Hpa Axis

The HPA axis is involved in the neurobiology of mood disorders and functional illnesses, including anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, insomnia, posttraumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, major depressive disorder, burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and alcoholism.[15] Antidepressants, which are routinely prescribed for many of these illnesses, serve to regulate HPA axis function.[16]

Sex differences are prevalent in humans with respect to psychiatric stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression, where women experience these disorders more often than men.[17] Particularly in rodents, it has been shown that females may lack the ability to tolerate as well as process stress (particularly for chronic stress) due to possible down regulation of GR expression as well as a deficiency of FKBP51 binding protein in the cytosol. By constantly activating the HPA axis, this could lead to higher instances of stress and disorders that would only get worse with chronic stress.[18] Specifically in rodents, females show greater activation of the HPA axis following stress than males. These differences also likely arise due to the opposing actions that certain sex steroids have, such as testosterone and oestrogen. Oestrogen functions to enhance stress-activated ACTH and CORT secretion while testosterone functions to decrease HPA axis activation and works to inhibit both ACTH and CORT responses to stress.[19] However, more studies are required to better understand the underlying basis of these sex differences.

Experimental studies have investigated many different types of stress, and their effects on the HPA axis in many different circumstances.[20] Stressors can be of many different types—in experimental studies in rats, a distinction is often made between “social stress” and “physical stress”, but both types activate the HPA axis, though via different pathways.[21] Several monoamineneurotransmitters are important in regulating the HPA axis, especially dopamine, serotoninand norepinephrine (noradrenaline). There is evidence that an increase in oxytocin, resulting for instance from positive social interactions, acts to suppress the HPA axis and thereby counteracts stress, promoting positive health effects such as wound healing.[22]

The HPA axis is a feature of mammals and other vertebrates. For example, biologists studying stress in fish showed that social subordination leads to chronic stress, related to reduced aggressive interactions, to lack of control, and to the constant threat imposed by dominant fish. Serotonin (5HT) appeared to be the active neurotransmitter involved in mediating stress responses, and increases in serotonin are related to increased plasma α-MSH levels, which causes skin darkening (a social signal in salmonoid fish), activation of the HPA axis, and inhibition of aggression. Inclusion of the amino acid L-tryptophan, a precursor of 5HT, in the feed of rainbow troutmade the trout less aggressive and less responsive to stress.[23] However, the study mentions that plasma cortisol was not affected by dietary L-tryptophan. The drug LY354740(also known as Eglumegad, an agonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptors 2 and 3) has been shown to interfere in the HPA axis, with chronic oral administration of this drug leading to markedly reduced baseline cortisol levels in bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata); acute infusion of LY354740 resulted in a marked diminution of yohimbine-induced stress response in those animals.[24]

Studies on people show that the HPA axis is activated in different ways during chronic stress depending on the type of stressor, the person’s response to the stressor and other factors. Stressors that are uncontrollable, threaten physical integrity, or involve trauma tend to have a high, flat diurnal profile of cortisol release (with lower-than-normal levels of cortisol in the morning and higher-than-normal levels in the evening) resulting in a high overall level of daily cortisol release. On the other hand, controllable stressors tend to produce higher-than-normal morning cortisol. Stress hormone release tends to decline gradually after a stressor occurs. In post-traumatic stress disorder there appears to be lower-than-normal cortisol release, and it is thought that a blunted hormonal response to stress may predispose a person to develop PTSD.[25]

It is also known that HPA axis hormones are related to certain skin diseases and skin homeostasis. There is evidence shown that the HPA axis hormones can be linked to certain stress related skin diseases and skin tumors. This happens when HPA axis hormones become hyperactive in the brain.[26]

  1. HPA AXIS and memory
  2. Regulation of the HPA AXIS by cytokines
  3. Cytokine activation of the HPA AXIS
  4. Sex differences in the HPA AXIS
  5. Child maltreatment and the developing HPA AXIS
  6. Sex differences in HPA AXIS responses to stress: a review
  7. Not fade away: the HPA AXIS and depression
  8. The HPA AXIS in major depression: classical theories and new developments
  9. HPA AXIS ‐rhythms
  10. Prenatal stress and the programming of the HPA AXIS
  11. Chronic stress and the HPA AXIS
  12. On the interactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and sleep: normal HPA AXIS activity and circadian rhythm, exemplary sleep disorders
  13. Diabetes and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS .
  14. Differential expression of HPA AXIS homolog in the skin
  15. HPA AXIS function in mood disorders
  16. The HPA AXIS and perinatal depression: a hypothesis
  17. Interactions of the circadian CLOCK system and the HPA AXIS
  18. Suppression of the HPA AXIS stress‐response: implications for relapse
  19. The cortisol awakening response: more than a measure of HPA AXIS function
  20. An introduction to the HPA AXIS
  21. HPA AXIS activation by a socially evaluated cold-pressor test
  22. Endotoxin and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  23. The cytokine-HPA AXIS feed-back circuit
  24. HPA AXIS responsiveness to stress: implications for healthy aging
  25. Functional role of local GABAergic influences on the HPA AXIS
  26. The HPA AXIS and cocaine reinforcement
  27. Gender differences in age-related changes in HPA AXIS reactivity
  28. The HPA AXIS and the genesis of chronic fatigue syndrome
  29. Stress induced disturbances of the HPA AXIS : a pathway to type 2 diabetes?
  30. Innovative approaches for the treatment of depression: targeting the HPA AXIS
  31. Assessment of HPA –AXIS function in posttraumatic stress disorder: pharmacological and non-pharmacological challenge tests, a review
  32. Interleukin-1 beta: a putative mediator of HPA AXIS hyperactivity in major depression?
  33. Immune modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS during viral infection
  34. The link between childhood trauma and depression: insights from HPA AXIS studies in humans
  35. Gender differences in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS reactivity
  36. Single nucleotide polymorphisms related to HPA AXIS reactivity
  37. The hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in habitual smokers
  38. The HPA AXIS response to stress in women: effects of aging and fitness
  39. Central mechanisms of HPA AXIS regulation by voluntary exercise
  40. Update on stress and depression: the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  41. Hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and aging
  42. HPA AXIS activity in patients with panic disorder: review and synthesis of four studies
  43. Genetics of HPA –AXIS , depression and suicidality
  44. Corticosteroids and the Control of Function in the Hypothalamo‐Pituitary‐Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS a
  45. In search of HPA AXIS dysregulation in child and adolescent depression
  46. Sex differences and the HPA AXIS : implications for psychiatric disease.
  47. The impact of early adverse care on HPA AXIS development: nonhuman primate models
  48. Pathophysiology of HPA AXIS abnormalities in patients with major depression: an update.
  49. The crucial role of pulsatile activity of the HPA AXIS for continuous dynamic equilibration
  50. The role of life events and HPA AXIS in anxiety disorders: a review
  51. Childhood stressful events, HPA AXIS and anxiety disorders
  52. Sensitivity to the depressogenic effect of stress and HPA –AXIS reactivity in adolescence: a review of gender differences
  53. Acute HPA AXIS responses, heart rate, and mood changes to psychosocial stress (TSST) in humans at different times of day
  54. Suppression of adult neurogenesis leads to an increased HPA AXIS response
  55. Epigenetic programming of the HPA AXIS : early life decides
  56. A review of atypical depression in relation to the course of depression and changes in HPA AXIS organization
  57. HPA AXIS alterations in mental disorders: impact on memory and its relevance for therapeutic interventions
  58. HPA AXIS responses to laboratory psychosocial stress in healthy elderly adults, younger adults, and children: impact of age and gender
  59. Early care experiences and HPA AXIS regulation in children: a mechanism for later trauma vulnerability
  60. HPA AXIS reactivity: a mechanism underlying the associations among 5-HTTLPR, stress, and depression
  61. Circadian rhythms in the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  62. Epigenetics/programming in the HPA AXIS
  63. Gene× environment vulnerability factors for PTSD: the HPA –AXIS
  64. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in irritable bowel syndrome
  65. HPA AXIS response to a psychological stressor in generalised social phobia
  66. From Malthus to motive: how the HPA AXIS engineers the phenotype, yoking needs to wants
  67. Prenatal exposure to maternal psychosocial stress and HPA AXIS regulation in young adults
  68. The relationship between basal and acute HPA AXIS activity and aggressive behavior in adults
  69. Prenatal stress and neurodevelopment of the child: focus on the HPA AXIS and role of the placenta
  70. Relation between the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) AXIS and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS during repeated stress
  71. Prior stressor exposure primes the HPA AXIS
  72. Mesocortical dopamine and HPA AXIS regulation: role of laterality and early environment
  73. Glucose metabolic changes in the prefrontal cortex are associated with HPA AXIS response to a psychosocial stressor
  74. Cognitive impairment associated to HPA AXIS hyperactivity after maternal separation in rats
  75. Fetal programming of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function and behavior by synthetic glucocorticoids
  76. Race and unhealthy behaviors: chronic stress, the HPA AXIS , and physical and mental health disparities over the life course
  77. Prednisolone suppression test in depression: prospective study of the role of HPA AXIS dysfunction in treatment resistance
  78. Significance of pulsatility in the HPA AXIS
  79. Glucocorticoid regulation of inflammation and its behavioral and metabolic correlates: from HPA AXIS to glucocorticoid receptor dysfunction
  80. Fetal programming of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : low birth weight and central HPA regulation
  81. Mitigating HPA AXIS dysregulation associated with placement changes in foster care
  82. Limbic and HPA AXIS function in an animal model of chronic neuropathic pain
  83. Fetal and neonatal HPA AXIS
  84. Early life stress, HPA AXIS , and depression
  85. A field (researcher’s) guide to cortisol: tracking HPA AXIS functioning in everyday life
  86. Child maltreatment and HPA AXIS dysregulation: relationship to major depressive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder in females
  87. Genetic variability at HPA AXIS in major depression and clinical response to antidepressant treatment
  88. Fast feedback inhibition of the HPA AXIS by glucocorticoids is mediated by endocannabinoid signaling
  89. Long‐term effects of prenatal stress on HPA AXIS activity in juvenile rhesus monkeys
  90. The fetal placental hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS , parturition and post natal health
  91. Successful antidepressant therapy restores the disturbed interplay between TNF-α system and HPA AXIS
  92. Effect of different doses of corticosterone on depression-like behavior and HPA AXIS responses to a novel stressor
  93. HPA AXIS and sleep: identifying subtypes of major depression
  94. Adulthood trauma and HPA –AXIS functioning in healthy subjects and PTSD patients: a meta-analysis
  95. Recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in patients with rheumatic diseases receiving low-dose prednisone
  96. HPA ‐AXIS activity in alcoholism: examples for a gene–environment interaction
  97. The impact of treatment on HPA AXIS activity in unipolar major depression
  98. Blunted HPA AXIS response to stress influences susceptibility to posttraumatic stress response in rats
  99. HPA AXIS programming by maternal undernutrition in the male rat offspring
  100. Disturbances of the stress response: the role of the HPA AXIS during alcohol withdrawal and abstinence
  101. Childhood separation experience predicts HPA AXIS hormonal responses in late adulthood: a natural experiment of World War II
  102. Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and HPA AXIS dysregulation: modulation by therapeutic drug treatment
  103. Race and self-regulatory health behaviors: the role of the stress response and the HPA AXIS in physical and mental health disparities
  104. The impact of maternal childhood abuse on maternal and infant HPA AXIS function in the postpartum period
  105. HPA AXIS hyperactivity and cardiovascular mortality in mood disorder inpatients
  106. Antenatal maternal anxiety is related to HPA –AXIS dysregulation and self-reported depressive symptoms in adolescence: a prospective study on the fetal …
  107. Human hair follicles display a functional equivalent of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and synthesize cortisol
  108. Centrally administered orexin/hypocretin activates HPA AXIS in rats
  109. HPA AXIS activation in major depression and response to fluoxetine: a pilot study
  110. Association of exaggerated HPA AXIS response to the initial injection of interferon-alpha with development of depression during interferon-alpha therapy
  111. Stress in pregnancy and infant HPA AXIS function: conceptual and methodological issues relating to the use of salivary cortisol as an outcome measure
  112. Stress and HPA –AXIS functioning in young people at ultra high risk for psychosis
  113. HPA AXIS function and drug addictive behaviors: insights from studies with Lewis and Fischer 344 inbred rats
  114. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects HPA –AXIS reactivity to acute stress
  115. Peripheral and central sex steroids have differential effects on the HPA AXIS of male and female rats
  116. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with HPA AXIS reactivity to psychological stress characterized by genotype and gender interactions
  117. Worse than sticks and stones? Bullying is associated with altered HPA AXIS functioning and poorer health
  118. Flavonoids of St. John’s Wort reduce HPA AXIS function in the rat
  119. The role of BDNF and HPA AXIS in the neurobiology of burnout syndrome
  120. Social rearing effects on HPA AXIS activity over early development and in response to stress in rhesus monkeys
  121. Behavioral sexual dimorphism in models of anxiety and depression due to changes in HPA AXIS activity
  122. Glucocorticoid negative feedback on the HPA AXIS in five inbred rat strains
  123. Disruptive behaviors and HPA –AXIS activity in young adolescent boys and girls from the general population
  124. HPA AXIS hyperactivity and attempted suicide in young adult mood disorder inpatients
  125. Association of HPA AXIS -related genetic variation with stress reactivity and aggressive behaviour in pigs
  126. Associations between HPA AXIS functioning and level of anxiety in children and adolescents with an anxiety disorder
  127. Environmental enrichment during adolescence reverses the effects of prenatal stress on play behaviour and HPA AXIS reactivity in rats
  128. Association of HPA AXIS genes with suicidal behaviour in schizophrenia
  129. Minireview: neuro-immuno-endocrine modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS by gp130 signaling molecules
  130. Aging and the role of the HPA AXIS and rhythm in sleep and memory-consolidation
  131. Gender differences in patterns of HPA AXIS response to challenge: Macarthur studies of successful aging
  132. HPA AXIS and cytokines dysregulation in schizophrenia: potential implications for the antipsychotic treatment
  133. Prediction of treatment response by HPA –AXIS and glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms in major depression
  134. Curcumin reverses the effects of chronic stress on behavior, the HPA AXIS , BDNF expression and phosphorylation of CREB
  135. Relationships between psychological distress, coping styles, and HPA AXIS reactivity in healthy adults
  136. Different activation patterns of proinflammatory cytokines in melancholic and non-melancholic major depression are associated with HPA AXIS activity
  137. Predictive modeling of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS response to acute and chronic stress
  138. The HPA AXIS and the immune system: a perspective
  139. Antenatal betamethasone treatment has a persisting influence on infant HPA AXIS regulation
  140. Effects of childhood trauma on HPA –AXIS reactivity in women free of lifetime psychopathology
  141. Therapeutic implications of HPA AXIS abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease: review and update.
  142. HPA AXIS response to psychological stress and treatment retention in residential substance abuse treatment: a prospective study
  143. … (MRs) and the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : the Lewis rat as an example of increased central MR capacity and a hyporesponsive HPA AXIS
  144. Stress hormones and post-traumatic stress disorder in civilian trauma victims: a longitudinal study. Part I: HPA AXIS responses
  145. Drugs and HPA AXIS
  146. Diurnal expression of functional and clock-related genes throughout the rat HPA AXIS : system-wide shifts in response to a restricted feeding schedule
  147. HPA AXIS dysregulation in mice overexpressing corticotropin releasing hormone
  148. Role of microbiome in regulating the HPA AXIS and its relevance to allergy
  149. Effects of postnatal handling of rats on emotional, HPA –AXIS , and prolactin reactivity to novelty and conflict
  150. Assessing the HPA AXIS in patients with pituitary disease: a UK survey
  151. HPA –AXIS regulation at in-patient admission is associated with antidepressant therapy outcome in male but not in female depressed patients
  152. Basal and stress-induced differences in HPA AXIS , 5-HT responsiveness, and hippocampal cell proliferation in two mouse lines
  153. Two HPA AXIS genes, CRHBP and FKBP5, interact with childhood trauma to increase the risk for suicidal behavior
  154. Pharmacologic differences among the SSRIs: focus on monoamine transporters and the HPA AXIS
  155. Prenatal treatment with glucocorticoids sensitizes the HPA AXIS response to stress among full‐term infants
  156. HPA AXIS function and symptoms in adolescents at clinical high risk for schizophrenia
  157. Electrical stimulation of afferent vagus nerve induces IL-1β expression in the brain and activates HPA AXIS
  158. Long-term effects of early parental loss due to divorce on the HPA AXIS
  159. HPA AXIS dysfunction in unmedicated major depressive disorder and its normalization by pharmacotherapy correlates with alteration of neural activity in prefrontal …
  160. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal AXIS , obesity, and chronic stress exposure: sleep and the HPA AXIS in obesity
  161. Assessment of the dexamethasone/CRH test as a state-dependent marker for hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS abnormalities in major depressive …
  162. HPA AXIS and stimulant dependence: an enigmatic relationship
  163. The mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphism (A118G) alters HPA AXIS activation induced by opioid receptor blockade
  164. Effects of low-and high-nicotine cigarette smoking on mood states and the HPA AXIS in men
  165. HPA AXIS hyperactivity as suicide predictor in elderly mood disorder inpatients
  166. The role of childhood abuse in HPA –AXIS reactivity in Social Anxiety Disorder: A pilot study
  167. Alcohol use, urinary cortisol, and heart rate variability in apparently healthy men: Evidence for impaired inhibitory control of the HPA AXIS in heavy drinkers
  168. Does cellular aging relate to patterns of allostasis?: An examination of basal and stress reactive HPA AXIS activity and telomere length
  169. Psychological stress and the cutaneous immune response: roles of the HPA AXIS and the sympathetic nervous system in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
  170. The effect of mindfulness meditation on HPA –AXIS in pre-competition stress in sports performance of elite shooters
  171. Aggressive behavior and HPA AXIS hormones after social isolation in adult rats of two different genetic animal models for depression
  172. Response of the HPA –AXIS to alcohol and stress as a function of alcohol dependence and family history of alcoholism
  173. Cytokines and HPA AXIS regulation
  174. Acute and long-term treatments with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram modulate the HPA AXIS activity at different levels in male rats.
  175. CO2 challenge induced HPA AXIS activation in panic
  176. Effect of prior stress on interleukin-1β and HPA AXIS responses to acute stress
  177. Strain and sex alter effects of stress and nicotine on feeding, body weight, and HPA AXIS hormones
  178. Childhood sexual abuse, HPA AXIS regulation, and mental health: an integrative review
  179. Combined pre-and postnatal environmental enrichment programs the HPA AXIS differentially in male and female rats
  180. Polymorphisms in genes regulating the HPA AXIS associated with empirically delineated classes of unexplained chronic fatigue
  181. Cortical/hippocampal monoamines, HPA –AXIS changes and aversive behavior following stress and restress in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  182. Sensitization to Stress and Psychostimulants: Involvement of Dopamine Transmission versus the HPA AXIS a
  183. HPA AXIS functioning associated with transition to psychosis: combined DEX/CRH test
  184. Gender difference in cocaine-induced HPA AXIS activation
  185. Defining the boundaries of atypical depression: evidence from the HPA AXIS supports course of illness distinctions
  186. Postnatal masculinization alters the HPA AXIS phenotype in the adult female rat
  187. PTSD and the HPA AXIS : differences in response to the cold pressor task among individuals with child vs. adult trauma
  188. Beyond the HPA AXIS : progesterone-derived neuroactive steroids in human stress and emotion
  189. Mineralocorticoid receptor gene variants as determinants of HPA AXIS regulation and behavior
  190. Blunted HPA AXIS responsiveness to stress in atopic patients is associated with the acuity and severeness of allergic inflammation
  191. HPA AXIS reactivity and lymphocyte glucocorticoid sensitivity in fibromyalgia syndrome and chronic pelvic pain
  192. Regulation of the HPA AXIS is related to song complexity and measures of phenotypic quality in song sparrows
  193. HPA AXIS dysregulation associated to apolipoprotein E4 genotype in Alzheimer’s disease
  194. Abnormalities of the HPA AXIS in affective disorders: clinical subtypes and potential treatments
  195. IL-10 as a mediator in the HPA AXIS and brain
  196. Interaction of brain noradrenergic system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in man
  197. Interactions of chronic lead exposure and intermittent stress: consequences for brain catecholamine systems and associated behaviors and HPA AXIS function
  198. Circadian phase and sex effects on depressive/anxiety-like behaviors and HPA AXIS responses to acute stress
  199. Effects of hyperactivity of the maternal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS during pregnancy on the development of the HPA AXIS and brain monoamines of the …
  200. Effect of voluntary wheel running on circadian corticosterone release and on HPA AXIS responsiveness to restraint stress in Sprague-Dawley rats
  201. Autistic behavior in boys with fragile X syndrome: social approach and HPA –AXIS dysfunction
  202. HPA ‐AXIS activity as a predictor of future disruptive behaviors in young adolescents
  203. The Neural Network that Regulates Energy Balance Is Responsive to Glucocorticoids and Insulin and Also Regulates HPA AXIS Responsivity at a Site Proximal to CRF …
  204. The effect of antidepressant drugs on the HPA AXIS activity, glucocorticoid receptor level and FKBP51 concentration in prenatally stressed rats
  205. Gender differences in the long-term effects of chronic prenatal stress on the HPA AXIS and hypothalamic structure in rats
  206. Neuroactive steroids modulate HPA AXIS activity and cerebral brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels in adult male rats
  207. Immune function and HPA AXIS activity in free-ranging rhesus macaques
  208. Psychological and stress hormone correlates in early life: a key to HPA –AXIS dysregulation and normalisation
  209. Neonatal stress affects vulnerability of cholinergic neurons and cognition in the rat: involvement of the HPA AXIS
  210. Prenatal stress increases HPA AXIS activity and impairs maternal care in lactating female offspring: implications for postpartum mood disorder
  211. Perinatal maternal undernutrition programs the offspring hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  212. Activation of the HPA AXIS by immune insults: roles and interactions of cytokines, eicosanoids, and glucocorticoids
  213. Effects of psychotropic drugs (desimipramine, chlorimipramine, sulpiride and diazepam) on the human HPA AXIS
  214. Administration of ACTH to restrained, pregnant sows alters their pigs’ hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  215. Psychiatric symptoms and HPA AXIS function in adolescent methamphetamine users
  216. Predicting the failure of disc surgery by a hypofunctional HPA AXIS : evidence from a prospective study on patients undergoing disc surgery
  217. Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS functioning in relation to body fat distribution
  218. Fluvoxamine reduces responsiveness of HPA AXIS in adult female BPD patients with a history of sustained childhood abuse
  219. Role of the HPA AXIS and the A118G polymorphism of the μ-opioid receptor in stress-induced drinking behavior
  220. Persistent depressive state after chronic stress in rats is accompanied by HPA AXIS dysregulation and reduced prefrontal dopaminergic neurotransmission
  221. A regulatory loop between the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and circulating leptin: a physiological role of ACTH
  222. HPA AXIS response to stress predicts short-term snack intake in obese women
  223. Evidence for arginine vasopressin as the primary activator of the HPA AXIS during adjuvant‐induced arthritis
  224. The relation between hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity and age of onset of alcohol use
  225. … decreases hippocampal neurogenesis without affecting basal corticosterone during the stress hyporesponsive period, but alters HPA AXIS and coping behavior in …
  226. Understanding the relation of low income to HPA –AXIS functioning in preschool children: Cumulative family risk and parenting as pathways to disruptions in cortisol
  227. The HPA AXIS in HIV-1 infection.
  228. Different stress-related phenotypes of BALB/c mice from in-house or vendor: alterations of the sympathetic and HPA AXIS responsiveness
  229. Population-specific effects of the Asn40Asp polymorphism at the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) on HPA –AXIS activation
  230. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in 3-month old infants with prenatal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant exposure
  231. Cognitive deficits in relation to personality type and hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS dysfunction in women with stress‐related exhaustion
  232. HPA AXIS dysfunction in depression: correlation with monoamine system abnormalities
  233. Effects of chronic plus acute prolonged stress on measures of coping style, anxiety, and evoked HPA –AXIS reactivity
  234. Stress‐induced activation of the HPA AXIS predicts connectivity between subgenual cingulate and salience network during rest in adolescents
  235. Low serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in women with primary Sjögren’s syndrome as an isolated sign of impaired HPA AXIS function.
  236. Family environment is associated with HPA –AXIS activity in adolescents. The TRAILS study
  237. Effect of maternal probiotic intervention on HPA AXIS , immunity and gut microbiota in a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome
  238. The significance of HPA AXIS disturbance in panic disorder
  239. Direct and dam-mediated effects of prenatal dexamethasone on emotionality, cognition and HPA AXIS in adult Wistar rats
  240. Will treating diabetes with 11β-HSD1 inhibitors affect the HPA AXIS ?
  241. The HPA –AXIS and immune function in burnout
  242. Stress response: Neural and feedback regulation of the HPA AXIS
  243. Chronic overexpression of corticotropin-releasing factor from the central amygdala produces HPA AXIS hyperactivity and behavioral anxiety associated with gene …
  244. Interleukin-6 levels and HPA AXIS activation in breast cancer patients with major depressive disorder
  245. Long-term citalopram administration reduces responsiveness of HPA AXIS in patients with major depression: relationship with S-citalopram concentrations in plasma …
  246. HPA AXIS , respiration and the airways in stress—a review in search of intersections
  247. Chronic all-trans retinoic acid administration induced hyperactivity of HPA AXIS and behavioral changes in young rats
  248. Effects of kisspeptin on parameters of the HPA AXIS
  249. Effects of a single footshock followed by situational reminders on HPA AXIS and behaviour in the aversive context in male and female rats
  250. Clinical relevance of inhaled corticosteroids and HPA AXIS suppression
  251. Enhanced adrenal sensitivity to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) is evidence of HPA AXIS hyperactivity in Alzheimer’s disease
  252. Agouti-related protein stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and enhances the HPA response to interleukin-1 in the primate
  253. Children suffering from separation anxiety disorder (SAD) show increased HPA AXIS activity compared to healthy controls
  254. Chronic psychosocial stress results in sensitization of the HPA AXIS to acute heterotypic stressors despite a reduction of adrenal in vitro ACTH responsiveness
  255. Brief predator odour exposure activates the HPA AXIS independent of locomotor changes
  256. HPA AXIS dysfunction in major depression: relationship to 5-HT1A receptor activity
  257. The cytokine-HPA AXIS circuit contributes to prevent or moderate autoimmune processes
  258. Sex and strain variability in the rat hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function
  259. Strenuous resistive breathing induces proinflammatory cytokines and stimulates the HPA AXIS in humans
  260. Family history, early adversity and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : Mediation of the vulnerability to mood disorders
  261. A further exploration of the relationships between immune parameters and the HPA –AXIS activity in depressed patients
  262. Effort-reward-imbalance and overcommitment are associated with hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS responses to acute psychosocial stress in healthy …
  263. HPA AXIS dampening by limited sucrose intake: reward frequency vs. caloric consumption
  264. In vivo modulation of LPS-induced alterations in brain and peripheral cytokines and HPA AXIS activity by cannabinoids
  265. Noradrenergic function and HPA AXIS dysregulation in suicidal behaviour
  266. Hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS suppression after treatment with glucocorticoid therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  267. HPA AXIS function in mood disorders
  268. Increased responsiveness of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS to stress in newborns with atopic disposition
  269. Personality traits in rats predict vulnerability and resilience to developing stress-induced depression-like behaviors, HPA AXIS hyper-reactivity and brain changes in …
  270. Chronic administration of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist resets the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and improves the affect of patients with diabetes …
  271. St John’s wort, hypericin, and imipramine: a comparative analysis of mRNA levels in brain areas involved in HPA AXIS control following short-term and long …
  272. HPA AXIS normalization, estimated by DEX/CRH test, but less alteration on cerebral glucose metabolism in depressed patients receiving ECT after medication …
  273. Mechanisms of depression: role of the HPA AXIS
  274. Past and present strategies of research on the HPA ‐AXIS in psychiatry.
  275. HPA –AXIS function, symptoms, and medication exposure in youths at clinical high risk for psychosis
  276. The interaction of social risk factors and HPA AXIS dysregulation in predicting emotional symptoms of five-and six-year-old children
  277. Excess portal venous long-chain fatty acids induce syndrome X via HPA AXIS and sympathetic activation
  278. “Snacking” causes long term attenuation of HPA AXIS stress responses and enhancement of brain FosB/deltaFosB expression in rats
  279. Persistent expression of activated Notch inhibits corticotrope and melanotrope differentiation and results in dysfunction of the HPA AXIS
  280. Interactions of lifetime lead exposure and stress: behavioral, neurochemical and HPA AXIS effects
  281. HPA –AXIS activity and externalizing behavior problems in early adolescents from the general population: The role of comorbidity and gender: The TRAILS study
  282. The role of the HPA AXIS in psychiatric disorders and CRF antagonists as potential treatments
  283. Gender-specific association of galanin polymorphisms with HPA –AXIS dysregulation, symptom severity, and antidepressant treatment response
  284. Inhalation of 35% CO2 results in activation of the HPA AXIS in healthy volunteers
  285. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal AXIS , obesity, and chronic stress exposure: foods and HPA AXIS
  286. Time-dependent mediators of HPA AXIS activation following live Escherichia coli
  287. Hair cortisol levels track phylogenetic and age related differences in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in non-human primates
  288. Diurnal variation of the startle reflex in relation to HPA ‐AXIS activity in humans
  289. Interaction between 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms on HPA AXIS reactivity in preschoolers
  290. Basal activity of the HPA AXIS and cognitive function in anorexia nervosa
  291. Plasma sialyltransferase levels in psychiatric disorders as a possible indicator of HPA AXIS function
  292. The prognostic significance of HPA –AXIS disturbance in panic disorder: a three-year follow-up
  293. Suppression of the HPA AXIS during extrahepatic biliary obstruction induces cholangiocyte proliferation in the rat
  294. HIV-1 infection and its impact on the HPA AXIS , cytokines, and cognition
  295. Assessing behavioural effects of chronic HPA AXIS activation using conditional CRH-overexpressing mice
  296. Effects of brief and long maternal separations on the HPA AXIS activity and the performance of rats on context and tone fear conditioning
  297. Lack of effect of HPA AXIS hyperactivity on hormonal responses to d-fenfluramine in major depressed patients: implications for pathogenesis of suicidal behaviour
  298. Binge-pattern alcohol exposure during puberty induces long-term changes in HPA AXIS reactivity
  299. Co-occurring manic symptomatology influences HPA AXIS alterations in depression
  300. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS response and biotransformation of oral naltrexone: preliminary examination of relationship to family history of …
  301. Rat estrous cycle influences the sexual diergism of HPA AXIS stimulation by nicotine
  302. Can variation in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA )-AXIS activity explain the relationship between depression and cognition in bipolar patients?
  303. HPA AXIS function in depression and dementia: a review
  304. Estrous cycle influences on sexual diergism of HPA AXIS responses to cholinergic stimulation in rats
  305. Physiology and pathophysiology of the HPA AXIS
  306. HPA AXIS function in male caregivers: effect of the monoamine oxidase-A gene promoter (MAOA-uVNTR)
  307. Comparison of HPA AXIS hormonal responses to naloxone vs psychologically-induced stress
  308. The effects of intranasal triamcinolone acetonide and intranasal fluticasone propionate on short-term bone growth and HPA AXIS in children with allergic rhinitis
  309. HPA AXIS disturbance in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  310. Mouse tumor necrosis factor-α increases brain tryptophan concentrations and norepinephrine metabolism while activating the HPA AXIS in mice
  311. Acute HPA AXIS response to naltrexone differs in female vs. male smokers
  312. Anxious-depressive comorbidity: effects on HPA AXIS and CNS noradrenergic functions.
  313. Altered HPA AXIS responsivity to metyrapone testing in methadone maintained former heroin addicts with ongoing cocaine addiction
  314. Mouse interleukin-6 stimulates the HPA AXIS and increases brain tryptophan and serotonin metabolism
  315. Long term modulation of the HPA AXIS by the hippocampus: behavioral, biochemical and immunological endpoints in rats exposed to chronic mild stress
  316. Hyperactivity of the HPA AXIS is related to dietary restraint in normal weight women
  317. Attachment security and HPA AXIS reactivity to positive and challenging emotional situations in child–mother dyads in naturalistic settings
  318. Orexin a stimulates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function, but not food intake, in the absence of full hypothalamic NPY-ergic activity
  319. Antimineralocorticoid canrenoate enhances secretory activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS in humans
  320. Roles of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis and of the amygdala in N/OFQ-mediated anxiety and HPA AXIS activation
  321. HPA –AXIS hyperactivity and mortality in psychotic depressive disorder: preliminary findings
  322. An unexpected reduction in sucrose concentration activates the HPA AXIS on successive post shift days without attenuation by discriminative contextual stimuli
  323. Ectopic expression of the CRF-binding protein: minor impact on HPA AXIS regulation but induction of sexually dimorphic weight gain.
  324. Exposure to repeated, intermittent d-amphetamine induces sensitization of HPA AXIS to a subsequent stressor
  325. Early maternal separation followed by later stressors leads to dysregulation of the HPA –AXIS and increases in hippocampal NGF and NT-3 levels in a rat model
  326. HPA AXIS reactivity in chronic pelvic pain: association with depression
  327. Evidence for a lack of phasic inhibitory properties of habituated stressors on HPA AXIS responses in rats
  328. Corticosteroid receptors and HPA –AXIS regulation
  329. Personality pathology, depression and HPA AXIS functioning
  330. The nociceptin receptor antagonist [Nphe1, Arg14, Lys15] nociceptin/orphanin FQ-NH2 blocks the stimulatory effects of nociceptin/orphanin FQ on the HPA AXIS in rats
  331. Molecular biology of the HPA AXIS
  332. Sigma receptors modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS centrally: evidence for a functional interaction with NMDA receptors, in vivo
  333. Effects of galanin on monoaminergic systems and HPA AXIS : Potential mechanisms underlying the effects of galanin on addiction-and stress-related behaviors
  334. Chronic administration of NMU into the paraventricular nucleus stimulates the HPA AXIS but does not influence food intake or body weight
  335. Effect of subdiaphragmatic vagotomy on the noradrenergic and HPA AXIS activation induced by intraperitoneal interleukin-1 administration in rats
  336. Suicidal intent and the HPA –AXIS characteristics of suicide attempters with major depressive disorder and adjustment disorders
  337. Sex differences in HPA AXIS regulation
  338. Dynamics of the regulation of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS determined using a nonsurgical method for collecting pituitary venous blood from horses
  339. Bouncing back: trauma and the HPA –AXIS in healthy adults
  340. The relevance of the in-versus outpatient status for studies on HPA –AXIS in depression: spontaneous hypercortisolism is a feature of major depressed inpatients and …
  341. Reduction in serum cortisol after platinum based chemotherapy for cancer: a role for the HPA AXIS in treatment-related nausea?
  342. Developmental trauma is associated with behavioral hyperarousal, altered HPA AXIS activity, and decreased hippocampal neurotrophin expression in the adult rat
  343. Binge-pattern alcohol exposure during puberty induces sexually dimorphic changes in genes regulating the HPA AXIS
  344. Effects of coadministration of cannabinoids and morphine on nociceptive behaviour, brain monoamines and HPA AXIS activity in a rat model of persistent pain
  345. Cumulative effects of prenatal substance exposure and early adversity on foster children’s HPA –AXIS reactivity during a psychosocial stressor
  346. Effects of rearing condition on HPA AXIS response to fluoxetine and desipramine treatment over repeated social separations in young rhesus monkeys
  347. Topical fluticasone propionate lotion does not cause HPA AXIS suppression
  348. HPA AXIS dysregulation following prenatal opiate exposure and postnatal withdrawal
  349. HPA AXIS activation and neurochemical responses to bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract
  350. The acute effects of a mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) agonist on nocturnal hypothalamic–adrenal–pituitary (HPA ) AXIS activity in healthy controls
  351. The relationship of allopregnanolone immunoreactivity and HPA –AXIS measures to experimental pain sensitivity: Evidence for ethnic differences
  352. Baseline ‘state anxiety’influences HPA –AXIS sensitivity to one sham-controlled HF-rTMS session applied to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
  353. Effects of prenatal stress on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function over two generations of guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus)
  354. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 ablation causes dysregulation of the HPA AXIS and increases hippocampal BDNF protein levels: implications for …
  355. Increased basal activity of the HPA AXIS and renin-angiotensin system in congenital learned helpless rats exposed to stress early in development
  356. … exogenous corticosterone treatments in adolescent rats and effects on anxiety-like and depressive behavior and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS …
  357. HPA AXIS responsivity to dexamethasone and cognitive impairment in dementia
  358. A pilot study of noradrenergic and HPA AXIS functioning in PTSD vs. panic disorder
  359. Impaired lymphocyte stimulation by mitogens in severely depressed patients: a complex interface with HPA –AXIS hyperfunction, noradrenergic activity and the ageing …
  360. Effects of neonatal corticosterone treatment on maze performance and HPA AXIS in juvenile rats
  361. HPA AXIS responses to acute stress and adrenalectomy during adjuvant-induced arthritis in the rat
  362. Prenatal maternal stress, HPA AXIS activity, and postnatal infant development
  363. The HPA –AXIS as a possible link between depression, diabetes mellitus and cognitive dysfunction
  364. Effects of repeated injections of interleukin 1β or lipopolysaccharide on the HPA AXIS in the newborn rat
  365. GLP-1 (7-36)-amide and exendin-4 stimulate the HPA AXIS in rodents and humans
  366. Catecholamine and HPA AXIS dysfunction in depression: relationship with suicidal behavior
  367. The HPA AXIS response to insulin hypoglycemia in depression
  368. Ontogeny of the HPA AXIS of the CD1 mouse following 24 h maternal deprivation at pnd 3
  369. Childcare as a stabilizing influence on HPA AXIS functioning: A reevaluation of maternal occupational patterns and familial relations
  370. HPA –AXIS hormones and prolactin responses to dextro-fenfluramine in depressed patients and healthy controls
  371. Chronic fatigue syndrome: circadian rhythm and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS impairment
  372. HPA AXIS safety of fluticasone furoate nasal spray once daily in children with perennial allergic rhinitis
  373. The HPA AXIS modulates the CNS melanocortin control of liver triacylglyceride metabolism
  374. HPA AXIS activation determined by the CRH challenge test in patients with few versus multiple episodes of treatment–refractory depression
  375. The design of new antidepressants: can formal models help? A first attempt using a model of the hippocampal control over the HPA –AXIS based on a review from the …
  376. Effect of repeated restraint on homotypic stress-induced nitric oxide synthases expression in brain structures regulating HPA AXIS
  377. HPA –AXIS abnormalities in psychiatrically well controls
  378. Diazepam increases the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS activity by a cyclic AMP‐dependent mechanism
  379. The effects of repeated intra-amygdala CRF injections on rat behavior and HPA AXIS function after stress
  380. The effect of chronic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment on serotonin1B receptor sensitivity and HPA AXIS activity
  381. … 2, 5-dimethoxy-4-bromophenyl)-2-aminopropane stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS . I. Acute effects on HPA AXIS activity and corticotropin …
  382. The effect of rearing experience and TPH2 genotype on HPA AXIS function and aggression in rhesus monkeys: A retrospective analysis
  383. Chronic subcutaneous leptin infusion diminishes the responsiveness of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in female rhesus monkeys
  384. Fetal hypoxemia on a molecular level: adaptive changes in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and the lungs
  385. Cortisol awakening response in abstinent alcohol-dependent patients as a marker of HPA –AXIS dysfunction
  386. The relationships between the availability ofL-tryptophan to the brain, the spontaneous HPA –AXIS activity, and the HPA –AXIS responses to dexamethasone in …
  387. Chronic treatment with the antidepressant tianeptine attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced Fos expression in the rat paraventricular nucleus and HPA AXIS activation
  388. Interleukin-6 and perioperative thermoregulation and HPA –AXIS activation
  389. Local anaesthetics attenuates spinal nociception and HPA –AXIS activation during experimental laparotomy in pigs
  390. Acute diclofenac treatment attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced alterations to basic reward behavior and HPA AXIS activation in rats
  391. Assessment of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS dysfunction: comparison of ACTH stimulation, insulin-hypoglycemia and metyrapone
  392. … U partially mediates leptin-induced hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA ) stimulation and has a physiological role in the regulation of the HPA AXIS in the rat
  393. Ghrelin, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and Cushing’s syndrome
  394. Diagnosis and treatment of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS dysfunction in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM)
  395. HPA AXIS disturbance and treatment outcome in panic disorder
  396. Sex differences in HPA AXIS activity in response to a meal
  397. Effects of nitric oxide on the HPA AXIS and aggression
  398. Effects of acute and chronic administration of μ-and δ-opeoid agonists on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS in the rat
  399. The role of cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase in the interleukin-1-induced activation of the HPA AXIS : dependence on the route of injection
  400. Cocaine and σ‐1 receptors modulate HIV infection, chemokine receptors, and the HPA AXIS in the huPBL‐SCID model
  401. Associations between common arginine vasopressin 1b receptor and glucocorticoid receptor gene variants and HPA AXIS responses to psychosocial stress in a child …
  402. μ-, δ-, κ-and ϵ-Opioid receptor modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS : subchronic tolerance studies of endogenous opioid peptides
  403. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus): changes in baseline activity, reactivity, and fecal excretion of …
  404. Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, but not vasopressin, participates in chronic hyperactivity of the HPA AXIS in diabetic rats
  405. HPA AXIS abnormalities in depressed patients with normal response to the DST.
  406. Cytokine regulation of tryptophan metabolism in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : implications for protective and toxic consequences in neuroendocrine …
  407. Melatonin reversal of DOI-induced hypophagia in rats; possible mechanism by suppressing 5-HT2A receptor-mediated activation of HPA AXIS
  408. Diurnal cortisol rhythms in Tsimane’Amazonian foragers: new insights into ecological HPA AXIS research
  409. … of IL-6 with the classical humoral disease activity parameters ESR and CRP and with serum cortisol, reflecting the activity of the HPA AXIS in active rheumatoid arthritis
  410. HPA AXIS hyperactivity and recovery from functional psychoses.
  411. A comparison of methods for assessing hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in asthma patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids
  412. Selective contributions of the medial preoptic nucleus to testosterone-dependant regulation of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the HPA AXIS
  413. Cholecystokinin tetrapeptide effects on HPA AXIS function and elevated plus maze behaviour in maternally separated and handled rats
  414. Cognition and HPA AXIS reactivity in mildly to moderately depressed outpatients. A case–control study
  415. Decreased glucocorticoid receptor mRNA and dysfunction of HPA AXIS in rats after removal of the cholinergic innervation to hippocampus.
  416. Physical activity, but not environmental complexity, facilitates HPA AXIS response habituation to repeated audiogenic stress despite neurotrophin mRNA regulation in …
  417. HPA AXIS exhaustion and regulatory T cell accumulation in patients with a functional somatic syndrome: recent view on the problem of Gulf War veterans
  418. High-dose inhaled steroids in asthmatics: moderate efficacy gain and suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS . Research Council of the …
  419. HPA –AXIS responses during experimental colitis in the rat
  420. Anatomy of the HPA AXIS
  421. Neuroendocrine (HPA AXIS ) and clinical correlates during fluvoxamine and amitriptyline treatment
  422. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, HPA –AXIS and sleep-EEG changes in unmedicated patients with depression after total sleep deprivation
  423. The HPA AXIS and depressive disorders
  424. Vasopressin pressor receptor-mediated activation of HPA AXIS by acute ethanol stress in rats
  425. … between anthropometrical measurements, body composition, single‐nucleotide polymorphisms of the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and HPA AXIS …
  426. Disruption of the neuregulin 1 gene in the rat alters HPA AXIS activity and behavioral responses to environmental stimuli
  427. Stress and nursing in the pig: role of HPA AXIS and endogenous opioid peptides
  428. CRF-1 antagonist and CRF-2 agonist decrease binge-like ethanol drinking in C57BL/6J mice independent of the HPA AXIS
  429. Regulatory mechanism of hypothalamo-pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and neuronal changes after adrenalectomy in type 2 diabetes
  430. PVN c-fos expression, HPA AXIS response and immune cell distribution during restraint stress
  431. The dialogue between the brain and immune system involves not only the HPA –AXIS
  432. HPA AXIS activity and neuropathogenesis in HIV-1 clade C infection.
  433. Involvement of GABAB receptors in the regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS in rats
  434. Injection of Urocortin 3 into the ventromedial hypothalamus modulates feeding, blood glucose levels, and hypothalamic POMC gene expression but not the HPA AXIS
  435. Progressive dysregulation of autonomic and HPA AXIS functions in HIV-1 clade C infection in South India
  436. The acute and post-discontinuation effects of a glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist probe on sleep and the HPA AXIS in chronic insomnia: a pilot study
  437. HPA AXIS function and temperament in depression: A negative report
  438. … of one week 0900 h serum cortisol, low and standard dose synacthen tests with a 4 to 6 week insulin hypoglycaemia test after pituitary surgery in assessing HPA AXIS
  439. Auditory cortex lesions do not disrupt habituation of HPA AXIS responses to repeated noise stress
  440. Acute oral dexamethasone administration reduces levels of orphan GPCR glucocorticoid-induced receptor (GIR) mRNA in rodent brain: potential role in HPA –AXIS …
  441. Sleep deprivation and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in depressed patients
  442. Dorsomedial hindbrain participation in glucoprivic feeding response to 2DG but not 2DG-induced hyperglycemia or activation of the HPA AXIS
  443. Chronic cannabis use does not affect the normalization of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS induced by methadone in heroin addicts
  444. Does HPA –AXIS activity mediate the relationship between obstetric complications and externalizing behavior problems? The TRAILS study
  445. Phasic hyperactivity of the HPA AXIS resulting from chronic central IL-2 administration.
  446. Peripheral White Blood Cells and HPA AXIS Neurohomrmones in Major Depression
  447. The impact of water-floating and high-intensity exercise on rat’s HPA AXIS and interleukins concentrations
  448. Reversible inactivation of the auditory thalamus disrupts HPA AXIS habituation to repeated loud noise stress exposures
  449. Effects of the IL-1 receptor antagonist on the IL-1-and endotoxin-induced activation of the HPA AXIS and cerebral biogenic amines in mice
  450. Influence of acupuncture on HPA AXIS in a rat model of chronic stress-induced depression
  451. Stress Responsivity and HPA AXIS Activity in Juveniles: Results From a Home-Based CO 2 Inhalation Study
  452. Long‐term basal and dynamic evaluation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in acromegalic patients
  453. The prototypic antidepressant drug, imipramine, but not Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort), reduces HPA –AXIS function in the rat
  454. The effect of acamprosate on alcohol craving and correlation with hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS hormones and beta-endorphin
  455. Suppression of HPA AXIS in adults taking inhaled corticosteroids
  456. Effects of early deprivation and maternal separation on pup‐directed behavior and HPA AXIS measures in the juvenile female rat
  457. Transient sex-related changes in the mice hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS during the acute phase of the inflammatory process
  458. Inhaled corticosteroids and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : do we understand their interaction?
  459. The HPA AXIS and psychopathology: Cushing’s syndrome
  460. Peripheral administration of CRF and urocortin: effects on food intake and the HPA AXIS in the marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata
  461. A study of the neural correlates of episodic memory and HPA AXIS status in drug-free depressed patients and healthy controls
  462. Do neonatal bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the hippocampal formation or of the amygdala impair HPA AXIS responsiveness and regulation in infant rhesus macaques …
  463. Tissue-specific programming expression of glucocorticoid receptors and 11β-HSDs by maternal perinatal undernutrition in the HPA AXIS of adult male rats
  464. Diurnal variation in peripheral (hair) vs central (saliva) HPA AXIS cortisol concentrations
  465. Effect of late hypothalamo‐pituitary disconnection on the development of the HPA AXIS in the ovine fetus and the initiation of parturition
  466. 17β-estradiol is required for the sexually dimorphic effects of repeated binge-pattern alcohol exposure on the HPA AXIS during adolescence
  467. Relationship between mental impairment and HPA AXIS activity in dementia disorders
  468. Comparable effects of inhaled fluticasone propionate and budesonide on the HPA –AXIS in adult asthmatic patients
  469. Three Chinese herbal medicines promote neuroproliferation in vitro, and reverse the effects of chronic mild stress on behavior, the HPA AXIS , and proliferation of …
  470. Involvement and role of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) stress AXIS in animal models of chronic pain and inflammation
  471. Leukemia inhibitory factor signaling is implicated in embrionic development of the HPA AXIS
  472. HPA -and HPT-AXIS alterations in chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
  473. The HPA AXIS in cocaine use: implications for pharmacotherapy
  474. Influence of the lilium saponins on HPA AXIS of the depression model rats
  475. Suppression of HPA –AXIS activity by haloperidol after experimentally induced heat stress
  476. Investigation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal AXIS (HPA ) by 1 μg ACTH test and metyrapone test in patients with primary fibromyalgia syndrome
  477. Hyperforin-containing extracts of St John’s wort fail to alter gene transcription in brain areas involved in HPA AXIS control in a long-term treatment regimen in …
  478. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : a major mediator of the adaptive responses to stress
  479. … the serotonin (5-HT) 2 receptor agonist-induced increases in rat serum corticosterone concentrations: evidence for 5-HT2A receptor mediation of the HPA AXIS
  480. Not all peripheral immune stimuli that activate the HPA AXIS induce proinflammatory cytokine gene expression in the hypothalamus
  481. Relationship between Depression and HPA AXIS and Intervention by Traditional Chinese Medicine [J]
  482. Differential Effects of Subtypes of Trauma Symptoms on Couples’ Hypothalamus‐Pituitary‐Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Reactivity and Recovery in Response to Interpersonal …
  483. Effects of puncturing the acupoints of baihui and sanyinjiao by electric needles on the HPA AXIS in the rat chronic stress-induced depression model
  484. Inmunoferon®, a glycoconjugate of natural origin, regulates the liver response to inflammation and inhibits TNF-α production by an HPA AXIS -dependent mechanism
  485. Glucocorticoids and the HPA AXIS
  486. Processing of cytokine signals at CNS levels: relevance for immune–HPA AXIS interactions
  487. Combined receptor antagonist stimulation of the HPA AXIS test identifies impaired negative feedback sensitivity to cortisol in obese men
  488. Long-term Effects of Early Postnatally Administered Interleukin-1 on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in Rats
  489. Effects of jieyuwan on HPA AXIS and immune system in chronic stress models in rats
  490. Effects of acute stressors on the expression of oxytocin receptor mRNA in hearts of rats with different activity of HPA AXIS
  491. Expression of kinin receptor mRNA in the HPA AXIS of type 1 and type 2 diabetic rats
  492. High HPA –AXIS activation disrupts the link between liking and wanting with liking and wanting related brain signaling
  493. Plasmatic vasopressin neurophysin in depression: basic levels and relations with HPA AXIS
  494. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in patients receiving long-term intra-articular corticosteroids
  495. Neonatal asphyxia under hyperthermic conditions alters HPA AXIS function in juvenile rats
  496. Urocortin: a mechanism for the sustained activation of the HPA AXIS in the late-gestation ovine fetus?
  497. … administrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone during late gestation in pigs: maternal cortisol response and effects on fetal HPA AXIS and brain neurotransmitter …
  498. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  499. HPA –AXIS effects of nebulised fluticasone propionate compared with oral prednisolone in childhood asthma
  500. Systemic apomorphine alters HPA AXIS responses to interleukin-1β adminstration but not sound stress
  501. The role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in the regulation of blood pressure
  502. Imidazoline2 (I2) binding site-and α2-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation of central noradrenergic and HPA AXIS function in control rats and chronically stressed rats …
  503. Pseudo‐affective visceromotor responses and HPA AXIS activation following colorectal distension in rats with increased cholinergic sensitivity
  504. Intracerebroventricular injection of orexin-A stimulates monoamine metabolism but not HPA AXIS in neonatal chicks
  505. Adult Consequences of Post-weaning High Fat Feeding on the Limbic–HPA AXIS of Female Rats
  506. Ontogeny of steroid receptor coactivators in the hippocampus and their role in regulating postnatal HPA AXIS function
  507. Seasonal affective disorder and HPA AXIS disturbance
  508. TPH2 5′‐ and 3′‐regulatory polymorphisms are differentially associated with HPA AXIS function and self‐injurious behavior in rhesus monkeys
  509. Potential role of HPA AXIS and sympathetic nervous responses in depletion of B cells induced by H9N2 avian influenza virus infection
  510. Assessment of HPA –AXIS suppression with fluticasone cream 0.05% in patients with extensive psoriasis or eczema
  511. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and metabolic abnormalities in first-episode psychosis
  512. Dexamethasone and stressor-magnitude regulation of stress-induced transcription of HPA AXIS secretagogues in the rat
  513. Adjustment effects of Herba epimedii, Fructus ligustrilucidi on NO/ET, HPA AXIS in asthmatic rats
  514. Amphetamine withdrawal leads to behavioral sensitization and reduced HPA AXIS response following amphetamine challenge
  515. Attenuation of HPA AXIS hyperactivity and simultaneous clinical deterioration in a depressed patient treated with mirtazapine
  516. HPA –AXIS dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome: clinical implications
  517. Effect of Interleukin 1β on the HPA AXIS in H1-Receptor Knockout Mice
  518. Salivary biomarkers of HPA AXIS and autonomic activity in adults with intellectual disability with and without stereotyped and self-injurious behavior disorders
  519. HPA –AXIS reactivity to interpersonal stress in young adults who self-injure
  520. Evidence to support the non-genomic modulation of the HPA AXIS
  521. Exogenous IL-1beta induces its own expression, but not that of IL-6 in the hypothalamus and activates HPA AXIS and prolactin release.
  522. The central nucleus of the amygdala; a conduit for modulation of HPA AXIS responses to an immune challenge?
  523. Repeated regrouping of pair-housed heifers around puberty affects their behavioural and HPA AXIS reactivities
  524. Brain catalase activity inhibition as well as opioid receptor antagonism increases ethanol‐induced HPA AXIS activation
  525. Effects of orchidectomy and testosterone replacement on mouse enkephalin-degrading aminopeptidase activity in the HPA AXIS
  526. Modulation by catecholamine of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS activity in morphine-tolerance and withdrawal
  527. Influence of hormonal status on enkephalin-degrading aminopeptidase activity in the HPA AXIS of female mice
  528. Plasma soluble interleukin-2-receptor in depression: relationships to plasma neopterin and serum IL-2 concentrations and HPA –AXIS activity
  529. A randomized controlled assessment of the effects of different dosing regimens of budesonide on the HPA ‐AXIS in healthy subjects
  530. Dopamine susceptibility of APO-SUS rats is not per se coupled to HPA –AXIS activity
  531. Sexual dimorphism in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and TNFα responses to phospholipase A 2-related neurotoxin (from crotalus durissus terrificus) …
  532. Expression of heart oxytocin receptor and its mRNA in two rat strains with different activity of HPA AXIS
  533. The effects of early adverse life experiences on the HPA AXIS and their impact on the development of depression
  534. Expression of mRNA for interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and macrophage migration inhibitory factor in HPA –AXIS tissues in Schistosoma mansoni …
  535. Stress, depressive symptoms, interpersonal relatedness, and HPA AXIS functioning in women
  536. Lower-leg growth rate and HPA –AXIS function in children with asthma during treatment with inhaled ciclesonide
  537. Chronic kappa opioid receptor antagonism produces supersensitivity to U-50,488 H at the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS level.
  538. Growth velocity and HPA AXIS function during 1-year treatment with triamcinolone acetonide aqueous (TAA) nasal spray in children with allergic rhinitis (AR)
  539. Androgenic influence on serotonergic activation of the HPA stress AXIS
  540. Influence of the HPA AXIS on the inflammatory response in cutaneous wounds with the use of 670-nm laser photobiomodulation
  541. PTSD and HPA AXIS : same hormones, different disorders
  542. Suppression of the HPA AXIS in pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis
  543. Effects of melatonin on HPA AXIS in rats
  544. Modulation of HPA AXIS function for treatment of mood disorders
  545. Effect of spraydried plasma and Escherichia coli on intestinal morphology and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS of the weaned pig
  546. Stress peptides and HPA AXIS reactivity in depression
  547. Does trauma cause lasting changes in HPA –AXIS functioning in healthy individuals?
  548. HPA AXIS overactivity and the pathogenesis of depression
  549. Diabetes and depression–is there a link to the HPA AXIS ?
  550. Authors’ Response: HPA AXIS Testing after Pituitary Surgery
  551. Effects of resistance exercise on the HPA AXIS and cardiovascular responses to psychological stress during short-term smoking abstinence in men
  552. Investigation of the relation between the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity, IL-6 and hyperalgesia during chronic inflammation due to rheumatoid …
  553. HPA AXIS Activity under Psychosocial Stress in Patients with Acute and Remitted Panic Disorder.
  554. Once-daily ciclesonide does not cause HPA –AXIS suppression in pediatric asthma patients
  555. Intracerebroventricular injection of leukotriene B 4 attenuates antigen-induced asthmatic response via BLT1 receptor stimulating HPA –AXIS in sensitized rats
  556. Interaction of 5-HT and HPA AXIS in depression and treatment-resistant depression
  557. Depression and HPA –AXIS dysregulation: A large cohort study
  558. Lack of Effect on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Function by Once-daily Fluticasone Furoate∗ Nasal Spray (FFNS) 110 mcg in Children with Perennial …
  560. Targeting the HPA AXIS in major depression: does it work?: Invited commentary on… Antiglucocorticoids in Psychiatry
  561. Antenatal stress and anxiety, effects on behavioural and cognitive outcomes for the child, and the role of the HPA AXIS
  562. GABAA receptor deficits cause HPA AXIS hyperactivity and antidepressant drug sensitivity reminiscent of melancholic forms of depression
  564. Experimental study on hormones of HPA –AXIS with electro-acupuncture by CFS model rats
  565. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in physiological and pathological aging brain.
  566. Allopregnanolone is involved in reduced HPA AXIS responses to immune challenge in late pregnancy
  567. Effects of Kidney-yang Tonifying Formula on Inhibition of HPA AXIS and Catabolism by Glucocorticoids
  568. Metoclopramide as pharmacological tool to assess vasopressinergic co-activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : A study in healthy volunteers
  569. A hypothetical index of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function
  570. Study on Intervention of Jieyu Yihao on SS’regulating function of HPA AXIS [J]
  571. The HPA AXIS and cocaine self-administration
  572. Effects of Rehmanniae Radix on HPA AXIS system and catecholamienrgic system in FST
  573. The HPA AXIS and the regulation of energy balance
  574. Experimental Study of Modified Dihuang Yinzi Formula on HPA AXIS of MCAO Rat Model [J]
  575. Stress and Antidepressant Modulation of the Limbic HPA AXIS
  576. The HPA AXIS in the pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome
  577. In healthy young and elderly adults, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical AXIS reactivity (HPA AR) varies with increasing pharmacological challenge and with age, but …
  578. The influence of DHEA pretreatment on prepulse inhibition and the HPA –AXIS stress response in rat offspring exposed prenatally to polyriboinosinic–polyribocytidylic …
  579. Plasma IL-6 and HPA –AXIS function in depression and anxiety in patients with cancer
  580. Lack of Effect on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Function by Once-daily Fluticasone Furoate [low*] Nasal Spray (FFNS) 110 mcg in Adolescents and …
  581. Experimental Research of Effects of Acupuncture on the HPA AXIS of Chronic Fatigue Rats Induced by Multiple Stress Factors [J]
  582. CRH haplotype predicts CSF CRH, HPA AXIS activity, temperament, and alcohol consumption in rhesus macaques
  583. Effects of persistent environmental pollutants on the HPA –AXIS
  584. Lack of involvement of δ-opioid receptor in mediating physical dependence at the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS in the rat
  585. Regulating Action of Ningchang Decoction On HPA AXIS of IBS Rats
  586. Postnatal ovine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function is altered following prenatal betamethasone exposure
  587. Identifying a central nervous system perturbation that explains peripheral hypocortisolism by modeling the HPA AXIS
  588. The role of HPA AXIS in metabolic derangements in PCOS
  589. Combined effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and maternal restraint stress on hypothalamus adrenal AXIS (HPA ) function in the offspring of mice
  590. Elevated free fatty acid levels attenuate hippocampal negative feedback inhibition of HPA AXIS in rats.
  591. HPA AXIS function in depression and dementia: A review.
  592. Effects of Mixture of Bupleuri Radix and Lycii Radicis Cortex on the Change of HPA –AXIS and Catecholamic System in the Forced Swimming Test
  593. Effects of self-selected and imposed intensity of acute exercise on the HPA –AXIS response and psychological well-being in inactive women with high levels of stress
  594. E¡ ects of nitric oxide on the HPA AXIS and aggression
  595. Early life stress and HPA AXIS changes in CFS
  596. A mathematical model predicts HPA AXIS response in late adulthood due to childhood separation
  597. Effects of lithium on the HPA AXIS in patients with unipolar major depression
  598. 125. HPA AXIS habituation to repeated acute psychosocial stress is related to lower sensitization of plasma interleukin-6 responses
  599. Anxiety, depression and the HPA AXIS in human pregnancy: links to postpartum mood
  600. Modelling altered Glucocorticoid Sensitivity: From HPA AXIS to metabolic abnormalities in mice and humans
  601. Reproduction in the face of stress: mediation by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  602. Plasma dexamethasone levels and disagreement between the DST and other markers of HPA AXIS function
  603. HPA AXIS Suppression and Septic Shock Model Established and the effects of Sini Decoction on it
  604. Cognitive behavioural therapy normalises HPA AXIS dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome
  605. The relationship of prognosis of septic shock with pro-/anti-inflammatory response and HPA AXIS profile in patients with severe sepsis
  606. The function changes of HPA AXIS in diabetic rat model induced by high lipid food plus STZ and relation with glucose and lipid metabolism
  607. Nonlinear dynamics in the synthesis of glucocorticoid receptor in the HPA AXIS : an explanation for stress-related disease
  608. Treatment modalities and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS suppression in Japanese patients with asthma
  609. Novel perspectives of central CRF/HPA AXIS dysfunction across a spectrum of clinical conditions and experimental primate models
  610. A Correlated Study on Release Fuction of Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and the Ill-conditions in Patients with Depression Disorder
  611. Repeat doses of antenatal steroids and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal AXIS (HPA ) function
  612. The relationships between the availability of L-tryptophan in serum and HPA –AXIS function in postpartum females
  613. CCKergic System, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS , and Early-Life Stress (ELS)
  614. Effects of Lycii Radicis Cortex in HPA –AXIS System on the Forced Swimming Test
  615. Dysregulation of the HPA –AXIS : implications for serotonin responses in the hippocampus
  616. Effect of Xiaoyaosan on HPA AXIS Negative Feedback Regulation Function of Rats With Chronic Stress [J]
  617. P-1389-Intranasal insulin improves mood and reduces the HPA –AXIS excitability in healthy young men
  618. The EC System and the HPA AXIS
  619. The HPA AXIS and GABA-Glutamate Systems as Potential Antidepressant Targets in Prostate Cancer
  620. Influence of breed type and temperament on anatomic and endocrinologic parameters of the bovine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS .
  621. Changes in HPA AXIS responsiveness related to genetic selection on tonic immobility in quail.
  622. Salivary cortisol monitoring in sheep and cows: Evidence for acute activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS using two models of stress
  623. Hyperglycemic effect of a neurotoxic fraction (F3) from Naja haje venom: role of hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal AXIS (HPA ).
  624. Depression may be associated with hippocampal volume changes and HPA AXIS dysfunction: Is treatment to remission the answer?
  625. Spinal and supraspinal analgesic effects of nimodipine in rats: The role of Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  626. Effects of orchidectomy and testosterone replacement on mouse pyrrolidone carboxypeptidase activity in the HPA AXIS
  627. Effect of centrally administered sphingomyelin on food intake and HPA AXIS in chicks
  628. The acute effects of a mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) agonist on nocturnal hypothalamic–adrenal–pituitary (HPA ) AXIS activity in healthy controls: Corrigendum.
  629. ACH regulation of REM sleep, HPA –AXIS and mood in healthy controls and depressed patients
  630. Physiology of the HPA AXIS
  631. Effects of reproductive condition on HPG-HPA AXIS interaction
  632. Endogenous opioid inhibition of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS responses to centrally administered neuropeptide y (NPY) during late pregnancy
  633. Study of Effects of Combination of Herba Epimedii, Fructus Ligustrilucidi and Dexamethasone on HPA AXIS and Bone Metabolism of Asthmatic Model in Rats
  634. Effects of Mixture of Lycii Radicis Cortex and Gardeniae Fructus on the Change of HPA –AXIS and Catecholamine System in the Forced Swimming Test
  635. GluR5 is Involved in Regulation of the HPA AXIS
  636. Cerebrovascular Cyclooxygenase-1 Expression, Regulation and Role in HPA AXIS Activation by Inflammatory Stimuli
  637. 218. HPA AXIS regulation in premenopausal women with PTSD
  639. 247. HPA AXIS response to graded exercise in atypical depression
  640. … between SNPs in the promoter region of the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene (TPH2) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS dysregulation in patients …
  641. Noradrenergic inputs to the paraventricular hypothalamus contribute to HPA AXIS and central Fos activation in rats after acute systemic endotoxin exposure
  642. … and child development in infancy, childhood and adolescence: An examination of negative emotionality, child cognitive and socioemotional functioning and HPA –AXIS …
  643. Interaction between HPA AXIS and HPG AXIS in the Excessive Recovery Interval
  644. Editorial [HPA AXIS Guest Editor: Brian Dyck]
  645. The HPA AXIS and HIV Infection
  646. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in patients with CFIDS and the effect of corticosteroid treatment on HPA AXIS activity
  647. The HPA AXIS in critical illness
  648. Pharmacological aspects of corticotrophinergic and vasopressinergic function tests for HPA AXIS activation
  649. HPA AXIS dysfunction in psychiatry: Genetic background
  650. Depression, osteoporosis and the HPA AXIS
  651. The HPA –AXIS and immune function in burnout
  652. HPA AXIS and aging in depression: Systematic review
  653. The role of the HPA AXIS in major depressive disorder.
  654. Effect of NDV on HPA AXIS in ostrich chicks
  656. Impaired HPA AXIS and their feedback regulation in SERT knockout mice
  657. Regulation of the HPA AXIS by alpha 2 adrenoceptors
  658. Relationship of HPA –AXIS function with gluco-and lipo-metabolism in T2DM patients
  659. Gender Differences in the Response of the HPA –AXIS to Alcohol and Stress
  660. The HPA AXIS and the pathophysiology of depression: The role of early adverse experience
  661. Altering the fetal programming of the HPA AXIS and the consequences in the adult auditory system
  662. Effect of NDV on HPA AXIS in ostrich chicks.
  663. Free cortisol index in suspected HPA AXIS pathology
  664. Modulation of the HPA AXIS by cytochrome P-450 metabolite
  665. Ontogeny of the HPA AXIS of the CD1 mouse following 24 hours of maternal deprivation at pnd 3
  666. HPA AXIS function in obese women with PCOS
  667. Effect of chronic multi-stress on ECG and HPA AXIS activity in rats [J]
  668. Relation of genes regulating the HPA –AXIS to major depression and suicidality: novel findings
  669. Effects of melatonin on HPA AXIS in rats
  670. HPA AXIS is a neuroendocrine system that links experience and behavior
  671. Molecular Development of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  672. The role of brain corticosteroid receptors in HPA AXIS adaptation to repeated maternal separations of newborn mice
  673. Opioid neurotransmission, HPA AXIS activation and risk of alcoholism
  675. New Aspects of the Immunoregulation by the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  676. Acute And Persistent Effects Of Interleukin-1ß And Stress On The HPA AXIS
  677. Disturbed function of the growth hormone AXIS and the HPA AXIS in obsessive compulsive disorder
  678. Maternal Depression and the Effects on Offspring’s Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  679. Acute and chronic effects of ethanol on the activation of HPA AXIS
  680. Effectiveness of a standardised cognitive training in depression and the interaction with HPA –AXIS regulation
  681. Successful antidepressant therapy restores the disturbed interplay between TNF-alpha system and HPA AXIS
  682. Recovery of the HPA AXIS after Prolonged Exogenous Steroids-Experience with Three Cases
  683. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in the California mouse
  684. Prior repeated stress affects HPA AXIS and IL-1beta responses to acute restraint
  685. Central and peripheral aspects of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS dysfunction
  686. Effect of Steroid Inhalation on the Bronchial reactivity and HPA AXIS in Asthmatics
  687. Cognitive behavioural therapy normalises HPA AXIS dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome [P. 6.077]
  688. HPA AXIS and Autonomic Nervous System Function in Fibromyalgia
  689. Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on Cytokines and Function of HPA –AXIS of Streptozocin-induced Diabetic Rats
  692. Social evaluative threat: the effects of evaluation on HPA AXIS activity in competitive dancers
  693. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Activity in Schizophrenic Patients
  694. Relationship among stress, weight gain and the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  695. Effects of lithium on the HPA AXIS in patients with unipolar major depression
  696. HPA AXIS activation in patients with few versus multiple episodes of depression
  697. HPA AXIS responses to psychosocial stress in patients with social phobia
  698. Ovarian steroids antagonize glucocorticoid effects on HPA AXIS
  699. Responses of the HPA AXIS after chronic variable stress: Effects of novel and familiar stressors
  700. Evidence for a limbic cortical HPA ‐inhibitory network and its role in chronic stress‐induced HPA AXIS hyperactivity
  701. Cytokines-induced activation of the HPA AXIS in mice-neurophysiological and genetic studies
  702. Modulation of the HPA AXIS alters the sensitivity of the cochlea to acoustic trauma
  703. Psychological and stress hormone correlates in chronic illness and early development: Potential indicators of HPA AXIS normalisation?
  704. Nocturnal HPA AXIS activity is blunted by increased plasma glucose concentrations
  708. Antenatal steroid treatment: suppression with no impairment of the adaptive function of the HPA –AXIS in newborns at birth
  709. Effects of Sankang Capsule on Glucose Metabolism and HPA AXIS Function in Anoxic Mice
  710. Changes in the HPA AXIS Associated With Aging and Neuropsychiatric Illness
  711. Influence of exogenous ANP on the nocturnal HPA AXIS and sleep in healthy men
  712. serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment on serotonin1B receptor sensitivity and HPA –AXIS activity
  713. Consequences on HPA AXIS function of a genetic selection for tonic immobility in Japanese quail
  714. GR gene haplotypes and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS responses to stress
  715. Cortisol secretion and HPA AXIS activity in patients undergoing coronary angiography
  716. Homeopathic medication and hyperthalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  717. Experimental Research of the Effect of Needling Acupoints Baihe and Taichong on HPA AXIS of Rats with Chronic Stress Depression
  718. Effects of hippocampal NMDA receptor on HPA AXIS activity following severe burn
  720. Post-operative Replacement and Assessment of HPA AXIS Recovery in Cushing’s Syndrome
  721. A correlational study of TH mRNA expression with the HPA AXIS and behavioural traits in Sprague-Dawley rats
  723. Abuse in Childhood and HPA AXIS Functioning in Mentally Ill Patients
  724. Trait anxiety, HPA –AXIS activity and cell adhesion molecules
  726. Understanding homeostatic dynamics of the HPA AXIS using a glucocorticoid pulsatile model
  727. Post-natal stress in birds: a novel experimental model to understand glucocorticoid programming of the HPA AXIS
  728. Modulating effect of green odor on the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity
  729. HPA –AXIS and immune function in 6-8 year old offspring of women with type 1 diabetes
  730. Complex Interactions Between Diet, Exercise, and the HPA AXIS on the Development of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes
  731. Effects of exogenous ADM on HPA AXIS in early stage of acute mechanical renal trauma
  732. A stochastic model using gamma process to estimate the gender differences in age-related changes in HPA AXIS reactivity
  733. Maternal protein or energy restriction and offspring HPA AXIS response to an ITT
  734. HPA AXIS genes may modulate the effect of childhood adversities on decision-making in suicide attempters
  735. Glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms and bone mineral density in HPA AXIS disorders
  736. Tilting the AXIS : Devising a conceptual model for early life steroid deprivation and HPA AXIS programming in rodents
  737. Temporal aspects of HPA AXIS reactivity and regulation: microdialysis studies in the HR/IR/LR mouse model
  738. Depression, the dynamic function of the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS , and cardiovascular disease
  739. Spatial memory processes in bipolar depression: neuropsychological and HPA AXIS correlates
  740. Modulation of magnesium deficiency-induced anxiety and HPA AXIS dysregulation by therapeutic drug treatment
  741. Endocannabinoid signaling modulates HPA AXIS activity in the mouse–implications for depression disorders
  742. Genetics of the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS -a Systemic Stress Modulator in Relation to Suicidal Behaviour
  744. Biomarkers of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS for analysis of in vivo 11 [beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 inhibition
  745. Effect of preventive moxibustion at Mingmen (DU-4) on swimming exhausted time and HPA AXIS hormone of rats
  747. Inadequately Regulated Adrenal Steroids through HPA AXIS In Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
  748. Long-term evaluation of hypotalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in acromegalic patients during somatostatin analogs therapy and after successful surgery
  749. HPA AXIS hyperactivity is a baseline vulnerability factor for switch to depressive disorder following interferon treatment
  750. HPA –AXIS function and depression in adolescence: are they related to prenatal early life stress?
  751. Fat people and bombs’: HPA AXIS cognition, structured stress, and the US obesity epidemic
  753. HPA –AXIS responses to an interpersonal stress task among socially anxious older adolescents
  754. Regulatory mechanism of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and neuronal changes after adrenalectomy in type 2 diabetes
  755. Estrogen action on the ovine fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  756. Stress Induced Eating and HPA AXIS Activity in Chronic Major Depression
  758. Intrauterine Corticosteroids for Lung Maturation: Observations of HPA –AXIS Function and Cardiac Autonomic Balance in the Human Neonate
  759. Attempted Suicide and HPA AXIS Dysregulation as Suicide Predictors in Elderly Mood Disorder Inpatients
  760. Effects of Resistance Exercise on the HPA AXIS Response to Psychological Stress During Short-Term Smoking Abstinence in Men
  761. An interactional model of pubertal timing, interpersonal interaction, and HPA –AXIS reactivity
  762. Hippocampal memory function over initial treatment period in first-episode psychosis: the role of stress and HPA AXIS functioning
  764. Childhood Depression and Obesity: Role of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Activity
  765. Corticosterone and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in autoimmune diseases
  766. Structural alterations of amygdala and hippocampus and HPA AXIS dysregulation in patients with borderline personality disorder
  767. Insulin Per Se Activates the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS ; STZ-Diabetic Rats Exhibit Maximal HPA Responses to Submaximal Stressors …
  768. Differences in HPA AXIS activation secondary to individual CBT session using either in vivo or in virtuo exposure in SAD patients
  769. Effect of forced endurance training on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS in normal rats.
  770. Corticotropin-releasing factor overexpression in the central amygdala: Gene expression, HPA AXIS function, and behavior
  771. The effect of environmental enrichment on food intake, body weight and the HPA AXIS in laboratory rats
  772. Daily and nightly urinary free cortisol ratio as a marker of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in abdominal obesity
  773. Daily and nightly urinary free cortisol ratio as a marker of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in abdominal obesity
  774. Disruption of the phosphodiesterase 8B (PDE8B) gene alters the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  775. Effects of chronic stress and gender on HPA AXIS responsivity in a pharmacologic CRH-AVP challenge test
  776. Medial Prefrontal Cortex and HPA AXIS Roles in Generation of PTSD-Like Symptoms in SPS Model
  777. Limbic NF-KB signalling controls stress-induced anxiety and antidepressant effects independently of the HPA AXIS
  778. HPA AXIS reactivity to psychological stress among cocaine dependent individuals
  779. Change in molasses consumption in Holstein calves as an indicator of HPA AXIS activation
  780. Consequences of maternal abuse on HPA AXIS function, growth, and social and stress-induced behavior in juvenile rhesus macaques
  781. [< The> role of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal [HPA ] AXIS on anti-inflammatory effects of the trifluoperazine in male rats]
  782. Effects of the Therapy of Invigorating spleen, Resolving Damp and Promoting Collaterals on HPA AXIS Function in Adjuvant Arthritis Rats
  783. Dynamic role of glutamatergic neural pathways in stress-activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS
  784. Periconceptual undernutrition in the sheep causes premature activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS resulting in preterm birth
  786. Increased prevalence of thyroid disease in emigrants of the former Soviet Union: is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS involved?
  787. HPA –AXIS effects of nebulised£ fluticasone propionate compared with oral prednisolone in childhood asthma
  788. Gene-environment interactions between HPA AXIS regulatory genes and stressful life events in suicide attempts
  789. Moderate maternal undernutrition results in epigenetic changes in the fetal hypothalamic feeding centres, but not in the fetal HPA AXIS
  790. Hyperactive Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenocortical AXIS (HPA AXIS ) Despite Normal Weight and Gynoid Fat Distribution in Insulin Resistant Daughters of Patients with …
  791. Psychotic symptoms, HPA AXIS and stress in first episode of psychosis
  793. Effects of neonatal novelty exposure on exploratory behavior and basal HPA AXIS activity in adult rats
  794. The effect of pharmacological agents for HPA AXIS and GH AXIS in depressive patients using combined dexamethasone/CRH test and GHRH test
  795. Line-specific adaptation to diet in mother hens and offspring of chicken with divergent HPA AXIS reactivity
  796. Changes in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and the deficiency-excess syndrome differentiation on epidemic hemorrhagic fever patients
  797. Immune function and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in recurrent (unipolar) major depression and schizophrenia.
  798. Sex specific associations between the BclI polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor gene and HPA AXIS exposure as well as feedback sensitivity under …
  799. Repetitive stressors at various lifetime periods differentially affect the HPA AXIS , neuronal neurotrophic factors and behavioural responses
  800. Hippocampal Atrophy: An Early Brain Marker for AD and a Correlate of Memory and HPA AXIS Dysfunction.
  801. Social stress during pregnancy programs the central neurosteroid system and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS stress responses of the offspring
  802. Acute and chronic effects of interferon alpha therapy on mood and the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in patients with chronic hepatitis C
  803. Neuroplasticity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS early in life requires recurrent recruitment of stress-regulating brain regions
  804. Prenatal maternal nutrient restriction and regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in adult offspring
  805. Modified Development of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS Response to Stress in Young Rodents with Experimentally Altered Thyroid Status
  806. Changes of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and the Deficiency-Excess Syndrome Differentiation on Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever Patients
  807. Posttraumatic stress disorder in children: Relationship between parental stress, chronic stress exposure, and HPA –AXIS dysregulation
  808. … and Translational Physiology: Inflammation and Immunity in Organ System Physiology: Time-dependent mediators of HPA AXIS activation following live …
  809. Salivary cortisol for assessment of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in asthmatic children on inhaled corticosteroids (ICS)
  810. Early life stress, HPA AXIS function and sensitivity to psychomotor stimulants in nonhuman primates
  811. Mild stress due to blood sampling alters immune parameters in chicken lines with different HPA AXIS reactivity in a line-specific manner
  812. The Role of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS on Anti-Inflammatory Effects of the Trifluoperazine in Male Rats
  813. Hippocampal atrophy: an early brain marker for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and a correlate of HPA AXIS dysfunction
  814. Antiinflammatory treatment ameliorates HPA stress AXIS dysfunction in a mouse model of stress sensitivity
  816. S30. 01-Genetic findings in the HPA –AXIS in suicide attempters
  817. Effect of prolonged treatment with potassium canrenoate, a MR antagonist, on basal and stimulated hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in humans
  818. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Dysregulation as a Biomarker of Suicide Risk in Mood Disorders: Implications for Clinical Decision Making and Suicide …
  819. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS of patients with severe sepsis: Altered response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
  820. Environmental enrichment during adolescence reverses the effects of prenatal stress on play behaviour and HPA AXIS reactivity in rats
  821. Neuroendocrine Consequences of Binge Alcohol Exposure During Peri-Puberty on Functioning of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  822. HPA AXIS predictors of cue-induced intravenous alcohol self-administration in non-dependent drinkers
  823. Reactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and HPA AXIS to acute stress of patients with sarcoidosis in clinical remission
  824. Effects of Warming Yang with Soothing Liver Formula on Behavior and HPA AXIS of Social Defeat Stress with Maternal Separation Mice
  825. Polymorphisms in the gene encoding the neuropeptide galanin are associated with HPA –AXIS dysregulation and symptome severity in major-depressive-and anxiety …
  826. Effects of oropharyngeal taste stimuli in the restoration of the fasting-induced activation of the HPA AXIS in rats
  827. FC03-06-Epigenetic programming of the HPA AXIS
  828. Cocaine self-administration and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in rhesus monkeys
  830. Increased secretory activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS during early night-time sleep in patients with type 1 diabetes
  832. 14. Effects of gonadal steroids on the HPA AXIS response to stress
  833. Effects of Mixture of Citri Peticulatae Viride Pericarpium and Lycii Radicis Cortex on the Change of HPA –AXIS and Catecholamic System in the Forced Swimming Test
  834. 243. Dopaminergic function and HPA AXIS activity in psychotic depression
  835. Activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and food intake due to endotoxemia; Ativacao do eixo hipotalamo-hipofise-adrenal (HHA) e ingestao …
  836. The suppressing effect of Shenkang 2 on HPA AXIS of rats model
  837. … function in a transgenic mouse model of the endocrine changes seen in depression characterized by defective glucocorticoid feedback inhibition and HPA AXIS …
  838. Highly palatable food normalizes the HPA AXIS activity and modulates anxiety‐like behaviors in rats that experienced neonatal maternal separation
  839. Early social enrichment leads to reduced anhedonia and HPA AXIS activation but increased floating in the forced swim test at adulthood: are these mice more or less …
  840. Genetic analysis of ethanol sensitivity, anxiety-like behavior, and the HPA AXIS in the inbred long-sleep, inbred short-sleep, and LXS recombinant inbred panel of mice
  841. Formyl peptide receptor ligands exert differential effects on corticosterone secretion from the hypothalamo‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  842. Mice behaviorally selected for high Pavlovian fear memory exhibit fear generalization, HPA –AXIS alterations and increased basal activity in cortico-limbic circuits
  843. Intervention Study on Compound Prescription of Jie Yu No. 1 Affecting the Function of SS Adjusting HPA AXIS .
  844. Partial implication of cerebral protein synthesis and NMDA receptors in HPA AXIS desensitization after a single exposure to immobilization
  845. Pre-exposure to Cues Predictive of Food Availability Elicits HPA AXIS Activation and Increases Operant Responding for Food
  846. 539. HPA AXIS response to metyrapone is stable across menstrual cycle
  847. S18-01-Stress in suicidal persons and genetics of the HPA AXIS
  848. Response of the HPA AXIS to Intermittent Hypoxia in the Neonatal Rat: ACTH, Corticosterone, and the Expression of Adrenal mRNAs
  849. Is it stress? The role of the CRF system and HPA AXIS , and the identification of brain sites involved in chronic food restriction-induced augmentation of heroin seeking
  850. Leukotriene B4 By ICV Attenuates The Antigen-induced Asthmatic Response Via BLT1 Receptor Stimulating HPA –AXIS In The Sensitized Rats
  851. HPA AXIS normalization, estimated by DEX/CRH test, but less alteration on cerebral glucose metabolism in antidepressant drug-resistant depression receiving ECT
  852. Interaction of brain derived neurotrophic factor and the HPA AXIS stress response system with neonatal d-methamphetamine induced spatial learning and …
  854. 66: Adolescent behavior and Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function: Methodologic issues in using salivary cortisol
  855. Effects of RU 486 and spironolactone on the HPA AXIS in normal subjects
  856. Role of adenylyl cyclase type VII in signaling through CRFR1α receptors and HPA AXIS activation during ethanol intoxication: study using male and female animals
  857. Association between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS dysregulation in patients with major depression and polymorphisms in the brain derived …
  858. 3.3 Childhood and recent life events, HPA –AXIS activity, and cognitive functioning. The SMART-Medea study
  859. Determination of functional states during sepsis-induced activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS using measurement of ACTH, cortisol …
  861. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with increased 5 [alpha]-reductase expression and activity and consequent HPA –AXIS activation
  862. normal hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS regulation of steroidogenesis.• In 1855, Thomas Addison first described his eponymous syndrome, which was …
  864. 6 Intrauterine corticosteroids for lung maturation: Observations of HPA AXIS function and cardiac autonomic balance in the neonate
  865. 075 Wound Healing is Delayed in Women and in the Aged: A Potential Role for the HPA AXIS
  866. … of the CRH receptor 1 brain expression pattern and its genetic dissection in neurotransmitter-specific circuits: Inhibitory role on the HPA AXIS activity and unexpected …
  868. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 ablation causes dysregulation of the HPA AXIS and increases hippocampa…
  869. Cocaine and-1 receptors modulate HIV infection, chemokine receptors, and the HPA AXIS in the huPBL-SCID model
  870. Repeat Doses of Antenatal Steroids and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal AXIS (HPA ) Function
  871. The inflamed AXIS : The interaction between cytokines, prostaglandins, and HPA hormones in the stress response
  872. The human hair follicle has established a fully functional peripheral equivalent of the hypothamalic‐pituitary‐adrenal‐AXIS (HPA )
  873. Blunted Affect is Associated With Hypothalamic—Pituitary—Adrenal AXIS (HPA ) Hypoactivity and Elevated CSF-Interleukin-1 Beta (IL-1β) in Response to Lumbar …
  874. Glucose-6-phosphate disposal and regulation of 11β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase type 1: A new link between cellular glucose metabolism and the HPA AXIS
  875. Changes in depressive symptoms, distress, and HPA and HPG AXIS hormones during cognitive-behavioral stress management in symptomatic HIV-positive gay men
  876. Roles of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Regulation of Hypothalamic PITUITITARY-ADRENAL AXIS (HPA )(III)-Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Controlling the Stress …
  877. Effects of nicotine on the hypothalamic-pituitary-AXIS (HPA ) and immune function: introduction to the Sixth Nicotine Round Table Satellite, American Society of …
  878. Analysis on Dynamic Expression of Gene mRNA Related with Hormone in HPA and HPT AXIS
  879. Effects of Traditional and Western Medicine Therapy on the HPA , HPT and HPG AXIS in Depression Patients
  880. Does concealment of bad news stimulate the HPA or the SAS AXIS ?
  881. Interannual variations of East Asian trough AXIS at 500 HPA and its association with the East Asian winter monsoon pathway
  882. Effect of γ-aminobutyric acid on growth performance, antioxidation and hormones of HPA , hpt AXIS in growth-finishing swine in hot summer
  883. Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on antioxidative capability and hormones of HPA , HPT AXIS in growth-finishing swine [J]
  884. Depressive Symptoms and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal AXIS (HPA ) Function as Predictors for Clinical Outcome after Lumbar Spine Stabilization and Fusion …
  885. Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on growth performance, serum biochemical indices and hormones of HPA and HPT AXIS in growing-finishing swine.
  886. Effects of y-aminobutyric Acid on Growth Performance, Serum Biochemical Indices and Hormones of HPA and HPT AXIS in Growing-finishing Swine
  888. … a combination of 1) genetic polymorphisms affecting predominantly the serotonin system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA )(ie, stress) AXIS , 2) deficits in …
  889. Relationship between 500 HPA ridge AXIS positions over the indian and the west Pacific regions and the Indian summer monsoon rainfall
  890. Roles of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in the Regulation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal AXIS (HPA )(II)-Role of 5-H’ydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) in …
  891. Cyclooxygenase‐1 and‐2 inhibition alter hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal AXIS (HPA ) activity and COX expression in fetal brain.
  892. A users guide to HPA AXIS research
  893. Development of the HPA AXIS : where and when do sex differences manifest?
  894. HPA AXIS and aging in depression: systematic review and meta-analysis
  895. Future directions in the study of social relationships as regulators of the HPA AXIS across development
  896. Discrimination and the HPA AXIS : current evidence and future directions
  897. The HPA AXIS in bipolar disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis
  898. HPA AXIS -Interaction with Behavioral Systems
  899. Is the HPA AXIS as target for depression outdated, or is there a new hope?
  900. The role of early life stress in HPA AXIS and anxiety
  901. Stress and the HPA AXIS : balancing homeostasis and fertility
  902. HPA AXIS and sleep
  903. Early-life stress, HPA AXIS adaptation, and mechanisms contributing to later health outcomes
  904. Social deprivation and the HPA AXIS in early development
  905. Stress, the HPA AXIS , and nonhuman primate well-being: a review
  906. Atypical depression and non-atypical depression: is HPA AXIS function a biomarker? A systematic review
  907. Endocannabinoid system, stress and HPA AXIS
  908. Inter-relation between autonomic and HPA AXIS activity in children and adolescents
  909. HPA AXIS in major depression: cortisol, clinical symptomatology and genetic variation predict cognition
  910. Evidence for a differential role of HPA –AXIS function, inflammation and metabolic syndrome in melancholic versus atypical depression
  911. Role of glucocorticoid negative feedback in the regulation of HPA AXIS pulsatility
  912. How does the brain deal with cumulative stress? A review with focus on developmental stress, HPA AXIS function and hippocampal structure in humans
  913. Aging and the HPA AXIS : Stress and resilience in older adults
  914. The human hypothalamus in mood disorders: the HPA AXIS in the center
  915. New insights into the role of perinatal HPA –AXIS dysregulation in postpartum depression
  916. The interface of stress and the HPA AXIS in behavioural phenotypes of mental illness
  917. Mechanisms underlying the effects of prenatal psychosocial stress on child outcomes: beyond the HPA AXIS
  918. Sleep deprivation potentiates HPA AXIS stress reactivity in healthy adults.
  919. HPA –AXIS and inflammatory reactivity to acute stress is related with basal HPA –AXIS activity
  920. Dynamics of the HPA AXIS and inflammatory cytokines: Insights from mathematical modeling
  921. Mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor balance in control of HPA AXIS and behaviour
  922. Neglect, HPA AXIS reactivity, and development
  923. Differential associations between childhood trauma subtypes and adolescent HPA –AXIS functioning
  924. Limits to using HPA AXIS activity as an indication of animal welfare
  925. Association between stress and the HPA AXIS in the atopic dermatitis
  926. Identification and characterization of HPA –AXIS reactivity endophenotypes in a cohort of female PTSD patients
  927. HPA AXIS responses to psychological challenge linking stress and disease: What do we know on sources of intra-and interindividual variability?
  928. Is HPA AXIS reactivity in childhood gender-specific? A systematic review
  929. Pharmacological modulation of HPA AXIS in depression–new avenues for potential therapeutic benefits
  930. Maternal influence on child HPA AXIS : a prospective study of cortisol levels in hair
  931. HPA AXIS regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis focusing on potential moderators
  932. Is dysregulation of the HPA –AXIS a core pathophysiology mediating co-morbid depression in neurodegenerative diseases?
  933. HPA AXIS genetic variation, cortisol and psychosis in major depression
  934. Microbiome, HPA AXIS and production of endocrine hormones in the gut
  935. Alterations in HPA –AXIS and autonomic nervous system functioning in childhood anxiety disorders point to a chronic stress hypothesis
  936. The HPA AXIS dysregulation in severe mental illness: Can we shift the blame to gut microbiota?
  937. Age of trauma onset and HPA AXIS dysregulation among trauma‐exposed youth
  938. Influence of chronic stress on brain corticosteroid receptors and HPA AXIS activity
  939. The role of adrenal gland microenvironment in the HPA AXIS function and dysfunction during sepsis
  940. Effects of early-life adversity on hippocampal structures and associated HPA AXIS functions
  941. A friendly version of the Trier Social Stress Test does not activate the HPA AXIS in healthy men and women
  942. HPA AXIS related genes and response to psychological therapies: genetics and epigenetics
  943. Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: The Role of the HPA AXIS
  944. Relative influences: patterns of HPA AXIS concordance during triadic family interaction.
  945. Developmental programming of the HPA AXIS and related behaviours: epigenetic mechanisms
  946. Post-stress rumination predicts HPA AXIS responses to repeated acute stress
  947. Efficacy of negative feedback in the HPA AXIS predicts recovery from acute challenges
  948. Evidence for stress-like alterations in the HPA –AXIS in women taking oral contraceptives
  949. A preliminary study of gut microbiome variation and HPA AXIS reactivity in healthy infants
  950. … (HPA ) AXIS functioning in overtraining syndrome: findings from endocrine and metabolic responses on overtraining syndrome (EROS)—EROS-HPA AXIS
  951. Stress in adolescence and drugs of abuse in rodent models: role of dopamine, CRF, and HPA AXIS
  952. Altered functioning of the HPA AXIS in depressed postpartum women
  953. Association between mastication, the hippocampus, and the HPA AXIS : a comprehensive review
  954. What are the links between maternal social status, hippocampal function, and HPA AXIS function in children?
  955. Much ado about much: stress, dynamic biomarkers and HPA AXIS dysregulation along the trajectory to psychosis
  956. Hypothalamic CRFR1 is essential for HPA AXIS regulation following chronic stress
  957. Burnout is associated with reduced parasympathetic activity and reduced HPA AXIS responsiveness, predominantly in males
  958. A new model for the HPA AXIS explains dysregulation of stress hormones on the timescale of weeks
  959. The different roles of glucocorticoids in the hippocampus and hypothalamus in chronic stress-induced HPA AXIS hyperactivity
  960. Blunted HPA AXIS activity prior to suicide attempt and increased inflammation in attempters
  961. Persistent depressive symptoms, HPA –AXIS hyperactivity, and inflammation: the role of cognitive-affective and somatic symptoms
  962. HPA AXIS function and diurnal cortisol in post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review
  963. The Tutsi genocide and transgenerational transmission of maternal stress: epigenetics and biology of the HPA AXIS
  964. Blunted HPA AXIS activity in suicide attempters compared to those at high risk for suicidal behavior
  965. HPA AXIS response to social stress is attenuated in schizophrenia but normal in depression: evidence from a meta-analysis of existing studies
  966. Stress effects on mood, HPA AXIS , and autonomic response: comparison of three psychosocial stress paradigms
  967. HPA –AXIS reactivity interacts with stage of pubertal development to predict the onset of depression
  968. The HPA AXIS response to critical illness: new study results with diagnostic and therapeutic implications
  969. Heterogeneity in HPA AXIS dysregulation and serotonergic vulnerability to depression
  970. Early child adversity and psychopathology in adulthood: HPA AXIS and cognitive dysregulations as potential mechanisms
  971. Linking the hemodynamic consequences of adverse childhood experiences to an altered HPA AXIS and acute stress response
  972. Seizure-induced disinhibition of the HPA AXIS increases seizure susceptibility
  973. Beyond the HPA –AXIS : exploring maternal prenatal influences on birth outcomes and stress reactivity
  974. Sex differences in the outcome of juvenile social isolation on HPA AXIS function in rats
  975. The use of mass spectrometry to improve the diagnosis and the management of the HPA AXIS
  976. Childhood trauma, HPA AXIS activity and antidepressant response in patients with depression
  977. The involvement of hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in suicide risk
  978. HPA AXIS dysregulation in men with hypersexual disorder
  979. Prenatal maternal psychopathology and stress and offspring HPA AXIS function at 6 years
  980. HPA AXIS dysregulation in adult adoptees twenty years after severe institutional deprivation in childhood
  981. The microbiota and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA ) AXIS , implications for anxiety and stress disorders
  982. Maternal depression across the first years of life compromises child psychosocial adjustment; relations to child HPA –AXIS functioning
  983. Ovarian hormone fluctuation, neurosteroids, and HPA AXIS dysregulation in perimenopausal depression: a novel heuristic model
  984. Course of ante-and postnatal depressive symptoms related to mothers’ HPA AXIS regulation.
  985. Mathematical modeling of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal gland (HPA ) AXIS , including hippocampal mechanisms
  986. Early calibration of the HPA AXIS by maternal psychopathology
  987. HPA –AXIS hormone modulation of stress response circuitry activity in women with remitted major depression
  988. The impact of social isolation on HPA AXIS function, anxiety-like behaviors, and ethanol drinking
  989. Pathophysiological implications of neuroinflammation mediated HPA AXIS dysregulation in the prognosis of cancer and depression
  990. Gut microbiota modulates stress-induced hypertension through the HPA AXIS
  991. Psychotherapeutic treatment and HPA AXIS regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  992. DNA methylation of HPA –AXIS genes and the onset of major depressive disorder in adolescent girls: a prospective analysis
  993. Maternal early-life trauma and affective parenting style: the mediating role of HPA –AXIS function
  994. Endocannabinoids in brain plasticity: cortical maturation, HPA AXIS function and behavior
  995. HPA –AXIS stress reactivity in youth depression: evidence of impaired regulatory processes in depressed boys
  996. HPA AXIS activity in multiple sclerosis correlates with disease severity, lesion type and gene expression in normal-appearing white matter
  997. Differences in HPA –AXIS and heart rate responsiveness to psychosocial stress in children with autism spectrum disorders with and without co-morbid anxiety
  998. Chronic HPA AXIS response to stress in temporomandibular disorder
  999. Relationship between resilience and stress: Perceived stress, stressful life events, HPA AXIS response during a stressful task and hair cortisol
  1000. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS functioning as predictor of antidepressant response–Meta-analysis
  1001. HPA AXIS genes may modulate the effect of childhood adversities on decision-making in suicide attempters
  1002. Early life stress in depressive patients: HPA AXIS response to GR and MR agonist
  1003. Neurosteroid, GABAergic and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS regulation: what is the current state of knowledge in humans?
  1004. HPA AXIS genes, and their interaction with childhood maltreatment, are related to cortisol levels and stress-related phenotypes
  1005. Inability to suppress the stress-induced activation of the HPA AXIS during the peripartum period engenders deficits in postpartum behaviors in mice
  1006. Stressor-specific effects of sex on HPA AXIS hormones and activation of stress-related neurocircuitry
  1007. Psychobiological mechanisms underlying the social buffering of the HPA AXIS : A review of animal models and human studies across development
  1008. Maternal separation attenuates the effect of adolescent social isolation on HPA AXIS responsiveness in adult rats
  1009. Daily family stress and HPA AXIS functioning during adolescence: The moderating role of sleep
  1010. Differential responses of the HPA AXIS to mild blast traumatic brain injury in male and female mice
  1011. Prenatal noise stress impairs HPA AXIS and cognitive performance in mice
  1012. Adverse childhood experiences and HPA AXIS function in pregnant women
  1013. Repeated intranasal oxytocin administration in early life dysregulates the HPA AXIS and alters social behavior
  1014. Change in parent-child conflict and the HPA –AXIS : Where should we be looking and for how long?
  1015. Role of paraventricular nucleus glutamate signaling in regulation of HPA AXIS stress responses
  1016. Female HPA AXIS displays heightened sensitivity to pre-pubertal stress
  1017. Microbiota affects the expression of genes involved in HPA AXIS regulation and local metabolism of glucocorticoids in chronic psychosocial stress
  1018. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and physical performance at older ages: an individual participant meta-analysis
  1019. … basal or reactivity measures of HPA –AXIS functioning: A systematic evaluation of the internalizing-hyperresponsivity versus externalizing-hyporesponsivity HPA –AXIS …
  1020. Gene–environment interactions between HPA –AXIS genes and stressful life events in depression: A systematic review
  1021. Telencephalic regulation of the HPA AXIS in birds
  1022. Disrupting hypothalamic glucocorticoid receptors causes HPA AXIS hyperactivity and excess adiposity
  1023. NPFFR2 activates the HPA AXIS and induces anxiogenic effects in rodents
  1024. Allopregnanolone modulation of HPA AXIS function in the adult rat
  1025. Amygdala functional connectivity, HPA AXIS genetic variation, and life stress in children and relations to anxiety and emotion regulation.
  1026. Links between HPA AXIS and adipokines: clinical implications in paradigms of stress-related disorders
  1027. HPA AXIS and sleep
  1028. Anteroventral bed nuclei of the stria terminalis neurocircuitry: Towards an integration of HPA AXIS modulation with coping behaviors-Curt Richter Award Paper 2017
  1029. Positive adaptation of HPA AXIS function in women during 44 weeks of infantry-based military training
  1030. Liver at the nexus of rat postnatal HPA AXIS maturation and sexual dimorphism
  1031. Patient specific modeling of the HPA AXIS related to clinical diagnosis of depression
  1032. The effect of sex and irritable bowel syndrome on HPA AXIS response and peripheral glucocorticoid receptor expression
  1033. Sex differences in the adult HPA AXIS and affective behaviors are altered by perinatal exposure to a low dose of bisphenol A
  1034. Chronic stress exposure, diurnal cortisol slope, and implications for mood and fatigue: Moderation by multilocus HPA –AXIS genetic variation
  1035. Sex-dependent pathology in the HPA AXIS at a sub-acute period after experimental traumatic brain injury
  1036. Stress impairs response to antidepressants via HPA AXIS and immune system activation
  1037. Interaction of HPA AXIS genetics and early life stress shapes emotion recognition in healthy adults
  1038. Resveratrol ameliorates the anxiety-and depression-like behavior of subclinical hypothyroidism rat: possible involvement of the HPT AXIS , HPA AXIS , and Wnt/β …
  1039. HPA AXIS reactivity in early childhood: associations with symptoms and moderation by sex
  1040. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: a disorder of the HPA AXIS and sympathetic nervous system?
  1041. Life stress and cortisol reactivity: An exploratory analysis of the effects of stress exposure across life on HPA –AXIS functioning
  1042. Single-cell molecular profiling of all three components of the HPA AXIS reveals adrenal ABCB1 as a regulator of stress adaptation
  1043. Effect of berberine on the HPA –AXIS pathway and skeletal muscle GLUT4 in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats
  1044. Increased HPA AXIS response to psychosocial stress in remitted depression: the influence of coping style
  1045. Increased plasma levels of circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA in suicide attempters: associations with HPA –AXIS hyperactivity
  1046. HPA –AXIS activation as a key moderator of childhood trauma exposure and adolescent mental health
  1047. Effects of early childhood trauma on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  1048. Impaired glucocorticoid-mediated HPA AXIS negative feedback induced by juvenile social isolation in male rats
  1049. In search of the HPA AXIS activity in unipolar depression patients with childhood trauma: Combined cortisol awakening response and dexamethasone suppression test
  1050. Hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS suppression after treatment with glucocorticoid therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
  1051. Antidepressant-like effect of resveratrol: involvement of antioxidant effect and peripheral regulation on HPA AXIS
  1052. Interpersonal stress severity longitudinally predicts adolescent girls’ depressive symptoms: The moderating role of subjective and HPA AXIS stress responses
  1053. Cross-talk between adipose tissue and the HPA AXIS in obesity and overt hypercortisolemic states
  1054. Early childhood adversity and HPA AXIS activity in adulthood: The importance of considering minimal age at exposure
  1055. Identifying pathways from early adversity to psychopathology: A review on dysregulated HPA AXIS functioning and impaired self-regulation in early childhood
  1056. Chronic stress influences attentional and judgement bias and the activity of the HPA AXIS in sheep
  1057. Does stress affect the joints? Daily stressors, stress vulnerability, immune and HPA AXIS activity, and short-term disease and symptom fluctuations in rheumatoid …
  1058. Intra-articular glucocorticoid injections and their effect on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA )-AXIS function
  1059. Glucocorticoid receptor gene methylation and HPA –AXIS regulation in adolescents. The TRAILS study
  1060. Further evidence of HPA –AXIS dysregulation and its correlation with depression in autism spectrum disorders: Data from girls
  1061. Vagal effects of endocrine HPA AXIS challenges on resting autonomic activity assessed by heart rate variability measures in healthy humans
  1062. Chronic hippocampal abnormalities and blunted HPA AXIS in an animal model of repeated unpredictable stress
  1063. HPA AXIS response and psychosocial stress as interactive predictors of suicidal ideation and behavior in adolescent females: A multilevel diathesis-stress framework
  1064. Prenatal ethanol exposure enhances the susceptibility to metabolic syndrome in offspring rats by HPA AXIS -associated neuroendocrine metabolic programming
  1065. Suppression of the HPA AXIS during cholestasis can be attributed to hypothalamic bile acid signaling
  1066. Mathematical modeling of light-mediated HPA AXIS activity and downstream implications on the entrainment of peripheral clock genes
  1067. Childhood trauma dependent anxious depression sensitizes HPA AXIS function
  1068. Interparental conflict and child HPA –AXIS responses to acute stress: Insights using intensive repeated measures.
  1069. Early life stress increases metabolic risk, HPA AXIS reactivity, and depressive-like behavior when combined with postweaning social isolation in rats
  1070. HPA AXIS in psychotic major depression and schizophrenia spectrum disorders: cortisol, clinical symptomatology, and cognition
  1071. Antidepressant-like effects of salidroside on olfactory bulbectomy-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine production and hyperactivity of HPA AXIS in rats
  1072. The physiological significance of the circadian dynamics of the HPA AXIS : Interplay between circadian rhythms, allostasis and stress resilience
  1073. Genetic variation of the cutaneous HPA AXIS : an analysis of UVB-induced differential responses
  1074. Modulatory activity of soluble beta amyloid on HPA AXIS function in rats
  1075. The dual blocker of FAAH/TRPV1 N-arachidonoylserotonin reverses the behavioral despair induced by stress in rats and modulates the HPA –AXIS
  1076. Childhood maltreatment, pubertal development, HPA AXIS functioning, and psychosocial outcomes: An integrative biopsychosocial model
  1077. The effects of HPA AXIS function on cognition and its implications for the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder
  1078. Adult neurogenesis augmentation attenuates anhedonia and HPA AXIS dysregulation in a mouse model of chronic stress and depression
  1079. Skin under the (Spot)-Light: Cross-Talk with the Central Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1080. … treatment reverses the effects of neonatal immune activation on anxiety-and depression-like behaviors, hippocampal inflammation, and HPA AXIS activity in adult mice
  1081. Higher trait reappraisal predicts stronger HPA AXIS habituation to repeated stress
  1082. Extent of cortisol suppression at baseline predicts improvement in HPA AXIS function during antidepressant treatment
  1083. Anxiety, coping skills and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in patients with endometriosis
  1084. Modelling cholesterol effects on the dynamics of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1085. Depletion of FKBP51 in female mice shapes HPA AXIS activity
  1086. The roles of comorbidity and trauma exposure and its timing in shaping HPA AXIS patterns in depression
  1087. Alcohol and pregnancy: Effects on maternal care, HPA AXIS function, and hippocampal neurogenesis in adult females
  1088. The role of the HPA –AXIS in understanding psychopathology: cause, consequence, mediator, or moderator?
  1089. Allostatic adaptation and personalized physiological trade-offs in the circadian regulation of the HPA AXIS : A mathematical modeling approach
  1090. Saikosaponin D relieves unpredictable chronic mild stress induced depressive-like behavior in rats: involvement of HPA AXIS and hippocampal neurogenesis
  1091. Chronic activation of NPFFR2 stimulates the stress-related depressive behaviors through HPA AXIS modulation
  1092. HPA AXIS linkage in parent–child dyads: Effects of parent sex, autism spectrum diagnosis, and dyadic relationship behavior
  1093. Childhood maltreatment disrupts HPA –AXIS activity under basal and stress conditions in a dose–response relationship in children and adolescents
  1094. HPA –AXIS multilocus genetic variation moderates associations between environmental stress and depressive symptoms among adolescents
  1095. Modeling the influence of seasonal differences in the HPA AXIS on synchronization of the circadian clock and cell cycle
  1096. Alterations of the HPA AXIS observed in patients with major depressive disorder and their relation to early life stress: a systematic review
  1097. Investigating the role of early childhood abuse and HPA AXIS genes in suicide attempters with bipolar disorder
  1098. The HPA AXIS under stress and aging: individual vulnerability is associated with behavioral patterns and exposure time
  1099. Childhood trauma and HPA AXIS functionality in offspring of bipolar parents
  1100. HPA AXIS dysregulation, NR3C1 polymorphisms and glucocorticoid receptor isoforms imbalance in metabolic syndrome
  1101. The combination of fluoxetine and environmental enrichment reduces postpartum stress-related behaviors through the oxytocinergic system and HPA AXIS in …
  1102. Maternal precarity and HPA AXIS functioning shape infant gut microbiota and HPA AXIS development in humans
  1103. The interactive association of proximal life stress and cumulative HPA AXIS functioning with depressive symptoms
  1104. ATP-sensitive potassium-channel inhibitor glibenclamide attenuates HPA AXIS hyperactivity, depression-and anxiety-related symptoms in a rat model of Alzheimer’s …
  1105. Do different data analytic approaches generate discrepant findings when measuring mother–infant HPA AXIS attunement?
  1106. Genetic evidence for the association of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS with ADHD and methylphenidate treatment response
  1107. Rhythmicity matters: circadian and ultradian patterns of HPA AXIS activity
  1108. Evaluation of the HPA AXIS ‘ Response to Pharmacological Challenges in Experimental and Clinical Early-Life Stress-Associated Depression
  1109. Early life maternal separation stress augmentation of limbic epileptogenesis: the role of corticosterone and HPA AXIS programming
  1110. Agarwood essential oil ameliorates restrain stress-induced anxiety and depression by inhibiting HPA AXIS hyperactivity
  1111. Antidepressant-like activity of resveratrol treatment in the forced swim test and tail suspension test in mice: the HPA AXIS , BDNF expression and phosphorylation of …
  1112. Modulation of HPA AXIS response to social stress in schizophrenia by childhood trauma
  1113. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and cognitive capability at older ages: individual participant meta-analysis of five cohorts
  1114. Prenatal maternal vaginal inflammation increases anxiety and alters HPA AXIS signalling in adult male mice
  1115. Hair analysis reveals subtle HPA AXIS suppression associated with use of local corticosteroids: the lifelines cohort study
  1116. Intimate partner violence and hair cortisol concentration: a biomarker for HPA AXIS function
  1117. What can HPA AXIS -linked genes tell us about anxiety disorders in adolescents?
  1118. Sheep wool cortisol as a retrospective measure of long-term HPA AXIS activity and its links to body mass
  1119. HPA AXIS genetic variation, pubertal status, and sex interact to predict amygdala and hippocampus responses to negative emotional faces in school-age children
  1120. Resveratrol ameliorates chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression-like behavior: involvement of the HPA AXIS , inflammatory markers, BDNF, and …
  1121. High-fidelity discrete modeling of the HPA AXIS : a study of regulatory plasticity in biology
  1122. Blunted HPA AXIS reactivity reveals glucocorticoid system dysbalance in a mouse model of high anxiety-related behavior
  1123. Role of the basolateral amygdala in mediating the effects of the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 on HPA AXIS response to stress
  1124. Does HPA ‐AXIS dysregulation account for the effects of income on effortful control and adjustment in preschool children?
  1125. Effortful control and parenting: Associations with HPA AXIS reactivity in early childhood
  1126. The differential calibration of the HPA AXIS as a function of trauma versus adversity: A systematic review and p-curve meta-analyses
  1127. Early adolescent stress alters behavior and the HPA AXIS response in male and female adult rats: the relevance of the nature and duration of the stressor
  1128. Repetitive stress leads to impaired cognitive function that is associated with DNA hypomethylation, reduced BDNF and a dysregulated HPA AXIS
  1129. Multiple measures of HPA AXIS function in ultra high risk and first-episode schizophrenia patients
  1130. Childhood interparental conflict and HPA AXIS activity in young adulthood: examining nonlinear relations
  1131. Faecal metabolites and hair cortisol as biological markers of HPA –AXIS activity in the Rocky mountain goat
  1132. Effects of aging on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity and reactivity in virgin male and female California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
  1133. Ferulic acid improves depressive-like behavior in prenatally-stressed offspring rats via anti-inflammatory activity and HPA AXIS
  1134. Cross-talk between HPA –AXIS -increased glucocorticoids and mitochondrial stress determines immune responses and clinical manifestations of patients with sepsis
  1135. Perinatal fluoxetine dose-dependently affects prenatal stress-induced neurobehavioural abnormalities, HPA –AXIS functioning and underlying brain alterations in rat …
  1136. The role of early life stress in HPA AXIS and depression
  1137. Infant HPA AXIS as a potential mechanism linking maternal mental health and infant telomere length
  1138. Dietary manipulations that induce ketosis activate the HPA AXIS in male rats and mice: a potential role for fibroblast growth factor-21
  1139. Chronic isolation stress affects subsequent crowding stress-induced brain nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS …
  1140. A chronic combinatory stress model that activates the HPA AXIS and avoids habituation in BALB/C mice
  1141. The caffeine-binding adenosine A 2A receptor induces age-like HPA –AXIS dysfunction by targeting glucocorticoid receptor function
  1142. Urinary bisphenol A is associated with dysregulation of HPA –AXIS function in pregnant women: Findings from the APrON cohort study
  1143. A novel aerosol foam formulation of calcipotriol and betamethasone has no impact on HPA AXIS and calcium homeostasis in patients with extensive psoriasis vulgaris
  1144. Blunted neuroactive steroid and HPA AXIS responses to stress are associated with reduced sleep quality and negative affect in pregnancy: a pilot study
  1145. Dehydroepiandrosterone and cortisol as markers of HPA AXIS dysregulation in women with low sexual desire
  1146. HPA AXIS regulation, survival, and reproduction in free-living sparrows: Functional relationships or developmental correlations?
  1147. Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS contributes to the immunosuppression of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis
  1148. Role of NR3C1 and SLC6A4 methylation in the HPA AXIS regulation in burnout
  1149. Stress sensitization to depression following childhood adversity: Moderation by HPA AXIS and serotonergic multilocus profile scores
  1150. Positive and negative social support and HPA –AXIS hyperactivity: Evidence from glucocorticoids in human hair
  1151. Effects of weariness of life, suicide ideations and suicide attempt on HPA AXIS regulation in depression
  1152. P11 deficiency increases stress reactivity along with HPA AXIS and autonomic hyperresponsiveness
  1153. Does sex hormone treatment reverse the sex-dependent stress regulation? A longitudinal study on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity in transgender …
  1154. Bereavement reduces neutrophil oxidative burst only in older adults: role of the HPA AXIS and immunesenescence
  1155. Blunted HPA AXIS response to stress is related to a persistent Dysregulation Profile in youth
  1156. Poverty, caregiving, and HPA –AXIS activity in early childhood
  1157. Prenatal nicotine exposure induces HPA AXIS -hypersensitivity in offspring rats via the intrauterine programming of up-regulation of hippocampal GAD67
  1158. Stressing diabetes? The hidden links between insulinotropic peptides and the HPA AXIS
  1159. Evidence for a normal HPA AXIS response to psychosocial stress in patients remitted from depression
  1160. HPA AXIS regulation and epigenetic programming of immune-related genes in chronically stressed and non-stressed mid-life women
  1161. Investigation of the Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : a contemporary synthesis
  1162. Evidence of lasting dysregulation of neuroendocrine and HPA AXIS function following global cerebral ischemia in male rats and the effect of Antalarmin on plasma …
  1163. Methylation of HPA AXIS related genes in men with hypersexual disorder
  1164. PTSD psychotherapy improves blood pressure but leaves HPA AXIS feedback sensitivity stable and unaffected: First evidence from a pre-post treatment study
  1165. Racial discrimination and ethnic racial identity in adolescence as modulators of HPA AXIS activity
  1166. The psychology of HPA AXIS activation: examining subjective emotional distress and control in a phobic fear exposure model
  1167. Attachment security buffers the HPA AXIS of toddlers growing up in poverty or near poverty: Assessment during pediatric well-child exams with inoculations
  1168. Beyond the HPA –AXIS : The role of the gonadal steroid hormone receptors in modulating stress-related responses in an animal model of PTSD
  1169. Early life stress and HPA AXIS function independently predict adult depressive symptoms in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines
  1170. Exercise training reduces alcohol consumption but does not affect HPA –AXIS activity in heavy drinkers
  1171. Chronic fatigue syndrome and DNA hypomethylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter 1F region: associations with HPA AXIS hypofunction and childhood …
  1172. Lithium ameliorates sleep deprivation‐induced mania‐like behavior, hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA ) AXIS alterations, oxidative stress and elevations of cytokine …
  1173. HPA AXIS multilocus genetic profile score moderates the impact of interpersonal stress on prospective increases in depressive symptoms for offspring of depressed …
  1174. Has the sun set for seasonal affective disorder and HPA AXIS studies? A systematic review and future prospects
  1175. Psychological and environmental correlates of HPA AXIS functioning in parentally bereaved children: preliminary findings
  1176. Low doses of prenatal ethanol exposure and maternal separation alter HPA AXIS function and ethanol consumption in adult male rats
  1177. Oxytocin receptor is a potential biomarker of the hyporesponsive HPA AXIS subtype of PTSD and might be modulated by HPA AXIS reactivity traits in humans and mice
  1178. Disruption of the HPA –AXIS through corticosterone-release pellets induces robust depressive-like behavior and reduced BDNF levels in mice
  1179. Effect of chronic restraint stress on HPA AXIS activity and expression of BDNF and Trkb in the hippocampus of pregnant rats: possible contribution in …
  1180. Influence of hypothalamic IL-6/gp130 receptor signaling on the HPA AXIS response to chronic stress
  1181. Peripheral DNA methylation of HPA AXIS -related genes in humans: Cross-tissue convergence, two-year stability and behavioural and neural correlates
  1182. … of chronic unpredictable mild stress-treated mice, ameliorated by Tibetan medicine Zuotai: involvement in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS …
  1183. Maternal separation alters serotonergic and HPA AXIS gene expression independent of separation duration in c57bl/6 mice
  1184. A minimal physiologically based model of the HPA AXIS under influence of the sleep-wake cycles
  1185. UV irradiation to mouse skin decreases hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptic protein expression via HPA AXIS activation
  1186. Associations between early life experience, chronic HPA AXIS activity, and adult social rank in rhesus monkeys
  1187. HPA AXIS dysregulation is associated with differential methylation of CpG-sites in related genes
  1188. Metformin effectively restores the HPA AXIS function in diet-induced obese rats
  1189. Escitalopram alters gene expression and HPA AXIS reactivity in rats following chronic overexpression of corticotropin-releasing factor from the central amygdala
  1190. Activation of the HPA AXIS and depression of feeding behavior induced by restraint stress are separately regulated by PACAPergic neurotransmission in the mouse
  1191. HPA AXIS stress reactivity and hair cortisol concentrations in recently detoxified alcoholics and healthy controls with and without childhood maltreatment
  1192. Sex-specific differences in HPA AXIS activity in VLBW preterm newborns
  1193. rTMS ameliorated depressive-like behaviors by restoring HPA AXIS balance and prohibiting hippocampal neuron apoptosis in a rat model of depression
  1194. Differences in HPA AXIS reactivity to intimacy in women with and without histories of sexual trauma
  1195. Ambient fine particulate matter exposure disrupts circadian rhythm and oscillation of the HPA AXIS in a mouse model
  1196. Time-of-day-dependent adaptation of the HPA AXIS to predictable social defeat stress.
  1197. Enhanced hypothalamic NMDA receptor activity contributes to hyperactivity of HPA AXIS in chronic stress in male rats
  1198. The incidence of adrenal crisis in the postoperative period of HPA AXIS insufficiency after surgical treatment for Cushing’s syndrome
  1199. Possible evidence for re-regulation of HPA AXIS and brain reward systems over time in treatment in prescription opioid-dependent patients
  1200. Association of maternal depression and home adversities with infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS biomarkers in rural Pakistan
  1201. Childhood maltreatment and HPA AXIS gene expression in bipolar disorders: a gene network analysis
  1202. In obesity, HPA AXIS activity does not increase with BMI, but declines with aging: a meta-analysis of clinical studies
  1203. Seizure-induced activation of the HPA AXIS increases seizure frequency and comorbid depression-like behaviors
  1204. Post-natal corticosterone exposure downregulates the HPA AXIS through adulthood in a common passerine
  1205. Activation of PPAR-γ reduces HPA AXIS activity in diabetic rats by up-regulating PI3K expression
  1206. Gene–environment interactions between HPA –AXIS genes and childhood maltreatment in depression: A systematic review
  1207. Gonadal hormones modulate the HPA ‐AXIS and the SNS in response to psychosocial stress
  1208. HPA AXIS gene expression and DNA methylation profiles in rats exposed to early life stress, adult voluntary ethanol drinking and single housing
  1209. Sex differences in sleep, anhedonia, and HPA AXIS activity in a rat model of chronic social defeat
  1210. The effects of early trauma and the FKBP5 gene on PTSD and the HPA AXIS in a clinical sample of Gulf War veterans
  1211. Neurotrophin mediated HPA AXIS dysregulation in stress induced genesis of psychiatric disorders: Orchestration by epigenetic modifications
  1212. Corticosterone administration targeting a hypo-reactive HPA AXIS rescues a socially-avoidant phenotype in scarcity-adversity reared rats
  1213. Repeated unpredictable stress and social isolation induce chronic HPA AXIS dysfunction and persistent abnormal fear memory
  1214. Nonylphenol effects on the HPA AXIS of the bioindicator vertebrate, Podarcis sicula lizard
  1215. The functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in postpartum depressive states: a systematic review
  1216. Biphasic glucocorticoid rhythm in one-month-old infants: reflection of a developing HPA –AXIS ?
  1217. CRF-R1 activation in the anterior-dorsal BNST induces maternal neglect in lactating rats via an HPA AXIS -independent central mechanism
  1218. Prolonged parent-child separation and pain in adolescence: The role of HPA –AXIS genetic variations
  1219. … enhances the susceptibility to metabolic syndrome in adult offspring rats fed high-fat diet via alteration of HPA AXIS -associated neuroendocrine metabolic …
  1220. Panaxynol attenuates CUMS-induced anxiety and depressive-like behaviors via regulating neurotransmitters, synapses and the HPA AXIS in mice
  1221. Hyper-and hypocortisolism in bipolar disorder-A beneficial influence of lithium on the HPA –AXIS ?
  1222. Anna-Monika Award Lecture, DGPPN Kongress, 2013: the role of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in the pathogenesis of psychotic major depression
  1223. Myelophil attenuates brain oxidative damage by modulating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in a chronic cold-stress mouse model
  1224. Early postoperative HPA –AXIS testing after pituitary tumor surgery: reliability and safety of basal cortisol and CRH test
  1225. A natural compound mixture containing arctigenin, hederagenin, and baicalein alleviates atopic dermatitis in mice by regulating HPA AXIS and immune activity
  1226. Emotional exhaustion and overcommitment to work are differentially associated with hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS responses to a low-dose ACTH1–24 …
  1227. N-3 PUFA have antidepressant-like effects via improvement of the HPA –AXIS and neurotransmission in rats exposed to combined stress
  1228. Drug‐induced HPA AXIS alterations during acute critical illness: a multivariable association study
  1229. School commute time, chronotype, and altered HPA AXIS functioning during adolescence
  1230. Decreased daytime illumination leads to anxiety-like behaviors and HPA AXIS dysregulation in the diurnal grass rat (Arvicanthis niloticus)
  1231. Long-lasting effects of prenatal stress on HPA AXIS and inflammation: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis in rodent studies
  1232. Programming of the adult HPA AXIS after neonatal separation and environmental stress in male and female rats
  1233. HPA AXIS reactivity to pharmacologic and psychological stressors in euthymic women with histories of postpartum versus major depression
  1234. Circadian and ultradian patterns of HPA –AXIS activity in rodents: Significance for brain functionality
  1235. Experimental increases in glucocorticoids alter function of the HPA AXIS in wild red squirrels without negatively impacting survival and reproduction
  1236. Placental CpG methylation of HPA –AXIS genes is associated with cognitive impairment at age 10 among children born extremely preterm
  1237. Stress and drug dependence differentially modulate norepinephrine signaling in animals with varied HPA AXIS function
  1238. HPA –AXIS function and grey matter volume reductions: imaging the diathesis-stress model in individuals at ultra-high risk of psychosis
  1239. Association, haplotype, and gene-gene interactions of the HPA AXIS genes with suicidal behaviour in affective disorders
  1240. Effects chronic administration of corticosterone and estrogen on HPA AXIS activity and telomere length in brain areas of female rats
  1241. Developmental programming and the HPA –AXIS
  1242. FoxO3a suppresses neuropeptide W expression in neuronal cells and in rat hypothalamus and its implication in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1243. Acute serotonergic treatment changes the relation between anxiety and HPA –AXIS functioning and periaqueductal gray activation
  1244. Basal functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and psychological distress in recreational ecstasy polydrug users
  1245. Facilitation of the HPA AXIS to a novel acute stress following chronic stress exposure modulates histone acetylation and the ERK/MAPK pathway in the dentate gyrus of …
  1246. The role of childhood maltreatment in cortisol in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in methamphetamine-dependent individuals with and without …
  1247. Psychological stress deteriorates skin barrier function by activating 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and the HPA AXIS
  1248. Ethanol affects behavior and HPA AXIS activity during development in zebrafish larvae
  1249. The potential role of glucocorticoids and the HPA AXIS in alcohol dependence
  1250. Patient-specific modeling of the neuroendocrine HPA –AXIS and its relation to depression: Ultradian and circadian oscillations
  1251. The interaction of BDNF Val66Met, PTSD, and child abuse on psychophysiological reactivity and HPA AXIS function in a sample of Gulf War Veterans
  1252. Learned Immobility Produces Enduring Impairment of the HPA AXIS Reactivity in Mice without Replicating the Broad Spectrum of Depressive-Like Phenotype
  1253. Microglia and HPA AXIS in depression: an overview of participation and relationship
  1254. Rapid anti-PTSD-like activity of the TSPO agonist YL-IPA08: Emphasis on brain GABA, neurosteroids and HPA AXIS function
  1255. QCM-4, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ameliorates plasma HPA AXIS hyperactivity, leptin resistance and brain oxidative stress in depression and anxiety-like behavior in …
  1256. Sex differences in serotonin (5-HT) 1A receptor regulation of HPA AXIS and dorsal raphe responses to acute restraint
  1257. Association between OPCRIT dimensions and polymorphisms of HPA AXIS genes in bipolar disorder
  1258. Acute stress imposed during adolescence has minimal effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS sensitivity in adulthood in female Sprague Dawley rats
  1259. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and functionally linked neurocircuitry modulate emotion processing and HPA AXIS dysfunction in posttraumatic stress …
  1260. Apelin-13 upregulates BDNF against chronic stress-induced depression-like phenotypes by ameliorating HPA AXIS and hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor …
  1261. The role of childhood trauma, HPA AXIS reactivity and FKBP5 genotype on cognition in healthy individuals
  1262. The effect of vasopressin 1b receptor (V1bR) blockade on HPA AXIS activity in rats exposed to acute heat stress
  1263. Association and genetic expression between genes involved in HPA AXIS and suicide behavior: a systematic review
  1264. Evidence for a role of adolescent endocannabinoid signaling in regulating HPA AXIS stress responsivity and emotional behavior development
  1265. Association of HPA AXIS hormones with copeptin after psychological stress differs by sex
  1266. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase-4 reverses Aβ-induced memory impairment by regulation of HPA AXIS related cAMP signaling
  1267. Daily Social Interactions and HPA AXIS Activity Among Midlife and Older Adults
  1268. Antioxidant treatment induces hyperactivation of the HPA AXIS by upregulating ACTH receptor in the adrenal and downregulating glucocorticoid receptors in …
  1269. Palatable food reduces anxiety-like behaviors and HPA AXIS responses to stress in female rats in an estrous-cycle specific manner
  1270. Novel insights in the HPA –AXIS during critical illness
  1271. Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channel by iptakalim normalizes stress-induced HPA AXIS disorder and depressive behaviour by alleviating inflammation and …
  1272. Cultural experiences, social ties, and stress: Focusing on the HPA AXIS
  1273. Palatable food affects HPA AXIS responsivity and forebrain neurocircuitry in an estrous cycle-specific manner in female rats
  1274. … electro-acupuncture at maternal different points on perinatal nicotine exposure-induced pulmonary dysplasia in offspring based on HPA AXIS and signal transduction …
  1275. Effect of oestrogen-dependent vasopressin on HPA AXIS in the median eminence of female rats
  1276. Consumption of green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhances systemic immune response, antioxidative capacity and HPA AXIS functions in aged male swiss albino …
  1277. … (Lour.) Gilg and Aucklandia costus Falc. volatile oils exerts antidepressant effects in a CUMS-induced rat model by regulating the HPA AXIS and levels of …
  1278. Metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated signaling dampens the HPA AXIS response to restraint stress
  1279. … sarmentosum Roxb. produces antidepressant-like effects in rodents, associated with activation of the CREB-BDNF-ERK signaling pathway and reversal of HPA AXIS …
  1280. Assessment of the HPA AXIS : another new test?
  1281. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression severity in sexually assaulted women: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS alterations
  1282. Modulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS by plants and phytonutrients: a systematic review of human trials
  1283. The Characterization of Sex Differences in Hypoglycemia-Induced Activation of HPA AXIS on the Transcriptomic Level
  1284. The HPA AXIS in the pathogenesis and treatment of depressive disorders: integrating clinical and molecular findings
  1286. Serotonin transporter genotype modulates HPA AXIS output during stress: effect of stress, dexamethasone test and ACTH challenge
  1287. LPS reduces BDNF and VEGF expression in the structures of the HPA AXIS of chronic social stressed female rats
  1288. Advances in mathematical modelling of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS dynamics and the neuroendocrine response to stress
  1289. … CRF1 receptor deficient mice following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal in a conditioned place aversion paradigm: implication of HPA AXIS
  1290. Temporal dynamics of the HPA AXIS linked to exploratory behavior in a wild European songbird (Parus major)
  1291. … vasotocin and its receptors in septo-hypothalamic brain structures and anterior pituitary that sustain hypothalamic–pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS functions during acute …
  1292. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade by telmisartan prevents stress-induced impairment of memory via HPA AXIS deactivation and up-regulation of brain-derived …
  1293. Tactile stimulation on adulthood modifies the HPA AXIS , neurotrophic factors, and GFAP signaling reverting depression-like behavior in female rats
  1294. HPA AXIS modulation in the treatment of mood disorders
  1295. Long-term effects of repeated maternal separation and ethanol intake on HPA AXIS responsiveness in adult rats
  1296. Blunting of the HPA –AXIS underlies the lack of preventive efficacy of early post-stressor single-dose Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
  1297. Hyper-reactivity of HPA AXIS in Fischer 344 rats is associated with impaired cardiovascular and behavioral adaptation to repeated restraint stress
  1298. The role of stress and the HPA AXIS in chronic disease management
  1299. Hair cortisol concentrations as an indicator of potential HPA AXIS hyperactivation in risk for psychosis
  1300. Kisspeptin-8 Induces Anxiety-Like Behavior and Hypolocomotion by Activating the HPA AXIS and Increasing GABA Release in the Nucleus Accumbens in Rats
  1301. Three Brothers With Autism Carry a Stop‐Gain Mutation in the HPA ‐AXIS Gene NR3C2
  1302. The HPA AXIS and ethanol: a synthesis of mathematical modelling and experimental observations
  1303. Basolateral amygdala CB1 receptors gate HPA AXIS activation and context-cocaine memory strength during reconsolidation
  1304. Paeoniflorin ameliorates depressive-like behavior in prenatally stressed offspring by restoring the HPA AXIS -and glucocorticoid receptor-associated dysfunction
  1305. Neural correlates of parent–child HPA AXIS coregulation
  1306. Herbicide Paraquat provokes the stress responses of HPA AXIS of laboratory mouse, Mus musculus
  1307. Comparison of stress level and HPA AXIS activity of internet game addiction vs. non-addiction in adolescents
  1308. Role of Stress and Hormones of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in Aging
  1309. The nutrient and energy sensor sirt1 regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS by altering the production of the prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) …
  1310. Testing the developmental hypothesis of the HPA AXIS in a tropical passerine: Dampened corticosterone response and faster negative feedback in nestling lance …
  1311. Indirect effects of HPA AXIS dysregulation in the association between peer victimization and depressed affect during early adolescence
  1312. Polygenic risk score of SERPINA6/SERPINA1 associates with diurnal and stress-induced HPA AXIS activity in children
  1313. Air pollution is associated with elevated HPA –AXIS response to stress in anxious adolescent girls
  1314. HPA AXIS in the Pathomechanism of Depression and Schizophrenia: New Therapeutic Strategies Based on Its Participation
  1315. HPA AXIS regulation and stress response is subject to intergenerational modification by paternal trauma and stress
  1316. Indirect exposure to socially defeated conspecifics using recorded video activates the HPA AXIS and reduces reward sensitivity in mice
  1317. Limited cheese intake reduces HPA AXIS and behavioral stress responses in male rats
  1318. Associations between HPA AXIS reactivity and PTSD and depressive symptoms: Importance of maltreatment type and puberty
  1319. Stress-induced alterations in HPA –AXIS reactivity and mesolimbic reward activation in individuals with emotional eating
  1320. Impact of maternal trauma-related psychopathology and life stress on HPA AXIS stress response
  1321. Inhaled corticosteroids and HPA AXIS suppression: how important is it and how should it be managed?
  1322. … and Urocortin III with amygdalar and hypothalamic cotricotropin-releasing factor (CRF)–Reflections on the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1323. Partial genetic deletion of neuregulin 1 modulates the effects of stress on sensorimotor gating, dendritic morphology, and HPA AXIS activity in adolescent mice
  1324. HPA AXIS function predicts development of working memory in boys with FXS
  1325. Soporific effect of modified Suanzaoren Decoction on mice models of insomnia by regulating Orexin-A and HPA AXIS homeostasis
  1326. HPA –AXIS activity and the moderating effect of self-esteem in the context of intimate partner violence in Cameroon
  1327. Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea exert an anti-stress effect on the HPA AXIS and reduce hypothalamic c-Fos expression in rats subjected to repeated …
  1328. The Role of HPA AXIS and Allopregnanolone on the Neurobiology of Major Depressive Disorders and PTSD
  1329. HPA AXIS responses to acute exercise differ in smokers and non-smokers
  1330. Disaster-related prenatal maternal stress, and childhood HPA –AXIS regulation and anxiety: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study
  1331. Timing of prenatal exposure to trauma and altered placental expressions of HPA –AXIS genes and genes driving neurodevelopment
  1332. Stress and HPA AXIS dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
  1333. Maternal stress, placental 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, and infant HPA AXIS development in humans: Psychosocial and physiological pathways
  1334. The effects of stress on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function in subjects with schizophrenia
  1335. Effect of adverse childhood experiences on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function and antidepressant efficacy in untreated first episode patients with …
  1336. Ewes with divergent cortisol responses to ACTH exhibit functional differences in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1337. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in sheep is attenuated during lactation in response to psychosocial and predator stress
  1338. Effects of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris YRC3780 daily intake on the HPA AXIS response to acute psychological stress in healthy Japanese men
  1339. AIDS and HPA AXIS
  1340. Examining HPA –AXIS functioning as a mediator of the relationship between depression and cognition across the adult lifespan
  1341. Post-dexamethasone serum copeptin corresponds to HPA AXIS responsiveness in human obesity
  1342. Impact of psychological health on peripheral endothelial function and the HPA –AXIS activity in healthy adolescents
  1343. Interpersonal childhood adversity and stress generation in adolescence: Moderation by HPA AXIS multilocus genetic variation
  1344. Antidepressant effect of catalpol on corticosterone-induced depressive-like behavior involves the inhibition of HPA AXIS hyperactivity, central inflammation and …
  1345. Genes involved in the HPA AXIS and the symptom cluster of fatigue, depressive symptoms, and anxiety in women with breast cancer during 18 months of adjuvant …
  1346. … receptor α, ameliorates chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depressive-like behaviors in rats: Involvement of regulating HPA AXIS and improving hippocampal …
  1347. Distress calls of the greater short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx activate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in conspecifics
  1348. HIV-1 proteins accelerate HPA AXIS habituation in female rats
  1349. … auricular vagus nerve stimulation at 20 Hz improves depression-like behaviors and down-regulates the hyperactivity of HPA AXIS in chronic unpredictable …
  1350. … bark extract of Adansonia digitata ameliorates chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression-like behavior: Involvement of the HPA AXIS , BDNF, and stress …
  1351. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) can alter the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity by modifying CRF1 and glucocorticoid receptors
  1352. Two‐year stability of individual differences in (para) sympathetic and HPA ‐AXIS responses to public speaking in childhood and adolescence
  1353. Mathematical Analysis of the Role of Pituitary-adrenal Interactions in Ultradian Rhythms of the HPA AXIS
  1354. Icariin ameliorates learning and memory impairments through ERK/CaMKIIα/CREB signaling and HPA AXIS in prenatally stressed female offspring
  1355. Altered endocannabinoid-dynamics in craniopharyngioma patients and their association with HPA –AXIS disturbances
  1356. Dopamine D2-like receptors modulate freezing response, but not the activation of HPA AXIS , during the expression of conditioned fear
  1357. Morning Serum Cortisol as a Predictor for the HPA AXIS Recovery in Cushing’s Disease
  1358. Maternal glucocorticoids have minimal effects on HPA AXIS activity and behavior of juvenile wild North American red squirrels
  1359. An anti-CRF antibody suppresses the HPA AXIS and reverses stress-induced phenotypes
  1360. Relationship of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function and suicidal behavior in patients with depression
  1361. The Stress of Caring—Resilience and HPA –AXIS Activity in Hair Samples of Youth Residential Caregivers
  1362. Crabp1 Modulates HPA AXIS Homeostasis and Anxiety-like Behaviors by Altering FKBP5 Expression
  1363. HPA and SAM AXIS responses as correlates of self-vs parental ratings of anxiety in boys with an Autistic Disorder
  1364. miR-212 mediates counter-regulation on CRH expression and HPA AXIS activity in male mice
  1365. Association between resting energy expenditure, psychopathology and HPA –AXIS in eating disorders
  1366. Stress and spirituality in relation to HPA AXIS gene methylation among US Black women: results from the Black Women’s Health Study and the Study on Stress …
  1367. HPA –AXIS genes as potential risk variants for neurocognitive decline in trauma-exposed, HIV-positive females
  1368. DHEA Moderates the Impact of Childhood Trauma on the HPA AXIS in Adolescence
  1369. Exposure to particulate matter, prenatal depressive symptoms and HPA AXIS dysregulation
  1370. Chronic social isolation in adaptation of HPA AXIS to heterotypic stress
  1371. The acute effect of fludrocortisone on basal and hCRH-stimulated hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in humans
  1372. Is PTSD-Phenotype Associated with HPA –AXIS Sensitivity?: The Endocannabinoid System in Modulating Stress Response in Rats
  1373. From type-1 diabetes HPA AXIS to the disease complications
  1374. Interactions of orphanin FQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N) system with immune system factors and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1375. Beta amyloid-induced time-dependent learning and memory impairment: involvement of HPA AXIS dysfunction
  1376. Central noradrenaline transporter availability is linked with HPA AXIS responsiveness and copeptin in human obesity and non-obese controls
  1377. … with either chick MRAP1 or MRAP2 in CHO cells on sensitivity to ACTH (1–24) or ACTH (1–13) NH2: Implications for the avian HPA AXIS and avian melanocortin …
  1378. Sex-dependent effects of MC4R genotype on HPA AXIS tone: implications for stress-associated cardiometabolic disease
  1379. The HPA –immune AXIS and the immunomodulatory actions of glucocorticoids in the brain
  1380. Effect of hesperidin on behavior and HPA AXIS of rat model of chronic stress-induced depression
  1381. … CRH)‐induced stress along the intrafollicular classical hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS (CRH‐R1/2, IP3‐R, ACTH, MC‐R2) and the neurogenic non‐HPA AXIS (substance P, p75 …
  1382. The correlation between longitudinal changes in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA )-AXIS activity and changes in neurocognitive function in mixed-state …
  1383. Ghrelin receptor antagonist attenuated sickness behavior and activation of HPA –AXIS induced by immunological challenge in male rats
  1384. Predisposition or side effect of the duration: the reactivity of the HPA –AXIS under psychosocial stress in panic disorder
  1385. The Effect of Nicotine on HPA AXIS Activity in Females is Modulated by the FKBP5 Genotype
  1386. Immediate effects of maternal deprivation on the (re) activity of the HPA –AXIS differ in CD1 and C57Bl/6J mouse pups
  1387. Neuroendocrinology of posttraumatic stress disorder: Focus on the HPA AXIS
  1388. Oxytocin and HPA stress AXIS reactivity in postpartum women
  1389. Phosphodiesterase-2 Inhibitor Bay 60-7550 ameliorates Aβ-induced cognitive and memory impairment via regulation of the HPA AXIS
  1390. Lack of specific association between panicogenic properties of caffeine and HPA –AXIS activation. A placebo-controlled study of caffeine challenge in patients with …
  1391. Is PTSD-Phenotype Associated with HPA –AXIS Sensitivity? Feedback Inhibition and Other Modulating Factors of Glucocorticoid Signaling Dynamics
  1392. Prolactin regulation of the HPA AXIS is not mediated by a direct action upon CRH neurons: evidence from the rat and mouse
  1393. Inflammation is an important covariate for the crosstalk of sleep and the HPA AXIS in rheumatoid arthritis
  1394. 3, 4-Dihydroxyphenylethanol assuages cognitive impulsivity in Alzheimer’s disease by attuning HPA –AXIS via differential crosstalk of α7 nAChR with microrna-124 and …
  1395. Differentiation between genomic and non-genomic feedback controls yields an HPA AXIS model featuring Hypercortisolism as an irreversible bistable switch
  1396. Hormonal dysregulation after prolonged HPA AXIS activation can be explained by changes of adrenal and corticotroph masses
  1397. Progress of the regulation effect of ginsenosides on HPA AXIS
  1398. Concordant pattern of the HPA AXIS response to visceral stimulation and CRH administration
  1399. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS response to exogenous corticotropin‐releasing hormone (CRH) is attenuated in men with chronic insomnia
  1400. Early-life adversity programs long-term cytokine and microglia expression within the HPA AXIS in female Japanese quail
  1401. Responsiveness of fecal immunoglobulin A to HPA ‐AXIS activation limits its use for mucosal immunity assessment
  1402. Effects of Electroacupuncture on Sleep via the Dopamine System of the HPA AXIS in Rats after Cage Change
  1403. Chronic itch impairs mood and HPA AXIS function in mice: modulation by CRFR1 antagonist
  1404. Role of the HPA AXIS in the Metabolic and Baroreflex Components of Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure
  1405. … of study design on the evaluation of inhaled and intranasal corticosteroids’ effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal AXIS function, part I: general overview of HPA AXIS …
  1406. Corticosterone and progesterone differentially regulate HPA AXIS and neuroimmune responses to stress in male rats
  1407. Effects of Xiaoyaosan on Depressive-Like Behaviors in Rats With Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Through HPA AXIS Induced Astrocytic Activities
  1408. Role of HPA and the HPG AXIS interaction in testosterone-mediated learned helpless behavior
  1409. Postpartum maternal exposure to predator odor alters offspring antipredator behavior, basal HPA AXIS activity and immunoglobulin levels in adult Brandt’s voles
  1410. Alterations of autonomic nervous system and HPA AXIS basal activity and reactivity to acute stress: a comparison of traumatized adolescents and healthy controls
  1411. Self-Critical Perfectionism, Depressive Symptoms, and HPA –AXIS Dysregulation: Testing Emotional and Physiological Stress Reactivity.
  1412. Naloxone-induced conditioned place aversion score and extinction period are higher in C57BL/6J morphine-dependent mice than in Swiss: Role of HPA AXIS
  1413. Circadian rhythms and the HPA AXIS : A systems view
  1414. Hypothalamic glucocorticoid receptor in CRF neurons is essential for HPA AXIS habituation to repeated stressor
  1415. Maternal behavior and the neonatal HPA AXIS in the Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) strain: Early-life implications for a genetic animal model in epilepsy
  1416. Structural Study of the DNA: Clock/Bmal1 Complex Provides Insights for the Role of Cortisol, hGR, and HPA AXIS in Stress Management and Sleep Disorders
  1417. Role of 11β-HSD type 1 in abnormal HPA AXIS activity during immune-mediated arthritis
  1418. A short‐term extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure increases circulating leukocyte numbers and affects HPA ‐AXIS signaling in mice
  1419. The relationship between stress, HPA AXIS functioning and brain structure in first episode psychosis over the first 12 weeks of treatment
  1420. Localized alopecia and suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in dogs following treatment with difluprednate 0.05% ophthalmic emulsion …
  1421. Jieyuanshen decoction exerts antidepressant effects on depressive rat model via regulating HPA AXIS and the level of amino acids neurotransmitter
  1422. Parental corporal punishment and child anxiety in China: The moderating role of HPA –AXIS Activity
  1423. Glutamatergic and HPA –AXIS pathway genes in bipolar disorder comorbid with alcohol-and substance use disorders
  1424. Early basal cortisol level as a predictor of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function after pituitary tumor surgery
  1425. … and adrenocorticotropic hormone treatment attenuates N-methyl-d-aspartate-induced infantile spasms in a rat model by regulating activation of the HPA AXIS
  1426. Effect of early parenteral nutrition on the HPA AXIS and on treatment with corticosteroids in intensive care patients
  1427. Effects of taurine on blood index of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS of stress-induced hypertensive rat
  1428. Environmental enrichment modulates HPA AXIS reprogramming in adult male rats exposed to early adolescent stress
  1429. An exploratory analysis of the joint contribution of HPA AXIS activation and motivation to early adolescent depressive symptoms
  1430. Mifepristone accelerates HPA AXIS recovery in secondary adrenal insufficiency
  1431. … Extract Ameliorates Learning and Memory Impairments through Synaptic Protein, Neurogranin, Pro-and Mature BDNF Signaling, and HPA AXIS in Prenatally Stressed …
  1432. A cross-over study of effects on the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and the sympathoadrenergic system in magnetic field strength exposure from 0 to 7 T
  1433. Dysregulation of the HPA AXIS in chronic fatigue syndrome
  1434. Short-term treatment with the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A decreases HPA AXIS activity and plasma noradrenaline levels in healthy male volunteers
  1435. Leptin and HPA AXIS activity in diabetic rats: effects of adrenergic agonists
  1436. Effects of resistance exercise on the HPA AXIS response to psychological stress during short-term smoking abstinence in men
  1437. Mechanisms of imidacloprid-induced alteration of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS after subchronic exposure in male rats
  1438. The Hyperactive HPA AXIS
  1439. A review of the effects of prolonged exposure to cortisol on the regulation of the HPA AXIS : Implications for the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress …
  1440. Heightened HPA –AXIS stress reactivity and accelerated pubertal progression predicts depressive symptoms over 4-year follow up
  1441. Background cortisol versus social anxiety as correlates of HPA –AXIS recovery from stress in boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  1442. Recovery by N-acetylcysteine from subchronic exposure to Imidacloprid-induced hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS tissues injury in male rats
  1443. Involvement of nitric oxide, neurotrophins and HPA AXIS in neurobehavioural alterations induced by prenatal stress
  1444. Dissection of the corticotroph transcriptome in a mouse model of glucocorticoid-induced suppression of the HPA AXIS
  1445. Examining morning HPA AXIS activity as a moderator of hostile, over‐reactive parenting on children’s skills for success in school
  1446. Bicuculline, a GABAA-receptor antagonist, blocked HPA AXIS activation induced by ghrelin under an acute stress
  1447. Physiological correlates of choice‐induced dissonance: An exploration of HPA ‐AXIS responses
  1448. Modulation of corticosterone and changes of signal molecules in the HPA AXIS after cold water swimming stress
  1449. … impacts Met-enkephalin in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical AXIS in growing Polish Mountain sheep: a possible role of the opioids in modulation of HPA AXIS
  1450. Genetic risk-factors for anxiety in healthy individuals: polymorphisms in genes important for the HPA AXIS
  1451. Does maternal antenatal depression alter infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS functioning in the offspring at 4 months postpartum?
  1452. Sex differences in activated CRF neurons within stress-related neurocircuitry and HPA AXIS hormones following restraint in rats
  1453. Dynamics of the HPA AXIS : A systems modeling approach
  1454. Examining the relationships between chronic stress, HPA AXIS activity, and depression in a prospective and longitudinal study of medical internship
  1455. Social setting, social rank and HPA AXIS response in cynomolgus monkeys
  1456. Comparison of methods for evaluation of the suppressive effects of prednisolone on the HPA AXIS and bone turnover: changes in s-DHEAS are as sensitive as the …
  1457. Mathematical modelling of the dynamic role of the HPA AXIS in the immune system
  1458. Biological Rhythms and the HPA AXIS in psychoneuroimmunology
  1459. Recovery of HPA AXIS function after successful gonadotropin-induced pregnancy and delivery in a woman with panhypopituitarism: case report and review
  1460. A comorbid major depression in patients with panic disorder affects the HPA AXIS response in the DEX-CRH test
  1461. Non-invasive genotyping with a massively parallel sequencing panel for the detection of SNPs in HPA –AXIS genes
  1462. Efficacy and safety of proactive treatment with twice-weekly topical Cal/BD foam in patients with plaque psoriasis undergoing HPA –AXIS testing: a PSO-LONG subgroup …
  1463. Antidepressive effects of ginsenoside Rg1 via regulation of HPA and HPG AXIS
  1464. Paternal stress exposure alters sperm microRNA content and reprograms offspring HPA stress AXIS regulation
  1465. Evidence for involvement of a limbic-paraventricular hypothalamic inhibitory network in HPA AXIS adaptations to repeated stress
  1466. Quantitative trait Loci influencing abdominal fat deposition and functional variability of the HPA AXIS in the rat
  1467. Environmental enrichment for pregnant sows modulates HPA –AXIS and behavior in the offspring
  1468. Effects of high temperature and high humidity stress on the negative feedback regulation of hippocampus on HPA AXIS in rats
  1469. Increased sympathetic tone and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activation impact in metabolic parameters from hypertensive rats
  1470. Absence of glucocorticoids augments stress-induced Mkp-1 mRNA expression within the HPA AXIS
  1471. A hyperresponsive HPA AXIS may confer resilience against persistent paclitaxel-induced mechanical hypersensitivity
  1472. Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN: Herbal Support for the HPA AXIS
  1473. What’s new on the HPA AXIS ?
  1474. Association of the HPA AXIS response to upcoming competition and shooting outcomes in elite junior shooting players
  1475. Activation of HPA AXIS and remodeling of body chemical composition in response to an intense and exhaustive exercise in C57BL/6 mice
  1476. Personality and the HPA –AXIS in Association with Postpartum Depression
  1477. Impaired HPA AXIS function in diabetes involves adrenal apoptosis and phagocytosis
  1478. Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 attenuates chronic unpredictable mild stress induced HPA AXIS dysregulation, inflammation and oxidative damage in depressive rats
  1479. Leptin attenuates HPA –AXIS activation and stress responses
  1480. Effects of electroacupuncture at” Yishu”(EX-B 3) on the relative hormones of HPA AXIS in rats with type-2 diabetes mellitus
  1481. Two Experiments on the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Touching-Effect of Touching on the HPA AXIS -Related Parts of the Body on Both Healthy and …
  1482. Markers of HPA –AXIS activity and nucleic acid damage from oxidation after electroconvulsive stimulations in rats
  1483. Effects and HPA AXIS related mechanism of Kaixin-San and Danggui-Shaoyao-San on glucose and lipid metabolism in chronic stress rats with high-fat diet
  1484. Concurrent and prospective associations between HPA AXIS activity and depression symptoms in newlywed women
  1485. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS parameters and neurocognitive evaluation in patients with bipolar disorder.
  1486. Exaggerated activity of HPA AXIS in obese rats fed normocaloric liquid nutrition
  1487. 3‐O‐Acetyl‐11‐keto‐β‐boswellic acid ameliorates chronic unpredictable mild stress induced HPA AXIS dysregulation in relation with glutamate/GABA aberration in …
  1488. Effects of heat-sensitive moxibustion on HPA AXIS in rats with irritable bowel syndrome
  1489. Circadian rhythms of the HPA AXIS and stress
  1490. Chronic systemic administration of serotonergic ligands flibanserin and 8-OH-DPAT enhance HPA AXIS responses to restraint in female marmosets
  1491. Stress, HPA AXIS dysfunction and personalized nutrition
  1492. 157: Associations of postpartum depression symptoms and infant feeding with Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS reactivity
  1493. Footshock facilitates methamphetamine-induced conditioned suppression through HPA AXIS , not dopamine
  1494. The relationships between indicators of the prenatal environment and behaviors associated with HPA AXIS dysfunction
  1495. Early life stress-induced vulnerability to postpartum mental disturbance: prolonged dysregulation of the HPA AXIS and behavior
  1496. The defecation index as a measure of emotionality: questions raised by HPA AXIS and prolactin response to stress in the Maudsley model
  1497. HPA AXIS Function During the Perinatal Period in Patients with Affective Disorders
  1498. Genetic variation of HPA AXIS activity and function in farm animals
  1499. The HPA AXIS and Functional Somatic Symptoms
  1500. A case of a post-operative Addisonian crisis from HPA AXIS suppression from inhaled corticosteroids
  1501. Assessment of HPA AXIS functioning in patients with depression through baseline measures: a systematic literature review and analysis of the used …
  1502. The dynamic interaction of systemic inflammation and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS during and after major surgery
  1503. The effect of antidepressant treatment on the HPA AXIS , changes in depression score and serum levels of TNF-α in depressed infertile women
  1504. Effects of lipid coated γ-aminobutyric acid on HPA AXIS and some immune indicators of cows in heat stress.
  1505. Ketamine decreases HPA AXIS reactivity to a novel stressor in male but not female mice
  1506. Epigenetic Programming of the HPA AXIS by Early Life Adversity
  1507. Negative Feedback of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS as Assessed by the Dexamethasone-Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) Test in Irritable Bowel …
  1508. Effect of water extract of spina date seed and albizzia julibrissin flower on HPA AXIS and inflammatory cytokines in anxious depression model rats
  1509. The role of fathers on HPA –AXIS development and activity across the lifespan: A brief review
  1510. Modeling the circadian regulation of HPA AXIS activity
  1511. Effect of Aerobic Fitness on Cortisol Response and HPA –AXIS Reactivity at Different Aerobic Exercise Intensities
  1512. Chronic Stress and HPA AXIS Dysregulation in Older Adulthood: Protective Effects of Self-Compassion
  1513. Hair: a tool to evaluate the HPA AXIS activity
  1514. Crassifoside H ameliorates depressant behavior in chronic unpredictable mild stress rats by improving HPA AXIS dysfunction and inhibiting inflammation in …
  1515. Repeated stimulation of the HPA AXIS alters white blood cell counts without increasing oxidative stress or inflammatory cytokines in fasting elephant seal pups
  1516. Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and diabetes
  1517. Depressive symptoms and acute HPA AXIS stress regulation in the context of adolescent girls’ friendships
  1518. Mechanism analysis of the antidepressant effect of acupuncture by regulating the HPA AXIS
  1519. Social Isolation Stress Provokes Atherosclerosis Through HPA –AXIS Over-Activation, Toll-Like Receptors, and Macrophage Polarization
  1520. SAT-218 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Responsiveness in Women and Men during 29 Weeks of Basic …
  1521. Integrating behavior, hormones and genes associated with the primate HPA –AXIS
  1522. The Influence of an Additive HPA AXIS Genetic Variation Score on Lab-Based Stress Reactivity in an Emerging Adult Sample
  1523. … , te taumahatanga o aua mea me ētahi mahi whakaora hinegaro mō ngā wāhine Māori= Adverse childhood experiences, HPA AXIS functioning and culturally …
  1524. … and glucocorticoids modulate chronic unpredictable stress-induced increase in the type 2 CRF and glucocorticoid receptors in brain structures related to the HPA AXIS …
  1525. The roles of HPA AXIS activity and attentional bias in the development of anxiety symptoms in low-income Mexican-origin children
  1526. Maternal glucocorticoids do not influence HPA AXIS activity or behavior of juvenile wild North American red squirrels
  1527. HPA AXIS
  1528. CU-traits and HPA –AXIS reactivity conjointly relate to treatment effect in adolescents with severe antisocial behavior.
  1529. Neural Activity During Facial Memory Retrieval in Patients with Asthma: Associations with Peripheral Airway Inflammation and HPA –AXIS Activity
  1530. Commentary: The importance of exploring dose‐dependent, subtype‐specific, and age‐related effects of maltreatment on the HPA AXIS and the mediating link to …
  1531. The HPA AXIS and late-life depression.
  1532. Study on the Relationship Between HPA AXIS and Treatment-Resistant Depression
  1533. Maternal HPA AXIS Function During Parenting Is Associated with Reduced Brain Activation to Infant Cry and More Intrusive Parenting Behavior
  1534. Uncoupling between the vagal tone and HPA AXIS in patients with Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome: Relation to stress and inflammation
  1535. HPA –AXIS
  1536. HPA –AXIS
  1537. The Effect of Fluoxetine and Imipramine on the Improvement of Depressive-Like Behaviors and HPA AXIS (Hypothalamicpituitary-Adrenal Cortex) Activity–An Animal …
  1538. Plasma Nesfatin-1 concentration and its correlation with HPA AXIS in depression model rats
  1539. HPA AXIS dysfunction in treatment resistant affective disorders
  1540. Intimate partner violence, mental health, and HPA AXIS functioning
  1541. Mathematical Model For The Response Of HPA AXIS Applying Gompertz-Makeham Distribution In Association With Analytic Univalent Functions
  1542. Association Between Maternal Stress and Parental Responses to Child Development as Measured by HPA AXIS Biomarkers
  1543. Dissociative stress response corresponds with downregulation of the HPA –AXIS
  1544. SUN-207 Modelling Long Term Glucocorticoid-Induced HPA AXIS Suppression in Mice
  1545. The influences of genes and early life stress on the HPA AXIS regulation
  1546. Basolateral amygdala CB1 receptors modulate HPA AXIS activation and context-cocaine memory strength during reconsolidation
  1547. HPA AXIS alterations in critically ill patients
  1548. A simplification and analysis of the HPA AXIS model
  1549. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Repeated Wheezing from 6 to 30 Months of Age: Investigating the Roles of HPA AXIS Functioning, Parenting, and Child Sex
  1550. The differential calibration of the HPA AXIS as a function of trauma versus adversity: A systematic review and p-curve meta-analyses
  1551. Coping facilitated troponin T increases and hypo-responsivity in the copeptin-HPA –AXIS during acute mental stress in a black cohort: The SABPA study
  1552. The Physiology of Chicken Domestication: Involvement of the HPA –AXIS and the Autonomic Nervous System
  1553. Sella and Suprasellar Brain Tumours and Infiltrarive Disorders Affecting the HPA –AXIS
  1554. Neuroanatomical correlates of HPA AXIS biomarkers among children at elevated risk for schizophrenia
  1555. Overnight suppression of HPA AXIS after mineraolocorticoid receptor stimulation: A sleep endocrine study
  1556. Mathematical modelling of the Hypothalamic-Pituritary-Adrenal glad (HPA )-AXIS ; Including Hippocampal mechanicsms
  1557. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Older Adults: The Rehabilitation Perspectives
  1558. Effects of Moxibustion on Amygdala-HPA AXIS in Rats with Kidney-Yang Deficiency Syndrome Induced by Hydrocortisone Injection
  1559. Effects of equine facilitated learning on diurnal activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in children
  1560. Effects of ginkgo biloba tablets plus combined with routine therapy on HPA AXIS in patients with steroid-dependent asthma
  1561. Regulatory effects of regulating liver and lung by means of the HPA AXIS on Thl/Th2 of asthmatic rats with psychological stress.
  1562. … Medical Warm Acupuncture in Alleviating Insomnia by Increasing the BCL-2/BAX Ratio and Decreasing the Hormones Related to the Central HPA AXIS of the Stress …
  1563. Mathematical Modeling of HPA AXIS Using Particle Filter Algorithm
  1564. The Effect of Transportation-Related Air Pollution on the HPA AXIS and Adverse Birth Outcomes
  1565. Interactions between the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS , Oxytocin System, and Behavior in Differently Reared Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
  1566. Mechanisms of Cardiometabolic Disparities: Stressor Characteristics Linked to HPA –AXIS Dysregulation
  1567. Stress-induced myonectin improves glucose homeostasis by inhibiting glycemic response to HPA AXIS
  1568. Permanence and Global Attractivity of a HPA AXIS Model Related to Depression
  1570. Social stress-dependent changes on behavior and inflammatory parameters in animals with HPA –AXIS disruption
  1571. Role of HPA and HPT AXIS in Anxiety Disorder Complicated with Diabetes Mellitus
  1572. Psychosocial stress, hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA ) AXIS function, and cardiometabolic health
  1573. Association of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with HPA and SAM AXIS reactivity to psychological and physical stress
  1574. … ARCNeuron Activation Increases Fasting Plasma Glucose Levels Through Changes in Hepatic Gluconeogenic Gene Expression but Not Changes in the HPA AXIS …
  1575. HPA AXIS regulation during a woman
  1576. MON-167 Use of a Morning Cortisol Level to Predict Recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency Following …
  1577. Infant emotion regulation strategy moderates the relation between maternal depressive symptomatology and infant HPA –AXIS regulation
  1578. Behaviour and HPA AXIS activity differ but are not correlated among urban versus rural eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)
  1579. Dopamine agonist therapy induces significant recovery of HPA AXIS function in prolactinomas independent of tumor size: a large single center experience
  1580. Cultural Factors and the HPA AXIS Stress Response Among Latino Students Transitioning to College
  1581. The Role of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Causing a Dysregulation of the HPA AXIS on the Incidence of Depression
  1582. Investigation of the relationship between SNPs important for HPA AXIS and the release of cortisol during affective touch: Version 1
  1583. Developmental Exposure to Indoor Flame Retardants Disrupts Sympathetic and Hypothalamic‐Pituitary‐Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Activity in Osmotic Challenged Rats
  1584. Selenium Enriched Yeast Modifies the Effects of Methandienone in Male Rabbits on the HPA AXIS and Adrenal Gland Oxidative Stress
  1585. The HPA AXIS in type 2 diabetes
  1586. The influence of parenting and genetic variants on internalising symptoms during late childhood: neural mechanisms and the HPA –AXIS
  1587. Baicalin treatment regulates hyperactivity of HPA AXIS and alters SIRT1 related inflammation in the hypothalamus in a model of depression
  1588. Effects of paeoniflorin on HPA AXIS and monoamine neurotransmitters in the rats of syndrome of stagnation of liver qi and blood deficiency
  1589. Relating the Effect of HPA AXIS to the Emotional State of Bipolar II Disorder Patient
  1590. Psychological stress modulates synaptic mechanisms for prostaglandin E2-mediated HPA AXIS activation
  1591. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS -related genetic variants influence the stress response
  1592. Effects of Early, Elevated Prenatal Testosterone on the HPA AXIS and Hormone Responsiveness in Mice
  1593. The stress response HPA –AXIS hormone, glucocorticoid, reduces cellular SKA complex gene expression
  1595. Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on HPA AXIS Functionality in Depression
  1596. Ethanol in Food affects behaviour and HPA AXIS activity during development in zebrafish larvae Subhead: Ethanol in Food affects Nerves during development in …
  1597. The role of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA )-like AXIS in inflammatory pilosebaceous disorders
  1598. Stimulation of 5‐HT1A receptors of the PVN with inhibition of HPA AXIS on feeding
  1599. 220: Hair cortisol is a reliable marker of maternal and fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity throughout pregnancy
  1600. Association of central serotonin transporter availability with HPA AXIS responsiveness in human obesity and non-obesity controls
  1601. 2040-P: Sex-Dependent Effects of MC4R Genotype on HPA AXIS Tone
  1602. HPA AXIS abnormalities and metabolic syndrome
  1603. HPA –AXIS functioning in children: A psychobiological perspective
  1604. The non-peptide CRH1-antagonist CP-154,526 elicits a paradoxical route-dependent activation of the HPA AXIS
  1605. P23 ‘Positive and negative social support and HPA –AXIS hyperactivity: evidence from glucocorticoids in human hair’
  1606. … -pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Older Adults–The Rehabilitation Perspectives: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1607. The Relationship Between Fetal Nutritional Status and HPA AXIS in Neonates
  1608. Is HPA –AXIS reactivity in childhood gender-specific? A systematic
  1609. Mathematical model for abnormalities of HPA AXIS due to stress associated with analytic univalent functions
  1610. Changes of HPA AXIS function in rats with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  1611. Effect of Puyu Capsules on behavior, HPA AXIS and CREB-BDNF pathway expression in hippocampus of depressed mice
  1612. HPA AXIS Genetic Variation and Life Stress Influences on Functional Connectivity in Resting State Networks
  1613. Maternal Glucocorticoids Do Not Impact HPA AXIS Activity or Behavior of Juvenile Wild North American Red Squirrels
  1614. Mathematical modeling of ethanol effects on the HPA AXIS dynamics
  1615. OR19-04 Glucocorticoid Production in the Nervous and Immune Systems: Evidence for a Local HPA AXIS Homolog
  1616. Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on HPA ‐AXIS Functionality
  1617. 157. HPA AXIS function is altered by cutaneous allergic inflammation in mice in a neuropeptide-and neurotrophin-dependent manner
  1618. Radiotherapy-induced effects on the HPA –AXIS in children with a brain tumour
  1619. Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in HPA AXIS Functionality in Obese Populations
  1620. Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN: Herbal Support for the HPA AXIS
  1621. Role of the HPA AXIS in the long-term programming of social behaviors by peripuberty stress
  1622. Circadian Rhythms of Oxidant-Antioxidant Agents, HPA AXIS and Protein Carbonyl Content in Serum, Brain and Adrenal Gland Tissues.
  1623. The Research of Miao Medicine Double Kidney Grass Regulation Mechanism of COPD Airway Inflammation through HPA AXIS
  1624. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS -related genetic variants influence the stress
  1625. … on CRH-induced stress along the intrafollicular classical HPA –AXIS (CRH-R1/2, IP3-R, ACTH, MC-R2) and the neurogenic non-HPA –AXIS (substance P, p75NTR and …
  1626. Influence of oxytocin receptor and HPA –AXIS -related polymorphisms on the release of plasma oxytocin during affective touch
  1627. The Hyperactive HPA AXIS : A Neurobiological Link Between Childhood Trauma and Psychopathology
  1628. Endocrinal Association of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS with Obesity
  1629. Testosterone’s regulation of the HPA AXIS differs for adolescent and adult male rats
  1630. Feel Stressed? Prepare to get depressed!: Genetic and Environmental Effects on the HPA –AXIS in Relation to Depression
  1631. High prevalence of HPA AXIS suppression in children taking corticosteroids
  1632. Based on HPA AXIS to explore the mechanism of waist-rubbing therapy in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation model rats
  1633. Effects of Fear Conditioning on Pain: Moderation by Mindfulness and the HPA –AXIS
  1634. Plasticity in the GABAergic regulation of the HPA AXIS
  1635. Stress load, stress coping and activity of HPA AXIS in adolescents with major depression
  1636. Lack Of HPA –AXIS Suppression After 12 Weeks Of Flunisolide Hfa (aerospantm) In Patients 4 And Older
  1637. Modelling glucocorticoid-induced HPA AXIS suppression in mice
  1638. Effect of Guiluerxianjiao on behaviors and HPA AXIS function in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  1639. Highlights of peripheral biomarkers in major depressive disorder: focus on HPA –AXIS , inflammation and neurotrophic factors
  1640. Effects of UV irradiation on hippocampal neurogenesis and HPA AXIS activation in the mouse
  1641. The Physiological Costs of Discrimination: Review of the Literature and Empirical Study of the Relationship Between the HPA AXIS and Past Experiences of …
  1642. HPA AXIS function in patients with clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas: effects of surgery and risk factors for HPA failure
  1643. Monoaminergic system and HPA AXIS dysfunctions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  1644. Central role for corticosteroid-binding globulin in rat HPA AXIS sexual dimorphism
  1645. The influence of intra-articular injection of glucocorticoids on blood glucose, blood lipids and HPA AXIS
  1646. Discrimination, HPA –AXIS Activity, and Racial Identity in African-American Adolescent Risk for Depression
  1647. P1009 Development of HPA AXIS hormones detection biosensor for early-diagnosis of stress-related diseases
  1648. HPA AXIS , insulin resistance and adipocytokines in the fetal-maternal unit
  1651. A model to predict Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS recovery at 6 weeks post trans sphenoidal adenomectomy: a single-centre retrospective analysis
  1652. Seasonal Changes in Muscle Gene Expression Associated with HPA AXIS Signaling: A Migrant and Resident Songbird Comparison
  1653. The Effects of Child Maltreatment, Genetic Factors, and HPA AXIS Functioning on Internalizing Symptoms in African American Children: A Moderated Mediation Model
  1654. The effect of maternal and postnatal obesity on offspring anxiety and memory and the role of altered HPA AXIS function and neuroinflammation
  1655. The HPA AXIS in Bipolar Disorder: systematic review
  1656. Different Degrees of Psychological Stress on Stress Hormone Level of HPA AXIS and Ovarian Reserve Function in Mice
  1657. Salivary biomarkers of HPA AXIS and an s activities.
  1658. Mathematical Model for Finding Relation Between Asthma And The HPA AXIS By Using MDE
  1659. Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in Infants Exposed to Corticosteroids During Fetal Life
  1660. Early life stress, HPA AXIS , and depression
  1661. Unravelling stress susceptibility and resilience: factors contributing to HPA –AXIS functioning
  1662. The HPA AXIS and ethanol: a synthesis of mathematical modelling and experimental observations
  1663. Examining the Effects of Induced Rumination on HPA –AXIS Regulation
  1664. The effect of repeated social defeat on sociability is inhibited by HPA –AXIS disruption
  1665. Effect of subdiaphragmatic vagotomy on HPA AXIS response to restraint in prior stressed rats
  1666. The Linkage Between HPA AXIS Dysregulation and Metabolic Syndrome
  1667. The efficacy of prednisone in the treatment of infantile spasm and HPA AXIS mechanism analysis
  1668. PM318. Spicy food preference and the HPA AXIS reactivity to stress in Korean social drinkers
  1669. Childhood trauma dependent anxious depression sensitizes HPA AXIS function
  1670. Much ado about much: Stress, dynamic biomarkers and HPA AXIS dysregulation along the trajectory to psychosis: Erratum.
  1671. Desynchronisation of the HPA AXIS , stress and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  1672. A life course approach to neuroendocrine systems: the example of the HPA AXIS
  1673. Restoration of HPA AXIS is rapid in subclinical Cushing
  1674. Relationship Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Dysregulation of the HPA AXIS in Predisposition to Depression
  1676. The regulation of 100% Lycium Barbarum juice supplement in HPA AXIS and serum glucose balance during increasing resistance training
  1677. Acute and Chronic HPA AXIS Stimulation Alters White Blood Cell Ratios but Not Inflammatory Markers or Oxidative Stress in Elephant Seals
  1678. Programming HPA –AXIS by early life experience: Mechanisms of stress susceptibility and adaptation
  1679. The sympathetic nervous system and HPA AXIS interact to influence memory: the experimental understanding
  1680. Acute stress induced behavioral deficits in rats: relationship with oxidative stress, leptin and HPA AXIS
  1681. Enhanced Negative Feedback of the HPA AXIS and Increased Noradrenergic Activity in Females Exposed to a Predator-Based Psychosocial Stress Model of PTSD
  1682. Effects of Acupuncture Treatment on HPA AXIS Related Hormones in Insomnia Rats
  1683. Operations of Mother-Pup Separation and the Effects on HPA AXIS in Rat
  1684. Efficacy of DHEA in improving Quality of Life in prolonged HPA AXIS suppression from exogenous steroids
  1685. Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Acculturative Stress: Effects on Maternal Cortisol and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Reactivity in Infants of Mexican …
  1686. SUN-LB082 Sexual Dimorphism of Phosphoethanolamine in HPA –AXIS Response to LXR Agonist 25-Hydroxycholesterol: Neuroendocrine Implications for Major …
  1687. The sympathetic nervous system and HPA AXIS interact to influence memory: Clinical implications
  1689. HPA –AXIS , genes, and environmental factors in relation to externalizing behavior
  1690. Interaction between Prolactin and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1691. Adolescent expectations of peer’s emotion response: The role of parent emotion socialization, parasympathetic regulation and HPA AXIS
  1692. Study the HPA AXIS function, volume of the adrenal and pituitary glands in elderly patients with; depression
  1693. Social Buffering By Unfamiliar Adult Males in Periadolescent Guinea Pigs: The Effects on HPA AXIS Activity And Fos Induction In The Medial Prefrontal Cortex
  1694. Plasma lipoproteins in posttraumatic stress disorder patients compared to healthy controls and their associations with the HPA -and HPT-AXIS
  1695. Exercise Habits, Adult Attachment Styles, and HPA –AXIS Hypersensitivity
  1696. HPA AXIS reactivity: Physiological underpinnings of negative urgency?
  1697. HPA AXIS genetic variation, cortisol and psychosis in major depression: Corrigendum.
  1698. Heterogeneity in HPA AXIS dysregulation and serotonergic vulnerability to depression
  1699. TACSM Abstract Effect Of Combined Aerobic And Resistance Training On HPA AXIS Reactivity In HIV+ Women Undergoing Treatment For Substance Abuse
  1700. Early Adversities and Epigenetic Modifications of HPA –AXIS Genes
  1701. … polydipsia and bipolar disorder: can it be a sign of HPA AXIS dysfunction?/Birincil polidipsi ve bipolar bozukluk birlikteligi: HPA aks disfonksiyonunun isareti …
  1702. Glycyrrhizae Radix, GR; LPS; HPA AXIS ; anti-inflamation. anti-depressant effect
  1703. The Epigenetic Architecture of the HPA –AXIS in Suicidal Behavior-Maintaining stability through change
  1704. Early maternal and paternal caregiving moderates the links between preschoolers’ reactivity and regulation and maturation of the HPA ‐immune AXIS
  1705. The effect of predatory encounters on the HPA AXIS responsiveness and memory of avian prey
  1706. The differential impact of interpersonal and health related chronic stress on HPA AXIS functioning
  1707. HPA AXIS Activation by Ethanol Dependence in Adult and Adolescent Rats
  1708. Children’s Diurnal HPA –AXIS Activity: Assessment of Temporal Stability and Associations with Parent-child Relationship Qualities and Stress-induced HPA –AXIS …
  1709. The Relationship Between Insomnia and CFS/ME: The HPA AXIS as a Mediator
  1710. Cortisol stress reactivity can be shaped by control, support and threat in surprising ways–Illustrating HPA AXIS complexity
  1711. HPA –AXIS and insulin/Glucose levels during a course of electroconvulsive therapy
  1712. Effect and mechanism of Guilu Erxian Jiao on negative feedback function of HPA AXIS in rats with post-traumatic stress disorder
  1714. Acute HPA AXIS Responses to Social Stress Longitudinally Predict Adolescent Girls’ Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Subjective Stress Responses
  1715. HPA AXIS and immune responses in a Metro police cohort susceptible to PTSD
  1716. Of Cortisol and Children: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS activity and the development of pre-schoolers in the general population
  1717. The Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on HPA –AXIS and SAM-AXIS Function in Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  1718. Effect Of Combined Aerobic And Resistance Training On HPA AXIS Reactivity In HIV+ Women Undergoing Treatment For Substance Abuse
  1719. Implications of the mu-opioid receptor single nucleotide polymorphism on the regulation of the HPA AXIS
  1720. Effect of Tianwang Buxin Pills on Behavior, HPA AXIS , BDNF Expression and Phosphorylation of GSK3β in Mice with Chronic Unpredictable Stress
  1721. FKBP5 modulates the effects of nicotine on HPA AXIS activity in females
  1722. Increased HPA AXIS Activity and Serum Tryptophan in Naswar (Dipping Tobacco) Users: A Case–Control Study
  1723. PTSD-related shifts in HPA AXIS , DHEA levels in chernobyl nuclear plunt clean-up workers
  1724. Assessment of adrenal function and recovery of HPA AXIS in children with chronic asthma assessed by LDSST
  1725. The Inter-Relation of the Cardio-Autonomic Nervous System and HPA –AXIS and its Association with Cardiovascular Precursors in Children
  1726. (549) Relationships among fear of pain and movement, strength test performance, and indicators of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal AXIS (HPA AXIS ) activity
  1727. Escitalopram alleviates depressive-like behaviors and restores function of HPA AXIS in two rodent models of depression
  1728. Does recurrent hypoglycaemia, a known activator of the HPA AXIS , alter the diurnal pattern of cortisol release?
  1729. Association of Epidemiologic Factors and Genetic Variants Influencing HPA AXIS Function with Post-Concussive Symptoms after Minor Motor Vehicle Collision
  1730. The Effect of Sex and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) on the Integrated Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS Response to Hormone Challenge: 1780
  1731. Effects of couplet medicines citron fruit and finger citron on HPT-HPA AXIS in CUMS rats.
  1732. … 25-Hydroxycholesterol Modulates Plasma, Adrenal, and Hypothalamic Phosphoethanolamine Levels: Neuroendocrine Implications for HPA –AXIS in Major Depressive …
  1733. The role of hematopoietic TLR-signaling in sepsis-associated adrenal inflammation and the HPA AXIS activation
  1734. Chronic psychosocial stress and HPA AXIS functionality in male C57BL/6 mice-a closer look at the adrenal level
  1735. Implication of HPA AXIS regulation and signal pathway of BDNF expression in antidepressant mechanisms of ginsenoside Rb3
  1736. Increased Plasma Levels of Circulating Cell-Free Mitochondrial DNS in Suicide Attempters-Associations with HPA –AXIS Hyperactivity
  1737. Absence of metallothionein-3 produces changes on MT-1/2 regulation in basal conditions and alters hypothalamic-pituitary–adrenal (HPA ) AXIS
  1738. Effects of an acute stimulation of the HPA AXIS on sexual and stress hormones in male northern elephant seals (1101.5)
  1740. Cancer experience modulates the relationship between child and parent Hypothalamic Pituiatary Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS functioning
  1741. Examining Female Resilience to Early Environmental Influences: Short-and long-term consequences on behaviour, HPA AXIS activity and alcohol intake after …
  1742. The HPA AXIS in type 2 diabetes: some aspects in relation to insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function and IGF-I/IGFBP-1
  1743. A compared study on the executive functions and releases function of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) AXIS in patients with single and bipolar depression …
  1744. 2320: HPA AXIS predictors of cue-induced intravenous alcohol self-administration in non-dependent drinkers
  1745. Examining the Effects of Adolescent Binge Alcohol Exposure on the Negative Feedback of the HPA AXIS and Adult Responses to Psychological Stress
  1746. GABAergic Control of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS : Role of Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors
  1747. The effects of Zhuang-medical-thread moxibustion in combination with acupuncture on Orexin and HPA AXIS in patients with insomnia [J]
  1748. Changes in Hippocampal Plasticity and HPA AXIS Function Following Postnatal Exposure to Di (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate in Rats
  1749. Effects of chronic psychosocial stress on HPA AXIS functionality in male C57BL/6 mice and the impact of trait anxiety on the individual stress vulnerability
  1750. Early maternal separation attenuates the effect of social isolation during adolescence on HPA AXIS responsiveness in adult rats.
  1751. The Effects of Childhood Maltreatment and Genomic Variation in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA ) AXIS on Neuropsychological Functioning in Offspring of …
  1752. Does basal post-operative early morning cortisol measurement predict HPA AXIS integrity as assessed by an insulin tolerance test in patients who have undergone …
  1753. The Effect of Insulin Dysregulation and Breed on HPA AXIS Function and Plasma Cortisol Binding Dynamics in Ponies and Horses
  1754. A Mathematical Model of the Marshall Olkin Exponential Weibull Distribution with the Sympathetic Activity and HPA AXIS Activity in Post Traumatic Stress …
  1755. The metabolic challenge induced by hypercaloric diet leads to increased activity of the HPA AXIS and cardiac autonomic dysfunction in rats with low glial …
  1756. Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) and its receptor (CRHRI) gene expression as a component of skin HPA AXIS in response to stress in vitiligo
  1757. Effects of a poor maternal diet on stress-induced tau phosphorylation in offspring: implications in HPA AXIS reactivity and neuroplasticity
  1759. Ontogeny of the Synchronisation between Adrenal Clock Genes, Adrenal Steroidogenesis-Related Genes and the Circadian Rhythm of the HPA AXIS in Rats
  1760. Blockade of GAPDH nuclear translocation in the hippocampus contributes to anti-depressant-like action in stressed mice via HPA AXIS
  1761. Research on Dihuang Yinzi Decoction’s neuroprotection effects on MCAO rats from the HPA AXIS reaction and apoptosis aspects
  1762. The role of IL17 in systemic inflammation mediated downregulation of the endothelial anti-inflammatory factor Del-1 in the adrenal gland and related HPA AXIS …
  1763. … CORT as a tool for monitoring wild populations of birds is very exciting; no other method provides such a long-term measure of the HPA AXIS activity as feather …
  1764. Activation of Brain Oxytocin by Social Attachment and Grooming Behaviors Induce Stress Reduction through Inhibition of HPA AXIS President Lecture, The 39th …
  1765. Sex Hormone Influence on Nesfatin‐1 Signaling in the HPA AXIS
  1766. Attenuating Effect of Elsholtzia Communis (Collett & Hemsl.) Diels. on Dysregulated HPA AXIS in Stressful Conditions
  1767. Chapitre 8. HPA –AXIS Functioning and Food Addiction Among Individuals Suffering from Severe Obesity and Awaiting Bariatric Surgery
  1768. The Effects of HPA AXIS Genetic Variation and Early Life Stress on Cortisol Levels in Preschool Age Children and on Amygdala and Hippocampus Volumes …
  1769. … Revealed Distinct mRNA, miRNA, and tRNA-Derived Fragment Bio-Signatures for Coping Behavior Linked Haplotypes in HPA AXIS and Limbic System
  1770. OP-47: Methylation of the HPA AXIS related genes in men with hypersexual disorder
  1771. Role of 5α-reductase type 1 in modifying anxiety, appetite and the HPA AXIS
  1772. 142. Neonatal endotoxin exposure alters inflammatory pain sensitivity and HPA AXIS activity in a sex and age-dependent manner
  1773. Psychological Stress Deteriorates Skin Barrier Function by Activating 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 1 and the HPA AXIS
  1774. Increased longevity due to sexual activity in mole-rats is associated with transcriptional changes in the HPA stress AXIS
  1775. The HPA system is a key hormonal component of the brain-gut AXIS
  1776. Status-dependent aging rates in long-lived, social mole-rats are shaped by HPA stress AXIS
  1777. Strained in planning your mouse background? Using the HPA stress AXIS as a biological readout for backcrossing strategies
  1778. The HPA stress AXIS shapes aging rates in long-lived, social mole-rats
  1780. The HPA /SDC1 AXIS promotes invasion and metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells by activating EMT via FGF2 upregulation
  1781. Infant sensitivity to maternal neuromodulation of the HPA stress AXIS
  1782. … direct thalamo-of the ventral hippocampus (CAl and subiculum) project to the B: system; CS, conditioned stimulus; HPA , hypothalamic-pituitary AXIS ; MOv, ventral divi …
  1783. P03. 01. Acupuncture’s Effectiveness at Treating Subclinical Hypothyroid Disease via the HPA /HPT AXIS : A Multiple Case Series

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