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Cognitive Enhancement
Cognitive Enhancement
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: methods, ethics, regulatory challenges
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT as a treatment for drug addictions
Neuroethical issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by drugs in health and disease
Attitudes toward pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT—a review
Ampakines and the threefold path to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The NMDA receptor as a target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Crosswords to computers: a critical review of popular approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Smart drugs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: ethical and pragmatic considerations in the era of cosmetic neurology
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for Alzheimer’s disease
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Drug targets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in neuropsychiatric disorders
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by omega-3 fatty acids from child-hood to old age: findings from animal and clinical studies
Developmental theory for a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy of schizophrenia
The impact of neuroscience on society: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in neuropsychiatric disorders and in healthy people
Action video game training for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The social and economic impacts of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, lifestyle choice or misuse of prescription drugs?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT as a pharmacotherapy target for stimulant addiction
Substances used and prevalence rates of pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among healthy subjects
EEG neurofeedback: a brief overview and an example of peak alpha frequency training for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the elderly
The perils of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the urgent imperative to enhance the moral character of humanity
Neuroethical issues in pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The sociology of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Medicalisation and beyond
A memorial tribute: Durability and mechanism of effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy
Mitochondrial respiration as a target for neuroprotection and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Just how COGNITIVE is “COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT”? On the significance of emotions in university students’ experiences with study drugs
Smart policy: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the public interest.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: promises and perils
Practice principles of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for schizophrenia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a comparative review of computerized and athletic training programs
Globalization and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: emerging social and ethical challenges for ADHD clinicians
From clinical application to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the example of methylphenidate
Serotonin receptors represent highly favorable molecular targets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia and other disorders
Innovative mechanisms of action for pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a systematic review
Collaborative effects of diet and exercise on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A survey of substance use for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by university students in the Netherlands
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for schizophrenia: effects of a 2-year randomized trial on cognition and behavior
Public attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Prefrontal cortex mediation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in rewarding motivational contexts
Cortical kynurenine pathway metabolism: a novel target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: pharmacological and COGNITIVE remediation approaches
The regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices: extending the medical model
An ecological approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: complex motor training
α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
How COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT can change our duties
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, cheating, and accomplishment
The influences of environmental enrichment, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, and physical exercise on brain development: can we alter the developmental trajectory of ADHD …
Efficacy of stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in non‐attention deficit hyperactivity disorder youth: a systematic review
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT treatments for bipolar disorder: a systematic review and methodological recommendations
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for early-course schizophrenia: effects of a two-year randomized controlled trial
The internet, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, and the values of cognition
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Canadian medical students
The rationale for consuming COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drugs in university students and teachers
AMPA receptor potentiators: from drug design to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT medication among northern Italian university students
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through action video game training: great expectations require greater evidence
Physician attitudes towards pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: safety concerns are paramount
Towards a smart population: A public health framework for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Is serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor a biomarker for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia?
Cholinergic targets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: focus on cholinesterase inhibitors and muscarinic agonists
Lithium and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: leave it or take it?
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT—how neuroscientific research could advance ethical debate
Children’s friendships and learning in school: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through social interaction?
Attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in users and nonusers of stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a pilot study
Robust resilience and substantial interest: a survey of pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among university students in the UK and Ireland
The indirect psychological costs of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Ethical considerations in the framing of the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT debate
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy improves emotional intelligence in early course schizophrenia: preliminary effects
Brains and brawn: Complex motor activities to maximize COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with central thalamic electrical stimulation
Mechanisms of functional improvement in a 2-year trial of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for early schizophrenia
Impact of contextual factors and substance characteristics on perspectives toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT or COGNITIVE cost: trait-specific outcomes of brain stimulation in the case of mathematics anxiety
One-year durability of the effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy on functional outcome in early schizophrenia
Work-related stress and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among university teachers
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotective effects of Bacopa monnieri in Alzheimer’s disease model
Neuroprotective effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy against gray matter loss in early schizophrenia: results from a 2-year randomized controlled trial
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT treatment for people with mental illness who do not respond to supported employment: a randomized controlled trial
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Ethical and policy implications in international perspectives
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use among future physicians: Findings from a multi-institutional census of medical students
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through real-time fMRI neurofeedback
A novel neurotrophic drug for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Alzheimer’s disease
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in video game players: The role of video game genre
Predictors of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT after training in preschoolers from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds
Autonomy and coercion in academic “COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT” using methylphenidate: Perspectives of key stakeholders
Swiss university students’ attitudes toward pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for adults with autism spectrum disorder: results of an 18-month feasibility study
Teaching sign language to hearing children as a possible factor in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Expectations regarding COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT create substantial challenges
Embryo selection for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: curiosity or game‐changer?
Negative symptom improvement during COGNITIVE rehabilitation: results from a 2-year trial of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy
Using neurotechnologies to develop virtues: a Buddhist approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The value and pitfalls of speculation about science and technology in bioethics: the case of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders and lifestyle use by healthy people
Non-medical use of prescription stimulants and illicit use of stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in pupils and students in Germany
The effects of a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT group training program for community-dwelling elders
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy individuals: a compensation for COGNITIVE deficits or a question of personality?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, rational choice and justification
Future minds: Transhumanism, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the nature of persons
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, virtue ethics and the good life
The use of caffeinated substances by surgeons for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The stimulated brain: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using non-invasive brain stimulation
Principles of justice as the basis for public policy on psychopharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Mutation of the α2A-adrenoceptor impairs working memory performance and annuls COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by guanfacine
Who should enhance? Conceptual and normative dimensions of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and beyond: recommendations from the Bioethics Commission
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and academic misconduct: a study exploring their frequency and relationship
Combining brain stimulation and video game to promote long-term transfer of learning and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Treating or cheating?
Innovative programs for improvement in reading through COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A remediation study of Canadian First Nations children
Evaluating the drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drugs: the influence of drug characteristics, social environment, and …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Through Stimulation of the Chemical Senses.
COGNITIVE biases can affect moral intuitions about COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with rosiglitazone links the hippocampal PPARγ and ERK MAPK signaling pathways
Acute high-intensity exercise-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in young, healthy adults
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by transcranial laser stimulation and acute aerobic exercise
Effect of a ketogenic meal on COGNITIVE function in elderly adults: potential for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A call for data to inform discussion on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A broad cortical reserve accelerates response to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy in early course schizophrenia
Effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy on employment outcomes in early schizophrenia: results from a 2-year randomized trial
What users think about the differences between caffeine and illicit/prescription stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE test anxiety and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the influence of students’ worries on their use of performance-enhancing drugs
New pharmacological strategies for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using a rat model of age‐related memory impairment
Mechanisms underlying COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and reversal of COGNITIVE deficits in nonhuman primates by the ampakine CX717
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT kept within contexts: neuroethics and informed public policy
Role of channel activation in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT mediated by α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy in substance misusing schizophrenia: results of an 18-month feasibility trial
Is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy equally effective for patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder?
CBP is required for environmental enrichment‐induced neurogenesis and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Stakeholder perspectives and reactions to “academic” COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Unsuspected meaning of ambivalence and analogies
A comparison of attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and legalized doping in sport in a community sample of Australian adults
Pills or push-ups? Effectiveness and public perception of pharmacological and non-pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Use of coffee, caffeinated drinks and caffeine tablets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in pupils and students in Germany
Regulation of devices for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Using 19-Electrode Z-Score Neurofeedback
With COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT comes great responsibility?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT? Exploring modafinil use in social context
Developing public health approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: An analysis of current reports
Eliminating the attentional blink through binaural beats: a case for tailored COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: perceptions among parents of children with disabilities
Distributive justice and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in lower, normal intelligence
of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Do Civil Liberties Presuppose Roughly Equal Mental Ability?
Mental health system funding of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT interventions for schizophrenia: Summary and update of the New York Office of Mental Health expert panel …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a review of technology
Pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Interrogating the ethics, addressing the issues
5-HT6 receptors: a novel target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Amitriptyline-mediated COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in aged 3× Tg Alzheimer’s disease mice is associated with neurogenesis and neurotrophic activity
The use of prescription drugs, recreational drugs, and “soft enhancers” for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among swiss secondary school students
PPARγ recruitment to active ERK during memory consolidation is required for Alzheimer’s disease-related COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Double-blind single-session neurofeedback training in upper-alpha for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of healthy subjects
A randomized exploratory trial of an alpha-7 nicotinic receptor agonist (TC-5619) for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Potential noradrenergic targets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Limitless as a neuro-pharmaceutical experiment and as a Daseinsanalyse: on the use of fiction in preparatory debates on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Present and future developments in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technologies
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in children and adolescents: Is it in their best interests?
Freedom of thought for the extended mind: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the constitution
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and motivation ENHANCEMENT: An empirical comparison of intuitive judgments
Hippocampus-dependent COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT induced by systemic gintonin administration
Patterns of substance use during COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy: an 18-month randomized feasibility study
Why is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT deemed unacceptable? The role of fairness, deservingness, and hollow achievements
Kognit: Intelligent COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technology by COGNITIVE models and mixed reality for dementia patients
Studies on medicinal herbs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT based on the text mining of Dongeuibogam and preliminary evaluation of its effects
Exenatide promotes COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and positive brain metabolic changes in PS1-KI mice but has no effects in 3xTg-AD animals
Playing action video games a key to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Video games, COGNITIVE exercises, and the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE abilities
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Training (COGENT©): What is it? How Does it Work with a Group of Disadvantaged Children?
Buddhism and neuroethics: the ethics of pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Neurostimulation devices for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: toward a comprehensive regulatory framework
Response variability to glucose facilitation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Diosgenin-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in normal mice is mediated by 1, 25D 3-MARRS
Early markers of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: developing an implicit measure of COGNITIVE performance
Empirical research on attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT is essential to inform policy and practice guidelines
An exploration of exercise-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and transfer effects to dietary self-control
Added stakeholders, added value (s) to the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT debate: Are academic discourse and professional policies sidestepping values of stakeholders?
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and Alzheimer’s disease subtypes: An alternate hypothesis to global COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy improves resting-state functional connectivity in early course schizophrenia
Contemplating COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in medical students and residents
Examining reports and policies on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Approaches, rationale, and recommendations
Exploring some challenges of the pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT discourse: users and policy recommendations
Effects of a COGNITIVE–ENHANCEMENT group training program on daily living activities, cognition, and depression in the demented elderly
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT from a perspective of misuse and addiction
The effects of a single session of upper alpha neurofeedback for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a sham-controlled study
Facilitation of AMPA receptor synaptic delivery as a molecular mechanism for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with methylphenidate and modafinil: conceptual advances and societal implications
Must the surgeon take the pill? Negligence duty in the context of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT following acute losartan in normotensive young adults
Mindful COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT training for psychosis: A pilot study
Relationship between up-regulation of nicotine binding sites in rat brain and delayed COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT observed after chronic or acute nicotinic receptor …
Fatty acid synthase as a factor required for exercise-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and dentate gyrus cellular proliferation
Converging technologies: a critical analysis of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for public policy application
Pharmacogenetic approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Determinants of physicians’ prescribing behaviour of methylphenidate for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Korsakoff’s psychosis by clonidine: a comparison with L-dopa and ephedrine
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: social and public policy issues
Associations between the big five personality traits and the non-medical use of prescription drugs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices: refining Maslen et al.’s model
MSK1 regulates environmental enrichment-induced hippocampal plasticity and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by pharmacological and behavioral interventions: the murine Down syndrome model
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: New strategies for stimulating cholinergic, glutamatergic, and nitric oxide systems
Antidepressant-like effects and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the total phenols extract of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni in chronic unpredictable mild stress rats and its …
Ethical questions in functional neuroimaging and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The nicotinergic receptor as a target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: barking up the wrong tree?
An Aristotelian approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effect of piracetam in patients with mild COGNITIVE impairment and dementia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy: A therapeutic treatment strategy for first-episode schizophrenia patients
Phospholipase A 2 activation as a therapeutic approach for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in early-stage Alzheimer disease
Cannabis for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT as a new coping strategy? Results from a survey of students at four universities in Germany
Training for voluntarily increasing individual upper α power as a method for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A real-time brainwave based neuro-feedback system for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Program of arithmetic improvement by means of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: An intervention in children with special educational needs
Efficacy of nonselective optogenetic control of the medial septum over hippocampal oscillations: the influence of speed and implications for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT–A critical look at the recent debate
Characteristics of university students using stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a pilot study
Chemical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: is it unfair, unjust, discriminatory, or cheating for healthy adults to use smart drugs
Effects of 5-HT6 antagonists, Ro-4368554 and SB-258585, in tests used for the detection of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and antipsychotic-like activity
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in infants associated with increased maternal fruit intake during pregnancy: results from a birth cohort study with validation in an …
Autophagic activation: a key piece of the puzzle for the curcumin-associated COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Non-pharmacological approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in aged rats after chronic administration of Equisetum arvense L. with demonstrated antioxidant properties in vitro
Antipsychotic-like behavioral effects and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by a potent and selective muscarinic M₁ receptor agonist, AC-260584.
How accurate are time‐use reports? Effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and cultural differences on recall accuracy
Oral cholinesterase inhibitor add-on therapy for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: a quantitative systematic review, Part I
Investigations into mild electric foot shock stress-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: possible role of angiotensin neuropeptides
Catechol-o-methyl transferase modulates cognition in late life: evidence and implications for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Pharmacologic, environmental and genetic factors
The use of medications for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Chronic L-deprenyl or L-amphetamine: equal COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, unequal MAO inhibition
A novel mechanism for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in aged dogs with the use of a calcium-buffering protein
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the identity objection
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for a model of Down syndrome
The challenges posed to private law by emerging COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technologies
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in man with ispronicline, a nicotinic partial agonist
How research on stakeholder perspectives can inform policy on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Popping smart pills: the case for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Theories of Justice: Contemplating the Malleability of Nature and Self.
… receptor binding analysis of the α2-adrenergic agonist, 5-bromo-6 [2-imidazoline-2-YL amino] quinoxaline (UK-14304): evidence for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT at an α2 …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by SGS742 in OF1 mice is linked to specific hippocampal protein expression
Public attitudes towards nanotechnology-enabled COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the United States
The effect of modafinil on the rat dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors D1–D3 paralleling COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the radial arm maze
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of healthy young adults with hyperbaric oxygen: a preliminary resting-state fMRI study
Searching for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the Morris water maze: better and worse performance in D‐amino acid oxidase knockout (Dao−/−) mice
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy improves frontolimbic regulation of emotion in alcohol and/or cannabis misusing schizophrenia: a preliminary study
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy children will not close the achievement gap in education
Ziprasidone-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: specificity or pseudospecificity?
ENHANCEMENT of human COGNITIVE performance using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
A bubble of enthusiasm: how prevalent is the use of prescription stimulants for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Development and effect of a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT gymnastics program for elderly people with dementia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Anthropotechnological change: towards an organology and pharmacology of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technologies
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and personal identity
Refusing to be all that you can be: Regulating against forced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the military
An ethical discussion of the use of transcranial direct current stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy individuals: a fictional case study
What is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and is it justified to point out this kind of ENHANCEMENT within the ethical discussion?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and rehabilitation for the elder population: application of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program for the Elderly
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with amphetamine: History repeats itself
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use among medical students and concerns about medical student well-being
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: How to increase chance of survival in the jungle?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using meditation as intervention
Predictors and mediators of add-on mirtazapine-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia–a path model investigation
EEG-based upper-alpha neurofeedback for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in major depressive disorder: A preliminary, uncontrolled study
Restorative effects of natural landscape on university students’ stress reduction and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Smart drugs and synthetic androgens for COGNITIVE and physical ENHANCEMENT: revolving doors of cosmetic neurology
Use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT medication in persons with Alzheimer disease who have a family caregiver: results from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s …
Potential treatment of Alzheimer disease using cholinergic channel activators (ChCAs) with COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, anxiolytic-like, and cytoprotective properties.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Analogical reasoning and social justice
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the neuroethics of memory drugs
Brief report: Is COGNITIVE rehabilitation needed in verbal adults with autism? Insights from initial enrollment in a trial of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy
A proof-of-concept, randomized controlled trial of DAR-0100A, a dopamine-1 receptor agonist, for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Upgrading discussions of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The brain, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices, and European regulation
Neuroethical issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Performance augmentation through COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT (PACE)
17 Policy Implications of Technologies for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
SCH 57790, a selective muscarinic M2 receptor antagonist, releases acetylcholine and produces COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in laboratory animals
Humility pills: Building an ethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Outstanding questions concerning the regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the leveling of the playing-field
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) on novel object recognition and VGLUT1 density in the prefrontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus of …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotection by catechin‐rich oil palm leaf extract supplement
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in aged mice after chronic administration of Cedrus deodara Loud. and Pinus roxburghii Sarg. with demonstrated antioxidant properties
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the principle of need
Development of coimagination method towards COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT via image based interactive communication
… piperazine metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 positive allosteric modulators possess efficacy in preclinical models of NMDA hypofunction and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Better minds: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the 21st century
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT mediated through postsynaptic actions of norepinephrine on ongoing cortical activity
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy people: Potential and concerns
Lithium treatment in Alzheimer’s disease does not promote COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, but may exert long-term neuroprotective effects
Nonpharmacological therapies for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Parkinson’s disease: applying old interventions in a new setting?
A Neuropsychologic-Pharmacodynamic Paradigm for Demonstrating COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Suppression in the Elderly.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for schizophrenia
Crystal structure-based selective targeting of the pyridoxal 5′-phosphate dependent enzyme kynurenine aminotransferase II for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pharmacological approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Toward establishing guidelines for evaluating COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with complementary and alterative medicines
Subchronic treatment increases the duration of the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT induced by metrifonate
COGNITIVE regeneration or ENHANCEMENT: the ethical issues
Introduction to the Special Issue of Neuropsychology Review on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Rehabilitation
Examining discourses on the ethics and public understanding of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with methylphenidate
… in primary schools? A comparative analysis of the English and the Brazilian National Curriculum and the impact of a small-scale COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT study in Brazil …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) on novel object recognition and NMDA receptor immunodensity in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus …
Begging important questions about COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, again
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of hearing impaired post-secondary students
ENHANCEMENT stimulants: perceived motivational and COGNITIVE advantages
A new lease on life: A Lacanian analysis of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT cinema
Methods for delivering and evaluating the efficacy of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Savion: an interactive COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT software for the elderly
Dance therapy for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the elderly
Effectiveness of a programme based on a virtual reality game for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibition and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
From COGNITIVE to moral ENHANCEMENT: a possible reconciliation of religious outlooks and the biotechnological creation of a better human
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function in models of brain disease through environmental enrichment and physical activity
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotective effects of ancient ayurvedic medicinal plant celastrus paniculatus: An overview
Situated mediation and technological reflexivity: Smartphones, extended memory, and limits of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
BRAINY–multi-modal brain training app for Google glass: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, wearable computing, and the Internet-of-Things extend personal data …
The context dependency of extinction negates the effectiveness of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT to reduce cocaine-primed reinstatement
9‐Methyl‐β‐carboline‐induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT is associated with elevated hippocampal dopamine levels and dendritic and synaptic proliferation
Dopaminergic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function
Buttressing regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices with principles of harm reduction
Ethical issues in the use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Does the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT debate call for a renewal of the deliberative role of bioethics?
Does COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT fit with the physiology of our cognition?
Rethinking “COGNITIVE” ENHANCEMENT: The ethical stakes of user perspectives
The reversal test, status quo bias, and opposition to human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy protects against gray matter loss in early schizophrenia: results from a two-year randomized controlled trial
Molecular mechanisms of drug-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Put down the smart drugs—COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT is ethically risky business
Water maze testing to identify compounds for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Dealing with ennui: to what extent is “COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT” a form of self-medication for symptoms of depression?
Perceptual and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with an adaptive timing partner: Electrophysiological responses to pitch change.
No pain, no gain? Objections to the use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT on the basis of its potential effects on the value of achievement
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in combination with ‘brain repair’may be optimal for the treatment of stimulant addiction
Willingness to pay for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT program for elders
Nano-bionic devices for the purpose of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Toward a preliminary ethical framework
Nonpharmacological ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
A mobile approach for neurofeedback COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Use of illicit and prescription drugs for COGNITIVE or mood ENHANCEMENT among surgeons
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT to improve substance abuse outcomes in persons with co-occurring disorders
Human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT tested in virtual city environment
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug may also cause addiction
Performance ENHANCEMENT in sport: A COGNITIVE behavioral domain
A prospective study of neuro-COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with carotenoids in elderly adult males with early age related macular degeneration
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Methods, Ethics, Regulatory Challenges (2006)
If you’re smart, we’ll make you smarter: applying the reasoning behind the development of honours programmes to other forms of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Manipulating the mind: The ethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Toward an ethical framework for regulating the market for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices
Becoming a nootropics user: how online communities enable COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among Slovenian university students
Perceptions of assisted COGNITIVE and sport performance ENHANCEMENT among university students in England
The use of transcranial direct current stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Epoch of plasticity: The metaverse as a vehicle for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Serotonin-1A Receptors and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Schizophrenia: Role for Brain Energy Metabolism
Role of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia
Language-COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of disadvantaged preschool children through modeling procedures.
COGNITIVE performance ENHANCEMENT: misuse or self-treatment?
Ginseng: potential for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance and mood
Navigating the ENHANCEMENT landscape: Ethical issues in research on COGNITIVE enhancers for healthy individuals
Ro 04-6790-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: no effect in trace conditioning and novel object recognition procedures in adult male Wistar rats
Man-computer symbiosis as a way of human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A Pilot Study on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using Odor as Intervention
COGNITIVE behavioral strategies in athletic performance ENHANCEMENT.
Trans-human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, phenomenal consciousness and the extended mind
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and criminal behavior
Development of New Drug for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Schizophrenia: Introduction of Measurement And Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by means of TMS: memory and executive functions
Signaling pathways involved in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Long-term ENHANCEMENT of brain function and cognition using COGNITIVE training and brain stimulation
The Clever, the Stupid and the Ugly: Some Dangers of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The Ethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: ADHD Medication and Beyond
Medical regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices: some concerns
nAChR agonist-induced cognition ENHANCEMENT: integration of COGNITIVE and neuronal mechanisms
Regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices: commentary
Binaural auditory beats, a promising therapy and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
Reasons for comfort and discomfort with pharmacological ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE, affective, and social domains
Methylphenidate and pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: social representations of university students
… ENHANCEMENT or impairment? A systematic meta-analysis of prescription stimulant effects on processing speed, decision-making, planning, and COGNITIVE …
Neuroplastic mechanisms underlying perceptual and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) on novel object recognition and neuronal density in the prefrontal cortex, striatum and hippocampus in …
COGNITIVE diversity and moral ENHANCEMENT
Neurofeedback therapy in clinical applications and for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Empirical support for the moral salience of the therapy-ENHANCEMENT distinction in the debate over COGNITIVE, affective and social ENHANCEMENT
On COGNITIVE and Moral ENHANCEMENT: A Reply to S avulescu and P ersson
Editorial (COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Are we Barking Up the Wrong Tree?)
Role of Environment, Epigenetics, and Synapses in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Perceptions, practices and ethics of (non)-prescription COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drugs: a case study among academic youth in Amsterdam
Erratum to: Converging Technologies: A Critical Analysis of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for Public Policy Application
Design and Development of Serious Puzzle Game for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT on Campus: Taking Competition Seriously
Behavioral-COGNITIVE targets for cholinergic ENHANCEMENT
A practical application of text mining to literature on COGNITIVE rehabilitation and ENHANCEMENT through neurostimulation
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Human advancement, degradation or pseudo-problem?
Leveling the playing field: fairness in the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT debate
Brain ENHANCEMENT through COGNITIVE training: a new insight from brain connectome
Neuroethics of pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the first ten years: current problems and practical guiding principles
Using Neurotechnologies to Develop Virtues: A Buddhist Approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT [pre-print]
Attitudes towards COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Switzerland-an empirical ethical approach
Is It Time to Pay Attention: Critiquing the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Drug Policies and Appeals Process in United States Collegiate Sports
Application of reinforcement learning for security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
SMR neurofeedback training for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the mediating effect of SMR baseline levels
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Intuitive Dualism Testing a Possible Link
COGNITIVE-Enhancing Drugs, Behavioral Training and the Mechanism of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Towards medication-ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE interventions in schizophrenia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: How Questionable Assumptions can Shape Science Policy Making.
Taming the beast: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, ethical implications, and regulating today for tomorrow’s scientific and technological advancements in neuroscience
NeuroCOGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in older adults: comparison of three COGNITIVE training tasks to test a hypothesis of training transfer in brain connectivity
A Multimodal COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program for Older Adults: A Case Report of the Implementation of Brain Training
Sleep Deprived Physicians Considering Modafinil: Using a Controlled Substance for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Gambles with Differential Drug Responses and Violates …
P-1288-Neuroprotective and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of bacopa monnieri on novel object recognition in schizophrenic rat model
Autonomy and justice in neuroethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Ideologies of Intellect A critical examination of the hype surrounding COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pharmacotherapy for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in down syndrome
Design issues in the use of robots as COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT aids
15. COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy for Improving the Social Brain and Cognition in Schizophrenia
Corrigendum: The Effects of a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Group Training Program for Community-dwelling Elders
Escitalopram and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE recovery following stroke
Family ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE style in anxious and aggressive children
Narratives of Intelligence: The Sociotechnical Context of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in American Political Culture
Upper-alpha neurofeedback training for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A single-session study
Inhibition of cGMP-metabolizing PDEs as target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The potential of nicotinic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE remediation training in schizophrenia
The COGNITIVE–affective crossfire: When self-consistency confronts self-ENHANCEMENT.
Otto’s Notebook vs the Memex: Comparing the smartphone and the PC as two paradigms of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The Children’s COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program: A Pilot Study
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Ethical Considerations and a Look into the Future
For fear of aCOGNITIVE divide’: developing safe, specific, powerful memory-improving drugs raises many ethical issues about the implications of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
Dyadic pairings for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE development in the school curriculum: some preliminary results on science tasks
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control by approach and avoidance motivational states
ALOIS: Alzheimer’s and COGNITIVE improvement studies register, a free, on-line register of dementia and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT trials (http://www. medicine. ox. ac. uk …
Role of sensory and COGNITIVE information in the ENHANCEMENT of certainty and linking for novel and familiar foods
Attitudes toward pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT-a
Intersecting Genetics with Lifestyle: the Role of Exercise and Diet in Synaptic Plasticity and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Examining stakeholder perspectives and public understanding of the ethical and social issues of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using methylphenidate
Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy (NECT) effectiveness: A quasi‐experimental study
Corrigendum: Diosgenin-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in normal mice is mediated by 1, 25D3-MARRS
ABT-089: an orally effective cholinergic channel modulator (ChCM) with COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotective action
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT. Effort of definition, and methods
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance in schizophrenia by addition of tandospirone to neuroleptic treatment
Is there a relation between onset age of bilingualism and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control?
Memory ENHANCEMENT training for older adults with mild COGNITIVE impairment: a preliminary study
Pharmacological ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and behavioral deficits after traumatic brain injury
Critical Parameters for d -Cycloserine ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE-Behaviorial Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Analysis of Chinese College Students’ Attitudes towards COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Education
Developing drugs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Policy and Politics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Arguments in favour of and against COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT A critical survey
Examination of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in monkeys with a cocaine self‐administration history
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT. Current status and its impact on improving of the performance of organizations
ENHANCEMENT of eyewitness memory: An empirical evaluation of the COGNITIVE interview.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: toward the integration of theory and practice
A Brief Introduction to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy (CET)
ENHANCEMENT of eyewitness memory with the COGNITIVE interview
COGNITIVE processes in health ENHANCEMENT: Investigation of a combined protection motivation and self-efficacy model
Improvement of the performance of managers and employees by COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the Fesibility of Virtue Ethics
… manažérov a zamestnancov prostredníctvom kognitívneho vylepšenia [Improvement of the performance of managers and employees by COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT]
The Ethical Consideration of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by Nanotechnology
ENHANCEMENT of cerebral blood flow and COGNITIVE performance following pharmacological blood pressure elevation in chronic hypotension
the regulation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT devices
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and neural functions through complex reasoning training: evidence from normal and clinical populations
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by Elective Psychopharmacological Intervention in Academia
COGNITIVE behavioral therapy and motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy
Relay selection for security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE relay networks
Ethical and Social Context of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Modern approaches to human COGNITIVE activity ENHANCEMENT
Neuro-inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide causes COGNITIVE impairment through ENHANCEMENT of beta-amyloid generation
The effect of virtual reality COGNITIVE training for attention ENHANCEMENT
Long-Term Ethical Issues and Logistics Concerning COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Converging Technologies for the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Human
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Discoveries in Schizophrenia
Atypical Antipsychotics and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Schizophrenia: The Current Status
Super Kids’: Regulating the use of COGNITIVE and psychological ENHANCEMENT in children
Neuronal mechanisms mediating drug-induced cognition ENHANCEMENT: COGNITIVE activity as a necessary intervening variable
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Patients who Suffer from Different Types of Dementia
The Case Against COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Responding to the Reversal Test
Field assessment and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance: development of an ambulatory vigilance monitor
Practice Principles of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy for Schizophrenia
Criminalizing COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT at the Blackjack Table
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT to Overcome Laziness: Ethically Wrong or Just Stupid?
Balancing Individual and Collective Benefits in the Case of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Cholinergic ENHANCEMENT of frontal lobe activity in mild COGNITIVE impairment
Neuroplastic Mechanisms Underlying Perceptual and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Just how COGNITIVE is emotion? The continuing importance of the philosophy of emotion in ENHANCEMENT ethics
A Proposal for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the Elderly: An Alternative to Brain Training
Socrates on Drugs: The Controversy over COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
What COGNITIVE Processes Are Triggered by Input ENHANCEMENT?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT strategies in schizophrenia
Reduction of COGNITIVE dissonance through task ENHANCEMENT and effort expenditure.
The effect of music education on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
Electronic culture: Computer mediated communication and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Liberatory Possibilities of Antidepressant Therapy
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia with pharmacological interventions
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with stimulants: Effects and correlates
The Prudential Rationality of Radical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Differential ENHANCEMENT of early and late components of the cerebral somatosensory evoked potentials during forced‐paced COGNITIVE tasks in man
On the throughput and spectrum sensing ENHANCEMENT of opportunistic spectrum access COGNITIVE radio networks
Eyewitness memory ENHANCEMENT in the police interview: COGNITIVE retrieval mnemonics versus hypnosis.
Emotional ENHANCEMENT effect of memory: Removing the influence of COGNITIVE factors
Refusing to Be All That You Can Be: Regulating against Forced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the Military
Utility of nutraceutical products marketed for COGNITIVE and memory ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia with pharmacological interventions
Wearables as Social Technology for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotection by catechin-rich oil palm leaf extract
Conceptual framework for COGNITIVE function ENHANCEMENT in people with dementia
Games for wireless cubes in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy
Competitive sport environments: Performance ENHANCEMENT through COGNITIVE intervention
Effect of pharmacological ENHANCEMENT on the COGNITIVE and clinical psychomotor performance of sleep-deprived doctors: a randomized controlled trial
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT? Why not worry instead about apple pie?
ENHANCEMENT of attention and COGNITIVE skills using EEG based neurofeedback game
Developmental continuity in reward-related ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control
Hypnotic ENHANCEMENT of a COGNITIVE behavioral treatment for public speaking anxiety
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by Noninvasive Brain Stimulation
Performance ENHANCEMENT in the workplace: why and when healthy individuals should disclose their reliance on pharmaceutical COGNITIVE enhancers
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Hearing-Impaired Post-Secondary Students.(Revised).
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia: Ending the therapeutic nihilism
Expectancy processes in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by nicotine
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Technologies: Implications for Determination of Causality, Responsibility and Liability
Meta-COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Cooperative Learning: Promoting Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics
Morality of a pill: tracing boundary-making in the discussion on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in academia
Kainate receptors and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Hypnotic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE-behavioral weight loss treatments—Another meta-reanalysis.
COGNITIVE flexibility across the sleep–wake cycle: REM-sleep ENHANCEMENT of anagram problem solving
Good Old Brains: How Concerns About an Aging Society and Ideas About COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Interact in Neuroscience
Social threat and COGNITIVE load magnify self-ENHANCEMENT and attenuate self-deprecation
COGNITIVE deficits in marijuana users: Effects on motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy plus COGNITIVE behavioral therapy treatment outcome
The Coming Collision of Ethics and the FDA: The Looming Problem of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE abilities, digital games and arithmetic performance ENHANCEMENT: A study comparing the effects of a math game and paper exercises
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for Children in Developing Countries. A Teacher Training Experience in a Kigali Primary School
Use of neuroimaging techniques in the assessment of nutraceuticals for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Methodological and interpretative issues
For COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT provider system (FORCEPS) preventive geriatrics: our cardinal challenge
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: lessons from studies on the essential nutrient, choline
Nicotine, Catecholamines and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A Randomized Clinical Trial of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for Work, School, and Play Implications for Life, Learning, and Practice
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia. Are atypical antipsychotics a step forward?
Examining stakeholder perspectives and public understanding of the ethical and social issues of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with methylphenidate
Randomized controlled trial of Internet COGNITIVE behavioural treatment for social phobia with and without motivational ENHANCEMENT strategies
Forgetting is not the problem, remembering is…: Study of COGNITIVE aging and ergonomic methods of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Enhancing brief COGNITIVE-behavioral therapy with motivational ENHANCEMENT techniques in cocaine users
On Ritalin, Adderall, and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Metaethics, Bioethics, Neuroethics
Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy with and without COGNITIVE behavior therapy to treat type 1 diabetes: a randomized trial
A subject-specific neurofeedback approach for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Engagement and outcome in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: First phase of a sequential design comparing motivation ENHANCEMENT therapy and COGNITIVE …
Does the prescribing context for ADHD medications suggest COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT motivation?
Exercise improves COGNITIVE responses to psychological stress through ENHANCEMENT of epigenetic mechanisms and gene expression in the dentate gyrus
Discussion Article An ethical discussion of the use of transcranial direct current stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy individuals: a fictional case …
Metabolic profiling of rat brain and COGNITIVE behavioral tasks: potential complementary strategies in preclinical cognition ENHANCEMENT research
Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity ans the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Which is the the doctor’s responsibility?
Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy: a new group-based treatment for internalized stigma among persons with severe mental illness
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Through Multilingualism: Empowering Students Through Elementary Dual-Language Immersion
An analysis of the use of sounds for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of topographic maps for people with visual impairment
Effects of cocaine self‐administration on cognition in monkeys and evaluation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT as a therapeutic strategy
Molecular Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by an Alternative drug Centella asiatica
The neuroscience of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: enhanced attention, working memory and visual information processing speed using 3D-MOT
Mechanisms underlying Triptolide-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the 5XFAD Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Retaining pathological gamblers in COGNITIVE behavior therapy through motivational ENHANCEMENT: A pilot study
Compliance with homework assignments in COGNITIVE-behavioral psychotherapy for depression: Relation to outcome and methods of ENHANCEMENT
Training success, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and sex differences of an alpha neurofeedback protocol
Evaluating Brain Boosters A New COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program for Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression
The non-medical use of prescription stimulants by Australian university students for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Performance ENHANCEMENT with low stress and anxiety modulated by COGNITIVE flexibility
An Ethical Argument for Regulated COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Adults: The Case of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
CBP is required for environmental enrichment-induced neurogenesis and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Acetylcholinergic Nicotinic Receptors as Pharmacological Targets for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Emerging Evidence from Psychosis Populations
Perceptual and COGNITIVE expertise in sport: implications for skill acquisition and performance ENHANCEMENT
Using COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy to prevent further impairment due to the impact of the symptoms of schizophrenia and the implications for counseling at …
A randomized pilot study of motivation ENHANCEMENT therapy to increase utilization of COGNITIVE–behavioral therapy for social anxiety
ENHANCEMENT of sensory and COGNITIVE functions in healthy subjects
Journal of Neurotherapy: Investigations in Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and Applied Neuroscience COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Using 19-Electrode Z-Score …
Can the ENHANCEMENT of group working in classrooms provide a basis for effective communication in support of school‐based COGNITIVE achievement in classrooms of …
The ENHANCEMENT of video feedback by COGNITIVE preparation in the treatment of social anxiety. A single-session experiment
Cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys: effects on neurobiology and cognition and evaluation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for addiction treatment
Naltrexone combined with either COGNITIVE behavioral or motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy for alcohol dependence
Talking about life and finding solutions to different hardships: A qualitative study on the impact of narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy on persons …
ENHANCEMENT of attachment and COGNITIVE development of young nursery‐reared chimpanzees in responsive versus standard care
Motivational ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control depends on depressive symptoms.
Spectrum sensing optimization and performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio networks
Performance anxiety, COGNITIVE interference, and concentration ENHANCEMENT strategies in sports
Coveney, CM (2011) COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT? Exploring modafinil use in social context in Sociological Reflections on the Neurosciences, Editors: MD …
Data-throughput ENHANCEMENT using data mining-informed COGNITIVE radio
… α7 and α4β2 agonists enhance the formation and retrieval of recognition memory: potential mechanisms for COGNITIVE performance ENHANCEMENT in neurological and …
Public safety communications: ENHANCEMENT through COGNITIVE radio and spectrum sharing principles
Motivational ENHANCEMENT Therapy and COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users: 5 Sessions. Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) Series, Volume …
Preliminary evidence for the ENHANCEMENT of self-conducted exposures for OCD using COGNITIVE bias modification
Posttraining androgens’ ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance is temporally distinct from androgens’ increases in affective behavior
COGNITIVE and affective ENHANCEMENT among older adults: The role of languaging
ENHANCEMENT of antibody responses to influenza vaccination in the elderly following a COGNITIVE-behavioural stress management intervention
The pharmacological stimulation of Nurr1 improves COGNITIVE functions via ENHANCEMENT of adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Iconic sign comprehension in older adults: The role of COGNITIVE impairment and text ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE Skills: ENHANCEMENT and Assessment Issues.
Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control under dorsal pallidal deep brain stimulation in Huntington’s disease
Memory ENHANCEMENT in language pedagogy: Implications from COGNITIVE research
Smart Drugs: The Truth about Nootropics: An Introductory Guide to Memory ENHANCEMENT, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, and the Full Effects
Preventing daily substance use among high school students using a COGNITIVE-behavioral competence ENHANCEMENT approach
Cholinergic ENHANCEMENT of functional networks in older adults with mild COGNITIVE impairment
Effects of interaction ENHANCEMENT on restructuring of interlanguage grammar: A COGNITIVE approach to foreign language instruction
The Motivational ENHANCEMENT Therapy and COGNITIVE Behavorial Therapy Supplement: 7 Sessions of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent …
C-67 Brain Boosters: A COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program for Treating Functional Memory Complaints in the Veteran Population
1196–The COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effect of chewing betel nut measured by a continuous performance test
Needs for COGNITIVE economy and self‐ENHANCEMENT as unique predictors of intergroup attitudes
The Role of Glucose Transporter 4 During COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by Angiotensin IV
Backoff algorithm in COGNITIVE radio MAC protocol for throughput ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE evaluation of an innovative psychiatric clinical knowledge ENHANCEMENT system
The memory ENHANCEMENT effect of Kai Xin San on COGNITIVE deficit induced by simulated weightlessness in rats
Influence of flavour ENHANCEMENT on food liking and consumption in older adults with poor, moderate or high COGNITIVE status
ENHANCEMENT of executive functions with COGNITIVE rehabilitation in older adults
Epigenetic ENHANCEMENT of brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling pathway improves COGNITIVE impairments induced by isoflurane exposure in aged rats
Component analysis of COGNITIVE skill training for the ENHANCEMENT of hypnotic susceptibility.
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Functions by Aronia melanocarpa Elliot Through an Intermittent Ultrasonication Extraction Process
Evaluation of COGNITIVE behavioral therapy/motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy (CBT/MET) in a treatment trial of comorbid MDD/AUD adolescents
Reshaping human intelligence: The debate about genetic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions
Active antenna system for COGNITIVE network ENHANCEMENT
The ENHANCEMENT of self-esteem: A comparison of two COGNITIVE strategies
Traumatic brain injury decreases AMP‐activated protein kinase activity and pharmacological ENHANCEMENT of its activity improves COGNITIVE outcome
Motivational ENHANCEMENT and schema-focused COGNITIVE behaviour therapy in the treatment of chronic eating disorders
ENHANCEMENT of normal COGNITIVE abilities through noninvasive brain stimulation
Interaural translational VOR: suppression, ENHANCEMENT, and COGNITIVE control
COGNITIVE relationship ENHANCEMENT: An exploratory study
Neurological ENHANCEMENT: COGNITIVE and Mood ENHANCEMENT as Possible Threats to Things of Value
Randomized trial of d‐cycloserine ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE‐behavioral therapy for panic disorder
Mindfulness-based COGNITIVE therapy (MBCT) versus the health-ENHANCEMENT program (HEP) for adults with treatment-resistant depression: a randomized …
Leukotriene D4 induces COGNITIVE impairment through ENHANCEMENT of CysLT1R-mediated amyloid-β generation in mice
ENHANCEMENT of face recognition learning in patients with brain injury using three COGNITIVE training procedures
Planar meandered-F-shaped 4-element reconfigurable multiple-input–multiple-output antenna system with isolation ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radio platforms
Mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) for COGNITIVE and brain ENHANCEMENT
Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy coupled with COGNITIVE behavioral therapy versus brief advice: a randomized trial for treatment of hazardous substance use in …
Treating comorbid social anxiety and alcohol use disorders: Combining motivation ENHANCEMENT therapy with COGNITIVE-behavioral therapy
Adaptive MAC protocol for throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
Performance ENHANCEMENT of wireless body area network system combined with COGNITIVE radio
Effects of cardiorespiratory fitness ENHANCEMENT on deficits in visuospatial working memory in children with developmental coordination disorder: a COGNITIVE …
… open trial of outpatient group therapy for bulimic disorders: combination program of COGNITIVE behavioral therapy with assertive training and self‐esteem ENHANCEMENT
Pratensein attenuates Aβ-induced COGNITIVE deficits in rats: ENHANCEMENT of synaptic plasticity and cholinergic function
Effects of motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy plus COGNITIVE behaviour therapy on depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in adults with type II diabetes …
Performance ENHANCEMENT with cooperation based transmission in the COGNITIVE radio networks
Visual factors in COGNITIVE dysfunction and ENHANCEMENT in Alzheimer’s disease
Assessment and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Efficiency
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functioning and self-regulation of learning in adolescents.
Joint resource allocation for throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio femtocell networks
Throughput ENHANCEMENT to the COGNITIVE radio networks under the precaution is better than the cure (PBC) approach
Some curious cases against COGNITIVE human ENHANCEMENT
The measurement of ENHANCEMENT in mathematical abilities as a result of joint COGNITIVE trainings in numerical and visual-spatial skills: A preliminary study
PISA for development technical strand A: ENHANCEMENT of PISA COGNITIVE instruments
COGNITIVE behavioral group therapy for depressed, low-income minority clients: Retention and treatment ENHANCEMENT
TCP throughput ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radio networks through lower-layer configurations
Issues affecting staff ENHANCEMENT of speech-generating device use among people with severe COGNITIVE disabilities
Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy with and without COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for type 1 diabetes: economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial
Platform for load balancing and throughput ENHANCEMENT with COGNITIVE radio
Cholinergic ENHANCEMENT of brain activation in mild COGNITIVE impairment during episodic memory encoding
The locus coeruleus and COGNITIVE function: attempts to relate noradrenergic ENHANCEMENT of signal/noise in the brain to behavior
Common control channel saturation detection and ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
Using COGNITIVE interviewing for the semantic ENHANCEMENT of multilingual versions of personality questionnaires
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of multicarrier COGNITIVE M2M networks: Universal-filtered OFDM systems
ENHANCEMENT of performance of COGNITIVE radio network with incorporation of MRC scheme at secondary receiver
Ghrelin-induced hippocampal neurogenesis and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function are mediated independently of GH/IGF-1 axis: lessons from the spontaneous …
Throughput ENHANCEMENT for secondary users in COGNITIVE network
Long term effects of COGNITIVE-skill training for the ENHANCEMENT of hypnotic susceptibility.
Using a cross-study design to assess the efficacy of motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy–COGNITIVE behavioral therapy 5 (MET/CBT5) in treating adolescents with …
Supported human autonomy for recovery and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and motor abilities using agent technologies
Motivation ENHANCEMENT therapy can increase utilization of COGNITIVE‐behavioral therapy: The case of social anxiety disorder
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functioning and self-regulation of learning in adolescents
International Conference “ENHANCEMENT: COGNITIVE, Moral and Mood”. Belgrade, May 14–16, 2013
The T‐type voltage‐gated calcium channel as a molecular target of the novel COGNITIVE enhancer ST101: ENHANCEMENT of long‐term potentiation and CaMKII …
Analysis and ENHANCEMENT of QoS in COGNITIVE radio network for efficient VoIP performance
Is there a relation between onset age of bilingualism and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE control?–ERRATUM
ENHANCEMENT of wireless mesh network using COGNITIVE radio’s
Developmental model using gestalt-play versus COGNITIVE-verbal group with Chinese adolescents: Effects on strengths and adjustment ENHANCEMENT
Age and computer training performance: A test of training ENHANCEMENT through COGNITIVE practice
TCP ENHANCEMENT technology in COGNITIVE network based on cross-layer designing
Instructional television utilization for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE learning skills: implication for the challenges in science education
Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy: A pilot study of outcomes of a self-stigma intervention in a Swedish clinical context.
Visual and COGNITIVE predictors of visual ENHANCEMENT in noisy listening conditions
Performance ENHANCEMENT for unlicensed users in coordinated COGNITIVE radio networks via channel reservation
The duration of nicotine-induced attentional ENHANCEMENT in the five-choice serial reaction time task: lack of long-lasting COGNITIVE improvement
Selective mood‐induced body image disparagement and ENHANCEMENT effects: Are they due to COGNITIVE priming or subjective mood?
Hardware implementation of reception diversity techniques for spectrum sensing efficiency ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio network
Rate ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radios using the relationship between transmission rate and signal-to-interference ratio statistics
Adaptive modulation and power control for throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radios
Rapport and COGNITIVE skill training in the ENHANCEMENT of hypnotizability
Self-directed skills ENHANCEMENT through COGNITIVE skills training
Throughput ENHANCEMENT to the COGNITIVE radio networks under the precaution based cooperation of the primary users
Postreceptorial ENHANCEMENT of neurotransmission for the treatment of COGNITIVE disorders
ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE function recovery by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in a rodent model of traumatic brain injury
Content validity and acceptability of the daily ENHANCEMENT of meaningful activity program intervention for mild COGNITIVE impairment patient-spouse dyads
Performance evaluation of COGNITIVE Radio Network Predictive MAC (P-MAC) access algorithm and its ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE factors and their role in the ENHANCEMENT of the knowledge elicitation process
“ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function in models of brain disease through environmental enrichment and physical activity”: Corrigendum.
… of non-validated educational programs for students with learning disabilities using the processing and COGNITIVE enhancemnt (ie, ENHANCEMENT)(PACE) program as a …
Information ENHANCEMENT and credibility assessment of child statements: The impact of the COGNITIVE interview technique on criteria-based content analysis
Hypnotic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE-behavioral interventions for pain: An analogue treatment study.
COGNITIVE skill-training ENHANCEMENT of hypnotizability: Generalization effects and trance logic responding.
COGNITIVE biometrics application for e-learning security ENHANCEMENT
ENHANCEMENT of geometry and throughput in LTE femtocells COGNITIVE radio networks
Feasibility and impact of implementing motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy–COGNITIVE behavioral therapy as a substance use treatment intervention in school-based …
Method for Security ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Systems
The ENHANCEMENT of beneficial effects following audio feedback by COGNITIVE preparation in the treatment of social anxiety: a single-session experiment
Study the Effects of Teaching COGNITIVE and MetaCOGNITIVE Strategies on ENHANCEMENT of the Academic Performance of Sama Vocational Schools Probation Students …
ENHANCEMENT of Spectrum Efficacy using COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Reactions to flattery as a function of self‐esteem: Self‐ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE consistency theories
Caffeine-induced ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance: Confounding due to reversal of withdrawal effects
TCP-CReno-TCP ENHANCEMENT using cross-layer for COGNITIVE radio networks
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Networks through Improved Frame Structure
The New Generation of Performance ENHANCEMENT: The Use and Regulation of COGNITIVE Enhancers
5-HT4 receptor agonist mediated ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function in vivo and amyloid precursor protein processing in vitro: a pharmacodynamic and …
A Comparative Study of Effectiveness on Life-style Modification and COGNITIVE Group Therapy to Weight Management and Quality of Life ENHANCEMENT
Instrumental enrichment: A tool for ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE ability in adult and elderly people with mental retardation
Emotional, COGNITIVE and self-ENHANCEMENT processes in aggressive behavior after interpersonal rejection and exclusion
Is emotional memory ENHANCEMENT preserved in amnestic mild COGNITIVE impairment? Evidence from separating recollection and familiarity.
Performance ENHANCEMENT of multi-cyclic detector for COGNITIVE radios with an OFDM primary system
Self-ENHANCEMENT relationship to COGNITIVE schemas and psychological distress in young adults
Target detection ENHANCEMENT based on waveform design in COGNITIVE radar
COGNITIVE therapy and positive psychology combined: A promising approach to the ENHANCEMENT of happiness
COGNITIVE other ENHANCEMENT: Protecting the self by perceiving advantages in a competitor.
The Ethics of ENHANCEMENT: COGNITIVE Inequalities and Sentient Animals
Hypnotic suggestibility ENHANCEMENT through brief COGNITIVE skill training.
The Effects of Group COGNITIVE Function ENHANCEMENT Program on Community-Dwelling Elderly
Performance ENHANCEMENT of spectrum sharing COGNITIVE relay networks with outdated CSI
Designing a COGNITIVE radio with ENHANCEMENT in throughput and improved spectrum sensing technique
Human Becoming: COGNITIVE and Moral ENHANCEMENT Inside the Imago Dei Narrative
Metaphorical COGNITIVE feedback: Rethinking musical emotion communication ENHANCEMENT
Qos ENHANCEMENT techniques for efficient voip performance in COGNITIVE radio network
Using a COGNITIVE load theory to account for the ENHANCEMENT of high school learners’ mathematical problem solving skills
The COGNITIVE and attitudinal effects of a pre-college intervention program for ENHANCEMENT in science, mathematics, and engineering
ENHANCEMENT of TOPSIS using compound linguistic ordinal scale and COGNITIVE pairwise comparison
The effectiveness of COGNITIVE-behavioural group therapy on the ENHANCEMENT of the self-esteem of women with husbands affected by substance dependency disorder
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE creativity by diversity clustering
Instructional television utilization for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE learning skills: Implication for the challenges in science education
Building better COGNITIVE-behavioral therapy: Is broad-spectrum treatment more effective than motivational-ENHANCEMENT therapy for alcohol-dependent patients …
Impacts of COGNITIVE structuring methods on students’ critical thinking ENHANCEMENT in on-line collaborative learning
The Role of Marketing Public Relations in COGNITIVE Decision-Making Process through the ENHANCEMENT of Brand Awareness (A Case of Chevrolet Spin, Product of …
The COGNITIVE Science of Learning ENHANCEMENT: Optimizing Long-Term Retention
Performance ENHANCEMENT for underlay COGNITIVE radio with partial relay selection methods under impact of hardware impairment
Energy-efficient cross-layer ENHANCEMENT of multimedia transmissions over COGNITIVE radio relay networks
Normalizing the crossover effect: ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE attentional processing in schizophrenia
Can motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy improve a COGNITIVE behaviourally based inpatient program for eating disorders?
Costs of a motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy coupled with COGNITIVE behavioral therapy versus brief advice for pregnant substance users
Schema Modification and ENHANCEMENT as Predictors of Interest: A Test of the Knowledge-schema Theory of COGNITIVE Interest.
Robot ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and Ethical Capabilities of Humans
A comparative study of effectiveness on life-style modification and COGNITIVE group therapy to weight management and quality of life ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE bias and collective ENHANCEMENT
Evaluation of the COGNITIVE goals of OZNAKI: ENHANCEMENT of spatial projective abilities
Innovative system for COGNITIVE brain ENHANCEMENT and language disorders treatment using a virtual reality environment
ENHANCEMENT of performances in a learning task in suckler calves after weaning and relocation: Motivational versus COGNITIVE control?: A pilot study
Secondary user QoE ENHANCEMENT through learning based predictive spectrum access in COGNITIVE radio networks
Provision of post-purchase reinforcement results in COGNITIVE dissonance reduction and satisfaction ENHANCEMENT
Reverse engineering the brain: a hippocampal COGNITIVE prosthesis for repair and ENHANCEMENT of memory function
The Effectiveness of Mindful COGNITIVE therapy on ENHANCEMENT of overall well-being
Evidence of transient ENHANCEMENT to COGNITIVE functioning in healthy young adults through environmental enrichment: implications for rehabilitation after brain injury.
COGNITIVE behavior therapy and ENHANCEMENT of self-esteem in seriously disturbed children: Effects of COGNITIVE level, COGNITIVE strategy and additional time in training
Sustainability ENHANCEMENT multihop clustering in COGNITIVE radio sensor networks
Capacity ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE wireless networks with 7-distance spectrum usage policy
The effects of Process-based Reading ENHANCEMENT Program (PREP): A COGNITIVE processing approach to the reading remediation of Title 1 elementary …
COGNITIVE ability ENHANCEMENT effects in rats by B. mori fibroin enzymatic hydrolysate
Energy detection performance ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radio using noise processing approach
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio spectrum sharing (CRSS) with MIMO system
Fuzzy logic-based throughput ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radio networks
Designing general chemistry laboratory experiments for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE development.
Instructional Television Utilization for the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Learning Skills: Implication for the Challenges in Science Education
A COGNITIVE Theory-based Approach for the Evaluation and ENHANCEMENT of Internet Security Awareness among Children Aged 3-12 Years
ENHANCEMENT of hybrid COGNITIVE approach for femtocells
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio networks through imperfect spectrum predictions
Performance ENHANCEMENT of TCP in COGNITIVE mobile IP based networks
TCP ENHANCEMENT For COGNITIVE Wireless Network Based on MAC and TCP Cross-Layer
ENHANCEMENT of mean energy efficiency in COGNITIVE radio channels
Social Determinants of COGNITIVE Change: Identity Processes as the Source of Both ENHANCEMENT and Decline
Proactive QoS ENHANCEMENT Technique for Efficient VoIP Performance over Wireless LAN and COGNITIVE Radio Network.
Outage Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Under Nakagami m Fading
ENHANCEMENT of Security in COGNITIVE Radio Network
A study of effectiveness of speech ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE load classification in noisy conditions
COGNITIVE Contrast ENHANCEMENT of Image Using Adaptive Parameter Based on Non-Linear Masking
ENHANCEMENT of ELECTRE I using Compound Linguistic Ordinal Scale and COGNITIVE Pairwise Comparison
Joint adaptive modulation and cooperation for throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE network
Dissociation between neonatal novelty-induced preferential maternal care and ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE, social, and emotional functions
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE relay networks using regression functions
Effect Of Platform Type on Player Gaming Experience: An Investigation of Brain Games for COGNITIVE Performance ENHANCEMENT in Healthy Older Adults
Optimal energy allocation scheme for throughput ENHANCEMENT in cooperative COGNITIVE network
Novel approaches for the performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio networks
Performance ENHANCEMENT of underlay COGNITIVE radio networks by intelligent multiple relay selection
ENHANCEMENT of the COGNITIVE Effects of γ-Aminobutyric Acid from Monosodium Glutamate Fermentation by Lactobacillus sakei B2-16
Investigation to uncover the electrophysiological correlates of the mediating COGNITIVE factors, responsible for the immediate emotional ENHANCEMENT of memory
A COGNITIVE approach for performance ENHANCEMENT of wireless mesh networks
Comparison of the effectiveness of schema-focused and life style-focused group training on COGNITIVE insight ENHANCEMENT in couples with marital dissatisfaction
Creating wellness: Expressive therapies for creativity ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE development in older adults
Comparative Analysis and Inferences for ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Networks
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and electrophysiological measures of hippocampal functioning in rats by a low, but not high, dose of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate …
A COGNITIVE-Behavioral Approach to the ENHANCEMENT of Self-Esteem in a Patient Suffering Chronic Bipolar Disorder
Throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio network via coalition formation using matching theory
An evaluation of humor as a motivational, COGNITIVE, and affective ENHANCEMENT to lean feedback and remediation strategies in computer-based instruction.
Capacity ENHANCEMENT of a MIMO COGNITIVE Radio System Using Water-Filling Strategy
Non-cooperative Game Theoretic Modeling of COGNITIVE Radio Network for ENHANCEMENT of Bit Error Rate Performance
Turning interference weakness into PHY security ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE radio networks
A COGNITIVE-behavioral psychology model for individual performance ENHANCEMENT
Behaviors–Observations–Beliefs Model for ENHANCEMENT Using COGNITIVE Reasoning
ENHANCEMENT of effect of risperidone on COGNITIVE function
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio Wireless Mesh Networks by link scheduling and beamforming
Self-superiority beliefs: COGNITIVE egocentrism or self-ENHANCEMENT?
The Cross Cultural Applicability of Neurofeedback Training to Produce COGNITIVE Performance ENHANCEMENT
Performance ENHANCEMENT of IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a COGNITIVE Radio Technique
Building a Better Nation: Capitalizing on Social COGNITIVE Theories for Collective ENHANCEMENT
Performance ENHANCEMENT in public speaking anxiety and associated changes in brain activity: a comparison of two COGNITIVE strategies
COGNITIVE radio networks: issues and characterization of sensing ENHANCEMENT and network architectures
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance in mice and in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of 3, 3, 4, 5, 7-pentahydroxyflavone isolated from Cadaba indica
Up in smoke? A preliminary open-label trial of nicotine replacement therapy and COGNITIVE behavioral motivational ENHANCEMENT for smoking cessation among youth …
Optimal Frame Length Control for Throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Systems
SwitchóandóStay Combining Relaying for Security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Effectiveness of the COGNITIVE Capacity ENHANCEMENT Program for Alcohol Dependence Inpatients
Capacity ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio wireless network with dynamic spectrum access
Application of Virtual Reality in Assessment and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Abilities of Military Personnel
Improving student learning through the ENHANCEMENT of initial COGNITIVE prerequisites combined with mastery learning
Energy Efficiency and Throughput ENHANCEMENT for Cellular COGNITIVE Radio Networks
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Skills Training Programmes in Scottish Prisons: identifying future research
Rate ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks using multi-level power transmission strategy
COGNITIVE-Behavioral Skills ENHANCEMENT and Deterring Drug Abuse among American Indians.
A ‘Happy’Coincidence: COGNITIVE Capitalism and Well-Being ENHANCEMENT in Schools
System performance ENHANCEMENT using NASH Bargaining Solutions for COGNITIVE radio system
Risk Engine Design as a Key Security ENHANCEMENT to the Standard Architecture for COGNITIVE Radio
Medium Access Control Protocols with Efficient ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE Radio Networks
ENHANCEMENT of Capacity in a MC-CDMA based COGNITIVE Radio Network Using Non-Cooperative Game Model
The role of BF-7 on ENHANCEMENT of memory and COGNITIVE function
A STDMA throughput ENHANCEMENT scheme with heuristic scheduling in COGNITIVE radio wireless networks
Self-efficacy in women following myocardial infarction: An investigation into the effects of a COGNITIVE-interactive nursing intervention on efficacy ENHANCEMENT
Switch-and-Stay Combining Relaying for Security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
The role of COGNITIVE reasoning and decision making and user testing in the ENHANCEMENT of communication of legislative messages in a digital age
Energy minimization and lifetime ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Sensor Networks via relaying under interference constraints
An Evaluation of a Memory ENHANCEMENT Program for People with Mild COGNITIVE Impairments on Family Caregiver Outcomes
System performance ENHANCEMENT using Power Path Gain Ratio for COGNITIVE Radio systems with diverse transmission ranges
PA efficiency ENHANCEMENT using digital linearization techniques in uplink COGNITIVE radio systems
COGNITIVE behavioral therapy focused upon communicational skills ENHANCEMENT in anorexia nervosa-a case series
Motivational ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE behavioral therapies in treating adolescents who abuse cannabis
COGNITIVE, metaCOGNITIVE, and psychosocial predictors of benefit following memory ENHANCEMENT intervention for older adults
Emotional ENHANCEMENT and Repetition Effects During Working Memory in Persons with Mild COGNITIVE Impairment
Volleyball and Four-Dimensional Visual/COGNITIVE/Motor Symmetry: A Model for Performance ENHANCEMENT
A TCP ENHANCEMENT Technique Based on MAC and TCP Cross-Layer Cooperation in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
The effect of affective stimulus value of careers, provision of affectively laden vocational information and meaning ENHANCEMENT on vocational COGNITIVE complexity
COGNITIVE processes and lifestyle indicators of fluid reasoning decline and crystallized knowledge ENHANCEMENT in adulthood
A Method of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing of ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Multi-hop Networks
A COGNITIVE-behavioural group therapy intervention programme for university students for the ENHANCEMENT of self-efficacy expectations
Through negativity to freedom: Nishitani Keiji’s discourse on ENHANCEMENT of consciousness in light of the Hegelian theory of COGNITIVE development
Adjustment to life stress: Self-ENHANCEMENT as a COGNITIVE mediator
Hypnotic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE-behavioral interventions for pain: an analogue treatment study
The role of BF-7 on neuroprotection and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE function
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Performance in Chronic Cannabis Users: Temporary versus Isolated Effects of a Motivational Statement
Exercise and self-esteem: The ENHANCEMENT of psychological functioning among nonclinical populations from a social-COGNITIVE perspective
In response to” Hypnotic ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE-behavioral interventions for pain: an analogue treatment study”.
A Multi-Destination Spectrum Sharing Protocol for Throughput ENHANCEMENT in D-OFDM-Based COGNITIVE Radio Network
Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Function in Focal Ischemic Stroke Rat Model
On Demand Priority Packet Forwarding for TCP Performance ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Mobile IP Networks
Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy with and without COGNITIVE behaviour therapy to treat type 1 diabetes: the long-term outcomes of a randomised controlled trial
Physical Layer Security ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE Radio Networks using SINR-Based Cooperative Beamforming
Motivational ENHANCEMENT Therapy and COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users: 5 Sessions
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Multiple Dual-Polarized Antennas in COGNITIVE Radio Systems
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based family therapy and meta-COGNITIVE family therapy for the ENHANCEMENT of marital quality among divorce seeking clients
Alive longer at what price? COGNITIVE-motor ENHANCEMENT in the third age to reduce functional limitations and disability in the fourth age
Cannabis Youth Treatment Series: Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy and COGNITIVE behavorial therapy for adolescent Cannabis users: 5 sessions
A Human Centered Design Approach to COGNITIVE Engineering for the ENHANCEMENT of Pilot Situation Awareness and Decision Making during a Slow Cabin …
Protection of β-Amyloid-induced Oxidative Cell Death and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Dysfunction by [6]-Gingerol
ENHANCEMENT of Attachment and COGNITIVE Development of Young Nursery-Reared Chimpanzees in Responsive Versus Standard Care
… claims related to L‐tryptophan and maintenance of normal sleep (ID 596, 1671), ENHANCEMENT of mood (ID 596), contribution to normal COGNITIVE function (ID 596) …
Less exercise, more effects: ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions associated with hippocampal BDNF signaling by voluntary resistance wheel running in adult rats
Effectiveness of Motivational ENHANCEMENT Therapy Plus COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy on Glycerol Control, Depressive Symptoms, and Health Related Quality of Life …
… II type 2 receptor agonist, compound 21, improved COGNITIVE function in mice with an increase in cerebral blood flow and an ENHANCEMENT of excitatory post‐synaptic …
In people with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes, COGNITIVE behaviour therapy combined with motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy reduces HbA1c after 12 months
… case, the most notable among these link stereotypes to operations related to managing demands on cogni-tive capacity, serving self-ENHANCEMENT needs, and (more …
Hacking the brain: dimensions of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Improving methodological standards in behavioral interventions for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A review of US Army research contributing to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in military contexts
Commercial video games and COGNITIVE functions: video game genres and modulating factors of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Neuroprotective and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT potentials of baicalin: a review
A systematic review and meta-analysis of rTMS effects on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in mild COGNITIVE impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Public opinion on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT varies across different situations
An overview of neuroprotective and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT properties of lignans from Schisandra chinensis
The glycine site of NMDA receptors: A target for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in psychiatric disorders
Centella asiatica: Phytochemistry and mechanisms of neuroprotection and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in pediatrics
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for the ageing world: opportunities and challenges
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among non-ADHD individuals—A cross-sectional study in 15 countries
Attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the role of metaphor and context
Vortioxetine for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in major depression: from animal models to clinical research
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the threat of inequality
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT interventions for people with bipolar disorder: A systematic review of methodological quality, treatment approaches, and outcomes
Neuroethical issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Modafinil as the example of a workplace drug?
A taxonomy of harms inherent in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Extended mind and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Moral aspects of COGNITIVE artifacts
Neuroprotective and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT potentials of Angelica gigas Nakai root: A review
Prescription stimulants: from COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT to misuse
What do people expect of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Responsible COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: neuroethical considerations
Human or robot? Consumer responses to radical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT products
Have standard tests of COGNITIVE function been misappropriated in the study of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Is methylphenidate beneficial and safe in pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for adult autism spectrum disorder: Results of an 18‐month randomized clinical trial
Theory-driven approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Medications used for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease
Neuroprotective and neurological/COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of curcumin after brain ischemia injury with Alzheimer’s disease phenotype
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT induced by anodal tDCS drives circuit-specific cortical plasticity
Non-invasive COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Epilepsy
Protocols for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT. A user manual for Brain Health Services—part 5 of 6
Virtual reality for neurorehabilitation and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Principled approaches to direct brain stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Regulating the use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: An analytic framework
Short-term effects of video-games on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: The Role of positive emotions
Neurofeedback for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and intervention and brain plasticity
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and coping in an Australian university student sample
Autonomy and the limits of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Unanswered Questions About Human Psychology and Social Behavior
Neural and psychological predictors of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and impairment from neurostimulation
How effective are pharmaceuticals for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy adults? A series of meta-analyses of COGNITIVE performance during acute administration of …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of numerical and arithmetic capabilities: a mini-review of available transcranial electric stimulation studies
Intellectual autonomy, epistemic dependence and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
SIRT1 overexpression in mouse hippocampus induces COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through proteostatic and neurotrophic mechanisms
Social policy and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Lessons from chess
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for mood disorders: A new paradigm?
Suggestion of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT improves emotion regulation.
Longitudinal functional brain imaging study in early course schizophrenia before and after COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy
Multimodal COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for patients with mild COGNITIVE impairment and mild dementia: a multi-center, randomized, controlled, double-blind …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of healthy older adults using hyperbaric oxygen: a randomized controlled trial
How pills undermine skills: Moralization of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and causal selection
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT via network-targeted cortico-cortical associative brain stimulation
Socio-COGNITIVE biases are associated to belief in neuromyths and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A pre-registered study
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by transcranial photobiomodulation is associated with cerebrovascular oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex
Five unapproved drugs found in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT supplements
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with Salience Network electrical stimulation is influenced by network structural connectivity
Toward a method for exposing and elucidating ethical issues with human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technologies
Ellagic acid: insights into its neuroprotective and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of galantamine in schizophrenia: significant COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Acute exercise and cognition: A review with testable questions for future research into COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with blood flow restriction
Neuromodulation as a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT strategy in healthy older adults: promises and pitfalls
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of sport technique learning by sleep: a systematic review
Functional connectivity associated with improvement in emotion management after COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy in early-course schizophrenia
Antidepressant-like effects and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Schisandra chinensis in chronic unpredictable mild stress mice and its related mechanism
Development of the Supported Employment, Comprehensive COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, and Social Skills program for adults on the autism spectrum: Results of initial …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in neurological and psychiatric disorders using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): a review of modalities, potential mechanisms …
Building conceptions of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: University students’ views on the effects of pharmacological COGNITIVE enhancers
The Ethics of Genetic COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Gene Editing or Embryo Selection?
Modafinil and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia and healthy volunteers: the effects of test battery in a randomised controlled trial
Methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in chess: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial
How perceived substance characteristics affect ethical judgement towards COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Optimising COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Systematic assessment of the effects of tdcs duration in older adults
Measuring expectations of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: item response analysis of the expectation assessment scale
Neuroethics, justice and autonomy: Public reason in the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT debate
Blueberry phenolics are associated with COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in supplemented healthy older adults
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of anterior cingulate cortex modulates subcortical brain regions resulting in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Embodied perspectives on behavioral COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Mixed-amphetamine salts expectancies among college students: Is stimulant induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT a placebo effect?
The Dark Triad of personality and attitudes toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Towards a moral ecology of pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in British Universities
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effects of stimulants: a randomized controlled trial testing methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine
Childhood brain development, the educational achievement gap, and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with licit and illicit stimulants in the Netherlands and Finland: what is the evidence?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with brain implants: the burden of abnormality
How Public Opinion Can Inform COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Regulation
Presence of piracetam in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT dietary supplements
Limitless? Imaginaries of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the labouring body
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in children by using prescription drugs
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and antipsychotic-like activity following repeated dosing with the selective M4 PAM VU0467154
The uncertainties of ENHANCEMENT: A mixed-methods study on the use of substances for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and it’s unintended consequences
Acetylcholine Receptor Stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Better the Devil You Know?
Why prohibit study drugs? On attitudes and practices concerning prohibition and coercion to use pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Making sense of pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: taking stock and looking forward
Nonmedical use of prescription drugs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT as response to chronic stress especially when social support is lacking
Brain stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the older person: State of the art and future directions
L‐carnitine for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in people without COGNITIVE impairment
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Techniques and Their Impact on Performance Improvements: A Review
Emotions toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT technologies and the body–Attitudes and willingness to use
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Cheapened Achievement: A New Dilemma
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in schizophrenia and related disorders
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT via neuromodulation and video games: Synergistic effects?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, TAU phosphorylation reduction, and neuronal protection by the treatment of an LRRK2 inhibitor in a tauopathy mouse model
Oxygen administration and acute human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Higher COGNITIVE demand leads to a more rapid decay of transient hyperoxia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotective effects of OABL, a sesquiterpene lactone in 5xFAD Alzheimer’s disease mice model
Experiences of empowerment in a community COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy program: an exploratory qualitative study
Are better workers also better humans? On pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the workplace and conflicting societal domains
Antidepressant-like effects and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of coadministration of chaihu shugan san and fluoxetine: Dependent on the BDNF-ERK-CREB …
FAST: a novel, executive function-based approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Moral attitudes toward pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT (PCE): differences and similarities among Germans with and without PCE experience
Evaluating Ethical Frameworks for the Assessment of Human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Applications
Prevalence of and factors associated with the use of methylphenidate for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among university students
Pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Greek university students: Differences between users and non-users in social COGNITIVE variables, burnout, and …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy Improves Social Relationships Quality of Life among Individuals with Schizophrenia Misusing Substances
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in old dogs from dietary supplementation with a nutrient blend containing arginine, antioxidants, B vitamins and fish oil
A blood-based nutritional risk index explains COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and decline in the multidomain Alzheimer prevention trial
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and American constitutional law
Students’ stimulant use for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A deliberate choice rather than an emotional response to a given situation
Neurostimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Alzheimer’s disease (the NICE-AD study): a randomized clinical trial
Foreign language e-learning course as an element of city infrastructure for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for the third age people
Medical students’ attitudes towards pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with methylphenidate
The effect of exercise combined with a COGNITIVE–ENHANCEMENT group training program on cognition and depression in the community-dwelling elderly
Public perceptions of prescription drug use for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in healthy children and adolescents
Prevalence and correlates of stimulant and depressant pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among Norwegian students
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through genetic editing: A new frontier to explore (and to regulate)?
Responsible Research and Innovation in the context of human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: some essential features
Potential indirect mechanisms of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT after long-term resistance training in older adults
Impact of COMT val158met on tDCS-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in older adults
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of volatile oil from the stems of Schisandra chinensis Baill. in Alzheimer’s disease rats
Theta-burst stimulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Parkinson’s disease with mild COGNITIVE impairment: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial
Fooled by ‘smart drugs’–why shouldn’t pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT be liberally used in education?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A social experiment with technology
Neuroprotection and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by treatment with γ-oryzanol in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
A clinical trial of transcranial electromagnetic treatment in Alzheimer’s disease: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and associated changes in cerebrospinal fluid, blood …
Neuroethical issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: the undergraduates’ point of view
Counterproductive criminal rehabilitation: Dealing with the double-edged sword of moral bioENHANCEMENT via COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Can biomedical and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT increase psychological resilience?
Editorial special topic: neuroethical issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Defending the Parity Principle
What transcranial direct current stimulation intensity is best for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Effect of critical thinking on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Concept generation of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: healthcare professionals’ approach towards the impact and utilization of COGNITIVE enhancers in academic …
Haloperidol attenuates Methylphenidate and Modafinil induced behavioural sensitization and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Zerumbone augments COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT potentials of EPA+ DHA: insight from a hyperlipidaemic rat model
Does Kantian Ethics Condone Mood and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Towards COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the elderly: A ux study of a multitasking motion video game
Intellectual Doping and Pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Education: Some Ethical Questions
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: a promising or an inevitable future?
Effects of a single-session COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT fitness program on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and COGNITIVE function in middle-aged …
COGNITIVE performance ENHANCEMENT: do biofeedback and neurofeedback work?
Context-Dependent Risk & Benefit Sensitivity Mediate Judgments About COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Three Years of Journal of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neuroprotective effects of a traditional Chinese herbal compound medicine on Aβ1–42 induced Alzheimer’s disease in rats
COGNITIVE extension, ENHANCEMENT, and the phenomenology of thinking
The Use of Methylphenidate for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Young Healthy Adults: The Clinical and Ethical Debates
Upgrading self-esteem: Effectiveness of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT package among psychiatric inpatients.
Transient receptor potential-canonical 1 is essential for environmental enrichment-induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and neurogenesis
Continuing the debate: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for mood disorders
Mathematical Problem Solving and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Stimulant Usage by Medical Students for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: A Systematic Review
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT vs. plagiarism: A quantitative study on the attitudes of an Italian sample
Social and Non-Social COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Cocaine Users—A Closer Look on ENHANCEMENT Motives for Cocaine Consumption
Empirical Data Is Failing to Break the Ethics Stalemate in the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Debate
Confirmatory Efficacy of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy for Early Schizophrenia: Results From a Multisite Randomized Trial
“There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can do”… with COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Beyond an open future: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the welfare of children
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using ICT and its ethical implications
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and consumption of psychoactive Substances among Youth Students (COSYS): a cross-sectional study in France
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Toward a Rational Public Consensus
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy in Early Schizophrenia: A Qualitative and Quantitative Case Series of Patients’ Experiences
Evaluating the combined COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT effect of brassica juncea and Cynadon dactylon extract in scopolamine induced amnesia zebrafish model
Entering the debate: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy for mood disorders: A new paradigm?
Quali-Quantitative Review of the Use of Multimodal Interfaces for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in People Who Are Blind
The Alcohol and Drug COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT (ACE) Screening Tool: A simple and brief questionnaire to screen for COGNITIVE impairment in substance use disorder …
Virtues-Based Policies for Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
ENHANCEMENT of creative thinking skills using a COGNITIVE-based creativity training
Thinking while moving or moving while thinking–concepts of motor-COGNITIVE training for COGNITIVE performance ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Strategies to Augment COGNITIVE-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Related Disorders: Rationale and Recommendations for Use With …
Social Justice Theories as the Basis for Public Policy on Psychopharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Exploring the use of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT substances among Portuguese university students
Regulatory issues in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT treatment development
Hydrolase-Treated Royal Jelly Attenuates H2O2-and Glutamate-Induced SH-SY5Y Cell Damage and Promotes COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in a Rat Model of …
Preventing Delirium and Promoting Long-Term Brain Health: A Clinical Trial Design for the Perioperative COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT (PROTECT) Trial
… the phosphodiesterase 10A inhibitor, MR1916 with risperidone shows additive antipsychotic‐like effects without affecting COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and cataleptic effects …
Conceptual Definitions and Meaningful Generalizability in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Network Effects: how Individual Prosperity Depends on Group Traits
The legal aspects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT using non-invasive brain stimulation: weighing opportunity, feasibility, and risk
A Familiar Landscape in the Brave New World: Ethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Introduction
A systematic review of the efficacy of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The Development of Smart Applications for the COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the Elderly
Research Trending Topic Prediction as COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Lifestyle and COGNITIVE functioning of Filipino older adults as basis for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT programme
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Autonomous Vehicles: What Differences in Social and Individual Endorsement Imply
Berry Phenolics Are Associated With COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Blueberry-and Strawberry-Supplemented Older Adults
An Overview on COGNITIVE Function ENHANCEMENT through Physical Exercises
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT through Improved Central Artery Stiffness in Postmenopausal Women: Potential Benefit of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use among resident physicians: Prevalence and motivations for use-results from a survey
Conditioned contextual fear memory to assess natural forgetting and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in rats
Commentary: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Are the Claims of Critics “Good Enough”?
Cbren: Computer brain entertainment system using neural feedback COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Neuroethics and Biopolitics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Biotechnologies
“Sounds Fine, But No Thanks!”: On Distinguishing Judgments About Action and Acceptability in Attitudes Toward COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Developing Empathy Towards Older Adults Through Emotional and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Through Mathematical Problem-Solving
Ethical Considerations in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT.
A Systematic Review of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Interventions for Use in Military Operations
Can Attitudes Toward Genome Editing Better Inform COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Policy?
Chemically Modified Minds: Substance Use for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Moral BioENHANCEMENT: Becoming Smarter and More Moral
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Brain-Computer Interfaces: Potential Boundaries and Risks
The effectiveness of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT therapy in a community-based program
Smarter with Drugs? Sociology of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drugs from user’s perspectives
Photobiomodulation for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Healthy Adults
Moral ENHANCEMENT should target self-interest and COGNITIVE capacity
Amphetamines, COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and their Implications for Medical Military Ethics
Will COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT create post‐persons? The use (lessness) of induction in determining the likelihood of moral status ENHANCEMENT
Examining the Use of Dietary Supplements for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by College Students
Smarter than thou, holier than thou: the dynamic interplay between COGNITIVE and moral ENHANCEMENT
A Bioethical Approach to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Healthy Individuals:” The More is not the Better”
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Effects of methylphenidate, modafinil and caffeine on latent memory and resting state functional connectivity in healthy adults
The Future of Education in the Context of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Practices
Implications of the Inverted U Phenomenon for the Bioethical Principle of Justice in the Context of Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
From the necessity of being human to the possibility of pursuing a good life: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the emergence of personhood
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Schizophrenia by Buspirone: Role of Serotonin 1A Receptor Agonism
ENHANCEMENT imaginaries: exploring public understandings of pharmaceutical COGNITIVE enhancing drugs
Brain-training Games: Play as a Tool for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Pediatric Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in a Self-Medicating Society
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in traumatic brain injury.
Self-Determination, Health and Equality: The Constitutional Protections for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, the super soldier and beyond: expanding discourse over emerging disruptive technology
COGNITIVE tele-ENHANCEMENT in healthy older adults and subjects with subjective memory complaints: a review
… Magnetic Stimulation with Computerized COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Training on Change in COGNITIVE Function of Mild COGNITIVE Impairment Patients: Existing, Sham …
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Examining the ethical principles guiding college students’ abstention
A Critical Discourse Analysis of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Advertising: The Contemporary Mind as a Commodity
Caves as sites of sensory and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: The Idaean Cave on Crete
COGNITIVE Tasks of an Information System for Memory Training and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Using Mobile Devices
How Chess can be a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Tool?
Is Non-invasive brain stimulation an effective tool for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Alzheimer’s disease and mild COGNITIVE impairment? Results from the meta-analysis
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Mild COGNITIVE Impairment and Early Alzheimer’s Disease: A …
Exploring the Aetiology and Effects of Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT use in UK University Students
Learning a foreign language: A review on recent findings about its effect on the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions among healthy older individuals
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Psychiatric Disorders
The COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Process of Scientific Data Retrieval
Challenges in regulating the use of stimulant drugs for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in normal individuals
Focus: attention science: can slow-wave sleep ENHANCEMENT improve memory? A review of current approaches and COGNITIVE outcomes
Role of sensorimotor component in language processing: Embodied cognition vs COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT?
Physiscal exercise as a factor for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The CITIDEMAGE Study: Stressing the cholinergic hypothesis for the best outcomes in dementia patients: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in bipolar disorder: current evidence and methodological considerations
Biolaw, Liberalism and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Identifying Harms
A Real-World Implementation-Effectiveness Study of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy for People with Schizophrenia
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the Early Phases of Psychosis
Beyond Physical Exercise: Designing Physical Activities for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Chasing shadows? Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Short-term ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions and music: A three-channel model
Chess as a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT tool in the healthy and in mental health disorders: A systematic review.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by means of TMS and video game training: synergistic effects
Physical activity heterogenously modulates NG2-glia population behavior, and is necessary for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Physical Exercise and Drug
Mindup: A Platform for Monitoring and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
meditations on Drugs: A Buddhist Ethical Approach to Pharmaceutical COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Questionnaire Survey Concerning Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among Undergraduates
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Neuroprotective Abilities of Plants: Ethnobotanical and Pharmacological Importance of These Plants
The End of Humanity: A Teleological Ethic for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Technology
Vagus nerve stimulation induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Hippocampal neuroplasticity in healthy male rats
Effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program based on Workbook for Sustained Attention and Working Memory in The Elderly with Mild COGNITIVE Impairment
The Relationship between COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use and self-efficacy: the mediating effect of stress.
Design for Difference: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Toys for Children with Developmental Delays
ENHANCEMENT of inhibitory control in a sample of preschoolers from poor homes after COGNITIVE training in a kindergarten setting: COGNITIVE and ERP evidence
Effects of Expectations on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Interventions in Young and Older Adults
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the Problem of Inequality: Between Bioconservatism and Bioliberalism
The Role of the Vascular System in Flavonoid-Induced COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Drug Use among University Students: The Role of Perfectionism and Perceived Stress.
Better Minds Ahead: Understanding COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT at the mild COGNITIVE impairment stage of Alzheimer’s disease.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the Problem of the Pressure to Enhance: Rational Choice Modeling and Normative Justification
Fuel for thought? A systematic review of neuroimaging studies into glucose ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE performance
Mindfulness Meditation on the Effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Theory-Driven COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Costs and Benefits
Commentary: Aiding or Abetting? Responding to a Request for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Hyperoxia as a COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Tool: An Annotated Bibliography
Is COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT a problem in Australia?
ENHANCEMENT of select COGNITIVE domains with rosiglitazone implicates dorsal hippocampus circuitry sensitive to PPARγ agonism in an Alzheimer’s mouse model
Physical Exercise and Drug Use on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT at the Mild COGNITIVE Impairment Stage of Alzheimer’s
The Effect of a Visiting COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program on the Loneliness, Depression, Self-esteem of Old-Old Elderly
The relationship between coping, stress and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use
Prevalence of and factors associated with the use of methylphenidate for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among university students.
Neurostimulation: Neural and Psychological Predictors of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and Impairment from Neurostimulation (Adv. Sci. 4/2020)
Musical Activities and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Dementia
Review of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT techniques based on the combination of COGNITIVE training and transcranial direct current stimulation
… boosting interventions for impulsivity in addiction: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of COGNITIVE training, remediation and pharmacological ENHANCEMENT
A mixed-methods study on the use of substances for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and it’s unintended consequences
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Major Depressive Disorder
Methylphenidate and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in university students: a systematic review
Determining the effect of iron supplement in COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in children: An experimental study
“Smart Drugs?”: Mapping the controversies on the use of Ritalin for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Moral attitudes and willingness to induce COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and repair with brain stimulation
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Applied Contexts—Translation for Real-World Use
Closed-loop ENHANCEMENT and neural decoding of COGNITIVE control in humans
Distributive justice, equality and the ENHANCEMENT of human cognition: A commentary on fairness and ‘COGNITIVE doping’
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among healthy university students: conceptual definitions, empirical aspects and ethical issues
Muscle Function and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program for Parkinson’s Patients
COGNITIVE Self‐ENHANCEMENT as a Duty to Oneself: A Kantian Perspective
Methylphenidate and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in university students: a systematic review
Substance use for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among university students: what is the role of stress and conscientiousness?
Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: The Science And Ethics Of Enhancing The Mind
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Injury in Traumatic Brain
Psychiatric nosology and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Results and drug development summary for Xanamem, a potent inhibitor of the 11β‐HSD1 enzyme: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Effectiveness of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Gymnastics Program for the Elderly With Dementia: Senam A-Pik Pre-experiment Project
COGNITIVE performance effects following a single dose of the M1 muscarinic positive allosteric modulator VU319: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Learning a foreign language: A new path to ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions
The Moral Permissibility of Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Repetitive Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for Elderly Facing Dementia with the Use of COGNITIVE Rehabilitation Therapy Techniques and Psychological Treatment. A Case Study
Will COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT lead to more wellbeing? The case of people with disabilities
The mediating role of manipulativeness in the relationship between the Dark Triad and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Using Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Methods, Ethics, Applications
Developing Public Health Approaches to COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: An Analysis of Current Reports
Novel COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Strategies in Aging: Integrating Computerized and Pharmacologic Approaches
Erratum to: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Numerical and Arithmetic Capabilities: a Mini-Review of Available Transcranial Electric Stimulation Studies
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and doping in sport
How do different groups of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug users and non-users differ in lifestyle characteristics?
How to enhance responsibility? What about the effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT on moral and legal responsibility?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of the Brain: Removal of Artefacts
A Business Proof-of-Concept of a Brain-Computer Interface for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The use of caffeinated substances for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT among oral and maxillofacial surgeons
Design Learning for Inclusion in Virtual World Through COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the Feuerstein MLE’s Perspective
Neurofeedback training with a low-priced EEG device leads to faster alpha ENHANCEMENT but shows no effect on COGNITIVE performance: A single-blind, sham …
… in moderate Alzheimer’s disease: Effect of AD duration since diagnosis and patient’s age on efficacy endpoints: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Ethical Implications for Airman-Machine Teaming
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in the Facially Different: Leveling the Playing Field or Playing a Dangerous Game?
… transcranial magnetic stimulation with computerized COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT training on change in COGNITIVE function of mild COGNITIVE impairment patients: Existing …
NeuroEPO in mild‐to‐moderate Alzheimer’s disease: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
10 Pediatric Pharmacological COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in Society
Perceptions about COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy among Regional Mental Health Providers: a Mixed Methods Analysis
Equality of Resources and Compulsory Licensing of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Drugs
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT drug use among resident physicians: Prevalence and motivations for use-results from a survey
The ethics of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT: Flynn effect and the natural talents fallacy
The use of brain stimulation technology for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and the potential for addiction
Acoustic ENHANCEMENT of sleep slow oscillations in mild COGNITIVE impairment
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT, Virtue Ethics and the Good Life
Implementation of Serious Games with Language-Based COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT for BIF Children
107. Ten-Year Durability Effects of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Therapy in Early Course Schizophrenia
Striving for COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT with RT-FMRI neurofeedback
Reversal of Antidepressant-Like Effects and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Liuwei Dihuang Decotion by Antagonist of G protein-coupled receptor 30 via CREB …
Research on intelligent COGNITIVE function ENHANCEMENT of intelligent robot based on ant colony algorithm
Psyche’: Aristotle on Remote Sensing Touch and Human COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The Bionic Brain: Pragmatic Neuroethics and the Moral Plausibility of COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT of Healthy Individuals: Application and Its Influencing Factors
Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
… as disease‐modifying therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by self-regulation of endogenous oscillations with neurofeedback
Improving COGNITIVE control: Is theta neurofeedback training associated with proactive rather than reactive control ENHANCEMENT?
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT in young healthy subjects using non-invasive brain stimulation and COGNITIVE training
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by self-regulation of endogenous oscillations with neurofeedback
… metabolic health in the 5xFAD* Tg30 Alzheimer’s disease model: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
… with Lewy bodies with quaternary ammonium anti‐muscarinic/high‐dose cholinesterase inhibitor (QAAM/HDCI) Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
Supplement innovations: PQQ spells COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions by rice bran extract in a neuroinflammatory mouse model via regulation of PPARγ
Nabiximols combined with motivational ENHANCEMENT/COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for the treatment of cannabis dependence: a pilot randomized clinical trial
… trial of the safety and efficacy of GM‐CSF/sargramostim in subjects with mild‐to‐moderate Alzheimer’s disease: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
A Social COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT Program for Youth at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
The Synergistic Effect of Dopamine and Norepinephrine Transporter Inhibition on COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
… memory impairment in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT by means of TMS and video game training: synergistic effects
The effectiveness of narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy: a randomized controlled study of a self-stigma intervention
… nanomedicine for the effective treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
Beta wave ENHANCEMENT neurofeedback improves COGNITIVE functions in patients with mild COGNITIVE impairment: A preliminary pilot study
Security ENHANCEMENT for energy harvesting COGNITIVE networks with relay selection
Outcomes of a randomized trial of a COGNITIVE behavioral ENHANCEMENT to address maternal distress in home visited mothers
The Importance of the Study of COGNITIVE Performance ENHANCEMENT for US National Security
Safety and pharmacokinetics of the muscarinic positive allosteric modulator VU319: A phase 1 single dose study: Human/Human trials: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT
The Logical Intelligence ENHANCEMENT Program (LIEP) for the improvement of COGNITIVE abilities. Premilinary findings
The ENHANCEMENT of spatial levels reviewed from students’ COGNITIVE styles
Energy ENHANCEMENT using Multiobjective Ant colony optimization with Double Q learning algorithm for IoT based COGNITIVE radio networks
Scale matters in COGNITIVE bio-ENHANCEMENT programs
Impact of learning a foreign language on the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions among healthy older population
COGNITIVE Vigilance ENHANCEMENT Using Audio Stimulation of Pure Tone at 250 Hz
ENHANCEMENT of Executive Functions but Not Memory by Multidomain Group COGNITIVE Training in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Mild COGNITIVE …
A utilization of multiple antenna elements for matched filter based spectrum sensing performance ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio system
… the management of COGNITIVE dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
Performance ENHANCEMENT for harvest-to-transmit COGNITIVE multi-hop networks with best path selection method under presence of eavesdropper
… ‐2‐based therapy in two mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease: Nonhuman/Target identification and validation studies: COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT and other behavioral …
Stackelberg game based relay selection for physical layer security and energy efficiency ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
The Development and Feasibility of TECH: Tablet ENHANCEMENT of Cognition and Health, a Novel COGNITIVE Intervention for People with Mild COGNITIVE Impairment
Optimized secondary user selection for quality of service ENHANCEMENT of two-tier multi-user COGNITIVE radio network: a game theoretic approach
INtervention for COGNITIVE Reserve ENHANCEMENT in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s Symptomatic Expression (INCREASE), a randomized controlled trial …
The efficacy of internet-based mindfulness training and COGNITIVE-behavioral training with telephone support in the ENHANCEMENT of mental health among …
Closed loop ENHANCEMENT and neural decoding of human COGNITIVE control
Energy-efficient framework for throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio network by exploiting transmission mode diversity
ENHANCEMENT of Brain d-Serine Mediates Recovery of COGNITIVE Function after Traumatic Brain Injury
COGNITIVE Radio Performance ENHANCEMENT Based on Frequency Hopping System
Pericortical ENHANCEMENT on delayed postgadolinium fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images in normal aging, mild COGNITIVE impairment, and Alzheimer disease
COGNITIVE performance ENHANCEMENT induced by caffeine, carbohydrate and guarana mouth rinsing during submaximal exercise
The Logical Intelligence ENHANCEMENT Program (LIEP) for the improvement of COGNITIVE abilities.
GluN2A NMDA receptor ENHANCEMENT improves brain oscillations, synchrony, and COGNITIVE functions in Dravet syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease models
The spleen mediates chronic sleep restriction-mediated ENHANCEMENT of LPS-induced neuroinflammation, COGNITIVE deficits, and anxiety-like behavior
COGNITIVE wearable robotics for autism perception ENHANCEMENT
Differences in COGNITIVE task performance, reinforcement ENHANCEMENT, and nicotine dependence between menthol and non-menthol cigarette smokers
… mechanisms of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery ENHANCEMENT for internet gaming disorder: Reducing craving and addictive behavior by targeting COGNITIVE processes
ENHANCEMENT of ATP production ameliorates motor and COGNITIVE impairments in a mouse model of MPTP− induced Parkinson’s disease
Memory ENHANCEMENT by multidomain group COGNITIVE training in patients with Parkinson’s disease and mild COGNITIVE impairment: long-term effects of a …
Transfer of learning in people who are blind: ENHANCEMENT of spatial-COGNITIVE abilities through drawing
Glucosamine ENHANCEMENT of BDNF Expression and Animal COGNITIVE Function
Energy proficient clustering technique for lifetime ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio–based heterogeneous wireless sensor network
Secrecy performance ENHANCEMENT for underlay COGNITIVE radio networks employing cooperative multi-hop transmission with and without presence of hardware …
Technologies of the self in public health: insights from public deliberations on COGNITIVE and behavioural ENHANCEMENT
The Philosophy of Human COGNITIVE Pharmacological ENHANCEMENT: The Genesis of Pharmacometaphysics
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE insight and higher-order neuroCOGNITIVE function by fronto-temporal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in patients with …
Metformin treatment in late middle age improves COGNITIVE function with alleviation of microglial activation and ENHANCEMENT of autophagy in the hippocampus
Randomised controlled trial of integrated COGNITIVE behavioural treatment and motivational ENHANCEMENT for comorbid social anxiety and alcohol use disorders
ENHANCEMENT of anticipatory postural adjustments by virtual reality in older adults with COGNITIVE and motor deficits: a randomised trial
Assessment of the impact of an inclusive diving program, on subjects with COGNITIVE disability: analysis of the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE processes
Is COGNITIVE extension necessarily ENHANCEMENT?
Rapamycin alleviates COGNITIVE impairment in murine vascular dementia: The ENHANCEMENT of mitophagy by PI3K/AKT/mTOR axis
… effect of exercise on COGNITIVE function during peripheral arterial disease: potential involvement of myokines and microglial anti-inflammatory phenotype ENHANCEMENT
Supramodal ENHANCEMENT of auditory perceptual and COGNITIVE learning by video game playing
Emotion regulation ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE behavior therapy for college student problem drinkers: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Behavioural pharmacology of the α5-GABAA receptor antagonist S44819: ENHANCEMENT and remediation of COGNITIVE performance in preclinical models
… protocols for treatment of clinical and COGNITIVE symptoms of ADHD: theta suppression/beta ENHANCEMENT and theta suppression/alpha ENHANCEMENT
Performance ENHANCEMENT of steady-state Markov analysis for COGNITIVE radio networks via channel reservation
Shaping Children: The Pursuit of Normalcy in Pediatric COGNITIVE Neuro-ENHANCEMENT
Throughput ENHANCEMENT for the Joint Radar-Communication Systems Based on COGNITIVE Closed-Loop Design
Dynamic Coordinative Estimation ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Network
ENHANCEMENT of visuospatial working memory by the differential outcomes procedure in mild COGNITIVE impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
ENHANCEMENT of synaptic plasticity and reversal of impairments in motor and COGNITIVE functions in a mouse model of Angelman Syndrome by a small neurogenic …
Ocimum sanctum Linn. extract improves COGNITIVE deficits in olfactory bulbectomized mice via the ENHANCEMENT of central cholinergic systems and VEGF …
Energy‐efficient framework for throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio network
Brain Vitality ENHANCEMENT (BRAVE) program to promote brain health among persons with mild COGNITIVE impairment: A study protocol
An empirical analysis of online multiple-choice question-generation learning activity for the ENHANCEMENT of students’ COGNITIVE strategy development while learning …
COGNITIVE-behavioral therapy plus healthy lifestyle ENHANCEMENT for depressed, overweight/obese adolescents: results of a pilot trial
PSNR ENHANCEMENT in image streaming over COGNITIVE radio sensor networks
An adaptive sensing time based on SNR for spectrum utilization ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio
Development of an interactive tool for soft skills ENHANCEMENT in people with mild COGNITIVE disabilities
The COGNITIVE fitness framework: a roadmap for systematic, evidence-based mental skills training and performance ENHANCEMENT
… Well-being, and Neuro-COGNITIVE Functioning in Teachers: a Matched Controlled Study Comparing the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Health ENHANCEMENT …
Kaempferide prevents COGNITIVE decline via attenuation of oxidative stress and ENHANCEMENT of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor/tropomyosin receptor kinase B/cAMP …
Exploring crossmodal perceptual ENHANCEMENT and integration in a sequence-reproducing task with COGNITIVE priming
Blockchain-Based Security ENHANCEMENT and Spectrum Sensing in COGNITIVE Radio Network
HSA-SPC: Hybrid Spectrum Access with Spectrum Prediction and Cooperation for Performance ENHANCEMENT of Multiuser COGNITIVE Radio Network
B Vitamins Supplementation Can Improve COGNITIVE Functions and May Relate to the ENHANCEMENT of Transketolase Activity in A Rat Model of COGNITIVE Impairment …
Eco-COGNITIVE computationalism: from mimetic minds to morphology-based ENHANCEMENT of mimetic bodies
Online Compared to Face-to-Face Sexual Intimacy ENHANCEMENT Training Program Counseling with COGNITIVE-Behavioral Approach on Sexual Intimacy in Pregnant …
Dynamic Threshold Based Throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Network Using Hidden Markov Model with State Prediction
31 Using Digital Technology for COGNITIVE Assessment and ENHANCEMENT in Older Adults
Deployment of COGNITIVE RF for performance ENHANCEMENT of FSO systems: A FSO/COGNITIVE RF hybrid approach
ENHANCEMENT of prefrontal area excitability induced by a COGNITIVE task: Impact on subsequence visuomotor task performance
Identification as a deterrent for security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
Electrophysiological modulation and COGNITIVE-verbal ENHANCEMENT by multi-session Broca’s stimulation: a quantitative EEG transcranial direct current …
Hybrid Spectrum Access Strategy for Throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Network
Mindfulness-Based COGNITIVE Therapy: ENHANCEMENT of Visual Target Detection Ability of the Analyst
Interference mitigation and capacity ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio networks using modified greedy algorithm/channel assignment and power allocation techniques
Motivational ENHANCEMENT therapy versus COGNITIVE behavioral therapy in a cohort of men and women with alcohol use disorder
The ENHANCEMENT of students’ mathematical representation in junior high school using COGNITIVE apprenticeship instruction (CAI)
COGNITIVE Radio Network Security ENHANCEMENT Based on Frequency Hopping
ENHANCEMENT of self‐conducted exposure for OCD using COGNITIVE bias modification: a case study
COGNITIVE functioning ENHANCEMENT in older adults: is there an advantage of multicomponent training over Nordic walking?
A preliminary study of computerized COGNITIVE ability ENHANCEMENT program using Smart-toy for children
Resource allocation based on hybrid water filling algorithm for energy efficiency ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio networks
Physical and COGNITIVE Therapy ENHANCEMENT Using Game-Based Learning
Secrecy performance ENHANCEMENT using path selection over cluster-based COGNITIVE radio networks
Security ENHANCEMENT technique in COGNITIVE networks
Communication block slot optimization method based on intelligent vehicle platoon COGNITIVE ability ENHANCEMENT
Performance ENHANCEMENT of Dynamic Spectrum Access via Channel Reservation for COGNITIVE Radio Networks
The Adaptation and Feasibility of Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE Therapy (NECT) for Late-Onset Psychosis
COGNITIVE behavioural therapy in performance ENHANCEMENT: using exposure and behavioural experiments with elite athletes
Assessment of Factors Contributing to the ENHANCEMENT of Memory and COGNITIVE Abilities in the Context of Neurosciences
The feasibility of TECH: Tablet ENHANCEMENT of Cognition and Health, a novel COGNITIVE intervention for people with Mild COGNITIVE Impairment
Evaluation and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Skills of E-Learners
COGNITIVE User’s Quality of Service ENHANCEMENT by using Spectrum Hole Grouping in Cellular COGNITIVE Radio Networks
FL learning could contribute to the ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE functions in MCI older adults
Quantification of Throughput ENHANCEMENT using Cooperative Communication in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Back-Pressure Based Throughput ENHANCEMENT Algorithms for COGNITIVE Radio Networks
DSO COGNITIVE architecture: implementation and validation of the global workspace ENHANCEMENT
Secrecy ENHANCEMENT of a COGNITIVE Two-Way Relay Network with Coordinate Interleaving
Transmit power control and data rate ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE radio network using computational intelligence.
Utilization of COGNITIVE Conflict Instructional Strategy and Conceptual Change Pedagogy for ENHANCEMENT of Students’ Attention in Physics
Motivational ENHANCEMENT Therapy and COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorders
Ratio adjustable channel hopping ENHANCEMENT for heterogeneous COGNITIVE radio networks
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Abilities of an Agent-Robot on the Basis of Image Recognition and Sound Perception
Coalitional game based joint beamforming and power control for physical layer security ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE IoT networks
Capacity ENHANCEMENT for Energy-Harvesting COGNITIVE Radio Networks: A NOMA-Enabled Joint Design
Comparing the Effectiveness of Classical COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy and ENHANCEMENT-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy on Depression and Quality of Life in …
Narrative ENHANCEMENT COGNITIVE Therapy (NECT): The recovery of the self from internalized stigma
A posterior transition probability‐based model for spectrum sensing in COGNITIVE radio networks for maximized network lifetime and performance ENHANCEMENT
ENHANCEMENT of Spectrum Sensing in COGNITIVE Radio: Providing Reliable Spectral Opportunities
Spectral-Energy EfficiencyTradeoff ENHANCEMENT: an Optimal Resource Allocation Framework for 5G Underlay COGNITIVE Radio Network
Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy: A group intervention to reduce self-stigma in people with severe mental illness
The Effectiveness of the Five Senses ENHANCEMENT Training on COGNITIVE Ability and Social Skills of Students with Mathematical Learning Disabilities
Reversal of COGNITIVE Aging through ENHANCEMENT of Cardiac Output
ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Index with Computer Game Using Brain Signals and Hormonal Analysis: Randomized Controlled Trial
… Preserves COGNITIVE Functions and Hippocampus Histological Architecture in Albino Wistar Rats Subjected to Stress Through ENHANCEMENT of Brain-Derived …
Optimizing COGNITIVE Performance during Vigilance through Flow ENHANCEMENT
COGNITIVE Radar Tracking Performance ENHANCEMENT via Waveform Optimization
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE radio networks‐nonorthogonal multiple access with energy harvesting and adaptive transmit power
Throughput ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE M2M networks based on NOMA for 5G communication systems
ENHANCEMENT the Detection Performance for the Primary User Traffic in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Treatment of maternal depression with in-home COGNITIVE behavioral therapy augmented by a parenting ENHANCEMENT: A case report
Predictors of pharmaceutical ENHANCEMENT preferences for COGNITIVE, affective, social, and physical attributes
Performance ENHANCEMENT of Random COGNITIVE Radio Networks with Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Based Smart Grid
Throughput and fairness ENHANCEMENT based resource allocation scheme for underlay COGNITIVE radio networks
A Statistical Approach for Speech ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Network
Socio-Affective Moral ENHANCEMENT: A COGNITIVE Neuroscientific Perspective
Development of Game Application for ENHANCEMENT of Children’s COGNITIVE Skills
Customer service ENHANCEMENT: Data Mining and COGNITIVE System Approach
ENHANCEMENT of Fear Extinction Memory and Resistance to Age-Related COGNITIVE Decline in Butyrylcholinesterase Knockout Mice and (R)-Bambuterol Treated Mice
Spectral efficiency ENHANCEMENT of green metric COGNITIVE radio network using novel channel design and intellectual African buffalo optimization
Effectiveness of the COGNITIVE-based Training of Hope ENHANCEMENT in Psychological Distress of Payame Noor University students
Activities of Brain Gymnastics Against ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Function in the Elderly
Novel distributed algorithm for coalition formation in COGNITIVE radio networks for throughput ENHANCEMENT using matching theory
Memantine ameliorates COGNITIVE deficit in AD mice via ENHANCEMENT of entorhinal–CA1 projection
ENHANCEMENT of Spectrum Sensing techniques in COGNITIVE Radio
Performance ENHANCEMENT for Multihop COGNITIVE DF and AF Relaying Protocols under Joint Impact of Interference and Hardware Noises: NOMA for Primary …
Toward COGNITIVE justice: Biomedical ENHANCEMENT of attention in children
ENHANCEMENT of the COGNITIVE Abilities in Visually Impaired Children Following a Yoga Based Intervention
Energy Efficiency and ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Cellular Set-Up
The ENHANCEMENT of Psychological Mindset of Successful Entrepreneurs of Private University Undergraduate Students in Bangkok Metropolis through COGNITIVE …
Cooperation diversity for secrecy ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE relay wiretap network over correlated fading channels
ENHANCEMENT of primary user detection in COGNITIVE radio by scattering transform
Hydrogen Sulfide Attenuates the COGNITIVE Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease Rats via Promoting Hippocampal Microglia M2 Polarization by ENHANCEMENT …
Social High Approach Motivational Positive Affects Modulate COGNITIVE Control: The ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Retention
Effectiveness of COGNITIVE-based Training of Hope ENHANCEMENT in Psychological Distress
An Efficient Algorithm for Invulnerability ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Ad Hoc Networks
ENHANCEMENT of Spectrum Sensing Performance via Cooperative COGNITIVE Radio Networks at Low SNR
Commentary: ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and surgical skills of phacoemulsification in residency or fellowship program: A multiapproach training
Implementation and ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Network using AODV Routing Protocol
Treating Self-stigma in Severely Mentally Ill (SMI) Populations: Group based Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE Therapy (NECT)
Efficacy of Emotional ENHANCEMENT Intervention Along with COGNITIVE Behaviour Techniques for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Using Double Thresholds Eigenvalues Detection
The effectiveness of physical rehabilitation in the ENHANCEMENT of proprioceptive and COGNITIVE aspects on Alzheimer disease patients.
The Optimal Resource Self-configuration Method of COGNITIVE Network for Survivability ENHANCEMENT
Exercise ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Reserve: Promotion of Mental Health in Older Age?
Comparing the Effectiveness of Classical COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy and ENHANCEMENT-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy on Depression and Quality of …
COGNITIVE Approaches for QoS ENHANCEMENT of Medical Image Transmission over LTE Network
The impact of COGNITIVE processes on input ENHANCEMENT techniques: studying Chinese students with English as their second language
Performance ENHANCEMENT of Real-Time Traffic in COGNITIVE Radio Networks with Channel Assembling Strategy
Emotional COGNITIVE Assessment and ENHANCEMENT for Mentally Disabled People.
COGNITIVE improvement effect of gintonin might be associated with blood-brain barrier permeability ENHANCEMENT: dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI pilot study
Ant Colony Optimization Based Routing for Throughput ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Network
Analysis and ENHANCEMENT of Human COGNITIVE Control using Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio in Wireless Network Using Modified LEACH Algorithm
Evaluation and ENHANCEMENT of MAC Protocols for Efficient Spectrum Management and Sharing in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Probabilistic Transitive Closure of Fuzzy COGNITIVE Maps: Algorithm ENHANCEMENT and an Application to Work-Integrated Learning
Effectiveness of Ecological Perspective COGNITIVE Behavioral Stress Management Skills Training for ENHANCEMENT of University Students’ Achievement Motivation
Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Networks Via Multi-power Level Transmission
An Inductorless Differential LNA with Active and Passive ENHANCEMENT for COGNITIVE Radio
Association between Long-Term Slow-Wave Sleep ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE Performance (P6. 073)
Reduction of Reporting Time for Throughput ENHANCEMENT in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based COGNITIVE Radio
Transient Attention as a Gate to Perception: How COGNITIVE Control Regulates Suppression and ENHANCEMENT of Information Through Transient Attention
The relationship among gameplay self-efficacy, gameplay interest, COGNITIVE load, and self-confidence ENHANCEMENT in geography board games
Non-pharmacological Approaches Based on Mind-Body Medicine to ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE and Brain Reserve in Humans
Spectrum Sensing Based Heed Routing Performance ENHANCEMENT Strategy for COGNITIVE Radio Sensor Networks
ENHANCEMENT of Parallel Spectrum Allocation Algorithm for UAS A/G Communication Based on COGNITIVE Radio Theory
ENHANCEMENT of Throughput & Spectrum Sensing of COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Hybrid Firefly Optimization with Double Q-learning for Energy ENHANCEMENT in COGNITIVE Radio Networks
Memory ENHANCEMENT in aging-the role of COGNITIVE training combined with tDCS: Preliminary results
The Adaptation and Feasibility of the Narrative Component of the Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE Therapy (NECT) for Late-Onset Psychosis
Does targeted medication therapy management increase COGNITIVE reserve? Results from the INtervention for COGNITIVE Reserve ENHANCEMENT in delaying the onset …
The Interaction of Gender with Text ENHANCEMENT and Meta-COGNITIVE Grammar Instruction on Learning and Recall of English Grammar
Fairness and throughput ENHANCEMENT based resource allocation scheme for underlay COGNITIVE radio networks
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based COGNITIVE Therapy (MBCT) on Self-Efficacy ENHANCEMENT of the War Wounded.
Clustered Heed Based Cross Layer Routing Scheme for Performance ENHANCEMENT of COGNITIVE Radio Sensor Networks
Investigating the effect of COGNITIVE rehabilitation on ENHANCEMENT of selective attention and executive functions of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder …
You have free access to this contentPSNR ENHANCEMENT in Image Streaming over COGNITIVE Radio Sensor Networks
Interaction between COGNITIVE and Potential ENHANCEMENT Styles (Scaffolding) on Mathematic Problem Solving Skills in Blended Learning with KWDL Integrated with …
Throughput ENHANCEMENT Using Bandwidth Wastage in MAC Protocol of the Distributed COGNITIVE Radio Network
Performance ENHANCEMENT of LTE Underlay COGNITIVE Femtocells System Based on Macro Users Localization
Threat effects on self-superiority beliefs reflect self-ENHANCEMENT rather than inflated COGNITIVE egocentrism
Narrative ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE therapy (NECT) to improve social functioning in people with serious mental illness: study protocol for a stepped-wedge …
Two Stage Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Interweave COGNITIVE Radio with SNR ENHANCEMENT by Using Signal Transformation Over AWGN Channel
The Effectiveness of Group Therapy based on Mindfulness Oriented Recovery ENHANCEMENT Approach on COGNITIVE Reactivity to Sad Mood and Pain …
… (supratentorial lymphocytic inflammation with parenchymal perivascular ENHANCEMENT responsive to steroids) presenting with isolated COGNITIVE dysfunction.(P1. 336)
Eco-COGNITIVE Computationalism—From “Mimetic Minds” to Morphology-Based ENHANCEMENT of “Mimetic Bodies”
A multifactorial training program for COGNITIVE, metaCOGNITIVE and social participation ENHANCEMENT of self‐validated older adults from Argentina: Preliminary results …
Integrating Selected Components of NTU Psychotherapy and Narrative ENHANCEMENT COGNITIVE Therapy to Address Stigma Associated with Depression in African …
Comparing of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the ENHANCEMENT of Marital Satisfaction and Sexual Intimacy in Couples …
A Tactile Sensation Assisted VR Catheterization Training System for Operator’s COGNITIVE Skills ENHANCEMENT
… the Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the ENHANCEMENT of Marital Satisfaction and …
COGNITIVE Function ENHANCEMENT and Glucocorticoid Receptor Resistance Decrement after Rosa Damascena (L.) and Lavandula Officinalis (L.) Essential Oil …
Progressive Parkinsonism and COGNITIVE Changes: A Rare Presentation of Chronic Lymphocytic Inflammation with Pontine Perivascular ENHANCEMENT Responsive to …
Scrutinizing the effects of the 4/3/2 activity: repetition, increasing time pressure, accuracy ENHANCEMENT and COGNITIVE individual differences
… density (μV2) response of gamma frequency (25–40 Hz) for brain health: ENHANCEMENT of neuroplasticity, neural synchrony, COGNITIVE processing, learning, memory …
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