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Prognostic significance of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA in mental disorders
The relationship of cardiovascular disease to HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on gastric emptying in man
Moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA augments ischemic brain damage: a neuropathologic study in the rat
Regional cerebral blood flow decreases during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Regulation of splanchnic and peripheral glucose uptake by insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA in man
Glucagon: role in the HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetes mellitus
Increased damage after ischemic stroke in patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA with or without established diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyponatremia—calculation of expected serum sodium depression
HYPERGLYCEMIA, polyol metabolism, and complications of diabetes mellitus
Neurological dysfunction associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Synergistic interactions among antiinsulin hormones in the pathogenesis of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
The development of obesity, hyperinsulinemia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in ob/ob mice
The variable hyponatremic response to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Genetic influence of the streptozotocin-induced insulitis and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA appearing as choreoathetosis or ballism
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced teratogenesis is mediated by a functional deficiency of arachidonic acid
Effect of ecdysterone on HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental animals
Risk factors for neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with 10% dextrose infusion
Epilepsia partialis continua associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: clinical and biochemical profile of 21 patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA a risk factor in coronary heart disease
Blood-brain glucose transfer: repression in chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
A new interpretation of HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese middleaged persons
Influence of hyperinsulinemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the route of glucose administration on splanchnic glucose exchange
Responses of neonatal rat islets to streptozotocin: limited B-cell regeneration and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and plasma lipid levels: a prospective study of young insulin-dependent diabetic patients
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA: effects of rehydration on endocrine derangements and blood glucose concentration
Rifampicin-induced early phase HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA in anticholinesterase poisoning.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolality complicating peritoneal dialysis
Risk factors for HYPERGLYCEMIA in children with leukemia receiving L-asparaginase and prednisone
Demonstration of insulin resistance in untreated adult onset diabetic subjects with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Islet function and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA: plasma glucose and epinephrine interaction
HYPERGLYCEMIA in stressed small premature neonates
HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetic rats decreased by a glucagon receptor antagonist
Induction of glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA by topical corticosteroid therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria following chlorpromazine therapy
Multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulitis in C57BL mice: influence of inbred background, sex, and thymus
On the mechanism of diazoxide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits glucose production in man independent of changes in glucoregulatory hormones
Acute hyperkalemia induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA: hormonal mechanisms
Glucose counterregulation and waning of insulin in the Somogyi phenomenon (posthypoglycemic HYPERGLYCEMIA)
Effects of maternal diabetes on early embryogenesis: II. HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced exencephaly
Studies on mechanisms of cerebral edema in diabetic comas. Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and rapid lowering of plasma glucose in normal rabbits
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria due to thiazide derivatives administered in diabetes mellitus
Synergistic Interactions of Physiologic Increments of Glucagon, Epinephrine, and Cortisol in the Dog: A MODEL FOR STRESS-INDUCED HYPERGLYCEMIA
Human fetal insulin response to sustained maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin’s in vivo effects in type II diabetes.
Extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA in dialysis patients.
Xylazine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Cattle: A Possible Involvement of a2-Adrenergic Receptors Regulating Insulin Release
Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and epilepsia partialis continua
HYPERGLYCEMIA with relative hypoinsulinemia in diphenylhydantoin toxicity
Control of the HYPERGLYCEMIA of obese” diabetics” by weight reduction
Central nervous system action of bombesin: mechanism to induce HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucose intolerance in infants of very low birth weight: I. incidence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in infants of birth weights 1,100 grams or less
Bombesin affects the central nervous system to produce HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA, recognized and unrecognized, as a risk factor for stroke and transient ischemic attacks.
Virus-induced diabetes mellitus. XV. Beta cell damage and insulin-dependent HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice infected with coxsackie virus B4.
Xylazine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in beef cattle.
Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma with HYPERGLYCEMIA: clinical features, pathophysiology, renal function, acid-base balance, plasma-cerebrospinal fluid equilibria and the …
The absence of cataracts in mice with congenital HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA after acute myocardial infarction: its relation to diabetes mellitus
Failure of trivalent chromium to improve HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes mellitus
… factors by Rhizopus oryzae in the presence and absence of serum: relationship to hyphal damage mediated by human neutrophils and effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and …
A major loss in islet mass and B-cell function precedes HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice given multiple low doses of streptozotocin
Effect of modest HYPERGLYCEMIA on tubuloglomerular feedback activity.
Effects of chronic fetal HYPERGLYCEMIA upon oxygen consumption in the ovine uterus and conceptus.
Xylazine hydrochloride‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia in thoroughbred horses
Phenytoin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cerebral edema in diabetic comas. II. Effects of hyperosmolality, HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin in diabetic rabbits
Xylazine causes transient dose-related HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased urine volumes in mares.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced intracellular depletion of ascorbic acid in human mononuclear leukocytes
The role of glucagon in the endogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyponatremia: metabolic considerations in calculation of serum sodium depression.
The effect of insulin on the alpha-cell response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in long-standing alloxan diabetes
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion as determined with the isolated rat pancreas in a perfusion apparatus
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in an adult community as determined by history or fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Morphine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the cat
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolarity in an eighteen-month-old child
Ultradian growth hormone rhythm in the rat: effects of feeding, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Studies on the mechanism of epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in man: evidence for participation of pancreatic glucagon secretion
The glomerular filtration rate during moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal man
Galanin inhibits insulin secretion and induces HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs
Death as a result of HYPERGLYCEMIA without ketosis—a complication of hemodialysis
Glomerular filtration rate and extracellular fluid volumes during normoglycemia and moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetics
Abnormal pancreatic glucagon secretion and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes mellitus
Acetaminophen-induced hepatic glycogen depletion and HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Evaluation of the three-hour oral glucose tolerance test in detection of significant HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in pregnancy
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperglucagonemia following neurotensin administration
Inaccuracy in automated measurement of hematocrit and corpuscular indices in the presence of severe HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in advanced renal failure: sodium and water metabolism
Effects of co-ingestion of fat and protein upon carbohydrate-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationships of lipoprotein lipids to mild fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes in pregnancy
Morphine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: role of insulin and glucagon
HYPERGLYCEMIA and arterial disease
Skin diabetes: Hyperglycodermia without HYPERGLYCEMIA
Human growth hormone release in sleep: nonsuppression by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs retinal oxygen autoregulation in normal and diabetic dogs.
The effects of insulin on experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits
HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute myocardial infarction: a six-year follow-up study
Protective actions of taurine against streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Diminished insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in prediabetes and diabetes
A method for consistent induction of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA with alloxan
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in adult diabetics by pulsed insulin delivery
Studies on As2O3-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA (author’s transl)
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypoglycemic attacks, and production of anti-insulin antibodies without previous known immunization: immunological and functional studies in a …
Increased feeding and HYPERGLYCEMIA elicited by intracerebroventricular 5-thioglucose
Fourth ventricular phlorizin dissociates feeding from HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Mechanism of diuresis following acute modest HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
Transient hepatic response to glucagon in man: role of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucose disposal of low birth weight infants: steady state HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by constant intravenous glucose infusion
HYPERGLYCEMIA Following the Portal Injection of Insulin.
Potentiation of insulin secretory responses by plasma glucose levels in man: evidence that HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes compensates for impaired glucose potentiation
Is borderline fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA a risk factor for cardiovascular death?
Insulin and growth-hormone responses in neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanism of fluoride-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Rat
Lethal hyperkalemia associated with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic patients with renal failure
HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiopulmonary bypass.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in coronary thrombosis
Diphenylhydantoin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and impaired insulin release: Effect of dosage
Anacidotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and focal seizures
HYPERGLYCEMIA, polyol accumulation, and increased intracranial pressure
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the reperfusion period hampers recovery from cerebral ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA per se (insulin and glucagon withdrawn) can inhibit hepatic glucose production in man
Spurious elevation of the electronically determined mean corpuscular volume and hematocrit caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Dogrib Indians of the Northwest Territories, Canada: association with age and a centripetal distribution of body fat
Role of epinephrine-mediated β-adrenergic mechanisms in hypoglycemic glucose counterregulation and posthypoglycemic HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent …
Posthypoglycemic HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic children
Effects of ovine maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal regional blood flows and metabolism
β-Endorphin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA is mediated by increased central sympathetic outflow to adrenal medulla
Methylmalonic acidemia with the unusual complication of severe HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria among Indians, Malays and Africans (Bantu) in Cape Town, South Africa
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with the therapeutic use of L-asparaginase: possible role of insulin receptors
Effect of a fat free, high carbohydrate diet on diabetic subjects with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucose disposal in low-birth-weight infants during steady-state HYPERGLYCEMIA: effects of exogenous insulin administration
Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia in relation to HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-treated diabetic out-patients
Response of congestive heart failure to correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the presence of diabetic nephropathy
Glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA in coronary thrombosis
Diabetic polyneuropathy: the importance of insulin deficiency, HYPERGLYCEMIA and alterations in myoinositol metabolism in its pathogenesis
Movement‐induced seizures in nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Profound HYPERGLYCEMIA and metabolic acidosis after verapamil overdose
The effect of ten days of fasting on various aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in obese diabetic subjects with significant fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Administration of D-glucosamine into the third cerebroventricle induced feeding accompanied by HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by the action of adrenalin on the central nervous system
Brain injury from marked hypoxia in cats: role of hypotension and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the thermal response of murine normal and tumor tissues
Studies on diazoxide HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia on the pH, glycolysis, and respiration of the Yoshida sarcoma in vivo
Persistent nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA as a grave prognostic sign in head-injured patients.
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA with phloridzin restores the glucagon response to glucose in insulin-deficient dogs: implications for human diabetes
Pathogenesis of insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Studies on alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria
α-Glucosidase inhibition improves postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and decreases insulin requirements in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Role of the symphato‐adrenal system in hemorrhagic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on thermochemotherapy of a spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma
Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with loxapine and amoxapine: case report.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia during xylazine-ketamine anesthesia in Thoroughbred horses.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia among persons with coronary heart disease
The role of glucagon in the pathogenesis of the endogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetes mellitus
Effect of correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA on left ventricular function in non‐insulin‐dependent (type 2) diabetics
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on blood flow, pH, and response to hyperthermia (42°) of the Yoshida sarcoma in the rat
Myocardial carbohydrate metabolism in normal dogs, with effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and starvation
Parallel relation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia (esterified fatty acids) in diabetes
Effect of insulin hypoglycemia on alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA
Understanding of hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA by youngsters with diabetes and their parents
Aggravation of diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA by chlordiazepoxide
Reversible acute pulmonary edema due to uncontrolled HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic individuals with renal failure
The Diastatic Activity of the Blood in Experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA
Convulsions, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and glycosuria from overdose of nalidixic acid
Glycosylation of nail in diabetics: possible marker of long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic individuals treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinemia, and route of glucose administration on glucose oxidation and glucose storage
Ultrastructural studies of the hyperplastic islets of Langerhans of spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) before and during the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Feeding and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by 1, 5-anhydroglucitol in the rat
Renal functions of low birth weight infants with HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucosuria produced by glucose infusions
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA and coronary heart disease in middle-aged men in two employed populations in Chicago
Neuromuscular changes with alloxan HYPERGLYCEMIA: electrophysiological, biochemical, and histological study in rats
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on survival after hemorrhagic shock.
An adrenergic mechanism for HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by diazoxide
Mechanism of epinephrine-HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on meal-stimulated gastric, biliary, and pancreatic secretion, and serum gastrin
Tonic focal seizures in nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetes mellitus
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated free insulin and cortisol changes in “Somogyi-like” patients
Growth hormone and insulin release after arginine: indifference to HYPERGLYCEMIA and epinephrine
Acute hyperosmolar HYPERGLYCEMIA causes axonal shrinkage and reduced nerve conduction velocity
Insulin-induced posthypoglycemic HYPERGLYCEMIA as a cause of “brittle” diabetes: Clinical clues and therapeutic implications
The standard two-hour oral glucose tolerance test in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in subjects without fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucagon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA as an index of liver function
The effects of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA on surfactant phospholipid synthesis in organotypic cultures of type II pneumocytes
Metabolic Effects of Anesthesia: VI. Mechanism of Metabolic Acidosis and HYPERGLYCEMIA During Ether Anesthesia in the Dog
Diminished effect of caloric restriction on control of HYPERGLYCEMIA with increasing known duration of type II diabetes mellitus
Increased electronic mean corpuscular volume induced by marked HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diseases of the Skin
Adrenaline mediation of histamine and serotonin HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal mice and the absence of adrenaline-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in pertussis-sensitized mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA as an etiologic factor in certain dermatoses
The syndrome of dehydration, coma and severe HYPERGLYCEMIA without ketosis in patients convalescing from burns
Control of insulin secretion during fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in adult diabetics and in nondiabetic subjects during infusion of glucose
In vivo metabolic effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA in murine radiation-induced fibrosarcoma: a 31P NMR investigation
Coma and HYPERGLYCEMIA following drinking of acetone
Spontaneous HYPERGLYCEMIA and/or obesity in laboratory rodents: an example of the possible usefulness of animal disease models with both genetic and …
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by somatostatin in normal subjects
Virus-induced diabetes mellitus: II. Relationship between beta cell damage and HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice infected with encephalomyocarditis virus
The effects of adrenergic blocking agents and theophylline on 3′, 5′-AMP-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of adrenalectomy on body weight and HYPERGLYCEMIA in five months old Ob/Ob mice
Prevention of l-Dopa-Induced Growth Hormone Stimulation by HYPERGLYCEMIA
A central nervous system component of epinephrine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Moderate Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA–a Cause of Focal Epilepsy
Nickel induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the freshwater fish, Colisa fasciatus
Islet changes induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: effect of insulin or chlorpropamide therapy
Coma and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the absence of ketonemia: Present in a 12-year-old boy
Enhanced metastasis formation by combined hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats bearing Walker 256 carcinosarcoma
Studies in the regulation of blood-sugar concentration in crustaceans. I. Normal values and experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA in Libinia emarginata
Recurrent HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with sepsis in a neonate
… pancreas and serum of mice with spontaneous (“obese” and “New Zealand obese”) and induced (goldthioglucose) obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA, with considerations on …
Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma with HYPERGLYCEMIA: abnormalities of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
Classically conditioned HYPERGLYCEMIA in the obese mouse.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and plasma lipid levels: covariations in insulin-dependent diabetes
Studies in the regulation of blood-sugar concentration in crustaceans. II. Experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA and the regulatory mechanisms
A delimitation of the central nervous mechanism involved in reflex HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA and response to treatment with an inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation in a patient with insulin resistance due to antiinsulin receptor antibodies
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and the adrenergic regulation of pancreatic hormones in hypoxia
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Pima Indians: a preliminary appraisal of its significance
The mechanism of ether HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased liver glycogen in rats after x-irradiation.
HLA in maturity-onset type of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the young
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the hexose monophosphate shunt in islets of Langerhans
Diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Seneca Indians
Diphenylhydantoin toxic psychosis with associated HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Insulin receptor on monocytes from patients with acromegaly and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Neurotensin HYPERGLYCEMIA: evidence for histamine mediation and the assessment of a possible physiologic role
HYPERGLYCEMIA in hypernatremic dehydration
Bimodality of glycosylated hemoglobin distribution in Pima Indians: relationship to fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Marked stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in a child.
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA with secondary hyperinsulinemia inhibits the maturational response of fetal lamb lungs to cortisol.
Fourth ventricular alloxan injection causes feeding but not HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
The relation of the adrenals to piqûre HYPERGLYCEMIA and to the glycogen content of the liver
Phenothiazine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: Relation to CNS and adrenal effects
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA independent of changes in insulin or glucagon on lipolysis in the conscious dog
Effect in normal man of HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria on excretion and reabsorption of phosphate
Reduced postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA after subcutaneous injection of a somatostatin-analogue (SMS 201-995) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Effects of a long-acting somatostatin analogue on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Endogenous opioids interact in stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Chromium-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
The production of permanent HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria by the prolonged administration of insulin
Role of catecholamine release in morphine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nalidixic acid… false-positive glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Sorbitol content of plasma and erythrocytes during induced short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Gluconeogenesis in epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Adrenergic receptor and epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucose tolerance
Inhibitory action of HYPERGLYCEMIA on delivery of glucose to the blood stream by liver of the normal dog
HYPERGLYCEMIA after gastrectomy as a prediabetic state: Clinical study of 100 postgastrectomy patients
The role of hepatic control of glucose homeostasis in the etiology of neonatal hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on novelty-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and on conditioned HYPERGLYCEMIA
Carbohydrate metabolism in the baboon subjected to gram-negative (E. coli) septicemia. I. HYPERGLYCEMIA with depressed plasma insulin concentrations.
Observations on alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA on the levels of human chorionic somatomammotropin in mid-pregnancy
Diltiazem and HYPERGLYCEMIA-coma
Effect of somatostatin on neurotensin-induced glucagon release and HYPERGLYCEMIA
The role of the anterior pituitary in adrenaline HYPERGLYCEMIA and liver glycogenolysis
Insulin secretion in glucosamine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Intraventricular cholecystokinin-octapeptide produces HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins–a new tool for assessment of cumulative HYPERGLYCEMIA in epidemiologic studies, past and future.
Studies on the effect of hyperthyroidism on the insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in the dog
Thiazide-and phthalimidine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in hypertensive patients
Glucose tolerance and time sequence of adiposity, hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese-hyperglycemic mice (obob)
On the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA
Studies on the pathogenesis of acute inflammation: IX. The influence of hyperosmolality secondary to HYPERGLYCEMIA upon the acute inflammatory response induced …
Emotional HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia in tropical mammals and reptiles
The relation of adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA to decreased alkali reserve of the blood
Cholecystokinin-octapeptide suppresses stress-induced eating by inducing HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by certain insulin preparations.
Morphine HYPERGLYCEMIA and the adrenals
Dopamine analog-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: involvement of the adrenal medulla and the endocrine pancreas.
HYPERGLYCEMIA: Evaluation in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Endorphins in endotoxin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
The absence of adrenaline-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in pertussis-sensitized mice and its relation to histamine and serotonin hypersensitivity
The role of the pancreas in HYPERGLYCEMIA from ether
Can marked HYPERGLYCEMIA occur without ketosis?
Continuous noninvasive monitoring of pH and temperature in rat Walker 256 carcinoma during normoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nonketoacidotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and coma during intravenous diazoxide therapy in uremia
Nonketotic hyperosmolar HYPERGLYCEMIA during glycerol therapy for cerebral edema
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular diseases in three Chicago epidemiologic studies
Temporary idiopathic neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and pregnancy in the rat
The association between abnormal glucose tolerance (HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia) and estriol excretion in pregnancy
Antagonism of cadmium and alloxan-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats by Trigonella foenum graecum.
Avoidance of surgical HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic patients
More on the triad of pancreatitis, hyperamylasemia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA upon islet regeneration in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and microangiopathy in the eel
Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: Clinical, biochemical, and therapeutic considerations
Adrenergic receptor mechanisms involved in the HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlactic-acidemia produced by sympathomimetic amines in the cat.
Liver dysfunction HYPERGLYCEMIA: Its etiology and relation to diabetes mellitus
Perinatal glucose homeostasis: the unique character of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in infants of very low birth weight
Diabetes: The Science and the Art: HYPERGLYCEMIA v Complications
Diabetic glucose control: matching plasma insulin concentration to dietary and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute necrotizing pneumonitis and HYPERGLYCEMIA after amiodarone therapy: case report and review of amiodarone-associated pulmonary disease
Defect in Glucose Removal in Nonketotlc Diabetic Patients with Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and inhibition of insulin secretion during administration of diazoxide and trichlormethiazide in man
Studies on Severe Alcohol Intoxication in Dogs. II. Mechanisms Involved in the Production of HYPERGLYCEMIA, Hypokalemia and Hemoconcentration
Plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone in kindreds with maturity-onset type of HYPERGLYCEMIA in young people
Risk factors other than HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic macrovascular disease
The role of glucagon hypersecretion in the pathogenesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA following acute myocardial infarction
Growth hormone secretion during sleep: impairment in glucose tolerance and nonsuppressibility by HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by Vespa orientalis venom sac extract
HYPERGLYCEMIA and galactose cataracts
… tumor of the pancreas: report of a case with an untoward response to tolbutamide and with a study of the possible mechanism of postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on gross body movements in human fetuses at 32–34 weeks’ gestation
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se on Glucose Disposal and Clearance in Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetics
The influence of pregnancy on the HYPERGLYCEMIA of pancreatic diabetes
Centrally mediated drug-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Eight-month correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is associated with a significant and sustained reduction of urinary albumin excretion …
The effect of adrenergic blocking agents on plasma insulin and blood glucose during urethan or epinephrine induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of acid stimulation of the duodenum upon experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA and utilization of glucose
Naloxone decreases centrally induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs: evidence for an opioid role in glucose homeostasis
Observations on the effect of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the glucose content of the cerebrospinal fluid in patients with tuberculous meningitis
The impact of euglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on stimulated pituitary hormone release in insulin-dependent diabetics
Spontaneous HYPERGLYCEMIA and impaired glucose tolerance in athymic nude BALB/c mice
The physiological assay of insulin based on its effects on the HYPERGLYCEMIA following glucose injections and epinephrin
Peritoneal dialysis with fructose dialysate: Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolality
Busselton population study: risk associated with asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Drug control of HYPERGLYCEMIA and inhibition of insulin secretion due to centrally administered 2-deoxy-D-glucose
HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by glycerol
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolarity in a brittle diabetic with thyrotoxicosis
Functional alterations in pancreatic beta cells as a factor in virus-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice.
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on hypothalamic gold uptake and hyperphagia in goldthioglucose-treated mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA following p-hydroxymercuribenzoate administration to mice
Survival of intrasplenically implanted islets in mice with experimental insulitis and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces surface active material flux in tracheal fluid of fetal lambs
Extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA and severe ketosis with spontaneous remission of diabetes mellitus
Insulin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic dogs.
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain capillary permeability in the lizard, Anolis carolinensis. A freeze-fracture analysis of blood-brain barrier pathology
Threshold doses of 2-deoxy-D-glucose for HYPERGLYCEMIA and feeding in rats and monkeys
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA and its effect on the placental transport of ascorbic acid
Effects of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal development
Effects of progressive HYPERGLYCEMIA on ovarian structure and function in the spontaneously diabetic Chinese hamster
A HYPERGLYCEMIA-glucosuria syndrome in cats following megestrol acetate therapy.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Washoe and Northern Paiute Indians
… kidney of spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus): electron microscopy of glomerular changes associated with ageing and tubular glycogen accumulation during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Fatty acid, epinephrine, and glucagon HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal and depancreatized sheep
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and aketotic hyperosmolar acidosis with heat stroke
Experimental hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the chick embryo.
Hypokalemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and acidosis after intentional theophylline overdose
NEURAL AND HORMONAL FACTORS IN BODILY ACTIVITY: The Prepotency of Medulliadrenal Influence in Emotional HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of duodenal stimulation in man upon alimentary and adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevalence of diabetes/HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated cardiovascular risk factors in blacks and whites: Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry
Relation between plasma glucose levels of mother and fetus during maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypoglycemia, and fasting in the rat
Insulin Content of Pancreas after Sodium Fluoroacetate-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
The effects of chronic fetal HYPERGLYCEMIA on substrate uptake by the ovine fetus and conceptus
Ethanol-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA mediated by the central nervous system
Studies of arteriovenous differences in blood sugar. 1. Effect of alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA on the rate of extrahepatic gracose assimilation.
Neural release of glucagon is inhibited by HYPERGLYCEMIA and enhanced by phentolamine
Effect of high spinal cord section on epinephrine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Propionic acidemia associated with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis and bouts of severe HYPERGLYCEMIA (author’s transl)
Diet-related risk factors for human atherosclerosis: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA—current status
Turnover rates of blood glucose in normal dogs during HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by glucose or glucagon
Hypertension, obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Importance of glucagon in mediating epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in alloxan-diabetic dogs
Separate influences of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA on hepatic drug metabolism in mice with genetic and chemically induced diabetes mellitus.
HYPERGLYCEMIA—Based upon a study of 2000 blood chemical analyses
Aplastic carcinoma in diabetic mice: HYPERGLYCEMIA-suppressed proliferation rate and insulin synthesis by tumor cells
Morphometric analysis of medial basal hypothalamic neuronal degeneration in diabetes (db/db) mutant C57BL/KsJ mice: relation to age and HYPERGLYCEMIA
5-Thio-D-glucose causes increased feeding and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
Effect of diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA and other sugars on plasma dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity
Diabetic coma with extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Insulin-like activity in pancreatic vein blood after glucose loading and epinephrine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Arginine stimulates thymic immune function and ameliorates the obesity and the HYPERGLYCEMIA of genetically obese mice
Oral contraceptives abolish luteal phase exacerbation of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type I diabetes
The relation of adrenalin and of the carotid sinus to the HYPERGLYCEMIA of shock
Clonidine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: evidence against a growth hormone-mediated effect.
Effect of certain antihistaminics on epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and lacticacidemia
Evidence of central influences on blood glucose level: malathion HYPERGLYCEMIA
Phosphorylated Intermediates in Tumor Glycolysis III. Effects of Anoxia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of islet tissue in the cold‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus
Sleep release of human growth hormone in treated juvenile diabetics: Similarity to normal subjects and nonsuppression by HYPERGLYCEMIA
The role of glucagon in HYPERGLYCEMIA. A review (author’s transl)
Development of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in uremic rats
Prevention and reversal despite HYPERGLYCEMIA of glycogen infiltration (“hydropic degeneration”) in the pancreas in alloxan diabetes in the rabbit
HYPERGLYCEMIA produced in mice by administration of acetazolamide and diphenylhydantoin
Relationship of enteritidis-paratyphoid B infections to HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits
Response of choroidal vascular resistance to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Studies on the effect of thyroxine replacement therapy on the increased insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in the thyroidectomized dog
Dopamine agonist-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: structure-activity relationships and mechanisms of action
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinemia and risk of cardiovascular mortality. Findings of the Paris Prospective Survey, 10 years later
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycogen storage in the rabbit fetal liver
Diabetes-associated endometrial disruption in the Chinese hamster: structural changes in relation to progressive HYPERGLYCEMIA
Blockage of epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA during exposure to simulated altitudes
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Its Prevention by Insulin Treatment on the Incorporation of 32P into Polyphosphoinositides and Other Phospholipids in Peripheral Nerve …
Reflex plasma HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolality evoked by unloading of the carotid baroreceptors
Early microvascular pathology during HYPERGLYCEMIA in bats
Blockade of hyperkalemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by epinephrine in frog liver and in cats
Biochemical pharmacology of the fibrinolysin system of the rat. I. The effect of alloxan-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Studies on the HYPERGLYCEMIA and hepatic glycogenolysis produced by alpha and beta adrenergic agonists in the cat
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Acetonuria Simulating Diabetes: Phenylephrine Associated HYPERGLYCEMIA and Acetonuria Simulating Diabetes Mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA due to impaired hepatic glycogenesis
Hyper-G stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats mediated by glucoregulatory hormones.
Brain uptake of mannitol and sucrose after cerebral ischemia: effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Distribution of blood sugar between corpuscles and plasma in diabetic and in alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibition of gluconeogenesis and glucagon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
HYPERGLYCEMIA in persons with advanced senile cataract
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: possible involvement of cholinergic receptors in the lateral hypothalamus
Prognosis of impaired glucose tolerance in children with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA, symptoms of hypoglycemia, or asymptomatic glucosuria
Effect of adrenergic blockade with Hydergine on HYPERGLYCEMIA accompanying hypothermia in dogs
Glycosylated fetal hemoglobin: Correlation with HYPERGLYCEMIA and birth weight in infants of diabetic mothers
HYPERGLYCEMIA Produced by Sympathin in Emotional Excitement
Modification of glucagon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats by 17-ethyl-19-nortestosterone
Increased metabolism only one factor in the production and maintenance of the HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria in experimental hyperthyroidism
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucagon suppression: Possible importance of the vagus and enteric humoral factors
Effects of gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose metabolism and its hormonal control in the fasted, newborn rat during the early postnatal period
Changes in perilymph glucose concentration: Occurrence in HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia
Effect of peripheral versus portal venous administration of insulin on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucose turnover in alloxan-diabetic dogs.
HYPERGLYCEMIA of the dehydrated infant
Ketoacidosis without HYPERGLYCEMIA during self-monitoring of diabetes
The relation of HYPERGLYCEMIA to cataract
The relationship between myocardial function and glucose metabolism in the halothane-depressed heart: I. The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and β-cell adaptation during prolonged somatostatin infusion with glucagon replacement in man
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia on the glycogen content of the pituitary and adrenal glands of normal, subdiabetic and diabetic rats
Mast Cell Degranulation, Hepatic Glycogen Depletion, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Compound 48/80 or Pilocarpine‐Treated Rats
Development of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA as a function of number of trials in insulin conditioning
Reduced short-term variability of fetal heart rate in association with maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA during pregnancy in insulin-dependent diabetic women
Prevention of the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA in sand rats by adrenal medullectomy
Role of catecholamine in time-dependent HYPERGLYCEMIA due to 2-deoxyglucose, mannitol, and glucose
Host Parasite Relations in Initiation of Infection: II. HYPERGLYCEMIA and Stress in Experimental Infection with L. Monocytogenes
Pregnancy glycosuria with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Umbilical glucose and lactate extractions during maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA in sheep
Somatostatin does not cause sustained fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in man
Neonatal hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: two unique perinatal metabolic problems
Reflex HYPERGLYCEMIA: A study of the carbohydrate mobilization effected by afferent crural, sciatic and vagus stimulation
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Ketonemia with Ether and Divinyl Oxid.
Pituitary and adrenal influence on reduced insulin B-chain induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by the oral administration of glucose in turtles
Induction of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs by administration of diabetogenic bovine pituitary peptide
Studies on epinephrine and 3′, 5′-AMP induced HYPERGLYCEMIA employing the isolated perfused rat liver preparation
Production of temporary prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA by the administration of glucose with barbiturates and sulfapyrazine
Lack of influence of insulin-induced hypoglycemia on alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA
The influence of blood transfusion on the HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria of pancreatic diabetes in the dog
Studies on the mechanism of idiopathic hyperlipemia with HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Centrally mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA by 6-aminonicotinamide
Dopamine agonist-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: effects of lergotrile mesylate
Lateral hypothalamic lesions or transections block bombesin HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA by intrasplenic transplantation of 4-week-cultured allogeneic mouse islets
Improving effects of ginsenoside-Rb, in streptozotocin diabetic rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria associated with disease of the biliary tract
Intensification of tumor acidification in artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA using inorganic phosphate
Inhibition of epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA with adrenergic blocking drugs
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Increased Liver Glycogen Values in Hypo-physectomized Rats on Chronic Administration of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone.
Increased serum creatinine resulting from HYPERGLYCEMIA, mimicking transplant rejection
Degenerative diabetic complications. Is persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA more dangerous than wide glycemic fluctuations?(author’s transl)
Plasma potassium changes in anuric HYPERGLYCEMIA treated with insulin
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic complications
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the fresh water field crab (Oziotelphusa senex senex) produced by a pesticide (BHC)
Carbamazepine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in hyponatremic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA in pyridoxine deficient rats
Central nervous system mediation of fluoride HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA and net transintestinal glucose and sodium transport in the rat
Evaluation of the renin-aldosterone system during hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in children and adolescents
Guanethidine blocks the 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced hypothalamic noradrenergic drive to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA, Tolbutamide and Glucagon on the Pathways of Glucose Oxidation in the Goosefish Islet in Vitro
HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical care medicine
Studies in alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria
Report on HYPERGLYCEMIA in middle-aged male Japanese National Railways workers
Effect of control of HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma insulin responses to various stimuli in newly diagnosed ketosis-prone diabetic patients
Extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic coma with recovery
Adrenomedullary hormonal stimulation and HYPERGLYCEMIA following intermale aggression in the bandicoot rat.
Increased plasma prothrombin activity after epinephrine injections; relation to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Efficiency of human insulin (recombinant DNA) in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis and severe nonketoacidotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Pressure on the central nervous system in its relation to HYPERGLYCEMIA: chronic piqûre
Catecholamine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs: independence from alterations in pancreatic hormone release
Insulin insensitivity and hyposuppressibility of glucagon by HYPERGLYCEMIA in aged Wistar rats
Neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA following maternal diazoxide administration
… serum biochemical values following decapitation or anesthesia with ether, halothane or Innovar-VetR: Rapid Innovar-VetR-induced hyperuricemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Studies on the Mechanism of Alloxan Initial HYPERGLYCEMIA I. A Role of Pituitary and Adrenal Gland in Connection with the Effect of Alloxan on the Blood Sugar
Induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA with insulin antibodies to B-chain determinants
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces intestinal sucrase activity in subtotally pancreatectomized rats
Lack of pituitary involvement in the cold-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus
Glomerular tubular balance of renal D-glucose transport during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of propanolol and sotalol on epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycogen depletion of liver and muscle in the rat
Nervous regulation of conditioned HYPERGLYCEMIA to nociceptive stimulation
On the mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA and stimulation of growth hormone secretion by L-dopa
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters the physico-chemical properties of proteins in erythrocyte membranes of diabetic patients
Urethane-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on biogenic amines, β-endorphin and insulin of the rat brain
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glycosuria Following Discontinuation of Insulin Given Non-Diabetic Patients
Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria as a manifestation of bulimia.
DNA damage produced by combined HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia in two mouse fibrosarcoma tumors in vivo
Benign Glycosuria with HYPERGLYCEMIA: Report of Case with Metabolic Studies
DIABETIC VASCULAR DISEASE: The Importance of Insulin Deficiency, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hypophosphatemia on Red Cell Oxygen Unloading 1
The inhibitory effect of crinofizin (pineal peptide extract) on adrenalin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits.
Dinitrophenol HYPERGLYCEMIA. I. Its Independence of Asphyxia.
Furosemide-induced hyperuricemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension and arterial lesions in nonarteriosclerotic and arteriosclerotic rats
Insulin production in overt (maturity-onset) diabetes: absence of hyperinsulinemia despite HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by contraceptive steroids
HYPERGLYCEMIA without ketosis or hypernatremia
HYPERGLYCEMIA without Glycosuria
HYPERGLYCEMIA in BALB/c mice after pretreatment with one subdiabetogenic dose of streptozotocin and subsequent infection with a Coxsackie B4 strain.
Further Studies on the Antagonist to Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA in Pituitary Extracts
Pneumococcal meningitis with HYPERGLYCEMIA and development of subdural effusion; successful treatment with chloramphenicol
The effect of antisera to insulin, 2-deoxygiucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA, and starvation on wound healing in normal mice
Epinephrine HYPERGLYCEMIA: with particular reference to the arteriovenous blood sugar difference in hepatic disease
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced in dogs by Clostridium perfringens toxin.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in very low birth weight infants: a common iatrogenic problem.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the enzyme activities of lenticular tissue of rats
Hydrogen ion concentration in tumor issue and artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of vagotomy on HYPERGLYCEMIA by ruminal administration of butyric acid in sheep
Influence of acarbose on HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by various carbohydrates in rats and oral starch tolerance in monkeys.
Morphine HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs with experimental pancreatic deficiency
A new technic for the detection of hidden diabetes: induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA by feeding glucose after dietary preparation
Adrenaline HYPERGLYCEMIA: proportionality with dose
Nephrotoxic damage by Clostridium perfringens toxin. Protective effect of amino acids against HYPERGLYCEMIA and renal damage by C. perfringens toxin.
Somatostatin and diabetes mellitus: The role of glucagon in diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucose intolerance
A case of HYPERGLYCEMIA in a thyroidectomized sheep
Clinical Review: Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in Infancy and Childhood: A Review
Effects of hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the metastases formation and on survival of rat bearing W256 carcinosarcoma
Postoperative ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA during prostaglandin E1 infusion in infancy
HYPERGLYCEMIA is not associated with mortality in bacterial meningitis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and arginine-initiated growth-hormone release during pregnancy
… serum 3, 5, 3′-triiodothyronine (T 3) and raised 3, 3′, 5′-triidothyronine (reverse T 3 or RT 3) in diabetes mellitus: Normalization on improvement in HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and inhibition of insulin secretion by 2-deoxy-D-glucose in rats with hypothalamic lesions
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and coronary heart disease
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on beta granulation in pancreatic islets of fetuses from diabetic rats
The Olivetti survey: asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA and ECG abnormalities at baseline
Metabolically induced focal seizures: hyperosmolar non-ketoacidotic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycogenolysis in fed and fasted neonatal swine
A difference between the mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA production by ether and by chloroform
Postirradiation HYPERGLYCEMIA in the primate
Rates of blood glucose appearance and disappearance during HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by alloxan in sheep
Experimental studies on morphine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibition of ether HYPERGLYCEMIA by adrenergic blocking agents.
On the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanism Maintaining the HYPERGLYCEMIA of Diabetes.
Resistance to ketoacidosis despite severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in thin adult diabetics
The effect of dexamethasone, diet control and HYPERGLYCEMIA on murine hepatic T3 receptors
Histamine antagonists in the treatment of shock HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA, keto-acidosis and coma in a nondiabetic hyperthyroid patient
Patterns of HYPERGLYCEMIA in sand rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and sickness
Kidney Alkaline Phosphatase of Rats Following Alloxan Induced Diabetes and Acute Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA
The influence of destruction of the adrenal medulla on emotional HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
On the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA The First Report. The Relation of Adrenalin to the Change of the Glycogen Content in the Muscle
Lack of beta-adrenergic role for catecholamines in the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketonaemia following acute insulin withdrawal in type I diabetic patients.
Discordant correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketoacidosis with low-dose insulin infusion
Experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA during pregnancy and the puerperium in suspect prediabetic patients with observations on serum insulin
Research on Xanthurenic Acid. X. Research on the Mechanism of Xanthurenic-Acid-Initial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Arteriosclerosis
Antagonism of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in the sand rat (Psammomys obesus) with positive or negative energy balance.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cardiac tolerance to normothermic anoxia arrest during cardiopulmonary bypass in dogs.
A study of the role of insulin in metabolism in nondiabetic patients. 1. Transitory HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria following discontinuation of insulin.
Plasma angiotensin II concentrations in diabetic ketoacidosis and in hyperosmolar non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of phenobarbital, atropine, l-α-methyldopa, and DL-propranolol on dieldrin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the adult rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA in response to hypoglycemia in normal and hypophysectomized dogs
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA for manipulated inhibition of tumor microcirculation
Hemochromatosis presenting as diabetic ketoacidosis with extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Relation of the alkali reserve of the blood to glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA in pancreatic diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the NZB/NZW F1 hybrid mouse
Effect of atropine on ether HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibitory Effect of Propranolol on HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced by Dibutyryl 3′, 5′-Cyclic AMP
Glucose Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinemia: Persistence Following Removal of an Islet Cell Adenoma
Retardant effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the rise in plasma fatty acids following insulin withdrawal in man
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Paresis: Report of Two Cases
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on fructose biosynthesis in mouse seminal vesicles.
Endogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA restores insulin release impaired by somatostatin analogue
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia produced by Witte’s peptone
HYPERGLYCEMIA and starvation: contrast in rat brain gluconeogenic amino acids and glycogen
Insulin-resistant HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by aminophylline
L-Amino Acid Inhibition of Epinephrine-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of previous intake of glucose on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetics
Effect of diabetes or HYPERGLYCEMIA on lipid metabolism and urea formation by the perfused rat liver
On the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA The Fourth Report. The Antagonism between the Pancreas Hormone and the Adrenalin
HYPERGLYCEMIA following experimental cholecystitis.
On the genetic heterogeneity of juvenile HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibitory activity of glucagon on caerulein exocrine stimulation, independent of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Possible contribution of renal gluconeogenesis to the development of N-monomethylacetamide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
Partial reversal of the in vivo antimalarial activity of DDS against Plasmodium berghei by induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
The preventive effect of lycopene on HYPERGLYCEMIA in alloxan-induced diabetic rats and its mechanism
Relationship between obesity and spontaneous inappropriate HYPERGLYCEMIA (diabetes) in animals
Glutamate-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA protects against mercury nephrotoxicity in the rat
Reflex insulin secretion due to central HYPERGLYCEMIA promoted by intracarotid glucose infusion in dogs
Role of H2-receptors in gastrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in dogs
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria after ingestion of glucose by ambulatory patients over 40 years of age
Mechanisms responsible for the HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by the dibutyryl derivative of cyclic 3′, 5′-adenosine monophosphate
On the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA The Third Report. Reducing Substances in the Adrenalin HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hyperlipidemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertension in repeatedly bred parents of the obese spontaneously hypertensive rat (obese/SHR) unaccompanied by …
Effects of intensive insulin therapy on the activity of nuclear factor kappa B in PBMC of the patients with critical illness complicated by HYPERGLYCEMIA
p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: influence of pre-and post-treatment with L-leucine, tolbutamide, D-mannoheptulose, insulin and alloxan
Role of autonomic nervous system in the time-dependent HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by intracranial injection of d-mannitol and d-glucose
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA to infection, MODS, and survival time in dead trauma patients
Diabetic coma with marked HYPERGLYCEMIA and recovery: Report of a case
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic coma: possible relationship to diuretic-propranolol therapy.
Cerebrovascular accident and diabetes: The pathogenic role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic vasculopathy
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Arteriosclerosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice of the Goodale Giant (G/Gw) strain
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hamster anesthetized with Inactin [5-ethyl-5-(-methyl propyl)-2-thiobarbiturate]
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarction (author’s transl)
Studies on 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effects of hypo-or HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain metabolism in experimental cerebral ischemia
The Nature of the HYPERGLYCEMIA Associated with Anaphylactic Shock in the Dog
Host Parasite Relations In Initiation of Infection: III. HYPERGLYCEMIA without Stress in Experimental Infection with L. Monocytogenes
Effect of Methionine and Casein on Acetoacetate Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Limiting Level of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetics
A Rapid Bedside Method of Monitoring Blood Glucose in Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Decreasing brain epinephrine levels with 2-cyclooctyl-2-hydroxyethylamine induces HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and inhibition of glucose-induced insulin release in 6-aminonicotinamide treated rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypoinsulinemia, and hyperglucagonemia in acute water intoxication
Treatment of diabetes mellitus without regard to HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria
Glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese mice.
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA after ingestion of peeled and non-peeled fruits in type-2 diabetics
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic vascular disease.
Survival of pleomorphic sarcoma‐37 transplanted virgin female DBA/2J mice: Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA, alone and in combination with drugs
Phenytoin-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Dinitrophenol HYPERGLYCEMIA. II. Its Prevention by Section of Splanchnic Nerves.
Malnutrition and HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with TPN do not alter polymorphonuclear leukocyte adherence to nylon
HYPERGLYCEMIA without glycosuria associated with disturbances in metabolic processes.
Marked HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic Ketosis and Beginning Coma with Recovery
Concentration of lactate concentration in experimental glial tumors and brain tissue during brief artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
A Case of Transient Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Full-Term Neonate: A Case Study Suggesting CNS Causation
Effect of adrenergic blocking agents on sympathomimetic amines induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlactacidemia
Studies on the Mechanism of Alloxan Initial HYPERGLYCEMIA II. Role of the Liver in Connection with the Effect of Alloxan on the Blood Sugar
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in radiation and combined therapy of locally disseminated and recurring cancer of the rectum
Serum Amylase in HYPERGLYCEMIA after Peroral and Intravenous Administration of Glucose
Studies on the Mechanism of Alloxan Initial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA Produced by Extracts of Normal Urine
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Sepsis in a Newborn-Reply
Epinephrine induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in bulls and its relationship to polioencephalomalacia.
Evolution of glucose induced HYPERGLYCEMIA during the annual cycle of a sahelian lizard (Varanus exanthematicus)
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the progression of diabetic vascular disease.
The influence of iletin (insulin) on morphine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA: differential effects on proximal and distal tubular transport
Advantages and disadvantages of insulin therapy in elderly diabetics with asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Transitory HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria in acute coronary occlusion
Induced short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA in the combined treatment of locally disseminated breast cancer
Accidental hypothermia: hypoglycemia or HYPERGLYCEMIA.
The influence of alkali upon the glycosuria, HYPERGLYCEMIA and carbon dioxide combining power in human diabetes
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic glomerulosclerosis
Selective potentiation of the antitumor radiation effect by means of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Case 48-1968: Facial Pain, Ophthalmoplegia and Obtundation with HYPERGLYCEMIA and Uremia
A new effect of thyroliberin (TRH): induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA by epinephrine release
Estradiol antagonism of chlorpromazine HYPERGLYCEMIA
Suppression of isoproterenol-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by ethanol
Effect of adrenergic drugs on morphine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Butyrate induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in sheep
A neurophysiologic hypothesis for the reactions to hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Concentration of glucose in the tissues of glial tumors of the brain in rats with artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA of short duration
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the growth hormone response to L-dopa in diabetic subjects
Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: effects on endurance and heat/exercise injury.
BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON CARBOHYDRATES LIV. HYPERGLYCEMIA after Glucosamine Injection and the Mechanism of its Occurrence
Production of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rabbits by Subcutaneous Injections of Magnesium Salts.
Extra-Insular (Central) Glycosuria With HYPERGLYCEMIA Following Epidemic Encephalitis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the glucose tolerance test in the acute period of myocardial infarct and in the remote post-infarct period
Participation of a CNS-thyroid Neural Pathway in Epinephrine-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Cat
Dopamine analog-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat: investigations determining the role of the endocrine pancreas and the autonomic nervous system
Pattern of CSF Glucose Concentration after Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Acute Meningitis and Evidence of Cerebrospinal Canal Obstruction
Hypoglycemia. Part 4. General causes, physiological newborn HYPERGLYCEMIA, HYPERGLYCEMIA in various illnesses, metabolic deficiency, and metabolic error
Picrotoxin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and the Influences of Several Drugs on the HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Renal Function
Adrenals and Anesthetic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in skin diseases.
Coma and HYPERGLYCEMIA Without Ketonemia
An investigation into the incidence and significance of HYPERGLYCEMIA in certain pathological and physiological conditions
HYPERGLYCEMIA Preceding Stroke
anomaly:(a) glycosuria without HYPERGLYCEMIA;(b) little, if any
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor in pregnancy (author’s transl)
Sub-Threshold HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glycuresis.
are given showing the extent of the HYPERGLYCEMIA produced
Influncences of Litium and Ethanol on the Convulsion and HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced with Pircotoxin
Morphin HYPERGLYCEMIA as a test for pancreatic deficiency
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Rise in Creatinine
Alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherosclerosis
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on antitumor action of γ-irradiation
Relation of brain GABA to variations in electroseizure threshold during HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and ultrasound in radiotherapy of experimental tumors (a preliminary paper)
HYPERGLYCEMIA in hypertonic dehydration (author’s transl)
Artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA as a factor potentiating selectively an anti-tumoral radiation effect
Acetonemia-like symptoms in cows with a HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Screening day-old blood specimens for HYPERGLYCEMIA
Local blood flow into tumors during artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pathogenesis of several disorders of lipid metabolism
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyponatremia.
Paradoxical HYPERGLYCEMIA in Carp Induced by Tolbutamide Treatment
Glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA Associated with Acute Meningitis: Report of a Case
On the HYPERGLYCEMIA in Man, Produced by Duodenal Introduction of Glucose
The effect of fluoridated phenylethanolamines on HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by catecholamines in the rat
Role of alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pathogenesis of some disturbances of lipid metabolism
Short-term induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental neoplasms radiotherapy
Occurrence of the Cold-puncture HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Dog
Atropine antagonism of carbachol‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypokalemia with a pancreatic tumor
The Nature of Post-Anaphylactic State in Guinea Pigs: HYPERGLYCEMIA
Studies on Pharmacodynamic Action of N-Ethylmaleimide (Nem): 3rd Report: Nem Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats
Polymodification. Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA and local hyperthermia in hypoxiradiotherapy of transplantable solid tumors
The provoked-HYPERGLYCEMIA test. Follow-up after two years of 94 cases with doubtful results (author’s transl)
Arterial hypertension as a marker for HYPERGLYCEMIA in the glucose tolerance test
The Nervous Regulation of the Blood-Sugar Level: Decerebration HYPERGLYCEMIA.(Klin. Woch., vol. xii, p. 778, 1933.) MacLeod, JJR, and Donhoffer.
Management of Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA with Associated Pulmonary Oedema, Due to Coronary Disease
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced in animals by phosphatase fractions
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the complications of maturity-onset diabetes
Insulin in Temporary Idiopathic Neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA?
The Differential Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism By Basal Metabolism and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and gluconeogenesis in the liver of mice with tumors
Morphological and histochemical changes in the rabbit aorta in exogenous and endogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in freshwater field crab (Oziotelphusa senex senex) produced by pesticides
Maximal gastric secretion in HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal subjects and in diabetics
On the Relation between HYPERGLYCEMIA and Blood Saccharolytic Ferment in Avian Polished Rice Disease.
Application of induced short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA in comprehensive treatment of locally disseminated cancer of mammary gland
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA with or without hyperthermia on the radiation response of a spontaneous mouse fibrosarcoma
Morphological studies on Jensen sarcoma in the rat under artificial short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Paradoxical HYPERGLYCEMIA and overinsulinization; alcohol-induced hypoglycemia
Effect of aminoglutethimide and adreno-blocking agents on morphine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Morphological and histochemical changes in the rabbit aorta during exogenous and endogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA
Focal Seizures and HYPERGLYCEMIA: Report From Veterans Administration Hospital Hines, Illinois
Investigations on the new antidiabetic principle (amellin) occurring in nature. 2. Its effect on glycosuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA in cases of human diabetes.
Interrelation between Disturbance of the Tricarboxylic Oxidation Cycle in the Animal Organism and Origin of Diabetes-like HYPERGLYCEMIA
A bone marrow factor causing HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria: released glucose comes from general glycogenolysis, especially in muscle
Diagnostic Sign of HYPERGLYCEMIA: Persistent Movement of Neutrophil Granules
In hyperosmolar dehydration due to enteric disease, HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA During Intravenous Fluid Therapy—A Clue to the Presence of Diabetes Mellitus
Role of the kidneys in HYPERGLYCEMIA provoked by anti-insulin serum in rats
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA and Intrauterine Tachypnea
Combined use of metronidazole and short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA during radiation therapy of tumors in rats
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and its relationship to underweight fetuses: study on a newborn infant
Changes in selected parameters of carbohydrate metabolism during short term HYPERGLYCEMIA therapy in Jensen’s sarcoma
Enzymatic study of peripheral nervous tissue and the retinas of rats subjected to experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA: effect of ganglioside administration
Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Affects the Lateral Hypothalamus to Induce HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Rat
Enhancement of the antitumor effect of ionizing radiations in the combined use of metronidazole and induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Metastatic spreading and growth of rhabdomyosarcoma in exposure to HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperthermia and ionizing radiation
Studies on the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of intensive insulin therapy on the stress HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by severe peritoneal infection
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the radiation and combined treatment of locally disseminated and recurrent rectal cancer
Hypoglycemic Response of Patients Using Protamine Zinc Insulin to Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA and fetal development in the rat: effects of a continuous glucose perfusion in the rat at the end of gestation
Experimental studies on the periodicity of microfilariae. IV. Influence of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia of the host upon the microfilarial periodicity of …
Glucose reabsorption in the kidneys of rats after insulin administration against a background of stabilized HYPERGLYCEMIA
“Experimental Study on the Ulcerogenic Factors of Pancreatic Endocrine Function” Part II. Effect of Alloxan-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on Ulceration
Comparative action of a constituent extracted from bark of Eugenia Jambolana with NN-dimethyl biguanide and glybutamide on HYPERGLYCEMIA challenged in normal …
Alloxan-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA increases progestin and androgen accumulation by isolated rabbit follicles in vitro
… by the transplantable Jensen sarcoma and by therapeutic trials of cyclophosphamide and vinblastine, Clostridium butyricum M55 and short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Detection of diabetes in obese patients. Systematic study of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA with assays of blood insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c and cutaneous biopsy …
… of deep modifications in the fluid environment of the organism. V. Water electrolyte environment in highest conversion of glucose; HYPERGLYCEMIA. VI. Effect of …
Semi-quantitative Histochemical Studies on Phosphatases, Phosphorylase and Glycogen in HYPERGLYCEMIA Due to Both Phosphatase Fraction Injection and …
… patients: 1) influence of acidity of the solution on the results of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by oral route; 2) study of the induced HYPERGLYCEMIA curve with glucagon; 3) …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and neurological outcome in patients with head injury
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and cognitive function in older NIDDM patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the acute phase of stroke is not caused by stress.
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA to the long-term incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy
HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases glucose uptake in type I diabetes
Effect of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on in vivo insulin secretion in partially pancreatectomized rats.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on interdigestive gastrointestinal motility in humans
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with cardiovascular disease? The Framingham Study
The association of HYPERGLYCEMIA with cerebral edema in stroke.
HYPERGLYCEMIA after trauma increases with age.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and prognosis of acute myocardial infarction in patients without diabetes mellitus
Regional cerebral blood flow decreases during chronic and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Relationship between admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and neurologic outcome of severely brain-injured patients.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced thrombin formation in diabetes: the possible role of oxidative stress
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA with phlorizin normalizes tissue sensitivity to insulin in diabetic rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic kidney disease: the case for transforming growth factor–β as a key mediator
Contribution of abnormal muscle and liver glucose metabolism to postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in NIDDM
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a cause of diabetic retinopathy
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a stress response in acute stroke.
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on outcome of cerebral infarction
Effects of weight loss on mechanisms of HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Relationship of clinical diabetes and asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA to risk of coronary heart disease mortality in men and women
Handicaps to host defense: effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on C3 and Candida albicans
Familial HYPERGLYCEMIA due to mutations in glucokinase–definition of a subtype of diabetes mellitus
Mechanism by which HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits hepatic glucose production in conscious rats. Implications for the pathophysiology of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes.
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with high doses of clozapine.
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces the extent of cerebral infarction in rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA presenting with occipital seizures
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Role of hepatic and extrahepatic tissues.
The relationship of sex hormones to hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA: link to impaired glucose transport in pancreatic beta cells
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus on immediate and 3-month morbidity and mortality after acute stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA may determine fibrinopeptide A plasma level increase in humans
Changes in diabetic retinopathy during pregnancy correlations with regulation of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inheritance of diabetes mellitus as consequence of gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Glucose toxicity: the implications of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus.
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with impaired glucose influence on insulin secretion. A study in normal rats using chronic in vivo glucose infusions.
In-Hospital Prognosis of Ppatients With Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA After First Myocardial Infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hemorrhagic transformation of cerebral infarcts
HYPERGLYCEMIA can cause membrane lipid peroxidation and osmotic fragility in human red blood cells
Glutathione reverses systemic hemodynamic changes induced by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in healthy subjects
Insulin secretory abnormalities in subjects with HYPERGLYCEMIA due to glucokinase mutations.
Clinical significance of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and factors related to it in patients with acute severe head injury.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on memory and hormone levels in dementia of the Alzheimer type: a longitudinal study.
Mediation of HYPERGLYCEMIA-evoked gastric slow-wave dysrhythmias by endogenous prostaglandins
Therapeutic evaluation of the effect of biotin on HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and HYPERGLYCEMIA: contributing factors in the pathogenesis of hypertension and atherosclerosis
Endothelial dysfunction in a model of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
Moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA worsens acute blood-brain barrier injury after forebrain ischemia in rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases infarct size in collaterally perfused but not end-arterial vascular territories
Effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on myocardial glycolytic activity in humans.
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: contributions of excessive hepatic glucose production and impaired tissue glucose uptake
β-Cell dysfunction induced by chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA: current ideas on mechanism of impaired glucose-induced insulin secretion
Simultaneous assessment of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity using a HYPERGLYCEMIA clamp
HYPERGLYCEMIA, diabetes, and vascular disease: an overview
Relation of HYPERGLYCEMIA early in ischemic brain infarction to cerebral anatomy, metabolism, and clinical outcome
Postischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA is not protective to the neonatal rat brain
HYPERGLYCEMIA normalizes insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle glucose oxidation and storage in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on intracellular calcium in stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces abnormalities of gastric myoelectrical activity in patients with type I diabetes mellitus
Severe diabetes induced in subtotally depancreatized dogs by sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA
Epidemiology of HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherosclerosis
Cognitive function in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia
Influence of experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA on microvascular blood perfusion of pancreatic islet isografts.
Infarct Rim: Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Direct Current Potential and [14C]2-Deoxyglucose Phosphorylation
HYPERGLYCEMIA enlarges infarct size in cerebrovascular occlusion in cats.
Mechanism of accelerated gastric emptying of liquids and HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type II diabetes mellitus
Control of expression of insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA by different genetic factors in diabetic C57BL/6J mice
Control of renal hemodynamics in HYPERGLYCEMIA: possible role of tubuloglomerular feedback
Hyperproinsulinemia of type II diabetes is not present before the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanisms of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance in whole body and skeletal muscle of type I diabetic patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on FDG uptake in human brain and glioma
Minimal chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA is a critical determinant of impaired insulin secretion after an incomplete pancreatectomy.
Sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA results in testicular dysfunction and reduced fertility potential in BBWOR diabetic rats
Ionic basis of hypertension in diabetes mellitus: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA after intense exercise in IDDM subjects during continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Posttransplant HYPERGLYCEMIA. Increased incidence in cyclosporine-treated renal allograft recipients.
Effect of socioeconomic status on HYPERGLYCEMIA and retinopathy levels in Mexican Americans with NIDDM
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on pain perception and on efficacy of morphine analgesia in rats
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances proteolysis in normal man
Improvement of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia in streptozotocin-diabetic rats by a methanolic extract of Prunus davidiana stems and its main component, prunin
Microalbuminuria in a middle-aged workforce: effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and ethnicity
Topical HYPERGLYCEMIA rapidly suppresses EDRF-mediated vasodilation of normal rat arterioles
The oral glucose tolerance test is a poor predictor of HYPERGLYCEMIA during pregnancy.
Inhibition of Intestinal α-Glucosidase Activity and Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA by Moranoline and Its N-Alkyl Derivatives
Prevalence of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA among patients attending a pediatric emergency department
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA depresses immunity through nonenzymatic glycosylation of circulating immunoglobulin.
Kidney morphology in experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA
Growth retardation and HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 transgenic mice
Hyperinsulinemia prevents prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA after intense exercise in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects
Reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA by acarbose in patients with NIDDM: a placebo-controlled dose-comparison study
Vanadate normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA in two mouse models of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Exaggerated HYPERGLYCEMIA after a pizza meal in well-controlled diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA, cerebrospinal fluid lactic acidosis, and cerebral blood flow in severely head-injured patients
Effects of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the hexosamine synthesis pathway in rat muscle and liver
Natural history of incidental HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosuria of childhood
Decreased cerebral blood flow during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on pain threshold in alloxan-diabetic rats
Physiological role for cholecystokinin in reducing postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans.
Mortality in hospitalized patients with hypoglycemia and severe HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Regional cerebral glucose utilization during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance in determining sodium retention in non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Evidence that down-regulation of beta-cell glucose transporters in non-insulin-dependent diabetes may be the cause of diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Polymorphonuclear leucocyte dysfunction during short term metabolic changes from normo-to HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic patients
Large phosphate shifts with treatment for HYPERGLYCEMIA
High fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: prevention by low level expression of a glucose transporter (GLUT4) minigene in transgenic mice.
Protein kinase C is increased in the liver of humans and rats with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: an alteration not due to HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Identification of the mechanism for the inhibition of Na+, K (+)-adenosine triphosphatase by HYPERGLYCEMIA involving activation of protein kinase C and cytosolic …
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on gastrointestinal and gallbladder motility
Insulin infusion with parenteral nutrition in extremely low birth weight infants with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Contribution to postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and effect on initial splanchnic glucose clearance of hepatic glucose cycling in glucose-intolerant or NIDDM patients
Insulin resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and glucosuria in intensively milk-fed calves
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits mechanoreceptor-mediated gastrocolonic responses and colonic peristaltic reflexes in healthy humans
Effect of high carbohydrate intake on HYPERGLYCEMIA, islet function, and plasma lipoproteins in NIDDM
Pharmacological characterization of the HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists.
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with lipid and lipoprotein changes favoring atherosclerosis.
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA in pregnant rats: its effect on growth and carbohydrate metabolism in the offspring
Relationships between plasma-free fatty acid concentration, endogenous glucose production, and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal and non-insulin-dependent …
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neuronal changes in a rabbit model of focal cerebral ischemia.
Palinopsia due to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Changes in cortical functioning with acute hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in type I diabetes
Effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on mental efficiency and counterregulatory hormones in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Movement disorders as a manifestation of nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Reflex epilepsy and nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in the elderly: a specific neuroendocrine syndrome
Retinal blood flow during HYPERGLYCEMIA. A laser Doppler velocimetry study.
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on esophageal motility and lower esophageal sphincter pressure in humans
Protein C deficiency in insulin-dependent diabetes: a HYPERGLYCEMIA-related phenomenon
Adrenergic-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in anaesthetized rats: involvement of peripheral α2-adrenoceptors
Prevalence and health-care features of HYPERGLYCEMIA in semiurban-rural communities in southern Saudi Arabia
Distinction between transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and early insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in childhood: a prospective study of incidence and prognostic factors
Hyperintense putamen on T1-weighted MR images in a case of chorea with HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Influence of plasma glucose concentration on lumped constant of the deoxyglucose method: effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat
A comparative study of HYPERGLYCEMIA in different regions of Saudi Arabia
Coupling of β-cell desensitization by HYPERGLYCEMIA to excessive stimulation and circulating insulin in glucose-infused rats
Vascular perfusion and blood‐brain glucose transport in acute and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Timed bromocriptine administration reduces body fat stores in obese subjects and HYPERGLYCEMIA in type II diabetics
Pancreatic somatostatin is a mediator of glucagon inhibition by HYPERGLYCEMIA
The pancreatic cancer cell line MIA PaCa2 produces one or more factors able to induce HYPERGLYCEMIA in SCID mice.
Collagen browning and cross-linking are increased in chronic experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA: relevance to diabetes and aging
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces a loss of phospholipid asymmetry in human erythrocytes
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and age-related maculopathy: the Beaver Dam Eye Study
Involvement of adrenergic mechanism in HYPERGLYCEMIA due to SCN stimulation
Arachidonic acid prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-associated yolk sac damage and embryopathy
HYPERGLYCEMIA and blood-brain barrier glucose transport
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on function of isolated mouse pancreatic islets transplanted under kidney capsule
HYPERGLYCEMIA, ketoacidosis and other complications of L-asparaginase in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases acute neuronal ischemic changes after middle cerebral artery occlusion in cats.
Inducement by fat feeding of basal HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats with abnormal β-cell function: model for study of etiology and pathogenesis of NIDDM
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose production and utilization in humans: measurement with [23H]-,[33H]-, and [614C] glucose
Prolonged deterioration of ischemic brain energy metabolism and acidosis associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA: Human cerebral infarction studied by serial 31P NMR …
Local cerebral glucose utilization in controlled graded levels of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the conscious rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA with non-insulin-dependent diabetes following intraarticular steroid injection
HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates carbohydrate oxidation in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced B cell toxicity. The fate of pancreatic islets transplanted into diabetic mice is dependent on their genetic background.
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA and severity of illness to neurologic outcome in head injury patients.
Lateral pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis associated with hypernatremia and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effects of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion in normal humans
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherosclerotic vascular disease in the elderly
HYPERGLYCEMIA is not a poor prognostic sign in head-injured children.
Endothelium-dependent inhibition of Na (+)-K+ ATPase activity in rabbit aorta by HYPERGLYCEMIA. Possible role of endothelium-derived nitric oxide.
Effect of hypoinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal glucose utilization
Reduction of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in subjects with IDDM by intravenous infusion of AC137, a human amylin analogue
Emergency management of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Glomerular lesions in nonobese diabetic mouse: before and after the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Electrocardiographic correlates of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarction
Dietary sorbose prevents and improves HYPERGLYCEMIA in genetically diabetic mice
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose transporters of the muscle: use of the renal glucose reabsorption inhibitor phlorizin to control glycemia.
Donor HYPERGLYCEMIA as a minor risk factor and immunologic variables as major risk factors for pancreas allograft loss in a multivariate analysis of a single institution’s …
Glomerular response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in human diabetic nephropathy
Effect of red blood cell rigidity on tumor blood flow: increase in viscous resistance during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of weight loss and reduced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the kinetics of insulin secretion in obese non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental stroke
ATP-sensitive K+ channels that are blocked by hypoglycemia-inducing sulfonylureas in insulin-secreting cells are activated by galanin, a HYPERGLYCEMIA-inducing …
Nonspecific immunity in diabetes: HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases phagocytic activity of leukocytes in diabetic patients.
Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in tiny infants
Yolk sac failure in embryopathy due to HYPERGLYCEMIA: ultrastructural analysis of yolk sac differentiation associated with embryopathy in rat conceptuses under …
L-asparaginase related HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Sensitivity of nucleus tractus solitarius neurons to induced moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA, with special reference to catecholaminergic regions
Prevalence of microangiopathic complications in HYPERGLYCEMIA secondary to pancreatic disease
HYPERGLYCEMIA modulates gallbladder motility and small intestinal transit time in man
The use of vitreous humor levels of glucose, lactic acid and blood levels of acetone to establish antemortem HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetics
Blood glucose estimation and symptoms during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Does non-diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA predict future IHD? Evidence from the Caerphilly and Speedwell studies
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA provides an insulin-independent inducer for GLUT4 translocation in C2C12 myotubes and rat skeletal muscle
The effects of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on GLUT4 and hexokinase II mRNA and protein in rat skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA alters antithrombin III activity but not its plasma concentration in healthy normal subjects
Global cerebral ischemia and intracellular pH during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in cats.
Insulin secretion in adult rats after intrauterine exposure to mild HYPERGLYCEMIA during late gestation
Glucocorticoid prevention of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic damage: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and antioxidant enzymes
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the acute phase of stroke and stress response.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain pH levels in areas of focal incomplete cerebral ischemia in monkeys
Glycogen synthase: a putative locus for diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Nocturnal hypoglycemia does not commonly result in major morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with diabetes mellitus
… the inhibitory effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone-induced GH secretion in man: does acute HYPERGLYCEMIA act through hypothalamic …
Dose-response characteristics for arginine-stimulated insulin secretion in man and influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanisms for HYPERGLYCEMIA in type II diabetes mellitus: therapeutic implications for sulfonylurea treatment—an update
Effects of hypocaloric diet and insulin therapy on metabolic control and mechanisms of HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with renal cell carcinoma
Prognostic implications of HYPERGLYCEMIA and reduced cerebral blood flow in childhood near‐drowning
HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates and insulin fails to protect in acute renal ischemia in the rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA at ischemic stroke onset as prognostic factor
Correction of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA with vanadate, but not with phlorizin, normalizes in vivo glycogen repletion and in vitro glycogen synthase activity in diabetic …
Electrical stimulation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus causes HYPERGLYCEMIA
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in cats
Severe reversible HYPERGLYCEMIA as a consequence of niacin therapy
Direct evidence for a stimulatory effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se on peripheral glucose disposal in type II diabetes.
HYPERGLYCEMIA activates glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle via a Ca2+-dependent mechanism
Role of hepatic glucose production and glucose uptake in the pathogenesis of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes: normalization of glucose kinetics by short-term …
Diabetes‐Induced cholestasis in the rat: Possible role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces gastric secretory and plasma pancreatic polypeptide responses to modified sham feeding in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters perception of rectal distention and blunts the rectoanal inhibitory reflex in healthy volunteers
Genetic differences in ethanol-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and conditioned taste aversion
Alprazolam reduces stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in ob/ob mice.
Cadmium chloride induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii: possible role of crustacean hyperglycemic hormone
Effects of treadmill exercise to exhaustion on the insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in untrained men
Exaggerated peripheral responses to catecholamines contributes to stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the ob/ob mouse
Rebound HYPERGLYCEMIA following overdosing of insulin in cats with diabetes mellitus.
… cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: evidence for a role for CCK in regulating postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia improve insulin action but do not alter glucose action in normal humans
Glucose transfer into rat brain during acute and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances postischemic depression of cerebral metabolic rate
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on sorbitol and myo-inositol content of cultured rat conceptus: failure of aldose reductase inhibitors to modify myo-inositol depletion and …
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in childhood: identification of a subgroup with imminent diabetes mellitus.
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a paraneoplastic endocrinopathy in renal cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature.
HYPERGLYCEMIA with and without glycosuria: effect on inulin and para-amino hippurate clearance
Relative contributions of the nervous system and hormones to CNS-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of human erythrocyte aldose reductase and alterations in kinetic properties
Amylin-insulin relationships in insulin resistance with and without diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Failure of nocturnal hypoglycemia to cause daytime HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with IDDM
Remission of active diabetic hepatitis after correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA
PGE2 prevents anomalies induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA or diabetic serum in mouse embryos
Insulinopenia and HYPERGLYCEMIA influence the in vivo partitioning of GE and SI
Role of yoga in control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in middle aged patients of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
The role of opioid receptors in diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced changes in pain threshold in the rat
Uptake of myo-inositol by early-somite rat conceptus: transport kinetics and effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA
B cell insensitivity in a rat model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Evidence for a rapidly reversible effect of previous HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effect of gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion in vivo and in vitro by fetal rat pancreas
Postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA: clinical benefits of insulin therapy.
Neural regulation of islet hormones and its role in energy balance and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Pituitary Response to Growth Hormone–Releasing Hormone in IDDM: Abnormal Responses to Insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Differential Effects of Prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA on in Vivo and in Vitro Insulin Secretion in Rats
Brain perfusion in acute and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats.
Mediators of HYPERGLYCEMIA and the pathogenesis of matrix accumulation in diabetic renal disease.
Time-dependent involvement of autonomic nervous system in HYPERGLYCEMIA due to 2-deoxy-D-glucose
Identification and characterization of a gene regulating enzymatic glycosylation which is induced by diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA specifically in rat cardiac tissue.
Asymptomatic, nonketotic, severe HYPERGLYCEMIA with hyponatremia
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on serum sodium concentration and tonicity in outpatients on chronic dialysis
Temporal thresholds for HYPERGLYCEMIA-augmented ischemic brain damage in rats
Intracellular acidosis during and after cerebral ischemia: in vivo nuclear magnetic resonance study of HYPERGLYCEMIA in cats.
Glucose transporter of the blood‐brain barrier and brain in chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA augments ischemic brain injury: in vivo MR imaging/spectroscopic study with nicardipine in cats with occluded middle cerebral arteries.
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in oncology
HYPERGLYCEMIA and development of glomerular pathology: diabetes compared with galactosemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates brain damage in acute severe carbon monoxide poisoning
Fish Oil–Enriched Diet and Reduction of Low-Dose Streptozocin–Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: Inhibition of Macrophage Activation
Failure of nocturnal hypoglycemia to cause fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Effect of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA per se on nociceptive and non-nociceptive thresholds
Tumour pH under induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and efficacy of chemotherapy.
Hemichorea in HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with increased blood flow in the contralateral striatum and thalamus
Triple-tracer autoradiography demonstrates effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral blood flow, pH, and glucose utilization in cerebral ischemia of rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases cerebral intracellular acidosis during circulatory arrest
An insulinogenic effect of oral fructose in humans during postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and reproductive defects in non-diabetic gravidas: a mouse model test of a new theory
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the adult population of Guadeloupe as estimated by history or fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Leukocyte-capillary plugging and network resistance are increased in skeletal muscle of rats with streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by chemotherapeutic agents used in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: report of three cases.
Reduced Plasma High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Concentrations Need Not Increase when HYPERGLYCEMIA Is Conttolled With insulin in Nonisnulin-Dependent …
Spontaneous hypertriglyceridemic obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA in an inbred line of rats.
Sexual dimorphism of HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucose tolerance in Wistar fatty rats
Inhibition of lipolysis decreases lipid oxidation and gluconeogenesis from lactate but not fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA or total hepatic glucose production in NIDDM
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces accumulation of glucose in human skeletal muscle
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on D-glucose transport across the brush-border and basolateral membrane of rat small intestine
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and of hypercapnia on cellular calcium transients during reversible brain ischemia
Metabolic studies in lipoatrophic diabetes: mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA and evidence of resistance to insulin of lipid metabolism.
Trolox protects HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced cataractogenesis in cultured rat lens.
Prostaglandins affect the central nervous system to produce HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
A new transgenic mouse model of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Gaze‐evoked visual seizures in nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Activity of Opuntia streptacantha in healthy individuals with induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and cause of death in non-diabetic patients with myocardial infarction.
… of insulin responses after ambient and previous exposure to glucose in streptozocin-diabetic and dexamethasone-treated rats: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased B …
Coxsackievirus B4 infection alters thymic, splenic, and peripheral lymphocyte repertoire preceding onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA normalizes oxidative and nonoxidative pathways of insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Effect of prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA on growth hormone levels and insulin sensitivity in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Modulation of macrophage proliferation by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute effects of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin gene expression in the rat
Serum potassium concentration in HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetes mellitus with long-term dialysis
Encainide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Structural β-cell changes and transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice treated with compounds inducing inhibited citric acid cycle enzyme activity
Hypothalamic involvement in the HYPERGLYCEMIA and satiety actions of somatostatin in rats
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA increases the density of glucose transporters in human erythrocyte membranes
The development of electroretinogram abnormalities and the possible role of polyol pathway activity in diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA and galactosemia
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on flow velocity in the macular capillaries.
… in the Mouse. V. Interaction between the db Gene and Hepatic Sex Steroid Sulfotransferases Correlates with Gender-Dependent Susceptibility to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA on osmolality and early postischemic edema in the rat brain
Focal cerebral infarction in cats in the presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased insulin
Increased glucose metabolism by enzyme‐loaded erythrocytes in vitro and in vivo normalization of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
Inhibition of intestinal α-glucosidase and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA by N-substituted moranoline derivatives
Galanin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: effect on insulin and glucagon
Differential effects of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA on intracellular glucose disposition in humans
Acid-base disorders in HYPERGLYCEMIA of insulin-dependent diabetic patients on chronic dialysis
Susceptibility of the right and left canine atria to fibrillation in HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia
Blood flow measurements in autotransplanted pancreatic islets of the rat. Impairment of the blood perfusion of the graft during HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Not all severe HYPERGLYCEMIA is diabetes
Bicuculline methiodide influences the central nervous system to produce HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Effect of insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA on proinsulin release in a primate model of diabetes mellitus
Correlation between HYPERGLYCEMIA and cerebral infarct size in patients with stroke. A clinical and X-ray computed tomography study in 104 patients.
Decreased fetal movements with sustained maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA using the glucose clamp technique
Effects of hyperthermia and/or HYPERGLYCEMIA on pH and p02 in well oxygenated xenotransplanted human sarcoma
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on isolated rodent islets transplanted to the kidney capsule site.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the time course of changes in energy metabolism and pH during global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats: correlation of 1H and …
… of ingestion of glucose on GH and TSH secretion: Evidence for stimulation of somatostatin release from the hypothalamus by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal man and …
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and the aldose reductase inhibitor tolrestat on sural nerve biochemistry and morphometry in advanced diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy
HYPERGLYCEMIA in normotriglyceridemic, hypercholesterolemic insulin-treated diabetic rabbits does not accelerate atherogenesis
Differential effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on pathways of hepatic glycogen repletion
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a cause of chorea
The influence of graded HYPERGLYCEMIA with and without physiological hyperinsulinemia on forearm glucose uptake and other metabolic responses in man
Effects of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal renal function in sheep
Hypoxia-induced sympathetic inhibition of the fetal plasma insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationship between severity of HYPERGLYCEMIA and metabolic acidosis in diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic nephropathy without HYPERGLYCEMIA
Fatty acid content of yolk sac and embryo in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced embryopathy and effect of arachidonic acid supplementation
Central glucagon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA is mediated by combined activation of the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nerve endings
Degradation products of streptozotocin do not induce HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Lack of effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on lipolysis in humans
Tissue glucose utilization during epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Implications of HYPERGLYCEMIA for post-exercise resynthesis of glycogen in trout skeletal muscle
HYPERGLYCEMIA and fight-flight behavior in nondiabetic and diabetic mice
Yolk sac failure in embryopathy due to HYPERGLYCEMIA: horseradish peroxidase uptake in the assessment of yolk sac function.
Pathogenesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in genetically obese-hyperglycemic rats, Wistar fatty: presence of hepatic insulin resistance
… of recent, short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on responses to hypoglycemia in humans: relevance to the pathogenesis of hypoglycemia unawareness and HYPERGLYCEMIA …
Reduction of intratumoral pH by the mitochondrial inhibitor m-iodobenzylguanidine and moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral adenosine production during ischemia and reperfusion
Oleanolic acid in decreasing HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hypokalemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and plasma catecholamine activity after severe theophylline intoxication
Effect of ketone bodies on HYPERGLYCEMIA and lactic acidemia in hemorrhagic stress
Effect of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on intracellular glucose and fat metabolism in healthy subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyponatremia during operative hysteroscopy with 5% dextrose in water distention.
Prognostic significance of reperfusion HYPERGLYCEMIA during liver transplantation
The possible role of age-related increase in the plasma glucagon/insulin ratio in the enhanced hepatic gluco neogenesis and HYPERGLYCEMIA in genetically diabetic …
… (sCMT). Extreme whole-body hyperthermia using the infrared-A technique IRATHERM 2000–selective thermosensitisation by HYPERGLYCEMIA–circulatory back-up by …
Metabolic effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on fate of intracellular glucose in NIDDM
Elevated brain lactate accumulation and increased neurologic deficit are associated with modest HYPERGLYCEMIA in global brain ischemia
Oral glucose tolerance test is a poor predictor of HYPERGLYCEMIA during pregnancy
Inhibition of gastric acid secretion in humans by glucagon during euglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypoglycemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA during hypothermic canine cardiopulmonary bypass increases cerebral lactate
Suppression of central noradrenergic neuronal activity inhibits HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of osmotic stress and HYPERGLYCEMIA on aldose reductase gene expression in human renal proximal tubule cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters cytoplasmic Ca2+ responses to capacitative Ca2+ influx in rat aortic smooth muscle cells
Little or no induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA by 2-deoxy-D-glucose in hereditary blind microphthalmic rats
Vanadate normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA levels in obob mice
Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA and postischemic alteration of rat brain pyruvate dehydrogenase activity
Streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA is decreased by nitric oxide inhibition.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA duration on rabbit corneal thickness and endothelial ATPase activity
Moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA affects ischemic brain ATP levels but not intracellular pH
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by megestrol acetate
HYPERGLYCEMIA and coronary risk factors results from western Austria
Effect of yohimbine on xylazine-induced hypoinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in mares.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and non-enzymatic glycation of serum and tissue proteins in chickens
The effect of intravenous dextrose infusion on postbypass HYPERGLYCEMIA in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac operations
Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA leads to delayed postischemic hyperthermia.
Corticosterone, novelty-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA, and chlordiazepoxide
Glycolytic inhibition by 2-deoxyglucose reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA-associated mortality and morbidity in the ischemic rat.
HYPERGLYCEMIA Suppresses c-Fos mRNA Expression following Transient Cerebral Ischemia in Gerbils
Mechanism of Intrahippocampal Neostigmine-lnduced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Fed Rats
Hemiballismus as a presenting sign of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose metabolism in skeletal muscles in IDDM patients
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and pancreatic function in cystic fibrosis patients.
HYPERGLYCEMIA markedly enhances skeletal muscle glycogen synthase activity in diabetic, but not in normal conscious rats
Fatal metabolic acidosis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and coma after steroid therapy for Kearns‐Sayre syndrome
Glucagon-like peptide-I-(7–37) suppresses HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se on glucose turnover rates in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
Phosphoinositide metabolism in the developing conceptus: Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and scyllo-inositol in rat embryo culture
Glucose kinetics in haemorrhagic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Chronic in Vivo HYPERGLYCEMIA Impairs Phosphoinositide Hydrolysis and Insulin Release in Isolated Perifused Rat Islets
Nimodipine prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced cerebral acidosis in middle cerebral artery occluded rats
Prevention of the dawn phenomenon (early morning HYPERGLYCEMIA) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by bedtime intranasal administration of a long-acting …
Calcitonin Gene—Related Peptide and Induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Conscious Rats In Vivo
Lack of effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on lipolysis in humans
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the directed migration of wounded endothelial cell monolayers
Differential effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on leucine rate of appearance in normal humans.
Effects of maternal diabetes or in vitro HYPERGLYCEMIA on uptake of palmitic and arachidonic acid by rat embryos
Diabetic chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and cerebral pH recovery following global ischemia in dogs.
Muscarinic stimulation maintains in vivo insulin secretion in response to glucose after prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA
Bellidifolin stimulates glucose uptake in rat 1 fibroblasts and ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on acid-base and sympathoadrenal responses in the hypoxemic fetal monkey.
Responses of the pancreatic A cell during hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA are dependent on the B cell
Manifestation of diabetes mellitus on mouse follicular and pre-embryo development: Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on acetylcholinesterase and catecholamine levels in rat brain and heart.
Dexamethasone-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese Avy/a (viable yellow) female mice entails preferential induction of a hepatic estrogen sulfotransferase
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on peri-ischemic neurotransmitter levels in the rabbit hippocampus
Extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperosmolarity
Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA improves the long-term result of islet transplantation in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.
Lysyl oxidase-mediated crosslinking in granulation tissue collagen in two models of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationship between reduction in food intake and amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA by oral vanadate in STZ-induced diabetic rats
Structure-activity relationships on HYPERGLYCEMIA by representatives of the adipokinetic/hyperglycemic hormone family in Blaberus discoidalis cockroaches
HYPERGLYCEMIA preserves brain mitochondrial respiration during anoxia
Evidence that HYPERGLYCEMIA increases muscarinic binding in pancreatic islets of the rat
Hemichorea-hemiballism associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and presenting with unilateral hyperintensity of the putamen on MRI T1-weighted images–a case …
The role of the visceral yolk sac in HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced embryopathies in mouse embryos in vitro
Prevalence of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and known non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus classified by plasma C-peptide: Fredericia survey of subjects 60–74 yr old
Targeted overexpression of an inactive calmodulin that binds Ca2+ to the mouse pancreatic beta-cell results in impaired secretion and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Obesity as Determinants of Glucose, Insulin, and Glucagon Responses to β-Endorphin in Human Diabetes Mellitus
Aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide formation, fails to protect against insulitis and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by multiple low dose streptozotocin injections in mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by hippocampal administration of neostigmine is suppressed by intrahypothalamic atropine
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a predictor for mortality in veterans with pneumonia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia increase glucose utilization in fetal rat tissues
Early morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent diabetes: acute and sustained effects of cholinergic blockade
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the rate of lactic acid accumulation during cerebral ischemia in developing animals: in vivo proton MRS study
HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes elevated generation of TXA2 in isolated rat uteri
Antihyperglycemic Action of Guanidinoalkanoic Acids: 3-Guanidinopropionic Acid Ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic KKA^ y and C57BL6J ob/ob Mice and …
HYPERGLYCEMIA: A complication of chemotherapy in children
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic brain damage, local cerebral blood flow and ischemic cerebral edema.
Benfluorex normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA and reverses hepatic insulin resistance in STZ-induced diabetic rats
In Vivo 31P and 1H NMR studies of rat brain tumor pH and blood flow during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA: Differential effects between subcutaneous and intracerebral …
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on blood perfusion of autotransplanted pancreatic islets in diabetic rats
Long-term correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and progression of retinopathy in insulin dependent diabetes. A five-year randomized prospective study.
Opposite effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin deficiency on liver glycogen synthase phosphatase activity in the diabetic rat
Myocardial function and hemoglobin oxygen affinity during HYPERGLYCEMIA in the fetal lamb.
NMR studies of the effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on intracellular cations in rat kidney.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketone bodies on the in vitro development of early somite rat embryos
Experimental assessment of mortality and HYPERGLYCEMIA in tiger muskellunge due to stocking stressors
Neostigmine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA is mediated by central muscarinic receptor in fed rats
Effects of acute and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on morphine-induced inhibition of gastrointestinal transit in mice
Relative contribution of nervous system and hormones to HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone in fed rats
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA is not the only cause of macrosomia: lessons learned from the nonobese diabetic mouse
Reduction of HYPERGLYCEMIA after oral glucose load by the new α2‐adrenergic receptor antagonist SL 84.0418 in healthy subjects
The involvement of the peripheral 5-HT2A receptor in peripherally administered serotonin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Postischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA worsens neurologic outcome after spinal cord ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by electrical stimulation of lateral part of dorsal parabrachial nucleus
Insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin have no differential effects on glucose production and utilization under conditions of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Involvement of alpha-2 adrenergic receptor subtypes in HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces gallbladder emptying and plasma hormone secretion to modified sham feeding and regular feeding
Effect of hemodilution on regional cerebral blood flow during chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats.
The reliability of a compressed mixture of insulin and palmitic acid to sustain a reduction in HYPERGLYCEMIA in rodents
Studies of controlled reperfusion after ischemia: XI. reperfusate composition: interaction of marked HYPERGLYCEMIA and marked hyperosmolarity in allowing immediate …
Independent effects of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on intracellular sodium in normal human red cells
Effects of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin receptor function and glycogen synthase activation in skeletal muscle of normal man
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a major determinant of distal polyneuropathy independent of age and diabetes duration in patients with recently diagnosed diabetes
Attenuation of asparaginase‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA after substitution of the erwinia carotovora for the escherichia coli enzyme preparation
Coxsackievirus B4-Induced Development of Antibodies to 64,000-Mr Islet Autoantigen and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA does not augment neuronal damage in experimental status epilepticus
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone blocks neurally-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA through central action
Effects of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on agonist-stimulated phosphatidylinositol turnover in rat aorta
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in neonate (a case report with review of literature).
Evolution of abnormal insulin secretory responses during 48-h in vivo HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in malnourished children with dehydrating gastroenteritis
HYPERGLYCEMIA per se can reduce plasma free fatty acid and glycerol levels in the acutely insulin-deficient dog
Decreased insulin response to sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA in exercise-trained rats.
Beta-endorphin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits: effects of a glucose or arginine challenge
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Ca 2+-Mg 2+-ATPase of red blood cells from diabetic patients
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on gastric acid secretion and gastrin release induced by intravenous amino acids
Normalization of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats by intraportal transplantation of cryopreserved islets from four donors
Pharmacologic management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes mellitus: implications for physical therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced cholestasis in the isolated perfused rat liver
Probucol attenuated HYPERGLYCEMIA in multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
Chorea-ballism associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and presenting with bilateral hyperintensity of the putamen on MR T1-weighted images–a case report
Evaluation of systemic tolerance of 42.0 degrees C infrared-A whole-body hyperthermia in combination with HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperoxemia. A Phase-I study.
Hypothalamic cholinergic and noradrenergic neurons in HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by 2-deoxyglucose
Heparin preserves antithrombin III biological activity from HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced alterations in insulin-dependent diabetics
Intra-ventromedial hypothalamic injection of cholinergic agents induces rapid HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlactatemia and gluconeogenesis activation in fed, conscious rats
Comparison of insulin secretory patterns in obese nondiabetic LA/N-cp and obese diabetic SHR/N-cp rats: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Contribution of HYPERGLYCEMIA and renal damage to urinary C-peptide clearance in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients
Sporting activity and HYPERGLYCEMIA in middle-aged men
Exacerbation of verapamil-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA with glucagon
Blood flow and venous pH of tissue-isolated Walker 256 carcinoma during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Compensatory capabilities of islets of BBWor rats exposed to sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA
The amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats after the intraportal transplantation of an insufficient number of islets by nicotinamide …
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced changes in Na+/myo-inositol transport, Na+-K+-ATPase, and protein kinase C activity in proximal tubule cells
Increased alpha2-macroglobulin in diabetes: A HYPERGLYCEMIA related phenomenon associated with reduced antithrombin III activity
The effects of transient HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain glucose in rats anesthetized with halothane
Reduction in HYPERGLYCEMIA by mild food restriction in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats improves insulin sensitivity
Meeting the challenge of neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Hormonal responses associated with early HYPERGLYCEMIA after graded hemorrhage in dogs
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on the plasma C-peptide response to intravenous glucagon or to a mixed meal in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Homoharringtonine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Reperfusate composition: interaction of marked HYPERGLYCEMIA and marked hyperosmolarity in allowing immediate contractile recovery after four hours of regional …
Effect of digoxin on experimental adrenaline-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin-induced hypoglycemia.
… of counterregulatory hormones during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in rats: lipolysis mediated by a beta-adrenergic mechanism contributes to HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Hyperinsulinemia due to impaired insulin clearance associated with fasting hypoglycemia and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: an analysis of a patient with antiinsulin …
Autonomic and endocrine participation in opioid peptide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in diarrhea-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome
The relative importance of nervous system and hormones to the 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in fed rats
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma triglyceride concentration and triglyceride secretion rate in non-fasted rats
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin concentrations in fetal lambs
Insulin acts on the hypothalamic glucose-facilitated neurons to induce HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in the rat
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glomerular function in obese Zucker rats.
Inhibition of intestinal α-glucosidase activity and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA by α-glucosidase inhibitors in fa/fa rats
Hypoglycemia but not HYPERGLYCEMIA induces rapid changes in pancreatic beta-cell gene transcription
HYPERGLYCEMIA in global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion: a 31‐phosphorous NMR spectroscopy study in rats
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA after different carbohydrates in patients with total gastrectomy.
Normalization of HYPERGLYCEMIA by vanadate or vanadyl treatment in diabetic rats. Pharmacological and toxicological aspects
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on lipid peroxidation in the global cerebral ischemia of the rat
Lipoprotein (a) concentrations in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and borderline HYPERGLYCEMIA: A population-based study
Effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal regional circulation in appropriate for gestational age and small for gestational age fetuses
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in type I diabetes mellitus
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and tumor chemotherapy: experimental and clinical studies
Influence of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on left ventricular function in diabetics assessed by echocardiography
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on extracellular levels of adenosine in the hypoxic rat cerebral cortex
2-Deoxy-D-glucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: role for direct sympathetic nervous system activation of liver glucose output
Effect of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on contrast sensitivity function in insulin-dependent diabetic patients
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose uptake and hepatic glucose production in non-dialyzed uremic patients.
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the tumor response to irradiation given alone or in combination with hyperthermia
Poor sensitivity of the fifty-gram one-hour glucose screening test for HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by extensive wounds and generalized surgical infection
From diabetic ketoacidosis to hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome: the spectrum of uncontrolled HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes mellitus
Pancreatic hormonal responses to HYPERGLYCEMIA during orthotopic liver transplantation in man
Early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in IDDM: acute effects of cholinergic blockade
Neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus
Fibronectin-induced increase in mesangial cell prostaglandin release: effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and PKC inhibition
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and mannitol infusions on renal hemodynamics in normal subjects
Angle closure glaucoma and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on infarct size after cerebrovascular occlusion in cats.
Thermochemotherapy (combined cyclophosphamide and hyperthermia) with or without HYPERGLYCEMIA as an adjuvant to radiotherapy
Peripheral insulin resistance precedes the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA in spontaneously diabetic Chinese hamsters of Asahikawa colony
Effects of physiologic and supraphysiologic HYPERGLYCEMIA on early and late-phase insulin secretion in chronically dialyzed uremic patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on mitochondrial morphology in the region of the anterior neuropore in the explanted rat embryo model: evidence for a modified Reid …
HYPERGLYCEMIA facilitates urinary excretion of C-peptide by increasing glomerular filtration rate in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Is NAN-190 an effective antagonist of the hypothermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by the 5-HT1A receptor agonist, 8-OH-DPAT?
Effect of yohimbine on urethane-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Beta cell desensitization to glucose induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA is augmented by increased calcium
Effect of coxsackievirus B4 infection in mice on expression of 64,000-Mr autoantigen and glucose sensitivity of islets before development of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Modulation of insulin receptors and catecholamines in rat brain in HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on in vivo adipose tissue metabolism studied with microdialysis in IDDM subjects
α2-adrenergic blockade prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA and hepatic glutathione depletion in nickel-injected rats
Normalization of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice by enzyme-loaded erythrocytes
Functional response of a limited beta-cell mass to long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA Suppresses the Adrenal Medullary: Response to Hypoxemia
Protection by acetylsalicylic acid against HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced glycation and neural tube defects in cultured early somite mouse embryos.
Plasma beta endorphin immunoreactivity: Effects of sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA with and without prior exercise
Diazoxide-induced long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA. I. Preservation of B-cell insulin-releasing capacity.
Effect of sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA on GHRH induced GH secretion in man.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hemichoreoathetosis: the presenting manifestation of a vascular malformation of the lenticular nucleus
Acute toxicity of methyl isocyanate in mammals. II. Induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA, lactic acidosis, uraemia, and hypothermia in rats
Protection against HYPERGLYCEMIA in female nonobese diabetic mice treated with 15-deoxyspergualin
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone potently reverses epinephrine-stimulated HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Derangement in hepatic enzymes caused by sucrose-drinking and its implication for the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA in female Wistar fatty rats
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) blocks glucagon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice: dissociation of the antihyperglycemic and pituitary actions of TRH
Induction of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlactemia and hypocalcemia in fed and fasted BALB/c mice by intravenous amylin injection
Prevention of early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in IDDM patients with long-acting zinc insulin
Low molecular weight heparin restores antithrombin III activity from HYPERGLYCEMIA induced alterations.
Assessment of insulin action in man: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mast cell degranulation and blood-nerve barrier permeability in rat sciatic nerve after 7 days of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Diabetic retinopathy: possible etiological role of HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Relative contribution of nervous system and hormones to CNS-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA is determined by the neurochemical specificity in the brain
HYPERGLYCEMIA Does Not Modify the Pupillary Effects of [unk] and k Opiate Agonists in Mice
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and the human fetal beta cell.
Vasopressin secretion during HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent diabetics.
The effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on acid base balance and lung liquid production in the fetal sheep
Electrical stimulation of the lateral part of the dorsal parabrachial nucleus causes HYPERGLYCEMIA
The premature infant with HYPERGLYCEMIA: Use of continuous insulin infusion
Ciglitazone prevents and reverses dexamethasone-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in female viable yellow mice.
Central pontine myelinolysis followed by frequent HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia–report of an autopsy case
Improvement of Basal Hepatic Glucose Production ana Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA of Type I Diabetic Patients Treated With Human Recombinant Ultralente Insulin
Immunological blockade of endogenous thyrotropin-releasing hormone impairs recovery from HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Role of brain histamine H1-and H2-receptors in neostigmine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA after stroke: a stress reaction.
Prevention of clonidine-stimulated HYPERGLYCEMIA by thyrotropin-releasing hormone
Nephrotic-range proteinuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with clonidine therapy
Effects of adrenoceptor antagonists on the hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by prostaglandin F2α in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiac surgery: central vs peripheral mechanisms
Effect of sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA on growth hormone secretion in free-moving rats
Asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA in coronary heart disease: frequency and associated lipid and lipoprotein levels in the Bezafibrate Infarction Prevention (BIP) register
Pentamidine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Does moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA adversely affect mentation?
Waist-to-hip ratio as an index of risk for HYPERGLYCEMIA among hypertensive patients
Variation in the severity and duration of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the C57BL/6J-ob/ob (obese) mouse
The use of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA in the radiotherapy of patients with rectal cancer
Increased incidence of neuroleptic-induced perioral movements in the rat by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Focal seizures as a first manifestation of nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Decrease of renal endothelin 1 content and gene expression in diabetic rats with moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic brain damage: Relevance to the local cerebral blood flow
Augmentation of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice by prior treatment with complete Freund’s adjuvant
Bilateral lesions involving the suprachiasmatic nucleus suppress HYPERGLYCEMIA due to peripheral administration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose
In vivo effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the outcome of acute mesangial injury in rats.
Effects of a somatostatin derivative (SMS 201–995) on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-dependent diabetics studied by means of a closed-loop device
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA risky enough to justify the increased risk of hypoglycemia linked with tight diabetes control?
The Relationship Between Ethanol‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hypothermia: Evidence of Genetic Correlation
The opposing effects of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA in modulating amino acid metabolism during a glucose tolerance test in lean and obese subjects
The Physiological Activities of Kyung Ok-Ko (II)-Effects on the HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension, anti-fatigue and decrease of body weight
Alloxan-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits and the response of platelets to aggregating agents in vitro and to exposed subendothelium in vivo
Reflections on the anion gap in HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effects of hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain energy metabolites in mice exposed to carbon monoxide
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA with dietary cyanogen and socio-economic level. The study of rural communities in south-east Nigeria
HYPERGLYCEMIA-conditioned increase in alpha-2-macroglobulin in healthy normal subjects: a phenomenon correlated with deficient antithrombin III activity
The effect of prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA on metabolic alterations in the subtotally pancreatectomized rat
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on rat red blood cell insulin receptors and catecholamines: relationship with cellular ageing.
Rebound HYPERGLYCEMIA and peroperative normalization of insulinemia. Complete excision of insulinoma?
Effects of adrenergic blockers on central nervous system-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA in fed rats
Hypothalamic cholinergic systems in mercuric chloride-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA on the temporal profile of brain tissue intracellular pH and [Mg2+] after global cerebral ischemia in rats
Inhibition of stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by tail pinching or intraventricular enkephalin administration in the rat
Treatment of early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 diabetics with amorphous zinc insulin (Semilente®) at bedtime
Ethanol-induced hypothermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in genetically obese mice
Whole-body hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the combined treatment of rectal cancer
Relevance of HYPERGLYCEMIA to dieldrin toxicity in suckling and adult rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyperinsulinemia decreases maternal and fetal plasma protein C concentration during ovine gestation
Macula densa morphology in diabetic rats with and without HYPERGLYCEMIA and in nondiabetic hyperglycemic rats.
Ganglioside therapy of type I diabetes: enhancement of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the low dose streptozotocin model
HYPERGLYCEMIA delays rostral initiation sites during neural tube closure
Intrahypothalamic, but not hippocampal, administration of muscimol suppresses HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by hippocampal neostigmine in anesthetized rats
Induced visual crisis and non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: a case report
Human proinsulin normalizes fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with NIDDM
Hypoglycemic effects of Atractylodis rhizoma in rats with streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Study of the origin of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarct
Time-dependent effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on oxidative and non-oxidative glucose metabolism in patients with NIDDM
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA during abdominal aortic surgery
Effect of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, 2-deoxyglucose-induced glucose cytopenia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cardiovascular tone in normal and diabetic rats.
Is the common presence of glucose intolerance in old age a reliable index for the subsequent occurrence of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA?
Hypoaminoacidemia caused by imipramine but not by clenbuterol is dissociable from HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
Clinical importance of the determinants of the hyponatremic response to HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Correlation of peripheral nerve fatigue following vibratory stimulation with HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic patients
Interleukin-1 promotes HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulitis in mice normally resistant to streptozotocin-induced diabetes.
Value of maternal fructosamine in the screening of an unselected population for HYPERGLYCEMIA-related complications in the newborn
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on rCMRglc in Rats
Effect on erythropoietin production after inhibition of RNA synthesis by D-actinomycin and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of calcium channel blockers and hydralazine on epinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in vivo
Enhancing thermoradiotherapy efficacy by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction [J]
Necessity of HYPERGLYCEMIA for effects of endogenous cholecystokinin on insulin and pancreatic exocrine secretion in conscious rats
Glucose phosphorylation rate in rat parietal cortex during normoglycemia, hypoglycemia, acute HYPERGLYCEMIA, and in diabetes‐prone rats
Diazoxide infusion at excess but not at basal HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances β-cell sensitivity to glucose in vitro in neonatally streptozotocin-diabetic rats
Influence of experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA on the aocute brain ischemia in rats [J]
Diazoxide-induced long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA. II. Slackening of proinsulin conversion.
Pancreatic and renal glomerular lesions in dogs with HYPERGLYCEMIA and/or glucosuria.
Modification of doxorubicin action with artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hormone release from thyrotrophs and lactotrophs during hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA
A case of the diabetic nephropathy without HYPERGLYCEMIA
Involvement of central cholinergic muscarinic receptors and histamine H1 receptors in HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by prostaglandin F2α in rats
Influence of blood flow inhibition in tumors on the efficacy of postradiation HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia
Cerebral blood flow and plasma volume during HYPERGLYCEMIA in the conscious rat
The efficacy of aldose reductase inhibitor, antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene and cysteine protease inhibitor E64 on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced metabolic changes in …
Effects of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on fetal growing mechanism
Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-treated rats by submandibular ablation
Microalbuminuria in subjects with no history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension: the relationship with HYPERGLYCEMIA and high blood pressure at non-diagnostic …
Histamine-induced, central nervous system-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA is suppressed by atropine in the brain
HYPERGLYCEMIA revealing neonatal infection
Mecamylamine, but not atropine, antagonizes nicotine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and potentiation of hypnosis produced by pentobarbital in mice
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic islets
Encainide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Autotomy is prevented by HYPERGLYCEMIA and reduced by consuming sweet solutions
diabetes‐induced reduction in the hepatic accumulation of 70‐kDa dextran: Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia
Hyperosmolar nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA manifested as ascending polyneuropathy.
Postnatal development in rat offspring delivered of dams with gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA
Increased hexokinase activity in fetuses of rats developed under maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA
… (sCMT). Extreme whole-body hyperthermia using the infrared-A technique IRATHERM 2000-selective thermosensitisation by HYPERGLYCEMIA-circulatory back-up by …
Low dose stretozotocin-induced diabetes in mice: Reduced IL-2 production and modulation of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by IL-2
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA protects rats against mercuric chloride nephrotoxicity.
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the tumors therapy
Angle closure glaucoma and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Risk factors on HYPERGLYCEMIA in newborn infants
Sympathoadrenal reactions during asphyxia in hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA of cats.
Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA as a factor of modification of sarcoma 45 sensitivity to chemotherapy
Three Cases of Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus; As Initial Symptom of Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Roles of Glucagon and Adrenal Epinephrine in Mediating HYPERGLYCEMIA Inducedby by Third Cerebroventricular Injection of Bombesin
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on hepatic extraction of insulin in totally pancreatectomized dogs.
Effect of pyridoxine on the blood-retina barrier in experimentally induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats.
Effect of insulin sensitivity on the occurrence of early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients treated with insulin
Effect of oat gum on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA and dissection of the primary focus on metastatic spreading of carcinoma RL-67
Mechanisms of early HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced alterations in vascular metabolism and autoregulation
Whole-body artificial controlled hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the combined treatment of metastatic kidney cancer
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarct: the short-and long-term risk factor for mortality
Neither adrenergic nor cholinergic antagonists in the central nervous system affect 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG)-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Amidation of blood proteins during HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental diabetes mellitus
Effectiveness of the antitumor action of bleomycetin in short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on NaK ATPase activity in fetal rat kidney
Hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance as a cause of HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus: a review
Fatal iatrogenically-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA following accidental glibenclamide ingestion
Survival of lung cancer patients after combined therapy with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA with hyperalimentation solutions containing insulin
The effect of artificially induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the radiation response of the Lewis lung and EMT6 tumor models
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurologic outcome following spinal cord ischemia in the rabbit
Differentiation of stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA from diabetes mellitus in cerebrovascular strokes by hemoglobin A1 determination
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on FDG-PET in patients with brain tumors
Activation of GABAA receptor in the brain suppresses neostigmine or histamine-induced central nervous system-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarct
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental diabetes mellitus of short duration does not contribute to muscle capillary basement membrane thickening
Effects of paweiwan on streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats.
A case of acute pancreatitis with hyperlipemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by alcohol abuse.
Tumor pH as a factor of individual prognosis of the efficiency of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic brain edema
The pathochemistry of the diabetic process in the eye based on data on experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA (alloxan diabetes)
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the expressive type transformation of vascular smooth muscle cell in rats
Increase of hypothalamic cholinergic activity in 2-deoxyglucose HYPERGLYCEMIA
Lack of effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the disposal of 3-hydroxybutyrate in insulin-dependent diabetic patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin intervention on the cerebral injury after ischemia-reperfusion in rats
Polyradiomodification. The efficacy of the postradiation use of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia in treating tumors of different sizes
Relationship Between Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and Neurologic Outcome of Severely Brain-Injured Patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters the beta-cell sensitivity to β-endorphin in noninsulin-dependent diabetic subjects
Changes in oxygen tension in tumor during induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Peculiarities of tumor blood supply and their role in radiotherapy, hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the progression of vasogenic edema following cold injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a side effect of using L-asparaginase in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL
Severe hypokalemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA developed during indapamide therapy
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the status of antioxidant protection of erythrocytes in children with diabetes mellitus and in vitro
Relationship between β-Endorphin/β-Lipotropin, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Hyperinsulinemia in Obese Male Zucker Rats
Twice-daily humulin ultralente insulin decreases morning fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Pantothenic Acid Supplementation in an Infant with Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Combined effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and chemo-and radiation action on the status of metabolic processes in certain experimental sarcomas in rats
Quantitative assessment of morphologic changes in tumors during combined use of irradiation, induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and local hyperthermia
Antiarrhythmic therapy in extreme conditions of artificial whole-body hyperthermia and artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA in cancer patients
The HYPERGLYCEMIA syndrome in extreme conditions (Burn trauma and crush syndrome): Major aspects of pathogenesis
A case of syndrome X whose HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipidemia and hypertension were improved as accompanying with decreased insulin resistance
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia on liver mitochondrial respiration and blood glucose content of rats during postnatal ontogenesis
Intravesical Catheterization Through the Urethra Induces Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in Conscious Rats
Stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia are suppressed by sulfonylurea. Predominant role of insulin
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glutamate, glycine and aspartate concentrations during peri-ischemic periods in the rabbit hippocampus
Preventive effect of tetrandrine on diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by alloxan in rats
Occurrence of early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA (dawn phenomenon) in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2
Different changes in glucose and lactate levels between brain extracellular fluid and plasma during HYPERGLYCEMIA-hypoglycemia in rabbits
HYPERGLYCEMIA: cause of post-operative restlessness
The effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion by monolayer-cultured B cells of neonatal rats–a perifusion study
Evidence that chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice does not adversely affect fetal islet cell allograft function
Central pontine myelinolysis, associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyponatremia: A clinical case
57Co-bleomycetin distribution in the body of experimental animals with HYPERGLYCEMIA
< A> comparative study of HYPERGLYCEMIA in different regions of Saudi Arabia
Is diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA an antemortem event?
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances the effectiveness of PDT
Clinical Importance of the Determinants of the Hyponatremic Response to HYPERGLYCEMIA: Drs Moran and Jamison Reply
St-93 HYPERGLYCEMIA in Wistar rats.
Effect of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral function in neurooncological patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in toxic oil syndrome
Effect of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral function in neurooncological patients. Vliyanie kratkovremennoj giperglikemii na sostoyanie funktsij golovnogo mozga …
The Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Outcome of Cerebral Infarction
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on rat embryos in vitro
Hemosorption and polychemotherapy with HYPERGLYCEMIA in the treatment of ovarian cancer
Hyper immunoglobulinemia as a possible consequence of long standing HYPERGLYCEMIA
Abnormal HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Course of Diabetes Treatment
Hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in oncology. Gipertermiya i giperglikemiya v onkologii
HYPERGLYCEMIA During Nutrition Support
An Unsuspected Factor Contributing to Pizza HYPERGLYCEMIA
Survival of lung cancer patients after combined therapy with HYPERGLYCEMIA. Vyzhivaemost’bol’nykh rakom legkogo pri kombinirovannom lechenii s ispol’zovaniem …
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on FDG Uptake in
Relationship of glycosylated hemoglobin to diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Extent of Focal Cerebral Ischemia
Survival of patients with lung cancer in combined treatment using HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the development of experimental myocardial infarct
Effect of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the metastasis of RL-67 lung carcinoma
Focal seizures related to non-ketonic HYPERGLYCEMIA-abstract
Avoidance Learning Under Hypo and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and neurological outcome in patients with closed head injury
The mechanism of renal hyperperfusion induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA on acute cerebral ischemia in rats
Risk Factors for HYPERGLYCEMIA in Children with Leukemia Receiving L-asparaginase
Studies of HYPERGLYCEMIA due to acute toxicity of organophosphates and effects on glycogenolysis in the rat liver
Local hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in ORL oncology
Effects of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on the state of brain function in patients with neurological neoplasms
Efficacy of thermoradiotherapy combined with HYPERGLYCEMIA in tumors of various sizes and blood supply. Ehffektivnost’radioterapii v sochetanii s giperglikemiej v …
Clinical Significance of Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Severe Head Injury
Effect of tolazoline on xylazine induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
The Dual Mechanism of Glucagon-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute adrenal insufficiency in extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Application of HYPERGLYCEMIA induction in combination with radiotherapy for rectal cancer treatment
Efficacy of thermoradiotherapy combined with HYPERGLYCEMIA in tumors of various sizes and blood supply
Early-morning HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2
Iatrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA during treatment with concentrated solutions of glucose
Reduced levels of protein C in diabetic subjects: A HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced phenomenon
Polytherapeutic approaches to the control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-insulin dependent diabetics in Korea
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Energy Metabolism in Ischemic Brain
The prevention of the hypercoagulation syndrome during the combined treatment of lung cancer patients using artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
BURNS: HYPERGLYCEMIA in burns.(Chinese)
Prevention of hypercoagulation syndrome in combined treatment of lung carcinoma using artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA. Profilaktika giperkoagulyatsionnogo sindroma pri …
Experimental basis and clinical results of the use of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA in combined therapy of malignant tumors
Chronic non-insulin deficient HYPERGLYCEMIA in children
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on serum T4 and T3 levels in rats
Effect of Socioeconomic Status on HYPERGLYCEMIA and Retinopathy Levels
Focal Seizure in Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and sorbinil administration on polyol pathway activity in the ocular lens.
Effect of short-term induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the effectiveness of x-ray and neutron irradiation
Effects Of HYPERGLYCEMIA On The Cerebral Ware] Volume And Serum Ldlı. Ck Levels In The RabbIts.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the acute phase of stroke is not caused by stress.
Prevalence and risks of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Changes in the ECG following a session of regional intra-arterial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Dietary management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes through inclusion of some plants and vegetables
Radiation modifying effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA: correlation between glucose dose and tumor size
Possible teratogenic mechanism of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Angle Closure Glaucoma and Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA-Reply
A Case of HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Diabetic Patient during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Effect of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on metastatic spreading in Lewis lung carcinoma. Vliyanie iskusstvennoj giperglikemii na metastazirovanie kartsinomy legkikh Lyuis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Cerebral Blood Flow in Drowning
Runaway hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
In vivo MR monitoring of pH and blood flow during HYPERGLYCEMIA in a brain tumor model
Effect of alpha Adrenergic blocker [phentolamine] on propionylpromazine induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Therapeutic effect of WS—frequency spectrometer on HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats
Clinical Research on the Instant Effect of Acupuncture for Lowering HYPERGLYCEMIA
Possible mechanism of the alteration in the therapeutic action of cyclophosphane in mice with hemocytoblastosis La against a background of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nocturnal Hypoglycemia as a Cause of Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA (Somogyi Phenomenon)
Effects of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on metastasis of Lewis pulmonary carcinoma
Experimental evaluation of the role of blood flow inhibition in HYPERGLYCEMIA-enhanced radiation damage to tumors
Pathogenesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes mellitus type II (insulin-independent)
Early Phase HYPERGLYCEMIA During Daily Rifampicin Therapy In Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Effect of STZ-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma TSH, T3 and T4 levels
… of diabetes mellitus and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the clinical course of brain infarct: a review of its causes with special reference to the pathogenesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the …
HYPERGLYCEMIA? Don’t Blame Thiazide
Influence of induced temporary HYPERGLYCEMIA on the distribution of labeled drugs in organs and tissues of experimental animals
Insulin regimen for stress HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by head injury
Focal crisis induced by movement in a patient with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Polyradiomodification. Optimization of the combined use of HYPERGLYCEMIA and local hyperthermia in tumor irradiation
A Case of Renal Cell Carcinoma with HYPERGLYCEMIA Corrected after Radical Nephrectomy
The role of a pH decrease in HYPERGLYCEMIA-enhanced antitumor action of ionizing radiation
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a means of increasing the efficacy of hyperthermia in radiotherapy of tumors
Radionuclide investigation of the blood flow in tumor and normal rat tissues in induced HYPERGLYCEMIA. Radionuklidnoe issledovanie krovotoka v opukholevoj i normal’ …
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinism, atherosclerosis
Effects of endogenous and exogenous HYPERGLYCEMIA on renal glucose transport in the rat.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the initial phase of cerebral vascular complication. Index of bad prognosis
Radiomodifying effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA: correlation between a glucose dose and a tumor size. Radiomodifitsiruyushchij ehffekt giperglikemii: zavisimost’ot dozy …
Enhancement of the antineoplastic effect of local hyperthermia by induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and screening of diabetes. Illustration of diagnostic difficulties in prediabetic state, based on 2 cases
Possibilities of the reduction of a dose of metronidazole during irradiation of tumor with subsequent induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of Hypertension, Hypertriglyceridemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on Serum Uric Acid Level in Elderly Men
Possibility of lowering the dose of metronidazole during the irradiation of tumors using subsequent artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Clinical Studies with Acarbose for the Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA which is the Major Pathogenetic Factor of the Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Effect of Sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Release of Insulin From the Isolated Perfused Rat Pancreas
L-Asparaginase induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in two children with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Relationship between glucose utilization by tissues and residual insulin secretion and their role in the genesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type I diabetes mellitus
Consequences of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose and nitrogen metabolism in liver cirrhosis. A study using a hyperglycemic clamp
Effect of artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA and resection of the primary site on metastases of RL-67 carcinoma
Effect of blood flow inhibition in tumors on the effectiveness of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia when used following radiation
Fluid Infusion in Horses and Mules with HYPERGLYCEMIA of Acute Abdominal Diseases
Studies on the Physiological Activities of Caragana chamlagu Roots-Effects on the Hyperlipemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Liver Damage
Effects of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on the activity of pancreatic and gastrointestinal secretion of hormones in oncologic patients
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the antigenic and antibody response to infection by Trichinella spiralis.
Pathogenesis of hypertriglyceridemia with hyperuricemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by high fructose
Relationship among HYPERGLYCEMIA growth hormone (CSF) and insulin in serum of cerebral hemorrhage
The role of glycation and free radicals in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced malformations
Possibilities of the reduction of a dose of metronidazole during irradiation of tumor with subsequent induced HYPERGLYCEMIA. Vozmozhnost’snizheniya dozy …
Some modificators in treatment of esophagus cancer.[Response modifying factors: HYPERGLYCEMIA; fluorouracils; caffeine; metronidazole]. Nekotorye radiomodifikatory …
Effect of meal viscosity on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients who have undergone total gastrectomy
Association between hyperinsulinemia and hypertension in elderly subjects, independently of obesity, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypercholesterolemia.
Effect of Nimodipine on Incomplete Global Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion with prior HYPERGLYCEMIA: in vivo 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study in Cats
The effect of whole-body and local irradiation, modified by HYPERGLYCEMIA, on the metastasis of Walker carcinosarcoma 256 in rats
The Effects of Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA on Brain Glucose in Halothane-Anesthetized Rats
The Effect of Intravenous Dextrose Infusion on Postbypass HYPERGLYCEMIA in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Cardiac Operations
Effect of Glucocorticoid-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on Preventing Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage by Dexamethasone in Neonatal Rat
The influence of whole-body and local irradiation modified by HYPERGLYCEMIA on metastatic Walker carcinosarcoma 256 in rats. Vliyanie obshchego i lokal’nogo …
Variable response of plasma C-peptide to HYPERGLYCEMIA in Afro-Caribbean and Indian origin populations with high rates of diabetes mellitus-abstract
Zasslow MA, Pearl RG, Shuer LM, Steinberg GK, Lieberson RE & Larson CP. HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases acute neuronal is…
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Global Brain Ischemia-Induced Alterations in Extracellular Neurotransmitters
Hypoinsulinemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and circulating antibodies to the islet cells during the development of streptozotocin diabetes in rats
Effects of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on electrocortical activity states in unanesthetized fetal lambs
Chemically-Initiated HYPERGLYCEMIA: Streptozotocin-Specific T Lymphocyte Reactions
Comparative effectiveness of metronidazole, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia in irradiation of Ehrlich carcinoma with fast neutrons
Effect of Ketone Bodies on HYPERGLYCEMIA and Lactic Acidemia in Hemorrhagic Stress
Glucose utilization and risk of HYPERGLYCEMIA during simultaneous administration of branched-chain amino acids and fat emulsions in healthy persons
Fatal Metabolic Acidosis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Coma after Steroid Therapy for Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
Maintenance of pancreatic endocrine B cells of neonatal rat: Part-XIV–Effect of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA on the secretion of insulin and glucagon.
HYPERGLYCEMIA, Cerebrospinal Fluid Lactic Acidosis, and Cerebral Blood Flow in Severely Head-Injured Patients
Septic shock with HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by hypothalamic dysfunction after removal of large parasagittal meningioma
Medical genetics: advances in brief: Familial HYPERGLYCEMIA due to mutations in glucokinase. Definition of a subtype of diabetes mellitus
Biochemical, clinical and genetic analysis of various aminoacidopathies (non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA, maple syrup urine disease, histidinemia, tyrosinemia)
Hyperinsul inemia due to impaired insulin clearance associated with fasting hypoglycemia and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: An analysis of a patient with anti …
Fatty acid oxidation in HYPERGLYCEMIA in rabbits: a comparison between medium-chain and long-chain triacylglycerol emulsions.
… by insulin or through insulin receptors? I would like to comment finally that the use ofgrowth hormone alone clinically results in some HYPERGLYCEMIA, although this is …
Modification of radiation injury to Walker’s 256 carcinosarcoma by induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and local hypoxia. Modifikatsiya luchevogo porazheniya kartsinosarkomy …
2-cyclohexene-1-one-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the mice
Modification of radiation injury to Walker’s 256 carcinosarcoma by induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and local hypoxia
Stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
The role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke
The importance of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the nonfasting state to the development of cardiovascular disease
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular disease
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes.
Hyponatremia: evaluating the correction factor for HYPERGLYCEMIA
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurological outcome in patients with severe head injury
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA induces an oxidative stress in healthy subjects
Post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA. post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes.
Vascular Effects of Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in Humans Are Reversed by l-Arginine: Evidence for Reduced Availability of Nitric Oxide During HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the vascular effects of cerebral ischemia
Postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in a national sample of US adults
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA with increased mortality after severe burn injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA and antipsychotic medications
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA abolishes ischemic preconditioning in vivo
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with the use of atypical antipsychotics
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in ischemic stroke patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced production of acute phase reactants in adipose tissue
Does HYPERGLYCEMIA really cause coronary heart disease?
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and prognosis of stroke in nondiabetic and diabetic patients: a systematic overview
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans in vivo
Isolated postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA and the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in older women and men: the Rancho Bernardo Study
Perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA, infection or risk?
Hemodynamic effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetic patients.
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA with reduced heart rate variability (The Framingham Heart Study)
Dyslipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA predict coronary heart disease events in middle-aged patients with NIDDM
Rapid change of platelet aggregability in acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA triggers loss of pancreatic β cell differentiation in an animal model of diabetes
Oral therapies for diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity by posttranslational modification at the Akt site
Immunologic effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in nondiabetic rats
Controlling postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Circulating adhesion molecules in humans: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
Blood—Brain Barrier Glucose Transporter: Effects of Hypo‐and HYPERGLYCEMIA Revisited
Hypocaloric total parenteral nutrition: effectiveness in prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA and infectious complications—a randomized clinical trial
Blood viscosity and blood pressure: role of temperature and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hyperinsulinemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and impaired hemostasis: the Framingham Offspring Study
Physiological HYPERGLYCEMIA slows gastric emptying in normal subjects and patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Effects of protease inhibitors on HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipidemia, and lipodystrophy: a 5-year cohort study
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on skin graft survival in the burn patient.
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with olanzapine
Pathophysiologic mechanisms of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Chorea-ballismus with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in primary diabetes mellitus.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and focal brain ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and infection: which is the chicken and which is the egg?
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with high, continuous infusion rates of total parenteral nutrition dextrose.
Meal-induced oxidative stress and low-density lipoprotein oxidation in diabetes: the possible role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Adverse effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on kidney development in rats: in vivo and in vitro studies.
HYPERGLYCEMIA rapidly suppresses flow-mediated endothelium-dependent vasodilation of brachial artery
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of nuclear transcription factor kappaB in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Ascorbate restores endothelium-dependent vasodilation impaired by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
Lack of suppression of glucagon contributes to postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus
α-Dicarbonyls increase in the postprandial period and reflect the degree of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in extremely-low-birth-weight infants
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces apoptosis in pre-implantation embryos through cell death effector pathways
Diabetes, asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA, and 22-year mortality in black and white men: the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry Study
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-and HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance. Evidence for different mechanisms and different effects on insulin signaling.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in dogs and cats with head trauma: 122 cases (1997–1999)
Leukocyte-endothelial interaction is augmented by high glucose concentrations and HYPERGLYCEMIA in a NF-kB-dependent fashion.
High-fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity in mice: differential effects of dietary oils
Congenital malformations in offspring of women with HYPERGLYCEMIA first detected during pregnancy
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs endothelial function and insulin sensitivity via different mechanisms in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Ghrelin, a natural GH secretagogue produced by the stomach, induces HYPERGLYCEMIA and reduces insulin secretion in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced circulating ICAM-1 increase in diabetes mellitus: the possible role of oxidative stress
Diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA impair activation of mitochondrial KATP channels
Theoretical mechanisms by which HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance could cause cardiovascular diseases in diabetes
In vivo prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA also prevents glucotoxic effects on PDX-1 and insulin gene expression.
High glucose induces antioxidant enzymes in human endothelial cells in culture: evidence linking HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative stress
Perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by diabetes and by maternal daily HYPERGLYCEMIA not related to diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA activates p53 and p53-regulated genes leading to myocyte cell death
Dietary Zinc Supplementation Attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA in db/db Mice
Advanced glycosylated end products and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications
Agonist‐dependent failure of neutrophil function in diabetes correlates with extent of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Retinal oxygen consumption during HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with diabetes without retinopathy
Glucagonostatic actions and reduction of fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA by exogenous glucagon-like peptide I (7–36) amide in type I diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA potentiates collagen-induced platelet activation through mitochondrial superoxide overproduction
Tertiary hypothyroidism and HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice with targeted disruption of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone gene
Reduction of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and frequency of hypoglycemia in IDDM patients on insulin-analog treatment
Importance of hypercoagulability over HYPERGLYCEMIA for vascular complication in type 2 diabetes
Endothelium-dependent vasodilatation is impaired in both microcirculation and macrocirculation during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Islet amyloid formation associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA in transgenic mice with pancreatic beta cell expression of human islet amyloid polypeptide
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the renin angiotensin system in early human type 1 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced mitochondrial superoxide overproduction activates the hexosamine pathway and induces plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression by …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and compositional lipoprotein abnormalities as predictors of cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes: a 15-year follow-up from the time of diagnosis.
Postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA in a national sample of US adults with type 2 diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute hyperinsulinemia decrease plasma fibrinolytic activity and increase plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in the rat
Vascular endothelial growth factor is essential for HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced structural and functional alterations of the peritoneal membrane
Dehydroepiandrosterone administration prevents the oxidative damage induced by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances extracellular glutamate accumulation in rats subjected to forebrain ischemia
Molecular mechanisms of tumor necrosis factor α gene expression in monocytic cells via HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced oxidant stress-dependent and-independent …
Effects of simulated HYPERGLYCEMIA, insulin, and glucagon on endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced beta-cell apoptosis in pancreatic islets of Psammomys obesus during development of diabetes.
DHF with complication of acute pancreatitis related HYPERGLYCEMIA: a case report.
Frequency of diabetes mellitus and HYPERGLYCEMIA in chagasic and non-chagasic women
Improving effects of the extracts from Eugenia uniflora on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia in mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates the gastrokinetic effect of erythromycin and affects the perception of postprandial hunger in normal subjects.
The role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the development of diabetic complications
Human aging is associated with altered TNF-α production during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
Glucose potassium insulin infusions in the treatment of acute stroke patients with mild to moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA: the Glucose Insulin in Stroke Trial (GIST)
Hemiballism with HYPERGLYCEMIA and striatal T1‐MRI hyperintensity: an autopsy report
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and the risk for the development of type I diabetes
Zinc effects on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoleptinemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
Effect of aged garlic extract (AGE) on HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by immobilization stress in mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA and apoptosis: mechanisms for congenital malformations and pregnancy loss in diabetic women
Contributions of de novo synthesis of fatty acids to total VLDL-triglyceride secretion during prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA/hyperinsulinemia in normal man.
Cellular ions in NIDDM: relation of calcium to HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiac mass
A nonlinear effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and current cigarette smoking are major determinants of the onset of microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces coronary collateral blood flow through a nitric oxide-mediated mechanism
Activation of the tissue factor pathway of blood coagulation during prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA in young healthy men.
Mealtime treatment with insulin analog improves postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on nerve conduction and structure is age dependent
Vitamin C and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer–Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) study: a population-based study.
… of glyoxalase-I in bovine endothelial cells inhibits intracellular advanced glycation endproduct formation and prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced increases in …
HYPERGLYCEMIA modulates angiotensinogen gene expression
Induction of hyperinsulinemia combined with HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia increases plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in blood in normal human subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA in hummingbirds and its consequences for hemoglobin glycation
Initial HYPERGLYCEMIA as an indicator of severity of the ictus in poor-grade patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
Regulation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and dyslipidemia by exogenous L-arginine in diabetic rats
Strain differences rather than HYPERGLYCEMIA determine the severity of glomerulosclerosis in mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced ascorbic acid deficiency promotes endothelial dysfunction and the development of atherosclerosis
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor improves blood glucose control and alleviates fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in C57BLKS-Lepr (db)/lepr (db) mice.
… trial using glycemic plus fetal ultrasound parameters versus glycemic parameters to determine insulin therapy in gestational diabetes with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperuricemia on long‐term transplant survival in kidney transplant recipients
Cardioprotective effect of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA: effect on hypoxia-induced apoptosis and necrosis
The medical management of HYPERGLYCEMIA over a 10-year period in people with diabetes
Treatment with extracts of Momordica charantia and Eugenia jambolana prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in fructose fed rats
Epidemiology of HYPERGLYCEMIA in elderly persons
Changes in refraction caused by induction of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in healthy volunteers
Increased cerebral glucose utilization and decreased glucose transporter Glut1 during chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in rat brain
Lipopolysaccharide-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA is mediated by CHH release in crustaceans
The burden of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Correction of diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinemia, and skeletal muscle insulin resistance by moderate hyperleptinemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA affects proximal gastric motor and sensory function during small intestinal triglyceride infusion
Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Zucker diabetic fatty rat by treatment with metformin or troglitazone
Transient hemichorea/hemiballismus associated with new onset HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA depresses arteriolar NO formation in skeletal muscle
L-glutamine supplementation of a high fat diet reduces body weight and attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in C57BL/6J mice
Dopaminergic agonists normalize elevated hypothalamic neuropeptide Y and corticotropin-releasing hormone, body weight gain, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in ob/ob mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces progressive changes in the cerebral microvasculature and blood-brain barrier transport during focal cerebral ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a factor for an increase in serum ceruloplasmin in type 2 diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA rather than insulin resistance is related to reduced coronary flow reserve in NIDDM
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on satiety in humans
Effects of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA on disaccharidase activities in the rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA triggers massive neutrophil deposition in brain following transient ischemia in rats
The effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on plasma leptin levels: its relationships with body fat, visceral adiposity, and age in women
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases vascular adrenomedullin expression
Aldose reductase expression is induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic nephropathy
Antecedent HYPERGLYCEMIA, not hyperlipidemia, is associated with increased islet triacylglycerol content and decreased insulin gene mRNA level in Zucker diabetic …
Parental history of diabetes modifies the association between abdominal adiposity and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prediabetic markers in children with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of L-carnosine on the HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by intracranial injection of 2-deoxy-D-glucose in rats
Cholate inhibits high-fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity with acyl-CoA synthetase mRNA decrease
Presentation of striatal hyperintensity on T1-weighted MRI in patients with hemiballism-hemichorea caused by non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: report of seven new cases …
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA induces lymphopenia and lymphocyte subset redistribution
Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase (GTP) Gene transcription and HYPERGLYCEMIA are regulated by glucocorticoids in genetically obesedb/db transgenic mice
Sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA in vitro down‐regulates the GLUT1 glucose transport system of cultured human term placental trophoblast: a mechanism to protect fetal …
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors fluoxetine and fluvoxamine induce HYPERGLYCEMIA by different mechanisms
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral metabolism during hypoxia-ischemia in the immature rat
Reduced nociceptive responses in mice with alloxan induced HYPERGLYCEMIA after garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) treatment
Hyperinsulinemia enhances transcriptional activity of nuclear factor-κB induced by angiotensin II, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and advanced glycosylation end products in vascular …
HYPERGLYCEMIA during childhood diarrhea
Superoxide anions and endothelial cell proliferation in normoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Blood-brain barrier transport and brain metabolism of glucose during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
Effects of duodenal distension on antropyloroduodenal pressures and perception are modified by HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced apoptotic cell death in the mouse blastocyst is dependent on expression of p53
Glomerular expression of p27Kip1 in diabetic db/db mouse: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
BCL-2 expression or antioxidants prevent HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced formation of intracellular advanced glycation endproducts in bovine endothelial cells.
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in an HIV clinic: preexisting versus drug-associated diabetes mellitus.
Preexercise muscle glycogen content affects metabolism during exercise despite maintenance of HYPERGLYCEMIA
The role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic angiopathy.
Viscosity of gums in vitro and their ability to reduce postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal subjects
Islet capillary blood pressure increase mediated by HYPERGLYCEMIA in NIDDM GK rats
Increased superoxide anion formation in endothelial cells during HYPERGLYCEMIA: an adaptive response or initial step of vascular dysfunction?
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis through a protein kinase C–dependent pathway
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases neurological damage and behavioral deficits from post-traumatic secondary ischeie insults
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced embryonic dysmorphogenesis correlates with genomic DNA mutation frequency in vitro and in vivo.
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with protease inhibitors in an urban HIV-infected minority patient population
HYPERGLYCEMIA affects cardiovascular autonomic nerve function in normal subjects
Elevated glycine betaine excretion in diabetes mellitus patients is associated with proximal tubular dysfunction and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits insulin activation of Akt/protein kinase B but not phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in rat skeletal muscle.
Arteriolar nitric oxide concentration is decreased during HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced βII PKC activation
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases brain injury caused by secondary ischemia after cortical impact injury in rats
Serum fructosamine concentration as an index of glycemia in cats with diabetes mellitus and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of low-level basal plus marked” pulsatile” HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion in fetal sheep
Inhibitory effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin-induced Akt/protein kinase B activation in skeletal muscle
Atypical antipsychotic drugs and HYPERGLYCEMIA in adolescents
Dietary myo‐inositol therapy in HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced embryopathy
Sulfonylurea treatment prevents recurrence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese African-American patients with a history of hyperglycemic crises
Rapid monitoring of diffusion, DC potential, and blood oxygenation changes during global ischemia: effects of hypoglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and TTX
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced inhibition of splanchnic fatty acid oxidation increases hepatic triacylglycerol secretion
Controlling HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital: a matter of life and death
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the O-GlcNAc transferase in rat aortic smooth muscle cells: elevated expression and altered patterns of O-GlcNAcylation
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction secondary to HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type II diabetes
Effect of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on lipid profiles, formation of advanced glycation endproducts in lesions, and extent of atherosclerosis in LDL receptor …
HYPERGLYCEMIA contributes insulin resistance in hepatic and adipose tissue but not skeletal muscle of ZDF rats
Involvement of nitric oxide in nickel-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Structural model of human glucokinase in complex with glucose and ATP: implications for the mutants that cause hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced vasculopathy in the murine conceptus is mediated via reductions of VEGF-A expression and VEGF receptor activation
AP-1 proteins mediate HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of the human TGF-β1 promoter in mesangial cells
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on in vitro tumor uptake of tritiated FDG, thymidine, L-methionine and L-leucine
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA following head injury and neurological outcome
Thiamine reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced dysfunction in cultured endothelial cells
Association of prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA with glomerular hypertrophy and renal basement membrane thickening in the Goto Kakizaki model of non–insulin-dependent …
HYPERGLYCEMIA-exaggerated ischemic brain damage following 30 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion is not due to capillary obstruction
Response to hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in adolescents with type I diabetes
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in minimally invasive surgery.
Role of superoxide anions in changes of endothelial vasoactive response during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinemia, overweight, and high blood pressure in young adults: the Rio de Janeiro Study
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA increases soluble P-selectin in male patients with mild diabetes mellitus
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice transplanted with reversibly immortalized pancreatic β cells controlled by the tet-on regulatory system
Marked interference of HYPERGLYCEMIA in measurements of mean (red) cell volume by Technicon H analyzers
Cadmium and naphthalene-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator: Differential modes of action on the neutroendocrine system
Glucocorticoid‐associated maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA: A randomized trial of insulin prophylaxis
Insulin treatment of corticosteroid-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA and its effect on outcome after forebrain ischemia in rats
Hormonal and metabolic responses to maintained HYPERGLYCEMIA during prolonged exercise
Ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and epilepsia partialis continua
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia on atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice: establishment of a combined model and association with heat shock …
Stress, acute HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hyperlipidemia: role of the autonomic nervous system and cytokines
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on stroke mortality
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances angiotensin II-induced janus-activated kinase/STAT signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells
Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 induces expression of insulin genes in liver and ameliorates streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Modification of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA with insulin lispro improves glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA-hyperinsulinemia on whole body and regional fatty acid metabolism
HYPERGLYCEMIA without hyperinsulinemia produces both sympathetic neural activation and vasodilation in normal humans
Insulin resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, glucosuria, and galactosuria in intensively milk-fed calves: dependency on age and effects of high lactose intake
… induced insulin resistance in Psammomys obesus: overexpression of protein kinase Cε in skeletal muscle precedes the onset of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Renal changes on HYPERGLYCEMIA and angiotensin-converting enzyme in type 1 diabetes
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute childhood illnesses: to attend or ignore?
11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 knockout mice show attenuated glucocorticoid-inducible responses and resist HYPERGLYCEMIA on obesity or stress
Mechanisms for HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Metabolic Syndrome: The Key Role of β‐Cell Dysfunction
The 1997 American Diabetes Association and 1999 World Health Organization criteria for HYPERGLYCEMIA in the diagnosis and prediction of diabetes.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats reduces the glutathione content in the aortic tissue
Effects of an aqueous extract of Salacia reticulata, a useful plant in Sri Lanka, on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats and humans
Main risk factors for nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus are plasma cholesterol levels, mean blood pressure, and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA on Brain Damage Incurred by Rats Subjected to 2.5 or5 Minutes of Forebrain Ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and QT interval: time for re-evaluation.
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: Implications for practice
HYPERGLYCEMIA regulates the glucose‐transport system of clonal choriocarcinoma cells in vitro. A potential molecular mechanism contributing to the adjunct effect of …
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA or hypoglycemia on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during the immediate reoxygenation–reperfusion period after acute …
Relative hyperproinsulinemia of NIDDM persists despite the reduction of HYPERGLYCEMIA with insulin or sulfonylurea therapy
Osmoregulation of plasma vasopressin in diabetes mellitus with sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain damage following transient ischemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA counterbalances the antihypertensive effect of glutathione in diabetic patients: evidence linking hypertension and glycemia through the oxidative stress …
HYPERGLYCEMIA during normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass: the role of the kidney
Prevalence and atherosclerosis risk in different types of non-diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA. Is mild HYPERGLYCEMIA an underestimated evil?
Olanzapine‐associated severe HYPERGLYCEMIA, ketonuria, and acidosis: case report and review of literature
Combined treatment with benzylamine and low dosages of vanadate enhances glucose tolerance and reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Hepatitis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, pleural effusion, eosinophilia, hematuria and proteinuria occurring early in clozapine treatment.
Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA‐aggravated damage: Evidence that lactate utilization is beneficial and glucose‐induced corticosterone release is detrimental
Maternal diabetes-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute intracerebral hyperinsulinism suppress fetal brain neuropeptide Y concentrations
Expression of glucokinase in skeletal muscle: a new approach to counteract diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucosamine-induced inhibition of liver glucokinase impairs the ability of HYPERGLYCEMIA to suppress endogenous glucose production
Altered cellular magnesium responsiveness to HYPERGLYCEMIA in hypertensive subjects
Newly identified HYPERGLYCEMIA among hospitalized patients.
Epidemiological studies on the effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and improvement of glycemic control on macrovascular events in type 2 diabetes
beta-cell adaptation to HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on colorectal motor and sensory function in humans
Adenovirus-mediated transfer of a modified human proinsulin gene reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA and angiotensin-mediated control of the renal circulation in healthy humans
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator T wave oversensing caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA
The stimulation of antral motility by erythromycin is attenuated by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cortical response to esophageal distension in normal subjects
Decreased in situ insulin receptor dephosphorylation in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance in rat adipocytes
Diabetes HYPERGLYCEMIA and recovery from stroke
Long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA is related to peripheral nerve changes at a diabetes duration of 4 years
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and protein kinase C on connexin43 expression in cultured rat retinal pigment epithelial cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia secondary to olanzapine
Case report Non‐ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in a young woman, presenting as hemiballism‐hemichorea
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced vasculopathy in the murine vitelline vasculature: correlation with PECAM-1/CD31 tyrosine phosphorylation state
HYPERGLYCEMIA and impaired glucose tolerance in IGF binding protein-1 transgenic mice
Retinopathy risk: What is responsible? Hormones, HYPERGLYCEMIA, or humalog?: Response to kitzmiller et al
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances DNA fragmentation after transient cerebral ischemia
Glucose transporter protein responses to selective HYPERGLYCEMIA or hyperinsulinemia in fetal sheep
Effects of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on lactate release and local blood flow in subcutaneous adipose tissue of healthy humans
Effects of cholecystokinin on appetite and pyloric motility during physiological HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of the kidney in plasma glucose regulation during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Troglitazone prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced but not glucosamine-induced insulin resistance.
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypernatremia, and hyperosmolarity in 6 neonatal llamas and alpacas
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA regulates transcription and posttranscriptional stability of PKCβII mRNA in vascular smooth muscle cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs the insulin signaling step between PI 3-kinase and Akt/PKB activations in ZDF rat liver
Abnormal regulation of HGP by HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice with a disrupted glucokinase allele
HYPERGLYCEMIA contributes to impaired insulin response in GK rat islets.
Intracellular acidification of human melanoma xenografts by the respiratory inhibitor m-iodobenzylguanidine plus HYPERGLYCEMIA: a 31P magnetic resonance …
HYPERGLYCEMIA in vitro attenuates insulin‐stimulated chemokinesis in normal human neutrophils. Role of protein kinase C activation
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with paroxetine
Re-evaluation of myocardial FDG uptake in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Adenoviral vector-mediated insulin gene transfer in the mouse pancreas corrects streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
beta-cell glucokinase deficiency and HYPERGLYCEMIA are associated with reduced islet amyloid deposition in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes.
Impairment of Early Insulin Response after Glucose Load, Rather than Insulin Resistance, is Responsible for Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA Seen in Obese Type 2 …
The Trp64Arg mutation of the β3-adrenergic receptor is associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and current body mass index in Jamaican women
Low Glucokinase Activity and High Rates of Gluconeogenesis Contribute to HYPERGLYCEMIA in Barn Owls (Tyto alba) after a Glucose Challenge
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during hypoxia–ischemia in newborn piglets
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA to the severity of pulmonary fibrosis
Translocation of glucokinase in pancreatic beta-cells during acute and chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
d-α-tocopherol prevents the HYPERGLYCEMIA induced activation of diacylglycerol (DAG)-protein kinase C (PKC) pathway in vascular smooth muscle cell by an increase …
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on visual cortical activation as measured by functional MRI
The novel hypoglycemic agent YM440 normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA without changing body fat weight in diabetic db/db mice
Influence of age, HYPERGLYCEMIA, leptin, and NPY on islet blood flow in obese-hyperglycemic mice
… libitum high carbohydrate, low fat multi-cultural diet for the reduction of chronic disease risk factors: obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
A review of protease inhibitor‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Human munc13 is a diacylglycerol receptor that induces apoptosis and may contribute to renal cell injury in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Dopamine agonist treatment ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipidemia, and the elevated basal insulin release from islets of ob/ob mice
Comparison of LysB28, ProB29-human insulin analog and regular human insulin in the correction of incidental HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketoacidosis associated with olanzapine
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA increases arterial low-density lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis in cynomolgus monkeys
Dangerous HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with electroconvulsive therapy.
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA impair rat intestinal flow-mediated regulation
Enhancement of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced acidification of human melanoma xenografts with inhibitors of respiration and ion transport
Thrombospondin-1, a natural inhibitor of angiogenesis, is present in vitreous and aqueous humor and is modulated by HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis: lessons from murine models
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and autonomic function
T-1095, a renal Na+-glucose transporter inhibitor, improves HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Effects of selective HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on glucose transporters in fetal ovine skeletal muscle
Opposite effects of acute hypoglycemia and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose transport and glucose transporters in perfused rat skeletal muscle.
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor of mortality in a middle-aged Finnish population
Melatonin suppresses HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by intracerebroventricular injection of 2-deoxy-D-glucose in rats
Pancreatic islet blood flow in conscious rats during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia
Vitamin E Normalizes Diacylglycerol—Protein Kinase C Activation Induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rat Vascular Tissues
Deficits in reproductive behavior in diabetic female rats are due to hypoinsulinemia rather than HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA increased the responsiveness of isolated rabbit’s pulmonary arterial rings to serotonin
Effect of bilateral lesions of the suprachiasmatic nucleus on HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by 2-deoxy-D-glucose and vasoactive intestinal peptide in rats
Peritoneal implantation of macroencapsulated porcine pancreatic islets in diabetic rats ameliorates severe HYPERGLYCEMIA and prevents retraction and simplification of …
Effect of angiotensin II antagonist eprosartan on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system in healthy humans
Factors modifying the effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the development of retinopathy in adolescents with diabetes
Enhanced alloxan-induced β-cell damage and delayed recovery from HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice lacking extracellular-superoxide dismutase
Progression of microalbuminuria to proteinuria in type 1 diabetes: nonlinear relationship with HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Dose-dependent inhibition of postprandial gallbladder motility and plasma hormone secretion during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on gastric acid secretion during the gastric phase of digestion
In vivo evidence for the existence of a threshold for HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced major fetal malformations: relevance to the etiology of diabetic teratogenesis.
Type 2 diabetes and maternal family history: an impact beyond slow glucose removal rate and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in low-risk individuals? Results from 22.5 years …
Regulation of glycogen synthase activity in cultured skeletal muscle cells from subjects with type II diabetes: role of chronic hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
… mass spectrometric analyses of changes in tissue phospholipid molecular species during the evolution of hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty …
The effects of uncontrolled HYPERGLYCEMIA on thrombosis and formation of neointima after coronary stent placement in a novel diabetic porcine model of restenosis
Leukocytosis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, vomiting, and positive X-rays are not indicators of severity of iron overdose in adults
Chronic sulfonylurea treatment and HYPERGLYCEMIA aggravate disproportionately elevated plasma proinsulin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
Urethane-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Adaptation to HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances insulin secretion in glucokinase mutant mice.
The neurologic implications of diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA during surgical procedures at increased risk for brain ischemia
Normoglycemia restores β-cell replicative response to glucose in transplanted islets exposed to chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Proximal gastric compliance and perception of distension in type 1 diabetes mellitus: effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of anxiolytics, diazepam and tandospirone, on immobilization stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral blood flow and edema formation after carotid artery occlusion in Fischer 344 rats
Circulating lipoproteins and hepatic sterol metabolism in Psammomys obesus prone to obesity, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipemia, and periodic paralysis: a case report of new side effects of clozapine.
Age-related differences in the pancreatic β-cell response to HYPERGLYCEMIA after eccentric exercise
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic brain damage during hypothermic circulatory arrest in newborn dogs
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on MCV measurement
Glucose production, utilization, and cycling in response to moderate exercise in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes and mild HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Arginine-vasopressin in nucleus of the tractus solitarius induces HYPERGLYCEMIA and brain glucose retention
HYPERGLYCEMIA affects gastric electrical rhythm and nausea during intraduodenal triglyceride infusion
Effect of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on brain cell membrane function and energy metabolism during the early phase of experimental meningitis in newborn piglets
Transforming growth factor beta, fibrogenesis and HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Adenovirus-mediated preproinsulin gene transfer into adipose tissues ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese diabetic KKAy mice
Massive sulfasalazine and paracetamol ingestion causing acidosis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, coagulopathy, and methemoglobinemia
Nitric oxide mediates HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced defective migration in cultured endothelial cells
Impaired dilation of coronary arterioles during increases in myocardial O2 consumption with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cochlear dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: a complication independent of neuropathy and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Association of fast-track cardiac management and low-dose to moderate-dose glucocorticoid administration with perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA
Activation of human platelet protein kinase C-ß2 in vivo in response to acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA compensates for diet-induced insulin resistance in liver and skeletal muscle of rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA results in an increase in myocardial interstitial glucose and glucose uptake during ischemia
Gingival vascular hamartoma with associated paraneoplastic HYPERGLYCEMIA in a kitten.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced latent scurvy and atherosclerosis: the scorbutic-metaplasia hypothesis
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with schizophrenia who are treated with olanzapine
Relationships between health practices and hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in male workers
Local 24-h HYPERGLYCEMIA does not affect endothelium-dependent or-independent vasoreactivity in humans
Methionine-Enkephalin Induces HYPERGLYCEMIA Through Eyestalk Hormones in the Estuarine Crab Scylla serrata
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA following intraperitoneal irrigation with 10% dextrose in a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei
What is the effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on atherogenesis and can it be reversed by aminoguanidine?
Impaired microvascular responses to acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in type I diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA delays terminal depolarization and enhances repolarization after peri-infarct spreading depression as measured by serial diffusion MR mapping
Lipoprotein alterations in 10-and 20-week-old Zucker diabetic fatty rats: hyperinsulinemic versus insulinopenic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Low-dose streptozotocin induces sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA in Macaca nemestrina
Swimming stress that causes HYPERGLYCEMIA increases in vivo release of noradrenaline, but not acetylcholine, from the hypothalamus of conscious rats
Dorsomedial hindbrain participation in glucoprivic feeding response to 2DG but not 2DG-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA or activation of the HPA axis
Lipodystrophy and HYPERGLYCEMIA produced by protease inhibitors
Type 2 diabetes-like HYPERGLYCEMIA in a backcross model of NZO and SJL mice: characterization of a susceptibility locus on chromosome 4 and its relation with …
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Insulin Sensitivity by T-1095, an Inhibitor of Renal Na+-Glucose Contransporters, in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Beta-blockade, but not normoglycemia or hyperinsulinemia, markedly diminishes stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic dogs.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on extracellular levels of amino acids and free fatty acids in the ischemic/reperfused rat cerebral cortex
Amelioration by cyclosporin A of brain damage following 5 or 10 min of ischemia in rats subjected to preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Random fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA as cardiovascular risk factor in the elderly: A 6‐year longitudinal study
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and energy metabolites during ischemia and reperfusion in gerbil brain
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced attenuation of rectal perception depends upon pattern of rectal balloon inflation
HYPERGLYCEMIA augments macrophage growth responses to colony-stimulating factor-1
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA seen in children during cardiopulmonary bypass a result of hyperoxia?
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucosuria in preterm infants receiving parenteral glucose: influence of birth weight, gestational age and infusion rate
Involvement of serotonin in zimelidine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Involvement of adrenaline in diazepam-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Sliding scale insulin use and rates of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Induced-HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates erythromycin-induced acceleration of hypertonic liquid-phase gastric emptying in type-I diabetic patients
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the satiating effect of CCK in humans
Ipsilateral putamen hyperintensity on T1-weighted MRI in non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA with hemiballism–hemichorea: a case report
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes—induced vascular dysfunction: role of oxidative stress
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypercapnia suppress BDNF gene expression in vulnerable regions after transient forebrain ischemia in the rat
In vivo NMR evidence for moderate glucose accumulation in human skeletal muscle during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Ketoacidosis with HYPERGLYCEMIA in heavy drinkers: a report of 12 cases.
The effect of chronic dexamethasone-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and its acute treatment with insulin on brain glucose and glycogen concentrations in rats
Addressing hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
The clinical importance of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA after cortical injury
Prognostic significance of transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute phase of ischemic stroke
Risk of type 1 diabetes development in children with incidental HYPERGLYCEMIA: a multicenter Italian study
A patient with acromegaly who showed remarkable improvement of HYPERGLYCEMIA after treatment with octreotide
HYPERGLYCEMIA, lumbar plexopathy and hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis complicating Conn’s syndrome
Reduced glucose clearance as the major determinant of postabsorptive HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats
The HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by angiotensin II in rats is mediated by AT1 receptors
Mice lacking Cav2. 3 (α1E) calcium channel exhibit HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mechanisms of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in liver transplant recipients: comparison of liver transplant patients with kidney transplant patients and healthy controls.
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on basal and cholecystokinin stimulated exocrine pancreatic secretion in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA Acutely Increases Monocyte Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Activity in Vivo in Humans
Oxidative stress in diabetes: why does HYPERGLYCEMIA induce the formation of reactive oxygen species?
The influence of preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA on acute changes in the apparent diffusion coefficient of brain water following global ischemia in rats
Preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA leads to rapidly developing brain damage with no change in capillary patency
A neurotransmitter role for methionine enkephalin in causing HYPERGLYCEMIA in the freshwater crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex
Long-standing HYPERGLYCEMIA in C57BL/6J mice does not affect retinal glutathione levels or endothelial/pericyte ratio in retinal capillaries
Mechanisms of postabsorptive HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases dehydroepiandrosterone in Japanese male with impaired glucose tolerance and low insulin response
Bromocriptine-induced dissociation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and prolactin response to restraint
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by the 5-HT receptor agonist, 5-methoxytryptamine, in rats: involvement of the peripheral 5-HT2A receptor
Effect of LDL+ VLDL oxidizability and HYPERGLYCEMIA on blood cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride levels in type-I diabetic patients
The effect of urapidil and ramipril on HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin diabetic rats
Refractory HYPERGLYCEMIA complicating an evolving connective tissue disease: response to cyclosporine.
Synergistic effect of counterregulatory hormones during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in rats: participation of lipolysis and gluconeogenesis to HYPERGLYCEMIA.
The influence of preischemic HYPERGLYCEMIA on acute changes in brain water ADC following focal ischemia in rats
Effects of calcium channel blockers on nicotine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the rat.
Chronic, persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA: an essential flaw in diabetes management
Olanzapine-related HYPERGLYCEMIA in a nondiabetic woman
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on reperfusion-associated recovery of intracellular pH and high energy phosphates after transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils
NG-methyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, affects the central nervous system to produce peripheral HYPERGLYCEMIA in conscious rats
Complex partial seizures and aphasia as initial manifestations of non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: case report
Diabetic chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and neurologic outcome following global ischemia in dogs
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on gasping and autoresuscitation in newborn rats
p-Chloroamphetamine, a serotonin-releasing drug, elicited in rats a HYPERGLYCEMIA mediated by the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2B/2C receptors
Sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance induced by dietary restriction
Lactate infusion to normal rats during HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances in vivo muscle glycogen synthesis
McArdle’s disease with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the beneficial effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia for exercise intolerance
Dolichol-mediated enhanced protein N-glycosylation in experimental diabetes—a possible additional deleterious effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced angina pectoris in a patient with diabetes mellitus
The effects of simultaneous hyperlipemia-HYPERGLYCEMIA on the resistance arteries, myocardium and kidney glomeruli.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on small cerebral infarctions in awake rabbits
Time for cerebral damage due to HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute ischemia
Pancytopenia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, shock, coma, rhabdomyolysis, and pancreatitis associated with acetaminophen poisoning.
A novel biomarker for HYPERGLYCEMIA, MRX isolated from hydrolysate of glycated proteins
… implanted artificial pancrease with transkaryotic beta-cells on microcarrier beads in a diffusion chamber improves HYPERGLYCEMIA after 90% pancreatectomy in rats.
A case of renal cell carcinoma with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA secondary to megestrol acetate for endometrial neoplasia
QTc dispersion, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hyperinsulinemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute parotitis related to L-asparaginase therapy
Relationship between gastric emptying and an α-glucosidase inhibitor effect on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in NIDDM patients
Decreased urinary kallikrein with HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with short-term insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphism and the response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in early type 1 diabetes.
Clinical study of the month. Toxicity of HYPERGLYCEMIA in intensive care and beneficial effects of optimized insulin therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with mirtazapine: A case report
The effects of induced acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in the cat on the retinal capillary blood flow
Disordered expression of hepatic glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes in Itsuka long-evans Tokushima fatty rats with spontaneous long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of the inflammation, chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA, or malabsorption on the apolipoprotein A-IV concentration in type 1 diabetes mellitus and in diabetes secondary to …
Human obesity and thinness, hyperlipidemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and insulin resistance associated with HIV1 protease inhibitors Prevention by alternating several …
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with protease inhibitors in HIV-1-infected patients
Dual-test monitoring of HYPERGLYCEMIA using daily glucose and weekly fructosamine values
Suppression by Water Extracts of Sophora Plants of Sucrose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats and Inhibition of Intestinal Disaccharidases In Vitro
Mechanisms of decreased bradykinin‐ induced vasodilation in experimental hyperlipemia–HYPERGLYCEMIA: contribution of nitric oxide and Ca2+‐activated K+ …
Lipoproteins, lipidic peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity in serum of aged subjects suffering from HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: Actor or Understudy?
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on endothelial function in type 2 diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced protein kinase signaling pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells: implications in the pathogenesis of vascular dysfunction in diabetes
A study on serum carotenoid levels of people with HYPERGLYCEMIA who were screened among residents living in a rural area of Hokkaido, Japan
Erythromycin enhances solid-phase gastric emptying in induced-HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty
HYPERGLYCEMIA: an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk
In Vivo Uptake of [3H]Nimodipine in Focal Cerebral Ischemia: Modulation by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Augments Blood‐Brain Barrier Damage in Experimental Status Epilepticus
A rapid-and short-acting hypoglycemic agent KAD-1229 improves post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic complications in streptozotocin-induced non-insulin …
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on jejunal compliance and peristaltic reflex in healthy humans
Association of the insulin-receptor variant Met-985 with HYPERGLYCEMIA and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the Netherlands: a population-based study.
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on vascular endothelium nitric oxide metabolism
Protection by epicoprostanol against HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulitis in normal and diabetic rats
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin diabetic mice by xenotransplantation of microencapsulated rat islets
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the intestinal elimination of p-nitrophenol in the rat.
The benefits of lowering cholesterol in subjects with mild HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyponatremia: is it time to correct the correction factor?
Absence of short-term effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 and of HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma leptin levels in man
Oxygen consumption and ATPase activity in the corneal epithelium of rabbits with alloxan induced HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Protease inhibitor-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mexican patients with HIV infection
Mild HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin treatment in experimental cerebral ischemia in rats
The effects of citicoline and/or MK-801 on survival, neurological and behavioral outcome of mice exposed to transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and oligemic hypoxia
An amino acid derived from aldol crosslink of elastin and collagen: structure, distribution, aging, and two models of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced in rabbits exposed to ochratoxin
Delayed HYPERGLYCEMIA and intracellular acidosis during focal cerebral ischemia in cats
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on basal, secretin and secretin+ cholecystokinin stimulated exocrine pancreatic secretion in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA and extracellular glutamate in the ischemic brain
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on potassium (86 Rb+) permeability and plasma lipid peroxidation in subjects with normal glucose tolerance
Regional disposal of intravenously infused glucose during prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA–hyperinsulinemia
In vitro effect of ketones and HYPERGLYCEMIA on feline hemoglobin oxidation and D-and L-lactate production.
Age-dependent accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts is accelerated in combined hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA, a process attenuated by L-arginine
Indapamide–a substitute diuretic for hypertensives with HYPERGLYCEMIA and/or dyslipidemia
Inability of HYPERGLYCEMIA to counter the ability of glucagon to increase net glucose output and activate glycogen phosphorylase in the perfused rat liver
… hypotensive effects of 6-cyclohexyl-2′-O-methyl-adenosine, an adenosine A1 receptor agonist, in spontaneously hypertensive rat complicated with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Antitumour effect of irradiation followed by HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia: The dependence on tumour size and blood flow
… (VIP)-antisense oligodeoxynucleotide into the third cerebral ventricle above the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus on the HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by intracranial …
Peripheral nerve conduction in healthy subjects during short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats receiving a marginal mass of islet grafts by troglitazone, an oral antidiabetic agent.
Erythromycin administration before sleep is effective in decreasing fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetic patients
Circulating leptin did not associate with the development of the HYPERGLYCEMIA accompanied by insulin insensitivity in spontaneous noninsulin dependent diabetes …
Widening awareness of HYPERGLYCEMIA unawareness
Hyperinsulinemia accompanying HYPERGLYCEMIA in Chinese patients with aplastic anemia
Locked-in syndrome due to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Urban hypothermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the elderly
Postmortem Diagnosis of Diabetic Metabolic Derangement: Elevated α1-Antitrypsin and Haptoglobin Glycosylation Levels as an Index of Antemortem HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hypothalamic cholinergic activity and 2-deoxyglucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucotoxic effects on insulin gene expression by troglitazone in ZDF rats
Metabolic effects of metaproterenol overdose: hypokalemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlactatemia.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hyperinsulinemia acutely lowers plasma apolipoprotein B but not lipoprotein (a) in man
Alimentary HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with subtotal gastrectomy is associated with decreased insulin secretion but not with insulin resistance.
Clinical implication of transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in childhood.
The Effects of Chicory Extract on the Levels of vWF, ET, TXA_2, PGI_2 and the Ratio of PGI_2/TXA_2 in the Rabbit Model of HYPERGLYCEMIA with Hyperlipidemia [J]
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic patients with postinjection abscesses
Characterization of anaerobic metabolism and the effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in the cat retina through in vivo pH and oxygen measurements
Hepatic glucose cycling does not contribute to the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced Defect in Insulin Secretion in Type 2 Diabetic Patients [J]
Organotin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the crab, Oziotelphusa senex senex fabricius
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a symptom of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Early myoclonic epileptic encephalopathy and non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in the same family
Prediction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in preterm newborn infants
Absence of maternal A3243G mtDNA mutation and reversible HYPERGLYCEMIA in a patient with MELAS syndrome
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on cocaine neurotoxicity and death in mice
A double-masked placebo-controlled trial assessing effects of various doses of BTS 67,582, a novel insulinotropic agent, on fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in NIDDM patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA alone does not inhibit secretin-induced pancreatic bicarbonate secretion
Hypothalamic cholinergic activity associated with 2-deoxyglucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Intragastrically administered chinese herbal medicine Cordyceps alleviates fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats
Fructose restores the ability of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se to regulate hepatic glucose production (GP) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)
Study of the effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the prognosis of stroke [J]
Centrally injected atropine reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by 2-DG or immobilization stress in awake rats
2-Chloroadenosine reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced inhibition of phosphoinositide synthesis in cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells and prevents reduced …
Therapeutic effects of Lipoic acid on HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance
HYPERGLYCEMIA suppresses the sympatho-adrenal response to hypoxia, but not to handling stress
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on erythrocyte phospholipid organization
Thermogenic effect of slight HYPERGLYCEMIA during a lipid infusion
HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-diabetic gravidas receiving steroids for induction of fetal lung maturation
Insulin activation of insulin receptor kinase in erythrocytes is not altered in non-insulin-dependent diabetes and not influenced by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nesidioblastosis associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA in two squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
Different effects of octreotide by continuous night infusion at increasing rate or by evening injections at different times on morning HYPERGLYCEMIA and growth hormone …
Hemichorea associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA: a case showing increased blood flow in the contralateral striatum
HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates the effect of ischemia-reperfusion on peripheral nerve in rat
Hypoglycemic effect of chromium-enriched compound acidophilous milk in rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces pancreaticobiliary secretion in response to modified sham feeding in humans
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in Stroke leads to increased brain lactate production and greater final infarct size.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the polyol pathway in rat kidney during the perinatal period
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced mitochondrial superoxide overproduction activates the hexosamine pathway and induces PAI-1 and TGF [Beta] expression by increasing Sp1 …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and coronary heart disease
… of blood glucose response and enhancement of insulin response after repeated glucagon injections in type-2 diabetes: potentiation by progressive HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA In Vitro Alters the Invasion of Trophoblast from Human First Trimester Placenta into Extracellular Matrices
… insulin resistance in Psammomys obesus: overexpression of protein kinase C epsilon in skeletal muscle precedes the onset of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hemichorea, hemiballism disclosing non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of Hyperlipemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Vascular Endothelium
Calculating the anion gap for patients with acidosis and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of extract from Umbilicaria esculenta on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Combined Effect of Hypothermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA onTransient Focal Cerebral Ischemia of the Rat
Physiopathology of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Morphalogical Observation of Vascular Endothelium in HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipoidemia [J]
Lowering the boom on HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurologic outcome after acute spinal cord injury [J]
Inhibitory effects of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, Ng-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), on 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherosclerosis. Causal relation or association?
NAC (N-acetylcysteine) prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucosamine-induced insulin resistance in vitro and in vivo by different mechanisms
Diabetic glucose tolerance may precede fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and abnormal HgA1c in type 1 subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA plays a dominant role in the regulation of hepatic glucokinase translocation
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia on cardiac muscle glycogen usage during exercise in rats
Influences of gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA on the function of fetal rat pancreatic islets
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases angiopoietin-2 expression in retinal muller cells through superoxide-induced overproduction of [Alpha]-Oxoaldehyde age precursors
Excretion of uric aid, sodium, and potassium in preeclampsia patients and its behavior in acute HYPERGLYCEMIA-hyperinsulinemia
Atherosclerosis in subjects with mild HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA Associated with Hypernatremia in Non-diabetic Patients. 1675
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients undergoing elective cardiopulmonary bypass procedures
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced loss of beta cell differentiation is associated with altered expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism
Epileptic seizures, hemiplegia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: late discovery of a localized cortical dysplasia
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced PKC activation, intracellular AGE formation, and sorbitol accumulation by inhibition of electron transport complex II
Isolated Post-challenge HYPERGLYCEMIA Increases the Risk of Mortality
Glycosuria in alcoholics: Alcohol diabetes, transient HYPERGLYCEMIA, renal tubular syndrome or factitious dipstick test result?
The relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and neurologic, functional outcome with traumatic brain injury
Factors related to the occurrence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition
Abnormal regulation of hepatic glucose output does not contribute to late postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes
Combined effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and interleukin-1 beta on the insulin secretion of isolated rat islets.
The genesis and consequences of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA Aggravates Neurological D1eficit After Acute Cerebral Infarction [J]
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-determined lipoprotein subclass profile: effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA, lipoprotein glycation, and comparison with standard lipid profile
Case study: a 60-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes and COPD: worsening HYPERGLYCEMIA due to prednisone
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperosmolality in Diabetes on Mouse Macrophage Functions
Non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and recurrent seizures
Ischemic neuronal damage in early recovery. A morphological study on evolution of damage in HYPERGLYCEMIA and normoglycemia
The Clinical Observation of The Chitosan Capsulextract on Hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipidemia
Progressive HYPERGLYCEMIA: The UKPDS Experience
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Brain Edema after Cerebral Ischemia in Rats [J]
Diabetes and Post-Operative HYPERGLYCEMIA Predict Complications and Length of Stay in Coronary Artery Bypass (CAB) Patients
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on calcium load and cyclic AMP content in rat skeletal muscle
Prevalence of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA among patients attending to the neonatal and pediatric Emergency wards of Shiraz university of medical sciences
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and Prognosis of Myocardial Infarction in Nondiabetic and Diabetic Patients: a Systematic Overview
HYPERGLYCEMIA is Associated with All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in a Non-Diabetic Elderly Population: The Hoorn Study
Hypertriglyceridemia blunts insulin response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal humans
Effeet of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia on vascular endothelial cell and vascular smooth muscle cell in rats [J]
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on basal and bombesin-stimulated pancreaticobiliary secretion in humans.
Effect of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on proximal gastric motor function
Association between hyperinsulinemia and hypertension in elderly subjects, independent of obesity, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypercholesterolemia
Oxidative Damage Induced by Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Is Reduced by Dehydroepiandrosterone Supplementation in the Rat
Limits on learning: the effect of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cognitive function in adults with IDDM
Hyponatremia and HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiopulmonary bypass related to cardioplegia solution
Dyslipidemia and hypertension in newly diagnosed diabetic subjects: Is it due to HYPERGLYCEMIA or the prediabetic state: Findings from the San Antonio Heart Study …
Sequential hypoglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the carcinoid syndrome arising from a plurihormonal neuroendocrine neoplasm
Evolution of B-cell dysfunction in the spontaneously diabetic GK rat: Studies after and before the onset of overt HYPERGLYCEMIA
Don’t underestimate the risks of asymptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA
… differential metabolic impact of tacrolimus and cyclosporine immunosuppression in black heart transplant recipients: hyperlipidemia, hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA
P-352: The mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced RAS activation: Contribution of metabolic pathways
Fetal exposure to maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA or hypoglycemia: Effects on locomotor activity, passive avoidance learning and immobilization stress response in …
ß-Cell Adaptation to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Diabetes HYPERGLYCEMIA Finding
The Study of “Jiangzhining” on the Experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats and Exploration in the Machanism
Translocation of Fetal Ovine Skeletal Muscle Glut 1 and Glut 4 in Response to Selective HYPERGLYCEMIA and Selective Hyperinsulinemia• 1494
The Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA in ischemic stroke patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with purulent conditions
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Illness
Herbal approaches to diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Correlation analysis between hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the district population of Zhejiang province
A household HYPERGLYCEMIA epidemic
Adjusting sodium levels in patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and its related factors in Taiwanese middle‐aged adults
HYPERGLYCEMIA leads to ECG reevaluation
A patient with recalcitrant HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA after renal transplantation
Study on the relationship between continuous HYPERGLYCEMIA and progression of early acute pancreatitis
Study on Preventing Newborns from Iatrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus
Regional substrate metabolism during prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
Hypoglycemic Effects of Yifusheng on Experimental Animals with HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxidant and mechanical stress
Clinical electrophysiologic studies of retinal function in HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes
Study of the effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on hypoxic neurons and its Ca~(2+) related mechanism
The Clustering of Hypertention, Hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA with Obesity
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Acute Cerebral Infarction in Aged Diabetic Patient
Hypovolemia in Patients With HYPERGLYCEMIA—Reply
HYPERGLYCEMIA And Circulating Adhesion Molecules In Man
Clinical observation and experimental study on compound hypoglycemic decoction for HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is a Better Predictor of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness than Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Clinical Significance of Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Acute Head Injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA And Refractive Error Fluctuation.
The interactive effects of toxaphene, toxaphene congeners, and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cultured rat embryos
Clinical Significance of Irritable HYPERGLYCEMIA in Critical Sick Children
Pharmacological treatment of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA leads to reproductive dysfunction in female rats.
Successful Treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in HIV-1 Infected Patients with Diabetes
Glucose characteristics of patients with lesser degrees of HYPERGLYCEMIA during pregnancy
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA. Cardiovascular risks and new therapeutic strategies
Effect of diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic brain damage in rats
Study for the Lack of Mental Changes to Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic Patients with Renal Failure
HYPERGLYCEMIA and its Clinical Significance in Newborn Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Depression in Diabetic Pregnancy Is Associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Variable Methylglyoxal Production from HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia during Induction Chemotherapy
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia during Induction Chemotherapy
Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Compound Hypoglycemic Decoction for HYPERGLYCEMIA
Abnormalities persist postpartum in gravidas with lesser degrees of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effectiveness of radiation treatment of cancer patients: effects of hyperthermia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Treatment of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant (≤ 750 gms): Recent Trends
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on short-term outcomes following liver transplantation in adults
Sliding Scale Insulin Use and Rates of HYPERGLYCEMIA—Reply
Glucoregulatory hormone changes and stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in early post-operative stage
QTc Dispersion, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Hyperinsulinemia• Response
Some models of experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA applying to screening and evaluating the therapeutic effect of antidiabetic drugs
Transient Neonatal HYPERGLYCEMIA Nalini K. Pati Ruchira Maheshwari Harish Chellani
HYPERGLYCEMIA and symmetrical proximal neuropathy in diabetes
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinism on Vascular Complication of Diabetes
The current aspects of the pharmacological correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2)
Human skeletal muscle metabolism during hyperinsulinemic-HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Hypoxic Neurons of Rats in vitro and the Function of Sibelium in its Protective Mechanism
Interactive dysmorphogenic effects of toxaphene or toxaphene congeners and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cultured whole rat embryos during organogenesis
Biochemical effects of some natural products on normal rats and their protective effects against HYPERGLYCEMIA
… of Vascular Development Correlates with the Failure of Platelet Endothelial Factor-1 (PECAM-1) Dephosphorylation in HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Embryopathy• 366
HYPERGLYCEMIA selectively increases the expression of cycloxygenase-2 in human aortic endothelial cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA Induces Platelet Hypersensitivity to Select Agonists
Bovine vascular cells and extracellular matrix interactions: dual effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cell apoptosis in renal cortex and expression of its associated genes induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Thirty-six cases of HYPERGLYCEMIA treated by promoting blood circulation to remove stasis.
Thirty-six Cases of HYPERGLYCEMIA Treated by Promoting Blood Circulation to Remove Stasis
Similar symptoms and confounding conditions: benign prostatic hyperplasia versus HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Hyperosmolar HYPERGLYCEMIA and Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diarrhea associated with enteral feeding: HYPERGLYCEMIA and other factors
Activation of protein kinase C pathway, a common pathway for HYPERGLYCEMIA to cause vascular pathologies
One Case of Reflex Focal Seizures Associated with Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on in vivo velocity profiles of the left anterior descending coronary artery
Movement‐Induced Focal Motor Seizures and Choreoathetosis As‐sociated with Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: A Case Report
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemia/reperfusion-induced ventricular arrythmia in isolated diabetic rat hearts
In Vivo Effects of Hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on Hepatic Gluconeogenesis
Impaired Fibrinolysis is Caused by Short-Term Hyperinsulinemia and/or HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on calcium load and cyclic cAMP content in rat skeletal muscle
Effects of Health Worker’s Home Visits for Health Care of Persons with HYPERGLYCEMIA Found in Community Health Examinations.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA duration on rabbit corneal thickness and endothelial ATPase activity
Elevation of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAl-1) in normal subjects by induction of hyperinsulinemia with HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and Insulin: The Effect on Neurologic Outcome Following Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
Reduced Serum Leptin Levels by HYPERGLYCEMIA for a Long Periods in Type 2 Diabetes
AGI Therapy for Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia on analgesic activity of Morphine in rat
Interaction of a Diabetes Susceptibility Gene with Obesity Alleles Causes HYPERGLYCEMIA in a New Mouse Model for NIDDM
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and Prognosis of Stroke in Nondiabetic and Diabetic Patients: a Systematic Overview
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose transport and intracellular signal transduction in skeletal muscle
HYPERGLYCEMIA Decreases Coronary Collateral Blood Flow through a Nitric Oxide-Mediated Mechanism
The differential diagnosis study on irritability HYPERGLYCEMIA with apoplexy and diabetes’ apoplexy
Acute Mild HYPERGLYCEMIA May Alter the Ability of the Beta-Cell to Sense and Respond to Glucose in Normal Subjects
Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: a life-threatening disorder in Saudi newborns
Modifications of the HYPERGLYCEMIA and stress response to open cholecystectomy following three different analgesic techniques
HYPERGLYCEMIA Is an Interactive Determinant of Myocardial Infarct Size during Isoflurane-Induced Preconditioning
Post-transplant HYPERGLYCEMIA in pancreas transplant recipients under primary tacrolimus immunosuppression
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Satiating Effect of CCK in Humans-Studies using the type A cholecystokinin receptor antagonist loxiglumide
Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema and Iatrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA After Operative Hysteroscopy: Report of a Case
Pretransplantation Insulin Dose As An Indicator Of HYPERGLYCEMIA Following Pancreatic Transplantation
The effect of enteral nutrition support with low carbohydrate formula in critically ill patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute Local HYPERGLYCEMIA Augments Insulin Stimulated Endothelial Dependent Vasodilatation
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Internalization of Insulin-receptor Complexes in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Extracellular Calcium Activity Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats [J]
Upregulation of Aldose Reductase mRNA by HYPERGLYCEMIA in Claf Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells.
HYPERGLYCEMIA during hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass does not alter postbypass vascular endothelial responses in dogs
HYPERGLYCEMIA During Hypothermic Canine Cardiopulmonary Bypass Increases Cerebral Lactate
The corticosterone hypothesis of HYPERGLYCEMIA-enhanced cerebral ischemic damage
The Influence of T4 Conversion to T3 and Insulin on the HYPERGLYCEMIA and Central Obesity
Transient Focal neurological deficits in patients with hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA; report of 4 cases
The Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipidemia on Muscle Glycogen Utilization during Exercise in rats
Effects of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on gene expression in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA triggers massive neutrophil deposition in brain following cardiac arrest in rats
Effects of Endogenous Nitric Oxide on Gastrointestinal Propulsive Motility Inhibited by HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats
Postprandial oxidized lipids in diabetic patients: which role for postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA?
The Neurologic Implications of Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA During Surgical Procedures at Increased Risk for Brain Ischemia
Dissociation of epistatic effects involved in fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Hypertension But Not HYPERGLYCEMIA Predicts Microalbuminuria in Older Adults without Diabetes: The Rancho Bernardo Study
iNOS inhibitors prevent LPS-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance in rats
The Acute Effect of Selective HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinemia upon Fetal Ovine Glucose Transporter Proteins
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on sulfonylurea receptor of β cells in pancreas of diabetic rats
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Diminishes Cardioprotective Effects of High Dose Insulin in the Ischemic Rat Heart
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA by adenoviral vector-mediated insulin gene expression in the murine pancreas
Hyperinsulinemia Potentiates Nuclear Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Advanced Glycosylation End Products in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMC)
Effects of age, HYPERGLYCEMIA and renal function on level of serum advanced glycosylation end products
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Brain Cell Membrane Function and Energy Metabolism During Hypoxia-Ischemia in Newborn Piglets.† 840
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on PI 3-kinase Activation Through IRS-1/2 and IRS-3 in n6-Streptozotocin-Treated Rats
Impaired glucose tolerance and mild HYPERGLYCEMIA in sucrose-fed rats does not impair insulin secretion
Unique Clinico1niologic Manifestation in Patients with Hemiballism-Hemichorea Caused by Non-Ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: Report of Two Cases
Clinical study of enteral nutrition support with low carbohydrate formula in severe traumatic brain injury patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice by transplantation of cells engineered for the production of fully processed human insulin
Comparison of insulin pump and multiple insulin injection on the HYPERGLYCEMIA in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Normalization of HYPERGLYCEMIA after Adenovirus-Mediated Gene Transfer of IRS-2 into IRS-2 Deficient Mice
Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hyperosmolar Nonketotic States, and Stress-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on rhodamine fluorescence in neurons: study with fluorescent probes in isolated drg neurons
Renal Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase mRNA Expression is Enhanced by HYPERGLYCEMIA, but not by High Tubular Glucose
Suppression of GLUT4 Gene Expression in Human Cardiac Muscle: Role of Hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevention of In Vivo HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glucotoxic Effects on STF-1 and Insulin Gene Expression by Oral Troglitazone Treatment in Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic NOD mice by human proinsulin gene therapy
Isolated Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA May Cause Microangiopathy. A” First-Meal Effect” in Patients With Early Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Effects of crude saponin fractions from Panax ginseng and Gynostemma pentaphyllum on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia
The Role of Intensive Insulin Therapy on Superoxide Dismutase (Sod), Tumor Necrosis Factor-?(Tnf-?), and Interleukin-6 (Il-6) on HYPERGLYCEMIA in Critically Ill …
Presentation of Hemiballism-Hemichorea in Non-Ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA with Ipsilateral Striatal Hyperintensity on CT and MR Images
Reversal of Diet-Induced Hyperinsulinemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance by Sustained, Moderate Elevation of Plasma Leptin
Hepatocyte growth factor is essential for amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice receiving a marginal mass of intrahepatic islet grafts
Effect of deoxycholic acid, polycarbophil or both on the relative HYPERGLYCEMIA of rectal insulin suppositories containing sodium salicylate in diabetic rabbits
The role of 12 lipoxygenase in HYPERGLYCEMIA mediated events in atherosclerosis
Case study: A 49-year-old man with acute myocardial injury and HYPERGLYCEMIA: Diagnosis and…
Effect of Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA-and Isoproterenol-induced Hypothalamic Somatostatin Release on the Thyroid Hormone Releasing Hormone-induced Thyroid …
2-Chloroadenosine reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced inhibition of phosphoinositide synthesis in cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells, and prevents reduced …
A Case of Cushing’s Disease with HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Pony
Decreased GLUT 4 mRNA Levels did not Related with Degree of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Skeletal Muscles of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats
… and hypotensive effects of 6-cyclohexyl-2-O-methyl-adenosine, an adenosine A 1 receptor agonist, in spontaneously hypertensive rat complicated with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Renal hemodynamics and its regulation in recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus). The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA
902 Effect of Dexamethasone-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA, and its Acute Treatment with Insulin, on Brain Glucose Concentrations in Rats
Management of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitals
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a cardiovascular risk factor
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA as a prognostic indicator in trauma
Relationship of early HYPERGLYCEMIA to mortality in trauma patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acutely ill patients
The HYPERGLYCEMIA and adverse pregnancy outcome (HAPO) study
Effects of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA on mortality and costs in acute ischemic stroke
How HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes atherosclerosis: molecular mechanisms
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced oxidative stress in diabetic complications
Poststroke HYPERGLYCEMIA: natural history and immediate management
HYPERGLYCEMIA: an independent marker of in-hospital mortality in patients with undiagnosed diabetes
Clinical significance, pathogenesis, and management of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and outcomes from pediatric traumatic brain injury
Association between HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased hospital mortality in a heterogeneous population of critically ill patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance: possible mechanisms
The rationale and management of HYPERGLYCEMIA for in-patients with cardiovascular disease: time for change
Persistent poststroke HYPERGLYCEMIA is independently associated with infarct expansion and worse clinical outcome
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA adversely affects stroke outcome: a magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy study
Inflammatory cytokine concentrations are acutely increased by HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans: role of oxidative stress
Association between HYPERGLYCEMIA and the no-reflow phenomenon inpatients with acute myocardial infarction
Stress-HYPERGLYCEMIA, insulin and immunomodulation in sepsis
A novel role for calpains in the endothelial dysfunction of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Association of timing, duration, and intensity of HYPERGLYCEMIA with intensive care unit mortality in critically ill children
Women and heart disease: the role of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pathogenesis of coronary microvascular dysfunction in diabetes
Regression of carotid atherosclerosis by control of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in nitrotyrosine postprandial generation
Interactions between HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoxia: implications for diabetic retinopathy
The roles of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA in sepsis pathogenesis
Effects of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA on acute myocardial infarction: role of inflammatory immune process in functional cardiac outcome
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion in humans
Is nondiabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?: a meta-analysis of prospective studies
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on stroke outcomes
The performance of a risk score in predicting undiagnosed HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1α protein stability and function
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA alters mood state and impairs cognitive performance in people with type 2 diabetes
The influence of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA on clinical course after intracerebral hemorrhage
Hospital management of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Outcomes and perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with or without diabetes mellitus undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical illness: role of insulin in glycemic control
Utility of HbA1c levels for diabetes case finding in hospitalized patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HAART and HCV infection on the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA among HIV-infected persons.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and continuous intravenous insulin infusions on outcomes of cardiac surgical procedures: the Portland Diabetic Project
Genetic regulation of metabolic pathways in β-cells disrupted by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Antioxidant treatment attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced cardiomyocyte death in rats
β-cell death and mass in syngeneically transplanted islets exposed to short-and long-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases mitochondrial superoxide in retina and retinal cells
Treating HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes: new goals and strategies.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and brain tissue pH after traumatic brain injury
Effects of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA on stroke outcome in reperfused tissue plasminogen activator–treated patients
A survey of reports of quetiapine-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus
Relationship of baseline glucose homeostasis to HYPERGLYCEMIA during medical critical illness
Impaired glucose tolerance and cardiovascular disease: the possible role of post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibition of protein kinase Cβ prevents impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
Contributions of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose increments to the overall diurnal HYPERGLYCEMIA of type 2 diabetic patients: variations with increasing levels …
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis in mouse myocardium: mitochondrial cytochrome C–mediated caspase-3 activation pathway
Specific inhibition of PTEN expression reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
Insulin, C-peptide, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and central nervous system complications in diabetes
From HYPERGLYCEMIA to diabetic kidney disease: the role of metabolic, hemodynamic, intracellular factors and growth factors/cytokines
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA, inflammation, and cardiovascular events
HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes oxidative stress through inhibition of thioredoxin function by thioredoxin-interacting protein
HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates brain edema and perihematomal cell death after intracerebral hemorrhage
Acute, short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances shear stress-induced platelet activation in patients with type II diabetes mellitus
Impact of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on left ventricular function after reperfusion therapy in patients with a first anterior wall acute myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin sensitivity differ among lean young adults of different ethnicities
Influence of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in human sepsis on inflammatory cytokine and counterregulatory hormone concentrations
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells: inhibition by the AMP-activated protein kinase activation
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA induces nitrotyrosine formation and apoptosis in perfused heart from rat
Prior gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA: a long-term predictor of the metabolic syndrome
Cerebral energy metabolism during transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with severe brain trauma
Alarms based on real-time sensor glucose values alert patients to hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA: the guardian continuous monitoring system
Metabolic, endocrine, and immune effects of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in a rabbit model of prolonged critical illness
Perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA is a strong correlate of postoperative infection in type II diabetic patients after coronary artery bypass grafting
HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates muscle protein catabolism in burn-injured patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight infants
Acute stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in cats is associated with struggling and increased concentrations of lactate and norepinephrine
Microvascular alterations in diabetic mice correlate with level of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Plasma F2 isoprostanes: direct evidence of increased free radical damage during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes
How important is HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute brain infarction?
The response of antioxidant genes to HYPERGLYCEMIA is abnormal in patients with type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy
Diabetes and the accompanying HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs cardiomyocyte calcium cycling through increased nuclear O-GlcNAcylation
Increased expression of antioxidant and antiapoptotic genes in islets that may contribute to β-cell survival during chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
N-acetylcysteine and taurine prevent HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance in vivo: possible role of oxidative stress
Control of post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA–an essential part of good diabetes treatment and prevention of cardiovascular complications.
Gestational diabetes mellitus and lesser degrees of pregnancy HYPERGLYCEMIA: association with increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth
Insular cortical ischemia is independently associated with acute stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Impact of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA on stroke outcome after thrombolysis: risk stratification in relation to time to reperfusion
Effect of consumption of finger millet on HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects
Evidence for an independent and cumulative effect of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress generation …
Inducible nitric oxide synthase plays a role in LPS-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance
HYPERGLYCEMIA prevents isoflurane-induced preconditioning against myocardial infarction
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on experimental retinal ischemia
Inhibitory effects of mulberry leaf extract on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal rats
Mechanical hyperalgesia in rat models of systemic and local HYPERGLYCEMIA
In-patient HYPERGLYCEMIA—are we ready to treat it yet?
Oxidative stress mediates apoptotic changes induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in human tubular kidney cells
Unrecognized hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the results of continuous glucose monitoring
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on the response of IL-6, TNF-α, and FFAs to low-dose endotoxemia in humans
Induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice with atypical antipsychotic drugs that inhibit glucose uptake
Effect of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on circulating adhesion molecules and oxidative stress generation and the possible role of simvastatin …
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced defects in angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane model
Relationship between serum carotenoids and HYPERGLYCEMIA: a population-based cross-sectional study
Effect of aswagandha, ginger and mulberry on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia
β-cell neogenesis during prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Clinical significance of targeting postprandial and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus
Activation of nulcear factor-κB by HYPERGLYCEMIA in vascular smooth muscle cells is regulated by aldose reductase
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on aggregation, deformability and shape parameters of erythrocytes
Hyperlipidemia in concert with HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates the proliferation of macrophages in atherosclerotic lesions: potential role of glucose-oxidized LDL
Lipoic acid prevents hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the increase in heart mitochondrial superoxide production
Konjac supplement alleviated hypercholesterolemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetic subjects—a randomized double-blind trial
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits capacitative calcium entry and hypertrophy in neonatal cardiomyocytes
Chorea associated with non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperintensity basal ganglia lesion on T1-weighted brain MRI study: a meta-analysis of 53 cases including four …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative stress: complex relationships with attractive prospects
Adiponectin gene polymorphisms and adiponectin levels are independently associated with the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA during a 3-year period: the …
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with focal cerebral ischemia after intravenous thrombolysis: influence on clinical outcome and infarct size
Striking differences in glucose and lactate levels between brain extracellular fluid and plasma in conscious human subjects: effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and …
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA causes intracellular formation of CML and activation of ras, p42/44 MAPK, and nuclear factor κB in PBMCs
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment
Comparison of HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia management in patients with type 2 diabetes
Streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates left ventricular remodeling and failure after experimental myocardial infarction
Glucose monitoring at the arm: risky delays of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA detection
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice by using human expandable insulin-producing cells differentiated from fetal liver progenitor cells
Metabolic abnormalities (hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and overweight), lifestyle (high energy intake and physical inactivity) and endometrial cancer risk in a …
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced unilateral basal ganglion lesions with and without hemichorea A PET study
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic nephropathy: effect of reinstitution of good metabolic control on oxidative stress in the kidney of diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced alteration of vascular smooth muscle phenotype
α-Lipoic acid attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA and prevents glomerular mesangial matrix expansion in diabetes
Unilateral putaminal CT, MR, and diffusion abnormalities secondary to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in the setting of acute neurologic symptoms mimicking stroke
Diffusion-weighted and gradient echo magnetic resonance findings of hemichorea-hemiballismus associated with diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA: a hyperviscosity syndrome …
A structural model that explains the effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on collagenolysis
Inhibition of the interaction of AGE–RAGE prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced fibrosis of the peritoneal membrane
Mild gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA, the metabolic syndrome and adverse neonatal outcomes
Wild ginseng prevents the onset of high-fat diet induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity in ICR mice
Effectiveness of therapeutic lifestyle changes in patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA on multifocal electroretinogram in diabetic patients without retinopathy
Angiotensin II blockade prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of JAK and STAT proteins in diabetic rat kidney glomeruli
Factors responsible for development from normal glucose tolerance to isolated postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inactivation of the glucocorticoid receptor in hepatocytes leads to fasting hypoglycemia and ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus
Management of parenteral nutrition in acutely ill patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA exaggerates ischemia-reperfusion–induced cardiomyocyte injury: Reversal with endothelin antagonism
Relation between the duration of remission and HYPERGLYCEMIA during induction chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia with a hyperfractionated …
Fructose improves the ability of HYPERGLYCEMIA per se to regulate glucose production in type 2 diabetes
Serum concentrations of soluble adhesion molecules are related to degree of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA and nutrition support: theory and practice
HYPERGLYCEMIA: still an important predictor of adverse outcomes following AMI in the reperfusion era
The potential therapeutic role of insulin in acute myocardial infarction in patients admitted to intensive care and in those with unspecified HYPERGLYCEMIA
Reactive oxygen species modulate coronary wall shear stress and endothelial function during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Vascular dysfunction in HYPERGLYCEMIA: is protein kinase C the culprit?
Relationship between cardiovascular dysfunction and HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats
Both relative insulin resistance and defective islet β-cell processing of proinsulin are responsible for transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in extremely preterm infants
Intrauterine HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with an earlier diagnosis of diabetes in HNF-1α gene mutation carriers
Dyslipidemia, but not HYPERGLYCEMIA, induces inflammatory adhesion molecules in human retinal vascular endothelial cells
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA during infant cardiac surgery is not associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 1, 4, and 8 years
Protein kinase C-δ modulates apoptosis induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in adult ventricular myocytes
HYPERGLYCEMIA and inhibition of glycogen synthase in streptozotocin-treated mice: role of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine
Monocyte and neutrophil adhesion molecule expression during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and after antioxidant treatment in type 2 diabetes and control patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs antro-pyloric coordination and delays gastric emptying in conscious rats
The performance of a risk score as a screening test for undiagnosed HYPERGLYCEMIA in ethnic minority groups: data from the 1999 health survey for England
HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with increased hepatic glycogen phosphorylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in rats following subchronic exposure to …
Differentiating between effects of streptozotocin per se and subsequent HYPERGLYCEMIA on renal function and metabolism in the streptozotocin‐diabetic rat model
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA and retardation of cataract by mulberry(Marus indica L.) leaves in streptozotocin diabetic rats
Activity of pancreatic antioxidative enzymes and malondialdehyde concentrations in rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by fluoride intoxication
Hyaluronan structures synthesized by rat mesangial cells in response to HYPERGLYCEMIA induce monocyte adhesion
Glucose level is a major determinant of carotid intima–media thickness in patients with hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relevance of HYPERGLYCEMIA to early mechanical hyperalgesia in streptozotocin‐induced diabetes
Aldose reductase mediates cytotoxic signals of HYPERGLYCEMIA and TNF‐α in human lens epithelial cells
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates coronary collateral development and impairs proliferative properties of myocardial interstitial fluid by production of angiostatin
Metformin blunts stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA after thermal injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA affects flicker-induced vasodilation in the retina of healthy subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance in diabetic dyslipidemic Yucatan swine
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospitalized patient
Reduced bone mineral density in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients and its association with increased central adiposity and postload HYPERGLYCEMIA
Impairment of human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) K+ channel function by hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: similar phenotypes but different mechanisms
Different progressions of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes among hyperuricemic men and women in the kinmen study.
HYPERGLYCEMIA lowers seizure threshold
Chronic central leptin infusion restores HYPERGLYCEMIA independent of food intake and insulin level in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA potentiates the proatherogenic effects of C-reactive protein: reversal with rosiglitazone
Targeting postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: a comparative study of insulinotropic agents in type 2 diabetes
Effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose metabolism
Hepatocyte growth factor preserves beta cell mass and mitigates HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
Determinants of mild gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA and gestational diabetes mellitus in a large Dutch multiethnic cohort
The evolving paradigm of HYPERGLYCEMIA and critical illness
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases endothelial superoxide that impairs smooth muscle cell Na+-K+-ATPase activity
Phloridzin improves HYPERGLYCEMIA but not hepatic insulin resistance in a transgenic mouse model of type 2 diabetes
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on triggering of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations
Ginger reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA-evoked gastric dysrhythmias in healthy humans: possible role of endogenous prostaglandins
The HYPERGLYCEMIA and adverse pregnancy outcome (HAPO) study
Fatality from olanzapine induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced apoptosis affects sex ratio of bovine and murine preimplantation embryos
… concentration induces generation of reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells: implication for the oxidative stress associated with postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA predicts the magnitude of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: implications for diabetes therapy
VEGF expression in hypoxia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: reciprocal effect on branching angiogenesis in epithelial-endothelial co-cultures
Reduction of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes reduces NF-κB activation in PBMCs
Protective effects of ascorbic acid on arterial hemodynamics during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Vitamin B1 blocks damage caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Subcortical hypointensity in partial status epilepticus associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia in real world patients on antipsychotic therapy
Possible gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with gatifloxacin use in elderly patients
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA at admission to the intensive care unit is associated with elevated serum concentrations of interleukin-6 and reduced ex vivo secretion of tumor …
Importance of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the primary function of allogeneic islet transplants1
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by glucose infusion causes hepatic oxidative stress and systemic inflammation, but not STAT3 or MAP kinase activation in liver in rats
Metabolic side effects of antipsychotics: focus on HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes
Role of dietary fatty acids and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in modulating cardiac cell death
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces nitric oxide synthase and glycogen synthase activity in endothelial cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces PAI-1 gene expression in adipose tissue by activation of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA during gatifloxacin therapy in patients without diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia act synergistically to induce renal disease in LDL receptor-deficient BALB mice
Effect of posttraumatic HYPERGLYCEMIA on contusion volume and neutrophil accumulation after moderate fluid-percussion brain injury in rats
Salacia oblonga improves cardiac fibrosis and inhibits postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in obese Zucker rats
Prevention of hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and vascular oxidative stress by aspirin treatment in chronically glucose-fed rats
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on the ischemic preconditioning effect of prodromal angina pectoris in patients with a first anterior wall acute myocardial infarction
Association between indices of obesity and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in Taiwan
Cerebral injury in association with profound iatrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA in a neonate
Electrical stimulation improves insulin responses in a human skeletal muscle cell model of HYPERGLYCEMIA
VLDL-triglyceride kinetics during HYPERGLYCEMIA-hyperinsulinemia: effects of sex and obesity
Disturbances in Glucose-Tolerance, Insulin-Release, and Stress-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA upon Disruption of the Cav2.3 (α1E) Subunit of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ …
Detection of undiagnosed diabetes and other HYPERGLYCEMIA states: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
Gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Bedside ketone determination in diabetic children with HYPERGLYCEMIA and ketosis in the acute care setting
Control of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: optimal use of short-acting insulin secretagogues
Subcutaneous transplantation of macroencapsulated porcine pancreatic endocrine cells normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice1
Insulin deficiency rather than HYPERGLYCEMIA accounts for impaired neurotrophic responses and nerve fiber regeneration in type 1 diabetic neuropathy
Suppressive effect of a hot water extract of adzuki beans (Vigna angularis) on HYPERGLYCEMIA after sucrose loading in mice and diabetic rats
Hypertonic HYPERGLYCEMIA progresses to diabetes faster than normotonic
Lipid balance in rats with fluoride-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
The incidence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving total parenteral nutrition: a pilot study
Leptin activation of corticosterone production in hepatocytes may contribute to the reversal of obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters refractory periods in human diabetic neuropathy
Rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis, and HYPERGLYCEMIA with ziprasidone
Beneficial effects of L-arginine supplementation in experimental hyperlipemia-HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hamster
Brain metabolic alterations in patients with type 1 diabetes–HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced injury
UKPDS 59: HYPERGLYCEMIA and other potentially modifiable risk factors for peripheral vascular disease in type 2 diabetes
Epileptic seizures in non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Outpatient diagnostic errors: unrecognized HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Dietary Cyanidin 3-O-β-D-Glucoside-Rich Purple Corn Color Prevents Obesity and Ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces insulin resistance on angiotensinogen gene expression in diabetic rat kidney proximal tubular cells
Association of hyponatremia and HYPERGLYCEMIA with outcome in dogs with congestive heart failure
Diet, obesity, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in LG/J and SM/J mice
Inclusion of low amounts of fructose with an intraduodenal glucose load markedly reduces postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in the conscious dog
Adaptive bolus-based set-point regulation of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical care
… : the dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α/γ agonist LY465608 ameliorates insulin resistance and diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA while improving cardiovascular …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular events
Hypoglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and gatifloxacin
Inhibition of fiber cell globulization and HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced lens opacification by aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin
HYPERGLYCEMIA from olanzapine treatment in adolescents
Undiagnosed HYPERGLYCEMIA in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia
Quetiapine-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on signal transduction in skeletal muscle from diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats
Forearm vascular control during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in healthy humans
Inhibitory effects of Hyssop (Hyssopus of ficinalis) extracts on intestinal α-glncosidase activity and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs insulin secretion by affecting insulin receptor expression, splicing, and signaling in RIN β‐cell line and human islets of Langerhans
Modelling and control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical care patients
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA leads to gender-dependent deficits in learning and memory in offspring
Foam cells generated by a combination of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA downregulates total lipoprotein lipase activity in humans
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and fatty acid oxidation inhibition during aerobic conditions and demand-induced ischemia
Inhibitory effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neural activity of the vagus in rats
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA alters the ability of the normal β-cell to sense and respond to glucose
N -Acetylcysteine Restores Isoflurane-induced Preconditioning against Myocardial Infarction during HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of capsule composition in the reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice transplanted with microencapsulated allogeneic islets
Introductory experience with the continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS®; Medtronic Minimed®) in detecting HYPERGLYCEMIA by comparing the self-monitoring …
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates nerve conduction velocity and nerve blood flow in male Sprague–Dawley rats: reversal by adenosine
In vitro reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA normalizes insulin action in fat cells from type 2 diabetes patients: is cellular insulin resistance caused by glucotoxicity in vivo?
Role of the kidney in HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes
Inhibitory Effects of Viburnum dilatatum Thunb. (Gamazumi) on Oxidation and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes
Maternal low birth weight and gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA
Brief episode of STZ-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA produces cardiac abnormalities in rats fed a diet rich in n-6 PUFA
Insulin prevents depolarization of the mitochondrial inner membrane in sensory neurons of type 1 diabetic rats in the presence of sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cost-effective management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes using oral agents.
Exogenous attenuation of p21Waf1/Cip1 decreases mesangial cell hypertrophy as a result of HYPERGLYCEMIA and IGF-1
Lisofylline, a novel antiinflammatory compound, protects mesangial cells from HYPERGLYCEMIA-and angiotensin II-mediated extracellular matrix deposition
… in women: decreased stimulation of muscle glucose uptake and suppression of splanchnic glucose production during combined hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in sick cats: A retrospective study over 4 years
Chorea due to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Sertraline-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: case report
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxygen and oxidative metabolism in the intact cat retina
Induction of B1 receptors in streptozotocin diabetic rats: possible involvement in the control of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced glomerular Erk 1 and 2 phosphorylation
Oxidative DNA damage by HYPERGLYCEMIA-related aldehydes and its marked enhancement by hydrogen peroxide
Small-molecule insulin mimetic reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity in a nongenetic mouse model of type 2 diabetes
Effects of isolated post-challenge HYPERGLYCEMIA on mortality in American Indians: the Strong Heart Study
HYPERGLYCEMIA: an independent marker of in-hospital mortality in patients with undiagnosed diabetes
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA: implications for contrast-induced nephropathy during cardiac catheterization
Reversal of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by transplantation of pseudoislets consisting of β cells derived from ductal cells
Prolonged mild HYPERGLYCEMIA induces vagally mediated compensatory increase in C-Peptide secretion in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates erythromycin-induced acceleration of solid-phase gastric emptying in healthy subjects
Changed responsiveness of the detrusor in rabbits with alloxan induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: possible role of 5-hydroxytryptamine for diabetic bladder dysfunction
Arterial heparan sulfate is negatively associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherosclerosis in diabetic monkeys
Insulin‐like growth factor type 1 prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced uncoupling protein 3 down‐regulation and oxidative stress
Addition of nateglinide to rosiglitazone monotherapy suppresses mealtime HYPERGLYCEMIA and improves overall glycemic control
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia enhance vasodilatation in Type 1 diabetes mellitus without increasing capillary permeability and inducing endothelial …
Store-operated Ca2+ entry and tyrosine kinase pp60src hyperactivity are modulated by HYPERGLYCEMIA in platelets from patients with non insulin-dependent diabetes …
Is type 2 diabetes mellitus a vascular disease (atheroscleropathy) with HYPERGLYCEMIA a late manifestation? The role of NOS, NO, and redox stress.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the basal cytosolic free calcium level, calcium signal and tyrosine-phosphorylation in human T-cells
IGT with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA is more strongly associated with microalbuminuria than IGT without fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of lowering postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin secretion in older people with impaired glucose tolerance
Primacy of β-cell dysfunction in the development of HYPERGLYCEMIA: a study in the Japanese general population
Attenuation of hypercholesterolemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in ob/ob mice by NPY Y2 receptor ablation
Impaired β-cell compensation to dexamethasone-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
HYPERGLYCEMIA does not alter state 3 respiration in cardiac mitochondria from type-I diabetic rats
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA, glucagon, and epinephrine on renal glucose release in the conscious dog
Resolution of HYPERGLYCEMIA on risperidone discontinuation: a case report
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances VSMC proliferation with NF-κB activation by angiotensin II and E2F-1 augmentation by growth factors
Serum tonicity, extracellular volume and clinical manifestations in symptomatic dialysis-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA treated only with insulin
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced TGFβ and fibronectin expression in embryonic mouse heart
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced protein kinase C activation inhibits phagocytosis of c3b-and immunoglobulin g–opsonized yeast particles in normal human neutrophils
Influence of exercise induced hyperlactatemia on retinal blood flow during normo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cutaneous vascular function during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in healthy young adults
HYPERGLYCEMIA upregulates translation of the fibroblast growth factor 2 mRNA in mouse aorta via internal ribosome entry site
Isolated post-challenge HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with normal fasting glucose concentration exaggerates neointimal hyperplasia after coronary stent implantation
An experimental analysis of the catecholamines in HYPERGLYCEMIA and acidosis-induced rat brain
Long-term correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice after implantation of cultured human cells derived from fetal pancreas
Reflex seizures and non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: an unresolved issue
HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates erythromycin-induced acceleration of liquid-phase gastric emptying of hypertonic liquids in healthy subjects
Effect of a β2-adrenoceptor stimulation on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced endothelial dysfunction
Coxsackievirus-mediated HYPERGLYCEMIA is enhanced by reinfection and this occurs independent of T cells
Thalidomide-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes: case report and review of literature
Sopungsungi-won (SP) prevents the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by acute central fluoxetine administration: role of the central CRH system and 5-HT3 receptors
Alterations of blood glucose homeostasis during septic or injury stress–HYPERGLYCEMIA
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA and markers of hepatic dysfunction with dextrose infusion rates in Korean patients receiving total parenteral nutrition
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in minority children with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Treatment of extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA monitored with intracerebral microdialysis
Association between twin pregnancy and HYPERGLYCEMIA in a multiethnic community in New Zealand
HYPERGLYCEMIA and vascular damage role of oxidative stress
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA after renal transplantation in a pediatric patient with a mutation of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1β gene
HYPERGLYCEMIA triggers abnormal signaling and proliferative responses in Schwann cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Illness—Reply
Effect of moderate exercise immediately followed by induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on gene expression and content of the glucose transporter-4 protein in skeletal muscles …
Trimetazidine diminishes fasting glucose in rats with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA: a preliminary study
Combined Hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA, But Not Hyperinsulinemia Alone, Suppress Human Skeletal Muscle Lipolytic Activity in Vivo
Postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA but not hyperinsulinemia is associated with angiographically documented coronary atherosclerosis in Korean subjects
Muscle uridine diphosphate-hexosamines do not decrease despite correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes
Normokalemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients resuscitated from prehospital cardiopulmonary arrest
Differential hepatic gene expression in a polygenic mouse model with insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA: evidence for a combined transcriptional …
Vascularized islet cell transplantation in miniature Swine: islet-kidney allografts correct the diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by total pancreatectomy
Measuring and managing HYPERGLYCEMIA in pregnancy: from glycosuria to continuous blood glucose monitoring
Adenoviral mediated hepatocyte growth factor gene attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA and β cell destruction in overt diabetic mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital: Changing the way we think
… prevalent Glu23Lys polymorphism in the potassium inward rectifier 6.2 (KIR6. 2) gene is associated with impaired glucagon suppression in response to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Enhanced vascular production of superoxide in OLETF rat after the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Zinc supplementation attenuates thioacetamide-induced liver injury and HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Low dose metformin improves HYPERGLYCEMIA better than acarbose in type 2 diabetics
Atrial fibrillation can cause major HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Tumor Oxygenation and Acidification are Increased in Melanoma Xenografts after Exposure to HYPERGLYCEMIA and meta-Iodo-benzylguanidine
Glycogen synthase deficiency (glycogen storage disease type 0) presenting with HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucosuria: report of three new mutations
Association of GYS1 and β3-AR gene with postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and serum uric acid in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Effect of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA and vanadate treatment on erythrocyte Na/K-ATpase and Mg-ATpase in streptozotocin diabetic rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypercapnia differently affect post-ischemic changes in protein kinases and protein phosphorylation in the rat cingulate cortex
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and nitric oxide synthase inhibition on heat tolerance and induction of heat shock protein 72 kDa in vivo
Di a betic Ketoacidosis and Per sis tent HYPERGLYCEMIA as Long-term Com pli ca tions of L-asparaginase-induced Pan cre ati tis
Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA: a facilitating factor in systemic capillary leak
Minimal low-flow isoflurane-based anesthesia benefits patients undergoing coronary revascularization via preventing HYPERGLYCEMIA and maintaining metabolic …
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypercapnia on lipid metabolism during complete brain ischemia
A case of hemichorea with HYPERGLYCEMIA presenting with low signal intensity in the striatum on T2*-weighted gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging
Short-term mild HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in lactating goats
Usefulness of HYPERGLYCEMIA in predicting renal and myocardial injury in patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
Genetic Analyses of Ethanol‐Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Norepinephrine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA does not increase cortical lactate in brain-injured rats
Ziprasidone alternative for olanzapine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Olanzapine associated weight gain, HYPERGLYCEMIA and neuroleptic malignant syndrome: case report
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA aggravates the prognosis of critically ill patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on hepatic gluconeogenic flux during glycogen phosphorylase inhibition in the conscious dog
Acute repetitive giratory seizures as a manifestation of nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acetylcholine-induced relaxation of rabbit basilar artery in vitro is rapidly reduced by reactive oxygen species in acute HYPERGLYCEMIA: Role of NAD (P) H oxidase
Efficacy and safety of nateglinide in type 2 diabetic patients with modest fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Metaiodobenzylguanidine and HYPERGLYCEMIA augment tumor response to isolated limb perfusion in a rodent model of human melanoma
Glucose-regulated glucose uptake by transplanted muscle cells expressing glucokinase counteracts diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Analysis of spontaneous reports of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with marketed systemic fluoroquinolones made to the Canadian Adverse Drug …
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by intracerebroventricular choline: involvement of the sympatho-adrenal system
Effect of mild HYPERGLYCEMIA±meta-iodo-benzylguanidine on the radiation response of R3230 Ac tumors
Left ventricular mitogen activated protein kinase signaling following polymicrobial sepsis during streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Interactive dysmorphogenic effects of toxaphene or toxaphene congeners and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cultured whole rat embryos during organogenesis
The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and carotid receptors modulate HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by hemorrhage
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on tumoral uptake of F-18 FDG
Effect of Hyperinsulinemia and Type 2 Diabetes-Like HYPERGLYCEMIA on Expression of Hepatic Cytochrome P450 and GlutathioneS-Transferase Isoforms in a New …
Influence of phytostanol phosphoryl ascorbate (FM-VP4) on insulin resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, plasma lipid levels, and gastrointestinal absorption of exogenous …
Transient forebrain ischemia induced phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element-binding protein is suppressed by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Essential pathogenic role of endogenous IL‐18 in murine diabetes induced by multiple low doses of streptozotocin. Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulitis by a …
Prevalence of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in adolescents: a population-based study
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Cerebrovascular Disease.
Reversal of glucose-insulin-potassium-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by aggressive insulin treatment in postoperative heart failure
Intrauterine HYPERGLYCEMIA increases insulin binding sites but not glucose transporter expression in discrete brain areas in term rat fetuses
In vivo HYPERGLYCEMIA and its effect on Glut‐1 expression in the embryonic heart
A combined high-fiber, low-glycemic index diet normalizes glucose tolerance and reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in adults with hepatic cirrhosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA after myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA, bronchial artery sclerosis, and lung function
On the failure of insulin to affect HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiac surgery
Acitretin induced reversible HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucose clearance is delayed after HYPERGLYCEMIA in healthy elderly men
Hepatic expression of a targeting subunit of protein phosphatase-1 in streptozotocin-diabetic rats reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperphagia despite depressed …
Oxidative stress in rats after 60 days of hypergalactosemia or HYPERGLYCEMIA
The incidence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients treated with olanzapine
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and activation of the beta-adrenergic system exhibit synergistic inhibitory actions on growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone-induced GH …
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA: a determinant factor for hypofiltration in alloxan diabetic rats
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin with diabetic cardiovascular complications
HYPERGLYCEMIA with antipsychotic treatment
Molecular aspects of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced tissue damage
Effects of the serotonergic anxiolytic buspirone on plasma glucose and glucose-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Possible involvement of facilitated polyol pathway in augmentation of intimal hyperplasia in rabbits with alloxan-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy-do HYPERGLYCEMIA and aldose reductase inhibitors affect neuroactive steroid formation in the rat sciatic nerves?
HYPERGLYCEMIA lowering effect of soybean isoflavone (SI) on alloxan-induced diabetic mice
Does HYPERGLYCEMIA Cause Symptoms in Elderly People?
Case report: somatostatin producing teratoma, causing rapidly alternating extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia, and ovarian somatostatinoma
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxygenation, radiosensitivity and bioenergetic status of subcutaneous RIF-1 tumors
Effect of controlling HYPERGLYCEMIA with diet on QT abnormalities in newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes
Treatment for HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes pancreatic regeneration in rats without CCK-1 receptor gene expression
Enzymatic and HYPERGLYCEMIA stability of chemically modified insulins with hydrophobic acyl groups
Impact of self-monitoring of blood glucose on the lifestyles of subjects with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA: A randomized controlled trial
HYPERGLYCEMIA and blood sugar management: Implications for infection
Clonic focal seizure of the foot secondary to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Functional and histochemical analysis on pancreatic islets of APA hamsters with SZ-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia
Region-specific pathophysiological alterations occurring in calf lenses in vitro during HYPERGLYCEMIA
On the mode of action of methionine-enkephalin in inducing HYPERGLYCEMIA in the fiddler crab Uca lactea annulipes
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes in an outpatient cardiology practice
Dietary fat mediates HYPERGLYCEMIA and the glucogenic response to increased protein consumption in an insect, Manduca sexta L.
Striatal hyperintensity on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images and high-density signal on CT scans obtained in patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA and no involuntary …
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospitalized podiatric medical patient
Gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the elderly
A lesson in early morning HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and no-reflow phenomenon in acute myocardial infarction
Amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice with fetal pancreatic allografts: prevention of rejection by donor specific transfusion in …
The clinical characteristics of severe craniocerebral trauma complicated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and the nursing care [J]
Concurrent HYPERGLYCEMIA does not influence the long-term prognosis of unresectable hepatocellular carcinomas
Non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA Manifested as Occipital Lobe Complex Partial Status Epileticus
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA alters von Willebrand factor but not the fibrinolytic system in elderly subjects with normal or impaired glucose tolerance
CRF-receptor 1 blockade attenuates acute posttraumatic HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats1
Case study: atypical antipsychotic use associated with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA
… , a Novel Compound Obtained from Acarviosine-glucose and Simmondsin by Thermus Maltogenic Amylase and Its in vivo Effect on Food Intake and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Biochemical process of AGEs formation in complications of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced diabetes and its pathological damage effects: A possible target for new drugs
Pharmacological treatment of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA improves fetal cardiac function during tachycardia-induced heart failure in pigs
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer receiving UCN-01 and fluorouracil
Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar HYPERGLYCEMIA. 24 consecutive cases
Study of teratogenicity of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neural tube defects and antagonistic effect of taurine
Inhibitory effects of mulberry fruit on intestinal disaccharidase activity and HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on erythrocyte membrane ion transport in offspring of hypertensive parents
Enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA. I. Physiopathology, clinical consequences and dietary management
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA as a complication of big ICE chemotherapy in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia.
Hemichorea-hemiballism with non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in a chronic renal failure patient
Cholinergic-induced sweat rate during hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Total parenteral nutrition-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Quinolone HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia
Association between liver dysfunction and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Japanese male workers at printing and papermaking plants
Retrospective Study on HYPERGLYCEMIA of Inpatients with Schizophrenia
Effect of Total Saponins in Leaf of Radix Panacis Quinquefolii on Blood Sugar and Serum Insulin in Rats with Alloxan Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
Prenatal control related to the number of consultations as HYPERGLYCEMIA diagnostic method
Acute angle closure glaucoma following rapid correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationship Between Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and Post-operative Infection [J]
Involvement of 5-HT2 receptor in imipramine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice
Activities of some enzymes and concentration of ammonia in serum of rats with fluoride HYPERGLYCEMIA
Helicobacter pylori-independent effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on gastric mucosal atrophy
Frequency of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in admitted patients (2 days to 14 years of age) in Qaem Hospital, Hamadan
MAP kinase signal pathway in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced congenital neural tube defects
Correlates of physician visits among children and adolescents in west Texas: Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA symptoms
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity in patients with newly diagnosed carbohydrate metabolism disturbances
Expression and nuclear localization of p65 in brain and retina of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
New analytical method for pancreas and liver regeneration: normalization of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by retrograde injection of insulin producing cells
Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA with fluoroquinolones
Relationship of perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and major infections in cardiac surgery patients
Effect of deproteinized calf blood injection on chronic sciatic ischemia with HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
HYPERGLYCEMIA and neuronal damage in cerebral ischemia and beyond
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemia/reperfusion-induced ventricular arrythmia in isolated diabetic rat hearts
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and Risk of Atherosclerosis—Reply
An etiologic model proposing that non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is chronic hypoxic stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevalence of Hyperlipidemia & HYPERGLYCEMIA Associated with Antipsychotics: Preliminary Study
IL‐6 Modulates HYPERGLYCEMIA‐Induced Changes of Na+ Channel Beta‐3 Subunit Expression by Schwann Cells
… trial using glycemic plus fetal ultrasound parameters versus glycemic parameters to determine insulin therapy in gestational diabetes with fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Study on the HYPERGLYCEMIA and Correlative Factors in Medical Population and its Significance in Health Education
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in a child with severe acute gastroenteritis
Generalized Chorea-Ballismus Associated with Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetes Mellitus-A Case Report
… -2, 6-dicarboxylato) oxovanadate (V)—a new insulin-like compound: chemistry, effects on myoblast and yeast cell growth and effects on HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats with STZ …
Application of optical coherence tomography for noninvasive blood glucose monitoring during HYPERGLYCEMIA
Expression of Pax3 and Cx43 in NTD embryos induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of short course-term intensive insulin therapy on stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill patients
Clinical significance of HYPERGLYCEMIA in early non-diabetic acute myocardial infarction
Clinical Analysis on Type II Diabetes Mellitus Combined with HYPERGLYCEMIA Treated with Sanzhidan [J]
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA with the development of retinopathy of prematurity
Clinical observation on improving senile postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin sensitivity with combination of acarbose and Liuwei Nengxiao Capsule
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Illness—ReplyHYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Illness—Reply
Correlation between postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular disease
Prognostic value of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients after thoracic surgery.
Research on the Relationship Between Human Serum Albumin Level and the Incidence of HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
HYPERGLYCEMIA treated with small dose of insulin in 96 critically ill newborn infants [J]
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Insulin Resistance in Acute Cerebral Ischemic Lesion
Molecular pathophysiology of late complications diabetes mellitus–HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced changes
Clinical feature in patients of sever acute respiratory syndrome with type 2 diabetes and secondary HYPERGLYCEMIA
Intrauterine HYPERGLYCEMIA modifying the development of (monogenic) diabetes?
Impact of Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA on Stroke Outcome After Thrombolysis
An overview of the role of insulin in the treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute myocardial ischemia.
Memory Impairments Associated With Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glycemic Control: Response to Kubiak et al.
Activation of AMP–activated protein kinase blocks HYPERGLYCEMIA–induced apoptosis in retinal cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a risk factor for retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight neonates
Antipsychotic Drugs, Insulin Resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Diabetes Mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinemia Increase Circulating Tissue Factor Activity in Human Subjects.
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA with intracranial pressure and neurological outcome after severe brain injury
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Cell Migration and Proliferation, and Phospholipase C1 in Rabbit Corneal Epithelial Cells
Photopic Electroretinogram in Cynomolgus Monkeys: Effects of Short–Term HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Memory impairments associated with postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycemic control: comment on Greenwood et al.
Morphometric Analysis of Glomeruli in the Experimental Rat Models of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperfiltration
Acute antineoplastic drug cardiotoxicity: a case report of life-threatening left ventricular failure associated with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA
A clinical study on treatment of comatose cerebral hemorrhage patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA by continuous intravenous injection of insulin with micropump
… on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images and high-density signal on computerized tomography scans obtained in patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA and no involuntary …
The effect of panax quinquefolium saponins on blood lipid level in Alloxan-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA rat model
Hypothesis 3. Depression is associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and other metabolic abnormalities.
Insulin improves myocardial microcirculation reperfusion after acute ischemia with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA worsens myocardial microcirculation reperfusion: validation by power pulse inversion imaging and neutron activated microspheres
HYPERGLYCEMIA Crises in Patients Wiih
Type 2 diabetes is more than HYPERGLYCEMIA
Investigation of factors related to schizophrenic patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Poststroke HYPERGLYCEMIA Management: More Answers Required
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis ofCritically III Patients Does Not Differ Diabeticsfrom Nondiabetics
Early detection of infantile pre-type 1 diabetes case with transient HYPERGLYCEMIA
Symptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute abdomen syndrome in children
Effect and It’s Clinic Significance of Alcohol on Hyperlipideamia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hypoalbumineamia
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and the Prognosis of Cerebral Infaction
Letter to Editor-Acitretin induced reversible HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis of Acute Cerebral Infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Acute Ischemic Stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Illness
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Effect and Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
A study on the relation between HYPERGLYCEMIA in surgical critical patients and prognosis
Self-treatment of symptoms may exacerbate HYPERGLYCEMIA
Is it really OK to treat HYPERGLYCEMIA with glucose?
The Exploration of Factors Related to HYPERGLYCEMIA Caused by Antipsychotics
HYPERGLYCEMIA and no reflow in acute MI
Analysis and Disposal of Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA at Dawn
Drug-Related HYPERGLYCEMIA—Reply
Editorial Comment—HYPERGLYCEMIA and Early Reperfusion Therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA is frequently found in the patients with acute phase of stroke
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis of Critically Ill Patients Does Not Differ Diabetics from Nondiabetics
HYPERGLYCEMIA After Myocardial Infarction: Response to Dhatariya
HYPERGLYCEMIA due to stress in NICU admissions in imam Reza hospital
Using insulin to prevent HYPERGLYCEMIA in surgical patients
A study on pathogenic factors of iatrogenic HYPERGLYCEMIA in newborn infants
Clinical significance of early HYPERGLYCEMIA in nondiabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction
Cognitive Consequences of Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA In Diabetes
The clinical value of the cerebral hemorrhage. with HYPERGLYCEMIA and its relationship of prognosis
The frequency of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients treated with olanzapine in Yamanashi Prefectural Kita Hospital
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced Alteration in Proteomes of the Rat Renal Cortex
HYPERGLYCEMIA Tied to Increased Cardiac Risk
Risk factors for HYPERGLYCEMIA in children, a precursor of type 2 diabetes
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA. II. Pharmacological approaches
HYPERGLYCEMIA Can Predict Artery Occlusion in Acute Coronary Syndrom
How Sweet It Is: HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Day of Surgery
HYPERGLYCEMIA Protects against Retinal Ischemia
Glycosylated hemoglobin predicts HYPERGLYCEMIA during critical illness even among nondiabetics
… HYPERGLYCEMIA abolishes ischemic preconditioning: A possible mechanism for adverse outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in very low birth weight infants
247 Infusion Rate of Glucose is The Major Predictor of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Very Premature Infants Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition
Clinical Analysis of Hypoglycemia Response during Treatment of Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Insulin with Diabetic Cardiovascular Complications
HYPERGLYCEMIA and capacitative calcium entry in the heart
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Pdx-1 gene in fetal rat islets in vitro
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and reduced insulin sensitivity: comparisons in young adults of different
A 71-Year-Old Man with HYPERGLYCEMIA and Mental Status Changes
Effect of insulin interventional therapy on the prognosis of cerebral infarction with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients receiving specialized nutritional support
Adaptive bolus-based set-point regulation of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical care
mellitus (HYPERGLYCEMIA/hemoglobin Aic/glycohemoglobins/glucose)
Perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and Respiratory Quotient in Patients Undergoing CABG
Quinolone HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hypoglycemia, with Author’s Response
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Ascorbic Acid in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy
Common mechanisms in the damaging effects of hypoxia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on neuronal function.
The Prognostic Observation of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Aged Patients with Acute Apoplexy Cerebral [J]
Initial Study on HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipemia caused by Psychotropic Drug, prevented by Traditional Chinese Drugs
The Guideline of Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension, Hyperlipoproteinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA among the Employees Gathered from Health Checkup
HYPERGLYCEMIA, stress and stroke in cerebral aneurysm patients
Effect of Diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA on Retinal Metabolism and Redox State.
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Protein Kinase C in Retina of diabetic rats
Relativity analysis of middle and old people hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA, diabetes
Effects of aerobic exercise on control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type II diabetes mellitus.
Relation between ST-segment reduction and HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with emergent PCI
Isolated HYPERGLYCEMIA Does Not Affect Intraocular Growth Factors In Humans
Studies of cerebral metabolism and effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the metabolism after ischemia in rat in vivo
The alternation of cellular viscoelasticity and cellular response in endothelial cell under HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute Movement Disorder as a Presenting Feature of HYPERGLYCEMIA: A Report of Six Consecutive Cases
Effects of β3-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphism on the HYPERGLYCEMIA in Korean Subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by intracerebroventricular choline: Involvement of the sympatho-adrenal system
HYPERGLYCEMIA of patients with acute hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and insulin sensitivity
An investigation of acarbose effects in PCOS women with postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Interactions between HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced metabolic abnormalities and vascular factors in experimental diabetic neuropathy
Effects of post-traumatic HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma IL-1, ET and hydrocephalus after brain injury in rats
Effect of Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on Myocardial Microcirculatory Changes in Nonischemic and Ischemic Regions
Different progressions of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes among hyperuricemic men and women in the Kinmen study HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes among hyperuricemic …
Simvastatin Restores the Cardioprotective Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning in the Presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA through a NO-Mediated Mechanism
Mechanisms involved in the repression of human insulin gene promoter activity mediated by chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Insulin stimulated glucose uptake: the influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and protein kinase C inhibition
Assessment of sliding insulin use in the treatment of new onset HYPERGLYCEMIA in emergency patients
Low-grade chronic inflammation (hs-CRP) correlates with degree of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in lean, young subjects
HYPERGLYCEMIA at admission to ICU is independently associated with increased serum levels of IL-6 and reduced ex vivo TNF-alpha production
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs platelet receptor expression but not platelet aggregation in vitro
MAP kinase and apoptotic signal pathways in HYPERGLYCEMIA induced congenital neural tube defects
Investigation on the change of nitric oxide synthetase positive neurons in hippocampus CA1 area of rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Decreased glucose uptake by HYPERGLYCEMIA is regulated by different mechanisms in human cancer cells and monocytes
Effect of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on islet# beta# cells function in type 2 diabetes mellitus with secondary sulfonylureas failure
Failure of G-CSF Mobilization of Hematopoietic Stem Cells To Prevent or Reverse STZ-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice.
Effects of new onset HYPERGLYCEMIA on plasma osmolarity and electrolyte disorders in emergency patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA Does Not Attenuate the Direct Coronary Vasodilating Effect of Isoflurane in the Isolated Perfused Arrested Rat Hearts
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, GIK, and cardioprotection: Do ATP-regulated potassium channels play a role?
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes on the expression of AMPA and kainate receptor subunits in rat retina
Effects of exercise and insulin on c-Jun NH_2-terminal kinase activity and p38 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
The modification of blood platelets activity and the availability of acetyl-CoA in response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in the course of diabetes
Dietary sorbose ameliorates obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA in gold thioglucose-injected obese mice
A case of acute ethanol intoxication with remarkable HYPERGLYCEMIA by” ume-shu”, a Japanese apricot liquor made with a large amount of sugar
Dietary sorbose failed to ameliorate HYPERGLYCEMIA in alloxan-injected diabetic mice
Adolescents with Type 1 diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA: arousal, moods, social interactions, and insulin insensitivity
Hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA contribute to diabetic complications through cytokine resistance and altered macrophage function
HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Protein Kinase C Activation Inhibits Phagocytosis of C3b-and Immunoglobulin G–Opsonized
Minocycline Prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Caspase Activation in Retina of Diabetic Mice and in Retinal Müller Cells
Alterations of nuclear localization of transcription factor c-Jun in brain of diabetic rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Inhibitory Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Vasorelaxation Mediated by ATP-Sensitive K Channels and the Role of Protein Kinase C in the Human Omental Artery
Post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic cornea neuropathy and beta hydroxyl butyrate in diabetic ketoacidosis.
885-6 Prognostic implications of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases character-ized by HYPERGLYCEMIA arising as a consequence of a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin secretion …
Identification of Susceptibility Loci for Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Backcross Model of New Zealand Obese (NZO) and Lean SJL Mice
A novel role for the calcium-dependent protease calpain in the vascular dysfunction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates leukocyte-endothelium interactions in vivo: Role of nitric oxide and p-selectin
Effect of exercise and HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose transporter glut-4 protein and gene expression in skeletal muscle of the horse
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibited taurine transport and taurine transporter gene expression in cultured rat cardiomyocytes
Uteroplacental restriction and subsequent impaired mammary function programs catch-up growth, HYPERGLYCEMIA, impaired glucose tolerance and obesity.
Cellular Aggregates Induced from Monolayer Cultures of Human Pancreatic Cells Correct HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic Mice and Demonstrate Physiological Production …
Effects of blood sugar and endothelin-1 on HYPERGLYCEMIA rats’ retina
Human heme oxygenase gene tranfer into newborn rats prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-mediated superoxide production and attenuates endothelial cell sloughing.
The Inhibitory Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Vasorelaxation Mediated by ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels and the Role of Superoxide Produced by NAD (P) H Oxidase in …
Vascuianzed islet-kidney allografts correct the diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by total pancreatectomy in miniature swine
… that CR has its life-prolonging effect by altering the characteristics of carbohydrate fuel use. The fact that HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia damage …
1057-200 Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA acutely improves fetal cardiac function during tachycardia-induced heart failure
The role of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis of retinal Müller cells
1609: Sildenafil Does Not Reverse HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Expression of the Low Voltage-Activated T-Type (Alpha-1g) Calcium Channel that is Responsible for …
Activation of glucose transporter type 2 isoform transcription by PPAR may contribute to glucose disposal in the HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by type 2 diabetes
Activation of glucose transporter type 2 isoform transcription by PPARg may contribute to glucose disposal in the HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by type 2 diabetes
… Transduced Islet Grafts Fails T ransduced Islet Grafts Fails T ransduced Islet Grafts Fails To Improve the o Improve the Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Syngeneic and …
… of nuclear transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1 with DNA binding activity in discrete brain structures of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Uncoupling Proteins: Regulation by IGF-1 and Neuroprotection during HYPERGLYCEMIA in Vitro
1116-32 Getting risk factors to goal: Lifestyle intervention is worth the effort in patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or HYPERGLYCEMIA
Experimental Biology 2001 Early Impact of Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA on Renal and Cardiovascular Function MULTIPLE MECHANISMS OF EARLY …
Experimental Biology 2001 Early Impact of Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA on Renal and Cardiovascular Function BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL EARLY IN DIABETES: A …
Accelerated neointima formation in a mouse injury model of type 2 diabetes mellitus: HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsullnemla, and insulin resistance following lipid feeding in …
Experimental Biology 2001 Early Impact of Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA on Renal and Cardiovascular Function A METABOLIC MECHANISM FOR CARDIAC K+ …
1062-43 Preprocedure HYPERGLYCEMIA is stongly associated with restenosis after coronary intervention in diabetics
Determination of the erythrocytes H3-insulin binding and H3 D-glucose uptake at the HYPERGLYCEMIA
… T-Type (Alpha-Lg) and not L-Type (Alpha-Lc) Calcium Channel is Responsible for Down-Regulating Cgmp in Human Cavernosal Cells During HYPERGLYCEMIA
Determination of the erythrocytes H {sup 3}-insulin binding and H {sup 3} D-glucose uptake at the HYPERGLYCEMIA
Ryan, AS & Elahi, D.(1996). The effects of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on plasma leptin levels. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 81 …
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital setting
HYPERGLYCEMIA after SAH: predictors, associated complications, and impact on outcome
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the critically ill patient
The impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on patients with severe brain injury
Diabetes and mitochondrial function: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative stress
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill children
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and infection in critically ill patients
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and the innate immune system: clinical, cellular, and molecular aspects.
Prevalence and predictors of corticosteroid-related HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients
Inpatient management of HYPERGLYCEMIA: the Northwestern experience
The relation between HYPERGLYCEMIA and outcomes in 2,471 patients admitted to the hospital with community-acquired pneumonia
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes complications: is it time to treat?
Impact of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA on hospital mortality in various intensive care unit populations
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and perioperative outcomes in cardiac surgery patients
Metabolic mechanisms of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Protective role of antioxidative food factors in oxidative stress caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA is predictive of outcome in critically ill trauma patients
The HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced inflammatory response in adipocytes: the role of reactive oxygen species
Relationships between HYPERGLYCEMIA and cognitive performance among adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA is predictive of outcome in critically ill trauma patients
Controlling HYPERGLYCEMIA as an adjunct to cancer therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA during critical illness
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with adverse outcomes in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition
Short‐term HYPERGLYCEMIA produces oxidative damage and apoptosis in neurons
Improving HYPERGLYCEMIA management in the intensive care unit
Clinical effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the cardiac surgery population: the Portland Diabetic Project
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a marker for poor outcome in the postoperative pediatric cardiac patient
New onset HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes are associated with increased cardiovascular risk after kidney transplantation
The role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute ischemic stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA and morbidity and mortality in extremely low birth weight infants
Activation of oxidative stress by acute glucose fluctuations compared with sustained chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes
Inpatient management of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA among general medicine patients at a large teaching hospital
Frequency and temporal profile of poststroke HYPERGLYCEMIA using continuous glucose monitoring
Causes of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in adult inpatients
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA in surgical patients and a study of related cellular mechanisms
HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiopulmonary bypass is an independent risk factor for mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia): a Dietary Approach to HYPERGLYCEMIA
Depression-related HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 diabetes: a mediational approach
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders
Effect of mangiferin on HYPERGLYCEMIA and atherogenicity in streptozotocin diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a risk factor for early death and morbidity in extremely low birth-weight infants
Loss of endothelial glycocalyx during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA coincides with endothelial dysfunction and coagulation activation in vivo
Anesthesia can cause sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA in C57/BL6J mice
Endothelial dysfunction in HYPERGLYCEMIA as a trigger of atherosclerosis
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and inflammation in older individuals: the health, aging and body composition study
HYPERGLYCEMIA has a stronger relation with outcome in trauma patients than in other critically ill patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the critically ill.
Overproduction of VLDL1 Driven by HYPERGLYCEMIA Is a Dominant Feature of Diabetic Dyslipidemia
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and other risk factors as predictors of hospital mortality in a medical ICU population
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by ketamine/xylazine anesthesia in rats: mechanisms and implications for preclinical models
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with adverse outcome after acute myocardial infarction in the coronary intervention era
HYPERGLYCEMIA, insulin, and acute ischemic stroke: a mechanistic justification for a trial of insulin infusion therapy
Association of hypoglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and glucose variability with morbidity and death in the pediatric intensive care unit
HYPERGLYCEMIA reduces survival and impairs function of circulating blood-derived progenitor cells
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes: a consensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustment of therapy: a consensus statement from the American …
Inhibitory effect of pine extract on α-glucosidase activity and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of glycemic control on refractive changes in diabetic patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces monocytic release of interleukin-6 via induction of protein kinase C-α and-β
HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance in men with prostate carcinoma who receive androgen‐deprivation therapy
Targeting postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Activation of the nuclear receptor FXR improves HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in diabetic mice
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA modulates osteoblast gene expression through osmotic and non‐osmotic pathways
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients administered dexamethasone for craniotomy
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA predisposes to exaggerated inflammatory response and leukocyte dysfunction in Akita mice
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Risk factors associated with healing chronic diabetic foot ulcers: the importance of HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA state is associated with lower tPA-induced recanalization rates in stroke patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates coagulation, whereas hyperinsulinemia impairs fibrinolysis in healthy humans
Regulation, function, and dysregulation of endocannabinoids in models of adipose and β-pancreatic cells and in obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA, blood pressure, and the 9-year incidence of diabetic retinopathy: the Barbados Eye Studies
HYPERGLYCEMIA is an important predictor of impaired coronary flow before reperfusion therapy in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Deletion of Cdkn1b ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA by maintaining compensatory hyperinsulinemia in diabetic mice
Reduced cardiac efficiency and altered substrate metabolism precedes the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA and contractile dysfunction in two mouse models of insulin …
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight infants
HYPERGLYCEMIA in extremely low birth weight infants in a predominantly Hispanic population and related morbidities
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced reactive oxygen species and impaired endothelial progenitor cell function
Reversal of nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis, hepatic insulin resistance, and HYPERGLYCEMIA by moderate weight reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes
Relationship between the adiponectin-leptin ratio and parameters of insulin resistance in subjects without HYPERGLYCEMIA
The HYPERGLYCEMIA: Intensive Insulin Infusion in Infarction (HI-5) study: a randomized controlled trial of insulin infusion therapy for myocardial infarction
Diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA: strict glycemic control
Influence of acute exercise on HYPERGLYCEMIA in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes
A role for iNOS in fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and impaired insulin signaling in the liver of obese diabetic mice
Post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is an important predictor of the incidence of diabetic microangiopathy in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients
Platelet and monocyte activation by HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in healthy subjects
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA increases endothelial glycocalyx permeability and acutely decreases lineal density of capillaries with flowing red blood cells
Gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA, zinc, selenium, and antioxidant vitamins
Acetic acid activates hepatic AMPK and reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic KK-A (y) mice
Integration of local and central laboratory functions in a worldwide multicentre study: experience from the HYPERGLYCEMIA and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) …
Pathogenesis of pre-diabetes: mechanisms of fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in people with impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance
HYPERGLYCEMIA, lipoprotein glycation, and vascular disease
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurologic outcome in stroke patients
Metabolic syndrome and HYPERGLYCEMIA: congruence and divergence
Rho-kinase mediates HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in vascular endothelial cells
Activation of AMP-activated protein kinase reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production and promotes mitochondrial biogenesis …
Diphenyl diselenide reduces temporarily HYPERGLYCEMIA: possible relationship with oxidative stress
Correlation between HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in a medical and surgical intensive care unit.
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in Hispanic children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Attenuation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by aqueous extract of seed of Tamarindus indica
Increased dicarbonyl metabolism in endothelial cells in HYPERGLYCEMIA induces anoikis and impairs angiogenesis by RGD and GFOGER motif modification
GDNF rescues HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced diabetic enteric neuropathy through activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters PI3k and Akt signaling and leads to endothelial cell proliferative dysfunction
HYPERGLYCEMIA, excess weight, and history of hypertension as risk factors for poor outcome and cerebral infarction after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on sperm and testicular cells of Goto-Kakizaki and streptozotocin-treated rat models for diabetes
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on circulating tissue factor procoagulant activity and platelet CD40 ligand
Effect of low-calorie parenteral nutrition on the incidence and severity of HYPERGLYCEMIA in surgical patients: a randomized, controlled trial
Punica granatum flower extract, a potent α-glucosidase inhibitor, improves postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA independently increases the risk of perioperative stroke, myocardial infarction, and death after carotid endarterectomy
Gender differences in renal responses to HYPERGLYCEMIA and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in diabetes
A lethal tetrad in diabetes: HYPERGLYCEMIA, dyslipidemia, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction
Glycated and oxidized protein degradation products are indicators of fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes
Leptin improves insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes
Effect of two α-glucosidase inhibitors, voglibose and acarbose, on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA correlates with subjective abdominal symptoms
Ferritin and transferrin are both predictive of the onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA in men and women over 3 years: the data from an epidemiological study on the Insulin …
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and cardiovascular disease
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is a better predictor of the progression of diabetic retinopathy than HbA1c in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the intensive care unit: no longer just a marker of illness severity
HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat increases infarct size associated with low levels of myocardial HO-1 during ischemia/reperfusion
Undiagnosed HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics
Why does acute HYPERGLYCEMIA worsen the outcome of transient focal cerebral ischemia? Role of corticosteroids, inflammation, and protein O-glycosylation
Combination therapy with epidermal growth factor and gastrin increases β-cell mass and reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic NOD mice
Conversion of intravenous insulin infusions to subcutaneously administered insulin glargine in patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Intraoperative management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the cardiac surgical patient
TCF7L2 Variation Predicts HYPERGLYCEMIA Incidence in a French General Population: The Data From an Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome …
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA, independent of plasma lipid levels, is sufficient for the loss of β-cell differentiation and secretory function in the db/db mouse model of diabetes
Introduction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular complications
Hypercholesterolemia reduces collateral artery growth more dominantly than HYPERGLYCEMIA or insulin resistance in mice
Sweet hyperopia: refractive changes in acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA with occipital seizures: images and visual evoked potentials
HYPERGLYCEMIA accelerated endothelial progenitor cell senescence via the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
Total parenteral nutrition–associated HYPERGLYCEMIA correlates with prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospital stay in septic infants
Impact of glucagon response on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in men with impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces apoptosis and p53 mobilization to mitochondria in RINm5F cells
Lymphatic system changes in diabetes mellitus: role of insulin and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA after repeated periocular dexamethasone injections in patients with diabetes
… VanadiumIII (VIII) and the VIII−Dipicolinate Systems and a Comparison of the Effect of Three Oxidation States of Vanadium Compounds on Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA …
C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-α in gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with left ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Seizures and non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Gestational diabetes: the significance of persistent fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA for the subsequent development of diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA-and hyperinsulinemia-induced alteration of adiponectin receptor expression and adiponectin effects in L6 myoblasts
Gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: a case report and summary of the current literature
Diabetes and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with myocardial infarctions at an urban municipal hospital: prevalence and effect on mortality
Euonymus alatus prevents the HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia induced by high-fat diet in ICR mice
Hyperglycemic hemianopia: a reversible complication of non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
… antipsychotics on carbachol-enhanced insulin secretion from perifused rat islets: role of muscarinic antagonism in antipsychotic-induced diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibition of fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase reduces excessive endogenous glucose production and attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
Adverse clinical consequences of HYPERGLYCEMIA from total parenteral nutrition exposure during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters tumor necrosis factor-α release from mononuclear cells in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
In vitro evidence that HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates tumor necrosis factor-α release in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Group 1B Phospholipase A2–mediated lysophospholipid absorption directly contributes to postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on the development of osteoblasts in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Rush University guidelines and protocols for the management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients
Generation of reactive oxygen species by endothelial and smooth muscle cells: influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and metformin
Thiamine (vitamin B1) improves endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in the presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Salicornia herbacea prevents high fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in ICR mice
Cell culture modeling to test therapies against HYPERGLYCEMIA-mediated oxidative stress and injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced activation of human T-lymphocytes with de novo emergence of insulin receptors and generation of reactive oxygen species
Detection and treatment of post kidney transplant HYPERGLYCEMIA: a Spanish multicenter cross-sectional study
Reduced insulin and IGF-I signaling, not HYPERGLYCEMIA, underlies the diabetes-associated depletion of interstitial cells of Cajal in the murine stomach
Protein hydrolysate/leucine co-ingestion reduces the prevalence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetic patients
Demonstration of a HYPERGLYCEMIA-driven pathogenic abnormality of copper homeostasis in diabetes and its reversibility by selective chelation: quantitative …
Attenuation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated biochemical parameters in STZ-induced diabetic rats by dietary supplementation of potato peel powder
Overcoming diabetes-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA through inhibition of hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) with RNAi
Reduction of hepatic and adipose tissue glucocorticoid receptor expression with antisense oligonucleotides improves HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in diabetic …
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances the cytokine production and oxidative responses to a low but not high dose of endotoxin in rats
Attempted control of HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiopulmonary bypass fails to improve neurologic or neurobehavioral outcomes in patients without diabetes …
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia-generated glycoxidative stress: its contribution to the pathogenesis of diabetes complications
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital setting: the case for improved control among non-diabetics
NRF2-dependent glutamate-L-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit expression mediates insulin protection against HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced brain endothelial cell apoptosis
Inhibition of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA by acarbose is a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of patients with the metabolic syndrome
Acanthopanax senticosus reverses fatty liver disease and HYPERGLYCEMIA in ob/ob mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced changes in hepatic membrane fatty acid composition correlate with increased caspase-3 activities and reduced chick embryo viability
1, 5-anhydroglucitol and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA as measured by continuous glucose monitoring system in moderately controlled patients with diabetes
Basic approach to managing HYPERGLYCEMIA for the nonendocrinologist
Marked HYPERGLYCEMIA after androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer and usefulness of pioglitazone for its treatment
Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA due to insulin antibodies against therapeutic human insulin: treatment with double filtration plasmapheresis and prednisolone
The PPARG Pro12Ala Polymorphism Is Associated With a Decreased Risk of Developing HYPERGLYCEMIA Over 6 Years and Combines With the Effect of the APM1 G …
HYPERGLYCEMIA in children with meningococcal sepsis and septic shock: the relation between plasma levels of insulin and inflammatory mediators
Treating postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA does not appear to delay progression of early type 2 diabetes: the Early Diabetes Intervention Program
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances PEPCK gene expression and hepatocellular glucose production via elevated liver activating protein/liver inhibitory protein ratio
Repetitive postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA increases cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury: prevention by the α‐glucosidase inhibitor acarbose
Activated IGF-1R inhibits HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced DNA damage and promotes DNA repair by homologous recombination
Effect of prior HYPERGLYCEMIA on IL-6 responses to exercise in children with type 1 diabetes
Dietary vitamin and lipid therapy rescues aberrant signaling and apoptosis and prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced diabetic embryopathy in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA during cardiac surgery
Perturbation of glucose flux in the liver by decreasing F26P2 levels causes hepatic insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA during renally adjusted gatifloxacin therapy
HYPERGLYCEMIA and gatifloxacin: a case report and summary of current literature
Hyperoxia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and photoreceptor sensitivity in normal and diabetic subjects
Higher risk of HYPERGLYCEMIA in HIV-infected patients treated with didanosine plus tenofovir
ICER induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA represses the expression of genes essential for insulin exocytosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA activates JAK2 signaling pathway in human failing myocytes via angiotensin II–mediated oxidative stress
Stimulation of urinary TGF-β and isoprostanes in response to HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA and reactive oxygen species mediate apoptosis in aortic endothelial cells through Janus kinase 2
VGF ablation blocks the development of hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in several mouse models of obesity
Effects of intravenous nicorandil before reperfusion for acute myocardial infarction in patients with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
An explanation for putaminal CT, MR, and diffusion abnormalities secondary to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits the uptake of dehydroascorbate in tubular epithelial cell
Effects of pioglitazone on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced alterations in antioxidative system in tissues of alloxan-treated diabetic animals
Association of insulin resistance with HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-diabetic pigs: Effects of metformin at isoenergetic feeding in a type 2–like diabetic pig model
HYPERGLYCEMIA and outcome after myocardial infarction and cardiac surgery: So what?
HYPERGLYCEMIA: its imminent effects on mammalian nephrogenesis
A− 30G> A polymorphism of the β-cell–specific glucokinase promoter associates with HYPERGLYCEMIA in the general population of whites
Impact of age and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the mechanical behavior of intact human coronary arteries: an ex vivo intravascular ultrasound study
The role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in FAT/CD36 expression and function
Effect of hypoxemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on pH in the intact cat retina
HYPERGLYCEMIA and type 2 diabetes among Filipino women in the Philippines, Hawaii, and San Diego
Detection of ketonemia and its relationship with HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 diabetic patients
The relationship between obesity, HYPERGLYCEMIA symptoms, and health-related quality of life among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white children and …
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarction
First do no harm… Hypoglycemia or HYPERGLYCEMIA?
HYPERGLYCEMIA as an effect of cardiopulmonary bypass: intra-operative glucose management
HYPERGLYCEMIA does not increase basal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity in diabetes but it does impair the HPA response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Gymnemic Acids from Gymnema sylvestre. Potentially Regulates Dexamethasone-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice
Intrapartum and perinatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes and mild gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA
Altered tumor necrosis factor α release from mononuclear cells of obese reproductive-age women during HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and nocturnal systolic blood pressure are associatedwith left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive diabetic patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperosmolarity on neutrophil apoptosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and its effect after acute myocardial infarction on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (HEART2D): study design
Epilepsia partialis continua as a manifestation of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucosamine‐induced mesangial cell cycle arrest and hypertrophy: Common or independent mechanisms?
Inflammatory response during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in a porcine endotoxemic model: the contribution of essential organs
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a cause of choreoathetosis: Two case reports and review of the literature
Overexpression of IRS2 in isolated pancreatic islets causes proliferation and protects human β-cells from HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA Potentiates H2O2 Production in Adipocytes and Enhances Insulin Signal Transduction: Potential Role for Oxidative Inhibition of Thiol-Sensitive …
Apolipoprotein LI is positively associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and plasma triglycerides in CAD patients with low HDL
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases superoxide production in the CA1 pyramidal neurons after global cerebral ischemia
Suppression of HYPERGLYCEMIA in NOD mice after inoculation with recombinant vaccinia viruses
From HYPERGLYCEMIA to the risk of cardiovascular disease
Improved outcome with aggressive treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA: Hype or hope?
PKCε inhibits the HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis signal in adult rat ventricular myocytes
HYPERGLYCEMIA increased brain ischemia injury through extracellular signal-regulated protein Kinase
Antisense oligonucleotides targeted against glucocorticoid receptor reduce hepatic glucose production and ameliorate HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
The incidence and impact of dextrose dose on HYPERGLYCEMIA from parenteral nutrition (PN) exposure in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin therapy on outcome in a hyperglycemic septic model of critical illness
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and/or hyperinsulinemia on polymorphonuclear functions in healthy subjects
G protein-linked cell signaling and cardiovascular functions in diabetes/HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucokinase mutations in young children with HYPERGLYCEMIA
… depression in adult well-nourished and malnourished rats submitted to the association of pilocarpine-induced epilepsy plus streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA alters inflammatory and hemostatic parameters
HYPERGLYCEMIA, obesity, and cancer risks on the horizon
HYPERGLYCEMIA potentiates carbonyl stress-induced apoptosis in naive PC-12 cells: relationship to cellular redox and activator protease factor-1 expression
HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits retinoic acid–induced activation of Rac1, prevents differentiation of cortical neurons, and causes oxidative stress in a rat model of diabetic …
Diagnostic accuracy of glycohemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) for postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA was equivalent to that of fasting blood glucose
Association of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA with in vitro LDL oxidation in non-smoking patients with type 1 diabetes-a cross-sectional study
Long-term treatment with the Na+-glucose cotransporter inhibitor T-1095 causes sustained improvement in HYPERGLYCEMIA and prevents diabetic neuropathy in Goto …
A practical approach to HYPERGLYCEMIA management in the intensive care unit: evaluation of an intensive insulin infusion protocol
Mechanism by which HYPERGLYCEMIA plays a role in the setting of acute cardiovascular illness
Optimizing hospital use of intravenous insulin therapy: improved management of HYPERGLYCEMIA and error reduction with a new nomogram
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and NADPH/NADP+ ratio in liver and pancreas are dependent on the severity of HYPERGLYCEMIA in rat
Islet neogenesis associated protein transgenic mice are resistant to HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by streptozotocin
… -sensitivity C-reactive protein levels according to the fasting blood glucose subgroups divided by the newly recommended criteria for fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in 10 059 …
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute cerebral infarction
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic complications
Genetic linkage of HYPERGLYCEMIA, body weight and serum amyloid-P in an intercross between C57BL/6 and C3H apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
No differences in efficacy between noncultured and cultured islets in reducing HYPERGLYCEMIA in a nonvascularized islet graft model
HYPERGLYCEMIA among persons with hepatitis C: not the classical diabetic phenotype
Measurement of glucose and metabolites in subcutaneous adipose tissue during HYPERGLYCEMIA with microdialysis at various perfusion flow rates
A model of controlled acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: Effects of insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 analog
Aberrant expression of PTCH (patched gene) and Smo (smoothened gene) in human pancreatic cancerous tissues and its association with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Association of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with abnormal aminotransferase and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by oral glucose loading suppresses coronary microcirculation on transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in healthy young adults
Endothelin inhibition delays onset of HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated vascular injury in type I diabetes: Evidence for endothelin release by pancreatic islet β-cells
Serum potassium concentration in HYPERGLYCEMIA of chronic dialysis.
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and adrenal insufficiency in the critically ill
HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute illness
Effect of fermented guava (Psidium guajava L.) leaf extract on HYPERGLYCEMIA in low dose streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
Modulation of the renal response to ACE inhibition by ACE insertion/deletion polymorphism during HYPERGLYCEMIA in normotensive, normoalbuminuric type 1 diabetic …
Infective endocarditis and acute purulent pericarditis in a patient with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Overexpression of the insulin receptor inhibitor PC-1/ENPP1 induces insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mild gestational HYPERGLYCEMIA and the metabolic syndrome in later life
Insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in Japanese subjects with impaired fasting glucose and isolated fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acutely ill emergency patients—Cause or effect?
Control of oxidative stress and metabolic homeostasis by the suppression of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Is aggressive treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA for everyone?
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA does not affect the reactivity of coronary microcirculation in humans
Impaired response of perforating arteries to hypercapnia in chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Tight control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty rats by exercise training: effects on gene expression in insulin-sensitive tissues determined by high-density …
Multicenter study on the prevalence of HYPERGLYCEMIA among hospitalized patients with parenteral nutrition
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Pediatric Post-Operative Cardiac Patients: 22
Effect of diabetes mellitus and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the proliferation of human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts: implications for wound healing after glaucoma drainage …
HYPERGLYCEMIA after acute ischemic stroke: prediction, significance and immediate control with insulin-potassium-saline-magnesium infusions
Spontaneous recovery from HYPERGLYCEMIA by regeneration of pancreatic β-cells in Kir6. 2G132S transgenic mice
Pancreatic islet response to HYPERGLYCEMIA is dependent on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα)
Olanzapine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: role of humoral insulin resistance-inducing factors
Comparison of once-daily glargine insulin with twice-daily NPH/regular insulin for control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in inpatients after cardiovascular surgery
Pathway for the management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical care units
Evaluation of the accuracy of a microdialysis-based glucose sensor during insulin-induced hypoglycemia, its recovery, and post-hypoglycemic HYPERGLYCEMIA in …
Serum potassium and acid-base parameters in severe dialysis-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA treated with insulin therapy
Relation of HYPERGLYCEMIA to ST-segment resolution after reperfusion for acute myocardial infarction (from Observatoire des Infarctus de Côte-d’Or Survey [RICO])
Insular lesions and HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke revisited
Hypertension, diabetes, insulin resistance, and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Heme oxygenase overexpression attenuates glucose-mediated oxidative stress in quiescent cell phase: linking heme to HYPERGLYCEMIA complications
Genetic modifiers interact with Cpefat to affect body weight, adiposity, and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Tackling HYPERGLYCEMIA: a more comprehensive approach
Diabetic and nondiabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA in the ICU
An acute HYPERGLYCEMIA or acidosis-induced changes of indolamines level correlates with PKC-α expression in rat brain
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by pharmacological activation of central serotonergic pathways depends on the functional integrity of brain CRH system and 5-HT3 receptors
Selective reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA-evoked gastric myoelectric dysrhythmias by nitrergic stimulation in healthy humans
Suppression of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced superoxide formation and endothelin-1 gene expression by carvedilol
Newly diagnosed diabetes/HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitals: what should we do?
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the efficacy of morphine analgesia in rats.
Prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: is it important to track and treat?
HYPERGLYCEMIA after protein ingestion concurrent with injection of a GLP-1 receptor agonist in rats: a possible role for dietary peptides
Disturbances of kidney function in rats with fluoride-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA after acute poisoning by sodium fluoride
Potentially important contribution of dextrose used as diluent to HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and in-hospital outcomes after first myocardial infarction
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the cardiologist: a call to action for optimizing care
Effects and mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA on development and maturation and immune function of human monocyte derived dendritic cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetes leads to persistent inflammation and tissue damage following uveitis due to reduced levels of ciliary body heme …
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: Treating its atherogenic potential
Intensive HYPERGLYCEMIA control reduces postoperative infections after open heart surgery
Glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) promoter mediated transgenic insulin production reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
Hyperlipidemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA prevalence in obese children: increased risk of cardiovascular disease?
Motor cortical excitability remains unaffected of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA in Type 1 diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA, impaired glucose tolerance and elevated glycated hemoglobin levels in a long-lived mouse stock
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is a possible contributor to paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: a case report
Anti-CHH antibody causes impaired HYPERGLYCEMIA in Penaeus monodon
Insulin glargine in patients with severe hepato-gastroenterology diseases and HYPERGLYCEMIA receiving parenteral nutrition.
Continuous glucose monitoring system signals the occurrence of marked postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in the elderly
Desensitization of the pancreatic β-cell: effects of sustained physiological HYPERGLYCEMIA and potassium
Hyperreactio luteinalis presenting with marked HYPERGLYCEMIA and bilateral multicystic adnexal masses at 21 weeks gestation
The diabetes-prone NZO/Hl strain. Proliferation capacity of beta cells in hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevailing HYPERGLYCEMIA is critical in the regulation of glucose metabolism during exercise in poorly controlled alloxan-diabetic dogs
Insulin resistance and carotid atherosclerosis in 221 patients with potential HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effect of in vitro glucose and diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA on mouse kidney protein synthesis: relevance to diabetic microangiopathy
An insulin-response element-binding protein that ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill children
Unusual and early HYPERGLYCEMIA following amiodarone infusion in two infants
Orlistat in the treatment of clozapine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and weight gain
Diabetes and stroke: part two—treating diabetes and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized stroke patients
Effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on intestinal gas transit and tolerance in nondiabetic humans
Myocardial infarction and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Ictal alteration of 99mTc ECD SPECT imaging in a patient with secondary paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia caused by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Does HYPERGLYCEMIA reduce proliferation or increase apoptosis?
Clinical decision making: managing postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA.
False HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by polivalent immunoglobulins
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on electrodermal activity in diabetic rats
Mechanisms of fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in people with impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance
Treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in a 7-year-old child diagnosed with neonatal diabetes
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on glucose metabolism before and after oral glucose ingestion in normal men
Cerebral damage aggravated by HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental brain ischemia rats J
Association of SH-2 containing inositol 5′-phosphatase 2 gene polymorphisms and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Multivariate analysis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in extremely low birth weight infants
Effects of gliclazide dose escalation on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A prospective, open-label, case-controlled, dose-escalation …
In vivo and in vitro effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Na+-K+, Ca+ 2, Mg+ 2-dependent ATPases activity in brain synaptosomes of aging rats.
Chronic diabetic complications: The body’s adaptive response to HYPERGLYCEMIA gone awry?
Two cases of severe HYPERGLYCEMIA after overdose of amlodipine
Comparison of dietary habits and nutrient intakes in subjects with obesity or HYPERGLYCEMIA classified metabolic syndrome
Costs of the treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with diabetes mellitus. The impact of age, type of therapy and complications: results of the German CoDiM study
Chronic fluoxetine administration desensitizes the HYPERGLYCEMIA but not the anorexia induced by serotonin in rats receiving fructose-enriched chow
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and outcome: the ongoing story
Hypercreatininemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: diabetic nephropathy or” inverted peritoneal auto-dialysis”?
Effect of chiro-inositol from soybean on reducing HYPERGLYCEMIA and its role for nutraceutic supplement for insulin resistance
Corticosteroids an important cause of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inhibitory effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist buspirone on stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in mice: Involvement of insulin and a buspirone metabolite, 1-(2 …
Clinicians can help their patients control postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA as a means of reducing cardiovascular risk
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA is a poor prognostic sign in both diabetics and non-diabetics
HYPERGLYCEMIA and intensive care patients: an expanding story
Initial experience with an intensive care HYPERGLYCEMIA protocol in a Saudi Arabian intensive care unit.
Clinical significance of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Relationship between Early HYPERGLYCEMIA and Prognosis in Trauma Patients
Does HYPERGLYCEMIA contribute to secondary injury in subarachnoid hemorrhage?
HYPERGLYCEMIA, nutrition support, and acute illness
A study to determine if acute maternal and fetal HYPERGLYCEMIA/insulinemia induces leptin production during pregnancy
Monitoring metabolite gradients in the blood, liver, and tumor after induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats with R3230 flank tumors using microdialysis and bioluminescence …
KD3010, a PPARβ/δ selective small molecule agonist, improves HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance while alleviating rosiglitazone-induced side effects in murine …
Trial of low glycemic diet and acarbose therapy for control of post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Preliminary report
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA is Predictive of Outcome in Critically Ill Trauma Patients. J Trauma: 2005: 58: 921–924.
Non-convulsive complex partial status epilepticus as a manifestation of non-Ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on nitric oxidergic neurons in nucleus tractus solitarius and blood pressure regulation in rats with induced diabetes
Point-of-Care testing on a Mobile Medical Unit in northern Thailand: Screening for HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipidemia, and Thalassemia trait
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurological outcome in patients with head injury [J]
Imaging evidence of basal ganglia pathology in hemi choreoballistic movement of the patient with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: case report with serial follow up of …
… play a role in improving overall glycemic control in type-1 and type-2 diabetic patients and, more specifically, in correcting excessive postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA with MODS and Infection in Trauma Patients [J]
Detecting rate of HYPERGLYCEMIA and analysis on centrality of HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension, hyperlipidemia in staffs [J]
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on blood brain barrier of rats with focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury
Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders
Effect of duration of HYPERGLYCEMIA on osseointegration around titanium implants
HYPERGLYCEMIA and subarachnoid hemorrhage: The critical care part of neurocritical care
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA a prognostic factor in pancreatic cancer?
Analysis of the relation of body mass index with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in functionaries in Shenzhen City
Experimental study of enzyme concerned with lipid and glucose metabolism on rat with hypertriglyceridemia complicating HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
Artificial nutrition in the patient with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the cardiac surgery patient: introduction
HYPERGLYCEMIA, insulin and acute ischemic stroke
The three tenors of subarachnoid hemorrhage: Fever, anemia, and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Impaired intestinal gas clearance during marked HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with functional abdominal bloating
Analysis on correlation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and MODS in 357 dead inpatients caused by trauma
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and iron deficiency on kidney and heart function in type 2 diabetes disease
Epidemiological Study of Physical Activities and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the differential expression of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I receptors in human normal peritoneal and adhesion fibroblasts
Desensitization of the pancreatic b-cell: effects of sustained physiological HYPERGLYCEMIA and potassium
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on patient length of stay following myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA in children: Unique challenges… unanswered questions
The inhibitory activity of Polygonum multiflorum Thunberg and its effect on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA important in acute stroke?
Significance of insulin secretion pattern lectured by” glinides” in the treatment of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates vascular arginase activity
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and its therapies on the heart
Artificial nutrition in HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus in critically ill patients
Role of low-glycemic-index foods in improving overall glycemic control in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients and correcting excessive postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and glutamate receptors in ischemic injury in acute cerebral infarction
Nutrition Support and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Blurred vision and severe acute HYPERGLYCEMIA: A change in both the shape and the refractive index of the lens
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke patients
Allelic Variation on Chromosome 5 Controls β-Cell Mass Expansion during HYPERGLYCEMIA in Leptin Receptor-Deficient Diabetes Mice
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on inpatient outcomes: A therapeutic target?
An influence of diabetes or HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased level of lipid peroxidation on risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in elderly persons
Effects of simvastain tablets on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia in patients with Ⅱ diabetes [J]
Expression of p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase on Cerebral Ischemia Under HYPERGLYCEMIA
Relationship between the plasma LPS and the dysfunctions of pancreatic islet β-Cell in posttraumatic MODS patients with infection and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hyperlipidemia with disseminated eruptive xanthomas and HYPERGLYCEMIA caused by mental stress–a case report
The relation between clinical aspects and prognosis of HYPERGLYCEMIA and ischemic stroke [J]
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) in metastatic breast cancer
HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in high-risk surgical patients
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on focal cerebral ischemic reperfusion injury of big rats and the expression of uPA, uPAR [J]
Management of Posttraumatic Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
Study of relationship between stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin-resistance related factors
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
HYPERGLYCEMIA, asymmetric dimethylarginine, and patient survival: Dysregulation of complex networks and the metabolic basis of disease
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarction and relation with acute intrahospital complications
Analysis on the incidences of hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia among female staff at primary and middle schools in chaoyang district of Beijing
Red light at end-of-life in patients with severe brain damage-HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
Infrequent Use of Insulin Therapy for Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in an Academic Medical Center
The mechanisms of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced oxidative stress in human erythrocytes
HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates ventilation and the hypoxic ventilatory response
Management of nutritional support and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA after orthotopic liver transplantation
HYPERGLYCEMIA, intracranial pressure and prognosis of patients with severe craniocerebral injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA lowing effect of total saponins from three-soybean liquid [J]
Hyponatremia in Acute Heart Failure–A Marker of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Reduced Renal Perfusion?
Clinical observation of Chinese herb Jinlida pill combined with western medicine on elimination HYPERGLYCEMIA toxicity of type 2 diabetes mellitus
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on nitric oxidergic neurons in nucleus tractus solitarius and blood pressure regulation in rats with induced diabetes
Study of Hight Frequency Ultrasound in the Relationship between Lasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and Arteriosclerosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Application of Nuclear Pore Film on Erythrocyte Deformability in Patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on proliferation, secretion function and expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress related molecules of pancreatic? cell line
Type B lactic acidosis and insulin resistant HYPERGLYCEMIA following pediatric cardiac surgery
HYPERGLYCEMIA during Neutropenia Was Associated with the Risk of Infection and Organ Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem …
Loss of endothelial glycocalyx during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA coincides with endothelial dysfunction and coagulation activation in vivo
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced disorder of cardiac copper regulation is a newly-recognised mechanism of left ventricular disease in diabetes
Influence of TGF-β1 antioligodeoxynucleotide on MMP-9, TGF-β1, coll Ⅳ excretion by mesangial cell under HYPERGLYCEMIA
Contributions of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose levels to glycosylated hemoglobin and diabetes mellitus-related complications: Treating HYPERGLYCEMIA with …
Comparative study for the protective effect of silymarin, Eclipta alba extract against high fat diet induce insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Chronic mild HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with an inflammatory islet reaction in a spontaneous model of type 2 diabetes (T2D), the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat
Acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, reduces myocardial infarct size by preventing postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and decreasing oxyradicals and opening the …
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and activation of the β-adrenergic system do not exhibit synergistic inhibitory actions on thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-induced thyroid …
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Diabetes in the Hospital
Clinical study of 10% fructose injection in the treatment of patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA after operation
A Clinical Study on HYPERGLYCEMIA after Cerebral Infarction
Study on modulating HYPERGLYCEMIA following ACVD early stage in 5316 patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA Raises Risks
Diabetes: HYPERGLYCEMIA and Cardiovascular Risk
Relationship Between HYPERGLYCEMIA and Infection in Critically Ill Patients
Nasogastric Tube Feedings and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Heart Failure
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with poor outcomes in nondiabetics with acute MI
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Critically Ill Children: 21
Does HYPERGLYCEMIA Cause Diabetic Retinopathy?
Factors associated with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill patients
Influence of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome on HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hospital outcomes after faist myocardial infarction
Study on Modulating HYPERGLYCEMIA in 3544 middle or older patients with ACVD early stage
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Length of Postoperative Hospital Stay
Influence of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome on HYPERGLYCEMIA
Corticosteroids an important cause of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with inflammatory stress only in obeses.
HYPERGLYCEMIA in a heterogeneous population of critically ill children
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute ischemic stroke\t
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA: Is it a predictor of the outcome of ICU patients?
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the critically ill—not so sweet: Part 2
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: Why do we care about it? What should we do?
Translation of HYPERGLYCEMIA Pathway Into a Critical Care Worksheet
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and the Cardiac Surgery Patient: Introduction
HYPERGLYCEMIA, Not Diabetes, Is the Killer
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute and recovery phases of the patients with arteriosclerotic cerebral infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Obesity Are Related to Cancer Risk
HYPERGLYCEMIA and no reflow phenomenon in acute myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Is Associated with Increased Hospital Mortality.
Palliative care and post-steroid HYPERGLYCEMIA-case report
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in patients with acute ischemic stroke
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor for death of the patients in respiratory intensive care unit
Effect of Early HYPERGLYCEMIA on Prognosis in Patient with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage
Cerebral damage aggravated by HYPERGLYCEMIA in experimental brain ischemia rats
Association of cataract with HYPERGLYCEMIA and smoking in men aged 50-64 years
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Sick Day Management in Students with Diabetes
The Previous and Current Status of Hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipidemia among the Primary and Middle School Teachers in Wuhu City
HYPERGLYCEMIA and use of the insulin in critically ill child [Abstract in English]
Prevelence of HYPERGLYCEMIA among new adult patients at a county ambulatory screening clinic
An Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and smoking on lipid peroxidation level in blood serum of middle-aged men
Increased risk of stroke associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Effect of Diabetes and Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Prognosis in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
The effects of aprotinin on perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A-304
Diabetes Mellitus/HYPERGLYCEMIA and the Acute Coronary Syndrome
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Focal Brain Ischemia: Clinical and Experimental Studies
Hemichorea associated with diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA increases mortality in burns
A Study of Urethane-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice [J]
Case study: marked HYPERGLYCEMIA followed by marked hypoglycemia
Effects of different injection methods of insulin in treatment of acute myocardial infarction with stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Why Does Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Worsen the Outcome of Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia?
Investigation and analysis about association between the HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertension in middle age and old age people
Effects of Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on ß-Cell Mass
Comparision of Protein Electrophoresis Fractions in Sera of HYPERGLYCEMIA Patients
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurological function in rats following spinal cord injury
The relationship between postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA andheart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease
Intensive Insulin Therapy in Severe Sepsis Complicated With HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA is not a risk factor for post-spine fusion infection in cerebral palsy patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on clinical outcomes and the rehabilitation after 21 days among acute cerebral ischemic stroke patients
Initial experience with an intensive care HYPERGLYCEMIA protocol in a Saudi Arabian intensive care unit
HYPERGLYCEMIA treatment is associated with longer length of hospital stay in colorectal cancer surgery patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Patients Requiring Peritoneal Dialysis
Preferential Expression of Peroxiredoxins 5 and 6 in Rat Diabetic Retinopathy: Assigning the Role in the Attenuation of HYPERGLYCEMIA–Induced Pericyte Apoptosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA after trauma: Physiologic and tolerable or a possible threat that needs to be corrected?
Effect of treating HYPERGLYCEMIA of type 2 diabetes with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Therapeutic Effect of Glucose-Insulin-Potassium Treatment on Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in Children
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the AT1 receptor expression and secretory function in an INS-1E beta-cell line
Current Status of Serum Lipids, Hypertension and HYPERGLYCEMIA in 1980 of the Young and Middle Aged Policemen in Zhuhai City
Obesity correlates with early HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute pancreatitis who developed organ failure
Incidence of postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in brain tumor patients receiving high dose methylprednisolone: A-783
Observation on the efficacy of small dose insulin in irritable HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical diseased children
Glucokinase mutations in young children with HYPERGLYCEMIA
In-vitro effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on survival of neuroblastoma (SHSY) cells
Prognosis Value and Management of Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage
Case 2: Newborn with jaundice and “HYPERGLYCEMIA”
HYPERGLYCEMIA Blocks Late Anesthetic Preconditioning Via a Tyrosine Phosphorylation-Sensitive Pathway
Impact of Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA on the Long Term Prognosis in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris
Hospital related HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus in the intensive care unit (ICU)–two “down-to-earth “protocols
Common Metabolic Problems: Hypoglycemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and Hypocalcemia
Evaluating a Continuous Insulin Infusion Protocol in Cardiac Surgery Patients to Reduce the Risks of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Clinical consequences of HYPERGLYCEMIA from total parenteral nutrition during transplant
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on changes of endothelium-dependent vasodilation of brachial artery
Epidemiology of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Non-Diabetic Patients Undergoing Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Mechanisms responsible for cytokine and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced beta-cell dysfunction
Role of insulin pump in controlling of HYPERGLYCEMIA of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA–Induced Oxidation of Mitochondrial Thioredoxin in the RPE
HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases endothelial cells (EC) proliferation by inhibiting the insulin signaling pathway
Moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA does not adversely affect the accuracy of FDG-PET diagnosis of osteomyelitis in diabetic foot
Exacerbation or Development of HYPERGLYCEMIA Predicts Peri-procedural Nephropathy
Metabolic Characteristics of Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity in Isolated Postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and retinal oxygen consumption in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
Gastric emptying (GE), major contributor for postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM)
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinemia in Circulatory Disorder After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Induction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Microvascular Retinal Complications in Zebrafish, Danio rerio
Effect of streptozocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-evoked motility and secretory responses in colon
L‐Arginine Alleviates HYPERGLYCEMIA‐Induced Vascular Inflammation In Diabetic Mice
Von Willebrand Factor Participated Protective Effect of Electroacupuncture on Hyperlipermia Combining with HYPERGLYCEMIA in Rats Inducing Ischemic …
Effect of streptozocin‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA on 5‐hydroxytryptamine (5‐HT) evoked coordinated motility/secretory responses in colon
The artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA and chemo-radiotherapy in treatment the local widespread forms of non-small cell carcinoma of lung; Iskusstvennaya giperglikemiya i …
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA During Infant Cardiac Surgery is Not Associated With Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 1, 4, and 8 Years
Studies on producing location of superoxide anion in rats coronary arterioles under HYPERGLYCEMIA
Short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA and its implications on neutrophil apoptosis, monocytic antigen presentation, and the release of early inflammatory cytokines
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in part through PKCβ2 activation in cultured neonatal rat myocytes
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA modulates osteoblast gene expression through osmotic and non-osmotic pathways
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA and symptomatic vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Hypoglycemia despite HYPERGLYCEMIA. Is a cerebral glucose deficiency possible even with raised blood sugar levels?
HYPERGLYCEMIA Alters Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor Expression Through MAP‐Kinase Signaling Pathway in Liver Cells
Assessment of correlation between HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic renal complications using a model of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) bio-artificial pancreas transplantation
Post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is an important predictor of the incidence of diabetic microangiopathy in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients
P-852: HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates proatherogenic inflammation pathways in polycystic ovary syndrome
HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates flow induced hyaluronan production by cultured EC-RF24 endothelial cells
Effects of STZ induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipemia on PPARγ and ABCA1 in a hamster model of atherogenesis
The artificial HYPERGLYCEMIA and chemo-radiotherapy in treatment the local widespread forms of non-small cell carcinoma of lung
Assessment of sliding insulin use in the treatment of new onset HYPERGLYCEMIA cause by stress in emergency patients without diabetes
The influence of rapidly controlling HYPERGLYCEMIA with insulin pump on β-cell function of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients
Cellular expression of tissue factor, CD40 ligand and P-selectin in normal healthy subjects during HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia.
Gender Difference in Protein Kinase C β‐II mRNA Expression in Rat Aorta: Implication in HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced Vascular Dysfunction
Suppressive Effect of Short Interfering RNA on HYPERGLYCEMIA–Induced Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule–1 (ICAM–1) on Cultured Vascular Endothelial …
GLAST and System Xc–: Transporter Response to Prolonged HYPERGLYCEMIA and Acute Oxidative Stress in Primary Mouse Müller Cells
Effects of Hs-CRP and HYPERGLYCEMIA on Tissue Factor Isoform Expression and Procoagulant Activity in Diabetes Type-2
HYPERGLYCEMIA in a rat CLP model of sepsis is associated with mitochondrial uncoupling
The significance of HYPERGLYCEMIA regulation in postoperative wound infection following femoropopliteal bypass surgery in diabetic cases
Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels in Female Mink During the Reproductive Cycle: The Prevention and Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA During the Nursing Period
Molecular Mechanism of HYPERGLYCEMIA‐Induced Impairment of Human Large Conductance Ca2+‐activated K+ (hSlo) Channel Functions
HYPERGLYCEMIA–Induced Pro–Apoptotic Nuclear Accumulation of Glyceraldehyde–3–Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Retinal Müller Cells Is Interleukin–1ß Dependent
HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced Adenosine Tri-phosphate Depletion and Endothelial Cell Dysfunction
The adverse effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA during transient focal ischemia in rats are not attributable to increased plasma corticosteroids or neutrophil infiltration
Proteomic profiling of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using two dimensional electrophoresis under HYPERGLYCEMIA condition.
Integrin αVβ3, protein kinase Cβ and Erk activation during HYPERGLYCEMIA in vascular smooth muscle cells
A woman with anti-histidyl-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (Jo-1 antibodies), myositis, HYPERGLYCEMIA, interstitial lung disease, and morbilliform rashes
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on activation of hepatic stellate cells the expression of transforming growth factor β1 and connective tissue growth factor in the liver of rat …
Effects of C-peptide on apoptosis induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA and the relationship between the apoptosis and the expression of eNOS in human umbilical vein …
Vascular reactivity in the Butterball mouse, a new model of early onset obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA, is altered in a sex‐dependent manner
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA is an Independent Predictor of Left Ventricular Remodeling After Inaugural Anterior Myocardial Infarction in non Diabetic Patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA Independently Increases the Risk of Perioperative Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Death after Carotid Endarterectomy 803
Depression of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia by low glycemic index cookies in diet-induced insulin resistant Wistar rats
Comparative evaluation of miglitol versus repaglinide on postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and glycosylated haemoglobin in Type-2 diabetes mellitus patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases protein kinase C (PKC) activity and myogenic tone of penetrating brain parenchymal arterioles and is associated with diminished …
Transient ptf1a mis-expression converts mouse embryonic foregut to pancreas tissue capable of ameliorating streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Intracellular signaling cross‐talk between angiotensin II, glucagon and HYPERGLYCEMIA mediates activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinases ERK 1/2 in rat …
Reduced Insulin and IGF-1 Signaling, not HYPERGLYCEMIA, Underlies the Diabetes-Associated Depletion of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Murine Stomach
Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 Mediates Endothelial Cells Senescence in HYPERGLYCEMIA Under Protein Kinase C Pathway
256: The Prevalence of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Non Diabetic Emergency Department Patients
The Clinical Study of Insuline Administration to 28 Newborns with Severe Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
15 The Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Newborn Endothelial Progenitor Cells.
Assessment of the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children with borderline fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA by determining islet-cell autoantibodies
The 7-years follow up of only OGTT 1 h-HYPERGLYCEMIA and its transforming results in the male elderly
Poster 246: HYPERGLYCEMIA and Stroke Functional Outcome in the Rehabilitation Setting
HYPERGLYCEMIA and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Glucose metabolism and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prospective study of HYPERGLYCEMIA and cancer risk
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the pathobiology of diabetic complications
Dynamic of HYPERGLYCEMIA as a predictor of stroke outcome in the ECASS-II trial
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute ischemic stroke: a vascular perspective
Natural history of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes: role of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute stroke: how, when, and for whom?
Infections in diabetes mellitus and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative stress: direct cause and effect?
Treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in ischemic stroke (this) a randomized pilot trial
Metabolic consequences of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin resistance
Role of insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the development of atherosclerosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and outcome in the pediatric intensive care unit
Relationship of perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and postoperative infections in patients who undergo general and vascular surgery
A review on the mechanisms involved in HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by organophosphorus pesticides
Implications and treatment of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in the setting of acute myocardial infarction
Oral infection, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and endothelial dysfunction
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and infections
Proteinuria and HYPERGLYCEMIA induce endoplasmic reticulum stress
Childhood obesity and metabolic imprinting: the ongoing effects of maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA
Obesity-induced insulin resistance and HYPERGLYCEMIA: etiologic factors and molecular mechanisms
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and cognitive decline after CABG
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study: associations with neonatal anthropometrics
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA/hyperlipidemia (postprandial dysmetabolism) is a cardiovascular risk factor
Loss of autophagy diminishes pancreatic β cell mass and function with resultant HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced reactive oxygen species toxicity to endothelial cells is dependent on paracrine mediators
Effect of intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA during liver transplantation
Transplant-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA: a new look at an old problem
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute myeloid leukemia is associated with increased hospital mortality
The role of α-cell dysregulation in fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes and therapeutic implications
HYPERGLYCEMIA independently increases the risk of early death in acute spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute aluminum phosphide poisoning as a potential prognostic factor
HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute coronary syndrome: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Diabetes Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical …
Simultaneous control of HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative stress normalizes endothelial function in type 1 diabetes
Causes and consequences of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critical illness
HYPERGLYCEMIA correlates with outcomes in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition
Impact of admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes mellitus on short-and long-term mortality after acute myocardial infarction in the coronary intervention era
HYPERGLYCEMIA and short-term outcome in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
Influence of lifestyle modification in renal transplant recipients with postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Insulin therapy, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypertension in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Health Benefits of Traditional Corn, Beans, and Pumpkin: In Vitro Studies for HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hypertension Management
Effects of prior hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA on cognition in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA predicts mortality after CABG: postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA predicts dramatic increases in mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Infants of diabetic mothers: the effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the fetus and neonate
Regional brain volume differences associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and severe hypoglycemia in youth with type 1 diabetes
Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA is an independent predictor of outcome in acute myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA decreases mitochondrial function: the regulatory role of mitochondrial biogenesis
Systemic administration of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells reverts HYPERGLYCEMIA and prevents nephropathy in type 1 diabetic mice
Cytokine production and hospital mortality in patients with sepsis-induced stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure
Exhaled methyl nitrate as a noninvasive marker of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 1 diabetes
Controversies in the management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the ELBW infant
Mechanism of action of exenatide to reduce postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxidative stress and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation after focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats: relation to blood-brain barrier …
Alterations in glucose homeostasis in the pediatric intensive care unit: HYPERGLYCEMIA and glucose variability are associated with increased mortality and morbidity
Diabetes, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and central corneal thickness: the Singapore Malay Eye Study
Downregulation of diacylglycerol kinase delta contributes to HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced insulin resistance
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cerebral glucose in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
A protocolized approach to identify and manage HYPERGLYCEMIA in a pediatric critical care unit
Etiology and effect on outcomes of HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor for surgical site infections in patients undergoing mastectomy
HYPERGLYCEMIA management in the hospital setting
New-onset HYPERGLYCEMIA in nondiabetic Chinese patients started on peritoneal dialysis
HYPERGLYCEMIA not hypoglycemia alters neuronal dendrites and impairs spatial memory
Incidence and clinical relevance of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill dogs
Diabetes: a cardiac condition manifesting as HYPERGLYCEMIA
Early HYPERGLYCEMIA predicts multiple organ failure and mortality but not infection
Stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with severe sepsis: a compromising factor for survival
Impaired wound healing in an acute diabetic pig model and the effects of local HYPERGLYCEMIA
Metabolic management of acute myocardial infarction comes to the fore and extends beyond control of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Genetic deletion of p66Shc adaptor protein prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress
Impact of postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA following surgical repair of congenital cardiac defects
Guar gum: a miracle therapy for hypercholesterolemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cystic fibrosis alter respiratory fluid glucose concentrations estimated by breath condensate analysis
Key role of postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA for the presence and extent of coronary atherosclerosis: an angiographic study
mTOR inhibition by rapamycin prevents β-cell adaptation to HYPERGLYCEMIA and exacerbates the metabolic state in type 2 diabetes
In vitro HYPERGLYCEMIA or a diabetic intrauterine environment reduces neonatal endothelial colony-forming cell numbers and function
Effect of chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA on intraocular pressure in patients with diabetes
Characterization of inhibitors of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA from the leaves of Nerium indicum
Morphometric study of placental villi and vessels in women with mild HYPERGLYCEMIA or gestational or overt diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA during ischemia rapidly accelerates brain damage in stroke patients treated with tPA
Dysregulation of peripheral endocannabinoid levels in HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity: effect of high fat diets
Inhibitory potential of wine and tea against α‐Amylase and α‐Glucosidase for management of HYPERGLYCEMIA linked to type 2 diabetes
Extracts of Momordica charantia suppress postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces oxidative and nitrosative stress and increases renal functional impairment in Nrf2‐deficient mice
Acute glucose fluctuations and chronic sustained HYPERGLYCEMIA as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes
Continuous glucose monitoring time series and hypo/HYPERGLYCEMIA prevention: requirements, methods, open problems
Assessment of HYPERGLYCEMIA after calcium channel blocker overdoses involving diltiazem or verapamil
Diagnosis and management of prediabetes in the continuum of HYPERGLYCEMIA—when do the risks of diabetes begin? A consensus statement from the American …
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances coagulation and reduces neutrophil degranulation, whereas hyperinsulinemia inhibits fibrinolysis during human endotoxemia
The relationship between fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin secretion in subjects with normal or impaired glucose tolerance
Persistent outpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA is independently associated with decreased survival after primary resection of malignant brain astrocytomas
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with enhanced thrombin formation, platelet activation, and fibrin clot resistance to lysis in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Efficacy of continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) to detect postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and unrecognized hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic patients
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes: a consensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustment of therapy: update regarding thiazolidinediones: a …
Role of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in cardiovascular disease
Action of pelargonidin on HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative damage in diabetic rats: implication for glycation-induced hemoglobin modification
Abdominal obesity and HYPERGLYCEMIA mask the effect of a common APOC3 haplotype on the risk of myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients undergoing cerebral aneurysm surgery: its association with long-term gross neurologic and neuropsychological function
HYPERGLYCEMIA and externalizing behavior in children with type 1 diabetes
Persistent perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA as an independent predictor of poor outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Astaxanthin protects mesangial cells from HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced oxidative signaling
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA but not glucose variability determines HbA1c levels in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin in acute coronary syndromes
Resveratrol, a natural phytoalexin, normalizes HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced experimental diabetic rats
The deleterious effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on platelet function in diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes: mediation by superoxide production, resolution with …
Effect of sustained-mild and transient-severe HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemia-induced blood–brain barrier opening
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pediatric intensive care unit
Effect of curcumin on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced vascular endothelial growth factor expression in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat retina
Effects of soluble tea polysaccharides on HYPERGLYCEMIA in alloxan-diabetic mice
Transplant-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA
Barriers to HYPERGLYCEMIA control in hospitalized patients: a descriptive epidemiologic study
Diabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with the severity of epileptic seizures in adults
HYPERGLYCEMIA during the neutropenic period is associated with a poor outcome in patients undergoing myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell …
Management of inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA: assessing perceptions and barriers to care among resident physicians
HYPERGLYCEMIA and length of stay in patients hospitalized for bone marrow transplantation
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a predictor of in‐hospital mortality in elderly patients without diabetes mellitus admitted to a sub‐intensive care unit
HYPERGLYCEMIA down-regulates apolipoprotein M expression in vivo and in vitro
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic stroke mortality in diabetic and non-diabetic patients
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA induces a global downregulation of gene expression in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of healthy subjects
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA exacerbates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and blunts cardioprotective effect of GIK
Severe hyponatremia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hyperlactatemia are associated with intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with oxaliplatin
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA affects the extent of ischemia-reperfusion-induced renal injury in rats
Thioglycosides as inhibitors of hSGLT1 and hSGLT2: potential therapeutic agents for the control of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute myocardial infarction in patients who are treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention: impact on long-term prognosis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and cognitive outcome after ischemic stroke
Activation of NF-E2–related factor-2 reverses biochemical dysfunction of endothelial cells induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA linked to vascular disease
Combination of obesity with HYPERGLYCEMIA is a risk factor for the presence of vertebral fractures in type 2 diabetic men
HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill patients
Effect of crude extract and fractions from Vitex megapotamica leaves on HYPERGLYCEMIA in alloxan-diabetic rats
Functionality of bioactive compounds in Brazilian strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivars: evaluation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertension potential using in …
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and enhanced sensitivity to myocardial infarction
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic rats by portal vein transplantation of islet-like cells generated from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Inpatient management of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA: implications for nutrition practice and the food and nutrition professional
Reversal of islet GIP receptor down-regulation and resistance to GIP by reducing HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Zucker rat
The Medtronic Minimed Gold continuous glucose monitoring system: an effective means to discover hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in children under 7 years of age
Metformin and exercise reduce muscle FAT/CD36 and lipid accumulation and blunt the progression of high-fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA is a major determinant of albumin permeability in diabetic microcirculation: the role of μ-calpain
Influence of mild HYPERGLYCEMIA on cerebral FDG distribution patterns calculated by statistical parametric mapping
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases the levels of vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 and monocyte-chemoattractant-protein-1 in the diabetic endothelial cell
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on the tissue factor pathway of blood coagulation
… of Milk and Soymilk by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus acidophilus Enhances Functionality for Potential Dietary Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA and …
Association of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and atrial fibrillation in myocardial infarction
The association between HYPERGLYCEMIA and fracture risk in middle age. A prospective, population-based study of 22,444 men and 10,902 women
Inhibitory effect of Koji Aspergillus terreus on a-glucosidase activity and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Swim training prevents HYPERGLYCEMIA in ZDF rats: mechanisms involved in the partial maintenance of β-cell function
Improved efficacy of a tolerizing DNA vaccine for reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA through enhancement of gene expression and localization to intracellular sites
Isolated HYPERGLYCEMIA at 1 hour on oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy resembles gestational diabetes mellitus in predicting postpartum metabolic dysfunction
HYPERGLYCEMIA after infant cardiac surgery does not adversely impact neurodevelopmental outcome
Early elective insulin therapy can reduce HYPERGLYCEMIA and increase insulin-like growth factor-I levels in very low birth weight infants
Administration of phytosterols isolated from Aloe vera gel reduce visceral fat mass and improve HYPERGLYCEMIA in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats
From HYPERGLYCEMIA to AGE-RAGE interaction on the cell surface: a dangerous metabolic route for diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and infections in pediatric trauma patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters the responsiveness of smooth muscle cells to insulin-like growth factor-I
Antecedent HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with an increased risk of neutropenic infections during bone marrow transplantation
Impaired HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced delay in gastric emptying in patients with type 1 diabetes deficient for islet amyloid polypeptide
Functionality of bioactive compounds in Brazilian strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) cultivars: evaluation of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertension potential using in …
Novel effects of macrostemonoside A, a compound from Allium macrostemon Bung, on HYPERGLYCEMIA, hyperlipidemia, and visceral obesity in high-fat diet-fed C57BL …
Perturbation of mouse glioma MRS pattern by induced acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prognostic implication of HYPERGLYCEMIA in myocardial infarction and primary angioplasty
Fatal metformin overdose presenting with progressive HYPERGLYCEMIA
Obesity correlates with early HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute pancreatitis who developed organ failure
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces apoptosis of human pancreatic islet endothelial cells: effects of pravastatin on the Akt survival pathway
Reactive nitrogen species induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA suppresses Akt signaling and triggers apoptosis by upregulating phosphatase PTEN (phosphatase and tensin …
Proapoptotic and antiapoptotic effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA: role of insulin signaling
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin therapy on high mobility group box 1 in endotoxin-induced acute lung injury in a rat model
Pathophysiology and management of fluid and electrolyte disturbances in patients on chronic dialysis with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA
Treating HYPERGLYCEMIA improves skeletal muscle protein metabolism in cancer patients after major surgery
Alterations in mitochondrial function and cytosolic calcium induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA are restored by mitochondrial transcription factor A in cardiomyocytes
Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA on allograft function in the early period after renal transplantation
Increased atherosclerotic lesion calcification in a novel mouse model combining insulin resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypercholesterolemia
Reduction of low molecular weight protein-tyrosine phosphatase expression improves HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin sensitivity in obese mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia in patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
Bridge over troubled waters: safe and effective transitions of the inpatient with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA regulates thioredoxin-ROS activity through induction of thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) in metastatic breast cancer-derived cells MDA …
HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with morbidity in critically ill children with meningococcal sepsis
Upregulation of myocardial 11S-activated proteasome in experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA
Obese reproductive‐age women exhibit a proatherogenic inflammatory response during HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA suppresses hepatic scavenger receptor class B type I expression
Management of inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA in noncritically ill patients
Diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and stroke
Body fluid abnormalities in severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients on chronic dialysis: review of published reports
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on early embryo development and embryopathy: in vitro experiments using a mouse model
Factor VIIa and tissue factor procoagulant activity in diabetes mellitus after acute ischemic stroke: impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Long-term effects of Terminalia chebula Retz. on HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated hyperlipidemia, tissue glycogen content and in vitro release of insulin in …
Refractive properties of the healthy human eye during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Management of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital: a practical guide to subcutaneous insulin use in the non‐critically ill, adult patient
Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs glucose-but not insulin-mediated suppression of glucagon secretion
Insulin therapy of HYPERGLYCEMIA in intensive care
Diminished GATA4 protein levels contribute to HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced cardiomyocyte injury
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia are associated with endothelial dysfunction during the development of type 2 diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances adipogenic induction of lipid accumulation: involvement of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2, phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt …
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on angiotensin II receptor type 1 expression and insulin secretion in an INS-1E pancreatic beta-cell line
Acute effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on hepatic oxidative stress and the systemic inflammatory response in rats
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced angiogenesis deficit of human endothelial cells by overexpression of glyoxalase 1 in vitro
Chronic cobalt treatment decreases HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and downregulation of caveolin‐1 enhance neuregulin‐induced demyelination
Unexplained HYPERGLYCEMIA in continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
HYPERGLYCEMIA, maturity-onset obesity, and insulin resistance in NONcNZO10/LtJ males, a new mouse model of type 2 diabetes
Gastric relaxation induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA is mediated by vagal afferent pathways in the rat
HYPERGLYCEMIA during induction therapy is associated with increased infectious complications in childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia
Intensive insulin therapy for acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Complications of dysglycemia and medical costs associated with nondiabetic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced membrane lipid peroxidation and elevated homocysteine levels are poorly attenuated by exogenous folate in embryonic chick brains
HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes microinflammation as evaluated by C-reactive protein in the very elderly
Medical care costs one year after identification of HYPERGLYCEMIA below the threshold for diabetes
… of glyburide and insulin for the management of gestational diabetics with markedly elevated oral glucose challenge test and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
… prevalence of type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes in adult offspring of women with gestational diabetes mellitus or type 1 diabetes: the role of intrauterine HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on retinal thickness and ocular refraction in healthy subjects
Downregulation of GLP-1 and GIP receptor expression by HYPERGLYCEMIA: possible contribution to impaired incretin effects in diabetes
Clinical outcomes associated with the use of subcutaneous insulin-by-glucose sliding scales to manage HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients with pneumonia
PPARγ agonists partially restores HYPERGLYCEMIA induced aggravation of vascular dysfunction to angiotensin II in thoracic aorta isolated from rats with insulin …
Close relationship between sympathetic activation and coronary microvascular dysfunction during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in subjects with atherosclerotic risk factors
Simvastatin restores ischemic preconditioning in the presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA through a nitric oxide–mediated mechanism
Rapidly developing HYPERGLYCEMIA during treatment with olanzapine
Targeting prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: how important is it and how best to do this?
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the cerebrovascular response to rhythmic handgrip exercise
Beneficial effects of insulin on glycemic control and β-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes with severe HYPERGLYCEMIA after short-term intensive insulin …
Prospective detection of HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill children using continuous glucose monitoring
Sustained IL‐1α, IL‐4, and IL‐6 elevations following correction of HYPERGLYCEMIA in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Beneficial effects of Phellodendri Cortex extract on HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Body mass index associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and alterations of components of metabolic syndrome in Mexican adolescents
Obesity impairs vascular relaxation in human subjects: HYPERGLYCEMIA exaggerates adrenergic vasoconstriction: Arterial dysfunction in obesity and diabetes
Is HYPERGLYCEMIA really harmful? A critical appraisal of “Persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA in critically ill children” by Faustino and Apkon (J Pediatr 2005; 146: 30–34)
Isolated post-challenge HYPERGLYCEMIA: concept and clinical significance
Substitution of drinking water by fructose solution induces hyperinsulinemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA in hamsters
Lipocalin-2 is an inflammatory marker closely associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
HYPERGLYCEMIA promotes the perineural invasion in pancreatic cancer
Fasting and postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA and risk of cardiovascular disease in Chinese: the Chin-Shan Community Cardiovascular Cohort study
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA compromises cerebral blood flow following cortical spreading depression in rats monitored by laser speckle imaging
Toona sinensis Roem (Meliaceae) leaf extract alleviates HYPERGLYCEMIA via altering adipose glucose transporter 4
HYPERGLYCEMIA-related pathophysiologic mechanisms and potential beneficial actions of melatonin
Insulin strategies for managing inpatient and outpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes
Perioperative care of the geriatric patient with diabetes or HYPERGLYCEMIA
Cyanidin 3-glucoside ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin sensitivity due to downregulation of retinol binding protein 4 expression in diabetic mice
Diabetes models by screen for HYPERGLYCEMIA in phenotype-driven ENU mouse mutagenesis projects
Engineered enteroendocrine cells secrete insulin in response to glucose and reverse HYPERGLYCEMIA in diabetic mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs glucose and insulin regulation of nitric oxide production in glucose-inhibited neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus
Treating HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes with insulin therapy: transition from inpatient to outpatient care
Possible amelioration of atherogenic diet induced dyslipidemia, hypothyroidism and HYPERGLYCEMIA by the peel extracts of Mangifera indica, Cucumis melo and …
Effects of gatifloxacin and levofloxacin on rates of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA among elderly hospitalized patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia have additive effects on activation and proliferation of pancreatic stellate cells: possible explanation of islet‐specific fibrosis in …
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on neurological deficits and extracellular glucose levels in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
Contribution of polyol pathway to arteriolar dysfunction in HYPERGLYCEMIA. Role of oxidative stress, reduced NO, and enhanced PGH2/TXA2 mediation
Inhibitory effects of Sasa borealis leaves extracts on carbohydrate digestive enzymes and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Regulation of IGF-I signaling in retinal endothelial cells by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Body fluid abnormalities in severe HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients on chronic dialysis: theoretical analysis
Glycemic profile in infants who have undergone the arterial switch operation: HYPERGLYCEMIA is not associated with adverse events
Protection by cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors of diazinon-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and oxidative/nitrosative stress in rat Langerhans islets cells …
Diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats display pronounced HYPERGLYCEMIA and longer-lasting cognitive impairments following ischemia induced by cortical compression
Reversal of HYPERGLYCEMIA by protein transduction of NeuroD in vivo
Exaggeration of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes by administration of caffeine in coffee
Pronounced cytosolic aggregation of cellular prion protein in pancreatic β-cells in response to HYPERGLYCEMIA
The antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protects from high-fat diet-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Intraperitoneal administration of CDP-choline and its cholinergic and pyrimidinergic metabolites induce HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats: involvement of the sympathoadrenal …
Prevalence and clinical outcome of inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA in a community pediatric hospital
Sulfonylurea treatment in young children with neonatal diabetes: dealing with HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypoglycemia, and sick days
Classification of diabetes: not all HYPERGLYCEMIA is the same
Genetically engineered K cells provide sufficient insulin to correct HYPERGLYCEMIA in a nude murine model
HYPERGLYCEMIA prevents the suppressive effect of hyperinsulinemia on plasma adiponectin levels in healthy humans
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Reduces Risks for Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glucose Variability in Diabetes.
Relevance of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the timing of functional loss of allogeneic islet transplants: implication for mouse model
Postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with mediastinitis following pediatric cardiac surgery
Antiretroviral treatment for HIV infection/AIDS and the risk of developing HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia
Additive interaction of HYPERGLYCEMIA and albuminuria on risk of ischemic stroke in type 2 diabetes: Hong Kong Diabetes Registry
Preprocedure HYPERGLYCEMIA is more strongly associated with restenosis in diabetic patients after percutaneous coronary intervention than is hemoglobin A1C
Contribution of fasting and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA to hemoglobin A1c in insulin-treated Japanese diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in a 7-year-old child treated with aripiprazole
Clioquinol attenuates zinc-dependent β-cell death and the onset of insulitis and HYPERGLYCEMIA associated with experimental type I diabetes in mice
HYPERGLYCEMIA management in the hospital: about glucose targets and process improvements
Regulation of KATP channel subunit gene expression by HYPERGLYCEMIA in the mediobasal hypothalamus of female rats
Silencing of hepatic fatty acid transporter protein 5 in vivo reverses diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and improves HYPERGLYCEMIA
The prevalence of diabetes and stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in the acute myocardial infarction patients
Characterization of the influence of vildagliptin on model-assessed β-cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes and mild HYPERGLYCEMIA
A break in the brake mechanism in diabetes: a cause of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA with ketoacidosis and hyperkalemia in a patient on chronic hemodialysis
Amelioration of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Metabolic Syndromes in Type 2 Diabetic KKAy Mice by Poly(γ‐glutamic acid)oxovanadium(IV) Complex
Vanadium-enriched chickpea sprout ameliorated HYPERGLYCEMIA and impaired memory in streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats
Out-of-pocket costs of managing HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes
Safety and effectiveness of a computerized subcutaneous insulin program to treat inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA
Blockade of c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation abrogates HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced yolk sac vasculopathy in vitro
The perils of inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA management: how we turned apathy into action
Life-threatening HYPERGLYCEMIA and acidosis related to olanzapine: a case report and review of the literature
HYPERGLYCEMIA and adverse pregnancy outcomes: the HAPO study cooperative research group
Early HYPERGLYCEMIA after allogenic kidney transplantation: does it induce infections
Poor outcomes in Hispanic and African American patients after acute ischemic stroke: influence of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Technology to treat HYPERGLYCEMIA in trauma
Subthalamic lesion on MR imaging in a patient with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hemiballism
… of fangchinoline from Stephania tetrandra Radix and formononetin and calycosin from Astragalus membranaceus Radix on HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypoinsulinemia in …
Regulated insulin delivery from human epidermal cells reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA
Mesenchymal stroma cells improve HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin deficiency in the diabetic porcine pancreatic microenvironment
United Kingdom prospective diabetes study follow-up studies establish a legacy effect of therapy for HYPERGLYCEMIA but not hypertension
Expression of energy balance regulatory genes in the developing ovine fetal hypothalamus at midgestation and the influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in elderly patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs functional vasodilation via increasing thromboxane-receptor-mediated vasoconstriction
Recurrent HYPERGLYCEMIA during adalimumab treatment in a patient with psoriasis
Demonstration of the essential role of protein kinase C isoforms in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced embryonic malformations
HYPERGLYCEMIA in ED patients with no history of diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA accelerates arterial thrombus formation and attenuates the antithrombotic response to endotoxin in mice
Early HYPERGLYCEMIA after allogenic kidney transplantation
HYPERGLYCEMIA: cell death in a cave
A report on the diagnosis of intermediate HYPERGLYCEMIA in Korea: a pooled analysis of four community-based cohort studies
Recurrent intermittent restraint delays fed and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and improves glucose return to baseline levels during glucose tolerance tests in the Zucker …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia may associate with the adenoma–carcinoma transition in colorectal epithelial cells
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperinsulinemia Enhance Adrenergic Vasoconstriction and Decrease Calcitonin Gene− Related Peptide− Containing Nerve− Mediated …
Effects of Hachimi-jio-gan (Ba-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan) on HYPERGLYCEMIA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of glucose tolerance, post-prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia influencing the incidence of coronary heart disease
Bromocriptine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in nonobese diabetic mice: kinetics and mechanisms of action
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and length of hospital stay in patients with diabetes and heart failure: a prospective cohort study
Insulin resistance and postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA the bad companions in natural history of diabetes: effects on health of vascular tree
Signs of proinflammatory/genotoxic switch (adipogenotoxicosis) in mammary fat of breast cancer patients: role of menopausal status, estrogens and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Nateglinide improves postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin secretion in renal transplant recipients
Continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring shows a close correlation between mean glucose and time spent in HYPERGLYCEMIA and hemoglobin A1c
Effects of PPAR-γ knock-down and HYPERGLYCEMIA on insulin signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells from hypertensive rats
Olanzapine-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in anorexia nervosa
Gatifloxacin produces both hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA: a retrospective study
Relevance of casual undetected HYPERGLYCEMIA among high-risk individuals for developing diabetes
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetes: a consensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustment of therapy: a consensus statement from the American …
HYPERGLYCEMIA may alter cytokine production and phagocytosis by means other than hyperosmotic stress
HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Thioredoxin-Interacting Protein Expression Differs in Breast Cancer–Derived Cells and Regulates Paclitaxel IC50
HYPERGLYCEMIA enhances the inhibitory effect of mitochondrial toxins and D, L-homocysteine on the brain production of kynurenic acid
Lagenaria siceraria peel extract in the regulation of hyperthyroidism, HYPERGLYCEMIA and lipid peroxidation in mice
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) reverses HYPERGLYCEMIA in rat
Is poststroke HYPERGLYCEMIA a marker of stroke severity and prognosis: A pilot study
Upregulation of PEDF expression by PARP inhibition contributes to the decrease in HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced apoptosis in HUVECs
Managing HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients
In-hospital treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA: effects of intensified subcutaneous insulin treatment
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade improves HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced endothelial dysfunction and reduces proinflammatory cytokine release from leukocytes
Acute diphenyl diselenide treatment reduces HYPERGLYCEMIA but does not change delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity in alloxan-induced diabetes in rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: goals for diabetes management
Once-daily insulin glargine versus 6-hour sliding scale regular insulin for control of HYPERGLYCEMIA after a bariatric surgical procedure: a randomized clinical trial
A subgroup discovery approach for scrutinizing blood glucose management guidelines by the identification of HYPERGLYCEMIA determinants in ICU patients.
Adaptation to mild, intermittent stress delays development of HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Zucker diabetic Fatty rat independent of food intake: role of habituation of the …
… involvement of enhanced arginase activity due to up-regulated arginases and decreased hydroxyarginine in accelerating intimal hyperplasia with HYPERGLYCEMIA
Management of diabetes mellitus and hospital-related HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients of a medical ICU, with the use of two “down-to-earth” protocols: a feasibility study
Catamenial diabetic ketoacidosis and catamenial HYPERGLYCEMIA: case report and review of the literature
Improvement of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA has a positive impact on epicardial flow of entire coronary tree in acute coronary syndromes patients
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on rat cavernous nerve axons: a functional and ultrastructural study
Higher body mass index predicts need for insulin but not HYPERGLYCEMIA, nosocomial infection, or death in critically ill surgical patients
Targeting endothelial cells with heme oxygenase-1 gene using VE-cadherin promoter attenuates HYPERGLYCEMIA-mediated cell injury and apoptosis
Treatment of antipsychotic-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA with pioglitazone: a case series
Combined determination of glucose and fructosamine in vitreous humor as a post-mortem tool to identify antemortem HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA rapidly suppresses endothelium-dependent arterial dilation in first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute phase of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH)
Brain and upper extremity PET/CT findings of HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced hemiballism-hemichorea.
Role of excess glycogenolysis in fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA among pre-diabetic and diabetic Zucker (fa/fa) rats
Relationship between uric acid, HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertriglyceridemia in general population
Episodes of hypoglycemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA during the use of sliding scale insulin in hospitalized diabetes patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the outcome of pediatric cardiac surgery patients requiring peritoneal dialysis
HYPERGLYCEMIA and lipopolysaccharide decrease depression effect of interleukin 8 production by hypothermia: an experimental study with endothelial cells
Ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes: effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on β-cell function and skeletal muscle insulin signaling
Prospective study of HYPERGLYCEMIA and cancer risk: response to Stattin et al.
Effect of simulated postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA on coronary blood flow in cardiac transplant recipients
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Algorithm for the Initiation and Adjustment of Therapy: A Consensus Statement From the American …
Effects of KIOM-79 on HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats
Type B lactic acidosis and insulin-resistant HYPERGLYCEMIA in an adolescent following cardiac surgery
Risk factors for HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized adults receiving gatifloxacin: a retrospective, nested case-controlled analysis
Insulin infusion for the treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA in low birth weight infants: examining the evidence
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute myocardial infarction: time to define optimal glucose levels
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA after a gastrectomy and the prediabetic state: a comparison between a distal and total gastrectomy
Transplantation of pancreatic islets from hypothalamic obese rats corrects HYPERGLYCEMIA of diabetic rats
Transient homonymous hemianopia and positive visual phenomena in patients with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Activation of sphingosine kinase-1 mediates inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Utility of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance to assess association between admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and myocardial damage in patients with reperfused ST …
Working to improve care of hospital HYPERGLYCEMIA through statewide collaboration: the Georgia Hospital Association Diabetes Special Interest Group
Melatonin is more effective than taurine and 5‐hydroxytryptophan against HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced kidney‐cortex tubules injurya
HYPERGLYCEMIA and mortality in critically ill children
Reversal of streptozotocin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA by continuous supply of betacellulin in mice
Simulated HYPERGLYCEMIA in rat cardiomyocytes: a proteomics approach for improved analysis of cellular alterations
Determinants of incident HYPERGLYCEMIA 6 years after delivery in young rural Indian mothers: the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study (PMNS)
The effects of self-paced walking exercises on elderly women with hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA, and hypercholesterolemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs isoflurane-induced adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel activation in vascular smooth muscle cells
Somatostatin receptor subtype-2-deficient mice with diet-induced obesity have HYPERGLYCEMIA, nonfasting hyperglucagonemia, and decreased hepatic glycogen …
Intraportally delivered GLP-1, in the presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA induced via peripheral glucose infusion, does not change whole body glucose utilization
CS-917, a fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase inhibitor, improves postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA after meal loading in non-obese type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA stimulates a sustained increase in hydraulic conductivity in vivo without any change in reflection coefficient
The Role of Glucagon in Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA—The Jury’s Still Out
Likelihood of having isolated postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA in an Iranian urban population
Focal neurological symptoms as the presenting manifestations of nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: Report of two cases
Is routine electrolyte testing necessary for diabetic patients who present to the emergency department with moderate HYPERGLYCEMIA?
Cutaneous approach towards clinical and pathophysiological aspects of HYPERGLYCEMIA by ATR FTIR spectroscopy
Visual episodes in non-ketonic HYPERGLYCEMIA: contribution of 1 case with alteration in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
The Influence of hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and HYPERGLYCEMIA on the 5-HT2A receptor-mediated wet-dog shake responses in rats
Translating evidence into practice in managing inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevention and management of HYPERGLYCEMIA after pancreas transplantation
Tetrathiomolybdate is partially protective against HYPERGLYCEMIA in rodent models of diabetes
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in nondiabetic Iraqi patients presenting with acute stroke
Intensive insulin therapy in non-diabetic patients with myocardial infarction and HYPERGLYCEMIA. INSUCOR study
Hypo and HYPERGLYCEMIA; Indicators for Comparative Physiologic Evaluation of Chloroquine, Fansidar, Malareich and Maloxine
Advancing Age and Renal Impairment as Important Predisposing Factors of Gatifoxacin-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Non-Diabetes Patients
Admission HYPERGLYCEMIA and abnormal glucose tolerance at discharge in patients with acute myocardial infarction and no previous history of diabetes …
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on early embryo development and embryopathy: in vitro experiments using a mouse model
A novel strategy in production of oligosaccharides in digestive tract: prevention of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetic renal change in a model of polyvinyl alcohol bioartificial pancreas transplantation
Does acute HYPERGLYCEMIA alter rat aortic depressor nerve function?
Age-and sex-related prevalence of overweight, arterial hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and their combinations
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on quantitative liver functions by the galactose load test in diabetic rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and postoperative cognitive dysfunction: another call for better glycemic control?
… preinduction thoracic epidural anaesthesia and glucocorticoid administration on perioperative interleukin-10 levels and HYPERGLYCEMIA. A randomized controlled trial
A child with abdominal pain and HYPERGLYCEMIA: is it diabetic ketoacidosis?
Non Ketotic Hyperosmolar HYPERGLYCEMIA presenting as Epilepsia Partialis Continua.(An unusual presentation of a common disorder)
Hyperosmolar, increased-anion-gap metabolic acidosis and HYPERGLYCEMIA after etomidate infusion
Inhibitory effect of ketamine on phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 following brain ischemia and reperfusion in rats with HYPERGLYCEMIA
A case of pancreatitis associated with aripiprazole in the absence of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of different types of water decoctions of fruit of Melia azedarach on glucose induced HYPERGLYCEMIA, liver transaminases, lipid peroxidation and reduced …
Transient insulin resistance in normal subjects: acute HYPERGLYCEMIA inhibits endothelial-dependent vasodilatation in normal subjects
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA in isogeneic islet transplantation: an experimental animal study
Monitoring blood glucose levels in female mink during the reproductive cycle: 1. Prevention of HYPERGLYCEMIA during the nursing period
HYPERGLYCEMIA-initiated mechanisms in diabetic neuropathy
Acute short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA impairs platelet receptor expression even in healthy adults in vitro
Circulating vascular endothelial growth factor is unaffected by acute HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxidative stress and mmp-9 activation after focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats: Relationship to blood-brain barrier …
A comparison of efficacy and safety in the treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA with continuous subcutaneous insulin with insulin pump or multiple insulin injections daily in …
Strain differences in susceptibility to in vivo erectile dysfunction following 6 weeks of induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in the mouse
Very low serum adiponectin levels in patients with type 1 Gaucher disease without overt HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in uterine arteries from pregnant, but not non-pregnant mice, enhances endothelium-dependent relaxation
HYPERGLYCEMIA and loss of ovarian hormones mediate atheroma formation through endothelial layer disruption and increased permeability
The effect of vagal cooling on canine hepatic glucose metabolism in the presence of HYPERGLYCEMIA of peripheral origin
Effects of acute and chronic attenuation of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA on postglucose-load endothelial function in insulin resistant individuals: is stimulation of first …
Severe Hypoglycemia vs. HYPERGLYCEMIA: Unique Effects on Cognition in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM).
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans restore glycocalyx barrier properties of cultured endothelial cells in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Characterization of HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperlipidemia in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with temsirolimus or interferon-α
Voxel-Based Morphometry Detects Brain Volume Changes Due to Hypo-and HYPERGLYCEMIA in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (TIDM).
Effects of Hambag Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)-Powder on HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipemia in STZ and High Fat Diet-induced Diabetic Rats
Hypoglycemia risk: A cause for concern in the intensive care unit HYPERGLYCEMIA control debate
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on oxidation-reduction reaction of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
The role of the kidneys in the regulation of osmolality and concentrations of cations in the blood serum in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acylated Ghrelin Attenuated HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Apoptosis in Cultured Endothelial Cells
Pituitary apoplexy associated with cortisol-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA and acute delirium
HYPERGLYCEMIA aggravates endotoxin-induced high mobility group box 1 protein release: yet another reason not to be too sweet
Insulin sensitivity and first-phase insulin secretion in obese Chinese with HYPERGLYCEMIA in 30 and/or 60 min during glucose tolerance tests
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the pediatric intensive care unit: a few steps closer to sweetening the pot
Improving HYPERGLYCEMIA in the hospital: outcomes of a nursing in-service to evaluate acceptance of a web-based insulin infusion calculator
… surgery in patients with and without a preoperative diagnosis of type 2 diabetes during treatment with intravenous insulin therapy for postoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA
The effect of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (GP) on plasma lipoprotein metabolism and lipoperoxidation lipoprotein in the experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA rats
Involvement of HYPERGLYCEMIA in deposition of aggregated protein in glomeruli of diabetic mice
Transient ventriculomegaly in an adolescent presenting with shunted hydrocephalus, diabetic ketoacidosis, and HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA management strategy in the pediatric intensive care setting
White blood cell count and the risk of HYPERGLYCEMIA according to smoking status
HYPERGLYCEMIA alters enzyme activity and cell number in spinal sensory ganglia
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA at admission on clinical outcomes after acute stroke
HYPERGLYCEMIA Complicating the Acute Coronary Syndrome: Algorithm for HYPERGLYCEMIA Management During ACS
Effects of active component in Cichorii on lipid metabolism of rat with hypertriglyceridemia complicated by hyperuricemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute suppression of circulating sCD40L during HYPERGLYCEMIA and euglycemic-hyperinsulinemia in healthy young males
Suppressive effect of short-interfering RNA on HYPERGLYCEMIA-induced expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on cultured vascular endothelial cells
… coupling of hormone receptors with G proteins in the adenylate cyclase system of the rat muscle tissues and brain under conditions of short-term HYPERGLYCEMIA
Early stress HYPERGLYCEMIA as independent predictor of increased mortality in preterm infants
HYPERGLYCEMIA in the critically ill: meaning and treatment
Interleukin-8 production from human umbilical vein endothelial cells during brief HYPERGLYCEMIA: the effect of tumor necrotic factor-α
Reply to comment by Morteza Mehdizadeh on the publication “The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on retinal thickness and ocular refraction in healthy subjects” by …
Systemic stress response and HYPERGLYCEMIA after abdominal surgery in rat and man
Observation on changes of hormones associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease.[J]
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor in postinfarction patients
A case report of autoimmune pancreatitis accompanied with rapidly developing HYPERGLYCEMIA and hypertension in a chronic hemodialysis patient
The role of self-monitoring of blood glucose during the treatment of type 2 diabetes with medications targeting postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Effect of intensive insulin therapy on stress HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute myocardial infarction patients [J]
Recurrent symptomatic HYPERGLYCEMIA on maintenance hemodialysis is not necessarily related to hypertonicity: a case report
Inclusion of educational messages in laboratory reports aids to complete the diagnostic workup of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Alterations in blood glucose homeostasis during septic or injury stress–HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of diabetes and HYPERGLYCEMIA on duration of stay in patients hospitalized with congestive heart failure
Relation of HYPERGLYCEMIA to ST-segment resolution after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on inflammatory markers in patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Glucose levels and insulin secretion in surgery-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in normoglycemic obese patients
Preventing thiazide‐induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: opportunities for clinical pharmacists
The effect of aldose reductase inhibition by JMC-2004 on HYPERGLYCEMIA-inducedendothelial dysfunction
Practical strategies to normalize HYPERGLYCEMIA without undue hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Comparison between effects of insulin aspart and human insulin NOVO R via continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump on HYPERGLYCEMIA in elderly patients …
HYPERGLYCEMIA and extracellular water in dialysis patients
Intermediate postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA in overweight and obese subjects: A new marker of impaired glucose regulation?
HYPERGLYCEMIA affects the prognosis of acute myocardial infarction [J]
Efficacy and Tolerability of Vildagliptin in Drug-Naïve Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) and Mild HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Cortical blindness with absent visually evoked potential in non-ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on toxicity in older patients receiving chemotherapy
RAGE Regulates Obesity & HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced by High-Fat Feeding in Mice.
Clinic Significance of Responsive HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Patients with Acute Stroke [J]
Effect of acupuncture at TE4, SP3 and TE4+ SP3 in HYPERGLYCEMIA rats induced by streptozotocin
A 48-Hour Elevation in Plasma FFA, but not HYPERGLYCEMIA, Impairs Insulin Secretion in Lean Mexican-American Subjects Genetically Predisposed to Type 2 Diabetes …
Using prandial insulin to achieve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: a stepped approach to postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA–including prandial insulin–is key
What if chlorthalidone-associated HYPERGLYCEMIA develops?
Cardiopulmonary-bypass induces HYPERGLYCEMIA only in preoperative insulin resistant patients
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor in the development of endothelial dysfunction–how to prevent?
HYPERGLYCEMIA induces protein nonenzymeatic glycosylation in brain neurons of diabetic rats at early stage
Diagnosis of HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Cohort of Brazilian Subjects: Fasting plasma glucose–and oral glucose tolerance test–based glycemic status are associated with …
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA during myocardial ischemia on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats
About HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute stroke
Nondiabetic maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA was associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes
The application of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in sepsis and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Specificity of HYPERGLYCEMIA treatment in acute stroke patients
Do nondiabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes and HYPERGLYCEMIA benefit from insulin therapy?
Clinical Study on Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA by Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion
Efficacy and Nursing of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Injection in the Treatment of Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic Patients [J]
The Effects of Gynostemmapentaphyllum on Experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA Rats’ Plasma Lipoprotein Metabolism and Their Related Enzyme Activity [J]
Can simple treatment protocols improve the management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in hospitalized patients?
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and metformin on expression of adhesion molecules on human aortic endothelial cells
Test meal A for the simultaneous assessment of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperlipidemia in diabetic subjects
Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA and aging in angiogenesis and reepithelization of colonic anastomoses in rats
Introduction: Rationale for Tight Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Analysis of stress HYPERGLYCEMIA level and prognosis: A report of 75 cases
The effect of aqueous and vitreous glucose on eye refraction. Refractive properties of the healthy human eye during acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA independently increases the risk of perioperative stroke, myocardial infarction, and death after carotid endarterectomy. McGirt MJ, Woodworth GF …
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA following intra-peritoneal irrigation with 5% glucose in a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei
Pilot Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Reveals Change in White Matter Integrity Associated with Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Slow-release starch added enteral nutrition for patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA after craniocerebral injury [J]
Effect of duodenal glucose and acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on rectal perception and compliance in response to tension-controlled rectal distension in healthy humans
Transient HYPERGLYCEMIA and decreased glucose tolerance during antipsychotic monotherapy with amisulpride
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperthermia: what’s the connection?
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by gatifloxacin: 2 case reports [J]
Different Effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Normoxia and Hypoxia Cardiomycyte Apoptosis
Modulation of HYPERGLYCEMIA by oat extracts: an experimental study
Critically Ill with HYPERGLYCEMIA and Intensive Insulin Therapy [J]
Macro and microvascular effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA in type 2 diabetic patients
Prospective Study of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Cancer Risk: Response to Bowker and Johnson
The effects of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic cell change and reactive neuronal change in neonatal rat brain following transient forebrain ischemia
A vinegar-processed ginseng radix (Ginsam) ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA and dyslipidemia in C57BL/KsJ db/db mice
The impact of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on the prognosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
HYPERGLYCEMIA in celiac disease: not always pretype 1 diabetes?
Inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA: Typical Versus Ideal Outpatient Follow-Up Care
… of insulin-like growth factor 1 on PECAM-1 and ICAM-1 adhesion molecules expression in tumor necrosis factor alpha and HYPERGLYCEMIA induced umbilical vein …
Study on the Mechanisms about HYPERGLYCEMIA and Brain Injuries after Cerebral Ischemia [J]
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders: response to Jindal and Keshavan
Gatifloxacin-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA: a review of 4 cases and the literature
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
HYPERGLYCEMIA secondary to consumption of cocaine and atypical antipsychotic drugs.
What If Chlorthalidone-Associated HYPERGLYCEMIA Develops?—Reply
Role of HYPERGLYCEMIA and redox-induced signaling in vascular complications of diabetes
HYPERGLYCEMIA, Hepatic Stellate Cell and Liver Fibrosis
Obesity correlates with early HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with acute pancreatitis who developed organ failure
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Type 2 diabetes: a consensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustment of therapy
Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on leukocyte migration and differentiation in a novel three-dimensional tissue model
Predictive Value of the Post-Operative HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with and without Diabetes, Admitted for Off-pump Coronary Revascularization.
Perceived Knowledge of the Registered Nurse in Managing HYPERGLYCEMIA According to Evidence-Based Practice in the Acute Care Setting
HYPERGLYCEMIA during acute myocardial infarction in diabetic and nondiabetic patients
Critical illness and HYPERGLYCEMIA management in parenteral and enteral nutrition.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders: response to Cohen et al.
Energy depletion causes endothelial hyperpermeability in HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of Injection of Ginseng Fruit Saponins on experimental HYPERGLYCEMIA [J]
Generalized Chorea Associated With Nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: Cerebral MRI and SPECT Findings
Studys on HYPERGLYCEMIA lowering effect of the saponin from Momordica. charantia Var. abbreviata Ser
HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by asparaginase and dexamethasone: 2 case reports [J]
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA is associated with an increase of blood pressure in type 1 diabetic patients treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Chronic HYPERGLYCEMIA Induces ER Stress which may Contribute to Pancreatic β-Cell Dysfunction.
Effect of Antioxidant Vitamin C on Vascular Endothelial Function during Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [J]
Clinical study about effects of the acute fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA and type 2 diabetes mellitus on ischemic preconditioning in patients with the first-ever acute anterior …
Continuous Glucose Monitoring Highlights Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA at the Intensive Care Unit: Need for Expert Diabetes Supervision?
Prevalence and predictors of isolated postchallenge HYPERGLYCEMIA in Tehran’s urban population: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS)
HYPERGLYCEMIA upon onset of nosocomial bloodstream infection adversely affects outcome in a mixed intensive care unit population
Poor Association between HYPERGLYCEMIA at Arrival and Clinical Outcomes in Acute Stroke Patients Treated With Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
Identification of false-positive creatine kinase–MB activity in a patient with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
Analysis of diabetic nonketotic hyperosmolar coma with severely HYPERGLYCEMIA in senile: a report of 22 cases [J]
HYPERGLYCEMIA Promotes in Vitro All Blast Resistance to Steroid Induced Blast Lysis
Treatment with sodium tungstate delays diabetes onset and lowers HYPERGLYCEMIA in the NOD mouse
Efficacy and safety of porcine insulin zinc suspension (IZS-P) for reducing HYPERGLYCEMIA and associated clinical signs in cats with diabetes mellitus
Inclusion of patients who overdose with dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers would potentially increase clinical utility of HYPERGLYCEMIA
Alterations in mitochondrial function and cytosolic calcium transients induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA are restored by over‐expression of mitochondrial transcription factor A …
Acute Myocardial Infarction and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Active changes and protein expression of pyruvate kinase in condition of hypertriglyceridemia complicated by hyperuricemia and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Novel SGLT Inhibitor (SGL5094) Improves Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA Through the Suppression of SGLT1-Mediated Glucose Transport Across the Small Intestine.
… ), Acting on Both Suppressing Intestinal Glucose Absorption and Increasing Urinary Glucose Excretion, Improve Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in Diabetic Model Rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and changes in osmolarity lead to an increase in IL-6 and IL-1β cytokine production of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro
HYPERGLYCEMIA compromises mitochondrial function
Proinsulin/Insulin (PI/I) Ratio Increases with Worsening HYPERGLYCEMIA and Diminishing β-cell Function, But Is Not Related to Severity of Insulin Resistance in Patients …
Severe HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by kinase inhibitors of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor in mice is associated with inhibition of insulin receptor signaling in skeletal …
dependence of glycosuria on HYPERGLYCEMIA was recognized at this
Phytochemical Genistein Promotes Beta Cell Survival, Insulin Secretory Function and Ameliorates HYPERGLYCEMIA in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Mice.
Adiponectin attenuates hyperglycemic and palmitate induced ROS accumulation, but not HYPERGLYCEMIA‐mediated NFkB activation and insulin resistance in 3T3‐L1 …
HYPERGLYCEMIA activates the Ca2+/calcineurin‐dependent transcription factor NFAT (Nuclear Factor of Activated T‐Cells) in retinal microvessels in vivo
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA improves outcomes
injection of epinephrin causes HYPERGLYCEMIA in normal
Postgastrectomy HYPERGLYCEMIA or Diabetes
Incidence of preoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA
A Study on 49 Cases of Cor Pulmonale with Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA during Acute Exacerbation
The frequency of 2 hours post glucose load HYPERGLYCEMIA in subjects with normal fasting glucose
bohydrate, as indicated by persistent HYPERGLYCEMIA
Inpatient management of HYPERGLYCEMIA and diabetes
The clinical significance of GSP test in diagnosing pseudo HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and insulin therapy in preterms
Remediable HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Patient with Weber-Christian Disease
Prevalence and Clinical Outcome of Inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA in a Community Pediatric Hospital.
Early HYPERGLYCEMIA and Intravenous Insulin
235: HYPERGLYCEMIA during neutropenia was associated with poor outcome in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
Optimizing Acute and Chronic Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA and chronic diabetic complications
< The> effect of different sources of fibers on HYPERGLYCEMIA in rats
Calcium Intake and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Are Associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA in an Adult South Florida Population.
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA: Clinical significance and management
Clinical analysis of stress-induced critical HYPERGLYCEMIA in newborns
HYPERGLYCEMIA attenuates the resistance for stress
Managing HYPERGLYCEMIA in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Tissue Damage: Pathways and Causes
Incidence of Perioperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Patient
HYPERGLYCEMIA as a risk factor for surgical site infections
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Cardiovascular Disease in Critically III Patients with Diabetes: Trends from 2002-05 vs. 1996-97.
Recognized and unrecognized HYPERGLYCEMIA in cancer inpatients
Clinical manifestations and neuroimaging characteristics of cerebral damage in HYPERGLYCEMIA
phorylation of glucose and increase hepatic glycogenol-ysis. Regardless of the mechanism, the HYPERGLYCEMIA
Severity of Illness Is Not a Major Determinant of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Critically Ill Patients.
HYPERGLYCEMIA Management and Liver Transplantation: The INTEGRIS Experience
Is Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA Associated with Postoperative Infection in Liver Transplantation?
HYPERGLYCEMIA during Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Associated Postoperative Outcomes
Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in HYPERGLYCEMIA originates in Myeloid Precursor Cells in the Bone Marrow
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Prognosis of Cerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke
Lack of Refraction Changes During Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA in Healthy Young Persons
Management of HYPERGLYCEMIA in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention in HYPERGLYCEMIA after skull and brain trauma
A Blood Glucose Monitoring Pilot Project for Patients with HYPERGLYCEMIA on Admission to the Hospital.
tance to an increased HYPERGLYCEMIA following glucose ingestion.
Management of Diabetes Mellitus and HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Hospitalized Patient
Relationship between the response of HYPERGLYCEMIA and inflammatory cytokine, prognosis in the patients with serious disease
The Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Morbidity 1-Year Following Kidney Transplant.
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Mitochondrial Function in Type 2 Diabetes.
A Compensatory Mechanism for Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Induced Apoptosis
Bromocriptine-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Nonobese Diabetic Mice: Kinetics and Mechanisms of Action
The expression of cofilin‐1 via PKC pathway induced by HYPERGLYCEMIA in endothelial cells
Survey on Prevalence and Nursing Interventions for Hypertension, HYPERGLYCEMIA and Hyperlipemia among Government Officials [J]
Mechanism of effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on angiogenesis after ischemia
Using Clinical Simulation to Teach an Evidence Based Practice HYPERGLYCEMIA Protocol
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA and postoperative outcomes in heart transplant patients. A retrospective analysis: 12AP5-5
HYPERGLYCEMIA and hospital outcomes for diabetic patients admitted to general medicine and surgery services
Uncommon Neurological Presentation due to Non-Ketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA (NKH)–Report to two cases.
Control of HYPERGLYCEMIA among septic and nonseptic patients in the general intensive care unit
Management of diabetes mellitus and hospital-related HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients of a medical ICU, results of a prospective study
Ache Expression in Y79 Cells During Apoptosis Resulting From HYPERGLYCEMIA
Comparative on Effects of Momordica charantia of Different Species on HYPERGLYCEMIA in Mice [J]
Relationship of HYPERGLYCEMIA with other components of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged persons in relation with gender and age
Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and inflammatory signaling
Role of CGMS in Diabetes Management: Comparing Post-Meal HYPERGLYCEMIA Measured by CGMS and One Touch.
HYPERGLYCEMIA and the mechanisms involved in vascular dysfunctions of diabetes mellitus.
Mechanism and Management of AKT Inhibitor-Induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Effects of Electroacupuncture on SNCV and SEP in Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Rats
Preoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA-a new risk factor for pulmonary embolism
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on endothelial dysfunction and development of late complications in diabetes mellitus
Cardiopulmonary-Bypass Induces HYPERGLYCEMIA Mainly in Preoperative Insulin Resistant Patients
Response to “Comments on HYPERGLYCEMIA in acute phase of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH)” by Dr Godoy et al.
Insulin treatment of post‐prandial HYPERGLYCEMIA
Increased Synthesis and Secretion of CRP in EC in HYPERGLYCEMIA‐Role of NFKb
Maternal HYPERGLYCEMIA Tied to High Fetal Insulin
HYPERGLYCEMIA in pediatric critical illness: Does one size fit all?
Therapeutic Efficacy of Combined Capsule reduce HYPERGLYCEMIA and Glurenorm on Type Ⅱ Diabetes
Impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA on ischemic stroke mortality in diabetic and non-diabetic patients
Effect of treating HYPERGLYCEMIA of type 2 diadetes with insulin pump
Intensive insulin therapy for critical old patients with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Induces the Endothelial Dysfunction of Retinal Arteries
Discharge Planning for Patients with Established Diabetes and Newly Detected HYPERGLYCEMIA
The Effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on Blood Brain Barrier After Cerebral Hemorrhage in Rats
Differential Protein Expression in Human Proximal Tubular Cells under HYPERGLYCEMIA
Hemodialysis-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA after liver transplantation.
Increased Toll like receptor expression in vitro and in vivo under HYPERGLYCEMIA/diabetes
Differential energetic response of brain vs. skeletal muscle upon HYPERGLYCEMIA in humans
The Significance of Persistent Fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
HYPERGLYCEMIA at Admission in Patients with HF a Marker for Short-Term Mortality
Clinical and neuroimaging futures of chorea due to nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA: 7 cases report
The relationship between acute cerebrovascular disease and irritable HYPERGLYCEMIA developing of illness and prognosis
Prevalence of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
The effect of acute HYPERGLYCEMIA on retinal thickness and ocular refraction in healthy subjects
The effect of HYPERGLYCEMIA on arginine stimulation test in type 2 diabetes
Retinal Pigment Epithelium Exposed to HYPERGLYCEMIA: Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
HYPERGLYCEMIA increases mitochondrial protein expression in the absence of oxidative stress
Clinical observation and nursing care of patients with severe trauma in thorax-abdominal complicated with HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA in stem cell transplant recipients: A modifiable risk factor for infection
QS157. Mechanisms Other Than Acute HYPERGLYCEMIA Mediate Endothelial Cell Activation in Systemic Inflammatory Responses
The diagnostic power of FDG PET in cervical cancer patients with moderate to extreme HYPERGLYCEMIA
Key role of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA for the presence and extent of coronary atherosclerosis
Intensive insulin therapy for the critically ill patients with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Prevalence and characteristics of incidental HYPERGLYCEMIA in children Prevalencia y características de la hiperglicemia incidental en niños
The influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on innate immune and coagulent responses
Prevalence and intensity of HYPERGLYCEMIA in non-diabetic patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery with and without cardiopulmonary bypass
Effects of long-term anti-nuroendocrine treatment on left ventriclar function of patients with myocardial infarction accompanied by HYPERGLYCEMIA
Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Intensive Insulin Therapy in Patients With Sepsis Complicated With HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and hyperinsulinemia on vascular responsiveness
Perturbation of mouse glioma MRS pattern by induced acute HYPERGLYCEMIA
Glucose Control Improved in Hospital HYPERGLYCEMIA Patients with Standard Insulin Order Set Use
Influence of HYPERGLYCEMIA on the expression of basicfibroblast growth factor after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in rats
CT and MRI findings of chorea associated with nonketotic HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA Occuring During Non-Cardiac Surgery Is Predictive of Post-Op Infections in Non-Diabetics.
Clinical Observation of the Intensive Insulin Therapy in Treating MODS Combined with Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA
Initial experience with an intensive care HYPERGLYCEMIA protocol in a Saudi Arabian intensive care unit.
Clinical observations on HYPERGLYCEMIA induced by chemotherapy with homemade vinorelbine and cisplatin
Nursing care of patients with stress HYPERGLYCEMIA undergoing insulin intensification therapy
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA treated with intensive insulin therapy and prognosis in patients with critically craniocerebral disease
A 7-year follow-up study of the features and transformations of elderly male patients with OGTT-1h HYPERGLYCEMIA
HYPERGLYCEMIA during ischemia aggravates reperfusion-mediated myocardial injury in rats
Role of glycogenolysis and reduced glucose uptake in AKT inhibitor-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effects of Acute and Chronic Attenuation of Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA on Postglucose-load…
The impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA or hypoalbuminemia on duration and need to mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients
An association of diabetes or HYPERGLYCEMIA and increased level of lipid peroxidation with stroke and myocardial infarction in elderly men
< The> impact of HYPERGLYCEMIA or hypoalbuminemia on duration and need to mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients
HYPERGLYCEMIA-Induced Inflammatory Protein and Growth Factor Expression in Retina From Three Rat Strains
Intraoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA in a child with primary pancreatic lymphoma
Treatment of HYPERGLYCEMIA for skeletal muscle metabolism in cancer patients after major surgery
Influence of Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA on Outcomes of Early Rehabilitation in Elderly Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction
Prevalence of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Obesity in Patients (pts) with Newly Diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
P111: Evaluation of treatment regimens for controlling HYPERGLYCEMIA in postoperative bariatric surgery patients
Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds During HYPERGLYCEMIA and Euglycemia/Hyperinsulinemia in Healthy Males.
Skeletal Myoblast Transplantation for Improvement of HYPERGLYCEMIA and Insulin Sensitivity.
Safety and Effectiveness of a Computerized Subcutaneous Insulin System to Treat Inpatient HYPERGLYCEMIA.
Dimethoate Intoxication with Refractory Shock and HYPERGLYCEMIA
Effect of Short Term Intensive Insulin Therapy on Stress-induced HYPERGLYCEMIA in Patients with Acute Stroke
Effect of fresubintm diabetes on the postoperative stress HYPERGLYCEMIA and infection of patients with liver cirrhosis [J]
Impact of a Nurse Driven Subcutaneous (SQ) Insulin Treatment Algorithm for HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Emergency Department (ED).
The Effect and Mechanism of Bovine Colostrums Insulin-like Growth Factor-I on HYPERGLYCEMIA in STZ-induced Diabetic Rats
HYPERGLYCEMIA and obesity in patients (pts) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): Association with prevalence, response, and survival
HYPERGLYCEMIA Induces Retinal Connective Tissue Growth Factor Expression in Rats.
HYPERGLYCEMIA‐induced reactive oxygen species are differentially regulated by estrogen in human endothelial cells
HYPERGLYCEMIA is an independent predictor of multi organ dysfunction after pediatric cardiac surgery: 10AP2-7
Preoperative HYPERGLYCEMIA increases length of stay after major orthopedic surgery: 1AP2-8
Clinical Investigation on the Association of HYPERGLYCEMIA, Insulin, Glucagons and Intracranial Pressure After Severe Brain Injury
The Effects of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase on HYPERGLYCEMIA-exaggerated Cerebral Ischemic Injury
mainly HYPERGLYCEMIA, glycosuria, polydipsia, polyuria
The metabolic characteristics of isolated impaired fasting glucose and fasting HYPERGLYCEMIA
Impaired wound healing in an acute diabetic pig model and the effects of local HYPERGLYCEMIA
Changes of insulin receptor in patients with critical illness and HYPERGLYCEMIA and effect of intensive insulin therapy on it
HYPERGLYCEMIA and Neutropenic Infections during Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Correlation between Postprandial HYPERGLYCEMIA and Blood Vessel Complication in Type Ⅱ Diabetes Patient [J]
Physiological Hyperinsulinemia, Independent of HYPERGLYCEMIA, Suppresses sCD40L, EGF, and IP-10 in Healthy Adults.
Sevoflurane Induced POSTconditioning Is Lost during HYPERGLYCEMIA in the Rat Heart In Vivo
HsdBlu: LE Rat: An Alternative Model of Adiposity, HYPERGLYCEMIA, Glucose Intolerance and Insulin Resistance to the C57B1/6NHsd Mouse.
Clinical observation on correcting HYPERGLYCEMIA of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes with intensive insulin treatment [J]
Treating HYPERGLYCEMIA in Newly-Diagnosed T2DM by Oral Hypoglycemic Agents (OHAs) vs. Lifestyle Improvement: Japan Early Diabetes Intervention Study (JEDIS).
Prevalence rate of dyslipidemia, HYPERGLYCEMIA, hypertension and metabolic syndrome in a large occupational population in Beijing
HYPERGLYCEMIA Blocks Isoflurane-Induced, but Not Insulin-Induced, Postconditioning in Vivo Rabbits
Activated Akt Is Associated with HYPERGLYCEMIA and Platelet Hyperactivity in a Mouse Model of Diabetes
Stress HYPERGLYCEMIA-An independent risk factor for multivessel coronary artery disease in Post Myocardial Infarction Patients.
Relationship between HYPERGLYCEMIA on Admission and Severity of Acute First-Ever Anterior Cerebral Circulation Infarction
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