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Ultimate Dry Fasting Resource
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Dry Fasting And Fluid Restriction Fasting
Dry Fasting And Fluid Restriction Fasting
Dry fasting physiology: responses to hypovolemia and hypertonicity
Metabolic Response to Daytime Dry fasting in Bahá’í Volunteers—Results of a Preliminary Study
Effects of religious intermittent Dry fasting on religious experience and mindfulness: A longitudinal study among Baha’is.
Effects of daytime Dry fasting on hydration, glucose metabolism and circadian phase: a prospective exploratory cohort study in Bahá’í volunteers
Dry fasting : Is It Worth It?
Mistakes of Ramadan fasting
Dry fasting vs Water fasting : The Pros and Cons
The Ultimate Guide to Dry fasting
Effects of Wet and Dry Intermittent fasting on Weight and Cardiovascular Risk Indicators
Dry fasting : The Science Behind This Incredible New Health Hack
Dry fasting Physiology: Responses to Hypovolemia and Hypertonicity (Monk Eleemon Vatopaidinos)
The Maintenance Requirement of Cattle for Protein, as Indicated by the fasting Katabolism of Dry Cows
What To Eat Before A Dry Fast?(Hint: Go With Your Gut!)
Mental and Behavioural Responses to Bahá’í fasting : Looking Behind the Scenes of a Religiously Motivated Intermittent Dry Fast Using a Mixed Methods Approach
The Potential Dangers Of fasting On Keto
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Health, Socio-Economic, and Agricultural Aspects of fasting in India.
Understanding anorexia
Non-drug arterial hypertension treatment for young people with overweight
Non-drug arterial hypertension treatment for young people with overweight
Non-drug arterial hypertension treatment for young people with overweight
Non-drug arterial hypertension treatment for young people with overweight
fasting : Some Things you Should Know
Ghana’s mental health patients confined to prayer camps
Becoming a Being of Pure Consciousness: fasting and New Age Spirituality
A Five-year review of perforated peptic ulcer disease in Irrua, Nigeria
Raw Food and Hot Yoga: From Severe Disability to Superior Health
Ramadan 2020 and beyond in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and scientific evidence for action
Homocysteine and risk of age‐related macular degeneration: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Derivation of the maintenance energy requirements and efficiency of metabolizable energy utilization for Dry and lactating Jersey cows
Absorption of Theo-Dur Sprinkle with food: Importance of types of meals and medication times
What is the Snake Diet and will it Help with Weight Loss?
Providing health care in politically charged contexts: a qualitative study about experiences during a public collective hunger strike of asylum seekers in Germany
Novel Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides Identified from Walnut Glutelin-1 Hydrolysates: Molecular Interaction, Stability, and Antihypertensive Effects
Charismatism, Women, and Testimonies: Religion and Popular Culture in Ghana
Aqueous extract of Peperomia pellucida (L.) HBK accelerates fracture healing in Wistar rats
Anthropometric, hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal responses during 5 days of food and water deprivation
The therapeutic effect of Huazhuojiedu decoction on precancerous lesions in a gastric cancer model via the regulation of lnc 517368
Eating disorders and personality profile of female secondary schools students in Benin Metropolis, Nigeria
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Therapeutic fasting Among Naturopathy Physicians: Across Sectional National Survey
Is Water-Only fasting Safe?
Your Blood Pressure and you.
fasting Interventions for Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The soul is the stranger: Ghanaian Pentecostalism and the diasporic contestation of ‘flow’and ‘individuality’
The Role of Spirituality on Health, Fitness and Sports
Resveratrol improves high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance in mice by downregulating the lncRNA NONMMUT008655. 2
The role of physicians during hunger strikes of undocumented migrant workers in a non-custodial setting
Sakawa rituals and cyberfraud in Ghanaian popular video movies
Cultural Diversity Factors Affecting Employee Engagement in Private Universities in Kenya: A Case Study of USIU-Africa
Argument strength is in the eye of the beholder: Audience effects in persuasion
fasting ameliorates metabolism, immunity, and oxidative stress in carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated rats
Cholera outbreak in Thmpat, Kelantan… 1990
The effect of four-week intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset on circulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in subjects with metabolic syndrome and …
Medicine Research
by Willow Not sure how many of you have heard about Markus Rothkrantz; he and his wife Cara, who sort of seem to sex-up their videos somehow, have a …
Observational study of lipid profile and c-reactive protein after a seven-day fast
Nigerian Women and their Perception of Miraculous
The electrical activity map of the human skin indicates strong differences between normal and diabetic individuals: A gateway to onset prevention
Intermittent fasting Improves High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Cardiomyopathy via Alleviating Lipid Deposition and Apoptosis and Decreasing m6A Methylation in the …
Pentecostalism and neo-liberal capitalism: Faith, prosperity and vision in African Pentecostal-Charismatic churches
A plant-based diet and healthy lifestyle lower C-reactive protein levels
Effect of overnight fasted exercise on weight loss and body composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis
In the mighty name of. Jesus: faith healing and health-seeking behaviour in Ghana
Cultures of travel: Fulbe pastoralists in central Mali and Pentecostalism in Ghana
The Mask of Orthorexia–Two Cases from Medical Practice
Cultures Without Dairy Are Healthier by Brian Clement PhD, LN
Hermeneutics of re-enacting biblical text (s) and concept (s) in the history of prophetism in Ghana’s Christianity: a case study of the ministry of Agabus and …
The Effects of Deworming and Multiple Micronutrients on Anaemia in Preschool Children in Bangladesh: Analysis of Five Cross-Sectional Surveys
Climate variability and its implications on rural household food security in Nigeria
Heal the Sick and Cast out Demons’: The Response of the Aladura
Gloves in times of AIDS: Pentecostalism, hair and social distancing in Botswana
Pentecostalism and the spirit of entrepreneurship in Ghana: the case of Maame Sarah prayer camp in Ghana
10 Natural Sleep Aids: What Works and Why
An analysis of Lenten fasting practices in two congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Eastern Diocese, Umngeni Circuit.
Anthropometric, Hemodynamic, Metabolic, and Renal Responses during 5 Days of Food and Water Deprivation (Monk Eleemon Vatopaidinos)
Photon-pixel coupling: a method for parallel acquisition of electrical signals in scientific investigations
Exhausted Nationalism,(Mis) Governance and Ascendant Pentecostalism in Nigeria.
Ura Yilan: The art and science of rain making among the Tiv of central Nigeria
The do’s and don’ts: A theological inquiry into the Kpim of Ori Oke in Ilorin metropolis
Fake Prophets and Evangile for Sale in Amma Darko’s Not without Flowers
The original condemnation of asian montanism
Updated understanding of cancer as a metabolic and telomere-driven disease, and proposal for complex personalized treatment, a hypothesis
Sexual and Reproductive Health in (Nigeria) Africa: Issues, Debate and Approaches
Force-feeding and the legacy of torture in the ‘war on terror’
5 Good reasons to Fuel With Small Meals
Ordinary violence towards street children (Shegue) in Lubumbashi (DRC)
Regulatory mechanisms of fasting
We are not witches or wizards
Evolutionary Growth through SoundWave® Meditations
… Fair and Yet Not Fond
The Persistence of Igbo Worldview in the Sabbath Church Healing Liturgy and Praxis
Testing nightscapes: Ghanaian Pentecostal politics of the nocturnal
2 The Embodiment of Resistance:(Dis) continuities in Indian Naturopathy
Feeding biology of the northern elephant seal
Reflections on “building back better” child and adolescent mental health care in a low-resource postemergency setting: The case of sierra leone
Examining the Impact on Organizational Performance of an Aesthetic Leader’s Use of Creative Problem Solving During Extended fasting
Pasture intensification in beef cattle production can affect methane emission intensity
Collection of initial and current control tests for 4th course students of medical and pediatric faculties content modules: gastroenterology, endocrinology, pulmonology …
Modernism’and the Ethiopian Orthodox Sunday School Movement: Indigenous Movements and their International Connections
Force-feeding of prisoners and detainees on hunger strike
Contemporary “Witchdemonology” in the Church of Pentecost: 1988–2000
Women, spiritual churches, and politics in Ghana
Pathways to Psychiatric Care Prior to Presenting at a Public Pychiatric Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study of Mental Health Patients at Pantang Psychiatric Hospital
The presence and impact of Pentecostalism in Nigeria
Brocade River Poems
Energy Metabolism in Jersey Cows: Improving Our Understanding of Energy Requirements and Utilization
Moving beyond childhood: reconstructing dietary life histories of bronze age and byzantine Greeks using stable isotope analysis of dental and skeletal remains
Medication Non-Adherence among Hypertensive Ghanaian UN Peacekeepers
What Others Are Saying about the Writings of Professor Spira
Montanism in Second/Third Century CE Anatolia: A Hybridist Mystery Religion.
Copyright© Nathaniel Ndiokwere 1994 First published in 1994 by Effective Key Publishers Ltd, Onitsha. Nigeria Reprinted in 2010 by Springfield Publishers …
Factors Contributing to Non Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV Clients Attending Uganda Cares Soroti Health Care Center in Soroti Regional Referral …
Towards Contextualising Exorcistic Ministry
Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during Early Christianity and Today
Indigenous Christian Missions in the Brong Ahafo Region: A Case Study of the Temple of Praise Church (1988-2013)
The relationship between spirituality, mindfulness, and prayer among turkish emerging adults
Risk and resilience: Ghanaian (Akan) widows and property rights
Investigation of the Akan Discourse of the Spirit Reality in Contextual Theologizing in Ghanaian Pentecostalism
Effects on health of fluid restriction during fasting in Ramadan
Dehydration during fasting increases serum lipids and lipoproteins
Effects of intravenous fluid restriction on postoperative complications: comparison of two perioperative fluid regimens: a randomized assessor-blinded …
Bulimic behaviors among interscholastic wrestlers: a statewide survey
Preoperative fluid restriction s: hospital policy and clinical practice
Perioperative thirst: a patient perspective
fluid restriction in anorexia nervosa: a neglected symptom or new phenomenon?
Barriers to adequate nutrition in critically ill children
Aspects of food and fluid intake during labour: policies of midwives and obstetricians in the Netherlands
Eating behaviors, weight loss methods, and nutrition practices among high school wrestlers
A comparison of weight-loss methods in high school and collegiate wrestlers
Drinking behavior and vasopressin responses to hyperosmolality in Alzheimer’s disease
Weight control methods in high school wrestlers
Vomiting after ophthalmic surgery: Effects of intra‐operative antiemetics and postoperative oral fluid restriction
Effect of Ramadan fasting on physical performance, blood and body composition
Vasopressin response to dehydration in Alzheimer’s disease
Impact of mild dehydration on wellness and on exercise performance
… response to isolated closed-head injury: Part 1: Basal metabolic state: Correlations of metabolic and physiological parameters with fasting and stressed controls
Weight loss behavior in high school wrestling: wrestler and parent perceptions
The effect of preoperative food and fluid restriction s on various metabolic parameters in geriatric patients
Stable glucose balance in premature infants with fluid restriction and early enteral feeding
Excretion of sodium iothalamate at compression urography after furosemide dehydration in the rabbit
Seasonal differences in nutrient intake, supplement use, and eating behaviors of high school wrestlers
Effects of changes in hydration on protein, glucose and lipid metabolism in man: impact on health
Risk factors for urolithiasis in children on the ketogenic diet
Prevalence of pathogenic weight‐control behaviors among Native American women and girls
Assessing the efficacy of antiepileptic treatments: the ketogenic diet
fasting before and after ambulatory surgery
Pathogenic weight-control behaviors of female college gymnasts
Urography Preparation and Anti‐diuretic Hormone
Transport of specimens for clinical chemistry analysis
Deep vein thrombosis in patients with superficial thrombophlebitis of the leg.
Metabolic effects of repeated weight loss and regain in adolescent wrestlers
Renal concentrating ability in obesity. Effect of modified fasting and the supplementation of T3, sodium chloride and carbohydrate
The ketogenic diet for intractable epilepsy in adults: preliminary results
Renal side-effects of long-term lithium treatment
Weight loss practices of college wrestlers
Timely statement of the American Dietetic Association: nutrition guidance for child athletes in organized sports
Beneficial effects of early hypocaloric enteral feeding on neonatal gastrointesting function: Preliminary report of a randomized trial
Urinary aquaporin‐2 levels in healthy volunteers
Demeclocycline treatment in the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Der Einfluß der präoperativen Nahrungs-und Flüssigkeitskarenz auf verschiedene metabolische Parameter bei geriatrischen Patienten
Effect of water deprivation and hypertonic saline infusion on urinary AQP2 excretion in healthy humans
Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone after open heart surgery
The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion as a cause of hyponatremia in cystic fibrosis
Spontaneous hypoglycemia associated with chronic renal failure
Pediatric ambulatory anesthesia: NPO—before or after surgery?
Psychogenic polydipsia after traumatic brain injury: a Case Report1
The present status of the ketogenic diet
Role of cardiac structural and functional abnormalities in the pathogenesis of hyperdynamic circulation and renal sodium retention in cirrhosis
The role of plasma osmolality, angiotensin II and dopamine in vasopressin release in man
Neuroendocrine function and response to stress in mice with complete disruption of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor signaling
Effects of hyper-and hypoosmolality on whole body protein and glucose kinetics in humans
Acute hyponatremic encephalopathy after a cerebrovascular accident
Sonographic assessment of ceftriaxone‐associated biliary pseudolithiasis in children
Tolerance to intravenous nitroglycerin in patients with congestive heart failure: role of increased intravascular volume, neurohumoral activation and lack of prevention …
Effects of bodyweight reduction on sports performance
Use of the traditional ketogenic diet for treatment of intractable epilepsy
Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a nutritional marker in patients with eating disorders
Differential effects of fasting and dehydration in the pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis
Pathophysiology of hyponatremia after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery
Mild dehydration: a risk factor of constipation?
Preparing diabetic patients for x ray examinations: potential hazards.
Serum-insulin response to glucose and aminoacids in the premature infant
The relationship among ego orientation, attitudes toward masculinity, and the weight loss behaviors of high school wrestlers
Intravenous fluid administration and urine output during radical neck surgery
The effects of restricted energy and fluid intake on simulated amateur boxing performance
Simplifying the diagnosis of diabetes insipidus in children
Physiologic effects of intravenous fluid administration in healthy volunteers
Randomised trial of self hypnosis for analgesia in labour.
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in the absence of arginine vasopressin
Regulation of aldosterone in the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
Preoperative fasting and medication in children
Secretion of antidiuretic hormone in neurosurgical patients: Appropriate or inappropriate?
The most essential nutrient: defining the adequate intake of water
Post-traumatic renal insufficiency in military casualties: II. Management, use of an artificial kidney, prognosis
The ketogenic diet revisited: back to the future
Co-existent diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, a familial disease
Radioimmunoassay of arginine vasopressin in rhesus monkey plasma
Ambulatory anorectal surgery-is it feasible locally?
Polydipsia, hydrochlorothiazide, and water intoxication
Adrenal Insufficiency and Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone: Occurrence in a Patient With Carcinoma of the Lung
Polydipsia in chronic psychiatric patients: body weight and plasma sodium
A radioimmunoassay for plasma arginine-vasopressin in man and dog: application to physiological and pathological states
Intravenous fluid tonicity: effect on intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow, and cerebral oxygen delivery in focal brain injury
Inappropriate production of vasopressin, potassium deficiency and cerebrovascular disease
Timely statement of the American Dietetic Association: Nutrition guidance for adolescent athletes in organized sports
Acute renal failure due to radio-contrast agents
Effect of altered eating pattern on serum fructosamine: total protein ratio and plasma glucose level.
Low Specific Gravity Syndrome
Crystalluria and ciprofloxacin, influence of urinary pH and hydration
Complications of fluid overload in heat casualty prevention during field training
Self-induced water intoxication: Case study of a chronically schizophrenic patient with physiological evidence of water retention due to inappropriate release of …
Hyponatremia due to sulfonylurea compounds
Perioperative infusions in paediatric patients: rationale for using Ringer‐lactate solution with low dextrose concentration
Urinary and hematologic indexes of hypohydration
Eating disorders among athletes
Weight loss, psychological, and nutritional patterns in competitive male body builders
24-h hydration status: parameters, epidemiology and recommendations
Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Pathophysiology and clinical implications of perioperative fluid excess
Weight loss and gain in athletes
Hypothalamic failure as a sequela of heterozygous protein C deficiency?
La potomanie: réévaluation des epreuves d’investigation et présentation inhabituelle avec hydronéphrose et méqavessie
Potomania: re-evaluation of the diagnostic tests and unusual presentation with hydronephrosis and megabladder
Hazards of pharmacological tests of growth hormone secretion in childhood.
Epilepsy and Dehydration
Syndrome of inappropriate vasopressin secretion: Studies on the mechanism of the hyponatremia in a patient
Effect of moderate dehydration on torque, electromyography, and mechanomyography
The implementation and maintenance of the ketogenic diet in children
Eating disorders in adolescent athletes
Osmotic regulation of vasopressin in the cat
Impairment of antidiuretic hormone and atrial natriuretic peptide regulation in the obese woman with a swelling syndrome and an increase in capillary permeability to …
Diabetes mellitus following rodenticide ingestion in man
Ketogenetic Diet as a Treatment for Epileptic Seizures
Congenital Bilateral Pleural Effusions: A Cause for Respiratory Failure in the Newborn
Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness. 3 cases of’DIDMOAD’syndrome.
Sodium homeostasis with chronic sodium loading in preascitic cirrhosis
Efficacy of the ketogenic diet for intractable seizure disorders: review of 58 cases
Value of fluid deprivation in large-dose urography
What is the best predictor of spontaneous ventricular tachycardia and sudden death after myocardial infarction?
Acute intermittent porphyria
Perioperative management of a paediatric patient on the ketogenic diet
Post-traumatic acalculous cholecystitis on a neurosurgical service
Hyponatremia of hypothyroidism: Appropriate suppression of antidiuretic hormone levels
Hypoplasia of the anterior pituitary and neonatal hypoglycemia
Diagnosis and management of porphyria
Investigation of body composition changes and a nutrition education program on nutrition knowledge and dietary practices of college wrestlers at the University of …
Effects of weight reduction and weight maintenance on arm strength and maximum aerobic power of high-school wrestlers
Eating disorders in adolescent males
Influence of central venous pressure change on plasma vasopressin in humans
Animal models of the ketogenic diet: what have we learned, what can we learn?
Transsphenoidal microsurgery for growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas: initial outcome and long-term results
Clinical efficacy of the ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet: a review of the experience at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Protein‐losing enteropathy in systemic lupus erythematosus
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) induced by amiodarone: a report on two cases
Sequential changes in serum lipids and their subfractions in patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
Day surgery for children
Ambulatory surgery patients may be discharged before voiding after short-acting spinal and epidural anesthesia
Development and evaluation of a ketogenic diet program
Renal Function in Diabetes Insipidus: Case Untreated for Seventeen Years
10 Cholestasis and end-stage liver disease
Gut blood flow velocities in the newborn: effects of patent ductus arteriosus and parenteral indomethacin.
Recurrent Reye’s syndrome
Serum neurophysins in familial central diabetes insipidus
Single‐dose, placebo‐controlled, phase I study of oral dolasetron
Plasma arginine vasopressin in the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
How echogenic is echogenic? Quantitative acoustics of the renal cortex
Hypoadrenocorticotropism with hyponatremia, resembling antidiuretic hormone excess
Nutrition in hepatic failure and liver transplantation
Mild dehydration, vasopressin and the kidney: animal and human studies
Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome
The mechanism of formation of osmotically concentrated urine during the antidiuretic state
Day stay surgery in paediatrics
Management of diabetes mellitus in surgical patients
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) in diabetic patients with end-stage renal failure in Hong Kong
Acute renal failure due to acetaminophen ingestion: a case report and review of the literature.
Epilepsy in children: with particular reference to the ketogenic diet
Effect of experimental water restriction on brain water
Influence of feeding, blood sampling method and type of anaesthesia on renal function parameters in the normal laboratory rat
Enteral nutrition for the critically ill
Renal homotransplantation in man: report of six consecutive cases
Normacalcaemic primary hyperparathyroidism with osteitis fibrosa.
Vasopressin function in hypercalcaemia
Efficacy of low-dose captopril in addition to furosemide and spironolactone in patients with decompensated liver disease during blunted diuresis
Perioperative management of diabetes
Malnutrition and nutritional therapy of chronic kidney disease in developing countries: the Asian perspective
Insensible water loss in surgical patients
Disseminated Cryptococcosis Associated With Adrenal Masses andInsufficiency
Severe airway disease due to inhalation of fumes from cleansing agents
The effect of colloid osmotic pressure on the survival of sheep following cardiac surgery
Protecting the term newborn brain following hypoxia–ischaemia
Modification of the diuretic and natriuretic effects of a dopamine infusion by fluid loading in preoperative cardiac surgical patients
Early effects of contrast media on renal hemodynamics and tubular function in chronic renal failure.
Apple juice: an unappreciated cause of chronic diarrhea
Renal failure and fluorosis
Plasma arginine vasopressin during neck suction in upright sitting man
Hypoglycaemic coma associated with anorexia nervosa
Diabetes insipidus as a complication of acute myelomonocytic leukaemia.
Latent renal tubular acidosis in Sjøgren’s syndrome.
The metabolism of glucose in starvation and water deprivation
Blood Pressure under Office Conditions in School Children 4–12 Years of Age Living in Kuwait
Nutritional assessment as a routine in clinical medicine
Nutrition in Pancreas-Renal Transplantation
Central blood volume in cirrhosis: measurement with radionuclide angiography
An investigation of renal function in chronic bronchitis.
Anaesthesia and breast-feeding–the effect on mother and infant
Another look at: fuel+ O2→ CO2+ H2O. Developing a water-oriented perspective
The use of pitressin as a test of renal function
Erythropoietin enhances vascular responsiveness to norepinephrine in renal failure
An historical account of nocturnal enuresis and its treatment
Hydration as a limiting factor in lactation
External pancreatic fistula following abdominal injury
Recurrence of acromegaly after pituitary apoplexy
Dietary carbohydrate as an ergogenic aid for prolonged and brief competitions in sport
Hyponatremia and renal wasting of sodium in patients with malfunction of the central nervous system
Excretion of aldosterone in inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone following head trauma
Enteral nutrition and enteral tube feeding: review of the evidence
Vasopressin and Oxytocin
Influence of graded dehydration on hyperthermia and cardiovascular drift during exercise
The value of an oral hypoglycaemic agent in the treatment of the post-gastrectomy dumping syndrome
Growth factors in nutritional support
Effects of varying levels of hypohydration on ratings of perceived exertion
Zingiber officinale does not affect gastric emptying rate: A randomised, placebo‐controlled, crossover trial
Promoting compliance: the patient-provider partnership
Eating attitudes in noncompetitive male body builders
Acute effects of peritoneovenous shunting on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide in cirrhotic patients with massive refractory ascites
Diet low in salt (sodium) in congestive heart failure
Concentration of urine solutes by young infants
Endocrine complications in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Endocrine complications of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Boric acid intoxication from medicated talcum powder
Microscopic nephrocalcinosis and hypercalciuria in nephrotic syndrome
Effect of dexamethasone treatment on serum GH, IGF-I, and the binding proteins IGFBP-1 and-3 in ventilated very preterm infants
Thalamic degeneration, dementia, and seizures: inappropriate ADH secretion associated with bronchogenic carcinoma
Preparation of patients for anaesthesia—achieving quality care
Generalized lipodystrophy: Effect of cerebral dopaminergic blocking agent (Pimozide)
Perioperative management of the patient with diabetes
Hydration testing of athletes
Studies on the mechanism of hyponatremia and impaired water excretion in myxedema
Intrahepatic cholestasis associated with parenteral nutrition in premature infants
Candida species and yeasts in mouths of infants from a special care unit of a maternity hospital.
Estrogen absorption and metabolism in postmenopausal women with end-stage renal disease
Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders
Glucose tolerance testing in the elderly.
Vasopressin in chronic psychiatric patients with primary polydipsia
fluid regulation and time course of erythropoietin during multifactorial strain of Austrian Special Forces survival training
Short-and long-range complications in offspring of diabetic mothers
Protein losses during CAPD in children: the role of dialysates containing amino acids
Democlocycline improves hyponatremia in chronic schizophrenics
Prevention of hospital-acquired hyponatremia: a case for using isotonic saline
The Job is not yet over
Lipid storage myopathy associated with recurrent Reye syndrome-like attacks, but with a normal carnitine level
Management of the acute porphyrias
The effect of diuretics on renal hemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass
Primary and drug-induced disorders of water homeostasis in psychiatric patients: principles of diagnosis and management
The renal scan: an aid to renal biopsy
Hypersecretion of arginine vasopressin in acromegaly
Hyponatremia in psychogenic polydipsia
Weight loss, body composition, and health of high school wrestlers
Intoxicated by water
Weight, blood pressure, osmolarity, and glucose levels across various stages of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
Clinical issues regarding the use of total nutrient admixtures
Should adult patients drink fluid s before discharge from ambulatory surgery?
Nutrition in liver disease
Experimental hyperosmolar diabetic syndrome: ketogenic response to medium-chain triglycerides
Medical complications and management of eating disorders
Syndrome of hypernatremia, hypodipsia and partial diabetes insipidus: a new interpretation
Anterior and posterior hypopituitarism associated with sickle cell trait
Hemorrhage in normal man. I. distribution and dispersal of saline infusions following acute blood loss: clinical kinetics of blood volume support.
Hepatobiliary nutrition: history and future
Enteral feeding in liver failure
Role of cigarette use in hyponatremia in schizophrenic patients.
Bronchogenic carcinoma with inappropriate antidiuretic activity in plasma and tumor
Nutrition and cardiac disease
Nutrition and physical activity
Systemic lupus erythematosus and latent renal tubular dysfunction
Esophagomediastinal fistula in Hodgkin’s disease
Nutrition in the elderly
Postoperative endocrine management of pituitary tumors
Deleterious effect of prednisolone in HBsAg-positive chronic active hepatitis
The nephrotic syndrome associated with secondary syphilis: an immune deposit disease
Lack of biochemical progression or continuation of accelerated bone loss in mild asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism: evidence for biphasic disease course
Eating disorders in children and adolescents
Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism culminating in hypercalcemic crisis: treatment with hemodialysis
Nutrition management in chronic liver disease
Hyponatremia and arginine vasopressin secretion in patients with refractory hepatic ascites undergoing peritoneovenous shunting
Treatment of the porphyrias
Demeclocycline: Treatment for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Eating disorders: a review of the literature with emphasis on medical complications and clinical nutrition.(Eating Disorders)
Azotemia and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus after arteriography
Relation between quantities of lead ingested and health effects of lead in humans
Outpatient proctological surgery: an analysis of 3725 cases
Water intoxication and thioridazine (Mellaril®)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in an Australian aboriginal kindred
Specificity of alpha-and beta-adrenergic inhibition of water and food intake
Impaired water excretion and elevated plasma vasopressin in patients with alcohol-withdrawal symptoms
Management of the pregnant diabetic
The effects of illness on neonatal metabolism and nutritional management
Spontaneous infarction in pituitary tumors: neurologic and therapeutic aspects
Heart failure in women
The response of hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis to chloroquine
Birthweights in children with phenylketonuria and in their siblings
Primary aldosteronism with malignant hypertension
Dystrophia myotonica in a 47, XXY male
The investigation of a patient with hyperlipemia, hypokalemia, and tetany
Bioavailability of digoxin capsules and tablets: effect of coadministered fluid volume
The rational administration of colloids
Small-cell carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater and a paraneoplastic syndrome
Cerebral salt wasting: truths, fallacies, theories, and challenges
Acute pancreatitis: Standards of conservative treatment
The cardiomyopathy of muscular dystrophy: Report of two cases with a review of the literature
Perioperative fluid therapy
IntraperitonealInsulin: A Protocol for Administration during CAPD and Review of Published Protocols
MR imaging of renal vein occlusion in dogs
Physiology as Applied to Pediatric Anesthesia
Perioperative management of the diabetic patient
Hyposthenuria in sickle cell disease.
A three-dimensional approach to hydration of elders: Administration, clinical staff, and in-service education: Preventing dehydration in nursing home residents is a …
Primary hyperparathyroidism in osteogenesis imperfecta.
Raw diet and insulin requirements
Sodium, potassium and water metabolism in the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Observations on sodium chloride restriction and urea clearance in renal insufficiency
Urinary and Hematological Indices of Hypohydration
Water excretion in preeclampsia: behavior as nephrotic syndrome
An evaluation of Anti-Diuretic Hormone in intravenous urography “sniff urography”
Management of acute stroke.(Featured CME Topic: Stroke)
Weight loss in adolescent wrestlers
Clinical staging in Reye syndrome
Normal ranges for packed cell volume and hemoglobin concentration in adults: relevance to ‘apparent polycythemia’
Parenteral nutrition in overweight patients: are intravenous lipids necessary to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency?
Enteral and parenteral branched chain amino acid‐supplemented nutritional support in patients with encephalopathy due to alcoholic liver disease
Acute pancreatitis: Medical and endoscopic treatment
Non-tumorous” primary” aldosteronism: II. Type not relieved by glucocorticoid.
Energy Expenditure Measurements in Ventilated Critically III Children: Within‐and Between‐Day Variability
Skinfold Reliability of State of Hawaiʻi Certified Athletic Trainers
Transcultural aspects of eating disorders: A critical literature review
Perioperative control of blood glucose in diabetic patients: a two-step protocol
Fatal compulsive water drinking
Large-volume paracentesis in the management of ascites in children
Hormonal and metabolic changes following severe head injury or noncranial injury
Warm ischemic time tolerance after ventilated non-heart-beating lung donation in piglets
Effect of water deprivation of plasma radioimmunoassayable arginine vasotocin in conscious chickens (Gallus domesticus)
Medical complications in scoliosis surgery
Renal tubular secretion of pralidoxime in man
Adrenocorticotropic hormone unresponsiveness: report of a girl with excessive growth and review of 16 reported cases
Blood pressure at which rebleeding occurs after resuscitation in swine with aortic injury
Goodpasture’s syndrome in a patient with single kidney and ureter: A clinicopathologic description
Hypothermia in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Biochemical changes after spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. II. The patient on admission.
9 Feeding in labour
The Tricks and Traps of Enteral Nutrition
A Bologna Sandwich for Evelyn: A Case Report
Coaches’ attitudes, knowledge, and practices concerning weight loss behaviors in high school wrestling
Demonstration of a “renogastric reflex” after rapid distension of renal pelvis and ureter in nonanesthetized patients
Metabolic and endocrine aspects of the ketogenic diet
Assessment of chemotherapy-associated nephrotoxicity in children with cancer
Lipoid nephrosis appearing as acute oliguric renal failure
The mechanism of improved sodium homeostasis of low-dose losartan in preascitic cirrhosis
Dialysis and Transplantation: Dietary Management
Abetalipoproteinaemia. A case report with pathological studies.
Impaired glucose tolerance: A late effect of insulin shock treatment
Idiopathic hyponatremia in an infant with diffuse cerebral damage
Transient excess urinary excretion of antidiuretic material in acute intermittent porphyria with hyponatremia and hypomagnesemia
Premenstrual attacks of acute intermittent porphyria: hormonal and metabolic aspects-a case report
Raised plasma-catecholamines in some patients with primary hypertension
Catecholamines: mediator of the hypermetabolic response to thermal injury
Resting energy expenditure in the critically ill: estimations versus measurement
Acute acalculous cholecystitis in critically ill patients-case reports
Plasma volume recovery after ultrafiltration in patients with chronic renal failure
Mechanical ventilation in newborn infants with hyaline membrane disease
The effect of osmotic diuresis on urinary iodine concentration using contrast media of differing osmolality
A syndrome of renal sodium loss and hyponatremia probably resulting from inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
Osteopenia, pathological fractures, and increased urinary calcium excretion in schizophrenic patients with polydipsia
New approaches to parenteral nutrition in infants and children
Nutritional support of children in the intensive care unit.
Drinking, thirst and water intoxication
Radiologic evaluation of childhood urinary tract infection
Plasma N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide in acute myocardial infarction
Familial proximal renal tubular acidosis: A distinct clinical entity
Abdominal pain in hemochromatosis
Goals of nutritional support in acute infections
Parenteral Nutrition
Evidence that renal prostaglandins are involved in renal water metabolism in cirrhosis
The ketogenic diet for the treatment of epilepsy: a challenge for nutritional neuroscientists
2nd World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
10 Metabolic acidosis in the newborn period
Preoperative water loss in elective surgical patients
The ketogenic diet in pediatric epilepsy
The management of renal stone disease
The renal dopaminergic system, neurohumoral activation, and sodium handling in heart failure
The regulation of vasopressin secretion in a patient with oat cell carcinoma of the bronchus.
Clinical and metabolic characteristics of hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
Variations in urinary dilution and concentration among healthy males under simple standard conditions
The pathophysiology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
An evaluation of ultrafiltration as treatment of therapy‐resistant cardiac edema
Effect of sodium balance on intrarenal distribution of blood flow in normal man
fluid and electrolyte balance in neurosurgical patients
I. Factors associated with the initial blood pressure level and with the subsequent blood pressure increase in a longitudinal population study: the study of men born in …
Eosinophilic granuloma with report of one case involving first the mandible, later other bones, and being accompanied by diabetes insipidus
Alterations in plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides and antidiuretic hormone after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Clinical experiences with protamine-zinc-insulin and other mixtures of zinc and insulin in diabetes mellitus
A method to estimate urinary electrolyte excretion in patients at risk for developing cerebral salt wasting
Feast and famine: critical role of glucocorticoids with insulin in daily energy flow
The importance of study design to the demonstration of efficacy with branched-chain amino acid enriched solutions
Preserving renal function in surgical patients
Gallbladder distention in ill preterm infants
Effects of low-dose dopamine therapy in the oliguric patient with preeclampsia
Altered vasopressin response to metoclopramide in multiple system atrophy: evidence of a cholinergic defect in the hypothalamus
The effects of hypohydration on selected physiological responses in healthy smokers and nonsmokers during exercise
A comparison of hypertonic to isotonic fluid in the resuscitation of brain injury and hemorrhagic shock
Nutrition strategies in neurotrauma
Porphyria: reexamination of psychiatric implications
Test development for the study of physical performance in wrestlers following weight loss
Predictors of severe morbidity and death after elective abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The effect of dehydration, starvation, and pitressin injections on thyroid activity in the rat
Weight gain in pregnancy
Safety of losartan in hypertensive patients with thiazide-induced hyperuricemia
Osmoregulation of thirst and vasopressin release in severe chronic renal failure
Cyclic laryngeal edema with aphonia
After Myocardial Infarction?
Neuroleptic induced polydipsia and hyperphagia in an adult with learning disability
Hypothalamic Releasing Hormone Tests
Coaches’ attitudes, knowledge, experiences, and recommendations regarding weight control
Familial cholestatic cirrhosis associated with Kayser-Fleischer rings
Renal Biopsy: Its Place in the Management of Renal Disease: Clinical Conference from the St. Louis Children’s Hospital
A comparison of lactated Ringer’s solution to hydroxyethyl starch 6% in a model of severe hemorrhagic shock and continuous bleeding in dogs
Bioelectric impedance detects fluid retention in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
Hypertonic dehydration in infancy
Unexplained steatorrhoea in the syndrome of hyponatraemia and carcinoma of bronchus
Observations on the effects of a new diuretic-S1520
Abnormal diuretic patterns following open-heart surgery
Seasonal changes in body composition, strength, and muscular power in high school wrestlers
Acute metabolic encephalopathy: a review of causes, mechanisms and treatment
Hyperkalemia and renal tubular acidosis due to renal amyloidosis
Hypokalaemic alkalosis and hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus without hypertension or oedema.
Osmosis, osmometry, and osmoregulation
Perinatal glucose homeostasis: the unique character of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in infants of very low birth weight
Management of attacks of acute porphyria
Sustained beneficial effect of a seventy-two hour intravenous infusion of nitroglycerin in patients with severe chronic congestive heart failure
Measurement of blood volume and red cell mass: re-examination of 51Cr and 125I methods
Long-term outcome of adult-onset minimal-change nephropathy
Significant improvement of acromegaly-induced cardiomyopathy after normalization of GH levels: case report and review
Endocrine and metabolic issues in the management of the chronically critically ill patient
Postal survey of bronchoscopic practice by physicians in the United Kingdom.
Comparison of an elemental and polymeric enteral diet in patients with normal gastrointestinal function.
Bone metabolism and circulating IGF-I and IGFBPs in dexamethasone-treated preterm infants
Carbamazepine-induced hyponatremia in a patient with partial central diabetes insipidus
Hypothalamic-pituitary function in children with optic nerve hypoplasia
SPECIFIC DIETARY INTERVENTIONS: Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Renal Disease
The importance of being curious: the author had grown exasperated with her delightful but severely noncompliant patient. Then she discovered the key to motivating …
Eating disorders in adolescents
Hypothalamic-pituitary sarcoidosis: A report on four patients, one with prolonged remission of diabetes insipidus following steroid therapy
Hyperammonemia in urea cycle disorders: role of the nephrologist
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations in children
Brain tissue volume segmentation in patients with anorexia nervosa before and after weight normalization
Blood loss after fluid resuscitation with isotonic or hypertonic saline for the initial treatment of uncontrolled hemorrhage induced by spleen rupture
Perioperative Management of Patients with Other Endocrine Diseases
Cerebral hyponatremia
Does bowel preparation improve the quality of intravenous urography?
Career satisfaction in pediatrics
Several possible etiologic relationships may be
Postasphyxial management of the newborn
The continuity of nutrition care through liver transplantation
Unstable Osmoreceptors and Defective Thirst in Hypothalamic Hypopituitarism
fluid resuscitation improves hemodynamics without increased bleeding in a model of uncontrolled hemorrhage induced by an iliac artery tear in dogs
Colloid (3% Dextran 70) with or without ephedrine infusion for cardiovascular stability during extradural caesarean section
Inappropriate Antidiuresis: Examples of an Hyponatremic Syndrome Resembling Exogenous Vasopressin Administration in Man
Epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of cardiac disease in chronic renal disease
Hypothalamic-pituitary dopaminergic function in hepatic failure in man
Management of nephrotic edema
Immediate postoperative considerations
Nutritional management of short bowel syndrome in adults
Comparison of clofibrate and chlorpropamide in vasopressin-responsive diabetes insipidus
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders
Forfeit the fat, leave the lean: Optimizing weight loss for athletes
Intraoperative use of Toradol® facilitates outpatient hemorrhoidectomy
Renal complications of exercise
Liver Diseases
Evidence for circulating vasopressin-like peptides in a case of polyuria
Delivery of nutrition and hydration care in nursing homes: Assessment and interventions to prevent and treat dehydration, malnutrition, and weight loss
Eating disorders in males
Acute renal insufficiency due to lower-nephron nephrosis
Clinical trial of continuous infusion of alphaxalone/alphadolone in intensive care patients
Epidemic of Polypharmacy and Suggestions to Control It
4-Pentenoic Acid As An Inducer Of The Symptoms Of Reye’s Syndrom In Laboratory Rats
Nutritional considerations in the patient with disabling brain disease
Management of patients with a short bowel
Effects of traditional versus delayed resuscitation on serum lactate and base deficit
Thyroid disease in the emergency department: thyroid function tests and hypothyroidism and myxedema coma
Analgesia in patients with ESRD: a review of available evidence
Parenteral Nutrition
A Dietary Approach to Chronic Renal Failure
An altered response by peripheral leukocytes to synthesize or release leukocyte endogenous mediator in critically ill, protein-malnourished patients
Pregnancy in the diabetic woman: guidelines for a successful outcome
Pituitary prolactinoma, adrenal aldosterone-producing adenomas, gastric schwannoma and colonic polyadenomas: a possible variant of multiple endocrine neoplasia …
Hemodialysis and L-arginine, but not D-arginine, correct renal failure-associated endothelial dysfunction
Guidelines for enteral feeding in adult hospital patients
Fast tracking into the new millennium: an evolving paradigm
COMMITTEE REPORT: Nocturnal enuresis: a suggestion for a European treatment strategy
Cirrhosis, encephalopathy, and improved results with metabolic support
Endocrine problems in the chronically critically ill patient
Resuscitation after uncontrolled venous hemorrhage: does increased resuscitation volume improve regional perfusion
Polycythemia vera: the packed cell volume and the curious logic of the red cell mass
Estrogen and progesterone effects on transcapillary fluid dynamics
Myxoedema coma. A report on five successfully treated cases
Spontaneous rupture of the liver during pregnancy: a case report
Nutrition and growth in patients with chronic liver disease
Drug-Nutrient Interactions in the Critically III
Aiming for healthy weight in wrestlers and other athletes
Complications of diuretic therapy: severe alkalosis and syndrome resembling inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
The biochemistry of anorexia nervosa
Guide to porphyrias: a historical and clinical perspective
CD4+/CD8+ T-lymphocyte ratio: effects of rehydration before exercise in dehydrated men
Toxic Encephalopathy and Acute Brain‐swelling in Children
The postnatal management of the asphyxiated term infant
fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
Abbou, R.; Lestradet, H.; and Azerad, E.\THE CLINICAL
Deficiency-type rickets due to decreased sensitivity to vitamin D
fluid and electrolyte disorders
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of azosemide
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency with cirrhosis associated with the protease inhibitor phenotype SZ
The first 12 weeks following discharge from hospital: the experience of Gujarati South Asian survivors of acute myocardial infarction and their families
Critical Point in Perioperative Medicine: Anaesthesia for Day Surgery
Metabolism in the intensive care unit
The disorder in childhood
Nutritional support during labour, a randomized clinical trial of patient-controlled oral intake during labour
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Modified hormonal effects on fat metabolism after severe head injury in children
Long-term follow-up of intensive ara-C-based chemotherapy followed by bone marrow transplantation for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: impact of induction Ara …
Forced high caloric, low protein diet and the treatment of uremia
5 Post-operative nausea and vomiting
Management of patients with acute ischaemic stroke
Diagnosis and treatment of tyrosinosis.
Renal effects of head-out water immersion in man: implications for an understanding of volume homeostasis.
Bilateral adrenalectomy for hypertensive vascular disease: Hormonal requirements in the presence of renal insufficiency: Body potassium in chronic hyperkalemia
The effect of posture on central blood volume in patients with preascitic cirrhosis on a sodium‐restricted diet
Chronic resuscitation after trauma-hemorrhage and acute fluid replacement improves hepatocellular function and cardiac output.
Complete recovery after normothermic hemorrhagic shock and profound hypothermic circulatory arrest of 60 minutes in dogs
Water intoxication in epileptic patients receiving carbamazepine.
Effects of sodium depletion and orthostasis on plasma and urinary vasopressin in normal subjects
Effects of hypohydration on running economy and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption in a mild (23 degrees celcius) environment
Postoperative emesis after pediatric strabismus surgery: the effect of dixyrazine compared to droperidol
The mechanism of hyponatremia in pulmonary tuberculosis
A case study utilizing an enteral refeeding technique in a premature infant with short bowel syndrome
Hyponatremia in pituitary insufficiency
Burns: military options and tactical solutions
The Child With Congenital Heart Disease for Noncardiac Surgery
Laboratory-Based Chemistry
The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Effects of catecholamines on the pulmonary circulation in the ovine fetus
Availability of glutamine supplied intravenously as alanylglutamine
The syndrome of extrarenal azotemia
Regression of body compositional abnormalities of heart failure after intracardiac operations
An experimental model of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion in the rat
Central administration of zinc reduces salt intake in rats
The surgical patient with diabetes mellitus
Factors in the differential rate of arteriosclerosis (AS) between long surviving renal transplant recipients and dialysis patients.
Preventing hyponatremic encephalopathy: comparison of serum sodium and osmolality during operative hysteroscopy with 5.0% mannitol and 1.5% glycine distention …
Parenteral nutrition in diabetes mellitus
Cardiovascular disease in women: Closing the treatment gap
The psychopharmacotherapy of eating disorders
The genesis of hyponatremia associated with marked overhydration and water intoxication
Influence of previous diuretic intake on the humoral and hormonal profile of idiopathic oedema
Causes of epilepsy
Disorders of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
Intestinal perforation associated with indomethacin treatment in premature infants
Pediatric hematologic and oncologic emergencies
Invited Review: Nutrition in the Neurologically Injured Patient
Renal response in sepsis
Insulin: either alone or combined with oral hypoglycemic agents
Nutrition in acute renal failure
Periureteral fibrosis, with a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome occurring with progressive partial obstruction of a ureter unilaterally
Low blood mononuclear cell magnesium content and hypocalcemia in normomagnesemic patients
Hyperglycemic, nonketotic coma following administration of Dilantin (diphenylhydantoin)
On withholding artificial hydration and nutrition from terminally ill sedated patients. The debate continues.
Intractable pediatric epilepsy: vagal nerve stimulation and the ketogenic diet
Limited resuscitation with hypertonic saline, hypertonic sodium acetate, and lactated Ringer’s solutions in a model of uncontrolled hemorrhage from a vascular injury
Optimal use of laboratory tests in pediatric endocrine practice
Anaesthetic considerations in high-risk pregnancy
Effects of water immersion on arginine vasopressin release in humans
Diseases of the Liver
Neuromuscular disease in secondary hyperparathyroidism
How much do you know about gastroenterology
Primary aldosteronism in childhood due to primary adrenal hyperplasia
Cardiac complications of regular dialysis therapy
Human insulin
2nd Annual Spring Meeting of the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing: Key Issues in Cardiac Care Dublin, Ireland 5–6 April, 2002
Methods for the induction of epileptiform abnormality in the electroencephalogram of epileptic patients.
Adenohypophyseal changes in patients dying of acute renal tubular necrosis
Is there a discrepancy between crew coaches’ sports nutrition beliefs and actions?
Nutritional Management of Chronic Renal Failure
Measurement of urine electrolytes: clinical significance and methods
Controlling the epidemic of cardiovascular disease in chronic renal disease: what do we know? What do we need to learn? Where do we go from here …
Closed head injury and the treatment of sequelae after a motor vehicle accident
Jejunoileal bypass as a treatment of morbid obesity
Some aspects of fluid therapy in practice
Cardiac complications of regular dialysis treatment
Vitamin D-resistant rickets and parathyroid adenomas: renal transport of phosphate
Association between residual renal function, inflammation and patient survival in new peritoneal dialysis patients
Anesthesia for magnetic resonance imaging in children: a low incidence of protracted post-procedure vomiting
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease
Consequences of alteration in capillary permeability
Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society JournalContinuing Medical Education Section
The relationship between the acceptance of the socially constructed ideal body image, body mass index, level of appearance satisfaction and weight …
Nutritional aspects of liver disease and transplantation
Environmental pressures, personality factors and their relationship to eating disorders in elite female athletes
A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled comparison of droperidol, ondansetron, and metoclopramide for the prevention of vomiting following outpatient …
Diagnostic value of mannitol‐induced diuresis in children
Hepatic complications
Anesthesia for the micropremie
An analysis of weight reducing diets published in women’s magazines 1961-1980
Bioavailability of digoxin tablets in healthy volunteers
The effect of specific foods and water loading on the ileal excreta of ileostomized human subjects
The immune system and disease: a presentation of five cases
The art and science of maintenance of normoglycemia in pregnancies complicated by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Inherited and acquired syndromes of hyperammonemia and encephalopathy in children
Preanaiytic Variables: A Management Problem
A description of the fluid status of ambulatory surgery patients
Cold storage of segmental canine pancreatic grafts for 24 hours
Nutritional support during liver failure
Stress-related mucosal disease
A solutions portfolio approach in peritoneal dialysis
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: three years’ experience
Clinical studies with ACTH and cortisone in renal disease
Hormonal control of body fuels
Is there a role for specialized enteral nutrition in the intensive care unit?
Aspiration pneumonia
Effects of crystalloid and colloid resuscitation on hemorrhage-induced vascular hyporesponsiveness to norepinephrine in the rat
Laboratory tests of renal function
Drug induced modifications of laboratory test values
Antihypertensive drugs
Protein energy malnutrition: problems and priorities
Calculation of percentage changes in volumes of blood, plasma, and red cells in dehydration.
Enteral nutrition in intensive care patients: a practicalapproach
Spinal fluid prolactin
Caring for the elderly with renal failure: gastrointestinal changes
Metabolic profile of patients after elective open heart surgery
Renal effects of head-out water immersion in humans: a 15-year update
Exercise and training in women, Part II: Influence of menstrual cycle and pregnancy on exercise responses
Management of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Two novel mutations of the vasopressin gene associated with familial diabetes insipidus and identification of an asymptomatic carrier infant
Insulin, glucagon and oral hypoglycaemic drugs
A decade of pituitary microsurgery: The Herbert Olivecrona lecture
Nutritional support in the patient with renal failure
Temporal patterns of vasopressin release following electrical stimulation of the amygdala and the neuroendocrine pathway in the monkey
Neonatal glucose metabolism
Metabolic assessment and enteral tube feeding usage in children with acute neurological diseases
Multiple Sclerosis: What can family physicians do?
Parenteral structured triglyceride emulsion improves nitrogen balance and is cleared faster from the blood in moderately catabolic patients
Pulmonary function in morbid obesity
Anaesthetic management of the child with sickle cell disease
Clinical and renal biopsy observations in oliguric glomerulonephritis
Nutritional therapies in liver disease
Nutritional issues in pulmonary rehabilitation
Early aggressive nutrition in the neonate
Special Considerations in the Paediatric Patient
Estimating energy expenditure in traumatic brain injury: comparison of indirect calorimetry with predictive formulas
Variegate porphyria in South Africa, 1688-1996-new developments in an old disease
The assessment of pituitary function
The role of the adrenal cortex in physiological processes
Invited Review: A Review of Mechanisms of Wasting in HIV Disease
Insulin, glucagon and oral hypoglycemic drugs
The artificial heart: Progress and promise
The Effects of the Gymnast’s Body Shape on the Judaing of Gmnastics
Enteral feeding of children on noninvasive respiratory support: a four
Studies with a safflower oil emulsion in total parenteral nutrition.
Diagnosis in convulsions
Behavioral modification techniques to improve serum albumin levels in hemodialysis patients
Physiological effects of heat and cold
Management of Endocrine Dysfunction Following Brain Tumor Treatment
Experiences in the Measurement of Various Body fluid Compartments.
Disorders of porphyrin metabolism
Evaluating and treating nutritional problems in older patients
Chlorpropamide and an Antabuse-like reaction
Relationship between family environment and eating disorders among female student-athletes
Prolonged exercise after diuretic-induced hypohydration: effects on substrate turnover and oxidation
Hormonal effects of nonendocrine tumors
Different forms of abuse in the eating disorders: Impact on schema-level cognitions
Immediate enteral nutrition following multisystem trauma: a decade perspective.
Post-resuscitative management of the asphyxiated term and preterm infant
Anaesthesia for paediatric liver disease
Laboratory diagnosis in pediatric endocrinology
Organ clearance of tyrosyl-arginine and its effect on amino acid metabolism in young sheep
Effects of exposure to a rotating environment (10 rpm) on four aviators for a period of twelve days
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and hyponatremia
Nutritional requirements with aging: prevention of disease
Early enteral nutrition in the surgical patient
Behaviors of military personnel to attain or maintain desired weight prior to mandatory weight surveillance
Relative density of urine: methods and clinical significance
Effect of retirement from women’s gymnastics on bone mineral density, menstrual patterns, dietary intake, body composition, body image, and eating attitudes
Preanesthetic assessment of the pediatric patient
fluid -regulating factors during rehydration with glycerol: Effects on subsequent exercise performance in a hot (36 degrees Celsius) environment
Propranolol and sexual impotence
The Regulation of fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Subclinical eating disorders in collegiate female athletes
Host hepatectomy and liver transplantation
Acquired nonfamilial osteomalacia: factors in pathogenesis and the results of long-term treatment with oral phosphate
The sodium” setpoint”: The relationship to interdialytic weight gain and blood pressure in hemodialysis patients
Neisseria catarrhalis endocarditis
Evaluation of the Proficiency of Novice Skinfold Testers Assessing Body Composition among Intercollegiate and High School Wrestlers
Phosphorus deprivation treatment of tumoral calcinosis
Multiple myeloma in a young woman
References and Reviews
Demeclocycline and therapy of hyponatremia
Diazoxide therapy: use and risks
The blue diaper syndrome: Familial hypercalcemia with nephrocalcinosis and indicanuria: A new familial disease, with definition of the metabolic abnormality
The effect of the ketogenic diet on animal seizure models
Physiotherapy for specific groups of people
Small patients may have big problems: Complications of pediatric anesthesia
Current Medical Thought
Blood volume regulation
Anesthesia for minimally invasive neurosurgery
Minimizing complications in neck dissection
Tuberculosis after intestinal bypass operation for obesity
Selection criteria for liver donation: a review
The effect of dehydration and rehydration on physiology parameters associated with maximal rowing performance
Surgical techniques in the treatment of obesity
Adult tube feeding formulas
Mineral balance studies in sick preterm intravenously fed infants during the first week after birth: a guide to fluid therapy
Lung transplantation
Nutritional and Pharmacological Studies on B16 Melanoma
Special issues and concerns for the high school-and college-aged athletes
Urinalysis, critical discipline of clinical science
Hairy cells in long-term cultures
Chronic granulocytic leukemia: hypokalemia in acute blastic crisis
The prevalence of bulimia nervosa and bulimic behaviors among university students in Texas
Body image, social physique anxiety and eating disorders in aerobic instructors
Insulin therapy in diabetic ketoacidosis
Lupus nephritis and renal vein thrombosis
Neonatal and Paediatric biochemistry
Adriamycin-radiotherapy interaction
Prothrombin complex concentrates and coagulation
Emergencies in paediatric anaesthesia
Asthma, steroid therapy, isoniazid
Lysozyme from bone?
Rifampin-Amphotericin B Synergism?
Hazards in antihypertension therapy
Creatinine Clearance and Age
Neonatal intensive care nursing
Hepatotoxicity and the oral contraceptives
Methyl iodide toxicity
Physiological effects of body weight cycling in competitive female bodybuilders
Eating disorders among female athletes: factors to be included in coaches’ prevention/intervention guide
Measurement of coronary sinus blood flows: position effect
Phenformin, tetracycline and lactic acidosis
Isoniazid-related hepatotoxicity
Perinatal and pediatric nutrition
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the critically ill patient
Urinary Dilution in Hyponatremia
Financial Incentives to Physicians
Blue Dye, Blue Hands, and Sweat
Data on Therapy in Lupus Nephritis
Psychiatry, Give Us Tools, Not Talk
Rhabdomyolysis and Renal Failure
Methyl iodide toxicity
Neglect of Occupational Disease
Fatty acid deficiency
Help Operation Venus
Conditioned saccharin aversion induced by self-administered cocaine negatively correlates with the rate of cocaine self-administration in rats
Munchausen Syndrome
Prophylactic Antibiotics with Sigmoidoscopy?
Atherosclerosis in Bypass Graft
Cost of Medical Care in China
Hypokalemia in Leukemia
Chronic Hepatitis
Description of Specific Diseases
An Audio-Tutorial Diet Instruction Program for the Educationally Disadvantaged Hemodialysis Patient
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Postpartum Care
Predictive value of social support on survival in type II diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease
Neurologic conditions in infants and children
Urea production is increased in neonatal piglets infused with alanine at 25, 50, and 75% of resting energy needs
Hormone Assays in Endocrine System
Effects of Hypertonic Saline (7.5%) on haemodynamics and extracellular water volumes after coronary artery bypass grafting and before spinal anaesthesia
The effect of rapid weight loss on cognitive function in collegiate wrestlers
P. Chemical symbol for phosphorus. PAA. Abbreviation for plasma amino
Endocrinopathy associated with pineal tumor
DBW. Abbreviation for desirable body weight. See Weight. DCH. Abbreviation for delayed cutane
The Heart and Circulation
Water, electrolytes and epilepsy
Nutrition support for malnourished, acutely ill adults
Influence of ethnicity, acculturation and personality attributes on eating attitudes and behaviors associated with bulimia
Management of mitochondrial disease on an intensive care unit
Reducing the morbidity of transurethral resection of the prostate based on patient selection, fluid absorption, and blood loss
Nutrition knowledge and competitiveness: interrelationships in high school wrestlers and their coaches
The experiences of hemodialysis patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Does Vaccination With Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccines Induce Immunological Hyporesponsiveness to Meningococcal A/C Polysaccharide Antigens …
The effect of level and type of dietary fiber on the hydration status of horses in response to dehydration and endurance exercise
Hydration management: A long-term care nursing intervention to prevent acute confusion and other hydration-linked events
Verapamil and myoclonic dystonia
Health behavior
A comparative study of the effect of dietary animal or plant protein on the renal function of uremic rats
Acute therapy of childhood stroke
The relationship of selected physiological and hormonal variables on resting metabolic rate in college wrestlers following dehydration and subsequent rehydration
Paraendocrine Syndromes
The impact of dominance hierarchy, salivary pheromones and saliva contamination on feed preference in grower pigs
The effects of exposure to a rotating environment/10 rpm/on four aviators for a period of twelve days
Present Concepts in Internal Medicine, Nutritional Support Symposium. Volume 14, Number 1. Summer 1983
Acute and chronic alcohol-related disorders
Optimizing Nutritional Support
Acute Ischemic Stroke
Eating disorders among female athletes: The role of feminist orientation and coaching messages
Thrombolysis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis
The effects of athletic training on bone mineral density in female collegiate gymnasts
Amiodarone and antithyroid antibodies
Neurotoxicity of metronidazole
The effect of potassium deficiency on gastric secretion
Severe head injuries in children
Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli 0157: H7 and diarrhea
National Cholesterol Education Pro
Renal failure and angiodysplasia of the colon
Propranolol-epinephrine antagonism with hypertension and stroke
Bacteriuria of pregnancy–a critical appraisal
Cisplatin and plasma iron levels
A retropective, exploratory analysis of predictive and structural variables related to metabolic energy expenditure in traumatic brain injury
Combination H1 and H2 receptor antagonist therapy in mastocytosis
Thyroid disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and splenic atrophy
Studies on the acute hepatic porphyrias
Buccal nitroglycerin ointment in acute cardiopulmonary edema
Mechanisms of Impaired Diuretic responsiveness in Chronic Heart Failure
Human brain MRS demonstrates pregnancy-induced phosphate and pH changes
Critical Care Neurology
Lymphoma, hypercalcemia, and serum calcitriol levels
Butyl nitrite and a suicide attempt
The polyglandular syndrome
Puerperal thromboembolism in relation to the inhibition of lactation by oestrogen therapy
Assessment of veterinary care
Body composition in amenorrheic athletic women
Reaction to sulindac
Propranolol and the treatment of sleep attacks
Leptomeningeal Hodgkin’s disease
Scleroderma and the Esophagus
Sjögren’s syndrome and infectious mononucleosis
Steroid-induced growth delay and bone abnormalities in preterm infants and piglets during early development: the interaction of steroids and the GH-IGF-I axis
Pregnancy, Parturition, and the Puerperium
Eosinophilia in Malignant Pleural Effusion
Diet, body weight patterns and menstrual status of competitive female body builders
Antireceptor-antibody decline without improvement after plasmapheresis in myasthenia gravis
Granulomatous Angiitis and the Pituitary Gland
Choice of Potentially Nephrotoxic Antibiotics
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus Nephritus, and Risks of Lymphoid Irradiation
The General Internist and Gatekeepers
The Diagnosis and management of severe and complicated falciparum malaria
Research Conference, 1987: Part II
Colchicine treatment is not equivalent to axotomy in inducing changes of excitability in the leech APneurones
Hyponatremia from 1-deamino-8-d-arginine (dDAVP) abuse
Legionnaires’ Disease: Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test in Diagnosis
Practical uropharmacology
Cost of the house-officer interview
Serum Vanadium Levels
Studies on the acute hepatic porphyrias
When” Noninvasive” Means” Invasive”
Guidelines for care of patients with hepatitis
Dialysis and psoriasis
Development and validation of the Screening Test for at Risk Individuals for Eating Disorders (STARVED)
Calcium Handling by the Rat Kidney During Pregnancy
Personal Care
Federal Requirements in Clinical Investigation
Brucella Hepatitis
Correction: Error in” Noninvasive Assessment of Myocardial Function”
Penicillamine and Pemphigus Vulgaris
Time to Junk Junk Latin?
Internal Medicine into Geriatrics
Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction from Metastatic Breast Carcinoma
Potassium Iodide Sensitivity
Gentamicin Hemodialysis
Diagnosis and management of severe falciparum malaria
Major disorders in child psychiatry
Research methodology in urinary incontinence
Ferrous fumarate/calcium carbonate interactions affecting electrolyte status of physically active humans: Nutritional knowledge, attitudes and food practices among …
Understanding dietary adherence in elderly diabetes patients
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®)
The effects of posture and sleep on pharmacokinetics
The role of metabolic acidosis in chronic renal injury
A review of the physiology and nutrition in cold and in high-altitude environments by the committee on military nutrition research
Discriminating physiological, behavioral and psychological characteristics in eating disorders: Clinical and psychometric comparisons between clinically diagnosed …
The Influence of an Education Program Directed at Dysfunctional Eating On Female Distance Runners
Medical management
Comparison of nutritional knowledge and attitudes toward purported misconceptions of athletes and nonathletes
Mental retardation in the infant and pre-school child; diagnosis and treatment.
Weight loss behaviors used by active duty Air Force personnel to maintain compliance with weight control standards
Antidiuretic hormone syndrome and thioridazine
The range and validity of diet related practices in amateur body builders: a survey of the Illawarra Region’s gymnasiums
Megamitochondria formation‐physiology and pathology
Chemical aspects of compensatory hyperplasia
Lowering Core Body Temperature and Perceived Exertion by Three Cooling Methods
Investigation of the possible influences of candidate modifier genes on the clinical expression of variegate porphyria (VP)
Fluorine and Fluorides-Environmental Health Criteria 36
Miliary tuberculosis and respiratory distress syndrome
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®)
Alkaline phosphatase and thyroiditis
Colchicine, serum albumin, and alkaline phosphatase
Doxorubicin cardiomyopathy
Erroneous activated partial thromboplastin time
Adaptation to renal transplantation: an exploratory qualitative study
An investigation into nutritional aspects of care in long stay establishments for elderly people
Gammopathy and spherocytosis
Small-cell carcinoma of the lung
Thyroid nodules and scanning
Propranolol and hypoglycemia in renal failure
Reticulin in leukemia taxonomy
Rape of the straw woman
False-Positive Serologic Tests for Echinococcal Infection
Phosphate depletion and acidosis
Hormones and Calcium for Bone Loss
Gamma Globulin and Non-A Type Hepatitis
Folate Deficiency and Alcoholism
Autonomic Epilepsy
Ambulatory Dialysis
Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism
Malignant pleural effusion
R-on-T Phenomenon
Sickle Cell Anemia
Body composition of physically active adults: A comparison of methods, models, and equations
Influence of reward self-contracting on exercise of self-care agency in elders
Effect of Exercise and Water Deprivation on the Morphology of the Kidney of the Rat
The Effect of Adrenergic Blockade, Epidural Anaesthesia and Prostaglandin Inhibition on the Metabolic Response to Surgical Operation and Sepsis
Venous Blood Pressure in Man
Neuroregulatory peptides of central nervous system origin: from bench to bedside
Annotated bibliography on oral rehydration in diarrhoeal diseases
Physiological responses to weight reduction in high school wrestlers.
Comparison of heme-iron-polypeptide with intravenous iron in sustaining response to recombinant human erythropoietin in hemodialysis patients
Evaluation of the pH-stat modified approach for the treatment of non-respiratory (lactic) acidosis and vascular hyporeactivity caused by hemorrhagic shock in …
Oligopeptide transport across the basolateral membrane of rat small intestine.
This Issue of the Journal
Is birthweight related to current weight, blood pressure, and left ventricular mass among black and white normotensive adolescents?
Disease longevity, long-term complications, short-term complications, and hope level of adults with type I diabetes mellitus
Morningness-eveningness and circadian rhythms of HPA-and SNS-mediated variables
The clinical and laboratory effects of intravenous fluid s on haemostasis
Report on Growth and Development in Pediatric Transplantation of the Kidney, Liver, and Heart
An investigation into new materials for extracorporeal life support including mechanical properties, blood surface interactions and the inflammatory response …
Clinical manifestations and classification of erythrocyte disorders
Neuromuscular Disorders and Lung Cancer
A discovery process-outcome study: The roles of perceived significant events in the changes of anorexia nervosa patients and their families in family treatment
Benefits of the nonfasting ketogenic diet compared with the initial fasting ketogenic diet
Blood volume is normal after pre‐operative overnight fasting
Intraoperative fluid restriction improves outcome after major elective gastrointestinal surgery
The effect of fasting and fluid restriction on performance
Clinical update: perioperative fluid management
fluid restriction during running increases GI permeability
Intravenous fluid restriction after major abdominal surgery: a randomized blinded clinical trial
Are there any benefits from minimizing fasting and optimization of nutrition and fluid management for patients undergoing day surgery?
Antenatal corticosteroids and postnatal fluid restriction produce differential effects on AQP3 expression, water handling, and barrier function in perinatal rat …
The effects of fluid restriction on hydration status and subjective feelings in man
Effect of fasting on voice in women
Randomized clinical trial of the effect of postoperative intravenous fluid restriction on recovery after elective colorectal surgery
Perioperative fluid restriction reduces complications after major gastrointestinal surgery
The impact of religious fasting on human health
Nonfasting Versus Initial fasting Ketogenic Diet
Determinants of insensible fluid loss. Perspiration, protein shift and endothelial glycocalyx
Pre-operative fasting —60 years on from Mendelson
Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on sports performance and training: a review
Food or fluid restriction in common laboratory animals: balancing welfare considerations with scientific inquiry
The effect of Ramadan fasting on serum osmolarity, some electrolytes and hematological parameters
Saliva indices track hypohydration during 48 h of fluid restriction or combined fluid and energy restriction
The effect of Ramadan fasting on fetal growth and Doppler indices of pregnancy
Selective continuous vascular occlusion and perioperative fluid restriction in partial hepatectomy. Outcomes in 101 consecutive patients
Effects of intravenous fluid restriction on postoperative complications: comparison of two perioperative fluid regimens: a randomized assessor-blinded …
Enhanced recovery after elective colorectal surgery: now the standard of care
Back to the future: Intraoperative fluid restriction in gastrointestinal surgery-a new practice to the west, but an old one to sub-Sahara Africa
Effects of Ramadan fasting on physical performance and metabolic, hormonal, and inflammatory parameters in middle-distance runners
Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy and Focal Malformation
Perioperative fluid restriction
Effects of fasting during Ramadan month on cognitive function in Muslim athletes
Effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on aerobic and anaerobic performance and perception of fatigue in male elite judo athletes
To (enterally) feed or not to feed (the infant with hypoplastic left heart syndrome) is no longer the question
Ramadan fasting and the GH/IGF-1 axis of trained men during submaximal exercise
Cerebrovascular resuscitation after polytrauma and fluid restriction
The effect of season and Ramadan fasting on the onset of acute cholecystitis
Ketogenic diets
Effect of maternal fasting on uterine arterial blood flow
Conservative vs restrictive individualized goal-directed fluid replacement strategy in major abdominal surgery: a prospective randomized trial
The effect of Ramadan fasting on the kidney function of renal transplant recipients
Endurance running performance after 48 h of restricted fluid and/or energy intake.
Volume control in diabetic and nondiabetic peritoneal dialysis patients
Effects of Ramadan fasting on body composition, aerobic performance and lactate, heart rate and perceptual responses in young soccer players
Renal stone associated with the ketogenic diet in a 5-year old girl with intractable epilepsy
Ketogenic diet: outpatient initiation, without fluid , or caloric restriction s
Water intoxication in two girls with anorexia nervosa
The effects of carbohydrate-or fluid –restriction on physical and cognitive performance of collegiate wrestlers
Comparison of seizure reduction and serum fatty acid levels after receiving the ketogenic and modified Atkins diet
Influence of Ramadan fasting on physiological and performance variables in football players: summary of the F-MARC 2006 Ramadan fasting study
Salivary immunoglobulin A response at rest and after exercise following a 48 h period of fluid and/or energy restriction
Intra-abdominal surgery
Eating behaviours and general practices used by Taekwondo players in order to make weight before competition
Safe and effective use of the ketogenic diet in children with epilepsy and mitochondrial respiratory chain complex defects
Effects of Ramadan fasting on 60 min of endurance running performance in moderately trained men
Water and salt balance in young male football players in training during the holy month of Ramadan
Infrahepatic inferior vena cava clamping for reduction of central venous pressure and blood loss during hepatic resection: a randomized controlled trial
Acute starvation in pregnancy: a cause of severe metabolic acidosis
Confusion secondary to hyponatraemia in an elderly patient: case report
Patterns in current perioperative practice: survey of colorectal surgeons in five northern European countries
Effect of intraoperative fluid management on outcome after intraabdominal surgery
Islamic fasting and health
Body composition, nutrient intake and physical activity patterns in young women during Ramadan
Effects of short-term fasting in male Sprague–Dawley rats
Effect of Ramadan fasting on serum protein concentrations in male and female university students
Unexpected changes in blood pressure and hematological parameters among fasting and nonfasting workers during Ramadan in Indonesia
Health is a spiritual thing: perspectives of health care professionals and female Somali and Bangladeshi women on the health impacts of fasting during Ramadan
Adrenal insufficiency leading to hyponatraemia and seizures: case report
Hydration and cognition: a critical review and recommendations for future research
Enhanced recovery after surgery (‘fast track’) programs in colonic surgery: a systematic review
fluid and electrolyte balance after major thoracic surgery by bioimpedance and endocrine evaluation
Risperidone treatment for polydipsia and hyponatremia in schizophrenia: a case report
DDAVP-induced hyponatremia in young children
Hyponatremia in patients with heart failure
Patient preparation for intravenous urography: are we practising evidence-based medicine?
A proposed method for assessing plasma hypertonicity in vivo
Water intoxication and symptomatic hyponatremia after outpatient surgery
Influence of a fed or fasted state on the s-IgA response to prolonged cycling in active men and women
Pre-analytical requirements
Lipid profiles of judo athletes during Ramadan
Role of nutrition in liver transplantation for end-stage chronic liver disease
Cultural challenges in using the ketogenic diet in Asian countries
Effects of Ramadan fasting on perceived exercise intensity during high-intensity interval training in elite youth soccer players
A rational approach to perioperative fluid management
Preliminary results of a prospective randomized trial of restrictive versus standard fluid regime in elective open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
The effects of fasting for a single day and during Ramadan upon performance
Complications of the ketogenic diet
Mini-Symposium: Ramadan fasting and The Medical Patient: An Overview for Clinicians.
Meta-analysis of standard, restrictive and supplemental fluid administration in colorectal surgery
Dietary intake and body composition of football players during the holy month of Ramadan
Volume status and blood pressure in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients
Prevention of hyponatremia during maintenance intravenous fluid administration: a prospective randomized study of fluid type versus fluid rate
Fast-track in open intestinal surgery: prospective randomized study (Clinical Trials Gov Identifier no. NCT00123456)
Colloid osmotic pressure and the formation of posttraumatic cerebral edema
Urolithiasis on the ketogenic diet with concurrent topiramate or zonisamide therapy
Effect of Ramadan fasting on markers of oxidative stress and serum biochemical markers of cellular damage in healthy subjects
Influence of fasting during Ramadan on intra-ocular pressure
Polydipsia: a feature of peritoneal dialysis
Nutritional support in liver cirrhosis.
Elective colon resection in Germany. A survey of the perioperative anesthesiological management
Tube feeding in children with chronic kidney disease: technical and practical issues
Fast track management reduces the systemic inflammatory response and organ failure following elective infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair
Effect of Ramadan fasting on some biochemical and haematological parameters in Tunisian youth soccer players undertaking their usual training and competition …
Perioperative fluid management
Effects of intermittent fasting on serum lipid levels, coagulation status and plasma homocysteine levels
Impact of Ramadan fasting on intraocular pressure, visual acuity and refractive errors
How perioperative fluid balance influences postoperative outcomes
The ‘third space’–fact or fiction?
Self-generated coping strategies among Muslim athletes during Ramadan fasting
A pilot study of the modified Atkins diet for Sturge–Weber syndrome
Enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery
The role of anesthesiology in fast track concepts in colonic surgery
fluid and electrolyte balance a er major thoracic surgery by bioimpedance and endocrine evaluation
Hypovolemia after traditional preoperative care in patients undergoing colonic surgery is underrepresented in conventional hemodynamic monitoring
Enteral nutrition in critically ill children: are prescription and delivery according to their energy requirements?
Symposium on’Performance, exercise and health’Hydration, fluid s and performance
Use of a modified Atkins diet in intractable childhood epilepsy
Cerrahi sonrası iyileşmenin hızlandırılması
Systematic review of enhanced recovery programmes in colonic surgery
fluid therapy: Too much or too little
Causes and consequences of inadequate substrate supply to pediatric ICU patients
Recommendations for management of diabetes during Ramadan
Study the Immunological Activity of Complement in the Sera of Healthy Subjects During fasting
Perioperative fluid management–what are the issues?
Medium term effects of different dosage of diuretic, sodium, and fluid administration on neurohormonal and clinical outcome in patients with recently compensated …
The effect of the Ramadan fast on physical performance and dietary habits in adolescent soccer players
Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in moderate and intense exercise
Perioperative care in colorectal surgery: current practice patterns and opinions
Anesthesia for fetal surgery
Perioperative fluid management and major respiratory complications in patients undergoing esophagectomy
Body-mass management of Australian lightweight rowers prior to and during competition
Do we still need to restrict preoperative fluid administration in ambulatory anorectal surgery under spinal anaesthesia?
The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathway for patients undergoing major elective open colorectal surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Peristaltic pneumatic compression of the legs reduces fluid demand and improves hemodynamic stability during surgery: a randomized, prospective study
Post-resuscitation strategies to avoid ongoing injury following intrapartum hypoxia–ischemia
Knowledge and perception of patients regarding medicine intake during Ramadan
Patterns in current anaesthesiological peri‐operative practice for colonic resections: a survey in five northern‐European countries
The ketogenic diet 2011: how it works
Randomised controlled trial of intravenous maintenance fluid s
Feasibility study of early oral intake after gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma
Enhancing surgical recovery in Central-West Brazil: The ACERTO protocol results
Precompetition taper and nutritional strategies: special reference to training during Ramadan intermittent fast
Long-term health effects on the next generation of Ramadan fasting during pregnancy
The importance of good hydration for the prevention of chronic diseases
Efficacy and tolerability of the ketogenic diet according to lipid: nonlipid ratios—comparison of 3: 1 with 4: 1 diet
The Effects of Hydration on Core Temperature in Pediatric Surgical Patients
Early‐and late‐onset complications of the ketogenic diet for intractable epilepsy
An evaluation of enteral feeding practices in critically ill children
Volume replacement strategies and outcome
Current aspects of perioperative fluid handling in vascular surgery
The ketogenic diet: one decade later
Effects of Ramadan upon fluid and food intake, fatigue, and physical, mental, and social activities: a comparison between the UK and Libya
Randomized clinical trial of the effects of oral preoperative carbohydrates on postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Panhypopituitarism in a patient with breast cancer
Efficacy and safety of oral conivaptan, a vasopressin-receptor antagonist, evaluated in a randomized, controlled trial in patients with euvolemic or hypervolemic …
Randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of Doppler-optimized fluid management on outcome after elective colorectal resection
Short-term effects of hypertonic saline solution in acute heart failure and long-term effects of a moderate sodium restriction in patients with compensated heart failure …
Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Group recommendations
Decreased salivary flow rate as a dipsogenic factor in hemodialysis patients: evidence from an observational study and a pilocarpine clinical trial
IVC CLAMP: infrahepatic inferior vena cava clamping during hepatectomy-a randomised controlled trial in an interdisciplinary setting
Relation between hydration status in children and their dietary profile–results from the DONALD study
A modified atkins diet for intractable childhood epilepsy
Double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial of a vasopressin V2-receptor antagonist in patients with schizophrenia and hyponatremia
Assessment of the efficacy and safety of intravenous conivaptan in euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia
1351 Changes in lifestyle habits and cardiovascular risk factors over one-year in a family based preventive cardiology programme in hospital and general practice …
Altered sleep–wake cycles and food intake: The Ramadan model
Use of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for epilepsy refractory to drug treatment
The modified Atkins diet
Perioperative fluid administration: another form of “work-life balance”
Tolvaptan for the treatment of hyponatremia and congestive heart failure
Influence of endogenous angiotensin II on control of sympathetic nerve activity in human dehydration
Long-term follow-up of renal function in patients after surgery for obstructive uropathy
A case with insulinoma experiencing syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH/Insulinoma ve eslik eden uygunsuz ADH sendromu olan olgu
Modified Atkins diet for the treatment of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in children
Guidelines for nutritional care for infants with cholestatic liver disease before liver transplantation
Intensive insulin therapy for patients in paediatric intensive care: a prospective, randomised controlled study
The female athlete triad
Enhanced recovery in colorectal resections: a systematic review and meta‐analysis1
Anaesthesia for spinal surgery in children
Management of Acute Glomerulonephritis in A Child with Ischemic Stroke and Hypertensive Crisis
Effect of a ketogenic diet on EEG: Analysis of sample entropy
Influence of fasting during Ramadan on intratocular pressure
Restricted peri-operative fluid administration adjusted by serum lactate level improved outcome after major elective surgery for gastrointestinal malignancy
Fast-track rehabilitation program vs conventional care after colorectal resection: a randomized clinical trial
Obesity is a sign–over‐eating is a symptom: an aetiological framework for the assessment and management of obesity
Fast-track protocols in colorectal surgery
Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on middle-distance running performance in well-trained runners
Differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia in a patient with spinal cord injury
Effect of acute maximal exercise on circulating levels of interleukin-12 during Ramadan fasting
Ice Pica: A Neglected Behavior among Hemodialysis Patients in Taiwan
Clinical benefits after the implementation of a multimodal perioperative protocol in elderly patients
Ketogenic diet. Update and application
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Clinical aspects of the ketogenic diet
Incidence, clinical manifestations, and course of water and electrolyte metabolism disturbances following transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma surgery: a prospective …
Perioperative fluid and volume management: physiological basis, tools and strategies
Nutrient intake and body composition in relation to making weight in young male Taekwondo players
Pathophysiology and clinical implications of peroperative fluid management in elective surgery
fluid therapy might be more difficult than you think
Long-term outcome of the ketogenic diet for intractable childhood epilepsy with focal malformation of cortical development
A case of hyponatremia caused by central hypocortisolism
Patterns and clinical outcomes associated with routine intravenous sodium and fluid administration after colorectal resection
The ketogenic diet for Dravet syndrome and other epileptic encephalopathies: an Italian consensus
Effects of covert subject actions on percent body fat by air-displacement plethsymography
Haematological, inflammatory, and immunological responses in elite judo athletes maintaining high training loads during Ramadan
Institutionalized elderly: the effects on wound healing
Changing Views on Food Intake During Labor
Perioperative management of patients undergoing transsphenoidal pituitary surgery
Heart failure due to severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy reversed by low calorie, high protein dietary adjustments in a glycogen storage disease type IIIa patient
Holiday and fasting time—influence on eating habits and body weight
Perioperative fluid Management
Crystalloids versus colloids for goal-directed fluid therapy in major surgery
Weight loss practices in amateur wrestlers and its relationship to disordered eating
Adherence to the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol and outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery
“Fast-track”-rehabilitation in surgery, a multimodal concept
Perioperative management of endocrine disease (including diabetes)
Ketogenic diet update and application
Residual renal function and volume control in peritoneal dialysis patients
Weight cycling in adolescent Taekwondo athletes
Questions & Answers
The importance of body weight and weight management for military personnel
Central diabetes insipidus: a rare perioperative cause of severe hypernatraemia
Influence of “Liberal”versus “Restrictive” Intraoperative fluid Administration on Elimination of a Postoperative fluid Load
Ceftriaxone‐associated biliary pseudolithiasis in children
Perioperative fluid management: comparison of high, medium and low fluid volume on tissue oxygen pressure in the small bowel and colon
Changes in sleep, mood and subjective and objective responses to physical performance during the daytime in Ramadan
Intravenous fluid s and Electrolytes
Symposium on ‘Performance, exercise and health’Hydration, fluid s and performance: Conference on ‘Multidisciplinary approaches to nutritional problems’
Indian festivals: Ethos and health impact
Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness
The influence of Ramadan on physical performance measures in young Muslim footballers
Type 1 diabetes and epilepsy: efficacy and safety of the ketogenic diet
A pragmatic multi-centre randomised controlled trial of fluid loading in high-risk surgical patients undergoing major elective surgery-the FOCCUS study
ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: adult renal failure
Food restriction , performance, biochemical, psychological, and endocrine changes in judo athletes
The effect of a multimodal fast-track programme on outcomes in laparoscopic liver surgery: a multicentre pilot study
Kidney stones and the ketogenic diet: risk factors and prevention
Enhanced recovery after surgery: a consensus review of clinical care for patients undergoing colonic resection
Diurnal changes in sleep, food and fluid intakes, and activity during Ramadan, 2006, in the UK: some preliminary observations
Outcome of transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing’s disease: a high remission rate in ACTH-secreting macroadenomas
Perioperative fluid and electrolyte balance in children
Dietary treatment of epilepsy: rebirth of an ancient treatment
Multimodal approach in colorrectal surgery without mechanical bowel cleansing
Alteration of subjective feelings in football players undertaking their usual training and match schedule during the Ramadan fast
fluid balance issues in the critically ill patient
Intravenous paracetamol overdose: two case reports and a change to national treatment guidelines
A prospective randomized blinded study of the effect of intravenous fluid therapy on postoperative nausea and vomiting in children undergoing strabismus surgery
Effect of Large Volume Paracentesis without Albumin on Renal Function in Cirrhotic Ascites
Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in adults: high phenotypic variability in men and women from a large pedigree
Intravenous fluid therapy
Fast-track surgery improves postoperative recovery in patients with gastric cancer: a randomized comparison with conventional postoperative care
Optimizing perioperative management of patients undergoing colorectal surgery: what is new?
Perioperative fluid management and clinical outcomes in adults
Multiglandular parathyroid carcinoma: case report and review of the literature
An overview of the ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy
Nutritional support during oncologic treatment of patients with gastrointestinal cancer: who could benefit?
57.7 Neurologic Stabilization
Hyponatraemia due to Enalapril
Standardised feeding regimens: hope for reducing the risk of necrotising enterocolitis
Body composition and power changes in elite judo athletes
Metabolic emergencies
Religious and spiritual factors in childhood and adolescent eating disorders and obesity
Hyponatremia and seizures caused by triamcinolone-induced adrenal insufficiency
Nutrition in alcoholic liver disease
Peri-operative management of ablative and reconstructive surgery for invasive bladder cancer in the elderly
Perioperative Care of Patients with Liver Neoplasms
Body fluid s and salt metabolism-Part II
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), insulin resistance (IR), & metformin: Latest developments
Pre-competition habits and injuries in Taekwondo athletes
Liberal or restrictive fluid administration in fast-track colonic surgery: a randomized, double-blind study
Refeeding in the ICU: an adult and pediatric problem
Liberal versus restrictive fluid management in knee arthroplasty: a randomized, double-blind study
Anorexia athletica
Perioperative electrolyte and fluid balance
Hypotension during fluid -restricted abdominal surgery: effects of norepinephrine treatment on regional and microcirculatory blood flow in the intestinal tract
External jugulary vein aneurysm: a rare cause if neck swelling
Supplemental intravenous crystalloid administration does not reduce the risk of surgical wound infection
Perioperative strategy in colonic surgery; LA paroscopy and/or FA st track multimodal management versus standard care (LAFA trial)
Perioperative fluid therapy in children: a survey of current prescribing practice
one-Day Surgery and Fast-Track Principles
Perioperative crystalloid and colloid fluid management in children: where are we and how did we get here?
Effect of Ramadan on surgical emergencies
Epidemiology, pathophysiology and medical management of postoperative ileus in the elderly
The metabolic effects of low‐carbohydrate diets and incorporation into a biochemistry course
Serum levels of the adipokine chemerin in relation to renal function
High-output stoma after small-bowel resections for Crohn’s disease
Ketosis and the ketogenic diet, 2010: advances in treating epilepsy and other disorders
Principles of management of chronic kidney disease
Refeeding syndrome: treatment considerations based on collective analysis of literature case reports
Ketogenic diets: evidence for short-and long-term efficacy
Effects of voluntary fluid intake deprivation on mental and psychomotor performance
Hyponatremia in the intensive care unit
High output cardiac failure in a parturient with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
A patient of lupus presenting with myocarditis and overlapping autoimmune hepatitis
fluid therapy for the surgical patient
Hydration, thirst and fluid balance in resting and exercising individuals
1153-68 Do patients with heart failure have a medically accurate mental image of their illness (also known as illness representation)?
The impact of physical exercise on the gastrointestinal tract
Comparison of bupivacaine and 2-chloroprocaine for spinal anesthesia for outpatient surgery: a double-blind randomized trial
Evidence basis for regional anesthesia in multidisciplinary fast-track surgical care pathways
ASPEN Clinical Guidelines: nutrition support of the critically ill child.
Pharmacokinetics and safety of sunitinib malate in subjects with impaired renal function
Glucose enhancement of memory depends on initial thirst
Preoperative assessment of adult patients for intracranial surgery
Hypoxic–ischemic brain injury in the term infant-current concepts
Oliguria as predictive biomarker of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients
Hyponatremia and confusion caused by Pregabalin
Serum levels of angiopoietin-related growth factor in diabetes mellitus and chronic hemodialysis
fluid and diet patterns associated with weight cycling and changes in body composition assessed by continuous monitoring throughout a college wrestling season
Comment from the Annals
Reply from author
Predictors of obstructive sleep apnea in snorersstatistical errors
The evolution of analgesia in an ‘accelerated’recovery programme for resectional laparoscopic colorectal surgery with anastomosis
The ketogenic diet: from molecular mechanisms to clinical effects
Is hospitalization really necessary during the introduction of the ketogenic diet?
Optimal clinical management of children receiving the ketogenic diet: recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group
Nutritional Therapy in Children with Chronic Liver Disease
The role of the glycocalyx in transvascular fluid shifts
Postoperative management
Assessment of the efficacy and safety of intravenous conivaptan in patients with euvolaemic hyponatraemia: subgroup analysis of a randomized, controlled study
Hydration and disease
Renal dysfunction and fluid and electrolyte disturbances
Perioperative hemodynamic monitoring with transesophageal Doppler technology
Mild hypothermia reduces acute mortality and improves hemodynamic outcome in a cardiogenic shock pig model
Key details of the duodenal-jejunal bypass in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats
Long‐term health consequences of epilepsy diet treatments
Malnutrition in the critically ill child: the importance of enteral nutrition
fluid intake for kidney disease prevention: An urban myth?
Avoiding common problems associated with intravenous fluid therapy
fluid tolerance while running: effect of repeated trials
fluid Balance and Management and the Critically Ill Woman
AAP reports on healthy weight-control practices in young athletes
Competition and food restriction effects on oxidative stress in judo
Fast track clinical pathway implications in esophagogastrectomy
Nutrition and the lung
Revising concepts of artificial nutrition in contemporary surgery: from energy and nitrogen to immuno-metabolic support
Practical aspects of peripheral parenteral nutrition
The altered fluid distribution in obesity may reflect plasma hypertonicity
Recent developments in the perioperative fluid management for the paediatric patient
Nutritional treatment of chronic liver failure
Childhood hemolytic uremic syndrome is associated with adolescent-onset diabetes mellitus
Fast-track programmes for hepatopancreatic resections: where do we stand?
Influence of pre‐operative fluid infusion on volume status during oesophageal resection–a prospective trial
The ketogenic diet
The patient who’spilled salt’
Hemodynamic and neuroendocrine responses to changes in sodium intake in compensated heart failure
Patient hydration: a major source of laboratory uncertainty
Long-term effects of dietary sodium intake on cytokines and neurohormonal activation in patients with recently compensated congestive heart failure
Scientific evidence
Outcomes of fast-track pathways for open and laparoscopic surgery
Normal-sodium diet compared with low-sodium diet in compensated congestive heart failure: is sodium an old enemy or a new friend?
Hypertension and insulin resistance are not directly related in obese dogs
Current strategies in diagnostics and endocrine treatment of patients with childhood craniopharyngioma during follow-up–recommendations in …
Effect of water deprivation on cognitive-motor performance in healthy men and women
Fulminant hepatic failure in children
To Compare the effect of’lactate-based’and’acetate-based’intravenous fluid s on the electrolytes and the acid-base status
The prevalence of disordered eating among varsity collegiate female athletes
Current status of dynamic parameters of fluid loading
Nutritional Support in the Perioperative Period
Dehydration in frail, older residents in long-term care facilities
Challenges of compounding for patients on the ketogenic diet
Bioelectrical impedance analysis and self-ratings during periods of normal and over hydration
Effects of Ramadan on physical performance: chronobiological considerations
Management of childhood onset nephrotic syndrome
Comparison of intermittent with continuous simvastatin treatment in hypercholesterolemic patients with end stage renal failure
Assessment of calories prescribed and delivered to critically ill children
Endocrine manifestations of malignancy
Protein for preterm infants: how much is needed? How much is enough? How much is too much?
Portraying Islam and Muslims in MEDLINE: A content analysis
The impact of mode of anaesthesia on postoperative recovery from fast‐track abdominal hysterectomy: a randomised clinical trial
Hypotonic versus isotonic saline in hospitalised children: a systematic review
Electrolyte complications of malignancy
Clinical sports nutrition
Anesthetic management of a pediatric patient on a ketogenic diet
Nutritional support and oral intake after gastric resection in five northern European countries
The role of urine osmolality and ions in the pathogenesis of primary enuresis nocturna and in the prediction of responses to desmopressin and conditioning therapies
Nutrition therapy in critically ill infants and children
Dietary approaches to epilepsy treatment: old and new options on the menu
Reduced water intake: Implications for rodent developmental and reproductive toxicity studies
Effects of Weight Control Practices on Mood, Loss Attribution, and Performance in Division I Collegiate Wrestlers
fluid volume monitoring with glucose dilution
Early complications and morbidity of radical cystectomy
Splanchnic vasoregulation after major abdominal surgery in pigs
The balancing act: body fluid s and protecting patient health
ESPEN guidelines on parenteral nutrition: surgery
Comparison of body composition techniques to determine body fat in high school wrestlers
Assiv uocabit. A coax
Results of endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery in 40 patients with a growth hormone-secreting macroadenoma
Effect of initial fluid resuscitation on subsequent treatment in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in rats
The ketogenic diet in childhood epilepsy: where are we now?
Ketogenic diet for treatment of epilepsy
Effect of aortic valve surgery on left ventricular diastole assessed by echocardiography and neuroendocrine response: percutaneous versus surgical approach
The ketogenic diet in children with epilepsy
Prevention of pulmonary gastric contents aspiration
Perioperative fluid prescription, complications and outcomes in major elective open gastrointestinal surgery
Fast track colorectal surgery
Approach to enteral feeding in the PICU
Polyuria, polydipsia, polypopsia:“Mummy I want a drink”
Nodular glomerulosclerosis: renal lesions in chronic smokers mimic chronic thrombotic microangiopathy and hypertensive lesions
Socioeconomic relevance of selected treatment strategies in patients with chronic heart failure
Response to ‘Bilirubin as a predictor of albuminuria and atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetic patients: misleading data’
Short‐ and long‐term treatment of dilutional hyponatraemia with satavaptan, a selective arginine vasopressin V2‐receptor antagonist: the DILIPO study
Effect of bisacodyl on postoperative bowel motility in elective colorectal surgery: a prospective, randomized trial
What are the risks of general surgical abdominal operations in patients with cirrhosis?
Water intoxication—a dangerous condition in labor and delivery rooms
Effects of low central venous pressure during preanhepatic phase on blood loss and liver and renal function in liver transplantation
Do patients with absence epilepsy respond to ketogenic diets?
Acute liver failure in children
Improving tolerability of the ketogenic diet in patients with abnormal endoscopic findings
Hot flushes, hypertension and haemodialysis
Impact of sleep-disordered breathing and its treatment on children with primary nocturnal enuresis
The benefit of an enhanced recovery programme following elective laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy
Desmopressin increases IGF-binding protein-1 in humans.
The Peri-Operative fluid Therapy Protocol for A Patient Undergoing A Major Surgical Procedure
Weight Control and Wrestling
Successful long-term treatment of hyponatremia in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion with satavaptan (SR121463B), an orally active …
Revisando los conceptos en nutrición artificial en la cirugía contemporánea
Disordered eating in women’s gymnastics: Perspectives of athletes, coaches, parents, and judges
Urinary nitrite excretion and urinary variables in patients with primary nocturnal frequency of micturition: effects of indomethacin suppositories
Treatment options in acute porphyria, porphyria cutanea tarda, and erythropoietic protoporphyria
Ascites: diagnosis and management
Metabolic treatments for intractable epilepsy
Improved survival after resuscitation with norepinephrine in a murine model of uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock
Health capital and the prenatal environment: the effect of Ramadan observance during pregnancy
Diabetes and dialysis: Nutrition care challenges
Saxagliptin (Onglyza): new DPP‐4 inhibitor for type 2 diabetes
Management of chronic heart failure in primary care: what evidence do we have for heart failure with preserved systolic function?
The hitchhiker’s guide to parenteral nutrition management for adult patients
Efficacy and safety of the ketogenic diet for intractable childhood epilepsy: Korean multicentric experience
Treatment of congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus with hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride in an adult patient
Energy intake and appetite-related hormones following acute aerobic and resistance exercise
Intraoperative oesophageal Doppler guided fluid management shortens postoperative hospital stay after major bowel surgery
The role of the anesthesiologist in fast-track surgery: from multimodal analgesia to perioperative medical care
Adipokines influencing metabolic and cardiovascular disease are differentially regulated in maintenance hemodialysis
Changes in estimating echocardiography pulmonary capillary wedge pressure after hypersaline plus furosemide versus furosemide alone in decompensated heart …
Challenges to optimal enteral nutrition in a multidisciplinary pediatric intensive care unit
Positive fluid balance is associated with complications after elective open infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
Restrictive strategy of intraoperative fluid maintenance during optimization of oxygen delivery decreases major complications after high-risk surgery
Biochemical measurement of muscle injury created by lumbar surgery
Hydration and health: a review
Hypertonic saline for peri‐operative fluid management
Long-term prospective, randomized, controlled study using repetitive education at six-month intervals and monitoring for adherence in heart failure outpatients: the …
An update: salivary hormones and physical exercise
Enhanced recovery after surgery: the future of improving surgical care
Current trends in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
A Case Report On Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
Arguments in favor of ketogenic diets
Structured review: evaluating the effectiveness of nurse case managers in improving health outcomes in three major chronic diseases
Validity of the current NCAA minimum weight protocol: a brief review
Practical approach to paediatric enteral nutrition: a comment by the ESPGHAN committee on nutrition
Tubular and glomerular function in children after renal transplantation
Risk factors for high-altitude headache in mountaineers
Relationship Between Early Feeding and Communication Development in Infants: Birth To 12 Months
Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition in Adults Topic 8
Kawasaki Disease-A Rare Presentation in a Bangladeshi Infant-A Case Report
External jugular vein aneurysm: a rare cause of neck swelling
The use of cercariae infectt tion of the Bulinus truncatt tus snail for evaluation of schistosomiasis control in Iran
Healthy hydration in the workplace
Miscellaneous hormones
Technical issues in performing PET studies in pediatric patients
Enteral formula selection: a review of selected product categories
Changes in resting metabolic rate and dietary intake among high school wrestlers from pre-season to post-season
Impact of diuretic treatment and sodium intake on plasma volume in patients with compensated systolic heart failure
fluid and electrolyte management in parenteral nutrition
Systemic stress response and hyperglycemia after abdominal surgery in rat and man
PET imaging in pediatric oncology
A food pyramid for Swiss athletes
A comprehensive review of evidence-based strategies to prevent and treat postoperative ileus
Accuracy of intermediate dose of furosemide injection to improve multidetector row CT urography
Adolescent eating disorders: definitions, symptomatology, epidemiology and comorbidity
Management of hepatic encephalopathy in children
Evidence-based nutritional support in the intensive care unit
A double-blind, placebo-controlled test of 2 d of calorie deprivation: effects on cognition, activity, sleep, and interstitial glucose concentrations
Dry or wet – which is the best for your patient? : SASA refresher text
Impact of acute weight loss and/or thermal stress on rowing ergometer performance
Fast-track surgery and anaesthesia
The principles of paediatric anaesthesia
Nonimmune hydrops fetalis: Case report.
Fast-track concepts in major open upper abdominal and thoracoabdominal surgery: a review
The effects of acute fluid ingestion on indices of hydration assessment
Volume kinetics for infusion fluid s
Health capital and the prenatal environment: the effect of maternal fasting during pregnancy
Does infusion of colloid influence the occurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting after elective surgery in women?
Intravenous fluid therapy—background and principles
Heat strain, hydration status, and symptoms of heat illness in surface mine workers
fluid therapy in surgical patients: composition and influences on the internal milieu
A Randomised Controlled trial to compare Pulse Pressure Variance and Central Venous Pressure as guide to intraoperative fluid management in Neurosurgical …
Contemporary fluid management in cardiac anesthesia
Anesthesia and Perioperative Pain Management for Limb-sparing Surgery
Three-day regimen improves faecal tagging for minimal preparation CT examination of the colon
Adverse endocrine and metabolic effects of psychotropic drugs
Treating the patient with kidney failure to reduce cardiovascular disease risk
Fast-track surgery for colonic and rectal resections in Austria–Results from a survey on the perioperative anaesthesia management
The role of regional anaesthesia in patient outcome: thoracic and abdominal surgeries
A refractometry-based glucose analysis of body fluid s
Vasopressin and disorders of water balance: the physiology and pathophysiology of vasopressin
Cultural Issues in Emergency Psychiatry: Focus on Muslim Patients.
Atrial protective effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a long-term study in ovine chronic heart failure
Endocrine problems in critically ill children: an overview
Wasting away: the influences of weight management on jockeys’ physical, psychological and social wellbeing
A preliminary study on English and Welsh “sacred sites” and home dream reports
The Determination of Islamic fasting and Prayer Times at High-Latitude Locations: Historical Review and New Astronomical Solutions.
Anesthesia techniques in complex spine surgery
The Surgical Management of Cushing’s Disease
Supplemental oxygen, but not supplemental crystalloid fluid , increases tissue oxygen tension in healthy and anastomotic colon in pigs
Common problems of urination in nonpregnant women: Causes, current management, and prevention strategies
Influence of non-ventilatory options on postoperative outcome
The monitoring of weight fluctuation and hydration status in cadet wrestlers (ages 14–17) during a training camp period leading up to competition
Volume control in peritoneal dialysis patients guided by bioimpedance spectroscopy assessment
Starving in the sport of kings: weight management and cognitive function in Australian jockeys
Effect of carbamazepine on urinary volume and osmolality, water clearance, and serum osmolality in patients with primary enuresis
The effect of ice water ingestion on autonomic modulation in healthy subjects
Electrolytes and acid–base: common fluid and electrolyte disorders
Are BNP plasma levels useful in heart failure diagnosis each time? A dyspneic patient with anasarca
Reducing the time period of steady state does not affect the accuracy of energy expenditure measurements by indirect calorimetry
Integrated nutrition
ACC/AHA key data elements and definitions for measuring the clinical management and outcomes of patients with chronic heart failure: a report of the American …
A practical guide to chronic heart failure
An 18-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes undergoing surgery
Enteral nutrition formulas: which formula is right for your adult patient?
Efficacy of milk versus water to reduce interfering infra-cardiac activity in 99mTc-sestamibi myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
New aspects of perioperative fluid therapy
Diet, Metabolic Syndrome, and Obesity
Evaluation of plasma hormone concentrations using Enzyme-Immunoassay/Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay in healthy Indian men: Effect of ethnicity
The developmental regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α expression in the liver is partially dissociated from the control of …
Assessment of the clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of the management of systolic heart failure in Chinese patients using a home-based intervention
Diuretic therapy: implications for nursing practice.
Endogenous nociceptin modulates diet preference independent of motivation and reward
A Comparison Between Pulse Pressure Variation and RightEnd Diastolic Volume Index as Guides to Resuscitation in a Modelof Hemorrhagic Shock in Pigs
Postoperative complications in gastrointestinal cancer patients: the joint role of the nutritional status and the nutritional support
Medical complications of surgical treatment of adult spinal deformity and how to avoid them
Evaluation of body composition assessments for a high school wrestling weight certification program
Older people and hypothermia: the role of the anaesthetic nurse
Volume turnover kinetics of fluid shifts after hemorrhage, fluid infusion, and the combination of hemorrhage and fluid infusion in sheep
Intravenous conivaptan
Hypervolemia induces and potentiates lung damage after recruitment maneuver in a model of sepsis-induced acute lung injury
Drug approvals:′ 09 IN REVIEW
Influence of exercise on skill proficiency in soccer
0.9% saline solution:“physiological” or “unphysiological”?
Carotid intima-media thickness in children with end-stage renal disease on dialysis
Investigation and management of impaired metabolic adaptation presenting as neonatal hypoglycaemia
Perioperative management of the diabetic patient
Nonpharmacological treatment options for epilepsy
The effect of intravenous fluid s and other factors on patient recovery following elective abdominal surgery
Impact of norepinephrine and fluid on cerebral oxygenation in experimental hemorrhagic shock
Comparison of cardiac output as assessed by transesophageal echo-Doppler and transpulmonary thermodilution in patients undergoing thoracic surgery
Nonantimicrobial effects of antibacterial agents
Hunger and thirst: issues in measurement and prediction of eating and drinking
Increased survival with hypotensive resuscitation in a rabbit model of uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in pregnancy
Correlating the Severity of Chronic Kidney Disease with Oral Health: A Prospective Observational Study
Practical Use of the Ketogenic Diet in Childhood Epilepsy
CLS meets the aquaporin family: clinical cases involving aquaporin systems
Intradialytic parenteral nutrition and intraperitoneal nutrition
Pulmonary effects of positive end-expiratory pressure and fluid therapy in experimental lung injury
Assessment of nutritional status of patients on hemodilaysis: a single center study from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Galactosaemia an update
Management of patients undergoing pituitary tumour removal via the transsphenoidal/transfrontal approach
Does aggressive hydration reverse the effects of pneumoperitoneum on renal perfusion?
Effect of the mode of rehydration on recovery from exercise dehydration: Cardiovascular, hormonal, and medical considerations
Feeding the Beijing Olympics: an interview with Jillian Wanik
Comparing home dream reports with reports from English and Welsh” Sacred sites”
Assessing depression following two ancient Indian interventions: effects of yoga and ayurveda on older adults in a residential home
Endocrine manifestations of cancer
Clinical approach in treatment of resistant hypertension
Nutritional support in children with congenital heart disease.
Race, sex, and the regulation of urine osmolality: observations made during water deprivation
Energy and macronutrient requirements for physical fitness in exercising subjects
Stimulation of gluconeogenesis by intravenous lipids in preterm infants: response depends on fatty acid profile
The acute porphyrias: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in internal and emergency medicine
External causes of metabolic disorders
Practical sports nutrition: Survival nutrition
Postoperative care pathways
Ideal permissive hypotension to resuscitate uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock and the tolerance time in rats
The important new drug target in cardiovascular medicine-the vascular glycocalyx
Clinical aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome
Very‐low‐calorie diets: Downsizing the hospitalised obese patient
Rehydration with drinks differing in sodium concentration and recovery from moderate exercise-induced hypohydration in man
Sports supplements debate: A risky practice that produces expensive urine or legitimate performance boosts that can be found in a packet or bottle?
Chronic heart failure: a handy summary of the recent guidelines update; The revised ACC/AHA guidelines incorporate new evidence and provide practical …
Cardiomyopathy and heart failure in children: anesthetic implications
2009 focused update: ACCF/AHA guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation …
The interview tables are turned
Mild hypothermia improves survival after prolonged, traumatic hemorrhagic shock in pigs
fluid movement and availability following ingestion of glucose solutions at rest and after exercise
LiCl-induced flavor avoidance compared between rats and mice using a nondeprivation protocol
Promotion of healthy weight-control practices in young athletes
Survival for the active family
Fast-track anesthetic techniques for ambulatory surgery
Cumulative energy imbalance in the pediatric intensive care unit: role of targeted indirect calorimetry
Emerging and alternative treatments for epilepsy
Surgical Treatment of Cushing’s Disease
Management of Weight Loss in Older Persons
Efficacy and Safety of Oral Conivaptan: AV1A/V2 Vasopressin Receptor Antagonist, Assessed in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Patients with Euvolemic …
Recent advances in the management of primary hepatic tumors refinement of surgical techniques and effect on outcome
Hematologic disorders
Nocturia in women
Low hematocrit levels increase intracranial pressure in an animal model of cryogenic brain injury
Cerebral effects of three resuscitation protocols in uncontrolled haemorrhagic shock: a randomised controlled experimental study
A lifetime in sports nutrition: An interview with Emily Haymes
Complicanze respiratorie postoperatorie
Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure in Japan Rationale and Design of Japanese Cardiac Registry of Heart Failure in …
Nephrotic syndrome in dogs: clinical features and evidence-based treatment considerations
Initial experience with a multimodal enhanced recovery programme in patients undergoing liver resection
Metabolic syndrome and elevated C-reactive protein in breast cancer survivors on adjuvant hormone therapy
Influence of cataract surgery and blood pressure changes caused by sodium restriction on retinal vascular diameter
Cancer imaging with fluorine-18–labeled choline derivatives
Intrauterine resuscitation during labor: review of current methods and supportive evidence
Aquaporins as targets for drug discovery
A comparative analysis of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and skinfold measurements in determining body composition and minimum wrestling weight in …
Effects of D-beta-hydroxybutyrate on electrophysiological correlates of neuronal excitation and synchrony in an epilepsy cell culture model
Psychological stress measure in type 2 diabetes
Design and Organization of the Dexamethasone, Light Anesthesia and Tight Glucose Control (DeLiT) Trial: a factorial trial evaluating the effects of …
Perioperative management and” Fast-Track” therapy in vascular medicine
The management of hospitalized patients with cirrhosis: the Mount Sinai experience and a guide for hospitalists
Fear of fatness, eating attitudes, and anti-fat perspectives: A cross-cultural exploration of Euro-American and Indian university students
Surgery in the patient with liver disease
Perioperative glucose control in the diabetic or nondiabetic patient
Nutrition support in renal disease
Candesartan cilexetil in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Role of enteral and parenteral nutrition in the patient with gastrointestinal and liver disease
Effect of Aldosterone on Myocardial Energy Starvation
Release of protein S100B in haemorrhagic shock: effects of small volume resuscitation combined with arginine vasopressin
Acute onset of severe dilated cardiomyopathy during bromocriptine therapy
Pediatric disorders of water balance
Chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease: a case presentation
Enteral Formula Selection
Natural approaches to epilepsy
Drug treatment of epilepsy in the century of the ILAE: the first 50 years, 1909–1958
Complications in colorectal surgery: risk factors and preventive strategies
Water, electrolytes and the kidney
Heart failure in the elderly
Drowning: update 2009
The relationship between wrestling weight and success rate
Effect of esmolol on fluid therapy in normovolemia and hypovolemia
Metabolic emergencies
Development of a nutrition assessment form for long-term care facilities emphasizing inflammation markers and utilizing the nutrition care process
Anesthesia for esophageal surgery
The effect of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus on uncontrolled hemorrhage in a rodent model
Purines and the anti-epileptic actions of ketogenic diets
Coffee, nutritional status, and renal artery resistive index
Endocrine evaluation and management of the perioperative cancer patient
Regional and local brain oxygenation during hemorrhagic shock: a prospective experimental study on the effects of small-volume resuscitation with norepinephrine
Natriuretic and aquaretic effects of intravenously infused calcium in preascitic human cirrhosis: physiopathological and clinical implications
Executive summary: HFSA 2010 comprehensive heart failure practice guideline
Ambulatory anaesthesia
Tissue oxygenation during management of cerebral perfusion pressure with phenylephrine or vasopressin
Update on peripartum cardiomyopathy
Management of the patient at high risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting
Nutrition support in the pediatric surgical patient
Adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin binding protein-1 prevent metabolic acidosis after uncontrolled hemorrhage in rats
Fast-track Packages in Colorectal Surgery: An Examination and Development of the Evidence Supporting Their Use
Do practice weights vary from wrestling weights throughout the season and can the difference predict win/loss records?
Natriuretic and Aquaretic Effects of IV Infused Calcium in Pre-ascitic Human Cirrhosis: Pathophysiological and Clinical Implications
First International Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference Newcastle upon Tyne, 20–22 August 2009
Poloxamer 188 prolongs survival of hypotensive resuscitation and decreases vital tissue injury after full resuscitation
Disorders of salt and water balance
Anesthesia for open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
Pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia
Influence of asymptomatic pneumonia on the response to hemorrhage and resuscitation in swine
Metabolic complications of parenteral nutrition in adults, part 1
Acute and long-term weight loss and weight gain in elite athletes: influences on body composition and performance
Management of diabetes in pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence
Historical perspectives in critical care medicine: blood transfusion, intravenous fluid s, inotropes/vasopressors, and antibiotics
Management of Childhood Onset Nephrotic Syndrome
Plasma proANP1-98 Response During High Altitude Stress: Effect of Age and Ethnicity
Multimodal analgesia techniques and postoperative rehabilitation
Intensive care in obstetrics: an evidence-based review
Hepatic porphyrias: diagnosis and management
Update in Endocrinology
The paradox of nutrition-related diseases in the Arab countries: the need for action
An algorithm for the management of hepatic encephalopathy
A novel approach to maintaining cardiovascular stability after hemorrhagic shock: beneficial effects of adrenomedullin and its binding protein
ACRT-AFMR-SCTS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Principles of gynaecological surgical technique and management
Nutrition, parenteral
Intraosseous hypertonic saline solution for resuscitation of uncontrolled, exsanguinating liver injury in young Swine
EBPG guideline on nutrition
ACC/AHA clinical performance measures for adults with chronic heart failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on …
Water intoxication syndrome in gynecologic surgery
Randomized placebo-controlled trial on local applications of opioids after hemorrhoidectomy
Pathophysiology and modern management of cardiac failure
Nutrition, metabolism, and the complex pathophysiology of cachexia in chronic heart failure
Diabetes care for patients with peripheral arterial disease
Effect of Supplemental Oxygen versus Dobutamine Administration on Liver Oxygen Tension in dPP-Guided Normovolemic Pigs
Normal changes of aging and their impact on care of the older surgical patient
Abdominal Procedures
Pharmacotherapy for child and adolescent mood disorders
Prevention and treatment of medical and neurological complications in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Nutrition practices of renal dietitians in hemodialysis centers throughout the United States: a descriptive study
The emergency department approach to newborn and childhood metabolic crisis
Clinical practice guidelines for managing dyslipidemias in kidney transplant patients: a report from the Managing Dyslipidemias in Chronic Kidney Disease Work …
Medical management of pediatric mood disorders
Effects of a daily mixed nutritional supplement on physical performance, body composition, and circulating anabolic hormones during 8 weeks of arduous military …
Multidisciplinary care for people with chronic heart failure: Principles and recommendations for best practice
Current Resources for Evidence‐Based Practice, November/December, 2011
Cardiac and vascular structure and function parameters do not improve with alternate nightly home hemodialysis: an interventional cohort study
Dietary knowledge of and compliance with potassium restriction in maintenance hemodialysis patients
Pharmacological interventions and concepts of fast-track perioperative medical care for enhanced recovery programs
Factors influencing the mucosal immune response to exercise
Obesity: prevalence, theories, medical consequences, management, and research directions
Neural mechanisms of anorexia
Minnesota wrestling nutrition study.
An integrated review of the literature on demand feedings for preterm infants
Impact of prolonged high altitude exposure on plasma prolactin in men: effect of age and ethnicity
Effects of weight-cutting tactics on clinical concussion measures in Division One collegiate wrestlers
The metabolic response to stress: a case of complex nutrition support management
Articles appearing on AJKD ELECTRONIC PAGES are referred to by issue number, a colon, the letter E, and a number. Page references to Supplement 1 (January …
fluid and sodium balance during exercise in special populations
Management of heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction
Paraneoplastic syndromes secondary to neuroendocrine tumours
Current recommended parenteral protein intakes do not support protein synthesis in critically ill septic, insulin-resistant adolescents with tight glucose control
General principles of acute stroke management
Serum Sodium and Potassium in Newly Diagnosed Essential Hypertensives
Basic concept of clinical biochemistry
Health Capital and the Prenatal Environment: The Effect of Ramadan Observance During Pregnancy, Working Paper 2007-22
Implementing fast track in modern surgical practice: focus on colorectal surgery and nutritional aspects.
Postoperative urinary retention: anesthetic and perioperative considerations
Postthoracotomy surgical management and complications
The fluid balance of special populations
Mr. Tim Blakley Manager, Legislative & Regulatory Projects Unit Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Professions Regulatory Policy and Programs …
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carrying compound-201 as salvage therapy for severe neuro-and polytrauma (Injury Severity Score= 27–41)
Problem Solving in Clinical Endocrinology
Aspects of ERAS-care pathways within colo-rectal surgery
Pro–con debate: intravenous vs inhalation induction of anesthesia in children
Effect of maleimide-polyethylene glycol hemoglobin (MP4) on hemodynamics and acid-base status after uncontrolled hemorrhage in anesthetized swine: Comparison …
Belgian Society of Cardiology 30th Annual Scientifi c Meeting: 10th & 11th February, 2011 – SQUARE Brussels congress centre
Scientific opinion on dietary reference values for water
Lesson 251: PreAnesthetic Assessment of the Patient With a History Of Prolonged Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
ACC/AHA Heart Failure Clinical Data Standards
Section 1: Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Heart Failure Practice Guideline
Introduction to renal therapeutics
Disorders of the pleura and mediastinum
Principles of Obstetric Anesthesia
Fractionation of short and medium chain fatty acid ethyl esters from a blend of oils via ethanolysis and short‐path distillation
Perioperative nutrition and insulin resistance
The effects of early first oral water intake on thirsty feeling, nausea, and vomiting in child under ambulatory surgery
The incidence of heat related illness at a wrestling camp in Minnesota, summer 2006
Obstetric complications due to autoantibodies
Feeding behavior, obesity, and neuroeconomics
Interdialytic weight gain and intradialytic hypotension
Guidelines for the administration of enteral and parenteral nutrition in paediatrics
Lifestyle behaviors and illness related factors as predictors of recurrent headache in US adolescents
von Willebrand disease (VWD): evidence‐based diagnosis and management guidelines, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Expert Panel report …
Alcoholic liver disease
Guidelines in Emergency Medicine Network (GEMNet): guideline for the management of tricyclic antidepressant overdose
Relationship Between Self-Presentation, Body Image Satisfaction, and Body Change Strategies in Weight Class and Non-Weight Class Male Athletes
A mathematical model of glucose metabolism in hospitalized patients with diabetes and stress hyperglycemia
Outcomes of therapeutic modalities for intractable childhood epilepsy
Activity-based anorexia in rats: Role of the serotonergic system
The effects of pneumoperitoneum and fluid administration on renal perfusion
Guidelines for the detection and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
Peri-operative optimisation of patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery
2009 focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults: a report of the American College of …
Spectrum of Precipitating Factors of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis of Liver
Menstrual disorders in adolescent females: current concepts
The physiological demands of America’s Cup yacht racing
The prevalence and nutritional causes of hypoglycaemia in patients with end-stage renal failure (ESRF) on maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) at Kenyatta National …
Effects of dehydration on cerebral blood velocity and autoregulation during standing after heavy resistance exercise
Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Clinical Management of Cytotoxic Drug Overdoses in Companion Animals
2009 Focused update: ACCF/AHA guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults
Serum thyroid hormones in preterm infants and relationships to indices of severity of intercurrent illness
The effect of nutritionally adequate ketogenic diets consistent in protein, fiber and micronutrient content on seizures in EL/Suz mice
Gender differences in patients with hip fracture-aspects on care and recovery
Clinical protocols in obstetrics and gynecology
The utilisation of a new soccer match simulation that incorporates technical actions
Nondystrophic myotonias and periodic paralyses
Does Hydration Status Have An Effect on Wrestling Performance in High School Wrestlers?
A Study of Characteristics and Outcome of Cardio Renal Syndrome in Heart Failure
Cardiac function in women with preeclampsia
ACCF/AHA Practice Guideline: Focused Update
Glycaemic control during surgery in diabetic patients at Kenyatta National Hospital
Improving outcome of childhood bacterial meningitis by simplified treatment: Experience from Angola
Poloxamer 188 (P188) as an Adjunct in Prolonged Hypotensive Resuscitation
WHO guidelines for safe surgery 2009: safe surgery saves lives
Back and bed: ergonomic aspects of sleeping
Association between adherence to folic acid supplements and serum folate, and plasma homocysteine among hemodialysis patients
Development and in vivo testing of novel hydrochlorothiazide gastric retention formulations in healthy volunteers and stage I hypertensive patients
Menstrual disorders in adolescent females
Effect of hydration on salivary cortisol concentration during submaximal exercise in collegiate cross country runners
Postoperative management
Propofol-related infusion syndrome in critically ill pediatric patients: coincidence, association, or causation?
Logical observation identifiers names and codes (LOINC®) users’ guide
The characterisation of global haemostatic function during pregnancy and the puerperium using thromboelastography
Lifestyle behaviors and illness related factors as predictors of recurrent headache in US adolescents
The Effects of a Sports Energy Drink on Female Collegiate Hockey Players
Etiology of Late Onset Seizures
Early Glycaemic Status In Preterm Infants Admitted To Special Care Baby Unit In Omdurman Maternity Hospital
Brenner and Rector’s the Kidney
Association Between Adherence to Folic Acid Supplements and Serum Folate, and Plasma Homocysteine Among Hemodial…
Cardiovascular toxicity of molecularly targeted agents
The effects of glycerol ingestion on body water distribution and exercise performance
Lithium-thermal double indicator dilution: a new method of extravascular lung water measurement in the critically ill?
For Health Officers
Nutritional status of college female runners
Molecular patology of porphyrias
Complicaciones respiratorias postoperatorias
Guidelines for the management of hypertension
The Effectiveness of Modified Fat Breast Milk for the Treatment of Chyothorax in Infants Following Cardiothoracic Surgery
WHO guidelines for safe surgery 2009
Prevalence of renal impairment and its association with cardiovascular risk factors in a general population: results of the Swiss SAPALDIA study
Anesthesia for Pediatric Trauma
21) or glucagon stimulation test (n= 4) prior to pregnancy was
Recommendations for stroke management 2006 update
Screening and identification of dehydration in older people admitted to a geriatric and rehabilitation unit
Gastro-duodenal motility & nutrition in the critically ill.
Cancer Localization in the Prostate with F-18 Fluorocholine Position Emission Tomography
Nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and practices of high school coaches: implications for nutrition education
Fibre fortification of long term care diets
Peri-operative Medicine & Anaesthesia
To market, to market—2009
Sports-related injury, risk and pain: the experiences of English female university athletes
An exploratory study of the psychosocial effects of stress urinary incontinence and coping strategies among military women
Serious childhood problems in countries with limited resources
Current clinical strategies
Evaluating the effectiveness of parenteral nutrition education for physicians in a tertiary care hospital
Perioperative Care for Thoracic Neoplasms in Acute Cancer Medicine
Report And Recommendations
Physiotherapy for Cystic Fibrosis in Australia: A Consensus Statement
Immediate care of the wounded
Nutrition practices of renal dietitians in hemodialysis centers throughout the United States
Defining recovery in Anorexia Nervosa-The importance of concept clarification
Lactate threshold as determined by continuous ramp versus constant resistance exercise tests
Effectiveness of a web-based nutrition education program to reduce cardiovascular disease risk among US army personnel and their families (“Defend Your …
Rib stress fractures in elite rowers
Guidelines for Complications of Cancer Treatment
Belgian Society of Cardiology 26th annual scientific meeting
Minimising undernutrition in the older inpatient
Pharmaceutical Care in PET Imaging: Emphasis on [18 F] FDG Imaging
California State University, Monterey Bay Student-Athlete Handbook: action thesis…
Bilateral hydrothorax and hydromediastinum after a subclavian line insertion
Effect of protein and creatine supplementation during resistance training on muscle mass, strength, and muscle protein degradation in older males
Myocardial Function/Heart Failure—Basic/Molecular; Myocardial Function/Heart Failure–Clinical Pharmacological Treatment
Inflammatory responses to intravenous fish oil, soybean oil and medium-chain triglyceride fat emulsions in young children before and after open-heart surgery …
Perioperative stress in dogs undergoing elective surgery: evaluation of the Dog Appeasing Pheromone (DAP) for the control of behavioural, neuroendocrine …
Saudi guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Committee 23
Prealbumin and C-reactive protein in monitoring nutrition support
Southern Regional Meeting Abstracts
Disordered eating, antifat attitudes, and barriers to treatment in college women from urban and rural areas
Understanding the adoption of self-management behavior based on patients’ stage of change profiles in chronically ill populations
President’s Plenary Session
Optimizing physical performance during fasting and dietary restriction : implications for athletes and sports medicine
Ramadan fasting and patients with renal diseases: A mini review of the literature
Preparative fasting for contrast-enhanced CT: reconsideration
Effect of Ramadan fasting on urinary risk factors for calculus formation
Effect of religious fasting on tear osmolarity and ocular surface
Effect of fasting on renal physiology
Does fluid restriction affect the image quality of skeletal scintigraphy?
Perioperative fluid restriction in major abdominal surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, clinical trials
Nutrition, energy intake-output, exercise, and fluid homeostasis during fasting in Ramadan
Effects of Ramadan fasting on male judokas’ performances in specific and non-specific judo tasks
Randomized clinical trial of goal-directed fluid therapy within an enhanced recovery protocol for elective colectomy
Favorable changes in lipid profile: the effects of fasting after Ramadan
An evaluation of enteral nutrition practices and nutritional provision in children during the entire length of stay in critical care
Islamic fasting and weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Ramadan fasting in health and disease
Perioperative fluid restriction
Effects of Length of Time of fasting upon Subjective and Objective Variables When Controlling Sleep, Food and fluid Intakes
Impact of maternal fasting during Ramadan on fetal Doppler parameters, maternal lipid levels and neonatal outcomes
Preoperative fasting guidelines and their importance for children’s health
Management of Muslim dental patient while fasting
Impact of restrictive intravenous fluid replacement and combined epidural analgesia on perioperative volume balance and renal function within a Fast Track program
Hydration and fluid restriction in Athletes
Miscellaneous Medical Issues during Dietary and fluid restriction
Managing patients with diabetes during fasting times
The effect of maternal fasting during Ramadan on preterm delivery: a prospective cohort study
Issue 252 Ketogenic diet for epilepsy
Effect of maternal fasting for religious beliefs on fetal sonographic findings and neonatal outcomes
Effect of acute mild dehydration on cognitive-motor performance in golf
The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on athletic performance: recommendations for the maintenance of physical fitness
Recommendations for fasting in Ramadan for patients on peritoneal dialysis
fluid and electrolyte balance during 24-hour fluid and/or energy restriction
Systematic review and meta-analysis of oesophageal Doppler-guided fluid management in colorectal surgery
Effects of Ramadan fasting on training induced adaptations to a seven-week high-intensity interval exercise programme
Restricted intravenous fluid regimen reduces the rate of postoperative complications and alters immunological activity of elderly patients operated for abdominal …
Hydration and performance during Ramadan
Does ramadan fasting adversely affect cognitive function in young females?
Adoption of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) strategies for colorectal surgery at academic teaching hospitals and impact on total length of hospital stay
The effect of Ramadan fasting on lipid profile in pregnant women
Impact of religious Ramadan fasting on cardiovascular disease: a systematic review of the literature
Effect Of Ramadan fasting On Renal Function Markers In Healthy Adults From Aurangabad.
Implications of Ramadan intermittent fasting on maternal and fetal health and nutritional status: A review
fluid management and goal-directed therapy as an adjunct to Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Contemporary nutrition approaches to optimize elite marathon performance.
Fast-track improves post-operative nutrition and outcomes of colorectal surgery: a single-center prospective trial in China
The effect of time-of-day and Ramadan fasting on anaerobic performances
Effects of fed-versus fasted-state aerobic training during Ramadan on body composition and some metabolic parameters in physically active men
The effect of fasting on the immune system of athletes during holly Ramadan
Liver disease and malnutrition
Weight-making strategies in professional jockeys: implications for physical and mental health and well-being
Effect of hydration status and fluid availability on ad-libitum energy intake of a semi-solid breakfast
Exercise responses and training during daytime fasting in the month of Ramadan and its impact on training-induced adaptations
Effect of ramadan fasting on renal function markers and serum electrolytes after a rugby sevens match
Effects of perioperative fasting on haemodynamics and intravascular volumes
The Effect of Ramadan fasting on Multiple Sclerosis.
Mouth rinsing improves cycling endurance performance during Ramadan fasting in a hot humid environment
Does religious fasting increase fat free mass (FFM) and reduce abdominal obesity?
The effects of Ramadan fasting on endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Ramadan: what it means for general practice
Preoperative management of surgical patients by “shortened fasting time”: a study on the amount of total body water by multi-frequency impedance method
The effect of excess fluid balance on the mortality rate of surgical patients: a multicenter prospective study
Electroglottography in fasting subjects
fluid and electrolyte balance during dietary restriction
Assessment of preoperative fasting time in elective general surgery
Ramadan fasting and competitive sports: Psychological adaptation within socio-cultural context
Evaluating effects of pre-operative hydration on clinical outcome of patients undergoing orthopedic surgery
P13-3 ECMO in organ failure: a step too far?
Perioperative enhanced recovery programmes for gynaecological cancer patients
Is fast track rehabilitation already standard in gastrointestinal surgery?
The effects of intermittent fasting during the month of Ramadan in chronic haemodialysis patients in a tropical climate country
The effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 on the secretion of cholecystokinin and gastrin in patients with type-1 diabetes and healthy subjects
fasting consequences during Ramadan on lipid profile and dietary patterns
Evidence for a role of endogenous nesfatin‐1 in the control of water drinking
The Effect of Weight‐based Volume Loading on the Inferior Vena Cava in fasting Subjects: A Prospective Randomized Double‐blinded Trial
An ad libitum meal provided with or without fluid and either euhydrated or hypohydrated does not affect food intake
Effect of fed-versus fasted state resistance training during Ramadan on body composition and selected metabolic parameters in bodybuilders
A review of Ramadan fasting and diabetes mellitus: Controversies regarding the effects of Ramadan fasting on diabetic patients
Surveying the dietary diversity of fasting individuals in qom in Ramadan
Ketogenic diet for infantile spasms refractory to first-line treatments: an open prospective study
Recommended guideline for designing and interpreting of Ramadan fasting studies in medical research
The influence of hydration status during prolonged endurance exercise on salivary antimicrobial proteins
Comprehensive Evaluation of dehydration impact on ocular tissue during Ramadan fasting
Medium-chain triglyceride ketogenic diet, an effective treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy and a comparison with other ketogenic diets
Indirect calorimetry reveals that better monitoring of nutrition therapy in pediatric intensive care is needed
South Asian consensus statement on women’s health and Ramadan
Enhanced recovery pathways in gynecologic oncology
Surveying the Dietary Diversity of fasting Individuals in Qom in Ramadan
fasting of mice: a review
What are the factors that influence the attainment of satisfactory energy intake in pediatric intensive care unit patients receiving enteral or parenteral nutrition?
Guidance on water intake effectively improves urinary frequency in patients with nocturia
Does Ramadan fasting affect the diurnal variations in metabolic responses and total antioxidant capacity during exercise in young soccer players?
fasting Status of Pregnant Women During Ramadan
Effects of Ramadan fasting on serum immunoglobulin G and M, and salivary immunoglobulin A concentrations
Extravascular lung water and tissue perfusion biomarkers after lung resection surgery under a normovolemic fluid protocol
Injury rates in professional soccer players during Ramadan
Management of patients during hunger strike and refeeding phase
Intraoperative fluid management
Laparoscopy in the era of enhanced recovery
Perioperative care in colorectal surgery–A survey of anaesthetists
Nutrition assessment and management in advanced liver disease
Incomplete reporting of enhanced recovery elements and its impact on achieving quality improvement
Effect of yoga exercises on the body composition of fasting females
Intraoperative fluid s: how much is too much?
Randomized, double blinded, placebo‐controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tolvaptan in Chinese patients with hyponatremia caused by SIADH
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in patients undergoing colorectal surgeries
Nutrition in Cirrhosis
Ramadan fasting and sport performance
Perioperative fluid administration: historical highlights and implications for practice
Perioperative fluid therapy
Intraoperative fluid management in open gastrointestinal surgery: goal-directed versus restrictive
Goal-directed therapy in intraoperative fluid and hemodynamic management
Successful implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery program shortens length of stay and improves postoperative pain, and bowel and bladder …
Delivery of enteral nutrition after the introduction of practice guidelines and participation of dietitians in pediatric critical care clinical teams
Glut1 deficiency syndrome and novel ketogenic diets
The Goldilocks Conundrum for Optimal Macronutrient Delivery in the PICU—Too Much, Too Little, or Just Right?
Fast-track surgery: A new concept of perioperative management of surgical patients
Catch-up growth after long-term implementation and weaning from ketogenic diet in pediatric epileptic patients
Effects of ramadan fasting on cardiovascular and biochemical parameters
Body fluid Management in Abdominal Surgery Patients
Effect of fasting in R amadan on body composition and nutritional intake: a prospective study
Exercise performance and recovery of Muslim endurance athletes during Ramadan fasting
Small bowel capsule endoscopy: Where are we after almost 15 years of use?
The effect of endurance training accompanied by Ramadan fasting on lipid profiles and body composition in men
Case: near-drowning
Efficacy and tolerance of urea compared with vaptans for long-term treatment of patients with SIADH
Optimal treatment of hyponatremia in clinical practice
Effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on body composition and neuromuscular performance in young athletes: a pilot study
Comparison of fast track protocol and standard care in patients undergoing elective open colorectal resection: a meta-analysis update
Glycemic modulation in neuro-oncology: experience and future directions using a modified Atkins diet for high-grade brain tumors
Circadian variation and responsiveness of hydration biomarkers to changes in daily water intake
The development of fast‐track principles in gynecological surgery
The effects of Ramadan fasting and physical activity on body composition and hematological biochemical parameters
The Risk Probability of fasting Ramadan for Patients with CABG
Unique and shared responses of the gut microbiota to prolonged fasting : a comparative study across five classes of vertebrate hosts
Is bowel preparation for excretory urography necessary?
Rapid weight loss and the body fluid balance and hemoglobin mass of elite amateur boxers
Enteral hydration prior to surgery: the benefits are clear
The relationship of perioperative fluid administration to outcomes in colorectal and pancreatic surgery: a review of the literature
Anesthesia for fetal surgery
Nutrition and End Stage Liver Disease
Assessment of extracellular dehydration using saliva osmolality
Perioperative solutions for rapid recovery joint arthroplasty: get ahead and stay ahead
Límites” seguros” de saturación de oxígeno en prematuros extremos:¿ hemos llegado a una respuesta defnitiva?
Are guidelines for ‘PONV alone’suffi-cient!(2014) J Anesth Surg 1 (1): 1-2
Vulnerable road users are at greater risk during ramadan–results from road traffic surveillance data.
fluid Management in Thoracic Surgery
Elite athletes in aesthetic and Olympic weight-class sports and the challenge of weight and body composition
Effect of electrolyte addition to rehydration drinks consumed after severe fluid and energy restriction
Dietary therapies for childhood epilepsy
Achieving optimum sports performance during Ramadan: some practical recommendations
A copeptin-based classification of the osmoregulatory defects in the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
Reexamining Traditional Intraoperative fluid Administration: Evolving Views in the Age of Goal-Directed Therapy.
ERAS (Enhanced Recovery after Surgery) in colorectal surgery
Sodium restriction in heart failure: benefit or harm?
Oedema is associated with clinical outcome following emergency abdominal surgery
Changes in Subjective and Objective Measures of Performance in Ramadan
E‐mail management of the modified Atkins diet for adults with epilepsy is feasible and effective
The effect of Ramadan fasting on the diurnal variations in aerobic and anaerobic performances in Tunisian youth soccer players
Diseños adaptables en investigación
New perioperative fluid and pharmacologic management protocol results in reduced blood loss, faster return of bowel function, and overall recovery
Liberal or restricted fluid administration: are we ready for a proposal of a restricted intraoperative approach?
A UK and Irish survey of enteral nutrition practices in paediatric intensive care units
Which goal for fluid therapy during colorectal surgery is followed by the best outcome: near-maximal stroke volume or zero fluid balance?
Perioperative Metabolic Care of the Term and Preterm Infant
Enhanced recovery after surgery program for elective abdominal surgery at three Victorian hospitals
Effect of resistance training during Ramadan on body composition and markers of renal function, metabolism, inflammation, and immunity in recreational bodybuilders
Ramadan fasting and digestive disorders: SEPAHAN systematic review No. 7
Scientifically based strategies for enteral feeding in premature infants
Fast-track surgery: procedure-specific aspects and future direction
Dietary treatments and new therapeutic perspective in GLUT1 deficiency syndrome
The Australian approach to peri-operative fluid balance
224 aEEG and NIRS During Transition after Birth
Severe hyponatremia as the initial sign preceding Guillain—Barré syndrome: a case report
Special Article The Rise and Fall of the Third Space Appropriate Intraoperative fluid Management
Effects of a competitive wrestling season on body composition, endocrine markers, and anaerobic exercise performance in NCAA collegiate wrestlers
Improving nutrition and hydration in hospital: the nurse’s responsibility
fluid and electrolyte problems in renal dysfunction
The Effects of Ramadan fasting and Physical Activity on Body Composition and Hematological-Biochemical Parameters
Efficacy of dietary therapy for juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Enhanced recovery program in colorectal surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Acute intermittent porphyria: fatal complications of treatment
Hypertonic saline for perioperative fluid management
Comparing the Bbs10 complete knockout phenotype with a specific renal epithelial knockout one highlights the link between renal defects and systemic …
Clinico-aetiological profile of hyponatremia in adults
Fast-track surgery improves postoperative clinical recovery and reduces postoperative insulin resistance after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer
Nutrition and the Liver Transplant Patient
Hypohydration and Glucose Regulation in Adult Males with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Hyponatraemia in patients with multiple myeloma
Histiocytosis X revealed by diabetes insipidus and skin lesions
fluid management in thoracic surgery
Clinical assessment of fluid balance is incomplete for colorectal surgical patients
Changes in left atrial appendage dimensions following volume loading during percutaneous left atrial appendage closure
Does Ramadan affect the risk of injury in professional football?
Facilitating early recovery of bowel motility after colorectal surgery: a systematic review
Clinical outcome before and after the implementation of the ACERTO protocol
Upper gastrointestinal issues in athletes
Effect of chronic restraint stress on immune status of male Sprague Dawley rats
Cardiac Patients, Nutritional Intervention for
Ramadan and Type 2 Diabetes in Bangladesh
National Liver Conference 2015 Nutrition in Health and Liver Disease
The management of acute hyperkalaemia in neonates and children
The effect of Ramadan intermittent fasting on dynamic postural control in judo athletes
Nutrition in the PICU
Unmasking of undiagnosed pre-existing central diabetes insipidus after renal transplantation
fluid Management and Blood Transfusion
Ramadan fasting effects on metabolic parameters in elderly persons with cardiovascular risk factors
Heart Failure.
Neonatal hypoglycemia
The effect of hydration status on appetite and energy intake
Long-term monitoring of the ketogenic diet: Do’s and Don’ts
Prealbumin as a serum biomarker of impaired perioperative nutritional status and risk for surgical site infection after spine surgery
The challenge of rapid weight loss prior to competition for Muslim combat sport athletes during Ramadan
Reduced length of hospital stay in colorectal surgery after implementation of an enhanced recovery protocol
Lithium: One drug, two case reports, multiple side effects
Fast-track surgery improves postoperative clinical recovery and immunity after elective surgery for colorectal carcinoma: randomized controlled clinical trial
Long-term follow-up of children treated with the modified Atkins diet
The safety of a “fast-track” program after laparoscopic colorectal surgery is comparable in older patients as in younger patients
Review of tolvaptan’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and drug interactions
Energy intake, dietary pattern and physical activity during Ramadan
The Influence Of Modeling Participant On Self-Care Ability In Schizophrenic Clients With Self-Care Deficit at Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Mental Hospital Lawang
Gastric band: Cost effective?
Hypoglicemia almost kills—Review of a case
The effect of rate of weight reduction on serum myostatin and follistatin concentrations in competitive wrestlers
Perioperative fluid Management in Enhanced Recovery
The effectiveness of Ramadan focused education on awareness and glycemic control of diabetic Muslims (type 2 diabetes) during Ramadan fasting
Systemic hydration: relating science to clinical practice in vocal health
fluid and electrolyte balance in children
fluid management in living donor hepatectomy: Recent issues and perspectives
Subclinical atherosclerosis and impaired bone health in patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome: prevalence, clinical and laboratory associations
Renal diseases and Ramadan: A review of the literature
The ketogenic diet in infants–advantages of early use
The ketogenic diet and other dietary treatments for refractory epilepsy in children
Use of the Ketogenic Diet in Adults
Subjective thirst moderates changes in speed of responding associated with water consumption
Non-invasive estimation of hydration status changes through tear fluid osmolarity during exercise and post-exercise rehydration
Errors in dual energy x-ray absorptiometry estimation of body composition induced by hypohydration
Short-term outcomes of laparoscopy combined with enhanced recovery pathway after ileocecal resection for Crohn’s disease: a case-matched analysis
Impact of Ramadan on clinical and microbiologic parameters of patients seen at a diarrheal hospital in urban Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1996–2012
Nutrition in the hospitalized patient
Alcoholic metabolic emergencies
A randomized placebo controlled trial of preoperative carbohydrate drinks and early postoperative nutritional supplement drinks in colorectal surgery
Ringer’s lactate, but not hydroxyethyl starch, prolongs the food intolerance time after major abdominal surgery; an open-labelled clinical trial
Goal-directed therapy in cardiac surgery: are we there yet?
The Muslim football player and Ramadan: Current challenges
Short term efficacy and safety of low dose tolvaptan in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with hyponatremia: a prospective observational pilot …
Early rehabilitation after surgery program versus conventional care during perioperative period in patients undergoing laparoscopic assisted total gastrectomy
French guidelines for enhanced recovery after elective colorectal surgery
Supplemental intravenous crystalloids for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting: quantitative review
Fast-track surgery: Toward comprehensive peri-operative care
Evaluation of stroke volume variation obtained by the FloTrac™/Vigileo™ system to guide preoperative fluid therapy in patients undergoing brain surgery
Perioperative fluid s: An Evidence-Based Review
Management of ascites in children
New 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 does not increase blood loss during major abdominal surgery—A randomized, controlled trial
Intraoperative fluid management and bariatric surgery
Postoperative ileus: prevention and treatment
Inter-device differences in monitoring for goal-directed fluid therapy
Enhanced recovery pathways in gynecology and gynecologic oncology
Enhanced recovery in gynecologic surgery
fluid management in abdominal surgery: what, when, and when not to administer
Nutrition for sports performance: issues and opportunities
Restrictive deferred hydration combined with preemptive norepinephrine infusion during radical cystectomy reduces postoperative complications and hospitalization …
Nutrition as a Part of Therapy in the Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis
Early provision of mother’s own milk and other predictors of successful breast milk feeding after very preterm birth: a regional observational study
Volume overload correlates with cardiovascular risk factors in patients with chronic kidney disease
Preparation for competition
Ketotic hypercalcemia: a case series and description of a novel entity
The incidence of hyponatraemia and its effect on the ECOG performance status among lung cancer patients
Zolpidem induced hyponatremia: a case report
Association between retinal arteriolar and venule calibre with prevalent heart failure: a cross-sectional study
Endocrine manifestations of malignancy
Practical Issues in the Feeding of VLBW Infants
Use of a concentrated enteral nutrition solution to increase calorie delivery to critically ill patients: a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial
Acute and chronic effects of hydration status on health
An aggregate urine analysis tool to detect acute dehydration
Guidelines for perioperative haemodynamic optimization Stratégie du remplissage vasculaire périopératoire
Oral nutrition or water loading before hip replacement surgery; a randomized clinical trial
Hydration biomarkers in free-living adults with different levels of habitual fluid consumption
Perioperative fluid therapy: a statement from the international fluid Optimization Group
Total sleep time in Muslim football players is reduced during Ramadan: a pilot study on the standardized assessment of subjective sleep–wake patterns in athletes
The principles of paediatric anaesthesia
Perioperative fluid infusion and its influence on anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer surgery: implications for prevention strategies
State-of-the-art fluid management in the operating room
Assessment of thermal dehydration using the human eye: What is the potential?
Cardiovascular disease in peritoneal dialysis: A review
Energy balance in taekwondo athletes during pre-competition
Effects of dehydration on cerebrovascular control during standing after heavy resistance exercise
The use of a specialised amino acid mixture for pressure ulcers: a placebo-controlled trial
Goal-directed fluid optimization using plethysmography variability index in laparoscopic bariatric obese patients: is it the answer?
Management of Acute and Late Endocrine Effects Following Childhood Cancer Treatment
Nutrition support among critically ill children with AKI
Anthropometry and body composition status during Ramadan among higher institution learning centre staffs with different body weight status
Two limbic encephalitis cases with potassium channel antibodies
The relevance of hyponatraemia to perioperative care of surgical patients
Perioperative Care for Patients Undergoing Major Pelvic Operations
Is epidural anaesthesia mandatory in fast-track surgery for elective colorectal resections?
Survey of paediatric intravenous fluid prescription: Are we safe in what we know and what we do?
Major barriers responsible for malnutrition in hemodialysis patients: challenges to optimal nutrition
Nutrition therapy in the critically ill child
Stress, abdominal obesity and intrarenal resistive index in essential hypertension
Acute porphyria in an intensive care unit
A stepwise enteral nutrition algorithm for critically ill children helps achieve nutrient delivery goals
Examining the Nourishment Status of Employees of One of the Military Universities of Tehran in the Month of Ramadan
Various indications for a modified Atkins diet in intractable childhood epilepsy
Wolfram syndrome with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism: case report
Early rehabilitation programs after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: evidence and criticism
Optimal patient pathways for hip and knee arthroplasties: Use of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery principles-2013
Is polyuria related to severity of disease in schizophrenic patients? A short communication
Perioperative fluid therapy in neurosurgery: Effects on circulatory and haemostatic variables
Oxytocin decreases sweet taste sensitivity in mice
Ketogenic dietary therapy for epilepsy and other disorders: current perspectives
Malnutrition in liver cirrhosis: the influence of protein and sodium
Development of an enhanced recovery after surgery guideline and implementation strategy based on the knowledge-to-action cycle
Systematic review of the efficacy and tolerability of clozapine in the treatment of youth with early onset schizophrenia
fluid balance in patients with acute kidney injury: emerging concepts
Perioperative management of diabetic patients: new controversies
Outpatient colectomy within an enhanced recovery program
Surgical fluid Management
Comparison of two maintenance electrolyte solutions in children in the postoperative appendectomy period: a randomized, controlled trial
Management and complications of stomas
Effect of fasting ramadan in diabetes control status-application of extensive diabetes education, serum creatinine with HbA1c statistical ANOVA and regression models …
American association of clinical endocrinologists and american college of endocrinology disease state clinical review: postoperative management following pituitary …
Value of scintigraphy for assessing delayed gastric emptying after pancreatic surgery
An unusual association of Ménétrier’s disease with a gastric bezoar
Troponin I release after intravenous treatment with high furosemide doses plus hypertonic saline solution in decompensated heart failure trial (Tra-HSS-Fur)
Duloxetine-induced hyponatremia in the elderly
Hypervolemia increases release of atrial natriuretic peptide and shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx
A snapshot of the latest heart failure guidelines
Forensic aspects of water intoxication: four case reports and review of relevant literature
Pleth variability index predicts fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated adults during general anesthesia for noncardiac surgery
Pleth variability index-directed fluid management in abdominal surgery under combined general and epidural anesthesia
Evaluation of an enhanced recovery program for elective open colorectal cancer surgery
Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Perioperative fluid and electrolyte management in cardiac surgery: a review
Critical nutritional aspects in intensive care patients
Prevalence and correlates of metabolic acidosis among patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
The effects of postexercise feeding on saliva antimicrobial proteins.
The efficacy and safety of lixivaptan in outpatients with heart failure and volume overload: results of a multicentre, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled …
Managing diabetes in dialysis patients
The effects of intensive training on selected sex hormones in young wrestlers
Influence of Sahour Meal on Exercise Performance and Physiological Responses in Well-trained Muslim Runners during Ramadan
Elite male Flat jockeys display lower bone density and lower resting metabolic rate than their female counterparts: implications for athlete welfare
Hydration assessment using the cardiovascular response to standing
Does religion affect economic growth and happiness? Evidence from Ramadan
Enhanced recovery after surgery guideline
Rapid weight-loss impairs simulated riding performance and strength in jockeys: implications for making-weight
Effect of intravenous fluid therapy on postoperative vomiting in children undergoing tonsillectomy
Inhibition of the mTORC pathway in the antiphospholipid syndrome
Carnitine, nutritional supplementation and discontinuation of ketogenic diet therapies
Anesthesia and sedation outside of the operating room
Enteral nutrition for adults in the hospital setting
The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone in patients with brucellosis
Flexible endoscopic single-incision extraperitoneal implant and fixation of peritoneal dialysis catheter: proof of concept in the porcine model
Salt in health and disease—a delicate balance
Preoperative insulin resistance reduces complications after hip replacement surgery in non-diabetic patients
Update on management of patients with overt hepatic encephalopathy
Case 21: Colectomy
Renal function changes and seasonal temperature in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
The maintenance and monitoring of perioperative blood volume
Guiding principles of fluid and volume therapy
Stroke volume optimization after anaesthetic induction: An open randomized controlled trial comparing 0.9% NaCl versus 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4
Do small differences in hydration status affect mood and mental performance?
Effects of tap water, electrolyte solution, and spontaneous and furosemide-stimulated urinary excretion on thirst
Dilutional hyponatremia in a community hospital setting: Case report
A new simplified volume-loaded heterotopic rabbit heart transplant model with improved techniques and a standard operating procedure
Hydration, fluid regulation and the eye: in health and disease
Diagnostic accuracy of calculated serum osmolarity to predict dehydration in older people: adding value to pathology laboratory reports
The Energetics of Amateur Boxing
An evidence‐based approach to perioperative nutrition support in the elective surgery patient
Parenteral nutrition: risks, complications, and management
Physiology of wrestlersdehydration
Comparison of three fluid regimens for preloading in elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia
Prevention and treatment of necrotising enterocolitis in preterm neonates
Effects of cold and hot temperature on dehydration: a mechanism of cardiovascular burden
Preoperative Care of diabetes Mellitus Patients.
Excretory Urography in Animals: a Review
Steps to consider in the approach and management of critically ill patient with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
To weigh or not to weigh? Relation to disordered eating attitudes and behaviors amongst female collegiate athletes
Does increasing active warm-up duration affect afternoon short-term maximal performance during Ramadan?
Neurobiochemical mechanisms of a ketogenic diet in refractory epilepsy
Improving the care of diabetic patients on peritoneal dialysis
Impact of a goal-directed therapy protocol on postoperative fluid balance in patients undergoing liver transplantation: a retrospective study
Body mass management of lightweight rowers: nutritional strategies and performance implications
Medical nutrition therapy for the critically ill
Twenty-four-hour urine osmolality as a physiological index of adequate water intake
Special Issues in Pediatric Neurocritical Care After Neurosurgery
Long‐term effects of metformin on endothelial function in type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial
Nutrition Support in Surgical Patients
Fast-track for the modern colorectal department
fluid and electrolyte management
Spiritual aspects of meat and nutritional security: Perspectives and responsibilities of the Abrahamic faiths
Nutrition for recovery after training and competition
Paediatric anaesthesia: an overview
The role of the paediatric team in the management of young people with severe AN
You are allowed to be afraid!: Experiences From The Courses Arranged By Finnish Diabetes Association
The Role of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Rectal Cancer
Hepatic encephalopathy: early diagnosis in pediatric patients with cirrhosis
Effects of a restrictive fluid regimen in pediatric patients undergoing major abdominal surgery
Elevated total homocysteine levels in acute ischemic stroke are associated with long-term mortality
Nutritional Requirements and Support in Liver Disease
Effect of daily mixed nutritional supplementation on immune indices in soldiers undertaking an 8-week arduous training programme
Nutritional management in necrotising enterocolitis
Optimal nutrition for acute rehabilitation in the PICU
Anaesthetic perioperative management of patients with pancreatic cancer
Eating disorders in children and adolescents: state of the art review
Superior vena cava syndrome: anaesthesia for renal access
Self-assessment questionnaire: SAQs and answers are ONLINE for RCP fellows and collegiate members
CME Endocrinology SAQs (80447): Self-assessment questionnaire
Initiating an enhanced recovery pathway program: an anesthesiology department’s perspective
Bioimpedance spectroscopy for assessment of volume status in patients before and after general anaesthesia
Nutritional requirements in acute kidney injury
Preoperative optimisation in major cancer surgery: Emerging trends
Hormone Therapy to Improve Growth in Infants with Chronic Kidney Disease
Nutrition in the neurocritical care unit
Nutrition and pressure ulcers
Enhanced recovery pathways for major abdominal surgery
What Is “Masked Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone?” Is It an “Isonatremic Syndrome?”
Effects of three hydrogen-rich liquids on hemorrhagic shock in rats
Fast track surgery vs. conventional management in the perioperative care of retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy
Fast-track surgery in gynaecology and gynaecologic oncology: a review of a rolling clinical audit
Ketogenic diet in childhood epilepsy: case report and review of literature
ls There an Alternative Way of Treating Drug Resistant Epilepsy? The Effects of the Ketogenic Diet in Children with Intractable Epilepsy
Efficacy of full-fat milk and diluted lemon juice in reducing infra-cardiac activity of 99mTc sestamibi during myocardial perfusion imaging : cardiovascular topics
Cardiac compression of lung lower lobes after coronary artery bypass graft with cardiopulmonary bypass
Anesthetic management for resection of bilateral pulmonary artery sarcoma
Factors leading to discrepancies between prescription and intake of enteral nutrition therapy in hospitalized patients
Characterization of eating patterns among individuals with eating disorders: what is the state of the plate?
Enhanced recovery after vascular surgery: protocol for a systematic review
Effect of hyperosmolar sodium lactate infusion on haemodynamic status and fluid balance compared with hydroxyethyl starch 6% during the cardiac surgery
Treatment of hypertension in diabetes: what is the best therapeutic option?
Intestinal failure in gastrointestinal fistula patients
fluid and electrolyte balance in children
The principles and conduct of anaesthesia for emergency surgery
The gut in older patients on peritoneal dialysis
Risk factors for urinary stones in healthy schoolchildren with and without a family history of nephrolithiasis
Acute symptomatic seizures and systemic illness
Effects of rapid weight loss and regain on body composition and energy expenditure
Canadian Association of Radiologists consensus guidelines for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: update 2012
Case Studies in Enhanced Recovery and Improved Patient Outcomes
Intensive Care of the Neurointerventional Patient
Basic Principles of Robotic Surgery
Low doses of esmolol and phenylephrine act as diuretics during intravenous anesthesia
The effect of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia versus general anesthesia on the recovery time of intestinal function in young infants undergoing intestinal surgery …
fluid balance and dehydration in the young athlete: assessment considerations and effects on health and performance
fluid and electrolyte balance in children
Management of diabetes associated with nephrotic syndrome: therapeutic potential of dapagliflozin for protracted volume retention
Perioperative lung protection strategies in cardiothoracic anesthesia: are they useful?
Mechanisms of ketogenic diet action
Implications of Intermittent fasting on Placental Function
The effect of fluid overload in the presence of an epidural on the strength of colonic anastomoses
How to perform indexing of extravascular lung water: a validation study
Circulating levels of human salusin-β, a potent hemodynamic and atherogenesis regulator
The role of glucose modulation and dietary supplementation in patients with central nervous system tumors
Guidelines for perioperative care for pancreaticoduodenectomy: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations
Osmolality and respiratory regulation in humans: respiratory compensation for hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis is absent after infusion of hypertonic saline in …
Effects of grape powder supplementation on inflammatory and antioxidant markers in hemodialysis patients: A randomized double-blind study
Standardization of care: impact of an enhanced recovery protocol on length of stay, complications, and direct costs after colorectal surgery
Changes in body composition, hematologic parameters, and serum biochemistry after rapid intravenous infusion or oral intake of 2 liters of 0.9% saline solution in …
Peri-operative fluid Optimization
Discharge Counseling for Patients with Heart Failure or Myocardial Infarction: A Best Practices Model Developed by Members of the American College of Clinical …
Randomized clinical trial of perioperative nerve block and continuous local anaesthetic infiltration via wound catheter versus epidural analgesia in open liver …
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols for open hepatectomy—physiology, immunomodulation, and implementation
Enhanced Recovery
Safety of fast-track rehabilitation after gastrointestinal surgery: Systematic review and meta-analysis
fluid and electrolyte overload in critically ill patients: an overview
Maternal functional hemodynamics in the second half of pregnancy: a longitudinal study
Glycaemic control impact on renal endpoints in diabetic patients on haemodialysis
Operator-related risk factors of anastomotic leaks after colorectal surgery: an up-to-date
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of famotidine and ranitidine in critically ill children
Réhabilitation rapide après une chirurgie colorectale programmée
Differentiation of benign from malignant induced ascites by measuring gallbladder wall thickness
The need for evidence based nutritional guidelines for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients: acute and long-term following treatment
Impact of patient selection on outcomes of PDA in very low birth weight infants
Neonatal and pediatric parenteral nutrition
Fast-track surgery in intestinal deep infiltrating endometriosis
The clinical biochemistry of anorexia nervosa
Effect of Dehydration on Golf Related Performance
I. Minimal invasive cardiac output monitoring: get the dose of fluid right
Nutrition management of the critically ill pediatric patient: Minimizing barriers to optimal nutrition support
Maintaining adequate hydration and nutrition in adult enteral tube feeding
Hemodynamic Optimization in the Perioperative Period: General Guidelines and a Comparison of Personalized Strategies
Instability of glucose values in very preterm babies at term postmenstrual age
Clinical Approaches of Emergencies in Neuroendocrine Tumors
Nutrition in chronic liver disease
2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart …
Postoperative splanchnic blood flow redistribution in response to fluid challenges in the presence and absence of endotoxemia in a porcine model
Breastfeeding in women with severe preeclampsia
The Physiological effect of intermittent fasting (fasting the month of Ramadan) on anthropometerics and blood varaibles
fluid therapy: double-edged sword during critical care?
Understanding Hypertension in Patients on Hemodialysis.
Novel autosomal recessive gene mutations in aquaporin-2 in two Chinese congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus pedigrees
Galactosaemia: diagnosis, management and long-term outcome
Dehydration and rehydration
The Common Allergic Mechanism of Rhinitis and Asthma
Cafedrine/theodrenaline in anaesthesia
Gastrointestinal motility disorders in patients with anorexia nervosa–a reviewof the literature
Does coffee affect the duration of postoperative ileus following elective laparoscopic colectomy? A randomized prospective single-center study
Sports nutrition
Enhanced recovery after surgery for pelvic cancer
Optimizing perioperative hemodynamics: what is new?
Heart-focused anxiety as a predictor of cardiac rehabilitation attendance
Enhanced recovery for colorectal surgery: Practical hints, results and future challenges
Applied cerebral physiology
The effect of moderate exercise induced dehydration on cognitive performance on the impact test in ncaa division iii collegiate wrestlers
Intensive care of patients requiring open abdomen treatment: a case-series analysis
Acute liver failure following cleft palate repair: a case of therapeutic acetaminophen toxicity
Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy
Carbohydrate supplementation and prolonged intermittent high-intensity exercise in adolescents
How to perform safe anesthesia in patients with end-stage renal disease
Electrolytes and acid–base: common fluid and electrolyte disorders
Implementing enhanced recovery in gynaecology oncology
Psychometric hepatic encephalopathy score for the detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in South Indian patients with liver cirrhosis.
Novel neuropeptides in the control of food intake: neuronostatin and nesfatin-1
Association between mood and diet quality in subjects with metabolic syndrome participating in a behavioural weight-loss programme: a cross-sectional assessment
Enteral nutrition in chronic liver disease: translating evidence into practice
The Eating Disorder Examination: a semi-structured interview for the assessment of the specific psychopathology of eating disorders
Epidural anaesthesia with goal-directed administration of ropivacaine improves haemodynamic stability when combined with general anaesthesia in elderly patients …
Characteristics of Saudi patients with congestive heart failure and adherence to management guidelines in a tertiary hospital in Riyadh
Cirrhosis in children and adolescents: An overview
Aquaporins in clinical medicine
Can beetroot juice supplement reduce muscle soreness and enhance recovery?
Cost–benefit analysis of an enhanced recovery protocol for pancreaticoduodenectomy
Mild to moderate hypohydration reduces boys’ high-intensity cycling performance in the heat
Chronic kidney disease in paediatric population
Laparoscopy in the morbidly obese: physiologic considerations and surgical techniques to optimize success
The dietary management of patients with diabetes and renal disease: challenges and practicalities
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Stress response in critical illness
PMM. 30 Thrombophilia Testing and Late Pregnancy Loss
Postnatal Growth Failure and Z-Score
Combined Pulmonary and Renal Support in a Single Extracorporeal Device
USCOM—window to the circulation: utility of supra-sternal Doppler in an elderly anaesthetized patient for a robotic cystectomy
Factors Influencing Adherence in African Americans with End Stage Renal Disease.
Nutritional support in renal failure Tropic 15
High sodium intake: review of recent issues on its association with cardiovascular events and measurement methods
Pathogenesis and clinical and economic consequences of postoperative ileus
The effect of galactose ingestion on affect and perceived exertion in recreationally active females
2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on …
Are lung-protective ventilation strategies worth the effort?
Biomarkers in the field of obesity and its related comorbidities
Malnutrition in Liver Cirrhosis: The Influence of Protein and Sodium
Current formulas for water requirements produce different estimates
Demonstrating value: a case study of enhanced recovery
Cardiovascular and renal effects of bromocriptine in diabetic patients with stage 4 chronic kidney disease
Associations of marital status with mortality from all causes and mortality from cardiovascular disease in Japanese haemodialysis patients
Diseases of endocrine system «chronic complication of diabetes mellitus: diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy and diabetic foot. the peculiarites of …
Management of imported malaria in Europe
Improving care for patients with acute heart failure: before, during and after hospitalization
Surgical Site Infection Prevention
Physiologic and metabolic effects of intestinal stomas
Surgery for Esophageal Disorders: The Anesthesiologist’s View
Low Dose Oxybutynin in Childhood Nocturnal Enuresis
Tolvaptan for the treatment of hyponatremia and hypervolemia in patients with congestive heart failure
Perioperative nutrition: what is the current landscape?
Interventions to enhance adherence to dietary advice for preventing and managing chronic diseases in adults
Musculoskeletal health, kidney and liver function in retired jockeys
Guideline for the optimal care of patients on chronic dialysis in South Africa
The safety and tolerability of newer antiepileptic drugs in children and adolescents
Resuscitation strategies with different arterial pressure targets after surgical management of traumatic shock
Eating habits and body weight control methods of national hunt and flat race jockeys in the UK
Acute Liver Injury and Failure in Children
Disordered eating habits and extreme weight loss techniques in collegiate wrestlers: A qualitative analysis
The effect of galactose ingestion on affect and perceived exertion in 1
Nutrition in children with liver disease: evaluation and management
Center for International Development
Thirst sensitivity to post-exercise fluid replacement needs and controlled drinking
Role of the acute care nurse in managing patients with heart failure using evidence-based care
Anesthesia and perioperative management of colorectal surgical patients–specific issues (part 2)
Acquired Presynaptic Neuromuscular Junction Disorders: Infant Botulism and Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
Clarification of the circulatory patho-physiology of anaesthesia–implications for high-risk surgical patients
Nutritional assessment in cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy
Study of Serum Albumin as a Predictor Of Short Term Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Assessment of hydration status in a large population
Salt: How much less should we eat for health?: Understanding the recent IOM report
Disease of Hypothalamic-pituitary System
Dietary Treatment for Gastroparesis
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
Effectiveness of multidisciplinary pre-dialysis education and team care on patients lifestyles and clinical outcomes
Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Postoperative Paralytic Ileus in Intensive Care
Practice of enteral nutrition in very low birth weight and extremely low birth weight infants
fluid and nutrition support before total hip replacement surgery
Body composition, metabolic parameters, abdominal adipose tissue, adipocytokines and markers of inflammation in patients in evolutive age treated with ketogenic …
Periprocedural care in pediatric interventional radiology
Ideal resuscitation pressure for uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in different ages and sexes of rats
Examining the relationship between orthorexia nervosa and personality traits
Nutritional strategies to enhance fat oxidation during aerobic exercise
The mechanistic basis of metabolic response to surgery and postoperative insulin resistance in patients having abdominal surgery
The Science of Salt: A Systematic Review of Clinical Salt Studies 2013 to 2014
Nutritional Management of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant: An Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guideline
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Individualized Nutritional Education among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in GKNM Hospital, Coimbatore
Case scenario: hemodynamic management of postoperative acute kidney injury
Effect of vasopressin antagonism on renal handling of sodium and water and central and brachial blood pressure during inhibition of the nitric oxide system in …
International Sports and Exercise Nutrition Conference in Newcastle upon Tyne
Impact of Ramadan on Global Raw Sugar Prices
Update on Perioperative Hemodynamic Monitoring and Goal-directed Optimization Concepts
The effect of short-term probiotic supplementation on gut flora of elite athletes
The Development of a Modified Ketogenic Diet Program
Principles of surgical technique
Final submission of Research Report
Endocrine disorders
Ebook-Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice Pocket Guide: Medical-Surgical Nursing
Low energy availability in new zealand recreational athletes
The pre-sedation assessment and implications on management
Malnutrition Topic 6
Differential effects of mild central hypovolemia with furosemide administration vs. lower body suction on dynamic cerebral autoregulation
Epidemiology CKD 5D-A
Integrative Approach to Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
Anesthesia Management in Severe Prematurity
Disease-specific nutrition therapy: one size does not fit all
Provision of nutrition support therapies in the recent Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts
Commonly used endocrine drugs
Secrets of the Master Gland
Lifestyle modification with diet and exercise in obese patients with heart failure–a pilot study
Molecular mechanisms of brain-RAS hyperactivity upon fluid balance, and sufficiency of angiotensin production from the subfornical organ to affect fluid …
2012 ACCF/AHA/ACR/SCAI/SIR/STS/SVM/SVN/SVS Key data elements and definitions for peripheral atherosclerotic vascular disease: a report of the American …
Dietary intake, energy availability and weight control practices of male apprentice jockeys residing at the SA Jockey Academy
The binding and blinding effects of collective ritual: Intergroup biases and processes
Comparative Assessment of plasma Cystatin C, β2 Microgloulin and Creatinine as Markers of Renal Function in Sudanese patients with Type2 Diabetes
Endocrine Diseases of Newborn
fluid and electrolyte losses associated with working/exercising for prolonged periods in thermally stressful environments
Serum zinc levels in decompensated liver disease and its correlation with hepatic encepalopathy.
Analysis of clinical, biochemical profile and cardiac arrhythmias and outcome in patients with acute yellow oleander poisoning in a tertiary care hospital.
Acute Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema
Acute toxic-metabolic encephalopathy in children
Sodium Intake and Health Outcomes
Determination of Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Medical Surgical Nursing Part III
Gastrostomía endoscópica percutánea: actualización de sus indicaciones, tratamiento, complicaciones y cuidados
Evaluation of Prescribing Pattern and Compliance to Treatment Guidelines in Hemodialysis Patients in Hebron Governmental Hospital
Dehydration: assessment techniques and effects on endurance performance and well-being
Nutrition in Olympic Combat Sports. Elite athletes’ dietary intake, hydration status and experiences of weight regulation
Heart Failure: A Primer
The Effect of Low Sodium Diet Education in the Prevention of Hospital Readmission for Heart Failure Patients
Ghrelin protects rats against traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock through upregulation of UCP2
The association between pregame snacks and exercise intensity, stress, and fatigue in children
Exercise stress, nutrition and novel measures of in vivo immunity
Eating disorders in primary care mental health
Change in knowledge of and adherence to the low-sodium diet in heart failure patients after nutrition education by a registered dietitian
Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease
The Effects of Dehydration and Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Human Behaviour and Performance
Surgical treatments for esophageal cancers
Transdisciplinary Management of Perioperative Nutrition
Gynecologic oncology: clinical practice and surgical atlas
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in penetrating abdominal trauma
Causes and prediction of readmission of heart failure patients.
Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease (Stages 1–5)
Acute Pancreatitis Induced by Severe Hypertriglyceridemia in Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes
Substrates for enteral and parenteral nutrition Topic 7
Role of certain nutritional supplements and biological regulators in the epilepsy
Systemic lupus erythematosus in children and adolescents
Adaptive regulation of amino acid metabolism on early parenteral lipid and high-dose amino acid administration in VLBW infants–a randomized, controlled trial
Plasma volume changes after 0, 9% saline fluid resuscitation in sheep after general anesthesia, mild hemorrhage and sepsis
The Army Body Composition Program
Obstetric anesthesia
Cellular biology of end organ injury and strategies for prevention of injury
The North American Menopause Society recommendations for clinical care of midlife women
2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: Executive Summary
Corrected QT Dispersion and Its Correlation with Severity of Chronic Liver Disease
Management of patients with risk factors
Open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm
Study on Perioperative Glycemic Control and Postoperative Infections
B-24 Free Communication/Poster-Cardiovascular I
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) at the Johns Hopkins Hospital: Blazing a Pathway towards Value
Oral Nutritional Supplement Effects on Human Hydration Indices
Surgery and Perioperative Medicine, Washington, DC, USA, May 9-12, 2015
Derangements of tonicity and implications for veterinary patients
Key articles of dietary interventions that influence cardiovascular mortality
hs-CRP as a marker for diastolic dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular risk factors
The Physiology of Brain Death and Organ Donor Management
Leaky gut syndrome in horses
Improving care for patients with acute heart failure
Training module on malaria control: case management
A prospective study of emergency laparotomies among patients attending Chengalpattu Medical College
Study on short-term outcome of birth asphyxia treated with magnesium
Maternal input of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis): Determining a mother’s life history from its progeny in coastal North Carolina rivers
Dexamethasone, light anaesthesia, and tight glucose control (DeLiT) randomized controlled trial
Change in Knowledge of and Adherence to the Low-Sodium Diet after Nutrition Education with a Registered Dietitian
The Use of Enteral Sterile Water for the Treatment of Hypernatremia in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
Non-acute Care Clinical for BSN Students Chronic Illness Care and Diabetes Self-management Support
ACCF/AHA Practice Guideline
15th Congress of the European NeuroEndocrine Association September 12–15, 2012 Hofburg, Vienna, Austria
Balancing the benefits and risks of blood transfusions in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a propensity-matched analysis
Cognitive flexibility and eating disorders: Does cognitive flexibility influence outcome in a cognitive-behavioral based treatment program for anorexia and …
Pediatric thrombophilia
Nutrition Monitoring in the PICU
Factors influencing implementation of an enhanced recovery programme in colorectal surgery
Chapter Disorders of the Endocrine System: Anatomy, Physiology, and Current Treatment Initiatives
C101. 05 Endoscopic Full-Thickness-Gastroplication Versus Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery for the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: One Year …
Early enteral feeding and delayed enteral feeding: A comparative study
Effective strategies for behavior change
15th National Conference of Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiologyand Critical Care, Jaipur
Homocysteine and hematological indices in hemodialysis patients
Disorders of the Endocrine System: Anatomy, Physiology, and Current Treatment Initiatives
Homocysteine and hematological indices in hemodialysis patients at Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza Strip
Underlying processes behind weight loss in overweight individuals following different energy-restricted diets: psychological, metabolomic and epigenetic mechanisms
Studies on mechanisms of enterocutaneous fistula healing
Effects Of Statin Drugs And Tocotrienol Rich Fraction Supplementation In Chronic Hemodialysis Patients And Metabolomic Profile
Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, Torquay, 21 & 22 May 2015
The 22nd Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver
On dental erosive wear among different groups in Norway: scoring systems, prevalence and risk indicators
Enmeshment and Conflict Avoidance in Anorexia Nervosa
Rapid Fire 1–Acute Heart Failure
The effect of oral glutamine supplementation on gut permeability and heat shock protein regulation in runners with a history of gastrointestinal distress
Section 4-Treatment and management
Implementing the GET program: a toolkit for educators
The efficacy of local anaesthetic infiltrated at the incision site for post-operative pain management following abdominal surgery: an application to fast-track surgery.
Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery in Neonates
The effects of oral glutamine supplementation on gut permeability and heat shock protein regulation among runners with a history of gastrointestinal distress
Does binge drinking induce PMDD-like dysfunction for female C57BL/6J mice?: implications for sex differences in addiction vulnerability
Educational and methodological directory for practical lessons of the general hygiene for students on VI course of medical faculty
The perioperative surgical home (PSH)
Eating disorders: attitudes towards emotional expression and prevalence in weight-category sports
Adult hypothyroidism
Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, Bournemouth, 23 & 24 May 2013
Survival of the Toughest: An Ethnographic Study of a Collegiate Wrestling Team
Internal medicine: cardiology
Children and exercise XIX: Promoting health and well-being
Environmental extremes and the immune response to exercise
The effect of ten days of heat acclimation on exercise capacity during acute altitude exposure (4350 m)
Clinical Scenarios
Foundation Events at FNCE®
Epidemiology and outcome research in CKD 5D
Development of ivermectin as a platform for the treatment and/or prevention of alcohol use disorders
Perceptions of body image and attitudes toward eating for Native American/White American women
Improving the Safety of Pediatric Sedation: Human Error, Technology, and Clinical Microsystems
Understanding spirituality from the perspectives of Jordanian people diagnosed with end stage renal failure: a phenomenological study
Exercise in haemodialysis patients: impact on markers of inflammation
2014 Combined Annual Meeting Abstracts
Abstracts of the 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Heart Association 2015 (24th ASMIHA) Jakarta, Indonesia, April 10th–12th, 2015
Multimodal pain management after arthroscopic surgery
Describing the Characteristics of Wandering-Related Boundary Transgression in People with Severe Dementia: The Clinical Implications
A Focused Ethnography of Undergraduate Nursing Students Who Are Using Motivational Interviewing
Part I: Synthesis and biological evaluations of potent class l selective histone deacetylase inhibitors. Part II: Aqueous complexes for efficient sizebased separation of …
Adverse health effects associated with Islamic fasting -A literature review
The risk of acute kidney injury from fluid restriction and hydroxyethyl starch in thoracic surgery
Optimizing Physical Performance during fasting and Dietary restriction : Implications for Athletes and Sports Medicine
Effect of Ramadan fasting on patients with different kidney diseases: An updated review
The effect of water loading on acute weight loss following fluid restriction in combat sports athletes
Evaluation of the effects of fasting associated dehydration on maternal NGAL levels and fetal renal artery Doppler parameters
Effect of fasting during Ramadan on fetal Doppler indices and amniotic fluid volume
Effect and outcome of intraoperative fluid restriction in living liver donor hepatectomy
Ramadan fasting and the Propensity for Learning: Is There a Cause for Concern?
The effect of daily religious fasting on tear film characteristics and ocular surface
Intraoperative fluid management in pediatric patients using bioelectrical impedance analysis during oral surgery
Effects of Ramadan fasting on the symptoms of chronic heart failure
Preventing Side Effects and Diet Discontinuation
Multimodal enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program is the optimal perioperative care in patients undergoing totally laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric …
Study On The Impact Of fasting Observance During Ramadan On The Physical And Mental Health Of University Faculty-A Perspective Towards Cohesive Bond And …
Pregnancy and Ramadhan fasting
The effects of Ramadan fasting on anterior segment parameters, visual acuity and intraocular pressures of the eye
Immediate and delayed effect of Ramadan fasting on spirometry parameters: Effects of fasting on lung volumes and capacities
Effects of Ramadan fasting on cardiovascular risk factors: a narrative review
fasting in Islam: a combination of spiritual elevation and prevention of diseases
Pathogenic Weight-Cutting Practices in Turkish Adolescent Judo Athletes
fasting during Ramadan: nutrition and health impacts and food safety recommendations
Restrictive and liberal fluid administration in major abdominal surgery
Targeting oliguria reversal in perioperative restrictive fluid management does not influence the occurrence of renal dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of isotonic versus hypotonic maintenance fluid therapy on urine output, fluid balance, and electrolyte homeostasis: a crossover study in fasting adult volunteers
Preoperative fasting times: prescribed and actual fasting times at Universitas hospital annex, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Ketogenic diet therapy in infants less than two years of age for medically refractory epilepsy
Nutrition, fluid , and electrolytes in chronic liver disease
Managing fasting patients with diabetes during Ramadan
Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery program for colorectal surgery at a community teaching hospital
RELIEF study; what does it mean for fluid management?
Perioperative fluid and hemodynamic management within an enhanced recovery pathway
Osmoregulation during long-term fasting in lungfish and elephant seal: old and new lessons for the nephrologist
From religion to secularism: the benefits of fasting
Challenges faced by woodwind players in Malaysia while fasting during Ramadan: A case study
Moving right along” after lung resection, but the data suggest “not so fast
Effects of intraoperative fluid management on postoperative outcomes: a hospital registry study
Effects of Ramadan fasting on common upper gastrointestinal disorders: A review of the literature
Ramadan fasting does not adversely affect neuromuscular performances and reaction times in trained karate athletes
The effects of Islamic fasting on blood hematological-biochemical parameters
fluid therapy in the perioperative setting—a clinical review
Ramadan fasting in kidney transplant recipients: a single-centre retrospective study
Effect of Ramadan fasting on fatigue, mood, sleepiness, and health-related quality of life of healthy young men in summer time in Germany: A prospective controlled …
Study of human Biochemical parameters during and after Ramadan
Effects of fasting during Ramadan on cerebrovascular hemodynamics: A transcranial Doppler study
Ketogenic diet guidelines for infants with refractory epilepsy
Evaluation of the diurnal intraocular pressure fluctuations and blood pressure under dehydration due to fasting
Evaluation and review of body fluid s saliva, sweat and tear compared to biochemical hydration assessment markers within blood and urine
Impact of a nurse-led feeding protocol in a pediatric intensive care unit
Goal directed fluid therapy reduces major complications in elective surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm: Liberal versus restrictive strategies
Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy for major abdominal surgery
Intraoperative fluid management: Past and future, where is the evidence?
Paediatric intensive care nurses’ decision‐making around gastric residual volume measurement
Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis secondary to an activating mutation in the arginine vasopressin receptor AVPR2
Could the use of an enhanced recovery protocol in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy be an incentive for live kidney donation?
Enhanced recovery after surgery for suspected ovarian malignancy: a survey of perioperative practice among gynecologic oncologists in Australia and New Zealand …
Greater intravenous fluid volumes are associated with prolonged recovery after colorectal surgery: a retrospective cohort study
fasting in Ramadan affects cognitive and physiological function in normal subjects (pilot study)
Effect of two-or four-hour oral intake restriction on intraoperative intravascular volume optimization using stroke volume variation analysis: a single-blinded …
fasting and Medical Conditions: An Evidence-Based Guide for Clinicians and Patients
Anaesthetic perioperative management according to the ERAS protocol
Rapid weight loss in the context of Ramadan observance: Recommendations for judokas
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols are valuable in pancreas surgery patients
Current concepts of fluid management in enhanced recovery pathways
Effects of a four-week small-sided game and repeated Sprint ability training during and after Ramadan on aerobic and anaerobic capacities in senior …
Determinants of thirst distress in patients on hemodialysis
The effect of hypohydration on endothelial function in young healthy adults
Weight loss strategies in combat sports and concerning habits in mixed martial arts
Application of enhanced recovery after gastric cancer surgery: an updated meta-analysis
Diurnal alterations of refraction, anterior segment biometrics, and intraocular pressure in long-time dehydration due to religious fasting
Liberal versus restrictive fluid management in abdominal surgery: a meta-analysis
The association between intraoperative fluid intake and postoperative complications in patients undergoing radical cystectomy with an enhanced recovery protocol
Current trends in anesthesia for esophagectomy
Safety of Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitors during Ramadan fasting : Evidence, Perceptions and Guidelines
Effects of dehydration on cricket specific skill performance in hot and humid conditions
State of the art in fluid and volume therapy: A user-friendly staged concept
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor producing insulin and vasopressin
Treating a patient experiencing an acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure
Contemporary approaches to perioperative IV fluid therapy
Atorvastatin in the treatment of Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: the protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Problems with optimal energy and protein delivery in the pediatric intensive care unit
Evaluation of self-perceived changes in gastrointestinal symptoms during Ramadan fasting
Introduction of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
Enhanced recovery after surgery programs for liver resection: a meta-analysis
Use of cooking oils in a 2: 1 ratio classical ketogenic diet for intractable pediatric epilepsy: Long-term effectiveness and tolerability
Restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy in major abdominal surgery (RELIEF): rationale and design for a multicentre randomised trial
Could patient-controlled thirst-driven fluid administration lead to more rapid rehydration than clinician-directed fluid management? An early feasibility study
Laparoscopy combined with enhanced recovery pathway in ileocecal resection for Crohn’s disease: a randomized study
Deleterious Results of Safety Seeking Behaviors in Panic Disorder: Polydipsia and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.
American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) joint consensus statement on perioperative fluid management …
Enhanced recovery in thoracic surgery: a review
The Correlation between Glucose and Lipid Biomarkers Variations with Biometric Characteristics and Intraocular Pressure Changes during Ramadan fasting
Perioperative Management of a Child With Glucose Transporter Type 1 Deficiency Syndrome: A Case Report
Liberal or restrictive fluid management during elective surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of Ramadan fasting and Life Habits on the Antipyrine Test, Urine Volume and pH
Implementation of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) protocol in patients after esophagectomy (analytical review)
Research Repository
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
The effects of diurnal Ramadan fasting on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy men
Cerebral salt wasting is the most common cause of hyponatremia in stroke
Impact of dehydration and fasting on intraocular pressure and corneal biomechanics measured by the ocular response analyzer
Monitoring athletes’ hydration status and sleep patterns during Ramadan observance: methodological and practical considerations
Authors’ reply to Davis:“it is time to ban rapid weight loss from combat sports”
What is the Goal of fluid Management “Optimization”?
Renal outcome after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion performed with restrictive hydration and vasopressor administration in the frame of an enhanced …
Acute-weight-loss strategies for combat sports and applications to Olympic success
Reduced water intake deteriorates glucose regulation in patients with type 2 diabetes
Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Liberal versus Restricted Perioperative fluid Management in Patients Undergoing Pancreatectomy
Open sphincter-preserving surgery of extraperitoneal rectal cancer without primary stoma and Fast Track Protocol
Liver resection and anaesthesia
The effects of hydration status on cognitive performances among young adults in Hebei, China: A randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Fast track in thoracic surgery and anaesthesia: update of concepts
Peri‐operative fluid management to enhance recovery
Knowledge and attitude of Iraqi diabetic patients who fast during Ramadan
Outcomes of non-operative treatment for duodenal stump leakage after gastrectomy in patients with gastric cancer
Incidence of hyponatremia in critically ill patients in intensive care unit: observational study
Enhanced recovery in gynecologic oncology–A sea change in perioperative management
Treatment of patients with cirrhosis
Enhanced recovery after surgery is obsolete
Maintenance fluid therapy: isotonic versus hypotonic solutions
Ramadan fasting alters food patterns, dietary diversity and body weight among Ghanaian adolescents
Refeeding syndrome in oncology: report of four cases
Enhanced Recovery Program After Pancreatectomy
Muslim patients in Ramadan: a review for primary care physicians
Salivary and serum insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) assays in anorexic patients
A preliminary study on how hypohydration affects pain perception
fluid management, volume overload, and gastrointestinal tolerance in the perioperative period
Applications of the water drinking test in glaucoma management
The Perioperative and Postoperative Care for Pituitary Patients
Ramadan during pregnancy and birth weight of newborns
A28/B28: Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Program for Colorectal Surgery at a Community Teaching Hospital
Enhanced recovery pathway in gynecologic surgery: improving outcomes through evidence-based medicine
Effect of water supplementation on cognitive performances and mood among male college students in Cangzhou, China: study protocol of a randomized controlled …
Intravenous fluid Administration: Improving Patient Outcomes With Evidence-based Care
Article title: The Bioimpedance Spectroscopy as Useful Tool for Measuring the fluid Excess and fluid
Goal-directed fluid therapy does not reduce primary postoperative ileus after elective laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Impact of alcohol & smoking on the surgical management of gastrointestinal patients
A 63-year-old woman with liver disease: management strategies
A review of plant-based diets to prevent and treat heart failure
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for pediatric urological augmentation and diversion surgery using small bowel
Intraoperative fluid management guided by esophageal Doppler monitoring in major abdominal surgery utilizing the enhanced recovery after surgery program: a …
Psychogenic polydipsia and hyponatremia–A side effect of psychosis: a review with a case report
Optimal perioperative fluid management: What is the strategy?
Dipsogenic form of primary polydipsia in a young man and an emerging treatment modality
Design of a randomized controlled clinical trial assessing dietary sodium restriction and hemodialysis-related symptom profiles
Hyponatremia with persistent elevated urinary fractional uric acid excretion: evidence for proximal tubular injury?
Effectiveness and safety of newer antidiabetic medications for Ramadan fasting diabetic patients
Enhanced recovery after emergency surgery: a systematic review
Including the excluded: Males and gender minorities in eating disorder prevention
Population-based assessment of intraoperative fluid administration practices across three surgical specialties
Intraoperative fluid Therapy for Major Surgeries: A Narrative Review
Copeptin role in polyuria‐polydipsia syndrome differential diagnosis and reference range in paediatric age
Relative energy deficiency in sport in male athletes: a commentary on its presentation among selected groups of male athletes
Case report: severe asymptomatic hyponatremia in Prader-Willi Syndrome
How the nurse anesthetist decides to manage perioperative fluid status
Effect of diet and water intake on aquaporin 2 function
Weight management practices of Australian Olympic combat sport athletes
4 The Effect of Hydration Status on Glycaemic Control and Appetite Regulation.
Clinical and economic impact of goal-directed fluid therapy during elective gastrointestinal surgery
CON: perioperative goal-directed fluid therapy is an essential element of an enhanced recovery protocol?
Preoperative and postoperative pituitary function in patients with tuberculum sellae meningioma-based on pituitary provocation tests
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocol versus conventional perioperative care in colorectal surgery. A single center cohort study
Bedside sonography assessment of extravascular lung water increase after major pulmonary resection in non-small cell lung cancer patients
The 2015 ESPEN Arvid Wretlind lecture. Evolving concepts on perioperative metabolism and support
The role of hyponatremia in preeclampsia
A mechanism based approach to management of children with end-stage liver disease
Precompetition taper and nutritional strategies: Special reference to training during Ramadan intermittent fast
Are postoperative intravenous fluid s in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy a necessity? A randomized clinical trial
Ethiopian orthodox fasting and lactating mothers: Longitudinal study on dietary pattern and nutritional status in rural tigray, Ethiopia
Effects of obesity and mild hypohydration on local sweating and cutaneous vascular responses during passive heat stress in females
Review of enhanced recovery programs in benign gynecologic surgery
Endocrine manifestations of malignancy
Enhanced recovery after surgery: intraoperative fluid management strategies
Evaluating an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery implementations (iERAS) program using data from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP …
fluid and electrolyte balance in children
Peri‐operative nutrition
Safety and efficacy of a novel neurosurgical enhanced recovery after surgery protocol for elective craniotomy: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Knowledge, attitude and perceptions of Muslim cancer patients regarding cancer treatment during Ramadan: Results from a tertiary care hospital Karachi
A combined outpatient and inpatient overnight water deprivation test is effective and safe in diagnosing patients with polyuria-polydipsia syndrome
A systematic review on the effect of Ramadan on mental health: minor effects and no harm in general, but increased risk of relapse in schizophrenia and bipolar …
Heart Failure Clinical Guideline
Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Kidney Disease
The effect of intermittent fasting during Ramadan on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy men
Application of enhanced recovery after surgery in laparoscopic cholecystectomy of elderly patients
Oxytocin-receptor-expressing neurons in the parabrachial nucleus regulate fluid intake
Decreasing the surgical stress response and an initial experience from the enhanced recovery after surgery colorectal surgery program at an academic institution
Delayed diagnosis of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome with severe recurrent hyponatremia caused by adrenal insufficiency
A rationale approach to perioperative fluid therapy in adult patients
Strategies for thirst relief: integrative literature review
Enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery
fluid Management in the Elderly
Appropriateness of a pediatric-specific enhanced recovery protocol using a modified Delphi process and multidisciplinary expert panel
Nutritional approach to preterm infants on noninvasive ventilation: An update
Research progress of mechanisms of ceftriaxone associated nephrolithiasis
Effects of implementing an “enhanced recovery after surgery” program on patients undergoing resection of hepatocellular carcinoma
Enhanced recovery program versus traditional care in laparoscopic hepatectomy
Compulsive water drinking: A case report
Energy intake and appetite responses following manipulation of fluid balance and intake
A novel nonsense mutation in the WFS1 gene causes the Wolfram syndrome
Toward shorter hospitalization after endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery: day-by-day analysis of early postoperative complications and interventions
Optimal clinical management of children receiving dietary therapies for epilepsy: Updated recommendations of the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group
National athletic trainers’ association position statement: fluid replacement for the physically active
Turkish Neonatal Society Guideline on fluid and electrolyte balance in the newborn
Nutritional Support in Critically Ill Patients
Delayed complications after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas
Perioperative fluid therapy: defining a clinical algorithm between insufficient and excessive
A quality improvement clinical pathway for enhanced recovery after elective Caesarean Section: results of a consensus exercise and survey
Hyponatremia in the cancer patient
Nutrition and the elderly surgical patients
Safety and tolerability of the ketogenic diet used for the treatment of refractory childhood epilepsy: a systematic review of published prospective studies
The South African guidelines on Enuresis—2017
Reducing Acute Care Length of Stay in Newfoundland & Labrador
Hydration status influences the measurement of arterial stiffness
A call for new standard of care in perioperative gynecologic oncology practice: impact of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs
Management of non-functioning pituitary adenomas: surgery
Anaesthetic and perioperative management of lung transplantation
Intraoperative fluid excess is a risk factor for pancreatic fistula after partial pancreaticoduodenectomy
Development of a model care pathway for adults undergoing colorectal cancer surgery: Evidence‐based key interventions and indicators
The plethysmographic variability index does not predict fluid responsiveness estimated by esophageal Doppler during kidney transplantation: A controlled …
Comparison of fast-track versus conventional surgery protocol for patients undergoing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a Chinese …
Incidence of venous thromboembolic events in enhanced recovery after surgery for colon cancer: a retrospective, population‐based cohort study
Oral protein‐based supplements for people with chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis
Enhanced recovery pathways in thoracic surgery from Italian VATS group: nursing care program
Hemodialysis and Cardiovascular
Food deprivation, body weight loss and anxiety-related behavior in rats
Review and commentary of the nutritional recommendations, weight management regulations, weight management practices, and the potential of disordered …
Impact of water-electrolyte imbalance on mortality risk after major abdominal or thoracic surgeries
Predisposing factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting in gynecologic tumor patients
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Following Liver Transplantation
Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in a child with Wernicke encephalopathy treated with fludrocortisone therapy: a case report
Maintenance intravenous fluid s in acutely ill patients
The half-life of infusion fluid s: an educational review
Enhanced recovery program (ERP) in major laryngeal surgery: building a protocol and testing its feasibility
Enhanced recovery pathway in elderly patients undergoing colorectal surgery: is there an effect of increasing ages? results from the perioperative Italian Society …
Enhanced recovery pathway versus standard care in patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
Acute kidney injury associated with renal cell carcinoma complicated by renal vein and inferior vena cava involvement
Design and implementation of an enhanced recovery program in thoracic surgery
Prevalence, techniques and knowledge of rapid weight loss amongst adult british judo athletes: a questionnaire based study
Hypertonic saline in critical illness-a systematic review
Ketogenic diet in endocrine disorders: Current perspectives
Impact of perioperative care on the post‐operative recovery of women undergoing surgery for gynaecological tumours
Patent ductus arteriosus
Optimizing outcomes with enhanced recovery
Reliability of three urinalysis methods used in the assessment of hydration
The contribution of undiagnosed adrenal insufficiency to euvolaemic hyponatraemia: results of a large prospective single‐centre study
International spinal cord injury endocrine and metabolic extended data set
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery—The Importance of the Perianesthesia Nurse on Program Success
Nutritional and health impacts of religious and vegetarian food
Post–transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt follow-up and management in the VIATORR era
Nocturia: aetiology and treatment in adults
RCPE Symposium–Diabetes and
Investigating physiological glucose excursions before, during, and after Ramadan in adults without diabetes mellitus
The effect of perioperative fluid management on intraocular pressure during gynecologic laparoscopic pelvic surgery
A critical analysis of risk factors for necrotizing enterocolitis
The utility of basic metabolic panel tests after total joint arthroplasty
First Indian study to correlate dose of Moxonidine and incidence of Dry mouth in patients with chronic kidney disease
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
What is a ketogenic diet and how does it affect the use of medicines?
fluid status assessment and management during the perioperative phase in adult cardiac surgery patients
Goal-directed fluid therapy versus conventional fluid therapy in colorectal surgery: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials
Dietary Therapies: Emerging Paradigms in Therapy of Drug Resistant Epilepsy in Children
Compliance with enhanced recovery after surgery criteria and preoperative and postoperative counselling reduces length of hospital stay in colorectal surgery: results …
Impact of avoiding post‐operative urinary catheters on outcomes following colorectal resection in an ERAS programme: no IDUC and ERAS programmes
Analysis of results after the implementation of fast recovery protocols in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery
ESPEN guideline: Clinical nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease
A case report of the nutrition support for a patient with HELLP syndrome
Safety and efficacy of tolvaptan in Korean patients with hyponatremia caused by the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
The chief adverse effects of medications
Colonoscopy in the very elderly
When should orthostatic blood pressure changes be evaluated in elderly: 1st, 3rd or 5th minute?
Hepatic encephalopathy
Empagliflozin increases short-term urinary volume output in artificially induced syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
Effect of acupressure application to the P6 acupoint before laparoscopic cholecystectomy on postoperative nausea-vomiting: A randomized controlled clinical study
Enhanced recovery programs in lung cancer surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Long-term low-dose tolvaptan treatment in hospitalized male patients aged> 90 years with hyponatremia: Report on safety and effectiveness
Consensus review of optimal perioperative care in breast reconstruction: enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) society recommendations
Water intake, water balance, and the elusive daily water requirement
Maintenance intravenous fluid s in acutely Ill patients
Implementation and Compliance with a Goal-Directed fluid Therapy (GDFT) Protocol for Hip Arthroplasties: A Two-Year Review
Turkish Neonatal Society Guideline on fluid and electrolyte balance in the newborn
Fast-track surgery in intestinal deep infiltrative endometriosis
Enhanced Recovery Pathways in Colorectal Surgery
Randomized comparative efficacy and safety study of intermittent simvastatin versus fenofibrate in hemodialysis
Anesthesia Management and Recovery after Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Managing hyperglycaemia during antenatal steroid administration, labour and birth in pregnant women with diabetes
Implementation science in perioperative care
Enhanced recovery pathway in patients undergoing distal pancreatectomy: a case-matched study
Preeclampsia in 2017: obstetric and anaesthesia management
The sensitivity of the human thirst response to changes in plasma osmolality: a systematic review
Stroke Volume Variation–Guided Versus Central Venous Pressure–Guided Low Central Venous Pressure With Milrinone During Living Donor Hepatectomy: A …
Crystalloid versus colloid fluid s for reduction of postoperative ileus after abdominal operation under combined general and epidural anesthesia
Does restrictive fluid strategy during robotic pelvic surgeries obtund intraoperative rise in intraocular pressure?
The effect of ad libitum consumption of a milk-based liquid meal supplement vs. a traditional sports drink on fluid balance after exercise
Nutrition Support of Patients with Cirrhosis
Intestinal failure in gastrointestinal fistula patients
A case report of melioidosis complicated by infective sacroiliitis in Sri Lanka
Thirst perception, drinking, arginine vasopressin activity and associated neurohumoral factors
Secondary parkinsonism in a patient of psychogenic polydipsia
Excessive intravenous fluid therapy in head and neck cancer surgery
Severe Protein Calorie Malnutrition in the Context of Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis: A Case Study Evaluation
Goal-directed fluid therapy does not reduce postoperative ileus in gastrointestinal surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Effect of perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic therapy on postoperative recovery following major abdominal surgery—a systematic review and meta …
Association of hyperhomocysteinemia with stroke recurrence after initial stroke
Survey of contemporary feeding practices in critically ill children in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition in Adults Topic 8
The evaluation of adherence to dietary and liquid intake recommendations in hemodialysis patients
The blalock and taussig shunt revisited
Endothelial glycocalyx: basic science and clinical implications
The importance and elements of healthy nutrition
Impact of Isotonic Beverage on the Hydration Status of Healthy Chinese Adults in Air-Conditioned Environment
ERAS in the Respiratory Surgery
Phenylephrine increases cardiac output by raising cardiac preload in patients with anesthesia induced hypotension
Enhanced recovery after robot-assisted radical cystectomy: EAU robotic urology section scientific working group consensus view
Clinical practice guidelines for the nursing management of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and jejunostomy (PEG/PEJ) in adult patients: an executive summary
Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: From Basic Research to Clinical Applications
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols in major urologic surgery
Enhanced recovery after minimally invasive surgery (ERAmiS) for gynecology
Ketogenic diet for epilepsy treatment
Effect of Peri-operative Intravenous fluid s on Recovery of Intestinal Function After Caesarean Delivery Under Spinal Anaesthesia At Kenyatta National Hospital
Thigh ultrasound monitoring identifies decreases in quadriceps femoris thickness as a frequent observation in critically ill children
Breastfeeding the Premature (Less than 34 Weeks’ Gestation) Infant
Patient outcomes and provider perceptions following implementation of a standardized perioperative care pathway for open liver resection
Perioperative Patient Care in Pancreatobiliary Surgery: From Preoperative Assessment to ERAS
Intravenous fluid challenge decreases intracellular volume: a bioimpedance spectroscopy-based crossover study in healthy volunteers
Recommendations for addressing harm–benefit analysis and implementation in ethical evaluation–report from the AALAS–FELASA working group on harm–benefit …
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and Nutritional Aspects
Hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypokalemia in pediatric patients before and during exclusive individualized parenteral nutrition
Systematic review of the influence of enhanced recovery pathways in elective lung resection
Perioperative fluid Management for Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery
Over-the-counter medication availability could augment self-management of male lower urinary tract symptoms
A cross-sectional study of hyponatraemia among elderly patients with heart failure in Uganda
fluid Intake Habits During Physical Activity in Type 1 Diabetes Individuals
The effect of fluid intake following dehydration on subsequent athletic and cognitive performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Refeeding and rehydration
Usefulness of copeptin as a potential biomarker in TBE
Nutrition Therapy in Acute and Chronic Liver Failure
Techniques and Procedures
Promotion of healthy weight-control practices in young athletes
Nutritional support and the role of the stress response in critically ill children
American Society for Enhanced Recovery and Perioperative Quality Initiative Joint Consensus Statement on postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction within an …
Restrictive intraoperative fluid optimisation algorithm improves outcomes in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy: a prospective multicentre …
Young Researcher Award Abstracts
Heart failure: diagnosis, management and utilization
Diagnosis and management of patent ductus arteriosus
Diet and nutrition therapy in pre-liver transplant patients
Outcome of transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing disease: a single-center experience over 20 years
Participation and injury in martial arts
Managing a child with nephrotic syndrome
Enhanced recovery after surgery in liver surgery
fluid administration rate for uncontrolled intraabdominal hemorrhage in swine
Religion and Terrorism: Evidence from Ramadan fasting
fluid administration rate for uncontrolled intraabdominal hemorrhage in pigs
Assessment of hydration status using bioelectrical impedance vector analysis in critical patients with acute kidney injury
Acute liver failure: an update
Comparison of intraoperative basal fluid requirements in distal pancreatectomy: Laparotomy vs. laparoscopy: A retrospective cohort study
Austrian consensus guidelines on the management and treatment of portal hypertension (Billroth III)
Assunta Albanese Nirit Braha
Comparative Study of Effects and Safety of Intermittent Low Dose Therapy of Fenofibrate and Simvastatin on Chronic Hemodialysis Patients
Contemporary Perioperative Anesthetic Management of Hepatic Resection
Very-low-energy diets for weight loss in patients with kidney disease
Management of acute and late endocrine effects following childhood cancer treatment
Clinical practice guideline for enhanced recovery after colon and rectal surgery from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) and Society of …
A restrictive dose of crystalloids in patients during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and cost-effective: prospective, two-arm parallel, randomized …
Choice of fluid type: physiological concepts and perioperative indications
Eating disorders in children and adolescents: what does the gynecologist need to know?
Urinary analysis of fluid retention in the general population: a cross-sectional study
The impact of using an intraoperative goal directed fluid therapy protocol on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing total pancreatectomy and islet cell …
Role of nutrition and feeding for the chronically ill pediatric liver patient awaiting liver transplant
Frequency, nature and timing of clinical deterioration in the early postoperative period
Are we close to the ideal intravenous fluid ?
Perioperative management of elderly patients with gastrointestinal malignancies: the contribution of anesthesia
Enhanced recovery for stoma patients
Artificial syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis model as potential use for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
Aspects of weight management in NCAA Division III collegiate wrestlers
Pharmacological closure of patent ductus arteriosus: selecting the agent and route of administration
A case of resistant Membranous Nephropathy with venous thrombosis treated with Rituximab presenting with a relapse Response to a second course of …
Applied cerebral physiology
Religiosity and terrorism: Evidence from Ramadan fasting
Efecto de una dieta baja en hidratos de carbono sobre la saturación de oxígeno en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca: ensayo clínico aleatorizado
Metabolic and kidney diseases in the setting of climate change, water shortage, and survival factors
The Development and Current Practices for Enhanced Recovery Following Colorectal Resection in the United Kingdom
Clinical Study of Perioperative Nutritional Status and Post-operative fluid Management Related Complications in Gastrointestinal Surgeries at a Tertiary Hospital in …
Nutrition and cardiovascular disease: finding the perfect recipe for cardiovascular health
The Karger Topic Article Package
Anaesthetic considerations in the perioperative management of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
Labor market effects of intrauterine exposure to nutritional deficiency: Evidence from administrative data on Muslim immigrants in Denmark
Morbid-Mortality and Treatment of Complications
Association between exercise-induced hyperthermia and intestinal permeability: a systematic review
Overview of postoperative fluid therapy in adults
Tube feeding in children
Water-loss (intracellular) dehydration assessed using urinary tests: how well do they work? Diagnostic accuracy in older people
Crystalloid fluid administration was associated with outcomes in pediatric patients with severe sepsis or septic shock
Management and complications of short bowel syndrome: an updated review
Shifting focus: from hydration for performance to hydration for health
Nutritional and bioenergetic considerations in critically ill patients with acute neurological injury
Early Recovery After Surgery Pathways for Pancreatectomy
Effect of hypohydration on thermoregulatory responses in men with low and high body fat exercising in the heat
The effect of preoperative oral carbohydrate on breastfeeding after cesarean section: a double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial
Porcine pulmonary auto-transplantation for ex vivo therapy as a model for new treatment strategies
Altered pharmacology and pill burden in older adults: a balancing act
Meta-analysis comparing chewing gum versus standard postoperative care after colorectal resection
A prospective, randomized, blinded, comparative study on the effect of “liberal Vs. restrictive” fluid protocol on post-operative nausea vomiting and discharge criteria in …
Urine specific gravity as an indicator of dehydration in Olympic combat sport athletes; considerations for research and practice
Complication avoidance in endoscopic skull base surgery
The effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on oxygen saturation in heart failure patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Quantifying the impact of Ramadan on global raw sugar prices
Infusion system architecture impacts the ability of intensive care nurses to maintain hemodynamic stability in a living swine simulator
Quantifying the impact of Ramadan on global raw sugar prices
Cirrhosis and portal hypertension in the pediatric population
Current practices in weight making sport
Patient-Controlled Nutrition After Abdominal Surgery: Novel Concept Contrary to Surgical Dogma
Effects of bariatric surgery on urinary incontinence
A Quality Improvement Initiative Aimed at Reducing Complications Related to IV fluid Administration in the Acute Care Setting
Comparision of intraoperative basal fluid requirements in distal pancreatectomy: laparotomy vs. laparoscopy: A retrospective cohort study
Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome caused by minor head injury
Effect of meal glycemic load and caffeine consumption on prolonged monotonous driving performance
Nutrition matters in IBD
The science of salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (December 2015–March 2016)
Anesthetic considerations for robotic urologic surgery
Healthy athlete’s nutrition
Psychosocial and physiological predictors of mortality in patients of heart failure: Independent effects of marital status and C-reactive protein
Acute high-intensity interval running increases markers of gastrointestinal damage and permeability but not gastrointestinal symptoms
Pharmacotherapy: safe prescribing and adverse drug events
Religiosity vs. well-being effects on investor behavior
Hemodynamic stability achievement by application of goal directed fluid therapy with different infusion solutions in colorectal surgery
Preventing Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Anesthetic management in enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)
Efficacy of Glucose or Amino Acid–Based Commercial Beverages in Meeting Oral Rehydration Therapy Goals After Acute Hypertonic and Isotonic Dehydration
Total volume and composition of fluid intake and mortality in older women: a cohort study
Avoiding complications in endoscopic skull base surgery
Trabajo Original Paciente crítico
Hypertonic salt solution for peri‐operative fluid management
fluid and Blood Transfusion in Pediatric Neurosurgery
Enhanced recovery pathways in abdominal gynecologic surgery: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Fast track for open hepatectomy: a systemic review and meta-analysis
Crystalloid administration among patients undergoing liver surgery: defining patient-and provider-level variation
Clinical practice guide for the choice of perioperative volume-restoring fluid in adult patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Thirst response to post-exercise fluid replacement needs and controlled drinking
Perioperative management endocrine problems in pediatric cardiac surgical patients
Change in hydration indices associated with an increase in total water intake of more than 0.5 L/day, sustained over 4 weeks, in healthy young men with initial total …
Re-feeding syndrome-A case report
Hemodynamic effects of different types of pneumatic compression of the lower extremities during anesthesia induction: a prospective randomized controlled …
Differential diagnosis and management of fluid , electrolyte and acid-base disorders
Kidney transplantation for Australian renal nurses
Quantifying the impact of Ramadan on global raw sugar prices
Cellular and molecular mechanisms in perioperative hepatic protection: a review of current interventions
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program for Patients Undergoing Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
A mitochondrial DNA A8701G mutation associated with maternally inherited hypertension and dilated cardiomyopathy in a Chinese pedigree of a consanguineous …
Does the infusion rate of fluid affect rapidity of mean arterial pressure restoration during controlled hemorrhage
Transition duration of ingested deuterium oxide to eccrine sweat during exercise in the heat
Intravenous N-Acetylcysteine for Acetaminophen Toxicity
Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition in Adults Topic 8
Metabolic and endocrine oncologic emergencies
Protein sparing therapies in acute illness and obesity: a review of George Blackburn’s contributions to nutrition science
Centhaquin improves survival in a swine model of hemorrhagic shock
Perioperative preparation and nutritional considerations for patients undergoing urinary diversion
Evaluation of thromboelastometry parameters as predictive markers for sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell …
Nutrition and sleep
fluid responsiveness in the postoperative period: a prospective study in non-critically ill patients
Dynamic functional assessment of maternal hemodynamics in human pregnancy
Disease state management: Chronic heart failure in older people and medications
Nutritional Management in Acute Pancreatitis
Research Progress in the Design of Rapid Rehabilitation Nursing Route for Artificial Hip Joint Replacement of the Perioperative Period
Nursing care considerations for the hospitalized patient with an eating disorder
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: Applicability and Results for Abdominal Surgery and Impediments for Universal Usage
Nesfatin-1: functions and physiology of a novel regulatory peptide
Depressed immune responses and accelerated splenic apoptosis due to experience of food deprivation and inequality but not unstable social status in Balb/c mice
Pre-Practice Hydration Status in Soccer (Football) Players in a Cool Environment
An intrabody signal propagation study for human body hydration
Family-Centered Education and Clinical Outcomes of Patients after Acute Myocardial Infarction
Carbohydrate and protein intake during exertional heat stress ameliorates intestinal epithelial injury and small intestine permeability
The non-immunosuppressive management of childhood nephrotic syndrome
Transient Metabolic Disturbances in the Newborn
Nutrition in a Child with Acute Kidney Injury and on CRRT
24-Hour protein, arginine and citrulline metabolism in fed critically ill children–A stable isotope tracer study
An Integrative Review of fluid Management in Cardiac Surgery
Management protocols for chronic heart failure in India
The impact of religious practice on stock returns and volatility
Food practices of people with CKD from the perspective of sufferers and their caregivers. A qualitative study in Mexico/Practicas alimentarias de personas con ERC …
Religion and Motivated Cognition: When Ramadan Meets the College Entrance Exam
fluid management and electrolyte balance
An 18-year-old with acute-on-chronic abdominal pain
Physiological and Performance Responses of Mild Dehydration in Ice Hockey Goaltenders During an On-Ice Scrimmage and Drills
Adequação calórico-proteica e evolução nutricional de recém-nascidos pré-termo em terapia intensiva neonatal
Endocrine and metabolic symptoms of cancer and its treatment
Proceedings of the American Society for Enhanced Recovery/Evidence Based Peri-Operative Medicine 2016 Annual Congress of Enhanced Recovery and …
Nutrition considerations in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit patient
Chinese guidelines for the assessment and provision of nutrition support therapy in critically ill children
Effects of rapid reduction of body mass on performance indices and proneness to injury in jūdōka. A critical appraisal from a historical, gender-comparative and …
Effects of Goal Directed fluid Management on Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery: An Evidence-Based Practice Analysis
New insights in peripartum cardiomyopathy
Influence of different payment schemes on the clinical outcome in peritoneal dialysis patients
Nursing Interventions needed in Preventing Refeeding Syndrome in Anorexia Nervosa Inpatients: Literature Review
Goal directed fluid therapy and gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery
To Correlate the Relation between Insulin Resistance and Serum Triglyceride Level in Euglycemic Cirrhotics
Nursing Interventions needed in Preventing Refeeding Syndrome in Anorexia Nervosa Inpatients: Literature Review
Impact of sensory and motor defects on oral function in an animal model
Role of Probiotics in Prevention of Necrotising Enterocolitis in Preterm Babies
An unusual diagnosis in a 31-year-old man with abdominal pain and hyponatremia
Managing diabetes and liver disease association
Clinical Manifestations of Liver Disease in Diabetes Mellitus
Does religion affect economic decisions? Evidence from Ramadan Loans
Sodium: Basic Nutritional Aspects
A comparison of the effects of oral vs. intravenous hydration on subclinical acute kidney injury in living kidney donors: a protocol of a randomised controlled …
Comparisons of cardiometabolic biomarkers, lifestyle behaviors, and dietary sodium and potassium intake in a representative sample of Korean adults with …
Ingesting a sports drink enhances simulated ice hockey performance while reducing perceived effort
Relationship of perceived thirst to measures of hydration during and following exercise
Nutritional Approach and Treatment in Patients with Stroke, An Expert Opinion for Turkey.
Nephrotic-range proteinuria and peripheral edema in a child: Not only idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Role of probiotic in modulating immune response and prevention of constipation in critically ill patients: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial/Fauziah …
Assessment of Potassium Focused Dietary Strategies in Individuals with Cardiovascular Disease
Methods and devices for noninvasive physiologic fluid volume assessment
Working group reports: evaluation of the evidence to support practice guidelines for nutritional care of preterm infants—the Pre-B Project–4
Perianesthetic management of laparoscopic kidney surgery
Enhanced Recovery Protocol for Subtotal Gastrectomy: A prospective cohort to assess whether post-operative recovery following subtotal gastrectomy can be …
Exercise Nutrition Conference in Newscastle upon Tyne
Reducing Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury: How Nurses Can Improve Patient Safety, a qualitative investigation
Contributory risk and management of comorbidities of hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and metabolic syndrome in chronic heart failure: a …
A study on serum sodium and potassium in newly diagnosed primary hypertension
Consensus Views on Perioperative Management of Robotic-Assisted Radical Cystectomy
Hydration and fluid balance: Studies on body composition, drink formulation and ageing
Medical nutrition therapy guidelines for critically ill adults working group 2017
Impact of various types of comorbidities on the outcomes of laparoscopic total gastrectomy in patients with gastric carcinoma
Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition in Adults Topic 8
Thirst, Hunger Or Sweetness?: What Motivates Humans to Drink in the Modern Beverage Environment?
High‐risk respiratory patients’ experiences of bronchoscopy with conscious sedation and analgesia: A qualitative study
Protein-energy adequacy and nutritional evolution of preterm infants in neonatal intensive care unit
Motivational state, reward value, and Pavlovian cues differentially affect skilled forelimb grasping in rats
Metabolic effects of dietary approaches: ketone bodies & ketogenic diet
Preoperative Assessment
Intravenous fluid s
Abstracts of the Fourth Clinical Congress of the Gulf Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; 3-5 November 2016; Dubai, UAE. I. Lectures …
Self-monitoring by traffic light color coding versus usual care on outcomes of patients with heart failure reduced ejection fraction: protocol for a randomized …
Dietary interventions for adults with chronic kidney disease
Intra-Operative IV fluid Management: Goal Directed Therapy with Esophageal Doppler Monitoring vs. Standard Weight Based fluid Therapy
Outpatient emergencies: acute heart failure
Enhanced recovery after rectal surgery: what we have learned so far
Comparison of patient-centered and family-centered teaching methods (based on empowerment model) on the laboratory variables of patients with type II diabetes
Effect of the Health Tourism weight loss programme on body composition and health outcomes in healthy and excess-weight adults
Optimising Acute Body Mass Management Practices in Australian Olympic Combat Sports
Neuroendocrine Lesions
Nutritional Intakes over Time and Perioperative Nutrition in Extremely Preterm Infants.
Endocrine diseases
Culture and food security
Evaluating the effects of heart failure clinic enrollment on hospital admission and readmission rates: A retrospective data analysis
Exploring the role of dopamine neurons in salt intake
The nutrient intakes and feeding prescriptions of low birth weight infants at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
Evaluation of jaundice in children beyond the neonatal period
Anesthetic and Perioperative Considerations in Liver Disease (Non-Transplant)
Via Email
Study of Chronic Kidney Disease in Geriatric Population: Etiology, Clinical Profile and Outcome
Anaesthetic and analgesic considerations in dentistry and oral surgery
Perceptions about the impacts of Ramadan month and Iftar program at AUT Mosque on holistic health
The Posterior Pituitary Gland and Disorders of Vasopressin Metabolism
Absolute Nephrology Review
How to Organise the PACU? What to Treat in the PACU?
Nutritional challenges in pediatric chronic kidney disease
Impact of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Modified Ketogenic Diet on Anthropometrics, Biochemical Values, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Adult Patients …
Anesthetic Concerns for Esophageal Surgery
Problems experienced by informal caregivers of individuals with heart failure: An integrative review
Clinical assessment of renal function
Croatia 22 E-Mail: zeljko. krznaric1@ zg. t-com. hr 23 24
Cardiovascular and Autonomic Nervous System Function: Impact of Glucose Ingestion, Hydration Status and Exercise in Heated Environments
How do antihypertensive drugs work? Insights from studies of the renal regulation of arterial blood pressure
Management of Complications of CRS and HIPEC
Quantitative Estimation of Total Body Water Loss During Physical Exercise
Free Papers
Nutrition in the Critically Injured Patient
Congenital hypopituitarism in neonates
A study of hyponatremia in acute heart failure patients in predicting the acute cardio renal syndrome type 1
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses regarding Enteral Nutrition at a Military hospital
Published in WWW. ENDOTEXT. ORG© 2017
Quantitative Schätzung des Verlustes an Gesamtkörperwasser während körperlicher Betätigung
Manual of pediatric anesthesia
Enhanced recovery after colorectal surgery–a randomized study of optimized perioperative treatment with an emphasis on patient counselling
Evaluation of an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) initiative
Low-normal serum sodium and heart failure-related events in patients with heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction
Neurological complications of endocrine disease
Exam 4 Questions
Methods of Clinical Nutrition
Clinical profile, etiology of acute liver failure in children between 1 month-12 yrs
In the name of Allah
Biomedical engineering principles
Pre-and postoperative nutritional status and dietary intake in patients undergoing gastroenterological surgery at St. Olavs Hospital
Desmopressin 25 and 50 μg oral lyophilisates (Noqdirna®; Nocdurna®) in nocturia due to nocturnal polyuria in adults: a profile of its use
The Effect of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol on Lung Resection Surgical Outcomes at the University of North Carolina Hospitals
Neonatal endocrinology
ISPAE Biennial Meeting 2017: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Nov-Dec 2017
Development and retrospective clinical assessment of a patient-specific closed-form integro-differential equation model of plasma dilution
Transcapillary fluid balance in children. Methodology and new clinical studies. To the interstitial space-and back again
Anesthesia for Common Nonoperating Room Procedures in the Geriatric Patient
Field methods of accurately determining the percent body fat of male jockey apprentices at the South African Jockey Academy, the weight-making techniques …
Inflammation and right ventricular structure and function in health and disease
Enhanced recovery after liver surgery
Carbohydrate needs of the young athlete
Protocols for perioperative nutritional care practice in accredited bariatric surgical centers: a survey of current practice
Spectrum of restrictive and infiltrative cardiomyopathies: part 2 of a 2-part series
Continuing Care of the Infant After Transfer From Neonatal Intensive Care
The safety, tolerability and risks associated with the use of newer generation antidepressant drugs: a critical review of the literature
Homo Mensura Est
Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
A Self-management program for people with heart failure in Hanoi, Vietnam: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Factors influencing infection risk in endurance athletes
The impact of adherence to enhanced recovery pathway elements on outcomes following bowel surgery
Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Habits of Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Attending the Regional Hospital at Wa
Global Food Security
Patterns of Change in Body Weight Among Individuals During Inpatient Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa
Hormonal adaptation to acute and chronic hypoxia: the role of brain natriuretic peptide and stress hormones in the diagnosis and etiology of altitude illness
Enteral Nutrition
The ERAS project for VATS lobectomy—the Italian VATS Group
What Makes a Successful Sparing Taekwondo Athlete?
Hematological variables as predictors of bovine respiratory disease in newly received cattle fed in confinement
Prospective study of Incidence, Clinical Profile & Outcome of Acute Kidney Injury in patients with Snake Bite Envenomation admitted in GMKMCH, Salem
Advances in pediatrics in 2017: current practices and challenges in allergy, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, immunology, infectious diseases …
Feeding the Critically Ill Obese Patient
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: evolving controversies and uncertainties
Voodoo Economics
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Disorders of coagulation
Abstracts of the 14th Congress of the African Association of Nephrology (Yaoundé, 14-18 March 2017)
Reducing risk of spinal haematoma from spinal and epidural pain procedures
Oncologic Emergencies
Are we doing better? Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Pelonomi Hospital during two time periods
Pediatric considerations in computed tomographic angiography
Hydration, kidney injury and clinical outcome
Organ Failure and Specialized Enteral Formulas
Antioxidative and antisenescent effects of cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure patients
ACBI 2018 41 ST Annual Conference
Fundamentals of the study of urine and body fluid s
Factors Associated with Initiation of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Rural Heart Failure Patients
Psychological distress and physical multimorbidity: The example of coexisting diabetes mellitus and end-stage renal disease
The effects of prebiotics on faecal microbiota in critical care patients receiving enteral nutrition/Mazuin Kamarul Zaman
Inpatient Medicine
Essays in Behavioral Economics
Older Peoples’ views of choice and decision-making in chronic kidney disease: a grounded theory study of access to the social world of renal care
30 th Annual Yash P. Kataria Internal Medicine Research Day April 13, 2016
Gill, S.
Preparing the patient for HSCT: Conditioning regimens and their scientific rationale
Dairy milk as an ergogenic aid: assessing athletic performance and perceptions
Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion-experimental and clinical studies
2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015
The impact of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat modified ketogenic diet on seizure severity, seizure frequency, and quality of life in adult patients with epilepsy
Enteral diet and necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates: a scoping review and parent outcome prioritization project
A comparison of different graphic approaches in the design of information panels about headaches
Glucose Derangements and Brain Function in Neonatal Encephalopathy
Traumatic brain injury: control of physiological variables, organ failure and complications in the intensive care unit
The biopsychosocial-spiritual health of active duty women: Service members in need of service
Symposium Oral Presentations
Development of a pharmaceutical care model within paediatric oncology
Thirty-day readmissions reduction using teach-back telephone education
Stress and fluid restriction before anesthesia induction, investigation of the effects of the patient’s clinic, endocrine responses, and the level of the Nesfatin-1
Pre‐operative fasting in adults and children: clinical practice and guidelines
Ramadan fasting and kidney stones: A systematic review
The ketogenic diet for infants: how long can you go?
The fasting patient
Use of an educational intervention to improve fluid restriction adherence in patients on hemodialysis
Ramadan fasting and Patients with Renal Problems: A Literature Review
fasting during the COVID-19 pandemic
Perioperative fluid restriction in abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
fluid restriction decreases solid food consumption post-exercise
A randomized controlled study of preoperative oral carbohydrate loading versus fasting in patients undergoing elective craniotomy
Ramadan fasting and Kidney Stones: A Systematic Review
Abbreviated preoperative fasting favours postoperative oral intake at lower hospital admission costs for cancer patients.
fluid deficits during prolonged overnight fasting in young healthy adults
Ramadan fasting and risk of Covid-19
Ramadan fasting and dental implications: A special review
Effects of Intermittent fasting on Performance in US Military Personnel While Operating OCONUS-A Review.
Effects of hydration status and urine concentration on the quantification of cell-cycle arrest biomarkers in the urine of healthy volunteers: a randomized crossover trial
Effect of Ramadan fasting on renal function of people with diabetes; a prospective longitudinal study
The Effects of Ramadan fasting on Electrolytes Index, Serum Osmolarity and Body Composition in fasting and Non-fasting Students: A Quasi-Experimental …
Ramadan fasting and Patients with Renal Disorders: A
Research gaps in Ramadan fasting studies in health and disease
Unexpectedly prolonged fasting and its consequences on elderly patients undergoing spinal anesthetics. A prospective observational study
Effect of multidisciplinary interventions in perioperative management center on duration of preoperative fasting : A single-center before-and-after study
Effect of fasting on contrast sensitivity in healthy males
Effects of fasting on patients with chronic kidney disease during Ramadan and practical guidance for healthcare professionals
Energy metabolism and intermittent fasting : the Ramadan perspective
Ramadan fasting dietary patterns and gastrointestinal discomforts
Self-reported prevalence, magnitude, and methods of rapid weight loss in male and female competitive powerlifters
Relationship Between Preoperative Time of fasting and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in healthy people: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Intraocular Pressure: the Effect of Short-term fasting and Its Association With fluid and Fat Status
A review of high-risk rapid weight loss behaviors with assessment of food intake and anthropometric measurements in combat sport athletes
The influence of fasting and carbohydrate-enriched drink administration on body water amount and distribution: a volunteer randomized study
Prevalence, magnitude and methods of rapid weight loss reported by male mixed martial arts athletes in Ireland
The effect of hydration status on plasma FGF21 concentrations in humans: A subanalysis of a randomised crossover trial
Hydration status affects thirst and salt preference but not energy intake or postprandial ghrelin in healthy adults: A randomised crossover trial
Human Hydration Monitoring using Microwaves: System Assessment Using fasting Volunteers
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Impact on the Systemic Inflammatory Response of Patients Following Gynecological Oncology Surgery: A Prospective …
Total fasting and Dehydration in the Operating Room: How Can Surgeons Survive and Thrive?
The role of hydration status and sugar at breakfast on glycaemia and appetite
A Randomized trial of empagliflozin to increase plasma sodium levels in patients with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
Effect of acute hypohydration on glycemic regulation in healthy adults: A randomized crossover trial
Beneficial gut microbiome remodeled during intermittent fasting in humans
Siddha fasting in obese acute decompensated heart failure may improve hospital outcomes through empowerment and natural ketosis
Microwave Hydration Monitoring: System Assessment Using fasting Volunteers
Nutritional Support of Critically ill Neonates in Post-Gastrointestinal Surgery State: Adequacy and Barriers
The effect of voluntary fasting and dehydration on posterior ocular structures
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) induced by long-term use of citalopram and short-term use of naproxen
Can treatment response to SGLT2-inhibitors in syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis be predicted by copeptin, natriuretic peptides and inflammatory markers?
Ramadan coincides with the Covid-19 pandemic: What should be done?
The impact of Ramadan fasting on metabolic profile among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: a meta-analysis
Redesigned intravenous fluid order form with more perceived safety and accuracy for after-hours doctors
What happens to the body? Physiology of fasting during Ramadan
Ramadan and COVID-19: a challenge amongst challenges
Restricted Water Intake and Hydration with Fructose-Containing Beverages during Infancy Predispose to Aggravate an Acute Renal Ischemic Insult in …
Effects of Different fasting Durations on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Sprague Dawley Rats
No differences in hematological parameters of fasting and non-fasting pregnant women three months after Ramadan
The effects of Ramadan fasting on metabolic syndrome and body composition in male students
Physicians’ attitudes and views regarding religious fasting during pregnancy and review of the literature
Advising patients with existing conditions about fasting during Ramadan
Effects of Ramadan fasting on physical activity level and body composition in young males
Effects of an overnight high-carbohydrate meal on muscle glycogen after rapid weight loss in male collegiate wrestlers
Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic
Effects of intermittent fasting on specific exercise performance outcomes: a systematic review including meta-analysis
The current state of weight-cutting in combat sports
Preload Dependence and Microcirculation Relationship: Reply
SIADH and severe COVID-19 pneumonia in elderly patients: a therapeutic challenge in developing countries
Effect of fasting on choroidal thickness and its diurnal variation
Knife crimes and facial injuries
Biochemical, Metabolic and Clinical Effects of Intermittent fasting
Perioperative fluid management in the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) pathway
Nutrition management for critically and acutely unwell hospitalised patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) in Australia and New Zealand
Ulinastatin as an adjuvant therapy to restricting volumes of resuscitation fluid strategy for patients with septic shock after initial management
Nutritional Assessment and Dietary Requirements in Kidney Transplant Patients: A Literature Review as a Clinical Guideline
The Benefits of Ramadan fasting on the Cognitive Function of Medical Students
Ramadan intermittent fasting and immunity: An important topic in the era of COVID-19
IV fluid s for Major Surgery: Reply
Barriers to the delivery of enteral nutrition in pediatric intensive care units: A national survey
Peptide nutrient‐energy dense enteral feeding in critically ill infants: an observational study
Impact of Intra-operative use of peristaltic pneumatic compression device on Haemodynamics vis-à-vis fluid requirement during General Anaesthesia and …
Implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program in perioperative management of gastric cancer surgery: a nationwide survey in Korea
Barriers to delivery of enteral nutrition in pediatric intensive care: a world survey
Association of Ramadan daytime fasting with ocular surface inflammation and Dry eye
Implementation of ketogenic diet in children with drug-resistant epilepsy in a medium resources setting: Egyptian experience
Small sided games vs repeated sprint training effects on agility in fasting basketball players
Impact of maintenance, resuscitation and unintended fluid therapy on global fluid load after elective coronary artery bypass surgery
Obesity Management and Use of Very Low-Energy Diets
Decreased opioid prescribing in children using an enhanced recovery protocol
Bibliometric analysis of the literature on Ramadan fasting and diabetes in the past three decades (1989–2018)
Factors influencing adequate protein and energy delivery among critically ill children with heart disease in pediatric intensive care unit
Strategies for Low Central Venous Pressure in Liver Resection Surgery
The Effects of a Progressive Dehydration Protocol on Glycaemic Response During and Following Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Perioperative fluid therapy for major surgery
Ceftriaxone-Induced Pancreatitis
Hydration, arginine vasopressin, and glucoregulatory health in humans: A critical perspective
Perceived barriers to effective enteral and parenteral nutrition in pediatric intensive care units in Ecuador: a multicenter survey study.
Current perspectives on the role of the ketogenic diet in epilepsy management
Randomised double-blind dose-response study of weight-adjusted infusions of metaraminol for preventing hypotension with combined spinal–epidural anaesthesia …
Open-label, multicenter, dose-titration study to determine the efficacy and safety of tolvaptan in Japanese patients with hyponatremia secondary to syndrome of …
Effect of fasting on intraocular pressure in glaucomatous patients
Enhanced recovery after surgery for liver resection
Goal-directed fluid therapy versus restrictive fluid therapy: A cardiomerty study during one-lung ventilation in patients undergoing thoracic surgery
Comparison of conventional fluid management with PVI-based goal-directed fluid management in elective colorectal surgery
fluid Therapy for Major Abdominal Surgery: A Narrative
Therapeutic hypothermia and outcome in hyponatraemic encephalopathy secondary to maternal water intoxication
Introduction of an enhanced recovery protocol into a laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy programme
Carbohydrate loading and fluid management within enhanced recovery
Factors influencing weight loss practices in Italian boxers: A cluster analysis
Effect of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy: a randomized controlled trial
Does daily fasting shielding kidney on hyperglycemia-related inflammatory cytokine via TNF-α, NLRP3, TGF-β1 and VCAM-1 mRNA expression
Effects of ramadan intermittent fasting on gut hormones and body composition in males with obesity
The association between high‐volume intraoperative fluid administration and outcomes among pediatric patients undergoing large bowel resection
Young Researcher Award Abstracts
A Prospective Clinical Trial of Prolonged fasting in Healthy Young Males and Females—Effect on Fatigue, Sleepiness, Mood and Body Composition
Determination of adaptation levels and applications for fistulas care and protection to disease of patients with arteriovenous fistula
The effect of Ramadan fasting on body composition and metabolic syndrome in apparently healthy men
Use of vena cava inferior collapsibility index and perfusion index in volume status monitoring during intermittent fasting in the ramadan
The Role of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor PET/CT With Ga-68-NODAGA-exendin in Localising an Insulinoma: Lessons From a Clinical Case
Analysis of Pilot Study Data for Microwave Hydration Assessment
The psychophysiological effects of a three day Dry fast: A self-experimentation case study
Principles of Rapid Weight Loss in Female Sambo Athletes
Metabolic emergencies in pregnancy
Combining exercise and nutrition in chronic kidney disease and dialysis: Can we learn from the performance nutrition of athletes?
High prevalence and magnitude of rapid weight loss in mixed martial arts athletes
The positives and negatives of preoperative electrolyte disturbances
Central diabetes insipidus associated with refeeding in anorexia nervosa: A case report
Phytobezoar-induced small bowel obstruction in an elderly patient undergoing dialysis: a case report
Diagnosis and Management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Newborn: An Update
Impact of religious fasting on metabolic and hematological profile in both dyslipidemic and non-dyslipidemic fasters
Effects of time-restricted feeding during Ramadan on dietary intake, body composition and metabolic outcomes
Rules of Pediatric fluid Therapy: Non-systematic
The Challenge of Perioperative fluid Management in Elderly Patients
Hypohydration but not Menstrual Phase Influences Pain Perception in Healthy Women
Quantitative assessment of the effect of fasting on macular microcirculation: an optical coherence tomography angiography study
Management of Cirrhosis in Primary Care
The COVID-19 pandemic and physical activity during intermittent fasting , is it safe? A call for action
Weight improvement with the use of protein and energy enriched nutritional formula in infants with a prolonged PICU stay
Influence of peak menstrual cycle hormonal changes on restoration of fluid balance after induced dehydration
Goal-directed fluid therapy in the perioperative setting
Rapid weight loss habits before a competition in sambo athletes
fasting of male mice–Effects of time point of initiation and duration on clinical chemistry parameters and animal welfare
Multilevel evaluation of rapid weight loss in wrestling and taekwondo
When in doubt, give fluid s and kill your patient
Case study: Extreme weight making causes relative energy deficiency, dehydration, and acute kidney injury in a male mixed martial arts athlete
Restrictive versus liberal fluid regimens in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of fasting on diurnal fluctuation of parafoveal and peripapillary vessel density and related oculodynamic and haemodynamic parameters
The bioimpedance spectroscopy as useful tool for measuring the fluid excess and fluid management in severe polytrauma patients
Efficacy and tolerability of the ketogenic diet versus high‐dose adrenocorticotropic hormone for infantile spasms: a single‐center parallel‐cohort randomized …
Restricted Versus Liberal fluid Management Pros and Cons
Anesthesia protocols for “bedside” preterm patent ductus arteriosus ligation: A single-institutional experience
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Preoperative Anxiety and Volume and Acidity of Gastric fluid in Paediatric Patients undergoing Ambulatory Surgery
The Relationship Between fluid Control and Disease Adaptation Levels with Symptoms in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Enhancing recovery after cesarean delivery–A narrative review
ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease
International Continence Society consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of nocturia
Effect of intraoperative fluid volume on postoperative ileus after robot-assisted radical cystectomy
Changes in fasting patterns during Ramadan, and associated clinical outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes: A narrative review of epidemiological studies …
Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in ERAS pathways
Perioperative fluid management for major elective surgery
Critical Care Considerations for Damage Control in a Trauma Patient
Preoperative Anxiety and Volume and Acidity of Gastric fluid in Paediatric Patients undergoing Ambulatory Surgery.
Pregnancy-associated myocardial infarction following elective caesarean section for two previous caesarean sections and myomectomy
Perception Of Oral Hygiene Practices And Dental Treatment Permissible During fasting Amongst Dental Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study In Pakistan
Effect of liberal versus restrictive fluid therapy on intraoperative lactate levels in robot-assisted colorectal surgery
A journey of dietary therapies for epilepsy in iran: diet restriction in the ancient era to the ketogenic diet in the modern period
Case Scenario of fluid Management for Thoracic Surgery
Preoperative volume assessment using bioelectrical impedance analysis for minimizing blood loss during hepatic resection
Weight-Making Practices Among Jockeys: An Update and Review of the Emergent Scientific Literature
Maintenance intravenous fluid therapy in children
Water supplementation after dehydration improves judgment and decision-making performance
Enhanced recovery program for colorectal surgery: a focus on elderly patients over 75 years old
Feasibility, safety, and outcomes of a stratified fast-track care trajectory in pituitary surgery
Effects of Water restriction and Supplementation on Cognitive Performances and Mood among Young Adults in Baoding, China: A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT …
Should fluid management in thoracic surgery be goal directed?
Hypothalamic vasopressin-producing tumors
Nutrition Considerations in the Cirrhotic Patient
Adoption of enhanced recovery after laparotomy in gynecologic oncology
Prospective evaluation of a novel enteral feeding guideline based on individual gastric emptying times: an improvement project in a pediatric intensive care unit
The Effect of Intraoperative fluid Management According to Stroke Volume Variation on Postoperative Bowel Function Recovery in Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Craniopharyngioma: Endocrinological Aspects After Surgery
The impact of dawn to sunset fasting on immune system and its clinical significance in Covid-19 pandemic
The ketogenic diet as a therapeutic intervention strategy in mitochondrial disease
Intravenous fluid therapy in the perioperative and critical care setting: executive summary of the International fluid Academy (IFA)
The ketogenic diet including breast milk for treatment of infants with severe childhood epilepsy: feasibility, safety, and effectiveness
Targeted Control of Pulse Pressure Variation Versus Central Venous Pressure on Reduction of Intraoperative Blood Loss During Hepatic Resection
Diagnosing DI (The Water Deprivation Test)
Early removal of urinary drainage in patients receiving epidural analgesia after colorectal surgery within an ERAS protocol is feasible
The Effects of Passive Dehydration on Neuromuscular Function
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in Colorectal Surgery
Are Surgical Nurses Aware of Up-to-Date Perioperative Care Practices?
AASP Conference 2020: Panel Discussion Making Weight: Risks and Rewards-2020
A Case of Miller-Fisher Syndrome with Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone
Frailty in liver transplantation: A comprehensive review
Implementation of an ERAS pathway in colorectal surgery
Effects of a stepwise, local patient-specific early oral feeding schedule after gastric cancer surgery: a single-center retrospective study from China
Preoperative Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score predicts short-term outcomes of patients with gastric cancer after laparoscopy-assisted radical …
Paediatric acute liver failure: a practical approach
Perioperative management of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraoperative thoraco-abdominal chemotherapy (HITAC) for pseudomyxoma peritonei
Nutrition Considerations in the Cirrhotic Patient
Specialist information
Restricted, optimized or liberal fluid strategy in thoracic surgery: A narrative review
Turning purple with pain
Optimizing pre-, intra-, and postoperative management of patients with sellar pathology undergoing transsphenoidal surgery
Therapeutic use of the ketogenic diet in refractory epilepsy: what we know and what still needs to be learned
Meal timing and frequency implications in the development and prognosis of chronic kidney disease
Intravenous hydration therapy
Safety and efficacy of low-dose diazoxide in small-for-gestational-age infants with hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia
Potential prediction of formulation performance in paediatric patients using biopharmaceutical tools and simulation of clinically relevant administration scenarios of …
Management of congenital nephrotic syndrome: consensus recommendations of the ERKNet-ESPN Working Group
FGF21 and the physiological regulation of macronutrient preference
Lung Ultrasound Assisted Comparison of Volume Effects of fluid Replacement Regimens in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Penile Hypospadias Repair: A …
Perioperative Preparation and Postoperative Care Considerations
A Review of the Effects of Dietary restriction , Dehydration, and Caffeine Withdrawal on Cognition: Implications for a Disabled Submarine Scenario
Recurrent hemichorea in a patient with diabetes and anti-phospholipid syndrome: a case report
Factors related to the reduction of the risk of complications in colorectal surgery within perioperative care recommended by the ACERTO protocol
The relation of etiology based on the 2017 ILAE classification to the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet in drug‐resistant epilepsy in childhood
Weight Loss Strategies in Male Competitors of Combat Sport Disciplines
Goal-Directed fluid Therapy, Perioperative Pain Management, and Enhanced Recovery
Perioperative fluid Therapy for Major Surgery
A physiological approach to fluid and electrolyte management of the preterm infant
Aetiological diagnosis of hyponatraemia in non-critical patients on total parenteral nutrition: A prospective multicentre study
Enhanced recovery after surgery for laparoscopic gastrectomy in gastric cancer: A prospective study
Comparison of enhanced recovery protocol with conventional care in patients undergoing minor gynecologic surgery
Urinary metabolic profile of patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia major undergoing deferasirox therapy
fluid and Electrolytes Management in Children Undergoing Neurosurgery
Endocrine abnormality in paraneoplastic syndrome
Male mice placed on a ketogenic diet from postnatal day (P) 21 through adulthood have reduced growth, are hypoactive, show increased freezing in a conditioned …
A qualitative study of nurses’ perception on patients’ thirst in intensive care units
Perioperative restrictive versus goal‐directed fluid therapy for adults undergoing major non‐cardiac surgery
Practical strategies to maintain anabolism by intravenous nutritional management in children with inborn metabolic diseases
fluid s, Nutrition, and Acute Kidney Injury in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Cerebral Salt-Wasting Syndrome and Elevated Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels caused by Minor Traumatic Brain Injury: A case report
Case Scenario for Perioperative fluid Management for Major Colorectal Surgery
IPNA clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
fluid management in perioperative and critically ill patients
What do we know about travel for children with special health care needs? A review of the literature
The implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols in ovarian malignancy surgery
The effect of Ramadan fasting on the morning–evening difference in team-handball-related short-term maximal physical performances in elite female team-handball …
Multidisciplinary management of acromegaly: a consensus
Rapid weight loss in visually impaired judo athletes: Prevalence, magnitude, and methods
The Effect of Acute Hypohydration on Indicators of Glycemic Regulation, Appetite, Metabolism and Stress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Clinical heterogeinity of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction: on the example of clinical case
Therapeutic Diet Modification in Short Bowel Syndrome
Optimal clinical management of children receiving ketogenic parenteral nutrition: a clinical practice guide
fluid management in thoracic surgery
Validating the Peri-operative Thirst Discomfort Scale for Measuring Thirst Discomfort Prior to Procedures
Retinal vascular geometry and the prevalence of atrial fibrillation and heart failure in a clinic-based sample
Nutrition Considerations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Patients’ opinions on enhanced recovery after surgery perioperative care principles: a questionnaire study
Prevalence of rapid weight loss practices and their profiles among non-elite combat athletes in Kuching, East Malaysia
Effects of Gargling with an Aroma Solution on Xerostomia, Halitosis, and Salivary pH in Hemodialysis Patients–A Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of hypohydration and menstrual phase on pain: a thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Sport …
Leg swelling and ulcers
fluid -induced harm in the hospital: look beyond volume and start considering sodium. From physiology towards recommendations for daily practice in …
Preoperative carbohydrate loading and intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy for elderly patients undergoing open gastrointestinal surgery: a prospective …
A randomized controlled trial of high volume simethicone to improve visualization during capsule endoscopy
The Refeeding Syndrome: a neglected but potentially serious condition for inpatients. A narrative review
Determining Whether a Spot Urine Sample is an Accurate Indication of a Person’s Hydration Status
Enhanced recovery after surgery: An anesthesiologist’s perspective
The effect of intraoperative fluid administration on outcomes of patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
AANA Journal Course—Perioperative Goal-Directed fluid Therapy: A Prime Component of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
Hydration status of youth Judo athletes during an off-season training camp
ASPEN consensus recommendations for refeeding syndrome
Does implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols in colorectal surgery improve patient outcomes?
Enhanced recovery after elective surgery for lung cancer patients: analysis of current pathways and perspectives
Therapeutic strategies for acute intermittent porphyria
Effect of Dexmedetomidine and Remifentanil on Renal Function in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
Enhanced Recovery in Gynecologic Surgery
Essential elements for enhanced recovery after intra-abdominal surgery
Enhanced recovery after cardiac surgery (ERAS Cardiac) recommendations: An important first step—But there is much work to be done
Nutritional management for chronic kidney disease patients who undergo bariatric surgery: a narrative review
Plasma volume expansion and capillary leakage of 20% albumin in burned patients and volunteers
Clinical pathway for enhanced recovery after surgery for gastric cancer: A prospective single‐center phase II clinical trial for safety and efficacy
Risk of vasopressin use: a case of acute pulmonary oedema, post intramyometrial infiltration of vasopressin in laparoscopic myomectomy
Long-Term Outcomes of in Utero Ramadan Exposure: A Systematic Literature Review
Nutritional status in cirrhosis; pathogenesis and management
Cirrhosis for the PCP
Weight loss practices and eating behaviours among female physique athletes: Acquiring the optimal body composition for competition
Prevalence, risk factors, and complications associated with hyponatraemia following elective primary hip and knee arthroplasty
Pharmacologic therapies for the management of non-neurogenic urinary incontinence in children
154 compared to 54 mmol per liter of sodium in intravenous maintenance fluid therapy for adult patients undergoing major thoracic surgery (TOPMAST): a …
Overcoming Barriers Optimising Nutritional Therapy in the Critically Ill Child
Evaluation of simplified fluid intake and output recording schemes for the self-management in patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial
Anesthetic implications and role of preoperative beta blockade in esophageal substitution with stomach in pediatric surgical patients
Effect of feed intake on water consumption in horses: Relevance to maintenance fluid Therapy
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) might be a standard care in radical prostatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Pre-competition body mass loss characteristics of Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitors in the United Kingdom
fluid and electrolyte balance in children
Hydration biomarkers and copeptin: relationship with ad libitum energy intake, energy expenditure, and metabolic fuel selection
Prospective comparison of the effects of intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy and restrictive fluid therapy on complications in thoracoscopic lobectomy
The Effect of Goal-Directed fluid Therapy versus Standard fluid Therapy on the Cuff Leak Gradient in Patients Undergoing Complex Spine Surgery in Prone …
Differing water intake and hydration status in three European countries—A day-to-day analysis
Risk factors for mortality in severely ill children admitted to a tertiary referral hospital in Malawi
Coarctation of the Aorta
Withdrawal Symptoms among Cigarette and Waterpipe Smokers: A Study in Natural Setting
A Portable Biodevice to Monitor Salivary Conductivity for the Rapid Assessment of fluid Status
Case report: Risk of vasopressin use: a case of acute pulmonary oedema, post intramyometrial infiltration of vasopressin in laparoscopic myomectomy
Physiological and perceptual responses to a five-week pre-event taper in professional mixed martial arts athletes
New concepts in Perioperative fluid Management
Drinking patterns and hydration biomarkers among young adults with different levels of habitual total drinking fluid s intake in Baoding, Hebei Province, China …
Nutritional support in the recovery phase of critically ill children
How to provide preoperative care to patients
Competitive bodybuilding: fitness, pathology, or both?
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery: History, Key Advancements and Developments in Transplant Surgery
Consequences of Interdialytic Weight Gain Among Hemodialysis Patients
MANAGEMENT OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE: Dysnatraemia in COVID-19: prevalence, prognostic impact, pathophysiology, and management
Analysis on the application value of goal-directed fluid therapy in patients undergoing laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy with fast-track anesthesia
Influence of osmolality on gastrointestinal fluid volume and drug absorption: potential impact on oral salt supplementation
Nutrition, obesity, and cachexia in patients with heart failure: a consensus statement from the Heart Failure Society of America Scientific Statements Committee
Tolvaptan for Heart Failure with Volume Overload not Responding to Conventional Treatment: A Retrospective Analysis
The Design and Implementation of a Heart Disease Reversal Program in the Veterans Health Administration: Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Management of postoperative neurosurgical patients
Safety of a rapid outpatient hydration protocol for patients with renal impairment requiring intravenous iodinated contrast media for computed tomography
Enhanced recovery program versus traditional postoperative care for elective open colorectal cancer surgery
Impact of compliance with components of an ERAS pathway on the outcomes of anatomic VATS pulmonary resections
Inflammatory response and optimalisation of perioperative fluid administration during hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy surgery
Anasarca in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes: review of the pathophysiology of insulin edema
Nutrition support of children with chronic liver diseases: a joint position paper of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition …
A practical guide for the use of very low calorie diets in adults with chronic kidney disease
Rapid weight loss influences the physical, psychological and biological responses during a simulated competition in national judo athletes
Neuroanesthesia and Coexisting Endocrine Problems
Transfusion-related acute lung injury and treatment with high-flow oxygen therapy in a pediatric patient: a case report
Insulin-induced oedema: a rare complication in a patient with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus (a case report)
Effects of preoperative oral carbohydrate administration combined with postoperative early oral intake in elderly patients undergoing hepatectomy with acute …
Enhanced Recovery Program Implementation and Hospital Cost in Colorectal, Pancreatic and Liver Surgery
Clinical usage of serum albumin to ascitic fluid albumin gradient and ascitic fluid total protein in pediatric ascites
Less pain and earlier discharge after implementation of a multidisciplinary enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Importance of intraoperative oliguria during major abdominal surgery: findings of the restrictive versus liberal fluid therapy in major abdominal surgery trial
A clinical study of choledochoscopic holmium laser lithotripsy for multiple intrahepatic calculi within ERAS programs
Maintaining cultural identity: A systematic mixed studies review of cultural influences on the self‐care of African immigrants living with non‐communicable disease
Effects of intraoperative fluid management on postoperative outcomes after lobectomy
Vascular surgery and ERAS
Narrative review of hydration and selected health outcomes in the general population
Effects of caloric restriction on anthropometrical and specific performance in highly-trained university judo athletes
Progression of human subjective perceptions during euhydration, mild dehydration, and drinking
Long-term effectiveness and adverse effects of ketogenic diet therapy in infants with drug-resistant epilepsy treated at a single center in Argentina
Cirrhosis: diagnosis and management
Anesthetic considerations for lung resection: preoperative assessment, intraoperative challenges and postoperative analgesia
Acute intermittent porphyria
Overview: nutrition in exercise and sport
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) reduces hospital costs and improve clinical outcomes in liver surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
fluid management: An update for perioperative practitioners
Long-Term Outcomes of in Utero Ramadan Exposure: A Systematic Literature Review. Nutrients 2021, 13, 4511
Electrolyte disorders and the nervous system
Current Status of Diagnosis and Management of Functioning Pituitary Tumors: Part II
fluid management
Does restricting fluid volume impact post-ERCP pancreatitis in patient with heart disease?
Cellular dehydration acutely degrades mood mainly in women: a counterbalanced, crossover trial
Acute hyperketonaemia alters T-cell-related cytokine gene expression within stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells following prolonged exercise
Prehabilitation programs and ERAS protocols in gynecological oncology: a comprehensive review
Hyponatremia as an Independent Prognostic Factor for Morbidity and Mortality in Euvolemic ICU Patients
Dietary protein for training adaptation and body composition manipulation in track and field athletes
The effect of 1, 3-butanediol on cycling time-trial performance
Health and wellbeing: Bridging secular and Islamic worldviews
Which type of fluid to use perioperatively?
Nonoperating room anesthesia for interventional Neuroangiographic procedures: outcomes of 105 patients
Impact of enhanced recovery after surgery on postoperative outcomes for patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
Package of menthol measures for thirst relief: a randomized clinical study
The chloride horse and normal saline cart: the association of crystalloid choice with acid base status and patient outcomes in kidney transplant recipients
Cognitive performance in relation to hydration status and water intake among older adults, NHANES 2011–2014
The Role of Minimum fluid Requirement Post Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Comparison to Open Cholecystectomy.
Endocrine manifestations of adult malignancy
Nasopharyngeal tube effects on breathing during sedation for dental procedures: a randomized controlled trial
Male sex, ostomy, infection, and intravenous fluid s are associated with increased risk of postoperative ileus in elective colorectal surgery
Cyclical haematological changes in a case of hypopituitarism
International Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders
The Effect of a Health Education Based Program on the Orem’s Self-Care Theory with Heart Failure Patient: An Experimental Study
Comparison of restrictive fluid therapy with goal-directed fluid therapy for postoperative delirium in patients undergoing spine surgery: a randomized …
An exploratory pilot study with copeptin as a biomarker for individualizing treatment for nocturnal polyuria
Single-dose pharmacokinetics and tolerability of aprocitentan, a dual endothelin receptor antagonist, in subjects with severe renal function impairment
Outpatient initiation of the ketogenic diet in children with pharmacoresistant epilepsy: An effectiveness, safety and economic perspective
The impact of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) pathways with regard to perioperative outcome in patients with ovarian cancer
Driving While Hungry: The effect of fasting on traffic accidents
fluid management
The influence of perioperative fluid therapy on N-terminal-pro-brain natriuretic peptide and the Association with Heart and Lung Complications in Patients Undergoing …
State of the art in fluid and volume therapy
Nutritional management of the critically ill neonate: A Position Paper of the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition
Impact of oral resuscitation on circulating and splenic leukocytes after burns
On the long-term footprint of pediatric critical illness and how this is affected by acute macronutrient restriction
Preoperative intake of carbohydrate-rich drinks is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications in patients after gastric cancer surgery
Future considerations in nocturia and nocturnal polyuria
Automated E-counseling for chronic heart failure: CHF-CePPORT trial
ERAS® Program in a Portuguese Hospital: Results from Elective Colorectal Surgery after One Year of Implementation
Could nutritional therapy take us further in our approaches to Fabry disease?
Diuretic therapy in congestive heart failure
Ketone bodies in neurological diseases: focus on neuroprotection and underlying mechanisms
Evaluation of demographic and clinical risk factors for high interdialytic weight gain
Intensive Care of the Neurointerventional Patient
Effect of Marital Status on Depression and Mortality among Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005–2014
The attitude of health care workers on enhanced recovery after surgery for cesarean delivery: A scoping review
Restricted or Liberal fluid Therapy
SAT-541 Difference in Aldosterone Dependency Between Cardiovascular Diseases and Renal Impairments in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism
How to manage a high-output stoma
Dietary care for ADPKD patients: current status and future directions
Evaluation of Preoperative Administration of Rectal Indomethacin in Reducing the Severity of Ileus after Open Cholecystectomy
Predictive factors for delayed hyponatremia after transsphenoidal surgery in patients with pituitary adenomas
Induction of renal tumor necrosis factor-α and other autacoids and the beneficial effects of hypertonic saline in acute decompensated heart failure
Enhanced recovery after surgery–possibility of implementation in the department of orthopedics and spine surgery in Poland
fluid management and its role in enhanced recovery
Nutritional interventions for heart failure patients who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition or cachexia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nutritional status and weight making practices of professional male South African mixed martial arts fighters
Development and validation of a risk nomogram for postoperative acute kidney injury in older patients undergoing liver resection: a pilot study
A critical review on sleep assessment methodologies in athletic populations: factors to be considered
Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of ATP1A3-Related Disorders in a Korean Pediatric Population
ERAS for Major Urological Procedures: Evidence Synthesis and Recommendations
The Complete Blood Count and Associated Tests
ERAS in minimally invasive hepatectomy
Integrating Duodenal Sampling in a Human Mass Balance Study to Quantify the Elimination Pathways of JNJ-53718678, a Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion Protein …
Variation in Urine Electrolytes, pH and Specific Gravity Throughout the Day and the Effect of Increased fluid Intake on Intra-Day Urine Composition
Protein energy wasting; what is it and what can we do to prevent it?
Effect of weight restriction strategies in judokas
Predicting the accurate period of true dawn using a third-degree polynomial model
Insulinoma as a potential insidious presenter in medical refractory epilepsy
Acute kidney injury in oncology patients
The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol to promote recovery following esophageal cancer resection
Physiological impacts on construction workers under extremely hot and humid weather
Heart failure and ejection fraction
Postoperative Management of Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Hereditary tubulopathies accompanying polyuia
Successful Treatment with Percutaneous Balloon Kyphoplasty for Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone Associated with Vertebral …
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery strategies for elective craniotomy: a systematic review
Management and appropriate use of diazoxide in infants and children with hyperinsulinism
Nutritional survey in critically ill children: a single center study in China
Acute hepatic porphyria and anaesthesia: a practical approach to the prevention and management of acute neurovisceral attacks
Human milk use in the preoperative period is associated with a lower risk for necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates with complex congenital heart disease
Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency in an Extremely Premature Infant With Intestinal Failure
The Effect of Chewable Chitosan on Phosphate Levels in Serum and Saliva In Hemodialysis Pediatric Patients
Ketogenic diet for human diseases: the underlying mechanisms and potential for clinical implementations
Management of diabetic ketoacidosis in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Bio-electrical impedance analysis for perioperative fluid evaluation in open major abdominal surgery
A pilot study of the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in aortic surgery
Classifying enteral nutrition: tailored for clinical practice
Assessment of central hemodynamic effects of phenylephrine: an animal experiment
Nutrition, supplementation and weight reduction in combat sports: a review
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) for Colorectal Surgery: Does Implementation of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) Protocols in Colorectal …
Initial Evaluation of Polydipsia and Polyuria
SIADH as the initial manifestation of acute intermittent porphyria: A case report
Nutrition in chronic liver disease: consensus statement of the Indian national association for study of the liver
Implementation of a perioperative protocol to enhance open aortic repair
Plant-based diets to manage the risks and complications of chronic kidney disease
Principles of colorectal and small bowel surgery
A Study of Some Important Issues for a Muslim in the Month of Ramadan
Pituitary Apoplexy
Enhanced Recovery After Thoracic Surgery
A practical guide to the management of severe hypertension in children
Evaluation of renal function with administration of 6% hydroxyethyl starch and 4% gelatin in major abdominal surgeries: a pilot study
Pulmonary Hypertension
Osmotic stimulation of vasopressin acutely impairs glucose regulation: A counterbalanced, crossover trial
Machine learning in medicine: what clinicians should know
Anaesthetic Management of Craniopharyngioma Resection
Nutritional Risks among Adolescent Athletes with Disordered Eating
Effectiveness of central venous pressure versus stroke volume variation in guiding fluid management in renal transplantation
Enhanced recovery programs in gastrointestinal surgery: Actions to promote optimal perioperative nutritional and metabolic care
Factors associated with failure of enhanced recovery after surgery program in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy
Dietary interventions and nutritional supplements for heart failure: A systematic appraisal and evidence map
Enhanced recovery after intraspinal tumor surgery: a single-institutional randomized controlled study
Nutritional considerations to counteract gastrointestinal permeability during exertional heat stress
Congenital hyperinsulinism: Recent updates on molecular mechanisms, diagnosis and management
Perioperative nutrition: Recommendations from the ESPEN expert group
Blood metabolomic profiling predicts postoperative gastrointestinal function of colorectal surgical patients under the guidance of goal-directed fluid therapy
Variation in Urinary Stone Parameters Throughout the Day and the Effect of Increased fluid and Citrate Supplementation
Nutrition, labor supply, and productivity: Evidence from Ramadan in Indonesia
Identification of pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in patients undergoing abdominal surgery
Nutrition in adult patients with selected lysosomal storage diseases
Enhanced recovery after surgery in liver resection: current concepts and controversies
Time-restricted eating: A novel and simple dietary intervention for primary and secondary prevention of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease
Variation of salivary IgA during weight loss period before a competition among university Judo players
Roadmap to the Enhanced Thoracic Surgical Journey
Goal-directed therapy during transthoracic oesophageal resection does not improve outcome: Randomised controlled trial
Hormone Excess Syndromes of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
Central diabetes insipidus and pain medications–a risky combination
Perioperative transthoracic echocardiography applications in orthogeriatric patients
Safety, Tolerability, and Use of Steroids
A quasi-experimental examination of weight-reducing dehydration practices in collegiate male rowers
PROFAST: A randomised trial implementing enhanced recovery after surgery for highcomplexity advanced ovarian cancer surgery
The Effect of Osmotic Stimulation of Copeptin on Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Adults
Peak week recommendations for bodybuilders: an evidence based approach
New trends in fetal anesthesia
Assessment of dietary intake and nutritional status in CrossFit-trained individuals: A descriptive study
Incorporating the latest pediatric nutrition support guidelines into clinical practice
Diagnostic approach of orthostatic dizziness/vertigo
Inhalation Biopharmaceutics
Underhydration is associated with obesity, chronic diseases, and death within 3 to 6 years in the US population aged 51–70 years
Effective and safe diet therapies for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome with mitochondrial dysfunction
Was it something I ate? Understanding the bidirectional interaction of migraine and appetite neural circuits
Ketogenic Diets
Posterior Pituitary Disorders: Anatomy and Physiology, Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI), and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH)
Secondary prevention through comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation: From knowledge to implementation. 2020 update. A position paper from the Secondary …
Incorporating the 2017 critical care pediatric nutrition support guidelines into clinical practice
pediatric nutrition support guidelines into clinical practice
Goal-directed hemodynamic therapy versus restrictive normovolemic therapy in major open abdominal surgery: A randomized controlled trial
Inter-relationships between left ventricular mass, geometry and arterial stiffness
Specialist information
Preoperative frailty assessment combined with prehabilitation and nutrition strategies: Emerging concepts and clinical outcomes
Early differential diagnosis, management and prognosis
Copeptin response to acute physical stress during hypohydration: An exploratory secondary analysis
Intravascular volume replacement therapy
Enteral protein supplementation in critically ill children: a randomized controlled pilot and feasibility study
Thoracic Surgery
Enteral feeding of children on noninvasive respiratory support: a four-center European study
Acute care of eating disorders
Role of intraoperative oliguria in risk stratification for postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing colorectal surgery with an enhanced recovery …
Clinical Efficacy of Corticosteroids in the Early Stages of Deterioration in COVID-19 Pneumonia
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in children and adolescents: Recent advances in understanding of pathophysiology and management
7 Strategies to Improve Postoperative Outcomes
The effects of exercise on indirect markers of gut damage and permeability: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Applied cerebral physiology
Effect of training phase on physical and physiological parameters of male powerlifters
Research status and prospect of peri‐extubation delirium
fluid and pain management in liver surgery (MILESTONE): A worldwide study among surgeons and anesthesiologists
Changes in body mass and hydration status in judo athletes before and after a top-level competition: A descriptive case study
Enhanced recovery after elective craniotomy: A randomized controlled trial
A prospective, multicenter, open-label study of dose escalation therapy in male patients with nocturia refractory to 0.2-mg tamsulosin monotherapy
A modern multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of enterocutaneous fistulas in Crohn’s disease patients
Tubular Acidification Defect in Adults with Sickle Cell
The use of sodium DL-3-Hydroxybutyrate in severe acute neuro-metabolic compromise in patients with inherited ketone body synthetic disorders
Everything you need to know about satisfying IACUC protocol requirements
Perioperative neurosurgical management
Contribution of intravenous medication to water and sodium intake in upper and lower gastrointestinal surgical patients
Enhanced recovery after thoracic anesthesia
Does Ramadan Harm Infant Health? Evidence from Ethiopia
Endocrine Management in the Neurosurgical Patient
Bridging-to-surgery in patients with type 2 intestinal failure
Variation of Salivary Immunoglobulin A During Weight Loss Period Before a Competition Among University Judo Players
Electrolyte Disorders and Management in Spinal Cord Injuries
Diabetes insipidus secondary to nivolumab-induced neurohypophysitis and pituitary metastasis
Comparative Randomized Study of Balanced Salt Solution and Ringer Lactate fluid Administration on Plasma Electrolytes, Acid Base Status and Renal …
The Acute Effect of Water Intake on Glucose Regulation in Low Drinkers
The application of enhanced recovery after surgery for upper gastrointestinal surgery: meta-analysis
Perioperative Evaluation and Management of Living Donor Candidates
The Rise of Value-based Care in Pediatric Surgical Patients: Perioperative Surgical Home, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, and Coordinated Care Models
Comparison of MR findings of acute traumatic peripheral nerve injury and acute compressive neuropathy in a rat model
Biological basis of child health 9: development of the liver and clinical features of childhood liver disease
The effect of camel milk curd masses on rats blood serum biochemical parameters: Preliminary study
Prophylaxis against postcontrast acute kidney injury (PC-AKI): updates in the ESUR guidelines 10.0 and critical review
Weigh-in time affects hydration status and acute weight gain in combat sports: A comparison of judo and wrestling
Enhanced recovery after thoracic surgery
ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in liver disease
Management of a Patient with Meningomyelocele
Changes in stroke volume variation and cardiac index during open major bowel surgery
Consumption of a smoothie or cereal-based breakfast: impact on thirst, hunger, appetite and subsequent dietary intake
Hemoglobin, hematocrit and plasma volume variations following combined sprint and strength: effect of advanced age
Mechanisms in endocrinology: Anorexia nervosa and endocrinology: A clinical update
Nutritional periodization: Applications for the Strength athlete
Multimodal Monitoring With Haemodynamic Optimisations May Offer Some Benefit for Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery. A Randomised …
Dietary Interventions for the Reduction of Postoperative Ileus Following Abdominal Surgery: A Literature Review
Can patients with mild post-operative hyponatraemia following elective arthroplasty be discharged safely? A large-scale service evaluation suggests they can
A Study on Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diabetic Nephropathy in Newly Detected Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Exercise plasma metabolomics and xenometabolomics in obese, sedentary, insulin-resistant women: impact of a fitness and weight loss intervention
Safety and efficacy of the portable steam sauna bath for fluid removal in maintenance haemodialysis patients: A pilot phase II clinical trial
Mental health difficulties among professional jockeys: a narrative review
Outcomes of pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension at a single center in Taiwan
Fecal Transplant: How an Ancient Therapy Is Finding a New Use in Today’s Antibiotic-Resistant Era
Intravenous overload of fluid s and sodium may contribute to the lower infusion of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients
Adolescent disorders
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Position Paper on the Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
The Emergence of eSports Nutrition: A Review
Nuclear Renal Scan
Characterizing the Spectrum of Bladder Health and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) Among Women: Results From the CARDIA Study
Liver disease
The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Making Weight in International Level Taekwondo Athletes
Ambulatory surgery protocol for endoscopic endonasal resection of pituitary adenomas: a prospective single-arm trial with initial implementation experience
Losing My Mind: An Uncommon Presentation of Cushing’s Disease
Dynamic variables predict fluid responsiveness in pre-school and school children undergoing neurosurgery: a prospective observational study
Nutritional status in kidney transplant patients before and 6-month after transplantation: Result of PNSI study
Treating individuals with eating disorders: part 1
Acute liver failure in a four-year old girl during maintenance therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease (Stages 1–5)
Stroke Volume Variation-Guided Goal-Directed fluid Therapy Did Not Significantly Reduce the Incidence of Early Postoperative Complications in Elderly …
State-of-the-art colorectal disease: postoperative ileus
Electrolyte and Metabolic Disorder
Sodium Intake as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor: A Narrative Review
Pain Across the Menstrual Cycle: Considerations of Hydration
Hydration and health
Suboptimal hydration remodels metabolism, promotes degenerative diseases, and shortens life
Anaesthesia for Live Donor Hepatectomy
Nutrition in critically ill children
Iliac artery lesions as experimental models of vascular trauma inducing intraperitoneal and retroperitonial hemorrhage
Pre-competition weight loss models in taekwondo: identification, characteristics and risk of dehydration
Modified ketogenic (Atkins) diet as a treatment option for adults with drug-resistant epilepsy
Kidney Diseases in the Elderly
Long-Term Survival of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: A Cohort Study
Achieving Protein Targets in the ICU Using a Specialized High‐Protein Enteral Formula: A Quality Improvement Project
Physiological changes in pregnancy and their influence on the endocrine investigation
fluid s and Electrolyte Therapy in the Pediatric Surgical Patient
fluid stewardship of maintenance intravenous fluid s
Prevalence, prognostic value, pathophysiology, and management of hyponatraemia in children and adolescents with COVID-19
When Information Conflicts With Obligations: the Role of Motivated Cognition
The oral glucose tolerance test—Is it time for a change?—A literature review with an emphasis on pregnancy
Managing hyperglycaemia during antenatal steroid administration, labour and birth in pregnant women with diabetes–an updated guideline from the Joint British …
Understanding and supporting children and young people with eating disorders
fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Effect of thoracic gas volume changes on body composition assessed by air displacement plethysmography after rapid weight loss and regain in elite collegiate …
ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical nutrition in liver disease
Anesthetic Management for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus
Clinical efficacy of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in patients undergoing robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
Predicted metabolic pathway distributions in stool bacteria in very-low-birth-weight infants: potential relationships with NICU faltered growth
The Liver and Pancreas
Nutrition and Liver Disease
Tomographic Approach to Human Hydration Assessment: Proof of Concept
Nutritional Considerations for Female Athletes in Weight Category Sports
Stroke Volume Variation and Pleth Variability Index-Are They Two Faces of the Same Coin?
A rare case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with nephrotic syndrome-A case report
A Study of Serum Albumin Level as a Prognostic Indicator of Acute Ischemic Stroke
The use of pulse pressure variation for predicting impairment of microcirculatory blood flow
Patient-centered mobile health technology intervention to improve self-care in patients with chronic heart failure: Protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial
Approach To The Pediatric Patient: Central Diabetes Insipidus
Diagnosis and management of neuroendocrine disorders of survivors of brain tumors
Practical administration of intravenous contrast media in children: screening, prophylaxis, administration and treatment of adverse reactions
ICNP® terminology subset for the care of people with heart failure
Update on the Cardiovascular benefits of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors: mechanism of action, available agents and comprehensive review of …
Parenteral nutrition
CHD Patients for Non-cardiac Surgery
Adult patients with cardiac failure: an update
Supportive Care Considerations and Nutrition Support for Critically Ill Cancer Patients
fluid s, Electrolytes, and Nutrition
Cardiac failure: an update and the role of the pharmacist
Critical Care Endocrinology
Nutritional adequacy in mechanically ventilated patient: are we doing enough?
Predictors of mortality in patients with chronic heart failure: Is hyponatremia a useful clinical biomarker?
Clozapine for Management of Childhood and Adolescent-Onset Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Medical Nutrition Therapy in Liver Disease
Japanese heart failure society 2018 scientific statement on nutritional assessment and management in heart failure patients
Nutrition Management of the High‐Output Fistulae
Components of fluid balance and monitoring
How anesthetic, analgesic and other non-surgical techniques during cancer surgery might affect postoperative oncologic outcomes: a summary of current …
Self-Care Behavior in Heart Failure Patients: Impact on Cardiovascular Health Profile
Magnetic resonance of the small bowel: how to do it
The platelet-lymphocyte ratio is a promising predictor of early postoperative acute kidney injury following cardiac surgery: a case-control study
Perioperative fluid Management for Elective Colorectal Surgery Patients Utilizing an ERAS Protocol: A Best Practice Recommendation
Factors confounding the athlete biological passport: A systematic narrative review
Effects of water stably-enriched with oxygen as a novel method of tissue oxygenation on mitochondrial function, and as adjuvant therapy for type 2 diabetes in …
Neonatal Anesthesia
Maternal nutritional and water homeostasis as a presage of fetal birth weight
ERAS in colorectal surgery
Effectiveness of following Mediterranean diet recommendations in the real world in the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and adverse Maternal …
Systematic literature review: The effect of dairy milk on markers of recovery optimisation in response to endurance exercise
Analysis of 2009–2012 nutrition health and examination survey (NHANES) data to estimate the median water intake associated with meeting hydration criteria for …
Oxford Guidelines for adult day-case tonsillectomy
Intravenous fluid s: Do Not Drown in Confusion!
Perioperative Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Therapy: From Invasive Monitoring To Automated Physiological Closed-Loop Systems
Enhanced Recovery After Liver Surgery
Nutrition and metabolism in the critically ill child with cardiac disease
In-Hospital Endocrinology Consultation After Transsphenoidal Surgery: Is It Always Necessary?
Endocrine Emergencies in the ICU
Perioperative management of complex hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases: the alliance between the surgeon and the anesthetist
Hyponatremia in Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease, A Marker of Poor Prognosis Hyponatremia; A Red Flag in Chronic Liver Disease
Effect of Nutrition Education in Diabetic Patients and Their Families on Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Diabetic Patients in Neyshaboor
Blockade of Opiodergic System During Early Weaning Reverts Feeding Behavior Altered Patterns
Nutritional Considerations in the Hospital Setting
Neural Isolation of the Olfactory Bulbs Severely Impairs Taste-Guided Behavior to Normally Preferred, But Not Avoided, Stimuli
Hereditary tubulopathies
Adaptation of Heart Failure Education Materials for the Middle Eastern Population
Acute Liver Injury and Failure in Children
Tools for Enhancement and Quality Improvement of Peer Assessment and Clinical Care in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Nutritional Considerations in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute kidney injury
Plasma citrulline concentration, a marker for intestinal functionality, reflects exercise intensity in healthy young men
Assessing the extent that high school wrestling coaches & athletes understand disordered eating behaviors
Do Physiological and Spiritual Factors Affect Economic Decisions?
To Improve the Initial Inpatient Management of Adolescents Admitted with Severe Anorexia Nervosa: A Narrative Review and a Convenient Protocol
Disorders of the Posterior Pituitary
Nutrition Education Modules for Nurses in Michigan Medicine Adult Emergency Services
Impact of enhanced recovery pathway in 408 gallbladder cancer resections
Multimodal rehabilitation: Pre-and intraoperative optimization in CRC surgery
General Aspects of Thoracic Anesthesia
What the Intensivists Need to Know About Critically Ill Lymphoma Patients
A Study on Prevalence of Hyponatremia and Its Outcome on Mortality in Acute Coronary Syndrome in Non-Diabetic Patients
Discussion of the experience and improvement of an enhanced recovery after surgery procedure for minimally invasive lobectomy: a cohort study
The patient with acute endocrine problems
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment among demented and non-demented patients with chronic kidney disease
Creatine homeostasis and protein energy wasting in hemodialysis patients
A randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover study on the effects of isoeffective and isovolumetric intravenous crystalloid and gelatin on blood volume …
Disease state management: Cardiovascular disease part 2: Heart failure
The Effect of Different Post-Exercise Beverages on fluid Recovery, Nutrient Provision and Subsequent Athletic Performance
Use of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) MRI in localizing prostate carcinoma
Motives for religious sacrifice: Classification, measurement, and longitudinal association with psychospiritual well-being.
Lifestyle modification: diet, exercise, sports, and other issues
Ramadan Spirit and Criminal Acquittals: Causal Evidence from Pakistan
Pediatric Liver Disease
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in children and adolescents: Recent advances in understanding of pathophysiology and management
Anesthesia for esophageal surgery
Evaluation of athletes’ food choices during Competition with Use of Digital Images
Early protein C activation is reflective of burn injury severity and plays a critical role in inflammatory burden and patient outcomes
The management of adult patients with severe chronic small intestinal dysmotility
Oral protein‐based supplements versus placebo or no treatment for people with chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis
Analysis of the influencing factors on the quality of life of the elderly hemodialysis patients
A Prospective Comparative study of Early Versus Late Enteral Feeding After Major Gastrointestinal Surgeries
Knowledge and practices of nurses regarding inpatient management of chronic kidney disease at selected referral at hospitals in Rwanda.
Endocrine Physiology
Basic and Clinical Pharmaco-Therapeutics of SGLT2 Inhibitors: A Contemporary Update
Childhood Stroke
Myocardial and microvascular physiology in septic shock and response to volume expansion treatment
Endocrine emergencies
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in the Oncologic Patient
ESPEN guideline on hospital nutrition
Radical Cystectomy
Older Adults’ and Their Informal Caregivers’ Experiences and Needs regarding Nutritional Care Provided in the Periods before, during and after Hospitalization: A …
Enhanced Recovery Protocol Versus Conventional Perioperative Management For Three-Dimensional Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy: A Prospective …
HHSC Psychiatric Executive Formulary Committee Minutes
Management of patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension requiring surgery
Enhanced Recovery After Gastrectomy
Pediatric Neuroanesthesia
The effect of egg consumption on cardiometabolic health outcomes: an umbrella review
Nutritional management of maintenance hemodialysis patients
Weaning from parenteral nutrition
The Relationship Between Rapid Weight Loss and Physical Performance in Combat Sports
Health Economic Implications of Complications Associated With Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Retrospective Cohort Cost Study
Extended recording of LMA in rats: Effects of IV catheters,“comfort jackets” and chamber lids on arterial blood gas parameters
Enteral nutrition
Postoperative Ileus: Comparative Pathophysiology and Future Therapies
Changes in recreation use in response to urban heat differ between migrant and non-migrant green space users in Vienna, Austria
Effects of a high intensity interval session on mucosal immune function and salivary hormones in male and female endurance athletes
Effect of Birth Asphyxia on Serum Calcium and Glucose Level-Tirunelveli Medical College and Hospital
Comparative study between Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Versus Conventional Postoperative Care in Gastrointestinal Surgeries in Coimbatore Medical …
Diagnosis of endocrine disease: Drug-induced endocrinopathies and diabetes: a combo-endocrinology overview
Water deprivation does not augment sympathetic or pressor responses to sciatic afferent nerve stimulation in rats or to static exercise in humans
Acute Nontraumatic Muscle Weakness
Dietary patterns and components to prevent and treat heart failure: a comprehensive review of human studies
Quality of Life in Peritoneal Dialysis
Perioperative Infusion of Amino Acids: Effect of Epidural Blockade: An Integrated Analysis of Perioperative Protein and Glucose Metabolism Using Stable Isotopes …
Perioperative infusion of amino acids: the effect of epidural blockade: An integrated analysis of glucose and protein metabolism with stable isotopes kinetics
Proteomic analysis of longitudinal changes in blood pressure
Energy and Protein Intake during the First Week of the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Improves Hospital Outcomes
A Randomised Comparative study to Compare the Antiproteinuric Effects of Benedipine with Amlodipine in Mild to Moderate Stage Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Cytomegalovirus pneumonitis-induced secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and SIADH in an immunocompetent elderly male literature review
Optimizing Outcomes in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Postcardiotomy in Pediatric Population
Pre-sedation Assessment
Stressors Present in a Disabled Submarine Scenario: Part 2. Effects of Environmental, Mental, and Physical Stressors on Cognition
The impact of diabetes on heart failure development: the cardio-renal-metabolic connection
Enhanced recovery after surgery (eras) for thoracic surgery
Domestic water quantity, service level and health
Childhood cancers and immunodeficiency syndromes
How weight regulation may influence self-efficacy in mixed martial arts athletes
Hydration status, body composition, and anxiety status in aeronautical military personnel from Spain: a cross-sectional study
Low-calorie sweeteners cause only limited metabolic effects in mice
Ultrasound-Guided Resuscitation in Open Aortic Surgery-The AORTUS Trial
Understanding development of malnutrition in hemodialysis patients: a narrative review
Hydration Is More Important Than Exogenous Carbohydrate Intake During Push-to-the-Finish Cycle Exercise in the Heat
Essential Medical Work-Up and Rule Outs
The effect of cold exposure with shivering on glucose tolerance in healthy men
The effects of different temperatures of post-exercise protein-containing drink on gastric motility and energy intake in healthy young men
Neurologic Diseases
Predictors of farther mobilization on day of surgery and shorter length of stay after total joint arthroplasty
Factors Affecting Compliance Rate towards Oral Nutritional Supplements Intake among Geriatric Patients in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Pathophysiology and Management of Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and Neonatal Diabetes
Small and Large Intestine (II): Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Short Bowel Syndrome, and Malignant Tumors of the Digestive Tract
Elements not graded in the cardiac enhanced recovery after surgery guidelines might improve postoperative outcome: a comprehensive narrative review
Post-thoracic Surgery Patient Management and Complications
Anesthesia for Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
Physical characteristics of New Zealand Army, Navy and Airforce officer trainees’ over a 6-week joint officer induction course
Investigations in Kidney Disease
Low sodium and tolvaptan have opposite effects in human small cell lung cancer cells
Disorders of the endocrine system and of metabolism
Growth Hormone Producing Adenomas: Acromegaly
Endothelial function and shear stress in hypobaric hypoxia: Time course and impact of plasma volume expansion in men
Anesthetic Concerns During Surgical Excision of Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations
Nutrition and physical health
Essentials of endocrinology
HHSC Psychiatric Executive Formulary Committee Minutes
Approach to enteral nutrition in the premature infant
Determining the effect of a ketogenic diet on creatine transporter deficient mice
Prostate Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
New Nutritional and Therapeutical Strategies of NEC
Nutrition knowledge of athletes and their coaches and surveys of dietary intake
Kidney Diseases
Disorders in the neonatal period
fluid s, Electrolytes, and Acid–Base Disorders
Gynecologic/Oncology surgery
The effects of diet and exercise on human body water turnover
The Effects of Pre-Loaded Betaine Supplementation on fluid Balance and Thermoregulation in the Heat
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals renal endothelium heterogeneity and metabolic adaptation to water deprivation
Nutritional Status and Dysphagia in Patients with Oesophageal Cancer-the Impact of Oncological and Surgical Treatment
Enteral Nutrition
Metabolic derangement in pediatric patient with obesity: the role of ketogenic diet as therapeutic tool
Novelties in Sport Sciences
Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Imaging and Risk Assessment
Adropin, nesfatin-1 and angiotensin II receptor expression in the abdominal aorta in ovariectomized rats after nesfatin-1 treatment
Meta-Analysis of Carbohydrate Solution Intake during Prolonged Exercise in Adults: From the Last 45+ Years’ Perspective
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Position Paper on the Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric …
General Principles of Neurocritical Care
The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Industry Specific Nutrition-Education Platform in Professional Horseracing
Endocrine pharmacology
Nutrition and strength
Resuscitation Strategies for Burn Injuries Sustained in Austere Environments to Improve Renal Perfusion and Function
Heat safety in the workplace: Modified Delphi consensus to establish strategies and resources to protect the US workers
Coaches’ and student athletes’ perceptions on the athletes’ eating psychopathology, body image, and interpersonal relationship, and how they are impacted by social …
The effect of nutritional ketosis on performance and immune function in endurance athletes
Diverticulitis–An Update from the Age Old Paradigm
Anti-epileptic medications
Towards Optimal Management of Diabetes in Surgery
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Interventions and Outcome from Colorectal Surgery
Follow-up and management of valvular heart disease patients with prosthetic valve: a clinical practice guideline for Indian scenario
The gastrointestinal exertional heat stroke paradigm: pathophysiology, assessment, severity, aetiology and nutritional countermeasures
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Vascular Surgery
Diagnosis, staging and treatment of patients with oesophageal or oesophagogastric junction cancer: National Clinical Guideline No. 19: Summary
Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Renal Disease
Anesthesia and Sedation for Pediatric Heart Disease
Iatrogenic Hypothalamic Disorders
Children With Adaptation and Behavior Problems
Modelling of renal function in former extreme low birthweight infants in late childhood
Age-Related Comorbidities Share Downstream Mechanistic Pathways Which Can Produce Nocturia and May Be Opposed by Physical Activity: A Scoping …
Presenting Your Case
The extremely premature infant (micropremie) and common neonatal emergencies
Irish Endocrine Society 44th Annual Meeting (held Virtually) 27th November 2020
Case Studies and Policy Scenarios
Towards an Algorithm-Based Tailored Treatment of Acute Neonatal Hyperammonaemia: an example using CarpeDiem and Fresenius 4008 machine
Translational Studies on Mechanical Hemostasis and Coagulopathy in Trauma
Consensus on the standard terminology used in the nutrition care of adult patients with chronic kidney disease
Disorders of coagulation
The effect of mild hypohydration on resting and reflex blood pressure regulation in healthy young and old adults
Does caffeine ingestion influence mucosal immunity and performance in males during intermittent exercise in the heat?
A validation and feasibility study of the non-invasive measurement of oxygen delivery and consumption after elective major abdominal surgery.
Assessment of Pre-Eclampsia Risk in Early Pregnancy
Psychological Health, Coping and Cultural Values among Haemodialysis Patients in a National Hospital in Ghana
Abbreviated Title: Autologous transplantation for SLE CC# 04-C-0095
The Annual Scientific Meeting of College of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia: Opportunities and Challenges in Laboratory Medicine, was held at …
Nutritional improvement of false yam (icacina oliviformis) seed meal for poultry
Last-Minute Review
Refeeding syndrome characterised by hypophosphataemia in children 0–59 months diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition in a South African setting
Hemodynamic adaptation mechanisms of heart failure to percutaneous venoarterial extracorporeal circulatory support
Quantitating the biological variation of cardiac troponin in health and disease states to optimise the diagnosis of myocardial injury
Kidney diseases: definitions, diagnosis and approaches to prevention and treatment. Module 2
Nutritional Assessment and Treatment of the Critically Ill Patient
Virtual Poster Session November 7, 2020
Cardiac physiology and pharmacology
The Skull, Brain and Associated Structures: Part II The Patient with a Headache
High dose intra-venous Vitamin C administration to prevent mortality in patients with sepsis: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled trial
Nutritional status and its relationship with infection-related complications in children after cardiac surgery
Protocol designation: P_195183-201-2015 Principal Investigator: B Douglas Smith, MD
Vitamin D supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes
Polyethylene Glycol Polymers in Low Volume Resuscitation
Improving the Safety of Pediatric Sedation: Human Error, Technology, and Clinical Microsystems
11th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference–2019 Book of Abstracts
Social Jetlag, Screen Time and Night-time Texting among Adolescents
The role of heat as a conditioning stimulus in endurance athletes
Abstracts of the 15th Congress of the African Association of Nephrology (Mombasa, 25-28 September 2019)
The relationship between enteral nutrition, energy metabolism and gut homeostasis during the course of critical illness.
Increasing Clinician Confidence and Use of the Teach-Back Method
Psychopharmacologic treatment
Genetic and Epigenetic Underpinnings of End-Stage Human Heart Failure
APhA 2019 abstracts of contributed papers
Total fasting for up to 249 days.
The “new” Ketogenic Diet
Nutrition and liver diseases
Oral administration of radioactive sulfate to measure extracellular fluid space in man
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Treated for Acromegaly at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Central Diabetes Insipidus and Pain Medications—A Risky Combination
Patient-Driven Quality Improvement for Pituitary Adenoma Management
Hypopituitarism in Neurosarcoidosis—A Rare Presentation 5 Years From the Onset of Disease
fasting Plasma ApoB-Remnant Lipoproteins Can Predict Impaired Non-fasting Lipid and ApoB-Lipoprotein Metabolism in Healthy-Weight and Overweight Children
Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of gastrointestinal liquid volumes and distribution in the gastrointestinal tract of children
Sustained expression of exendin-4 does not perturb glucose homeostasis, β-cell mass, or food intake in metallothionein-preproexendin transgenic mice
Catecholamines, circulation, and the kidney during water immersion in humans
Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency in three neonates presenting with rapid deterioration and cardiac arrest
Human plasma vasopressin response to potent loop-diuretic drugs
Ultrasonographic findings in ceftriaxone: associated biliary sludge and pseudolithiasis in children
Nephrotoxicity of sevoflurane versus desflurane anesthesia in volunteers
Cardiac survival after pre-emptive coronary angiography in transplant patients and those awaiting transplantation
Urine output and fluid therapy during anaesthesia and surgery
The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt procedure for variceal bleeding
The cardiac patient and Ramadan fasting Le patient cardiaque et Ramadan
Methylmalonic aciduria. An inborn error of metabolism leading to chronic metabolic acidosis.
Effect of intravenous fluid volumes on the adrenal glucocorticoid response after burn injury in swine
The effect of renal impairment and haemodialysis on single dose pharmacokinetics of oral enoxacin
Short and long-term variation of plasma glycine betaine concentrations in humans
Association between preoperative hydration status and acute kidney injury in patients managed surgically for kidney tumours
Therapeutic Considerations in the Management of Diabetes among Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure.
Hypoglycemia worsened by glucose administration: a case of hypoglycemia years after gastric surgery
A Prospective Randomized Double‐Blinded Study of the Effect of Intravenous fluid Therapy on Adverse Outcomes on Outpatient Surgery
Perioperative nutritional support
Management of Neonatal Hypoglycaemia
Prevention and management of neonatal hypoglycaemia.
Long-term clonidine effects on autonomic function in essential hypertensive man
Retrospective evaluation of fluid overload and relationship to outcome in critically ill dogs
Hypoglycemia induced by the interaction of chlorpropamide and co-trimoxazole
Nutrition support in hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus
Intravenous Drip of Somatostatin Followed by Restricted fluid Resuscitation to Treat Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Initial nutritional management during noninvasive ventilation and outcomes: a retrospective cohort study
Short-term effects of ketogenic diet on anthropometric parameters, body fat distribution, and inflammatory cytokine production in GLUT1 deficiency syndrome
Nutritional aspects of liver transplantation
The effect of adding dopamine infusion to noradrenaline infusion combined with restrictive hydration on renal function and tissue perfusion during open …
Imaging in chronic pancreatitis: State of the art review
Implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery in patients undergoing radical cystectomy: a retrospective cohort study
Hydrocortisone replacement dosage influences intraocular pressure in patients with primary and secondary hypocortisolism
Ultrasound‐guided popliteal nerve blocks in a high risk patient for bilateral foot amputations on dual anti‐platelet therapy
Hemiballismus in subcortical lacunar infarcts
Use of clinical laboratory parameters to evaluate wound healing potential in diabetes mellitus
Improving intravenous fluid prescribing
Managing the basics
Reliability and construct validity of soccer skills tests that measure passing, shooting, and dribbling
A Study on Early Enteral Feeding in cases of Intestinal Anastomosis
How to Maintain and Support a Ketogenic Diet Program
Anaesthetic considerations in children with congenital heart disease undergoing non-cardiac surgery
Refractory ascites: modulation of atrial natriuretic factor unresponsiveness by mannitol
Total parenteral nutrition 1990
Principles of Paediatric Dietetics: Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements and Feed Supplementation
The Effect of Dehydration on Metabolism and Energy Substrate Utilization
Context-sensitive fluid therapy in critical illness
Non-invasive detection of ketosis and its application in refractory epilepsy
Nutrition Management in the Critically Ill Patient with Cirrhosis
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease: Single Ventricle Physiology
Prescribing safely for children
Enhanced recovery pathways in pancreatic surgery: state of the art
Pericardial effusion associated with diazoxide treatment for congenital hyperinsulinism
Omeprazole absorption from a compounded transdermal formulation in healthy volunteers
Gastrointestinal inhibition of sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3 reduces phosphorus absorption and protects against vascular calcification in CKD
Perioperative management of diabetes mellitus and corticosteroid supplementation
Guidelines for perioperative care in elective rectal/pelvic surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations
Effects of ephedrine, phenylephrine and norepinephrine prevent hypotension after spinal anesthesia in cesarean section and comparison of effects on …
Barriers to the management of Diabetes Mellitus–is there a future role for Laser Doppler Flowmetry?
Changes in airway dimensions after robot assisted surgeries in steep Trendelenburg position
Radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Di
Management of oral antiretroviral administration in patients with swallowing disorders or with an enteral feeding tube
Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Support in Intensive Care Unit Patients
The management of motility disorders in critical illness
Efficacy and Safety of Thirst-Quenching Lozenges for Xerostomia in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Prospective, Sin-gle-Arm, Open-Label Study
Epidural analgesia as part of a fast track recovery (ERAS) program for elective colonic surgery: just long enough
An investigation into the cause of hyponatremia in the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
Comparing effects of intraoperative fluid and vasopressor infusion on intestinal microcirculation
Cardiovascular disease in clozapine-treated patients: evidence, mechanisms and management
Greater Immediate Gastric Acid Suppression with Lansoprazole 30 mg Administered as a 2‐Minute Intravenous Bolus Injection versus a 30‐Minute Infusion
Nutritional support for critically ill children (Protocol)
Redistribution of microcirculatory blood flow within the intestinal wall during sepsis and general anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia in infants: recent developments
Nutritional support for children during critical illness: European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) Metabolism, Endocrine and Nutrition …
Peri-operative nutrition—the role of the pharmacist
Measuring and interpreting ketosis and fatty acid profiles in patients on a high-fat ketogenic diet
A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic comparison of desmopressin administered as whole, chewed and crushed tablets, and as an oral solution
Enteral resuscitation with oral rehydration solution to reduce acute kidney injury in burn victims: evidence from a porcine model
Anesthesia for colonoscopy
South West Midlands Neonatal Network Parenteral Nutrition Guideline May 2017
Nutritional therapy in critically ill patients with diabetes
Nutritional support of the cardiopulmonary patient
Malnutrition in patients undergoing hemodialysis: is intradialytic parenteral nutrition the answer?
The low-carbohydrate diet in primary care OB/GYN
Contemporary preoperative and intraoperative management of the radical cystectomy patient
Pharmacodynamics of bolus famotidine versus infused cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine
Results of isoproterenol tilt table testing in monozygotic twins discordant for chronic fatigue syndrome
Enhanced recovery and surgical optimization protocol for minimally invasive gynecologic surgery: an AAGL white paper
Effects of dopamine, dobutamine, and dopexamine on microcirculatory blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract during sepsis and anesthesia
A Mnemonic for Pharmacists to Ensure Optimal Monitoring and Safety of Total Parenteral Nutrition: I AM FULL
Short-term response of nonurea organic osmolytes in human kidney to a water load and water deprivation
Pharmacokinetic comparison of omeprazole capsules and a simplified omeprazole suspension
Acidosis correction with a new 25 mmol/L bicarbonate/15 mmol/L lactate peritoneal dialysis solution
Updating your nutrition care practice
Nutrition Assessment and Nutrition Therapy in Intensive Care Unit Patients
Effects of vasopressin on microcirculatory blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract in anesthetized pigs in septic shock
Renin-Aldosterone Axis in Refractory Hepatic Ascites. Characterization of The Response of the Axis to Both the Acute and Long Term Effects of …
MRI of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders in Pregnancy
Parenteral nutrition: hospital to home
Developing a Quality Improvement Feeding Program for NICU Patients
Glutamine: metabolism and immune function, supplementation and clinical translation
Nutrition in ICU
Influence of intraoperative vasopressor use on indocyanine green fluorescence angiography: first evaluation in an experimental model
Kidney Stones: Risks, Prevention, and Management in Cerebral Palsy
Characterization of mice with a null mutation in the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor gene
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of torasemide and furosemide in patients with diuretic resistant ascites
The influence of food on food intake: methodological problems and mechanisms of action
Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation
Enhanced Recovery for Colorectal Surgery
The use of jejunal tube feeding in children: a position paper by the gastroenterology and nutrition committees of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology …
Sedation and Monitoring
Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation
Naloxone improves splanchnic perfusion in conscious dogs through effects on the central nervous system
Parenteral nutrition: hospital to home
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
In vivo characterization of epileptic tissue with optical spectroscopy
Glutamine in parenteral nutrition
Nutritional assessment and support during pregnancy
Nutrition and the developing brain: nutrient priorities and measurement
Comparison of three groups of antiemetic drugs for prevention of post operative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery
Nutritional Deficiency & Impact on Health
Postdischarge nutrition for high risk neonates
Recent advances in self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS)
Comparison of the effects of two human milk fortifiers with different energy sources on the body composition of premature infants
Esophageal Surgery
Metabolic liver disease: part 2
Comparison of serum digoxin level measurement with acetyl strophanthidin tolerance testing
Neural substrates of anorexia
Regulators of G-protein-signaling proteins: negative modulators of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling
Feeding practice guidelines for premature infants less than 1500 grams: efficacy and safety
Oral Mucosal Symptoms, Signs and Lesions in the End Stage Renal Disease and Non-End Stage Renal Disease in Diabetes Mellitus Patient
Urinary ascorbic acid excretion and sugar consumption as indices of enzyme induction and hypoglycemia in recovering alcoholic rats
Determination of Protein Needs Using Nitrogen Balance in Infants Immediately post Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
The effect of 5% hypohydration on muscle cramp threshold frequency
Brain Natriuretic peptides (BNP): Impact and plasma levels in heart failure patients
Effect Of The Ketogenic Diet On Seizures In The Methionine Sulfoximine Model Of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Unpublished Posters: Obstetric Anaesthesia 2010 (Newcastle) P1
Factors Associated with In-Hospital Growth Trajectories of Very Low Birth Weight Infants
Nutrition in the ICU
Literature review: Medication safety in acute care in Australia
ACRT-AFMR-SCTS Annual Meeting Abstracts
Re‐evaluation of sulphuric acid and its sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium salts (E 513, 514 (i), 514 (ii), 515 (i), 515 (ii), 516 and 517) as food additive
The effect of two tube-feeding protocols on bacterial contamination and diarrhea in ICU patients
57th Annual Scientific Conference
The impact of modified ketogenic diet treatment on seizure activity and quality of life in adults with epilepsy
The Renal and Hormonal Response to Volume Expansion in Normal and Diabetic Pregnancy
To Eat or Not To Eat: Contributions of Dorsal Hippocampal Neurons and Memory to Meal Onset
An Exploration of µ-Opioid Receptor Modulation of Hyperphagia and Food Impulsivity: Insights into the Anatomical Segregation of Motivational Functions …
ESCP 7th spring conference on clinical pharmacy, tackling inequalities in the delivery of pharmaceutical care, 16–19 May 2007, Edinburgh, UK
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