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Hsp70, The Anti-aging Protein
Hsp70, The Anti-aging Protein
A hitchhiker’s guide to the human HSP70 family
Is HSP70 the cellular thermometer?
Protective effects of HSP70 in inflammation
Conserved features of eukaryotic HSP70 genes revealed by comparison with the nucleotide sequence of human HSP70
HSP70 and aging
Structure and expression of the three MHC-linked HSP70 genes
Expression of human HSP70 during the synthetic phase of the cell cycle
Molecular evolution of the HSP70 multigene family
Can HSP70 proteins act as force-generating motors?
Competitive Inhibition of HSP70 Gene Expression Causes Thermosensitivity
The consequences of expressing HSP70 in Drosophila cells at normal temperatures.
Evolution of HSP70 gene and its implications regarding relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes
Regulation of the human HSP70 promoter by p53
HSP70: nuclear concentration during environmental stress and cytoplasmic storage during recovery
Structure and expression of the human gene encoding major heat shock protein HSP70
Human HSP70 promoter contains at least two distinct regulatory domains
Heat shock is lethal to fibroblasts microinjected with antibodies against HSP70
Cloning and Subcellular Localization of Human Mitochondrial HSP70 (∗)
DNA sequence requirements for generating paused polymerase at the start of HSP70.
Interaction of the immunosuppressant deoxyspergualin with a member of the HSP70 family of heat shock proteins
Mitochondrial HSP70/MIM44 complex facilitates protein import
HSP70 expression in human skeletal muscle after exercise
Identification of a novel member of mouse HSP70 family. Its association with cellular mortal phenotype.
Identification of a regulatory motif in HSP70 that affects ATPase activity, substrate binding and interaction with HDJ‐1.
The structure and expression of maize genes encoding the major heat shock protein, HSP70
HSP70 accelerates the recovery of nucleolar morphology after heat shock.
Over‐expression of HSP70 confers tumorigenicity to mouse fibrosarcoma cells
Polymorphic analysis of the three MHC-linked HSP70 genes
Complex interactions among members of an essential subfamily of HSP70 genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The human heat shock protein HSP70 interacts with HSF, the transcription factor that regulates heat shock gene expression.
Requirement for HSP70 in the mitochondrial matrix for translocation and folding of precursor proteins
Heat shock protein HSP70 in patients with axillary lymph node-negative breast cancer: prognostic implications
Structure and regulation of the SSA4 HSP70 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Tissue-specific HSP70 response in animals undergoing heat stress
Interaction of HSP70 with unfolded proteins: effects of temperature and nucleotides on the kinetics of binding.
HSP70 induction during exercise and heat stress in rats: role of internal temperature
Regulation of HSP70 synthesis by messenger RNA degradation.
Common and divergent peptide binding specificities of HSP70 molecular chaperones.
Effect of engineering HSP70 copy number on HSP70 expression and tolerance of ecologically relevant heat shock in larvae and pupae of Drosophila melanogaster.
Yeast HSP70 RNA levels vary in response to the physiological status of the cell
Transcription of the human HSP70 gene is induced by serum stimulation
DnaJ-like proteins: molecular chaperones and specific regulators of HSP70
Major heat shock protein HSP70 protects tumor cells from tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity.
HSP70 and other possible heat shock or oxidative stress proteins are induced in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver during exercise
Targeted gene disruption of HSP70-2 results in failed meiosis, germ cell apoptosis, and male infertility
HSP70 heat shock gene regulation during ischemia.
Regulation of HSP70 function by a eukaryotic DnaJ homolog.
Human major histocompatibility complex contains genes for the major heat shock protein HSP70
Changes in HSP70 alter thermotolerance and heat-shock regulation in Drosophila.
An HSP70-like protein in the ER: identity with the 78 kd glucose-regulated protein and immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein
Comparison of tumor-specific immunogenicities of stress-induced proteins gp96, hsp90, and HSP70.
A conserved HPD sequence of the J-domain is necessary for YDJ1 stimulation of HSP70 ATPase activity at a site distinct from substrate binding
Coordinate changes in heat shock element-binding activity and HSP70 gene transcription rates in human cells
Immediate early gene and HSP70 expression in hyperosmotic stress in MDCK cells
Transcriptional regulation of SSA3, an HSP70 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Induction of HSP70 and polyubiquitin expression associated with plant virus replication
Characterization and sequence of a mouse HSP70 gene and its expression in mouse cell lines
Muscle-specific expression of Drosophila HSP70 in response to aging and oxidative stress
Isolation and characterization of SSE1 and SSE2, new members of the yeast HSP70 multigene family
The DNA-binding activity of the human heat shock transcription factor is regulated in vivo by HSP70
… of the HSP70 gene from Halobacterium marismortui: relatedness of archaebacterial HSP70 to its eubacterial homologs and a model for the evolution of the HSP70 …
Different peptide binding specificities of HSP70 family members
The role of HSP70 in conferring unidirectionality on protein translocation into mitochondria
Inducible isoform of HSP70 is constitutively expressed in a muscle fiber type specific pattern
Cell cycle-dependent association of HSP70 with specific cellular proteins.
Partner proteins determine multiple functions of HSP70
Heat shock protein HSP70 overexpression confers resistance against nitric oxide
Role of HSP70 in cytokine production
Identification of heat shock protein HSP70 homologues in chloroplasts
Protein folding in the cell: the role of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60
ATP-induced protein HSP70 complex dissociation requires K+ but not ATP hydrolysis
The human heat-shock protein family. Expression of a novel heat-inducible HSP70 (HSP70B′) and isolation of its cDNA and genomic DNA
Ischemic tolerance due to the induction of HSP70 in a rat ischemic recirculation model
Adjuvant-free HSP70 fusion protein system elicits humoral and cellular immune responses to HIV-1 p24.
RNA polymerase II interacts with the promoter region of the noninduced HSP70 gene in Drosophila melanogaster cells
Heat shock gene regulation by nascent polypeptides and denatured proteins: HSP70 as a potential autoregulatory factor
An ATPase domain common to prokaryotic cell cycle proteins, sugar kinases, actin, and HSP70 heat shock proteins.
The ATP hydrolysis-dependent reaction cycle of the Escherichia coli HSP70 system DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE
Immune response to p53 is dependent upon p53/HSP70 complexes in breast cancers.
Genetic aspects of the HSP70 multigene family in vertebrates
Cooperative action of HSP70, Hsp90, and DnaJ proteins in protein renaturation
Cloning of a HSP70-related gene expressed in mouse spermatids
HSP70-protein complexes. Complex stability and conformation of bound substrate protein.
Organization, nucleotide sequence, and transcription of the chicken HSP70 gene.
Mitochondrial protein import: biochemical and genetic evidence for interaction of matrix HSP70 and the inner membrane protein MIM44.
HSP70-2 is part of the synaptonemal complex in mouse and hamster spermatocytes
A peptide binding protein having a role in antigen presentation is a member of the HSP70 heat shock family.
Genetic evidence for a functional relationship between Hsp104 and HSP70
Posttranscriptional regulation of HSP70 expression in human cells: effects of heat shock, inhibition of protein synthesis, and adenovirus infection on translation and …
BiP (GRP78), an essential HSP70 resident protein in the endoplasmic reticulum
AnHSP70 antisense gene affects the expression of HSP70/HSC70, the regulation of HSF, and the acquisition of thermotolerance in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana
New heat shock puffs and β= galactosidase activity resulting from transformation of Drosophila with an HSP70-lacZ hybrid gene
Evidence for protein damage at environmental temperatures: seasonal changes in levels of ubiquitin conjugates and HSP70 in the intertidal mussel Mytilus trossulus
Nitric oxide is involved in heat-induced HSP70 accumulation
Cooperation of the molecular chaperone Ydj1 with specific HSP70 homologs to suppress protein aggregation
The common variant of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator is recognized by HSP70 and degraded in a pre-Golgi nonlysosomal compartment
Induction of heat shock HSP70 mRNA and HSP70 kDa protein in neurons in the ‘penumbra’following focal cerebral ischemia in the rat
The HSP70 multigene family of Caenorhabditis elegans.
Mitochondrial GrpE is present in a complex with HSP70 and preproteins in transit across membranes
Heat-inducible human factor that binds to a human HSP70 promoter
Nitric oxide donor induces HSP70 accumulation in the heart and in cultured cells
Proof that HSP70 is required for assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor into a heterocomplex with hsp90.
SSC1, an essential member of the yeast HSP70 multigene family, encodes a mitochondrial protein
Heat shock protein HSP70 protects cells from thermal stress even after deletion of its ATP-binding domain
Increased levels of HSP70 transcripts induced when cells are exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields
Induction of HSP70 in cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes by hypoxia and metabolic stress.
The E. coli dnaK gene product, the HSP70 homolog, can reactivate heat-inactivated RNA polymerase in an ATP hydrolysis-dependent manner
Functional interaction of cytosolic HSP70 and a DnaJ-related protein, Ydj1p, in protein translocation in vivo
A novel HSP70 of the yeast ER lumen is required for the efficient translocation of a number of protein precursors.
Eukaryotic homologues of Escherichia coli dnaJ: a diverse protein family that functions with HSP70 stress proteins.
The Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70 gene family: a molecular genetic characterization
Definition of multiple, functionally distinct TATA elements, one of which is a target in the HSP70 promoter for E1A regulation
Cloning of rat grp75, an HSP70‐family member, and its expression in normal and ischemic brain
Interactions of p60, a mediator of progesterone receptor assembly, with heat shock proteins hsp90 and HSP70.
Syntenic conservation of HSP70 genes in cattle and humans
The human cytosolic molecular chaperones hsp90, HSP70 (hsc70) and hdj‐1 have distinct roles in recognition of a non‐native protein and protein refolding.
Concomitant decline in heat-induced hyperthermia and HSP70 mRNA expression in aged rats
Re-induction of HSP70 synthesis: an assay for thermotolerance
Mutations in cognate genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 result in reduced growth rates at low temperatures
Thermolability of mouse oocytes is due to the lack of expression and/or inducibility of HSP70
HSP70 is essential to the neuroprotective effect of heat-shock
Evidence for presence in the cell wall of Candida albicans of a protein related to the HSP70 family
Differential regulation of HSP70 subfamilies by the eukaryotic DnaJ homologue YDJ1
The preferential translation of Drosophila HSP70 mRNA requires sequences in the untranslated leader
Heat shock proteins: the HSP70 family
Differential requirement for the mitochondrial HSP70‐Tim44 complex in unfolding and translocation of preproteins.
Hsc66, an HSP70 homolog in Escherichia coli, is induced by cold shock but not by heat shock
Expression and localization of Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 cognate proteins
A novel HSP70-like protein (P70) is present in mouse spermatogenic cells
Members of the HSP70 family of proteins in the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Chromosomal Localization of Five Murine HSP70 Gene Family Members: HSP70. 1, HSP70-2, HSP70-3, Hsc70t, and Grp78
Interaction between heat shock factor and HSP70 is insufficient to suppress induction of DNA-binding activity in vivo
The effect of age on the synthesis of two heat shock proteins in the HSP70 family
Cloning and expression of a gene encoding hsc73, the major HSP70‐like protein in unstressed rat cells.
HSP70 in parasites: as an inducible protective protein and as an antigen
Nuclear and nucleolar targeting sequences of c-erb-A, c-myb, N-myc, p53, HSP70, and HIV tat proteins
RNA polymerase II pauses at the 5’end of the transcriptionally induced Drosophila HSP70 gene
The MIM complex mediates preprotein translocationacross the mitochondrial inner membrane and couples it to the mt-HSP70/ATP driving system
Identification of a major subfamily of large HSP70-like proteins through the cloning of the mammalian 110-kDa heat shock protein
Molecular cloning of mtp70, a mitochondrial member of the HSP70 family
A mitochondrial homolog of bacterial GrpE interacts with mitochondrial HSP70 and is essential for viability.
Heat shock-induced translational control of HSP70 and globin synthesis in chicken reticulocytes
Accumulation of HSP70 in juvenile and adult rainbow trout gill exposed to metal‐contaminated water and/or diet
Mutational analysis of the HSP70-interacting protein Hip
HSP70 accumulation in tissues of heat-stressed rats is blunted with advancing age
Interaction of homologues of HSP70 and Cpn60 with ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase upon its import into chloroplasts
E1a transactivation of the human HSP70 promoter is mediated through the basal transcriptional complex
Human heat shock factors 1 and 2 are differentially activated and can synergistically induce HSP70 gene transcription
Vaccinia virus infection induces a stress response that leads to association of HSP70 with viral proteins
Heat shock-induced interactions of heat shock transcription factor and the human HSP70 promoter examined by in vivo footprinting
Isolation of a novel inducible rat heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene and its expression during ischaemia/hypoxia and heat shock
HSP70 in myocardial ischaemia
Drug resistance against gemcitabine and topotecan mediated by constitutive HSP70 overexpression in vitro: implication of quercetin as sensitiser in chemotherapy
Repression of HSP70 heat shock gene transcription by the suppressor of hairy-wing protein of Drosophila melanogaster
Mutational analysis of the human HSP70 protein: distinct domains for nucleolar localization and adenosine triphosphate binding.
Heat shock regulatory elements function as an inducible enhancer in the Xenopus HSP70 gene and when linked to a heterologous promoter
Differential effects of exercise and heat stress on liver HSP70 accumulation with aging
Analysis of the specificity and mechanism of transcriptional activation of the human HSP70 gene during infection by DNA viruses
Multiple basal elements of a human HSP70 promoter function differently in human and rodent cell lines
A gene encoding a DnaK/HSP70 homolog in Escherichia coli
A hypothetical model for the peptide binding domain of HSP70 based on the peptide binding domain of HLA.
Characterization of the HSP70 Multigene Family of Caenorhabditis elegans
Overexpression of major heat shock protein HSP70 inhibits tumor necrosis factor-induced activation of phospholipase A2.
Continuous contractile activity induces fiber type specific expression of HSP70 in skeletal muscle
Localization of the gene encoding human BiP/GRP78, the endoplasmic reticulum cognate of the HSP70 family, to chromosome 9q34
Induction of stress protein HSP70 in nerve cells after status epilepticus in the rat
Transcriptional regulation of an HSP70 heat shock gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mitochondrial GrpE modulates the function of matrix HSP70 in translocation and maturation of preproteins
The Drosophila HSP70 message is rapidly degraded at normal temperatures and stabilized by heat shock
Identification and sequence analysis of a new member of the mouse HSP70 gene family and characterization of its unique cellular and developmental pattern of …
Dynamic interaction between Isp45 and mitochondrial HSP70 in the protein import system of the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane
The nucleotide exchange factor MGE exerts a key function in the ATP‐dependent cycle of mt‐HSP70‐Tim44 interaction driving mitochondrial protein import.
Increased HSF activation in muscles with a high constitutive HSP70 expression
Cell cycle control of the human HSP70 gene: implications for the role of a cellular E1A-like function
Sea urchin egg receptor for sperm: sequence similarity of binding domain and HSP70
Human humoral immunity to HSP70 during Trypanosoma cruzi infection.
Regulation of a yeast HSP70 gene by a cAMP responsive transcriptional control element.
SSI1 encodes a novel HSP70 of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae endoplasmic reticulum
Heat-shock proteins Hsp104 and HSP70 reactivate mRNA splicing after heat inactivation
Molecular cloning of human p48, a transient component of progesterone receptor complexes and an HSP70-binding protein.
Hsp78, a Clp homologue within mitochondria, can substitute for chaperone functions of mt‐HSP70.
Preferential deadenylation of HSP70 mRNA plays a key role in regulating HSP70 expression in Drosophila melanogaster
Induction of 70-kDa heat shock protein and HSP70 mRNA following transient focal cerebral ischemia in the rat
Expression of a heat-inducible gene of the HSP70 family in human myelomonocytic cells: regulation by bacterial products and cytokines
Regulation of HSP70 gene expression during the life cycle of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni
Hormone-free mouse glucocorticoid receptors overexpressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells are localized to the nucleus and are associated with both HSP70 …
The inhibition of petunia HSP70 mRNA processing during CdCl2 stress
A major immunogen in Schistosoma mansoni infections is homologous to the heat-shock protein HSP70.
Regulation of heat‐shock genes: a DNA sequence upstream of Drosophila HSP70 genes is essential for their induction in monkey cells.
Induction of cellular HSP70 expression by human cytomegalovirus
Genetic and environmental regulation of HSP70 expression
Quantitation of HSP70 in tissues using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Human heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) protects murine cells from injury during metabolic stress.
Cytoplasmic HSP70 homologues of pea: differential expression in vegetative and embryonic organs
A head-to-tail tandem organization of HSP70 genes in Trypanosoma cruzi
Maximal stress-induced transcription from the human HSP70 promoter requires interactions with the basal promoter elements independent of rotational alignment
Cloning of Giardia lamblia heat shock protein HSP70 homologs: implications regarding origin of eukaryotic cells and of endoplasmic reticulum.
Stable high level expression of a transfected human HSP70 gene protects a heart-derived muscle cell line against thermal stress
Isolation and characterization of a soybean HSP70 gene
The RNA polymerase II molecule at the 5′ end of the uninduced HSP70 gene of D. melanogaster is transcriptionally engaged
Characterization of the protein-protein interactions determining the heat shock protein (hsp90. HSP70. hsp56) heterocomplex
Cis-acting elements involved in the regulated expression of a human HSP70 gene
Regulation of HSP70 expression in Trypanosoma cruzi by temperature and growth phase
Species-and tissue-specific synthesis patterns for heat-shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in several marine teleost fishes
The mitochondrial ClpB homolog Hsp78 cooperates with matrix HSP70 in maintenance of mitochondrial function
The major histocompatibility complex region marked by HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 variants is associated with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis in two different …
The 72K IE1 and 80K IE2 proteins of human cytomegalovirus independently trans-activate the c-fos, c-myc and HSP70 promoters via basal promoter elements
Differences in adaptive stabilization of structures in response to stress and hypoxia relate with the accumulation of HSP70 isoforms
A novel, soluble form of phytoene desaturase from Narcissus pseudonarcissus chromoplasts is HSP70‐complexed and competent for flavinylation, membrane …
Characterization of an HSP70 Cognate Gene Family in Arabidopsis
The dissociation of ATP from HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is stimulated by both Ydj1p and peptide substrates
Differential Expression and Regulation of HSP70 and hsp90 by Phorbol Esters and Heat Shock∗
Chromosomal location of human genes encoding major heat-shock protein HSP70
Factor substitution in a human HSP70 gene promoter: TATA-dependent and TATA-independent interactions
Precursor proteins in transit through mitochondrial contact sites interact with HSP70 in the matrix
Heat shock proteins hsp90 and HSP70 protect neuronal cells from thermal stress but not from programmed cell death
Atherosclerosis alters the localization of HSP70 in human and macaque aortas
HSP70 overexpression mediates the escape of a doxorubicin-induced G2 cell cycle arrest
Co-segregation of tumor immunogenicity with expression of inducible but not constitutive HSP70 in rat colon carcinomas.
Response of heat shock element within the human HSP70 promoter to mutated p53 genes.
Cloning and Analysis of a Cryptosporidium parvum Gene Encoding a Protein with Homology to Cytoplasmic Form HSP70
Two transcriptional activators, CCAAT-box-binding transcription factor and heat shock transcription factor, interact with a human HSP70 gene promoter
Induction of HSP70 gene expression by modulation of Ca+2 ion and cellular p53 protein by curcumin in colorectal carcinoma cells
Effect of betaine on HSP70 expression and cell survival during adaptation to osmotic stress
A mechanism of glycine and alanine cytoprotective action: stimulation of stress-induced HSP70 mRNA
Induction of HSP70 mRNA after transient ischemia in gerbil brain
Heat shock protein HSP70 cognate gene expression in vegetative and reproductive organs of Lycopersicon esculentum
cDNA cloning and expression of stress‐inducible rat HSP70 normal and injured rat brain
Organization of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 heat shock regulation unit
In vivo hyperthermia induces expression of HSP70 mRNA in brain regions controlling the neuroendocrine response to stress
Conserved sequences and transcription of the HSP70 gene family in Trypanosoma brucei
Regulation of chemical stress-induced HSP70 gene expression in murine L929 cells
Antibody responses to the chlamydial heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70 are H-2 linked
Sequence and genomic organization of the HSP70 genes of Leishmania amazonensis
The potential role of HSP70 as an indicator of response to radiation and hyperthermia treatments for recurrent breast cancer
The delta psi‐and HSP70/MIM44‐dependent reaction cycle driving early steps of protein import into mitochondria.
Uncoating of coated vesicles by yeast HSP70 proteins.
Cloning and expression of a heat‐inducible HSP70 gene in two species of Hydra which differ in their stress response
Morphometric Analysis of the Growth of PHSP70-ipt Transgenic Tobacco Plants
Heat shock protein HSP70 accelerates the recovery of heat-shocked mammalian cells through its modulation of heat shock transcription factor HSF1
Haloperidol prevents ketamine-and phencyclidine-induced HSP70 protein expression but not microglial activation
Binding sites for HSP70 molecular chaperones in natural proteins
Oxidized LDL induce HSP70 expression in human smooth muscle cells
Molecular cloning of a novel human HSP70 from a B cell line and its assignment to chromosome 5.
HSP27 and HSP70 increase the survival of WEHI-S cells exposed to hyperthermia
HSP70 heat shock protein induction following global ischemia in the rat
Constitutive HSP70: oligomerization and its dependence on ATP binding
Expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in endometrial carcinomas: correlation with clinicopathology, sex steroid receptor status, and p53 protein …
Expression of heat shock genes (HSP70) in the rabbit spinal cord: Localization of constitutive and hyperthermia‐inducible mRNA species
HSP70 mRNA translation in chicken reticulocytes is regulated at the level of elongation.
The heat-shock phenomenon in cultured cells of rainbow trout HSP70 mRNA synthesis and turnover
Evaluation of genetic divergence among Borrelia burgdorferi isolates by use of OspA, fla, HSP60, and HSP70 gene probes
Induction of c-fos, junB, c-jun, and HSP70 mRNA in cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia, and hippocampus following middle cerebral artery occlusion
HSP70 mRNA induction is reduced in neurons of aged rat hippocampus after thermal stress
Differential expression of HSP70 stress proteins in human endothelial cells exposed to heat shock and hydrogen peroxide
Stress response of senescent T lymphocytes reduced HSP70 is independent of the proliferative block
A member of the HSP70 family is localized in mitochondria and resembles Escherichia coli DnaK
Haloperidol prevents induction of the HSP70 heat shock gene in neurons injured by phencyclidine (PCP), MK801, and ketamine
Expression of HSP70 gene in lymphocytes from normotensive and hypertensive humans
Expression of HSP70-related gene in developing and degenerating rat testis
Heat shock and light activation of aChlamydomonas HSP70 gene are mediated by independent regulatory pathways
Positive and negative regulation of basal expression of a yeast HSP70 gene
Developmental-stage-specific expression of the HSP70 gene family during differentiation of the mammalian male germ line
A cloned human CCAAT-box-binding factor stimulates transcription from the human HSP70 promoter
HSP70 heat shock protein cognate is expressed and stored in developing tomato pollen
Newly imported Rieske iron-sulfur protein associates with both Cpn60 and HSP70 in the chloroplast stroma.
Regulation of HSP70 mRNA levels during oocyte maturation and zygotic gene activation in the mouse
Progressive maturation of chromatin structure regulates HSP70. 1 gene expression in the preimplantation mouse embryo
Transient Acquired Thermotolerance in Drosophila, Correlated with Rapid Degradation of HSP70 During Recovery
Identification of cytosolic peroxisome proliferator binding protein as a member of the heat shock protein HSP70 family.
Expression of human HSP70 in rat fibroblasts enhances cell survival and facilitates recovery from translational and transcriptional inhibition following heat shock
Chromosomal localization of HSP70 genes in cattle
Mutation in a heat‐regulated HSP70 gene of Ustilago maydis.
Deficient induction of human HSP70 heat shock gene transcription in Y79 retinoblastoma cells despite activation of heat shock factor 1
Extensive regions of homology in front of the two HSP70 heat shock variant genes in Drosophila melanogaster
Expression of heat shock genes (HSP70) in the mammalian brain: Distinguishing constitutively expressed and hyperthermia‐inducible mRNA species
HSP70 in mitochondrial biogenesis: from chaperoning nascent polypeptide chains to facilitation of protein degradation
Effect of vitamin E deprivation and exercise training on induction of HSP70
Identification of two HSP70-related Xenopus oocyte proteins that are capable of recycling across the nuclear envelope.
Phencyclidine induction of the HSP70 stress gene in injured pyramidal neurons is mediated via multiple receptors and voltage gated calcium channels
Expression of the Drosophila white gene under the control of the HSP70 heat shock promoter
The Mitochondrial Protein Import Machinery: ROLE OF ATP IN DISSOCIATION OF THE HSP70• Mim44 COMPLEX
Conservation of the central MHC genome: PFGE mapping and RFLP analysis of complement, HSP70, and TNF genes in the goat
Endotoxin induces cardiac HSP70 and resistance to endotoxemic myocardial depression in rats
The presence of a nucleomorph HSP70 gene is a common feature of Cryptophyta and Chlorarachniophyta
Isolation and characterization of extragenic suppressors of mutations in the SSA HSP70 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
ATPase activity associated with the uncoating of clathrin baskets by HSP70.
Subcellular localization and chaperone activities of Borrelia burgdorferi Hsp60 and HSP70
Cell cycle variation of HSP70 levels in HeLa cells at 37 C and after a heat shock
Selective inhibition of virus protein synthesis by prostaglandin A1: a translational block associated with HSP70 synthesis
Induction of HSP70 in rat brain following subarachnoid hemorrhage produced by endovascular perforation
Polymorphic analysis of the human MHC‐linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70‐2) and HSP70‐Hom genes in insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
Post-transcriptional control of HSP70 mRNA in Trypanosoma brucei
Modulation of thermal induction of HSP70 expression by Ku autoantigen or its individual subunits
Characteristics of an HSP70 homolog localized in higher plant chloroplasts that is similar to DnaK, the HSP70 of prokaryotes
Isolation of HSP70-binding proteins from bovine muscle
Regulation of HSP70 synthesis induced by cupric sulfate and zinc sulfate in thermotolerant HeLa cells
Progesterone enhances target gene transcription by receptor free of heat shock proteins hsp90, hsp56, and HSP70
A heat shock transcription factor with reduced activity suppresses a yeast HSP70 mutant
Recombinant Leishmania Hsp90 and HSP70 are recognized by sera from visceral leishmaniasis patients but not Chagas’ disease patients
HSP70 genes are linked to the Xenopus major histocompatibility complex
Transcription factor Sp1 binds to and activates a human HSP70 gene promoter
Combinatory effects of temperature stress and nonionic organic pollutants on stress protein (HSP70) gene expression in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis
Conserved ATPase and luciferase refolding activities between bacteria and yeast HSP70 chaperones and modulators
Astrocyte survival and HSP70 heat shock protein induction following heat shock and acidosis
Maturation of polycistronic pre-mRNA in Trypanosoma brucei: analysis of trans splicing and poly (A) addition at nascent RNA transcripts from the HSP70 locus
Antibodies and reactive T cells against the malaria heat-shock protein Pf72/HSP70-1 and derived peptides in individuals continuously exposed to Plasmodium …
Hemin-induced transcriptional activation of the HSP70 gene during erythroid maturation in K562 cells is due to a heat shock factor-mediated stress response
Autoantibodies to the constitutive 73-kD member of the HSP70 family of heat shock proteins in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Mice chronically exposed to low dose ionizing radiation possess splenocytes with elevated levels of HSP70 mRNA, HSC70 and HSP72 and with an increased …
HSP70 mRNA expression in heat-stressed chickens
Transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of avian HSP70 gene expression.
Mapping of the linear antigenic determinants of the Leishmania infantum HSP70 recognized by leishmaniasis sera
Mitochondrial import of subunit Va of cytochrome c oxidase characterized with yeast mutants: independence from receptors, but requirement for matrix HSP70 …
Adenovirus capsid proteins interact with HSP70 proteins after penetration in human or rodent cells
Coexpression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNAs in gerbil brain after ischemia: induction threshold, distribution and time course evaluated by in situ hybridization
Heat shock of Escherichia coli increases binding of dnaK (the HSP70 homolog) to polypeptides by promoting its phosphorylation
Heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70: their roles in folding, assembly and membrane translocation of proteins.
Stromal factor plays an essential role in protein integration into thylakoids that cannot be replaced by unfolding or by heat shock protein HSP70
Association of HSP70 with the adenovirus type 5 fiber protein in infected HEp-2 cells
HSP70: a carrier molecule with built-in adjuvanticity
Characterisation of PHSP1, a cDNA encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 fromPisum sativum
Differential regulation of HSC70, HSP70, HSP90α, and HSP90β mRNA expression by mitogen activation and heat shock in human lymphocytes
Immunohistochemical localization of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in the human endometrium: correlation with sex steroid receptors and Ki-67 antigen …
Role of cytosolic Ca2+ and protein kinases in the induction of the HSP70 gene
Liposomal Delivery of Purified Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Into Rat Pancreatic Islets as Protection Against Interleukin 1β–Induced Impaired β-Cell Function
Suppression of heat-induced HSP70 expression by the 70-kDa subunit of the human Ku autoantigen
TATA-box dependent trans-activation of the human HSP70 promoter by Myb proteins.
Control of HSP70 RNA levels in human lymphocytes.
Molecular chaperones in pancreatic tissue: the presence of cpn10, cpn60 and HSP70 in distinct compartments along the secretory pathway of the acinar cells
Cooperative binding of heat shock transcription factor to the HSP70 promoter in vivo and in vitro.
Genetic polymorphisms of the TNFB and HSP70 genes located in the human major histocompatibility complex in sarcoidosis
Involvement of a chloroplast HSP70 heat shock protein in the integration of a protein (light-harvesting complex protein precursor) into the thylakoid membrane.
Structure of a gene encoding heat-shock protein HSP70 from the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Insulin-induced expression of human heat-shock protein gene HSP70
N-Ethylmaleimide inactivates a nucleotide-free HSP70 molecular chaperone
An RNA polymerase II promoter in the HSP70 locus of Trypanosoma brucei
Sequential folding of UmuC by the HSP70 and Hsp60 chaperone complexes of Escherichia coli.
Molecular characterization and outer membrane association of a Chlamydia trachomatis protein related to the HSP70 family of proteins.
No Independent Association Between HSP70 Gene Polymorphism and IDDM
Temporal and spatial distribution of heat shock mRNA and protein (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum in response to hyperthermia
Acceleration of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock gene expression following transient ischemia in the preconditioned gerbil hippocampus
During canine viscero-cutaneous leishmaniasis the anti-HSP70 antibodies are specifically elicited by the parasite protein
Biochemical analysis of heat-resistant mouse tumor cell strains: a new member of the HSP70 family
HSP70 family molecular chaperones and mutant insulin receptor: differential binding specificities of BiP and HSP70/Hsc70 determines accumulation or degradation of …
p53-HSP70 complexes in oral dysplasia and cancer: potential prognostic implications
Exogenous heat shock protein HSP70 activates potassium channels in U937 cells
Analyses of promoter-proximal pausing by RNA polymerase II on the HSP70 heat shock gene promoter in a Drosophila nuclear extract
Exogenous HSP70 becomes cell associated, but not internalized, by stressed arterial smooth muscle cells
Conformations of the nucleotide and polypeptide binding domains of a cytosolic HSP70 molecular chaperone are coupled
Mutations in a gene encoding a new HSP70 suppress rapid DNA inversion and bgl activation, but not proU derepression, in hns-1 mutant Escherichia coli
Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding the major HSP70 of the pea chloroplastic stroma
The growth transformation of human B cells involves superinduction of HSP70 and hsp90
Induction of HSP70 by prostaglandins
Interaction between HSP70 and hsp40, eukaryotic homologues of DnaK and DnaJ, in human cells expressing mutant-type p53
Restriction fragment length polymorphism of HSP70 gene, localized in the RT1 complex, is associated with hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Comparative analysis of the three major histocompatibility complex-linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the rat
Mapping of a visceral leishmaniasis-specific immunodominant B-cell epitope of Leishmania donovani HSP70
Induction of HSP70 gene expression by the antiproliferative prostaglandin PGA2: a growth-dependent response mediated by activation of heat shock transcription …
Mouse heat shock transcription factors 1 and 2 prefer a trimeric binding site but interact differently with the HSP70 heat shock element
Localization of a mouse heat shock HSP70 gene within the H-2 complex
Transforming growth factor‐β1 rapidly induces HSP70 and Hsp90 molecular chaperones in cultured chicken embryo cells
Monovalent cation selectivity for ATP-dependent association of the glucocorticoid receptor with HSP70 and hsp90.
Three high-lysine mutations control the level of ATP-binding HSP70-like proteins in the maize endosperm.
The E1A 13S product of adenovirus 5 activates transcription of the cellular human HSP70 gene
Construction of a heat‐inducible gene for plants. Demonstration of heat‐inducible activity of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter in plants
… of homeotic protein function can determine developmental identity: evidence from low‐level expression of the Drosophila homeotic gene proboscipedia under HSP70 …
Molecular cloning of two new heat shock genes related to the HSP70 genes in Staphylococcus aureus
Interleukin-1β induces the expression of HSP70, heme oxygenase and Mn-SOD in FACS-purified rat islet β-cells, but not in α-cells
Three HSP70 genes are located in the C4-H-2D region: possible candidates for the Orch-1 locus
Identification of a 60-kilodalton stress-related protein, p60, which interacts with hsp90 and HSP70
Binding of polyomavirus large T antigen to the human HSP70 promoter is not required for trans activation
The heat shock consensus sequence is not sufficient for HSP70 gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster
HSP70‐related 65 kDa protein of beet yellows closterovirus is a microtubule‐binding protein
Human endothelial cells exposed to oxidized LDL express HSP70 only when proliferating
Disease association of antibodies to human and mycobacterial HSP70 and hsp60 stress proteins
In vitro assembly of multiprotein complexes containing alpha, beta, and gamma tubulin, heat shock protein HSP70, and elongation factor 1 alpha
Prolonged Expression of HSP70 mRNA following Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing CuZn-Superoxide Dismutase
Cloning and sequencing of an HSP70 gene of Schistosoma mansoni
Sequence and Structure Determinants of Drosophila HSP70 mRNA Translation: 5′-UTR Secondary Structure Specifically Inhibits Heat Shock Protein mRNA …
Nuclear colocalization of cellular and viral myc proteins with HSP70 in myc-overexpressing cells
Heat-inducible rice hsp82 and HSP70 are not always co-regulated
Expression of a testis-specific HSP70 gene-related RNA in defined stages of rat seminiferous epithelium.
Heat shock (HSP70) and resistance proteins in non-small cell lung carcinomas
Differential expression of heat‐shock proteins and spontaneous synthesis of HSP70 during the life cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii
Erythroid lineage-specific expression and inducibility of the major heat shock protein HSP70 during avian embryogenesis.
Structure and expression of an inducible HSP70-encoding gene from Mus musculus
The HSP70 gene CCAAT-binding factor mediates transcriptional activation by the adenovirus E1a protein
Isolation of four HSP70 genes in the pig and localization on chromosomes 7 and 14
A human gene family with sequence homology to Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 heat shock genes.
DNA fragmentation and HSP70 protein induction in hippocampus and cortex occurs in separate neurons following permanent middle cerebral artery occlusions
The HSP70 gene family of Neurospora crassa: cloning, sequence analysis, expression, and genetic mapping of the major stress-inducible member
The mitochondrial protein import motor: dissociation of mitochondrial HSP70 from its membrane anchor requires ATP binding rather than ATP hydrolysis
HSP70‐related proteins in bovine skeletal muscle
Quantitative evidence that both Hsc70 and HSP70 contribute to thermal adaptation in hybrids of the livebearing fishes Poeciliopsis
Analysis of heat shock element recognition by saturation mutagenesis of the human HSP70. 1 gene promoter.
Modulation of cell growth and mutation induction by introduction of the expression vector of human HSP70 gene
Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 heat shock elements are functionally distinct
A CCAAT box confers cell-type-specific regulation on the Xenopus HSP70 gene in oocytes
c-myc protein complex binds to two sites in human HSP70 promoter region
Differential expression of HSP70 proteins in response to heat and cadmium in Caenorhabditis elegans
Expression of HSP70 mRNA in the embryonic chicken lens: association with differentiation
HSP70 binds specifically to a peptide derived from the highly conserved domain (I) region of p53
Scaffold attachment regions stimulate HSP70. 1 expression in mouse preimplantation embryos but not in differentiated tissues
MSl3, a multicopy suppressor of mutants hyperactivated in the RAS-CAMP pathway, encodes a novel HSP70 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Putative 65 kDa protein of beet yellows closterovirus is a homologue of HSP70 heat shock proteins
Comparison of flow cytometry and western blotting to measure HSP70
Localization of c-fos, c-jun, and HSP70 mRNA expression in brain after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
Yge1p, a eukaryotic Grp-E homolog, is localized in the mitochondrial matrix and interacts with mitochondrial HSP70
DNQX inhibits phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine induction of the HSP70 heat shock gene in the rat cingulate and retrosplenial cortex
Isolation and nucleotide sequence analysis of the rat testis-specific major heat-shock protein (HSP70)-related gene
Is HSP70 involved in nitric oxide-induced protection of the heart?
Isolation and characterization of human HSP70 expressed in Escherichia coli
Increased serum levels of IgA antibodies to HSP70 protein in patients with diabetes mellitus: their relationship with vascular complications
Interleukin-1β depletes insulin messenger ribonucleic acid and increases the heat shock protein HSP70 in mouse pancreatic islets without impairing the glucose …
A deletion of the 3’end of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 gene increases stability of mutant mRNA during recovery from heat shock
HSP86 and HSP84 exhibit cellular specificity of expression and co‐precipitate with an HSP70 family member in the murine testis
Individuals from Different Populations Identify Multiple and Diverse T‐Cell Determinants on Mycobacterial HSP70
Induction of HSP70 is associated with vincristine resistance in heat-shocked 9L rat brain tumour cells
Mitochondrial HSP60 (P1 protein) and a HSP70-like protein (mortalin) are major targets for modification during S-(1, 1, 2, 2-tetrafluoroethyl)-L-cysteine-induced …
Multiple p53 protein isoforms and formation of oligomeric complexes with heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 in the human mammary tumor, T47D, cell line.
Synthesis of trypanosome HSP70 mRNA is resistant to disruption of trans-splicing by heat shock
Induction of HSP70 proteins in mussels by ingestion of tributyltin
Activity of the HSP70 chaperone complex–DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE–in initiating phage lambda DNA replication by sequestering and releasing lambda P protein
Constitutive expression of a somatic heat-inducible HSP70 gene during amphibian oogenesis
Cer1p, a novel HSP70-related protein required for posttranslational endoplasmic reticulum translocation in yeast
Transcript levels and translational control of HSP70 synthesis in Xenopus oocytes.
A HSP70-related gene is constitutively highly expressed in testis of rat and mouse
Mammalian stress proteins HSP70 and HSP28 coinduced by nicotine and either ethanol or heat
Mouse and human chromosomal assignments of mortalin, a novel member of the murine HSP70 family of proteins
Butyrate induced apoptosis in lymphoid cells preceded by transient over-expression of HSP70 mRNA
Effect of staurosporine on the transcription of HSP70 heat shock gene in HT-29 cells
Effects of low culture temperature on the induction of HSP70 mRNA and the accumulation of HSP70 and hsp105 in mouse FM3A cells
A unique intron-containing HSP70 gene induced by heat shock and during sporulation in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii
Cloning, nucleotide sequence and expression of rat heat inducible HSP70 gene
The plastid genome of Cryptomonas phi encodes an HSP70-like protein, a histone-like protein, and an acyl carrier protein
HSP70 is localized to the centrosome of dividing HeLa cells
Strong genetic association between HLA-DR3 and a polymorphic variation in the regulatory region of the HSP70-1 gene
Identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding a HSP70‐related protein belonging to the HSP110/SSE1 subfamily
Transcription factor TFIID recognizes DNA sequences downstream of the TATA element in the HSP70 heat shock gene
Expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA after traumatic brain injury in transgenic mice overexpressing CuZn-superoxide dismutase
Characterization and Cellular Distribution of Heat-Shock Proteins HSP70 and HSP60 inTrypanosoma cruzi
HSP70 proteins, similar to Escherichia coli DnaK, in chloroplasts and mitochondria of Euglena gracilis
HSP70 gene expression in mouse lung cells upon chronic γ-irradiation
Relationship between the induction of proteins in the HSP70 family and thermosensitivity in two species of Oryzias (Pisces)
The sorting signal of cytochrome b2 promotes early divergence from the general mitochondrial import pathway and restricts the unfoldase activity of matrix HSP70.
Role of chromatin and Xenopus laevis heat shock transcription factor in regulation of transcription from the X. laevis HSP70 promoter in vivo
Subarachnoid Injections of Lysed Blood Induce the HSP70 Stress Gene and Produce DNA Fragmentation in Focal Areas of the Rat Brain
Analysis of the cytosolic HSP70 gene family inZea mays
Identification of an HSP70-related protein associated with the centrosome from dinoflagellates to human cells
The HSP70 heat‐shock gene family of the mosquito Anopheles albimanus
Identification of a protein altered in mutants resistant to microtubule inhibitors as a member of the major heat shock protein (HSP70) family
An essential member of the HSP70 gene family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is homologous to immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein.
Induction of glucose regulated protein (grp78) and inducible heat shock protein (HSP70) mRNAs in rat brain after kainic acid seizures and focal ischemia
Humoral immune response to the chlamydial heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70 in Chlamydia -associated chronic salpingitis with tubal occlusion
Induction of the human growth hormone gene placed under human HSP70 promoter control in mouse cells: a quantitative indicator of metal toxicity
Analysis of topoisomerase I and II cleavage sites on the Drosophila actin and HSP70 heat shock genes
Mapping of antigenic determinants of the T. cruzi HSP70 in chagasic and healthy individuals
Stable transformation of mosquito cell lines using a HSP70:: neo fusion gene
A hypersensitive site in HSP70 chromatin requires adjacent not internal DNA sequence
Single copy Babesia microti HSP70
Borrelia burgdorferi HSP70 homolog: characterization of an immunoreactive stress protein
Decreased expression of the stress protein HSP70 is an early event in murine erythroleukemic cell differentiation
The preconditioned hippocampus accelerates HSP70 heat shock gene expression following transient ischemia in the gerbil
Chemical modifications of a recombinant bovine stress-inducible 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70) mimics HSP70 isoforms from tissues
Stable expression of a human HSP70 gene in a rat myogenic cell line confers protection against endotoxin
Methylation-associated transcriptional silencing of the major histocompatibility complex-linked HSP70 genes in mouse cell lines
A new dominant selectable marker for genetic transformation; HSP70-opd
Schwann cells are able to present exogenous mycobacterial HSP70 to antigen-specific T lymphocytes
Mouse and Drosophila genes encoding the major heat shock protein (HSP70) are highly conserved
Immunization with the malaria heat shock like protein HSP70-1 enhances transmission to the mosquito
Expression of Heat Shock Genes (HSP70) in the Mammalian Nervous System
Structural Features of the Precursor to Mitochondrial Aspartate Aminotransferase Responsible for Binding to HSP70 (∗)
Mapping of HSP70‐binding sites on protein antigens
Roles for HSP70 in protein translocation across membranes of organelles
Memantine induces heat shock protein HSP70 in the posterior cingulate cortex, retrosplenial cortex and dentate gyrus of rat brain
Heat-shock disruption of trans-splicing in trypanosomes: effect on HSP70, Hsp85 and tubulin mRNA synthesis
Cotranslocation and colocalization of hsp40 (DnaJ) with HSP70 (DnaK) in mammalian cells
Induction of HSP70 mRNA and HSP70 protein in the hippocampus of the developing gerbil following transient forebrain ischemia
Cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation of the HSP70 protein during environmental stress in Trypanosoma cruzi
A susceptibility gene for alveolar lung tumors in the mouse maps between HSP70. 3 and G7 within the H2 complex
Inhibitory effects of HSP70 chaperones on nascent polypeptides
Time course and regional expression of C‐FOS and HSP70 in hippocampus and piriform cortex following soman‐induced seizures
Inducible transcription and puffing in Drosophila melanogaster transformed with HSP70-phage lambda hybrid heat shock genes
Selective postmortem degradation of inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mRNAs in rat brain
Cyclophilin 20 is involved in mitochondrial protein folding in cooperation with molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60
The effect of ethanol on HSP70 in cultured rat glial cells and in brain areas of rat pups exposed to ethanol in utero
The hsc70 gene which is slightly induced by heat is the main virus inducible member of the HSP70 gene family
Activation by heat shock of HSP70 gene transcription in sea urchin embryos
Structure and expression of a gene encoding heat-shock protein HSP70 from the Oomycete fungus Bremia lactucae
C-terminal trimerization, but not N-terminal trimerization, of the reovirus cell attachment protein is a posttranslational and HSP70/ATP-dependent process
Human major HSP70 protein complements the localization and functional defects of cytoplasmic mutant SV40 T antigen in Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.
Complement C4 and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genotypes and type I diabetes mellitus
Human cytomegalovirus immediate-early 2 (IE2) protein can transactivate the human HSP70 promoter by alleviation of Dr1-mediated repression
Cloning of the HSP70 (dnaK) genes from Rhizobium meliloti and Pseudomonas cepacia: phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial origin based on a highly conserved …
Trigeminal ganglion neurons are protected by the heat shock proteins HSP70 and hsp90 from thermal stress but not from programmed cell death following nerve …
HLA‐linked heat‐shock protein 70 (HSP70–2) gene polymorphism and celiac disease
Complete nucleotide sequence of the HSP70 gene of T. cruzi.
Relative abundance of bovine HSP70 mRNA and protein
Epitope tagging of the human endoplasmic reticulum HSP70 protein, BiP, to facilitate analysis of BiP-substrate interactions
Heat shock HSP70 protein is chloroplast-encoded in the chromophytic alga Pavlova lutherii
UV cross-linking identifies four polypeptides that require the TATA box to bind to the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
Effects of expressing human HSP70 and its deletion derivatives on heat killing and on RNA and protein synthesis
Interleukin-1β increases the biosynthesis of the heat shock protein HSP70 and selectively decreases the biosynthesis of five proteins in rat pancreatic islets
TATA-dependent and TATA-independent function of the basal and heat shock elements of a human HSP70 promoter
Key of induced tolerance to ischaemia in gerbil hippocampal CA1 is not at transcriptional level of HSP70 gene: In situ hybridization of HSP70 mRNA
Study of heat shock protein HSP90α, HSP70, HSP27 mRNA expression in human acute leukemia cells
E1a transactivation of human HSP70 gene promoter substitution mutants is independent of the composition of upstream and TATA elements
Cloning of HSP70 (dnaK) gene from Clostridium perfringens using a general polymerase chain reaction based approach
Different HSP70 expression and cell survival during adaptive responses of 3T3 and transformed 3T3 cells to osmotic stress
The non-induction of HSP70 in heat shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila larvae is not due to constitutive presence of HSP70 or hsc70
Modification of two distinct COOH-terminal domains is required for murine p53 activation by bacterial HSP70
Reversible nucleolar translocation of Epstein—Barr virus-encoded EBNA-5 and HSP70 proteins after exposure to heat shock or cell density congestion
A Drosophila HSP70 gene contains long, antiparallel, coupled open reading frames (LAC ORFs) conserved in homologous loci
The heat shock factor and mitochondrial HSP70 are necessary for survival of heat shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Heat shock response in the liver: Expression and regulation of the HSP70 gene family and early response genes after in vivo hyperthermia
Characterization of an HSP70 gene from the human filarial parasite, Brugia malayi (Nematoda)
The 170 kDa glucose regulated stress protein is a large HSP70-HSP110-like protein of the endoplasmic reticulum
Nuclear colocalization of c-myc protein and HSP70 in cells transfected with human wild-type and mutant c-myc genes
Susceptibility of AML cells to in vitro apoptosis correlates with heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression
Regulation of two different HSP70 transcript populations in steroid hormone‐induced fungal development
The occurrence of HSP70 in the outer membrane of plant mitochondria
Gametic association of HSP70‐1 promoter region alleles and their inclusion in extended HLA haplotypes
Regional difference of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA inductions in rat hippocampus after transient global ischemia
Regulation of chicken HSP70 and Hsp90 family gene expression by transforming growth factor‐β1
Development of thermotolerance in HSP70 induction-defective mutant of NRK cells
HSP70RY: further characterization of a novel member of the HSP70 protein family
Evidence for segmental gene conversion between a cognate HSP70 gene and the temperature-sensitively transcribed HSP70 genes of Trypanosoma brucei
Distribution of constitutive-and hyperthermia-inducible heat shock mRNA species (HSP70) in the Purkinje layer of the rabbit cerebellum
Inhibition of HSP70 expression by calcium ionophore A23187 in human cells: an effect independent of the acquisition of DNA-binding activity by the heat …
Characterization of a new member of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus HSP70 gene family and its expression
HSP70-1 promoter region alleles and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis.
Small subclass of rat olfactory neurons with specific bulbar projections is reactive with monoclonal antibodies to the HSP70 heat shock protein
Time course of induction of a heat shock gene (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum after LSD in vivo: involvement of drug-induced hyperthermia
Basal expression of stress-inducible HSP70 mRNA detected in hippocampal and cortical neurons of normal rabbit brain
Regulation of HSP70 and HSP28 gene expression: absence of compensatory interactions
Different thresholds of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA induction in post-ischemic gerbil brain
A rat testis-specific HSP70 gene-related transcript is coded by a novel gene from the HSP70 multigene family.
Ability of various members of the HSP70 family of chaperones to promote assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor into a functional heterocomplex with hsp90
HSP70 translocates into a cytoplasmic aggregate during lymphocyte activation
The major heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene family: related sequences in mouse, Drosophila, and yeast
Analysis of 70 KD heat shock protein (HSP70) expression in the lesional skin of lupus erythematosus (LE) and LE related diseases
Differences in preferential synthesis and redistribution of HSP70 and HSP28 families by heat or sodium arsenite in Chinese hamster ovary cells
HSP70 synthesis in Schwann cells in response to heat shock and infection with Mycobacterium leprae
Abnormal HSP70 gene expression: its potential key role in metabolic defects in hypertension.
An HSP70 homolog is encoded on the plastid genome of the red alga, Porphyra umbilicalis
Differential relocalization of each member of HSP70 and Hsp28 families during chronic heating
Expression of c-fos, c-jun and HSP70 mRNA in rat brain following high acceleration stress.
HSP70-2 9.0 kb variant is in linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-B and DRB1 alleles associated with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis.
Thermotolerance and heat shock proteins: possible involvement of Ku autoantigen in regulating HSP70 expression
Heat shock stress is deleterious to CNS cultured neurons microinjected with anti-HSP70 antibodies
Dominant role of the second heat shock element in expression of the HSP70–1 gene in rat liver after whole body hyperthermia
cAMP increasing agents prevent the stimulation of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression by cadmium chloride in human myeloid cell lines
Polymorphism of HSP70 gene is not associated with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in Japanese
Sequence of a sea urchin HSP70 gene and its 5′ flanking region
Evidence that the 90-kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) exists in cytosol in heteromeric complexes containing HSP70 and three other proteins with Mr of 63,000 …
Herpes simplex virus‐induced expression of 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) requires early protein synthesis but not viral DNA replication
DNA sequence analysis reveals extensive homologies of regions preceding HSP70 and αβ heat shock genes in Drosophila melanogaster
Role of HSP70 synthesis in the fate of the insulin‐receptor complex after heat shock in cultured fetal hepatocytes
Secretory granules in the cytoplasm of a wall-less mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain processed light-harvesting complex apoproteins and HSP70
Conserved function in Nicotiana tabacum of a single Drosophila HSP70 promoter heat shock element when fused to a minimal T-DNA promoter
Monoclonal antibody recognition and function of a DnaK (HSP70) epitope found in gram-negative bacteria
Sense and antisense transcripts of the developmentally regulated murine HSP70. 2 gene are expressed in distinct and only partially overlapping areas in the adult …
Localization of constitutive and hyperthermia‐inducible heat shock mRNAs (hsc70 and HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum and brainstem by non‐radioactive in situ …
Wounding regulates polysomal incorporation of HSP70 and tch1 transcripts during signal storage and retrieval
Evolutionary implications of a complex pattern of DNA sequence homology extending far upstream of the HSP70 genes at loci 87A7 and 87C1 in Drosophila …
Accelerated recovery of postischemic stunned myocardium after induced expression of myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP70)
An avian αB-crystallin: Non-lens expression and sequence similarities with both small (HSP27) and large (HSP70) heat shock proteins
Human stress protein HSP70: overexpression in E. coli, purification and characterization
Intracellular localization of heat shock mRNAs (hsc70 and HSP70) to neural cell bodies and processes in the control and hyperthermic rabbit brain
Distinct transcripts are recognized by sense and antisense riboprobes for a member of the murine HSP70 gene family, HSP70. 2, in various reproductive tissues
Expression of the stress-70 protein family (HSP70) due to heavy metal contamination in the slug, Deroceras reticulatum: an approach to monitor sublethal stress …
Expression of HSP70 induced in CHO cells by 45.0 C hyperthermia is cell cycle associated and DNA synthesis dependent
Dissociation of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA inductions as an early biochemical marker of ischemic neuronal death
HSP70 mRNA accumulates in LLC-PK1 pig kidney cells treated with calcitonin but not with 8-bromo-cyclic AMP.
The role of HSP70 and IP3-DAG mechanism in the adaptive stabilization of structures and heart protection
Cloning and characterization of cDNAs for 70-kDa heat-shock proteins (HSP70) from two fish species of the genus Oryzias
Binding of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) to tubulin
Genomic footprinting of the HSP70 and histone H3 promoters in Drosophila embryos reveals novel protein-DNA interactions
Calbindin D28K‐containing neurons, and not HSP70‐expressing neurons, are more resistant to HIV‐1 envelope (gp120) toxicity in cortical cell cultures
Differential expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) mRNAs in rat cells
Effect of age and busulphan treatment on the HSP70 gene‐related transcript level in rat testes
Increased accumulation of HSP70 messenger RNA due to enhanced activation of heat-shock transcription factor in spontaneously hypertensive rats
The kinetics of HIV‐1 long terminal repeat transcriptional activation resemble those of HSP70 promoter in heat‐shock treated HeLa cells
Heat shock-induced accumulation of 70-kDa stress protein (HSP70) can protect ATP-depleted tumor cells from necrosis
Heat stressing stimulates nuclear protein kinase C raising diacylglycerol levels. Nuclear protein kinase C activation precedes HSP70 mRNA expression.
Elevated levels of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the mononuclear cells of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Differential expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70) in human epidermis
Effects of sigma ligands on the ability of rimcazole to inhibit PCP HSP70 induction
Heat stress reduces glutamate toxicity in cultured neurons without HSP70 expression
Heat shock response of Babesia divergens and identification of the HSP70 as an immunodominant early antigen during ox, gerbil and human babesiosis
Effects of continuous heating at mild temperatures on the translocation of HSP70 and protein synthesis in NRK cells
Transcriptional regulation of a yeast HSP70 gene by heat shock factor and an upstream repression site-binding factor.
Isolation of a gene encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Expression of constitutive and inducible HSP70 and HSP47 is enhanced in cells persistently spread on OPN1 or collagen
Molecular karyotype and chromosomal localization of genes encoding two major surface glycoproteins, gp63 and gp46/M2, HSP70, and β-tubulin in cloned strains of …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and complement C4 genotypes in patients with hyperthyroid Graves’ disease.
Cis‐acting sequences and trans‐acting factors required for constitutive expression of a microinjected HSP70 gene after the midblastula transition of Xenopus laevis …
Heat-shock-induced protein synthesis is responsible for the switch-off of HSP70 transcription in Tetrahymena
In situ quantification of HSP70 and alpha-beta transcripts at 87A and 87C loci in relation tohsr-omega gene activity in polytene cells ofDrosophila melanogaster
The characterization and use of different antibodies against the HSP70 major heat shock protein family for the development of an immunoassay
The ERE-like sequence from the promoter region of the testis specific HSP70-related gene is not estrogen responsive.
c-fos and HSP70 gene expression in rat brains in high gravitation-induced cerebral ischemia
Effects of exogenous heat shock protein (HSP70) on neuronal calcium flux
In situ mapping of the HSP70 locus in seven species of the willistoni group of Drosophila
Transcriptional Regulation of Human HSP70 Genes: Relationship Between Cell Growth, Differentiation, Virus Infection, and the Stress Response
Activity of the promoter of the HSP70 gene of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni in the mammalian CHO cell-line
Induction of HSP70 and neuronal damage following transient cerebral ischemia in rats
Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a HSP70 gene from Streptomyces griseus
Co-operative binding of hsp60 may promote transfer HSP70 and correct folding of imported proteins in mitochondria
Modulation of HSP70 and HSP27 gene expression by the differentiation inducer sodium butyrate in U-937 human promonocytic leukemia cells
A heat shock protein gene in Giardia lamblia unrelated to HSP70.
Transcription, export and turnover of HSP70 and αβ two Drosophila heat shock genes sharing a 400 nucleotide 5′ upstream region
Functional analysis of a conserved amino‐terminal region of HSP70 by site‐directed mutagenesis
Regulation of HSP70 induction in thermotolerant HeLa cells
Thermal response of yeast cells overexpressing HSP70 genes
The 8.5-kb PstI allele of the stress protein gene, HSP70-2: an independent risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus in African Americans?
Regulation of HSP70 by PTH: a model of gene regulation not mediated by changes in cAMP levels
RNA/protein interactions in the 5′-untranslated leader of HSP70 mRNA in Drosophila lysates. Lack of evidence for specific protein binding.
Regulation of HSP70 in excitatory neurons: Possible implications for neuronal functioning
Identification and characterization of cytosolic Hansenula polymorpha proteins belonging to the HSP70 protein family
Changes in heat shock protein synthesis and HSP70 gene transcription during erythropoiesis of Xenopus laevis
A developmentally regulated early-embryogenesis protein in pea (Pisum sativum L.) is related to the heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene family
Application of modified differential display technique for cloning and sequencing of the 3′ region from three putative members of wheat HSP70 gene family
Employment of a turbidimetric assay system to study the biochemical role of HSP70 in heat-induced protein aggregation
HSP70 production and inhibition of cell proliferation in Molt-4 T-cells after cell-to-cell transmission of HTLV-I: effect of PGA1
m7GpppG Cap Dependence for Efficient Translation of Drosophila 70‐kDa Heat‐Shock‐Protein (HSP70) mRNA
The heat shock response in hydra: immunological relationship of hsp60, the major heat shock protein of Hydra vulgaris, to the ubiquitous HSP70 family
Timing and induction of HSP70 production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Transcription of amphibian lampbrush chromosomes is disturbed by microinjection of HSP70 monoclonal antibodies
Antisense oligonucleotides against HSP70-1 and 70-3 increase mouse embryonic sensitivity to arsenite-induced dysmorphogenesis in vitro
Production and cleavage of Drosophila HSP70 transcripts extending beyond the polyadenylation site
Reduction of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA induction by pentobarbital after transient global ischemia in gerbil brain
In vitro assembly of multiprotein complexes containing a, fJ, and y tubulin, heat shock protein HSP70, and elongation factor lei
In vitro Inhibition of Nascent Polypeptide Formation by HSP70 Proteins
Transcription of the human HSP70 gene: cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in basal, adenovirus E1A, and stress-induced expression
Sequence repeat-induced disruption of the major heat-inducible HSP70 gene of Neurospora crassa
The Onchocerca volvulus mRNAs for a HSP70, a collagen-like protein and a ribosomal protein possess a 5’spliced leader sequence.
Characterization of an HSP70 related clone encoding a 33 kDa protein with homology to a protein which associates with polysomes
Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding a heat-shock protein (HSP70) from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
The two genes encoding yeast ribosomal protein S8 reside on different chromosomes, and are closely linked to the HSP70 stress protein genes SSA3 and SSA4.
Specific antibodies against the stress-inducible 72-kDa protein, a member of the heat-shock protein HSP70, in healthy human subjects.
Effects of electroconvulsive shock on the levels of HSP70 and hsc73 mRNA in the rat brain
Selective insolubility of active HSP70 gene chromatin
Heat shock proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi: identification and localization of HSP70 and HSP60 proteins and structure of HSP60 genes (brief report).
Isolation of mutations that act in trans to alter expression from a yeast HSP70 promoter
The findings indicate that HSP70 expression is closely related to ischemic brain injury, and that HSP70 expression is not related to either breakdown of the blood …
Inhibition mechanism of HSP70 induction in murine FM3A cells maintained at low culture temperature
Expression of c-fos, c-myc and HSP70 genes at early stages of the regenerating of rat liver
Structural similarities between chaperone molecules of the HSP60 and HSP70 families deduced from hydrophobic cluster analysis
Isolation of major heat shock protein (HSP70) gene-related sequences from rat genome
The gene encoding PBP74/CSA/motalin-1, a novel mouse HSP70, maps to mouse chromosome 18
Induced expression of a Drosophila HSP70 promoter-fusion transgene is reduced after repeated heat shocks
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the heat shock protein HSP70 gene (s) in pigs
… receptor isoforms in human breast tumors, and detection by radioligand and monoclonal antibodies. Association with hsp90 and HSP70 heat shock proteins.
Effect of 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) on HSP70 and HSP28 gene expression and thermotolerance development in human colon carcinoma …
Reduction of HSP70 and HSC70 mRNA inductions by bifemelane hydrochloride after transient ischemia in gerbil brain
Transforming Growth Factor-ß Regulates Basal Expression of the HSP70 Gene Family in Cultured Chicken Embryo Cells
Inhibition of adenovirus replication by the E1A antisense transcript initiated from HSP70 and VA-1 promoters.
The influence of the rye genome on the accumulation of HSP18 and HSP70 transcripts in a wheat genetic background
Elevated levels of the 70 kD heat shock protein in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are not dependent on enhanced transcription of the HSP70 gene
The heat shock protein HSP70 binds in vivo to subregions 2-48BC and 3-58D of the polytene chromosomes ofDrosophila hydei
Determinants for the DNase I-hypersensitive chromatin structure 5′ to a human HSP70 gene
P1 and cosmid clones define the organization of 280 kb of the mouse H-2 complex containing the Cps-1 and HSP70 loci
… Endoplasmic Reticulum Resident Ca2+-binding Protein with a Carboxy-terminal NDELS equence Showed Partial Homology with 70-kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70)
DNA Sequences of bovine HSP70–1 and HSP70–2 genes
Regulation of heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene expression by hGH and IL2 in rat Nb2 lymphoma cells
Dual modes of transcriptional and translational initiation of SSP1 the gene for a mitochondrial HSP70, responding to heat-shock in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Effect of radiation and hyperthermia on prostate tumor cells with induced thermal tolerance and the correlation with HSP70 accumulation
H-ras transfection of the rat kidney cell line NRK-52E results in increased induction of c-fos, c-jun and HSP70 following sulofenur treatment
Effects of replacing the promoter of the immediate early gene with the promoter of Drosophila heat-shock gene HSP70 on the growth and virulence of pseudorabies …
A pentanucleotide tandem duplication polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of the HLA-linked heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) gene
Heat shock induces synthesis of plastid-associated HSP70 in etiolated and greening pumpkin seedlings.
Protective effect of bifemelane hydrochloride on ischemic hippocampal CA1 neuronal damage in the gerbil: Relation to induction of HSP70
Constitutive expression and molecular characterization of a cDNA clone encoding a partial HSP70 gene in cell suspension cultures of Lupinus polyphyllus
Differential mRNA stability: A regulatory strategy for HSP70 synthesis
… identification of a 50 kDa Mr FK506-binding immunophilin as a component of the non-DNA binding, hsp90 and HSP70 containing, heterooligomeric form of the chick …
Stable expression of human HSP70 gene in rodent cells confers thermal resistance
Immunological evidence for the association between simian virus 40 115-kDa super T antigen and HSP70 proteins in rat, monkey, and human cells
Tea and mint extracts modulate the HSP70 expression in preeclamptic placental explant
Restriction fragment length polymorphism of the major histocompatibility complex-linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the rat.
Induction of HSP70 mRNA in the brain and liver of rats after scalding
Translocation of preproteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane: TIMs and HSP70
Occurrence of HSP70 fragments in several developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana
Relation of HSP70 gene and spontaneously hypertension in rats
Influence of induction of HSP70 on the cytotoxicity of oxazaphosphorine compounds and cisplatin
Antiproliferative activity of cyclopentenone prostaglandins in early HTLV-1 infection is independent of IL-2 and is associated with HSP70 induction.
Nucleolar accumulation of HSP70 by heat shock in HeLa and rat 3Y1-B cells
Differential effect of 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) on αB-crystallin and HSP70 gene expression in murine cell lines
Hypoxia stimulates the expression of HSP70 in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells
Effects of HSP70 on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury after heat preconditioning in rats
Characterization of novel HSP70 in mammalian cells
Studies in expression of human exogenous insulin gene under control of regulatory region of HSP70 dr. melanogaster gene in human fibroblasts
Analysis of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage in the 5′-region of the Drosophila HSP70 gene. Identification of a novel half-site DNA substrate for topoisomerase …
Induction of an HSP70-like protein during organ culture of rat embryonic heart.
Detection of sequences homologous to the highly-conserved HSP70 gene of eukaryotes in thermophilic eubacteria and archaebacteria
In Vitro and in Vivo Differentiation of L. Mexicana-HSP70 Gene Expression
Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) in Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin’s disease.
Effect of Avermectins on Expression of HSP70 mRNA in Rats Hepatic Tissue
HSP70 Family of Proteins of the Yeast S. cerevisiae
… the activity of a 5, 6-dichloro-1-β-d-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole-insensitive puff and the synthesis of major heat-shock polypeptide, HSP70, in Chironomus thummi
mRNA levels of molecular chaperones HSP27, HSP60 and HSP70 in cisplatin resistant squamous cell carcinomas
Expressions of HSP70 and HSP90? in human bladder transitional cell carcinoma and the clinical significance
Cloning and characterization of HSP70 cDNA during embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio Rerio).
HSP70-protein complexes: Their characterization by size-exclusion HPLC
Use of a peptide library to characterize differential peptide binding specificities of bacterial and mammalian HSP70
Reduced protein denaturation in thermotolerant cells by elevated levels of HSP70
Thermotolerance in Drosophila embryos: The role of HSP70 and the basis for a specific phenocopy.
The role of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60 in protein folding
An in vitro mapping of the contacts between the Drosophila transcription factor IID and the HSP70 promoter
Autoantibodies against 70-kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70) in allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients.
The effect of ts-mutation on expression of genes induced by heat shock in Drosophila melanogaster. III. Synthesis of proteins cognate to HSP70
… from liver RNA of heat shocked rats and DNA sequence analysis of the clone containing the 3′-end untranslated region (3’UTR) of the heat inducible gene HSP70. 2.
End-filling of an oligonucleotide duplex containing an MDBP site in the human HSP70 promoter inhibits protein· DNA complex formation
Structure and expression of a rice HSP70 gene
Molecular genetics of bovine 70 kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) genes
The Role of HSP70 in Conferring Unidirectionality
Characterization of HSP70: Expression and stability in selected organisms
Rapid analysis of rice HSP70 gene by PCR
The Induction of HSP70 mRNA under Heat Stress
Acute Pathophysiological Changes and HSP70 Expression in Heat Exposed Rats
Role of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in photoreceptor cell survival in the aged rat
Isolation and structural analysis of rat heat-inducible HSP70 gene.
Multiple regulatory pathways of human HSP70 gene transcription
Characteristics of PHSP1, a cDNA encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 from Pisum sativum
The HSP70 multigene family: Cloning, expression, and evolution.
Characterization of human HSP70 and a study of its role in adenovirus-infected cells.
Investigations on the relationship between protein denaturation, HSP70 levels and heat resistance
Is HSP70 Involved in Nitric Oxide-Induced Protection of the Heart?
HSP70 homologues of pea chloroplasts.
Posttranscriptional regulation of HSP70 expression in erythroid and nonerythroid cells
Biochemistry and cell biology of the major human heat-shock protein, HSP70
Immunohistochemical study of Fos and HSP70 proteins on the acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion in rats
Effects of haloperidol on the expression of HSP70 induced by ketamine in the rat hippocampus
Influence of Heat Shock Treatment upon the Expression of Membrane HSP70 and Its mRNA of H22 Cell
USAF Cellular Mechanism of Turnover of the Stressed Induced Protein HSP70
Role of the HSP70 Homologue from Chloroplasts in the Assembly of the Photosynthetic Apparatus
Mapping of distinct substrate binding and oligomerization domains within HSP70
Expression of HSP70 mRNA Induced by Chlorpyrifos in Rat Hepatic Tissue
The proteolytic activity of HSP70 from human and Drosophila melanogaster
Effect of HSP70 gene transfection to rat peripheral blood cytokines in the early phase of sepsis
Preparation, purification and biological function of fusion protein of ovalbumin and HSP70-1ike protein 1
Expressions of hsc/HSP70 cDNAs in bacteria and comparison with tissue-isolated proteins
Multiple Regulatory Pathways of the Chicken Major Heat Shock Protein, HSP70
Proteasome inhibitor improves expressions of CHIP and HSP70 in ischemia reperfusion rats
Characterization pf the HSP70 multigene subfamilies from Caenorhabditis elegans
Effect of protein kinase C on the expression of myocardial HSP70 mRNA during myocardic ischemic preconditioning in rabbits
Purification and characterization of HSP70 proteins from Torpedo electric organ
The functional analysis of heat shock proteins HSP90 and HSP70 in animal retinas
Identification and characterization of the heat shock response and an inducible HSP70 gene in bovine skeletal muscle
Nucleocytoplasmic transport of HSP70-related proteins in Xenopus oocytes.
Oxidative Stress and HSP70 Expression Upon Cerebral Isehemia-Reperfusion in Mongolian Gerbil
Cloning and characterization of an HSP70 genomic sequence in the steroid responsive fungus Achlya ambisexualis.
Induction specific anti-tumoral immunity against pancreatic cancer by dendritic cells modified by HSP70 peptide complex from pancreatic cancer cells
The molecular architecture of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 promoter
Quantitation of HSP70 levels in Pimephales promelas using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method
Analysis Of The Dnase I-Hypersensitive Chromatin Structure 5’To A Human HSP70 Gene
Intervention Effect of Puerarin on Expressions of HSP70 and Fas Proteinum in Rats with Acute Cerebral Ischemia Injury
The Prevention and Therapeutic Effects of HSP70-Antigen Peptide Complexes on B16 Tumor Pulmonary Metastasis in Mice
Endocrine mediation of the regulation of the major heat shock gene HSP70 in rat Fao hepatoma cells.
c-fos, c-jun, c-myc and HSP70 gene expression in acute renal failure induced by HgCl₂
Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the major heat shock protein (HSP70) of the mulberry silkworm.
Keratinocyte (HaCat Cell) differentiation mediated HSP70 expression is controlled by alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone.
A unique CD4+ CD8+ intestnal intraepitherial lymphocytes specific for dnak (escherichia cou HSP70) may be selected by intestinal microflora of rat
Heat shock response in Chinese hamster (DHFR/sup-/) cells transfected with mouse DHFR and drosophila HSP70 genes
Induction of HSP70 Genes in the Mammalian Nervous System by Hyperthermia, Tissue Injury and Other Traumatic Events
Induction of c-fos and HSP70 Genes in Sulofenur-treated Normal and H-ras-transfected Rat Kidney Epithelial Cells
Expression of a short-lived HSP70 mRNA is induced by deflagellation and heat shock in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Involvement of HSP70 in protein translocation across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum in yeast
Rapid communication: temporal and spatial distribution of heat shock mRNA and protein (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum in response to hyperthermia
Expression of HSP70 during oogenesis and early development of the amphibian pleurodeles waltl after a hyperthermic treatment.
A eukaryotic GrpE related protein, Mge1p, modulates the function of mitochondrial HSP70 in translocation of mitochondrial preproteins
An analysis of the HSP70 complex of Escherichia coli: The functional interaction of the DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE shock proteins.
The role of HSP70 molecular chaperones in posttranslational translocation of presecretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum
Effect of mild hypothermia on the expression of the inducible HSP70 in canine brain tissue after globai cerebral ischemia reperfusion
Effects of Exogenous Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) on Neuronal Calcium Flux Peter JS Smith (Marine Biological Laboratory), Katherine Hammar, and Michael Tytell
Use of Retroviral Vectors to Express HSP70 and BCL-2 in Primary Astrocytes for Protection from Injury In Vitro
Effect of acute heat stress and diet on HSP70 mRNA level and on heat shock protein expression in broilers liver during growth stages
Molecular Chaperones HSP70 and HSP60 in Protein Folding and Membrane Translocation
Analysis of promoter proximal pausing of RNA polymerase II on the Drosophila HSP70 promoter in a cell-free system
Control of pseudorabies virus replication by replacing the immediate early gene promoter with the heat-shock promoter HSP70
Steady-State Calcium Efflux from Aplysia Neurons: Perturbation by H202 and Protection by Stress Protein, HSP70
The role of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and Hsp27) in protection against ischemic injury in the myocardium and cerebral cortex.
Redox and Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Affect the Binding of Erythropoietin RNA Binding Protein to Erythropoietin mRNA
Regulation of the promoters in SV40 chromosomes and construction of a substituted SV40 containing aDrosophila HSP70 promoter
70 kDa Heat Shock Protein Expression as a Marker of Cellular Damage in Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacz)
… chaperones Hsp90, Hsc70, HSP70, Cyp-40, Hdj-1, andp23 in interactions with a non-native protein and identification of a regulatory motif within HSP70
Co-operative binding of hsp60 may promote transfer HSP70 and cotrec: folding of imported proteins in mitochondria (FEES 10389) T. Endo
… sequencing reports. The two genes encoding yeast ribosomal protein S8 reside on different chromosomes, and are closely linked to the HSP70 stress protein genes …
Ontogeny of thermotolerance in bovine embryos: HSP70 synthesis and resistance to heat shock of oocytes and preimplantation embryos
A Study of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in the Parasite Schistosoma mansoni
Interaction of HSP70 chaperones with substrates
HSP70 chaperone machines
Role of heat shock protein HSP70-2 in spermatogenesis
In vitro studies show that HSP70 can be released by glia and that exogenous HSP70 can enhance neuronal stress tolerance
Role of the human heat shock protein HSP70 in protection against stress-induced apoptosis
BAG-1 modulates the chaperone activity of HSP70/Hsc70
The chaperone function of HSP70 is required for protection against stress-induced apoptosis
A mathematical model of the HSP70 regulation in the cell
Inhibition of HSP70 ATPase activity and protein renaturation by a novel HSP70-binding protein
The HSP70 and Hsp60 chaperone machines
Role of the J-domain in the cooperation of Hsp40 with HSP70
Magnetic field stress induces expression of HSP70
HSP70 exerts its anti-apoptotic function downstream of caspase-3-like proteases
Functional specificity among HSP70 molecular chaperones
Deleterious consequences of HSP70 overexpression in Drosphilla melanogaster larvae
Mechanism of regulation of HSP70 chaperones by DnaJ cochaperones
Bradyzoite Development in Toxoplasma gondii and the HSP70 Stress Response
Comprehensive expression profile analysis of the Arabidopsis HSP70 gene family
HSP70 peptide-bearing and peptide-negative preparations act as chaperokines
Bag1 functions in vivo as a negative regulator of HSP70 chaperone activity
HSP70 chaperone systems: diversity of cellular functions and mechanism of action.
HSP70 stimulates cytokine production through a CD14-dependant pathway, demonstrating its dual role as a chaperone and cytokine
Multistep mechanism of substrate binding determines chaperone activity of HSP70
… into regulation and function of the major stress-induced HSP70 molecular chaperone in vivo: analysis of mice with targeted gene disruption of the HSP70. 1 or HSP70. 3 …
HSP70 prevents activation of stress kinases: a novel pathway of cellular thermotolerance
HSP70 interactions with the p53 tumour suppressor protein
Hop modulates HSP70/Hsp90 interactions in protein folding
An evolutionarily conserved family of HSP70/Hsc70 molecular chaperone regulators
Structure of TPR domain–peptide complexes: critical elements in the assembly of the HSP70–Hsp90 multichaperone machine
Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency by linkage of antigen gene to an HSP70 gene
Genomic analysis of the HSP70 superfamily in Arabidopsis thaliana
HSP70 plasma membrane expression on primary tumor biopsy material and bone marrow of leukemic patients
Human skeletal muscle HSP70 response to physical training depends on exercise intensity
Role of HSP70 in regulation of stress-kinase JNK: implications in apoptosis and aging
Mitochondrial HSP70 Ssc1: role in protein folding
Activation and regulation of Hsp32 and HSP70
HSP70 expression and function during embryogenesis
Human skeletal muscle HSP70 response to training in highly trained rowers
HSP70 proteins in protein translocation
An intralysosomal HSP70 is required for a selective pathway of lysosomal protein degradation
Bag1–HSP70 mediates a physiological stress signalling pathway that regulates Raf-1/ERK and cell growth
A magnetic field‐responsive domain in the human HSP70 promoter
Suppression of polyglutamine-mediated neurodegeneration in Drosophila by the molecular chaperone HSP70
Structure of a Bag/Hsc70 complex: convergent functional evolution of HSP70 nucleotide exchange factors
Tuning of chaperone activity of HSP70 proteins by modulation of nucleotide exchange
Definition of extracellular localized epitopes of HSP70 involved in an NK immune response
J proteins catalytically activate HSP70 molecules to trap a wide range of peptide sequences
Induction of HSP70 promotes ΔF508 CFTR trafficking
Targeted HSP70.1 Disruption Increases Infarction Volume After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice
HSP70 and larval thermotolerance in Drosophila melanogaster: how much is enough and when is more too much?
Glutamine protects intestinal epithelial cells: role of inducible HSP70
The role of heat shock protein (HSP70) in dendritic cell maturation: HSP70 induces the maturation of immature dendritic cells but reduces DC differentiation from …
Over-expression of inducible HSP70 chaperone suppresses neuropathology and improves motor function in SCA1 mice
Stable association of hsp90 and p23, but Not HSP70, with active human telomerase
HSP70-2 is required for CDC2 kinase activity in meiosis I of mouse spermatocytes
Induction of apoptosis by abrogation of HSP70 expression in human oral cancer cells
Evaluation for HSP70 as a biomarker of effect of pollutants on the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris
Hsp104, HSP70, and Hsp40: a novel chaperone system that rescues previously aggregated proteins
Modulation of in vivo HSP70 chaperone activity by Hip and Bag-1
Interaction of the HSP70 molecular chaperone, DnaK, with its cochaperone DnaJ
HSP70 expression in Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) exposed to environmental stressors
Induced thermotolerance and associated expression of the heat‐shock protein HSP70 in adult Drosophila melanogaster
Accumulation of HSP70 mRNA under environmental stresses in diapausing and nondiapausing adults of Drosophila triauraria
Cytoprotection by electromagnetic field‐induced HSP70: A model for clinical application
Cloning and expression analysis of an inducible HSP70 gene from tilapia fish
Heat shock proteins (HSP70) as biomarkers in ecotoxicological studies
Prognostic significance of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in endometrial carcinomas.
HSP70-2 is required for desynapsis of synaptonemal complexes during meiotic prophase in juvenile and adult mouse spermatocytes
CD91 is a common receptor for heat shock proteins gp96, hsp90, HSP70, and calreticulin
Protein translocation: how HSP70 pulls it off
Molecular chaperone function of mammalian HSP70 and Hsp40-a review
Tissue-specific variation in HSP70 expression and thermal damage in Drosophila melanogaster larvae.
Cooperative and competitive protein interactions at the HSP70 promoter
Human HSP70 molecular chaperone binds two calcium ions within the ATPase domain
Apoprotein B degradation is promoted by the molecular chaperones hsp90 and HSP70
Plant HSP70 molecular chaperones: protein structure, gene family, expression and function
HSP70 homolog functions in cell-to-cell movement of a plant virus
A Role for Cytosolic HSP70 in Yeast [PSI+] Prion Propagation and [PSI+] as a Cellular Stress
Decreased expression of the heat shock protein HSP70-2 is associated with the pathogenesis of male infertility
Protein folding activity of HSP70 is modified differentially by the hsp40 co-chaperones Sis1 and Ydj1
Mammalian SWI-SNF Complexes Contribute to Activation of the HSP70 Gene
Transgenic mice expressing the human inducible HSP70 have hippocampal neurons resistant to ischemic injury
Discontinuous Occurrence of the HSP70(dnaK) Gene among Archaea and Sequence Features of HSP70 Suggest a Novel Outlook on Phylogenies Inferred from This …
A HSP70-2 mutation recognized by CTL on a human renal cell carcinoma
BAG-1, a negative regulator of HSP70 chaperone activity, uncouples nucleotide hydrolysis from substrate release
HSP70 accumulation in chondrocytic cells exposed to high continuous hydrostatic pressure coincides with mRNA stabilization rather than transcriptional activation
Sequential action of two HSP70 complexes during protein import into mitochondria
Overexpression of the heat shock protein HSP70 family and p53 protein and prognosis for patients with gastric cancer
Genetic variation in thermal tolerance among natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii: down regulation of HSP70 expression and variation in heat stress resistance …
Expression and location of HSP70/Hsc-binding anti-apoptotic protein BAG-1 and its variants in normal tissues and tumor cell lines
Cell type–specific variations in the induction of HSP70 in human leukocytes by feverlike whole body hyperthermia
Mammalian HSP70 and Hsp110 proteins bind to RNA motifs involved in mRNA stability
The effects of heat shock and acclimation temperature on HSP70 and hsp30 mRNA expression in rainbow trout: in vivo and in vitro comparisons
Bag-1M accelerates nucleotide release for human Hsc70 and HSP70 and can act concentration-dependent as positive and negative cofactor
Detection of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and anti-HSP70 antibodies in the serum of normal individuals
Genetic variation in the tumor necrosis factor‐α promoter region and in the stress protein HSP70‐2: Susceptibility and prognostic implications in breast carcinoma
A family of ubiquitin-like proteins binds the ATPase domain of HSP70-like Stch
Evidence for loss of mitochondria in Microsporidia from a mitochondrial-type HSP70 in Nosema locustae
Mge1 functions as a nucleotide release factor for Ssc1, a mitochondrial HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
HSP70 and hsp40 chaperones can inhibit self-assembly of polyglutamine proteins into amyloid-like fibrils
FANCC interacts with HSP70 to protect hematopoietic cells from IFN‐γ/TNF‐α‐mediated cytotoxicity
Expression of the Heat‐Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila Buzzatii Lines Selected for Thermal Resistance
Polypeptide flux through bacterial HSP70: DnaK cooperates with trigger factor in chaperoning nascent chains
Activation of the HSP70 promoter by environmental inorganic and organic chemicals: relationships with cytotoxicity and lipophilicity
A single bout of eccentric exercise increases HSP27 and HSC/HSP70 in human skeletal muscle
Morphological analysis of germ cell apoptosis during postnatal testis development in normal and HSP70‐2 knockout mice
The protein import motor of mitochondria: unfolding and trapping of preproteins are distinct and separable functions of matrix HSP70
Regulation of Transcription Factor Pdr1p Function by an HSP70 Protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The ATPase domain of HSP70 possesses a unique binding specificity for 3′-sulfogalactolipids
Cell-to-cell movement and assembly of a plant closterovirus: roles for the capsid proteins and HSP70 homolog
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the expression of cytokines and induce HSP70 in human monocytes
A comparison of HSP70 expression and thermotolerance in adults and larvae of three Drosophila species
Major stress protein HSP70 interacts with NF-kB regulatory complex in human T-lymphoma cells
Closterovirus encoded HSP70 homolog and p61 in addition to both coat proteins function in efficient virion assembly
HSP70 and Hsp40 chaperone activities in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of mammalian cells
Benign focal ischemic preconditioning induces neuronal HSP70 and prolonged astrogliosis with expression of Hsp27
Antagonistic interactions between yeast chaperones Hsp104 and HSP70 in prion curing
A mitochondrial HSP70 orthologue in Vairimorpha necatrix: molecular evidence that microsporidia once contained mitochondria
HSP70 Duplication in the Drosophila melanogaster Species Group: How and When Did Two Become Five?
Evidence for a Protein Mutator in Yeast: Role of the HSP70-Related Chaperone Ssb in Formation, Stability, and Toxicity of the [PSI] Prion
A 14-mer HSP70 peptide stimulates natural killer (NK) cell activity
Tobacco smoke induces both apoptosis and necrosis in mammalian cells: differential effects of HSP70
hsp47 and HSP70 gene expression is differentially regulated in a stress‐ and tissue‐specific manner in zebrafish embryos
Developmental upregulation of inducible HSP70 transcripts, but not the cognate form, during pupal diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis
Larval crowding in Drosophila melanogaster induces HSP70 expression, and leads to increased adult longevity and adult thermal stress resistance
Mitochondrial Hsp78, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cooperates with HSP70 in protein refolding
The Tim core complex defines the number of mitochondrial translocation contact sites and can hold arrested preproteins in the absence of matrix HSP70–Tim44
Responsiveness of early embryos to environmental insults: potential protective roles of HSP70 and glutathione
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) stimulates proliferation and cytolytic activity of natural killer cells
Reversible inhibition of HSP70 chaperone function by Scythe and Reaper
Selective depletion of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) activates a tumor-specific death program that is independent of caspases and bypasses Bcl-2
HSP70 induction in the brain following ethanol administration in the rat: regulation by glutathione redox state
Translation by ribosome shunting on adenovirus and HSP70 mRNAs facilitated by complementarity to 18S rRNA
The lack of a stress response in Hydra oligactis is due to reduced HSP70 mRNA stability
Isolation of MHC class I-restricted tumor antigen peptide and its precursors associated with heat shock proteins HSP70, hsp90, and gp96
Role of the DnaK and HscA homologs of HSP70 chaperones in protein folding in E. coli
The conserved carboxyl terminus and zinc finger-like domain of the co-chaperone Ydj1 assist HSP70 in protein folding
Phylogenetic analysis of the HSP70 sequences reveals the monophyly of Metazoa and specific phylogenetic relationships between animals and fungi.
The inducible HSP70 as a marker of tumor immunogenicity
Binding of the maize cytosolic HSP70 to calmodulin, and identification of calmodulin-binding site in HSP70
Characterization and regulation of the major histocompatibility complex–encoded proteins HSP70-Hom and HSP70-1/2
Structural features required for the interaction of the HSP70 molecular chaperone DnaK with its cochaperone DnaJ
Expression of inducible HSP70 enhances the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells and protects against the cytotoxic effects of hyperthermia
Localization of the heat‐shock protein HSP70 to the synapse following hyperthermic stress in the brain
Differential expression of two HSP70 transcripts in response to cold shock, thermoperiod, and adult diapause in the Colorado potato beetle
Polyglutamine length-dependent interaction of Hsp40 and HSP70 family chaperones with truncated N-terminal huntingtin: their role in suppression of aggregation and …
Tissue‐specific differences in heat shock protein hsc70 and HSP70 in the control and hyperthermic rabbit
HSP70 molecular chaperone facilitates endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in yeast
Interaction of the targeting sequence of chloroplast precursors with HSP70 molecular chaperones
Selective depletion of inducible HSP70 enhances immunogenicity of rat colon cancer cells
Structure of a new crystal form of human HSP70 ATPase domain
Role of priming stresses and HSP70 in protection from ischemia-reperfusion injury in cardiac and skeletal muscle
Critical analysis of eukaryotic phylogeny: a case study based on the HSP70 family
A DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER Strain From Sub-Equatorial Africa Has Exceptional Thermotolerance But Decreased HSP70 Expression
Expression of HSP70 in healing wounds of diabetic and nondiabetic mice
HSP70 binding sites in the tumor suppressor protein p53
The HSP70-associating protein Hap46 binds to DNA and stimulates transcription
Activation of the ATPase activity of heat-shock proteins Hsc70/HSP70 by cysteine-string protein
Expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in primary non-small cell lung carcinomas. An immunohistochemical study.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of HSP70 association with A+ U-rich mRNA-destabilizing sequences
Chlorpyrifos-induced HSP70 expression and effect on reproductive performance in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ) Bg 9
HSP70 and a 54 kDa protein (Osp54) are induced in salmon (Salmo salar) in response to hyperosmotic stress
Evolution of thermotolerance and variation in the heat shock protein, HSP70
Identification of a HSP70 recognition domain within the rubisco small subunit transit peptide
Natural and Genetic Engineering of the Heat-Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster: Consequences for Thermotolerance
Thermotolerant cells show an attenuated expression of HSP70 after heat shock
HSP70 protects murine astrocytes from glucose deprivation injury
Loss of the mitochondrial HSP70 functions causes aggregation of mitochondria in yeast cells
Stepwise assembly of a glucocorticoid receptor· hsp90 heterocomplex resolves two sequential ATP-dependent events involving first HSP70 and then hsp90 in …
Mt-HSP70 homolog, Ssc2p, required for maturation of yeast frataxin and mitochondrial iron homeostasis
Analysis of HSP70 gene polymorphism in allergic asthma
Analysis of post-transcriptional regulation operating on transcription products of the tandemly linked Leishmania infantum HSP70 genes
Myc‐mediated transactivation of HSP70 expression following exposure to magnetic fields
Association of plasma antibodies against the inducible HSP70 with hypertension and harsh working conditions
Chaperones HSP70 and Hsp40 suppress aggregate formation and apoptosis in cultured neuronal cells expressing truncated androgen receptor protein with …
Selection favours low HSP70 levels in chronically metal-stressed soil arthropods.
HSP70 regulates the interaction between the peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1)-receptor Pex5p and PTS1
Locomotor activity as a function of age and life span in Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
Competition for space among sessile marine invertebrates: changes in HSP70 expression in two Pacific cnidarians
Suppression of ceramide-mediated apoptosis by HSP70.
The yeast HSP70 homologue Ssa is required for translation and interacts with Sis1 and Pab1 on translating ribosomes
Chloroplast signalling in the light induction of nuclear HSP70 genes requires the accumulation of chlorophyll precursors and their accessibility to cytoplasm/nucleus
Aggregation of HSP70 and hsc70 in vivo is distinct and temperature‐dependent and their chaperone function is directly related to non‐aggregated forms
Saturation, competition, and specificity in interaction of heat shock proteins (hsp) gp96, hsp90, and HSP70 with CD11b+ cells
Proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin hyperphosphorylate HSF1 and induce HSP70 and hsp27 expression
Noradrenaline and α-adrenergic signaling induce the HSP70 gene promoter in mollusc immune cells
Tissue-specific variations in the induction of HSP70 and Hsp64 by heat shock in insects
Genomic Structure of the Spermatid-Specific HSP70 Homolog Gene Located in the Class III Region of the Major Histocompatibility Complex of Mouse and Man
Xenopus NF-Y pre-sets chromatin to potentiate p300 and acetylation-responsive transcription from the Xenopus HSP70 promoter in vivo
Activation of Fas inhibits heat‐induced activation of HSF1 and up‐regulation of HSP70
Identification of an interaction between SOX9 and HSP70
Sequence requirements for upregulated expression of Drosophila HSP70 transgenes during aging☆
Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: interplay between the ATPase-and peptide-binding domains
Proteins interacting with the molecular chaperone HSP70/hsc70: physical associations and effects on refolding activity
Protein translocation: is HSP70 pulling my chain?
HSP70 expression in the CNS in response to exercise and heat stress in rats
Retinal uptake of intravitreally injected Hsc/HSP70 and its effect on susceptibility to light damage
Induction of HSP70 by the herbicide oxyfluorfen (Goal) in the Egyptian Nile fish, Oreochromis niloticus
HSP70‐2 heat‐shock protein of mouse spermatogenic cells
Human HSP70 and Hsp40 chaperone proteins facilitate human papillomavirus-11 E1 protein binding to the origin and stimulate cell-free DNA replication
The mitochondrial HSP70-dependent import system actively unfolds preproteins and shortens the lag phase of translocation
Folding of the glucocorticoid receptor by the reconstituted hsp90-based chaperone machinery: the initial hsp90· p60· HSP70-dependent step is sufficient for …
Inhibition of cellular proliferation by the Wilms tumor suppressor WT1 requires association with the inducible chaperone HSP70
Induction of PBP74/mortalin/Grp75, a member of the HSP70 family, by low doses of ionizing radiation: a possible role in induced radioresistance
Influenza virus inhibits cleavage of the HSP70 pre-mRNAs at the polyadenylation site
Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins Hsp90, Hsc70, HSP70 and Hsp60 in neural and non-neural tissues of the rat during postnatal development
Contrasting effects of NO and peroxynitrites on HSP70 expression and apoptosis in human monocytes
Natural hyperthermia and expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 affect developmental abnormalities in Drosophila melanogaster
Immunostimulatory properties of the Leishmania infantum heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP83
Differential effects of the HSP70-binding protein BAG-1 on glucocorticoid receptor folding by the hsp90-based chaperone machinery
The hepatic stress protein (HSP70) response to interacting abiotic parameters in fish exposed to various levels of pollution
Reduced enzyme activity following HSP70 overexpression in Drosophila melanogaster
Subcellular localization of the HSP70-homolog encoded by beet yellows closterovirus
HSP70 sequences indicate that choanoflagellates are closely related to animals
p38 kinase activity is essential for osmotic induction of mRNAs for HSP70 and transporter for organic solute betaine in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
Increase in basal level of HSP70, consisting chiefly of constitutively expressed HSP70 (Hsc70) in aged rat brain
DNA Immunization with Trypanosoma cruzi HSP70 Fused to the KMP11 Protein Elicits a Cytotoxic and Humoral Immune Response against the Antigen and Leads to …
Characterization of D10S and K71E mutants of human cytosolic HSP70
Protection against endotoxemia by HSP70 in rodent cardiomyocytes
HSP70 gene polymorphisms in ankylosing spondylitis
A novel variant of the MHC‐linked HSP70, HSP70‐hom, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Isoproterenol potentiates exercise-induction of HSP70 in cardiac and skeletal muscle
Differential HSP70 plasma‐membrane expression on primary human tumors and metastases in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency
Stoichiometry, abundance, and functional significance of the hsp90/HSP70-based multiprotein chaperone machinery in reticulocyte lysate
Differential expression of an HSP70 gene during transition from the mycelial to the infective yeast form of the human pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Field validation of HSP70 stress proteins as biomarkers in Asian clam (Potamocorbula amurensis): is downregulation an indicator of stress?
Changes in thermotolerance and HSP70 expression with domestication in Drosophila melanogaster
Ecm10, a novel HSP70 homolog in the mitochondrial matrix of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Starvation promotes nuclear accumulation of the HSP70 Ssa4p in yeast cells
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching reveals that LPS rapidly transfers from CD14 to HSP70 and hsp90 on the cell membrane
Possible involvement of p38 MAP kinase in HSP70 expression induced by hypoxia in rat primary astrocytes
Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 as a danger signal in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice
Heat shock protein (HSP70) expression in septic patients
DnaJ dramatically stimulates ATP hydrolysis by DnaK: insight into targeting of HSP70 proteins to polypeptide substrates
Inhibition of HSP70–1 and HSP70–3 expression disrupts preimplantation embryogenesis and heightens embryo sensitivity to arsenic
Evidence for the existence of distinct mammalian cytosolic, microsomal, and two mitochondrial GrpE-like proteins, the co-chaperones of specific HSP70 …
Photosystem II Damage and Repair Cycle in the Green Alga Dunaliella salina: Involvement of a Chloroplast-Localized HSP70
Heat or cold chronic stress affects organ weights and HSP70 levels in chicken embryos
Folding in vivo of a newly translated yeast cytosolic enzyme is mediated by the SSA class of cytosolic yeast HSP70 proteins
Phylogenetic Relationships ofCryptosporidium Parasites Based on the 70-Kilodalton Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) Gene
HSP70 and antifibrillogenic peptides promote degradation and inhibit intracellular aggregation of amyloidogenic light chains
A chloroplast-targeted heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) contributes to the photoprotection and repair of photosystem II during and after photoinhibition
Molecular architecture of the HSP70 promoter after deletion of the TATA box or the upstream regulation region
Role of mitochondrial GrpE and phosphate in the ATPase cycle of matrix HSP70
Differential cellular distribution and dynamics of HSP70, cyclooxygenase-2, and c-Fos in the rat brain after transient focal ischemia or kainic acid
Differential induction of HSP70-encoding genes in human hematopoietic cells
Interaction between HSP70 homolog and filamentous virions of the Beet yellows virus
Analysis of Core Promoter Sequences Located Downstream from the TATA Element in the HSP70 Promoter from Drosophila melanogaster
Catapult mechanism renders the chaperone action of HSP70 unidirectional
Characterization of an Acidic-pH-Inducible Stress Protein (HSP70), a Putative Sulfatide Binding Adhesin, fromHelicobacter pylori
Potentiation of heat stress-induced HSP70 expression in vivo by aspirin
Phylogenetic conservation of the molecular and immunological properties of the chaperones gp96 and HSP70
Stress proteins HSP60 and HSP70 in three species of amphipods exposed to cadmium, diazinon, dieldrin and fluoranthene
New insights into the phylogeny of eukaryotes based on ciliate HSP70 sequences.
Confocal microscopic localization of constitutive and heat shock–induced proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in the rat heart
Phylogenetic analysis of mycoplasmas based on HSP70 sequences: cloning of the dnaK (HSP70) gene region of Mycoplasma capricolum
Isolation of processed, H‐2Kb ‐binding ovalbumin‐derived peptides associated with the stress proteins HSP70 and GP96
Anti-HSP70 Autoantibody Formation by B-1 Cells inToxoplasma gondii-Infected Mice
Inactivation of tumor suppressor p53 by mot-2, a HSP70 family member
Metabolic oxidative stress-induced HSP70 gene expression is mediated through SAPK pathway: role of Bcl-2 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase
Copper and zinc uptake and HSP70 expression in HepG2 cells
Cloning and some novel characteristics of mitochondrial HSP70 from Chinese hamster cells
Cell cycle-dependent switch of up-and down-regulation of human HSP70 gene expression by interaction between c-Myc and CBF/NF-Y
Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, and heat shock protein HSP70 following fluid percussion brain injury in rats
A Chaperone in the HSP70 Family Controls Production of Extracellular Fibrils in Myxococcus xanthus
Survival of human epidermal keratinocytes after short-duration high temperature: synthesis of HSP70 and IL-8
Inducible HSP70 mediates delayed cardioprotection via U-50488H pretreatment in rat ventricular myocytes
Transient regulation of c-fos, αB-crystallin, and HSP70 in muscle during recovery from contractile activity
Functional promoter variants of highly conserved inducible HSP70 genes significantly affect stress response
HSP70-DnaJ chaperone pairs prevent nitric oxide-mediated apoptosis in RAW 264.7 macrophages
Effects of schisandrin B pretreatment on tumor necrosis factor-α induced apoptosis and HSP70 expression in mouse liver
HSP70 from Trypanosoma cruzi is endowed with specific cell proliferation potential leading to apoptosis
Overexpression of HSP70 prevents ultraviolet B-induced apoptosis of a human melanoma cell line
… contain a specific sulfogalactolipid binding site. Differential aglycone influence on sulfogalactosyl ceramide binding by recombinant prokaryotic and eukaryotic HSP70 …
Cell specific expression of HSP70 in neurons and glia of the rat hippocampus after hyperthermia and kainic acid-induced seizure activity
Induction of DNA strand breaks and expression of HSP70 and GRP78 homolog by cadmium in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula
The switch of the microspore developmental program in Capsicum involves HSP70 expression and leads to the production of haploid plants
Ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat astrocytes: role of HSP70
Effect of β-naphthoflavone and dimethylbenz [a] anthracene on apoptosis and HSP70 expression in juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ovary
Characterization of the Immunostimulatory Properties of Leishmania infantum HSP70 by Fusion to theEscherichia coli Maltose-Binding Protein in Normal andnu/nu …
Exposure to Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Does Not Alter HSP70 Expression or HSF-HSE Binding in HL60 Cells
Modulation of stress protein (hsp27 and HSP70) expression in CD4+ lymphocytic cells following acute infection with human immunodeficiency virus type-1
Transcriptional activation by the human HSP70-associating protein Hap50
An element within the 5′ untranslated region of human HSP70 mRNA which acts as a general enhancer of mRNA translation
Effect of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), Its Isomers, and Metabolites on HSP70 Expression in TransgenicDrosophila melanogaster
HSP70–RAP46 interaction in downregulation of DNA binding by glucocorticoid receptor
Selective toxicity of MKT-077 to cancer cells is mediated by its binding to the HSP70 family protein mot-2 and reactivation of p53 function
Mitochondrial import driving forces: enhanced trapping by matrix HSP70 stimulates translocation and reduces the membrane potential dependence of loosely folded …
Negative regulation of the Apaf-1 apoptosome by HSP70
The HSP70 homologue Lhs1p is involved in a novel function of the yeast endoplasmic reticulum, refolding and stabilization of heat-denatured protein aggregates
Changing fitness consequences of HSP70 copy number in transgenic Drosophila larvae undergoing natural thermal stress
Anti-oxidants prevent focal rat brain injury as assessed by induction of heat shock proteins (HSP70, HO-1/HSP32, HSP47) following subarachnoid injections of lysed …
Effect of HSP70 induced by warm ischemia to the liver on liver function after partial hepatectomy.
… activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases confers cadmium-induced HSP70 expression in 9L rat …
Differential basal synthesis of HSP70/Hsc70 contributes to interindividual variation in HSP70/Hsc70 inducibility
Minimal ischaemic neuronal damage and HSP70 expression in MF1 strain mice following bilateral common carotid artery occlusion
The mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone system: effect of adenine nucleotides, peptide substrate, and mGrpE on the oligomeric state of mHSP70
Analysis of sequence-specific binding of RNA to HSP70 and its various homologs indicates the involvement of N-and C-terminal interactions
Analysis of HSP70 mRNA levels in HepG2 cells exposed to various metals differing in toxicity
Genetic variation in the stress protein HSP70-2 gene is highly associated with obesity
Co-expression of human chaperone HSP70 and Hsdj or Hsp40 co-factor increases solubility of overexpressed target proteins in insect cells
The effects of hypoxia-ischemia on expression of c-Fos, c-Jun and HSP70 in the young rat hippocampus
Polymorphism of heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2 in Crohn disease: possible genetic marker for two forms of Crohn disease
Stress-induced, tissue-specific enrichment of HSP70 mRNA accumulation in Xenopus laevis embryos
A developmentally regulated GAGA box-binding factor and Sp1 are required for transcription of the HSP70. 1 gene at the onset of mouse zygotic genome activation
Heat-shock response in a molluscan cell line: characterization of the response and cloning of an inducible HSP70 cDNA
Adoptive transfer of human natural killer cells in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency inhibits growth of HSP70‐expressing tumors
Distribution of HSP70, protein kinase C, and spectrin is altered in lymphocytes during a fever‐like hyperthermia exposure
Constitutive HSP70 attenuates hydrogen peroxide-induced membrane lipid peroxidation
Hop as an adaptor in the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and hsp90 chaperone machinery
Variation in the expression of HSP70, the major heat-shock protein, and thermotolerance in larval and adult selection lines of Drosophila melanogaster
Engineering Candidate Genes in Studies of Adaptation: The Heat‐Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
Expression of transduced HSP70 gene protects chondrocytes from stress.
Human keratinocytes respond to osmotic stress by p38 map kinase regulated induction of HSP70 and HSP27
The ubiquitin-related BAG-1 provides a link between the molecular chaperones Hsc70/HSP70 and the proteasome
Effect of different environmental variables on the synthesis of HSP70 in Raphidocelis subcapitata
A nuclear export signal prevents Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 Ssb1p from stimulating nuclear localization signal-directed nuclear transport
Reduced induction of HSP70 in PC12 cells during neuronal differentiation
Induction of the HSP70 gene promoter by various anticancer drugs
Alterations in the chaperone activity of HSP70 in aging organisms
BiP, HSP70, NDK and PDI in wheat endosperm. I. Accumulation of mRNA and protein during grain development
HSP70 interacting protein Hip does not affect glucocorticoid receptor folding by the hsp90-based chaperone machinery except to oppose the effect of BAG-1
Serum p53 antibodies in patients with oral lesions: correlation with p53/HSP70 complexes
Beet yellows closterovirus HSP70-like protein mediates the cell-to-cell movement of a potexvirus transport-deficient mutant and a hordeivirus-based chimeric virus.
The neuroprotective potential of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
Salicylic acid influences HSP70/Hsc70 expression in Lycopersicon esculentum: dose-and time-dependent induction or potentiation
Resistance to stress as a function of age in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
The indicative value of the HSP70 stress response as a marker for metal effects in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) field populations: variability between populations from …
Responses of heat shock proteins hsp27, αB‐crystallin, and HSP70 in rat brain after kainic acid‐induced seizure activity
Mitochondrial protein import motor: the ATPase domain of matrix HSP70 is crucial for binding to Tim44, while the peptide binding domain and the carboxy-terminal …
Analysis of the antigenic properties of the L. infantum HSP70: design of synthetic peptides for specific serodiagnosis of human leishmaniasis
… of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) activation in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue. Differential regulation of HSP70 expression and hsf1 …
Intrinsic ADP-ATP exchange activity is a novel function of the molecular chaperone, HSP70
The HSP70-Ydj1 molecular chaperone represses the activity of the heme activator protein Hap1 in the absence of heme
Heterogeneous patterns of constitutive and heat shock induced expression of HLA-linked HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 heat shock genes in human melanoma cell lines.
HSP70 and ER expression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer
Alternative activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases in curcumin and arsenite-induced HSP70 gene expression in human colorectal carcinoma cells
… by the heat shock protein (hsp) 90-based chaperone machinery: The role of p23 is to stabilize receptor· hsp90 heterocomplexes formed by hsp90· p60· HSP70
A physiologically relevant hyperthermia selectively activates constitutive HSP70 in H9c2 cardiac myoblasts and confers oxidative protection
Expression of p53 and HSP70 in relation to apoptosis during Meckel’s cartilage development in the mouse
A giant protein that stimulates guanine nucleotide exchange on ARF1 and Rab proteins forms a cytosolic ternary complex with clathrin and HSP70
Role of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 and Toxoplasma gondii HSP30/bag1 in antibody formation and prophylactic immunity in mice experimentally infected with …
Natural autoantibodies against heat‐shock proteins HSP70 and gp96: implications for immunotherapy using heat‐shock proteins
… protein (hsp) 70 sequence prevents adjuvant arthritis upon nasal administration and induces IL-10-producing T cells that cross-react with the mammalian self-HSP70 …
Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins hsp25 and HSP70 in the rat oviduct during neonatal development, the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy.
HSP70 and HSP90 homologs are associated with tubulin in hetero-oligomeric complexes, cilia and the cortex of Tetrahymena
Developmental Activation of an Episomic HSP70 Gene Promoter in Two-Cell Mouse Embryos by Transcription Factor Sp1
HSP70 is not required for high affinity binding of purified calf uterine estrogen receptor to estrogen response element DNA in vitro
Identification of a 71-Kilodalton Surface-Associated HSP70 Homologue in Coxiella burnetii
The immunization of A2/Kb transgenic mice with the KMP11-HSP70 fusion protein induces CTL response against human cells expressing the T. cruzi KMP11 antigen …
Effect of vibrational stress and spaceflight on regulation of heat shock proteins HSP70 and hsp27 in human lymphocytes (Jurkat)
Hyperactive forms of the Pdr1p transcription factor fail to respond to positive regulation by the HSP70 protein Pdr13p
Intracellular distribution of HSP70 during long duration moderate hyperthermia
Divergent kinetics of HSP70 induction in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) in response to four environmentally relevant organic chemicals (B [a] P, PCB52, γ-HCH, PCP) …
HSP70 protects macrophages infected with Salmonella choleraesuis against TNF-α-induced cell death
Loss of HSP70-Hsp40 chaperone activity causes abnormal nuclear distribution and aberrant microtubule formation in M-phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The HSP70 homolog gene, Hsc70t, is expressed under translational control during mouse spermiogenesis
Co-induction of HSP70 and heme oxygenase-1 in macrophages and glia after spinal cord contusion in the rat
Elevated levels of circulating heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in peripheral and renal vascular disease
Short-range linkage relationships, genomic organisation and sequence comparisons of a cluster of five HSP70 genes in Fugu rubripes
Heat shock proteins hsp27 and HSP70: lack of correlation with response to tamoxifen and clinical course of disease in estrogen receptor-positive metastatic breast …
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Third HSP70 Homolog in Escherichia coli; a Novel Member of the Hsc66 Subfamily and Its Possible Co-chaperone
Two distinct mechanisms operate in the reactivation of heat-denatured proteins by the mitochondrial HSP70/Mdj1p/Yge1p chaperone system
Acore ATPase’, HSP70-like structure is conserved in human, rat, and C. elegans STCH proteins
Synthesis of stress protein 70 (HSP70) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) red blood cells
Nucleosomes are not necessary for promoter-proximal pausing in vitro on the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
Molecular typing of Trichomonas vaginalis isolates by HSP70 restriction fragment length polymorphism.
CAIR-1/BAG-3 forms an EGF-regulated ternary complex with phospholipase C-γ and HSP70/Hsc70
Mitochondrial protein and HSP70 signaling after ischemia in hypothermic-adapted hearts augmented with glucose
Evidence for the involvement of mouse heat shock factor 1 in the atypical expression of the HSP70. 1 heat shock gene during mouse zygotic genome activation
Spatial profiles of HSP70 proteins in Asian clam (Potamocorbula amurensis) in northern San Francisco Bay may be linked to natural rather than anthropogenic …
Promoter-Proximal Pausing on the HSP70Promoter in Drosophila melanogaster Depends on the Upstream Regulator
A mitochondrial-type HSP70 gene of Entamoeba histolytica.
The HSP70 protein is involved in the acquisition of gamete self-sterility in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis
BiP, HSP70, NDK and PDI in wheat endosperm. II. Effects of high temperature on protein and mRNA accumulation
Induction of DNA damage and expression of heat shock protein HSP70 by polychlorinated biphenyls in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula Olivi
Splenic cytotoxic cells recognize surface HSP70 on culture-adapted EL-4 mouse lymphoma cells
Expression analysis of mortalin, a unique member of the HSP70 family of proteins, in rat tissues
N-Ethylmaleimide-modified HSP70 inhibits protein folding
Differential expression of c-fos, HSP70 and Hsp27 after photothrombotic injury in the rat brain
Developmental regulation of the plant mitochondrial matrix located HSP70 chaperone and its role in protein import
Structure and mechanism of HSP70 proteins
HSP70 expression in granulocytes and lymphocytes ofpatients with polytrauma: comparison with plasma glutamine
Evidence for Iterative Ratcheting of Receptor-Bound HSP70 between Its ATP and ADP Conformations during Assembly of Glucocorticoid Receptor⊙ hsp90 …
Electrically stimulated induction of HSP70 gene expression in mouse astroglia and fibroblast cells
Specific intranucleolar distribution of HSP70 during heat shock in polytene cells
HSP70 induction may explain the long-lasting resistance to heat of Drosophila melanogaster having lived in hypergravity
The presence of a dnaK (HSP70) multigene family in members of the orders Planctomycetales and Verrucomicrobiales
Constitutive HSP70 is essential to mitosis during early cleavage of Paracentrotus lividus embryos: the blockage of constitutive HSP70 impairs mitosis
Interaction between tolerance and 70 kDa stress protein (HSP70) induction in collembolan populations exposed to long-term metal pollution
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) protects postimplantation murine embryos from the embryolethal effects of hyperthermia
Heat shock protein (HSP70) in brown trout epidermis after sudden temperature rise
The hsp Operons Are Repressed by the hrc37 of the HSP70 Operon in Staphylococcus aureus
A member of the HSP70 gene familyfrom the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata
Luciferase activity and synthesis of HSP70 and Hsp90 are insensitive to 50Hz electromagnetic fields
Expression of immediate early genes, HSP70, and COX-2 mRNAs in rat stomach following ethanol ingestion
High‐molecular‐mass complexes formed in vivo contain smHSPs and HSP70 and display chaperone‐like activity
Glutamine synthetase activity and HSP70 levels in cultured rat astrocytes: effect of 1-octadecyl-2-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine
Developmental control of heat shock and chaperone gene expression HSP70 genes and heat shock factors during preimplantation phase of mouse development
Orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana of the HSP70 interacting protein Hip
HSP70 induction by cyclosporine A in cultured rat hepatocytes: effect of vitamin E succinate
Structurally and functionally distinct mouse HSP70 family members Mot-1 and Mot-2 proteins are encoded by two alleles
Immunological detection and subcellular localization of HSP70 and Hsp60 homologs in Trichomonas vaginalis
Virulence-dependent induction of HSP70/Hsc70 in tomato by Ralstonia solanacearum
Cerebral activation and distribution of inducible hsp110 and HSP70 mRNAs following focal ischemia in rat
Primary chondrocytes resist hydrostatic pressure-induced stress while primary synovial cells and fibroblasts show modified HSP70 response
Phylogenetic analysis with newly characterized Babesia bovis HSP70 and hsp90 provides strong support for paraphyly within the piroplasms.
Marked differences between avian and mammalian testicular cells in the heat shock induction and polyadenylation of HSP70 and ubiquitin transcripts
Molecular characterisation of a HSP70 gene from the filarial parasite Setaria digitata
Heat‐induced expression of MHC‐linked HSP70 genes in lymphocytes varies at the single‐cell level
Interference between proteins Hap46 and Hop/p60, which bind to different domains of the molecular chaperone HSP70/hsc70
Mild hypothermia decreases the incidence of transient ADC reduction detected with diffusion MRI and expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA during acute focal …
The level and phosphorylation of HSP70 in the rat liver cytosol after adrenalectomy and hyperthermia
Strong expression of heat shock proteins in growth plate cartilage, an immunohistochemical study of HSP28, HSP70 and HSP110
Heat shock transcription factors and the HSP70 induction response in brain and kidney of the hyperthermic rat during postnatal development
Heat-Inducible Surface Stress Protein (HSP70) Mediates Sulfatide Recognition of the Respiratory Pathogen Haemophilus influenzae
Constitutive and heat‐shock induced expression of HSP70 mRNA during chicken testicular development and regression
Protein synthesis is required for stabilization of HSP70 mRNA upon exposure to both hydrostatic pressurization and elevated temperature
The beet yellows closterovirus p65 homologue of HSP70 chaperones has ATPase activity associated with its conserved N-terminal domain but does not interact with …
The HSP70 locus of Drosophila auraria (montium subgroup) is single and contains copies in a conserved arrangement
Characterization of human proximal tubular cells after hypoxic preconditioning: constitutive and hypoxia-induced expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 (A, B, and …
The role of HSP70 in protection and repair of luciferase activity in vivo; experimental data and mathematical modelling
Bcl-xLOverexpression Restricts Heat-Induced Apoptosis and Influences HSP70, bcl-2, and Bax Protein Levels in FL5. 12 Cells
Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption, HSP70 Expression and Apoptosis Due to 3-Nitropropionie Acid, a Mitochondrial Toxin
HSP70 and heat shock factor 1 cooperate to repress Ras-induced transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene
Green fluorescent protein as a marker for monitoring activity of stress-inducible HSP70 rat gene promoter
Effects of PCBs sorbed to algal paste and sediments on the stress protein response (HSP70 family) in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica
Interaction of mitochondrial presequences with DnaK and mitochondrial HSP70
Pixel-based image analysis of HSP70, GADD45 and MAP2 mRNA expression after focal cerebral ischemia: hemodynamic and histological correlates
HSP70 expression is increased during the day in a diurnal animal, the golden-mantled ground squirrelSpermophilus lateralis
Echinococcus granulosus: in vitro effects of ivermectin and praziquantel on hsp60 and HSP70 levels
Heat stress affects the glucocorticoid receptor interaction with heat shock protein HSP70 in the rat liver
Concentration-dependent differential effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on the expression of HSP70 and metallothionein genes induced by cadmium in human amniotic …
Heat shock protein (Hsp) 40 mutants inhibit HSP70 in mammalian cells
Mutual exclusion of apoptosis and HSP70 in human vein intimal hyperplasia in vitro
Efficient in vitro and in vivo gene regulation of a retrovirally delivered pro-apoptotic factor under the control of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
Completion of Meiosis Is Not Always Required for Acrosome Formation in HSP70-2 Null Mice
Preferential activation of HSF-binding activity and HSP70 gene expression in Xenopus heart after mild hyperthermia
Artificial human skin: cytokine, prostaglandin, HSP70 and histological responses to heat exposure
Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax associates with a molecular chaperone complex containing hTid-1 and HSP70
Linkage analysis of HSP70 genes and historecognition locus in Botryllus schlosseri
Characteristics of the strong antibody response to mycobacterial HSP70: a primary, T cell-dependent IgG response with no evidence of natural priming or γδ T cell …
Expression of HSP70-2 in unilateral cryptorchid testis of rhesus monkey during germ cell apoptosis
Sensitive genotyping of Cryptosporidium parvum by PCR-RFLP analysis of the 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) gene
Immunohistochemical study of leukocyte infiltration and expression of HSP70 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
B-Myb and cyclin D1 mediate heat shock element dependent activation of the human HSP70 promoter
HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 from Trichinella spiralis as targets of humoral immune response in rats
Selective stimulation of Hsp27 and αB-crystallin but not HSP70 expression by p38 MAP kinase activation
The HSP70 Gene Family in Pneumocystis carinii: Molecular and Phylogenetic Characterization of Cytoplasmic Members
N-terminal hydrophobic sorting signals of preproteins confer mitochondrial HSP70 independence for import into mitochondria
Effects of batroxobin on spatial learning and memory disorder of rats with temporal ischemia and the expression of HSP32 and HSP70.
HSP70 and Hsc70 are preferentially expressed in differentiated epithelial cells in normal human endometrium and ectocervix
Identification of a putative regulatory element in the 3′-untranslated region that controls expression of HSP70 in Leishmania infantum
Synergistic cytotoxic effect of quercetin and heat treatment in a lymphoid cell line (OZ) with low HSP70 expression
Modulation of HSP70 and HSP90 expression by sodium salicylate and aspirin in fish cell line CHSE-214
Specific binding of Drosophila nuclear protein PEP (protein on ecdysone puffs) to HSP70 DNA and RNA
Cloning of HSP70 genes from the marine sponges Sycon raphanus (Calcarea) and Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Hexactinellida). An approach to solve the phylogeny of …
Molecular Cloning of a Candida albicans Gene (SSB1) Coding for a Protein Related to the HSP70 Family
Co-purification of mitochondrial HSP70 and mature protein disulfide isomerase with a functional rat kidney high-Mr cysteine S-conjugate β-lyase
Validation of HSP70 stress gene expression as a marker of metal effects in Deroceras reticulatum (pulmonata): Correlation with demographic parameters
Relevance of Cryptosporidium parvum HSP70 mRNA Amplification as a Tool to Discriminate Between Viable and Dead Oocysts
Heat shock proteins HSP70‐1 and HSP70‐3 Are necessary and sufficient to prevent arsenite‐induced dysmorphology in mouse embryos
Yeast Pdr13p and Zuo1p molecular chaperones are new functional HSP70 and Hsp40 partners
Lack of association between the polymorphism at the heat-shock protein (HSP70-2) gene and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the Mexican mestizo population
Gene expressions of ubiquitin and HSP70 following focal ischaemia in rat brain
Fluoxetine prevents PCP-and MK801-induced HSP70 expression in injured limbic cortical neurons of rats
Expression of the testis‐specific HSP70‐related gene (hst70 gene) in somatic non‐testicular rat tissues revealed by RT‐PCR and transgenic mice analysis
Suppression of an HSP70 Mutant Phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through Loss of Function of the Chromatin Component Sin1p/Spt2p
Regulation of hsp90 and HSP70 Genes during Antheridiol-Induced Hyphal Branching in the OomyceteAchlya ambisexualis
Conformational Changes of an HSP70 Molecular Chaperone Induced by Nucleotides, Polypeptides, and N-Ethylmaleimide
Interaction between the nucleotide exchange factor Mge1 and the mitochondrial HSP70 Ssc1
Regional distribution of HSP70 in the CNS of young and old food-restricted rats following hyperthermia
Endotoxin inhibits heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with severe sepsis
The biochemical properties of the ATPase activity of a 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) are governed by the C-terminal domains
Expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA in neonatal rat cerebrocortical slices during NMDA-induced necrosis and apoptosis
Characterisation of a pea HSP70 gene which is both developmentally and stress-regulated
Comparison of anti‐heat shock protein 70 (Anti‐HSP70) and anti‐68‐kDa inner ear protein in the sera of patients with Meniere’s disease
Expression of HSP70 is impaired at the transcriptional level in stressed murine neuroblastoma cells.
Differential expression of glucose-regulated (grp78) and heat-shock-inducible (HSP70) genes during asexual development of Neurospora crassa
Induction of gene expression of the chaperones 14-3-3 and HSP70 by PCB 118 (2, 3\’, 4, 4\’, 5-pentachlorobiphenyl) in the marine sponge Geodia cydonium: novel …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) as a major target of the antibody response in patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis
Expression of DnaJ homologs and HSP70 in the Japanese Willow (Salix gilgiana Seemen)
Polymorphism in the regulatory sequence of the human HSP70-1 gene does not affect heat shock factor binding or heat shock protein synthesis
Modulation of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression by sodium butyrate in U-937 promonocytic cells: relationships with differentiation and apoptosis
The membrane‐bound DnaJ protein located at the cytosolic site of glyoxysomes specifically binds the cytosolic isoform 1 of HSP70 but not other HSP70 species
Association of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and HSP70 upon whole body hyperthermic stress
Differential degradation of the three fibrinogen chains by proteasomes: involvement of Sec61p and cytosolic HSP70
Expression of the spermatid-specific HSP70 antigen is conserved in mammals including marsupials
… /DnaJ/GrpE and ClpB proteins on the removal of heat-aggregated proteins from Escherichia coliΔclpB mutant cells – new insight into the role of HSP70 in a functional …
Polymorphism in heat-shock protein 70-1 (HSP70-1) gene promoter region and susceptibility to tuberculoid leprosy and pulmonary tuberculosis in Asian Indians
Reduced Levels of HSP70 Result in a Therapeutic Effect of l5-Deoxyspergualin on Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease in (DA× LEW) Fl Rats
Attenuation of the induced differentiation of HL-60 leukemia cells by mitochondrial chaperone HSP70.
Characterisation of a monoclonal antibody recognising specifically the HSP70 from Leishmania
Evidence of an interaction between Mos and HSP70: a role of the Mos residue serine 3 in mediating HSP70 association
Refolding intermediates of acid-unfolded mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase bind to HSP70
Expression of HSP70-2 gene during germ cell apoptosis in rat unilateral cryptorchid testes
Heat shock factor 1 mediates hemin-induced HSP70 gene transcription in K562 erythroleukemia cells
The different expression of proteins recognized by monoclonal anti‐heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) antibody in human colonic diseases
Expression of heat shock proteins in salivary gland tumors. Immunohistochemical study of HSP27, HSP70, HSP90, and HSP110: apropos of 50 cases
Genetic dissection of the HSP70 chaperone system of yeast
cDNA cloning of heat-inducible HSP70, a 70.6 kDa heat shock protein, in Japanese flounder Paralichtys olivaceus
HSP70 levels in physiologically stressed Baltic Sea mussels
Messenger ribonucleic acid expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in human endometrium and myometrium during the menstrual cycle
Transient Increase in Chloride Cell Number and Heat Shock Protein Expression (HSP70) in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario) Exposed to Sudden Temperature …
The Unique Chaperone Operon of Thermotoga maritima: Cloning and Initial Characterization of a Functional HSP70 and Small Heat Shock Protein
Two snoRNAs are encoded in the first intron of the rice HSP70 gene
Erythroid carbonic anhydrase and HSP70 expression in chick embryonic development: role of cAMP and hypoxia
Isolation and characterization of isoforms of HspBP1, inhibitors of HSP70
Role of HSP70 subfamily, Ssa, in protein folding in yeast cells, seen in luciferase-transformed ssa mutants
Regional myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP70) concentrations under different blood flow conditions
Changes in HSP70 and P53 expression are related to the pattern of electromechanical alterations in rat cardiomyocytes during simulated ischemia
Protein glycosylation in a heat-resistant rat fibroblast cell model expressing human HSP70
Remodeling of regulatory nucleoprotein complexes on the Xenopus HSP70 promoter during meiotic maturation of the Xenopus oocyte
Increased expression of HSP70 and co-localization with nuclear protein in cells infected with the Hantaan virus
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in gastric adaptation to aspirin in Helicobacter pylori infection
Hepatic concentration of heat shock protein 70 kD (HSP70) in broilers subjected to different thermal treatments
Selective expression of HSP70-1 gene in the adrenal cortex but not in the medulla of thermally stressed rats
Mammalian Cytosolic DnaJ Homologues Affect the HSP70 Chaperone− Substrate Reaction Cycle, but Do Not Interact Directly with Nascent or Newly Synthesized …
Coupling chemical energy by the HSP70/tim44 complex to drive protein translocation into mitochondria
HSP70-mediated acceleration of translational recovery after stress is independent of ribosomal RNA synthesis
The study on the expression of membrane HSP70 protein in H22 cell and its immunoprotective mechanism against carcinoma.
Induced expression and localization to nuclear-inclusion bodies of HSP70 in varicella-zoster virus-infected human diploid fibroblasts
Heat shock proteins, HSP25 and HSP70, and apoptosis in developing endocardial cushion of the mouse heart
HSP70 and c-Fos expression of brain stem hypoglossal nucleus in drowning
Induction of molecular chaperones HSP70 and HSP90 in rat liver cytosol by a highly toxic coplanar PCB
Characterisation of several HSP70 interacting proteins from mammalian organelles
Transient MRI-detected water apparent diffusion coefficient reduction correlates with c-fos mRNA but not HSP70 mRNA induction during focal cerebral ischemia in rats
Regionally different effects of scopolamine on NMDA antagonist-induced heat shock protein HSP70
Plant-derived amino acids increase hippocampal BDNF, NGF, c-fos and HSP70 mRNAs
Partial homology of stress glycoprotein GP62 with HSP70
Changes in cell morphology and actin organization during heat shock in Dictyostelium discoideum: does HSP70 play a role in acquired thermotolerance?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae KAR2 (BiP) Gene Expression Is Induced by Loss of Cytosolic HSP70/Ssalp through a Heat Shock Element-Mediated Pathway
Cloning of the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Gene of Ehrlichia sennetsu and Differential Expression of HSP70 and HSP60 mRNA after Temperature Upshift
HSP70 and ribosomal protein L2: novel 5S rRNA binding proteins in Escherichia coli
Overexpression of bcl-2, bcl-XL or HSP70 in murine cortical astrocytes reduces injury of co-cultured neurons
Oxysterols from oxidized LDL are cytotoxic but fail to induce HSP70 expression in endothelial cells
Helium‐neon laser irradiation is not a stressful treatment: A study on heat‐shock protein (HSP70) level
Biomarkers of heavy metal effects in two species of caddisfly larvae from Clark Fork River, Montana: stress proteins (HSP70) and lysosomal membrane integrity
HSP70 is involved in the control of chromosomal transcription in the amphibian oocyte
A study of HSP70 and NF in brain contusion timing
HSP70, hsp32, and grp78 are increased in thermally injured skin with and without antithrombin (human) concentrate infusion
Induction of HSP70 in the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
Mitochondrial HSP70 cannot replace BiP in driving protein translocation into the yeast endoplasmic reticulum
A novel HSP70 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe that confers K-252a resistance
MSJ-1, a mouse testis-specific DnaJ protein, is highly expressed in haploid male germ cells and interacts with the testis-specific heat shock protein HSP70-2
Synergistic effects of heat and ET-18-OCH3 on membrane expression of HSP70 and lysis of leukemic K562 cells
Expression and changes of HSP70 in the rat forebrain subjected to gamma knife (100Gy) irradiation targeted on the caudate putamen and survived for different times
Geranylgeranylacetone protects human monocytes from mitochondrial membrane depolarization independently of HSP70 expression
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a cDNA for an Inducible 70 kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) of the American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
Purification of HSP70 and its immunoprotective effect against mouse hepatoma
Induction and accumulation of HSP70 leads to formation of its complexes with other cell proteins
Expression of antisense HSP70 is a major determining factor in heat-induced cell death of P-19 carcinoma cells
c-fos antisense oligonucleotide prevents delayed induction of HSP70 mRNA after soman-induced seizures
Experimental immunization with anti‐rheumatic bacterial extract OM‐89 induces T cell responses to heat shock protein (hsp) 60 and HSP70; modulation of peripheral …
The effect of oxygen on retinal degeneration in wild-type and HSP70. 1 knockout neonatal retinal degeneration mice.
The genes coding for the HSP70 (dnaK) molecular chaperone machine occur in the moderate thermophilic archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila TM-1
… hyperammonemic conditions: an immunocytochemical study of glutamine synthetase (GS), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70 …
Immunogenicity of recombinant Babesia microti HSP70 homologue in mice
Expression and localization of HSP70 and Hsp27 in human breast tumors
Induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by zinc bis (DL-hydrogen aspartate) reduces ischemic small-bowel tissue damage in rats
Evidence for HSP70-like protein in the RBC membrane of the hereditarily anemic Belgrade laboratory (b/b) rat
Induced HSP70 is in small, cytoplasmic complexes in a cell culture model of renal ischemia: a comparative study with heat shock
HSP70 Genes and Historecognition in Botryllus schlosseri: Implications for MHC Evolution
Identification of mycobacterial HSP70 reactive human T cell clones discriminating between M. tuberculosis and M. leprae
HSP70 stress proteins, nitric oxide, and resistance of August and Wistar rats to myocardial infarction
HSP60, HSP70 in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease: implication and action
Differential expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in human monocytes rendered apoptotic by IL‐4 or serum deprivation
Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) at the interface of polymer–implants in vivo
Effect of HSP70-peptide complexes generated in vivo on modulation EAE
Cloning, expression, purification and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of yeast Hsp40 Sis1 complexed with HSP70 Ssa1 C-terminal lid domain
Transcription of theLeishmania major HSP70-IGene Locus Does Not Proceed through the Noncoding Region
Development and further characterization of a small subclass of rat olfactory receptor neurons that shows immunoreactivity for the HSP70 heat shock protein
Heat-shock protein (HSP70-2) allelic frequencies in three distinct Mexican populations
Effect of HSP70 antisense RNA on normal sorghum pollen formation
Expression of HSP70 gene in rat brain after exposures to repeated+ Gz.
No variation in HSP70 mRNA level during cardiac surgery in pediatric patients evaluated by semiquantitative RT-PCR
Endotoxin inhibits heat induced HSP70 in rats
An unique CD4+ CD8+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte specific for DnaK (Escherichia coli HSP70) may be selected by intestinal microflora of rats
HSP70 is selectively over‐expressed in the blast cells of the germinal centres and paracortex in reactive lymph nodes
The significance of the expression of the HSP70 and HSP90 in the intestinal mucosa in scalded rats during early postburn stage
Mammalian HSP70 and Hsp40: characteristic induction by environmental stresses and tissue specific expression
Study on HSP70, 90 mRNA gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells with steroid-resistant asthmatics
Cellular and antibody responses to the Plasmodium falciparum heat shock protein Pf72/HSP70 during and after acute malaria in individuals from an endemic area of …
Study on amino acid composition of HSP70 and the level of plasma free amino acids of workers with long-term exposure to harmful factors
Cancer genesis: stem tumour cells as an MHC-null/HSP70–very high ‘primordial self’escaping both MHC-restricted and MHC-non-restricted immunesurveillance
Immunological significance of HSP70 in tumor rejection
Using HSP70 promoter to regulate target gene expression in tumor
An additional exon of stress-inducible heat shock protein 70 gene (HSP70-1)
Intracellular distribution of stress glycoproteins in a heat-resistant cell model expressing human HSP70
Characterization of Arabidopsis heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene family and microarray analysis of gene expression in response to temperature extremes
Effects of neuroprotective dose of fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate on hypoxia-induced expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA in neonatal rat cerebrocortical slices
Increase in thermosensitivity of cervical cancer and ovarian cancer cells by HSP70 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides
Marked alteration of c-fos and c-jun but not HSP70 messenger RNA expression in rat brain after cold-induced trauma: An in situ hybridization study
The role of HSP70 and Ca (2+)-pump from the myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardioprotective effects during adaptation to physical load in rats
Expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) in normal endometrium and endometrial carcinomas
Effect of dl-3-N-butylphthalide on the expression of HSP70 mRNA and c-fos in transient cerebral ischemic and reperfused rat brain
Comparative study on the immunogenicity between HSP70 DNA vaccine and Hsp65 DNA vaccine in humanMycobacterium tuberculosis
Ischemia, Infarction and HSP70
Batroxobin against anoxic damage of rat hippocampal neurons in culture: morphological changes and HSP70 expression.
Sites of expression of DnaJ homologs and HSP70 in male and female flowers of the Japanese willow Salix gilgiana Seemen
Induction of apoptosis in ovarian carcinoma cells by HSP70 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides
Study on the role of the chimeric HSP70/CD80 DNA vaccine for treating infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The expression of HSP70 and BCL-2 genes in hippocampus of the rats exposed to cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
Unresponsiveness of Euplotes focardii HSP70 genes to thermal stress
Effects of hypoxic-preconditioning on anoxic-tolerance and HSP70 expression in cultured rat hippocampal neurons
Immunocytochemistry of heat shock proteins HSP70 in pig liver after a parasitic invasion.
Antitumor effect of DC vaccine modified by HSP70-H22 tumor peptide complex in vitro and in vivo
HSP70 expression of middle ear mucosa in acute suppurative otitis media
β-Galactosidase as a marker of HSP70 promoter induction in Dunning R3327 prostate carcinoma cells
Effect of the absence of heat shock protein 70.1 (HSP70. 1) on retinal photoreceptors in normal and rd mice.
Influence of elemene or heat shock treatment upon the expression of membrane HSP70 and HSPs genes in HepG_2 cells
Heat stress-induced HSP70 expression in heart and vessels of simulated weightless rats
Use of synthetic peptides in mapping the binding sites for HSP70 in a mitochondrial protein
The Thermotolerance Changes of HSP70 Overe xpression K562 Cell
Effect of heat stress or lipopolysaccharide (E. coli) injection on HSP70 levels in the liver and brain of adrenalectomized rats
Analysis of the 5′-flanking regions of the MHC-linked HSP70-2 and HSP70-3 genes of the rat
The functional analysis of Lhs1p, a member of a novel HSP70 related family of proteins
The role of stress proteins HSP70 and the adrenergic system in different resistance to myocardial infarction of August and Wistar genetic rat strains
Development of a Transient Assay for Investigating the Activation of Pea HSP70 Gene Promoter by Potyviral Cistrons
Polymorphism of the gene of heat shock protein HSP70 in lines of rats with normal and hypertensive status
Optical imaging of HSP70 gene expression following thermal laser injury
HSP70 in immunotherapy: a potential vector in cancer and viral vaccines
Adaptogen ADAPT modulates stress-induced HSP70 synthesis and improves organism’s resistance to heat shock
Expression of hyperthermia-induced HSP70 in liver after heating in rats
HSP70 expression in hypothalamus of rats exposed to infrasound
Glutamine protects intestinal epithelial cells: role of inducible HSP70
The effects of trace elements on survival rate and HSP70 synthesis of heat-exposed Drosophila melanogaster
HSP70 protein is membrane bound in red blood cells of human hereditary haemolytic anaemias
Protein glycosylation in rat fibroblast cells expressing deletion variants of the human HSP70 gene
Biological Implications of the Different HSP70 Binding Properties of Mitochondrial and Cytosolic Aspartate Aminotransferase.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.) transformants carrying, ipt gene fused to heat-shock (HSP70) promoter
Botryllus schlosseri historecognition locus and HSP70 genes: linkage analysis and comparison with vertebrate MHC
Involvement of an oxidative action in HSP70 promoter induction by three selected environmental pollutants: protective effect of N-acetylcysteine
Tetrahymena elongation factor-1α binds to HSP70 family proteins
Sequences flanking rat HSP70. 1 gene contain motifs specific for matrix attached regions and form complexes with nuclear matrix protein in vitro
The localization of HSP70 and hsp90 in light-and dark-adapted octopus photoreceptors
Abdominal sepsis induces expression of heat shock protein 70s (HSP70) and heat shock response prevents septic gut mucosal injury of the rats
Isolation of an inhibitor of HSP70 activity
Sequencing and allelic analyses of heat shock protein 70 gene (HSP70) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Lack of the HSP70-2 chaperone is associated with meiotic defects and cytoplasmic retention in human sperm: relationship between chromosomal aneuploidy and …
Study on determination of HSP70 and anti-HSP70 in sera of workers with western blot
Effect of Dioxins on Molecular Chaperones HSP70 and HSP90 in Rat Leydig Cells (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH SYMPOSIUM ON TOXICOLOGY AND …
Heat shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to various contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and cadmium)
Preparation of monoclonal antibody to HSP70
The HSP70 molecular chaperone system
A study of HSP70 and NF in brain contusion timing
Effect of HSP70-peptide complexes generated in vivo
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) does not prevent the inhibition of cell growth in DU-145 cells treated with TGF-beta1.
Expression of HSP70 in human colon carcinoma cells
Measurement of Expression of the HSP70 Protein Family
Influence of arsenic bisulfide on the expression of HSP70 in K_ (562)/ADM cell
Study on the preparation of recombinant human HSP70 and its presenting-antigen function
Using HSP70 as carrier of antigenic peptides
HSP70 is a negative regulator of G protein signalling
HSP70 Chaperone Functions in Stresed Cells
The investigation of distribution and expression of HSP70 under high temperature or virus infection
Expresión y localización de HSP70 y hsp27 en pacientes con cáncer de mama
The roles of HSP70 proteins in antigen processing and presentation
Internalization mediated by HSP70 receptors expressed on the surface of dendritic cells
Bag1 as a novel HSP70 co-chaperone that negatively regulates HSP70 and coordinates cell stress with cell growth
Expression of HSP70 in Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Effects of Pinacidil preconditioning on HSP70 and cPLA2 expression in hemorrh agic shock rats
HSP70 Chaperones in Spermatogenesis
Detection of HSP70 expression on the membrane of human Hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines
HSP70 and Ischemia Tolerance in the Compromised Heart
Interaktion von cytosolischen HSP70-Isoformen mit dem glyoxysomalen DnaJ-Protein
Regulation and function of the HSP70 chaperone machine in mammalian cells
Molecular cloning of three different Achlya ambisexualis HSP70 cDNAs, and changes in the accumulation of HSP70 transcript populations during hyphal branching
Study of HSP70 gene upstream regulation element on expression efficiency of GST gene in M. smegmatis
Effects of arsenic on developing nervous system and HSP70 mRNA expression during rat neuruiation period
Polymorphism of the heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2 in ulcerative colitis
The expression of HSP70 during experimental tooth movement in rats
The effect of ketamine on the expression of HSP70 induced by endotoxin in liver of rat
Effect of HSP70 Binding Peptides on Protein Synthesis
Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: Interplay between domains
Induction of specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes using hepatoma antigenic peptide mixed with HSP70 in vitro
Polymorphism of the Gene for Heat Shock Protein HSP70 in Rat Strains with Normal and Hypertensive Statuses
Endotoxin Inhibits Heat-Induced HSP70 Synthesis in Rats• 220
Characteristics and distribution of snoRNA gene cluster in the first intron of HSP70 gene in plant
Immunocytochemical detection of HSP70 in cell culture of pig granulosa
Nesdonal induces HSP70 and affects glucocorticoid receptor in the rat liver
Content of HSP70 in rats with hereditary stress-induced arterial hypertension
The effect of the occlusion of the left bronchial artery on the production of HSP70 cat lung
The role of Cer1p, a novel HSP70 related protein in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mge1 is a nucleotide release factor for Ssc1, a mitochondrial HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Phosphorylation of an envelope-associated HSP70 homolog in amyloplasts isolated from cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.).
Batroxobin Against Anoxic Damage of Rat Hippocampal Neurons in Culture: Morphological Changes and HSP70 Expression
Confocal Microscopic Analysis of the Expression of hsp60 and HSP70 by Vascular Cells Subjected to Different Forms of Stress
ATPase activity of cytosolic chaperone HSP70 from maize endosperm cell
Analysis of HSP70 and small heat shock protein accumulation during Xenopus laevis development.
Localization and distribution of HSP70 mRNA and Hantann virus in autopsy tissue of the patients with EHF and in virus-infected cells
Expression of HSP70, c-fos following focal cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rats and neuroprotective effect of Cudrania tricuspidata
Effects of hirudo extract liquor on the expression of HSP70 and TGF?-1 in experimental intracerebral perihematoma tissues
Human HSP70 efficiently load monocytes with antigenic peptides and allow specific recognition by anti-tumor T cells.
Enhancement of HSP70 gene expression by redox factor-1 is mediated through CCAAT elements
Sequence analysis of PCR amplified HSP70 genes from infectious waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum
Effect of Steroid Hormones on the Expression of c-Fos, CREB, ATF, and HSP70 in Rat Uterus
Hop, an HSP70 and Hsp90 organizing protein, in progesterone receptor assembly
Construction et caracterisation de souches de Streptococcus pneumoniae deficientes au niveau de l’expression des proteines de l’operon HSP70 (French text).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae KAR2 (BiP) gene expression is induced by loss of cytosolic HSP70/Ssa 1 p through a heat shock element-mediated pathway.
Genetic and molecular characterization of a variegating HSP70-lacZ fusion gene in the euchromatic 31B region of Drosophila melanogaster
Inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) Involves in radioadaptive response
Characterization of Hip, an HSP70-interacting protein and a transient component of progesterone receptor complexes
HSP70 and its co-chaperones: Key regulators of the intracellular fate of CFTR
Identification of anoxia-induced expression of HSP70 in Chrysemys picta belli hepatocytes
… S, Krajewska M, Kitada S, Zapata JM, Kochel K, Knee D, Scudiero D, Tudor G, Miller GJ, Miyashita T, Yamada M, Reed JCExpression and location of HSP70 …
INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: Interplay between the ATPase-and peptide …
Investigations of the roles of HSP70 and Hsp40 molecular chaperone proteins in protein folding
Thermal adaptation activates HSP70 synthesis, inhibits overproduction of nitric oxide, and protects the body from acute hypotension during heat shock
A proposed model for iterative ratcheting of receptor-bound HSP70 between its Atp and adp conformations during assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor hsp90 …
Heat phock protein HSP70 overexpression protects cells from heat shock stress in mouse neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells.
Heat shock transcription factors and the HSP70 induction response in neural and non-neural tissues of the hyperthermic rat during postnatal development
Shock Genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90oz And Hsp90/6) During Normal Development And Under Stress-Conditions In
P55 Roles of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 and T. gondii HSP30/bag1 in protective immunity of T. gondii-infected mice
A cytosolic molecular chaperone, HSP70, plays a role during the ER-associated translocation and degradation of a secretory protein, apoprotein B100
Expression, regulation and possible function of heat shock genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90α and Hsp90β) during normal development and under stress-conditions in …
Expression, Regulation And Possible Function Of Heat Shock Genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90a And Hsp90P) During Normal Development And Under Stress …
Heat Shock Protein (HSP70)-Peptide Complex Induces Immunity In EG. 7 Tumors: Potential Application As A Cervical Cancer Vaccine.: ABSTRACT 66
Chaperone-mediated protein folding in mitochondria: Directionality of HSP70 and Hsp60 action
Viral structural proteins are associated specifically with a set of Heat shock proteins including HSP70, GRP94 and HSP27 in the brain tissues of suckling mice …
Stress proteins hsp60 and HSP70 in three species of amphipods exposed to cadmium, diazinon, dieldrin and fluoranthene
Structure and mechanism of cooperation by Escherichia coli hsp40 DnaJ and HSP70 DnaK
The unique chaperone operon of Thermotoga maritima encodes a functional HSP70 and small heat shock protein
The dual binding sites of a DnaJ-protein characterized by eight TPR domains form a link between the plasma membrane and HSP70/Hsp90 complexes
Characterization of chloroplast transit peptides and the major stromal HSP70, CSS1: Implications for an ATP-dependent chloroplast protein import molecular …
Molecular chaperone function in the eukaryotic cytosol: The Ssa proteins, a class of HSP70, mediate the folding of a newly translated cytosolic protein in …
Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins hsp90, hsc70, HSP70 and hsp60 in the rat during postnatal development
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the filarial nematode setaria digitata
Conditional Barley Mutant Chlorina-104 Lacks A HSP70 Homologue of the Chloroplast Protein Import Complex Under Restrictive Growth Conditions
The molecular chaperone (HSP70) and its potential roles during dormancy and germination of Dictyostelium discoideum spores; correlation with action tyrosine …
Mutation in the 5′ UTR region of the HSP70-1 gene appears to influence the response to extracorporeal photochemotherapy
… serine/threonine protein kinase, PKR, is regulated by the influenza virus activated protein, P58 (IPK), and the molecular chaperones, Hsp40 and HSP70
Biological characteristics of human cystic cancer cell line T_ (24) with higher HSP70 expression
Decreased secretion and intracellular accumulation of apo B-100 in HepG2 cells following HSP70 induction
Molecular Characterization of the Coding Region and 5’UTR of HSP70 Gene in Indian Riverine Buffalo Breeds
Dose and time dependent modulation of heat-shock-protein 70-2 mRNA (HSP70-2 mRNA) expression induced by endotoxin in human whole blood cultures
Effect of memantine on shock heat protein 70 (HSP70) expression in neonatal rat models with hypoxic-ischemia
Heat-shock-protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) genotypes are not associated with variable HSP70-2 mRNA expression
Etiological Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in Human Endothelial Cells With Hemodynamic Shear Stress
Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) within brain of the rat exposed to infrasound of 8 Hz
… 71 of the DR4 beta-chain leads to significant differences in antigen processing and presentation of a human autoantigen chaperoned by a member of the HSP70 …
Transfection of Heat-Shock Protein 70 Enhances Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia: Evidence for a Role of HSP70 in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
P77 B-1 cell activation by Toxoplasma Gondii HSP70
HSP70 chaperones: cellular functions and molecular mechanism
Many mechanisms for HSP70 protection from cerebral ischemia
Mechanisms for regulation of HSP70 function by Hsp40
HSP70 release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Regulation of HSP70 function by HspBP1: structural analysis reveals an alternate mechanism for HSP70 nucleotide exchange
Comparison of two ELISAs for the determination of HSP70 in serum
Exercise-induced elevation of HSP70 is intensity dependent
Heat shock response: HSP70 in environmental monitoring
HSP70 as endogenous stimulus of the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor signal pathway
Genomic instability and enhanced radiosensitivity in HSP70. 1-and HSP70. 3-deficient mice
Coordinated activation of HSP70 chaperones
HSP70 reduces α-synuclein aggregation and toxicity
Expression profiling in multistage hepatocarcinogenesis: identification of HSP70 as a molecular marker of early hepatocellular carcinoma
HSP70 and Hsp90—a relay team for protein folding
NELF and DSIF cause promoter proximal pausing on the HSP70 promoter in Drosophila
Novel signal transduction pathway utilized by extracellular HSP70: role of toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4
Two HSP70 family members expressed in atherosclerotic lesions
HSP70 protects against TNF-induced lethal inflammatory shock
Recruitment of HSP70 chaperones: a crucial part of viral survival strategies
Not all J domains are created equal: implications for the specificity of Hsp40–HSP70 interactions
HSP70 is present in human saliva.
An HSP70 family chaperone, mortalin/mtHSP70/PBP74/Grp75: what, when, and where?
CHIP and HSP70 regulate tau ubiquitination, degradation and aggregation
Characterization of multiple members of the HSP70 family in platyfish culture cells: molecular evolution of stress protein HSP70 in vertebrates
Hop: more than an HSP70/Hsp90 adaptor protein
CD40, an extracellular receptor for binding and uptake of HSP70–peptide complexes
Differential, stage‐dependent expression of HSP70, Hsp110 and Bcl‐2 in colorectal cancer
HSP27 and HSP70: potentially oncogenic apoptosis inhibitors
Exosome-dependent trafficking of HSP70: a novel secretory pathway for cellular stress proteins
HSP70 promotes TNF-mediated apoptosis by binding IKKγ and impairing NF-κB survival signaling
Molecular chaperones Hsp90 and HSP70 deliver preproteins to the mitochondrial import receptor Tom70
HSP70 inhibits heat-induced apoptosis upstream of mitochondria by preventing Bax translocation
Independent regulation of HSP70 and Hsp90 chaperones by HSP70/Hsp90-organizing protein Sti1 (Hop1)
Regulation of Signaling Protein Function and Trafficking by the hsp90/HSP70-Based Chaperone Machinery
Differential HSP70 gene expression in the Mediterranean mussel exposed to various stressors
Response to natural and laboratory selection at the Drosophila HSP70 genes
Perils of paralogy: using HSP70 genes for inferring organismal phylogenies
Downstream caspases are novel targets for the antiapoptotic activity of the molecular chaperone HSP70
The assembly and intermolecular properties of the HSP70-Hop-hsp90 molecular chaperone complex
HSP70-2 is required for tumor cell growth and survival
The role of heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp27 in cellular protection of the central nervous system
ΔNp63α up-regulates the HSP70 gene in human cancer
Expressions of HSP70 and HSP27 in hepatocellular carcinoma
Patterns of variation in levels of HSP70 in natural rocky shore populations from microscales to mesoscales
Geldanamycin induces HSP70 and prevents α-synuclein aggregation and toxicity in vitro
Chronic electromagnetic field exposure decreases HSP70 levels and lowers cytoprotection
Extracellular HSP70 binding to surface receptors present on antigen presenting cells and endothelial/epithelial cells
TonEBP/NFAT5 stimulates transcription of HSP70 in response to hypertonicity
Phenotypic Plasticity of HSP70 and HSP70 Gene Expression in the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas): Implications for Thermal Limits and Induction of Thermal …
Regulated cycling of mitochondrial HSP70 at the protein import channel
Small molecule modulators of endogenous and co-chaperone-stimulated HSP70 ATPase activity
Heat shock proteins gp96 and HSP70 activate the release of nitric oxide by APCs
HSP70 overexpression sequesters AIF and reduces neonatal hypoxic/ischemic brain injury
Extracellular HSP70 levels in children with septic shock
The turn motif is a phosphorylation switch that regulates the binding of HSP70 to protein kinase C
Interaction of plant mitochondrial and chloroplast signal peptides with the HSP70 molecular chaperone
Ligand discrimination by TPR domains: Relevance and selectivity of EEVD-recognition in HSP70· Hop· Hsp90 complexes
HSP70 family member, mot-2/mtHSP70/GRP75, binds to the cytoplasmic sequestration domain of the p53 protein
HSP70 dynamics in vivo: effect of heat shock and protein aggregation
Successive and synergistic action of the HSP70 and Hsp100 chaperones in protein disaggregation
Mechanism of substrate recognition by HSP70 chaperones
Cofactor Tpr2 combines two TPR domains and a J domain to regulate the HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone system
Expression of the molecular chaperone HSP70 in detergent-resistant microdomains correlates with its membrane delivery and release
Eradication of glioblastoma, and breast and colon carcinoma xenografts by HSP70 depletion
The chaperoning properties of mouse grp170, a member of the third family of HSP70 related proteins
HSP70 promotes antigen-presenting cell function and converts T-cell tolerance to autoimmunity in vivo
Overexpression of HSP70 in mouse skeletal muscle protects against muscle damage and age‐related muscle dysfunction
The HSP70 Ssz1 modulates the function of the ribosome-associated J-protein Zuo1
Nucleotide exchange factor for the yeast HSP70 molecular chaperone Ssa1p
Hsc70 and HSP70 interact with phosphatidylserine on the surface of PC12 cells resulting in a decrease of viability
Noradrenergic depletion increases inflammatory responses in brain: effects on IκB and HSP70 expression
Different skeletal muscle HSP70 responses to high-intensity strength training and low-intensity endurance training
Exercise‐induced HSP27, HSP70 and MAPK responses in human skeletal muscle
Overexpression of HSP70 is induced by ionizing radiation in C3H 10T1/2 cells and protects from DNA damage
Lipid interaction differentiates the constitutive and stress-induced heat shock proteins Hsc70 and HSP70
Targeted disruption of HSP70. 1 sensitizes to osmotic stress
The function of the yeast molecular chaperone Sse1 is mechanistically distinct from the closely related HSP70 family
Molecular cloning and expression of two HSP70 genes in the prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Genomic deletions of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 genes
Predisposition to abacavir hypersensitivity conferred by HLA-B* 5701 and a haplotypic HSP70-Hom variant
Hsp110 cooperates with different cytosolic HSP70 systems in a pathway for de novo folding
Propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [PSI+] Prion Is Impaired by Factors That Regulate HSP70 Substrate Binding
Antagonistic Interactions between Yeast [PSI+] and [URE3] Prions and Curing of [URE3] by HSP70 Protein Chaperone Ssa1p but Not by Ssa2p
Constitutive roles for inducible genes: evidence for the alteration in expression of the inducible HSP70 gene in Antarctic notothenioid fishes
Radioresistance is associated to increased HSP70 content in human glioblastoma cell lines
Food-deprivation induces HSP70 and HSP90 protein expression in larval gilthead sea bream and rainbow trout
Heat-and cold-inducible regulation of HSP70 expression in zebrafish ZF4 cells
HSP70-DnaJ chaperone pair prevents nitric oxide-and CHOP-induced apoptosis by inhibiting translocation of Bax to mitochondria
Role of the cytosolic chaperones HSP70 and Hsp90 in maturation of the cardiac potassium channel HERG
Functional domains of HSP70 stimulate generation of cytokines and chemokines, maturation of dendritic cells and adjuvanticity
Overexpression of the cochaperone CHIP enhances HSP70-dependent folding activity in mammalian cells
Administration of HSP70 in vivo inhibits motor and sensory neuron degeneration
Polymorphism of the stress protein HSP70-2 gene is associated with the susceptibility to the nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Geranylgeranylacetone ameliorates ischemic acute renal failure via induction of HSP70
Antistress effects of bacosides of Bacopa monnieri: modulation of HSP70 expression, superoxide dismutase and cytochrome P450 activity in rat brain
HSP70 and Hsp40 attenuate formation of spherical and annular polyglutamine oligomers by partitioning monomer
The co-chaperone carboxyl terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) mediates α-synuclein degradation decisions between proteasomal and lysosomal …
Effects of HSP70.1 Gene Knockout on the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Pathway After Focal Cerebral Ischemia
Multiple domains of the co-chaperone Hop are important for HSP70 binding
Hspa4 (HSP70) is involved in the radioadaptive response: results from mouse splenocytes
Elevation of the HSP70 chaperone does not effect toxicity in mouse models of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
The heat-inducible zebrafish HSP70 gene is expressed during normal lens development under non-stress conditions
Induction of protective immunity by DNA vaccination with Toxoplasma gondii HSP70, HSP30 and SAG1 genes
The solution structure of the bacterial HSP70 chaperone protein domain DnaK (393–507) in complex with the peptide NRLLLTG
Enhanced efficacy of tumor cell vaccines transfected with secretable HSP70
Formation of nuclear stress granules involves HSF2 and coincides with the nucleolar localization of HSP70
Natural temperature variation affects larval survival, development and HSP70 expression in a leaf beetle
Constitutive expression of a stress-inducible heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in phylogenetically distant Antarctic fish
Zebrafish HSP70 is required for embryonic lens formation
The effects of stress on the association between HSP70 and the glucocorticoid receptor in rainbow trout
The interaction between HSP70 and TNF-α expression: a novel mechanism for protection of the myocardium against post-injury depression
The in vivo function of the ribosome-associated HSP70, Ssz1, does not require its putative peptide-binding domain
Thermal stress–induced HSP70 mediates protection against intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation and acute pancreatitis in rats
Nuclear translocation of the HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein mSTI1 is regulated by cell cycle kinases
Heat shock proteins HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90: expression in bladder carcinoma
Maintenance of structure and function of mitochondrial HSP70 chaperones requires the chaperone Hep1
The yeast Hsp110 Sse1 functionally interacts with the HSP70 chaperones Ssa and Ssb
Mathematical modeling of the eukaryotic heat-shock response: dynamics of the HSP70 promoter
HSP70. 1 and-70.3 are required for late-phase protection induced by ischemic preconditioning of mouse hearts
Attenuated HSP70 response in skeletal muscle of aged rats following contractile activity
Ssq1, a mitochondrial HSP70 involved in iron-sulfur (Fe/S) center biogenesis: similarities to and differences from its bacterial counterpart
HspBP1, an HSP70 cochaperone, has two structural domains and is capable of altering the conformation of the HSP70 ATPase domain
Neuroprotective effects of HSP70 overexpression after cerebral ischaemia—an MRI study
The HSP70 and TRiC/CCT chaperone systems cooperate in vivo to assemble the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor complex
Interaction of BAG1 and HSP70 mediates neuroprotectivity and increases chaperone activity
The unfolding story of the Escherichia coli HSP70 DnaK: is DnaK a holdase or an unfoldase?
Polymorphism of the TNF-α, HSP70-2, and CD14 genes increases susceptibility to severe acute pancreatitis
HSP70 and genomic stability
Serum HSP70 as an early predictor of fatal outcome after severe traumatic brain injury in males
Cloning and characterization of the HSP70 multigene family from silver sea bream: modulated gene expression between warm and cold temperature acclimation
Polymorphism analysis of the HSP70 stress gene in Broiler chickens (Gallus gallus) of different breeds
An androgen receptor NH2-terminal conserved motif interacts with the COOH terminus of the HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP)
HSP70 gene transfer by adeno-associated virus inhibits MPTP-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in the mouse model of Parkinson disease
HSP70 peptide binding mutants separate antigen delivery from dendritic cell stimulation
Role for HSP70 Chaperone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prion Seed Replication
Interaction between Long-Distance Transport Factor and HSP70-Related Movement Protein of Beet Yellows Virus
Neuronal cells show regulatory differences in the HSP70 gene response
Sequence elements within an HSP70 promoter counteract transcriptional transgene silencing in Chlamydomonas
Distinctive properties of the 5′-untranslated region of human HSP70 mRNA
The repeated bout effect and heat shock proteins: intramuscular HSP27 and HSP70 expression following two bouts of eccentric exercise in humans
Treatment with extracellular HSP70/HSC70 protein can reduce polyglutamine toxicity and aggregation
Cytosolic HSP90 and HSP70 are essential components of INF1‐mediated hypersensitive response and non‐host resistance to Pseudomonas cichorii in Nicotiana …
Bioaccumulation of chlorpyrifos through an experimental food chain: study of protein HSP70 as biomarker of sublethal stress in fish
HSP70 deficiency results in activation of c-Jun N-terminal Kinase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and caspase-3 in hyperosmolarity-induced apoptosis
HSP70-controlled GFP expression in transiently transformed schistosomes
Estrogen attenuates postexercise HSP70 expression in skeletal muscle
Effect of formaldehyde inhalation on HSP70 in seminiferous tubules of rat testes: an immunohistochemical study
Regulation and localization of HSP70 and HSP25 in the kidney of rats undergoing long-term administration of angiotensin II
HSP70 Chaperones as Modulators of Prion Life Cycle: Novel Effects of Ssa and Ssb on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prion [PSI+]
HSP70 and Hsp90 change their expression and subcellular localization after microspore embryogenesis induction in Brassica napus L.
The effect of heat and cold exposure on HSP70 expression and development of deformities during embryogenesis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Association of HSP70-2 and hsp-hom gene polymorphisms with risk of acute high-altitude illness in a Chinese population
Concerted and nonconcerted evolution of the HSP70 gene superfamily in two sibling species of nematodes
Association of HSP70 and genotoxic damage in lymphocytes of workers exposed to coke-oven emission
Inbreeding affects HSP70 expression in two species of Drosophila even at benign temperatures
Hsc62, Hsc56, and GrpE, the third HSP70 chaperone system of Escherichia coli
Valproic acid-mediated HSP70 induction and anti-apoptotic neuroprotection in SH-SY5Y cells
The J-domain of Hsp40 couples ATP hydrolysis to substrate capture in HSP70
Stressful preconditioning and HSP70 overexpression attenuate proteotoxicity of cellular ATP depletion
Cyclosporine A regulate oxidative stress‐induced apoptosis in cardiomyocytes: mechanisms via ROS generation, iNOS and HSP70
T cells and autoantibodies to human HSP70 in type 1 diabetes in children
HSP70 expression in thermally stressed Ostrea edulis, a commercially important oyster in Europe
Sequence-specific interaction between mitochondrial Fe-S scaffold protein Isu and HSP70 Ssq1 is essential for their in vivo function
Stress gene (HSP70) sequences and quantitative expression in Milnesium tardigradum (Tardigrada) during active and cryptobiotic stages
Schisandrin B protects myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury partly by inducing Hsp25 and HSP70 expression in rats
Increased expression of the HSP70 cochaperone HspBP1 in tumors
Effects of inbreeding and rate of inbreeding in Drosophila melanogaster– HSP70 expression and fitness
Thermal history-dependent expression of the HSP70 gene in purple sea urchins: biogeographic patterns and the effect of temperature acclimation
Antibodies to HSP70 and HSP90 in serum in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Differential acquisition of antigenic peptides by HSP70 and Hsc70 under oxidative conditions
… deacetylase complexes show enhanced catalytic activity in the presence of ATP and co-immunoprecipitate with the ATP-dependent chaperone protein HSP70
Redox regulation in neurodegeneration and longevity: role of the heme oxygenase and HSP70 systems in brain stress tolerance
Active solubilization and refolding of stable protein aggregates by cooperative unfolding action of individual HSP70 chaperones
Involvement of HSP70 in resveratrol-induced apoptosis of human prostate cancer.
HSP70 protects mitotic cells against heat-induced centrosome damage and division abnormalities
HSP70, an immunological actor playing with the intracellular self under oxidative stress
HSP70 as a stress marker of sea urchin coelomocytes in short term cultures.
HSP27 but not HSP70 has a potent protective effect against α‐synuclein‐induced cell death in mammalian neuronal cells
Effect of moderate and severe heat stress on avian embryonic HSP70 gene expression.
Evolution and arrangement of the HSP70 gene cluster in two closely related species of the virilis group of Drosophila
Influence of organic selenium on HSP70 response of heat-stressed and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli-challenged broiler chickens (Gallus gallus)
Decreased heat‐shock resistance and down‐regulation of HSP70 expression with increasing age in adult Drosophila melanogaster
Proteomics shows HSP70 does not bind peptide sequences indiscriminately in vivo
Hazardous effect of organophosphate compound, dichlorvos in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ): induction of HSP70, anti-oxidant enzymes and …
Interaction between the shuttling mRNA export factor Gle1 and the nucleoporin hCG1: a conserved mechanism in the export of HSP70 mRNA
Impaired repair ability of HSP70. 1 KO mouse after UVB irradiation
Low preoperative HSP70 atrial myocardial levels correlate significantly with high incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Rapid concerted evolution via gene conversion at the Drosophila HSP70 genes
Hsp25 and HSP70 in rodent tumors treated with doxorubicin and lovastatin
Regional distribution of heme oxygenase, HSP70, and glutathione in brain: relevance for endogenous oxidant/antioxidant balance and stress tolerance
Expression of heat shock proteins (HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78, GRP94) in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinomas and dysplastic …
Evaluation of toxic potential of captan: Induction of HSP70 and tissue damage in transgenic drosophila melanogaster (HSP70‐lacZ) Bg9
Expression of heat‐shock proteins hsp27, HSP70 and hsp90 in malignant epithelial tumour of the ovaries: Correlation with clinicopathologic factors and survival
Heat-shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to PAHs sorbed to suspended artificial clay particles and to suspended …
Targeting HSP70 induced thermotolerance for design of thermal sensitizers
Hypoxic conditions induce HSP70 production in blood, brain and head kidney of juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
HSP70 prevents nitric oxide–induced apoptosis in articular chondrocytes
Regulation of the human apoptotic DNase/RNase endonuclease G: involvement of HSP70 and ATP
HBx protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV) can form complex with mitochondrial HSP60 and HSP70
Gene expression of heat-shock proteins (Hsp23, HSP70 and Hsp90) during and after larval diapause in the blow fly Lucilia sericata
Possible role of Malassezia furfur in psoriasis: modulation of TGF‐β1, integrin, and HSP70 expression in human keratinocytes and in the skin of psoriasis‐affected …
Cloning and characterization of a member of the HSP70 gene family from Locusta migratoria, a highly thermotolerant insect
Hsp27 and HSP70 administered in combination have a potent protective effect against FALS-associated SOD1-mutant-induced cell death in mammalian neuronal …
Cell surface-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mediates perforin-independent apoptosis by specific binding and uptake of granzyme B
The translational efficiencies of the two Leishmania infantum HSP70 mRNAs, differing in their 3′-untranslated regions, are affected by shifts in the …
HSP70 binds to the fast-twitch skeletal muscle sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a) and prevents thermal inactivation
Ectopic expression of HSP70 confers resistance and silencing its expression sensitizes human colon cancer cells to curcumin-induced apoptosis
Protective effect of TAT‐delivered α‐synuclein: relevance of the C‐terminal domain and involvement of HSP70
Mitochondrial-type HSP70 genes of the amitochondriate protists, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and two microsporidians
[URE3] prion propagation is abolished by a mutation of the primary cytosolic HSP70 of budding yeast
Actin cytoskeleton is involved in targeting of a viral HSP70 homolog to the cell periphery
In vivo bipartite interaction between the Hsp40 Sis1 and HSP70 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Roles of cytosolic HSP70 and Hsp40 molecular chaperones in post-translational translocation of presecretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum
A bichaperone (HSP70-Hsp78) system restores mitochondrial DNA synthesis following thermal inactivation of Mip1p polymerase
Intracellular delivery of HSP70 using HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domain
Induction of HSP70 in transgenic Drosophila: biomarker of exposure against phthalimide group of chemicals
Ectoine from halophilic microorganisms induces the expression of HSP70 and HSP70B′ in human keratinocytes modulating the proinflammatory response
Folate supplementation reduces serum HSP70 levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 Mutations Affect [PSI+] Prion Propagation and Cell Growth Differently and Implicate Hsp40 and Tetratricopeptide Repeat Cochaperones in Impairment …
PEX5 binds the PTS1 independently of HSP70 and the peroxin PEX12
Differential expression of two stress-inducible HSP70 genes by various stressors
Induction of HSP70 expression and recruitment of HSC70 and HSP70 in the nucleus reduce aggregation of a polyalanine expansion mutant of PABPN1 in HeLa cells
Characterization of the HSP70 response in lymphoblasts from aged and centenarian subjects and differential effects of in vitro zinc supplementation
Relationship between expression of HSP70 and metallothionein and oxidative stress during mercury chloride induced acute liver injury in rats
Green fluorescent protein selectively induces HSP70-mediated up-regulation of COX-2 expression in endothelial cells
… RNA-dependent protein kinase (pkr) is essential for thermotolerance, accumulation of HSP70, and stabilization of ARE-containing HSP70 mRNA during stress
HSP70 and Hsp40 improve neurite outgrowth and suppress intracytoplasmic aggregate formation in cultured neuronal cells expressing mutant SOD1
Short-term exposures to chronically toxic copper concentrations induce HSP70 proteins in midge larvae (Chironomus tentans)
The heat shock protein HSP70 enhances antigen‐specific proliferation of human CD4+ memory T cells
A single amino acid substitution differentiates HSP70-dependent effects on α-synuclein degradation and toxicity
Toxoplasma gondii–derived heat shock protein HSP70 functions as a B cell mitogen
Naturally Occurring Transposable Elements Disrupt HSP70 Promoter Function in Drosophila melanogaster
General features of gastric carcinomas and comparison of HSP70 and NK cell immunoreactivity with prognostic factors
The hsp90 cochaperone p23 is the limiting component of the multiprotein hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone system in vivo where it acts to stabilize the client …
Ontogeny of thyroid hormones, cortisol, HSP70 and hsp90 during silver sea bream larval development
Inducible HSP70 as target of anticancer immunotherapy: Identification of HLA‐A* 0201‐restricted epitopes
Gene conversion and GC-content evolution in mammalian HSP70
Chaperon and adjuvant activity of HSP70: different natural killer requirement for cross-priming of chaperoned and bystander antigens
HSF1 modulation of HSP70 mRNA polyadenylation via interaction with symplekin
The type I Hsp40 zinc finger-like region is required for HSP70 to capture non-native polypeptides from Ydj1
Occupancy of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter by a subset of basal transcription factors diminishes upon transcriptional activation
The heat shock protein HSP70 and heat shock cognate protein HSC70 contribute to antimony tolerance in the protozoan parasite Leishmania
HSP70-like Protein 1 fusion protein enhances induction of carcinoembryonic antigen–specific CD8+ CTL response by dendritic cell vaccine
Cryptosporidium parvum Mitochondrial-Type HSP70 Targets Homologous and Heterologous Mitochondria
Heat shock protein HSP70 expression and DNA damage in Baikalian sponges exposed to model pollutants and wastewater from Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Plant
Antibodies against the human heat shock protein HSP70 in patients with severe coronary artery disease
Interaction of the molecular chaperone HSP70 with human NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase 1
Stress proteins (HSP70, hsp60) induced in isopods and nematodes by field exposure to metals in a gradient near Avonmouth, UK
NMR investigations of allosteric processes in a two-domain Thermus thermophilus HSP70 molecular chaperone
HSP70 and HSP90 expression in leucocytes after exercise in moderately trained humans
Correlation of HSP70 expression and cell viability following thermal stimulation of bovine aortic endothelial cells
3 ‘Sulfogalactolipid Binding Specifically Inhibits HSP70 ATPase Activity in Vitro
Induction of heat shock proteins (HSP70) in the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) following exposure to platinum group metals (platinum, palladium and rhodium) …
Rapid, transient, and dose-dependent expression of HSP70 messenger RNA in the rat brain after morphine treatment
Glucocorticoid-mediated attenuation of the HSP70 response in trout hepatocytes involves the proteasome
Hsp105 but not HSP70 family proteins suppress the aggregation of heat-denatured protein in the presence of ADP
Effect of oxidative stress on the spermatogenic process and HSP70 expressions in mice testes
S-element insertions are associated with the evolution of the HSP70 genes in Drosophila melanogaster
Polymorphism of the heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2, but not polymorphisms of the IL-10 and CD14 genes, is associated with the outcome of Crohn’s disease
The anti-apoptotic function of HSP70 in the interferon-inducible double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase-mediated death signaling pathway requires …
Structure-Function Analysis of HscC, theEscherichia coli Member of a Novel Subfamily of Specialized HSP70 Chaperones
Microwave exposure induces HSP70 and confers protection against hypoxia in chick embryos
Salicylic acid‐mediated potentiation of HSP70 induction correlates with reduced apoptosis in tobacco protoplasts
HSP70-2 (HSPA1B) is associated with noncognitive symptoms in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Enhancement of presynaptic performance in transgenic Drosophila overexpressing heat shock protein HSP70
Depletion of Kupffer cell function by gadolinium chloride attenuates thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity: expression of metallothionein and HSP70
Dual function of membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), Bag-4, and Hsp40: protection against radiation-induced effects and target structure for …
Translocation of cytoplasmic HSP70 onto the surface of EL‐4 cells during apoptosis
Nitric oxide‐mediated inhibition of follicular apoptosis is associated with HSP70 Induction and Bax suppression
Brain HSP70 mRNA expression is linked with plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to a potential predator
Tissue- and development-specific induction and turnover of HSP70 transcripts from loci 87A and 87C after heat shock and during recovery in Drosophila melanogaster
Small heat shock protein p26 associates with nuclear lamins and HSP70 in nuclei and nuclear matrix fractions from stressed cells
TNFα mediates susceptibility to heat-induced apoptosis by protein phosphatase-mediated inhibition of the HSF1/HSP70 stress response
Mild heat stress at a young age inDrosophila melanogaster leads to increased HSP70 synthesis after stress exposure later in life
Accumulation of HSP70 in Deschampsia antarctica Desv. leaves under thermal stress
The HSP70 chaperone DnaK is a secondary amide peptide bond cis-trans isomerase
The heat shock proteins, HSP70 and Hsp83, of Leishmania infantum are mitogens for mouse B cells
Distinct stimulus-specific histone modifications at HSP70 chromatin targeted by the transcription factor heat shock factor-1
The HSP70 peptide-binding domain determines the interaction of the ATPase domain with Tim44 in mitochondria
Genotyping Cryptosporidium parvum with an HSP70 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Microarray
Evaluation of an in vitro HSP70 induction test for toxicity assessment of complex mixtures: comparison with chemical analyses and ecotoxicity tests
Modulation of chaperone activities of HSP70 and HSP70-2 by a mammalian DnaJ/Hsp40 homolog, DjA4
Production and immune response of recombinant Hsp60 and HSP70 from the salmon pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis
A Heterologous DNA Priming-Mycobacterium bovis BCG Boosting Immunization Strategy Using Mycobacterial HSP70, Hsp65, and Apa Antigens Improves Protection …
Endotoxin contamination in recombinant human heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) preparation is responsible for the induction of tumor necrosis factor α release …
Membrane HSP70: the molecule triggering γδ T cells in the early stage of tumorigenesis
Activation of pleiotropic drug resistance by the J‐protein and HSP70‐related proteins, Zuo1 and Ssz1
… of effluent from the chrome plating industry: 70 kDa heat shock protein expression as a marker of cellular damage in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ …
Histone acetylation is involved in HSP70 gene transcription regulation in Drosophila melanogaster
Co-translational folding of caspase-activated DNase with HSP70, Hsp40, and inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase
Cellular redistribution of inducible HSP70 protein in the human and rabbit heart in response to the stress of chronic hypoxia: role of protein kinases
The effect of exercise in cool, control and hot environments on cardioprotective HSP70 induction
Regulation by heavy metals and temperature of the human BAG‐3 gene, a modulator of HSP70 activity
Control of cell fate by HSP70: more than an evanescent meeting
HSP70 mutant proteins modulate additional apoptotic pathways and improve cell survival
Heat shock protein induction in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii: acclimation-influenced variations in the induction temperatures for HSP70
Early Transcriptional Activation of the HSP70.1 Gene by Osmotic Stress in One-Cell Embryos of the Mouse
Tissue-specific HSP70 levels and reproductive physiological responses in fishes inhabiting a metal-contaminated creek
Peptides complexed with the protein HSP70 generate efficient human cytolytic T-lymphocyte responses
HSP70 instability and induction by a pesticide in Folsomia candida
Hsc/HSP70 interacting protein (hip) associates with CXCR2 and regulates the receptor signaling and trafficking
Relation between pathologic damages and HSP70 changes in acute heat stressed broilers
Identification of cerebral neurons and glial cell types inducing heat shock protein HSP70 following heat stress in the rat
Basal and inducible levels of HSP70 in patients with acute heat illness induced during training
Redox control of HSP70-Co-chaperone interaction revealed by expression of a thioredoxin-like Arabidopsis protein
HSP70 binding modulates detachment of Na-K-ATPase following energy deprivation in renal epithelial cells
Myogenic and nonmyogenic cells differentially express proteinases, Hsc/HSP70, and BAG-1 during skeletal muscle regeneration
Parkin and HSP70 sacked by BAG5
HSP90, HSP70, and GAPDH directly interact with the cytoplasmic domain of macrophage scavenger receptors
Identification of a novel member of yeast mitochondrial HSP70-associated motor and chaperone proteins that facilitates protein translocation across the inner …
Lead-induced HSP70 and hsp60 pattern transformation and leg malformation during postembryonic development in the oribatid mite, Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) membrane expression on head-and-neck cancer biopsy—a target for natural killer (NK) cells
Heterologous gene expression using self-assembled supra-molecules with high affinity for HSP70 chaperone
Patterns of heat shock protein (HSP70) expression and Kupffer cell activity following thermal ablation of liver and colorectal liver metastases
Deletion of one of the duplicated HSP70 genes causes hereditary myopathy of diaphragmatic muscles in Holstein‐Friesian cattle
Rapid Communication: Glucocorticoid-induced glucose release is abolished in trout hepatocytes with elevated HSP70 content
Immobilized Enzyme-Linked DNA-Hybridization Assay with Electrochemical Detection for Cryptosporidium parvum HSP70 mRNA
Greater tolerance of renal medullary cells for a slow increase in osmolality is associated with enhanced expression of HSP70 and other osmoprotective genes
Expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) in oral lichen planus and non‐dysplastic oral leucoplakia
A novel mode of chaperone action: heme activation of Hap1 by enhanced association of Hsp90 with the repressed HSP70-Hap1 complex
Differential heat shock gene HSP70-1 response to toxicants revealed by in vivo study of lungs in transgenic mice
Interferon-γ acts proapoptotic on hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and abrogates the antiapoptotic effect of interferon-α by an HSP70-dependant pathway
Mytilus trossulus HSP70 as a biomarker for arsenic exposure in the marine environment: Laboratory and real-world results
Visualization and mechanism of assembly of a glucocorticoid receptor· HSP70 complex that is primed for subsequent Hsp90-dependent opening of the steroid …
Thermotolerance and HSP70 profiles in adult and embryonic California native oysters, Ostreola conchaphila (Carpenter, 1857)
Hsp27, HSP70, and metallothionein in MDCK and LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells: effects of prolonged exposure to cadmium
Does the chaperone heat shock protein HSP70 play a role in the control of developmental processes?
Is HSP70 upregulation crucial for cellular proliferative response in simulated microgravity?
Toxicity of cypermethrin: HSP70 as a biomarker of response in transgenic Drosophila
Expression of HSP70 in kidney cells exposed to ochratoxin A
S100A1 is a novel molecular chaperone and a member of the HSP70/Hsp90 multichaperone complex
Stress protein (HSP70 family) expression in intertidal benthic organisms: the example of Anthopleura elegantissima (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)
Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency by linkage of Plasmodium falciparum malarial antigen gene fused with a fragment of HSP70 gene
Redefining the role of the endogenous XAP2 and C-terminal HSP70-interacting protein on the endogenous Ah receptors expressed in mouse and rat cell lines
HSP70 in bovine lenses during temperature stress
Phylogenetic relationships of organellar Hsp90 homologs reveal fundamental differences to organellar HSP70 and Hsp60 evolution
Evidence for disruption of Na+‐K+‐ATPase and HSP70 during vibriosis of sea bream, Sparus (=Rhabdosargus) sarba Forsskål
Analysis of the Brugia malayi HSP70 promoter using a homologous transient transfection system
Prediction of novel Bag-1 homologs based on structure/function analysis identifies Snl1p as an HSP70 co-chaperone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Geldanamycin treatment inhibits hemorrhage-induced increases in KLF6 and iNOS expression in unresuscitated mouse organs: role of inducible HSP70
Spatial analysis of cell death and HSP70 induction in brain, thymus, and bone marrow of the hyperthermic rat
Compensation for a defective interaction of the HSP70 ssq1 with the mitochondrial Fe-S cluster scaffold isu
Inhibition of tumor growth in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency is mediated by heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)-peptide–activated, CD94 positive …
… of Prime-Boost Vaccination of Neonatal Calves with Mycobacterium bovis BCG and a DNA Vaccine Encoding Mycobacterial Proteins Hsp65, HSP70, and Apa Is Not …
The 70-kDa heat shock protein response in two intertidal sculpins, Oligocottus maculosus and O. snyderi: relationship of HSP70 and thermal tolerance
Tissue-specific expression of inducible and constitutive HSP70 isoforms in the western painted turtle
HSP70-hom gene polymorphism in allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplant recipients correlates with the development of acute graft-versus-host disease
HSP70 expression in skeletal muscle of patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease
Cooperative interaction of Hsp40 and TPR1 with HSP70 reverses HSP70-HspBp1 complex formation.
HSP70 and Hsp40 Chaperones Do Not Modulate Retinal Phenotype in SCA7 Mice*♦
Congo red, doxycycline, and HSP70 overexpression reduce aggregate formation and cell death in cell models of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
HSP70 and GRP78 induced by endothelin-1 pretreatment enhance tolerance to hypoxia in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.
Expression of HSP70 and CYP1A protein in ovary and liver of juvenile rainbow trout exposed to β-naphthoflavone
Mitochondrial HSP70, HSP40, and HSP60 bind to the 3′ untranslated region of the murine hepatitis virus genome
Lack of hypergravity-associated longevity extension in Drosophila melanogaster flies overexpressing HSP70
HSP70 is not a sensitive indicator of thermal limitation in Gadus morhua
Molecular identification and expression of heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Expression of HSP70/HSC70 in swine blastocysts: effects of oxidative and thermal stress
Transfection of NS0 myeloma fusion partner cells with HSP70 gene results in higher hybridoma yield by improving cellular resistance to apoptosis
Heat Shock–Mediated Thermoprotection of Larval Locomotion Compromised by Ubiquitous Overexpression of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
Nucleotide binding states of HSP70 and hsp90 during sequential steps in the process of glucocorticoid receptor· hsp90 heterocomplex assembly
Comparative toxic potential of market formulation of two organophosphate pesticides in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ)
Identification and characterisation of a regulatory region in the Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 genomic locus
Thermal preconditioning protected cerebellar granule neurons of rats by modulating HSP70 expression.
Association of DJ-1 with chaperones and enhanced association and colocalization with mitochondrial HSP70 by oxidative stress
Arsenic trioxide induces HSP70 expression via reactive oxygen species and JNK pathway in MDA231 cells
NMR study of nucleotide-induced changes in the nucleotide binding domain of Thermus thermophilus HSP70 chaperone DnaK: implications for the allosteric …
Expression of exercise-induced HSP70 in long-distance runner’s leukocytes
HSP70 constitutive expression in rat central nervous system from postnatal development to maturity
Increased expression of inducible HSP70 in apoptotic cells is correlated with their efficacy for antitumor vaccine therapy
Brain and hepatic HSP70 protein levels in heat-acclimated broiler chickens during heat stress
Temperature-dependent enhancement of cell proliferation and mRNA expression for type I collagen and HSP70 in primary cultured goldfish cells
Growth Hormone Increases hsc70/HSP70 Expression and Protects against Apoptosis in Whole Blood Preparations from Silver Sea Bream
1267 HSP70-2 polymorphism as a risk factor for carotid plaque rupture and cerebral ischaemia in old type 2 diabetes-atherosclerotic patients
Interspecific-and acclimation-induced variation in levels of heat-shock proteins 70 (HSP70) and 90 (hsp90) and heat-shock transcription factor-1 (HSF1) in congeneric …
Neurite outgrowth is impaired on HSP70-positive astrocytes through a mechanism that requires NF-κB activation
Decreased expression of Hsp27 and HSP70 in transformed lymphoblastoid cells from patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 7
Toxicity of argemone oil: Effect on HSP70expression and tissue damage in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ) Bg 9
The role of anti‐HSP70 autoantibody‐forming VH1–JH1 B‐1 cells in Toxoplasma gondii‐infected mice
Identification and induction of HSP70 gene by heat shock and cadmium exposure in carp
Laboratory simulation of a mining accident: acute toxicity, hsc/HSP70 response, and recovery from stress in Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) exposed to a …
Effect of heat shock, pretreatment and HSP70 copy number on wing development in Drosophila melanogaster
Effects of broad band electromagnetic fields on HSP70 expression and ischemia-reperfusion in rat hearts
Echinacea intake induces an immune response through altered expression of leucocyte HSP70, increased white cell counts and improved erythrocyte antioxidant …
… (Hdj)-1/heat-shock protein (Hsp) 40 co-chaperone is required for the in vivo stabilization of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by HSP70
NADP-malic enzyme and HSP70: co-purification of both proteins and modification of NADP-malic enzyme properties by association with HSP70
Functional similarities and differences of an archaeal HSP70 (DnaK) stress protein compared with its homologue from the bacterium Escherichia coli
Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome library, determination of genome size, and characterization of an HSP70 gene family in Phytophthora nicotianae
Heat-Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) as a Biochemical Stress Indicator: an Experimental Field Test in Two Congeneric Intertidal Gastropods (Genus: Tegula)
Polymorphism of the promoter region of HSP70 gene and its relationship with the expression of HSP70mRNA, HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in lymphocytes …
Heat shock proteins HSP27 and HSP70 in unilateral obstructed kidneys
Induction of adaptive response by low-dose radiation in RIF cells transfected with Hspb1 (Hsp25) or inducible Hspa (HSP70)
An ELISA serum assay for autoantibodies to HSP70 in immune-mediated hearing loss
A yeast homologue of HSP70, Ssa1p, regulates turnover of the MFA2 transcript through its AU-rich 3′ untranslated region
Exercise raises serum heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) levels
Arsenic Toxicity and HSP70 Expression in Xenopus laevis Embryos
Precursors with altered affinity for HSP70 in their transit peptides are efficiently imported into chloroplasts
… and dnaK: correlation of nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbations in the J-domain of Hsp40/DnaJ with binding affinity for the ATPase domain of HSP70 …
Effects of antineoplastic agents on cytoplasmic and membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) levels
Neuronal DnaJ proteins HSJ1a and HSJ1b: a role in linking the HSP70 chaperone machine to the ubiquitin–proteasome system?
Regulation of glucocorticoid receptor ligand-binding activity by the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery
Stabilization of HSP70 mRNA on prolonged cell exposure to hypertonicity
Daily stress protein (HSP70) cycle in chitons (Acanthopleura granulata Gmelin, 1791) which inhabit the rocky intertidal shoreline in a tropical ecosystem
Evaluation of anti-HSP70 antibody screening in sudden deafness
Heat-shock protein HSP70-2 genotypes in patients with Crohn’s disease: a more severe clinical course with intestinal complications in presence of the PstI …
A study of the myocardial protective effect of rapid cooling based on intracellular Ca, intracellular pH, and HSP70
Effects of relative emergence time on heat stress resistance traits, longevity and HSP70 expression level in Drosophila melanogaster
Continuous enhanced expression of Hsc70 but not HSP70 in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue
Changes in the reproductive system of male mice immunized with a GnRH-analogue conjugated to mycobacterial HSP70
Heat shock-induced susceptibility of green coffee leaves and berries to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its association to PR and HSP70 gene expression
The allele (A)-110 in the promoter region of the HSP70-1 gene is unfavorable to longevity in women
Recombinant expression and purification of Ssa1p (HSP70) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Pichia pastoris
Incubation and rearing temperature effects on HSP70 levels and heat stress response in broilers
Phosphorylation enhances mitochondrial targeting of GSTA4-4 through increased affinity for binding to cytoplasmic HSP70
Regulated nuclear accumulation of the yeast HSP70 Ssa4p in ethanol‐stressed cells is mediated by the N‐terminal domain, requires the nuclear carrier Nmd5p and …
Location of promoter elements necessary and sufficient to direct testis-specific expression of the Hst70/HSP70. 2 gene
Experimental cauda equina compression induces HSP70 synthesis in dog
Association between low self-rated health and heterozygosity for− 110A> C polymorphism in the promoter region of HSP70-1 in aged Danish twins
Isolation and sequencing of the Candida albicans MSI3, a putative novel member of the HSP70 family
Inhibition of HSP70 and a collagen‐specific molecular chaperone (HSP47) expression in rat osteoblasts by microgravity
Active immunization of mice with an Aβ-HSP70 vaccine
Dendritic cells pulsed with HSP70-peptide complexes derived from human hepatocellular carcinoma induce specific anti-tumor immune responses
Chromatin potentiation of the HSP70 promoter is linked to GAGA-factor recruitment
Transcriptional stimulation by the DNA binding protein Hap46/BAG‐1M involves HSP70/hsc70 molecular chaperones
NF-κB and HSP70 are involved in the phospholipase Cγ1 signaling pathway in colorectal cancer cells
A 3′-UTR variant of the inducible porcine HSP70. 2 gene affects mRNA stability
Expression of class I MHC molecule, HSP70 and TAP in human hepatocellular carcinoma
Identification of the subgenomic mRNAs that encode 6-kDa movement protein and HSP70 homolog of beet yellows virus
Geldanamycin activates HSP70 response and attenuates okadaic acid-induced cytotoxicity in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Suppression of cadmium-induced JNK/p38 activation and HSP70 family gene expression by LL-Z1640-2 in NIH3T3 cells
CD95-mediated alteration in HSP70 levels is dependent on protein stabilization
Different induction of metallothioneins and HSP70 and presence of the membrane transporter ZnT-1 in HepG2 cells exposed to copper and zinc
The solution structure of the SODD BAG domain reveals additional electrostatic interactions in the HSP70 complexes of SODD subfamily BAG domains
Heat shock proteins hsp32 and HSP70 as biomarkers of an early response?-In vitro induction of heat shock proteins after exposure of cell culture to carcinogenic …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) after laser thermotherapy of an adenocarcinoma transplanted into rat liver.
Effects of exposure to a 1950 MHz radio frequency field on expression of HSP70 and Hsp27 in human glioma cells
HSP70 interacts with ribosomal subunits of thermotolerant cells
Switching off HSP70 and i-NOS to study their role in normal and H2O2-stressed human fibroblasts
Down regulation of HSP70 expression level prolongs the duration of heat‐induced male sterility in Drosophila buzzatii
Is hypothermia a stress condition in HepG2 cells?: Expression and localization of HSP70 in human hepatoma cell line
HSP70 in the inferior colliculus of Fischer-344 rats: effects of age and acoustic stress
CYP1a1, HSP70, P53, and c-fos expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) exposed to pentachlorophenol.
Effect of long-term heat exposure on peripheral concentrations of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and hormones in laying hens with different genotypes
Transactivation of HSP70‐1/2 in geldanamycin‐treated human non‐small cell lung cancer H460 cells: Involvement of intracellular calcium and protein kinase C
The conserved helix C region in the superfamily of interferon-γ/interleukin-10-related cytokines corresponds to a high-affinity binding site for the HSP70 …
Physical location of a HSP70 gene homologue on the centromere of chromosome 1B of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Possible role of HSP70 in autoantigens shuttling to dermo-epidermal junction in systemic lupus erythematosus
gp120 neurotoxicity fails to induce heat shock defenses, while the over expression of HSP70 protects against gp120
Exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields induces HSP70 at a high SAR of more than 20 W/kg but not at 5W/kg in human glioma MO54 cells
The putative helical lid of the HSP70 peptide-binding domain is required for efficient preprotein translocation into mitochondria
Direct interactions between molecular chaperones heat-shock protein (Hsp) 70 and Hsp40: yeast HSP70 Ssa1 binds the extreme C-terminal region of yeast Hsp40 …
Structure of gene flanking regions and functional analysis of sequences upstream of the rat HSP70. 1 stress gene
Chronic COX-2 inhibition reduces medullary HSP70 expression and induces papillary apoptosis in dehydrated rats
Effects of short‐ and long‐term thermal stress in perch (Perca fluviatilis) determined through fluctuating asymmetry and HSP70 expression
Expression of MyoD, myogenin, myostatin and HSP70 transcripts in chicken embryos submitted to mild cold or heat
50 Hz magnetic fields activate mussel immunocyte p38 MAP kinase and induce HSP70 and 90
Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin increases HSP70 mRNA stabilisation but fails to activate HSF1 in cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure
A new twist for an HSP70 chaperone
Analysis and characterization of the transcriptional unit of a new Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) HSP70 gene
Fecundity and life span in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
Regulation of heat shock proteins, HSP70 and Hsp64, in heat-shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster larvae
Forced expression of heat-shock protein 70 increases the secretion of HSP70 and provides protection against tumour growth
Distinct but overlapping functions of HSP70, Hsp90, and an HSP70 nucleotide exchange factor during protein biogenesis in yeast
Lymph node metastasis could be predicted by evaluation of macrophage infiltration and HSP70 expression in superficial carcinoma of the esophagus
Constitutive expression of inducible HSP70 is linked to natural shifts in skeletal muscle phenotype
Evolvability of HSP70 Expression under Artificial Selection for Inducible Thermotolerance in Independent Populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Biological activities of HAP46/BAG‐1: The HAP46/BAG‐1 protein: regulator of HSP70 chaperones, DNA‐binding protein and stimulator of transcription
Induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by proteasome inhibitor MG 132 protects articular chondrocytes from cellular death in vitro and in vivo
Expression of HSP70 and Hdj1 chaperone proteins in human tumor cells
Regulation of glucocorticoid receptor steroid binding and trafficking by the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery: implications for clinical intervention
Impairment of redox state and dopamine level induced by α-synuclein aggregation and the prevention effect of HSP70
Enhanced expression of human cytochrome P450 1A2 by co-expression with human molecular chaperone HSP70
Increased expression of HSP70 for resistance to deuterium oxide in a yeast mutant cell line
HSP70 overexpression increases resistance of V79 cells to cytotoxicity of airborne pollutants, but does not protect the mitotic spindle against damage caused by …
Role of HSP70 (DnaK–DnaJ–GrpE) and Hsp100 (ClpA and ClpB) chaperones in refolding and increased thermal stability of bacterial luciferases in Escherichia coli …
A quantitative assay method of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 mRNA by quantitative competitive-reverse transcriptase-PCR
Expression analysis of HSP70 in various tissues of Chlamys farreri under thermal stress
Genetic modification of cold-preserved renal grafts using HSP70 or bcl-2 HVJ-liposome method
… /re-oxygenation-induced, redox-dependent activation of STAT1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 1) confers resistance to apoptotic cell death via HSP70 …
Mercury stimulates rat liver glucocorticoid receptor association with Hsp90 and HSP70
Heat shock protein HSP70 increases the resistance of cortical cells to glutamate excitotoxicity
Possible association of non-binding of HSP70 to HLA-DRB1 peptide sequences and protection from rheumatoid arthritis
Two-step purification of mitochondrial HSP70, Ssc1p, using Mge1 (His) 6 immobilized on Ni-agarose
Interaction between p53 and HSP70 in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues
Localization of HSP70, Cdc2, and cyclin B in sea urchin oocytes in non-stressed conditions
Swivels and stators in the Hsp40-HSP70 chaperone machine
Induction of HSP70 in lymphocytes by whole body far-infrared hyperthermia
Organization and nucleotide sequence of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) subtype expression in neuroendocrine tissue and identification of a neuroendocrine tumour-specific HSP70 truncation.
Conformational properties of bacterial DnaK and yeast mitochondrial HSP70: Role of the divergent C‐terminal α‐helical subdomain
Effect of neonatal chronic stress on expression of HSP70 and oestrogen receptor in the rat oviduct during development and the oestrous cycle
The yeast Sls1p and Fes1p proteins define a new family of HSP70 nucleotide exchange factors
Effects of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) on arsenite‐induced genotoxicity
Partial sequence of HSP70 homologue gene shows diversity between West African and East African isolates of Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus.
The physical gene HSP70 map on polytene chromosomes of Anopheles darlingi from the Brazilian Amazon
Deletion of the HSP70 chaperone gene SSB causes hypersensitivity to guanidine toxicity and curing of the [PSI+] prion by increasing guanidine uptake in yeast
Possibile ruolo di HSP70 nel trasporto di autoantigeni alla giunzione dermo-epidermica nel lupus eritematoso sistemico. possible role of HSP70 in autoantigen …
HSP70 attenuates hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced activation of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase in the nucleus of adult rat cardiomyocytes
Influence of evoked HSP70 expression on hearing function of the cochlea in guinea pigs.
Solvent Interaction of a HSP70 Chaperone Substrate-Binding Domain Investigated with Water− NOE NMR Experiments
Ageing induces apoptosis and increases HSP70 Stress Protein in the epididymis of Octodon degus
Detection of anti-HSP70 immunoglobulin G antibodies indicates better outcome in coronary artery bypass grafting patients suffering from severe preoperative angina
Resistance to ascites syndrome, homoeothermic competence and levels of HSP70 in the heart and lung of broilers
The balance between HSP70 and its cochaperones Hdj1 and Bag1 determines its substrate-binding activity
Identification and characterization of a HSP70 (DnaK) chaperone system from Meiothermus ruber
Regulation of signal transduction by intracellular and extracellular HSP70
Nitric oxide and HSP70 proteins during normal pregnancy, gestosis, and preclinical gestosis
Variation in stress protein levels (HSP70 and hsp90) in relation to oocyte development in Gammarus fossarum (Koch 1835)
Persistent Borna disease virus infection confers instability of HSP70 mRNA in glial cells during heat stress
Cytotoxicity and expression of c-fos, HSP70, and GADD45/153 proteins in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells exposed to dinitrotoluenes
HSP70 chaperone and the prospects of its application in anticancer therapy
Cadmium-induced synthesis of HSP70 and a role of glutathione in Euglena gracilis
In the rostral ventrolateral medulla, the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), but not HSP90, confers neuroprotection against fatal endotoxemia via augmentation of …
Inhibition of HSP70 gene expression by modified antisense and its effects on embryonic sensitivity to heat shock
Expression of HSP70–2 in rhesus monkey testis during germ cell apoptosis induced by testosterone undecanoate
Time-course of mu-calpain activation, c-Fos, c-Jun, HSP70 and HSP27 expression in hypoxic-ischemic neonatal rat brain
Cell-cycle-dependent nuclear translocation of HSP70 in amphibian embryonic cells.
Toll-like receptor-dependent activation of antigen-presenting cells by Hsp60, gp96 and HSP70
The anti-apoptotic property of NS-398 at high dose can be mediated in part through NF-κB activation, HSP70 induction and a decrease in caspase-3 activity in human …
Stress protein HSP70 response of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) to induced hypoxia and recovery
Augmentation of thermotolerance in primary skin fibroblasts from a transgenic pig overexpressing the porcine HSP70. 2
Expression of Hsp90, HSP70 and Hsp60 in Trichinella species exposed to oxidative shock
Altered epithelial density and expansion of bulbar projections of a discrete HSP70 immunoreactive subpopulation of rat olfactory receptor neurons in reconstituting …
Acute liver CCl4 intoxication causes low HSP70 gene expression and a delayed transition through the cell cycle in aged rats
Heat-induced degradation of overexpressed glucocorticoid receptor: separate protective roles of hsp90 and HSP70
A novel immunocytochemistry technique to measure HSP70 induction in L929 cells exposed to cadmium chloride
Evidence that HSP70 gene expression may be useful for assessing the cytocompatibility of dental biomaterials
Expression of HSP70 in acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide
Ki67, HSP70 and TUNEL for the specification of testing of silicone breast implants in vivo
The use of HSP70 for prevention of consequences of unavoidable stress in rats
Analysis of the variation in the HSP70-1 and hsp90α mRNA expression in human myocardial tissue that has undergone surgical stress
Conditional knockdown of proteasomes results in cell-cycle arrest and enhanced expression of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp40 in chicken DT40 …
CyP40, but not HSP70, in rabbit reticulocyte lysate causes the aryl hydrocarbon receptor–DNA complex formation
Expression of HSP70 in response to heat-shock and its cDNA cloning from Mediterranean blue mussel
The role of HSP70 chaperone in the reaction of human leukemic cells to anticancer drugs
HSP70 and thermal pretreatment mitigate developmental damage caused by mitotic poisons in Drosophila
Accumulation of HSP70/Hsc70 molecular chaperone regulator BAG-1 on COPI-coated structures in gastric epithelial cells
Photo-acoustic stimulation increases the amount of 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in human whole saliva. A pilot study
Calmodulin regulates activity of HSF through HSP70
Effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACI) LAQ824 on histone acetylation, HSP70 and c-Raf in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with advanced …
Switches, Catapults, and Chaperones: Steady-State Kinetic Analysis of HSP70− Substrate Interactions
Co-detection of P21, P53 and HSP70 and their possible role in diagnosis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-related lung cancer
Expression of HSP70 in peripheral lymphocytes of the patients with allergic rhinitis
Targeted gene disruption of the heat shock protein 72 gene (HSP70. 1) in the donor tissue is associated with a prolonged rejection-free survival in the murine skin …
Effect of differentiation inducer and heat stress on the expression of JWA protein and HSP70 of K562 cells
Effect of rebamipide on cell death induced by combined treatment of mild heat shock and quercetin in RGM-1 cells: a role for HSP70 induction
Association of HSP70 with endonucleases allows the expression of otherwise silent mutations
Expression of HSP70 induced by ketamine in the hippocampus of rat at different ages
The role of hsp60 and HSP70 kDa heat shock protein families in different types of diabetes mellitus
Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 5′-flanking region of porcine HSP70. 2 with backfat thickness in Duroc breed
Characterization of HscC (Hsc62), homologue of HSP70 in Escherichia coli: over‐expression of HscC modulates the activity of house keeping sigma factor σ70
Caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK potentiates heat shock-induced apoptosis and HSP70 synthesis in macrophages
Influence of HSP70 on combined method of hyperthermia and immunologic effector cells to treat cancer
Pressure sensitivity of HSP70 promoter in transformed 3T3-L1 cells
cDNA of canine heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
A rapid and reliable flow cytometric method for determining HSP70 levels in tobacco protoplasts
HSP70 induced by hyperosmotic stress partially protects LLC-PK1 cells against nephrotoxic drugs
Development of double-antibodies-sandwich-ELISA method for detecting HSP70 in plasma and its primary application
Correlation between the avidity maturation of anti‐HSP70 IgG autoantibody and recombination activating gene expressions in peripheral lymphoid tissues of …
Effect of puerarin on the expression of HSP70 in the rats with cerebral injury induced by acute local ischemia
HSP70 Is a New Major Regulator of Erythropoiesis by Preventing Caspase-3-Mediated Cleavage of GATA-1.
Roles of nuclear localization signal (NLS) in inhibitory effect of HSP70 on nucleolar segregation induced by oxidative stress
Dynamics of chaperone complex Hdj1-HSP70-Bag1 as a response of erythroleukemia K562 cells to heat stress
The Expression of the HSP70 Gene in Moneuplotes crassus is Controlled by a Two‐Step Process at the Transcript Level
Soluble PD-1 can augment anti-tumor immunity induced by HSP70-peptide complex in tumor-bearing mice
Does HSP70 play a protective role in tibial dyschondroplasia
HSP70 family proteins seem to facilitate allo-and xenotransplantation in the rat brain.
Overexpression of heat shock factor 1 masks the heavy metal response of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene promoter
Expression of paternal and maternal mitochondrial HSP70 family, hsc74, in preimplantation mouse embryos.
Effect of the absence of heat shock protein 70.1 (HSP70. 1) on retinal photic injury.
Characterization of the HSP70 protein homolog (HSP70h) of citrus tristeza closterovirus.
Heat shock-induced HSP70 expression in murine astrocytes does not require poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity
Analysis of the interactions of HSP70 ER lumenal chaperones
HSP70 gene expression in Sipunculids: A new biomarker for monitoring marine deposits
STA-4783, a novel HSP70 inducer, enhances the anti-cancer activity of paclitaxel without increasing toxicity in preclinical studies
HSP70 Gene Expression after Mild Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
The role of heat shock protein 70 in the pancreatic trypsinogen activation: studies in HSP70. 1 knock-out mice
HSP70-H22 tumor antigen peptide complex activated dendritic cell in the induction of antitumor immunity
Using HSP70 expression as an in vivo biomarker of cellular toxicity in early life stages of zebrafish following exposure to cadmium and arsenic
Effects of Naoluo Xintong Recipe on expression of HSP70 and bFGF in focal ischemia-reperfusion rats
Inducement of antitumor-immunity by DC activated by HSP70-H22 tumor antigen peptide
Proteomic identification of an HSP70.1 protein induced in Arabidopsis cells following hyperosmotic stress treatments : NRF / Royal Society programme
Expression of HSP70 in early pregnant mouse uteri and effect of estrogen on its synthesis
Interferential effects of vitamin E and vitamin C on HSP70 expression of endothelial cells induced by benzo (a) pyrene
Effects of Maternal Hyperthermia on the Development of C57/BL6 Strain HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
Molecular characterization of a ribosome-associated HSP70-homologous gene from Rhizopus nigricans
The effect of heat stimulation and mechanical stress (massage) of salivary glands on the secretory parameters of salivary HSP70. A pilot study
Differential expression of hsp60 and HSP70 associated with cytotoxicity under microgravity conditions
… , survival, growth, condition and HSP70 expression in different geographic stocks;(2) Heat tolerance and effects of sublethal heat shock on survival and HSP70 …
Transplantation of bone marrow cells up-regulated the expressions of HSP32 and HSP70 in the acute ischemic myocardium
Effects of Maternal Hyperthermia on the Palatal Mesenchyme Development of HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
Application of the stress protein (HSP70) as the biomarker in studying zinc and copper, and the joint toxicity to fish live
Relationship between HSP70 Gene Polymorphisms and IVF Embryo Development in Pigs
Does HSP70 Induced by Amphetamine Prevent Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rat?
HSP70 inhibits smac release from the mitochondria and protects against H2O2-induced apoptosis in C2C12 myogenic cells
Membrane-Bound HSP70 an Activating Ligand for NK Cells
HSP70 does not mediate the hyperthermia-associated hyporesponsiveness to angiotensin in isolated rat portal veins
Effects of sevoflurane-induced and anoxia-induced preconditioning on HSP70 expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
Gender specific regulation of HSP70: mechanisms and consequences
Expression of HSP70 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by Hantavirus
Expression of platelet CD62p gene and leucocyte HSP70 gene in patients with blood stasis syndrome MA
Cytoskeleton and mitosis in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii: immunolocalization of P72, an HSP70-related protein
Study on the expression of HSP70 and HSP90beta in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the clinical significance
Effect of flunarizine on HSP70 gene expression for following transient ischemia
Effect of Puerariae Radix on HSP70 Expression in Ischemic Damaged Rats
Heat shock proteins hsp32 and HSP70 as biomarkers of an early response?: In vitro induction of heat shock proteins after exposure of cell culture to carcinogenic …
Bioluminescence imaging as a marker for cellular HSP70 response to thermal laser injury
Influence of KATP channel inhibitor on the changes of HSP70 expression in sevoflurane-induced neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
Material-dependent levels of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in human plasma following contact of blood with artificial surfaces
A study on the expression of HSP70 and iNOS after human brain contusion
Carriage of HLA-B* 5701 and a haplotypic HSP70-Hom variant is associated with a class I MHC-restricted hypersensitivity response to abacavir
Phase 1/2 study of STA-4783, a novel heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inducer, in combination with paclitaxel in patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STS)
Progressive strenuous exercise induces the expression of HSP70 in rat skeletal muscles and myocardium
The influence of dexamethasone on HSP70 level and association with glucocorticoid receptor in the liver of unstressed and heat-stressed rats
Abrogation of HSP70 induction: A strategy to enhance the antileukemia effects of hsp90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-demethoxy geldanamycin (17-AAG)
Detection of serum heat shock protein 70 level in patients with hepatitis C infection and its role in cytotoxicity of CTLs induced by HSP70-HCV peptide complex
Expression of HSP70 and P53 in malignant tumor tissues and its relationship to heat syndrome of TCM
Expression of HSP70 in rat liver pretreated by ethanol and its influences on ischemia-reperfusion injury
Relationship of HSP70 to temperature-dependency of influenza viral infection
In vitro detection of neuronal stress induced by mercury compounds in cerebellar granule cells from HSP70/hGH transgenic mice
Roles of the HSP70-subunit in a eukaryotic multi-site-specific endonuclease, Endo. SceI: autophosphorylation and heat stability
TGF-beta and HSP70 expression in human skin fibroblasts after ultraviolet B irradiation
Phylogenetic analysis of peritrichs inferred from cytosolic HSP70 gene partial sequences
Experimental study of protective effect of HSP70 gene transfection on severely burnt rats in vivo
Biochemical properties of HSP70 chaperone system from Meiothermus ruber
HSP70 Induces IL-6 in Stromal Cells and Stat-3 Activation in Myeloma Cells.
A study on expression of HSP70 mRNA in the early stage of diffuse brain injury in rats
Is HSP70 another target for Ph+ leukemias?
Induction of HSP70 during hepatocyte hypoxic preconditioning
Effects of copper (Cu2+) and Cu-EDTA complex on the induction of HSP70 in the fish brain
Male infertility and heat shock protein 70–2 (HSP70–2) expression
Interaction of HspBP1 with HSP70
Effects of Venlafaxine and Dexamethasone treatment on HSP70 expression in rat C6 glioma cells
Purification of the Eucaryotic Heat-Shock Proteins HSP70 and gp96
The Effect of Heat Shock Protein 70.1 gene (HSP70. 1) on Retinal Ganglion Cell Damage after Partial Lesion of the Optic Nerve in Mice
The effect of HSP70–peptides on B7–1/B7–H1 ratio and the anti–tumor efficiency
Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nao-Yi-An Granule on the Expression of HSP70 and NH-kB and Apoptosis in Ischemia Cortex of Rat Brain after Experimental …
The role of stress inducible protein chaperones (HSP70) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) hepatocellular functions
Expression of heat shock proteins HSP27, HSP70 and HSP90 in spontaneous ovarian cancer of Microtus fortis
Expression of HSP70 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells induced by heat shock and inhibiting effect of quercetin on them
A structure and function investigation of the Escherichia coli HSP70 DnaK using fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Polymorphism of the Promoter Region of HSP70 Gene and Its Relationship with the Expression of HSP70mRNA, HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in …
Abacavir stimulates HSP70 redistribution in Antigen-presenting cells of patients with hypersensitivity: Association with Type-I alcohol dehydrogenase activity
Variation in HSP70 levels and thermotolerance among terrestrial salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus complex
Understanding the allosteric mechanism of the Escherichia coli HSP70 molecular chaperone, DnaK
HSP70 and HSC70 gene expression in Chironomus Tentans (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae exposed to various environmental pollutants: potential biomarker for …
STA-4783 in combination with paclitaxel induces heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in a phase I trial
An in vitro study of the effect of 2.45-GHz electromagnetic fields on expression of HSP70 in CHO-K1cells
Time-course of μ-calpain activation, c-Fos, c-Jun, HSP70 and HSP27 expression in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic rat brain
HSP70, this time at the door with a gift
Structural studies of the human HSP70 system
A mathematical model of the HSP70 regulation in the cell
Cloning and expression of HSP70 gene
Study on HSP70 expression in different organs of the mouse
Network cross-reactivity: DNA vaccination with HSP70 or HSP90 modulates immunity to HSP60 and inhibits adjuvant arthritis
Interaction of BAG1 and HSP70 Mediates
Membrane expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) on head and neck cancer
Expression of HSP70 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells in various media
Observatin of The Expression of HSP70 mRNA in MCAO Model Rats
Depletion of Heat Shock Protein-70 (HSP70) Causes Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Role of HSP70 in the early stage of myocardial ischemia
Studies on biochemistry and application of HSP70 family proteins
Expression of heat shock protein-70, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor in ovarian carcinomas and the correlation between HSP70 and sex steroid receptor
HSP70 is involved in the radioadaptive response: results from mouse splenocytes
Regulatory differences of the HSP70 gene response in mammalian cells (Nisäkässolujen stressigeenin (HSP70) säätelypoikkeavuudet)
Up-Regulates the HSP70 Gene in Human Cancer α Np63∆
Effects of HSP70 over expression on sensitivity of K562 cell to chemotherapy drugs
Analysis of the variation in the HSP70-1 and hsp90a mRNA expression in human myocardial
Compavison of JEV E-HSP70 and E-Bindingdomain Fusion Protein on Immune Responses in Mice
Isolation and Characterisation of HSP70 Genes in Bactrocera oleae
The Inducible form of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) is Expressed in the Rat Cerebellar Synapses in Normal Condition
Regulatory evolution of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster.
Bystander adjuvant activity of secreted HSP70
HSP70 and HSF proteins in differentiation and apoptosis of spermatocytes
Study of expression of HSP70, p53 and Bcl-2 in cervical cancer and their correlation
Effects of HSP70 on NMDA-induced seizure in rats
Upergulating effect of tumor-derived HSP70 to some Th1 type cytokines
Influence of JEV E-HSP70 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) fusion protein on immune response in BALB/c mice
Construction and identification of antisense HSP70 eukaryotic expression vector
HSP70 protects against experimental stroke through the inhibition of postischemic inflammatory reaction
The molecular basis of HSP70-sulfogalactolipid binding: Structure/function of protein and glycolipid components.
Characterization of the HSP70 response in lymphoblasts from aged and centenarian subjects and differential effec…
Expression and significance of HSP70 and PCNA during the development of forestomach carcinoma in NIH mice
Effect of glutamine on HSP70 expression and immune in patients with acute cerebral infarction
Expression and Localization of HSP70 in Cold Stressed Human Hepatoma (HepG2) Cells
Characterisation of Tpr2, a Novel Regulator of the HSP70/Hsp90 Multichaperone Complex
Involvement of p27CIP/KIP in HSP25 or HSP70 Mediated Adaptive Response by Low Dose Radiation
Crystal structure of the core domain of human HspBP1, a novel nucleotide exchange factor for HSP70
In vivo characterization of the adjuvant effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70
Multiple Domains of the Co-chaperone Hop are Important for HSP70 Binding
Role of protein kinase C in the change of HSP70 gene expression induced by benzo (a) pyrene
Nicotine stimulated HSP70 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells is associated with TNF-? expression
Correlation of HSP70 Expression and Cell Viability Following Thermal Stimulation of Aortic Endothelial Cells
HSP70 membrane expression on head and neck cancer biopsy material
Difference of HSP70 expressions in lymphocytes of soldiers from south and north China incubated at low and high temperature
Study of the localization and co-expression of HSP70 and P53 in HEL cells treated by benzo (a) pyrene
HSP70 Binding Modulates Detachment of NaK ATPase Following
Study on the expression of HSP70 and the changes of LDH isozymes of mouse kidney in heat shock response
Protective effect of HSP70 on injuried myocardial cells induced by H_ (2) O_ (2)
Construction and expression of secreted chimericAFP-HSP70 plasmid in eukaryotic cells
Bystander secretion of HSP70 provides adjuvant effect throughout DC-NK interaction
… peptides containing a high affinity HSP70 binding sequence, cleavable linker and MHC class I epitope enhance CD8+ T cell specific immunity in the presence of HSP70
A study on the inducement of apoptosis and expression of HSP70 in human multidrug-resistant leukemic cell line K562/MDR by microwave
Cloning, characterization and differential expression of HSP70-encoding gene from penicillium marneffei
Effects of Different Stressful Factors on HeLa Cell roliferation, Apoptosis and HSP70 Expression
Expression of HSP70 and Matrix metalloproteinase in in vivo and in vitro ischemic injury
Polymorphism in heat shock protein (HSP70) gene in the crossbred dairy cows and the native
El envejecimiento induce apoptosis y aumento de la proteina HSP70 en el epididimo de Octodon degus
Knock-out and characterization of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
Influence of elemene or heat shock treatment upon the expression of membrane HSP70 and HSPs gene in HepG_ (2) cells
The encapsulation of recombinant adenovirus containing HSP70 cDNA and its oral transfection effects in the rats
Expression of heat shock protein HSP70-2 gene in rat cryptorchid testis
HSP70 Over Expression Protects Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium (HRPE) Against Oxidant Induced Cell Death
NELF, DSIF, and the mechanism of promoter proximal pausing on the HSP70 promoter in Drosophila
HSP70/J-protein chaperone machines: expression analysis in granulocytes
Localization of gene encoding heat shock protein, HSP70, to chromosome of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis
Transient expression of fusion protein with a chimeric HBsAg-HSP70 construct in HepG2 cells
Correlations between morpho-functional parameters and seminal plasma interleukin 10 (IL-10) and gamete heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) concentration in boar …
Structural organization of thehsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery and its interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain.
HSP70 Overexpression Reduces Astrocyte Activation with Ischemia In Vivo and Reduces Release of Inflammatory Mediators In Vitro
Differential heat shock gene HSP70-1 response to toxicants revealed by in vivo study of lungs in
Inducement of specific anti-hepatoma immunity of DC activated by HSP70-H22 peptide complexes and sCD40L
HSP70 Gene Transfer Treats Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
High Level Expression of HSP70 Gene in Tissues of Gastric, Esophageal and Cervical Carcinoma and Its Relationship to Carcinogenesis
Construction and identification of the chimeric HSP70/CD80 eukaryotic expression plasmid
Effects of Ketamine-Midazolam on TNF-α, cAMP, HSP70 of Rats with Septic Shock
Antitumor effect of DC vaccine modified by HSP70-H22 tumor peptide complex in vitro and in vivo
Teratogenicity of the prescription of reinforcing kidney, replenishing qi and activating blood and effect on HSP70 expression in rats
Cloning and expression of Xenopus laevis chaperones Hsp30C and HSP70 in Escherichia coli
Effect of promoting blood flow therapy on HSP70 and ptk2 in gastric mucosa of precancerous lesion of CAG in rats
PKC-dependent activation of P44/42 MAPKs and HSP70 in signal transduction pathways during hepatocyte ischemic preconditioning
The Possible Roles of HSP70 and Alpha Crystallin in Bovine Lenses During Temperature Stress
Analysis of HSP70-peptide complexes in human white matter relevance to pathogenesis in multiple sclerosis
The cloning and characterization of SNam11, a modulator of HSP70 andparkin which promotes dopaminergic neurodegeneration.
Construction and expression of chimeric AFP-HSP70 plasmid in COS-7 cells
The effect of hyperthermia on the induction of cell death and HSP70 in neural and non-neural tissues of the rat
Expression of HSP70 isoforms in Lemna minor exposed to cadmum and salinity
Ectopic expression of HSP70 confers resistance and silencing its expression sensitizes human colon cancer cells…
Expression of membrane HSP70 on elemene combo-TCV and its immunoprophylactic effect on active immunization
The correlation between HSP70 and morphological findings in brain of Morris hepatoma bearing rats
Molecular characterization of Egyptian trichomonas vaginalis clinical isolates by HSP70 restriction fragment length polymorphism
Differential Expression Of GRP78 And HSP70 In Primary Brainstem And Cortical Astrocytes Exposed To 1, 3-Dintrobenzene
Cytosolic HSP70/Hsc70 Protein Expression in Lymphocytes Exposed to Low Gamma-Ray Dose
Leukemia Specific Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity Contributes to Anti-Leukemia Immunity Induced by Leukemia Cell-Derived HSP70 Immunization in Mice.
Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor alpha and heat shock protein HSP70-2 genes and preterm premature rupture of the membranes in multifetal gestations
Interferon-gamma acts proapoptotic on Hepatic Stellate Cells (HSC) and abrogates the antiapoptotic Effect of Interferon-alpha by an HSP70 dependant Pathway
The expression of c-fos and HSP70 by the Capsaicin injection in the spinal cord (dorsal horn)
Peptide and polypeptide substrate recognition by the HSP70 molecular chaperones HscA and DnaK
Combined Use of Dendritic Cells Enhances Specific Anti-Leukemia Effect of Leukemia Cell-Derived-HSP70 in a Mouse Model with Minimal Residual …
Spatial Analysis of Cell Death and HSP70 Induction in Brain, Thymus, Bone Marrow and Testis of the Hyperthermic Rat
Persistent Borna disease virus infection confers instability of HSP70 mRNA in glial cells during heat stress
Measurement of HSP90 and HSP70 in CD34-Positive Cells: Lower Levels in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Than in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Correlation with …
Effects of heat shock preconditioning on expressions of HSP60, HSP70 and iNOS in gastric mucosa of burned rats
Interactions of molecular chaperones HSP40 and HSP70 with human transcription factor TBP
Expression of HSP70 following heat stress during pupal development in the blueberry maggot Rhagoletis mendax (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Nucelotide binding states of HSP70 and hsp90 during assembly of heterocomplexes between the glucocorticoid receptor and hsp90
Mitochondrial protein import and folding: The role of a mitochondrial HSP70, Ssc1, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The conserved Helix C region in the superfamily of interferon-a/interleukin-10-related cytokines corresponds to a high-affinity binding site for the HSP70 chaperone …
Three High-Lysine Mutations Control the Leve1 of ATP-Binding HSP70-like Proteins in the Maize Endosperm
Orchardgrass HSP70 stabilizes heat-denatured protein and associates with chaperone complex
In vitro Study on Role of HSP70 Expression in DNA Damage of Human Embryonic Lung Cells Exposed to Benzo [a] pyrene
Functional characterization of the cytosolic molecular chaperones of the HSP70 and the Hsp40 classes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Structural organization of the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery and its interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain
Depletion of Kupffer cell function by gadolinium chloride attenuates thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity. Expression of metallothionein and HSP70.
Comparison of the structures of the DnaK (HSP70) heat shock proteins of archaeon M. mazei and bacterium E. coli
Mechanistic link between HSP70 overexpression upregulation of STAT5 and Bcl-xL and resistance to cytarabine, etoposide or Apo-2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis in Bcr …
Heat shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to various contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and cadmium).
Myocardial protection induced by delayed ischaemic preconditioning in the in vivo mouse heart is PKC-epsilon dependent but HSP70 independent
A Nanoparticle-forming Folding Enhancer with High-affinity Binding Site for the HSP70 Chaperone Dnak
Effects of thermal history on the function and expression of the HSP70 gene family in teleost fishes of the families Nototheniidae, Zoarcidae, and Gobiidae
Functional analyses of heat shock factor, GAGA factor and nucleosome remodeling factor in regulation of Drosophila HSP70
658. Different Regulation of Atrial and Ventricular HSP70 mRNA Expression during Warm Blood Cardioplegic Arrest in Rats
The Cotranslational Maturation of the Type I Membrane Glycoprotein Tyrosinase: The HSP70 System Hands off to the Lectin-based Chaperone System
The Homologous Region 3 from Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus Enhancing the Transcriptional Activity of Drosophila HSP70 Promoter
P3-228 Chip and HSP70 regulate tau ubiquitination, degradation and aggregation
Effects of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Induction after Lipopolysaccharide Exposure on the IL-6 Production and the Cell Viability after Subsequent …
1062. Potential Utility of Heat Shock Protein 70 Promoter (HSP70-P) as a Stress Responsive Promoter in Gene Delivery: HSP70-P Regulated Expression of …
1145. Identification of the Cis-Elements Involving in the Tumor Specific Over-Expression of the Human HSP70 Gene and Their Application for Tumor Specific Targeting …
The expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the cells of rat liver and cardiac muscle in different heat exposure stages
Protective Effect of Heat Shock Protein (hsp) 70.1 and HSP70. 3 on Retinal Photic Injury After Systemic Hyperthermia
CELL BIOLOGY-IMMUNOLOGY-PATHOLOGY Chronic COX-2 inhibition reduces medullary HSP70 expression and induces papillary apoptosis in dehydrated rats.
The Effects of Ultrasound Irradiation on the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression in Rat Knee Articular Cartilage after Immobilization
… rupture of membranes (PPROM) in multifetal pregnancies and its potentiation by interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and 70kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) gene …
The anti-apoptotic property of NS-398 at high dose can be mediated in part through NF-KB activation, HSP70 induction and a decrease in caspase-3 activity in human …
Gene expression profiles in arsenic-treated MCF-7 breast cancer cells expressing different levels of HSP70
12. Activation of Protein Kinases and Cellular Redistribution of Inducible HSP70 Protein in Chronically Hypoxic Infant Human and Rabbit Hearts: Role in …
Adhesion of 8226 Myeloma Cell Lines Induces over Expression of HSP70 and its Inhibition Reverses CAM-DR and Acquired Drug Resistance in Multiple Myeloma.
Neuronal Differentiation of RPE Cells, but Not Y-79 or PC-12 Cells, Is Induced by Fenretinide and Results in a Time-Dependent Increase in HSP70 Expression
Successful cross-presentation of NY-ESO-1 CTL epitope on dendritic cell by using fusion protein with human HSP70
1018: Expressional Regulation of HSP70 by Arisostatins a in Caki Cells
Varicocele× heat stress: Expression of the heat shock protein 70–2 (HSP70–2) in the sperm cells
Effects of naloxone on IL-1?-induced fever and the content of cAMP and HSP70 in hypothalamus in rats
Overexpression of inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in mouse attenuates skeletal muscle damage induced by cryolesion
Effect of cholesterol and 7 β-hydroxycholesterol on glutathione status and expression of HSP70 in cultured murine peritoneal macrophages
Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) of domestic animal and domestic fowl
… of activating effects on macrophages of heat shock protein 70 from hca-elemene combo-tumor cell vaccine (HSP70_ (HTCV)) and HSP70 from bacillus calmette …
095 HSP70 is Proinflammatory in vivo. Implications for Chronic Wound Healing.
New tricks for an old dog: the evolving world of HSP70
Mechanisms for HSP70 secretion: crossing membranes without a leader
All in the family: atypical HSP70 chaperones are conserved modulators of HSP70 activity
Structural basis of J cochaperone binding and regulation of HSP70
HSP70: a chaperokine
Insights into HSP70 chaperone activity from a crystal structure of the yeast Hsp110 Sse1
Structural basis for the cooperation of HSP70 and Hsp110 chaperones in protein folding
Hsp110 is a nucleotide-activated exchange factor for HSP70
CHIP-mediated stress recovery by sequential ubiquitination of substrates and HSP70
HSP70 genes in the human genome: Conservation and differentiation patterns predict a wide array of overlapping and specialized functions
Class VIII myosins are required for plasmodesmatal localization of a closterovirus HSP70 homolog
Patient survival by HSP70 membrane phenotype: association with different routes of metastasis
The HSP70 chaperone machines of Escherichia coli: a paradigm for the repartition of chaperone functions
The diverse roles of J-proteins, the obligate HSP70 co-chaperone
The mechanism of HSP70 chaperones:(entropic) pulling the models together
HSP70 translocates into the plasma membrane after stress and is released into the extracellular environment in a membrane-associated form that activates …
Substrate transfer from the chaperone HSP70 to Hsp90
HSP70 chaperone machine remodels protein aggregates at the initial step of HSP70-Hsp100-dependent disaggregation
Tumor-specific HSP70 plasma membrane localization is enabled by the glycosphingolipid Gb3
HSP70 molecular chaperones: emerging roles in human disease and identification of small molecule modulators
HSP70 chaperone as a survival factor in cell pathology
HSP70 regulates erythropoiesis by preventing caspase-3-mediated cleavage of GATA-1
Rapid, transcription-independent loss of nucleosomes over a large chromatin domain at HSP70 loci
The structural and functional diversity of HSP70 proteins from Plasmodium falciparum
Changes in markers of muscle damage, inflammation and HSP70 after an Ironman Triathlon race
The diversity of the DnaJ/Hsp40 family, the crucial partners for HSP70 chaperones
Keep the traffic moving: mechanism of the HSP70 motor
Allosteric regulation of HSP70 chaperones by a proline switch
Role of HSP70 in cellular thermotolerance
Impact of seasonal variation on HSP70 expression quantitated in stressed fish hepatocytes
Induction of HSP70 by desiccation, ionising radiation and heat-shock in the eutardigrade Richtersius coronifer
HSP70 overexpression inhibits NF‐κB and Foxo3a transcriptional activities and prevents skeletal muscle atrophy
Chaperone network in the yeast cytosol: Hsp110 is revealed as an HSP70 nucleotide exchange factor
Effect of lifelong overexpression of HSP70 in skeletal muscle on age‐related oxidative stress and adaptation after nondamaging contractile activity
Distinct HSP70 domains mediate apoptosis-inducing factor release and nuclear accumulation
Diagnostic value of HSP70, glypican 3, and glutamine synthetase in hepatocellular nodules in cirrhosis
Cloning and expression analysis of a HSP70 gene from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)
Allosteric regulation of HSP70 chaperones involves a conserved interdomain linker
Antarctic marine molluscs do have an HSP70 heat shock response
HSP70 chaperone ligands control domain association via an allosteric mechanism mediated by the interdomain linker
Parkin mediates the degradation‐independent ubiquitination of HSP70
Characterization of HSP70 binding and nucleotide exchange by the yeast Hsp110 chaperone Sse1
Association of HSP70 polymorphisms with risk of noise-induced hearing loss in Chinese automobile workers
Apoptosis versus cell differentiation: role of heat shock proteins HSP90, HSP70 and HSP27
Multiple HSP70 isoforms in the eukaryotic cytosol: mere redundancy or functional specificity?
The HSP70 heat shock response in the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus
Loss of HSP70 in Drosophila is pleiotropic, with effects on thermotolerance, recovery from heat shock and neurodegeneration
HSP70 chaperones accelerate protein translocation and the unfolding of stable protein aggregates by entropic pulling
Maximal eccentric exercise induces a rapid accumulation of small heat shock proteins on myofibrils and a delayed HSP70 response in humans
Acute effects of diclofenac and DMSO to Daphnia magna: immobilisation and HSP70-induction
Dendritic cell stimulation by mycobacterial HSP70 is mediated through CCR5
Insights into the structural dynamics of the Hsp110–HSP70 interaction reveal the mechanism for nucleotide exchange activity
Mutant Huntingtin reduces HSP70 expression through the sequestration of NF‐Y transcription factor
The release of HSP70 from A431 carcinoma cells is mediated by secretory-like granules
Differential effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on the intracellular trafficking and functional expression of epithelial sodium channels
Short-duration-focused ultrasound stimulation of HSP70 expression in vivo
Blueberry supplemented diet reverses age-related decline in hippocampal HSP70 neuroprotection
Interactions between HSP70 and the hydrophobic core of α-synuclein inhibit fibril assembly
HSP70 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-κB activation by interacting with TRAF6 and inhibiting its ubiquitination
Overexpression of Mitochondrial HSP70/Hsp75 Protects Astrocytes against Ischemic Injury in vitro
Antibody-mediated HSP70 protein therapy
Hsp104, HSP70 and Hsp40 interplay regulates formation, growth and elimination of Sup35 prions
Lens epithelium-derived growth factor is an HSP70-2 regulated guardian of lysosomal stability in human cancer
HSP70 may protect cardiomyocytes from stress-induced injury by inhibiting Fas-mediated apoptosis
Effects of HSP70. 1/3 gene knockout on acute respiratory distress syndrome and the inflammatory response following sepsis
Lack of an HSP70 heat shock response in two Antarctic marine invertebrates
Definition of the minimal fragments of Sti1 required for dimerization, interaction with HSP70 and Hsp90 and in vivo functions
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70): membrane location, export and immunological relevance
Modeling HSP70-mediated protein folding
The inhibition of LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines by HSP70 involves inactivation of the NF-κB pathway but not the MAPK pathways
Post-meiotic shifts in HSPA2/HSP70. 2 chaperone activity during mouse spermatogenesis
Effect of pepsin on laryngeal stress protein (Sep70, Sep53, and HSP70) response: role in laryngopharyngeal reflux disease
Analysis of HSP70 in Litopenaeus Vannamei and Detection of SNPs
Effects of thermal and osmotic stress on growth, osmoregulation and HSP70 in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)
Exercise-mediated regulation of HSP70 expression following aerobic exercise training
The induction mechanism of the molecular chaperone HSP70 in the gastric mucosa by Geranylgeranylacetone (HSP-inducer)
Modulation of heat shock factors accompanies salicylic acid-mediated potentiation of HSP70 in tomato seedlings
The heat shock protein HSP70 promotes mouse NK cell activity against tumors that express inducible NKG2D ligands
Proteomics analysis of the tombusvirus replicase: HSP70 molecular chaperone is associated with the replicase and enhances viral RNA replication
The muscle-specific microRNAs miR-1 and miR-133 produce opposing effects on apoptosis by targeting HSP60, HSP70 and caspase-9 in cardiomyocytes
HSP70 associates with Rictor and is required for mTORC2 formation and activity
Field and laboratory investigations of the thermal influence on tissue-specific HSP70 levels in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Very brief focal ischemia simulating transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) can injure brain and induce HSP70 protein
Structure-function study of a Plasmodium falciparum HSP70 using three dimensional modelling and in vitro analyses
Amide hydrogen exchange reveals conformational changes in HSP70 chaperones important for allosteric regulation
HSP70 protects against UVB induced apoptosis by preventing release of cathepsins and cytochrome c in human melanocytes
The structure of CCT–Hsc70 NBD suggests a mechanism for HSP70 delivery of substrates to the chaperonin
High HSP70-membrane expression on leukemic cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia is associated with a worse prognosis
Proteomic profiling of hepatocellular carcinoma in Chinese cohort reveals heat‐shock proteins (Hsp27, HSP70, GRP78) up‐regulation and their associated prognostic …
Induction of HSP70-mediated Th17 autoimmunity can be exploited as immunotherapy for metastatic prostate cancer
Bleaching and stress in coral reef ecosystems: HSP70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta
Low plasma levels of HSP70 in patients with carotid atherosclerosis are associated with increased levels of proteolytic markers of neutrophil activation
Structural basis of nucleotide exchange and client binding by the HSP70 cochaperone Bag2
Genetics of human longevity with emphasis on the relevance of HSP70 as candidate genes
The endocrine disruptor bisphenol A increases the expression of HSP70 and ecdysone receptor genes in the aquatic larvae of Chironomus riparius
Crystal structure of yeast Sis1 peptide-binding fragment and HSP70 Ssa1 C-terminal complex
Inducible and constitutive heat shock gene expression responds to modification of HSP70 copy number in Drosophila melanogaster but does not compensate …
Insulin induces myocardial protection and HSP70 localization to plasma membranes in rat hearts
The cytoplasmic HSP70 chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and endoplasmic reticulum import-incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin …
Influence of HSP70 and HLA-E on the killing of leukemic blasts by cytokine/HSP70 peptide-activated human natural killer (NK) cells
Comparative expression analysis of members of the HSP70 family in the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii
Interaction between the CCR5 chemokine receptors and microbial HSP70
Inhibition of HSP70-2 expression by RNA interference induces apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Reduced heat shock response in human mononuclear cells during aging and its association with polymorphisms in HSP70 genes
First HSP70 from two hydrothermal vent shrimps, Mirocaris fortunata and Rimicaris exoculata: characterization and sequence analysis
Modulation of polyglutamine inclusion formation by the HSP70 chaperone machine
Dynamics and mechanism of HSP70 translocation induced by photodynamic therapy treatment
The Carboxyl-Terminal Domain of Inducible HSP70 Protects from Ischemic Injury in vivo and in vitro
Free radical release and HSP70 expression in two human immune-relevant cell lines after exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation
ROS release and HSP70 expression after exposure to 1,800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in primary human monocytes and lymphocytes
Muscle fiber type-specific response of HSP70 expression in human quadriceps following acute isometric exercise
Overexpression of a Trichoderma HSP70 gene increases fungal resistance to heat and other abiotic stresses
HSP70 enhances macrophage phagocytosis by interaction with lipid raft-associated TLR-7 and upregulating p38 MAPK and PI3K pathways
Increased levels of inducible HSP70 in cells exposed to electromagnetic fields
Dengue virus entry into liver (HepG2) cells is independent of hsp90 and HSP70
Metabolic modulation in Labeo rohita fingerlings during starvation: HSP70 expression and oxygen consumption
Direct comparison of a stable isolated HSP70 substrate-binding domain in the empty and substrate-bound states
Swapping nucleotides, tuning HSP70
Tat‐HSP70 protects dopaminergic neurons in midbrain cultures and in the substantia nigra in models of Parkinson’s disease
Innate immunity meets with cellular stress at the IKK complex: regulation of the IKK complex by HSP70 and HSP90
HSP70 inhibition reverses cell adhesion mediated and acquired drug resistance in multiple myeloma
Effects of UV-B radiation on development and HSP70 expression in sea urchin cleavage embryos
Defining the requirements for Hsp40 and HSP70 in the Hsp90 chaperone pathway
Specific expression of antimicrobial peptide and HSP70 genes in response to heat-shock and several bacterial challenges in mussels
HSP70 inhibits aminoglycoside-induced hair cell death and is necessary for the protective effect of heat shock
PHAPI, CAS, and HSP70 promote apoptosome formation by preventing Apaf-1 aggregation and enhancing nucleotide exchange on Apaf-1
HSP70 induction by ING proteins sensitizes cells to tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor-mediated apoptosis
Using lymphocyte and plasma HSP70 as biomarkers for assessing coke oven exposure among steel workers
Identification of cDNAs encoding HSP70 and HSP90 in the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: transcriptional induction in response to thermal stress in hemocyte primary …
Impact of heavy metals and organochlorines on HSP70 and hsc70 gene expression in black sea bream fibroblasts
Myocardial function improved by electromagnetic field induction of stress protein HSP70
Functionally redundant isoforms of a yeast HSP70 chaperone subfamily have different antiprion effects
Heat induced release of HSP70 from prostate carcinoma cells involves both active secretion and passive release from necrotic cells
HSP70 kinetics study by continuous observation of HSP–GFP fusion protein expression on a perfusion heating stage
HSP70 vaccine in combination with gene therapy with plasmid DNA encoding sPD‐1 overcomes immune resistance and suppresses the progression of pulmonary …
HSP70 gene expression in Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes is triggered by moderate heat shock and Vibrio anguillarum, but not by V. splendidus or Micrococcus …
Chaperoning function of stress protein grp170, a member of the HSP70 superfamily, is responsible for its immunoadjuvant activity
Bat3 deficiency accelerates the degradation of HSP70-2/HspA2 during spermatogenesis
Potential immunological functions of salivary HSP70 in mucosal and periodontal defense mechanisms
Domain: domain interactions within Hop, the HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein, are required for protein stability and structure
Induction of HSP70, alterations in oxidative stress markers and apoptosis against dichlorvos exposure in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster: modulation by reactive …
Interaction between HSP70 and the SR Ca2+ pump: a potential mechanism for cytoprotection in heart and skeletal muscle
HSP70 suppresses apoptosis in sympathetic neurones by preventing the activation of c‐Jun
HSP70 response to 5-fluorouracil treatment in human colon cancer cell lines
HSP70 Induction and HSP70 Gene polymorphisms as Indicators of acclimatization under hyperthermic conditions
Structure and Interactions of the Helical and U-Box Domains of CHIP, the C Terminus of HSP70 Interacting Protein,
HSP70 is associated with endothelial activation in placental vascular diseases.
Major role of HSP70 as a paracrine inducer of cytokine production in human oxidized LDL treated macrophages
Acetylsalicylic acid–induced release of HSP70 from mast cells results in cell activation through TLR pathway
Genomic organization and expression of the HSP70 locus in New and Old World Leishmania species
Toxic potential of municipal solid waste leachates in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ): HSP70 as a marker of cellular damage
Cytoprotective role of nitric oxide associated with HSP70 expression in neonatal obstructive nephropathy
Cloning and characterization of the HSP70 gene, and its expression in response to diapauses and thermal stress in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua
Targeting HSP70 to motoneurons protects locomotor activity from hyperthermia in Drosophila
Effects of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields on Hsp27, HSP70, Hsp90 expression in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC)
Post-transcriptional regulation of HSP70 expression following oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells: the potential involvement of the RNA-binding protein HuR
Autoantibodies against HSP70 family proteins were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid from patients with multiple sclerosis
HSP70 is a new target of Sgt1—an interaction modulated by S100A6
Glutamine protects articular chondrocytes from heat stress and NO-induced apoptosis with HSP70 expression
FK228 inhibits Hsp90 chaperone function in K562 cells via hyperacetylation of HSP70
Pharmacological induction of HSP70 protects apoptosis-prone cells from doxorubicin: comparison with caspase-inhibitor-and cycle-arrest-mediated …
Enhanced Cold and Desiccation Tolerance in Diapausing Adults of Culex pipiens, and a Role for HSP70 in Response to Cold Shock but Not as a Component of the …
Hsp110 and Grp170, members of the HSP70 superfamily, bind to scavenger receptor‐A and scavenger receptor expressed by endothelial cells‐I
The enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) Map effector is imported into the mitochondrial matrix by the TOM/HSP70 system and alters organelle morphology
Differing patterns of HSP70 gene expression in invasive and native kelp species: evidence for acclimation-induced variation
Molecular phylogenetic analysis in Hammondia-like organisms based on partial HSP70 coding sequences
HSP70 expression and free radical release after exposure to non-thermal radio-frequency electromagnetic fields and ultrafine particles in human Mono Mac 6 cells
In vitro effect of focused ultrasound or thermal stress on HSP70 expression and cell viability in three tumor cell lines
Developmental expression of Hsp90, HSP70 and HSF during morphogenesis in the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina
Sperm sorting procedure induces a redistribution of HSP70 but not Hsp60 and Hsp90 in boar spermatozoa
Functional coevolutionary networks of the HSP70–Hop–Hsp90 system revealed through computational analyses
Chaperone activation of the hepadnaviral reverse transcriptase for template RNA binding is established by the HSP70 and stimulated by the Hsp90 system
HSF1-TPR interaction facilitates export of stress-induced HSP70 mRNA
The HSP70 chaperone Ssq1p is dispensable for iron-sulfur cluster formation on the scaffold protein Isu1p
Degradation of HSP70 and other mRNAs in Drosophila via the 5′–3′ pathway and its regulation by heat shock
Unusual cellular disposition of the mitochondrial molecular chaperones Hsp60, HSP70 and Hsp10
The HSP70 member, Ssa1, acts as a DNA‐binding transcriptional co‐activator of laccase in Cryptococcus neoformans
Calcium signaling in dendritic cells by human or mycobacterial HSP70 is caused by contamination and is not required for HSP70-mediated enhancement of …
From proliferative to neurological role of an HSP70 stress chaperone, mortalin
Curcumin treatment enhances islet recovery by induction of heat shock response proteins, HSP70 and heme oxygenase-1, during cryopreservation
Anticancer drugs up-regulate HspBP1 and thereby antagonize the prosurvival function of HSP70 in tumor cells
Human esophageal microvascular endothelial cells respond to acidic pH stress by PI3K/AKT and p38 MAPK-regulated induction of HSP70 and Hsp27
Heterologous expression of FMDV immunodominant epitopes and HSP70 in P. pastoris and the subsequent immune response in mice
Quantitative RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemical localization of HSP70 in sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxexposed to transport stress
Effect of chronic hypoxia on proliferation, apoptosis, and HSP70 expression in mouse bronchiolar epithelial cells.
A heat shock protein gene (HSP70. 1) is critically involved in the generation of the immune response to myelin antigen
Functional similarity between the chloroplast translocon component, Tic40, and the human co-chaperone, HSP70-interacting protein (Hip)
Serious carbamazepine-induced hypersensitivity reactions associated with the HSP70 gene cluster
Genetic evaluation of the HSP70 protein in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Characterisation and expression of an HSP70 gene from Parastrongyloides trichosuri
Effective cotranslational folding of firefly luciferase without chaperones of the HSP70 family
Cytoplasmic HSP70 promotes ubiquitination for endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of a misfolded mutant of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase …
… and-9 cleavage is associated with increased c-FLIP and increased binding of Apaf-1 and HSP70 after neonatal hypoxic/ischemic injury in mice overexpressing HSP70
Primate Chaperones Hsc70 (Constitutive) and HSP70 (Induced) Differ Functionally in Supporting Growth and Prion Propagation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Coelomocyte numbers and expression of HSP70 in wounded sea stars during hypoxia
Structural basis of functional cooperation of Tim15/Zim17 with yeast mitochondrial HSP70
Heat shock protein (HSP70) RNA expression differs among rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) clonal lines
HSP70‐hom gene single nucleotide (+2763 G/A and +2437 C/T) polymorphisms in sarcoidosis
Invariant Leu preceding turn motif phosphorylation site controls the interaction of protein kinase C with HSP70
Importance of the HSP70 ATPase domain in yeast prion propagation
Heat shock proteins (HSP70) and water content in the estivating Mediterranean Grunt Snail (Cantareus apertus)
Effects of the disruption of the HSP70-II gene on the growth, morphology, and virulence of Leishmania infantum promastigotes
Step-size analyses of the mitochondrial HSP70 import motor reveal the Brownian ratchet in operation
Further study on the role of HSP70 on Ca2+ homeostasis in rat ventricular myocytes subjected to simulated ischemia
Turning up the heat: the effects of thermal acclimation on the kinetics of HSP70 gene expression in the eurythermal goby, Gillichthys mirabilis
A truncated C-terminal fragment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 gene enhanced potency of HBV DNA vaccine
Identification of new subgroup of HSP70 in Bythograeidae (hydrothermal crabs) and Xanthidae
Exercise is the primary factor associated with HSP70 induction in muscle of treadmill running rats
Lack of glucose and HSP70 responses in haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.) subjected to handling and heat shock
Heat-Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression in Four Limpets of the Genus Lottia: Interspecific Variation in Constitutive and Inducible Synthesis Correlates With in situ …
Modulation of HSP70 GlcNAc-directed lectin activity by glucose availability and utilization
Toothpicks, Serendipity and the Emergence of the Escherichia coli DnaK (HSP70) and GroEL (Hsp60) Chaperone Machines
Gcn5- and Elp3-induced histone H3 acetylation regulates HSP70 gene transcription in yeast
A DNA vaccine against chimeric AFP enhanced by HSP70 suppresses growth of hepatocellular carcinoma
The role of the DIF motif of the DnaJ (Hsp40) co-chaperone in the regulation of the DnaK (HSP70) chaperone cycle
Fluoro-edenite fibers induce expression of HSP70 and inflammatory response
Acute liver toxicity by carbon tetrachloride in HSP70 knock out mice
Effects of heat stimulation via microwave applicator on cartilage matrix gene and HSP70 expression in the rabbit knee joint
Combinational approach of intrabody with enhanced HSP70 expression addresses multiple pathologies in a fly model of Huntington’s disease
Tissue and allelic-specific expression of HSP70 gene in chickens: basal and heat-stress-induced mRNA level quantified with real-time reverse transcriptase …
HSP70 in tumors: Friend or foe?
A dominant vimentin mutant upregulates HSP70 and the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and causes posterior cataracts in transgenic mice
Residues of Tim44 involved in both association with the translocon of the inner mitochondrial membrane and regulation of mitochondrial HSP70 tethering
Remarkable Site Specificity of Local Transposition Into the HSP70 Promoter of Drosophila melanogaster
Dehydration of yeast: changes in the intracellular content of HSP70 family proteins
Is preeclampsia associated with higher frequency of HSP70 gene polymorphisms?
HSP70 and constitutively active HSF1 mediate protection against CDCrel-1-mediated toxicity
Functional characterization of the atypical HSP70 subunit of yeast ribosome-associated complex
Prolonged treadmill training increases HSP70 in skeletal muscle but does not affect age-related functional deficits
Zinc supplementation boosts the stress response in the elderly: HSP70 status is linked to zinc availability in peripheral lymphocytes
Negative transcriptional regulation of multidrug resistance gene expression by an HSP70 protein
HSP70-GlcNAc-binding activity is released by stress, proteasome inhibition, and protein misfolding
Design of a fluorescence polarization assay platform for the study of human HSP70
Effects of cadmium on MAPK signalling pathways and HSP70 expression in a human trophoblast cell line
Lindane alters the levels of HSP70 and clusterin in adult rat testis
Vaccination with a DNA vaccine based on human PSCA and HSP70 adjuvant enhances the antigen‐specific CD8+ T‐cell response and inhibits the PSCA+ tumors …
HSP70 functions as a negative regulator of West Nile virus capsid protein through direct interaction
Alteration of familial ALS-linked mutant SOD1 solubility with disease progression: its modulation by the proteasome and HSP70
Accumulation of Hsc70 and HSP70 in glial cytoplasmic inclusions in patients with multiple system atrophy
Fusion proteins of HSP70 with tumor-associated antigen acting as a potent tumor vaccine and the C-terminal peptide-binding domain of HSP70 being essential …
Response of the myocardium to exercise: sex-specific regulation of HSP70.
Docosahexaenoic acid in combination with celecoxib modulates HSP70 and p53 proteins in prostate cancer cells
Cellular distribution of HSP70 expression in rat skeletal muscles. Effects of moderate exercise training and chronic hypoxia
HSP70 negatively controls rotavirus protein bioavailability in caco-2 cells infected by the rotavirus RF strain
Association of MBP peptides with HSP70 in normal appearing human white matter
Nuclear translocation of the phosphoprotein Hop (HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein) occurs under heat shock, and its proposed nuclear localization signal is …
Experimental induction of salt-sensitive hypertension is associated with lymphocyte proliferative response to HSP70: New strategies to prevent cardiovascular …
Thermal adaptation of the yeast mitochondrial HSP70 system is regulated by the reversible unfolding of its nucleotide exchange factor
Stimulation of cell surface CCR5 and CD40 molecules by their ligands or by HSP70 up-regulates APOBEC3G expression in CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells
Dissection of Swa2p/auxilin domain requirements for cochaperoning HSP70 clathrin-uncoating activity in vivo
Interactions of S100A2 and S100A6 with the tetratricopeptide repeat proteins, Hsp90/HSP70-organizing protein and kinesin light chain
Geldanamycin protects rat brain through overexpression of HSP70 and reducing brain edema after cerebral focal ischemia
Metallothionein and HSP70 expression in HepG2 cells after prolonged cadmium exposure
MAPK pathway mediates EGR-1-HSP70-dependent cigarette smoke-induced chemokine production
The time-profile of the PBMC HSP70 response to in vitro heat shock appears temperature-dependent
Age effect on HSP70: decreased resistance to ischemic and oxidative stress in HDF
Identification of several cytoplasmic HSP70 genes from the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and their long-term evolution in Mollusca and Metazoa
Specific activation of the human HSP70 promoter by copper sulfate in mosaic transgenic zebrafish
Cloning and characterization of the executioner caspases 3, 6, 7 and HSP70 in hyperthermic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) embryos
The disaggregation activity of the mitochondrial ClpB homolog Hsp78 maintains HSP70 function during heat stress
Cortisol can be pro-or anti-apoptotic in sea bream cells: Potential role of HSP70 induction for cytoprotection
Heat shock proteins (HSP70 and HSP27) as markers of epithelial dysplasia in oral leukoplakia
RNA interference-mediated silencing of the HSP70 gene inhibits human gastric cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis in vitro and in vivo
The genetic immunization with paraflagellar rod protein-2 fused to the HSP70 confers protection against late Trypanosoma cruzi infection
Reduced stress tolerance of glutamine-deprived human monocytic cells is associated with selective down-regulation of HSP70 by decreased mRNA stability
Over‐expression of HSP70 in BHK‐21 cells engineered to produce recombinant factor VIII promotes resistance to apoptosis and enhances secretion
Inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 up-regulates HSP70 through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in multiple myeloma cells
Cloning, characterization and differential expression of an HSP70 gene from the pathogenic dimorphic fungus, Penicillium marneffei Full Length Research Article
Effect of HSP70 chaperone on the folding and misfolding of polypeptides modeling an elongating protein chain
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes carrying a pattern recognition protein Tag7 can detect evasive, HLA-negative but HSP70-exposing tumor cells, thereby ensuring FasL/Fas …
Slower skeletal muscle phenotypes are critical for constitutive expression of HSP70 in overloaded rat plantaris muscle
HSP70/nitric oxide relationship in apoptotic modulation during obstructive nephropathy
An HSP70 peptide initiates NK cell killing of leukemic blasts after stem cell transplantation
Alternative processing of Arabidopsis HSP70 precursors during protein import into chloroplasts
Heat shock protein (HSP70) induced by a mild heat shock slightly moderates plasma osmolarity increases upon salinity transfer in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss …
Levels of HSP70 in HIV+ patients in different viroimmunological states
The human escort protein Hep binds to the ATPase domain of mitochondrial HSP70 and regulates ATP hydrolysis
Thermal conditioning of fifth‐instar Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) affects HSP70 accumulation and insect mortality
Expression of the cochaperone HspBP1 is not coordinately regulated with HSP70 expression
Fusion expression of major antigenic segment of JEV E protein-HSP70 and the identification of domain acting as adjuvant in HSP70
The therapeutic implications of clinically applied modifiers of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression by tumor cells
HSP70 expression in human trophoblast cells exposed to different 1.8 Ghz mobile phone signals
Correlation of HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 gene expression with the degree of graft-versus-host reaction in a rat skin explant model
Drug‐induced Myc‐mediated apoptosis of cancer cells is inhibited by stress protein HSP70
Expression of Exogenous Genes Under the Control of Endogenous HSP70 and CAB Promoters in the Closterium peracerosum–strigosum–littorale complex
The molecular chaperone HSP70 interacts with the cytosolic II-III loop of the Cav2. 3 E-type voltagegated Ca2+ channel
PERK-dependent regulation of HSP70 expression and the regulation of autophagy
Adverse effect of tannery waste leachates in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster: role of ROS in modulation of HSP70, oxidative stress and apoptosis
Evaluation of HSP70 expression and DNA damage in cells of a human trophoblast cell line exposed to 1.8 GHz amplitude-modulated radiofrequency fields
Expression of HSP70 and JNK-related proteins in human liver cancer: Potential effects on clinical outcome
Exercise training reverses downregulation of HSP70 and antioxidant enzymes in porcine skeletal muscle after chronic coronary artery occlusion
Parkin regulates Eg5 expression by HSP70 ubiquitination-dependent inactivation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase
A role for the chaperone HSP70 in the regulation of border cell migration in the Drosophila ovary
Morphohistological change and expression of HSP70, osteopontin and osteocalcin mRNAs in rat dental pulp cells with orthodontic tooth movement
Three new satellite sequences and a mobile element found inside HSP70 introns of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
Flo11p-independent control of “mat” formation by HSP70 molecular chaperones and nucleotide exchange factors in yeast
Castration inhibits exercise-induced accumulation of HSP70 in male rodent hearts
CpG-B oligodeoxynucleotide promotes cell survival via up-regulation of HSP70 to increase Bcl-xL and to decrease apoptosis-inducing factor translocation
The carrier Msn5p/Kap142p promotes nuclear export of the HSP70 Ssa4p and relocates in response to stress
Therapeutic vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with tumor-derived HSP70 and a COX-2 inhibitor induces protective immunity against B16 melanoma
The role of HSP70 and Hsp90 in TGF-beta-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in rat lens epithelial explants
Combination of Two Regulatory Elements in the Tetrahymena thermophila HSP70-1 Gene Controls Heat Shock Activation
Evaluation of the activities of the medfly and Drosophila HSP70 promoters in vivo in germ‐line transformed medflies
Association of Met439Thr substitution in heat shock protein 70 gene with postoperative atrial fibrillation and serum HSP70 protein levels
Prion-impairing mutations in HSP70 chaperone Ssa1: effects on ATPase and chaperone activities
DJ-1 modulates α-synuclein aggregation state in a cellular model of oxidative stress: relevance for Parkinson’s disease and involvement of HSP70
Correlation of heat shock protein (HSP70) expression with cell proliferation (MIB1), estrogen receptors (ER) and clinicopathological variables in invasive ductal breast …
Protective effect of a RSV subunit vaccine candidate G1F/M2 was enhanced by a HSP70-Like protein in mice
Geranylgeranylacetone, an inducer of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), elicits unfolded protein response and coordinates cellular fate independently of HSP70
TAT-Hsp40 inhibits oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity via the inhibition of HSP70 ubiquitination
Differential expression of HSP70 and ultrastructure of heart and liver tissues of rats treated with adriamycin: protective role of L-carnitine
HSP70 is part of the synaptonemal complex in Eimeria tenella
Influence of PKC-α overexpression on HSP70 and cardioprotection
Cadmium-induced stimulation of stress-protein HSP70 in lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici
Effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on transcriptional regulation of the HSP70 gene in Drosophila
Hsp27, HSP70 and mismatch repair proteins hMLH1 and hMSH2 expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy subjects and cancer patients
p27Cip/Kip is involved in hsp25 or inducible HSP70 mediated adaptive response by low dose radiation
Prolonged morphine application modulates Bax and HSP70 levels in primary rat neurons
Immunohistochemical detection of the inducible heat shock protein HSP70: a methodological study
The expression of HSP70 and HSP90α in children with Wilms tumor
Heat shock proteins HSP70 and GP96: structural insights
The role of tonicity responsive enhancer sites in the transcriptional regulation of human HSP70-2 in response to hypertonic stress
Polyglutamine expansion in Drosophila: thermal stress and HSP70 as selective agents
Identification of VCP/p97, carboxyl terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP), and amphiphysin II interaction partners using membrane-based human …
Ydj1 but not Sis1 stabilizes HSP70 protein under prolonged stress in vitro
HSP70 reduces chronic hypoxia-induced neural suppression via regulating expression of syntaxin
Chromosomal protein HMGN1 enhances the heat shock-induced remodeling of HSP70 chromatin
Genes and longevity: a genetic-demographic approach reveals sex-and age-specific gene effects not shown by the case–control approach (APOE and HSP70. 1 loci)
Chemical modulators of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by sequential, microwave-accelerated reactions on solid phase
Chronic antioxidant enzyme mimetic treatment differentially modulates hyperthermia-induced liver HSP70 expression with aging
Ischemic preconditioning induces chaperone HSP70 expression and inhibits protein aggregation in the CA1 neurons of rats
Serum levels of free heat shock protein 70 and anti-HSP70 are elevated in Behcet’s disease
Hsp90/HSP70 Chaperone Machine Regulation of the Saccharomyces MAL-Activator As Determined in Vivo Using Noninducible and Constitutive Mutant Alleles
Characterization of a heat-shock-inducible HSP70 gene of the green alga Volvox carteri
Heat shock protein expression pattern (HSP70) in the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus
Up-regulation of HSP70 by the fibronectin-derived peptide PHSRN in human corneal epithelial cells
Mechanical strain stress suppresses expression of HSP70 and wound restoration in gastric mucosal cells
Additive viability-loss following HSP70/hsc70 double interference and Hsp90 inhibition in two breast cancer cell lines
PS2 and HSP70 expression in rectal adenocarcinomas: an immunohistochemical investigation of 45 cases
An HSP70 fusion protein vaccine potentiates the immune response against Japanese encephalitis virus
EAE tolerance induction with HSP70-peptide complexes depends on H60 and NKG2D activity
Seasonal variation in heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 expression in an exposed and a shaded habitat of Iris pumila
Release of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and the effects of extracellular HSP70 on matric metalloproteinase-9 expression in human monocytic U937 cells
Acute acidification or amiloride treatment suppresses the ability of HSP70 to inhibit heat-induced apoptosis
Human serum contains detectable levels of the HSP70 cochaperone HspBP1 and antibodies bound to HspBP1
Thymulin, a thymic peptide, prevents the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and heat shock protein HSP70 in inflammation-bearing mice
Effect of glucocorticoid depletion on heat-induced HSP70, IL-1β and TNF-α gene expression
Synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin induced cellular damage in reproductive tissues of Drosophila melanogaster: HSP70 as a marker of cellular damage
Evolution of a protein-folding machine: genomic and evolutionary analyses reveal three lineages of the archaeal HSP70 (dnaK) gene
Expression of heat shock proteins HSP10, HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 in urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder
HSP27 and HSP70 interact with CD10 in C4‐2 prostate cancer cells
Crystal structure of the C-terminal three-helix bundle subdomain of C. elegans HSP70
Geldanamycin prevents hemorrhage-induced ATP loss by overexpressing inducible HSP70 and activating pyruvate dehydrogenase
… , alters development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) by modulating levels of chitin, soluble protein content, and HSP70 and p34cdc2 in …
Expression of HSP70 and Hsp27 in lens epithelial cells in contused eye of rat modulated by thermotolerance or quercetin
In-vivo optical imaging of HSP70 expression to assess collateral tissue damage associated with infrared laser ablation of skin
Development of fluorescence polarization assays for the molecular chaperone HSP70 family members: Hsp72 and DnaK
Evidence for a role of HSP70 in the neuroprotection induced by heat shock pre‐treatment against 3, 4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine toxicity in rat brain
HSP70 expression protects against hippocampal neurodegeneration induced by endogenous glutamate in vivo
Heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in the cerebral spinal fluid of patients undergoing thoracic aneurysm repair correlate with the probability of postoperative …
Developmental and hyperthermia-induced expression of the heat shock proteins HSP60 and HSP70 in tissues of the housefly Musca domestica: an in vitro …
HSP70 in the atrial neuroendocrine units of the snail, Achatina fulica
Cerebral neurons and glial cell types inducing heat shock protein HSP70 following heat stress in the rat
Nucleotide exchange factors for HSP70 molecular chaperones
HSP70 and EndoG modulate cell death by heat in human skin keratinocytes in vitro
Both heat shock and water deprivation trigger HSP70 expression in the olfactory lobe of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus
Induction of HSP70 is dispensable for anti-inflammatory action of heat shock or NSAIDs in mast cells
Identification and in silico analysis of the Citrus HSP70 molecular chaperone gene family
HSP70-inducible hNIS-IRES-eGFP reporter imaging: response to heat shock
Inhibitory effect of HSP70 on angiotensin II-induced vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy
Leishmania major heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is not protective in murine models of cutaneous leishmaniasis and stimulates strong humoral responses in …
Identification of HLA-A24-restricted epitopes with high affinities to HSP70 using peptide arrays
Diazoxide, as a postconditioning and delayed preconditioning trigger, increases HSP25 and HSP70 in the central nervous system following combined cerebral stroke …
Quantitative evaluation of chaperone activity and neuroprotection by different preparations of a cell-penetrating HSP70
Effect of baicalin on HSP70 expression of hippocampal neurons in focal brain ischemia-reperfusion injury rats
Short-term hyperthermic treatment of Penaeus monodon increases expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and reduces replication of gill associated virus (GAV)
HSP70 gene fused with Hantavirus S segment DNA significantly enhances the DNA vaccine potency against hantaviral nucleocapsid protein in vivo
HDJC9, a novel human type C DnaJ/HSP40 member interacts with and cochaperones HSP70 through the J domain
Heat shock protein (HSP70) expression and thermal tolerance in sublethally heat-shocked eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica infected with the parasite Perkinsus …
Interaction between HSP70 and bis (monoacylglycero) phosphate stabilizes lysosomes and promotes cell survival
Distinct binding sites for the ATPase and substrate-binding domain of human HSP70 on the cell surface of antigen presenting cells
Expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 in chloride target cells of mayfly larvae from motorway retention pond: A biomarker of osmotic shock
HSP70/Hsc70 regulates the effect phosphorylation has on stabilizing ataxin‐1
Heat shock factor 1 is required for constitutive HSP70 expression and normal lens development in embryonic zebrafish
Inhibition of Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis and expression of HSP70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to non-starter lactobacilli
The effect of continuous aerobic exercise on the rate of HSP70 in mice with breast cancer tumor
Association of HSP70-hom genetic variant with prostate cancer risk
Endoplasmic Reticulum Retention Signal-Dependent Glycylation of the HSP70/Grp170-Related Pgp1p in Tetrahymena
Expression of HSP90, HSP70 mRNA and change of plasma cortisol and glucose during water temperature rising in freshwater adapted black porgy, Acanthopagrus …
Na+/K+-ATPase stabilization by HSP70 in the outer stripe of the outer medulla in rats during recovery from a low-protein diet
Different duration of crowding and noise exposure effects on exploratory behavior, cellular immunity and HSP70 expression in rats
HSP70 induces Th1 polarization through tumor-associated macrophages in a T-cell lymphoma.
HSP70 expression in the hippocampal CA3 subfield in different chronic stress models
Role of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP32 in the protective effect of adaptation of cultured HT22 hippocampal cells to oxidative stress
hELP3 Subunit of the Elongator Complex Regulates the Transcription of HSP70 Gene in Human Cells
HSP70-hom gene polymorphism as a prognostic marker of graft-versus-host disease
HSP70 localizes differently from chaperone Hsc70 in mouse mesoangioblasts under physiological growth conditions
Quiescent gemmules of the freshwater sponge, Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus, 1759), contain remarkably high levels of HSP70 stress protein and HSP70 stress gene …
Involvement of− 308 TNF-α and 1267 HSP70-2 polymorphisms and zinc status in the susceptibility of coronary artery disease (CAD) in old patients
Loss of exocrine pancreatic stimulation during parenteral feeding suppresses digestive enzyme expression and induces HSP70 expression
Induction of multiple CD8+ T cell responses against the inducible HSP70 employing an HSP70 oligoepitope peptide
HSP70 response in pigs is affected by their Halothane genotypes after heat stress
Differential modulation of neurite growth by the S-and the L-forms of bag1, a co-chaperone of HSP70
Effects of HSP70. 1/3 gene knockout on NF-κB-mediated and cytokine-induced reduction in alveolar ion and fluid transport
Crohn’s disease and polymorphism of heat shock protein gene HSP70-2 in the Tunisian population
Promoter of the heat shock testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene is active in nervous system during embryonic development of mice
Heat shock protein of HSP70 family revealed in some contemporary freshwater Amoebae and in Acanthamoeba sp. from cysts isolated from permafrost samples
Use of primers based on the heat shock protein genes HSP70, hsp40, and hsp10, for the detection of bovine mastitis pathogens Streptococcus agalactiae …
Differential regulation of HSP70 expression by the JNK kinases SEK1 and MKK7 in mouse embryonic stem cells treated with cadmium
Distinct mitochondrial HSP70 homologues conserved in various Leishmania species suggest novel biological functions
Role of the HSP70 cochaperone BAG1 in glucocorticoid receptor function and stress-related diseases
Localization of metallothionein, heat shock protein (HSP70), and superoxide dismutase expression in Hemidiaptomus roubaui (Copepoda, Crustacea) exposed to …
HSP70 induction and oxidative stress protection mediated by a subtoxic dose of NMDA in the retinoic acid-differentiated C6 glioma cell line
Key residues involved in HSP70 regulatory activity and affect of co-chaperones on mechanism of action
Circulating leukocyte heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and oxidative stress markers in rats after a bout of exhaustive exercise
Mycobacterial HSP70 as an adjuvant in the design of an idiotype vaccine against a murine lymphoma
Nucleotide sequence variations in the HSP70 gene of Olive leaf yellowing-associated virus
Large mammalian HSP70 family proteins, hsp110 and grp170, and their roles in biology and cancer therapy
Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection of Human CD4+ T Cells by Microbial HSP70 and the Peptide Epitope 407-426
HSP70-and p53-reponses after heat treatment and/or X-irradiation mediate the susceptibility of hematopoietic cells to undergo apoptosis
Binding of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate to the HSP70 ATPase domain may promote apoptosis in colorectal cancer
Efficacy of dl-α-lipoic acid on methanol induced free radical changes, protein oxidative damages and HSP70 expression in folate deficient rat nervous tissue
Strain differences and the role for HSP47 and HSP70 in adjuvant arthritis in rats
Extracellular HSP70 blocks CD40L‐induced apoptosis and tubular formation in endothelial cells
Protective effects of co-immunization with SjCTPI-HSP70 and interleukin-12 DNA vaccines against Schistosoma japonicum challenge infection in water buffalo
Modified HPV16 E7/HSP70 DNA vaccine with high safety and enhanced cellular immunity represses murine lung metastatic tumors with downregulated expression of …
A mitosome purification protocol based on percoll density gradients and its use in validating the mitosomal nature of Entamoeba histolytica mitochondrial HSP70
Expression of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the respiratory tract and lungs of fire victims
PKA-mediated ERK1/2 inactivation and HSP70 gene expression following exercise
Changed distribution pattern of the constitutive rather than the inducible HSP70 chaperone in neuromelanin‐containing neurones of the Parkinsonian midbrain
Protective effects of focal ischemic preconditioning and HSP70 expression on middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats
Expression of HSP70 Grp94 and IgG in human lung carcinoma
Diazoxide increases liver and kidney HSP25 and HSP70 after shock and stroke
Expression of stress proteins of HSP70 family in response to cold in Myrmica ants from various geographic populations
Low dose benzo (a) pyrene up-regulated the transcription of HSP70 and HSP90 in Eisenia fetida
Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma–immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis.
Haemato-biochemical responses and induction of HSP70 to dietary phosphorus in Catla catla (Hamilton) fingerlings
Rapamycin conditionally inhibits Hsp90 but not HSP70 mRNA translation in Drosophila: implications for the mechanisms of Hsp mRNA translation
Molecular chaperone HSP70 protects neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells from hypoxic stress
A 14-mer peptide from HSP70 protein is the critical epitope which enhances NK activity against tumor cells in vivo
Transcriptional responses of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, HSP70 and Na+/K+‐ATPase in the liver of rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) intracoelomically injected with …
Annexin II binds to SHP2 and this interaction is regulated by HSP70 levels
HSP70 and HSP70 mRNA localization in heat-stressed tissues of broilers
Cyclosporin A has a protective effect with induced upregulation of HSP70 and nNOS on severe spinal cord ischemic injury in rabbits
Interrelationship between Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) and LymphocyteProliferation in Thermal Exposed Buffalo Heifers
Interaction of rat renal glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and HSP70 upon stress provoked by mercury
Intratumor injection of oncolytic adenovirus expressing HSP70 prolonged survival in melanoma B16 bearing mice by enhanced immune response
Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica: Cloning and characterisation of 70 kDa heat-shock proteins reveals variation in HSP70 gene expression between parasite …
Population origin, development and temperature of development affect the amounts of HSP70, HSP90 and the putative hypoxia-inducible factor in the tadpoles of the …
Gene expression of HSP70 of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), in response to heat shock and insecticides
Construction and identification of HSP70 antisense RNA expression vector for genetic engineering male sterility in plant
The heat shock response and HSP70 gene expression in male germ cells
HSP70 inhibits burn serum-induced apoptosis of cardiomyocytes via mitochondrial and membrane death receptor pathways
Binding specificity of an α-helical protein sequence to a full-length HSP70 chaperone and its minimal substrate-binding domain
Expression and purification of goose HSP70 and compound formation with virus polypeptide
Dynamic analysis of the expression of HSP70 during experimental tooth movement in rats
Drug evaluation: STA-4783–enhancing taxane efficacy by induction of HSP70.
A synthetic dengue virus antigen elicits enhanced antibody titers when linked to, but not mixed with, Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 domain II
Protective effects of overexpression TCR Vbeta5. 2-HSP70 and TCR Vbeta8. 2-HSP70 against collagen-induced arthritis in rats
Regulation of HSP70 function: hsp40 co-chaperones and nucleotide exchange factors
Local induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by proteasome inhibition confers chondroprotection during surgically induced osteoarthritis in the rat knee
Differing patterns of HSP70 gene expression in invasive and native kelp species: evidence for acclimation-induced variation
Heat shock protein of the HSP70 family in the euryhaline cilate Paramecium nephridiatum and its role in adaptation to salinity changes
Search for Novel Stress-responsive Protein Components Using a Yeast Mutant Lacking Two Cytosolic HSP70 Genes, SSA1 and SSA2.
HSP70 accumulation and ultrastructural features of lung and liver induced by ethanol treatment with and without L-carnitine protection in rats
Effects of mitogenic hormones on HSP70 expression in a silver sea bream fibroblast cell line and a primary macrophage preparation
Aging effects on the habitual expression of HSP70 mRNA in the hippocampus of rats
DNA double strand breaks and HSP70 expression in proton irradiated living cells
Polymorphisms of the MCP-1 and HSP70-2 genes in Korean patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
Geranylgeranylacetone, an inducer of HSP70, elicits unfolded protein response and coordinates cellular fate independently of HSP70
The GC-box is critical for high level expression of the testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene.
Unilateral optic nerve transection up-regulate HSP70 protein expression in lateral geniculate nucleus of rats
Differential diagnosis of oocysts of Hammondia-like organisms of dogs and cats by PCR-RFLP analysis of 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) gene
Japanese encephalitis protein vaccine candidates expressing neutralizing epitope and MT HSP70 induce virus-specific memory B cells and long-lasting antibodies in …
Perinatal expression of HSP70 and VEGF in neonatal rat lung vessels exposed to nicotine during gestation
Functional stabilization of Kv1. 5 protein by HSP70 in mammalian cell lines
Effect of electroacupuncture on free radical content and HSP70 expression in the brain tissue in rats with cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury
Effects of 2, 2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP) on HSP70 gene expression in rainbow trout
Fusion expression of O type foot-and-mouth diseases virus VP1 gene and HSP70 gene and induction of immune responses in mice
HSP70 Modulates the Enhanced Production of Reactive Intermediate Metabolites and a Proinflammatory Cytokine TNF-α Expression in a T Cell Lymphoma
HSP70 family members, danger signals and autoimmunity
Identification of the divergent calmodulin binding motif in yeast Ssb1/Hsp75 protein and in other HSP70 family members
Increased expression of HSP70 by colon cancer cells is not always associated with access to the dendritic cell cross-presentation pathway
HSP70 binds to SHP2 and has effects on the SHP2-related EGFR/GAB1 signaling pathway
The effects of treated effluents on the intensity of papillomatosis and HSP70 expression in roach
HSP70 and hsp27 as pharmacological targets in apoptosis modulation for cancer therapy
Hop: An HSP70/Hsp90 co-chaperone that functions within and beyond HSP70/Hsp90 protein folding pathways
Heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 in pea seedlings under clinorotation of different duration
Lamina-associated polypeptide 2α forms complexes with heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsc70 in vivo
Effect of early enriched parenteral alanyl-glutamine on heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in critical patients
Expression and significance of TGF-beta1 and HSP70 in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSP70) in blood leukocytes as a criterion of the resistance to stress injury
Comparison of immune assays for the detection of anti-HSP70 antibodies in patients with idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss
Expresión de HSP70 en células MDCK inducida por compuestos de secreción del nematodo T. spiralis
ATPase domain of HSP70 exhibits intrinsic ATP-ADP exchange activity
The HSP70 chaperone system maintains high concentrations of active proteins and suppresses ATP consumption during heat shock
Inducible HSP70 levels in thoracic wound fluid indicate myocardial damage after open heart surgery
The human HSP70/HSP40 chaperone family: a study on its capacity to combat proteotoxic stress
Modulation of RAG/DNA complex by HSP70 in V (D) J recombination
Neuroprotective effect of dipeptide AVP (4-5)-NH2 is associated with nerve growth factor and heat shock protein HSP70
Differential increase in AMPK and HSP70 mRNA expression with temperature in the rock crab, Cancer irroratus
Influence of HSP70 on function and energy metabolism of mitochondria in intestinal epithelial cells after hypoxia/reoxygenation
Effects of active and passive hyperthermia on heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
Alterations in a soluble protein pattern and a quantity of stress proteins HSP90 and HSP70 in pea seedlings in response to clinorotation
Importance of the C-terminal domain of Harc for binding to HSP70 and Hop as well as its response to heat shock
HSP70-based anticancer vaccines: chaperoning the immune response
The role of extracellular chaperone HSP70 in creating antitumor immunity in rat rhabdomyosarcoma RA-2 model
The human HSP70/HSP40 chaperone family
HSP70 response to electrical stimulation in C2C12 cells
50 Hz magnetic fields of constant or fluctuating intensity: Effects on immunocyte HSP70 in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Structural basis of the interspecies interaction between the chaperone DnaK (HSP70) and the co-chaperone GrpE of archaea and bacteria.
Heat shock protein of HSP70 in Paramecium nephridiatum and its role in adaptation to environmental salinity changes
15-Deoxy-Δ12, 14-prostaglandin J2-induced down-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in association with HSP70 induction
Histidine 89 is an essential residue for HSP70 in the phosphate transfer reaction
Soluble liver antigen/liver and pancreas, an antigen in autoimmune hepatitis patients: Influence on selenocysteine synthesis and its complex with HSP70
A multipronged approach to the mechanism of allostery in HSP70 chaperones
Effects of heat shock on gene expression of two members of HSP70 in Xiphophorus helleri
Immune response to HSP70-HBcAg (18-27) complex in HBV transgenic mice
The HSP70 cochaperones BAG-1M and HspBP1 as possible cause for glucocorticoid resistance
Immunohistochemical Study on Early Odontogenesis in HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses Exposed by Maternal Hyperthermia
Role of heat-shock proteins of HSP70 family in changes of narcotic activity of hyperbaric nitrogen during increasing hypoxic stimulus
In Vitro Antimyeloma Effects of Inhibitors of the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Molecular Chaperone.
Ulinastatin’s early effects on kidney’s expression of HSP70 and IL-6 after mechanical injury of kidney
Effects of psychological stress on the HSP70 expression and apoptosis of the peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats
Expression, function and regulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene during normal zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryogenesis
Synthesis of HSP70 in blood leukocytes as a marker of stress resistance during adaptation
Evaluation of antibody responses elicited by immunization of mice with a pneumococcal antigen genetically fused to murine HSP70 and murine interleukin-4
PCR-RFLP/HSP70 for identification and tipification of leishmania from the tropical region
Significance of Immunohistochemical Studies of Heat Shock Proteins of the HSP70 Family in the Investigation of Postresuscitative Brain Changes
In vitro anti-tumor effect of CTL induced by HSP70-Id complex-modified dendritic cells
Variability in the diurnal stress protein (HSP70) cycle in tropical chitons (Acanthopleura granulata) from the intertidal zone: the influence of temperature and …
El estrés impuesto por los rayos gamma, peróxido de hidrógeno y calor es amortiguado por cambios en la expresión y localización de la HSP70 en células HeLa
HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by attenuating intracellular calcium
The heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)/PI3-K/Akt/HIF/biologic pathway as a putative determinant of hypothermic preconditioning in neuroprotection
Role of general transcription factors and the TFTC complex in transcription activation in vivo as revealed with a model of the HSP70 gene
Protein Disassembly by Hsp40-HSP70
N Inhibitory Effect of HSP70 on Angiotensin II‐Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Hypertrophy
Heat Shock Proteins HSP70 and Hsp27 and Neural Cellular Protection
Expression of HSP70 mRNA and MDR1 mRNA in K562 cells induced by heat shock and ADM
Cloning and expression analysis of a HSP70 gene from Saussurea medusa Full Length Research Paper
Involvement of p27cip/kip in hsp25 or inducible HSP70 mediated adaptive response by low dose radiation
Immune adjuvant effect of TB. HSP70 to its accompanying cytotoxic T lymphocytes epitope elicits HBV specific immune response
Structural basis of the allosteric trigger of the HSP70 chaperone proteins.
Is HSP70 involved in acclimation to cadmium in the Chinese crab, Eriocheir sinensis?
Adenovirus-mediated antisense HSP70 cDNA transfection inhibits the growth of laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cells
HSP70 peptide acting as a danger signal for Natural Killer (NK) cells
Immunotherapy with a chimeric AFP and HSP70 gene DNA vaccine targeting on a murine hepatocellular carcinoma
Role of shock protein 70 (HSP70), ubiquitin and gill-associated virus in loss of production on prawn farms
Effects of Gradual Hypoxia Stress and Forced Swimming on HSP70 Expression in the CA3 Subfield of Hippocampus and Behavior of Different Aged Mice
HSP70 stabilizes the lysosomes by transporting MUC1 to the lysosomes
Dendritic cell stimulation by mycobacterial HSP70 is mediated through CCR5
HSP70 Translocates into the Plasma
Molecular Stress Responses to Short Cycle Hypoxia in the Intact Heart: Evidence for Grp94 and HSP70 Oxygen Sensitivity
Chronic heat stress upregulates molecular chaperone HSP70 and antioxidant MnSOD: role OF ROS, p38MAPK and Akt
Gene expression regulation of cytokines by heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) and HSP70 during endotoxemia
HSP70 protects against peroxynitrite-induced inactivation of SERCA2a by preventing protein oxidation and aggregation
Crystallization and X-ray data analysis of the 10 kDa C-terminal lid subdomain from Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70
Expresión diferencial de HSP70 y ultraestructura de tejido cardíaco y hepático de rata tratado con adriamicina: papel protectivo de la L-carnitina
Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
Separation of HSP70–peptide compound and the expression of HSP70 in esophagus cancer tissue
Separation of HSP70-peptide compound and the expression of HSP70 in esophagus cancer tissue
Triptolide inhibits Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) expression by inhibiting dna binding of Heat Shock Factor-1
Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
Preparation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and idiotypic determinant single-chain antibody (Id-ScFv) in a patient with B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia (B-CLL) and …
Expression of (exogenous and endogenous) HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overecpressing HSP70 after progressive Exercise training
Cytoprotective role of nitric oxide associated with HSP70
Gene cloning and expression of broiler chicken HSP70 in E. coli and preparation of HSP70 monoclonal antibody
The taxane-enhancer STA-4783 induces HSP70 expression and apoptosis via an oxidative stress mechanism
Molecular Characterization of a 70 kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) Gene in Entamoeba dispar
Immunocontraceptive effect of DNA vaccines of Lagurus lagurus zona pellucida 3 fusioned with C-terminal of HSP70
Overexpressed Drosophila DNA methyltransferase 2 isoform C interacts with HSP70 in vivo
Prokaryotic Expression and Purification of HSP70-NP and Its Immunity
Silencing of Metastasis-associated Gene 1 (Mta1) Stimulates HSP70 Cellular Release and Neurite extension in Neuroblastoma Cells
The Effects of Hyperthermia on FGF-8 and BMP-4 Expression during Early Odontogenesis in HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
The Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Promotes
Mouse pancreatic cancer cells from KrasG12D/p53-/-transgenic mice overexpress Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and its inhibition by triptolide decreases cell …
Patient Survival by HSP70 Membrane Phenotype
HSP70 and MDMA neurotoxicity
Expression of exercise induced HSP70 in runner leukocytes
Expression of HSP70 Immunoreactivity in EPO Treated Rat Kidney
Expression of exercise induced HSP70 in runner leukocytes
Transient overexpression of alpha-Synuclein in OLN-93 oligodendroglial cells is not cytotoxic and not affected by HSP70
A possible role of heat shock protein (HSP70)
Anti-HSP70/HSC70 StressMarq Catalog
Serum HSP70 Level as a Biomarker of Exceptional Longevity
HSP70 is differentially expressed in cattle and sheep leukocytes
Construction and expression of HSV-2gD-HSP70 fusion protein gene
Exercise induces HSP70 in endothelial cells of the coronary vasculature
Family of HSP70 Molecular Chaperones and Their Regulators
Effects of+ Gz Exposures on Expression of HSP70 Protein in Rat Hippocampus
HSP70 level in the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris intoxicated with cadmium.
Effect of heat and BPDE on the expression of Hsp27 and HSP70 in A549 cell line
Mycobacterial HSP70 Is Efficient at Generating Antigen Specific Human CTL Responses
Characterization of the HSP70 co-chaperone HspBP1 in brain tumors
Investigation of HSP70 functions in Physcomitrella patens chloroplasts
Effect of a 100mT Static Magnetic Field on HSP70 mRNA in HL-60 Cells
Cloning and Expression of HSP70 and 90 mRNA from Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus
Investigations on the anticancer effects that are produced by HIFU induced HSP70 expression
The HSP70 Release Regulates the Immune Response of Tumor Cells in PDT Treatment
Relationship between expressions of HSP70 and HPV16E7 protein in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Construction and identification of a prokaryotic expression plasmid encoding HPV16E7-HSP70 fusion gene
Thermal tolerance and expression of HSP70 in larvae of Diamesa spp.
HSP70-NP Recombinant Protein Enhances HTNV NP Specific Cellular Immune Response in vivo
Effect of Medified Xiaochaihu Decoction on NF-kB and HSP70 of BRL Cell Induced by Cisplatin
Regular paper The GC-box is critical for high level expression of the testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene
The Assessment of Anti HSP70 Antibodies in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.
Chemical stress-induced HSP70 protects against L-arginine-induced pancreatitis in rats
The Role of HSP70 and Its Co-Chaperones in Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Disease
HSP70 in serum and mononuclear cells during heat acclimation in humans
Effect of Haloperidol and Risperidone Treatment on HSP70 Expression by MK-801 in Rat Glioma Cells
Tau association with HSP70 chaperones
HSP70 and Mucin: Novel Protein Targets of N, N’-Dinitrosopiperazine Inducing Nasopharyngeal Tumorigen
Effect of age and oxidative stress on HSP70 expression in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
Effect of bFGF on expression of HSP70 mRNA in cerebral tissue during cerebral ischemia in rats
Long-lasting in vivo cytolytic response of NK cells against HSP70-positive tumors
Differential Effects of HSP70 Inhibition within the Tumor and Microenvironment in Multiple Myeloma.
Research progress on the DNA vaccine of HSP70 fused with tumor antigen gene
HSP70-containing exosomes-potent stimulators of the innate immune system (50.19)
The Effects of Acupuncture on Myocardial Cellular HSP70 mRNA in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Expression and postmortem stability of HSP70 in hippocampus of hemorrhagic shock rat
Anti HSP70 Antibodies in Untreated Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
A Study on the Mandibular Development of HSP70 KO Mice Exposed to Hyperthermia During Pregnancy
A study on the expression of HSP70 in endothelial cells pretreated with ethanol and fluid shear stress
The effect of HSP70 over-expression on global changes in protein phosphorylation in heat-stressed cells
Identification with 2D-western blotting, extraction and antibody preparation of HSP70
Antitumor effects of dendritic cell vaccine pulsed with HTA–HSP70–BCG in vivo
Serum Levels of HSP70, a chaperon for Protecting against cellular injury, Are Evaluated in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis: Association with Fibrosis and Vascular …
The effect of the rate of rise in core temperature on serum HSP70 during exercise in the heat
Differential effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on ENaC expression in epithelial cells
Network of HSP70: J‐protein molecular chaperone machineries
Cellular localization of HSF1 and HSP70 in skeletal muscle following acute exercise
Validation of a dual reporter system for in vivo heat-mediated HSP70 expression in prostate tumors
Inducible HSP70 Protects Radiation-Induced Salivary Gland Damage
Construction of replication-deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying HBsAg and HSP70 chimeric gene and its expression in vitro
Structural and biochemical studies of the Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone system
HSP70 and Hsp90 expression in citrus and pepper plants
High Levels of Circulating HSP70 Levels in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Correlation with Resistance to Therapy with Imatinib.
Anticancer therapeutic effect of SEA-linked and membrane-bound HSP70-expressed intestine-carcinoma vaccine
Differential Effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on Murine ENaC Expression in Epithelial Cells
Effect of antibody-blocked HSP70 on the expression of BDNF in injured astrocytes
Entropic pulling: how HSP70 chaperones translocate proteins through membrane pores
Genetic organization of the Meiothermus rubber HSP70/ClpB chaperone system
Assessing viral vectors as gene therapy agents and the study of neuroprotective effects of HSP70
The involvement of PKD1/PKCm in hypertonicity‐induced HSP70 gene expression via TonEBP/NFAT5 regulation
Development and validation of a highly sensitive ELISA method for the quantitation of HSP70-a tumor biomarker associated with Hsp90 inhibitor therapy
Decreased Expression of Inducible HSP70 Under in vivo Systemic Glutathione Depletion in the Mouse Retina
Lysosomal exocytosis: a mechanism for hyperthermia-induced HSP70 release from prostate cancer cells
Effects of the disruption of the HSP70-II gene on the growth, morphology, and virulence of Leishmania infantum promastigotes
Mechanism of allosteric signaling in HSP70 nucleotide binding domains
Expression of HSP70 in mdck cells induced of compound of secretion to T. Spiralis nematode
Expression of stress proteins of family HSP70 in response to cold in Myrmica ants from different geographic populations
P0118-Pharmacogenetic of DTNBP1 and HSP70 variations in the bipolar acute treatment with mood stabilizers
Association between HSP70 genotypes and oocytes development on in vitro maturation/fertilization in pig
Dynamic changes of HSP70 mRNA expression in liver tissue of rats with traumatic shock and the treatment effects of glycine
The single cell analysis of HSP70 expression on tumor cell surface induced by PDT in living cells
Effect of Fuzheng Hunao Capsule on Protein Expression of TNF-? and HSP70 of Myocardial Tissues in Rats with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Leukemia Specific Humoral Immune Responses in Immunotherapy with Leukemia Cell-Derived HSP70 in Mice.
PKA regulates HERG synthesis and interaction with HSP70
HSP70 variations in the acute treatment with mood stabilizers in patients with bipolar disorder: results of a preliminary work
Effect of ischemic preconditioning on pneumocyte apoptosis and the expression of HSP70 during pulmonary ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
Chaperokine function of recombinant HSP70-Her2 fusion protein produced in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system
The effect of stocking density on HSP70 and HSP90 in Broiler chickens
Prokaryotic expression and purification of fusion protein HSP70-EGFP and its application in the study of dendritic cells internalization antigen
Triptolide decreases pancreatic cancer growth and metastases by inhibiting HSP70 expression: A potential therapeutic candidate
Nucleotide sequence variations in the HSP70 gene of Olive leaf yellowing-associated virus [Olea europaea L.]
Cardiomyocyte protection by HSP70 and Hsc70 from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis
Never Let Them See You Sweat: Extraordinary Thermotolerance and HSP70 Induction Temperatures in the Honey Bee Apis mellifera
Biomonitoring environmental stresses in female endometrial carcinoma versus hyperplasia using HSP70 and HER-2/neu proteins.
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the transpositions of P element—based genetic construction into the region of Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 genes
Effects of Elevated HSP70 on Apoptotic Events in Hydrogen Peroxide Treated Tobacco Cells
HSP70-specific immune responses are anti-inflammatory and inhibit proteoglycan-induced arthritis
Expression of the testis-specific HSP70-related gene during mouse embryogenesis
HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by two Mechanisms: stabilizing lysosomes and attenuating cytosolic Ca2+.
Crosstalk of HSP70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in macroautophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Cell-based and biochemical screens for small-molecule inhibitors of dynein and of HSP70
QS308. HSP70 Inhibition Sensitizes to TRAIL Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Nuclear translocation of the phosphoprotein Hop (HSP70/Hsp90 organizing
Protective Effects of Co-Immunization with SjCTPI-HSP70 andInterleukin-12 DNA Vaccines against Schistosoma japonicumChallenge Infection in Water Buffalo
Effects of Embedding Medicine in Acupoints and Electro-acupuncture on Expression of HSP70 in Hippocampus of Rat with Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion
Study on the Immune Efficiency for General Vaccine Against Avian Influenza Virus Using Human Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP70 as the Carrier for Peptide …
HPV16E7-HSP70 hybrid DNA vaccine induces E7-specific cytotoxic T cells and antitumor immunity
Regulation of the Sacchromyces cerevisiae MAL-activator by the Hsp90/HSP70 molecular chaperone machine
Supplemental Data Allosteric Regulation of HSP70 Chaperones by a Proline Switch
The cytoplasmic HSP70 chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and ER import incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
Improved lymphocyte response to H2O2 after regular intake of Sage tea (Salvia officinalis) involves induction of HSP70
HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by two independent mechanisms: Attenuating cytosolic Ca2+ and stabilizing lysosomes
Gender and exercise regulate HSP25, HSP70 and HSC70 expression following six bouts of downhill running in murine skeletal muscle
Purification and biophysical characterization of a recombinant human co-chaperone from the HSP70-HSP90 system
Effects of Laser Acupuncture on HSP70 Expression and Arthritic Histopathology in C57 Black Mice with Osteoarthritis
Molecular Characterization of the HSP70/Hsp90 Organizing Protein (Hop): Phosphorylation, Subcellular Localization and Interaction with Hsp90
Regulated nuclear import of the HSP70 Ssa4p upon ethanol stress in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Expression of Evil (Starvin), a Drosophila melanogaster homologue of human BAG-family proteins, in mammalian carcinoma cells suppresses human HSP70 …
Sage drinking improves plasma lipid profile, erythrocyte antioxidant defences and increases lymphocyte HSP70
Targeting HSP70 in Multiple Myeloma Induces Synergistic Cytotoxicity with Inhibitors of the Proteasome and of Hsp90
Salivary Gland Radioprotection by Heat Acclimation Mediated Cross-tolerance: Is Increasing HSP70 Alone Enough?
Crosstalk between HSP70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in autophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
… in patients with adrenal adenomas may be associated with BclI polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene and expression of tumor-specific HSP70 …
Altered responses of Dengue virus infected cells to TNF-α and induction of GRP78 and HSP70-in vitro studies.
HSP70 expression on bursa of Fabricius of embryos submitted to intermittent and mild heat or cold stress and immune response post-hatching in broiler chickens …
Down-Modulation of Shp1 and HSP70 Provides a Survival Advantage to the Ph+ Cells of CML Patients Additive to That Related to the Oncogenic BCR/ABL Protein …
Endogenously Induced Micro-RNAs by Ischemic Preconditioning Trigger Cardioprotection Through Upregulation of eNOS and HSP70
Antitumor effect of preparation for colon cancer cells with hyperthermia and/or HSP70 inducer, geranylgeranylacetone in pulmonary metastasis models of colon cancer …
Experimental Study on Moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Liangmen (ST 21) Inducing Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression to Resist Oxidative Injury of Gastric …
Molecular mechanism of glutamine induction of HSP70 involves activation of the O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine pathway in murine embryonic fibroblast cells
Designing and testing the efficacy of recombinant idiotype-mycobacterial HSP70 fusion protein as a vaccine model against B-cell lymphomas
Dominant negative mutation of cysteine string protein (CSP) J-domain inhibits HSP70 cochaperone function and defines a role for these molecules in acinar cell Ca2+ …
Impaired trafficking and maturation of hERG K+ channel protein by Hypoxia. Role of Hsp90 and HSP70 chaperones
Expression of heat shock proteins (hsp9o, HSP70 and hsp27) in brain cells of BALB/c mice infected with mouse pox virus.
Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) decreases stress‐induced alteration of HSP70 production and organic acid transport by the choroid plexus (CP) of the dogfish shark …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) induces cytotoxicity of T-helper cells
Inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 induces mitotic arrest and apoptosis, and upregulates HSP70 through the PI3K/Akt pathway in multiple myeloma cells
Protein Remodeling by ClpB AAA+ ATPase Independent of the DnaK/HSP70 Chaperone System
CHIP (Carboxyl terminus of HSP70-Interacting Protein) Promotes Basal and Geldanamycin-Induced Degradation of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase-α1 Subunit.
The HSP70 cochaperone cysteine string protein (CSP) interacts with acinar cell membrane fusion machinery and regulates exocytosis
Ensure Stability of Defrosted Viral-Based Efficient Immunity and Restore CD8+/IFN-γ+ T Cells Elicit Antitumor Effect via Gun PC DNA3-E7/HSP70 Vaccine
3P-272 Interaction of HtpG (Hsp90) with the DnaK (HSP70) chaperone system in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (The 46th Annual Meeting of the …
… , Historical and Critical Commentaries on Genetics: Toothpicks, Serendipity and the Emergence of the Escherichia coli DnaK (HSP70) and GroEL (Hsp60) …
The role of human heat shock protein HSP70, HSP60 and mycobacterium bovis HSP65 in pathogenesis of graft versus host disease and rheumatoid/juvenile …
Reloading‐induced alterations in IGF‐1 and HSP70 signaling in the rat soleus following prolonged hindlimb unloading
Effects of TGF-? 1 on proliferation, apoptosis and HSP70 expression of mammary epithelial cells of dairy cow
6.2. HSP70 expression in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus depends on altitude and temperature
[Molecular characterization of a 70 kDa heat shock protein [HSP70] gene in dermatophyte pathogen T. verrucosum]
The Assessment of Toxicity on organic Sludge Using Acetylcholinesterase, Cytochrome P450, and HSP70 Extracted from Earthworm (Eisenia fetida)
Kapitel 1: Acute effects of diclofenac and DMSO to Daphnia magna: immobilisation and HSP70 induction
Molecular characterization of a 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) gene in dermatophyte pathogen T. verrucosum
… , Flávia Ribeiro, Cesar Teixeira, Thiago Detanico, Carla Bonan, Heather Zwicke, Cristina Bonorino: Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 impairs maturation of dendritic …
989. Induction of Antitumor Immunity by Cell-Penetrating Peptide-Coupled HSP70 Gene Transfer to Tumor Cells
Transcription profiles of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in Pardosa astrigera (Araneae: Lycosidae) in Response to Cadmium and Temperature
SREC-1 expression in dendritic cells requires TLR signaling and mediates the immune functions of HSP70
P-086: Translational inhibition of epithelial HSP70 by pro-inflammatory cytokines through 3′ UTR and microRNAs in intestinal inflammation
The Significance of Expression of MMP-2 and HSP70 in Salivary Tumors
Triptolide induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells via inhibition of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
BCL2 Induces Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-3 (SOCS3) Expression in Murine B Cells Via Pathways Involving an HSP70/90 Complex and Activation of p44/42 …
Triptolide inhibits tumor growth and local-regional spread in vivo via increased apoptosis and decreased heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
Mechanisms of the HSP70 chaperone system
The HSP70 chaperone machinery: J proteins as drivers of functional specificity
Pharmacological targeting of the HSP70 chaperone
Plasma levels of HSP70 and anti-HSP70 antibody predict risk of acute coronary syndrome
The atheroprotective properties of HSP70: a role for HSP70-endothelial interactions?
Crystal structures of the ATPase domains of four human HSP70 isoforms: HSPA1L/HSP70-hom, HSPA2/HSP70-2, HSPA6/HSP70B’, and HSPA5/BiP/GRP78
Increased serum HSP70 levels are associated with the duration of diabetes
Stress protein HSP70 in fish
Chemical manipulation of HSP70 ATPase activity regulates tau stability
The conformational dynamics of the mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone
Molecular cloning and expression of two HSP70 genes in the Wuchang bream (Megalobrama amblycephala Yih)
Facilitating Akt clearance via manipulation of HSP70 activity and levels
HSP70 stabilizes lysosomes and reverts Niemann–Pick disease-associated lysosomal pathology
Targeting HSP70: the second potentially druggable heat shock protein and molecular chaperone?
The kinetic parameters and energy cost of the HSP70 chaperone as a polypeptide unfoldase
HSP70 structure, function, regulation and influence on yeast prions
Death by chaperone: HSP90, HSP70 or both?
A role for HSP70 in protecting against indomethacin-induced gastric lesions
Identification of residues on HSP70 and Hsp90 ubiquitinated by the cochaperone CHIP
LPS-induced cytokine levels are repressed by elevated expression of HSP70 in rats: possible role of NF-κB
HSP70 molecular chaperones and Parkinson’s disease
The application of markers (HSP70 GPC3 and GS) in liver biopsies is useful for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma
HSP70 heat shock proteins and environmental stress in Antarctic marine organisms: a mini-review
FOXO signaling is required for disuse muscle atrophy and is directly regulated by HSP70
Targeting HSP70 for cancer therapy
From hatching to dispatching: the multiple cellular roles of the HSP70 molecular chaperone machinery
HSP70 gene association with nuclear speckles is HSP70 promoter specific
Variations in HSP70 genes associated with noise-induced hearing loss in two independent populations
Recruitment timing and dynamics of transcription factors at the HSP70 loci in living cells
Exosomal HSP70 induces a pro-inflammatory response to foreign particles including mycobacteria
CHIP participates in protein triage decisions by preferentially ubiquitinating HSP70‐bound substrates
Connecting HSP70, sphingolipid metabolism and lysosomal stability
Proposal for a role of the Hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery in making triage decisions when proteins undergo oxidative and toxic damage
A nuclear-localized HSP70 confers thermoprotective activity and drought-stress tolerance on plants
An interdomain sector mediating allostery in HSP70 molecular chaperones
Solution conformation of wild-type E. coli HSP70 (DnaK) chaperone complexed with ADP and substrate
HSP70 expression in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus across altitudes and temperatures
Association of eNOS and HSP70 gene polymorphisms with glaucoma in Pakistani cohorts
HSP70 and Its Cochaperone CPIP Promote Potyvirus Infection in Nicotiana benthamiana by Regulating Viral Coat Protein Functions
HSP70 and CHIP Selectively Mediate Ubiquitination and Degradation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor (HIF)-1α but Not HIF-2α 2
Loss of HSP70 exacerbates pathogenesis but not levels of fibrillar aggregates in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
HSP70 and cardiac surgery: molecular chaperone and inflammatory regulator with compartmentalized effects
Expression of hsp22 and HSP70 Transgenes Is Partially Predictive of Drosophila Survival Under Normal and Stress Conditions
Transgenic expression of the Trichoderma harzianum HSP70 gene increases Arabidopsis resistance to heat and other abiotic stresses
The HSP70 molecular chaperone is not beneficial in a mouse model of α-synucleinopathy
Exogenous mammalian extracellular HSP70 reduces endotoxin manifestations at the cellular and organism levels
A novel, small molecule inhibitor of Hsc70/HSP70 potentiates Hsp90 inhibitor induced apoptosis in HCT116 colon carcinoma cells
Stress for maintaining memory: HSP70 as a mobile messenger for innate and adaptive immunity
Binding of a small molecule at a protein–protein interface regulates the chaperone activity of HSP70–hsp40
Stromal HSP70 Is Important for Protein Translocation into Pea and Arabidopsis Chloroplasts
The role of arabidopsis AtFes1A in cytosolic HSP70 stability and abiotic stress tolerance
Molecular identification of albumin and HSP70 as cytosolic anandamide-binding proteins
Recombinant Fv-HSP70 protein mediates neuroprotection after focal cerebral ischemia in rats
Transcriptional upregulation of HSP70‐2 by HIF‐1 in cancer cells in response to hypoxia
Allostery in HSP70 chaperones is transduced by subdomain rotations
Calpain-mediated HSP70. 1 cleavage in hippocampal CA1 neuronal death
MHC independent anti-tumor immune responses induced by HSP70-enriched exosomes generate tumor regression in murine models
Regulation of HSP70 on activating macrophages using PDT‐induced apoptotic cells
Subcellular movement and expression of HSP27, αB-crystallin, and HSP70 after two bouts of eccentric exercise in humans
Triggers of the HSP70 stress response: environmental responses and laboratory manipulation in an Antarctic marine invertebrate (Nacella concinna)
The effect of hot-tub therapy on serum HSP70 level and its benefit on diabetic rats: a preliminary report
Preeclamptic placental stress and over expression of mitochondrial HSP70
Suppression of melanin production by expression of HSP70
Overexpression of mitochondrial HSP70/Hsp75 in rat brain protects mitochondria, reduces oxidative stress, and protects from focal ischemia
Chaperone proteostasis in Parkinson’s disease: Stabilization of the HSP70/α‐synuclein complex by Hip
Adaptor Aly and co‐adaptor Thoc5 function in the Tap‐p15‐mediated nuclear export of HSP70 mRNA
An investigation into the potential use of serum HSP70 as a novel tumour biomarker for Hsp90 inhibitors
The M-domain controls Hsp104 protein remodeling activity in an HSP70/Hsp40-dependent manner
Polypeptide transfer from Hsp40 to HSP70 molecular chaperones
HSP70 molecular chaperones are required to support p53 tumor suppressor activity under stress conditions
Role of HSP70 ATPase domain intrinsic dynamics and sequence evolution in enabling its functional interactions with NEFs
Adult heat tolerance variation in Drosophila melanogaster is not related to HSP70 expression
Exogenous protein HSP70/Hsc70 can penetrate into brain structures and attenuate the severity of chemically‐induced seizures
Crosstalk between HSP70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in autophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
In vivo generation of neurotoxic prion protein: role for HSP70 in accumulation of misfolded isoforms
The ribosome-bound HSP70 homolog Ssb of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
… stimulate more efficient CD8+ CTL‐ and NK‐mediated antitumour immunity than exosomes released from heat‐shocked tumour cells expressing cytoplasmic HSP70
Expression of HSP60 and HSP70 in white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in response to bacterial challenge
Cadmium tolerance in seven Daphnia magna clones is associated with reduced HSP70 baseline levels and induction
HSP70 expression and induction as a readout for detection of immune modulatory components in food
Thermotolerance and HSP70 expression in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
Diminished reproductive potential of male mice in response to selenium‐induced oxidative stress: Involvement of HSP70, HSP70‐2, and MSJ‐1
TAT-HSP70-mediated neuroprotection and increased survival of neuronal precursor cells after focal cerebral ischemia in mice
Hypoxic preconditioning reinforces HIF-alpha-dependent HSP70 signaling to reduce ischemic renal failure-induced renal tubular apoptosis and autophagy
Elevated HSP27, HSP70 and HSP90 alpha in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: markers for immune activation and tissue destruction
Sequence analysis and PCR-RFLP profiling of the HSP70 gene as a valuable tool for identifying Leishmania species associated with human leishmaniasis in Brazil
HSP70 translocates to the nuclei and nucleoli, binds to XRCC1 and PARP-1, and protects HeLa cells from single-strand DNA breaks
Myocardial HSP70 phosphorylation and PKC-mediated cardioprotection following exercise
Induction of HSP70, hsp60, hsp83 and hsp26 and oxidative stress markers in benzene, toluene and xylene exposed Drosophila melanogaster: role of ROS generation
PP2A mediated AMPK inhibition promotes HSP70 expression in heat shock response
A novel heat‐shock protein coinducer boosts stress protein HSP70 to activate T cell regulation of inflammation in autoimmune arthritis
Inhibition of HSP70 by methylene blue affects signaling protein function and ubiquitination and modulates polyglutamine protein degradation
JNK1 mediates degradation HIF-1α by a VHL-independent mechanism that involves the chaperones Hsp90/HSP70
A phase I trial of intratumoral administration of recombinant oncolytic adenovirus overexpressing HSP70 in advanced solid tumor patients
Quercetin suppresses HeLa cell viability via AMPK‐induced HSP70 and EGFR down‐regulation
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields activate the ERK cascade, increase HSP70 protein levels and promote regeneration in Planaria
Swimming exercise effects on the expression of HSP70 and iNOS in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in combined stress
In Silico Identification of Carboxylate Clamp Type Tetratricopeptide Repeat Proteins in Arabidopsis and Rice As Putative Co-Chaperones of Hsp90/HSP70
Sti1 Regulation of HSP70 and Hsp90 Is Critical for Curing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [PSI+] Prions by Hsp104
HSP70 ATPase modulators as therapeutics for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases
Identification and molecular analysis of a stress-inducible HSP70 from Sciaenops ocellatus
Hsp110 chaperones control client fate determination in the HSP70–Hsp90 chaperone system
The immune response differentially regulates HSP70 and glucocorticoid receptor expression in vitro and in vivo in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
HSP70 prevents disuse muscle atrophy in senescent rats
Selenium increases expression of HSP70 and antioxidant enzymes to lessen oxidative damage in Fincoal-type fluorosis
Understanding the functional interplay between mammalian mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone machine components
Stable α-synuclein oligomers strongly inhibit chaperone activity of the HSP70 system by weak interactions with J-domain co-chaperones
Differential expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 in natural populations of the tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, acclimatised to a range of …
Heat shock proteins HSP27 and HSP70 are present in the skin and are important mediators of allergic contact hypersensitivity
The endoplasmic reticulum Grp170 acts as a nucleotide exchange factor of HSP70 via a mechanism similar to that of the cytosolic Hsp110
The C-terminal BAG domain of BAG5 induces conformational changes of the HSP70 nucleotide-binding domain for ADP-ATP exchange
Molecular chaperone HSP70/Hsp90 prepares the mitochondrial outer membrane translocon receptor Tom71 for preprotein loading
In vivo suppression of polyglutamine neurotoxicity by C-terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) supports an aggregation model of pathogenesis
Interacting contribution of the five polymorphisms in three genes of HSP70 family to essential hypertension in Uygur ethnicity
Protective role of HSF1 and HSP70 against gastrointestinal diseases
NF-κB driven cardioprotective gene programs; HSP70. 3 and cardioprotection after late ischemic preconditioning
A new feature of the stress response: increase in endocytosis mediated by HSP70
Sequential interplay between BAG6 and HSP70 upon heat shock
HSP70 confers protection against indomethacin-induced lesions of the small intestine
Mutagenesis reveals the complex relationships between ATPase rate and the chaperone activities of Escherichia coli heat shock protein 70 (HSP70/DnaK)
Aberrant stress‐induced HSP70 expression in immune cells in multiple sclerosis
Polymorphisms in the HSP70 gene locus are genetically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus
Ethanol increases HSP70 concentrations in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) brain tissue
HSP70 and lysosomal storage disorders: novel therapeutic opportunities
Standardized tape stripping prior to patch testing induces upregulation of Hsp90, HSP70, IL‐33, TNF‐α and IL‐8/CXCL8 mRNA: new insights into the involvement of ‘ …
HSP70 inhibits aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss and cochlear hair cell death
HSP70 and Hsp40 functionally interact with soluble mutant huntingtin oligomers in a classic ATP-dependent reaction cycle
Inhibition of the JNK/Bim pathway by HSP70 prevents Bax activation in UV-induced apoptosis
ATP-induced conformational changes in HSP70: molecular dynamics and experimental validation of an in silico predicted conformation
Function of SSA Subfamily of HSP70 Within and Across Species Varies Widely in Complementing Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Growth and Prion …
Heat acclimation–mediated cross‐tolerance in cardioprotection: Do HSP70 and HIF‐1α play a role?
Prolonged exercise training induces long-term enhancement of HSP70 expression in rat plantaris muscle
Geldanamycin inhibits TGF-β signaling through induction of HSP70
High-Throughput Screen for Escherichia coli Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70/DnaK) ATPase Assay in Low Volume by Exploiting Energy Transfer
Melatonin provides neuroprotection by reducing oxidative stress and HSP70 expression during chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in ovariectomized rats
Protective effects of HSP70 on the structure and function of SERCA2a expressed in HEK-293 cells during heat stress
Induction profile of HSP70-cognate genes by environmental pollutants in Chironomidae
Cloning and expression of HSP70 gene of sipuncula Phascolosoma esculenta
Genetic determinants of HSP70 gene expression following heat shock
… AP is induced and recruited to aggresomes in response to proteasome inhibition and may be involved in the ubiquitination of HSP70-bound misfolded proteins
The endogenous danger signals HSP70 and MICA cooperate in the activation of cytotoxic effector functions of NK cells
Molecular and functional characterization of a mortalin-like protein from Schistosoma japonicum (SjMLP/HSP70) as a member of the HSP70 family
Activation of Mutant Enzyme Function In Vivo by Proteasome Inhibitors and Treatments that Induce HSP70
Identification of a novel inducible cytosolic HSP70 gene in Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis and comparison of its expression with the cognate Hsc70 under …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) induces cytotoxicity of T-helper cells
The HSP70 chaperones of the Tritryps are characterized by unusual features and novel members
HSP70-1 from Plasmodium falciparum: protein stability, domain analysis and chaperone activity
… in Thermotolerance Between Green and Red Color Variants of the Japanese Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka: HSP70 and Heat-Hardening Effect
Embryo development, stress protein (HSP70) responses, and histopathology in zebrafish (Danio rerio) following exposure to nickel chloride, chlorpyrifos, and binary …
Novel compounds that increase expression of HSP70 and its biological activity
High affinity binding between HSP70 and the C‐terminal domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein requires an Hsp40 co‐chaperone
The effect of glutamine infusion on the inflammatory response and HSP70 during human experimental endotoxaemia
Reconstitution of the mitochondrial HSP70 (mortalin)-p53 interaction using purified proteins–identification of additional interacting regions
Conserved inserts in the Hsp60 (GroEL) and HSP70 (DnaK) proteins are essential for cellular growth
Interspecific and interhabitat variation in HSP70 gene expression in native and invasive kelp populations
ANTI‐HSP60 and ANTI‐HSP70 antibody levels and micro/macrovascular complications in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Study
Effects of simulated weightlessness on liver HSP70 and HSP70mRNA expression in rats
Co‐evolution‐driven switch of J‐protein specificity towards an HSP70 partner
Effects of co-exposure of benzene, toluene and xylene to Drosophila melanogaster: alteration in HSP70, hsp60, hsp83, hsp26, ROS generation and oxidative stress …
First cellular approach of the effects of global warming on groundwater organisms: a study of the HSP70 gene expression
Autophagy of HSP70 and chelation of lysosomal iron in a non-redox-active form
Molecular imaging-assisted optimization of HSP70 expression during laser-induced thermal preconditioning for wound repair enhancement
Potent neuroprotective effects of novel structural derivatives of valproic acid: potential roles of HDAC inhibition and HSP70 induction
Curing of Yeast [URE3] Prion by the Hsp40 Cochaperone Ydj1p Is Mediated by HSP70
Electrostatic interactions of Hsp-organizing protein tetratricopeptide domains with HSP70 and Hsp90: computational analysis and protein engineering
Opposite roles of metastasin (S100A4) in two potentially tumoricidal mechanisms involving human lymphocyte protein Tag7 and HSP70
HSP70/Hsp90 co‐chaperones are required for efficient Hsp104‐mediated elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion but not for prion propagation
Induction of tumor-specific immune response by gene transfer of HSP70-cell-penetrating peptide fusion protein to tumors in mice
Peptide-binding sites as revealed by the crystal structures of the human Hsp40 Hdj1 C-terminal domain in complex with the octapeptide from human HSP70
Preinduction of HSP70 promotes hypoxic tolerance and facilitates acclimatization to acute hypobaric hypoxia in mouse brain
Rescue of atypical protein kinase C in epithelia by the cytoskeleton and HSP70 family chaperones
Acute heat stress increases HSP70 expression in the testis, epididymis and vas deferens of adult male mice
Hsp105β upregulates HSP70 gene expression through signal transducer and activator of transcription‐3
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a cytosolic HSP70 gene from Laminaria japonica (Laminariaceae, Phaeophyta)
ATPase domain and interdomain linker play a key role in aggregation of mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone Ssc1
Effects of ovarian sex hormones and downhill running on fiber-type-specific HSP70 expression in rat soleus
Prolonged survival of allografts induced by mycobacterial HSP70 is dependent on CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells
The dual-specificity phosphatase hYVH1 interacts with HSP70 and prevents heat-shock-induced cell death
Quercetin enhances susceptibility to NK cell-mediated lysis of tumor cells through induction of NKG2D ligands and suppression of HSP70
Involvement of CD91 and scavenger receptors in HSP70‐facilitated activation of human antigen‐specific CD4+ memory T cells
Hyperthermia-induced HSP70 and MT20 transcriptional upregulation are mediated by p38-MAPK and JNKs in Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck); a pro-survival …
Mesenchymal stem cells pretreated with delivered Hph‐1‐HSP70 protein are protected from hypoxia‐mediated cell death and rescue heart functions from myocardial …
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a cytosolic HSP70 gene from Antarctic ice algae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L
Trypanosoma carassii HSP70 increases expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in macrophages of the goldfish (Carassius auratus L.)
Cognate HSP70 gene is induced during deep larval diapause in the moth Sesamia nonagrioides
p27 suppresses arsenite-induced Hsp27/HSP70 expression through inhibiting JNK2/c-Jun-and HSF-1-dependent pathways
HSP70 interacting protein prevents the accumulation of inclusions in polyglutamine disease1
Stress granule formation mediates the inhibition of colonic HSP70 translation by interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α
Larval excretory-secretory products from the parasite Schistosoma mansoni modulate HSP70 protein expression in defence cells of its snail host, Biomphalaria …
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) as an emerging drug target
Membrane depolarization induces calcium-dependent upregulation of HSP70 and Hmox-1 in skeletal muscle cells
Combined effects of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib and HSP70 inhibitors on the B16F10 melanoma cell line
Genetic variation in heat resistance and HSP70 expression in inbred isofemale lines of the springtail Orchesella cincta
Human HSP70 and modified HPV16 E7 fusion DNA vaccine induces enhanced specific CD8+ T cell responses and anti-tumor effects
Mechanisms of plant adaptation/memory in rice seedlings under arsenic and heat stress: expression of heat-shock protein gene HSP70
Histopathological alterations and induction of HSP70 in ramshorn snail (Marisa cornuarietis) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos after exposure to PtCl2
Synergistic effect and VEGF/HSP70-hom haplotype analysis: relationship to prostate cancer risk and clinical outcome
Expression of HSP70 in cerebral ischemia and neuroprotetive action of hypothermia and ketoprofen
Oral administration of triptolide ameliorates the clinical signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by induction of HSP70 and stabilization of NF-κB …
Effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on superoxide radical anion formation and HSP70 induction in human K562 cells
HSP70 fused with GP3 and GP5 of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus enhanced the immune responses and protective efficacy against virulent …
Gentamicin inhibits HSP70-assisted protein folding by interfering with substrate recognition
Evidence for hSNM1B/Apollo functioning in the HSP70 mediated DNA damage response
Sex-, gametogenesis, and tidal height-related differences in levels of HSP70 and metallothioneins in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) expression in bladder urothelial carcinoma is associated with tumour progression and promotes migration and invasion
Thermal resistance in sea cucumbers (Apostichopus japonicus) with differing thermal history: The role of HSP70
Human inducible HSP70: structures, dynamics, and interdomain communication from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
Evaluation of two methods for quantification of HSP70 mRNA from the waterborne pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum by reverse transcription real-time PCR in …
Celastrol can inhibit proteasome activity and upregulate the expression of heat shock protein genes, hsp30 and HSP70, in Xenopus laevis A6 cells
A novel role for DYX1C1, a chaperone protein for both HSP70 and Hsp90, in breast cancer
Induction of phase II enzymes and HSP70 genes by copper sulfate through the electrophile-responsive element (EpRE): insights obtained from a transgenic zebrafish …
Functional rescue of mutant human cystathionine β-synthase by manipulation of Hsp26 and HSP70 levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The antitumor immune responses induced by nanoemulsion-encapsulated MAGE1-HSP70/SEA complex protein vaccine following peroral administration route
… of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) by increasing its interaction with the C terminus of HSP70-interacting protein and …
Trypanosoma cruzi: modulation of HSP70 mRNA stability by untranslated regions during heat shock
HSP70 chaperones and type I PRMTs are sequestered at intranuclear inclusions caused by polyalanine expansions in PABPN1
The HSP70 homolog Ssb is essential for glucose sensing via the SNF1 kinase network
Serodiagnosis of bovine trypanosomosis based on HSP70/BiP inhibition ELISA
IL-10 is critically involved in mycobacterial HSP70 induced suppression of proteoglycan-induced arthritis
Acute stress-induced colonic tissue HSP70 expression requires commensal bacterial components and intrinsic glucocorticoid
HSP70 expression in monocytes from patients with peripheral arterial disease and healthy controls
Hydrothermal vent shrimps display low expression of the heat-inducible HSP70 gene in nature
Development of a novel HSP70-based DNA vaccine as a multifunctional antigen delivery system
Methoxychlor‐induced alteration in the levels of HSP70 and clusterin is accompanied with oxidative stress in adult rat testis
Cerebrospinal fluids containing anti-HSP70 autoantibodies from multiple sclerosis patients augment HSP70-induced proinflammatory cytokine production in …
Distinct chemical contaminants induce the synthesis of HSP70 proteins in green microalgae Desmodesmus subspicatus: Heat pretreatment increases cadmium …
Genetic interaction of HSP70 family genes polymorphisms with high-altitude pulmonary edema among Chinese railway constructors at altitudes exceeding 4000 …
Enzymatic–nonenzymatic cellular antioxidant defense systems response and immunohistochemical detection of MDMA, VMAT2, HSP70, and apoptosis as biomarkers …
HSP70 protects BCL2L12 and BCL2L12A from N-terminal ubiquitination-mediated proteasomal degradation
HSP70 and mucin 5B: novel protein targets of N,N′‐dinitrosopiperazine‐induced nasopharyngeal tumorigenesis
The chaperone proteins HSP70, HSP40/DnaJ and GRP78/BiP suppress misfolding and formation of β-sheet-containing aggregates by human amylin: a potential role …
The antitumor immune responses induced by nanoemulsion-encapsulated MAGE1-HSP70/SEA complex protein vaccine following different administration routes
Comparing the functional properties of the HSP70 chaperones, DnaK and BiP
Analysis of HSP70 mRNA level and association between linked microsatellite loci and heat tolerance traits in dairy cows
Molecular characterization of an ethephon-induced HSP70 involved in high and low-temperature responses in Hevea brasiliensis
Alterations of HSP70 gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) exposed to deltamethrin
Stress-Induced HSP70 Gene Expression and Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts by Chlorine-Based Oxidants
Binding of Silurus asotus lectin to Gb3 on Raji cells causes disappearance of membrane-bound form of HSP70
A dual role for HSP90 and HSP70 in the inflammatory myopathies: from muscle fiber protection to active invasion by macrophages
Stress type dependence of expression and cytoplasmic-nuclear partitioning of glucocorticoid receptor, hsp90 and HSP70 in Wistar rat brain
HSP70 protects intestinal epithelial cells from hypoxia/reoxygenation injury via a mechanism that involves the mitochondrial pathways
CD40-independent engagement of mammalian HSP70 by antigen-presenting cells
Expression of heat shock proteins, HSP70 and Hsp25, in the rat gingiva after irradiation with a CO2 laser in coagulation mode
Direct inter-subdomain interactions switch between the closed and open forms of the HSP70 nucleotide-binding domain in the nucleotide-free state
Secretion of the heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSC70 by baby hamster kidney (BHK‐21) cells
HSP70 expression and metabolite composition in response to short-term thermal changes in Folsomia candida (Collembola)
Structural analysis of the ribosome-associated complex (RAC) reveals an unusual HSP70/Hsp40 interaction
Expression of HSP70, Na+/K+ ATP-ase, HIF-1α, IL-1β and TNF-α in captive Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) after chronic warm and cold exposure
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate suppresses the expression of HSP70 and HSP90 and exhibits anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo
Complex patterns of geographic variation in heat tolerance and HSP70 expression levels in the common frog Rana temporaria
Novel compounds increasing chaperone HSP70 expression and their biological activity
Expression of Hsp27 and HSP70 in lymphocytes and plasma in healthy workers and coal miners with lung cancer
Hyperthermia‐associated carboplatin resistance: Differential role of p53, HSF1 and HSP70 in hepatoma cells
An inducible HSP70 gene from the midge Chironomus dilutus: characterization and transcription profile under environmental stress
Selenium variation induced oxidative stress regulates p53 dependent germ cell apoptosis: plausible involvement of HSP70-2
Cloning, expression and purification of the influenza A (H9N2) virus M2e antigen and truncated Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 as a fusion protein in Pichia …
Inflammation-induced, 3′ UTR-dependent translational inhibition of HSP70 mRNA impairs intestinal homeostasis
Dengue virus infection activates cellular chaperone HSP70 in THP-1 cells: downregulation of HSP70 by siRNA revealed decreased viral replication
HSP70 level in progeny of aging grasshoppers from variously polluted habitats and additionally exposed to zinc during diapause
Unexpected deeds of familiar proteins: interplay of HSP70, PGRP S/Tag7, and S100A4/Mts1 in host vs. cancer combat
Puromycin-based vectors promote a ROS-dependent recruitment of PML to nuclear inclusions enriched with HSP70 and Proteasomes
Modulation of Akt and ERK1/2 pathways by resveratrol in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cells results in the downregulation of HSP70
Proteasome inhibition induces hsp30 and HSP70 gene expression as well as the acquisition of thermotolerance in Xenopus laevis A6 cells
Genetic polymorphism of HSP70-1 gene and its correlation with resistance to mastitis in Chinese Holstein
MAPK activation is involved in cadmium-induced HSP70 expression in HepG2 cells
Hsp105 reduces the protein aggregation and cytotoxicity by expanded-polyglutamine proteins through the induction of HSP70
Differential expression patterns of Puma and HSP70 following proteasomal stress in the hippocampus are key determinants of neuronal vulnerability
HSP70 and Hsp90 expression in citrus and pepper plants in response to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri
HSP70-and Hsp90-mediated proteasomal degradation underlies TPIsugarkill pathogenesis in Drosophila
In vitro heat shock of human monocytes results in a proportional increase of inducible HSP70 expression according to the basal content
The role of HSP70 on ENPP1 expression and insulin-receptor activation
Liver cytochrome P450 3A ubiquitination in vivo by gp78/autocrine motility factor receptor and C terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) E3 ubiquitin …
HSP70 interacts with TRAF2 and differentially regulates TNFα signalling in human colon cancer cells
HSP70 is required for optimal cell proliferation in mouse A6 mesoangioblast stem cells
Fusion of HSP70 gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to hemagglutinin (H5) gene of avian influenza virus in DNA vaccine enhances its potency
Caloric stress alters fat characteristics and HSP70 expression in milk somatic cells of lactating beef cows
Impact of season on liver mitochondrial oxidative stress and the expression of HSP70 in grey mullets from contaminated estuary
Cellular prion protein released on exosomes from macrophages binds to HSP70
Effect of 6 mT static magnetic field on the bcl-2, bax, p53 and HSP70 expression in freshly isolated and in vitro aged human lymphocytes
Insulin promotes survival of amyloid-beta oligomers neuroblastoma damaged cells via caspase 9 inhibition and HSP70 upregulation
Impaired interdomain communication in mitochondrial HSP70 results in the loss of inward-directed translocation force
Activation of the stress protein response inhibits the STAT1 signalling pathway and iNOS function in alveolar macrophages: role of Hsp90 and HSP70
… exposure of Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cells to concurrent mild sodium arsenite and heat stress results in enhanced hsp30 and HSP70 gene expression and the …
A fraction from Petiveria alliacea induces apoptosis via a mitochondria-dependent pathway and regulates HSP70 expression
Immunotherapy of Epstein-Barr virus associated malignancies using mycobacterial HSP70 and LMP2A356–364 epitope fusion protein
C-terminal sequences of HSP70 and hsp90 as non-specific anchors for tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) proteins
Cell‐surface expression of HSP70 on hematopoietic cancer cells after inhibition of HDAC activity
The Hsp40 J-domain stimulates HSP70 when tethered by the client to the ATPase domain
Transgenerational stress memory in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.: antioxidative enzymes and HSP70
Hypoxia induces heat shock protein HSP70-2 expression in a HIF-1 dependent manner
Characterization of HSP70 proteins in bovine leukocytes induced by the temperature 41 C
… of NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1), mediator of β-lapachone cytotoxicity, by increasing NQO1 gene activity and via HSP70-mediated stabilisation of NQO1 …
Structural and functional diversity among eukaryotic HSP70 nucleotide exchange factors
Segmental isotopic labeling of the HSP70 molecular chaperone DnaK using expressed protein ligation
Mesothelioma cells escape heat stress by upregulating Hsp40/HSP70 expression via mitogen-activated protein kinases
Induction of HSP70 shows differences in protection against I/R injury derived by ischemic preconditioning and intermittent clamping
Involvement of HSP70 in the protection of bicyclol on apoptosis of HepG2 cells intoxicated by d-galactosamine
Giardia duodenalis: improved detection of viable cysts by reverse transcription-PCR of heat shock-inducible HSP70 gene
Correlations and co-localizations of HSP70 with XPA, XPG in human bronchial epithelia cells exposed to benzo [a] pyrene
Molecular cloning and analysis of a cytosolic HSP70 gene from Enteromorpha prolifera (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta)
Effect of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on the activity of HSP70 promoter: An in vitro study
Human micro-and macrovascular endothelial cells exposed to simulated microgravity upregulate HSP70
The mammalian Hsp40 ERdj3 requires its HSP70 interaction and substrate-binding properties to complement various yeast Hsp40-dependent functions
Regulation of heat-induced apoptosis by Mcl-1 degradation and its inhibition by HSP70
DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE of HSP70 system have differing effects on α-synuclein fibrillation involved in Parkinson’s disease
Increased HSP70 expression attenuates cytokine-induced cell death in islets of Langerhans from Shb knockout mice
A human skin explant model to study molecular changes in response to fractional photothermolysis: Spatio-temporal expression of HSP70
The effects of venlafaxine and dexamethasone on the expression of HSP70 in rat C6 glioma cells
Curcumin entrapped into lipid nanosystems inhibits neuroblastoma cancer cell growth and activates HSP70 protein
HSP70 induced by Hantavirus infection interacts with viral nucleocapsid protein and its overexpression suppresses virus infection in Vero E6 cells
Cloning and expression analysis of HSP70 gene from freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica
HSP70 interacts with the retroviral restriction factor TRIM5α and assists the folding of TRIM5α
Caveolin-1 and HSP70 interaction in microdissected proximal tubules from spontaneously hypertensive rats as an effect of Losartan
Heteromeric complexes of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family members, including HSP70B′, in differentiated human neuronal cells
Ketogenic diet attenuates kainic acid-induced hippocampal cell death by decreasing AMPK/ACC pathway activity and HSP70
Purification of the 90 kDa heat shock protein (hsp90) and simultaneous purification of HSP70/hsc70, hsp90 and hsp96 from mammalian tissues and cells using …
Major histocompatibility complex haplotype determines HSP70-dependent protection against measles virus neurovirulence
Effect of 60 Hz magnetic fields on the activation of HSP70 promoter in cultured INER-37 and RMA E7 cells
Expression of mutant protein p53 and HSP70 and Hsp90 chaperones in cockles Cerastoderma edule affected by neoplasia
HSP70 inducers from Chinese herbs and their effect on melanin production
Identification of HSP70 modulators through modeling of the substrate binding domain
HSP70: a promising target for laryngeal carcinoma radiaotherapy by inhibiting cleavage and degradation of nucleolin
Enhanced T‐cell activation by immature dendritic cells loaded with HSP70‐expressing heat‐killed melanoma cells
Expression, purification and characterization of Gloydius shedaoensis venom gloshedobin as HSP70 fusion protein in Pichia pastoris
Transcriptional analysis of the HSP70 gene in a haloarchaeon Natrinema sp. J7 under heat and cold stress
The association of CaM and HSP70 regulates S-phase arrest and apoptosis in a spatially and temporally dependent manner in human cells
Immunogenicity of 56° C and UVC‐treated prostate cancer is associated with release of HSP70 and HMGB1 from necrotic cells
Real-time quantitative (PCR) applications to quantify and the expression profiles of heat shock protein (HSP70) genes in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and …
Novel modification of growth medium enables efficient E. coli expression and simple purification of an endotoxin-free recombinant murine HSP70 protein
Effects of 8-week exercise on Bcl-2, Bax, Caspase-8, Caspase-3 and HSP70 in mouse gastrocnemius muscle
Structural analysis of the interactions between HSP70 chaperones and the yeast DNA replication protein Orc4p
The HSP70 chaperone Ssa1 is essential for catabolite induced degradation of the gluconeogenic enzyme fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase
Involvement of HSP70, a stress protein, in the resistance of long-term culture of PC12 cells against sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-induced cell death
Electrical stimulation induced HSP70 response in C2C12 cells.
Loss of HSP70. 1 decreases functional motor recovery after spinal cord injury in mice
Hamartin-HSP70 interaction is necessary for AKT-dependent tuberin phosphorylation during heat shock
Toxoplasma gondii infection inhibits the mitochondrial apoptosis through induction of Bcl-2 and HSP70
Vaccination with B16 Tumor Cell Lysate Plus Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 Induces Antimelanoma Effect in Mice
Thermo and pH stable ATP-independent chaperone activity of heat-inducible HSP70 from Pennisetum glaucum
Modulation of ASK1 expression during overexpression of Trx and HSP70 in stressed fish liver mitochondria
Antibody to HSP70 alters response of rabbit preimplantation embryos to hyperthermia in vitro
Autologous HSP70 immunization induces anti-tumor immunity and increases longevity and survival of tumor-bearing mice
Effects of HSP70 antisense oligonucleotide on the proliferation and apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Variation in the expression of Hsp27, HSP70, Hsp90 and their corresponding mRNA transcripts in the hearts of pigs during different transportation durations
Extracellular HSP70 stimulates multiple signaling pathways in A431 carcinoma cells
Characterization of a putative HSP70 pseudogene transcribed in protoscoleces and adult worms of Echinococcus granulosus
Molecular cloning, characterization, and heterologous expression analysis of heat shock protein genes (HSP70 and hsp90) of the invasive alien weed, Ageratina …
Target molecules of molecular chaperone (HSP70 family) in injured gastric mucosa in vivo
N-terminally fusion of Her2/neu to HSP70 decreases efficiency of Her2/neu DNA vaccine
Effects of rapid temperature changes on HK, PK and HSP70 of Litopenaeus vannamei in different seasons
Natural variation in Drosophila stressed locomotion meets or exceeds variation caused by HSP70 mutation: analysis of behavior and performance
Phosphorylated hamartin–HSP70 complex regulates apoptosis via mitochondrial localization
Spondyloarthropathies and bone resorption: A possible role of heat shock protein (HSP70) Review
Influence of HSP70 chaperone machinery on yeast prion propagation
Exogenous heat shock proteins (HSP70) significantly inhibit endotoxin-induced activation of human neutrophils
Japanese Sake‐Brewing Rice Cultivars Show High Levels of Globulin‐like Protein and a Chloroplast Stromal HSP70
WT-1 mRNA expression is modulated by nitric oxide availability and HSP70 interaction after neonatal unilateral ureteral obstruction
Identification of a novel HSP70-binding cochaperone critical to HSP90-mediated activation of small serine/threonine kinase
C331A mutant of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase is labilized for HSP70/CHIP (C terminus of HSC70-interacting protein)-dependent ubiquitination
Sorghum 2-dimensional proteome profiles and analysis of HSP70 expression under salinity stress
Heat-shock protein (HSP70) and cytochrome P-450 (CYP1A) in the white mullet Mugil curema (Pisces:Mugilidae) as biomarkers to assess environmental quality in …
Human HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein (Hop) D456G is a mixture of monomeric and dimeric species
Effect of allozyme heterozygosity on basal and induced levels of heat shock protein (HSP70), in juvenile Concholepas concholepas (Mollusca)
Impaired avoidance learning and increased HSP70 mRNA expression in pentylenetetrazol‐treated zebrafish
Caries experience among Females aged 16–21 in Punjab, India and its Relationship with Lifestyle and Salivary HSP70 Levels
Cloning of heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in Liriomyza trifolii and its expression under temperature stress.
Study on HSP70 gene expression in different tissue of Cyprinus carpio
Exploring the positional importance of aromatic residues and lysine in the interactions of peptides with the Plasmodium falciparum HSP70-1
Treponema denticola alters cell vitality and induces HO-1 and HSP70 expression in porcine aortic endothelial cells
Expression and Localization of an HSP70 Protein in the Microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Effect of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on the activity of HSP70 promoter: An in vitro study
Contribution of anti-HSP70. 1 IgG antibody levels to the diagnostic certainty of clinically suspected ocular toxoplasmosis
Frequency sensitivity of nanosecond pulse EMF on regrowth and HSP70 levels in transected planaria
The influence of the recombinant human heat shock protein HSP70 on the biochemical properties of blood during endotoxic shock simulation in rats
Characterization of nucleotide-induced changes on the quaternary structure of human 70 kDa heat shock protein HSP70. 1 by analytical ultracentrifugation
HSP70 enhances presentation of FMDV antigen to bovine CD4+ T cells in vitro
Growth hormone attenuates branchial HSP70 expression in silver sea bream
Autologous HSP70 induces antigen specific Th1 immune responses in a murine T-cell lymphoma
Circulating HSP70 as an endogenous cytoprotector?
Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate modulates HSP70, iNOS, and apoptosis during hemorrhagic shock resuscitation in rats
A new SNP in coding region of HSP70 gene and the association of polymorphism with heat stress traits in Chinese Holstein cattle
Differential expression of HSP70 mRNA in the mouse brain after treatment with geldanamycin
Therapeutic vaccine comprising Mycobacterium HSP70
Effect of quercetin blocking HSP70 expression on pre-moxibustion suppressing gastric mucosal cell apoptosis.
Nuclear HSP90 and HSP70 in COPD patients treated with formoterol or formoterol and corticosteroids
Effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the osmolarity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity and HSP70 expression in juvenile chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis
Induction of HSP70 by Diazinon in Oreochromis niloticus
Molecular characterization and expression of a heat-shock cognate 70 (Hsc70) and a heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) cDNAs in Rana (Pelophylax) lessonae embryos
Stress specific correlated responses in fat content, HSP70 and dopamine levels in Drosophila melanogaster selected for resistance to environmental stress
HSP70 confines tumor progression of rat histiocytoma and impedes the cytotoxicity induced by natural killer cells and peritoneal macrophages
Exogenous heat shock protein HSP70 suppresses bacterial pathogen-induced activation of human neutrophils
Interaction of HSP70 with p49/STRAP, a serum response factor binding protein
Increase in apoptosis and of the stress protein HSP70 in the mouse epididymis produced by the antiandrogen flutamide
Amino acid substitutions in the sugar kinase/HSP70/actin superfamily conserved ATPase core of E. coli glycerol kinase modulate allosteric ligand affinity but do not …
HSP70 silencing combined with AIF: a novel therapeutic approach for cancer
Elimination of enhanced thermal resistance of spheroid culture model of prostate carcinoma cell line by inhibitors of HSP70 induction
Hyperthermia classic article commentary:’Re-induction of HSP70 synthesis: An assay for thermotolerance’by Gloria C. Li and Johnson Y. Mak, International Journal of …
The Hsp40-HSP70 chaperone machinery of Plasmodium falciparum
The Fink blueprint for HSP70/Hsc70 molecular chaperones.
Fusion and sequence analysis of the influenza A (H9N2) virus M2e and C-terminal fragment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 (H37Rv)
The TPR2B domain of the HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein (Hop) may contribute towards its dimerization
Phylogentic analysis of the cryptosporidium based on 18S rRNA gene and HSP70 gene sequences
HSP70 and Hsp27: Emerging targets in cancer therapy
Apoptosis of spermatogenic cells and expression of HSP70 after scrotal reconstruction with skin flap
Expression of HSP70 and its relation with other cytokines in human middle ear effusion
A dynamical model for heat shock protein (HSP) transcription and its correlation with HSP70 in vitro experiments
Assessing the role of HSP70 in prion propagation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Role of JNK pathway and HSP70 in therono-chemotherapy of lung cancer
Effects of afobazole on the stress protein HSP70 level in the brain tissue of rats with global transient ischemia
Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A reduces chemoresistance of oral squamous carcinoma cell via inhibition of heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70)
Increased HSP70 of glucocorticoid receptor complex induced by scald and heat stress and its possible effect on the affinity of glucocorticoid receptor
Influence of geranylgeranylacetone on the expression of HSP70 in retina of rats with chronic IOP elevation
Oligomeric interactions provide alternatives to direct steric modes of control of sugar kinase/actin/HSP70 superfamily functions by heterotropic allosteric effectors …
Patient HSP70‐hom TG haplotype is associated with decreased transplant‐related mortality and improved survival after sibling HLA‐matched hematopoietic stem cell …
Changes of HSP70, bFGF and TGF-beta1 expression in rat brain after concussion
Effects of anthraquinones extract from Rheum officinale Baill on the hepatopancreas antioxidative capacity and HSP70 gene expresssion under high temperature of …
In vitro study of expression and effects of HSP70/HSP90 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells after thermotherapy
Effect of moxibustion on expression of HSP70 and apoptosisrelated factors in rats with acute gastric mucosal damage
Heat-induced and spontaneous expression of HSP70. 1Luciferase transgene copies localized on Xp22 in female bovine cells
HPT Axis HSP70 mRNA dynamic expression during cold stress of goose
Humanization of a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against a cell surface-exposed epitope of membrane-associated heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
Transcriptional factor ENY2 promotes recruitment of the THO complex to the HSP70 gene of Drosophila melanogaster
Accumulation of hepatic HSP70 and plasma cortisol in Oreochromis mossambicus following sublethal metal and DDT exposure
Detection of flmav-1 and flmav-2 in the Mediterranean region and study on sequence variation of the HSP70 gene
Effects of thermal conditioning treatments on brain HSP70 level in broilers under heat stress.
Expression of HSP70/HSP27 protein in residual lesion after NPC radiotherapy
Heat shock proteins in the mechanisms of stress adaptation in Baikal amphipods and palearctic Gammarus lacustris Sars. I. HSP70 family
Effects of salinity fluctuation amplitudes on growth, osmolarity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity and HSP70 of juvenile Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis Osbeck
Association between expressions of HSP70, HSP90 and efficacy of chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients with unresectable liver metastasis
The effect of 100 mT SMF on activation of the HSP70 promoter in a heat shock/luciferase reporter system
Physcomitrella Reveals a Key Role for Stromal HSP70 Chaperones in Chloroplast Protein Import
Level and effect of anti-HSP70 antibody changed in the procession of rat atherosclerosis
The effects of HSP70/CD80 DNA vaccine on airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of asthmatic mice
The colocalized relationship between p53 mutants 249M, 273H and HSP70 in HepG2 cells
Tumor tissue characterization evaluating the luciferase activity under the control of a HSP70 promoter and MR imaging in three tumor cell lines
The role of transcription factors DFOXO, DSIR2 and HSP70 in lifespan alteration of Drosophila melanogaster in different light conditions
Protective effect of HSP70 molecular chaperone in polyglutamine diseases is realized by sequestering of GAPDH
Evaluation of HSP70, 27 and TNF-α espression in different canine cutaneous and gland diseases
MicroRNA regulation of HSP70. 3 protein expression in late ischemic preconditioning
Effect of HSP70 gene polymorphism on genetic susceptibility of pneumoconiosis of coal worker
Comparative analysis of HSP70 gene cluster in Drosophila virilis species group
HSP70 inhibits Bax translocation during Photofrin-PDT apoptosis
Characterization of a the Plasmodium falciparum HSP70-Hsp90 organising protein
A comparative analysis of the HSP70 gene system in two species of the family stratiomyidae (Diptera)
Construction and immune response of HSV–2gD–HSP70 DNA vaccine
Analysis of HSP70 mRNA expression of tilapia infected with Streptococcus.
Modulation of leukocyte HSP70 expression by gender, menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptives
Effect of acute cold exposure on the HSP70 expression of PBMC and the level of IL-4, IL-10 in plasma of piglets.
Construction of the Chimeric HSP70-E7 Vector and Evaluation of its Protein Production
Regulation of human dendrite cells’ physiological functions with the recombinant heat shock protein HSP70
Measurement of HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90α mRNA levels in colorectal cancer and an investigation of their clinical significance.
Modeling of the full-size 3D structure of human chaperone HSP70 and study of its interdomain interactions
Effect of thermal stimulation on expression of HSP70 mRNA in osteoblasts & its medium’s effect on proliferation of osteoclasts in mice.
HSP70. 1 contributes to the NF-κB paradox after myocardial ischemic insults
Geranylgeranylacetone protects rat and striatum neurons against heat injury via induction of HSP70
The viral coat protein is regulated by HSP70 and HSP40 in Potato virus A infection
Antitumor effect of DCs vaccine modified by HSP70 peptide complex purified from mouse pancreatic carcinoma cells (MPC-83) in vivo.
Mechanisms of plant adaptation/memory in rice seedlings under arsenic and heat stress: expression of heat-shock protein gene HSP70.
Another function of HSP70 in mesoangioblast stem cells
Thermal tolerance and HSP70 expression in the Western fence lizard,Sceloporus occidentalis: Geographic variation in measures of acute stress and their role in …
Antileukemic Activity of the HSP70 Inhibitor Pifithrin-μ
Analysis of HSP70 in the Retinal Detachment
… -molecular peptide mimetic (GK-2) of nerve growth factor is related to activated synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSP32 and HSP70) and increased phosphorylation …
Effects of transforming growth factor-? 1 on apoptosis and HSP70 expression of mammary tissue of dairy cow
The neuroprotection role of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) against microwave radiation induced DNA damage in male Wistar rat brain
The variance of HSP70 in cardiac cells of SMDS victims
The changes of HSP70 and NOS in the tissues of heat stress animals
Expression, purification and activity analysis of BCG HSP70.
Single Molecule Investigations of HSP70 Proteins
Anti-HSP70 antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
The MDA and HSP70 Concentration in Preeclamptic Patient Placenta’s
HSP70 Regulates APP Processing in Neuro2a Cell Line
HSP70 response to aerobic training in aging human skeletal muscle
In silico analysis of goat (Capra hircus) heat-shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp 90.
The changes of HSP70 and NOS in the tissues of heat stress animals.
Study of Relationship between HSP70 and Endothelial Activation in Placental Vascular Diseases
Echinacea induced HSP70 alterations in leukocytes
Identification of Residues on HSP70 and Hsp90
The Conformational Cycle of Mitochondrial HSP70
Effect of propylgallate for plasmatic HSP70 on acute cerebral infarct patients.
The role of HSP70 and HSP90 in the trafficking of hIK1
YK5, a novel dual Hsc70 and HSP70 inhibitor, is selective for tumor HSP70 and has potent but selective activity in cancer cells
Exercise induces HSP70 in smooth muscle cells of the cerebral vasculature
Activity of MMP in HSP70 transgenic mice after exhaustive exercise
Protective effects of OPG-HSP70 fusion protein on CIA rats
Mouse mesoangioblasts release HSP70 in a controlled manner through membrane vesicle shedding
Effects of Acute Exhausted Exercise on the Myocardial HSP70 and Plasma ANP of Rats in a High Temperature Environment
Effect of HSP70 induced by heat shock on lymphocyte apoptosis lead X-ray
Interactions between MARCKS and the Chaperone HSP70 in Airway Epithelium.
Changes of HSP70, HSP70 mRNA, SOD, NOS in uterus of natural climacteric rats and the intervention of preventive moxibustion on Guanyuan point.
Seasonal variation in protein profiles and HSP70 of Holstein crossbred bull semen
PKC‐alpha Potentially Mediates Transcription of the Inducible HSP70 via AP‐1
Experimental Studies on Protein Folding in the Presence of the HSP70 Chaperone System
Expression and significance of HSP70 and p57-Idp2 in giant cell tumor of bone
HSP70-hom gene polymorphism as a risk factor of graft-versus-host disease
HSP70 Is Released into Circulation in a Membrane-Bound Form after Heat Shock in Vivo
Gene cloning and sequence analysis of HSP70 from Vibrio alginolyticus.
Mucosal administration of HSP70 leads to partial disease suppression in mouse models for intestinal inflammation
Expanding the repertoire of chemical modulators for heat shock protein 70 (HSP70): New probes for neurodegenerative disease
Donor HSP70-hom gene polymorphism as a risk factor of chronic GvHD
Understanding the Role of the HSP70 Molecular Chaperone Family in Maintaining Protein Homeostasis
Regulation of HSP70‐linked ubiquitination by CHIP and Bag2
Developing Small-Molecule Regulators of the HSP70/Hsp40 Complex
Alterations in splenic HSP70 and IL‐6 associated protein expression following heat stroke in mice
HSP70 and p62/SQSTM 1 regulate differently autophagy clearance in ARPE‐19 cells
Structural basis for the cooperation of Hsp110 and HSP70 molecular chaperones in protein folding
Preparation of gene recombinant MAGE1/HSP70/MAGE3 by high cell density culture of E. coli. with DO fed-back control of nutrient feeding
Role of HSP70 and p62 in regulation of autophagy clearance in ARPE‐19 cells
Contribution of Anti-HSP70. 1 IgG Antibody Levels to the Biological Diagnosis of Clinically Suspected Ocular Toxoplasmosis
HSP70 subtypes expression in human embryonic lung fibroblasts induced by supernatants of alveolar macrophage exposed to silica
Steroid receptor folding and signaling is regulated by the HSP70 cochaperones BAG-1M and HspBP1
HSP40 and HSP70 inhibit the accumulation and toxicity of mutant huntingtin in N2a cells
Structural comparison of the HSP70 gene cluster in the Drosophila virilis species group
Influence of geranylgeranylacetone on the expression of HSP70 in retina of rats with chronic IOP elevation
Insertion of HSP70 Into Membranes Correlates With the Flipping of Phosphatidlyserine Across the Lipid Bilayer
Thermal stress in Larvae of the sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus) induces changes in HSP70 gen expression
Changes of activity of PKC-AchE and HSP70 in tissues of rabbits dying from suspension of anterior limbs
Nucleotide sequence and polymorphism in 5’flanking region of HSP70-2 gene in Holstein Friesian bulls
NF-κB Regulates the HSP70 Locus in Late IPC by Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Mechanisms Involving miRNA
The HSP70. 3 isoform of HSP70, but not HSP70. 1, contributes to NF‐kappaB‐dependent cardioprotection of late ischemic preconditioning
Effect of ischemic preconditioning on HSP70 expression and learning/memory after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in gerbils
Post-Transcriptional Regulation of HSP70. 3 Expression in Late Ischemic Preconditioning by Alternative Polyadenylation
Construction of complex gene pcDNA3-ROP2-p30-HSP70 eukaryotic expression recombinant of Toxoplasma gondii.
Effects of survivin antisense RNA and HSP70 double gene transfection on MCF-7 cells in vitro
The differential expressions of HSP70 gene from yeast phase and mycelia phase of Penicillium marneffei
Regulation of the human mitochondrial chaperone mtHSP70 by the HSP70 escort protein Hep
Changes in the protein level of Cu/Zn SOD and HSP70 in Festuca species under dehydrative stresses
Construction and Expression of a Eukaryotic Expression Vector Containing a Fusion Gene of the Hantaan Virus S Gene and HSP70 Gene
In vivo modulation of HSP70 in Rhynchophorus ferrugineus hemocytes after Bacillus thuringiensis treatment
Celastrol regulates innate immunity response via NF‐kB and HSP70 in ARPE‐19 cells
Functional Rescue of Mutant Human Cystathionine Beta‐Synthase by Manipulation of Hsp26 and HSP70 Levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Effect of epidural block combined with general anesthesia on c-fos and HSP70 expression in the myocardium of spontaneous hypertensive rats
Effects of treadmill training on the expression of HSP70 and C-MYC in the brains of rats with focal cerebral ischemia
The infection of dendritic cells by recombinant adenoviral vector carrying HBsAg-HSP70 chimeric gene and its biological characteristics observations
Curcumin Protects against Renal Ischemia by Activating the Unfolded Protein Response and Inducing HSP70
Heat-shock protein (HSP70) and cytochrome P-450 (CYP1A) in the white mullet Mugil curema (Pisces: Mugilidae) as…
A NMR investigation of structure and allostery in the HSP70 chaperone system
Effect of ketamine on cerebral HSP70 expression in rats after severe burns.
Regulation of AIF Nuclear Translocation is a Critical Step in Cardiac Apoptosis in Mice Lacking HSP70 During Ischemia/Reperfusion in vivo
Crystal structure of the C-terminal peptide-binding domain of human Hsp40 complexed with a C-terminal octapeptide of human HSP70
Chicken HSP70 DNA xenogeneic vaccine inhibits tumor growth in a canine cancer model (131.8)
Roles of HSP70 and NF-κB in Staphylococcus aureus-induced apoptosis of human monocytic U937 cells.
Gold Nanoparticle-Based Immunoassay for detection of Plasmodium falciparum HSP70
Heat-induced and spontaneous expression of HSP70. 1Luciferase transgene copies localized on Xp22 in female bovine…
Heat shock response (HSP70) in white sturgeon and green sturgeon exposed to different stressors
Effects of microwave radiation alone and combined with γ-ray on HSP70 expression in glioma SHG44 cells.
The effect of HSP70 peptide complexes during hyperthermia and immunotherapy mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes on Tca8113 cells.
The influence of low temperature stress on contents of dehydrins and heat shock protein HSP70 in green leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare)
HSP70 Mediates Inflammatory Cardiac Dysfunction Via Toll-Like Receptors: Link between Innate Immune Modulators and Cardiomyocyte Contractility.
Abstract B38: Silencing of mortalin, the mitochondrial HSP70, as a novel anticancer treatment strategy
Study on expression law of HSP70 trait of Rana limnocharis with thermal acclimation in Xishuangbana Area.
Salicylic acid mediated potentiation of HSP70 abates apoptosis resistance in breast cancer cells
In Vivo Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of HSP70 and Laser Preconditioning in Murine Incisional Wounds
Anti-Breast Cancer Activity of a Novel Strategy of Targeting Autophagy Induced by Pan-HDAC Inhibitor and Acetylated HSP70.
MHC Haplotype Determines HSP70-Dependent Protection against Measles Virus 1 Neurovirulence 2
Respuesta celular de línea de hepatoma humano (HepG2) al estrés hipotérmico con recuperación: Inducción de la expresión de Hsp60, HSP70, y Hsf1
Genetic and biochemical analyses of HSP70-Hsp40 interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides insights into specificity and mechanisms of regulation
Protein flexural dysfunction: Loss of structural rigidity in a Hsp40 J‐domain mutant correlates with loss of HSP70 activation
Role of p38MAPK, heat shock proteins, HSP27 and HSP70 in osmotic stress in renal vs. blood cells: A comparative study
Relations between nitric oxide synthase DNOS1, HSP70 and apoptosis regulatory gene grim in Drosophila melanogaster after heat stress induction
The Saccharomyces cerecisiae HSP70 escort protein Hep1 exhibits cross-reactivity with a non-cognate chaperone
Effects of heat shock preconditioning on expressions of HSP60, HSP70 and iNOS in gastric mucosa of burned rats
Stress proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 in adaptation of aerial-aquatic Sium latifolim species to different water environments
HSP70 and p38MAPK pathway change in neural tube defects induced by hyperthermia in golden hamster.
Bemisia tabaci HSP70 is Implicated in the Circulative Transmission of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
Abstract B21: Targeting autophagy induced by pan‐HDAC inhibitor panobinostat and promoted by acetylated HSP70: A novel therapy for breast cancer
Abstract A212: A novel, small molecule inhibitor of Hsc70/HSP70 potentiates Hsp90 inhibitor‐induced apoptosis in HCT116 colon carcinoma cells
HSP70/HSP40 Chaperones, involved in the Protein Quality Control System, suppressing Toxic Protein Aggregation
Research article Differential expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 in natural populations of the tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, acclimatised to a …
The HSP70 Stress Response and its Genetic Background in South American intertidal and subtidal Limpets (Nacella)
Study of functional interaction between GAGA-containing sites from promoter regions of heat shock genes hsp26 and HSP70 in the model system of Drosophila …
Enhancement of heat tolerance of Chlamydomonas by expressing J24 and HSP70 genes of Porphyra
Examination of sex differences in quadriceps fatigability and HSP70 content in response to intense intermittent isometric exercise
Intact anthracene inhibits photosynthesis and stimulates HSP70 syntheses in algal cells
Roles of MHC class Ia and class Ib in HSP70 mediated anti-tumor responses in the frog Xenopus (43.11)
Action of SiO2 nanoparticles on mRNAs of Hsp27, Hsp60, HSP70 and Hsp 90 in MRC5 lung fibroblasts
Heat-shock protein enhances immunogenicity of E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus included in chimeric construction (E7 HPV-HSP70)
Differential Response Of AMP Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) And HSP70 To Temperature Stress In The Gastropod, Nucella Lapillus
Utilization Of Drosophila HSP70 Gene For Identification Of Genuine Pol Ii Elongation Factors: Identification Of Spt6 As A Factor That Enhances The Elongation Rate Of …
Activation of the stress protein response inhibits the STAT1 signaling pathway and iNOS function in alveolar macrophages: role of Hsp90 and HSP70
… Responses in Chickens Vaccinated with a Plasmid DNA Construct of Avian Influenza Virus H5 Gene Infused with HSP70 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Nitrosonium Corrects DF508 CFTR Expression By S-nitrosylation Of HSP70/Hsp90 Organizing Protein Cysteine 403
Study of relationship between abomasal displacement and genetic factors causing heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) deficiency in Holstein cows
The oregano constituent carvacrol boosts stress protein HSP70 to activate T cell regulation of inflammation in autoimmune arthritis
Protein synthesis inhibitors disrupt the induction of behavioral sensitization to a single morphine exposure and regulate HSP70 expression in the mouse nucleus …
JNK1 participates in the VHL-independent HIF-1α degradation pathway by regulating Hsp90/HSP70 turnover and the HDAC6-dependent chaperone activity
… of squamous cell carcinomas, associates with Hsp90β, a core component of multiprotein complex inolving several collaborating chaperones HSP70/Hsp40, Hop/sti …
Effect of 60 Hz magnetic fields on the activation of HSP70 promoter in cultured INER-37 and RMA E7 cells Animal
Enzymatic-nonenzymatic cellular antioxidant defense systems response and immunohistochemical detection of MDMA, VMAT2, HSP70, and apoptosis as biomarkers …
Elevated Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Serum Levels After Tumor Radiofrequency Ablation Might Represent a Favorable Prognostic Marker.
P2‐198: Chemical manipulation of HSP70 activity regulates tau processing
Novel Role of CHIP E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, C-terminus of HSP70-interacting Protein, on Myocyte Apoptosis via ERK5-mediated Destabilization of Inducible Camp Early …
2P-133 Step-size analyses of the mitochondrial HSP70 import motor reveal the Brownian ratchet in operation (Molecular motor, The 47th Annual Meeting of the …
17-AAG Protects Against Rotenone-Induced Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y Cells via HSP70 Induction
PL7. Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Serves as an Endogenous Inhibitor of Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Signaling During Enterocyte Apoptosis in the …
StIP‐1/Elp2 regulation of DeltaF508‐CFTR vesicular exocytosis and of HSP70 expression
Kapitel 2: Cadmium tolerance in seven Daphnia magna clones is associated with reduced HSP70 baseline levels and induction
Toll-like Receptor 4 Mediates The Protective Effects Of HSP70 During Hyperoxia
Role of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in O3-Induced Lung Inflammation.
Both Membrane Depolarization And IL-6 Induce Calcium-Dependent HSP70 Expression In Skeletal Muscle Cells
Molecular Cloning of Glucose-Regulated Protein 78 Gene in HSP70 Family and its Expression in Reation to Feeding Mechanism of Plodia interpunctella
Preparation and characterization of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with pcDNA3. 1 (-)/MAGE-3-HSP70
… to: Humanization of a Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Directed Against a Cell Surface-Exposed Epitope of Membrane-Associated Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70)
P13-02. Cytoskeletal proteins bound to HSP70 may elicit resistance to SIV infection of CD4+ T cells
Role of GATA-1 and HSP70 in the Dyserythropoiesis of Early Myelodysplastic Syndromes.
Research article Epigallocatechin-3-gallate suppresses the expression of HSP70 and HSP90 and exhibits anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo
Effects of proteasome inhibitor MG-132 on cardiac function and expressions of HSP70 and CHIP in myocardial infarction rats
TITLE Subcellular movement and expression of HSP27, αB-2 crystallin, and HSP70 after two bouts eccentric exercise in 3 humans 4
Expression pattern of glypican‐3, HSP70, and glutamine synthetase in chronic hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma
Abstract# 4683: Dendrogenin A, a promising therapy for metastatic melanoma, involving the secretion of exosomes, enriched in HSP70 and tyrosinase, and …
The HSP70 family and cancer
The anti-inflammatory mechanisms of HSP70
Regulation of survival gene HSP70
Inhibition of HSP70: a challenging anti-cancer strategy
Functional analysis of HSP70 inhibitors
HSP70 and its molecular role in nervous system diseases
HSP70: anti-apoptotic and tumorigenic protein
HSP70 chaperone dynamics and molecular mechanism
The complex function of HSP70 in metastatic cancer
Functional analysis of HSP70 superfamily proteins of rice (Oryza sativa)
HSP70 protein complexes as drug targets
Metazoan HSP70 machines use Hsp110 to power protein disaggregation
A modified HSP70 inhibitor shows broad activity as an anticancer agent
Mechanics of HSP70 chaperones enables differential interaction with client proteins
Structure and dynamics of the ATP-bound open conformation of HSP70 chaperones
Heat shock proteins in the brain: role of HSP70, Hsp 27, and HO-1 (Hsp32) and their therapeutic potential
HSP70 expression: does it a novel fatigue signalling factor from immune system to the brain?
Antileukemic activity of the HSP70 inhibitor pifithrin-μ in acute leukemia
Imbalance of HSP70 family variants fosters tau accumulation
Role of HSP70 in cancer growth and survival
Allostery in the HSP70 chaperone proteins
HSP70 expression and its role in preeclamptic stress
Anti-inflammatory properties and pharmacological induction of HSP70 after brain injury
Serum HSP70: a novel biomarker for early detection of pancreatic cancer
The diverse members of the mammalian HSP70 machine show distinct chaperone-like activities
HSP70 mediates dissociation and reassociation of the 26S proteasome during adaptation to oxidative stress
HSP70 protein positively regulates rabies virus infection
Influence of induced heat stress on HSP70 in buffalo lymphocytes
HSP70 inhibition by the small-molecule 2-phenylethynesulfonamide impairs protein clearance pathways in tumor cells
An interdomain energetic tug-of-war creates the allosterically active state in HSP70 molecular chaperones
Peptides and aptamers targeting HSP70: a novel approach for anticancer chemotherapy
Allosteric drugs: the interaction of antitumor compound MKT-077 with human HSP70 chaperones
Activation of HSP70 reduces neurotoxicity by promoting polyglutamine protein degradation
HSP70 production patterns in coastal and estuarine organisms facing increasing temperatures
HSP70 targets Hsp100 chaperones to substrates for protein disaggregation and prion fragmentation
Allosteric opening of the polypeptide-binding site when an HSP70 binds ATP
The cotranslational function of ribosome-associated HSP70 in eukaryotic protein homeostasis
HSP70 expression as biomarkers of oxidative stress: Mycotoxins’ exploration
Molecular mechanism of mutant p53 stabilization: the role of HSP70 and MDM2
HSP70. 1 and related lysosomal factors for necrotic neuronal death
Restoring HSP70 deficiencies improves glucose tolerance in diabetic monkeys
HSP70 targets a cytoplasmic quality control substrate to the San1p ubiquitin ligase
Over‐expression of HSP70 attenuates caspase‐dependent and caspase‐independent pathways and inhibits neuronal apoptosis
Effect of vicanicin and protolichesterinic acid on human prostate cancer cells: role of HSP70 protein
Identification of an allosteric pocket on human HSP70 reveals a mode of inhibition of this therapeutically important protein
Crosstalk between Hsp90 and HSP70 chaperones and heat stress transcription factors in tomato
HSP70, a messenger from hyperthermia for the immune system
Real‐time observation of the conformational dynamics of mitochondrial HSP70 by spFRET
Biochemical and structural studies on the high affinity of HSP70 for ADP
Extracellular HSP70/HSP70-PCs promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition of hepatocarcinoma cells
Chemical induction of HSP70 reduces α-synuclein aggregation in neuroglioma cells
The mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone Ssq1 facilitates Fe/S cluster transfer from Isu1 to Grx5 by complex formation
The mammalian disaggregase machinery: Hsp110 synergizes with HSP70 and Hsp40 to catalyze protein disaggregation and reactivation in a cell-free system
The four hydrophobic residues on the HSP70 inter-domain linker have two distinct roles
Genome-wide expression analysis of HSP70 family genes in rice and identification of a cytosolic HSP70 gene highly induced under heat stress
Structure and function of Hip, an attenuator of the HSP70 chaperone cycle
… inhibits HSP70 synthesis through inhibition of heat shock factor 1 function by impairing the recruitment of positive transcription elongation factor b to the HSP70 …
Intracellular and extracellular HSP70 chaperone as a target for cancer therapy
Stimulation of TLR4 by recombinant HSP70 requires structural integrity of the HSP70 protein itself
CDK-dependent HSP70 Phosphorylation controls G1 cyclin abundance and cell-cycle progression
Loss of the inducible HSP70 delays the inflammatory response to skeletal muscle injury and severely impairs muscle regeneration
Acetylated HSP70 and KAP1-mediated Vps34 SUMOylation is required for autophagosome creation in autophagy
HSP70 alters tau function and aggregation in an isoform specific manner
HSP70 proteins bind Hsp100 regulatory M domains to activate AAA+ disaggregase at aggregate surfaces
Transcriptional Activation of c3 and HSP70 as Part of the Immune Response of Acropora millepora to Bacterial Challenges
Mge1, a nucleotide exchange factor of HSP70, acts as an oxidative sensor to regulate mitochondrial HSP70 function
Identification and characterization of a novel human methyltransferase modulating HSP70 protein function through lysine methylation
Coordinated post-transcriptional regulation of HSP70. 3 gene expression by microRNA and alternative polyadenylation
Enhanced HSP70 lysine methylation promotes proliferation of cancer cells through activation of Aurora kinase B
Serum level of soluble HSP70 is associated with vascular calcification
Hypericin-based photodynamic therapy induces surface exposure of damage-associated molecular patterns like HSP70 and calreticulin
Stress-induced interaction between p38 MAPK and HSP70
Hsp110 is a bona fide chaperone using ATP to unfold stable misfolded polypeptides and reciprocally collaborate with HSP70 to solubilize protein aggregates
HSP70 oligomerization is mediated by an interaction between the interdomain linker and the substrate-binding domain
Elevated extracellular HSP70 (HSPA1A) level as an independent prognostic marker of mortality in patients with heart failure
HSP90 and HSP70 proteins are essential for stabilization and activation of WASF3 metastasis-promoting protein
Inner ear supporting cells protect hair cells by secreting HSP70
Effects of heavy metals on antioxidants and expression of HSP70 in different tissues of Milk fish (Chanos chanos) of Kaattuppalli Island, Chennai, India
Modelling the role of the HSP70/Hsp90 system in the maintenance of protein homeostasis
OLA1 protects cells in heat shock by stabilizing HSP70
High HSP27 and HSP70 expression levels are independent adverse prognostic factors in primary resected colon cancer
Activator-induced spread of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase promotes nucleosome loss at HSP70
Characterization of a wheat HSP70 gene and its expression in response to stripe rust infection and abiotic stresses
Mutant HSP70 reverses autoimmune depigmentation in vitiligo
Characterisation of the Plasmodium falciparum HSP70–Hsp90 organising protein (PfHop)
Molecular mechanism of allosteric communication in HSP70 revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
The PI3K/Akt signaling pathway regulates the expression of HSP70, which critically contributes to Hsp90-chaperone function and tumor cell survival in multiple …
Characterization of HSP70 gene in Chironomus riparius: expression in response to endocrine disrupting pollutants as a marker of ecotoxicological stress
Plasmodium falciparum‐encoded exported HSP70/hsp40 chaperone/co‐chaperone complexes within the host erythrocyte
C-terminal phosphorylation of HSP70 and Hsp90 regulates alternate binding to co-chaperones CHIP and HOP to determine cellular protein folding …
A Protective HSP70–TLR4 Pathway in Lethal Oxidant Lung Injury
Inducible HSP70 in the regulation of cancer cell survival: analysis of chaperone induction, expression and activity
DnaJA1 antagonizes constitutive HSP70-mediated stabilization of tau
Expression patterns and organization of the HSP70 genes correlate with thermotolerance in two congener endemic amphipod species (Eulimnogammarus cyaneus …
Hsp10, HSP70, and Hsp90 immunohistochemical levels change in ulcerative colitis after therapy
HSP70 is a novel posttranscriptional regulator of gene expression that binds and stabilizes selected mRNAs containing AU-rich elements
Radiation combined with hyperthermia induces HSP70-dependent maturation of dendritic cells and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by dendritic cells and …
HSP70 Enhances Immunosuppressive Function of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T Regulatory Cells and Cytotoxicity in CD4+CD25− T Cells
Recombinant human HSP70 protects against lipoteichoic acid-induced inflammation manifestations at the cellular and organismal levels
The HSP70/90 cochaperone, Sti1, suppresses proteotoxicity by regulating spatial quality control of amyloid-like proteins
Distinct role of HSP70 in Drosophila hemocytes during severe hypoxia
The yeast HSP70 Ssa1 is a sensor for activation of the heat shock response by thiol-reactive compounds
The usefulness of S100B, NSE, GFAP, NF-H, secretagogin and HSP70 as a predictive biomarker of outcome in children with traumatic brain injury
HSP70 promotes chemoresistance by blocking Bax mitochondrial translocation in ovarian cancer cells
Oxidative damage and HSP70 expression in masseter muscle induced by psychological stress in rats
Ubiquitinylation of α-synuclein by carboxyl terminus HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) is regulated by Bcl-2-associated athanogene 5 (BAG5)
HSP27 and HSP70 serum and urine levels in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease
HSP70 nucleotide exchange factor Fes1 is essential for ubiquitin-dependent degradation of misfolded cytosolic proteins
Conformational selection in substrate recognition by HSP70 chaperones
Basal and stress-induced HSP70 are modulated by ataxin-3
Identification of the HSP70-II gene in Leishmania braziliensis HSP70 locus: genomic organization and UTRs characterization
Differential roles of HSP70 and Hsp90 in the assembly of the replicase complex of a positive-strand RNA plant virus
Inducing extra copies of the HSP70 gene in Drosophila melanogaster increases energetic demand
Effect of L-arginine on HSP70 expression in liver in weanling piglets
Mitochondria to nucleus translocation of AIF in mice lacking HSP70 during ischemia/reperfusion
Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Induce Granzyme B by NK Cells through Expression of Host-HSP70
Organization and expression of the Australian sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) hsp23, hsp24, HSP70 and hsp83 genes
HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone machinery is involved in the assembly of the purinosome
Plasticity of life-cycle, physiological thermal traits and HSP70 gene expression in an insect along the ontogeny: effect of temperature variability
Defective nuclear localization of HSP70 is associated with dyserythropoiesis and GATA-1 cleavage in myelodysplastic syndromes
Visualization and functional analysis of the oligomeric states of Escherichia coli heat shock protein 70 (HSP70/DnaK)
HSP70 silencing with siRNA in nanocarriers enhances cancer cell death induced by the inhibitor of Hsp90
HSP70 increases extracellular matrix production by human vascular smooth muscle through TGF-β1 up-regulation
Thermal manipulation during chicken embryogenesis results in enhanced HSP70 gene expression and the acquisition of thermotolerance
Novel mechanism of HSP70 chaperone-mediated prevention of polyglutamine aggregates in a cellular model of huntington disease
Simulation of the opening and closing of HSP70 chaperones by coarse-grained molecular dynamics
Demethoxycurcumin modulates prostate cancer cell proliferation via AMPK-induced down-regulation of HSP70 and EGFR
The molecular chaperone HSP70 family members function by a bidirectional heterotrophic allosteric mechanism
The role of aldehyde dehydrogenase and HSP70 in suppression of white spot syndrome virus replication at high temperature
RNAi knockdown of Hop (HSP70/Hsp90 organising protein) decreases invasion via MMP-2 down regulation
Reciprocal control of hERG stability by HSP70 and Hsc70 with implication for restoration of LQT2 mutant stability
HSP70 positively regulates porcine circovirus type 2 replication in vitro
Hyperglycaemia and oxidative stress upregulate HSP60 & HSP70 expression in HeLa cells
A complex of Cox4 and mitochondrial HSP70 plays an important role in the assembly of the cytochrome c oxidase
HSF1-dependent upregulation of HSP70 by sulfhydryl-reactive inducers of the KEAP1/NRF2/ARE pathway
Ubiquitin conjugation triggers misfolded protein sequestration into quality control foci when HSP70 chaperone levels are limiting
HSP70 protein promotes survival of C6 and U87 glioma cells by inhibition of ATF5 degradation
Convergent evolution of heat-inducibility during subfunctionalization of the HSP70 gene family
The Type II Hsp40 Sis1 cooperates with HSP70 and the E3 ligase Ubr1 to promote degradation of terminally misfolded cytosolic protein
Discrimination of clinical stages in non-small cell lung cancer patients by serum HSP27 and HSP70: A multi-institutional case–control study
Stress-induced HSP70 from Musca domestica plays a functionally significant role in the immune system
[SWI+], the Prion Formed by the Chromatin Remodeling Factor Swi1, Is Highly Sensitive to Alterations in HSP70 Chaperone System Activity
Suppression of UV-induced wrinkle formation by induction of HSP70 expression in mice
Synthesis and initial evaluation of YM-08, a blood-brain barrier permeable derivative of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inhibitor MKT-077, which reduces tau levels
Analysis of the tau-associated proteome reveals that exchange of HSP70 for Hsp90 is involved in tau degradation
Lipopolysaccharide pretreatment protects against ischemia/reperfusion injury via increase of HSP70 and inhibition of NF-κB
The Hsc/HSP70 co-chaperone network controls antigen aggregation and presentation during maturation of professional antigen presenting cells
Invasion potential of H22 hepatocarcinoma cells is increased by HMGB1-induced tumor NF-κB signaling via initiation of HSP70
Elevated levels of mitochondrial mortalin and cytosolic HSP70 in blood as risk factors in patients with colorectal cancer
Gene expression profiles of cytosolic heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 from symbiotic dinoflagellates in response to thermal stress: possible implications for coral …
Bioaccumulation, oxidative stress and HSP70 expression in Cyprinus carpio L. exposed to microcystin-LR under laboratory conditions
The HSP70 and autophagy inhibitor pifithrin-μ enhances the antitumor effects of TRAIL on human pancreatic cancer
Extracellular HSP70 inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokine production by IL-10 driven down-regulation of C/EBPβ and C/EBPδ
Cloning and expression analysis of a HSP70 gene from Korean rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli)
Thermal tolerance of the crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus: intraspecific differences at a physiological (CTMax) and molecular level (HSP70)
Radioresistance of human glioma spheroids and expression of HSP70, p53 and EGFr
Leishmania infantum HSP70-II null mutant as candidate vaccine against leishmaniasis: a preliminary evaluation
Enhancement of HSP70 synthesis protects common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., against lethal ammonia toxicity
HSP70 and small Hsps are the major heat shock protein members involved in midgut metamorphosis in the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura
Effects of mannan oligosaccharide on the physiological responses, HSP70 gene expression and disease resistance of Allogynogenetic crucian carp (Carassius …
Cocktail of gp63 and HSP70 induces protection against Leishmania donovani in BALB/c mice
Alterations of the HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone and the HOP/CHIP co-chaperone system in cancer
Enhanced HSP70 expression protects against acute lung injury by modulating apoptotic pathways
Mother’s milk-induced HSP70 expression preserves intestinal epithelial barrier function in an immature rat pup model
Dynamics of endogenous HSP70 synthesis in the brain of olfactory bulbectomized mice
Biogenesis of the mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone
Activations of GABAergic signaling, HSP70 and MAPK cascades are involved in baicalin’s neuroprotection against gerbil global ischemia/reperfusion injury
HSP70 protein levels and thermotolerance in Drosophila subobscura: a reassessment of the thermal co‐adaptation hypothesis
HSP70 inhibition by 2-phenylethynesulfonamide induces lysosomal cathepsin D release and immunogenic cell death in primary effusion lymphoma
Morphine protects against intracellular amyloid toxicity by inducing estradiol release and upregulation of HSP70
Chemical proteomics reveals HSP70 1A as a target for the anticancer diterpene oridonin in Jurkat cells
Immunity, tumors and aging: the role of HSP70
Effects of atrazine and chlorpyrifos on the mRNA levels of HSP70 and HSC70 in the liver, brain, kidney and gill of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
HSP70 chaperone-based gel composition as a novel immunotherapeutic anti-tumor tool
Analogues of the allosteric heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inhibitor, MKT-077, as anti-cancer agents
Promoter variants at AP2 box region of HSP70. 1 affect thermal stress response and milk production traits in Frieswal cross bred cattle
Tom34: a cytosolic cochaperone of the Hsp90/HSP70 protein complex involved in mitochondrial protein import
Cloning and characterization of a HSP70 gene from Asiatic hard clam Meretrix meretrix which is involved in the immune response against bacterial infection
BAG3 expression in glioblastoma cells promotes accumulation of ubiquitinated clients in an HSP70-dependent manner
Effects of cyclic heat stress or vitamin C supplementation during cyclic heat stress on HSP70, inflammatory cytokines, and the antioxidant defense system in Sprague …
Effects of anthraquinone extract from Rheum officinale Bail on the physiological responses and HSP70 gene expression of Megalobrama amblycephala under …
The metazoan protein disaggregase and amyloid depolymerase system: Hsp110, HSP70, Hsp40, and small heat shock proteins
Increased stability of Bcl-2 in HSP70-mediated protection against apoptosis induced by oxidative stress
Expression of HSP70 in the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain in response to bacterial, osmotic, and thermal stress
HSP70 and a novel axis of type I interferon-dependent antiviral immunity in the measles virus-infected brain
Apoptin selectively induces the apoptosis of tumor cells by suppressing the transcription of HSP70
GRP78 up‐regulation is associated with androgen receptor status, HSP70–Hsp90 client proteins and castrate‐resistant prostate cancer
Recent gene duplication and subfunctionalization produced a mitochondrial GrpE, the nucleotide exchange factor of the HSP70 complex, specialized in …
Chemical methodology as a source of small-molecule checkpoint inhibitors and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) modulators
Screening for small molecule modulators of HSP70 chaperone activity using protein aggregation suppression assays: inhibition of the plasmodial chaperone PfHSP70 …
Functional Organization of HSP70 Cluster in Camel (Camelus dromedarius) and Other Mammals
HSP70 and HSF-1 expression is altered in the tissues of pigs transported for various periods of times
… mechanism of gallic acid and its novel derivative against ethanol-induced gastric ulcerogenesis: Involvement of immunomodulation markers, HSP70 and Bcl-2 …
Characterization of two heat shock proteins (HSP70/Hsc70) from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella): evidence for their differential gene expression, protein …
Influence of specific HSP70 domains on fibril formation of the yeast prion protein Ure2
Effects of HSP70 on the compression force-induced TNF-α and RANKL expression in human periodontal ligament cells
Strength training elevates HSP27, HSP70 and αB-crystallin levels in musculi vastus lateralis and trapezius
HSP70 in oncology
Whey protein hydrolysate enhances the exercise-induced heat shock protein (HSP70) response in rats
Identification of a Testis-Enriched Heat Shock Protein and Fourteen Members of HSP70 Family in the Swamp Eel
TAT-HSP70 induces neuroprotection against stroke via anti-inflammatory actions providing appropriate cellular microenvironment for transplantation of neural …
Evidence of a role for both anti-HSP70 antibody and endothelial surface membrane HSP70 in atherosclerosis
PI3K-mTORC1 attenuates stress response by inhibiting cap-independent HSP70 translation
The localisation of HSP70 and oxidative stress indices in heads of Spodoptera exigua larvae in a cadmium-exposed population
The role of the heat shock proteins (HSP70 and sHSP) in the thermotolerance of freshwater amphipods from contrasting habitats
Increased antileukemic effects in human acute myeloid leukemia by combining HSP70 and HSP90 inhibitors
Immunotherapeutic targeting of membrane HSP70-expressing tumors using recombinant human granzyme B
Plasmodium falciparum encodes a single cytosolic type I Hsp40 that functionally interacts with HSP70 and is upregulated by heat shock
HSP70 and Hsp90 multichaperone complexes sequentially regulate thiazide-sensitive cotransporter endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and …
Time-and dose-dependent induction of HSP70 in Lemna minor exposed to different environmental stressors
Thermotolerance and HSP70 heat shock response in the cold-stenothermal chironomid Pseudodiamesa branickii (NE Italy)
HSP70 decreases receptor-dependent phosphorylation of Smad2 and blocks TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Reevaluation of the role of the Pam18: Pam16 interaction in translocation of proteins by the mitochondrial HSP70-based import motor
Appearance of leptin–HSP70 correlation, in type 2 diabetes
HSP70 inhibition induces myeloma cell death via the intracellular accumulation of immunoglobulin and the generation of proteotoxic stress
Tumor response to mTHPC‐mediated photodynamic therapy exhibits strong correlation with extracellular release of HSP70
HSP70 architecture: the formation of novel polymeric structures of HSP70. 1 and Hsc70 after proteotoxic stress
Whole body cortisol and expression of HSP70, IGF-I and MSTN in early development of sea bass subjected to heat shock
Celastrol regulates innate immunity response via NF-κB and HSP70 in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Protective induction of HSP70 in heat‐stressed primary myoblasts: Involvement of MAPKs
Glial HSP70 Protects K+ Homeostasis in the Drosophila Brain during Repetitive Anoxic Depolarization
Cross‐functional E3 ligases Parkin and C‐terminus HSP70‐interacting protein in neurodegenerative disorders
Molecular cloning of HSP70 in Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and comparison with that of other mycoplasmas
The C-terminus of HSP70-interacting protein promotes Met receptor degradation
HSP70 modified response against HPV based tumor
Evaluation of the toxic potential of graphene copper nanocomposite (GCNC) in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ) Bg9
Fusion of HSP70 to Mage-a1 enhances the potency of vaccine-specific immune responses
Eleven days of moderate exercise and heat exposure induces acclimation without significant HSP70 and apoptosis responses of lymphocytes in college-aged males
Decipher the mechanisms of protein conformational changes induced by nucleotide binding through free-energy landscape analysis: ATP binding to HSP70
Compound A, a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator, enhances heat shock protein HSP70 gene promoter activation
Anti-inflammatory effects of [6]-shogaol: potential roles of HDAC inhibition and HSP70 induction
Proteomic profiling reveals upregulated protein expression of HSP70 in keloids
Genetic polymorphisms of HSP70 in age-related cataract
HSP70, the earliest-induced gene in the zebrafish retina during optic nerve regeneration: its role in cell survival
Carboxyl terminus of HSP70‐interacting protein (CHIP) is required to modulate cardiac hypertrophy and attenuate autophagy during exercise
RFLPs of ITS, ITS1 and HSP70 amplicons and sequencing of ITS1 of recent clinical isolates of Kala-azar from India and Bangladesh confirms the association of L …
Chicken HSP70 DNA vaccine inhibits tumor growth in a canine cancer model
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