Once, in the realm where the earth meets the sky,
There lived a man, his heart as dry as the desert’s eye.
In his chest, a hollow, a cavernous hole,
A thirst unquenched, greed had stolen his soul.
Merchants came, with treasures wrapped in silk,
Lured by the shine, the man drank greed like milk.
Gold and jewels, he hoarded with glee,
Yet in the midst of plenty, he was not free.
“More, more!” He cried, his heart a barren field,
Lost in the labyrinth of want, to avarice, he kneeled.
The world turned around him, a carousel of desire,
His spirit, once a sun, now a dwindling fire.
One day, the sky wept, a storm like never before,
His treasure, his pride, washed away to the seashore.
In the mirror of loss, the man saw his reflection,
An empty shell, devoid of direction.
In the quiet of his ruin, a whisper arose,
In the heart of his despair, a secret exposed.
The silence spoke, “Seek not outside, but within,
The treasure you seek is buried beneath your skin.”
Drenched in the rain of loss, he began to see,
The key to abundance was not a golden key.
The sun rose within him, a dawn of gratitude,
He understood, enough is not a measure, but an attitude.
Barefoot, he walked on the soil of self-love,
Felt the pulse of the earth, the sky above.
The man, once empty, now brimmed with light,
In the garden of his heart, every flower took flight.
He danced with joy, sang with the breeze,
His soul, once chained, now flowed with ease.
Redemption was not a distant shore,
But the journey to self, nothing more.
“Enough.” He whispered, his heart a blooming rose,
In the symphony of existence, he found repose.
The man who was lost, now was found,
In the silence of being, he was unbound.
And so, it’s beautiful to feel you have enough,
Not in the excess, but in the simple and rough.
To drink from the chalice of gratitude and love,
Is to taste the nectar of the stars above.
To know oneself, to truly see,
Is to understand, you are the key.
The treasure you seek is not afar,
You are the journey, you are the star.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.