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Corticotropin Releasing Factor
Corticotropin Releasing Factor
Chemical and biological characterization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Psychiatric implications of basic and clinical studies with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR has an anxiogenic action in the social interaction test
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and growth hormone-RELEASING FACTOR on sleep and activity in rats
Influence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on reproductive functions in the rat
Behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : localization and characterization of central effects
Isolation and sequence analysis of the human CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR precursor gene.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : actions on the sympathetic nervous system and metabolism
Stress-induced inhibition of reproductive functions: role of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Characterization of rat hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Primary structure of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from ovine hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR decreases postburst hyperpolarizations and excites hippocampal neurons
Interleukin-1 stimulates the secretion of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR produces behavioural activation in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -producing neurons in the rat activated by interleukin-1
Elevated concentrations of CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in depressed patients
Intraventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances behavioral effects of novelty
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors are widely distributed within the rat central nervous system: an autoradiographic study
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the pathogenesis of major depression
Immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat brain
In vivo CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced secretion of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , β-endorphin, and corticosterone
Mediation by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) of adenohypophysial hormone secretion
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity is widely distributed within the central nervous system of the rat: an immunohistochemical study
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effects on the autonomic nervous system and visceral systems.
Hypothalamic control of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion: advances since the discovery of 41-residue CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Mechanisms of action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and other regulators of CORTICOTROPIN release in rat pituitary cells.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the rat central nervous system: characterization and regional distribution
CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in depression and schizophrenia.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR directly mediates colonic responses to stress
Catecholaminergic modulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion
Reduced CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding sites in the frontal cortex of suicide victims
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat brain.
Organization of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive cells and fibers in the rat brain: an immunohistochemical study
Interaction of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Arginine Vasopressin on AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN Secretion in Vivo
Physiological and behavioral responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration: is CRF a mediator of anxiety or stress responses?
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effects on the sympathetic nervous system and oxygen consumption
Synthetic competitive antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effect on ACTH secretion in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as the mediator of stress responses
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulation test: an aid in the evaluation of patients with Cushing’s syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR potentiates acoustic startle in rats: blockade by chlordiazepoxide
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on locomotor activity in hypophysectomized rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus
Distribution and efferent projections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the rat amygdaloid complex
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR produces increases in brain excitability and convulsive seizures in rats
Potentiation by vasopressin of CORTICOTROPIN release induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Alterations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in discrete rat brain regions after acute and chronic stress
Co-expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin immunoreactivity in parvocellular neurosecretory neurons of the adrenalectomized rat
Chlordiazepoxide attenuates response suppression induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the conflict test
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates defensive-withdrawal and exploratory behavior in rats.
Central nervous system effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on gastrointestinal transit in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR decreases plasma luteinizing hormone levels in female rats by inhibiting gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone release into hypophysial …
Localization, colocalization, and plasticity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in rat brain.
Anorexia induced by interleukin 1: involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of ethanol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the rat: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF).
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the rat central nervous system. Extrahypothalamic distribution
Modulation of stress-induced ACTH release by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , catecholamines and vasopressin
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR induction of leukocyte-derived immunoreactive ACTH and endorphins
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : evidence for a neurotransmitter role in the locus ceruleus during hemodynamic stress
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): immunoreactive neurones and fibers in rat hypothalamus
Chronic administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases pituitary corticotroph number
Evidence for local stimulation of ACTH secretion by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human placenta
Comparison of the biologic actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and sauvagine
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone pulse generator activity in the rhesus monkey
Distribution and characterization of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human tissues
Inhibition of adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion in the rat by immunoneutralization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Stimulation of hypothalamic β-endorphin and dynorphin release by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (in vitro)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR produces fear-enhancing and behavioral activating effects following infusion into the locus coeruleus
Stress-induced gastrointestinal secretory and motor responses in rats are mediated by endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Central nervous system action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to inhibit gastric emptying in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like activity in human placental extracts
Presence op CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in hypophysial portal blood
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is a potent inhibitor of sexual receptivity in the female rat
Ectopic secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as a cause of Cushing’s syndrome: a clinical, morphologic, and biochemical study
The distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive neurons in rat brain
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on food intake and brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in the rat brain as revealed by a modified cobalt‐glucose oxidase‐diaminobenzidine method
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : endocrine and autonomic integration of responses to stress
GnRH release from the mediobasal hypothalamus: in vitro inhibition by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Interleukin-1 stimulates ACTH release by an indirect action which requires endogenous CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in primate brain
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor antagonist blocks activating and ‘anxiogenic’actions of CRF in the rat
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the anorexia induced by exercise
Stimulant and anxiogenic effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist blocks stress-induced fighting in rats
Studies of the nature of the interaction between vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in the rat
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human plasma.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and pituitary adrenal responses during immobilization stress
Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA for rat CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR precursor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in rat forebrain: autoradiographic identification
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : a physiologic regulator of adrenal epinephrine secretion
Effects of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , glucocorticoids, catecholamines, neurohypophysial peptides, and other substances on cultured corticotropic …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): central effects on mean arterial pressure and heart rate in rats.
Arginine vasopressin potentiates adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release induced by ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Interleukin-1 stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in rat hypothalamus
Co-localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in median eminence neurosecretory vesicles
Neurochemical and behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the ventral tegmental area of the rat.
Studies of the secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin into the hypophysial-portal circulation of the conscious sheep
Neurotransmitters and peptides modulate the release of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from cultured human placental cells
Cocaine stimulates adrenoCORTICOTROPIN (ACTH) secretion through a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-mediated mechanism
Central and peripheral distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered intraventricularly to rhesus monkeys
Effect of centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on multiple feeding paradigms
Effect of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR . Dose response of plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol.
The Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN Secretion from Perifused Pituitaries in vitro: Rapid Inhibition by Glucocorticoids
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : central nervous system sites of action
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (ovine) and vasopressin exert a synergistic effect on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in man
The role of pituitary beta-endorphin in mediating CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced antinociception
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration elicits a stress-like activation of cerebral catecholaminergic systems
Central nervous system effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the dog
Properties and regulation of high-affinity pituitary receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Co-localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin mRNA in neurones after adrenalectomy
Electrophysiological actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central nervous system.
Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in man: pharmacokinetic properties and dose-response of plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol secretion
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in human brain
Gastrointestinal motor effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR disrupts sensory responses of brain noradrenergic neurons
A comparison of the effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and sauvagine on food intake
Neurotransmitter modulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR secretion into the hypophysial-portal circulation
A CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist reverses the stress-induced changes of exploratory behavior in mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): mechanism to elevate mean arterial pressure and heart rate
Facilitation of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion into the hypophysial-portal circulation after activation of catecholaminergic pathways or central …
Evidence for differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin immunoreactivities in parvocellular neurosecretory and autonomic-related …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : immunocytochemical localization in rat brain
Quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry reveals increased levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA after adrenalectomy in rats
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is present in human maternal plasma during the third trimester of pregnancy
Intra-amygdala injections of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR facilitate inhibitory avoidance learning and reduce exploratory behavior in rats
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , neurohypophyseal peptides, and catecholamines on pituitary function.
Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA for ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR precursor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : pharmacokinetics in man
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR attenuates interleukin 1-induced sleep and fever in rabbits
Synaptic interaction of serotonergic axons and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) synthesizing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of the rat
Inhibition of gastric acid secretion in rats by intracerebral injection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive neurons of the paraventricular nucleus become vasopressin positive after adrenalectomy
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) inhibits gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone (GnRH) release from superfused rat hypothalami in vitro
Evidence for CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , neurotensin, and somatostatin in the neural pathway from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the parabrachial nucleus
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on energy balance in rats are sex dependent
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors: Distribution and regulation in brain, pituitary, and peripheral tissues
Reciprocal changes in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity and CRF receptors in cerebral cortex of Alzheimer’s disease
Dexamethasone inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the rat paraventricular nucleus
… of lordosis behaviour in the female rat by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , β-endorphin/CORTICOTROPIN and luteinizing hormone-RELEASING hormone neuronal systems in the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Stimulation of AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN and β-Endorphin Release: Effects of Acute and Chronic Stress
Activating and ‘anxiogenic’effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR are not inhibited by blockade of the pituitary-adrenal system with dexamethasone
Differential behavioral actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
The effects of intracerebroventricularly injected CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on the central nervous system: behavioural and biochemical studies
Anatomy of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and opiomelanocortin systems of the brain.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) produces analgesia in humans and rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR regulates proopiomelanocortin messenger ribonucleic acid levels in vivo
Influence of steroids on the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and preproenkephalin mRNA responses to stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates accumulation of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate in rat pituitary corticotrophs
Immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat spinal cord
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) has a peripheral site of action for antinociception
Potentiation of acoustic startle by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and by fear are both reversed by! a-helical CRF (9-41).
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and actions in rat Leydig cells
Opioid inhibition of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion into the hypophysial-portal circulation of rats
Heterogeneity of chandelier neurons in monkey neocortex: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐and parvalbumin‐immunoreactive populations
Adrenergic innervation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)—synthesizing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of the rat
Propranolol antagonizes the enhanced conditioned fear produced by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR .
Thyrotropic activity of the ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the chick embryo
Vasopressin coexists in half of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR axons present in the external zone of the median eminence in normal rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : co-expression within distinct subsets of oxytocin-, vasopressin-, and neurotensin-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of the …
Effects of purified hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and other substances on the secretion of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and β-endorphin-like immunoactivities in …
Regulation of the messenger ribonucleic acid for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the paraventricular nucleus and other brain sites of the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits thermal injury.
Effect of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin secretion into hypophysial portal blood
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is produced by rat Leydig cells and has a major local antireproductive role in the testis
Neuropeptide-Y and ACTH-immunoreactive innervation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-synthesizing neurons in the hypothalamus of the rat
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in human hypothalamus, adrenal, lung cancer, and pheochromocytoma
Sympathetic nervous system mediates central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induced suppression of natural killer cytotoxicity.
Inhibitory influence of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on components of sexual behaviour in the male rat
Stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation and CORTICOTROPIN release by synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat anterior pituitary cells: site of glucocorticoid …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor-mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity in the rat brain
Augmentation of acth-RELEASING activity op synthetic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (crf) by vasopressin in women
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : basic studies and clinical applications
Continuous administration of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in man. Physiological and pathophysiological implications.
Acute effects of alprazolam and adinazolam on the concentrations of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the rat brain
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates oxytocin secretion in the rat
Functional CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the primate peripheral sympathetic nervous system
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as a transmitter in the human olivocerebellar pathway
Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic production of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Hemorrhage-induced secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity into the rat hypophysial portal circulation and its inhibition by glucocorticoids
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , CORTICOTROPIN and cortisol on gastrointestinal motility in dogs
Effect of angiotensin II on ACTH release in vivo: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Endogenous opioid peptides modulate the effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on gonadotropin release in the primate
Quantification of Morphological Changes in Pituitary Corticotropes Produced by in Vivo CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Stimulation and Adrenalectomy
Extrapituitary effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐mediated adenylate cyclase activity in the rat central nervous system
Ontogeny of expression of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and of the proopiomelanocortin gene in rat pituitary
Brain and pituitary receptors for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : localization and differential regulation after adrenalectomy
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on genetically obese (fatty) rats
Brain IL-1-induced immunosuppression occurs through activation of both pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist: effects on the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular function
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in human gastrointestinal tract
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and sauvagine on social behavior of isolated mice
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN during pregnancy, labor and puerperium
Desensitization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
The ontogeny of brain receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the development of their functional association with adenylate cyclase
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR elicits naloxone sensitive stress-like alterations in exploratory behavior in mice
Clinical studies with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : implications for the diagnosis and pathophysiology of depression, Cushing’s disease, and adrenal insufficiency
Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates the suppressive effect of stress on natural killer cytotoxicity
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR alters rat pup isolation calls
Release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from Rat Brain Regions in Vitro
A novel mechanism of action of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rat Leydig cells.
Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR suppresses natural killer cytotoxicity
Binding of [125I] CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR to blood immunocytes and its reduction in Alzheimer’s disease
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and somatostatin in stress-induced inhibition of growth hormone secretion in the rat
Stimulation of rat B‐lymphocyte proliferation by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Evidence for the involvement of endogenous opioids in the inhibition of luteinizing hormone by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type: reduced cortical and striatal concentrations
Neuromodulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on cerebellar Purkinje cells: an in vivo study in the cat
Thermogenic effects of the antiglucocorticoid RU-486 in the rat: involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and sympathetic activation of brown adipose tissue
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR synapses within the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Cholecystokinin‐, galanin‐, and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactive projections from the nucleus of the solitary tract to the parabrachial nucleus in the …
Sympatho-adrenal medullary functions in response to intracerebroventricularly injected CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in anesthetized rats
The paraventriculo-infundibular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) pathway as revealed by immunocytochemistry in long-term hypophysectomized or …
Differential regulation of brain and pituitary CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors by corticosterone
Increase of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR staining in rat paraventricular nucleus neurones by depletion of hypothalamic adrenaline
Comparative immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF-41) and neurohypophysial peptides in the brain of Brattleboro and Long-Evans …
Receptor-mediated actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pituitary gland and nervous system
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release in rat hypophysial portal blood is mediated by brain catecholamines
Evidence for the presence of tumor peptides with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR -like activity in the ectopic ACTH syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in normal subjects and patients with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal disorders
Induction of β-endorphin secretion by lymphocytes after subcutaneous administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Inhibition of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion into the hypophysial-portal circulation by delayed glucocorticoid feedback
Lactation inhibits stress-mediated secretion of corticosterone and oxytocin and hypothalamic accumulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and enkephalin messenger …
Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration prevents the excessive body weight gain of genetically obese (fa/fa) rats
Immunohistochemical study of neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Alzheimer’s disease
Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR precursor from the teleost fish Catostomus commersoni
Behavioral effects of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered to rhesus monkeys.
Effects of adrenalectomy and dexamethasone administration on the level of prepro-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and parturition: plasma and amniotic fluid levels and placental binding sites.
Gonadal regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in hypothalamus
ACTH, cortisol, and corticosterone output after ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR challenge during depression and after recovery
New hypothalamic hormone, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , specifically stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol in man
Ectopic ACTH syndrome caused by a bronchial carcinoid tumor responsive to dexamethasone, metyrapone, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Chronic cocaine administration alters CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the rat brain
Presence of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat testis
Modulation of basal and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -stimulated proopiomelanocortin gene expression by vasopressin in rat anterior pituitary
Hypophysial-portal plasma levels, median eminence content, and immunohistochemical staining of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin, and oxytocin …
Reductions in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in cerebral cortex in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and progressive supranuclear palsy
Effect of the long-term administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the pituitary-adrenal and pituitary-gonadal axis in the male rat.
Mechanism of action of interleukin-1β in increasing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN hormone release from cultured human placental cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates the release of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN from domestic fowl pituitary cells
Stress-induced secretion of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN in rats is inhibited by administration of antisera to ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) immunoreactivity in the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum: further studies on the micturition reflex system
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration in normal men
Arginine vasopressin is a much more potent stimulus to ACTH release from ovine anterior pituitary cells than ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in monkey neocortex: An immunohistochemical analysis
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in the hypothalamus is affected differently by drinking saline and by dehydration
Alcohol reverses the proconflict effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The role of IL-1 in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine-vasopressin-induced secretion of immunoreactive beta-endorphin by human peripheral blood …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits neurogenic plasma extravasation in the rat paw.
[38] CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the pituitary gland and central nervous system: Methods and overview
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) acts centrally to inhibit growth hormone secretion in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the olivocerebellar tract of rats: demonstration by light-and electron-microscopic immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization …
Effect of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : prolonged duration of action and biphasic response of plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol
Demonstration of distinct CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR —containing neuron populations in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. A light and electron microscopic …
Different epileptogenic activities of murine and ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : a new tool for the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in mouse spleen: identification of receptor-bearing cells as resident macrophages
The involvement of central noradrenergic systems and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in defensive-withdrawal behavior in rats.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the vertebrate endocrine pancreas
In vitro study of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in rat pituitary gland: autoradiographic localization
Central autonomic modulation of cardiac baroreflex by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Insulin-induced hypoglycemia stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin secretion into hypophysial portal blood of conscious, unrestrained …
Glucocorticoid implants around the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus prevent the increase of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , sauvagine, and urotensin I: effects on blood flow
Single or repeated mild stress increases synthesis and release of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Monoamine metabolites, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and somatostatin as CSF markers in depressed patients
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR distribution in normal and Brattleboro rat brain, and effect of deafferentation, hypophysectomy and steroid treatment in normal animals
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding to the anterior pituitary receptor is modulated by divalent cations and guanyl nucleotides
Combined administration of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and lysine vasopressin induces cortisol escape from dexamethasone suppression in healthy subjects
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone from the rat pituitary
Evidence for the involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the gastrointestinal disturbances induced by acoustic and cold stress in mice
Ultrastructural localization of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in hypothalamic paraventricular neurons synthesizing CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Isolation and amino acid sequence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from pig hypothalami
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in the rat pituitary gland: effects of adrenalectomy on CRF receptors and corticotroph responses
Inhibitory effect of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from rat hypothalamus in vitro
Starvation-induced changes in rat brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and putuitary-adrenocortical response
Modulation of central nervous system actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by dynorphin-related peptides
Modulation of lordosis behaviour in the female rat by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , β-endorphin and gonadotropin RELEASING hormone in the mesencephalic central …
Angiotensin II and ACTH release: site of action and potency relative to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin
Rat preprocarboxypeptidase H: Cloning, characterization, and sequence of the cDNA and regulation of the mRNA by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
… -and alpha-2-adrenergic-binding sites to regions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin neurons
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR administered into the ventricular CSF stimulates the pituitary-adrenal axis
A new cytotoxin specific for the target cells of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Evidence for a role of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in cold, ether, immobilization, and traumatic stress
Demonstration of glucocorticoid receptor‐like immunoreactivity in glucocorticoid‐sensitive vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the hypothalamic …
Surface properties of an amphiphilic peptide hormone and of its analog: CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and sauvagine
Purification of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR .
Neuropeptide Y administration acutely increases hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity: lack of effect in other rat brain regions
Iontophoretic mapping of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) sensitive neurons in the rat forebrain
Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine Stimulate the Release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -41 from the Rat Hypothalamus in Vitro
Inhibition of gastric acid secretion in rats and in dogs by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : central action to influence gastric secretion.
ACTH and multisteroid responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in depressive illness: relationship to multisteroid responses after ACTH stimulation and …
Characterization and biological activity of a rat monoclonal antibody to rat/human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Role of cholecystokinin in CORTICOTROPIN release: coexistence with vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in cells of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
Inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN release during hypothermia: the role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin, and oxytocin
CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in Alzheimer’s disease: its relationship to severity of dementia and monoamine metabolites
Characterization of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human adrenal and ovarian tumours
Localization of urotensin I-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of Catostomus commersoni
Plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , cortisol, and aldosterone responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : modulatory effect of basal cortisol levels
Ethanol Exposure Decreases Pituitary CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Binding, Adenylate Cyclase Activity, Proopiomelanocortin Biosynthesis, and Plasma β …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in sensory ganglia and capsaicin sensitive neurons of the rat central nervous system: colocalization with other …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the dog adrenal medulla is secreted in response to hemorrhage
Effect of paraventricular lesions on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the stalk-median eminence: studies on the adrenoCORTICOTROPIN …
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in restraint stress-induced anorexia and reversion of the anorexia by somatostatin in the rat
Coexistence of peptides (CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR /neurotensin and substance P/somatostatin) in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and central amygdaloid …
Influence of the frequency of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and corticosterone secretion in the rat
Adrenal modulation of the inhibitory effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on feeding
In vitro potentiation of the activity of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by arginine vasopressin
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion in vitro by glucose
Distribution and coexistence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -, neurotensin-, enkephalin-, cholecystokinin-, galanin-and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/peptide …
Structural homology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , sauvagine, and urotensin I: circular dichroism and prediction studies
Stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR potentiate center region activity of mice in an open field
Vasopressin stimulation of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN hormone (ACTH) in humans. In vivo bioassay of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) which provides evidence for CRF …
Effects of intracerebroventricular administration of growth hormone-RELEASING FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on somatostatin secretion into rat hypophysial …
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the brain of the domestic fowl
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the cerebellum and precerebellar nuclei of the cat
Structural characterization and localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in testis
Dementia of the Alzheimer type and hypothalamus‐pituitary‐adrenocortical axis: changes in cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and plasma cortisol …
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates somatostatin secretion from cultured brain cells
Regional hemodynamic responses to central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING ‐FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in brainstem of two monkey species (Saimiri sciureus and Macaca fascicularis): An …
Glucocorticoids Inhibit CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Induced Production of Adenosine 3′,5′-Monophosphate in Cultured Anterior Pituitary Cells
Presence of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human corebrospinal fluid
Isolation and characterization of caprine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Evidence for local CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-immunoreactive neuronal circuits in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus
… (PHI-27)/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR /enkephalin immunoreactive hypothalamic neuron: possible morphological basis for integrated control of prolactin, CORTICOTROPIN …
β-Lipotropin—β-Endorphin Response to Low-Dose Ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in Endogenous Depression: Preliminary Studies
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) increases paradoxical sleep (PS) rebound in PS-deprived rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) immunoreactivity in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic nuclei of sheep brain
Influence of the central nucleus of the amygdala on the content of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the median eminence
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the rat brain by immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay: comparison and characterization of …
Immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus
Ontogeny of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressein in the rat
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mediating the expression of defensive behavior.
Neuropeptide Y-induced effects on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR content and release are dependent on noradrenergic/adrenergic neurotransmission
Abnormal ACTH and cortisol responses to ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in patients with primary affective disorder
Onset of glucocorticoid responsiveness of anterior pituitary corticotrophs during development is scheduled by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Stimulation of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN /β-endorphin release by synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in vitro
AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN , β-lipotropin, β-endorphin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like activity in an adrenoCORTICOTROPIN -producing nephroblastoma
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurosecretory system in intact, adrenalectomized, and adrenalectomized-dexamethasone treated rats
The hippocampus and amygdala mediate the locomotor stimulating effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mice
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulates adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and β-endorphin release from AtT-20 mouse pituitary tumor cells
Co-localization of the immunoreactivities of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasotocin in the brain and pituitary system of the teleost Catostomus …
Coexistence of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat
Immunoreactive dynorphin-(1-8) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in subpopulation of hypothalamic neurons
Glutamic acid decarboxylase-and γ-aminobutyric acid-like immunoreactivities in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing parvocellular neurons of the hypothalamic …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the adrenal medulla
Isolation and characterization of the bovine hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of intraventricular infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on VMH-lesioned obese rats
Selective facilitation of putative CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -secreting neurones by interleukin-1
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR increases proopiomelanocortin messenger RNA in mouse anterior pituitary tumor cells.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and age-related differences in behavior of mice
Induction of fos-Like Immunoreactivity in Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Neurons after Adrenalectomy in the Rat
Insulin-induced hypoglycemia increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid levels in rat hypothalamus
Heterogeneity between brain and pituitary CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors is due to differential glycosylation
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in mouse spleen: identification, autoradiographic localization, and regulation by divalent cations and guanine nucleotides
Alcohol exposure in utero results in diminished T‐cell function and alterations in brain CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and ACTH content
Corticosterone-induced changes in hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) content after stress
Hypoglycemia enhances turnover of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and of vasopressin in the zona externa of the rat median eminence
Immunohistochemical localization and radioimmunoassay of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the forebrain and hypophysis of the frog Rana ridibunda
Release from inflamed tissue of a substance with properties similar to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and regulation of its mRNA levels by glucocorticoids
Stress mediated changes in hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in cerebellar afferent systems: a combined immunohistochemistry and retrograde transport study
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and amphetamine exaggerate partial agonist properties of benzodiazepine antagonist Ro 15-1788 in the conflict test
Hypercorticosteronuria and diminished pituitary responsiveness to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in obese Zucker rats
Intrahypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR elevates gastric bicarbonate and inhibits stress ulcers in rats
Suppression by glucocorticoid of the immunoreactivity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in the paraventricular nucleus of rat hypothalamus
Properties of rat anterior pituitary vasopressin receptors: relation to adenylate cyclase and the effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits gastric emptying in dogs
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and angiotensin II: comparison of CNS actions to influence neuroendocrine and cardiovascular function
Central modulation of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion by arginine vasopressin
Secretion of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and vasopressin (AVP) into the hypophysial portal blood of conscious, unrestrained rams
Regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion during stress by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and beta-endorphin
Radioautographic study of binding and internalization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by rat anterior pituitary corticotrophs
Effects of serotonin, cyproheptadine and reserpine on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the rat hypothalamus in vitro
Evidence for the involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the inhibition of gonadotropin release induced by hyperprolactinemia
Effects of intravenous and intraventricular injection of antisera directed against CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones
Assays for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) using rats treated with morphine, chlorpromazine, dexamethasone and nembutal
Cardiovascular responses to exercise in the rat: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in human pituitary gland: autoradiographic localization
Effects of opioid peptides on immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the rat hypothalamus in vitro
Stress-induced alterations in neurotensin, somatostatin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mesotelencephalic dopamine system regions
Clinical studies with synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): immunocytochemical localization and radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the thalamus of the rat
Pituitary and adrenocortical responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pigs.
Immunoelectron microscopic localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat hypothalamus
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , Dexamethasone and Actinomycin D on the Release of ACTH from Rat Pituitaries in Vivo and in Vitro
Vasopressin potentiates cyclic AMP accumulation and ACTH release induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat anterior pituitary cells in culture
The hormonal actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in sheep: effect of intravenous and intracerebroventricular injection
Handling in infancy: increased levels of the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) following exposure to a novel situation
Inhibition of rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion by an osmotic stimulus
Separate neural substrates of the locomotor-activating properties of amphetamine, heroin, caffeine and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat
Diurnal rhythm of plasma immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in normal subjects
Coexistence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity and vasotocin in perikarya of the preoptic nucleus in the eel
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN hormone release and synthesis is blocked by incorporation of the inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR . Mechanisms to inhibit gastric acid secretion in conscious dogs.
Additive effects of epinephrine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in rat anterior pituitary cells
Brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR acts as inhibitor of stress-induced gastric erosion in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like activity in ACTH producing tumors
Secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from cultured rat hypothalamic cells: effects of catecholamines
Ultrastructural characteristics of immunolabelled, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-synthesizing neurons in the rat brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is contained within perikarya and nerve fibres of rat duodenum
Widespread expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger RNA and immunoreactivity in the rat olFACTOR y bulb
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors: autoradiographic identification.
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , desipramine and haloperidol on a DRL schedule of reinforcement
Epidermal growth FACTOR acts as a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in chronically catheterized fetal lambs.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): origin and course of afferent pathways to the median eminence (ME) of the rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as a possible cause of comorbidity in anxiety and depressive disorders.
Involvement of vasopressin in the down-regulation of pituitary CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors after adrenalectomy
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in ovine brain determined by radioimmunoassay
Glucocorticoids regulate ovine hypophysial portal levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin in a stress-specific manner
Comparative effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin, and related neuropeptides on the secretion of ACTH and α-MSH by frog anterior pituitary …
Inhibition by Dexamethasone of the in Vivo Pituitary Response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)1
Vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR : an axonal pathway to portal capillaries in the zona externa of the median eminence containing vasopressin and its …
Behavioral investigation of the coexistence of substance P, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , and acetylcholinesterase in lateral dorsal tegmental neurons projecting to the …
Low doses of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR potentiate amphetamine-induced stereotyped behavior
Predominant release of vasopressin vs. CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the isolated median eminence after adrenalectomy
EEG stability following CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding to peripheral tissue and activation of the adenylate cyclase-adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate system
Active clearance of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the cerebrospinal fluid
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors in the brain-pituitary-immune axis.
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR is altered in brains of animals with high preference for ethanol
Immunohistochemical demonstration of the localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the hypothalamus of mammals including primates
Intrahypothalamic microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits gastric acid secretion but increases secretion volume in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system
Associated endocrine, physiological and behavioral changes in rhesus monkeys after intravenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration
Responsiveness of the hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pituitary-dependent Cushing’s disease
Hypothalamic organization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) producing structures
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced stimulation of immune functions
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat plasma
Autonomic and cardiovascular effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
Plasma distribution, disappearance half-time, metabolic clearance rate, and degradation of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in man
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and dexamethasone responses in hyperandrogenic women
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR : isolation and chemical properties
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : putative neurotransmitter in the noradrenergic nucleus locus ceruleus.
Antagonistic effect of somatostatin on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced anorexia in the rat
Binding sites for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in sensory areas of the rat hindbrain and spinal cord
Optokinetic stimulation increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in inferior olivary neurons of rabbits
Central modulation of immunoreactive arginine vasopressin and oxytocin secretion into the hypophysial-portal circulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Effects of cyproheptadine, reserpine, and synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on pituitary glands from patients with Cushing’s disease
Paradoxical responsiveness of growth hormone to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in acromegaly
Central nervous system actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on cardiovascular function in the absence of locomotor activity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR acts centrally to suppress stimulated gastric contractility in the rat
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome: a comparison with the lysine-vasopressin test
Further studies on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF); CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING activity of synthetic peptides
Effects of catecholamine-depleting medullary knife cuts on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of normal and steroid …
Involvement of hypothalamic somatostatin in the suppression of growth hormone secretion by central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in conscious male rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR desensitization of adrenocorticotropic hormone release is augmented by arginine vasopressin
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and opiates on amphibian locomotion
Immunohistochemical identification of neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat hypothalamus
… secretion by dispersed rat anterior pituitary cells in a microperifusion system: effects of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin
Distribution and characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin in rat hypothalamic nuclei
Central CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR reduces natural cytotoxicity. Time course of action.
Functional CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in neonatal rat spinal cord
Identification and characterization of a pituitary CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein by chemical cross-linking.
Chronic ethanol exposure potentiates the locomotor-activating effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rats
Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and vasopressin potentiate the effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on cyclic AMP production in rat anterior pituitary cells …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates adenylate cyclase activity in the anterior pituitary gland
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations exhibit an apparent diurnal rhythm in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic brain regions: differential sensitivity to …
Pituitary receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : no effect of vasopressin on binding or activation of adenylate cyclase
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR acts via a third ventricle site to reduce exploratory behavior in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Induces Desensitization of the Rat Pituitary CRF Receptor Adenylate Cyclase Complex
Cytochemical studies of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in anterior lobe corticotropes: binding, glucocorticoid regulation, and endocytosis of [biotinyl …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : central nervous system effects on baroreflex control of heart rate
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein is a glycoprotein
Evidence for basal and stress-induced release of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the push-pull cannulated median eminence of conscious free-moving rats
Protective actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on thermal injury to rat pawskin.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits gastric emptying in dogs: studies on its mechanism of action
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (s) activity in neural and extraneural tissues of the rat
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like peptides produce selective dilatation of the dog mesenteric circulation
Immediate and delayed alterations of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol nyctohemeral profiles after CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in normal man
… of the cAMP-dependent protein kinases in AtT20 cells. Preferential activation of protein kinase I by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , isoproterenol, and forskolin.
Brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Inhibition of protein exudation from the trachea by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates the release of methionine-enkephalin and dynorphin from the neostriatum and globus pallidus of the rat: in vitro and in vivo …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : a marked circadian rhythm in primate cerebrospinal fluid peaks in the evening and is inversely related to the cortisol circadian rhythm
Secretion of ACTH by isolated anterior pituitary cells: kinetics of stimulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and of inhibition by corticosterone
The preferential release of beta-endorphin from the anterior pituitary lobe by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Angiotensin II and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release: mediation by endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Capsaicin depletes CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive neurons in the rat spinal cord and medulla oblongata
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR differentially regulates anterior and intermediate pituitary lobe proopiomelanocortin gene transcription, nuclear precursor RNA and …
Dynamic training and circulating levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin in rheumatoid arthritis
Improved fixation and cobalt-glucose oxidase-diaminobenzidine intensification for immunohistochemical demonstration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat brain.
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the release and synthesis of prolactin
Cloning and distribution of expression of the rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the pig: effects on operant feeding, drinking and plasma cortisol
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐containing afferents to the lateral septum of the rat brain
Effects of bilateral adrenalectomy on immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat median eminence and intermediate-posterior pituitary
Role of central epinephrine on the regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates the concomitant secretion of CORTICOTROPIN , β-lipotropin, β-endorphin and γ-melanotropin by the bovine adenohypophysis …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion increases in rat hypophysial portal blood during insulin-induced hypoglycemia
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR levels in the peripheral plasma and hypothalamus of the rat vary in parallel with changes in the pituitary-adrenal axis
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR activity of CRF 41 in normal man is potentiated by angiotensin II and vasopressin but not by desmopressin
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates phospholipid methylation and CORTICOTROPIN secretion in mouse pituitary tumor cells
Thyrotropin-RELEASING FACTOR -induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion is mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
High molecular weight peptide with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activity from porcine hypothalami
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal disorders
Edinger-Westphal nucleus: cells that project to spinal cord contain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
… in vivo release of opioid peptides and luteinizing hormone-RELEASING hormone from the hypothalamus following blockade of receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in intermediate lobe of the pituitary: biochemical characterization and autoradiographic localization
AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN responses to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Segmental distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like and vasoactive intestinal peptide-like immunoreactivities in presumptive sympathetic preganglionic …
… intestinal polypeptideimmunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system with special reference to their relation to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -and enkephalin-like …
Sequence analysis of rat hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR with the o-phthalaldehyde strategy
AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol responses to ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in alcohol dependence disorder
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -and arginine vasotocin-like immunoreactivities in the brain and pituitary of the American bullfrog …
Effect of pharmacological adrenalectomy on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like and arginine vasotocin immunoreactivities in the brain and pituitary of the eel …
Immimohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in selected brain areas of the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and the song sparrow (Melospiza …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive neurons in the rat retina
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the cerebellum and precerbellar nuclei of the opossum: A study utilizing immunohistochemistry, In situ hybridization …
Coesxistence of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and enkephalin in cerebellar afferent systems
Functional CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in mouse spleen: evidence from adenylate cyclase studies
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits the response of trigeminal neurons to noxious heat
Pituitary-adrenal responses to ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in polycystic ovary syndrome and in other hyperandrogenic patients
Stimulation of CORTICOTROPIN release by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) or by vasopressin following intrapituitary infusions in unanesthetized dogs: inhibition of the …
On the Presence in Hog Hypothalamus of (β-CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , α- and (β-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones, AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN , Lysine-Vasopressin …
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and vasopressin are colocalized in a subpopulation of the immunoreactive vasopressin cells in the …
Effect of dexamethasone on immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat median eminence and intermediate-posterior pituitary
Dissociation of locus coeruleus activity and blood pressure: effects of clonidine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Molecular mechanisms of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulation of calcium mobilization and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release from anterior pituitary tumor cells.
The antagonistic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on pentobarbital in rats
Inhibition of gastric motor function by circulating CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in anesthetized rats
Coexistence of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and neurotensin within oval nucleus neurons in the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis in the rat
Assays and dynamics of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activity in rat hypothalamus.
Re-evaluation of a technique of pituitary incubation in vitro as an assay for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Stimulation of GABA release from the rat neostriatum and globus pallidus in vivo by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Circadian rhythm of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA is expressed in the inferior olives of rodents and primates
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on plasma motilin and somatostatin levels and gastrointestinal motility in dogs
… and β-endorphin release from rat adenohypophysis in vitro: inhibition by prostaglandin E2 formed locally in response to vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) stimulates locomotor activity in intact and hypophysectomized newts (Amphibia)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive neurons persist throughout the brain in Alzheimer’s disease
Increased CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in rat cerebral cortex following chronic atropine treatment
Effects of adrenergic blockers on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced behavioral changes in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-stimulation test in normal controls and patients with disturbances of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : its action on the islets of Langerhans
Sauvagine-like and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the brain of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
Synergism between systemic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in vivo varies as a function of gestational age in …
The effect of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on catecholamine, vasopressin, and aldosterone secretion in normal man
Isolation and Amino Acid Sequence of α2-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (α2-CRF) from Hog Pituitary Glands
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in olivocerebellar climbing-fiber system of monkey (Saimiri sciureus and Macaca fascicularis): parasagittal and regional organization …
Immunocytochemical localization and spatial relation to the adenohypophysis of a somatostatin-like and a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like peptide in the brain of four …
Co-localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -and enkephalin-like immunoreactivities in nerve cells of the rat hypothalamus and adjacent areas
Presence of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in human tumors
The effects of adrenalectomy, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin on the sympathetic firing rate of nerves to interscapular brown adipose tissue in the Zucker …
Immunohistochemical localization of urotensin I/CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , urotensin II, and serotonin immunoreactivities in the caudal spinal cord of nonteleost …
Differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in anterior and intermediate lobes of pituitary and in brain following adrenalectomy in rats
Effect of axonal transport blockade on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in the median eminence of intact and adrenalectomized rats: relationship …
Concentration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR by chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose
Reduction in brain immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Protein kinase C potentiates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulated cyclic AMP in pituitary
Dissociation of the adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretory responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and vasopressin or oxytocin by using a specific cytotoxic analog of …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR increases the adrenocortical responsiveness to adrenoCORTICOTROPIN
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the amacrine cells of the chicken retina.
The effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on the anterior pituitary function of stalk-sectioned cynomdlgus macaques: Dose response of cortisol secretion
Synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates secretion of immunoreactive β-endorphin/β-lipotropin and ACTH by human fetal pituitaries in vitro
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on central respiratory activity
… specificity for stimulation of CORTICOTROPIN secretion: activation of overlapping pathways by the vasoactive intestinal peptide family and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Inhibitory effect of norepinephrine on immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the rat hypothalamus in vitro
Pituitary-adrenal responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in late onset 21-hydroxylase deficiency
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenal function in major depression
Metabolic clearance rate and plasma half-life of radioiodinated CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in a primate
Does CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR act via a calcium-dependent mechanism?
Stimulatory effect of acetylcholine on immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the rat hypothalamus in vitro
Arginine vasopressin, but not CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , is a potent stimulator of adrenocorticotropic hormone following electroconvulsive treatment
Effects and pharmacokinetic properties of the rat/human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rhesus monkeys
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Other Materials on AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN Secretion from Pituitary Glands of Patients with Cushing’s Disease in Vitro
Involvement of spinal kappa opioid receptors in the antinociception produced by intrathecally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mice.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors: characterization and actions in the anterior pituitary gland
Effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on acethylcholine-induced release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from rat hypothalamus in vitro
Interaction of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and growth hormone RELEASING FACTOR (GRF) with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on CORTICOTROPIN secretion in vitro
A system of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing amacrine cells in the rat retina
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR differentially regulates proopiomelanocortin messenger ribonucleic acid levels in anterior as compared to intermediate pituitary lobes of …
Immunohistochemical identification of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons projecting to the stalk-median eminence of the rat
Repetitive and continuous administration of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR to human subjects
Identification of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) target cells and effects of dexamethasone on binding in anterior pituitary using a fluorescent analog of CRF
The brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor is of lower apparent molecular weight than the CRF receptor in anterior pituitary. Evidence from chemical cross …
The Role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Rat Gastric Ulcerogenesis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and forskolin increase proopiomelanocortin messenger RNA levels in rat anterior and intermediate cells in vitro
Neonatal peptides affect developing rats: β-endorphin alters nociception and opiate receptors, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR alters corticosterone
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from in vitro superfused and incubated rat hypothalamus. Effect of potassium, norepinephrine, and dopamine
An in vitro assay for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (s) using suspensions of isolated pituitary cells
Medroxyprogesterone acetate lowers plasma CORTICOTROPIN and cortisol but does not suppress anterior pituitary responsiveness to human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Multiple endocrine neoplasia with Cushing’s syndrome due to paraganglioma producing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the electrical and mechanical activities of the guinea-pig ventricular myocardium.
Interaction of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin on in vitro ACTH release by the anterior pituitary of rats
Identification of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein in the plasma membrane of AtT-20 mouse pituitary tumor cells and its regulation by dexamethasone
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist attenuates defensive-withdrawal behavior elicited by odors of stressed conspecifics.
Characterization and modulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the neurointermediate pituitary gland
Effect of Histamine, Hog Vasopressin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (GRF) on AGTH Release in vitro
Amacrine and ganglion cells with CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING ‐FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in the turtle retina
The Effect of Various CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Trains on the Release of AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN , β-Endorphin, and β-Lipotropin from Perifused Ovine Pituitary …
Electrical Properties of Cultured Human AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN -Secreting Adenoma Cells: Effects of High K+, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and Angiotensin II
Acute inflammatory response of the rat pawskin to acid injury is attenuated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in post-mortem brain from depressed suicides
Stress-related behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Modulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR of monoamine metabolism in the lateral hypothalamus
Vasopressin-containing and vasopressin-deficient subpopulations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR axons are differentially affected by adrenalectomy
Ontogenetic development of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-containing neural elements in the brain of the chicken during incubation and after hatching
Development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis in the ovine fetus: ontogeny of action of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Immunocytochemical detection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : multiple cross-reactions of a widely used carboxy-terminally directed CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Gastrointestinal secretory, motor and circulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Comparative localization of neurons containing ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)‐like and neurophysin‐like immunoreactivity in the diencephalon of the …
… corticoliberin hypothalamic neuroglandular system: comparative immunocytochemical study with anti-rat and anti-ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR sera in the early …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
Acute and chronic effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on schedule-controlled responding and neurochemistry of pigeons.
Oxytocin: major CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secreted from diabetes insipidus rat posterior pituitary in vitro
High-performance liquid chromatographic purification of peptide hormones: ovine hypothalamic amunine (CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR )
The intestinal peptide PHI-27 potentiates the action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on ACTH release from rat pituitary fragments in vitro.
Convulsant peptides related to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulation of protein carboxylmethylation in mouse pituitary tumor cells
Effects of synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and dopamine on the release of immunoreactive β-endorphin/β-lipotropin and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone …
Catecholaminergic innervation of neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus
Vasopressin responses to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and hyperosmolality in conscious dogs
Organization of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive neurons in the canine hypothalamo-pituitary system
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-containing neurons in the hypothalamus of the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix
Physiological concentrations of atrial natriuretic FACTOR s with intact N-terminal sequences inhibit CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -stimulated adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion …
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin: antibody-quenching studies on hypothalamic extracts of normal and Brattleboro rats
Immunoelectron microscopic study of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the human hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol responses to ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in patients with adrenocortical insufficiency due to hypothalamic and pituitary …
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in dissociated brain cell cultures
Assessment of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin and somatostatin secretion by fetal hypothalamic neurons in culture
Plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in normal children during pubertal development
Regulation of hypothalamic-endorphin and dynorphin release by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Immunocytochemical ultrastructural study of hypothalamic neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in normal and adrenalectomized rats
Stimulation of β-endorphin secretion by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in primary rat leydig cell cultures
Behavioral pharmacology of stress: Focus on CNS CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Differential influences of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on memory retention of aversive learning and appetitive learning in rats
Arginine vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : binding to ovine anterior pituitary membranes
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist blocks microwave-induced decreases in high-affinity choline uptake in the rat brain
Dynamic changes in the hypothalamic content of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR following noxious stimuli: delayed response in early neonates in comparison with …
Increased ACTH response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in cold-adapted rats in vivo
Immunocytochemical observations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR -containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus with special reference to neuronal communication
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR can stimulate gonadotropin secretion by human fetal pituitaries in superfusion
The action of hypothalamic and placental CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on the corticotrope
Ultrastructural alterations of the paraventriculo-infundibular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-immunoreactive neuronal system in long term adrenalectomized rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced adrenocorticotropic hormone release in the sheep fetus: blockade by cortisol
Immunohistochemical demonstration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR containing nerve fibers in the median eminence of the rat and monkey
Synthesis and biological properties of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons innervate dopamine neurons in the periventricular hypothalamus of juvenile macaques
Comparative immunoelectron microscopic localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF-41) and oxytocin in the rat median eminence
Posttranslational processing of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the ovine tuberoinfundibular system and pituitary.
Quantitative immunocytochemistry of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF). Studies on nonbiological models and on hypothalamic tissues of rats after hypophysectomy …
Decreased CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Like Immunoreactivity in Rat Intermediate and Posterior Pituitary after Stalk Secretion
The Effect of Serotonin Agonist 1-(Trifluoromethylphenly)-piperazine on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Arginine Vasopressin in Rat Hypothalamic Nuclei
Desensitization of Superfused Isolated Ovine Anterior Pituitary Cells to Human CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Brain noradrenergic neurons, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and stress
Evidence for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Leu-enkephalin in the neural projection from the lateral parabrachial nucleus to the median preoptic nucleus: a …
Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of neurotensin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pediatric patients
Brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and catecholamine responses in acutely stressed rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunostaining in the rat spinal cord and medulla oblongata: an unexpected form of cross-reactivity with substance P
Intravenous application of ovine and human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): ACTH, cortisol and CRF levels
Effects of morphine on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), norepinephrine and dopamine in non-stressed and stressed rats.
Plasma corticosterone and restraint induced gastric pathology: age-related differences after administration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Nigrostriatal dopamine mediates the stimulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on methionine-enkephalin and dynorphin release from the rat neostriatum
In vivo potentiation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR activity by vasopressin analogues
Calcium-Independent and Calcium-Dependent Mechanisms; Regulate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Stimulated Proopiomelanocortin Peptide Secretion and …
Purification and characterization of peptides with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activity from porcine hypothalami
Solid phase synthesis of ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
… β-endorphin-immunoreactivity from rat pituitary and hypothalamus in vitro: Effects of isoproterenol, dopamine, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and agrinine8-vasopressin
Plasma ACTH-response to the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in patients with Cushing’s disease. Comparison with the lysine-vasopressin test
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Central nervous system effects on the sympathetic nervous system and cardiovascular regulation
Central effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): evidence for similar interactions with environmental novelty and with caffeine
Role of cyclic AMP in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mediated ACTH release
Site of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) RELEASING elements: effect of lesions on ACTH release and adenohypophysial blood flow
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing afferents to the inferior colliculus of the rat brain
Interactions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR with antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs: behavioral studies with pigeons
… -C in the adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretory response to arginine vasopressin (AVP) and the synergistic response to AVP and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by perifused rat …
… in pituitary cell cultures. Effect of neurogenic peptides and neurotransmitter substances on ACTH release induced by hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF …
Some endorphin derivatives and hydrocortisone prevent EEG limbic seizures induced by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in rabbits
Lack of correlation between immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR concentration profiles in hypophysial‐portal and peripheral plasma
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): stimulation in normal controls and in patients with Cushing’s syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the rabbit brain visualized by in vitro autoradiography
The coexistence of oxytocin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the hypothalamus: an immunocytochemical study in the rat, sheep and hedgehog
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity, arginine vasopressin-like immunoreactivity and ACTH-RELEASING bioactivity in hypothalamic tissue from fetal and …
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Growth Hormone RELEASING FACTOR on Pituitary Hormone Secretion in Patients with Congenital Thyrotropin Deficiency.
Pseudo-Cushing’s syndrome: an example of alcohol-induced central disorder in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -ACTH release?
In pregnancy, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR in maternal blood and amniotic fluid correlates with the gestational age.
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the hypothalamus of the squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits insulin release from perfused rat pancreas
Immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in adult and developing rat cerebellum: its presence in climbing and mossy fibres.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and neurotransmitters modulate melanotropic peptide release from rat neurointermediate pituitary in vitro
Rat hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) content remains constant despite marked acute or chronic changes in ACTH secretion
Vagal mediation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR -induced increase in insulinemia in lean and genetically obese fa/fa rats
… of noise on high-affinity choline uptake in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat are blocked by intracerebroventricular injection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
The role of calcium in the mechanism of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mediated ACTH release
The effects of cortisol, vasopressin (AVP), and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration on pulsatile adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and …
Site of calcium requirement for stimulation of ACTH release in rat anterior pituitary cells in culture by synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Osmotic stimulation affects neurohypophysial CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -41 content: effect of dexamethasone
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR acts on the brain to reduce gastric contractility
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the newt, Triturus cristatus
Effect of passive immunization against CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on the postadrenalectomy changes of CRF binding sites in the rat anterior pituitary gland
Uptake of a monoclonal antibody to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) into rat hypothalamic neurons
Coexistence of urotensin I/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urotensin II immunoreactivities in cells of the caudal neurosecretory system of a teleost and an …
Immunohistochemical localization of urotensin I/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in neurosecretory neurons in the caudal spinal cord of fish
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates tyrosine hydroxylase in rat and mouse striatal homogenates
Cytological responses of the pituitary (rostral pars distalis) and immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the goldfish treated with dopamine antagonists
Histogenesis of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive amacrine cells in the rat retina
A model of the distribution and metabolism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Characterization of PGE2 inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -mediated ACTH release
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR levels and stimulation test in dementia of the Alzheimer type
Effects of endorphin derivatives on the EEG alterations induced by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the rabbit hippocampus
Effects of angiotensin II blockade on the responses of the pituitary-adrenal axis to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in humans.
Circulating CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like activity in man
Acetylcholine stimulates the secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from primary dissociated cell cultures of the rat telencephalon and diencephalon
Fluorescent and cytotoxic analogs of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : probes for studying target cells in heterogeneous populations
Levels of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in mammalian hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic brain tissue as determined with a monoclonal …
Comparison of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and acetylcholine on catecholamine secretion in dogs
Normal pattern of labeling of cerebral cortical CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in Alzheimer’s disease: evidence from chemical cross-linking studies
Reduced lumbar cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) levels in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Presence of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐Stimulated Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Rat Retina
Synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in the ovine fetus over the last fifth of gestation
Colocalization of peptide histidine isoleucine amine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in neurons of the rat hypothalamus: a surprising artefact
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Immunohistochemical co-localization with adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and β-endorphin, but not with Met-enkephalin, in subpopulations of …
Atrial natriuretic peptide does not affect CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -, arginine vasopressin-and angiotensin II-induced adrenocorticotropic hormone release in vivo or …
Antidepressants modulate the CNS effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rats.
Intrahypothalamic microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR elevates blood glucose and free fatty acids in rats
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , somatostatin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the parabrachial nuclei of the human brain
Lack of effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on hypothalamic dopamine and serotonin synthesis turnover rates in rats
Postnatal development of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive amacrine cells in the rat retina
Effects of intracerebroventricular administration of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF 1–41) on passive avoidance behaviour: lack of influence on monoamine …
Distribution, biosynthesis, and physiological role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the human: an overview.
Glucocorticoid modulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR desensitization in cultured rat anterior pituitary cells
Stimulus-induced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR content and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release are augmented after unilateral adrenalectomy, independently of circulating …
Effect of ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin on ACTH and aldosterone secretion in sheep
Demonstration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding sites on human and rat erythrocyte membranes and their modulation by chronic ethanol treatment in rats
Stimulation of insulin secretion by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in anesthetized rats
Phorbol esters and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulate calcium influx in the anterior pituitary tumor cell line, AtT-20, through different intracellular sites of action.
Endocytosis of the vasopressin receptor by anterior pituitary cells is increased by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Peripheral acid inhibitory action of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : mediation by nongastric mechanisms
Pituitary and adrenal responses to pulsatile ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered to fetal sheep
Abnormal response of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in spontaneously hypertensive rats
The origin and ultrastructural characteristics of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the posterior pituitary of the rat
Solid‐phase synthesis and some biological properties of ovine CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Colocalization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR /urotensin I and urotensin 2 in the caudal neurosecretory neurons in the carp, Cyprinus carpio (Communication)
Synergistic interaction of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol secretion in Macaca fuscata.
Decreased inflammatory responsiveness of hypophysectomized rats to heat is reversed by a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonist
Responses of plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and cortisol to intravenous injection of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the morning and early evening in …
Conversion of high molecular weight CRF (CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ) or PRF (prolactin-RELEASING FACTOR ) into lower molecular weight forms by boiling at low pH
Solubilization of high affinity CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors from rat brain: characterization of an active digitonin-solubilized receptor complex
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), tuftsin and dermorphin on behavior of squirrel monkeys maintained by different events
Immunohistochemical identification of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-containing nerve fibers in the pig hypophysis, with special reference to the relationship …
Somatostatin Inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Stimulated Adrenocorticoropin Release, Adenylate Cyclase, and Activation of Adenosine 3′, 5 …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the brain and pituitary: their role in the stress response
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on adrenal DBH and PNMT activity
Perinatal thiouracil exposure depresses CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activity in 15 day old rats
Effects of Synthetic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Normal Individuals and in Patients with Hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenocortical Disorders
Evidence for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) synthesis in the preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-immunoreactive neurons in the mammillary body of the rat
Effect of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on growth hormone secretion in patients with acromegaly
Immunological detection of pro‐CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat hypothalamus and pancreatic extracts: Evidence for in vitro conversion into CRF
On thein vitro CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) activity of the heptapeptide: Methionyl-glutaminyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-arginyl-tryptophyl-glycine
Plasma ACTH, cortisol and aldosterone concentrations in chronically cannulated ovine fetuses and in lambs injected with ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR .
Effect of morphine on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and pituitary-adrenocortical activity
Effect of angiotensin II, catecholamines and glucocorticoid on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced ACTH release in pituitary cell cultures.
On the subcellular localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat median eminence
Preclinical and clinical evidence for the involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the pathogenesis of depression
The Paraventriculo-Infundibular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)—Immunoreactive System of the Rat—I. Morphological Aspects
Studies on the tissue distribution and stability of “big” CRF (CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR )
Gamma-melanotropin response to ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in normal humans
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR potentiates the contractile response of rabbit airway smooth muscle to electrical field stimulation but not to acetylcholine
Effect of hypophysectomy on the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neuronal system in the eel: immunocytochemical study
… delta sleep-inducing peptide secretion from mouse dissociated, anterior pituitary cells: Regulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin
Effects of bromocriptine and cyproheptadine on basal and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced ACTH release in a patient with Nelson’s syndrome
Stimulation of synaptosomal dopamine synthesis by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat striatum: role of Ca2+-dependent mechanisms
Neuropeptides and neurotransmitters involved in regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the rat
Evidence for the existence of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the pigeon hypothalamus
… adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , β-endorphin and calcitonin by cultured medullary thyroid carcinoma cells. Effects of synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and lysine vasopressin
Demonstration that CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding to rat peripheral tissues is modulated by glucocorticoid treatment in vivo and in vitro
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and arginine vasopressin in median eminence extracts on sephadex gel-filtration
Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR plus lysine vasopressin test during glucocorticoid therapy.
Preclinical and clinical investigations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Assessment of its role in depressive disorders
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : central regulation of autonomic nervous and visceral function
Interactions between tumor necrosis FACTOR -α, hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone, and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion in the rat
Ultrashort-loop positive feedback of CORTICOTROPIN (ACTH)-RELEASING FACTOR to enhance ACTH release in stress
Biological and immunological studies of bovine hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Immunohistochemical evidence against the coexistence of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and oxytocin or vasopressin in the rat paraventricular nucleus
… of rat hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by reversed-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography with synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as a …
Distribution and metabolism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Synthesis, purification and biological evaluation of porcine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Studies on Peptides. CLIII. Application of the Hard-Acid Deprotecting Procedure to the Synthesis of Ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (oCRF)
Regional Responses of the Pituitary to CORTICOTROPIN —RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and Ammonium Ions1
Increase of β-endorphin serum levels by human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR does not affect beta-cell function in normalweight men
Anatomical Localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and Arginine Vasopressin in the Human Hypothalamus; the Effect of Corticosteroids on their …
Possible role of neurohypophysial CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (NH-CRF) in the regulation of the pituitary-adrenal axis
A different distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin contents in the hypothalamic nuclei after estrogen administration.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary of the goat, bovine, rat, monkey and human
Adrenal insufficiency secondary to hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) insufficiency with hyperpigmentation: a case report
The effects of verapamil on the locomotor-activating properties of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat
Stability of rat (human) CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in serum, urine and tissue incubation medium.
Inconsistent stimulation of plasma ACTH through CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in a patient with central Cushing’s disease due to pituitary adenoma
Arginine8 Vasopressin Potentiates the β-Endorphin-RELEASING Activity of Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (oCRF) in Vitro
Adrenocortical responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Studies on Peptides. CXXIII. Preparations of Nine Peptide Fragments for the Synthesis of Human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF)
Synergistical effects of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) on the release of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) related peptides by …
Micro-Sequence Analysis of Ovine Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of ATP synthesis inhibitors, temperature, 8-bromo c-AMP, and calcium omission on release of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR from superfused rat hypothalami
Activation of protein kinase C differentially regulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -stimulated peptide secretion and cyclic AMP formation of intermediate and anterior …
Differential effects of dithiothreitol and iodoacetamide on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) activity of bovine hypothalamic CRFs and vasopressin
Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity is reduced during induction of pituitary tumors by chronic estrogen treatment
Monensin inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mediated ACTH release
Fine structures of nerve fibers with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the rat lateral septum
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin production in the rat pituitary tumor 7315a: Biochemical and immunohistochemical studies
Angiotensin II stimulation of teleost adrenocorticotropic hormone release: interactions with urotensin I and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Modulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the delayed corticosteroid feedback in humans: Implications of feedback sites
Specificity of cultured anterior pituitary cells in detecting CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (s): the effect of biologically active peptides and neurotransmitter substances on …
In vivo and in vitro ACTH Response to Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in a Bronchial Carcinoid from a Patient with Ectopic ACTH Syndrom
Effects of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin on plasma β-endorphin, cortisol and behavior after minor surgery in sheep
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone in essential hypertension and primary aldosteronism
Acute and Long-Term Suppression of Stress-Induced ACTH Secretion by a Rat Monoclonal Antibody to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Pituitary and adrenal responses to ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin injected into young and adult guinea-pigs.
Weight gain and food intake in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR immunized Zucker rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and intraocular pressure
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR reverses the effect of pentobarbital through a β-noradrenergic mechanism in rats
Reproductive functions in the adult male rats after prolonged intraventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
… Peptides. CXXIV. Solution Synthesis of the Hentetracontapeptide Amide Corresponding to the Entire Amino Acid Sequence of Human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR …
Subcellular distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the medio-basal hypothalamus of the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in depression and suicide
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive nerve fibers in the rat superior cervical ganglion and their fine structures
Studies on the secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into hypophysial portal blood
Neonatal Monosodium Glutamate Abolishes CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐Induced Epileptogenic Activity in Rats
Interaction of arginine vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR demonstrated with an improved bioassay
Effect of chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on circadian corticosterone rhythm in the rat
Negative Feedback by Corticosterone is the Major Mechanism Responsible for CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐Induced Desensitization
Effect of a specific dopaminergic blocking agent, pimozide, on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR activity in rats: Clinical correlates
Differential alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenergic effects on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and plasma adrenoCORTICOTROPIN
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) stimulation test in normal subjects and patients with Cushing’s syndrome
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in the diagnosis of ectopic ACTH secretion.
Effects of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on gastric and pancreatic secretion in vivo and in vitro
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN stimulate ciliary motility in rabbit tracheal epithelium
Stress, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function, and aging: focus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Plasma concentrations of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN -related peptides in lambs injected with ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR or vasopressin.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and vasopressin concentration in major brain regions after adrenalectomy and their involvement in adrenalectomy-induced ACTH …
Tyrosine hydroxylase-and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactivity in the olFACTOR y bulb of the opossum (Didelphis virgianina).
Studies for clinical application of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (Hormone): Physiological and Clinical Implications
Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF) is a potent respiratory analeptic
Release of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR from Rat Brain in Vitro
Fluctuated changes in the rat hypothalamic content of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR around the peak of the circadian rhythm
The development of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (IR-CRF) in the hypothalamus, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract of immature rats
Involvement of dopaminergic receptors in action of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) under in vitro conditions.
The Paraventriculo-Infundibular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-System II. Functional Aspects
Ultrastructural studies of peptide coexistence in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -and arginine-vasopressin-containing neurons
The co-localization of neurohypophysis peptides and the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat brain. Contribution of morphometric analyses
Synthesis of a hentetracontapeptide amide corresponding to the entire amino acid sequence of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF)
Dissociated effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on acid secretion and blood flow
Influence of the Neurohormones: Human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF), Thyrotropin RELEASING Hormone (TRH), Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) on …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulates cAMP formation in pituitary corticotropic tumor cells
hpGRF-44-NH2, lot no. 92-81-5G-41-47, is (human) growth hormone-RELEASING FACTOR containing no trace of (ovine) CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on Aldosterone and 18-Hydroxycorticosterone Secretion
CORTICOTROPIN -and growth hormone-RELEASING FACTOR (CRF and GRF) in the diagnosis of hypothalamo-pituitary diseases
Ontogeny and afferent connections of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the rat neocortex
Studies on hypothalamo-pituitary corticoliberin system. II. CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and neurophysin (NP) immunoreactive neurocytes in the hamster.
Evidence for the synthesis of pro-CRF (CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ) in cultured fetal pancreatic islets of rats
Application of avidin-biotinized peroxidase (ABC) method for immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat hypothalamus
Dual Control of ACTH Secretion by Hypothalamic and Placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in Late Pregnancy
Self-association and solubility of peptides. A solvent titration study of the 28-31 segment of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR .
Studies on hypothalamo-pituitary corticoliberin system. I. Localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-and neurophysin-immunoreactive neurons in the …
Development of radioimmunological measurements of neuropeptides-CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , growth hormone RELEASING FACTOR and β-endorphin
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , the Amygdaloid Complex, and Depression: A Hypothetical Interrelationship
Study on the development of the radioimmunoassay of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
In vitro Expression and Mutagenesis of a Gene for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR as an aid in the diagnosis of Cushing syndrome
A different distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin
Neuroendocrine Effects of Intravenous Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Human Growth Hormone-RELEASING FACTOR in Affective Disorder Patients and Normal …
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activity from sheep hypothalamic extracts
Effects of ketanserin on hemodynamic changes after intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR administration in rats
the Antidiuretic, Pressor and Oxytocic Properties of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF).
Analysis of dynamics of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) activity in the rat hypothalamus under stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and dopamine in the central amygdaloid nucleus of the rat: Localization and interactions
Effects of synthetic ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on ACTH release in vitro
Vasopressin: a major CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR released from the rat median eminence in vitro
Functional maturation of the human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -adrenocorticotropic hormone system during intrauterine life. An in vitro study
Characterization and modulation of anterior pituitary binding sites for rat CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (r-CRF)
Cytochemical Studies of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptors in Anterior Lobe Corticotropes: Binding,…
Ultrastructural changes in adrenocortical cells following injection of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in fetal rats.
1. Brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASINGFACTOR (CRF) and catecholamine responses in acutely stressed rats. 2. Effects of morphine on hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING activity of a pepsin labile FACTOR in the hypothalamus.
Pituitary response to thyrotropin, CORTICOTROPIN and gonadotropin RELEASING FACTOR in lactating cows treated for a fourth consecutive lactation with a prolonged release …
Physiology and pharmacology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in depression and anxiety disorders.
Expression cloning of a human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR receptor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , norepinephrine, and stress
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors and their ligand family
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pain and analgesia
Stress, CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , and drug addiction
CP-154,526: a potent and selective nonpeptide antagonist of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y: role in emotional integration
Elevated CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in posttraumatic stress disorder
Identification of a second CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor gene and characterization of a cDNA expressed in heart.
Overproduction of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in transgenic mice: a genetic model of anxiogenic behavior
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on brain serotonergic activity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in antinociception and inflammation
A role for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin in behavioral responses to stressors
Displacement of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR from its binding protein as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor mRNA expression in the rat brain and pituitary
The amygdala: CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , steroids, and stress
Persistent changes in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal systems induced by maternal deprivation
Identification of a seven transmembrane helix receptor for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and sauvagine in mammalian brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors: physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry and role in central nervous system and immune disorders
Cloning and functional expression of a rat brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR CRF1, but not CRF2, receptors mediate anxiogenic-like behavior
Characterization of a novel and potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist in rats.
Differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in rat brain regions by glucocorticoids and stress
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1 in the regulation of neurons controlling reproductive functions
Cyclic vomiting syndrome: the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR hypothesis.
Interleukin 1 beta and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibit pain by RELEASING opioids from immune cells in inflamed tissue
Cloning and characterization of the cDNAs for human and rat CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -binding proteins
Role of nitric oxide in interleukin 2-induced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from incubated hypothalami.
A sauvagine/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor expressed in heart and skeletal muscle
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the brain-gut motor response to stress
Molecular Identification and Analysis of a Novel Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor: The CRF2γ Receptor
Differential distribution of urocortin-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivities in the rat brain
Cloning and characterization of a functionally distinct CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype from rat brain
The role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in depressive illness: a critical review
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the limbic system during cannabinoid withdrawal
Development of Cushing’s syndrome in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR transgenic mice.
A new functional isoform of the human CRF2 receptor for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR innervation of the locus coeruleus region: distribution of fibers and sources of input
New vistas in neuropeptide research in neuropsychiatry: focus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Ligand requirements of the human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein
Regulation of the stress response by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Autoradiographic and in situ hybridization localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR 1 and 2 receptors in nonhuman primate brain
Role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐1 in opiate withdrawal
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR : An antireproductive hormone of the testis
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1–deficient mice display decreased anxiety, impaired stress response, and aberrant neuroendocrine development
Plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in depressive disorders
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on neuronal activity in the serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR –norepinephrine systems in mediating the effects of early experience on the development of behavioral and endocrine …
Evolution and physiology of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of neuropeptides in vertebrates
Cloning and characterization of the human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -2 receptor complementary deoxyribonucleic acid
The role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the anxiogenic effects of ethanol withdrawal
Reduced anxiety-like and cognitive performance in mice lacking the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1
Modulation of learning and anxiety by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and stress: differential roles of CRF receptors 1 and 2
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Subtypesa
Depression and anxiety: role of the locus coeruleus and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Urocortin, a mammalian neuropeptide related to fish urotensin I and to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The Locus Coeruleus as a Site for Integrating CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and Noradrenergic Mediation of Stress Responses a
Do centrally administered neuropeptides access cognate receptors?: an analysis in the central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
Localization of novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRF2) mRNA expression to specific subcortical nuclei in rat brain: comparison with CRF1 receptor mRNA …
Learning impairment in transgenic mice with central overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Receptor-mediated immunomodulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The behavioural effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related peptides in rats
Potent, structurally constrained agonists and competitive antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the paraventricular nucleus modulates feeding induced by neuropeptide Y
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist reduces emotionality in socially defeated rats via direct neurotropic action
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and stress-stimulated colonic motor activity involve type 1 receptor in rats
The Role of Early Adverse Life Events in the Etiology of Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Focus on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR a
The central distribution of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-binding protein predicts multiple sites and modes of interaction with CRF.
… stress-induced activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons enhances vasopressin stores and colocalization with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the median …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates the immune response to stress in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor modulators: progress and opportunities for new therapeutic agents
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin in the modulation of ingestive behavior
Effects of prenatal stress on defensive withdrawal behavior and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR systems in rat brain
Brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates ‘anxiety-like’behavior induced by cocaine withdrawal in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : long-lasting facilitation of the acoustic startle reflex
Abnormalities in the regulation of vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR secretion in obsessive-compulsive disorder
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , but not corticosterone, is involved in stress-induced relapse to heroin-seeking in rats
Previous stress alters CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurotransmission in the locus coeruleus
The central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucagon-like peptide-1 in food intake of the neonatal chick
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding protein: a novel regulator of CRF and related peptides
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in chronic stress regulation of the brain noradrenergic system
Differential actions of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on basolateral and central amygdaloid neurones, in vitro
Amygdaloid CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR targets locus coeruleus dendrites: substrate for the co‐ordination of emotional and cognitive limbs of the stress response
Urocortin, a member of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family, in normal and diseased heart
Structural requirements for peptidic antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRFR): development of CRFR2β-selective antisauvagine-30
Urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor expression in the human colonic mucosa
Conditioned emotional response in rats enhances colonic motility through the central release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Persistent elevations of cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in adult nonhuman primates exposed to early-life stressors: implications for …
Anti-stress action of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist on behavioral reactivity to stressors of varying type and intensity
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in the anorexic syndrome induced by CRF
Early, postnatal experience alters hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) mRNA, median eminence CRF content and stress-induced release in adult rats
Suppression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the amygdala attenuates aversive consequences of morphine withdrawal.
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) as a food intake regulator in goldfish
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and corticosterone in stress-and cocaine-induced relapse to cocaine seeking in rats
Attenuation of stress-induced behavior by antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the central amygdala in the rat
Acute stress causes mucin release from rat colon: role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and mast cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR plays a permissive role in cerebellar long-term depression
Putative role of placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the mechanisms of human parturition
Corticosterone delivery to the amygdala increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in the central amygdaloid nucleus and anxiety-like behavior
Persistent changes in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems due to early life stress: relationship to the pathophysiology of major depression and post-traumatic stress …
Long-term regulation of locus ceruleus sensitivity to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by swim stress
Stimulation of interleukin-6 production by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Stress-induced increase in vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR expression in hypophysiotrophic paraventricular neurons
Prenatal stress increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) content and release in rat amygdala minces
Gender, sex steroids, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , nitric oxide, and the HPA response to stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenocorticotrophic hormone as potential central mediators of OB effects
Activation of noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons by hemodynamic stress is due to local release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in inflamed tissue is required for intrinsic peripheral opioid analgesia
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein is produced by human placenta and intrauterine tissues
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and endocrine responses to stress: CRF receptors, binding protein, and related peptides
Chronic social stress alters levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin mRNA in rat brain
Water-avoidance stress-inducedc-fos expression in the rat brain and stimulation of fecal output: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of desipramine on cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human subjects
Anti-sexual and anxiogenic behavioral consequences of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression are centrally mediated
Psychological stress-induced accelerated colonic transit in rats involves hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Microinjection of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist into the central nucleus of the amygdala reverses anxiogenic-like effects of ethanol withdrawal
Repeated stress enhances vasopressin synthesis in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the paraventricular nucleus
Pharmacological comparison of two CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists: in vivo and in vitro studies.
Receptor binding, behavioral, and electrophysiological profiles of nonpeptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR subtype 1 receptor antagonists CRA1000 and CRA1001
Comparison of an agonist, urocortin, and an antagonist, astressin, as radioligands for characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin within the basolateral amygdala of rats in anxiety and panic responses
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Increases In VitroFiring Rates of Serotonergic Neurons in the Rat Dorsal Raphe Nucleus: Evidence for Activation of a Topographically …
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in patients with anxiety disorders and normal comparison subjects
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin and the autonomic nervous system in learning and memory
Increase of extracellular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity levels in the amygdala of awake rats during restraint stress and ethanol withdrawal as …
Neurobiology of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors and CRF-binding protein: implications for the treatment of CNS disorders.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces a place aversion independent of its neuroendocrine role
Physiological and behavioral effects of chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Locus coeruleus activation by colon distention: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and excitatory amino acids
Interleukin-6 is a needed proinflammatory cytokine in the prolonged neural activity and transcriptional activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR during endotoxemia
A role for the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, but not the amygdala, in the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 mediates emotional stress-induced inhibition of food intake and behavioral changes in rats
Differential roles of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in opiate withdrawal and in relapse to opiate dependence
Acute alcohol administration stimulates the activity of hypothalamic neurons that express CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin
The role of CRF2 receptors in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -and urocortin-induced anorexia
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR induces long-term sensitization to D-amphetamine
Activation of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system by intracoerulear microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effects on discharge rate, cortical …
The cocaine-induced elevation of plasma corticosterone is mediated by endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rats
Localization of agonist-and antagonist-binding domains of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Understanding CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurobiology: contributions from mutant mice.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR decreases vasogenic brain edema
Central injection of a new CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonist, astressin, blocks CRF-and stress-related alterations of gastric and colonic motor function
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and type 1 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor messenger RNAs in rat brain and pituitary during” binge”-pattern cocaine …
Intracerebroventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inducesc-fos mRNA expression in brain regions related to stress responses: comparison with …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the locus coeruleus mediates EEG activation associated with hypotensive stress
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in behavioural responses to stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its binding protein in human plasma
Expression of c-fos in regions of the basal limbic forebrain following intra-cerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in unstressed or stressed male rats
Paradoxical activational effects of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein “ligand inhibitor” in rat brain
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells: a new source and potential target for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates c-fos, NGFI-B, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression within the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR decidualizes human endometrial stromal cells in vitro. Interaction with progestin
Increased CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of anhedonic rats
Neuropeptide Y increases the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid level in the rat hypothalamus
Characterization of native CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (cRFR1) in the rat and mouse central nervous system
Microinjection of norepinephrine into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in conscious rats
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR stimulates catecholamine release in hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex in freely moving rats as assessed by microdialysis
Alanine series of ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (oCRF): a structure-activity relationship study
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its binding protein: maternal serum levels in term and preterm deliveries
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 mediates stress-induced relapse to opiate dependence in rats
Maternal separation in neonatal rats elicits activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis: a putative role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Relationship between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-2: evolutionary evidence
Evidence of a thyrotropin-RELEASING activity of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus)
Stress-induced activation of neuronal activity and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus is modulated by glucocorticoids in rats.
Constrained CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonists (astressin analogues) with long duration of action in the rat
A Variant of the Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor: Cloning, Expression, and Pharmacology
The role of limbic and hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in behavioral responses to stress
Effects of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on rectal afferent nerves in humans
Spontaneous and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced cytosolic calcium transients in corticotrophs
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist attenuates the “anxiogenic-like” effect in the defensive burying paradigm but not in the elevated plus-maze following chronic …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR up-regulates its own receptor mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Conformationally restricted competitive antagonists of human/rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the control of food intake and energy expenditure
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): studies in alcohol preferring and non-preferring rats
… oxide stimulates ACTH secretion and the transcription of the genes encoding for NGFI-B, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 …
Direct projection from the suprachiasmatic nucleus to hypophysiotrophic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the …
Evidence That CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING Hormone Acts as a Growth Hormone‐RELEASING FACTOR in a Primitive Teleost, the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Neuropeptide Y blocks anxiogenic-like behavioral action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in an operant conflict test and elevated plus maze
Chronic administration of the triazolobenzodiazepine alprazolam produces opposite effects on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin neuronal systems
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptors in the brain of lean and obese Zucker rats
Postmortem and Cerebrospinal Fluid Studies of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Humansa
The first extracellular domain of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -R1 contains major binding determinants for urocortin and astressin
Colocalization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in the paraventricular nucleus of the human hypothalamus
Ultraviolet B stimulates production of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) by human melanocytes
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) induces CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) release from the amygdala and involves a nitric oxide-mediated signaling; comparison with the …
The effect of acute exercise on the secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin, and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN as measured in pituitary venous blood …
Hair cycle‐dependent expression of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF receptors in murine skin
Chronic administration of the selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist CP-154,526: behavioral, endocrine and neurochemical effects in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonist [D-Phe12, Nle21, 38, C alpha MeLeu37] CRF attenuates the acute actions of the highly potent cannabinoid …
125I-Tyro-sauvagine: a novel high affinity radioligand for the pharmacological and biochemical study of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 2 alpha receptors.
Chronic psychosocial stress enhances vasopressin, but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , in the external zone of the median eminence of male rats: relationship to …
Constitutive activation of tethered-peptide/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor chimeras
Microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR into the locus coeruleus/subcoeruleus nuclei stimulates colonic motor function in rats
… -induced inhibition of gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone pulse generator activity in the rhesus monkey: roles of vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Early induction of c-fos precedes increased expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid in the paraventricular nucleus after immobilization …
The effect of caffeine on food intake in rats: Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the sympatho-adrenal system
Extracellular Cysteines of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Are Critical for Ligand Interaction†
Effect of corticosterone on the enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Interleukin 1β inhibits gastric emptying in rats: mediation through prostaglandin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Differential expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and urotensin I precursor genes, and evidence of CRF gene expression regulated by cortisol in goldfish …
The Protooncogene c-fos Is Induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Stimulates Proopiomelanocortin Gene Transcription in Pituitary Cells
Angiotensin II increases the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid level in the rat hypothalamus
Localization of ligand-binding domains of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor: a chimeric receptor approach
Neuroprotection by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR during hypoxia in rat brain.
Cocaine-amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) acts in the central nervous system to inhibit gastric acid secretion via brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists in affective disorders
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and the central nucleus of the amygdala is modulated by repeated acute …
Physiological and neurochemical aspects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR actions in the brain: the role of the locus coeruleus
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonist reduces ischemic hippocampal neuronal injury
… relationship to the autonomic nervous system in women with visceral and subcutaneous obesity: effects of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR /arginine-vasopressin test …
Isolation and pharmacological characterization of two functional splice variants of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor from Tupaia belangeri.
Endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates feeding induced by neuropeptide Y or a tail-pinch stressor
Prenatal stress enhances stress-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced stimulation of hippocampal acetylcholine release in adult rats
Discrete local application of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR increases locus coeruleus discharge and extracellular norepinephrine in rat hippocampus
Allopregnanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
The genomic organization of the human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor
A non peptidic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist attenuates fever and exhibits anxiolytic-like activity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR suppresses the afterhyperpolarization in cerebellar Purkinje neurons
Modulation of urocortin-induced hypophagia and weight loss by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 deficiency in mice
Modulation of the inflammatory response by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Paradoxical responses of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and CRF-41 peptide and adenohypophysial …
… central nucleus of the amygdala, but not the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, block the excitatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the acoustic …
Regulation of a putative neurotransmitter effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effects of adrenalectomy
Identification of amino acids in the N‐terminal domain of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 that are important determinants of high‐affinity ligand binding
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐containing axon terminals synapse onto catecholamine dendrites and may presynaptically modulate other afferents in the rostral pole of …
C-fos mRNA pattern and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal activity throughout the brain of rats injected centrally with a prostaglandin of E2 type
The amygdaloid complex, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and stress-induced gastric ulcerogenesis in rats
Effects of pretreatment with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the electrophysiological responsivity of the locus coeruleus to subsequent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Altered pituitary sensitivity to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin participates in the stress hyporesponsiveness of lactation in the rat.
Brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity and receptors in five inbred rat strains: relationship to forced swimming behaviour
Both CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y are involved in the effect of orexin (hypocretin) on the food intake in rats
Autonomic and behavioral effects of centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Fluoxetine induces the transcription of genes encoding c-fos, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its type 1 receptor in rat brain
Functional characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor endogenously expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells
Effects of Leptin on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Synthesis and CRF Neuron Activation in the Paraventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus of Obese (ob/ob) Mice
Identification of Two CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptors from Xenopus laevis with High Ligand Selectivity: Unusual Pharmacology of the Type 1 Receptor
Human decidua and in vitro decidualized endometrial stromal cells at term contain immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF messenger …
Characterization of the genomic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene from Xenopus laevis: two members of the CRF family exist in amphibians.
An interleukin-1β-induced noradrenaline release in the spleen is mediated by brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : an in vivo microdialysis study in conscious rats
Involvement of Arachidonic Acid Cascade Pathways in lnterleukin-6-Stimulated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Release in vitro
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 from Tupaia belangeri Cloning, functional expression and tissue distribution
Reduction of exploratory behavior by intraperitoneal injection of interleukin-1 involves brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
In vitro excitatory actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on rat colonic motility.
The developmental profile of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRF2) in rat brain predicts distinct age-specific functions
The effects of alprazolam on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the rat brain: acute time course, chronic treatment and abrupt withdrawal.
An inhibitory effect of interleukin-la on basal gonadotropin release in the ovariectomized rhesus monkey: reversal by a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist
Interleukin 1 beta mediates stress-induced immunosuppression via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Both conditioned taste preference and aversion induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Cellular localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the adult mouse cerebellum
The CRF1 receptor mediates the excitatory actions of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the developing rat brain: in vivo evidence using a novel, selective, non …
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on isolated rat heart activity
Effects of chronic ethanol exposure on neurophysiological responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y
CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is not affected in panic disorder.
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion from Leydig cells by serotonin.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding sites in cortex of depressed suicides
Hippocampal norepinephrine-like voltammetric responses following infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the locus coeruleus
Transneuronal labeling from the rat distal colon: anatomic evidence for regulation of distal colon function by a pontine CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR system
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered into the locus coeruleus, but not the parabrachial nucleus, stimulates norepinephrine release in the prefrontal cortex
Ultrastructural localization and afferent sources of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla: Implications for central cardiovascular …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates metamorphosis and increases thyroid hormone concentration in prometamorphic Rana perezi larvae
Effects of chronic stress on anterior pituitary and brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Differential regulation of the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 (CRF2) in hypothalamus and amygdala of the immature rat by sensory input …
Major role of 3′, 5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase A pathway in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the rat hypothalamus in …
The genomic structure of the rat CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor: a member of the class II G protein-coupled receptors
Differential modulation of Purkinje cell activity by enkephalin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Relaxing actions of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR on rat resistance arteries
Conditioned release of corticosterone by contextual stimuli associated with cocaine is mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Astressin analogues (CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists) with extended duration of action in the rat
Stress-induced sleep deprivation modifies CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) levels and CRF binding in rat brain and pituitary
Neurobiology of Stress and Cocaine Addiction: Studies on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Rats, Monkeys, and Humansa
Conditioned increases in anxiogenic-like behavior following exposure to contextual stimuli associated with cocaine are mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of acetylcholine on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of conscious rats
Activation of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Noradrenergic mediation of the memory-enhancing effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the locus coeruleus of rats
… and biological activity of oxo-7H-benzo [e] perimidine-4-carboxylic acid derivatives as potent, nonpeptide CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the mediobasal hypothalamus of the rat as measured by microdialysis
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 (CRF1) receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in the paraventricular nucleus of rat hypothalamus by exogenous CRF
Protein synthesis in the hippocampus associated with memory facilitation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Molecular cloning of a type A chicken CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor with high affinity for urotensin I
Direct secretagogue effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the rat adrenal cortex: the involvement of the zona medullaris
Fine structure and possible origins of nerve fibers with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in the rat central amygdaloid nucleus
Serotonin stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of conscious rats
Characterization of the relaxant action of urocortin, a new peptide related to CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the rat isolated basilar artery
Alterations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in different brain regions after acute cocaine administration in rats
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the antinociception produced by interleukin-1 in mice
Alcohol increases the expression of type 1, but not type 2α CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in the rat hypothalamus
Blockade of pituitary-adrenal axis activation induced by peripheral immunoneutralization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR does not affect the behavioral response to …
A single-point slight alteration set as a tool for structure− activity relationship studies of ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Intestinal Responses to Stress: Role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and Neurotensin
Chronic stress enhances vasopressin but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion during hypoglycemia
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein (CRF-BP) is expressed in neuronal and astrocytic cells
Plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in the baboon during pregnancy
Central regulation of gastric emptying of solid nutrient meals by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in mouse spleen: expression after immune stimulation and identification of receptor-bearing cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR gene expression to facilitate memory retention in rats
A phase I trial of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF) in patients with peritumoral brain edema
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and glucocorticoids modulate the expression of type 1 CRF receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in rat anterior pituitary cell …
Constrained CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Antagonists with i-(i + 3) Glu−Lys Bridges
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurotransmission in locus coeruleus: a possible site of antidepressant action
Cerebrospinal fluid prostaglandins and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in schizophrenics and controls: relationship to sleep architecture
Endotoxin-induced suppression of the somatotropic axis is mediated by interleukin-1 beta and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the juvenile rat
Sensitization of cocaine-stimulated increase in extracellular levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the rat amygdala after repeated administration as determined …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR produces a protein synthesis–dependent long-lasting potentiation in dentate gyrus neurons
The modulatory role of estrogens on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of ovariectomized rats: Role of the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates dietary preference in nutritionally and physically stressed rats
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates the elevation of plasma IL-6 by immobilization stress in rats
Single point D-substituted CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR analogs: effects on potency and physicochemical characteristics
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin, and prostaglandins mediate, and nitric oxide restrains, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to acute local …
Stress and autoimmunity: the neuropeptides CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin suppress encephalomyelitis via effects on both the hypothalamic-pituitary …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR upregulates expression of two truncated pro-opiomelanocortin transcripts in murine lymphocytes
Mutation and expression analysis of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor in adrenoCORTICOTROPIN -secreting pituitary adenomas
Pulsatile fluctuations of plasma‐gonadotropin‐RELEASING hormone and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR levels in healthy pregnant women
Urocortin, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related mammalian peptide, inhibits edema due to thermal injury in rats
Physiological role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the control of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN -mediated corticosterone release from the rat adrenal gland.
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the caudal pontine reticular nucleus mediates the expression of fear‐potentiated startle in the rat
Ultrastructural localization of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR –binding protein in rat brain and pituitary
Microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the nucleus accumbens shell results in increased behavioral arousal and oral motor activity
Mediation of osmoregulatory influences on neuroendocrine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR expression by the ventral lamina terminalis
Functional impairment of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons with immunotargeted toxins enhances food intake induced by neuropeptide Y
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in primary and secondary lymphoid organs of the rat
Astressin, a CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonist, reverses the anxiogenic effects of urocortin when administered into the basolateral amygdala
Effects of single and repeated immobilization stress on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in discrete rat brain regions
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and thyrotropin-stimulating hormone in the pituitary of …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and substance P in pressor responses of nuclei controlling emotion and stress
Chronic treatment with CP-55,940 regulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and proopiomelanocortin gene expression in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the rat
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA and immunoreactivity in the central auditory system of the rat
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2β messenger ribonucleic acid in the rat cardiovascular system by urocortin, glucocorticoids, and cytokines
Structure–function relationship of different domains of the rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor
Mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory actions of central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulation test in obsessive compulsive disorder.
Characterization of a sheep brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein
Expression of genes encoding CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), type 1 CRF receptor, and CRF-binding protein and localization of the gene products in the human …
Involvement of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in behavioral responses to novelty in rats
Reduced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and enhanced vasopressin gene expression in brains of mice with autoimmunity-induced behavioral dysfunction
Role for brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the weight-reducing effects of chronic fenfluramine treatment in rats
Cloning and characterization of a short variant of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype from rat amygdala
Effect of uteroplacental insufficiency upon brain neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression and concentrations
Local tetrodotoxin blocks chronic stress effects on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin messenger ribonucleic acids in hypophysiotropic neurons
Chlordiazepoxide attenuates stress-induced activation of neurons, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene transcription and CRF biosynthesis in the paraventricular …
Evidence for a role of nitric oxide in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release induced by interleukin-1β
Differentiated hemodynamic responses to central versus peripheral administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in conscious rats
Modulatory Actions of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR –binding Proteina
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin mRNA levels in roman high-and low-avoidance rats: response to open-field exposure
Effects of third intracerebroventricular injections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on ethanol drinking and food intake
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the brain of the gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus: immunohistochemical studies combined with neuronal tract tracing
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1 receptors in the brain-endocrine-immune axis. Role in stress response and infection.
Anti-neoplastic properties of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : involvement of the nitric oxide pathway.
Cellular localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in the ovine brain
Assignment of disulfide bonds in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein.
Potential CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR pathways in the rat brain as determined by bilateral electrolytic lesions of the central amygdaloid nucleus and the …
Interferon-α and transforming growth FACTOR -β1 regulate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the amygdala: Comparison with the hypothalamic response
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein: origins and possible functions
Urocortin, a newly identified CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related mammalian peptide, stimulates atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide secretions from …
In vivo effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pregnant rats
Signaling properties of mouse and human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors: decreased coupling efficiency of human type II CRF receptor
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), CRF‐binding protein (CRF‐BP), and CRF/CRF‐BP complex in Alzheimer’s disease and control postmortem human brain
Enhancement of performance in multiple learning tasks by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein ligand inhibitors
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Administered Centrally, but Not Peripherally, Stimulates Hippocampal Acetylcholine Release
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the retrieval process of fear-conditioned ultrasonic vocalization in rats
Chronic imipramine, L-sulpiride and mianserin decrease CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR levels in the rat brain
Critical role of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the mediation of the behavioral action of cocaine in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist infused into the locus coeruleus attenuates immobilization stress-induced defensive withdrawal in rats
Human placenta, chorion, amnion and decidua express different variants of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor messenger RNA
Structure and function of the ovine type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRF1) and a carboxyl-terminal variant
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurons are innervated by calcitonin gene-related peptide terminals in the rat central amygdaloid nucleus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : an inhibitor of vascular leakage in rat skeletal muscle and brain cortex after injury
Antisense oligonucleotides to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR impair memory retention and increase exploration in rats
Secretion of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and adrenocorticotropic hormone by T-and B-lymphocytes in response to cellular stress FACTOR s
Recent progress in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor agents
… endotoxin increases steady-state gene expression of hypothalamic nitric oxide synthase: comparison with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin gene …
Neuroendocrine suppression of female courtship in a wild passerine: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and endogenous opioids
Behavioral and physiological consequences of repeated daily intracerebroventricular injection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulation of Ca2+ influx in rat pancreatic beta-cells.
Activin A, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and prostaglandin F2α increase immunoreactive oxytocin release from cultured human placental cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances locomotion and medullary neuronal firing in an amphibian
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein ligand inhibitor blunts excessive weight gain in genetically obese Zucker rats and rats during nicotine withdrawal
Mouse strain differences in the behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and the CRF antagonist α-helical CRF9–41
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) amygdala
Sites of origin of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive projection fibers to the paraventricular thalamic nucleus in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 and type 2α receptors regulate phosphorylation of calcium/cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate response element-binding …
Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the locus coeruleus attenuates shock-induced freezing in rats
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist on behavioral and neuroendocrine responses during exposure to defensive burying paradigm in rats
Role of regional neurotransmitter receptors in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-mediated modulation of fear conditioning
Transcriptional activation of the macrophage migration-inhibitory FACTOR gene by the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is mediated by the cyclic adenosine 3′, 5 …
Central administration of saikosaponin-d increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA levels in the rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , stress, and animal behavior.
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide gene expression in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing parvicellular neurons of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular …
Solution structure of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR by 1H NMR and distance geometry with restrained molecular dynamics
Expression of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit mRNAs by paraventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurons
Differential effects of two CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists on conditioned defeat in male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
Regional binding to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in brain of rats exposed to chronic cocaine and cocaine withdrawal
Changes in brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger RNA expression in aged Fischer 344 rats
Hypertensive rats exhibit heightened expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in activated central neurons in response to restraint stress
The role of the fourth extracellular domain of the rat CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in ligand binding
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates the noradrenergic neuron system in the rat brain
Nifedipine and verapamil block the memory-facilitating effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Stress-induced genetic expression of a selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -receptor subtype within the rat ovaries: an effect dependent on the ovulatory cycle
Role of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in mediation of neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to cholecystokinin octapeptide sulfate ester in rats
Effects of peripherally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and a CRF antagonist: Does peripheral CRF activity mediate behavior of guinea pig pups …
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders
Suppression of in vitro antibody production by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurohormone
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulation of the ultrasonic vocalization rate of isolated rat pups
Peripheral injection of a new CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonist, astressin, blocks peripheral CRF-and abdominal surgery-induced delayed gastric …
Role of arginine vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mediating alcohol-induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and vasopressin secretion in male rats bearing …
Stimulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR of the release of immunoreactive dynorphin A from mouse spinal cords in vitro
Increased CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in select brain sites following kainate-elicited seizures
α1-Adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors are involved in the anoretic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in goldfish
Synthesis, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor binding affinity, and pharmacokinetic properties of triazolo-, imidazo-, and pyrrolopyrimidines and-pyridines
Urocortin interaction with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding protein (CRF-BP): a novel mechanism for elevating ‘free’CRF levels in human brain
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in response to stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein dimerizes after association with ligand
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonist suppresses stress-induced locomotor activity in an amphibian
Reciprocal cross-desensitization of locus coeruleus electrophysiological responsivity to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and stress
Immuno-reactive and bioactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat thymus
Carbon monoxide modulates secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from rat hypothalamic cell cultures
Human interleukin 1β: CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and ACTH RELEASING and gene expression in the male rat: In vivo and in vitro studies
Immortalization of a fetal rat brain cell line that expresses CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA
Effect of central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury in rats
Chlordiazepoxide attenuates stress-induced accumulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in rat anterior pituitary
The distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), CRF binding sites and CRF1 receptor mRNA in the mouse cerebellum
Antidepressant interactions with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus.
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in forced swimming test
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in neuroendocrine and autonomic neurons by osmotic stimulation and volume loading
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced immunosuppression in human and invertebrate immunocytes
Effects of generalized convulsive seizures on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal systems
Functional CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in human neuroblastoma cells
Central actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on autonomic nervous activity and cardiovascular functioning
High levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) are inversely correlated with low levels of maternal CRF-binding protein in pregnant women with pregnancy …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediated muscle atonia in pons and medulla
Hypophysiotropic role and hypothalamic gene expression of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in rats injected with interleukin‐1β systemically or into the …
Peripheral blood CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , adrenocorticotropic hormone and cytokine (interleukin beta, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis FACTOR alpha) levels after high …
Pregnane steroid alphaxalone attenuates anxiogenic behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and stress
Amygdala-kindled seizures increase the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein in GABAergic interneurons of the dentate hilus
Antagonism of morphine antinociception by intrathecally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mice.
The effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on the gonadotropin hormone RELEASING hormone (GnRH) hypothalamic neuronal system during preovulatory period …
… of 5-HT2A receptors in the paraventricular hypothalamus attenuates neuropeptide Y-induced hyperphagia through activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates Ca2+ influx in cultured rat astrocytes
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists, binding-protein and receptors: implications for central nervous system disorders
Alterations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin content in rat brain during morphine withdrawal: correlation with hypothalamic noradrenergic activity and …
Stimulation of the amygdala by glutamate facilitates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release from the median eminence and activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary …
Origins of cerebellar mossy and climbing fibers immunoreactive for CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the rabbit
Regional neuropeptide pathology in Alzheimer’s disease: CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and somatostatin
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor function in human Y‐79 retinoblastoma cells: rapid and reversible homologous desensitization but prolonged …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and schedule-induced polydipsia
Ovulatory cycle influences the stimulatory effect of stress on the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor messenger ribonucleic acid in the paraventricular …
Age-related alterations in emotional behaviors and amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein expression in aged Fischer 344 rats
Mapping of the ligand-selective domain of the Xenopus laevis CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1: implications for the ligand-binding site
The alternatively spliced type II CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor, stably expressed in LLCPK-1 cells, is not well coupled to the G protein (s)
The ligand‐selective domains of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 and type 2 receptor reside in different extracellular domains: generation of chimeric receptors …
Endotoxin decreases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 messenger ribonucleic acid levels in the rat pituitary
Transcriptional regulation of human placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by prostaglandins and estradiol
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the peripheral nervous system of the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases dihydropyridine-and neurotoxin-resistant calcium currents in neurons of the central amygdala
Lactation abolishes CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced oxytocin secretion in the conscious rat
Interaction between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and nitric oxide in mediating the response of the rat hypothalamus to immune and non-immune stimuli
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances noradrenaline release in the rat hypothalamus assessed by intracerebral microdialysis.
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein on prostaglandin release from cultured maternal decidua and on contractile activity of human myometrium in …
… anabolic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN hormone, corticosterone and proopiomelanocortin, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF …
Downregulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA, but not vasopressin mRNA, in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus of rats following nutritional stress
Expression of receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the vasculature of pregnant rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) induced anorexia is not influenced by a melanocortin 4 receptor blockage
Intracerebroventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist attenuates c-fos mRNA expression in the paraventricular nucleus after stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR alone, but not arginine vasopressin alone, stimulates the release of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN in the conscious intact sheep
Characterization and regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the human hepatoma NPLC-KC cell line
Dilatory and inotropic effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on the isolated heart
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and systemic capsaicin-sensitive afferents are involved in abdominal surgery-induced Fos expression in the paraventricular nucleus of …
Studies of the secretion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin into the hypophysial-portal circulation of the conscious sheep. II. The central …
Stimulation of adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion by insulin-induced hypoglycemia in the developing rat involves arginine vasopressin but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
Cushing’s syndrome caused by Ewing’s sarcoma secreting CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like peptide
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR inhibits proliferation of AtT-20 cells
Intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR decreases food intake in white-crowned sparrows
Early development of cerebellar afferent systems that contain CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Growth hormone response to clonidine in adversely reared young adult primates: relationship to serial cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations
Evidence that CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR within the extended amygdala mediates the activation of tryptophan hydroxylase produced by sound stress in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Type II (CRF2) Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Levels in the Hypothalamic Ventromedial Nucleus of the Infant Rat Are …
Inactivation of early glucocorticoid feedback by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in vitro.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and lysine vasopressin in pigs
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist on extracellular norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of rats in …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists as novel psychotherapeutics
Time-dependent alterations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in different brain regions after acute cocaine administration to rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like peptides increase cytosolic [Ca2+] in human epidermoid A-431 cells
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-mediated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) release in cultured rat amygdala neurons
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulation test in patients with major depression: relationship to dexamethasone suppression test results
Effect of adrenalectomy and stress on interleukin-1β-mediated activation of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) agonists stimulate testosterone production in mouse leydig cells through CRF receptor-1
Glutamate and N‐Methyl‐D‐Aspartate Stimulate Rat Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Secretion in vitro
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR induces proliferation of cerebellar astrocytes
Involvement of serotonergic pathways in mediating the neuronal activity and genetic transcription of neuroendocrine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain of …
Effect of acute CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on pituitary-adrenocortical responsiveness in elderly women and men
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene family in the brain of the teleost fish Catostomus commersoni (white sucker): molecular analysis predicts distinct precursors …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the embryonic mouse cerebellum
Steady-state methadone in rats does not change mRNA levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , its pituitary receptor or proopiomelanocortin
Synthesis and characterization of a photoactivatable analog of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR for specific receptor labeling
Intracerebroventricularly administered CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR inhibits food intake and produces anxiety‐like behaviour at very low doses in mice
Short‐and long‐term consequences of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in early development
Role of arachidonic acid metabolism on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-release induced by interleukin-1 from superfused rat hypothalami
The effects of alprazolam on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the rat brain: implications for a role for CRF in the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders
Local injections of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR reduce doxorubicin-induced acute inflammation in the eyelid.
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) messenger ribonucleic acid and CRF peptide in the amygdala: studies in primary amygdalar cultures
A radioimmunoassay of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR of hypothalamus in Ochotona curzoniae
Evaluation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulation and basal markers of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression in asthmatic patients
Further characterization of the behavioral effects of peripherally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in guinea pigs
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Up-Regulates Its Own Receptor Gene Expression in Corticotropic Adenoma Cells in Vitro
… neuropeptide Y messenger ribonucleic acid levels in pre‐obese and genetically obese (fa/fa) rats; potential regulation thereof by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits luteinizing hormone-stimulated P450c17 gene expression and androgen production by isolated thecal cells of human ovarian …
… -induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion in the developing rat through a central mechanism independent from CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin
Endothelium-dependent and-independent mechanisms of vasorelaxation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pregnant rat uterine artery
Cord plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein (CRF-BP) in term and preterm labour
Effects of intravenous administration of interleukin-1-beta on the release of prostaglandin E2, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and arginine vasopressin in several …
Antagonism by pivagabine of stress-induced changes in GABAA receptor function and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in rat brain
The effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on autonomic and behavioral responses during shock-prod burying test in rats
Developmental expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the postnatal murine cerebellum
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in hypoglycemia-induced proopiomelanocortin gene expression in the rat anterior pituitary gland
In situ hybridization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -encoding messenger RNA in the hypothalamus of the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni
Synaptic associations between oxytocin-containing magnocellular neurons and neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat magnocellular …
Role of brain, pituitary and spleen CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the stress response.
Noradrenergic inhibition of canine gallbladder contraction and murine pancreatic secretion during stress by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced production of cyclic AMP by human peripheral blood immunocytes
Beta-endorphin inhibits hypoglycemia-induced gene expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat hypothalamus.
D-Fenfluramine induces serotonin-mediated Fos expression in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and oxytocin neurons of the hypothalamus, and serotonin-independent …
The relaxation responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat aorta are endothelium dependent and gestationally regulated
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibition of substance P-induced vascular leakage in rats: possible sites of action
Neuropeptide Y and sigma ligand (JO 1784) act through a Gi protein to block the psychological stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced colonic motor …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Binding Sites Undergo Axonal Transport in the Rat Vagus Nerve
Permissive role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the acute stress-induced prolactin release in female rats
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in the brain of the teleost Sparus aurata
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and anorexia nervosa: reactions of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to neurotropic stress
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR accelerates metamorphosis in Bufo arenarum: Effect on pituitary ACTH and TSH cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR –immunolabeled fibers in brain regions with localized kainate neurotoxicity
Non‐adrenoCORTICOTROPIN mediated effects of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR on the adrenocortical activity in the rat
Ontogeny of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and anterior pituitary pro‐opiomelanocortin expression in male and female offspring of alcohol‐exposed and …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates basal and stress-induced excitatory amino acid release in the locus coeruleus of conscious rats
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone by leukocyte populations
The presence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactive synaptic vesicles in axon terminals with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-like immunoreactivity in the …
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on prostaglandin synthesis in endothelial cells and fibroblasts
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus by interleukin-1 in the rat
Buspirone inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and stress-induced cecal motor response in rats by acung through 5-HT1A receptors
Activation of L-type calcium channels induces CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion from human placental trophoblasts
The acute effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on energy expenditure in lean and obese women.
Fourth ventricle injection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and gastric emptying of glucose during gastric fill
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein expression in amygdalar neuronal cultures
Effect of chronic active immunization anti-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the pituitary-adrenal function in the sheep.
… –RELEASING Hormone, α-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone, Naloxone, Dexamethasone and Indomethacin on lnterleukin-2-lnduced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Immunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain of the turtle, Mauremys caspica
Cleavage of recombinant human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-binding protein produces a 27-kilodalton fragment capable of binding CRF
Immunosuppressive phenotype of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR transgenic mice is reversed by adrenalectomy
Coordinate and divergent regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein expression in an immortalized amygdalar neuronal cell line
Pavlovian conditioning of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐induced increase of blood pressure and corticosterone secretion in the rat
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the tigerfrog, Rana tigrina
Anorectic action of bombesin requires receptor for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR but not for oxytocin
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances sodium and water intake/excretion in rabbits
Functional, endogenously expressed CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRF1) and CRF1 receptor mRNA expression in human neuroblastoma SH …
Existence of mutual synaptic relations between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing and somatostatin-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor blockade enhances conditioned aversive properties of cocaine in rats
Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR expression in rat amygdala
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces differential behavioral and cardiovascular effects after intracerebroventricular and lateral hypothalamic/perifornical injections in …
Saireito (a Chinese herbal drug)-stimulated secretion and synthesis of pituitary ACTH are mediated by hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits the acute inflammatory response of rat pawskin to cold injury
Trans-acting FACTOR s dictate the species-specific placental expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR genes in choriocarcinoma cell lines
Intracisternal sauvagine is more potent than CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to decrease gastric vagal efferent activity in rats☆
Characterization of neuropeptide Y-mediated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR synthesis and release from human placental trophoblasts
Comparative localization of CORTICOTROPIN and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like peptides in the brain and hypophysis of a primitive vertebrate, the sturgeonAcipenser …
… stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. I. Acute effects on HPA axis activity and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the rat …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in afferent projections to the sacral spinal cord of the cat
Repeated stress, like vasopressin, sensitizes the excitatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on the acoustic startle reflex
Central neuropeptide Y and the sigma ligand, JO 1784, reverse CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐induced inhibition of gastric acid secretion in rats
Luteinizing hormone secretion and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus of rhesus monkeys following cortisol synthesis …
Epinephrine-induced pulmonary oedema in rats is inhibited by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Constrained CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Agonists and Antagonists with i−(i+3) Glu-Xaa-dXbb-Lys Bridges
Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone antagonizes the neuroendocrine effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1 alpha in the primate
Homologous desensitization of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , receptor in stable transfected mouse fibroblast cells
The effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides on the phagocytosis of molluscan hemocytes
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases following haloperidol withdrawal in chronic schizophrenia
The effect of acute immobilization stress on the abundance of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor in lymphoid organs
… produces a differential time related responsiveness on proenkephalin, proopiomelanocortin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the hypothalamus …
Fos induction in selective hypothalamic neuroendocrine and medullary nuclei by intravenous injection of urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Peripheral administration of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist increases the vocalizing and locomotor activity of isolated guinea pig pups
Alteration of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in MPTP‐treated rats
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and calcitonin generelated peptide in the developing mouse cerebellum
Involvement of endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mediation of neuroendocrine and behavioral effects to alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone
Differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin in discrete brain regions after morphine administration: correlations with hypothalamic …
Minimal-Size, Constrained CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Agonists with i−(i+3) Glu−Lys and Lys−Glu Bridges
The distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibers in the brain of the snake, Natrix maura
Ontogeny and molecular weight of immunoreactive arginine vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the ovine fetal hypothalamus
… of c-fos in restricted areas of the basal forebrain and brainstem following single or combined intraventricular infusions of vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Subcellular distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in rat central nervous system
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and substance P mediate the nucleus amygdaloideus centralis-nucleus ventromedialis-nucleus dorsomedialis pressor system
Structure–activity studies on 4-substituted-2-anilinopyrimidine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonists
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐like immunoreactivity in monkey olFACTOR y bulb and secondary olFACTOR y areas
Differential effect of low doses of intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in forced swimming test
Modulation of acute morphine tolerance by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and dynorphin A in the mouse spinal cord
Age-related decreases in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in rat brain and anterior pituitary gland
Locus coeruleus electrophysiological activity and responsivity to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in inbred hypertensive and normotensive rats
Postnatal development of regional binding of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adenylate cyclase activity in the rat brain
The effects of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP1–28) on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in brain of rats
Heterogeneity of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors: multiple targets for the treatment of CNS and inflammatory disorders
Changes in amniotic fluid immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein levels in pregnant women at term and during labor
Early glucocorticoid induction of calmodulin and its suppression by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pituitary corticotrope tumor (AtT20) cells
Influence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the in vitro thyroxine and thyrotropin secretion in newly hatched fowl
The effects of brain and C-type natriuretic peptides on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in brain of rats
Measurement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), and CRF/CRF-BP complex in human plasma by two-site enzyme-linked …
Neuroanatomical connections between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and somatostatin (SRIF) nerve endings and thyrotropin-RELEASING hormone (TRH) neurons …
The human neuroblastoma cell line, IMR-32, expresses functional CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Cardiovascular activation by serotonergic stimulation: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Modulation of endothelial prostaglandin synthesis by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR but not urocortin is involved in adrenalectomy-induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced pulmonary vascular leak
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger RNA by nicotine in an immortalized amygdalar cell line
Cholecystokinin, neurotensin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , three important anorexic peptides
Quantitative analysis of tuberoinfundibular tyrosine hydroxylase-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive neurons in monkeys raised with differential rearing …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits antigen-induced plasma extravasation in airways
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein expression in cultured rat astrocytes.
Correlation of neuroendocrine and anti-edema activities of alanine-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR analogs
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the ovine fetus and pregnant ewe: role of placenta
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in human small cell lung carcinoma cells: radioligand binding, second messenger, and northern blot analysis data
Regulation of beta-endorphin secretion by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the intact rat testis.
Increase in cortical and midbrain tryptophan hydroxylase activity by intracerebroventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : block by adrenalectomy, by …
Interactions between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and endogenous opiates on the cardioaccelerator, hypothermic, and corticoid responses to restraint in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) increases post‐prandial duodenal motor activity in humans
Second messenger regulation of mRNA for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The discovery of 4-(3-pentylamino)-2, 7-dimethyl-8-(2-methyl-4-methoxyphenyl)-pyrazolo-[1, 5-a]-pyrimidine: a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (hCRF1) antagonist
Effects of cocaine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on pulsatile ACTH and cortisol release in ovariectomized rhesus monkeys
Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Abolishes IL-1-and IL-6-lnduced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Release from the Hypothalamus in vitro
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Secretion and Synthesis in the Human Neuroblastoma Clones‐BE (2)‐M17 and BE (2)‐C
ICV administration of anti-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antisense oligonucleotide: effects on feeding behavior and body weight
Enhanced hippocampal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression associated with memory consolidation and memory storage in rats.
Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Increases Endocrine and Immunologic Activity of Avian Leukocytes In Vitro
Effects of centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and α-helical CRF on the vocalizations of isolated guinea pig pups
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in vitro
Elevated neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain of a novel epileptic mutant rat: Noda epileptic rat
Stimulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR of atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide secretions from cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
Thyroxine Modulates CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR but not Arginine Vasopressin Gene Expression in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus of the Developing …
Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and benzodiazepine receptor systems are involved in the social isolation stress-induced decrease in ethanol sleep in mice
Cloning and characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin in Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
Interleukin-1 regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), glucocorticoid receptor, c-fos and c-jun messenger RNA in the NPLC-KC cell line
Alpha-helical CRF blocks differential influence of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on appetitive and aversive memory retrieval in rats
Intracerebroventricular administration of β-endorphin increases the expression of c-fos and of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid in the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide activate gene transcription through the cAMP signaling pathway in a catecholaminergic …
Psychomotor stimulant sensitization: The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -steroid connection: Commentary on Wise and Leeb” Psychomotor-stimulant sensitization: A …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases [Ca2+] i via receptor-mediated Ca2+ channels in human epidermoid A-431 cells
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) injected into the median eminence on LH secretion in male rats
Distribution and cerebellar projections of cholinergic and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the caudal vestibular nuclear complex and adjacent …
Effects of repeated administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on schedule-controlled behavior in rats
Depolarization-induced release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in primary neuronal cultures of the amygdala
Effects of metyrapone infusion on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin secretion into the hypophysial portal blood of conscious, unrestrained rams
Attenuation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced hypotension in anesthetized rats with the CRF antagonist, α-helical CRF9–41; Comparison with effect on ACTH …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and its role in the central nervous system
… CORTICOTROPIN levels in Addison’s disease are not associated with increased plasma arginine vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in peripheral …
Interleukin-1β and calcitonin, but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , alter sleep cycles when injected into the rat hypothalamic lateral paraventricular area
Release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from superfused rat hypothalami induced by interleukin-1 is not dependent on adrenergic mechanism
Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone during hyperprolactinemia: response to central administration of antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Optokinetically evoked expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in inferior olivary neurons of rabbits
Alterations in food intake and thyroid tissue content by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Tinca tinca.
… implants in the paraventricular nucleus inhibit ACTH and corticosterone responses and the release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR following neural stimuli
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR treatment upregulates interleukin-1 receptors in the mouse pituitary: reversal by dexamethasone
Stimulation of neuropeptide Y overflow in the rat paraventricular nucleus by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in infant rhesus monkey brain and pituitary gland: biochemical characterization and autoradiographic localization
The BE (2)-M17 neuroblastoma cell line synthesizes and secretes CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the locus coeruleus/subcoeruleus nuclei inhibits gastric acid secretion via spinal pathways in the rat
Transcriptional regulation of human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR gene expression by cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate: differential effects at proximal and distal …
Upregulation of interleukin-1 receptors in mouse AtT-20 pituitary tumor cells following treatment with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Estrogens decrease expression of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and of the proopiomelanocortin gene in the …
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding sites in the opossum cerebellum
In vivo microdialysis of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): calcium dependence of depolarization-induced neurosecretion of CRF
Rapid communication: molecular cloning of the porcine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene
Changes of immunoreactive neuropeptide Y, somatostatin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the brain of a novel epileptic mutant rat, Ihara’s genetically …
Colocalization of enkephalin-, glucagon-, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity in GABAergic amacrine cells in turtle retina
Immunohistochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ,[arginine8]-vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in the goat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Agonists with Reduced Amide Bonds and Ser7 Substitutions
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and ACTH-related fragments modulate the phagocytic activity of human monocytes
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptors in the central nervous system.
Effect of immobilization stress on transcriptional activity of inducible immediate‐early genes, CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , its type 1 receptor, and enkephalin in the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , but not arginine vasopressin, stimulates concentration-dependent increases in ACTH secretion from a single corticotrope …
Heterogeneity of the human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein
Prolonged inflammatory pain modifies CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced opioid peptide release in the hypothalamus
Peritoneal fluid levels of immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP) in healthy and endometriosic women
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on atrial natriuretic peptide release from the isolated perfused rat heart.
Biochemical, pharmacological, and autoradiographic methods to study CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Intracerebroventricularly administered CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR releases somatostatin through a cholinergic, vagal pathway in freely fed rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus of immune-challenged transgenic mice expressing type …
C‐Fos expression as a molecular marker in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐induced seizures
The degradation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by enzymes of the rat brain studied by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
CORTICOTROPIN and cortisol responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the chronically hypoxemic ovine fetus
Selective CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Type 1 Receptor Antagonist Blocks Conditioned Fear‐Induced Release of Noradrenaline in the Hypothalamic …
Responses of the rat pituitary-adrenal axis to hypotensive infusions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasoactive intestinal peptide and other depressor agents
Benzodiazepine suppression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced beta-endorphin release from rat neurointermediate pituitary
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ at tyrosine residues via its receptor 2β in human epidermoid A-431 cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and defensive withdrawal: inhibition of monoamine oxidase prevents habituation to chronic stress
Evidence that endogenous CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR suppresses behavioral responses of guinea pig pups to brief isolation in novel surroundings
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates cyclic AMP, arachidonic acid release, and growth of lung cancer cells
Interleukin-1β induces CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -41 release from cultured hypothalamic cells through protein kinase C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase …
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the median eminence on gonadotropins in ovariectomized rats with or without steroid priming: dose-response study
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases protein kinase C activity by elevating membrane-bound alpha and beta isoforms.
Stimulation by interleukin-1 (IL-1) of the release of rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), which is independent of the cholinergic mechanism, from superfused rat …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and galanin-containing neurons projecting to the median eminence of the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA increases in the inferior olivary complex during harmaline-induced tremor
Responses of brain and pituitary immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in surgically interrenalectomized eels: Immunocytochemical study
Alphaxalone, a steroid anesthetic, inhibits the startle-enhancing effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , but not strychnine
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) stimulates 45Ca2+ uptake in the mouse corticotroph cell line AtT-20
The Zucker fatty (fa) gene is not a mutation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Colorimetric assay for rapid screening of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor ligands
Reciprocal modulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1 receptors following ether-laparotomy stress in the mouse
Involvement of Central CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in Suckling‐Induced Inhibition of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Lactating Rats
Enhancement of tachykinin-induced contractions of guinea pig isolated bronchus by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Stress-induced upregulation of pituitary interleukin-1 receptors is mediated by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) stimulates the release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) from superfused rat hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal complexes (HNC) independently …
Clonidine prevents CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐induced epileptogenic activity in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR modulates interleukin-1-induced prostaglandin synthesis in fibroblasts: receptor binding and effects of antagonists
Urocortin: slower dissociation than CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR from the CRF binding protein
The distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibres in the brain of Gambusia affinis and Salmo trutta
Immunocytochemical distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain and hypophysis of larval Bufo arenarum; effect of KClO4 during early development
Special folding pathway to tetramer only through the micelle state of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor expression in the pituitary of fetal sheep after lesion of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
Central administration of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release in adrenalectomized rats
[d-Pro5] CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR analogs as selective agonists at CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Hemilabyrinthectomy causes both an increase and a decrease in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in rat inferior olive
Studies of the mechanisms of action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the ovine anterior pituitary: evidence that CRF and AVP …
Is Vasopressin Preferentially Released from CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and Vasopressin Containing Nerve Terminals in the Median Eminence of …
Bipolar-shape response of human neutrophils to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Diurnal variation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding sites in the rat brain and pituitary
Central actions of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on sensori-autonomic processing in normotensive and hypertensive rats
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on circadian locomotor rhythm in the golden hamster
Corticosterone response to the serotonergic agonist D-fenfluramine may be independent from CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induction in rat piriform cortex following kainate-elicited seizures
Actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR or cortisol on follicle-stimulating hormone secretion by isolated pig pituitary cells
Exposure to an Antisense Oligonucleotide Decreases CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Binding in Rat Pituitary Cultures
Effects of long term treatment with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on corticotropic tumor cells in vitro
Effect of endotoxin and interleukin-1beta on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR and prostaglandin release by rat brainstem slices.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR injected into the lateral septum improves memory function in rats.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors: inhibitors, subtypes, pharmacology, localization, and their role in central nervous system function
Estrous cycle-and acute stress-related changes of rat ovarian immunoreactive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Tyrosine pretreatment alleviates suppression of schedule-controlled responding produced by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rats
Study on the relationship between cadmium immunotoxicity and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of intratesticular administration of anti‐CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR antiserum (a‐CRF) on testicular function in neonatal rats
… of Stress‐Induced AdrenoCORTICOTROPIN Release by Intracerebral Administration of a Monoclonal Antibody to Rat CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Together with Ricin A …
Cortisol up-regulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the fetal ovine brainstem at 0.70 gestation
Interaction of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and alpha-helical CRF on rat neurointermediate lobes: in vitro studies
Norepinephrine but not epinephrine stimulates the release of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR from in vitro superfused rat hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone is not the sole FACTOR mediating exercise-induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN release in humans
Injections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the periaqueductal gray enhance Pavlovian fear conditioning
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on feeding and pancreatic polypeptide response in the dog
Brainstem origin of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR afferents to the nucleus interpositus anterior of the cat
Neuronal mechanisms contribute to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced anti-oedema effect in the rat hind paw
… bilateral blood sampling from the inferior petrosal sinus in Cushing’s disease: effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and thyrotropin-RELEASING hormone on pituitary …
Acute intravenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administration: effects on insulin secretion in lean and genetically obese fa/fa rats.
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin in brain mechanisms controlling feed intake of sheep
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR injected into the median eminence on growth hormone secretion in male rats
α-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) antagonizes the anorexia by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Interleukin‐1α induces CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR secretion and synthesis from NPLC‐KC cells through various second messenger pathways
The distribution of radiolabeled CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pregnant rats: an investigation of placental transfer to the fetuses
Sublethal hypoxia up-regulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in fetal hippocampal neurons
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and stress-related reproductive failure: the brain as a state of the art or the ovary as a novel clue?
Electrocortical power spectrum changes induced by microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the locus coeruleus in rats.
Increase of β-endorphin serum levels by human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR does not affect beta-cell function in overweight women
Effects of corticosterone in vivo and in vitro on adrenocorticotropic hormone production by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -stimulated leukocytes
Decreased expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein mRNA in ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in inflamed tissue: autoradiographic identification
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced suppression of gastric emptying in the rat is blocked by cyclo (7-aminoheptanoyl-phe-D-TRP-LYS-THR [BZL]), an in vivo …
Stress, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons, and the actions of benzodiazepines
Reduction of ischemic reperfusion edema with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat hind limb replantation.
Stress-induced alteration of gastrointestinal function: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The preeminent role of neuropeptide systems in the early pathophysiology of Alzheimer disease: up with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , down with acetylcholine
Mechanisms of norepinephrine mediated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -41 release from cultured fetal hypothalamic cells
Novel high‐affinity photoactivatable antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Photoaffinity labeling studies on CRF receptor, type 1 (CRFR1)
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like immunoreactivity (CRF-LI) in horizontal cells of the developing rat retina
Treatment of periorbital edema with human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR after blepharoplasty.
Neuromodulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced gastrointestinal motility alterations
The temporal and spatial development of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding sites and CRF afferents in the opossum cerebellum
Radioimmunocytochemical localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system of the rat: effects of …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA and peptide levels are differentially regulated in the developing ovine brain
… hormonal-and forskolin-stimulated formation of cyclic AMP in AtT-20 corticotrophs: effect of pituitary adenylate activating polypeptide and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR stimulates growth hormone secretion in neonatal rats
Influence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on pancreatic and islet blood flow in different regions of the rat pancreas
Beneficial effect of intravenous bolus of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on glucose intolerance of genetically obese (fa/fa) rats
Dexamethasone and aldosterone modulate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -41 release from cultured rat fetal hypothalamic cells through type II and type I corticosteroid …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR microinfused into the locus coeruleus produces electrocortical desynchronization and immunosuppression
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone and epidermal growth FACTOR : mitogens for anterior pituitary corticotropes
Inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced adrenoCORTICOTROPIN (ACTH) secretion in pituitary corticotropic cells by substance P.
Affinity purification of 61-and 65-kDa rat brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and receptor-associated G proteins
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is secreted in the BE (2)-C neuroblastoma cell and is responsive to forskolin
Characterization of [125I-Tyr0]-CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding to the CRF binding protein using a scintillation proximity assay
The use of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRE) for the treatment of post-operative cerebral edema. A preliminary study.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein concentrations in plasma of patients with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal disorders
Structures of ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its Ala32 mutant as studied by CD and NMR techniques
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors and its binding protein: molecular, pharmacological and localization studies
Monoclonal antibodies directed against two different CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR determinants
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in peritoneum and pericardium in the rat embryo by in situ hybridization histochemistry
Alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Inhibits CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Release by Blocking Protein Kinase C
Reduction of reperfusion injury edema with CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): A pilot study
… of the pituitary pars distalis induces the corticotrophs to store melanocyte-stimulating hormone, an effect reversed by the administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the investigation of endocrine diseases
Metyrapone induced increase in plasma CORTICOTROPIN is not associated with changes in peripheral venous arginine vasopressin or CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on acid-base alterations and bacterial translocation in a murine model of thermal injury
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR with or without methotrexate for prevention of graft-versus-host disease in DLA-nonidentical unrelated canine marrow grafts
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the pituitary-ovary axis in human luteal phase
Expression of Receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Vasculature of Pregnant Rats.
Effects of glycyrrhizic acid and steroid treatment on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and beta-endorphin containing neurons of the hypothalamus of the rat.
Stress-induced relapse to cocaine seeking in the rat: Contributions of central nervous system CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and noradrenaline
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone-mediated neuroprotection against oxidative stress is associated with the increased release of non-amyloidogenic amyloid β …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING hormone, interleukin-1α, and tumor necrosis FACTOR -α share characteristics of stress mediators
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates lymphocyte proliferation suppression induced by hypoxia stress
Modulation of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Endothelial Cells and Fibroblasts by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and corticosterone modulate the anxiogenic-like effects of mCPP
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and anxiety: Animal studies
Characterization of the N-linked glycan of recombinantly-expressed CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein
208. CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , stress and allostasis
Biphasic regulation of proopiomelanocortin messenger RNA concentrations by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in primary cultures of rat hypothalamic neurons
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR dramatically reduces inflammation at the site of local doxorubicin chemomyectomy
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptors
The effect of dibenzofuran substitutions in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of Cocaine and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on Pulsatile ACTH and Cortisol Release in Ovariectomized Rhesus Monkeys
… vasopressin plasma levels in young men is not associated with an enhanced response of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR …
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , Arginine Vasopressin and Oxytocin on the Polymorphism of Plasma Adrenocorticotropic Hormone in the Rat Fetus in Late …
Effects of various stimuli on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the human neuroblastoma clones
Pheochromocytoma expressing adrenoCORTICOTROPIN and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone; regulation by glucocorticoids and nerve growth FACTOR
Sensitivity of the Fetal Rat Pituitary-Adrenal System to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Organ Culture
Immunohistochemical study of the distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and serotonin in the cerebellar nuclei of monkeys
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulation of serotonin release: Neurochemical and behavioral studies in the rat
Production and putative roles of inhibins and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human placenta and decidua
Vasopressin responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and hypertonicity after truncal vagotomy in dogs
Tumor necrosis FACTOR -alpha increases after CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone administration in Cushing’s disease
Immunomodulating Properties of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Differential Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on Interleukin-1α and Interleukin-1β-Induced Prostaglandin Synthesis in Endothelial Cells and Fibroblasts
Design and Structure/Conformation-Activity Studies of a Prototypic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Antagonist: Multiple Alanine Substitutions of CRF12-41
The gene encoding for the novel transacting FACTOR proopiomelanocortin CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone responsive element binding protein 1 (PCRH-REB-1) is …
Propofol inhibits nitrous oxide-induced activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in rat paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) induces longlasting depression of parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synaptic transmission in rat cerebellum
Studies on the metabolism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Immunomodulatory role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type II (CRF2) messenger ribonucleic acid levels in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus of the infant rat are reduced by …
Structural and functional characterization of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor
Vascular effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in pregnant rats
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Stress-Induced Changes in Gastrointestinal Transit
The characterization of the ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein
Prediction of mania in euthymic bipolar patients using CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR challenge test
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in mouse spleen: Identification, localization, and characterization.
Spinal opioid mechanisms involved in the actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors are downregulated in chronically stressed developing rats
Genetic animal models of depression: relationship with functional central and endocrine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
Study on the relationship between cadmium immunotoxicity and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
A requirement for the POU transcription FACTOR , Brn-2, in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone expression in a neuronal cell line
Potential CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Pathways in the Rat Brain as Determined by Bilateral Electrolytic Lesions of the…
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene regulation in the hypothalamus and neuronal cell lines
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Increases Ca (2+) sub i via Receptor-Mediated Ca (2+) Channels in Human Epidermoid A-431 Cells
Neurotransmitter regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurons: In vitro and in vivo studies.
Efficacy of Maternal Serum CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Levels in Diagnosis of Pregnancies Complicated by Preterm Labor
Physiological Function and Localization of a Short Isoform of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Subtype (CRF2α-tr) in the Rat Brain
Antagonism by pivagabine of stress-induced changes in GABA A receptor function and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in rat brain
Section Review: Central & Peripheral Nervous Systems: CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Alzheimer’s disease: recent developments with implications for more …
Glucocorticoid regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR CRH-R2 receptors in smooth muscle cells
Increased CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of anhedonic…
Sleep deprivation induces changes in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR concentration and mRNA in the rat brain
Immunocytochemical Study on the Distribution Pattern of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Norepinephrine in the Middle Lobe of Monkey Cerebellum
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors type 1 (CRF 1) in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR modulates nitric oxide production and cell growth in a murine polyoma-transformed endothelioma cell line in vitro.
Time-course changes of nerve growth FACTOR , CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone, and nitric oxide synthase isoforms and their possible role in the development of …
Central regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR release in the median eminence of rat brain: An in vivo microdialysis study.
Electrocortical power spectrum changes induced by microinfusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the locus coeruleus in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Induces Persistent Depression of Parallel Fiber to Purkinje Cell Synaptic Transmission
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and the interleukin-6 (IL-6) type cytokines as possible trophic FACTOR s in cerebellar development
Intravenous administration of tumor necrosis FACTOR -α stimulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING hormone secretion in the push-pull cannulated median eminence of freely …
Immunocytochemical and biochemical studies with a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR anti-idiotypic antiserum which recognizes a NADPH-diaphorase activity in rat brain.
Interleukin-1, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and resistant calcium currents in amygdala neurons
A common pro-opiomelanocortin-binding element mediates leukemia inhibitory FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone transcriptional synergy
Opposite dopaminergic regulation of neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the rat amygdala
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF (1) receptor expression in the postnatal mouse cerebellum
Nitrous Oxide Activates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -Containing Neurons in Paraventricular Nucleus of Hypothalamus in Rats
The effects of benzodiazepine administration and withdrawal on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin neuronal systems in the rat
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and Vasopressin (AVP) in Stress-Induced Exacerbation of Experimental Colitis in Rats
Relationship of exercise-induced core temperature elevation to fever: Involvement of tumor necrosis FACTOR , prostaglandin, and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
In vitro excitatory action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on rat colonic motility: a model of somatoform disease31. 3
Prior stress and arginine vasopressin potentiate the effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on serotonin release in the rat brain
Role of Histamine, and Its Interaction With CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Bombesin in Food Intake Regulation of Chickens
Matrix-assisted laser desorption analysis of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein and activin by means of immunoprecipitation
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive projections from barrington’s nucleus to the paraventricular thalamic nucleus and spinal cord in the rat.
Immunocytochemical Studies of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like Immunoreactive Innervation of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Neurons in the Rat Diencephalon
… inhibition by catecholaminergic and opiatergic pathways of the electroencephalographic and vegetative pattern induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the …
Effects of nicotine on content of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat amygdala, hypothalamus and brain stem
Synaptic Interactions Between Atrial Natriuretic Peptide-and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -Containing Neurons in the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Rat …
Central nervous mechanisms in restraint induced gastric erosions: Emphasis on the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
An immunohistochemical study on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactive neurons in the nucleus accumbens of the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) Chinese
The concept of stress and the role of hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the integration of the neuroendocrine and immune …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , somatostatin and leptin in vagal nerve function and control of gastric emptying
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , activin A and prostaglandins increase immunoreactive oxytocin release from cultured human placental cells.
Regulation of ACTH and ACTH precursor secretion in sheep fetuses by cortisol, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and arginine vasopressin.
Effects of prenatal stress on the development of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurons of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in the fetal rat brain.
Changes of immunoreactive neuropeptide Y, somatostatin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the brain of a novel epileptic mutant rat, Ihara’s genetically …
… situ-Hydridisierungs-histochemische Lokalisation der messenger-Ribonucleinsaeure (mRNA) von Galanin (GAL), CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) und Calcitonin …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and leptin contributions to energy balance in genetically obese (lep-ob/lep-ob) mice, possible involvement of CRF in the leptin …
The effects of bilateral adrenalectomy and colchicine on vasopressin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in the paraventricular nucleus of female …
Ultrastructural study of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neurotensin immunoreactive neurons in the external cuneate …
Plasma atrial natriuretic FACTOR levels in the inferior petrosal sinus blood of patients with Cushing’s disease before and after CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone …
CORTICOTROPIN release-inhibiting FACTOR is preprothyrotropin-RELEASING hormone-(178-199)
Effect of ACTH on pain behavior and the level of brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone in the hippocampus of rats with chronic pain
Effect of ACTH on pain behavior and the level of brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone in the hippocampus of rats with chronic pain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors 1 and 2 in anxiety and depression
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in drug addiction
Progress in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 antagonist development
The functional neuroanatomy of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
A key role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in alcohol dependence
Interaction between the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system and hypocretins (orexins): a novel circuit mediating stress response
Regulation of behavioral responses by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone as a thyrotropin-RELEASING FACTOR in non-mammalian vertebrates
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in brain: a role in activation, arousal, and affect regulation
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in anxiety disorders: a translational research perspective
The role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the pathophysiology of affective and anxiety disorders: laboratory and clinical studies
Neurobiological mechanisms of addiction: focus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Regulatory mechanisms underlying CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the hypothalam
The central CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system during development and adulthood
Mast cells as targets of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and related peptides
International Union of Pharmacology. XXXVI. Current status of the nomenclature for receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and their ligands
Ontogeny of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in zebrafish
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and stress-related alterations of gut motor function
A role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in functional gastrointestinal disorders
Molecular recognition of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by its G-protein-coupled receptor CRFR1
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling and visceral response to stress
Long-term consequences of neonatal rearing on central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems in adult male rat offspring
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor signaling in the central nervous system: new molecular targets
III. Stress-related alterations of gut motor function: role of brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
… 1 CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor expression reported in BAC transgenic mice: implications for reconciling ligand‐receptor mismatch in the central CORTICOTROPIN …
Modulation of dendritic differentiation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the developing hippocampus
Identification of urocortin III, an additional member of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family with high affinity for the CRF2 receptor
The dexamethasone/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in men with major depression: role of childhood trauma
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR signaling in colon and ileum: regulation by stress and pathophysiological implications
Brain circuits involved in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐norepinephrine interactions during stress
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system as a mediator of the appetite-suppressing effects of stress in fish
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : a mediator of emotional influences on bladder function
Regulation of vertebrate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR genes
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and noradrenaline in stress-related responses, and the inter-relationships between the two systems
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in stress and anxiety
Sexually dimorphic responses of the brain norepinephrine system to stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibits maternal aggression in mice.
Opposing regulation of the locus coeruleus by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and opioids
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family of peptides and CRF receptors: their roles in the regulation of energy balance
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors type 1 and 2 in modulating the rat adrenoCORTICOTROPIN response to stressors
Negative regulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression and limitation of stress response
Stressor controllability and learned helplessness: the roles of the dorsal raphe nucleus, serotonin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Widespread tissue distribution and diverse functions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and related peptides
Behavioral and anatomical interactions between dopamine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Sex differences in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor signaling and trafficking: potential role in female vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology
MPZP: a novel small molecule CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor (CRF1) antagonist
Inhibitory effect of ghrelin on food intake is mediated by the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in neonatal chicks
Neuroendocrine control of the gut during stress: CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling pathways in the spotlight
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 antagonists selectively reduce ethanol self-administration in ethanol-dependent rats
Phylogeny of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family of peptides in the metazoa
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors differentially regulate stress-induced tau phosphorylation
Association of polymorphisms in genes regulating the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system with antidepressant treatment response
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin and receptor systems in depression and anxiety
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and perceived early-life stress in depressed patients and healthy control subjects
Effects of the selective nonpeptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist antalarmin in the chronic mild stress model of depression in mice
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the median raphe nucleus in relapse to alcohol
Social stress-induced bladder dysfunction: potential role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Mice deficient for both CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRFR1) and CRFR2 have an impaired stress response and display sexually dichotomous anxiety-like …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor‐mediated mechanisms inhibit colonic hypersensitivity in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR –induced amygdala gamma-aminobutyric acid release plays a key role in alcohol dependence
Chronic peripheral administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR causes colonic barrier dysfunction similar to psychological stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the dorsal raphe nucleus: Linking stress coping and addiction
Expression of urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes in the human heart
Increased depression-like behaviors in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2-deficient mice: sexually dichotomous responses
Individual differences in reactivity to social stress predict susceptibility and resilience to a depressive phenotype: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Stress-induced redistribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes in the dorsal raphe nucleus
Evidence for regional heterogeneity in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR interactions in the dorsal raphe nucleus
From Hans Selye’s Discovery of Biological Stress to the Identification of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR signaling pathways: Implication in Stress-Related …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the psychobiology of early-life stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor involvement in behavioral neuroadaptation to ethanol: a urocortin1-independent mechanism
Lack of effect of psychosocial stress on maternal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and catecholamine levels at 28 weeks’ gestation
Gender differences in CORTICOTROPIN and corticosterone secretion and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the …
Urocortin, CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -2 receptors and energy balance
Urocortin II: a member of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neuropeptide family that is selectively bound by type 2 CRF receptors
The effect of lateral septum CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 activation on anxiety is modulated by stress
Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR attenuates the enhanced responsiveness to stress observed during protracted ethanol abstinence.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR within the central nucleus of the amygdala mediates enhanced ethanol self-administration in withdrawn, ethanol-dependent rats
The role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and its antagonist, astressin, on micturition in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists: potential future therapy in gastroenterology?
Acute stress increases interstitial fluid amyloid-β via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuronal activity
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 pathway mediates the negative affective states of opiate withdrawal
Regulation of serotonin release in the lateral septum and striatum by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Cocaine experience establishes control of midbrain glutamate and dopamine by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : a role in stress-induced relapse to drug seeking
Central and feedback regulation of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR secretion
Characterization of three CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in catfish: a novel third receptor is predominantly expressed in pituitary and urophysis
Sequences, expression patterns and regulation of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in a teleost
… ethanol self‐administration and anxiety‐like behavior during acute ethanol withdrawal and protracted abstinence: regulation by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Multicenter, randomized, double‐blind, active comparator and placebo‐controlled trial of a CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐1 antagonist in generalized anxiety …
Continuous expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central nucleus of the amygdala emulates the dysregulation of the stress and reproductive axes
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with secondary psychotic symptoms, nonpsychotic PTSD, and healthy control subjects
Stress-induced intracellular trafficking of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in rat locus coeruleus neurons
… on reinstatement of ethanol seeking: exacerbation by history of dependence and role of concurrent activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and opioid mechanisms
Palatable foods, stress, and energy stores sculpt CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , and corticosterone concentrations after restraint
Variable foraging demand rearing: sustained elevations in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in adult primates
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR requires CRF binding protein to potentiate NMDA receptors via CRF receptor 2 in dopamine neurons
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of ligands and their receptors
Heteroatom-linked indanylpyrazines are CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor antagonists
Allostasis and dysregulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y systems: implications for the development of alcoholism
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like peptides in cannabis, nicotine, and alcohol dependence
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR projections from limbic forebrain and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to the region of the ventral tegmental area
Priming of long-term potentiation in mouse hippocampus by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and acute stress: implications for hippocampus-dependent learning
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentration is associated with pain but not fatigue symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces social preferences in male prairie voles
A comparison of ligand based virtual screening methods and application to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor
Common and divergent structural features of a series of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -related peptides
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR increases mouse ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron firing through a protein kinase C‐dependent enhancement of Ih
Biting suppresses stress-induced expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat hypothalamus
Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade prevents the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR response to isolation stress
The bed nucleus is a neuroanatomical substrate for the anorectic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and for its reversal by nociceptin/orphanin FQ
Role of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in the control of food intake in mice: a meal pattern analysis
Do CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors influence colonic transit and bowel function in women with irritable bowel syndrome?
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors CRF1 and CRF2 exert both additive and opposing influences on defensive startle behavior
Strain differences in anxiety-like behavior: association with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Urocortin I modulate excitatory glutamatergic synaptic transmission
Childhood trauma and personality disorder: positive correlation with adult CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations
In vitro and in vivo analysis of the Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on rat dorsal vagal complex
Stress-related modulation of inflammation in experimental models of bowel disease and post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and urocortins, links between the brain and the heart
Potent and long-acting CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor 2 selective peptide competitive antagonists
Nucleus accumbens CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases cue-triggered motivation for sucrose reward: paradoxical positive incentive effects in stress?
The central nucleus of the amygdala and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : insights into contextual fear memory
Effects of cortisol on food intake, growth, and forebrain neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in goldfish
Role of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin II in intestinal inflammation and motility in terminal ileum
Effects of environmental and pharmacological stressors on c-fos and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in rat brain: relationship to the reinstatement of alcohol …
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in inflammatory bowel disease: prospects for new therapeutic approaches
Increased anxiety‐like behavior and ethanol self‐administration in dependent rats: reversal via CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐2 receptor activation
Nociceptin/orphanin FQ acts as a functional antagonist of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to inhibit its anorectic effect
Impairment of dopaminergic system function after chronic treatment with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Physiology, pharmacology, and role in central nervous system disorders
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y mRNA levels are elevated in the preoptic area of socially subordinate rainbow trout
Delayed stress-induced colonic hypersensitivity in male Wistar rats: role of neurokinin-1 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal systems and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity by stress and chronic antidepressant treatment
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system in cancer: expression and pathophysiological implications
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors couple to multiple G-proteins to activate diverse intracellular signaling pathways in mouse hippocampus: role in neuronal …
Activation of basolateral amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptors modulates the consolidation of contextual fear
Antidepressant-like activity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor antagonists in mice
Specificity and regulation of extracellularly regulated kinase1/2 phosphorylation through CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors 1 and 2β by the CRF/urocortin …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor activation mediates nicotine withdrawal-induced deficit in brain reward function and stress-induced relapse
Tissue plasminogen activator promotes the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the amygdala and anxiety-like behavior
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurones of the central nucleus of the amygdala mediate locus coeruleus activation by cardiovascular stress
Chronic stress‐induced alterations in amygdala responsiveness and behavior–modulation by trait anxiety and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR systems
Anxiogenic and aversive effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the rat: role of CRF receptor subtypes
Selective activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -2 receptors on neurochemically identified neurons in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus reveals dual actions
Early life social isolation alters CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR responses in adult rats
Medullary neurones regulate hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR cell responses to an emotional stressor
Region-specific onset of handling-induced changes in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoid receptor expression
Expression and hypophysiotropic actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Xenopus laevis
Cortagine, a specific agonist of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 1, is anxiogenic and antidepressive in the mouse model
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 is a tonic suppressor of vascularization
Restraint stress increases serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala via activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Suppression of food intake induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family in neonatal chicks
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the urocortins induce the expression of TLR4 in macrophages via activation of the transcription FACTOR s PU. 1 and AP-1
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR pathways in stress-related alterations of colonic motor function and viscerosensibility in female rodents
Effects of neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on ethanol intake in Wistar rats: interaction with chronic ethanol exposure
Evidence supporting a role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 (CRF2) receptors in the regulation of subpopulations of serotonergic neurons
Acute stress modulates the histamine content of mast cells in the gastrointestinal tract through interleukin‐1 and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR release in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 and 2 receptors in the dorsal raphe differentially affect serotonin release in the nucleus accumbens
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases GABA synaptic activity and induces inward current in 5-hydroxytryptamine dorsal raphe neurons
Neuropeptide S reinstates cocaine-seeking behavior and increases locomotor activity through CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in mice
Blockade of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor attenuates elevated ethanol drinking associated with drinking in the dark procedures
A novel transgenic mouse for gene-targeting within cells that express CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor: a novel target for the treatment of depression and anxiety-related disorders
Mechanism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type I receptor regulation by nonpeptide antagonists
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2 in stress-induced suppression of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in the rat
Neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR bi-directionally modulate inhibitory synaptic transmission in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR testing reveals a dose-dependent difference in methadone maintained vs control subjects
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of neuropeptides in inflammation: potential therapeutic applications
Ontogeny of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR effects on locomotion and foraging in the Western spadefoot toad (Spea hammondii)
Molecular mechanisms of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-induced calcium signaling
Mouse CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2α gene: isolation, distribution, pharmacological characterization and regulation by stress and glucocorticoids
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces diarrhea in rats: role of CRF1 receptor in fecal watery excretion
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and neuroplasticity in cocaine addiction
PRECLINICAL STUDY: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐1 receptor antagonists decrease heroin self‐administration in long‐but not short‐access rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptors mediate the visceral hyperalgesia induced by repeated psychological stress in rats
Pre-clinical evidence that CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor antagonists are promising targets for pharmacological treatment of alcoholism
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor antagonists: the next class of antidepressants?
Pro-and anti-nociceptive effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in central amygdala neurons are mediated through different receptors
Dorsomedial hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediation of exercise-induced anorexia
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1‐deficient mice show decreased anxiety and colonic sensitivity
Plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in depressed patients before and after the dexamethasone suppression test
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists: recent advances and exciting prospects for the treatment of human diseases.
Urocortins and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors in the hypothalamus and the cardiovascular system
… -evoked enhancement of hippocampal memory function and glucocorticoid receptor expression involves activation of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Psychological stress can trigger atopic dermatitis in NC/Nga mice: an inhibitory effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
A role for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in ethanol consumption, sensitivity, and reward as revealed by CRF-deficient mice
Involvement of central amygdalar and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in behavioral responses to social defeat.
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR binding protein within the ventral tegmental area is expressed in a subset of dopaminergic neurons
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR influences aggression and monoamines: modulation of attacks and retreats
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors 1 and 2 in CRF-potentiated acoustic startle in mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the dorsal raphe elicits temporally distinct serotonergic responses in the limbic system in relation to fear behavior
Synthesis and pharmacological characterization of novel druglike CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 antagonists
Restraint stress stimulates colonic motility via central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and peripheral 5-HT3 receptors in conscious rats
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , urotensin I, and CRF‐binding protein gene expression in the brain of the zebrafish, Danio rerio
Posttraining infusion of norepinephrine and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR into the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis enhanced retention in an inhibitory …
Central orexin‐A activates hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis and stimulates hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin neurones in …
Reinstatement of cocaine seeking by hypocretin (orexin) in the ventral tegmental area: independence from the local CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR network
Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in the hippocampus and its modulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2: a possible link between stress and fear …
Centrally administered orexin-A activates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and central amygdaloid …
… -and amphetamine-regulated transcript activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis through a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-dependent mechanism
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-system and monoaminergic afferents in the central amygdala: investigations in different mouse strains and comparison with …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , interleukin-6, brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR , insulin-like growth FACTOR -1, and substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid of civilians with …
Exposure to neonatal separation stress alters exploratory behavior and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression in neurons in the amygdala and hippocampus
Differential actions of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), urocortin II, and urocortin III on gastric emptying and colonic transit in mice: role of CRF receptor …
Ghrelin decreases food intake in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) through the central anorexigenic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
Vital functions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) pathways in maintenance and regulation of energy homeostasis
Targeted mutations of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system: effects on physiology and behavior
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1: a therapeutic target for cardiac autonomic disturbances
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , corticosteroids, stress, and sugar: energy balance, the brain, and behavior
Effects of hypoxia on glucose, insulin, glucagon, and modulation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in the rat
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of peptides as local modulators of adrenal function
Subtype-selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor agonists exert contrasting, but not opposite, effects on anxiety-related behavior in rats
Expression of type 1 CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the guinea pig enteric nervous system
Chronic morphine sensitizes the brain norepinephrine system to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and stress
Characterization and regulation of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the central nervous, endocrine and immune systems
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 mediates acute and delayed stress-induced visceral hyperalgesia in maternally separated Long-Evans rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 mediates stress-induced relapse to cocaine-conditioned place preference in rats
Effect of ethanol on the regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene expression
Species and sex differences in brain distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes 1 and 2 in monogamous and promiscuous vole species
Evidence for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR regulation of serotonin in the lateral septum during acute swim stress: adaptation produced by repeated swimming
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2a contains an N-terminal pseudo signal peptide
Brain penetrance, receptor occupancy and antistress in vivo efficacy of a small molecule CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type I receptor selective antagonist
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the basolateral amygdala enhances memory consolidation via an interaction with the β-adrenoceptor–cAMP pathway: dependence on …
Molecular cloning and developmental expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the chicken
Pain is a salient “stressor” that is mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors
Cloning and functional pharmacology of two CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors from a teleost fish
Roles of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , Neuropeptide Y and Corticosterone in the Regulation of Food Intake In Xenopus laevis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and acute stress prolongs serotonergic regulation of GABA transmission in prefrontal cortical pyramidal neurons
… urocortin-III are cardioprotective against ischemia reperfusion injury: an essential endogenous cardioprotective role for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in …
The role of neuropeptide Y in the amygdala on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-mediated behavioral stress responses in the rat
2-aryloxy-4-alkylaminopyridines: discovery of novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 antagonists
Heads or tails? Stressor-specific expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urotensin I in the preoptic area and caudal neurosecretory system of rainbow …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR promotes breast cancer cell motility and invasiveness
Dopamine‐dependent responses to cocaine depend on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes
A soluble mouse brain splice variant of type 2α CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor binds ligands and modulates their activity
Social environment regulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , corticosterone and vasopressin in juvenile prairie voles
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced ERK phosphorylation in AtT20 cells occurs via a cAMP-dependent mechanism requiring EPAC2
Pharmacology and biology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors
Social defeat stress activates medial amygdala cells that express type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor mRNA
Evolutionarily conserved glucocorticoid regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR expression
The potential role of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonist in psychiatric disorders
Differing concentrations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and oxytocin in the cerebrospinal fluid of bonnet and pigtail macaques
Heart rate dynamics and behavioral responses during acute emotional challenge in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1-deficient and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Arylamidrazones as novel CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists
Identification and characterization of multiple CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor isoforms in the rat esophagus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein, stress and major depression
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonists on the brain stress system responses to morphine withdrawal
Urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor expression in normal cycling human ovaries
Synapses between CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐containing axon terminals and dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area are predominantly glutamatergic
Attenuation of fear conditioning by antisense inhibition of brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -2 receptor
Stress elevates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein mRNA levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1-deficient mice do not develop postoperative gastric ileus
The binding protein of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : ligand-binding site and subunit structure
Agonist‐induced internalization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors in noradrenergic neurons of the rat locus coeruleus
Human urocortin II: mild locomotor suppressive and delayed anxiolytic-like effects of a novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR related peptide
Combined dexamethasone/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in chronic fatigue syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonism within the dorsal raphe nucleus reduces social anxiety-like behavior after early-life social isolation
Region-specific effects of brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 blockade on footshock-stress-or drug-priming-induced reinstatement of morphine …
Delayed satiety-like actions and altered feeding microstructure by a selective type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR agonist in rats: intra-hypothalamic urocortin …
Stressin1-A, a Potent CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 (CRF1)-Selective Peptide Agonist
Brain pharmacokinetics of a nonpeptidic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist
Effects of naltrexone, duloxetine, and a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor antagonist on binge-like alcohol drinking in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) activation of NF-κB-directed transcription in leukocytes
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the dorsal raphe nucleus increases medial prefrontal cortical serotonin via type 2 receptors and median raphe nucleus activity
Stressor-and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced reinstatement and active stress-related behavioral responses are augmented following long-access cocaine self …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2-deficient mice display abnormal homeostatic responses to challenges of increased dietary fat and cold
Activation of raphe efferents to the medial prefrontal cortex by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : correlation with anxiety-like behavior
Sucrose ingestion normalizes central expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR messenger ribonucleic acid and energy balance in adrenalectomized rats: a …
Ligand affinity for amino-terminal and juxtamembrane domains of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type I receptor: regulation by G-protein and nonpeptide antagonists
Peripheral anti‐inflammatory actions of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Structural evolution of urotensin-I: reflections of life before CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y mRNA levels are modified by glucocorticoids in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Influence of sex and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR pathways as determinants in serotonin sensitivity
Design and synthesis of tricyclic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 antagonists
Intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases limbic glucose metabolism and has social context-dependent behavioral effects in nonhuman primates
Effects of prolonged ethanol vapor exposure on forced swim behavior, and neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR levels in rat brains
Dimerization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 is not coupled to ligand binding
Differential monoaminergic, neuroendocrine and behavioural responses after central administration of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and type 2 …
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 selectively inhibits CaV3. 2 T-type calcium channels
Recent advances in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists
Effects of electro-acupuncture on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats with experimentally-induced polycystic ovaries
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) sensitization of ethanol withdrawal-induced anxiety-like behavior is brain site specific and mediated by CRF-1 receptors: relation …
Both CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and type 2 are involved in stress-induced inhibition of food intake in rats
Elevated stress sensitivity in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 deficient mice decreases maternal, but not intermale aggression
Effects of chronic footshock, restraint and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on freezing, ultrasonic vocalization and forced swim behavior in rats
Differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1α receptor endocytosis and trafficking by β‐arrestins and Rab GTPases
Human urocortin II, a selective agonist for the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor, decreases feeding and drinking in the rat
Selective blockade of neurokinin-2 receptors produces antidepressant-like effects associated with reduced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR function
… of locus ceruleus noradrenergic neurons mediated by brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR is enhanced by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR through the activation of a cAMP …
Chronic cocaine enhances CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -dependent potentiation of excitatory transmission in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons
Regulation of hypoxia-induced release of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat hypothalamus by norepinephrine
Time-dependent induction of anxiogenic-like effects after central infusion of urocortin or CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR within the central nucleus of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens shell mediates the negative affective state of nicotine …
Deletion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein selectively impairs maternal, but not intermale aggression
Footshock-induced urinary bladder hypersensitivity: role of spinal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Functional and protein chemical characterization of the N‐terminal domain of the rat CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and related peptides confer neuroprotection via type 1 CRF receptors
Effects of sodium valproate on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems in rat brain
Role of innate and drug-induced dysregulation of brain stress and arousal systems in addiction: Focus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and …
Immunohistochemical visualization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 (CRF1) receptors in monkey brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors in the basolateral amygdala mediate stress-induced anorexia.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the rat colon: expression, localization and upregulation by endotoxin
Human urocortin 2, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) 2 agonist, and ovine CRF, a CRF1 agonist, differentially alter feeding and motor activity
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 in lateral septum negatively regulates maternal defense.
In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance-Based Optimization of N3-Phenylpyrazinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) Receptor Antagonists
Activity of the 5-HT1A receptor is involved in the alteration of glucocorticoid receptor in hippocampus and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in hypothalamus in SPS rats
Distribution and chemical coding of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐immunoreactive neurons in the guinea pig enteric nervous system
Determinants of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR . Receptor selectivity of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR related peptides
A soluble form of the first extracellular domain of mouse type 2β CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor reveals differential ligand specificity
Expression, purification, and characterization of a soluble form of the first extracellular domain of the human type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor type 2 in the human stomach: Protective biological role by inhibition of apoptosis
Immunomodulatory role of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR induces anxiogenic locomotion in trout and alters serotonergic and dopaminergic activity
Acute and chronic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor blockade inhibits cocaine-induced dopamine release: correlation with dopamine neuron activity
… ‐histidin tag position influences disulfide structure but not binding behavior of in vitro folded N‐terminal domain of rat CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2a
Single exposure to social defeat increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression in rat hippocampus
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptor in nociceptive modulation in the central nucleus of amygdala in rats
The signal peptide of the rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 promotes receptor expression but is not essential for establishing a functional receptor
Recent advances in small molecule antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor-focus on pharmacology and pharmacokinetics
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 1 in the vole brain
A role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , but not corticosterone, in acute food-deprivation-induced reinstatement of heroin seeking in rats
Transcriptional response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in AtT-20 cells
Sauvagine cross-links to the second extracellular loop of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Evidence that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis contributes to the modulation of hypophysiotropic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR cell responses to systemic …
Functional antagonism between nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the rat brain: evidence for involvement of the bed nucleus …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRF1) and CRF2 agonists exert an anti‐inflammatory effect during the early phase of inflammation suppressing LPS‐induced TNF‐α …
Discovery of NBI-77860/GSK561679, a potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF1) receptor antagonist with improved pharmacokinetic properties
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR triggers neurite outgrowth of a catecholaminergic immortalized neuron via cAMP and MAP kinase signalling pathways
The CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR /urocortin system and alcohol
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2‐deficient mice display impaired coping behaviors during stress
… ghrelin is active on the INS-1E rat insulinoma cell line independently of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a and the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 2 …
Distinct conformations of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor adopted following agonist and antagonist binding are differentially regulated
… -yl-thiazol-5-yl)-8-(1-ethylpropyl)-2, 6-dimethyl-imidazo [1, 2-b] pyridazine: a novel brain-penetrant, orally available CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist …
Subtype-specific differences in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor complexes detected by fluorescence spectroscopy
Differential regulation of CREB and ERK phosphorylation through CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors type 1 and 2 in AtT-20 and A7r5 cells
Differential stress‐induced alterations of colonic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the Wistar Kyoto rat
Teneurin C-terminal associated peptides: an enigmatic family of neuropeptides with structural similarity to the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and calcitonin families of …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR as well as opioid and dopamine are involved in tail-pinch-induced food intake of rats
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 is involved in the stress‐induced exacerbation of chronic contact dermatitis in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1: molecular cloning and investigation of alternative splicing in the hamster skin
Long-term expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in response to an acute colonic inflammation
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists in affective disorders and drug dependence-an update
Altered maternal profiles in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 deficient mice
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) rapidly suppresses apoptosis by acting upstream of the activation of caspases
Modulation of social learning in rats by brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Progesterone attenuates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -enhanced but not fear-potentiated startle via the activity of its neuroactive metabolite, allopregnanolone
Ultrastructural evidence for a role of γ‐aminobutyric acid in mediating the effects of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR on the rat dorsal raphe serotonin system
Differential increase in forebrain and caudal neurosecretory system CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urotensin I gene expression associated with seawater transfer in …
Intermale aggression in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 deficient mice
Locomotor suppressive and anxiolytic-like effects of urocortin 3, a highly selective type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR agonist
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR regulates TLR4 expression in the colon and protects mice from colitis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein-A ligand trap?
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates the antinociceptive action of nitrous oxide in rats
Dissection of hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis pathology in 1‐month‐abstinent alcohol‐dependent men, part 2: response to ovine CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is preferentially colocalized with excitatory rather than inhibitory amino acids in axon terminals in the peri-locus coeruleus region
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and the urocortins differentially regulate catecholamine secretion in human and rat adrenals, in a CRF receptor type-specific …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR decreases IL‐18 in the monocyte‐derived dendritic cell
Possible involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor signaling on vascular inflammation
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , urocortin 1, and their receptors in the mouse spinal cord
The Three‐Dimensional Structure of the N‐Terminal Domain of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptors: Sushi Domains and the B1 Family of G Protein–Coupled …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 1 in stress-related functional colonic alterations: implications in irritable bowel syndrome.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates the dysphoria-like state associated with alcohol withdrawal in rats
Amygdala protein kinase C epsilon regulates CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and anxiety‐like behavior
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in two rat strains
Blocking CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -2 receptors, but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors or glucocorticoid feedback, disrupts the development of …
N-Phenylphenylglycines as Novel CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Antagonists
Hippocampal serotonergic system is involved in anxiety-like behavior induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Rapid changes in monoamine levels following administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR or corticosterone are localized in the dorsomedial hypothalamus
Urocortin II gene is highly expressed in mouse skin and skeletal muscle tissues: localization, basal expression in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRFR) 1-and …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonist, α-helical CRF 9–41, reverses nicotine-induced conditioned, but not unconditioned, anxiety
A new role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2: suppression of vascularization
Serotonin modifies CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced behaviors of chicks
Chronic stimulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 enhances the anxiogenic response of the cholecystokinin system
NMR structure of the first extracellular domain of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (ECD1-CRF-R1) complexed with a high affinity agonist
125I-Antisauvagine-30: a novel and specific high-affinity radioligand for the characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors
Cocaine withdrawal enhances long‐term potentiation induced by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR at central amygdala glutamatergic synapses via CRF1, NMDA …
Local γ‐aminobutyric acid and glutamate circuit control of hypophyseotrophic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neuron activity in the paraventricular nucleus of the …
Receptor occupancy of nonpeptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 antagonist DMP696: correlation with drug exposure and anxiolytic efficacy
Structural and functional conservation of vertebrate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR genes: evidence for a critical role for a conserved cyclic AMP response element
Alterations in colonic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the maternally separated rat model of irritable bowel syndrome: differential effects of acute …
Glucocorticoids regulate the expression of the mouse urocortin II gene: a putative connection between the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor pathways
Regulation of the coupling to different G proteins of rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus modulate social behavior in Syrian hamsters
Corticosterone differentially modulates expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin mRNA in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus …
Repeated restraint stress-induced increase in baroreceptor reflex sensitivity: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced behaviors are modulated by intravenous administration of teneurin C-terminal associated peptide-1 (TCAP-1)
Ontogeny of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and of hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal axis responsiveness to stress in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus; Teleostei)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces rectal hypersensitivity after repetitive painful rectal distention in healthy humans
A single amino acid serves as an affinity switch between the receptor and the binding protein of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : implications for the design of agonists …
Evidence that CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 couples to Gs‐and Gi‐proteins through different conformations of its J‐domain
Effect of pharmacological manipulations of neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurotransmission on incubation of conditioned fear
Alanine scanning mutagenesis of the second extracellular loop of type 1 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor revealed residues critical for peptide binding
The effects of chronic treatment with the mood stabilizers valproic acid and lithium on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal systems
Chronic anabolic androgenic steroid exposure alters CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression and anxiety-like behaviors in the female mouse
The involvement of altered CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 expression in prostate cancer due to alteration of anti‐angiogenic signaling pathways
The pseudo signal peptide of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2a decreases receptor expression and prevents Gi-mediated inhibition of adenylyl …
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and a novel CRF1 receptor agonist, stressin1‐A activate CRF1 receptor expressing cholinergic and nitrergic …
CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in personality disorder: relationship with self-reported parental care
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and CRF receptors in micturition pathways after cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of the domestic chicken and Japanese quail
Differences in response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR after short-and long-term consumption of a high-fat diet
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in urine—A possible biochemical marker of fibromyalgia: Responses to massage and guided relaxation
Urocortin shares the memory modulating effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): mediation by CRF1 receptors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor type 1-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity
Chronically elevated corticosterone in the amygdala increases CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in the dorsolateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis following duress
Type 1 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the ventromedial hypothalamus promote hypoglycemia-induced hormonal counterregulation
… teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 injections produce enduring changes in behavioral responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat models of …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR promotes growth of brain norepinephrine neuronal processes through Rho GTPase regulators of the actin cytoskeleton in rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family and its receptors: tumor therapeutic targets?
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR enhances attentional function as assessed by the five-choice serial reaction time task in rats
Interaction of neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling pathways in AR-5 amygdalar cells
Neonatal gastric suctioning results in chronic visceral and somatic hyperalgesia: role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression decreases ethanol drinking and increases sensitivity to the sedative effects of ethanol
Different binding modes of amphibian and human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 and type 2 receptors: evidence for evolutionary differences
A role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in repeated cold stress-induced anxiety-like behavior during forced swimming and elevated plus-maze tests in mice
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -hypocretin connection: implications in stress response and addiction
Allosteric ligands for the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor modulate conformational states involved in receptor activation
Synthesis and structure–activity relationships of N3-pyridylpyrazinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) receptor antagonists
Involvement of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type 2 receptor in CRF-induced thyrotropin release by the amphibian pituitary gland
Promoter analysis of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type 1 receptor and regulation by CRF and urocortin
Differential effects of stress and amphetamine administration on Fos‐like protein expression in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐neurons of the rat brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 messenger ribonucleic acid in rat pituitary: localization and regulation by immune challenge, restraint stress, and …
Evolution of Complementary Peptide Systems: Teneurin C‐terminal‐associated Peptides and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Superfamilies
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR test in melancholic patients in depressed state versus recovery: a comparative study
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 and central heart rate regulation in mice during expression of conditioned fear
Rational Design, Synthesis, and Structure− Activity Relationships of Aryltriazoles as Novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Receptor Antagonists
Achieving signalling selectivity of ligands for the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor by modifying the agonist’s signalling domain
Mice deficient in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 exhibit normal ethanol‐associated behaviors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat amygdala differentially influences sensory-discriminative and emotional-like pain response in peripheral neuropathy
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , neuroplasticity (sensitization), and alcoholism
Residues of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein (CRF-BP) that selectively abrogate binding to CRF but not to urocortin 1
Spatial distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunopositive climbing fibers in the mouse cerebellum: analysis by whole mount immunohistochemistry
Conformational states of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1 (CRF1) receptor: detection, and pharmacological evaluation by peptide ligands
Evidence for β 1-Adrenergic Receptor Involvement in Amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Gene Expression: Implications for Cocaine Withdrawal
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the dorsal raphe nucleus regulates activity of lateral septal neurons
Frequency-dependent expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the rat’s cerebellum
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) is involved in the acute anorexic effect of α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone: a study using CRF-deficient mice
Antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and 2 mRNA expression in the rat anterior pituitary is modulated by intermittent hypoxia, cold and restraint
Teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 attenuates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced c-Fos expression in the limbic system and modulates …
Mediation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor phosphorylation and desensitization by protein kinase C: a possible role in stress adaptation
NBI 30775 (R121919), an orally active antagonist of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type‐1 receptor for the treatment of anxiety and depression
… from the median raphe nucleus to the ventral hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of fear memory through the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor
Monoaminergic activity in subregions of raphé nuclei elicited by prior stress and the neuropeptide CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR increases in brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and heart rate through dorsomedial hypothalamus and medullary raphe pallidus
Interaction of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucagon-like peptide-1 on behaviors in chicks
Ultrastructural evidence for co-localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor and μ-opioid receptor in the rat nucleus locus coeruleus
Antidepressant-like effects of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist, SSR125543, and the vasopressin 1b receptor antagonist, SSR149415, in …
Intracellular calcium measurements of single human skin cells after stimulation with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin using confocal laser scanning …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : putative neurotransmitter actions of a neurohormone
Deciphering the interaction of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and serotonin brain systems in anxiety-related disorders
Reversal of startle gating deficits in transgenic mice overexpressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR by antipsychotic drugs
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system as a potential target for antiobesity drugs.
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐2 causes bronchorelaxation and inhibits pulmonary inflammation in mice
Pharmacological characterization of recombinant rat CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein using different sauvagine analogs
A novel CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor splice variant exhibits dominant negative activity: a putative link to stress‐induced heart disease
Transcriptional regulation of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene
Intrahypothalamic Neuroendocrine Actions of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Urocortin expression in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus is down-regulated in transgenic mice over-expressing neuronal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Synthesis and structure–activity relationship of imidazo [1, 2-a] benzimidazoles as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
… variable foraging demand in nonhuman primates: Effects of timing of stressor on cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and circulating glucocorticoid …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : effect on cerebral blood flow in physiologic and ischaemic conditions
Dopamine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR synergistically alter basolateral amygdala-to-medial prefrontal cortex synaptic transmission: functional switch after chronic …
Thyrotropin-RELEASING hormone increased heat production without the involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in neonatal chicks
The effects of CRA 1000, a non-peptide antagonist of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1, on adaptive behaviour in therat
Synthesis, Structure−Activity Relationships, and In Vivo Evaluation of N3-Phenylpyrazinones as Novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) Receptor …
Molecular genetic approaches to the neuropharmacology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Juxtamembrane region of the amino terminus of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 is important for ligand interaction
Cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and vasopressin concentrations predict pituitary response in the CRF stimulation test: a multiple …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression is down-regulated in the central nucleus of the amygdala of alcohol-preferring rats which exhibit high anxiety: a …
Peptide ligand binding properties of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type 2 receptor: pharmacology of endogenously expressed receptors, G-protein-coupling …
Close juxtapositions between luteinizing hormone-RELEASING hormone-immunoreactive neurons and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive axons in the human …
Gene expression profiles highlight adaptive brain mechanisms in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR overexpressing mice
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin differentially modulate rat Purkinje cell dendritic outgrowth and differentiation in vitro
Interrelations between monoaminergic afferents and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive neurons in the rat central amygdaloid nucleus: ultrastructural …
Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of biogenic amines and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in adolescent non-human primates as a function of the timing of adverse early …
Levels of maternal plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin during labor
Structure–Activity Studies on the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Antagonist Astressin, leading to a Minimal Sequence necessary for Antagonistic Activity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in stress and disease: a review of literature and treatment perspectives with special emphasis on psychiatric disorders
Urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 in human renal cell carcinoma: disruption of an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis and proliferation
Fluoxetine inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced behavioural responses in rats
New developments in the study of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Characterization of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)/diuretic hormone-like peptide from tunicates: insight into the origins of the vertebrate CRF family
Cardiac dynamics in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype-2 deficient mice
Action of three ectopeptidases on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : metabolism and functional aspects
Regional hemodynamic actions of selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor ligands in conscious rats
Isolation and Characterisation of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 (CRFR1) Gene in a Teleost Fish, Fugu rubripes
Acoustic stimulation in vivo and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in vitro increase tryptophan hydroxylase activity in the rat caudal dorsal raphe nucleus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR regulates the development in the direct developing frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui
Cellular interactions between axon terminals containing endogenous opioid peptides or CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the rat locus coeruleus and surrounding …
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR subtype 1 receptor in the acquisition phase of learned helplessness in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptor localization in skeletal muscle
Comparison of basal neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR levels between the high ethanol drinking C57BL/6J and low ethanol drinking DBA/2J inbred …
Amphetamine treatment increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus
Mice overexpressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR show brain atrophy and motor dysfunctions
Non‐invasive, quantitative assessment of the anatomical phenotype of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐overexpressing mice by MRI
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type-1 receptor gene expression by CRF in the hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) can directly affect brain microvessel endothelial cells
Comparative biotransformation of pyrazinone-containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonists: minimizing the reactive metabolite formation
Dissociation of arousal-like from anxiogenic-like actions of brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor ligands in rats
Electron microscopic localization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF receptor in rat and mouse central nucleus of the amygdala
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist CP-154,526 reverses stress-induced learning deficits in mice
Long-term losses of amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons are associated with behavioural outcomes following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
Chronic psychosocial stress affects CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the paraventricular nucleus and central extended amygdala as well as urocortin 1 in the non …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1β are involved in the electroacupuncture-induced analgesic effect on inflammatory pain elicited by carrageenan
Distinct distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in human breast cancer
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its types 1 and 2 receptors by leptin in rats subjected to treadmill running-induced stress
Antagonism of specific CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes selectively modifies weight loss in restrained rats
The roles of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in responses to emotional stress: is CRF release a cause or result of fear/anxiety?
Stress, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and serotonergic neurotransmission
… of the lasting effects of cocaine pre-exposure on anxiety-like behaviors under baseline conditions and in response to central injections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Central endothelin ETB receptors mediate IL-1-dependent fever induced by preformed pyrogenic FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Is Cytoprotective in Xenopus Tadpole Tail: Coordination of Ligand, Receptor, and Binding Protein in Tail Muscle Cell Survival
Centrally administered norepinephrine modifies the behavior induced by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in neonatal chicks
Effects of estradiol on regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene and interleukin-6 production via estrogen receptor type β in hypothalamic 4B cells
Substance P induces expression of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 by activation of the neurokinin-1 receptor
Synthesis and SAR of 2-aryloxy-4-alkoxy-pyridines as potent orally active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
Mu-opioid and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR receptors show largely postsynaptic co-expression, and separate presynaptic distributions, in the mouse central …
Preparation of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist by nucleophilic aromatic substitution and copper-mediated ether formation
Chronic fluoxetine differentially affects 5-hydroxytryptamine2A receptor signaling in frontal cortex, oxytocin-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in rat …
A role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the long-term expression of behavioral sensitization to cocaine
Dopamine receptor mechanisms mediate CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐induced long‐term potentiation in the rat amygdala following cocaine withdrawal
Prior, repeated exposure to cocaine potentiates locomotor responsivity to central injections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rats
Evidence for the presence of the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the rodent cerebellum
Chronic amphetamine treatment enhances CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced serotonin release in the amygdala
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family peptides and receptors in stress-related psychiatric disorders.
Small molecule CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is a downstream mediator of the beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-induced anorexigenic pathway in chicks
Membrane and synaptic effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on periaqueductal gray neurons of the rat
Urocortins and cholecystokinin-8 act synergistically to increase satiation in lean but not obese mice: involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2 pathway
Small molecule antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor: recent medicinal chemistry developments
Pro‐opiomelanocortin colocalizes with CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in axon terminals of the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus
Localization and characterization of a short isoform of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2α (CRF2α-tr) in the rat brain
Increased cerebrospinal fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentrations during tryptophan depletion in healthy adults
Longitudinal brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and somatostatin in a transgenic mouse (TG2576) model of Alzheimer’s disease
NPY Y1 receptors exert opposite effects on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and noradrenaline overflow from the rat hypothalamus in vitro
Potent, orally active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonists containing a tricyclic pyrrolopyridine or pyrazolopyridine core
Alleviation of the effects of endotoxin exposure on behavior and hippocampal IL-1β by a selective non-peptide antagonist of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , vasopressin and interleukin-6 gene transcription in hypothalamic …
Spontaneous withdrawal from the triazolobenzodiazepine alprazolam increases cortical CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type II (CRF₂) receptors in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulate conditioned defeat in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus …
Selective stimulatory actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ligands on correlates of energy balance
… in neonatal chicks exposed to low environmental temperature with or without intracerebroventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Localized increases in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in pulp after dental injury
Postnatal handling does not normalize hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA levels in animals prenatally exposed to ethanol
Gastric electrical stimulation modulates hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR –producing neurons during post-operative ileus in rat
Impact of N-terminal domains for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor− ligand interactions
Shunt related changes in somatostatin, neuropeptide Y, and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR concentrations in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus
Central α-adrenergic receptors and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mediate hemodynamic responses to acute cold stress
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 1 in morphine withdrawal regulation of the brain noradrenergic system
The roles of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related peptides and their receptors in the cardiovascular system
Dihydropyridopyrazinones and Dihydropteridinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Receptor Antagonists: Structure− Activity Relationships and Computational …
Prediction of relapse in melancholic depressive patients in a 2-year follow-up study with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR test
The measurement of maternal plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein improves the early prediction of preeclampsia
Cell-type specific calcium signaling by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 (CRF1) and 2a (CRF2 (a)) receptors: phospholipase C-mediated responses in human …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor types 1 and 2 are differentially expressed in pre‐and post‐synaptic elements in the post‐natal developing rat cerebellum
Urocortin 1, urocortin 3/stresscopin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in human adrenal and its disorders
Swim stress enhances nociceptin/orphanin FQ-induced inhibition of rat dorsal raphe nucleus activity in vivo and in vitro: role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Effect of blockade of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the median raphe nucleus on stress-induced c-fos mRNA in the rat brain
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2β mRNA via cyclic AMP pathway in A7r5 aortic smooth muscle cells
Possible inhibitory roles of endogenous 2-arachidonoylglycerol during CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced activation of central sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow …
Nicotine suppresses energy storage through activation of sympathetic outflow to brown adipose tissue via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Participation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors in the acute, chronic and withdrawal actions of nicotine associated with feeding behavior in rats
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type‐1 receptor mRNA is not induced in mouse hypothalamus by either stress or osmotic stimulation
Fractal dynamics in circadian cardiac time series of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype-2 deficient mice
Increase of core temperature induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin: a comparative study
The neuropeptide CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR regulates excitatory transmission and plasticity at the climbing fibre‐Purkinje cell synapse
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -overexpressing mice exhibit reduced neuronal activation in the arcuate nucleus and food intake in response to fasting
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the rat brain measured by protein immunoblot
Role and action in the pituitary corticotroph of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the hypothalamus
Molecular cloning of bullfrog CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): effect of homologous CRF on the release of TSH from pituitary cells in vitro
… of Neuropeptide YY5 Receptor Activates Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Conscious Rats via both CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR – and Arginine Vasopressin …
Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein gene in recurrent major depressive disorder
Inhibition of serotonin outflow by nociceptin/orphaninFQ in dorsal raphe nucleus slices from normal and stressed rats: Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Paracrine regulation of endometrial function: interaction between progesterone and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and activin A
A CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system expressed in the cochlea modulates hearing sensitivity and protects against noise-induced hearing loss
Brain Region–Specific regulation of urocortin 1 innervation and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 binding by ethanol exposure
Central oxytocin, vasopressin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor densities in the basal forebrain predict isolation potentiated startle in rats
Thyroid hormones inhibit frog CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced thyrotropin release from the bullfrog pituitary in vitro
Cocaine withdrawal enhances long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus via changing the activity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 2
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) expression in postnatal and adult rat sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN)
Mice that lack CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors type 1 show a blunted ACTH response to acute alcohol despite up‐regulated constitutive hypothalamic …
Modulation of T-type Ca2+ channels by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR through protein kinase C pathway in MN9D dopaminergic cells
Distribution and origin of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐immunoreactive axons in the female rat lumbosacral spinal cord
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), urocortin and CRF type 1 receptors in hypothalamic‐hypophyseal systems under osmotic stimulation
Valproic acid inhibits CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR synthesis and release from the rat hypothalamus in vitro: evidence for the involvement of GABAergic …
Neonatal thyroxine treatment: changes in the number of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR (CRF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) containing neurons and density of tyrosine …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) or CRF binding-protein ligand inhibitor administration suppresses food intake in mice and elevates body temperature in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) modulates fear-induced alterations in sleep in mice
Effects of a typical and an atypical antipsychotic on the disruption of prepulse inhibition caused by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and by rat strain.
G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 involvement in desensitization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor type 1 by CRF in murine corticotrophs
Distinct structural and functional roles of conserved residues in the first extracellular domain of receptors for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and related G-protein …
Photoaffinity cross-linking of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 with photoreactive urocortin analogues
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulates maternal separation-induced ultrasonic vocalization in rat pups via activation of CRF1 receptor
The expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central nucleus of the amygdala, induced by colorectal distension, is attenuated by general anesthesia
Increased colocalization of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin in paraventricular neurones of the hypothalamus in lactating rats: Evidence from …
Stress‐mediated heart rate dynamics after deletion of the gene encoding CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2
Effect of central CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on hepatic circulation in rats: the role of the CRF2 receptor in the brain
Fecal pellet output does not always correlate with colonic transit in response to restraint stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonist, CP-154,526, blocks the expression of ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization in DBA/2J mice
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptor inhibits Purkinje neuron P-type calcium currents via Goα-dependent PKC epsilon pathway
Maternal separation affects male rat copulatory behaviour and hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in concert
Prenatal ethanol exposure alters sensitivity to the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on behavior in the elevated plus-maze
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the median raphe nucleus is involved in the retrieval of fear memory in rats
Efficient cationic lipid-mediated delivery of antisense oligonucleotides into eukaryotic cells: down-regulation of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor
Effect of serotonin depletion on the neuronal, endocrine and behavioural responses to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Presynaptic localization of a truncated isoform of the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the cerebellum
Chronic low dose ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR or urocortin II into the rostral dorsal raphe alters exploratory behavior and serotonergic gene expression in …
Brainstem reticulospinal neurons are targets for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Induced locomotion in roughskin newts
Antisocial and seizure susceptibility phenotypes in an animal model of epilepsy are normalized by impairment of brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Ovarian steroid regulation of the midbrain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin systems in macaques
Involvement of regulatory elements on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene promoter in nypothalamic 4B cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus are involved in arousal/yawning response of rats
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Type 2β in Urocortin-Induced Vasodilation of Rat Aortas
New class of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonists: small peptides having high binding affinity for CRF receptor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein expression in and release from the head kidney of common carp: evolutionary conservation of …
Optimization of 3-phenylpyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidines as potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 antagonists with adequate lipophilicity and water solubility
Imidazo [4, 5-b] pyridines as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor ligands
Decreased CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Expression and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Responsiveness in Anterior Pituitary Cells of Wistar‐Kyoto Rats
mRNA expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 1 after restraint and foot shock together with alprazolam administration
Influence of urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on venous tone in conscious rats
… [1,5-a]pyrimidine (NBI 30775/R121919) and Structure−Activity Relationships of a Series of Potent and Orally Active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor …
Nicotine self-administration differentially regulates hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine vasopressin mRNAs and facilitates stress-induced …
Expression patterns of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin, histidine decarboxylase, melanin‐concentrating hormone, and orexin genes in the human …
Pioglitazone reduces the adrenal androgen response to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR without changes in ACTH release in hyperinsulinemic women with polycystic …
… of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Binding Protein‐Immunoreactivity in the Rat Hypothalamus: Association With CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐, Urocortin 1‐and …
Possible involvement of ryanodine receptor-mediated intracellular calcium release in the effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on adrenoCORTICOTROPIN secretion
Residue 17 of sauvagine cross-links to the first transmembrane domain of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRFR1)
Central hyperventilatory action of the stress-related neurohormonal peptides, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urotensin-I in the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
… -containing cells and celiac sympathetic ganglia are differentially controlled by centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and arginine–vasopressin in rats
Pharmacological studies on the monoaminergic influence on the synthesis and expression of neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rat brain amygdala
Synthesis of benzoylpyrimidines as antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor
Fractal rigidity by enhanced sympatho-vagal antagonism in heartbeat interval dynamics elicited by central application of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mice
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and adrenocorticotropic hormone in the ovarian maturation, seawater acclimation, and induced spawning of Liza ramada
Involvement of cAMP‐Response Element Binding Protein in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)‐Induced Down‐Regulation of CRF Receptor 1 Gene Expression in …
Genetic analysis of the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
Changes in the distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like immunoreactivity in the larval bullfrog brain and the involvement of CRF in the cessation of food …
Cardiovascular actions of the stress-related neurohormonal peptides, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urotensin-I in the trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Sauvagine analogs selective for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptor: effect of substitutions at positions 35 and 39 on CRF2R selectivity
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptor agonists reduce the denervation-induced loss of rat skeletal muscle mass and force and increase non-atrophying skeletal …
Intraperitoneal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin induce Fos expression in brain and spinal autonomic nuclei and long lasting stimulation of colonic motility in …
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 inhibits the growth of human small cell lung carcinoma cells
… of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in anterior cingulate cortex of amphetamine-withdrawn rats: evidence for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in sustained elevation
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces thermogenesis by changes in mitochondrial bioenergetics in neonatal chicks
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes mediating nutritional suppression of estrous behavior in Syrian hamsters
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on plasticity of optically recorded neuronal activity in the substantia gelatinosa of rat spinal cord slices
Both CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and apomorphine reduce prepulse inhibition following repeated central infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
2-Arylaminothiazoles as high-affinity CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor (CRF1R) antagonists: synthesis, binding studies and behavioral efficacy
Increased expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor mRNA in the locus coeruleus of stress-induced rat model of depression
… white seabream Diplodus sargus: immunocytochemical identification of arginine-vasotocin, isotocin, melanin-concentrating hormone and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in human monocytes
Subcellular plasticity of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor in dendrites of the mouse bed nucleus of the stria terminalis following chronic opiate exposure
Cardiovascular effects of long-term central and peripheral administration of urocortin, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN in sheep
3D-QSAR study of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 antagonists and pharmacophore-based drug design
A case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type II accompanied by thyroid medullary carcinoma and pheochromocytomas expressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and …
Modulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) signaling through receptor splicing in mouse pituitary cell line AtT-20–emerging role of soluble isoforms
Neonatal REM sleep is regulated by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Involvement of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis in antidepressant activity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR subtype 1 receptor antagonists in the rat learned …
Regulation of somatodendritic dopamine release by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR via the inhibition of voltage-operated Ca2+ channels
Design and Synthesis of Tricyclic Imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-ones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Antagonists
Analgesic actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on somatic pain sensitivity: involvement of glucocorticoid and CRF-2 receptors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors induce calcium mobilization through cross-talk with Gq-coupled receptors
Central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces tissue specific oxidative damage in chicks
Interactions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , urocortin and citalopram in a primate model of stress-induced amenorrhea
HIV-1 Gp120 protein modulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR synthesis and release via the stimulation of its mRNA from the rat hypothalamus in vitro: involvement of …
Evidence for an axonal localization of the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor during postnatal development of the mouse cerebellum
Effect of neuropeptide B on feeding behavior is influenced by endogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activities
Nociceptin/orphanin FQ‐induced delay in gastric emptying: role of central CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoid receptors
The differential expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and its binding protein in the gerbil hippocampal complex following seizure
Anxiogenic-like effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 antisense oligonucleotides infused into rat brain
Five amino acids of the Xenopus laevis CRF (CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ) type 2 receptor mediate differential binding of CRF ligands in comparison with its human …
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on footshock-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced increases in cortical and hypothalamic norepinephrine secretion in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists: Potential novel therapies for human disease
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐2 activation prevents gentamicin‐induced oxidative stress in cells derived from the inner ear
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR decreases meal size by decreasing cluster number in Koletsky (LA/N) rats with and without a null mutation of the leptin receptor
Discovery of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptor selective sauvagine analogues for treatment of skeletal muscle atrophy
Exploring the binding site crevice of a family BG protein-coupled receptor, the type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor
Circulating human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein levels following cortisol infusions
Co-localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vesicular glutamate transporters within axon terminals of the rat dorsal raphe nucleus
Synthesis, structure–activity relationships, and anxiolytic activity of 7-aryl-6, 7-dihydroimidazoimidazole CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
Central CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and adrenergic receptors mediate hemodynamic responses to cocaine
Behavioral consequences of altered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activation in brain: a functionalist view of affective neuroscience
Altered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor immunoreactivity in the gerbil hippocampal complex following spontaneous seizure
The effect of restraint stress on prepulse inhibition and on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF receptor gene expression in Wistar–Kyoto and Brown Norway …
Region specific gene expression profile in mouse brain after chronic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 activation: the novel role for diazepam binding inhibitor in …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , urocortin and endothelin-1 stimulate activin A release from cultured human placental cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA and substance P receptor binding in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, central nucleus of the amygdala, and locus …
Pyrazolo-[1, 5-a]-1, 3, 5-triazine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor ligands
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), but not corticosterone, increases basolateral amygdala CRF-binding protein
Selective activation of the sympathetic ganglia by centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Characterization of the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response in Brown Norway and Wistar-Kyoto rats
Acute effects of acephate and methamidophos and interleukin-1 on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) synthesis in and release from the hypothalamus in vitro
Differential regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRF1 receptor) mRNA via protein kinase A and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in …
Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), CRF-binding protein, adrenoCORTICOTROPIN , and cortisol concentrations in intraamniotic …
Extinction of cocaine self-administration produces alterations in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Cloning and distribution of the bullfrog type 1 and type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR enhances survival of cultured GABAergic cerebellar neurons after exposure to a neurotoxin
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced coordinate downregulation of arginine vasopressin receptor V3 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 messenger …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptors in the brain of rats with insulin and corticosterone deficits
… and Structure− Activity Relationships of 8-(Pyrid-3-yl) pyrazolo [1, 5-a]-1, 3, 5-triazines: Potent, Orally Bioavailable CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor-1 (CRF1) …
Development of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -mediated effect on the firing rate of Purkinje cells in the postnatal mouse cerebellum
… -[1, 2, 4] triazoles: novel synthesis via cyclization of N-Acyl-S-methylisothioureas with alkylhydrazines and their potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) receptor …
The dynamic developmental localization of the full‐length CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in rat cerebellum
Implications of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in targeted anticancer therapy
Maternal profiling of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 deficient mice in association with restraint stress
… )-2, 5-dimethylpyridin-3-ylamino]-5-oxo-4, 5-dihydropyrazine-2-carbonitrile as a potent, orally bioavailable CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonist
Stimulation of the inferior olivary complex alters the distribution of the type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the adult rat cerebellar cortex
Cytokines induce NF-ĸB, Nurr1 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene transcription in hypothalamic 4B cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR inhibition of sheep fetal colonic contractility: mechanisms to prevent meconium passage in utero
Effects of exogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on antropyloroduodenal motility and appetite in humans
An oxidation resistant radioligand for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
… 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin that produces reduced food and water intake induces long-lasting expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin, and …
Endogenous CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR regulates adrenergic and opioid receptors
Chronic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor antagonism with antalarmin regulates the dopaminergic system of Fawn‐Hooded rats
Cellular localization of the full‐length isoform of the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the postnatal mouse cerebellar cortex
Regulation of pituitary CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type‐1 receptor mRNA binding proteins by modulation of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis
OlFACTOR y neophobia and seizure susceptibility phenotypes in an animal model of epilepsy are normalized by impairment of brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Regulation and role of p21-activated kinase 3 by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mouse pituitary
Actions of endothelin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the guinea-pig ileum: no evidence for an interaction with capsaicin-sensitive neurons
Altered responsivity to central administrations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats with a history of opiate exposures.
Cyclopenta[d]pyrimidines and Dihydropyrrolo[2,3‐d]pyrimidines as Potent and Selective CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR 1 Receptor Antagonists
Postnatal expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rat urinary bladder
Synthesis of 3-phenylpyrazolo [4, 3-b] pyridines via a convenient synthesis of 4-amino-3-arylpyrazoles and SAR of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type-1 …
Topological relationship between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive cerebellar afferents and tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive Purkinje cells in a …
Fractal dynamics of heart beat interval fluctuations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 2 deficient mice
Inflammatory response to cold injury in remote organs is reduced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of repeated stress on expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type I and II receptors
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -immunoreactive nervous tissue and colocalization with neuropeptide Y-like substance in the optic lobe and peduncle …
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , but not its binding protein, in CA1 pyramidal cells of gerbil hippocampus following transient ischemia
Effects of the vasopressin (V1b) receptor antagonist, SSR149415, and the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist, SSR125543, on FG 7142-induced …
The effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the cortical EEG are reduced following adolescent nicotine exposure
Molecular cloning and initial characterization of African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRF1) from COS-7 cells
Reduction in vesicant-induced cellular inflammation and hyperalgesia by local injection of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rabbit eyelid
Fluoxetine potentiates the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on locomotor activity and serotonergic systems in the roughskin newt, Taricha granulosa
Quetiapine regulates the stress-induced increase in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression in the rat hypothalamus
Maternal plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP) levels in post-term pregnancy: effect of prostaglandin administration
Homeostasis within the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR system via CRF2 receptor activation: a novel approach for the treatment of anxiety
Modulation of Ca2+ influx by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of peptides via CRF receptors in rat pancreatic β-cells
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Modulates Cardiovascular and Pupillary Autonomic Reflexes in Man: Is there a Link to Inflammation‐Induced Autonomic Nervous …
… solid phase synthesis strategy—including on‐resin lactamization—of astressin, its retro‐, inverso‐, and retro–inverso isomers as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR …
Effect of non-peptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 antagonist on adrenocorticotropic hormone release and interleukin-1 receptors followed by stress
Interplay of the Endocannabinoid System with Neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the Goldfish Forebrain
Decreased proopiomelanocortin mRNA in lymphocytes of chronic alcoholics after intravenous human CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR injection
Localization of the type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRF-R1) in the embryonic mouse cerebellum
Putative neuroprotective role of centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in low-temperature-exposed neonatal chicks
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) 1 receptor antagonists CP154, 526 and DMP695 inhibit light-induced phase advances of hamster circadian activity rhythms
8-(4-Methoxyphenyl)pyrazolo[1,5-a]-1,3,5-triazines: Selective and Centrally Active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor-1 (CRF1) Antagonists
NOTE Expression of prolactin receptors and regulation of cell proliferation by prolactin, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and corticosterone in a neuroblastoma cell line
Role of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced elevation of plasma corticosterone in rats
Dihydropyrrole[2,3-d]pyridine Derivatives as Novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Antagonists: Mapping of the Receptor Binding Pocket by in Silico Docking …
An orally active CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist from 8-aryl-1, 3a, 7, 8-tetraaza-cyclopenta [a] indenes
Over-expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA in inferior olivary neurons of rolling mouse Nagoya
Binding differences of human and amphibian CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 (CRF1) receptors: identification of amino acids mediating high-affinity astressin …
Design, synthesis and evaluation of constrained tetrahydroimidazopyrimidine derivatives as antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor (CRF1R)
Topochemical model for prediction of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonizing activity of N-phenylphenylglycines
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and urocortin promote the survival of cultured cerebellar GABAergic neurons through the type 1 CRF receptor
Alpha‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone attenuates behavioral effects of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in isolated guinea pig pups
Effects of infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist into the locus cocruleus on freezing behavior and brain catecholamines in rats
Effects of urocortin, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor agonist, and astressin, CRF receptor antagonist, on the sleep–wake pattern: analysis by …
Identification of brain target neurons using a fluorescent conjugate of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1, but not type 2, in the ventromedial hypothalamus modulates dopamine release in female rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 1 and somatostatin modulating hypoxia-caused downregulated mRNA of pituitary growth hormone and upregulated …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Immunoreactivity Increases in the Cerebellar Climbing Fibers in the Novel Ataxic Mutant Mouse, Pogo
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2β messenger ribonucleic acid by interleukin-1β in rat vascular smooth muscle cells
Localization and functional roles of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in the cerebellum
Effects of electroacupuncture on the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family and CRF receptor 1 in traumatic injury rats
Doxapram increases CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity and mRNA expression in the rat central nucleus of the amygdala
Human mast cells express CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone (CRH) receptors and CRH leads to selective secretion of vascular endothelial growth FACTOR
Intracerebroventricular administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist attenuates arousal response accompanied by yawning behavior in rats
Stimulation of rat pancreatic exocrine secretion by urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Impaired uterine artery blood flow at mid gestation and low levels of maternal plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Corticorelin acetate, a synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR with preclinical antitumor activity, alone and with bevacizumab, against human brain tumor models
Time-and dose-dependent effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on cerebral glucose metabolism in rats
Quantitative Analysis of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and Arginine Vasopressin mRNA in the Hypothalamus During Chronic Morphine Treatment in Rats: An In Situ …
High-priority communication I Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR attenuates the enhanced responsiveness to stress observed during protracted ethanol …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF‐Related Peptides–a Linkage Between Stress and Anxiety
Acute stress ameliorates colitis via central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and serotonin (5-HT)-3 receptors
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the pathophysiology of depression: Implications for antidepressant mechanisms of action
The effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on prepulse inhibition is independent of serotonin in Brown Norway and Wistar-Kyoto rats
Brain nuclear FACTOR kappa B is involved in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced central activation of sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats
General anesthetics inhibit the nitrous-oxide-induced activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR containing neurons in rats
Human placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the adaptive response to pregnancy
Effects of the traditional Japanese medicine Unkei-to on the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR –induced increase in locomotor activity
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2β mRNA by mitogen-activated protein kinases in aortic smooth muscle cells
On‐column refolding of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 extracellular domain by size exclusion chromatography
An inhibitory effect of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced increase in locomotor activity
Discovery of 6-chloro-2-trifluoromethyl-7-aryl-7H-imidazo [1, 2-a] imidazol-3-ylmethylamines, a novel class of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRF1R) …
Water deprivation increases Fos expression in hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons induced by right atrial distension in awake rats
Interaction between the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and prepulse parameters on prepulse inhibition in two inbred rat strains and the F1 generation of a …
Vasodilation of retinal arteriole mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor is impaired in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Circuitry in the Brain-Relevance for Affective Disorders and Anxiety
Focal cerebral ischaemia induces CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) vascular immunoreactivity in rat occluded hemisphere
372 Silencing of Gene Expression for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the Colon Attenuates Stress-Induced Acceleration of Colonic Transit in Rats
Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein gene in bipolar disorder
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist attenuates stress-induced inhibition of seasonal ovarian recrudescence in the lizard Mabuya carinata
… of Naloxone‐Induced Luteinising Hormone Secretion Is Accompanied by Increases in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Immunoreactivity in Hypothalamic …
Regulation of nuclear FACTOR -κB by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone in mouse thymocytes
Interactions between neuropeptide S and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the control of palatable food intake in rats.
… , Structure−Activity Relationships, and in Vivo Properties of 3,4-Dihydro-1H-pyrido[2,3-b]pyrazin-2-ones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Receptor Antagonists
Development of a selective photoactivatable antagonist for CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor, type 2 (CRF2)
Degradation pathways of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist in solution and solid states
Mechanisms of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced analgesic effect in conscious rats
Social isolation modulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor, urocortin 1 and urocortin 2 mRNAs expression in the cardiovascular system of prairie voles
The alteration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor immunoreactivity in the gerbil hippocampus and neocortex following ischemic insults
… -deficient juvenile visceral steatosis (JVS) mice: involvement of defective acyl-ghrelin secretion and enhanced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the …
… in the water-maze: differential expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone, CRH-R1, glucocorticoid receptors and brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR in limbic regions
Effects of infusion of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist into the locus coeruleus on freezing behavior and brain catecholamines in rats.
Regional difference in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR immunoreactivity in mossy fiber terminals innervating calretinin-immunoreactive unipolar brush cells in …
Synthesis and biological activity of N-terminal lipidated and/or fluorescently labeled conjugates of astressin as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR antagonists
Corticorelin, a synthetic human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR analog, for the treatment of peritumoral brain edema.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , Serotonin, and Sex: Keys to the Castle of Depressive Illness
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING hormone‐receptor 2 is required for acute stress‐induced bladder vascular permeability and release of vascular endothelial growth FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone induces vascular endothelial growth FACTOR release from human mast cells via the cAMP/protein kinase A/p38 mitogen-activated …
Reduction in touch sensitivity and hyperinnervation in vesicant-injured rabbit eyelid by direct injection of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Effects of Moutan Cortex on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , c-Fos and Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Forced Swimming Test
The phenotypic differentiation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons mediated by BDNF is enhanced by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR through the activation …
Effects of Gardeniae Fructus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , c-fos and Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Forced Swimming Test
Morphology, size and distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) immunoreactive neurons in the central nucleus of the rat amygdaloid complex
Epileptogenic activity of tripeptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR fragment (CRF (4-6))
… [4, 3-b] pyridines via a methylation of 4-phthalimino-3-phenylpyrazoles and optimization toward highly potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 antagonists
The effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on anoxia-induced changes in evoked potentials in living slices of rat olFACTOR y cortex
Competitive antagonists of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) scanned with a i-(i+ 3) Glu Lys Bridge
… 4‐(1H‐pyrazol‐1‐yl)‐5,6‐dihydro‐1H‐pyrrolo[2,3‐d]pyrimidine Derivatives as Potent and Selective CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor‐1 Antagonists
500 Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)/CRF2 Receptors in Pathogenesis of Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Intestinal Lesions in Rats
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 2β in Differentiation of Dopaminergic MN9D Cells.
Acute stress and intravesical CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone induces mast cell dependent vascular endothelial growth FACTOR release from mouse bladder explants
Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor analysis with white blood cells mRNAs and DNA
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) peptide family and their receptors: Divergent actions influencing human physiology
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors and agonistic behavior in Syrian hamsters
Peripheral plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR concentration does not correlate with augmented colonic motility in response to restraint stress in rats.
Neurophysiological effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in living slices of the olFACTOR y area of the rat cortex
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide of hypothalamus in hypermetabolism in rats with severe burn
Influence of Chinese herbal extract complex on expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and protein kinasec protein in hippocampus of middle cerebral artery …
The excitatory actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons
Changes of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) of rats in response to footshock or reexposure to conditions previously paired with …
Effects of total flavone of Abelmoschus Manihot L. Medic on the expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rats with post stroke depression [J]
CRH haplotype as a FACTOR influencing cerebrospinal fluid levels of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, temperament, and …
Endogenous pain modulation: Magnitude and direction of effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on inflammatory pain in rats depend on sex and pain measure
Identification and characterization of a novel family of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-like peptides, the teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP).
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist attenuates LPS-induced increase of GTP cyclohydrolase I expression at murine locus coeruleus
… sensitization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone, arginine vasopressin and c-fos immunoreactivity within the mouse brain in response to tumor necrosis FACTOR -α
Intracerebroventricular injection of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR does not alter monoamine content of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in neonatal …
Isoflurane suppresses the nitrous oxide-induced activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in rat paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus
… , Corticoliberin, Corticotrophin-RELEASING Hormone, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , Human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING Hormone, Ovine Corticotrophin-RELEASING FACTOR …
36. Overview of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors and Binding Protein
Immunomodulatory Role of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptor in gastrointestinal disease
Characterization and regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the central nervous, endocrine and
Emerging Anxiolytics: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Antagonists
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in anxiety disorders
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone inhibits nuclear FACTOR -κB pathway in human HaCaT keratinocytes
The roles of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in amphibians
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and hypoxic-ischemic brain damage
Supporting Information Dihydropyridopyrazinones and Dihydropteridinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Receptor Antagonists: Structure Activity …
The Impact of Stress on Tumor Growth; the Significance of Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Sex differences in the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor and its regulation by stress
Interleukin-1 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors in the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone attenuates vascular endothelial growth FACTOR release from human HaCaT keratinocytes
The teleost CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system: distribution, regulation, and developmental role
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in preclinical models of depression.
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in functional and inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders
Modulation of dendritic differentiation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the developing hippocampus
Effects of exogenous CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on antropyloroduodenal motility and appetite in humans.
Pharmacology and Biology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptors
Structure-Activity Studies on the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Antagonist Astressin, Minimal Sequence Necessary for Antagonistic Activity: Implications for a New …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in stress-related visceral hyperalgesia
(649): Functional knockout of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) R1 receptors affects mechanical nociception but not mechanical sensitivity or thermal and acute …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and acute post-operative gut function in truamatic abdominal injury and elective abdominal surgery
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates the suppressing but not the facilitating effects of footshock on progressive-ratio cocaine self-administration.
The functional role of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system in the amygdala: Molecular, behavioral, and anatomical studies
Neuromodulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on anxiety, social dominance, stress coping and learning strategies
The pharmacology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF). Effects on sensorimotor gating in the rat
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF-Related Peptides–a Linkage Between Stress and Anxiety
Social isolation alters anxiety-like behavior and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR interactions with serotonin
Effect of curcumin on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression in brain regions of chronic stress-exposed rats
Association of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐2 variants with response to inhaled glucocorticoids in asthma
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Mediates the Antinociceptive Effect of Nitrous Oxide in Rats
Roles of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related peptides in the development of Purkinje cells and their extracerebellar afferents
Ultrastructural localisation and functional implications of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , Urocortin and their receptors in cerebellar neuronal development
Functional and anatomical basis for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mediated analgesia: Convergence of parallel pathways on the periaqueductal gray
Intestinal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is decreased in shocked trauma patients and may affect gut function
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors: oligomerization and lateral mobility studied by fluorescence spectroscopy
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone activates connexin 43 via activator protein-1 transcription FACTOR in human myometrial smooth muscle cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression in the central amygdala: Gene expression, HPA axis function, and behavior
Role of leptin in modulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the brain of Xenopus laevis
Mechanisms of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Gene Regulation in the Frog Xenopus laevis.
The Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Restraint Stress on Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Response in Rats
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on anoxia-induced changes in evoked potentials in cultured tissue of the rat olFACTOR y cortex
Antagonism of Specific CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Subtypes Selectively Modifies Weight Loss in Restrained Rats
The neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induced enhancement of locomotion in roughskin newts
Participation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors in the acute, chronic and withdrawal actions of nicotine associated with feeding behavior in rats
Retroviral gene transfer of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) into adult and neonatal rat brain: Functional and neurobiological evidence of action
Regulation of the dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin system by the stress related peptide CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The regulation of amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein (CRF-BP) in stress and psychopathology
An artificial peptide with CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐2 (CRF‐R2) selective properties: the role of primary structure in the induction of signal transduction …
Detrimental role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the decrease of CA1 field potential induced by in vitro ischemia in rat hippocampal slices
The role of estrogen in basal and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced colonic motility: Implications for irritable bowel syndrome
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor selective ligand Urocortin 3 suppresses angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo
Corticorelin acetate, a synthetic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , demonstrates antiangiogenic and antitumor activity alone and enhances bevacizumab activity in human …
The expression of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system of neuropeptides and receptors in mouse microglia cells
… element silencing transcription FACTOR /neuron-restrictive silencing FACTOR (REST/NRSF) can act as an enhancer as well as a repressor of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING …
Endothelin‐converting enzyme‐1 (ECE‐1)‐dependent trafficking of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRF‐R1).
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Regulates Somatodendritic Dopamine Release By Inhibiting Voltage-dependent Ca2+ Channels
Intra-Accumbens CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Increases the Conditioned Incentive Salience of Sucrose Reward
Increased density and stabilization of climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synapses in mice overexpressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and Urocortin modulate Purkinje cell dendritic outgrowth and differentiation in vitro
Analgesic effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on somatic pain sensitivity: participation of glucocorticoid and CRF-2 receptors
The effects of intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on the behaviour and cerebral glucose metabolism of non-human primates
Enduring Effects Of Traumatic Stress On Brain Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Systems: Molecular and Neuropharmacologic Studies
… exposure to corticosterone: behavioral changes and differential effects on leukemia inhibitory FACTOR (LIF) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone (CRH) gene expression …
The Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor-1 in Brain Suppress Stress-Induced Propofol Self-administration in Rats
An investigation of two animal models of anxiety: central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on the behaviour and neurochemistry of rats, and the …
Behavioral/Systems/Cognitive CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors CRF 1 and CRF 2 Exert Both Additive and Opposing Influences on Defensive Startle …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA levels are modified by stress and glucocorticoids in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), Urocortin and CRF Type 1 Receptors in Hypothalamic-Hypophyseal Systems Under Osmotic Stimulation
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of orexin-A and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR suggest their involvement in the negative motivational state that driver” drug dependence” in …
Functional neuroanatomy of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in the rat basolateral amygdala (BLA)
Centrally administered orexin-A activates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and central amygdaloid …
Coordinate regulation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 and arginine vasopressin receptor V3 messenger ribonucleic acids in the anterior pituitary of …
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone and stresscopin on vascular endothelial growth FACTOR mRNA expression in cultured early human extravillous trophoblasts
Synergistic signaling by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone and leukemia inhibitory FACTOR bridged by phosphorylated 3′, 5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate …
Association between serum tumor necrosis FACTOR ‐α and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING hormone levels in women with preterm labor
PI‐5: Intravesical CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING hormone (CRH) induces mast cell‐dependent vascular endothelial growth FACTOR (VEGF) release from mouse bladder …
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family: physiology of the stress response
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : a key role in the neurobiology of addiction
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in gastrointestinal permeability
Structure of class B GPCR CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1
Sex differences in stress responses: a critical role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Region-specific roles of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR –urocortin system in stress
Evidence for the role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in major depressive disorder
Molecular basis for hormone recognition and activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
A CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR network in the extended amygdala for anxiety
Sex-specific cell signaling: the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor model
The bladder–brain connection: putative role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Update on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR pharmacotherapy for psychiatric disorders: a revisionist view.
Allostasis and addiction: role of the dopamine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems
Local CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
… stress to female rats alters CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 expression in ova and behavior and brain CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 expression in offspring
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) circuit modulation of cognition and motivation
Sex differences in circuits activated by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonism is ineffective for women with posttraumatic stress disorder
Increased vulnerability of the brain norepinephrine system of females to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related peptides, serotonergic systems, and emotional behavior
Prefrontal cortex CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons control behavioral style selection under challenging situations
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR acting on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 is critical for binge alcohol drinking in mice
Sex-biased stress signaling: the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor as a model
Striatal cholinergic interneurons are a novel target of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Chronic stress induces sex-specific alterations in methylation and expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene in the rat
Is it really a matter of simple dualism? CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in body and mental health
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists for major depressive disorder
Sex differences in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR peptide regulation of inhibitory control and excitability in central amygdala CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 …
Site-specific genetic manipulation of amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR reveals its imperative role in mediating behavioral response to challenge
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression gives rise to sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease-related signaling
Preclinical evidence implicating CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR signaling in ethanol consumption and neuroadaptation
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in stress-related alterations of colonic motility and hyperalgesia
The organization and possible function of amygdaloid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR pathways
Impaired emotional learning and involvement of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling system in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Chronic stress exacerbates tau pathology, neurodegeneration, and cognitive performance through a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-dependent mechanism in a …
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the mouse brain: a study using CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -modified yellow fluorescent protein knock-in …
Prolonged and site-specific over-expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR reveals differential roles for extended amygdala nuclei in emotional regulation
Amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates stress-induced anxiety
Adolescent binge drinking leads to changes in alcohol drinking, anxiety, and amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR cells in adulthood in male rats
Depressive and cardiovascular disease comorbidity in a rat model of social stress: a putative role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the norepinephrine nucleus, locus coeruleus, facilitates behavioral flexibility
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-dependent effects of repeated stress on tau phosphorylation, solubility, and aggregation
Defining the role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein in alcohol consumption
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and type 2 interaction in irritable bowel syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the central amygdala is recruited during binge-like ethanol consumption in C57BL/6J mice
Interaction of stress, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , arginine vasopressin and behaviour
Binding kinetics redefine the antagonist pharmacology of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Perturbations in effort-related decision-making driven by acute stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Prefrontal cortex CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 conveys acute stress-induced executive dysfunction
A CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR pathway for ethanol regulation of the ventral tegmental area in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Glutamine enhances tight junction protein expression and modulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the jejunum of weanling piglets
MicroRNA 375 mediates the signaling pathway of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) regulating pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) expression by targeting mitogen …
Sex differences in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -evoked behavior and activated networks
Sex‐and region‐specific pubertal maturation of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor system in the rat
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in cerebellar motor control and ataxia
Sex differences in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 action within the dorsal raphe nucleus in stress responsivity
Stress and glucocorticoids regulated CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in rat prefrontal cortex
Effects of continuously enhanced CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on conditioned and unconditioned …
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and receptors in immune cells in irritable bowel syndrome
Emerging role for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis at the intersection of stress and reward
Overexpressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the primate amygdala increases anxious temperament and alters its neural circuit
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist alters regional activation and effective connectivity in an emotional–arousal circuit during expectation of abdominal …
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in alcohol use disorder: still a valid drug target?
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein (CRF-BP) as a potential new therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease and stress disorders
Distribution of urocortins and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the cardiovascular system
Stress and addiction: contribution of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system in neuroplasticity
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family: a stress hormone-receptor system’s emerging role in mediating sex-specific signaling
Neonatal maternal separation in the rat impacts on the stress responsivity of central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in adulthood
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the neuroimmune mechanisms of depression: Examination of current pharmaceutical and herbal therapies
Extended amygdala to ventral tegmental area CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR circuit controls binge ethanol intake
Differential responses of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 1 to acute pain stress in the rat brain
Susceptibility to PTSD-like behavior is mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR impairs sustained attention in male and female rats
Single-dose study of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonist in women with 21-hydroxylase deficiency
Working memory impairing actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurotransmission in the prefrontal cortex
Predator stress engages CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and opioid systems to alter the operating mode of locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons
Cell-type specific deletion of GABA (A) α1 in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons enhances anxiety and disrupts fear extinction
Frontline Science: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 1 is a critical modulator of mast cell degranulation and stress‐induced pathophysiology
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurocircuitry and neuropharmacology in alcohol drinking
Orexin–CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor heteromers in the ventral tegmental area as targets for cocaine
Regulation of gonadotropins by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin
Molecular signaling and translational significance of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : basic and clinical studies of a neuropeptide
Early-life stress, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and serotonin transporter gene: a pilot study
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRF1) in the human gastrointestinal tract and upregulation in the colonic mucosa in patients with …
Constitutive increases in amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and fatty acid amide hydrolase drive an anxious phenotype
Eosinophils express muscarinic receptors and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to disrupt the mucosal barrier in ulcerative colitis
Sex differences in activated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons within stress-related neurocircuitry and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis hormones …
Cognitive disruptions in stress-related psychiatric disorders: a role for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 mediates the colonic motor coping response to acute stress in rodents
Posttraumatic stress disorder-like induction elevates β-amyloid levels, which directly activates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons to exacerbate stress responses
Biological intersection of sex, age, and environment in the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system and alcohol
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR peptide antagonists: design, characterization and potential clinical relevance
Evolution and phylogeny of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of peptides: expansion and specialization in the vertebrates
Modulation of enteric neurons by interleukin‐6 and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR contributes to visceral hypersensitivity and altered colonic motility in a rat model of …
Predator odor stress alters CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor (CRF1R)-dependent behaviors in rats
Conformational thermostabilisation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and catecholamines enhance glutamatergic neurotransmission in the lateral subdivision of the central amygdala
Increased tau phosphorylation and aggregation in the hippocampus of mice overexpressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Ghrelin activates hypophysiotropic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons independently of the arcuate nucleus
Increased mesocorticolimbic dopamine during acute and repeated social defeat stress: modulation by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the ventral tegmental …
Chronic overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the central amygdala produces HPA axis hyperactivity and behavioral anxiety associated with gene …
Prefrontal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurons act locally to modulate frontostriatal cognition and circuit function
The specific monomer/dimer equilibrium of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 is established in the endoplasmic reticulum
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR acting at the locus coeruleus disrupts thalamic and cortical sensory-evoked responses
Overactivation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and aquaporin-4 by hypoxia induces cerebral edema
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY): effects on inhibitory transmission in central amygdala, and anxiety-& alcohol-related behaviors
The effect of acute or repeated stress on the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system in the CRH-IRES-Cre mouse: a validation study
Novel insights in the role of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and mast cells in stress‐induced visceral hypersensitivity
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type‐2 receptor and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐binding protein coexist in rat ventral tegmental area nerve terminals originated in the …
Effects of acute treadmill running at different intensities on activities of serotonin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons, and anxiety-and depressive-like behaviors …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor binding in the amygdala changes across puberty in a sex-specific manner
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced disruption of attention in rats is blocked by the κ-opioid receptor antagonist JDTic
Chronic psychosocial stress induces reversible mitochondrial damage and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type-1 upregulation in the rat intestine and IBS-like …
Sex-specific effects of relaxin-3 on food intake and brain expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in ventromedial prefrontal cortex mediates avoidance of a traumatic stress-paired context
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in alcohol and nicotine addiction
Predator odor increases avoidance and glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the prelimbic cortex via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 signaling
Regulation of the autonomic nervous system by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Gastric CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR influences mast cell infiltration in a rat model of functional dyspepsia
Opposing roles of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y within the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the negative affective component of …
Role of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mediating alcohol-induced activation of the rat hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
The upside of stress: a mechanism for the positive motivational role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Negative consequences of early-life adversity on substance use as mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulation of serotonin activity
Stress and the stomach: CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR may protect the gastric mucosa in stress through involvement of glucocorticoids
Knockdown of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central amygdala reverses persistent viscerosomatic hyperalgesia
Stress-derived CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR breaches epithelial endotoxin tolerance
Prediction of the risk of comorbid alcoholism in schizophrenia by interaction of common genetic variants in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
The role of central amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in predator odor stress-induced avoidance behavior and escalated alcohol drinking in rats
Sex-dependent effects of chronic variable stress on discrete CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 cell populations
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR critical for zebrafish camouflage behavior is regulated by light and sensitive to ethanol
The realization of the brain-gut interactions with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoids
Nicotine dependence produces hyperalgesia: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptors (CRF1Rs) in the central amygdala (CeA)
Adolescent drinking targets CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR peptide-labeled cells in the central amygdala of male and female rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor densities vary with photoperiod and sociality
Traumatic stress promotes hyperalgesia via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor (CRFR1) signaling in central amygdala
Angiotensin type 1a receptors on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurons contribute to the expression of conditioned fear1
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Binding Protein and CRF2 Receptors in the Ventral Tegmental Area: Modulation of Ethanol Binge Drinking in C57BL/6J Mice
A sexually dimorphic distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the paraventricular hypothalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the nucleus accumbens shell induces swim depression, anxiety, and anhedonia along with changes in local dopamine/acetylcholine …
Cyclotides isolated from an ipecac root extract antagonize the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Differential effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and acute stress on different forms of risk/reward decision-making
Decoding CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 crystal structures
Effect of early life social adversity on drug abuse vulnerability: Focus on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and oxytocin
Long-term effects of early adolescent stress: dysregulation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and central CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 expression in …
Optogenetic silencing of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR pathway from the central amygdala to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis disrupts sustained fear
Episodic social stress-escalated cocaine self-administration: role of phasic and tonic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the anterior and posterior ventral tegmental area
Effects of intracerebroventricular CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on sensory-evoked responses in the rat visual thalamus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonism mitigates beta amyloid pathology and cognitive and synaptic deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Nociceptin/orphanin FQ blockade of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced gamma-aminobutyric acid release in central amygdala is enhanced after chronic ethanol …
Effects of acute stress on acquisition of nicotine conditioned place preference in adolescent rats: a role for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptors
Characterization and gonadal hormone regulation of a sexually dimorphic CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 cell group
Sex‐dependent and differential responses to acute restraint stress of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR –producing neurons in the rat paraventricular nucleus, central …
A functional switch in tonic GABA currents alters the output of central amygdala CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 neurons following chronic ethanol exposure
Activation of neuropeptide S‐expressing neurons in the locus coeruleus by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Lithium, but not fluoxetine or the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 receptor antagonist R121919, increases cell proliferation in the adult dentate gyrus
The Pseudo signal peptide of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2A prevents receptor oligomerization
Appetite-suppressing effects and interactions of centrally administered CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , urotensin I and serotonin in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus …
Urocortin 3 expression at baseline and during inflammation in the colon: CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors cross-talk
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurogenesis during midlife development in salmon: genetic, environmental and thyroid hormone regulation
Actin cytoskeleton–dependent regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor heteromers
Ethanol and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor modulation of central amygdala neurocircuitry: an update and future directions
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and their interacting proteins: functional consequences
Crosstalk between interleukin-6 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulate submucosal plexus activity and colonic secretion
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like diuretic hormone 44 (DH44) and kinin neuropeptides modulate desiccation and starvation tolerance in Drosophila …
Tonic suppression of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system by enhanced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in chronic …
Activating CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, and bed nucleus of stria terminalis: Incentive motivation or aversive motivation?
Enduring sensorimotor gating abnormalities following predator exposure or CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats: a model for PTSD-like information-processing deficits …
Female-biased sexual dimorphism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Identification of substances which regulate activity of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -producing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Interactions between anandamide and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling modulate human amygdala function and risk for anxiety disorders: an imaging genetics …
Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR CRF1 receptors blocks the enhanced response to cocaine after social stress
Mast cell CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR subtype 2 suppresses mast cell degranulation and limits the severity of anaphylaxis and stress-induced intestinal permeability
Urocortin 1 modulates immunosignaling in a rat model of colitis via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2
Reduced brain CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor activation is required for adequate maternal care and maternal aggression in lactating rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor antagonists for stress-related disorders: time to call it quits?
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR —distribution in rat intestine and role in neuroprotection
Lipopolysaccharide‐induced tau phosphorylation and kinase activity–modulation, but not mediation, by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Binge Ethanol‐Drinking Potentiates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR R 1 Receptor Activity in the Ventral Tegmental Area
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis improves posttraumatic stress disorder-like symptoms in a model …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype 2 in human colonic mucosa: down-regulation in ulcerative colitis
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor: insights from molecular dynamics simulations
Ontogeny of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in rainbow trout and differential effects of hypoxia on the endocrine and cellular stress responses during …
Role of a genetic polymorphism in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 gene in alcohol drinking and seeking behaviors of marchigian sardinian …
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons and microglia in paraventricular nucleus precipitates visceral hypersensitivity induced by colorectal distension in …
Molecular, morphological, and functional characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1-expressing neurons in the central nucleus of the …
Regulation of maternal care by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus in mice.
Epigenetic regulation of nociceptin/orphanin FQ and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR system genes in frustration stress‐induced binge‐like palatable food consumption
Psychophysiological treatment outcomes: CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor antagonist increases inhibition of fear‐potentiated startle in PTSD patients
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and α2 adrenergic receptors mediate heroin withdrawal-potentiated startle in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor haplotype and cognitive features of major depression
Escitalopram alters gene expression and HPA axis reactivity in rats following chronic overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from the central amygdala
Targeting CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Projections from the Oval Nucleus of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Using Cell‐Type Specific Neuronal Tracing …
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -containing neurons in the rat central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis following exposure to two different …
Functional impact of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR exposure on tau phosphorylation and axon transport
Plasticity in the brainstem vagal circuits controlling gastric motor function triggered by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and noradrenergic signalling exert reciprocal control over startle reactivity
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR , but not alcohol, modulates norepinephrine release in the rat central nucleus of the amygdala
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists: a patent review
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the brain and blocking spinal descending signals induce hyperalgesia in the latent sensitization model of chronic pain
Exploration of the antagonist CP-376395 escape pathway for the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 by random acceleration molecular dynamics simulations
Anxiogenic and antinociceptive effects induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) injections into the periaqueductal gray are modulated by CRF1 …
Comparison of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , dexamethasone, and temozolomide: treatment efficacy and toxicity in U87 and C6 intracranial gliomas
Tonic modulation of anxiety-like behavior by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) type 1 receptor (CRF1) within the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in male mice: role …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor signaling and modulation: implications for stress response and resilience
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 mediates sex-specific cellular stress responses
Electroacupuncture regulates disorders of gut-brain interaction by decreasing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in a rat model of IBS
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurotransmission in the lateral hypothalamus modulates the tachycardiac response during acute emotional stress in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in socially defeated and non-stressed mice with a history of chronic alcohol intake
Type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus is critical in regulating feeding and lipid metabolism in white adipose tissue
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors modulate oxytocin release in the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in male rats
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the nucleus accumbens enhances the reinforcing effects of nicotine in intact female versus male and …
… mechanisms regulate visceral hypersensitivity in adult females following early life stress: importance of the glucocorticoid receptor and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Cross‐talk between dopamine D1 and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors leads to occlusion of their ERK1/2 signaling
Basolateral amygdala and the regulation of fear-conditioned changes in sleep: role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Signal transduction in the hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system and its clinical implications
Plasma CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and B7-2+ extracellular vesicles in blood correlate with irritable bowel syndrome disease severity
Different effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 2 on apoptosis of prostate cancer cells in vitro.
Role of SAP97 protein in the regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 endocytosis and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 signaling
Identification of members of the gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone (GnRH), CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) families in the genome of the holocephalan …
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medulla is required for glucose-induced sympathoexcitation
Sex-and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2-dependent actions of urocortin 1 during inflammation
Inhibition of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression in the central nucleus of the amygdala attenuates stress-induced behavioral and endocrine responses
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system in the liver: expression, actions and possible implications in hepatic physiology and pathology
Altered expression of glucocorticoid receptor and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central amygdala in response to elevated corticosterone
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Barrington’s nucleus neurons by adeno‐associated viral transduction: effects on bladder function and behavior
Role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in the median raphe nucleus in yohimbine‐induced reinstatement of alcohol seeking in rats
Sex differences in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR regulation of medial septum-mediated memory formation
Peripheral activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 inhibits food intake and alters meal structures in mice
Orexigenic response to tail pinch: role of brain NPY1 and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Pyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidines, triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidines and their tricyclic derivatives as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 (CRF1) receptor antagonists
… adaptive fear and attenuates anxiety responses in animal models and human studies—potential interaction with the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system in the …
Topographical distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor-like immunoreactivity in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus: co-localization with tryptophan …
Localization of the delta opioid receptor and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the amygdalar complex: role in anxiety
Ethanol concentration-dependent effects and the role of stress on ethanol drinking in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 and double type 1 and 2 receptor knockout …
Hypothalamic mechanisms associated with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced anorexia in chicks
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR infusion in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of lactating mice alters maternal care and induces behavioural phenotypes in …
Selective lesioning of nucleus incertus with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -saporin conjugate
Functional antagonism between nociceptin/orphanin FQ and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rat anxiety-related behaviors: involvement of the serotonergic system
Visualization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons by fluorescent proteins in the mouse brain and characterization of labeled neurons in the paraventricular …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family peptide signaling in feline bladder urothelial cells
Alterations in effort-related decision-making induced by stimulation of dopamine D 1, D 2, D 3, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in nucleus accumbens …
Extended access cocaine self‐administration differentially activates dorsal raphe and amygdala CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR systems in rats
Chronic activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptors reveals a key role for 5-HT1A receptor responsiveness in mediating behavioral and …
Sex differences in the subcellular distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the rat hippocampus following chronic immobilization stress
A balance theory of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 and type 2 signaling to induce colonic contractions and visceral hyperalgesia in rats
Sex differences in the effect of cannabinoid type 1 receptor deletion on locus coeruleus‐norepinephrine neurons and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐mediated …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced CREB activation in striatal neurons occurs via a novel Gβγ signaling pathway
Binge drinking decreases CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐binding protein expression in the medial prefrontal cortex of mice
Contrasting effects of pretraining, posttraining, and pretesting infusions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the lateral amygdala: attenuation of fear memory formation …
PDZK1/NHERF3 differentially regulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 and serotonin 2A receptor signaling and endocytosis
Influence of transgenic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) over-expression on social recognition memory in mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -binding protein (CRF-BP) inhibits CRF-and urotensin-I-mediated activation of CRF receptor-1 and-2 in common carp
Central blockage of nesfatin-1 has anxiolytic effects but does not prevent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced anxiety in male rats
Sex-dependent effects of mild blast-induced traumatic brain injury on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor gene expression: potential link to anxiety-like behaviors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the mouse central nucleus of the amygdala: ultrastructural distribution in NMDA-NR1 receptor subunit expressing neurons as well as …
Local repeated CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR infusion exacerbates anxiety-and fear-related behavior: differential involvement of the basolateral amygdala and medial …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on bladder function in rats with psychological stress
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : a possible key to gut dysfunction in the critically ill
Polymorphism in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRF1-R) gene plays a role in shaping the high anxious phenotype of Marchigian Sardinian alcohol …
Expression and regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2β in developing and mature mouse skeletal muscle
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family and its receptors: pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory targets in the periphery?
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the developing mouse forebrain: a novel sex difference revealed in the rostral periventricular hypothalamus
Expression and Functional Characterization of Membrane-Integrated Mammalian CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptors 1 and 2 in Escherichia coli
Corticosterone and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR acutely facilitate gamma oscillations in the hippocampus in vitro
The blockade of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor attenuates anxiety-related symptoms and hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis reactivity in mice with mild …
Antagonism of cannabinoid 1 receptors reverses the anxiety-like behavior induced by central injections of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and cocaine withdrawal
Endothelin-converting enzyme-1 actions determine differential trafficking and signaling of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 at high agonist concentrations
Differential effect of amphetamine over the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR CRF2 receptor, the orexin OX1 receptor and the CRF2-OX1 heteroreceptor complex
Synthesis and evaluation of candidate PET radioligands for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptors
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and toll-like receptor gene expression is associated with low-grade inflammation in irritable bowel syndrome patients with …
Amygdaloid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is involved in the anxiolytic effect of acupuncture during ethanol withdrawal in rats
The central amygdala nucleus via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is necessary for time-limited consolidation processing but not storage of contextual fear memory
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type 1 and 2 receptor signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex modulates Binge-like ethanol consumption in C57BL/6J mice
Residues remote from the binding pocket control the antagonist selectivity towards the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR triggers jejunal mast cell activation and abdominal pain in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
Teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP): modulators of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) physiology and behavior
Vagus nerve stimulation suppresses CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced adrenocorticotropic hormone release in rats
Pharmacophore Modelling and 3D-QSAR Studies on N𝟑-Phenylpyrazinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 Receptor Antagonists
Ovarian hormones influence CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor colocalization with delta opioid receptors in CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors type 2, located in periaquaductal gray matter, in central and peripheral CRF-induced analgesic effect on …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and corticosterone in behavioral sensitization to ethanol
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis exhibit sex-specific pain encoding in mice
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the central nucleus of the amygdala advances puberty and disrupts reproductive cycles in female rats
Imaging CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR and nociceptin in addiction and PTSD models
Expression of genes encoding cytokines and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR are altered by citalopram in the hypothalamus of post-stroke depression rats
Abandoned prairie vole mothers show normal maternal care but altered emotionality: Potential influence of the brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system
Localization of amyloid beta peptides to locus coeruleus and medial prefrontal cortex in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR overexpressing male and female mice
Delta opioid receptors colocalize with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in hippocampal interneurons
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR dose‐dependently modulates excitatory synaptic transmission in the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR modulation of forebrain GABAergic transmission has a pivotal role in the expression of anabolic steroid-induced anxiety in the …
Increased protein and mRNA expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF), decreased CRF receptors and CRF binding protein in specific postmortem brain areas …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates pain-induced anxiety through the ERK1/2 signaling cascade in locus coeruleus neurons
Production of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin from human monocyte-derived dendritic cells is stimulated by commensal bacteria in intestine
The brain oxytocin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems in grieving mothers: What we know and what we need to learn
Ghrelin stimulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin gene expression in rat hypothalamic 4B cells
… behavior in juvenile and adult rats are associated with monoaminergic neurotransmission and with the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the …
Age-related changes in central effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) suggest a role for this mediator in aging anorexia and cachexia
Teneurin C‐terminal associated peptide‐1 blocks the effects of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR on reinstatement of cocaine seeking and on cocaine‐induced …
The role of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in a rat model of stress-induced gastric hyperalgesia
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR infusion into nucleus incertus suppresses medial prefrontal cortical activity and hippocampo‐medial prefrontal cortical long‐term …
Effects of voluntary alcohol drinking on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and preprodynorphin mRNA levels in the central amygdala of Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats
Stress differentially regulates brain expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in binge-like eating prone and resistant female rats
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR signaling inhibits gastric emptying: mechanisms of action and role in stress-related gastric alterations of motor function
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -producing cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and extended amygdala show age-dependent FOS and …
Dissection of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR system involvement in locomotor sensitivity to methamphetamine
Differential activation of neuronal cell types in the basolateral amygdala by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomized controlled trial
A medial prefrontal cortex-nucleus acumens CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR circuitry for neuropathic pain-increased susceptibility to opioid reward
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in intestinal mucosal eosinophils is associated with clinical severity in Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel …
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor binding in the mouse brain using a new, high‐affinity radioligand, [125I]‐PD‐Sauvagine
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR binding protein enters the regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells and cortical neurons
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus promotes different forms of behavioral flexibility depending on social stress history
Modulation of neuroplastic changes and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -associated behavior by a phylogenetically ancient and conserved peptide family
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist, SSR125543, and the vasopressin 1b receptor antagonist, SSR149415, prevent stress-induced cognitive …
Design and synthesis of benzimidazoles as novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
Biochemical and functional analysis of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR purified from an aqueous extract of human placenta used as wound healer
Structural-functional analysis of the third transmembrane domain of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor: role in activation and allosteric antagonism
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor mediates the activity of the reward system evoked by morphine-induced conditioned place preference
… administrations of teneurin-C terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 attenuates reinstatement of cocaine seeking by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in rats
Prolonged chronic ethanol exposure alters neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR levels in the brain of adult Wistar rats
Using high resolution imaging to determine trafficking of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in noradrenergic neurons of the rat locus coeruleus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR protects against ammonia neurotoxicity in isolated larval zebrafish brains
Antidepressive effect of sodium valproate involving suppression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR expression and elevation of BDNF expression in rats exposed to …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 modulates biomarkers of DNA oxidation in Alzheimer’s disease mice
Reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats by the pharmacological stressors, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and yohimbine: role for D1/5 dopamine receptors
Impact of gender on CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and noradrenergic sensitivity in cocaine use disorder
Hypothalamic Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR under Stress and Stress Resilience
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor antagonism in the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis disrupts contextually conditioned fear, but not …
Suppression of piriform cortex activity in rat by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 and serotonin 2A/C receptors
Effect of Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on Hepatic Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation-Related Gene Expression in Rats
Antagonizing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the central nucleus of the amygdala attenuates fear-induced reductions in sleep but not freezing
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 in the heart by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR offers cytoprotection against ischemic injury via PKA and PKC …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediates bone cancer induced pain through neuronal activation in rat spinal cord
… effects of urocortin1 against intracerebral hemorrhage by activating JNK1/2 and p38 phosphorylation and further increasing VEGF via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor-1 on the catecholaminergic response to morphine withdrawal in the nucleus accumbens (NAc)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR overexpression in mice abrogates sex differences in body weight, visceral fat, and food intake response to a fast and alters …
Inhibitory effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on food intake in the bullfrog, Aquarana catesbeiana
… area or intracerebroventricular orexin‐A increases the intra‐cranial self‐stimulation threshold via activation of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR system in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the hippocampus: eustress or distress?
Central urocortin 3 and type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor in the regulation of energy homeostasis: critical involvement of the ventromedial …
Distribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the tree shrew brain
Vulnerability to nicotine abstinence-related social anxiety-like behavior: molecular correlates in neuropeptide Y, Y2 receptor and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Alterations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in the preoptic area and hypothalamus in mice during the postpartum period
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin regulate spine and synapse formation: structural basis for stress-induced neuronal remodeling and pathology
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) induces stimulation of gastric contractions in freely moving conscious rats: role of CRF receptor types 1 and 2
Methylation Status of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor Genes in Colorectal Cancer
Crowding stress inhibits serotonin 1A receptor-mediated increases in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression and adrenoCORTICOTROPIN hormone secretion in …
Computational investigation of binding mechanism of substituted pyrazinones targeting CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor deliberated for anti-depressant drug …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in the rat central nervous system: autoradiographic localization studies
CB1 receptors in CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurons selectively control the acoustic startle response in male mice
Early Life Stress Associated With Increased Striatal N-Acetyl-Aspartate: Cerebrospinal Fluid CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Concentrations, Hippocampal Volume …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR regulates caspase-3 and may protect developing zebrafish from stress-induced apoptosis
Increased anxiety in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 2 receptor-null mice requires recent acute stress exposure and is associated with dysregulated …
Stress and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) promote necrotizing enterocolitis in a formula-fed neonatal rat model
Sex differences in NMDA GluN1 plasticity in rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor following slow-pressor …
Brain CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR signaling: Involvement in acute stress‐induced visceral analgesia in male rats
L-ornithine attenuates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced stress responses acting at GABAA receptors in neonatal chicks
Behavioral effects of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR during maternal separation may be mediated by proinflammatory activity
The mouse cochlea expresses a local hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal equivalent signaling system and requires CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 to establish …
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system in the kidney: perspectives for novel therapeutic intervention in nephrology
A CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist improves urodynamic dysfunction produced by social stress or partial bladder outlet obstruction in male rats
Chronic alcohol exposure differentially affects activation of female locus coeruleus neurons and the subcellular distribution of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors
The expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its receptors in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion in a rat model of neuropathic pain
… mechanism of neuropeptide S-induced satiety in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) involves the paraventricular nucleus and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-2 mediates the motivational effect of opiate withdrawal
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2‐deficiency eliminates social behaviour deficits and vulnerability induced by cocaine
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR enhances inhibitory synaptic transmission to type III neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Repeated binge ethanol drinking enhances electrical activity of central amygdala CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurons in vivo
Isolation and characterization of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -related diuretic hormone receptor in Rhodnius prolixus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : innocent until proven guilty
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor-1 Neurons in the Lateral Amygdala Display Selective Sensitivity to Acute and Chronic Ethanol Exposure
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR secretion from dendritic cells stimulated by commensal bacteria
Electrophysiology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in nervous tissue
Potential regulatory effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on tight junction-related intestinal epithelial permeability are partially mediated by CK8 upregulation
Activation of adenylate cyclase‐cyclic AMP‐protein kinase A signaling by CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR within the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is …
In silico binding mechanism prediction of benzimidazole based CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists by quantitative structure activity relationship …
Lipopolysaccharide induces visceral hypersensitivity: role of interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in rats
Cannabinoid CB1 receptors mediate the effects of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR on the reinstatement of cocaine seeking and expression of cocaine‐induced …
Microinjection of different doses of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR into the medial prefrontal cortex produces effects opposing anxiety-related behavior in rats
Pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation: CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors as emerging intervention targets
Regulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptors in breast cancer: Expression and activity in hormone-dependent growth in vitro
… Y2R antagonist, JNJ-31020028, on nicotine abstinence-related social anxiety-like behavior, neuropeptide Y and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA levels in the …
Brain‐derived neurotrophic FACTOR , CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR , and hypothalamic neuronal histamine interact to regulate feeding behavior
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors from the basolateral or central amygdala increases the tonic immobility response in guinea pigs: an innate fear …
Effect of lamotrigine and carbamazepine on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -associated serotonergic transmission in rat dorsal raphe nucleus
Effects of chronic noise on the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in the rat hippocampus: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease-like tau hyperphosphorylation
Changes in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system transcript levels in relation to feeding condition in Acipenser dabryanus
FACTOR s of sex and age dictate the regulation of GABAergic activity by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the medial sub-nucleus of the central amygdala
Targeting CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) projections from the oval nucleus of the BNST using cell-type specific neuronal tracing studies in mouse and rat …
Exposure of male mice to perfluorooctanoic acid induces anxiety-like behaviors by increasing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the basolateral amygdala complex
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : An ancient peptide family related to the Secretin peptide superfamily
Roles of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the lateral habenula in anxiety-like and alcohol drinking behaviors in male rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and norepinephrine related circuitry changes in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in stress and alcohol and substance use disorders
Inhibitory effect of ramosetron on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR ‐and soybean oil‐induced delays in gastric emptying in rats
Multi-facets of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in modulating inflammation and angiogenesis
[76Br]BMK‐152, a nonpeptide analogue, with high affinity and low nonspecific binding for the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR type 1 receptor
Contribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRF1) to serotonin receptor 5-HT2CR function in amygdala neurons in a neuropathic pain model
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR increases Purkinje neuron excitability by modulating sodium, potassium, and Ih currents
Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is centrally involved in learning under moderate stress
Roles for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 in energy homeostasis in mice
Contrasting effects of nitric oxide and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR within the dorsal periaqueductal gray on defensive behavior and nociception in mice
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -overexpressing mouse is a model of chronic stress-induced muscle atrophy
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on sleep and temperature following predictable controllable and uncontrollable stress in mice
Reduction of ethanol intake by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor-1 antagonist in “heavy-drinking” mice in a free-choice paradigm
Basolateral amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 regulates context-cocaine memory strength during reconsolidation in a sex-dependent manner
Water avoidance stress induces visceral hyposensitivity through peripheral CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 and central dopamine D2 receptor in rats
Behavioral and physiological responses to central administration of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli)
Abnormalities in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in neurodegenerative diseases
Spexin as an anxiety regulator in mouse hippocampus: Mechanisms for transcriptional regulation of spexin gene expression by CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Co-localization of the cannabinoid type 1 receptor with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing afferents in the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus …
Neuropeptide S Increases locomotion activity through CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in substantia nigra of mice
Ethanol produces CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor‐dependent enhancement of spontaneous glutamatergic transmission in the mouse central amygdala
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR binding protein: A strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the stress system?
High-altitude hypoxia induces disorders of the brain-endocrine-immune network through activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and its type-1 receptors
Dopamine D2 receptor desensitization by dopamine or CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in ventral tegmental area neurons is associated with increased glutamate release
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin I activate CREB through functionally selective Gβγ signaling in hippocampal pyramidal neurons
Differential regulation of gonadotropin-RELEASING hormone by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family peptides in hypothalamic N39 cells
Prefrontal CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR neurons impair sustained attention via distal transmitter release
The effect of short moderate stress on the midbrain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in a macaque model of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and catecholamines: a study on their role in stress-induced immunomodulation
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist differentially inhibits freezing behavior and changes gamma-aminobutyric acidergic activity in the amygdala …
Possible role of adrenoceptors in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in …
Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the basolateral amygdala of resilient and vulnerable rats: Effects on fear-conditioned sleep, temperature and freezing
Selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist E2508 reduces restraint stress-induced defecation and visceral pain in rat models
Serotonin mediated changes in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR mRNA expression and feeding behavior isolated to the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei
Role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1 signaling in cocaine seeking during early extinction in female and male rats
Action of glucagon-like peptide 1 and glucose levels on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and vasopressin gene expression in rat hypothalamic 4B cells
(3α, 5α) 3-hydroxypregnan-20-one (3α, 5α-THP) regulation of hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): Sexual dimorphism and brain …
Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationships of Pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine Derivatives: Potent and Orally Active Antagonists of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 …
Relevance of both type-1 and type-2 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors in stress-induced relapse to cocaine seeking behaviour
Dissociation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtype involvement in sensitivity to locomotor effects of methamphetamine and cocaine
6, 7-Dihydro-5H-cyclopenta [d] pyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidines and their derivatives as novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR augments LPS-induced immune/inflammatory responses in JAWSII cells
The stress response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): identification and functional characterization of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (crf) paralogs
Amygdalar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Signaling Is Required for Later-Life Behavioral Dysfunction Following Neonatal Pain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Facilitates Epileptiform Activity in the Entorhinal Cortex: Roles of CRF2 Receptors and PKA Pathway
Interactions between CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the serotonin 1A receptor system on acoustic startle amplitude and prepulse inhibition of the startle response in …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor subtypes in mediating neuronal activation of brain areas involved in responses to intracerebroventricular CRF and stress …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonism alters the biochemical, but not behavioral effects of repeated interleukin-1β administration
Knockdown of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptors in the ventral tegmental area enhances conditioned fear
Peripheral Guanylate Cyclase‐C modulation of corticolimbic activation and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR signaling in a rat model of stress‐induced colonic …
Distribution of type I CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF1) receptors on GABAergic neurons within the basolateral amygdala
MicroRNA-34 contributes to the stress-related behavior and affects 5-HT prefrontal/GABA amygdalar system through regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on sleep and body temperature following controllable footshock stress in mice
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor‐1 is involved in cardiac noradrenergic activity observed during naloxone‐precipitated morphine withdrawal
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR excites neurons of posterior hypothalamic nucleus to produce tachycardia in rats
Ghrelin, via CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors, reduces glucose uptake and increases lipid content in mouse myoblasts cells
Immunolocalization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 (CRF-R2) in the developing gut of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR from rodents to primates: translational hope expresses itself, pun intended
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 (CRF-R1) antagonists: promising agents to prevent visceral hypersensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome
An insight into antagonist binding and induced conformational dynamics of class B GPCR CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1
Quantum Chemical Study of the Relationships between Electronic Structure and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 Receptor Binding Inhibition by a Group of …
Assessment of serum level of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in primary nocturnal enuresis
Cell type-specific modifications of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and its type 1 receptor (CRF1) on startle behavior and sensorimotor gating
Acute central effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on energy balance: Effects of age and gender
Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 2/3 mRNA by leptin in hypothalamic N39 cells
Involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 2 receptors in pathogenesis of ischemia/reperfusion-induced enteritis in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : cerebrospinal fluid studies
Acute ether stress differentially affects CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 1 in the Brattleboro rat
The peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-induced analgesic effect on somatic pain sensitivity in conscious rats: Involving CRF, opioid and glucocorticoid …
Inhibitory CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex promote stress-resilient behavior in male rodents
… Properties and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel & Potent Thiazolo [4, 5-d] pyrimidine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor Antagonists
MAGI proteins regulate the trafficking and signaling of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 via a compensatory mechanism
Blockade of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the central amygdala prevents cocaine-seeking behaviour induced by orexin-A administered to the …
Repeated water avoidance stress induces visceral hypersensitivity; role of IL-1, IL-6 and peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR induces inflammatory cytokines via the NLRP6‐inflammatory cytokine axis in a murine model of irritable bowel syndrome
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 colocalizes with type 2 in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -containing cellular profiles in rat brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR depolarizes rat lateral vestibular nuclear neurons through activation of CRF receptors 1 and 2
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor-1 antagonism reduces oxidative damage in an Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mouse model
The calcineurin—nuclear FACTOR of activated T cells signaling pathway mediates the effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and urocortins on catecholamine synthesis
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonism on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of rodents
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR up‐regulates the expression and function of norepinephrine transporter in SK‐N‐BE (2) M17 cells
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist reduces activation of noradrenalin and serotonin neurons in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe in the arousal response …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 activation during exposure to novelty stress protects against Alzheimer’s disease-like cognitive decline in AβPP/PS1 mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 in the anterior cingulate cortex mediates maternal absence-induced attenuation of transport response in mouse pups
Role of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator-associated ligand (CAL) in regulating the trafficking and signaling of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
Love it or Leave it: Differential Modulation of Incentive Motivation by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Neurons
Synthesis of substituted pyrimidines as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor ligands
Stimulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression by FosB in rat hypothalamic 4B cells
Cellular signaling protective against noise-induced hearing loss–A role for novel intrinsic cochlear signaling involving CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR ?
In vitro and in vivo metabolism and pharmacokinetics of BMS-562086, a potent and orally bioavailable CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonist
Colorectal distention induces acute and delayed visceral hypersensitivity: role of peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and interleukin-1 in rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis differentially influence pain processing and modulation in male and female mice
Nicotine, CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , and Anxiety-Like Behavior
Age-dependent changes in the mRNA levels of neuropeptide Y, proopiomelanocortin, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the hypothalamus in growing broiler chicks
Chronic traumatic stress impairs memory in mice: potential roles of acetylcholine, neuroinflammation and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR expression in the hippocampus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR is present in intestinal tissue of patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction following shock and abdominal surgery
Expression of mRNAs of urocortin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in malignant glioma cell lines
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type-2 is involved in the cocaine-primed reinstatement of cocaine conditioned place preference in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the hippocampus of the mouse pilocarpine model of status epilepticus
Assessment of serum levels of copeptin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in children with monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis
Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus mediates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced elevation of plasma …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in brain: characterization and regulation studies
Regulation of the expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene by pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide in rat hypothalamic 4B cells
Functional significance of the signal peptides of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Characterization of second messengers coupled to CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptors in brain
Chiral separation of potent CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists by supercritical fluid chromatography
The effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the urocortins on hypothalamic gamma-amino butyric acid release–The impacts on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal …
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortins in the normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected mouse ileum
Lifelong, central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) overexpression is associated with individual differences in cocaine-induced conditioned place preference
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR modulates excitatory synaptic transmission
The use of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) as a marker of agonic stress in abused dogs: Preliminary results
The activation of type 1 CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRF-R1) inhibits proliferation and promotes differentiation of neuroblastoma cells in vitro via p27Kip1 …
Mechanisms of the analgesic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in conscious rats
Characterization of multisubstituted CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) peptide antagonists (astressins)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR changes the phenotype and function of dendritic cells in mouse mesenteric lymph nodes
Selective CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist E2508 has potent antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like properties in rodent models
Cannabinoid CB1 receptor restrains accentuated activity of hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and brainstem tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in endotoxemia …
Regulation of Cued Fear Expression via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR Neurons in the Ventral Anteromedial Thalamic Nucleus
Expression and actions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR /diuretic hormone-like peptide (CDLP) and teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP) in the vase tunicate …
Energy metabolism and behavior in the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR family of peptides
Sex differences in morphine-induced trafficking of mu-opioid and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in locus coeruleus neurons
Neuropathic pain and the brain. Differential involvement of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin 1 in acute and chronic pain processing
… , and Structure–Activity Relationships of Novel Pyrazolo[5,1-b]thiazole Derivatives as Potent and Orally Active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 Receptor Antagonists
Rosetta Broker for membrane protein structure prediction: concentrative nucleoside transporter 3 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 test cases
Toxicity of Pexacerfont, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Type 1 Receptor Antagonist, in Rats and Dogs
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonist on psychologically suppressed masculine sexual behavior in rats
Valproate improves prepulse inhibition deficits induced by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR independent of GABAA and GABAB receptor activation
Effects of voluntary running in the female mice lateral septum on BDNF and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2
Cytokines, but not CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and endothelin-1, participate centrally in the febrile response in zymosan-induced arthritis in rats
Pharmacological evaluation of a novel CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonist T‐3047928 in stress‐induced animal models in a comparison with …
Predictive QSAR modeling of substituted Phenylpyrazinones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) receptor antagonists: computational approach
Involvement of Nurr-1/Nur77 in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR /urocortin1-induced tyrosinase-related protein 1 gene transcription in human melanoma HMV-II cells
The multi-faceted profile of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) family of neuropeptides and of their receptors on the paracrine/local regulation of the inflammatory …
The effects of viable and non-viable Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 cells on colonic ion transport and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -induced diarrhea
Repeated norepinephrine receptor stimulation in the BNST induces sensorimotor gating deficits via CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
The effect of a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist on the fear conditioning response in low-and high-anxiety rats after chronic corticosterone …
Peripheral CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 2 activation increases colonic blood flow through nitric oxide pathway in rats
Pyrrolo [1, 2-b] pyridazines, pyrrolo [2, 1-f] triazin-4 (3H)-ones, and related compounds as novel CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 (CRF1) receptor antagonists
Hypothalamic expression of urocortin 3 and the type 2 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor is regulated according to feeding state in lean but not obese Zucker rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR induces immune escape of cervical cancer cells by downregulation of NKG2D
Ultrastructural characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and neuropeptide Y in the rat locus coeruleus: anatomical evidence for putative interactions
The Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor-1 in Brain Suppress Stress-Induced Propofol Self-Administration in Rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR suppresses glioma progression by upregulation of long non-coding RNA-p21
… holocephalans in understanding peptide evolution in the vertebrates: lessons learned from gonadotropin RELEASING hormone (GnRH) and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR …
Tectal CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) neurons respond to fasting and a reactive stressor in the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis
Neuroplasticity of central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and serotonergic systems in anxiety-related behavior
Cardiac adverse effects of naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal on right ventricle: Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) 1 receptor
PD-sauvagine: a novel sauvagine/CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR analogue from the skin secretion of the Mexican giant leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on spontaneous burst activity in the piriform–amygdala complex of in vitro brain preparations from newborn rats
Repeated water avoidance stress induces visceral hypersensitivity: Role of interleukin‐1, interleukin‐6, and peripheral CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR
Role of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stress system on cue-induced relapse to alcohol seeking
Early-Life Stress Induced Epigenetic Changes of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Gene in Anorexic Low Body Weight–Selected Chicks
Understanding CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor (CRFR) activation using structural models
Chemogenetic stimulation of mouse central amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neurons: Effects on cellular and behavioral correlates of alcohol dependence
Synthesis and structure–activity relationships of pyrido [3, 2-b] pyrazin-3 (4H)-ones and pteridin-7 (8H)-ones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists
Synthesis and structure–activity relationships of 8-substituted-2-aryl-5-alkylaminoquinolines: Potent, orally active CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists
Enhanced dendritic availability of μ‐opioid receptors in inhibitory neurons of the extended amygdala in mice deficient in the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR ‐1 receptor
ACTH response to desmopressin in a patient with acromegaly; expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , urocortins and vasopressin V1b receptor in GH-producing …
109 Chemogenetic silencing of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurons in the paraventricular nucleus: the effect on post-stress sleep
The effect of antagonizing CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1/activating CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 on visceral sensitivity and colonic motility of …
Effects of mixture of lycii radicis cortex and moutan cortex on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , c-Fos, and tyrosine hydroxylase in forced swimming test
A possible solution for hair loss by inhibiting CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor from traditional Chinese medicine
Neurobiology of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the enteric nervous system during stress
Characterization of a Pachymedusa dacnicolor–Sauvagine Analog as a New High-Affinity Radioligand for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Studies
Galanin is Co‐Expressed with Substance P, Calbindin and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in The Enteric Nervous System of the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Small …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors in the Locus Coeruleus Modulate the Enhancement of Active Coping Behaviors Induced by Chronic Predator Odor …
Gastroprotective action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): involvement of glucocorticoids and CRF receptors type 2
… ) aniline and its application to the synthesis of BMS-665053, a potent and selective pyrazinone-containing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonist
Discovery of pyrrolo [2, 3-d] pyrimidin-4-ones as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists with a carbonyl-based hydrogen bonding acceptor
Synthesis of new thiazolo [4, 5-d] pyrimidines as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR modulators
Molecular modeling of structures and interaction of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) binding protein and CRF Type-2 receptor
Synthesis of 2-imino and 2-hydrazono thiazolo [4, 5-d] pyrimidines as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) antagonists
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 aggravates dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis in mice by promoting M1 macrophage polarization
Effect of electroacupuncture intervention on expression of pain sensory and affection processing related CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor mRNA, etc. in the …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR may protect the gastric mucosa in stress through involvement of glucocorticoids
Insular cortex CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR integrates stress signaling with social decision making.
A complete CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system localized in human fetal lung
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor expression in painful human dental pulp
Corticorelin acetate, a synthetic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR with preclinical antitumor activity, alone and with bevacizumab, against human solid tumor models
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR stimulates colonic motility via muscarinic receptors in the rat
Discovery of 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydropyrimido [1, 2-a] benzimidazoles as novel class of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR 1 receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Induces Functional And Structural Synaptic Remodelling In Acute Stress
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on intermediolateral cell column neurons of newborn rats
The Implication of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in Nicotine Dependence and Significance for Pharmacotherapy in Smoking Cessation
The tale of a person and a peptide: Wylie W. Vale Jr. and the role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the stress response
Cardiovascular functions of central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR related peptides system
Suppression of preoptic sleep-regulatory neuronal activity during CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -induced sleep disturbance
Influence of adrenalectomy on protective effects of urocortin I, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR , against indomethacin-induced enteropathy in rats
Metyrapone effect on gastroprotective action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered centrally against indomethacin-induced gastric injury
Acyloxyacyl Hydrolase Modulates the Gut Microbiome Through Transcriptional Regulators of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide-27 (PACAP-27) is co-stored with galanin, substance P and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in intrapancreatic ganglia …
3D-QSAR studies of 8-substituted-2-aryl-5-alkylaminoquinolines as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists
Development of an aequorin-based assay for the screening of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and its Receptors: From Structure to Function in Health and Disease (Part I)
Neural circuitry of stress, fear, and anxiety: focus on extended amygdala CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR systems
R278995/CRA0450, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF1) receptor antagonist modulates REM sleep measures in rats: Implication for therapeutic indication
… )-[3-methoxy-5-(2-methoxy-4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-pyrazin-2-yl] amine 59 (NGD 98− 2): An Orally Active CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF-1) …
Depression and immunity: Central CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates the autonomic nervous system and reduces natural killer cell activity
Synthesis and evaluation of carbamate and aryl ether substituted pyrazinones as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR reduces tumor volume, halts further growth, and enhances the effect of chemotherapy in 4T1 mammary carcinoma in mice
… on “Sex differences in the effect of cannabinoid type 1 receptor deletion on locus coeruleus‐norepinephrine neurons and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like peptide modifies the AMPA-, NMDA-dependent and GABAB-ergic properties of synaptic transmissions in vitro
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on somatic pain sensitivity in conscious rats: Involvement of types 1 and 2 CRF receptors
Altered responses to cold environment in urocortin 1 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR deficient mice
Components of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING –FACTOR (CRF) Signaling System in Snail Atria
Comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) of 8-substituted-2-aryl-5-alkylaminoquinolines as CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 receptor antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the locus coeruleus as a modulator of ventilation in rats
Blast-induced mild traumatic brain injury alterations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR neuronal activity in the mouse hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR distribution in the brain of the brown anole lizard
Mast cell-specific receptor/CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR axis regulates alcohol withdrawal-associated headache
… gray matter of the midbrain in regulation of somatic pain sensitivity during stress: participation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and glucocorticoid hormones
Anti-ictogenic effects of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -like peptide in the pentylenetetrazole model of seizure in brain slices
0005 The Effect Of Chemogenetic Silencing Of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Neurons In The Paraventricular Nucleus On Post-stress Sleep In Mice
Effects of early trauma and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 gene polymorphism on adult visual spatial memory
Gastroprotective effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Negative Feedback of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis as Assessed by the Dexamethasone-CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Test in Irritable Bowel …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) system localization in human fetal heart
Adult glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression volatility in response to an acute stressor and juvenile CSF CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : A pilot neurodevelopmental …
The analgesic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR given into the periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain
Functional and anatomical characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor subtypes of the rat spinal cord involved in somatic pain relief
Exploring the Effects of a CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor Antagonist on Habit Expression
Synthesis and evaluation of prodrugs of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 (CRF1) receptor antagonist BMS-665053 leading to improved oral bioavailability
P7, a novel antagonist of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 (CRFR1) screened from phage display library
Effects of footshocks on anxiety-like behavior and mRNA levels of precursor peptides for CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and opioids in the forebrain of the rat
Docking Study of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -1 Receptor with Its Antagonists
Effect of electroacupuncture intervention on expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR protein in hypothalamus and hippocampus of traumatized rats
Preclinical metabolism and pharmacokinetics of NVS-CRF38, a potent and orally bioavailable CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 antagonist
Somatosensory regulation of serotonin release in the central nucleus of the amygdala is mediated via CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and gamma-aminobutyric …
Cloning and distribution of expression of the rat CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) gene
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR activates different circuits in male and female rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Signaling in the Mammalian Cochlea: An Integrative Niche for Cochlear Homeostatic Balance Against Noise
… of the Stria Terminalis–Derived CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Controls Binge Alcohol Drinking Via Interacting With CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors 1 and 2 …
Activation of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor from the basolateral or central amygdala modulates nociception in guinea pigs
Effects of Alcohol and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Identification and Characterization of the CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) System in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 exerts global suppression of mast cell degranulation and associated pathophysiology.
Novel Hippocampal Interaction between Spexin and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR
Relaxin-3 regulates CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR gene expression in cultured rat hypothalamic 4B cells
154 Evaluating the effects of prophylactic antibiotics on intestinal health in pigs given a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR antagonist during weaning and transport
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -Producing Neurons in the Central Amygdala Induces Experience-Dependent Influences on Behavior
Effect of glucocorticoid receptor blockade on analgesic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING hormone and urocortin 3 stimulate vascular endothelial growth FACTOR expression through the cAMP/CREB pathway
0004 Sleep Disruption By Chemo-genetic Activation Of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR neurons In The Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Of Mice
Gonadotropin-RELEASING Hormone (GnRH) and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): An Evolutionary History of Interaction
… -4-substituted)-8-(dialkylamino)-6-methyl-1-substituted-3, 4-dihydropyrido [2, 3-b] pyrazin-2 (1H)-ones as ligands for brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 (CRF1) …
Localization of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 (CRFR2) in the nucleus tractus solitarii (nTS)
Teneurin C-Terminal Associated Peptide (TCAP)-1 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Interactions in the Modulation of Cocaine-Related Behavior
Effect of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) on somatic pain sensitivity in conscious rats: involvement of CRF1 and CRF2 receptors
Expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the enteric nervous system of the jejunum of sheep
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR down-regulates hair growth-related cytokines in cultured human dermal papilla cells
Alterations in CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Type 1 in the Hypothalamus and Preoptic Area During the Postpartum Period
… of 3-(2, 4-dichlorophenyl)-N-alkyl-N-fluoroalkyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-7-amines as ligands of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 (CRF1) …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and Its Receptors: From Structure to Function in Health and Disease (Part II)
Correction to: Effect of lamotrigine and carbamazepine on CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -associated serotonergic transmission in rat dorsal raphe nucleus
Activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors up regulates collagen production by hepatic stellate cells via promoting p300 expression
Sex-Specific Regulation of Pain: A Novel Role for Dopamine and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Signaling in the Midbrain and Extended Amygdala
Acute CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Type 2 Agonism Results in Sustained Symptom Improvement in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue …
The Contribution of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to Gastroprotection
Probing the Interactome of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Heteromers Using Mass Spectrometry.
Effects of Bifidobacteria Use After Gastric Cancer Surgery on Intestinal Flora and Serum CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR .
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and dopamine interactions in a heterogeneous ventral tegmental area: How can aversive experiences heighten cocaine self …
The effect of magnesium sulfate on the placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and CRF binding protein mRNA expression in perfused human placental …
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the Medial Septum and Its Effects on Cognition
The effect of the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -like diuretic hormone, Manse-DH, on the molecular mechanism of activation of vacuolar-ATPase in Manduca …
An in Silico Study of G Protein-Coupled-Receptor Activation, Specifically in the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor and the Glucagon-Like Peptide …
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Modulation of Cognition and Frontostriatal Neural Function
The Role of Androgens on Sexually Dimorphic Distributions of Key CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 Populations and Stress Responses within the Brain
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) processes in acute and chronic anxiety
Differential effect of amphetamine over the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR CRF2 receptor, the orexin OX1 receptor and the CRF2-OX1 heteroreceptor complex
Influence of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR fragment CRF4-6 on metabolism in rats
Investigations of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Assessment of Its Role in Depressive Disorders
The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR System and Alcohol Consumption
Gamma-melanotropin response to ovine CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in normal humans
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and Somatic Pain Sensitivity: the Contribution of CRF Receptors of Subtypes 1 and 2
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors in mediating stress-induced bladder sensitivity in female mice
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Autonomic—Cardiovascular
The role of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and irritable bowel syndrome
Stress, CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR and cognitive flexibility
… of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone (CRH) and its receptors (CRHR1 and CRHR2) in human endometrial carcinoma: CRHR1 as a potent prognostic FACTOR
Developmental Changes in CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 in the Postnatal Dentate Gyrus
Intravenous Ovine CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Human Growth Hormone-RELEASING
AB 43. The CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR system in lung cancer: expression and pathophysiological implications
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on appetite regulation of broilers.
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors and their interacting proteins: functional consequences
Evolution and Phylogeny of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Family of Peptides
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR : suppression effects on fish feed intake.
SUN-479 Role of β-arrestin2 in ERK 1/2 Activation Mediated by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Type 1
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR : Basic and Clinical Studies of a Neuropeptide: Basic and Clinical Studies of a Neuropeptide
Predator odor increases glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the prelimbic cortex via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 signaling
Molecular Modeling of structures and interaction of human CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (crF) Binding Protein and crF Type-2 receptor
Comparison of Calcium and cAMP Measurements for the Screening of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Antagonists
The possible link between CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and post-traumatic stress disorder
Overexpression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the nucleus accumbens enhances the reinforcing effects of nicotine in female versus male rats
Effects of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR on dendritic development of hippocampal neurons
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors as a Potential Target in the Developments of Antidepressant Drugs
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Actions on Adenohypophyseal Hormone Secretion by Direct Effects on the Pituitary and by Indirect Effects on the Hypothalamus
Prefrontal Cortex CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Neurons Motivate Behavioral Coping Strategies During Various Challenging Situations
The supposition of the mechanism of escitalopram makes a dopamine nerve activity rise by inhibiting CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR to the non-organic-pain~ A …
Influence of adrenalectomy on protective effects of urocortin I, a CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF)-related peptide, against indomethacin-induced …
Signalling and agonist-selective antagonism at CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Signalling and agonist-selective antagonism at CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptors
Characterization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Cells in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Affects the Expression of TLR4 Receptor in Adipocytes
Identification, Characterization and Physiological Function of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Type 1 Receptor Within the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus
Changes of hypothalamus CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR levels in children with acute brain injury
Immunolocalization of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) andCORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2 (CRF-R2) in the developinggut of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus …
The role of copeptin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in children with monosymptomatic and nonmonosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis
Cerebellar CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Its Type 1 Receptor: Behavioral and Physiological Functions
Interleukin-Stimulates the Secretion of Hypothalamic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and irritable bowel syndrome——from bench to bedside
Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Corticosterone in Behavioral Sensitization to Ethanol
Characterization of the Ovarian CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR System and its anti-steroidogenic effects in Zebrafish
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Invigorates Cocaine‐Seeking via CRF‐R2 in the Nucleus Accumbens Core
Reciprocal Interaction between Hypothalamic Orexin‐A and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR under Stressed Condition
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in binge-like ethanol consumption
The Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the Behavior and Proinflammatory Activity of Separated Guinea Pig Pups
The role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in mediating the effect of acute stress on effort-based decision-making
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors in the Brain—Pituitary—Immune Axis
Mechanisms of analgesic action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on somatic pain sensitivity in rats
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptor crosstalk pivotal to ligand‐specific signaling and trafficking (795.3)
Structural-Functional Analysis of the Third Transmembrane Domain of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Type 1 Receptor
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Signaling at the Intersection of Pain and Opioid Addiction
Ganglionic blockade alters behavioral and cerebral metabolic responses to CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the rat
Differential expression of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR and urocortins in the Schistosoma mansoni‐infected mouse ileum (214.2)
Multiple Players Vying for One Target: Regulation of Differential Signaling Fate of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 (CRF1)
The Role of Angiotensin Receptor Type 1 on CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Expressing Neurons in Auditory Fear Conditioning
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptor type 1 signaling in epilepsy and traumatic brain injury
Experimental neuropathy increases limbic forebrain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
Involvement of brain CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the responses of arterial pressure and heart rate to noxious cutaneous stimulation in rats
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Binding Protein as a Novel Target to Restore Brain Homeostasis: Lessons Learned From Alcohol Use Disorder Research
Effect of early psychological traumatic stress and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 1 gene polymorphism on visual spatial memory
EAE (Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis), CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and the Blood Brain Barrier
The CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR system in lactating rats: implications in the regulation of maternal behavior with special focus on the BNST
Sex‐and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 2‐dependent Actions of Urocortin 1 During Colitis
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Impairs Sustained Attention in Male and Female Rats
Chemogenetic Activation of Parasubthalamic nucleus CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Neurons recapitulates Alcohol Withdrawal‐Related Behavioral Symptomatology
13 CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and Hypothalamic–-Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Regulation of Behavioral Stress Response and Depression
Polytherapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Combining Gamma Secretase Modulation and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor 1 Antagonism
Characterization of a PD-Sauvagine Analog as a New High-Affinity Radioligand for CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Studies
Sensitivity and Resilience to Stress‐Induced Alcohol Intake Enhancement Produces Sex Differences in the CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR System in Male and Female …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR involves in promotive effect of restraint on neuronal activation by methamphetamine
Acceleration of DNCB-induced Early-apoptosis via Activation of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the Hair Root of NC/Nga Mice
Amygdaloid CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR as the Key Mediator of Chronic Visceral Pain in Females with a History of Early Life Stress
Analgesic effect of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR administered into midbrain periaqueductal grey matter
The Expression of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Rat’s Hippocampus Involves in the Pathology of Salicylate Induced Tinnitus [J]
Re: Assessment of Serum Levels of Copeptin and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Children with Monosymptomatic and Non-Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis
Corrigendum to “Selective lesioning of nucleus incertus with CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR -saporin conjugate”[Brain Res. 1543 (2014) 179–190]
Co‐expression of Orexin‐B and CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR in Hypothalamic Neurons of the Ovariectomized Female on a High Fat Diet
Traumatic Stress Promotes Hyperalgesia via CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR Signaling in Central Amygdala
Investigation of the role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors and alpha‐adrenergic receptors within the amygdala during nicotine withdrawal
Mechanisms of gastroprotective action of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF): involvement of CRF receptor subtypes 1 and 2
Quantitative comparison of mRNA level of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR peptide family in normal kidney and corresponding clear cell renal cell carcinoma specimens.
The amygdala, a relay station for switching on and off pain Role of limbic CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in neuropathic pain
Mast Cell CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Subtypes, CRF1 and CRF2, Differentially Modulate Stress-induced Intestinal Permeability
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR facilitates epileptiform activity in the entorhinal cortex via CRF2 signaling mechanisms
A Study of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Catecholamine Interactions in the Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking in Rats
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR facilitates epileptiform activity in the entorhinal cortex via activation of [CRF. sub. 2] receptors and H-channels
Effects of electroacupuncture at meridian point on the mRNA expressions of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and corticosteroid in the hippocampus after cerebral …
Mast Cell CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR Receptor Subtypes Play Opposing Roles in Mediating Stress‐Induced Colonic Barrier Dysfunction
Orexin-CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor heteromers in the ventral tegmental area as targets for cocaine
The Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Signaling in the Ventral Tegmental Area in the Regulation of Binge-Like Alcohol Consumption
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone and extracellular mitochondria augment IgE-stimulated human mast-cell vascular endothelial growth FACTOR release, which is …
Urocortin 1 inhibits guinea pig gallbladder contractility in vitro via CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR receptor 2
PT632. Alteration of the effects of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR on synaptic transmission in the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of chronic pain model …
Effects of Bifidobacterium infantis on intestinal CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR receptors and mast cells activation in a murine model of irritable bowel syndrome
Stress exposure produces a switch from appetitive to aversive signaling by CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the nucleus accumbens
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) and Glucocorticoids as Gastroprotective Components of Brain‐Gut Interactions in Stress
Manipulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Signaling Using DREADDs Reduces Binge-Like Ethanol Consumption of CRF-Cre Transgenic Mice
… in Rats Subjected to Repeated Alcohol Administration by Modulating the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic FACTOR /CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING Hormone Signaling Pathway
Antagonism of CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) in the locus coeruleus (LC) increase respiratory response to hypercapnia
Central nervous system CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) systems contribute to increased anxiety-like behavior during opioid withdrawal: an analysis of …
Elucidating Mechanisms that Lead to Persistent Anxiety-like Behavior in Rats Following Repeated Activation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Receptors in the …
Interactions of TCAP-1 and Endocannabinoids with CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in Mediating Cocaine-and Anxiety-Related Behaviour
The Effects Of Adolescent Binge Drinking On CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR Cells In The Amygdala And Social Predictors Of Alcohol Intake In Male And Female Rats
Investigation of the role of CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR receptors within the central amygdala and basolateral amygdala during nicotine withdrawal in rats
… and Biological Evaluation of Substituted Thiazolo (4, 5-d) Pyrimidines and Substituted Pyrimidines as CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor Antagonists
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR mediated epileptiform activity in the entorhinal cortex: roles of [CRF. sub. 2] receptors, PKA pathway & cation channels
Stochastic Clearing System For Nicotine Self Administration Differentially Regulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR And Arginine Vasopressin Due To Stress
… Responses in the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus: Backgrounds and Future Perspectives of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR -Modified Yellow Fluorescent …
A CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) receptor antagonist prevents bladder pathology associated with either social stress or partial bladder outlet obstruction (pBOO)
CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR and urocortin I activate CREB through functionally selective Gbc signaling in hippocampal pyramidal neurons
… of 3-(2, 4-dichlorophenyl)-N-alkyl-N-fluoroalkyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-7-amines as ligands of the CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR type-1 (CRF1) …
Changes in immunoreactive terminals containing serotonin, substance P, vesicular glutamate transporter 2 and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR in the lumbosacral spinal …
Correction: Role of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR (CRF) Receptor-1 on the Catecholaminergic Response to Morphine Withdrawal in the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc)
CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR type-1 receptor antagonism in the dorsolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis disrupts contextually conditioned fear, but not …
Episodic Social Stress-Escalated Cocaine Self-Administration: Role of Phasic and Tonic CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING FACTOR in the Anterior and Posterior Ventral …
… in carnitine-deficient juvenile visceral steatosis (JVS) mice: Involvement of defective acyl-ghrelin secretion and enhanced CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR signaling in the …
Leukemia inhibitory FACTOR induces CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone in mouse trophoblast stem cells
… to: MicroRNA-34 Contributes to the Stress-related Behavior and Affects 5-HT Prefrontal/GABA Amygdalar System through Regulation of CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR …
… Glutamate, GABA, Endogenous Opioids, Endocannabinoids, Noradrenaline, Arginine Vasopressin, Neuropeptide Y, MAO, CREB, and CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING FACTOR
The importance of specific amino acid residues in transmembrane domains 3 and 5 of a CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING –FACTOR receptor for functional activity of a CRF-R1 …
CORTICOTROPIN ‐RELEASING hormone‐binding protein is up‐regulated by brain‐derived neurotrophic FACTOR and is secreted in an activity‐dependent manner in rat cerebral …
Perturbations of Neuron-Restrictive Silencing FACTOR Modulate CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING Hormone Gene Expression in the Human Cell Line BeWo
Comparative Immunohistochemistry of Placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING Hormone and the Transcription FACTOR RelB–NFκB2 Between Humans and Nonhuman …
Proteinase‐activated receptor 2 modulates CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING hormone‐induced brain‐derived neurotrophic FACTOR release from microglial cells
Possible roles of brain derived neurotrophic FACTOR and CORTICOTROPIN RELEASING hormone neurons in the nucleus of hippocampal commissure functioning within the …
Brain-derived neurotrophic FACTOR in neurons expressing CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING hormone mediates the response to chronic stress
Comparative Immunohistochemistry of Placental CORTICOTROPIN –RELEASING Hormone and the Transcription FACTOR RelB-…
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