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Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and public health: personal reflections
The Mediterranean Diet: science and practice
Mediterranean Diet: the past and the present.
Food, youth and the Mediterranean Diet in Spain. Development of KIDMED, Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents
Cretan Mediterranean Diet for prevention of coronary heart disease
Mediterranean Diet and longevity
Healthy traditional Mediterranean Diet: an expression of culture, history, and lifestyle
Mediterranean Diet and risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and health status: meta-analysis
The Mediterranean Diet in a world context
Scientific evidence of interventions using the Mediterranean Diet: a systematic review
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and survival in a Greek population
Does the definition of the Mediterranean Diet need to be updated?
Mediterranean Diet and cancer
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic diseases
Effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet in the elderly
The Mediterranean Diet revisited: evidence of its effectiveness grows
Antioxidant capacity of the Spanish Mediterranean Diet
Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean Diet: the experience of the PREDIMED study
Mediterranean Diet and mild cognitive impairment
Mediterranean Diet and depression
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival: EPIC-elderly prospective cohort study
Mediterranean Diet, Italian-style: prototype of a healthy Diet
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome: the evidence
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline
Worldwide variation of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, in 1961–1965 and 2000–2003
Importance of functional foods in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in pregnancy is protective for wheeze and atopy in childhood
Mediterranean Diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating
Mediterranean Diet
The use of indexes evaluating the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in epidemiological studies: a review
Definition of the Mediterranean Diet based on bioactive compounds
Traditional Mediterranean Diet and longevity in the elderly: a review
Accruing evidence on benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on health: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
The Mediterranean Diet and mortality-olive oil and beyond
Mediterranean Diet, traditional risk factors, and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction: final report of the Lyon Diet Heart Study
Mediterranean Diet and survival among patients with coronary heart disease in Greece
Mediterranean Diet and incidence of and mortality from coronary heart disease and stroke in women
Protective mechanisms of the Mediterranean Diet in obesity and type 2 diabetes
The role of antioxidants in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and longevity
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of developing diabetes: prospective cohort study
Anatomy of health effects of Mediterranean Diet: Greek EPIC prospective cohort study
Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer disease mortality
Mediterranean Diet, culture and heritage: challenges for a new conception
The Mediterranean Diet: does it have to cost more?
Mediterranean Diet and stroke: objectives and design of the SUN project
Obesity and the Mediterranean Diet: a systematic review of observational and intervention studies
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and oxidative stress
Population health and Mediterranean Diet in southern Mediterranean countries
Mediterranean Diet, lifestyle factors, and 10-year mortality in elderly European men and women: the HALE project
Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer disease, and vascular mediation
Nutrient adequacy and Mediterranean Diet in Spanish school children and adolescents
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function in older adults
Influence of the Mediterranean Diet on the risk of cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract
Effect of an Indo-Mediterranean Diet on progression of coronary artery disease in high risk patients (Indo-Mediterranean Diet Heart Study): a randomised single-blind …
An experimental study of a Mediterranean Diet intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Mediterranean Diet of Crete: foods and nutrient content
Effect of a traditional Mediterranean Diet on lipoprotein oxidation: a randomized controlled trial
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of metabolic syndrome and its components
Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome
Food consumption patterns in a Mediterranean region: does the Mediterranean Diet still exist?
The protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet on lung cancer
Are the advantages of the Mediterranean Diet transferable to other populations? A cohort study in Melbourne, Australia
Dietary patterns: a Mediterranean Diet score and its relation to clinical and biological markers of cardiovascular disease risk
Intervention studies on Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular risk
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, cognitive decline, and risk of dementia
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced 3-year incidence of obesity
Mediterranean Diet and age with respect to overall survival in institutionalized, nonsmoking elderly people
Infrequently asked questions about the Mediterranean Diet
The postprandial effect of components of the Mediterranean Diet on endothelial function
The Mediterranean Diet and incidence of hypertension: the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Study
Selected aspects of Mediterranean Diet and cancer risk
Mediterranean Diet and prevention of coronary heart disease in the elderly
Mediterranean Diet, olive oil and cancer
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on longevity and age-related morbid conditions
Mediterranean Diet and all-causes mortality after myocardial infarction: results from the GISSI-Prevenzione trial
Mediterranean Diet, olive oil and health
Evaluation of the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) in children and adolescents in Southern Spain
Alcohol in the Mediterranean Diet
Association between the prevalence of obesity and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: the ATTICA study
Adherence rates to the Mediterranean Diet are low in a representative sample of Greek children and adolescents
The Mediterranean Diet: a view from history
Effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet: can it help delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet attenuates inflammation and coagulation process in healthy adults: The ATTICA Study
The Mediterranean Diet: rationale and evidence for its benefit
Mediterranean Diet inversely associated with the incidence of metabolic syndrome: the SUN prospective cohort
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with better mental and physical health
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of coronary heart disease in the Spanish EPIC Cohort Study
Mediterranean Diet, inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers, and risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival after myocardial infarction: the EPIC-Elderly study
Conformity to traditional Mediterranean Diet and cancer incidence: the Greek EPIC cohort
Can the Mediterranean Diet prevent prostate cancer?
Association between the Mediterranean Diet and cancer risk: a review of observational studies
Development of a short Dietary intake questionnaire for the quantitative estimation of adherence to a cardioprotective Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and cancer risk
Qualitative methods to evaluate Mediterranean Diet in adults
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with nuts on metabolic syndrome status: one-year results of the PREDIMED randomized trial
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with total antioxidant capacity in healthy adults: the ATTICA study–
Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with body mass index and obesity in a Spanish population
Mediterranean Diet and inflammatory response in myocardial infarction survivors
The Mediterranean Diet and your health
Nutraceutical properties of Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline: possible underlying mechanisms
Mediterranean Diet and coronary heart disease: is obesity a link?–A systematic review
Level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among children from Cyprus: the CYKIDS study
Mediterranean Diet and cancer.
Prenatal and childhood Mediterranean Diet and the development of asthma and allergies in children
… the Mediterranean Basin. The macronutrient composition of Diet and its relation with the traditional Mediterranean Diet. Multi-centre study of the Mediterranean …
Mediterranean Diet improves erectile function in subjects with the metabolic syndrome
Mediterranean Diet and reduction in the risk of a first acute myocardial infarction: an operational healthy Dietary score
Mediterranean Diet as a protective factor for wheezing in preschool children
Relationship of asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis with obesity, exercise and Mediterranean Diet in Spanish schoolchildren
The Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I): is it a useful tool to evaluate the quality of the Mediterranean Diet?
A protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet for cutaneous melanoma
Protective effect of fruits, vegetables and the Mediterranean Diet on asthma and allergies among children in Crete
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower abdominal adiposity in European men and women
Olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet: beyond the rhetoric
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular epidemiology
Changing the Mediterranean Diet: effects on blood pressure.
Can a Mediterranean Diet moderate the development and clinical progression of coronary heart disease? A systematic review
Status and management of hypertension in Greece: role of the adoption of a Mediterranean Diet: the Attica study
Inhibition of circulating immune cell activation: a molecular antiinflammatory effect of the Mediterranean Diet
Tracing the Mediterranean Diet through principal components and cluster analyses in the Greek population
The consilience of historical and isotopic approaches in reconstructing the medieval Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean Diet is not enough for health: physical fitness is an important additional contributor to health for the adults of tomorrow
Biofactors in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional study in the Canary Islands
The antioxidant potential of the Mediterranean Diet.
Mediterranean Diet has no effect on markers of inflammation and metabolic risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease
Antioxidant activity of essential oils of five spice plants widely used in a Mediterranean Diet
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on the expression of pro-atherogenic genes in a population at high cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet and waist circumference in a representative national sample of young Spaniards
Antioxidants in the Mediterranean Diet.
Mediterranean Diet, endothelial function and vascular inflammatory markers
Dietary factors, Mediterranean Diet and erectile dysfunction
Evaluating associations between Mediterranean Diet adherence indexes and biomarkers of Diet and disease
Proposal of a Mediterranean Diet index for pregnant women
The Mediterranean Diet: protective or simply non-toxic?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and fresh fruit intake are associated with improved asthma control
Diabetes preventive components in the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of a high monounsaturated fatty acids Diet and a Mediterranean Diet on serum lipids and insulin sensitivity in adults with mild abdominal obesity
A Mediterranean Diet is cost-effective in patients with previous myocardial infarction
Mediterranean Diet and overall mortality differences in the European Union
Changing the Mediterranean Diet: effects on blood lipids
Effectiveness of cognitive–behavioral therapy based on the Mediterranean Diet for the treatment of obesity
Olive oil, the Mediterranean Diet, and arterial blood pressure: the Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study
The Mediterranean Diet: Constituents and health promotion
Close adherence to a Mediterranean Diet improves endothelial function in subjects with abdominal obesity
Is the term ‘Mediterranean Diet‘a misnomer?
Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced asthma and rhinitis in Mexican children
Mediterranean Diet and asthma in Spanish schoolchildren
Antibacterial activity of different essential oils obtained from spices widely used in Mediterranean Diet
Antioxidant properties of low molecular weight phenols present in the Mediterranean Diet
Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: a healthy cardiovascular Diet for weight loss
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, long-term weight change, and incident overweight or obesity: the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort
Radical scavenging and iron-chelating activities of some greens used as traditional dishes in Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome: the end of the beginning
Globalisation and income growth promote the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet story illustrates that “why” questions are as important as “how” questions in disease explanation
Mediterranean Diet and the French paradox: two distinct biogeographic concepts for one consolidated scientific theory on the role of nutrition in coronary heart disease
Exercise alone is not enough: weight loss also needs a healthy (Mediterranean) Diet?
Fatty acid regulation of gene expression: a genomic explanation for the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and osteoporosis prevention
Physical activity mediates the protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet on children’s obesity status: The CYKIDS study
Greek Orthodox fasting rituals: a hidden characteristic of the Mediterranean Diet of Crete
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular health
Dietary influences on blood pressure: the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on the prevalence of hypertension
The Mediterranean Diet in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
Anti-inflammatory effects of extracts from some traditional Mediterranean Diet plants
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and glycaemic control in Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Nutrition in the genomics era: cardiovascular disease risk and the Mediterranean Diet
Analytical determination of antioxidants in tomato: typical components of the Mediterranean Diet
The association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and fasting indices of glucose homoeostasis: the ATTICA Study
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet score and atherothrombotic risk: findings from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) …
Olive oil and red wine antioxidant polyphenols inhibit endothelial activation: antiatherogenic properties of Mediterranean Diet phytochemicals
Mediterranean Diet and insulin sensitivity, lipid profile and blood pressure levels, in overweight and obese people; the Attica study
A traditional Mediterranean Diet decreases endogenous estrogens in healthy postmenopausal women
CLOCK gene is implicated in weight reduction in obese patients participating in a Dietary programme based on the Mediterranean Diet
Oleic acid inhibits endothelial activation: a direct vascular antiatherogenic mechanism of a nutritional component in the Mediterranean Diet
In vivo nutrigenomic effects of virgin olive oil polyphenols within the frame of the Mediterranean Diet: a randomized controlled trial
Direct vascular antiatherogenic effects of oleic acid: a clue to the cardioprotective effects of the Mediterranean Diet.
Trends in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in an Italian population between 1991 and 2006
The association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and adiponectin levels among healthy adults: the ATTICA study.
Metabolic fate of saturated and monounsaturated Dietary fats: the Mediterranean Diet revisited from epidemiological evidence to cellular mechanisms
Behavioural therapy in the treatment of obesity (II): role of the Mediterranean Diet
The association of Mediterranean Diet with lower risk of acute coronary syndromes in hypertensive subjects
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with renal function among healthy adults: the ATTICA study
Mediterranean Diet improves sexual function in women with the metabolic syndrome
Nutrition and the Mediterranean Diet. A historical and sociological analysis of the concept of a “healthy Diet” in Spanish society
Mediterranean Diet and coronary heart disease: are antioxidants critical?
International consensus statement on olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet: implications for health in Europe
The Mediterranean Diet: is it cardioprotective?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with circulating interleukin-6 among middle-aged men: a twin study
Expression of concern: Indo-Mediterranean Diet heart study
The Mediterranean Diet
Nutritional composition and flavonoid content of edible wild greens and green pies: a potential rich source of antioxidant nutrients in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and diabetes prevention: myth or fact?
Long-term adoption of a Mediterranean Diet is associated with a better health status in elderly people; a cross-sectional survey in Cyprus.
Effects of hypocaloric very‐low‐carbohydrate Diet vs. Mediterranean Diet on endothelial function in obese women
The Mediterranean Diet in Spain.
The Mediterranean Diet model in inflammatory rheumatic diseases
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular epidemiology
The Mediterranean Diet as a nutrition education, health promotion and disease prevention tool
Complementary effects of Mediterranean Diet and moderate red wine intake on haemostatic cardiovascular risk factors
The adoption of Mediterranean Diet attenuates the development of acute coronary syndromes in people with the metabolic syndrome
The Nicotera Diet: the reference Italian Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and risk of gastric adenocarcinoma within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort study
A low carbohydrate Mediterranean Diet improves cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes control among overweight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 1‐year …
… Diet in patients with coronary heart disease from a Northern European population: a pilot randomised trial of different methods of delivering Mediterranean Diet advice
Dietary patterns, Mediterranean Diet, and endometrial cancer risk
Conformity to traditional Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer risk in the Greek EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) cohort
Mediterranean Diet in relation to body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio: the Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study
Mediterranean Diet in relation to body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio
The Mediterranean eating in Scotland experience project: evaluation of an Internet-based intervention promoting the Mediterranean Diet
In defense of the Mediterranean Diet
Moving away from a typical Mediterranean Diet: the case of Spain
Diabetes and the Mediterranean Diet: a beneficial effect of oleic acid on insulin sensitivity, adipocyte glucose transport and endothelium‐dependent vasoreactivity
The role of Mediterranean Diet in the epidemiology of metabolic syndrome; converting epidemiology to clinical practice
The effect of Mediterranean Diet on the risk of the development of acute coronary syndromes in hypercholesterolemic people: a case–control study (CARDIO2000)
A modified Mediterranean Diet is associated with the greatest reduction in alanine aminotransferase levels in obese type 2 diabetes patients: results of a quasi …
Impact of strawberries on human health: insight into marginally discussed bioactive compounds for the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and n-3 fatty acids in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
Controlled evaluation of fat intake in the Mediterranean Diet: comparative activities of olive oil and corn oil on plasma lipids and platelets in high-risk patients
Update on fruit antioxidant capacity: a key tool for Mediterranean Diet
Food patterns and Mediterranean Diet in western and eastern Mediterranean islands
Tomato-rich (Mediterranean) Diet does not modify inflammatory markers
Beyond the traditional interpretation of Mediterranean Diet
Identification and quantitation of major carotenoids in selected components of the Mediterranean Diet: green leafy vegetables, figs and olive oil
Catechin in the Mediterranean Diet: vegetable, fruit or wine?
Prevention and control of type 2 diabetes by Mediterranean Diet: a systematic review
Olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet
The protective role of the Mediterranean Diet on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a population of Greek obese subjects
Mediterranean Diet improves dyslipidemia and biomarkers in chronic renal failure patients
Understanding the Mediterranean Diet: could this be the new “gold standard” for heart disease prevention?
The Mediterranean Diet contributes to the preservation of left ventricular systolic function and to the long-term favorable prognosis of patients who have had an acute …
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and plasma concentrations of lipid peroxidation in premenopausal women
Lifestyle, Mediterranean Diet and survival in European post-myocardial infarction patients
Nutraceuticals and prevention of atherosclerosis: focus on ω‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and Mediterranean Diet polyphenols
The Mediterranean Diet revisited—towards resolving the (French) paradox
Increased knowledge predicts greater adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Greek adolescents
Mediterranean Diet and red wine protect against oxidative damage in young volunteers
Serum sterol responses to increasing plant sterol intake from natural foods in the Mediterranean Diet
Level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among elderly individuals living in Mediterranean Islands: nutritional report from the MEDIS study
Quality of Dietary habits (adherence to a Mediterranean Diet) in pupils of compulsory secondary education
Evaluation of the Mediterranean Diet quality index (KIDMED) in adolescents in Turkey
The Mediterranean-style Diet for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Mediterranean Diet and late-life cognitive impairment: a taste of benefit
Ageing and the Mediterranean Diet: a review of the role of Dietary fats
Use of quality control indices in moderately hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet for treatment of obesity.
Sexual dysfunction and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and primary IgA nephropathy.
Recognition of the Mediterranean Diet: going a step further
Mediterranean Diet and plasma concentration of inflammatory markers in old and very old subjects in the ZINCAGE population study
The chronic intake of a Mediterranean Diet enriched in virgin olive oil, decreases nuclear transcription factor κB activation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet moderates the association of aminotransferases with the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome; the ATTICA study
Is there a new component of the Mediterranean Diet that reduces inflammation?
Antioxidant and other activities of phenolics in olives/olive oil, typical components of the Mediterranean Diet
A 3 years follow-up of a Mediterranean Diet rich in virgin olive oil is associated with high plasma antioxidant capacity and reduced body weight gain
WOMEN’S SEXUAL HEALTH: Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Sexual Function in Women with Type 2 Diabetes
The benefit of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseases in an Israeli population
Process evaluation of an innovative healthy eating website promoting the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and health: is all the secret in olive oil?
Effect of a moderately hypoenergetic Mediterranean Diet and exercise program on body cell mass and cardiovascular risk factors in obese women
Are children from Crete abandoning a Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean Diet or extended fasting’s influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with …
Beyond the Mediterranean Diet: The role of omega‐3 fatty acids in the prevention of coronary heart disease
Mediterranean Diet, antioxidants and cancer: the need for randomized trials
Mediterranean Diet intervention in rheumatoid arthritis
The Mediterranean Diet in Italy
Comparison between Sardinia and Malta: the Mediterranean Diet revisited
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Type 2 Diabetes
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower prevalence of obesity among elderly people living in Mediterranean islands: the MEDIS study
Changes of intestinal microflora in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during fasting or a Mediterranean Diet
Role of fibre and fruit in the Mediterranean Diet to protect against myocardial infarction: a case–control study in Spain
Evidences on the relationship between Mediterranean Diet and health status
… -targeted effects of the ϖ-3 polyunsaturated. Fatty acid α-linolenic acid (ALA; 18: 3n-3) in breast cancer cells: the «fat features» of the «Mediterranean Diet» as an «anti …
The Mediterranean Diet revisited. Focus on fruit and vegetables
Comparison of methods to evaluate the quality of the Mediterranean Diet in a large representative sample of young people in Southern Spain
Wine ethanol, platelets, and Mediterranean Diet
Soy isoflavones, Mediterranean Diet, and physical exercise in postmenopausal women with insulin resistance
Mediterranean Diet, traditional foods, and health: evidence from the Greek EPIC cohort
Acute combined effects of olive oil and wine on pressure wave reflections: another beneficial influence of the Mediterranean Diet antioxidants?
Postprandial improvement of endothelial function by red wine and olive oil antioxidants: a synergistic effect of components of the Mediterranean Diet
Antioxidant properties of Mediterranean Diet
Follow-up of a web-based tailored intervention promoting the Mediterranean Diet in Scotland
The effect of the combination of Mediterranean Diet and leisure time physical activity on the risk of developing acute coronary syndromes, in hypertensive …
Physical activity and adherence to Mediterranean Diet increase total antioxidant capacity: the ATTICA study
Eat, drink and be merry: The Mediterranean Diet
Homocysteine induces VCAM-1 gene expression through NF-κB and NAD (P) H oxidase activation: protective role of Mediterranean Diet polyphenolic antioxidants
N-3 fatty acids in the Mediterranean Diet
Organochlorine pesticides in umbilical cord blood serum of women from Southern Spain and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean Diet rich in virgin olive oil may reverse the effects of the‐174G/C IL6 gene variant on 3‐year body weight change
Geographical influences on the association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the prevalence of acute coronary syndromes, in Greece: the …
Secrets of the Mediterranean Diet
The Indo-Mediterranean Diet revisited.
Elements of Mediterranean Diet improve oxidative status in blood of kidney graft recipients
Mediterranean Diet, traditional risk factors, and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction
What is protective in the Mediterranean Diet?
Normal values of 24-h ambulatory intraluminal impedance combined with pH-metry in subjects eating a Mediterranean Diet
Assessment of the Mediterranean Diet Adequacy Index of a collective of young cyclists
Effects of an Indo-Mediterranean Diet on the omega-6/omega-3 ratio in patients at high risk of coronary artery disease: the Indian paradox
Mediterranean Diet and essential tremor
Effects of a Mediterranean-style Diet on cardiovascular risk factors: a randomized trial
The role of the Mediterranean Diet on the development of the metabolic syndrome
Protective aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
A 3-year intervention with a Mediterranean Diet modified the association between the rs9939609 gene variant in FTO and body weight changes
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and anthropometric and metabolic parameters in an observational study in the ‘Alto Molise’region: the MOLI-SAL project
Natural products from Mediterranean Diet: from anti-inflammatory agents to Dietary epigenetic modulators
Multiple sclerosis and cancers in Croatia–a possible protective role of the» Mediterranean Diet «
Alcohol in the Mediterranean Diet: assessing risks and benefits
The Mediterranean Diet in Italy: an update
Mediterranean Diet and high Dietary acid load associated with mixed nuts: effect on bone metabolism in elderly subjects
The relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the severity and short-term prognosis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS): The Greek Study of …
A genomic explanation connecting “Mediterranean Diet”, olive oil and cancer: oleic acid, the main monounsaturated fatty acid of olive oil, induces formation of …
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on lipid levels and cardiovascular risk in renal transplant recipients
Modified Cretan Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of coronary heart disease and cancer: an update
Mediterranean Diet improves low density lipoprotein susceptibility to oxidative modifications
Effect of interaction between adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C→ T mutation on homocysteine concentrations in …
Alcohol in the Mediterranean Diet: benefits and risks
Cardiovascular benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Transcription factors as targets of the anti-inflammatory treatment. A cell culture study with extracts from some Mediterranean Diet plants
Diet and cancer risk in Mediterranean countries: open issues
Mineral and vitamin status in elderly persons from Northwest Spain consuming an Atlantic variant of the Mediterranean Diet
Trends in the Mediterranean Diet in children from south-east Spain
The Mediterranean Diet: a matter of history, tradition, culture and health.
Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat Diet
Mediterranean Diet and polyamine intake: possible contribution of increased polyamine intake to inhibition of age-associated disease
Traditional healthy Mediterranean Diet: estrogenic activity of plants used as food and flavoring agents
The Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of arteriosclerosis
Notions of region and the Mediterranean Diet in food advertising: Quality marks or subjective criteria?
Mediterranean Diet, but not red wine, is associated with beneficial changes in primary haemostasis
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is favorably associated with metabolic parameters in HIV-positive patients with the highly active antiretroviral therapy–induced …
Mediterranean Diet in the Maghreb: an update
Analysis of the benefits of a Mediterranean Diet in the GISSI-Prevenzione study: a case study in imputation of missing values from repeated measurements
Mediterranean Diet: territorial identity and food safety
Diet and cancer in Mediterranean countries: carbohydrates and fats
The Mediterranean Diet: Definition, epidemiological aspects and current patterns
Long term effect of Mediterranean Diet on weight loss
Mediterranean Diet–healthy and delicious
Mediterranean Diet, cocoa and cardiovascular disease: a sweeter life, a longer life, or both?
Mediterranean Diet as a nutrition education and Dietary guide: misconceptions and the neglected role of locally consumed foods and wild green plants
Mediterranean Diet and cardioprotection: Wild artichoke inhibits metalloproteinase 9
The role of Mediterranean type of Diet on the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease, in the elderly: a systematic review
Interaction between Mediterranean Diet and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation on oxidized low density lipoprotein concentrations: the ATTICA …
Cross-over study on effects of Mediterranean Diet in two randomly selected population samples
Effect of a Mediterranean type of Diet on the rate of cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary artery disease insights into the cardioprotective …
Evolution of Mediterranean Diet: facts, causes, effects
Effect of a traditional Mediterranean Diet on lipoprotein oxidation
Mediterranean Diet and the elderly: a review
The Mediterranean Diet as a food guide: the problem of culture and history
Scientific evidence of the Mediterranean Diet effects in determining intermediate and final cardiovascular disease phenotypes
Mediterranean Diet and breast density in the Minnesota Breast Cancer Family Study
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and Dietary habits of farmers from Crete 45 years after the first description of the Mediterranean Diet
Analytic evaluation of a” Mediterranean” Diet in pregnancy
Traditional Mediterranean Diet and health
Scientific basis for the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.
A Mediterranean and a high-carbohydrate Diet improve glucose metabolism in healthy young persons
The Mediterranean Diet
The Guadix study of the effects of a Mediterranean–Diet breakfast on the postprandial lipid parameters of overweight and obese pre-adolescents
Fatty acid composition of plasma lipids in healthy Portuguese children: is the Mediterranean Diet disappearing?
Benefits of Mediterranean Diet affirmed, again
Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle: special aspects of Spain
Early childhood feeding practices in southern Italy: is the Mediterranean Diet becoming obsolete? Study of 450 children aged 6‐32 months in Campania, Italy
Marketing the Mediterranean Diet: Some comments on issues and opportunities
Dyslipidemia and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Croatian HIV-infected patients during the first year of highly active antiretroviral therapy
The use of neural networks in evaluation of the direction and dynamics of changes in lipid parameters in kidney transplant patients on the Mediterranean Diet
A reduced questionnaire to investigate the Mediterranean Diet in epidemiologic studies
Are there any nutritional deficiencies in the Mediterranean Diet?
Virgin olive oil: a key healthy component of the Mediterranean Diet
Can Mediterranean Diet really influence obesity? Evidence from propensity score matching
Whole-Diet approach, Mediterranean Diet, and Alzheimer disease
Mediterranean Diet and prevention of non-communicable diseases: scientific evidences
The Mediterranean Diet and endothelial function: why some Dietary fats may be healthy.
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival
Elimination of meat, fish, and derived products from the Spanish-Mediterranean Diet: Effect on the plasma lipid profile
Effect of unsaturated fat intake from Mediterranean Diet on rat liver mRNA expression profile: selective modulation of genes involved in lipid metabolism
Mediterranean Diet, monounsaturated: saturated fat ratio and low prostate cancer risk. A myth or a reality?
Mediterranean Diet and cystic fibrosis
Plasma carotenoid levels in relation to the Mediterranean Diet in Greece
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with a lower risk of body-shape changes in Croatian patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy
Effects of an onion-olive oil maceration product containing essential ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure and blood fluidity
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular disease
Indo-Mediterranean Diet and progression of coronary artery disease
Effect of polyphenols in the Mediterranean Diet on proliferation and mediators of in vitro invasiveness of the mb-49 murine bladder cancer cell line
… associated with serum inflammation markers in a high cardiovascular risk population and do not modify the response to a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with virgin …
Is the Chilean Diet a Mediterranean-type Diet?
… -term prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndromes through the evaluation of physical activity status, the adoption of Mediterranean Diet and smoking habits …
Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetes
Fish consumption, omega-3 fatty acids and the Mediterranean Diet.
Estimating the 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease and its economic consequences, by the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: the ATTICA study
Response to the letter submitted by D Trichopoulos entitled ‘In defense of the Mediterranean Diet‘
Modification of Dietary habits (Mediterranean Diet) and cancer mortality in a southern Italian village from 1960 to 1996
Mediterranean Dietary pattern and prediction of all-cause mortality in a US population: results from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
The development of the Mediterranean-style Dietary pattern score and its application to the American Diet in the Framingham Offspring Cohort
The healthy Italian Mediterranean Diet temple food guide
Gemfibrozil and Mediterranean Diet for patients with high plasma levels of lipoprotein [Lp (a)] and cholesterol—pilot study
Olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet: implications for health in Europe
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: results of a pilot study from the SUN project (University of Navarre Follow-Up Study)
A Mediterranean-style Diet and metabolic syndrome
Predictors of adherence to a Mediterranean-type Diet in the PREDIMED trial
Food habits in a southern Italian town (Nicotera) in 1960 and 1996: still a reference Italian Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean Diet and its protective role against cancer
Mediterranean Diet and digestive precancerous lesions
Rethinking the Mediterranean Diet for the 21st century
Scientific Aspects That Justify the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: Mild‐to‐Moderate Versus Heavy Drinking
Mediterranean Diet and Mortality in a Us Population.[Comment]
The usefulness of a Mediterranean-based Diet in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet, lifestyle factors, and mortality
The Seven Countries Study in Crete: olive oil, Mediterranean Diet or fasting?
The Mediterranean Diets: what is so special about the Diet of Greece? The scientific evidence
Nutrient intake and eating habits in hemodialysis patients: comparison with a model based on Mediterranean Diet
What ever happened to the Mediterranean Diet?
Session 4: CVD, diabetes and cancer Evidence for the use of the Mediterranean Diet in patients with CHD: Symposium on ‘Dietary management of disease’
Wine in Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet revisited
Evaluation of the effect of a” Mediterranean Diet” and pre-pregnancy body mass on fetal growth
Quality of Diet, screened by the Mediterranean Diet quality index and the evaluation of the content of advanced glycation endproducts, in a population of high school …
Mediterranean Diet and longevity.
Influence of Mediterranean Diet and Mediterranean lifestyle on calcium and bone metabolism
Should Canadians eat according to the traditional Mediterranean Diet pyramid or Canada’s food guide?
The use of composite scores to assess adherence to Dietary patterns: The Mediterranean Diet case
Mediterranean Diet, disease and nutrition guidelines
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on fasting concentrations of activated factor VII in healthy persons
Is the Mediterranean Diet especially beneficial for women?
Hyperlipidemias. Concern with the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean alpha-linolenic acid-rich Diet in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
The Mediterranean Diet as a food guide: the problem of culture and history
The effects of Italian Mediterranean organic Diet (IMOD) on health status
Mediterranean Diet and cancer: a Spanish perspective
Mediterranean Diet and Longevity
Diet profiles in a population sample from Mediterranean southern France
Diet quality of young people in southern Spain evaluated by a Mediterranean adaptation of the Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I)
Mediterranean Diet and cancer
Mediterranean Diet improves lipid profiles over three months.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols and cholesterol metabolism in the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: fish and olives, oil on troubled waters
Mediterranean Diet in disease prevention: current perspectives
Mediterranean Diet, micronutrients and prostate carcinoma: a rationale approach to primary prevention of prostate cancer
The Mediterranean Diet: a family affair
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease
2 The Mediterranean Diet: Historical Background
Food choices adhering to the Mediterranean Diet to limit the environmental impact of the Italian agro-food sector.
The role of traditional Mediterranean type of Diet and lifestyle, in the development of acute coronary syndromes: preliminary results from CARDIO 2000 study.
Disparities within traditional Mediterranean food patterns: an historical approach of the Greek Diet
Phytochemicals in Mediterranean Diet: The interaction between tomato and olive oil bioactive compounds
Healthy lifestyle and Mediterranean Diet decreases mortality in the elderly
Association between Mediterranean Diet and late-life cognition
Mediterranean Diet and health
Role of fiber in Mediterranean Diet
Food and nutrient consumption in Spain in the period 1940-1988. Analysis of its consistency with the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, fats and cardiovascular disease risk: what news?
The benefits of Mediterranean Diet to health
Diet quality of a population sample from coastal north-east Spain evaluated by a Mediterranean adaptation of the Diet Quality Index (DQI)
The Mediterranean Diet, part II: Red wine and cardiovascular disease–More facts, less fancy
Design of a Mediterranean exchange list Diet implemented by telephone counseling
Vitamin E status in Italian children subsisting on a Mediterranean Diet.
Is there any Mediterranean Diet not affecting Bilitec assessment of bile reflux?
The Mediterranean-style Diet-is it ideal for the modern world?
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseases: translating research findings to clinical recommendations
The strategy proposal for the candidacy of the Mediterranean Diet for inclusion in the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage
The Mediterranean Diet, part III: Compounds, components and considerations in relation to the risk of type 2 diabetes
Indo-Mediterranean Diet and progression of coronary artery disease
Mediterranean Diet and cancer
Modified cretan Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of coronary heart disease and cancer: an update.
Dietary habits, lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors in a clinically healthy Italian population: the ‘Florence’Diet is not Mediterranean
The Mediterranean vs the Japanese Diet
The Mediterranean Diet, part IV: a Diet for obesity or food for fat?
Discriminated benefits of a Mediterranean Dietary pattern within a hypocaloric Diet program on plasma RBP4 concentrations and other inflammatory markers in obese …
Portuguese households’ Diet quality (adherence to Mediterranean food pattern and compliance with WHO population Dietary goals): trends, regional …
The Mediterranean Italian Diet: keys to contemporary thinking
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival: Author’s reply
The Mediterranean Diet, part I: The anticancer effect of olive oil
Is the Mediterranean Diet relevant to myocardial infarction? Olive oil consumption versus geographical latitude
Grains, Legumes, Fruits, and Vegetables: Lente Carbohydrate Sources in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and olive oil consumption-Estimations of daily intake of antioxidants from Virgin Olive Oil and olives
Prevention of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases: II. Hormones and/or Mediterranean Diet
A pilot study of a Mediterranean-type Diet intervention in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis living in areas of social deprivation in Glasgow
Ortho‐thioquinones and Mediterranean Diet: The sulfur connection
Adherence to a Mediterranean-type Diet and reduced prevalence of clustered cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of 3204 high-risk patients
Diet and cancer risk in Mediterranean countries
The evidence-based Mediterranean Diet reduces coronary heart disease risk, and plant-derived monounsaturated fats may reduce coronary heart disease risk
Is the Mediterranean Diet, world paragon, sustainable from field to plate
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival: Key confounder was missed
Association between a Mediterranean-type Diet and risk of preterm birth among Danish women: a prospective cohort study
Mediterranean‐type Diet and risk of preterm birth among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa): a prospective cohort study
Mediterranean Diet, Traditional Risk Factors, and the Rate of Cardiovascular Complications after 1 Myocardial Infarction. Final report of the Lyon Diet Heart Study.
Effect of a Mediterranean-style Diet on endothelial dysfunction and markers of vascular inflammation in the metabolic syndrome: a randomized trial
Mediterranean Diet and life style: Comparison with Japanese and other eastern Diets
Effects of a Mediterranean-style Diet on the need for antihyperglycemic drug therapy in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
Primary prevention of acute coronary events through the adoption of a Mediterranean-style Diet
Milk and dairy products in the Mediterranean Diet.
Prevention of acute coronary events through the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: a protective effect on coronary heart disease
11 The Mediterranean Diet and Coronary Heart Disease
Mediterranean Diet‘and DNA adducts
Sex differences in response to a Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular risk profile
Modified Cretan Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of coronary heart disease and cancer.
A Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Living Longer with Alzheimer Disease
Successful long-term weight loss with a Mediterranean style Diet in a primary care medical centre.
Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Health and lifestyle benefits from adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and occurrence of malignant tumors of the digestive system in the Croatian islands
Changing the Spanish-Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet inversely associated with the incidence of metabolic syndrome: the SUN prospective cohort: response to Giugliano, Ceriello, and Esposito
Whole-Diet Approach, Mediterranean Diet, and Alzheimer Disease—Reply
The influence of a Mediterranean Diet with and without red wine on the haemostatic and inflammatory parameters of subjects with the metabolic syndrome
The Mediterranean Diet for Polish infants: a losing struggle or a battle still worth fighting?
… of low-fat versus Mediterranean-style Dietary intervention after first myocardial infarction (from The Heart Institute of Spokane Diet Intervention and Evaluation Trial)
HbA1c and Glycemic Profile, Basal- and Post-Treatment With Miglitol, in an Area With a Mediterranean Diet
Current epidemiological and clinical evidence on the relationship between Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome
Effects of an omega-3-enriched Mediterranean Diet (modified Diet of Crete) versus a Swedish Diet
Mediterranean Diet and obesity
Teaching the Mediterranean Diet in Italy
Fibers in the Mediterranean Diet. An epidemiological study of the Campania Region.
Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome
Dietary avoidance of coronary heart disease-how practicable is the Mediterranean Diet?
Effects of a Mediterranean-inspired Diet on blood lipids, vascular function and oxidative stress in healthy subjects
Suitability of the Mediterranean-style Diet in the modern world.
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and health
The Medi-RIVAGE study: reduction of cardiovascular disease risk factors after a 3-mo intervention with a Mediterranean-type Diet or a low-fat Diet
Does the Diet of the Balearic population, a Mediterranean-type Diet, ensure compliance with nutritional objectives for the Spanish population?
A paleolithic Diet is more satiating per calorie than a Mediterranean-like Diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease
Omega-3 fatty acids and Mediterranean Diet in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Nutrition policy issues and further research on the Mediterranean Diet: the importance of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Potential role of iron in a Mediterranean-style Diet
Back to the ancient Diet: a matter of urgency for Southern Mediterranean countries
Does the Diet of the Balearic population, a Mediterranean type Diet, still provide adequate antioxidant nutrient intakes?
Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetes. Reply to Basterra-Gortari FJ, Martínez-González MA
Lispro insulin in type 1 diabetic patients on a Mediterranean or normal Diet: a randomized, cross-over comparative study with regular insulin.
Long-term adherence to the traditional Mediterranean Diet is associated with improved biventricular systolic function, in chronic heart failure patients
Mediterranean Diet and coronary heart disease: Are antioxidants critical
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline
An Indo-Mediterranean Diet was more effective than a control Diet in primary and secondary coronary artery disease prevention/Commentary
Mediterranean Diet inversely associated with the incidence of metabolic syndrome: the SUN Prospective Cohort: response to Tortosa et al.
Can a Mediterranean-style Diet reduce heart disease?
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
Comparative study of two techniques for assessing fat intake in a Mediterranean Diet. The influence of culinary oils changes
Mediterranean-style Diet effect on the structural properties of the erythrocyte cell membrane of hypertensive patients: the Prevencion con Dieta Mediterranea Study
Lipoprotein profile in elderly persons from northwestern Spain consuming the Atlantic Diet, a variant of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and Mortality—Reply
The role of Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of hypertension in relation to the assessment of individual nutrients
Diet, serum homocysteine levels and ischaemic heart disease in a Mediterranean population
Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome: the role of protein
An overview of the impact of tropospheric ozone on the nutritional value of edible plants used in the Mediterranean Diet
Food Consumption in an Agricultural Community of Morocco: Comparison with the Traditional Mediterranean Diet
Diet, lifestyle, and hypertension and Mediterranean Diet and risk of dementia.
Association Between Mediterranean Diet and Late-Life Cognition—Reply
Protective mechanisms of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular disease: a twin study
Mediterranean Diet
An Indo Mediterranean Diet was more effective than a conventional prudent Diet in reducing coronary artery disease risk factors and events
The Mediterranean Diet.
Interdialytic weight gain is less with the Mediterranean type of Diet in hemodialysis patients
The Miami Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
The effect of the adoption of the Mediterranean Diet on clinical and biochemical markers related to cardiovascular risk: the ATTICA study
Epidemiological Studies on Atherosclerosis: The Role of the Mediterranean Diet in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Lyon Diet heart study: benefits of a Mediterranean-Style, National Cholesterol Education Program/American Heart Association Step I Dietary pattern on cardiovascular …
Evaluation of Diet quality with the Mediterranean Dietary quality index in university students
Mediterranean Diet Vol. 87
A Mediterranean Diet rich in virgin olive oil may reverse
The role of the traditional Mediterranean Diet in the development of Minoan Crete: archaeological, nutritional and biochemical evidence
Cows, Pigs, and… Witches! On meat, Diet and food in the Mediterranean area
10 Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, and the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet improves the profile of male smokers compared with the Diet recommended by the American Cholesterol Program (NCEP-I)
X Anniversary of the Foundation of the Mediterranean Diet (1996–2006)
Women’s subjective experiences of food and eating on the island of the ‘Mediterranean Diet‘
Re: Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet
Mediterranean Diet After MI
Effect of fast-food Mediterranean-type Diet on human plasma oxidation
Mediterranean Diet, culture and heritage: Challenges for a new conception
Mediterranean Diet: Why Does It Work?
The Mediterranean Diet: a synopsis
Mediterranean Diet, Italian-style: prototype of a healthy Diet.
12 Cancer and the Mediterranean Diet
Prevalence and Site Distribution of Adenomatous Polyps on Screening Colonoscopy in the Average-Risk Lebanese Population: Impact of the Mediterranean Diet …
11 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Mediterranean Diet, Probiotics, Vitamin D, and Exercise in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Search for the original Mediterranean Diet (s)
Mediterranean Diet Helps Mental Health
The Mediterranean Diet: how effective is it as an educational tool?
Advanced Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet for Heart Disease
[A Mediterranean Diet pattern: From tradition to myth. The Calabre example].[French]
Recent concepts in the role of the Mediterranean Diet
The merits of the Mediterranean Diet.(Food)
Compliance to an Exchange‐list Mediterranean Diet
[Mediterranean Diet: One and plural].[French]
Mediterranean Diet Helps Blood Sugar Health
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Turns 10
The Mediterranean Diet: myth or reality?
Update on Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseases
Review Finds that Mediterranean Diet Improves Quality of Life
Effect of fast-food Mediterranean-type Diet on type 2 diabetics and healthy human subjects’ platelet aggregation
Modified Mediterranean Diet and survival
Mediterranean Diet Benefits Lung Health
Which Mediterranean Diet in the Management of Metabolic Syndrome?—Reply
Concept of the Mediterranean Diet in modern European nutrition
Design and implementation of a self-selected Mediterranean Diet
Session 4: Dietary strategies to prevent and mitigate inflammatory diseases Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean Diet: the experience of the …
The Mediterranean Diet: cultural factor or prevention of civilization diseases?
A Mediterranean Diet is best for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Health Promoting Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Favours Longevity
Mediterranean-inspired Diet lowers the ratio of serum phospholipid n–6 to n–3 fatty acids, the number of leukocytes and platelets, and vascular endothelial growth …
The Mediterranean Diet Definitely Not A Fad
Mediterranean Diet Helps Breast Health
A prospective study of Mediterranean Diet and risk of prostate cancer
Mediterranean Diet and the sea: fishes
Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2-Diabetes with the Mediterranean Diet: Results of the PREDIMED-Reus Nutrition Intervention Randomized Trial
The benefit of the Mediterranean-style Diet in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes
Components of Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of cancer
… of lowering fat and increasing Dietary fiber on fasting and postprandial plasma lipids in hypercholesterolemic subjects consuming a mixed Mediterranean-Western Diet
Mediterranean Diet Helpful for Long-Term Healthy Weight
Mediterranean Diet prevents depression
Mediterranean Diet, Omega-3 Show Anti-AD Effect
Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Decline—Reply
Mediterranean Diet Slows Decline, Studies Agree
The Mediterranean Diet [Part 7. Food and healthy eating]
Dietary quality in the United States: An evaluation of the American Diet using the Mediterranean Diet Index
The Mediterranean Diet and malignant disease
The Mediterranean Diet: a typical source of antioxidant vitamins.
Mediterranean Diet and precancerous lesions
Mediterranean Diet Found Again to Play Significant Role in Reducing Heart Disease Risk Factors
The Mediterranean Diet provides a significant reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet: Rx to lower LDL levels?
Wine, a component of the Mediterranean Diet.
Analysis of Spanish current food tendencies: possibilities of Mediterranean Diet diffusion
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of atrial fibrillation.
Symposium on the Mediterranean Diet Lugano, Switzerland, 30 September-1 October 1994
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet: The PREDIMED study
The Mediterranean Diet: A Combination of Beneficial Elements for Cardiovascular Disease
Possibility of the inclusion of the Mediterranean Diet in the daily food intake in Poland
Mediterranean Diet and Hypertension; From the Clinical and Epidemiologic Evidences to Prevention
The Mediterranean Diet from the perspective of a healthy Diet enriched with functional foods.
Mediterranean Diet (Olive oil) and Coronary Heart Disease: Mini
Indo-Mediterranean Diet reduces cardiac risk
Relationship between Diet and blood pressure in a representative Mediterranean population
The composition of the Diet of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a Mediterranean environment: a case of summer nutritional constraint?
Mediterranean Diet and Inflammatory Response in Myocardial Infarction Survivors in the AIRGENE Project
Mediterranean Diet changes during the nutritional transition in Spain
The transposability of the Mediterranean-type Diet in non-Mediterranean regions: application to the physician/allied health team
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function in older adults
The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: Not a Panacea
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet vs. a low carbohydrate Diet on c-reactive Protein levels
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis: adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of metabolic syndrome and its components
Mediterranean Diet in the 19th and 20th centuries. The case of two ship crews and their provisions
Mediterranean Diet, weight loss and features of the metabolic syndrome
[Mediterranean Diet. Honey and sugar].[Spanish]
The Mediterranean Diet: Piedmont Project’s Sustainability Initiative in Italy, Summer 2010
Mediterranean Diet Plus Nuts Lowers CV Risk
Obesity, Mediterranean Diet and asthma
Diet and plasma evaluation of the main isomers of conjugated linoleic acid and trans-fatty acids in a population sample from Mediterranean north-east Spain
A Dietary Prevention of CHD: Insights into the Mediterranean Diet
Effects of C282Y, H63D, and S65C HFE gene mutations, Diet, and life-style factors on iron status in a general Mediterranean population from Tarragona …
Estimation of Mediterranean Diet adherence by a group of pregnant Andalusian
The Mediterranean Diet: Helping Protect the Elderly from Peripheral Artery Disease
Mediterranean Diet:(24) Temporal changes of Mediterranean Diet. possible effects on cancer risk
Intergenerational Changes in Food Consumption: The Case of The Mediterranean Diet in Italy
Comparison between low-carbohydrate and Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet for Reducing Mortality and Easing the Metabolic Syndrome
Intestinal nutrient transport in the cradle of the Mediterranean Diet: 23rd EITG meeting report
The florence Diet is not Mediterranean. Really?
Public health implications of the Mediterranean Diet: its interaction with active and passive smoking
Novel food allergens of the Mediterranean Diet
Does Mediterranean Diet protect against wheezing in preschool children?
D009: ITALIAN (or Mediterranean) Diet and whole blood filterability (WBF) in hypertension and dyslipidemia
Lifestyle, Mediterranean Diet and Survival in European post-Myocardial Infarction Patients: The HALE-Project
The Mediterranean Diet: Constituents and Health Promotion: edited by Antonia-Leda Matalas, Antonis Zampelas, Vassilis Stavrinos, and Ira Wolinsky, 2001, 389 …
Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity Associated with Reduced Risk for Alzheimer Disease
Eat like you’re in crete: Teach your clients the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Short and middle term effects of hypocaloric low carbohydrate Diet vs hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet on endothelial function in obese subjects
The effects of a Mediterranean Diet, low-carbohydrate Diet, and very-low-carbohydrate Diet on c-reactive protein levels
Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and 10-Year Mortality in Elderly European Men and Women: The Hale Project
The Association between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Fasting Indices of Glucose Homoeostasis: The…
Mediterranean Diet and cancer. First phase: quality control of nutritional data by the use of different questionnaires and biomarkers
Mediterranean Diet:(23) Olive oil and lipid metabolism—a clinical approach
Changes of intestinal microflora in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during fasting and a Mediterranean Diet
Am J Clin Nutr: Close adherence to a Mediterranean Diet improves endothelial function in subjects with abdominal obesity
The Traditional Mediterranean Diet and Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus Following Myocardial Infarction: The GISSI-Prevenzione Study
Enhancement of a modified Mediterranean-style, low glycemic load Diet with specific phytochemicals improves cardiometabolic risk factors in subjects with …
Inhibition of circulating immune cell activation: a molecular antiinflamatory effect of the Mediterranean Diet.
Molecular mechanisms involved in the protective effect of Mediterranean Diet and olive oil consumption in humans
The effect of Greek Mediterranean Diet on trace elements and blood coagulation factors in type 2 diabetic patients
Diet of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the western Mediterranean Sea
Potential Nutraceuticals of Mediterranean Diet: Anti-Ageing, Anti-Tumoral and DNA Protecting Activities
Relationship between body mass index, serum cholesterol, leisure-time physical activity, and Diet in a Mediterranean Southern-Europe population
[The pine-nut of stone pine in Mediterranean Diet].[Spanish]
The common bean in Italy: cultivation traditions and the needs of sustainable farming systems and the Mediterranean Diet come together, held in Pievestina di Cesena …
The benefits of a Mediterranean Diet, statins, aspirin and unsaturated fats
Bilenko N, Shahar DR, Shai I, Vardi H, Fraser D. Mediterranean Diet score as a tool for assessing healthy eating. The fifth International Conference on Dietary …
Effects of a Mediterranean-style Diet on cardiovascular risk factors
Reduction in systemic and VLDL triacylglycerol concentration after a 3-month Mediterranean-style Diet in high-cardiovascular-risk subjects
A Palaeolithic Diet improves glucose tolerance more than a Mediterranean-like Diet in individuals with ischaemic heart disease
The Mediterranean Eating in Scotland Experience (MESE) project: Evaluation of an Internet-based, tailored intervention promoting the Mediterranean Diet
Impact of an Indo-Mediterranean Diet (IMD) therapy on blood lipid profile of the human subjects suffering from Myocardial Infarction (MI).
14 Some Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet and weight loss on plasma cell adhesion molecule concentrations in men with the metabolic syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Decreases Systemic IL-6 Among Middle-aged Monozygotic Male Twins Free of Symptomatic Cardiovascular Diseases
A Mediterranean Diet intervention rich in walnuts among lactating women: study design and baseline characteristics
The good” Mediterranean Diet“: medical and social readability of food practices among Italian migrants in the United-States and Switzerland (20th century).
Mediterranean Diet Modifies Beneficially the Metabolic Profile Among Elderly People With High Rates of Depression. The Ikaria Study.
Residential radon exposure, Diet and lung cancer: A case‐control study in a Mediterranean region
Does oleocanthal, a pungent principal in olive oil, contribute to the health benefits of a Mediterranean Diet?
14 Mediterranean Diet in Disease
Article Commentary: Conformity to Traditional Mediterranean Diet and Breast Cancer Risk in the Greek EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and …
Greater Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Contributes to the Preservation of Left Ventricular Systolic Function and to the Long Term Favorable Prognosis of …
An eight-week course of Mediterranean Diet modifies the activity of superoxide dismutase and plasma levels of copper and zinc in renal graft recipients
… .* P. 05 vs the corresponding baseline.† P. 05 vs low-fat Diet group.‡ P. 05 vs TMDnuts group. TMD indicates traditional Mediterranean Diet; VOO, virgin olive oil.
… the epidemic of obesity in the United States, one that should be of particular interest to Near Eastern archaeologists is the so-called” Mediterranean Diet.” Long
Variation in the Diet of the red fox in a Mediterranean area
Ketogenic Diet and phytoextracts Comparison of the efficacy of Mediterranean, sone and tisanoreica Diet on some health risk factors
Risk factors, Diet and carotid atheromatosis in TIAs and minor ischemic strokes (MISs) in a Mediterranean country
Effects of omega-3 fatty acids addition on Mediterranean Diet on anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA)-blood pressure (BP) relation.
Mediterranean type of Diet for the prevention of coronary heart disease: A global perspective from the seven countries study to the most recent Dietary trials
A genomic explanation linking breast cancer,“Mediterranean Diet” and olive oil: Olive oil’s monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid transcriptionally regulates the co …
Primary prevention of acute coronary events through the adoption of a Mediterranean-style Diet
Potential Role of Iron in a Mediterranean-style Diet—Reply
… associated with serum inflammation markers in a high cardiovascular risk population and do not modify the response to a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with virgin …
Mediterranean Dietary pattern and cancer incidence: results from the NIH-AARP Diet and health study
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: a lifestyle for today
Diet selection by sheep and goats on Mediterranean heath-woodland range
Profiles of a healthful Diet and its relationship to biomarkers in a population sample from Mediterranean southern France
Effects of a Mediterranean-style Diet on the need for antihyperglycemic drug therapy in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
Diet of Phycis blennoides (Gadidae) in Relation to Fish Size and Season in the Western Mediterranean (Spain)
The short-term influence of a Mediterranean-type Diet and mild exercise with and without red wine on patients with the metabolic syndrome
Paleolithic Diet and the division of labor in Mediterranean Eurasia
Sources of information about Diet and health in a Mediterranean country: comparison with other European member states
Is the Corsican and Sardinian students’ Diet a Mediterranean-style Diet?
Effects of larval Diet on development rates and reproductive maturation of male and female Mediterranean fruit flies
The Diet of the European badger in a Mediterranean coastal area
Comparison between Mediterranean type Diet and Mediterranean fat effects in rats neoplastic lesions
Diet and size influence sexual advertisement and copulatory success of males in Mediterranean fruit fly leks
Dental caries, tooth wear and Diet in an adult medieval (12th–14th century) population from Mediterranean France
Omega-3-fatty acids, Mediterranean cooking, low-fat Diet. What really prevents myocardial infarct?
Diet and feeding of dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus) in western Mediterranean waters
Effects of Diet and activity on lipid levels of adult Mediterranean fruit flies
Spatial, temporal and ontogenetic variation in Diet of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) on the Algerian coast (SW Mediterranean)
Faecal NIRS to monitor the Diet of Mediterranean goats
Diet Adaptations of Lessepsian Migrant Rabbitfishes, Siganus luridus and S. rivulatus, to the Algal Resources of the Mediterranean Coast of Israel
Temporal and spatial variation in the Diet of the endemic lizard Gallotia galloti in an insular Mediterranean scrubland
The Diet of the mosquitofish Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard)(Poecilliidae) in Mediterranean France
Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet
An example of Redwing Diet in a Mediterranean wintering area
A Mediterranean type Diet reduced all cause and cardiac mortality after a first myocardial infarction
Diet of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the western Mediterranean Sea
Diet composition of the Lessepsian bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii in the eastern Mediterranean
The impact of Diet switching on resource allocation to reproduction and longevity in Mediterranean fruitflies
Role of cephalopods in the Diet of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, from the eastern Mediterranean Sea
Diet, feeding behaviour and trophic activity of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea)
Mediterranean-Style Diet Effect on the Structural Properties of the Erythrocyte Cell Membrane of Hypertensive Patients…
Diet, fruit choice and variation in body condition of frugivorous warblers in Mediterranean scrubland
Diet selection in dairy goats grazing woody Mediterranean rangeland
Mediterranean-Style Diet May Help Reduce Diabetes Risk
A Mediterranean-style Diet reduced need for glucose-lowering drugs more than a low-fat Diet in type 2 diabetes
Diet of the European hake Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae) in the western Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions)
Diet of Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) chicks along the Spanish Western Mediterranean coast: the relevance of refuse dumps
Differences between Diet of adult and chick Audouin’s Gulls Larus audouinii at the Chafarinas Islands, SW Mediterranean
Diet and seasonal prey capture rates in the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum L.)
Diet of the invasive piscivorous fish Fistularia commersonii in a recently colonized area of the eastern Mediterranean
Role of species diversity and secondary compound complementarity on Diet selection of Mediterranean shrubs by goats
Implementation of stable isotopes lipoprotein kinetic studies: effects on HDL metabolism of a Mediterranean type Diet rich in MUFAs from virgin olive oil.
Diet of Atlantic lizardfish, Synodus saurus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces: Synodontidae) in the central Mediterranean Sea
Changes in phospholipid profiles in response to Dietary advice to consume a low-fat or Mediterranean-type Diet
Food availability and Diet composition of three coexisting Mediterranean limpets (Patella spp.)
Diet of Engraulis encrasicolus in the northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean): ontogenetic changes and feeding selectivity
Diet of the grey gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus in the Adriatic Sea, north-eastern Mediterranean
Preliminary data on the Diet of wild boar living in a Mediterranean coastal wetland
Influence of habitat management on the abundance and Diet of wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus) populations in Mediterranean ecosystems
Effect of Diet on survival, in the laboratory and the field, of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies
Diet composition and energy balance of cows grazing on Mediterranean woodland
Significance of ants in the Diet of insectivorous birds in southern Spanish Mediterranean habitats
Influence of male Diet on male mating success and longevity and female remating in the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) under laboratory conditions
Variation between populations in the Diet of the Mediterranean lizard Lacerta perspicillata
Secular trends in energy intake and Diet quality in a Mediterranean population
Obesity, Diet and restrained eating in a Mediterranean population
Spatio-temporal variation in Diet may affect condition and abundance of juvenile European hake in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean)
Use of deciduous woody species as a Diet supplement for goats grazing Mediterranean shrublands during the dry season
… between age, growth, Diet and environmental parameters for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Bay of Bénisaf (SW Mediterranean, west Algerian coast)
Nestling Diet variation in an insular Mediterranean population of blue tits Parus caeruleus: effects of years, territories and individuals
Effects of post‐teneral Diet on foraging success of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies
Diet of round sardinella, Sardinella aurita, larvae in relation to plankton availability in the NW Mediterranean
Low-Fat Diet in Familial Mediterranean Fever: A Therapeutic Trial
Bones and History: New Approaches to the Study of Diet and Health in the Ancient Mediterranean
Cephalopods in the Diet of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, from the eastern Mediterranean
Spatial and temporal variation in the Diet of Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris in the western Mediterranean
Mediterranean Diets and health. 1. Characteristics in the Diet, coronary heart disease and other diseases
Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) Diet and prey selection in Mediterranean streams invaded by centrarchid fishes
Effect of adult Diet on signaling activity, mate attraction, and mating success in male Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Mediterranean inspired Diet and cardiovascular health. Experimental and clinical studies
Geographic variations in the Diet of the eagle owls in western Mediterranean Europe
The feeding and Diet of the deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus off the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean): Influence of environmental factors and relationship …
Diet of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) in the western Mediterranean Sea
The European badger (Meles meles) Diet in a Mediterranean area
Diet of Tetrapturus belone (Istiophoridae) in the central Mediterranean Sea
… , FRANCE): ALIMENTATION DES ADULTES Biology of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) on rocky bottoms in Corsica (Mediterranean, France): Diet of adults
Unexpected role of ungulate carcasses in the Diet of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Mediterranean mountains
The Diet of the four lined snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata) in Mediterranean central Italy
Long-term study of a Goshawk breeding population on a Mediterranean mountain (Abruzzi Apennines, Central, Italy): density, breeding performance and Diet
Diet of ancient and middle Neolithic populations in the northwest of Mediterranean. Anthropological and isotopic studies.
Small game use and expanding Diet breadth in the Eastern Mediterranean basin during the Palaeolithic
Diet of the nominate Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis meridionalis in the north of its range (Mediterranean France)
Diet of Scorpaena porcus and Scorpaena notata (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) in the western Mediterranean
Female Sensitivity to Diet and Irradiation Treatments Underlies Sex–Mortality Differentials in the Mediterranean Fruit Fly
Seasonal variation in Diet composition and prey selection in the Mediterranean gecko Tarentola mauritanica
Diet composition and milk characteristics of Mediterranean water buffaloes reared in Southeastern Italy during spring season
Diet of the false smooth snake, Macroprotodon cucullatus (Serpentes, Colubridae) in the Western Mediterranean area
Mediterranean-style Diet attenuates inflammation and atherosclerosis markers in type 2 diabetic patients
Evaluation of a sugarcane bagasse larval Diet for mass production of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Hawaii
Diet of young‐of‐the‐year bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the southern Tyrrhenian (Mediterranean) Sea
Diet composition and feeding habits of fish larvae of two co-occurring species (Pisces: Callionymidae and Bothidae) in the North-western Mediterranean
Diet composition and food habits of Caranx rhonchus (Carangidae) from the Gulf of Gabes (central Mediterranean)
Diet overlap between small ruminants and the European hare in a Mediterranean shrubland
Seasonal changes in the Diet of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from three different Mediterranean habitats in south-western Australia
Diet pH effects on mass rearing of Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Food habits of the barn owl, Tyto alba, in a Mediterranean rural area: Comparison with the Diet of two sympatric carnivores
Framework for the implementation of the global strategy on Diet, physical activity and health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: working document
The Diet of Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus) chicks at fledging
Reproductive biology and Diet of Mustelus punctulatus (Risso, 1826) (Chondrichthyes: Triakidae) from the Gulf of Gabès, central Mediterranean Sea
Message from, Dr Hussein A. Gezairy, Regional Director, WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, to the Interregional total Diet study workshop, Cairo, Egypt, 28-31 …
Production of the Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on an artificial Diet containing corn meal
Geographic variation in the Diet composition of a secretive Mediterranean colubrid snake: Coronella girondica from Spain and Italy
Diet variability of Mediterranean insular populations of Rattus rattus studied by stable isotope analysis
Effect of adult Diet on longevity of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Role of egg density in Mediterranean fruit fly production on recycled Diet
The effect of Diet, sex and mating status on longevity in Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata), Diptera: Tephritidae
Diet composition of goats grazing in a Mediterranean shrubland.
Influence of adult Diet on the mating success and survival of male Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from two mass-rearing strains on field-caged host …
The utilisation of a high level energy/protein Diet for lactating Mediterranean buffaloes: Intake capacity and effects on quanti–qualitative milk parameters
Botanical composition of alpaca (Lama pacos Linn.) Diet in a central Mediterranean range of Chile
A practical, efficient and low cost Diet for rearing the Mediterranean fruit fly larvae.
Consistency and overlap of the Diet of seven passerine trans‐saharian migrants during spring stopover at two Mediterranean sites
Note on the Diet of the common genet (Genetta genetta L.) in Mediterranean riparian habitats of NE Spain
First data on the Diet of the Feral Cat Felis catus on Mediterranean micro-islands
Diet and growth of great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) nestlings in a Mediterranean estuarine environment (Axios Delta, Greece)
Age, growth, sexual maturity and Diet of the Mediterranean barbel (Barbus peloponnesius petenyi) in the river Gradac (West Serbia, Yugoslavia)
Diet and gregarious breeding in lesser grey shrike Lanius minor in Mediterranean France
Diet of the marbled electric ray Torpedo marmorata (Chondrichthyes: Torpedinidae) off the Languedocian coast (Southern France, Northern Mediterranean)
Size‐related and temporal variation in the Diet of the round sardinella, Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847), in the central Mediterranean Sea
The impact of introduced centrarchids on native fish fauna and otter (Lutra lutra) Diet in a Mediterranean river basin
Diet composition and feeding intensity of Mediterranean horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus (Osteichthyes: Carangidae), in the central Adriatic Sea
Summer Diet of the Iberian chub (Squalius pyrenaicus) in a Mediterranean stream in Sierra Morena (Yeguas stream, Córdoba, Spain)
… –barred Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson (Lac., 1802) and the largehead hairtail ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus (L., 1758) in the Egyptian Mediterranean …
Botanical composition of alpaca (Lama pacos Linn.) Diet in a Central Mediterranean range of Chile
Effects of larval‐Diet pH on worker comfort and insect quality during mass production of Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Hawaii
A Mediterranean‐style low glycemic Diet decreases inflammation and insulin resistance in subjects classified with the metabolic syndrome
The role of cephalopods in the Diet of swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) in the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)
Diet and feeding habits of Siganus rivulatus and S. luridus two Red Sea migrants in the Syrian coastal waters (Eastern Mediterranean)
Diet of larval albacore Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788) off Mallorca Island (NW Mediterranean)
Erratum: Dietary habits, lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors in a clinically healthy Italian population: The’Florence’Diet is not Mediterranean (European Journal of …
Autumn overlapping of Sardina pilchardus and Merluccius merluccius early stages in the NW Mediterranean: distribution and Diet
Infra-tree activity of male Mediterranean fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae): Effects of posteclosion light, Crowding, Adult Diet, and Irradiation
Diversity, habitat affinities and Diet of Ophryotrocha species (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) living in Mediterranean harbour habitats
Effects of post-teneral Diet on foraging success of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies
Nesting habitat requirements and nestling Diet in the Mediterranean populations of Crested Tits Lophophanes cristatus
The quality of the Diet of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in a Mediterranean coastal area (Central Italy)/Qualità della Dieta della Volpe Vulpes vulpes in un’area costiera …
Length relationships of cyprinid prey in Diet analysis of Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in Mediterranean habitats
Use of Mediterranean mountain forest pastures by beef cows: activity patterns and Diet selection.
Diet overlap of Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and Little Owl (Athene noctua) in a Mediterranean urban area
Cephalopods in the Diet of the striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba from the western Mediterranean during an epizootic in 1990
… A. Gezairy, Regional Director, WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, to the intercountry workshop on integrating the who global strategy on Diet and physical activity …
A Mediterranean‐style low glycemic load Diet reduces LDL oxidation and Lipoprotein (a) in women classified with the metabolic syndrome
Diet of the european hake Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merluciidae) in the western Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions)
Effect of yucca flour in the Diet of larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wied.
Botanical composition of alpaca Diet in prairies of the Chilean central Mediterranean dryland and in sacco degradability of the mainly selected species
Reductions of atherogenic lipoproteins are related to concentrations of plasma carotenoids in women following a Mediterranean‐style low glycemic Diet
Adding ginger root oil or ginger powder to the larval Diet has no effect on the mating success of male Mediterranean fruit flies
Effects of a Mediterranean‐style, low‐glycemic‐load Diet on red blood cell omega‐3 index and fatty acid profile in women with metabolic syndrome
Importance of holm-oak (Quercus ilex) as a woody food resource in Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) Diet in Mediterranean forest.
Diet and feeding habits of nesting and non-nesting ravens (Corvus corax) on a Mediterranean island (Vulcano, Eolian archipelago)
The use of commercial yeast as a protein source in the adult Diet of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis Capitata (Wied.) for its control using the sterile insect …
Resolution of metabolic syndrome parameters in subjects following a Mediterranean‐style, low glycemic load Diet in conjunction with a soy protein, plant sterol‐(SPS) …
Composition of Mediterranean fruit fly third instar larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Diet: nutrient balance studies on amino acids, minerals and nutrient composition in …
Composition and efficiency of a larval Diet containing alfalfa instead of yeast for rearing the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)(Diptera …
Longevity and oviposition of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata)(Diptera: Tephritidae) fed on a predominantly sugar and a predominantly protein Diet
… monstrosa, Linnaeus, 1758, in the western Mediterranean [rabbit fish, stomach contents, benthic crustaceans, benthic organisms, food, Diet, prey, Mollusca, Annelida …
Modifying an artificial Diet for mass rearing Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), using locally available maize meal
Composition of Mediterranean fruit fly third instar larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Diet: Material balance studies on amino acids, minerals, and nutrient composition in …
Diet of larval albacore Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788) off Mallorca Island (NW Mediterranean)
A Mediterranean‐style low glycemic load Diet decreases the risk for heart disease by decreasing atherogenic lipoproteins. Addition of a medical food containing plant …
… and crustacean hems in the Diet of the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758)[Testudines: Chelonidae] in the eastern Mediterranean BJ. Godley1* 2 …
… a medical food containing soy, phytosterols, hops rho iso‐alpha acids, and acacia proanthocyanidins and a Mediterranean‐style low glycemic load Diet in women with …
Alpaca’s Diet botanical composition in a Central Mediterranean range of Chile
Mediterranean Diet and health
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and cardiodiabesity: a review
Mediterranean Diet pyramid today. Science and cultural updates
The Mediterranean Diet: a history of health
The Mediterranean Diet: the reasons for a success
The Mediterranean Diet and nutritional adequacy: a review
Definitions and potential health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: views from experts around the world
Back to the future: the Mediterranean Diet paradigm
Evaluating and adapting the Mediterranean Diet for non-Mediterranean populations: a critical appraisal
Mediterranean Diet improves cognition: the PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomised trial
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular health: Teachings of the PREDIMED study
Mediterranean Diet effect: an Italian picture
Relation of the traditional Mediterranean Diet to cerebrovascular disease in a Mediterranean population
Mediterranean Diet, cognitive function, and dementia: a systematic review
The effect of Mediterranean Diet on metabolic syndrome and its components: a meta-analysis of 50 studies and 534,906 individuals
Mediterranean Diet and type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Mediterranean Diet and the incidence of cardiovascular disease: a Spanish cohort
Cancer prevention in Europe: the Mediterranean Diet as a protective choice
Mediterranean Diet and cancer: epidemiological evidence and mechanism of selected aspects
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function: a French study
Did the PREDIMED trial test a Mediterranean Diet?
Sustainable Diets: the Mediterranean Diet as an example
Mediterranean Diet, stroke, cognitive impairment, and depression: a meta‐analysis
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure in the PREDIMED trial: results from a randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet and hepatocellular carcinoma
Towards an even healthier Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern has declined in Spanish adults
Comparison and evaluation of the reliability of indexes of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and diabetes: prevention and treatment
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and quality of life in the SUN Project
The Mediterranean Diet in cancer prevention: a review
Mediterranean Diet and functional indicators among older adults in non-Mediterranean and Mediterranean countries
Mediterranean Diet and health status: an updated meta-analysis and a proposal for a literature-based adherence score
Dietary patterns, Mediterranean Diet, and cardiovascular disease
Mediterranean Diet and weight loss: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
The protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet: focus on cancer and cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet and mobility decline in older persons
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: historical perspective and latest evidence
Potential benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on cognitive health
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome: an updated systematic review
A short screener is valid for assessing Mediterranean Diet adherence among older Spanish men and women
Environmental and economic sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
The association between Mediterranean Diet adherence and Parkinson’s disease
Mediterranean Diet and colorectal cancer risk: results from a European cohort
Relation of the Mediterranean Diet with the incidence of gestational diabetes
Beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet on metabolic syndrome
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome: a 6-year prospective study
Association of Mediterranean Diet with peripheral artery disease: the PREDIMED randomized trial
Health-related quality of life of Greek adolescents: the role of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in predementia and dementia syndromes
Mediterranean Diet and bone mineral density in two age groups of women
Factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the adult population
The role of Mediterranean Diet on the risk of pancreatic cancer
Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western Dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a Spanish university population
The Middle Eastern and biblical origins of the Mediterranean Diet
Can the Mediterranean Diet lower HbA1c in type 2 diabetes? Results from a randomized cross-over study
Association of Mediterranean Diet with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nutritional and cultural aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet pyramid: a proposal for Italian people
Mediterranean Diet and depressive symptoms among older adults over time
Effect of a traditional Mediterranean Diet on apolipoproteins B, AI, and their ratio: a randomized, controlled trial
Adolescents in southern regions of Italy adhere to the Mediterranean Diet more than those in the northern regions
The Mediterranean Diet in Spain: adherence trends during the past two decades using the Mediterranean Adequacy Index
Mediterranean Diet and health: food effects on gut microbiota and disease control
Expression of proinflammatory, proatherogenic genes is reduced by the Mediterranean Diet in elderly people
Cost and cost-effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet: results of a systematic review
Sex differences in the impact of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular risk profile
The impact of a Mediterranean Diet and healthy lifestyle on premature mortality in men and women–
The effect of Mediterranean Diet on the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of 10 prospective studies and 136,846 participants
The Mediterranean Diet: health and science
Mediterranean Diet and incidence of hip fractures in a European cohort
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Italian school children (The ZOOM8 Study)
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function in older age: results from the Women’s Health Study
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on heart failure biomarkers: a randomized sample from the PREDIMED trial
Mediterranean Diet and risk of frailty in community-dwelling older adults
Mediterranean Diet and magnetic resonance imaging–assessed cerebrovascular disease
Mediterranean Diet, telomere maintenance and health status among elderly
Mediterranean Diet in healthy lifestyle and prevention of stroke
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a sample of Tuscan adolescents
Toward a modern Mediterranean Diet for the 21st century
Mediterranean Diet and telomere length in Nurses’ Health Study: population based cohort study
Mediterranean Diet, kidney function, and mortality in men with CKD
The Mediterranean Diet and fetal size parameters: the Generation R Study
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline in women with cardiovascular disease or risk factors
Mediterranean Diet and healthy ageing: a Sicilian perspective
The immune protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet against chronic low-grade inflammatory diseases
Mediterranean Diet in secondary prevention of CHD
Early effects of a hypocaloric, Mediterranean Diet on laboratory parameters in obese individuals
Factors associated with colorectal cancer in the context of the Mediterranean Diet: a case-control study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of cancer: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of observational studies
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer’s disease risk in an Australian population
The Mediterranean Diet in relation to mortality and CVD: a Danish cohort study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and risk of incident cognitive impairment
Latest evidence of the effects of the Mediterranean Diet in prevention of cardiovascular disease
Developing a methodological approach for assessing the sustainability of Diets: the Mediterranean Diet as a case study
Modified Mediterranean Diet score and cardiovascular risk in a North American working population
Long term successful weight loss with a combination biphasic ketogenic Mediterranean Diet and Mediterranean Diet maintenance protocol
Lifestyles and risk factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: a baseline assessment of the PREDIMED trial
Mediterranean Diet adherence rates in Sicily, southern Italy
The Mediterranean Diet improves hepatic steatosis and insulin sensitivity in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Very high childhood obesity prevalence and low adherence rates to the Mediterranean Diet in Greek children: the GRECO study
Compliance with Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and nutrition knowledge levels in adolescents. A case study from Turkey
Mediterranean Diet and prostate cancer risk and mortality in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight loss on markers of inflammation in men with metabolic syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with the severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Carotid intima-media thickness changes with Mediterranean Diet: a randomized trial (PREDIMED-Navarra)
Does a Mediterranean Diet reduce the mortality risk associated with diabetes: evidence from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and gastric cancer risk in Italy
Does the Mediterranean Diet predict longevity in the elderly? A Swedish perspective
The Mediterranean Diet is not related to cognitive change in a large prospective investigation: the PATH Through Life study
Mediterranean Diet and longevity: an example of nutraceuticals?
Mediterranean Diet habits in older individuals: associations with cognitive functioning and brain volumes
Spanish Mediterranean Diet and other Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk: case–control EpiGEICAM study
Up‐to date knowledge on the in vivo transcriptomic effect of the Mediterranean Diet in humans
The Mediterranean Diet is associated with a reduction in premature mortality among middle-aged adults
Olive oil, an essential component of the Mediterranean Diet, and breast cancer
Factors associated with low adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in healthy children in northern Spain
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and risk of fractures in French older persons
Mediterranean Diet reduces endothelial damage and improves the regenerative capacity of endothelium
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet by nursing students of Murcia (Spain)
Mediterranean Diet and minimizing neurodegeneration
The effects of a Mediterranean Diet on the need for diabetes drugs and remission of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: follow-up of a randomized trial
Polyphenol-rich foods in the Mediterranean Diet are associated with better cognitive function in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline. A lesson from the whole-Diet approach: what challenges lie ahead?
Wholegrain cereals and bread: a duet of the Mediterranean Diet for the prevention of chronic diseases
The Mediterranean Diet improves the systemic lipid and DNA oxidative damage in metabolic syndrome individuals. A randomized, controlled, trial
Mediterranean Diet rich in olive oil and obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with a better health-related quality of life: a possible role of high Dietary antioxidant content
What would you like to eat, Mr CKD Microbiota? A Mediterranean Diet, please!
Long-term adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with overall cognitive status, but not cognitive decline, in women
Patterns of Dietary intake and psychological distress in older Australians: benefits not just from a Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and oxidation: nuts and olive oil as important sources of fat and antioxidants
Alimentary regimen in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and non enzymatic antioxidant capacity in the PREDIMED study: evidence for a mechanism of antioxidant tuning
Mediterranean Diet reduces senescence-associated stress in endothelial cells
The role of a Mediterranean Diet on the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer
Virgin olive oil and nuts as key foods of the Mediterranean Diet effects on inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis
The historical development and nutritional importance of olive and olive oil constituted an important part of the Mediterranean Diet
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on biomarkers of vascular wall inflammation and plaque vulnerability in subjects with high risk for cardiovascular disease …
Mediterranean Diet reduces 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipids: one-year randomized, clinical trial
Influence of the Mediterranean Diet on carotid intima–media thickness in hypercholesterolaemic children: a 12-month intervention study
Quality of Internet information related to the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, overweight and body composition in children from eight European countries: cross-sectional and prospective results from the IDEFICS study
Mediterranean Diet adherence and self-reported psychological functioning in an Australian sample
Factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among adolescents living in Sicily, Southern Italy
Endothelial aging associated with oxidative stress can be modulated by a healthy Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet-and exercise-induced improvement in age-dependent vascular activity
Mediterranean Diet and white matter hyperintensity volume in the Northern Manhattan Study
Decline of the Mediterranean Diet at a time of economic crisis. Results from the Moli-sani study
Food consumption and civil society: Mediterranean Diet as a sustainable resource for the Mediterranean area
The Mediterranean Diet score and mortality are inversely associated in adults living in the subarctic region
Mediterranean Diet and familial dysmetabolism as factors influencing the development of acne
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels: the PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomized trial
Protective role of the Mediterranean Diet on several cardiovascular risk factors: evidence from Sicily, southern Italy
In vivo transcriptomic profile after a Mediterranean Diet in high–cardiovascular risk patients: a randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: new therapeutic option around the corner?
Relationship between cooking habits and skills and Mediterranean Diet in a sample of Portuguese adolescents
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and decline in walking speed over 8 years in community‐dwelling older adults
Effect of Mediterranean Diet versus prudent Diet combined with physical activity on OSAS: a randomised trial
The mediating effect of parents’ educational status on the association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and childhood obesity: the PANACEA study
Foods and food components in the Mediterranean Diet: supporting overall effects
Mediterranean Diet and workplace health promotion
Mediterranean Diet and type 2 diabetes risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study: the InterAct project
Medium term effects of a ketogenic Diet and a Mediterranean Diet on resting energy expenditure and respiratory ratio
Influence of Mediterranean Diet on asthma symptoms, lung function, and systemic inflammation: a randomized controlled trial
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and onset of disability in older persons
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in relation to acute coronary syndrome or stroke nonfatal events: a comparative analysis of a case/case-control study
Changes in ultrasound-assessed carotid intima-media thickness and plaque with a Mediterranean Diet: a substudy of the PREDIMED trial
Mediterranean Diet, moderate-to-high intensity training, and health-related quality of life in adults with metabolic syndrome
The protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet on endothelial resistance to GLP-1 in type 2 diabetes: a preliminary report
The Mediterranean Diet, recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of humanity
Body composition changes and cardiometabolic benefits of a balanced Italian Mediterranean Diet in obese patients with metabolic syndrome
Role of Mediterranean Diet in prevention and management of type 2 diabetes
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight loss on cardiovascular risk factors in men with the metabolic syndrome
Longitudinal association of telomere length and obesity indices in an intervention study with a Mediterranean Diet: the PREDIMED-NAVARRA trial
Mediterranean Diet and longevity in Sicily: survey in a Sicani Mountains population
Something new under the sun? The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular health.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of breast cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition cohort study
Mediterranean Diet and magnetic resonance imaging-assessed brain atrophy in cognitively normal individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Mediterranean Diet and dementia of the Alzheimer type
Correlation of blood pressure, obesity, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with indices of arterial stiffness in children
Academic performance in relation to adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and energy balance behaviors in Greek primary schoolchildren
Mediterranean Diet, healthy eating index 2005, and cognitive function in middle-aged and older Puerto Rican adults
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and serum uric acid: the ATTICA study
Factors associated with a low adherence to a Mediterranean Diet pattern in healthy Spanish women before pregnancy
The Mediterranean Diet pattern and its main components are associated with lower plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor receptor 60 in patients at high risk …
Nutrition knowledge is associated with higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet and lower prevalence of obesity. Results from the Moli-sani study
Mediterranean Diet and CHD: the Greek European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition cohort
Mediterranean Diet and carotid atherosclerosis in the Northern Manhattan Study
Concurrent and construct validity of Mediterranean Diet scores as assessed by an FFQ
Mediterranean Diet: the whole is more than the sum of its parts
High sodium intake of children through ‘hidden’food sources and its association with the Mediterranean Diet: the GRECO study
Mediterranean Diet impact on changes in abdominal fat and 10-year incidence of abdominal obesity in a Spanish population
Vascular effects of the Mediterranean Diet—Part II: Role of omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil polyphenols
Mediterranean Diet supplemented with nuts reduces waist circumference and shifts lipoprotein subfractions to a less atherogenic pattern in subjects at high …
Mediterranean Diet and cardioprotection: the role of nitrite, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and polyphenols
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular prevention
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in rural and urban adolescents of southern Spain, life satisfaction, anthropometry, and physical and sedentary activities
The Mediterranean Diet: consumption, cuisine and food habits
Low income is associated with poor adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and a higher prevalence of obesity: cross-sectional results from the Moli-sani study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower likelihood of breast cancer: a case-control study
Foreword: Mediterranean Diet and climatic change
The Mediterranean Diet: a cultural journey–Authors’ reply
Mediterranean Diet polyphenols reduce inflammatory angiogenesis through MMP-9 and COX-2 inhibition in human vascular endothelial cells: a potentially protective …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of bladder cancer in the EPIC cohort study
A 14-item Mediterranean Diet assessment tool and obesity indexes among high-risk subjects: the PREDIMED trial
Vascular effects of the Mediterranean Diet part I: anti-hypertensive and anti-thrombotic effects
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and intake of antioxidants influence spontaneous conversion of atrial fibrillation
Ischemic heart disease and the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight loss on surrogate markers of cholesterol homeostasis in men with the metabolic syndrome
A Mediterranean Diet pattern with low consumption of liquid sweets and refined cereals is negatively associated with adiposity in adults from rural Lebanon
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and plasma fatty acids: data from the Bordeaux sample of the Three-City study
The antioxidative protecting role of the Mediterranean Diet
Greater Mediterranean Diet adherence is observed in Dutch compared with Greek university students
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and energy, macro-, and micronutrient intakes in older persons
… role of depression and anxiety on cardiovascular disease risk, using structural equation modeling; the mediating effect of the Mediterranean Diet and physical activity …
Mediterranean Diet and risk of hyperuricemia in elderly participants at high cardiovascular risk
Protection from hypertension in mice by the Mediterranean Diet is mediated by nitro fatty acid inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase
Relationship of Mediterranean Diet and caloric intake to phenoconversion in Huntington disease
Mediterranean Diet and glycaemic load in relation to incidence of type 2 diabetes: results from the Greek cohort of the population-based European Prospective …
Mediterranean Diet adherence during pregnancy and fetal growth: INMA (Spain) and RHEA (Greece) mother–child cohort studies
The erosion and the renaissance of the Mediterranean Diet: A sustainable cultural resource
Sustainability of the food chain from field to plate: the case of the Mediterranean Diet
Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with the Mediterranean Diet: results of the PREDIMED-Reus nutrition intervention randomized trial
Dietary habits of the hypertensive population of Spain: accordance with the DASH Diet and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Supplemented With Coenzyme Q10 Modifies the Expression of Proinflammatory and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes in Elderly …
Association of fitness with life satisfaction, health risk behaviors, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish adolescents
Dietetic factors associated with prostate cancer. Protective effects of Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean Diet enriched with olive oil is associated with higher serum total osteocalcin levels in elderly men at high cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome in an urban population: the Athens Study
Effect of a plant stanol ester-containing spread, placebo spread, or Mediterranean Diet on estimated cardiovascular risk and lipid, inflammatory and haemostatic …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and body fat distribution in reproductive aged women
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in Morocco and its correlates: cross-sectional analysis of a sample of the adult Moroccan population
Similar prediction of total mortality, diabetes incidence and cardiovascular events using relative-and absolute-component Mediterranean Diet score: the SUN cohort
Physical activity, Mediterranean Diet and biomarkers-assessed risk of Alzheimer’s: a multi-modality brain imaging study
Metabolic syndrome and colorectal cancer: the protective role of Mediterranean Diet—a case–control study
Moderate-to-high-intensity training and a hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet enhance endothelial progenitor cells and fitness in subjects with the metabolic syndrome
The effect of the Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot study
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores and risk of incident, sporadic colorectal adenomas
Postprandial antioxidant effect of the Mediterranean Diet supplemented with coenzyme Q 10 in elderly men and women
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower platelet and leukocyte counts: results from the Moli-sani study
Long-term effects of an exercise and Mediterranean Diet intervention in the vascular function of an older, healthy population
The role of modified Mediterranean Diet and quantum therapy in oncological primary prevention
The Mediterranean Diet: effects on proteins that mediate fatty acid metabolism in the colon
Red meat, Mediterranean Diet and lung cancer risk among heavy smokers in the COSMOS screening study
… ketogenic Mediterranean Diet with phytoextracts and low carbohydrates/high-protein meals on weight, cardiovascular risk factors, body composition and Diet …
How does the Mediterranean Diet promote cardiovascular health? Current progress toward molecular mechanisms: Gene‐Diet interactions at the genomic …
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet intervention on Dietary glycemic load and Dietary glycemic index: the PREDIMED study
Mediterranean Diet reduces the adverse effect of the TCF7L2-rs7903146 polymorphism on cardiovascular risk factors and stroke incidence: a randomized controlled …
Association of physical self-concept with physical activity, life satisfaction and Mediterranean Diet in adolescents
Mediterranean Diet Score and prostate cancer risk in a Swedish population-based case–control study
Effect of sustaining lifestyle modifications (nonsmoking, weight reduction, physical activity, and Mediterranean Diet) after healing of myocardial infarction, percutaneous …
Mediterranean Diet and the Spanish paradox. A hypothesis
Interaction of fatty acid genotype and Diet on changes in colonic fatty acids in a Mediterranean Diet intervention study
Does adherence to the Mediterranean Diet have a protective effect against active and passive smoking?
Postprandial antioxidant gene expression is modified by Mediterranean Diet supplemented with coenzyme Q 10 in elderly men and women
PPARγ Pro12Ala interacts with fat intake for obesity and weight loss in a behavioural treatment based on the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet interventions to prevent cognitive decline—opportunities and challenges
A pilot study of the Spanish Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: an effective therapy for the metabolic syndrome
The Mediterranean Diet, hepatic steatosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Gender differences in the long-term effects of a nutritional intervention program promoting the Mediterranean Diet: changes in Dietary intakes, eating behaviors …
The Mediterranean Diet: designed for the future
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet of future teachers
Serum vitamin B12 and folate concentrations and the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on vulnerable populations
Mediterranean Diet is associated on symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with bronchiectasis
Baseline adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and major cardiovascular events: Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea trial
The Mediterranean Diet and gastrointestinal cancers risk
Excess body iron and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a nested case–control in the PREDIMED (PREvention with Mediterranean Diet) study
Cross-sectional study on the relationship between the Mediterranean Diet Score and blood lipids
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on plasma adipokine concentrations in men with metabolic syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and HbA1c level
Long-term adherence to the Mediterranean Diet reduces the prevalence of hyperuricaemia in elderly individuals, without known cardiovascular disease: the Ikaria …
Genotype patterns at CLU, CR1, PICALM and APOE, cognition and Mediterranean Diet: the PREDIMED-NAVARRA trial
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and albuminuria levels in Greek adolescents: data from the Leontio Lyceum ALbuminuria (3L study)
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and close Dietetic supervision increase total Dietary antioxidant intake and plasma antioxidant capacity in subjects with abdominal …
Maternal Diets with low healthy eating index or Mediterranean Diet adherence scores are associated with high cord-blood insulin levels and insulin resistance …
Resveratrol: a neuroprotective polyphenol in the Mediterranean Diet
Effects of exercise training and Mediterranean Diet on vascular risk reduction in post-menopausal women
Relevance of Mediterranean Diet and glucose metabolism for nephrolithiasis in obese subjects
Behavioural effects of a 10-day Mediterranean Diet. Results from a pilot study evaluating mood and cognitive performance
Association of Mediterranean Diet and other health behaviours with barriers to healthy eating and perceived health among British adults of retirement age
The Mediterranean Diet–a review of evidence relevant to the food and drink industry
Mediterranean Diet supplemented with coenzyme Q10 induces postprandial changes in p53 in response to oxidative DNA damage in elderly subjects
The antioxidant advantage of the Mediterranean Diet in cardiovascular disease
Rationale for the use of a Mediterranean Diet in diabetes management
Mediterranean Diet: an integrated view
Habit based consumptions in the Mediterranean Diet and the relationship with anthropometric parameters in young female kayakers
Mediterranean Diet pyramids: towards the Italian model
Mediterranean Diet and heart rate: the PREDIMED randomised trial
Postprandial effects of the Mediterranean Diet on oxidant and antioxidant status in elderly men and women
Sirtuins and resveratrol-derived compounds: a model for understanding the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet
Is a specific drinking pattern a consistent feature of the Mediterranean Diet in Spain in the XXI century?
The impact of abdominal obesity status on cardiovascular response to the Mediterranean Diet
Randomized, controlled nutrition education trial promotes a Mediterranean Diet and improves anthropometric, Dietary, and metabolic parameters in adults.
… and the MC4R rs17782313 polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes are modulated by Diet, being higher when adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern is low
Mass media information and adherence to Mediterranean Diet: results from the Moli-sani study
Biocultural diversity and the Mediterranean Diet
The role of Mediterranean Diet in health and disease: an updated mini review
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in a rural Appalachian food desert
Role of Mediterranean Diet, tropical vegetables rich in antioxidants, and sunlight exposure in blindness, cataract and glaucoma among African type 2 diabetics
Effects of 1-year intervention with a Mediterranean Diet on plasma fatty acid composition and metabolic syndrome in a population at high cardiovascular risk
Investigating the associations between Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and living environment with childhood asthma using path analysis
Recent findings of studies on the Mediterranean Diet: what are the implications for current Dietary recommendations?
Body composition phenotype: Italian Mediterranean Diet and C677T MTHFR gene polymorphism interaction
Assessment of nutritional status of 10–14 years old adolescents using Mediterranean Diet quality index (KIDMED)
Mediterranean Diet: natural salicylates and other secrets of the pyramid.
… protein is associated with lower triglycerides and myocardial infarction incidence depending on level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the PREDIMED trial
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity: an intervention study. Does olive oil exercise the body through the mind?
The role of number of meals, coffee intake, salt and type of cookware on colorectal cancer development in the context of the Mediterranean Diet
Association between Mediterranean Diet and non-fatal cardiovascular events, in the context of anxiety and depression disorders: a case/case-control study
The Mediterranean Diet adoption improves metabolic, oxidative, and inflammatory abnormalities in Algerian metabolic syndrome patients
Effect of Mediterranean Diet With and Without Weight Loss on Apolipoprotein B100 Metabolism in Men With Metabolic Syndrome
The role of Mediterranean Diet, coq10 and conjugated-melatonin in osteoporosis primary prevention and therapy
Commentary: Mediterranean Diet and cognitive outcomes: epidemiological evidence suggestive, randomized trials needed
Association of Mediterranean Diet, Dietary supplements and alcohol consumption with breast density among women in South Germany: a cross-sectional …
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on lipid peroxidation marker TBARS in obese patients with OSAHS under CPAP treatment: a randomised trial
Postprandial Activation of P53-Dependent DNA Repair Is Modified by Mediterranean Diet Supplemented With Coenzyme Q10 in Elderly Subjects
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with coronary artery disease.
Validation of questionnaires to estimate adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and life habits in older individuals in Southern Spain
The Mediterranean Diet: good for the heart= good for the brain?
Mediterranean Diet intervention for patients with hyperuricemia: a pilot study
Effects of the traditional Mediterranean Diet on adiponectin and leptin concentrations in men and premenopausal women: do sex differences exist?
Mediterranean Diet, The
Adherence to the Mediterranean type of Diet is associated with lower prevalence of asthma symptoms, among 10–12 years old children: the PANACEA study
Mediterranean Diet adherence in individuals with prediabetes and unknown diabetes: the Di@ bet. es Study
Food labels use is associated with higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet: results from the Moli-sani study
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet and breast milk fatty acid profile: a study in breastfeeding women in Croatia
Is the Mediterranean Diet adequate to satisfy zinc requirements during adolescence?
Can a Mediterranean Diet reduce the effects of lipodystrophy syndrome in people living with HIV? A pilot randomised controlled trial
Identification of change-points in the relationship between food groups in the Mediterranean Diet and overall mortality: an ‘a posteriori’approach
Effect of an isoenergetic traditional Mediterranean Diet on apolipoprotein AI kinetic in men with metabolic syndrome
Re:“Relation of the traditional Mediterranean Diet to cerebrovascular disease in a Mediterranean population”
The mediating effect of the Mediterranean Diet on the role of discretionary and hidden salt intake regarding non-fatal acute coronary syndrome or stroke events: A case …
… associated with components of arterial pressure among older individuals (the multinational MEDIS study): the role of the Mediterranean Diet and alcohol consumption
Investigating the effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet in pregnant women for the primary prevention of asthma and allergy in high-risk infants: protocol for a …
The mediating effect of Mediterranean Diet on the relation between smoking and colorectal cancer: a case–control study
Unpacking the Mediterranean Diet: agriculture, food and health
A lower adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with a poorer self-rated health in university population
Mediterranean Diet: not only food
Mediterranean Diet shown to ward off heart attack and stroke
Spanish move away from Mediterranean Diet
Ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness and plaque in HIV-infected patients on the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and emotion regulation
Towards the development of guidelines for improving the sustainability of Diets and food consumption patterns: the Mediterranean Diet as a pilot study.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in relation to ischemic stroke nonfatal events in nonhypercholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic participants: Results of a …
Dietary habits in Italy: the importance of the Mediterranean Diet.
The association between a Mediterranean-style Diet and kidney function in the Northern Manhattan Study cohort
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Risk. U
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseases
Variations of the Diet of Galician university students (Ourense Campus) in relation to the pattern of the cardioprotective Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome: is it worth it?
PREDIMED trial: Mediterranean Diet may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet and red yeast rice supplementation for the management of hyperlipidemia in statin-intolerant patients with or without type 2 diabetes
Does the Mediterranean Dietary pattern or the Healthy Diet Index influence the risk of breast cancer in a large British cohort of women?
Do statins increase and Mediterranean Diet decrease the risk of breast cancer?
Components of the Mediterranean Diet with chemopreventive activity toward colorectal cancer
The Mediterranean Diet: A cultural journey
Sex-related differences in the effects of the Mediterranean Diet on glucose and insulin homeostasis
Gender differences in adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of atrial fibrillation
The Mediterranean Diet in the era of globalization: The need to support knowledge of healthy Dietary factors in the new socio-economical framework
Mediterranean style Diet and 12-year incidence of cardiovascular diseases: the EPIC-NL cohort study
Wine consumption in the Mediterranean Diet: Old concepts in a new sight
Depressive symptoms and inflammation increase in a prospective study of older adults: a protective effect of a healthy (Mediterranean-style) Diet
The relationship between a Mediterranean Diet and circulating adiponectin levels is influenced by cigarette smoking
Mediterranean Diet and leukocyte telomere length in a multi-ethnic elderly population
Polyphenols from the Mediterranean Diet: Structure, analysis and health evidence
Mediterranean Diet and inflammaging in the elderly: the European project NU-AGE. Preface.
Mediterranean Diet and telomere length
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on Cancer Reduction
Effects of extra virgin olive oil phenolic compounds and the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular health
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha− 308 G> A Polymorphism, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, and Risk of Overweight/Obesity in Young Women
Mediterranean Diet and socio-economic status in Greek adolescents
Mediterranean Diet? no, thanks: Mediterranean lifestyle!
Mediterranean Diet mediates the adverse effect of depressive symptomatology on short-term outcome in elderly survivors from an acute coronary event
Effect of an isoenergetic traditional Mediterranean Diet on the high-density lipoprotein proteome in men with the metabolic syndrome
Translating the Mediterranean Diet: from chemistry to kitchen
The Mediterranean Diet: a short review of the health benefits
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet model on serum beta-carotene concentration. A preliminary assessment
Might some of the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease be mediated by reduced iron stores?
Mechanistic insights into the cardiovascular benefits of a Mediterranean Diet
Metabolic syndrome and the components of the Mediterranean Diet
Methods to Evaluate Adherence to Mediterranean Diet: A Review on Epidemiologic Studies.
The adherence of the Diet to Mediterranean principle and its impacts on human and environmental health
Changes in the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in students of grades of teaching and nursing after completing a course on nutrition
The Mediterranean Diet as prevention strategy for dementia as a multicausal geriatric syndrome
In patients at high CV risk, a Mediterranean Diet plus olive oil reduced diabetes more than advising a low-fat Diet
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease
Comparative effect of two Mediterranean Diets versus a low-fat Diet on glycaemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Gender differences in adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of atrial fibrillation
Challenges and opportunities of 2.0 tools for the interdisciplinary study of nutrition: The case of the Mediterranean Diet wiki
The association of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet during early pregnancy and the risk of gastroschisis in the offspring
Evaluation of the degree of compliance to the Mediterranean Diet of workers in Greek Post offices
From French to Mediterranean Diet: importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids ratio
Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and the Mediterranean Diet in a sample of Lebanese university students
Mediterranean-style Diet reduces metabolic syndrome components in obese children and adolescents with obesity
Cross-sectional relationship of a Mediterranean type Diet to diastolic heart function in chronic heart failure patients
Similar prediction of total mortality, diabetes incidence and cardiovascular events using relative-and absolute-component Mediterranean Diet score: The SUN …
… polymorphism near the SERPINE1 gene and blood pressure and lipid parameters in a high-cardiovascular-risk population: interaction with Mediterranean Diet
Nutri-protection and Mediterranean Diet: bitter apricot kernel and amygdalin treatment effects on a battery of oxidative stress and apoptosis biomarkers
Healthy aging Diets other than the Mediterranean: a focus on the Okinawan Diet
The Traditional Mediterranean Diet: Lessons Learned.
A Mediterranean Diet supplemented with olive oil or nuts reduces the incidence of major cardiovascular events in high-risk patients
Monuments, Mountains, and the Mediterranean Diet: Potential for UNESCO’s World Culinary Heritage Inscriptions to Positively Affect Sustainable Agriculture
Mediterranean Diet may reduce stroke risk in individuals with genetic predisposition to diabetes
Soft drinks consumption, Diet quality and BMI in a Mediterranean population
Mediterranean and DASH Diet scores and mortality in women with heart failure: The Women’s Health Initiative
Most relevant polyphenols present in the Mediterranean Diet and their Incidence in cancer diseases
The Mediterranean Diet: a clinician’s guide for patient care
Healthy alternatives of the Mediterranean Diet in Latvia
… and nutritional value of Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) caught by driftnet “Menaide” along Sicilian coast: a natural food for Mediterranean Diet
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight loss on plasma cell adhesion molecule concentrations in men with the metabolic syndrome
The current Greek Diet and the omega-6/omega-3 balance: the Mediterranean Diet score is inversely associated with the omega-6/omega-3 ratio
A Mediterranean Diet reduces cardiovascular risk factors in overweight patients compared with a low-fat Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and fetal size parameters: the Generation R Study
Mediterranean Diet in a new perspective: A Systematic review for its benefits regarding mortality and cardiovascular disease and potential protective mechanisms.
Mediterranean Diet and diabetes development: a meta-analysis of 12 studies and 140,001 individuals
Iron, oxidative stress, and the Mediterranean Diet
Is the Beneficial Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Cardiovascular Risk Partly Mediated through Better Blood Pressure Control?
The relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the severity of coronary atherosclerosis
The benefits of a Mediterranean Diet
Positive effects of the Mediterranean Diet in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease: A literature review
From the Swedish to the Mediterranean Diet and the omega-6/omega-3 balance
Mediterranean Diet: the impact on cardiovascular risk and metabolic syndrome in HIV patients, in Lisbon, Portugal
… is associated with clustering of metabolic risk factors in adolescents independently of cardiorespiratory fitness, adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, or pubertal stage
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline: what role for omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?
Effects of Italian Mediterranean organic Diet vs. low-protein Diet in nephropathic patients according to MTHFR genotypes
Mediterranean Diet-Health and Culture.
Diabetic Mediterranean Diet
Brain insulin resistance in alzheimer disease and its potential treatment with a Mediterranean Diet and GLP-1 analogues
Mediterranean Diet and Dietary sodium intake
THE Mediterranean Diet & Mediterranean Diet PyRAMID
Mediterranean Diet adherence is decreasing in healthy subjects over the years 1996–2010 also in Mediterranean area.
Reply to:“Might some of the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease be mediated by reduced iron stores?”
Abstract P098: The Association Between Obesity Status and Long-Term Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in the PREDIMED Trial
Mediterranean Diet in cancer patients and cancer free adult Arabs in Israel–a case-control study
Inverse association of Mediterranean Diet with obesity and abdominal obesity: 6.7 years follow-up study
Impact of the traditional Mediterranean Diet on the Framingham risk score and the metabolic syndrome according to sex
Mediterranean Diet reduces cardiovascular events
The Food and Feasts of Jesus: The Original Mediterranean Diet, with Menus and Recipes
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on Type 2 Diabetes’ Incidence and Treatment: A Systematic Review
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Risk–Are We There Yet?
The challenge of food security and Mediterranean Diet in the euro-Mediterranean area
A higher adherence to a Mediterranean-style Diet is inversely associated with the development of frailty in community-dwelling elderly men and women
Dietary lipid supply in Lebanon: Does it fit the Mediterranean Diet profile?
Mediterranean-style Diet and risk of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death: the Northern Manhattan Study
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Diseases in an Turkish Population
Barriers to a Mediterranean Diet in a Northern European population
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on the lipid-lipoprotein profile: is it influenced by the family history of dyslipidemia?
OP0010-HPR Intake of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids as Components of A Mediterranean Diet Suppresses Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity–the Tomorrow Study
Effect of using repeated measurements of a Mediterranean style Diet on the strength of the association with cardiovascular disease during 12 years: the Doetinchem …
Mediterranean Diet and skin health
PURLs: Mediterranean Diet: Higher fat but lower risk
Mediterranean Diet: a precious tool for fighting inflammatory diseases
Long-term effect of Mediterranean-style Diet and calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity and oxidative stress in overweight men
The expression of mirnas is modulated by the Mediterranean Diet in patients with cardiovascular disease
How components of the Mediterranean Diet reduce heart disease and stroke risk
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet: Results of a Systematic Review: Rosella Saulle
J14 Mediterranean Diet and nutritional composition of patients with Huntington’s disease. Spanish multicenter study of the European group for Huntington’s disease
Transcriptomics to study the effect of a Mediterranean-inspired Diet on inflammation in Crohn’s disease patients
Evaluating the role of Mediterranean Diet and eating behaviors on the likelihood of having a non-fatal acute coronary syndrome, under the context of stress …
Association between Mediterranean and Nordic Diet scores and changes in weight and waist circumference: influence of FTO and TCF7L2 loci
Allergy to pomegranate and artichoke, novel food allergens of the Mediterranean Diet
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases as the Epidemic of the 21st century
Combating inflammaging through a Mediterranean whole Diet approach: the NU-AGE project’s conceptual framework and design
Association of Mediterranean Diet With Peripheral Artery Disease: The PREDIMED Randomized Trial
263 Mediterranean Diet decrease homocysteine levels and increase thiolactonase activities in elderly patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease
Promoting Dietary behavior using the Mediterranean Diet in an online college environment
The Spontaneous Plants’ Recipes Project for enhancing Mediterranean Diet profile change: A sustainable strategy for obesity prevention in childhood, and for …
Lubricin expression in an osteoarthritis rat model with Mediterranean Diet and mild physical activity to prevent cartilage degeneration
Atherosclerosis and Mediterranean Diet Polyphenols
Mediterranean Diet Modifies Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (P05. 075)
Diet Quality in Pregnancy: A Focus on Requirements and the Protective Effects of the Mediterranean Diet
Added value of the Mediterranean Diet: extrapolation to long term enteral nutrition
Development of a web-based recipe database for use in promotion of the Mediterranean Diet among older adults in the UK
… by the Mediterranean Diet of the associations between Rapgef1 and Negr1 polymorphisms and blood pressure in a high cardiovascular risk Mediterranean …
Eating healthy: The costs associated with consuming a Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and counseling in arterial hypertension
Mediterranean Diet and different food models: Measurement and comparison of environmental costs using the ecological footprint method
OP19 Increased Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Protects Memory Decline over 20 years in a Longitudinal Study
A Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load Diet increases plasma carotenoids and decreases LDL oxidation in women with metabolic syndrome
The Mediterranean Zone: Unleash the Power of the World’s Healthiest Diet for Superior Weight Loss, Health, and Longevity
Revisiting the Five-Part Nutritional Wellness Protocol: The Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean Diet.
Characteristic Elements of Mediterranean Diet: The Consumption of Vegetables and Legumes in Greece (1950-2005)
Phytochemical intakes with a Mediterranean Diet: levels achievable with an exchange list Diet and potential biomarkers in blood
Pre and postoperative adherence to Mediterranean-like Diet and its effect on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors after sleeve gastrectomy
Diet, iron biomarkers and oxidative stress in a representative sample of Mediterranean population
Beneficial effect of cetp gene polymorphism rs3764261 in combination with a Mediterranean Diet on lipid metabolism in metabolic syndrome
390 Does the Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet Influence Baseline and Postprandial Endothelial Function?
The Mediterranean Diet
Assessing health awareness of the Mediterranean Diet via an online classroom setting at a Texas community college: A qualitative study
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet intervention on 3t mri-monitored carotid plaque progression and vulnerability. A sub-study of the predimed trial
A Mediterranean-style low-glycemic-load Diet improves variables of metabolic syndrome in women, and addition of a phytochemical-rich medical food enhances …
The effect of behaviour change techniques on interventions promoting components of a Mediterranean Diet among adults of retirement age
Mediterranean lifestyle and Diet: Deconstructing mechanisms of health benefits
Mediterranean Diet modulates the effect of rs1761667 in the CD36 gene on FFA concentration and BMI in a high cardiovascular risk population
Can rapeseed oil replace olive oil as part of a Mediterranean-style Diet?
Mediterranean Diet and cardiodiabesity: A review
Complex Dietary patterns (Mediterranean Diet, vegetarian/vegan Dietary models): impact on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
Mediterranean Diet to be tested
Mediterranean Diet and Coronary Heart Disease
Sicilian durum wheat and its derivatives as a source of antitumoral compounds (lignans) in Mediterranean Diet.
Does the Mediterranean Diet Prevent Diabetes?
Impact of a Mediterranean Diet on Outcomes of Coronary Heart Disease
Prevention of Diabetes with Mediterranean Diet
Measuring adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
In newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, a Mediterranean Diet (vs a low-fat Diet) delayed start of glucose-lowering drugs
I Have a Client Who Wants to Follow the Mediterranean Diet—Where Do I Start?
A Mediterranean-style, low–glycemic-load Diet decreases atherogenic lipoproteins and reduces lipoprotein (a) and oxidized low-density lipoprotein in women with …
Primary cardiovascular prevention by Mediterranean Diet–The PREDIMED trial
The Mediterranean Diet: Unlocking the Secrets to Health and Weight Loss the Mediterranean Way
Mediterranean Diet and health in the Italian population
Effect of a traditional Mediterranean Diet on apolipoproteins B, AI, and their ratio: a randomized, controlled trial.
Effects of Globalization on the Use of the Mediterranean Diet in Spain
Asthma and Mediterranean Diet
Paleolithic Diet. Part II. Comparison with the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Healthy Alternatives of the Mediterranean Diet in Latvia Section B Natural, exact, and applied sciences=
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and quality of life in the SUN Project
Evaluation of nutritional model compatibility with the principles of the Mediterranean Diet in students of the Warsaw Medical University
The ‘Mediterranean Diet‘and weight management 7
Food consumption and civil society: Mediterranean Diet as a sustainable resource for the Mediterranean area
Diving Deep Into the Mediterranean Diet
Nutritional Therapy in Diabetes: Mediterranean Diet
Diet, genetic and epigenetic signatures in women of childbearing age from a Mediterranean population: perspectives for public health
< The> protective effect of the Mediterranean Diet: focus on cancer and cardiovascular risk
Commentary: Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function: are we approaching clarity in this area?
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on the metabolic syndrome in men and women
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet
Association between Mediterranean Diet adherence and mental health
Effectiveness of statin therapy in patients undergoing Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Diabetes Risk in Older People
Preference and understanding of two different graphic displays of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diets reduced cardiovascular events more than a low-fat Diet in high-risk persons
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: the penalty for neglecting the benefit.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Mediterranean Diet for Persons after a Heart Attack
In addition to cardiovascular prevention, Mediterranean Diet also has cognitive benefits
Strong evidence supporting benefits of Mediterranean Diet among people at high risk of CVD
Diet and myocardial infarction: a nested case-control study in a cohort of elderly subjects in a Mediterranean area of southern Italy
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure in the PREDIMED trial: results from a randomized controlled trial
… Diet (Kleiman SC)’;’Median-centered Dietary indices do not accurately classify exposure to the Mediterranean Diet (Smith LP)’;’Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet …
Mediterranean Diet Lowers Cardiovascular Risk Even Without Weight Loss
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cognitive functioning in an Australian sample
Mediterranean Diet for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease
Health-related quality of life in Greek adolescents: the role of the Mediterranean Diet–P
Mediterranean Diet and cereals’ consumption in Greece (1950-2005).
Mediterranean Diet in the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet and sustainable food habits: the case of Neapolitan children
Mediterranean Diet, ω-3 fatty acids and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in relation to ischemic stroke events: A case-control study.
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Prediction of Incident Stroke
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in CADASIL Patients Tested Through Online Survey
Median-centered Dietary indices do not accurately classify exposure to the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and risk of hemorrhagic stroke: yes or no?
Mediterranean Diet is an Effective Method for Treating Type 2 Diabetes in Adults
Mediterranean Diet Quality Index and Albuminuria Levels and Relationship Between Other Physiological Variables
Delayed progression of atherosclerosis with Mediterranean Diet with nuts
The Mediterranean Diet, hepatic steatosis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Mediterranean Diet May Help Women Live Longer, Healthier Lives; Study finds that following Diet during middle age ups odds of living past 70 by 40 percent
Mediterranean Diet, childhood asthma and allergic sensitization
Dietary intake patterns and Mediterranean Diet adherence among Turkish adults
The Efficacy of a Mediterranean Diet in Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Incidence and Mortality in Patients with Known Risk …
Components of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular disease and mortality in a population at high cardiovascular risk.
A short screener is valid for assessing Mediterranean Diet adherence among older Spanish men and women.
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet scores and risk of colorectal adenoma.
Mediterranean Diet and risk of hyperuricemia in elderly participants at high cardiovascular risk
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and HbA1c level.
Mediterranean Diet scores and BMI of young adults with and without a history of childhood cancer
Revisiting the Five-Part Nutritional Wellness Protocol: The Supplemented Paleo-Mediterranean Diet
A short-term impact assessment of a pilot nutrition education intervention promoting the Mediterranean Diet among a group of healthy Maltese adults
Socio-economic status in relation to energy balance behaviours and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Greek adolescents–P
Mediterranean Diet consumed in middle age associated with reduced risk of dying over 6.8 years of follow-up
Reduction in post-menopausal related vascular dysfunction through exercise and Mediterranean Diet
Correction: Interaction of Fatty Acid Genotype and Diet on Changes in Colonic Fatty Acids in a Mediterranean Diet Intervention Study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Relation to Obesity Indices before and after a Weight Reduction Program in OSAS Patients
Potential nutraceuticals of Mediterranean Diet: anti-ageing, anti-tumoral and DNA protecting activities
Predominant Antioxidants of the Mediterranean Diet and Their Influence on Lipid Oxidation
The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Inflammatory Markers in Men and Premenopausal Women: Do Sex Differences Exist?
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight loss on eating behaviors in men with metabolic syndrome
Mediterranean Diet and oxidation: nuts and olive oil as important sources of fat and antioxidants.
Effectiveness of a Mediterranean Diet intervention for improving food intake in people with serious mental illness
Olive oil-supplemented Mediterranean Diet can reverse metabolic syndrome
Does Mediterranean Diet Modify Phenoconversion in Huntington’s Disease (HD)?(P07. 211)
Favourable changes in carotid artery intima media thickness with Mediterranean Diet plus nuts
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Apolipoprotein AI Kinetic in Men with Metabolic Syndrome
Nutrition and pregnancy: evaluation of correlation between Mediterranean Diet and iron status in pregnant women at first trimester
Poor adherence to Mediterranean Diet in overweight/obese preschoolers: Need for an universal early alimentary prevention
Abstract P190: Validity and Reproducibility of a Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess Compliance to a Cardioprotective Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet seems to deteriorate aortic functional capacity in elderly diabetic individuals: Ikaria study.
Peer support to encourage adoption of a Mediterranean Diet: development of pilot randomised controlled intervention study protocol
Ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness and plaque in HIV-infected patients on the Mediterranean Diet
Physical Activity, Mediterranean Diet and Biomarkers-Assessed Risk of Alzheimer’s: A Multi-Modality Brain Imagin…
The Mediterranean Diet With and Without Weight Loss Improves Several Features of Low-Density Lipoprotein Metabolism in Men With Metabolic Syndrome
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations in men and women
LB021-MON: The impact of a nutrition workshop on improving adherence to Mediterranean Diet and nutrition knowledge among adolescent swimmers
The role of the Arab Mediterranean Diet to explain the paradox of high smoking prevalence with the relatively low incidence of lung cancer among in Israel: Jalal …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is Inversely Associated with Advanced Glycation Endproduct Carboxymethyllysine among Male Middle-Aged Twins
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet and weight loss on surrogate markers of cholesterol homeostasis in men with the metabolic syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet modulates the association between the abca1 gene, plasma lipids and diabetes in a high-risk population
The effectiveness and cost of adopting the Mediterranean Diet among British older adults: a brief intervention with two levels of intensity
Long-Term Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Has Beneficial Effect on Biventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Lipid Metabolism is Modified by the Interaction Between Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Gene Polymorphism and Mediterranean Diet in Patients in Secondary …
J14 Mediterranean Diet and nutritional composition of patients with Huntington’s disease. Spanish multicenter study of the European group for Huntington’s disease
Association of adherence to Mediterranean Diet pattern with impaired fasting glucose, metabolic syndrome and body fat distribution is age-dependent: an Italian …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet assessed using various a priori scores is associated with reduced 6‐y risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in French adults
The Interaction of Resveratrol with DPPC Bilayers-a Biophysical Contribution on the Mediterranean Diet
Influence of age and gender differences in the effect of a Mediterranean and low-fat Diet on cardiovascular risk factors
Long-term cardiorespiratory effects of Mediterranean Diet and exercise training intervention in sedentary older participants
Erratum to “Mediterranean Diet and Red Yeast Rice Supplementation for the Management of Hyperlipidemia in Statin-Intolerant Patients with or without Type 2 …
The Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARγ2 gene interacts with a Mediterranean Diet to prevent telomere shortening in the PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomized trial
Polymorphism at the Tnf-alpha Gene Promoter Interacts with Mediterranean Diet to Influence Triglyceride Metabolism and Inflammation Status in Metabolic Syndrome …
… in a Group of Patients with Chronic Psychotic Disorders Taking Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in Residential Treatment While Adhering to a Mediterranean Diet
In newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, a Mediterranean Diet (vs a low-fat Diet) delayed start of glucose-lowering drugs
A Mediterranean-style, low-glycemic-load Diet reduces the expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase in mononuclear cells and plasma insulin …
… Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool; 14 Item Questionnaire of Mediterranean Diet Adherence (appears in: A 14-Item Mediterranean Diet Assessment Tool and …
P2-199 Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and bone quality in a sample of Portuguese adolescents
Co-occurrence and risk assessment of mycotoxins in food and Diet from Mediterranean area
… and the MC4R rs17782313 polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes are modulate by Diet, being higher when adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern is low
Effects of 3-month Mediterranean-type Diet on postprandial TAG and apolipoprotein B48 in the Medi-RIVAGE cohort
Influence of socio-demographic and Diet determinants on the levels of mercury in preschool children from a Mediterranean island
The Short Term Impact of a Mediterranean-Style Diet on Bone Markers in Post-Menopausal Women
Lipid profile and nutritional intake in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes improve after a structured Dietician training to a Mediterranean-style Diet
Local and seasonal variations of roe deer Diet in relation to food resource availability in a Mediterranean environment
Growth, reproduction and Diet of pufferfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus Gmelin, 1789) from Turkey’s Mediterranean sea coast
The importance of a main dish: nestling Diet and foraging behaviour in Mediterranean blue tits in relation to prey phenology
Diet composition and feeding strategies of the stone marten (Martes foina) in a typical Mediterranean ecosystem
Promoting a healthy Diet for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: user-friendly guide
The Diet study in lactating women: A Mediterranean-style Diet intervention and its effects on postpartum weight loss, body composition and select biomarkers of …
Diet and trophic levels of myctophids, gonostomatids and hatchetfish in the Western Mediterranean
The Effects of a Mediterranean-style, Low-glycemic-load, Diet on Lipoprotein Metabolism, Inflammation, and Mononuclear Cell Gene Expression in Women …
… of candidate genes of intermediate and final phenotypes of cardiovascular diseases in Mediterranean and german populations: approach to the study of gene-Diet …
A VLC Diet with gradual transition to Mediterranean low glycemic foods as a treatment of obesity–a pilot study
Summer Diet selection of dairy goats grazing in a Mediterranean shrubland and the quality of secreted fat
Diet of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) in a Mediterranean coastal wetland: A possible impact on threatened rushbeds?
Diet and contamination of the Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan in the Hyères archipelago, Mediterranean Basin, France
The Diet of Great Tit Parus major nestlings in a Mediterranean Iberian forest: the important role of spiders
Development, reproductive capacity and Diet of the Mediterranean grasshopper Arcyptera brevipennis vicheti Harz 1975 (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acrididae …
Winter Diet of Long-eared Owl Asio otus in a Mediterranean fragmented farmland
Parasites of the deep-sea fish Mora moro () from the NW Mediterranean Sea and relationship with fish Diet and enzymatic biomarkers
Stable isotopes confirm a coastal Diet for critically endangered Mediterranean monk seals
… , reproduction and feeding of Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) in the Straits of Messina (Central Mediterranean Sea): Linkages with temperature and Diet
Diet selection by domestic and wild herbivore species in a coastal Mediterranean wetland
Diet of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) during the pre-reproductive period in a semi-arid Mediterranean region
Diet and diving behaviour of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus in the Mediterranean (ssp. melitensis)
Body size, sexual maturity and Diet in Chelidonichthys lucerna (Osteichthyes: Triglidae) from the Adriatic Sea, north eastern Mediterranean
Adherence to a Mediterranean‐style Diet and change in inflammatory biomarkers and fatty acid profiles in lactating women
The Diet of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug overwintering in the Mediterranean (Sicily)
Diet of the spothead lanternfish Diaphus metopoclampus (Cocco, 1829) (Pisces: Myctophidae) in the central Mediterranean Sea
Diet-Induced Over-Expression of Flightless-I Protein and Its Relation to Flightlessness in Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata
Does the Mediterranean style Diet decrease the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, or death in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease?
… of candidate genes of intermediate and final phenotypes of cardiovascular diseases in Mediterranean and german populations: approach to the study of gene-Diet …
Temporal changes in the Diet of deep-water Penaeoidean shrimp(Parapenaeus longirostris and Aristeus antennatus) off Algeria(southwestern Mediterranean)
High HDL improves the response to a Mediterranean style low glycemic load Diet in women with metabolic syndrome
Contribution of planktonic and benthic food sources to the Diet of the reef-forming vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petraeum in the western Mediterranean
Diet composition and food habits of Diplodus puntazzo (Sparidae) from the Gulf of Gabès (Central Mediterranean)
An integrative assay to quantify the nutritional quality of the selected Diet of two Mediterranean free-living deer by faecal-FT-NIRS
Insularity affects head morphology, bite force and Diet in a Mediterranean lizard
Cephalopods in the Diet of young-of-the-year bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L. 1758, Pisces: Scombridae) from the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (central Mediterranean …
Effect of different Diet regimes of Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) on biological characteristics and life table parameters of Habrobracon hebetor …
Diet of common stingray, Dasyatis pastinaca, a shallow water Elasmobranch in the Sardinian waters (Central-Western Mediterranean)
… observations of the reproductive biology and Diet for the Norwegian skate Dipturus nidarosiensis (Collett, 1880)(Rajidae) from the Central Western Mediterranean …
Correction of the omega-3 index in women with metabolic syndrome by adding omega-3 supplements to a Mediterranean style Diet
The Diet of Great Tit Parus major nestlings in a Mediterranean Iberian forest: the important role of spiders E. Pagani–Núñez, Í. Ruiz, J. Quesada, JJ Negro & JC …
A Mediterranean‐style low‐glycemic‐load Diet reduces the expression of HMG‐CoA reductase in mononuclear cells and correlates with decreases in insulin and LDL …
Diet of common stingray, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gulf Of Gabès (South-Central Mediterranean)
… IV| Alexandre CM, Sales S, Ferreira MT, Almeida PR. 2014. Food resources and cyprinid Diet in permanent and temporary Mediterranean rivers with natural …
P02. 43. A Mediterranean-style, low-glycemic Diet plus phytonutrient rich medical food improves cardiovascular risk variables in women with metabolic syndrome
P02. 82. Correction of the Omega-3 Index in women with metabolic syndrome by adding omega-3 supplements to a Mediterranean-style Diet
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: insights from the PREDIMED study
Definition of the Mediterranean Diet; a literature review
The Mediterranean Diet, its components, and cardiovascular disease
Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to non-Mediterranean countries. What is and what is not the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: from a healthy Diet to a sustainable Dietary pattern
Mediterranean Diet and age-related cognitive decline: a randomized clinical trial
The Mediterranean Diet: Culture, health and science
Mediterranean Diet and prevention of chronic diseases
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive health
A journey into a Mediterranean Diet and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review with meta-analyses
Cognitive health and Mediterranean Diet: just Diet or lifestyle pattern?
Chemistry of the Mediterranean Diet
Systematic review of the Mediterranean Diet for long-term weight loss
A comprehensive meta-analysis on evidence of Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: are individual components equal?
Food processing and the Mediterranean Diet
Proposal of a Mediterranean Diet serving score
Health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: an update of research over the last 5 years
Mediterranean Diet impact on cardiovascular diseases: a narrative review
Challenges to the Mediterranean Diet at a time of economic crisis
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline over time in an elderly Mediterranean population
The Mediterranean Diet: health, science and society
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive health: initial results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and Diet
Mediterranean Diet for type 2 diabetes: cardiometabolic benefits
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and risk of diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The anticancer and antiobesity effects of Mediterranean Diet
Components of a Mediterranean Diet and their impact on cognitive functions in aging
The Mediterranean Diet and ADHD in children and adolescents
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Mediterranean Diet, cognitive function, and dementia: a systematic review of the evidence
Med Diet 4.0: the Mediterranean Diet with four sustainable benefits
Protective effects of the Mediterranean Diet on type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular outcomes—a systematic review and meta-analysis
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on cancer: Focused literature review
KIDMED test; prevalence of low adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in children and young; a systematic review
The PREDIMED trial, Mediterranean Diet and health outcomes: how strong is the evidence?
Mediterranean Diet: prevention of colorectal cancer
High-level adherence to a Mediterranean Diet beneficially impacts the gut microbiota and associated metabolome
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on metabolic syndrome, cancer and longevity
Mediterranean Diet and incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in women
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in children and adolescents: A systematic review
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function: the SUN project
Mediterranean Diet and colorectal cancer: A systematic review
Mediterranean Diet and brain structure in a multiethnic elderly cohort
Inflammaging and cancer: a challenge for the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of cancer: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
Mediterranean Diet adherence in children and adolescents in southern European countries
The reliability of the Mediterranean Diet quality index (KIDMED) questionnaire
A consensus proposal for nutritional indicators to assess the sustainability of a healthy Diet: the Mediterranean Diet as a case study
What are the effects of a Mediterranean Diet on allergies and asthma in children?
Mediterranean Diet and invasive breast cancer risk among women at high cardiovascular risk in the PREDIMED trial: a randomized clinical trial
Prospective association of the Mediterranean Diet with cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality and its population impact in a non-Mediterranean …
Preliminary results demonstrating the impact of Mediterranean Diet on bone health
Effect of Mediterranean Diet in diabetes control and cardiovascular risk modification: a systematic review
Quantifying the benefits of Mediterranean Diet in terms of survival
Mediterranean Diet in the southern Croatia–does it still exist?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and academic performance in youth: the UP&DOWN study
How the Seven Countries Study contributed to the definition and development of the Mediterranean Diet concept: a 50-year journey
Implementing a Mediterranean Diet intervention into a RCT: lessons learned from a non-Mediterranean based country
The impact of the Mediterranean Diet on the cognitive functioning of healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet beyond the Mediterranean Sea and beyond food patterns
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with the gut microbiota pattern and gastrointestinal characteristics in an adult population
Adherence to the “Mediterranean Diet” in Spain and its relationship with cardiovascular risk (DIMERICA study)
Greek adolescents and the Mediterranean Diet: factors affecting quality and adherence
Mediterranean Diet and its correlates among adolescents in non-Mediterranean European countries: A population-based study
Mediterranean Diet and risk of dementia
The new modern Mediterranean Diet italian pyramid
Mediterranean Diet and faecal microbiota: a transversal study
Mediterranean Diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Molecular mechanisms of protection
Exploring the path of Mediterranean Diet on 10-year incidence of cardiovascular disease: the ATTICA study (2002–2012)
A Mediterranean Diet and risk of myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke: a population-based cohort study
Mediterranean Diet and life expectancy; beyond olive oil, fruits and vegetables
Dietary polyphenols, Mediterranean Diet, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes: a narrative review of the evidence
Effects on health outcomes of a Mediterranean Diet with no restriction on fat intake: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of cancer: an updated systematic review and meta‐analysis of observational studies
Melatonin in Mediterranean Diet, a new perspective
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: a critical evaluation of a priori Dietary indexes
Why the Mediterranean Diet lowers the risk of heart disease
Mediterranean Diet and cancer risk: an open issue
Nutrition and psoriasis: is there any association between the severity of the disease and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean Diet and mortality in Switzerland: an alpine paradox?
Obesity, metabolic syndrome and Mediterranean Diet: Impact on depression outcome
Mediterranean Diet and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the need of extended and comprehensive interventions
PON1 and Mediterranean Diet
Transcriptomics and the Mediterranean Diet: A systematic review
Mediterranean Diet, micronutrients and macronutrients, and MRI measures of cortical thickness
Retracted: Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean Diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcomes analysis of the PREDIMED randomised …
A novel Mediterranean Diet index from Lebanon: comparison with Europe
Mediterranean Diet and risk of heart failure: results from the PREDIMED randomized controlled trial
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and prediction of incident stroke
Comparison of Mediterranean Diet compliance between European and non-European populations in the Mediterranean basin
The Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk and mortality of the prostate cancer: A narrative review
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle characteristics of university students in Cyprus: A cross-sectional survey
Mediterranean Diet cools down the inflammatory milieu in type 2 diabetes: the MÉDITA randomized controlled trial
How the Mediterranean Diet and some of its components modulate inflammatory pathways in arthritis
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with better quality of life: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Current evidence on health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Energy consumption and GHG emission of the Mediterranean Diet: a systemic assessment using a hybrid LCA-IO method
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome occurrence: a meta-analysis of observational studies
Mediterranean Diet improves high-density lipoprotein function in high-cardiovascular-risk individuals: a randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of multiple sclerosis: a case-control study
Mediterranean Diet decreases adolescent waist circumference
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and asthma in Peruvian children
Polyphenol intake from a Mediterranean Diet decreases inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis: a substudy of the PREDIMED trial
The health benefits of selected culinary herbs and spices found in the traditional Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and preserved brain structural connectivity in older subjects
Mediterranean Diet and inflammaging within the hormesis paradigm
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet by the Greek and Cypriot population: a systematic review
Association between the Mediterranean Diet and cognitive decline in a biracial population
Mediterranean Diet adherence and body composition among Southern Italian adolescents
Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean Diet in the early and late stages of atheroma plaque development
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of developing cognitive disorders: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced risk of heart failure in men
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: effect on insulin resistance
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer: results of a cohort study and meta‐analysis
Dietary inflammatory index, Mediterranean Diet score, and lung cancer: a prospective study
Mediterranean Diet adherence is associated with lifestyle, physical fitness, and mental wellness among 10-y-olds in Chile
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular risk: beyond traditional risk factors
Mediterranean Diet and other lifestyle factors in relation to 20-year all-cause mortality: a cohort study in an Italian population
Mediterranean Diet and phase angle in a sample of adult population: results of a pilot study
Mediterranean Diet score and total and cardiovascular mortality in Eastern Europe: the HAPIEE study
Oleacein. translation from Mediterranean Diet to potential antiatherosclerotic drug
Validation of a literature-based adherence score to Mediterranean Diet: The MEDI-LITE score
Mediterranean Diet and hip fracture in Swedish men and women
Metabolomic pattern analysis after Mediterranean Diet intervention in a nondiabetic population: a 1-and 3-year follow-up in the PREDIMED study
Plasma acylcarnitines and risk of cardiovascular disease: effect of Mediterranean Diet interventions
Effect of Mediterranean Diet and antioxidant formulation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized study
Mediterranean Diet and health-related quality of life in two cohorts of community-dwelling older adults
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on sexual function in people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: the MÈDITA trial
The Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function among healthy older adults in a 6-month randomised controlled trial: the MedLey Study
Plasma ceramides, Mediterranean Diet, and incident cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED trial (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea)
Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean Diet and mortality in subjects with diabetes. Prospective results from the MOLI-SANI study
A Mediterranean Diet lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function: results from the MedLey randomized intervention trial
Phenolic compounds in fruits and beverages consumed as part of the Mediterranean Diet: their role in prevention of chronic diseases
Mediterranean Diet and risk of endometrial cancer: a pooled analysis of three Italian case-control studies
Good adherence to the Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk for NASH and diabetes in pediatric patients with obesity: The results of an Italian Study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, genetic susceptibility, and progression to advanced macular degeneration: a prospective cohort study
Mediterranean Diet in patients with acute ischemic stroke: Relationships between Mediterranean Diet score, diagnostic subtype, and stroke severity index
Dietary habits in Parkinson’s disease: adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet and asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease in a population of pre-menopausal women
Assessment of the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet combined with organic food consumption: an individual behaviour approach
Mediterranean Diet and telomere length in high cardiovascular risk subjects from the PREDIMED-NAVARRA study
Citrus as a component of the Mediterranean Diet
Metabolic syndrome, adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and 10-year cardiovascular disease incidence: The ATTICA study
Mediterranean Diet and changes in sleep duration and indicators of sleep quality in older adults
Does Mediterranean Diet reduce cardiovascular events and oxidative stress in atrial fibrillation?
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and 10‐year incidence (2002–2012) of diabetes: correlations with inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in the ATTICA …
Plasma metabolites from choline pathway and risk of cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED (Prevention With Mediterranean Diet) Study
Validation of the German version of the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) questionnaire
Does the Mediterranean Diet counteract the adverse effects of abdominal adiposity?
Mediterranean Diet and childhood asthma
Mediterranean Diet and leukocyte telomere length in a multi-ethnic elderly population
Heritage entrepreneurship. Agency-driven promotion of the Mediterranean Diet in Spain
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in children: Is it associated with economic cost?
Long-term immunomodulatory effects of a Mediterranean Diet in adults at high risk of cardiovascular disease in the PREvención con Dieta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) …
The Mediterranean Diet as an intangible and sustainable food culture
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced risk of incident chronic kidney diseases among Tehranian adults
Relationship of physical activity and sedentarism with tobacco and alcohol consumption, and Mediterranean Diet in Spanish teenagers
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with methylation changes in inflammation-related genes in peripheral blood cells
The Mediterranean Diet decreases LDL atherogenicity in high cardiovascular risk individuals: a randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet and colorectal cancer risk: a pooled analysis of three Italian case–control studies
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower prevalence of osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative
Origin, components and mechanisms of action of the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet between traditional foods and human health: The culinary example of Puglia (Southern Italy)
Mediterranean Diet, retinopathy, nephropathy, and microvascular diabetes complications: a post hoc analysis of a randomized trial
Benefits and harms of the Mediterranean Diet compared to other Diets
Mediterranean Diet, Dietary polyphenols and low grade inflammation: results from the MOLI‐SANI study
The Mediterranean Diet from Ancel Keys to the UNESCO cultural heritage. A pattern of sustainable development between myth and reality
Advances in integrating traditional and omic biomarkers when analyzing the effects of the Mediterranean Diet intervention in cardiovascular prevention
Mediterranean Diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) style Diet, and metabolic health in US adults
Effects of a long-term lifestyle intervention program with Mediterranean Diet and exercise for the management of patients with metabolic syndrome in a primary care …
Association between polyphenol intake and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Sicily, southern Italy
Plasma lipidomic profiles and cardiovascular events in a randomized intervention trial with the Mediterranean Diet
Pairing intangible cultural heritage with tourism: the case of Mediterranean Diet
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores are inversely associated with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in adults
Mediterranean Diet and multi-ingredient-based interventions for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
The Prevention of cardiovascular disease through the Mediterranean Diet
… , methods, and baseline characteristics: A clinical trial comparing the efficacy of a Mediterranean Diet rich in olive oil versus a low-fat Diet on cardiovascular disease in …
Is it a pleasure to eat together? Theoretical reflections on conviviality and the Mediterranean Diet
Obesity mediates the association between Mediterranean Diet consumption and insulin resistance and inflammation in US adults
A Mediterranean Diet to improve cardiovascular and cognitive health: protocol for a randomised controlled intervention study
Mediterranean Diet for breast cancer prevention and treatment in postmenopausal women
The Mediterranean Diet and risk of colorectal cancer in the UK Women’s Cohort Study
Effect of a counseling-supported treatment with the Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on the severity of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Intervention trials with the Mediterranean Diet in cardiovascular prevention: understanding potential mechanisms through metabolomic profiling
Contribution of macromolecular antioxidants to Dietary antioxidant capacity: A study in the Spanish Mediterranean Diet
Erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors in a Mediterranean Diet cohort
Good adherence to Mediterranean Diet can prevent gastrointestinal symptoms: A survey from Southern Italy
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and offspring adiposity and cardiometabolic traits in childhood
Is the Mediterranean Diet a feasible approach to preserving cognitive function and reducing risk of dementia for older adults in Western countries? New insights and …
Predictive role of the Mediterranean Diet on mortality in individuals at low cardiovascular risk: a 12-year follow-up population-based cohort study
Medical school fails to improve Mediterranean Diet adherence among medical students
A Mediterranean Diet with additional extra virgin olive oil and pistachios reduces the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): A randomized …
Association between Mediterranean Diet and head and neck cancer: results of a large case–control study in Italy
Anti-inflammatory effect of Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetes is durable: 8-year follow-up of a controlled trial
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores are inversely associated with biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative balance in adults
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet on endothelial progenitor cells and carotid intima-media thickness in type 2 diabetes: Follow-up of a randomized trial
Consumer behaviour in Italy. Who spends more to buy a Mediterranean Diet?
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and semen quality parameters in male partners of couples attempting fertility
Mediterranean Diet and erectile dysfunction: a current perspective
Effect of a low glycemic index Mediterranean Diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A randomized controlled clinici trial
The Mediterranean Diet: Socio-cultural relevance for contemporary health promotion
The impact of nutrition education on nutrition knowledge and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in adolescent competitive swimmers
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern, cognitive status and depressive symptoms in an elderly non-institutionalized population
Adherence to a predominantly Mediterranean Diet decreases the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease: a cross-sectional study in a South Eastern European …
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet Supplemented With Coenzyme Q10 on Metabolomic Profiles in Elderly Men and Women
Short-term effectiveness of a mobile phone app for increasing physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in primary care: a randomized …
Mediterranean Diet score and its association with age-related macular degeneration: the European Eye Study
High adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with cardiovascular protection in higher but not in lower socioeconomic groups: prospective findings from the …
Development of a Mediterranean Diet score adapted to Japan and its relation to obesity risk
A Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts improves endothelial markers involved in blood pressure control in hypertensive women
Sex differences in the impact of the Mediterranean Diet on systemic inflammation
1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy and the metabolite determination of typical foods in Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and micronutrient levels in depressive patients
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with visceral abdominal tissue in Caucasian subjects
A comparison of alkaline water and Mediterranean Diet vs proton pump inhibition for treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux
Role of Mediterranean Diet on the prevention of Alzheimer disease
Changes in fatty liver index after consuming a Mediterranean Diet: 6-year follow-up of the PREDIMED-Malaga trial
Better adherence to the Mediterranean Diet could mitigate the adverse consequences of obesity on cardiovascular disease: the SUN prospective cohort
Mediterranean Diet: the missing link between gut microbiota and inflammatory diseases
Mediterranean Diet and low-grade subclinical inflammation: the Moli-sani study
IN-VITRO evidence for the protective properties of the main components of the Mediterranean Diet against colorectal cancer: A systematic review
Nutrition knowledge and Mediterranean Diet adherence in the southeast United States: Validation of a field-based survey instrument
Mediterranean Diet and 10-year (2002-2012) incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in participants with prediabetes: the ATTICA study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and all-cause mortality risk in an elderly Italian population: data from the ILSA study
Older Australians can achieve high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet during a 6 month randomised intervention; results from the Medley Study
The relation between compliance to the Mediterranean Diet and the extensiveness of coronary artery disease
Mediterranean Diet: ω-6 and ω-3 fatty acids and diabetes
Effectiveness of interventions applicable to primary health care settings to promote Mediterranean Diet or healthy eating adherence in adults: A systematic review
Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibitory activities of extracts from aromatic plants used in Mediterranean Diet
Effect of an Internet-based, personalized nutrition randomized trial on Dietary changes associated with the Mediterranean Diet: the Food4Me Study
Effects of Mediterranean Diet in patients with recurring colds and frequent complications
Indexes for assessing adherence to a Mediterranean Diet from data measured through brief questionnaires: issues raised from the analysis of a Greek population …
The Mediterranean Diet score is more strongly associated with favorable cardiometabolic risk factors over 2 years than other Diet quality indexes in Puerto Rican adults
Methodologic quality of meta-analyses and systematic reviews on the Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease outcomes: a review
Epigenetic effects of the pregnancy Mediterranean Diet adherence on the offspring metabolic syndrome markers
Inverse associations between a locally validated Mediterranean Diet index, overweight/obesity, and metabolic syndrome in Chilean adults
Effects of a nutritional intervention program based on the self-determination theory and promoting the Mediterranean Diet
… serum lipopolysaccharide is associated with enhanced risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in atrial fibrillation: Effect of adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome prevalence in type 2 diabetes patients in Ahvaz, southwest of Iran
Effects of Mediterranean Diet supplemented with silybin–vitamin E–phospholipid complex in overweight patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Nutritional status and Mediterranean Diet quality among Spanish children and adolescents with food neophobia
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and nasopharyngeal cancer risk in Italy
Mediterranean Diet and its association with reduced invasive breast cancer risk
Mediterranean Diet reduces thromboxane A2 production in atrial fibrillation patients
Prediction of cardiovascular disease by the Framingham‐REGICOR equation in the high‐risk PREDIMED cohort: impact of the Mediterranean Diet across different risk …
Rationale and design of feeding America’s bravest: Mediterranean Diet-based intervention to change firefighters’ eating habits and improve cardiovascular risk profiles
Recent data on Mediterranean Diet, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and life expectancy.
Mediterranean Diet, folic acid, and neural tube defects
Dietary calcium intake and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish children: The ANIVA Study
Primary prevention of sexual dysfunction with Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetes: the MÈDITA randomized trial
Diet and endometrial cancer: a focus on the role of fruit and vegetable intake, Mediterranean Diet and Dietary inflammatory index in the endometrial cancer risk
Effect of aquatic interval training with Mediterranean Diet counseling in obese patients: Results of a preliminary study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet influences the fecal metabolic profile of microbial-derived phenolics in a Spanish cohort of middle-age and older people
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and circulating levels of sirtuin 4 in obese patients: a novel association
CD142+/CD61+, CD146+ and CD45+ microparticles predict cardiovascular events in high risk patients following a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with nuts
Influence of the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on the cardiometabolic risk in peri and menopausal women. The Flamenco project
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet and exercise in subjects with coronary artery disease
Risk assessment of exposure to pesticides through Dietary intake of vegetables typical of the Mediterranean Diet in the Basque Country
The hidden Mediterranean Diet: wild vegetables traditionally gathered and consumed in the Gargano area, Apulia, SE Italy
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of gastric cancer: results of a case–control study in Italy
Quantifying the mediating effect of body mass index on the relation between a Mediterranean Diet and development of maternal pregnancy complications: the …
Modified Mediterranean Diet for enrichment of short chain fatty acids: potential adjunctive therapeutic to target immune and metabolic dysfunction in …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among employees in South West England: Formative research to inform a web-based, work-place nutrition intervention
Pro12Ala Polymorphism of the PPARγ2 Gene Interacts With a Mediterranean Diet to Prevent Telomere Shortening in the PREDIMED-NAVARRA Randomized Trial
The Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet adherence and genetic background roles within a web-based nutritional intervention: The Food4Me Study
Effect of foods and Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and first years of life on wheezing, rhinitis and dermatitis in preschoolers
Wheat: a crop in the bottom of the Mediterranean Diet pyramid
Evolution of human Diet and effect of globalization on regional Diet with emphasis to the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and its relation to nutritional status in older people
Relationship of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a …
… oil against oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. Chemical and biological studies on the health benefits due to a major component of the Mediterranean Diet
Validity and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire focused on the Mediterranean Diet for the Quebec population
On the origins and evolution of the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with a higher BMD in middle-aged and elderly Chinese
Impact of boiling on phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of green vegetables consumed in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and consumption of functional foods among the Balearic Islands’ adolescent population
Breakfast intake is associated with nutritional status, Mediterranean Diet adherence, serum iron and fasting glucose: the CYFamilies study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is inversely related to binge eating disorder in patients seeking a weight loss program
Association of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet with glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type I diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition …
Frying: A cultural way of cooking in the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of breast cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal women
Mediterranean Diet reduces serum advanced glycation end products and increases antioxidant defenses in elderly adults: a randomized controlled trial
The Mediterranean Diet and age-related cognitive functioning: A systematic review of study findings and neuropsychological assessment methodology
The contribution of fish to the Mediterranean Diet
Does a Mediterranean-type Diet reduce cancer risk?
Food and nutrient features of the Mediterranean Diet
Compliance with the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) among Balearic Islands’ adolescents and its association with socioeconomic, anthropometric and …
… factors with differences between city and districts secondary school students of the southeast of Spain (Murcia) for their adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Comparison of the effects of major fatty acids present in the Mediterranean Diet (oleic acid, docosahexaenoic acid) and in hydrogenated oils (elaidic acid) on 7 …
Prototypical versus contemporary Mediterranean Diet
Biochemical, anthropometric and lifestyle factors related with weight maintenance after weight loss secondary to a hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet
Additive regulation of adiponectin expression by the Mediterranean Diet olive oil components oleic Acid and hydroxytyrosol in human adipocytes
Low maternal adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with increase in methylation at the MEG3-IG differentially methylated region in female infants
The relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and body composition in Croatian university students
A Mediterranean Diet Reduces F2-Isoprostanes and Triglycerides among Older Australian Men and Women after 6 Months
Synergistic interplay between curcumin and polyphenol-rich foods in the Mediterranean Diet: Therapeutic prospects for neurofibromatosis 1 patients
A randomised controlled trial investigating the effects of Mediterranean Diet and aerobic exercise on cognition in cognitively healthy older people living …
n-3 Fatty acids, Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function in normal aging: A systematic review
Mediterranean Diet food: Strategies to preserve a healthy tradition
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism genes, Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer risk: a case–control study in the Greek-Cypriot …
Mediterranean Diet and mortality risk in metabolically healthy obese and metabolically unhealthy obese phenotypes
Sex differences in the impact of the Mediterranean Diet on LDL particle size distribution and oxidation
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and its relation with cardiovascular diseases in Turkish population
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet on the incidence of cataract surgery
The Mediterranean Diet and plasma lipid profile.
Mediterranean Diet score and left ventricular structure and function: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on serum total antioxidant capacity in obese patients: A randomized controlled trial
Non-communicable diseases and adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Employees’ Expectations of Internet-Based, Workplace Interventions Promoting the Mediterranean Diet: A Qualitative Study
Role of the Mediterranean Diet in the Brain and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Mediterranean Diet in children and adolescents
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and sport performance in a elite female athletes futsal population
Feasibility of structured endurance training and Mediterranean Diet in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers–an interventional randomized controlled …
… of inflammation-related miRNAs in white blood cells from subjects with metabolic syndrome after 8 wk of following a Mediterranean Diet–based weight loss …
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on lung function in smokers: a randomised, parallel and controlled protocol
Potential physicochemical basis of Mediterranean Diet effect: Ability of emulsified olive oil to increase carotenoid bioaccessibility in raw and cooked tomatoes
The beneficial effect of a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil in the primary prevention of breast cancer among women at high cardiovascular …
Brain functional connectivity is modified by a hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet and physical activity in obese women
Mercury exposure and risk of cardiovascular disease: a nested case-control study in the PREDIMED (PREvention with Mediterranean Diet) study
Mediterranean Diet and non-fatal acute myocardial infarction: a case–control study from Italy
Greater adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower prevalence of colorectal adenomas in men of all races
Regular consumption of Fiit-ns, a polyphenol extract from fruit and vegetables frequently consumed within the Mediterranean Diet, improves metabolic ageing of obese …
Among 4 Diet quality indexes, only the alternate Mediterranean Diet score is associated with better colorectal cancer survival and only in African American women in …
MnSOD and CAT polymorphisms modulate the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on breast cancer risk among Greek-Cypriot women
Alcohol consumption and Mediterranean Diet adherence among health science students in Spain: the DiSA-UMH Study
Chicory, a typical vegetable in Mediterranean Diet, exerts a therapeutic role in established atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice
From nutrients to foods: The alimentary imaginary of the Mediterranean Diet
A simple and effective mass spectrometric approach to identify the adulteration of the Mediterranean Diet component extra-virgin olive oil with corn oil
Association of physical fitness, body composition, cardiometabolic markers and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with bone mineral density in perimenopausal …
Factors associated with Mediterranean Diet adherence in Huntington’s disease
The Mediterranean Diet among British older adults: Its understanding, acceptability and the feasibility of a randomised brief intervention with two levels of Dietary …
The cultural dimension of the Mediterranean Diet as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Inflammation: a new player in the link between Mediterranean Diet and diabetes mellitus: a review
The influence of energy standardisation on the alternate Mediterranean Diet score and its association with mortality in the Multiethnic Cohort
Mediterranean Diet and fracture risk
Historical origins of the Mediterranean Diet, regional Dietary profiles, and the development of the Dietary guidelines
Alternate Mediterranean Diet score is positively associated with skeletal muscle mass index in middle-aged adults
Mediterranean Diet attenuates risk of frailty and sarcopenia: new insights and future directions
Mediterranean Diet–gene interactions: A targeted metabolomics study in Greek‐Cypriot women
Mediterranean Diet Polyphenols
Mediterranean Diet and prognosis of first-diagnosed Acute Coronary Syndrome patients according to heart failure phenotype: Hellenic Heart Failure Study
Could the Mediterranean Diet be effective in women with polycystic ovary syndrome? A proof of concept
The Mediterranean Diet
Age-associated decline in dendritic cell function and the impact of Mediterranean Diet intervention in elderly subjects
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity impact on metabolic syndrome among children and adolescents from Southern Italy: Contribution from the Calabrian Sierras …
Relative validity of short questionnaires to assess Mediterranean Diet or low-fat Diet adherence
Educational intervention to improve adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among parents and their children aged 1–2 years. EniM clinical trial
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet and time in therapeutic range in atrial fibrillation patients taking vitamin K antagonists
Low Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Portugal: Pregnant Women Nutrition in Portugal and its Repercussions
Preserving the Mediterranean Diet through holistic strategies for the conservation of traditional farming systems
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and serum lipid, lipoprotein and homocysteine concentrations at birth
Erosion of the Mediterranean Diet in Apulia region, south-eastern Italy: exploring socio-cultural and economic dynamics
The efficacy of the Mediterranean Diet on obesity outcomes: a meta‐analysis
The Mediterranean Diet: a sustainable consumption pattern
Peripheral Arterial Disease and Cardiovascular Risk: The Role of Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in prevention of chronic diseases
Dietary flavonoids of Spanish youth: intakes, sources, and association with the Mediterranean Diet
Molecular aspects of squalene and implications for olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: Dietary Guidelines and Impact on Health and Disease
Mediterranean Diet may reduce Alzheimer’s risk
Effects on health outcomes of a Mediterranean Diet with no restriction on fat intake
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with the presence and extension of atherosclerotic plaques in middle-aged asymptomatic adults: The Aragon …
Comparison of the effects of the 1975 Japanese Diet and the modern Mediterranean Diet on lipid metabolism in mice
Reflections of the Holy Quran and the Mediterranean Diet: A culturally congruent approach to obesity?
Social capital, tolerance of diversity and adherence to Mediterranean Diet: the Rhea Mother–Child Cohort in Crete, Greece
… nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR) of metabolically healthy obese women after weight loss with Mediterranean Diet and physical exercise
May the Mediterranean Diet attenuate the risk of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort
Including pork in the Mediterranean Diet for an Australian population: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing cardiovascular risk and cognitive …
The Mediterranean Diet in cancer prevention
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and specific lifestyle habits are associated with academic performance in Greek adolescents
Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil reduces the incidence of invasive breast cancer in a randomised controlled trial
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet offers an additive protection over the use of statin therapy: results from the ATTICA study (2002-2012)
The traditional Mediterranean Diet: an ancient prescription for health and longevity
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in inactive adults, indoor cycling practitioners and amateur cyclists
Nutritional adequacy of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: antioxidant nutritional status
A teachers’ training program accompanying the “School Fruit Scheme” fruit distribution improves children’s adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: an Italian trial
Socioeconomic determinants of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet at a time of economic crisis: the experience of the MOLI-SANI study
… controlled intervention trial evaluating the efficacy of an Australianised Mediterranean Diet compared to the habitual Australian Diet on cognitive function …
A pilot randomised controlled trial investigating a Mediterranean Diet intervention in pregnant women for the primary prevention of allergic diseases in infants
The RS4939827 polymorphism in the SMAD7 GENE and its association with Mediterranean Diet in colorectal carcinogenesis
Garcıa de la Torre N, Durán A, Fuentes M, Bordiú E, del Valle L, et al.(2017) A Mediterranean Diet with additional extra virgin olive oil and pistachios reduces the …
The Mediterranean Diet
Inverse relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and serum cystatin C Levels
Effect of a low fat Diet intervention on blood pressure and hypertension: rather switch to a Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean countries facing the Mediterranean Diet, are we still on track? The example of southern Spain midlife women
The role of Mediterranean Diet and its components on the progress of osteoarthritis
… Exposure and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in High Cardiovascular Risk Subjects―Nested Case-Control Study in the Prevention With Mediterranean Diet …
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet before and after weight loss on eating behavioral traits in men with metabolic syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Lebanese sample
Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3) supplementation on some cardiovascular risk factors with a ketogenic Mediterranean Diet
Sexual health, adherence to Mediterranean Diet, body weight, physical activity and mental state: factors correlated to each other
Is there an interplay between adherence to Mediterranean Diet, antioxidant status, and vascular disease in atrial fibrillation patients?
Abdominal adiposity is not a mediator of the protective effect of Mediterranean Diet on colorectal cancer
The synergistic effect between the Mediterranean Diet and GSTP1 or NAT2 SNPs decreases breast cancer risk in Greek-Cypriot women
Association of Mediterranean Diet and cardiorespiratory fitness with the development of pre-diabetes and diabetes: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young …
Predictors of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet from the first to the second trimester of pregnancy
Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to Non-Mediterranean Countries. What Is and What Is Not the Mediterranean Diet.
The Mediterranean Diet and mortality
Effective intervention strategies combining Mediterranean Diet and exercise for reducing obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular risks in high-risk populations: mini …
The Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome
Mediterranean Diet recommended not only in cardiovascular diseases
The Influence of the Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Health
Cross-sectional study of factors influencing adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in pregnancy
Mediterranean Diet as a protection against asthma: still another brick in building a causative association
Short-term benefits of an unrestricted-calorie traditional Mediterranean Diet, modified with a reduced consumption of carbohydrates at evening, in overweight-obese …
Adherence to a Mediterranean-style Diet and effects on cognition in adults: a qualitative evaluation and systematic review of longitudinal and prospective trials
Feasibility of internet-based post-secondary nutrition education: incorporating features of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and Health Promotion: evidence and current concerns
Mediterranean Diet influences breast cancer relapse: preliminary results of the SETA PROJECT.
Ten-year trends (1999–2010) of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among the Balearic Islands’ adult population
How does the Mediterranean Diet decrease the risk of a variety of cancers?
Anthocyanins in Mediterranean Diet: common and innovative sources
Mediterranean Diet based intervention in pregnancy to improve maternal and fetal outcomes: Methodological challenges and lessons learned from the …
Exploring the Italians’ food habits and tendency towards a sustainable Diet: The Mediterranean eating pattern
The Mediterranean Diet to prevent type 2 diabetes and its complications
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet intervention on anti-and pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, epithelial proliferation, and nuclear morphology in biopsies of normal colon …
Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: The role of the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on the prevalence of breast cancer relapse: preliminary results of the “SETA PROJECT”
Mediterranean Diet adherence by patients with primary open angle glaucoma
Historical and behavioral perspectives of the Mediterranean Diet
Does The Mediterranean Diet or Botanicals Influence Alzheimer’s Disease?
The SALAMANDER project: SALivAry bioMarkers of Mediterranean Diet associated with long‐tERm protection against type 2 diabetes
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and factors affecting obesity in high school students
The association between obesity and symptoms of psychopathology and its relationship with sedentary behavior and Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: case studies from nutrition, cultural and environmental interactions
The Diet of preschool children in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union: a systematic review
A higher Mediterranean Diet adherence and exercise practice are associated with a healthier drinking profile in a healthy Spanish adult population
Health related to quality of life and their relationship with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and physical activity at the university in Galicia
Are 6–8 year old Italian children moving away from the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet to prevent/treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in children: A promising approach
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on DNA Methylation of Selected Genes in the PREDIMED‐Valencia Intervention Trial
Turkish adolescents’ adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
The relationship between insulin resistance and periodontitis is not affected by Mediterranean Diet in a Spanish population
The Mediterranean Diet and body iron stores
Exploring barriers and facilitators to eating the Mediterranean Diet in England: a qualitative study
Reduced breast cancer risk seen with Mediterranean Diet and added olive oil
Lifestyles associated with the adhesion of the Mediterranean Diet in the elderly
Abstract MP85: Mediterranean Diet and incidence of stroke in the California teachers study
Mediterranean Diet and neurodegenerative diseases
The effect of the traditional Mediterranean-style Diet on metabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis
Mediterranean Diet and mood
Evaluation of the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with heart failure: DIME-EAHFE study
Effects of Mediterranean-style Diet on glycemic control, weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors among type 2 diabetes individuals: a meta-analysis
The Mediterranean Dietary pattern as the Diet of choice for non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease: Evidence and plausible mechanisms
Genomic Determinants of Mediterranean Diet Success
Mediterranean Diet and Its Effects on Preventing and Managing Type Two Diabetes: A Literature Review
Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle in a modern world context
Mediterranean-type Diet and brain structural change from 73 to 76 years in a Scottish cohort
Assessment of Diet-related GHG emissions using the environmental hourglass approach for the Mediterranean and new Nordic Diets
The importance of the Mediterranean Diet in cardiovascular disease
A Mediterranean-style Diet, its components and the risk of heart failure: a prospective population-based study in a non-Mediterranean country
Drinking habits in a sample of university students. Relationship between the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and BMI
Economic benefits of the Mediterranean-style Diet consumption in Canada and the United States
Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores and their associations with biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative balance
Mediterranean Diet with olive oil may reduce breast cancer risk
The Mediterranean Diet as cultural landscape value: proposing a model towards the inner areas development process
Correction: Mediterranean Diet and health-related quality of life in two cohorts of community-dwelling older adults
The Mediterranean Diet As A Sustainable Food System
Meta analysis of relation between Mediterranean Diet and overall mortality
Beer: Beneficial aspects and contribution to the Mediterranean Diet
Cardiovascular benefits of the Mediterranean Diet are driven by stroke reduction and possibly by decreased atrial fibrillation incidence
Short-term exposure to a Mediterranean environment influences attitudes and Dietary profile in US college students: the Mediterranean Diet in AMEricans (A-MED …
The Mediterranean Diet and obesity from a nutrigenetic and epigenetics perspective
Response to Letter Regarding Article,“Mediterranean Diet Improves High-Density Lipoprotein Function in High-Cardiovascular-Risk Individuals: A Randomized …
High fat Mediterranean Diet is not linked to greater weight gain than low fat Diet
The Mediterranean Diet adequacy index in sports participants
The unesco intangible heritage as input for the development of rural areas: A theoretical model for the valorization of the Mediterranean Diet
Development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet in the Mediterranean region
Diet and stroke: recent evidence supporting a Mediterranean-style Diet and food in the primary prevention of stroke
The Mediterranean Diet and gastric cancer
The Mediterranean Diet in the Prevention of Degenerative Chronic Diseases
Body composition and components of Mediterranean Diet in Brazilian and European University Students/AVALIACAO DA COMPOSICAO CORPORAL E DOS …
A pilot study to investigate if New Zealand men with prostate cancer benefit from a Mediterranean-style Diet
Exploring the Italians’ food habits and tendency towards the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
Adherence to a Mediterranean-style Diet and its influence on cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women
Letter by Leggio et al Regarding Article,“Mediterranean Diet Improves High-Density Lipoprotein Function in High-Cardiovascular-Risk Individuals: A …
Diet quality evaluated with the DQI-I and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Mediterranean sample of adolescents
Mediterranean Diet better adherence by digital intervention (MEDADIS study) on overweight and obese patients.
Assessment of the nutritional quality and environmental impact of two food Diets: A Mediterranean and a vegan Diet
Mediterranean Diet, inflammatory bowel diseases, and colon cancer
Caloric Restriction Diet (CR Diet) or Mediterranean Diet (MD)-Which is the Best Choice for Former Athletes?
Implementing the Mediterranean Diet: a French perspective and comparisons with other Mediterranean countries
Gene Expression, Atherogenesis, and the Mediterranean Diet
Heavy metals in fish from the Mediterranean Sea: potential impact on Diet
The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and Nutrition Knowledge
Mediterranean Diet as a tool for achieving successful ageing
Mediterranean Diet in UK shows positive effects in study
Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease and Protection by the Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean Diet is not enough for cardio-metabolic health: physical activity and physical fitness are major contributors in European adolescent
What is the traditional Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean Diet beyond the Mediterranean basin: Chronic disease prevention and treatment
Correspondence (letter to the editor): Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in HIV infected patients: Relation with nutritional status and cardiovascular risk
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and hydration in Spanish and Moroccan populations
Validation of a literature-based adherence score to Mediterranean Diet: The MEDI-LITE score
Mediterranean Diet and Dietary supplementation as possible predicting variables of weight management: an update of the protein project
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: Insights from the PREDIMED Study Running title: PREDIMED and the Mediterranean Diet
Updating the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: From the Heart to the Earth
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a group of midlife women: the FLAMENCO project
Mediterranean Diet and Quality of Life
Mediterranean-style Diet is associated with reduced blood pressure variability and subsequent stroke risk in patients with coronary artery disease
Mediterranean Diet for prevention of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
Consumer behaviour in Italy. Who spends more to buy a Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean Diet: how much protection against cancers?
Mediterranean Diet reduces cardiovascular events in people with heart disease, study shows
Nutrition and the Mediterranean Diet: A Historical and Sociological Analysis of the Concept of a ‘Healthy Diet‘in Spanish Society☆
The Mediterranean Diet and Adiposity
Predictors of short-and long-term adherence with a Mediterranean-type Diet intervention: the PREDIMED randomized trial
Cardiovascular risk protection from the Mediterranean Diet and olive oil. A transcriptomic update in humans
Lipid peroxidation in a stomach medium is affected by Dietary oils (olive/fish) and antioxidants: the Mediterranean versus western Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Assessment of Mediterranean Diet scores in older adults
The Mediterranean-Style Diet: Historical and contemporary perspectives
Sex differences in the effects of repeated taste exposure to the Mediterranean Diet: a 6-month follow-up study
From unhealthy satiety to health-oriented eating: Narratives of the Mediterranean Diet, managing a chronic illness
Poor adherence to Mediterranean Diet is independently associated with the severity of coronary artery disease-contemporary data from the INTERCATH study
Mediterranean Diet adherence and blood lipids in a very high cardiovascular risk group
Mediterranean style Diet is associated with low risk of new-onset diabetes after renal transplantation
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of sarcopenia in Chinese community older people
Exploration of the metabolic syndrome spectrum and its role in cardiovascular disease risk in greece; the mediating effect of Mediterranean Diet: results from the …
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: An Overview of Recent Evidence
Mediterranean Diet association with inflammatory process in children with asthma
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Prevention of Excessive Weight Gain during Pregnancy: Study in a Cohort of Normal Weight Caucasian Women
The Diet Adherence in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Patients in the North of Iran Based on the Mediterranean Diet Adherence
Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Moroccan Women
How to assess the sustainability of Diets–the example of the Mediterranean Diet
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower levels of D-dimer: findings from the MOLI-SANI study
Molecular aspects of the Mediterranean Diet: Adiponectin, brain amyloid precursor protein, apolipoprotein e and caspase-3 MRNA
The Mediterranean Diet Replaced By the Fast-Food Diet: An Observational Study in Pavia, Northern Italy
A Mediterranean-type Diet is associated with better metabolic profile in urban Polish adults: results from the HAPIEE study
Peer support to encourage adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean Diet
Can the Mediterranean Diet slow down age-related cognitive decline?
Olive oil and human health: focus on the Mediterranean Diet
Valuing the Mediterranean Diet from Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity to tangible resource of the te territory: a Contingent Valuation study
Socioeconomic factors affecting adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in North Africa
Antioxidants in the Diet and cognitive function: which role for the Mediterranean life-style?
The Correlation between Cooking Skills and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Adaptation of the Mediterranean Diet to Different Dietary Cultural Settings: What Is Important for Prevention
Epigenetics of Mediterranean Diet: altering disease risk
Can changes in the plasma lipidome help explain the cardiovascular benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?
Physical activity and the Mediterranean Diet
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on the Metabolome
Elderly followers of Mediterranean Diet retain brain volume better, study finds
Mediterranean versus vegetarian Diet for cardiovascular disease prevention (the CARDIVEG study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
The association of a Mediterranean-style Diet pattern with polycystic ovary syndrome status in a community cohort study
Mediterranean and Nordic Diet scores and long-term changes in body weight and waist circumference: results from a large cohort study
Short-term effects of Mediterranean-type Diet intervention on soluble cellular adhesion molecules in subjects with abdominal obesity
Mediterranean Diet, genetic susceptibility and progression to advanced macular degeneration
Cardiometabolic effects of cascade trial explained by Mediterranean Diet
Associations of Food Environment, Mediterranean Diet and Obesity in United States: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis
Mediterranean Diet
Dietary polyamines in Mediterranean Diet and their health benefits
Population level divergence from the Mediterranean Diet and the risk of cancer and metabolic disease
Assessment of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet during a Weight Loss Intervention in Children with Cardiometabolic Risk
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of metabolic syndrome in Lebanese urban adults
Mediterranean Diet components are negatively associated with advanced colorectal polyps in a population-based case-control study
The effect of ergogenic supplements and Mediterranean Diet on cycling performance. Differences according to duration and intensity.
A Cost Analysis of Three Popular Diets: The Mediterranean Diet, a Modified Paleo Diet and Intermittent Fasting
A Mediterranean-style Diet and left ventricular mass (from the Northern Manhattan Study)
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Metabolic Syndrome
Switching to a 10-day Mediterranean-style Diet improves mood and cardiovascular function in a controlled crossover study
The Value of the Mediterranean Diet for Older Adults: Emphasis on Obesity Interventions
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and Traditional Algarvian Gastronomy: Gastronomic Itineraries as a Tool to Raise the Profile of the Algarve’s Traditional Products
The Mediterranean Diet: What Is It?
Will Mediterranean Diet disappear in the Mediterranean area?
Effect of a Mediterranean type Diet on inflammatory and cartilage degradation biomarkers in patients with osteoarthritis
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet on the Prostaglandin E2 Pathway in Individuals at High Risk for Colon Cancer.
Mediterranean Diet-THE NEW RECIPE
Are some Diets” mass murder”? Mediterranean Diet is not to blame for increased carbohydrate intake
Effects of Indo-Mediterranean style Diet and low fat Diet on incidence of diabetes in acute coronary syndromes
Diet in chronic kidney disease in a Mediterranean African country
Weight loss intervention trial comparing intermittent low carbohydrates versus continuous Mediterranean Diet
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet and virgin olive oil on the function of high-density lipoproteins and the atherogenicity of low-density lipoproteins in humans
How to implement a Mediterranean Diet?
Higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower risk of overall mortality in subjects with cardiovascular disease: Prospective results from the MOLI …
Association of a Mediterranean type Diet with age-related macular degeneration in the EUREYE study
How a Gastroenterologist Interprets the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and the Postprandial State: A Focus on Lipemia, Glycemia, and Thrombosis
Older Australians can adhere to a traditional Mediterranean style Diet over two weeks: a pilot Dietary intervention study
The Mediterranean Diet reviewed
The mystery of longevity in Cilento: a mix of a good dose of genetic predisposition and a balanced Diet based on the Mediterranean model
… to a Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) for 6 months improves Dietary quality and Dietary inflammatory index in a western population: results from the Mediterranean Diet …
Improvement of metabolic syndrome after intervention based on Mediterranean Diet in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): a randomised …
Bread and the Mediterranean Diet: a duet for the prevention of chronic diseases
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseases
The Mediterranean Diet, a great diversity
Polymorphism at the telomerase ribonucleic acid component gene interacts with Mediterranean Diet to influence inflammation status and its relationship with telomere …
Consume behaviour in Italy. Who spends more to buy Mediterranean Diet?
Implementing a Mediterranean Diet intervention into a RCT: lessons learned from a non-Mediterranean based country, today
Mediterranean Diet and Fitness
The Mediterranean Diet: Increased Sustainability in America
The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook
Development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet in the Mediterranean region
The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cardiovascular risk factors in a South Asian population: A cross-sectional study
Mediterranean Diet and Breast Cancer
CAN A CNN RECOGNIZE Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean Diet to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
2853Poor adherence to Mediterranean Diet is independently associated with the severity of coronary artery disease-contemporary data from the INTERCATH study
Add Fat to the Mediterranean Diet? Some Benefits Found
A Literature Review of the Association Between the Mediterranean Diet and Cancer: The Tale of Two Regions
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Human Health in Seniors: Relationship with Telomers
Community education: promoting the Mediterranean Diet among adults
The Mediterranean Diet and Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Can a CNN recognize Mediterranean Diet?
P5327The short and long term protective effect of Mediterranean Diet in first diagnosed Acute Coronary Syndrome patients according to left ventricle performance
Dimensions of Mediterranean Diet: world cultural heritage
Seafood: a key feature of the Mediterranean Diet
P2641Circulating lipopolysaccharides and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in atrial fibrillation: association with Mediterranean Diet adherence
Observational case-control study about the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in elderly oncological patients in Salento
Introduction: a road map for the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
Weight loss with a modified Mediterranean-type Diet using fat modification: a randomized controlled trial
The importance of the Mediterranean Diet & its implications for young Maltese adolescents: an exploratory study
Experiencing the Mediterranean Diet Abroad: An Observational Study into the Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and Creation of MyTable
The Italian Mediterranean Diet: Theory and practice to live 100 years
The Mediterranean Diet and ADHD in Children and Adolescents
A comprehensive meta-analysis on evidence of Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular diseaseStefano Marventano
Impact of westernisation and industrialisation on traditional African and Mediterranean Diet pattern and health
The Development of an Objective Scoring System for Evaluating Mediterranean Diet Recipes
Mediterranean Diet and its effect on brain structure
DietA MEDITERRANEA Mediterranean Diet
An observational study of sequential protein-sparing, very low-calorie ketogenic Diet (Oloproteic Diet) and hypocaloric Mediterranean-like Diet for the treatment of …
Use of The Mediterranean Diet to Manage Progression of Type 2 Diabetes
How much Italian children follow the Mediterranean Diet? Elisabetta Ceretti
… newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean Diet may delay need for medication and improve chance of remission compared to a low-fat Diet
Mediterranean Diet Produces Moderate Weight Loss
The comparison of the alternate Mediterranean Diet score (aMed) and MedDietScore (MDS) in American samples
A Mediterranean Diet in Relation to Subclinical Vascular Conditions
Mediterranean Diet and glycaemic control in a Mediterranean population with type 1 diabetes: a pilot study
The Effect of a Mediterranean Diet on the Incidence of Cataract Surgery
Association between Mediterranean Diet and gastric cancer: Results of a case-control study in ItalyEmanuele Leoncini
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on rheumatoid arthritis in human–a systematic review
Mediterranean Diet, hypertension and cardiovascular disease
Does Mediterranean Diet Alone Lower the Risk of Diabetes?
The Mediterranean Diet: implications along the Spanish agrofood chain
Mediterranean-style Diet to prevent postoperative atrial fibrillation: Role of antioxidants?
Mediterranean Diet and Breast Cancer
EffEct of Mediterranean Diet on HuMan HEaltH In SEnIorS: rElatIonSHIp wItH tEloMErS
Identifying and Educating Nutritional Literacy in NAFLD Patients by Utilizing the Principles of the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: Consuming the Italian Other’s Culture in Travel Writing by Frances Mayes and Gary Paul Nabhan
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet on the incidence of cataract surgery
Mediterranean Diet, overweight, cancer risk and sustainable benefits
Systematic Review of the Mediterranean Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss
The Mediterranean Diet and the Effects on Primary and Secondary Prevention of Heart
The Mediterranean Diet and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome
Validity of The Mediterranean Diet Screener
Sandwich: A Healthy Choice in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, nutrient intakes and pregnancy: results from a Sicilian mother-child cohortAndrea Giuseppe Maugeri
Protective Role of Mediterranean Diet on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Melatonin: A New Perspective on the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Breast-Cancer Risk
… Drink Consumption Among the Adult Population in Sicily: Do New Drinking Habits Associate with the Risk of Alcoholism in the Crib of Mediterranean Diet?
Living the Mediterranean Diet: Proven Principles and Modern Recipes for Staying Healthy
Mediterranean Diet and nutritional habits of preschool Greek children
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: a step closer to mechanisms using a precision animal model?
Can a Mediterranean Diet slow the ageing process?
Can Mediterranean Diet Counteract Metabolic Syndrome Diffusion?
The Effect of a Mediterranean Diet on All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Individuals: A Systematic
The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean-style Diet and appendicular lean mass in community-dwelling older people: results from the Berlin Aging Study II
Reducing Proinflammatory States with the Mediterranean Diet: Possible Mechanism for Cancer Prevention
The Mediterranean Diet Versus a Low-Fat Diet, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Obesity
Dietary Adherence: Social Cognitive Theory and the Mediterranean Diet
effect of a Mediterranean Diet on Mental and PhysIcal QualIty of lIfe
The Mediterranean Diet: Could Obese America Eat its Way to a Longer Life?
A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style Diet pattern evaluated in the stroke belt of North Carolina: the Heart …
Clinical impact of Mediterranean-enriched-protein Diet on liver size, visceral fat, fat mass, and fat-free mass in patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy
Jeremiah Stamler, Toward a Modern Mediterranean Diet for the 21 st Century. In: Nutritional
The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: Harness the Power of the World’s Healthiest Diet to Live Better, Longer
Analysis of the Andalusian and Basque Country Diets as Examples of a Mediterranean Diet
Observational study about the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle analysis in geriatric cancer patients in Salento
Effects of Mediterranean Diet in obese patients with metabolic syndrome and depression
Mediterranean Diet and the metabolic syndrome–prevention and reversal without weight changes
How the Precious Role of Wine in Mediterranean Diet Is Mediated by the Gastrointestinal Tract
Determination of The Relationship Between Mediterranean Diet Score With Anthropometric Measurements and Some Biochemical Parameters In Overweight And …
Do adults who consume a traditional Western Diet have a higher incidence of cancer than adults who consume a Mediterranean Diet?
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Mediterranean Diet in the Early and Late Stages of Atheroma Plaque Development
Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced brain shrinkage in older people, study finds
Can adherence to the Mediterranean Diet prevent myocardial infarction? Answers from an Italian study: Rosella Saulle
Weight Gain Not an Issue With Mediterranean Diet
Mercury exposure and risk of cardiovascular disease: a nested casecontrol study in the PREDIMED (PREvention with Mediterranean Diet) study
Effect of high fat Mediterranean Diet on body weight and waist circumference
Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Features of Metabolic Syndrome: Is Weight Loss Required?
Mediterranean Diet and risk of visual impairment: The CONSTANCES study
NEWS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL STROKE CONFERENCE: The Mediterranean Diet Proves Neuroprotective for Stroke
Are some Diets “mass murder”? Evidence in support of the Mediterranean Diet is strong
Benefits and Harms of the Mediterranean Diet Compared to Other Diets
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: a Pivot Role in Dilemma of Anti-Aging
Nutrigenomics, cardiovascular diseases and the Mediterranean Diet
Longevity in elderly Greek Migrants to Australia may be Explained by Adherence to a Traditional Greek Mediterranean Diet?
From nutrients to foods: The alimentary imaginary of the Mediterranean Diet [Des nutriments aux aliments: L’imaginaire alimentaire du régime méditerranéen]
Microbiome and Diet: Relevance of Mediterranean Diet adherence on gut microbiome composition and activity in Spanish adult population.
May the Mediterranean Diet attenuate the risk of type 2 diabetes associated with obesity: the Seguimiento Univer…
Mediterranean Diet, Health and life quality among portuguese children
Information, Culture and Socioeconomics as Determinants of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Improves High-Density Lipoprotein Function in High-Cardiovascular-Risk Individuals
Re: Effects of Mediterranean Diet on Sexual Function in People with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: The MÈDITA Trial
Educational level and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in a very high risk group
Urinary excretion of sodium and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the Portuguese elderly: the Nutrition UP 65 Study.
Mediterranean Diet, Folate and Biomarkers in Sicilian Healthy and Youngwomen
Is a Mediterranean Diet effective for decreasing rates of nonfatal and fatal cardiac events in adults with low cardiovascular risk versus a normal Diet?
Effects on Health Outcomes of a Mediterranean Diet With No Restriction on Fat Intake
Morningness and sleep quality improve adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Healthy eating as a strategy to achieve successful ageing: focus on Mediterranean Diet and functional foods.
Effect of concordance with the Mediterranean Diet on HDL‐C levels in the cohort of health care workers
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Italians and immigrants in a program for cardiovascular health
Mediterranean Diet and upper aerodigestive tract cancer
Mediterranean Diet and nutrition for the primary prevention of allergy and asthma
Mediterranean Diet; Best Dietary Guideline to Fighting Breast cancer
Shifting towards a Mediterranean Diet in the US: How Far Do We Have to Go, What Are the Potential Health Benefits and Can We Get There?
Association between alternate Mediterranean Diet (aMED) and metabolic syndrome in Iranian elderly
The Beneficial Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on Aging and Longevity: a Discussion of Cardiovascular Risk, Diabetes and Cognitive Decline
Process Evaluation of a complex Intervention: Trial to Encourage Adoption and Maintenance of a Mediterranean Diet (TEAM-MED)
Determining the relative validity of a short screener for assessing adherence to a modified Mediterranean Diet in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation patients.
Advances in integrating traditional and omic biomarkers when analyzing the effects of the Mediterranean Diet intervention in cardiovascular prevention.
Effects of a ketogenic Mediterranean Diet on physiological and psychological variables
Mediterranean Diet and Changes in Weight among Older Puerto Rican Adults
The Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis
On the use of LCA indicators for the environmental assessment of food systems: the case study of the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet Plus Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Improve or Maintain Cognitive Function in Mature Adults
Gender differences in the effects of repeated taste exposure to the Mediterranean Diet: a 6-month follow-up study
Organic durum wheat in Mediterranean Diet: old varieties and traditional bread making
Abstract P285: Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Longer Telomere Length in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with the presence and extent of atherosclerotic plaques in middle-aged asymptomatic adults: The AWHS study
Dietary Polyphenols, Mediterranean Diet, Prediabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Review of the Evidence
Methodological Quality of Meta‐Analyses on the Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease
Components of a Mediterranean Diet are Associated with Gut Permeability in Obese Adults
Prediction of cardiovascular disease by the framingham-REGICOR equation in the high-risk PREDIMED cohort: Impact of the Mediterranean Diet across different risk …
Components of a Mediterranean Diet are associated with intestinal permeability in obese adults
Dietary Polyphenols, Mediterranean Diet, Prediabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Review of the Evidence
Carotid Intima–Media Thickness and Plaque in HIV-Infected Patients on the Mediterranean Diet
Plasma Metabolites From Choline Pathway and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED (Prevention With Mediterranean Diet) Study
The adherence to Mediterranean Diet moderates the association between medical multi-morbidity and depressive symptoms in elderly outpatients
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet rather than olive oil consumption is a predictor against hypercholesterolaemia in elderly: the MEDIS study
Molecular metabolic response of Diet-induced obese mice to a polyphenol mixture beverage based on Mediterranean Diet consumption
Mediterranean Diet and MRI Biomarkers of Cortical Thickness in Cognitively Normal Persons (P1. 093)
Mediterranean Diet Adherence Is Associated with Reduced Subjective Cognitive Decline in a Healthy Adult Population
Mediterranean Diet and treating diabetes and depression in old age may reduce dementia risk
Mediterranean Diet and invasive breast cancer risk among women at high cardiovascular risk in the PREDIMED Trial: A randomized clinical trial
Olive Oil or Mixed Nuts Consumption, as Part of the Mediterranean Diet, May Help Reduce Body Weight and Central Adiposity
AB1258-HPR Pilot Study: Does a Mediterranean Diet-Based Weight Loss Programme Improve Health Outcomes in Overweight Older Women with Knee Osteoarthritis …
The relationship of the Mediterranean Diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) style Diet with cardiometabolic health
Mediterranean Diet Adherence in the Southeast United States: Validation of a Field-Based Survey Instrument and the Impact of Nutrition Knowledge
Plasma Ceramides, Mediterranean Diet, and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED Trial
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, and Effects on Cardiometabolic Health in Older Australians; Results from the Med iterranean Diet for Cognition and …
Mediterranean Diet supplemented with cholesterol-lowering foods and health-related quality of life in adults with HIV infection
The Mediterranean Diet and Low-Fat Diet, with and without Statin Drug Therapy, on Serum Lipids in Adults at High-Risk and with Existing Cardiovascular …
Mercury exposure and risk of cardiovascular disease: A nested case-control study in the PREDIMED (PREvention with Mediterranean Diet) study
Short Term Fast Food and Mediterranean Diet are able to Change the HDL lipidome with Different Patterns
Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: The SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and sport performance in a elite female athletes futsal population
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower levels of D-dimer: findings from the MOLI-SANI study.
Efficacy of Mediterranean Diet in a peculiar case of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hypobetalipoproteinemia
Health benefits and social determinants of the Mediterranean Diet at a time of economic crisis: results from the moli-sani study
A higher Mediterranean Diet adherence and exercise practice are associated with a healthier drinking profile in a healthy Spanish adult population
Mediterranean Diet But Not DASH Diet and AHEI Score is Associated With Lower Risk of Heart Failure in the Physicians’ Health Study
Higher Mediterranean Diet Quality Score and Lower BMI are Associated with a Less Oxidized Plasma Glutathione and Cysteine Redox Status in Adults
Higher Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Score, but not other Diet Quality Scores, is Associated with a Favorable Longitudinal Cardiometabolic Profile in the …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Dietary composition among breast cancer female patients in Beirut, Lebanon: a cross-sectional study
The association of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with Mortality in the EPIC-Spain cohort using Flexible Parametric Survival Models
Abstract MP20: Cardiovascular Protection by the Mediterranean Diet Differs Across Socioeconomic Groups: Prospective Findings From The MOLI-SANI Study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and 10-year incidence (2012-2014) of diabetes; the mediating effect of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers: results …
Abstract P214: Mediterranean Diet, Vegetable-based Dietary Patterns and Diet Quality are Associated With Higher Resilience: Findings From the Moli-sani Study
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases, oxidative stress, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, cancer …
Relationship of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc …
… (intestinal microbiota) in patients with metabolic syndrome improves after two models of healthy Diets: a Diet rich in complex carbohydrates and a Mediterranean Diet …
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) moderates the protective effect of Mediterranean Diet against cardiovascular incidence: 10-year follow-up (2002–12) of the ATTICA …
… a Mediterranean Diet for 3‐months reduces home measured systolic blood pressure (SBP) in older Australians; results from the Mediterranean Diet for cognition and …
Implication of the Mediterranean Diet and physical exercise on the lipid profile based on 1H-NMR spectroscopy of metabolically healthy obese women (MHO)
Abstract P270: Higher Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Lower Levels of D-Dimer: Findings From the MOLI-SANI Study
… the influence of Mediterranean and American cultures, the Mediterranean triad (olive oil, wine, and bread) and the importance of the Mediterranean Diet as a …
An e-survey exploring adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and associated barriers to healthy eating among British adults of retirement age
Diet and feeding strategies of mesopelagic fishes in the western Mediterranean
Feasibility and acceptability of a clinic-based Mediterranean-style Diet intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk for Hispanic Americans with type 2 diabetes
A 6-month randomised controlled trial investigating effects of Mediterranean-style Diet and fish oil supplementation on Dietary behaviour change, mental and …
Diet and ischemic burden: a comparative analysis of a plant based regimen versus a Mediterranean regimen in patients with coronary artery disease
Comparison of the feeding apparatus and Diet of European sardines Sardina pilchardus of Atlantic and Mediterranean waters: ecological implications
Do New Zealand men with prostate cancer benefit from a Mediterranean-style Diet?
Mediterranean Type Diet is Associated with Low Risk of New-Onset Diabetes and Mortality after Renal Transplantation
Grazing behavior, forage selection and Diet composition of goats in a Mediterranean woody rangeland
Diet and habitat use influence Hg and Cd transfer to fish and consequent biomagnification in a highly contaminated area: Augusta Bay (Mediterranean Sea)
Woodpigeon Columba palumbus Diet composition in Mediterranean Southern Spain
High-Monounsaturated Fat Mediterranean-Type Diet Reduces Foamy Monocyte Formation and Atherosclerosis in Ldlr-/-Mice on High-Cholesterol Diet
Natural Diet and predation impacts of Pelagia noctiluca on fish eggs and larvae in the NW Mediterranean
Whole of Diet Approaches: Evaluating the Evidence for Healthy Policy Guidelines, the Mediterranean, Vegetarian, Paleolithic, Okinawa, Ketogenic, and Caloric …
Diet of the meridional serotine Eptesicus isabellinus in an urban semiarid Mediterranean landscape
ICT policies, the Mediterranean tradition and the Italian Diet of discontinuity
Effects of a Mediterranean-style Diet on mental health and quality of life in people with depression
Long-term weight loss and improved intermediate cardiovascular outcomes associated with a Mediterranean-style Diet in high-risk participants with diabetes: findings …
Diet specialization in a generalist population: the case of breeding great tits Parus major in the Mediterranean area
A 6-month randomised controlled trial investigating effects of Mediterranean-style Diet and fish oil supplementation on Dietary behaviour change, mental and …
Mediterranean-type Diet and brain volumes in an elderly population (S36. 008)
The efficacy of a Mediterranean type Diet on symptoms of osteoarthritis–a pilot study
Diet and first documented data on plastic ingestion of Trachinotus ovatus L. 1758 (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea)
Diet of the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean)
Long-term changes (1990-2012) in the Diet of striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba from the western Mediterranean
The Diet of native and invasive fish species along the eastern Mediterranean coast (Osteichthyes)
European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur Diet composition in Southern Spain: the role of wild seeds in Mediterranean forest areas
Habitat structure modulates nestling Diet composition and fitness of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus in the Mediterranean region
… of parasite communities of deep-sea macrourid fishes from the western Mediterranean Sea and their relationship with fish Diet and histopathological alterations
New insights into mesolithic human Diet in the Mediterranean from stable isotope analysis: the sites of Campu Stefanu and Torre d’Aquila, Corsica
Diet adaptability by a generalist herbivore: the case of brown hare in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
Natural variability of parasite communities of Macrouridae of the middle and lower slope of the Mediterranean Sea and their relation with fish Diet and health indicators
Diet and daily activity patterns of the lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus (Sauria: Lacertidae) in a semi-arid Mediterranean region
Metabarcoding analysis of European hake Diet in the Mediterranean Sea
Erratum to: Effect of a Mediterranean type Diet on inflammatory and cartilage degradation biomarkers in patients with osteoarthritis
CRT-601 The VA beach Diet study: an investigation of the effects of plant-based, Mediterranean, paleolithic, and dash Diets on cardiovascular disease risk
Diet and ritual in the western Mediterranean Copper Age: human and animal stable isotopes from the collective burial at S. Caterina di Pittinuri (Sardinia, Italy)
Diet and trophic ecology of the lanternfish Electrona risso (Cocco 1829) in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea) and potential resource utilization from the …
Status and Diet of the European Shag (Mediterranean subspecies) Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii in the Libyan Sea (south Crete) during the breeding season
Fecal-FT-NIRS as a noninvasive tool for assessing Diet quality of Mediterranean deer
Using next generation sequencing technologies to assess the Diet of the Mediterranean Shag (Phalacrocorax Aristotelis) and implication of these technologies for high …
Diet variability in European anchovy: a comparative analysis between larval populations of the inner Bay of Biscay and the NW Mediterranean
Contribution of food falls, external inputs of food, to the Diet of top predator fish over the northwest Mediterranean slope (to 2300 m)
Woodpigeon Columba palumbus Diet Composition in Mediterranean Southern Spain: composición de la Dieta de la paloma torcaz columba palumbus en el sur …
The Diet of conger conger (L. 1758) in the deep-waters of Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Diet and habitat use influence Hg and Cd transfer to fish and consequent biomagnification in a highly contaminated area: Augusta Bay (Mediterranean Sea)
Diet of feral cats during the Scopoli’s shearwater breeding season on Linosa Island, Mediterranean Sea
… of parasite communities of deep-sea macrourid fishes from the western Mediterranean Sea and their relationship with fish Diet and histopathological alterations
Assessing the trophic ecology and ecological role of small and medium pelagic fish in the Mediterranean Sea; insights from Diet studies, isotopic data and food-web …
Impact of a long-lasting adult liquid Diet on female reproductive performance in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)
On the Diet of the invasive crab Charybdis longicollis Leene, 1938 (Brachyura: Portunidae) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
Habitat variations modulate nestling Diet composition and fitness of Blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus in the Mediterranean region
Diet of Raja asterias (Delaroche, 1809) caught along the Mediterranean part of the Moroccan coast (Northern Morocco)
Untargeted Metabolomic Analyses Reveal Mechanistic Links Between a Mediterranean-Style Diet and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the Multi-Ethnic Study of …
A parasitological survey of Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810 from deep waters of the NW Mediterranean sea in relation to Diet and health condition of the host
Changes in Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis (Naumann, 1840)) Diet in urban area of Tigzirt (Kabylian southern shore of Mediterranean Sea), Algeria
Abstract FC2. 07: Pre-pregnancy consumption of Mediterranean-style Diet was associated with a lower risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: results …
Cancer and Mediterranean Diet: a review
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: Epidemiological and molecular aspects
Health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular health: A critical review
Mediterranean Diet and health outcomes in the SUN cohort
Obesity and the Mediterranean Diet: a review of evidence of the role and sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
Metabolic and vascular effect of the Mediterranean Diet
Health benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Worldwide adherence to Mediterranean Diet between 1960 and 2011
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease prevention: what do we know?
Influence of Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure
The Mediterranean Diet: From an environment-driven food culture to an emerging medical prescription
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and inflammatory markers
Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer risk
Evaluation of Mediterranean Diet adherence scores: a systematic review
Mediterranean Diet as the Diet of choice for patients with chronic kidney disease
A Mediterranean Diet model in Australia: strategies for translating the traditional Mediterranean Diet into a multicultural setting
Sustainable food systems and the Mediterranean Diet
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts
Mediterranean Diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
The secrets of the Mediterranean Diet. Does [only] olive oil matter?
Mediterranean Diet and mortality in the elderly: a prospective cohort study and a meta-analysis
Mediterranean Diet in preventing neurodegenerative diseases
The Mediterranean Diet: its definition and evaluation of a priori Dietary indexes in primary cardiovascular prevention
Mediterranean Diet and quality of life: Baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial
Mediterranean Diet and its components in relation to all-cause mortality: meta-analysis
Metabolomics and microbiomes as potential tools to evaluate the effects of the Mediterranean Diet
A comparison of the Mediterranean Diet and current food consumption patterns in Spain from a nutritional and water perspective
Experimental outcomes of the Mediterranean Diet: lessons learned from the Predimed randomized controlled trial
Central obesity and the Mediterranean Diet: A systematic review of intervention trials
Osteoarthritis and the Mediterranean Diet: a systematic review
Metabolic syndrome, Mediterranean Diet, and polyphenols: Evidence and perspectives
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Somatotropic axis and obesity: Is there any role for the Mediterranean Diet?
Microbiome-mediated effects of the Mediterranean Diet on inflammation
From Mediterranean Diet to Mediterranean lifestyle: a narrative review
The beneficial effects of Mediterranean Diet over low-fat Diet may be mediated by decreasing hepatic fat content
Mediterranean Diet and cardiodiabesity: a systematic review through evidence-based answers to key clinical questions
Does the MIND Diet decrease depression risk? A comparison with Mediterranean Diet in the SUN cohort
Mediterranean Diet and health outcomes: A systematic meta-review
Retraction and republication: primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet. N Engl J Med 2013; 368: 1279-90.
Mediterranean Diet and NAFLD: What we know and questions that still need to be answered
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with better sleep quality in Italian adults
Mediterranean Diet and 3-year Alzheimer brain biomarker changes in middle-aged adults
Shifts on gut microbiota associated to Mediterranean Diet adherence and specific Dietary intakes on general adult population
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and frailty
The antioxidant potential of the Mediterranean Diet in patients at high cardiovascular risk: an in-depth review of the PREDIMED
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on cognition and brain morphology and function: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Advances in understanding the molecular basis of the Mediterranean Diet effect
The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on rheumatoid arthritis prevention and treatment: a systematic review of human prospective studies
The Mediterranean Diet as an example of food and nutrition sustainability: A multidisciplinary approach
Mediterranean Diet and multiple health outcomes: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies and randomised trials
Mediterranean Diet and risk of rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based case-control study
The Mediterranean Diet as source of bioactive compounds with multi-targeting anti-cancer profile
Mediterranean Diet and bladder cancer risk in Italy
Mediterranean Diet and the association between air pollution and cardiovascular disease mortality risk
The Mediterranean Diet, a rich source of angiopreventive compounds in cancer
Mediterranean Diet adherence in the Mediterranean healthy eating, aging and lifestyle (MEAL) study cohort
Mediterranean Diet adherence is related to reduced probability of prodromal Parkinson’s disease
Dietary cost associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, and its variation by socio-economic factors in the UK Fenland Study
The Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer: A personalised approach
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with physical activity, self-concept and sociodemographic factors in university student
Nitric oxide boosting effects of the Mediterranean Diet: a potential mechanism of action
Assessment of risk factors and biomarkers associated with risk of cardiovascular disease among women consuming a Mediterranean Diet
Nordic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and the risk of chronic diseases: the EPIC-Potsdam study
Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and their combined effect on all-cause mortality: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet reduces incident frailty risk: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
Mediterranean Diet, physical fitness and body composition in sevillian adolescents: A healthy lifestyle
The Mediterranean Diet, an environmentally friendly option: evidence from the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort
MIND not Mediterranean Diet related to 12-year incidence of cognitive impairment in an Australian longitudinal cohort study
Gut microbiome-Mediterranean Diet interactions in improving host health
The potential nutrigeroprotective role of Mediterranean Diet and its functional components on telomere length dynamics
Mediterranean Diet and wellbeing: Evidence from a nationwide survey
Effect of adherence to Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy on children’s health: a systematic review
A traditional Mediterranean Diet effectively reduces inflammation and improves cardiovascular health
Association between Mediterranean Diet and hand grip strength in older adult women
Health benefits of Mediterranean Diet in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
The Mediterranean Diet and cancer: what do human and molecular studies have to say about it?
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower incidence of frailty: A longitudinal cohort study
The Mediterranean Diet and its association with selected gut bacteria
An update of the KIDMED questionnaire, a Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents
Mediterranean Diet and knee osteoarthritis outcomes: a longitudinal cohort study
Evaluating Mediterranean Diet and risk of chronic disease in cohort studies: an umbrella review of meta-analyses
Mediterranean Diet and depression among older individuals: The multinational MEDIS study
PREDIMED trial of Mediterranean Diet: retracted, republished, still trusted?
Mediterranean Diet and motivation in sport: A comparative study between university students from Spain and Romania
Overview of human intervention studies evaluating the impact of the Mediterranean Diet on markers of DNA damage
Gut microbiome composition in non-human primates consuming a Western or Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet and cardioprotection: historical overview and current research
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and IVF success rate among non-obese women attempting fertility
Mediterranean Diet improves endothelial function in patients with diabetes and prediabetes: A report from the CORDIOPREV study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and subjective cognitive function in men
Strong inverse associations of Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and their combination with cardiovascular disease: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN …
Effect of a lifestyle intervention program with energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet and exercise on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: one-year results of the …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is related to healthy habits, learning processes, and academic achievement in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Monounsaturated fatty acids might be key factors in the Mediterranean Diet that suppress rheumatoid arthritis disease activity: The TOMORROW study
Associations of the Mediterranean Diet with cognitive and neuroimaging phenotypes of dementia in healthy older adults
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and long-term changes in weight and waist circumference in the EPIC-Italy cohort
Phenolic compounds characteristic of the Mediterranean Diet in mitigating microglia-mediated neuroinflammation
Pre-pregnancy adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and gestational diabetes mellitus: a case-control study
Evaluation of adherence to Mediterranean Diet in medical students at Kocaeli University, Turkey
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: Gaps in the evidence and research challenges
Mediterranean Diet and particulate matter exposure are associated with LINE-1 methylation: results from a cross-sectional study in women
Mediterranean Diet and incidence of advanced age-related macular degeneration: the EYE-RISK Consortium
Trimethylamine N-oxide, Mediterranean Diet, and nutrition in healthy, normal-weight adults: also a matter of sex?
Mediterranean Diet and musculoskeletal-functional outcomes in community-dwelling older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in relation to all-cause mortality: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Barriers to adopting a Mediterranean Diet in Northern European adults at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease
Determinants of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: Findings from a cross-sectional study in women from Southern Italy
Mediterranean Diet and Psoriatic Arthritis activity: a multicenter cross-sectional study
Dietary inflammatory index or Mediterranean Diet score as risk factors for total and cardiovascular mortality
Relevance of functional foods in the Mediterranean Diet: The role of olive oil, berries and honey in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases
Healthy lifestyle: Relationship between Mediterranean Diet, body composition and physical fitness in 13 to 16-years old Icelandic students
Determinants of adherence to healthy eating patterns in a population of children and adolescents: evidence on the Mediterranean Diet in the city of Mataró (Catalonia …
Intestinal permeability after Mediterranean Diet and low-fat Diet in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
The Mediterranean Diet, fish oil supplements and Rheumatoid arthritis outcomes: Evidence from clinical trials
Effect of a nutritional and behavioral intervention on energy-reduced Mediterranean Diet adherence among patients with metabolic syndrome: interim analysis of the …
Food insecurity and Mediterranean Diet adherence among Greek university students
How efficient is resveratrol as an antioxidant of the Mediterranean Diet, towards alterations during the aging process?
… of the international conference on Mediterranean Diet and health: a lifelong approach” an Italian initiative supported by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation and the …
Sustainability of Italian families’ food practices: Mediterranean Diet adherence combined with organic and local food consumption
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of stroke and stroke subtypes
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and its association with body composition and physical fitness in Spanish university students
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of depression: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis of observational studies
Mediterranean Diet and outcomes of assisted reproduction: an Italian cohort study
Adhesion to the Mediterranean Diet in diabetic patients with poor control
Exploring the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and its relationship with individual lifestyle: the role of healthy behaviors, pro-environmental behaviors, income, and …
Diet and cardiovascular disease: The Mediterranean Diet
Relationship of the adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and its main components with CRP levels in the Spanish population
Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean Diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcomes analysis of the PREDIMED randomised controlled …
Food insecurity is associated with low adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and adverse health conditions in Portuguese adults
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Sicilian student population
A systematic overview of the scientific literature on the association between Mediterranean Diet and the Stroke prevention
Mediterranean Diet and mental distress:“10,001 Dalmatians” study
Social jet lag associates negatively with the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and body mass index among young adults
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the elderly patient
Barriers and facilitators to Mediterranean Diet adoption by patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Northern Europe
Associations between a Mediterranean Diet pattern and inflammatory biomarkers in European adolescents
A Mediterranean Diet does not alter plasma trimethylamine N-oxide concentrations in healthy adults at risk for colon cancer
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of prostate cancer
Role of nutrition and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the multidisciplinary approach of hidradenitis suppurativa: Evaluation of nutritional status and its …
The Mediterranean Diet and risk of type 2 diabetes in Iranian population
Agreement among Mediterranean Diet pattern adherence indexes: MCC-Spain study
A Mediterranean Diet supplemented with dairy foods improves markers of cardiovascular risk: results from the MedDairy randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet, weight status and physical activity in schoolchildren of the Region of Murcia
Prospective association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of depressive symptoms in the French SU. VI. MAX cohort
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in relation to bone mineral density and risk of fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
The influence of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on academic performance is mediated by sleep quality in adolescents
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet protects from cognitive decline in the Invecchiare in Chianti Study of Aging
Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean Diet in a population of South of Italy: Factors involved and proposal of an educational field-based survey tool
Mediterranean Diet reduces risk of incident stroke in a population with varying cardiovascular disease risk profiles
Mediterranean Diet pyramid: a proposal for Italian people. A systematic review of prospective studies to derive serving sizes
Bioactive compounds of the Mediterranean Diet and prostate cancer
High adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and lower risk of frailty among French older adults community-dwellers: Results from the Three-City-Bordeaux Study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Dietary patterns and body composition in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is related to more subjective happiness in adolescents: The role of health-related quality of life
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among school children and adolescents living in northern Italy and unhealthy food behaviors associated to overweight
Validation of the English version of the 14-item Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener of the PREDIMED Study, in people at high cardiovascular risk in the UK
Sleep disorder, Mediterranean Diet and learning performance among nursing students: inSOMNIA, a cross-sectional study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and all-cause mortality after an episode of acute heart failure: results of the MEDIT-AHF study
Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and childhood for asthma in children: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of observational studies
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and bone mineral density in Spanish premenopausal women
Associations between physical fitness and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with health-related quality of life in adolescents: Results from the LabMed Physical …
The wild taxa utilized as vegetables in Sicily (Italy): a traditional component of the Mediterranean Diet
DNA methylation, colon cancer and Mediterranean Diet: results from the EPIC-Italy cohort
The effectiveness of Mediterranean Diet in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease clinical course: an intervention study
High adherence to Mediterranean Diet, but not individual foods or nutrients, is associated with lower likelihood of being obese in a Mediterranean cohort
The fluid aspect of the Mediterranean Diet in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease and diabetes: the role of polyphenol content in moderate …
Effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention in increasing adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among patients with diabetes mellitus type 2: a controlled and …
The association between the Mediterranean Diet and high physical activity among the working population in Croatia
Mediterranean Diet is associated with bone mineral density and muscle mass in postmenopausal women
Association between Mediterranean Diet adherence and dyslipidaemia in a cohort of adults living in the Mediterranean area
Comparison of five international indices of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among healthy adults: similarities and differences
Mediterranean Diet and other Dietary patterns in primary prevention of heart failure and changes in cardiac function markers: a systematic review
Mediterranean Diet and platelet-activating factor; a systematic review
Validation of a short questionnaire to record adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: An Italian experience
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with having hypertension: is low salt intake a mediating factor?
The association between homocysteine levels, Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: a case-control study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is positively associated with sperm motility: A cross-sectional analysis
Efficacy of a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with fatty fish in ameliorating inflammation in paediatric asthma: a randomised controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet and risk of frailty syndrome among women with type 2 diabetes
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts.
Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer’s disease
Increased functional foods’ consumption and Mediterranean Diet adherence may have a protective effect in the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases: A case …
Mediterranean Diet and hip fracture incidence among older adults: The CHANCES project
Changing the Irish Dietary guidelines to incorporate the principles of the Mediterranean Diet: proposing the MedÉire Diet
Mediterranean Diet, its components, and amyloid imaging biomarkers
Mediterranean Diet pattern and sleep duration and insomnia symptoms in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Evaluation of nutritional profile and total antioxidant capacity of the Mediterranean Diet of southern Spain
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern and self-concept in adolescents
The combined effect of promoting the Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on metabolic risk factors in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised …
A Mediterranean Diet rich in extra-virgin olive oil is associated with a reduced prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in older individuals at high cardiovascular …
The HDL lipidome is widely remodeled by fast food versus Mediterranean Diet in 4 days
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, high-sensitive C-reactive protein, and severity of coronary artery disease: contemporary data from the INTERCATH cohort
Improved adherence to Mediterranean Diet in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Phisical activity practice according to adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, alcohol consumption and motivation in adolescents
Evolutionary-concordance lifestyle and Diet and Mediterranean Diet pattern scores and risk of incident colorectal cancer in Iowa women
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on longevity
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cognitive function in older UK adults: the European prospective investigation into cancer and Nutrition–Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) …
Associations between the Mediterranean Diet and sleep in older adults: Results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of aging and Diet study
Effect of Mediterranean Diet enriched in high quality extra virgin olive oil on oxidative stress, inflammation and gut microbiota in obese and normal weight adult …
Effect of the replacement of Dietary vegetable oils with a low dose of extravirgin olive oil in the Mediterranean Diet on cognitive functions in the elderly
A Mediterranean Diet with fresh, lean pork improves processing speed and mood: Cognitive findings from the MedPork randomised controlled trial
Associations between the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and cardiorespiratory fitness with total and central obesity in preschool children: the PREFIT project
Effectiveness of following Mediterranean Diet recommendations in the real world in the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and adverse Maternal …
Relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and health-related quality of life and life satisfaction among older adults
Nutrition behaviour and compliance with the Mediterranean Diet pyramid recommendations: An Italian survey-based study
The association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and hepatic steatosis: cross-sectional analysis of two independent studies, the UK Fenland …
Socioeconomic and psychosocial determinants of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a general adult Italian population
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of esophageal and gastric cancer subtypes in the Netherlands Cohort Study
Evaluation of physical fitness, body composition, and adherence to Mediterranean Diet in adolescents from Estonia: The AdolesHealth study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of lung cancer in the Netherlands Cohort Study
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive status in free-living elderly: a cross-sectional study in northern Italy
Association of eating behaviors, lifestyle, and maternal education with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish children
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and bone fracture risk in middle-aged women: A case control study
Improvement of main cognitive functions in patients with alzheimer’s disease after treatment with coconut oil enriched Mediterranean Diet: a pilot study
Low adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in isolated adolescents: The mediation effects of stress
… of metabolic effects of olive-oil in humans shows the importance of olive oil consumption with moderate polyphenol levels as part of the Mediterranean Diet
Medical nutrition therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus based on Mediterranean Diet principles: A subanalysis of the St Carlos GDM Prevention Study
Plasma branched chain/aromatic amino acids, enriched Mediterranean Diet and risk of type 2 diabetes: case-cohort study within the PREDIMED Trial
Disentangling the effects of monounsaturated fatty acids from other components of a Mediterranean Diet on serum metabolite profiles: A randomized fully controlled …
Prospective association between several Dietary scores and risk of cardiovascular diseases: Is the Mediterranean Diet equally associated to cardiovascular diseases …
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) prevention: role of Mediterranean Diet and physical activity
Long-term consumption of a Mediterranean Diet improves postprandial lipemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: The Cordioprev randomized trial
The Mediterranean Diet and 2-year change in cognitive function by status of type 2 diabetes and glycemic control
Effect of changes in adherence to Mediterranean Diet on nutrient density after 1-year of follow-up: Results from the PREDIMED-Plus Study
Short-Term Mediterranean Diet Improves Endurance Exercise Performance: A Randomized-Sequence Crossover Trial
… living in North America, Europe or Oceania: A review on fruit, vegetable and legume consumption, sodium intake, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Physical activity and Mediterranean Diet based on olive tree phenolic compounds from two different geographical areas have protective effects on early osteoarthritis …
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of pancreatic cancer: a pooled analysis of two Dutch cohorts
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet at midlife and healthy aging in a cohort of French adults
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the risk of frailty in old people: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Associations between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle assessed with the MEDLIFE index among the working population
A Mediterranean Diet mix has chemopreventive effects in a murine model of colorectal cancer modulating apoptosis and the gut microbiota
Frailty and its association with the Mediterranean Diet, life-space, and social participation in community-dwelling older people
Impact of consuming extra-virgin olive oil or nuts within a Mediterranean Diet on DNA methylation in peripheral white blood cells within the PREDIMED …
Adaptation and predictive utility of a Mediterranean Diet screener score
Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of bioactive compounds contained in Rosmarinus officinalis used in the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet: A comparison of patients with head and neck cancer and healthy population
Effects of intermittent energy restriction combined with a Mediterranean Diet on reducing visceral adiposity: a randomized active comparator pilot study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and its association with age-related macular degeneration. The Coimbra Eye Study–Report 4
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and prostate cancer risk in Sicily: population-based case–control study
Association between motivational climate, adherence to Mediterranean Diet, and levels of physical activity in physical education students
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, malnutrition, length of stay and mortality in elderly patients hospitalized in internal medicine wards
Mediterranean Diet adherence is associated with lower prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children and adolescents
Prevalence of hyperlipidaemia in adults and its relation to the Mediterranean Diet: the Hellenic National Nutrition and Health Survey (HNNHS)
Mediterranean Diet: The role of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids in fish; polyphenols in fruits, vegetables, cereals, coffee, tea, cacao and wine; probiotics and vitamins in …
Associations of Mediterranean Diet and a posteriori derived Dietary patterns with breast and lung cancer risk: A case-control study
Mediterranean Diet adherence and rate of cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation: Data from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing
Mediterranean Diet score: associations with metabolic products of the intestinal microbiome, carotid plaque burden, and renal function
Novel Natural Products for Healthy Ageing from the Mediterranean Diet and Food Plants of Other Global Sources—The MediHealth Project
Preventing the recurrence of depression with a Mediterranean Diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil. The PREDI-DEP trial: study protocol
Development of a peer support intervention to encourage Dietary behaviour change towards a Mediterranean Diet in adults at high cardiovascular risk
The Dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH)-style Diet and an alternative Mediterranean Diet are differently associated with serum inflammatory markers in …
Mediterranean Diet improves embryo yield in IVF: a prospective cohort study
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, lifestyle and age‐related macular degeneration: the Coimbra Eye Study–report 3
New and traditional foods in a modernized Mediterranean Diet model
The Mediterranean Diet adherence by pregnant women delivering prematurely: association with size at birth and complications of prematurity
Dietary patterns based on the Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet are inversely associated with high aggressive prostate cancer in PCaP
Adherence to an energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet score and prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in the PREDIMED-plus: a cross-sectional study
Beneficial effect of CETP gene polymorphism in combination with a Mediterranean Diet influencing lipid metabolism in metabolic syndrome patients: CORDIOPREV …
Interaction between Mediterranean Diet and statins on mortality risk in patients with cardiovascular disease: Findings from the Moli-sani Study
Triple adaptation of the Mediterranean Diet: Design of a meal plan for older people with oropharyngeal dysphagia based on home cooking
A green-Mediterranean Diet, supplemented with Mankai duckweed, preserves iron-homeostasis in humans and is efficient in reversal of anemia in rats
Mediterranean Diet as a lifestyle and dynamic food pattern
A higher Mediterranean Diet score, including unprocessed red meat, is associated with reduced risk of central nervous system demyelination in a case-control study of …
Effect of tourism pressure on the Mediterranean Diet pattern
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome in BRCA Mutation Carriers
Independent and combined effects of handgrip strength and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure in Chilean children
Beneficial effects of elderly tailored Mediterranean Diet on the proteasomal proteolysis
Effect of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and olive oil intake during pregnancy on risk of small for gestational age infants
Breakfast intake and factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Lebanese high school adolescents
Mediterranean Diet, glucose homeostasis, and inflammasome genetic variants: the CORDIOPREV study
Induction of neuronal differentiation of murine N2a cells by two polyphenols present in the Mediterranean Diet mimicking neurotrophins activities: resveratrol and …
Adherence of Spanish primary physicians and clinical practise to the Mediterranean Diet
The AUStralian Mediterranean Diet Heart Trial (AUSMED Heart Trial): A randomized clinical trial in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a multiethnic …
Influence of FTO rs9939609 and Mediterranean Diet on body composition and weight loss: a randomized clinical trial
Higher Mediterranean Diet quality scores and lower body mass index are associated with a less-oxidized plasma glutathione and cysteine redox status in adults
Mediterranean Diet, food consumption and risk of late-life depression: the Mugello Study
Aging process, adherence to Mediterranean Diet and nutritional status in a large cohort of nonagenarians: Effects on endothelial progenitor cells
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and inflammatory markers in children with asthma
Periconceptional maternal Mediterranean Diet is associated with favorable offspring behaviors and altered CpG methylation of imprinted genes
Polyphenols, Mediterranean Diet, and colon cancer
Validity of the Mediterranean Diet and culinary index (MediCul) for online assessment of adherence to the ‘traditional’Diet and aspects of cuisine in older adults
Wild vegetables do not lie: Comparative gastronomic ethnobotany and ethnolinguistics on the Greek traces of the Mediterranean Diet of southeastern Italy
Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products’ accumulation: a cross-sectional analysis in the ILERVAS project
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Spanish patients with psoriasis: Cardiovascular benefits?
Mediterranean Diet, active lifestyle and cardiovascular disease: A recipe for immortality?
Can a Mediterranean Diet pattern slow aging?
A high adherence to six food targets of the Mediterranean Diet in the late first trimester is associated with a reduction in the risk of materno-foetal outcomes …
Mediterranean Diet index (KIDMED) adherence, socioeconomic determinants, and nutritional status of portuguese children: The eat Mediterranean program
Mediterranean Diet and cardiometabolic diseases in racial/ethnic minority populations in the United States
Effects of Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on pulmonary function: a cross-sectional analysis in the ILERVAS Project
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risks of prostate and bladder cancer in the netherlands cohort study
The Mediterranean Diet and the increasing demand of the olive oil sector
Mediterranean Diet score and incidence of IHD: a global comparative study
A modified Mediterranean Diet score is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome in Korean adults
From healthy to sustainable: Transforming the concept of the Mediterranean Diet from health to sustainability through culture
Application of 1H-NMR metabolomics for the discovery of blood plasma biomarkers of a Mediterranean Diet
Multiple approaches to associations of physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with all-cause mortality in older adults: the PREvencion con Dieta …
Optimal adherence to a Mediterranean Diet may not overcome the deleterious effects of low physical fitness on cardiovascular disease risk in adolescents: a cross …
Does the Mediterranean Diet protect against stress-induced inflammatory activation in European adolescents? The HELENA study
The Mediterranean Diet and healthy brain aging: Innovations from nutritional cognitive neuroscience
The Effect of Place of Residence on Physical Fitness and Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in 3–5-Year-Old Girls and Boys: Urban vs. Rural
Higher Mediterranean Diet scores are not cross-sectionally associated with better cognitive scores in 20-to 70-year-old Dutch adults: The NQplus study
Are the Dietary habits of treated individuals with celiac disease adherent to a Mediterranean Diet?
The self-efficacy scale for adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (SESAMeD): a scale construction and validation
Effects of Mediterranean Diet supplemented with lean pork on blood pressure and markers of cardiovascular risk: Findings from the MedPork trial
An early, universal Mediterranean Diet-based intervention in pregnancy reduces cardiovascular risk factors in the “fourth trimester”
Mediterranean Diet and cardio-metabolic health: what is the role of meat?
Mediterranean Diet: fresh herbs and fresh vegetables decrease the risk of Androgenetic Alopecia in males
The health‐nutrition dimension: a methodological approach to assess the nutritional sustainability of typical agro‐food products and the Mediterranean Diet
Focus groups inform a mobile health intervention to promote adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and engagement in physical activity among people living with …
Dietary patterns, Mediterranean Diet and obesity in postmenopausal women
Is the Mediterranean Diet for all? An analysis of socioeconomic inequalities and food consumption in Italy
… Mediterranean Diet prescribed in intervention studies for the management of type 2 diabetes: how closely does this align with a traditional Mediterranean Diet?
The relationship between social capital within its different contexts and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet among Lithuanian adolescents
Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean Diet and human milk composition: Rationale, design, and subject characteristics of the MEDIDiet study
Influence of a 3-month low-calorie Mediterranean Diet compared to the vegetarian Diet on human gut microbiota and SCFA: the CARDIVEG study
Mediterranean Diet Supplemented With Coenzyme Q10 Modulates the Postprandial Metabolism of Advanced Glycation End Products in Elderly Men and Women
The healthy nordic Diet and Mediterranean Diet and incidence of disability 10 years later in home-dwelling old adults
The association between the Mediterranean Diet and magnetic resonance parameters for knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Validation of a self-administered version of the Mediterranean Diet Scale (MDS) for cardiac rehabilitation patients in Canada
Ad libitum Mediterranean Diet reduces subcutaneous but not visceral fat in patients with coronary heart disease: A randomised controlled pilot study
Telomerase RNA component genetic variants interact with the Mediterranean Diet modifying the inflammatory status and its relationship with aging: CORDIOPREV …
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, Mediterranean Diet, and bone health in coeliac disease patients: a pilot study
Mediterranean Diet adherence in cardiac patients: A cross-sectional study
Sustained adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on all-cause mortality in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study: application of the g …
Role of Mediterranean Diet in preventing platinum based gastrointestinal toxicity in gynecolocological malignancies: A single Institution experience
Mediterranean Diet: are antioxidants central to its benefits?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is not related to beta-amyloid deposition: data from the Women’s Healthy Ageing Project
Randomization to 6-month Mediterranean Diet compared with a low-fat Diet leads to improvement in Dietary Inflammatory Index scores in patients with coronary heart …
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Mediterranean Diet adherence and synergy with acute myocardial infarction and its determinants: A multicenter case-control study in Italy
Greater adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with better gait speed in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was positively associated with micronutrient adequacy and negatively associated with Dietary energy density among adolescents
Growth, the Mediterranean Diet and the buying power of adolescents in Greece
A Mediterranean Diet with an enhanced consumption of extra virgin olive oil and pistachios improves pregnancy outcomes in women without Gestational Diabetes …
Pilot randomized controlled trial of a Mediterranean Diet or Diet supplemented with fish oil, walnuts, and grape juice in overweight or obese US adults
Promoting and implementing the Mediterranean Diet in the southern hemisphere: the Chilean experience
The combined association of adherence to Mediterranean Diet, muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness on low-grade inflammation in adolescents: A pooled analysis
Dietary patterns and Mediterranean Diet score and hazard of recurrent coronary heart disease events and all‐cause mortality in the REGARDS study
Optimal adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and high muscular fitness are associated with a healthier cardiometabolic profile in collegiate students
Nutraceutical-based integrative medicine: adopting a Mediterranean Diet pyramid for attaining healthy ageing in veterans with disabilities
… metabolic concept of meal sequence vs. satiety: glycemic and oxidative responses with reference to inflammation risk, protective principles and Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet in the Stroke Belt: a cross-sectional study on adherence and perceived knowledge, barriers, and benefits
Skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration is elevated in female cynomolgus macaques fed a western compared with a Mediterranean Diet
The association of Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy with longitudinal body mass index trajectories and cardiometabolic risk in early childhood
Apolipoprotein E genetic variants interact with Mediterranean Diet to modulate postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in coronary heart disease patients: CORDIOPREV …
The role of the Mediterranean Diet in hyperuricemia and gout
From the Mediterranean Diet to the microbiome
Mediterranean Diet and the risk of poor semen quality: cross‐sectional analysis of men referring to an Italian Fertility Clinic
The mediating role of Mediterranean Diet on the association between Lp (a) levels and cardiovascular disease risk: a 10-year follow-up of the ATTICA study
Aging and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: relationship with cardiometabolic disorders and polypharmacy
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and serum adiponectin levels in pregnancy: Results from a cohort study in normal weight Caucasian women
Dissimilar impact of a Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on anthropometric indices: a cross-sectional study from the ILERVAS project
SHORT REPORT Mediterranean Diet as a natural supplemental resource for athletes and physical activity
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in metabolically healthy and unhealthy overweight and obese European adolescents: the HELENA study
Use of an electronic medical record to track adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a US neurology clinical practice
Dietary intake, adherence to Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle-related factors in people with schizophrenia
Trajectories of Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of hypertension in China: results from the CHNS study, 1997–2011
Association between Adherence to the Antioxidant-Rich Mediterranean Diet and Sensory Processing Profile in School-Aged Children: The Spanish Cross-Sectional …
A low-glycemic, Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle modification program with targeted nutraceuticals reduces body weight, improves cardiometabolic variables and …
Reliability and validity of a Mediterranean Diet and culinary index (MediCul) tool in an older population with mild cognitive impairment
Assessing validity of self-reported Dietary intake within a Mediterranean Diet cluster randomized controlled trial among US firefighters
Mediterranean Diet and its environmental footprints amid nutrition transition: the case of Lebanon
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet in combination with exercise on metabolic syndrome parameters: 1-year randomized controlled trial
Vitamin D and ω-3 supplementations in Mediterranean Diet during the 1st year of overt type 1 diabetes: A cohort study
Cooking practice and the matrix effect on the health properties of Mediterranean Diet: A study in tomato sauce
The association between Mediterranean Diet and the risk of falls and physical function indices in older type 2 diabetic people varies by age
A randomized controlled trial of Mediterranean Diet and metformin to prevent age-related diseases in people with metabolic syndrome
The Mediterranean Diet: Lost in translation
A qualitative analysis exploring preferred methods of peer support to encourage adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in a Northern European population at high …
Natural products from Mediterranean Diet: from anti-hyperlipidemic agents to Dietary epigenetic modulators
Contribution of Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of alzheimer’s disease
Australian patients with coronary heart disease achieve high adherence to 6-month Mediterranean Diet intervention: preliminary results of the AUSMED Heart Trial
Relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, intracerebral hemorrhage, and its location
Higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet prior to pregnancy is associated with decreased risk for deviation from the maternal recommended gestational weight gain
Comparative analysis of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among girls and adolescents who perform rhythmic gymnastics
The beneficial effect of Mediterranean Diet on Colon-rectal Cancer
From the Mediterranean Diet to the Diaita: The epistemic making of a food label
Does the Healthy Eating Index and Mediterranean Diet Score Identify the Nutritional Adequacy of Dietary Patterns in Chronic Pancreatitis?
The association of Mediterranean Diet and exercise modifications with anthropometric parameters in a psychiatric community population: A pilot study
Effects of long-versus short-term exposure to the Mediterranean Diet on skin microvascular function and quality of life of healthy adults in Greece and the UK
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Dietary factors, and S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary middle-aged adults
Mediterranean Diet, Diet quality, and bone mineral content in adolescents: The HELENA study
The Med Diet 4.0 framework: A multidimensional driver for revitalizing the Mediterranean Diet as a sustainable Diet model
Comparison of the Dietary antioxidant profiles of 21 a priori defined Mediterranean Diet indexes
Implementing a Mediterranean-style Diet outside the Mediterranean region
Mediterranean Diet and physical functioning trajectories in Eastern Europe: Findings from the HAPIEE study
Mediterranean Diet and Other Dietary Patterns in Primary Prevention of Heart Failure and Changes in Cardiac Function Markers: A Systematic Review.
Intensive Dietary intervention promoting the Mediterranean Diet in people with high cardiometabolic risk: a non-randomized study
The Mediterranean Diet to treat heart failure: A potentially powerful tool in the hands of providers
Sixty seconds on… the Mediterranean Diet
Differences in Mediterranean Diet adherence between Cyclists and Triathletes in a sample of Spanish Athletes
… of adherence to a traditional Mediterranean Diet, sociocultural characteristics and cardiovascular disease risk factors of older Greek Australians from Mediterranean …
Importance of fruit and vegetable-derived flavonoids in the Mediterranean Diet: molecular and pathological aspects
A retrospective cross-sectional population-based study on prenatal levels of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: Maternal profile and effects on the newborn
Mediterranean versus Western Diet effects on caloric intake, obesity, metabolism, and hepatosteatosis in nonhuman primates
Mediterranean Diet to promote healthy aging
Mediterranean Diet and metabolic status in post-menopausal women living in a Mediterranean area
Diet, exercise and dementia: the potential impact of a Mediterranean Diet pattern and physical activity on cognitive health in a UK population
Consumption of Mediterranean versus Western Diet leads to distinct mammary gland microbiome populations
The Central European Diet as an alternative to the Mediterranean Diet in atherosclerosis prevention in postmenopausal obese women with a high risk of …
Discrepancies among different tools evaluating Mediterranean Diet adherence during pregnancy, correlated to maternal anthropometric, Dietary and biochemical …
The Mediterranean Diet reduces the genetic risk of chromosome 9p21 for myocardial infarction in an Asian population community cohort
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and lymphoma risk in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity in Romanian and Spanish university students-a comparative study
Homemade tomato sauce in the Mediterranean Diet: A rich source of antioxidants
Exploring the perceived barriers to following a Mediterranean style Diet in childbearing age: a qualitative study
Mediterranean Diet and age-related macular degeneration: is it time to attempt Dietary modification?
Prior knowledge of the Mediterranean Diet is associated with Dietary adherence in cardiac patients
The Mediterranean Diet: what it is and its effect on abdominal obesity
Study of community-living Alzheimer’s patients’ adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risks of malnutrition at different disease stages
Australians Can Adopt Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) Principles up to 1-Year Following Completion of the Medley Trial (OR22-01-19)
Mediterranean Diet, body composition, and activity associated with bone health in women with fibromyalgia syndrome
Lipid metabolic networks, Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED trial
What does the evidence say about the Mediterranean Diet?
Bioactive compounds contained in Mediterranean Diet and their effects on neurodegenerative diseases
A nutritional intervention programme at a worksite canteen to promote a healthful lifestyle inspired by the traditional Mediterranean Diet
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on endothelial function
Extra-virgin olive oil, the Mediterranean Diet, and neurodegenerative diseases
Nutrition of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the recommendations of the Mediterranean Diet.
Nesfatin-1: A novel regulatory peptide associated with acute myocardial infarction and Mediterranean Diet
Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in metabolic syndrome patients: a randomized controlled trial
A Novel Approach to Improve the Estimation of a Diet Adherence Considering Seasonality and Short Term Variability–The NU-AGE Mediterranean Diet …
Factors associated with adherence to Mediterranean Diet among Saudi non-diabetic patients attending primary health care centers: A cross-sectional study
Physical activity, body mass, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in preschool children: a cross-sectional analysis in the split-dalmatia county (Croatia)
Effects of combined high-intensity aerobic interval training program and Mediterranean Diet recommendations after myocardial infarction (INTERFARCT …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and nutritional status in a sample of nonagenarians
Influence of the Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy in the development of wheezing and eczema in infants in Pamplona, Spain
Effect of adherence to Mediterranean Diet on first ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Insights from multiethnic case-control study
Diet and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: the Mediterranean way
Relationships between adherence to Mediterranean Diet and components of the metabolic syndrome in the Kazakhstani population
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with reduced tics and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A series of nine boys with Obsessive-Compulsive …
Evaluation of Mediterranean Diet adherence in patients with a history of coronary revascularization
A clinical trial of Mediterranean Diet enriched with fatty fish in pediatric asthma: study protocol
The Mediterranean Diet pattern with intermittent semi-fasting may facilitate weight loss: randomised controlled trial
A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on smokers lung function
Effects of Mediterranean Diet components on neurodegenerative diseases
Sustainable food Systems in Culturally Coherent Social Contexts: Discussions around culture, sustainability, climate change and the Mediterranean Diet
Epigenetics/epigenomics of olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet
Similar Mediterranean Diet adherence but greater central adiposity is observed among Greek diaspora adolescents living in Istanbul, compared to Athens
Too many individuals are unaware of their blood lipid levels, but might still get health benefit from the Mediterranean Diet through lipid-independent mechanisms
PPARG and FTO polymorphism can modulate the outcomes of a central European Diet and a Mediterranean Diet in centrally obese postmenopausal women
Physical activity, Mediterranean Diet, maximal oxygen uptake and motivational climate towards sports in schoolchildren from the province of Granada: A structural …
Mediterranean Diet adherence in emerging adults in Izmir
Nutrition, Mediterranean Diet and health in low-resources settings: A global perspective
Perspectives and challenges for adoption of the Mediterranean Diet
Does adherence to Mediterranean Diet affect body mass index and Dietary macronutrient intakes in adults?
Why the Mediterranean Diet?
University students’ Mediterranean Diet adherence in North East of Italy: a pilot study, 2018
Association of Adherence to The Mediterranean Diet with Urinary Factors Favoring Renal Lithiasis: Cross-Sectional Study of Overweight Individuals with Metabolic …
Adherence to a Mediterranean-like Diet as a protective factor against COPD: a nested case-control study
Commentary on:“Implementing a Mediterranean-style Diet outside the Mediterranean region”
Mediterranean-type Diet is associated with higher psychological resilience in a general adult population: findings from the Moli-sani study
Implications of the Mediterranean Diet and physical exercise on the lipid profile of metabolically healthy obese women as measured by nuclear magnetic resonance …
Natural Products Derived from the Mediterranean Diet with Antidiabetic Activity: from Insulin Mimetic Hypoglycemic to Nutriepigenetic Modulator Compounds
The Mediterranean Diet as a sustainable Dietetic model
Mediterranean Diet and frailty risk
Mediterranean Diet: A Health-Protective Dietary Pattern for Modern Times
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet with Varying Quantities of Lean Beef on non-HDL and HDL Lipid Particles: A Randomized Controlled Feeding Cross-Over Trial (OR36 …
Parental adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with their adolescents cereals intake
Artificial neural networks help to better understand the interplay between cognition, Mediterranean Diet, and physical performance: Clues from TRELONG study
Mediterranean Diet and asthma: time for clinical trials in children
Antiaging and neuroprotective properties of Mediterranean Diet components in humans
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity protect from silent brain infarcts in a cohort of patients with atrial fibrillation
The association between adherence to a Mediterranean style Diet and cognition in older people: The impact of medication
Kalogeropoulos NS Antonopoulou Associations between erythrocyte fatty acids and Mediterranean Diet in Greek volunteers. Hell
Relationship between sleep pattern and efficacy of calorie-restricted Mediterranean Diet in overweight/obese subjects
The Mediterranean Diet of an Italian worker of the sixteenth century portrayed by Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)
Impulsiveness in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder after an 8-week intervention with the Mediterranean Diet and/or omega-3 fatty acids: A …
Effect of Mediterranean Diet components on type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Practicability of Six Weeks of Korean-Style Mediterranean Diet for Elderly Koreans with High Risk for Dementia
Associations between the Mediterranean Diet and sleep in the elderly
Physiological effects of a short-term lifestyle intervention based on the Mediterranean Diet: Comparison between older and younger healthy, sedentary adults
Mediterranean Diet (Prong-4)
… -González, MA et al. Transferability of the Mediterranean Diet to non-Mediterranean countries. What is and what is not the Mediterranean Diet. Nutrients 2017, 9, 1226
Adherence to a Mediterranean-style Diet and incident fractures: pooled analysis of observational evidence
Can healthier food demand be linked to farming systems’ sustainability? The case of the Mediterranean Diet
Trial to encourage adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean Diet (TEAM-MED): Protocol for a randomised feasibility trial of a peer support intervention for …
In response to the director letter “Polyphenols, Mediterranean Diet, and colon cancer”
Exploring adherence and attitude towards the Mediterranean Diet in a Spanish population
Nut consumptions as a marker of higher Diet quality in a Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of depression later in life. A cross sectional study in East Attica, Greece
Reliability and Validity of the 14-point Mediterranean Diet adherence screener among the Iranian high risk population
The Molecular Basis for Protective Effect of Mediterranean Diet in Neurodegenerative Disorders
The Mediterranean Diet, the OGG1 gene, and disease risk: early evidence
Mediterranean Diet and its impact on cognitive functions in aging
A statistical study on nitrate contents in a set of some horticultural plants used in Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, cancer, and cardiovascular risk in a network of Italian studies
Biomarkers of intake of a Mediterranean Diet: Which contribution from the gut microbiota?
The Historical Origins and Composition of Mediterranean Diet
Clinical and epidemiological evidence of health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity improve posture, fat mass and salivary pH.
Mediterranean Diet after prostate cancer diagnosis and urinary and sexual functioning: The health professionals follow‐up study
Clinical Trial: Mediterranean Diet
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on Brain Function: Underlying mechanisms
Mediterranean-style Diet improves systolic blood pressure and arterial stiffness in older adults: results of a 1-year European multi-center trial
Mediterranean Diet and risk of heart failure: results from the PREDIMED randomized controlled trial. Eur J Heart Fail 2017; 19: 1179-1185
Vegetarian Diet vs. Mediterranean Diet to reduce cardiovascular risk
Different classification of an adult population by two validated indexes of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Design Contributions to Adopt Mediterranean Diet. Case Study Oranges from Silves
Eating habits and food intake in relation to adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, in adults living in the Island of Sicily
The use of psychological methodologies in cardiovascular disease interventions promoting a Mediterranean style Diet: A systematic review
Nutrition labelling use and higher adherence to Mediterranean Diet: Results from the disa-umh study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Inflammatory Markers.
MedDietCalc: multi calculator to compute scores of adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Promotion of the Mediterranean Diet incancer long-survivors by means of the Med-Food Anticancer Program: a pilot study
Effect of a caloric restriction based on the Mediterranean Diet and intake of traditional Mediterranean foods on the expression of microRNAs regulating molecular …
The intricacies of the Mediterranean Diet in NAFLD
Mediterranean Diet and Diabetic Retinopathy
Mediterranean Diet and risk of first hospitalization for heart failure and atrial fibrillation
Composition of Human Gut Microbiota After a Mediterranean Diet Intervention Among Fire Fighters (OR23-05-19)
Assessing Dietary intake report validity and compliance within in a Mediterranean Diet intervention among US Firefighters (FS10-03-19)
Education about and for the Mediterranean Diet: a snapshot of present actions and a proposal for a way forward
Is the Mediterranean Diet Pattern a Good Choice for Athletes?
Association of traditional Mediterranean Diet and non-Mediterranean Dietary scores with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: Prospective findings from the Moli-sani …
Dietary supplements as surrogate of Mediterranean Diet in healthy smoking subjects
Mediterranean Diet and Dementia: Can This Be a Preventive Approach?
Hematologic Changes After A Mediterranean Diet With Semi-Fasting Intervention For Weight Loss: A Short Term 6-Week Trial
Stress, anger and Mediterranean Diet as predictors of metabolic syndrome
A Mediterranean-style Dietary intervention supplemented with fish oil improves Diet quality and mental health in people with depression: A randomized controlled trial …
… versus Mediterranean Diets for reducing body weight and improving cardiovascular risk profile: CARDIVEG Study (Cardiovascular Prevention With Vegetarian Diet)
Expression of concern—Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean Diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcomes analysis of the …
The Association of Mediterranean and DASH Diets with mortality in adults on hemodialysis: The Diet-HD multinational cohort study
Mediterranean Diet in Pregnancy and its Association with NewbornsBody Size in Dalmatia, Croatia–The Preliminary Results of the Croatian Islands Birth Cohort Study
Glocal food and transnational identities: The case of the Mediterranean Diet
Serum PCSK9 levels are increased in obese subjects and negatively correlated with a Mediterranean Diet score
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on BMI in Middle-Aged Hispanic Women with Pre-Obesity and Obesity Central Washington State
Food insecurity and social determinants of students’ low adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is not Associated with Risk of Sarcopenic Symptomology: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Overweight and Obese Older Adults in …
Anatomy of the Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Among Older Women with Frailty
P5 A Mediterranean Diet Toolkit for Extension Educators: A Pilot Test
Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) Diet slows cognitive decline after stroke
Agreement among Mediterranean Diet Pattern Adherence Indexes: MCC-Spain Study.
P4534 The Mediterranean Diet benefit in chronic heart failure by decoding central and peripheral vessel rheology, atheroma formation and serum prolactin levels
Mediterranean Diet improves thrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individuals: a randomized controlled trial
The blessings of a Mediterranean Diet?
One year changes in biochemical and redox markers in training menopausal women with adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Awareness of Mediterranean Diet among college students–A survey.
47 One year of Mediterranean Diet decreases microvesicle release from activated platelets and leukocytes in asymptomatic high cardiovascular risk patients
The Mediterranean Diet for bone health in osteoporosis. Children and adolescents.
P6279 The mediating role of Mediterranean Diet on the association between cardiovascular disease risk and Lp (a) levels
Mediterranean Diet better in macaques
Mediterranean Diet and rheumatic diseases
Overview of Human Intervention Studies Evaluating the Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Markers of DNA Damage
The Feasibility of the Mediterranean Diet
Worldwide adherence to Mediterranean Diet between 1960 and 2011
The Effect of a Mediterranean Diet Versus Low-Fat Diet on Inflammation and Adiposity: an Intermediate Analysis of the AUSMED Heart Trial for Secondary Prevention …
Is the Mediterranean Diet Sustainable?
The Mediterranean Diet for an Effective Management of Metabolic Syndrome in Both Men and Women
The Mediterranean Diet
Association of Mediterranean Diet with emerging biomarkers of cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet as a lifestyle and dynamic food pattern
Mediterranean-style Diet in pregnant women with metabolic risk factors (ESTEEM): A pragmatic multicentre randomised trial
What, Exactly, is a Mediterranean Diet?
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Depression
Modulation of Gut Microbiota through Mediterranean Diet as a New Insight for the Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and lymphoma risk in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition
The Current Mediterranean Diet: Assessing Food Culture of Perrotis College Students
Mediterranean Diet and SPA treatment: A healthy association?
A Mediterranean Diet friendly army hospital. Where do we stand and how far can we go?
The Environmental Impact of the Mediterranean Diet: The Environmentally Friendly Diet
Genetic Polymorphisms, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Microbiota-Associated Urolithin Metabotypes: A Complex Cocktail to Predict the Obesity in Childhood …
The Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Adult Obesity: A Quality Improvement
Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient
How to meet nutritional recommendations and reduce Diet environmental impact in the Mediterranean region? An optimization study to identify more …
The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on Aging, Frailty, and Longevity
The Smells and Tastes of the Mediterranean Diet: Herbs
Mediterranean Diet in Self-Management of Type II Diabetes
Reply: The Mediterranean Diet to Treat Heart Failure: A Potential Powerful Tool in the Hand of Providers
To the Editor—Mediterranean Diet and wine intake could improve atrial function in patients with atrial fibrillation
Life Food Diet: A Protocol for the Promotion of the Mediterranean Diet
Dissimilar impact of Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on estimated body composition: A cross-sectional study from the ILERVAS project
Does the Mediterranean Diet improve asthma outcomes?
Interconnecting the Mediterranean Diet and Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Implementation of a Mediterranean Diet in Type II Diabetic Patients
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is positively associated with LINE-1 methylation levels
Mediterranean Diet Is Beneficial: But, How, and Why?
Does Mediterranean Diet decrease cancer incidence?
Mediterranean Diet and longevity
Mediterranean Diet and cardiodiabesity: A systematic review through evidence-based answers to key clinical questions
Alarming Effect Of Sedentary Lifestyles And Liver Steatosis On Intima-Media Thickness, Despite Adherence To Mediterranean Diet: Features From The ‘Foie Gras’ …
A Quantitative Investigation of Differences in Mediterranean Diet Definitions in Nutrition Research (P13-026-19)
The role of the Mediterranean Diet in age macular degeneration
Data on the association between a simplified Mediterranean Diet score and the incidence of combined, cardio and cerebro vascular events
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Based on Mediterranean Diet Principles
Racial Differences in the Association of Mediterranean Diet with Cognitive Decline (P14-002-19)
The Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Through the Mediterranean Diet
An impact on Mediterranean Diet on Cancer–an update
An analysis of the understanding of the Mediterranean Diet among the Europeans
P5415 Gender-specific effect of Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular disease risk; the clustering of MedDietScore components in apparently healthy males and …
A46 Neurodegenerative markers in hd: association with clinical charactersitcs, triplet expansion, phenoconversion and Mediterranean Diet adherence
The catering system and the Mediterranean Diet
Between “health” and “tradition”: social representations of the Mediterranean Diet
Associations between selected gut bacteria and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet pattern
An Experimental Study of a Mediterranean-style Diet Supplemented with Nuts and Extra-virgin Olive Oil for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction: The Healthy …
Mediterranean Diet POCKET GUIDE
Trends in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in South Italy: A cross sectional study
Mediterranean Diet, a way to reduce atherosclerosis: The adherence in a Portuguese sample
Conceiving the Mediterranean Diet as a Dynamic System of Relationships
Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity Protect from Silent Brain Infarcts in a Cohort of Patients with Atrial…
Mediterranean Diet and Age-Related Cognitive Decline.
The socio-cultural dimension in the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
The Current Mediterranean Diet: Assessing Food Culture of Perrotis College Students
Mediterranean Diet Score and Glycaemic Control of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
Modified Mediterranean-ketogenic Diet modulates gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in association with Alzheimer’s disease markers in subjects with …
Mediterranean Diet: our patients are not on the right path/DietA MEDITERRANEA: NOSSOS PACIENTES NAO ESTAO NO CAMINHO CERTO.
Adherence to Mediterranean-style Diet and risk of sepsis in the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort
Examining Adherence with Different Mediterranean Diet Scoring Systems (P13-032-19)
A Prospective Study of Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Decline
Sustainable Dietary Solutions to a Multi-Dimensional Epidemic: A Practical Application of the Mediterranean Diet to Nebraska
Assessment of the knowledge and application of the Mediterranean Diet among students of Dietetics
The effectiveness of the Mediterranean Diet in reducing cholesterol
The Mediterranean Diet Keeps the Mind Sharp
Examining the Efficacy of a New Diet Scoring System for Tracking a Mediterranean Diet Intervention
The Effect of a Mediterranean Diet on All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Individuals: A Systematic Review
Using the Mediterranean Diet for the Prevention and Intervention of the Main Causes of Death as well as the Prevention of Neurodegenerative Disease.
Comparison of a Mediterranean to a low-fat Diet intervention in adults with type 1 diabetes and metabolic syndrome: A 6–month randomized trial
The Mediterranean Diet as a Factor in Environmental Education
Five relevant points on food, culture and Mediterranean Diet
Assessment of the impact of Mediterranean Diet and other lifestyle factors on well-being.
Cognitive Impairment and the Mediterranean Diet: a Canadian Perspective
Mediterranean Diet significantly lowers the risk of frailty
The Evaluation of a Pilot Theory-Based Nutrition Intervention Promoting a Mediterranean Diet for the Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in a High-Risk …
Mediterranean Diet Adherence Among Greek Americans
Impact of a Mediterranean Diet-based nutrition education within a lifestyle intervention study on fatty acid profiles in red blood cells
Development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet in the Mediterranean region
The Non-additive Effect of Food and Wine in the Spanish Diet on Total Antioxidant Capacity of the Spanish Mediterranean Diet
Cost-benefit analysis of Mediterranean Diet and medication in chronic heart failure patients
Dietary intake and follow-up of the Mediterranean Diet in cancer patients
Diet in prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer: the role of selected legumes of the Mediterranean Diet
Improving the Mediterranean Diet score and fitness levels in practice: A preliminary look at the effects of the CHANGE lifestyle program in primary care.
Mediterranean Diet and stroke risk
Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet with regard to other traditional Diets
Mediterranean Diet and Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Potential Mediating Mechanisms
Influence of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on the effect of smoking on genomewide methylation among subjects with metabolic syndrome
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive health: Initial results from the hellenic longitudinal investigation of ageing and Diet
Mediterranean Diet Optimization by Improved Hybrid Quantum Genetic Algorithm
A Look into the Mediterranean Diet and How it Can Lead to Personal, Social, and Environmental Benefits
The Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Function: Keep the Mind Sharp
The Manifestations of Mediterranean Diet in Egyptian Intangible Cultural Heritage
Are the benefits of Mediterranean Diet simply due to unsaturated fat intake?
The impact of the Mediterranean Diet on cognitive health in older adults
Effects of lifestyles and the Mediterranean Diet on elderly people’s quality of life according to gender
Can Self-reported Oral Health Status Impact Change in Mediterranean Diet Score and Nutrient Intake Amongst Adults at a High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in …
Benefits of Adding Red Meat to the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet in the Stroke Belt: A Cross-sectional Study on Adherence and Perceived Knowledge, Barriers, and Benefits (P18-066-19)
194-LB: Effectiveness of Following Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) Recommendations in the Real World in the Incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and …
… Association Study (GWAS) on bilirubin concentrations in subjects with metabolic syndrome: Sex-specific GWAS analysis and gene-Diet interactions in a Mediterranean …
Adherence to and acceptability of the Mediterranean Diet amongst young adults in the North East of England
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on Alzheimer’s disease
Differences in Mediterranean Diet Adherence between Cyclists and Triathletes in a Sample of Spanish Athletes
Mediterranean Diet post-liver transplantation: Should it be the Standard of Care?
A3597 The adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of hypertension in China: an observational study and propensity analysis
Relation Between Anthropometric Parameters and the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Young Elite Male Paddlers
Effective Dietary Behavior Change Using an Online Nutrition Intervention with a Mediterranean Diet Plus Extra-virgin Olive Oil for the Prevention of Recurrent …
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cognitive function in older, UK adults
Association between Dietary acid load with alternative Mediterranean Diet and Dietary approaches to stop hypertension among Tehranian women
Fermented dairy products, Diet quality, and cardio–metabolic profile of a Mediterranean cohort at high cardiovascular risk
The influence of Mediterranean Diet in rheumatoid arthritis: A monocenter cross-sectional study
Mediterranean Diet vs. Traditional Thai Food
The relationship between Mediterranean Diet adherence, perceived Mediterranean Diet adherence, body composition and physical activity levels in a Scottish student …
Mediterranean Diet and physical activity in young people and adults of Melilla
Fighting Frailty with the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Healthy Brain Aging: Involvement of Telomerase
Overweight, selected aspects of Mediterranean Diet and cancer risk
Food tourism and foodies in Italy: The role of the Mediterranean Diet between resilience and sustainability
Proposals for further research on the Mediterranean Diet and sustainability within sustainable food systems
Mediterranean Diet and attitude aspects of body image in adolescents.
Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular risk factors in renal transplant recipients
Effects of Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity on Pulmonary Function: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the ILERVAS Project
Agro-Food Typicality and Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Mediterranean Diet
Economic modeling for improved prediction of saving estimates in healthcare costs from consumption of healthy foods: the Mediterranean-style Diet case …
Neuroprotection, Aging, and the Gut–Brain Axis: Translating Traditional Wisdom from the Mediterranean Diet into Evidence-Based Clinical Applications
Arguments for and against the Mediterranean Diet in patients with chronic kidney disease
The Effects of Circuit Training and Mediterranean Diet on Superoxide Dismutase Levels
Does Intermittent Energy Restriction Plus Mediterranean Diet Reduce Visceral Adipose Tissue and Minimize Adaptive Responses of Energy Restriction? A …
Oleacein, translation from Mediterranean Diet to preventive medicine
Manuscript VI Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a Lebanese University population: case of University of Balamand.
Is there a relationship between compliance to the Mediterranean Diet and body weight status in Scottish adults.
The relationship between compliance to the Mediterranean Diet and body weight status in Scottish adults.
Mediterranean Diet and quality of life: Baseline cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial
Pre-clinical atherosclerosis is associated with low coffee consumption and low adherence to Mediterranean Diet in pre-menopausal women
Impact of Primary Care nursing clinics on the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with ischaemic heart disease
Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the Mediterranean Diet
The Impact of Usual Nutrition Intervention by a Registered Dietitian on a Patient’s Self-Reported Mediterranean Diet Adherence Score: Findings From Our Diabetes …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in relation to bone mineral density and risk of fracture: accumulative evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis of …
Book Review: The Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Through the Mediterranean Diet
Nutrition and the Mediterranean Diet. A historical and sociological analysis of the concept of a “healthy Diet” in Spanish society. In: Mara Miele, Vaughan Higgins …
9. E. Workshop: Mediterranean Diet as healthy and sustainable Dietary pattern: perspectives and challenges
Length of Food Chain is Crucial in Determining the Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk
P805 Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with decreased faecal calprotectin in patients after pouch surgery
Application of 1H-NMR Metabolomics for the Discovery of Blood Plasma Biomarkers of a Mediterranean Diet
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on body weight and waist circumference in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Assessment of Diet quality according to the score of the alternative Mediterranean Diet in individuals with metabolic syndrome.
Pavicic Zezelj S., Kencel Jovanovic G., Kresic G.: The association between the Mediterranean Diet and high physical activity among the working population in Croatia
Mediterranean Diet May Help Preserve Kidney Function in Transplant Recipients
Relationships between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and methylation of WNT pathway-related genes implicated in colorectal cancer
Smartphone-based vs. Traditional Dietary Counseling for the Mediterranean Diet in a US Cardiology Patient Population
Effect of Mediterranean Diet With Varying Amounts of Lean Beef on Measures of Arterial Stiffness and Central Blood Pressure
Beneficial effects of pasta during pregnancy: The positive effects of Mediterranean Diet
A clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on smokers lung function
Air Pollution, Mediterranean Diet, and Cause-Specific Mortality Risk in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cognitive function in older, UK adults: The EPIC-Norfolk study
Making the Mediterranean Diet the preferred option? Possible contributions of the food environment
Supplementary materials Mediterranean Diet in a Sicilian student population. Second part: breakfast and its nutritional profile.
Adherence of Collegiate Level, Recreational/Intramural and Non-Athlete College Students to the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of a low glycemic index Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular risk factors in women diagnosed with breast cancer: Preliminary data from DEDiCa study
Mediterranean Diet as a Potential Strategy to Reduce Cognitive Decline and Dementia in Elderly
Mycological Tourism in Soria (Spain). Mediterranean Diet Emblematic Community
Appropriate Eating: The Mediterranean Diet in Homer’s Odyssey
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Body Weight Status in a Scottish Population
Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Food Patterns among US Adolescents
How to create a healthy food environment through production of diversified foods, as in the Mediterranean Diet
Study on effect of improved Mediterranean Diet mode on gestational diabetes mellitus occurrence rate in pregnant women.
Manuscript VII Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and its association with age: comparison between Lebanese younger and older adults.
14 Nutritional Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet
193-LB: Levels of Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Modulation Effects of MTNRB1_rs10830963, TCFTL2_rs7903146 …
PREDIMED Plus trial-energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet plus exercise and metabolic health
Effect of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on diabetic retinopathy and choroidal thickness
Outcomes from the 2016 First World Conference on the Mediterranean Diet: Revitalizing the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet adherence and synergy with acute myocardial infarction and its determinants: A multicenter case-control study in Italy
… Türk Cumhuriyetinde yaşayan genç bireylerin akdeniz diyetine uyumlarının belirlenmesi determination ofadaptation to The Mediterranean Diet of young individuals …
Molecular and Intracellular Signaling Mechanisms of Herbs, Spices, and Food Components in the Mediterranean Diet in Improving Cognitive Function
Improving adherence to Mediterranean-style Diet with a community culinary coaching program: Methodology development and process evaluation
Prenatal Air Pollution and Childhood Allergic Diseases: The Potential Modifying Effect of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet
The effect modification by the Mediterranean Diet (MEDI) on skin aging in elderly women exposed to air pollution
The Mediterranean Diet and Two-Year Changes in Cognitive Function in Puerto Rican Adults With vs. Without Type 2 Diabetes
Association of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with urinary factors favoring renal lithiasis: Cross‐sectional study of overweight individuals with metabolic …
Alkaline water and plant-based Mediterranean Diet for laryngopharyngeal reflux
… database of N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamines, N-acylethanolamines and endocannabinoids and daily intake from a Western, a Mediterranean and a vegetarian Diet
Dietary habits in Parkinson’s disease: adherence to Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet Attenuates the Adverse Effect of Indoor Particulate Matter on Asthma Symptoms in Children
Mediterranean Diet Score and its association with Age-related macular degeneration: The European Eye Study (EUREYE).
Abstract P136: Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is Associated With Lower Pericardial Fat in African-Caribbean Men
Very Low Protein Diet and Mediterranean Diet Modulate Intestinal Microbiota and Reduce Serum Levels of Total and Free Indoxyl Sulfate and P-Cresyl Sulfate …
The alternative Mediterranean Diet score and blood pressure: A cross-sectional study of US participants in the INTERMAP Study
Homemade tomato sauce in the Mediterranean Diet: a rich source of antioxidants protecting against postprandial oxidative stress.
Can the Dietary fat type facilitate memory impairments in adulthood? A comparative study between Mediterranean and Western-based Diet in rats
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet and low-fat Diet on intrahepatic fat, liver stiffness and insulin resistance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Preliminary …
The positive effects of Mediterranean-neutropenic Diet on nutritional status of acute myeloid leukemia patients under chemotherapy
Higher adherence to the Dutch Healthy Diet-Index 2015 and to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with lower Diet-related greenhouse gas emissions and land use in …
Letter by Koh Regarding Article,“Low-Calorie Vegetarian Versus Mediterranean Diets for Reducing Body Weight and Improving Cardiovascular Risk Profile …
P5308 Mediterranean-style Diet for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised …
Comparison of Diet quality between young children and adolescents in the Mediterranean basin and the influence of life habits
The Dose-Response Effect of a Mediterranean Style Diet With Lean Beef on Lipids and Lipoproteins
Plasma branched-chain/aromatic amino acids and risk of type-2 diabetes after a Mediterranean Diet intervention: a case-cohort study within the PREDIMED trial (P …
Effects of Western, Mediterranean, Vegetarian, and Okinawan Diet Patterns on Human Brain
Health benefits induced by adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle components Diet and physical activity
Associations of Mediterranean-style Diet adherence with circulating sphingolipid patterns (P18-004-19)
Outcomes from the 2011–2016 FAO/CIHEAM case study on the Mediterranean Diet as a sustainable Diet
An Investigation of Plant-based, Mediterranean, Paleolithic, and Dash Diets Study (the VA Beach Diet Study)
A Mediterranean style Diet is favorably associated with concentrations of circulating ceramides and ceramide ratios in the framingham offspring cohort (P18-048-19)
Effects of adherence to a Mediterranean style Diet and healthy lifestyle on cognitive functioning in independently living older individuals
Feasibility and acceptability of a Mediterranean-style Diet intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk for low income Hispanic American women
Comorbidity of Diabetes and Chronic Sleep Disturbances and Consumption of a Mediterranean-Style Diet
Mediterranean, but not lacto-ovo-vegetarian, Diet positively influence circulating progenitor cells for cardiovascular prevention: The CARDIVEG study
Role of rs1501299 variant in the adiponectin gene on total adiponectin levels, insulin resistance and weight loss after a Mediterranean hypocaloric Diet
Diet-related selectivity of macroplastic ingestion in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the eastern Mediterranean
Mediterranean-style Diet in pregnant women with metabolic risk factors (ESTEEM)
Role of the variant in adiponectin gene rs266729 on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors after a hypocaloric Diet with the Mediterranean pattern
Mediterranean-style Diet in pregnant women with metabolic risk factors (ESTEEM)
Lesser kestrel Diet and agricultural intensification in the Mediterranean: An unexpected win-win solution?
Effect of Randomisation to 6-Month Mediterranean versus Low-Fat Diet Intervention on Inflammation and Adiposity in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease; …
Feeding ecology of Mediterranean common dolphins: The importance of mesopelagic fish in the Diet of an endangered subpopulation
Is the French Mediterranean European pilchard crisis related to their Diet?
Consumption of a Mediterranean-like Diet and its relationship with growth, body fatness, and puberty
Do Diet variations influence body condition of the French Mediterranean planktivorous teleosts?
Bioaccessibility of N-acylethanolamines and endocannabinoids from a Mediterranean and a western Diet in a simulator of the human intestinal tract (SHIME®)
Relationships among nutritive value of selected forages, Diet composition and milk quality in goats grazing in a Mediterranean woody rangeland
Cold response of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) on a lab Diet
Diet of planktivorous fish species of the Marseille region (Northwest of the Western Mediterranean)
Diet of Octopus vulgaris from the moroccan Mediterranean Coast
Foraging habitat, home-range size and Diet of a Mediterranean bat species, Savi’s pipistrelle
Molecular identification of the Diet of Sardina pilchardus larvae in the SW Mediterranean Sea
Modifications of serum levels of omentin-1 and other cardiovascular risk factors following weight loss secondary to a Mediterranean hypocaloric Diet
Multi-isotopic assessments of spatio-temporal Diet variability: the case of two sympatric gulls in the western Mediterranean
Prey preferences and ontogenetic Diet shift of European hake Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) in the central Mediterranean Sea
… rs10830963 polymorphism in melatonin receptor type 1B (MTNR1B) with metabolic response after weight loss secondary to a hypocaloric Diet based in Mediterranean …
Diet of a Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in a transitional post-weaning phase and its implications for the conservation of the species
Evidence of density-dependent cannibalism in the Diet of wild Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae (Thunnus thynnus) of the Balearic Sea (NW-Mediterranean)
The use of ACE INDEL polymorphism as a biomarker of coronary artery disease (CAD) in humans with Mediterranean-style Diet
Cold Response of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) in the Lab Diet
Multi-isotopic assessments of spatio-temporal Diet variability: the case of two sympatric gulls in the western Mediterranean
Age, sex, adult and larval Diet shape starvation resistance in the Mediterranean fruit fly: an ecological and gerontological perspective
MEDITERATRI project-assessing the trophic ecology of predatory arthropods in Mediterranean agriculture via DNA metabarcoding Diet analyses
Mediterranean, but not lacto-ovo-vegetarian, Diet positively influence circulating progenitor cells for cardiovascular prevention: The cardiveg study
Preference of four grass species in European mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) Diet in the eu-Mediterranean Zone of North Adriatic.
Diet composition and temporal changes in the trophic patterns of Plesionika narval (Crustacea-Decapoda) in the Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea)
… Mediterranean Diets for Reducing Body Weight and Improving Cardiovascular Risk Profile: CARDIVEG Study (Cardiovascular Prevention With Vegetarian Diet) …
The VA Beach Diet Study: a comparison of the effects of Plant-based, Mediterranean, Paleolithic, and DASH Diets on cardiovascular disease risk
… Versus Mediterranean Diets for Reducing Body Weight and Improving Cardiovascular Risk Profile: CARDIVEG Study (Cardiovascular Prevention With Vegetarian Diet …
… Versus Mediterranean Diets for Reducing Body Weight and Improving Cardiovascular Risk Profile: CARDIVEG Study (Cardiovascular Prevention With Vegetarian Diet …
Evaluation of biochemical and metabolomics changes in Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata on different fruits, Diet and life stages to understand the biological and …
P3479 Mediterranean type of Diet and olive oil consumption show beneficial effects on sexual capacity through improvement of aortic elastic properties and …
Trapania pallida Kress, 1968 (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia): first record for Italian waters and new additional notes on its Diet and on Mediterranean records
The Mediterranean Diet: A historical perspective on food for health
Mediterranean Diet and health status: Active ingredients and pharmacological mechanisms
Influence of the Mediterranean Diet on 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in adults
Mediterranean food pattern vs. Mediterranean Diet: a necessary approach?
The Mediterranean Diet: an evidence-based approach
The Mediterranean Diet, plasma metabolome, and cardiovascular disease risk
Mediterranean Diet and health: A systematic review of epidemiological studies and intervention trials
The role of the Mediterranean Diet on weight loss and obesity-related diseases
Mediterranean Diet and endothelial function in patients with coronary heart disease: An analysis of the CORDIOPREV randomized controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet as a tool to combat inflammation and chronic diseases. An overview
Updating the Mediterranean Diet pyramid towards sustainability: Focus on environmental concerns
Mediterranean Diet and its benefits on health and mental health: a literature review
Mediterranean Diet effects on type 2 diabetes prevention, disease progression, and related mechanisms. A review
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in athletes
Mediterranean Diet and telomere length: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on metabolic health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials in adults
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Crohn’s disease
Mediterranean Diet and the emotional well-being of students of the campus of Melilla (University of Granada)
Mediterranean Diet and endothelial function: a review of its effects at different vascular bed levels
Mediterranean Diet nutrients to turn the tide against insulin resistance and related diseases
A Pesco-Mediterranean Diet With Intermittent Fasting: JACC Review Topic of the Week
The effect of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on late-life cognitive disorders: A systematic review
The Mediterranean Diet slows down the progression of aging and helps to prevent the onset of frailty: a narrative review
Science and healthy meals in the world: Nutritional epigenomics and nutrigenetics of the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and healthy ageing: Current evidence, biological pathways, and future directions
Mediterranean Diet increases endothelial function in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
… model of nutrition can be recommended to people ending their professional sports career? An analysis of the Mediterranean Diet and the CRON Diet in the context of …
Evaluating Mediterranean Diet adherence in university student populations: Does this Dietary pattern affect students’ academic performance and mental health?
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet on metabolic parameters in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Therapeutic alternative of the ketogenic Mediterranean Diet to improve mitochondrial activity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): A Comprehensive Review
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on cardiovascular risk factors in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Antioxidant properties of plant polyphenols in the counteraction of alcohol-abuse induced damage: Impact on the Mediterranean Diet
Dietary intake, Mediterranean Diet adherence and caloric intake in Huntington’s disease: A review
Is Mediterranean Diet still a common Dietary pattern in the Mediterranean area?
Mediterranean Diet intervention alters the gut microbiome in older people reducing frailty and improving health status: the NU-AGE 1-year Dietary intervention …
Sleep quality in obesity: does adherence to the Mediterranean Diet matter?
Mediterranean Diet and COVID-19: Hypothesizing Potential benefits in people with diabetes
Trends in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in South Italy: A cross sectional study
Mediterranean Diet and the risk of chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Mediterranean Diet for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational and clinical investigations
Mediterranean Diet, stress resilience, and aging in nonhuman primates
Association of the Mediterranean Diet With Onset of Diabetes in the Women’s Health Study
A Mediterranean Diet intervention reduces the levels of salivary periodontopathogenic bacteria in overweight and obese subjects
Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer risk: a narrative review.
Exploring the relationship between the Mediterranean Diet and weight loss maintenance: The MedWeight study
A Mediterranean Diet and low-fat vegan Diet to improve body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors: a randomized, cross-over trial
The Mediterranean Diet: a pathway to successful aging
Mediterranean Diet adherence and subjective well-being in a sample of Portuguese adults
Feasibility of the AusMed Diet program: translating the Mediterranean Diet for older Australians
Impact of a moderately hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet on the gut microbiota composition of Italian obese patients
Do olive and fish oils of the Mediterranean Diet have a role in triple negative breast cancer prevention and therapy? An exploration of evidence in cells and …
Mediterranean Diet and atherothrombosis biomarkers: A randomized controlled trial
Wine Intake in the Framework of a Mediterranean Diet and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases: A Short Literature Review of the Last 5 Years
Mediterranean Diet intervention in overweight and obese subjects lowers plasma cholesterol and causes changes in the gut microbiome and metabolome …
Wild greens used in the Mediterranean Diet
The Influence of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Children and Their Parents in Relation to Childhood Overweight/Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study in …
An inverse association between the Mediterranean Diet and bladder cancer risk: a pooled analysis of 13 cohort studies
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet of children living in small Southern Italian villages
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and mortality after breast cancer
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet related with physical fitness and physical activity in schoolchildren aged 6–13
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and thyroid function in obesity: A cross-sectional Apulian survey
One-year Mediterranean Diet promotes epigenetic rejuvenation with country-and sex-specific effects: a pilot study from the NU-AGE project
Observational epidemiology, lifestyle, and health: the paradigm of the Mediterranean Diet
The influence of emotional intelligence on resilience, test anxiety, academic stress and the Mediterranean Diet. A Study with university students
Primary school children and nutrition: Lifestyles and behavioral traits associated with a poor-to-moderate adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. A cross-sectional study
Mediterranean Diet: lipids, inflammation, and malaria infection
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with a lower risk of later-onset Crohn’s disease: results from two large prospective cohort studies
A Mediterranean Diet is positively associated with bone and muscle health in a non-Mediterranean region in 25,450 men and women from EPIC-Norfolk
The beneficial health effects of vegetables and wild edible greens: The case of the Mediterranean Diet and its sustainability
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in korean adults
Validation of the telephone-administered version of the Mediterranean Diet adherence screener (medas) questionnaire
Insights on Mediterranean Diet from the SUN cohort: cardiovascular and cognitive health
Evaluation of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and its association with clinical and biological markers in an Italian population
Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and gut microbiome composition: A cross-sectional study among healthy young Italian adults
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and circulating Vitamin D levels
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on cognitive function in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A randomized clinical controlled trial
The association between salt taste perception, Mediterranean Diet and metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study
Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity
Mediterranean Diet adherence and Dietary attitudes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Chronotype and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in obesity: Results from the opera prevention project
Mediterranean Diet and risk of falling in community-dwelling older adults
Mediterranean Diet, gut microbiota and health: when age and calories do not add up!
Associations between chronotype, adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and sexual opinion among university students
High adherence to a Mediterranean Diet at age 4 reduces overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity incidence in children at the age of 8
A combination of metabolites predicts adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern and its associations with insulin sensitivity and lipid homeostasis in the general …
Perspectives of environmental health promotion and the Mediterranean Diet: a thematic narrative synthesis
Association of the modified Mediterranean Diet score (mMDS) with anthropometric and biochemical indices in US career firefighters
… -term Dietary adherence and changes in Dietary intake in coronary patients after intervention with a Mediterranean Diet or a low-fat Diet: the CORDIOPREV randomized …
Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and childhood respiratory and atopic outcomes: birth cohort study
Exploring the validity of the 14-item Mediterranean Diet adherence screener (medas): A cross-national study in seven european countries around the Mediterranean …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and chronic disease in Australia: national nutrition and physical activity survey analysis
Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis-and tricarboxylic acid cycle–related metabolites, Mediterranean Diet, and type 2 diabetes
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Disease Activity and Gut Microbiota Composition of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Nutritional status, Dietary intake, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet of children with celiac disease on a gluten-free Diet: A case-control prospective study
Mediterranean Diet and quality of life in women treated for breast cancer: A baseline analysis of DEDiCa multicentre trial
Association between Mediterranean Diet adherence and colorectal cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis
Contribution of nuts to the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with decreased fecal calprotectin in patients with ulcerative colitis after pouch surgery
Losing weight after menopause with minimal aerobic training and Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet as a model of sustainable, resilient and healthy Diet
Phenols, flavors, and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet adherence and weight status among Sicilian Middle school adolescents
Weight status, adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, physical activity level, and sleep behavior of Italian junior high school adolescents
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet pattern among university staff: A cross-sectional web-based epidemiological study in Southern Italy
Mediterranean Diet and oxidative stress
Influence of lifestyle factors and staple foods from the Mediterranean Diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among older individuals with metabolic syndrome …
Effect of a dynamic exercise program in combination with Mediterranean Diet on quality of life in women with rheumatoid arthritis
Effectiveness of Mediterranean Diet implementation in dry eye parameters: A study of PREDIMED-PLUS trial
Social determinants of food group consumption based on Mediterranean Diet pyramid: A cross-sectional study of university students
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet partially mediates socioeconomic differences in leukocyte LINE-1 methylation: Evidence from a cross-sectional study in …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet according to occupation-based social classifications and gender
Poor adherence to Mediterranean Diet and serum lipopolysaccharide are associated with oxidative stress in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
The Mediterranean Diet in Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in College Students: Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the KIDMED Questionnaire
Human gut microbiome composition and tryptophan metabolites were changed differently by fast food and Mediterranean Diet in 4 days: a pilot study
Dietary pattern and its correlates among Lithuanian young adults: Mediterranean Diet approach
Bioactive compounds in wild Asteraceae edible plants consumed in the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function in the Age‐Related Eye Disease Studies 1 & 2
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with preserved white matter integrity and altered structural connectivity
Relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and body composition with physical fitness parameters in a young active population
The Mediterranean Diet decreases prothrombotic microvesicle release in asymptomatic individuals at high cardiovascular risk
Mediterranean Diet, tobacco consumption and body composition during perimenopause. the FLAMENCO project
Presence of hypertension is reduced by Mediterranean Diet adherence in all individuals with a more pronounced effect in the obese: the Hellenic National Nutrition …
Mediterranean Diet adherence and congestive heart failure: Relationship with clinical severity and ischemic pathogenesis
Genetic polymorphisms, Mediterranean Diet and microbiota-associated urolithin metabotypes can predict obesity in childhood-adolescence
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of colorectal cancer: the prospective Netherlands Cohort Study
Pre-stroke adherence to a Mediterranean Diet pattern is associated with lower acute ischemic stroke severity: A cross-sectional analysis of a prospective …
Mediterranean Diet as the ideal model for preventing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of 14-item Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener and low-fat Diet adherence questionnaire
Association of adherence to specific Mediterranean Diet components and cardiorespiratory fitness in young adults
Identification of predictive factors of the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet through machine-learning techniques
A Mediterranean Diet supplemented with dairy foods improves mood and processing speed in an Australian sample: Results from the MedDairy randomized controlled …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet moderates the association between multimorbidity and depressive symptoms in older adults
… between the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and successful aging: An analysis of the ATTICA and MEDIS (Mediterranean Islands Study) epidemiological …
The mediating and moderating effects of physical fitness of the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and health-related quality of life in university …
The Contribution of Wild Edible Plants to the Mediterranean Diet: An Ethnobotanical Case Study Along the Coast of Campania (Southern Italy)
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in spanish population and its relationship with early vascular aging according to sex and age: EVA study
Are adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, emotional eating, alcohol intake, and anxiety related in university students in Spain?
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and progression to late age-related macular degeneration in the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies 1 and 2
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and environmental impact of the Diet on primary school children living in Parma (Italy)
Mediterranean Diet decreases the initiation of use of vitamin k epoxide reductase inhibitors and their associated cardiovascular risk: A randomized controlled …
Influence of Mediterranean Diet adherence, physical activity patterns, and weight status on cardiovascular response to cardiorespiratory fitness test in Chilean school …
Interplay between the Mediterranean Diet and C-reactive protein genetic polymorphisms towards inflammation in adolescents
Prospective association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and hepatic steatosis: the Swiss CoLaus cohort study
Impact of Physical Activity Practice and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Relation to Multiple Intelligences among University Students
The role of overweight in the association between the Mediterranean Diet and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a mediation analysis among 21 585 UK biobank …
The effect of a maternal Mediterranean Diet in pregnancy on insulin resistance is moderated by maternal negative affect
Cardiometabolic benefits of a weight-loss Mediterranean Diet/lifestyle intervention in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: The “mimosa” randomized clinical trial
Influence of Dietary Habits and Mediterranean Diet Adherence on Sleep Quality during Pregnancy. The GESTAFIT Project
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Maternal Lifestyle during Pregnancy: Island–Mainland Differentiation in the CRIBS Birth Cohort
Gender, age, geographical area, food neophobia and their relationships with the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: new insights from a large population …
Mediterranean Diet and all-cause mortality: A cohort of Italian men
Mediterranean Diet components are linked to greater endothelial function and lower inflammation in a pilot study of ethnically diverse women
The Effects of a Mediterranean Diet Intervention on Targeted Plasma Metabolic Biomarkers among US Firefighters: A Pilot Cluster-Randomized Trial
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and physical fitness with body composition parameters in 1717 European adolescents: the adoleshealth …
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on hospital length of stay, medical expenses, and mortality in elderly, hospitalized patients: A 2-year observational study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and self-efficacy as mediators in the mediation of sleep quality and grades in nursing students
Allergy Modulation by N-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat soluble nutrients of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and the prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Results from a case-control study
Association among adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, cardiorespiratory fitness, cardiovascular, obesity, and anthropometric variables of overweight and obese …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a sample of Colombian schoolchildren: An evaluation of the psychometric properties of the KIDMED questionnaire
Assessing Mediterranean Diet Adherence with the Smartphone: The Medipiatto Project
Overall Dietary variety and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet show additive protective effects against coronary heart disease
The Nutrition Health Alliance (NutriHeAl) Study: A Randomized, Controlled, Nutritional Intervention Based on Mediterranean Diet in Greek Municipalities
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and patient perception of rheumatoid arthritis
Sufficient vitamin D status positively modified ventilatory function in asthmatic children following a Mediterranean Diet enriched with fatty fish intervention study
Weight status, adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, and physical fitness in Spanish children and adolescents: the Active Health Study
Translation and cultural adaptation of the Mediterranean Diet quality index in children and adolescents
Mediterranean Diet adherence and risk of incident kidney stones
Mediterranean Diet vegetable foods protect meat lipids from oxidation during in vitro gastro-intestinal digestion
Let food be thy medicine: the case of the Mediterranean Diet in rheumatoid arthritis
The possible influence of Mediterranean Diet on extracellular vesicle miRNA expression in breast cancer survivors
Psychological and sleep effects of tryptophan and magnesium-enriched Mediterranean Diet in women with fibromyalgia
Mediterranean Diet: Woman fertility and pregnancy
Meeting the Physical Activity Recommendations and Its Relationship with Obesity-Related Parameters, Physical Fitness, Screen Time, and Mediterranean Diet in …
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet associated with lower blood pressure in a US sample: Findings from the Maine‐Syracuse Longitudinal Study
The Mediterranean way: Why elderly people should eat wholewheat sourdough bread—A little known component of the Mediterranean Diet and healthy food …
Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors associated with adherence to Mediterranean Diet in representative adult population in Casablanca City, Morocco: a …
Mediterranean style Diet and kidney function loss in kidney transplant recipients
ZNF577 Methylation Levels in Leukocytes From Women With Breast Cancer Is Modulated by Adiposity, Menopausal State, and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Adherence Modulates Anthropometric Measures by TCF7L2 Genotypes among Puerto Rican Adults
Mediterranean Diet, sociodemographic factors and ultra-processed food consumption in Portugal
Interaction effect of the Mediterranean Diet and an obesity genetic risk score on adiposity and metabolic syndrome in adolescents: the HELENA study
Association between serum lipid levels in Greek children with dyslipidemia and Mediterranean Diet adherence, Dietary habits, lifestyle and family socioeconomic …
A systematic review of precision nutrition and Mediterranean Diet: A personalized nutrition approaches for prevention and management of obesity related disorders
New views about the Mediterranean Diet
Is academic achievement related to Mediterranean Diet, substance use and social-cognitive factors: Findings from lebanese adolescents
Mediterranean Diet and risk of Sjögren’s syndrome
The effects of Mediterranean Diet on severity of disease and serum Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a single center, randomized …
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and renal function biomarkers and cardiovascular risk factors among diabetic patients with nephropathy
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet-Based Nutritional Intervention on the Risk of Developing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Other Maternal-Fetal Adverse …
Food security and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: an interplay of socio-demographic characteristics
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet or physical activity after bariatric surgery and its effects on weight loss, quality of life, and food tolerance
The Forgotten Fruit: A Case for Consuming Avocado Within the Traditional Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among students from primary and middle school in the province of Taranto, 2016–2018
Insulin resistance is related with liver fibrosis in type 2 diabetic patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease proven biopsy and Mediterranean Diet pattern as a …
PREvention of recurrent arrhythmias with Mediterranean Diet (PREDIMAR) study in patients with atrial fibrillation: Rationale, design and methods
Associations between Maternal Cadmium Exposure with Risk of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight: Effect of Mediterranean Diet Adherence on Affected Prenatal …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and subsequent cognitive decline in men with cardiovascular disease
Mediterranean Diet in a Sicilian student population. Second part: breakfast and its nutritional profile
The Mediterranean Diet and menopausal health: An EMAS position statement
Interplay between Mediterranean Diet and Gut Microbiota in the Interface of Autoimmunity: An Overview
Burnout syndrome risk in child and adolescent tennis players and the role of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
MEDBIOME: A Study Protocol to Evaluate the Effect of Mediterranean Diet on the MicroBIOME of Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
The Mediterranean Diet and its individual components: Linking with obesity in Italy
Factors associated with adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in adolescents from La Rioja (Spain)
Spanish people with type 2 diabetes show an improved adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Linking Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle with Cardio Metabolic Disease and Depressive Symptoms: A Study on the Elderly in Europe
Polyphenols and the Mediterranean Diet
Longitudinal changes in Mediterranean Diet and transition between different obesity phenotypes
Mediterranean Diet and mental health in university students: an Italian cross-sectional study
Effect of a lifestyle intervention program with energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet and exercise on the serum polyamine metabolome in individuals at high …
Effect of Mediterranean Diet for pregnant women: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Aging: A Narrative Review over the Last Decade
Aerobic fitness, Mediterranean Diet and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults
Body weight of individuals with obesity decreases after a 6-month high pasta or low pasta Mediterranean Diet weight-loss intervention
Social support, adherence to Mediterranean Diet and physical activity in adults: results from a community-based cross-sectional study
Fatty acid profiles in erythrocyte membranes following the Mediterranean Diet–data from a multicenter lifestyle intervention study in women with hereditary breast …
Findings of a pilot study investigating the effects of Mediterranean Diet and aerobic exercise on cognition in cognitively healthy older people living independently …
Gender-Related Determinants of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Adults with Ischemic Heart Disease
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and prognosis in older patients scheduled to undergo cardiac resynchronization therapy
Hydroxytyrosol as a component in the Mediterranean Diet and its role in disease prevention
The Impact of Adherence to the Traditional Mediterranean Diet and Sex Differences on Global Cognitive Functioning: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Benefits of Adhering to a Mediterranean Diet Supplemented with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Pistachios in Pregnancy on the Health of Offspring at 2 Years of …
Does adherence to Mediterranean Diet mediate the association between food environment and obesity among non-hispanic black and white older US Adults? A path …
Mediterranean Diet and pregnancy
If we eat soy, do we keep the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean Diet?
Understanding the Self-Perceived Barriers and Enablers toward Adopting a Mediterranean Diet in Australia: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour …
Cardiometabolic risk parameters of individuals with lower extremity amputation: What is the effect of adherence to DASH Diet and Mediterranean Diet?
Influence of Adiposity on Physical Activity in Schoolchildren: The Moderator Role of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Effects of nutraceuticals of Mediterranean Diet on aging and longevity
The Mediterranean Diet and mineral composition
Effects of a Portfolio-Mediterranean Diet and a Mediterranean Diet with or without a Sterol-Enriched Yogurt in Individuals with Hypercholesterolemia
… species, mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death with major nutrients (polyphenols, ω3 and ω9 unsaturated fatty acids) of the Mediterranean Diet on N2a neuronal …
Type 2 Diabetes and Mediterranean Diet in Older Adults: a Brief Review of the Evidence
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet by vegetarians and vegans as compared to omnivores
NHANES 2011–2014 reveals cognition of US older adults may benefit from better adaptation to the Mediterranean Diet
… Nutrition Can Be Recommended to People Ending Their Professional Sports Career? An Analysis of the Mediterranean Diet and the CRON Diet in the Context …
Changes in hand grip strength and body weight after a dynamic exercise program and Mediterranean Diet in women with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized clinical …
Potential of modified Mediterranean Diet to improve quality of life and fatigue severity in multiple sclerosis patients: a single-center randomized controlled trial
Adopting the Mediterranean Diet Score in a Diet management system
The effects of Mediterranean Diet and EVOO consumption in relation to human health
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and socio-behavioral variables in the child.” The Good Habits” project
Nutrition information, Mediterranean Diet, and weight: A structural equation approach
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and nutritional status: Impact on clinical outcomes in hospitalized elderly patients
The Mediterranean Diet is associated with an improved quality of life in adults with type 1 diabetes
Influence of Dietary habits and Mediterranean Diet adherence on menopausal symptoms. The FLAMENCO project
Eating behavior: The influence of age, nutrition knowledge, and Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: Outcomes from an education session among patients with cancer and nursing staff.
Mediterranean Diet, nutrition transition, and cardiovascular risk factor in children and adolescents
Long-Term Results of the Mediterranean Diet After Sleeve Gastrectomy
Physical Fitness, Body Composition, and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Young Football Players: Influence of the 20 mSRT Score and Maturational Stage
Influence of the Mediterranean Diet on the production of short-chain fatty acids in women at risk for breast cancer (LIBRE)
Effects of affinity to the Mediterranean Diet pattern along with breastfeeding on childhood asthma, inflammatory and recurrent diseases in an intervention study
Correction: Social determinants of food group consumption based on Mediterranean Diet pyramid: A cross-sectional study of university students
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, and importance of physical activity and screen time in Extremaduran high school adolescents
Impact of adherence to Mediterranean Diet and/or drug treatment on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: DM2-CUMCYL study
Mediterranean gluten-free Diet: is it a fair bet for the treatment of gluten-related disorders?
Multi-Morbidity and Mediterranean Diet in the Cypriot population
Mediterranean Diet and Naltrexone/Bupropion Treatment for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Breast Cancer Survivors and Non-Cancer Participants: A …
Mediterranean Diet
Short and medium-term effects of a multicomponent physical exercise program with a Mediterranean Diet on bone mineral density, gait, balance, and fall risk …
Transcriptional response to a Mediterranean Diet intervention exerts a modulatory effect on neuroinflammation signaling pathway
The Mediterranean Diet
Ancel benjamin keys (1904–2004): His early works and the legacy of the modern Mediterranean Diet
Nutritional adequacy of the Mediterranean Diet
Polyphenols and the Mediterranean Diet. Chemistry, Sensorial Properties and Natural Sources
Mitochondrial DNA methylation is associated with Mediterranean Diet adherence in a population of older adults with overweight and obesity.
Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity
Mediterranean Diet and breastfeeding reduce the risk of gallstone in women
Mediterranean Diet, sport and health
The Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Diet for the Modern Times
Mediterranean Diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and Pro-vegetarian Dietary pattern in relation to the risk of basal cell carcinoma: a nested case-control …
Frying a cultural way of cooking in the Mediterranean Diet and how to obtain improved fried foods
Impact of migration on Dietary patterns and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Northern Moroccan migrant adolescents in Madrid (Spain)
Association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors
Mediterranean Diet adherence in patients with congenital heart disease
Mediterranean Diet and Osteoarticular Diseases
Impact of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet pattern on patients with first acute myocardial infarction
Association of Mediterranean Diet Adherence, Functional Food Consumption and Anthropometric Characteristics with Anxiety and Depression Indexes in a Sample of …
(QOL19) The Mediterranean Diet and Fatigue, Depression, and Emotional Well-being in Multiple Sclerosis: A Study in Patient-Reported Outcomes.
Micronutrients, non-nutrients and Mediterranean Diet: a potential protective role against COVID-19 through modulation of PAF actions and metabolism
The gut microbiome modifies the protective effects of a Mediterranean Diet against cardiometabolic disease risk
Mediterranean Diet and female fertility: Cross-talk of an evidence-based approach
Mediterranean Diet During Pregnancy and Childhood Respiratory and Atopic Outcomes: Birth Cohort Study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is not associated with birthweight: Results form a sample of Canarian pregnant women
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on semen parameters in healthy young adults: a randomized controlled trial.
Bacterial Taxa Associated with High Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a Spanish Population
TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism modulates the association between adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus
Mediterranean Diet for Active and Healthy Aging
Metabolic control, cardiovascular profile, and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a familial hypercholesterolemia cohort in a Public Health Program
Promoting health and preventing non-communicable diseases: evaluation of the adherence of the Italian population to the Mediterranean Diet by using the …
Mediterranean Diet adherence in pregnant women: results of a survey in North East of Italy
The Mediterranean Diet and breast cancer risk
Mediterranean-style Diet for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A Cochrane review
Mediterranean Diet and Sexual Health
Oxidative stress, senescence and Mediterranean Diet effects on osteoarthritis
Mediterranean personalized Diet combined with physical activity therapy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Italian women
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with better cognitive performance many years later in the PRIME cohort
Prevalence of the level of physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in children with special education needs
An An Exploratory Study Examining Mediterranean Diet Perceptions, Eating Practices, and Food Choice of Emerging Adults from Cyprus and the United States
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet and physical activity on atherothrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individuals
The Mediterranean Diet and cardiovascular disease: An overview
The association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and hepatic steatosis: the Swiss CoLaus prospective cohort study
Association between the Mediterranean Diet and prostate cancer risk in a Greek population
The Mediterranean Diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in individuals at high cardiovascular risk
Microglia-mediated neuroinflammation and Mediterranean Diet
Sex Differences in Body Mass Index, Mediterranean Diet Adherence, and Physical Activity Level among Italian Adolescents
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet of school-age children in Moroccan oases, Draa-Tafilalet Region
Oleic acid and implications for the Mediterranean Diet
Nutritional intervention promoting Mediterranean Diet improves Dietary intake and enhances score adherence in adolescent athletes
Metabolomics and the Mediterranean Diet
does Helicobacter pylori infection limit the health effects of the Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean Diet adherence, social capital and health related quality of life in the older adults of Crete, Greece: The MINOA study
15 The Mediterranean Diet
Effect of gestational Mediterranean Diet intervention on newborn fat mass and cord blood leptin level
Mediterranean Diet Reduces Monocyte Inflammatory Gene Expression and Influences Social Behavior in Nonhuman Primates
Evaluation of Mediterranean Diet adherence in children diagnosed with pancreatitis: a case-control study.
Advances in Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet: History, concepts and elements
The impact of Mediterranean Diet in perioperative nurses’ health
Laryngopharyngeal reflux and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet: the role of antioxidants in liver disease
226-OR: The Mediterranean Diet Increases GLP-1 and Oxyntomodulin Compared with Vegetarian Diet in Type 2 Diabetes Subjects
Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Palestinian High School females’ students in Hebron city: Cross-sectional study
Evaluation of adherence to Mediterranean Diet, assessed by a food frequency questionnaire, in dyslipidemic patients and evaluation of Dietary intervention efficacy
Mediterranean Diet in children and adolescents
Fish in the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in OCTD
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet pattern and macular pigment optical density in the Carotenoids in Age-Related Eye Disease Study (CAREDS), an …
Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Its Association with Cardiometabolic Factors in College Students
Changes in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet observed in a Spanish population during confinement for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Ecological Momentary Assessment for the Evaluation of the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the Context of Clinical Trials
The Prophylactic Potential of a Mediterranean Diet Enriched with Fatty Fish in Childhood Asthma
RE: Mediterranean Diet and ADHD-Dr. Burke’s comments
Relationship Among Adherence to The Mediterranean Diet and Anthropometric and Metabolic Parameters in Subjects with Obesity.
RE: Mediterranean Diet and ADHD
Red wine and atherosclerosis: Implications for the Mediterranean Diet
Intermittent fasting, Paleolithic, or Mediterranean Diets in the real world: exploratory secondary analyses of a weight-loss trial that included choice of Diet and exercise
The Mediterranean Diet and asthma
Combined associations of body mass index and adherence to a Mediterranean-like Diet with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: A cohort study
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet Intervention with and Without Weight Loss on the Gut Microbiota in Obese, Older Adults
Mediterranean Diet effects on ventricular premature complexes
The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners: Meal Plans, Expert Guidance, and 100 Recipes to Get You Started
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Mediterranean Diet and 10-year cardiovascular disease incidence: the mediating role of adiponectin. Highlights from the ATTICA …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, level of physical activity and body dissatisfaction in subjects 16-50 years old in the Region of Murcia, Spain.
The Mediterranean Diet could be an exceptional support for patients with chronic renal disease
Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Humility and Professional Diversity through the Biased Mediterranean Diet
Relationship Between Adherence to Mediterranean Diet with, Nutritional and Physical Fitness Status Among Young Athletes from Football Sports Academy-Palestine
Mediterranean Diet: A long journey toward intangible cultural heritage and sustainability
Spanish update of the Kidmed questionnaire, a Mediterranean Diet quality index in children and adolescents.
Mediterranean Diet and mental well-being in the young
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet model and psoriatic disease (skin, joint and metabolic expression of psoriasis)
Carbohydrate restriction in the morning increases weight loss effect of a hypocaloric Mediterranean type Diet: a randomized, parallel group Dietary intervention in …
Mediterranean Diet, cardiovascular health and longevity: Strategies to improve the assessment and interpretation of this Dietary pattern in nutritional epidemiology
The Mediterranean Diet and arthritis
Socioeconomic determinants of the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
16-Week Supplementation With a Mediterranean Diet-Inspired Ingredient Rich in a Diversity of Polyphenols Improves Health-Related Quality of Life of Overweight and …
Mediterranean Diet adherence and cancer risk in the Netherlands
Can we modify the Mediterranean Diet for non-Mediterranean populations? Results from two randomised controlled trials.
Bacterial taxa associated with adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a Spanish population
Factors associated with adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in adolescents from the northern region of Spain.
Gestational diabetes mellitus and Mediterranean Diet principles
Effects of a Plant-Based, Mediterranean Diet on Behavior, Cognition, and Alzheimer’s-Like Pathologies in C57bl/6j Mice
Mediterranean Diet and food consumption in an urban adult population of Northwest Algeria
Considerations for the adoption of a Mediterranean Diet beyond the Mediterranean Sea: lessons from Australian trials
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism genes, Mediterranean Diet and the risk of pre-and postmenopausal breast cancer
The Mediterranean Diet, plasma
Maternal Adherence to a Dairy-free Mediterranean Diet and Symptoms of Colic and Allergy in Exclusively Breastfed Infants: A Randomized-Controlled Study
The relation between Mediterranean Diet, inflammation and frailty in the elederly people of the Moli-sani Study
Implementation of WHO Recommended Policies and Interventions on Healthy Diet in the Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: From Policy to Action
Linking Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle with cardio metabolic diseases and depressive symptoms: A study on the elderly in Europe
The Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk of having another heart attack
Socioeconomic factors for the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in North Africa: The shift from 1990 to 2019
The Mediterranean Diet Protects the Renal Function in Older Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study
The effects of Mediterranean Diet on memory and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers: Public health: ADRD risk and protective factors: Brain changes and mechanisms
The Mediterranean Diet, Optimizing Sleep Function and Melatonin Supplementation—Insights into Potential Therapeutic Interventions for Inflammatory Bowel …
A mobile application providing a Mediterranean Diet based on physical attributes and weight goal
Evaluation of Plasma Lipoprotein Profiles in a Mediterranean Diet Intervention
Precision nutrition: Mediterranean Diet and genetic susceptibility
Orthodox religious fasting: A vital subset of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, inflammation, and telomere length maintenance
Examining the Prevalence of Obesity in Croatia: The Story of the Mediterranean Diet
Effects Of DASH Diet And Mediterranean Diet On Hypertension
Fish-Rich Mediterranean Diet Associated With Higher Cognition
Project MediWeB, Assessment of the impact of Mediterranean Diet and other lifestyle factors on well-being-Report 2019 and 2020
Mediterranean Diet and Decreased Development of Cognitive Impairment
The Mediterranean Diet, Dietary inflammatory index, and adiposity
Toward a Mediterranean-style Diet beyond the Mediterranean countries: Evidence of implementation and adherence
Protein folding vs. COVID-19 and the Mediterranean Diet
A Study Protocol to Determine the Effect of a Mediterranean Diet Intervention on Improving Gastrointestinal Function in Parkinson’s Disease
More Mediterranean Diet Benefits: Diverse Microbiomes, Better Health Among Seniors
Associations between Mediterranean Diet and respiratory health or allergy at 8 years in French children from the PARIS cohort
Higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with weight loss maintenance: the MedWeight study
Olive oil nutraceuticals and chronic disease prevention: More than an offshoot of the Mediterranean Diet
Greater adherence to a Mediterranean-like Diet is associated with later breast development and menarche in peripubertal girls
Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Lower Breast Cancer Risk in the Framingham Offspring Cohort Study
Mediterranean Diet and the postprandial state: A focus on inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hemostasis
Metabolic signature’can determine adherence to Mediterranean Diet, help predict CVD risk
Eating Patterns and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: A Cross-Sectional Study in Albania
Eighteen months of combined Mediterranean Diet and high-intensity interval training successfully maintained body mass loss in obese individuals
The Relationship Between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Body Composition in Nutrition and Dietetic Students
The Mediterranean Diet and multiple sclerosis: a case-control study in The Republic of Cyprus
Pregnancy Outcomes Associated with Maternal Adherence to Mediterranean Diet During Pregnancy in an Urban, Low-Income and Multiethnic US Population
A content analysis of the quality and behaviour change techniques of smartphone apps promoting the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet as a novel adjuvant treatment for type 1 diabetes
Mediterranean Diet Trial on Prevention of Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases: A descriptive preliminary study.
In older adults, does following a Mediterranean Diet decrease the risk of developing cognitive impairment?
Interaction between Mediterranean Diet and an Obesity Genetic Risk Score on Metabolic Syndrome: The HELENA study
Spanish People with Type 2 Diabetes Show an Improved Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
726-P: Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Association with Cardiometabolic Risk after Behavioral Weight Intervention in Older Adults
Abstract MP26: Mediterranean Diet And Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures In Young And Older Adults
Mediterranean Diet intervention alters the gut microbiome in older people reducing frailty and improving health status: the NU-AGE 1-year Dietary intervention across 5 …
Nutrient adequacy and Diet quality in a Mediterranean population with metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study
Mediterranean Diet intervention alters the gut microbiome in older people reducing frailty and improving health status: the NU-AGE 1-year Dietary intervention across …
Influence of a 3-months low-calorie Mediterranean Diet vs. Vegetarian Diet on human gut microbiota and SCFA: the CARDIVEG Study
Association Between Sleep Duration and Mediterranean Diet Score in Costa Rica
Prospective Relations Between the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and Mediterranean Diet (MeDS) Scores and Self-Report Arthritis Among Puerto …
The Mediterranean style Diet and cognition
… stimulates liver microsomal function in obese postmenopausal women–a randomized nutritional trial with a comparison to energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Reduces Heart Attacks and Strokes in Diabetes
The educational training to the Mediterranean Diet-like pattern is followed by improvement in cardiometabolic parameters and ecology of the microbiome in children …
Mediterranean Diet decreases the initiation of use of vitamin k epoxide reductase inhibitors and their associated cardiovascular risk: A randomized controlled trial
64-LB: Fourteen-Item Mediterranean Diet Score as Indicator for Prediabetes in Taiwan, a Cross-Sectional Study
Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) Diet: Can It Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
Changing from a Western to a Mediterranean-style Diet does not affect iron or selenium status: results of the New Dietary Strategies Addressing the Specific Needs of …
Gonzalez, CA, & al., E.(2014). Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of bladder cancer in the EPIC cohort study. International Journal of Cancer, 134 (10 …
A randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of a Mediterranean-like Diet in patients with multiple sclerosis-associated cognitive impairments and …
Mediterranean-like mix of fatty acids induces cellular protection on lipid-overloaded hepatocytes from western Diet fed mice
Mediterranean versus Western Diet effects on cerebral cortical thickness and volume in cynomolgus monkeys
Effect of a Mediterranean-pattern Diet on the metabolic response secondary to weight loss; role of the single nucleotide polymorphism (rs16147) of neuropeptide Y
The MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) and Mediterranean Diets are differently associated with psychosomatic complaints …
CRT-400.01 An Investigation of Plant-Based, Mediterranean, Paleolithic, and DASH Diets Study (The VA Beach Diet Study)
An investigation of plant-based, Mediterranean, paleolithic, and DASH Diets study in comparison (VA beach Diet study)
Food choice motivations and perception of a healthy Diet in a developing Mediterranean country
Association of Adherence to the Mediterranean and Nordic Diet in Lactating Women with the Infants› Growth
Overview of the Plant-Based, Mediterranean-Style Diet Approach to Treating Reflux
The biogeography of Diet diversity of barn owls on Mediterranean islands
Mediterranean-type Diet adherence (MTD), age-related macular degeneration AMD) and all-cause mortality in Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) and …
Temporal variation of Bubulcus ibis L. Diet in a semi-arid Mediterranean region in north Algeria
Mediterranean-Style Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet: Dealing with Common Myths and Transitioning with Complex Medical and Surgical History
Cooking frequency and perception of Diet among US adults are associated with us healthy and healthy Mediterranean-style Dietary related classes: a latent class …
The contribution of Diet preference to the disease course in children with familial Mediterranean fever: a cross-sectional study
Regional variability in Diet between Northern European and Mediterranean Neandertals: Evidence from dental microwear texture analysis
Diet of the Mediterranean Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri Severtzov, 1888)
A taste for squid: the Diet of sperm whales stranded in Greece, Eastern Mediterranean
… different daily distribution of proteins does not influence the variations in body composition in a sample of subjects undergoing a low-calorie Mediterranean-type Diet.
Prey availability and community composition: Diet analysis of the black angler fish Lophius budegassa Spinola, 1807 in the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean versus western Diet effects on cerebral cortical thickness and volume in cynomolgus macaques: Neuroimaging/animal imaging
Recovery of fatty acid composition in Mediterranean yellowtail (Seriola dumerili, Risso 1810) fed a fish-oil finishing Diet
Some Protein Supplements as Alternatives of Standard Protein Hydrolysate in Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied) Flies Dietary Regular Diet
… of the alien goatfish Parupeneus forsskali (Fourmanoir & Guézé, 1976) in the Mediterranean, with preliminary information on its Diet composition in Cyprus
Mediterranean Diet as a nutritional approach for COVID-19
The Mediterranean Diet and health: A comprehensive overview
Influence of Mediterranean Diet on human gut microbiota
Multidimensional impact of Mediterranean Diet on IBD patients
Mediterranean Diet and the hallmarks of ageing
The gut microbiome modulates the protective association between a Mediterranean Diet and cardiometabolic disease risk
The Mediterranean Diet from past to future: Key concepts from the second “Ancel Keys” International Seminar
Nutrition and immune system: from the Mediterranean Diet to Dietary supplementary through the microbiota
Erosion of the Mediterranean Diet among adolescents: Evidence from an Eastern Mediterranean Country
Mediterranean Diet: a nutrient‐packed Diet and a healthy lifestyle for a sustainable world
An updated systematic review and meta-analysis on adherence to Mediterranean Diet and risk of cancer
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function: From methodology to mechanisms of action
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Maltese Adults
Mediterranean Diet conceptual model and future trends of its use in Portugal
Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Findings From the French E3N‐EPIC Cohort Study
Validity of the energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet adherence screener
Is the Mediterranean Diet the Best Approach to NAFLD Treatment Today?
Nutraceuticals in the Mediterranean Diet: Potential Avenues for Breast Cancer Treatment
Mediterranean Diet
Looking for Commensality: On Culture, Health, Heritage, and the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet as medical prescription in menopausal women with obesity: a practical guide for nutritionists
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of polyphenols contained in Mediterranean Diet in obesity: Molecular mechanisms
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and observational studies
Maternal adherence to the Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy: a review of commonly used a priori Indexes
Mediterranean Diet to prevent the development of colon diseases: A meta-analysis of gut Microbiota studies
Mediterranean Diet Assessment Challenges: Validation of the Croatian Version of the 14-item Mediterranean Diet Serving Score (MDSS) Questionnaire
Mediterranean Diet reduces atherosclerosis progression in coronary heart disease: an analysis of the CORDIOPREV randomized controlled trial
The Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Functions in the Elderly Population
Obesity, Mediterranean Diet, and public health: A vision of obesity in the Mediterranean context from a sociocultural perspective
Mediterranean Diet–promotion and dissemination of healthy eating: proceedings of an exploratory seminar at the Radcliffe institute for advanced study
Mediterranean Diet and mortality in people with cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Mediterranean Diet Polyphenols: Anthocyanins and their Implications for Health
Phenol Biological Metabolites as Food Intake Biomarkers, a Pending Signature for a Complete Understanding of the Beneficial Effects of the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet is associated with cognitive function in an older non-Mediterranean sample: Findings from the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study
Mediterranean Diet
Healthy ageing and Mediterranean Diet: A focus on hormetic phytochemicals
Effect of green-Mediterranean Diet on intrahepatic fat: the DIRECT PLUS randomised controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet adherence is associated with better cognitive status and less depressive symptoms in a Greek elderly population
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Five-Year Weight Change, and Risk of Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Dose–Response Meta-Analysis of …
Physical Education and the Adoption of Habits Related to the Mediterranean Diet
Potential effects of a modified Mediterranean Diet on body composition in lipoedema
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and academic performance in adolescents: Does BMI status moderate this association?
Adhering to a Mediterranean Diet in a Mediterranean country: an excess cost for families?
Negative association between Mediterranean Diet adherence and COVID-19 cases and related deaths in Spain and 25 OECD countries: An ecological study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Cyprus and its relationship to multi-morbidity: An epidemiological study
Mediterranean Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Perpetual Inspiration for the Scientific World. A Review
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Italian adults: Results from the web-based Medi-Lite questionnaire
The Mediterranean Diet as a Source of Natural Compounds: Does It Represent a Protective Choice against Cancer?
Beneficial effect of Mediterranean Diet on disease activity and cardiovascular risk in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: A cross-sectional study
Effect of culinary education curriculum on Mediterranean Diet adherence and food cost savings in families: A randomised controlled trial
Mediterranean Diet, alcohol-drinking pattern and their combined effect on all-cause mortality: The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort
Mediterranean Diet Adherence in a Sample of Italian Adolescents Attending Secondary School—The “# facciamoComunicAzione” Project
Personalized Postprandial Glucose Response–Targeting Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet for Glycemic Control in Prediabetes
Physical activity and low glycemic index Mediterranean Diet: Main and modification effects on NAFLD score. Results from a randomized clinical trial
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Association with Self-Perception of Diet Sustainability, Anthropometric and Sociodemographic Factors: A Cross-Sectional …
The effect of the Mediterranean Diet on lifespan: A treatment-effect survival analysis of a population-based prospective cohort study in Southern Italy
Technology-based nutrition interventions using the Mediterranean Diet: a systematic review
High Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Obesity among Adults in Gulf Countries
The tenth anniversary as a UNESCO world cultural heritage: an unmissable opportunity to get back to the cultural roots of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Nutritional Status in Dalmatian Kidney Transplant Recipients—Are They Related?
Whole-Grain Intake in the Mediterranean Diet and a Low Protein to Carbohydrates Ratio Can Help to Reduce Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease, Slow Down the …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with the consumption of ultra-processed foods among Spanish children: The SENDO project
Sodium and potassium content of foods consumed in an Italian population and the impact of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet on their intake
Gut Microbiota and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The Effect of Mediterranean Diet
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Longevity
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Its Association with the Level of Physical Activity in Fitness Center Users: Croatian-Based Study
Effects of Mediterranean Diet or Low-Fat Diet on Blood Fatty Acids in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. A Randomized Intervention Study
Examining the moderating role of a Mediterranean Diet in the relationship between perceived stress and cognitive function in older adults
The effect of green Mediterranean Diet on cardiometabolic risk; a randomised controlled trial
Modified Mediterranean Diet score adapted to a southern Mediterranean population and its relation to overweight and obesity risk
Nutritional Education Program and Physical Activity Improve the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: Impact on Inflammatory Biomarker Levels in Healthy …
A Mediterranean Diet microsimulation modeling in relation to cardiovascular disease burden: The ATTICA and GREECS epidemiological studies
Mediterranean Diet and depression: a population-based cohort study
The Mediterranean Diet and physical activity: better together than apart for the prevention of premature mortality
Mediterranean Diet and Changes in Frequency, Severity, and Localization of Pain in Older Adults: The Seniors-ENRICA Cohorts
The Mediterranean Diet in osteoporosis prevention: An insight in a peri-and post-menopausal population
High-Density Lipoproteins and Mediterranean Diet: A Systematic Review
Association between the Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome with Serum Levels of miRNA in Morbid Obesity
The Gut Microbiome Modifies the Association Between a Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes in USA Hispanic/Latino Population
Mediterranean Diet in type 2 diabetes: An updated overview of pharmacological activities of cardiometabolic and reproductive outcomes
The Spanish gut microbiome reveals links between microorganisms and Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and weight status in children: The role of parental feeding practices
Family Meals, Conviviality and the Mediterranean Diet among Families with Adolescents
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet assessed by a novel Dietary biomarker score and mortality in older adults: the InCHIANTI cohort study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, Alcohol Consumption and Emotional Eating in Spanish University Students
The Relationship between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Intake of Specific Foods and Depression in an Adult Population (45–75 Years) in Primary …
Adherence to a supplemented Mediterranean Diet drives changes in the gut microbiota of HIV-1-infected individuals
The effectiveness of a weight-loss Mediterranean Diet/lifestyle intervention in the management of obstructive sleep apnea: Results of the “MIMOSA” randomized …
Gut microbiome and Mediterranean Diet in the context of obesity. Current knowledge, perspectives and potential therapeutic targets
Cooking at Home and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet During the COVID-19 Confinement: The Experience From the Croatian COVIDiet Study
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations Between Adherence to Mediterranean Diet with Physical Performance and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A …
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on gingivitis: A randomized controlled trial
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet during the COVID-19 national lockdowns: a systematic review of observational studies.
Unexpected Effects on Some Spanish Cultural Landscapes of the Mediterranean Diet
Reproducibility and validity of the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED Index) in a sample of Portuguese adolescents
Mediterranean Diet: The Need for Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is an independent predictor of circulating vitamin D levels in normal weight and non-smoker adults: An observational cross …
Dietary Antioxidants in the Mediterranean Diet
Rice: a versatile food at the heart of the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet In Healthy Aging
Unhealthy foods may attenuate the beneficial relation of a Mediterranean Diet to cognitive decline
Polyphenols of the Mediterranean Diet and Their Metabolites in the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
Combined effect of Mediterranean Diet and aerobic exercise on weight loss and clinical status in obese symptomatic patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and physical resilience in older adults: The Seniors-ENRICA Cohort
The Portuguese Mediterranean Diet wheel: development considerations
Gut Microbiota Bacterial Species Associated with Mediterranean Diet-Related Food Groups in a Northern Spanish Population
The impact of socioeconomic and environmental determinants on Mediterranean Diet adherence: a municipal-level spatial analysis in Athens metropolitan area …
Impact of the Level of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet on the Parameters of Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet or nut consumption on gut microbiota composition and fecal metabolites and their relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors
Anthropometric Parameters and Mediterranean Diet Adherence in Preschool Children in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia—Are They Related?
Resistant Starches and Non-Communicable Disease: A Focus on Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, Brain and Muscle: Olive Polyphenols and Resveratrol Protection in Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disorders
Genetically Guided Mediterranean Diet for the Personalized Nutritional Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Does Mediterranean Diet could have a role on age at menopause and in the management of vasomotor menopausal symptoms? The viewpoint of the …
Mediterranean Diet as an Antioxidant: The Impact on Metabolic Health and Overall Wellbeing
Potential Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Serum from Healthy Adolescents with Optimal Mediterranean Diet Adherence: Findings from DIMENU Cross …
Lifestyle and Mediterranean Diet adherence in a cohort of Southern Italian patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Screen Time and Parents’ Education Level Are Associated with Poor Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Spanish Children and Adolescents: The PASOS …
… characteristics of older obese African American adults in a randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of the Mediterranean Diet with and without weight …
Mediterranean Diet consumption affects the endocannabinoid system in overweight and obese subjects: Possible links with gut microbiome, insulin resistance …
Mediterranean Diet Patterns in the Italian Population: A functional data analysis of Google Trends
Mediterranean Diet and Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Neglected Role of Nutrition in the Modulation of the Endocannabinoid System
Mediterranean Diet adherence, body composition and performance in beach handball players: A cross sectional study
Association of a Mediterranean Diet and fruit and vegetable consumption with subjective well-being among adults with overweight and obesity
Maternal profile according to Mediterranean Diet adherence and small for gestational age and preterm newborn outcomes
Impact of the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Special Issue “Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Diseases”
Trajectories of healthy aging and their association with the Mediterranean Diet: the HELIAD Study
Modulation of Telomere Length by Mediterranean Diet, Caloric Restriction, and Exercise: Results from PREDIMED-Plus Study
Association of a traditional Mediterranean Diet and non-Mediterranean Dietary scores with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: prospective findings from the Moli …
Mediterranean Diet and risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in the EPIC-spain dementia cohort study
Mediterranean Diet Maintained Platelet Count within a Healthy Range and Decreased Thrombocytopenia-Related Mortality Risk: A Randomized Controlled …
Physical activity level, Mediterranean Diet adherence, and emotional intelligence as a function of family functioning in elementary school students
Mediterranean Diet implementation to protect against advanced lung cancer index (Ali) rise: Study design and preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial
Mobility and muscle strength trajectories in old age: the beneficial effect of Mediterranean Diet in combination with physical activity and social support
Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age
The Pivotal Role of Oleuropein in the Anti-Diabetic Action of the Mediterranean Diet: A Concise Review
Mediterranean Diet Food Components as Possible Adjuvant Therapies to Counteract Breast and Prostate Cancer Progression to Bone Metastasis
The Med-NKQ: A Reliable Mediterranean Diet Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Cardiovascular Disease
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Abilities in the Greek Cohort of Epirus Health Study
The Rise and Fall of the Mediterranean Diet and Related Nutrients in Preventing Diabetes
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among Lebanese University Students
What are the determinants of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean Diet, screen-time-based sedentary behavior and their interaction effect on adiposity in European adolescents: The HELENA Study
Mediterranean Diet and White Blood Cell Count—A Randomized Controlled Trial
Mediterranean Diet a Potential Strategy against SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Narrative Review
Mediterranean Diet Score, Dietary Patterns, and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in the REGARDS Study
Relationship between Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Saliva Composition
Effects of Mediterranean Diet or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Prevention of Small-for-Gestational Age Birth Weights in Newborns Born to At-Risk Pregnant …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Determinants Among Pregnant Women: The NELA Cohort
Mediterranean Diet, Microbiota and Immunity
Mediterranean Diet Adherence among Preschoolers and its Association with Parents’ Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices
Mediterranean Diet and the risk of COVID-19 in the ‘Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra’cohort
… Mediterranean Diet adherence and low scoring for plant-based foods across several southern European countries: are we overlooking the Mediterranean Diet …
The food choice determinants and adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Iranian adults before and during COVID-19 lockdown: population-based study
Mediterranean Diet in axial spondyloarthritis: an observational study in an Italian monocentric cohort
Effect on gut microbiota of a 1-y lifestyle intervention with Mediterranean Diet compared with energy-reduced Mediterranean Diet and physical activity …
A lifestyle intervention with an energy-restricted Mediterranean Diet and physical activity enhances HDL function: a substudy of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized …
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Lower Depressive Symptoms among US Adults
Mediterranean Diet and risk for dementia and cognitive decline in a Mediterranean population
Social Capital and Self-Perceived Quality of Life-Interrelated Predictors of Mediterranean Diet Adherence in Older Adults
The CASSIOPEA Study (Economic Crisis and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: poSSIble impact on biOmarkers of inflammation and metabolic PhEnotypes in the …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Tendency to Orthorexia Nervosa in Professional Athletes
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Children and Youth in the Mediterranean Region in Croatia: A Comparative Study
The Mediterranean Diet increases glucagon‐like peptide 1 and oxyntomodulin compared with a vegetarian Diet in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized …
The role of a Mediterranean Diet and physical activity in decreasing age-related inflammation through modulation of the gut microbiota composition
Mediterranean Diet and SARS-COV-2 Infection: Is There Any Association? A Proof-of-Concept Study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and advanced glycation endproducts in patients with diabetes
High Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Is Not Associated with an Improved Sodium and Potassium Intake
Effects of Mediterranean Diet in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized …
A Pilot Study on the Metabolic Impact of Mediterranean Diet in Type 2 Diabetes: Is Gut Microbiota the Key?
Effect of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Combined With Mediterranean Diet on Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Metabolic Syndrome
Is the effect of Mediterranean Diet on hip fracture mediated through type 2 diabetes mellitus and body mass index?
How fragile are Mediterranean Diet interventions? A research-on-research study of randomised controlled trials
Interplay between cognition and weight reduction in individuals following a Mediterranean Diet: Three-year follow-up of the PREDIMED-Plus trial
Factors associated with successful Dietary changes in an energy-reduced Mediterranean Diet intervention: a longitudinal analysis in the PREDIMED-Plus trial
A mixed methods pilot randomised controlled trial to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle education intervention ‘THINK …
Mediterranean Diet, Psychological Adjustment and Health Perception in University Students: The Mediating Effect of Healthy and Unhealthy Food Groups
East Asian Diet‐mimicking Diet plan based on the Mediterranean Diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet in adults with type 2 diabetes: A …
Effects of the traditional Mediterranean Diet in childhood recurrent acute Rhinosinusitis
The association between adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and childhood obesity; the role of family structure: Results from an epidemiological study in 1728 Greek …
Urinary Sodium Excretion and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Older Adults
Is the Mediterranean Diet Pattern Associated with Weight Related Health Complications in Adults? A Cross-Sectional Study of Australian Health Survey
Mediterranean Diet and prudent Diet are both associated with low circulating esterified 3-hydroxy fatty acids, a proxy of LPS burden, among older adults
The Economic Cost of Diet and Its Association with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Cohort of Spanish Primary Schoolchildren
The Impact of a Mediterranean Diet on the Gut Microbiome in Healthy Human Subjects: A Pilot Study
Mental health and adherence to Mediterranean Diet among university students: an Italian cross-sectional study
Associations between the Mediterranean Diet Pattern and Weight Status and Cognitive Development in Preschool Children
Associations between Depression, Nutritional Status and Mediterranean Diet in Dalmatian Kidney Transplant Recipients
A high protein Diet is more effective in improving insulin resistance and glycemic variability compared to a Mediterranean Diet—a cross-over controlled inpatient …
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet impacts gastrointestinal microbial diversity throughout pregnancy
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Portuguese Immigrant Community in the Central Valley of California
Mediterranean Diet, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and usual care during pregnancy for reducing fetal growth restriction and adverse perinatal …
Influence of Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Physical Activity on Bone Health in Celiac Children on a Gluten-Free Diet
Associations between sleep duration and Mediterranean Diet score in Costa Rican adults
Oral factors and adherence to Mediterranean Diet in an older Greek population
A New Score for Quantifying Adherence to a Cancer-Preventive Mediterranean Diet
The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Body Mass Index Change: A Follow-Up Study in the General Population of Southern …
A Generation Shift in Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Its Association with Biological Markers and Health in Dalmatia, Croatia
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Measured through Medi-Lite Score and Obesity: A Retrospective Study
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, Physical Activity and Survival after Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Trends in the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Israeli adolescents: results from two national health and nutrition surveys, 2003 and 2016
Risky Behaviours of Spanish University Students: Association with Mediterranean Diet, Sexual Attitude and Chronotype
Mediterranean Diet and Fatty Liver Risk in a Population of Overweight Older Italians: A Propensity Score-Matched Case-Cohort Study
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet, Dairy, and Meat Products on Different Phenotypes of Dyslipidemia: A Preliminary Retrospective Analysis
Association between Mediterranean Diet and functional status in older adults: a longitudinal study based on the Washington Heights Inwood Community Aging Project …
Mediterranean Diet and lung function, sensitization, and asthma at school age: The PARIS cohort
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and grade group progression in localized prostate cancer: An active surveillance cohort
Study Protocol of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial to Tackle Obesity through a Mediterranean Diet vs. a Traditional Low-Fat Diet in Adolescents: The …
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet, Mediterranean Diet and blood lipid profiles in less-developed ethnic minority regions
Association between periodontitis and the Mediterranean Diet in young Moroccan individuals
Polyphenols from traditional Chinese medicine and Mediterranean Diet are effective against Aβ toxicity in vitro and in vivo in Caenorhabditis elegans
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a School Population in the Principality of Asturias (Spain): Relationship with Physical Activity and Body Weight
The Effects of Mediterranean Diet on the Human Gut Microbiota; a Brief Discussion of Evidence in Humans
Influence of the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and its components on cardiometabolic risk during pregnancy. The GESTAFIT project
Evaluating Mediterranean Diet-Adherent, Healthy and Allergen-Free Meals Offered in Tarragona Province Restaurants (Catalonia, Spain): A Cross-Sectional Study
Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Eating in Subjects with Prediabetes from the Mollerussa Prospective Observational Cohort Study
Mediterranean Diet and Fatigue among Community-Dwelling Postmenopausal Women
A Pilot Study of Gene Expression Analysis in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Response to a Hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Social Network Impact along 11 Years in the Major US Media Outlets: Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter
Is High Adaptation To The Mediterranean Diet Effective in Increasing Ecological Footprint Awareness?: A Cross‐Sectional Study From Turkey
The impact a Mediterranean Diet in the third trimester of pregnancy has on neonatal body fat percentage
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet increased during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: results from the web-based Medi-Lite questionnaire
Mediterranean Diet and cardio-vascular health: an historical perspective
Metabolomics of the tryptophan–kynurenine degradation pathway and risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure: potential modification effect of Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity Decrease the Initiation of Cardiovascular Drug Use in High Cardiovascular Risk Individuals: A Cohort Study
Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the Cypriot population
Mediterranean Diet adherence and Dietary calcium intake in a group of pregnant women: Results of an Italian survey
Effects of a Mediterranean Diet on the development of diabetic complications: A longitudinal study from the nationwide diabetes report of the National Program for …
Impact of the Mass Media on Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Psychological Well-Being and Physical Activity. Structural Equation Analysis
Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle Habits during Pregnancy: Is There an Association with Small for Gestational Age Infants? An Italian Single Centre Experience
Body Composition Assessment and Mediterranean Diet Adherence in U12 Spanish Male Professional Soccer Players: Cross-Sectional Study
Poor adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with increased likelihood of metabolic syndrome components in children: the Healthy Growth Study
Twelve-Week Mediterranean Diet Intervention Increases Citrus Bioflavonoid Levels and Reduces Inflammation in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Mediterranean Diet Affects Blood Circulating Lipid-Soluble Micronutrients and Inflammatory Biomarkers in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Survivors: Results from the SETA …
Increased adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and higher efficacy beliefs are associated with better academic achievement: a longitudinal study of high school …
Association of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet and Mediterranean Diet with blood pressure in less-developed ethnic minority regions
Brain region-specific disruption of mitochondrial bioenergetics in cynomolgus macaques fed a Western versus a Mediterranean Diet
Health behaviours as predictors of the Mediterranean Diet adherence: a decision tree approach
Narrative review of Mediterranean Diet in Cilento: longevity and potential prevention for prostate cancer
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Arab Women Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Insomnia
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Turkish hospitalized older adults and its association with hospital clinical outcomes
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, dyslipidemia and inflammation in familial hypercholesterolemia
Effects of vegetarian versus Mediterranean Diet on kidney function: Findings from the CARDIVEG study
The association of the Mediterranean Diet with heart failure risk in a Dutch population
Dietary intake of patients with inflammatory bowel disease aligns poorly with traditional Mediterranean Diet principles
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mediterranean Diet, and Fetal Growth
Brazilian Portuguese version of the Mediterranean Diet scale: Translation procedures and measurement properties
… Unhealthy Obesity (MUO) Phenotypes in PCOS: Association with Endocrine-Metabolic Profile, Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, and Body Composition
Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity for Successful Aging: An Update for Nutritionists and Endocrinologists
The association between Dietary approaches to stop hypertension Diet and Mediterranean Diet with metabolic syndrome in a large sample of Iranian adults: YaHS and …
A weight-loss Mediterranean Diet/lifestyle intervention ameliorates inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: results of the “MIMOSA” …
Effects of Mediterranean Diet on plasma metabolites and their relationship with insulin resistance and gut microbiota composition in a crossover randomized clinical …
The rationale and design of a Mediterranean Diet accompanied by time restricted feeding to optimise the management of type 2 diabetes: The MedDietFast …
Presence and strategic use of the Mediterranean Diet in food marketing: Analysis and association of nutritional values and advertising claims from 2011 to …
Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Mediator of the Relationship of Recreational Screen Time on Mediterranean Diet Score in Schoolchildren
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on blood pressure in adults with and without hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Towards a Construction of the Mediterranean Diet? The Building of a Concept between Health, Sustainability and Culture
Comparative Study Regarding the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the Eating Habits of Two Groups—The Romanian Children and Adolescents Living in …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in health personnel from the province of Las Palmas
Self-Perceived Physical Activity and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Healthy Adolescents during COVID-19: Findings from the DIMENU Pilot Study
Study of Physical Fitness, Bone Quality, and Mediterranean Diet Adherence in Professional Female Beach Handball Players: Cross-Sectional Study
… Resistance Interval Training to a Nutritional Education on Body Composition, Body Image Perception and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Older Women
Mediterranean Diet and antihypertensive drug use: a randomized controlled trial
The Mediterranean Diet Benefit on Cardiovascular Hemodynamics and Erectile Function in Chronic Heart Failure Male Patients by Decoding Central and Peripheral …
Physical Activity and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Spanish Employees in a Health-Promotion Program before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic …
Impact of Mediterranean Diet on metabolic and inflammatory status of patients with polyvascular atherosclerotic disease
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and Selected Lifestyle Elements among Young Women with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus from Northeast Poland: A Case-Control …
The effect of a Mediterranean Diet vs. a low-fat Diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children: a randomized trial
Global trends and performances of Mediterranean Diet: A bibliometric analysis in CiteSpace
Impact of nutrients and Mediterranean Diet on the occurrence of gestational diabetes
Mediterranean Diet enriched in extra-virgin olive oil or nuts modulates circulating exosomal non-coding RNAs
A Randomized Trial Comparing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to a Mediterranean Diet in Adults with Crohn’s Disease
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and body composition of breast-feeding mothers: the potential role of unsaturated fatty acids
Effect of a Mediterranean Diet intervention on gastrointestinal function in Parkinson’s disease (the MEDI-PD study): study protocol for a randomised controlled …
Mediterranean Diet adherence and metabolic syndrome in US adolescents
Risk Factors and Diet Components Determining Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of a Prospective …
Impact of Mediterranean Diet prior to Stroke on the Prognosis of Patients Undergoing Endovascular Treatment
Physical activity and Mediterranean Diet as potential modulators of osteoprotegerin and soluble RANKL in gBRCA1/2 mutation carriers: results of the lifestyle …
The benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in First Psychosis Patients taking antipsychotics
The effects of Mediterranean Diet on hepatic steatosis, oxidative stress, and inflammation in adolescents with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized …
Use of social media, network avenues, blog and scientific information systems through the website promoting the Mediterranean Diet as a method of a health …
What Is the Mediterranean Diet?
Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Dietary Habits among University Students in Lebanon
Association of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and physical activity habits with the presence of insomnia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Relationships among Physical Self-Concept, Physical Activity and Mediterranean Diet in Adolescents from the Province of Granada
Low Mediterranean Diet scores are associated with reduced kidney function and health related quality of life but not other markers of cardiovascular risk in adults with …
The effect of a high-polyphenol Mediterranean Diet (GREEN-MED) combined with physical activity on age-related brain atrophy: the DIRECT PLUS …
The Mediterranean Diet Positively Affects Resting Metabolic Rate and Salivary Microbiota in Human Subjects: A Comparison with the Vegan Regimen
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet during COVID-19 national lockdowns: a systematic review
The Relationship of Vitamin D Status, Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, and Physical Activity in Obese Children and Adolescents
The Greek version of the Mediterranean Diet adherence screener: development and validation
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Is Associated With Lung Function in Older Adults: Data From the Health and Retirement Study
Acceptability and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in the UK: a …
Mediterranean Diet quality index is associated with better cardiorespiratory fitness and reduced systolic blood pressure in adults: A cross-sectional study
Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean Diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk of …
Development and validation of a short culture specific Food Frequency Questionnaire for Greek pregnant women and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.
The 3-Year Effect of the Mediterranean Diet Intervention on Inflammatory Biomarkers Related to Cardiovascular Disease
Association of Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet with Excess Body Mass, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Overweight or Obese Adults with or without …
Association of Mean Daily Polyphenols Intake with Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Anthropometric Indices in Healthy Greek Adults: A Retrospective Study
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Improves Fatty Acids Profile in Pediatric Patients with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
The social and psychological health of children is associated with Mediterranean Diet adherence items, cardiorespiratory fitness, and lifestyle
Protocol: Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean Diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk …
The Effect of Laser Therapy Along With Mediterranean Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet Only on Older Adults With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Overall Cancer Incidence: The Netherlands Cohort Study
The interaction between genetic polymorphisms in FTO, MC4R and MTHFR genes and adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in relation to obesity
Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Eating Disorders in Spanish Nurses with Shift Patterns: A Cross-Sectional Study
A statistical approach to the study of vitamin C and crude fiber in some horticultural plants to introduce the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Successful aging in Greeks living in Greece and abroad: the epidemiological Mediterranean Islands Study (MEDIS)
The Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Dietary Plan
Mediterranean Diet is inversely associated with steatosis and fibrosis and decreases ten-year diabetes and cardiovascular risk in NAFLD subjects: Results from the …
Mediterranean Diet and role of olive oil
Influence of Confinement Due to COVID-19 on Physical Activity and Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Its Relationship with Self-Esteem in Pre-Adolescent Students
Level of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Weight Status among Adolescent Female Gymnasts: A Cross-Sectional Study
Effects of the Mediterranean Diet adherence on body composition, blood parameters and quality of life in adults
The Mediterranean Diet in different age groups
Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Reduced Risk of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Smokers: Results of Two Prospective Cohort Studies
Evaluation of the Mediterranean Diet cost in Extremadura: adherence and relationship with available income
Mediterranean Diet and diabetes risk in a cohort study of individuals with prediabetes: propensity score analyses
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among adults during the COVID-19 outbreak and the economic crisis in Lebanon
Geospatial analysis of Mediterranean Diet adherence in the United States
Sustainable Dietetic models in Europe: the Mediterranean Diet as case study
Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity: Two Imperative Components in Breast Cancer Prevention
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet decreases the risk of stroke in the Lebanese population: a case-control study
Effects of an Avocado-based Mediterranean Diet on Serum Lipids for Secondary Prevention after Ischemic Stroke Trial (ADD-SPISE): Study protocol
Associations between Diet quality, DASH and Mediterranean Dietary patterns and migraine characteristics
The importance of Mediterranean Diet and hydration habitus in patients with lower limb ulcers: A pilot study
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria
Which Diet has the lower water footprint in Mediterranean countries?
Mediterranean Diet?
Non-adherence to Mediterranean Diet and synergy with lifestyle habits in the occurrence of breast cancer: a case-control study in Italy
MIND and Mediterranean Diet association with Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Mediterranean Diet in Europe: how are mature adults and elderly moving closer to this Diet pattern?
Author Response: Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet among adults in Ireland: a cross-sectional study
Gut microbiome influences the protective effects of a Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the impact on clinical features in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
Effect of Mediterranean Diet versus low caloric Diet on rheumatoid arthritis disease activity
Effects of the affinity to the Mediterranean Diet pattern together with breastfeeding on the incidence of childhood asthma and other inflammatory and recurrent …
… through Social Networks 2.0 to Increase Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Improve Lung Function in Active Smokers: The Diet Study, a Randomized …
The Mediterranean Diet between traditional foods and human health through culinary examples
Healthy Diet for Older Adults: A Focus on Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet, walking outdoors and polypharmacy in older patients with type II diabetes
Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle Index Development for Older Adults
Reduction in Circulating Advanced Glycation End Products by Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Increased Likelihood of Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Patients …
Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean Diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk of dementia …
An upward trajectory in adherence to Mediterranean Diet is associated with favourable changes in inflammation biomarkers
The Mediterranean and Nordic Diet: a review of differences and similarities of two sustainable, health-promoting Dietary patterns
Development and validation of a short culture-specific food frequency questionnaire for Greek pregnant women and their adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet in the Western Balkans
Mediterranean Diet, lifestyle and quality of life in Sardinian patients affected with Hidradenitis suppurativa
Commentary on “Effect of green-Mediterranean Diet on intrahepatic fat: the DIRECT PLUS randomised controlled trial”
Mediterranean Diet and Cancer.
Clinical Impact of Mediterranean Diet Adherence before and after Bariatric Surgery: A Narrative Review
Body composition, lipid profile and Mediterranean Diet adherence in cardiovascular disease patients attending a long-term exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation …
Mediterranean Diet and White Blood Cell Count-A Randomized Controlled Trial
Mediterranean Diet as a Healthy, Sustainable, and Secure Food Pattern
APOA-5 Genetic Variant rs662799: Role in Lipid Changes and Insulin Resistance after a Mediterranean Diet in Caucasian Obese Subjects
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, level of physical activity and body dissatisfaction in subjects 16–50 years old in the Region of Murcia, Spain
Compliance of Bronchial Asthma Patients’ with the Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet consumption affects the endocannabinoid system and Akkermansia muciniphila gut levels in overweight and obese subjects
What about Mediterranean Diet as tool to improve sleep quality in obesity?
Mediterranean Diet—A Healthy Dietary Pattern and Lifestyle for Strong Immunity
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and risk of functional constipation in children in Turkey: case–control study.
Ecological Momentary Assessments as a Tool to Monitor and Promote the Mediterranean Diet Adherence in the Context of the PENSA Study
The Mediterranean Diet and Lung Cancer; a Review of Case-Control Studies.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: An online questionnaire based-study in a Spanish population sample just before the Covid-19 lockdown
Acute and chronic improvement in postprandial glucose metabolism by a Diet resembling the traditional Mediterranean Dietary pattern: Can SCFAs play a role?
Several Components of the Lebanese Mediterranean Diet and Particular Sociodemographic, Medical and Lifestyle Factors may be Associated with Gastroesophageal …
Mobility and Muscle Strength Trajectories: The Effect of Mediterranean Diet, Physical Activity, and Social Support
The potential role of Diet on mental health outcomes in a Mediterranean cohort
Vitamin E: Natural Antioxidant in the Mediterranean Diet
Comment on: Beneficial effect of Mediterranean Diet on disease activity and cardiovascular risk in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: a cross-sectional study
Editors’ Note: Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age
The Significance of the Mediterranean Diet in the Management of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review
Gut microbial richness as an earlier biomarker of Mediterranean Diet intervention in type 2 diabetes metabolic control
The science behind the Mediterranean Diet The science behind the Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet (2010), non-communicable diseases and lifestyle in online postgraduate Spanish students in the food area
Global relationship between Mediterranean Diet and the incidence and mortality of ischaemic heart disease
Physical Education and the Adoption of Habits Related to the Mediterranean Diet
Med-index: a food product labeling system to promote adherence to the Mediterranean Diet encouraging producers to make healthier and more sustainable food …
Relationship between the Risk of Gastric Cancer and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet According to Different Estimators. MCC—Spain Study
The Impact of Olive Oil and Mediterranean Diet on the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in child and adolescent athletes: a systematic review
Mediterranean Diet and blood pressure reduction in adults with and without hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and its associations with circulating cytokines, musculoskeletal health and incident falls in community-dwelling older men: The …
The role of Mediterranean Diet in mental health in pandemic times
Patterns of Red and Processed Meat Consumption across Generations: A Shift from the Traditional Mediterranean Diet
Intake of a Mediterranean Diet Reduces Atherogenic Lipid Profiles but the Effect Is Diminished by Daily Egg Intake
The Easy Thing (ET) observational study: evaluation of adherence to Mediterranean Diet and role of a program of nutritional intervention performed by North …
Cereals and Pulses: A Duet of the Mediterranean Diet for a Healthier Future
Protocol: Acceptability and adherence to a Mediterranean Diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in the UK …
Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mediterranean Diet. A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
Healthy aging in the context of the Mediterranean Diet–health-environment trilemma
Cut-off for the Mediterranean Diet score to identify subjects with morning chronotype in middle-aged Italian adults
The Effect of Parental Education on Mediterranean Diet Adherence among School Children in Shiraz, Southern Iran
Olive Phenomenon from the Mediterranean Diet: Health Promotion Via Phytochemicals
Opuntia Ficus-Indica a Mediterranean Diet Product. Proceedings 2021, 68, x
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Determinants Among Pregnant Women: The NELA Cohort
The Dietary inflammatory index in women diagnosed with breast cancer after 12 months of Dietary. Treatment with a Mediterranean Diet low in glycemic index: data …
The influence of Mediterranean Diet in acne pathogenesis and the correlation with insulin-like growth factor-1 serum levels: implications and results
Assessment of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in university Health Sciences students and its relationship with level of physical activity
The whiteness of the Mediterranean Diet: A historical, sociopolitical, and Dietary analysis using Critical Race Theory
Harnessing the Mediterranean Diet to prevent osteoarthritis
Mediterranean Diet and its components: potential to optimize cognition across the lifespan
The domestic consumption of firewood in preindustrial Seville, 1518–1775. An intensive bias driven by the Mediterranean Diet
Cross-sectional study on the relationship between physical activity and the quality of the Mediterranean Diet in baccalaureate students in Murcia (Spain)
Effectiveness on major cardiovascular risk factors of an educational program to promote a Mediterranean type of Diet among the employees of the company FCA Italia …
The Mediterranean Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach
… from Diet comparison difficult to interpret in the absence of adherence assessment. Comment on Tricò et al. Effects of low-carbohydrate versus Mediterranean …
Influence of the confinement that occurred in Spain due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak on adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Genetically Guided Mediterranean Diet for the Personalized Nutritional Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients 2021, 13, 355
High-Density Lipoproteins and Mediterranean Diet: A Systematic Review. Nutrients 2021, 13, 955
The Mediterranean Diet in Osteoporosis Prevention: An Insight in a Peri-and Post-Menopausal Population. Nutrients 2021, 13, 531
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, is there any relationship with main indices of central fat in adolescent competitive swimmers?
Unexpected Effects on Some Spanish Cultural Landscapes of the Mediterranean Diet
Food Literacy Is Associated With Adherence to a Mediterranean-Style Diet in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Correction: Mediterranean Diet and quality of life in women treated for breast cancer: A baseline analysis of DEDiCa multicentre trial
Promoting Cardiovascular Health: Addressing Barriers to Implementing the Mediterranean Diet
Effects of the Traditional Mediterranean Diet in Patients with Otitis Media with Effusion
Assessment of the Cost of the Mediterranean Diet in a Low-Income Region: Adherence and Relationship with Available Incomes
Mediterranean Diet in the treatment of metabolic syndrome: nutritional therapy and life perspective
Perimenopausal Nutritional Management Based on the Mediterranean Diet
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on histological indicators and imaging tests in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Evaluation of Mediterranean Diet adherence in children diagnosed with pancreatitis: A case-control study [Evaluación de la adhesión a la Dieta mediterránea en niños …
Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Eating in Subjects with Prediabetes from the Mollerussa Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Nutrients 2021, 13, 252
A High Protein Diet Is More Effective in Improving Insulin Resistance and Glycemic Variability Compared to a Mediterranean Diet—A Cross-Over Controlled …
Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in the EPIC-Spain Dementia Cohort Study. Nutrients 2021, 13, 700
Effect of Mediterranean Diet on liver enzymes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Positive Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Prostate Cancer Progression
A Generation Shift in Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Its Association with Biological Markers and Health in Dalmatia, Croatia. Nutrients 2021, 13, 4564
The Mediterranean Diet, an environmentally friendly option: evidence from the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra…
No-added-oil Mediterranean Diet: A Novel Aging Deceleration Diet?
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among Adults in Lebanon.
Mediterranean Diet and cognitive function: From methodology to mechanisms of action
Characteristics, Nutritional Status, and Lipid Profile of Dyslipidemia Patients with Mediterranean Diet
Metabolic Biomarkers of Mediterranean Diet in Pregnant Women
Polyphenols in the Mediterranean Diet: From Dietary Sources to microRNA Modulation. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 328
Mediterranean Diet adherence among cosmetology students
Is a Mediterranean Diet associated with subjective well-being among adults with overweight and obesity? The key role of fruit and vegetable consumption and body …
The Mediterranean Diet: Healthy and sustainable Dietary pattern in the time of Sars-Cov-2
Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Among Participants in a Health-Promotion Program
Relationship between dental caries and adherence to Mediterranean Diet in a population of children
Lifestyles and sociodemographic factors associated with high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the adult population of the Valencian Community (Spain)
The influence of the Mediterranean Diet on glucose metabolism
The Mediterranean Diet and Dietary approach to stop hypertension (DASH)-style Diet are differently associated with lipid profile in a large sample of Iranian …
Influence of Mediterranean Diet on survival from covid-19 disease
Impulsiveness in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder after an 8-week intervention with the Mediterranean Diet and/or omega-3 fatty acids: a …
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and anthropometric profile of obese Algerian subjects
Effects of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet on Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey
Physical Activity and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Spanish Employees in a Health-Promotion Program before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic …
Association of Adherence to the Mediterranean-Style Diet with Lower Frailty Index in Older Adults
Decrease Blood Pressure on Hypertensive Patients with Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Trial on Health, Longevity and Prevention of Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases-A Preliminary Announcement
Food Legislation: Particularities in Spain for Typical Products of the Mediterranean Diet
Influence of breakfast on adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and weight status among student teachers in Madrid
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and academic performance in schoolchildren from 1st and 2nd of Compulsory School
The Mediterranean Diet
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in patients with osteoarthritis and healthy subjects using the medas questionnaire
Which Diet for Crohn’s disease? Food for thought on the specific carbohydrate Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and beyond
The impact of Mediterranean Diet on coronary plaque vulnerability, microvascular function, inflammation, and microbiome after an acute coronary syndrome …
The Role of a Mediterranean Diet in the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Impact of an educational intervention on the quality of the Mediterranean Diet, physical activity and weight status in adolescents: Randomised clinical trial
P–716 The relationship of men’s adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with sperm parameters and outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies
Effect of Telemedicine Dietary Intervention for Endothelial Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Mediterranean Diet.
Inverse Association Between the Mediterranean Diet and COVID-19 Risk in Lebanon: A Case-Control Study
MeDiWeB: Impact of Mediterranean Diet and other lifestyle factors on well-being
Feasibility and acceptability of a multi-domain intervention to increase Mediterranean Diet adherence and physical activity in older UK adults at risk of dementia …
Effects of Lycopene and the Mediterranean Diet on Prostate Cancer: A Critical Analysis of the Data
Adherence to he pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet (2010), non-communicable diseases and lifestyle in online postgraduate Spanish students in the food …
Eating habits and Diet quality in university students ofteaching in relation to their adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.
Poor adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is associated with increased risk of Metabolic Syndrome in children. The Healthy Growth Study.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Determinants Among Pregnant Women: The NELA Cohort
Effectiveness of a modified Mediterranean Diet recipe plus moderate exercise before and during pregnancy among women at high risk of gestational diabetes
Association of the Mediterranean Diet with cognition in a Western population
Effects of a Behavior Change Protocol Utilizing a Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Health Coaching on Hemoglobin A1c in Adults with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes …
Opuntia ficus-indica a Mediterranean Diet product.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in pregnant women from the NELA cohort (Nutrition in Early Life and Asthma): lnfluence on the microbiota of infants and the early …
Mediterranean Diet Basics Mediterranean Diet Pros The Mediterranean Diet may lower your risk of chronic diseases. The Mediterranean Diet isn’t about …
Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on Breast Cancer Risk: What Role does the Microbiome Play?
The impact of the Mediterranean Diet on gut microbiota in diabesity
Mediterranean Diet or genome-based nutrition Diets in Latin America’s clinical practice guidelines for managing chronic liver diseases?
The relationship between Mediterranean Diet adherence and mindful eating among individuals with high education level
Mediterranean Diet and the hallmarks of ageing
Role of Mediterranean Diet Lowering Cardiovascular Risks in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Mediterranean Diet versus a Low-Carbohydrate Diet in Reducing Colorectal Cancer Risk
Effects of a Calorie-Restricted Mediterranean-Style Diet on Plasma Lipids in Hypercholesterolemic South Korean Patients
Mediterranean Diet not so impressive
The Eveningness Chronotype and Lower Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Are Associated With Depressive Symptoms in Older Subjects With Metabolic …
Phase angle and Mediterranean Diet in patients with acne: Two easy tools for assessing the clinical severity of disease
Biochemical factors associated with adherence to a Mediterranean Diet
Turkish population’s adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and fear of Covid-19 during Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns
Effectiveness of a Mediterranean Diet on Wound Healing
Irrational beliefs as a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, among people away from the Mediterranean Diet; the Attica epidemiological study.
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the practice of resistance training
The Secrets of the Mediterranean Diet. Does [Only] Olive Oil Matter?
The Mediterranean Diet For Men Over 50: Intermittent Fasting, Recipes, A little History, Exercise, And Advice!
Mediterranean Diet and therapeutic implications.
Sustainable food systems and healthy Diets: the case of Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet-A Way to Reduce The Risk of Cardiometabolic Diseases: the Adherence in a Sample of Children
Mediterranean Diet and Structural Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s and Cerebrovascular Disease: A Systematic Review
Association between Mediterranean Diet and Parkinson’s disease in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
The Impact of a Ketogenic Diet vs the Mediterranean Diet on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors of Obese Adults
Prevalence of multimorbidity in the Cypriot population and its relationship with Mediterranean Diet and quality of sleep; a crosssectional study (2018-2019)
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in tutors and residents of a Multiprofessional Teaching Unit for Family and Community Care in Tenerife
Mediterranean Diet Adherence, Gut Microbiota, and Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease Risk: A Systematic Review
Abstract MP04: Taste Perception Profiles Are Associated With Patterns Of Adherence To A Mediterranean Diet Among Older Adults With Metabolic Syndrome
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in metabolically health and unhealthy obese women
Mobile Device-assisted Dietary Ecological Momentary Assessments for the Evaluation of the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Continuous Manner.
Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) study: rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a randomized control trial of the MIND …
Influence of physical activity, the Mediterranean Diet and sociodemographic variables on the values of different cardiovascular risk scales
Mediterranean Diet Trajectories And Changes In Cardiovascular Risk Factors And Inflammation Markers Over A 12.7 Years Follow-up: Prospective Findings From The …
Assessment of the Methodology That Is Used to Determine the Nutritional Sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet—A Scoping Review
The Mediterranean Diet from Health to Lifestyle and Sustainable Future
… Traits and Type 2 Diabetes: Gene-Diet Interactions Focusing on Selected Gene Variants and at the Genome-Wide Level in High-Cardiovascular Risk Mediterranean …
Randomized parallel-group pilot trial (Best foods for your heart) comparing the effects of a Mediterranean Portfolio Diet with a low saturated fat Diet on HIV dyslipidemia
Mediterranean Diet with lean beef may lower risk factors for heart disease
Long term effect of Mediterranean Diet on weight loss
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Some Anthropometric Measurements of University Students
Determination of university student’s adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Dietary habits
Association between body mass index and Diet quality index-international and Mediterranean Diet compliance during Covid-19 pandemic
Looking for Commensality: On Culture, Health, Heritage, and the Mediterranean Diet
The Gut Microbiome and Cognition and Their Response to a Mediterranean Diet and Weight Loss
Food protein induced allergic proctocolitis: The effect of maternal Mediterranean Diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Evaluation of the association of Mediterranean Diet adherence and quality of life in cancer patients treated with immunotherapy
A score appraising Paleolithic Diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease in a Mediterranean prospective cohort
Civilians Have Higher Adherence and More Improvements in Health with a Mediterranean Diet and Circuit Training Program Compared to Firefighters.
Effect of a Ketogenic Diet vs Mediterranean Diet on HbA1c: The Keto-Med Randomized Crossover Trial
Muscari comosum L.: the ancient wild plant protagonist of the Mediterranean Diet and its effects on liver cancer cells.
Innovations in satiety based on foods and ingredients of the Mediterranean Diet to regulate overweight and obesity
Combinations of Dietary calcium intake and Mediterranean-style Diet on risk of hip fracture: A longitudinal cohort study of 82,000 women and men
Influence of the confinement that occurred in Spain due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak on adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.
Association of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet with adiposity and muscle mass in female young adults
Association between Mediterranean Diet Score and age-related macular degeneration in Korean elderly
Mediterranean Diet as intangible heritage of humanity: 10 years on
Quality of life and adherence to Mediterranean Diet among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients of a primary health care clinic in Hebron city, Palestine
Carotenoids in the Mediterranean Diet and their association with age-related macular degeneration
Mediterranean-Style Diet and Birth Outcomes in an Urban, Multiethnic, and Low-Income US Population
Adherence to The Mediterranean Diet Among Adolescent Female Volleyball Players And Non-Athlete Controls
Long-term consumption of a Mediterranean Diet or a low-fat Diet on kidney function in coronary heart disease patients: the CORDIOPREV randomized controlled trial
Role of the rs10401670 variant in the resistin gene on the metabolic response after weight loss secondary to a high‐fat hypocaloric Diet with a Mediterranean pattern
Association of a Mediterranean Diet and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption with Subjective Well-Being among Adults with Overweight and Obesity.
Interplay Between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Lipid Profile: A Comparative Survey Between Day-Time Healthcare and Non-healthcare Female …
Mediterranean Diet, body esteem and anthropometric parameters in acrobatic teenage gymnasts/Dieta mediterránea, estima corporal y parámetros antropométricos …
… from Diet Comparison Difficult to Interpret in the Absence of Adherence Assessment. Comment on “Tricò et al. Effects of Low-Carbohydrate versus Mediterranean …
… is Associated with Changes in Gut Microbiome: A Randomized, Cross-Over Trial Comparing a Mediterranean and a Low-Fat Vegan Diet in Overweight Adults.
Combinations of Dietary calcium intake and Mediterranean-style Diet on risk of hip fracture: A longitudinal cohort study of 82,000 women and men
… -carbon metabolism-related gene polymorphisms with breast cancer risk are modulated by Diet, being higher when adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary pattern is …
Mediterranean Diet adherence in people with Parkinson’s disease reduces constipation symptoms and changes fecal microbiota after a 5-week single-arm pilot …
Adiponectin Gene Variant rs3774261, Effects on Lipid Profile and Adiponectin Levels after a High Polyunsaturated Fat Hypocaloric Diet with Mediterranean Pattern
Metformin Use and Cognitive Function in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Following a Mediterranean Diet Intervention
Feasibility of a high-PRotein Mediterranean-style Diet and resistance Exercise in cardiac Rehabilitation patients with sarcopenic obesity (PRiMER): Study protocol for …
Inflammatory potential of Diet and bone mineral density in a senior Mediterranean population: a cross-sectional analysis of PREDIMED-Plus study
The Development of the Mediterranean-Style Dietary Pattern Score and Its Application to the American Diet in the…
Variety in fruits and vegetables, Diet quality and lifestyle in an older adult Mediterranean population
… of the Variant Rs3774261 of Adiponectin Gene on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Adiponectin Levels After a High Fat Hypocaloric Diet with Mediterranean …
Development of a nutrition management software based on selected Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes to support personalized Diet and weight management
… Loss Is Associated with Changes in Gut Microbiome: A Randomized, Crossover Trial Comparing a Mediterranean and a Low-Fat Vegan Diet in Overweight Adults
… in response to the article” Effectiveness on major cardiovascular risk factors of an educational program to promote a Mediterranean type of Diet among the employees …
A Mediterranean-type Diet improved systemic inflammation in multiple sclerosis patients, as compared to the traditional Iranian Diet: A single-center randomized …
Investigating factors that influence adoption of and adherence to Mediterranean style Diet in healthy adults who live in England.
Diet Composition and Isotopic Analysis of Nine Important Fisheries Resources in the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean)
Abstract MP57: A South Asian Mediterranean-style Diet Pattern Is Associated With Favorable Measures Of Adiposity And A Lower Risk Of Incident Diabetes: Findings …
The role of modified Mediterranean neuroprotective Diet on emotion, cognition, and depression
Stable isotope evidence of human Diet in Mediterranean context during the Last Glacial Maximum
Adherence to Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet Can Decreased Risk of Age Associated Poor Muscle Strength; A Cross …
… 1 polymorphism and the Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet (MIND) Diet on Metabolic dyslipidemia in …
Cephalopods in the Diet of Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) from the Mediterranean Sea: A review
Using DNA metabarcoding to decipher the Diet plant component of mammals from the Eastern Mediterranean region
Large-scale spatial patterns of small-mammal communities in the Mediterranean region revealed by Barn owl Diet
Diet of the Deep-Sea Shark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810, in the Mediterranean Sea: What We Know and What We Should Know
A comparison of the Diet of urban and forest great tits in a Mediterranean habitat
A Mediterranean-Based Ketogenic Diet Application Compared to a Calorie-Restricted Low-Fat Diet Application on Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults With Overweight or …
Linking obesity, obesity-related diseases, Mediterranean style-Diet and gut microbiota in pediatrics
Unravelling Diet composition and niche segregation of colonial waterbirds in a Mediterranean wetland using stable isotopes
Sidon on the breadth of the wild sea: Movement and Diet on the Mediterranean coast in the Middle Bronze Age
Cooked broiler meat quality affected by different Mediterranean medicinal plants in the Diet
Pre-pregnancy Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Mediterranean Style Diet, And Risk Of Preeclampsia In The Boston Birth Cohort
… neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphism rs 10767664 affects metabolic parameters after weight loss secondary to high fat hypocaloric Diet with Mediterranean …
485 The Relationship Between Diet Mediterranean Quality Index (KIDMED) and nutritional status in preschool children
A comparison of visual observation and DNA metabarcoding to assess the Diet of juvenile sea turtle Caretta caretta in the French Mediterranean sea
Associations of the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet with cardiac remodeling in the community: The Framingham Heart Study.
What are you doing here? Investigating on an unexpected association in shallow Mediterranean dark caves sheds light on the Diet of Marionia blainvillea (Mollusca …
Assessing the effect of modified Mediterranean‐ketogenic Diet on mild cognitive impairment patients through plasma neuron‐derived exosomes
Modified Mediterranean ketogenic Diet resolves default mode network connectivity differences between adults with normal and impaired cognition
An Investigation of Plant-Based, Mediterranean, Paleolithic and Dash Diets on Cardiovascular Disease Risk (VA Beach Diet Study)
Shedding light on the Diet of the Lessepsian yellowspotted puffer Torquigener flavimaculosus Hardy and Randall, 1983 in the Eastern Mediterranean
… MP09: Untargeted 1H Nmr Metabolomics Metabolomic Analysis Reveals Pathways Of Protection Between Mediterranean-style Diet And Incident Cardiovascular …
Diet study of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus, 1758)(Carangiformes Carangidae) caught in Béni-Saf Bay, Western Mediterranean Sea …
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