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Digitalis Purpurea (Digoxin)
Digitalis Purpurea (Digoxin)
… , almost 200. C4TS later, digitalis is still the &eyswne of the treatment of congestive heart failure.’Lanoxin’brand Digoxin, the crystalline isolate of digitalis lanata, is the …
… , almost 200. C4TS later, digitalis is still the keystone of the treatment of congestive heart failure.’Lanoxin’brand Digoxin, the crystalline isolate of digitalis lanata, is the …
… administered Digoxin in patients with acute atrial fibrillation: a population pharmacokinetic/
pharmacodynamic analysis based on the Digitalis in Acute Atrial Fibrillation …
… and safety of Digoxin in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction according to diabetes status: An analysis of the Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) trial
… assay for the measurement of endogenous digitalis-like factors using membrane particulate fraction of human placenta and 125I-Digoxin: comparison with RIA …
… by plant tissue culture. Part IV. Effects of mineral salts, initial pH and precursors on digitoxin formation by shoot-forming cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. grown in liquid …
… chain reaction (PCR) of gene rbcL in the scrophulariaceae holoparasite Lathraea clandestina L. Comparison with autotroph DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. and Melampyrum …
… clearance of specifically bound Digoxin from human myocardial and skeletal muscle samples by specific Digoxin antibody fragments: subsequent complete digitalis …
… Digoxin on sinus nodal function before and after vagal blockade in patients with sinus nodal dysfunction: a clue to the mechanisms of the action of digitalis on the sinus …
… in plant cell cultures of transgenic (rhizomania‐resistant) and non‐transgenic sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris), carrot (Daucus carota), purple foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA) and thorn …
… note on the influence of cultivation in sunlight or in darkness, time of harvesting, and dessication procedure on the biological activity of D. purpurea, D. thapsi, and D …
… novel genes involved in cardiac glycoside biosynthesis and mlncRNAs associated with secondary metabolism and stress response in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
… of pyrene by cell cultures of soybean (Glycine max L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), and purple foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.)
… Production of Digitalis Cardenolides by Plant Tissue Culture III. Effects of Nutrients on Digitoxin Formation by Shoot-Forming Cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. Grown …
… ray, Electric Current and Elicitor Application, as a Novel Practical Technique, to Improve Biomass Production and Glycoside Quality for DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. Grown in …
… the kingdom of “tortelli”(ravioli-like pasta) plant poisoning is still a threat. A case report of near-fatal poisoning from DIGITALIS PURPUREA accidentally confused with …
… to Digoxin is associated with improvement in renal function and reduction in death or hospitalization in patients with chronic heart failure: insights from the digitalis …
12β-Hydroxylation of digitoxin by suspension-cultured Digitalis lanata cells: Production of Digoxin in 20-litre and 300-litre air-lift bioreactors
29. Atsuji Okano: Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. VIII.” The Isolation of Neogitostin, a New Cardiotonic Glycoside.
30. Atsuji Okano: Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. IX ‘). The Structures of Gitostin and Neogitostin.
5PSQ-023 Adequate Digoxin dosage in patients with digitalis toxicity
A Bifurcated Inflorescence of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
A Homoeopathic Cardiotonic DIGITALIS PURPUREA For Heart Disease
A new thin-layer densitometric technique for the assay of cardenolides from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
A Novel Use of Digoxin Immune Fab Fragment in Identification and Isolation of an Endogenous Digitalis-like Factor Found in Preeclampsia
A prospective survey of the incidence of cardiac intoxication with digitalis in patients being admitted to hospital and correlation with serum Digoxin levels
A Stable and Efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Genetic Transformation of the Medicinal Plant DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
A stereospecific enzyme of the putative biosynthetic pathway of cardenolides: Characterization of a progesterone 5β‐reductase from leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L
A Structural Study of the Floral Epidermal Hairs of DIGITALIS PURPUREA Using Light, Electron and X-ray Microscopy
A study of carbon14 labeled acetate in DIGITALIS PURPUREA glycoside biosynthesis
A study of the influence of gibberellic acid on DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. and fagopyrum esculentum Moench
A Study Of The Influence Of Gibberellic Acid On The Morphology, Histology, And Biosynthesis Of The Glycosides Of First-Year’S Growth Of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Accumulation of cardenolides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA.
Acute massive Digoxin overdose: Survival without use of digitalis-specific antibodies
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Alkanes of DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves
An Account of a Black Aphid, Doralis Fabae (Scop.) Subsp. Armata (Hausmann)*, Found on DIGITALIS PURPUREA, L.
An examination of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and its glycosides in relation to the loss of activity on storage
ANATOMICAL STUDIES IN THE GENUS DIGITALIS: Part I. The Anatomy of the Inflorescence of D. purpurea L
Anesthesia and digitalis toxicity. VI. Effect of barbiturates and halothane on Digoxin toxicity
Another type of interaction between blood levels of digitalis and anti-arrhythmic drugs: Digoxin and amiodarone. Experience with long-term therapy
Anther derived plants from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Anti-Digoxin antibodies in severe digitalis poisoning in an 11-day old infant. Review of the literature
Anti-tumour activity of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. subsp. heywoodii
Application of high-performance liquid chromatography to the separation of cardenolides and the assay of Digoxin in Digitalis lanata leaf
Application of microscopy to Digitalis thapsi x DIGITALIS PURPUREA natural hybrid identification
Bio-transformation of (G-3H)-digitoxin and (G-3H)-Digoxin by DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biogenetic mechanisms. I. Incorporation of 4-14C-progesterone into gitoxigenin by DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biosynthesis of cholesterol by seedlings of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biosynthesis of digitoxin in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biosynthesis of digitoxose and glucose in the purpurea glycosides of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biosynthesis of the butenolide ring of cardenolides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biotechnological Approaches for Biomass and Cardenolide Production in DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Biotransformation of digitoxigenin by cell suspension cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Biotransformation of progesterone by suspension cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA cultured cells
Bitter pill to swallow: a case of accidental poisoning with DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Callus cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Part 1: Study of the growth by analysis of variance.
Carbohydrate and chlorophyll content of leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. and Digitalis lutea L. After freeze‐drying and oven‐drying
Carbohydrates in DIGITALIS PURPUREA at various stages of development
Cardenolide glycosides from the seeds of DIGITALIS PURPUREA exhibit carcinoma-specific cytotoxicity toward renal adenocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Cardenolides and spirostanols in DIGITALIS PURPUREA at various stages of development
Cardenolides content in wild Sardinian DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. populations
Cardiac arrest due to digitalis intoxication with normal serum Digoxin levels: effects of hypokalemia
Cardiotonic glycosides from biomass of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. cultured in temporary immersion systems
Cardiovascular activity of a methanolic extract of DIGITALIS PURPUREA spp. heywoodii
Cat assay for the emetic action of digitalis and related glycosides (digitoxin, Digoxin, lanatoside C, ouabain and calactin)
CCCXXVI.—Digitalis glucosides. Part II. Digoxigenin, the aglucone of Digoxin
Characterization of antibodies of high affinity and specificity for the digitalis glycoside Digoxin
Chromatographic research of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Digitalis lanata flowers
Climatic factors controlling the eastern and altitudinal distribution boundary of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. in Germany
Clinical aspects of severe digitalis poisoning and its treatment with and without Digoxin-specific antibodies. 3 case reports
Clinical Investigation Treatment of 150 Cases of Life-Threatening Digitalis Intoxication With Digoxin-Specific Fab Antibody Fragments
Clinical utility of serum Digoxin level in cardiac patients for diagnosis of chronic digitalis toxicity
Cloning and expression of two novel aldo‐keto reductases from DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves
Co-Cultivation of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Digitalis lanata Cell Cultures
Combination of Pretreatments with Acetic Acid and Sodium Methoxide for Efficient Digoxin Preparation from Digitalis Glycosides in Digitalis lanata Leaves
Comparative effectiveness of Azadirachta indica, DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Terminalia arjuna for eco-friendly management of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi …
Comparison of non-digitalis binding properties of Digoxin-specific Fabs using direct binding methods
Comparison of the canine tissue distribution of Digoxin after acute and chronic administration: Implications for digitalis therapy
Composition of principal cardenolide heterosides contained in the leaves and seeds of a DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. from Sardegna cultivated at the centro Sperimentale per …
Comprehensive analysis of alternative splicing in DIGITALIS PURPUREA by strand-specific RNA-Seq
Contribution to the chemistry and pharmacology of the DIGITALIS PURPUREA glycosides
Contributions to the Life History and Biology of DIGITALIS PURPUREA. I. The Development of the Ovule
Coronary Haemodynamics, and Myocardial Adenosine Release Under the Influence of Digitalis Glycosides (Digoxin)
Crosses between DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Digitalis ambigua
Cytology and Digoxin production in hybrids between Digitalis lanata and D. grandiflora
Density‐dependent growth and survival in a natural population of the facultative biennial DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Determination of Lanatoside C and Digoxin in Digitalis lanata by HPLC and its Application to Analysis of the Fermented Leaf Powder
Determination of mineral contents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. and Digitalis lanata Ehrh
Development of Desiccation Tolerance and Longevity in Seeds from Detached Capsules of Foxglove ( DIGITALIS PURPUREA L)
Different bumble bees visiting DIGITALIS PURPUREA and its forma heptandra
Digitalis glycosides. IV. Influence of drying temperature on glycoside composition in Digitalis leaves (D. purpurea and D. lanata).
Digitalis intoxication and treatment with Digoxin antibody fragments in renal failure
Digitalis poisoning in children. Treatment with anti-Digoxin Fab antibody fragments. Apropos of a case and a discussion of therapeutic indications
DIGITALIS PURPUREA P5βR2, encoding steroid 5β‐reductase, is a novel defense‐related gene involved in cardenolide biosynthesis
Digitalis receptors and Digoxin sensitivity in renal failure.
Digitalis Saponins. I. Seed Saponins of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.(Commercial” Digitonin”)
Digitalis saponins. II. Leaf saponins of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Digitalis Saponins. III. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Leaf Saponins of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Digitalis therapy in practice: correlation between clinical evaluation and plasma Digoxin concentration (author’s transl)
Digitalis toxicity and Digoxin blood levels in children (author’s transl)
Digitalis-like and vasoconstrictor effects of endogenous Digoxin-like factor (s) from the venom of Bufo marinus toad
Digitalis-like factor and Digoxin-like immunoreactive factor in diabetic women with preeclampsia, transient hypertension of pregnancy, and normotensive pregnancy
Digitalis: Digoxin Availability, Toxicity
Digoxin antibodies and digitalis intoxication
Digoxin antibody fragment, antigen binding (Fab), treatment of preeclampsia in women with endogenous digitalis-like factor: a secondary analysis of the DEEP Trial
Digoxin immune Fab therapy in the management of digitalis intoxication: safety and efficacy results of an observational surveillance study
Digoxin level as a limited drug toxicity indicator in the assessment of post-digitalis arrhythmia
Digoxin level in digitalis intoxication and after surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass
Digoxin serum concentration measurement in patients with suspected digitalis-induced arrhythmias.
Digoxin specific antibody (Fab) fragments in 34 cases of severe digitalis intoxication
Digoxin therapy in patients with long-term digitalis therapy. Comparison of the Digoxin blood level after oral administration of Digoxin and beta-methylDigoxin
Digoxin Treatment and Congestive Heart Failure in Light of Human Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Digitalis Glycoside Receptor Studies
Digoxin uptake into peripheral autonomic cardiac nerves: Possible mechanism of digitalis-induced antiarrhythmic and toxic electrophysiologic actions
Digoxin-cyclosporine interaction: severe digitalis toxicity after cyclosporine treatment.
Digoxin-specific antibody treatment of digitalis toxicity: update
Digoxin-specific Fab and therapeutic plasma exchange for digitalis intoxication and renal failure
Digoxin-Specific Fab Fragments in the Treatment of Digitalis Intoxication
Direct and Indirect in vitro Regeneration of Plantlets of Digitalis lanata and D. purpurea Species
Disposable-column radioimmunoassay for serum Digoxin with less interference from metabolites and endogenous digitalis-like factors.
Distribution of the endogenous digitalis-like substance (EDLS)-containing neurons labeled by Digoxin antibody in hypothalamus and three circumventricular organs of …
Dose response characterization of the association of serum Digoxin concentration with mortality outcomes in the Digitalis Investigation Group trial
Dr. Carson, on the Use of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Dr. Maclean, on the DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Drugs for atrial fibrillation. Digoxin comes from Digitalis lanata.
ECG changes and serum-Digoxin concentration in digitalis toxicity (author’s transl)
ECG scoring system for the early detection of Digoxin or digitalis poisoning.
Ecological role of DIGITALIS PURPUREA in the natural limitation of populations of the striped potato aphid Aulacorthum solani by Aphidius urticae in western France.
Effect of auxin and phenobarbital on the ultrastructure and digitoxin content in DIGITALIS PURPUREA tissue culture
EFFECT OF DIGITALIS PURPUREA POTENCIES ON HEART-a placebo controlled experimental study
Effect of inoculum density and gaseous atmosphere renovation in DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. shoots culture in Temporary Immersion Systems.
Effect of Serially Diluted Drug DIGITALIS PURPUREA on Modulation of Anesthetized Consciousness of Indian Bufomelanostictus
Effectiveness of Digoxin in reducing one-year mortality in chronic heart failure in the Digitalis Investigation Group trial
Effects of adding digitoxigenin and gitoxigenin to the nutrient medium on cardiac glycosides production from DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Var. Excelsior Mixed) by using tissue …
Effects of different levels of N, P and K on herbage (leaves) yield and Digoxin content of Digitalis lanata Ehrh.
Effects of floral display size and plant density on pollinator visitation rate in a natural population of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Effects of Mineral Salts, Initial pH and Precursors on Digitoxin Formation by Shoot-forming Cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. Grown in Liquid Media
Effects of phenylethanoid glycosides from DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. on the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase
Effects of plant size on reproductive output and offspring performance in the facultative biennial DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Efficient direct shoot organogenesis, genetic stability and secondary metabolite production of micropropagated DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Endogenous digitalis-like immunoreactive substances in cord serum characterized by anti-digitoxin and anti-Digoxin antibodies. Effect of modulated incubation …
Endogenous Digoxin-like factor raises blood pressure and protects against digitalis toxicity
Enhanced growth and cardenolides production in DIGITALIS PURPUREA under the influence of different LED exposures in the plant factory
Enzyme activities in cardenolide-accumulating, mixotrophic shoot cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Enzymes in cardenolide-accumulating shoot cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Extraction and Quantitation of Digoxin and AcetylDigoxin from the Digitalis lanata Leaf via Near-Supercritical Methanol-Modified Carbon Dioxide
Factors of importance for valid digitalis assays particularly for the determination of Digoxin in plasma and urine.
First Occurrence of Downy Mildew on DIGITALIS PURPUREA (Common Foxglove), Caused by Peronospora digitalidis, in California and the United States
First Report of Leaf Blight on Foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA) Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-1-IA in Italy
Floral herbivory increases with inflorescence size and local plant density in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Flower Development and Senescence in DIGITALIS PURPUREA L., cv. Foxy
Fluctuating selection on reproductive timing in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Focus on digitalis intoxication in the elderly Report of a case treated with Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments
Foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA) poisoning in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus).
Foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA) poisoning in turkeys.
Gaining greater selectivity in the supercritical fluid extraction of Digoxin from Digitalis lanataleaves
Genetic transformation of foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA) by chimeric foreign genes and production of cardioactive glycosides
Germination ecology and seed population dynamics of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Growth and Digoxin content in Digitalis lanata in controlled conditions and natural environment
Growth and reproduction of DIGITALIS PURPUREA in different stages of succession
Haploid callus and regeneration of plants from anthers of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Heart Failure Hospitalization (HFH) Despite Digoxin Therapy Versus No HFH Despite Placebo in the Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) Trial: Insights Into Risk Factors …
Hepaptoprotective activity of aqueous extract of DIGITALIS PURPUREA in carbon tetra chloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats
High doses of Digoxin increase the myocardial nuclear factor-kB and CaV1. 2 channels in healthy mice. A possible mechanism of digitalis toxicity
High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of secondary cardiac glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves
Homologization of storage proteins from Aquilegia vulgaris and DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Human placenta radioreceptor assay with Digoxin and ouabain to detect endogenous digitalis-like factor (s) in human plasma and urine
Ibopamine as a substitute for digitalis in patients with congestive heart failure on chronic Digoxin therapy
Identification and preliminary characterization of two human digitalis-like substances that are structurally related to Digoxin and ouabain
Identification of medicinally active ingredient in ultradiluted DIGITALIS PURPUREA: Fluorescence spectroscopic and cyclic-voltammetric study
Identification of medicinally active ingredients in ultradiluted DIGITALIS PURPUREA: FTIR and Raman spectroscopic studies
Immunological reversal of digitalis toxicity by Fab fragments of Digoxin-specific antibodies.
In Vitro Effect of Cholesterol and Different Sugars on Digitonin Production in Multiplied Shoots of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. Plant
In Vitro Production of DIGITALIS PURPUREA Biomass Using Temporary Immersion Cultures
In vitro propagation and production of cardiotonic glycosides in shoot cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. by elicitation and precursor feeding
Inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression in DIGITALIS PURPUREA: optimal outcrossing distance in a tetraploid
Incorporation of 14CO2, into cardenolide and sapogenin steroids of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Influence of plant growth regulators on in vitro seed germination and seedling development of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L
Interferences and recovery of digitalis glycoside preparations using commercial radioimmunoassay kits for Digoxin and digitoxin.
Intoxication by DIGITALIS PURPUREA in suicidal intention–a case report
Is the determination of serum Digoxin concentration useful for the diagnosis of digitalis toxicity?
Isolation of a urinary digitalis-like factor indistinguishable from Digoxin
Isolation of Two Kinds of Water-soluble Glycosides from the Leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Jar fermenter culture of shoot-forming cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. using a revised medium
LXXII.—Digoxin, a new digitalis glucoside
Matrocliny in Flower Size in Reciprocal F1 Hybrids between Digitalis lutea and DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Metabolism of [ring‐2,6‐14]parathion in plant cell suspension cultures of carrot (Daucus carota), purple foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA), soybean, thorn apple (Datura stramonium) …
Minimal lethal concentration of hyrgromycin B in calli induction and shoot multiplication process of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Monoclonal antibodies that distinguish between two related digitalis glycosides, ouabain and Digoxin
Myocardial Digoxin uptake: dissociation between digitalis-induced inotropism and myocardial loss of potassium.
Naturally occurring quinones. Part XX. Anthraquinones in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
New cardenolide glycosides from the seeds of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and their cytotoxic activity
Nontargeted Profiling of Specialized Metabolites of DIGITALIS PURPUREA with a Focus on Cardiac Glycosides
Observations on the Effects of the DIGITALIS PURPUREA, in the Cure of Phthisis Pulmonalis
On inheritance of a mutation in the common foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA)
On the occurrence, behaviour and origin of a smooth-stemmed form of the common foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA)
Optimization of TLC separation of DIGITALIS PURPUREA extracts on Kieselgel plates.
Paper Chromatography of Cardiac Glycosides and Aglyeones from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Pharmacokinetic aspects of Digoxin-specific Fab therapy in the management of digitalis toxicity
Phenolic glycoside composition of leaves and callus cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Phenotypic variability of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. in vitro regenerated plants
Phenylethanoid glycosides from DIGITALIS PURPUREA L
Photoautotrophic Culture of Undifferentiated Cells and Shoot-Forming Cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Phytoalexin Elicitation-Potency As A Novel Technology for Biological Control and Protection DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. plants from Pre-Sowing Seed Treatment with …
Phytoecdysteroids from Digitalis ciliata and D. purpurea leaves
Plant mediated greener approach for synthesis of silver nanoparticles from DIGITALIS PURPUREA plant and its antibacterial activity
Plant progesterone 5β-reductase is not homologous to the animal enzyme. Molecular evolutionary characterization of P5βR from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Plant regeneration from hairy roots and calluses of periwinkle Vinca minor L. and foxglove purple DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Plants regeneration from genetically transformed root and callus cultures of periwinkle Vinca minor L. and foxglove purple DIGITALIS PURPUREA L
Plastid Ontogeny in the Corolla Cells of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. cv. Foxy
Pollination ecology of DIGITALIS PURPUREA: Patterns and processes
Pollinator foraging on foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA): a test of a new model
Population dynamics in DIGITALIS PURPUREA: the interaction of disturbance and seed bank dynamics
Post-abscission, pre-dispersal seeds of DIGITALIS PURPUREA remain in a developmental state that is not terminated by desiccation ex planta
PP087. Deep trial secondary analysis: Digoxin immune fab fragment treatment has additional benefits in endogenous digitalis-like factor positive preeclamptic women
Preliminary studies concerning the lyophilized water‐soluble extracts of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. and Digitalis lutea L.
Preparation of biologically transformed raw material from woolly foxglove Digitalis lanata Ehrh and isolation of Digoxin from it
Preparation of Biologically Transformed Raw Material of Woolly Foxglove (Digitalis lanata Ehrh.) and Isolation of Digoxin Therefrom
Presence of Digitalinum verum and Purpurea Glycoside B in the Water-soluble Fraction of the Dried Leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.(Addendum).
Priming and re-drying improve the survival of mature seeds of DIGITALIS PURPUREA during storage
Production of a Fungistat and the Role of Fungi during Germination of DIGITALIS PURPUREA Gloxiniaflora Seeds
Production of cardiac glycosides by plant tissue cultures I: Nutritional requirements in tissue cultures of Digitalis lanata and DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Production of phytosterols by mature DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. plants
Prospecting endophytic fungal assemblage of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. (foxglove) as a novel source of Digoxin: a cardiac glycoside
Protoplast-derived clones from cell cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Protoplasts from Cultured Cells of Digitalis lanata and DIGITALIS PURPUREA: Isolation, Cultivation, and Characterization of the Regenerated Cell Lines
Purification and characterization of malonyl-coenzyme A: 21-hydroxypregnane 21-O-malonyltransferase (Dp21MaT) from leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Purification and properties of sterol: UDPG glucosyltransferase in cell culture of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Purification, Characterization and Partial Peptide Microsequencing of Progesterone 5β‐Reductase from Shoot Cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
purpurea L. XVII?“1 Isolation of Several New Glycosides from Fraction PGB of Digitalis Seeds.
Quality Assessment of Serially Ultradiluted and Agitated Drug DIGITALIS PURPUREA by Emission Spectroscopy and Clinical Analysis of Its Effect on the Heart Rate …
Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Digitalis lanata with HPLC
Quantitative determination of digitalis glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography
Quantitative determination of digitoxin, gitaloxin, gitoxin, verodoxin and strospesid in the leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA by means of fluorescence
Quantitative fluorimetric determination of the main cardiac glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves
Quantitative HPLC analysis of cardiac glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves
Quinidine enhances digitalis toxicity at therapeutic serum Digoxin levels
Radioactive immunoassay of Digoxin during digitalis therapy (author’s transl)
Radioactivity of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. leaves in the Karkonosze and Izerskie Mountains
Radioactivity of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. leaves in the Karkonosze and Izerskie Mountains; Radioaktywnosc DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. z Karkonoszy i Gor Izerskich
Radioimmunoassay for the determination of Digoxin and related compounds in Digitalis lanata
Radioimmunoassay of serum Digoxin levels in digitalis intoxication
Rapid identification of DIGITALIS PURPUREA using near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Rapid reversal of digitalis delirium using Digoxin immune Fab therapy
Rapid Selection of Strains of Digitalis lanata EHRH. with High Digoxin Content1
Reference laboratory values for Digoxin following publication of Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) trial data
Reference Laboratory Values for Digoxin Following Publication of Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) Trial Data
Regulation of Digitalis Glycoside Receptors in Digoxin Treatment
Relationship of serum Digoxin concentration to mortality and morbidity in women in the digitalis investigation group trial: a retrospective analysis
Response of DIGITALIS PURPUREA plants to temporary salinity
Restoration of cardenolide-synthesis in redifferentiated shoots from callus cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Restoration of regeneration potentiality in prolonged culture of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Results of multicenter studies of Digoxin-specific antibody fragments in managing digitalis intoxication in the pediatric population
Root Diffusates of Solanum tuberosum and DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Salivary electrolytes and serum Digoxin in the Assessment of digitalis intoxication (author’s transl)
Scarcity of flower colour polymorphism in field populations of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Screening of new chemopreventive compounds from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Seed Maturity and the Effects of Different Drying Conditions on Desiccation Tolerance and Seed Longevity in Foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.)
Separation and determination of cardiac glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves by micro high-performance liquid chromatography
Separation and determination of purpurea glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA leaves by micro‐HPLC
Severe digitalis poisoning after the ingestion of 1 g of Digoxin
Severe poisoning with digitalis treated by the administration of anti-Digoxin antibodies
Sex in the city: Reproductive success of DIGITALIS PURPUREA in a gradient from urban to rural sites
Solubility and dissolution rate of Digoxin from Digitalis lanata drug extracts
Steady state serum Digoxin concentration in relation to digitalis toxicity in neonates and infants.
Sterol content and metabolism during early growth of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Steryl esters of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. herb
Structure of cyclohexanone derivatives from DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Studies in Flower Structure. I. On a Peloria of DIGITALIS PURPUREA, L.
STUDIES IN THE GENUS DIGITALIS: Part VI. Variations in Glycosidal Content of British Clones ofDIGITALIS PURPUREA
STUDIES IN THE GENUS DIGITALIS: Part VII. Variations in Glycosidal Content Within Clones ofDIGITALIS PURPUREA
Studies of the effects of season, temperature, and plant age on glycoside production in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Studies on digitalis: VI. Reduction of the oxygen debt after exercise with Digoxin in cardiac patients without heart failure
Studies on digitalis. V. The influence of impaired renal function, hemodialysis, and drug interaction on serum protein binding of digitoxin and Digoxin
Studies on digitalis. VI. The effect of heparin on serum protein binding of digitoxin and Digoxin
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. II. Paper partition chromatography of cardioglycosides from digitalis seeds.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. III. Gitostin, a new cardiotonic glycoside from digitalis seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. III. Gitostin, a New Cardiotonic Glycoside from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. IV. Enzymatic decomposition of gitostin.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. IX. The structures of gitostin and neogitostin.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. VI. Glucodigifucoside, a new cardiotonic glycoside.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. VII. Enzymatic decomposition of glucodigifucoside.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. VIII. The isolation of neogitostin, a new cardiotonic glycoside.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XI. Digifucocellobioside, a New Cardiotonic Glycoside from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XII. New Cardiotonic Glycosides, Gitorocellobioside, Glucogitoroside, and Gitoxin-cellobioside.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XII. New Cardiotonic Glycosides, Gitorocellobioside, Glucogitoroside, and Gitoxin-cellobioside.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XIII. On the Diacyl Derivatives of Digitalinum Verum.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XIV. 16-Acetyl and 16-Propionyl Derivatives of Digitalinum Verum.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XIV. 16-Acetyl and 16-Propionyl Derivatives of Digitalinum Verum.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XIX. New Cardiotonic Glycosides, Purlanoside-A and Purlanoside-B from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XVII. Isolation of Several New Glycosides from Fraction PGB of Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XVIII. Odorobioside-G from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XX. New Cardiotonic Glycosides, Acetyl-digitoxin-γ and Acetyl-gitoxin-γ.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXI. Allo-digitalinum verum, a New Glycoside from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXII. Alloneogitostin, a New Glycoside from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXIII. On the 16-Formyl Derivative of Digitalinum Verum.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXIV. On the Structures of Purlanosides-A and-B.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXIV. On the Structures of Purlanosides-A and-B.
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXV. A New Cardiotonic Glycoside, Acetylglucogitoroside and Digitalinum verum Monoacetate from Digitalis …
Studies on the Constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. XXVI. Purpurea Glycoside-A and Purpurea Glycoside-B from Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the constituents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA LV On the acetates of some cardiotonic glycosides.
Studies on the Constitutents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA LX Isolation of Several New Glycosides from the Water-soluble Fraction of Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the Constitutents of DIGITALIS PURPUREA LX Isolation of Several New Glycosides from the Water-soluble Fraction of Digitalis Seeds.
Studies on the production of Digitalis cardenolides by plant tissue culture I. Determination of digitoxin and Digoxin contents in first and second passage calli and organ …
Studies on the production of Digitalis cardenolides by plant tissue culture, Part V. Jar fermenter culture of shoot-forming cultures of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. using a revised …
Study of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. Leaves by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Teratological Phenomena in DIGITALIS PURPUREA var. Gloxinaeflora
The 14ß-HydroxyIation in the Biosynthesis of Cardenolides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA. The Role of 3ß-Hydroxy-5ß-pregn-8 (14)-en-20-one
The 14β-Hydroxylation in the Biosynthesis of Cardenolides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA. The Role of 3β-Hydroxy-5β-pregn-8 (14)-en-20-one
The bumblebee Bombus hortorum is the main pollinating visitor to DIGITALIS PURPUREA in a UK population
The composition of phytosterols in first and second year DIGITALIS PURPUREA L
The effect of Digoxin on the cold blooded heart and its bearing on the mechanism of digitalis action
The effect of environmental conditions on the production of Digoxin by Digitalis lanata.
The effect of freeze‐drying on the glycosidal content of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and Digitalis lutea L
The effect of maturity on the moisture relations of seed longevity in foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.)
The effects of cobalt, acetates, ascorbic acid, and cholesterol on growth and glycoside biosynthesis in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
The effects of Digoxin on red cell digitalis receptor function in man
THE EVALUATION OF DIGITALIS PURPUREA A Comparison of Colorimetric and Chromatographie methods
The Floral Nectary of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L., Structure and Nectar Secretion
The influence of bile salts on glycoside biosynthesis in DIGITALIS PURPUREA I. Sodium cholate
The influence of bile salts on glycoside biosynthesis in DIGITALIS PURPUREA II. Sodium deoxycholate, dehydrocholate, glycocholate, and taurocholate
The Influence of n‐[2‐isopentenyl] adenine on shoot differentiation in DIGITALIS PURPUREA l. Tissue cultures
The influence of sodium cholate on glycoside biosynthesis in DIGITALIS PURPUREA, L.
The inheritance of peloria and flower-colour in Foxgloves (DIGITALIS PURPUREA)
The mode of C-16 hydroxylation in the biosynthesis of gitoxigenin in DIGITALIS PURPUREA
The monitoring of plasma Digoxin levels during acute digitalis poisoning treated with Fab anti-Digoxin fragments
The Place of Digoxin/Digitalis Cardiac Agent/Today in the Treatment of Elderly Population: The Challenges of Undefined Dose Effect Relationship and State of …
The sterols and tetracyclic triterpenoids of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. seeds
The transformation system in foxglove (DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.) using Agrobacterium rhizogenes and traits of the regenerants
The uptake of C14 from carboxyl‐labeled sodium acetate by DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
The use of digitalis: a prospective study on the posology of Digoxin with weekly interruption
The use of Digoxin-specific Fab fragments for severe digitalis intoxication in children
Tissue Culture and Establishment of Clonal Propagation of DIGITALIS PURPUREA Variant
Transformation in DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. (Foxglove)
Treatment of 150 cases of life-threatening digitalis intoxication with Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments. Final report of a multicenter study.
Treatment of 63 severely digitalis-toxic patients with Digoxin-specific antibody fragments
Treatment of digitalis intoxication with emphasis on the clinical use of Digoxin immune Fab
Treatment of life-threatening digitalis intoxication with Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments: experience in 26 cases
Treatment of severe digitalis intoxication with Digoxin-specific antibody fragments: a clinical review
Ultrastructural Evidence for a Dual Function of the Phloem and Programmed Cell Death in the Floral Nectary of DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Unusually large digitalis requirements: a study of altered Digoxin metabolism
Uptake of phloem-specific cardenolides by Cuscuta sp. growing on Digitalis lanata and DIGITALIS PURPUREA
Use of anti-Digoxin antibodies in digitalis poisoning in an infant
Use of Digoxin-specific Fab fragments in the treatment of digitalis intoxication
Using gas chromatography-mass spectrum and Ft-IR techniques for analysis of methanolic extract of DIGITALIS PURPUREA and investigation of its anti-microbial activity
Using Tissue Culture Techniquefor the Production of Cardiac Glycosides From Roots of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L Plantlets (Var. Excelsior Mixed)
Variability in the Occurrence of Formylated Digitalose Glycosides in DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
Variation in apparent serum digitalis-like factor levels with different Digoxin antibodies: The “immunochemical fingerprint”
Variation in cardenolides and sapogenins in DIGITALIS PURPUREA during germination
Variation in the amounts of glucoside and lipid phytosterols in DIGITALIS PURPUREA during germination
Water-soluble Cardioglycoside from the Leaves of DIGITALIS PURPUREA L.
X-ray exposure to the stress response from Ri-transformed regenerants DIGITALIS PURPUREA L. in vitro
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