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Hypocretin Orexin
Hypocretin Orexin
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in human narcolepsy
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss in Parkinson’s disease
Neurons containing HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) project to multiple neuronal systems
Behavioral correlates of activity in identified HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss in Alzheimer’s disease
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cell loss in Parkinson’s disease
Release of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) during waking and sleep states
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): role in normal behavior and neuropathology
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ligand–receptor system: implications for sleep and sleep disorders
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in arousal and stress
A role for HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in male sexual behavior
Hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): robust innervation of the spinal cord
A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in motivation
The sleep disorder canine narcolepsy is caused by a mutation in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 gene
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: an increasingly important role in neuropsychiatry
Loss of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons with traumatic brain injury
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN excites HYPOCRETIN neurons via a local glutamate neuron—a potential mechanism for orchestrating the hypothalamic arousal system
The HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system: from a neural circuitry perspective
Leptin receptor-and STAT3-immunoreactivities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones of the lateral hypothalamus.
CSF HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN levels in narcolepsy and other neurological conditions
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN contributes to the expression of some but not all forms of stress and arousal
IGFBP3 colocalizes with and regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN overexpression induces an insomnia-like phenotype in zebrafish
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in health and disease
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) regulation of sleep-to-wake transitions
Low cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and altered energy homeostasis in human narcolepsy
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) activation and synaptic innervation of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) facilitates reward by attenuating the antireward effects of its cotransmitter dynorphin in ventral tegmental area
Sleep, sleep disorders and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN , sleep and narcolepsy
The wake-promoting HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN neurons are in an intrinsic state of membrane depolarization
Wake-promoting and sleep-suppressing actions of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): basal forebrain sites of action
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system mediates the extinction of fear memories
Identification and functional analysis of mutations in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) genes of narcoleptic canines
Regulation of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) expression in embryonic zebrafish
Localized loss of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cells in narcolepsy without cataplexy
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN disturbances in neurological disorders
A commentary on the neurobiology of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system
Presynaptic and postsynaptic actions and modulation of neuroendocrine neurons by a new hypothalamic peptide, HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
The HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN system regulates cocaine self‐administration via actions on the mesolimbic dopamine system
Narp immunostaining of human HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons: loss in narcolepsy
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) biology and the pathophysiology of narcolepsy with cataplexy
Predictors of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy without cataplexy
Synaptic interaction between HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and neuropeptide Y cells in the rodent and primate hypothalamus: a novel circuit implicated in metabolic and …
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuromodulation of stress and reward pathways
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN depolarizes and decreases potassium conductance in locus coeruleus neurons
Pattern of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) soma and axon loss, and gliosis, in human narcolepsy
Narcolepsy with HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency, infections and autoimmunity of the brain
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and energy expenditure
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN innervation and excitation of identified septohippocampal cholinergic neurons
Medial vestibular connections with the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system
Non-sleep effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Function and dysfunction of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN : an energetics point of view
Differential modulation of nociceptive dural input to [HYPOCRETIN ] OREXIN A and B receptor activation in the posterior hypothalamic area
Lateral hypothalamus: early developmental expression and response to HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
Adenosine inhibits activity of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by the A1 receptor in the lateral hypothalamus: a possible sleep-promoting effect
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons contribute to hippocampus-dependent social memory and synaptic plasticity in mice
Regulation of synaptic efficacy in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -containing neurons by melanin concentrating hormone in the lateral hypothalamus
Direct and indirect inhibition by catecholamines of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in sleep disorders: preclinical insights and clinical progress
Symptomatic narcolepsy, cataplexy and hypersomnia, and their implications in the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system
Mapping the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal system: an unexpectedly productive journey
Differential target-dependent actions of coexpressed inhibitory dynorphin and excitatory HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuropeptides
Sexually dimorphic changes of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in depression
Fasting activates the nonhuman primate HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system and its postsynaptic targets
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN : a molecular link between sleep, energy regulation, and pleasure
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN type 1 receptor in brain: role in cardiovascular control and the neuroendocrine response to immobilization stress
Decreased brain histamine content in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-2 mutated narcoleptic dogs
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐and melanin‐concentrating hormone‐expressing cells form distinct populations in the rodent lateral hypothalamus: relationship to the neuropeptide …
Organization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN efferents to locus coeruleus and basal forebrain arousal‐related structures
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and narcolepsy: new basic and clinical insights
Prolonged wakefulness induces experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in mouse HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Reduction of plasma leptin levels and loss of its circadian rhythmicity in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )-deficient narcoleptic humans
Metabolic state signalling through central HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Recent advances in understanding the roles of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in arousal, affect, and motivation
Mitigation of murine focal cerebral ischemia by the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system is associated with reduced inflammation
Exclusive postsynaptic action of HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN on sublayer 6b cortical neurons
A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in metabolic and sleep abnormalities in a mouse model of non-metastatic breast cancer
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: implications for drug reward and relapse
Alertness and feeding behaviors in ADHD: does the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system play a role?
GABAB receptor‐mediated modulation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones in mouse hypothalamus
Excitatory action of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN on neurons of the central medial amygdala
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN suppresses corticotroph responsiveness in vitro
Optogenetic probing of fast glutamatergic transmission from HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN to histamine neurons in situ
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in fish physiology with emphasis on zebrafish
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN selectively increases dopamine efflux within the prefrontal cortex: involvement of the ventral tegmental area
Age-related decline in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 messenger RNA levels in the mouse brain
Stereological analysis of the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in an animal model of depression
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN preferentially activates caudomedial ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons
Circadian-dependent and circadian-independent behavioral actions of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Comparison of melanin-concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN mRNA expression patterns in a new parceling scheme of the lateral hypothalamic zone
Direct and indirect excitation of laterodorsal tegmental neurons by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides: implications for wakefulness and narcolepsy
Effects of ambient temperature on sleep and cardiovascular regulation in mice: the role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signaling in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is essential for the expression of nicotine withdrawal
Differential distribution of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin‐concentrating hormone in the goldfish brain
A mathematical model of homeostatic regulation of sleep-wake cycles by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
μ-Opioid receptor-mediated depression of the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN arousal system
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) enhances neuron activity and cell synchrony in developing mouse GFP‐expressing locus coeruleus
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with narcolepsy: relationship to cataplexy and HLA DQB1* 0602 status
A brief history of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and narcolepsy
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN regulation of dopamine signaling and cocaine self-administration is mediated predominantly by HYPOCRETIN receptor 1
A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 in cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and nociceptin/orphanin FQ coordinately regulate analgesia in a mouse model of stress-induced analgesia
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency decreases cocaine abuse liability
P2X2R purinergic receptor subunit mRNA and protein are expressed by all hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) is critical in sustaining theta/gamma-rich waking behaviors that drive sleep need
Increased heart rate variability but normal resting metabolic rate in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -deficient human narcolepsy
Reinstatement of cocaine seeking by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in the ventral tegmental area: independence from the local corticotropin-releasing factor network
The number of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons is not affected in Prader-Willi syndrome
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN regulation of dopamine signaling: implications for reward and reinforcement mechanisms
Analysis of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) antibodies in patients with narcolepsy
Impaired HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system alters responses to salient stimuli in obese male mice
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss and sleep disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease
Hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and neuropeptide Y: divergent interaction with energy depletion and leptin
Distribution of HYPOCRETIN -(OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
Schizophrenia, HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ), and the thalamocortical activating system
Opposite effects of noradrenaline and acetylcholine upon HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN versus melanin concentrating hormone neurons in rat hypothalamic slices
Neuroendocrine proopiomelanocortin neurons are excited by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 as a novel target to modulate cannabinoid reward
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) induces calcium transients in single spines postsynaptic to identified thalamocortical boutons in prefrontal slice
Neuropeptide Y inhibits HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by multiple presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms: tonic depression of the hypothalamic arousal system
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor: therapeutic prospective in sleep disorders
The wake-promoting HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons change their response to noradrenaline after sleep deprivation
Polymorphisms in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN pathway genes and narcolepsy
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone increases behavioral arousal through modulation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Modulation of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN mRNA expression by glucocorticoids
CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy
Optogenetic control of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons and arousal circuits
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy and primary hypersomnia
Animal models of narcolepsy and the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: Past, present, and future
Comparison of melanin-concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptide expression patterns in a current parceling scheme of the lateral hypothalamic zone
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) input to trigeminal and hypoglossal motoneurons in the cat: a double-labeling immunohistochemical study
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuropeptides: participation in the control of sleep-wakefulness cycle and energy homeostasis
Parkinson’s disease, sleepiness and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Highly specific role of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons: differential activation as a function of diurnal phase, operant reinforcement versus operant avoidance and light level
The hypothalamic peptidergic system, HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and vigilance control
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptide signaling in the ascending arousal system: elevation of intracellular calcium in the mouse dorsal raphe and laterodorsal tegmentum
Sex difference in body weight gain and leptin signaling in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficient mouse models
Neurochemical heterogeneity among lateral hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons identified through single-cell gene …
Antidepressant effects of exercise are produced via suppression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone in the basolateral amygdala
Comparison of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons and axonal projections in the embryonic and postnatal rat brain
The development of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in HYPOCRETIN /ataxin-3 transgenic rats
Cellular activation of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons facilitates short-term spatial memory in mice
Systems genomics identifies a key role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-2 in human heart failure
Glucagon-like peptide 1 excites HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by direct and indirect mechanisms: implications for viscera-mediated arousal
Cannabinoids excite hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone but inhibit HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons: implications for cannabinoid actions on food intake and …
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system as a target for excessive motivation in alcohol use disorders
Polymorphisms in the vicinity of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN are not associated with human narcolepsy
Measurement of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN content in the mouse brain using an enzyme immunoassay: the effect of circadian time, age and genetic background
Involvement of PLAGL1/ZAC1 in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN transcription
Effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN cell transplantation on narcoleptic-like sleep behavior in rats
Diurnal fluctuation in the number of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and histamine producing: Implication for understanding and treating neuronal loss
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and sleep: implications for the pathophysiology and diagnosis of narcolepsy
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal networks in zebrafish
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) replacement therapies
Direct excitation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN cells by extracellular ATP at P2X receptors
Distribution of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the feline pons and medulla
Monozygotic twins concordant for narcolepsy-cataplexy without any detectable abnormality in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathway
Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors maintain tonic inhibition of excitatory synaptic input to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN involvement in reward and reinforcement
Selective enhancement of synaptic inhibition by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in rat vagal motor neurons: implications for autonomic regulation
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonist almorexant promotes sleep without impairment of performance in rats
Age-related changes in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the cat brainstem
Molecular mechanism of tumour necrosis factor alpha regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) expression, sleep and behaviour
Reduced HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels in dementia with Lewy bodies
From molecule to behavior: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN revisited from a sex-dependent perspective
Immunohistochemical localization and biochemical characterization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐related peptides in the central nervous system of the frog Rana ridibunda
Cocaine abuse and midbrain circuits: Functional anatomy of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN transmission and therapeutic prospect
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN knock‐out mice display disrupted behavioral and dopamine responses to cocaine
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and plastic adaptations associated with drug abuse
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency predicts severe objective excessive daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy with cataplexy
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in the rat pineal gland: a central transmitter with effects on noradrenaline‐induced release of melatonin
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) regulates glutamate input to fast-spiking interneurons in layer V of the Fr2 region of the murine prefrontal cortex
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN increases the expression of steroidogenic enzymes in human adrenocortical NCI H295R cells
Intracellular energy status regulates activity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones: a link between energy and behavioural states
Transgenic Archaerhodopsin-3 expression in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons engenders cellular dysfunction and features of type 2 narcolepsy
Feeding behavior: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons act between food seeking and eating
Embryonic ethanol exposure affects the early development, migration, and location of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in zebrafish
The role of the neuropeptide S system in addiction: focus on its interaction with the CRF and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurotransmission
Repeated in vivo exposure of cocaine induces long‐lasting synaptic plasticity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐producing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus in mice
Rapid and preferential activation of Fos protein in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons following the reversal of dehydration‐anorexia
Clinical implications of basic research: The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in the central autonomic network
Sleep-dependent structural synaptic plasticity of inhibitory synapses in the dendrites of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Gonadal steroids modulated HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN type-1 receptor expression in a brain region, sex and daytime specific manner
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN interactions with norepinephrine contribute to the opiate withdrawal syndrome
Neural correlates of arousal‐induced circadian clock resetting: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and the intergeniculate leaflet
Transcriptional regulation of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN gene by NR6A1
Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels are elevated by play but are not raised by exercise and its associated heart rate, blood pressure, respiration or …
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐containing neurons are produced in one sharp peak in the developing ventral diencephalon
Direct inhibition of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in the lateral hypothalamus by nociceptin/orphanin FQ blocks stress-induced analgesia in rats
… using the small‐platforms‐over‐water method: polysomnographic analyses and melanin‐concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal activation before …
Depletion of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons correlates with impaired memory in a Parkinson’s disease animal model
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides alter spike encoding by serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons through two distinct mechanisms that increase the late afterhyperpolarization
Intracellular signal pathways utilized by the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptors
Pleasure, addiction, and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
Activity-dependent release of adenosine inhibits the glutamatergic synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonism enhances sleep-related adenosine and GABA neurotransmission in rat basal forebrain
Alteration of the expression of the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) gene by 2-deoxyglucose in the rat lateral hypothalamic area
Gender differences between HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN knockout and wild type mice: age, body weight, body composition, metabolic markers, leptin and insulin resistance
Rat HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons are maintained in a depolarized state by TRPC channels
Discovery of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ushers in a new era of sleep research
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN modulates body weight and the metabolism of glucose and insulin
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melatonin values in a narcoleptic-like sleep disorder after pinealectomy
Sleep-deprivation regulates α-2 adrenergic responses of rat HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Effects of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuronal loss on sleep and extracellular adenosine levels in the rat basal forebrain
Retraction of the Research Article: “CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy”
Experience‐dependent plasticity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones: re‐setting arousal threshold
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor subtypes differentially enhance acetylcholine release and activate g protein subtypes in rat pontine reticular formation
Early expression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the chick embryo brain
Discharge of identified OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons across the sleep-waking cycle
Increased HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Plasma Level in Depression, Bipolar Disorder Patients
Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor blockade on drug-taking and ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) associated with low-effort self-administration of cathinone-derived 3, 4 …
Locus coeruleus and tuberomammillary nuclei ablations attenuate HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonist-mediated REM sleep
Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the neurobiology of sleep and alertness
Different distributions of preproMCH and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the forebrain of the pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the feline midbrain: Relevance for the generation of wakefulness
Sexually dimorphic and asymmetric effects of embryonic ethanol exposure on HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons as related to behavioral changes in zebrafish
HLA DQB1* 06: 02 negative narcolepsy with HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency
Role of the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 (Hcrt-r2) in the regulation of HYPOCRETIN level and cataplexy
Slow bursting neurons of mouse cortical layer 6b are depolarized by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and major transmitters of arousal
Modulation of Cortical Activity and Sleep-Wake States by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Narcolepsy: selective HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuronal loss and multiple signaling deficiencies
Morphological and Physiological Interactions Between GnRH3 and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neuronal Systems in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and major transmitters of arousal on fast spiking neurons in mouse cortical layer 6B
Wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na, a prostaglandin DP1 receptor antagonist, in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficient narcoleptic mice
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN loss changes the hypothalamic immune response
Narcolepsy in a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐deficient chihuahua
Absence of autoreactive CD4+ T-cells targeting HLA-DQA1* 01: 02/DQB1* 06: 02 restricted HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN epitopes in narcolepsy type 1 when detected by EliSpot
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons contain dynorphin
Anti-Tribbles pseudokinase 2 (TRIB2)-immunization modulates HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal functions
Pre-treatment of blood samples reveal normal blood HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signal in narcolepsy type 1
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuropeptide precursor gene, HCRT, polymorphisms in early-onset narcolepsy with cataplexy
Heterogeneity of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
Cellular Signaling Mechanisms of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress-induced analgesia
Transcriptional regulation of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN gene
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathway to sleep
Changes of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) System in Schizophrenia: From Plasma to Brain
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: physiology and pathophysiology
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN prevents recovery from sickness
History and perspectives of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN research in sleep medicine
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonists decrease cocaine self-administration by female rhesus monkeys
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptor Pharmacology and Sleep Phases
Effect of 2-mercaptoacetate and 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration on the expression of NPY, AGRP, POMC, MCH and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the rat hypothalamus
Depletion of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons increases cell proliferation in the adult subventricular zone
Elevated HB‐EGF expression in neural stem cells causes middle age obesity by suppressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN expression
Plasticity in neurons synthesizing wake/arousal promoting hormone HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
The emerging role of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN -a) in the developing central nervous system
Motivational activation: a unifying hypothesis of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN function
The role of the hypothalamic neuropeptides HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the sleep-wake cycle.
Narcolepsy and low CSF OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) concentration after a diencephalic stroke
Sleep Problems in Narcolepsy and the Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Deficiency
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN , Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy-cataplexy
Overview of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system
Normal plasma levels of OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) in narcoleptic patients
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress and arousal
Centrally administered OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN activates HPA axis in rats
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides excite rat neuroendocrine dopamine neurons through OREXIN 2 receptor-mediated activation of a mixed cation current
Selective action of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on nonspecific thalamocortical projection neurons
Opposing effects of hypoxia on catecholaminergic locus coeruleus and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in chick embryos
Age-related loss of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) receptor agonists and antagonists for treatment of sleep disorders
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and motor function
Coordination of metabolism, arousal, and reward by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
An investigation of interactions between HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signaling and glutamate receptor surface expression in the rat nucleus accumbens under basal conditions …
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system and autonomic control: new insights and clinical correlations
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: a critical regulator of neuroendocrine and autonomic function
Recent perspectives on OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN promotion of addiction-related behaviors
Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in dependence and addiction
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN excites the histaminergic neurons of the tuberomammillary nucleus
Low levels of ventricular CSF OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in advanced PD
CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A concentrations in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Replacement Therapy in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -Deficient Narcolepsy
Bidirectional and context-dependent changes in theta and gamma oscillatory brain activity in noradrenergic cell-specific HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor 1-KO …
The neural circuit of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ): maintaining sleep and wakefulness
Roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in regulation of sleep/wakefulness and energy homeostasis
Role of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in stress-related psychiatric disorders
Differential distribution and regulation of OX1 and OX2 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor messenger RNA in the brain upon fasting
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): what it does and how it links with narcolepsy and food choices
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN : wired for wakefulness
Effects on sleep and wakefulness of the injection of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) into the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus of the cat
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN treatment restores hippocampal-dependent memory in OREXIN -deficient mice
Reactive and predictive homeostasis: roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
Effects of suvorexant, a dual OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonist, on impulsive behavior associated with cocaine
A decade of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and addiction: where are we now?
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system modulates amygdala-dependent threat learning through the locus coeruleus
Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in reward-seeking and addiction: implications for obesity
Roles for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the control of energy balance and metabolism
Pleasure, addiction, and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
The Development of Sleep/Wake Disruption and Cataplexy as HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons Degenerate in Male vs. Female OREXIN /tTA; TetO-DTA Mice
Physiological characteristics of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
Neuronal responses to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Cholinergic Regulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons Through M3Muscarinic Receptor in Mice
Undetectable levels of CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in two prepubertal boys with narcolepsy
Changes in OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neuronal expression with normal aging in the human hypothalamus
OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) application at the medial preoptic area potentiates male sexual behavior in rats
The physiological role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in the regulation of sleep/wakefulness and neuroendocrine functions
Regulation of alcohol-seeking by OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons
OREXIN A/HYPOCRETIN -1 selectively promotes motivation for positive reinforcers
Electrical signaling in central OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuits: tuning arousal and appetite to fit the environment
Enhanced antinociception by intracerebroventricularly and intrathecally-administered OREXIN A and B (HYPOCRETIN -1 and-2) in mice
Systemic and nasal delivery of OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) reduces the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance in nonhuman primates
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and organizing principles for a diversity of wake-promoting neurons in the brain
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: chemical phenotype and possible interactions with melanin-concentrating hormone neurons
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in Models of Cocaine Addiction
Electrical inhibition of identified anorexigenic POMC neurons by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
Deletion of TASK1 and TASK3 channels disrupts intrinsic excitability but does not abolish glucose or pH responses of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
The regulation of sleep and wakefulness by the hypothalamic neuropeptide OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
Effects of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on GIRK channels
Dopamine-HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN interactions
OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN 1) injected into hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and spontaneous physical activity in rats
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in zebrafish is connected to the aminergic and cholinergic systems
OX1 and OX2 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor pharmacogenetics
Activation of central OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons by dietary amino acids
Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnolence with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
Serotonergic regulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons through the 5-HT1A receptor
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN : a neuropeptide at the interface of sleep, energy homeostasis, and reward system
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of the basal forebrain cholinergic system: role in attention
Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the rat median eminence and pituitary
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of the basal forebrain cholinergic system: insights from in vivo microdialysis studies
HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in human lumbar CSF in different age groups: infants to elderly persons
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN actions on mesopontine cholinergic systems controling behavioral state
HYPOCRETIN 1/OREXIN A in the ventral tegmental area enhances dopamine responses to cocaine and promotes cocaine self-administration
Identification of neurons containing OREXIN -B (HYPOCRETIN -2) immunoreactivity in limbic structures
Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in conditioned sucrose-seeking in rats
Low cerebrospinal fluid and plasma OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) concentrations in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnia, with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
Ventricular OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) levels correlate with rapid-eye-movement sleep without atonia in Parkinson’s disease
Molecular characterization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin concentrating hormone neurons: relevance to narcolepsy
Diurnal variation of cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in control and depressed subjects
Decreased cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN ‐1 (OREXIN A) in patients after repetitive generalized tonic–clonic seizures
Input of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons revealed by a genetically encoded tracer in mice
Selective excitation of GABAergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the rat by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in vitro
From radioimmunoassay to mass spectrometry: a new method to quantify OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) in cerebrospinal fluid
Increased HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -a) levels in cerebrospinal fluid of rats after short-term forced activity
The role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues
Increased and decreased muscle tone with OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) microinjections in the locus coeruleus and pontine inhibitory area
Editorial [Hot Topic: The Sleep-Wake Cycle, the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN System and Narcolepsy: Advances from Preclinical Research to Treatment (Guest Editors: Oscar …
Convergent actions of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and CRF on dopamine neurons: emerging players in addiction
CSF levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) peak during early infancy in humans
Diurnal regulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in mice
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: role in food and drug overconsumption
Role of the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system in contextual fear conditioning in rats
The narcoleptic borderland: a multimodal diagnostic approach including cerebrospinal fluid levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A)
The histaminergic system regulates wakefulness and OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neuron development via histamine receptor H1 in zebrafish
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) innervation of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
Multiple roles for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in addiction
The highly selective OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN 1 receptor antagonist GSK1059865 potently reduces ethanol drinking in ethanol dependent mice
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN based pharmacotherapies for the treatment of addiction: DORA or SORA?
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor, Orx1, gene variants are associated with major depressive disorder
The dual role of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in modulating wakefulness and respiratory drive
HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) deficiency in acute traumatic brain injury
Do OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons signal stress or reward?
Depressive behavior and activation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system.
Biomedical application of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor ligands in neuroscience
Lateral hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: a role in reward-seeking and addiction
Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) level fluctuates with season and correlates with day length
The integrative role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in nociceptive perception and analgesic regulation
Revealing the potential of intranasally administered OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1)
Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Molecular Mimicry to Flu in Type 1 Narcolepsy (4989)
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathology in Alzheimer’s disease
Decreased HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with myotonic dystrophy and excessive daytime sleepiness
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor chimaeras reveal structural features important for OREXIN peptide distinction
Normal CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in dementia with Lewy bodies associated with excessive daytime sleepiness
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN tonus and vigilance control
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and dysregulated eating: Promotion of foraging behavior
Cholecystokinin activates OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons through the cholecystokinin A receptor
Changes in CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in rats across 24 hours and in response to food deprivation
Normal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Huntington’s disease
CSF OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 concentrations in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
Long-lasting silencing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN (Orx/Hcrt) transmission and drug-seeking behavior: is the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) part of the drug seeking circuitry?
Circadian and dark-pulse activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) is possibly involved in generation of anxiety-like behavior
Functional roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors in reward circuit
A case with HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficient narcolepsy, Parkinson’s disease and severe psychosis was successfully treated by modified electro-convulsive therapy
Activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN projections to basal forebrain and paraventricular thalamus by acute nicotine
Interactions of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurones and the histaminergic system
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN )-like immunoreactivity in the cat hypothalamus: a light and electron microscopic study
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Cell Transplantation as a New Therapeutic Approach in Narcolepsy
Altered allostatic regulation of wakefulness and slow-wave-sleep spectral quality in mice with HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 1 inactivation in noradrenergic cells
Interactions of neuropeptide Y, HYPOCRETIN -I (OREXIN A) and melanin-concentrating hormone on feeding in rats
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor gene (HCRTR1) variation is associated with aggressive behaviour
Hypersomnia and low CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) concentration in a patient with multiple sclerosis showing bilateral hypothalamic lesions
An investigation of the role of the neuropeptide HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress
Increased number of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons with high and prolonged external stress-induced depression
Postnatal development of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in rats
Optical probing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonists
Immunohistochemical localization of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -like immunoreactive peptides and melanin-concentrating hormone in the brain and pituitary of medaka
Mu-opioid stimulation in rat prefrontal cortex engages hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons, and reveals dissociable roles of nucleus accumbens and …
Symptomatic Narcolepsy with Cataplexy and Without Cataplexy or Hypersomnia, with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
Paradoxical function of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuits in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and histamine: distinct roles in the control of wakefulness demonstrated using knock-out mouse models
Olfactory dysfunction in patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy is restored by intranasal OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1)
Hormonal Abnormalities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Deficient Human Narcolepsy
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Pathology in Human Narcolepsy with and Without Cataplexy
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN System and Fear Learning
Lateral hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons that project to ventral tegmental area are differentially activated with morphine preference
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptor Functions in Mesopontine Systems Regulating Sleep, Arousal, and Cataplexy
Acute optogenetic silencing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons induces slow-wave sleep in mice
Muscle tone facilitation and inhibition after OREXIN -a (HYPOCRETIN -1) microinjections into the medial medulla
Pressor response to microinjection of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN into rostral ventrolateral medulla of awake rats
Association of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor gene (HCRTR1) with reward sensitivity, and interaction with gender
A mathematical model of sleep-wake cycles: the role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in homeostatic regulation and thalamic synchronization
Electrophysiological effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN on nucleus accumbens shell neurons in rats: an in vitro study
… of Putative Appositions from Neurons Expressing Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone with Neurons Expressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN or Melanin-Concentrating …
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and addiction
The effect of intranasal OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) on sleep, wakefulness and attention in narcolepsy with cataplexy
Recent progress in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN physiology and pharmacology
Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of OREXIN A/HYPOCRETIN -1 and body composition in humans
Vasopressin increases locomotion through a V1a receptor in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: implications for water homeostasis
Increased CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in restless legs syndrome
Conditional ablation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: a new mouse model for the study of narcolepsy and OREXIN system function
The electrical activity of hippocampal pyramidal neuron is subjected to descending control by the brain OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system
Dysregulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system is not limited to narcolepsy but has far‐reaching implications for neurological disorders
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN plays a role in the response to physiological disequilibrium
Decreased CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) after acute haemorrhagic brain injury
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN is necessary for context-driven cocaine-seeking
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and MCH Neurons: Cognitive and Motor Roles Beyond Arousal
Functional opioid pathways are necessary for HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A)-induced feeding
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in neuropsychiatric disorders: Relation to signs and symptoms
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -1 receptor antagonism reduces ethanol self-administration and reinstatement selectively in highly-motivated rats
Attenuation of saccharin-seeking in rats by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor 1 antagonist
The OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neuropeptide system is a target for novel therapeutics to treat cocaine use disorder with alcohol coabuse
Pharmacological and chemogenetic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN intervention ameliorates Hipp-dependent memory impairment in the A53T mice model of Parkinson’s …
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulates response of ventral tegmental dopamine neurons to prefrontal activation: diurnal influences
An Approach to Determining the Functions of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
Comment on “CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy”
Stimulant doses of caffeine induce c-FOS activation in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons in rat
CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in childhood narcolepsy and neurologic disorders
Reduction of Plasma Leptin Levels and Loss of Its Circadian Rhythmicity in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )-Deficient Narcoleptic…
Selective Fos induction in hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN , but not melanin-concentrating hormone neurons, by a learned food-cue that stimulates feeding in sated rats
Aging-related alterations in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of septo-hippocampal amino acid neurotransmission
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor 1-KO mice
OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) and leptin enhance LTP in the dentate gyrus of rats in vivo
Ectopic expression of melanopsin in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons enables control of wakefulness of mice in vivo by blue light
Narcolepsy without cataplexy: 2 subtypes based on CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A findings
Inhibition of OREXIN -1/HYPOCRETIN -1 receptors inhibits yohimbine-induced reinstatement of ethanol and sucrose seeking in Long–Evans rats
Convergent excitation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons by multiple arousal systems (OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN , histamine and noradrenaline)
OX1 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor signaling through arachidonic acid and endocannabinoid release
Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in mania compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -1 receptor antagonism selectively reduces cue-induced feeding in sated rats and recruits medial prefrontal cortex and thalamus
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Effects on Constitutively Active Inward Rectifier K+ Channels in Cultured Nucleus Basalis Neurons
CD4+ T-Cell Reactivity to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in Patients With Narcolepsy Type 1
Increased number and activity of a lateral subpopulation of hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons underlies the expression of an addicted state in rats
Activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons is associated with individual differences in cued fear extinction
Relationship of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system and astrocyte activation in Parkinson’s disease with hypersomnolence
The excitatory/inhibitory input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neuron soma undergoes day/night reorganization
Normal cerebrospinal fluid levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
Lipid signaling cascades of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors
The dual OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonist, almorexant, in the ventral tegmental area attenuates ethanol self-administration
Cerebrospinal fluid melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and HYPOCRETIN -1 (HCRT-1, OREXIN -A) in Alzheimer’s disease
Effects of IV and ICV HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in HYPOCRETIN receptor-2 gene mutated narcoleptic dogs and IV HYPOCRETIN -1 replacement therapy in a HYPOCRETIN -ligand …
Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the green Treefrog, Hyla cinerea
Dichotomous cellular properties of mouse OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
Pretreatment with subeffective doses of Rimonabant attenuates orexigenic actions of OREXIN A-HYPOCRETIN 1
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Tonus and Vigilance Control
Direct and indirect control of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons by glycine receptors
Metabolic Influence on the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
Behavioral neuroscience of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
Both corticotropin releasing factor and neuropeptide Y are involved in the effect of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on the food intake in rats
Expression of OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -A) in the hypothalamus after traumatic brain injury: A postmortem evaluation
Increased numbers of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in a genetic rat depression model
Intranasal drug targeting of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) to the central nervous system
Potential Mechanisms of the Wake-Promoting Action of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Chemogenetic activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons ameliorates aging-induced changes in behavior and energy expenditure
Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and CRF in the formation of drug-dependent synaptic plasticity in the mesolimbic system
Excitatory effects of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in the trigeminal motor nucleus are reversed by NMDA antagonism
OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) levels are not reduced while cocaine/amphetamine regulated transcript levels are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple …
Effects of intranasal OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) administration on neuronal activation, neurochemistry, and attention in aged rats
Afferent Control of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
Effects of changes in energy homeostasis and exposure of noxious insults on the expression of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and its receptors in the brain
Abstract# 3107 A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in metabolic and sleep abnormalities in a mouse model of non-metastatic breast cancer
Involvement of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in the addictive properties of nicotine
Pharmacology of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Peptides and Small Molecules
Stimulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurones by thyrotropin‐releasing hormone
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor modulation of anxiolytic and antidepressive responses during social stress and decision-making: potential for therapy
Leptin Receptor‐ and STAT3‐Immunoreactivities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurones of the Lateral Hypothalamus1
Neuroanatomical relationships between OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons/nerve fibers and nicotine-induced c-Fos-activated cells of the reward-addiction …
Effect of a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Antagonist on Neurocognitive Performance
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and the Ventral Midbrain: Topography and Function Associated with Psychostimulant-taking and Affect
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and characteristics of patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 with excessive daytime sleepiness
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system mediates the extinction of fear memories
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: obesity, narcolepsy and beyond
Effect of a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Antagonist on Neurocognitive Performance
Narcolepsy: a neurodegenerative disease of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system?
Identification and functional analysis of mutation in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) genes of narcoleptic canines.
The level of HYPOCRETIN 1 (OREXIN A) in cerebrospinal fluid and the diagnosis of narcolepsy and other somnolent disorders
Molecular mechanism of tumor necrosis factor alpha regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system, sleep, and behavior in mice
Modulation of respiratory activity by HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in situ and in vitro
Pharmacological characterization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor agonist Nag 26
Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in conditioned sucrose-seeking in female rats
Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the brain of a male songbird, the house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus
OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN 1)-like immunoreactivity in growth hormone-containing cells of the Japanese seaperch (Lateolabrax japonicus) pituitary
Central OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) 2 receptor antagonism reduces ethanol self-administration, but not cue-conditioned ethanol-seeking, in ethanol-preferring rats
The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 as a novel target to modulate cannabinoid reward
HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels are normal in Huntington’s disease
The Roles of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in Narcolepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, and Normal Behavior
Upregulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN expression in aged rats: Effects on feeding latency and neurotransmission in the insular cortex
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ), dopamine, and goal-directed behavior
Effects Of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN on the Thalamocortical Activating System
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s
Narcolepsy-The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the sleep-wake cycle
Sleep/wake disorders and the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in a zebrafish model of Parkinson’s Disease
Integration and output of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons and the dynamics of sleep-to-wake transitions
Anxiolytic function of the OREXIN 2/HYPOCRETIN A receptor in the basolateral amygdala
HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN B potentiates the excitatory synaptic transmission to OREXIN -sensitive neurons in layer 6b of mouse visual cortex
Hypothalamic cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) neurons: histochemical relationship to thyrotropin-releasing hormone, melanin-concentrating …
Chatper 32. Normal Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Organization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in the brain of two basal actinopterygian fishes, the cladistians Polypterus senegalus and Erpetoichthys calabaricus
Retracted: HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cell transplantation diminishes narcoleptic-like sleep behavior in rats.
Knockdown of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Attenuates Extended-Access Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats
Sleep dysregulation in binge eating disorder and “food addiction”: the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system as a potential neurobiological link
Regulation by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) of excitatory postsynaptic potentials in layer V pyramidal neurons of murine prefrontal cortex
2 HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Loss in Parkinson’s Disease
The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus is recruited by both natural rewards and drugs of abuse: recent evidence of a pivotal role for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN …
Retrograde study of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) projections to subdivisions of the dorsal raphe nucleus in the rat
History and overview of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN research
The anti-tumoral properties of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN hypothalamic neuropeptides: an unexpected therapeutic role
Reduction in Bladder Volume Alters Expression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptors in Brain Stem in Rats: a Correlation With Sleep Architecture
Hypothalamic neurons expressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides are necessary for the physiological effects of sleep on blood pressure
Diminished feeding responsiveness to OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN 1) in aged rats is accompanied by decreased neuronal activation
Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the brain of the lungfishes Protopterus dolloi and Neoceratodus forsteri
Mapping of the binding sites for the OX1 OREXIN receptor antagonist, SB-334867, using OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor chimaeras
HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Regulates Glutamate Input to Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Layer V of the Fr2 Region of the M…
A ventral striatal-OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuit modulates approach but not consumption of food
Retraction of the Letter:“Comment on ‘CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy’”
Inhibition of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons Ameliorates Elevated Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure in the A53T Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN System and Stress and Emotion
Role of innate and drug-induced dysregulation of brain stress and arousal systems in addiction: Focus on corticotropin-releasing factor, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and …
Distribution of hypothalamic neurons with OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) or melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) immunoreactivity and multisynaptic connections with …
Retraction of the Research Article:” CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy”
Organization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in the brain of holostean fishes: assessment of possible relationships with monoamines and neuropeptide Y
Dietary therapy restores glutamatergic input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons after traumatic brain injury in mice
Novel pathways for stimulant development 11: the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
Influence of inhibitory serotonergic inputs to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons on the diurnal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness
Erratum: CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy (Science Translational Medicine …
Optogenetic activation of serotonergic terminals facilitates GABAergic inhibitory input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
Age-specific treatment effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -receptor antagonism on methamphetamine-seeking behavior
OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 mediates cocaine-seeking behavior in the posterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus via OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor-2
Effects of intranasal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) on sleep in narcolepsy with cataplexy
Modulatory effects of HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A with glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid on freshly isolated pyramidal neurons from the rat prefrontal cortex
A mathematical model to explore the interdependence between the serotonin and OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN systems
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Type 2 Receptor (HCRTR2) Gene as a Candidate Gene in Sertraline-Associated Insomnia in Depressed Patients
Involvement of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the expression of social play behaviour in juvenile rats
The number of lateral hypothalamus OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons contributes to individual differences in cocaine demand
The human OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor crystal structures
Hypothalamic OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) neuronal projections to the vestibular complex and cerebellum in the rat
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and narcolepsy
Adolescent alcohol exposure increases OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 in the anterior hypothalamus
OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) impairs Morris water maze performance and CA1-Schaffer collateral long-term potentiation in rats
Genomic organization and regulation of the human OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) receptor 2 gene: identification of alternative promoters
OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) participates in central autonomic regulation during fight-or-flight response
IP3-independent signalling of OX1 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors to Ca2+ influx and ERK
Pharmacology of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors
OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 Controls the VTA-NAc Mesolimbic Pathway via Endocannabinoid-Mediated Disinhibition of Dopaminergic Neurons in Obese Mice
Nicotinic receptor blockade decreases fos immunoreactivity within OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -expressing neurons of nicotine-exposed rats
OREXIN receptor agonist Yan 7874 is a weak agonist of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors and shows OREXIN receptor-independent cytotoxicity
Activation of lateral hypothalamic group III metabotropic glutamate receptors suppresses cocaine-seeking following abstinence and normalizes drug-associated …
HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) prevents the effects of hypoxia/hypercapnia and enhances the GABAergic pathway from the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus to cardiac …
A patient with anti-aquaporin 4 antibody who presented with recurrent hypersomnia, reduced OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) level, and symmetrical hypothalamic lesions
Cytosolic calcium elevation induced by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in granule cell domain cells of the rat cochlear nucleus in vitro
Role of lateral hypothalamic OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons in alcohol use and abuse: recent advances
The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN System: Functional Roles and Therapeutic Potential
In Vivo Pharmacology of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Receptors
OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 immunoreactivity in the lateral hypothalamus is reduced in genetically obese but not in diet-induced obese mice
Effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN on Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons: An Emerging Role in Addiction
Effects of cocaine place conditioning, chronic escalating-dose “binge” pattern cocaine administration and acute withdrawal on OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and preprodynorphin …
The Prehistory of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons of the Lateral
Normal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Antagonists in Insomnia: From Bench to Clinic
Activation of lateral hypothalamic group III mGluRs suppresses drug-seeking following abstinence and cocaine-associated increases in excitatory drive to OREXIN …
Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnia, with and Without OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Deficiency
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Histamine: Distinct Roles in the Control of Wakefulness Demonstrated Using Knock-Out Mouse Models
Involvement of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in ethanol-conditioned behavior
The underlying mechanisms of the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system in anxiety and fear
Selective loss of GABAB receptors in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -producing neurons results in disrupted sleep/wakefulness architecture
OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Opioid Dependence
Investigations into the Role of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and Dynorphin in Drug Seeking, Reinforcement, and Withdrawal
Developmental changes in CSF HYPOCRETIN ‐1 (OREXIN ‐A) levels in normal and genetically narcoleptic Doberman pinschers
Input and Output of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons: Link Between Arousal Pathways and Feeding Behavior
The orexigenic effect of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in the lateral hypothalamus
Interaction of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -like immunoreactive neurons with melanin-concentrating hormone and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone neurons in brain of a …
CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A in narcolepsy: technical aspects and clinical experience in the United States
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