancement by SIRT3/ROS Mediated NLRP3 Inflammasome Deactivation
Chronic AdipoRon Treatment Mimics the Effects of Physical Exercise on Restoring Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in Diabetic Mice
Genetic manipulation of cyclic nucleotide signaling during hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and memory formation
NEUROPLASTICITY of Acupuncture for Stroke: An Evidence-Based Review of MRI
NEUROPLASTICITY in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus contributes to the development of cocaine addiction
Exercise attenuates maternal separation-induced mood disorder-like behaviors by enhancing mitochondrial functions and NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsal raphe
Contemporary issues and theories of motor control, motor learning, and NEUROPLASTICITY
Improving cognitive training for schizophrenia using NEUROPLASTICITY enhancers: lessons from decades of basic and clinical research
Cdh1 overexpression improves emotion and cognitive-related behaviors via regulating hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in global cerebral ischemia rats
Toward the existence of a sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY adaptive mechanism influencing the immune response. A hypothetical view—part II
Effects of MDMA on NEUROPLASTICITY, amyloid burden and phospho-tau expression in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice
Is the “lactormone” a key-factor for exercise-related NEUROPLASTICITY? A hypothesis based on an alternative lactate neurobiological pathway
Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan: from risk to resilience
The immediate impact of transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain structure: Short-term NEUROPLASTICITY following one session of cTBS
… positively influences depression-and anxiety-like behavior in serotonin transporter knockout rats through the modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, spine, and GABAergic …
The effect of dance interventions on cognition, NEUROPLASTICITY, physical function, depression, and quality of life for older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A …
NEUROPLASTICITY and the Biological Role of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Pathophysiology and Management of Depression
Central AT1 receptor signaling by circulating angiotensin II is permissive to acute intermittent hypoxia-induced sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY
Targeting phosphodiesterase 4 as a potential therapeutic strategy for enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY following ischemic stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by the retention period of a complex motor skill learning in rats
Age-related decline of NEUROPLASTICITY to intermittent theta burst stimulation of the lateral prefrontal cortex and its relationship with late-life memory performance
Insights about the NEUROPLASTICITY state on the effect of intramuscular electrical stimulation in pain and disability associated with chronic myofascial pain …
SRF and SRFΔ5 splicing isoform recruit Corepressor LSD1/KDM1A modifying structural NEUROPLASTICITY and environmental stress response
Systemic morphine produces dose-dependent nociceptor-mediated biphasic changes in nociceptive threshold and NEUROPLASTICITY
Repeated morphine exposure activates synaptogenesis and other NEUROPLASTICITY-related gene networks in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of male and female rats
Neurobiology of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon: how nurture drives NEUROPLASTICITY
Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in ageing
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on visual NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
The experimental research on NEUROPLASTICITY in rats’ hippocampus subjected to chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and interfered by Modified Dioscorea Pills
Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: A new “cure” for major depression?
NEUROPLASTICITY within and between Functional Brain Networks in Mental Training Based on Long-Term Meditation
NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning in sport activity
Type 2 diabetes impairs odour detection, olfactory memory and olfactory NEUROPLASTICITY; effects partly reversed by the DPP-4 inhibitor Linagliptin
Individual differences in inhibitory control abilities modulate the functional NEUROPLASTICITY of inhibitory control
Neuropsychological rehabilitation, neuroimaging and NEUROPLASTICITY: A clinical commentary
Clinical Neurorehabilitation: Using Principles of Neurological Diagnosis, Prognosis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in Assessment and Treatment Planning
Loss-of-function of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes confers risk for human neurodevelopmental disorders
Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropsychological functioning in frailty through an app-based sensorimotor training: study protocol for a randomized trial
NEUROPLASTICITY in music learning
NEUROPLASTICITY transcript profile of the ventral striatum in the extinction of opioid-induced conditioned place preference
Daily activities are associated with non-invasive measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
Brain Stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Machine Learning in Neuroimaging: A New Approach to Understand Acupuncture for NEUROPLASTICITY
Effect of Acupuncture on NEUROPLASTICITY of Stroke Patients with Motor Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies
Advanced non-invasive MRI of NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke: Techniques and applications
Infusion of plasma from exercised mice ameliorates cognitive dysfunction by increasing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and mitochondrial functions in 3xTg-AD mice
NEUROPLASTICITY: A Key Player in the Antidepressant Action of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Activation of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus by acute intermittent hypoxia: Implications for sympathetic long-term facilitation NEUROPLASTICITY
Longitudinal effects of rTMS on NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic treatment-resistant depression
Wnt signaling in the hippocampus in relation to neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, stress and epigenetics
7-Chloro-4-(phenylselanyl) quinoline with memory enhancer action in aging rats: modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, acetylcholinesterase activity, and cholesterol levels
How do serotonergic psychedelics treat depression: The potential role of NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of combination antiretroviral drugs (cART) on hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in female mice
Compromised Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in the Interferon-α and Toll-like Receptor-3 Activation-Induced Mouse Depression Model
Elezanumab, a human anti-RGMa monoclonal antibody, promotes neuroprotection, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neurorecovery following a thoracic hemicompression …
Exergame training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive improvement in institutionalized older adults: A preliminary investigation
Stress aggravates high-fat-diet-induced insulin resistance via a mechanism that involves the amygdala and is associated with changes in NEUROPLASTICITY
Endocannabinoids and aging—Inflammation, NEUROPLASTICITY, mood and pain
Motor Recovery: How Rehabilitation Techniques and Technologies Can Enhance Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY and depression: Rewiring the brain’s networks through pharmacological therapy
Detecting structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in elite ice-skating athletes
Effect of NEUROPLASTICITY-Principles-based SEnsory-Rehabilitation (NEPSER) on sensori-motor recovery in stroke: study protocol for a randomized controlled …
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Promote Brain Health in Aging Adults: Protocol for the MOVE-Cog Intervention Study
The link between estradiol and NEUROPLASTICITY in transgender women after gender-affirming surgery: A bimodal hypothesis
Is High-Intensity Interval Training Suitable to Promote NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognitive Functions after Stroke?
Nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY corresponding to sports experience: A voxel‐based morphometry and resting‐state functional connectivity study
Early Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY Index, the Ratio of Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Level to HAMD-24 Score, in Predicting the Long-Term …
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY and Brain Repair in Stroke: A Systematic Review
PI3K/AKT/GSK3β/CRMP-2-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in depression induced by stress
Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons Learned from Antidepressants and Emerging Novel Therapeutics
Ayahuasca, a psychedelic beverage, modulates NEUROPLASTICITY induced by ethanol in mice
Corticospinal Motor Circuit Plasticity After Spinal Cord Injury: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Functional Outcomes
NEUROPLASTICITY in Corticolimbic Brain Regions in Patients After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY, cardiovascular, and cognitive-associated genomic variants in familial Alzheimer’s disease
Interactions between Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Autophagy: Implications for Apoptosis and NEUROPLASTICITY-Related Proteins in Palmitic Acid-Treated …
An individualized approach to NEUROPLASTICITY after early unilateral brain damage
… enteric-coated capsule alleviates cognitive impairment by enhancing hippocampal glucose metabolism, hemodynamics and NEUROPLASTICITY of rat with chronic …
Language NEUROPLASTICITY in brain tumor patients revealed by magnetoencephalography
Electrical epidural stimulation of the cervical spinal cord: implications for spinal respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury
Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in late-life depression with transcranial magnetic stimulation
Physical exercise promotes brain remodeling by regulating epigenetics, NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrophins
Role of heat shock transcription factor 2 in the NMDA‐dependent NEUROPLASTICITY induced by chronic ethanol intake in mouse hippocampus
The Adaptable Mind: What NEUROPLASTICITY and Neural Reuse Tells Us About Language and Cognition
Binge-like alcohol exposure in adolescence: behavioural, neuroendocrine and molecular evidence of abnormal NEUROPLASTICITY… and return
Excessive endoplasmic reticulum stress and decreased NEUROPLASTICITY-associated proteins in prefrontal cortex of obese rats and the regulatory effects of aerobic …
NEUROPLASTICITY in the phonological system: The PMN and the N400 as markers for the perception of non-native phonemic contrasts by late second language learners
NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammatory alterations in the nucleus accumbens are corrected after risperidone treatment in a schizophrenia-related developmental …
Development of a Spinal Cord Injury Model Permissive to Study the Cardiovascular Effects of Rehabilitation Approaches Designed to Induce NEUROPLASTICITY
Widespread morphometric abnormalities in major depression: NEUROPLASTICITY and potential for biomarker development
Effect of Tetramethylpyrazine on NEUROPLASTICITY after Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion in Rats
Repetitive anodal transcranial direct current stimulation improves neurological recovery by preserving the NEUROPLASTICITY in an asphyxial rat model of cardiac …
… postsynaptic density-95/discs large/zona occludens-1 ligand of nNOS) interaction promotes functional recovery after stroke via enhanced structural NEUROPLASTICITY
Targeting cognitive control deficits with NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation in patients with geriatric major depression: a randomized, double …
NEUROPLASTICITY mediated by motor rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review on structural and functional MRI markers
Dihydroartemisinin Ameliorates Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY-Associated Proteins and Excessive Neuronal Apoptosis in APP/PS1 Mice
Does NEUROPLASTICITY Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?
NEUROPLASTICITY modifications following a lower‐limb amputation: A systematic review
NEUROPLASTICITY Improves Bipolar Disorder: A Review
Phosphoproteomic basis of NEUROPLASTICITY in the antennal lobes influences the olfactory differences between Apis mellifera and Apis cerana honeybees
Inhibition of excessive kallikrein-8 improves NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
NEUROPLASTICITY in N‐methyl‐d‐aspartic acid receptor signaling in subregions of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla following sedentary versus physically active …
Olfactory bulb NEUROPLASTICITY: a prospective cohort study in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
Overground exoskeletons may boost NEUROPLASTICITY in myotonic dystrophy type 1 rehabilitation: A case report
Growth Hormone (GH) Enhances Endogenous Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY after Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation Injury (OGD) and …
Life without a brain: Neuroradiological and behavioral evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY necessary to sustain brain function in the face of severe hydrocephalus
Effects of chronic ethanol consumption on the expression of GLT-1 and NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring rats
NEUROPLASTICITY and microglia functions applied in dense wireless networks
Caveolin-1 and MLRs: A potential target for neuronal growth and NEUROPLASTICITY after ischemic stroke
… Brain–Body Connection Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): Validating a Promising Tool to Provide Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY and Central Nervous …
Oxidized Cell-Free DNA Rapidly Skews the Transcriptional Profile of Brain Cells toward Boosting Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Substrates of speech treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in adults and children with motor speech disorders: A systematic scoping review of neuroimaging evidence
Functional Polymorphism of MMP9 and BDNF as Potential Biomarker of Auditory NEUROPLASTICITY in Prelingual Deafness Treatment With Cochlear Implantation—A …
Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY in minor burn injury survivors compared to non-injured adults: A pilot study in burn injury survivors aged 45 years and older
Exercise alone impacts short-term adult visual NEUROPLASTICITY in a monocular deprivation paradigm
Genetic and neurophysiological biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY inform post-stroke language recovery
NEUROPLASTICITY: a century-old idea championed by Adolf Meyer
A neurodevelopment and NEUROPLASTICITY-based framework for early intervention in psychotic disorders
Region-specific changes in markers of NEUROPLASTICITY revealed in HIV-1 transgenic rats by low-dose methamphetamine
… to stress and contributes to the AKT/GSK3β/CRMP2 pathway and microtubule dynamics mediated protective effects on NEUROPLASTICITY in male C57BL/6 mice
5-HTT independent effects of fluoxetine on NEUROPLASTICITY
Novel erythropoietin‐based therapeutic candidates with extra N‐glycan sites that block hematopoiesis but preserve NEUROPLASTICITY
Nicotinic restoration of excitatory NEUROPLASTICITY is linked to improved implicit motor learning skills in deprived smokers
… : Deceptology in cancer and vaccine sciences: Seeds of immune destruction‐mini electric shocks in mitochondria: NEUROPLASTICITY‐electrobiology of response profiles …
Bumetanide: A review of its NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral effects after stroke
Take a deep breath. Benefits of NEUROPLASTICITY practices for software developers and computer workers in a family of experiments
The Role of Acupuncture Improving Cognitive Deficits due to Alzheimer’s Disease or Vascular Diseases through Regulating NEUROPLASTICITY
The entorhinal cortex modulates trace fear memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the mouse lateral amygdala via cholecystokinin
The Evolution of NEUROPLASTICITY and the Effect on Integrated Information
The effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory information processing remediation in adults with chronic traumatic brain injury
Dynamic brain network changes reflect NEUROPLASTICITY: molecular and cognitive evidence
Robotic treatment of the upper limb in chronic stroke and cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review.
Short-term lithium treatment protects the brain against ischemia–reperfusion injury by enhancing the NEUROPLASTICITY of cortical neurons
Essential infantile esotropia: Potential pathogenetic role of extended subcortical NEUROPLASTICITY
Childhood Adversity and the Brain: Harnessing the Power of NEUROPLASTICITY
Global and age-related neuroanatomical abnormalities in a Pax6-deficient mouse model of aniridia suggests a role for Pax6 in adult structural NEUROPLASTICITY
Testing rTMS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: A single case study of focal hand dystonia
NEUROPLASTICITY and crossmodal connectivity in the normal, healthy brain.
Cortical and subcortical contributions to NEUROPLASTICITY after repetitive transspinal stimulation in humans
Overview: NEUROPLASTICITY and synaptic function in neuropsychiatric disorders
Language NEUROPLASTICITY in brain tumour patients revealed by magnetoencephalography
Confounding effects of caffeine on NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial alternating current stimulation and paired associative stimulation
Practice effects in healthy older adults: Implications for treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Aphasia
NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive training in schizophrenia
NEUROPLASTICITY induced by general anaesthesia: study protocol for a randomised cross-over clinical trial exploring the effects of sevoflurane and propofol on …
Structural NEUROPLASTICITY Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Secondary …
Chronic mild corticosterone exposure during adolescence enhances behaviors and upregulates NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in rat hippocampus
Cognitive training and NEUROPLASTICITY in mild cognitive impairment (COG-IT): protocol for a two-site, blinded, randomised, controlled treatment trial
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Assess Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Ketamine-induced hypnosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in mice is associated with disrupted p-MEK/p-ERK sequential activation and sustained upregulation of survival p …
A single session of hyperbaric oxygen therapy demonstrates acute and long-lasting NEUROPLASTICITY effects in humans: a replicated, randomized controlled …
Effects of aerobic physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke: systematic review
Anti-chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan strategies in spinal cord injury: temporal and spatial considerations explain the balance between NEUROPLASTICITY and …
Advances on the acupuncture therapies and NEUROPLASTICITY
Yoga and schizophrenia—a comprehensive assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY: Protocol for a single blind randomized controlled study of yoga in schizophrenia
Role of Lifestyle in NEUROPLASTICITY and Neurogenesis in an Aging Brain
Dysfunctional NEUROPLASTICITY in newly arrived Middle Eastern refugees in the US: Association with environmental exposures and mental health symptoms
Diabetes mellitus type 2 impedes functional recovery, NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life after stroke
The regulation of reactive neuroblastosis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and nutraceuticals for effective management of autism spectrum disorder
… octadec-9-enyl-amide, a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors α and γ dual agonist, enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with …
NEUROPLASTICITY: Insights of Neural Reorganization
The Discovery and Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY
Aberrant brain NEUROPLASTICITY and function in drug addiction: a focus on learning-related brain regions
NEUROPLASTICITY: The other side of the coin
NEUROPLASTICITY during the transition period: How the adolescent brain can recover from aphasia. A pilot study
NEUROPLASTICITY of second language vocabulary acquisition: The role of linguistic experience in individual learning
Investigation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor‐dependent NEUROPLASTICITY on rat nucleus tractus solitarius and phrenic nerve after chronic sustained …
NEUROPLASTICITY and Spiritual Formation
Grant Report on d-Serine Augmentation of NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Auditory Learning in Schizophrenia
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke nursing
Ketamine’s potential mechanism of action for rapid antidepressive effects–a focus on NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
NEUROPLASTICITY: From Cells to Circuits and Brains Towards the Classroom
Capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY Across Development to Redirect Pathways from Juvenile Justice Involvement
Best core stabilization exercise to facilitate subcortical NEUROPLASTICITY: a functional MRI neuroimaging study
Dynamic structural NEUROPLASTICITY during and after epileptogenesis in a pilocarpine rat model of epilepsy
The medical avatar and its role in neurorehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY: A review
Glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction
Intraspecific variation in testosterone-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in two canary strains
N3-CPL: NEUROPLASTICITY-based neuromorphic network cell proliferation learning
Lateral ankle instability-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in brain grey matter: A voxel-based morphometry MRI study
S 47445 counteracts the behavioral manifestations and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY changes in bulbectomized mice
A human translational model based on NEUROPLASTICITY for pharmacological agents potentially effective in Treatment-Resistant Depression: focus on …
Low-intensity exercise improves NEUROPLASTICITY and spatial memory on young adult of male wistar rats
Genes involved in neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY and major depression: no association for CACNA1C, CHRNA7 and MAPK1
Wavelet Analysis of Big Data Contaminated by Large Noise in an fMRI Study of NEUROPLASTICITY.
When the brain looks imperfect: An example of NEUROPLASTICITY as seen in a patient with arachnoid cysts–a case study
A Study of Adaptive CMOS Circuits Extracting Feature of NEUROPLASTICITY in Human Brain
MAP‑1B, PACS‑2 and AHCYL1 are regulated by miR‑34A/B/C and miR‑449 in NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic spinal cord injury in rats: Preliminary …
Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals NEUROPLASTICITY After Repeated Treatment With Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression
NEUROPLASTICITY in Spinal Trauma: A Current Narrative Review of Treatments
Hypothesis: Regulation of NEUROPLASTICITY may involve I-motif and G-quadruplex DNA formation modulated by epigenetic mechanisms
NEUROPLASTICITY Caused by Peripheral Proprioceptive Deficits
Creative Therapies, Complex Childhood Trauma, and Neurological Improvement: How the Arts can Enhance NEUROPLASTICITY: A Literature Review
Molecular Markers of Dopamine Transport in Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons as an Index of Neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY
Basic mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY
The Silver Lining in a Time of Crisis: The Foundation of the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY (SSNN) Conference Proceedings Go …
The power of “touch” and early enriched stimulation: NEUROPLASTICITY effects in rodents and preterm infants
NEUROPLASTICITY and central sensitization in orofacial pain and TMD
TTC9A deficiency induces estradiol-mediated changes in hippocampus and amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY-related gene expressions in female mice
In vivo reduction of hippocampal Caveolin-1 by RNA interference alters morphine addiction and NEUROPLASTICITY changes in male mice
NEUROPLASTICITY and non-invasive brain stimulation in the developing brain
(Pushing) the Limits of NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by Adult Language Acquisition
Harnessing Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY with Stem Cell Treatment for Addictive Disorders
NEUROPLASTICITY and Epilepsy Surgery in Brain Eloquent Areas: Case Report
The Role of the Social Environment on Adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Development
Molecular Mechanisms of Aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Types of NEUROPLASTICITY and factors affecting language recovery in patients with aphasia: a systematic review
Exploring NEUROPLASTICITY in the Classroom: Teaching Cortical Reorganization in the Visual System with a Stroke Patient Study
Sleep-dependent upscaled excitability and saturated NEUROPLASTICITY in the human brain: From brain physiology to cognition
NEUROPLASTICITY vs. cognitive prediction models in acute ischaemic stroke: limitations must be remembered
Music Therapy explained by the Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY
Cerebral Damage after Stroke: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY as Key for Recovery
Regulation of miR‐128 in the nucleus accumbens affects methamphetamine‐induced behavioral sensitization by modulating proteins involved in NEUROPLASTICITY
Virtual Reality, a Neuroergonomic and Neurorehabilitation Tool for Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
Crossmodal NEUROPLASTICITY in deafness: Evidence from animal models and clinical populations
Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY Using EEG Signal in Rehabilitation of Brain Stem Stroke Patients
A dynamical approach to the phenomenology of body memory: Past interactions can shape present capacities without NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in Cholinergic Projections from the Basal Forebrain to the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amygdala in the Kainic Acid Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton study for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Major Depression: Its Therapeutic Implication
A NEUROPLASTICITY-inspired neural circuit for acoustic navigation with obstacle avoidance that learns smooth motion paths
Gut Microbiota and NEUROPLASTICITY. Cells 2021, 10, 2084
NEUROPLASTICITY following Nerve Transfer of the Anterior Interosseous Nerve for Proximal Ulnar Nerve Injuries
Speech‐language Pathology Approaches to Neurorehabilitation in Acute Care During COVID‐19: Capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY
Serotonin modulates learning content-specific NEUROPLASTICITY of functional brain networks
6‐Gingerol, an active constituent of ginger, attenuates lipopolysaccharide‐induced oxidation, inflammation, cognitive deficits, NEUROPLASTICITY, and amyloidogenesis in …
Valuable insights into visual NEUROPLASTICITY after optic neuritis
The role of Beta-arrestin2 nuclear signalling in NEUROPLASTICITY
Correction to: principles of motor learning to support NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL injury: implications for optimizing performance and reducing risk of second ACL injury
Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY by Memristive Circuits
The association between cross-frequency coupling and NEUROPLASTICITY via paired associative stimulation: TMS-EEG study
The role of fMRI in the assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A systematic review
Molyneux, NEUROPLASTICITY, and technologies of sensory substitution
Molecular Mechanisms of Aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Photonic Synapse: Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY in a Hybrid Biopolymer Transistor by Dual Modes Modulation (Adv. Funct. Mater. 31/2019)
Cognitive impairment in neurodegenerative pathology as index of NEUROPLASTICITY in psychoneurological model of adaptation of patients
Sensorimotor and Locomotor Adjustments in the Chronic Post-Traumatic Spinal Cord Damage in Human Adults as Evidence of Activity-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
Patterns of motor recovery and structural NEUROPLASTICITY after basal ganglia infarcts
Non-invasive brain stimulation in stroke: Do the electrical currents have the potential to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY?
NEUROPLASTICITY and the Unknown Limits of the Possible
NEUROPLASTICITY as a transformational tool for improving managerial approaches
Can Adult Neurogenesis Be Considered as NEUROPLASTICITY?
Impact of NGF signaling on NEUROPLASTICITY during depression: Insights in NEUROPLASTICITY-dependent therapeutic approaches
Detection of motor-learning related NEUROPLASTICITY in white matter using functional MRI techniques
Brain changes after peripheral nerve repair: limitations of NEUROPLASTICITY.
The Birth of NEUROPLASTICITY Interventions: A Twenty Year Perspective
Ultrafast functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals NEUROPLASTICITY-driven timing modulations
NEUROPLASTICITY and Braille reading
NEUROPLASTICITY Biomarkers in Experimental Stroke Recovery
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY Due to Acupuncture: An fNIRS Study
Do sensorimotor cortex activity, an individual’s capacity for NEUROPLASTICITY, and psychological features during an episode of acute low back pain predict …
Behavioral, NEUROPLASTICITY and Metabolic Effects of 7, 8-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin Associated With Physical Activity in Mice
Morpholino-mediated knockdown of the brain mineralocorticoid receptor affects glucocorticoid signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY in wild ocellated wrasse (Symphodus …
The photosensitive phase acts as a sensitive window for seasonal multisensory NEUROPLASTICITY in male and female starlings
NEUROPLASTICITY, network connectivity and language processing across the lifespan
Optimizing Compliance With Home Programming Through NEUROPLASTICITY Education Among Parents of Children Receiving Outpatient OT
Why Early Intervention is Important: NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Childhood
Involvement of the VGF-derived peptide TLQP-62 in nerve injury-induced hypersensitivity and spinal NEUROPLASTICITY
Functional and Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in Depression
NEUROPLASTICITY in Neuro-oncology: Neuropsychological and neuroimaging correlates of brain tumors
Psychedelics and NEUROPLASTICITY: A Systematic Review Unraveling the Biological Underpinnings of Psychedelics
NEUROPLASTICITY and the auditory system
(REH07) Systematic Review on Exercise Training as a NEUROPLASTICITY-Inducing Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis.
An Investigation of the NEUROPLASTICITY Underlying an Improved Reactive Balance Response
NEUROPLASTICITY: Healing the Brain from Psychological Disorders Through Biblical Meditation
Machine Learning, Robotics and NEUROPLASTICITY
Hurdle Aerobic Exercise Increases Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hippocampus and Improves the Spatial Memory Ability of Middle-aged Mice
Conditioned aversion and NEUROPLASTICITY induced by a superagonist of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors: correlation with activation of the oval BNST neurons …
Multi-neuroimaging model of identifying NEUROPLASTICITY under motor cognitive learning condition: MRI based study.
Vitamin D, Testosterone, Epigenetics and Pain an Evolving Concept of Neurosignaling, NEUROPLASTICITY and Homeostasis
Computational Simulation and Analysis of NEUROPLASTICITY
Spinal mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY induced by neuromidin in treatment of traumatic neuropathies
Correction: Social isolation in rats: Effects on animal welfare and molecular markers for NEUROPLASTICITY
Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY in the nigrostriatal system at modeling Parkinson’s disease as an instrument for translational …
NEUROPLASTICITY-Targeted Therapy Alleviates Severe Addiction
Intermittent metabolic switching, NEUROPLASTICITY and brain health: Publisher correction.
NEUROPLASTICITY and Other Treatment Options for Cognitive and Behavioral Neurological Syndromes
Binge-like Alcohol Exposure in Adolescence: Behavioural, Neuroendocrine and Molecular Evidence of Abnormal NEUROPLASTICITY… and Return. Biomedicines …
Sex-specific differences in adult cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY following repeated combinatory stress and TrkB receptor antagonism in adolescence
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Promote Rehabilitation: CI Therapy for TBI
Role of Lifestyle in NEUROPLASTICITY and Neurogenesis in an Aging Brain
Decreased hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral impairment in an animal model of inhalant abuse
The NEUROPLASTICITY of Depression: How Antidepressants and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) can Reverse Depression
Cannabidiol confers neuroprotection in rats in a model of transient global cerebral ischemia: impact of hippocampal synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY
Corrigendum to “Beta version’of NEUROPLASTICITY or absolute beta power in preterm infants as electroencephalographic correlate of synaptogenesis”[International …
Translation, Interpreting, and the Bilingual Brain: Implications for Executive Control and NEUROPLASTICITY
Movement Imagery-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY can be predicted by Motor System Activation and Behavioural Assessments
The entorhinal cortex modulates trace fear memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the lateral amygdala via cholecystokinin
Cognitive Improvement Via Left Angular Gyrus-Navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Inducing the NEUROPLASTICITY of Thalamic System in …
Immunohistochemical Signs of Apoptosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Cerebral Cortex of White Rats after Occlusion of the Common Carotid Arteries
(RHI01) Significant Structural NEUROPLASTICITY Changes Can Follow Physical Behavioral Change Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis.
NEUROPLASTICITY and neuronal communications in the healthy and in the disease brain
How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy
Grape juice consumption and/or exercise training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and memory improvement in healthy elderly women
Proteins of the Vesicular Cycle as a Marker of NEUROPLASTICITY of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Substantia Nigra of the Brain
Ketamine’s pharmacogenomic network in human brain contains sub-networks associated with glutamate neurotransmission and with NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY in visual word recognition: An exploration of learning-related behavioural and neural changes
Investigation into the role of the RNA methyltransferase NSun2 in NEUROPLASTICITY regulation
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton study for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
Brains, Breakthroughs and Beyond: True Stories of How Groundbreaking Methods In NEUROPLASTICITY Changed The Impossible Into Possible
… of the Cognitive Component of Professionally-Oriented Mathematical Competence of Future Radio Specialists in the Context of NEUROPLASTICITY of the Human Brain
What is NEUROPLASTICITY? Why it is important?: Types and its basic mechanisms
How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy
A hardwired neo-cortex—What role for NEUROPLASTICITY and developmental processes?
Human survival and immune mediated mitophagy in NEUROPLASTICITY disorders
Effects of maternal separation with early weaning on cocaine addictive behaviour and consequences on NEUROPLASTICITY
Environmental enrichment increases NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after SCI
Physical activity reduces clinical symptoms and restores NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression
Dopamine Synthesis by Non-Dopaminergic Neurons as an Effective Mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of the dendritic spine: early dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Sport, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Freedom
Retraining walking after spinal cord injury: functional gains and NEUROPLASTICITY
Magnetic Seizure Therapy Produces NEUROPLASTICITY in Treatment-Resistant Depression
Prospective cohort study reveals MMP-9, a NEUROPLASTICITY regulator, as a prediction marker of cochlear implantation outcome in prelingual deafness treatment.
Symposium (SY) Symposium 1: Non-invasive brain stimulation SY1. 1. The effects of non-invasive brain stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
Changing Brains, Changing Lives: Researching the Lived Experience of Individuals Practicing Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY
Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY following early-life social adversities: the possible role of
Use of functional correlation tensors for fMRI monitoring of NEUROPLASTICITY during motor learning
Investigating the NEUROPLASTICITY of emotional memories
LSVT®BIG Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in People with Parkinson’s Disease: An Assessment of Physiological and Behavioral Outcomes
Effects of Virtual Reality-based Motor Control Training on Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and NEUROPLASTICITY in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized …
NEUROPLASTICITY of Ipsilateral Cortical Motor Representations, Training Effects and Role in Stroke Recovery
Abnormal cortical NEUROPLASTICITY induced by paired associative stimulation after traumatic spinal cord injury: a preliminary study
Bipolar-associated miR-499-5p controls NEUROPLASTICITY by downregulating the Cav1. 2 L-type voltage gated calcium channel subunit CACNB2
1817-P: Metabolic Surgery Affects Brain Glucose Metabolism, Cognitive Function, and NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans
A18894 Depression after stroke: the effects on NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life
Negative NEUROPLASTICITY in Moderate-To-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Aging, and the Development of an Intervention to Attenuate Hippocampal-Related …
The Effect of Futsal toward NEUROPLASTICITY
The relationship between cognitive reserve and NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
Unravelling the role of thyroid hormones in seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
NEUROPLASTICITY, individual differences, and context of learning in second language acquisition
The Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator: Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY for Balance or Gait Deficit
Vagus nerve stimulation induced cognitive enhancement: Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy male rats
Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY Improve Predictions of Aphasia Severity
Artificial NEUROPLASTICITY with Deep Learning Reconstruction Signals to Reconnect Motion Signals for the Spinal Cord
Assessment of Ultrastructural NEUROPLASTICITY Parameters After In Utero Transduction of the Developing Mouse Brain and Spinal Cord
NEUROPLASTICITY of word learning
How to Promote NEUROPLASTICITY Following Trauma
NEUROPLASTICITY Training: What is it, and Does it Work?
Corticospinal NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor recovery in rats treated by infusion of neurotrophin-3 into disabled forelimb muscles started 24 h after stroke
Pyramid Exploration Intervention, Environmental Enrichment, Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in the Kainate Rat Model of Temporal …
Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY by Brain Stimulation Techniques in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review
Restoring Independent Living after Disability Using a Wearable Device: A Synergistic Physio-Neuro Approach to Leverage NEUROPLASTICITY
Electrically induced NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY of the Corticospinal System: Applications of Neuromodulation-Based Therapies
The role of exercise on cognitive processes and NEUROPLASTICITY
Locomotor Activities as a Way of Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY: Insights and Perspectives on Conventional and Eccentric Exercise Approaches
NEUROPLASTICITY and neuromotor synergies in context of rehabilitation after stroke: a systematic review
How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY
Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY Provoked by Muscle Pain and Non-Invasive Cortical Modulation of Pain-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY
Risk Factors for Muscle Injury: Can Adaptability and NEUROPLASTICITY Improve the Risks?
NEUROPLASTICITY and Implications for Mental Health
Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in humans after acute intake of antidepressant, anxiolytic and adaptogenic herbs
Physical and Cogni-tive Evaluation of a NEUROPLASTICITY Exercise Program: A Pilot Study
The Role of Astrocytes and Microglia in Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s Disease
Hacking the Brain: Triggering NEUROPLASTICITY for Enhancing Musical Talent: A study on Monkey and Human behavior after Exposure to Videogames and Visual …
Subcutaneous neurotrophin-3 infusion induces corticospinal NEUROPLASTICITY and improvements in dexterity and walking in elderly rats after large cortical strokes
Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY following olfactory fear conditioning
Corticosteroid effects on airway NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental models of asthma
NEUROPLASTICITY of Language Networks
NEUROPLASTICITY in NMDA receptor signaling in subregions of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla following sedentary versus physically active conditions.
Genetic biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY in the treatment of children with prelingual deafness with cochlear implantation
Constructive spiking neural networks for simulations of NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects of Exercise-induced Muscle Damage on NEUROPLASTICITY and Stiffness
New drivers of NEUROPLASTICITY adopting recent technologies
Chemokine Modulation of MDPV-Induced Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY
Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY in rat primary auditory cortex with vagus nerve stimulation and near-threshold tones
Using priming to promote NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning post-stroke
What Role does Age-Associated NEUROPLASTICITY Play in the Efficacy of Cochlear Implantation?
EEG-Correlates of Neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY Processes in Patients with Depressive-Delusional Conditions
Physical Activity Optimizes Circuit-Specific Cellular Metabolism in NEUROPLASTICITY: A Role for Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 and its Downstream Targets
Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY of corticospinal tract induced by antigravity treadmill (AlterG) in cerebral palsy children
NEUROPLASTICITY and functional change after therapy in inpatients with spinal cord injury-An explorative study
Investigating metabolic, vascular and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy and diseased brain using advanced neuroimaging techniques
Adult NEUROPLASTICITY under the influence of vocal motor skill practice and sex hormones: new findings and new tools
Investigating Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and its Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease: Targeting Executive Function and Brain Circuitry
Electrically induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Exploring the effects of electroconvulsive therapy for depression using high field MRI
Immune NEUROPLASTICITY (Power Within) is Weakened by Vaccines and Drugs (Power Without): Mitochondrial Sink Holes, Genomic Destabilization and Immune …
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY Genes to Combat Synucleinopathy-Mediated Axonopathy
A hardwired neo-cortex–What role for NEUROPLASTICITY and developmental processes?
Pluripotent stem cell derived airway cholinergic neurons for disease modelling of NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
NEUROPLASTICITY of Spatial Working Memory in Signed Language Processing
Exploring Functional NEUROPLASTICITY and the Associations with Outcomes of Advanced Gross Motor Interventions for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Making connections: From NEUROPLASTICITY data to treatment
Genetic assimilation in the evolution of hominin NEUROPLASTICITY
Stress Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and Mental Disorders 2018
Wavelet Analysis of Big Data Contaminated by Large Noise in an fMRI Study of NEUROPLASTICITY
The Effect of Futsal toward NEUROPLASTICITY (Experiment study on Junior High School)
The Role of fMRI in the Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A Systematic Review
Effects of low intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in murine models: Impact on NEUROPLASTICITY, neurochemistry and behaviour
Extracellular matrix and cellular interactions in NEUROPLASTICITY and memory
Different Anesthetic Drugs Mediate Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY During Cognitive Impairment in Sleep-Deprived Rats via Different Factors
NEUROPLASTICITY corresponding to different electrical stimulation waveforms–Preliminaries
Investigating if Motor Preparation Enhances Visuomotor Associative NEUROPLASTICITY
Molecular and Cellular Investigations Relating to NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke
How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy, Edited by Marion Solomon and Daniel J. Siegel
Alterations in Measures of NEUROPLASTICITY Following Sleep Deprivation and Recovery Sleep in Major Depression
The area of the penumbra: NEUROPLASTICITY and therapeutic target in acute ischemic stroke.
Investigating Concurrent NEUROPLASTICITY and Changes in Level of Functionality in SCI Individuals
NEUROPLASTICITY: Maintaining and Building Brain Health
Role of Growth Factors & Neurophysiological Markers In Evaluation of NEUROPLASTICITY Using 1Hz rTMS With Physical Therapy In Ischemic Stroke: A Double Blind …
Brain nutrition, aging and NEUROPLASTICITY
NEUROPLASTICITY, Quran Reading and Mindfulness: Selected Review
Regional and developmental profile of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in adolescence: lessons from animal studies
External counterpulsation enhances NEUROPLASTICITY to promote stroke recovery
Aspects of cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY induced by kinetotherapy combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke
The Effects of Acute Bouts of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY
The NEUROPLASTICITY Paradox: Can Lack of NEUROPLASTICITY Protect Older Adults from Motor Memory Interference?
NEUROPLASTICITY in Young Age: Computer-Based Early Neurodevelopment Classifier
Using Optogenetics to Reverse NEUROPLASTICITY and Inhibit Cocaine Seeking in Rats.
F194. Cerebellar contributions to somatosensory induced NEUROPLASTICITY
P75-T Adaptation of the motor system is associated with NEUROPLASTICITY
Effects on Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in Brain Injury Patients
Exercise, symptom severity, and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
Effects of the Environment on Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in Brain Injury Patients
Bariatric surgery improves brain glucose metabolism, cognitive function and NEUROPLASTICITY in Obese non-diabetic Subjects
Disorders of fine motor skills after a stroke: the processes of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
Investigating NEUROPLASTICITY in burn injury in older adults
NEUROPLASTICITY after olfactory training in post-surgical olfactory impaired patients, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. A randomized pilot study
Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroimaging Techniques following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
The Substantiality of the NEUROPLASTICITY Hypothesis of Major Depressive Disorder: The Prospective Use of Ketamine-Like Drugs as Antidepressants
Occipital radionecrosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in astrocytoma
Narrative therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY and their connections
The Role Of Bdnf-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY In Cardiovascular Regulation Within The Hypothalamus And Brainstem
Nociceptive NEUROPLASTICITY of the murine knee joint precedes severe structural joint damage in a surgical model of OA
The Emerging Role of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Improving NEUROPLASTICITY in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke (P3. 3-071)
Investigating the effect of ageing on the functional NEUROPLASTICITY of adults using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A sham-controlled study
NEUROPLASTICITY and brain reorganization associated with positive outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in progressive multiple sclerosis: A fMRI study.
New study indicates: NEUROPLASTICITY” brain retraining” program is a promising treatment for Fibromyalgia
Integrative bioinformatics to discover disease and chemical modulators of critical period NEUROPLASTICITY
Motor Evoked Potential Recruitment Curves Indicate NEUROPLASTICITY after Spinal Cord Injury
Sleep deprivation, NEUROPLASTICITY and psychopatology
Suppressing the Violence in the Brain by NEUROPLASTICITY; Is it ethical?
Neuroimaging in the diagnosis of NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with diabetes mellitus
Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY Training: A Novel Approach to Improving Mental Performance and Addressing the Excellence Gap
The NEUROPLASTICITY paradox: Can lack of NEUROPLASTICITY protect older adults from motor memory interference?
Music and neural connectivity: neuroaesthetics, NEUROPLASTICITY and the default mode network of the brain
NEUROPLASTICITY and chronic low back pain: an investigation into altered tactile discrimination, body schema and motor function.
Corrigendum to:“Sleep as a model to understand NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: Observational, perturbational and interventional approaches”[Journal of …
Effect of Bariatric Surgery on NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans
NEUROPLASTICITY of attention: How brain stimulation and mental fatigue affect attentional performance
Induced NEUROPLASTICITY via transcranial magnetic stimulation in subjects with ischemic stroke
NEUROPLASTICITY of Primary Sensory Neurons in Visceral Nociception
Fluoxetine treatment for more than 2 days decreases the cellular NEUROPLASTICITY and microtubule plasticity in differentiated PC12 cells
Whole-brain mapping of NEUROPLASTICITY in different experimental paradigms in mice-a computational perspective
Effect of fluoxetine on adult amblyopia: a placebo-controlled study combining NEUROPLASTICITY-enhancing pharmacological intervention and perceptual training
Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Enhance Functional Recovery in Allogeneic Hand Transplant and Heterotopic Hand Replant Recipients
Erythropoietin as a Driver of Neurodifferentiation, NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognition-A Continuum View of the Neuronal Lineage
Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Contemporary Literature Review on Rodent and Human Models
NEUROPLASTICITY in F16 fighter jet pilots
TENS stimulation: Impact on motor skills of healthy volunteers and patients with spinal cord injury-With an additional view to NEUROPLASTICITY.
Rethinking Neoteny and NEUROPLASTICITY in Language Evolution
Neural correlates of improved working memory following NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Computerized Cognitive Remediation in major depressive disorder
The Effects of Early Life Stress on Behavior and Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
DTI longitudinal data processing method using subject specific template in NEUROPLASTICITY project
Spinoza’s monism, Plato’s «matter» as the basis for the phenomenon of NEUROPLASTICITY
Cooperative synthesis of dopamine by striatal non-dopaminergic neurons as a mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY at parkinsonism
Conditioned Aversion and NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by a Superagonist of Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors: Correlation With Activation of the Oval BNST Neurons and …
Effects of Mirror-Box Therapy on NEUROPLASTICITY and Functional Outcome in Hemiparetic Upper Limb Post Stroke: A Crossover Randomised Controlled Feasibility …
Effects of Reproductive Maturity on NEUROPLASTICITY in Male Bumble Bees (Bombus impatiens)
The mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY during acclimatization to‐and deacclimatization from chronic hypercapnia are fundamentally different
Correction to: Transcranial Magneto-Acoustic Stimulation Improves NEUROPLASTICITY in Hippocampus of Parkinson’s Disease Model Mice
Constraint-induced Movement Therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke
Radiologic diagnostics in complex estimation of the features of NEUROPLASTICITY in preterm newborns with extremely low birth weight
Pharmacologic and Genetic Targeting of Neural Extracellular Matrix to Restore NEUROPLASTICITY in the Striatum for Normal and Pathologic Aging-Related Cognitive …
Music Therapy Enhances Executive Functions and Prefrontal Structural NEUROPLASTICITY after Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled …
Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Primary Motor Cortex Induces Nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY with Modulations of Intensity and Duration
The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in ECT-induced hippocampal volume changes and cognitive side effects
Developmental Postnatal NEUROPLASTICITY of the Primate Amygdala: A Quantitative Analysis of Parvalbumin Neurons and Perineuronal Nets
Study Progress of TCM Syndrome and NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanism of Parkinson’s Disease with Depression
Exploring structural NEUROPLASTICITY in the zebra finch brain using in vivo MRI
The Effects of Intermittent Training on Recovery of Fine Motor Control and NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke in a Mouse Model
Allostatic NEUROPLASTICITY And Epigenetic Mechanisms In Personality Development
NEUROPLASTICITY of language: Mismatch Negativity elicited by pseudowords before and after language training
Assessing NEUROPLASTICITY Using Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in Patient with Left-Temporo-Parietal Pilocytic Astrocytomas Treated with Endoscopic Surgery
Enriching Communicative Environments: Leveraging Advances in NEUROPLASTICITY for Improving Outcomes in Neurogenic Communication Disorders, by Julie A.
NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke aphasia: the effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
The Developing Brain Under Stress: Long-Term Consequences of Early Life Adversity on Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hippocampus
Deficit of Inhibition as a Marker of NEUROPLASTICITY (DEFINE Study) in Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Protocol
20Q: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY in Hearing Loss for Clinical Decisionmaking
Bobath oncept and brain-computer interface: combined approach to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic stroke
Development of a Phrenic Nerve Injury Model in Rats to Study Axonal Regeneration and Compensatory Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
… rTMS on cognitive functions in depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease and investigation of the impaired prefrontal NEUROPLASTICITY in treatment-resistant …
Interpersonal Neurobiology, the Brain, Psychotherapy, Brain Plasticity/NEUROPLASTICITY, the Mind vs the Brain, and Consciousness
Development of a Rodent Spinal Cord Injury Model Permissive to Study the Cardiovascular Effects of Rehabilitation Approaches Designed to Induce NEUROPLASTICITY
132 Brushstrokes after stroke–art and NEUROPLASTICITY
The function of mirror neurons based on NEUROPLASTICITY activity on the upgrading of functional skills in the transfer of a beginner athlete to a professional athlete
Convergence insufficiency, NEUROPLASTICITY, and hanging upside down over a cliff
Working memory testing reveals NEUROPLASTICITY acutely and longitudinally after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
Does Second Language Learning Promote NEUROPLASTICITY in Aging? A Systematic Review of Cognitive and Neuroimaging Studies
NEUROPLASTICITY, belief bias and IRAC—Old pedagogy but brand-new tools for first-year legal education?
Towards a tailored approach to NEUROPLASTICITY enhancement based on brain and behavioral predictors of language learning success
Abstract TMP103: NEUROPLASTICITY of Functional Connectivity in Language Networks in Children After Perinatal Stroke
BDNF-TrkB signaling mediates cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in ageing
NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review on MRI markers of functional and structural changes
An Otologist’s Experience as a Cochlear Implant Patient—The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY
Lactate as Potential Mediators for Exercise-Induced Positive Effects on NEUROPLASTICITY and Cerebrovascular Plasticity
Effects of chronic ethanol exposure on the expression of GLT-1 and NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring rats.
Eeg Recordings Of Induced NEUROPLASTICITY Through Physical And Social Pain Assessment In Chronic Pain Management Patients Following Spinal Cord Stimulation …
Correction to: Principles of Motor Learning to Support NEUROPLASTICITY After ACL Injury: Implications for Optimizing Performance and Reducing Risk of Second Acl injury …
NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive benefits associated with chronic intranasal oxytocin administration in aging
Effect of magnolol on hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in unpredictable chronic mild stress treated rats
NEUROPLASTICITY of motor aphasia patients with stroke: a resting state BOLD-fMRI study
NEUROPLASTICITY after acute and repeated exposure to oxytocin: a multi-site MRI analysis
LSC-2021-Pluripotent stem cell derived airway cholinergic neurons for disease modelling of NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
4 th International symposium and School of Young Scientists: Brain & NEUROPLASTICITY: Structural and Molecular Acpects. May 1-7, 2019 Tbilisi, Giorgia. Abstracts. Ilia …
… receptor 2 deficiency enhances isoflurane-induced spatial cognitive impairment in adult mice by affecting neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
Exercise Intervention Promotes the Growth of Synapses and Regulates NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats With Ischemic Stroke Through Exosomes
Abstract# 88: Cortical Contributions to NEUROPLASTICITY after Repetitive Transspinal Stimulation in Healthy Humans
Oral human-equivalent L-DOPA/Carbidopa dosages administered during the postnatal critical period of NEUROPLASTICITY rescues retinal morphology and visual function …
Rehabilitation 2.0: Addressing NEUROPLASTICITY in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Model
34. NEUROPLASTICITY and development: Discourse in children with perinatal stroke and children with language impairment
… at the site of lesion, and (3) elec-trical stimulations to reactivate central pattern generators and enhancement of the NEUROPLASTICITY [8]. Long Term Epidural …
The Influence of Breastfeeding and the Infant’s Social Environment on NEUROPLASTICITY and Brain Development: The First 1000 Days
Abstract# 71: Effects of Repetitive Transcranial magnetic Stimulation on Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in Subacute Stroke Patients
… chronic EEG power spectral density (μV2) response of gamma frequency (25–40 Hz) for brain health: enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY, neural synchrony, cognitive …
S. 4.01 NEUROPLASTICITY and neuronal cell adhesion molecules
128. NEUROPLASTICITY and Psychopathology: Master Regulators With a Focus on Doublecortin (DCX) and Fear Processing
22 NEUROPLASTICITY and Rewiring of the Brain
Neuron‐Targeted Caveolin‐1 gene therapy preserves hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in Alzheimer’s Disease mice
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