Inflammation & Anxiety

Inflammation, our body’s natural defense system, plays a crucial role in healing and fighting infection. However, chronic,low-grade inflammation is linked to various health problems, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even depression.This type of inflammation disrupts cellular function and weakens the body’s resilience. Studies suggest chronic inflammation may be a key factor in aging, as it accelerates cellular damage and contributes to age-related decline [1].

Anxiety, while a normal human response to stress, can become problematic when excessive or persistent. Chronic anxiety disrupts the body’s stress hormone balance, which can weaken the immune system and contribute to inflammation. This inflammation, in turn, can worsen anxiety symptoms, creating a vicious cycle. Research indicates that managing anxiety through relaxation techniques or therapy may help reduce inflammation and improve overall health [2].

  1. Adolescent Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Anxiety and Mood Predicts Function Whereas Life Event Stressors in the Older Adolescent Predicts inflammation
  2. … association of somatic and cognitive symptoms of depression and Anxiety with inflammation: findings from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety …
  3. … depression after percutaneous coronary intervention are associated with decreased heart rate variability, impaired endothelial function and increased inflammation
  4. … from chronic unpredictable mild stress mice donors affects Anxiety-like and depression-like behavior in recipient mice via the gut microbiota-inflammation-brain axis
  5. … inflammation is Associated with Decreased Amygdala to Ventromedial Prefrontal Functional Connectivity in Association with Symptoms of Anxiety in Patients with …
  6. … minocycline treatment reverses the effects of neonatal immune activation on Anxiety-and depression-like behaviors, hippocampal inflammation, and HPA axis activity …
  7. … of Anxiety and cognitive dysfunctions in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): possible associations with inflammation …
  8. 201. inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in depression and Anxiety disorders
  9. 85. Environmental mold, brain inflammation, cognitive deficits, and increased Anxiety and fear
  10. A Rodent Model of Anxiety: The Effect of Perinatal Immune Challenges on Gastrointestinal inflammation and Integrity
  11. Abstract# 2071 A rodent model of Anxiety: The effect of perinatal immune challenges on gastrointestinal inflammation and integrity
  12. Altered temporal variance and functional connectivity of BOLD signal is associated with state Anxiety during acute systemic inflammation
  13. Antidepressant imipramine diminishes stress-induced inflammation in the periphery and central nervous system and related Anxiety-and depressive-like behaviors
  14. Anxiety associates with pain and disability but not increased measures of inflammation for adolescent patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  15. Anxiety disorders and inflammation in a large adult cohort
  16. Anxiety in relation to inflammation and coagulation markers, among healthy adults: the ATTICA study
  17. Anxiety independently contributes to elevated inflammation in humans with obesity
  18. Anxiety levels parallel changes in inflammation over time in ovarian cancer patients
  19. Anxiety, depression, and inflammation after restorative proctocolectomy
  20. Anxiety, gingival inflammation and periodontal disease in non‐smokers and smokers–an epidemiological study
  21. Anxiety, inflammation and duration of operation: is there a relationship?
  22. Assessment of mouse cognitive and Anxiety-like behaviors and hippocampal inflammation following a repeated and intermittent paradoxical sleep deprivation …
  23. Association between Depression and Anxiety Scores and inflammation in Patients with Isolated Coronary Artery Ectasia
  24. Association between depression and Anxiety scores and inflammation in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia
  25. Blockade of brain angiotensin II AT1 receptors ameliorates stress, Anxiety, brain inflammation and ischemia: therapeutic implications
  26. Blunted inflammation mediated by NF-κB activation in hippocampus alleviates chronic normobaric hypoxia-induced Anxiety-like behavior in rats
  27. Brain grey matter volume reduction and Anxiety-like behavior in lipopolysaccharide-induced chronic pulmonary inflammation rats: A structural MRI study with …
  28. Cardiovascular risk factors, Anxiety symptoms and inflammation markers: Evidence of association from a cross-sectional study
  29. Characterization and biological effects of Hypericum extracts on experimentally-induced-Anxiety, oxidative stress and inflammation in rats
  30. Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation induces Anxiety-like behavior and alters central nervous system biochemistry in mice
  31. Cross-sectional associations between inflammation, sickness behaviour, health Anxiety and self-rated health in a Swedish primary care population
  32. Deficiency in EP4 Receptor–Associated Protein Ameliorates Abnormal Anxiety-Like Behavior and Brain inflammation in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease
  33. Depression, Anxiety-like behavior and memory impairment are associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation in a rat model of social stress
  34. Differential association of somatic and cognitive symptoms of depression and Anxiety with inflammation.
  35. Early neonatal inflammation affects adult pain reactivity and Anxiety related traits in mice: genetic background counts
  36. Effect of Anxiety and depression on endothelial function and inflammation degree of coronary heart disease patients with angina pectoris
  37. Effect of Anxiety and depression on pulmonary function as well as airway inflammation and remodeling in patients with bronchial asthma
  38. Effect of Vitamin D supplement on mood status and inflammation in Vitamin D deficient Type 2 diabetic women with Anxiety: A randomized clinical trial
  39. Enhanced sympathetic nerve activity induced by neonatal colon inflammation induces gastric hypersensitivity and Anxiety-like behavior in adult rats
  40. Evaluating the interaction between early postnatal inflammation and maternal care in the programming of adult Anxiety and depression-related behaviors
  41. Evidence for interplay among antibacterial-induced gut microbiota disturbance, neuro-inflammation, and Anxiety in mice
  42. Exercising the worry away: how inflammation, oxidative and nitrogen stress mediates the beneficial effect of physical activity on Anxiety disorder symptoms and …
  43. Fatigue in patients with advanced terminal cancer correlates with inflammation, poor quality of life and sleep, and Anxiety/depression
  44. Fluoxetine attenuated Anxiety-like behaviors in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice by mitigating the inflammation
  45. Gender differences in longitudinal relationships between depression and Anxiety symptoms and inflammation in the health and retirement study
  46. Genesis of Anxiety, depression, and ongoing abdominal discomfort in ulcerative colitis-like colon inflammation
  47. H1R Antagonists for Brain inflammation and Anxiety: Targeted Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders
  48. High-fat diet induced Anxiety and anhedonia: impact on brain homeostasis and inflammation
  49. Higher Anxiety is associated with elevated inflammation independent of obesity in humans
  50. Imaging the role of inflammation in mood and Anxiety-related disorders
  51. Increase of oxidation and inflammation in nervous and immune systems with aging and Anxiety
  52. inflammation and symptoms of depression and Anxiety in patients with acute coronary heart disease
  53. inflammation in Anxiety
  54. inflammation in fear-and Anxiety-based disorders: PTSD, GAD, and beyond
  55. inflammation is increased with Anxiety-and depression-like signs in a rat model of spinal cord injury
  56. inflammation modulates Anxiety in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
  57. inflammation negatively correlates with amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal functional connectivity in association with Anxiety in patients with depression: Preliminary …
  58. Investigating the Role of Central Endocannabinoids and inflammation in Comorbid Anxiety-Like Behaviour and Colitis
  59. Is Anxiety sensitivity associated with coronary heart disease, Anxiety disorders and inflammation markers
  60. Is there any association of Anxiety-depressive symptoms with vascular endothelial function or systemic inflammation?
  61. Juvenile arthritis patients suffering from chronic inflammation have increased activity of both IDO and GTP-CH1 pathways but decreased BH4 efficacy: Implications for …
  62. Low-grade inflammation in Depression, Anxiety and Sleep Disturbances
  63. Low-grade inflammation: a Linking Mechanism between Anxiety and Metabolic Syndrome?
  64. Maternal high fructose diet and neonatal immune challenge alter offspring Anxiety-like behavior and inflammation across the lifespan
  66. NLRP3 inflammasome activation mediates estrogen deficiency-induced depression-and Anxiety-like behavior and hippocampal inflammation in mice
  67. Novel rodent model of breast cancer survival with persistent Anxiety-like behavior and inflammation
  68. Omega-3 supplementation lowers inflammation and Anxiety in medical students: a randomized controlled trial
  69. Oxidation and inflammation in the immune and nervous systems, a link between aging and Anxiety
  71. Persistent central inflammation and region specific cellular activation accompany depression-and Anxiety-like behaviours during the resolution phase of experimental …
  72. Potential contribution of oxidative stress and inflammation to Anxiety and hypertension
  73. Prenatal maternal vaginal inflammation increases Anxiety and alters HPA axis signalling in adult male mice
  74. Probiotic effects on adult Anxiety and systemic inflammation after exposure to Western diet
  75. Prophylactic effects of Bifidobacterium adolescentis on Anxiety and depression-like phenotypes after chronic stress: A role of the gut microbiota-inflammation …
  76. Relationship of Anxiety, inflammation, and Telomere Length in Postpartum Women: A Pilot Study
  77. Relationship of General and Health-related Anxiety and Worry to Markers of inflammation in Women with Advanced Cancer
  78. Resveratrol ameliorates estrogen deficiency-induced depression-and Anxiety-like behaviors and hippocampal inflammation in mice
  80. Short-term lending: Payday loans as risk factors for Anxiety, inflammation and poor health
  81. Sleep duration, insomnia, and markers of systemic inflammation: results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)
  82. Systemic inflammation induces Anxiety disorder through CXCL12/CXCR4 pathway
  83. The association between Anxiety, traumatic stress, and obsessive–compulsive disorders and chronic inflammation: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  84. The association between burnout, depression, Anxiety, and inflammation biomarkers: C-reactive protein and fibrinogen in men and women.
  85. The effect of antihistamines on allergic inflammation and Anxiety in dogs and cats
  86. The effect of repeated ICV injections on brain inflammation and Anxiety
  87. The Influence of Anxiety on Gingival inflammation, Attachment Level and Inflammatory Markers in GCF from Subjects with Periodontal Disease.
  88. The protective role of Ocimum basilicum L.(Basil) against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in mice: Impact on oxidative stress, inflammation, motor deficits and Anxiety-like …
  89. The relationship between basal level of Anxiety and the affective response to inflammation
  90. The role of inflammation and the gut microbiome in depression and Anxiety
  91. Time-dependent analysis of nociception and Anxiety-like behavior in rats submitted to persistent inflammation of the temporomandibular joint
  92. Understanding the Impact of Chronic Low-Dose, Low Energy, Proton Radiation on Systemic inflammation and Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Mice
  93. Zeaxanthin improved diabetes-induced Anxiety and depression through inhibiting inflammation in hippocampus

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