Hypocretin Orexin

  1. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in human narcolepsy
  2. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss in Parkinson’s disease
  3. Neurons containing HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) project to multiple neuronal systems
  4. Behavioral correlates of activity in identified HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  5. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss in Alzheimer’s disease
  6. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system
  7. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cell loss in Parkinson’s disease
  8. Release of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) during waking and sleep states
  9. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): role in normal behavior and neuropathology
  10. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ligand–receptor system: implications for sleep and sleep disorders
  11. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in arousal and stress
  12. A role for HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in male sexual behavior
  13. Hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): robust innervation of the spinal cord
  14. A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in motivation
  15. The sleep disorder canine narcolepsy is caused by a mutation in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 gene
  16. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: an increasingly important role in neuropsychiatry
  17. Loss of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons with traumatic brain injury
  18. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN excites HYPOCRETIN neurons via a local glutamate neuron—a potential mechanism for orchestrating the hypothalamic arousal system
  19. The HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system: from a neural circuitry perspective
  20. Leptin receptor-and STAT3-immunoreactivities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones of the lateral hypothalamus.
  21. CSF HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN levels in narcolepsy and other neurological conditions
  22. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN contributes to the expression of some but not all forms of stress and arousal
  23. IGFBP3 colocalizes with and regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  24. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN overexpression induces an insomnia-like phenotype in zebrafish
  25. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in health and disease
  26. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) regulation of sleep-to-wake transitions
  27. Low cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and altered energy homeostasis in human narcolepsy
  28. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) activation and synaptic innervation of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system
  29. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) facilitates reward by attenuating the antireward effects of its cotransmitter dynorphin in ventral tegmental area
  30. Sleep, sleep disorders and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  31. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN , sleep and narcolepsy
  32. The wake-promoting HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN neurons are in an intrinsic state of membrane depolarization
  33. Wake-promoting and sleep-suppressing actions of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): basal forebrain sites of action
  34. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system mediates the extinction of fear memories
  35. Identification and functional analysis of mutations in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) genes of narcoleptic canines
  36. Regulation of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) expression in embryonic zebrafish
  37. Localized loss of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cells in narcolepsy without cataplexy
  38. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN disturbances in neurological disorders
  39. A commentary on the neurobiology of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system
  40. Presynaptic and postsynaptic actions and modulation of neuroendocrine neurons by a new hypothalamic peptide, HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  41. The HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN system regulates cocaine self‐administration via actions on the mesolimbic dopamine system
  42. Narp immunostaining of human HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons: loss in narcolepsy
  43. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) biology and the pathophysiology of narcolepsy with cataplexy
  44. Predictors of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy without cataplexy
  45. Synaptic interaction between HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and neuropeptide Y cells in the rodent and primate hypothalamus: a novel circuit implicated in metabolic and …
  46. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuromodulation of stress and reward pathways
  47. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN depolarizes and decreases potassium conductance in locus coeruleus neurons
  48. Pattern of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) soma and axon loss, and gliosis, in human narcolepsy
  49. Narcolepsy with HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency, infections and autoimmunity of the brain
  50. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and energy expenditure
  51. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN innervation and excitation of identified septohippocampal cholinergic neurons
  52. Medial vestibular connections with the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system
  53. Non-sleep effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  54. Function and dysfunction of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN : an energetics point of view
  55. Differential modulation of nociceptive dural input to [HYPOCRETIN ] OREXIN A and B receptor activation in the posterior hypothalamic area
  56. Lateral hypothalamus: early developmental expression and response to HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  57. Adenosine inhibits activity of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by the A1 receptor in the lateral hypothalamus: a possible sleep-promoting effect
  58. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons contribute to hippocampus-dependent social memory and synaptic plasticity in mice
  59. Regulation of synaptic efficacy in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -containing neurons by melanin concentrating hormone in the lateral hypothalamus
  60. Direct and indirect inhibition by catecholamines of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  61. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in sleep disorders: preclinical insights and clinical progress
  62. Symptomatic narcolepsy, cataplexy and hypersomnia, and their implications in the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system
  63. Mapping the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal system: an unexpectedly productive journey
  64. Differential target-dependent actions of coexpressed inhibitory dynorphin and excitatory HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuropeptides
  65. Sexually dimorphic changes of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in depression
  66. Fasting activates the nonhuman primate HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system and its postsynaptic targets
  67. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN : a molecular link between sleep, energy regulation, and pleasure
  68. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN type 1 receptor in brain: role in cardiovascular control and the neuroendocrine response to immobilization stress
  69. Decreased brain histamine content in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-2 mutated narcoleptic dogs
  70. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐and melanin‐concentrating hormone‐expressing cells form distinct populations in the rodent lateral hypothalamus: relationship to the neuropeptide …
  71. Organization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN efferents to locus coeruleus and basal forebrain arousal‐related structures
  72. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and narcolepsy: new basic and clinical insights
  73. Prolonged wakefulness induces experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in mouse HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  74. Reduction of plasma leptin levels and loss of its circadian rhythmicity in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )-deficient narcoleptic humans
  75. Metabolic state signalling through central HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  76. Recent advances in understanding the roles of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in arousal, affect, and motivation
  77. Mitigation of murine focal cerebral ischemia by the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system is associated with reduced inflammation
  78. Exclusive postsynaptic action of HYPOCRETIN –OREXIN on sublayer 6b cortical neurons
  79. A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in metabolic and sleep abnormalities in a mouse model of non-metastatic breast cancer
  80. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: implications for drug reward and relapse
  81. Alertness and feeding behaviors in ADHD: does the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system play a role?
  82. GABAB receptor‐mediated modulation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones in mouse hypothalamus
  83. Excitatory action of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN on neurons of the central medial amygdala
  84. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN suppresses corticotroph responsiveness in vitro
  85. Optogenetic probing of fast glutamatergic transmission from HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN to histamine neurons in situ
  86. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in fish physiology with emphasis on zebrafish
  87. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN selectively increases dopamine efflux within the prefrontal cortex: involvement of the ventral tegmental area
  88. Age-related decline in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 messenger RNA levels in the mouse brain
  89. Stereological analysis of the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in an animal model of depression
  90. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN preferentially activates caudomedial ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons
  91. Circadian-dependent and circadian-independent behavioral actions of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  92. Comparison of melanin-concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN mRNA expression patterns in a new parceling scheme of the lateral hypothalamic zone
  93. Direct and indirect excitation of laterodorsal tegmental neurons by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides: implications for wakefulness and narcolepsy
  94. Effects of ambient temperature on sleep and cardiovascular regulation in mice: the role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  95. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signaling in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is essential for the expression of nicotine withdrawal
  96. Differential distribution of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin‐concentrating hormone in the goldfish brain
  97. A mathematical model of homeostatic regulation of sleep-wake cycles by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  98. μ-Opioid receptor-mediated depression of the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN arousal system
  99. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) enhances neuron activity and cell synchrony in developing mouse GFP‐expressing locus coeruleus
  100. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with narcolepsy: relationship to cataplexy and HLA DQB1* 0602 status
  101. A brief history of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and narcolepsy
  102. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN regulation of dopamine signaling and cocaine self-administration is mediated predominantly by HYPOCRETIN receptor 1
  103. A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 in cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior
  104. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and nociceptin/orphanin FQ coordinately regulate analgesia in a mouse model of stress-induced analgesia
  105. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency decreases cocaine abuse liability
  106. P2X2R purinergic receptor subunit mRNA and protein are expressed by all hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  107. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) is critical in sustaining theta/gamma-rich waking behaviors that drive sleep need
  108. Increased heart rate variability but normal resting metabolic rate in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -deficient human narcolepsy
  109. Reinstatement of cocaine seeking by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in the ventral tegmental area: independence from the local corticotropin-releasing factor network
  110. The number of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons is not affected in Prader-Willi syndrome
  111. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN story
  112. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN regulation of dopamine signaling: implications for reward and reinforcement mechanisms
  113. Analysis of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) antibodies in patients with narcolepsy
  114. Impaired HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system alters responses to salient stimuli in obese male mice
  115. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) loss and sleep disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease
  116. Hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and neuropeptide Y: divergent interaction with energy depletion and leptin
  117. Distribution of HYPOCRETIN -(OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
  118. Schizophrenia, HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ), and the thalamocortical activating system
  119. Opposite effects of noradrenaline and acetylcholine upon HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN versus melanin concentrating hormone neurons in rat hypothalamic slices
  120. Neuroendocrine proopiomelanocortin neurons are excited by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  121. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 as a novel target to modulate cannabinoid reward
  122. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) induces calcium transients in single spines postsynaptic to identified thalamocortical boutons in prefrontal slice
  123. Neuropeptide Y inhibits HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by multiple presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms: tonic depression of the hypothalamic arousal system
  124. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor: therapeutic prospective in sleep disorders
  125. The wake-promoting HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons change their response to noradrenaline after sleep deprivation
  126. Polymorphisms in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN pathway genes and narcolepsy
  127. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone increases behavioral arousal through modulation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  128. Modulation of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN mRNA expression by glucocorticoids
  129. CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy
  130. Optogenetic control of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons and arousal circuits
  131. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy and primary hypersomnia
  132. Animal models of narcolepsy and the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system: Past, present, and future
  133. Comparison of melanin-concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptide expression patterns in a current parceling scheme of the lateral hypothalamic zone
  134. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) input to trigeminal and hypoglossal motoneurons in the cat: a double-labeling immunohistochemical study
  135. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
  136. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuropeptides: participation in the control of sleep-wakefulness cycle and energy homeostasis
  137. Parkinson’s disease, sleepiness and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  138. Highly specific role of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neurons: differential activation as a function of diurnal phase, operant reinforcement versus operant avoidance and light level
  139. The hypothalamic peptidergic system, HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and vigilance control
  140. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptide signaling in the ascending arousal system: elevation of intracellular calcium in the mouse dorsal raphe and laterodorsal tegmentum
  141. Sex difference in body weight gain and leptin signaling in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficient mouse models
  142. Neurochemical heterogeneity among lateral hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons identified through single-cell gene …
  143. Antidepressant effects of exercise are produced via suppression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone in the basolateral amygdala
  144. Comparison of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin-concentrating hormone neurons and axonal projections in the embryonic and postnatal rat brain
  145. The development of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in HYPOCRETIN /ataxin-3 transgenic rats
  146. Cellular activation of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons facilitates short-term spatial memory in mice
  147. Systems genomics identifies a key role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-2 in human heart failure
  148. Glucagon-like peptide 1 excites HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons by direct and indirect mechanisms: implications for viscera-mediated arousal
  149. Cannabinoids excite hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone but inhibit HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons: implications for cannabinoid actions on food intake and …
  150. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system as a target for excessive motivation in alcohol use disorders
  151. Polymorphisms in the vicinity of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN are not associated with human narcolepsy
  152. Measurement of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN content in the mouse brain using an enzyme immunoassay: the effect of circadian time, age and genetic background
  153. Involvement of PLAGL1/ZAC1 in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN transcription
  154. Effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN cell transplantation on narcoleptic-like sleep behavior in rats
  155. Diurnal fluctuation in the number of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and histamine producing: Implication for understanding and treating neuronal loss
  156. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and sleep: implications for the pathophysiology and diagnosis of narcolepsy
  157. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal networks in zebrafish
  158. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) replacement therapies
  159. Direct excitation of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN cells by extracellular ATP at P2X receptors
  160. Distribution of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the feline pons and medulla
  161. Monozygotic twins concordant for narcolepsy-cataplexy without any detectable abnormality in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathway
  162. Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors maintain tonic inhibition of excitatory synaptic input to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  163. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN involvement in reward and reinforcement
  164. Selective enhancement of synaptic inhibition by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in rat vagal motor neurons: implications for autonomic regulation
  165. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonist almorexant promotes sleep without impairment of performance in rats
  166. Age-related changes in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the cat brainstem
  167. Molecular mechanism of tumour necrosis factor alpha regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) expression, sleep and behaviour
  168. Reduced HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels in dementia with Lewy bodies
  169. From molecule to behavior: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN revisited from a sex-dependent perspective
  170. Immunohistochemical localization and biochemical characterization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐related peptides in the central nervous system of the frog Rana ridibunda
  171. Cocaine abuse and midbrain circuits: Functional anatomy of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN transmission and therapeutic prospect
  172. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN knock‐out mice display disrupted behavioral and dopamine responses to cocaine
  173. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and plastic adaptations associated with drug abuse
  174. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency predicts severe objective excessive daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy with cataplexy
  175. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in the rat pineal gland: a central transmitter with effects on noradrenaline‐induced release of melatonin
  176. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) regulates glutamate input to fast-spiking interneurons in layer V of the Fr2 region of the murine prefrontal cortex
  177. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN increases the expression of steroidogenic enzymes in human adrenocortical NCI H295R cells
  178. Intracellular energy status regulates activity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones: a link between energy and behavioural states
  179. Transgenic Archaerhodopsin-3 expression in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons engenders cellular dysfunction and features of type 2 narcolepsy
  180. Feeding behavior: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons act between food seeking and eating
  181. Embryonic ethanol exposure affects the early development, migration, and location of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in zebrafish
  182. The role of the neuropeptide S system in addiction: focus on its interaction with the CRF and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurotransmission
  183. Repeated in vivo exposure of cocaine induces long‐lasting synaptic plasticity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐producing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus in mice
  184. Rapid and preferential activation of Fos protein in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons following the reversal of dehydration‐anorexia
  185. Clinical implications of basic research: The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in the central autonomic network
  186. Sleep-dependent structural synaptic plasticity of inhibitory synapses in the dendrites of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  187. Gonadal steroids modulated HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN type-1 receptor expression in a brain region, sex and daytime specific manner
  188. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN interactions with norepinephrine contribute to the opiate withdrawal syndrome
  189. Neural correlates of arousal‐induced circadian clock resetting: HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and the intergeniculate leaflet
  190. Transcriptional regulation of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN gene by NR6A1
  191. Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) levels are elevated by play but are not raised by exercise and its associated heart rate, blood pressure, respiration or …
  192. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐containing neurons are produced in one sharp peak in the developing ventral diencephalon
  193. Direct inhibition of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in the lateral hypothalamus by nociceptin/orphanin FQ blocks stress-induced analgesia in rats
  194. … using the small‐platforms‐over‐water method: polysomnographic analyses and melanin‐concentrating hormone and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal activation before …
  195. Depletion of hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons correlates with impaired memory in a Parkinson’s disease animal model
  196. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides alter spike encoding by serotonergic dorsal raphe neurons through two distinct mechanisms that increase the late afterhyperpolarization
  197. Intracellular signal pathways utilized by the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptors
  198. Pleasure, addiction, and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  199. Activity-dependent release of adenosine inhibits the glutamatergic synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hypothalamic HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  200. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonism enhances sleep-related adenosine and GABA neurotransmission in rat basal forebrain
  201. Alteration of the expression of the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) gene by 2-deoxyglucose in the rat lateral hypothalamic area
  202. Gender differences between HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN knockout and wild type mice: age, body weight, body composition, metabolic markers, leptin and insulin resistance
  203. Rat HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons are maintained in a depolarized state by TRPC channels
  204. Discovery of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ushers in a new era of sleep research
  205. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN modulates body weight and the metabolism of glucose and insulin
  206. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melatonin values in a narcoleptic-like sleep disorder after pinealectomy
  207. Sleep-deprivation regulates α-2 adrenergic responses of rat HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  208. Effects of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuronal loss on sleep and extracellular adenosine levels in the rat basal forebrain
  209. Retraction of the Research Article: “CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy”
  210. Experience‐dependent plasticity in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurones: re‐setting arousal threshold
  211. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor subtypes differentially enhance acetylcholine release and activate g protein subtypes in rat pontine reticular formation
  212. Early expression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the chick embryo brain
  213. Discharge of identified OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons across the sleep-waking cycle
  214. Increased HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Plasma Level in Depression, Bipolar Disorder Patients
  215. Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor blockade on drug-taking and ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) associated with low-effort self-administration of cathinone-derived 3, 4 …
  216. Locus coeruleus and tuberomammillary nuclei ablations attenuate HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonist-mediated REM sleep
  217. Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the neurobiology of sleep and alertness
  218. Different distributions of preproMCH and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the forebrain of the pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)
  219. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) immunoreactivity in the feline midbrain: Relevance for the generation of wakefulness
  220. Sexually dimorphic and asymmetric effects of embryonic ethanol exposure on HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons as related to behavioral changes in zebrafish
  221. HLA DQB1* 06: 02 negative narcolepsy with HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficiency
  222. Role of the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 2 (Hcrt-r2) in the regulation of HYPOCRETIN level and cataplexy
  223. Slow bursting neurons of mouse cortical layer 6b are depolarized by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and major transmitters of arousal
  224. Modulation of Cortical Activity and Sleep-Wake States by HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  225. Narcolepsy: selective HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuronal loss and multiple signaling deficiencies
  226. Morphological and Physiological Interactions Between GnRH3 and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neuronal Systems in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  227. Effects of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and major transmitters of arousal on fast spiking neurons in mouse cortical layer 6B
  228. Wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na, a prostaglandin DP1 receptor antagonist, in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN deficient narcoleptic mice
  229. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN loss changes the hypothalamic immune response
  230. Narcolepsy in a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN ‐deficient chihuahua
  231. Absence of autoreactive CD4+ T-cells targeting HLA-DQA1* 01: 02/DQB1* 06: 02 restricted HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN epitopes in narcolepsy type 1 when detected by EliSpot
  232. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons contain dynorphin
  233. Anti-Tribbles pseudokinase 2 (TRIB2)-immunization modulates HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neuronal functions
  234. Pre-treatment of blood samples reveal normal blood HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signal in narcolepsy type 1
  235. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) neuropeptide precursor gene, HCRT, polymorphisms in early-onset narcolepsy with cataplexy
  236. Heterogeneity of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
  237. Cellular Signaling Mechanisms of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  238. The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress-induced analgesia
  239. Transcriptional regulation of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN gene
  240. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathway to sleep
  241. Changes of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) System in Schizophrenia: From Plasma to Brain
  242. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: physiology and pathophysiology
  243. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN prevents recovery from sickness
  244. History and perspectives of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN research in sleep medicine
  245. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN antagonists decrease cocaine self-administration by female rhesus monkeys
  246. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptor Pharmacology and Sleep Phases
  247. Effect of 2-mercaptoacetate and 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration on the expression of NPY, AGRP, POMC, MCH and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the rat hypothalamus
  248. Depletion of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons increases cell proliferation in the adult subventricular zone
  249. Elevated HB‐EGF expression in neural stem cells causes middle age obesity by suppressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN expression
  250. Plasticity in neurons synthesizing wake/arousal promoting hormone HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  251. The emerging role of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN -a) in the developing central nervous system
  252. Motivational activation: a unifying hypothesis of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN function
  253. The role of the hypothalamic neuropeptides HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the sleep-wake cycle.
  254. Narcolepsy and low CSF OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) concentration after a diencephalic stroke
  255. Sleep Problems in Narcolepsy and the Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Deficiency
  256. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN , Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease
  257. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficiency in narcolepsy-cataplexy
  258. Overview of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system
  259. Normal plasma levels of OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) in narcoleptic patients
  260. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress and arousal
  261. Centrally administered OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN activates HPA axis in rats
  262. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides excite rat neuroendocrine dopamine neurons through OREXIN 2 receptor-mediated activation of a mixed cation current
  263. Selective action of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on nonspecific thalamocortical projection neurons
  264. Opposing effects of hypoxia on catecholaminergic locus coeruleus and HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons in chick embryos
  265. Age-related loss of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  266. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) receptor agonists and antagonists for treatment of sleep disorders
  267. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and motor function
  268. Coordination of metabolism, arousal, and reward by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  269. An investigation of interactions between HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN signaling and glutamate receptor surface expression in the rat nucleus accumbens under basal conditions …
  270. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system and autonomic control: new insights and clinical correlations
  271. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: a critical regulator of neuroendocrine and autonomic function
  272. Recent perspectives on OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN promotion of addiction-related behaviors
  273. Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in dependence and addiction
  274. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN excites the histaminergic neurons of the tuberomammillary nucleus
  275. Low levels of ventricular CSF OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in advanced PD
  276. CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A concentrations in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
  277. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Replacement Therapy in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN -Deficient Narcolepsy
  278. Bidirectional and context-dependent changes in theta and gamma oscillatory brain activity in noradrenergic cell-specific HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor 1-KO …
  279. The neural circuit of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ): maintaining sleep and wakefulness
  280. Roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in regulation of sleep/wakefulness and energy homeostasis
  281. Role of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in stress-related psychiatric disorders
  282. Differential distribution and regulation of OX1 and OX2 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor messenger RNA in the brain upon fasting
  283. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ): what it does and how it links with narcolepsy and food choices
  284. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN : wired for wakefulness
  285. Effects on sleep and wakefulness of the injection of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) into the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus of the cat
  286. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN treatment restores hippocampal-dependent memory in OREXIN -deficient mice
  287. Reactive and predictive homeostasis: roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  288. Effects of suvorexant, a dual OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonist, on impulsive behavior associated with cocaine
  289. A decade of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and addiction: where are we now?
  290. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system modulates amygdala-dependent threat learning through the locus coeruleus
  291. Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in reward-seeking and addiction: implications for obesity
  292. Roles for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the control of energy balance and metabolism
  293. Pleasure, addiction, and HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  294. The Development of Sleep/Wake Disruption and Cataplexy as HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons Degenerate in Male vs. Female OREXIN /tTA; TetO-DTA Mice
  295. Physiological characteristics of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons
  296. Neuronal responses to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  297. Cholinergic Regulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons Through M3Muscarinic Receptor in Mice
  298. Undetectable levels of CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in two prepubertal boys with narcolepsy
  299. Changes in OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neuronal expression with normal aging in the human hypothalamus
  300. OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) application at the medial preoptic area potentiates male sexual behavior in rats
  301. The physiological role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in the regulation of sleep/wakefulness and neuroendocrine functions
  302. Regulation of alcohol-seeking by OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons
  303. OREXIN A/HYPOCRETIN -1 selectively promotes motivation for positive reinforcers
  304. Electrical signaling in central OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuits: tuning arousal and appetite to fit the environment
  305. Enhanced antinociception by intracerebroventricularly and intrathecally-administered OREXIN A and B (HYPOCRETIN -1 and-2) in mice
  306. Systemic and nasal delivery of OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) reduces the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance in nonhuman primates
  307. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and organizing principles for a diversity of wake-promoting neurons in the brain
  308. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: chemical phenotype and possible interactions with melanin-concentrating hormone neurons
  309. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) in Models of Cocaine Addiction
  310. Electrical inhibition of identified anorexigenic POMC neurons by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
  311. Deletion of TASK1 and TASK3 channels disrupts intrinsic excitability but does not abolish glucose or pH responses of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  312. The regulation of sleep and wakefulness by the hypothalamic neuropeptide OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
  313. Effects of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on GIRK channels
  314. Dopamine-HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN interactions
  315. OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN 1) injected into hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and spontaneous physical activity in rats
  316. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in zebrafish is connected to the aminergic and cholinergic systems
  317. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN signaling
  318. OX1 and OX2 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor pharmacogenetics
  319. Activation of central OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons by dietary amino acids
  320. Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnolence with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
  321. Serotonergic regulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons through the 5-HT1A receptor
  322. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN : a neuropeptide at the interface of sleep, energy homeostasis, and reward system
  323. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of the basal forebrain cholinergic system: role in attention
  324. Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the rat median eminence and pituitary
  325. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of the basal forebrain cholinergic system: insights from in vivo microdialysis studies
  326. HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in human lumbar CSF in different age groups: infants to elderly persons
  327. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN actions on mesopontine cholinergic systems controling behavioral state
  328. HYPOCRETIN 1/OREXIN A in the ventral tegmental area enhances dopamine responses to cocaine and promotes cocaine self-administration
  329. Identification of neurons containing OREXIN -B (HYPOCRETIN -2) immunoreactivity in limbic structures
  330. Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in conditioned sucrose-seeking in rats
  331. Low cerebrospinal fluid and plasma OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) concentrations in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder
  332. Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnia, with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
  333. Ventricular OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) levels correlate with rapid-eye-movement sleep without atonia in Parkinson’s disease
  334. Molecular characterization of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and melanin concentrating hormone neurons: relevance to narcolepsy
  335. Diurnal variation of cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in control and depressed subjects
  336. Decreased cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN ‐1 (OREXIN A) in patients after repetitive generalized tonic–clonic seizures
  337. Input of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons revealed by a genetically encoded tracer in mice
  338. Selective excitation of GABAergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the rat by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in vitro
  339. From radioimmunoassay to mass spectrometry: a new method to quantify OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) in cerebrospinal fluid
  340. Increased HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -a) levels in cerebrospinal fluid of rats after short-term forced activity
  341. The role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues
  342. Increased and decreased muscle tone with OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) microinjections in the locus coeruleus and pontine inhibitory area
  343. Editorial [Hot Topic: The Sleep-Wake Cycle, the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN System and Narcolepsy: Advances from Preclinical Research to Treatment (Guest Editors: Oscar …
  344. Convergent actions of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and CRF on dopamine neurons: emerging players in addiction
  345. CSF levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) peak during early infancy in humans
  346. Diurnal regulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in mice
  347. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: role in food and drug overconsumption
  348. Role of the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system in contextual fear conditioning in rats
  349. The narcoleptic borderland: a multimodal diagnostic approach including cerebrospinal fluid levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A)
  350. The histaminergic system regulates wakefulness and OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neuron development via histamine receptor H1 in zebrafish
  351. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) innervation of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
  352. Multiple roles for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in addiction
  353. The highly selective OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN 1 receptor antagonist GSK1059865 potently reduces ethanol drinking in ethanol dependent mice
  354. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN based pharmacotherapies for the treatment of addiction: DORA or SORA?
  355. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor, Orx1, gene variants are associated with major depressive disorder
  356. The dual role of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in modulating wakefulness and respiratory drive
  357. HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) deficiency in acute traumatic brain injury
  358. Do OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons signal stress or reward?
  359. Depressive behavior and activation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system.
  360. Biomedical application of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor ligands in neuroscience
  361. Lateral hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: a role in reward-seeking and addiction
  362. Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) level fluctuates with season and correlates with day length
  363. The integrative role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in nociceptive perception and analgesic regulation
  364. Revealing the potential of intranasally administered OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1)
  365. Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Molecular Mimicry to Flu in Type 1 Narcolepsy (4989)
  366. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) pathology in Alzheimer’s disease
  367. Decreased HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with myotonic dystrophy and excessive daytime sleepiness
  368. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor chimaeras reveal structural features important for OREXIN peptide distinction
  369. Normal CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in dementia with Lewy bodies associated with excessive daytime sleepiness
  370. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN tonus and vigilance control
  371. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and dysregulated eating: Promotion of foraging behavior
  372. Cholecystokinin activates OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons through the cholecystokinin A receptor
  373. Changes in CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in rats across 24 hours and in response to food deprivation
  374. Normal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Huntington’s disease
  375. CSF OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 concentrations in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
  376. Long-lasting silencing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice
  377. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN (Orx/Hcrt) transmission and drug-seeking behavior: is the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) part of the drug seeking circuitry?
  378. Circadian and dark-pulse activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  379. OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) is possibly involved in generation of anxiety-like behavior
  380. Functional roles of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors in reward circuit
  381. A case with HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) deficient narcolepsy, Parkinson’s disease and severe psychosis was successfully treated by modified electro-convulsive therapy
  382. Activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN projections to basal forebrain and paraventricular thalamus by acute nicotine
  383. Interactions of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurones and the histaminergic system
  384. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN )-like immunoreactivity in the cat hypothalamus: a light and electron microscopic study
  385. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Cell Transplantation as a New Therapeutic Approach in Narcolepsy
  386. Altered allostatic regulation of wakefulness and slow-wave-sleep spectral quality in mice with HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) receptor 1 inactivation in noradrenergic cells
  387. Interactions of neuropeptide Y, HYPOCRETIN -I (OREXIN A) and melanin-concentrating hormone on feeding in rats
  388. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor gene (HCRTR1) variation is associated with aggressive behaviour
  389. Hypersomnia and low CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) concentration in a patient with multiple sclerosis showing bilateral hypothalamic lesions
  390. An investigation of the role of the neuropeptide HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in stress
  391. Increased number of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons with high and prolonged external stress-induced depression
  392. Postnatal development of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in rats
  393. Optical probing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonists
  394. Immunohistochemical localization of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -like immunoreactive peptides and melanin-concentrating hormone in the brain and pituitary of medaka
  395. Mu-opioid stimulation in rat prefrontal cortex engages hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons, and reveals dissociable roles of nucleus accumbens and …
  396. Symptomatic Narcolepsy with Cataplexy and Without Cataplexy or Hypersomnia, with and Without HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Deficiency
  397. Paradoxical function of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuits in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  398. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and histamine: distinct roles in the control of wakefulness demonstrated using knock-out mouse models
  399. Olfactory dysfunction in patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy is restored by intranasal OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1)
  400. Hormonal Abnormalities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Deficient Human Narcolepsy
  401. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Pathology in Human Narcolepsy with and Without Cataplexy
  402. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN System and Fear Learning
  403. Lateral hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons that project to ventral tegmental area are differentially activated with morphine preference
  404. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptor Functions in Mesopontine Systems Regulating Sleep, Arousal, and Cataplexy
  405. Acute optogenetic silencing of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons induces slow-wave sleep in mice
  406. Muscle tone facilitation and inhibition after OREXIN -a (HYPOCRETIN -1) microinjections into the medial medulla
  407. Pressor response to microinjection of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN into rostral ventrolateral medulla of awake rats
  408. Association of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor gene (HCRTR1) with reward sensitivity, and interaction with gender
  409. A mathematical model of sleep-wake cycles: the role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in homeostatic regulation and thalamic synchronization
  410. Electrophysiological effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN on nucleus accumbens shell neurons in rats: an in vitro study
  411. … of Putative Appositions from Neurons Expressing Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone with Neurons Expressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN or Melanin-Concentrating …
  412. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and addiction
  413. The effect of intranasal OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) on sleep, wakefulness and attention in narcolepsy with cataplexy
  414. Recent progress in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN physiology and pharmacology
  415. Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of OREXIN A/HYPOCRETIN -1 and body composition in humans
  416. Vasopressin increases locomotion through a V1a receptor in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: implications for water homeostasis
  417. Increased CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in restless legs syndrome
  418. Conditional ablation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons: a new mouse model for the study of narcolepsy and OREXIN system function
  419. The electrical activity of hippocampal pyramidal neuron is subjected to descending control by the brain OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system
  420. Dysregulation of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system is not limited to narcolepsy but has far‐reaching implications for neurological disorders
  421. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN plays a role in the response to physiological disequilibrium
  422. Decreased CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) after acute haemorrhagic brain injury
  423. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN is necessary for context-driven cocaine-seeking
  424. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and MCH Neurons: Cognitive and Motor Roles Beyond Arousal
  425. Functional opioid pathways are necessary for HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A)-induced feeding
  426. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in neuropsychiatric disorders: Relation to signs and symptoms
  427. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -1 receptor antagonism reduces ethanol self-administration and reinstatement selectively in highly-motivated rats
  428. Attenuation of saccharin-seeking in rats by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor 1 antagonist
  429. The OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neuropeptide system is a target for novel therapeutics to treat cocaine use disorder with alcohol coabuse
  430. Pharmacological and chemogenetic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN intervention ameliorates Hipp-dependent memory impairment in the A53T mice model of Parkinson’s …
  431. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulates response of ventral tegmental dopamine neurons to prefrontal activation: diurnal influences
  432. An Approach to Determining the Functions of HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )
  433. Comment on “CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy”
  434. Stimulant doses of caffeine induce c-FOS activation in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons in rat
  435. CSF HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) levels in childhood narcolepsy and neurologic disorders
  436. Reduction of Plasma Leptin Levels and Loss of Its Circadian Rhythmicity in HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN )-Deficient Narcoleptic…
  437. Selective Fos induction in hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN , but not melanin-concentrating hormone neurons, by a learned food-cue that stimulates feeding in sated rats
  439. Aging-related alterations in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN modulation of septo-hippocampal amino acid neurotransmission
  440. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor 1-KO mice
  441. OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) and leptin enhance LTP in the dentate gyrus of rats in vivo
  442. Ectopic expression of melanopsin in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons enables control of wakefulness of mice in vivo by blue light
  443. Narcolepsy without cataplexy: 2 subtypes based on CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A findings
  444. Inhibition of OREXIN -1/HYPOCRETIN -1 receptors inhibits yohimbine-induced reinstatement of ethanol and sucrose seeking in Long–Evans rats
  445. Normal Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  446. Convergent excitation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons by multiple arousal systems (OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN , histamine and noradrenaline)
  447. OX1 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor signaling through arachidonic acid and endocannabinoid release
  448. Cerebrospinal fluid HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in mania compared to unipolar depression and healthy controls
  449. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -1 receptor antagonism selectively reduces cue-induced feeding in sated rats and recruits medial prefrontal cortex and thalamus
  450. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Effects on Constitutively Active Inward Rectifier K+ Channels in Cultured Nucleus Basalis Neurons
  451. CD4+ T-Cell Reactivity to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in Patients With Narcolepsy Type 1
  452. Increased number and activity of a lateral subpopulation of hypothalamic OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons underlies the expression of an addicted state in rats
  453. Activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons is associated with individual differences in cued fear extinction
  454. Relationship of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system and astrocyte activation in Parkinson’s disease with hypersomnolence
  455. The excitatory/inhibitory input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neuron soma undergoes day/night reorganization
  456. Normal cerebrospinal fluid levels of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
  457. Lipid signaling cascades of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors
  458. The dual OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor antagonist, almorexant, in the ventral tegmental area attenuates ethanol self-administration
  459. Cerebrospinal fluid melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and HYPOCRETIN -1 (HCRT-1, OREXIN -A) in Alzheimer’s disease
  460. Effects of IV and ICV HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in HYPOCRETIN receptor-2 gene mutated narcoleptic dogs and IV HYPOCRETIN -1 replacement therapy in a HYPOCRETIN -ligand …
  461. Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the green Treefrog, Hyla cinerea
  462. Dichotomous cellular properties of mouse OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  463. Pretreatment with subeffective doses of Rimonabant attenuates orexigenic actions of OREXIN A-HYPOCRETIN 1
  464. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Tonus and Vigilance Control
  465. Direct and indirect control of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons by glycine receptors
  466. Metabolic Influence on the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
  467. Behavioral neuroscience of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN
  468. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Sleep
  470. Both corticotropin releasing factor and neuropeptide Y are involved in the effect of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) on the food intake in rats
  471. Expression of OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -A) in the hypothalamus after traumatic brain injury: A postmortem evaluation
  472. Increased numbers of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons in a genetic rat depression model
  473. Intranasal drug targeting of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) to the central nervous system
  474. Potential Mechanisms of the Wake-Promoting Action of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  475. Chemogenetic activation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons ameliorates aging-induced changes in behavior and energy expenditure
  476. Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and CRF in the formation of drug-dependent synaptic plasticity in the mesolimbic system
  477. Excitatory effects of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in the trigeminal motor nucleus are reversed by NMDA antagonism
  478. OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN -1) levels are not reduced while cocaine/amphetamine regulated transcript levels are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple …
  479. Effects of intranasal OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) administration on neuronal activation, neurochemistry, and attention in aged rats
  480. Afferent Control of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurons
  481. Effects of changes in energy homeostasis and exposure of noxious insults on the expression of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and its receptors in the brain
  482. Abstract# 3107 A role for HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in metabolic and sleep abnormalities in a mouse model of non-metastatic breast cancer
  483. Involvement of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in the addictive properties of nicotine
  484. Pharmacology of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Peptides and Small Molecules
  485. Stimulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurones by thyrotropin‐releasing hormone
  486. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor modulation of anxiolytic and antidepressive responses during social stress and decision-making: potential for therapy
  487. Leptin Receptor‐ and STAT3‐Immunoreactivities in HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Neurones of the Lateral Hypothalamus1
  488. Neuroanatomical relationships between OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -containing neurons/nerve fibers and nicotine-induced c-Fos-activated cells of the reward-addiction …
  489. Effect of a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Antagonist on Neurocognitive Performance
  490. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and the Ventral Midbrain: Topography and Function Associated with Psychostimulant-taking and Affect
  491. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and characteristics of patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 with excessive daytime sleepiness
  492. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system mediates the extinction of fear memories
  493. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system: obesity, narcolepsy and beyond
  494. Effect of a HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Antagonist on Neurocognitive Performance
  495. Narcolepsy: a neurodegenerative disease of the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system?
  496. Identification and functional analysis of mutation in the HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) genes of narcoleptic canines.
  497. The level of HYPOCRETIN 1 (OREXIN A) in cerebrospinal fluid and the diagnosis of narcolepsy and other somnolent disorders
  498. Molecular mechanism of tumor necrosis factor alpha regulates HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) system, sleep, and behavior in mice
  499. Modulation of respiratory activity by HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) in situ and in vitro
  500. Pharmacological characterization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor agonist Nag 26
  501. Role of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in conditioned sucrose-seeking in female rats
  502. Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the brain of a male songbird, the house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus
  503. OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN 1)-like immunoreactivity in growth hormone-containing cells of the Japanese seaperch (Lateolabrax japonicus) pituitary
  504. Central OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) 2 receptor antagonism reduces ethanol self-administration, but not cue-conditioned ethanol-seeking, in ethanol-preferring rats
  505. The HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN receptor-1 as a novel target to modulate cannabinoid reward
  506. HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels are normal in Huntington’s disease
  507. The Roles of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in Narcolepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, and Normal Behavior
  508. Upregulation of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN expression in aged rats: Effects on feeding latency and neurotransmission in the insular cortex
  509. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ), dopamine, and goal-directed behavior
  510. Effects Of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN on the Thalamocortical Activating System
  511. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s
  512. Narcolepsy-The role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN in the sleep-wake cycle
  513. Sleep/wake disorders and the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN system in a zebrafish model of Parkinson’s Disease
  514. Integration and output of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN neurons and the dynamics of sleep-to-wake transitions
  515. Anxiolytic function of the OREXIN 2/HYPOCRETIN A receptor in the basolateral amygdala
  516. HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN B potentiates the excitatory synaptic transmission to OREXIN -sensitive neurons in layer 6b of mouse visual cortex
  517. Hypothalamic cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) neurons: histochemical relationship to thyrotropin-releasing hormone, melanin-concentrating …
  518. Chatper 32. Normal Role of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  519. Organization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in the brain of two basal actinopterygian fishes, the cladistians Polypterus senegalus and Erpetoichthys calabaricus
  520. Retracted: HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) cell transplantation diminishes narcoleptic-like sleep behavior in rats.
  521. Knockdown of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Attenuates Extended-Access Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats
  522. Sleep dysregulation in binge eating disorder and “food addiction”: the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system as a potential neurobiological link
  523. Regulation by HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) of excitatory postsynaptic potentials in layer V pyramidal neurons of murine prefrontal cortex
  524. 2 HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Loss in Parkinson’s Disease
  525. The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus is recruited by both natural rewards and drugs of abuse: recent evidence of a pivotal role for OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN …
  526. Retrograde study of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) projections to subdivisions of the dorsal raphe nucleus in the rat
  527. History and overview of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN research
  528. The anti-tumoral properties of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN hypothalamic neuropeptides: an unexpected therapeutic role
  529. Reduction in Bladder Volume Alters Expression of HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN Receptors in Brain Stem in Rats: a Correlation With Sleep Architecture
  530. Hypothalamic neurons expressing HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN peptides are necessary for the physiological effects of sleep on blood pressure
  532. Diminished feeding responsiveness to OREXIN A (HYPOCRETIN 1) in aged rats is accompanied by decreased neuronal activation
  533. Distribution of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN immunoreactivity in the brain of the lungfishes Protopterus dolloi and Neoceratodus forsteri
  534. Mapping of the binding sites for the OX1 OREXIN receptor antagonist, SB-334867, using OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor chimaeras
  535. HYPOCRETIN (OREXIN ) Regulates Glutamate Input to Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Layer V of the Fr2 Region of the M…
  536. A ventral striatal-OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN circuit modulates approach but not consumption of food
  537. Retraction of the Letter:“Comment on ‘CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy’”
  538. Inhibition of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons Ameliorates Elevated Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure in the A53T Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
  539. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN System and Stress and Emotion
  540. Role of innate and drug-induced dysregulation of brain stress and arousal systems in addiction: Focus on corticotropin-releasing factor, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and …
  541. Distribution of hypothalamic neurons with OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) or melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) immunoreactivity and multisynaptic connections with …
  542. Retraction of the Research Article:” CD4+ T cell autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and cross-reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 influenza A epitope in narcolepsy”
  543. Organization of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in the brain of holostean fishes: assessment of possible relationships with monoamines and neuropeptide Y
  544. Dietary therapy restores glutamatergic input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons after traumatic brain injury in mice
  545. Novel pathways for stimulant development 11: the HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN
  546. Influence of inhibitory serotonergic inputs to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons on the diurnal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness
  547. Erratum: CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to HYPOCRETIN /OREXIN and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy (Science Translational Medicine …
  548. Optogenetic activation of serotonergic terminals facilitates GABAergic inhibitory input to OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons
  549. Age-specific treatment effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -receptor antagonism on methamphetamine-seeking behavior
  550. OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 mediates cocaine-seeking behavior in the posterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus via OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor-2
  551. Effects of intranasal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) on sleep in narcolepsy with cataplexy
  552. Modulatory effects of HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A with glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid on freshly isolated pyramidal neurons from the rat prefrontal cortex
  553. A mathematical model to explore the interdependence between the serotonin and OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN systems
  554. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Type 2 Receptor (HCRTR2) Gene as a Candidate Gene in Sertraline-Associated Insomnia in Depressed Patients
  555. Involvement of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in the expression of social play behaviour in juvenile rats
  557. The number of lateral hypothalamus OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN neurons contributes to individual differences in cocaine demand
  558. The human OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptor crystal structures
  559. Hypothalamic OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) neuronal projections to the vestibular complex and cerebellum in the rat
  560. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and narcolepsy
  561. Adolescent alcohol exposure increases OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 in the anterior hypothalamus
  562. OREXIN -A (HYPOCRETIN -1) impairs Morris water maze performance and CA1-Schaffer collateral long-term potentiation in rats
  563. Genomic organization and regulation of the human OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) receptor 2 gene: identification of alternative promoters
  564. OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) participates in central autonomic regulation during fight-or-flight response
  565. IP3-independent signalling of OX1 OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors to Ca2+ influx and ERK
  566. Pharmacology of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors
  567. OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 Controls the VTA-NAc Mesolimbic Pathway via Endocannabinoid-Mediated Disinhibition of Dopaminergic Neurons in Obese Mice
  568. Nicotinic receptor blockade decreases fos immunoreactivity within OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -expressing neurons of nicotine-exposed rats
  569. OREXIN receptor agonist Yan 7874 is a weak agonist of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN receptors and shows OREXIN receptor-independent cytotoxicity
  570. Activation of lateral hypothalamic group III metabotropic glutamate receptors suppresses cocaine-seeking following abstinence and normalizes drug-associated …
  571. HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) prevents the effects of hypoxia/hypercapnia and enhances the GABAergic pathway from the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus to cardiac …
  572. A patient with anti-aquaporin 4 antibody who presented with recurrent hypersomnia, reduced OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) level, and symmetrical hypothalamic lesions
  573. Cytosolic calcium elevation induced by OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN in granule cell domain cells of the rat cochlear nucleus in vitro
  574. Role of lateral hypothalamic OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) neurons in alcohol use and abuse: recent advances
  575. The OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN System: Functional Roles and Therapeutic Potential
  576. In Vivo Pharmacology of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Receptors
  577. OREXIN -A/HYPOCRETIN -1 immunoreactivity in the lateral hypothalamus is reduced in genetically obese but not in diet-induced obese mice
  578. Effects of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN on Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons: An Emerging Role in Addiction
  579. Effects of cocaine place conditioning, chronic escalating-dose “binge” pattern cocaine administration and acute withdrawal on OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and preprodynorphin …
  580. The Prehistory of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons of the Lateral
  581. Normal HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN A) levels in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  582. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Antagonists in Insomnia: From Bench to Clinic
  583. Activation of lateral hypothalamic group III mGluRs suppresses drug-seeking following abstinence and cocaine-associated increases in excitatory drive to OREXIN …
  584. Symptomatic Narcolepsy or Hypersomnia, with and Without OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) Deficiency
  585. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Histamine: Distinct Roles in the Control of Wakefulness Demonstrated Using Knock-Out Mouse Models
  586. Involvement of the OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN system in ethanol-conditioned behavior
  587. The underlying mechanisms of the OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) system in anxiety and fear
  588. Selective loss of GABAB receptors in OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -producing neurons results in disrupted sleep/wakefulness architecture
  589. OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN and Opioid Dependence
  590. Investigations into the Role of OREXIN (HYPOCRETIN ) and Dynorphin in Drug Seeking, Reinforcement, and Withdrawal
  591. Developmental changes in CSF HYPOCRETIN ‐1 (OREXIN ‐A) levels in normal and genetically narcoleptic Doberman pinschers
  592. Input and Output of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN Neurons: Link Between Arousal Pathways and Feeding Behavior
  593. The orexigenic effect of HYPOCRETIN -1 (OREXIN -A) in the lateral hypothalamus
  594. Interaction of OREXIN /HYPOCRETIN -like immunoreactive neurons with melanin-concentrating hormone and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone neurons in brain of a …
  595. CSF HYPOCRETIN -1/OREXIN -A in narcolepsy: technical aspects and clinical experience in the United States

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