Muscle Force Production

  1. Exercise-induced oxidative stress: cellular mechanisms and impact on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  2. Effect of temperature on MUSCLE FORCE and rate of MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in men and women
  3. Isometric MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION as a function of age in healthy 20-to 74-yr-old men.
  4. MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and functional performance in spastic cerebral palsy: relationship of cocontraction
  5. Vibromyography as a quantitative measure of MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION.
  6. History dependence of skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION: implications for movement control
  7. MUSCLE strength testing: evaluation of tests of explosive FORCE PRODUCTION
  8. Duration of static stretching influences MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in hamstring MUSCLEs
  9. Comparison of MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION using the Smith machine and free weights for bench press and squat exercises
  10. Use of electrical stimulation to enhance recovery of quadriceps femoris MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  11. Effect of maturation on the relationship between MUSCLE size and FORCE PRODUCTION.
  12. Anticipatory responses of catecholamines on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  13. Length dependence of active FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE
  14. The effects of needling therapies on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  15. Taurine supplementation increases skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and protects MUSCLE function during and after high-frequency in vitro stimulation
  16. Increased MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and bone mineral density in ActRIIB-Fc-treated mature rodents
  17. Lactate and FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE
  18. The loss of MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION after MUSCLE stretching is not accompanied by altered corticospinal excitability
  19. The three filament model of skeletal MUSCLE stability and FORCE PRODUCTION
  20. Protective effects of lactic acid on FORCE PRODUCTION in rat skeletal MUSCLE
  21. Isometric FORCE PRODUCTION by motor units of extensor digitorum communis MUSCLE in man
  22. Voluntary activation and decreased FORCE PRODUCTION of the quadriceps femoris MUSCLE after total knee arthroplasty
  23. MUSCLE cross-sectional area, FORCE PRODUCTION and relaxation characteristics in women at different ages
  24. Calcium‐and length‐dependent FORCE PRODUCTION in rat ventricular MUSCLE
  25. A metabolic basis for impaired MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and neuromuscular compensation during sprint cycling
  26. Comparison of eccentric knee extensor MUSCLE actions at two MUSCLE lengths on indices of damage and anglespecific FORCE PRODUCTION in humans
  27. Does growth hormone therapy in conjunction with resistance exercise increase MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and MUSCLE mass in men and women aged 60 years or older?
  28. Changes in human skeletal MUSCLE ultrastructure and FORCE PRODUCTION after acute resistance exercise
  29. The history dependence of FORCE PRODUCTION in mammalian skeletal MUSCLE following stretch-shortening and shortening-stretch cycles
  30. EMG, MUSCLE fibre and FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics during a 1 year training period in elite weight-lifters
  31. Modelling of FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE undergoing stretch
  32. The multiple roles of titin in MUSCLE contraction and FORCE PRODUCTION
  33. Imaging of skeletal MUSCLE function using 18FDG PET: FORCE PRODUCTION, activation, and metabolism
  34. Influence of temperature upon contractile activation and isometric FORCE PRODUCTION in mechanically skinned MUSCLE fibers of the frog.
  35. Changes in MUSCLE morphology, electromyographic activity, and FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics during progressive strength training in young and older men
  36. Mechanisms of enhanced FORCE PRODUCTION in lengthening (eccentric) MUSCLE contractions
  37. Does raising morning rectal temperature to evening levels offset the diurnal variation in MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION?
  38. Positive relationship between passive MUSCLE stiffness and rapid FORCE PRODUCTION
  39. The morphology of the masticatory apparatus facilitates MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION at wide jaw gapes in tree-gouging common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
  40. Evaluation of isokinetic FORCE PRODUCTION and associated MUSCLE activity in the scapular rotators during a protraction-retraction movement in overhead athletes with …
  41. Post‐contraction errors in human FORCE PRODUCTION are reduced by MUSCLE stretch.
  42. Load-dependent kinetics of FORCE PRODUCTION by smooth MUSCLE myosin measured with optical tweezers
  43. Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on human skeletal MUSCLE metabolism and FORCE PRODUCTION during maximum voluntary contractions
  44. Blood flow does not limit skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION during incremental isometric contractions
  45. Effect of habitual foot-strike pattern on the gastrocnemius medialis MUSCLE-tendon interaction and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION during running
  46. The changes in power requirements and MUSCLE efficiency during elevated FORCE PRODUCTION in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
  47. The effect of reinnervation on FORCE PRODUCTION and power output in skeletal MUSCLE
  48. Changes in electromyographic activity, MUSCLE fibre and FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics during heavy resistance/power strength training in middle‐aged and older …
  49. ATP utilization for calcium uptake and FORCE PRODUCTION in different types of human skeletal MUSCLE fibres
  50. Cortical implication in lower voluntary MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in non-hypoxemic COPD patients
  51. Energy cost of FORCE PRODUCTION is reduced after active stretch in skinned MUSCLE fibres
  52. History dependence of FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE: a proposal for mechanisms
  53. A nemaline myopathy mutation in α-tropomyosin causes defective regulation of striated MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  54. Slowed MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and sensory organization deficits contribute to altered postural control strategies in children with developmental coordination disorder
  55. Impaired MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and higher fatigability in a mouse model of sickle cell disease
  56. MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION during bent-knee, bent-hip walking in humans
  57. MUSCLE cross-sectional area and voluntary FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics in elite strength-and endurance-trained athletes and sprinters
  58. Reduced MUSCLE fiber FORCE PRODUCTION and disrupted myofibril architecture in patients with chronic rotator cuff tears
  59. Effects of early-stage aging on locomotor dynamics and hindlimb MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in the rat
  60. Perceptual and motor effects of MUSCLE co-activation in a FORCE PRODUCTION task
  61. The essential light chain is required for full FORCE PRODUCTION by skeletal MUSCLE myosin
  62. Functional MUSCLE synergies constrain FORCE PRODUCTION during postural tasks
  63. Effects of caffeine on Ca-activated FORCE PRODUCTION in skinned cardiac and skeletal MUSCLE fibres of the rat
  64. MUSCLE CSA, FORCE PRODUCTION, and activation of leg extensors during isometric and dynamic actions in middle-aged and elderly men and women
  65. Effects of cyclic changes in MUSCLE length on FORCE PRODUCTION in in-situ cat soleus
  66. Heterogeneity of mean sarcomere length in different fibres: effects on length range of active FORCE PRODUCTION in rat MUSCLE
  67. Forced expression of essential myosin light chain isoforms demonstrates their role in smooth MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  68. Filament compliance influences cooperative activation of thin filaments and the dynamics of FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE
  69. FORCE PRODUCTION of the genioglossus as a function of MUSCLE length in normal humans
  70. MUSCLE activation and FORCE PRODUCTION during bilateral and unilateral concentric and isometric contractions of the knee extensors in men and women at different ages.
  71. The MUSCLE contraction and the FORCE PRODUCTION
  72. Does lowering evening rectal temperature to morning levels offset the diurnal variation in MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION?
  73. Enhanced FORCE PRODUCTION in old age is not a far stretch: an investigation of residual FORCE enhancement and MUSCLE architecture
  74. Optical prediction of single MUSCLE fiber FORCE PRODUCTION using a combined biomechatronics and second harmonic generation imaging approach
  75. FORCE PRODUCTION in mechanically isolated cardiac myocytes from human ventricular MUSCLE tissue
  76. Acute effects of MUSCLE fatigue and recovery on FORCE PRODUCTION and relaxation in endurance, power and strength athletes.
  77. Changes in inorganic phosphate and FORCE PRODUCTION in human skeletal MUSCLE after cast immobilization
  78. Effects of blood pressure on FORCE PRODUCTION in cat and human MUSCLE
  79. MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION with low and medium frequency burst modulated biphasic pulsed currents
  80. Phosphorylation of a twitchin-related protein controls catch and calcium sensitivity of FORCE PRODUCTION in invertebrate smooth MUSCLE
  81. The metabolic cost of in vivo constant MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION at zero net mechanical work
  82. Anterior cruciate ligament tear induces a sustained loss of MUSCLE fiber FORCE PRODUCTION
  83. Nonlinear dynamic modeling of isometric FORCE PRODUCTION in primate eye MUSCLE
  84. Rotator cuff tear reduces MUSCLE fiber specific FORCE PRODUCTION and induces macrophage accumulation and autophagy
  85. Multi-MUSCLE synergies in an unusual postural task: quick shear FORCE PRODUCTION
  86. The non-MUSCLE ADF/cofilin-1 controls sarcomeric actin filament integrity and FORCE PRODUCTION in striated MUSCLE laminopathies
  87. Targeted inhibition of TGF-β results in an initial improvement but long-term deficit in FORCE PRODUCTION after contraction-induced skeletal MUSCLE injury
  88. Maximal voluntary isometric FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics of six MUSCLE groups in women aged 25 to 74 years
  89. Quadriceps femoris MUSCLE voluntary isometric FORCE PRODUCTION and relaxation characteristics before and 6 months after unilateral total knee arthroplasty in women
  90. Towards human motor augmentation by voluntary decoupling beta activity in the neural drive to MUSCLE and FORCE PRODUCTION
  91. Comparison of the relationship between lying and standing ultrasonography measures of MUSCLE morphology with isometric and dynamic FORCE PRODUCTION capabilities
  92. Energy cost of isometric FORCE PRODUCTION after active shortening in skinned MUSCLE fibres
  93. … and modeled properties of mammalian skeletal MUSCLE. I. The effects of post-activation potentiation on the time course and velocity dependencies of FORCE PRODUCTION
  94. β-Alanine supplementation enhances human skeletal MUSCLE relaxation speed but not FORCE PRODUCTION capacity
  95. Unilateral isometric MUSCLE fatigue decreases FORCE PRODUCTION and activation of contralateral knee extensors but not elbow flexors
  96. Catechins attenuate eccentric exercise-induced inflammation and loss of FORCE PRODUCTION in MUSCLE in senescence-accelerated mice
  97. Molecular determinants of FORCE PRODUCTION in human skeletal MUSCLE fibers: effects of myosin isoform expression and cross-sectional area
  98. Calponin decreases the rate of cross-bridge cycling and increases maximum FORCE PRODUCTION by smooth MUSCLE myosin in an in vitro motility assay.
  99. ATP utilization for calcium uptake and FORCE PRODUCTION in skinned MUSCLE fibres of Xenopus laevis.
  100. Estimating the ATP cost of FORCE PRODUCTION in the human gastrocnemius/soleus MUSCLE group using 31P MRS and 1H MRI
  101. Relation between cell length and FORCE PRODUCTION in urinary bladder smooth MUSCLE
  102. Selected contribution: mechanical strain increases FORCE PRODUCTION and calcium sensitivity in cultured airway smooth MUSCLE cells
  103. Combined inhibitory actions of acidosis and phosphate on maximum FORCE PRODUCTION in rat skinned cardiac MUSCLE
  104. The effect of beetroot juice on repeated sprint performance and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  105. Dystrophin deficiency compromises FORCE PRODUCTION of the extensor carpi ulnaris MUSCLE in the canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  106. Restoration of nerve agent inhibited MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in human intercostal MUSCLE strips with HI 6
  107. Effects of lactate on FORCE PRODUCTION by mouse EDL MUSCLE: implications for the development of fatigue
  108. … novel cardiac myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil increases the calcium sensitivity of FORCE PRODUCTION in isolated cardiomyocytes and skeletal MUSCLE fibres of the …
  109. Docetaxel does not impair skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in a murine model of cancer chemotherapy
  110. MUSCLE-tendon unit stiffness does not independently affect voluntary explosive FORCE PRODUCTION or MUSCLE intrinsic contractile properties
  111. Depression of FORCE PRODUCTION and ATPase activity in different types of human skeletal MUSCLE fibers from patients with chronic heart failure
  112. The effect of metabolic fuel on FORCE PRODUCTION and resting inorganic phosphate levels in mouse skeletal MUSCLE.
  113. Energy Cost of FORCE PRODUCTION After a Stretch-Shortening Cycle in Skinned MUSCLE Fibers: Does MUSCLE Efficiency Increase?
  114. History dependence of FORCE PRODUCTION in submaximal stimulated rat medial gastrocnemius MUSCLE
  115. MUSCLE coordination during rapid FORCE PRODUCTION by young and older adults
  116. … residues in the N-terminal domain of troponin C affect calcium binding and exchange with the troponin C-troponin I96–148 complex and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  117. MUSCLE activation and FORCE PRODUCTION in Parkinson’s patients during sit to stand transfers
  118. GSK3 inhibition with low dose lithium supplementation augments murine MUSCLE fatigue resistance and specific FORCE PRODUCTION
  119. Maximal voluntary static FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics of skeletal MUSCLE in children 8-11 years of age
  120. Differential effects of length on maximum FORCE PRODUCTION and myofibrillar ATPase activity in rat skinned cardiac MUSCLE.
  121. The structural basis of the increase in isometric FORCE PRODUCTION with temperature in frog skeletal MUSCLE
  122. History dependence of skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION: a forgotten property
  123. Passive MUSCLE stretching impairs rapid FORCE PRODUCTION and neuromuscular function in human plantar flexors
  124. The influence of circadian rhythm on MUSCLE activity and efficient FORCE PRODUCTION during cycling at different pedal rates
  125. Myosin phosphatase isoforms as determinants of smooth MUSCLE contractile function and calcium sensitivity of FORCE PRODUCTION
  126. A model of FORCE PRODUCTION that explains the lag between crossbridge attachment and FORCE after electrical stimulation of striated MUSCLE fibers
  127. A coupled framework of in situ and in silico analysis reveals the role of lateral FORCE transmission in FORCE PRODUCTION in volumetric MUSCLE loss injuries
  128. History effect and timing of FORCE PRODUCTION introduced in a skeletal MUSCLE model
  129. An acute exposure to MUSCLE vibration decreases knee extensors FORCE PRODUCTION and modulates associated central nervous system excitability
  130. Effects of pH and inorganic phosphate on FORCE PRODUCTION in alpha‐toxin‐permeabilized isolated rat uterine smooth MUSCLE.
  131. EMG and FORCE PRODUCTION of the flexor hallucis longus MUSCLE in isometric plantarflexion and the push-off phase of walking
  132. Structural limits on FORCE PRODUCTION and shortening of smooth MUSCLE
  133. A comparison of change in 3D scapular kinematics with maximal contractions and FORCE PRODUCTION with scapular MUSCLE tests between asymptomatic …
  134. A passive increase in MUSCLE temperature enhances rapid FORCE PRODUCTION and neuromuscular function in healthy adults
  135. Inhibition of FORCE PRODUCTION in compressed skinned MUSCLE fibers of the frog
  136. The dynamics of voluntary FORCE PRODUCTION in afferented MUSCLE influence involuntary tremor
  137. MUSCLE excitation, FORCE response, and efficiency during explosive FORCE PRODUCTION after diacutaneous fibrolysis on lateral gastrocnemius of recreational athletes
  138. S100A1 promotes action potential-initiated calcium release flux and FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE
  139. Isoproterenol enhances FORCE PRODUCTION in mouse glycolytic and oxidative MUSCLE via separate mechanisms
  140. ATPase activity and FORCE PRODUCTION in myofibrils and twitch characteristics in intact MUSCLE from neonatal, adult, and senescent rat myocardium
  141. The effects of vascular smooth MUSCLE caldesmon on FORCE PRODUCTION by ‘desensitised’skeletal MUSCLE fibres
  142. Clenbuterol and formoterol decrease FORCE PRODUCTION in isolated intact mouse skeletal MUSCLE fiber bundles through a β2-adrenoceptor-independent mechanism
  143. Isometric FORCE PRODUCTION before and after chemical skinning in isolated MUSCLE fibres of the frog Rana temporaria.
  144. Arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD)‐containing peptides inhibit the FORCE PRODUCTION of mouse papillary MUSCLE bundles via α5β1 integrin
  145. Advantage of normalizing FORCE PRODUCTION to myofibrillar protein in skeletal MUSCLE cross-sectional area
  146. The mechanochemistry of FORCE PRODUCTION in MUSCLE
  147. Responsiveness of MUSCLE tone characteristics to progressive FORCE PRODUCTION
  148. Long-term BTX-A effects on bi-articular MUSCLE: Higher passive force, limited length range of active FORCE PRODUCTION and unchanged intermuscular interactions
  149. Load knowledge reduces rapid FORCE PRODUCTION and MUSCLE activation during maximal-effort concentric lifts
  150. Changes in skeletal MUSCLE sarcoplasmic reticulum function and FORCE PRODUCTION following myocardial infarction in rats
  151. A myosin II ATPase inhibitor reduces FORCE PRODUCTION, glucose transport, and phosphorylation of AMPK and TBC1D1 in electrically stimulated rat skeletal MUSCLE
  152. FORCE PRODUCTION and MUSCLE activation during partial vs. full range of motion in Paralympic Powerlifting
  153. Direct MUSCLE electrical stimulation as a method for the in vivo assessment of FORCE PRODUCTION in m. abductor hallucis
  154. Changes in VO2 kinetics after elevated baseline do not necessarily reflect alterations in MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in both sexes
  155. Repeated FORCE PRODUCTION and metabolites in two medial gastrocnemius MUSCLE compartments of the rat
  156. The effect of dominant first dorsal interosseous fatigue on the FORCE PRODUCTION of a contralateral homologous and heterologous MUSCLE
  157. Early maturation of FORCE PRODUCTION in pig tracheal smooth MUSCLE during fetal development
  158. Sprint specificity of isolated hamstring-strengthening exercises in terms of MUSCLE activity and FORCE PRODUCTION
  159. Time‐dependent and indirect effect of inorganic phosphate on FORCE PRODUCTION in rat gastrocnemius exercising MUSCLE determined by 31P‐MRS
  160. FORCE PRODUCTION during escape responses: sequential recruitment of the phasic and tonic portions of the adductor MUSCLE in juvenile sea scallop, Placopecten …
  161. Chronic clenbuterol treatment compromises FORCE PRODUCTION without directly altering skeletal MUSCLE contractile machinery
  162. FORCE PRODUCTION during escape responses by Placopecten magellanicus is a sensitive indicator of handling stress: comparison with adductor MUSCLE adenylate …
  163. Temperature effects on the contractile characteristics and sub-maximal voluntary isometric FORCE PRODUCTION of the first dorsal interosseus MUSCLE
  164. Trunk isometric FORCE PRODUCTION parameters during erector spinae MUSCLE vibration at different frequencies
  165. Activation of smooth MUSCLE in the airway wall, FORCE PRODUCTION, and airway narrowing
  166. Influence of preceding MUSCLE activity on perceptually guided FORCE PRODUCTION during superimposed ballistic contraction
  167. FORCE PRODUCTION, balance control and MUSCLE activation in different sitting position—pilot study for disabled sit sledge cross-country skiers
  168. The effects of MM‐creatine kinase deficiency on sustained FORCE PRODUCTION of mouse fast skeletal MUSCLE
  169. Effect of tendon vibration during wide-pulse neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in people with spinal cord injury (SCI)
  170. Equinovarus foot in stroke survivors with spasticity: a narrative review of MUSCLE–tendon morphology and FORCE PRODUCTION adaptation
  171. … Responses to Mechanical Stress: Selected Contribution: Mechanical strain increases FORCE PRODUCTION and calcium sensitivity in cultured airway smooth MUSCLE …
  172. The effects of acute and chronic ethanol administration on twitch and tetanic FORCE PRODUCTION by rat gastrocnemius MUSCLE in situ
  173. Maximum isometric FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics in five MUSCLE groups in physically active young, middle-aged, and older men
  174. Effects of supra‐physiological changes in human ovarian hormone levels on maximum FORCE PRODUCTION of the first dorsal interosseus MUSCLE
  175. People with mild PD have impaired FORCE PRODUCTION in all lower limb MUSCLE groups: A cross‐sectional study
  176. The influence of acute hypoxic exposure on isokinetic MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  177. Impact of varying the parameters of stimulation of 2 commonly used waveforms on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and fatigue
  178. Training and detraining adaptations in electromyographic, MUSCLE fibre and FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics of human leg extensor MUSCLEs, with special …
  179. An ageing-associated decline in FORCE PRODUCTION after repetitive contractions by rat skinned skeletal MUSCLE fibres
  180. Mechanics of the masticatory apparatus favor MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION at wide jaw gapes in tree-gouging marmosets
  181. Relatively Shorter MUSCLE Lengths Increase the Metabolic Rate of Cyclic FORCE PRODUCTION
  182. Blood flow occlusion, maximal FORCE PRODUCTION and EMG in two rat gastrocnemius MUSCLE compartments
  183. An exploratory study of contractile FORCE PRODUCTION in MUSCLE fibers from patients with inflammatory myopathies
  184. … variation of FORCE amplitude and rate of FORCE development on the modulation characteristics of MUSCLE activation during rapid isometric aiming FORCE PRODUCTION
  185. Nonparametric model of smooth MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION during electrical stimulation
  186. Activation of the dopamine 1 and dopamine 5 receptors increase skeletal MUSCLE mass and FORCE PRODUCTION under non-atrophying and atrophying conditions
  187. Attenuated rapid onset vasodilation with greater FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE of caveolin-2−/− mice
  188. The influence of athletic background on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  189. MUSCLE length and FORCE PRODUCTION in patients with cerebral palsy-the effects of tendon lengthening
  190. Lower extremity MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION as an independent risk factor for falls in community-dwelling elderly females: A case control study
  191. Isometric FORCE PRODUCTION requires asymmetric MUSCLE-tendon length trajectory
  192. ATPase activity and FORCE PRODUCTION in skinned rat cardiac MUSCLE under isometric and dynamic conditions
  193. Mechanical MUSCLE models and their application to FORCE and power PRODUCTION
  194. Effect of below knee prosthesis on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and joint contact forces of knee and hip joints during walking in amputees
  195. PRODUCTION and development of MUSCLE FORCE in elite male volleyball players’ spike
  196. Decreased specific FORCE and power PRODUCTION of MUSCLE fibers from myostatin-deficient mice are associated with a suppression of protein degradation
  197. Stretch-shortening cycle in human MUSCLE contraction: The role of the stretch reflex in FORCE PRODUCTION in various vertical jumps
  198. … release, and contractility in skeletal MUSCLE. Focus on “S100A1 promotes action potential-initiated calcium release flux and FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE …
  199. Hypothesis testing with a computer model for FORCE PRODUCTION in MUSCLE
  200. MUSCLE length-dependent contribution of motoneuron Cav1.3 channels to FORCE PRODUCTION in model slow motor unit
  201. Reversible depression of action potentials and FORCE PRODUCTION in frog single MUSCLE fibres by calmodulin‐inhibitors
  202. Treatment with a corticotrophin releasing factor 2 receptor agonist modulates skeletal MUSCLE mass and FORCE PRODUCTION in aged and chronically ill animals
  203. Repeated sprint exercise affects contractile apparatus and FORCE PRODUCTION of isolated human MUSCLE fibers
  204. Effects of Ca 2+ and other divalent cations on K+-evoked FORCE PRODUCTION of slow MUSCLE fibers from Rana esculenta and Rana pipiens
  205. Effects of MUSCLE Length and Physiological Cross Sectional Area on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION: a Comparative Study
  206. The role of the apparent rate constant of cross-bridge transition from the strong binding state in skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  207. The thermal effects of pulsed shortwave diathermy on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION, electromyography, and mechanomyography
  208. Impact of static stretch and muscular contractions on FORCE PRODUCTION within the human triceps surae MUSCLE-tendon complex
  209. The essential light chain is required for full FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE myosin
  210. A Method to Examine Passive and Active FORCE PRODUCTION, and their Correlations with MUSCLE Morphological Parameters for Healthy Children
  211. An exploratory study of contractile FORCE PRODUCTION in MUSCLE fibers from patients with inflammatory myopathies
  212. Evaluating the Effects of MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION Strategies and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Forces (Strain) on Gait Patterns During Running
  213. Changes in MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and pain: is there a relationship?
  214. Electrical MUSCLE stimulation protocols: Effects on FORCE PRODUCTION and energy metabolism of the gastrocnemius MUSCLE in humans
  215. FORCE PRODUCTION in voltage‐clamped human atrial MUSCLE
  216. History-Dependence of MUSCLE Excitation and Oxygenation During Isometric Knee Extension FORCE PRODUCTION
  217. The effect of metabolic acidosis on maximal FORCE PRODUCTION and MUSCLE recruitment during repeated, submaximal calf contractions to task failure (705.11)
  218. Acute HIT session induced changes and recovery in MUSCLE activation level, voluntary FORCE PRODUCTION and jump performance during 8 weeks of HIT training in …
  219. Blood flow in skeletal MUSCLE as it relates to FORCE PRODUCTION during dynamic MUSCLE contraction
  220. Changes in MUSCLE CSA and FORCE PRODUCTION of leg extensors during combined strength and endurance training in young men and women: is there any order effect?
  221. Caldesmon Derived Polypeptides as Probes of FORCE PRODUCTION in Skeletal MUSCLE
  222. Cardiovascular responses to sustained isometric FORCE PRODUCTION of the finger flexor and knee extensor MUSCLE groups in weight-trained and untrained young men
  223. Abstract P432: Alpha-actinin 2 Missense Variant And Its Role In Cardiac MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION And Diastolic Dysfunction
  224. Walk the Walk: Parallels between Gait Parameters and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in Turkeys
  225. Effects of Transdermal Magnesium Chloride on Recovery of FORCE PRODUCTION and Perceived MUSCLE Soreness after Eccentric Exercise
  226. Improving In Vitro Myogenesis and FORCE PRODUCTION in Engineered Skeletal MUSCLE Tissues
  227. Influence of Castration and a High Protein Diet on Load-Mediated Hypertrophy and Skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in Rats Following Immobilization
  228. Change in finger FORCE PRODUCTION and MUSCLE activation in the forearms of rock climbers during treadwall climbing
  229. Breaking the Limp: The Effects of Pain and Fatigue on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in Female Runners with Chronic Anterior Knee Pain
  230. Femoral artery ligation impairs skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in C57Bl/6J mice
  231. AT-300, a calcium modulator, improves MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and decreases MUSCLE degeneration in D2-mdx model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  233. A measure of similarity between optimal and suboptimal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in gait
  234. History dependence of skeletal MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in sub-maximal voluntary contractions of human adductor pollicis MUSCLE.
  235. The Effect of Stretching on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION in Hamstring MUSCLEs
  236. Isometric MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics as a function of chronological age in normal, healthy men, age 20 to 80 years
  237. The effects of physical therapy on individual MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and function in children with Cerebral Palsy
  238. Influence of the thin filament calcium activation on MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and rate of contraction in cardiac MUSCLE
  239. Modelling of FORCE PRODUCTION in the MUSCLE
  240. Effects of Antioxidants on Contracting Spinotrapezius MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION and Oxygen Consumption in Aged (26–30 Month Old) Rats
  241. Exercise‐induced fatigue and hyperthermia limit MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION capacity through peripheral and spinal alterations respectively
  245. Assessment of the bilateral relationship between MUSCLE pennation and FORCE PRODUCTION in the quadriceps femoris
  246. Influence of Plantarflexor stretch training on fascicle length and strain, H-Reflex amplitude and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  247. Single-Use Versus Multiple-Use Electrodes for Sensory and Motor Threshold Amplitudes and MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION
  248. Structure of relaxed MUSCLE: implications about FORCE PRODUCTION.
  249. The Effect of Mental and Physical Practice on MUSCLE Electrical Activity in FORCE PRODUCTION Task
  250. Regulation of functional MUSCLE transfer FORCE PRODUCTION by use of an interposed nerve graft
  251. The effect of dominant index finger fatigue on the FORCE PRODUCTION of contralateral homologous MUSCLE and biceps brachii
  252. The relative contribution of motor unit recruitment and rate coding to the PRODUCTION of static isometric MUSCLE force
  253. Physiology meets regenerative medicine & education becomes research: using MUSCLE FORCE PRODUCTION to assess ischemia and arteriogenesis in a masters‐level cell …
  254. Engineered MUSCLE Tissues with Significantly Improved FORCE PRODUCTION
  255. Effects of transdermal magnesium chloride on MUSCLE damage and FORCE PRODUCTION after eccentric exercise
  256. Muscular FORCE PRODUCTION during non-isometric contractions: Towards numerical MUSCLE modeling
  257. Patients with chronic myosteatosis have a reduction in MUSCLE fiber FORCE PRODUCTION and disrupted myofibril architecture (1163.18)
  259. Leg extensor MUSCLE voluntary isometric FORCE PRODUCTION capacity in children with spastic diplegia
  260. Changes in inorganic phosphate and FORCE PRODUCTION in human skeletal MUSCLE following cast immobilization
  261. … : Novel Insights into Microvascular Mechanisms of Diseases: Attenuated rapid onset vasodilation with greater FORCE PRODUCTION in skeletal MUSCLE of caveolin-2 …
  262. Comparison of MUSCLE morphology, electromyographic activity and FORCE PRODUCTION between prepubertal boys and girls
  263. History-dependent properties of FORCE PRODUCTION in in-situ and in-vivo skeletal MUSCLE.
  264. Impact of Thigh MUSCLE Fatigue on FORCE PRODUCTION in Knee Stabilizing MUSCLEs
  265. History dependent FORCE PRODUCTION in single skeletal MUSCLE fibres
  266. Relationship of Surface Mechanomyography to FORCE PRODUCTION in an Assessment of Gastrocnemius MUSCLE Contraction
  267. The effects of velocity on FORCE PRODUCTION of the elbow flexors during eccentric isokinetic MUSCLE contraction
  268. The relationship between balance, FORCE PRODUCTION of selected ankle MUSCLE groups, and fall history in elderly women
  269. Influence of load knowledge in resistance training on rapid FORCE PRODUCTION, MUSCLE activation, and strength gains
  270. Antagonizing PPARγ improves MUSCLE fiber FORCE PRODUCTION and reduces lipid infiltration following chronic MUSCLE injury (1163.20)
  271. Neuromuscular drive and FORCE PRODUCTION are not altered during bilateral contractions (BLD, knee extensions, MUSCLE).
  272. Effects of compression calf sleeves on FORCE PRODUCTION during concentric and eccentric MUSCLE testing
  273. The ergogenic effect of caffeine on voluntary FORCE PRODUCTION in large and small MUSCLE groups
  274. Observation of MUSCLE activation in relationship to digit FORCE PRODUCTION during a precision pinch tracking task
  275. Changes in MUSCLE mass and FORCE PRODUCTION after strength training based in contrast method (weight and light load) in people from 50 to 70 years old (Spanish text).
  276. Age-related maximal voluntary isometric FORCE PRODUCTION characteristics of six MUSCLE groups in women ranging in age from 25 to 74 years
  277. Reduction in MUSCLE Fiber FORCE PRODUCTION, Disruption of MUSCLE Cell Architecture and Accumulation of Fatty Macrophages in Patients with Chronic Rotator Cuff …
  278. A new view of the radial geometry in MUSCLE: myofilament lattice spacing controls FORCE PRODUCTION and energy storage.
  281. Actions of Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species on the Organelles of FORCE PRODUCTION and Calcium Storage in Cardiac MUSCLE
  282. Smooth MUSCLE caldesmon inhibits tropomyosin enhanced isometric FORCE PRODUCTION by actomyosin in an in vitro motility assay.
  283. Hysteresis in the PRODUCTION of FORCE by larval Dipteran MUSCLE
  284. Chapter Number 26 Effect of Maturation on the Relationship between MUSCLE Size and FORCE PRODUCTION
  285. Type 1 diabetes impairs MUSCLE growth and absolute FORCE PRODUCTION in developing skeletal MUSCLE
  286. The effect of swinging the arms on MUSCLE activation and PRODUCTION of leg FORCE during ski skating at different skiing speeds
  287. Diapocynin, a dimer of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin, reduces ROS PRODUCTION and prevents FORCE loss in eccentrically contracting dystrophic MUSCLE
  288. Role of biomechanics and MUSCLE activation strategy in the PRODUCTION of endpoint FORCE patterns in the cat hindlimb
  289. Force‐dependent and force‐independent heat PRODUCTION in single slow‐and fast‐twitch MUSCLE fibres from Xenopus laevis.
  290. O2•− PRODUCTION at 37°C plays a critical role in depressing tetanic FORCE of isolated rat and mouse skeletal MUSCLE
  291. Changes in the force–velocity relationship of fatigued MUSCLE: implications for power PRODUCTION and possible causes
  292. Effects of anoxia on force, intracellular calcium and lactate PRODUCTION of urinary bladder smooth MUSCLE from control and diabetic rats
  293. FORCE development, energy state and ATP PRODUCTION of cardiac MUSCLE from turtles and trout during normoxia and severe hypoxia
  294. PPARδ agonism inhibits skeletal MUSCLE PDC activity, mitochondrial ATP PRODUCTION and FORCE generation during prolonged contraction
  295. FORCE generation and work PRODUCTION by covalently cross-linked actin-myosin cross-bridges in rabbit MUSCLE fibers

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