
  1. FGF-7 (keratinocyte growth factor) expression during mouse development suggests roles in Myogenesis, forebrain regionalisation and epithelial-mesenchymal …
  2. Fgf-4 expression during gastrulation, Myogenesis, limb and tooth development in the mouse
  3. AmphiPax3/7, an amphioxus paired box gene: insights into chordate Myogenesis, neurogenesis, and the possible evolutionary precursor of definitive vertebrate …
  4. The MyoD family and Myogenesis: redundancy, networks, and thresholds
  5. Myogenin, a factor regulating Myogenesis, has a domain homologous to MyoD
  6. Immunochemical analysis of myosin heavy chain during avian Myogenesis in vivo and in vitro.
  7. Myogenin expression, cell cycle withdrawal, and phenotypic differentiation are temporally separable events that precede cell fusion upon Myogenesis.
  8. Redefining the genetic hierarchies controlling skeletal Myogenesis: Pax-3 and Myf-5 act upstream of MyoD
  9. Control of mouse cardiac morphogenesis and Myogenesis by transcription factor MEF2C
  10. The regulation of Notch signaling controls satellite cell activation and cell fate determination in postnatal Myogenesis
  11. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by association of the MEF2 transcription factor with class II histone deacetylases
  12. The molecular regulation of Myogenesis
  13. Growth hormone and the insulin-like growth factor system in Myogenesis
  14. A gene with homology to the myc similarity region of MyoD1 is expressed during Myogenesis and is sufficient to activate the muscle differentiation program.
  15. A role for bone morphogenetic proteins in the induction of cardiac Myogenesis.
  16. Modulation of Rho GTPase signaling regulates a switch between adipogenesis and Myogenesis
  17. The intracellular domain of mouse Notch: a constitutively activated repressor of Myogenesis directed at the basic helix-loop-helix region of MyoD
  18. Muscle LIM protein, a novel essential regulator of Myogenesis, promotes myogenic differentiation
  19. Differential activation of Myf5 and MyoD by different Wnts in explants of mouse paraxial mesoderm and the later activation of Myogenesis in the absence of Myf5
  20. Wnt signaling and the activation of Myogenesis in mammals
  21. Improved heart function with Myogenesis and angiogenesis after autologous porcine bone marrow stromal cell transplantation
  22. Temporal expression of regulatory and structural muscle proteins during Myogenesis of satellite cells on isolated adult rat fibers
  23. Roles for the integrin VLA-4 and its counter receptor VCAM-1 in Myogenesis
  24. DNA synthesis and Myogenesis
  25. Interrelations of the proliferation and differentiation processes during cardiac Myogenesis and regeneration
  26. HLH proteins, fly neurogenesis, and vertebrate Myogenesis
  27. Myogenin is required for late but not early aspects of Myogenesis during mouse development.
  28. Myostatin knockout in mice increases Myogenesis and decreases adipogenesis
  29. The MyoD family of transcription factors and skeletal Myogenesis
  30. Induction of avian cardiac Myogenesis by anterior endoderm
  31. Drosophila MEF2, a transcription factor that is essential for Myogenesis.
  32. Muscle cell differentiation of embryonic stem cells reflects Myogenesis in vivo: developmentally regulated expression of myogenic determination genes and functional …
  33. Looking back to the embryo: defining transcriptional networks in adult Myogenesis
  34. Fate of microtubule-organizing centers during Myogenesis in vitro.
  35. Stress-activated protein kinase-2/p38 and a rapamycin-sensitive pathway are required for C2C12 Myogenesis
  36. A Wnt-and β-catenin-dependent pathway for mammalian cardiac Myogenesis
  37. Myogenesis and postnatal skeletal muscle cell growth as influenced by selection
  38. Role of HuR in skeletal Myogenesis through coordinate regulation of muscle differentiation genes
  39. A novel, secreted form of human ADAM 12 (meltrin α) provokes Myogenesis in vivo
  40. Muscle LIM protein promotes Myogenesis by enhancing the activity of MyoD.
  41. Clonal analysis of Myogenesis
  42. Proliferation precedes differentiation in IGF-I-stimulated Myogenesis.
  43. Altered Myogenesis in Six1-deficient mice
  44. Delta-induced Notch signaling mediated by RBP-J inhibits MyoD expression and Myogenesis
  45. An activated Notch suppresses neurogenesis and Myogenesis but not gliogenesis in mammalian cells
  46. Identification of a BMP‐responsive element in Id1, the gene for inhibition of Myogenesis
  47. How is Myogenesis initiated in the embryo?
  48. Myogenesis: a view from Drosophila
  49. The mammalian target of rapamycin regulates C2C12 Myogenesis via a kinase-independent mechanism
  50. Myogenesis in the mouse embryo: differential onset of expression of myogenic proteins and the involvement of titin in myofibril assembly.
  51. Time course of changes in markers of Myogenesis in overloaded rat skeletal muscles
  52. A series of mutations in the D-MEF2 transcription factor reveal multiple functions in larval and adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  53. Myostatin regulates cell survival during C2C12 Myogenesis
  54. Gene expression patterns of the fibroblast growth factors and their receptors during Myogenesis of rat satellite cells
  55. Two domains of MyoD mediate transcriptional activation of genes in repressive chromatin: a mechanism for lineage determination in Myogenesis.
  56. Disruption of the mouse MRF4 gene identifies multiple waves of Myogenesis in the myotome
  57. Regulation of avian cardiac Myogenesis by activin/TGFβ and bone morphogenetic proteins
  58. Delta 1-activated notch inhibits muscle differentiation without affecting Myf5 and Pax3 expression in chick limb Myogenesis
  59. Transcripts of alpha-cardiac and alpha-skeletal actins are early markers for Myogenesis in the mouse embryo
  60. The lipid phosphatase myotubularin is essential for skeletal muscle maintenance but not for Myogenesis in mice
  61. H36-alpha 7 is a novel integrin alpha chain that is developmentally regulated during skeletal Myogenesis.
  62. β-Catenin is essential and sufficient for skeletal Myogenesis in P19 cells
  63. Class I histone deacetylases sequentially interact with MyoD and pRb during skeletal Myogenesis
  64. Insulin-like growth factors require phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to signal Myogenesis: dominant negative p85 expression blocks differentiation of L6E9 muscle cells
  65. Development regulation of the subcellular distribution and glycosylation of GLUT1 and GLUT4 glucose transporters during Myogenesis of L6 muscle cells.
  66. Myogenin and MEF2 function synergistically to activate the MRF4 promoter during Myogenesis.
  67. Insulin produces Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts by induction of NF‐κB and downregulation of AP‐1 activities
  68. IGF-II transcription in skeletal Myogenesis is controlled by mTOR and nutrients
  69. The effect of temperature on Myogenesis in embryonic development of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
  70. Phenotypic analysis of Meltrin α (ADAM12)-deficient mice: involvement of Meltrin α in adipogenesis and Myogenesis
  71. Deficiency in rhabdomyosarcomas of a factor required for MyoD activity and Myogenesis
  72. Differential role of p300 and CBP acetyltransferase during Myogenesis: p300 acts upstream of MyoD and Myf5
  73. Interaction of Trypanosoma cruzi with heart muscle cells: ultrastructural and cytochemical analysis of endocytic vacuole formation and effect upon Myogenesis in vitro
  74. A laminin substrate promotes Myogenesis in rat skeletal muscle cultures: analysis of replication and development using antidesmin and anti-BrdUrd monoclonal …
  75. Pax3 is essential for skeletal Myogenesis and the expression of Six1 and Eya2
  76. Hedgehog signalling is required for maintenance of myf5 and myoD expression and timely terminal differentiation in zebrafish adaxial Myogenesis
  77. The synthesis and distribution of desmin and vimentin during Myogenesis in vitro
  78. Impact of manipulations of Myogenesis in utero on the performance of adult skeletal muscle
  79. Intermediate filaments in cardiac Myogenesis: nestin in the developing mouse heart.
  80. Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibits Myogenesis through redox-dependent and-independent pathways
  81. Reparative Myogenesis in long‐term denervated skeletal muscles of adult rats results in a reduction of the satellite cell population
  82. MyoD is functionally linked to the silencing of a muscle-specific regulatory gene prior to skeletal Myogenesis
  83. Induction of cardiac Myogenesis in avian pregastrula epiblast: the role of the hypoblast and activin
  84. Transformation by activated ras or fos prevents Myogenesis by inhibiting expression of MyoD1
  85. A dominant-negative form of transcription factor MEF2 inhibits Myogenesis
  86. Developmental patterns in the expression of Myf5, MyoD, myogenin, and MRF4 during Myogenesis.
  87. Stretch-induced alternative splicing of serum response factor promotes bronchial Myogenesis and is defective in lung hypoplasia
  88. Delivery of FGF genes to wound repair cells enhances arteriogenesis and Myogenesis in skeletal muscle
  89. Stage-specific modulation of skeletal Myogenesis by inhibitors of nuclear deacetylases
  90. p53 regulates Myogenesis by triggering the differentiation activity of pRb
  91. Merosin and laminin in Myogenesis; specific requirement for merosin in myotube stability and survival.
  92. Tumor necrosis factor inhibits human Myogenesis in vitro.
  93. Distinct regulatory cascades for head and trunk Myogenesis
  94. Myogenesis: fusion, myosin synthesis, and the mitotic cycle.
  95. The transcriptional corepressor MITR is a signal-responsive inhibitor of Myogenesis
  96. The myogenic regulatory gene Mef2 is a direct target for transcriptional activation by Twist during Drosophila Myogenesis
  97. MyoD expression marks the onset of skeletal Myogenesis in Myf-5 mutant mice
  98. Myogenesis and the intermediate filament protein, nestin
  99. Altered primary Myogenesis in NFATC3−/− mice leads to decreased muscle size in the adult
  100. Gdf11 is a negative regulator of chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in the developing chick limb
  101. Drosophila Lame duck, a novel member of the Gli superfamily, acts as a key regulator of Myogenesis by controlling fusion-competent myoblast development
  102. Myogenesis in paraxial mesoderm: preferential induction by dorsal neural tube and by cells expressing Wnt-1
  103. zfh-1, the Drosophila homologue of ZEB, is a transcriptional repressor that regulates somatic Myogenesis
  104. Maturation of the regulation of GLUT4 activity by p38 MAPK during L6 cell Myogenesis
  105. Embryonic mesenchymal cells share the potential for smooth muscle differentiation: Myogenesis is controlled by the cell’s shape
  106. Critical activities of Rac1 and Cdc42Hs in skeletal Myogenesis: antagonistic effects of JNK and p38 pathways
  107. Plasmin activity is required for Myogenesis in vitro and skeletal muscle regeneration in vivo
  108. Targeted inactivation of myogenic factor genes reveals their role during mouse Myogenesis: a review.
  109. Coupling of the cell cycle and Myogenesis through the cyclin D1‐dependent interaction of MyoD with cdk4
  110. Early stages of Myogenesis in a large mammal: formation of successive generations of myotubes in sheep tibialis cranialis muscle
  111. inscuteable and numb mediate asymmetric muscle progenitor cell divisions duringDrosophila Myogenesis
  112. Diaphragm defects occur in a CDH hernia model independently of Myogenesis and lung formation
  113. The Golgi apparatus remains associated with microtubule organizing centers during Myogenesis.
  114. Activin-A and FGF-2 mimic the inductive effects of anterior endoderm on terminal cardiac Myogenesis in vitro
  115. Different splice variants of filamin-B affect Myogenesis, subcellular distribution, and determine binding to integrin β subunits
  116. TNF inhibits Myogenesis and downregulates the expression of myogenic regulatory factors myoD and myogenin.
  117. Embryonic stem cell differentiation models: cardiogenesis, Myogenesis, neurogenesis, epithelial and vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in vitro
  118. Myogenesis and muscle patterning in Drosophila.
  119. Cyclin dependent kinase 5, cdk5, is a positive regulator of Myogenesis in mouse C2 cells
  120. … of the fibroblast KCaChannel FIK is a common mechanism for basic fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor-β suppression of Myogenesis
  121. Sox8 is a specific marker for muscle satellite cells and inhibits Myogenesis
  122. MyoD and the regulation of Myogenesis by helix-loop-helix proteins.
  123. Molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the generation of fiber diversity during Myogenesis
  124. Regulated demethylation of themyoddistal enhancer during skeletal Myogenesis
  125. Myogenesis and histogenesis of skeletal muscle on flexible membranes in vitro
  126. TNFα inhibits skeletal Myogenesis through a PW1‐dependent pathway by recruitment of caspase pathways
  127. Myogenin can substitute for Myf5 in promoting Myogenesis but less efficiently
  128. Coexpression of α-sarcomeric actin, α-smooth muscle actin and desmin during Myogenesis in rat and mouse embryos I. Skeletal muscle
  129. Molecular control of Myogenesis: antagonism between growth and differentiation
  130. Comparative expression analysis of Pax3 and Pax7 during mouse Myogenesis
  131. Antisense inhibition of syndecan-3 expression during skeletal muscle differentiation accelerates Myogenesis through a basic fibroblast growth factor …
  132. IGF‐II is more active than IGF‐I in stimulating L6A1 Myogenesis: Greater mitogenic actions of IGF‐I delay differentiation
  133. The generation of fiber diversity during Myogenesis.
  134. Primary, secondary and tertiary myotubes in developing skeletal muscle: a new approach to the analysis of human Myogenesis
  135. Cytoskeletal control of Myogenesis: a desmin null mutation blocks the myogenic pathway during embryonic stem cell differentiation
  136. Novel isoforms of the fragile X related protein FXR1P are expressed during Myogenesis
  137. Critical proliferation-independent window for basic fibroblast growth factor repression of Myogenesis via the p42/p44 MAPK signaling pathway
  138. Spatiotemporal patterns of expression of NGF and the low-affinity NGF receptor in rat embryos suggest functional roles in tissue morphogenesis and Myogenesis
  139. Chiton Myogenesis: perspectives for the development and evolution of larval and adult muscle systems in molluscs
  140. IGFs, insulin, Shh, bFGF, and TGF-β1 interact synergistically to promote somite Myogenesis in vitro
  141. Muscle pattern diversification in Drosophila: the story of imaginal Myogenesis
  142. Mutagenesis of the myogenin basic region identifies an ancient protein motif critical for activation of Myogenesis.
  143. Soft-palate Myogenesis: a developmental field paradigm
  144. Myogenesis and developmental control genes
  145. Transplacental delivery of the Wnt antagonist Frzb1 inhibits development of caudal paraxial mesoderm and skeletal Myogenesis in mouse embryos
  146. Wiring diagrams: regulatory circuits and the control of skeletal Myogenesis
  147. Invertebrate Myogenesis: looking back to the future of muscle development
  148. The Expression and Regulation ofFollistatinand aFollistatin-likeGene during Avian Somite Compartmentalization and Myogenesis
  149. A role for the Ca2+-dependent adhesion molecule, N-cadherin, in myoblast interaction during Myogenesis
  150. Vitamin A inhibits chondrogenesis but not Myogenesis
  151. Enhanced myogenic differentiation by extracellular matrix is regulated at the early stages of Myogenesis
  152. Human desmin-coding gene: complete nucleotide sequence, characterization and regulation of expression during Myogenesis and development.
  153. Bcl-2 expression identifies an early stage of Myogenesis and promotes clonal expansion of muscle cells
  154. 5 Multiple Tissue Interactions and Signal Transduction Pathways Control Somite Myogenesis
  155. Ontogeny of airway smooth muscle: structure, innervation, Myogenesis and function in the fetal lung
  156. … RhoA activity maintains the undifferentiated mesenchymal cell phenotype, whereas RhoA down-regulation by laminin-2 induces smooth muscle Myogenesis
  157. Surface antigen differentiation during human Myogenesis in culture
  158. Inhibition of Myogenesis by multiple cyclin-Cdk complexes: coordinate regulation of Myogenesis and cell cycle activity at the level of E2F
  159. Changes in architecture of the Golgi complex and other subcellular organelles during Myogenesis.
  160. A model of Myogenesis in vivo, derived from detailed autoradiographic studies of regenerating skeletal muscle, challenges the concept of quantal mitosis
  161. Inhibition of Myogenesis by transforming growth factor β is density-dependent and related to the translocation of transcription factor MEF2 to the cytoplasm
  162. A kinetic analysis of Myogenesis in vitro
  163. Myogenesis in the trunk and leg during development of the tadpole of Xenopus laevis (Daudin 1802)
  164. zipper Nonmuscle myosin-II functions downstream of PS2 integrin in Drosophila Myogenesis and is necessary for myofibril formation
  165. Ultrastructural and electrophysiological correlates of cell coupling and cytoplasmic fusion during Myogenesis in vitro
  166. Redistribution of intermediate filament subunits during skeletal Myogenesis and maturation in vitro.
  167. A novel synaptobrevin/VAMP homologous protein (VAMP5) is increased during in vitro Myogenesis and present in the plasma membrane
  168. … epaxial enhancer is essential for the initial expression of the skeletal muscle determination gene Myf5 but not for subsequent, multiple phases of somitic Myogenesis
  169. Insulin stimulates Myogenesis in a rat myoblast line
  170. Temporal expression of growth factor genes during Myogenesis of satellite cells derived from the biceps femoris and pectoralis major muscles of the chicken
  171. MRF4 can substitute for myogenin during early stages of Myogenesis
  172. An analysis of Myogenesis by the use of fluorescent antimyosin
  173. Skeletal Myogenesis: The preferred pathway of chick embryo epiblast cellsin vitro
  174. Temperature and Myogenesis in embryos of the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus
  175. Homeotic genes and the regulation of myoblast migration, fusion, and fibre-specific gene expression during adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  176. Involvement of gap junctional communication in Myogenesis
  177. Cell-to-cell communication and Myogenesis.
  178. Role of SHP-2 in fibroblast growth factor receptor-mediated suppression of Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts
  179. A reevaluation of the role of innervation in primary and secondary Myogenesis in developing chick muscle
  180. Notch and Ras signaling pathway effector genes expressed in fusion competent and founder cells during Drosophila Myogenesis
  181. Methylprednisolone increases dystrophin levels by inhibiting myotube death during Myogenesis of normal human muscle in vitro
  182. Compartmentalization of the somite and Myogenesis in chick embryos are influenced by wnt expression
  183. Neural tube and notochord promote in vitro Myogenesis in single somite explants
  184. Coupled Transcriptional and Translational Control of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p18INK4cExpression during Myogenesis
  185. … orphan steroid receptor RVR/Rev-erbβ is dependent on the signature motif and helix 5 in the E region: functional evidence for a biological role of RVR in Myogenesis
  186. Intrinsic signals regulate the initial steps of Myogenesis in vertebrates
  187. cis-4-Hydroxy-L-proline and ethyl-3, 4-dihydroxybenzoate prevent Myogenesis of C2C12 muscle cells and block MyoD1 and myogenin expression
  188. Xenopus muscle development: From primary to secondary Myogenesis
  189. MyoD and achaete-scute: 4-5 amino acids distinguishes Myogenesis from neurogenesis.
  190. A role for the neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, in myoblast interaction during Myogenesis
  191. Transcriptional and posttranscriptional control of c-myc during Myogenesis: its mRNA remains inducible in differentiated cells and does not suppress the differentiated …
  192. Angiogenesis and Myogenesis as two facets of inflammatory post-ischemic tissue regeneration
  193. Differential control of tropomyosin mRNA levels during Myogenesis suggests the existence of an isoform competition-autoregulatory compensation control mechanism
  194. FGF receptor availability regulates skeletal Myogenesis
  195. Fibroblasts promote the formation of a continuous basal lamina during Myogenesis in vitro.
  196. Skeletal muscle neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM): changes in protein and mRNA species during Myogenesis of muscle cell lines.
  197. Differential patterns of transcript accumulation during human Myogenesis.
  198. Analysis of a key regulatory region upstream of the Myf5 gene reveals multiple phases of Myogenesis, orchestrated at each site by a combination of elements …
  199. Localization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit transcripts during Myogenesis and motor endplate development in the chick.
  200. Tetranectin is a novel marker for Myogenesis during embryonic development, muscle regeneration, and muscle cell differentiationin vitro
  201. Effect of a tumour promoter on Myogenesis
  202. Misexpression of Fgf-4 in the chick limb inhibits Myogenesis by down-regulating Frek expression
  203. Differentiation of sarcoplasmic reticulum during cardiac Myogenesis
  204. Differential expression of the IL-1 system components during in vitro Myogenesis: implication of IL-1β in induction of myogenic cell apoptosis
  205. Enhanced Myogenesis in NCAM-transfected mouse myoblasts
  206. A dual requirement for neurogenic genes in Drosophila Myogenesis
  207. Cell adhesion to collagen and decreased myogenic gene expression implicated in the control of Myogenesis by transforming growth factor beta.
  208. Temporal appearance of satellite cells during Myogenesis
  209. Prednisolone enhances Myogenesis and dystrophin‐related protein in skeletal muscle cell cultures from mdx mouse
  210. Presence and importance of connexin43 during Myogenesis
  211. Development of acetylcholine sensitivity during Myogenesis
  212. Hyaluronic acid bonded to cell culture surfaces inhibits the program of Myogenesis
  213. Coordinate regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis during Myogenesis
  214. Regulation of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A activities by insulin during Myogenesis in rat skeletal muscle cells in culture.
  215. An electron microscopic study of early developmental stages, Myogenesis, oogenesis and cnidogenesis in the anthomedusa, Podocoryne carnea M. Sars
  216. Skeletal Myogenesis on elastomeric substrates: implications for tissue engineering
  217. Inhibition of Myogenesis enables adipogenic trans‐differentiation in the C2C12 myogenic cell line
  218. 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine blocks Myogenesis by extinguishing expression of MyoD1
  219. Phenotypic plasticity of early Myogenesis and satellite cell numbers in Atlantic salmon spawning in upland and lowland tributaries of a river system
  220. Amplification of MDM2 inhibits MyoD-mediated Myogenesis.
  221. Expression of alpha 1 integrin, a laminin-collagen receptor, during Myogenesis and neurogenesis in the avian embryo
  222. Hypaxial muscle migration during primary Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis
  224. Plasmin generation dependent on α-enolase-type plasminogen receptor is required for Myogenesis
  225. Sequential expression of chicken actin genes during Myogenesis.
  226. Activation of muscle genes without Myogenesis by ectopic expression of MyoD in frog embryo cells
  227. Cellular aggregation enhances MyoD-directed skeletal Myogenesis in embryonal carcinoma cells.
  228. eFGF and its mode of action in the community effect during Xenopus Myogenesis
  229. Induction of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor expression during Myogenesis: activation of the gene by MyoD and localization of the transmembrane …
  230. M-cadherin localization in developing adult and regenerating mouse skeletal muscle: possible involvement in secondary Myogenesis
  231. The effect of mitotic inhibitors on Myogenesis in vitro
  232. Myogenesis and MyoD down-regulate Sp1: a mechanism for the repression of GLUT1 during muscle cell differentiation
  233. Gene switching in Myogenesis: differential expression of the chicken actin multigene family
  234. Expression of gap junctions in cultured rat L6 cells during Myogenesis
  235. Loss-of-function mutations reveal that the Drosophila nautilus gene is not essential for embryonic Myogenesis or viability
  236. Androgen-induced Myogenesis and chondrogenesis in the larynx of Xenopus laevis
  237. p27Kip1 is expressed transiently in developing myotomes and enhances Myogenesis.
  238. … , Lampetra japonica: A Possible Clue to Homologies between Agnathan and Gnathostome Muscles of the Mandibular Arch: (lamprey/engrailed/mandibular arch/Myogenesis …
  239. Secretion and transcriptional regulation of transforming growth factor-beta 3 during Myogenesis.
  240. Spontaneous and repetitive calcium transients in C2C12 mouse myotubes during in vitro Myogenesis
  241. The FGF Receptor–1 Tyrosine Kinase Domain Regulates Myogenesis but Is Not Sufficient to Stimulate Proliferation
  242. The muscle-specific enolase is an early marker of human Myogenesis
  243. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: VIII. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-dependent and FGF-independent muscle colony types during chick wing development
  244. The orphan nuclear receptor, COUP-TF II, inhibits Myogenesis by post-transcriptional regulation of MyoD function: COUP-TF II directly interacts with p300 and myoD
  245. Oxygen concentration regulates 5-azacytidine-induced Myogenesis in C3H/10T1/2 cultures
  246. Inhibition of p38 MAPK signaling promotes late stages of Myogenesis
  247. 5-Bromodeoxyuridine: effect on Myogenesis in vitro
  248. Skeletal Myogenesis: genetics and embryology to the fore
  249. Muscle LIM Proteins Are Associated with Muscle Sarcomeres and Require dMEF2 for Their Expression during DrosophilaMyogenesis
  250. Regulation of Myogenesis by fibroblast growth factors requires beta-gamma subunits of pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins
  251. A muscle-specific variant of microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4) is required in Myogenesis
  252. GLUT1 glucose transporter gene transcription is repressed by Sp3. Evidence for a regulatory role of Sp3 during Myogenesis
  253. Calpains and Myogenesis
  254. Desmin/vimentin intermediate filaments are dispensable for many aspects of Myogenesis.
  255. Alteration in cell surface LETS protein during Myogenesis
  256. Cell elongation induces laminin α2 chain expression in mouse embryonic mesenchymal cells: role in visceral Myogenesis
  257. Monoclonal antibodies localize changes on myosin heavy chain isozymes during avian Myogenesis
  258. Control of acetylcholinesterase gene expression during Myogenesis
  259. Maternal treatment with somatotropin during early gestation affects basic events of Myogenesis in pigs
  260. Slow fiber cluster pattern in pig longissimus thoracis muscle: implications for Myogenesis
  261. Role of laminin polymerization at the epithelial mesenchymal interface in bronchial Myogenesis
  262. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: I. Early developmental events in the chick limb
  263. Loss of WT1 function leads to ectopic Myogenesis in Wilms’ tumour
  264. Regulation of murine cytochrome oxidase Vb gene expression in different tissues and during Myogenesis: role of a YY-1 factor-binding negative enhancer
  265. Faithful expression of the Myf-5 gene during mouse Myogenesis requires distant control regions: a transgene approach using yeast artificial chromosomes
  266. Induced Myogenesis in long-term permanent denervation: perspective role in Functional Electrical Stimulation of denervated legs in humans
  267. Embryonic signals for skeletal Myogenesis: arriving at the beginning
  268. Signaling through mitogen-activated protein kinase and Rac/Rho does not duplicate the effects of activated Ras on skeletal Myogenesis.
  269. An E box mediates activation and repression of the acetylcholine receptor delta-subunit gene during Myogenesis.
  270. Activation of Myogenesis by the homeobox gene Lbx1 requires cell proliferation
  271. Some distinctive features of zebrafish Myogenesis based on unexpected distributions of the muscle cytoskeletal proteins actin, myosin, desmin, α-actinin …
  272. Proliferative dynamics and the role of FGF2 during Myogenesis of rat satellite cells on isolated fibers
  273. Skeletal Myogenesis in the mouse esophagus does not occur through transdifferentiation
  274. Sequence and expression of amphioxus alkali myosin light chain (AmphiMLC-alk) throughout development: implications for vertebrate Myogenesis
  275. Expression of NCAM and its polysialylated isoforms during mdx mouse muscle regeneration and in vitro Myogenesis
  276. Muscle: the regulation of Myogenesis
  277. The formation of somites and early myotomal Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis, Bombina variegata and Pelobates fuscus
  278. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: IV. Medium-dependent classification of colony-forming cells
  279. Relationship of primary and secondary Myogenesis to fiber type development in embryonic chick muscle
  280. Patterns of abnormal Myogenesis in human cleft palates
  281. Myoblast diversity in skeletal Myogenesis: how much and to what end?
  282. Mox homeobox expression in muscle lineage of the gastropod Haliotis asinina: evidence for a conserved role in bilaterian Myogenesis
  283. Calcium regulation of skeletal Myogenesis. II. Extracellular and cell surface effects
  284. Initial steps of Myogenesis in somites are independent of influence from axial structures
  285. Antagonistic regulation of Myogenesis by two deubiquitinating enzymes, UBP45 and UBP69
  286. Two Myogenin-related Genes Are Differentially Expressed inXenopus laevis Myogenesis and Differ in Their Ability to Transactivate Muscle Structural Genes
  287. The MADS-Box factor CeMEF2 is not essential for Caenorhabditis elegans Myogenesis and development
  288. Transient expression of a winged-helix protein, MNF-beta, during Myogenesis.
  289. Myoglobin expression: early induction and subsequent modulation of myoglobin and myoglobin mRNA during Myogenesis.
  290. Pro‐and anti‐apoptotic members of the Bcl‐2 family in skeletal muscle: a distinct role for Bcl‐2 in later stages of Myogenesis
  291. Myogenesis in primary cell cultures from larvae of the abalone, Haliotis rufescens.
  292. Serum-induced inhibition of Myogenesis is differentially relieved by retinoic acid and triiodothyronine in C2 murine muscle cells
  293. A 40-base-pair sequence in the 3’end of the beta-actin gene regulates beta-actin mRNA transcription during Myogenesis
  294. Focal adhesion kinase tyrosine phosphorylation is associated with Myogenesis and modulated by insulin
  295. Differential expression and distribution of chicken skeletal-and smooth-muscle-type alpha-actinins during Myogenesis in culture.
  296. Activated Raf inhibits avian Myogenesis through a MAPK-dependent mechanism
  297. … the synthesis of skeletal muscle actin, myosin heavy chain, and myosin light chain and the accumulation of corresponding mRNA sequences during Myogenesis
  298. Fibronectin expression during Myogenesis.
  299. Characterization of an amphioxus Wnt gene, AmphiWnt11, with possible roles in Myogenesis and tail outgrowth
  300. Dissociated expression of c-myc and a fos-related competence gene during cardiac Myogenesis.
  301. A myotrophic protein from chick embryo extract: its purification, identity to transferrin, and indispensability for avian Myogenesis
  302. Myogenesis of avian striated muscle in vitro: role of collagen in myofiber formation
  303. Control of Myogenesis in the mouse myogenic C2 cell line by medium composition and by insulin: characterization of permissive and inducible C2 myoblasts
  304. Regulation of Myogenesis in paralyzed muscles in the mouse mutants peroneal muscular atrophy and muscular dysgenesis
  305. Manipulation of Myogenesis in vitro: reversible inhibition by DMSO
  306. Thymic Myogenesis, T‐lymphocytes and the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis
  307. Myogenesis in adult mammalian skeletal muscle in vitro.
  308. Influence of PDGF-BB on proliferation and transition through the MyoD-myogenin-MEF2A expression program during Myogenesis in mouse C2 myoblasts
  309. Modulation of histone H3 variant synthesis during the myoblast-myotube transition of chicken Myogenesis
  310. Changes in the mRNA population of chick myoblasts during Myogenesis in vitro
  311. Voltage‐dependent K+ channel β subunits in muscle: Differential regulation during postnatal development and Myogenesis
  312. Opposing effects of interferon produced in bacteria and of tumor promoters on Myogenesis in human myoblast cultures
  313. Expression of myogenic regulatory factors during muscle development of Xenopus: Myogenin mRNA accumulation is limited strictly to secondary Myogenesis
  314. Location of myostatin expression during bovine Myogenesis in vivo and in vitro
  315. Inhibition of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) abrogates Myogenesis in vitro
  316. Cloning and developmental expression of Nsk2, a novel receptor tyrosine kinase implicated in skeletal Myogenesis.
  317. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: II. Environmental influences upon human muscle differentiation
  318. Spatiotemporal distribution of heparan sulfate epitopes during Myogenesis and synaptogenesis: a study in developing mouse intercostal muscle
  319. Dystrophy and Myogenesis in mdx diaphragm muscle
  320. Short-term culture of ovine embryos modifies fetal Myogenesis
  321. Molecular aspects of Myogenesis
  322. Muscle determination: another key player in Myogenesis?
  323. Helix-loop-helix transcription factors E12 and E47 are not essential for skeletal or cardiac Myogenesis, erythropoiesis, chondrogenesis, or neurogenesis
  324. Proteasome and Myogenesis
  325. Calcium regulation of skeletal Myogenesis. I. Cell content critical to myotube formation
  326. Changes in protein synthesis during Myogenesis in a clonal cell line
  327. Comparative analysis of the expression patterns of Wnts and Frizzleds during early Myogenesis in chick embryos
  328. Ras p21Val inhibits Myogenesis without altering the DNA binding or transcriptional activities of the myogenic basic helix-loop-helix factors.
  329. Developmental regulation of intermediate filament and actin mRNAs during Myogenesis is disrupted by oncogenic ras genes.
  330. Identification of a regulatory function for an orphan receptor in muscle: COUP-TF II affects the expression of the myoD gene family during Myogenesis
  331. Ex-FABP: a fatty acid binding lipocalin developmentally regulated in chicken endochondral bone formation and Myogenesis
  332. Retinoic acid receptors and muscle b-HLH proteins: partners in retinoid-induced Myogenesis
  333. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein-H plays a suppressive role in visceral Myogenesis
  334. PKC-regulated Myogenesis is associated with increased tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK, Cas, and paxillin, formation of Cas-CRK complex, and JNK activation
  335. Multinucleation during Myogenesis of the myotome of Xenopus laevis: a qualitative study
  336. Contact-mediated Myogenesis and increased acetylcholinesterase activity in primary cultures of mouse teratocarcinoma cells
  337. Dependence of in vitro Myogenesis on a trophic protein present in chicken embryo extract
  338. Regulation of class I MHC expression in skeletal muscle: deleterious effect of aberrant expression on Myogenesis
  339. Are fibroblast growth factors regulators of Myogenesis in vivo?
  340. Mitochondrial proliferation during Myogenesis
  341. Polysialylated NCAM expression during motor axon outgrowth and Myogenesis in the fetal rat
  342. Spatial relationship of nebulin relative to other myofibrillar proteins during Myogenesis in embryonic chick skeletal muscle cells in vitro
  343. RA regulation of keratin expression and Myogenesis suggests different ways of regenerating muscle in adult amphibian limbs
  344. A role for RalGDS and a novel Ras effector in the Ras-mediated inhibition of skeletal Myogenesis
  345. Expression and synthesis of high mobility group chromosomal proteins in different rat skeletal cell lines during Myogenesis.
  346. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: III. Developmental changes in the muscle-colony-forming cells of the human fetal limb
  347. E2F1 and p53 are dispensable, whereas p21Waf1/Cip1 cooperates with Rb to restrict endoreduplication and apoptosis during skeletal Myogenesis
  348. Selected topics in skeletal Myogenesis
  349. The ultrastructure of normal Myogenesis in the limb of the mouse
  350. Skeletal muscle cell-derived insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins inhibit IGF-I-induced Myogenesis in rat L6E9 cells
  351. MyoD and Myogenesis in C. elegans
  352. Inhibition of retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation by Myogenesis-induced changes in the subunit composition of the cyclin-dependent kinase 4 complex.
  353. Muscle basic helix-loop-helix proteins and the regulation of Myogenesis
  354. Translation of c-myc mRNA is required for its post-transcriptional regulation during Myogenesis.
  355. Post-transcriptional regulation of Xwnt-8 expression is required for normal Myogenesis during vertebrate embryonic development
  356. Identification of a core functional and structural domain of the v-Ski oncoprotein responsible for both transformation and Myogenesis
  357. 5 Molecular Embryology of Skeletal Myogenesis
  358. Therapeutic cardiac angiogenesis and Myogenesis: the promises and challenges on a new frontier
  359. Knock-in of integrin β1D affects primary but not secondary Myogenesis in mice
  360. … 1 expression during embryogenesis: Correlation with events of epithelial differentiation, mesenchymal‐epithelial interactions, absorption, and Myogenesis
  361. Differential regulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator expression by basic fibroblast growth factor and serum in Myogenesis: requirement of a …
  362. E1A-mediated inhibition of Myogenesis correlates with a direct physical interaction of E1A12S and basic helix-loop-helix proteins.
  363. Detection of myosin heavy chain mRNA during Myogenesis in tissue culture by in vitro and in situ hybridization
  364. … of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-Anchored Ncam on Mouse Skeletal-Muscle Cell-Line C2C12: The Structure of the GPI Glycan and Release During Myogenesis
  365. Secondary Myogenesis of normal muscle produces abnormal myotubes
  366. Growth and differentiation during Myogenesis in the chick embryo
  367. Sodium butyrate inhibits Myogenesis by interfering with the transcriptional activation function of MyoD and myogenin.
  369. AVP induces Myogenesis through the transcriptional activation of the myocyte enhancer factor 2
  370. Myogenesis in primary cell cultures from Drosophila melanogaster: protein synthesis and actin heterogeneity during development
  371. Myotube morphology, and expression and distribution of collagen type I during normal and low score normal avian satellite cell Myogenesis
  372. Morphological study of the ureterocele: a possible clue to its embryogenesis as evidenced by a locally arrested Myogenesis
  373. 2 Drosophila Myogenesis and insights into the Role of nautilus
  374. The nitrendipine-sensitive Ca2+ channel in chick muscle cells and its appearance during Myogenesis in vitro and in vivo.
  375. Regulation of muscle gene expression: the accumulation of messenger RNAs coding for muscle-specific proteins during Myogenesis in a mouse cell line
  376. Intracellular calcium transients induced by different kinds of stimulus during Myogenesis of rat skeletal muscle cells studied by laser cytofluorimetry with Indo-1
  377. Hormonal requirements for Myogenesis of striated muscle in vitro: insulin and somatotropin
  378. Fibroblast-growth-factor-induced additional limbs in the study of initiation of limb formation, limb identity, Myogenesis, and innervation
  379. SHP-2 complex formation with the SHP-2 substrate-1 during C2C12 Myogenesis
  380. Synthesis of heat-shock proteins by cells undergoing Myogenesis.
  381. An ultrastructural study of early Myogenesis in the chick wing bud
  382. Analysis of corkscrew signaling in the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor pathway during Myogenesis
  383. An in vitro study of normal and mutant Myogenesis in the mouse
  384. Myogenesis in the chicken: the onset of differentiation of adult myoblasts is influenced by tissue factors
  385. Autoradiographic study of the incorporation of uridine-3H during Myogenesis in tissue culture
  386. α5 integrin is a critical component of adhesion plaques in Myogenesis
  387. Occurrence of centrioles during skeletal and cardiac Myogenesis
  388. Steady-state transcript levels of cytochrome c oxidase genes during human Myogenesis indicate subunit switching of subunit VIa and co-expression of subunit VIIa …
  389. Expression of three stage-specific transcripts of AMP deaminase during Myogenesis.
  390. Vertebrate Myogenesis
  391. Misexpression ofnautilusInduces Myogenesis in Cardioblasts and Alters the Pattern of Somatic Muscle Fibers
  392. Chemotaxis in Myogenesis
  393. Upstream regions of the hamster desmin and vimentin genes regulate expression during in vitro Myogenesis.
  394. Induction of chick cardiac Myogenesis by bone morphogenetic proteins
  395. Activation and repression of Myogenesis in somatic cell hybrids: evidence for trans-negative regulation of MyoD in primary fibroblasts
  396. DNAase I sensitivity of genes expressed during Myogenesis
  397. Proto-oncogenes in the regulatory circuit for Myogenesis
  398. Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms and Myogenesis of intrafusal fibres in rat muscle spindles
  399. In vitro Myogenesis: expression of muscle specific function in the absence of cell fusion
  400. Proliferating satellite cells express acidic fibroblast growth factor duringin vitro Myogenesis
  401. Differential effects of Ras signaling through NFκB on skeletal Myogenesis
  402. Functional specificity of the two retinoic acid receptor RAR and RXR families in Myogenesis
  403. X-linked recessive myotubular myopathy: II. Muscle morphology and human Myogenesis
  404. DNA synthesis, mitosis, and differentiation in cardiac Myogenesis
  405. Interruption of Myogenesis by transforming growth factor β1 or EGTA inhibits expression and activity of the myogenic-associated (2′-5′) oligoadenylate synthetase …
  406. Satellite cells and Myogenesis; a study in the fruit-bat web.
  407. Involvement of the θ-type protein kinase C in translocation of myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) during Myogenesis of chick embryonic …
  408. Insulin‐like growth factors, hepatocyte growth factor and transforming growth factor‐α in mouse tongue Myogenesis
  409. Involvement of PKR in the regulation of Myogenesis
  410. Analysis of Dystrophin Expression after Activation of Myogenesis in Amniocytes, Chorionic-Villus Cells, and Fibroblasts–A New Method for Diagnosing …
  411. The effect of cell density, conditioned medium and cytosine arabinoside on Myogenesis in primary and secondary cultures
  412. Progressive predominance of ‘skeletal’versus ‘cardiac’types of excitation-contraction coupling during in vitro skeletal Myogenesis
  413. Thiodigalactoside binding lectin and skeletal Myogenesis
  414. Differentiation of creatine phosphokinase during Myogenesis: quantitative fractionation of isozymes
  415. Endothelial cell activation during angiogenesis in freely transplanted skeletal muscles in mice and its relationship to the onset of Myogenesis.
  416. Myogenesis: a cell lineage interpretation
  417. Positive regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by R-Ras
  418. Adhesion molecules and skeletal Myogenesis
  419. Altered secondary Myogenesis in transgenic animals expressing the neural cell adhesion molecule under the control of a skeletal muscle alpha-actin promoter.
  420. Expression of major histocompatibility complex class I antigens in rat muscle cultures: the possible developmental role in Myogenesis
  421. Identification of Myogenesis‐dependent transcriptional enhancers in promoter region of mouse γ‐sarcoglycan gene
  422. Thrombin causes a marked delay in skeletal Myogenesis that correlates with the delayed expression of myogenin and p21CIP1/WAF1
  423. Changes in the proportion and number of Pax (7+ ve) and MF20 (+ ve) myoblasts during chick Myogenesis in the head and limb.
  424. The independence of Myogenesis and chondrogenesis in micromass cultures of chick wing buds
  425. Cell-cell interaction modulates myoD-induced skeletal Myogenesis of pluripotent P19 cells in vitro
  426. Extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis in muscle cell cultures: quantitative and qualitative studies during Myogenesis
  427. Immunohistochemical examination of Myogenesis and expression pattern of myogenic regulatory proteins (myogenin and myf-3) in pigs
  428. Switching of filamin polypeptides during Myogenesis in vitro.
  429. Differential regulation of exonic regulatory elements for muscle-specific alternative splicing during Myogenesis and cardiogenesis
  430. Calpain and Myogenesis: development of a convenient cell culture model
  431. Inhibition of Myogenesis by the H-ras oncogene: implication of a role for protein kinase C.
  432. The MurineBin1Gene Functions Early in Myogenesis and Defines a New Region of Synteny between Mouse Chromosome 18 and Human Chromosome 2
  433. α-methylprednisolone promotes skeletal Myogenesis in dystrophin-deficient and control mouse cultures
  434. Switching of subunit composition of muscle spectrin during Myogenesis in vitro
  435. … affinity tetrodotoxin binding sites in the mammalian skeletal muscle cell. Difference in functional properties and sequential appearance during rat skeletal Myogenesis.
  436. Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis during Myogenesis of rat L6 cells in vitro
  437. Comparison of the effects of heat shock and metal-ion stress on gene expression in cells undergoing Myogenesis
  438. The accumulation of basement membrane components during the onset of chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in the chick wing bud
  439. Inhibition of Myogenesis in a rat myoblast line by 5-bromodeoxyuridine
  440. Retinoblastoma antioncogene is involved in the inhibition of Myogenesis by polyomavirus large T antigen
  441. Regulation of contractile protein gene family mRNA pool sizes during Myogenesis
  442. Hormonal control of ventral diaphragm Myogenesis during metamorphosis of the moth, Manduca sexta
  443. MyoD: a regulatory gene of skeletal Myogenesis
  444. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: VII. Heritability of muscle colony type through sequential subclonal passages in vitro
  445. TGF‐alpha, EGF, and their cognate EGF receptor are co‐expressed with desmin during embryonic, fetal, and neonatal Myogenesis in mouse tongue development
  446. Differentiation-dependent regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by neuregulin-1
  447. Filamin isogene expression during mouse Myogenesis
  448. Myogenesis in cultures of uniparental mouse embryonic stem cells: differing patterns of expression of myogenic regulatory factors.
  449. mRNA levels of cathepsins B and D during Myogenesis.
  450. Expression of NCAM isoforms during skeletal Myogenesis in the mouse embryo
  451. Differential targeting of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein and influenza virus hemagglutinin appears during Myogenesis of L6 muscle cells
  452. Fine structure of Myogenesis and elastogenesis in the developing rat lung
  453. Alterations in surface proteins during Myogenesis of a rat myoblast cell line
  454. Differential expression of the Ca2+-binding protein parvalbumin during Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis
  455. Inhibition of protein phosphatases blocks Myogenesis by first altering MyoD binding activity.
  456. Ultrastructural studies of lizard (Anolis carolinensis) Myogenesis in vitro
  457. Identification of intracellular signaling pathways that induce myotonic dystrophy protein kinase expression during Myogenesis
  458. Activation of the gene encoding the glycolytic enzyme β-enolase during early Myogenesis precedes an increased expression during fetal muscle development
  459. Analysis of chick somite Myogenesis by in situ confocal microscopy of desmin expression.
  460. Control of Myogenesis in vitro by chick embryo extract
  461. Specific changes in cellular glycoproteins and surface proteins during Myogenesis in clonal muscle cells
  462. Inhibition of cellular differentiation by phospholipase C: I. Effects of the enzyme on Myogenesis and chondrogenesis in vitro
  463. Spatial analysis of limb bud Myogenesis: a proximodistal gradient of muscle colony-forming cells in chick embryo leg buds
  464. Characterization of a zebrafish (Danio rerio) desmin cDNA: an early molecular marker of Myogenesis
  465. Down-regulation of vimentin gene expression during Myogenesis is controlled by a 5′-flanking sequence
  466. Contact-mediated reversible suppression of Myogenesis
  467. Splicing of two alternative exon pairs in beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA is independently controlled during Myogenesis.
  468. Phosphocholine and phosphoethanolamine during chick embryo Myogenesis: a 31P-NMR study
  469. Characterization of Myogenesis from adult satellite cells cultured in vitro.
  470. Molecular cloning and expression during Myogenesis of sequences coding for M-creatine kinase
  471. Drosophilia Myogenesis in vitro: the genesis of “small” myocytes and myotubes
  472. Repression of XMyoD expression and Myogenesis by Xhairy-1 in Xenopus early embryo
  473. Inhibition of Myogenesis by okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases, 1 and 2A, correlates with the induction of AP1.
  474. Involvement of a cell surface protein and an ecto-protein kinase in Myogenesis
  475. Effect of quercetin and DMSO on skeletal Myogenesis from C2C12 skeletal muscle cells with special reference to PKB/Akt activity, myogenin and Bcl-2 …
  476. Heat‐shock protein 90 and ubiquitin: Developmental regulation during Myogenesis
  477. In vitro Myogenesis of promuscle cells from the regenerating tail of the lizard, Anolis carolinensis,
  478. Myosin messenger RNA: Studies on its purification, properties and translation during Myogenesis in culture
  479. Occurrence of heterogenous forms of the subunits of creatine kinase in various muscle and nonmuscle tissues and their behaviour during Myogenesis
  480. Stimulating effects of prednisolone on acetylcholine receptor expression and Myogenesis in primary culture of newborn rat muscle cells
  481. Regulation of protein kinase and its regulatory subunits during skeletal Myogenesis.
  482. Myogenesis
  483. Alterations in iodinated cell surface proteins during Myogenesis
  484. Developmental regulation of Mac25/insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-7 expression in skeletal Myogenesis
  485. Levels of type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit are regulated by changes in turnover rate during skeletal Myogenesis.
  486. Activation of the interferon system during Myogenesis in vitro
  487. Effects of triploidy on rainbow trout Myogenesis in vitro
  488. Differential effects of physiological concentrations of retinoic acid in vitro on chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in chick craniofacial mesenchyme
  489. Myogenesis: a problem of cell distribution and cell interactions
  490. Cell division and differentiation in avian embryos: techniques for study of early neurogenesis and Myogenesis
  491. Na, K-ATPase expression in C 2 C 12 cells during Myogenesis: Minimal contribution of α2 Isoform to Na, K transport
  492. Dihydropyridine receptor gene expression is regulated by inhibitors of Myogenesis and is relatively insensitive to denervation.
  493. Lazaroids enhance skeletal Myogenesis in primary cultures of dystrophin-deficient mdx mice
  494. Activated Raf inhibits Myogenesis through a mechanism independent of activator protein 1-mediated myoblast transformation
  495. Synthesis and ubiquitination of histones during Myogenesis
  496. Developmental changes in gangliosides during Myogenesis of a rat myoblast cell line and its drug resistant variants
  497. Expression of differentiative traits in the absence of cell fusion during Myogenesis in culture
  498. Expression of myogenic factors in the mouse: myf-5, the first member of the MyoD gene family to be transcribed during skeletal Myogenesis.
  499. Accumulation of muscle-specific RNA sequences during Myogenesis
  500. Decisions, decisions… SRF coactivators and smooth muscle Myogenesis
  501. Myotomal Myogenesis inBombina variegata L.
  502. The disappearance of a cyclin-like protein and the appearance of statin is correlated with the onset of differentiation during Myogenesis in vitro
  503. TBP-interacting protein 120B, which is induced in relation to Myogenesis, binds to NOT3
  504. Biosynthesis of laminin and fibronectin by rat satellite cells during Myogenesis in vitro
  505. Vimentin gene expression during Myogenesis: two functional transcripts from a single copy gene
  506. Biosynthesis of plasma-membrane proteins during Myogenesis of skeletal muscle in vitro
  507. An interferon regulatory factor‐like binding element restricts Xmyf‐5 expression in the posterior somites during Xenopus Myogenesis
  508. Isoenzymes of creatine phosphokinase during Myogenesis in vitro
  509. Delayed Myogenesis associated with muscle fiber hyperplasia in high-growth mice
  510. β‐and γ‐actin genes differ in their mechanisms of down‐regulation during Myogenesis
  511. Studies on Myogenesis in vitro: Changes of Creatine Kinase, Phosphorylase and Phosphofructokinase Isozymes
  512. Splicing of 5′ introns dictates alternative splice selection of acetylcholinesterase pre-mRNA and specific expression during Myogenesis
  513. Differential expression of troponin C genes during tongue Myogenesis
  514. Plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in the neuromuscular system: II. Serpins and serpin: protease complex receptors increase during in vitro Myogenesis
  515. Cytoskeletal and cellular adhesion proteins in zebrafish (Danio rerio) Myogenesis
  516. Developmental changes in sulphation of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan during Myogenesis of human muscle cultures
  517. Indispensability of Iron‐bound Chick Transferrin for Chick Myogenesis in Vitro (Myogenesis/transfrrin/iron)
  518. Skeletal Myogenesis: control of proliferation in a normal cell lineage
  519. Sub-cellular distribution of the cytoplasmic myosin heavy chain mRNA during Myogenesis
  520. Suppression of Myogenesis by heterotypic and heterospecific cells in monolayer cultures
  521. Prostaglandin dependence of membrane order changes during Myogenesis in vitro
  522. Cardiac Myogenesis: overexpression of XCsx2 or XMEF2A in whole Xenopus embryos induces the precocious expression of XMHCα gene
  523. Ontogeny of insulin binding during chick skeletal Myogenesis in vitro
  524. A family of muscle gene promoter element (CArG) binding activities in Xenopus embryos: CArG/SRE discrimination and distribution during Myogenesis
  525. A dynamic requirement for community interactions during Xenopus Myogenesis.
  526. Increased expression of the LAZ3 (BCL6) proto-oncogene accompanies murine skeletal Myogenesis
  527. Inhibition of myogenin expression by activated Raf is not responsible for the block to avian Myogenesis
  528. The onset of Myogenesis in denervated mouse skeletal muscle regenerating after injury
  529. Reorganization of membrane cholesterol during membrane fusion in Myogenesis in vitro: a study using the filipin-cholesterol complex
  530. Mitochondrial development during Myogenesis
  531. P19 embryonal carcinoma cells: a model system for studying neural tube induction of skeletal Myogenesis
  532. Indispensability of Iron for the Growth of Cultured Chick Cells: (iron/transition metal/transferrin/chick embryonic cell/Myogenesis)
  533. Multiple cellular processes regulate expression of slow myosin heavy chain isoforms during avian Myogenesis in vitro
  534. Quantification of Myosin Heavy‐Chain mRNA during Myogenesis
  535. Myotube driven myogenic recruitment of cells during in vitro Myogenesis
  536. POU homeodomain genes and Myogenesis
  538. Distribution and activity of endogenous lectin during Myogenesis as measured with antilectin antibody
  539. Changes in intermediate-sized filaments during Myogenesis and neurogenesis
  540. … in two mammalian species, Galea musteloides (Rodentia, Caviidae) and Tupaia belangeri (Scandentia, Tupaiidae), with comments on postnatal Myogenesis
  541. Myogenesis on microcarrier cultures
  542. Direct relationship between the expression of tumor suppressor H19 mRNA and c-mos proto-oncogene during Myogenesis.
  543. Multiple effects of interferon on Myogenesis in chicken myoblast cultures
  544. Transactivation of capn2 by myogenic regulatory factors during Myogenesis
  545. Muscle development: a transcriptional pathway in Myogenesis
  546. Dihydropyridine [methyl‐3H]PN 200–110 Binding and Myogenesis in Intact Muscle Cells In Vitro
  547. The role of cellular oncogenes in Myogenesis and muscle cell hypertrophy
  548. Activation of the gene for type-b natriuretic factor in mouse stem cell cultures induced for cardiac Myogenesis
  549. Transforming growth factor alpha up‐regulates desmin expression during embryonic mouse tongue Myogenesis
  550. The regulator role of thyroid hormones in Myogenesis. Analysis of isoforms of myosin in muscular regeneration
  551. Inhibition of FasL sustains phagocytic cells and delays Myogenesis in regenerating muscle fibers
  552. Posttranslational control of membrane-skeleton (ankyrin and alpha beta-spectrin) assembly in early Myogenesis.
  553. The intraclonal and interclonal phenotypic heterogeneity in a rhabdomyosarcoma cell line with abortive imitation of embryonic Myogenesis
  554. Accumulation of creatine kinase mRNA during Myogenesis: Molecular cloning of a B-creatine kinase cDNA
  555. Induction of Myogenesis in mesenchymal cells by MyoD depends on their degree of differentiation
  556. Studies on lectin activity during Myogenesis
  557. Rat myoblast fusion: morphological study of membrane apposition, fusion, and fission during controlled Myogenesis in vitro
  558. CAIII a marker for early Myogenesis: analysis of expression in cultured myogenic cells
  559. Changes in the H-1 histone complement during Myogenesis. I. Establishment by differential coupling of H-1 species synthesis to DNA replication.
  560. … activators and their inhibitors in the neuromuscular system: I. Developmental regulation of plasminogen activator isoforms during in vitro Myogenesis in two cell lines
  561. Down-regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling during Myogenesis
  562. Functional expression of the L-type calcium channel in mice skeletal muscle during prenatal Myogenesis
  563. Myogenesis of striated muscle in vitro: Hormone and serum requirements for the development of glycogen synthetase in myotubes
  564. A 5-bromodeoxyuridine-sensitive interval during drosophila Myogenesis
  565. Expression and turnover of acylphosphatase (muscular isoenzyme) in L6 myoblasts during Myogenesis
  566. The contribution of embryo extract to Myogenesis of avian striated muscle in vitro
  567. Modulation of differentiation in vitro. II. Influence of cell spreading and surface events on Myogenesis
  568. Studies on the molecular biology of Myogenesis
  569. Myogenesis in chick embryo somites in vitro
  570. Effects of divalent cations on M‐cadherin expression and distribution during primary rat Myogenesis in vitro
  571. Myogenesis in vitro as demonstrated by immunofluorescent staining with antimuscle serum
  572. Alterations in glycosylation of plasma membrane proteins during Myogenesis
  573. Effects of complex extracellular matrices on 5-azacytidine-induced Myogenesis
  574. Specificity of chicken and mammalian transferrins in Myogenesis
  575. Characterization of a dominant inhibitory E47 protein that suppresses C2C12 Myogenesis
  576. Inhibition of chicken Myogenesis invitro by partially purified interferon
  577. Transforming growth factor‐beta isoform expression in insulin‐like growth factor stimulated Myogenesis
  578. Satellite cell Myogenesis is highly stimulated by the kinase inhibitor iso-H7: comparison with HA1004 and staurosporine effects
  579. Proteoglycan synthesis by clonal skeletal muscle cells during in vitro Myogenesis: Differences detected in the types and patterns from primary cultures
  580. Molecular cloning of CSF-1 receptor from rat myoblasts. Sequence analysis and regulation during Myogenesis
  581. Regenerative Myogenesis of the leg muscles during experimental lengthening
  582. Biphasic pattern of gelsolin expression and variations in gelsolin-actin interactions during Myogenesis
  583. α5 integrin subunit expression changes during Myogenesis
  584. Autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine regulation of Myogenesis
  585. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: VI. Acetylcholinesterase and acetylcholine receptor in myogenic and nonmyogenic clones from chick embryo leg cells
  586. Transcriptional diversity in Myogenesis
  587. Barrier inhibition of a temporal neuraxial influence on early chick somitic Myogenesis
  588. Modulation of expression and cell surface distribution of N-CAM during Myogenesis in vitro
  589. Identification of the Ca2+-release activity and ryanodine receptor in sarcoplasmic-reticulum membranes during cardiac Myogenesis
  590. Myogenesis in thymic transplants in the severe combined immunodeficient mouse model of myasthenia gravis. Differentiation of thymic myoid cells into striated muscle …
  591. Developmental and muscle-specific changes in methylation of the myosin light chain LC1f and LC3f promoters during avian Myogenesis
  592. A genetic approach to the study of neurogenesis and Myogenesis
  593. The tissue-specific RNA-binding protein COLBP is differentially regulated during Myogenesis
  594. Alternative promoter usage by aldolase A during in vitro Myogenesis
  595. Influence of external diffusible factors on Myogenesis of the cells of the line L6
  596. A possible physico-chemical mechanism of cell fusion in skeletal muscle Myogenesis by means of intercellular pinocytosis
  597. Differential expression of nuclear genes for cytochrome c oxidase during Myogenesis
  599. Regulation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase levels during skeletal Myogenesis
  600. Chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in micromass cultures of mesenchyme from mouse facial primordia
  602. Membrane-cytoskeleton associations during Myogenesis deviate from traditional definitions
  603. A mitochondrial factor that prevents the effects of antimycin A on Myogenesis
  604. Regulation of tropomyosin gene expression during Myogenesis.
  605. The effect of different collagen types used as substrata on Myogenesis in tissue culture
  606. Ultrastructural differentiation during embryonic Drosophila Myogenesis in vitro
  607. Patterns of N-CAM expression during Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis
  608. Spatial and temporal effects of axial structures on Myogenesis of developing somites
  609. Transcription factors mediate rRNA synthesis during Myogenesis
  610. Beta-adrenergic receptors and Myogenesis.
  611. Differential expression of the rat retinoid X receptor γ gene during skeletal muscle differentiation suggests a role in Myogenesis
  612. The community effect in Xenopus Myogenesis is promoted by dorsalizing factors.
  613. Histones synthesized at different stages of Myogenesis are differentially degraded in myotube cells
  614. The chicken vimentin gene: aspects of organization and transcription during Myogenesis.
  615. Regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis during mammalian Myogenesis in culture
  616. The role of cyclic AMP in Myogenesis
  617. Immunological approaches to the study of Myogenesis and lens fiber junction formation
  618. Acetylcholinesterase differentiation during Myogenesis in early chick embryonic cells caused by an inducer RNA
  619. Myotomal Myogenesis in Triturus vulgaris L.(Urodela) with special reference to the role of mesenchymal cells
  620. Alteration of translation and stability of mRNA for the poly (A)‐binding protein during Myogenesis
  621. Scanning electron microscopy of Myogenesis in monolayer culture: a preliminary study
  622. Transcription factors in skeletal Myogenesis of vertebrates
  623. Muscle‐specific microtubule‐associated protein 4 is expressed early in Myogenesis and is not sufficient to induce microtubule reorganization
  624. β1 integrin expression during normal and low score normal avian Myogenesis
  625. Myogenic differentiation of L6 rat myoblasts: evidence for pleiotropic effects on Myogenesis by RNA polymerase II mutations to alpha-amanitin resistance.
  626. Purification and Characterization of 83 kDa Nonmuscle Caldesmon from Cultured Rat Cells: Changes in Its Expression upon L 6 Myogenesis
  627. Serine proteinase inhibitors in human skeletal muscle: Expression of β‐amyloid protein precursor and α1‐antichymotrypsin in vivo and during Myogenesis in vitro
  628. A quantitative assessment of dystrophic mouse (129 ReJ dy/dy) Myogenesis in vitro
  629. Difference in the expression of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase molecular forms during Myogenesis in early avian dermomyotomes and limb buds in ovo and in vitro
  630. Position‐dependent nuclear accumulation of the retinoblastoma (RB) protein during in vitro Myogenesis
  631. Utilization of yolk platelets and lipid bodies during the Myogenesis of Xenopus laevis (Daudin)
  632. Isometric contractile properties and velocity of shortening during avian Myogenesis
  633. Studies on the organisation of the chicken genome and its expression during Myogenesis in vitro
  634. Clonal analysis of vertebrate Myogenesis: V. Nerve-muscle interaction in chick limb bud chorio-allantoic membrane grafts
  635. Ultrastructural aspects of Myogenesis found in neoplasms
  636. Regulation of Myogenesis
  637. Change in a nuclear phosphoprotein during in vitro Myogenesis
  638. Transcriptional expression of non-repetitive DNA during normal and Budr-mediated inhibition of Myogenesis in culture
  639. Quantitative changes in chromosomal activity during chicken Myogenesis in vitro, a DNA-RNA hybridisation study
  640. Quantitative changes in creatine kinase isoenzymes during Myogenesis in vitro
  641. Changes in cell surface antigens during in vitro lizard Myogenesis
  642. In vitro Myogenesis of the mononucleate cells derived from regenerating muscles of adult mice
  643. Dose‐dependent initiation of Myogenesis by neurotrophic factor
  644. Propranolol retards revascularisation and impedes early Myogenesis in regenerating skeletal muscle transplants: an autoradiographic and morphometric study in …
  645. Changes in cell surface glycopeptides during Myogenesis in wild-type and non-fusing mutant L6 rat myoblasts
  646. Biosynthetic changes of myosin heavy subunit during Myogenesis in culture
  647. Immunoassay of muscle-specific creatine kinase with a monoclonal antibody and application to Myogenesis and muscular dystrophy
  648. Prostaglandin binding does not require direct cell-cell contact during chick Myogenesis in vitro
  649. Myogenesis and contraction in the early embryonic heart of the rainbow trout
  650. Activation of the gene for atrial natriuretic factor during in vitro cardiac Myogenesis by P19 embryonal carcinoma cells
  651. Ultrastructural localization of cholinesterase uring chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in the chick limb bud
  652. Lizard Myogenesis in vitro: A time-lapse and scanning electron microscopic study
  653. RNA synthesis during mammalian Myogenesis in culture
  654. Inhibition of Myogenesis by ouabain: effect on protein synthesis
  655. Acceleration of somitic Myogenesis in embryos of myogenin promoter‐MRF4 transgenic mice
  656. Somitogenesis and myotomal Myogenesis in the European Grayling Thymallus thymallus [L.][Teleostei]
  657. Endocytosis of α2-macroglobulin is developmentally regulated during Myogenesis
  658. Developmental regulation of neuraminidase-sensitive lectin-binding glycoproteins during Myogenesis of rat L6 myoblasts
  659. The effect of local anaesthetics and barbiturates on Myogenesis and myotube integrity in rat skeletal muscle cultures
  660. Rescue of the Li+-induced delay of embryonic Myogenesis in vitro by added inositol
  661. Independent control during Myogenesis of histone and high-mobility-group (HMGs) chromosomal protein heterogeneity
  662. Estimation of creatine phosphokinase and hydroxyproline in the developing limb: Its use in evaluating the effect of teratogens on Myogenesis and chondrogenesis
  663. Some comparative aspects of cardiac and skeletal Myogenesis
  664. Proteoglycan synthesis by primary chick skeletal muscle during in vitro Myogenesis
  665. Application of freeze-etching to the study of Myogenesis in cell culture
  666. An embryonal carcinoma cell line as a model system to study developmentally regulated genes during Myogenesis
  667. Histones and histone phosphorylation during quail Myogenesis in vitro
  668. Interaction of the sarcoplasmic reticulum with Z‐lines during Myogenesis in amphibian skeletal muscle
  669. Myogenesis in the mouse embryo
  670. Expression of extracellular matrix genes in relation to Myogenesis and neoplastic transformation
  671. Effects of ascorbate on Myogenesis in micromass culture
  672. Myogenesis and neurogenesis in the chick embryo: A comparative study
  673. The proximal promoter of the aldolase A gene remains active during Myogenesis in vitro and muscle development in vivo
  674. Autoradiographic studies of RNA and DNA synthesis during Myogenesis in cultures of human, chick and rat muscle
  675. Cytoskeletal organization and synthesis in substrate‐independent and‐dependent Myogenesis in chick embryos
  676. In vitro Myogenesis of the mononucleate cells derived from regenerating muscles of adult dystrophic mice
  677. Transitional expression of neural cell adhesion molecule isoforms during chicken embryonic Myogenesis
  678. Declining histone phosphorylation during Myogenesis revealed by in vivo and in vitro labeling
  679. Changes in the H-1 histone complement during Myogenesis. II. Regulation by differential coupling of H-1 variant mRNA accumulation to DNA replication.
  680. Changes in myosin and myosin light chain kinase during Myogenesis
  681. 5‐Azacytidine induced Myogenesis in a differentiation defective cell line
  682. Tenotomy delays both synapse elimination and Myogenesis in rat lateral gastrocnemius
  683. Myogenesis and neuromuscular junction formation in cultures of Periplaneta americana myoblasts and neurones
  684. The BrdU content of DNA is decreased during reversal of inhibition of Myogenesis by deoxycytidine
  685. Reversal of the relative expression of cardiac and skeletal alpha1 subunit isoforms of L-type calcium channel during in vitro Myogenesis
  686. Stem cells and cell signalling in skeletal Myogenesis
  687. Do timing and pattern of Myogenesis correlate with life history mode in anurans?
  688. Inhibitors of glycoprotein processing act at an early stage of Myogenesis
  689. The culture environment and its control of Myogenesis
  690. A model system for studying postnatal Myogenesis with tetracycline-responsive, genetically engineered clonal myoblasts in vitro and in vivo
  691. The amplified expression of factors regulating Myogenesis in L6 myoblasts.
  692. Inhibition of Myogenesis by depletion of the glycogen-associated regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase-1 in rat skeletal muscle cells
  693. Stimulation of rat satellite cell Myogenesis by inhibitors of ser/thr protein kinases
  694. Early stages of Myogenesis as seen through the action of the myf-5 gene
  695. Spatial analysis of limb bud Myogenesis: Elaboration of the proximodistal gradient of myoblasts requires the continuing presence of apical ectodermal ridge
  696. Evidence for transcriptional regulation of the myosin heavy chain gene during Myogenesis
  697. Contact-Mediated Reversible Suppression of Myogenesis: II. Reversal of Suppression by Bromodeoxyuridine
  698. Study of skeletal Myogenesis in cultures of unsegmented paraxial mesoderm
  699. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in Myogenesis
  700. The effect of cholera toxin on Myogenesis in rat skeletal muscle cultures
  701. Polyomavirus genome and polyomavirus enhancer-driven gene expression during Myogenesis.
  702. One-and two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of proteins and phosphoproteins synthesised by clonal muscle cells during Myogenesis
  703. Early development and Myogenesis of the posterior anuran lymph hearts
  704. Gene expression in wild-type and MyoD-null satellite cells: regulation of activation, proliferation, and Myogenesis
  705. Pentazocine-blocked Myogenesis in human foetal muscle cultures
  706. A re-evaluation of DNA repair during skeletal Myogenesis in vitro
  707. Influence of prostaglandin E2 on chick myoblasts differentiation during the Myogenesis
  708. Modulation of in vitro Myogenesis induced by different polymer substrates
  709. Selective effects of actinomycin D on myosin biosynthesis and myoblast fusion during Myogenesis in culture
  710. Human desmin-coding gene: complete nucleotide sequence, characterization and regulation of expression during Myogenesis and development
  711. Prostaglandin-dependent phosphatidylinositol signaling during embryonic chick Myogenesis
  712. Role of E and CArG boxes in developmental regulation of muscle glycogen phosphorylase promoter during Myogenesis
  713. Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis
  714. Myogenesis in vitro as seen with the scanning electron microscope
  715. Analysis of Myogenesis by somatic cell hybridization. II. Retention of myogenic competence and suppression of transformed properties in hybrids between …
  716. Atypical Myogenesis in Hamster Hereditary Polymyopathy: An in Vitro Study
  717. Analysis of Myogenesis by somatic cell hybridization: I. Myogenic competence of homotypic hybrids derived from rat L6 myoblasts
  718. Time-dependent inhibition of Myogenesis by actinomycin D
  719. α‐Actinin expression during avian Myogenesis in vivo Evidence for the existence of an embryo‐specific isoform of α‐actinin
  720. Developmental expression of the POU transcription factor qBrn-2 during somitic Myogenesis in quail.
  721. Steroid RU 486 inducible Myogenesis by 10T1/2 fibroblastic mouse cells
  722. … -induced neuromuscular syndrome: clinical, histochemical features in two cases and a tissue culture study of pentazocine-block Myogenesis in human foetal muscle.
  723. NF‐κB activation by disruption of microtubule array during Myogenesis of L6 cells
  724. An autoradiographic study of the role of satellite cells and myonuclei during Myogenesis in vitro
  725. Differentiation of actin-containing filaments during chick skeletal Myogenesis
  726. Requirement for G protein activity at a specific time during embryonic chick Myogenesis
  727. Myogenesis: differentiation of skeletal muscle fibers
  728. Interferon inhibits Myogenesis in vitro and in vivo
  729. Structural alterations in chromatin during Myogenesis in the chicken
  730. Developmental regulation of a secreted gelatin-binding protein during Myogenesis in vitro
  731. Excitation-contraction coupling in rat skeletal muscle cells: evolution during in vitro Myogenesis
  732. Applications of an autoradiographic model of skeletal muscle Myogenesis in vivo
  733. Defective maturation of a viral glycoprotein and partial loss of the Golgi stack structure during in vitro Myogenesis
  734. Cell adhesion molecules during Xenopus Myogenesis
  735. Obligatory requirement for DNA synthesis during Myogenesis, erythrogenesis and chondrogenesis
  736. Inhibition of Myogenesis in mouse C2 cells by double-stranded phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides containing mef-1 sequence
  737. Biochemical and pharmacologic properties of the Ca2+ channel of skeletal muscle: appearance during Myogenesis and the relation between its structure and function
  738. Maintenance of proliferative capacity during avian Myogenesis is independent of fusion-permissive calcium ion concentration
  739. A temperature-conditional mutant of simian virus 40 large T antigen requires serum to inhibit Myogenesis and does not induce DNA synthesis in myotubes
  740. The effect of neuromuscular stimulation during Myogenesis on muscle fibre number and myogenic regulatory factor expression
  741. Co-localization of 1, 4-dihydropyridine receptor alpha 2/delta subunit and N-CAM during early Myogenesis in vitro
  742. Cell-surface events during Myogenesis: immunofluorescence analysis using monoclonal antibodies
  743. Antiserum to myosin and its use in studying myosin synthesis and accumulation during Myogenesis
  744. Infection with Moloney murine sarcoma virus inhibits Myogenesis and alters the myogenic-associated (2′-5′) oligoadenylate synthetase expression and activity
  745. Calcium regulation of skeletal Myogenesis: IV A defined culture medium permissive for myotube formation and the use of the calcium antagonist lanthanum
  746. Peptide growth factors in Myogenesis and regeneration
  747. Analysis of Myogenesis by somatic cell hybridization: III. Myogenic competence of hybrids derived from rat L6 myoblasts and mouse primary fibroblasts and myoblasts
  748. Formation of intercellular contacts in Myogenesis
  749. The elastic filament system in Myogenesis
  750. Transgenic analysis of cardiac and skeletal Myogenesis
  751. Effects of K-252a on Tyrosine Phosphorylation of 120~ 130-kDa Protein and Myogenesis in C2C12 Cells
  752. Myogenesis in Xenopus embryos
  753. Myogenesis in living cells microinjected with fluorescently labeled alpha-actinin
  754. Reduction of density and anisotropic distribution of intermediate filaments occur during avian skeletal Myogenesis
  755. A conserved developmental role of adhesion molecules in cardiac and skeletal Myogenesis
  756. A review of controversial issues in Myogenesis
  757. Stimulation of Myogenesis by 2, 2′-thiodiethanol in suboptimal tissue culture conditions.
  758. GLYCOLIPIDS IN Myogenesis.
  759. Analysis of filament population in different stages of fish and amphibian Myogenesis.
  760. Expression of α and β tropomyosin subunits during early Myogenesis in somites and limb buds of chick embryos
  761. Expression of myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene during in vivo and in vitro mouse Myogenesis.
  762. GROWTH AS A STIMULUS TO Myogenesis
  763. Analysis of Myogenesis with recombinant DNA techniques.
  764. Electron microscopic study of the cardiac Myogenesis in a mammalian embryo
  765. A quantitative assessment of the effect of medium composition on mouse Myogenesis in vitro
  766. TGF-(3 and Myogenesis: Interference with cell cycle GI phase progression may lead to differentiation
  767. Various DNA content in myotube nuclei during myotomal Myogenesis in Hymenochirus boettgeri (Anura: Pipidae)
  768. Proliferative Growth during Myogenesis InVitro
  769. The timing and pattern of Myogenesis in Hymenochirus boettgeri
  770. MEF2 and Myogenesis
  771. Regulation of commitment and differentiation during skeletal Myogenesis.
  772. Studies of acetylcholine receptor subunit gene expression: chromatin structural changes during Myogenesis
  773. Control of myosin isozymes during Myogenesis in the rat
  774. Gene expression during skeletal muscle development: Effect of in ovo IGF-1 administration on broiler embryogenesis and postnatal Myogenesis in the mouse.
  775. STUDIES IN THE DYNAMICS OF HISTOGENESIS: Tension of Differential Growth as a Stimulus to Myogenesis VIII. the experimental transformation of the smooth …
  776. The developmental control genes in Myogenesis of vertebrates
  777. Prune belly syndrome. Study of the effects of abdominal distension on the parietal Myogenesis
  778. FGF10 stimulates avian Myogenesis in vitro but not in vivo
  779. A study on the role of neural tube in inducing somitic Myogenesis in the avian embryo.
  780. Myogenesis and Muscular Function in Frog and Rat Embryos (With 1 Plate)
  781. Skeletal Myogenesis: Evidence for a Programmed Cell Lineage
  782. Alteration of matrix assembly receptor for fibronectin during chick Myogenesis
  783. Alterations in Cellular and Plasma Membrane Glycopreteins in Chicken Myogenesis in Vitro
  784. Gene Scene: A Master Control Switch for Myogenesis Muscles Its Way Into the Clinic
  785. The Expression of Myogenin during Chicken Myogenesis
  786. Main steps in the skeletal Myogenesis in man
  787. Function of the SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2, in Myogenesis.
  789. Myogenesis: where and how can we get skeletal myoblasts?
  790. A new approach to the therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with early precursors of Myogenesis
  791. Regulation of cell cycle activity and transcription during Myogenesis.
  792. Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiogenesis and Myogenesis
  793. Molecular regulation of cardiac Myogenesis and morphology during development
  794. The appearance and changes of gap junctions during Myogenesis of Cynops embryos
  795. Intracellular cyclic AMP regulates the expression of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) during Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  796. … and insulin response of muscle cultures derived from animals with different growth rates in vivo, and localization and accumulation of nebulin during Myogenesis
  797. Modulation of cardiac contractility in Myogenesis using antidesmin monoclonal antibody
  798. Signal transduction pathways involved in Myogenesis.
  799. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide-mediated alterations in slow troponin C gene expression during Myogenesis.
  800. Repression of dihydrofolate reductase synthesis during Myogenesis: identification and characterization of a transcriptional regulatory mechanism
  801. Cdk5, a cdk which is required for Myogenesis, shows marked changes in sub-cellular distribution during early Myogenesis and at the G1-S transition in fibroblasts.
  802. The role of the fibroblast growth factor receptor in skeletal Myogenesis
  803. Characterization of neural tube/notochord signals that promote paraxial mesoderm Myogenesis in chick embryos.
  804. Studies of the co-ordinate regulation of the translation apparatus during Myogenesis.
  807. The temporal expression patterns of aldolase and other muscle-specific genes during chicken Myogenesis in primary cultures.
  809. The effect of a phorbol ester on amphibian Myogenesis.
  810. A dissection of signal transduction pathways involved in the Ras-mediated inhibition of skeletal Myogenesis and the identification of a novel Ras-interacting protein.
  812. A role for mechanosensitive channels during Myogenesis and in muscular dystrophy.
  813. Pattern and mechanism of troponin C-Fast gene expression during tongue Myogenesis.
  814. CMF1: Identification of a novel heart specific factor critical for cardiac Myogenesis.
  816. Patterns of homeobox gene expression in murine limb muscle: Implications for Myogenesis.
  817. Regulation of Myogenesis by growth signals-growth factors, oncogenes and protein kinases
  818. Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) mRNA by Ryanodine-Sensitive and L-Type Calcium Channels during Myogenesis in Vitro and Muscle Development in …
  819. Membrane-cytoskeleton associations during Myogenesis
  820. Transcriptional regulation of myogenin expression during Myogenesis by multiple intracellular signaling pathways
  821. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by association of the MEF2 transcription factor with class II histone deacetylases
  822. Nutritional and pharmacological manipulations of Myogenesis in the rat: a study of protein expression
  823. The cytoskeleton during muscle cell fusion in early Myogenesis.
  824. Gap junctional intercellular communication promotes Myogenesis in vitro.
  826. Developmental regulation of the alpha (7) integrin chain during Myogenesis.
  827. Cell Surface Phosphorylation and Myogenesis in L6 Rat Myoblasts
  828. Nestin: filament formation and expression in Myogenesis and muscle disorders
  829. 2001 Gordon Research Conference on Myogenesis
  830. Molecular analysis of negative and positive regulators of Myogenesis
  832. The role of glycosphingolipids in Myogenesis.
  833. Analysis of myogenic regulatory factors and insulin-like growth factors in early somite Myogenesis.
  834. Analysis of aldolase A alternative promoter utilization during in vitro and in vivo Myogenesis.
  836. The role of protein kinase C and myogenic factors in teratocarcinoma differentiation and Myogenesis.
  837. Identification and characterization of muscle microtubule-associated protein 4 (mMAP4) and the role ofmMAP4 in Myogenesis.
  839. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide-mediated alterations in slow troponin C gene expression during Myogenesis
  840. and c-myc gene expression during Myogenesis
  841. Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis
  842. Inhibition of Skeletal Myogenesis by Activated Raf-kinase
  843. The cloning and expression of myogenin, a gene regulating Myogenesis.
  846. Regulation Of Cyclic-amp-dependent Protein Kinases During Skeletal Myogenesis
  847. The molecular and cellular biology of skeletal muscle Myogenesis: Practical applications
  848. MBD2b/demethylase is Involved in the Myogenesis of C2C12 Myoblasts
  849. IV-4 Myogenesis
  850. Non-neural factors for Myogenesis
  851. Myotomal Myogenesis in Hymenochirus boettgeri [Anura, Pipidae]
  852. Filamin and vinculin expressions during avian Myogenesis In Vivo
  853. Distribution of an endogenous lectin during Myogenesis as measured by antilectin antibodies
  854. … Factors: Their Overlapping Functions and Direct Regulation of MEF2C Provide a Regulatory Network for the Maintenance and Amplification of Vertebrate Myogenesis
  855. A cell culture analysis of the expression of cathepsin D activity during Myogenesis and tumor progression.
  859. Dystrophin expression during skeletal Myogenesis.
  861. Factors regulating angiogenesis during Myogenesis in the developing vertebrate limb.
  863. Orchestration of skeletal Myogenesis by the myogenic bHLH family of transcription factors.
  864. The role of alpha (7) integrin during Myogenesis.
  865. Bone marrow-derived Myogenesis.
  866. Inhibition of Myogenesis in mouse C (2) C (12) cells by double stranded oligodeoxynucleotides containing mef-1 sequence.
  867. Pax7 is required for muscle satellite cell specification and regenerative Myogenesis.
  869. Xenotransplantation of embryonic precursors of human Myogenesis for the correction of dystrophinopathy in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy
  871. NF- Activation Induced by Disruption of Microtuble Network during Myogenesis
  872. Sonic hedgehog and Indian hedgehog are critical regulators of primary and secondary Myogenesis.
  873. Regulation of Myogenesis by the homeobox-containing gene, Msx1.
  874. Actin and Myosin Genes and Their Expression During Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis
  875. Transepicardial autologous bone marrow transplantation in a porcine nonreperfused myocardial infarction model: Angiogenesis or Myogenesis?
  876. Neural factors for Myogenesis
  878. TALKS: Cell movement and differentiation during secondary Myogenesis in the rat
  879. Inhibition of Myogenesis by trifluoperazine and compound 4880
  880. 6Myocardial angiogenesis and Myogenesis by direct injection of autologous marrow stem cells in humans
  881. Some Aspects of Myogenesis in Vitro
  882. Defective Myogenesis in NFB-s mutant associated with a saturable suppression of MYF5 activity
  883. Role of Cell-Surface Glycoconjugates in Myogenesis
  884. Studies on the Cell Surface and Adhesion of Myoblasts During Early Myogenesis
  885. The effects of desoxycorticosterone, hydrocortisone, and prednisone on Myogenesis in vitro
  886. Signalling Pathways Regulating BC₃H1 Cell Myogenesis
  887. Regulation of MyoD-induced Myogenesis in P19 cells.
  888. Role of membrane structure in the formation of the myofibrillar system in Myogenesis
  889. Myostatin Function and Signaling Transduction During Myogenesis
  890. Ca release and ryanodine binding in sarcoplasmic reticulum during cardiac Myogenesis
  891. Mechanisms of early differentiation: embryogenesis, Myogenesis (cardiac differentiation) and hematopoiesis/lymphopoiesis” Barsinghausen/Germany …
  892. f) y~ trophin Exprcsltion During Skclctal Myogenesis
  893. Biophysical changes in cell membranes during Myogenesis‘ in vitro’
  894. The morphofunctional characteristics of the macrophages during reparative Myogenesis under the action of immunomodulators
  895. Regulation of the c-jun enhancer/promoter by MEF 2 proteins during Myogenesis.
  896. Novel isoforms of FXR1P, a member of the fragile X mental retardation protein family, are mRNA chaperones expressed during in vitro Myogenesis
  897. E2F site-dependent regulation of dihydrofolate reductase promotor activity during Myogenesis
  898. A physiological description of normal Myogenesis and comparison between normal and dystrophic embryonic avian sceletal muscle.
  899. FGF6 in Myogenesis
  900. Partitioning of IGFBP-5 actions in Myogenesis: IGF-independent anti-apoptotic function
  901. Modulation of cell cycle progression by 5-azacytidine is associated with early Myogenesis induction in murine myoblasts
  902. Building muscle: molecular regulation of Myogenesis
  903. Inflammatory monocytes recruited after skeletal muscle injury switch into antiinflammatory macrophages to support Myogenesis
  904. NF-κB–YY1–miR-29 regulatory circuitry in skeletal Myogenesis and rhabdomyosarcoma
  905. Muscle injury activates resident fibro/adipogenic progenitors that facilitate Myogenesis
  906. A temporal switch from notch to Wnt signaling in muscle stem cells is necessary for normal adult Myogenesis
  907. Intravenous administration of mesenchymal stem cells improves cardiac function in rats with acute myocardial infarction through angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  908. MyoD and the transcriptional control of Myogenesis
  909. Consequences of birth weight for postnatal growth performance and carcass quality in pigs as related to Myogenesis
  910. MicroRNA-26a targets the histone methyltransferase Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 during Myogenesis
  911. TNF-α regulates Myogenesis and muscle regeneration by activating p38 MAPK
  912. Myogenic progenitor cells and skeletal Myogenesis in vertebrates
  913. Skeletal muscle satellite cells and adult Myogenesis
  914. Pax-7 up-regulation inhibits Myogenesis and cell cycle progression in satellite cells: a potential mechanism for self-renewal
  915. Cellular and molecular signatures of muscle regeneration: current concepts and controversies in adult Myogenesis
  916. The myocardin family of transcriptional coactivators: versatile regulators of cell growth, migration, and Myogenesis
  917. Lin-28 binds IGF-2 mRNA and participates in skeletal Myogenesis by increasing translation efficiency
  918. Stem cells in postnatal Myogenesis: molecular mechanisms of satellite cell quiescence, activation and replenishment
  919. A novel YY1-miR-1 regulatory circuit in skeletal Myogenesis revealed by genome-wide prediction of YY1-miRNA network
  920. R-Spondin2 is a secreted activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and is required for Xenopus Myogenesis
  921. Gene regulatory networks and transcriptional mechanisms that control Myogenesis
  922. Distinct roles for Pax7 and Pax3 in adult regenerative Myogenesis
  923. Connective tissue fibroblasts and Tcf4 regulate Myogenesis
  924. Wnt signaling in Myogenesis
  925. Functional muscle regeneration with combined delivery of angiogenesis and Myogenesis factors
  926. Follistatin complexes Myostatin and antagonises Myostatin-mediated inhibition of Myogenesis
  927. IGF-II is regulated by microRNA-125b in skeletal Myogenesis
  928. Genetic analysis of p38 MAP kinases in Myogenesis: fundamental role of p38α in abrogating myoblast proliferation
  929. Six1 and Six4 homeoproteins are required for Pax3 and Mrf expression during Myogenesis in the mouse embryo
  930. Environment and plasticity of Myogenesis in teleost fish
  931. Protein kinase A signalling via CREB controls Myogenesis induced by Wnt proteins
  932. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) regulates Myogenesis and β1 integrin expression in vitro
  933. Muscle satellite cells are primed for Myogenesis but maintain quiescence with sequestration of Myf5 mRNA targeted by microRNA-31 in mRNP granules
  934. The genetics of vertebrate Myogenesis
  935. A novel genetic hierarchy functions during hypaxial Myogenesis: Pax3 directly activates Myf5 in muscle progenitor cells in the limb
  936. The del22q11.2 candidate gene Tbx1 regulates branchiomeric Myogenesis
  937. Pattern of Pax7 expression during Myogenesis in the posthatch chicken establishes a model for satellite cell differentiation and renewal
  938. IKK/NF-κB regulates skeletal Myogenesis via a signaling switch to inhibit differentiation and promote mitochondrial biogenesis
  939. Maternal obesity downregulates Myogenesis and β-catenin signaling in fetal skeletal muscle
  940. A role for the myogenic determination gene Myf5 in adult regenerative Myogenesis
  941. MSX1 cooperates with histone H1b for inhibition of transcription and Myogenesis
  942. Overexpression of CUG triplet repeat-binding protein, CUGBP1, in mice inhibits Myogenesis
  943. Myostatin inhibits Myogenesis and promotes adipogenesis in C3H 10T (1/2) mesenchymal multipotent cells
  944. Skeletal muscle stem cells in developmental versus regenerative Myogenesis
  945. Embryonic Myogenesis pathways in muscle regeneration
  946. NF-κB signaling: a tale of two pathways in skeletal Myogenesis
  947. NF-κB regulation of YY1 inhibits skeletal Myogenesis through transcriptional silencing of myofibrillar genes
  948. SMD and NMD are competitive pathways that contribute to Myogenesis: effects on PAX3 and myogenin mRNAs
  949. UTX mediates demethylation of H3K27me3 at muscle‐specific genes during Myogenesis
  950. Two cell lineages, myf5 and myf5-independent, participate in mouse skeletal Myogenesis
  951. Chemokine expression and control of muscle cell migration during Myogenesis
  952. The regulation of Notch signaling in muscle stem cell activation and postnatal Myogenesis
  953. A systems approach reveals that the Myogenesis genome network is regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58
  954. Mammalian target of rapamycin regulates miRNA-1 and follistatin in skeletal Myogenesis
  955. The myogenic kinome: protein kinases critical to mammalian skeletal Myogenesis
  956. Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis inhibits skeletal Myogenesis through sustained activation of nuclear factor-κB and degradation of MyoD …
  957. Role of inflammation in muscle homeostasis and Myogenesis
  958. A feedforward regulatory loop between HuR and the long noncoding RNA linc-MD1 controls early phases of Myogenesis
  959. Neural crest regulates Myogenesis through the transient activation of NOTCH
  960. The protein arginine methyltransferase Prmt5 is required for Myogenesis because it facilitates ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling
  961. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor is regulated by microRNA-133 during skeletal Myogenesis
  962. A zebrafish embryo culture system defines factors that promote vertebrate Myogenesis across species
  963. Selective class II HDAC inhibitors impair Myogenesis by modulating the stability and activity of HDAC–MEF2 complexes
  964. Mechanisms underlying the transcriptional regulation of skeletal Myogenesis
  965. Malat1 regulates serum response factor through miR‐133 as a competing endogenous RNA in Myogenesis
  966. MicroRNAs in skeletal Myogenesis
  967. Eya1 and Eya2 proteins are required for hypaxial somitic Myogenesis in the mouse embryo
  968. Muscle wasting and impaired Myogenesis in tumor bearing mice are prevented by ERK inhibition
  969. Snail regulates MyoD binding-site occupancy to direct enhancer switching and differentiation-specific transcription in Myogenesis
  970. MG53-induced IRS-1 ubiquitination negatively regulates skeletal Myogenesis and insulin signalling
  971. Adaptive Myogenesis under hypoxia
  972. Cyclic mechanical strain inhibits skeletal Myogenesis through activation of focal adhesion kinase, Rac‐1 GTPase, and NF‐kB transcription factor
  973. Close encounters: regulation of vertebrate skeletal Myogenesis by cell-cell contact
  974. Switching of the core transcription machinery during Myogenesis
  975. Genome‐wide survey by ChIP‐seq reveals YY1 regulation of lincRNAs in skeletal Myogenesis
  976. Yap is a novel regulator of C2C12 Myogenesis
  977. Transcriptional dominance of Pax7 in adult Myogenesis is due to high-affinity recognition of homeodomain motifs
  978. MicroRNA in Myogenesis and muscle atrophy
  979. Molecular and cellular regulation of skeletal Myogenesis
  980. MicroRNA regulation of the paired-box transcription factor Pax3 confers robustness to developmental timing of Myogenesis
  981. Control of mitochondrial biogenesis during Myogenesis
  982. The FoxO3/type 2 deiodinase pathway is required for normal mouse Myogenesis and muscle regeneration
  983. Loss of FilaminC (FLNc) results in severe defects in Myogenesis and myotube structure
  984. An HMGA2-IGF2BP2 axis regulates myoblast proliferation and Myogenesis
  985. C-kit+ precursors support postinfarction Myogenesis in the neonatal, but not adult, heart
  986. Mitochondria as a potential regulator of Myogenesis
  987. The Notch coactivator, MAML1, functions as a novel coactivator for MEF2C-mediated transcription and is required for normal Myogenesis
  988. PAX3 and PAX7 as upstream regulators of Myogenesis
  989. A novel target of microRNA-29, Ring1 and YY1-binding protein (Rybp), negatively regulates skeletal Myogenesis
  990. Sonic hedgehog regulates angiogenesis and Myogenesis during post‐natal skeletal muscle regeneration
  991. Myostatin-induced inhibition of the long noncoding RNA Malat1 is associated with decreased Myogenesis
  992. Loss of nuclear poly (A)-binding protein 1 causes defects in Myogenesis and mRNA biogenesis
  993. Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis during Myogenesis
  994. Decreased miR-29 suppresses Myogenesis in CKD
  995. Marking the tempo for Myogenesis: Pax7 and the regulation of muscle stem cell fate decisions
  996. Regulation of IRS1/Akt insulin signaling by microRNA-128a during Myogenesis
  997. Skeletal Myogenesis and Myf5 activation
  998. Genetic and epigenetic determinants of neurogenesis and Myogenesis
  999. Control of Myogenesis by rodent SINE-containing lncRNAs
  1000. Activation of p38α/β MAPK in Myogenesis via binding of the scaffold protein JLP to the cell surface protein Cdo
  1001. Gamma interferon modulates Myogenesis through the major histocompatibility complex class II transactivator, CIITA
  1002. PGC-1 α buffers ROS-mediated removal of mitochondria during Myogenesis
  1003. A combinatorial role for NFAT5 in both myoblast migration and differentiation during skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1004. HIF modulation of Wnt signaling regulates skeletal Myogenesis in vivo
  1005. Discovery of MicroRNAs associated with Myogenesis by deep sequencing of serial developmental skeletal muscles in pigs
  1006. Skeletal muscle satellite cells are committed to Myogenesis and do not spontaneously adopt nonmyogenic fates
  1007. Wnt signaling in skeletal muscle dynamics: Myogenesis, neuromuscular synapse and fibrosis
  1008. MUNC, a long noncoding RNA that facilitates the function of MyoD in skeletal Myogenesis
  1009. TACE release of TNF-α mediates mechanotransduction-induced activation of p38 MAPK and Myogenesis
  1010. Dial M (RF) for Myogenesis
  1011. Transcriptional regulation of the IGF signaling pathway by amino acids and insulin-like growth factors during Myogenesis in Atlantic salmon
  1012. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling network in skeletal Myogenesis
  1013. SHP-2 positively regulates Myogenesis by coupling to the Rho GTPase signaling pathway
  1014. Amphoterin stimulates Myogenesis and counteracts the antimyogenic factors basic fibroblast growth factor and S100B via RAGE binding
  1015. Resveratrol promotes Myogenesis and hypertrophy in murine myoblasts
  1016. Aligned chitosan-based nanofibers for enhanced Myogenesis
  1017. Mighty is a novel promyogenic factor in skeletal Myogenesis
  1018. Skeletal Myogenesis by human embryonic stem cells
  1019. Inhibition of Myogenesis by Notch: evidence for multiple pathways
  1020. Leptin administration activates irisin-induced Myogenesis via nitric oxide-dependent mechanisms, but reduces its effect on subcutaneous fat browning in mice
  1021. Systemic attenuation of the TGF-β pathway by a single drug simultaneously rejuvenates hippocampal neurogenesis and Myogenesis in the same old mammal
  1022. Epigenetic regulation of Myogenesis
  1023. Functional recovery of damaged skeletal muscle through synchronized vasculogenesis, Myogenesis, and neurogenesis by muscle-derived stem cells
  1024. Nanopatterned muscle cell patches for enhanced Myogenesis and dystrophin expression in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy
  1025. Skeletal Myogenesis on highly orientated microfibrous polyesterurethane scaffolds
  1026. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by Notch
  1027. Molecular beacon-based bioimaging of multiple microRNAs during Myogenesis
  1028. A reducing redox environment promotes C2C12 Myogenesis: implications for regeneration in aged muscle
  1029. Rbfox2-coordinated alternative splicing of Mef2d and Rock2 controls myoblast fusion during Myogenesis
  1030. Oriented surfaces of adsorbed cellulose nanowhiskers promote skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1031. Gene expression during normal and FSHD Myogenesis
  1032. A WNT/β-catenin signaling activator, R-spondin, plays positive regulatory roles during skeletal Myogenesis
  1033. Syndecan-3 and Notch cooperate in regulating adult Myogenesis
  1034. WNT/β-catenin signaling regulates multiple steps of Myogenesis by regulating step-specific targets
  1035. Myogenesis and muscle regeneration
  1036. Novel long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Myogenesis: a miR-31 overlapping lncRNA transcript controls myoblast differentiation
  1037. Brain and muscle Arnt-like 1 is a key regulator of Myogenesis
  1038. A Pax3/Dmrt2/Myf5 regulatory cascade functions at the onset of Myogenesis
  1039. Cooperative synergy between NFAT and MyoD regulates myogenin expression and Myogenesis
  1040. Impaired muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and Myogenesis in spinal muscular atrophy
  1041. Vitamin D signaling in Myogenesis: potential for treatment of sarcopenia
  1042. Muscle stem cells in developmental and regenerative Myogenesis
  1043. The Notch effector Hey1 associates with myogenic target genes to repress Myogenesis
  1044. From T‐tubule to sarcolemma: damage‐induced dysferlin translocation in early Myogenesis
  1045. MURC, a muscle-restricted coiled-coil protein, is involved in the regulation of skeletal Myogenesis
  1046. Effects of different intensities of resistance exercise on regulators of Myogenesis
  1047. Notch signaling suppresses p38 MAPK activity via induction of MKP-1 in Myogenesis
  1048. Human and mouse skeletal muscle stem cells: convergent and divergent mechanisms of Myogenesis
  1049. Founder myoblasts and fibre number during adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  1050. Akt2, a novel functional link between p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways in Myogenesis
  1051. Myogenesis and rhabdomyosarcoma: the jekyll and hyde of skeletal muscle
  1052. Mutations in MEGF10, a regulator of satellite cell Myogenesis, cause early onset myopathy, areflexia, respiratory distress and dysphagia (EMARDD)
  1053. Transforming growth factor-β–induced inhibition of Myogenesis is mediated through Smad pathway and is modulated by microtubule dynamic stability
  1054. Human fetal aorta contains vascular progenitor cells capable of inducing vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and Myogenesis in vitro and in a murine model of peripheral …
  1055. AMP-activated protein kinase α1 but not α2 catalytic subunit potentiates myogenin expression and Myogenesis
  1056. Emerin and histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) cooperatively regulate expression and nuclear positions of MyoD, Myf5, and Pax7 genes during Myogenesis
  1057. Notch and Wnt signaling, physiological stimuli and postnatal Myogenesis
  1058. Subnuclear segregation of genes and core promoter factors in Myogenesis
  1059. Myogenin and the SWI/SNF ATPase Brg1 maintain myogenic gene expression at different stages of skeletal Myogenesis
  1060. MyoD-expressing progenitors are essential for skeletal Myogenesis and satellite cell development
  1061. Tbx6, Mesp-b and Ripply1 regulate the onset of skeletal Myogenesis in zebrafish
  1062. HuR and miR-1192 regulate Myogenesis by modulating the translation of HMGB1 mRNA
  1063. Mice deficient in the chemokine receptor CXCR4 exhibit impaired limb innervation and Myogenesis
  1064. Six homeoproteins directly activate Myod expression in the gene regulatory networks that control early Myogenesis
  1065. Redox regulation by Pitx2 and Pitx3 is critical for fetal Myogenesis
  1066. Evidence for cell density affecting C2C12 Myogenesis: possible regulation of Myogenesis by cell–cell communication
  1067. myomiR-dependent switching of BAF60 variant incorporation into Brg1 chromatin remodeling complexes during embryo Myogenesis
  1068. The histone chaperone Spt6 coordinates histone H3K27 demethylation and Myogenesis
  1069. Myf5 expression during fetal Myogenesis defines the developmental progenitors of adult satellite cells
  1070. Extensive mononuclear infiltration and Myogenesis characterize recovery of dysferlin-null skeletal muscle from contraction-induced injuries
  1071. Normal Myogenesis and increased apoptosis in myotonic dystrophy type-1 muscle cells
  1072. Epigenetic regulation of skeletal Myogenesis
  1073. TRIM72 negatively regulates Myogenesis via targeting insulin receptor substrate-1
  1074. Kindlin-2 is required for myocyte elongation and is essential for Myogenesis
  1075. Myosin heavy chain mRNA isoforms are expressed in two distinct cohorts during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1076. The effect of urine-derived stem cells expressing VEGF loaded in collagen hydrogels on Myogenesis and innervation following after subcutaneous implantation in …
  1077. Molecular and cellular regulatory mechanisms of tongue Myogenesis
  1078. Retinoic acid enhances skeletal Myogenesis in human embryonic stem cells by expanding the premyogenic progenitor population
  1079. PI3K/AKT signaling determines a dynamic switch between distinct KSRP functions favoring skeletal Myogenesis
  1080. Nitric oxide in Myogenesis and therapeutic muscle repair
  1081. RNA-binding proteins and gene regulation in Myogenesis
  1082. Retinoic acid activates Myogenesis in vivo through Fgf8 signalling
  1083. Cell-lineage regulated Myogenesis for dystrophin replacement: a novel therapeutic approach for treatment of muscular dystrophy
  1084. Wnt/Lef1 signaling acts via Pitx2 to regulate somite Myogenesis
  1085. Role of skeletal muscle proteoglycans during Myogenesis
  1086. The molecular setup of the avian head mesoderm and its implication for craniofacial Myogenesis
  1087. Repositioning of muscle-specific genes relative to the periphery of SC-35 domains during skeletal Myogenesis
  1088. The Rho family of small GTPases: crucial regulators of skeletal Myogenesis
  1089. Alternative splicing of MEF2C pre-mRNA controls its activity in normal Myogenesis and promotes tumorigenicity in rhabdomyosarcoma cells
  1090. Pitx2 defines alternate pathways acting through MyoD during limb and somitic Myogenesis
  1091. Defective neuromuscular junction organization and postnatal Myogenesis in mice with severe spinal muscular atrophy
  1092. Myogenic regulatory factors Myf5 and Myod function distinctly during craniofacial Myogenesis of zebrafish
  1093. Osteopontin, inflammation and Myogenesis: influencing regeneration, fibrosis and size of skeletal muscle
  1094. Biophysical cues enhance Myogenesis of human adipose derived stem/stromal cells
  1095. Identification of differentially regulated secretome components during skeletal Myogenesis
  1096. Comparative expression profiling identifies differential roles for Myogenin and p38α MAPK signaling in Myogenesis
  1097. Protein kinase A represses skeletal Myogenesis by targeting myocyte enhancer factor 2D
  1098. … of myogenic regulatory factors and differentiation of myoblasts into myotubes: evidence for TWEAK-independent functions of Fn14 during Myogenesis
  1099. Stimulating effect of graphene oxide on Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts on RGD peptide-decorated PLGA nanofiber matrices
  1100. A chimeric RNA characteristic of rhabdomyosarcoma in normal Myogenesis process
  1101. Differential requirements for Myocyte Enhancer Factor-2 during adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  1102. Myogenesis in sheep is altered by maternal feed intake during the peri-conception period
  1103. Pharyngeal mesoderm development during embryogenesis: implications for both heart and head Myogenesis
  1104. Nitric oxide drives embryonic Myogenesis in chicken through the upregulation of myogenic differentiation factors
  1105. Nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins (NETs) that are up-regulated during Myogenesis
  1106. Comparative Myogenesis in teleosts and mammals
  1107. Role of the TWEAK-Fn14-cIAP1-NF-κB signaling axis in the regulation of Myogenesis and muscle homeostasis
  1108. Pitx2 is an upstream activator of extraocular Myogenesis and survival
  1109. Proteolytic processing of myostatin is auto-regulated during Myogenesis
  1110. Notch function in Myogenesis
  1111. In vivo proteome dynamics during early bovine Myogenesis
  1112. Mitsugumin 53 (MG53) ligase ubiquitinates focal adhesion kinase during skeletal Myogenesis
  1113. Unsorted human adipose tissue-derived stem cells promote angiogenesis and Myogenesis in murine ischemic hindlimb model
  1114. Improved regenerative Myogenesis and muscular dystrophy in mice lacking Mkp5
  1115. Screening with a novel cell-based assay for TAZ activators identifies a compound that enhances Myogenesis in C2C12 cells and facilitates muscle repair in a muscle …
  1116. … and validation of quantitative PCR reference genes suitable for normalizing expression in normal and dystrophic cell culture models of Myogenesis
  1117. Wnt4 activates the canonical β-catenin pathway and regulates negatively myostatin: functional implication in Myogenesis
  1118. Deconstruction of DNA methylation patterns during Myogenesis reveals specific epigenetic events in the establishment of the skeletal muscle lineage
  1119. During post-natal human Myogenesis, normal myotube size requires TRPC1-and TRPC4-mediated Ca2+ entry
  1120. Substrate and strain alter the muscle-derived mesenchymal stem cell secretome to promote Myogenesis
  1121. Brahma is required for cell cycle arrest and late muscle gene expression during skeletal Myogenesis
  1122. Lactate regulates Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts in vitro
  1123. Development of the mouse mandibles and clavicles in the absence of skeletal Myogenesis
  1124. Ozz-E3, a muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase, regulates β-catenin degradation during Myogenesis
  1125. Transcriptome expression profiles in prenatal pigs in relation to Myogenesis
  1126. kette and blown fuse interact genetically during the second fusion step of Myogenesis in Drosophila
  1127. Abortive Myogenesis in denervated skeletal muscle: differentiative properties of satellite cells, their migration, and block of terminal differentiation
  1128. … the prenatal development of skeletal muscle in animals in relation to the quality of muscle-based food. I. Regulation of Myogenesis and environmental impact
  1129. Activated β-catenin induces Myogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis in BM-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
  1130. A distinct profile of myogenic regulatory factor detection within Pax7+ cells at S phase supports a unique role of Myf5 during posthatch chicken Myogenesis
  1131. Myogenesis in the sea urchin embryo: the molecular fingerprint of the myoblast precursors
  1132. The effect of delivering the chemokine SDF-1α in a matrix-bound manner on Myogenesis
  1133. MyoD directly up-regulates premyogenic mesoderm factors during induction of skeletal Myogenesis in stem cells
  1134. Interactions of enolase isoforms with tubulin and microtubules during Myogenesis
  1135. TIMP3: a physiological regulator of adult Myogenesis
  1136. Modulation of muscle regeneration, Myogenesis, and adipogenesis by the Rho family guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEFT
  1137. In vitro indeterminate teleost Myogenesis appears to be dependent on Pax3
  1138. Functional role of sortilin in Myogenesis and development of insulin-responsive glucose transport system in C2C12 myocytes
  1139. Induced early expression of mrf4 but not myog rescues Myogenesis in the myod/myf5 double-morphant zebrafish embryo
  1140. The α7β1-integrin accelerates fiber hypertrophy and Myogenesis following a single bout of eccentric exercise
  1141. The chemokine SDF1 controls multiple steps of Myogenesis through atypical PKCζ
  1142. A novel mechanism of myostatin regulation by its alternative splicing variant during Myogenesis in avian species
  1143. Expression of zebrafish six1 during sensory organ development and Myogenesis
  1144. Skeletal myosin light chain kinase regulates skeletal Myogenesis by phosphorylation of MEF2C
  1145. Analysis of early C2C12 Myogenesis identifies stably and differentially expressed transcriptional regulators whose knock-down inhibits myoblast differentiation
  1146. Autocrine and immune cell‐derived BDNF in human skeletal muscle: implications for Myogenesis and tissue regeneration
  1147. N-cadherin/p120 catenin association at cell-cell contacts occurs in cholesterol-rich membrane domains and is required for RhoA activation and Myogenesis
  1148. Biochemical pathways analysis of microarray results: regulation of Myogenesis in pigs
  1149. CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta is expressed in satellite cells and controls Myogenesis
  1150. Macrophage-derived IGF-1 is a potent coordinator of Myogenesis and inflammation in regenerating muscle
  1151. Nuclear function of Smad7 promotes Myogenesis
  1152. Temperature influences the coordinated expression of myogenic regulatory factors during embryonic Myogenesis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
  1153. Mitofusin 2 (Mfn2): a key player in insulin-dependent Myogenesis in vitro
  1154. A global downregulation of microRNAs occurs in human quiescent satellite cells during Myogenesis
  1155. Shaping leg muscles in Drosophila: role of ladybird, a conserved regulator of appendicular Myogenesis
  1156. AMP-activated protein kinase mediates myogenin expression and Myogenesis via histone deacetylase 5
  1157. Directed in vitro Myogenesis of human embryonic stem cells and their in vivo engraftment
  1158. Not only insulin stimulates mitochondriogenesis in muscle cells, but mitochondria are also essential for insulin‐mediated Myogenesis
  1159. Androgen-dependent impairment of Myogenesis in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
  1160. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ induces Myogenesis by modulating myostatin activity
  1161. Hedgehog regulation of superficial slow muscle fibres in Xenopus and the evolution of tetrapod trunk Myogenesis
  1162. Caspase‐3‐mediated cyclic stretch‐induced myoblast apoptosis via a Fas/FasL‐independent signaling pathway during Myogenesis
  1163. Pax‐3 and Pax‐7 Label Muscle Progenitor Cells During Myotomal Myogenesis in Coregonus lavaretus (Teleostei: Coregonidae)
  1164. Ectodermal Wnt-6 promotes Myf5-dependent avian limb Myogenesis
  1165. Pitx2c modulates Pax3+/Pax7+ cell populations and regulates Pax3 expression by repressing miR27 expression during Myogenesis
  1166. Interferon-γ resets muscle cell fate by stimulating the sequential recruitment of JARID2 and PRC2 to promoters to repress Myogenesis
  1167. … -scale isolation of human skeletal muscle satellite cells from post-mortem tissue and development of quantitative assays to evaluate modulators of Myogenesis
  1168. GABP, HCF‐1 and YY1 are involved in Rb gene expression during Myogenesis
  1169. Zebrafish rhabdomyosarcoma reflects the developmental stage of oncogene expression during Myogenesis
  1170. Mdm2 promotes Myogenesis through the ubiquitination and degradation of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β
  1171. Arsenic exposure inhibits Myogenesis and neurogenesis in P19 stem cells through repression of the β-catenin signaling pathway
  1172. RNA-binding protein AUF1 promotes Myogenesis by regulating MEF2C expression levels
  1173. Altered primary and secondary Myogenesis in the myostatin-null mouse
  1174. Terminal differentiation program of skeletal Myogenesis is negatively regulated by O-GlcNAc glycosylation
  1175. … localization of dystrophin Dp71 and dystrophin‐associated proteins (DAPs) in the C2C12 muscle cells: DAPs nuclear localization is modulated during Myogenesis
  1176. The methyltransferases PRMT4/CARM1 and PRMT5 control differentially Myogenesis in zebrafish
  1177. The actin nucleator WASp is required for myoblast fusion during adult Drosophila Myogenesis
  1178. Functional dissection of Pax3 in paraxial mesoderm development and Myogenesis
  1179. Genome‐wide association between Six4, MyoD, and the histone demethylase Utx during Myogenesis
  1180. Chemokine-like receptor 1 regulates skeletal muscle cell Myogenesis
  1181. Androgens affect Myogenesis in vitro and increase local IGF-1 expression
  1182. p27Kip1 Acts Downstream of N-Cadherin-mediated Cell Adhesion to Promote Myogenesis beyond Cell Cycle Regulation
  1183. ADAMTS-like 2 (ADAMTSL2) is a secreted glycoprotein that is widely expressed during mouse embryogenesis and is regulated during skeletal Myogenesis
  1184. High glucose‐mediated alterations of mechanisms important in Myogenesis of mouse C2C12 myoblasts
  1185. HuR and Myogenesis: being in the right place at the right time
  1186. Regulation of SIK1 abundance and stability is critical for Myogenesis
  1187. MicroRNA-139-5p regulates C2C12 cell Myogenesis through blocking Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
  1188. MyoD transcription factor induces Myogenesis by inhibiting Twist-1 through miR-206
  1189. Regulation of the follistatin gene by RSPO-LGR4 signaling via activation of the WNT/β-catenin pathway in skeletal Myogenesis
  1190. Numb regulates Notch1, but not Notch3, during Myogenesis
  1191. Distinct amino acid–sensing mTOR pathways regulate skeletal Myogenesis
  1192. The temporal specific role of WNT/β-catenin signaling during Myogenesis
  1193. Generating tamoxifen-inducible Cre alleles to investigate Myogenesis in mice
  1194. Functional interaction between TRPC1 channel and connexin-43 protein: a novel pathway underlying S1P action on skeletal Myogenesis
  1195. The RelA/p65 subunit of NF‐κB specifically regulates cyclin D1 protein stability: Implications for cell cycle withdrawal and skeletal Myogenesis
  1196. Sim2 prevents entry into the myogenic program by repressing MyoD transcription during limb embryonic Myogenesis
  1197. The RNA-binding protein Seb4/RBM24 is a direct target of MyoD and is required for Myogenesis during Xenopus early development
  1198. Dose-dependent modulation of Myogenesis by HGF: implications for c-Met expression and downstream signalling pathways
  1199. Hedgehog-dependent regulation of angiogenesis and Myogenesis is impaired in aged mice
  1200. Post-transcriptional regulation of myotube elongation and Myogenesis by Hoi Polloi
  1201. Raptor and Rheb negatively regulate skeletal Myogenesis through suppression of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1)
  1202. Nup358, a nucleoporin, functions as a key determinant of the nuclear pore complex structure remodeling during skeletal Myogenesis
  1203. … -1, differentially regulate myogenic regulatory transcription factors and paired box 7 expression during turkey satellite cell Myogenesis: implications for muscle …
  1204. Impaired Myogenesis in estrogen‐related receptor γ (ERRγ)‐deficient skeletal myocytes due to oxidative stress
  1205. Mitochondrial pro-apoptotic indices do not precede the transient caspase activation associated with Myogenesis
  1206. Src mediates the mechanical activation of Myogenesis by activating TNFα-converting enzyme
  1207. An essential role of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-specific Protease 2 in myostatin expression and Myogenesis
  1208. TRIM72, a novel negative feedback regulator of Myogenesis, is transcriptionally activated by the synergism of MyoD (or myogenin) and MEF2
  1209. Mitochondrial complex I deficiency enhances skeletal Myogenesis but impairs insulin signaling through SIRT1 inactivation
  1210. Δ-4-Androstene-3,17-Dione Binds Androgen Receptor, Promotes Myogenesis in Vitro, and Increases Serum Testosterone Levels, Fat-Free Mass, and Muscle …
  1211. Immunocytochemistry to study Myogenesis in zebrafish
  1212. Dietary carbohydrate level affects transcription factor expression that regulates skeletal muscle Myogenesis in rainbow trout
  1213. Myogenesis during holothurian intestinal regeneration
  1214. MicroRNA-30a regulates zebrafish Myogenesis through targeting the transcription factor Six1
  1215. PAX-FKHR function as pangenes by simultaneously inducing and inhibiting Myogenesis
  1216. Preparation of collagen-coated gels that maximize in vitro Myogenesis of stem cells by matching the lateral elasticity of in vivo muscle
  1217. Muscle cell derived angiopoietin-1 contributes to both Myogenesis and angiogenesis in the ischemic environment
  1218. Myogenesis
  1219. WNT3A promotes Myogenesis of human embryonic stem cells and enhances in vivo engraftment
  1220. Conservation and divergence in developmental networks: a view from Drosophila Myogenesis
  1221. Myogenesis and muscle metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) made transgenic for growth hormone
  1222. A machine learning approach for identifying novel cell type–specific transcriptional regulators of Myogenesis
  1223. Characterisation and expression of Myogenesis regulatory factors during in vitro myoblast development and in vivo fasting in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
  1224. β-Catenin regulates Myogenesis by relieving I-mfa-mediated suppression of myogenic regulatory factors in P19 cells
  1225. Alpha-enolase plasminogen receptor in Myogenesis
  1226. Simultaneous overexpression of Oct4 and Nanog abrogates terminal Myogenesis
  1227. Fibroblast growth factor 1 induced during Myogenesis by a transcription–translation coupling mechanism
  1228. Development and Myogenesis of the vermiform Buddenbrockia (Myxozoa) and implications for cnidarian body plan evolution
  1229. The N-BAR domain protein, Bin3, regulates Rac1-and Cdc42-dependent processes in Myogenesis
  1230. Injected matrix stimulates Myogenesis and regeneration of mouse skeletal muscle after ischaemic injury
  1231. Myogenesis in dysferlin-deficient myoblasts is inhibited by an intrinsic inflammatory response
  1232. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase up-regulates NF-κB transcriptional activation through RelA phosphorylation during stretch-induced Myogenesis
  1233. Dystrophin Dp71 expression is down-regulated during Myogenesis: role of Sp1 and Sp3 on the Dp71 promoter activity
  1234. Skeletal muscle pathology in Costello and cardio‐facio‐cutaneous syndromes: Developmental consequences of germline Ras/MAPK activation on Myogenesis
  1235. Combined therapy with sonic hedgehog gene transfer and bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells enhances angiogenesis and Myogenesis in the ischemic …
  1236. SWI/SNF complexes, chromatin remodeling and skeletal Myogenesis: it’s time to exchange!
  1237. Epigenetic control of type 2 and 3 deiodinases in Myogenesis: role of Lysine-specific Demethylase enzyme and FoxO3
  1238. The p38 pathway regulates Akt both at the protein and transcriptional activation levels during Myogenesis
  1239. Nano-nutrition of chicken embryos. The effect of silver nanoparticles and ATP on expression of chosen genes involved in Myogenesis
  1240. … of a new hybrid serum response factor and myocyte enhancer factor 2-binding element in MyoD enhancer required for MyoD expression during Myogenesis
  1241. Dual optical biosensors for imaging microRNA-1 during Myogenesis
  1242. A novel role for lbx1 in Xenopus hypaxial Myogenesis
  1243. Gli3 regulation of Myogenesis is necessary for ischemia-induced angiogenesis
  1244. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-δ activates endothelial progenitor cells to induce angio-Myogenesis through matrix metallo-proteinase-9-mediated insulin …
  1245. A new role for the oncogenic high-mobility group A2 transcription factor in Myogenesis of embryonic stem cells
  1246. The oncogenic fusion protein Pax3–FKHR has a greater post-translational stability relative to Pax3 during early Myogenesis
  1247. JAK/STAT signaling and human in vitro Myogenesis
  1248. Pitx genes are redeployed in adult Myogenesis where they can act to promote myogenic differentiation in muscle satellite cells
  1249. Extracellular guanosine‐5′‐triphosphate modulates Myogenesis via intermediate Ca2+‐activated K+ currents in C2C12 mouse cells
  1250. Hyaluronan synthesis and Myogenesis: a requirement for hyaluronan synthesis during myogenic differentiation independent of pericellular matrix formation
  1251. … , a component of neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions, binds sorting nexin 5 and has increased expression during Myogenesis and muscle regeneration
  1252. From pluripotency to Myogenesis: a multistep process in the dish
  1253. Functional analysis of pig myostatin gene promoter with some adipogenesis-and Myogenesis-related factors
  1254. Basal lamina mimetic nanofibrous peptide networks for skeletal Myogenesis
  1255. Serum from human burn victims impairs Myogenesis and protein synthesis in primary myoblasts
  1256. Myogenesis in Wilms Tumors Is Associated with Mutations of the WT1 Gene and Activation of Bcl-2 and the Wnt Signaling Pathway
  1257. … a transcript encoding the proline-rich membrane anchor of globular muscle acetylcholinesterase: the suppressive roles of Myogenesis and innervating nerves
  1258. Integrin repertoire on myogenic cells changes during the course of primary Myogenesis in the mouse
  1259. Interactions between p-Akt and Smad3 in injured muscles initiate Myogenesis or fibrogenesis
  1260. TBX2 blocks Myogenesis and promotes proliferation in rhabdomyosarcoma cells
  1261. The glucose-sensing transcription factor MLX promotes Myogenesis via myokine signaling
  1262. Myogenesis–possibilities of its stimulation in chickens
  1263. Prostaglandin D2 inhibits C2C12 Myogenesis
  1264. The dual effects of Cdh1/APC in Myogenesis
  1265. Abnormalities in early markers of muscle involvement support a delay in Myogenesis in spinal muscular atrophy
  1266. Disruption of Meox or Gli activity ablates skeletal Myogenesis in P19 cells
  1267. Embryonic vs. adult Myogenesis: challenging the ‘regeneration recapitulates development’paradigm
  1268. ATOH8, a regulator of skeletal Myogenesis in the hypaxial myotome of the trunk
  1269. Myogenesis in human denervated muscle biopsies
  1270. A key role of Pox meso in somatic Myogenesis of Drosophila
  1271. TWEAK in inclusion-body myositis muscle: possible pathogenic role of a cytokine inhibiting Myogenesis
  1272. Two-pore channel 2 activity is required for slow muscle cell-generated Ca2+ signaling during Myogenesis in intact zebrafish
  1273. The E3 SUMO ligase Nse2 regulates sumoylation and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic translocation of skNAC–Smyd1 in Myogenesis
  1274. Retinoic acid promotes Myogenesis in myoblasts by antagonizing transforming growth factor-beta signaling via C/EBPβ
  1275. Pharyngeal satellite cells undergo Myogenesis under basal conditions and are required for pharyngeal muscle maintenance
  1276. Ureter Myogenesis: putting Teashirt into context
  1277. Expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta in muscle satellite cells inhibits Myogenesis in cancer cachexia
  1278. Role of Akirin in skeletal Myogenesis
  1279. BMP regulation of Myogenesis in zebrafish
  1280. Chemerin inhibition of Myogenesis and induction of adipogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts
  1281. Distinctive morphological and gene/protein expression signatures during Myogenesis in novel cell lines from extraocular and hindlimb muscle
  1282. Toxoplasma gondii down modulates cadherin expression in skeletal muscle cells inhibiting Myogenesis
  1283. Syndecan-4 regulates muscle differentiation and is internalized from the plasma membrane during Myogenesis
  1284. Dystrophinopathy carrier determination and detection of protein deficiencies in muscular dystrophy using lentiviral MyoD-forced Myogenesis
  1285. Histone chaperones cooperate to mediate Mef2-targeted transcriptional regulation during skeletal Myogenesis
  1286. The transcription factor Six1a plays an essential role in the craniofacial Myogenesis of zebrafish
  1287. Overexpression of TNNI3K, a cardiac-specific MAP kinase, promotes P19CL6-derived cardiac Myogenesis and prevents myocardial infarction-induced injury
  1288. A new cell-based assay to evaluate Myogenesis in mouse myoblast C2C12 cells
  1289. A comparison of thiazolidinedione-induced adipogenesis and Myogenesis in stromal-vascular cells from subcutaneous adipose tissue or semitendinosus muscle of …
  1290. Sculpting chromatin beyond the double helix: epigenetic control of skeletal Myogenesis
  1291. The avian embryo as a model system for skeletal Myogenesis
  1292. Signaling to the chromatin during skeletal Myogenesis: novel targets for pharmacological modulation of gene expression
  1293. Autocrine activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors contributes to Ca2+ spikes in mouse myotubes during Myogenesis
  1294. A defect in early Myogenesis causes Otitis media in two mouse models of 22q11. 2 deletion syndrome
  1295. Changes in proteolytic enzyme mRNAs relevant for meat quality during Myogenesis of primary porcine satellite cells
  1296. Synergistic stimulation of Myogenesis by glucocorticoid and IGF-I signaling
  1297. R-Cadherin expression inhibits Myogenesis and induces myoblast transformation via Rac1 GTPase
  1298. A new role for the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in neonatal myosin heavy chain expression via the NFATc2/MyoD complex during mouse Myogenesis
  1299. The homeobox gene Arx is a novel positive regulator of embryonic Myogenesis
  1300. Time‐lapse imaging of In Vitro Myogenesis using atomic force microscopy
  1301. Myogenesis in the basal bilaterian Symsagittifera roscoffensis (Acoela)
  1302. A role for Zic1 and Zic2 in Myf5 regulation and somite Myogenesis
  1303. Transforming growth factor-β-independent regulation of Myogenesis by SnoN sumoylation
  1304. Sumoylation of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor sharp-1 regulates recruitment of the histone methyltransferase G9a and function in Myogenesis
  1305. Initiation of primary Myogenesis in amniote limb muscles
  1306. FSHD muscular dystrophy region gene 1 binds Suv4-20h1 histone methyltransferase and impairs Myogenesis
  1307. Development of a nitric oxide-releasing analogue of the muscle relaxant guaifenesin for skeletal muscle satellite cell Myogenesis
  1308. Pctaire1/Cdk16 promotes skeletal Myogenesis by inducing myoblast migration and fusion
  1309. Too many ways to make a muscle: evolution of GRNs governing Myogenesis
  1310. Intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel is expressed in C2C12 myoblasts and is downregulated during Myogenesis
  1311. Coordinated repression and activation of two transcriptional programs stabilizes cell fate during Myogenesis
  1312. Myokines in Myogenesis and health
  1313. Skeletal Myogenesis in the zebrafish and its implications for muscle disease modelling
  1314. Calcium regulation of Myogenesis by differential calmodulin inhibition of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors
  1315. Positioning the expanded akirin gene family of Atlantic salmon within the transcriptional networks of Myogenesis
  1316. ADAR1 deaminase contributes to scheduled skeletal Myogenesis progression via stage-specific functions
  1317. asb11 Is a Regulator of Embryonic and Adult Regenerative Myogenesis
  1318. Age-related resistance of skeletal muscle-derived progenitor cells to SPARC may explain a shift from Myogenesis to adipogenesis
  1319. Repair of Infarcted Myocardium by an Extract of Geum japonicum with Dual Effects on Angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1320. Myogenesis within the human gubernaculum: histological and immunohistochemical evaluation
  1321. Temporal expression of growth factor genes of primary porcine satellite cells during Myogenesis
  1322. Normal and aberrant craniofacial Myogenesis by grafted trunk somitic and segmental plate mesoderm
  1323. A systems approach and skeletal Myogenesis
  1324. … vitamin D deficiency causes smaller muscle fibers and altered transcript levels of genes involved in protein degradation, Myogenesis, and cytoskeleton organization …
  1325. The transition from differentiation to growth during dermomyotome-derived Myogenesis depends on temporally restricted hedgehog signaling
  1326. Role of phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase p110β in skeletal Myogenesis
  1327. Essential roles of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors, Capsulin and Musculin, during craniofacial Myogenesis of zebrafish
  1328. Inactivation of PPARβ/δ adversely affects satellite cells and reduces postnatal Myogenesis
  1329. Myogenic waves and myogenic programs during Xenopus embryonic Myogenesis
  1330. PKC {zeta} Regulates CDK5/P25 signaling during Myogenesis
  1331. Hedgehog signaling regulates the amount of hypaxial muscle development during Xenopus Myogenesis
  1332. Dual roles of palladin protein in in vitro Myogenesis: inhibition of early induction but promotion of myotube maturation
  1333. Specific knockdown of m-calpain blocks Myogenesis with cDNA deduced from the corresponding RNAi
  1334. Fhl1 as a downstream target of Wnt signaling to promote Myogenesis of C2C12 cells
  1335. CARP, a myostatin-downregulated gene in CFM cells, is a novel essential positive regulator of Myogenesis
  1336. Gene expression profiling highlights defective Myogenesis in DMD patients and a possible role for bone morphogenetic protein 4
  1337. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression by skeletal muscle cells augments Myogenesis
  1338. Core issues in craniofacial Myogenesis
  1339. The switch role of the Tmod4 in the regulation of balanced development between Myogenesis and adipogenesis
  1340. Promoter polymorphisms in genes involved in porcine Myogenesis influence their transcriptional activity
  1341. Changing the incubation temperature during embryonic Myogenesis influences the weight performance and meat quality of male and female broilers
  1342. Smarcd3 regulates the timing of zebrafish Myogenesis onset
  1343. Vestigial-like 2 acts downstream of MyoD activation and is associated with skeletal muscle differentiation in chick Myogenesis
  1344. Developmental dynamics of Myogenesis in the shipworm Lyrodus pedicellatus (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
  1345. Myostatin down‐regulates the IGF‐2 expression via ALK‐Smad signaling during Myogenesis in cattle
  1346. Inducing stem cell Myogenesis using nanoscript
  1347. Muscle stem cells and regenerative Myogenesis
  1348. Myogenesis of Malacostraca–the “egg-nauplius” concept revisited
  1349. Early incorporation of obscurin into nascent sarcomeres: implication for myofibril assembly during cardiac Myogenesis
  1350. An evolutionarily acquired genotoxic response discriminates MyoD from Myf5, and differentially regulates hypaxial and epaxial Myogenesis
  1351. Next-generation sequencing analysis of miRNA expression in control and FSHD Myogenesis
  1352. Synthesis of mitochondrial DNA precursors during Myogenesis, an analysis in purified C2C12 myotubes
  1353. Cell adhesion in zebrafish Myogenesis: distribution of intermediate filaments, microfilaments, intracellular adhesion structures and extracellular matrix
  1354. A dominant negative form of Rac1 affects Myogenesis of adult thoracic muscles in Drosophila
  1355. Mef2d acts upstream of muscle identity genes and couples lateral Myogenesis to dermomyotome formation in Xenopus laevis
  1356. Expression and association of TRPC1 with TRPC3 during skeletal Myogenesis
  1357. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system is recruited to detergent‐resistant lipid rafts during Myogenesis
  1358. Myostatin and NF‐κB Regulate Skeletal Myogenesis Through Distinct Signaling Pathways
  1359. Founder cells regulate fiber number but not fiber formation during adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  1360. Histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A enhances Myogenesis by coordinating muscle regulatory factors and myogenic repressors
  1361. Regulation of murine cytochrome c oxidase Vb gene expression during Myogenesis: YY-1 and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like protein …
  1362. Paraxial T-box genes, Tbx6 and Tbx1, are required for cranial chondrogenesis and Myogenesis
  1363. Temporal expression of transforming growth factor-β2 and myostatin mRNA during embryonic Myogenesis in Indian broilers
  1364. Adult Myogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Can Proceed Independently of Myocyte Enhancer Factor-2
  1365. Myostatin genetic inactivation inhibits Myogenesis by muscle-derived stem cells in vitro but not when implanted in the mdx mouse muscle
  1366. From complex to simple: Myogenesis in an aplacophoran mollusk reveals key traits in aculiferan evolution
  1367. Spatial and temporal expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α during Myogenesis in vivo and in vitro
  1368. A synthetic glycosaminoglycan mimetic (RGTA) modifies natural glycosaminoglycan species during Myogenesis
  1369. Early transcriptional targets of MyoD link Myogenesis and somitogenesis
  1370. Specific pattern of cell cycle during limb fetal Myogenesis
  1371. Myostatin is a procachectic growth factor during postnatal Myogenesis
  1372. Comparative larval Myogenesis and adult myoanatomy of the rhynchonelliform (articulate) brachiopods Argyrotheca cordata, A. cistellula, and Terebratalia …
  1373. MEKK1 signaling through p38 leads to transcriptional inactivation of E47 and repression of skeletal Myogenesis
  1374. In vitro evaluation of osteogenesis and Myogenesis from adipose-derived stem cells in a pore size gradient scaffold
  1375. Epigenetic silencing of myogenic gene program by Myb‐binding protein 1a suppresses Myogenesis
  1376. Reconstructing the regulatory kinase pathways of Myogenesis from phosphopeptide data
  1377. Maternal L-arginine supplementation during early gestation affects foetal skeletal Myogenesis in pigs
  1378. Stem cell therapy in the aging hearts of Fisher 344 rats: synergistic effects on Myogenesis and angiogenesis
  1379. Ectopic expression of a polyalanine expansion mutant of poly (A)-binding protein N1 in muscle cells in culture inhibits Myogenesis
  1380. Persistence of regenerative Myogenesis in spite of down-regulation of activity-dependent genes in long-term denervated rat muscle
  1381. Effects of dimethyl sulphoxide and dexamethasone on mRNA expression of Myogenesis-and muscle proteolytic system-related genes in mouse myoblastic C2C12 …
  1382. Impact of periconceptional and preimplantation undernutrition on factors regulating Myogenesis and protein synthesis in muscle of singleton and twin fetal sheep
  1383. Membrane-bound delta-like 1 homolog (Dlk1) promotes while soluble Dlk1 inhibits Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  1384. Myogenesis in the genomics era
  1385. Daughterless dictates Twist activity in a context-dependent manner during somatic Myogenesis
  1386. EPO‐receptor is present in mouse C2C12 and human primary skeletal muscle cells but EPO does not influence Myogenesis
  1387. Universal scaling rules predict evolutionary patterns of Myogenesis in species with indeterminate growth
  1388. Noncanonical roles for Tropomyosin during Myogenesis
  1389. SHP-2 regulates Myogenesis by coupling to FAK signaling pathway
  1390. Discovery of a mammalian splice variant of myostatin that stimulates Myogenesis
  1391. Kelch repeat and BTB domain containing protein 5 (Kbtbd5) regulates skeletal muscle Myogenesis through the E2F1-DP1 complex
  1392. Heat-shock protein beta 1 regulates androgen-mediated bovine Myogenesis
  1393. The path from pluripotency to skeletal muscle: developmental Myogenesis guides the way
  1394. Overexpression of MyoD-inducible lysosomal sialidase (neu1) inhibits Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  1395. Klhl31 is associated with skeletal Myogenesis and its expression is regulated by myogenic signals and Myf-5
  1396. Regulation of trunk Myogenesis by the neural crest: a new facet of neural crest-somite interactions
  1397. HSF expression in skeletal muscle during Myogenesis: implications for failed regeneration in old mice
  1398. Role of lbx2 in the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway for convergence and extension movements and hypaxial Myogenesis in zebrafish
  1399. Bimodal, reciprocal regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 promoter activity by BTEB1/KLF9 during Myogenesis
  1400. Traf7, a MyoD1 transcriptional target, regulates nuclear factor‐κB activity during Myogenesis
  1401. Growth factor and cytokine interactions in Myogenesis Part II Expression of IGF binding proteins and protein kinases essential for Myogenesis in mouse C2C12 …
  1402. Suppression of protein kinase C theta contributes to enhanced Myogenesis in vitro via IRS1 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation
  1403. A defective Krab-domain zinc-finger transcription factor contributes to altered Myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type 1
  1404. … protein and MyoD function together to effect the repression of Fra-1 and in turn cyclin D1 during terminal cell cycle arrest associated with Myogenesis
  1405. Mechanisms of action of hESC-secreted proteins that enhance human and mouse Myogenesis
  1406. Ectodermal Wnt signaling regulates abdominal Myogenesis during ventral body wall development
  1407. Cytoskeleton and adhesion in Myogenesis
  1408. Myogenesis in Aplysia californica (Cooper, 1863) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) with special focus on muscular remodeling during metamorphosis
  1409. Differentially expressed proteins associated with Myogenesis and adipogenesis in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue between bulls and steers
  1410. Effect of a neonatal low-protein diet on the morphology of myotubes in culture and the expression of key proteins that regulate Myogenesis in young and adult rats
  1411. Fine-tuning the onset of Myogenesis by homeobox proteins that interact with the Myf5 limb enhancer
  1412. TAp63gamma is required for the late stages of Myogenesis
  1413. In vitro Myogenesis induced by human recombinant elastin-like proteins
  1414. The transcriptional repressor ZBP-89 and the lack of Sp1/Sp3, c-Jun and Stat3 are important for the down-regulation of the vimentin gene during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1415. Inhibition of Myogenesis in transgenic mice expressing the human DMPK 3′-UTR
  1416. Interleukin-1beta stimulates early Myogenesis of mouse C2C12 myoblasts: the impact on myogenic regulatory factors, extracellular matrix components, IGF binding …
  1417. A novel role of PRR14 in the regulation of skeletal Myogenesis
  1418. α7 integrin expression is negatively regulated by δEF1 during skeletal Myogenesis
  1419. Klhl31 attenuates β-catenin dependent Wnt signaling and regulates embryo Myogenesis
  1420. G-CSF does not influence C2C12 Myogenesis despite receptor expression in healthy and dystrophic skeletal muscle
  1421. A modeling insight into adipose-derived stem cell Myogenesis
  1422. Prdm1 (Blimp-1) and the expression of fast and slow myosin heavy chain isoforms during avian Myogenesis in vitro
  1423. Angiogenesis and Myogenesis in mouse tibialis anterior muscles during distraction osteogenesis: VEGF, its receptors, and myogenin genes expression
  1424. MicroRNA-494 plays a role in fiber type-specific skeletal Myogenesis in human induced pluripotent stem cells
  1425. Secretome analysis of skeletal Myogenesis using SILAC and shotgun proteomics
  1426. Connexin39 deficient mice display accelerated Myogenesis and regeneration of skeletal muscle
  1427. Skeletal muscle Myogenesis is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
  1428. Differential roles of HIC-5 isoforms in the regulation of cell death and myotube formation during Myogenesis
  1429. Flt3L is a novel regulator of skeletal Myogenesis
  1430. Expression of caspase family and muscle-and apoptosis-specific genes during skeletal Myogenesis in mouse embryo
  1431. The biological function of insulin-like growth factor-I in Myogenesis and its therapeutic effect on muscular dystrophy.
  1432. The ins and outs of satellite cell Myogenesis: the role of the ruling growth factors
  1433. Identification of histamine receptor subtypes in skeletal Myogenesis
  1434. First neuromuscular contact correlates with onset of primary Myogenesis in rat and mouse limb muscles
  1435. Cellular differentiation in primary cell cultures from single zebrafish embryos as a model for the study of Myogenesis
  1436. Myogenesis in two polyclad platyhelminths with indirect development, Pseudoceros canadensis and Stylostomum sanjuania
  1437. Regulation of the mouse CTP: phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase gene Pcyt2 during Myogenesis
  1438. Effects of syndecan-1 and glypican on muscle cell proliferation and differentiation: implications for possible functions during Myogenesis
  1439. Cascade effect of cardiac Myogenesis gene expression during cardiac looping in tbx5 knockdown zebrafish embryos
  1440. Increased mitochondrial gene expression during L6 cell Myogenesis is accelerated by insulin
  1441. Cremaster muscle Myogenesis in the tip of the rat gubernaculum supports active gubernacular elongation during inguinoscrotal testicular descent
  1442. Elements of comparative morphological and statistical analysis of Myogenesis carp fish (Cyprinus carpio L., Ctenopharyngodon idella Val., Hypophthalmichthys …
  1443. Leptin impairs Myogenesis in C2C12 cells through JAK/STAT and MEK signaling pathways
  1444. Identification of a second follistatin gene in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) and its regulatory function in Myogenesis during embryogenesis
  1445. Transcriptional regulation of important cellular processes in skeletal Myogenesis through interferon-γ
  1446. Evolution of Myogenesis in fish: a sturgeon view of the mechanisms of muscle development
  1447. The plasminogen activation system modulates differently adipogenesis and Myogenesis of embryonic stem cells
  1448. Human VEGF 165-myoblasts produce concomitant angiogenesis/Myogenesis in the regenerative heart
  1449. MyoD, modularity, and Myogenesis: conservation of regulators and redundancy in C. elegans
  1450. TIPS to manipulate Myogenesis: retention of myoblast differentiation capacity using microsphere culture
  1451. Functional studies of the Ciona intestinalis myogenic regulatory factor reveal conserved features of chordate Myogenesis
  1452. Expression pattern and role of Galectin1 during early mouse Myogenesis
  1453. pMesogenin1 and 2 function directly downstream of Xtbx6 in Xenopus somitogenesis and Myogenesis
  1454. Creatine kinase B is necessary to limit myoblast fusion during Myogenesis
  1455. Integrative analysis of polychaete ontogeny: cell proliferation patterns and Myogenesis in trochophore larvae of Sabellaria alveolata
  1456. (13) Influence of the 5′ intron in the control of acetylcholinesterase gene expression during Myogenesis
  1457. Myogenesis in the mouse
  1458. Skeletal and cardiac Myogenesis accompany adipogenesis in P19 embryonal stem cells
  1459. Mice lacking MKP-1 and MKP-5 reveal hierarchical regulation of regenerative Myogenesis
  1460. Transgenic mice expressing PAX3-FKHR have multiple defects in muscle development, including ectopic skeletal Myogenesis in the developing neural tube
  1461. Transcriptional profiling identifies location-specific and breed-specific differentially expressed genes in embryonic Myogenesis in Anas platyrhynchos
  1462. FGF8 regulates Myogenesis and induces Runx2 expression and osteoblast differentiation in cultured cells
  1463. Effect of Root of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidzumi on Myogenesis in C2C12 Cells
  1464. Myogenesis and molecules— insights from zebrafish Danio rerio
  1465. Investigating electrical field-affected skeletal Myogenesis using a microfabricated electrode array
  1466. Multistage adipose-derived stem cell Myogenesis: an experimental and modeling study
  1467. Role of Wnt-6 in limb Myogenesis
  1468. Dmrt2 and Pax3 double-knockout mice show severe defects in embryonic Myogenesis
  1469. Expression of myositis specific autoantigens during post-natal Myogenesis
  1470. Larval Myogenesis in Echinodermata: conserved features and morphological diversity between class‐specific larval forms of Echinoidae, Asteroidea, and …
  1471. Striated Myogenesis and peristalsis in the fetal murine esophagus occur without cell migration or interstitial cells of Cajal
  1472. Inferring muscular ground patterns in Bivalvia: Myogenesis in the scallop Nodipecten nodosus
  1473. Response: contributions of the Myf5-independent lineage to Myogenesis
  1474. Reptilian myotomal Myogenesis—lessons from the sand lizard Lacerta agilis L.(Reptilia, Lacertidae)
  1475. Novel role for prepatterned nicotinic acetylcholine receptors during Myogenesis
  1476. Genetic manipulations reveal dynamic cell and gene functions: Cre-ating a new view of Myogenesis
  1477. Changes in proteolytic enzymes mRNAs and proteins relevant for meat quality during Myogenesis and hypoxia of primary bovine satellite cells
  1478. Myogenesis defect due to Toca-1 knockdown can be suppressed by expression of N-WASP
  1479. DNA demethylation enhances myoblasts hypertrophy during the late phase of Myogenesis activating the IGF-I pathway
  1480. Regulation of the promoter of CUG triplet repeat binding protein, Cugbp1, during Myogenesis
  1481. Interactions of proliferation and differentiation signaling pathways in Myogenesis
  1482. Gene networks during skeletal Myogenesis
  1483. Developing laryngeal muscle of Xenopus laevis as a model system: Androgen‐driven Myogenesis controls fiber type transformation
  1484. Differential regulation of Navβ subunits during Myogenesis
  1485. Highlights of glycosylation and adhesion related genes involved in Myogenesis
  1486. Distinct posttranscriptional mechanisms regulate the activity of the Zn finger transcription factor lame duck during Drosophila Myogenesis
  1487. Myotomal Myogenesis of axial muscle in the sturgeon Acipenser baeri (Chondrostei, Acipenseriformes)
  1488. Myogenesis in hemopoietic tissue mesenchymal stem cell culture
  1489. Lipid accumulation mediated by adiponectin in C2C12 Myogenesis
  1490. Upregulation of HARP during in vitro Myogenesis and rat soleus muscle regeneration
  1491. Differential muscle regulatory factor gene expression between larval and adult Myogenesis in the frog Xenopus laevis: adult myogenic cell-specific myf5 upregulation …
  1492. Myogenin (Myf4) upregulation in trans-differentiating fibroblasts from a congenital myopathy with arrest of Myogenesis and defects of myotube formation
  1493. Elevated expression of NF‐κB and Bcl‐2 proteins in C2C12 myocytes during Myogenesis is affected by PD98059; LY294002 and SB203580
  1494. A conserved regulatory element located far downstream of the gls locus modulates gls expression through chromatin loop formation during Myogenesis
  1495. Genetic evidence for pax‐3 function in Myogenesis in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus
  1496. Delivery of biologics for angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1497. Histopathological effects induced by paraquat during Xenopus laevis primary Myogenesis
  1498. Analysis of TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-positive cells associated with cardiac Myogenesis in mouse embryo
  1499. Satellite cell heterogeneity revealed by G-Tool, an open algorithm to quantify Myogenesis through colony-forming assays
  1500. Disciplining the stem cell into Myogenesis
  1501. Myogenesis in the thoracic limbs of the American lobster
  1502. Rapamycin represses myotube hypertrophy and preserves viability of C2C12 cells during Myogenesis in vitro
  1503. Relative impact of form-induced stress vs. uniaxial alignment on multipotent stem cell Myogenesis
  1504. Role and function of wnts in the regulation of Myogenesis: when wnt meets myostatin
  1505. Discrete levels of Twist activity are required to direct distinct cell functions during gastrulation and somatic Myogenesis
  1506. Effects of sow nutrition on maternal and foetal serum growth factors and on foetal Myogenesis
  1507. … pattern during chicken development suggest unexpected roles for these repulsive guidance molecules in notochord formation, somitogenesis, and Myogenesis
  1508. Myogenesis: Introduction
  1509. A necrotic stimulus is required to maximize matrix-mediated Myogenesis in mice
  1510. Myogenesis in small and large ovine fetuses at three stages of pregnancy
  1511. Myogenesis is delayed in bovine fetal clones
  1512. Interplay between two Myogenesis-related proteins: TBP-interacting protein 120B and MyoD
  1513. Recombinant adenoviral microRNA-206 induces Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  1514. Serine–arginine-rich nuclear protein Luc7l regulates Myogenesis in mice
  1515. Identification and characterization of novel Kirrel isoform during Myogenesis
  1516. MUNC: a lncRNA that induces the expression of pro-myogenic genes in skeletal Myogenesis
  1517. Skeletal Myogenesis by human primordial germ cell-derived progenitors
  1518. Skeletal muscle-from Myogenesis to clinical relations
  1519. Factors involved in signal transduction during vertebrate Myogenesis
  1520. Adult-type Myogenesis of the frog Xenopus laevis specifically suppressed by notochord cells but promoted by spinal cord cells in vitro
  1521. Localization of Magic-F1 transgene, involved in muscular hypertrophy, during early Myogenesis
  1522. How is Myogenesis initiated in chordates?
  1523. MyoD is a novel activator of porcine FIT1 gene by interacting with the canonical E-box element during Myogenesis
  1524. Porcine urinary bladder extracellular matrix activates skeletal Myogenesis in mouse muscle cryoinjury
  1525. Congenital myopathy with arrest of Myogenesis prior to formation of myotubes
  1526. Myogenesis–the early years
  1527. The cornucopia of “pleiotropic” actions of statins: Myogenesis as a new mechanism for statin-induced benefits?
  1528. Targeting angiogenesis versus Myogenesis with cardiac cell therapy
  1529. The 31-kDa caspase-generated cleavage product of p130Cas antagonizes the action of MyoD during Myogenesis
  1530. Regulation of desmin expression in adult-type Myogenesis and muscle maturation during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis
  1531. Effects of maternal hyperthermia on Myogenesis‐related factors in developing upper limb
  1532. CMF1–Rb interaction promotes Myogenesis in avian skeletal myoblasts
  1533. … promoter activity of proline-rich membrane anchor (PRiMA) of globular form acetylcholinesterase in muscle: suppressive roles of Myogenesis and innervating nerve
  1534. Specific role of nitric oxide (NO) in avian embryonic Myogenesis
  1535. Description of in vivo bovine Myogenesis using proteomic approach gives new insights for muscle development
  1536. Onto-phylogenetic aspect of myotomal Myogenesis in Chordata.
  1537. Pathway analysis: combining microarray data and physiological data to study Myogenesis
  1538. Using a 3D virtual muscle model to link gene expression changes during Myogenesis to protein spatial location in muscle
  1539. Evolutional principles of homology in regulatory genes of Myogenesis
  1540. Adipose induces myoblast differentiation and mediates TNFα-regulated Myogenesis
  1541. Abnormal expression of seven Myogenesis-related genes in extraocular muscles of patients with concomitant strabismus
  1542. Prmt5 differentiates developmental vs regenerative Myogenesis
  1543. Multiple Signaling Pathways Control Tbx6 Expression during Xenopus Myogenesis
  1544. Dissect Kif5b in nuclear positioning during Myogenesis: the light chain binding domain and the autoinhibitory peptide are both indispensable
  1545. HMGN1 is dispensable for Myogenesis and adipogenesis
  1546. Changes in expression of proteolytic-related genes in chick myoblasts during Myogenesis
  1547. The Role of Na+/K+-ATPase during Chick Skeletal Myogenesis
  1548. The expresstional profiles of MSTN and p21 during Embryonic Myogenesis in chicken, quail and hybrids of chicken-quail [J]
  1549. Onto-phylogenetic aspect of myotomal Myogenesis in Chordata
  1550. Evolutional principles of homology in regulatory genes of Myogenesis
  1551. Comparative properties of Myogenesis in invertebrates and in lower and higher vertebrates
  1552. Switch NFix developmental Myogenesis
  1553. Linking embryonic Myogenesis to meat quantity and quality.
  1554. Permanent myopathy caused by mutation of SCN4A Metl592Val: Observation on Myogenesis in vitro and on effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on the muscle
  1555. Wnt and β-catenin signaling and skeletal muscle Myogenesis in response to muscle damage and resistance exercise and training
  1556. Sprouty2 mediated tuning of signalling is essential for somite Myogenesis
  1557. Galactosylceramide expression factor-1 induces Myogenesis in MDCK and C3H10T1/2 cells
  1558. Molecular mechanisms governing early Myogenesis of mouse tongue
  1559. Differential expression levels of genes related to Myogenesis during embryogenesis of quail and chicken
  1560. Comparative properties of Myogenesis in invertebrates and in lower and higher vertebrates
  1561. Wnt3a and Wnt1 enhance Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts–potential mechanisms of osteocyte to muscle cell signaling
  1562. Developmental role for myostatin in regulating Myogenesis
  1563. Functional analysis of Dusp27, a novel target gene of the JAK1/STAT1 pathway, in Myogenesis
  1564. N‐cadherin and M‐cadherin are sequentially expressed in myoblast populations contributing to the first and second waves of Myogenesis in the trout (Oncorhynchus …
  1565. Temporal changes in glycogenolytic enzyme mRNAs during Myogenesis of primary porcine satellite cells
  1566. An experimental study of the role of myosin light chain in Myogenesis in vitro
  1567. The characterisation and role of mighty during Myogenesis
  1568. Cardiac stem cell activation and ensuing Myogenesis and angiogenesis contribute to cardiac adaptation following intensity-controlled exercise training
  1569. Gli2 and Gli3 are over-expressed in the ischemic tissue and participate in ischemia-induced angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1570. Spontaneous Myogenesis in the primary culture of fetal rat liver
  1571. Stem cell differentiation enhancer: KO-202516 enhances osteoblastogenesis, Myogenesis, adipogenesis and osteoclastogenesis
  1572. Transplantation of autologous adipose derived stem cells induces Myogenesis and neovascularization
  1573. Eya1 and Eya2 gene expression is down-regulated during somitic Myogenesis in the cadmium-induced omphalocele chick model
  1574. Spontaneous and induced Myogenesis in cell cultures from rat fetal liver
  1575. Effect of Inflammatory Factors on the Ossification and Myogenesis Related Gene Expressions in C_2C_ (12) and MC-3T3-E1 Cells [J]
  1576. The variant glucose‐6‐phosphate transporter decreases protein stability and requires MyoD‐dependent alternative splicing during Myogenesis of muscle cells
  1577. β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate (HMB) Improves Myogenesis and Maintains Strength in Male Mice during a 6‐Week Catabolic Condition
  1578. IKK/NF-κB regulates skeletal Myogenesis via a signaling switch to inhibit differentiation and promote mitochondrial biogenesis
  1579. Skeletal Myogenesis in vitro
  1580. The role of CDK9 in Myogenesis
  1581. Redox or death: checking on fetal Myogenesis
  1582. Construction of MyoD1 Expressed Goat Embryonic Fibroblast Line and the Myogenesis of This Cell [J]
  1583. AMP‐activated protein kinase enhances myogenin expression and Myogenesis
  1584. IGFBP-4-Mediated Wnt Inhibition is Required for Cardiac Myogenesis
  1585. Simulated microgravity does not alter Myogenesis gene expression in C2C12 cells
  1586. Epigenetic regulation of indeterminate Myogenesis: Characterization of histone modifications during the myogenic program in rainbow trout,[i] Oncorhynchus mykiss [/i …
  1587. Identification of a New Hybrid SRF and MEF2-binding element in MyoD enhancer required for MyoD expression during Myogenesis
  1588. Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of the cytoskeletal linker proteins Talin-1 and Talin-2 and their role in cell adhesion during Myogenesis
  1589. Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatases in Regenerative Myogenesis and Muscular Dystrophy
  1590. Myogenesis and hormonal control of muscle growth
  1591. Genome-wide profiling of YY1 binding sites during skeletal Myogenesis
  1592. Cellular regulators of myoblast migration and Myogenesis
  1593. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulates myogenin expression at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional level during Myogenesis
  1594. Pge2 accelerates Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts
  1595. Wnt3a potentiates Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts through the modulation of intracellular calcium and activation of the β‐catenin signaling pathway (1102.23)
  1596. Characterization of microRNA Function During Skeletal Myogenesis
  1597. … of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying stage-and breed-specific differences in the transcription of SPP1 gene during porcine Myogenesis
  1598. # 11 Insulin-like growth factor-I promotes Myogenesis via both mTOR-dependent and-independent pathways
  1599. New function for an old inhibitor: IL-10 ameliorates suppression of Myogenesis caused by proinflammatory cytokines
  1600. Cell cycle regulation in Myogenesis
  1601. … for Sarcopenia. Molecular mechanism of sarcopenia: The role of skeletal muscle niche component SPARC in the regulation of Myogenesis and adipogenesis and its …
  1602. Seb4–an RNA-binding protein as a novel regulator of Myogenesis during early development in Xenopus laevis
  1603. Zac1, a zinc finger transcription factor, is a direct Pax7 target gene in post-natal Myogenesis
  1604. 5 Regulation of Myogenesis via kinase driven activation of DPF3a, a BAF complex member and its interaction with transcription repressor HEY1.
  1605. Protein Kinase Cζ Regulates Cdk5/p25 Signaling during Myogenesis
  1606. The role of innervation during mouse embryonic Myogenesis: what molecular genetics tells
  1607. Induced early expression of mrf4 but not myogenin rescues Myogenesis in the myod/myf5 double morphant zebrafish embryo
  1609. Tristetraprolin Regulation of MyoD mRNA Stablity Commits Quiescent Adult Muscle Stem Cells to Myogenesis
  1610. Drosophila Myogenesis as a model for studying cis-regulatory networks: Identifying novel players and dissecting the role of transcriptional repression
  1611. Function of AMP-activated Protein Kinase in Myogenesis
  1612. TIMP3 regulates p38 MAPK‐dependent Myogenesis via TACE
  1613. Local and Regional Vascular Delivery Strategies for Therapeutic Angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1614. Hepatocyte growth factor regulates Myogenesis of mouse and human skeletal myoblasts.
  1615. NRG induces membrane targeting of Gαz in muscle: implication in Myogenesis
  1616. Roles of growth factors in tongue Myogenesis
  1617. Low-Dose of Acrolein, a Cigarette Smoke Constituent, Impairs Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis and Glucose Metabolism
  1618. The functional role of A-type lamin interacting transcription factor (LITF) during skeletal Myogenesis
  1619. Domain specific over-expression of a peptide encoded by an I-band domain of the human TTN gene; the role of titin exons 248–250 in C2C12 Myogenesis
  1620. Molecular regulation of regenerative Myogenesis
  1621. Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1622. DNA methylation regulates the transcriptional activity of acetylcholinesterase gene during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1624. Mitogen activated protein kinase expression in murine C2C12 Myogenesis in vitro
  1625. P2. 6 Muscle fibre atrophy and Myogenesis co-exist in collagen VI deficient muscle
  1626. The role of myostatin during postnatal Myogenesis and sarcopenia
  1627. Manipulation of Environmental Oxygen Modifies Reactive Oxygen Species Generation during Myogenesis
  1628. The ubiquitin E3 ligase Human Homolog of Drosophila Ariadne-1 (HHARI) is a structural and functional homolog of Parkin and is required for Myogenesis
  1629. Expressions of histamine receptors in pediatric mid-urethral striated muscles and mouse striated Myogenesis
  1630. C/EBPα and C/EBPβ Have Unique Functions during Early Myogenesis
  1631. Divergent Myogenesis in extraocular and hindlimb muscle cell lines
  1632. Roles of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) during Myogenesis
  1633. Myogenesis: making contact and giving the right signals
  1634. The molecular mechanisms regulating chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in the developing limb.
  1635. Does Manipulation of Environmental Oxygen Modify Reactive Oxygen (ROS) Species Generation During Myogenesis?
  1636. Fgf negative regulators control early chick somite Myogenesis
  1637. ICAM‐1 expression by skeletal muscle cells augments stages of Myogenesis
  1638. Differential roles of HIC-5 isoforms in the regulation of cell death and myotube formation during Myogenesis
  1639. ICAM‐1: a novel mechanism by which the inflammatory response augments Myogenesis (1102.10)
  1640. The Role of a Zinc Finger Protein ZNF382 in Myogenesis
  1641. Evolution of mesoderm specification and Myogenesis in the sea urchin embryo
  1642. Comparison of Myogenesis in human Extraocular muscle and limb muscle in vitro
  1643. Reply to Chimenti: c-kit cardiovascular progenitors and post-infarct Myogenesis
  1644. Real Time Analyses of Myogenesis in Behaving Myoblasts
  1645. The role of Maged1 in skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1646. Investigation of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of Myogenesis
  1647. Investigation of Pax7 and its transcripts in the regulation of foetal and adult mouse Myogenesis: A natural history
  1648. Using targeted proteomics to examine desmin regulation during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1649. Retinoic acid activates zebrafish Myogenesis through Fgf8 signaling pathway
  1650. Regulation of epaxial Myogenesis and Myf5 expression by Shh signaling, Gli activation, and BMP antagonism
  1651. Generation of skeletal muscle cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells as a model for investigation of SNAI1 role in Myogenesis in vitro
  1652. The role of Sonic Hedgehog signalling in satellite cell-mediated Myogenesis
  1653. Involvement of Disabled‐2 in early Myogenesis
  1654. The Relationship of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Tissue between Bull and Steer to Myogenesis and Adipogenesis
  1655. Myogenesis: POSTER PRESENTATIONS
  1656. P5. 77 Sarcomeric gene and protein expression during human Myogenesis in vitro
  1657. Effects of Imidacloprid on Myogenesis in C2C12 Myoblasts
  1658. Expression of TGFbeta family members during Myogenesis resumption in rainbow trout
  1659. PPB is a Novel Serine/Threonine Phosphatase of Akt and is Involved in Myogenesis
  1660. TP 41 The role of the transcriptional factor Pax3 on Myogenesis and the effect on the expression of myogenic regulatory factors
  1661. The cell-surface receptor CDO is required for efficient embryonic Myogenesis and facial midline development.
  1662. In Vitro Differentiation of Muscle Side Population Cells from Dystrophic Muscle Reveals Absence of Myogenesis and Implications for Hedgehog Signaling
  1663. Proteome profiling of C2C12 Myogenesis
  1664. Teneurin‐4 is a novel suppressor of Myogenesis (LB235)
  1665. Construction and Analysis of Subtractive cDNA Library of Muscular Tissue in Hybrid of Chicken-Quail Related to Myogenesis
  1666. Eph and ephrin Expression during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1667. Functional Role of Sortilin in Myogenesis and the Development of Insulin-Responsive Glucose Transport System in C2C12 Myocytes.
  1668. Ubiquitin E3 ligase TRIM72 degrades IRS-1 during skeletal Myogenesis
  1669. ASC Myogenesis Within A 3D Fibrin-Nanofiber Construct
  1670. Calcium/Calmodulin Regulation of Myogenesis Through Differential Inhibition of Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors
  1671. Hex is Essential for Cardiac Myogenesis in Differentiating Embryonic Stem Cells
  1672. Interferon gamma modulates Myogenesis through the MHC class II transactivator, CIITA
  1673. Control of Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis by Epigenetic Regulations.
  1674. Effects of transforming growth factor β on β1 integrin expression and localization during Myogenesis in chicken
  1675. Molecular mechanisms underlying appendicular Myogenesis in Drosophila melanogasaster
  1676. Comparative larval Myogenesis and adult myoanatomy of the rhynchonelliform (articulate) brachiopods Argyrotheca cordata, A. cistellula, and Terebratalia transversa
  1677. Effects of hypoxia on Myogenesis and muscular differentiation
  1678. Roles of AML1 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and in Myogenesis
  1679. The p47 Phox mediated redox-signal promotes Myogenesis via p38 MAPK regulated microRNA-206
  1680. Integrin β1D regulates skeletal Myogenesis and mechanotransduction.
  1681. Effects of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) on Myogenesis in C2C12 cells (1142.14)
  1682. Skeletal muscle Myogenesis is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, GRK2
  1683. Regulated Alternative Splicing During Myogenesis
  1684. GW26-e2369 Nicotine Exposure Causes GATA4 and Tbx5 Gene Repression by DNA Hypermethylation during Cardiac Myogenesis
  1685. Myogenesis of myoblast C2C12 is regulated through O-GlcNAc modification on transcription factor for myogenin
  1686. Characterization of Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts using Flow Cytometry
  1687. Identification of a Role for the Tyrosine Kinase JAK2 in Both Skeletal Muscle Mitogenesis and Myogenesis
  1688. Post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms involved in physiological and pathological skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1689. The involvement of heterotrimeric G proteins in the formation of neuromuscular junction and Myogenesis
  1690. Development of an in vitro Myogenesis assay
  1691. MEKK1 signaling negatively regulates skeletal Myogenesis through repression of E47: In vitro and in vivo analysis
  1692. RNA Regulation in Myogenesis
  1693. Role of H2 Calponin in Myoblast Differentiation, Fusion and Myogenesis
  1694. Mitochondria‐Targeted Catalase Does Not Enhance Myogenesis following Cardiotoxin Muscle Injury and Radiation Exposure
  1695. Investigating the roles of nautilus and myoblast city: Two genes involved in Drosophila Myogenesis.
  1696. Functional annotation clustering of genes in mouse tongue Myogenesis
  1697. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of maxilla–A clinical rarity lending glimpses into embryonal Myogenesis
  1698. Program/Abstract# 311 Role of Wnt4 in chick Myogenesis
  1699. Doubly Null Mutant of Dmrt2 and Pax3 Shows Myogenesis Defects During Mammalian Development
  1700. Exploring a Role for PLD3 during in vitro Myogenesis
  1701. Larval Myogenesis in the Articulate Brachiopod Argyrotheca cordata (Risso, 1826)
  1702. Enhanced Myogenesis in Adult Muscle by Transgenic Expression of Myostatin Propeptide
  1703. HMGA2-IGF2BP2 Axis Regulates Muscle Stem Cell Activation and Myogenesis
  1704. The Functional Swtich in Potassium Channels in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Impairs Proliferation, Migration and Fusion During Myogenesis
  1705. SHP-2 Positively Regulates Myogenesis by
  1706. Differentiation-dependent telomeric long non-coding transcription in a model of skeletal Myogenesis
  1707. P3. 37 Myogenesis in skeletal muscles with slowly progressive denervation in a rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  1708. Absence of Dystrophin Does Not Affect Myogenesis
  1709. Functional Analysis of Linc-GM and YY1 in Skeletal Myogenesis
  1710. Impaired Myogenesis in the quadriceps muscle of cachectic COPD patients
  1711. Abstract P113: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase-Like A Is a Unique Regulator for Myogenesis
  1712. Abstract PR02: Negative regulation of Myogenesis by Mtor: A pathway toward differentiation therapy in rhabdomyosarcoma
  1713. Developmental expressional profiles of IGF-1 during embryonic Myogenesis in two strains of hybrid of chicken-quail.
  1714. Mechanisms underlying Myogenesis: complex and likely to become more so!
  1715. Sumo-1 modification of oncoprotein SnoN controls Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  1716. TRIM72 trimerization is required for the fine negative regulation of Myogenesis
  1717. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Signaling during Myogenesis.
  1718. Control of skeletal muscle Myogenesis by epigenetic regulations.
  1719. The α7β1 integrin accelerates exercise-induced Myogenesis
  1720. GP 198: Selenoprotein N and oxidative stress are novel regulators of Myogenesis and muscle cell stemness
  1721. Serum response factor orchestrates cardiac Myogenesis: Advanced from embryonic models to ES cell rescue in a cofactor specific fashion
  1722. Supplemental Data Article NF-κB–YY1–miR-29 Regulatory Circuitry in Skeletal Myogenesis and Rhabdomyosarcoma
  1723. Examination of the Kirrel gene family during Myogenesis
  1724. Engineering Approaches for Studying Myogenesis
  1725. Interplay between heme oxygenase-1 and p38 kinase isoforms in orchestration of Myogenesis
  1726. Specific knockdown of m-calpain blocks Myogenesis with cDNA deduced from the corresponding RNAi
  1727. Skeletal muscle gene expression profiling during Myogenesis in Commercial and Piau pigs breeds.
  1728. Proteomic Analysis of Myogenesis: Defining The Cytoskeletome
  1729. Genome-wide identification of TF-miRNA regulatory networks in Myogenesis
  1730. Link between signalling pathways, cell cycle and mechanical forces during foetal Myogenesis
  1731. d-Asb11 is a novel regulator of embryonic and adult regenerative Myogenesis
  1732. Identification and quantification of the secretome during skeletal Myogenesis
  1733. Effect of intralitter size on 60 and 95 day fetal Myogenesis and development in the pig
  1734. Feasibility of the use of stillborn piglets in the study of Myogenesis and development of vital organs
  1735. The Ciona intestinalis MyoD homolog is essential for Myogenesis
  1736. A defective Krab-domain zinc-finger transcription factor contributes to altered Myogenesis in myotonic dystrophy type
  1737. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by the mTOR signaling network
  1738. DNA Methylation Dynamics during Myogenesis
  1739. Dynamic alterations of the mTOR-Raptor-4EBP1-eIF4E complex during Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts
  1740. Investigation Of Murine Esophageal Myogenesis
  1741. Myogenesis in gene corrected induced pluripotent stem cells
  1742. Effect of uniaxial cyclic strain on Myogenesis of adipose-derived stem cells
  1743. NF-Y splice variants differentially affect skeletal Myogenesis
  1744. Study of gene expression in fetal Myogenesis in Piau pigs and commercial line.
  1745. EM. P. 3.05 Expression of fibulins 1–5 during Myogenesis in vitro and in skeletal muscle regenerating in vivo, and in dystrophic mdx muscles
  1746. Significance of ER Ca2+ outflow during Myogenesis
  1747. Expression of hepatocyte growth factor is synchronized with expansion of Myogenesis in regenerating skeletal muscle
  1748. Identification of a role for Janus kinase2 (JAK2) in skeletal muscle mitogenesis, Myogenesis, and hypertrophy
  1749. Role of insulin in Myogenesis and mitochondrial respiration in relation to the ageing of skeletal muscles.
  1750. NETS coordinate genome organisation and gene expression changes in t-cells and during Myogenesis
  1751. Relaying the Signal During Myogenesis: Intracellular Mediators and Targets
  1752. Responses of Myogenesis and metabolism to temperature and growth factors in fish
  1753. Defining the role of APC and canonical WNT signaling in embryonic and adult Myogenesis
  1754. Endothelial Progenitor Cells Induce Angio-Myogenesis by PPAR-δ Activation through MMP-9-mediated IGF-1 Pathway.
  1755. A role for increased Fra-1 expression in cancer cachexia: Novel mechanisms of increased apoptosis and impaired Myogenesis
  1756. The role of vinculin in mechanosensitive Myogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells
  1757. Recombinant proteins and PCL biomaterial to burst Myogenesis in vitro
  1758. Unraveling Cytoskeletal Transduction During Myogenesis with EAP Bioactuator
  1759. The Role of microRNA in Myogenesis and Rhabdomyosarcoma
  1760. Effect of Gender-Specific Adult Bovine Serum on Gene Expression During Myogenesis
  1761. Evolution of vertebrate skeletal Myogenesis: Insights from the cyclostome lamprey
  1762. Exploring the impact of osteoporosis on Myogenesis
  1763. Effects of uterine crowding on organ development and Myogenesis at birth and its long term effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat …
  1764. Myogenesis of gill muscle tissue of the euryhaline fish Poecilia vivípara (Cyprinodontiformes, Poeciliidae) exposed to salinity.
  1765. Prdm1 (Blimp-1) and the Expression of Fast and Slow Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms during Avian Myogenesis
  1766. Understanding the role of the nucleosomal disassembly factor, FACT, in Myogenesis
  1767. The regulation of satellite cell function and Myogenesis by isoforms of C/EBPβ
  1768. The Functional Characterization of Wdr68 Regulation of Pax7 Activity in Myogenesis
  1769. Marking the tempo for Myogenesis: Pax7 and the regulation of muscle stem cell fate decisions
  1770. Sonic Hedgehog Supplementation Rapidly induces Myogenesis in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
  1771. The NFAT5 signaling pathway and skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1772. Muscle Wasting and Impaired Myogenesis in Tumor Bearing Mice Are Prevented
  1773. Molecular Mechanisms of NF-kB Regulation of Skeletal Myogenesis
  1774. Differential Regulation Of Navß Subunits During Myogenesis
  1775. Comparative Differential Expressions of Porcine Satellite Cell during Adipogenesis, Myogenesis, and Osteoblastogenesis
  1776. Aberrant expression of myogenin in inclusion body myositis: Immunohistochemical studies of transcription factors regulating Myogenesis in inflammatory myopathies
  1777. Molecular Regulation of Satellite Cell Maintenance and Differentiation during Adult Myogenesis
  1778. Angiogenesis and Myogenesis using human skeletal myoblasts for cardiac repair
  1779. Magic-F1 transgene cooperates with Pax 3 during early Myogenesis to induce muscular hypertrophy
  1780. Correction: Directed In Vitro Myogenesis of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Their In Vivo Engraftment
  1781. P5. 80 The increased expression of aquaporin-4 in Myoblast during Myogenesis
  1782. Screening with a novel cell-based assay for TAZ activators identifies a compound that enhances Myogenesis in C2C12 cells and facilitates muscle repair in a muscle …
  1783. GP 16.08 CTGF regulation during Myogenesis in vitro: Effect of CTGF on myogenic cells
  1784. The role of GSK-3 in Myogenesis and recovery of atrophied muscle
  1785. The Effect of Hyperammonemia on Myogenesis in Broiler Embryos.
  1788. Repair of Infarcted Myocardium by an Extract of Geum Japonicum with Dual Effects on Angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1789. Embryonic temperature and the genes regulating Myogenesis in teleosts
  1790. Molecular Mechanisms of Myogenesis in Stem Cells
  1791. … and C-terminus of parathyroid hormone–related protein decreases osteogenesis and chondrogenesis but increases adipogenesis and Myogenesis in murine bone …
  1792. Role of Potassium Channels in Myogenesis during Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
  1793. Muscle Stem Cells and Regenerative Myogenesis
  1794. Inflammatory monocytes recruited after skeletal muscle injury switch into anti-inflammatory macrophages to support Myogenesis Ludovic ARNOLD1, Adeline …
  1795. Genetic Interplay: tbx6, ripply1 & mesp-b Regulate Myogenesis
  1796. Molecular defects of MEF2 family proteins and NAC proteins that block Myogenesis and promote tumorigenesis in rhabdomyosarcoma
  1797. Broad transcript variability in the connexin gene family and microRNA-mediated translational regulation of Cx43 during Myogenesis
  1799. β1D integrin mediated mechanotransduction and Myogenesis in skeletal myocytes
  1800. Regulation of Myogenesis by Cardiotrophin-1 and TGFp signalling
  1801. Myogenesis Is Perturbed By Asynchronous Regeneration
  1802. IGF-independent acceleration of Myogenesis by IGFBP-5: modulation of cell survival and differentiation signalling pathways
  1803. Evolution of Myogenesis in fish: A sturgeon view of the mechanisms of muscle development
  1804. Investigating the Failure of Myogenesis in the Pediatric Tumor Rhabdomyosarcoma
  1805. The Role of MicroRNAs in Myogenesis
  1806. Myogenesis contributes to functional electrical stimulation (fes)‐induced recovery of myofiber excitability and mass of human long‐term denervated muscles in spinal …
  1807. Evaluation of an Enhanced (Sialyl Lewis-X) Collagen Matrix for Neovascularization and Myogenesis in a Mouse Model of Myocardial Infarction
  1808. The Role of the Retinoblastoma Protein Family in Skeletal Myogenesis
  1809. The Transcriptional Regulation of Premyogenic Mesoderm Factors During Skeletal Myogenesis
  1810. Investigation of Muscle Specific MicroRNAs in Limb Myogenesis
  1811. Cardiac stem cell activation and ensuing Myogenesis and angiogenesis contribute in cardiac adaptation to intensity-controlled exercise training
  1812. Splitting of muscle lamellae into muscle fibres during myotomal Myogenesis in plesiomorphic fish Acipenser baeri
  1813. Spontaneous and induced Myogenesis in cell culture from rat fetal liver
  1814. P99. Paraxial T-box genes, Tbx6 and Tbx1, are required for cranial chondrogenesis and Myogenesis
  1815. Regulation of Myogenesis and skeletal muscle size by the myostatin-Smad and mammalian Hippo signalling transduction pathways
  1816. Inductive effect of muscular traumatic fluid on the proliferation and Myogenesis of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
  1817. Development and Myogenesis of the vermiform Buddenbrockia (Myxozoa) and implications for cnidarian body plan evolution
  1818. downregulated in FSHD myotubes because of dampening of their normal Myogenesis-associated changes in expression
  1819. P81Endogenous cardiac stem cell (eCSC) activation, Myogenesis and angiogenesis contribute to cardiac remodelling following intensity-controlled exercise training
  1820. … Transcriptome Profiling of Fibro/adipogenic Progenitor Cells and Discovery of Essential Genes Potentially Favorable to either Myogenesis or Adipogenesis in …
  1821. Mitochondrial dysfunction enhances skeletal Myogenesis by SIRTl inactivation
  1822. Characterisation of the MRFs and role of FGF18 in vertebrate limb Myogenesis
  1823. The NLRR gene family and mouse development: Modified differential display PCR identifies NLRR-1 as a gene expressed in somitic Myogenesis.
  1825. R-spondin2 is a secreted activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and is required for Xenopus Myogenesis: Kazanskaya O, Glinka A, del BarcoBarrantes I, Stannek P …
  1826. Over‐expressing DUX4 induces pathways regulating Myogenesis and apoptosis
  1827. Asymmetry in Myogenesis
  1828. Muscle‐derived cells (MDCs) responsible for Myogenesis differ from MDCs involved in adipogenesis in dystrophin/utrophin−/− mice
  1829. Expression, subcellular localization and functional characterization of RBM5 and RMB10 during the differentiation of C2C12 skeletal myoblasts (skeletal Myogenesis)
  1830. Transcriptional Profiling of Drosophila Melanogaster Tendon Cells and Myotubes During Myogenesis
  1831. The Molecular Mechanisms of Testosterone Depletion during Skeletal Myogenesis
  1832. Angiogenesis and Myogenesis in a Chronic Ischemic Heart.
  1833. MEF2 Isotypes During Skeletal Myogenesis
  1834. Functional Characterization of Mustn1 during Skeletal Myogenesis
  1835. In vitro Myogenesis in skeletal muscle cells from type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects: Comparison of metabolic properties, mitochondrial content and mass, ATP …
  1836. Mechanisms of Notch-mediated inhibition of skeletal Myogenesis
  1837. Genetic analysis and functional characterization of factors affecting BM-derived Myogenesis
  1838. Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Skeletal Muscle Development: NF-kappa B and Skeletal Myogenesis
  1839. Gene networks during cardiogenesis and skeletal Myogenesis
  1840. Functional analysis of Hic-5/ARA55 isoforms in C2C12 Myogenesis
  1841. Programming microenvironmental signals with bioactive peptide amphiphiles for skeletal and cardiac Myogenesis
  1842. Microenvironments for study of Myogenesis spatial organization and endothelial cell small messenger signaling
  1843. The ferlin interaction with EHD proteins in Myogenesis
  1844. Rejuvenation of the Aged Stem Cell Niche: Signal Transduction and Reversing the Decline of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Myogenesis
  1845. Myoferlin in Myogenesis
  1846. Implementation and Advancement of Novel Technologies for Understanding Skeletal Myogenesis and Treating Peripheral Artery Disease
  1847. Molecular mechanisms in Myogenesis and in rhabdomyosarcoma
  1848. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by Raf kinase signaling: Autocrine factors and MEK-independent signal transmission
  1849. Emerin and the regulation of genes at the nuclear envelope during Myogenesis
  1850. Development of an HSV-based Model System to Identify Events Critical for Embryonic Myogenesis
  1851. Distraction osteogenesis, Myogenesis and fibrogenesis: An investigation of the maladaptation of the soft tissue in response to distraction and the efficacy of …
  1852. Symposium: Angiogenesis and Myogenesis; New paradigm in endothelial progenitor cells for vasculogenesis
  1853. Symposium: Angiogenesis and Myogenesis; Treatment of ischemic myocardium with autologous bone marrow cell transplantation
  1854. Nesprin-1/2: roles in nuclear envelope organisation, Myogenesis and muscle disease
  1855. Circ-ZNF609 is a circular RNA that can be translated and functions in Myogenesis
  1856. Function of the myogenic regulatory factors Myf5, MyoD, Myogenin and MRF4 in skeletal muscle, satellite cells and regenerative Myogenesis
  1857. Making muscle: skeletal Myogenesis in vivo and in vitro
  1858. Coupling between Myogenesis and angiogenesis during skeletal muscle regeneration is stimulated by restorative macrophages
  1859. Lnc-mg is a long non-coding RNA that promotes Myogenesis
  1860. Myogenic regulatory factors: The orchestrators of Myogenesis after 30 years of discovery
  1861. Tissue-specific gene repositioning by muscle nuclear membrane proteins enhances repression of critical developmental genes during Myogenesis
  1862. Brd4 binds to active enhancers to control cell identity gene induction in adipogenesis and Myogenesis
  1863. Dynamics of cellular states of fibro-adipogenic progenitors during Myogenesis and muscular dystrophy
  1864. Electroactive Scaffolds for Neurogenesis and Myogenesis: Graphene‐Based Nanomaterials
  1865. Long noncoding RNA Neat1 modulates Myogenesis by recruiting Ezh2
  1866. Long noncoding RNA SYISL regulates Myogenesis by interacting with polycomb repressive complex 2
  1867. Long non-coding RNAs in the regulation of skeletal Myogenesis and muscle diseases
  1868. Circular RNAs in Myogenesis
  1869. Inhibition of the JNK/MAPK signaling pathway by Myogenesis-associated miRNAs is required for skeletal muscle development
  1870. Non-coding RNA regulates the Myogenesis of skeletal muscle satellite cells, injury repair and diseases
  1871. FTO is required for Myogenesis by positively regulating mTOR-PGC-1 α pathway-mediated mitochondria biogenesis
  1872. Concise review: epigenetic regulation of Myogenesis in health and disease
  1873. The fine tuning of metabolism, autophagy and differentiation during in vitro Myogenesis
  1874. Exosomes from differentiating human skeletal muscle cells trigger Myogenesis of stem cells and provide biochemical cues for skeletal muscle regeneration
  1875. Odd skipped-related 1 identifies a population of embryonic fibro-adipogenic progenitors regulating Myogenesis during limb development
  1876. Disrupted prenatal RNA processing and Myogenesis in congenital myotonic dystrophy
  1877. Lifelong physical activity is associated with promoter hypomethylation of genes involved in metabolism, Myogenesis, contractile properties and oxidative …
  1878. Stage-specific effects of Notch activation during skeletal Myogenesis
  1879. Novel nesprin-1 mutations associated with dilated cardiomyopathy cause nuclear envelope disruption and defects in Myogenesis
  1880. Distinct metabolic states govern skeletal muscle stem cell fates during prenatal and postnatal Myogenesis
  1881. Circular RNA regulation of Myogenesis
  1882. The RNA surveillance factor UPF1 represses Myogenesis via its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity
  1883. A novel long non-coding RNA Myolinc regulates Myogenesis through TDP-43 and Filip1
  1884. Dynamic transcriptomic analysis reveals suppression of PGC1 α/ERR α drives perturbed Myogenesis in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
  1885. Integrated glycoproteomics identifies a role of N-glycosylation and galectin-1 on Myogenesis and muscle development
  1886. Muscle development: a view from adult Myogenesis in Drosophila
  1887. Novel RNA-binding activity of MYF5 enhances Ccnd1/Cyclin D1 mRNA translation during Myogenesis
  1888. Interleukin‐4 administration improves muscle function, adult Myogenesis, and lifespan of colon carcinoma‐bearing mice
  1889. Human skeletal muscle fibroblasts stimulate in vitro Myogenesis and in vivo muscle regeneration
  1890. TRAF6 regulates satellite stem cell self-renewal and function during regenerative Myogenesis
  1891. MicroRNA‐351‐5p mediates skeletal Myogenesis by directly targeting lactamase‐β and is regulated by lnc‐mg
  1892. Transcriptional landscape of Myogenesis from human pluripotent stem cells reveals a key role of TWIST1 in maintenance of skeletal muscle progenitors
  1893. Role of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in chicken embryo osteogenesis, adipogenesis, Myogenesis, and vitamin D3 metabolism
  1894. lncRNA-Six1 is a target of miR-1611 that functions as a ceRNA to regulate Six1 protein expression and fiber type switching in chicken Myogenesis
  1895. VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence Myogenesis in skeletal muscle
  1896. A new hypoglycemic mechanism of catalpol revealed by enhancing MyoD/MyoG-mediated Myogenesis
  1897. Regulation of skeletal Myogenesis by microRNAs
  1898. A complex between DYRK1A and DCAF7 phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II to promote Myogenesis
  1899. Muscle contraction is required to maintain the pool of muscle progenitors via YAP and NOTCH during fetal Myogenesis
  1900. The epigenetic regulation of embryonic Myogenesis and adult muscle regeneration by histone methylation modification
  1901. Functions and regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in skeletal Myogenesis, muscle disease and meat production
  1902. MicroRNA-432 targeting E2F3 and P55PIK inhibits Myogenesis through PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway
  1903. The nuclear receptor and clock repressor Rev-erbα suppresses Myogenesis
  1904. Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent Ca2+ signaling mediates delayed Myogenesis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy fetal muscle
  1905. Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage-specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during Myogenesis
  1906. mTOR controls embryonic and adult Myogenesis via mTORC1
  1907. Acute environmental hypoxia potentiates satellite cell‐dependent Myogenesis in response to resistance exercise through the inflammation pathway in human
  1908. Nogo-A regulates Myogenesis via interacting with Filamin-C
  1909. Abnormalities in skeletal muscle Myogenesis, growth, and regeneration in myotonic dystrophy
  1910. Regulation of Myogenesis and skeletal muscle regeneration: effects of oxygen levels on satellite cell activity
  1911. Dermatopontin in skeletal muscle extracellular matrix regulates Myogenesis
  1912. DUX4 induces a transcriptome more characteristic of a less-differentiated cell state and inhibits Myogenesis
  1913. Twist2 amplification in rhabdomyosarcoma represses Myogenesis and promotes oncogenesis by redirecting MyoD DNA binding
  1914. Modified cell-electrospinning for 3D Myogenesis of C2C12s in aligned fibrin microfiber bundles
  1915. CD4 T-cells regulate angiogenesis and Myogenesis
  1916. Myogenesis control by SIX transcriptional complexes
  1917. The micropeptide LEMP plays an evolutionarily conserved role in Myogenesis
  1918. Genetically engineered human muscle transplant enhances murine host neovascularization and Myogenesis
  1919. Ambient and supplemental magnetic fields promote Myogenesis via a TRPC1‐mitochondrial axis: evidence of a magnetic mitohormetic mechanism
  1920. PPARγ controls ectopic adipogenesis and cross-talks with Myogenesis during skeletal muscle regeneration
  1921. Cytoplasmic NOTCH and membrane-derived β-catenin link cell fate choice to epithelial-mesenchymal transition during Myogenesis
  1922. Keep your friends close: cell–cell contact and skeletal Myogenesis
  1923. PLC-β1 and cell differentiation: an insight into Myogenesis and osteogenesis
  1924. Autophagy controls neonatal Myogenesis by regulating the GH-IGF1 system through a NFE2L2-and DDIT3-mediated mechanism
  1925. Gene expression profiling of muscle stem cells identifies novel regulators of postnatal Myogenesis
  1926. Extracellular Vesicles from Skeletal Muscle Cells Efficiently Promote Myogenesis in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
  1927. Tumor necrosis factor-α impairs adiponectin signalling, mitochondrial biogenesis, and Myogenesis in primary human myotubes cultures
  1928. Extracellular vesicle microRNAs mediate skeletal muscle Myogenesis and disease
  1929. BRD3 and BRD4 BET bromodomain proteins differentially regulate skeletal Myogenesis
  1930. MLL1 promotes Myogenesis by epigenetically regulating Myf5
  1931. Altered Myogenesis and premature senescence underlie human TRIM32-related myopathy
  1932. Loss of miR-451a enhances SPARC production during Myogenesis
  1933. The DUX4 homeodomains mediate inhibition of Myogenesis and are functionally exchangeable with the Pax7 homeodomain
  1934. Transient induction of Cdk9 in the early stage of differentiation is critical for Myogenesis
  1935. High glucose inhibits Myogenesis and induces insulin resistance by down-regulating AKT signaling
  1936. Interleukin-4 promotes Myogenesis and boosts myocyte insulin efficacy
  1937. TRPC1 and TRPC4 channels functionally interact with STIM1L to promote Myogenesis and maintain fast repetitive Ca2+ release in human myotubes
  1938. MicroRNA-106a-5p inhibited C2C12 Myogenesis via targeting PIK3R1 and modulating the PI3K/AKT signaling
  1939. Mir-206 partially rescues Myogenesis deficiency by inhibiting CUGBP1 accumulation in the cell models of myotonic dystrophy
  1940. Nilotinib impairs skeletal Myogenesis by increasing myoblast proliferation
  1941. Cyclic stretch facilitates Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts and rescues thiazolidinedione-inhibited myotube formation
  1942. The role of PDIA3 in Myogenesis during muscle regeneration
  1943. Simulated microgravity inhibits C2C12 Myogenesis via phospholipase D2-induced Akt/FOXO1 regulation
  1944. Pitx2 in embryonic and adult Myogenesis
  1945. Genome-wide associations reveal human-mouse genetic convergence and modifiers of Myogenesis, CPNE1 and STC2
  1946. Individual Limb Muscle Bundles Are Formed through Progressive Steps Orchestrated by Adjacent Connective Tissue Cells during Primary Myogenesis
  1947. Wnt/β-catenin signaling via Axin2 is required for Myogenesis and, together with YAP/Taz and Tead1, active in IIa/IIx muscle fibers
  1948. IL-15 promotes human Myogenesis and mitigates the detrimental effects of TNFα on myotube development
  1949. O-GlcNAcase deficiency suppresses skeletal Myogenesis and insulin sensitivity in mice through the modulation of mitochondrial homeostasis
  1950. Telocytes in human fetal skeletal muscle interstitium during early Myogenesis
  1951. Inflamma-miR-21 Negatively Regulates Myogenesis during Ageing
  1952. Praja1 E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes skeletal Myogenesis through degradation of EZH2 upon p38α activation
  1953. Inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) enhances mitochondrial biogenesis during Myogenesis
  1954. Exosome biogenesis, secretion and function of exosomal miRNAs in skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1955. Characterization of skeletal muscle endocrine control in an in vitro model of Myogenesis
  1956. The SMYD3 methyltransferase promotes Myogenesis by activating the myogenin regulatory network
  1957. The double‐edged sword of endoplasmic reticulum stress in uremic sarcopenia through Myogenesis perturbation
  1958. Three-dimensional graphene oxide-coated polyurethane foams beneficial to Myogenesis
  1959. Low level DUX4 expression disrupts Myogenesis through deregulation of myogenic gene expression
  1960. SWI/SNF-directed stem cell lineage specification: dynamic composition regulates specific stages of skeletal Myogenesis
  1961. Platelet releasate promotes skeletal Myogenesis by increasing muscle stem cell commitment to differentiation and accelerates muscle regeneration following acute …
  1962. Proteolytic systems’ expression during Myogenesis and transcriptional regulation by amino acids in gilthead sea bream cultured muscle cells
  1963. Obese subcutaneous adipose tissue impairs human Myogenesis, particularly in old skeletal muscle, via resistin-mediated activation of NFκB
  1964. A novel lncRNA, lnc403, involved in bovine skeletal muscle Myogenesis by mediating KRAS/Myf6
  1965. 3D cellular alignment and biomimetic mechanical stimulation enhance human adipose-derived stem cell Myogenesis
  1966. Effect of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on Myogenesis and mitochondrial biosynthesis during murine skeletal muscle cell differentiation
  1967. (CTG)n repeat-mediated dysregulation of MBNL1 and MBNL2 expression during Myogenesis in DM1 occurs already at the myoblast stage
  1968. A novel long non-coding RNA, lncKBTBD10, involved in bovine skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1969. The functional analysis of transiently upregulated miR-101 suggests a “braking” regulatory mechanism during Myogenesis
  1970. MiR-487b-3p suppresses the proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts by targeting IRS1 in skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  1971. Chronic infection stunts macrophage heterogeneity and disrupts immune-mediated Myogenesis
  1972. EPA and DHA inhibit Myogenesis and downregulate the expression of muscle-related genes in C2C12 Myoblasts
  1973. The developmental phases of zebrafish Myogenesis
  1974. Prenatal exposure to electronic-cigarette aerosols leads to sex-dependent pulmonary extracellular-matrix remodeling and Myogenesis in offspring mice
  1975. Ternary aligned nanofibers of RGD peptide-displaying M13 bacteriophage/PLGA/graphene oxide for facilitated Myogenesis
  1976. Low‐intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy promotes Myogenesis through PERK/ATF4 pathway
  1977. Myogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: dissection of distinct muscle types for molecular analysis
  1978. miR-133-mediated regulation of the Hedgehog pathway orchestrates embryo Myogenesis
  1979. Iron accumulation causes impaired Myogenesis correlated with MAPK signaling pathway inhibition by oxidative stress
  1980. Arsenic Stimulates Myoblast Mitochondrial Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor to Impair Myogenesis
  1981. Galectin‐3 and N‐acetylglucosamine promote Myogenesis and improve skeletal muscle function in the mdx model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  1982. Transcriptomic profiling during Myogenesis
  1983. Epigenetic regulation of adult Myogenesis
  1984. Protein arginine methyltransferase expression and activity during Myogenesis
  1985. Ascl2 inhibits Myogenesis by antagonizing the transcriptional activity of myogenic regulatory factors
  1986. Extracellular vesicles released by oxidatively injured or intact C2C12 myotubes promote distinct responses converging toward Myogenesis
  1987. Defective Myogenesis in the absence of the muscle-specific lysine methyltransferase SMYD1
  1988. PITX1 promotes chondrogenesis and Myogenesis in mouse hindlimbs through conserved regulatory targets
  1989. Orai1 inhibitor STIM2β regulates Myogenesis by controlling SOCE dependent transcriptional factors
  1990. A requirement of Polo-like kinase 1 in murine embryonic Myogenesis and adult muscle regeneration
  1991. Muscle regeneration in adiponectin knockout mice showed early activation of anti‐inflammatory response with perturbations in Myogenesis
  1992. Mechanical Stimulation of Adhesion Receptors Using Light-Responsive Nanoparticle Actuators Enhances Myogenesis
  1993. … of l-methionine vs. dl-methionine on performance, plasma concentrations of free amino acids and other metabolites, and Myogenesis gene expression in young …
  1994. Impact of local heating and cooling on skeletal muscle transcriptional response related to Myogenesis and proteolysis
  1995. Effect of Progressive Resistance Training on Circulating Adipogenesis-, Myogenesis-, and Inflammation-Related microRNAs in Healthy Older Adults: An Exploratory …
  1996. Regulation of Myogenesis by environmental hypoxia
  1997. A siRNA mediated screen during C2C12 Myogenesis
  1998. Toll‐like receptor signalling in regenerative Myogenesis: Friend and foe
  1999. Controlled heat stress promotes myofibrillogenesis during Myogenesis
  2000. Drosophila Myogenesis
  2001. Activation of the hypoxia‐inducible factor 1a promotes Myogenesis through the noncanonical Wnt pathway, leading to hypertrophic myotubes
  2002. Roles of notch1 signaling in regulating satellite cell fates choices and postnatal skeletal Myogenesis
  2003. MyomiRs as markers of insulin resistance and decreased Myogenesis in skeletal muscle of diet-induced obese mice
  2004. Altered protein turnover signaling and Myogenesis during impaired recovery of inflammation-induced muscle atrophy in emphysematous mice
  2005. FOXO1 and GSK-3β are main targets of insulin-mediated Myogenesis in C2C12 muscle cells
  2006. Biogenesis and ceRNA role of circular RNAs in skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  2007. The RNA-binding proteins Zfp36l1 and Zfp36l2 act redundantly in Myogenesis
  2008. Molecular characterization of myostatin and its inhibitory function on Myogenesis and muscle growth in Chinese Shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis
  2009. Tumor-derived cytokines impair Myogenesis and alter the skeletal muscle immune microenvironment
  2010. Modular co-option of cardiopharyngeal genes during non-embryonic Myogenesis
  2011. Modulating the metabolism by trimetazidine enhances myoblast differentiation and promotes Myogenesis in cachectic tumor-bearing c26 mice
  2012. Preferred M2 polarization by ASC-based hydrogel accelerated angiogenesis and Myogenesis in volumetric muscle loss rats
  2013. Caspase-2 is required for skeletal muscle differentiation and Myogenesis
  2014. Coordinated metabolic changes and modulation of autophagy during Myogenesis
  2015. Runx2-Twist1 interaction coordinates cranial neural crest guidance of soft palate Myogenesis
  2016. Nur77 deletion impairs muscle growth during developmental Myogenesis and muscle regeneration in mice
  2017. … guanidinoacetic acid? Which is more effective at enhancing growth, tissue creatine stores, quality of meat, and genes controlling growth/Myogenesis in Mulard ducks
  2018. Dissecting cell diversity and connectivity in skeletal muscle for Myogenesis
  2019. Corylifol A from Psoralea corylifolia L. enhances Myogenesis and alleviates muscle atrophy
  2020. Regulation of proline-directed kinases and the trans-histone code H3K9me3/H4K20me3 during human Myogenesis
  2021. Microenergy acoustic pulses induced Myogenesis of urethral striated muscle stem/progenitor cells
  2022. Proteomic characterization of primary cultured myocytes in a fish model at different Myogenesis stages
  2023. The classic metal‐sensing transcription factor MTF1 promotes Myogenesis in response to copper
  2024. Osteoglycin inhibition by microRNA miR-155 impairs Myogenesis
  2025. Superiority of synovial membrane mesenchymal stem cells in chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, Myogenesis and tenogenesis in a rabbit model
  2026. Adipogenesis, fibrogenesis and Myogenesis related gene expression in longissimus muscle of high and low marbling beef cattle
  2027. MiR-501-3p forms a feedback loop with FOS, MDFI, and MyoD to regulate c2c12 Myogenesis
  2028. Chromatin accessibility dynamics of Myogenesis at single cell resolution
  2029. C ell shape and the presentation of adhesion ligands guide smooth muscle Myogenesis
  2030. An obesogenic maternal environment impairs mouse growth patterns, satellite cell activation, and markers of postnatal Myogenesis
  2031. Muscle injury associated elevated oxidative stress and abnormal Myogenesis in patients with idiopathic scoliosis
  2032. Lnc-ORA interacts with microRNA-532-3p and IGF2BP2 to inhibit skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  2033. Farewell to Professor David Yaffe–A pillar of the Myogenesis field
  2034. Developmental dynamics of Myogenesis in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
  2035. Activation of the interferon type I response rather than autophagy contributes to Myogenesis inhibition in congenital DM1 myoblasts
  2036. Fgf-driven Tbx protein activities directly induce myf5 and myod to initiate zebrafish Myogenesis
  2037. On the origin of shear stress induced Myogenesis using PMMA based lab-on-chip
  2038. Endothelial cell specification in the somite is compromised in Pax3-positive progenitors of Foxc1/2 conditional mutants, with loss of forelimb Myogenesis
  2039. Effects of blood-flow restriction on biomarkers of Myogenesis in response to resistance exercise
  2040. MicroRNA-17-92 regulates the transcription factor E2F3b during Myogenesis in vitro and in vivo
  2041. … does not improve body composition and muscle strength or increase markers indicative of muscle protein synthesis and Myogenesis in resistance-trained …
  2042. Transcriptome Characterization of Repressed Embryonic Myogenesis Due to Maternal Calorie Restriction
  2043. Characterization of a novel compound that promotes Myogenesis via Akt and transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) in mouse C2C12 cells
  2044. Delineating the relationship between immune system aging and Myogenesis in muscle repair
  2045. Neudesin Neurotrophic Factor Promotes Bovine Preadipocyte Differentiation and Inhibits Myoblast Myogenesis
  2046. Paradoxical sleep deprivation induces differential biological response in rat masticatory muscles: Inflammation, autophagy and Myogenesis
  2047. De novo phosphoinositide synthesis in zebrafish is required for triad formation but not essential for Myogenesis
  2048. The regulation of differentiation of mesenchymal stem-cells into skeletal muscle: a look at signalling molecules involved in Myogenesis
  2049. Gain-of-Function STIM1 L96V Mutation Causes Myogenesis Alteration in Muscle Cells From a Patient Affected by Tubular Aggregate Myopathy
  2050. Magnesium Influences Membrane Fusion during Myogenesis by Modulating Oxidative Stress in C2C12 Myoblasts
  2051. Function of the Porcine TRPC1 Gene in Myogenesis and Muscle Growth
  2052. The long noncoding RNA MyHC IIA/X-AS contributes to skeletal muscle Myogenesis and maintains the fast fiber phenotype
  2053. Canonical NF-κ B signaling regulates satellite stem cell homeostasis and function during regenerative Myogenesis
  2054. The influence of maternal nutrition on expression of genes responsible for adipogenesis and Myogenesis in the bovine fetus
  2055. Sumoylation of histone deacetylase 1 regulates MyoD signaling during Myogenesis
  2056. Histone variants in skeletal Myogenesis
  2057. Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells: a multi‐omic study of Duchenne myopathy early onset
  2058. Tumor necrosis factor alpha regulates skeletal Myogenesis by inhibiting SP1 interaction with cis-acting regulatory elements within the Fbxl2 gene promoter
  2059. Overexpression of glucocorticoid receptor β enhances Myogenesis and reduces catabolic gene expression
  2060. Approaches to characterize the transcriptional trajectory of human Myogenesis
  2061. RIP-Seq of EZH2 Identifies TCONS-00036665 as a Regulator of Myogenesis in Pigs
  2062. The Effects of Muscle Cell Aging on Myogenesis
  2063. Premature satellite cell activation before injury accelerates Myogenesis and disrupts neuromuscular junction maturation in regenerating muscle
  2064. Regulation of the Mammalian SWI/SNF Family of Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes by Phosphorylation during Myogenesis
  2065. LncRNA IGF2 AS regulates bovine Myogenesis through different pathways
  2066. Neuregulin-1β modulates Myogenesis in septic mouse serum-treated C2C12 myotubes in vitro through PPARγ/NF-κB signaling
  2067. Pattern of Myogenesis and vascular repair in early and advanced lesions of juvenile dermatomyositis
  2068. Myogenesis and muscle growth and meat quality
  2069. 4, 4′‐Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and 4, 4′‐dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) inhibit Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts
  2070. The calmodulin redox sensor controls Myogenesis
  2071. Circular RNA Profiling Reveals an Abundant circEch1 That Promotes Myogenesis and Differentiation of Bovine Skeletal Muscle
  2072. Aging of the immune system and impaired muscle regeneration: A failure of immunomodulation of adult Myogenesis
  2073. Key regulators of skeletal Myogenesis
  2074. Lamina-associated polypeptide 1 is dispensable for embryonic Myogenesis but required for postnatal skeletal muscle growth
  2075. Clathrin adaptor GGA1 modulates Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts
  2076. Nuclear bodies reorganize during Myogenesis in vitro and are differentially disrupted by expression of FSHD-associated DUX4
  2077. Decellularized fetal matrix suppresses fibrotic gene expression and promotes Myogenesis in a rat model of volumetric muscle loss
  2078. Lentivirus-mediated RNAi in skeletal Myogenesis
  2079. Isoleucine increases muscle mass through promoting Myogenesis and intramyocellular fat deposition
  2080. Mitochondrial network remodeling: an important feature of Myogenesis and skeletal muscle regeneration
  2081. Muscle-specific deletion of SLK/Stk2 enhances p38 activity and Myogenesis in mdx mice
  2082. High glucose-induced oxidative stress accelerates Myogenesis by altering SUMO reactions
  2083. Effects of SW033291 on the Myogenesis of muscle-derived stem cells and muscle regeneration
  2084. Striated myosin heavy chain gene is a crucial regulator of larval Myogenesis in the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
  2085. Loss of MKP-5 promotes myofiber survival by activating STAT3/Bcl-2 signaling during regenerative Myogenesis
  2086. The transcription coactivator ASC-1 is a regulator of skeletal Myogenesis, and its deficiency causes a novel form of congenital muscle disease
  2087. CREB, NF-Y and MEIS1 conserved binding sites are essential to balance Myostatin promoter/enhancer activity during early Myogenesis
  2088. Characterization of paramyosin protein structure and gene expression during Myogenesis in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)
  2089. miR‐122‐5p negatively regulates the transforming growth factor‐β/Smad signaling pathway in skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  2090. Mitochondrial co-chaperone protein Tid1 is required for energy homeostasis during skeletal Myogenesis
  2091. Myogenesis
  2092. Genome-wide chromatin structure changes during adipogenesis and Myogenesis
  2093. PUFA Treatment Affects C2C12 Myocyte Differentiation, Myogenesis Related Genes and Energy Metabolism
  2094. Influence of Nitric Oxide generated through microwave plasma on L6 skeletal muscle cell Myogenesis via oxidative signaling pathways
  2095. Salidroside inhibits Myogenesis by modulating p-Smad3-induced Myf5 transcription
  2096. NCAPG Dynamically Coordinates the Myogenesis of Fetal Bovine Tissue by Adjusting Chromatin Accessibility
  2097. Fine-tuning of the PAX-SIX-EYA-DACH network by multiple microRNAs controls embryo Myogenesis
  2098. HIF-1α Directly Controls WNT7A Expression During Myogenesis
  2099. Identification of two genes potentially related to Myogenesis and muscle growth in Fenneropenaeus chinensis: Activin receptor II and Follistatin-like protein
  2100. Genome-wide RNA-seq and ChIP-seq reveal Linc-YY1 function in regulating YY1/PRC2 activity during skeletal Myogenesis
  2101. Prenatal exposure to E-Cigarette aerosols leads to sex-dependent pulmonary extracellular matrix remodeling and Myogenesis in offspring mice.
  2102. Palmitic Acid Impairs Myogenesis and Alters Temporal Expression of miR-133a and miR-206 in C2C12 Myoblasts
  2103. NDRG4 promotes Myogenesis via Akt/CREB activation
  2104. Manipulation of environmental oxygen modifies reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation during Myogenesis
  2105. Metabolic reprogramming promotes Myogenesis during aging
  2106. The Role of Protein Kinase CK2 in Skeletal Muscle: Myogenesis, Neuromuscular Junctions, and Rhabdomyosarcoma
  2107. Insulin modulates Myogenesis and muscle atrophy resulting from skin scald burn in young male rats
  2108. Cortisone and dexamethasone inhibit Myogenesis by modulating the AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in C2C12
  2109. miR‑217‑5p regulates Myogenesis in skeletal muscle stem cells by targeting FGFR2
  2110. miR‐206 family is important for mitochondrial and muscle function, but not essential for Myogenesis in vitro
  2111. Dysregulated Myogenesis in rhabdomyosarcoma
  2112. Myoblast Phosphoproteomics as a Tool to Investigate Global Signaling Events During Myogenesis
  2113. The role of BAMBI in regulating adipogenesis and Myogenesis and the association between its polymorphisms and growth traits in cattle
  2114. Effects of insulin like growth factors on early embryonic chick limb Myogenesis
  2115. Acidic Compartment Size, Positioning, and Function during Myogenesis and Their Modulation by the Wnt/Beta-Catenin Pathway
  2116. Notchless defines a stage-specific requirement for ribosome biogenesis during lineage progression in adult skeletal Myogenesis
  2117. Role of microRNAs in Myogenesis and their effects on meat quality in pig—A review
  2118. Reactivation of the Nkx2.5 cardiac enhancer after myocardial infarction does not presage Myogenesis
  2119. Emerin anchors Msx1 and its protein partners at the nuclear periphery to inhibit Myogenesis
  2120. Expression of apoptosis and Myogenesis related genes during prenatal life in two divergent breeds of pigs
  2121. Downregulation of Linc‐RNA activator of Myogenesis lncRNA participates in FGF2‐mediated proliferation of human periodontal ligament stem cells
  2122. An insight on Drosophila Myogenesis and its assessment techniques
  2123. Myotome adaptability confers developmental robustness to somitic Myogenesis in response to fibre number alteration
  2124. Squalene epoxidase plays a critical role in determining pig meat quality by regulating adipogenesis, Myogenesis, and ROS scavengers
  2125. The effects of in ovo nicotinamide riboside dose on broiler Myogenesis
  2126. Making muscle: morphogenetic movements and molecular mechanisms of Myogenesis in Xenopus laevis
  2128. Cxcl14 depletion accelerates skeletal Myogenesis by promoting cell cycle withdrawal
  2129. Developmental dynamics of Myogenesis in Yesso Scallop Patinopecten yessoensis
  2130. SRF is a non-histone methylation target of KDM2B and SET7 in the regulation of Myogenesis
  2131. Rates of Myogenesis and myofiber numbers are reduced in late gestation IUGR fetal sheep
  2132. 2020 Distance Meeting: Farewell to Professor David Yaffe-A pillar of the Myogenesis field
  2133. Estradiol regulates expression of miRNAs associated with Myogenesis in rainbow trout
  2134. … profiling of skeletal Myogenesis in human embryonic stem cells reveals a potential cascade of transcription factors regulating stages of Myogenesis, including …
  2135. Reduced prostaglandin I2 signaling in Arid5b−/− primary skeletal muscle cells attenuates Myogenesis
  2136. Nanocomposite scaffolds for Myogenesis revisited: Functionalization with carbon nanomaterials and spectroscopic analysis
  2137. Combination of soluble factors and biomaterial scaffolds enhance human adipose-derived stem/stromal cell Myogenesis
  2138. Maternal undernutrition affects secondary Myogenesis in a muscle-dependent way across the major muscles of 70-day old ovine fetuses
  2139. Genome-wide Associations Reveal Human-Mouse Genetic Convergence and Modifiers of Myogenesis, CPNE1 and STC2
  2140. Reduced satellite cell density and Myogenesis in Wagyu compared with Angus cattle as a possible explanation of its high marbling
  2141. Chemokine (C‐X‐C motif) ligand 1 is a myokine induced by palmitate and is required for Myogenesis in mouse satellite cells
  2142. miR-206 knockout shows it is critical for Myogenesis and directly regulates newly identified target mRNAs
  2143. Unique features of Myogenesis in Egyptian cobra (Naja haje) (Squamata: Serpentes: Elapidae)
  2144. Pask integrates hormonal signaling with histone modification via Wdr5 phosphorylation to drive Myogenesis
  2145. Role of Mutant TBP in Regulation of Myogenesis on Muscle Satellite Cells
  2146. mTORC1 in the control of Myogenesis and adult skeletal muscle mass
  2147. Knockdown of Lmo7 inhibits chick Myogenesis
  2148. Effect of thermal manipulation during embryogenesis on the promoter methylation and expression of Myogenesis-related genes in duck skeletal muscle
  2149. Effects of protein supplementation on Nellore cows’ reproductive performance, growth, Myogenesis, lipogenesis and intestine development of the progeny
  2150. MicroRNA‐323‐3p promotes Myogenesis by targeting Smad2
  2151. Functional Non-coding RNA During Embryonic Myogenesis and Postnatal Muscle Development and Disease
  2152. Global transcriptomic analysis reveals Lnc-ADAMTS9 exerting an essential role in Myogenesis through modulating the ERK signaling pathway
  2153. SIX1 and SIX4 homeoproteins regulate PAX7+ progenitor cell properties during fetal epaxial Myogenesis
  2154. A real-time monitoring platform of Myogenesis regulators using double fluorescent labeling
  2155. Comparison of cachectic and non-cachectic sarcoma patients reveals an important role of Notch signaling in metastasis and Myogenesis
  2156. Transcriptional activity of acetylcholinesterase gene is regulated by DNA methylation during C2C12 Myogenesis
  2157. MON-713 Nuclear Corepressor; SMRT Acts as an Important Regulator for Both Beta-Oxidation and the Maturation of Myogenesis in Mouse C2C12 Cell
  2158. Does the grass snake (Natrix natrix)(Squamata: Serpentes: Natricinae) fit the amniotes-specific model of Myogenesis?
  2159. Congenital toxoplasmosis: in vivo impact of toxoplasma gondii infection on Myogenesis and neurogenesis
  2160. Stomagenesis versus Myogenesis: Parallels in intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of transcription factor mediated specialized cell‐type differentiation in plants and …
  2161. Discussion: Decellularized Fetal Matrix Suppresses Fibrotic Gene Expression and Promotes Myogenesis in a Rat Model of Volumetric Muscle Loss
  2162. Measures of Growth Processes and Myogenesis in Glycolytic and Oxidative Muscle Fibers in Rats after Indirect Electrical Stimulation
  2163. Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Their Features and Impact on Fibrosis and Myogenesis in Vitro
  2164. IDH2 Deficiency Is Critical in Myogenesis and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Mice Skeletal Muscle
  2165. The role of Sirtuin 2 in the regulation of Myogenesis
  2166. Primary Myogenesis in the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) limb bud
  2167. Scaffold protein enigma homolog 1 overcomes the repression of Myogenesis activation by inhibitor of DNA binding 2
  2168. Met-activating genetically improved chimeric factor-1 promotes angiogenesis and hypertrophy in adult Myogenesis
  2169. The sequential appearance of fast and slow myosins during Myogenesis
  2170. Peripheral Nerve Injury Primes Muscle Stem Cell for Myogenesis by Enhancing Protein Synthesis and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics
  2171. Optimizing the host substrate environment for cardiac angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, and Myogenesis
  2172. Study of the chronology of expression of ten extracellular matrix molecules during the Myogenesis in cattle to better understand sensory properties of meat
  2173. Models of amphibian Myogenesis-the case of Bombina variegata
  2174. Negative regulation of initial steps in skeletal Myogenesis by mTOR and other kinases
  2175. Fgf-driven Tbx protein activities directly induce myf5 and myod to initiate zebrafish Myogenesis
  2176. Myogenesis modelled by human pluripotent stem cells uncovers Duchenne muscular dystrophy phenotypes prior to skeletal muscle commitment
  2177. Prokineticin Receptor 1 Activation Induces Myogenesis and Ameliorates Insulin Resistance in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Cells
  2178. Generation of PAX7 Reporter Cells to Investigate Skeletal Myogenesis from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
  2179. Molecular characterization of the hedgehog signaling pathway and its necessary function on larval Myogenesis in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
  2180. Transiently expressed pattern during Myogenesis and candidate miRNAs of Tmem8C in goose
  2181. The wasting‐associated metabolite succinate disrupts Myogenesis and impairs skeletal muscle regeneration
  2182. Tissue differentiation: a personal account of research on Myogenesis and cardiogenesis
  2183. Transcriptional comparison of Myogenesis in leghorn and low score normal embryos
  2184. Satellite cells and the concept of cell lineage in avian Myogenesis
  2185. MondoA Is Required for Normal Myogenesis and Regulation of the Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Content in Mice
  2186. Distal‐less homeobox 3, a negative regulator of Myogenesis, is downregulated by microRNA‐133
  2187. … for Rab3A protein as a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase-5-regulated MAP kinase target in interleukin 6 (IL-6) secretion and Myogenesis
  2188. Telomerase Activity and Myogenesis Ability as an Indicator of Cultured Turkey Satellite Cell Ability for In Vitro Meat Production
  2189. Independent channels for miRNA biosynthesis ensure efficient static and dynamic control in the regulation of the early stages of Myogenesis
  2190. Neurectomy preserves fast fibers when combined with tenotomy of infraspinatus muscle via upregulation of Myogenesis
  2191. Fear-of-intimacy-mediated zinc transport controls the function of zinc-finger transcription factors involved in Myogenesis
  2192. Multi-Staged Regulation of Lipid Signaling Mediators during Myogenesis by COX-1/2 Pathways
  2193. Sialic acid expression in human fetal skeletal muscle during limb early Myogenesis.
  2194. Correction: Clathrin adaptor GGA1 modulates Myogenesis of C2C12 myoblasts
  2195. Myogenesis defects in a patient-derived iPSC model of hereditary GNE myopathy
  2196. 109 Establishing the role of platelet-derived growth factors in skeletal Myogenesis
  2197. Swine foetal Myogenesis in different gestation periods
  2198. Effect on Myogenesis and Anti-Inflammation of Mealworm (Tenebrio Molitor) Larvae Protein Hydrolysate
  2199. The Hox transcription factor Ubx ensures somatic Myogenesis by suppressing the mesodermal master regulator Twist
  2200. Morphological study of TNPO3 and SRSF1 interaction during Myogenesis by combining confocal, structured illumination and electron microscopy analysis
  2201. A robust split-luciferase-based cell fusion screening for discovering Myogenesis-promoting molecules
  2202. Recent Studies on Natural Products that Improve Myogenesis
  2203. Heparan sulfates and the decrease of N-glycans promote early adipogenic differentiation rather than Myogenesis of murine myogenic progenitor cells
  2204. Effects of excessive retinoic acid on C2C12 Myogenesis
  2205. Correction: Effects of insulin like growth factors on early embryonic chick limb Myogenesis
  2206. Application of split-GFP reassembly assay to study Myogenesis and myofusion in vitro
  2207. Human skeletal muscle organoids model fetal Myogenesis and sustain
  2208. Regenerating motor neurons prime muscle stem cells for Myogenesis by enhancing protein synthesis and mitochondrial bioenergetics
  2209. PSXIV-33 α-chaconine induces Myogenesis of bovine satellite cells but less affect adipogenesis of adipocytes
  2210. Human skeletal muscle organoids model fetal Myogenesis and sustain uncommitted PAX7 myogenic progenitors
  2211. Polyamines support Myogenesis by facilitating myoblast migration
  2212. Minimally Invasive Muscle Embedding (MIME)-A Novel Experimental Technique to Facilitate Donor-Cell-Mediated Myogenesis
  2213. GREM1 is epigenetically reprogrammed in muscle cells after exercise training and controls Myogenesis and metabolism
  2214. Research Progress on miRNA Regulation of Myogenesis
  2215. Genome-wide associations reveal human-mouse genetic convergence and novel modifiers of Myogenesis, CPNE1 and STC2
  2216. IL-33: An Extracellular Arbiter of Macrophage Mediated Myogenesis
  2217. Itaconate and its derivatives repress C2C12 Myogenesis
  2218. Sonic Hedgehog signaling and Gli-1 during embryonic chick Myogenesis
  2219. PPARγ Controls Ectopic Adipogenesis and Cross-Talks with Myogenesis During Skeletal Muscle Regeneration.
  2220. 4, 4â ²â Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and 4, 4â ²â dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) inhibit Myogenesis in C2C12 myoblasts
  2221. 1697-P: NFIA Differentially Regulates Adipogenesis and Myogenesis through Distinct Molecular Pathways to Ensure Adipocyte Differentiation
  2222. … effects of 1α, 25 (OH) 2D3-glycosides from Solbone A (Solanum glaucophyllum leaves extract; Herbonis AG) compared to synthetic 1α, 25 (OH) 2D3 on Myogenesis
  2223. Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Piezo1 Regulates Myocyte Fusion during Skeletal Myogenesis
  2224. Vertebrate Embryo: Myogenesis and Muscle Development
  2225. MicroRNA expression profile in the process of cyclic mechanical stretch promoting C2C12 Myogenesis
  2226. Function of the Abelson Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinase 1 During the Myogenesis of Muscular Adult Precursors
  2227. Valproic acid stimulates Myogenesis in pluripotent stem cell–derived mesodermal progenitors in a Notch-dependent manner
  2228. Function of the Abelson nonreceptor tyrosine kinase 1 during the Myogenesis of muscular adult precursors
  2229. Nesprin-1/-2: roles in nuclear envelope organisation, Myogenesis and dilated cardiomyopathy
  2230. Understanding the Role of Membrane Fluctuation and Tension During Cell Fusion of Myogenesis
  2231. N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate (NMDA) impairs Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  2232. Exercise Intergenerationally Drives Muscle-Based Thermogenesis and Myogenesis in Offspring Impaired Due to Maternal Obesity
  2233. The effects of furosemide on equine skeletal muscle satellite cell Myogenesis and metabolism in vitro
  2234. Skeletal Muscle‐derived Cytokines Regulate Myogenesis by Modulating Cell Cycle Withdrawal
  2235. 3D Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis in Self Assembled 3D Microtissues
  2236. Ccndbp1 is a new positive regulator of skeletal Myogenesis
  2237. The Role of Homogenate Hepatic Tissue in Myogenesis.
  2238. The Smad7 protein interaction network in skeletal Myogenesis
  2240. MUSCLE FUNCTION & HOMEOSTASIS/MOLECULAR THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES: P. 75 Studies of YBX3 and its variants in Myogenesis
  2241. LATE BREAKING NEWS E-POSTER PRESENTATION: LBP 9 Constitutive Stim1 activation impairs Myogenesis in Tubular Aggregate Myopathy: defective late …
  2242. Genetic mechanisms of Myogenesis and intramuscular adipogenesis in Chinese Indigenous pigs-introduction to major program of The National Natural Science …
  2243. Exhaustion of Regenerative Potential Due to A Low Threshold for Exercise‐induced Myogenesis Might Explain Progressive Weakness in Dysferlin‐linked Muscle …
  2244. Toxoplasma gondii impairs Myogenesis in vitro, with changes in Myogenic Regulatory Factors, altered host cell proliferation and secretory profile
  2245. Jaw Myogenesis in the monk parakeet: evidence of developmental reprogramming in the emergence of novel muscles in Psittaciformes (Aves)
  2246. The role of adipose and skeletal muscle derived cytokines in primary human Myogenesis: implications for ageing skeletal muscle
  2247. miR-1/206 down-regulates splicing factor Srsf9 to promote Myogenesis
  2248. Prenatal E-cig Aerosol Exposure Leads to Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Dysregulated Myogenesis in Offspring Mice with Sex-Dependent Manner
  2249. Circ-ZNF609: a novel regulator of Myogenesis
  2250. Increasing the Concentration of In Ovo Injected Nicotinamide Riboside has a Positive Influence on Avian Myogenesis
  2251. Formoterol Stimulation In Vitro Influences Myogenic Regulatory Factors During Myogenesis In Human Skeletal Muscle Cells
  2252. Bovine and Porcine Adipogenesis, Myogenesis, and Tissue Engineering Strategies to Improve Flavor and Pigmentation of Cell-Based Meat
  2253. An Injectable, Myogenesis-Activating Hydrogel for Damaged Muscle Recovery
  2254. A Single Allele of MyoD or Myf5 is Necessary for Adult Myogenesis
  2256. Understanding the Mechanism by which TBX3 Promotes Myogenesis
  2257. Investigating the coordinated transcriptional networks regulating Xenopus Myogenesis
  2258. From excitation-contraction coupling to gene expression: Roles of RYR1 and Cav1. 1 in Myogenesis
  2259. Modular co-option of cardiopharyngeal genes during non-embryonic Myogenesis
  2260. A Transcriptomic Analysis of Physiological Significance of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1α in Myogenesis and Carbohydrate Metabolism of Genioglossus in Mice
  2261. Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (FGF9) is Expressed in An Osteocyte‐like “Mini‐bone” Cell Line and Inhibits C2C12 Myogenesis via Overexpression of Myostatin
  2263. The Relationships of Age, Physical Activity Level, Adiposity, and Diet, with Human Satellite Myogenesis, and Metabolism
  2264. The effects of in ovo injected Nicotinamide Riboside on avian Myogenesis
  2265. Intracellular rols7 mRNA localization and the importance of Barren for mitosis in the embryonic Myogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster
  2266. VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence Myogenesis in skeletal muscle
  2267. PSXV-28 α-solanine induces Myogenesis of bovine satellite cells but does not affect adipogenesis of adipocytes.
  2268. Investigating the recruitment of centrosomal proteins to the nuclear envelope during Myogenesis
  2269. Understanding the Role of TBX3 in Myogenesis
  2270. Activation of the interferon type I response rather than autophagy contributes to Myogenesis inhibition in congenital DM1 myoblasts
  2271. Pediatric rhabdomyosarcomas recapitulate the transcriptomic and epigenomic development of skeletal Myogenesis
  2272. Changes in calpain and caspase gene expression at the mRNA level during bovine muscle satellite cell Myogenesis and the correlation between the cell model and …
  2273. Non-canonical functions of leucyl-tRNA synthetase: Mechanism of cell growth and skeletal Myogenesis
  2275. A Non‐Canonical Function of Leucyl tRNA Synthetase Negatively Regulates Skeletal Myogenesis
  2276. Circular RNAs Expression and Function in Myogenesis
  2277. Skeletal muscle atrophy and impaired Myogenesis in spinal muscular atrophy
  2278. 376 Effect of fatty acids on Myogenesis and mitochondrial biosynthesis during murine skeletal muscle cell differentiation
  2279. Elucidation of Mechanisms of in vitro Myogenesis of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with Functional Validation in vitro and in vivo
  2280. A microRNA processing mechanism targeting cryptochrome circadian regulator 2 modulates Myogenesis
  2281. Rats are Protected from Chronic Pressure Overload Compared with Mice Through Angiogenesis, but not Myogenesis.
  2282. L-type Amino Acid Transporter expression and function during in vitro Myogenesis
  2283. AKT, NOTCH and GSK3β interact to trigger early Myogenesis in vertebrate embryos
  2284. Developmental dynamics of Myogenesis in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Part B Biochemistry & molecular biology
  2285. The role of PDIA3 in Myogenesis during muscle regeneration
  2286. Role of Vitamin D in Myogenesis
  2287. The Synaptosome Associated Protein‐23 is Necessary for Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis
  2288. Correction for Ballarino et al.,“Novel Long Noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Myogenesis: a miR-31 Overlapping lncRNA Transcript Controls Myoblast Differentiation”
  2289. Analysis of creatine kinase expression and regulation throughout C2C12 Myogenesis
  2290. Analysis of the molecular mechanisms on myoblast cell fusion during Myogenesis
  2292. Deubiquitinase UCHL1 Regulates Myogenesis in Skeletal Muscles
  2293. Reconstitution of Inherent Left-Right Asymmetry in Skeletal Myogenesis
  2294. Myogenic Regulatory Factors in Myogenesis and regeneration of skeletal muscle
  2295. The NAD+-Dependent Histone Deacetylase Sirtuin-2 is Upregulated during Myogenesis and Promotes the Differentiation of C2C12 Myoblasts
  2296. Roles of Zip8 and Zip14 Transporters in Myogenesis
  2297. MicroRNA-494 plays a role in fiber type-specific skeletal Myogenesis by targeting transcriptional coactivator p300 in human induced pluripotent stem cells
  2298. Characterizing Protein Arginine Methyltransferase Expression, Localization, and Function During Myogenesis
  2299. Adrenergic Signaling Genes Are Not All Expressed During Myogenesis in Individual Human iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes
  2300. Role of NPHS Gene in Mammalian Myogenesis and Rhabdomyosarcoma
  2301. Telocytes in human fetal skeletal muscle interstitium during early Myogenesis.
  2302. The E3 Ligase Subunit FBXL2 Is Required for Skeletal Myogenesis and Regulated by Inflammatory Stress that Indicates a Potential Role in Muscle Dysfunction in …
  2303. Biological Role of TRPC1 in Myogenesis, Regeneration, and Disease
  2304. Myogenic regulatory factors during the grass snake (Natrix natrix) Myogenesis
  2305. In vitro betaGRO supplementation stimulates Myogenesis of porcine fetal myoblasts and porcine satellite cells in a divergent manner
  2306. Dynamics of Super-Enhancers Throughout Myogenesis
  2307. Investigation of ERK inhibition and Hedgehog signaling in Myogenesis and cancer-associated muscle wasting
  2308. The role of AMP-kinase during Myogenesis in C2C12 cells
  2309. An In Vitro Investigation Of The Effects Of Formoterol On Thyroid Hormone-Related Gene Expression During Myogenesis
  2310. The Role of Six1 in Transcriptional Regulation during Myogenesis
  2311. Mesenchymal Cell Death in Mouse Limb Bud After the Onset of Primary Myogenesis.
  2312. Sex‐Specific Alterations on Muscle Plasticity and Myogenesis in Offspring Rats from Vitamin D Deficient Mothers
  2313. Growing in-vitro meat: Assessment of Myogenesis of pork and poultry muscle cell lines
  2314. Investigating the molecular function of Akirin during skeletal Myogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
  2315. TBP-like protein (TLP) represses Myogenesis via inhibition of the myogenin promoter
  2316. Increased Oxidative Stress and Decreased Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism and Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis Genes in an in vitro Model of Peripheral Artery …
  2317. Regulation of Myogenesis and Myocyte Glucose Uptake by Interleukin-4
  2318. Tribbles Homolog 3 (TRB3) Expression is Modulated During Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis and Regeneration
  2319. Unique features of Myogenesis in snakes-muscle growth and differentiation
  2320. Role of KIRREL in mammalian Myogenesis and Rhabdomyosarcoma
  2321. Abiotic influence in Myogenesis of teleost fishes.
  2322. Autophagy is required for in vitro Myogenesis in piglets
  2324. mTORC1 activates PASK-Wdr5 signaling to epigenetically connect the nutrient status with Myogenesis
  2325. The role of nTRIP6 in adult Myogenesis
  2326. The Role of Cullin-RING Ligases During Myogenesis
  2327. Corrigendum: G-CSF does not influence C2C12 Myogenesis despite receptor expression in healthy and dystrophic skeletal muscle
  2328. 3D scaffolds based on FGNs beneficial to Myogenesis
  2329. Re: Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Promotes Myogenesis through PERK/ATF4 Pathway
  2330. Role of a SET/Smad7 Interaction in Skeletal Myogenesis
  2331. Characterization of Vezatin, an Adherens Protein, Required for both Myogenesis and the Maintenance and Maturation of Neuromuscular Synapses
  2332. Effect of Fatty Acids on Myogenesis and Mitochondrial Biosynthesis during Murine Skeletal Muscle Cell Differentiation
  2333. Formoterol treatment in vitro preserves expression of genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis, metabolism, and cell survival during skeletal muscle Myogenesis
  2334. The Pattern of SOX11 During Chicken Limb Development Suggests a Role in Myogenesis
  2335. Novel mutation in TRIM32 is associated to a distal myopathy and disrupted Myogenesis
  2336. Developing a method to identify and study the transcriptome of miRNAs important in Myogenesis
  2337. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ induces Myogenesis by modulating myostatin activity.
  2338. Roles of Mitogen-Activating Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase-3 (MAP4K3) in Preterm Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Myogenesis and Mammalian Target …
  2339. α-Chaconine induces Myogenesis of bovine satellite cells isolated from semimembranosus and longissimus muscle tissue
  2340. Understanding the role of mTORC1 and mTORC2 in embryonic and adult Myogenesis
  2341. Notch Serves as a Molecular Brake on Myogenesis, Protein Synthesis, and Growth in Skeletal Muscle
  2342. Examining Maternal Obesity Effects on Oogenesis, Follicular Development, and Embryonic Myogenesis
  2343. The Role of HOTAIR in Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis
  2344. Muscle-derived cytokines: novel regulators of skeletal Myogenesis
  2345. … guanidinoacetic acid? Which is more effective at enhancing growth, tissue creatine stores, quality of meat, and genes controlling growth/Myogenesis in Mulard ducks
  2346. Enhancer RNAs: transcriptional regulators and workmates of NamiRNAs in Myogenesis
  2347. The effect of nicotinamide riboside injection concentrations on avian Myogenesis
  2348. Functional Genomics Characterization of Six4 During Skeletal Myogenesis
  2349. The Ppp1r1b-Lnc RNA Regulates Myogenesis Through Epigenetic Mechanism
  2350. ROLE OF G9A IN SKELETAL Myogenesis
  2351. Tweak and cIAP1 Mediate Alternative NF-κB Signalling to Promote Myogenesis
  2352. Differential expression of MLP during embryonic Myogenesis in two strains of chicken-quail hybrid.
  2353. Molecular functions of the chromatin-remodeling factor DPF3 and its implication for Myogenesis
  2354. The Core Protein to Myogenesis NFAT5 Forms Aggresomes in Normal and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Myotubes Exposed to Cell Stressors (P5. 062)
  2355. Coordinating growth arrest and Myogenesis in muscle stem cells: a molecular and cellular analysis
  2356. Role of Grb2 in Myogenesis and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal transition
  2357. The effect of tumour necrosis factor-alpha on Myogenesis in immortalised human myoblasts
  2358. Unique class of slow muscle fibers during grass snake (Natrix natrix L.) Myogenesis
  2359. Directed in vitro Myogenesis of human embryonic stem cells and their in vivo delivery using biomimetic materials
  2360. Adipogenesis and Myogenesis: differentiation programs determined by the ghrelin/GHSR1a and obestatin/GPR39 systems
  2361. Influence of dietary purple corn extract on production, redox parameters and Myogenesis in rainbow trout
  2362. Myogenesis Muscle Growth and Structure
  2363. … mutation of TRIP4 causes a novel form of congenital muscle disease and reveals the transcription coactivator ASC-1 as a new regulator of skeletal Myogenesis
  2364. The role of nTRIP6 in adult Myogenesis
  2365. Glycogen Enhancement Augments Overload-Induced Protein Synthesis, Growth, and Myogenesis in Aged Skeletal Muscle
  2366. The Effects of Interleukin-10 on Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance and Myogenesis
  2368. PYY, a novel factor in human Myogenesis
  2369. MicroRNA-101/Malat1 interplay regulates MEF2A to promote the muscle differentiation in Myogenesis

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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