1. Homeostasis : Think of your body as a well-oiled machine that’s always trying to keep everything balanced. This balance is called homeostasis.
2. Signal Reception : When something changes in your body, like when you start exercising or haven’t eaten in a while, your body sends a signal that it needs more energy.
3. Signal Interpretation : This signal goes to your brain, which acts like a control center, figuring out what needs to be done.
4. Hormone Regulation : Your brain then sends out orders to your body to start making certain hormones.
5. Gland Stimulation : These orders go to specific factories in your body called glands, telling them to start making these hormones.
6. Hormone Production : The glands start making the hormones.
7. Hormone Release and Transport : Once the hormones are made, they’re sent out into your bloodstream, like trucks delivering a package.
8. Hormone Binding : These hormones are like keys that fit into specific locks, called receptors, on the surface of cells.
9. Activation of Adenylate Cyclase : When the hormone keys fit into the cell locks, it starts a reaction inside the cell.
10. Production of cAMP : This reaction changes a molecule called ATP into another molecule called cAMP.
11. Activation of PKA : This cAMP molecule then activates a worker inside the cell called Protein Kinase A (PKA). [Interstellar Blend ™ PURGE enters here activating PKA]
12. Lipolysis : PKA then gets to work breaking down fat in the cell into smaller parts.
13. Beta-Oxidation : These smaller parts, called fatty acids, are then sent to the cell’s power plants, called mitochondria.
14. Citric Acid Cycle : Inside the mitochondria, the fatty acids are broken down even more, releasing carbon dioxide and transferring energy to other molecules.
15. Electron Transport Chain : This energy is then used to make ATP, the body’s energy currency, and water.
16. Excretion : Finally, the carbon dioxide is breathed out when you exhale, and the water is removed from your body when you sweat or go to the bathroom.
Boom! In a nutshell, when your body needs more energy, it sends out signals to start a process that breaks down fat in your cells, turns it into energy and water, and releases carbon dioxide that you breathe out.
Here are potential issues that could occur at each step of the process:
1. Homeostasis : Disruptions in homeostasis due to illness, injury, or environmental changes can affect the body’s ability to maintain balance.
2. Signal Reception : If the body fails to detect changes that require a hormonal response, it may not send the necessary signals for hormone production.
3. Signal Interpretation : Misinterpretation of signals by the brain could lead to inappropriate hormonal responses.
4. Hormone Regulation : Disruptions in the feedback mechanisms that regulate hormone production can lead to hormonal imbalances.
5. Gland Stimulation : If the gland is damaged or diseased, it may not respond properly to stimulation signals.
6. Hormone Production : Disorders of the endocrine glands can impair hormone production.
7. Hormone Release and Transport : Problems with hormone release or transport proteins can prevent hormones from reaching their target cells.
8. Hormone Binding : Mutations in hormone receptors can prevent hormones from binding and initiating the necessary cellular responses.
9. Activation of Adenylate Cyclase : If adenylate cyclase is not activated, ATP will not be converted into cAMP.
10. Production of cAMP : Without cAMP, Protein Kinase A (PKA) cannot be activated.
11. Activation of PKA : If PKA is not activated, hormone-sensitive lipase will not be activated to break down triglycerides.
12. Lipolysis : If lipolysis is impaired, triglycerides will not be broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.
13. Beta-Oxidation : If beta-oxidation is impaired, fatty acids will not be converted into acetyl CoA.
14. Citric Acid Cycle : If the citric acid cycle is disrupted, acetyl CoA will not be broken down and carbon dioxide will not be produced.
15. Electron Transport Chain : If the electron transport chain is disrupted, ATP will not be produced and water will not be formed.
16. Excretion : Problems with the respiratory or urinary systems can impair the excretion of carbon dioxide and water.
It’s important to note that these are potential issues and may not occur in every individual. The body has many mechanisms in place to maintain balance and ensure that these processes function properly. However, understanding these potential issues can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various health conditions.
Alcohol and sugar/carbs can hinder fat loss because they both impact the body’s metabolism and energy storage processes. When you consume alcohol, your body prioritizes metabolizing it over other nutrients because alcohol is seen as a toxin that needs to be eliminated quickly. This means that while your body is busy processing alcohol, it temporarily stops burning fat, which can slow down fat loss efforts. Additionally, alcohol is calorie-dense and can contribute to an excess caloric intake, further impeding fat loss. On the other hand, consuming high amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, promoting fat storage rather than fat burning. By eliminating or significantly reducing alcohol and sugar/carbs, you can minimize these metabolic disruptions, allowing your body to focus more effectively on burning stored fat, thus accelerating fat loss.
Join Censorship Free Telegram group HERE
[a cycle is 4 days; 88 hour fast + 8 hour feast]
*Sound impossible? It’s not. Multiple people have already achieved this and greater!
75 lbs in a month = $1500 prize
1. Tia Riki 75.6 lbs!
100 lbs in a month
Current record holder:
Christina Chang
101.6 lbs
in 29 days!
How did she do it?
$600 Interstellar 88/8 WON
$2000 30 in 5 Challenge WON TWICE!
$500 BONUS for breaking 100lbs in less than 30 days!
Blends used to WIN? HERE
To do the 75 or 100 you MUST net 25lbs cycle 1 and MUST walk a MINIMUM of 10 MILES DAILY! This is not for weak whiny wusses!!!!! 15 MILES a day RECOMMENDED! Double up on socks and get some comfortable shoes!!!
Here’s your roadmap:
3 successful cycles of 88/8 completed
Total weight lost in 12 days:
More to be announced soon!
What is it?
Predominantly dry; you are allowed 4 1 oz espresso shots with 1/8 -1/4 tsp AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATING Interstellar blends 4 hours apart (ie. micro dry fasting/fluid restricted) —no additional water allowed. 4 oz max a day.
EXAMPLE of a daily regiment outlined below.
Followed by…
(hence the name 88/8)
*be sure to drink water (1.5-2 gallons) with hibiscus tea and electrolytes until urine clear and you are peeing like crazy during this time (24 oz an hour x 8)
Begin weeks in advance by practicing 22/2 until effortless.
Supplies needed:
***To walk 10-15 miles a day in a fasted state you NEED ENERGY! Ever tried walking long distances while fasting?? Yeah it’s not fun. You feel weak, light headed, cranky, miserable! With INTERSTELLAR BLENDS you got energy for days!
ALL YOU NEED TO WIN (message for password):
1/8 tsp at the beginning of each cycle in fresh grapefruit juice; if coming up short on weight do another 1/8 tsp 6 hours before cycle weigh in.
ice bath or cold pool, river, lake
ATTENTION: You are obese and sick BECAUSE you are IMPULSIVE. Starting the 88/8 ill prepared and impulsively is a GUARANTEED FAIL! Look at your life and be HONEST; as soon as you feel anxiety or low self worth you reach for food. That’s WHY you are where you are at. Don’t worry though! This is not meant to make you feel bad. We are gonna fix all that! BUT I need you to be METHODICAL and NOT impulsive. Read, reread, print it out and READ AGAIN— FOLLOW EXACT PROTOCOL below and you will DEFINITELY WIN!!!!
Most that start BEFORE blends arrive quit; I recommend BE PATIENT, and SMART and DO IT RIGHT. Figure out your socks and shoes first and PRACTICE! Blisters will not be a fun experience for you. Double even triple layer your socks if need be. Get the most comfortable shoes you can afford. Stretch, stretch, stretch and more stretch! Going from couch potato to walking 10-20 miles a day is a HUGE CHANGE. Start 22/2 intermittent fasting one meal a day and first day walk 1 mile, next day walk 2 miles, next day walk 3 miles, next day walk 4 miles etc. You want to WIN???
OK! Then prepare PROPERLY and YOU WILL.
Doesn’t matter but whatever time you BEGIN you will be ending 8 hours prior. For instance: Start at 8pm; break at noon 88 hours later! Start at midnight; end at 4pm 88 hours later. Make sense? Got a special engagement coming up you don’t want to miss? No problem! Just schedule your 88 to end before that time so you can partake in festivities! Simple!
Start TWO DAYS before the fast and drink 16-24 oz of water each hour until PEEING LIKE CRAZY. That’s 48 hours and 4 gallons. Add hibiscus tea & keto electrolytes (4 scoops electrolytes per gallon). If properly hydrated you should be going to the bathroom frequently. If you fail to properly hydrate you will not downregulate Aldosterone and you will retain water and get subpar results. Keep drinking until you are peeing every 15-20 minutes. A good two days of solid hydration is recommended for best results BEFORE beginning cycle 1.
*PRIOR: Add 1 TABLESPOON baking soda in water beginning of each cycle.
IMPORTANT: If you prepped right you will be peeing every 15-20 minutes— this signals that aldosterone is DOWNREGULATED and that body is in “flush mode” and you are clear for take off.
Aldosterone release causes sodium and water retention, which causes increased blood volume, and a subsequent increase in blood pressure, which is sensed by the baroreceptors. … This results in sodium retention in the kidney, leading to water retention and increased blood volume.
Aldosterone, the main mineralocorticoid hormone, is a steroid hormone produced by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland.[1][2] It is essential for sodium conservation in the kidney, salivary glands, sweat glands and colon.[3] It plays a central role in the homeostaticregulation of blood pressure, plasma sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+) levels. It does so primarily by acting on the mineralocorticoid receptors in the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephron.[3]It influences the reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium (from and into the tubular fluids, respectively) of the kidney, thereby indirectly influencing water retention or loss, blood pressureand blood volume.[4] When dysregulated, aldosterone is pathogenic and contributes to the development and progression of cardiovascular and kidney disease.[5] Aldosterone has exactly the opposite function of the atrial natriuretic hormonesecreted by the heart.[4]
Interstellar longevity shake
2. Begin 88 hour dry fast.
NO WATER ON THE 88. Espresso shots with blends ONLY. Total liquid daily intake should be around 4oz.
Example of how to use the blends on the 88/8 (DEPENDING ON WHAT YOU HAVE):
1/4 tsp
Peel 200:1
Spice 200:1
1/2 tsp
1 tsp
all together and take in equally divided doses every 4 hours in black coffee 1-4 Oz max!
All of the above is in this:
4 x 4 hours covers 16 hours the other 8 hours for sleep = 24 hours. Repeat.
COFFEE INHIBITS MTOR (hence the espresso shots with blends on the challenge every 4 hours)
“Regular and decaffeinated coffee consumption decreased plasma-free fatty acid levels, increased hepatic adenosine triphosphate content, and decreased total mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and phosphorylated mTOR (p-mTOR) protein content in the liver.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/
3. Cold exposure to release fgf21.
When hungry, thirsty, low energy employ 20 minute or longer ice bath including head immersion. If you have ice vest wear it for an hour or longer daily.
For those that want to experiment going the extra mile, do 1000 mg L-CARNOSINE a few hours before your daily ice baths. Ice baths release Irisin and FGF21 and Carnosine amplifies the effects. This will increase the “sting” but that’s a good thing as it signals brown fat activation!
4. Moderate cardio interval training.
MANDATORY: MUST WALK 10 MILES A DAY. (20 min a mile pace; that’s 200 minutes or less)
You should EASILY be 10lbs down at the 48 hour mark cycle 1; if NOT up it to 15 miles!!!!
As a general rule:
*Fast paced 20 minute mile, NO LOLLY GAGGING!
Each day you complete your 10 miles it gets EASIER! You weigh less and your cardio is stronger! You can’t fail if you get your DAILY TEN!!!!
PRO TIP: Start 10-15 miles daily on days 1 & 2 at the beginning and after the 8 hour refeeds. If weight loss is on point then you can back down to 5 miles a day. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE THIS or you will NOT make weight for the cycle. (Breaking it up morning, afternoon and night is fine.)
BONUS: Once 10 miles is easy you can get extra HARD CORE by adding a WEIGHTED VEST.
5. Break THE 88 HOUR FAST
(MANDATORY 15lbs cycle 1 as 7.5lbs is food and water and 7.5lbs actual fat; if you don’t hit 15lbs you didn’t walk hard enough. This should be EASY if you do your 10 miles DAILY.)
Break with 24 oz WATER and 1 TABLESPOON BAKING SODA followed by zero carb meal. Salad. 4 oz high phenol extra virgin olive oil. Protein of choice. OR for best results just water!
(24 oz water an hour x 8 hours)
Add an electrolyte tablet per each 24 oz.
*Don’t forget to add 1 TABLESPOON baking soda to water half hour before launching next cycle to prevent kidney stones or ketoacidosis from the deep level ketosis induced from the dry fast.
Many don’t listen, eat a bunch of food and FAIL.
If you absolutely gotta eat then a paleo keto meal as described below:
1 can of sardines and hot sauce
1 small parsley arugula salad.
4 oz extra virgin olive oil.
30,000 mg DHA.
NO EGGS! Eggs are highest in methionine and methionine inhibits autophagy.
Sardines in extra virgin olive oil (natural mTOR inhibitor) with some hot sauce (capsaicin) is an excellent choice! Lowest of all fish in mercury (as they don’t live long enough to accumulate it), zero carbs and high in Omega-3 which stimulates LIPOLYSIS (fat burning).
Lipolysis is the metabolic pathway through which lipid triglycerides are hydrolyzed into a glycerol and three fatty acids. It is used to mobilize stored energy during fasting or exercise, and usually occurs in fat adipocytes. Lipolysis is induced by several hormones, including glucagon,[1] epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone, atrial natriuretic peptide, brain natriuretic peptide, and cortisol.[2]
Dietary capsaicin (hot sauce) and its anti-obesity potency
Collectively, these observations provide evidence that capsaicin can activate and recruit BAT, which would be a promising strategy to counter obesity.
Dairy mega releases insulin (hyperinsulinemia) which mega activates mTOR which in turn leads to mega insulin resistance and all sorts of problems. No bueno! After you lose the weight and reach your goals you can have some dairy again on occasion.
Dairy Consumption and Insulin Resistance: The Role of Body Fat, Physical Activity, and Energy Intake
“Milk and dairy products have been identified as potent insulin secretagogues, as their consumption stimulates acute hyperinsulinemia [27–31]. The hyperinsulinemia resulting from milk and dairy consumption may be considered a beneficial and even protective effect for regulating blood glucose levels, particularly in individuals with elevated levels or those with T2DM [32]. However, consumption of milk and dairy products and the resultant hyperinsulinemia may produce less-than-desirable long-term effects in healthy individuals, including insulin resistance. Research in humans [33] and in rats [34] suggests that regular hyperinsulinemia can lead to insulin resistance.”
Milk—A Nutrient System of Mammalian Evolution Promoting mTORC1-Dependent Translation
“To fulfill its mTORC1-activating function, milk delivers four key metabolic messengers:(1) essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs);(2) glutamine;(3) palmitic acid; and (4) bioactive exosomal microRNAs, which in a synergistical fashion promote mTORC1-dependent translation. In all mammals except Neolithic humans, postnatal activation of mTORC1 by milk intake is restricted to the postnatal lactation period. It is of critical concern that persistent hyperactivation of mTORC1 is associated with aging and the development of age-related disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Persistent mTORC1 activation promotes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and drives an aimless quasi-program, which promotes aging and age-related diseases”
Milk–the promoter of chronic Western diseases.
“milk protein consumption is an essential adverse environmental factor promoting most chronic diseases of Western societies. Milk protein consumption induces postprandial hyperinsulinaemia and shifts the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis to permanently increased IGF-1 serum levels. Insulin/IGF-1 signalling is involved in the regulation of fetal growth, T-cell maturation in the thymus, linear growth, pathogenesis of acne, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, thus affecting most chronic diseases of Western societies.”
8. Continue to hydrate up to the end of your hydration window.
*IMPORTANT: DRINK WATER UNTIL URINE IS CLEAR. 24 oz of water each hour for 8 hours. You should be going to the bathroom frequently. If you fail to properly hydrate you will not downregulate Aldosterone and you will retain water and get subpar results. Keep drinking until you are peeing every 15-30 minutes.
9. PURGE TO empty bowels
1/8 tsp at beginning of each cycle.
*You should be back to 88 hour weigh in weight with stomach empty 24 hours after the 8 hour refeed.
If you fail to drink enough water or take enough psyllium your bowels will not empty properly and you will not lose sufficient weight in time for next 88 hour weigh in.
Make sure fully satiated and hydrated. You should be totaly sick of water at this point.
Definitely figure out your psyllium husk dose BEFORE beginning challenge so you aren’t guessing and hoping. It might be 4 tablespoons or it might be 12 tablespoons. Most find 6-9 perfect.
TABLESPOONS NOT teaspoons! Note: If doing capsules 12 capsules = 1 TABLESPOON.
The SECRET to success is getting back to your 88 weigh in weight no later than 24 hours after the 8 hour massive hydration; this gives you 3 days to make weight (7.5lbs). I am emphasizing this multiple times to really drive the point home! Those who neglect this FAIL and QUIT.
NOTE: If 6 TBS (tablespoon not teaspoon) of 5000mg liquid L CARNITINE is doing the trick you can skip the psyllium. If bowels NOT CLEARED 24 hours after refeed do 6 TBS MORE.
10. Begin 88 hour dry fast again and repeat.
11. Create Album in Dry Fasting or Secret Blends facebook group titled “(Your Name) 88/8 Challenge”
Post pictures front, face, side, back, scale. Scale weight take just before breaking the fast so you post day 0 and at 88 hour mark on days 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32.
What to expect?
When combined with cold exposure, 10-15 mile daily walks and Interstellar Blends a person overweight should lose 15-30 lbs first cycle / 7.5-15 lbs each cycle after and some of the positive effects you can look forward to are: perfect complexion, faster hair and nail growth, stubborn fat disappearing, enhanced focus and mental clarity, total elimination of anxiety, depression and any form of emotional disorder, dramatic reduction in aging and signs of aging, perfect blood pressure and blood sugar, any and all health problems should improve or disappear entirely.
Fat will not return if you stick with 22/2 after. Watch the alcohol and carbs. ONLY IN MODERATION.
One month challenge prizes:
30lbs = $250 store credit
40lbs = $500 store credit
50lbs = $750 store credit
60lbs = $1000 store credit.
100lbs = $2000 store credit.
*Message me if you have any questions.
To qualify for sponsorship:
You must successfully complete 3 cycles of 88/8 back to back.
You MUST post TIME STAMPED picture COLLAGE of:
face, front, side, back, scale, blood pressure, blood glucose, ketostix
on days 0 and at the 88 hour mark on days 4, 8 and 12.
You MUST lose a MINIMUM of:
15 lbs cycle 1 (the easy one)
7.5 lbs cycle 2
7.5 lbs cycle 3
and you MUST lose a combined TOTAL of AT LEAST 30lbs by 88 hour weigh in on day 12.
Complete all of the above and WIN $777 in blends!
If you keep this 7.5lb per cycle pace you will lose 60lbs in 28 days!
Download the PDF: Interstellar 88-8
“You are only a loser IF YOU QUIT.
CLICK BELOW TO learn all about the amazing
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.