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Extinction Training
Extinction Training
Erasing fear memories with extinction training
extinction training regulates neuroadaptive responses to withdrawal from chronic cocaine self-administration
Fear erasure in mice requires synergy between antidepressant drugs and extinction training
Functional communication training with and without extinction and punishment
Renewal of formerly conditioned fear in rats after extensive extinction training
extinction training in conjunction with a partial agonist of the glycine site on the NMDA receptor erases memory trace
Effectiveness of functional communication training with and without extinction and punishment: A summary of 21 inpatient cases
Ventral medial prefrontal cortex and emotional perseveration: the memory for prior extinction training
Increasing response variability of mand frames with script training and extinction
Rapid remission of conditioned fear expression with extinction training paired with vagus nerve stimulation
Different neural substrates mediate cocaine seeking after abstinence versus extinction training : a critical role for the dorsolateral caudate–putamen
Behavior potentiality as a joint function of the amount of training and the degree of hunger at the time of extinction.
Resistance to punishment and extinction following training with shock or nonreinforcement.
Prefrontal infusion of PD098059 immediately after fear extinction training blocks extinction‐associated prefrontal synaptic plasticity and decreases prefrontal ERK2 …
Post-retrieval extinction training enhances or hinders the extinction of morphine-induced conditioned place preference in rats dependent on the retrieval-extinction …
Consequences of extinction training on associative and non-associative fear in a mouse model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
extinction training after cocaine self-administration induces glutamatergic plasticity to inhibit cocaine seeking
Spontaneous recovery varies inversely with the training –extinction interval
Conditioned place preference with morphine: the effect of extinction training on the reinforcing CR
Updating fearful memories with extinction training during reconsolidation: a human study using auditory aversive stimuli
Young and old Pavlovian fear memories can be modified with extinction training during reconsolidation in humans
Retrieval of memory for fear-motivated training initiates extinction requiring protein synthesis in the rat hippocampus
Enhancing endocannabinoid neurotransmission augments the efficacy of extinction training and ameliorates traumatic stress-induced behavioral alterations …
Persistence and resistance to extinction in the domestic dog: Basic research and applications to canine training
The effect of mindfulness training on extinction retention
The effect of discrimination training on extinction.
Facilitating translational science in anxiety disorders by adjusting extinction training in the laboratory to exposure-based therapy procedures
extinction training during the reconsolidation window prevents recovery of fear
Reducing escape behavior and increasing task completion with functional communication training , extinction and response chaining
Combined brain‐derived neurotrophic factor with extinction training alleviate impaired fear extinction in an animal model of post‐traumatic stress disorder
Ceftriaxone normalizes nucleus accumbens synaptic transmission, glutamate transport, and export following cocaine self-administration and extinction training
Inhibition of spontaneous recovery of fear by mGluR5 after prolonged extinction training
Promoting long-term inhibition of human fear responses by non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation during extinction training
training ‐induced changes in the expression of GABAA‐associated genes in the amygdala after the acquisition and extinction of Pavlovian fear
Effects of extinction alone and extinction plus functional communication training on covariation of problem behaviors
Avoidance perseveration during extinction training in Wistar-Kyoto rats: an interaction of innate vulnerability and stressor intensity
extinction training of sweet cherries in France-appraisal after six years
extinction training regulates tyrosine hydroxylase during withdrawal from cocaine self-administration
The effects of different amounts of training on the resistance to extinction of different patterns of partially reinforced responses.
Eliminating behavior with omission and extinction after varying amounts of training
extinction memory in the crab Chasmagnathus: recovery protocols and effects of multi-trial extinction training
Resurgence is greater following a return to the training context than remaining in the extinction context
Differential effects of continuous extinction and discrimination training on the generalization gradient.
Effects of approach-avoidance training on the extinction and return of fear responses
The effects of extinction training in reducing the reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior: involvement of NMDA receptors
Opening the reconsolidation window using the mind’s eye: extinction training during reconsolidation disrupts fear memory expression following mental imagery …
Partial-reinforcement extinction effect following different amounts of training .
I doubt it is safe: A meta-analysis of self-reported intolerance of uncertainty and threat extinction training
Extended acquisition training and resistance to extinction.
Response elimination effectiveness of omission and two extinction training procedures
Relative resistance to extinction of escape training and avoidance training .
Characterizing the nature of emotional-associative learning deficits in panic disorder: An fMRI study on fear conditioning, extinction training and recall
Functional communication training without extinction using concurrent schedules of differing magnitudes of reinforcement in classrooms
Rapid reacquisition of fear to a completely extinguished context is replaced by transient impairment with additional extinction training .
Changes in endocannabinoid and N-acylethanolamine levels in rat brain structures following cocaine self-administration and extinction training
Clicker increases resistance to extinction but does not decrease training time of a simple operant task in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
Effect of D‐cycloserine in conjunction with fear extinction training on extracellular signal‐regulated kinase activation in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala in rat
Effect of brief clinic-based training on the ability of caregivers to implement escape extinction
Effect of d-cycloserine on fear extinction training in adults with social anxiety disorder
extinction training after cocaine self-administration influences the epigenetic and genetic machinery responsible for glutamatergic transporter gene expression in male …
Alternative response training , differential reinforcement of other behavior, and extinction in squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) 1
Effects of retrieval-extinction training on internet gaming disorder
Hippocampal ripple-contingent training accelerates trace eyeblink conditioning and retards extinction in rabbits
Response strength as a function of drive level during training and extinction.
Neuropeptide Y2 receptors in anteroventral BNST control remote fear memory depending on extinction training
The combination of long-term ketamine and extinction training contributes to fear erasure by Bdnf methylation
Transfer of persistence from fixed-ratio barpress training to runway extinction
training reinforcement rates, resistance to extinction, and the role of context in reinstatement
Persistent reduction of cocaine seeking by pharmacological manipulation of adenosine A1 and A2A receptors during extinction training in rats
extinction and dopamine receptor blockade after intermittent reinforcement training : Failure to observe functional equivalence
extinction as a function of intensity of punishment, amount of training , and reinforcement of a competing response.
Effect of interpolated extinction and level of training on the” depression effect.”
A behavior field approach to instrumental learning in the rat: II. training parameters and a stage model of extinction
Inhibition by diazepam of the effect of additional training and of extinction on the retention of shuttle avoidance behavior in rats.
Effects of intersession delay and training level on avoidance extinction and intertrial behavior.
Comparison of omission and extinction following FR reinforcement training
A response duration schedule: Effects of training , extinction, and deprivation
Influence of a small number of partial reinforcement training trials on resistance to extinction.
Kappa opioid receptors mediate where fear is expressed following extinction training
extinction training can make the extinction context a stimulus-specific inhibitor: A potential mechanism of experimental renewal
Excitation and inhibition as a function of post training extinction of the excitatory cue used in Pavlovian inhibition training
… disassociation of a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus during extinction training reduces both time to asymptotic extinction and spontaneous recovery of …
Resistance to extinction as a function of the interaction between training and extinction delays
training parents to use extinction to eliminate nighttime crying by gradually increasing the criteria for ignoring crying
No difference in extinction behavior in planaria following various types and amounts of training
Cognitive flexibility training improves extinction retention memory and enhances cortical dopamine with and without traumatic stress exposure
Can contingency rehearsal during the interval between a retrieval cue and extinction training change the effects of post‐retrieval extinction?
Impairment in extinction of contextual and cued fear following post-training whole-body irradiation
Effects of verbal instructions and physical threat removal prior to extinction training on the return of conditioned fear
Effects of intertrial reinforcement on resistance to extinction following extended training .
Post-training memory facilitation blocks extinction but not retroactive interference
Consolidation of an extinction memory depends on the unconditioned stimulus magnitude previously experienced during training
An examination of Intolerance of Uncertainty and contingency instruction on multiple indices during threat acquisition and extinction training
Computer training : Pathway from Extinction.
Cocaine-induced glutamate receptor trafficking is abrogated by extinction training in the rat hippocampus
Resistance to extinction after partial reinforcement training with blocking of the hippocampal theta rhythm by septal stimulation
Resistance to extinction of a taste aversion: effects of level of training and procedures used in acquisition and extinction
extinction of inhibition after serial and simultaneous feature negative discrimination training
Facilitative effects of environmental enrichment for cocaine relapse prevention are dependent on extinction training context and involve increased TrkB signaling in …
Resistance to extinction in the pigeon after partially reinforced instrumental training under discrete-trials conditions
Resistance to extinction after varying amounts of discriminative or nondiscriminative instrumental training .
Facilitated extinction training to improve pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: a pilot feasibility trial
Impact of laparoscopy on training : are open appendectomy and cholecystectomy on the brink of extinction?
extinction of sensory preconditioning using CER training .
extinction procedure induces pruning of dendritic spines in CA1 hippocampal field depending on strength of training in rats
extinction and spontaneous recovery of conditioned eyelid responses as a function of amount of acquisition and extinction training .
extinction after regular and irregular reward schedules in the infant rat: influence of age and training duration
Potent attenuation of context fear by extinction training contiguous with acquisition
Omission training compared with yoked controls and extinction in multiple-schedule discrimination learning
Glycine transporter-1 inhibition preceding extinction training inhibits reacquisition of cocaine seeking
Resistance to extinction as a function of continuous or intermittent presentation of a training cue.
Prevention of recurrent affective episodes using extinction training in the reconsolidation window: A testable psychotherapeutic strategy
Changes in fruiting behaviour and vegetative development of’Scifresh’apple in response to artificial spur extinction using centrifugal training
Effect of delay between training and extinction on the extinction of an avoidance response.
Resistance to extinction in the fish after extensive training with partial reinforcement
Elevated activity in the dorsal dentate gyrus reduces expression of fear memory after fear extinction training
Resistance to extinction as a function of degree of reproduction of training conditions.
Resistance to extinction as a function of percentage of reinforcement, number of training trials, and conditioned reinforcement.
Stimulus–reinforcer relations established during training determine resistance to extinction and relapse via reinstatement
Response production during extinction training is not sufficient for extinction of evaluative conditioning
Extended training extinction effect under massed and spaced extinction trials.
extinction training for tinnitus
Drive, reward, and training parameters, and the overlearning-extinction effect (OEE)
Partial-reward training for resistance to punishment and to subsequent extinction.
Acquisition and extinction of conditional immunoenhancement following training with cyclophosphamide
Effect of interpolating continuous reinforcement between partial training and extinction
extinction performance following discrimination training .
Effects of corticosterone on mild auditory fear conditioning and extinction; role of sex and training paradigm
The effects of acquisition training schedule on extinction and reinstatement of cocaine self-administration in male rats.
Post-training vasopressin injections may facilitate or delay shuttle-box avoidance extinction
Cocaine self-administration, extinction training and drug-induced relapse change metabotropic glutamate mGlu5 receptors expression: Evidence from radioligand …
Effect of interpolated extinction after partial delay of reward training on subsequent reacquisition and extinction
The influence of amount and kind of training on the acquisition and extinction of escape and avoidance responses.
Omission training and extinction in rats with septal damage
extinction training following cocaine or MDMA self-administration produces discrete changes in D2-like and mGlu5 receptor density in the rat brain
Partial reward training level and reward magnitude: Effects on acquisition and extinction
Effect of WIN55-212-2 and consequences of extinction training on conditioned fear memory in PTSD male rats
Reward magnitude and number of training trials as joint factors in extinction
Resistance to extinction after varying amounts of nondiscriminative or cue-correlated escape training .
Resistance to extinction and continuous punishment in humans as a function of partial reward and partial punishment training
Key pecking during extinction after intermittent or continuous reinforcement as a function of the number of reinforcers delivered during training
extinction performance as a function of reinforcement magnitude and number of training trials
Acquisition and extinction of conditioned suppression under two training procedures
Latent extinction as a function of number of training trials
Influence of degree of training and prior reinforcer magnitude on contrast effects and resistance to extinction within S.
The effect of differential hippocampal lesions and pre-and postoperative training on extinction.
Another look at the extinction of conditioned flavor preferences: Amount of training and tests for spontaneous recovery
Protein synthesis is not required for acquisition, consolidation, and extinction of high foot-shock active avoidance training
Persistence early and late in extinction as a function of number of continuous reinforcements preceding partial reinforcement training
Associative status of the training context determines the effectiveness of compound extinction.
Partial reinforcement delayed extinction effect after regularly alternating reward training
extinction and spontaneous recovery as a function of amount of training and extinction intertrial interval.
Continuous before partial reinforcement: Effect on persistence training and resistance to extinction in humans
Response elimination among chronic psychiatric patients: extinction versus omission training
Enduring abolishment of remote but not recent expression of conditioned fear by the blockade of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors before extinction training
Influence of partial reinforcement pattern and intertrial reinforcement on extinction performance following abbreviated training
Resistance to extinction and punishment following training with shock and non-reinforcement: Failure to obtain cross-tolerance
Comparison of omission training and extinction training in mentally retarded individuals
Discrimination-reversal, extinction, and acquisition after different amounts of training
Resistance to extinction as a function of level of acquisition training and altered stimulus conditions during extinction
Is it possible to modify fear memories in humans with extinction training within a single day?
Reward training : extinction
Effect of patterns of shock and nonshock training trials on response alternation and extinction in escape training
Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhancement of extinction recall depends on the success of within-session extinction training in rats: a re-analysis
The partial reinforcement extinction effect following conventional and “placed” training trials
Relative effects of omission training and extinction training in obese subjects
Effects of drive and training on extinction after self-stimulation and food reward
Resistance to extinction as a joint function of partial reward pattern and length of training .
Baseline response rate and its relationship to effects of omission and extinction training in pigeons
Involvement of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in the inhibition of methamphetamine‐associated contextual memory after prolonged extinction training
Resistance to extinction and satiation following training on random-ratio schedules of reinforcement
Resistance of a free operant to extinction and suppression with punishment as a function of amount of training
The effect of effort and training -test similarity on resistance to extinction
Avoidance training in both alcohol and non-drug states increases the resistance-to-extinction of an avoidance response in rats
extinction performance as a function of NR transitions and intertrial reinforcement with extended partial reinforcement training
Effects of extended context discrimination training and context extinction on transfer of context dependency of conditioned flavor aversion
Determinants of Resistance to extinction after Three training Trials: 2. The Child’s Expectations
Acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response as a function of delay of intracranial stimulation reward and amount of training
Uncoupling nNOS-PSD-95 in mPFC inhibits morphine priming-induced reinstatement after extinction training
extinction performance as a function of RR transitions with abbreviated training
… of uncertainty effects on subjective, psychophysiological, and neural markers during uninstructed and instructed threat acquisition and extinction training
extinction of bar pressing following training under a multiple VI VI schedule
Resistance to extinction of the CER as a function of shock-reinforcement training schedules
Comparison of training methods, type of problem, and apparatus in acquisition and extinction
Surprising nonreward and response effort: extinction after progressive-ratio training in rats and pigeons
Efficacy of systolic extinction training in fibromyalgia patients with elevated blood pressure response to stress: a tailored randomized controlled trial
Effects of random vs. alternating delay of reinforcement in training upon extinction performance.
Retrace effect in rats’ extinction performance following discrimination training and training with differential reward magnitude.
Decreased resistance to extinction in ob/ob mice following operant training
Performance under massed or spaced extinction following different sequences of varied reward training
Persistence in punishment and extinction testing as a function of percentages of punishment and reward in training
Efficacy of Systolic extinction training (SET) in Fibromyalgia Patients with elevated Blood Pressure Response to Stress-A Tailored RCT Study
Increasing team proficiency through training . 2. The acquisition and extinction of a team response
Intersession delay and avoidance extinction to training and generalization stimuli
Persistent behaviour in extinction after partial deprivation in training
Durability of the partial reinforcement and partial delay of reinforcement extinction effects after minimal acquisition training
Preventing translational scientists from extinction: The long-term impact of a personalized training program in translational medicine on the careers of …
Resistance to extinction as a function of reinforcement schedule and training level: A test of Theios and Brelsford’s theory
… -generated memories of nonreinforcement with signal-generated memories of reinforcement during partial reinforcement training : Effect on resistance to extinction
Blocking and partial reinforcement: Effects of NR transitions early vs. late in training on resistance to extinction
Rats’ extinction performance as a function of deprivation level during training and partial reinforcement.
Parent training in Positive Reinforcement and extinction to Effect a Decrease in Noncompliant Behavior.
Sensory extinction of stereotyped object‐dropping: Identification of a reinforcer for skill training
Resistance to extinction as a function of instrumental training under two levels of food deprivation and a shift in incentive
Changes in heart rate during discriminative reward training and extinction in the rat.
Resistance to extinction after variable training as a function of multiple associations.
Acquisition and extinction following extended partial reinforcement training under small or large reward
Effects of sodium benzoate treatment in combination with an extinction training on the maintenance of cocaine-supported memory
Obstetric Forceps: A Species on the Brink of extinction andForceps, Simulation, and Social Media andSimulation training for Forceps-Assisted Vaginal Delivery and …
training history affects magnitude of spontaneous recovery from extinction of appetitive conditioned responding
Resistance to extinction in humans as a function of sequential variables and amount of acquisition training
Changes in heart rate during discriminative reward training and extinction in the cat.
Resistance to extinction in the developing chick: Effects of punishment and preextinction training
The effect of degree and type of training upon extinction of a response chain in pigeons
Summation and retardation test performance following extinction or Pavlovian conditioned inhibition training
The effect of training on response force during operant extinction
Sequence of shock and nonshock training trials influences the extinction of escape behavior
Escape conditioning followed by extinction with and without the aversive training stimulus
Resistance to extinction as a function of schedules of direct or vicarious reinforcement and amount of acquisition training .
Changes in heart rate during avoidance training and extinction in the cat.
Differential resistance to extinction as a function of fixed-interval contrast in training
The Influence of training Level and Probability Magnitude on the extinction of Probability Matching Responses
Acquisition and extinction with rewarded goal box placements interpolated among training trials
Interpolated continuous reinforcement, training level, and resistance to extinction: The role of discriminative cues.
Implementing Chronic Exercise After the Completion of extinction training in Mice Shows Promise in Reducing the Return of Fear in the Long Term
extinction and the return of fear: a dynamic relationship dependent on timing of training , timing of recall, and postsynaptic AMPA receptor stability
Retraction: Inhibition of Spontaneous Recovery of Fear by mGluR5 after Prolonged extinction training
Telehealth Caregiver training : Treating Food Selectivity without Extinction
extinction training for tinnitus
Post-extinction Delay Necessary to Induce Retrograde Amnesia for a Moderate extinction training Memory
Influence of avoidance behavior on extinction training during memory reconsolidation.
The Effects of Using Behavioral Skills training to Teach Parents to Implement Escape extinction Procedures in the Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders
Resistance to extinction as a function of level of acquisition training and stimulus alterations during extinction
Frequency of reinforcement and preliminary training conditions as determinants of extinction
Require Producing Evaluative Responses During extinction training ? Manuscript in revision, Cognition and Emotion.
The effects of NR transitions under extended training conditions on resistance to extinction
extinction training in conjunction with a NMDA receptor partial agonist erases memory trace
Memory from one-trial training is resistant to extinction in Lymnaea Stagnaliss
The effect of interpolated extinction training on the reversal of a simultaneous brightness discrimination.
The effects of extinction training on DNA methylation protein and hippocampal newborn neurons in the conditioned-fear rat model
Correction to: extinction training following cocaine or MDMA self-administration produces discrete changes in D2-like and mGlu5 receptor density in the rat brain
Spatial training in the Water Maze facilitates extinction and prevents reinstatement of cocaine-induced Conditioned Place Preference
Effect of a Randomized Intermittent Stimulus on Resistance to extinction as a Function of Acquisition training
Increasing Response Variability of Mand Frames with Script training and extinction Procedures
A Comparison of Mixed and Multiple Schedules of Reinforcement and extinction Following Functional Communication training
Effects of the structure of serial patterns and the amount of training on the resistance to extinction in rats
Effects of Shock and Safe Box Similarity on Escape training and Extinction
Functional communication training plus extinction is effective in reducing problem behavior maintained by environmental rearrangement
Erasure of traumatic fear memory in mice by a combination of fluoxetine and fear extinction training
Modulation of the mTOR pathway in male Lewis rats after morphine self-administration and subsequent extinction training
Resistance to punishment and extinction in one situation as a function of training with shock or non-reinforcement in a different situation1
Behavioral and molecular factors contributing to beneficial effects of environmental enrichment and extinction training on cocaine relapse prevention
extinction and discriminated omission training in a successive matching-to-sample task
The rate of acquisition and extinction of a passive avoidance response as a function of level of training and age in rats
The role of the prefrontal cortex in cocaine and heroin seeking following extinction training
A clinical application of functional communication training plus extinction and contingency-based delay under typical and socially-relevant contexts.
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