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Hormesis defined
Radiation Hormesis
Hormesis in aging
Hormesis: why it is important to toxicology and toxicologists
Hormesis and medicine
Hormesis with ionizing radiation
Hormesis as a biological hypothesis.
Hormesis: the dose-response revolution
Hormesis and plant biology
Improved empirical models describing Hormesis
Is Hormesis an evolutionary expectation?
Exercise, oxidative stress and Hormesis
A theory for growth Hormesis
Chemical Hormesis: its historical foundations as a biological hypothesis
Hormesis—the stimulation of growth by low levels of inhibitors
Dietary factors, Hormesis and health
The marginalization of Hormesis
The importance of Hormesis to public health
Hormesis: a generalizable and unifying hypothesis
Nutritional Hormesis
Hormesis: why it is important to biogerontologists
Hormesis: a revolution in biology, toxicology and medicine
A perspective on the scientific, philosophical, and policy dimensions of Hormesis
Stress-response Hormesis and aging:“that which does not kill us makes us stronger”
Hormesis: its impact on medicine and health
Defining Hormesis: evaluation of a complex concentration response phenomenon
Inorganics and Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Hormesis: changing view of the dose-response, a personal account of the history and current status
Paradigm lost, paradigm found: the re-emergence of Hormesis as a fundamental dose response model in the toxicological sciences
Radiation Hormesis: its historical foundations as a biological hypothesis
The occurrence of chemically induced Hormesis.
The occurrence of Hormesis in plants and algae
Evidence for Hormesis in mutagenicity dose–response relationships
Radiation Hormesis
Evidence that Hormesis represents an “overcompensation” response to a disruption in homeostasis
Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation Hormesis
A quantitatively‐based methodology for the evaluation of chemical Hormesis
Hormesis in mixtures—can it be predicted?
Neuroscience and Hormesis: overview and general findings
Radiation Hormesis: data and interpretations
Hormesis is central to toxicology, pharmacology and risk assessment
Do toxic ions induce Hormesis in plants?
Hormesis: from marginalization to mainstream: a case for Hormesis as the default dose-response model in risk assessment
Exercise and Hormesis: activation of cellular antioxidant signaling pathway
Radiation Hormesis: Its expression in the immune system.
Hormesis: U-shaped dose responses and their centrality in toxicology
Hormesis and the antiaging action of dietary restriction
Fundamental flaws of Hormesis for public health decisions
Hormesis provides a generalized quantitative estimate of biological plasticity
Radiation Hormesis: the demise of a legitimate hypothesis
Insects, insecticides and Hormesis: evidence and considerations for study
Hormesis, cell death and aging
Hormesis: a highly generalizable and reproducible phenomenon with important implications for risk assessment
Parthenin Hormesis in plants depends on growth conditions
Stress and fish reproduction: the roles of allostasis and Hormesis
Exercise and Hormesis: oxidative stress-related adaptation for successful aging
The dose determines the stimulation (and poison): development of a chemical Hormesis database
Hormesis, aging and longevity
UV Hormesis in fruits: a concept ripe for commercialisation
Hormesis and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans
Cellular stress responses, the Hormesis paradigm, and vitagenes: novel targets for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative disorders
Ecological risk assessment (ERA) and Hormesis
Exposure to nanoparticles and Hormesis
Applications of Hormesis in toxicology, risk assessment and chemotherapeutics
Statistical tests for Hormesis and effective dosages in herbicide dose response
The influences of diet and exercise on mental health through Hormesis
The occurrence of hormetic dose responses in the toxicological literature, the Hormesis database: an overview
Getting the dose–response wrong: why Hormesis became marginalized and the threshold model accepted
Hormesis: is it an important factor in herbicide use and allelopathy?
Hormesis: a revolution in toxicology, risk assessment and medicine: Re‐framing the dose–response relationship
Herbicide Hormesis–can it be useful in crop production?
Hormesis and epigenetics: is there a link?
Longevity Hormesis. A review
Linear no-threshold model vs. radiation Hormesis
Tales of two similar hypotheses: the rise and fall of chemical and radiation Hormesis
A brief review of radiation Hormesis
What is Hormesis and why haven’t we heard about it before?
How increased oxidative stress promotes longevity and metabolic health: The concept of mitochondrial Hormesis (mitoHormesis)
Aging, anti-aging, and Hormesis
Hormesis, cellular stress response and vitagenes as critical determinants in aging and longevity
The Hormesis database: the occurrence of hormetic dose responses in the toxicological literature
Awareness of Hormesis will enhance future research in basic and applied neuroscience
Establishing cellular stress response profiles as biomarkers of homeodynamics, health and Hormesis
Hormesis/preconditioning mechanisms, the nervous system and aging
Vitagenes, cellular stress response, and acetylcarnitine: relevance to Hormesis
Hormesis can and does work in humans
Converging concepts: adaptive response, preconditioning, and the Yerkes–Dodson Law are manifestations of Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis overview
Radiation Hormesis: historical perspective and implications for low-dose cancer risk assessment
Hormesis and synergy: pathways and mechanisms of quercetin in cancer prevention and management
Hormesis and disease resistance: activation of cellular stress response pathways
Toxicological awakenings: the rebirth of Hormesis as a central pillar of toxicology
Growth Hormesis: a by-product of control.
Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: occurrence and biomedical significance
Stress biology and Hormesis: the Yerkes–Dodson law in psychology—a special case of the Hormesis dose response
On radiation Hormesis expressed in the immune system
Hormesis and high-risk groups
Hormesis on life-history traits: is there such thing as a free lunch?
Radiation Hormesis and the linear-no-threshold assumption
Hormesis, an update of the present position
Multiple Stressors in Caenorhabditis elegans Induce Stress Hormesis and Extended Longevity
The future of Hormesis: where do we go from here?
It’s time for a new low-dose-radiation risk assessment paradigm—one that acknowledges Hormesis
Hormesis predicts low-dose responses better than threshold models
Hormesis and a chemical raison d’ětre for secondary plant metabolites
A method to evaluate Hormesis in nanoparticle dose-responses
Hormesis does not make sense except in the light of TOR-driven aging
Mitochondrial Hormesis links low‐dose arsenite exposure to lifespan extension
Hormesis outperforms threshold model in National Cancer Institute antitumor drug screening database
Aflatoxicosis in chickens (Gallus gallus): An example of Hormesis?
Reproductive stimulation by low doses of xenoestrogens contrasts with the view of Hormesis as an adaptive response
Radiation Hormesis-A remedy for fear
Radiation Hormesis in plants.
Lifespan extension of Drosophila melanogaster through Hormesis by repeated mild heat stress
Plant Hormesis induced by ultraviolet light-C for controlling postharvest diseases of tree fruits
The future of aging interventions: aging intervention, prevention, and therapy through Hormesis
Homeopathy: clarifying its relationship to Hormesis
Genetic variation for stress-response Hormesis in C. elegans lifespan
The role of Hormesis in life extension by dietary restriction
Applying Hormesis in aging research and therapy
Radiation Hormesis: autophagy and other cellular mechanisms
Altruistic cell suicide in relation to radiation Hormesis
Hormesis and adaptive cellular control systems
Sipping from a poisoned chalice: people have believed since antiquity that tiny doses of toxicants can be healthful. Now Hormesis, a concept once discredited in …
Agricultural implications of pesticide-induced Hormesis of insects and mites
Evaluating the evidence for Hormesis: a statistical perspective
Hormesis, adaptive epigenetic reorganization, and implications for human health and longevity
Hormesis: protecting neurons against cellular stress in Parkinson disease
Dietary isoflavones and vascular protection: activation of cellular antioxidant defenses by SERMs or Hormesis?
Stress responses, vitagenes and Hormesis as critical determinants in aging and longevity: Mitochondria as a “chi”
Signaling and damaging functions of free radicals in aging—free radical theory, Hormesis, and TOR
Hormesis: an adaptive expectation with emphasis on ionizing radiation
Nuclear energy and health: and the benefits of low-dose radiation Hormesis
Biologic responses to low doses of ionizing radiation: Detriment versus Hormesis–Part 2. Dose responses of organisms
Activation of mitochondrial biogenesis by Hormesis
Cancer biology and Hormesis: human tumor cell lines commonly display hormetic (biphasic) dose responses
Influence of postharvest UV-C Hormesis on the bioactive components of tomato during post-treatment handling
A mechanism for Hormesis—a problem in the wrong discipline
Mild stress and healthy aging: applying Hormesis in aging research and interventions
Hormesis: a response to low environmental concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons
Biologic responses to low doses of ionizing radiation: Detriment versus Hormesis–part 1. Dose responses of cells and tissues
Hormesis and its relationship with homeopathy
Hormesis by low dose radiation effects: low-dose cancer risk modeling must recognize up-regulation of protection
A stochastic model of Hormesis
Hormesis and its place in nonmonotonic dose–response relationships: some scientific reality checks
Extension of lifespan in C. elegans by naphthoquinones that act through stress Hormesis mechanisms
Sex specific effects of heat induced Hormesis in Hsf-deficient Drosophila melanogaster
The Hormesis effect of BDE-47 in HepG2 cells and the potential molecular mechanism
Hormesis: a stress response in cells exposed to low levels of heavy metals
Ethanol and Hormesis
Hormesis with glyphosate depends on coffee growth stage
Role of Hormesis in life extension by caloric restriction
Radiation Hormesis and radioadaptive response in Drosophila melanogaster flies with different genetic backgrounds: the role of cellular stress-resistance mechanisms
Radiation Hormesis and cancer
Hormesis and amyloid-β protein: physiology or pathology?
Tolerance and Hormesis—increased resistance to copper in hydroids linked to Hormesis
Defining, explaining and understanding Hormesis
The notion of Hormesis and the dose–response theory: a unified approach
Cellular stress responses, mitostress and carnitine insufficiencies as critical determinants in aging and neurodegenerative disorders: role of Hormesis and vitagenes
Model of Hormesis and Its Toxicity Mechanism Based on Quorum Sensing: A Case Study on the Toxicity of Sulfonamides to Photobacterium phosphoreum
Hormesis—stimulation of colony growth in Campanularia flexuosa (hydrozoa) by copper, cadmium and other toxicants
Hormesis in aging and neurodegeneration—a prodigy awaiting dissection
Hormetic effects in pharmacology: pharmacological inversions as prototypes for Hormesis.
Hormesis in high-throughput screening of antibacterial compounds in E coli
Radiation Hormesis, or, could all that radiation be good for us?
The maturing of Hormesis as a credible dose-response model
Hormesis: a conversation with a critic
Deconstructing radiation Hormesis
Hormesis: how it could affect the risk assessment process
Hormesis responses of free and immobilized light-emitting bacteria
Heat stress and hormetin-induced Hormesis in human cells: effects on aging, wound healing, angiogenesis, and differentiation
Hormesis and stage specific toxicity induced by cadmium in an insect model, the queen blowfly, Phormia regina Meig.
Can the concept of Hormesis be generalized to carcinogenesis?
Chemotherapeutics and Hormesis
How prevalent is chemical Hormesis in the natural and experimental worlds?
Hormesis effects and implicative application in assessment of lead-contaminated soils in roots of Vicia faba seedlings
The implications of Hormesis to ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment
Hormesis phenomena under Cd stress in a hyperaccumulator—Lonicera japonica Thunb
Hormesis: Biphasic dose-responses to fungicides in plant pathogens and their potential threat to agriculture
Mathematical modelling of dose-response relationship (Hormesis) in allelopathy and its application
Hormesis-based anti-aging products: a case study of a novel cosmetic
What is Hormesis?
Insecticide‐induced Hormesis in an insecticide‐resistant strain of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais
Hormesis and dose–response-mediated mechanisms in carcinogenesis: evidence for a threshold in carcinogenicity of non-genotoxic carcinogens
Transgenerational shifts in reproduction Hormesis in green peach aphid exposed to low concentrations of imidacloprid
The Good, the Bad, and the Toxic: Approaching Hormesis in Daphnia magna Exposed to an Energetic Compound
“Hormesis”—an inappropriate extrapolation from the specific to the universal
Radiation Hormesis, public health, and public policy: a commentary.
Evidence for Radiation Hormesis after In Vitro Exposure of Human Lymphocytes to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
Detection and Assessment of Chemical Hormesis on the Radial Growth in Vitro of Oomycetes and Fungal Plant Pathogens
Hormesis: an evolutionary “predict and prepare” survival mechanism
Postconditioning Hormesis put in perspective: an overview of experimental and clinical studies
Induction of cell-proliferation Hormesis and cell-survival adaptive response in mouse hematopoietic cells by whole-body low-dose radiation
Hormesis: Toxicological foundations and role in aging research
Beyond selectivity: are behavioral avoidance and Hormesis likely causes of pyrethroid-induced outbreaks of the southern red mite Oligonychus ilicis?
Postconditioning Hormesis and the similia principle.
Transcription‐blocking DNA damage in aging: a mechanism for Hormesis
Stimulatory sublethal response of a generalist predator to permethrin: Hormesis, hormoligosis, or homeostatic regulation?
Smoking and Hormesis as confounding factors in radiation pulmonary carcinogenesis
Induced resistance of sweetpotato to Fusarium root rot by UV-C Hormesis
Low-dose radiation (LDR) induces hematopoietic Hormesis: LDR-induced mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells into peripheral blood circulation
Imidacloprid-induced Hormesis on the fecundity and juvenile hormone levels of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
Exercise-induced Hormesis may help healthy aging
Detecting and estimating Hormesis using a model-based approach
Hormesis and exercise: how the cell copes with oxidative stress
Permethrin-induced Hormesis on the predator Supputius cincticeps (Stål, 1860)(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Biological effects of low-dose radiation: of harm and Hormesis
Chromium (VI)-induced Hormesis and genotoxicity are mediated through oxidative stress in root cells of Allium cepa L.
Vegetable and synthetic tannins induce Hormesis/toxicity in sea urchin early development and in algal growth
Ageing, gerontogenes, and Hormesis
Hormesis and cellular quality control: a possible explanation for the molecular mechanisms that underlie the benefits of mild stress
Evidence supporting radiation Hormesis in atomic bomb survivor cancer mortality data
Low dose effects of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) on gene transcription and DNA methylation in the hypothalamus of young male rats: implication of Hormesis …
The role of oxidative stress in Hormesis induced by sodium arsenite in human embryo lung fibroblast (HELF) cellular proliferation model
Apoptotic cell death induced by low-dose radiation in male germ cells: Hormesis and adaptation
Resveratrol and cancer treatment: Is Hormesis a yet unsolved matter
The influence of post-harvest UV-C Hormesis on lycopene, β-carotene, and phenolic content and antioxidant activity of breaker tomatoes
Commentary: Hormesis can be used in enhancing plant productivity and health; but not as previously envisaged
Postconditioning Hormesis and the homeopathic Similia principle: molecular aspects
The origin of Hormesis: historical background and driving forces
Potential roles of PI3K/Akt and Nrf2–Keap1 pathways in regulating Hormesis of Z-ligustilide in PC12 cells against oxygen and glucose deprivation
Hormesis response of marine and freshwater luminescent bacteria to metal exposure
Hormesis: dose-dependent reverse effects of low and very low doses
Radiation Hormesis. A new concept in radiological science.
Life extension after heat shock exposure: assessing meta-analytic evidence for Hormesis
Hormesis and toxicological risk assessment
Hormesis and health: a little of what you fancy may be good for you.
Low-dose radiation induces antitumor effects and erythrocyte system Hormesis
Hormesis and radiation safety norms
Hormesis, adaptation, and the sandpile model
Chemical Hormesis in cell growth: a molecular target at the cell surface
Radiation Hormesis: an evolutionary expectation and the evidence
Defining Hormesis: comments on Calabrese and Baldwin (2002)
Does caloric restriction induce Hormesis?
Drug development and Hormesis: changing conceptual understanding of the dose response creates new challenges and opportunities for more effective drugs.
The Longevity Effect of Tannic Acid in Caenorhabditis elegans: Disposable Soma Meets Hormesis
Is the integration of Hormesis and essentiality into ecotoxicology now opening Pandora’s Box?
Hormesis in Caenorhabditis elegans dauer-defective mutants
Epidemiological Evidence for Possible Radiation Hormesis from Radon Exposure: A Case-Control Study Conducted in Worcester, MA.
The definition of Hormesis and its implications for in vitro to in vivo extrapolation and risk assessment
Hormesis, Gompertz functions, and risk assessment
Science, Hormesis and regulation
Hormesis and debilitation effects in stress experiments using the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans: the model of balance between cell damage and HSP levels
Hormesis: what it is and why it matters
The sandpile model: optimal stress and Hormesis
Scientific foundations of Hormesis. Part 2. Maturation, strengths, limitations, and possible applications in toxicology, pharmacology, and epidemiology
The Hormesis concept and risk assessment: are there unique ethical and policy considerations?
Hormesis, allostatic buffering capacity and physiological mechanism of physical activity: a new theoretic framework
Hormesis is biology, not religion
Dietary restriction, glycolysis, Hormesis and ageing
Phenobarbital at low dose exerts Hormesis in rat hepatocarcinogenesis by reducing oxidative DNA damage, altering cell proliferation, apoptosis and gene expression
Biological basis for radiation Hormesis in mammalian cellular communities
Short-term anoxic conditioning Hormesis boosts antioxidant defenses, lowers oxidative damage following irradiation and enhances male sexual performance in the …
Hormesis as a pro-healthy aging intervention in human beings?
Inflammatory modulation of exercise salience: using Hormesis to return to a healthy lifestyle
Hormesis: a promising strategy to sustain endogenous neuronal survival pathways against neurodegenerative disorders
Ad hoc and fast forward: the science of Hormesis growth and development
Peptides and Hormesis
Hormesis effect of trace metals on cultured normal and immortal human mammary cells
Hormesis in biogerontology
Hormesis—basic, generalizable, central to toxicology and a method to improve the risk-assessment process
Radiation Hormesis: challenging LNT theory via ecological and evolutionary considerations
The myth and reality of reversal of aging by Hormesis
Should we explore the clinical utility of Hormesis?
Mathematical modeling of plant allelopathic Hormesis based on ecological-limiting-factor models
Dioxin cancer risk—example of Hormesis?
Mitochondrial Hormesis in pancreatic β cells: does uncoupling protein 2 play a role?
Metabolic efficiency in response to environmental agents predicts Hormesis and invalidates the linear no-threshold premise: ionizing radiation as a case study
Some implications for quantitative risk assessment if Hormesis exists
Mechanisms of Hormesis through mild heat stress on human cells
Quantification of Hormesis in anticancer-agent dose-responses
Pest insect olfaction in an insecticide-contaminated environment: info-disruption or Hormesis effect
Hormesis: a new religion?
Hormesis for fine particulate matter (PM 2.5)
Effect of lithium and lanthanum on herbicide induced Hormesis in hydroponically‐grown cotton and corn
Radiation-Induced Neoplastic Transformation in vitro, Hormesis and Risk Assessment
A critique of the use of Hormesis in risk assessment
Bioreactivity of municipal solid waste landfill leachates—Hormesis and DNA damage
Possible role of NF-κB in Hormesis during ageing
Hormesis: improving predictions in the low-dose zone
Slow‐down of age‐dependent telomere shortening is executed in human skin keratinocytes by Hormesis‐like‐effects of trace hydrogen peroxide or by anti‐oxidative …
Hormesis and homeopathy: introduction
Characterization of oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced Hormesis-like effects in osteoblastic cells
Remarkable Hormesis induced by 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67
Hormesis: implications for public policy regarding toxicants
Heat-induced Hormesis in longevity of two sibling Drosophila species
Hormesis associated with a low dose of methylmercury injected into mallard eggs
A meta-analysis of evidence for Hormesis in animal radiation carcinogenesis, including a discussion of potential pitfalls in statistical analyses to detect Hormesis
Order from chaos: observing Hormesis at the proteome level
Radiation Hormesis. Its emerging significance in medical practice.
Demonstration of Hormesis (increase in fatality rate) by penicillin
Hormesis as a default parameter in RfD derivation
Peptides and Hormesis
Incorporating Hormesis in the routine testing of hazards
Hormesis—its relevance in phytotoxicology
Hormesis pervasiveness and its potential implications for pharmaceutical research and development
Interpreting ‘dose-response’curves using homeodynamic data: with an improved explanation for Hormesis
Establishing links between endoplasmic reticulum-mediated Hormesis and cancer
Hormesis without cell killing
Hormesis in humans exposed to low-level ionising radiation
State of research and perspective on radiation Hormesis in Japan
Enhanced reproduction in mallards fed a low level of methylmercury: an apparent case of Hormesis
Hormesis: the new approach in risk assessment?
Possible examples of chemical Hormesis in a previously published study
Factors controlling the Hormesis response in irradiated seed.
Hazard assessment of chemical carcinogens: the impact of Hormesis
Miasmas, germs, homeopathy and Hormesis: Commentary on the relationship between homeopathy and Hormesis
The role and mode of action of UV-C Hormesis in reducing cellular oxidative stress and the consequential chilling injury of banana fruit peel.
Temperature-induced Hormesis in Drosophila
Does homeopathy have anything to contribute to Hormesis?
Radiation Hormesis: demonstrated, deconstructed, denied, dismissed, and some implications for public policy
Identifying apoptosis-evasion proteins/pathways in human hepatoma cells via induction of cellular Hormesis by UV irradiation
Radiation Hormesis in cancer mortality.
Hormesis: are low doses of ionizing radiation harmful or beneficial?
Hormesis at the National Toxicology Program (NTP): evidence of hormetic dose responses in NTP dose-range studies
The importance of Hormesis to public health
Hormesis: interpreting the β‐curve using control theory
Hormesis and risk communication
Herbicide phosphinothricin causes direct stimulation Hormesis
Hormesis—does it have relevance at the population, community or ecosystem levels of organization?
Non-linear uptake and Hormesis effects of selenium in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Targeting the age‐related occurrence, removal, and accumulation of molecular damage by Hormesis
Alpha-benzene hexachloride exerts Hormesis in preneoplastic lesion formation of rat hepatocarcinogenesis with the possible role for hepatic detoxifying enzymes
Hormesis and the law: introduction
The future of Hormesis: What is the clinical relevance to Hormesis?
Defining Hormesis: the necessary tool to clarify experimentally the low dose–response relationship
Radiation Hormesis
An Introduction to radiation Hormesis
Nutritional Hormesis and aging
Low‐dose risk, Hormesis, analogical and logical thinking
Evidence of depleted uranium‐induced Hormesis and differential plant response in three grasses
Limits to chemical Hormesis as a dose–response model in health risk assessment
The ecological stress theory of aging and Hormesis: an energetic evolutionary model
Biological responses to low dose radiation–Hormesis and adaptive responses
What becomes of nuclear risk assessment in light of radiation Hormesis?
Heat-induced Hormesis in longevity as correlated response to thermal-stress selection in Drosophila buzzatii
Phytotchemical phytotoxins and Hormesis–a commentary
Another view of the scientific foundations of Hormesis
Hormesis as a mechanism for the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
The role of receptors in radiation Hormesis
Hormesis with ionizing radiation
The temporal Hormesis of drug therapies
Legal implications of Hormesis
Hormesis and longevity with tannins: Free of charge or cost-intensive?
Hormesis and pharmacology
Hormesis controversy
Chloramphenicol, European Legislation and Hormesis-Commentary
Irradiation and Hormesis
Hormesis, the precautionary principle, and legal regulation
Stress to the rescue: is Hormesis a ‘cure’for aging?
An examination of radiation Hormesis mechanisms using a multistage carcinogenesis model
Approach of evolutionary theories of ageing, stress, senescence-like phenotypes, calorie restriction and Hormesis from the view point of far-from-equilibrium …
Hormesis influence of glyphosate in between increasing growth, yield and controlling weeds in faba bean
Regulatory implications of Hormesis
Examining the risks and benefits of replacing traditional dose-response with Hormesis
Microdosimetric concepts applied to Hormesis.
Hormesis in aging and longevity
Hormesis-Implications for risk assessment caloric intake (body weight) as an exemplar
Hormesis-A pharmaceutical industry perspective
Implications of Hormesis for biomedical aging research
Hormesis—a new hope for ageing studies or a poor second to genetics?
Current status and perspectives of research on radiation Hormesis in Japan.
Implications of the Hormesis hypothesis for risk perception and communication
Hormesis and aging: what’s the deal?
Hormesis: Implications for cancer risk assessment
Invited response to definition of Hormesis (EJ Calabrese and LA Baldwin)
Radiation Hormesis: evidence for radiation stimulation and speculation regarding mechanisms
Economic implications of Hormesis
Gompertz mortality analysis: aging, longevity Hormesis and toxicity
Use of concept of Hormesis phenomenon to explain the law of diminishing returns. Part II
Hormesis, aging and longevity determination
MAP Kinases and Heat Shock–Induced Hormesis in Human Fibroblasts during Serial Passaging in Vitro
The key mechanisms of radiation Hormesis
Delaying aging: could the study of Hormesis be more helpful than that of the genetic pathway used to survive starvation?
Cell mechanics and stress: from molecular details to the ‘universal cell reaction’and Hormesis
Caloric restriction, metabolic efflciency and Hormesis
Hyperoxia exposure induced Hormesis decreases mitochondrial superoxide radical levels via Ins/IGF-1 signaling pathway in a long-lived age-1 mutant of …
Neutron activation analysis of trace elements in Japanese Hormesis cosmetics
Nonlinear stimulation and Hormesis in human aging: practical examples and action mechanisms
A critique of “the scientific foundations of Hormesis”
Resistance to type 2 diabetes mellitus: a matter of Hormesis?
Hormesis in precautionary regulatory culture: models preferences and the advancement of science
Hormesis, epitaxy, the structure of liquid water, and the science of homeopathy
Feeding a ROS-generator to Caenorhabditis elegans leads to increased expression of small heat shock protein HSP-16.2 and Hormesis
Hormesis and female sex hormones
An illusion of Hormesis in the Ames test: Statistical significance is not equivalent to biological significance
Adaptive response and its relationship to Hormesis and low dose cancer risk estimation
Commentary: Hormesis and Radiation Protection
Hormesis in carcinogenicity of non-genotoxic carcinogens
“Is Hormesis Applicable as a Pro-Healthy Aging Intervention in Mammals and Human Beings, and How?” Introduction to a Special Issue of Dose-Response
A Gompertz age-specific mortality rate model of aging, Hormesis, and toxicity: Fixed-dose studies
Hormesis and ecological risk assessment: Fact or fantasy?
Hormesis and aging
Cadmium acclimation and Hormesis in Fundulus heteroclitus during fin regeneration
Hormesis and the radical moderation of law
Hormesis, resveratrol and plant-derived polyphenols: some comments
Cell survival programs and ischemia/reperfusion: Hormesis, preconditioning, and cardioprotection
Adaptive responses account for the β-curve—Hormesis is linked to acquired tolerance
Ecological risk assessment: implications of Hormesis
Hormesis and homeopathy: Bridge over troubled waters
Optimal experimental design strategies for detecting Hormesis
Hormesis and vitagenes in aging and longevity: mitochondrial control and hormonal regulation
Tumor resistance explained by Hormesis
… ‐1,3,5‐triazine, and octahydro‐1,3,5,7‐tetranitro‐1,3,5,7‐tetrazocine in sediments to Chironomus tentans and Hyalella azteca: Low‐dose Hormesis and high‐dose …
Radiation Hormesis of seedlings and seeds, simply elusive or an artifact?
Current status of research on radiation Hormesis in the immune system after low level radiation
Hormesis is applicable as a pro-healthy aging intervention in mammals and human beings
Hormesis: once marginalized, evidence now supports Hormesis as the most fundamental dose response
Decrease of rice plant resistance and induction of Hormesis and carboxylesterase titre in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) by xenobiotics
Hormesis: policy implications
Antioxidant genes, Hormesis, and demographic longevity
A noncanonical NF-κB pathway through the p50 subunit regulates Bcl-2 overexpression during an oxidative-conditioning Hormesis response
Hormesis and high throughput studies: Crump’s analysis lacks credibility
Aging, MnSOD, and Hormesis mechanisms converge on liver mUPR
Commentary on Hormesis and public risk communication: is there a basis for public discussions?
Hormesis, cell death, and regenerative medicine for neurodegenerative diseases
Implications of Hormesis on the bioassay and hazard assessment of chemical carcinogens
A biomathematical modeling approach to explain the phenomenon of radiation Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis: Incredible or inevitable?
An investigation of Hormesis of trichloroethylene in L-02 liver cells by differential proteomic analysis
Radiobiological Hormesis, methodological value judgments, and metascience
Sub-lethal effects of copper spiked sediments on the marine amphipod Gammarus locusta: evidence of Hormesis
Hormesis and risk assessment
Exposure to low level environmental agents: the induction of Hormesis
Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase regulates the expression of thioredoxin and thioredoxin peroxidase-1 during Hormesis in response to oxidative stress …
Acetaldehyde utilization in Drosophila: an example of Hormesis
Sigmoid growth and the assessment of Hormesis: a case for caution.
Conceptual clarification and policy-related science: The case of chemical Hormesis
Respect for lay perceptions of risk in the Hormesis case
Detecting Hormesis using a non-parametric rank test
Principles and practice of Hormesis as an aging intervention
Testing threshold and Hormesis in a random effects dose‐response model applied to developmental toxicity data
Dietary restriction, Hormesis, and small molecule mimetics
Is the hygiene hypothesis an example of Hormesis?
Implications of Hormesis for industrial hygiene
Another California milestone: the first application of Hormesis in litigation and regulation
Experiments, analyses and decisions: Hormesis in ecotoxicology
Hormesis: fact or fiction?
Alcohol: friend or foe? Alcoholic beverage Hormesis for cataract and atherosclerosis is related to plasma antioxidant activity
Epidemiological assessment of Hormesis in studies with low-level exposure
State of research on radiation Hormesis by CRIEPI
Hormesis, ethics, and public policy: an overview
Effect of CO2 laser irradiation on Hormesis induction in cultured oral cells
Potential solutions in radiation Hormesis
Clinical significance of low-dose radiation therapy: radiation Hormesis
Hormesis and risk assessment
Significance of UV-C Hormesis and its relation to some phytochemicals in ripening and senescence process
Radiation Hormesis in relation to radiation protection.
Hormesis: a brief reply to an advocate
An ethical appraisal of Hormesis: towards a rational discourse on the acceptability of risks and benefits
Radiation Hormesis
The problem of low-level radiation and Hormesis in radiobiology
Radiation Hormesis: an ecological and energetic perspective
Hormesis [biological effects of low level exposures (BELLE)] and dermatology
Hormesis: a quest for virtuality?
Reflection on the future of Hormesis
Detection of Hormesis effect in longevity: simulation approach for heterogeneous population
Hormesis in ecology and ecological assessments
… 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in microalga Chlorella kessleri acts as a bioactive indicator of pollution with common herbicides and growth regulating factor of Hormesis
The search for Hormesis in the nervous system
Effect of Hormesis in Dunaliella viridis Teodor. (Chlorophyta) Under the Influence of Copper Sulfate
Metal-induced Hormesis requires cPKC dependent glucose transport and lowered respiration
Homeopathy: clarifying its relationship to Hormesis by EJ Calabrese and WB Jonas
A case for deliberation in response to Hormesis research
Evolutionary theory and studies of model organisms predict a cautiously positive perspective on the therapeutic use of Hormesis for healthy aging in humans
Hormesis and intervention of aging
Micronutrients, Hormesis and the aptitude for the maturation of regulation
Challenging dose-response dogma: Hormesis presents a good model for toxicological risk assessment–and it’s not homeopathy
A case for caution: an evaluation of Calabrese and Baldwin’s studies of chemical Hormesis
Research Status of the Mechanism of Hormesis [J]
Effect of CO2 laser irradiation on Hormesis induction in human pulp and periodontal ligament fibroblasts
The biological Hormesis-effects of rare earths and potential effects of application of rare earths on agricultural eco-environment [J]
Radiation Hormesis, cancer, and freedom in American medicine
Vascular aging and oxidative stress: Hormesis and adaptive cellular pathways
Biphasic toxicodynamic features of some antimicrobial agents on microbial growth: a dynamic mathematical model and its implications on Hormesis
Hormesis and precaution: the twain shall meet
Complex mixture-associated Hormesis and toxicity: the case of leather tanning industry
Toxicology of cupric salts in honeybees: I. Hormesis effects of organic derivatives on lethality parameters
Some effects of radiation Hormesis for bacterial and yeast cells
Molecular and cellular aspects of radiation Hormesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Physical activity: a strong stimulant for Hormesis during aging
Hypotheses on mammalian aging, toxicity, and longevity Hormesis: Explication by a generalized Gompertz function
Hormesis in ecological risk assessment: a useful concept, a confusing term, and/or a distraction?
An ethical appraisal of Hormesis: toward a rational discourse on the acceptability of risks and benefits
Hormesis and its application in medicinal plant growing
Hormesis: considerations and implications for human health risk assessment
Commentary on ‘resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: occurrence and biomedical significance’
Radiation Hormesis—fact or fiction?
Mimotope-Hormesis and mortalin/grp75/mthsp70: a new hypothesis on how infectious disease-associated epitope mimicry may explain low cancer burden in …
Hormesis against aging and diseases: using properties of biological adaptation for health and survival improvement
Hormesis and industrial hygiene: a new hypothesis for low-dose response in occupational risk assessment
The implications of Hormesis to ecotoxicology and ecological risk assessment (ERA)
Hormesis, hotspots and emissions trading
Radiation Hormesis research findings and therapeutic applications
Risk assessment and risk management implications of Hormesis
A Gompertz age-specific mortality rate model of aging, Hormesis, and toxicity: dose-response studies
What is Hormesis?
Cancer biology and Hormesis: comments on Calabrese (2005)
Limitations in the National Cancer Institute antitumor drug screening database for evaluating Hormesis
Exposure of healthcare personnel to ionizing radiation in the light of radiation Hormesis hypothesis
Risk assessment and risk management implications of Hormesis
A possible path forward for Hormesis
BELLE Article: Hormesis, non-linearity, and risk communication
Commentary on Resveratrol and Hormesis: Resveratrol—a hormetic marvel in waiting?
Hormesis: Calabrese Responds
Legal criteria and judicial precedents relevant to incorporation of Hormesis into regulatory decision-making
The fundamental role of Hormesis in evolution
Environmental law applications of Hormesis concepts: risk assessment and cost–benefit implications
Biphasic mortality response of chipmunks in the wild to single doses of ionizing radiation: toxicity and longevity Hormesis
Molecular evidence of radiation Hormesis at occupational exposure
Cancer biology and Hormesis: commentary
Clinical applications of low-dose whole body irradiation Hormesis
What every dermatologist should know about homeopathy, Hormesis, and pharmacological inversion
A regulatory precedent for Hormesis
Critical values of linear energy transfer, dose rates and doses for radiation Hormesis.
How much is enough to accept Hormesis as the default? or ‘At what point, if ever, could/should Hormesis be employed as the principal dose-response default …
A proposed working definition for the novel concept of neurobehavioral Hormesis
The concept of Hormesis in developmental toxicology
Economic implications of Hormesis: some additional thoughts
Dose estimation of radiation exposure from Hormesis cosmetics
Cellular bystander effects and radiation Hormesis
Hormesis revisited: New insights concerning the biological effects of low-dose exposures to toxins
Hormesis of Streptomycin on 6 Species of Marine Microalgae [J]
Incorporating Hormesis in risk regulation
A personal perspective on Hormesis
Low-dose rate irradiation induced Hormesis, hypersensitivity and adaptive response in Drosophila melanogaster of radiosensitive strains
Reference dose (RfD): the possible impact of Hormesis
Photobiological effects of radiation Hormesis on the control of postharvest decay and delayed senescence and ripening of postharvest crops.
Comments on the article ‘Defining Hormesis‘, by EJ Calabrese and LA Baldwin
Radiation Hormesis: the validity of the linear no-threshold hypothesis
Dose and litter allocations in the design of teratological studies for detecting Hormesis
Hormesis: Implications for risk assessment
Applying Hormesis in aging research and therapy: a sensible hope?
Hormesis and regulatory policy
Hormesis: the Arndt-Schulz lawrediscovered
Transcript Expression Patterns Illuminate the Mechanistic Background of Hormesis in Caenorhabditis Elegans Maupas
Problems of the mechanism of radiation and chemical Hormesis
Hormesis effect of cadmium on Lonicera japonica.
Getting ahead of ourselves: a comment on Professor Cross’s legal implications of Hormesis
In vitro Hormesis effects of sodium fluoride on kidney cells of three-day-old male rats
Commentary on White Paper The Future of Hormesis: Where Do We Go from Here? Edward J. Calabrese
Influence of dose rate on radiation Hormesis with low dose exposure
Hormesis and environmental policy: an ethical analysis
On the mechanism of the nonspecific cell response to the action of damaging agents and the nature of Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis
The effects of selected agricultural chemicals on freshwater microalgae and cladocerans in laboratory studies, with particular emphasis on Hormesis
Why the concept of Hormesis has not been incorporated into mainstream radiation health theory: Radiation perspective
The Hormesis of blood samples irradiated in vitro by X-rays to low doses
Economic implications of Hormesis in policy making
Radiation Hormesis: radioactive waste for health
Can Hormesis be a default for dose-response?
Radiation Hormesis and its potential to manage radiation injuries
Hormesis and toxic torts
Transcriptional mediators of cellular Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis and nuclear safety
Dietary restriction and longevity extension as a manifestation of Hormesis
Should Hormesis be the default model in risk assessment?
Radon and lung cancer in Finland: are there signs of radiation Hormesis?
Comments: implications of Hormesis for industrial hygienists
Study on Hormesis of Superoxide Dismutase and Adaptive Response of Low Dose Radiation [J]
Radiation Hormesis on the growth of Chinese cabbage and radish
The Maturing of Hormesis as a Credible Dose-Response Model
Radiation Hormesis
Commentary on ‘resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’
A NIEHS-oriented perspective on Hormesis
The occurrence of Hormesis during gamma-irradiation of developing rat pups
Role of ERK in the Hormesis induced by cadmium chloride in HEK293 cells
Hormesis: Why It Is Important to Toxicology & Toxicologists
Comments to paper by S. Rattan: applying Hormesis in aging research and therapy—a perspective from evolutionary biology
WITHDRAWN: dietary factors, Hormesis and health
Advances in the Hormesis of pesticides to the natural enemies
Trivialization of radiation Hormesis
Hormesis and risk assessment: a risky proposal
Examining the risks and benefits of considering both the traditional dose–response and Hormesis in arriving at an acceptable exposure level
The basic molecular biology underlying radiation Hormesis. Der molekularbiologische Hintergrund der Strahlen-Hormesis
Hormesis as a confounding factor in epidemiological studies of radiation carcinogenesis
Study on the mechanism of Hormesis of Lanthanum nitrate on learning and memory of mice
Radiation Hormesis. Stimulatory effects of low level ionizing radiation on plant
Heat and starvation induced Hormesis in longevity of Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov)(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) adult females
Hormesis [Biological Effects of Low-Level Exposure (BELLE)] and Dermatology
Radiation Hormesis
Radon and radiative Hormesis or from enthusiasm to damnation-one hundred years of opinion changing
Molecular mechanisms and time-dependent dynamics of Hormesis, antagonism and radioprotective effects at combined ionizing irradiation of biological systems
Geroprotectors: specific action or Hormesis?
Age variations of melatonin level and its Hormesis; implications for AIS and osteoporosis
Radiation Hormesis in humans exposed to low level ionizing radiation
Radiation Hormesis: Stimulatory effects of low doses ionizing radiation
Ethical principles for Hormesis policies
Hormesis in regulatory risk assessment-science and science policy
The role of MAPK in the Hormesis induced by CdCl_2 and HgCl_2 in RAW264. 7 cells
Radiation Hormesis
Commentary on ‘Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’
Advance of study on Hormesis of low dose radiation
Occurrence of trace metal induced Hormesis
The ethics of Hormesis–no fuss?
Hormesis and the salk polio vaccine
Radiation Hormesis using an x-ray radiography device. The fourth report. Radiation Hormesis of salad rocket
Hormesis effect of low dose radiation on cellular DNA repair
The ‘Holy Grail’and ‘Poisoned Chalice’Effects of Antipsychotics on Oxidative Stress in Schizophrenia: Can ‘Hormesis‘ Explain this Paradox?
Hormesis: public health policy, organizational safety and risk communication
Hormesis: Real effect, weak excuse
Hormesis and toxic torts
Hormesis and risk communication: a comment to Ortwin Renn
Dietary energy intake, Hormesis, and health
Whipsaw cancer treatments: The role of Hormesis in endocrine and immune therapies
lonizing Radiation Hormesis in Crops
Hormesis has emerged as a more common and fundamental dose-response model than the threshold or linear-no-threshold (LNT) models
Hormesis: A peep in to the human nature
Commentary on’Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’by Calabrese et al
Exercise and inflammatory diseases: beneficial effects of exercise as a stimulus of Hormesis
The study of low dose radiation inducing Hormesis effect on hematopoietic system
Is radiation-induced gene expression responsible for radiation Hormesis?
Hormesis and Integrated Medicine
Developing insights on the nature of the dose-response relationship in the low dose zone: Hormesis as a biological hypothesis
What Toxicologists and Risk Assessors Think About Hormesis: Results of a Knowledge and Opintion Survey
Differential response to Hormesis by laboratory evolved short-lived and long-lived cytoraces of nasuta-albomicans complex of Drosophila
Hormesis in effect of low uranium doses on organisms.
What is Hormesis. Was ist Hormesis
Current status of research on radiation Hormesis in the immune system after low level radiation
Commentary on ‘Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’by Calabrese et al
Exercise-induced Hormesis
Couch potato: the antithesis of Hormesis
Chemical Hormesis: Beneficial Effects at Low Exposures Adverse Effects at High Exposures
The relationship between Hormesis of proliferation and oxidative stress induced by sodium arsenite in human embryo lung fibroblasts
A mathematical modeling approach to characterize Hormesis, caloric restriction and toxicity in mortality data from toxicity studies
Letter to the editor on ethics of expertise, informed consent, and Hormesis
Economics and Hormesis
Advance of study on Hormesis of low dose radiation
The effect of JNK/SAPK signal transduction on Hormesis induced by cadmium
Commentary on ‘Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’
Hormesis and ethics: introduction
Application of chemical Hormesis concept to risk assessment: reproductive toxicity as an example
Experimental Study on Hormesis of Formaldehyde and Its Damage Effect [J]
Commentary on ‘Resveratrol commonly displays Hormesis: Occurrence and biomedical significance’by Calabrese et al
Comments on “legal implications of Hormesis”
Research findings on radiation Hormesis and radon therapy
Is the hygiene hypothesis an example of Hormesis?
Analysis of a Hormesis effect in the leukemia-caused mortality among atomic bomb survivors
Details and current status of the study on radioactive ray Hormesis. Hoshasen Hormesis kenkyu no keii to genjo
Harmonization of Radiation for Human Life-Summary Report of Radiation Hormesis Research
Radiation Hormesis
The Effect of Low Dose Radiation on Tumor Growth and Hormesis in Erythrocyte System in the Tumor Bearing-Mice
Hormesis, hypotheses and facts. Hormesis, Hypothesen and Fakten
BSELLE newsletter commentary: does caloric restriction induce Hormesis?
Hormesis and stress responses of human cells to chemical and physical hazards present at work places
Statistical Approach to Detect and Estimate Hormesis
L’Hormesis: Introduction
Biomedical implications of Hormesis: Part I
Legal implications of Hormesis?
Radonotherapy and radiation Hormesis
Comments on Ortwin Renn’s article ‘Hormesis and risk communication’: considerations about uncertainity, ignorance and governance
Research status on radiation Hormesis at CRIEPI
Samuel Hahnemann, Hormesis and a Probable Mechanism of Action of Homeopathic Remedies.
Comment on “Legal implications of Hormesis” by Frank B. Cross
Using nonlinear fixed and mixed models with switching functions to allow for Hormesis in growth of Escherichia coli
Prediction of Hormesis in radon carcinogenesis
Radiation Hormesis-retrospectivity and modernity
Radiation Hormesis
Problems of the mechanism of radiation and chemical Hormesis; Problemy mekhanizma radiatsionnogo i khimicheskogo gormezisa
Radiation Hormesis
Hormesis in aging: approaching cautiously
Radiation Hormesis: high-radiation dose equivalents in hot springs enhancing curative practices
Biomedical implications of Hormesis: Part II
Hormesis: the benefical effects of radiation; Gormezis: blagopriyatnye ehffekty izlucheniya
Secondary UV radiation from biota as a proof of radiation Hormesis and Gurwitsch phenomena
24A. Hormesis and Integrative Medicine
Hormesis and toxic torts: traditional torts and claims for subclinical harm
Physical improvements using Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis: may the force be with you
Human radio cancers and Hormesis an if we talk about it again?; Radiocancers humains et Hormesis et si on en reparlait
Radiation Hormesis
The study of Hormesis effection on mice by Zuibyougan
Quantitative assessment of radiation Hormesis
What is radiation Hormesis and how do you explain it?
Hormesis, and the radiation effects paradigm
Hormesis: the benefical effects of radiation
Comments on “legal implications of Hormesis” by Frank B. Cross
Response to questions on Hormesis and ethics
Hormesis-hypotheses and facts
Hormesis and dermatology
Studies of regulative function of pineal gland on radiation Hormesis in the immune system after low dose radiation [J]
Hormesis–fact or fiction?
Hormesis in plants, rather a rule then exception
How living organisms detect very low doses? A new approach to homeopathy and Hormesis
Comments on ‘Implications of Hormesis for industrial hygiene’
Hormesis effect of glyphosate on common bean cultivars
Hormesis is central to biology and medicine
Hormesis makes a splash
Hormesis effect of low dose radiation on cellular DNA repair
The Hormesis challenge for environmental health regulators
Radiation Hormesis in higher plants
Radiation Hormesis in plant
Mathematical model for assessing radiation Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis as a biological hypothesis
Hormesis with Ionizing Radiation
Radiation Hormesis at occupational exposure
Review of ‘Implications of Hormesis for industrial hygiene’
The basic molecular biology underlying radiation Hormesis
Apitherapy, Hormesis and Homeopathy
Verification of radiation Hormesis. Ask new paradigm
Hormesis with Ionizing Radiation
An explanation of radiation Hormesis for low-LET and high-LET radiation with the random coincidence model
Whatever Doesn’t Kill You Might Make You Stronger: Hormesis
Acetaldehyde burst protection of ADH1B* 2 against alcoholism: an additional Hormesis protection against esophageal cancers following alcohol consumption?
The dynamics of radiation stimulated Hormesis and processes of DNA self-reparation at the combined action of ionizing irradiation on biological systems
JP8 Induced Mutagenesis and Hormesis
… of sublethal concentrations of imidacloprid and precocene on green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)(Hemiptera: Aphididae): A study of Hormesis at the gene …
Human radio cancers and Hormesis an if we talk about it again?
Postconditioning Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis at occupational exposure
Ways to identify and evaluate the Hormesis induced by toxic substances
Hormesis: A New Lens for Improved Health & Resilience
The notion of Hormesis and the dose-response theory: A unified approach
opics in Toxicology: Hormesis and Toxicological Risk Assessment
Crisis of radiobiology and its prospects associated with Hormesis studies
A model to explain radiation Hormesis, its underlying mechanisms and comparisons with experimental data
Hormesis: implications for policy making and risk communication: a reply
Potential role of Hormesis in risk assessment in occupational toxicology
Radiation Hormesis: a Useful Modality in Human Health
Hormesis and the Law: Toxic Torts: A Reprint from” Belle Newsletter”
… Annual International Conference on Hormesis: Implications for Toxicology, Medicine and Risk Assessment. The annual Meeting of the International Hormesis …
Radiation Hormesis in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) part 1: Laboratory research
Regulatory implementation and indeterminate Hormesis effects
Radiation Hormesis and its future implications for radiological services in developing countries
Detection of Hormesis by empirical data as an ill-posed problem
Ultraviolet radiation: questions of hazard, homeostasis, or Hormesis?
Medical and Therapeutic Radiation Hormesis: Preventing and Curing Cancer
Enhancement of bio-functions by low-dose irradiation; A proposal of working hypothesis for mechanism of radiation Hormesis and its experimental study
Radiation Hormesis: Beneficial effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation. A critical review
Studies on growth Hormesis and on altered sensitivity of mammalian cells during pathology
Hormesis effects in pinto beans from ⁶⁰Co gamma radiation
Hormesis on cell proliferation induced by MTBE and its significance [J]
Radiation Hormesis: Magic Stones and Cancer, Part One
Low level radiation: Hormesis and adaptive response
The importance of the Hormesis-LNT controversy for practical radiation protection
Impact of Hormesis by antimicrobials in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Chemical/Radiation Hormesis Database, Evaluation of Hormetic Mechanisms and their Biomedical and Risk Assessment Implications
Toxicity vs. Hormesis in evaluating health effects: applications to bioassays using marine organisms
Radiation-induced reactions of the lungs: Hormesis, guideline on radiation protection in medicine
Mild Stress and Healthy Aging: Applying Hormesis in Aging Research and Interventions
Radiation Hormesis of radish (kaiwaredaikon) using an X-ray radiography device (the second report)
Low dose radiation induced Hormesis and its mechanism of free radicals
Experimental Studies and Human Epidemiological Evidence for Beneficial Low Level Radiation Effects and Radiation Hormesis: Review of Literature
Role of ploidy of yeast cells under manifestation of radiation Hormesis
Remarks about the LNT-Hormesis discrepancy and Cohen’s theory on indoor radon
Hormesis of cell proliferation induced by sodium nitrite in L929 fibroblasts
Dose Estimation of Radiation Exposure from Hormesis Cosmetics
Age-specific mortality rate analyses suggest response from caloric restriction and Hormesis are due to separate mechanisms
Hormesis of low dose radiation on the expression of cytokines in umbilical cord blood
The Challenging Issue of Low Dose Radiation, Hormesis and Adaptive Response: Findings From Earth to Space
Thermal stress responses in Caenorhabditis elegans: reproductive effects, natural variation and the costs of Hormesis
Exhibition of Hormesis during allelopathic investigations in turnip (Brassica rapa L.)
The effect of low dose radiation Hormesis in erythrocyte system metabolism in the tumor bearing-mice
Search for Target Gene of Insulin-like Signal Transduction Pathway Related in the Lifespan Extension by Radiation Hormesis
Hormesis by oxygen radicals that causes the life-span extension decreases in concentration of intracellular superoxide anion.
Hormesis effect of three nematicides on the dispersal of Ditylenchus destructor
Phenomenon of Hormesis on γ-irradiated developing rat pups
Hormesis of streptomycin on 6 species of marine microalgae
Biphasic effect of alpha benzene hexachloride (α-BHC) on diethylnitrosamine-intiated hepatocarcinogenesis and possible Hormesis mechanism in rats.
Using nonlinear non-monotonic hormetic models and designs for detecting and estimating Hormesis
Hormesis effect of serum antioxidative system after low dose human whole blood gamma ray irradiation
Developments of high physiological function technique for vegetable and flower nursery trees using radiation Hormesis and chemical analysis of the physiological …
Hormesis of free radical detoxiication in bone marrow cells after low-dose gamma-ray radiation
Precaution, institutions, incentives, heuristics, regulation and Hormesis: Comments onHormesis in precautionary regulatory culture: models preferences and the …
Signal transduction mechanism on Hormesis of human marrow mesenchymal stem cell induced by low dose radiation
Effect of a calcium ionophore in the process of Hormesis at the Crayfish Neuromuscular Junction
Hormesis effect of organophosphorus pesticide glyphosate-isopropy lammonium on Heterosigma akashiwo
Profiling of candidate target genes of insulin-like signal pathway related to lifespan extension due to Hormesis
Chlordecone-CCl4 interactive hepatotoxicity-suppression of Hormesis and recovery
Hormesis and adaptive response of survival in Hela cells induced by low dose X-ray irradiation
Bimodality of x-radiation Hormesis effect on flax seedlings Linum Usitatissimum L., F Elongata
Biphasic toxicodynamic features of some antimicrobial agents on microbial growth: a dynamic mathematical model and its implications on Hormesis
Molecular mechanisms and reasons of radiation antagonism, self-induced radioprotective effect and Hormesis at combined action of ionizing radiation and free …
Role of FOXO transcription factor in radiation adaptive response and Hormesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Hormesis of specific IgG antibody to rabies virus in serum of mice irradiated with low dose γ-rays
The direct physico-molecular (nonenzyme) mechanism of Hormesis and dose-response self-induced radioprotective effect at combined action of weak ionizing …
PS 69-125: Hormesis in Bromus rubens at multiple dose levels of glyphosate
Observation of the pH-Induced Hormesis for the LDH Cytotoxicity Test of MSWI Baghouse Ash Extract
Commentary on “Cancer Biology and Hormesis: Human Tumor Cell Lines Commonly Display Hormetic (Biphasic) Dose Responses” by Edward J. Calabrese
Kinases-dependent metabolic shift towards the Phgdh-mediated serine synthesis enhances cardioprotection to oxidative stress as Hormesis to aldehydes
Mitogen-responsive CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ T cells are target of Hormesis induced by chronic low dose ionizing radiation dose (LDR) in mice
Role of kinase JNK, SIRT deacetylase and transcriptional factor FOXO in radiation-induced aging, Hormesis and adaptive response in Drosophila melanogaster
2006 Conference of the International Hormesis Society: Stress Response Mechanisms: From Single Cells to Multinational Organizations
… of low doses of gamma radiation of Co-60 (radio-Hormesis) in tomato seeds; Efeitos de baixas doses de radiacao gama do Co-60 (radio-Hormesis) em sementes de …
… fuel masculinizes fishEPA to monitor air from animal feedlotsCleanup hazards of 9/11Insurer fights climate change| Hormesis gets massive data support …
Effect of low doses of gamma radiation of Co-60 (radio-Hormesis) in tomato seeds
How does Hormesis impact biology, toxicology, and medicine?
Hormesis: a compelling platform for sophisticated plant science
Hormesis: a fundamental concept in biology
Hormesis: path and progression to significance
Hormesis: principles and applications
Herbicides and plant Hormesis
Oxidative stress and Hormesis in evolutionary ecology and physiology
Radiation Hormesis: historical and current perspectives
Hormesis within a mechanistic context
Overview of biological, epidemiological, and clinical evidence of radiation Hormesis
Hormesis: the dose response for the 21st century: the future has arrived
How do nutritional antioxidants really work: nucleophilic tone and para-Hormesis versus free radical scavenging in vivo
Insecticide‐induced Hormesis and arthropod pest management
Curcumin, Hormesis and the nervous system
Hormesis and Ginkgo biloba (GB): Numerous biological effects of GB are mediated via Hormesis
What is Hormesis and its relevance to healthy aging and longevity?
Hormesis: from mainstream to therapy
Mitochondrial Hormesis and diabetic complications
Building biological shields via Hormesis
Environmental Hormesis and its fundamental biological basis: rewriting the history of toxicology
Temperature-induced Hormesis in plants
Hormesis can enhance agricultural sustainability in a changing world
Hormesis in plants under Cd exposure: from toxic to beneficial element?
The two faces of nanomaterials: A quantification of Hormesis in algae and plants
Hormesis and radiation safety norms: Comments for an update
Environmental Hormesis, a fundamental non-monotonic biological phenomenon with implications in ecotoxicology and environmental safety
Hormesis promotes evolutionary change
Hydrocarbon-induced Hormesis: 101 years of evidence at the margin?
Exercise-induced Hormesis and skeletal muscle health
Modulating exercise-induced Hormesis: does less equal more?
Hormesis: decoding two sides of the same coin
Is “preparation for oxidative stress” a case of physiological conditioning Hormesis?
Human and veterinary antibiotics induce Hormesis in plants: scientific and regulatory issues and an environmental perspective
Hormesis as a mechanistic approach to understanding herbal treatments in traditional Chinese medicine
Preconditioning is Hormesis part I: Documentation, dose-response features and mechanistic foundations
Health effects of intermittent fasting: Hormesis or harm? A systematic review
Hormesis in health and disease
Blood flow restriction pressure recommendations: the Hormesis hypothesis
Curcumin and Hormesis with particular emphasis on neural cells
Hormesis: a fundamental concept with widespread biological and biomedical applications
Reactive oxygen species, ageing and the Hormesis police
Time in redox adaptation processes: from evolution to Hormesis
Herbicide-mediated Hormesis
Does Green Tea Induce Hormesis?
The science of Hormesis in health and longevity
Exercise, oxidants, and antioxidants change the shape of the bell-shaped Hormesis curve
A general model of Hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management
Heat shock proteins and Hormesis in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
Hormesis in plants: Physiological and biochemical responses
Hormesis results in trade‐offs with immunity
Plant Hormesis management with biostimulants of biotic origin in agriculture
Inflammasomes, Hormesis, and antioxidants in neuroinflammation: Role of NRLP3 in Alzheimer disease
Mediterranean diet and inflammaging within the Hormesis paradigm
Chlorophyll Hormesis: are chlorophylls major components of stress biology in higher plants?
Hormesis effects of silver nanoparticles at non-cytotoxic doses to human hepatoma cells
Hormesis and defense of infectious disease
Sex hormonal regulation and Hormesis in aging and longevity: role of vitagenes
The role of Hormesis in the functional performance and protection of neural systems
Occurrence and significance of insecticide-induced Hormesis in insects
A dose of experimental Hormesis: When mild stress protects and improves animal performance
Radiobiology and Radiation Hormesis
The rare earth element (REE) lanthanum (La) induces Hormesis in plants
Preconditioning is Hormesis part II: How the conditioning dose mediates protection: Dose optimization within temporal and mechanistic frameworks
Radiation-Hormesis phenotypes, the related mechanisms and implications for disease prevention and therapy
Hormesis mediates dose-sensitive shifts in macrophage activation patterns
Life history trade-offs within the context of mitochondrial Hormesis
Meta-analytic evidence for the anti-aging effect of Hormesis on Caenorhabditis elegans
Does Hormesis foster organism resistance to extreme events?
Dietary restriction improves proteostasis and increases life span through endoplasmic reticulum Hormesis
Stress response and population dynamics: Is Allee effect Hormesis?
Radiation Hormesis: the link to nanomolar hydrogen peroxide
Progress in the studies on Hormesis of low-dose pollutants
Major pathogenic mechanisms in vascular dementia: roles of cellular stress response and Hormesis in neuroprotection
When less is more: Hormesis against stress and disease
Lung cancer Hormesis in high impact states where nuclear testing occurred
Reductive stress impairs myoblasts mitochondrial function and triggers mitochondrial Hormesis
Ethylenediurea induces Hormesis in plants
Selective mitochondrial superoxide generation in vivo is cardioprotective through Hormesis
Similarities between the Yin/Yang doctrine and Hormesis in toxicology and pharmacology
Lithium promotes longevity through GSK3/NRF2-dependent Hormesis
Inflammaging, Hormesis and the rationale for anti-aging strategies
Can poisons stimulate bees? Appreciating the potential of Hormesis in bee–pesticide research
Hormesis-induced gap between the guidelines and reality in ecological risk assessment
Insights into the role of energy source in Hormesis through diauxic growth of bacteria in mixed cultivation systems
Inverse Hormesis of cancer growth mediated by narrow ranges of tumor-directed antibodies
Silver nanoparticles induce Hormesis in A549 human epithelial cells
Hormesis and ginseng: ginseng mixtures and individual constituents commonly display Hormesis dose responses, especially for neuroprotective effects
Hormesis commonly observed in the assessment of aneuploidy in yeast
Effect of low-dose ionizing radiation on luminous marine bacteria: radiation Hormesis and toxicity
Evaluation of insecticides induced Hormesis on the demographic parameters of Myzus persicae and expression changes of metabolic resistance …
Historical foundations of Hormesis
Evolutionarily adapted Hormesis-inducing stressors can be a practical solution to mitigate harmful effects of chronic exposure to low dose chemical mixtures
Can Hormesis of plant-released phytotoxins be used to boost and sustain crop production?
Molecular mechanisms of low dose ionizing radiation-induced Hormesis, adaptive responses, radioresistance, bystander effects, and genomic instability
Stimulating hair growth via Hormesis: Experimental foundations and clinical implications
The linear no-threshold model is less realistic than threshold or Hormesis-based models: an evolutionary perspective
Pre-and post-conditioning Hormesis in elderly mice, rats, and humans: its loss and restoration
Glyphosate Hormesis in broad-leaved weeds: a challenge for weed management
Hormesis effects of phosphorus on the viability of Chlorella regularis cells under nitrogen limitation
Hormesis effects induced by cadmium on growth and photosynthetic performance in a Hyperaccumulator, Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Sublethal and Hormesis effects of imidacloprid on the soybean aphid Aphis glycines
Aging in the Perspective of Integrative Medicine, Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology and Hormesis
Curcumin Hormesis mediates a cross-talk between autophagy and cell death
PERM hypothesis: the fundamental machinery able to elucidate the role of xenobiotics and Hormesis in cell survival and homeostasis
Hormesis in health and chronic diseases
Changes of RNA N6-methyladenosine in the Hormesis effect induced by arsenite on human keratinocyte cells
Intracellular second messengers mediate stress inducible Hormesis and Programmed Cell Death: A review
Elimination of the Hormesis phenomenon by the use of synthetic sea water in a toxicity test towards Aliivibrio fischeri
Hormesis, cellular stress response, and redox homeostasis in autism spectrum disorders
Accumulator plants and Hormesis
Hormesis in plants: The role of oxidative stress, auxins and photosynthesis in corn treated with Cd or Pb
Model uncertainty via the integration of Hormesis and LNT as the default in cancer risk assessment
Bt-induced Hormesis in Bt-resistant insects: Theoretical possibility or factual concern?
UV-C Hormesis in broccoli florets: Preservation, phyto-compounds and gene expression
Hormesis and Paradoxical Effects of Wheat Seedling (Triticum Aestivum L.) Parameters upon Exposure to Different Pollutants in a Wide Range of Doses
Hormesis: highly generalizable and beyond laboratory
Thiamethoxam induces transgenerational Hormesis effects and alteration of genes expression in Aphis gossypii
Hormesis, cellular stress response and neuroinflammation in schizophrenia: early onset versus late onset state
Targeting metabolic syndrome with phytochemicals: Focus on the role of molecular chaperones and Hormesis in drug discovery
Regular time-dependent cross-phenomena induced by Hormesis: A case study of binary antibacterial mixtures to Aliivibrio fischeri
Glyphosate Hormesis increases growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.)
Hormesis depends upon the life-stage and duration of exposure: Examples for a pesticide and a nanomaterial
A concept of radiation Hormesis: stimulation of antioxidant machinery in rats by low dose ionizing radiation.
Mitochondrial stress extends lifespan in C. elegans through neuronal Hormesis
The phytoprotective agent sulforaphane prevents inflammatory degenerative diseases and age-related pathologies via Nrf2-mediated Hormesis
Predicting the Hormesis and toxicological interaction of mixtures by an improved inverse distance weighted interpolation
Anti-oxidative cellular protection effect of fasting-induced autophagy as a mechanism for Hormesis
Bt-toxin susceptibility and Hormesis-like response in the invasive southern armyworm (Spodoptera eridania)
Mobile phone signal exposure triggers a Hormesis-like effect in Atm+/+ and Atm−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Lysosomes, autophagy, and Hormesis in cell physiology, pathology, and age-related disease
Controlled abiotic stresses revisited: from homeostasis through Hormesis to extreme stresses and the impact on nutraceuticals and quality during pre-and postharvest …
Mitochondrial toxins and healthy lifestyle meet at the crossroad of Hormesis
Phytochemicals-induced Hormesis protects Caenorhabditis elegans against α-synuclein protein aggregation and stress through modulating HSF-1 and SKN-1 …
Molecular gerontology: from homeodynamics to Hormesis
Mitochondrial Hormesis links nutrient restriction to improved metabolism in fat cell
Sulfonated graphene-induced Hormesis is mediated through oxidative stress in the roots of maize seedlings
Sexual Success after Stress? Imidacloprid-Induced Hormesis in Males of the Neotropical Stink Bug Euschistus heros
Transcriptomic analysis of Raphidocelis subcapitata exposed to erythromycin: The role of DNA replication in Hormesis and growth inhibition
Low doses of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl cause Hormesis in littleseed canarygrass and wild oat
Hormetic effects of metal ions upon V. fischeri and the application of a new parameter for the quantitative assessment of Hormesis
Benefits from hazards: Mixture Hormesis induced by [emim] Cl despite its individual inhibitions
Estimating the frequency of Hormesis and other non-monotonic responses in plants experiencing road traffic pollution in urban areas and experimental pollutant …
Update on Hormesis and its relation to homeopathy
The concept of Hormesis in cancer therapy–Is less more?
Hormesis and immunity: a review
Pollen biology and Hormesis: Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation
Silver nanoparticle-induced Hormesis of astroglioma cells: A Mu-2-related death-inducing protein-orchestrated modus operandi
Low concentrations of Al (III) accelerate the formation of biofilm: Multiple effects of Hormesis and flocculation
Is use of radiation Hormesis the missing link to a better cancer treatment?
A trigger mechanism of herbicides to phytoplankton blooms: From the standpoint of Hormesis involving cytochrome b559, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide
Antibiotic contaminants reduced the treatment efficiency of UV-C on Microcystis aeruginosa through Hormesis
Radiation Safety and Hormesis
Natural oxygenation of Champagne wine during ageing on lees: a metabolomics picture of Hormesis
Hormesis and paradoxical effects of pea (Pisum sativum L.) parameters upon exposure to formaldehyde in a wide range of doses
Herbicide Hormesis can act as a driver of resistance evolution in weeds – PSII‐target site resistance in Chenopodium album L. as a case study
Hormesis: A potential strategic approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative disease
Age-dependent Hormesis-like effects of the synthetic cannabinoid CP55940 in C57BL/6 mice
Nutritional Hormesis in a Modern Environment
Hormesis and homeopathy: The artificial twins
Sublethal and Hormesis effects of clothianidin on the black cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Hormesis-like effect of mild larval crowding on thermotolerance in Drosophila flies
Sublethal and Hormesis effects of beta-cypermethrin on the biology, life table parameters and reproductive potential of soybean aphid Aphis glycines
Is Gcn4-induced autophagy the ultimate downstream mechanism by which Hormesis extends yeast replicative lifespan?
Hormesis enables cells to handle accumulating toxic metabolites during increased energy flux
The role of bacterial communities in shaping Cd-induced Hormesis in ‘living’soil as a function of land-use change
Hormesis and public health: can glutathione depletion and mitochondrial dysfunction due to very low-dose chronic exposure to persistent organic pollutants be …
… in the Dose Dependence of Separate and Combined In Vitro Cardiotoxicity Effects Induced by CdS and PbS Nanoparticles With Special Attention to Hormesis …
Hormesis Effects of Nano-and Micro-sized Copper Oxide
Novel segmented concentration addition method to predict mixture Hormesis of chlortetracycline hydrochloride and oxytetracycline hydrochloride to Aliivibrio fischeri
Time to reject the linear-no threshold hypothesis and accept thresholds and Hormesis: a petition to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
A swinging seesaw as a novel model mechanism for time-dependent Hormesis under dose-dependent stimulatory and inhibitory effects: A case study on the toxicity of …
Statistical models for biphasic dose-response relationships (Hormesis) in toxicological studies
Adaptation to acrolein through upregulating the protection by glutathione in human bronchial epithelial cells: the materialization of the Hormesis concept
Hormesis under oil-induced stress in Leersia hexandra Sw. used as phytoremediator in clay soils of the Mexican humid tropic
Is There a Possibility to Involve the Hormesis Effect on the Soybean with Glyphosate Sub-Lethal Amounts Used to Control Weed Species Amaranthus retroflexus L.?
Time-dependent Hormesis of chemical mixtures: a case study on sulfa antibiotics and a quorum-sensing inhibitor of Vibrio fischeri
An analogous wood barrel theory to explain the occurrence of Hormesis: A case study of sulfonamides and erythromycin on Escherichia coli growth
Allelopathic Hormesis and potent allelochemicals from multipurpose tree Moringa oleifera leaf extract
Gene expression during imidacloprid-induced Hormesis in green peach aphid
Hormesis in cancer immunology: Does the quantity of an immune reactant matter?
Selective toxin effects on faster and slower growing individuals in the formation of Hormesis at the population level—A case study with Lactuca sativa and PCIB
UV-B radiation Hormesis in broccoli florets: Glucosinolates and hydroxy-cinnamates are enhanced by UV-B in florets during storage
The prospective mathematical idea satisfying both radiation Hormesis under low radiation doses and linear non-threshold theory under high radiation doses
A comparison of the molecular mechanisms underpinning high-intensity, pulsed polychromatic light and low-intensity UV-C Hormesis in tomato fruit
Azadirachtin-induced Hormesis mediating shift in fecundity-longevity trade-off in the Mexican bean weevil (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae)
The integration of LNT and Hormesis for cancer risk assessment optimizes public health protection
Hormesis: umbrella mechanism only for agents present in the environment
Exercise-induced oxidative stress: A tool for “Hormesis” and “adaptive response”
Hormesis through low-dose radiation
Low concentrations of FA exhibits the Hormesis effect by affecting cell division and the warburg effect
Hormesis and homeopathy: a step forward
pH affects the Hormesis profiles of personal care product components on luminescence of the bacteria Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67
Umbelliprenin mediates its apoptotic effect by Hormesis: a commentary
A comparison of low intensity UV-C and high intensity pulsed polychromatic sources as elicitors of Hormesis in tomato fruit
Chemical Hormesis on plant pathogenic fungi and oomycetes
Hormesis Effects of Amoxicillin on Growth and Cellular Biosynthesis of Microcystis aeruginosa at Different Nitrogen Levels
Larval crowding results in Hormesis-like effects on longevity in Drosophila: timing of eclosion as a model
Abiotic stress Hormesis: An approach to maintain quality, extend storability, and enhance phytochemicals on fresh produce during postharvest
Is Hormesis an underestimated factor in the development of herbicide resistance?
Does selective Hormesis impact herbicide resistance evolution in weeds? ACCase‐resistant populations of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. as a case study
Phosphatidylserine modulates response to oxidative stress through Hormesis and increases lifespan via DAF-16 in Caenorhabditis elegans
Replacing LNT: the integrated LNT-Hormesis model
Prediction of mixture toxicity from the Hormesis of a single chemical: A case study of combinations of antibiotics and quorum-sensing inhibitors with gram-negative …
Hormesis and trade-offs: a comment
Toxin-induced Hormesis may restrain aging
Hormesis with pesticides
Hormesis-Mediated Mechanisms Underlying Bioactivities of Phytochemicals
Exercise and Hormesis
Microbial influences on Hormesis, oncogenesis, and therapy: a review of the literature
Interspecies variability of plant Hormesis by the antiauxin PCIB in a laboratory bioassay
Hormesis of 2, 4-D Choline Salt in Biometric Aspects of Cotton
Weak intervention backfire and criminal Hormesis: Why some otherwise effective crime prevention interventions can fail at low doses
Post-conditioning Hormesis creates a “subtraction to background” disease process: biological, aging, and environmental risk assessment implications
Hormesis and Paradoxical Effects of Drooping Birch (Betula pendula Roth) Parameters Under Motor Traffic Pollution
Glyphosate Hormesis mitigates the effect of water deficit in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Cysteine-induced Hormesis effect of silver nanoparticles
The effects of tissue regenerative status on Hormesis in dogs irradiated during their lifespan
Non‐targeted insecticidal stress in a pest species: insecticides, sexual fitness and Hormesis in the Neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros
Cereal grass juice in wound healing: Hormesis and cell-survival in normal fibroblasts, in contrast to toxic events in cancer cells
Exercise and intestinal permeability: another form of exercise-induced Hormesis?
Oxidative stress and the kidney: riding on the curve of Hormesis
… Hormesis to segregate a weed population?–A case study with Tripleurospermum perforatum (Mérat) Lainz: Kann Herbizid-Hormesis eine Unkrautpopulation spalten …
Influence of Individual Radiosensitivity on the Hormesis Phenomenon: Toward a Mechanistic Explanation Based on the Nucleoshuttling of ATM Protein
Isoliquiritigenin Pretreatment Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated Hormesis and Attenuates Cisplatin-Induced Oxidative Stress and Damage in LLC-PK1 …
Hormesis effect of dichlorophenoxy acetic acid sub-doses and mepiquat chloride on cotton plant
Quantitative Evaluation of Hormesis in Breast Cancer Using Histoculture Drug Response Assay
… on biology and evolution v. 2.0:“Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution and evolution’s dependence on Hormesis-mediated acquired resilience …
The Hormesis effect of plasma-elevated intracellular ROS on HaCaT cells
Not merely noxious? Time-dependent Hormesis and differential toxic effects systematically induced by rare earth elements in Escherichia coli
Studying Gene Expression in Irradiated Barley Cultivars: PM19L-like and CML31-like Expression as Possible Determinants of Radiation Hormesis Effect
Hormesis of glyceollin I, an induced phytoalexin from soybean, on budding yeast chronological lifespan extension
Glyphosate-induced Hormesis: impact on seedling growth and reproductive potential of common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
Hormesis of mercuric chloride-human serum albumin adduct on N9 microglial cells via the ERK/MAPKs and JAK/STAT3 signaling pathways
Logistic Regression Models with Unspecified Low Dose–Response Relationships and Experimental Designs for Hormesis Studies
Myocardial redox Hormesis protects the heart of female mice in sepsis
7-Isopenthenyloxycoumarin, arctigenin, and hesperidin modify myeloid cell leukemia type-1 (Mcl-1) gene expression by Hormesis in K562 cell line
Hormesis of methylmercury-human serum albumin conjugate on N9 microglia via ERK/MAPKs and STAT3 signaling pathways
Low Dose Astaxanthin Treatments Trigger the Hormesis of Human Astroglioma Cells by Up-Regulating the Cyclin-Dependent Kinase and Down-Regulated the Tumor …
Overview of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Systemic Cancer Treatment, Aging, Pregnancy, and Radiation Hormesis
Herbicide toxicity, selectivity and Hormesis of nicosulfuron on 10 Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera) species parasitizing Anagasta ( = Ephestia) kuehniella …
Para-Hormesis: an innovative mechanism for the health protection brought by antioxidants in wine
Trans-Generational Impacts of Paternal Irradiation in a Cricket: Damage, Life-History Features and Hormesis in F1 Offspring
Resilience in developmental science: A case for Hormesis
Radiation safety standards and Hormesis
Hormesis in cholestatic liver disease; preconditioning with low bile acid concentrations protects against bile acid-induced toxicity
Traces of Imidacloprid Induce Hormesis as a Stimulatory Conditioned Response of Sweetpotato Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Homeopathy, Hormesis, nanoparticles and nanostructures
Ionizing Radiation and Translation Control: A Link to Radiation Hormesis?
Anoxia-conditioning Hormesis alters the relationship between irradiation doses for survival and sterility in the cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera …
Hormesis for healthy aging
Unequal brothers: are homeopathy and Hormesis linked?
Temporal stability of chemical Hormesis (CH): Is CH just a temporary stop on the road to thresholds and toxic responses?
Nutrient removal by Chlorella vulgaris F1068 under cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide induced Hormesis
Hormesis of some organic solvents on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 from first binding to the β subunit of luciferase
The influence of nitrogen and phosphorous status on glyphosate Hormesis in Lemna minor and Hordeum vulgare
The materialist view of homeopathy: an alternative hypothesis and the connection with Hormesis
Protection against renal ischemia–reperfusion injury through Hormesis? Dietary intervention versus cold exposure
The dose–response revolution: how Hormesis became significant: an historical and personal reflection
Originator of the Hormesis concept: Rudolf Virchow or Hugo Schulz
Two decades (1998–2018) of research Progress on Hormesis: advancing biological understanding and enabling novel applications
The Hormesis of thinking: A deeper quantum thermodynamic perspective?
A web-based tool for designing experimental studies to detect Hormesis and estimate the threshold dose
Look different: effect of radiation Hormesis on the survival rate of immunosuppressed mice
The Caenorhabditis elegans HP1 family protein HPL-2 maintains ER homeostasis through the UPR and Hormesis
New understanding of the low-dose radiation-induced Hormesis
Natural background radiations, radioadaptive response and radiation Hormesis
Proteomic profile changes associated with diminished expression of T-cell intracellular antigens reveal a Hormesis response
Metabolic memory enhances Hormesis effect to the copper ions in age-depended manner
Hormesis and homeopathy: toward a new self-consciousness
The impact of water regimes on Hormesis by glyphosate on common bean
Chlorpyrifos-induced Hormesis in insecticide-resistant and-susceptible Plutella xylostella under normal and high temperatures
Kinase inhibition leads to Hormesis in a dual phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle
Perspectives on Hormesis and Implications for Pesticides
Linear no-threshold (LNT) vs. Hormesis: paradigms, assumptions, and mathematical conventions that bias the conclusions in favor of LNT and against Hormesis
Lepidium sativum L. Hormesis induced by heavy metal stress for seed germination and seedling growth
Antioxidants and cancer: A debate on prevention, progression, Hormesis, and cruciferous vegetables
… and environment: memoir of establishing the Japanese environmental mutagen society and a proposal for a new collaborative study on mutagenic Hormesis
2, 4-D Hormesis effect on soybean
Primary Stress Response Pathways for Preconditioning and Physiological Hormesis
Hormesis, Resilience and Mental Health: Enhancing Public Health and Therapeutic Options
The synthetic elicitor 2-(5-bromo-2-hydroxy-phenyl)-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid links plant immunity to Hormesis
Hormesis in the brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy)(Hemiptera: Aphididae) exposed to sublethal doses of imidacloprid
Estimation of a benchmark dose in the presence or absence of Hormesis using posterior averaging
Hormesis in cancer immunology.
A catechin-enriched green tea extract prevents glucose-induced survival reduction in Caenorhabditis elegans through sir-2.1 and uba-1 dependent Hormesis
Hormesis in Health and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms
Oxidative Stress: An Example of Hormesis.
Generation of BSA-capsaicin Nanoparticles and Their Hormesis Effect on the Rhodotorula mucilaginosa Yeast
Hormesis effect of hydrogen peroxide on the promoter activity of neuropeptide receptor PAC1‐R
Effect of photon Hormesis on dose responses to alpha particles in zebrafish embryos
Nicosulfuron plus atrazine herbicides and Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera) in no-choice test: selectivity and Hormesis
Hormesis Mediates Acquired Resilience: Using Plant-Derived Chemicals to Enhance Health
An enzymatic Hormesis box
Stimulatory Effects of Boscalid on Virulence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Indicate Hormesis May Be Masked by Inhibitions
First study of Hormesis effect on mushroom cultivation
Nitrogen availability and glyphosate Hormesis on white oat
Provocation of life functions at a unicellular eukaryote level by extremely low doses of mammalian hormones: Evidences of Hormesis
Evidence of Hormesis on human neuronal SK-N-BE cells treated with sodium arsenate: impact at the mitochondrial level
Biological effects of a radiation Hormesis sheet emitting very low-dose-rate γ rays
What is Hormesis?
Hormesis running hot and cold
Effect of Hormesis in Food
Hormesis and hormetins for healthy ageing and longevity
Remote Ischemic Conditioning as a Form of Hormesis
Radiation Hormesis in the light of the laws of quantum thermodynamics
Structured development and promotion of a research field: Hormesis in biology, toxicology, and environmental regulatory science
Mitochondrial Hormesis
Variation in oxidative stress threats and Hormesis across environments
Study of some biochemical and molecular changes induced by radiation Hormesis in testicular tissues of male rats
Challenging Aging The Anti-senescence Effects of Hormesis, Environmental Enrichment and Information Exposure
Hormesis-Like Benefits of Physical Exercises Due To Increased Reactive Oxygen Species
The Hormesis effects of low-dose 60Co gamma irradiation on high-temperature tolerance in cultivated Sargassum horneri (Fucales, Phaeophyceae)
Reproductive ability enhancement of housefly (Musca domestica Linn)(Diptera: Muscidae) through Hormesis by application of sublethal doses of imidacloprid …
Hormesis Effect of Herbicides Subdoses on Submerged Macrophytes in Microassay Conditions
The cost of Hormesis
3-Bromopyruvate elevates ROS and induces Hormesis to exert a caloric restriction mimetic effect in young and old rats
Epigenetic-based Hormesis and age-dependent altruism: Additions to the behavioural constellation of deprivation
Historical and Contemporary Issues of Oxidative Stress, Hormesis and Life-History Evolution
Ionizing Radiation: Dose Tolerability and Hormesis
Hormesis and cognitive function: an evolutionary/adaptive arabesque leading to longevity
Hormesis, mithridatism and Paracelsus: A little oxidative stress goes a long way
Hormesis method for increasing oat straw with a view to viability of direct-seeding systems1
Iron, Hormesis, and protection in acute kidney injury
Hormesis phenomena of some parameter aspect in usage of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) for phytoremediation process of petroleum liquid waste
Early-life Hormesis and oxidative experiences fine-tune the adult phenotype
Assessment of changes in organic acid and sugar profiles of tomato fruits induced by uv-c Hormesis
Toxicological effects of drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, mixture) and Hormesis on a non-target organism: Paramecium sp
Abiotic stress Hormesis: hormetic stresses to maintain quality and enhance glucosinolates and phenolic compounds in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) during …
On an extended understanding of the term” Hormesis” for denoting alternating directions of the organism’s response to increasing adverse exposures.
Cellular Stress Response, Hormesis, and Vitagens in Aging and Longevity: Role of mitochondrial “Chi”
Radiobiology and radiation Hormesis: New evidence and its implications for medicine and society
Photon Hormesis deactivates alpha-particle induced bystander effects between zebrafish embryos
Erratum: Mitochondrial Hormesis links nutrient restriction to improved metabolism in fat cell
Oxidative stress response pathways: role of redox signaling in Hormesis
Glyphosate herbicide causes Hormesis in wheat.
Life history trade-offs and the role of ectothermy in Hormesis
Glyphosate Hormesis variation in common bean due to nitrogen coverage
PEK-1 is crucial for Hormesis induced by inhibition of the IRE-1/XBP-1 pathway in the Caenorhabditis elegans mev-1 mutant
Hormesis is induced in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum through ingestion of charred toast
Lifelong diet including common unsaturated fatty acids extends the lifespan and affects oxidation in Caenorhabditis elegans consistently with Hormesis model
Whole Body Hyperthermia Induced Phenomenon of Hormesis (Experimental Study)
Movers of Radiation Hormesis
Modeling Hormesis Using a Non-Monotonic Copula Method
22. The French paradox revisited: cardioprotection via Hormesis, red wine and resveratrol
Radiation induced Hormesis and its cytological evaluation in sunnhemp Crotalaria juncea L.
Mild Stress-Induced Hormesis: Hopes and Challenges
Radiation Hormesis: fact or myth?
Circadian Regulation of Hormesis for Health and Longevity
12 Molecular Stress Response Pathways as the Basis of Hormesis
Hormesis effects of spraying lanthanum and cerium on membrane permeability of soyabean.
Model Averaging with AIC Weights for Hypothesis Testing of Hormesis at Low Doses
Hormesis of drugs for infectious diseases
Hormesis with the aid of dynamic systems
… radiation energy technology Truth of the environmental pollution and impact on the human bod Low level (ionizing) radiation Hormesis (health promotion and curing …
Hormesis ultraviolet radiation and its effects on Drosophila melanogaster performance
Transgenerational effects of herbicide Hormesis in PSII target-site-resistant Chenopodium album L.
Emergence of Hormesis in a simple enzyme kinetic model
Evaluation of maize submitted to Hormesis.
Investigating the Relationship Between DNA Damage and Hormesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chronological Aging
Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation Solid Cancer Risk in Adults: Radiation Hormesis Study Design
Controversy Hormesis or linear model without threshold: Review or inaction
The SkepDoc: Is Low-Dose Radiation Good for You? The Questionable Claims for Hormesis
Exploring Concentration and Duration Dependence in Hormesis
The effects of low dose radiation. Radiation Hormesis
Hormesis Arising in a Simple Enzyme Kinetic Model
Predicting Hormesis in mixtures of herbicidal compounds-where are we and how far can we go?
Glyphosate Hormesis mitigates the effect of water deficit in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
Modeling Hormesis Using a Non-Monotonic Copula Method
Effects of photon Hormesis on cells irradiated by alpha particles
TGH: Trans-Generational Hormesis and the Inheritance of Aging Resistance
Research on Hormesis of Heavy Metal Enrichment in Organisms
Radioactive Hormesis: definitions, misconceptions, debates and its relevance to risk assesment and environmental safety technologies. Proceedings
… Hormesis in Aging Research and Therapy-Suresh IS Rattan Practical Limitations of Prescribing Stress as an Anti-aging Treatment-Valery E. Forbes Hormesis, Aging …
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