
  1. STZ transport and cytotoxicity: specific enhancement in GLUT2-expressing cells
  2. Sugar absorption in the intestine: the role of GLUT2
  3. Glucose sensing by the hepatoportal sensor is GLUT2-dependent: in vivo analysis in GLUT2-null mice.
  4. GLUT2, glucose sensing and glucose homeostasis
  5. The role of GLUT2 in dietary sugar handling
  6. Transcriptional activation of the GLUT2 gene by the IPF-1/STF-1/IDX-1 homeobox factor.
  7. GLUT2 mutations, translocation, and receptor function in diet sugar managing
  8. Apical GLUT2: a major pathway of intestinal sugar absorption
  9. GLUT2 is a high affinity glucosamine transporter
  10. Inhibition of the intestinal glucose transporter GLUT2 by flavonoids
  11. GLUT2 in pancreatic and extra-pancreatic gluco-detection
  12. Simple‐sugar meals target GLUT2 at enterocyte apical membranes to improve sugar absorption: a study in GLUT2‐null mice
  13. Mechanisms of glucose uptake in intestinal cell lines: role of GLUT2
  14. The role of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in intestinal glucose transport and sensing
  15. Evidence from glut2-null mice that glucose is a critical physiological regulator of feeding
  16. Glucose uptake, utilization, and signaling in GLUT2-null islets.
  17. The regulation of K‐and L‐cell activity by GLUT2 and the calcium‐sensing receptor CasR in rat small intestine
  18. Insulin internalizes GLUT2 in the enterocytes of healthy but not insulin-resistant mice
  19. SLC2A2 (GLUT2) as a novel prognostic factor for hepatocellular carcinoma
  20. Association of GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genotypes with risk for dental caries
  21. Importance of the GLUT2 glucose transporter for pancreatic beta cell toxicity of alloxan
  22. Sweet taste receptors in rat small intestine stimulate glucose absorption through apical GLUT2
  23. Transgenic reexpression of GLUT1 or GLUT2 in pancreatic β cells rescues GLUT2-null mice from early death and restores normal glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
  24. Evidence for a transient inhibitory effect of insulin on GLUT2 expression in the liver: studies in vivo and in vitro
  25. GLUT2 in pancreatic islets: crucial target molecule in diabetes induced with multiple low doses of streptozotocin in mice
  26. Mutations in GLUT2, the gene for the liver-type glucose transporter, in patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  27. The loss of GLUT2 expression by glucose-unresponsive beta cells of db/db mice is reversible and is induced by the diabetic environment.
  28. Physiology of renal glucose handling via SGLT1, SGLT2 and GLUT2
  29. Absorption of anthocyanins through intestinal epithelial cells–Putative involvement of GLUT2
  30. Enhanced GLUT2 gene expression in an oleic acid-induced in vitro fatty liver model
  31. A mutation in the Glut2 glucose transporter gene of a diabetic patient abolishes transport activity.
  32. GLUT2 (SLC2A2) is not the principal glucose transporter in human pancreatic beta cells: implications for understanding genetic association signals at this locus
  33. Intestinal dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) transport mediated by the facilitative sugar transporters, GLUT2 and GLUT8
  34. Rapid insertion of GLUT2 into the rat jejunal brush-border membrane promoted by glucagon-like peptide 2
  35. The diffusive component of intestinal glucose absorption is mediated by the glucose-induced recruitment of GLUT2 to the brush-border membrane
  36. Regulation of GLUT2 glucose transporter expression in liver by thyroid hormone: evidence for hormonal regulation of the hepatic glucose transport system
  37. GLUT2 is the transporter for fructose across the rat intestinal basolateral membrane
  38. Is GLUT2 required for glucose sensing?
  39. Identification and functional characterization of the peroxisomal proliferator response element in rat GLUT2 promoter.
  40. Evidence that extrapancreatic GLUT2-dependent glucose sensors control glucagon secretion
  41. Detection of extracellular glucose by GLUT2 contributes to hypothalamic control of food intake
  42. SLC2A2 mutations can cause neonatal diabetes, suggesting GLUT2 may have a role in human insulin secretion
  43. The regulation of GLUT5 and GLUT2 activity in the adaptation of intestinal brush-border fructose transport in diabetes
  44. Pancreatic islet GLUT2 glucose transporter mRNA and protein expression in humans with and without NIDDM
  45. Fatty acids decrease IDX-1 expression in rat pancreatic islets and reduce GLUT2, glucokinase, insulin, and somatostatin levels
  46. Loss of sugar detection by GLUT2 affects glucose homeostasis in mice
  47. The mutation spectrum of the facilitative glucose transporter gene SLC2A2 (GLUT2) in patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  48. Hypothalamic ependymal‐glial cells express the glucose transporter GLUT2, a protein involved in glucose sensing
  49. Normal kinetics of intestinal glucose absorption in the absence of GLUT2: evidence for a transport pathway requiring glucose phosphorylation and transfer into the …
  50. Immunocytochemical detection of GLUT2 at the rat intestinal brush-border membrane
  51. GLUT2 accumulation in enterocyte apical and intracellular membranes: a study in morbidly obese human subjects and ob/ob and high fat–fed mice
  52. Modulation of renal GLUT2 by the cannabinoid-1 receptor: implications for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
  53. Glucose-stimulated upregulation of GLUT2 gene is mediated by sterol response element–binding protein-1c in the hepatocytes
  54. Diabetes increases facilitative glucose uptake and GLUT2 expression at the rat proximal tubule brush border membrane
  55. Stimulation of fructose transport across the intestinal brush-border membrane by PMA is mediated by GLUT2 and dynamically regulated by protein kinase C
  56. GLUT2 and the incretin receptors are involved in glucose-induced incretin secretion
  57. Normal hepatic glucose production in the absence of GLUT2 reveals an alternative pathway for glucose release from hepatocytes
  58. Reduced insulin, GLUT2, and IDX-1 in β-cells after partial pancreatectomy
  59. Overexpression of GLUT2 gene in renal proximal tubules of diabetic Zucker rats.
  60. GLUT2 and TAS1R2 polymorphisms and susceptibility to dental caries
  61. Apical GLUT2 and Cav1.3: regulation of rat intestinal glucose and calcium absorption
  62. Molecular adaptations of GLUT1 and GLUT2 in renal proximal tubules of diabetic rats
  63. Kinetic analysis of the liver-type (GLUT2) and brain-type (GLUT3) glucose transporters in Xenopus oocytes: substrate specificities and effects of transport inhibitors
  64. Stress and glucocorticoid inhibit apical GLUT2‐trafficking and intestinal glucose absorption in rat small intestine
  65. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in large animals (pigs/primates): role of GLUT2 transporter and β-cell plasticity
  66. Differential patterns of inhibition of the sugar transporters GLUT2, GLUT5 and GLUT7 by flavonoids
  67. Differential sensitivity of GLUT1-and GLUT2-expressing β cells to streptozotocin
  68. Mutation analysis of the GLUT2 gene in patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  69. Fructose transporters GLUT5 and GLUT2 expression in adult patients with fructose intolerance
  70. Dexamethasone induces posttranslational degradation of GLUT2 and inhibition of insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic β cells: comparison with the effects of fatty …
  71. The large intracytoplasmic loop of the glucose transporter GLUT2 is involved in glucose signaling in hepatic cells
  72. Comparative expression of hexose transporters (SGLT1, GLUT1, GLUT2 and GLUT5) throughout the mouse gastrointestinal tract
  73. Polymorphisms in the SLC2A2 (GLUT2) gene are associated with the conversion from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes: the Finnish Diabetes Prevention …
  74. Ferulic acid regulates hepatic GLUT2 gene expression in high fat and fructose-induced type-2 diabetic adult male rat
  75. Hypoglycemia-activated GLUT2 neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius stimulate vagal activity and glucagon secretion
  76. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α recruits the transcriptional co-activator p300 on the GLUT2 gene promoter
  77. Glucose transport correlates with GLUT2 abundance in rat liver during altered thyroid status
  78. Foxa3 (hepatocyte nuclear factor 3γ) is required for the regulation of hepatic GLUT2 expression and the maintenance of glucose homeostasis during a prolonged fast
  79. Expression of the hexose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT2 during the early development of the human brain
  80. Expression and function of hexose transporters GLUT1, GLUT2, and GLUT5 in breast cancer—effects of hypoxia
  81. Regulation of rat intestinal GLUT2 mRNA abundance by luminal and systemic factors
  82. Organization of the human GLUT2 (pancreatic β-cell and hepatocyte) glucose transporter gene
  83. Evolutionary structural and functional conservation of an ortholog of the GLUT2 glucose transporter gene (SLC2A2) in zebrafish
  84. Sequence of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) GLUT4, GLUT2 and GPDH:developmental stage expression, tissue expression and relationship to starvation-induced …
  85. Identification and characterization of peroxisome proliferator response element in the mouse GLUT2 promoter
  86. Protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of GLUT2 in pancreatic β cells
  87. Glial hypothalamic inhibition of GLUT2 expression alters satiety, impacting eating behavior
  88. Effect of high-fat diet on the gene expression of pancreatic GLUT2 and glucokinase in rats
  89. Glut2‐dependent glucose‐sensing controls thermoregulation by enhancing the leptin sensitivity of NPY and POMC neurons
  90. Presence and differential expression of SGLT1, GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3 and GLUT5 hexose-transporter mRNAs in Caco-2 cell clones in relation to cell growth and …
  91. GLUT2 expression and function in β-cells of GK rats with NIDDM: dissociation between reductions in glucose transport and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
  92. Intestinal invalidation of the glucose transporter GLUT2 delays tissue distribution of glucose and reveals an unexpected role in gut homeostasis
  93. Osmotic water transport with glucose in GLUT2 and SGLT
  94. In vivo regulation of GLUT2 mRNA in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in response to acute and chronic hypoxia
  95. Physiological development of insulin secretion, calcium channels, and GLUT2 expression of pancreatic rat β-cells
  96. GLUT2-mediated glucose uptake and availability are required for embryonic brain development in zebrafish
  97. Sweat glucose and GLUT2 expression in atopic dermatitis: implication for clinical manifestation and treatment
  98. Specific inhibition of GLUT2 in arcuate nucleus by antisense oligonucleotides suppresses nervous control of insulin secretion
  99. GLUT2 immunoreactivity in Gomori-positive astrocytes of the hypothalamus
  100. Acute and short-term insulin-induced molecular adaptations of GLUT2 gene expression in the renal cortex of diabetic rats
  101. Fanconi–Bickel syndrome: GLUT2 mutations associated with a mild phenotype
  102. Identification of a novel mutation in the GLUT2 gene in a patient with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome presenting with neonatal diabetes mellitus and galactosaemia
  103. GLUT2 expression in the rat retina: localization at the apical ends of Müller cells
  104. Live imaging of GLUT2 glucose-dependent trafficking and its inhibition in polarized epithelial cysts
  105. Flavonoid inhibition of sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1 (SVCT1) and glucose transporter isoform 2 (GLUT2), intestinal transporters for vitamin C and …
  106. Effect of ginseng radix on GLUT2 protein content in mouse liver in normal and epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice
  107. Positive regulatory control loop between gut leptin and intestinal GLUT2/GLUT5 transporters links to hepatic metabolic functions in rodents
  108. Upregulation of GLUT2 mRNA by glucose, mannose, and fructose in isolated rat hepatocytes
  109. Green and chamomile teas, but not acarbose, attenuate glucose and fructose transport via inhibition of GLUT2 and GLUT5
  110. Glucose release from GLUT2-null hepatocytes: characterization of a major and a minor pathway
  111. Regulation of GLUT5, GLUT2 and intestinal brush-border fructose absorption by the extracellular signal-regulated kinase, p38 mitogen-activated kinase and …
  112. Different functional domains of GLUT2 glucose transporter are required for glucose affinity and substrate specificity
  113. Water transport by GLUT2 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes
  114. Oat β-glucan depresses SGLT1-and GLUT2-mediated glucose transport in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6)
  115. Liver hyperplasia and paradoxical regulation of glycogen metabolism and glucose-sensitive gene expression in GLUT2-null hepatocytes: further evidence for the …
  116. Insulin secretion impairment in Sirt6 knockout pancreatic β cells is mediated by suppression of the FoxO1-Pdx1-Glut2 pathway
  117. A tale of two glucose transporters: how GLUT2 re-emerged as a contender for glucose transport into the human beta cell
  118. Effects of metformin on SGLT1, GLUT2, and GLUT5 hexose transporter gene expression in small intestine from rats
  119. Novel insulinoma cell lines produced by iterative engineering of GLUT2, glucokinase, and human insulin expression
  120. Myrtenal ameliorates hyperglycemia by enhancing GLUT2 through Akt in the skeletal muscle and liver of diabetic rats
  121. Apical and basolateral localisation of GLUT2 transporters in human lung epithelial cells
  122. WASH regulates glucose homeostasis by facilitating Glut2 receptor recycling in pancreatic β-cells
  123. Anti-diabetic effect of black ginseng extract by augmentation of AMPK protein activity and upregulation of GLUT2 and GLUT4 expression in db/db mice
  124. 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR) enhances GLUT2-dependent jejunal glucose transport: a possible role for AMPK
  125. Activation of nuclear receptor PXR impairs glucose tolerance and dysregulates GLUT2 expression and subcellular localization in liver
  126. Beta cells arise from glucose transporter type 2 (Glut2)-expressing epithelial cells of the developing rat pancreas
  127. Linkage analysis of acute insulin secretion with GLUT2 and glucokinase in Pima Indians and the identification of a missense mutation in GLUT2
  128. Tithonia diversifolia aqueous fraction plays a protective role against alloxan-induced diabetic mice via modulating GLUT2 expression
  129. An increase in immature β-cells lacking Glut2 precedes the expansion of β-cell mass in the pregnant mouse
  130. Functional expression of the human glucose transporters GLUT2 and GLUT3 in yeast offers novel screening systems for GLUT-targeting drugs
  131. Treatment of insulin-resistant mice with the oral antidiabetic agent pioglitazone: evaluation of liver GLUT2 and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression.
  132. Hepatitis C virus infection suppresses GLUT2 gene expression via downregulation of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α
  133. Psychological stress impairs Na+-dependent glucose absorption and increases GLUT2 expression in the rat jejunal brush-border membrane
  134. Hesperidin ameliorates insulin resistance by regulating the IRS1‐GLUT2 pathway via TLR4 in HepG2 cells
  135. Acute enterocyte adaptation to luminal glucose: a posttranslational mechanism for rapid apical recruitment of the transporter GLUT2
  136. Impaired hepatocyte glucose transport protein (GLUT2) internalization in chronic pancreatitis
  137. Expression of glut2 in response to glucose load, insulin and glucagon in grass carp (Ctenophcuyngodon idellus)
  138. Glucose stimulates neurotensin secretion from the rat small intestine by mechanisms involving SGLT1 and GLUT2, leading to cell depolarization and calcium influx
  139. Does apical membrane GLUT2 have a role in intestinal glucose uptake?
  140. 19F-heptuloses as tools for the non-invasive imaging of GLUT2-expressing cells
  141. … the impaired expression of genes involved in hepatic glucose metabolism: effects on glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes, and on glucose transporter GLUT2
  142. Specific Lactobacillus probiotic strains decrease transepithelial glucose transport through GLUT2 downregulation in intestinal epithelial cell models
  143. Chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla) extract ameliorates hyperglycemia by increasing GLUT2 through Akt2 and antioxidant defense in the liver of rats
  144. Differentiation of erythrocyte-(GLUT1), liver-(GLUT2), and adipocyte-type (GLUT4) glucose transporters by binding of the inhibitory ligands cytochalasin B, forskolin …
  145. Mirtazapine may show anti-hyperglycemic effect by decreasing GLUT2 through leptin and galanin expressions in the liver of type 1 diabetic rats
  146. Polymorphisms in sweet taste genes (TAS1R2 and GLUT2), sweet liking, and dental caries prevalence in an adult Italian population
  147. [Val12] HRAS downregulates GLUT2 in beta cells of transgenic mice without affecting glucose homeostasis
  148. Unexpected similarity of intestinal sugar absorption by SGLT1 and apical GLUT2 in an insect (Aphidius ervi, Hymenoptera) and mammals
  149. Butyrate Increases GLUT2 mRNA Abundance by Initiating Transcription in Caco2‐BBe Cells
  150. Requirement of glucose metabolism for regulation of glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) gene expression in liver
  151. Colocalization of GLUT2 glucose transporter, sodium/glucose cotransporter, and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase in rat kidney with double-peroxidase immunocytochemistry
  152. Differential expression of GLUT2 in pancreatic islets and kidneys of New and Old World nonhuman primates
  153. Replacement of intracellular C-terminal domain of GLUT1 glucose transporter with that of GLUT2 increases Vmax and Km of transport activity.
  154. Polymorphisms of GLUT2 and GLUT4 genes: use in evaluation of genetic susceptibility to NIDDM in blacks
  155. 17β-estradiol regulates glucose metabolism and insulin secretion in rat islet β cells through GPER and Akt/mTOR/GLUT2 pathway
  156. Physical activity modifies the effect of SNPs in the SLC2A2 (GLUT2) and ABCC8 (SUR1) genes on the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  157. Signals derived from glucose metabolism are required for glucose regulation of pancreatic islet GLUT2 mRNA and protein
  158. Fanconi syndrome and neonatal diabetes: phenotypic heterogeneity in patients with GLUT2 defects
  159. Distribution of glucokinase, glucose transporter GLUT2, sulfonylurea receptor-1, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor and neuropeptide Y messenger RNAs in rat brain by …
  160. Expression of GLUT1 and GLUT2 glucose transporter isoforms in rat islets of Langerhans and their regulation by glucose
  161. Ghrelin facilitates GLUT2-, SGLT1-and SGLT2-mediated intestinal glucose transport in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  162. Characterization of the murine high Km glucose transporter GLUT2 gene and its transcriptional regulation by glucose in a differentiated insulin-secreting cell line.
  163. CCAAT/enhancer binding protein regulates the promoter activity of the rat GLUT2 glucose transporter gene in liver cells
  164. Attenuation of glucose transport across Caco‐2 cell monolayers by a polyphenol‐rich herbal extract: Interactions with SGLT1 and GLUT2 transporters
  165. Insulin-positive, Glut2-low cells present within mouse pancreas exhibit lineage plasticity and are enriched within extra-islet endocrine cell clusters
  166. Structure−Function Analysis of Liver-Type (GLUT2) and Brain-Type (GLUT3) Glucose Transporters:  Expression of Chimeric Transporters in Xenopus Oocytes …
  167. Sympathetic modulation of the renal glucose transporter GLUT2 in diabetic rats
  168. GLUT2 protein at the rat proximal tubule brush border membrane correlates with protein kinase C (PKC)-βl and plasma glucose concentration
  169. Short-chain fatty acid-supplemented total parenteral nutrition alters intestinal structure, glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) mRNA and protein, and proglucagon mRNA …
  170. Effects of glucose refeeding and glibenclamide treatment on glucokinase and GLUT2 gene expression in pancreatic B-cells and liver from rats
  171. Elements of diabetic nephropathy in a patient with GLUT2 deficiency
  172. Circadian and age-dependent expression patterns of GLUT2 and glucokinase in the pancreatic β-cell of diabetic and nondiabetic rats
  173. Compound K, a final intestinal metabolite of ginsenosides, enhances insulin secretion in MIN6 pancreatic β-cells by upregulation of GLUT2
  174. Gradual loss of pancreatic beta-cell insulin, glucokinase and GLUT2 glucose transporter immunoreactivities during the time course of nutritionally induced type-2 …
  175. Insulin receptor (IR) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) proteins form a complex on the rat hepatocyte membrane
  176. Decreased GLUT2 and glucose uptake contribute to insulin secretion defects in MODY3/HNF1A hiPSC-derived mutant β cells
  177. Regulation of glucagon secretion by glucose transporter type 2 (glut2) and astrocyte-dependent glucose sensors
  178. GLUT2 surface expression and intracellular transport via the constitutive pathway in pancreatic beta cells and insulinoma: evidence for a block in trans-Golgi network …
  179. Intracerebroventricular administration of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide against GLUT2 glucose transporter mRNA reduces food intake, body weight change and …
  180. The loss of GLUT2 expression in the pancreatic β-cells of diabetic db/db mice is associated with an impaired DNA-binding activity of islet-specific trans-acting factors
  181. No mutation in the SLC2A2 (GLUT2) gene in a Turkish infant with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  182. … protects against hepatic glycolipid metabolic disorder and insulin resistance induced by high fat via activation of AMPK-PGC-1α-NRF-1 and IRS1-AKT-GLUT2 …
  183. Homoisoflavonoids Are Potent Glucose Transporter 2 (GLUT2) Inhibitors: A Potential Mechanism for the Glucose-Lowering Properties of Polygonatum odoratum
  184. Alterations in net glucose uptake and in the pancreatic B-cell GLUT2 transporter induced by diazoxide and by secretory stimuli
  185. Suppressive effects of polygonati rhizoma on hepatic glucose output, GLUT2 mRNA expression and its protein content in rat liver
  186. Acute metabolic acidosis in a GLUT2-deficient patient with Fanconi–Bickel syndrome: New pathophysiology insights
  187. Glucose-induced toxicity in insulin-producing pituitary cells that coexpress GLUT2 and glucokinase: implications for metabolic engineering
  188. Fine-particulate matter (PM2. 5), a risk factor for rat gestational diabetes with altered blood glucose and pancreatic GLUT2 expression
  189. Gestational 30% and 40% fat diets increase brain GLUT2 and neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in neonatal Wistar rats
  190. Increased urinary TGF-β1 and cortical renal GLUT1 and GLUT2 levels: additive effects of hypertension and diabetes
  191. A mutation in GLUT2, not in phosphorylase kinase subunits, in hepato-renal glycogenosis with Fanconi syndrome and low phosphorylase kinase activity
  192. KATP channel-deficient pancreatic β-cells are streptozotocin resistant because of lower GLUT2 activity
  193. GLUT2 proteins and PPARγ transcripts levels are increased in liver of ovariectomized rats: reversal effects of resistance training
  194. Sequence variations of the pancreatic islet/liver glucose transporter (GLUT2) gene in Japanese subjects with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  195. Resistin-like molecule-β inhibits SGLT-1 activity and enhances GLUT2-dependent jejunal glucose transport
  196. Reducing Glut2 throughout the body does not result in cognitive behaviour differences in aged male mice
  197. Identification of two novel amino acid polymorphisms in beta-cell/liver (GLUT2) glucose transporter in Japanese subjects
  198. Hypothalamic MC4R regulates glucose homeostasis through adrenaline-mediated control of glucose reabsorption via renal GLUT2 in mice
  199. Analysis of polymorphism of the GLUT2 promoter in NIDDM patients and its functional consequence to the promoter activity
  200. A newly recognized missense mutation in the GLUT2 gene in a patient with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  201. A mechanism of differential expression of GLUT2 in hepatocyte and pancreatic β-cell line
  202. 20-HETE attenuates the response of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion through the AKT/GSK-3β/Glut2 pathway
  203. cAMP prevents the glucose-mediated stimulation of GLUT2 gene transcription in hepatocytes
  204. Photolabelling of the liver-type glucose-transporter isoform GLUT2 with an azitrifluoroethylbenzoyl-substituted bis-d-mannose
  205. GLUT2 and glucokinase expression is coordinately regulated by sulfonylurea
  206. Polymorphisms at the GLUT2 (β‐cell/liver) glucose transporter gene and non‐insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM): analysis in affected pedigree members
  207. GLUT2 and hexokinase control proximodistal gradient of intestinal glucose metabolism in the newborn pig
  208. The glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) is a low affinity dehydroascorbic acid transporter
  209. Silk fibroin preserves beta cell function under inflammatory stress while stimulating islet cell surface GLUT2 expression
  210. MafA, NeuroD1, and HNF1β synergistically activate the Slc2a2 (Glut2) gene in β-cells
  211. Role of liver‐type glucose transporter (GLUT2) in transport across the basolateral membrane in rat jejunum
  212. Mutation analysis of the GLUT2 gene in three unrelated Egyptian families with Fanconi–Bickel syndrome: revisited gene atlas for renumbering
  213. … of different cereal-based diets supplemented with multi-enzyme blend on growth performance villus structure and gene expression (SGLT1, GLUT2, PepT1 and MUC2 …
  214. ATP‐sensitive potassium channels induced in liver cells after transfection with insulin cDNA and the GLUT2 transporter regulate glucose‐stimulated insulin secretion
  215. Linkage analysis of maturity-onset diabetes of the young with microsatellite polymorphisms: no linkage to ADA or GLUT2 genes in two families
  216. GLUT1 is adequate for glucose uptake in GLUT2-deficient insulin-releasing β-cells
  217. Tracking GLUT2 translocation by live-cell imaging
  218. Prolactin treatment increases GLUT2 but not the G protein subunit content in cell membranes from cultured neonatal rat islets
  219. Streptozocin; a GLUT2 binding drug, interacts with human serum albumin at loci h6DOM3-h7DOM3
  220. Comparative analysis of SGLT1 and GLUT2 transporters distribution in rat small-intestine enterocytes and Caco-2 cells during hexose absorption
  221. Insulinoma induces a hyperinsulinemia-mediated decrease of GLUT2 and GLP1 receptor in normal pancreatic β-cells
  222. Regulated expression of GLUT2 in diabetes studied in transplanted pancreatic β cells
  223. Effects of vitamin D on insulin secretion and glucose transporter GLUT2 under static magnetic field in rat
  224. Exendin-4 regulates GLUT2 expression via the CaMKK/CaMKIV pathway in a pancreatic β-cell line
  225. Differential regulation of the fructose transporters GLUT2 and GLUT5 in the intestinal cell line Caco-2
  226. FGT-1 Is a Mammalian GLUT2-Like Facilitative Glucose Transporter in Caenorhabditis elegans Whose Malfunction Induces Fat Accumulation in Intestinal …
  227. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in human GLUT2/liver facilitative glucose transporter gene on chromosome 3
  228. Molecular characterization and identification of facilitative glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) and its expression and of the related glycometabolism enzymes in response …
  229. Mapping the human liver/islet glucose transporter (GLUT2) gene within a genetic linkage map of chromosome 3q using a (CA) n dinucleotide repeat polymorphism …
  230. A 338-bp proximal fragment of the glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) promoter drives reporter gene expression in the pancreatic islets of transgenic mice
  231. High human GLUT1, GLUT2, and GLUT3 expression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  232. Effect of polygonati rhizoma on blood glucose and facilitative glucose transporter isoform 2 (GLUT2) mRNA expression in Wistar fatty rats
  233. Comparative analysis of SGLT1 and GLUT2 transporter distribution in rat small intestine enterocytes and Caco2 cells during hexose absorption
  234. Upregulation of Renal GLUT2 and SGLT2 is involved in high-fat diet-induced gestational diabetes in mice
  235. Age-associated changes in intestinal fructose uptake are not explained by alterations in the abundance of GLUT5 or GLUT2
  236. Two EcoRI RFLPs at the GLUT2 locus
  237. Fanconi–Bickel syndrome in a 3-year-old Indian boy with a novel mutation in the GLUT2 gene
  238. Cellular characterization of pituitary adenoma cell line (AtT20 cell) transfected with insulin, glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) and glucokinase genes: insulin …
  239. Chitooligosaccharide guanidine inhibits high glucose-induced activation of DAG/PKC pathway by regulating expression of GLUT2 in type 2 diabetic nephropathy rats
  240. Expression of glucose transporter isoforms (GLUT1, GLUT2) and activities of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, and malic enzyme in preneoplastic and neoplastic rat renal …
  241. Renal GLUT2 is Essential in Regulating Systemic Glucose Homeostasis by Glycosuria
  242. Developmental changes in the expression of the GLUT2 and GLUT4 genes in the longissimus dorsi muscle of Yorkshire and Tibetan pigs
  243. Segregation of a novel homozygous 6 nucleotide deletion in GLUT2 gene in a Fanconi–Bickel syndrome family
  244. … seed extract, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, and metformin stimulate proximal insulin signaling and increase expression of glycogenic enzymes and GLUT2 in HepG2 cells
  245. Synergistic effect of glucose and prolactin on GLUT2 expression in cultured neonatal rat islets
  246. The expression of the class 1 glucose transporter isoforms in human embryonic stem cells, and the potential use of GLUT2 as a marker for pancreatic progenitor …
  247. Microwave-assisted synthesis of chitosan biguanidine hydrochloride and its regulation on InsR and GLUT2 in insulin resistant HepG2 cells
  248. Absence of GLUT2 protein in near-term fetal rat pancreatic islets
  249. Exendin-4 enhances expression of Neurod1 and Glut2 in insulin-producing cells derived from mouse embryonic stem cells
  250. Lupin gamma conglutin protein: effect on Slc2a2, Gck and Pdx-1 gene expression and GLUT2 levels in diabetic rats
  251. Increased insulin and GLUT2 gene expression and elevated glucokinase activity in β-like cells of islets of langerhans differentiated from human haematopoietic stem …
  252. Interaction of glucose transporters SGLT1 and GLUT2 with cytoskeleton in enterocytes and caco2 cells during hexose absorption
  253. mPGES-2 deletion remarkably enhances liver injury in streptozotocin-treated mice via induction of GLUT2
  254. C/EBP binding activity to site F of the rat GLUT2 glucose transporter gene promoter is attenuated by c-Jun in vitro
  255. β-Ecdysterone from Cyanotis arachnoidea exerts hypoglycemic effects through activating IRS-1/Akt/GLUT4 and IRS-1/Akt/GLUT2 signal pathways in KK-Ay mice
  256. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the human GLUT2 locus
  257. Glucose transport activity and ligand binding (cytochalasin B, IAPS-forskolin) of chimeric constructs of GLUT2 and GLUT4 expressed in COS-7-cells
  258. Effect of Epinephrine of GLUT2 Protein Content in Mouse Liver
  259. Expression of the liver-type glucose transporter (GLUT2) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes: analysis of the effects of insulin on subcellular distribution
  260. The effect of butyric acid on gene expression of GLUT2 and IRS1 on human hepatocytes in vitro
  261. The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Urtica dioica Leaves on High Levels of Blood Glucose and Gene Expression of Glucose Transporter 2 (Glut2) in Liver of …
  262. Expression of GLUT2 in insulin-secreting AtT20 pituitary cells
  263. Identification of new GLUT2-selective inhibitors through in silico ligand screening and validation in eukaryotic expression systems
  264. Insulin and GLUT2 glucose transporter immunoreactivity in B-cells of whole pancreas isografts and allografts in the streptozotocin-diabetic rat
  265. Two TaqI RFLPs at the GLUT2 locus in French Caucasian population
  266. Organization of the human GLUT2 gene and regulation of the GLUT2 gene expression
  267. Hypobaric hypoxia reduces GLUT2 transporter content in rat jejunum more than in ileum
  268. The hepatocyte glucose-6-phosphatase subcomponent T3: its relationship to GLUT2
  269. Production of antisera to synthetic decapeptide of the COOH-terminus of rat GLUT2
  270. Preliminary evaluation of Prodigiosa herbal tea: cytotoxicity and GLUT2 expression in HepG2 cells
  271. Effect of taurine on serum glucose and expression of GLUT2, GLUT5 in intestinal tissue of rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia
  272. Effects of different source of dietary non-starch polysaccharides on growth performance, physiological characteristics and gene expression of GLUT2 in …
  273. Antidiabetic Effect of Black Bean Peptides through Reduction of Glucose Absorption and Modulation of SGLT1, GLUT2 and DPP‐IV in in vitro and in vivo Models
  274. The interaction between SGLT1 or GLUT2 glucose transporter and the cytoskeleton in the enterocyte as well as Caco2 cell during hexose absorption
  275. Two EcoRI RFLPs at the GLUT2 locus
  276. Effects of qizhi jiangtang capsule on protein expressions of InsR, PI3K, GLUT2 and p-JNK in hepatic tissues of rats with type 2 diabetes
  277. Ethanol decreases the levels of GLUT2 glucose transporter mRNA in hepatocytes.
  278. Puerariae Lobatae Radix elevated expression levels of OB-R, IRS2, GLUT1 and GLUT2 to regulate glucose metabolism in insulin-resistance HepG2 cells
  279. Effect of hepatic sympathetic nerve removal on energy metabolism in an animal model of cognitive impairment and its relationship to Glut2 expression
  280. Dysregulation of fatty acid synthase mRNA in immortalized human hepatocyte cell lines in response to high glucose and the absence of GLUT2
  281. Deficits of hypothalamic GLUT2 immunolabeling after streptozotocin microinjection into the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus of the rat
  282. Butyrate activates the GLUT2 promoter and induces gene transcription in enterocyte‐like Caco2‐BBe cells
  283. The role of GLUT2 in intestinal glucose absorption.
  284. GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genotype and risk of dental caries
  285. A Novel Mutation in the GLUT2 Gene Case Report of Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome in a Female Indian Patient
  286. The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Capsaicin on the Gene Expression of Pancreaticpdx1 and GLUT2 in Rats Fed High-Fat Diet
  287. Angiotensin-(1-7) Improves Islet Function in a Rat Model of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus by Up-Regulating the Expression of Pdx1/Glut2
  288. Combination of Pdx1 and NeuroD1 results in Nkx6. 1 and GLUT2 expressions in L02 cells
  289. GLUT2 polymorphism modifies the intake of dietary carbohydrates in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
  290. … treatment with clozapine and metformin on fasting blood glucose, insulin level, and expression of the glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) in Sprague-Dawley rats
  291. Regulation of Intestinal GLP-1 and GLUT2 genes underlie hypoglycemia in Desplatsia subericarpa (Bocq)-Fed Wistar Rats
  292. Osteogenesis Imperfecta or Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome?(Report of a Very Rare Disease Due to New Mutation on GLUT2 Gene)
  293. Effects of long-term high-protein diet on expressions of IRS2 and GLUT2 in the liver of diet-induced obese rats
  294. Glucose transport at the renal brush border membrane: GLUT2 and the involvement of PKC-βI
  295. Immunocytochemistry of GLUT2, uptake of fluorescent desnitroso-streptozotocin analogs and phosphorylation of D-glucose in INS-1E cells
  296. Molecular mechanism of geniposide in regulating GLUT2 glycosylation in pancreatic β cells
  297. Feed additives can differentially modulate NF-κB (RelA/p65), IGF-1, GLUT2, and SGLT1 gene expression in porcine jejunal explants
  298. PLAG attenuates STZ-induced pancreatic beta cell damage by promoting GLUT2 endocytosis
  299. Variation of SGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA Expression Levels in the Small Intestine of Weaning Piglets and the Influence of Dietary Glutamine
  300. The detection of GLUT2 gene mutation by polymerase-chain reaction single stranded conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method
  301. Effects of soybean oligosaccharides on development of small intestine and expression of SGLT1 and GLUT2 in weaned Huanjiang mini-piglets
  302. Changes of LXR α, GLUT2 genes expression in liver and insulin resistance after aerobic training in type 2 diabetic rats
  303. Effect of polyphenols on sugar transport by human GLUT2, GLUT5 and GLUT7
  304. Erratum. WASH Regulates Glucose Homeostasis by Facilitating Glut2 Receptor Recycling in Pancreatic b-Cells. Diabetes 2019; 68: 377–386
  305. The Effect of 12 Weeks Aerobic Training on PDX-1 and GLUT2 Gene Expression in the Pancreatic Tissue of Type 2 Diabetic Rats
  306. Efeito do treinamento resistido e reposição de hormônio sobre o transportador de glicose hepático (GLUT2) de ratas ovariectomizadas
  307. Hypothalamic GLUT2 inhibition impacts feeding behavior
  308. Pathophysiology of Glut2 in Diabetes Mellitus
  309. … and Insulin Secretion in High Glucose Environment Through Protein Kinase B (AKT)/The Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)/Glucose Transporter 2 (GLUT2) …
  310. Effect of Polyphenols on Sugar Transport by GLUT2, GLUT5 and GLUT7
  311. GLUT2-Expressing Neurons as Glucose Sensors in the Brain: Electrophysiological Analysis
  312. 1H MRS to investigate the hepatic profile of GLUT2-/-mice
  313. Structural determinants of the kinetics and substrate specificity of GLUT2.
  314. The important role of GLUT2 in intestinal sugar absorption
  315. GLUT2 in pancreatic islets.
  316. OR26-01 Epinephrine Is Essential for Normal Renal Glucose Reabsorption via the Glucose Transporter GLUT2
  317. Gene Expression Analysis of GluT2 and Glucokinase in Pancreatic Islets and Whole Pancreas Tissue
  318. A mutation in the promoter of human GLUT2 is associated with diabetes and affects the transcriptional activity in vitro
  319. Functional Characterization of a Cysteine‐Less Isoform of the Human GLUT2 Hexose Transporter
  320. Candidate gene approach in Japanese NIDDM: liver/pancreatic beta cell type glucose transporter (GLUT2)
  321. Biochemical profile and GLUT2 expression of calves subjected to different dietary managements.
  322. GLUT2 mutations, translocation, and receptor function in diet sugar managing
  324. Portal Glucose Infusion Induces Hypoglycemia in the Mouse: A GLUT2 Dependent Mechanism
  325. Effects of Electroacupuncture at “Zusanli” and “Shenshu” on GLUT2 and GCK in T2DM Rats
  326. Genetically Engineered Insulin Mediated by Glucose Transporter-2 (GLUT2) Promoter for the Biosynthesis of Insulin in Rat Hepatocytes: Insulin Gene Therapy
  327. Studies on the liver and islet cell glucose transporter glut2: the role of glut2 and other cell proteins as possible autoantigens
  328. … and regulation of glucose transporters GLUT2 and GLUT4 in teleost fish/Estudios sobre la función y regulación de los transportadores de glucosa GLUT2 y GLUT4 en …
  329. DHA induced cytotoxicity in NSCLC cells via inhibiting PI3K pathway activation and GLUT2 expression
  330. Hepatocyte nuclear factors mediate the tissue-specific expression of human GLUT2 gene
  331. Genetic modifications within the gluconeogenic organs following ileal interposition in non-diabetic rats: A role of GLUT2
  332. Hypothalamic ependymal cells express the glucose transporter GLUT2, a protein involved in glucose sensing
  333. Mechanism of SGLT1-Dependent Translocation of GLUT2 to the Apical Membrane of Enterocytes
  334. Cloning and functional characterization of Xenopus laevis facilitated hexose transporters GLUT2 and GLUT4 (XL‐GLUT2, XL‐GLUT4).
  335. 2089-P: Islet GLUT2 Plasticity Improves Glycemic Control in Insulin-Resistant KK Mice but Not T2DM KKAy Mice
  336. The effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on the expression of glucose transporters SGLT1 and GLUT2 in differentiated CACO-2 cells
  337. Medical genetics: advances in brief: Mutations in GLUT2, the gene for the liver type glucose transporter, in patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
  338. Variation of SGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA expression levels in the small intestine of weaning piglets and the influence of dietary glutamine.
  339. Rapid upregulation of the basolateral glucose transporter, GLUT2, following short-chain fatty acid administration in rats receiving total parenteral nutrition
  340. … Korean patient with Fanconi-Bickel Syndrome Presenting with Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus and Galactosemia: Identification of a Novel Mutation in the GLUT2 …
  341. Effects of Resistance Exercise Training on Leptin receptor (Ob-R), GLUT2 mRNA of the Hypothalamus and GLUT4 mRNA Expression of the Skeletal Muscle in Type 2 …
  343. Oat β-glucan depresses SGLT1-and GLUT2-mediated glucose transport in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6)
  344. Identification and assessment of glucose transporters SGLT1 and GLUT2 and incretin GLP-1 in the small intestine of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).
  345. Normalization of Insulin, Glucokinase, GLUT2, and Hyperplasia in Islets of ob/ob Mice Following Treatment with Dopamine Receptor Agonists
  346. hitherto unknown role of glial cells. They found that glucose sensing and subsequent glucagon secretion are restored if GLUT2 protein is re-expressed in glial cells …
  347. Zeytin yaprağı ekstraktının insan hepatoselüler karsinoma hücrelerinde tirozin kinaz, insülin reseptör-1, glut4 ve glut2 protein ekspresyon seviyeleri üzerine etkilerinin …
  348. Re-assessing intestinal sugar transport by use of mice lacking the sodium-dependent glucose transporter SGLT1, the glucose transporter GLUT2 or the fructose …
  349. The glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) is a low affinity dehydroascorbic acid transporter
  350. Glucose Stimulates GLP-1 Secretion from Isolated Perfused Rat Small Intestine by SGLT1 and GLUT2 Mediated Uptake, Causing V-gated Calcium Channel Activation …
  351. MON-639 Melanocortin 4 Receptor Contributes to Glucose Homeostasis by Regulating Kidney Glucose Reabsorption via the Glucose Transporter GLUT2
  353. The expression of sperm membrane glucose transporter 2, 3 and 5 (GLUT2, 3 and 5) in the fresh semen of Asian elephants.
  354. Cellular characterization of pituitary adenoma cell line (AtT20 cell) transfected with insulin, glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) and glucokinase genes: insulin …

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