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Human monkeypox
Human monkeypox: an emerging zoonosis
Reemergence of monkeypox: prevalence, diagnostics, and countermeasures
Human monkeypox, 1970-79
Human monkeypox: clinical features of 282 patients
The detection of monkeypox in humans in the Western Hemisphere
Reemergence of human monkeypox in Nigeria, 2017
A tale of two clades: monkeypox viruses
Human monkeypox
Outbreak of human monkeypox, Democratic Republic of Congo, 1996 to 1997.
Human monkeypox: confusion with chickenpox.
Two cases of monkeypox imported to the United Kingdom, September 2018
Human monkeypox: an emerging zoonotic disease
Human monkeypox: a study of 2,510 contacts of 214 patients
Emergence of monkeypox—west and central Africa, 1970–2017
monkeypox transmission and pathogenesis in prairie dogs
The transmission potential of monkeypox virus in human populations
Clinical characteristics of human monkeypox, and risk factors for severe disease
Re-emergence of human monkeypox in Zaire in 1996.
monkeypox virus: ecology and public health significance
Human monkeypox: secondary attack rates
Re-emergence of monkeypox in Africa: a review of the past six years
monkeypox virus
Emergence of monkeypox as the most important orthopoxvirus infection in humans
Diagnosis of imported monkeypox, Israel, 2018
Endemic human monkeypox, democratic Republic of Congo, 2001–2004
The role of squirrels in sustaining monkeypox virus transmission.
Clinical manifestations of human monkeypox influenced by route of infection
A human infection caused by monkeypox virus in Basankusu Territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo
A preliminary assessment of silver nanoparticle inhibition of monkeypox virus plaque formation
Outbreak of human monkeypox in Nigeria in 2017–18: a clinical and epidemiological report
Analysis of the monkeypox virus genome
Status of human monkeypox: clinical disease, epidemiology and research
Human monkeypox.
Human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus, United Kingdom, October 2018
Detection of monkeypox virus with real-time PCR assays
Ecological niche and geographic distribution of human monkeypox in Africa
monkeypox: an emerging infection for humans?
Modelling human-to-human transmission of monkeypox
Update: multistate outbreak of monkeypox–Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, 2003
Discovery of monkeypox in Sudan
Human monkeypox: a newly emerged orthopoxvirus zoonosis in the tropical rain forests of Africa.
Isolation of monkeypox virus from wild squirrel infected in nature.
Major increase in human monkeypox incidence 30 years after smallpox vaccination campaigns cease in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Multistate outbreak of monkeypox–Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 2003
Smallpox vaccine–induced antibodies are necessary and sufficient for protection against monkeypox virus
Human monkeypox infection: a family cluster in the midwestern United States
A case of imported monkeypox in Singapore
Exportation of monkeypox virus from the African continent
Potential antiviral therapeutics for smallpox, monkeypox and other orthopoxvirus infections
The changing epidemiology of human monkeypox—A potential threat? A systematic review
Outbreaks of disease suspected of being due to human monkeypox virus infection in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2001
Human monkeypox and smallpox viruses: genomic comparison
Virulence differences between monkeypox virus isolates from West Africa and the Congo basin
A systematic review of the epidemiology of human monkeypox outbreaks and implications for outbreak strategy
Human monkeypox: epidemiologic and clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and prevention
… of acute-phase humoral immunity to monkeypox: use of immunoglobulin M enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of monkeypox infection during the 2003 …
Human monkeypox: disease pattern, incidence and attack rates in a rural area of northern Zaire.
Vaccinating against monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Immunogenicity of a highly attenuated MVA smallpox vaccine and protection against monkeypox
monkeypox zoonotic associations: insights from laboratory evaluation of animals associated with the multi-state US outbreak
Clinico-epidemiological features of monkeypox patients with an animal or human source of infection
Imported monkeypox, Singapore
Multiple diagnostic techniques identify previously vaccinated individuals with protective immunity against monkeypox
Subunit recombinant vaccine protects against monkeypox
Spectrum of infection and risk factors for human monkeypox, United States, 2003
Reemergence of human monkeypox and declining population immunity in the context of urbanization, Nigeria, 2017–2020
Smallpox DNA vaccine protects nonhuman primates against lethal monkeypox
Four generations of probable person-to-person transmission of human monkeypox
A review of experimental and natural infections of animals with monkeypox virus between 1958 and 2012
Poxvirus dilemmas—monkeypox, smallpox, and biologic terrorism
The pathology of experimental aerosolized monkeypox virus infection in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)
monkeypox virus in relation to the ecological features surrounding human settlements in Bumba zone, Zaire.
monkeypox re-emergence in Africa: a call to expand the concept and practice of One Health
monkeypox virus and insights into its immunomodulatory proteins
Antiviral treatment is more effective than smallpox vaccination upon lethal monkeypox virus infection
A mouse model of lethal infection for evaluating prophylactics and therapeutics against monkeypox virus
monkeypox virus in Nigeria: infection biology, epidemiology, and evolution
Extended human-to-human transmission during a monkeypox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Isolation and properties of the causal agent of a new variola-like disease (monkeypox) in man
Family cluster of three cases of monkeypox imported from Nigeria to the United Kingdom, May 2021
Occupational risks during a monkeypox outbreak, Wisconsin, 2003
Modified vaccinia virus Ankara protects macaques against respiratory challenge with monkeypox virus
Emerging diseases—the monkeypox epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ecology and geography of human monkeypox case occurrences across Africa
monkeypox: an epidemiologic and clinical comparison of African and US disease
Detection of human monkeypox in the Republic of the Congo following intensive community education
Smallpox and monkeypox in non-human primates
Outbreaks of human monkeypox after cessation of smallpox vaccination
Misinformation making a disease outbreak worse: outcomes compared for influenza, monkeypox, and norovirus
Human monkeypox–After 40 years, an unintended consequence of smallpox eradication
Nonhuman primates are protected from smallpox virus or monkeypox virus challenges by the antiviral drug ST-246
A game-theoretic model of monkeypox to assess vaccination strategies
monkeypox virus emergence in wild chimpanzees reveals distinct clinical outcomes and viral diversity
Fatal monkeypox in wild-living sooty mangabey, Cote d’Ivoire, 2012
In vitro efficacy of ST246 against smallpox and monkeypox
Multistate outbreak of monkeypox-Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, 2003.
Serological survey for human monkeypox infections in a selected population in Zaire.
Intrafamily transmission of monkeypox virus, Central African Republic, 2018
Genomic characterisation of human monkeypox virus in Nigeria
Human monkeypox: current state of knowledge and implications for the future
A phylogeographic investigation of African monkeypox
Human infection with monkeypox virus: laboratory investigation of six cases in West Africa
Experimental infection of prairie dogs with monkeypox virus
monkeypox virus: histologic, immunohistochemical and electron‐microscopic findings
Outbreaks of monkeypox and serological surveys in nonhuman primates
Using remote sensing to map the risk of human monkeypox virus in the Congo Basin
Use of surveillance outbreak response management and analysis system for human monkeypox outbreak, Nigeria, 2017–2019
Human monkeypox outbreak caused by novel virus belonging to Congo Basin clade, Sudan, 2005
Qualitative assessment of risk for monkeypox associated with domestic trade in certain animal species, United States
Retrospective analysis of monkeypox infection
monkeypox: a review of the history and emergence in the Western hemisphere
Rapid protection in a monkeypox model by a single injection of a replication-deficient vaccinia virus
Prevalence of antibodies against orthopoxviruses among residents of Likouala region, Republic of Congo: evidence for monkeypox virus exposure
A prairie dog animal model of systemic orthopoxvirus disease using West African and Congo Basin strains of monkeypox virus
Knowledge of human monkeypox viral infection among general practitioners: a cross-sectional study in Indonesia
Structure and regulatory profile of the monkeypox inhibitor of complement: comparison to homologs in vaccinia and variola and evidence for dimer formation
Assessing monkeypox virus prevalence in small mammals at the human–animal interface in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A novel respiratory model of infection with monkeypox virus in cynomolgus macaques
Comparison of monkeypox Viruses Pathogenesis in Mice by In Vivo Imaging
Strengthening of surveillance during monkeypox outbreak, Republic of the Congo, 2017
Intragenornic sequence transposition in monkeypox virus
Properties of the recombinant TNF-binding proteins from variola, monkeypox, and cowpox viruses are different
Identification of wild-derived inbred mouse strains highly susceptible to monkeypox virus infection for use as small animal models
Phylogenetic and ecologic perspectives of a monkeypox outbreak, southern Sudan, 2005
Experimental infection of ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) with monkeypox virus
Evaluation of human-to-human transmission of monkeypox from infected patients to health care workers
Human monkeypox–Kasai Oriental, Democratic Republic of…
Epidemiologic and ecologic investigations of monkeypox, Likouala Department, Republic of the Congo, 2017
Notes from the field: Responding to an outbreak of monkeypox using the one health approach—Nigeria, 2017–2018
Lethal monkeypox virus infection of CAST/EiJ mice is associated with a deficient gamma interferon response
Introduction of monkeypox into a community and household: risk factors and zoonotic reservoirs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Comparative pathology of North American and central African strains of monkeypox virus in a ground squirrel model of the disease.
Human monkeypox transmitted by a chimpanzee in a tropical rain-forest area of Zaire
monkeypox-induced immunity and failure of childhood smallpox vaccination to provide complete protection
Susceptibility of some rodent species to monkeypox virus, and course of the infection
A nosocomial outbreak of human monkeypox in the Central African Republic
LC16m8, a highly attenuated vaccinia virus vaccine lacking expression of the membrane protein B5R, protects monkeys from monkeypox
Genomic variability of monkeypox virus among humans, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Comparison of white pock (h) mutants of monkeypox virus with parental monkeypox and with variola-like viruses isolated from animals
Comparative pathology of smallpox and monkeypox in man and macaques
Optimization of peptide-based ELISA for serological diagnostics: a retrospective study of human monkeypox infection
US monkeypox outbreak traced to Wisconsin pet dealer
Susceptibility of Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to monkeypox Virus: A Low Dose Prospective Model for monkeypox and Smallpox Disease
Whither monkeypox vaccination
Clinical features and management of human monkeypox: a retrospective observational study in the UK
monkeypox virus detection in rodents using real-time 3′-minor groove binder TaqMan® assays on the Roche LightCycler
Enhancing case definitions for surveillance of human monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of Congo
monkeypox or varicella? Lessons from a rash outbreak investigation in the Republic of the Congo
Variola and monkeypox viruses utilize conserved mechanisms of virion motility and release that depend on abl and SRC family tyrosine kinases
Characterization of wild-type and cidofovir-resistant strains of camelpox, cowpox, monkeypox, and vaccinia viruses
Effects of georeferencing effort on mapping monkeypox case distributions and transmission risk
… kinomics demonstrates Congo Basin monkeypox virus infection selectively modulates host cell signaling responses as compared to West African monkeypox …
Assessment of the protective effect of Imvamune and Acam2000 vaccines against aerosolized monkeypox virus in cynomolgus macaques
Smallpox vaccine does not protect macaques with AIDS from a lethal monkeypox virus challenge
Virulence and pathophysiology of the Congo Basin and West African strains of monkeypox virus in non-human primates
Presumptive risk factors for monkeypox in rural communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Twelve cases of monkeypox virus outbreak in Bangassou District (Central African Republic) in December 2015
A protein-based smallpox vaccine protects non-human primates from a lethal monkeypox virus challenge
Evaluation of the GeneXpert for human monkeypox diagnosis
Experimental infection of an African dormouse (Graphiurus kelleni) with monkeypox virus
Dosage comparison of Congo Basin and West African strains of monkeypox virus using a prairie dog animal model of systemic orthopoxvirus disease
Real-time PCR assays for the specific detection of monkeypox virus West African and Congo Basin strain DNA
Enhancing health care worker ability to detect and care for patients with monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Recombinase polymerase amplification assay for rapid detection of monkeypox virus
Human monkeypox in Sierra Leone after 44-year absence of reported cases
Studies on monkeypox virus
Experimental Infection of Cynomolgus Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with Aerosolized monkeypox Virus
A review of the monkeypox virus and a recent outbreak of skin rash disease in Nigeria
Assessing the effectiveness of a community intervention for monkeypox prevention in the Congo basin
Seven monkeypox cases are confirmed in England
Comparative analysis of viral gene expression programs during poxvirus infection: a transcriptional map of the vaccinia and monkeypox genomes
Comparative analysis of monkeypox virus infection of cynomolgus macaques by the intravenous or intrabronchial inoculation route
monkeypox virus phylogenetic similarities between a human case detected in Cameroon in 2018 and the 2017-2018 outbreak in Nigeria
Investigation of an outbreak of monkeypox in an area occupied by armed groups, Central African Republic
monkeypox and whitepox viruses in West and Central Africa
Confidence in managing human monkeypox cases in Asia: A cross-sectional survey among general practitioners in Indonesia
A case of severe monkeypox virus disease in an American child: emerging infections and changing professional values
The evolving epidemiology of human monkeypox–questions still to be answered
Transmissibility of the monkeypox virus clades via respiratory transmission: investigation using the prairie dog-monkeypox virus challenge system
Comparative proteomics of human monkeypox and vaccinia intracellular mature and extracellular enveloped virions
Human monkeypox–Kasai Oriental, Zaire, 1996-1997
Stunned silence: gene expression programs in human cells infected with monkeypox or vaccinia virus
Evaluation of monkeypox disease progression by molecular imaging
A Novel International monkeypox Outbreak
monkeypox in a Traveler Returning from Nigeria—Dallas, Texas, July 2021
Mapping monkeypox transmission risk through time and space in the Congo Basin
Multivalent smallpox DNA vaccine delivered by intradermal electroporation drives protective immunity in nonhuman primates against lethal monkeypox challenge
Case report: Human monkeypox in the kivus, a conflict region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
monkeypox outbreak a reminder of emerging infections vulnerabilities
Specific detection of monkeypox virus by polymerase chain reaction
Acceptance and willingness to pay for a hypothetical vaccine against monkeypox viral infection among frontline physicians: A cross-sectional study in Indonesia
Characterization of monkeypox virus infection in African rope squirrels (Funisciurus sp.)
monkeypox—Enhancing public health preparedness for an emerging lethal human zoonotic epidemic threat in the wake of the smallpox post-eradication era
Molecular evidence of human monkeypox virus infection, Sierra Leone
Ghosts of infections past: using archival samples to understand a century of monkeypox virus prevalence among host communities across space and time
Improving the care and treatment of monkeypox patients in low-resource settings: applying evidence from contemporary biomedical and smallpox biodefense …
Evolution of synonymous codon usage bias in west African and central African strains of monkeypox virus
monkeypox virus infections in small animal models for evaluation of anti-poxvirus agents
The histopathology and electron microscopy of a human monkeypox lesion
Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Control of monkeypox Disease: A comprehensive Review
Inhalational monkeypox virus infection in cynomolgus macaques
monkeypox-specific antibodies in human and simian sera from the Ivory Coast and Nigeria
Inhibition of monkeypox virus replication by RNA interference
Clinical course and outcome of human monkeypox in Nigeria
monkeypox in the United States: an occupational health look at the first cases
Species-specific identification of variola, monkeypox, cowpox, and vaccinia viruses by multiplex real-time PCR assay
Independent evolution of monkeypox and variola viruses
Transmission of atypical varicella-zoster virus infections involving palm and sole manifestations in an area with monkeypox endemicity
Deletion of the monkeypox virus inhibitor of complement enzymes locus impacts the adaptive immune response to monkeypox virus in a nonhuman primate model of …
monkeypox disease transmission in an experimental setting: prairie dog animal model
Gene expression profiling of monkeypox virus-infected cells reveals novel interfaces for host-virus interactions
Laboratory Investigations of African Pouched Rats (Cricetomys gambianus) as a Potential Reservoir Host Species for monkeypox Virus
Temporal and spatial dynamics of monkeypox in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2000–2015
Evolution of a disease surveillance system: an increase in reporting of human monkeypox disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2001–2013
Evidence for recent genetic variation in monkeypox viruses
Comparison of multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging to chromogenic immunohistochemistry of skin biomarkers in response to monkeypox virus infection
Antiviral activity of cyclopentenyl nucleosides against orthopox viruses (smallpox, monkeypox and cowpox)
Three specific antigens produced in vaccinia, variola, and monkeypox infections
The highly virulent variola and monkeypox viruses express secreted inhibitors of type I interferon
Comparison of West African and Congo Basin monkeypox viruses in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice
In vitro inhibition of monkeypox virus production and spread by Interferon-β
Comparison of host cell gene expression in cowpox, monkeypox or vaccinia virus-infected cells reveals virus-specific regulation of immune response genes
Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of a Potential Smallpox Therapeutic, Brincidofovir, in a Lethal monkeypox Virus Animal Model
Elucidating the role of the complement control protein in monkeypox pathogenicity
Human monkeypox
monkeypox= Orthopoxvirose simienne
Fatal monkeypox in a child in Kikwit, Zaire
Intranasal monkeypox marmoset model: Prophylactic antibody treatment provides benefit against severe monkeypox virus disease
monkeypox outbreak among pet owners
Clonal vaccinia virus grown in cell culture fully protects monkeys from lethal monkeypox challenge
monkeypox without exanthem
monkeypox transmission among international travellers—serious monkey business?
Nucleotide sequence of the thymidine kinase gene region of monkeypox and variola viruses
monkeypox Virus
Importance of epidemiological research of monkeypox: is incidence increasing?
Evasion of the innate immune type I interferon system by monkeypox virus
Effective antiviral treatment of systemic orthopoxvirus disease: ST-246 treatment of prairie dogs infected with monkeypox virus
Humoral immunity to smallpox vaccines and monkeypox virus challenge: proteomic assessment and clinical correlations
The 2017 human monkeypox outbreak in Nigeria—report of outbreak experience and response in the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Bayelsa State …
Extensive Lesions of monkeypox in a Prairie Dog (Cynomys sp.)
Can variola-like viruses be derived from monkeypox virus? An investigation based on DNA mapping
Immunological Memory after Exposure to Variola Virusm monkeypox Virus, and Vaccinia Virus
monkeypox virus as a source of whitepox viruses
Learning from experience: the public health response to West Nile virus, SARS, monkeypox, and hepatitis A outbreaks in the United States
A Tale of Two Viruses: Coinfections of monkeypox and Varicella Zoster Virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Imported monkeypox from International Traveler, Maryland, USA, 2021
Susceptibility of monkeypox virus aerosol suspensions in a rotating chamber
Pathogen-host associations and predicted range shifts of human monkeypox in response to climate change in central Africa
Clinical and Epidemiological Findings from Enhanced monkeypox Surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo During 2011–2015
Differentiation of variola, monkeypox, and vaccinia antisera by radioimmunoassay
monkeypox spreads as US public-health system plays catch-up
Proteomic basis of the antibody response to monkeypox virus infection examined in cynomolgus macaques and a comparison to human smallpox vaccination
Using the Ground Squirrel (Marmota bobak) as an Animal Model to Assess monkeypox Drug Efficacy
monkeypox virus evades antiviral CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses by suppressing cognate T cell activation
Comparative live bioluminescence imaging of monkeypox virus dissemination in a wild-derived inbred mouse (Mus musculus castaneus) and outbred African …
The Role of the Obstetrician–Gynecologist in Emerging Infectious Diseases: monkeypox and Pregnancy
monkeypox rash severity and animal exposures in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Emergence of human monkeypox in west Africa
monkeypox: What do we know about the outbreaks in Europe and North America?
Serological relatedness of monkeypox, variola, and vaccinia viruses
Comparison of monkeypox virus clade kinetics and pathology within the prairie dog animal model using a serial sacrifice study design
monkeypox: A Neglected Viral Zoonotic Disease
Human monkeypox and other poxvirus infections of man
… tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) as a novel animal model for comparing smallpox vaccines administered preexposure in both high-and low-dose monkeypox …
The virion and soluble antigen proteins of variola, monkeypox, and vaccinia viruses
Effects of treatment delay on efficacy of tecovirimat following lethal aerosol monkeypox virus challenge in cynomolgus macaques
Lay media reporting of monkeypox in Nigeria
Modeling the transmission dynamics of the monkeypox virus infection with treatment and vaccination interventions
Loop‐mediated isothermal amplification‐based diagnostic assay for monkeypox virus infections
Report of monkeypox cases in 2018 in the United Kingdom
Maternal and fetal outcomes among pregnant women with human monkeypox infection in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Expansion, reexpansion, and recall-like expansion of Vγ2Vδ2 T cells in smallpox vaccination and monkeypox virus infection
Genus Orthopoxvirus: monkeypox virus
Diagnosis and assessment of monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection by quantitative PCR assay: differentiation of Congo Basin and West African MPXV strains
ST-246 antiviral efficacy in a nonhuman primate monkeypox model: determination of the minimal effective dose and human dose justification
Infection of cynomolgus macaques with a recombinant monkeypox virus encoding green fluorescent protein
Whitepox virus isolated from hamsters inoculated with monkeypox virus
Variola or a severe case of varicella? A case of human variola due to monkeypox virus in a child from the Cameroon
Transmission dynamics of monkeypox virus: a mathematical modelling approach
Attenuation of monkeypox virus by deletion of genomic regions
… with the smallpox antiviral tecovirimat (ST-246) alone or in combination with ACAM2000 vaccination is effective as a postsymptomatic therapy for monkeypox virus …
Further Assessment of monkeypox Virus Infection in Gambian Pouched Rats (Cricetomys gambianus) Using In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging
monkeypox virus induces the synthesis of less dsRNA than vaccinia virus, and is more resistant to the anti-poxvirus drug, IBT, than vaccinia virus
Species-specific differentiation of variola, monkeypox, and varicella-zoster viruses by multiplex real-time PCR assay
monkeypox outbreak diagnostics and implications for vaccine protective effect
… of cidofovir and smallpox vaccine reduced vaccination side effects but interfered with vaccine-elicited immune responses and immunity to monkeypox
monkeypox virus host factor screen using haploid cells identifies essential role of GARP complex in extracellular virus formation
Emerging infections and pregnancy: West Nile virus, monkeypox, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and bioterrorism
Orthopoxviruses: vaccinia (smallpox vaccine), variola (smallpox), monkeypox, and cowpox
Generalized monkeypox in orally infected rabbits and white mice
Pathogenesis of fulminant monkeypox with bacterial sepsis after experimental infection with West African monkeypox virus in a cynomolgus monkey
Cytokine modulation correlates with severity of monkeypox disease in humans
… of D-and L-2-cyclopentenone and their utility for the synthesis of carbocyclic antiviral nucleosides against orthopox viruses (smallpox, monkeypox, and cowpox virus)
Multistate outbreak of monkeypox-Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, 2003
Genetic studies of the susceptibility of classical and wild-derived inbred mouse strains to monkeypox virus
Attenuated NYCBH vaccinia virus deleted for the E3L gene confers partial protection against lethal monkeypox virus disease in cynomolgus macaques
Stability analysis for the equilibria of a monkeypox model
monkeypox chez l’homme, 1970-79
Varicella coinfection in patients with active monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Characterization of Macaque Pulmonary Fluid Proteome during monkeypox Infection
Modelling HIV/AIDS and monkeypox co-infection
… -orthopoxvirus assay to quantitatively detect monkeypox viral loads in clinical specimens from macaques experimentally infected with aerosolized monkeypox …
Substrate specificity of homogeneous monkeypox virus uracil-DNA glycosylase
A highly specific monoclonal antibody against monkeypox virus detects the heparin binding domain of A27
A study of the specificities of sequential antisera to variola and monkeypox viruses by radioimmunoassay
monkeypox in Nigeria: A case report of re-emerged disease outbreak
Toward Understanding the Outcomes of monkeypox Infection in Human Pregnancy
Can culling to prevent monkeypox infection be counter-productive? Scenarios from a theoretical model
Human monkeypox hits beleaguered Zaire
monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire)
Do monkeypox Exposures Vary by Ethnicity? Comparison of Aka and Bantu Suspected monkeypox Cases
monkeypox virus: responses of infection in chick embryos
Induction, Course, and Transmissibility of monkeypox in the Baboon (Papio cynocephalus)
… of tecovirimat and ACAM2000™ in non-human primates: Effect of tecovirimat treatment on ACAM2000 immunogenicity and efficacy versus lethal monkeypox …
Inhibition of cowpox virus and monkeypox virus infection by mitoxantrone
IMVAMUNE® and ACAM2000® Provide Different Protection against Disease When Administered Postexposure in an Intranasal monkeypox Challenge Prairie Dog …
Identification and whole-genome sequencing of a monkeypox virus strain isolated in Israel
Nucleotide sequence comparison of homologous genomic regions from variola, monkeypox, and vaccinia viruses
monkeypox virus infection of rhesus macaques induces massive expansion of natural killer cells but suppresses natural killer cell functions
monkeypox virus viral chemokine inhibitor (MPV vCCI), a potent inhibitor of rhesus macrophage inflammatory protein-1
Assessment of media reportage of monkeypox in southern Nigeria
Emergence of monkeypox—West and Central Africa, 1970–2017
A Case Report of monkeypox in a 4-Year-Old Boy from the DR Congo: Challenges of Diagnosis and Management
Electron-microscopical observations on the development of vaccinia, cowpox and monkeypox viruses in pig skin.
Anticipating smallpox and monkeypox outbreaks: Complications of the smallpox vaccine
Prairie-dog model offers hope of tackling monkeypox virus
Analgesia during monkeypox virus experimental challenge studies in prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus)
DNA/MVA HIV-1/AIDS vaccine elicits long-lived vaccinia virus-specific immunity and confers protection against a lethal monkeypox challenge
A single vaccination of nonhuman primates with highly attenuated smallpox vaccine, LC16m8, provides long-term protection against monkeypox
Sequence of pathogenic events in cynomolgus macaques infected with aerosolized monkeypox virus
Clinical and epidemiologic findings from enhanced monkeypox surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo during 2011–2015
Laboratory testing for the monkeypox virus: interim guidance, 23 May 2022
Human monkeypox in Kasai Oriental, Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire): preliminary report of October 1997 investigation
Successful treatment in the monkeypox and variola primate models of smallpox by the oral drug ST-246
Development of prophylactics and therapeutics against the smallpox and monkeypox biothreat agents
Asymptomatic orthopoxvirus circulation in humans in the wake of a monkeypox outbreak among chimpanzees in Cameroon
monkeypox: features of spread after cancellation of mandatory pox immunization
Monoclonal antibodies to a monkeypox virus polypeptide determinant
Efficient assembly of a large fragment of monkeypox virus genome as a qPCR template using dual-selection based transformation-associated recombination
Re-emergence of monkeypox in Nigeria: A cause for concern and public enlightenment
Surveillance, case investigation and contact tracing for monkeypox: interim guidance, 22 May 2022
An adult patient with suspected of monkeypox infection differential diagnosed to chickenpox
The polypeptides of monkeypox virus: I. Analysis of the polypeptide synthesis of MPV by SDS-PAGE and by two-dimensional electrophoresis
A Neuro-Fussy Based Model for Diagnosis of monkeypox Diseases
Poxvirus antigen staining of immune cells as a biomarker to predict disease outcome in monkeypox and cowpox virus infection in non-human primates
monkeypox outbreak diagnostics and implications for vaccine protective effect
Descriptive epidemiology of monkeypox in Nigeria, September 2017–June 2019
In vitro growth characteristics of monkeypox virus
Human monkeypox
… IL-15 demonstrates enhanced in vivo viral clearance in immunodeficient mice and confers long term protection against a lethal monkeypox challenge in cynomolgus …
monkeypox, Marshfield Clinic and the Internet: leveraging information technology for public health
Finishing monkeypox genomes from short reads: assembly analysis and a neural network method
Unveiling the Arcane of an Elusive Virus from the Heart of the African Continent: The monkeypox
monkeypox virus (MPV) I. Propagation, purification, and further characterization
The monkeypox virus outbreak: Reflections from the frontlines
Increase seen in monkeypox cases
Transmission dynamics of monkeypox virus: a mathematical modelling approach
monkeypox, 1991= Orthopoxvirose simienne, 1991
US doctors investigate more than 50 possible cases of monkeypox
monkeypox multi-country outbreak
[18F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake in Lymphoid Tissue Serves as a Predictor of Disease Outcome in the Nonhuman Primate Model of monkeypox Virus Infection
monkeypox detection in maculopapular lesions in two young Pygmies in the Central African Republic
SARS: here to stay? monkeypox: beware of exotic pets.
Differential inhibitory effects of 5-bromodeoxyuridine on vaccinia and monkeypox viruses
Human monkeypox in Kasai Oriental, Zaire (1996-1997)
Reminiscing the recent incidence of monkeypox in Nigeria: Its ecologic-epidemiology and literature review
monkeypox and Other Emerging Orthopoxvirus Infections
Human monkeypox in West Africa
Emergence of monkeypox in West Africa and Central Africa, 1970-2017/Emergence de l’orthopoxvirose simienne en Afrique de l’Ouest et en Afrique centrale, 1970 …
monkeypox virus as a potential source of variola virus
An Early Transmissibility Estimate for the 2022 monkeypox Outbreak
Update: Multistate outbreak of monkeypox-Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, 2003
Sixty seconds on… monkeypox
Training health workers for enhanced monkeypox surveillance, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Human monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Presentation, Prediction and Animal Exposures Associated with Rash Severity
The changing epidemiology of human monkeypox—A potential threat? A systematic review| PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Sounding the alarm: Defining thresholds to trigger a public health response to monkeypox
Identification of human pathogenic variola and monkeypox viruses by real-time polymerase chain reaction
Physicians’ willingness to be vaccinated with a smallpox vaccine to prevent monkeypox viral infection: A cross-sectional study in Indonesia
Major Increase in Human monkeypox Incidence 30 Years After Smallpox Vaccination Campaigns Cease in the Democratic Republic of Congo: AW Rimoin et al. PNAS …
CDC information on monkeypox virus
Research progress in monkeypox virus detection
monkeypox Virus
monkeypox virus (MPV) II. Uncoating and nucleic acid synthesis
Triage of a febrile patient with a rash: a comparison of chickenpox, monkeypox, and smallpox
A Case of monkeypox in a Returned Traveler
Correction for Hutson et al.,“Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of a Potential Smallpox Therapeutic, Brincidofovir, in a Lethal monkeypox Virus Animal Model”
Optimization of automated segmentation of monkeypox virus-induced lung lesions from normal lung CT images using hard C-means algorithm
Characterizing monkeypox virus specific CD8+ T cell epitopes in rhesus macaques
Modelling human-to-human transmission of monkeypox Addendum
monkeypox= Orthopoxvirose simienne
Modelling human-to-human transmission of monkeypox Supporting information
monkeypox not mutating
monkeypox on the rise
Human monkeypox: update 1978
Scrutinizing surface glycoproteins and poxin-schlafen protein to design a heterologous recombinant vaccine against monkeypox virus
Emerging monkeypox
monkeypox Virus
A game-theoretic model of monkeypox to
monkeypox Virus Hosts and Transmission Routes: A Systematic Review of a Zoonotic Pathogen
Plans to minimize the risk of viral infections–it’s all a matter of susceptibility part II: SARS, West Nile, and monkeypox
Post-Exposure Vaccination with a Highly Attenuated Vaccinia Vaccine, LC16m8, for Protection of Nonhuman Primates from monkeypox
Patient safety tools: SARS, smallpox, monkeypox, and avian flu
On alert for monkeypox
An Outbreak of monkeypox in Doedain District, Rivercess County, Liberia, June, 2017
Human monkeypox, A Newly
High acceptance of new monkeypox vaccine among GPs in Indonesia
Generation and characterization of specific monoclonal antibodies against monkeypox virus
Early Release-Reemergence of Human monkeypox and Declining Population Immunity in the Context of Urbanization, Nigeria, 2017–2020
The World Health Organization’s monkeypox surveillance programme, 1980-86
First US monkeypox cases crop up in the Midwest
Descriptive epidemiology of monkeypox outbreak in Bayelsa State South-South Nigeria, November 2017
Emergence of monkeypox in West and Central Africa, 1970–2017–Émergence de l’orthopoxvirose simienne en Afrique de l’Ouest et en Afrique centrale, 1970 …
Human monkeypox and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Co-infection: A Case Series in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
Interim Case Definition for Animal Cases of monkeypox
Design and optimization of a monkeypox virus specific serological assay
RESEARCH monkeypox Transmission and Pathogenesis in Prairie Dogs
Human monkeypox in the Kivus, a conflict region of The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Le virus monkeypox et whitepox en Afrique occidentale et centrale
Mapping monkeypox Transmission Risk through Time and Space in the Congo
Ecological Niche and Geographic Distribution of Human monkeypox in
Human monkeypox in the US: investigations confirm that multiple animal species are susceptible to infection
Proteomic Basis of the Antibody Response to monkeypox Virus Infection Examined in
US monkeypox outbreak traced to Wisconsin pet dealer.(Infectious Diseases)
Comparative study of variola virus and monkeypox virus interferon-gamma-binding
Ocular complications associated with acute monkeypox virus infection, DRC
Generalized monkeypox in young rabbits and white mice infected orally.
An Investigation into the Historical Distribution, Prevalence, and Host Community of monkeypox Virus (MPXV) Among Funisciurus Museum Skin Specimens …
Orthopoxviruses: Variola, Vaccinia, Cowpox, and monkeypox
Report on the 2003 Outbreak of monkeypox in the Western Hemisphere
SMALLPOX: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: First isolation of monkeypox virus from a wild animal infected in nature
Analysis of the complete genomes of rabbitpox virus utrecht and three West African isolates of monkeypox virus
A One Health Perspective on Disease Dynamics: Human monkeypox Transmission in Sankuru District, Democratic Republic of Congo
Rapid Identification of monkeypox Virus using Tandem Repeats with Insertion, Deletion and SNPs
SMALLPOX: POST-ERADICATION SURVEILLANCE: Squirrels proved to maintain monkeypox virus transmission in nature
Smallpox, vaccinia and human monkeypox viruses
Systems kinomics demonstrates Congo Basin monkeypox virus infection selectively modulates host cell signaling re…
Communication with the Public in Outbreaks of West Nile Virus, SARS, monkeypox, and Hepatitis A in the United St…
Public Health Assessment in Outbreaks of West Nile Virus, SARS, monkeypox, and Hepatitis A in the United States
monkeypox detection in rodents using real-time 3’minor groove binder Taqman assays on the Roche LightCycler, Laboratory Investigation 84: 1200-1208
Utilization of the prairie dog (Cynomys sp.) animal model for the study of monkeypox virus: pathogenicity differences between viral clades and the effect of …
monkeypox virus infection of rhesus macaques induces massive expansion of NK cells, but suppresses NK cell function (P4369)
Correction to Comparative Proteomics of Human monkeypox and Vaccinia Intracellular Mature and Extracellular Enveloped Virions
COS 88-9: monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Transmission dynamics of a re-emerging zoonosis
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