Fact-Check Follies: Chronicles of the Overzealous Pixel Police

In the kingdom of Facebook, where the ‘likes’ are the law,

There’s a troop of fact checkers, without a single flaw.

They tag and they flag, with a digital claw,

A photo of a cat, or granny’s knitting shawl.

“Violent or graphic!” they exclaim with a grin,

“Cover it up, let the guessing begin!”

Just a midnight snack? Or perhaps a scene of sin?

Oh, the absurdity, where do we even begin?

They squint and they ponder, these arbiters of truth,

Every pixel examined, be it age-old or in youth.

From the ridiculous to sublime, no content is aloof,

In the realm of the checkers, there’s always a sleuth.

A picture of a sunset, or a child’s first step,

“May cause distress!” they claim, with considerable pep.

While dubious claims, through their nets, they let slip,

Oh, the irony, it’s enough to make one flip.

So, here’s to the absurdity, of Facebook fact-checking fun,

Where the trivial is critical and the sense is often none.

In this digital circus, under the social media sun,

The ridiculous rules, and the sensible is undone.

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Mandatory FDA Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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