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Enzymatic O-methylation of Epinephrine and other catechols
O-Methylation of Epinephrine and Other Catechols in vitro and in vivo
Reactions of strips of rabbit aorta to Epinephrine, isopropylarterenol, sodium nitrite and other drugs
The relationship of Epinephrine and glucagon to liver phosphorylase IV. Effect of Epinephrine and glucagon on the reactivation of phosphorylase in liver homogenates
The metabolic effects of Epinephrine and related amines.
The mechanism of Epinephrine action I. The influence of Epinephrine on the carbohydrate metabolism of fasting rats, with a note on new formation of carbohydrates
A Lipolytic Action of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine on Rat Adipose Tissue in vitro.
The effect of the hyperglycemic factor of the pancreas and of Epinephrine on glycogenolysis
Nor-Epinephrine-like and Epinephrine-like substances in relation to human behavior.
The hemodynamic and metabolic interrelationships in the activity of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and the thyroid hormones
Precursors of adrenal Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in vivo
Changes in plasma concentration of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine with muscular work
Role of Epinephrine in the physiology of fat mobilization
The release of leukocytes and platelets from the pulmonary circulation by Epinephrine
The influence of Epinephrine and insulin injections on hexosephosphate content of muscle
Evidence for the occurrence of nor-Epinephrine in the adrenal medulla
Excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in various emotional states
New test for hypertension due to circulating Epinephrine
Effect of hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor and Epinephrine on liver phosphorylase
Effects of Epinephrine on lipid partition and metabolism in the rabbit
O-Methylation, the principal route of metabolism of Epinephrine in man
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on coronary circulation
Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-Nor-Epinephrine on Cardiac Excitability
Mechanism of the increased venous return and cardiac output caused by Epinephrine
Chemical screening methods for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma: I. Nor-Epinephrine and Epinephrine in human urine
The relationship of Epinephrine and glucagon to liver phosphorylase I. Liver phosphorylase; preparation and properties
Studies on the effect of Epinephrine on the pituitary-adrenocortical system
On a new aerobic metabolite whose production by brain is inhibited by apomorphine, emetine, ergotamine, Epinephrine, and menadione
A comparative study of the effects of l-arterenol, Epinephrine and isopropylarterenol on the heart
Effect of long-lasting Epinephrine on serum lipid levels
Effect of flying on the Epinephrine excretion in air force personnel
The determination of arterenol in Epinephrine
The in Vitro Oxidation of Epinephrine in
On the effect of Epinephrine on blood potassium
Effect of Epinephrine on plasma lipid components and interrelationships in normal and epileptic humans
The Role of Epinephrine in the Reactions Produced by the Endotoxins of Gram-Negative Bacteria: I. Hemorrhagic Necrosis Produced by Epinephrine in the Skin of …
Epinephrine and Related Compounds: Influence of Structure on Physiological Activity.
Nor-Epinephrine-like and Epinephrine-like substances in psychotic and psychoneurotic patients
V. Effect of Epinephrine, AGTH and Cortisone on Citrate, Calcium, Glucose and Phosphate Levels in Rabbits.
Primary and secondary leucocyte changes following the intramuscular injection of Epinephrine hydrochloride
The pharmacological activity of Epinephrine and related dihydroxyphenylalkylamines
Two cases of postural hypotension showing a deficiency in release of nor-Epinephrine and Epinephrine
Potentiation of pressor effects of nor-Epinephrine and Epinephrine in man by desoxycorticosterone acetate
The metabolism of Epinephrine containing isotopic carbon. II
Analgesia and anesthesia induced by Epinephrine
Rate of turnover of Epinephrine in the adrenal medulla
The effect of Epinephrine and aminophylline on the Phosphorylase activity of perfused contracting heart muscle
The influence of Epinephrine and phenylephrine on intraocular pressure
The clinical use of nor-Epinephrine in the treatment of shock accompanying myocardial infarction and other conditions
Effect of Epinephrine on Adrenal Cholesterol and Ascorbic Acid.
Action of adrenal cortical steroids and nor-Epinephrine on vascular responses of stress in adrenalectomized rats
The separation of l-arterenol from natural USP Epinephrine
The effect of Epinephrine on the volume of the blood
The Potentiating Effect of ACTH and of Cortisone on Pressor Response to Intravenous Infusion of L-Nor-Epinephrine.
Nor-Epinephrine (arterenol,® Sympathin N) as a pressor drug
Exaggerated ventricular arrhythmias and myocardial fatty changes after large doses of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in unanesthetized dogs
The effect of the hyperglycemic factor and Epinephrine on enzyme systems of liver and muscle
Anxiety and performance changes with minimal dose of Epinephrine
Response of the Normal and Denervated Kidney to L’Epinephrine and L’Nor-Epinephrine
Epinephrine and Acetazolamide: In the therapy of the Chronic Glaucomas
Biosynthesis of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by sympathetic nerves and ganglia
Depressant effect of ether on myocardium of the dog and its modification by reflex release of Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine
The effect of Epinephrine on the pulmonary circulation in man
The Epinephrine and hydrocarbon-Epinephrine disturbance in the cat
Clinical effects of Epinephrine by inhalation: a survey
Response of circulating eosinophils to nor-Epinephrine, Epinephrine and emotional stress in humans
The relationship of Epinephrine and glucagon to liver phosphorylase III. Reactivation of liver phosphorylase in slices and in extracts
The assay of glucagon and Epinephrine with use of liver homogenates
The metabolism of Epinephrine containing isotopic carbon. III
Action of nor-Epinephrine and adrenal cortical steroids on blood pressure and work performance of adrenalectomized dogs
Tissue necrosis following subcutaneous infiltration with nor-Epinephrine: Report of two cases
Primary spinal anesthetic effects of Epinephrine.
The use of Epinephrine as a diagnostic test for angina pectoris: With observations on the electrocardiographic changes following injections of Epinephrine into normal …
XXIV.—The constitution of Epinephrine
The effect of hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor and Epinephrine on fatty acid synthesis
Physiologic studies in atopic dermatitis (disseminated neurodermatitis): I. The local cutaneous response to intradermally injected acetylcholine and Epinephrine
The pharmacology of N-alkyl homologues of Epinephrine
A chemical method for estimating Epinephrine in blood
Effects of Epinephrine and pitressin on the coronary artery inflow in anesthetized dogs
The role of Epinephrine in the secretion of the adrenal cortex
Nor-Epinephrine [β-(3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)-β-hydroxyethylamine] as a possible mediator in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
The effect of Epinephrine and thyrotropin on thyroid function in rats
Photometric determination of Epinephrine in pharmaceutical products
The Effect of” Sympatholytic Drugs on the Cardiovascular Responses to Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine in Man
Analysis of the blood sugar response of obese-hyperglycemic mice and normal mice to hormones: Insulin, glucagon, and Epinephrine
The stimulating effect of acetylcholine on the mammalian heart and the liberation of an Epinephrine-like substance by the isolated heart
The diagnostic value of Epinephrine in angina pectoris
The chemical estimation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in human and canine plasma: II. A critique of the trihydroxyindole method
Effects of Epinephrine on the heart
Protective effect of pitressin and Epinephrine against total body X-irradiation
Metabolism of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Sympatho-adrenal stimulation by carbon dioxide and the inhibitory effect of carbonic acid on Epinephrine response
The effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on ventricular vulnerability
The effects of lung inflation and Epinephrine on pulmonary vascular resistance
Fluorimetric Studies of Epinephrine and Arterenol
The response of the plasma potassium level in man to the administration of Epinephrine
Arterial blood Epinephrine levels during hemorrhagic hypotension in dogs
The effect of Epinephrine on the myocardium of the embryonic chick
Mechanism of Epinephrine-hyperglycemia
The effect of nor-Epinephrine upon pulmonary arteriolar resistance in man
Release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone by direct application of Epinephrine to pituitary grafts.
Plasma concentrations of Epinephrine and arterenol following the actions of various agents on the adrenals
The chronic effect of Epinephrine and ephedrine on the nasal mucosa
Degradation of Epinephrine induced by bisulfite
Eosinopenic activity of Epinephrine in adrenalectomized mice
The influence of Epinephrine on chemical changes in isolated frog muscle
Decrease in the formation of adrenocorticotropin following administration of Epinephrine
Iproniazid treatment and metabolism of labeled Epinephrine in schizophrenics
Mechanism of dibenamine protection against cyclopropane-Epinephrine cardiac arrhythmias
Studies on intraosseous injections of Epinephrine
Prevention of the anti-curare action of Epinephrine by Dibenamine
A comparison of the metabolic and circulatory effects of Epinephrine, nor-Epinephrine and insulin hypoglycemia with observations on the influence of autonomic …
Comparison of the anterior pituitary-adrenal cortical stimulating effect of USP Epinephrine, synthetic L-Epinephrine, and nor-Epinephrine
Cardiovascular effects of sympathomimetic bronchodilators: Epinephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, isoproterenol, methoxyphenamine and …
Inotropic Action of Epinephrine, Nor-Epinephrine, and N-Isopropyl-NorEpinephrine on Heart Muscle.
Changes in water and electrolytes of cardiac muscle following Epinephrine
The analysis of solutions of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The influence of insulin and Epinephrine on the lactic acid content of blood and tissues
The action of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and isopropyl norEpinephrine on the rhythmic function of the heart
Changes in circulating eosinophils in man following Epinephrine, insulin, and surgical operations.
The action of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on the cellular membrane potentials and contractility of rat atrium
Specific avidity of the heart muscle to absorb and store Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The hyperglycemic action of some analogs of Epinephrine
Chemical quantitation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in thirteen patients with pheochromocytoma
Blockade of responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by dibenamine congeners
Response of the hyperthyroid heart to Epinephrine
Plasma concentration of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in hemorrhagic and anaphylactic shock
Epinephrine metabolites and pigmentation in the central nervous system in a case of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia
The excretion of conjugated Epinephrine related compounds
The in vitro protection of Epinephrine by flavonoids.
A clinical study of blood pressure responses to Epinephrine-containing local anesthetic solutions
Effects of oxytocin and Epinephrine on uterine motility in the bovine
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine content of normal and diseased human hearts
Studies on physiologic effects of large doses of Epinephrine
Ventricular Fibrillation induced by Hydrocarbons, and Epinephrine.
The effect of nor-Epinephrine on the electrolyte composition of arterial smooth muscle
A mechanism for the eosinopenia induced by cortisone and by Epinephrine
Influence of Respiratory Acidosis on EGG and Pressor Responses to Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine and Metaraminol.
The reaction of male frogs to Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine in decreasing number of circulating mononuclear leucocytes in the rat.
The role of potassium in Epinephrine action
Studies on the metabolism of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and their o-methyl analogs by partially purified enzyme preparations
Effect of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and serotonin upon systemic small and large vessel resistance
Effect of Epinephrine on the rate of urine formation
Epinephrine-Mecholyl test (Funkenstein test): Its value in determining the recovery potential of patients with mental disease
The effect of Epinephrine, insulin, and hyperthyroidism on the rapid intravenous glucose tolerance test
Influence of Epinephrine upon the human gravid uterus
Effects of Epinephrine and of norEpinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism in the rat
Epinephrine and Neurogenic Factors in the Pulmonary Edema and CNS Reactions Induced by O2 at High Pressure
Studies on veratrum alkaloids. XVI. The action of Epinephrine and of veratramine on the functional refractory period of the auriculo-ventricular transmission in the heart …
The analgesic effect of intracarotid and intravenous injection of Epinephrine in dogs and of subcutaneous injection in man
Nor-Epinephrine-like and Epinephrine-like substances and the elevation of blood pressure during acute stress
The mechanism of Epinephrine action: VI. Changes in blood sugar, lactic acid and blood pressure during continuous intravenous injection of Epinephrine
Epinephrine in cardiac resuscitation
Effect of Epinephrine on the Sympathectomized Human Extremity: An Additional Cause of Failure of Operations for Raynaud’s Disease
Autonomic nervous system responses related to the Funkenstein Test: I. To Epinephrine
Cerebral circulation: I. reaction of pial arteries to Epinephrine by direct application and by intravenous injection
The Anti-Insulin Effect of Epinephrine: Its Significance for the Determination of Serum Insulin by the Rat Diaphragm Method
Epinephrine in Oil: A New, Slowly Absorbed Epinephrine Preparation
… STUDY OF MENTALLY ILL PATIENTS: Part I—The Status of the Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System as Determined by the Reaction to Epinephrine and Mecholyl
Effect of Epinephrine on convulsions
The effects of excitement, of Epinephrine and of sympathectomy on the mitotic activity of the corneal epithelium in rats
Potentiation of effects of Epinephrine by flavonoid (” vitamin P”-like) compounds. Relation of structure to activity.
The effect of Epinephrine, insulin, and glucose upon hoarding in rats.
Veratramine, an Antagonist to the Cardioaccelerator Action of Epinephrine.
The inability of Epinephrine or adrenocorticotropic hormone to deplete the ascorbic acid content of the chick adrenal
Effect of smoking on the urinary output of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in man
The effect of Epinephrine and insulin on the plasma potassium level
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine Effect on Renal Hemodynamics: With Particular Reference to the Possibility of Vascular Shunting and Decreasing the Active …
CCLVII.—Syntheses in the Epinephrine series. Part II. The formation and properties of some 2: 5-and 2: 6-substituted pyrazines and their conversion into amino …
Mechanism of the acute lethal effect of Epinephrine in rats
Comparative effects of a wide range of doses of L-Epinephrine and of L-norEpinephrine on the contractile force of the heart in situ
Epinephrine: its effect on the cardiac mechanism in experimental hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Influence of Epinephrine and cortisone on the metabolism of the hypophysis and hypothalamus of the rat
Dynamics of Epinephrine distribution in the dog
Response of explanted embryonic cardiac tissue to Epinephrine and acetylcholine
An investigation of the acute toxicity of the optical isomers of arterenol and Epinephrine
Comparative pharmacology of arterenol, Epinephrine and isopropylarterenol
SENSITIZATION TO THE PRESSOR ACTION OF Epinephrine (ADRENALIN): A Warning Concerning the Use of Epinephrine as an Antidote After the Administration …
Responses to the injection of Epinephrine in hepatic disease
Eosinophil response to Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine
An approach to the problem of “Epinephrine fastness”
Inhibition of Epinephrine action in severe hypoxemia
Determination of Epinephrine and related compounds on paper chromatograms
Role of Adrenal in Uptake of I131 by the Thyroid Following Parenteral Administration of Epinephrine
Effect of continuous intravenous injection of Epinephrine on the carbohydrate metabolism, basal metabolism and vascular system of normal men
The reactivity of the capillary bed of the nailfold to circulating Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine in patients with normal blood pressure and with essential …
Effects of Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine in Dogs Studied With a Mechanical Left Ventricle: Demonstration of Active Vasoconstriction in the Lesser Circulation
Plasma concentrations of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during anesthesia
Effect of tyrosinase upon the fluorimetric determination of Epinephrine and arterenol
Cyclopropane anesthesia. II. Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in initiation of ventricular arrhythmias by carbon dioxide inhalation
Unusual reactions to slow Epinephrine
Local and systemic effects from inhalation of strong solutions of Epinephrine
Absence of vasomotor responses to Epinephrine and arterenol in an isolated intracranial circulation
Results of insulin and Epinephrine tolerance tests in schizophrenic patients and in normal subjects
Effect of Epinephrine on the Neutrophile Count of Normal and Adrenalectomized Mice.
Observations on Epinephrine oxidation and stabilization
Studies of Experimental Pulmonary Edema. I. Pulmonary Edema from lEpinephrine and i-nor-Epinephrine (Arterenol).
Protecting action of procaine against ventricular fibrillation induced by Epinephrine during cyclopropane anesthesia
Epinephrine-like substances in the blood and their relation to uterine inertia
Fluorimetric Studies on Epinephrine and l-Arterenol in Plasma
Conversion of C14-Arterenol to Epinephrine in vivo.
Constant infusion of Epinephrine: Rate of Epinephrine secretion and destruction in the body
The effect of arterenol and Epinephrine on experimental arteriopathy
Pharmacologic Differentiation Between Epinephrine-and HGF-Hyper-glycemias: Application in Analysis of Cobalt-Hyperglyceniia.
The pressure-volume responses of human forearm veins during Epinephrine and norEpinephrine infusions
The effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on the contractions of the human uterus in labor
The metabolism of Epinephrine containing isotopic carbon in man
Effect of Muscular Expercise upon the Epinephrine Secretion from the Suprarenal Gland
Amines Related to Epinephrine. V. Pyridine Compounds Analogous to Epinephrine, Adrenalene and Ephedrine
The effect of insulin and Epinephrine on the amino acid content of the blood of adrenalectomized rabbits
Comparison of changes in mesenteric resistance following splanchnic nerve stimulation with responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Blockade of Epinephrine-induced cardioacceleration in the frog
Effect on the heart of an overdose of Epinephrine: Report of a case
Clot-accelerating property of in vitro Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine on whole blood coagulation
Epinephrine and carbohydrate metabolism
Dibenamine blockade of Epinephrine and glucagon hyperkalemias.
Effects of ACTH, cortisone, desoxycorticosterone and Epinephrine on the plasma hypertensinogen and renin concentration of dogs
Blood ACTH: effects of ether, pentobarbital, Epinephrine and pain
A survey of agents producing cardiovascular manifestations of Epinephrine discharge
Reactions of isolated pulmonary blood vessels to anoxia, Epinephrine, acetylcholine and histamine
Experiences with the Biological Assay of Several Sympathicotonic Substances Including Epinephrine
The chemical estimation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in human and canine plasma. I. A critique of the ethylenediamine condensation method
Potentiating Effect of Tetraethylammonium on Pressor Response to Epinephrine and Nor—Epinephrine.
Effect of various drugs on Epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema in rabbits.
Local sweating in man induced by intradermal Epinephrine
Laevo-glaukosan and Epinephrine bitartrate in the treatment of glaucoma
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on electrically induced seizures
Effect of Catecholamines, l-Epinephrine and l-NorEpinephrine on Coronary Flow and Oxygen Metabolism of the Myocardium
The influence of enzyme inhibitors on the action of Epinephrine on the frog’s heart
Effect of cortical stimulation upon Epinephrine activity
Further observations of certain responses of tolerant and control animals to massive doses of Epinephrine
Influence of Epinephrine on the plasma content of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids
Reliability of Epinephrine-methacholine (mecholyl) testing
The effect of temperature on the inactivation of Epinephrine in vivo and in vitro
Comparison of the circulatory effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
A kinetic study of acid‐catalyzed racemization of Epinephrine
The occurrence of nor-Epinephrine in the Chinese toad venom
Coronary and peripheral blood flow in experimental hemorrhagic hypotension treated with L-nor-Epinephrine
CCXXVII.—Syntheses in the Epinephrine series
The influence of Epinephrine on the digital arterioles of man: a study of the vasoconstrictor effects
Transport of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in human plasma.
Significance of blood sugar and serum electrolyte changes in cirrhosis following glucose, insulin, glucagon, or Epinephrine
Epinephrine tolerance of the heart altered by thyroxine and thiouracil
Effect of Epinephrine on thyroid hormone level in blood
Persistence of Accelerated Rate in Isolated Hearts of Thyrotoxic Rabbits: Response to Iodides, Thyroxine and Epinephrine.
Epinephrine and arterenol (norEpinephrine) in mental disease: plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations
THE MECHANISM OF Epinephrine ACTION: VII. Changes in the Glycogen, Lactic Acid and Phosphate Content of Muscle
Mechanisms of insulin and Epinephrine effect on the level of plasma potassium
Pressor effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) weakened by sodium withdrawal
The inhibiting effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on secretion induced by histamine in separated pouches of dogs
The effect of Epinephrine on arterial and venous plasma sugar and blood flow in dogs and cats
New Conception of the Mechanism of Epinephrine Glycosuria.
Effect of changes in initial tension, initial volume and Epinephrine on ventricular relaxation process
Effect of l-Epinephrine and l-Arterenol on Egg White Edema in the Rat.
Cerebral Circulation: XXIV. A. Action of Epinephrine on Pial Vessels; B. Action of Pituitary and Pitressin on Pial Vessels; C. Vasomotor Response in the Pia and in the …
The effect of papaverine, Epinephrine and quinidine on the fibrillation threshold of the mammalian ventricles
The fluorimetric measurement of plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine concentrations in man, monkey, and dog
Comparative lymphocytic and biochemical responses of patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders to electroshock, insulin shock, and Epinephrine
Significance of rise in blood sugar level after injection of Epinephrine in mental disease
Drug action upon myocardial Epinephrine-sympathin concentration and heart rate (nitroglycerine, papaverine, priscol, dibenamine hydrochloride)
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine concentrations in plasma of humans and rats
… capacity and its subdivisions. VII. Observations during the acute respiratory distress of bronchial asthma and following the administration of Epinephrine
Analysis of the actions of acetylcholine, atropine, Epinephrine and quinidine on heart muscle of the cat
Effect of Epinephrine, glucose and certain steroids on fatal convulsive seizures in mice.
Laboratory studies on the prophylaxis and treatment of ventricular fibrillation induced by Epinephrine during cyclopropane anesthesia
A comparison of the metabolic effects of subcutaneous and intravenous Epinephrine injections in normal and hypophysectomized rats
The origin of glucose liberated by Epinephrine in depancreatized animals.
Glycogenolytic effects of Epinephrine in skeletal muscles of hypophysectomized rats treated with glycopexic hormones
The effect of administration of Epinephrine on the leukocyte counts of normal subjects
A potentiometric study of Epinephrine
The influence of Epinephrine and insulin on the distribution of glycogen in rabbits
Epinephrine, pregnenolone and testosterone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Isopropylnor-Epinephrine Blockade of Epinephrine Reversal
Effects of Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine on blood flow through normal and denervated limbs of dogs
Adrenergic inhibitory function in the rabbit: Epinephrine reversal and isopropylnorEpinephrine vasodepression
Nervous system mechanism for Epinephrine secretion
Epinephrine hyperglycemia
Synthesis of Compounds Related to Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on metabolism of glucose of normal dogs
The influence of Epinephrine and insulin upon the distribution of glycogen
Peripheral blood Epinephrine levels in dogs during intravenous infusion
Glycogenolytic effect of Epinephrine on skeletal muscle
Glycogenolysis Due to Epinephrine in Hepatic Disease
The blood pressure response to Epinephrine administered intravenously to subjects with normal blood pressure and to patients with essential hypertension
Alterations in renal hemodynamics and function during the intravenous injection of Epinephrine in the dog
Potentiation of Epinephrine effects by flavonoid compounds
The action of drugs on the output of Epinephrine from the adrenals. III. Nicotine
Excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine after administration of insulin and methacholine
The effects of Epinephrine on urine excretion in dogs
Epinephrine liberation during insulin hypoglycaemia
Resistance to Epinephrine stress in the dog.
Blood pressure responses of chronic schizophrenic patients to Epinephrine and mecholyl
Effects of the hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor (HGF), Epinephrine and insulin in normal and depancreatized dogs.
Effects of Epinephrine, nor-Epinephrine and khellin on circulation through isolated perfused hearts
On the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenals in the Unilaterally Splanchnectomized Rabbit
Two Per Cent Epinephrine Solutions as Substitutes for Laevoglaucosan
IV. Response of Citric Acid Levels of Normal Adults and Children to Intramuscular Injection of Epinephrine
Biochemical response to trauma: Iii. Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels in plasma of rats subjected to tumbling trauma
The effect of Epinephrine upon frog renal hemodynamics in the intact animal
Blood Epinephrine levels and automatic reinfusion of blood during hemorrhagic shock in dogs.
Thyroid and adrenal response to varying dose levels of Epinephrine
Activation of the adenohypophysis by intravenous injections of Epinephrine in the atropinized rabbit
Production by Epinephrine of ST changes in the electrocardiogram of the cat, similar to those of coronary occlusion
Mephentermine as an antifibrillatory drug against cyclopropane-Epinephrine ventricular fibrillation
The effect of Epinephrine upon the glucose tolerance and work performance of the eviscerate rat
Effect of certain antihistaminics on Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia and lacticacidemia
PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF MENTALLY ILL PATIENTS: Part II—Changes in the Reactions to Epinephrine and Mecholyl After Electric Shock Treatment
Epinephrine in progressive myopia
Influence of application of cold or heat to the dog’s body upon the Epinephrine output rate
Effects of Epinephrine, aminophylline, nitroglycerine and papaverine on coronary inflow and on heart contraction, as recorded concurrently
Observations on Epinephrine and glucagon-induced glycogenolysis and potassium loss in the isolated perfused frog liver
Epinephrine mydriasis
Renal Excretion of l-Epinephrine in the Dog
Effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and isopropylarterenol on the isolated auricles of four mammalian species
The comparative effects of small intravenous doses of Epinephrine upon arterial pressure and pulse rate in normotensive subjects and in hypertensive patients …
A study of the usefulness and limitations of electrical countershock, cardiac massage, Epinephrine and procaine in cardiac resuscitation from ventricular fibrillation
Similarity of acute hemodynamic response to l-Epinephrine and l-arterenol
The direct renal vascular effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine before and after adrenergic blockade
Effects of Epinephrine and l-Nor-Epinephrine on Renal Excretion of Solutes During Mannitol Diuresis in the Hydropenic Dog
Factors involved in the production of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia induced by Epinephrine
Diuresis in response to hypoxia and Epinephrine in infant rats
Blood pressure changes in normals and in hypertensives after intravenous Epinephrine and histamine
The pulmonary arterial pressure in normal albino rats and the effect thereon of Epinephrine
Hyperthyroidism and the dynamics of distribution and renal excretion of Epinephrine in the dog
Effect of Epinephrine upon the tolerance of the eviscerated rat for glucose
Protective effect of adrenolytic drugs against fatal myocardial Epinephrine concentrations
Multiple sclerosis: effect of typhoid vaccine and of Epinephrine on coagulation of the blood
Studies on water intoxication in adrenalectomized rats and the influence of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) and Epinephrine in water diuresis
The action of Epinephrine on the anaerobic or the iodoacetate-treated rat’s diaphragm
Effects of Epinephrine, arterenol and isuprel on the electrical potentials of mammalian heart muscle: inability of nitrites to block effects
Untoward reactions to tests for Epinephrine-secreting tumors (pheochromocytoma)
A comparative study of ephedrine, tyramine and Epinephrine with special reference to the circulation
A note on the Epinephrine content of the suprarenal glands of dogs
Comparison of the effects of Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine on circulating eosinophils
The separation of substituted threo-and erythro-phenylserines by paper chromatography. The configuration of arterenol and Epinephrine
Adaptation to Brief Stress: The Blood Level of Leucocytes and Adrenal Function in Epilepsy, Electrically Induced Convulsions, and after Injection of Epinephrine
The disappearance of injected Epinephrine in the animal body
Hormonal influences on Epinephrine induced aortic sclerosis
Local Irritation from Sodium Bisulfite as Preservative in Epinephrine Solutions.
Combination of Epinephrine and 2, 4-dinitrophenol with muscle of the normal rat
Comparison of Epinephrine and ACTH action on the circulating eosinophils of mice
Comparative reactivity of isolated surviving coronary arteries to l-Epinephrine and l-norEpinephrine.
Effect of Epinephrine on Male and Female Albino Rats
Antihistaminics as Epinephrine sensitizers
Epinephrine in the circulating blood during ether anesthesia
Reaction of Epinephrine with ethylenediamine
… with those in Muscle: Blood Flow Response in these Two Beds to Ischemia, and to Intra-arterial Injections of Methacholine, Epinephrine and Noradrenalin before and …
Methacholine Test and Epinephrine and Arterenol Excretion: Hemodynamics of Methacholine Test and Its Relationship to Excretion of Epinephrine and Arterenol …
Effect of Epinephrine on cortical and basal electroencephalograms and the eosinophile count
Hemodynamic effects of infusions of Epinephrine and arterenol in normal and shocked dogs
Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injection of Epinephrine
Inhibition by Piperidinomethyl-3-benzodioxane (933F) of Epinephrine Vasopressor Blockade Produced by Dibenzyl-β-Chlorethylamine.
Effect of Epinephrine on Blood Count and on Hematocrit Value.
The alleged increase in plasma fats after injection of Epinephrine.
Inhalation of Epinephrine hydrochloride for relief of asthma in children
Altered reactivity to Epinephrine in the hypersensitive rabbit
The role of acetylcholine in hydrocarbon-Epinephrine arrhythmias
The effects of diphenylhydantoin sodium, glucose and β-diethylaminoethyl diphenylpropylacetate hydrochloride on cyclopropane-Epinephrine arrhythmias in the dog
Effects of cortisone and Epinephrine exhibition on lipid components and phospholipid turnover in plasma, liver and aorta of rabbits
Further observations on the circulatory actions of digitalis and strophanthus with special reference to the liver, and comparisons with histamine and Epinephrine
The effect of small amounts of ergotamine on the circulatory response to Epinephrine
The production of experimental polycythemia by the daily administration of Epinephrine or posterior pituitary solution
Epinephrine and resistance of hypophysectomized and adrenalectomized rats to stressor agents
The Action of Horseradish-Peroxidase on Angiotonin, Pepsitensin and Epinephrine
Effect of l-nor-Epinephrine on the cerebral circulation in normotensive males
Protective action of low oxygen tension and Epinephrine against X-ray mortality in the chick
Effects of Epinephrine and insulin on glucose disappearance in eviscerated dogs
Vascular Reactions in Chronically Inflamed Skin: II. Action of Epinephrine and Phentolamine (Regitine); Action of Acetylcholine and Methacholine (Mecholyl), and the …
A case of pheochromocytoma: diagnosis by the benzodioxane test, urinary hormone studies, and nor-Epinephrine assay of the tumor
Effect of Ether Anaesthesia upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands
A pharmacodynamic investigation of the autonomic nervous system in schizophrenia: I. Effect of intravenous injections of Epinephrine on the blood pressure and pulse …
Cardiovascular responses to Epinephrine before and after denervation of the pressoreceptors
Immediate blood cell response to Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and histamine on canine intestine and liver weight continuously recorded in vivo
The changes in plasma potassium level after Epinephrine in normal human beings and in persons with epilepsy
Fluorimetric measurement of exogenous and endogenous Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in peripheral blood
The influence of Epinephrine on shivering and on metabolism in the cold
Effect of Slowly Absorbed Epinephrine in Experimental Shock.
Experiments on the supposed relation of Epinephrine secretion to hypertension
Influence of oxidation products of Epinephrine upon adenosinetriphosphatase activity of uterine muscle preparation.
Epinephrine and tissue permeability
Circulating Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in changing emotional states
Immediate effects of shock therapies, Epinephrine and ACTH on blood glutathione level of psychotic patients
The Influence of Asphyxia upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Adrenals
Epinephrine eosinopenia in surgically induced Addison’s disease
The destruction of Epinephrine by the dopa-oxidase system of ocular tissue
Effects of Epinephrine and calcium on the electrogram of the ouabainized frog heart
Reactions of the isolated surviving coronary artery to Epinephrine, acetylcholine and histamine
Demonstration of central nervous mediation of acute pulmonary edema produced by intravenously administered Epinephrine
The effect of digitalis, Epinephrine, and surgery on the response to heparin
Epinephrine prepotency over pressoreceptor responses elicited by elevated blood pressure
The influence of Epinephrine on the blood sugar, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus of completely hypophysectomized dogs
The oral administration of Epinephrine
The Action of Histamine upon the Epinephrine Secretion from the Suprarenal Gland in Non= Anaesthetized Dogs
Effect of oxytocin and Epinephrine on the conception rate of cows
The effect of Epinephrine on the potassium balance of the hind limbs of the frog
Blood pressure responses to Epinephrine in dogs with certain humoral backgrounds
Effect of chronic denervation on response of renal vessels to Epinephrine
The simultaneous recording of oxygen uptake and contraction of papillary muscles as affected by l-Epinephrine and l-norEpinephrine
Further study of the influence of cold on the rate of Epinephrine secretion from the suprarenal glands with simultaneous determination of the blood sugar
Nor-Epinephrine in Cardiogenic Shock
The Action of Parahydroxyphenylisopropylamine (Paredrine) on the Heart; a clinical study of a new Epinephrine-like compound
Changes in plasma and tissue water and electrolytes after Epinephrine administration in rats
The reaction of the capillary bed of the nailfold to the continuous intravenous infusion of levo-nor-Epinephrine in patients with normal blood pressure and with …
Actions of potassium and calcium on coronary flow and heart contractions with special reference to the responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Factors altering the filling of the isolated left ventricle of the dog heart: Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Action of Epinephrine on the intestine following stimulation by parasympathetic drugs
Effect of Epinephrine on monophasic action potential of auricular muscle
Effect of sympathectomy without and with adrenal inactivation on the concentration of Epinephrine and related compounds in various tissues
Studies in surgical endocrinology III. Plasma concentrations of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in anesthesia, trauma and surgery, as measured by a modification of …
Effect of light on fluorescence of ethylenediamine derivatives of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Lactic Acid Response to Epinephrine
Immediate therapy for the acute attack of asthma: A comparison of Epinephrine and orally and intravenously administered prednisolone
Alterations in the white blood cell picture in normal, hypophysectomized and splenectomized guinea pigs during mild stress and following Epinephrine injection
… pump and the pulmonary arterial pressure of the turtle: The influence of artificial acceleration of the heart, changes in temperature, hemorrhage and Epinephrine
Fluorescence of ethylenediamine derivatives of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The influence of Epinephrine on the purine metabolism of ordinary and Dalmatian breeds of dogs
Influence of Epinephrine on Carbohydrate Metabolism of Fasting Rats.
Observations on the effect of Epinephrine on the medullary¢ entres
The Use of Nor-Epinephrine (L-Arterenol) as a Pressor Drug with Special Reference to Thoraco-Lumbar Sympathectomy
Intermediate Oxidation Products of Epinephrine
Absorption of Epinephrine from the Subcutaneous Tissue of the Rat
Effect of nicotine upon the rate of Epinephrine output from the suprarenal glands
Rutin and other flavonoids as potentiators of terminal vascular responses to Epinephrine and as antagonists of vasodepressor materials
Effect of Epinephrine on Sugar Utilization in Animals Under Amytal Anesthesia
On the mechanism of the depression of the serum potassium level by Epinephrine
The antagonism of ergot alkaloids towards the inhibitory response of the isolated rabbit intestine to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Effects of histamine and Epinephrine on the small pulmonary blood vessels of living rabbits
A precaution in the use of procaine-Epinephrine for regional anesthesia
Effect of insulin and Epinephrine on the eosinophil and blood glucose levels in sheep; lack of diurnal rhythm
Hemiplegia following injection of Epinephrine hydrochloride
The circulatory and metabolic effects in man of histamine, Mecholyl®, tetraethylammonium and atropine in the presence of circulating Epinephrine and …
A Further Report on the Effect of Stimulation of the Sensory Nerves upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands Experiments on De …
Some factors which modify the Epinephrine reaction
Fluorescent derivatives obtained by the reaction of ethylene diamine with Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Dose-response curves for the blood pressure effects produced by graded doses of L-Epinephrine, a commercial Epinephrine, and L-norEpinephrine
Participation of adrenal cortex in alterations in carbohydrate metabolism produced by Epinephrine.
Response of chronic denervated heart to acetylcholine and Epinephrine
Epinephrine sensitivity of blood vessel strips from salt-fed and castrated rats.
Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-NorEpinephrine on the Splanchnic Bed of Intact Dogs
Biological assay of Epinephrine
The effects of Epinephrine, potassium, pentobarbital and insulin on the concentration of amino acid nitrogen in the blood of fasting dogs
Summation and Tetanus in Cardiac Muscle. Effects of Temperature, Epinephrine and Digitoxin.
The action of Epinephrine and insulin in frogs under anaerobic conditions
Epinephrine and mitotic activity in pinnal epidermis of the mouse
Antipressor Effects of Orthoquinoid Epinephrine Derivatives in Experimental Hypertension in the Rat
The synergistic action of atropine and Epinephrine on the intrinsic muscles of the eye
Local application of Epinephrine to carotid sinus: lowering of blood pressure and modification of hyperreactor response in hypertensive patients
The stability of Epinephrine and arterenol (norEpinephrine) in plasma and serum: A comparison of normal and schizophrenic subjects
Effect of Asphyxia upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands
Factors affecting Epinephrine content of adrenal glands
Factors concerned in the polycythemia produced by the subcutaneous injection of Epinephrine
A comparison of the positive inotropic effects of ouabain and Epinephrine in heart failure induced in the dog heart-lung preparation by sodium pentobarbital …
Reactivation of rabbit liver phosphorylase by Epinephrine, glucagon and ephedrine
Eosinophil Response to Epinephrine and Corticotropin: Studies in Alcoholics and Nonalcoholics
Effects of electroshock therapy on the excretion of Epinephrine
Comparison of Changes in Serum Glucose, Serum Potassium and Blood Pressure After Epinephrine.
Studies on peripheral circulation and Epinephrine sensitization following sympathectomy
… Congestive Heart Failure and Angina Pectoris by Total Ablation of the Normal Thyroid Gland: XVI. The Sensitivity of Man to Epinephrine Injected Intravenously Before …
Hepatic phosphorylase and Epinephrine hyperglycaemia
Analogs of (±)‐Epinephrine
Mechanism of the effect of Epinephrine on bioluminescence of the firefly
Effects of Inhalation of CO2, Muscular Exercise and Epinephrine on Maximal Breathing Capacity
Influence of Haemorrhage upon the Epinephrine (Folin) Content of the Suprarenals of the Rabbit
Pressor Activity of l-and d-NorEpinephrine, USP Reference Standard Epinephrine, and Synthetic l-Epinephrine
Reactivity of the uterus to pre-sacral nerve stimulation and to Epinephrine, pituitrin and pilocarpine administration during certain sexual states in the anesthetized …
Epinephrine secretion in hypophysectomized dogs
Activation of Hypertensin and Tyrosine by Subthreshold Amounts of Epinephrine.
Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Glands in Anaphylaxis
Fluorometric Estimation of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Role of liver in depression of plasma potassium level by Epinephrine
The effect of adrenal cortex extract with and without Epinephrine upon the work of adrenally insufficient rats
The effect of Epinephrine upon the rabbit electroretinogram
Studies on the sensitivity of smooth musculature to exogenous Epinephrine
Effects of dibenamine on cardiovascular actions of Epinephrine, acetylcholine, pitressin and angiotonin in unanesthetized dogs.
Effect of Epinephrine on the Synthesis of Acetylcholine.
Changes in the circulatory effect of potassium salts due to Epinephrine (adrenalin)
Agglutinins for Escherichia coli in serum and in fecal extracts from human enteritides and from hyperimmunized and Epinephrine-stimulated rabbits
The effect of morphine administration upon the output rate of Epinephrine, blood sugar level and blood pressure in normal and tolerant dogs
Spontaneous rupture of the esophagus: With a note on tissue necrosis from nor-Epinephrine
Comparative Antiedemic Efficiency of Epinephrine and Related Amines and Pituitary in Experimental Edemas
Increased plasma prothrombin activity after Epinephrine injections; relation to hyperglycemia
Abolition of Epinephrine inactivating properties of liver by inhibitors of monoamine oxidase
Carbohydrate Metabolism in Brain Disease: V. Effect of Epinephrine on Intermediary Carbohydrate Metabolism in Schizophrenic and Manic-Depressive Psychoses
Inhibition of Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia with adrenergic blocking drugs
Local effects of Epinephrine on the cerebral cortex
Effects of thyrotoxic materials and vitamin B12 on the Epinephrine content of adrenals
IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE SUPRARENAL GLAND: III. The Effect of Injections of Epinephrine on the Hemolysin Formation in Normal Rats.
Effects of preadministering various drugs on the acute pulmonary edema produced by blast injury and by the intravenous injection of Epinephrine
Effects of racemic Epinephrine inhalation on cardiopulmonary function in normal man and in patients with chronic pulmonary emphysema
Action of morphine on the Epinephrine output, blood sugar content and blood pressure in dogs
Blood sugar response to intraperitoneal Epinephrine injections in normal and hypophysectomized dogs
STUDIES ON VERATRUM ALKALOIDS: IX. The Inhibition by Veratrosine of the Cardioaccelerator Action of Epinephrine and of NorEpinephrine
Dextrose, insulin and Epinephrine tolerance tests in cirrhosis of the liver
The calorigenic action of Epinephrine in frogs before and after hepatectomy.
The immediate response of the plasma cholesterol to the injection of insulin and of Epinephrine in human subjects
Sensitive Method for Quantitative Estimation of Epinephrine in Blood
Electrophoresis of Epinephrine into the skin. Application to the treatment of asthma
Studies in Epinephrine: Recovery of Epinephrine injected intravenously and subcutaneously
Identity of sweat glands stimulated by heat, Epinephrine, and acetylcholine
Cardiac Resuscitation and Survival Influence of Rate of Manual Compression, Type of Countershock and of Epinephrine
Effects of histamine, 5 hydroxytryptamine and Epinephrine on pulmonary hemodynamics with particular reference to arterial and venous segment resistances
Epinephrine protection against fatal hyperkalemia in adrenalectomized rats
The Amount of Epinephrine Secreted from the Suprarenal Glands in Dogs in Haemorrhage, and Poisoning with Guanidine, Peptone, Coffein, Urethane, Camphor, etc
Determination of the stability of Epinephrine by optical rotation
Variations in response of minute vessels in the cecal mesentery of the rat to topically applied Epinephrine
Observations on the Hemodynamic Action of Epinephrine
Effect of continuous injection of Epinephrine on adrenal cortex and anterior hypophysis.
Nor-Epinephrine in the treatment of acute meningococcemia with shock (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome) and an evaluation of adrenocortical function
Effects of carbon dioxide, Epinephrine and Ilidar on skin, blood and rectal temperatures of unanesthetized dogs exposed to extreme cold
The rate of absorption of Epinephrine from the subcutaneous tissue
Effect of Stimulation of the Sensory Nerves upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands
The influence of ether anesthesia, of hemorrhage, and of plethora from transfusion on the pressor effect of minute quantities of Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on the Vessels of the Calf. Observations on the Period of Initial Vasodilatation
A case of large overdose of Epinephrine
The continuous intravenous administration of Epinephrine and glucose in dogs: further observations
Immediate blood cell count response to Epinephrine in splenectomized dogs
Amines Related to Epinephrine. IV. Some γ-Aryl, γ-Hydroxypropyl Amines and Intermediate β-Aminopropiophenones
Immediate sensitization of isolated swine arteries and their vasa vasorum to Epinephrine, acetylcholine and histamine by thyroxine
Epinephrine sensitiveness at the menopause
Immediate effects of Epinephrine on phospholipides turnover and lipide partition in plasma, liver and aorta
… (priscoline) in blocking the vasoconstrictor responses in canine muscle to lumbar sympathetic stimulation and to intra-arterial injections of L-Epinephrine and of L …
Anaphylaxis to the injection of nicotinic acid (niacin); successful treatment with Epinephrine
Epinephrine and Insulin Effect on Potassium Mobilization: Relationship of Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism
A Colorimeter for the Determination of Epinephrine by the Method of Suto and Inouye
Nicotinic acid and Epinephrine test for determining the source of blood supply of delayed skin flaps
Ephedrine-Epinephrine Antagonism.
Some agents which potentiate the inotropic response of the papillary muscle to Epinephrine
Studies on L-nor-Epinephrine: relation of dosage to pressor and bradycardia effect
Effect of Epinephrine on glucose excretion in fasted depancreatized dogs
Survival and increase of Epinephrine in tissue cultures of adrenal glands from chick embryos
Fluorescence of mixtures of arterenol, Epinephrine, and phosphate
Effect of Epinephrine and physostigmine on the response of striated muscle to acetylcholine and potassium
A note on the effect of guanidine hydrochloride upon the Epinephrine output from the suprarenal gland and the sugar content of blood in dogs
Prolongation of Hypnosis by Epinephrine and Insulin
Comparative effects of Epinephrine and levarterenol (l-norEpinephrine) on left ventricular performance in conscious and anesthetized dogs
Epinephrine Load of the Suprarenal Gland of Atropinized Rabbits
The Effect of Epinephrine on Excised Strips of Frogs Digestive Tracts
Effects of topically applied Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, acetylcholine and histamine on the intermediate circulation of the mouse spleen
Influence of application of cold to the dog’s body upon the blood pressure and the blood sugar, with special reference to the augmented Epinephrine secretion
Effect of Dibenzyline on Prolonged Leucocyte Response Following Epinephrine Administration
Effect of endotoxin on vascular reactivity to Epinephrine in the perfused dog forelimb and lung.
The effect of anoxic and anemic anoxia on the motility of the small intestine and the influence of an Epinephrine-potentiating-agent
Dibenamine Blockade as a Method of Distinguishing Between Inotropic Actions of Epinephrine and Digitalis.
Conditions under which subcutaneously injected Epinephrine gives a hemodynamic effect.
Effect of Epinephrine on vitamin A and glucose blood levels in normal and cirrhotic subjects
Effects of graded doses of Epinephrine and of nor-Epinephrine upon the isolated perfused rabbit heart
A note on the effect of insulin in accelerating the Epinephrine discharge
Epinephrine in oil: Its effect in the symptomatic treatment of hay fever
Effects of Epinephrine on the normal, hypertensive and denervated renal vascular systems in man
The role of Epinephrine in the secretion of the adrenal cortex.
Epinephrine and urine formation in the frog
Proteinuria following intravenous norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in man
Influence of the Piqûre of Cl. Bernard upon the Epinephrine Discharge, the Blood Sugar Content and the Blood Pressure
Metabolism in Organic Hyperinsulinism: II. Effects of Epinephrine on Glycemic Level and on Combustion of Carbohydrate
Effect of intravenous glucose on tissue water and ionic content and moderation of potassium plethora with Epinephrine and insulin pretreatment
Studies on the duration of action of drugs II. Mydriatic actions of Epinephrine and atropine
Effect of Fastening and of Sensory Stimulation upon the Rate of Epinephrine Output from the Suprarenal Gland in Dogs The Fourth Report
The failure of various barbiturates to prevent cyclopropane-Epinephrine ventricular tachycardia in the dog
Comparative evaluation of Epinephrine and aminophylline as bronchodilator agents
6, 7-Dihydro-5H-Dibenz [c, e] Azepine Derivatives, a new class of Epinephrine Antagonists
A Nonoxidizing Epinephrine to Prolong Spinal Anesthesia with a Subarachnoid Capacity Control.
Epinephrine hyperglycemia: with particular reference to the arteriovenous blood sugar difference in hepatic disease
Effects of B VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES on the Leukocyte Response to Epinephrine AND CORTICOTROPIN (ACTH)
Repository Injections: How To Obtain Lasting Effects with Injected Water-Soluble Medicaments Such as Insulin and Epinephrine
Ethyl-nor-Epinephrine by inhalation for bronchial asthma; A comparison with Epinephrine
Some Differences in the Action of Ephedrine and Epinephrine (Adrenalin, etc.) on the Nasal Turbinate Mucosa
Significance of the Augmented Epinephrine Discharge on Peptone Poisoning upon the Hypergiycaemia Simultaneously Occurring
Influence of Epinephrine on Blood Sugar Utilization of Functionally Hepatectomized Rats.
The effect of injections of testosterone propionate and cortisone acetate on glycogen depletion induced by Epinephrine in different skeletal muscles
Enhancement of Epinephrine Induced Cardiac Arrhythmias by Tetraethylammonium Chloride (Etamon).
Amino acids and amines as precursors of Epinephrine
The increase of the Epinephrine output under morphine depends upon the integrity of the splanchnic nerves
Effects of graded doses of Epinephrine and of norEpinephrine on blood pressure before and after total spinal anesthesia
The Intravenous Use of Epinephrine in Severe Bronchial Asthma
Epinephrine output from the adrenal glands in experimental diabetes
Epinephrine base suspended in water with thioglycolate
Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-NorEpinephrine on Foot Vasculature After Sympathectomy in Dogs
Eosinophil levels of the turtle after exposure to cold and Epinephrine
The Intensity of the Augmented Epinephrine Liberation Elicitable by Asphyxiating the Non= Anaesthetized Dog
Comparison of the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Vein Blood of Rabbits, Dogs, Goats and Badger Determinable by Means of the Rabbit Intestine Segment …
The influence of constant intravenous injection of Epinephrine on blood sugar of rats
The response of patients with bronchial asthma to Epinephrine and to adrenocorticotropic hormone
Effect of surgical sympathectomy on the sensitivity to Epinephrine of the blood vessels of muscular segments of the limbs
Effect of Stimulation of the Sensory Nerves upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands. The Third Report
Do the blood sugar level, the glycogen content of liver and muscle, and the Epinephrine content of the suprarenals in the rabbit undergo a seasonal variation
Influence of a previous injection of Epinephrine upon the diabetogenic effect of alloxan in rabbits
Effect of Epinephrine, antihistaminics and adrenergic blockade on egg white edema in adrenal insufficient rats.
Failure of procaine to reverse cyclopropane-Epinephrine ventricular fibrillation
Progressive Pseudohypertrophic Muscular Dystrophy: Results of Treatment with Epinephrine and Pilocarpine
VI. Diminished Blood Sugar and Serum Electrolyte Responses to Epinephrine
An analysis of the cardiovascular action of levo-Epinephrine and levo-nor-Epinephrine
The Effects of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, and Acetylcholine on the Electrogram of the Isolated Frog Heart
Epinephrine and Arterenol Determinations in aqueous humor and iris and ciliary body of cattle
… coronary flow and the oxygen consumption of the isolated dog heart in ventricular fibrillation and the effects of Epinephrine, levarterenol, isoproterenol, acetylcholine …
On the effect of insulin administration upon the Epinephrine content of the suprarenal body in rabbits
Effect of stimulation of the carotid sinus nerve upon the rate of Epinephrine liberation from the suprarenal glands of dogs
The action of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on the turtle ventricle
Carboxymethyl Ether of Epinephrine
Comparison of the Cat Paradoxical Eye Reaction and the Rabbit Intestine Strip Method for Assay of the Epinephrine Content of Blood of Cat
Effect of Epinephrine and Insulin on Tissue Electrolytes in Normal and Demedullated Rats
Amines related to Epinephrine. III. Amines of the eprocaine type
Metabolic response of dogs to hypoxia in the absence of circulating Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The Increase in Insulin Secretion Following Injection of Epinephrine and Its Relation to the High Liver Glycogen Values Obtained
Effects of hemorrhage on blood pressure responses to Epinephrine and to histamine
Effect of Shivering, Iodoacetate, and Epinephrine on Vitamin G and Greatine Excretion in Fasting Dogs.
Hemodynamic Effects of Subcutaneous, Submucosal, and Sub-gingival Injections of Procaine-Epinephrine Hydrochloride Solutions
The Distribution of Renal Ischemia Produced by Epi-Nephrine and Nor-Epinephrine as Demonstrated by the Fluorescent Dye Vasoflavine
Tetany in an Asthmatic Patient Following the Administration of Epinephrine
On the Effect of the Drugs of the Caffeine Group upon the Rate of Epinephrine Discharge from the Suprarenal Glands of Dogs
A Further Study of the Augmenting Action of Nictine upon the Epinephrine Secretion from the Suprarenals of the Non= Anaesthetized Dog
Cocaine Potentiation of Epinephrine and Ephedrine Action on Uterus and Intestine.
Influence of Epinephrine on Vasoconstrictor Action of Kidney Extracts.
Effect of respiratory acidosis and alkalosis on cyclopropane-Epinephrine induced arrhythmias in the dog
Some Reactions of Ammonolyzed Epinephrine
Inhibition of isolated auricles by anticholinesterases and reactivation with atropine and Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine Upon Level of Plasma Amino Acids in the Eviscerate Rat
A comparative study of the physiologic activity of cobefrin and Epinephrine
Experimental Arteriopathy: Spontaneous, Epinephrine-Thyroxine, and Cholesterol-Induced Forms
Action of acetylcholine on the Epinephrine output and blood sugar of dogs, and the splanchnic nerves
Potentiation of urethan anesthesia by Epinephrine
Effect of cyclopropane anesthesia on the glucose and Epinephrine levels of the blood
Comparison of eosinophil and circulating 17-hydroxycorticosteroid responses to Epinephrine and ACTH.
Effect of Tetraethylammonium Bromide on the Eosinopenic Response to Epinephrine
Epinephrine secretion in animals with experimental diabetes
Effects of Regitine (C-7337) upon the blood flow responses to Epinephrine in the innervated hind limb of the dog
The Action of Drugs on the Output of Epinephrine From the Adrenals. VI. Atropine; Pilocarpine
Human autonomic pharmacology: XVIII. Effects of the intra-arterial injection of acetylcholine, acetyl-beta-methylcholine chloride, Epinephrine, and benzedrine sulfate
Comparative Physiological Action of Quaternary Ammonium Salts of the Epinephrine Series.
Mechanism of Epinephrine-induced Tachycardia in the Frog
Effect of Epinephrine on Adrenal Ascorbic Acid Following Premedication With Lysergic Acid Diethylamides or 5-Hydroxyindolalkylamines
On the glucose tolerance test, and the effect on the formed elements of the blood of glucose and Epinephrine in schizophrenia
Effect of Histamine, Epinephrine and Anti-Histamine (Antistine) on Glucose Turnover in the Isolated Liver
Effects of insulin and Epinephrine on the blood acetone in fasting children
Effect of splenectomy, nephrectomy and other procedures on Epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema
Circulating Leukocytes in Sodium Chloride Deficient Rats and Their Response to Epinephrine, ACTH, Cortisone and Desoxycorticosterone Acetate
Chelating agents as color stabilizers for Epinephrine hydrochloride solutions
Eosinopenic responses of pyridoxine-deficient rats to Epinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone and hypoxia.
The Amount of Epinephrine in Extracts of the Medulla, Cortex and Whole Suprarenal Gland of Rabbits, Pigs, Cattle and Horses, Determinable by Means of Some …
Nor-Epinephrine Cells of Adrenal Medulla Following Hypothermia and Unilateral Adrenalectomy
An Unusual Skin Reaction to Epinephrine
An initial depression of heart rate in response to Epinephrine in human subjects
Reactions of Epinephrine in Oil
A Note on the effect of Epinephrine on the excised terrapin sino-auricular and atjricular apex strips
Effect of graded amounts of Epinephrine on normal and stress lymphocytes of intact and adrenalectomized mice
Changes in electrolyte and water composition after glucose in unprotected and Epinephrine-protected rats
Epinephrine and the Blood Sugar Level
A Nonoxidizing Epinephrine to Prolong Spinal Anesthesia with a Subarachnoid Capacity Control (Concluded).
Some effects of repeated injections of Epinephrine and of an adrenergic blocking agent on the daily excretion of water and electrolytes in the dog
On the Epinephrine Estimates Obtainable by Some Methods, Chemical and Biological, in the Extract of Bovine Suprarenal Medulla
The After-effect of Epinephrine Chloride and Ephedrine Hydrochloride on the Mucosa of the Nasal Septum
Influence of Epinephrine on Vasoconstrictive Action of Organ Extracts.
Influence of metallic ions on the reaction of ethylene diamine with Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Influence of diphenhydramine on blood pressure response to Epinephrine in the dog under adrenergic blockade
The role of Epinephrine and the effect of amine oxidase inhibitor (Marsilid) in anaphylaxis in the guinea pig
… of Adrenaline Hydrochloride and Epinephrine Extracted from Bovine Suprarenal Medulla by Folin in Various Media and of Epinephrine Liberated from Suprarenal …
Inability of Epinephrine to protect Rhode Island chicks against the lethal action of X-rays
Epinephrine Hypertensive Effects Before and After Cocaine
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on barbiturates anesthesia in mice
Lactic acid response to Epinephrine in experimental liver disease.
Studies of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. V. Responses of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, eosinophils, and glucose to ACTH and Epinephrine
Comparative actions of dextro-and levo-Epinephrine on human heart
The Heart in the Terminal State: Effect of Intracardiac Epinephrine
Suppression of cyclopropane-Epinephrine arrhythmias in dogs by four phenothiazine derivatives
Influence of acute Epinephrine hypertension on calculated resistance of canine femoral vascular bed
Epinephrine Discharge, Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure in Anaphylactic Shock of Dogs, Non= Anaesthetized, Non= Fastened
Effect of plasma on Epinephrine fluorescence
Changes in circulating eosinophils in juvenile diabetics in response to Epinephrine, ACTH and hypoglycemia
Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenals of Rabbits in Peptone Poisoning
The role of adrenalin (Epinephrine) in labor and the use of an adrenolytic drug to prevent postpartum hemorrhage: Observations based on 3,500 cases
Antagonism of inotropic responses of frog heart to Epinephrine and acetylcholine.
Potentiation of Glycogenolytic Effect of Epinephrine by Desoxycorticosterone in Certain Skeletal Muscles.
CII.—The synthesis of substances allied to Epinephrine
Observations on Hemodynamic Effect of Epinephrine in Unanesthetized Dog.
Effect of Procaine Hydrochloride on Response of the Heart to Epinephrine During Cyclopropane Anaesthesia
Simultaneous Determination of the Blood Sugar Content and the Epinephrine Output from the Suprarenal Gland in the Non= Anaesthetized, Non= Fastened Dog …
Influence of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on respiratory variations in vascular pressures
Diagnostic Significance of Epinephrine Instilled into Conjunctival Sacs
Effect of Dibenamine on Cyclopropane-Epinephrine Arrhythmias
Loss of pharmacologic activity in x-irradiated Epinephrine solutions.
Studies in Anaphylaxis in the Rabbit: II. A Study of the Effect of Histamine, Barium Chloride and Epinephrine on Unstriped Muscle of the Guinea Pig and Rabbit
Augmented Epinephrine secretion by insulin or peptone depends upon the integrity of the splanchnic nerves
Significance of the augmented Epinephrine secretion upon the alteration of the blood sugar content, etc., after insulin administration
Cardiovascular Responses to Nor-Epinephrine Before and After Denervation of the Pressoreceptors
Epinephrine Bitartrate: Uses Other than in the Treatment of Glaucoma
Mechanism of Erythremia: Erythremia Resulting from Traumatic Shock in Dogs and from Injections of Epinephrine into Human Beings and Dogs
Influence of sodium bisulfite on the toxicity of Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on the Oxygen Consumption of Frogs Before and After Hepatectomy.
Simultaneous Determination of the Epinephrine Liberation and the Sugar Content and Coagulation Time of Blood in the Non= Fastened, Non= Anaesthetized Dogs …
Comparison of Assays of Epinephrine in the Suprarenal Extract from Oxen, Pigs, Cats, Dogs and Rabbits by Means of the Cat Paradoxical Eye Reaction, the Rabbit …
The Blood Sugar Level and the Epinephrine Output from the Suprarenal Gland of the Dog in Diphtheritic Intoxication
Effects of Epinephrine and Amphetamine on Respiration and Blood Pressure in Different Postures
The Replacement of Epinephrine in the Suprarenals and the Splanchnic Nerves Experiments on rabbits with physostimine
Local cutaneous allergy (Arthus phenomenon) from Epinephrine
Amines Related to Epinephrine. II. Some More Amines of the “Eprocaine” Type
Loss of Protein From the Blood Stream: Effects of the Injection of Solution of Pituitary and of Epinephrine
Effect of Urethane upon the Rate of the Epinephrine Discharge from the Suprarenal Gland of Dogs
A Clinical Trial of the Epinephrine-Mecholyl Test in a Mixed Group of Psychiatric Patients
The primary depression and secondary rise in blood pressure caused by Epinephrine
Effects of tranquilizing drugs on cerebral cortical reactions to Epinephrine
The Effect of Intravenous ACTH, With and Without Epinephrine
Reactions of Surviving Human Umbilical Arteries to 1-Epinephrine, 1-NorEpinephrine, Acetylcholine and Histamine
Effect of Strychnine upon the Rate of Epinephrine Output from the Suprarenal Glands of Dogs
Effect of Epinephrine on Potassium Balance in the Perfused Hind Limbs of the Frog
Mechanism of the Protective Action of Magnesium in Mechanical Trauma Involving Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Estimation of Epinephrine of Folin’s Extract by Suto’s Method
On the Influence of Ether Anaesthesia on the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenals of the Dog
A Modified Class Demonstration of Difference Between Ephedrine and Epinephrine Blood-Pressure Response After Cocaine
Studies on the vasomotor centre. III. The action of Epinephrine
A Further Study of the Effect of Insulin upon the Epinephrine Load of the Suprarenal Glands in Rabbits
Influence of Avertin= Anaesthesia upon the Acceleration by Insulin of the Epinephrine Secretion
Autoclaved Epinephrine and Spinal Anesthesia
Epinephrine Output Rate after Atropine
Circulatory Actions of Digitalis and Strophanthus and Comparisons With Histamine and Epinephrine
Evidence That the Glomerular Zone Is Stimulated by Epinephrine, Causing an Eosinopenia in Hypophysectomized Rats
… of the Injury of the Lobulus Posterior Medianus (Ingvar) of the Cerebellum upon the Blood Pressure, the Blood Sugar Content and the Epinephrine Secretion in Non …
A comparison of several dose-action curves for the pressor action of Epinephrine
Blood Pressure Responses to Epinephrine in the Etherized Dog, Before and After Baroreceptor Denervation
The role of Epinephrine in the lack of response to insulin in diphtheria intoxication
The effects of Epinephrine and ephedrine administered intrathecally upon cardiac automaticity during cyclopropane anesthesia
Epinephrine secretion and blood sugar content in dogs after chloralose
Effect of hyper-immune states on human blood pressure response to Epinephrine
Effect of Adrenergic Blocking Agents on the Cutaneous Action of Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Underfed and ad Libitum-Fed Rats
The effects of Epinephrine on the blood sugar and potassium levels in hypothermia
Failure to Show Supersensitivity to l-Epinephrine and l-NorEpinephrine in the Chronic Denervated Heart in Unanesthetized Dogs
Some chemical effects from constant intravenous Epinephrine injection in dogs
Amines Related to Epinephrine. I. Some Amines of the “Eprocaine” Type1
Renal and vascular responses to Epinephrine injections in glomerular and aglomerular fish
Local sensitivity to Epinephrine of animal origin
Effect of Epinephrine on the Adrenocortical Activity of Psychotic Patients
Accumulation of a Precursor of Lactic Acid in Muscle After Epinephrine Injections.
Stimulation of the hypophysis by administering Epinephrine in adrenalectomized rats
Studies on the Hypotensive Action of Dihydro Ergokryptine (DHK) and Epinephrine-Reversal in the Dog and Cat
Epinephrine Metabolites: Relationship of Epinephrine Metabolites to Schizophrenia.
Blood Pressure of the Woodchuck and its Response to Injections of Histamine and Epinephrine
Effect of halogenated ethylamines on cardiac arrhythmias induced by Epinephrine, nicotine and cyclopropane
The Effect of Epinephrine on Serum Lipoproteins
Is the Hyperglycaemia= Provoking Capacity of Asphyxial Blood Due to Epinephrine
Alterations in organ glycogen reserves and respiration following Epinephrine
The effects of pharmacologic agents on the pulmonary circulation in the dog; studies on Epinephrine, nor-Epinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, acetylcholine …
Does the Administration of Adrenaline Alter the Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Load of the Suprarenal Glands in Rabbits?
Observations in Cardiac Arrest During Operation. Ventricular Fibrillation with Recovery, After Intracardiac Epinephrine. Case Report.
Prognostic Significance of the Epinephrine Test in Preoperative Patients
Anaphylactic Shock and Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenals
Epinephrine-Chlortetracycline Induced Arrhythmia in the Isolated Rat Heart
Red cell volume, water content and oxygen capacity of blood expelled from spleen of the dog by Epinephrine
Effect of Severe Cold upon the Rate of the Denervated Heart of Non= Anaesthetized Dogs and the Epinephrine Secretion
Effect of dihydroergotamine on Epinephrine response in the hind-limb of dogs.
Effect of Continuous Injection of Epinephrine upon the Glycosuria of Partially Depancreatized Rats
A clinical study of ‘sus-phrine,’an aqueous Epinephrine suspension for sustained action
The influence of oxytocin and Epinephrine upon uterine motility and metabolism
Significance of the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion after Haemorrhage in Dogs upon the Simultaneous Occurrence of Hyperglycaemia
Effect of an Adrenolytic Drug on the Erythrocyte and Leukocyte Response to Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine in Normal Dogs
How Atropine Interferes With the Epinephrine Secretion Causable by Morphine or Insulin?
Adsorbents for Procaine-Epinephrine Solutions
The treatment of chorea minor with Epinephrine
… of action of a-toco pheryl phosphate, With special reference to carbohydrate metabOlism of striated muscle. 1. MOdification Of Epinephrine effect (hyperlac tacidemia) …
A Note on the Effect of the Intravenous Administration of Tetanus Toxine Fluid upon the Rate of Epinephrine Discharge from the Suprarenal Glands of Dogs
Influence of Diphtheria Toxine on the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenals in Rabbits
The Effect of Frequency of Ejaculation and Epinephrine Injections on the Semen Production and Libido of Young Bulls
Effect of Pilocarpine on Epinephrine Reversal Produced by 2-(Np’toly-N-(m’-hydroxyphenyl)-aminomethyl)-Imidazoline. HCl (C-7337)
Single injection treatment of gonorrhea with potassium penicillin suspension in oil-containing Epinephrine.
The therapeutic use of the amino acid histidine in allergy and shock—“Histidine as a factor in histamine Epinephrine balance”
The effect of catalytic amounts of Epinephrine and of adrenochrome on the oxidation of glycine
Effect of Veronal Anaesthesia upon the Epinephrine Secretion and the Blood Sugar Concentration
The effect of storage on procaine-Epinephrine solution.
Non-Occurrence of the Compensatory Increase of the Epinephrine Content in the Suprarenal Gland in Rabbits
Action of Lobelin upon the Epinephrine Output Rate and the Blood Sugar Content of Dogs
A Comparison of the Colorimetric Determinations of Epinephrine by Folin, Cannon and Denis, and by Suto and Inouye with the Rabbit Intestine Segment Method
Effect of Epinephrine on Urinary pH and Electrolyte Excretion in Man
Asphyxia and the Epinephrine Load of the Suprarenal Capsules in Rabbits
Effect of Acetylcholine on the Epinephrine Output in Cats
Insulin Hypoglycemia and Epinephrine Output from the Adrenal Glands
Gas Gangrene Following Injection of Epinephrine
Effects of Intrathecal Administration of Epinephrine on Cardiac Rhythm in Dogs Anesthetized with Cyclopropane
The effect of Epinephrine on lipin excretion.
Influence of Atropine upon the Reduction of Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Gland, due to Certain Agencies
Influence of preliminary administration of insulin or of Epinephrine hydrochloride upon the fatal dose of sodium evipal in albino mice
Spirometric evaluation of “Ethyl-Nor-Epinephrine” in bronchial asthma
Diagnostic value of Epinephrine probe test in traumas of skull and brain
Fluorescence of Ethylenediamine Derivatives of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Epinephrine WAS NOT USED
Action of Morphine on the Epinephrine Output and the Blood Sugar Content in Dogs, Anaesthetized with Avertin
The Epinephrine Load in the Suprarenal Glands of Rabbits after Administration of Ammonium Chloride and Magnesium Sulphate
Rauwolfia Hypotension II.: Action of the Alseroxylon Alkaloids and Epinephrine on the Carotid Pressoreceptors
A Study of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Anesthesia in Humans Comparing 2.0 Per Cent Procaine with 2.0 Per Cent Procaine Plus 1: 50,000 Epinephrine
… the Differentiation Between Bronchial Asthma vs. Cardiac Disease, and Possible Ill Effects From the Administration of Excessive Amounts of Epinephrine in the Former …
Prolonged spinal analgesia with Epinephrine, pontocaine and dextrose.
On the Significance of the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion on Haemorrhage upon the Hyperglycaemia and Hypotension Simultaneously Occurring
Effect of low potassium diet on cyclopropane-Epinephrine ventricular tachycardia and arterial plasma potassium in dogs.
Influence of Hyaluronidase and Epinephrine on Pudendal-Block Anesthesia
Pressor drugs. II. Rate of loss in pressor potency of solutions of Epinephrine and its analogs during storage
Effect of Sodium Bisulfite and Rutin on Action of Epinephrine. The “Bisulfite Phenomenon” in Man.
Analogs of (±)-Epinephrine
The Effects of Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine on the Blood Picture in the Rat
Studies on the Pathogenesis of Death Due to X-ray Exposure: I. Abnormalities of the Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine Responses of Cartoid Arteries of …
e Cirugía on the good results obtained by the use of Epinephrine
On Epinephrine Tests in Skin Diseases. II
On Epinephrine Tests in Skin Diseases. II
Epinephrine and the Blood Sugar Level
administration of Epinephrine invariably produced
Cardiovascular Responses to Epinephrine
The Stability of Mixtures of Old Tuberculin and Epinephrine as Prepared for the Heaf Test
A comparison of the effects of anthallan, pyribenzamine, and Epinephrine on smooth muscle
On Epinephrine Test in Skin Diseases. I
On Epinephrine Test in Skin Diseases. I
Comparative study of Epinephrine and an Epinephrine-like substance obtained from autolyzing adrenal glands.
Effect of Epinephrine on Convulsions
On the Presence of Epinephrine in the Suprarenal Bodies in Human and Bovine Foetuses
A Note on the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Glands of Dogs
Skin Changes after Subcutaneous Injection of Epinephrine
Epinephrine is still employed with more or less danger and success
Case of Large Overdose of Epinephrine
Effect of Vitacamphor upon the Epinephrine Secretion in Dogs
Antihistaminic substances and Epinephrine action on blood pressure
Comparative Sensitiveness of Blood Pressure and Intestinal Motility to Epinephrine.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Subsequent to Injection of Epinephrine
O-Methylation, the principal route of metabolism of Epinephrine in man.
The mechanism of the chloroform-Epinephrine and cyclopropane-Epinephrine cardiac arrhythmias, with observations on the protective effects of Glycolic acid and …
Influence of Epinephrine and related drugs on toxicity of procaine used intravenously in dogs.
Arterial Blood Pressure and Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscles as Influenced by Epinephrine.
On the Inactivation of Epinephrine Discharged from the Suprarenal Glands
Epinephrine Secretion and Blood Sugar Content in Dogs Anaesthetized with Avertin
Epinephrine Load of the Suprarenal Glands in Rabbits Exhausted from Muscular Work
Renal and Vascular Responses to Epinephrine Injections in Glomerular and Aglomerular Fish
The Role of Potassium in Epinephrine Action.(Journ. Pharm. and Exp. Therap., vol. lvii, p. 376, Aug., 1936.) Camp, WJR, and Higgins, JA
Effect of Digitalis upon the Epinephrine Discharge in Dogs
ether, carbon dioxide, Epinephrine hydrochloride, solu¬
On the Influence of Pilocarpine upon the Epinephrine Output from the Suprarenal Glands in Dogs and Cats
On the Epinephrine in the Blood of the Suprarenal Vein and in the Suprarenal Extract from the Rabbit during Pregnancy
Epinephrine Output Rate in Dogs after Sodium Nitrite Injection
Epinephrine HAND NEBULIZER IN ASTHMA—Technique of Use, Clinical Aspects
The Use of Epinephrine in Local Anesthetic Solutions for the Patient with Cardiac and Circulatory Disturbances
On Epinephrine and Retinal Photomechanical Responses
Fibrillation and defibrillation in dogs after chloroform and Epinephrine
The Role of Acetylcholine in Hydrocarbon-Epinephrine Arrhythmias
Day-to-day variations in the responses of the heart rate to Epinephrine and to arterenol in normal atropinized bitches
Structural Analogs of Epinephrine Precursors and Adrenochrome and Reactions in the 1, 3, 5-triazine Series
Influence of Strychnine and Cold= Puncture on the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Body of Rabbits
Prolongation of Hyperglycemic Effect of Epinephrine in Rabbits by Addition of Zinc Chloride
Effects of Epinephrine Injections upon Deep and Superficial Blood Vessels of Frog’s Tongue.
Dynamics of Insulin Secretion by the Pancreas and Epinephrine Secretion by the Suprarenal Gland.
Cardiac Arrhythmia Induced by Epinephrine-Aureomycin in Isolated Frog and Turtle Hearts
Diminution of Epinephrine Sensitivity of the Normal Human Heart Through Thiouracil.
Does Exclusion of the Carotid Sinus Augment the Epinephrine Secretion from the Suprarenal Gland in the Non= Anaesthetized Dog?
Effect of Stimulation of the Sensory Nerves upon the Rate of Liberation of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Glands. The Third Report
Effects of Epinephrine on Normal Hypertensive and Denervated Renal Vascular Systems in Man
Significance of the Augmented Epinephrine Discharge on Peptone Poisoning upon the Hypergiycaemia Simultaneously Occurring
Significance of the Augmented Epinephrine Liberation by the Piqûre upon the Fluctuation of the Blood Sugar and of the Mean Blood Pressure, Simul= taneously …
The Influence of Pentobarbital on the Inotropic Responses of the Isolated Frog Heart to Epinephrine and Acetylcholine
A Perfusion Fluid for the Rabbit Ear Vessels in Estimating the Epinephrine in Blood
The Influence of Epinephrine on the Glycogen Content and Respiration of Lymphoid and Other Organs
Studies of the Actions of Adrenal Cortical Hormones and Epinephrine Upon the Eosinophilic Leucocyte
Influence of Application of Cold to the Dog’s Body upon the Blood Pressure and the Blood Sugar, with Special Reference to the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion
Effect of Camphor upon the Epinephrine Output and the Blood Sugar Content in Non= Anaesthetized, Non= Fastened Dogs
Effect of Pilocarpine, Atropine, Morphine, and Epinephrine upon Oral and Pharyngeal Mucous Secretion.
Influence of Ephedrine upon the Epinephrine Discharge, the Blood Pressure and the Blood Sugar Content in Non= Fastened, Non= Anaesthetized Dogs
Does the Amount of Epinephrine in the Peripheral Blood after Morphine Exceed the Limits Deter-minable by the Frog Legs Vessels Method
… to brief stress; the blood level of leucocytes and adrenal function in epilepsy; electrically induced convulsions, and after injection of Epinephrine; a review and …
The Minimum Effective Dose of Strychnine in Causing the Augmented Output of Epinephrine from the Suprarenal Gland in the Non= Anaesthetized, Non= Fastened …
On the Rôle of the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion in Dogs after Guanidine upon the Fluctuation of the Blood Sugar Concentration Simultaneously Occurring
On the Rôle of the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion in Dogs after Morphine upon the Fluctuation of the Blood Sugar Concentration Simultaneously Occurring
… showed normal values upon Epinephrine testw but (+) upon ACTH tests. This, if the percentage of decrease of eosinophils alone is considered, Epinephrine …
The comparative effects of small intravenous doses of Epinephrine upon arterial pressure and pulse rate in normotensive subjects and in hypertensive patients …
The Amount of Epinephrine in Extracts of the Medulla, Cortex and Whole Suprarenal Gland of Rabbits, Pigs, Cattle and Horses, Determinable by Means of Some …
A Comparative Study of the Colorimetric Method of Folin, Cannon and Denis and that of Suto and Inouye for the Determination of Epinephrine.(Experiments on the …
The Role of the Augmented Epinephrine Secretion in Dogs after the Administration of Nicotine in the Fluctuation of the Arterial Blood Pressure and the Blood Sugar …
Comparison of the Epinephrine Content of the Suprarenal Vein Blood of Rabbits, Dogs, Goats and Badger Determinable by Means of the Rabbit Intestine Segment …
Studies on the Effect of Cancer on the Pituitary-Adrenocortical System Part IV. The Effect of Cancer on ACTH-, and Epinephrine-eosinopenia.(Thorn’s Test)
… ; interpretation of the effect of hyaluronic action and studies on the effect of testicular hyaluronidase on experimental acute pulmonary edema induced with Epinephrine
Excerpt of Funkenstein, DH, Greenblatt, M., Salomon, C., 1952:> Nor-Epinephrine-like and Epinephrine-subsistences in psychotic and psychoneurotic patients,< in …
Studies of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. V. Responses of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, eosinophils, and glucose to ACTH and Epinephrine.
Epinephrine, chlorpromazine, and amusement.
The effect of Epinephrine on immunoreactive insulin levels in man.
A receptor mechanism for the inhibition of insulin release by Epinephrine in man
The role of superoxide anion in the autoxidation of Epinephrine and a simple assay for superoxide dismutase
The physiological disposition of H3-Epinephrine and its metabolite metanephrine
Hypophysectomy and the Lipolytic Action of Epinephrine in vitro.
Augmentation of the plasma nor-Epinephrine response to exercise in patients with congestive heart failure
Dependence of the lipolytic action of Epinephrine in vitro upon thyroid hormone
Epinephrine in cardiac resuscitation
Metabolism of Epinephrine and other sympathomimetic amines
Adrenocortical control of Epinephrine synthesis
Epinephrine release and liver glycogen levels after carbon tetrachloride administration
Studies on rat adipose tissue in vitro VI. Effect of Epinephrine on glucose metabolism
Epinephrine maculopathy
The response of neoplastic renal vessels to Epinephrine in man
Effects of Epinephrine, insulin, and corticotrophin on the metabolism of rat adipose tissue
Pheochromocytoma with predominant Epinephrine secretion
The nature of the Epinephrine-induced hyperlipidemia in dogs and its modification by glucose
The effect of contraction and of Epinephrine on the phosphorylase activity of frog sartorius muscle
Effect of Epinephrine on Glucose Uptake and Glycerol Release by Adipose Tissue in vitro
The effect of Epinephrine on testosterone production
The effect of Epinephrine on adenosine 3′, 5′-phosphate levels in the isolated perfused rat heart
Interaction of glucocorticoids with glucagon and Epinephrine in the control of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in liver and of lipolysis in adipose tissue
Mobilization of fatty acids by Epinephrine in normal and hypophysectomized rhesus monkeys.
Response of plasma NEFA levels to Epinephrine infusions in normal and obese women.
Hypotensive agents and pressor substances: the effect of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, angiotensin II, and others on the secretory rate of aldosterone in man
Renin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine responses to graded exercise.
Inhibitor of O-methylation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in vitro and in vivo
Mechanism of hydrocortisone potentiation of responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in rabbit aorta
Effect of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine on nonesterified fatty acid concentration in plasma
Topical Epinephrine therapy of open-angle glaucoma
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on the electrocardiogram of 100 normal subjects∗
Studies on the metabolism of adipose tissue. XII. The effects of insulin and Epinephrine on free fatty acid and glycerol production in the presence and absence of …
Epinephrine: cascade reactions and glycogenolytic effect
Adrenocortical control of the biosynthesis of Epinephrine and proteins in the adrenal medulla
The effect of nicotine and smoking on the secretion of Epinephrine
The metabolic fate of H3-Epinephrine and C14-metanephrine in the rat
Contrasting requirements for the lipolytic action of corticotropin and Epinephrine on adipose tissue in vitro
Epinephrine: selective inhibition of the acute insulin response to glucose
Effect of fasting, Epinephrine and glucose and insulin on hepatic uptake of nonesterified fatty acids
Concurrent plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels during conditioned emotional disturbances in monkeys
Autonomic response patterns during intravenous infusion of Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine
Control of Epinephrine synthesis in the adrenal medulla by the adrenal cortex: hormonal specificity and dose-response characteristics
Drug-set interaction: Psychological and physiological effects of Epinephrine under differential expectation.
Effect of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and angiotensin on blood flow in the internal carotid artery of man
Metabolic response to Epinephrine in bronchial asthma
… materials II. The measurement of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate in tissues and the role of the cyclic nucleotide in the lipolytic response of fat to Epinephrine
The Epinephrine effect in selective renal angiography
Metabolic effects of Epinephrine in the isolated, perfused rat heart I. Dissociation of the glycogenolytic from the metabolic stimulatory effect
The direct effects of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and methoxamine on myocardial contractile force in man
Effect of Epinephrine on the renal circulation: Angiographic observations
Xanthine oxidase-mediated oxidation of Epinephrine
Myometrial and cardiovascular responses to alterations in plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Epinephrine-insulin antagonism on free fatty acid release
A sensitive double-isotope derivative assay for norEpinephrine and Epinephrine: Normal resting human plasma levels
Influence of chlorothiazide upon arterial responsiveness to nor-Epinephrine in hypertensive subjects
Some Epinephrine analogs
Comparison of the arrhythmic doses of Epinephrine during Forane, halothane, and fluroxene anesthesia in dogs
Studies on the activation of phosphorylase in skeletal muscle by contraction and by Epinephrine
Systemic effects of Epinephrine applied topically to the eye
Lipolysis and lipogenesis from glucose in human fat cells of different sizes: Effects of insulin, Epinephrine, and theophylline
Accumulation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by some rat tissues
Extreme Epinephrine sensitivity with a general anesthesia
Effect of beta adrenergic blockade on the hemodynamic responses to Epinephrine in man
Epinephrine metabolism in phenylketonuria.
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction caused by topical Epinephrine
Human red blood cells: prostaglandin E2, Epinephrine, and isoproterenol alter deformability
Enzymatic conversion of norEpinephrine to Epinephrine by the brain
Effects of medium fatty acid concentration, Epinephrine, and glucose on palmitate-l-C14 oxidation and incorporation into neutral lipids by skeletal muscle in vitro
Myocardial metabolic and contractile response to glucagon and Epinephrine
The response of blood glucose, ketones, and plasma nonesterified fatty acids to fasting and Epinephrine injection in infants and children
Mechanism of action of Epinephrine and glucagon on the canine heart: Evidence for increase in sarcotubular calcium stores mediated by cyclic 3′, 5′-AMP
Effects of electrical stimulation and Epinephrine on muscle phosphorylase, phosphorylase b kinase, and adenosine 3′, 5′-phosphate
Madarosis in chronic Epinephrine therapy
Studies on the mechanism of hydrocortisone potentiation of vasoconstrictor responses to Epinephrine in the anesthetized animal
Plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man
Studies on the Metabolism of Adipose Tissue. XIII. The Effect of Anaerobic Conditions and Dietary Regime on the Response to Insulin and Epinephrine*
Cardiac actions of methoxamine: With special reference to its antagonistic action to Epinephrine
Theophylline, Epinephrine, and neostigmine facilitation of neuromuscular transmission.
Effect of cell size on Epinephrine-and ACTH-induced fatty acid release from isolated fat cells
Control of hepatic mitochondrial CO2 fixation by glucagon, Epinephrine, and cortisol
Kalemotropic effect of Epinephrine: analysis with adrenergic agonists and antagonists
Effect of selected hexoses, of Epinephrine and of glucagon on insulin secretion in man
Identification of and observations on Epinephrine and norEpinephrine containing cells in the adrenal medulla
Epinephrine-induced hypokalemia: relation to liver and skeletal muscle
Glucose metabolism and plasma insulin level during Epinephrine infusion in the dog
In Vitro Stimulation of Renin Production by Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, and Cyclic AMP
Enzymic oxidation of Epinephrine to adrenochrome by the salivary gland
Infiltration with Epinephrine and local anesthetic mixture in the hand
Reactivation of herpetic keratitis by Epinephrine in rabbit
The absence of plasma free fatty acid response to Epinephrine in vitamin-C-deprived guinea pigs
The use of Epinephrine in the presence of halothane in children
The influence of Epinephrine and fasting on adipose tissue content and release of free fatty acids in obese-hyperglycemic and lean mice
Epinephrine formation and metabolism in mammalian brain.
Technique for the study of alternate metabolic pathways; Epinephrine metabolism in man
The effect of glucagon, phenmetrazine and Epinephrine on hunger, food intake and plasma nonesterified fatty acids.
Influence of Epinephrine and fasting on free fatty acid mobilization in goldthioglucose-induced obesity
Effects of metabolic acidosis on ventricular isometric systolic tension and the response to Epinephrine and levarterenol
Elevation of Plasma Epinephrine Levels Produced by Glucagon in Vivo
A block in Epinephrine-induced glycogenolysis in hearts from adrenalectomized rats
Platelet aggregation: III. An Epinephrine induced decrease in cyclic AMP synthesis
Blockade of responses of isolated myocardium to Epinephrine
Effect of r-Epinephrine-impregnated retraction cord on the cardiovascular system
The Injection of Epinephrine During General Anesthesia: With Halogenated Hydrocarbons and Cyclopropane in Man: 2. Halothane
Phosphofructokinase activity in skeletal muscle extracts following administration of Epinephrine
Reinitiation of gonadotropin release in underfed rats by constant light or Epinephrine
Corneal deposits secondary to topical Epinephrine
Effect of aminophylline on urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in man
Inhibition of phenethanolamine N-methyl transferase by its product, Epinephrine
Improvement of the coefficient of outflow in glaucomatous eyes: Prolonged local treatment with Epinephrine
Plasma concentrations of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during intravenous infusions in man
Urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during pregnancy
Paradoxical effects of Epinephrine on excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle
Effects of Epinephrine on asthmatic children: effects of Epinephrine on blood glucose, pulmonary function, and heart rate of children with asthma of varying severity
Effect of alpha-and beta-adrenergic blocking agents on the renin response to hypoglycemia and Epinephrine in dogs
Severe reaction to accidental subcutaneous administration of large doses of Epinephrine
The enzymatic conversion of epinine to Epinephrine
Fatty acid esterification and release as related to the carbohydrate metabolism of adipose tissue: effect of Epinephrine, cortisol, and adrenalectomy
Effects of Epinephrine, stress, and exercise on insulin secretion by the rat
Inhibition of tryptophan pyrrolase by serotonin, Epinephrine and tryptophan analogs
Studies of aqueous humor dynamics in man: II. Measurements in young normal subjects using acetazolamide and L-Epinephrine
The estimation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in human plasma
Oxidative metabolism of myocardium as influenced by fatty acids and Epinephrine
Protection against Epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis by drugs that inhibit platelet aggregation
Interrelationships between angiotensin, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, aldosterone secretion, and electrolyte metabolism in man
Role of calcium in contractile excitation of vascular smooth muscle by Epinephrine and potassium
Inhibition of O-methyltransferase by catechol and sensitization to Epinephrine
… actions of adrenocorticotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, vasopressin, α-and β-melanocyte-stimulating hormones, fraction H, Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in …
Hormone action at the membrane level. II. The binding of Epinephrine and glucagon to the rat liver plasma membrane
Improved procedure for formation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine fluorophors by the trihydroxyindole reaction
Divergent effects of Epinephrine and prostaglandin E1 on the level of cyclic AMP in human blood platelets
Influence of respiratory acidosis on circulatory effect of Epinephrine in dogs
Interactions between Epinephrine and some psychotomimetic drugs
The physiological and psychological effects of intravenously administered Epinephrine, and its metabolism, in normal and schizophrenic men: III.
Effect of lidocaine with Epinephrine versus lidocaine (plain) on induced labor
Comparison of some metabolic responses in normal and asthmatic subjects to Epinephrine and glucagon
Control of Gluconeogenesis in Liver: III. Effects of L-lactate, pyruvate, fructose, glucagon, Epinephrine, and adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate on gluconeogenic …
The fluorometric estimation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine: an improved modification of the trihydroxyindole method
Adenyl Cyclase and Hormone Action, I. Effects of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, Glucagon, and Epinephrine on the Plasma Membrane of Rat Fat Cells
Disposition of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in vascular tissue, determined by the technique of oil immersion
Supersensitivity by cocaine to dextrorotatory isomers of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Lipolytic activity and inhibition of insulin release by Epinephrine in the pig
Propranolol block of Epinephrine-induced hypokaliaemia in man
Human Epinephrine secretion. Direct measurement of the secretion of Epinephrine from the human adrenal medulla
The mechanism of sensitization of the ventricle to Epinephrine by halothane
Regulation of glycolysis in muscle II. Effect of stimulation and Epinephrine in isolated frog sartorius muscle
Comparison of glucagon and Epinephrine effects in the dog
Myocardial injury from Epinephrine overdosage
The concentration of radioactivity from labeled Epinephrine and its precursors in the dog adrenal medulla
Early effects of Epinephrine on aqueous humor dynamics in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus ethiops)
The Epinephrine effect in angiography of gastrointestinal tract tumors
Mechanism of the potassium mobilizing action of Epinephrine and glucagon
The effect of pH on human platelet aggregation induced by Epinephrine and ADP
Studies on hemorrhagic and endotoxin shock in relation to vasomotor changes and endogenous circulating Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and serotonin
The influence of insulin and Epinephrine on adenosine 3′, 5′-phosphate and glycogen transferase in muscle
Urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during fasting in late pregnancy in the rat
The stimulus-secretion coupling of glucose-induced insulin release: I. Interaction of Epinephrine and alkaline earth cations
Effect of l-Epinephrine infusion on uterine contractility and cardiovascular system
A central nervous system component of Epinephrine hyperglycemia
Relative potency of glucagon and Epinephrine as hepatic glycogenolytic agents: studies with the isolated perfused rat liver
Epinephrine induction of white hair in ACI rats
Effect of Epinephrine on phosphorylase b kinase in perfused rat hearts
Action of Epinephrine and other cyclic AMP-mediated agents on the chloride transport of the frog cornea
Kinetics and mechanism of formation of sulfonate from Epinephrine and bisulfite
Increased rate of metabolism of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by sympathomimetic amines
Maternal cardiovascular dynamics VI. Cesarean section under epidural anesthesia without Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on nitrogen and fat deposition of pigs
Effect of Epinephrine on celiac and superior mesenteric angiography
Effects of Epinephrine on forearm blood flow and metabolism in man
Effect of Epinephrine on glycogen stores
Kinetics of cyclic adenosine monophosphate changes in rat heart following Epinephrine administration
Circulating Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in coronary occlusion∗
Inhibition of insulin secretion by infused Epinephrine in rhesus monkeys
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on coronary vascular resistance in dogs
Evaluation of an Epinephrine test in obesity
Growth hormone and insulin release after arginine: indifference to hyperglycemia and Epinephrine
Stabilization of Epinephrine against sulfite attack
Release of tritiated Epinephrine following sympathetic nerve stimulation
Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in renal disease: blood glucose unresponsiveness to hypoglycemia, Epinephrine, and glucagon
The effects of triiodothyronine on hemodynamic responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in man
A histochemical and electron microscopic study of of Epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis
Cardiac arrhythmias induced by minimal doses of Epinephrine in cyclopropane-anesthetized dogs
The effect of thyroxin, corticosteroids, and Epinephrine on atrial rate
Urinary excretion of free norEpinephrine and free Epinephrine in patients with acute myocardial infarction in relation to its clinical course
Chronic catheterization of coronary artery: induction of ECG pattern of myocardial ischemia by intracoronary Epinephrine.
Fluorimetric determination of plasma catecholamines: normal human Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels
The relation of thyroidal hormone level to Epinephrine response: a diagnostic test for hyperthyroidism
Effect of Epinephrine on myocardial triglyceride and free fatty acid utilization
Cytochemistry of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine adrenomedullary cells
Impaired responsiveness to Epinephrine in asthma
Prevention of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation by intravenous isoproterenol and Epinephrine
Mechanism of Epinephrine inhibition of the milk ejecting response to oxytocin
Mechanism of Epinephrine and serotonin inhibition of insulin release in the golden hamster in vitro
The role of potassium and calcium ions in the effect of Epinephrine on cardiac cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate, phosphorylase kinase, and phosphorylase
Significance of Epinephrine in insulin hypoglycemia in man
Peripheral venous blood concentrations of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in primary Raynaud’s disease
Independent variation of glucagon and Epinephrine responsive components of hepatic adenyl cyclase as a function of age, sex and steroid hormones
Catecholamine metabolism in affective disorders: II. NorEpinephrine, normetanephrine, Epinephrine, metanephrine, and VMA excretion in hypomanic patients
On the mechanism of Epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema
Epinephrine in the treatment of cardiac failure due to shunts
Effects of hyperthyroidism, Epinephrine, and diet on heart lipoprotein lipase activity
Effects of Epinephrine on glucose transport and metabolism in adipose tissue of normal and hypothyroid rats
Thyroxin, reserpine, Epinephrine and temperature on atrial rate
Independence of the effects of Epinephrine, glucagon, and adrenocorticotropin on glucose utilization from those on lipolysis in isolated rat adipose cells
Effects of angiotensin, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and vasopressin on venous return
Effects of Epinephrine on cardiac cyclic 3′, 5′-AMP, phosphorylase kinase, and phosphorylase
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on the mesenteric circulation of the cat
Influence of hydrocortisone on cardiovascular responses to Epinephrine
Conjunctival melanin depositions: A side-effect of topical Epinephrine therapy
A clinical evaluation of local anaesthetic solutions containing graded Epinephrine concentrations
Urinary norEpinephrine and Epinephrine excretion in delirium tremens
Respiration in isolated fat cells and the effects of Epinephrine
Hepatic vascular response to Epinephrine
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine in the embryo and embryonic heart of the chick: uptake and subcellular distribution
Antagonism of Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias by 4-(2-isopropylamino-1-hydroxyethyl) methanesulfonanilide (MJ 1999)
Release of a thromboplastic substance from arterial walls by Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and cyclic 3′, 5′-AMP on perfused rat hearts
Epinephrine binding to the catecholamine receptor and activation of the adenylate cyclase in erythrocyte membranes
Halogenated hydrocarbon-induced cardiac arrhythmias associated with release of endogenous Epinephrine
Locus of emetic action of Epinephrine and dopa in dogs
The effect of drugs on the release of Epinephrine from adrenomedullary particles in vitro
Hormone action at the membrane level III. Epinephrine interaction with the rat liver plasma membrane
Membrane effects of Epinephrine in the heart
Effects of Epinephrine on iodine and intermediary metabolism in isolated thyroid cells
Lipolytic action of Epinephrine in adipose tissue homogenates
Epinephrine levels in the peripheral blood during irreversible hemorrhagic shock in dogs
Gastric mucosal ulceration after Epinephrine
Kinetics of degradation in solution of Epinephrine by molecular oxygen
Stimulation of respiration in brown fat cells by Epinephrine, dibutyryl-3′, 5′-adenosine monophosphate, and m-chloro (carbonyl cyanide) phenylhydrazone
Acidosis and blood Epinephrine levels in hemorrhagic hypotension
Conditions leading to enhanced response to glucagon, Epinephrine, or prostaglandins by adenylate cyclase of normal and malignant cultured cells
Epinephrine infusion in man: standardization, normal response, and abnormal response in idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
Glucagon and Epinephrine stimulation of adenyl cyclase in isolated rat liver plasma membranes
Stimulation of amino acid transport in rat liver slices by Epinephrine, glucagon, and adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate
Responses of neurons in the preoptic area to temperature, serotonin, and Epinephrine
Stimulation by Epinephrine of adenyl cyclase activity, cyclic AMP formation, DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in populations of rat thymic lymphocytes
Tyrosine-α-ketoglutarate transaminase: Induction by Epinephrine and adenosine-3′, 5′-cyclic phosphate
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and acetylcholine as conditioned stimuli for avoidance behavior
Metabolic effect of Epinephrine on the QO 2 of the arrested isolated perfused rat heart
Action of Epinephrine and related compounds upon the insect nervous system
Factors modifying cyclopropane-Epinephrine cardiac arrhythmias
Indirect action of Epinephrine on intraventricular conduction time
Chemical quantitation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in plasma
Epinephrine and PLV-2: Cardiac rhythm and local vasoconstrictor effects
Propranolol-insensitive effects of Epinephrine on action potential repolarization in electrically driven atria of the guinea pig
Serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase levels after large doses of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in dogs
Tissue levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in hemorrhagic shock
Evidence for the active transport of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by the uterus of the rat
Brief Note: Effects of Prostaglandins, Epinephrine and NaF on Human Leukocyte, Platelet and Liver Adenyl Cyclase
The effect of intravitreous injections of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and isoproterenol on the intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics of rabbit eyes
Effect of puromycin on incubated adipose tissue and its response to dexamethasone, insulin, and Epinephrine
Impaired secretion of Epinephrine in response to insulin among hypophysectomized dogs.
Influence of maternal Epinephrine on behavior of offspring
Studies on behavior. V. Actions of l-Epinephrine and related compounds
Effect of heart rate and intracoronary isoproterenol, levarterenol, and Epinephrine on coronary flow and resistance
Correlation between increased bronchial response to acetylcholine and diminished metabolic and eosinopenic responses to Epinephrine in asthma
Hypoglycemia with an inability toincrease the Epinephrine secretion in insulin-induced hypoglycemia: A further report
Hepatic metabolic and vascular responses to Epinephrine: a unifying hypothesis
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in pregnancy and labor
Simulation of renal tumor response to Epinephrine by inflammatory disease
The pattern of the renal vascular response to Epinephrine in man
Antagonism of hydrocarbon anesthetic-Epinephrine arrhythmias in dogs by nethalide, a dichloroisoproterenol analogue
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine actions and use in man
Skin reactions to iontophoretically administered Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in atopic dermatitis
“Inhibition” of pituitary ACTH release after administration of reserpine or Epinephrine
Inhibition of enzymatic synthesis of Epinephrine by low doses of glucocorticoids
The use of Epinephrine in selective angiography of renal masses
Role of GTP in Epinephrine and glucagon activation of adenyl cyclase of liver plasma membrane
The influence of Epinephrine on uterine contractility
Metabolic effects of Epinephrine in the perfused rat heart: II. Control steps of glucose and glycogen metabolism
Biochemical energetics of simulated platelet plug formation: Effect of thrombin, adenosine diphosphate, and Epinephrine on intra-and extracellular adenine nucleotide …
Epinephrine and serotonin activation of adenyl cyclase from Tetrahymena pyriformis
Impaired Epinephrine release in hypoglycemic infants of diabetic mothers
A study of the differential secretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine from the perfused cat adrenal gland
URINARY CATECHOLAMINE EXCRETION BY HEALTHY CHILDREN: I. Daily Excretion of Dopamine, NorEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and 3-Methoxy-4 …
Adrenergic blockade produced by the dichloro analogs of Epinephrine, arterenol and isoproterenol
Selective stimulation of Epinephrine-responsive adenyl cyclase in mice by endotoxin
Ganglionic blocking properties of Epinephrine and related amines
Effects of electrolytes on Epinephrine stimulated lipolysis in adipose tissue in vitro
The effects of CO2-induced respiratory acidosis on the depressor and pressor components of the dog’s blood pressure response to Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on the distribution of two model amino acids in the rat
Epinephrine-induced alterations in connective tissue of aortic wall in rabbits.
Adrenocortical control of Epinephrine synthesis in health and disease
Epinephrine derivates and the activity of the human uterus: II. The influence of pronethalol* and propanololt on the uterine and systemic activity of p …
Early versus” late” feeding of low birth weight neonates: Effect on serum bilirubin, blood sugar, and responses to glucagon and Epinephrine tolerance tests
The effect of calomel on plasma Epinephrine in the rat and the relationship to mechanisms in pink disease
Effect of Epinephrine on the metabolism of the inositol phosphatides in rat heart in vivo
… ulnar nerve blocks for the evaluation of local anaesthetic agents: III. Tests with a New Agent, Prilocaine, and with Lidocaine in Solutions with and without Epinephrine
The Action of Insulin, Growth Hormone, and Epinephrine on Cell Growth in Liver, Muscle, and Brain of the Hypophysectomized Rat [39]
Allergic contact dermatitis to Epinephrine
The effects of Epinephrine on mepivacaine absorption from the spinal epidural space
Translation-level control of amylase and protein synthesis by Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on permeability to sugar and on the production of free glucose in skeletal muscle
An assessment of fluroxene-Epinephrine compatibility in man
Isolation, stress, myocardial electrolytes, and Epinephrine cardiotoxicity in rats
Blockade of the positive inotropic actions of Epinephrine and theophylline by acetylcholine
Correlation of hemodynamic events during infusion of Epinephrine in man
Effect of Epinephrine on human uterine activity in vitro and in vivo
The physiological and psychological effects of intravenously administered Epinephrine and its metabolism in normal and schizophrenic men—II.: Psychiatric …
Epinephrine: effect on uptake of iodine by dispersed cells of calf thyroid gland
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in pregnancy
Epinephrine-induced release of ACTH in normal human subjects: A test of pituitary function
Effect of dibenzyline on the metabolic actions of Epinephrine and thyroxine
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on excitability of central nervous system of mice
Further clinical evaluation of prilocaine (Citanest), with and without Epinephrine
Variable response of tumor vessels to intra-arterial Epinephrine: An angiographic study in man
Effect of arterenol (norEpinephrine) and Epinephrine on cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism
Independent Stimulation of Secretion and Protein Synthesis in Rat Parotid Gland: THE INFLUENCE OF Epinephrine AND DIBUTYRYL CYCLIC ADENOSINE 3′, 5′ …
Decreased plasma free fatty acids and urinary Epinephrine in bronchial asthma
Comparison of the circulatory and metabolic effects of isoproterenol, Epinephrine and methoxamine in normal and asthmatic subjects
Studies on Epinephrine and 3′, 5′-AMP induced hyperglycemia employing the isolated perfused rat liver preparation
Determination of Epinephrine in the presence of degradation products
Hormonal environment and uterine response to Epinephrine
Ocular hypersensitivity to Epinephrine
Epinephrine-induced vacuole formation in parotid gland cells and its independence of the secretory process
Effect of adrenergic blockade on consequences of sustained Epinephrine infusion.
Studies in spontaneous hypoglycemia in childhood: Failure to increase the Epinephrine secretion in insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Comparative reactivities of aortic strips from hypertensive and normotensive rats to Epinephrine and levarterenol
Effect of Epinephrine on placental carbohydrate metabolism
Enhancement of learned fear with Epinephrine
Shuttle box avoidance learning and Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine, corticotropin, and thyrotropin on lipolysis and glucose oxidation in rat adipose tissue
Renal hamartoma (Angiomyolipoma) its angiographic appearanCe and response to intra-arterial Epinephrine
Effects of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on the contractile strength and action potential of electrically driven guinea pig atria
Stimulation of gluconeogenesis in rat liver slices by Epinephrine and glucocorticoids
Comparative Study of Effect of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine on Cardiovascular System of Turtle, Alligator, Chicken and Opossum.
Effect of Cigarette Smoke on Epinephrine Secretion in the Dog.
Evaluation of sodium bicarbonate and Epinephrine in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
The use of the rabbit aorta strip in the analysis of the mode of action of l-Epinephrine on vascular smooth muscle
Effects of Epinephrine upon novelty preference and arousal.
Adrenal medullary secretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in dogs subjected to hemorrhagic hypotension
Conjunctival reaction due to L-Epinephrine bitartrate (Epitrate)
Effects of propranolol on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in man and cats
Epinephrine effects on corneal cells in tissue culture
The effects of reserpine on uptake of Epinephrine in brain and certain areas outside the blood-brain barrier
Effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and nicotine on growth and carcass composition of chicks
Active transport of Epinephrine into blood platelets
Effect of systemically administered Epinephrine on palmar sweating
Kwashiorkor and marasmus: blood sugar levels and response to Epinephrine
Comparative study of four different Epinephrine salts on intraocular pressure
Epinephrine biosynthesis in Petromyzon marinus (cyclostoma) and salimo gairdneri (teleost)
Studies of diabetic instability. II. Tests of insulinogenic reserve with infusions of arginine, glucagon, Epinephrine, and saline
Sensitivity of the Large Blood Vessels of the Rabbit to l-Epinephrine and l-NorEpinephrine
The effects of sympathetic stimulation and Epinephrine on the superior rectus muscle of the cat
Daily fluctuation (circadian) in levels of Epinephrine in the rat suprarenal gland
An automated technic for separate fluorometric measurement of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine
Experimental study and clinical use of Epinephrine for treatment of low cardiac output syndrome
Effect of Epinephrine on the peripheral metabolism of thyroxine
X The Effects of Epinephrine upon the Ear: II. Intracochlear Application
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of the interaction of L-Epinephrine with phospholipid vesicles
Metabolic effects of Epinephrine in the perfused rat heart: I. Comparison of intracellular redox states, tissue pO2, and force of contraction
Epinephrine action on glucose uptake by rat diaphragm; effect of ionic composition
Effect of purines on Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in adipose tissue
Urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in asthmatic children
A comparison of the effects of Epinephrine and vagal stimulation upon the refractory periods of the AV node and the bundle of His
Effects of Epinephrine tolerance on the Shwartzman phenomenon
The role of potassium in Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias
Effect of Epinephrine and potassium chloride on contraction and energy intermediates in rabbit thoracic aorta strips
Epinephrine pigmentation of the cornea
Effect of Epinephrine on Contractile Tension and Phosphorylase Activation in Rat and Dog Hearts.
Chlorpromazine and Epinephrine hyperglycemic mechanisms
Effects of glucagon and Epinephrine on serum insulin and insulin secretion in dogs
Alterations in acid mucopolysaccharide and collagen of rabbit aorta related to age of Epinephrine-thyroxine induced arteriosclerotic lesions
In vitro binding study of Epinephrine and bovine serum albumin
Selective effects of insulin on hepatic Epinephrine responsive adenyl cyclase activity
Effect of intravenous Epinephrine on skeletal muscle, skin, and subcutaneous blood flow
Estimation of conjugated Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine
Effect of oxytocin, Epinephrine and atropine on the oestrous cycle of the cow
Effects of adrenergic blocking agents on Epinephrine-and 3′, 5′-amp-induced responses in the perfused rat liver
The effect of adrenergic blocking agents on plasma insulin and blood glucose during urethan or Epinephrine induced hyperglycemia
IX The Effects of Epinephrine upon the Ear
Insulin blockade of Epinephrine
Subcellular distribution of and Epinephrine-induced changes in hormone-sensitive lipase, phosphorylase, and phosphorylase kinase in rat adipocytes
Fatty acid, Epinephrine, and glucagon hyperglycemia in normal and depancreatized sheep
Automated differential fluorometric analysis of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in blood plasma and urine
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in pregnancy: A comparative study of the adrenal gland and catechol output in different species of animals and man
Ultrastructural changes produced by glucagon, cyclic 3′ 5′-AMP and Epinephrine on perfused rat livers
Comparison of heparin-released and Epinephrine-sensitive lipases in rat adipose tissue
Effect of prenatal maternal injection of Epinephrine on postnatal offspring behavior.
Radioisotopic studies of changes in splenic size in response to Epinephrine and other stimuli
Role of magnesium in effects of Epinephrine on heart contraction and metabolism
Effect of Epinephrine on implantation and foetal survival in the rabbit
Metabolic Homeostasis in Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus: II. Increased Ketone Responsiveness to Epinephrine
Systemic effects of Epinephrine in the frog
Topical Epinephrine effects on true outflow resistance and pseudofacility in vervet monkeys studied by a new anterior chamber perfusion technique
Effect of high spinal cord section on Epinephrine hyperglycemia
Effect of Epinephrine on stress relaxation and distensibility of the isolated cat heart
Effect of Lid Closure in Drug-Induced Experimental Cataracts: Chlorpromazine, Morphine, and Epinephrine
Thyrotrophin Release in Vitro: The Role of Metabolism in the Secretory Response to Vasopressin, Oxytocin and Epinephrine
Effect of the endecapeptide eledoisin on the coronary blood flow: Comparison with nitroglycerin, bradykinin and Epinephrine in the dog
Epinephrine shock, its relation to plasma Epinephrine level and the mechanism of its protection by glucocorticoid
Effect of Epinephrine on the human heart during methoxyflurane anaesthesia
Circulatory actions of general anesthetic agents and the homeostatic roles of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in man
A new stabilized form of Epinephrine for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma
Reduced effect of Epinephrine on circulating eosinophils in asthma and after beta-adrenergic blockade or Bordetella pertussis vaccine: With a note on eosinopenia …
Incorporation of C14-amino acids into protein of isolated diaphragms: effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Renal tubular excretion of dl-Epinephrine-2-C14 in the chicken
Effects of altered heart rate on chloroform-Epinephrine cardiac arrhythmia
Effect of thyroid hormones on Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in adipose tissue of rats
Cardiac effects of isoproterenol, norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in complete AV heart block during experimental acidosis and hyperkalemia
Action of intracerebroventricular Epinephrine on gross behavior, locomotor activity and hexobarbital sleeping times in rats
The role of body attitudes and acquiescence in Epinephrine and placebo effects
Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism of myocardium during the biphasic inotropic response to Epinephrine
Sedative-like effect of Epinephrine: A review
Evidence for uncoupled respiration in thyrotoxic and Epinephrine-stimulated myocardium
Studies on aminochromes: III. Transformation of Epinephrine, adrenochrome and adrenolutin into plasma-soluble melanins during incubation in human blood plasma
Blockade of Epinephrine-induced decrement in activity by scopolamine
Blockade of Epinephrine-and ouabain-induced cardiac arrhythmias in the dog heart-lung preparation
Epinephrine effect on arterial endothelial cells observed by scanning electron microscope
Tachyphylaxis to Epinephrine and Its Modification by Cocaine.
Metabolism of C14-norEpinephrine and C14-Epinephrine and their transmission across the human placenta
Depletion of norEpinephrine from atria by Epinephrine
Prenatal Glucocorticoid Administration and the Development of the Epinephrine-Forming Enzyme.
Pathogenesis of lesions induced by serotonin: nutritional, vascular, autoradiographic, and comparative studies using Epinephrine
Epinephrine effect in the vascular pattern of a renal lipoma
Effect of Epinephrine and mannoheptulose on early and late phases of glucose-stimulated insulin release
Effects of Epinephrine and of alteration in glandular blood flow upon thyroid function: studies using thyroid vein cannulation in dogs
Energy Metabolism in Human Obesity: Plasma Free Fatty Acid, Glucose, and Glycerol Response to Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on heart rate and arterial blood pressure of the developing chick embryo
Central effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on the palmar sweat index
Increased sensitivity to anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs induced by prolonged treatment with Epinephrine prior to challenge
Effect of Epinephrine on radioiodide uptake by the normal human thyroid
Mitochondrial calcium uptake in the perfused contracting rat heart and the influence of Epinephrine on calcium exchange
Effect of Epinephrine on the mechanical and phosphorylase activity of normo-and hypothermic hearts
Levels of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in blood and tissues of duck, pigeon, turkey, and chicken
The effect of metabolic inhibitors on the response of the perfused rat heart to Epinephrine
Brain barbital levels and anesthesia as influenced by physostigmine and Epinephrine
Adrenocortical response to Epinephrine in neurohypophysectomized rats
Increase of sodium efflux induced by Epinephrine in the heart of the frog
Effect of glucagon and Epinephrine on regional metabolism of glucose, pyruvate, lactate, and citrate in normal conscious dogs
Effect of Altered Thyroid Status upon Epinephrine Induced Lipolysis in vitro
The physiological and psychological effects of intravenously administered Epinephrine and its metabolism in normal and schizophrenic men—I.: Effects on heart rate …
Influence of Epinephrine upon plasma potassium concentration: Changes with time during constant infusion
The influence of oligomycin on the actions of Epinephrine and theophylline upon the perfused rat heart
Effects of Epinephrine and Ca on contractile strength and Ca45 exchange in rabbit atria
Epinephrine-induced hemoconcentration in the domestic hen
Influence of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and nicotine on blood levels of glucose, free fatty acids and amino nitrogen in pigs
E. The activation of glycolysis in frog sartorius muscle by Epinephrine
Urinary metabolites of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the chicken
An investigation of the mechanism by which estradiol-17β elevates the Epinephrine content of the rat uterus
Active relaxation of unstriated muscle produced by Epinephrine
Placental transfer of Epinephrine: I. Maternal-fetal metabolic alterations of glucose and nonesterified fatty acids
Ionic requirement for Epinephrine stimulation of frog skin gland secretion
Epinephrine and organ blood flow: effects of hyperthyroidism, cocaine, and denervation
Extracorporeal circulation and endogenous Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in plasma, atrium, and urine in man: a comparison of ether and halothane anesthesia
Stimulation of thoracic duct lymph flow by Epinephrine and norEpinephrine.
Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism in the genesis of neonatal hypoglycemia: Effects of the administration of Epinephrine, glucagon, and galactose
The effects of intravenous Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on a conditioned response in the cat
The value of Epinephrine in the diagnosis of epidermoid carcinoma of the kidney
Corneal pigment deposits from topically administered Epinephrine: Experimental production
The effect of Epinephrine on isometric tension and phosphorylase activity of the isolated rat heart
Effects of Epinephrine and acetylcholine on hypothalamic content of prolactin inhibiting factor.
Blood pressure responses to Epinephrine-treated gingival retraction strings in the rhesus monkey
Entrance of Epinephrine into the human erythrocyte
Failure to observe alteration of Epinephrine activity after endotoxin
Epinephrine-cyclopropane effects on Purkinje fibers
Blockage of Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia during exposure to simulated altitudes
Sporadic hypoglycemia: abnormal Epinephrine response to the ketogenic diet or to insulin.
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on the hepatic lipids of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum
Intra-arterial Epinephrine protection against radiation nephritis: a progress report
Induction and maintenance of mammary growth and lactation in rats with acetylcholine or Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-enhanced arteriography in renal and perirenal abscess: a differential diagnostic problem
Effect of Epinephrine on insulin release in man induced by secretin
Catechol amine metabolism: peripheral plasma levels of Epinephrine (E) and norEpinephrine (NE) during laparotomy under different types of anesthesia in dogs …
Effects of ouabain and K+-free medium on activated lipolysis and Epinephrine-stimulated glycogenolysis
Enzymic oxidation of Epinephrine with formation of an actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase inhibitor
Aortal mucopolysaccharide changes after Epinephrine administration in rabbits
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Drug-Receptor Interactions: The Binding of Epinephrine to Isolated Mouse Liver Cells
Action of Epinephrine on glucose uptake and glucose-6-phosphate in the dog heart in situ
Effect of hydrocortisone and Epinephrine on glucose uptake by the rat diaphragm
Epinephrine metabolism in mammalian brain after intravenous and intraventricular administration
Metabolic response to simultaneous infusion of Epinephrine and propranolol in obese adolescents
Physical and biochemical properties of porcine muscle as affected by exogenous Epinephrine and prednisolone
Induction of Epinephrine-forming enzyme by glucocorticoids: Steroid hydroxylation and inductive effect
Insulin-like activity in pancreatic vein blood after glucose loading and Epinephrine hyperglycemia
Potentiation of Epinephrine action
Interactions of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on contractility, glycogen and phosphorylase activity of isolated mammalian hearts
Iodide release from the thyroid as an acute response to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Effects of intravenous injections of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in a choice situation.
Effects of triiodothyronine and thyroxin on the lipolytic action of Epinephrine in markedly obese subjects
The effects of Epinephrine on thyroxine metabolism: iodine excretion after various thyronine derivatives
Mechanism of Epinephrine-induced eccrine sweating in human skin
Suppression of portal venous insulin concentration by Epinephrine in the conscious monkey
Effect of Epinephrine on phosphorylase and glycogen levels in the rat uterus
Studies concerning the inhibition of glucose metabolism in thymus lymphocytes by cortisol and Epinephrine
Identification of a pressor substance in amniotic fluid: I. Role of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Differentiation of Pulmonafry Congestion and Edema in the Rat, Induced by Epinephrine, and Their Modification by Various Procedures.
The effect of perphenazine on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in dogs: I, anaesthesia with fluothane, and fluothane-ether azeotrope
Effect of serotonin, Epinephrine, histamine, and hexamethonium on thoracic duct lymph
Epinephrine potentiation of platelet aggregation: Its effect on death from experimental pulmonary embolism
Ventricular extrasystoles induced by Epinephrine, nicotine, ethanol, and vasopressin in dogs with myocardial lesions
Cardiovascular responses to Epinephrine during acute hypercapnia in dogs: effects of autonomic blocking drugs
Modification of cardiac and hyperglycemic effects of Epinephrine by insulin
Changes in the saccharoid fraction in rats with alloxan-induced diabetes or injected with Epinephrine
Cyclopropane-Epinephrine interaction on the nictitating membrane of the spinal cat
Effect of Epinephrine on cardiac rhythm in the miniature pig before and after coronary occlusion
The effect of Epinephrine on extinction of an avoidance response
Cardiac responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during prolonged cholesterol and high fat feeding in rabbits
The influence of the rate of infusion on the kalemotropic effect of Epinephrine
Blockade of hyperkalemia and hyperglycemia induced by Epinephrine in frog liver and in cats
A glutaraldehyde-dichromate-silver sequence for differentiating norEpinephrine cells from Epinephrine cells in neonatal and adult rats—paraffin sections
Vascular and metabolic effects of Epinephrine in the isolated perfused rat liver
Extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma-producing Epinephrine: Its physiologic significance
Leucine-sensitive hypoglycemia treated with long-acting Epinephrine
Photometric microtitration of catechols (Epinephrine)
An effect of pH upon Epinephrine inotropic receptors in the turtle heart
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on lipid metabolism of the rat
Factors influencing dopamine β-hydroxylase activity and Epinephrine levels in guinea pig adrenal gland
Active reflex vasodilatation induced by intravenous Epinephrine or norEpinephrine in primates
Synthesis and formulation of several Epinephrine salts as an aerosol dosage form
Effect of nicotine and Epinephrine on in vivo coagulation time in rabbits
Epinephrine derivates and the activity of the human uterus: I. The inhibiting effect of p-hydroxyphenylisopropylarterenol (Cc-25) upon uterine activity in human …
In vitro effect of Epinephrine on lipase activity of heart
The release of free fatty acids from brown and white adipose tissues after incubation with ACTH or Epinephrine
Methoxyflurane and Epinephrine administered simultaneously
Epinephrine-cyclizing enzyme in schizophrenic serum: Preliminary report.
Inhibition of adrenal secretion of Epinephrine during infusion of catecholamines
Effect of aminonucleoside and puromycin on insulin and Epinephrine control of fatty acid release from adipose tissue
Effects of Epinephrine on newborn rabbits
Cardiovascular effects of infusions of Epinephrine and angiotensin singly and in combination
Pulmonary Vasomotor Responses to Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine in the Cat: Influence of the Sympathetic Nervous System
Responses of tissue-cultured embryonic newt melanophores to Epinephrine and intermedin
Glucose metabolism of the isolated eccrine sweat gland. I. The effects of mecholyl, Epinephrine and ouabain.
Inhibition of lipid synthesis by Epinephrine in isolated rat liver cells
Oral and intravenous D-ribose and plasma insulin in healthy humans: effects of route of administration and of Epinephrine and propranolol
Aqueous dynamics of pilocarpine-treated eyes: The influence of topically applied Epinephrine
Response of isolated perfused dog kidneys to Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and beta adrenergic blocking agents on coronary circulation and myocardial metabolism
Species differences in the EEG response to Epinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and nicotine in brainstem transected animals
Rapid movement of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine into human erythrocytes
The effect of mercurous chloride (calomel) and Epinephrine (sympathetic stimulation) on rats: the importance of the findings to mechanisms in infantile acrodynia (pink …
The effect of pH changes and ionization on the action of Epinephrine upon the isolated rabbit ileum
Effects of acetylcholine and calcium ions on the spontaneous release of Epinephrine from catecholamine granules.
Urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine responses to 72-hr. avoidance sessions in the monkey
Studies on experimental ocular toxoplasmosis in the rabbit: II. Attempts to stimulate recurrences by local trauma, Epinephrine, and corticosteroids
Action of Epinephrine on muscle glucose uptake depending on Ca++ and phosphate
The effect of Epinephrine upon subcommissural organ secretion in the rat
Distribution kinetics of intravenous Epinephrine
The Effect of Prostaglandins, Epinephrine and Aspirin on Cyclic AMP Phospho Diesterase Activity of Human Blood Platelets and Their Aggregation
Effect of boric acid and bisulfite on the rate of oxidation of Epinephrine
Cyclic AMP levels in various tissues of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) as affected by glucagon, Epinephrine and insulin
Epinephrine Effect in Angiography of Colonic Carcinoma: An Inconsistent Aid in Diagnosis
Blood sugar responses to Epinephrine in the dog in the presence of dual adrenergic blockade
Evaluation of the Epinephrine skin test as a biological assay for endotoxin.
A study of the mechanisms of the modifying actions of cocaine, ephedrine and imipramine on the cardiovascular response to norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Plasma corticosterone and adrenal ascorbic acid levels in adeno-and neurohypophysectomized rats given Epinephrine postoperatively
Effects of Epinephrine on the production and metabolic clearance of cortisol in normal men and women and in women with idiopathic hirsutism
Brain neurohormones and cortical Epinephrine pressor responses as affected by schizophrenic serum
Effects of lipoid A component of Escherichia coli endotoxin on dermal reactivity of rabbits to Epinephrine.
Alarming reaction after intravenous administration of 30 ml of Epinephrine
Effect of chronic hypoxia on the action of Epinephrine in carbohydrate metabolism.
On the urinary output of vasopressin, Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during different stress situations
Effect of Epinephrine on metabolism of thyroxine by pituitary and brain
Glycogenolytic action of Epinephrine on mouse parietal bone
Umbilical venous pressure and other cardiovascular responses of fetal lambs to Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on relation of acetylcholine to intestinal tonus
Prevention of lethal cardiogenic shock in Epinephrine-tolerant dogs
Effect of antibody binding and agglutination on human platelet glycolysis: comparison with thrombin and Epinephrine
Inhibition of glucose uptake by Epinephrine in dogs during cold exposure
On the relation of chemoreceptor stimulation to Epinephrine secretion in anoxemia
Adaptation to muscular exercise: myocardial Epinephrine-3H uptake
Hydrocortisone and/or desiccated thyroid in physiologic dosage: XIV. Effects of thyroid hormone excesses on pressor activity and Epinephrine responses
Effect of DDT on the urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by rats
Epinephrine-assisted renal venography in renal vein thrombosis: Report of two adolescents with nephrotic syndrome
Synergistic effect of cyclopropane and Epinephrine on sodium transport in toad bladder
Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine effects on social dominance behavior
On the pharmacological inhibition of Epinephrine-induced ventricular automaticity
Formation of a new metabolite of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in liver and kidney
The supersensitivity of the rat cardiovascular system to Epinephrine after repeated injections of ethylene glycol dinitrate
Potentiation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by iproniazid
Effects of glucagon and Epinephrine in fasted dogs.
Diurnal rhythm in plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
The effects of the sulfhydryl group upon the oxidation of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Inhibition by thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin) of the cyclic AMP-mediated stimulation of thymocyte proliferation by Epinephrine
The effects of staphylococcal extract and of viable staphylococci on dermal reactivity of the rabbit to Epinephrine
The Diagnosis of Traumatic Laceration of the Spleen by Selective Arteriography, Direct Serial Magnification Angiography, and Intra–arterial Epinephrine
Adrenal Epinephrine and phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase (PNMT) activity in the rat bearing a transplantable pituitary tumor
Disappearance rate of exogenous insulin, insulin sensitivity, responses of plasma growth hormone and cortisol and urinary Epinephrine to hypoglycemia in …
Failure of physiological concentrations of Epinephrine to affect glycogen-levels in the isolated rat liver
Interaction of glutathione and Epinephrine within the human red blood cell
Failure of leucine, arginine, and Epinephrine to alter plasma insulin levels in vitro
Failure of growth hormone alone to potentiate Epinephrine-induced lipolysis
The metabolism of orally ingested Epinephrine in man
Peripheral vasoconstriction with Epinephrine for selective fixation of the central nervous system by perfusion
… Glucose Metabolism in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients: The Response of Glucose, Insulin, Growth Hormone, Corticosteroids, Epinephrine, and Unesterified Fatty …
Effects on temperature of serotonin and Epinephrine injected into the lateral cerebral ventricle of the cat
Studies on growth hormone secretion: I. Effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, Epinephrine, ammonium ion and hypothalamic extracts on the release of growth …
Thyroxine modulation of Epinephrine stimulated secretion of rat parotid α-amylase
Epinephrine-induced vascular volume changes in dog forelimbs with controlled flow
The effect of chronic adrenergic blockade on the inhibition by Epinephrine of growth hormone and insulin release in sheep
The rate-increasing effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine and its modification by experimental time in the isolated heart of normal and reserpine-pretreated dogs
The fate of iontophoretically introduced Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in patients with atopic dermatitis and in normal skin
Glucagon and Epinephrine responsive adenyl cyclase activity of regenerating rat liver
Disappearance rates of infused Epinephrine and norEpinephrine from plasma: a comparison of normal and schizophrenic subjects
Decreased Epinephrine excretion in idiopathic hypoglycemia
Effects of methylprednisolone, phenoxybenzamine, and Epinephrine tolerance in canine endotoxin shock: study of isogravimetric capillary pressures in forelimb and …
Cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′ monophosphate levels in rat myometrium under the influence of Epinephrine, prostaglandins and oxytocin. Correlations with uterus motility
The effect of variations of pH upon the activation of phosphorylase by Epinephrine in perfused contracting heart, liver slices and skeletal muscle
The contractile response of the spleen of miniature swine to intra-arterial infusion of Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine upon 45Ca uptake by isolated islets of Langerhans
An angiographic study of the sensitivity to Epinephrine of the uterine arteries of the guinea pig: A comparison with angiotensin
Metabolic products of adrenaline (Epinephrine) during long-term constant rate intravenous infusion in the human
Dual adrenergic blockade and Epinephrine infusion
Effects of Epinephrine on cardiovascular and metabolic responses to leg exercise in man
Effect of 2% levo-rotary Epinephrine on the intraocular pressure of the glaucomatous eye
The effect of cocaine and of pretreatment with reserpine on the uptake of tyramine-2-C14 and dl-Epinephrine-2-C14 into heart and spleen
Oral effectiveness of beta adrenergic antagonists in preventing Epinephrine-induced metabolic responses
Effect of thyroidectomy and thyroid-stimulating hormone on rabbit aorta influenced by Epinephrine
The effect of perphenazine on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in dogs. II, anaesthesia with cyclopropane, chloroform, and trichlorethylene
Alterations of urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine: The antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods
Prevention of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by combination of Epinephrine and a phenothiazine derivative, propiomazine
Modification of synaptic transmission in the superior cervical ganglion by Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and nortriptyline
Epinephrine response differences in field-dependent and field-independent subjects.
Effect of intrathecal Epinephrine on rabbit spinal cord
The effect of amino acid mixtures, insulin, Epinephrine and glucagon in vivo on the levels of rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase
Comparison of Epinephrine excretion after aerosol and subcutaneous administration
The effects of Epinephrine on glycerol production in segments of adipose tissue preincubated with dexamethasone and growth hormone
Induction of Mammary Growth and Lactation in Rabbits with Epinephrine, Acetylcholine and Serotonin.
The biphasic effect of phenothiazines and reserpine on the release of Epinephrine from adrenomedullary granules and its dependence on pH
A Rapid and Sensitive Method for Simultaneouis Determination of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine in Human Plasma
The effects of Epinephrine on bone blood flow in dogs and rabbits
Effect of L-DOPA and N-methyl-N-benzyl-2-propynylamine. HCL on DOPA, dopamine, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and serotonin levels in mouse brain
Glycogen phosphorylase in the rat levator ani: activity related to testosterone, Epinephrine and actinomycin D
Direct effects of vasoactive agents on segmental resistance of the mesenteric and portal circulation: Studies with 1-Epinephrine, levarterenol, angiotensin, vasopressin …
Decreased circulating Epinephrine, possibly secondary to decreased hypothalamic-adrenal medullary discharge; A supplementary hypothesis of bronchial asthma …
Studies of the Epinephrine-glutathione reaction in aqueous solution and human blood
Effect of Epinephrine on acquisition of conditioned fear
Epinephrine-Induced Pulmonary Edema in Crosscirculated Animals
Dissociation of Epinephrine-induced free fatty acid and glycerol release by adrenergic blocking drugs
Actions of serotonin and Epinephrine on intact and broken cell preparations from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepática.
Inhibition of the vasomotor system of the anesthetized dog by Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Inhibition of the renal tubular transport of Epinephrine by the benzothiadiazine compounds
Cardiac irregularities induced by intracoronary injection of Epinephrine and acetylcholine into various portions of the canine ventricle
The Preparation of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine Metabolites, 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic Acid and 3, 4-Dihydroxymandelic Acid
Adrenergic beta blockade and changes in plasma potassium following Epinephrine administration
Autoinhibition in rabbit aortic strips after Epinephrine
Formaldehyde-induced fluorescence as a means for differentiating Epinephrine cells from norEpinephrine cells in adrenal medulla
Effect of Salmonella enteritidis Endotoxin Preparations and Lipid A on Dermal Reactivity in Rabbits to Epinephrine.
Studies on the decentralized nictitating membrane of the cat. II. Uptake and retention of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine pretreatment on pentobarbital sleeping time of mice with altered thyroid status
Control of Epinephrine synthesis by the pituitary and adrenal cortex: possible role in the pathophysiology of chronic stress
The effect of certain hemostatic agents and the local use of diluted Epinephrine on bleeding during oral surgical procedures
Carbohydrate metabolism after Epinephrine, glucose and stress in young and old rats
Epinephrine and cholesterol metabolism in the dog. Hepatic metabolism of pyruvate and mevalonate in vitro
Epinephrine-induced normalization of lipid metabolism in adrenalectomized rats
Conditions affecting the purification and solution of a uterine Epinephrine-oxidizing enzyme
The effects of exogenous Epinephrine and environmental stress stimuli on the mitotic rates of larval urodele tissues
Effects of Epinephrine and chemically related compounds on enzymatic deiodination of thyroxine, triiodothyronine, monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine in vitro
Effect of hypothermia on histamine release induced by Epinephrine infusion
The metabolic, circulatory, and bronchomotor responses of asthmatic children to Epinephrine infusion: Pharmacologic effects
Influence of intravascular pressure on vascular response to Epinephrine.
The effect of Epinephrine and competition between males on the in vitro metabolism of rabbit testis
Influence of some inhibitors and ions on the positive inotropic action of Epinephrine, tyramine and calcium
Differential potentiation of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine by cardiovascular and CNS-active agents
Effect of sympathetic stimulation, Epinephrine and phentolamine on recovery from induced hypocalcemia
Thrombohemorrhagic lesions induced by combined treatment with rare earth metals and Epinephrine
Effect of tension on induction of automaticity by Epinephrine in papillary muscle
Radioisotope derivative procedure for determination of Epinephrine or norEpinephrine
Cellular proliferation in the arterial walls of Epinephrine-treated rabbits
Failure of Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents to Antagonize the Hyperglycemic Effect of Epinephrine in Mice
The effect of the application of Epinephrine on its level in the adipose tissue in rats of different age
Role of the liver in calorigenic action of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Changes in brain Epinephrine and norEpinephrine induced by afferent electrical stimulation in the isolated toad head.
Effects of lighting on Epinephrine synthesis in the rat
Effect of staphylococcal enterotoxin on dermal reactivity to Epinephrine.
Effects of Epinephrine on lactic and keto-acid production, phosphate balance and pH changes in the isolated perfused frog liver
The cardiac effect of Epinephrine during anaesthesia in hyperthyroid dogs
Effect of copper in thyroxine potentiation of in vitro Epinephrine action on smooth muscle
Mechanism of Epinephrine Pulmonary Edema: MECHANIZUM OF Epinephrine PULMONARY EDEMA
Comparative expiratory and oxidative effects of glucagon and Epinephrine in mice
ANESTHESIA LXXV.: relative effects of haloforms and Epinephrine on cardiac automaticity
Direct Measurement of Superficial and Deep Venous Flow in the Cat Kidney: EFFECTS OF Epinephrine, ANGIOTENSIN, MICROSPHERES, AND RENAL NERVE …
Effect of metabolic acidosis on cardiac output and pressor responses to Epinephrine
Physiological interactions of Epinephrine and insulin on metabolism.
A proposed mechanism for Epinephrine potentiation by ganglionic blocking agents
The effects of Epinephrine, amino acids and albumin on the measurement of insulin by radioimmunoassay
Prediction of Improvement by Use of Epinephrine-Methacholine (Mecholyl) Test: Study of Immediate Response in Twenty-Six Treated Patients and One-Year Follow …
Isoproterenol and Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemias in rabbits: effects of alloxan treatment and prandial state
Epinephrine-induced reduction of postprandial lipemia in the rat
Epinephrine and Insulin Effects: I. Glucose and Plasma Free Fatty Acid
The effect of Epinephrine on intracellular acid-base metabolism of rat skeletal muscle
Effect of Epinephrine and posterior pituitary extract on the wedged-hepatic-vein pressure in normal patients and in those with liver disease
The calcification of elastic fiber: Part 4. Epinephrine and beta-aminopropionitrile-induced calcification in animal aortas
Effect of Epinephrine on hepatic glycogen phosphorylase and synthetase activities in normal and pertussis-sensitized rats
Action of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on contractile activity of the three separate layers of the human uterus
Epinephrine reaction treated with nitroglycerin
The use of Epinephrine during Halothane Anaesthesia with respect to Ventricular Irritability in Dogs:…. a preliminary report
Effects of Epinephrine on toxicities of several local anesthetic agents
Epinephrine metabolism in normal and psychotic man
1. Decreased urinary cyclic 3′, 5′-vdenosine manophosphate (CAMPY after Epinephrine? in asthmatic patients
Suppressive action of Epinephrine on the diabetogenic effect of alloxan
Effects of Epinephrine on frog ventricle
Streptococcal and staphylococcal endocarditis and renal lesions in rats after Epinephrine in oil and dibenamine
A semi-automated method for fluorimetric determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine, without mutual interference, in single brain samples
Effects of cyclic AMP and Epinephrine on insulin and growth hormone secretion in sheep
Cortisol and Epinephrine relationships associated with stress adaptation in swine
Insulin and Epinephrine sensitivity of isolated fat cells in experimental nephrosis
Use of topical Epinephrine in tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with halothane anesthesia
Epinephrine on potential, tension and ionic content of guinea-pig ureter
The Epinephrine response of isolated rabbit vascular strips after in vivo and in vitro endotoxin exposure
Synthesis of Epinephrine Monosulfates
Effects of Intra-arterial and Intravenous Epinephrine on Disappearance of Nal131 from Calf Muscle and on Calf Blood Flow
Microscopic studies of the effect of Epinephrine on the isolated fat cells of the rat epididymal fat pads
Effect of 1-Epinephrine on the coronary circulation in human subjects with and without coronary artery disease
Reversal of Epinephrine Inhibition of Liver Tyrosine Oxidation
Effects of Corticoids, Insulin, and Epinephrine on a-Aminoisobutyrate Accumulation in Muscle of Adrenalectomized Rats.
ATP concentration and localization of sites of Epinephrine induced renal artery constriction.
The effects of fast neutron irradiation on blood pressure and the response to Epinephrine and acetylcholine in the rat
The effect of sympathetic blockade or hyperventilation on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias during anaesthesia with halothane and methoxyflurane
A new colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The metabolism of injected Epinephrine-C14 acetate by Leghorn pullets
Effects of Epinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on strips of frog and turtle ventricle.
Effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and isoproterenol against histamine challenge in Bordetella pertussis-treated and β-adrenergic blocked mice
Kinetics of response to Epinephrine of isolated rabbit ear
Effect of Vitamin B6 Deficiency on the Metabolism of Isolated Fat Cells: Response to Insulin, Epinephrine and Theophylline
Effects of Epinephrine and lipase on the morphology of insect fat body
The distribution of14C‐labeled cholesterol in the dog: Effect of long‐term Epinephrine administration
Studies on the myocardial metabolism of diabetes mellitus and the effects of insulin, glucocorticoid and Epinephrine on the metabolism of the heart
Obstetrical caudal anesthesia: I. A randomized study comparing 1% mepivacaine with 1% lidocaine plus Epinephrine
Responses of dog’s pad vessels to Epinephrine following sympathectomy or denervation
Effect of Epinephrine upon plasma optical density, unesterified fatty acids, lipemia clearing and heparin levels
Plasma levels of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine—Anesthetic significance
Comparative responses of hamster vas deferens and seminal vesicle to the effect of prostaglandins E1 and E2 on stimulation by Epinephrine
Augmentation of the Thymolytic Action of Cortisol by Epinephrine
Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine effects on approach-avoidance behavior
Hepatic electrolyte and glucose responses to Epinephrine
Alterations in glucose turnover following single intravenous injections of Epinephrine and glucagon in dogs
Elasticity of muscle of Epinephrine treated chicken
Insulin and Epinephrine effects on platelet histamine release in a plasma-free system
The effect of Epinephrine on myocardial synchronization and diastolic filling time
Studies on Veratrum Alkaloids. XXXV. The Effect of Veratramine on Responses of Spontaneously Beating Guinea-Pig Atrium Preparations to Epinephrine
Effect of Methylprednisolone in Epinephrine–Thyroxine Induced Arteriosclerosis
Effect of vasoconstrictor tone on pressure responses to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Metabolic evaluation of sexual dimorphism II. Effects of Epinephrine and dibutyryl 3′, 5′, cyclic AMP on glucose oxidation
Metabolism of dl-Epinephrine-Beta-C14 in Plasma of Schizophrenics
Suppression of Plasma Immunoreactive Insulin by Epinephrine in Obese Subjects.
Temporal effects of LSD-25 and Epinephrine on verbal behavior.
Catabolism of Epinephrine-14C by American chameleons (Anolis carolinensis)
A comparison of progesterone and Epinephrine inhibition on the myometrium of the rat
A Study on Fatty Acid Metabolism in the Myocardium: with Reference to Epinephrine Sensitive Lipase in Vitro
Management of diffuse hemorrhage from gastric mucosa: II. Effects of selective intra-arterial infusion of vasopressin and/or Epinephrine
Blood concentration of prilocaine and lidocaine with Epinephrine during continuous epidural anesthesia for obstetrics
The effect of perivascular microinjection of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine on the diameter of pia arteries and arterioles
Blood glucose and plasma glycerol response to Epinephrine infusion in normal and prediabetic subjects
Forane (compound 469): 2. Biochemical effects of repeated administration to animals, response to bleeding, and compatibility with Epinephrine
Evidence of Side-Chain Cleavage during the Reaction of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine with Ethylene Diamine
Skin oxygen tension during administration of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine to normal man
Septic shock: Evaluation of the intradermal Epinephrine test in diagnosis and of the effects of human plasma in potentiating coliform endotoxin
L-Amino Acid Inhibition of Epinephrine-Induced Hyperglycemia
Effects of ganglionic blockade and voluntary muscle paralysis on Epinephrine blood pressure responses
Effects of Epinephrine, hydrocortisone, and thyroxine on phlorizin-induced ketosis in fasted, nonpregnant ewes.
Defect in synthesis of Epinephrine in premature infants with tyrosinemia
Automated trihydroxyindole procedure for analysis of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Pulmonary edema induced by Epinephrine infusion in rats
Renal Artery Response to Epinephrine.
The Inhibition of the Epinephrine—Thyroxin Induced Arteriosclerosis By Phentolamine
Angiotensin and norEpinephrine infusions during pregnancy: alterations in plasma Epinephrine (E) and norEpinephrine (NE)
The effect of sa 97, perphenazine, and hydroxyzine on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias during methoxyflurane anaesthesia in dogs
The excretion of a urinary metabolite of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in tuberculosis
Effect of Liver Damage on Plasma FFA Response to Epinephrine.
Epinephrine and Insulin Effects: II. ACTH and Cortisol
Effects of propranolol and Epinephrine on the electrophysiology of the heart
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in normal and abnormal pregnancy
… aureus in biologic and serologic experiments. The effects of fractions A-1, A-2, A-3, B and C on dermal reactivity of the rabbit to Epinephrine and on isolated ileum …
Effect of Epinephrine on experimental ectopic ventricular tachycardias.
Inhibition of circulating antibody formation induced by propiomazine and Epinephrine combination
Responses to glucagon and Epinephrine, and glycogen reserves in children with nondiabetic ketosis.
Mode of action of Epinephrine and acetylcholine on coronary blood flow in isolated perfused cat heart
Effects of sodium nitroprusside on blood pressure responses to Epinephrine
Epinephrine potentiation in isolated rabbit aortic strips
Cardiovascular responses to local dental anesthesia with Epinephrine in normotensive and hypertensive subjects
The Metabolism of Tritium-Labelled Epinephrine in Man
Vasodilator response to Epinephrine in denervated muscle: role of pulse pressure
Effect of propranolol on Epinephrine-induced changes in cardiac rhythm and arterial potassium in dogs anesthetized with cyclopropane
Intracardiac Epinephrine versus isoproterenol in cardiac arrest
Studies of the effect of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and methoxamine on the rate of venous return and peripheral resistance
Neuroleptanalgesics 3 effect of innovar-nitrous oxide anaesthesia on blood levels of histamine, serotonin, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine, and on urine excretion
Effect of adrenergic beta-receptor blocker on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias during halothane anaesthesia
Evolution of Epinephrine responses of hypoxic rabbit aortic muscle
The effect of alterations in arousal of the central nervous system upon cardiovascular response to intravenous Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on tubular reabsorption of glucose by dog kidney
Inhibitory action of propranolol and its stereoisomers on Epinephrine-induced changes in electrocardiogram
Modification of Epinephrine-induced inhibition of transmission by tropolone and desipramine (desmethylimipramine) in the perfused superior cervical ganglion
The Effects of Epinephrine on Thyroxine Metabolism: Chromatographic Studies of Serum and Tissue Extracts
Frequency Dependent Epinephrine Uptake in Isolated Atria
Adrenal Corticosteroids and the Response to Epinephrine or Electrical Stimulation of the Enzymes of Glycogen Metabolism in Rat Skeletal Muscle
The relative metabolic rates of norEpinephrine-7-H 3 and Epinephrine-1-C 14
Increased resistance to Epinephrine infusion in endotoxin-tolerant state
Action of Epinephrine on Amino Acid Uptake into Rat Diaphragm in vitro and in vivo
Atrial Frequency Force Relations after Loading the Sympathetic Nerves with Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on blood pressure of totally perfused dogs
Endotoxin, Epinephrine, and ellagic acid effects on the radiation-sensitized walker 256 rat carcinosarcoma
The Effect of Glucagon, Epinephrine and Vasopressine on the Plasma Concentration and Renal Excretion of Electrolytes in Man1
Conversion of NorEpinephrine to Epinephrine in Canine Testes
Comparison in conscious goats of the effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and tyramine on blood pressure
Adding a given concentration of Epinephrine to a solution by needle drops
Mechanism of potentiating action of Epinephrine on thiopental anesthesia
Intraventricular propagation time: biphasic effect of Epinephrine
Relationship between the Metabolic and Vasodilator Effects of Epinephrine in Human Forearm Muscle
Failure of Epinephrine to provoke flushing in patients with systemic mastocytosis
Carbohydrate Metabolism in Brain Disease: XII. Effects of Epinephrine on Intermediary Carbohydrate Metabolism in Normal and Schizophrenic Subjects
Comparative effects of anger and Epinephrine upon stomach motility and the cardiovascular system.
Determination of infused Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in plasma using isolated guinea pig heart technique
Mechanism of the effect of constant infusion of Epinephrine on blood pressure, heart rate and arterial hematocrit in normal and sympathectomized …
The effect of insulin and Epinephrine on rat parotid glycogen
The effect of octoclothepine on the Epinephrine aggregation test.
The effects of Epinephrine and chlorpromazine on visual cliff behavior in hooded and albino rats
Effect of methoxyflurane on Epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmias
Absence of measurable amounts of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine in rat hypophysial portal blood during various phases of the oestrous cycle
Acute effects of Epinephrine and acetylcholine on the electrocardiogram of the dog
Epinephrine Aerosol for Insect Sting Reactions
Epinephrine as a physiological antagonist of muscle glucose uptake.
Radiation and responses of rabbit ear artery to xylene, alcohol, and Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on onset of anesthetic action of lidocaine in the peridural space in man
Effects of angiotensin II and Epinephrine infusion on juxtaglomerular cell granularity and arterioles of the rat kidney
The effect of Epinephrine and of the supine position on esophageal pressure recordings
The cardiovascular and metabolic effects of Epinephrine in man and their modification by beta adrenergic blocking agents
Chlorpromazine on Cardiovascular Responses to Epinephrine in Surgical and Psychiatric Patients
A semi-automated analysis of phenylephrine, isoproterenol, or Epinephrine
Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Carbohydrate and protein metabolism in rats during chronic administration of glucagon and Epinephrine.
Fasting Level and Epinephrine-induced Release of Free Fatty Acids in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Epinephrine induced dermal necrosis in endotoxemia: attempts to define response on an immunological basis.
Effect of Epinephrine on coronary collateral blood flow following coronary artery occlusion
A Rapid and Sensitive Method for Simultaneous Determination of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine in Human Plasma (Report II)
The response of the splanchnic bed of chronically splenectomized dogs to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine infusion
Urinary excretion of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and tryptamine during sleep and wakefulness
Clinical Evaluation of an Epinephrine Suspension in the Treatment of Asthma
Use of the cortical Epinephrine pressor response in rabbits as a diagnostic test for schizophrenia
Cardiovascular Response to Epinephrine Following Acute Metopirone (su-4885) Treatment
The influence of ginseng, reserpine, and chlorpromazine on Epinephrine-induced and morphine induced hyperglycemiae
Effect of Iproniazid Treatment on the Metabolism of Labelled Epinephrine in the Leghorn Chicken
Effect of l-3, 3′, 5-triiodothyronine on Epinephrine-induced contraction of isolated rabbit aortic strip
Some Effects of CBrF3 Inhalation and Epinephrine Challenge on Certain Myocardial Metabolite Levels.
Effect of streptokinase, Epinephrine and plasmin on the paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria serum hemolytic system
Metabolism of DL-Epinephrine-7-H3 D-Bitartrate
Effect of Nucleotides on Metabolic Changes Induced by Chronic Epinephrine Administration
The effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on an aspect of color vision
The Effect of Epinephrine and Dibutyryl 3′,5′ Cyclic AMP on the Incorporation of 32P Inorganic Phosphate into Adenine Nucleotides and Guanine Nucleotides of the …
The Effect of Epinephrine on the Prostatic Circulation: Transrectal Prostatographic Observations
The Relationship of Epinephrine Oxidation to Rat Parotid Metabolism and Secretion in Vitro
Adrenal Epinephrine and norEpinephrine content following denervation and barbiturates
Effect of Epinephrine in oil on susceptibility of x-irradiated rats to experimental bacterial endocarditis
Influence of Epinephrine, cortisone acetate and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on gastric secretion
The effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine upon coronary vascular resistance in the dog
The results of alpha-adrenergic blockade on some behavioral and physiological effects of Epinephrine
Participation of a CNS-thyroid Neural Pathway in Epinephrine-Induced Hyperglycemia in the Cat
Solving the Epinephrine Problem
Blood glucose changes induced by cold, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine in dogs of various ages.
Epinephrine Antagonism of Insulin-Dependent Glucose Uptake in the Toad Bladder
Effects of pretreatment with Epinephrine and reserpine on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage
Plasma lipid changes induced by Epinephrine: a study carried out in premature babies fed with formulas of different lipid composition
Effect of infused Epinephrine after ganglionic block on histamine depressor response
Reaction of the adrenal glands of hypophysectomized rats to unilateral adrenalectomy, administration of Epinephrine, and irradiation
Studies on the Kalemotropic Effects of Epinephrine
Measurement of the Effects of Epinephrine, Atropine, and Chlorpromazine on the EEG Activation Response
Influence of metabolic and respiratory alkalosis on cardiac output and pressor response to Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine-liberated pancreatic substance on uptake of alpha amino-isobutyric acid by isolated perfused rat liver
Lipolytic activity of Epinephrine on human subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese and lean persons in vitro.
Effects of Local Anesthetics on Epinephrine-and NorEpinephrine-Induced Contractions of Rabbit Aortic Strips
Adrenal Cortical Steroid Involvement in the Activation of Phosphorylase by Epinephrine and Cyclic-3′, 5′-adenosinemonophosphate
Cardiovascular effects of sympathomimetic bronchodilators: Epinephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, isoproterenol, methoxyphenamine and isoprophenamine
Lipolysis, esterification and glucose oxidation by human omental isolated adipose cells: The effects of pH, buffer and Epinephrine
Effect of L-Epinephrine and Triamcinolone on the Incorporation of Acetate-2-14C and 32Pi Into Phospholipids and Neutral Lipids in Liver Slices from …
The Epinephrine-Mecholyl Test Applied to a State Hospital Population
Production of Epinephrine-induced skin lesions and fever following local and systemic injections of herpes simplex and vesicular stomatitis viruses in the rabbit
Systolic Time Intervals During Epinephrine Infusions in Normals and Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis (IHSS).
Epinephrine in Dental Anesthesia
Epinephrine: Cascade Reactions and Glycogenolytic Effect
Metabolism of the Normal Cardiovascular Wall: IV. Effect of Epinephrine and IsopropylnorEpinephrine
Effect of Tetrodotoxin, Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine on Glucose Uptake of the Rat Diaphragm
Epinephrine Treatment in Occlusive Cerebral Infarction
Epinephrine induced experimental medical aortopathy and its pathogenesis
Comparable investigations of the effect of serotonine and Epinephrine on the blood lipids level
Vasoconstrictive action of Epinephrine following staphylococcal enterotoxin.
Action of Epinephrine on the Distribution of Two Model Amino Acids in the Diabetic Rat
Effects of chronic Epinephrine medication in adult rats of different age.
Effect of Epinephrine on Water Uptake by the Cat Brain
Topical Epinephrine Therapy of Open-Angle
The Influence of Epinephrine and Pilocarpine upon Intraocular Pressure Following Single and Combination Installation
Effect of Dihydrotachysterol (AT10) and Epinephrine on Serum and Tissue Cholesterol and Calcium Levels
The influence of Epinephrine and of strong electrical stimulation on the nucleic acids of rat liver
Systemic effects of Epinephrine applied topically to the eye
Chemical Quantitation of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine in Plasma.
Changes in urine excretion after injection of Epinephrine in the renal artery
The Injection of Epinephrine During Methoxyflurane Anesthesia
Effect of Epinephrine on Glucose Metabolism in Novikoff Ascites Hepatoma Cells
Pharmacological Evaluation of Various Drugs Blocking the Positive Inotropic Action of Epinephrine
Synthesis of cyclic Epinephrine relatives
Potentiation of Epinephrine Response in Vascular Tissue by Nicotine
The Effects of Propranolol and Lidocaine on CycIopropane-Epinephrine Cardiac Arrhythmias
Electrocardiographic changes associated with the use of Epinephrine during general anaesthesia
The Effect of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine and Acetycholine on the Isolated Atria from Fishes (III)-On the Fluta alba Zuiew
The Effect of Pyrogallol on the Pharmacological Action of Ephedrine and Epinephrine
Experimental studies on the shock induced by the injection of Epinephrine into the palate and the prevention against it
Effects of Altered Heart Rate on Chloroform-Epinephrine Cardiac Arrhythmia
The Concentration of Radioactivity From Labeled Epinephrine and Its Precursors in The Dog Adrenal Medulla1’2’3
Stimulation of lipolysis by Epinephrine in adipose tissue.
Effects of Epinephrine Injection and Competition Between Males for 3, 5 and 10 Days on the Metabolism of Rabbit Testis in Vitro
Effect of Insulin, Epinephrine, Hydrocortisone and ACTH on the Catheptic Activity of Rat Spleen
Effects of Epinephrine, Acetylcholine and Vasodilators on the Coronary Blood Flow of Atherosclerotic Rabbits
A Comparison of CHLORPROMAZINE Effects on Cardiovascular Responses to Epinephrine in Surgical and Psychiatric Patients
The Influence of Cocaine on Some Metabolic Effects of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Epinephrine and glucocorticoid glycemic curves in malnourished infants.
Comparison of length of anesthesia using the vasoconstrictors: Epinephrine and phenylephrine with procaine, carbocaine, and lidocaine
A Study of the Interactions Among Adenosine Triphosphate, Epinephrine, and Magnesium Ions
Comparative Effects of Glucagon, Hydrocortisone and Epinephrine on the Protein Metabolism of the Fasting Rat
The calorigenic effect of glucagon and Epinephrine: a comparative study investigating the control of fatty acid metabolism in dogs and geese.
Chlorothiazide Attenuation of the Pressor Responses to Epinephrine, Levarterenol, and Angiotensin in the Perfused Renal Vascular Bed
Epinephrine-Assisted Renal Venography in Renal Vein Thrombosis: Report of Two Adolescents With Nephrotic Syndrome
Studies on the Regulation of Pulmonary Circulation by Radiological Methods: Effects of Epinephrine and Serotonin on the Pulmonary Blood Vessels of the Intact Dog
The effects of reserpine on adrenal responses to nicotine and on cardiovascular responses to exogenous Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Experimental Study on Some Dental Local Anesthetics with Reference to Antagonistic Actions to Histamine, Acetylcholine, Nicotine, Epinephrine and Barium Chloride
Effects of Epinephrine, Melatonin, Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone, and Ions Upon Isolated Fish Scale Melanophores
Effects of Epinephrine, Insulin and Hydrocortisone on the C14-labeled Glucose and Palmitate-l-C14 Metabolism of the Normal Rat Heart Muscle
… implantation of a thermistor for the measurement of coronary blood flow transients in the pig induced by Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and acetylcholine
… to forward outflow of the left ventricle does not affect, or at least does not increase, the flow through the tricuspid valve. Hence, nor-Epinephrine does not appreciably …
Studies on hemorrhagic and endotoxin shock in relation to vasomotor changes and endogenous circulating Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and serotonin
Epinephrine-induced insulin resistance in man
Facilitation of time-dependent memory processes with posttrial Epinephrine injections
A comparative interaction of Epinephrine with enflurane, isoflurane, and halothane in man.
Epinephrine plasma metabolic clearance rates and physiologic thresholds for metabolic and hemodynamic actions in man.
Dipivalyl Epinephrine: a new pro-drug in the treatment of glaucoma.
An improved spectrophotometric assay for superoxide dismutase based on Epinephrine autoxidation
Adrenergic mechanisms for the effects of Epinephrine on glucose production and clearance in man
Effect of Epinephrine on the corneal edothelium.
Simultaneous single isotope radioenzymatic assay of plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and dopamine
Central catecholamine neuron systems: anatomy and physiology of the norEpinephrine and Epinephrine systems
Differential effects of Epinephrine on glucose production and disposal in man.
Nebulized racemic Epinephrine by IPPB for the treatment of croup: a double-blind study
Effect of Epinephrine on pressure, flow, and volume relationships in the systemic circulation of dogs
Ocular absorption and metabolism of topically applied Epinephrine and a dipivalyl ester of Epinephrine.
Exposure of platelet fibrinogen receptors by ADP and Epinephrine.
Immediate effect of Epinephrine on aqueous formation in the normal human eye as measured by fluorophotometry.
Load independence of the instantaneous pressure-volume ratio of the canine left ventricle and effects of Epinephrine and heart rate on the ratio
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine release and adrenergic mediation of smoking-associated hemodynamic and metabolic events
Clinical comparison of dipivalyl Epinephrine and Epinephrine in the treatment of glaucoma.
The effects of dipivalyl Epinephrine on the eye.
The effects of Epinephrine infusion in patients with von Willebrand’s disease.
Plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in untreated diabetics, during fasting and after insulin administration
Stimulation of glucagon secretion by Epinephrine in man
Blood levels following intravenous and endotracheal Epinephrine administration
A simplified radiometric assay for plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Activation of the Cori cycle by Epinephrine.
Nocturnal asthma and changes in circulating Epinephrine, histamine, and cortisol
Effects of Epinephrine on distribution of blood flow in the pregnant ewe
Dipivefrin and Epinephrine treatment of elevated intraocular pressure: a comparative study
Smoking and cardiovascular disease: effect of nicotine on the serum Epinephrine and corticoids
Epinephrine and the regulation of glucose metabolism: effect of diabetes and hormonal interactions
Neural pharmacokinetics of Epinephrine.
Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus: inhibition by Epinephrine and activation by the α-antagonist piperoxane
Acute parathyroid hormone response to Epinephrine in vivo
Synergistic Interactions of Physiologic Increments of Glucagon, Epinephrine, and Cortisol in the Dog: A MODEL FOR STRESS-INDUCED HYPERGLYCEMIA
Endogenous plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in last-trimester pregnancy and labor
Treatment of laryngotracheobronchitis (croup): use of intermittent positive-pressure breathing and racemic Epinephrine
The evaluation of racemic Epinephrine in the treatment of infectious croup
Human blood pressure and pulse rate response to racemic Epinephrine retraction cord.
Effect of handling and forced immobilization on rat plasma levels of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and dopamine-β-hydroxylase
NorEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine contents of the cardiovascular system in long-term diabetics.
Effective hemostasis with less Epinephrine: an experimental and clinical study
Posttraining brain norEpinephrine concentrations: correlation with retention performance of avoidance training and with peripheral Epinephrine modulation of memory …
Induction of the fibrinogen receptor on human platelets by Epinephrine and the combination of Epinephrine and ADP.
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine are cleared through beta-adrenergic, but not alpha-adrenergic, mechanisms in man
Slow inward current and its role mediating the chronotropic effect of Epinephrine in the rabbit sinoatrfal node
Augmentation of left ventricular contraction pattern in coronary artery disease by an inotropic catecholamine: the Epinephrine ventriculogram
Isotope derivative measurements of plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in man
Platelet function in essential thrombocythemia: decreased Epinephrine responsiveness associated with a deficiency of platelet α-adrenergic receptors
Effects of Epinephrine on resisitive and compliant properties of the canine vasculature
Release of gastrin by Epinephrine in man
The effects of oxygen supply, Epinephrine, and acetylcholine on the distribution of blood flow in trout gills
Correlation of Epinephrine use and macular edema in aphakic glaucomatous eyes
The effect of Epinephrine on tracheal fluid flow and surfactant efflux in fetal sheep
Studies on the mechanism of Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia in man: evidence for participation of pancreatic glucagon secretion
Diminished polymorphonuclear leukocyte adherence: function dependent on release of cyclic AMP by endothelial cells after stimulation of β-receptors by Epinephrine
Systemic absorption of topical ocularly applied Epinephrine and dipivefrin
Influence of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and isoproterenol on glucose homeostasis in normal man
Reduction of adenylate cyclase activity in lysates of human platelets by the alpha-adrenergic component of Epinephrine.
Efficacy of dopamine, dobutamine, and Epinephrine during emergence from cardiopulmonary bypass in man.
Hormonal mechanisms in acute glucose counterregulation: the relative roles of glucagon, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, growth hormone, and cortisol
Mapping study of brain dopamine-and Epinephrine-sensitive sites which cause feeding suppression in the rat
A Sensitive Radioenzymatic Assay for Dopamine, NorEpinephrine, and Epinephrine inPlasma and Tissue
Epinephrine distribution in human brain
Centrally mediated release by cocaine of endogenous Epinephrine and norEpinephrine from the sympathoadrenal medullary system of unanesthetized rats.
Effects of Epinephrine on the pacemaker potassium current of cardiac Purkinje fibers
Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmia potential of some common industrial solvents
Urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels in women athletes during training and competition
Influence of small increments of Epinephrine on glucose tolerance in normal humans
Influence of Epinephrine on the aggregation response of aspirin-treated platelets
Metabolic effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the eel Anguilla anguilla L
Enzyme Secretion Mediated by the Epinephrine β-Receptor in Rat Parotid Slices: FACTORS GOVERNING EFFICIENCY OF THE PROCESS
The effect of different intensities of exercise on the excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine.
Effects of posttraining Epinephrine injections on retention of avoidance training in mice
Vascular and metabolic effects of circulating Epinephrine and norEpinephrine. Concentration-effect study in dogs.
Prodrug approaches to enhancement of physicochemical properties of drugs IV: novel Epinephrine prodrug
Epinephrine-induced hypoaminoacidemia in normal and diabetic human subjects: effect of beta blockade
Subsensitivity to Epinephrine following the administration of Epinephrine and ephedrine to normal individuals
Comparison of the pharmacological effects of Epinephrine administered by the intravenous and endotracheal routes
A calcium ionophore simulating the action of Epinephrine on the α-adrenergic receptor
The activation of chloride transport by Epinephrine and Db cyclic-AMP in the cornea of the rabbit
Levels of circulating norEpinephrine and Epinephrine before, during, and after cardiopulmonary bypass in man
Granulocyte adherence changes induced by hemodialysis, endotoxin, Epinephrine, and glucocorticoids
Copper (II) chelation by dopa, Epinephrine, and other catechols
Spectrophotometric determination of catechol, Epinephrine, dopa, dopamine and other aromatic vic-diols
The effect of Epinephrine on pulpal microcirculation
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, glucagon, and growth hormone release in association with physiological decrements in the plasma glucose concentration in normal and …
A simple specific radioenzymatic assay for the simultaneous measurement of picogram quantities of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine in plasma and …
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine secretion from a clinically Epinephrine-secreting pheochromocytoma
Pulmonary insufficiency caused by Epinephrine.
Effects of α-and β-adrenergic receptor antagonists on post-trial Epinephrine modulation of memory: Relationship to post-training brain norEpinephrine concentrations
Long-term Epinephrine therapy of ocular hypertension
Altered responsiveness to cortisol, Epinephrine, and glucagon in insulin-infused juvenile-onset diabetics: a mechanism for diabetic instability
Ventricular arrhythmias after Epinephrine injection in enflurane and in halothane anesthesia.
Site of ocular hydrolysis of a prodrug, dipivefrin, and a comparison of its ocular metabolism with that of the parent compound, Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-induced cystoid macular edema in aphakic eyes
Response of ovine uterine blood flow to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and insulin on phosphopeptide metabolism in adipocytes.
Inhibition of platelet adenylate cyclase by Epinephrine requires GTP
Catecholamines metabolism in thyroid diseases. I. Epinephrine secretion rate in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Timolol and Epinephrine: comparison of efficacy and side effects
Epinephrine and the carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex. Influence on capacitive and resistive properties of the total systemic vascular bed of the dog.
Epinephrine induces Ca2+ uptake in human blood platelets
Fluorometric analysis of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Measurement of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in small volumes of human plasma by a single isotope derivative method: response to the upright posture
Aortic arch anomalies associated with the administration of Epinephrine in chick embryos
Myocardial oxygen consumption: effects of Epinephrine, isoproterenol, dopamine, norEpinephrine, and dobutamine
Human lymphocyte subpopulations effect of Epinephrine.
Potassium Release Mediated by the Epinephrine α-Receptor in Rat Parotid Slices: PROPERTIES AND RELATION TO ENZYME SECRETION
Inhibition of Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in isolated white adipocytes of aging rabbits by increased alpha-adrenergic responsiveness.
Epinephrine localization in human brain stem
Liquid-chromatographic determination of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in human plasma.
External ocular toxicity of dipivalyl Epinephrine.
Cystoid macular edema associated with topically applied Epinephrine in aphakic eyes.
The Effect of a Pro-drug of Epinephrine (Dipivalyl Epinephrine) in Glaucoma— General Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Clinical Experience
(+/-)-[3H] Epinephrine and (-)[3H] dihydroalprenolol binding to beta1-and beta2-noradrenergic receptors in brain, heart, and lung membranes.
Corneal endothelial changes with long-term topical Epinephrine therapy
The effect of Epinephrine, glucagon, and the nutritional state on the oxidation of branched chain amino acids and pyruvate by isolated hearts and diaphragms of the rat
Lactic acidosis in Epinephrine poisoning
Endotracheal Epinephrine in cardiorespiratory collapse.
Role of a transmembrane pH gradient in Epinephrine transport by chromaffin granule membrane vesicles
Somatostatin- and Epinephrine-Induced Modifications of 45Ca++ Fluxes and Insulin Release in Rat Pancreatic Islets Maintained in Tissue Culture
Measurement of urinary Epinephrine in screening for pheochromocytoma in multiple endocrine neoplasia type II
Studies on the regulation of gluconeogenesis in isolated rat liver cells by Epinephrine and glucagon
Comparison of subcutaneous terbutaline with Epinephrine in the treatment of asthma in children
Calcium and energy requirements for K+ release mediated by the Epinephrine α-receptor in rat parotid slices
Epinephrine regulation of skeletal muscle glycogen metabolism. Studies utilizing the perfused rat hindlimb preparation.
THe hazards of injecting local anesthetic solutions with Epinephrine into flaps: experimental study.
Quantitative determination of the interaction between Epinephrine and various insulin releasers in man
A time-dependent increase in the responsiveness of platelet-rich plasma to Epinephrine
Electrogenic Epinephrine transport in chromaffin granule ghosts
Epinephrine and the pacemaking mechanisms at plateau potentials in sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers
Effects of Prostaglandin Ei and of Epinephrine on the Dynamics of Insulin Release in Vitro
A comparison of the effects of timolol and Epinephrine on intraocular pressure
Dipivefrin use in patients with intolerance to topically applied Epinephrine
The effect of local anesthesia with Epinephrine on skin flap survival
Effects of thermal stress and Epinephrine on uterine blood flow in ewes
Evidence for a dual mechanism of lipolysis activation by Epinephrine in rat adipose tissue.
Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during enflurane anesthesia in man: a nonlinear dose-response relationship and dose-dependent protection from lidocaine.
Insulin antagonistic effects of Epinephrine and glucagon in the dog.
Epinephrine and adrenocorticotropic hormone-stimulated magnesium accumulation in adipocytes and their plasma membranes
The effects of Epinephrine, prostaglandins, and their antagonists on adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate concentrations and motility of the rat uterus
Epinephrine-enhanced knee arthrography
Cardiovascular effects of Epinephrine overdose: case report.
The blood supply of experimental liver metastases: V. Increased tumor perfusion with Epinephrine
Halothane-Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias and the role of heart rate
Interindividual variation in kinetics of infused Epinephrine
Hormonal regulation of adipocyte enzymes: the effects of Epinephrine and insulin on the control of lipase, phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylase, and glycogen …
The effect of topical l-Epinephrine on regional ocular blood flow in monkeys.
Effect of Epinephrine on parathyroid hormone secretion in calves
Epinephrine effects on branchial water and urea flux in rainbow trout
Acute effect of Epinephrine on aqueous humor formation in the timolol-treated normal eye as measured by fluorophotometry.
Changes in Epinephrine in individual hypothalamic nuclei after immobilization stress.
Interaction of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on heart cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase
Hemodynamic effects of Epinephrine and terbutaline in normal man
Evidence for two alpha-adrenergic binding sites in liver plasma membranes. Studies with [3H] Epinephrine and [3H] dihydroergocryptine.
Glucose inhibition of Epinephrine stimulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis by blockade of the α-receptor function
Hypoxic vascular response of the lung: effect of aminophylline and Epinephrine
Restorative effect of Epinephrine on the electrophysiologic properties of depressed human atrial tissue
Calcium-membrane interactions in the myocardium: effects of ouabain, Epinephrine and 3′, 5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate
Studies on the mechanisms of Epinephrine stimulation of lypolysis
Studies on the distribution of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and Epinephrine in the rat.
Lipid and glycogen metabolism in the hypoxic heart: effects of Epinephrine
Hormonal regulation of acetyl CoA carboxylase effect of insulin and Epinephrine
Rapid reciprocal changes in rat tissue enzyme activities following Epinephrine injection
Role of glucagon in mediating metabolic effects of Epinephrine.
Gonadotropin-induced desensitization of Epinephrine action in the luteinized rat ovary
Timolol and Epinephrine: a clinical study of ocular interactions
Gas gangrene after intramuscular injection of Epinephrine: report of fatal case
Marginal neutrophil pool size in normal subjects and neutropenic patients as measured by Epinephrine infusion
The effects of Epinephrine and prostaglandin E1 on cyclic adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate levels in WI-38 fibroblasts
The biphasic intraocular pressure response of rabbits to Epinephrine.
Nitroprusside and Epinephrine for treatment of low output in children after open-heart surgery
Effect of sequential infusions of glucagon and Epinephrine on glucose turnover in the dog.
Synergistic activation of adenylate cyclase by guanylyl imidophosphate and Epinephrine
Low-dose Epinephrine: Effect on intraocular pressure
Determination of dopa, dopamine, dopac, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, α-monofluoromethyldopa and α-difluoromethyldopa in various tissues of mice and rats using …
Gas chromatography of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine after derivatization with chloroformates in aqueous media
Epinephrine maculopathy.
Effect of Epinephrine on vascular space of gills and head of rainbow trout
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and thyroid hormone interactions in severely burned patients
Systemic and regional blood flow during epidural anesthesia without Epinephrine in the rhesus monkey
Regulation of human platelet adenylate cyclase by Epinephrine, prostaglandin E1, and guanine nucleotides. Evidence for separate guanine nucleotide sites …
The effect of ephedrine on the response to Epinephrine in normal men
Response to topical Epinephrine: A practical prognostic test in patients with ocular hypertension
Cyclic AMP accumulation in psoriatic skin: differential responses to histamine, AMP, and Epinephrine by the uninvolved and involved epidermis
Epinephrine contents of sympathetic ganglia and brain regions of spontaneously hypertensive rats of different ages
Adrenal medulla denervation prevents stress-induced Epinephrine plasma elevation and cardiac hypertrophy
Ion pumps in the cornea and their stimulation by Epinephrine and cyclic-AMP
Reversible skeletal muscle damage after administration of local anesthetics with and without Epinephrine.
Epinephrine enhanced knee arthrography.
The alpha and beta adrenergic responses to Epinephrine in the rabbit eye
Gluconeogenesis in Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia
Opposing actions of calcium and magnesium ions on the metabolic effects of Epinephrine in rat heart
Effect of Epinephrine and insulin on the phosphorylation of phosphorylase phosphatase inhibitor 1 in perfused rat skeletal muscle
Inhibition of hamster fat cell adenylate cyclase by prostaglandin E1 and Epinephrine: Requirement for GTP and sodium ions
Modifications of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, blood lipid fractions and the cardiovascular system produced by noise in an industrial medium
Comparison of the cardiopulmonary effects of subcutaneously administered Epinephrine and terbutaline in patients with reversible airway obstruction
Effect of Epinephrine on platelet lipid metabolism
Radioenzymatic determination of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine in 0.1 ml plasma samples. Plasma catecholamine response to submaximal and near …
Effect of oxotremorine and Epinephrine on lung surfactant secretion in neonatal rabbits
Stimulation of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis by Epinephrine independent of its beta-adrenergic function in perfused rat liver
The photo-oxidation of Epinephrine by spinach chloroplasts and its inhibition by superoxide dismutase: evidence for the formation of superoxide radicals in …
Effects of pharmacologic alterations of adrenergic mechanisms by cocaine, tropolone, aminophylline, and ketamine on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during …
Epinephrine action on sodium fluxes in frog striated muscle
Binding of dl-[3H] Epinephrine to proteins of rat ventricular muscle: nonidentity with beta adrenergic receptors
3′: 5′-cyclic AMP: independent induction of amino acid transport by Epinephrine in primary cultures of adult rat liver cells
Activation of Epinephrine-sensitive adenylate cyclase in rat liver by cytosolic protein-nucleotide complex.
Pulmonary anatomic arteriovenous shunting caused by Epinephrine
The dose-response relationships of dipivalyl Epinephrine in open-angle glaucoma
The Exchangeable Splenic Platelet Pool Studied with Epinephrine Infusion in Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and in Patients with. Splenomegaly
Automated specific fluorimetric methods for Epinephrine and norEpinephrine assay in a single biolgical extract
Altered glucoregulatory response to physiological infusions of Epinephrine and glucagon in hyperthyroidism
Effect of Epinephrine on the oxidative desaturation of fatty acids in the rat
Adrenergic receptor and Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia and glucose tolerance
Interactions of acetylcholine and Epinephrine on the dynamics of insulin release in vitro.
Inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and Epinephrine biosynthesis. 1. Chloro-substituted 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinolines
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on gastrin release and gastric secretion of acid in man.
The stimulus-secretion coupling of glucose-induced insulin release. XI. Effects of theophylline and Epinephrine on 45Ca efflux from perifused islets
Epinephrine-induced alterations in urinary cyclic AMP in hyper-and hypothyroidism
Physiologic effects of Epinephrine on glucose turnover and plasma free fatty acid concentrations mediated independently of glucagon
The Effects of p Adrenergic Blockade on the Responses of Leucocyte Counts to Intravenous Epinephrine in Man
Endotracheal Epinephrine in a canine anaphylactic shock model
Effects of C-reactive protein on platelet function: II. Inhibition by CRP of platelet reactivities stimulated by poly-l-lysine, ADP, Epinephrine, and collagen
Mechanism of stimulation by Epinephrine of active transepithelial Cl transport in isolated frog cornea
Sensitivity of neonatal renal vasculature to Epinephrine
A comparative study of subcutaneously administered terbutaline and Epinephrine in the treatment of acute bronchial asthma
The influence of Epinephrine on prostacyclin (PGI2) induced dissociation of ADP aggregated platelets
Selective GLC determination of Epinephrine, isoproterenol, and phenylephrine in pharmaceutical dosage forms
Effects of Epinephrine, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and theophylline on adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate phosphodiesterase activity in fat cells
Use of antibodies to norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in immunohistochemistry.
Plasma Epinephrine and control of plasma renin activity: possible extrarenal mechanisms
Supersensitivity to topical Epinephrine after long-term Epinephrine therapy
Effects of Epinephrine on branchial non-electrolyte permeability in rainbow trout
Effect of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and dopamine-β-hydroxylase inhibition on Epinephrine levels in the brain
Stimulation of glycogenolysis by Epinephrine and glucagon and its inhibition by insulin in isolated rat liver hepatocytes
Molecular orbital studies of the radicals of hydroxybenzenes and Epinephrine
Optimal dosing of Epinephrine in acute asthma
Metabolic background for glucose tolerance: mechanism for Epinephrine-induced impairment
Ovulatory plasma amine (Epinephrine and norEpinephrine) surge in the woman
Angiographic evaluation of carcinoid tumors of the small intestine: the value of Epinephrine
Epinephrine-abd glucagon-stimulated cardiac adenylyl cyclase activity: Regulation by endogenous factors
Branchial effects of Epinephrine in the seawater-adapted mullet. I. Water permeability
Effects of physiological infusion of Epinephrine in normal humans: relationship between the metabolic response and β-adrenergic binding
Loss and restoration of sensitivity to Epinephrine in cultured BHK cells: effect of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis
A new method of administering aqueous Epinephrine: the EpiPen, an automatic syringe
Effects of Epinephrine, benzalkonium chloride, and intraocular miotics on corneal endothelium.
Effect of Epinephrine during enflurane anesthesia
Actions of insulin, Epinephrine, and dibutyryl adenosine cyclic 5′-monophosphate on fat cell protein phosphorylations. Adenosine cyclic 5′-monophosphate dependent …
Leukocytic Epinephrine receptors of normal and asthmatic individuals
Conditioning of gastric secretion by Epinephrine in rats
The Epinephrine-sensitive adenylate cyclase of rat liver plasma membranes. Role of guanyl nucleotides.
Improved, rapid spectrophotofluorometric method for assay of Epinephrine: A comparative study
Stimulation by Epinephrine of in vivo phosphorylation and inactivation of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase of rat epididymal adipose tissue.
Active oxygen in liver microsomes: mechanism of Epinephrine oxidation
Topical Epinephrine and cystoid macular edema.
Effect of Epinephrine on acetyl-CoA carboxylase in rat epididymal fat tissue.
In vitro stimulation of hepatic glycogen phosphorylase activity by Epinephrine and glucagon in the brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus
Allergic contact dermatitis and conjunctivitis from Epinephrine
Endogenous GTP and the regulation of Epinephrine stimulation of adenylate cyclase.
Epinephrine injection with enflurane anesthesia: incidence of cardiac arrhythmias
Mode of action of chronotropic agents in cardiac Purkinje fibers: Does Epinephrine act by directly modifying the external surface charge?
Microscarring in skeletal muscle after repeated exposures to lidocaine with Epinephrine.
High Epinephrine content in the adrenal tumors from Sipple’s syndrome
Effects of insulin, Epinephrine, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate on pyruvate dehydrogenase of adipose tissue
The effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and phenylephrine on the types of proteins secreted by rat salivary glands
The influence of ammonium and calcium ions on gluconeogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes and their response to glucagon and Epinephrine
The effect of Epinephrine on platelet aggregation in normal and atopic subjects
… of skeletal muscle containing cyclocreatine phosphate. Delay in onset of rigor mortis and decreased glycogenolysis in response to ischemia or Epinephrine.
Differing specificities in the desensitization of ovarian adenylate cyclase by Epinephrine and human chorionic gonadotropin
Increased sensitivity of diabetic rat adipose tissue towards the lipolytic action of Epinephrine
Branchial effects of Epinephrine in the seawater-adapted mullet. II. Na+ and Cl-extrusion
Cyclic AMP response to Epinephrine and shock
A rapid and highly sensitive method for determination of picogram levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography
Plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in acromegaly
Epinephrine binding and the selective restoration of adenylate cyclase activity in fat-fed rats
Serum Epinephrine and norEpinephrine during valve replacement and aorta-coronary bypass
Effect of exercise, hypoxia, and Epinephrine on lysosomes and plasma enzymes
Calorigenic effects of glucagon and Epinephrine in anesthetized dogs
Studies on the alpha-adrenergic activation of hepatic glucose output. alpha-Adrenergic activation of phosphorylase by immobilized Epinephrine.
Epinephrine elevation in plasma parallels canine cardiac hypertrophy
Hormonal Regulation of Cyclic‐AMP‐Dependent Protein Kinase of Rat Diaphragm by Epinephrine and Insulin
Somatostatin inhibition of Epinephrine-induced glucagon secretion
Photooxidation of Epinephrine sensitized by methylene blue—evidence for the involvement of singlet oxygen and of Superoxide
Doses of Epinephrine causing arrhythmia during enflurane, methoxyflurane and halothane anaesthesia in dogs
A’black cornea’secondary to topical Epinephrine.
The effect of Epinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on glucose 1, 6-bisphosphate levels and the activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and …
Epinephrine inhibiting milk ejection in lactating cows
The effect of Epinephrine and acetylcholine on the distribution of red cells within the gills of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine responses to chair restraint in the monkey
Reinforcement of reflex Epinephrine release by angiotensin II
Epinephrine distribution after topical administration to phakic and aphakic eyes.
Increased ocular and systemic responsiveness to Epinephrine in primary open-angle glaucoma
Acute asthma: the use of subcutaneous Epinephrine in therapy.
Effects of dopamine and Epinephrine on intestinal blood flow and oxygen uptake
Lidocaine, bupivacaine, etidocaine, and Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in dogs.
Thyroid hormone modulation of Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in rat adipocytes: a possible role of calcium
The isolated, perfused head of the marine teleost fish,Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus: Hemodynamic effects of Epinephrine
Interaction of glucagon and Epinephrine in the regulation of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-dependent glycogenolysis in the cultured fetal hepatocyte
Distribution of PNMT and Epinephrine in the medulla oblongata of normotensive and spontaneous hypertensive rats
Role of ATP and β-γ-iminoadenosinetriphosphate in the stimulation of Epinephrine and protein release from isolated adrenal secretory vesicles
Effects of acetylsalicylic acid, dipyridamole, and hydrocortisone on Epinephrine-induced myocardial injury in dogs
The stimulation of chloride transport by prostaglandins and their interaction with Epinephrine, theophylline, and cyclic AMP in the corneal epithelium
The involvement of calcium in Epinephrine or ADP potentiation of human platelet aggregation
Epinephrine binding to rat adipocytes and their subcellular fractions
Increased sensitivity of rat adipose tissue to the lipolytic action of Epinephrine during fasting and its reversal during re‐feeding
Effects of insulin, glucagon, and Epinephrine on the plasma membrane of the white adipose cell: a freeze-fracture study
Adrenergic drugs and intraocular pressure: the hypertensive effect of Epinephrine
Plasma lidocaine concentrations following subcutaneous or submucosal Epinephrine-lidocaine injection
Effect of Epinephrine infusion on maternal and uterine oxygen uptake in the pregnant ewe
Increased levels of adenosine 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphate in Tetrahymena stimulated by glucose and mediated by Ca2+ and Epinephrine
Novel post-column derivatization method for the fluorimetric determination of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Oxidation of Epinephrine by a cell-free system from human granulocytes
Regulation of cyclic nucleotide levels and glycogen phosphorylase activity by acetylcholine and Epinephrine in perfused rat hearts.
Specific refractoriness of adenylate cyclase in skin to Epinephrine, prostaglandin E, histamine and AMP
Comparative effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on plasma glucose and hematocrit levels in the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
Epinephrine-stimulated phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase in hepatocytes
Sensitization to Epinephrine-induced ventricular fibrillation produced by probucol in dogs
A highly sensitive and precise radioenzymatic assay for plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
The Ultrastructure of Human Axillary Apocrine Glands After Epinephrine
Clonidine-induced increase in serum growth hormone: Possible role of Epinephrine-mediated synapses
Urinary levels of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in parachutist trainees
Propranolol-Epinephrine antagonism with hypertension and stroke
A Toxin Purified from the Venom of Black Widow Spider Affects the Uptake and Release of Radioactive γ‐Amino Butyrate and N‐Epinephrine from Rat Brain …
… alanine and glutamine formation and release in experimental chronic uremia in the rat: subsensitivity of adenylate cyclase and amino acid release to Epinephrine and …
Influence of respiratory and metabolic acidosis on Epinephrine-inotropic effect in isolated guinea pig atria
Increased integrated concentration of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, aldosterone, and growth hormone in patients with uncontrolled juvenile diabetes mellitus
The activation of adenylate cyclase by 1-Epinephrine and guanylylimidodiphosphate and its reversal by 1-Epinephrine and GTP
Inhibition of Epinephrine oxidation in weak alkaline solutions
Beta-blockade of Epinephrine-induced cyclic AMP formation in heart, liver, fat and trachea
The role of calcium ion in Epinephrine activation of lipolysis
Effects of Epinephrine and oxytocin on the release of prostaglandin F from the rat uterus in vitro
Modulation of acetylation of chromosomal proteins of the brain of rats of various ages by Epinephrine and estradiol
… cyclic adenosine monophosphate response after Epinephrine in asthmatic children: Diminished plasma cyclic adenosine monophosphate response after Epinephrine …
Structure activity relationships between catecholamines and the alpha-adrenergic receptor responsible for the aggregation of human platelets by Epinephrine.
Plasma free norEpinephrine and Epinephrine concentrations following diazepam‐ketamine induction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Cyclic-AMP in the aqueous humor: the effects of repeated topical Epinephrine administration and sympathetic denervation
Epinephrine, cyclic AMP, calcium, and myocardial contractility.
Epinephrine-and prostaglandin-sensitive adenyl cyclase in mammary gland
The relation of plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine levels over time in humans
Interaction of Epinephrine metabolites with the liver microsomal electron transport system
Cellular levels of feedback regulator of adenylate cyclase and the effect of Epinephrine and insulin
Attenuation of Epinephrine-induced increase in liver cyclic AMP by endogeneous insulin in vivo.
Influence of somatostatin on glucagon-and Epinephrine-stimulated hepatic glucose output in the dog.
[3H] Epinephrine and [3H] norEpinephrine binding to α-noradrenergic receptors in calf brain membranes
Acute suppression by PGF2 alpha on LH, Epinephrine and fluoride stimulation of adenylate cyclase in rat luteal tissue.
Lipolytic response of rat adipocytes to Epinephrine: effect of age and cell size
Genetic regulation of galactokinase in Tetrahymena by cyclic AMP, glucose, and Epinephrine
Haemodynamic effects of dopamine, Epinephrine and orciprenaline (Alupent®) in patients early after cardiac surgery
Fluorometric determination of Epinephrine in low dosage injections and in lidocaine hydrochloride—Epinephrine combinations
Epinephrine-induced hyperuricemia in experimental animals
The actions of serotonin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine on hypothalamic processes leading to adenohypophyseal luteinizing hormone release
Activation of Epinephrine and glucagon-sensitive adenylate cyclases of rat liver by cytosol protein factors. Role in loss of enzyme activities during preparation of …
Hepatic microsomal metabolism of Epinephrine and adrenochrome by superoxide-dependent and-independent pathways
Effect of angiotensins and Epinephrine on vascular resistance of isolated dogfish gut
Role of Epinephrine in regional block anesthesia with etidocaine: a double-blind study
An Impaired Response of Adenylate Cyclase to Stimulation by Epinephrine in Adipocyte Plasma Membranes from Genetically Obese Mice (ob/ob)
New evidence for the activation of factor XII by Epinephrine
Vinblastine and vincristine: a study of their action on tissue concentrations of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and acetylcholine
Inhalation of Racemic Epinephrine in Children with Asthma: Dose‐Response Relation and Comparison with Salbutamol
Effect of cold and Epinephrine on glucose kinetics in dogs
Topical application of Epinephrine during bronchoscopy in barbiturate-halothane-anaesthesia and its influence on cardiac action.
Dispersion of Epinephrine sensitive and insensitive adenylate cyclase from the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis
Evaluation of a new beta-adrenergic blocking agent, carteolol, based on metabolic responses in rats—I: Blockade in vivo of Epinephrine-and isoproterenol-induced …
Influence of imipramine and pargyline on the arrhythmogenicity of Epinephrine during halothane, enflurane or methoxyflurane anesthesia in dogs
Control of rat adipose tissue metabolism by cortisone in relation to Epinephrine
Neonatal corticosteroid permanently alters brain activity of Epinephrine-synthesizing enzyme in stressed rats
Early effects of Epinephrine and pilocarpine on the intraocular pressure and the episcleral venous pressure in the normal human eye
The effect of Epinephrine and isoproterenol on insulin secretion and glucose utilization in isolated islets of Langerhans from mice
Distribution and characterization of PNMT and Epinephrine in the CNS
The attenuation of Epinephrine-dependent adenylate cyclase by adenosine and the characteristics of the adenosine stimulatory and inhibitory sites
Responses to fasting and lipid infusion of Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia.
Arrhythmias in dogs associated with Epinephrine and thiamylal anesthesia.
Epinephrine and glucagon counteract inhibition of protein synthesis induced by D-galactosamine in isolated mouse hepatocytes
Response to topical Epinephrine in chronic open-angle glaucoma
On the accumulation of adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate in Ehrlich cells and adenylate cyclase desensitization in response to Epinephrine.
Effects of lidocaine and Epinephrine on myocardial preservation following cardiopulmonary bypass in the dog
Placental transfer of 3H-Epinephrine and its metabolites to the fetal heart during variable hormonal treatments
Cyclic AMP binding to intracellular receptor proteins in rat myometrium. Effect of Epinephrine and prostaglandin E1
Epinephrine requirements for effective hemostasis in local anesthetics
Ultrasensitive chemosensory responses by a protozoan to Epinephrine and other neurochemicals
Factitial Epinephrine-only secreting pheochromocytoma
Gluconeogenesis in rabbit liver III. The influences of glucagon, Epinephrine, α-and β-adrenergic agents on gluconeogenesis in isolated hepatocytes
Epinephrine-and glucagon-sensitive adenylate cyclases of rat liver during aging: Evidence for membrane instability associated with increased enzymatic activity
Role of activation in Epinephrine-induced aggregation of platelets
Pharmacologic antagonism of beta-adrenergic blockade in dogs: I. Hemodynamic effects of isoproterenol, dopamine, and Epinephrine in acute propranolol …
Inhibition of Epinephrine and metaraminol uptake into adrenal medullary vesicles by aralkylamines and alkylamines
Binding and internalization of 3H-Epinephrine in Tetrahymena.
Solubilization of glucagon and Epinephrine sensitive adenylate cyclase from rat liver plasma membranes
Epinephrine as the initial therapy in selected cases of ocular hypertension
Effect of alpha and beta adrenergic blockade on Epinephrine induced pulmonary insufficiency.
Comparative effect of glucagon, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and Epinephrine on the desaturation and elongation of linoleic acid by rat liver microsomes
Interactions of adenine, thymine, and uracil with Epinephrine: UV studies
Regulation of intraocular pressure and pupil size by β-blockers and Epinephrine
Epinephrine precursors: effects on the iodine and intermediary metabolism of isolated calf thyroid cells
Hormonal control of neutrophil lysosomal enzyme release: effect of Epinephrine on adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate
Bronchodilator effects of terbutaline and Epinephrine in obstructive lung disease
Effects of trypsin on binding of [3H] Epinephrine and [3H]-dihydroergocryptine to rat liver plasma membranes. Evidence for interconversion of binding sites.
Biphasic aggregation responses to ADP and Epinephrine in some storage pool deficient platelets: relationship to the role of endogenous ADP in platelet aggregation …
Partial inhibition by lithium of the Epinephrine-stimulated rise in plasma cyclic GMP in humans.
The effects of glucagon and Epinephrine on two preparations of cardiac mitochondria
Epinephrine inhibits thyrotropin-stimulated adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate accumulation in cat thyroid tissue
Epinephrine‐Binding Plasma‐Membrane Antigens in Rat Liver
Adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-dependent and-independent inhibitory effects of Epinephrine on insulin release in rat pancreatic islets
The origins of plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine levels in stressed rats
Mediation of Epinephrine effects on memory processes by alpha-and beta-receptors
Topical Epinephrine causes a decrease in density of β-adrenergic receptors and catecholamine-stimulated chloride transport in the rabbit cornea
Influence of alterations in drug metabolism on spontaneous and Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in animals exposed to trichloroethylene
Gluconeogenesis in isolated rat hepatic parenchymal cells. IX. Differential effects of glucagon and Epinephrine on phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase.
The effect of Epinephrine on tonic immobility (animal hypnosis) in chickens
Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias: effect of exogenous prostaglandins and prostaglandin synthesis inhibition during halothane-O2 anesthesia in the dog.
Quantitative determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the picogram range by flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography
Effect of insulin and Epinephrine on the carbohydrate metabolism and adenylate cyclase activity of rhesus fetal muscle
Stimulation of Epinephrine-sensitive fat cell adenylate cyclase by cytosol: Effect of cholera toxin
Glucagon and Epinephrine Activation of Adenylate Cyclase and Clucagon Binding in Morris Hepatomas
Immunofluorescent demonstration of plasma protein entry into arterial wall by cholesterol, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and angiotensin II
Effects of intracellular lithium on Epinephrine-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP in skeletal muscle
Glucose metabolism in isolated fat cells: enhanced response of larger adipocytes from older rats to Epinephrine and adrenocorticotropin
Varying responses of cultured mammalian cell lines to the cellular DNA breaking activity of Epinephrine
Epinephrine activation of pig skin adenylate cyclase in vivo and subsequent refractoriness to activation
Effects of succinylcholine and d-tubocurarine on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in dogs.
Inhibition of Epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis in rats by administration of single doses of ethanol
Collagen synthesis in thoracic aortas of rabbits with Epinephrine-thyroxine induced arteriosclerosis
Effect of pH on Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in isolated fat cells
Comparison of the Epinephrine-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase in plasma membranes from liver and ascites hepatomas of rats
An electron microscopic study of degeneration of nerve terminals after administration of Epinephrine
Abnormal Epinephrine urinary excretion in Parkinsonians: correction of the disorder by levodopa administration
Survival time of hypoxic dogs given Epinephrine or propranolol
Epinephrine-enhanced renal angiography in renal mass lesions: is it worth performing?
The cardiorespiratory effects of Epinephrine in local anesthetics for dentistry.
Isoproterenol-and Epinephrine-induced changes in blood glucose and tissue glycogen levels in normal and diabetic rats: the influence of alteration in …
Integrated concentration of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in normal subjects and in patients with mild essential hypertension
Epinephrine stimulation of fat cell adenylate cyclase: Regulation by guanosine-5′-triphosphate and magnesium ion
Effect of Epinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on Δ5‐desaturation activity of rat liver microsomes
A study of the interactions among adenosine triphosphate, Epinephrine, and magnesium ions
Rapid procedure for chromatographic isolation of DOPA, DOPAC, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine from a single urinary sample at endogenous levels
Platelet hyporesponsiveness to Epinephrine in carriers of Bartter’s syndrome
Activation and inactivation of phosphorylase and glycogen synthetase during perfusion of rat liver as influenced by Epinephrine, glucagon and hydrocortisone
Myocardial metabolism and performance in hypoxia: effect of Epinephrine
Epinephrine-induced dysrhythmias: comparison during anaesthesia with narcotics and with halogenated inhalation agents in dogs
Epinephrine inhibition of the electrodermal response in the cat
Membrane potential changes in lacrimal gland acinar cells elicited by carbachol and Epinephrine.
Enhanced specificity of Epinephrine binding by rat liver plasma membranes in the presence of EDTA
Interaction of Epinephrine and ouabain on automaticity of canine Purkinje fibers
… of a new beta-adrenergic blocking agent, carteolol, based on metabolic responses in rats—II: Blockade by carteolol of the Epinephrine-and isoproterenol-induced …
Lack of Epinephrine stimulation of rat heart adenylate cyclase in experimental diabetes
Quantitative high-pressure liquid chromatographic determination of Epinephrine in pharmaceutical formulations
The Epinephrine effect in renal angiography revisited
Epinephrine: a mediator of plasma glycerol elevation by hypothalamic stimulation.
Interaction between acute gastric ulcer and Epinephrine-induced mucosal erosions in the rat: the significance of gastric acid secretion
Acute effects of terbutaline and Epinephrine on asthma: Double-blind crossover placebo study
Stimulation of 45Ca efflux from rat lacrimal gland slices by carbachol and Epinephrine
Stimulatory and inhibitory effects of manganous and ferrous ions on Epinephrine oxidation
Distribution and arteriovenous shunting of gastric blood flow in the baboon: effect of Epinephrine and vasopressin infusions
Priscoline and Epinephrine in selective pancreatic angiography: a comparison study using high pressure injection, Valsalva maneuver and geometric magnification
Stability of the intra‐epithelial component of the blood‐testis barrier in Epinephrine‐induced testicular degeneration in Syrian hamsters
Hormone action at the membrane level. IV. Epinephrine binding to rat liver plasma membranes and rat epididymal fat cells
Effect of polyamines, ions and Epinephrine on triolein hydrolyzing activity of rat ventricular extracts
Quantitation of Epinephrine-and glucagon-sensitive adenylate cyclases of rat liver implications of alterations of enzymatic activities during preparation of particulate …
A study of the water permeability of the gills of freshwater-and seawater-adapted trout (Salmo gairdneri): mode of action of Epinephrine
Increased sensitivity to Epinephrine of the cyclic AMP-protein kinase system in adipose tissue of diabetic rats
Potentiation by collagen or Epinephrine of platelet responsiveness to aggregation. The possible role of substance (s) released from platelet membranes
Effect of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis on human platelet aggregation induced by Epinephrine and ADP
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine secreting paraganglioma of the jugular glomus
Effects of β-hydroxybutyrate, glycerol, and free fatty acid infusions on glucagon and Epinephrine secretion in dogs during acute hypoglycemia
Altered insulin and glucose metabolism produced by Epinephrine during hemorrhagic shock in the adrenalectomized primate
Protection against Epinephrine induced myocardial necrosis with clofibrate
Effects of calcium, lanthanum, and bicarbonate ion on Epinephrine modification of insulin release in vitro
Studies on the stimulation of gluconeogenesis and lipolysis by glucagon and Epinephrine in isolated rat Kupffer cells
Prostaglandin E2 and Epinephrine participate in cyclical reduction of coronary blood pressure and flow
Hernodynamic Changes After Intercostal Nerve Block with Bupivacaine-Epinephrine Solution
Influence of Epinephrine and propranolol on transmembrane K transfer in anuric dogs with hyperkalemia.
Metabolic responses induced in neonatal swine by norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and isoproterenol
Protective effect of ethanol against Epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis in rats.
Prevention of thiopental and thiopental/halothane cardiac sensitization to Epinephrine in the sheep.
Effects of topical 1-Epinephrine and dipivalyl Epinephrine on intraocular pressure and pupil size in the normotensive and glaucomatous Beagle.
The effect of haloperidol on Epinephrine-stimulated adenylate cyclase in humans
Hydrolysis of arginine and tyrosine esters in mast cells exposed to Epinephrine
Lack of hydrophilic lens discoloration in patients using dipivalyl Epinephrine for glaucoma.
Pulmonary arteriovenous shunting due to Epinephrine
Effects of antihistamine-Epinephrine combinations on adjuvant arthritis in rats
Augmentation of wound strength by pretreatment with Epinephrine
Activation of plasma coagulation in vivo by Epinephrine and platelet release reaction. An experimental study in the dog
Sensitivity of subcutaneous small arteries and veins to norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine, and isoproterenol in the unanesthetized bat
Growth hormone release in unstable diabetes: Tests with saline, arginine, glucagon, and Epinephrine
Hypophyseal-adrenocortical role in urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in hypophysectomized and adrenalectomized rats
… and its application in determining the distribution of cyclic AMP in lungs of normal and pertussis-vaccinated mice following histamine or Epinephrine challenge.
Arrhythmic doses of Epinephrine and dopamine during halothane, enflurane, methoxyflurane, and fluroxene anesthesia in goats.
Effect of piperoxane on serum prolactin: possible role of Epinephrine-mediated synapses in the inhibition of prolactin secretion
Effects of Epinephrine and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors on the glycogen synthetic pathway and glucose content in skeletal muscle
Response to 2-deoxy-D-glucose and to glucagon in “ketotic hypoglycemia” of childhood: evidence for Epinephrine deficiency and altered alanine availability
Kinetics of sulfite‐induced anaerobic degradation of Epinephrine
Human synoviocytes: activation and desensitization by prostaglandins and 1-Epinephrine
Effects of prednisolone or Epinephrine treatment on development of induced pale, soft and exudative pork
Insulin and Epinephrine effects on heart glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activity
Effect of streptozotocin on red-blood-cell-reduced glutathione: modification by glucose, nicotinamide, and Epinephrine
Time course of Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in cats exposed to dichlorodifluoromethane
Oral surgery in patients with atherosclerotic heart disease: Benign effect of Epinephrine in local anesthesia
Depressive effect of Epinephrine mediated via adrenergic beta-receptor in isolated rat colon and duodenum
Activation of electrogenic Na+ pump by Epinephrine in bullfrog atrium
Uptake of Epinephrine by Hartmannella culbertsoni during differentiation
Adrenal Epinephrine in hyperuricemia induced by hypothalamic stimulation of the rat.
Propranolol-induced inhibition of cardiac microsomal calcium-uptake, calcium-binding, and Epinephrine-stimulated adenylate cyclase
Studies on the effects of acetylcholine, Epinephrine, dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate, theophylline, and calcium on the synthesis of myoglobin in muscle cell …
Epinephrine-induced changes in the pulmonary pressure-volume curve of the intact and hypovolemic rabbit
Effect of Epinephrine on the duration of action potential of papillary muscles
The Effect of Epinephrine on Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase in Cultured Explants of Adrenal Medulla
A pharmacodynamic study of the inhibitory effects of l-norEpinephrine, l-Epinephrine, and d, l-isoproterenol on aqueous humor formation in the enucleated, arterially …
Colorimetric assay of Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on the synthesis of glyceride glycerol in adipose tissue in vitro.
Epinephrine-induced elevation of guanosine 3′: 5′-cyclic monophosphate in isolated fat cells of rat
Adrenal medullary Epinephrine secretion: effects of cortisol alone and combined with aminoglutethimide
Cell proliferation 1n the atherosclerotic lesions of cholesterol-fed rabbits: part 2. histological, ultrastructural and radidautographic observations on Epinephrine-treated …
Extended retrograde amnesia gradients: Peripheral Epinephrine and frontal cortex stimulation
Gluconeogenesis in rabbit liver II. Gluconeogenesis and its enhancement by glucagon, Epinephrine and cyclic AMP
Increased adrenal secretion of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine after endotoxin and its reversal with corticosteroids
Human fat cell adenylate cyclase: Enzyme characterization and guanine nucleotide effects on Epinephrine responsiveness in cell membranes
Hemodynamic effects of dobutamine and Epinephrine in patients during coronary surgery
Clinical studies conducted with a new Epinephrine derivative for the treatment of glaucoma (Dipivalyl Epinephrine)
Loss of Epinephrine stimulated synthesis of cyclic adenosine 3′: 5’monophosphate during maturation of rabbit and human reticulocytes.
Effects of previous repeated bleedings on the response of plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels of conscious dogs in hemorrhagic shock.
Tooth pulp pressure: local and systemic influences of Epinephrine and acetylcholine.
Epinephrine-induced automaticity of canine cardiac Purkinje fibers and its relationship to the adenylate cyclase-adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate system.
Accumulation and metabolism of 3H-Epinephrine by the rat heart during variable states of adrenocortical function
Secretin and Epinephrine combined in celiac angiography
Mechanisms of heart adenylate cyclase activation by Epinephrine and fluoride ions
Increased cellular responsiveness to Epinephrine in primary open-angle glaucoma
The effect of pancuronium bromide on plasma nor-Epinephrine concentrations during ketamine induction
Direct stimulation of sympathetic outflow and plasma levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine of pithed rats
Thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin responses to thyrotropin-releasing hormone during infusion of Epinephrine and propranolol in man
A highly sensitive radioenzymatic assay for simultaneous estimation of norEpinephrine, dopamine, and Epinephrine
Adenyl cyclase activity of mouse liver membranes after incubation with endotoxin and Epinephrine
O-Methylation of Epinephrine, 3, 4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 6, 7-dihydroxycoumarin in yeasts (author’s transl)
Response of intrahepatic vasculature to isoproterenol and Epinephrine infusions
Rapid development of glomerular crescents in Epinephrine-infused dogs
Origin of Plasma Uric Acid induced by l-Epinephrine
Effects of exogenous glucagon and Epinephrine in physiological amounts on the blood levels of free fatty acids and glycerol in dogs
Epinephrine enhanced renal angiography in the diagnosis of hamartoma (angiomyolipoma): A reevaluation
Effects of amino acids, Epinephrine and heparin upon the radioimmunoassay of insulin in plasma
Effects of calcitonin and Epinephrine on serum glucose concentration in rats
Epinephrine and other activators of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase can reduce Fe3+-heme to Fe2+-heme
Interactions of insulin and Epinephrine in human metabolism: their influence on carbohydrate and lipid oxidation rate.
Effect of long-term administration of Epinephrine and propranolol on serum calcium, parathyroid hormone, and calcitonin in the rat
Epinephrine Enhancement of Potassium-stimulated Immunoreactive Insulin Secretion Role of Beta-adrenergic Receptors
Membrane cooperative enzymes: interplay of insulin, glucagon and Epinephrine on rat erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase system
Inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and Epinephrine biosynthesis. 2. 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline-7-sulfonanilides
The pressure reducing effects of pilocarpin in combination with Dipivalyl-Epinephrine in glaucoma simplex (author’s transl)
The cyclic AMP-mediated action of Epinephrine on the activity of carbonic anhydrase in avian erythrocytes
Inhibition of Glucose Oxidation and Fatty Acid Synthesis in Liver Slices from Fed, Fasted and Fasted–Refed Rats by Glucagon, Epinephrine and Cyclic Adenosine-3 …
Automated fluorometric analysis of Epinephrine in lidocaine hydrochloride injection
Properties of Epinephrine-induced activation of cardiac adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase
Effect of in vivo and in vitro application of glucagon, insulin and Epinephrine on Ca++-transport properties of liver mitochondria.
Sensitized guinea-pig lung: Altered adenylate cyclase stimulation by Epinephrine
Autorhythmic Contractions of the Postnatal Rabbit Testicular Capsule and its Response to Prostaglandins, Epinephrine and Acetyicholine
Decreased antihaemophilic globulin and leucocyte response to Epinephrine in preterm infants.
Effects of propanolol and sotalol on Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia and glycogen depletion of liver and muscle in the rat
Post-extrasystolic potentiation; effect of Ca, histamine, caffeine and Epinephrine.
Mobilization of the marginal pool of neutrophils with Epinephrine. results in healthy persons, patients with neutropenias, patients with neutrophilias, and patients with …
Mechanisms of hyperglycemic response to chlorpromazine administered into lateral ventricle in rats—II: Secretion of Epinephrine from adrenal medulla
Intranuclear incorporation and binding to chromosomal DNA of Epinephrine
Epinephrine renal venography in severe inflammatory disease of the kidney
Quantitative assessment of anesthetic-induced cardiac sensitization to Epinephrine
Stimulation of glucose release of the rat kidney in vivo by Epinephrine and isoprenaline
The effect of smoking and oral contraceptives on the urinary excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Epinephrine and recovery from punishment.
Safe use of Epinephrine with halothane anesthesia
Pulmonary insufficiency produced by norEpinephrine: a comparison with Epinephrine.
Contractile responses to Epinephrine, serotonin, and potassium in arterial smooth muscle
Thrombin‐, Epinephrine‐ and Collagen‐Induced Platelet Aggregation Inhibited by α1‐Acid Glycoprotein: Influence of Heparin and Antithrombin III
Desensitization of primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells to stimulation of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate production by glucagon and Epinephrine
Chronic morphine administration alters Epinephrine uptake in rat adrenal storage vesicles
Antianaphylactic effects of dipivalyl Epinephrine and related compounds in rat conjunctiva.
Angiotensin II responses of rabbit aortic strips compared with fast and slow Epinephrine responses
Effects of Autoprothrombin II-A on Epinephrine-Induced Platelet Aggregation of Normal-and Coumadin-Treated Dogs
Comparative effects of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, angiotensin on pre-and postcapillary resistance vessels in dog skeletal muscle
Potentiation of the effects of topical Epinephrine on the pupil and intraocular pressure in the sympathetically denervated rabbit eye by a catechol-O-methyl transferase …
… of the filterability of oxygenated erythrocytes (containing normal, trait or sickle cell disease type hemoglobins) in the presence of L-Epinephrine, D, L-isoproterenol or …
Lidocaine (without Epinephrine) does not affect the fine structure or microtubules of the trigeminal nerve in vivo.
Epinephrine absorption from retraction cord: a study in dogs.
Depletion of Epinephrine in rat hypothalamus by Ro 4-1284: Influence of pargyline and harmaline
New perspectives in glaucoma therapy with Epinephrine and Epinephrine derivatives (author’s transl)
Absence of sensitization to Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmia and fibrillation in dogs and cats anesthetized with CI 744.
Metabolic responses to isoproterenol and Epinephrine in the rabbit: Influence of state of nourishment, alloxan diabetes and pretreatment with propranolol
Comparison of calcitonin, Epinephrine and glucagon effects on plasma membrane Ca-ATPase activity and calcium content in liver of rats
Effect of Epinephrine and Insulin on Adenosine 3’5′-Cyclic Monophosphate-Dependent Protein Kinase in Human Skeletal Muscle In Vivo
Change of coupling system of receptor-adenylate cyclase induced by Epinephrine and GTP in plasma membranes of rat liver
Activation of muscle phosphorylase by subcutaneously injected Epinephrine as related to other metabolic changes in vivo
Pancuronium, d-tubocurarine, and Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in dogs.
Histological characterization of “Epinephrine” and “norEpinephrine” cells in the adrenal medulla of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus
Urinary excretion and plasma levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine during diabetic ketoacidosis.
Inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by either Epinephrine or arachidonic acid
… on the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in isolated perfused guinea-pig hearts. I. Comparison of the effects produced by ouabain, calcium, Epinephrine …
Leukocyte mobilization by Epinephrine and hydrocortisone in patients with chronic renal failure
Mechanism of action of Epinephrine during resuscitation
Augmented lipolysis in rat adipose tissue upon repeated exposure to Epinephrine
The effect of insulin on Epinephrine and glucagon inactivated glycogen synthetase I in the isolated perfused rat liver
Effects of human serum albumin concentration on binding of [3H] amphetamine,[3H] atropine,[3H] Epinephrine, and [14C] histamine
The ocular hypotensive effect of Epinephrine in high and low corticosteroid responders.
Antiarrhythmic effect of oxprenolol on halothane-Epinephrine and coronary ligation induced ventricular arrhythmias in beagle dogs
Focal differences in lipid metabolism of the young pig aorta: IV. Influence of insulin and Epinephrine on lipogenesis from [14C]-U-glucose
Effects of small intravenous doses of Epinephrine on serum insulin, glucose tolerance and serum free fatty acids
Disruptive effects of Epinephrine on active avoidance behavior: Alteration by scopolamine and d-amphetamine
Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia and glycogenolysis in fed and fasted neonatal swine
Ischemic heart failure: Sustained inotropic response to small doses of L-Epinephrine without toxicity
Stimulation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake in rat thymocytes in vitro by physiological concentrations of triiodothyronine, insulin, or Epinephrine
Epinephrine-induced cyclic AMP production and vasoconstriction in the noncyclically perfused rat hindlimb: a possible role for insulin
Utilization of endogenous lipids and glycogen in the perfused rat heart: effects of hypoxia and Epinephrine.
Laryngotracheobronchitis: 2 years’ experience with racemic Epinephrine.
Effects of glucocorticoids upon adrenal and urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine and the activity of enzyme phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase in rats made …
Decreased Epinephrine response of adenylate cyclase activity of lymphoid cells from immunodeficient pituitary dwarf mice
Systemic and regional blood flow during epidural anesthesia with Epinephrine in the rhesus monkey
Inhibitory effect of ouabain on Epinephrine-induced stimulation of adrenal corticosterone secretion in rats
Differential effects of α-methyldopa, clonidine and hydralazine on norEpinephrine and Epinephrine synthesizing enzymes in the brainstem nuclei of spontaneously …
Preparation of Specific Antibodies to Catecholamines and L-3, 4-Dihydroxy-phenylalanine. III. Preparation of Antibody to Epinephrine for Radioimmunoassay
Studies on interactions of Epinephrine neuronal systems with other neuronal systems
The long term effects of an inhibitor of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase upon adrenal Epinephrine biosynthesis
Alterations in metabolism of 3H-Epinephrine in the pregnant and non-pregnant state and in males
Ocular hypotensive efficacy of topical Epinephrine in normotensive and hypertensive rabbits: continuous drug delivery vs eyedrops.
A simplified test of Epinephrine responsiveness
Biosynthesis of proteins by the retina. Inactivation by near-ultraviolet light and the effects of tryptophan, Epinephrine, and catalase.
Effects of carbon monoxide on the b-wave of the cat electroretinogram: comparisons with nitrogen hypoxia, Epinephrine, vasodilator drugs and changes in …
Corneal endothelial changes with Epinephrine therapy
Inhibition of cholinesterase by Epinephrine and norEpinephrine.
Effects of thyroxine, Epinephrine and cold exposure on lipolysis in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice
Effects of Epinephrine, indomethacin, acetylsalicyclic acid, dexamethasone, and cyclic AMP on the in vitro activity of lysosomal hyaluronidase from the rabbit iris.
Amniotic fluid, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine: I. Comparison between the human and baboon
The effect of hypoxia and Epinephrine infusion on arginine induced insulin release
Effect of Epinephrine and alprenolol on ethanol metabolism, liver cell respiration and mitochondrial function
Interaction of Epinephrine
Changes in the self-stimulation behavior by intraventricular injection of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, isoproterenol and dopamine
Encystation of axenically grownEntamoeba histolytica: Effect of bacterial endotoxins, starch and Epinephrine
The effect of Epinephrine on calcium handling by adipocyte plasma membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochonrdia.
Effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, oligomycin and theophylline on in vitro glycerol metabolism in rat adipose tissue: response to insulin and Epinephrine
Are Epinephrine and gastrin accelerative factors of acute cinchophen ulcer?: Studies on gastric mucosal microcirculation and gastric secretion
Platelet Monoamine Oxidase and Epinephrine-Induced Platelet Aggregation
Effect of Low-Dose Cortisol Therapy on Epinephrine Excretion in Man
Effect of oxytocin and Epinephrine on the adenylate cyclase activity of myometrium from pregnant rhesus monkeys
The influence of sexsteroid hormones on the uterine response to Epinephrine and to stress in the laboratory rabbit
Effect of Epinephrine on adipose tissue metabolism in goats.
Nebulized Racemic Epinephrine by IPPB for the treatment of Croup. A double-blind study
Lowering of brain Epinephrine by inhibition of norEpinephrine N-methyltransferase in rats
Effect of Guanosine 3′: 5′-Monophosphate on Glucose Oxidation and Epinephrine-stimulated Lipolysis in Isolated Rat Epididymal Fat Cells
Effects of Epinephrine, glucagon and insulin on glucose metabolism of planaria.
6-Hydroxydopa depletes both brain Epinephrine and norEpinephrine: interactions with antidepressants
Epinephrine and dopamine beta-hydroxylase secretion from bovine adrenal.
Effect of prostaglandins and Epinephrine on the level of cyclic AMP-14C of smooth muscle from the rhesus monkey
Epinephrine binding by rat liver plasma membranes: Effect of guanyl nucleotides
Effect of Epinephrine on automaticity of the canine atrioventricular node
Catabolism of Epinephrine and histamine during aging in rats
Small renal pelvic carcinomas: value of Epinephrine magnification angiography
Epinephrine suppression of efferent activity of the adrenal nerve
Epinephrine renal venography in pseudotumors consisting of normal renal tissue
Effects of Epinephrine and the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor SQ 20009 on glucose and glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle
Intraocular pressure response to topical Epinephrine and HLA-B12
Effect of Epinephrine upon irreversible disposal and recycling of glucose in dogs
Safety of Epinephrine infiltration during halothane anesthesia: a review.
A comparison of intralingual and intravenous Epinephrine before and during cardiovascular depression
Effects of ethanol and 3-mercaptopicolinic acid on isoproterenol and Epinephrine-induced changes in glucose homeostasis in normal and alloxan-diabetic rats
The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Epinephrine on newborn platelets
Effects of Epinephrine on the activity level and on the formation of learning of a maze in” carassius auratus.”
Effect of Pancuronium on Plasma Free‐NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine in Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients
Quantitative aspects of dopamine-β-hydroxylase as a marker for exocytosis of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Epinephrine renal venography in acute bacterial infection of the kidney
Effect of Epinephrine on cyclic AMP levels and adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities in control and antigen-sensitized guinea pig lungs
Putative regulation of brain norEpinephrine neurons by Epinephrine: Electrophysiological studies
Epinephrine-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase of Human Fat Cell Ghosts
Effects of racemic Epinephrine (Micronefrine) administered by intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in airway obstruction: a double-blind study.
The effect of percutaneous nitroglycerin upon the concentration of serotonin, Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in venous blood from migrainous subjects during attack …
Effects of near UV light photoproducts of Epinephrine on aqueous humor proteins
Effects of calcium-removal and sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase inhibition on the release of Epinephrine from the extraneuronal site
Plasma Epinephrine and plasma norEpinephrine concentrations in early diabetes
The role of skeletal muscle in the biphasic response of plasma potassium to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
2. Epinephrine
Effect of corticosteroid treatment on urinary Epinephrine response to induced hypoglycemia in asthmatic children
Incidence of Epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema in rabbits and accompanying metabolic changes
The effect of Epinephrine and the hyperglycemic factor of the scorpion’s cephalothoracic ganglionic mass (CTGM) on the phosphorylase activity of hepatopancreas of …
Maternal cardiovascular dynamics: VII. Cesarean section under epidural anesthesia with Epinephrine
The automated analysis of catecholamines: An improved procedure for the simultaneous differential analysis of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in tissues, blood and …
Effects of Epinephrine in the chick visual system
Operation of two Epinephrine receptors and an acetylcholine receptor in the exocrine cell of the rat parotid gland
Croup: IPPB and/or Racemic Epinephrine Therapy
Epinephrine in the angiographic evaluation of experimental kidney trauma
Rabbit testicular capsular contractions—Prostaglandins, cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate and Epinephrine
Electrocorticographic effects of topically applied ouabain, Epinephrine and bicuculline.
A comparative interaction of Epinephrine with enflurane, isoflurane, and halothane in man
Effect of pre-slaughter Epinephrine injection on postmortem aspects of chicken broiler pectoralis muscle
14C-Epinephrine interaction with platelet membrane binding sites
Glucagon and Epinephrine effect on blood glucose levels in rats carrying Yoshida solid sarcoma and Walker-256 carcinosarcoma.
Racemic Epinephrine in Croup (continued)
The effect of Epinephrine on thyroid hormone synthesis in the rat
Hemodynamic effects of locally applied Epinephrine used with various general anesthetic techniques.
Prognostic value of Epinephrine response
An improved spectrophotometric assay for prostaglandin synthetase based on the oxidation of Epinephrine
The separation of Epinephrine from norEpinephrine and dopamine from DOPA on Sephadex G-10
Is Reversibility of Ventricular Function Disorders Predictable?(Postextrasystolic, Epinephrine, and Postnitroglycerin Ventriculography)
Effects of Epinephrine and progesterone on the ocular hypertensive response to intravenous infusion of prostaglandin A2
Blockade of cardiac calorigenic effect of Epinephrine by sotalol (MJ-1999)
Changes in evolution of free Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and vanillylmandelic acid in the urine of rabbits during late pregnancy and parturition
Effects of oophorectomy and sexual hormones on norEpinephrine and Epinephrine urinary excretion
Spectral changes following the Epinephrine-dioxouranium (VI) interaction
Renal carbuncle: Simulation of tumor response to Epinephrine
Dopamine and Epinephrine infusion reduce clearance rate of rat prolactin in the female rat
Biochemical and morphological alterations induced by long-term administration of Epinephrine, metanephrine and thyroxine in rats
The effect of timolol and dipivalyl-Epinephrine in the treatment of the elevated intraocular pressure (author’s transl)
Epinephrine secretion from the perfused adrenal gland produced by scorpion toxin
Contribution of regional circulations to the pulmonary edema and hemorrhage induced by Epinephrine
Blood Pressure Response to Both Carotid Occlusion and Asphyxia, as Influenced by Intracerebroventricular Injection of NorEpinephrine or Epinephrine
The Effect of Epinephrine on the in Vivo Concentration of Erythrocyte Glycolytic Intermediates
Effects of Epinephrine and theophylline on lipolytic response in hereditary diabetic mice
Evaluation of racemic Epinephrine with intermittent positive pressure in the treatment of acute infections laryngotracheitis
Changes in pupil diameter and effects on corneal tissue cultures from topically administered N-butyl gallate (COMT inhibitor) and Epinephrine
Re-examination of the role of cyclic AMP in the actions of glucagon and Epinephrine
Role of stress in the regulation of central Epinephrine synthesis
Epinephrine induced hyperglycemia in bulls and its relationship to polioencephalomalacia.
Effect of pentazocine on pressor responses of Epinephrine and levarterenol
Comparison of dopamine, dobutamine and Epinephrine in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Effect of Epinephrine on the Contractions in the Normal Renal Pelvis in Man: A Cineradiographic Investigation
The effect of Epinephrine following practolol on the pulmonary circulation of dogs
Unresponsiveness to hypoglycemia of centers controlling Epinephrine release in cerebral infarct patients
Epinephrine Disposition in Control and Asthmatic Subjects
Action of ultrasonicated Epinephrine: Potentiation of isometric contraction in isolated papillary muscle from dog quiescent heart
Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia: Effect of Epinephrine Suppression
Effects of Epinephrine and glucose on the in vitro response of adipose tissue to sulfonylureas
Effects of Epinephrine, ouabain, and insulin in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis
Interactions of 17 β-Estradiol and L-Epinephrine on the Rat Uterus
A new effect of thyroliberin (TRH): induction of hyperglycemia by Epinephrine release
Epinephrine vs newer bronchodilator drugs in the treatment of acute asthma
Regulation of lipid metabolism in the normal pig aorta Part 1. Influence of insulin and Epinephrine on lipid synthesis from [U 14C] glucose
Radioenzymatic simultaneous determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in plasma (author’s transl)
The influence of hypophysectomy, adrenalectomy, progesterone, oxytocin, and estradiol on the metabolic fate of 3H-Epinephrine in central and peripheral regions …
α-and β-activity of O-methylated derivatives of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Effect of timolol-Epinephrine combination on intraocular pressure (author’s transl)
An improved method for the simultaneous analysis of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and dopamine at the picogram level by mass fragmentography (author’s transl)
The effect somatostatin on Epinephrine-induced free fatty acid release in normal man
Studies on the Interaction Between (14C)-Epinephrine and Isolated Membranes from Human Platelets
Sulfite Induced Anaerobic Degradation of Epinephrine in Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection
Closed angle glaucoma induced by phospholine iodide and Epinephrine in a case of open angle glaucoma
Microcirculatory Effects of Epinephrine with Alterations by Alpha and Beta Adrenergic Blockade
Physiologic disposition of [3H] Epinephrine in the rabbit fetus: Effect of promethazine
The effect of sodium salicylate and Epinephrine on the release of lactate dehydrogenase from isolated rat heart.
The glycogen-depleting effect of exogenous maternal Epinephrine on the liver of the fetal rat during the sixteenth day of gestation.
Epinephrine deficiency potentiates cortisol elevation of glucose turnover in the dog
Protective effect of tocopheryl esters on pulmonary edema induced by Epinephrine
Fluorimetric determination of urinary norEpinephrine and Epinephrine: assessment of the aluminium oxide-trihydroxyindole method and improvement by the analysis …
Concentration-dependent inhibition of myosin ATPase by an indole metabolite of Epinephrine
Regulation of lipid metabolism in the normal pig aorta Part 2. Influence of insulin and Epinephrine on lipid synthesis from [1-14C] acetate
Epinephrine-sensitive adenylate cyclase of human fat cell ghosts: Stabilization of enzyme activity by fluoride and nucleotides
Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Heart and Lung: Effect of Epinephrine and Histamine in Control and Sensitized Guinea Pigs
Inhibition of Thrombin-, Epinephrine-and Collagen-Induced Platelet Aggregation by α1-Acid Glycoprotein
Early effects of clonidine, Epinephrine, and pilocarpine on the intraocular pressure and the episcleral venous pressure in normal volunteers (author’s transl)
NorEpinephrine–Epinephrine and serotonin content of nasal mucosa in relation to hemorrhage, reserpine and excitement
Comparison of 0.25% Marcaine with 0.50% Xylocaine as local anesthetic agents (both with 1: 200,000 Epinephrine)
Results of a double-blind medium-term study comparing effects of timolol maleate and Epinephrine in 120 patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma
Biochemical reactivity of aortic connective tissue in chickens treated with cholesterol diet in combination with a nonspecific immunization or with Epinephrine and …
A combination of 1% guanethidine and 0.2% Epinephrine in drop form to lower IOP in open-angle glaucoma (author’s transl)
Further Data on Epinephrine Interactions
A rapid, simple method of delivering 1: 10,000 Epinephrine
An improved Method of Administering Epinephrine in an Emergency
Influences of Adrenoreceptor Blockades on the Dose Response to Epinephrine
… the adrenergic system in lateral hypothalamic self stimulation behavior: effects induced by intraventricular injection of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, isoproterenol and …
A study on selective renal Epinephrine pharmacoangiography
Epinephrine Hydrochloride Responsiveness
The Effect of Exercise and Epinephrine on Platelet Aggregation
Epinephrine Reception by Sperm Cells
Comparison of the Systemic Effects of Local Anesthesia with and without Epinephrine in Children
Cardiac Arrest induced by Epinephrine and Other Causes
Solving the Epinephrine Problem through Plain Arithmetic
Autoprothrombin ii-a, thrombin, and Epinephrine: interrelated effects on platelet aggregation.
An argument for Epinephrine renal arteriography in the diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma.
Racemic Epinephrine in Croup (continued)
Effect of Ethanol on Concentrations of Blood Glucose and Epinephrine in Rabbits
The action of reserpine on the concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine, Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the venous blood of migraine patients
Origin of plasma uric acid induced by l-Epinephrine.
Interaction and Fate of Massive Doses of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine
Myocardial Failure with Altered Response to Epinephrine in Endotoxin Shock.
Metabolism of [3H] Epinephrine in rabbit fetal tissues
The effect of Epinephrine on liver 5-nucleotidase
The mechanism of sensitization of the ventricle to Epinephrine by halothane
A Comparative Study on the Doses of Epinephrine Causing Arrhythmia during Enflurane and Halothane Anesthesia
Studies on the Phosphorimetric Determination of Amines with Halonitro Compounds. IV. Phosphorimetric Determination of Epinephrine with 2-Chloro-5-nitropyridine
Studies on the phosphorimetric determination of amines with halonitro compounds. IV. Phoshorimetric determination of Epinephrine with 2-chloro-5-nitropyridine.
Influence of Epinephrine on Murine Melanoma Tumorigenesis
Potentiating effect of some fatty acids on platelet aggregation induced with ADP, collagen and 1-Epinephrine
A new technique in the treatment of renal bleeding. Epinephrine infusion in a patient with sickle cell trait.
Influences of Splanchnic Blood Flow on Epinephrine-Induced Hyperkalemia
Effects of Epinephrine and L-Tryptophan on 3-O-Methyl Glucose Transport into the Tissues of the Rat, in vivo and in vitro
Decreased α-Adrenergic Receptors in Newborn Platelets: Cause of Abnormal Response to Epinephrine?
Response to nor-Epinephrine, isoprenaline and spironolactone derivatives in normal and hypertensive rats.
Differential effects of p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonate on arterial responses to Epinephrine and serotonin
L-Tryptophan Inhibition of Epinephrine-Stimulated Phosphorylase Activity in vivo and in vitro
An experimental study on local anesthetic toxication Influence of exogenous Epinephrine on lidocaine toxication
Stability of several Epinephrine salts in aqueous solution and their use in an aerosol dosage form.
In Vivo Effect of Taurine on Calcium Flux of Heart during Epinephrine-Induced Arrhythmias
Differential effects of propranolol on vasoactive intestinal peptide-, and Epinephrine-induced glycogenolysis in cultured liver cells
The synergism acetylcholine-eserine in the Epinephrine induced ventricular automaticity.
Combined Effects: Acute Toxicity of Local Anesthetics in Binary and Ternary Mixtures Among Themselves or with Epinephrine in Isobolographic Presentation
Hemodynamic charge after intercostal nerve block with bupibacaine-Epinephrine solution
Effect of Dexamethasone and Epinephrine on Metallothionein Level in the Perfused Rat Liver
Levels of Circulating NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine Before, During, and After Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Man
Epinephrine-Induced Arrhythmias during Enflurane Anesthesia in Man: A Nonlinear Dose-Response Relationship and Dose-Dependent Protection from Lidocainc
The combination of guanethidine 1% and Epinephrine 0.2% in one eye drop (GA-weak) in the treatment of glaucoma
Saline, isoproterenol, and racemic Epinephrine aerosol therapy in patients on IPPV
Interaction between Acute Gastric Ulcer and Epinephrine-Induced Mucosal Erosions in the Rat
The Effect of Pancuronium Bromide on Plasma Nor-Epinephrine Concentrations During Ketamine Induction
Seasonal variations in Epinephrine (E) and norEpinephrine (NE) levels determined in organs of eel (author’s transl)
Failure of somatostatin to inhibit Epinephrine (adrenaline)-stimulated hepatic glucose output in vitro
Effect of Pancuronium on Plasma Free-NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine in Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients
Hemodynamic changes after intercostal nerve block with bupivacaine-Epinephrine solution
The Effect of Epinephrine on Calcium Handling by Adipocyte Plasma Membranes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, and Mitochondria
Systemic and Regional Blood Flow during Epidural Anesthesia with Epinephrine in the Rhesus Monkey
The glycogen-depleting effect of non-Epinephrine on the myocardium of the six and one-half day chick embryo.
The maintenance of insulin secretory response of long-term cultured pancreatic islets to glucose, acetylcholine and Epinephrine (author’s transl)
Contribution of Blood Phosphate Esters to the Blood Saccharoid Fraction of Rats with Alloxan-induced Diabetes or Treated with Insulin or Epinephrine
Cosmetic Use of Epinephrine Tinted Soft Contact Lenses to Conceal Abnormalities of the Anterior Segment
Effects of hexose infusion with insulin and of additional Epinephrine injection on the levels of serum potassium and blood glucose in dogs
Effect of Epinephrine challenge on blood volume, red cell volume, and hematocrit of anesthetized intact, awake intact and awake splenectomized rats
Changes in hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters following saline, isoproterenol and racemic Epinephrine aerosol therapy in patients on IPPV
Potentiation by collagen or Epinephrine of platelet responsiveness to aggregation. The possible role of arachidonic acid released from platelet membranes
The Effect of Ante-Mortem Epinephrine Injection on Plasma Glucose, Post-Mortem Glycolysis and Meat Quality Factors of West African Dwarf Ewes
X-ray fluorescence measurements of regional cerebral blood volume in rabbits: effect of functional load, Epinephrine and papaverine
Effect of Epinephrine on duration of local anesthesia and duration of deep local anesthesia by some local anesthetics, using the mental nerve block in guinea pigs
Simultaneous Separation and Identification of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (NorEpinephrine), Acetylcholine and Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) by Thin …
Electrocardiographic changes in response to Epinephrine in the awake and halothane anesthetized dog: effect of treatment with lidocaine and xylazine
Plasma Free NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine Concentrations following Diazepam-Ketamine Induction in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
The interacting effects of tetraiodothyronine and Epinephrine on the activities of Na++ K+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase, hexokinase and pyruvate kinase in …
Effect of Glucagon, Epinephrine, Cyclic 3′,5′-AMP, N6-2′-0-Dibutyryl Cyclic 3′,5′-AMP and Insulin upon the Phosphate Exchange of the Isolated Perfused Fed Rat Liver
The glycolytic effect of 1-Epinephrine and nor-Epinephrine on the liver of the chick embryo.
Binding and internalization of/sup 3/H-Epinephrine in Tetrahymena
Preparation of specific antibodies to catecholamines and L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. III. Preparation of antibody to Epinephrine for radioimmunoassay.
The Combined Effects of 2, 3-Diphosphoglycerate and Phospholipase-A on Platelet Aggregation Induced by ADP, Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine and Collagen
The glycogen-depleting effect of 1-Epinephrine on the myocardium of the six and one-half day chick embryo.
Effect of Epinephrine on glucose metabolism in humans: contribution of the liver
Hypokalemia from Beta2-Receptor Stimulation by Circulating Epinephrine
Increased Epinephrine response and inaccurate glucoregulation in exercising athletes
Arterial plasma Epinephrine concentrations and hemodynamic responses after dental injection of local anesthetic with Epinephrine.
Circadian rhythms of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in man
Epinephrine for treatment of anaphylactic shock
Muscle glycogenolysis during exercise: dual control by Epinephrine and contractions
Mechanism of action of Epinephrine in resuscitation from asphyxial arrest.
Hemodynamic effects of Epinephrine: concentration-effect study in humans
Evidence for a neurotransmitter role for Epinephrine derived from the adrenal medulla
Epinephrine-induced changes in the distribution of lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of humans.
Modulating effects of posttraining Epinephrine on memory: involvement of the amygdala noradrenergic system
Propranolol-Epinephrine interaction: a potential disaster.
II. Validity and reliability of liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection for measuring plasma levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in man
Mechanisms by which Epinephrine augments cerebral and myocardial perfusion during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs.
Maternal and fetal effects of Epinephrine in gravid ewes.
The effects of intra-arterial Epinephrine and nicotine on gingival circulation
Activation of phospholipases A and C in human platelets exposed to Epinephrine: role of glycoproteins IIb/IIIa and dual role of Epinephrine
Comparison of myotoxic effects of lidocaine with Epinephrine in rats and humans.
Epinephrine and potassium homeostasis
Fluorophotometric study of Epinephrine and timolol in human subjects
Effect of exercise on Epinephrine turnover in trained and untrained male subjects
The role of Epinephrine in CPR: a reappraisal
Epinephrine: a potential neurotransmitter in retina
Epinephrine-induced hypokalemia: the role of beta adrenoceptors
Role of gluconeogenesis in Epinephrine-stimulated hepatic glucose production in humans
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine responses in continuously collected human plasma to a series of stressors
Effect of physical training in humans on the response of isolated fat cells to Epinephrine
Local dental anesthesia with Epinephrine: minimal effects on the sympathetic nervous system or on hemodynamic variables
Release and clearance rates of Epinephrine in man: importance of arterial measurements
Inhibitory effect of Epinephrine on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by rat skeletal muscle
Regulation of glycogenolysis in human muscle in response to Epinephrine infusion
Anxiety and Epinephrine in multiparous women in labor: relationship to duration of labor and fetal heart rate pattern
Effects of timolol, Epinephrine, and acetazolamide on aqueous flow during sleep.
Pharmacology of brain Epinephrine neurons
Abnormal glucose counterregulation in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: interaction of anti-insulin antibodies and impaired glucagon and Epinephrine secretion
Effects of Epinephrine and hypotaurine on in-vitro fertilization in the golden hamster
Taurine, hypotaurine, Epinephrine and albumin inhibit lipid peroxidation in rabbit spermatozoa and protect against loss of motility
Prolonged hemodynamic maintenance by the combined administration of vasopressin and Epinephrine in brain death: a clinical study
In vivo glucose metabolism in individual tissues of the rat. Interaction between Epinephrine and insulin.
Islet function and stress hyperglycemia: plasma glucose and Epinephrine interaction
Chemical production of cultchless oyster spat using Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Effects of diazepam premedication and Epinephrine-containing local anesthetic on cardiovascular and plasma catecholamine responses to oral surgery.
Epinephrine sensitivity with respect to metabolic rate and other variables in women
Corticotropin-releasing factor: a physiologic regulator of adrenal Epinephrine secretion
Epinephrine-halothane interactions in children
Decrease in mitogen responsiveness of mononuclear cells from peripheral blood after Epinephrine administration in humans.
Epinephrine modulates long-term retention of an aversively motivated discrimination
Intrapulmonary Epinephrine during prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation: improved regional blood flow and resuscitation in dogs
Efficacy of Epinephrine concentration in local anesthesia during periodontal surgery
Ventricular dysfunction and necrosis produced by adrenochrome metabolite of Epinephrine: relation to pathogenesis of catecholamine cardiomyopathy
Epinephrine plasma thresholds for lipolytic effects in man: measurements of fatty acid transport with [l-13C] palmitic acid.
Decreased alpha-adrenergic receptors in newborn platelets: cause of abnormal response to Epinephrine
Influence of Epinephrine as an adjuvant to epidural morphine.
Reversal of dysfunction in postischemic stunned myocardium by Epinephrine and postextrasystolic potentiation
Epinephrine facilitation of appetitive learning: Attenuation with adrenergic receptor antagonists
Effect of infusing Epinephrine on liver and muscle glycogenolysis during exercise in rats
Epinephrine mediated increases in plasma cholesterol.
Toxicity of dipivalyl Epinephrine
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and serotonin: differential effects of acute and chronic stress on regional brain amines
Effect of ACTH, Epinephrine, β-endorphin, naloxone, and of the combination of naloxone or β-endorphin with ACTH or Epinephrine on memory consolidation
Brain stem area with C1 Epinephrine neurons mediates baroreflex vasodepressor responses
Brain peptide regulation of adrenal Epinephrine secretion
Comparative effect of graded doses of Epinephrine on regional brain blood flow during CPR in a swine model
Reduced Epinephrine secretion and hypoglycemia unawareness in diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Epinephrine-induced changes in muscle carbohydrate metabolism during exercise in male subjects
The effect of low-dose Epinephrine on the hematocrit drop following lipolysis
Memory as a state dependent phenomenon: role of ACTH and Epinephrine
Epinephrine enables Pavlovian fear conditioning under anesthesia
The role of Epinephrine in the circulatory effects of coffee
Effect of Epinephrine on cerebral and myocardial perfusion in an infant animal preparation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Epinephrine: systemic effects and varying concentrations in local anesthesia
Response of plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine to dynamic exercise in patients with congestive heart failure
Epidural anesthesia with lidocaine and bupivacaine: effects of Epinephrine on the plasma concentration profiles.
Rdevance of Glucose Counterregulatory Systems to Patients with Diabetes: Critical Roles of Glucagon and Epinephrine
Vasoconstrictors in spinal anesthesia with tetracaine–a comparison of Epinephrine and phenylephrine.
External and internal standards in the single-isotope derivative (radioenzymatic) measurement of plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine
Effect of low‐dose Epinephrine infusion on hemodynamics after selective and nonselective β‐blockade in hypertension
Epinephrine deficiency in hypocorticotropic hypopituitary children
Effect of chronic growth hormone treatment on responses to Epinephrine and thyrotropin-releasing hormone in lactating cows
The effect of subarachnoid Epinephrine and phenylephrine on spinal cord blood flow
Inhaled salbutamol (albuterol) vs injected Epinephrine in the treatment of acute asthma in children
Effects of Epinephrine infusion on leucine and alanine kinetics in humans
Corneal edema and the intraocular use of Epinephrine
Resuscitation of the newborn: endotracheal administration of Epinephrine
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and corticosterone stress responses to restraint in individual male and female rats, and their correlations
Role of Epinephrine and vasopressin in the control of the pituitary-adrenal response to stress.
Lesions of the stria terminalis attenuate the enhancing effect of post-training Epinephrine on retention of an inhibitory avoidance response
Induction of ocular herpes simplex virus shedding by iontophoresis of Epinephrine into rabbit cornea.
Effects of Epinephrine on plasma cholesterol levels in rats.
Endotracheal versus intravenous Epinephrine during electromechanical dissociation with CPR in dogs
Epinephrine is a hypophosphatemic hormone in man. Physiological effects of circulating Epinephrine on plasma calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, parathyroid …
Expression of fibrinogen receptors during activation and subsequent desensitization of human platelets by Epinephrine
Spinally administered Epinephrine suppresses noxiously evoked activity of WDR neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
Stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of lidocaine hydrochloride and lidocaine hydrochloride with Epinephrine injectable solutions
Effect of Epinephrine on glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in conscious overnight-fasted dogs
Comparison of dopamine, dobutamine, and Epinephrine in CPR.
Epinephrine-resistant anaphylaxis in a patient taking propranolol hydrochloride.
The effects of training, Epinephrine, and glucose injections on plasma glucose levels in rats
Modulation of long-term potentiation by peripherally administered amphetamine and Epinephrine
Stimulation of 1, 2-diacylglycerol accumulation in hepatocytes by vasopressin, Epinephrine, and angiotensin II.
… , cortisol, lipid, and psychological responses to a real-life stress (third molar extractions): effects of diazepam sedation and of inclusion of Epinephrine with the local …
Composition of sweat of the horse during prolonged Epinephrine (adrenaline) infusion, heat exposure, and exercise.
Intervention with Epinephrine in hypotension associated with mastocytosis
Plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine levels in essential hypertension.
Hypokalemia from beta2-receptor stimulation by circulating Epinephrine
Effect of added Epinephrine on spinal anesthesia with lidocaine.
Decreased nutrient blood flow during dopamine-and Epinephrine-induced intestinal vasodilation.
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine levels in end-stage renal disease: effect of hemodialysis
Maternal, fetal, and neonatal effects of lidocaine with and without Epinephrine for epidural anesthesia in obstetrics.
Systemic absorption of inhaled Epinephrine
Epinephrine reverses the inhibitory influence of aspirin on platelet-vessel wall interactions
Age-related memory deficits in rats and mice: enhancement with peripheral injections of Epinephrine.
Lactate release from isolated rat adipocytes: influence of cell size, glucose concentration, insulin and Epinephrine
Immunohistochemical localization of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes, and chromogranin in neuroendocrine cells and tumors.
Comparison of subcutaneous injection and high-dose inhalation of Epinephrine—Implications for self-treatment to prevent anaphylaxis
Adaptive responses of rats to prolonged treatment with Epinephrine
Influence of decreased and increased magnesium supply on the cardiotoxic effects of Epinephrine in rats.
Epinephrine acutely mediates skeletal muscle insulin resistance
Beneficial effect of Epinephrine infusion on cerebral and myocardial blood flows during CPR
Facultative thermogenesis induced by carbohydrate: a skeletal muscle component mediated by Epinephrine
Safety and efficacy of Epinephrine added to bupivacaine for lumbar epidural analgesia in obstetrics.
Role of Epinephrine-mediated β-adrenergic mechanisms in hypoglycemic glucose counterregulation and posthypoglycemic hyperglycemia in insulin-dependent …
Acute verapamil poisoning: successful treatment with Epinephrine
Identification of receptor mechanism mediating Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in the dog
Use of endotracheally administered Epinephrine in a pediatric patient
Epinephrine absorption after intratracheal administration.
Lesions of Epinephrine neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla abolish the vasodepressor components of baroreflex and cardiopulmonary reflex.
Epinephrine is not critical to prevention of hypoglycemia during exercise in humans
Renal handling of dopa, dopamine, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine in the dog
Peripheral Epinephrine modulates the effects of post-training amygdala stimulation on memory
Cardiovascular effects of Epinephrine and dipivalyl Epinephrine applied topically to the eye in patients with glaucoma.
Electron spin resonance-spin stabilization of semiquinones produced during oxidation of Epinephrine and its analogues.
Epinephrine-induced learning under anesthesia: Retention performance at several training–testing intervals.
The role of esterase activity in the ocular disposition of dipivalyl Epinephrine in rabbits
Total circulatory capacity in the rat. Effects of Epinephrine and vasopressin on compliance and unstressed volume.
Endoscopic local injection of hypertonic saline-Epinephrine solution to arrest hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract
Roles of glucagon and Epinephrine in hypoglycemic and nonhypoglycemic glucose counterregulation in humans
Immunohistochemical evidence for Epinephrine-containing retinal amacrine cells
Effect of a benzodiazepine (alprazolam) on plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels during exercise stress
Inhibition of sympathetic preganglionic discharges by Epinephrine and and alpha-methylEpinephrine.
Reactivation of murine latent HSV infection by Epinephrine iontophoresis.
Serotonin coexists with Epinephrine in rat adrenal medullary cells
Epinephrine‐induced platelet aggregation. A twin study
Endocardial and transcutaneous cardiac pacing, calcium chloride, and Epinephrine in postcountershock asystole and bradycardias.
Automated analysis for plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by liquid chromatography, including a sample cleanup procedure.
β-Endorphin-induced stimulation of central sympathetic outflow: β-endorphin increases plasma concentrations of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and dopamine in rats
Epinephrine inhibits adenylate cyclase and stimulates a GTPase in human platelet membranes vis α‐adrenoceptors
Additive effect of betaxolol and Epinephrine in primary open angle glaucoma
Responses of ACTH, Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and cardiovascular system to hemorrhage
Epinephrine potentiation of arachidonate‐induced aggregation of cyclooxygenase‐deficient platelets
Systemic effects of Epinephrine-impregnated retraction cord in fixed partial denture prosthodontics.
Involvement of Epinephrine in the presynaptic beta adrenoceptor mechanism of norEpinephrine release from rat hypothalamic slices.
Maintenance of mydriasis with Epinephrine during cataract surgery
Epinephrine synthesis in the PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line
Role of Epinephrine for muscular glycogenolysis and pancreatic hormonal secretion in running rats
Leukotrienes potentiate the effects of Epinephrine and thrombin on human platelet aggregation
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on serum parathyroid hormone and calcium in normal subjects
Stimulation of site-specific phosphorylation of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase by insulin and Epinephrine.
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of d-/l-Epinephrine enantiomer ratio in lidocaine-Epinephrine local anesthetics
Cardiac disorders in penicillin-induced anaphylaxis: association with intravenous Epinephrine therapy
The role of dysrhythmic heart function during cardiovascular teratogenesis in Epinephrine‐treated chick embryos
Prolongation of lidocaine spinal anesthesia with Epinephrine and phenylephrine.
Regulation of the postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptor in rat mesenteric artery. Effects of chemical sympathectomy and Epinephrine treatment.
Strain differences in rat brain Epinephrine synthesis: regulation of alpha-adrenergic receptor number by Epinephrine
Mechanism of Epinephrine enhancement of lidocaine-induced skeletal muscle necrosis
Timolol and Epinephrine in primary open angle glaucoma: transient additive effect
Evidence that Epinephrine acts preferentially as an antilipolytic agent in abdominal human subcutaneous fat cells: assessment by analysis of beta and alpha2 …
Epinephrine is unessential for stimulation of liver glycogenolysis during exercise
The comparative effects of Epinephrine versus phenylephrine on regional cerebral blood flow during carciopulmonary resuscitation
Increase of lipoprotein-lipase activity in skeletal muscle during heavy exercise. Relation to Epinephrine excretion
Effect of Epinephrine on defibrillation in ischemic ventricular fibrillation
Inadvertent intravenous administration of racemic Epinephrine
Early effect of Epinephrine on aqueous formation in the normal human eye
Antagonism by tomoxetine of the depletion of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in rat brain by alpha-methyl-m-tyrosine.
Central cholinergic stimulation causes adrenal Epinephrine release.
Potentiation of Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in fat cells from estrogen-treated rats
Effects of physostigmine on pulse, blood pressure, and serum Epinephrine levels.
The action of Epinephrine on Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.
Ocular distribution of liposome-encapsulated Epinephrine and inulin in the albino rabbit
Epinephrine does not alter human intervillous blood flow during epidural anesthesia
ACTH stimulation of adrenal Epinephrine and norEpinephrine release
Aerosol vs injected Epinephrine in acute asthma
The norEpinephrine-to-Epinephrine ratio in patients with a history of suicide attempts.
Enhanced glycemic responsiveness to Epinephrine in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is the result of the inability to secrete insulin. Augmented insulin secretion …
Regulation of thyrotropin secretion by the central Epinephrine system
Epinephrine-induced memory facilitation: attenuation by adrenoceptor antagonists
Inhibitory effect of Epinephrine on renal potassium secretion: a micropuncture study
Influence on memory of posttraining or pre-test injections of ACTH, vasopressin, Epinephrine, and β-endorphin, and their interaction with naloxone
Additive effects of Epinephrine and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on adrenocorticotropin release in rat anterior pituitary cells
Mechanisms of Epinephrine-induced Glucose Intolerance in Normal Humans: ROLE OF THE SPLANCHNIC BED
A radioimmunoassay for Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in tissues and plasma
The use of the plasma Epinephrine response in the diagnosis of idiopathic postprandial syndrome
The Epinephrine‐induced activation of the cardiac slow Ca2+ channel is mediated by the cAMP‐dependent phosphorylation of calciductin, a 23 000 M r …
Interactions between CRF, Epinephrine, vasopressin and glucocorticoids in the control of ACTH secretion
High concentrations of Epinephrine derived from a central source and of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in hypophysial portal plasma
Comparison of nebulized terbutaline and subcutaneous Epinephrine in the treatment of acute asthma
Inhibitors of Na+/H+ exchange block Epinephrine-and ADP-induced stimulation of human platelet phospholipase C by blockade of arachidonic acid release at …
The effects of Epinephrine on norEpinephrine release in essential hypertension.
Inhibition of the Epinephrine-induced reduction of intraocular pressure by systemic indomethacin in humans
Effect of Epinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism in exercising dogs
The simultaneous quantification of dopamine, norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in micropunched rat brain nuclei by on-line trace enrichment HPLC with …
… C is dissociated from arachidonate metabolism during platelet shape change induced by thrombin or platelet-activating factor. Epinephrine does not induce …
Role of plasma Epinephrine in fasted exercising rats
Circadian characteristics of urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine from healthy young women in Japan and USA
Dose-related response of centrally administered Epinephrine on the change in aortic diastolic pressure during closed-chest massage in dogs
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on zinc thionein levels and induction in rat liver
Additive effect of Epinephrine to timolol therapy in primary open angle glaucoma
Hypothalamic Epinephrine is released into hypophysial portal blood during stress
The interaction between propranolol and Epinephrine as observed in patients undergoing Mohs’ surgery
Effects of topically applied liposomes on disposition of Epinephrine and inulin in the albino rabbit eye
Granulocyte demargination by Epinephrine in evaluation of hypersplenic states
Physiologic responses to Epinephrine infusion: the basis for a new stress test for coronary artery disease
Epinephrine enhances neurogenic vasoconstriction in the rat perfused kidney.
Methylphenidate increases heart rate, blood pressure and plasma Epinephrine in normal subjects
Epinephrine synthesis inhibitors block naloxone-induced LH release
Epinephrine-induced sequestration of the beta-adrenergic receptor in cultured S49 WT and cyc-lymphoma cells.
Mechanisms of postprandial glucose counterregulation in man. Physiologic roles of glucagon and Epinephrine vis-a-vis insulin in the prevention of hypoglycemia late …
New liquid membrane electrode for the determination of ephedrine, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine
Epinephrine infusion induces hyporesponsiveness of vascular smooth muscle
Spinal cord and cerebral blood flow responses to subarachnoid injection of local anesthetics with and without Epinephrine
Epidural fentanyl, with and without Epinephrine for post-Caesarean section analgesia
Phosphatidylinositol breakdown induced by vasopressin and Epinephrine in hepatocytes is calcium-dependent.
Renal venous outflow and urinary excretion of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine during graded renal nerve stimulation
Potentiation of infection by Epinephrine.
… of Na+/H+ exchange block stimulus-provoked arachidonic acid release in human platelets. Selective effects on platelet activation by Epinephrine, ADP, and lower …
Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias and cardiovascular function after verapamil during halothane anesthesia in the dog.
Arrhythmogenicity of dopamine, dobutamine, and Epinephrine in thiamylal-halothane anesthetized dogs.
Evidence that norEpinephrine and Epinephrine systems mediate the stimulatory effects of ovarian hormones on luteinizing hormone and luteinizing hormone …
Interactions between intrarenal Epinephrine receptors and the renal baroreceptor in the control of PRA in conscious dogs.
Potentiation of Epinephrine-induced lipolysis by catechol estrogens and their methoxy derivatives
Intravascular lidocaine toxicity: influence of Epinephrine and route of administration
Radioenzymic measurement of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine: stability, enzymic activity, and sensitivity.
Effects of stopping exercise training on Epinephrine-induced lipolysis in humans
Evidence for the involvement of central Epinephrine systems in the regulation of luteinizing hormone, prolactin, and growth hormone release in female rats
Abnormalities of Epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation and adenine nucleotides in myeloproliferative disorders
Comparative effect of Epinephrine and aminophylline in the treatment of asthma
Epinephrine Overdose—A Continuing Problem
Plasma Epinephrine concentration in healthy men: correlation with systolic pressure and rate-pressure product
A 31P-NMR study of some metabolic and functional effects of the inotropic agents Epinephrine and ouabain, and the ionophore R02-2985 (X537A) in the isolated …
Age-associated increments in human platelet α-adrenoceptor capacity. Possible mechanism for platelet hyperactivity to Epinephrine in aging man
Cardiovascular collapse in an infant after caudal anesthesia with a lidocaine–Epinephrine solution
Interaction between Epinephrine and renal nerves in control of renin secretion rate
Effect of intravenous Epinephrine on uterine artery blood flow velocity in the pregnant guinea pig.
Epinephrine supports the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration and prevents hypoglycemia when glucagon secretion is deficient in man.
Blood levels of bupivacaine after injection into the scalp with and without Epinephrine
Thiopental and Epinephrine-induced dysrhythmias in dogs anesthetized with enflurane or isoflurane.
The effect of topical Epinephrine hydrochloride in saline on blood loss following tangential excision of burn wounds.
Interaction of glucose and Epinephrine in the regulation of insulin secretion
Desensitization of Epinephrine-initiated platelet aggregation does not alter binding to the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor or receptor coupling to adenylate cyclase.
Epinephrine desensitization of adenylate cyclase from cyc-and S49 cultured lymphoma cells.
Carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex control and Epinephrine. Influence on capacitive and resistive properties of the total pulmonary vascular bed of the dog.
Role of central Epinephrine in regulation of anterior pituitary hormone secretion
Timolol and Epinephrine: long-term evaluation of concurrent administration
Effects of Epinephrine on electrical properties of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
Increased cardiovascular response to Epinephrine in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Outcome of resuscitation from fibrillatory arrest using Epinephrine and phenylephrine in dogs
Attenuation of epileptogenesis: proactive effect of a single Epinephrine injection on amygdaloid kindling
Central nervous system sites of action of bombesin and somatostatin to influence plasma Epinephrine levels
High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of free norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, dopamine, vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid
Dose response of topical pilocarpine-Epinephrine combinations in normotensive and glaucomatous Beagles.
Endotracheal administration of Epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Hormonal control of glycogen synthase in rat hemidiaphragms. Effects of insulin and Epinephrine on the distribution of phosphate between two cyanogen bromide …
Reduced aortocoronary sinus extraction of Epinephrine in patients with left ventricular failure secondary to long-term pressure or volume overload.
Removal of extraplatelet Na+ eliminates indomethacin-sensitive secretion from human platelets stimulated by Epinephrine, ADP, and thrombin
The extra-adrenal synthesis of Epinephrine in rats: Possible involvement of dopamine sulfate
Continuous intravascular monitoring of Epinephrine-induced changes in plasma potassium
Arrhythmogenic plasma levels of Epinephrine during halothane, enflurane, and pentobarbital anesthesia in the dog.
Age-related changes in venous catecholamines basally and during Epinephrine infusion in man
Epinephrine does not prolong lidocaine spinal anesthesia in term parturients.
Myocardial norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and dopamine concentrations after cardiac autotransplantation in dogs
Regulation of hepatic glycogenolysis by glucagon in male and female rats. Role of cAMP and Ca2+ and interactions between Epinephrine and glucagon.
Synergism between thrombin and Epinephrine in human platelets: different dose-response relationships for aggregation and dense granule secretion
Evidence for inhibition of sympathetic preganglionic neurons by bulbospinal Epinephrine pathways
Induction of human platelet fibrinogen receptors by Epinephrine in the absence of released ADP
Neural blockade and pharmacokinetics following subarachnoid lidocaine in the rhesus monkey. I. Effects of Epinephrine.
β-Endorphin-induced increases in plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine in rats: inhibition of adrenomedullary response by intracerebral somatostatin
Decreased plasma Epinephrine concentrations after glucose ingestion in humans
Epinephrine activation of phosphofructokinase in perfused rat heart independent of changes in effector concentrations.
Beta‐2 adrenergic blockade evaluated with Epinephrine after placebo, atenolol, and nadolol
Beta-endorphin modulation of the glucoregulatory effects of repeated Epinephrine infusion in normal dogs
Diurnal changes in lipolytic activity of isolated fat cells and their increased responsiveness to Epinephrine and theophylline with meal feeding in rats
Possible role of Epinephrine in prevention or correction of myocardial depression associated with bupivacaine
Potentiation by thiopental of halothane–Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in dogs
Iontophoresis of Epinephrine isomers to rabbit eyes induced HSV-1 ocular shedding.
Decreased response of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Regulation of Episodic Growth Hormone Secretion by the Central Epinephrine System: STUDIES IN THE CHRONICALLY CANNULATED RAT
Effect of Epinephrine and somatostatin-induced insulin deficiency on ketone body kinetics and lipolysis in man
Aluminum catalysis of Epinephrine degradation in lidocaine hydrochloride with Epinephrine solutions
Epinephrine decreases low density lipoprotein processing and lipid synthesis in cultured human fibroblasts
Bronchodilatory effect of subcutaneous Epinephrine in acute asthma
Epinephrine-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in the psoriatic epidermis.
The effects of preload, after load, and Epinephrine on cardiac performance in the sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus
Topical Epinephrine and regional ocular blood flow in aphakic eyes of rabbits
Renal handling of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in the pig
Mechanism of the age-related decrease of Epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis in isolated rat adipocytes: beta-adrenergic receptor binding, adenylate cyclase …
Effects of an Epinephrine synthesis inhibitor, SKF64139, on the secretion of luteinizing hormone in ovariectomized female rats
Combined timolol and Epinephrine therapy for open angle glaucoma
Stimulation by Epinephrine of the membrane transport of long chain fatty acid in the adipocyte.
Pressor effects of brief and prolonged infusions of Epinephrine in the conscious rat
Differences in thromboxane production between neonatal and adult platelets in response to arachidonic acid and Epinephrine
Control of glycogen synthase phosphorylation in isolated rat hepatocytes by Epinephrine, vasopressin and glucagon
Epinephrine reduces systemic absorption of extradural diacetylmorphine.
Epinephrine as a potent releaser of immunoreactive β-endorphin in rats
Interaction of Epinephrine with isolated rabbit tracheal epithelial cells
Catecholamine involvement in preovulatory LH release: reassessment of the role of Epinephrine
Plasma catecholamine and hemodynamic responses to the placement of Epinephrine-impregnated gingival retraction cord
Species differences in Epinephrine concentration and norEpinephrine N-methyltransferase activity in hypothalamus and brain stem.
Metabolic effects of chronic infusions of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in rats
Physostigmine-induced Epinephrine release in patients with affective disorder.
Dose response of subcutaneous terbutaline and Epinephrine in children with acute asthma
Plasma levels of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine during malignant hyperthermia in susceptible pigs
Prevention of Epinephrine-induced hypokalemia by nonselective beta blockers
Mechanism of cardiac arrhythmias induced by Epinephrine in dogs with hypokalemia
Epinephrine reduction of heme: implication for understanding the transmission of an agonist stimulus
Effects of Epinephrine on automaticity and the incidence of arrhythmias in Purkinje fibers surviving myocardial infarction.
Comparison of the clinical effectiveness of lidocaine hydrocarbonate and lidocaine hydrochloride with and without Epinephrine in epidural anaesthesia
Alpha-and beta-adrenergic effects of Epinephrine on ventricular pacemakers in dogs
Hemostatic effect of endoscopic local injection with hypertonic saline-Epinephrine solution and pure ethanol for digestive tract bleeding
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine concentrations in maternal and fetal sheep during spontaneous parturition and in premature sheep during …
Epinephrine-sensitive adenylyl cyclase activity in rabbit ovarian tissues
Distribution of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, homovanillic acid and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in dog brain
Localized clonic convulsions after spinal anesthesia with lidocaine and Epinephrine
Simultaneous fluorometry of urinary dopamine, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine compared with liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection.
Low dose aspirin, platelet function and prostaglandin synthesis: influence of Epinephrine and alpha adrenergic blockade
Inhibition of Epinephrine-exacerbated coronary thrombus formation by prostacyclin in the dog
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine infusion on lung fluid balance in sheep
Inhibitory effects of diltiazem on platelet activation caused by ionophore A23187 plus ADP or Epinephrine in subthreshold concentrations
Brain Epinephrine systems: detailed comparison of adrenergic and noradrenergic metabolism, receptor number and in vitro regulation, in two inbred rat strains
Effect of the intraperitoneal and intracerebroventricular administration of ACTH, Epinephrine, or β-endorphin on retrieval of an inhibitory avoidance task in rats
Phorbol ester-induced augmentation and inhibition of Epinephrine-stimulated adenylate cyclase in S49 lymphoma cells.
Effect of Epinephrine in vitro on the morphology, phagocytosis, and mitotic activity of human trabecular endothelium
Radioenzymatic microassay for simultaneous estimations of dopamine, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine in plasma, urine, and tissues.
Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of cervical Epinephrine infiltration.
Herpes simplex virus recovery in neural tissues after ocular HSV shedding induced by Epinephrine iontophoresis to the rabbit cornea.
Antioxidant protection against Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias
Effect of Epinephrine on the oxidative desaturation of fatty acids in the rat adrenal gland
Subcutaneous Epinephrine vs. nebulized metaproterenol in acute asthma
Alteration in the arrhythmogenic dose of Epinephrine (ADE) following xylazine administration to halothane‐anesthetized dogs
Plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine concentrations in primary and secondary human hypertension.
Halothane concentration does not alter the threshold for Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in dogs.
Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase activity determines the Epinephrine concentration of pheochromocytomas.
Comparison of nebulized terbutaline (TERB) and subcutaneous Epinephrine (EPI) in the treatment of acute asthma.
Efficacy of parenteral albuterol in the treatment of asthma: comparison of its metabolic side effects with subcutaneous Epinephrine
Functional and Myocarditis-induced T-wave Abnormalities: Effect of Orthostasis, β-blockade, and Epinephrine
Effects of the spleen, Epinephrine, and splenectomy on determination of blood volume in cats.
Enhanced rectal absorption of cefmetazole and cefoxitin in the presence of Epinephrine metabolites in rats and a high‐performance liquid chromatographic assay for …
Comparison between diurnal changes and changes induced by hydrocortisone and Epinephrine in circulating myeloid progenitor cells (CFU-GM) in man.
Use of alumina, sephadex G10, and ion-exchange columns to purify samples for determination of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine, homovanillic acid, and 5 …
Epinephrine effect on carbohydrate metabolism in isolated and perfused catfish liver
Convulsions and ventricular tachycardia from bupivacaine with Epinephrine: successful resuscitation
Relationships between plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and angiotensin II concentrations, renin activity, hemodynamic state and prognosis in acute …
Nonselective beta‐blockade enhances pressor responsiveness to Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and angiotensin II in normal man
Effects of Epinephrine on plasma fibrinogen levels in rats submitted to tissue injury
Acute exercise, Epinephrine, and diabetes enhance insulin binding to skeletal muscle
Long-term timolol and Epinephrine in monkeys. I. Functional morphology of the ciliary processes.
Medication errors with inhalant Epinephrine mimicking an epidemic of neonatal sepsis
Colloidal Gold Labelling of Fibrinogen Receptors in Epinephrine–And ADP–Activated Platelet Suspensions
An evaluation of repeated injections of Epinephrine for the initial treatment of acute asthma
Effects of Epinephrine, diabetes, and insulin on rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase. Phosphorylation site occupancies.
Teratogenic effects of mescaline, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine in the hamster
Increased adrenal Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in spontaneously hypertensive rats treated with hyperbaric oxygen
Elevation of Epinephrine concentration in rat brain by LY51641, a selective inhibitor of type A monoamine oxidase.
Effects of intravenous glucose or Epinephrine injection on plasma concentrations of potassium, magnesium and insulin in sheep
Effect of topical Epinephrine and timolol on ocular and optic nerve blood flow in phakic and aphakic rabbit eyes
A study on human adrenal secretion. Measurement of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and cortisol in peripheral and adrenal venous blood under surgical …
Epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmias in dogs anesthetized with halothane: potentiation by thiamylal and thiopental.
Studies on the interactions between insulin and Epinephrine in the control of skeletal muscle glycogen metabolism.
A comparative study of aerosolized terbutaline and subcutaneously administered Epinephrine in the treatment of acute bronchial asthma.
Comparative effects of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and a gentle handling stress on plasma lactate, glucose, and hematocrit levels in the American bullfrog (Rana …
Lack of a direct alpha-adrenergic effect of Epinephrine on glucose production in human subjects
Kinetics of ocular herpes simplex virus shedding induced by Epinephrine iontophoresis.
Pictet-Spengler reactions of Epinephrine with formaldehyde and acetaldehyde
Epinephrine-induced changes in the cyclic nucleotide content of fish melanoma cells
Epinephrine modifications of insulin release and of 86Rb+ or 45Ca2+ fluxes in rat islets
Epinephrine effect on glycogen phosphorylase activity in catfish liver and muscles
Spinal cord effects of Epinephrine
Cardiovascular sensitivity to Epinephrine in the trained and untrained states
Inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and Epinephrine biosynthesis: a potential source of new drugs
Effects of propranolol and Epinephrine on density of capillaries in rat heart
Central and peripheral contributions to hypothalamic Epinephrine
Use of the Epinephrine test in diagnosis of coronary artery disease
ADP and Epinephrine-induced release of platelet fibrinogen
Memory modulation by post-training intraperitoneal, but not intracerebroventricular, administration of ACTH or Epinephrine
Vasopressin and Epinephrine stimulation of phosphatidylinositol breakdown in the plasma membrane of rat hepatocytes
Subcutaneous Epinephrine versus nebulized terbutaline in the emergency treatment of asthma.
Platelet malondialdehyde production and aggregation responses induced by arachidonate, prostaglandin-G2, collagen, and Epinephrine in 12 patients with storage …
Enzymes for Epinephrine synthesis and metabolism in the myometrium, endometrium, red blood cells, and plasma of pregnant human subjects
Elucidation of metanephrine to normetanephrine and Epinephrine to norEpinephrine ratios by fluorescence derivative spectroscopy
… glucagon and glucagon-like immunoreactivity before and during stimulation by Epinephrine and participation of glucagon in Epinephrine-induced hepatic glucose …
Selective inhibition by Epinephrine of parathyroid hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase in rat renal cortex
Epidurography using Epinephrine and tomography.
Effects of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, and Dopamine on Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Induced Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone in Vitro
Adrenal Epinephrine and the regulation of pulmonary surfactant release in neonatal rabbits
Experience with dipivalyl Epinephrine: its effectiveness, alone or in combination, and its side effects
… 2-adrenoreceptor interaction. Evidence for an ADP requirement for Epinephrine-induced platelet activation and an influence of Epinephrine on ADP binding.
Acute effect of thymoxamine on aqueous humor formation in the Epinephrine-treated normal eye as measured by fluorophotometry.
Exercise, dobutamine, and combined atropine, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine compared
Hemodynamic and plasma catecholamine responses to Epinephrine-containing perianal lidocaine anesthesia.
Alterations in local blood flow and tissue-gas tension caused by Epinephrine.
Adverse effects of racemic Epinephrine in epiglottitis.
Harding-passey mouse-melanoma tyrosinase inactivation by reaction products and activation by L-Epinephrine.
Effect of insulin and Epinephrine on some early oestrogenic responses in the rat uterus
Calcium-mediated inhibition of glucuronide production by Epinephrine in the perfused rat liver.
Importance of glucagon in mediating Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia in alloxan-diabetic dogs
Hyperthyroidism impairs the activation of glycogen phosphorylase by Epinephrine in rat hepatocytes.
… catheter and transient inferior vena cava occlusion: use of this system in the evaluation of the cardiotonic effects of dobutamine, milrinone, posicor and Epinephrine
Partial liver denervations dissociate the inhibitory effects of pancreatic glucagon and Epinephrine on feeding
Simultaneous determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine by derivative synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy.
Drug-induced changes of Epinephrine turnover in the rat hypothalamus
Long-term timolol and Epinephrine in monkeys. II. Morphological alterations in trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle.
Suppression of triglyceride secretion by Epinephrine in isolated rat hepatocytes.
Exposure of fibrinogen receptors on fresh and stored platelets by ADP and Epinephrine as single agents and as a pair
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase activity during exercise in man.
Effect of Epinephrine on Po2 in anterior chamber
Effect of morphine, ACTH, Epinephrine, Met-, Leu-and des-Tyr-Met-enkephalin on β-endorphin-like immunoreactivity of rat brain
Hypertension in hyperthyroidism: is there an Epinephrine connection?
Effects of Epinephrine, glucagon and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide on chloride secretion by teleost opercular membrane
Examination of the Effects of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, and Dopamine on Aldosterone Production in Bovine Glomerulosa Cells in Vitro
Endotracheal administration of Epinephrine and atropine.
Cardiovascular responsiveness to sympathetic activation after chronic Epinephrine administration.
Plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels during anesthesia: enflurane-N2O-O2 compared with fentanyl-N2O-O2.
Effect of Epinephrine on norEpinephrine release from rat kidney during sympathetic nerve stimulation
Cardiovascular responses to infused Epinephrine: effect of the state of physical conditioning.
Glucagon and Epinephrine suppression of food intake in liver-denervated rats
… involvement of cyclooxygenase products in the actions of platelet-activating factor and of lipoxygenase products in the vascular effects of Epinephrine in perfused rat …
Less pronounced changes in serum potassium and Epinephrine during hypoglycemia induced by human insulin (recombinant DNA)
Effect of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and (or) GnRH on serum LH in prepuberal beef heifers
Determination of the turn‐off reaction for the Epinephrine‐inhibited human platelet adenylate cyclase
Knee arthrography: effects of various contrast media and Epinephrine on synovial fluid.
The effects of topically applied Epinephrine and timolol on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor cyclic-AMP in the rabbit
Insulin antagonizes Epinephrine activation of the membrane transport of fatty acids. Potential site for hormonal suppression of lipid mobilization.
Responses to Epinephrine in patients with anorexia nervosa
Increased basal and reactive plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine levels in awake DOCA-salt hypertensive rats
Increased sensitivity to Epinephrine stimulated lipolysis during starvation: tighter coupling of the adenylate cyclase complex
Autoregulation of endogenous Epinephrine release via presynaptic adrenoceptors in the rat hypothalamic slice.
Interactions among Epinephrine, Thyrotropin (TSH)-Releasing Hormone, Dopamine, and Somatostatin in the Control of TSH Secretion in Vitro
Cardiovascular reactions associated with the use of ketamine and Epinephrine in plastic surgery.
Decrease in hypothalamic Epinephrine concentration and other neurochemical changes produced by quinpirole, a dopamine agonist, in rats
State of metabolic control determines role of Epinephrine-glucagon interaction in glucoregulation in diabetes
Epinephrine decreases the potassium requirements of hamster sperm capacitation: furosemide blocks the effect of Epinephrine
Celiac vagotomy attenuates the ingestive responses to Epinephrine and hypertonic saline but not insulin, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, or polyethylene glycol
Specific and saturable binding of albumin to rat adipocytes: modulation by Epinephrine and possible role in free fatty acid transfer
Effects of Epinephrine on the electrophysiologic properties of Purkinje fibers surviving myocardial infarction
Interactions of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and their corresponding alpha-methyl-substituted derivatives with alpha and beta adrenoceptors in the pithed …
Nicotinic-catecholaminergic interactions in rat brain: evidence for cholinergic nicotinic and muscarinic interactions with hypothalamic Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-and norEpinephrine-evoked potential changes of frog primary afferent terminals: pharmacological characterization of α and β components
Identification of Epinephrine and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity in rat retina.
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and isoproterenol dose‐outflow facility response relationships in cynomolgus monkey eyes with and without ciliary muscle …
Effect of topically administered Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and acetylcholine on cerebrocortical circulation and the NAD/NADH redox state
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine stimulation of adenylate cyclase in bovine retina homogenate: evidence for interaction with the dopamine D1 receptor
Enzymatic synthesis of 11C‐labelled (−)‐Epinephrine
Aerosolized metaproterenol compared to subcutaneous Epinephrine in the emergency treatment of acute childhood asthma
Effects of hepatic denervation on the anorexic response to Epinephrine, amphetamine, and lithium chloride: A behavioral identification of glucostatic afferents.
Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase in rabbit muscle: effects of Epinephrine and diabetes
Epinephrine effects on carbohydrate metabolism in catfish, Ictalurus melas
Plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and dopamine responses to intracerebral administration of a Met-enkephalin analog, D-Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide, in rats
Studies on Epinephrine-induced lung edema in the rat. I. Selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor involvement.
Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to trichloroethylene: Potentiation by ethanol
The effect of Epinephrine in local anaesthetic on epidural morphine-induced pruritus
Epinephrine activation of phosphofructokinase in perfused rat heart. Properties of the activated and nonactivated forms and the interconverting reactions.
Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to trichloroethylene: role of trichloroethylene metabolites
Cardiovascular effects of Epinephrine and dipivefrin in patients using timolol: a single-dose study.
Regulation of glycogen synthase activity in the isolated mouse soleus muscle effect of insulin, Epinephrine, glucose and anti-insulin receptor antibodies
Angiotensin II inhibits hepatic cAMP accumulation induced by glucagon and Epinephrine and their metabolic effects
The Role of Epinephrine in Essential Hypertension: The 12th Conference on the Pathogenesis of Hypertension
Effects on sleep of phentolamine and Epinephrine infused into the locus coeruleus of cats
Cardiovascular effects of epidural Epinephrine in the pregnant sheep
Basal levels of plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the dog.
Epinephrine, Propranolol, and the Sucrose-Ammonium Inhibition of Flowering in Lemna paucicostata 6746
Role of calcium and free fatty acids in Epinephrine-induced myocardial necrosis
Clonidine-suppression test in Epinephrine secreting pheochromocytoma: report of a case
Catecholamines in the vasculature of the rat and rabbit: Dopamine, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine
An antiplatelet monoclonal antibody that inhibits ADP and Epinephrine-induced aggregation
Epinephrine infusion decreases magnesium plasma concentration in humans
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine release in the fetus after repeated hypoxia
Acute pulmonary edema after regional anesthesia with lidocaine and Epinephrine in a patient with chronic renal failure
Inhibition of Ns‐Protein‐Stimulated Human‐Platelet Adenylate Cyclase by Epinephrine and Stable GTP Analogs
… -induced hypoglycemia in conscious dogs: effect of maintaining carotid arterial glucose levels on the adrenocorticotropin, Epinephrine, and vasopressin responses
Epinephrine-stimulated glucose production is not diminished by starvation: Evidence for an effect on gluconeogenesis
Halothane-Epinephrine arrhythmias and adrenergic responsiveness after chronic imipramine administration in dogs.
Epinephrine induced myocardial necrosis: effects of aminophylline and adrenergic blockade.
Renal failure and other serious sequelae of Epinephrine toxicity in neonates.
Selective elevation of systemic blood pressure by Epinephrine during sepsis-induced pulmonary hypertension in piglets
Recovery of jaw muscle function following injection of a myotoxic agent (lidocaine-Epinephrine)
Binding of Epinephrine to chromatin components
Epinephrine proactive retardation of amygdala-kindled epileptogenesis.
Reconstitution of the Turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase sensitivity to l-Epinephrine upon re-insertion of the Lubrol solubilized components into phospholipid …
Desensitization of the β-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase complex in rabbit iris-ciliary body induced by topical Epinephrine
Involvement of α-adrenergic receptors in the amnestic and anti-amnestic action of ACTH, β-endorphin and Epinephrine
Plasma Epinephrine disturbances in diabetic subjects during standing and after isometric exercise
Effect of Epinephrine on renal potassium excretion in the isolated perfused rat kidney
Epinephrine sulfation in the forearm: Arteriovenous differences in free and conjugated catecholamines.
Analysis of the responses of frog motoneurons to Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Blood flow in the renal portal circulation of the turkey: effect of Epinephrine.
Stability of sterile aqueous Epinephrine injections submitted by US hospitals
HSV-1 quantitation from rabbit neural tissues after Epinephrine-induced reactivation.
Adrenal vein Epinephrine levels: a useful aid in venous sampling for primary aldosteronism
Epinephrine accumulation in rat brain after chronic administration of pargyline and LY 51641—comparison with other brain amines
Analysis of USP Epinephrine injections for potency, impurities, degradation products, and d-enantiomer by liquid chromatography, using ultraviolet and …
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine syntheses are regulated by a glucocorticoid receptor-mediated mechanism in the bovine adrenal medulla
Penicillin induced human platelet dysfunction and its reversal by Epinephrine
Ketamine and the arrhythmogenic dose of Epinephrine in cats anesthetized with halothane and isoflurane.
The effect of topical Epinephrine on blood loss following tangential excision of burn wounds
Decreased beta-adrenergic responsiveness in cornea and iris-ciliary body following topical timolol or Epinephrine in albino and pigmented rabbits.
Synergistic inhibition of human platelet adenylate cyclase by stable GTP analogs and Epinephrine
Differences in the circadian rhythm parameters of urinary free Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine between children and elderly subjects.
… transport by isolated chromaffin granules. Influence of MgATP and a disulfonic stilbene on (R)-norEpinephrine/Epinephrine exchange and spontaneous Epinephrine …
Epinephrine-induced conditioned taste aversion
Effects of Epinephrine on resting potential in normal and hypertrophied cardiac muscles
Study of the additive effect of timolol and Epinephrine in lowering intraocular pressure.
Adrenal Epinephrine depletion after insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in young hypothyroid rats
Epinephrine regulation of phosphofructokinase in perfused rat heart. A calcium ion-dependent mechanism mediated via alpha-receptors.
Metabolism of glucose by preimplantation mouse embryos in the presence of glucagon, insulin, Epinephrine, cAMP, theophylline and caffeine
Beta-adrenergic receptors in rat myocardium during the development and reversal of hypertrophy and following chronic infusions of angiotensin II and Epinephrine.
Protective effect of circulating Epinephrine within the physiologic range on the airway response to inhaled histamine in nonasthmatic subjects
Physiological concentrations of Epinephrine potentiate thromboxane A2 release from platelets in the isolated rat heart.
Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors impair hepatic glucose production in response to glucagon and Epinephrine stimulation
Possible involvement of Epinephrine in the cardiovascular effect of naloxone in humans.
Pre-test Epinephrine injections reverse DDC-induced retrograde amnesia
Warning to Otolaryngologists Using Local Anesthetics Containing Epinephrine: Potential Serious Reaction Occurring in Patients Treated With β-Adrenergic Receptor …
Regulation of ketogenesis by Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the overnight-fasted, conscious dog
Effect of a high fat diet on rat adipocyte lipolysis: responses to Epinephrine, forskolin, methylisobutylxanthine, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, insulin and nicotinic acid
Alpha-adrenoreceptor-related dissociation constants and intrinsic efficacies of stereoisomers of Epinephrine
Fasting energy utilization in the smaller of twins with Epinephrine-deficient hypoglycemia
Alpha1-adrenergic Blockade Raises Epinephrine—Arrhythmia Threshold in Halothane-anesthetized Dogs in a Dose-dependent Fashion
Increased plasma Epinephrine correlates with blood pressure in preeclampsia
beta-Adrenergic receptors and cyclic AMP responses to Epinephrine in cultured human fibroblasts at various population densities.
The effects of intrathecal administration of arginine-vasopressin and substance P on blood pressure and adrenal secretion of Epinephrine in rats
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and dopamine concentrations in amphibian brain.
Protein phosphorylation and diglyceride production during serotonin release induced by Epinephrine plus ADP in human platelets
Potentiation with Epinephrine of macaque platelet aggregation by other agonists: implications for studies on human atherosclerosis
Comparison of brainstem and adrenal circadian patterns of Epinephrine synthesis
HSV-1 shedding by lontophoresis of 6-hydroxydopamine followed by topical Epinephrine.
Solubilization of Epinephrine-specific α2-adrenergic receptors from adrenocortical carcinoma
Effect of Epinephrine infusion and adrenergic blockade on glucose oxidation in conscious dogs
Parathyroid gland response to Epinephrine: a rate-sensitivity mechanism
Regulation of beta-adrenergic adenylate cyclase responsiveness of pig skin epidermis by suboptimal concentrations of Epinephrine
Effects of L-dopa on Epinephrine concentration in rat brain: possible role of inhibition of norEpinephrine N-methyltransferase by S-adenosylhomocysteine.
Bovine longissimus muscle glycogen concentration in response to isometric contraction and exogenous Epinephrine.
The blood supply of experimental liver metastases. VII. Further studies on increased tumor vascularity caused by Epinephrine.
Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and dopamine during a 4-day head-down bed rest
Rapid stimulation of Na+, K+-ATPase by glucagon, Epinephrine, vasopressin and cAMP in perfused rat liver
Phorbol esters inhibit alpha 1-adrenergic effects and decrease the affinity of liver cell alpha 1-adrenergic receptors for (-)-Epinephrine.
The effect of retrobulbar Epinephrine injection on ocular and optic nerve blood flow
Intravenous Epinephrine therapy in anaphylaxis
Plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine responses to glucagon in patients with suspected pheochromocytomas
Influence of adrenal Epinephrine on postnatal development of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in the superior cervical ganglion
Cardiac arrhythmias during Epinephrine-propranolol infusions for measurement of in vivo insulin resistance
Effect of Epinephrine on prostaglandin E2 and cyclic AMP levels in gingiva of patients with chronic periodontitis
Stability of sterile aqueous lidocaine hydrochloride and Epinephrine injections submitted by US hospitals
Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia with the addition of nitrous oxide, nitrogen, or helium in dogs.
A suppressive role of c-kinase for the stimulation of hepatic ketogenesis by glucagon and Epinephrine
Acidic Epinephrine analogs derived from 1H, 3H-2, 1, 3-benzothiadiazole 2, 2-dioxide and from trifluoromethanesulfonanilide. New synthesis of 1H, 3H-2, 1, 3 …
Antiarrhythmic and hemodynamic responses to adenosine triphosphate during infusion of Epinephrine in dogs anesthetized with halothane.
Role of endogenous lipid droplets of fat cells in Epinephrine-induced lipolysis
Epinephrine activation of phosphofructokinase in perfused rat heart
Different effects of glucagon and Epinephrine on the kinetic properties of liver glycogen synthase
Hypokalemia stimulates plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the rat.
Effect of Epinephrine on fibrinogen receptor exposure by aspirin‐treated platelets and platelets from concentrates in response to ADP and thrombin
Action of L-Epinephrine on the renin-aldosterone system and on urinary electrolyte excretion in man
Increase in S-100 protein levels in blood plasma by Epinephrine
Glucoregulatory role of cortisol and Epinephrine interactions studied in adrenalectomized dogs
Epinephrine as a tool to investigate the question of recycling of sympathetic storage vesicles in the heart: chemical and morphological studies.
Dissociation between hypothalamic catecholamine levels and Epinephrine-forming enzyme activity after midbrain hemitransections in the rat
Protective effects of Epinephrine tolerance in experimental cardiogenic shock.
Effects of Epinephrine treatment on the rat parathyroid gland, with special reference to the frequency of storage granules
Evidence that central Epinephrine neurons participate in the control and regulation of neuroendocrine events during the estrous cycle
Convulsions and Ventricular Tachycardia from Bupivacaine with Epinephrine: Successful Resuscitation—Congratulations!
The influences of glucagon, Epinephrine and alpha-and beta-adrenergic agents on glycogenolysis in isolated rabbit hepatocytes and perfused livers.
The Role of Compartmentalization of Epinephrine in the Regulation of Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase Synthesis in Rat Adrenal Medulla
Action of Epinephrine on the function of the teat sphincter in the lactating cow.
Memory enhancement with posttraining glucose injections: Possible involvement in Epinephrine modulation of memory storage
Glucagon and Epinephrine-stimulated phospholipid methylation in hepatic microsomes
The formation of an aluminum-Epinephrine complex and its effect on the addition of bisulfite to Epinephrine
Alpha-adrenergic responsiveness correlates with Epinephrine dose for arrhythmias during halothane anesthesia in dogs.
Further studies on the effect of retrobulbar Epinephrine injection on ocular and optic nerve blood flow
The effects of alloxan diabetes, insulin and Epinephrine on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from rat liver and brain
Indomethacin and salicylate decrease Epinephrine-induced glycogenolysis
Photopic c-wave in the chicken ERG: sensitivity to sodium azide, Epinephrine, sodium iodate, barbiturates, and other general anesthetics
Stability of Epinephrine in dental anesthetic solutions: Implications for autoclave sterilization and elevated temperature storage
Ocular hyperuricosis in the rabbit following hyperuricemia and topical Epinephrine
Photooxidation of Epinephrine sensitized by methylene blue as an assay for the evaluation of alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine as a free radical scavenger.
Inactivation of phosphofructokinase in chicken hepatocytes by Epinephrine
Timolol and dipivalyl Epinephrine combination therapy
Endoscopic local injection of hypertonic saline Epinephrine solution to arrest hemorrhage from the upper digestive tract. I: a fundamental research
Epinephrine-induced cyclic AMP production in skin fibroblasts from patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and controls
Activation of lipolysis by Epinephrine and electrical stimulation in the perfused hindquarters of lean and obese-diabetic (db/db) mice
Circadian rhythms in serotonin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine contents of the pineal-paraphyseal complex of the soft-shelled turtle (Lissemys punctata punctata)
Thermal stability of various Epinephrine formulations
Bronchodilatation and inhibition of allergen-induced bronchoconstriction by circulating Epinephrine in asthmatic subjects
The efficacy of 1.5% lidocaine with 7.5% dextrose and Epinephrine as an epidural test dose for obstetrics
Diminished glucagon response to Epinephrine in physically trained diabetic rats
Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to trichloroethylene: potentiation by caffeine
Effect of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on immuno-reactive insulin secretion from isolated islets of Langerhans
Circulating Epinephrine stimulates renin secretion in anesthetized dogs by activation of extrarenal adrenoceptors
Effects of carbon dioxide and Epinephrine on serum levels of lidocaine after epidural anaesthesia
Dopamine-! b-hydroxylase response to Epinephrine injection in anxious patients and normals.
Serum lidocaine levels following spinal anesthesia with lidocaine and lidocaine and Epinephrine in dogs
Epinephrine-mediated stimulation of glucose uptake and lactate release by the perfused rat heart. Evidence for α-and β-adrenergic mechanisms
Release of endogenous brain Epinephrine by the calcium ionophores X537A and A23187
In vitro response of the regenerating adrenal gland to Epinephrine.
Splanchnic and renal contribution to disposal of infused Epinephrine in humans
Strain-specific differences in levels of the mRNA for the Epinephrine synthesizing enzyme phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
Epinephrine-induced aggregation of rabbit platelets refractory to ADP
Predicting splenic abnormality in Hodgkin disease using volume response to Epinephrine administration.
Oxygen tension changes in the outer vascular wall supplied by vasa vasorum following adenosine and Epinephrine
Epinephrine-induced leukocytosis in acute asthma.
Determination and Temperature Effects of Lidocaine (Lignocaine) Hydrochloride, Epinephrine, Methylparaben, 2,6-Dimethylaniline, and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid in …
Lack of effect of somatostatin on the stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis by Epinephrine in isolated canine hepatocytes
Effects of Epinephrine and dopamine on norEpinephrine release from the sympathetic nerve endings in hypertension.
Prostaglandin F2a inhibition of Epinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP and progesterone production by rat corpora lutea of various ages
Interaction of dipivefrin and Epinephrine with the pilocarpine ocular therapeutic system (Ocusert)
Effects of lidocaine with Epinephrine on fear related arousal among dental phobics
In vivo desensitization of the β, but not the α 2-adrenoreceptor-coupled-adenylate cyclase system in hamster white adipocytes after administration of Epinephrine
Homologous and heterologous desensitization of one of the pathways of the α1-adrenergic action. Effects of Epinephrine, vasopressin, angiotensin II and phorbol 12 …
Effect of Epinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on in vitro thyroid iodine organification
Activation of adenylate cyclase from purified platelet membranes by prostaglandin E1 and its inhibition by L-Epinephrine: mechanistic effects.
The reversible inhibition by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone of Epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis in perifused isolated fat cells
An association between norEpinephrine-to-Epinephrine ratio and suicidal ideation in depression
Ophthalmic Clinical Pharmacology Reiview: Epinephrine and the Therapy of the Glaucomas
Topical timolol and Epinephrine: biochemical actions and interactions in the rabbit eye in vivo.
Reciprocal changes in fructose-6-phosphate, 2-kinase and fructose-2, 6-bisphosphatase activity in response to glucagon and Epinephrine
Timolol v guanethidine-Epinephrine formulations in the treatment of glaucoma: an open clinical trial
Naloxone inhibits the plasma Epinephrine response to ACTH but not to 2-deoxy-D-glucose in rats
Effects of Ca2+ and calmodulin inhibitors on lipolysis induced by Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, caffeine and ACTH in rat epididymal adipose tissue
Effect of peripheral versus central injection of Epinephrine on changes in aortic diastolic pressure during closed-chest massage in dogs
The effect of splenectomy on renal function in Epinephrine-induced renal failure
Effects of hypo-and hyper-capnia on myocardial blood flow and metabolism during Epinephrine infusion in the dog
Unexpected Conversion of Epinephrine into Tetrahydroisoquinolines in a Solution containing Ascorbic Acid
Effects of Epinephrine, isoproterenol and IPS-339 on sympathetic transmission to the dog heart: evidence against the facilitatory role of presynaptic beta …
Reduced platelet aggregation induced by Epinephrine and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in hereditary haemorrhagic teleangiectasia
Gluconeogenesis in rabbit liver: IV. The effects of glucagon, Epinephrine, α-and β-adrenergic agents on gluconeogenesis and pyruvate kinase in hepatocytes given …
Lack of correlation of verapamil plasma level with cumulative protective effects against halothane–Epinephrine ventricular arrhythmias.
Simultaneous stimulation of uric acid synthesis and gluconeogenesis in chicken hepatocytes by α-adrenergic action of Epinephrine and calcium
Effect of Epinephrine addition to epidural morphine in obstetric analgesia
ADP-and Epinephrine-elicited release of [3H] guanylylimododiphosphate from platelet membranes: Implications for receptor-Ni stoichiometry
The effects of Epinephrine on guinea pig placental glycogen metabolism and on cellular cyclic AMP
High urinary excretion of Epinephrine during day sleep associated with sleep disturbance
Ontogeny of Epinephrine-induced anorexia in rats
Pituitary cyclic AMP and plasma hormone responses to Epinephrine administration in vivo
The blood supply of experimental liver metastases. VIII. Increased capillary blood flow within liver tumors with administration of Epinephrine.
Urinary Epinephrine and norEpinephrine excretion in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and their relatives
Epinephrine-stimulated maintained rubidium efflux from guinea pig hepatocytes may involve alpha 1-and alpha 2-adrenoceptors.
Liquid chromatographic separation and detection of Epinephrine and its oxidation products, adrenochrome and adrenolutin
Improved Synthesis of Sulfoconjugate Isomers of NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine, and Separation of All Sulfoconjugates of Catecholamines by Thin-Layer and High …
A rise in cyclic AMP with a lack of glycogenolysis by secretin in the isolated perfused rat liver and its inhibition by Epinephrine
Plasma kallikrein-generating activity evoked by rat peritoneal-fluid mast cells following treatment with Epinephrine, 8-bromo-cyclic 3′, 5′-guanosine …
The effectiveness of 1.5% etidocaine HCl with Epinephrine 1: 200,000 and 2% lidocaine HCl with Epinephrine 1: 100,000 in oral surgery: a clinical comparison.
Site of Origin of Halothane–Epinephrine Arrhythmia Determined by Direct and Echocardiographic Recordings
A close correlation between the amount of met-enkephalin-immunoreactivity and Epinephrine in adrenal pheochromocytoma tissue from patients with sipple’s …
Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to tetrachloroethylene
Depletion of Epinephrine in rat hypothalamus by a dopamine agonist, pergolide
A vasopressin antagonist blocks the norEpinephrine and Epinephrine responses to hemorrhage in the fetus.
Pigmented deposits into conjunctiva after local application of Epinephrine (author’s transl)
Post-biopsy haematuria successfully treated by selective transcatheter Epinephrine injection
Modulation of arginine-induced glucagon release by Epinephrine and glucose levels in man
Sulfinpyrazone decreases Epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation after myocardial infarction
In vitro glucose reversal of the inhibitory effect of fasting on Epinephrine-induced lipolysis
Catecholamine physiology in ovine fetus. II. Metabolic clearance rate of Epinephrine
Repression by dexamethasone of Epinephrine‐induced modulation of the fatty acyl‐CoA desaturase system in Tetrahymena microsomes
Alterations in the arrhythmogenic dose of Epinephrine after adrenergic receptor blockade with prazosin, metoprolol, or yohimbine in halothane-xylazine-anesthetized …
Alpha and beta adrenergic blocker-resistant release of fibrinolytic activity from rat venae cavae by Epinephrine in vitro
Nephrotoxicity of Epinephrine-assisted venography.
Determination of plasma norEpinephrine and Epinephrine by high performance liquid chromatography using a two-column system and an electrochemical detector
Effect of alterations in drug metabolism on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to methylchloroform
The influence of Epinephrine on washed human platelets: shape change and protein phosphorylation
A case of unilateral adrenal Epinephrine excess: adrenal medullary hyperplasia?
The effect of Epinephrine on blood and tissue PO2 in the rabbit.
Effects of bolus injection of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on systolic time intervals in stress-resistant and stress-susceptible pigs.
Epinephrine and systemic local anesthetic toxicity
The effect of local anesthesia and Epinephrine on the size of cryolesions in the experimental animal.
Degeneration of nerve terminals in cats following systemic Epinephrine: Depletion of tissue norEpinephrine correlated with ultrastructural changes
Interaction between Epinephrine, prostaglandin E, and met-enkephalin in the regulation of insulin release in man.
The effect of Epinephrine and serotonin on hepatic poly (A)+ RNA synthesis
Mechanisms of splenectomy protection in Epinephrine-induced renal and cardiac necrosis
Epinephrine-cue contiguity is required for the modulation of CS excitatory strength
Effects of carotid body chemoreceptor stimulation by norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and tyramine on ventilation in the rabbit.
Plasma cyclic nucleotide responses to methacholine and Epinephrine in patients with migraine
… of phenoxybenzamine on the relationship between glycerol release and cyclic AMP levels in the presence of insulin in Epinephrine-stimulated rat adipocytes
Effects of topical Epinephrine on experimental sickle cell hyphema
An Epinephrine-containing pathway in avian spinal cord: development and localization
Plasma renin activity during infusion of Epinephrine into the carotid and vertebral arteries of anesthetized dogs
Efficacy testing of stabilizing agents in Epinephrine model solutions. 19: Stability of drugs and preparations
Normal responses of rats with transplanted neonatal islets to stress, Epinephrine, and cortisol
Role of the functional state of the gastric mucosa in relation to development of Epinephrine effects on rat stomach
Intracoronary Epinephrine attenuates baroreflex control of heart rate in the conscious dog
Potentiation of platelet aggregation induced by several kinds of aggregating agents-platelet aggregabilities induced by the mixture of Epinephrine and collagen in …
Essential role of GTP in Epinephrine stimulation of human fat cell adenylate cyclase
Adenylate cyclase activity in rat myocardium following chronic infusions of angiotensin II and Epinephrine.
Antiarrhythmic effects of disulfiram on Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias in rabbits exposed to trichloroethylene
Modulation of cyclic AMP formation and progesterone secretion by human chorionic gonadotropin, Epinephrine, buserelin and prostaglandins in normal or human …
Methionine-enkephalin facilitates the cardiovascular response to Epinephrine in the conscious dog
Epinephrine fraction of adrenal vein blood in pheochromocytoma
Inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and Epinephrine biosynthesis. 3. Bis [tetrahydroisoquinoline] s
Cardiovascular injury from blunt thoracic impact of Epinephrine and isoproterenol injected rabbits.
Involvement of endogenous Epinephrine in histamine-induced hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in rats treated with islet-activating protein
Inhibition of Epinephrine and gonadotropic hormone induced ornithine decarboxylase activity by phenoxybenzamine in the testis of immature rat
Epinephrine pain with local anesthesia
Extreme central acidosis from Abbott Epinephrine
Relationship of the inhibition of Epinephrine-stimulated adenylate cyclase in turkey erythrocytes by adenosine to its “R-” and “P-site”-mediated effects
Role of the cholinergic system in the modulation of ventricular arrhythmias induced by subepicardial Epinephrine in the dog.
Plasma guanosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate responses to methacholine and Epinephrine in humans
Reversible swelling evoked by Epinephrine, 8-bromo-cyclic 3′, 5′-guanosine monophosphate and feeding in the mast cells of the rat
A comparative study of Epinephrine lipolysis in human deltoid and trochanter adipose tissue
Effect of protein-supplemented fasting on metabolic and hormonal responses to Epinephrine infusion in obese subjects
Chronic maternal ethanol administration in the rat decreases the stimulation by (-) Epinephrine of glycogen phosphorylase a in the livers of the progeny during …
Inhibition of Epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation by a derivative of wheat germ agglutinin
Subhourly variability of circulating norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in the pregnant ewe and fetal and newborn lamb
Stimulation by Epinephrine of histamine synthesis by rat peritoneal fluid mast cells in vitro
Subsensitive pituitary cyclic AMP response to stress following adrenalectomy is not caused by loss of adrenal Epinephrine
Decrease in adipose S-100 protein levels by Epinephrine in rat
Ptosis in the rat following topically administered 2% Epinephrine.
Developmental changes in the effect of morphine, Epinephrine and carbachol on plasma cyclic nucleotide level iin rats
Fluorometric determination of levarterenol, Epinephrine and dopamine in the urine of rats with carrageenan edema and adjuvant arthritis
Fasting glucose production in the smaller of twins with Epinephrine-deficient hypoglycemia
Desensitization to topical Epinephrine in the rabbit eye: attenuation by dexamethasone.
The influences of glucagon, Epinephrine and adrenergic agents on glycogen phosphorylase a and pyruvate kinase activities in hepatocytes from juvenile and adult …
Fluid temperature and volume dependence of the dissociated plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine response to drinking
An Association Between NorEpinephrine-to-Epinephrine Ratio and Suicidal Ideation in Depression
Unusual responses of cultured Fundulus heteroclitus melanophores to Epinephrine and lons, paradox of K+ versus Na+
Effect of βh-endorphin on release of insulin by rabbit pancreas in response to four secretagogues: comparison with somatostatin and Epinephrine
In vivo effects of Epinephrine in a freshwater fish
An advance in ophthalmic pharmacology. The use of the Epinephrine pro-drug dipivalyl Epinephrine in the treatment of glaucoma.
The influence of verapamil and papaverine on the calcium-and Epinephrine-induced responses of isolated guinea-pig atria
High salt intake blunts plasma catecholamine and renin responses to exercise: less suppressive Epinephrine in borderline essential hypertension.
Otolaryngologists using local anesthetics containing Epinephrine
Decreasing brain Epinephrine levels with 2-cyclooctyl-2-hydroxyethylamine induces hyperglycemia in rats
Cardiac adenylate cyclase activity in streptozotocin-treated rats after 4 months of diabetes: impairment of Epinephrine and glucagon stimulation
Binding of imipramine, 8-methoxypsoralen, and Epinephrine to human blue and brown eye melanins
… -Stimulated Adenosine 3′, 5′-Monophosphate in Cat, Rat, Mouse, Hamster, Beef, and Pig Tissues with the Stimulatory Effect of Epinephrine on Beef Thyroid …
Role in kinin in rat Epinephrine pulmonary edema (REPE).
Simple nebulization of racemic Epinephrine in the treatment of acute laryngitis (croup)(author’s transl)
Effect of age on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane anaesthesia in pigs
Effects of nitroglycerin and nitroprusside on the pulmonary hemorrhagic edema induced by cerebral compression and Epinephrine.
Influence of blood sampling conditions upon histamine concentrations in rat plasma: a study of a complex relationship with plasma Epinephrine
Early cell alterations induced by histamine and Epinephrine in rabbit lung
The comparative effects of methoxamine and Epinephrine on regional cerebral blood flow in a swine model
Epinephrine arrhythmogenicity is enhanced by acute, but not chronic, aminophylline administration during halothane anesthesia in dogs
Effect of intravenous Epinephrine infusion on plasma renin activity in adrenalectomized dogs
Cardiovascular effects of total spinal anesthesia following intrathecal administration of bupivacaine with and without Epinephrine in the dog
Withdrawal syndrome follows abrupt cessation of intracerebroventricular infusion of Epinephrine in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Uptake and displacement of [3H] dihydroalprenolol,[3H] Epinephrine and [3H] clonidine in isolated perfused rabbit lung
Fasting reduces the response of liver glycogen phosphorylase to physiological levels of Epinephrine in rats
Inactivation of basal glycogen synthase by glucagon and Epinephrine in hepatocytes from fed rats
Epinephrine and duration of spinal anesthesia
… β-diethylamino-ethyl-4-methyl-7-ethoxycarbonylmethoxycoumarin) on washed human platelet aggregation induced by platelet activating factor (PAF) and Epinephrine
Enhanced acute antihypertensive effect of propranolol in the absence of circulating Epinephrine in the rat.
Unsaturated fatty acid-dependent oxidation of Epinephrine in homogenates of the gorgonian, Pseudoplexaura porosa
Induction of refractoriness of cyclic AMP responses to prostaglandin E1 and Epinephrine by prior exposure of guinea pig macrophages to lipopolysaccharide
The effect of intracerebroventricularly administered octopamine, phenylethylamine and Epinephrine on the central serotonergic system of the rat.
Epinephrine-independent production of hyperuricemia by means of hypothalamic stimulation in the conscious rat
Sensitive and specific radioenzymatic assay for norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and dopamine based on the thin-layer chromatographic separation of their Dns-O-methyl …
Treatmeat of Severe Cardiac Arrhythmia due to the Inadvertent use of Large doses of Epinephrine during Operation
Effects of catecholamines on myocardial viability in early reperfusion following hypothermic global ischemia in dogs—Comparison between Epinephrine and …
Interaction of Epinephrine and reduced extracellular potassium may mediate stress-induced vulnerability to fibrillation in mammalian heart
Effects of brain Epinephrine depletion on thermoregulation, reflex bradycardia, and motor activity in rats
Plasma renin activity during infusion of Epinephrine into the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries in dogs
Epinephrine release and presynaptic α2-adrenoceptic regulation in the guinea pig hypothalamus
Coenzymatic Activity of Epinephrine for Vitamin B2-Aldehyde Forming Enzyme and Its Physiological Significance
Dangers of propranolol withdrawal prior to local anesthesia with Epinephrine
Role of type A and type B MAO in the metabolism of Epinephrine in rat brain
Effect of Slow Calcium Channel Blockers on the Electromechanical Activity of Frog Moycardium in the Presence of Epinephrine
Changes of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, Dopamine in mice brain and liver and 5-Hydroxytryptamine in mice brain following treatment with Ochratoxin A and Citrinin
Effects of melanocyte-stimulating hormone and Epinephrine on proliferating melanophores of bullfrog tadpole in vitro
Thromboxane A2-Stimulated Human Platelet Aggregation Is Potentiated By Epinephrine Acting VIA Alpha Adrenergic Receptors
Inhibitory effect of imipramine on Epinephrine-dependent platelet aggregation:“In vitro” studies on platelets from healthy and depressed people
Activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase by Epinephrine in proliferating lymphoid cells
In vivo evidence of regulation by pituitary-adrenal axis of urinary Epinephrine excretion in men
Antiarrhythmic effects of flecainide against canine ventricular arrhythmias induced by two-stage coronary ligation and halothane-Epinephrine.
Epinephrine for anaphylactic shock
Effect of topically administered Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and acetylcholine on cerebrocortical vascular volume and NAD/NADH redox state
Effects of glucagon and Epinephrine on the rat liver: oxidative phosphorylation and ultrastructure
Thin-layer chromatographic separation of serotonin from Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and perfusion pressure on the peak aortic pressure development and glucose transport in the isolated perfused heart of normal and diabetic …
Epinephrine for Anaphylactic Shock-Reply
Preliminary Studies on the Effect of Epinephrine on the Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery Temperature in the Dog (Canis familiaris)
The Effects of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, and Carbachol on Oxygen Consumption in Rat Sublingual Gland Slices
Receptor development and hormone actions. Effect of insulin and Epinephrine on the glycogen content of newborn rat liver cultures.
Effects of ADP and Epinephrine on Macaque and human Platelets implications for studies on human atherosclerosis
Phosphorescence from 3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl derivatives in basic solution and its use for the assay of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine
Prevention of Epinephrine and stress-induced egg laying delay by feeding propranolol to the laying hen
Separation of Forearm Hemodynamics Into Skin and Muscle Components by Means of I-Epinephrine Iontophoresis
Epinephrine, the neglected catecholamine
Post-ganglionic chemical sympathectomy of the cat nictitating membrane following systemic Epinephrine: Degeneration of nerve terminals followed by regeneration
The effect of visible light on the stability of isoprenaline, Epinephrine and levarterenol solutions in various containers. 86. Problems in the use of plastic containers for …
Response to Epinephrine in children receiving oral β-agonists
Comparative study between timolol and d-Epinephrine in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma (author’s transl)
Neonatal hyperthyroidism impairs Epinephrine-provoked secretion of nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor in mouse saliva
Coil→ helix transition in polyadenylic acid induced by the binding of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and isoproterenol: Circular dichroism study
Epinephrine modulates the ratio of pro-inflammatory mediators and anti-inflammatory mediators in murine macrophages treated with LPS
Effects of glucose, insulin and Epinephrine on lactate metabolism by isolated adipocytes.
Enhancement of histamine synthesis in mouse skin by Epinephrine
Studies on Epinephrine-induced lung edema in the rat. II. Hemodynamic changes.
Butyltin Compounds In vitro Inhibition of Human Platelet Epinephrine-Induced Aggregation and Blockade of Epinephrine Binding to Platelets
Direct Phosphorylation Effects of Epinephrine on the Plasma Membranes of Intact Rat Fat Cells
Insulin-like activity of proteases. VIII. Stimulation of lipogenesis and pyruvate dehydrogenase and suppression of Epinephrine-sensitive lipolysis in rat epididymal …
Angiography with Epinephrine and beta receptor blocker in diagnosis of sigmoid lesions
A study of the intraocular pressure lowering effect of timolol and dipivalyl Epinephrine
Enhanced stimulus-induced neurotransmitter overflow in Epinephrine-induced hypertensive rats is not mediated by prejunctional beta-adrenoceptor activation.
Inhibition of actomyosin superprecipitation by an indole derivative of Epinephrine.
Thin-layer chromatographic separation of acetylcholine, Epinephrine, and serotonin from each other
Inhibition of brain Epinephrine synthesis by 3, 4-dichlorophenylethanolamine, a competitive substrate for norEpinephrine N-methyltransferase
Inhibitory effect of circulating norEpinephrine on Epinephrine-induced renin secretion.
Carnitine Optical Isomers’ Action on the Epinephrine Stress Induced in the Isolated Perfused Rabbit Heart
Does Epinephrine Activate Platelets By Binding To A Receptor And Then Reducing Heme In A Membrane Enzyme To Transmit The Activating Signal
Improved Regional Blood Flow and Resuscibility with Intrapulmonary Epinephrine During Prolonged Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Dogs
The use of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase inhibitors in elucidating the role of brain Epinephrine in the control of cardiovascular function
… -Parenchymal Canal System and Proximal Bronchus in Patients with Bronchial Asthma by Selective Alveolo-Bronchography With Respect to the Effects of Epinephrine
Arrhythmogenic Plasma Levels of Epinephrine During Halothane, Enflurane and Pentobarbital Anesthesia in the Dog
Reduction of central Epinephrine concentrations is consistent with the continued occurrence of ovulation in rats treated with an inhibitor (LY 134046) of …
Cardiovascular Monitoring during Tooth Extraction under Local Anaesthesia with 2% Procain Containing Epinephrine in Elderly Patients [J]
Relationships between blood pressure, heart rate and plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, angiotensin II concentrations, plasma renin activity during chronic …
Efficacy of Epinephrine therapy in shock
Propranolol and Epinephrine-Reply
Otolaryngologists Using Local Anesthetics Containing Epinephrine
Propranolol and Epinephrine
Treatment for angioneurotic edema with Epinephrine: Report of a case
Otolaryngologists Using Local Anesthetics Containing Epinephrine-Reply
Epinephrine and Duration of Spinal Anesthesia
Experience with combined therapy in the treatment of glaucoma: guanethidine/Epinephrine compared with timolol/Epinephrine (author’s transl)
In vivo hyperglycemic effect of (−)-and (+)-Epinephrine in dogs
The effect of lacal anesthesic with Epinephrine on factor VIII
Strain Differences in Rat Brain Epinephrine Synthesis: Regulation of a-Adrenergic Receptor Number by Epinephrine
An experimental study on protective effect of Epinephrine on renal radiation injury
Effects of Epinephrine on lidocaine spinal anesthesia
Epidural Injections of Etidocaine 1.5% with and without Epinephrine A Double Blind Comparison
Epinephrine Overdose. A Continuing Problem
General Anesthetics and NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine in Plasma
Epinephrine Does Not Worsen Spinal Lidocaine Neurotoxicity in Rats
The influence of pipemidic acid on Epinephrine and collagen induced platelet aggregation in vitro
Effect of Epinephrine and insulin on glucose metabolism in isolated fat cells
The value of Epinephrine-enhanced renal arteriography in the diagnosis of small renal cell carcinomas
Effects of repeated injections of Epinephrine on lipolysis in rats
Epinephrine-induced aggregation and α-adrenergic receptors on human platelets
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Effects of Cervical Epinephrine Infiltration
Response to Epinephrine in Children Receiving Oral β-Agonists
Study of the influence of the antihistaminic mepyramine maleate on the Epinephrine induced lipolysis in the rabbit
Nitroprusside-Epinephrine administration in acute myocardial ischemia
Excretion of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine in presence of pressure-chamber hypoxia in man
Effects of intravenous Epinephrine on Macaque platelets
Systemic Epinephrine and defensive burying in the rat
Relative Distribution of Epinephrine, Pilocarpine and Timolol in the Rabbit Eye
Endotracheal Administration of Epinephrine During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation-Reply
Effect of Added Epinephrine on Spinal Anesthesia with Lidocaine
< The> liver glucostatic function: a study on the effect of intravenous and intraportal administration of glucagon and Epinephrine on blood glucose level
Production of antibodies to Epinephrine and their use for determining low concentrations of catecholamines
An experimental study on renal arterial and parenchymal change caused by selective renal infusion of Epinephrine
Simultaneous measurement of Epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation in 14 plasma samples
Decreased secretion of Epinephrine during protein-supplemented fasting in obese subjects (author’s transl)
MISCELLANEOUS: Epinephrine acutely mediates skeletal muscle insulin resistance
Epinephrine enhanced double contrast knee arthrography
Effect of Epinephrine on the level of free radicals in human plasma and erythrocytes
… changes in lymphocytes after Epinephrine incubation and the effect of pre-treatment of lymphocytes with prednisolone and glycyrrhizine on the Epinephrine-induced …
Comparison of Dopamine, Dobutamine and Epinephrine in CPR
< The> effect of reduced food intake in guinea pigs and the counter effect of Epinephrine and constant light on the same animals
Effect of a selective inhibitor of Epinephrine synthesis, SK&F 64 139, on prolactin secretion in the rat.
The effect of ciprofloxacin on Epinephrine and collagen-induced thrombocyte aggregation in vitro
The excitability of Epinephrine-induced slow responses in rabbit atrial trabeculae.
Modulation of Epinephrine-and insulin-stimulated hexose uptake by free fatty acids in rat adipocytes
The effect of low-dose Epinephrine on the hematocrit drop following lipolysis
Effects of Propranolol and Epinephrine on Capillary Plasma Filling and Minimal Intercapillary Distances in the Rat Heart
The possible role of central Epinephrine,∝ 2-adrenoreceptors and presynaptic dopamine receptors in affective disorders
Comments on” interactions between intrarenal Epinephrine receptors and the renal baroreceptor in the control of PRA in conscious dogs” which appeared in circ. res …
Epidural Fentanyl, With and Without Epinephrine for Post-Caesarean Section Analgesia
Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Effects of Lidocaine With and Without Epinephrine for Epidural Anesthesia in Obstetrics
Inhibition of Baboon Marrow CFU-GEMM, CFU-GM, BFU-E and CFU-E by Adrenochrome, an Epinephrine Metabolite.
Epinephrine uptake and release and presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptic regulation in the guinea pig hypothalamus
Propranolol and antazoline as therapeutic agents in Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in dogs anaesthetized by enflurane
Site of Action of Some β-Adrenergic Blockers on Cardiac Contractile Activity in the Absence or Presence of Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on a culture of normal skin fibroblasts and fibroblasts in systemic scleroderma
Changes in ocular tonus, pH and concentration of ascorbic acid and lactic acid in the aqueous humor of rabbits treated with Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on ADP-induced changes in platelet inositol phosphates
The Specificities of Aortic Intima Constituents Effecting ADP or Epinephrine-induced Platelet Aggregation
Influence of Imipramine and Pargyline on the Arrhythmogenicity of Epinephrine during Halothane, Enflurane or Methoxyflurane Anesthesia in Dogs
Administration of Intratracheal Epinephrine by Cricothyroid Needle Puncture
Differential Effects of Glucagon, Insulin and Epinephrine on In Vivo Glucose Oxidation and Hepatic Enzyme Activity in the Rat.
Effect of Epinephrine Addition to Epidural Morphine in Obstetric Analgesia
The Effects of Oligolysines and Polylysines on Human Platelet Aggregation Induced by Polylysines, Adenosine Diphosphate, and Epinephrine
Pretreatment with detergents modulates the effects of Epinephrine on uveal flow and intraocular pressure
The Effect of Subarachnoid Epinephrine and Phenylephrine on Spinal Cord Blood Flow
Role of brain Epinephrine neurons in the regulation of serum prolactin and luteinizing hormone release in female rats.
[Effect of muscular exercise and metabolic control on cortisol, growth hormone, plasma-Epinephrine and plasma-norEpinephrine in type-I diabetics [author’s transl)]
assay ofplasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine. Life Science 1977; 21: 625-36. 34. Harrison TS, Seaton JF, Feller I. Relationship of increased oxygen
Use of Alumina, SephadexGlO, and Ion-ExchangeColumnsto Purify Samplesfor Determination of Epinephrine, NorEpinephrine, Dopamine, HomovanillicAcid, and 5 …
Effect of intravenous Epinephrine on cerebral cortical blood flow, oxygen tension, and high-energy phosphate metabolism after hypoxic hypotension.
Interaction of Epinephrine, propranolol, histamine, cimetidine and mepyramine maleate on vesicle smooth muscle of guinea pigs and rabbits
Epinephrine-Induced Arrhythmias and Cardiovascular Function After Verapamil during Halothane Anesthesia in the Dog
Anxiety and Epinephrine in Multiparous Women in Labor: Relationship to Duration of Labor and Fetal Heart Rate Pattern
Lack of Correlation of Verapamil Plasma Level with Cumulative Protective Effects Against Halothane-Epinephrine Ventricular Arrhythmias
Phenylethanolamine-N-Methyltransferase Activity Determines the Epinephrine Concentration of Pheochromocytomas
Combined effect of Epinephrine and chalone extracted from Ehrlich ascites carcinoma administered during different time of day on cell division in the tumor
Kinin-inactivating Enzyme from the Mushroom Tricholoma conglobatum. VII. Suppression of Epinephrine-induced Pulmonary Edema in Rats
Protection Against Epinephrine Exacerbated Platelet Thrombi Formation In Stenosed Dog Coronary Arteries With Chlorpromazine
Effects of short-term thyroxine treatment on pancreatic cytology and responses of blood sugar, serum insulin and serum free fatty acids to Epinephrine infusion
Antiarrhythmic Effects of Flecainide Against Canine Ventricular Arrhythmias Induced by Two-Stage Coronary Ligation and Halothane-Epinephrine
Biochemical characterization of ketosis-resistant young diabetics of northern India. In vivo effects of iv glucose, sc Epinephrine and iv glucagon and in vitro effects of …
Pharmacologic Antagonism of Beta-Adrenergic Blockade in Dogs. I. Hemodynamic Effects of Isoproterenol, Dopamine, and Epinephrine in Acute Propranolol …
Control of the cardiac sympathetic nervous system by bilateral stellate ganglia: a comparison of blood Epinephrine levels of the coronary arteries and veins of the right …
synaptic neurotransmitters such as Epinephrine (E) and NE would be of insufficient quantity and interact with receptors which are them selves abnormal to …
… data show that anxiety seems to be associated with increased norEpinephrine, while many patients with depression have low Epinephrine levels (decreased 3 …
27 Epinephrine Stimulates Calcium-dependent Protein Phosphorylation in Human Platelets
… , cortisol, lipid, and psychological responses to a real-life stress (third molar extractions): Effects of diazepam sedation and of inclusion of Epinephrine with the local …
The Combination of Guanethidine 1% and Epinephrine 0.2% in One Eye Drop (Ga-Weak) In the Treatment of Glaucoma
Wheezing in infants: the response to Epinephrine
From Epinephrine to cyclic AMP
Effect of physical training on the capacity to secrete Epinephrine
Epinephrine and some other hormonal responses to exercise in man: with special reference to physical training
Electrophysiologic effects of Epinephrine in humans
Evidence that the effect of physical exercise on NK cell activity is mediated by Epinephrine
Neutralized lidocaine with Epinephrine for local anesthesia
Effect of Epinephrine on amino acid and energy metabolism in humans
Plasma Epinephrine levels and cardiovascular response to high administered doses of Epinephrine in local anesthesia
Changes in plasma Epinephrine concentration after dental infiltration anesthesia with different doses of Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on local cutaneous blood flow
Sustained urinary norEpinephrine and Epinephrine elevation in post-traumatic stress disorder
Dose-dependent vasopressor response to Epinephrine during CPR in human beings
Sodium bicarbonate attenuates pain on skin infiltration with lidocaine, with or without Epinephrine
Failure of Epinephrine to improve the balance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand during closed-chest resuscitation in dogs.
Epinephrine potentiates human platelet activation but is not an aggregating agent
Epinephrine in cardiac arrest: a critical review
The effect of standard-and high-dose Epinephrine on coronary perfusion pressure during prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Neutralized lidocaine with Epinephrine for local anesthesia—II
Somatotropin in lactating cows: effect on response to Epinephrine and insulin
Enhanced thermogenic response to Epinephrine after 48-h starvation in humans
The effects of local anesthetics and Epinephrine on rat sciatic nerve blood flow.
Severe Epinephrine-propranolol interaction.
Lipolysis during fasting. Decreased suppression by insulin and increased stimulation by Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-containing test dose during beta-blockade
High-dose Epinephrine improves outcome from pediatric cardiac arrest
Effects of local anesthesia on nerve blood flow: studies using lidocaine with and without Epinephrine
Treatment of accidental digital injection of Epinephrine
The use of Epinephrine in the treatment of older adult asthmatics
Effects of Epinephrine on hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism in dopamine-resistant septic shock
Endotracheal Epinephrine is unreliable
Pulmonary ventilation/perfusion defects induced by Epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Comparison of two doses of endotracheal Epinephrine in a cardiac arrest model
Coronary artery spasm induced by intravenous Epinephrine overdose
Prolongation of isobaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia with Epinephrine and clonidine for hip surgery in the elderly.
Effect of Epinephrine and lidocaine therapy on outcome after cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation.
Increased neutrophil mobilization and decreased chemotaxis during cortisol and Epinephrine infusions.
Stability of buffered lidocaine and Epinephrine used for local anesthesia
The positive inotropic effect of Epinephrine on skeletal muscle: a brief review
The effects of age, Epinephrine, and operative site on duration of caudal analgesia in pediatric patients.
Brachial plexus block with bupivacaine: effects of added alpha-adrenergic agonists: comparison between clonidine and Epinephrine
Involvement of amygdala pathways in the influence of post-training intra-amygdala norEpinephrine and peripheral Epinephrine on memory storage
Epinephrine stimulates fluid absorption across bovine retinal pigment epithelium.
Effects of anesthetics containing Epinephrine on catecholamine levels during periodontal surgery
Stability of Epinephrine in alkalinized solutions
Epinephrine in mammalian brain
Physiological increments in Epinephrine stimulate metabolic rate in humans
Effect of Epinephrine on end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring during CPR
Increased cerebral blood flow and plasma Epinephrine in hypoglycemic, preterm neonates
The effects of graded doses of Epinephrine on regional myocardial blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in swine.
A comparison of cocaine, lidocaine with Epinephrine, and oxymetazoline for prevention of epistaxis on nasotracheal intubation
Epinephrine mediates facultative carbohydrate-induced thermogenesis in human skeletal muscle
Endobronchial instillation of Epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
High dose Epinephrine in refractory pediatric cardiac arrest.
Plasma concentrations of ropivacaine given with or without Epinephrine for brachial plexus block
Epinephrine enhances analgesia produced by epidural bupivacaine during labor.
Acute hormonal control of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The roles of insulin, glucagon, and Epinephrine.
Test doses: optimal Epinephrine content with and without acute beta-adrenergic blockade
Dexmedetomidine prevents Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias through stimulation of central alpha 2 adrenoceptors in halothane-anesthetized dogs.
Epinephrine facilitates neurogenic vasoconstriction in humans.
A randomized double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial of dexamethasone and racemic Epinephrine in the treatment of croup
Limitations of Epinephrine as a marker of intravascular injection in laboring women
Epinephrine inhibits insulin-mediated glycogenesis but enhances glycolysis in human skeletal muscle
NMDA-induced lesions of the amygdaloid complex block the retention-enhancing effect of posttraining Epinephrine
Cardiac Epinephrine synthesis. Regulation by a glucocorticoid.
Age differences in the plasma clearance mechanisms for Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in humans
Neuropeptide Y, Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the paraventricular nucleus: stimulation of feeding and the release of corticosterone, vasopressin and glucose
Dose-related effects of Epinephrine on glucose production in conscious dogs
Epinephrine exacerbates arthritis by an action at presynaptic B2-adrenoceptors
Potential complications of high-dose Epinephrine therapy in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest
Comparison of different doses of Epinephrine on myocardial perfusion and resuscitation success during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pig model
Lipolytic response of adipocytes to Epinephrine in sedentary and exercise-trained subjects: sex-related differences
Intravenous Epinephrine abuse
Epinephrine infusion enhances muscle glycogenolysis during prolonged electrical stimulation
… by using capillary zone electrophoresis: resolution of racemic tryptophan and determination of the enantiomer composition of commercial pharmaceutical Epinephrine
Long‐term renal preservation after brain death maintained with vasopressin and Epinephrine
Renal responses to mental stress and Epinephrine in humans
Epinephrine dosage effects on cerebral and myocardial blood flow in an infant swine model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Effects of insulin and Epinephrine on Na+-K+ and glucose transport in soleus muscle
Exaggerated Epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia in normal and insulin-dependent diabetic children
Epinephrine improves expiratory flow rates in patients with asthma who do not respond to inhaled metaproterenol sulfate
Energy metabolism in single human muscle fibers during contraction without and with Epinephrine infusion
Regulation of amino acid metabolism by Epinephrine
Effects of chronic nicotine administration of insulin, glucose, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine
The effect of Epinephrine and benzalkonium chloride on culture corneal endothelial and trabecular meshwork cells
Age-related response to Epinephrine-induced myocardial stress. A functional and ultrastructural study.
Randomized study of Epinephrine versus methoxamine in prehospital ventricular fibrillation
Are there Epinephrine neurons in rat brain?
Epinephrine enhances Ca2+ current-regulated Ca2+ release and Ca2+ reuptake in rat ventricular myocytes
Epinephrine improves the quality of spinal hyperbaric bupivacaine for cesarean section.
Labor analgesia with epidural bupivacaine plus fentanyl: enhancement with Epinephrine and inhibition with 2-chloroprocaine.
Multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 alpha or Epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes. I. Aqueous humor dynamics.
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: effects on myocardial oxygen delivery and consumption
Hemodynamic response to low-dose Epinephrine infusion during hypotensive epidural anesthesia for total hip replacement
Epinephrine-induced vasospasm reversed by phentolamine digital block
Methoxamine versus Epinephrine on regional cerebral blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Epinephrine infusions in patients with social phobia.
Comparison of responses to isoproterenol and Epinephrine during head-up tilt in suspected vasodepressor syncope
In Vivo Regulation of Non-Insulin-Mediated and Insulin-Mediated Glucose Uptake by Epinephrine
Pudendal block in vaginal deliveries mepivacaine with and without Epinephrine
Plasma histamine, Epinephrine, cortisol, and leukocyte β‐adrenergic receptors in nocturnal asthma
Successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest using high-dose Epinephrine therapy: report of two cases
The effect of treatment with topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with and without intraoperative Epinephrine on the maintenance of mydriasis during cataract …
Conditions affecting the responses of human platelets to Epinephrine
Chronic hypokalemia and the left ventricular responses to Epinephrine and preload
A comparison of Epinephrine and methoxamine for resuscitation from electromechanical dissociation in human beings
Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to Epinephrine in diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Injection therapy of bleeding peptic ulcer. A prospective, randomized trial using Epinephrine and thrombin
The effect of norEpinephrine versus Epinephrine on myocardial hemodynamics during CPR
Comparative maternal, fetal, and neonatal effects of chloroprocaine with and without Epinephrine for epidural anesthesia in obstetrics.
Increased fat and skeletal muscle beta-adrenergic receptors but unaltered metabolic and hemodynamic sensitivity to Epinephrine in vivo in experimental human …
Modulation of memory by post-training Epinephrine: Involvement of cholinergic mechanisms
Epinephrine kinetics in humans: radiotracer methodology
Evidence for retrograde degeneration of Epinephrine neurons in Alzheimer’s disease
Effect of locally applied Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on blood flow and diameter in capillaries of rat mesentery
Peribulbar anesthesia effect of bicarbonate on mixtures of lidocaine, bupivacaine, and hyaluronidase with or without Epinephrine
Comparison of standard versus high-dose Epinephrine in the resuscitation of cardiac arrest in dogs
Epinephrine induces platelet fibrinogen receptor expression, fibrinogen binding, and aggregation in whole blood in the absence of other excitatory agonists
Effect of submucosal Epinephrine injection on local gastric blood flow
The effect of high-dose phenylephrine versus Epinephrine on regional cerebral blood flow during CPR
A bisulfite-free intraocular Epinephrine solution
Differences in Epinephrine and substrate responses between arm and leg exercise.
Comparison of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in the treatment of asphyxial or fibrillatory cardiac arrest in a porcine model.
Effect of standard doses of Epinephrine on myocardial oxygen delivery and utilization during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Epinephrine and dDAVP administration in patients with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: Evidence for a pre-cyclic AMP V2 receptor defective mechanism
The reversal of the ischemic effects of Epinephrine on a finger with local injections of phentolamine
Esmolol in the management of Epinephrine-and cocaine-induced cardiovascular toxicity
Infiltration of Epinephrine in tonsillectomy: a randomized, prospective, double-blind study.
Defective Epinephrine and growth hormone responses in type I diabetes are stimulus specific
Diminished Epinephrine response to hypoglycemia despite enlarged adrenal medulla in trained rats
Four case studies: high-dose Epinephrine in cardiac arrest
High-dose Epinephrine improves the return of spontaneous circulation rates in human victims of cardiac arrest
Diluted Epinephrine solution for the treatment of priapism
Synergistic action of triiodothyronine and hydrocortisone on Epinephrine-induced reabsorption of fetal lung liquid
GTP-dependent inhibition of insulin secretion by Epinephrine in permeabilized RINm5F cells. Lack of correlation between insulin secretion and cyclic AMP levels.
Effect of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis on Epinephrine-induced gastroduodenal electromechanical changes in humans
Antagonism of quinidine’s electrophysiologic effects by Epinephrine in patients with ventricular tachycardia
… ligament injection: a comparison of 2% lidocaine, 3% mepivacaine, and 1: 100,000 Epinephrine to 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 Epinephrine in human mandibular …
Effect of Epinephrine on central nervous system and cardiovascular system toxicity of bupivacaine in pigs
The influence of maternal separation on plasma concentrations of ACTH, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine in guinea pig pups
Lung Epinephrine synthesis
Rat renal Epinephrine synthesis.
Galanin and Epinephrine Act on Distinct Receptors to Inhibit Insulin Release by the Same Mechanisms Including an Increase in K+ Permeability of the B-Cell …
Amphetamine, Epinephrine, and glucose enhancement of memory retrieval
Hypoxia increases endothelin release in bovine endothelial cells in culture, but Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, serotonin, histamine and angiotensin II do not
Determination of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, dopamine and L-dopa in pharmaceuticals by a photokinetic method
Myocardial oxygen delivery/consumption during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a comparison of Epinephrine and phenylephrine
Effects of niacin source on Epinephrine stimulation of plasma nonesterified fatty acid and glucose concentrations, on diet digestibility and on rumen protozoal numbers …
Endoscopic hemostasis by local injection of Epinephrine and polidocanol in bleeding ulcer. A prospective randomized trial
Epinephrine, glucose, and lactate infusion in exercising adrenodemedullated rats
Naloxone and β-endorphin alter the effects of post-training Epinephrine on memory
Age-and sex-related differences for the urinary excretion of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine in adults
Comparison of the Epinephrine-induced arrhythmogenic effect of sevoflurane with isoflurane and halothane
Metabolic role of the exercise-induced increment in Epinephrine in the dog
The effect of Epinephrine on blood loss during suction lipectomy.
DDAVP and Epinephrine-induced changes in the localization of von Willebrand factor antigen in endothelial cells of human oral mucosa
Molecular cloning of cDNA and chromosomal assignment of the gene for human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, the enzyme for Epinephrine biosynthesis.
The effect of Epinephrine versus methoxamine on regional myocardial blood flow and defibrillation rates following a prolonged cardiorespiratory arrest in a swine …
Circadian variations of urinary dopamine, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and sodium in normotensive and hypertensive subjects
The effects of magnesium salts on the duration of Epinephrine-induced ventricular tachyarrhythmias in anesthetized rats.
Effect of pregnancy on uterine and carotid artery response to norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and phenylephrine in vessels with documented functional endothelium
Altered Metabolic and Hormonal Responses to Epinephrine and β-Endorphin in Human Obesity
Epidural hydromorphone with and without Epinephrine for post-operative analgesia after cesarean delivery.
Epinephrine potentiation of in viw stimuli reverses aspirin inhibition of platelet thrombos formation in stenosed canine coronary arteries
Excitatory and inhibitory effects of Epinephrine on neonatal rat sympathetic preganglionic neurons in vitro
Surreptitious self-administration of Epinephrine resulting in’pheochromocytoma’
Enhancement by propofol of Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in dogs
Spectrophotometric determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine with sodium periodate
Epinephrine and left ventricular function in humans: Effects of beta‐1 vs nonselective beta‐blockade
High-dose Epinephrine acts at α2-adrenoceptors to suppress experimental arthritis
A sensitive radioenzymatic assay for Epinephrine forming enzymes
Epinephrine-induced increase in glucose turnover is diminished during sepsis
Effects of Epinephrine infusion on determinants of intravenous glucose tolerance in dogs
Multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 alpha or Epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes. III. Histopathology.
Circadian fluctuation of plasma Epinephrine in supine humans
Reversed-phase HPLC separation of plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and dopamine, with three-electrode coulometric detection.
Nitrous oxide and Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias.
Effect of aspirin and Epinephrine on experimentally induced thrombogenesis in dogs. A parallelism between in vivo and ex vivo thrombosis models.
Epinephrine-induced premature ventricular contractions and changes in arterial blood pressure and heart rate during I-653, isoflurane, and halothane anesthesia in …
Effect of increasing amounts of Epinephrine during isobaric bupivacaine spinal anesthesia in elderly patients.
Short-term responses of plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, glucocorticoid and testosterone titers to social and non-social stressors in male guinea pigs of different …
Relationship between plasma and platelet Epinephrine concentrations in humans
Leukocyte and lymphocyte subsets after a short pharmacological stress by intravenous Epinephrine and hydrocortisone in healthy humans
Effects of Epinephrine on coronary microvascular diameters
Treatment of peripheral ischemia secondary to lidocaine containing Epinephrine.
Differences in the neuronal removal of circulating Epinephrine and norEpinephrine
Dissociation of the effects of Epinephrine and insulin on glucose and protein metabolism
Bupivacaine with and without Epinephrine for intercostal nerve block
The Epinephrine-blood platelet connection with special reference to essential hypertension
Serotonin S2and thromboxane A2-prostaglandin H2receptor blockade provide protection against Epinephrine-induced cyclic flow variations in severely narrowed …
Multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 alpha or Epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes. II. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy, aqueous humor analysis, and fluorescein …
Quantitative correlation between cardiovascular and plasma Epinephrine response to mental stress
Differential requirements for platelet aggregation and inhibition of adenylate cyclase by Epinephrine. Studies of a familial platelet alpha 2-adrenergic receptor defect
The effects of Epinephrine on the anesthetic and hemodynamic properties of ropivacaine and bupivacaine after epidural administration in the dog
Comparison of Epinephrine and phenylephrine for resuscitation and neurologic outcome of cardiac arrest in dogs
Comparison between Epinephrine and terbutaline injections in the acute management of asthma
Tissue glucose utilization during Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia
Effects of Xylazine and Ketamine on Epinephrine‐lnduced Arrhythmia in the Dog
Epinephrine inhibits feeding nonspecifically in the rat
Effect of Epinephrine and other lipolytic agents on intracellular lipolysis and lipoprotein lipase activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
Effect of intravenous Epinephrine on serum magnesium and free intracellular red blood cell magnesium concentrations measured by nuclear magnetic resonance.
Comparison of 0.75% ropivacaine with Epinephrine and 0.75% bupivacaine with Epinephrine in lumbar epidural anesthesia
Hypercalcemia attenuates blood pressure response to Epinephrine.
Naloxone enhances cardiac contractile responses to Epinephrine without altering Epinephrine uptake from plasma.
Magnesium inhibits the hypertensive but not the cardiotonic actions of low-dose Epinephrine.
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on cerebral oxygen delivery and consumption during open-chest CPR
Epinephrine mediates the growth hormone-releasing effect of galanin in infant rats
Evidence for the role of Epinephrine binding frequency in activation of adenylate cyclase.
Use of hyperbaric bupivacaine with Epinephrine for spinal anesthesia in infants
Tissue-type plasminogen activator release in response to Epinephrine in perfused rat hindlegs
Delayed extra-adrenal Epinephrine secretion after bilateral adrenalectomy in rats
The effects of methoxamine and Epinephrine on survival and regional distribution of cardiac output in dogs with prolonged ventricular fibrillation
Epinephrine effects on major cell types of the aqueous outflow pathway: in vitro studies/clinical implications.
The effects of the vasoconstrictor Epinephrine on the duration of pulpal anesthesia using the intraligamentary injection
The effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine administered during local anesthesia on left ventricular diastolic function.
Effect of midazolam pretreatment on the intravenous toxicity of lidocaine with and without Epinephrine in rats.
Effects of Epinephrine and NorEpinephrine on Lipid Mobilization from Coho Salmon Liver Incubated in Vitro
Cardiovascular effects of low-dose Epinephrine infusions in relation to the extent of preoperative β-adrenoceptor blockade
Evidence that stimulation of growth hormone release by Epinephrine and vasoactive intestinal peptide is based on cell-to-cell communication in the pituitary
Retention impairment by posttraining Epinephrine: Role of state dependency and of endogenous opioid mechanisms.
Effects of fasting on blood plasma levels, metabolism and metabolic effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in steers
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine enhance p-aminohippurate transport into basolateral membrane vesicles.
Epinephrine v Thrombin for Split-Thickness Donor Site Hemostasis
Successful treatment of priapism with intracorporeal Epinephrine
Capsaicin and its effects upon meal patterns, and glucagon and Epinephrine suppression of food intake
Myocardial Epinephrine sensitization with subanesthetic concentrations of halothane in dogs.
Successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation using high doses of Epinephrine
Supersensitivity to isoprenaline and Epinephrine in right atria isolated from rats submitted to a single swimming session
Clinical and pathological changes of the heart in brain death maintained with vasopressin and Epinephrine
Treatment of acute attacks of bronchial asthma. A comparative study of Epinephrine (subcutaneous) and fenoterol (inhalation).
Influence of Epinephrine on systemic, myocardial, and cerebral acid-base status during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Decreased Epinephrine in familial alcoholism: Initial findings
Thermogenic effect of thyroid hormones: interactions with Epinephrine and insulin.
Organ blood flow and somatosensory-evoked potentials during and after cardiopulmonary resuscitation with Epinephrine or phenylephrine.
Clinicopathological study of livers from brain-dead patients treated with a combination of vasopressin and Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-stimulated contractile and metabolic reserve in postischemic rat myocardium
The synergistic effect of serotonin and Epinephrine on the human platelet at the level of signal transduction
Systemic vascular effects of Epinephrine administration in man
Effects and interactions of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, timolol, and betaxolol on outflow facility in the cynomolgus monkey
The dose of Epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in humans: What should it be?
Effect of Epinephrine on neutrophil kinetics in rabbit lungs
Functional expression of the amplification reaction between serotonin and Epinephrine on platelets.
Alpha2-adrenoceptor blockade attenuates feeding behavior induced by neuropeptide Y and Epinephrine
Plasma concentrations of free and sulfoconjugated dopamine, Epinephrine, and norEpinephrine in healthy infants and children
Role of central Epinephrine on the regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor and adrenocorticotropin secretion
Atrial natriuretic factor, digoxin-like immunoreactive substance, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and plasma renin activity in human fetuses and their alteration by fetal …
Effects of prolonged Epinephrine infusion on blood respiratory and acid-base states in the rainbow trout: Alpha and beta effects
Some mechanisms of immunosuppressive action of Epinephrine in humans.
Human tissue adrenergic receptors are not predictive of responses to Epinephrine in vivo
Effect of Epinephrine on Pancreatic β-cell and α-Cell Function in Patients With NIDDM
The effects of prolonged Epinephrine infusion on the physiology of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. I. Blood respiratory, acid-base and ionic states
Extent of anesthesia and hemodynamic effects after subarachnoid administration of bupivacaine with Epinephrine
Intracorporeal self-injection with Epinephrine as treatment for idiopathic recurrent priapism
Elevation of plasma Epinephrine concentrations inhibits proteolysis and leucine oxidation in man via beta-adrenergic mechanisms.
Venous plasma Epinephrine levels and the symptoms of stress.
Epinephrine in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
… prilocaine with 1: 200,000 Epinephrine and 2% mepivacaine with 1: 20,000 levonordefrin compared with 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 Epinephrine for inferior alveolar …
Epinephrine prolongs lidocaine spinal: pain in the operative site the most accurate method of determing local anesthetic duration
Purification of black moor goldfish melanophores and responses to Epinephrine
… prophase spermatocytes of rats is facilitated in primary culture of dispersed testicular cells on collagen gel by supplementing Epinephrine or norEpinephrine: evidence …
The ventricular depolarization gradient: Effects of exercise, pacing rate, Epinephrine, and intrinsic heart rate control on the right ventricular evoked response
The role of lidocaine, Epinephrine, and flap elevation in wound healing after chemical peel.
Myocardial sensitization by thiopental to arrhythmogenic action of Epinephrine in dogs
Combinative ligand‐receptor interactions: Effects of CAMP, Epinephrine, and met‐enkephalin on RAW264 macrophage morphology, spreading, adherence, and …
Plasma lidocaine concentrations during continuous epidural infusion of lidocaine with and without Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on glucose release from chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) liver incubated in vitro
Effects of Epinephrine pretreatment and solution pH on ocular and systemic absorption of ocularly applied timolol in rabbits
Interaction of salmon glucagon, glucagon-like peptide, and Epinephrine in the stimulation of phosphorylase a activity in fish isolated hepatocytes
Levels of norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and N-acetylserotonin in aqueous humour.
Simultaneous kinetic determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by the stopped-flow technique
Combined thromboxane A2synthetase inhibition and receptor blockade are effective in preventing spontaneous and Epinephrine-induced canine coronary cyclic flow …
Nonesterified fatty acids and glucose in lactating dairy cows: diurnal variations and changes in responsiveness during fasting to Epinephrine and effects of beta …
The influence of substrate background on the acute metabolic response to Epinephrine and cortisol.
Bupivacaine/butorphanol/Epinephrine for epidural anesthesia in obstetrics: maternal and neonatal effects
Enoximone treatment of impaired myocardial function during cardiac surgery: combined effects with Epinephrine
The response of platelets to Epinephrine in storage pool deficiency–evidence pertaining to the role of adenosine diphosphate in mediating primary and secondary …
High-dose Epinephrine during resuscitation: A word of caution
Spinal cord blood flow during spinal anesthesia in dogs: the effects of tetracaine, Epinephrine, acute blood loss, and hypercapnia.
The sensitivity of glycogenolysis to glucagon, Epinephrine and cyanide in livers from rats in different metabolic conditions.
Epinephrine activates outward rectifying K channel in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
Epinephrine increases plasma immunoreactive atrial natriuretic hormone levels in humans
Impairment of active avoidance by the noradrenergic neurotoxin, DSP4: attenuation by post-training Epinephrine
Functional hyposplenia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is detected by Epinephrine stimulation test and splenic ultrasonography
The effect of norEpinephrine versus Epinephrine on regional cerebral blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
A clinical trial of timolol and Epinephrine in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma
Activation of protein kinase C in platelets by Epinephrine and A23187: correlation with fibrinogen binding
Diazepam prevents post-training drug effects related to state dependency, but not post-training memory facilitation by Epinephrine
Nicotine-induced skeletal muscle vasodilation is mediated by release of Epinephrine from nerve terminals
Lactic Acidosis and Insulin Resistance Associated With Epinephrine Administration in a Patient With Non—Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Epinephrine potentiates calcium mobilization and activation of protein kinases in platelets stimulated by ADP through a mechanism unrelated to phospholipase C
Epinephrine-induced toxicity of human trabecular cells in vitro.
Labetalol in the treatment of Epinephrine overdose
The effects of prolonged Epinephrine infusion on the physiology of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. II. Branchial solute fluxes
Comparison of Epinephrine and dopamine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
The significance of impaired pancreatic polypeptide and Epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Mechanism of stimulation of DNA synthesis induced by Epinephrine in primary culture of adult rat hepatocytes
Hypotheses on the role of prostaglandins in the pathogenesis of Epinephrine maculopathy and aphakic cystoid macular edema.
Influence of circulating Epinephrine on absorption of subcutaneously injected insulin
Cholestasis, altered junctional permeability, and inverse changes in sinusoidal and biliary glutathione release by vasopressin and Epinephrine.
Epinephrine-induced reversal of verapamil’s electrophysiologic and therapeutic effects in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.
Reversible alterations in fatty acid composition of heart muscle membrane phospholipids induced by Epinephrine in rats fed different fats
Improved trihydroxyindole method for the simultaneous stopped-flow spectrofluorimetric determination of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine in urine
Effect of Epinephrine on intrathecal fentanyl analgesia in patients undergoing postpartum tubal ligation
Vasopressor effect of Epinephrine with and without dopamine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Opioids and stress: The role of ACTH and Epinephrine
Epidural Epinephrine and the systemic circulation during peripheral vascular surgery
Alpha2-adrenergic receptors mediate the increase in blood glucose levels induced by Epinephrine and brief footshock stress
Ophthalmic Epinephrine, phenylephrine, and pilocarpine affect the systemic absorption of ocularly applied timolol
Epinephrine potentiates activation of human platelets by low density lipoproteins
Differential catecholamine responses to dietary intake: effects of macronutrients on dopamine and Epinephrine excretion in the rat
Effects of Epinephrine in patients with an accessory atrioventricular connection treated with quinidine
High-dose Epinephrine therapy and other advances in treating cardiac arrest
Alterations in Epinephrine-induced arrhythmogenesis after xylazine and subsequent yohimbine administration in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs.
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine related to cardiorespiratory and metabolic changes in calves during physical exercise
Evaluation of ocular hypersensitivity to dipivalyl Epinephrine by component eye-drop testing
Hypotension in spinal anesthesia: a comparison of isobaric tetracaine with Epinephrine and isobaric bupivacaine without Epinephrine.
Regulation of adrenal chromaffin cell development by the central monoaminergic system: differential control of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine levels and secretory …
Naloxone potentiates contractile responses to Epinephrine in isolated canine arteries.
Effect of high dose norEpinephrine versus Epinephrine on cerebral and myocardial blood flow during CPR
Effect of injected long-acting Epinephrine in addition to aerosolized albuterol in the treatment of acute asthma in children.
Epinephrine and fentanyl as adjuvants to 0.5% bupivacaine for epidural analgesia
Relationships between chemical structure and inhibition of Epinephrine-induced human blood platelet aggregation
High correlations of norEpinephrine, dopamine, and Epinephrine and their major metabolite excretion rates
NorEpinephrine triggers medullar Epinephrine depletion during normoglycemia
Atrial natriuretic factor in the elderly: diminished response to Epinephrine
Epinephrine suppresses stress-induced increases in plasma immunoreactive β-endorphin in humans
Simulataneous measurement of urinary and plasma norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, dopamine, dihydroxyphenylalanine, and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid by coupled …
Epinephrine induces changes in the subcellular distribution of the inhibitory GTP-binding protein Gi alpha-2 and a 38-kDa phosphorylated protein in the human …
Increase in ocular blood flow induced by isobutylmethylxanthine and Epinephrine
Resistance of the rat embryo to elevated maternal Epinephrine concentrations
Effect of chronic Epinephrine on aqueous humor flow during the day and during sleep in normal healthy subjects.
Extraction of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine by the dog pancreas in vivo
Memory facilitation by posttraining and pretest ACTH, Epinephrine, and vasopressin administration: Two separate effects.
Plasma concentrations after high doses of mepivacaine with Epinephrine in the combined psoas compartment/sciatic nerve block
Epinephrine-induced cytotoxicity of rat plasma. Its effects on isolated cardiac myocytes.
Plasma Epinephrine levels in resuscitation with cardiopulmonary bypass.
The effects of Epinephrine on ketogenesis in the dog after a prolonged fast
Epinephrine and phenylephrine increase cardiorespiratory toxicity of intravenously administered bupivacaine in rats.
Modulation of liver tumor blood flow with hepatic arterial Epinephrine: a SPECT study.
Blood pressure, not heart rate, as a marker of intravascular injection of Epinephrine in an epidural test dose
Sustained increases in plasma Epinephrine concentration do not modulate renin release
Synthesis of prostaglandin E in rabbit eyes with topically applied Epinephrine.
The influence of propranolol on the cardiovascular effects and plasma clearance of Epinephrine.
Maternal hemodynamic responses to Epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in mild pre-eclampsia
V1a-vasopressin specific receptors on human platelets: potentiation by ADP and Epinephrine and evidence for homologous down-regulation
Mechanisms involved in the rapid dissipation of plasma Epinephrine response to bacterial endotoxin in conscious rats
Corneal nerves contain intra-axonal HSV-1 after virus reactivation by Epinephrine iontophoresis
New markers for type A behavior: pupil size and platelet Epinephrine.
Adrenal secretion of Epinephrine after stimulation of trigeminal nucleus caudalis depends on stimulus pattern
Glycogenolytic action of glucagon-family peptides and Epinephrine on catfish hepatocytes
The effect of Epinephrine in local anesthesia on the survival of full-and split-thickness skin grafts: an experimental study.
Differential effects of hypoxia on the turnover of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in the heart, adrenal gland, submaxillary gland and stomach.
Epinephrine increases the effectiveness of tetracaine spinal anesthesia
Epinephrine increases tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in human skeletal muscle
Local Epinephrine injection improves the therapeutic effect of Nd-YAG laser treatment of arterial peptic ulcer bleeding
Intrapleural administration of 0.25%, 0.375%, and 0.5% bupivacaine with Epinephrine after cholecystectomy.
Leukotriene D4 potentiates the contractile effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on rat aortic rings.
Simultaneous Measurement of Plasma Catecholamine (NorEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and Dopamine) and Free N—Methyl Dopamine (Epinine) Levels, by HPLC with …
Epinephrine release from the heart during left stellate ganglion stimulation in dogs
Combinative ligand‐receptor interactions: Epinephrine depresses RAW264 macrophage antibody‐dependent phagocytosis in the absence and presence of met …
Long-term effects of topically applied Epinephrine on the blood-ocular barrier in humans
Quantitative assessment of the ontogeny of met-enkephalin, norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in the human fetal adrenal medulla
Effect of Epinephrine on ethanol metabolism by isolated rat hepatocytes
Spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine: effects of added Epinephrine
Synergistic potentiation by Epinephrine of collagen or thrombin-induced calcium mobilization in human platelets
… relationship between nonesterified fatty acid availability and ketone body production in postabsorptive man: evidence for a hepatic antiketogenic effect of Epinephrine
Systemic effects of intraocular Epinephrine during cataract surgery.
SEM studies of the functional morphology of the ciliary process vasculature in the cynomolgus monkey: reactions after application of Epinephrine
A method for testing for Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in rats.
Epinephrine activation of heparin-nonreleasable lipoprotein lipase in 3 skeletal muscle fiber types of the rat
Enhancement of tumor blood flow and tumoricidal effect of doxorubicin by intraportal Epinephrine in experimental liver metastasis
Role of Epinephrine in the development of essential hypertension.
Subnormal pancreatic polypeptide and Epinephrine responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia identify patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus predisposed …
High-dose Epinephrine in cardiac arrest.
Aortic pulsatile pressure and diameter response to intravenous perfusions of angiotensin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine in conscious dogs.
Effect of monoamine oxidase inhibition on catecholamine levels: evidence for synthesis but not storage of Epinephrine in rat spinal cord
Comparison of blood pressure response to exogenous Epinephrine in hypertensive men and women
Regulation of bovine adipose tissue metabolism during lactation. 4. Dose-responsiveness to Epinephrine as altered by stage of lactation
Reduction of the ventricular arrhythmogenic dose of Epinephrine by ketamine administration in halothane-anesthetized cats.
The effects of Epinephrine on islet hormone secretion in the dog
Effects of Epinephrine in local dental anesthetics on plasma catecholamine concentration and circulation.
Responses of small intrapulmonary arteries to vasoactive compounds in the fetal and neonatal lamb: norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, serotonin, and potassium chloride
Synergism between thrombin and adrenaline (Epinephrine) in human platelets. Marked potentiation of inositol phospholipid metabolism
The relationship between waking time and urinary Epinephrine in bed-rested humans under conditions involving minimal stress
Stability of milrinone and Epinephrine, atropine sulfate, lidocaine hydrochloride, or morphine sulfate injection
Hydrostatic distention and pharmacological treatment of Epinephrine-induced microarterial spasm.
Infusion of Epinephrine augments pressor responses to mental stress.
Underfeeding and the physiological responses to infused Epinephrine in lean women
Prolongation of postoperative epidural sufentanil analgesia with Epinephrine
The change in arterial Epinephrine levels after standard and high dose Epinephrine during CPR in humans
Mono (ADP-ribosyl) ation of Gi by eukaryotic cysteine-specific mono (ADP-ribosyl) transferase attenuates inhibition of adenylate cyclase by Epinephrine
Deficient elevation of the cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration by Epinephrine in Epinephrine‐insensitive platelets of patients with myeloproliferative disorders
Modulation by docosahexaenoic acid of the Epinephrine‐stimulated adenylate cyclase activity of the bovine retina
Plasma concentrations of Epinephrine during CPR in the dog
Influence of cAMP and calcium on Epinephrine-mediated hepatic glycogenolysis in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric lidocaine and bupivacaine: effects of Epinephrine on the plasma concentration profiles.
Indomethacin and the Epinephrine-induced breakdown of the blood-ocular barrier in rabbits.
The influence of detomidine and Epinephrine on heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmia in horses
… adrenergic receptor mediated polyphosphoinositide breakdown in DDT1-MF2 cells: lack of evidence of desensitization after prolonged exposure to Epinephrine
Naloxone potentiates Epinephrine release during hypoxia in fetal sheep: dose response and cardiovascular effects
Somatostatin and Epinephrine decrease insulin messenger ribonucleic acid in HIT cells through a pertussis toxin-sensitive mechanism
Epinephrine versus methoxamine in survival postventricular fibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs.
Effects of halothane with and without histamine and/or Epinephrine on automaticity, intracardiac conduction times, and development of dysrhythmias in the isolated …
Defining the role of protein kinase C in Epinephrine-and bradykinin-stimulated arachidonic acid metabolism in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
Influence of external administration of Epinephrine on bone regeneration.
Effect of exercise, DDAVP, and Epinephrine on the factor VIII: C/von Willebrand factor complex in normal dogs and von Willebrand factor deficient Doberman pinscher …
Li+ inhibition of membrane current responses to Epinephrine in guinea-pig ventricular cells
Mechanism of histamine-induced Epinephrine release in guinea pig.
Physiological doses of Epinephrine in the human: chronotropic but not hyperglycemic or catecholaminotropic
Halothane, but Not Isoflurane or Enflurane, Protects Against Spontaneous and Epinephrine-Exacerbated Acute Thrombus Formations in Stenosed Dog Coronary …
Glucose intolerance in thyrotoxic rats: role of insulin, glucagon, and Epinephrine
Sensitive method for determination of picogram amounts of Epinephrine and other catecholamines in microdissected samples of rat brain using liquid chromatography …
Modulation of doxorubicin uptake by Epinephrine in the VX-2 carcinoma
Regulation of triglyceride mobilization in isolated hepatocytes by dibutyryl cyclic AMP and Epinephrine.
Protein synthesis in liver following infusion of the catabolic hormones corticosterone, Epinephrine, and glucagon in rats
Desensitization of β-receptor mediated responses to Epinephrine in fetal lambs by prolonged ritodrine administration
Epinephrine regulates cholinergic transmission mediated by rat retinal neurons in culture
The effects of prolonged Epinephrine infusion on the physiology of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. III. Renal ionic fluxes
Protective effects of adrenoceptor-blocking agents on myocardial injury induced by Epinephrine in mice
Enhanced endogenous neurotransmitter overflow in the isolated perfused rat kidney after chronic Epinephrine administration: lack of a prejunctional beta …
Hydrogen peroxide dependent oxidative degradation of DNA by copper Epinephrine
Epidural sufentanil for post-caesarean section analgesia: Lack of benefit of Epinephrine
Cardiac Arrest due to Excessive Infiltration of Epinephrine during Operation-A case report
Epinephrine release in response to sexual activity in male versus female rats
Effects of betaxolol/timolol on Epinephrine stimulated cyclic-AMP levels in human trabecular meshwork cells
Effect of Epinephrine or cAMP on cAMP-bound protein kinase holoenzymes in rat heart
The α2‐adrenergic receptor antagonist yohimbine inhibits Epinephrine‐induced platelet aggregation in healthy subjects
Epinephrine and norEpinephrine modulate neuronal responses to excitatory amino acids and agonists in frog spinal cord
The synergistic effect of serotonin and Epinephrine at the level of signal transduction
Desipramine blocks augmented neurogenic vasoconstrictor responses to Epinephrine.
Epinephrine enhanced positive contrast shoulder arthrography in the dog
Effects of Epinephrine and ritodrine in dogs with acute hyperkalemia.
Extinction of avoidance through response prevention: enhancement by administration of Epinephrine or ACTH
Role of insulin in the blunted glucose metabolic response of septic rats to Epinephrine
Effects of Epinephrine on branchial and renal calcium handling in the rainbow trout
Epinephrine impairs insulin release by a mechanism distal to calcium mobilization: similarity to lipoxygenase inhibitors
Pupil size after extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber lens implantation: a prospective randomized trial of Epinephrine and acetylcholine
Plasma Epinephrine modulates the cerebrovasodilation evoked by electrical stimulation of dorsal medulla
Plasma Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, and cortisol of multigravidas in pregnancy and labor and in umbilical cord arteries after delivery
Effect of ambient temperature on serotonin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine contents in the pineal-paraphyseal complex of the soft-shelled turtle (Lissemys punctata …
Naltrexone potentiates glycemic responses during stress and Epinephrine challenge in genetically obese mice.
Resuscitation from cardiac arrest using high-dose Epinephrine
Epinephrine permeation across dentin in vitro
The effect of Epinephrine on hemodynamics, acid-base status and potassium during spontaneous circulation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Chemical stability of lignocaine (lidocaine) and adrenalin (Epinephrine) in pH-adjusted parenteral solutions.
Long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase of rat adrenal microsomes. Effect of ACTH and Epinephrine
Estimation of the kinetic constants for binding of Epinephrine to β-adrenergic receptors of the S49 cell
Effects of Epinephrine on the renal vascular bed of fetal, newborn, and adult sheep
Phenolic cyclization of Epinephrine, metaproterenol, metaraminol, phenylephrine, and terbutaline with formaldehyde
A comparison of the periodontal ligament injection using 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 Epinephrine and saline in human mandibular premolars
The maternal hemodynamic effects of bupivacaine‐Epinephrine mixture used for obstetrical anesthesia
Effect of microinjection of histamine into the brain on plasma levels of Epinephrine and glucose in freely moving rats
Cardiac asthma presenting as status asthmaticus: deleterious effect of Epinephrine therapy
The influence of noise stress on plasma Epinephrine and its binding to plasma protein in the rat.
Adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate, prostaglandins, and Epinephrine stimulate the secretion of immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hormone from cultured …
Effect of sleep loss on beta-endorphin activity, Epinephrine levels, and ventilatory responsiveness.
The Na+ H+ antiporter is not involved in potentiation of thrombin-induced responses by Epinephrine
Epinephrine synthesis in rat skin by an N-methyltransferase
Calcium mobilization and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex ligands in Epinephrine-stimulated platelets
Blood pressure effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and Epinephrine in anaphylactic shock
Effect of Epinephrine on the duration of dibucaine (cinchocaine) spinal anesthesia
Differential effects of insulin, Epinephrine, and glucagon on rat hepatocyte mitochondrial activity
Memory-enhancing effect of posttraining Epinephrine is not blocked by dexamethasone.
Epinephrine regulation of amino acid transport in rat hepatocytes isolated during development
Endotracheal administration of Epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Epinephrine synthesis in the rat iris.
Determination of urinary norEpinephrine and Epinephrine by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and pre-column derivatization
An open study comparison of 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% ropivacaine, with Epinephrine, in epidural anesthesia in patients undergoing urologic surgery
Epinephrine stimulates inositol phospholipid metabolism by activating alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in human platelets
Effects of Epinephrine on retinal and choroidal blood flow through different routes of drug administration
Strain-specific differences in transcription of the gene for the Epinephrine-synthesizing enzyme phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
Epinephrine synthesis by an N-methyltransferase in rat liver
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone potently reverses Epinephrine-stimulated hyperglycemia in mice
Ventricular arrhythmogenic dose of Epinephrine in dogs and cats anesthetized with tiletamine/zolazepam and halothane.
Effect of coccidiosis on plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine levels in turkey poults
Proaggregatory effect of Epinephrine on rabbit platelets inhibited by ticlopidine
Effects of estrous cycle and of in vivo unilateral or bilateral adrenal demedullation on the distribution of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine between different zones of the …
Effects of intravenous test dose Epinephrine on fetal sheep during acute fetal stress and acidosis
Hemodynamic effect of epidurally administered Epinephrine in middle‐aged and elderly patients
Influence of Epinephrine on alcohol dehydrogenase activity in rat hepatocyte culture
Acute Epinephrine treatment fails to facilitate stimulus-induced neurotransmitter overflow in the isolated perfused rat kidney.
Responsiveness to Epinephrine in adult spontaneously hypertensive rat tail artery: preferential mediation by postjunctional alpha 2-adrenoceptors.
Epinephrine-aminophylline-induced arrhythmias after midazolam or thiopentone in halothane-anaesthetized dogs
Pharmacologic implications of α‐adrenocreceptor interactive parameters for Epinephrine enantiomers in the rat vas deferens
Deltamethrin-induced changes in synaptosomal transport of 3H-Epinephrine in the squid optic lobes.
Effect of chronic cocaine administration and cocaine withdrawal on coronary flow rate and heart rate responses to Epinephrine and cocaine in isolated perfused rat …
Epinephrine potentiates adenosine-stimulating effect on glucagon secretion
Evidence that Epinephrine acutely redistributes blood flow to experimental intrahepatic tumors.
Propranolol pretreatment reduces cardiorespiratory toxicity due to plain, but not Epinephrine-containing, intravenous bupivacaine in rats
Unexpected vascular response to Epinephrine in port wine stains.
Lack of evidence for beta-2 receptor selectivity: a study of metaproterenol, fenoterol, isoproterenol, and Epinephrine in patients with asthma
Effects of 1‐Epinephrine on hemodynamics and cardiac fiinction in coronary disease: Dose‐response studies
Insulin-inhibiting effects of Epinephrine are blunted during endotoxicosis in the rat.
Regional differences in the distribution of norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in human cerebral cortex: a neurochemical study using HPLC and electrochemical …
Hemodynamic and respiratory effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and Epinephrine in anaphylactic shock
Comparison of logdose and bracket protocols for determination of Epinephrine arrhythmia thresholds in dogs anesthetized with thiopental-halothane.
Effects of central Epinephrine synthesis inhibition on stress-induced prolactin secretion in male rats.
Relationship between changes in circulation due to Epinephrine oral injection and its plasma concentration.
Cocaine and lidocaine interfere with Epinephrine-induced changes in intracellular calcium concentration and glucose efflux from rat hepatocytes
Epinephrine and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 synergistically induce platelet aggregation without protein kinase C activation
Antagonistic effects of Epinephrine, glucagon and methylatropine but not calcium chloride against atrio‐ventricular conduction disturbances produced by high doses of …
Effects of morphine administration on catecholamine levels in rat brain; specific reduction of Epinephrine concentration in hypothalamus
Decrease in repetitive extrasystole threshold during Epinephrine infusion is enhanced in conscious dogs with perinephritic hypertension
Continued circulatory support: Effect of Epinephrine or dopamine on 24-hour survival and neurologic function in dogs
Differential effects of verapamil and flunarizine on Epinephrine-induced vasoconstriction and on spontaneous vasomotion of arterioles in skeletal muscle in the rat in …
Influence of age on diurnal rhythms of adrenal norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and corticosterone levels in soft-shelled turtles (Lissemys punctata punctata)
Comparison of 40 milliliters of 0.25% intrapleural bupivacaine with Epinephrine with 20 milliliters of 0.5% intrapleural bupivacaine with Epinephrine after …
Comparison of the action of Epinephrine and a respiratory chain uncoupler, 2, 4-dinitrophenol, on Ca2+-mobilization in isolated hepatocytes and perfused livers
Epinephrine‐induced Pigment Aggregation in Goldfish Melanophoroma Cells: Apparent Involvement of an Unknown Second Messenger
The primary wave of Epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation represents alpha2-adrenoceptor status
Blood levels, clearance rates and effects of Epinephrine and norEpinephrine on insulin and metabolites during α-and β-adrenergic blockade in cattle in vivo, and in …
Effect of racemic Epinephrine on ventilatory function in the neonate postextubation
Cold-Induced Changes in Plasma NorEpinephrine, Epinephrine and Dopamine Concentrations in Patients with Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Determination of plasma catecholamines in dogs after experimental gingival retraction with Epinephrine-impregnated cord
Cardiovascular effects of Δ9-andΔ9 (11)-tetrahydrocannabinol and their interaction with Epinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine on rapid ADP-induced aggregation, protein phosphorylation, and cytoplasmic calcium dynamics of platelets: a quenched-flow study.
Phenytoin prevents Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias through central nervous system in halothane-anesthetized dogs.
Hyper-responsiveness to low-dose Epinephrine infusion in mild essential hypertension.
Ovine fetal renal and hormonal responses to changes in plasma Epinephrine
Evidence for liver Epinephrine
The antidysrhythmic effect of metoprolol in the Epinephrine treated chick embryo
Epinephrine enantiomers: affinity, efficacy and potency relationships in rat smooth muscle tissues.
Effect of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine and L-dopa on the settlement and metamorphosis of larvae of Crassostrea gigas
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine in human erythrocyte plasma membranes
Intracerebral hemorrhage following intravenous administration of Epinephrine.
Efficiency of a 2% Epinephrine-free Articain solution (Ultracain 2%) for dental local anesthesia
Effect of Cetamolol on Epinephrine‐Induced Hypokalemia
Effect of subthalamic stimulation on adrenal Epinephrine and norEpinephrine secretion in the rat
Distinct but nonadditive effects of Epinephrine and cortisol on determinants of glucose tolerance in dogs
The effect of Epinephrine on oxygen consumption, overall energy metabolism, and substrate utilization in rats
Verapamil combined with aspirin for inhibiting Epinephrine-stimulated platelet thrombus formation in stenosed canine coronary arteries
Epinephrine in rat hypophysial portal blood is derived mainly from the adrenal medulla
Inappropriateness of “Inotropic” Support with Epinephrine
Use of dilute Epinephrine as an aid in facial nerve monitoring.
The effects of peripherald-amphetamine, 4-OH amphetamine, and Epinephrine on maintained discharge in the locus coeruleus with reference to the modulation of …
Demonstration of a different sensitivity to Epinephrine in isolated and in vivo hearts
Antagonism in isolated equine digital vessels of contraction induced by Epinephrine in the presence of hydrocortisone and an aqueous extract of black walnut …
Platelet norEpinephrine and Epinephrine concentration in patients with pheochromocytoma
Some aspects of metabolic adaptations in lipid metabolism during starvation are mimicked by Epinephrine in rat adipocytes.
Application of high-performance liquid chromatography to norEpinephrine and Epinephrine determination in horse plasma
Circadian rhythms and influence of light on serotonin, norEpinephrine, and Epinephrine contents in the pineal-paraphyseal complex of soft-shelled turtles (Lissemys …
HSV-induced reactivation: contribution of Epinephrine after corneal iontophoresis
Epinephrine effect on arachidonic acid biosynthesis in isolated adrenocortical cells
Circadian and other variation in Epinephrine and norEpinephrine among several human populations, including healthy blinded and sighted subjects and patients with …
Effect of body position, Epinephrine, and a surface-tension-lowering substance on the Eustachian tube opening in the rat
Decreased norEpinephrine and Epinephrine contents in chromaffin tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to diethyldithiocarbamate and …
Hemodynamic monitoring in epidural blockade: cardiovascular effects of 20 ml 0.5% bupivacaine with and without Epinephrine
Angiotensin in the brain suppresses Epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias through CNS opioid mechanisms
A comparative study of Epinephrine injection and beta 2-agonist inhalation in the treatment of childhood asthma
Evidence that somatic and sympathetic nervous system neurotransmitters, not circulating Epinephrine, mediate the immediate responses to a sudden threat in the …
Epinephrine produces both hypoxemia and hypercarbia during CPR
Ventricular blood pressure and cardiac output changes in Epinephrine‐and metoprolol‐treated chick embryos
The levels of urinary Epinephrine during REM sleep deprivation at night
Effect of Epinephrine of glycogen phosphorylase-α in various preparations of rat liver
Derivatives of Epinephrine, norEpinephrine, octopamine and histamine formed by homogenates of Trichostrongylus colubriformis, a nematode parasite of ruminants.
Epinephrine-induced anxiety and regional cerebral blood flow in anxious patients
Greater activation of smooth muscle alpha-2 adrenoceptors by Epinephrine in distal than in proximal segments of rat tail artery.
Pretest β-endorphin and Epinephrine, but not oxotremorine, reverse retrograde interference of a conditioned emotional response in mice
Actions of Epinephrine on the contractility of fast and slow skeletal muscle fibres in teleosts
Effect of indomethacin, Epinephrine, prostaglandin E2 and insulin on lipolysis in bovine adipose tissue in vitro.
Epinephrine stimulates prostaglandin synthesis by bullfrog lung from warm‐acclimated, but not cold‐acclimated, animals
… -dose interpleural versus intercostal blockade: nerve block characteristics and plasma concentration profiles after administration of 0.5% bupivacaine with Epinephrine …
The availability of 10 mg Epinephrine vials for cardiac arrest: a retrospective analysis
The effect of ketamine on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in dogs anesthetized with halothane-nitrous oxide
Effect of melatonin on norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and corticosterone contents in the adrenal gland of three avian species
Extra‐pancreatic action of glibenclamide in man: reduction in vitro of the inhibitory effect of glucagon and Epinephrine on the hepatic key glycolytic enzymes …
Evidence for Epinephrine-induced depolarization in neurons of bullfrog sympathetic ganglia
Failure of an Epinephrine test dose to elicit tachycardia after intravascular epidural catheter placement
“Black prosthesis” revisited: a study of Epinephrine-induced pigment deposits on poly (methyl methacrylate)
The hemodynamic effects of intravenous norEpinephrine versus Epinephrine and phenylephrine in patients with ischemic heart disease.
Role of Epinephrine in the development of hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive rats.
Ocular effects of dipivalyl esters of Epinephrine and α-methylEpinephrine
Effect of Epinephrine, propranolol, and verapamil on the chemiluminescence of neutrophils in duodenal ulcer patients.
Effects of ACTH, Epinephrine and Met-enkephalin on brain beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity, and of ACTH, Epinephrine, Met-enkephalin and naloxone on …
Intrapleural administration of 0.5% plain bupivacaine compared to 0.5% Epinephrine: a hemodynamic and ventilatory study
Effect of the overactivated central renin-angiotensin system on the concentration of brain norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive …
Predictability of spread of epidural anesthesia for cesarean section using incremental doses of lidocaine hydrocarbonate with Epinephrine
Epinephrine in egg-yolk and abnormal egg-shell calcification as the indicator of stress.
Anesthetics and automaticity in latent pacemaker fibers. II. Effects of halothane and Epinephrine or norEpinephrine on automaticity of dominant and subsidiary atrial …
Hemodynamic stability and metabolic preservation of the liver under simultaneous administration of vasopressin and Epinephrine in brain-dead dogs
Effect of D-Ala-2-Me-Phe-4-Gly-ol-5 enkephalin on Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias in the rat and the interrelationship to the parasympathetic nervous system
Angiotensin augments Epinephrine release in pithed rats fed a low-sodium diet
Effect of chronic diuretics on Epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmias: a comparison of hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride in the rat.
Imidazoline desensitization of Epinephrine responses in rat vas deferens.
Effect of buflomedil on Epinephrine-enhanced platelet aggregation in vitro and ex vivo.
Effect and Interaction of p H and Lidocaine on Epinephrine Absorption
In vivo biosynthesis of thromboxane and prostacyclin during exposure to physiological levels of Epinephrine
Epinephrine facilitates neurogenic responses in isolated segments of dog mesenteric arteries.
Investigation on the enantiomeric impurity of Epinephrine hydrochloride injections.
Sodium Regulation in the Affinity of Renal α2-Adrenoceptors for Epinephrine in Sabra Salt-Sensitive and Salt-Resistant Rats
Interaction between amitraz and alpha 2-adrenoceptors inhibits Epinephrine-induced canine platelet aggregation.
Enhanced ocular hypotensive response to Epinephrine with prior dexamethasone treatment
Effects of Epinephrine on glucose-1, 6-bisphosphate and carbohydrate metabolism in skin.
Myocardial oxygen use during Epinephrine administration to ischemically injured canine hearts.
Failure of propranolol to inhibit the Epinephrine-induced enhancement of responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation in the rat mesenteric vascular bed.
Epinephrine-induced reversal of aspirin effects on platelet deformability
Glycogenolytic responsiveness to glucagon, Epinephrine, vasopressin and angiotensin II in the liver of developing hypothyroid rats. A comparative study of in vitro …
Effects of Epinephrine, glucagon and insulin on the activity and degree of phosphorylation of fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase in cultured hepatocytes
Cardiovascular effects of Epinephrine administration for hemostasis to pediatric patients for tonsillectomy during halothane anesthesia
Epinephrine-induced renin secretion is not initiated by cardiac adrenoceptors
Effects of calcium channel blockers and hydralazine on Epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia in vivo
Propranolol, Epinephrine, and accelerated hypertension during hemodialysis
Is topical application of Epinephrine at skin graft donor sites during halothane anesthesia safe?
Comparative study of plasma Epinephrine and norEpinephrine concentrations during hemodialysis: measurement by high-performance liquid chromatography versus …
Effect of DG5128 on Epinephrine and glucagon induced glucose output from the isolated perfused rat liver
The potentiating effect of serotonin and Epinephrine on collagen-induced whole blood aggregation and secretion
Evidence that the effect of triiodothyronine on Epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis in white adipose tissue is mediated via nuclear receptors.
Evaluation of endoscopic local injection of hypertonic saline-Epinephrine solution and surgical treatment on hemorrhagic gastroduodenal ulcer
Inhibition of Epinephrine‐induced vasospasm with adrenoreceptor blockade in the rat cremaster muscle
Proenkephalin—A derived peptides do not modulate cardiovascular effects of Epinephrine on the isolated rat atrial preparations
Electron-microscopic study of the parathyroid gland of Epinephrine-treated golden hamsters subjected to hypergravity environment
Epinephrine synthesis by rat arteries
Endotracheal versus intravenous Epinephrine in the prehospital treatment of cardiac arrest
Effects of chronic sodium salicylate feeding on the impaired glucagon and Epinephrine responses to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in streptozotocin diabetic rats
Effects of Muscarinic and ß-Adrenergic Blockade on the Aortic Elastic Response to Epinephrine Induced Acute Hypertension in Conscious Dogs
NorEpinephrine and Epinephrine responses to postural stimulus in orthostatic hypotension due to brainstem ischemic lesions
The role of Epinephrine as a neuromodulator in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Ilioinguinal nerve blockade with or without Epinephrine for analgesia after caesarean section
The interaction of serotonin, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine, and angiotensin II during pregnancy
Beta endorphin modulation of the glucoregulatory effects of repeated Epinephrine infusion in alloxan-diabetic and normal dogs
Endoscopic resection with local injection of hypertonic saline Epinephrine for the treatment of early gastric cancer
Epinephrine-induced enhancement of sympathetic activity in humans: inhibition by nonselective as well as beta 1-selective beta-adrenoceptor blockade.
Adrenomedullary Epinephrine excretion and myocardial norEpinephrine release during cardiopulmonary bypass
Comparison of the effects of cetamolol and atenolol on Epinephrine-and isoproterenol-induced hypokalemia in anesthetized dogs.
Epinephrine-induced decrease in repetitive extrasystole threshold is reversed by tyrosine in conscious dogs
The correlation between venous and arterial Epinephrine levels during CPR in humans
Effects of uremia, acetate and bicarbonate dialysis on beta-adrenergic responsiveness as assessed by Epinephrine-stimulated adenylate cyclase
Effect of insulin on serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid, norEpinephrine, Epinephrine and corticosterone contents in chick
Features of blood coagulating and fibrinolytic properties under the action of Epinephrine in hypoxia and hypercapnia
Effect of ring fluorination of Epinephrine on its cardiovascular adrenoceptor activities
Effects of celiprolol on plasma renin, aldosterone, norEpinephrine and Epinephrine in primary hypertension
A single-blind randomised trial comparing adrenaline 1.0% with dipivalyl Epinephrine (propine) 0.1% in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma and ocular …
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