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Many ceramides
Ceramides and skin function
Chain length-specific properties of Ceramides
Ceramides–lipotoxic inducers of metabolic disorders
Ceramides and depression: A systematic review
Ceramides in the skin barrier
Roles of diacylglycerols and Ceramides in hepatic insulin resistance
Role of Ceramides in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
The composition of the Ceramides from human stratum corneum and from comedones
Ceramides of pig epidermis: structure determination
Ceramides in insulin resistance and lipotoxicity
Ceramides modulate programmed cell death in plants
Mammalian Lass6 and its related family members regulate synthesis of specific Ceramides
Ceramides as modulators of cellular and whole-body metabolism
Serum sphingomyelins and Ceramides are early predictors of memory impairment
Role of Ceramides in barrier function of healthy and diseased skin
Circulating Ceramides predict cardiovascular outcomes in the population-based FINRISK 2002 cohort
Ceramides and glucosylCeramides are independent antagonists of insulin signaling
Ceramides in the skin lipid membranes: length matters
Relationship between covalently bound Ceramides and transepidermal water loss (TEWL)
Synthesis and degradation pathways, functions, and pathology of Ceramides and epidermal acylCeramides
Quantitative analysis of Ceramides using a novel lipidomics approach with three dimensional response modelling
Ceramides and sphingomyelinases in senile plaques
Plasma Ceramides are elevated in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes and correlate with the severity of insulin resistance
Long chain Ceramides and very long chain Ceramides have opposite effects on human breast and colon cancer cell growth
Elevated plasma Ceramides in depression
Quantification of stratum corneum Ceramides and lipid envelope Ceramides in the hereditary ichthyoses
Potential applications of phyto-derived Ceramides in improving epidermal barrier function
Hydroxylation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ceramides requires Sur2p and Scs7p
Quantitative determination of the neutral glycosyl Ceramides in human blood
Epidermal sphingomyelins are precursors for selected stratum corneum Ceramides
Modulation of cell signalling by Ceramides
CERT mediates intermembrane transfer of various molecular species of Ceramides
Serum Ceramides increase the risk of Alzheimer disease: the Women’s Health and Aging Study II
Ceramides in phospholipid membranes: effects on bilayer stability and transition to nonlamellar phases
Human epidermal glucosylCeramides are major precursors of stratum corneum Ceramides
Decreased level of Ceramides in stratum corneum of atopic dermatitis: an etiologic factor in atopic dry skin?
Key role for Ceramides in mediating insulin resistance in human muscle cells
Rapid Transbilayer Movement of Ceramides in Phospholipid Vesicles and inHumanErythrocytes
Link between plasma Ceramides, inflammation and insulin resistance: association with serum IL-6 concentration in patients with coronary heart disease
Association of Ceramides in human plasma with risk factors of atherosclerosis
Properties of Ceramides and Their Impact on the Stratum Corneum Structure: A Review: Part 1: Ceramides
FTIR spectroscopy studies of the conformational order and phase behavior of Ceramides
Intercellular and intracellular functions of Ceramides and their metabolites in skin
Ceramides are bound to structural proteins of the human foreskin epidermal cornified cell envelope
The structure, function, and importance of Ceramides in skin and their use as therapeutic agents in skin-care products
Skeletal muscle triglycerides, diacylglycerols, and Ceramides in insulin resistance: another paradox in endurance-trained athletes?
Apoptosis in skeletal muscle myotubes is induced by Ceramides and is positively related to insulin resistance
Ceramides as Natural Moisturizing Factors
Ceramides and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
Plasma Ceramides predict cardiovascular death in patients with stable coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndromes beyond LDL-cholesterol
Biophysics (and sociology) of Ceramides.
The chemistry, function and (patho) physiology of stratum corneum barrier Ceramides
Ceramides in the pathophysiology of the anterior segment of the eye
Molecular arrangements of sphingolipids. The monolayer behaviour of Ceramides
Hepatic Ceramides dissociate steatosis and insulin resistance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Phase behavior of lipid mixtures based on human Ceramides: coexistence of crystalline and liquid phases
Scalable synthesis of human ultralong chain Ceramides
Different effects of enzyme-generated Ceramides and diacylglycerols in phospholipid membrane fusion and leakage
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of skin Ceramides
Characterization and quantification of Ceramides in the nonlesional skin of canine patients with atopic dermatitis compared with controls
On Ceramides, other sphingolipids and impaired glucose homeostasis
Ceramides contained in LDL are elevated in type 2 diabetes and promote inflammation and skeletal muscle insulin resistance
Plasma Ceramides are elevated in female children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes
Ceramides in Alzheimer’s Disease: Key Mediators of Neuronal Apoptosis Induced by Oxidative Stress and Aβ Accumulation
Plasma Ceramides, Mediterranean diet, and incident cardiovascular disease in the PREDIMED trial (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea)
Short-chain Ceramides decrease skin barrier properties
Ceramides and sphingomyelins in skeletal muscles of the rat: content and composition. Effect of prolonged exercise
Ceramides in a patient with lipogranulomatosis (Farber’s disease) with chronic course
Characterization of Plasma Membrane Ceramides by Super‐Resolution Microscopy
Development and validation of a high-throughput LC–MS/MS assay for routine measurement of molecular Ceramides
Plasma Ceramides are altered in mild cognitive impairment and predict cognitive decline and hippocampal volume loss
Glycosphingolipids and Ceramides in human and pig epidermis
Increase in short-chain Ceramides correlates with an altered lipid organization and decreased barrier function in atopic eczema patients [S]
Ceramides and cell signaling molecules in psoriatic epidermis: reduced levels of Ceramides, PKC-α, and JNK
Recent advances in the glycosylation of sphingosines and Ceramides
Cerebrospinal fluid Ceramides from patients with multiple sclerosis impair neuronal bioenergetics
Profiling of human stratum corneum Ceramides by means of normal phase LC/APCI–MS
Evidence that accumulation of Ceramides and cholesterol esters mediates oxidative stress–induced death of motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Profiling and characterizing skin Ceramides using reversed-phase liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
A rabidopsis mutants of sphingolipid fatty acid α‐hydroxylases accumulate Ceramides and salicylates
Ethnicity and stratum corneum Ceramides
Ceramides and other bioactive sphingolipid backbones in health and disease: lipidomic analysis, metabolism and roles in membrane structure, dynamics …
Determination of Ceramides and diglycerides by the diglyceride kinase assay
Ceramides and barrier function in healthy skin
Nicotinamide increases biosynthesis of Ceramides as well as other stratum corneum lipids to improve the epidermal permeability barrier
Current methods for the identification and quantitation of Ceramides: an overview
Long chain Ceramides activate protein phosphatase-1 and protein phosphatase-2A: activation is stereospecific and regulated by phosphatidic acid
Production of Ceramides causes apoptosis during early neural differentiation in vitro
Importance of the sphingoid base length for the membrane properties of Ceramides
Biophysics of sphingolipids I. Membrane properties of sphingosine, Ceramides and other simple sphingolipids
Adipocyte Ceramides regulate subcutaneous adipose browning, inflammation, and metabolism
Efficacy of nutritional interventions to lower circulating Ceramides in young adults: FRUVEDomic pilot study
Mechanisms of lung endothelial barrier disruption induced by cigarette smoke: role of oxidative stress and Ceramides
A novel enzyme that catalyzes the esterification of N-acetylsphingosine: metabolism of C2-Ceramides
The ART of lowering Ceramides
Molecular associations and surface-active properties of short-and long-N-acyl chain Ceramides
Isolation of new Ceramides from the gorgonian Acabaria undulata
Ceramides: A new player in the inflammation–insulin resistance paradigm?
The phase behaviour of skin lipid mixtures based on synthetic Ceramides
Conformational characterization of Ceramides by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Quantitative study of stratum corneum Ceramides contents in patients with sensitive skin
A novel endoglycoceramidase hydrolyzes oligogalactosylCeramides to produce galactooligosaccharides and Ceramides
Physical properties of Ceramides: effect of fatty acid hydroxylation.
Design of a phytosphingosine-containing, positively-charged nanoemulsion as a colloidal carrier system for dermal application of Ceramides
Progress in the analysis of stratum corneum Ceramides
Effect of pioglitazone on plasma Ceramides in adults with metabolic syndrome
The role of Ceramides 1 and 2 in the stratum corneum lipid organisation
Asymmetric addition of Ceramides but not dihydroCeramides promotes transbilayer (flip-flop) lipid motion in membranes
Apoptotic sphingolipid signaling by Ceramides in lung endothelial cells
Phase behavior of stratum corneum lipid mixtures based on human Ceramides: the role of natural and synthetic Ceramide 1
Association between plasma Ceramides and phosphatidylcholines and hippocampal brain volume in late onset Alzheimer’s disease
The equilibrium between long and very long chain Ceramides is important for the fate of the cell and can be influenced by co-expression of CerS
Quantitation and molecular species determination of diacylglycerols, phosphatidylcholines, Ceramides, and sphingomyelins with gas chromatography
Novel lipid mixtures based on synthetic Ceramides reproduce the unique stratum corneum lipid organization
Increased apoptosis in cancer cells in vitro and in vivo by Ceramides in transferrin-modified liposomes
The path to insulin resistance: paved with Ceramides?
Biophysical properties of sphingosine, Ceramides and other simple sphingolipids
Enzymatic formation of hydroxy Ceramides and comparison with enzymes forming nonhydroxy Ceramides
Isolation and characterization of poly (glycosyl) Ceramides (megaloglycolipids) with A, H and I blood‐group activities
Interferon-γ decreases Ceramides with long-chain fatty acids: possible involvement in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
Optical control of lipid rafts with photoswitchable Ceramides
High throughput lipidomic profiling of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder brain tissue reveals alterations of free fatty acids, phosphatidylcholines, and Ceramides
A role for Ceramides, but not sphingomyelins, as antagonists of insulin signaling and mitochondrial metabolism in C2C12 myotubes
Ceramides and cardiac function in children with chronic kidney disease
Incorporation studies of clickable Ceramides in Jurkat cell plasma membranes
Evaluation of skin-moisturizing effects of oral or percutaneous use of plant Ceramides
Effects of cell-permeable Ceramides and tumor necrosis factor-α on insulin signaling and glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
The human skin barrier is organized as stacked bilayers of fully extended Ceramides with cholesterol molecules associated with the Ceramide sphingoid …
Ceramides–Friend or Foe in Hypoxia?
Lipid mixtures prepared with well-defined synthetic Ceramides closely mimic the unique stratum corneum lipid phase behavior
Induction of membrane Ceramides: a novel strategy to interfere with T lymphocyte cytoskeletal reorganisation in viral immunosuppression
Unsaturation of Very-Long-Chain Ceramides Protects Plant from Hypoxia-Induced Damages by Modulating Ethylene Signaling in Arabidopsis
CWH43 is required for the introduction of Ceramides into GPI anchors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Keratinocyte differentiation is induced by cell-permeant Ceramides and its proliferation is promoted by sphingosine
Very long chain Ceramides interfere with C16-Ceramide-induced channel formation: A plausible mechanism for regulating the initiation of intrinsic apoptosis
Basic nanostructure of stratum corneum lipid matrices based on Ceramides [EOS] and [AP]: a neutron diffraction study
PAQRs: a counteracting force to Ceramides?
The plant defensin RsAFP2 induces cell wall stress, septin mislocalization and accumulation of Ceramides in Candida albicans
Infrared spectroscopic study of stratum corneum model membranes prepared from human Ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids
, Accumulation of specific Ceramides in ischemic/reperfused rat heart; effect of ischemic preconditioning
Ceramides induce programmed cell death in Arabidopsis cells in a calcium-dependent manner
Enzymatic synthesis of Gb3 and iGb3 Ceramides
AT2 receptor stimulation induces generation of Ceramides in PC12W cells
Membrane microdomains: role of Ceramides in the maintenance of their structure and functions
Depletion of Ceramides with very long chain fatty acids causes defective skin permeability barrier function, and neonatal lethality in ELOVL4 deficient mice
A convenient procedure for the synthesis of Ceramides
Endotoxin and cytokines increase hepatic sphingolipid biosynthesis and produce lipoproteins enriched in Ceramides and sphingomyelin
Triangulated mal-signaling in Alzheimer’s disease: roles of neurotoxic Ceramides, ER stress, and insulin resistance reviewed
Gangliosides and Ceramides change in a mouse model of blast induced traumatic brain injury
A look at epidermal barrier function in atopic dermatitis: physiologic lipid replacement and the role of Ceramides.
On-tissue localization of Ceramides and other sphingolipids by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging
Characterization of Ceramides by low energy collisional-activated dissociation tandem mass spectrometry with negative-ion electrospray ionization
Intramyocellular Ceramides: subcellular concentrations and fractional de novo synthesis in postabsorptive humans
A liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for measuring the in vivo incorporation of plasma free fatty acids into intramyocellular Ceramides in …
Total synthesis of globotriaosyl-E and Z-Ceramides and isoglobotriaosyl-E-Ceramide
A facile synthesis of Ceramides
The association between plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelins and risk of Alzheimer’s disease differs by sex and APOE in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Characterization of glycosyl inositol phosphoryl Ceramides from plants and fungi by mass spectrometry
Comparative investigation of human stratum corneum Ceramides
Ethanol‐induced changes in the content of triglycerides, Ceramides, and glucosylCeramides in cultured neurons
GIPC: Glycosyl Inositol Phospho Ceramides, the major sphingolipids on earth
Lipid bilayers containing sphingomyelins and Ceramides of varying N-acyl lengths: a glimpse into sphingolipid complexity
Molecular interactions of penetration enhancers within Ceramides organization: a FTIR approach
Complete structural characterization of Ceramides as [M− H]− ions by multiple-stage linear ion trap mass spectrometry
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) induced irritant contact dermatitis: a correlation study between Ceramides and in vivo parameters of irritation
Choline kinase inhibition induces the increase in Ceramides resulting in a highly specific and selective cytotoxic antitumoral strategy as a potential mechanism of …
Saccharomyces cerevisiae CWH43 Is Involved in the Remodeling of the Lipid Moiety of GPI Anchors to Ceramides
Plasma Ceramides are elevated in overweight Holstein dairy cows experiencing greater lipolysis and insulin resistance during the transition from late …
Cell-permeable Ceramides inhibit the stimulation of DNA synthesis and phospholipase D activity by phosphatidate and lysophosphatidate in rat fibroblasts.
Associations between plasma Ceramides and cognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations in Parkinson’s disease dementia
Scanning electron microscopy study on nanoemulsions and solid lipid nanoparticles containing high amounts of Ceramides
Phytosphingosine, sphingosine and dihydrosphingosine Ceramides in model skin lipid membranes: permeability and biophysics
Properties of Ceramides and their impact on the stratum corneum structure: part 2: stratum corneum lipid model systems
Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric determination of Ceramides and related lipid species in cellular extracts
Different effects of long-and short-chain Ceramides on the gel-fluid and lamellar-hexagonal transitions of phospholipids: a calorimetric, NMR, and x-ray …
Different phase behavior and packing of Ceramides with long (C16) and very long (C24) acyls in model membranes: infrared spectroscopy using deuterated lipids
Ceramides: a potential therapeutic target in pulmonary emphysema
Structural studies on Ceramides as lithiated adducts by low energy collisional-activated dissociation tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization
Interaction of Ceramides with phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and sphingomyelin/cholesterol bilayers
Endurance and resistance training affect high fat diet-induced increase of Ceramides, inflammasome expression, and systemic inflammation in mice
Thin-layer chromatography of Ceramides
Thermal dependence of Raman descriptors of Ceramides. Part I: effect of double bonds in hydrocarbon chains
Liposome-encapsulated ursolic acid increases Ceramides and collagen in human skin cells
Interaction of Ceramides, Sphingosine, and Sphingosine 1-Phosphate in Regulating DNA Synthesis and Phospholipase D Activity (∗)
Structure determination of Ceramides and neutral glycosphingolipids by collisional activation of [M + Li]+ ions
Regional analysis of Ceramides within the stratum corneum in relation to seasonal changes
Bacterial Ceramides and sphingophospholipids induce apoptosis of human leukaemic cells
Novel Ceramides recovered from Porphyromonas gingivalis: relationship to adult periodontitis
Ceramides stimulate caspase‐14 expression in human keratinocytes
Structure-specific collision-induced fragmentations of Ceramides cationized with alkali-metal ions
Lipid remodeling leads to the introduction and exchange of defined Ceramides on GPI proteins in the ER and Golgi of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A phase II study of topical Ceramides for cutaneous breast cancer
Permeability and microstructure of model stratum corneum lipid membranes containing Ceramides with long (C16) and very long (C24) acyl chains
The impact of Ceramides NP and AP on the nanostructure of stratum corneum lipid bilayer. Part I: neutron diffraction and 2H NMR studies on multilamellar models …
Ceramides and cytotoxic constituents from Ficus glumosa Del.(Moraceae)
Separation and mass spectrometric characterization of covalently bound skin Ceramides using LC/APCI-MS and Nano-ESI-MS/MS
Inflammatory cells, Ceramides, and expression of proteases in perivascular adipose tissue adjacent to human abdominal aortic aneurysms
Ceramides from the fungus Phellinus pini
Characterization of the Ceramide moieties of sphingoglycolipids from mouse brain by ESI-MS/MS: identification of Ceramides containing sphingadienine
Synthesis of Ceramides using N-hydroxysuccinimide esters
Occurrence of Free Ceramides in Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343
Infrared determination of conformational order and phase behavior in Ceramides and stratum corneum models
Biological activity of Ceramides and other sphingolipids
Use of Ceramides and related products for childhood-onset eczema
Fenretinide differentially modulates the levels of long-and very long-chain Ceramides by downregulating Cers5 enzyme: evidence from bench to bedside
New Ceramides and isoflavone from the Egyptian Iris germanica L. rhizomes
Role of Ceramides 2 and 5 in the structure of the stratum corneum lipid barrier
Mitochondrially targeted Ceramides preferentially promote autophagy, retard cell growth, and induce apoptosis
Synthetic phytoCeramides induce apoptosis with higher potency than Ceramides
Lipid organization in human and porcine stratum corneum differs widely, while lipid mixtures with porcine Ceramides model human stratum corneum lipid …
Influence of hydroxylation, chain length, and chain unsaturation on bilayer properties of Ceramides
AFM study of lipid monolayers: III. Phase behavior of Ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids
Sphingolipids and Ceramides in human aqueous humor
Separation and identification of Ceramides derived from human plasma sphingomyelins
Ceramides mediate cigarette smoke-induced metabolic disruption in mice
Plasma Ceramides and neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
Development and validation of an HPLC-MS method for the simultaneous quantification of key oxysterols, endocannabinoids, and Ceramides: variations in metabolic …
Liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry of Ceramides
Disruption and destabilization of meibomian lipid films caused by increasing amounts of Ceramides and cholesterol
Synthesis of C18-and C20-dihydrosphingosines, ketodihydrosphingosines, and Ceramides by microsomal preparations from mouse brain
Isolation and Structure of Three New Ceramides from the Starfish Acanthaster planci
The long-chain sphingoid base of Ceramides determines their propensity for lateral segregation
Infrared spectroscopy studies of mixtures prepared with synthetic Ceramides varying in head group architecture: coexistence of liquid and crystalline phases
Gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of synthetic Ceramides
Very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are the major acyl groups of sphingomyelins and Ceramides in the head of mammalian spermatozoa
Lipid droplet remodelling and reduced muscle Ceramides following sprint interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training in obese males
Two Novel Ceramides with a Phytosphingolipid and a Tertiary Amide Structure from Zephyranthes candida
Gender-dependent accumulation of Ceramides in the cerebral cortex of the APPSL/PS1Ki mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
On-line solid-phase extraction of Ceramides from yeast with Ceramide III imprinted monolith
High performance liquid chromatography of Ceramides: application to analysis in human tissues and demonstration of Ceramide excess in Farber’s disease
CFTR regulation of intracellular pH and Ceramides is required for lung endothelial cell apoptosis
Tumor necrosis factor‐α and Ceramides in insulin resistance
Ceramides and sphingomyelins with high proportions of very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in mammalian germ cells
Novel synthesis of α-galactosyl-Ceramides and confirmation of their powerful NKT cell agonist activity
Novel Ceramides from the Fungus Lactarium volemus
Optimization of submerged keratinocyte cultures for the synthesis of barrier Ceramides
Nerve growth factor and Ceramides modulate cell death in the early developing inner ear
Some Peroxysterols and Ceramides from
Occurrence of Ceramides and neutral glycolipids with unusual long-chain base composition in purified rat liver mitochondria
Ceramides and Cerebrosides from Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort.
Ceramides perturb the structure of phosphatidylcholine bilayers and modulate the activity of phospholipase A2
Labeling Golgi with fluorescent Ceramides
Uneven distribution of Ceramides, sphingomyelins and glycerophospholipids between heads and tails of rat spermatozoa
Molecular species of Ceramides from the ascomycete truffle Tuber indicum
… and characterization of a mouse endoplasmic reticulum alkaline ceramidase: an enzyme that preferentially regulates metabolism of very long chain Ceramides
Ceramides of human normal and cataractous lens
Ceramides with a pentadecasphingosine chain and short acyls have strong permeabilization effects on skin and model lipid membranes
Dissociation of NKT stimulation, cytokine induction, and NK activation in vivo by the use of distinct TCR-binding Ceramides
Staphylococcus aureus α-toxin induces inflammatory cytokines via lysosomal acid sphingomyelinase and Ceramides
Eczema and Ceramides: an update
Protective effects of fish oil on pre-diabetes: A lipidomic analysis of liver Ceramides in rats
Biochemistry of the sphingolipids: XII. conversion of cerebrosides to Ceramides and sphingosine; structure of Gaucher cerebroside
Isolation and identification of human hair Ceramides
Validation of an in vivo extraction method for human stratum corneum Ceramides
Apoptosis induced by Rac GTPase correlates with induction of FasL and Ceramides production
Activity and structure elucidation of Ceramides
Extraction and analysis of Ceramides from internal wool lipids
Cell-permeable Ceramides prevent the activation of phospholipase D by ADP-ribosylation factor and RhoA
Singlet oxygen-induced attenuation of growth factor signaling: possible role of Ceramides
Thermal dependence of Raman descriptors of Ceramides. Part II: effect of chains lengths and head group structures
Novel Ceramides and a new glucoCeramide from the roots of Incarvillea arguta
Ceramides and the Skin
Tailoring structure–function and targeting properties of Ceramides by site-specific cationization
Structural studies on Ceramides by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry
Liposomal ursolic acid (merotaine) increases Ceramides and collagen in human skin
Sex Pheromones of the Hair Crab Erimacrus isenbeckii. II. Synthesis of Ceramides
Hydration effects on the barrier function of stratum corneum lipids: Raman analysis of Ceramides 2, III and 5
Controlled penetration of Ceramides into and across the stratum corneum using various types of microemulsions and formulation associated toxicity studies
Structure of stratum corneum lipids characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy and DSC. II. Mixtures of Ceramides and saturated fatty acids
New Ceramides from Rantherium suaveolens
Involvement of VDAC, Bax and Ceramides in the efflux of AIF from mitochondria during curcumin-induced apoptosis
Useful syntheses of erythro-and threo-N-oleoyl-D-sphingosines (Ceramides) and galactosylCeramides (cerebrosides) from L-serine
B-cell receptor triggers drug sensitivity of primary CLL cells by controlling glucosylation of Ceramides
Solid character of membrane Ceramides: a surface rheology study of their mixtures with sphingomyelin
A novel mechanism for improvement of dry skin by dietary milk phospholipids: Effect on epidermal covalently bound Ceramides and skin inflammation in hairless mice
Ceramides modulate cell-surface acetylcholine receptor levels
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide prevents the effects of Ceramides on migration, neurite outgrowth, and cytoskeleton remodeling
Downregulation of adipose triglyceride lipase promotes cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by triggering the accumulation of Ceramides
Bioactives of Artemisia dracunculus L. Mitigate the Role of Ceramides in Attenuating Insulin Signaling in Rat Skeletal Muscle Cells
A lipidomic platform establishment for structural identification of skin Ceramides with non-hydroxyacyl chains
Identification of Ceramides in human cells using liquid chromatography with detection by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization‐mass spectrometry
Analysis of derivatized Ceramides and neutral glycosphingolipids by high-performance tandem mass spectrometry
Separation, identification and quantitation of Ceramides in human cancer cells by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
Comparative investigation of sphingoid bases and fatty acids in Ceramides and sphingomyelins from human ovarian malignant tumors and normal ovary.
Influence of different Ceramides on the structure of in vitro model lipid systems of the stratum corneum lipid matrix
A Novel Enzyme That Cleaves the N-Acyl Linkage of Ceramides in Various Glycosphingolipids as Well as Sphingomyelin to Produce Their Lyso Forms (∗)
Ceramides induce a form of apoptosis in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells that is inhibited by Bcl-2, but not by CrmA
Stratum Corneum Ceramides and Their Role
Ceramides are involved in the regulation of food intake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Circulating Ceramides are inversely associated with cardiorespiratory fitness in participants aged 54–96 years from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Immunosuppressive diacetylenes, Ceramides and cerebrosides from Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Disruption of lipid order by short-chain Ceramides correlates with inhibition of phospholipase D and downstream signaling by FcϵRI
Atypical surface behavior of Ceramides with nonhydroxy and 2-hydroxy very long-chain (C28–C32) PUFAs
Changes in Ceramides and glucosylCeramides in mouse skin and human epidermal equivalents by rice-derived glucosylCeramide
Fruiting of Schizophyllum commune Induced by Certain Ceramides and Cerebrosides from Penicillium funiculosum
Efficacy of a cream containing Ceramides and magnesium in the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis: a randomized, double-blind, emollient-and …
Novel roles for Ceramides, calpains and caspases in kidney proximal tubule cell apoptosis: lessons from in vitro cadmium toxicity studies
Potential application of oat-derived Ceramides in improving skin barrier function: Part 1. Isolation and structural characterization
Structure of stratum corneum lipids characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy and DSC. I. Ceramides
New Ceramides from Acnistus arborescens
Investigation of the molecular structure of the human stratum corneum Ceramides [NP] and [EOS] by mass spectrometry
Ceramides as key players in cellular stress response
Cytotoxic Ceramides and glycerides from the roots of Livistona chinensis
Ceramides increase the activity of the secretory phospholipase A2 and alter its fatty acid specificity
Increasing Ceramides sensitizes genistein-induced melanoma cell apoptosis and growth inhibition
Total synthesis of the mollu-series glycosyl Ceramides α-d-Manp-(1→ 3)-β-d-Manp-(1→ 4)-β-d-Glcp-(1→ 1)-Cer and α-d-Manp-(1→ 3)-[β-d-Xylp-(1→ 2)]-β-d-Manp-(1 …
A novel synthetic route to α-galactosyl Ceramides and iGb3 using DTBS-directed α-selective galactosylation
Ceramides and cerebrosides
Structure of stratum corneum lipids characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy and DSC. III. Mixtures of Ceramides and cholesterol
Intramyocellular Ceramides and skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration are partially regulated by Toll-like receptor 4 during hindlimb unloading
Age‐related remodeling of small arteries is accompanied by increased sphingomyelinase activity and accumulation of long‐chain Ceramides
Synthetic Ceramides induce growth arrest or apoptosis by altering cellular redox status
Phase properties of mixtures of Ceramides
Detailed structure of sphingomyelins and Ceramides from different regions of bovine kidney with special reference to long-chain bases
Ceramides modulate protein kinase C activity and perturb the structure of phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine bilayers
Ceramides are transported through the Golgi apparatus in human keratinocytes in vitro
Plasma Ceramides target skeletal muscle in type 2 diabetes
Stratum corneum Ceramides: function, origins, and therapeutic applications
Structures of the Ceramides from porcine palatal stratum corneum
Nanogram scale absolute configurational assignment of Ceramides by circular dichroism
Comparison of the metabolism of L-erythro-and L-threo-sphinganines and Ceramides in cultured cells and in subcellular fractions
Asymmetry determines the effects of natural Ceramides on model membranes
Analysis of Ceramides in cosmetics by reversed‐phase liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with collision‐induced dissociation
Synthesis of Ceramides NS and NP with perdeuterated and specifically ω deuterated N‐acyl residues
Production of rare phyto-Ceramides from abundant food plant residues
Reduced cardiovascular risk after bariatric surgery is linked to plasma Ceramides, apolipoprotein-B100, and ApoB100/A1 ratio
Above-normal urinary excretion of urinary Ceramides in Farber’s disease, and characterization of their components by high-performance liquid chromatography
New Ceramides from the flower of Albizia julibrissin
… the formation of the protein and lipid domains of the stratum corneum: Role of fatty acids, oxysterols, cholesterol sulfate, and Ceramides as signaling molecules
Antiepileptic Ceramides from the Red Sea Sponge Negombata corticata
Investigations on the effects of a topical Ceramides-containing emulsion (allerderm spot on) on clinical signs and skin barrier function in dogs with topic dermatitis: a …
Ceramides are associated with inflammatory processes in human mediastinal adipose tissue
Solid lipid nanoparticles and nanoemulsions containing Ceramides: Preparation and physicochemical characterization
Accessibility of galactosyl Ceramides to probe reagents in central nervous system myelin
Identification and quantitation of free Ceramides in human platelets
Triumfettamide and Triumfettoside Ic, Two Ceramides and Other Secondary Metabolites from the Stems of Wild Triumfetta cordifolia A. Rich. (Tiliaceae)
Fatty acid 2-hydroxylase, encoded by FA2H, accounts for differentiation-associated increase in 2-OH Ceramides during keratinocyte differentiation
Concentrations of glycosyl Ceramides in plasma and red cells in Fabry’s disease, a glycolipid lipidosis
Analysis of free and protein-bound Ceramides by tape stripping of stratum corneum from dogs
Ceramides predict verbal memory performance in coronary artery disease patients undertaking exercise: a prospective cohort pilot study
Synthesis of cerebroside B1b with antiulcerogenic activity I. Synthesis of Ceramides with optically active α-hydroxypalmitic acids.
Surfactant-induced depletion of Ceramides and other intercellular lipids: implication for the mechanism leading to dehydration of the stratum corneum
Molecular analysis of a novel family of complex glycoinositolphosphoryl Ceramides from Cryptococcus neoformans: structural differences between encapsulated and …
New advances on the functions of epidermal growth factor receptor and Ceramides in skin cell differentiation, disorders and cancers
Transduction to self-assembly of molecular geometry and local interactions in mixtures of Ceramides and ganglioside GM1
Ceramides from the spongeDysidea etheria
Association between plasmatic Ceramides profile and AST/ALT ratio: C14: 0 Ceramide as predictor of hepatic steatosis in adolescents independently of obesity
… of topical synthetic pseudoCeramides: comparison of possible keratinocyte toxicities provoked by the pseudoCeramides, PC104 and BIO391, and natural Ceramides
Schistosoma mansoni: human skin Ceramides are a chemical cue for host recognition of cercariae
Structures of New Ceramides from the Fruit Bodies of Grifola frondasa
Transient relaxation of rat mesenteric microvessels by Ceramides
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: absence of Ceramides from complete precursor glycolipids.
Synthesis of fluorescent C24-Ceramide: evidence for acyl chain length dependent differences in penetration of exogenous NBD-Ceramides into human skin
Ceramides as possible nutraceutical compounds: characterization of the Ceramides of the Moro blood orange (Citrus sinensis)
Effect of hypothyreosis on the content of Ceramides in rat tissues
Molecular interactions of penetration enhancers within Ceramides organization: a Raman spectroscopy approach
Effects of α-and β-Galactosylated C2-Ceramides on the Immune System
Role of intracellular lipid logistics in the preferential usage of very long chain-Ceramides in glucosylCeramide
Topical emulsions containing Ceramides: Effects on the skin barrier function and anti‐inflammatory properties
Lipid metabolic changes caused by short-chain Ceramides and the connection with apoptosis
Glycolipids from sponges. IV. Immunomodulating glycosyl Ceramides from the marine sponge agelas dispar.
GlucosylCeramide synthase decrease in frontal cortex of Alzheimer brain correlates with abnormal increase in endogenous Ceramides: consequences to morphology …
Concentration and composition of free Ceramides in human plasma
Spontaneous membrane fusion induced by chemical formation of Ceramides in a lipid bilayer
… in marine microalgae: Development and application of a mass spectrometric method for global structural characterization of Ceramides and glycosphingolipids in …
Structure of stratum corneum lipids characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy and DSC. IV. Mixtures of Ceramides and oleic acid
Ceramides inhibit phospholipase D-dependent insulin signaling in liver cells of old rats
Ceramides from Urtica dioica roots
Fatty acid composition of free Ceramides of kidney and cerebellum from a patient with Farber’s disease
Association of plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelin with VLDL apoB-100 fractional catabolic rate before and after rosuvastatin treatment
Growth-dependent regulation of cellular Ceramides in human T-cells
Intake of farmed Atlantic salmon fed soybean oil increases hepatic levels of arachidonic acid-derived oxylipins and Ceramides in mice
Identification and quantitative determination of Ceramides in human plasma
Ceramides, cerebrosides, and related long chains containing derivatives from the medicinal plants of Africa
Syntheses and interfacial behaviour of neoglycolipid analogues of glycosyl Ceramides
Synthesis of D-ribo-and L-lyxo-phytosphingosine: Transformation into the corresponding lactosyl-Ceramides
Shear and compression rheology of Langmuir monolayers of natural Ceramides: solid character and plasticity
The separation and direct detection of Ceramides and sphingoid bases by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and evaporative light-scattering …
Separation and analysis of free Ceramides containing 2-hydroxy fatty acids in Sphingobacterium species
Gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of synthetic Ceramides containing phytosphingosine
Isolation and structure of four new Ceramides from the starfish Luidia maculata
Ceramides reduce CD36 cell surface expression and oxidised LDL uptake by monocytes and macrophages
NeritinaCeramides A–E, New Ceramides from the Marine Bryozoan Bugula neritina Inhabiting South China Sea and Their Cytotoxicity
The hydrophobic mismatch determines the miscibility of Ceramides in lipid monolayers
Two Ceramides from Tanacetum artemesioides
PalyosulfonoCeramides A and B: Unique Sulfonylated Ceramides from the Brazilian Zoanthids Palythoa caribaeorum and Protopalyhtoa variabilis
6-Hydroxy-4-sphingenine in human epidermal Ceramides.
Profile and quantification of human stratum corneum Ceramides by normal-phase liquid chromatography coupled with dynamic multiple reaction monitoring of mass …
Biased distribution of the branched‐chain fatty acids in Ceramides of vernix caseosa
Short-chain Ceramides depress integrin cell surface expression and function in colorectal cancer cells
Local rhamnosoft, Ceramides and L‐isoleucine in atopic eczema: a randomized, placebo controlled trial
Supercritical fluid extraction to obtain Ceramides from wool fibers
Distinct pathways for tumor necrosis factor alpha and Ceramides in human cytomegalovirus infection
The role of Ceramides in selected brain pathologies: ischemia/hypoxia, Alzheimer disease
Strepsiamide AC, New Ceramides from the Marine Sponge Strepsichordaia Lendenfeldi
CalyCeramides A–C: neuraminidase inhibitory sulfated Ceramides from the marine sponge Discodermia calyx
Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Ceramides: Derived from Brain Cerebrosides
Formation of an ordered phase by Ceramides and diacylglycerols in a fluid phosphatidylcholine bilayer—correlation with structure and hydrogen bonding …
Imaging mass spectrometry visualizes Ceramides and the pathogenesis of dorfman-chanarin syndrome due to Ceramide metabolic abnormality in the skin
Contribution to liquid chromatographic analysis of cutaneous Ceramides
Cytotoxic Ceramides from the Red Sea sponge Spheciospongia vagabunda
Gas phase analytical separation and structural study of Ceramides
Ceramides And Stress Signalling Intersect With Autophagic Defects In Neurodegenerative Drosophila blue cheese (bchs) Mutants
Synthesis of Ceramides and cerebrosides containing both alpha-hydroxy and nonhydroxy fatty acids from lignoceroyl-CoA by rat brain microsomes.
Two new Ceramides from the stems of Piper betle L.
In vivo metabolism of Ceramides in rat brain. Fatty acid replacement and esterification of Ceramide.
Biosynthesis of sphingomyelin from Eryrtro-Ceramides and phosphatidylcholine by a microsomal cholinephosphotransferase
Biophysical properties of novel 1-deoxy-(dihydro) Ceramides occurring in mammalian cells
Ceramides promote apoptosis for virus-infected lymphoma cells through induction of Ceramide synthases and viral lytic gene expression
Qualitative on-line profiling of Ceramides and cerebrosides by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization ion trap tandem mass …
Dermatophagoides farinae house dust mite allergen challenges reduce stratum corneum Ceramides in an experimental dog model of acute atopic dermatitis
Structural analysis of commercial Ceramides by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Concise syntheses of immunostimulating glycolipids, α-galactosyl Ceramides
Anti-choline esterase activity of Ceramides from the Red Sea marine sponge Mycale euplectellioides
Gas–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry of synthetic Ceramides containing 2-hydroxy acids
Profiling of human stratum corneum Ceramides by liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry
Structure and blood-group I activity of poly (glycosyl)-Ceramides
N-Oleoylethanolamine inhibits glucosylation of natural Ceramides in CHP-100 neuroepithelioma cells: possible implications for apoptosis
Influence of phytosphingosine-type Ceramides on the structure of DMPC membrane
Soft coral Cespitularia stolonifera: New cytotoxic Ceramides and gastroprotective activity
Isolation and Characterization of New Ceramides from Aerial Parts of Lepidaploa cotoneaster
Ceramides and cerebrosides from the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina inhabiting South China Sea
Incorporation of 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) into epidermal Ceramides and phospholipids: phospholipase C-catalyzed release of novel 13-HODE …
Short-chain Ceramide-1-phosphates are novel stimulators of DNA synthesis and cell division: antagonism by cell-permeable Ceramides.
Limonoid compounds inhibit sphingomyelin biosynthesis by preventing CERT protein-dependent extraction of Ceramides from the endoplasmic reticulum
Short chain Ceramides as substrates for glucocerebroside synthetase. Differences between liver and brain enzymes
Two new Ceramides from the fruit pulp of Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim) Harms
Two new Ceramides from Zephyranthes candida
Ceramides extracted from wool: pilot plant solvent extraction
Sphingolipids and Ceramides of mouse aqueous humor: Comparative profiles from normotensive and hypertensive DBA/2J mice
Two new Ceramides from the radix of Angelica sinensis
Cholesteryl phosphocholine–a study on its interactions with Ceramides and other membrane lipids
Inhibition of human neutrophil elastase by wheat Ceramides
Cell-permeable Ceramides act as novel regulators of U937 cell–cell adhesion mediated by CD29, CD98, and CD147
Retention behaviour of Ceramides in sub-critical fluid chromatography in comparison with non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography
Fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and Ceramides in murine sudanophilic leucodystrophy: the Jimpy mutant
Quantitation of yeast Ceramides using high-performance liquid chromatography–evaporative light-scattering detection
Fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and Ceramides in murine leucodystrophy: the quaking mutant
Isolation, structural determination and cytotoxic activity of two new Ceramides from the root of Isatis indigotica
Ceramides with 2-hydroxylated, very long-chain polyenoic fatty acids in rodents: From testis to fertilization-competent spermatozoa
Nano-LC–MS/MS for the quantitation of Ceramides in mice cerebrospinal fluid using minimal sample volume
Stannyl Ceramides as efficient acceptors for synthesising β-galactosyl Ceramides
The impact of ultraviolet therapy on stratum corneum Ceramides and barrier function
Chemical and apoptotic properties of hydroxy-Ceramides containing long-chain bases with unusual alkyl chain lengths
Change in liver and plasma Ceramides during d-galactosamine-induced acute hepatic injury by LC–MS/MS
Effects of topical corticosteroid and tacrolimus on Ceramides and irritancy to sodium lauryl sulphate in healthy skin
Ceramides Isolated from Helianthus annuus L.
Surface behavior of sphingomyelins with very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and effects of their conversion to Ceramides
Enzymatic synthesis of Ceramides and hybrid Ceramides
Hepatic cannabinoid-1 receptors mediate diet-induced insulin resistance by increasingde novosynthesis of long-chain Ceramides
Ceramides from the Taiwan Red Alga Ceratodictyon Spongiosum and Symbiotic Sponge Sigmadocia Symbiotica
Mesophase formation by Ceramides and cholesterol: a model for stratum corneum lipid packing?
Gas-Chromatographie Analysis of Permethylated Ceramides
Another two novel Ceramides from Zephyranthes candida
Spontaneous interbilayer transfer of hexosyl Ceramides between phospholipid bilayers
Studies on the Structure and I‐Blood‐Group Activity of Poly (glycosyl) Ceramides
Signal transduction leading to appressorium formation in germinating conidia of Magnaporthe grisea: effects of second messengers diacylglycerols, Ceramides and …
Microanalytical systems for separations of stratum corneum Ceramides
Commitment to apoptosis by Ceramides depends on mitochondrial respiratory function, cytochrome c release and caspase-3 activation in Hep-G2 cells
Novel Ceramides from aerial parts of Saussurea involucrata Kar. et. Kir.
Lipidomic platform for structural identification of skin Ceramides with α-hydroxyacyl chains
Lipase-catalyzed enantiomeric resolution of Ceramides
New Ceramides from the hypotensive extract of a sea anemone, Paracondylactis indicus
Induction of apoptosis by rho in NIH 3T3 cells requires two complementary signals. Ceramides function as a progression factor for apoptosis.
N-Diphenylmethylene-protected glycosyl acceptors. Selective β-O-glycosylation to form lactosyl-threo-Ceramides
Increasing effect of Ceramides in skin by topical application of sphingosine
Longifoamide-A and B: Two new Ceramides from Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae)
Ceramide synthase 4 and de novo production of Ceramides with specific N-acyl chain lengths are involved in glucolipotoxicity-induced apoptosis of INS-1 β-cells
New Nortriterpenoid and Ceramides From Stems and Leaves of Cultivated Triumfetta cordifolia A Rich (Tiliaceae)
Molecular Species of Free Ceramides in Aspergillus oryzae
Analysis of sphingosine 1-phosphate, Ceramides, and other bioactive sphingolipids by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
A new twist to the emerging functions of Ceramides in cancer: novel role for platelet acid sphingomyelinase in cancer metastasis
Continuous lipase-catalyzed production of pseudo-Ceramides in a packed-bed bioreactor
Structure–retention diagrams of Ceramides established for their identification
Alkaline ceramidase 3 (ACER3) hydrolyzes unsaturated long-chain Ceramides, and its down-regulation inhibits both cell proliferation and apoptosis
Distribution and metabolism of fluorescent sphingosines and corresponding Ceramides bearing the diphenylhexatrienyl (DPH) fluorophore in cultured human …
New Ceramides from Platytaenia multicaule
Isolation, structure elucidation, total synthesis, and evaluation of new natural and synthetic Ceramides on human SK-MEL-1 melanoma cells
Lipid functions in skin: Differential effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cutaneous Ceramides, in a human skin organ culture model
Two New Ceramides from the Marine Sponge Ircinia fasciculata
Metabolic conversion of Ceramides in HeLa cells-a cholesteryl phosphocholine delivery approach
cis- versus trans-Ceramides: Effects of the Double Bond on Conformation and H-Bonding Interactions
Iotrochotamides I and II: New Ceramides from the Indonesian sponge Iotrochota purpurea
Activation of de Novo Synthetic Pathway of Ceramides is Responsible for the Initiation of Hydrogen Peroxide–induced Apoptosis in HI-60 Cells
Synthesis and biological activity of α-l-fucosyl Ceramides, analogues of the potent agonist, α-d-galactosyl Ceramide KRN7000
Increase in secretory sphingomyelinase activity and specific Ceramides in the aorta of apolipoprotein E knockout mice during aging
Differential effects of Ceramides upon adenylyl cyclase subtypes
Effect of different concentrations of collagen, Ceramides, N-acetyl glucosamine, or their mixture on enhancing the proliferation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts and the …
New Ceramides from the sponge Cinachyra cavernosa
New tetracyclic diterpenoid and new Ceramides from the soft coral Sinularia conferta
Interactions of PACAP and Ceramides in the control of granule cell apoptosis during cerebellar development
Galactosyl Ceramides of the myelin sheath: thermal studies
Characterization of a complex mixture of Ceramides by fast atom bombardment and precursor and fragment analysis tandem mass spectrometry
Ceramides from wool wax
Ceramides and cerebrosides from Bugula neritina
Synthesis of unique Ceramides and cerebrosides occurring in human epidermis
Simultaneous quantitation of Ceramides and 1, 2‐diacylglycerol in tissues by latroscan thin‐layer chromatography‐flame‐ionization detection
Increase of Ceramides and its inhibition by catalase during chemically induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells determined by electrospray ionization tandem mass …
Normal-phase liquid chromatographic separation of stratum corneum Ceramides with detection by evaporative light scattering and atmospheric pressure chemical …
Identification and initial characterizations of free, glycosylated, and phosphorylated Ceramides of Paramecium
Separation of molecular species of Ceramides as benzoyl andp‐nitrobenzoyl derivatives by high performance liquid chromatography
Novel myelin penta-and hexa-acetyl-galactosyl-Ceramides: structural characterization and immunoreactivity in cerebrospinal fluid [S]
The influence of carbon source on the level and composition of Ceramides of the Candida lipolytica yeast
Analysis of commercial Ceramides by non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid chromatography with evaporative light-scattering detection
Divergent fate of unsaturated and saturated Ceramides and sphingomyelins in rat liver and cells in culture
Interferon-beta increases plasma Ceramides of specific chain length in multiple sclerosis patients, unlike fingolimod or natalizumab
Glycolipids from sponges, III. Glycosyl Ceramides from the marine sponge Agelas conifera
A glucosylCeramide with a novel Ceramide and three novel Ceramides from the basidiomycete Cortinarius umidicola
Separation and identification of Ceramides in the human stratum corneum by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass …
… cells lacking all known Ceramide synthases continue to make complex sphingolipids and to incorporate Ceramides into glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) …
Randomized, double‐blinded, placebo‐controlled pilot study on the effects of topical blackcurrant emulsion enriched in essential fatty acids, Ceramides and 18‐beta …
Synthesis of a Versatile Building Block for the Preparation of 6-N-Derivatized α-Galactosyl Ceramides: Rapid Access to Biologically Active Glycolipids
Pore formation in and enlargement of phospholipid liposomes by synthetic models of Ceramides and sphingomyelin
A simple method for the synthesis of Ceramides and radiolabeled analogues
Exogenous and endogenous Ceramides elicit volume-sensitive chloride current in ventricular myocytes
N-Acyl migration in Ceramides
Thermotropic behavior of Ceramides and their isolation from wool
Cell-permeable Ceramides increase basal glucose incorporation into triacylglycerols but decrease the stimulation by insulin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Photouncaging of Ceramides promotes reorganization of liquid-ordered domains in supported lipid bilayers
Effect of Ceramides on phospholipid biosynthesis and its implication for apoptosis
Interaction of the verotoxin 1B subunit with soluble aminodeoxy analogues of globotriaosyl Ceramides
New Ceramides from sea sponge Oceanapia sp.
Novel free Ceramides as components of the soldier defense gland of the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus)
Effects of oral intake of gromwell water fraction on Ceramides content and the development of atopic dermatitis in NC/Nga mice
In situ synthesis of fluorescent membrane lipids (Ceramides) using click chemistry
Galactofuranosylated galactocerebrosides, a new drug delivery system for Ceramides to colon
Ceramides and adhesive molecules in stable ischaemic heart disease
Effects of dietary cholesterol on tissue Ceramides and oxidation products of apolipoprotein B-100 in ApoE-deficient mice
Modulation of T-lymphocyte proliferation by exogenous natural Ceramides and sphingosylphosphorylcholine
Ceramides from the roots of {\sl Serratula chinensis}
Hand eczema and stratum corneum Ceramides
Subcellular distribution and metabolic fate of exogenous Ceramides taken up by HL-60 cells
New Ceramides from the sponges of gulf of Mannar
Reverse Phase High‐Performance Liquid Chromatography of Cerebrosides, Sulfatides and Ceramides: Microanalysis of Homolog Composition Without Hydrolysis …
Combined gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of sphingolipids. I. Glucosyl sphingosine, Ceramides and cerebrosides of the spleen in …
… effect of thrombin on the organization of human platelet membrane glycosphingolipids. The sphingosine composition of platelet glycolipids and Ceramides.
Applications of boronate derivatives in the study of Ceramides by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Moving lipids: Ceramides, glycosphingolipids and the glycolipid transfer protein
Alteration of the 4-sphingenine scaffolds of Ceramides in keratinocyte-specific Arnt-deficient mice affects skin barrier function
Use of principal component analysis for investigation of factors affecting retention behaviour of Ceramides on porous graphitized carbon column
Influence of the level of Ceramides on the permeability of stratum corneum lipid liposomes caused by a C12-betaine/sodium dodecyl sulfate mixture
Brain Glucosyl Ceramides Containing 2‐Hydroxy Acids: Identification of Molecular Species by Gas‐Liquid Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry
A new route to racemic erythro-sphingosine and Ceramides. The 1, 2-versus 1, 4-addition reaction of hexadec-2-enal with 2-nitroethanol
Quantities and types of Ceramides and their relationships to physical properties of the horn covering the claws of clinically normal cows and cows with …
Changes in skin barrier during treatment with systemic alitretinoin: focus on skin susceptibility and stratum corneum Ceramides
Dynamics of the heat stress response of Ceramides with different fatty-acyl chain lengths in baker’s yeast
Ceramides predict CV death in stable CAD and ACS
Structural characteristics of the Ceramides of neutral glycosphingolipids in the human female genital tract—their menstrual cycle-associated change in the cervical …
Three new Ceramides from the sponge Spongia suriganensis
Free Ceramides of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes
Thermal degradation of Ceramides as studied by mass spectrometry and vibrational spectroscopy
Separation and characterization of hematosides with different sialic acids and Ceramides from rat small intestine. Different composition of epithelial cells versus non …
Analysis of skeletal muscle torque capacity and circulating Ceramides in patients with advanced heart failure
Multicenter clinical study to evaluate safety and clinical efficacy of a body moisturizer based on Ceramides, omegas, glycerin, Imperata cylindrica, erythritol, and …
Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method for determination of very long acyl chain (C22: 0 and C24: 0) Ceramides in human plasma
Ceramides, sphinganine, sphingosine and acid sphingomyelinases in the human umbilical cord blood
Evidence for a high activity of sphingomyelin biosynthesis by phosphocholine transfer from phosphatidylcholine to Ceramides in lung lamellar bodies
Incorporation of Ceramides into Saccharomyces cerevisiae Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchored Proteins Can Be Monitored In Vitro
Structural identification of skin Ceramides containing ω-hydroxy acyl chains using mass spectrometry
… with up to ten sugars by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as permethylated oligosaccharides and Ceramides released by Ceramide …
New Ceramides from the marine sponge Clathria fasciculate
Sex pheromones of the hair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii. Part 1: Isolation and structures of novel Ceramides
Flow injection tandem mass spectrometric measurement of Ceramides of multiple chain lengths in biological samples
Cationic Ceramides and analogues, LCL30 and LCL85, as adjuvants to photodynamic therapy of tumors
Ceramides extracted from wool: supercritical extraction processes
Induction of a hardening phenomenon and quantitative changes of Ceramides in stratum corneum
Diminished protein‐bound ω‐hydroxylated Ceramides in the skin of patients with ichthyosis with 12R‐lipoxygenase (LOX) or eLOX‐3 deficiency
Ceramides and glycosphingolipids in maturation process: leukemic cells as an experimental model
Oceanapins A–F, Unique Branched Ceramides Isolated from the Haplosclerid Sponge Oceanapia cf. tenuis of the Coral Sea
Cystic fibrosis: the conductance regulator, Ceramides, and possible treatments
Isolation and structure determination of three new Ceramides from the starfish Distolasterias nipon
A secondary assay for Ceramide kinase inhibitors based on cell growth inhibition by short-chain Ceramides
PACAP and Ceramides exert opposite effects on migration, neurite outgrowth, and cytoskeleton remodeling
Highly Sensitive Determination of Diverse Ceramides in Human Hair Using Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Electrospray Ionization Mass …
Properties of skin in Chinese infants: developmental changes in Ceramides and in protein secondary structure of the stratum corneum
Evidence of accumulation of Ceramides containing [14C] nervonic acid in the rat lung following injection of [14C] erucic acid
Complete 1H and 13C NMR assignment of mono-sulfated galactosylCeramides with four types of Ceramides from human kidney
Syntheses of sphingomyelins and Ceramides bearing a docosahexaenoyl or arachidonoyl group
New CD1d agonists: synthesis and biological activity of 6 ″-triazole-substituted α-galactosyl Ceramides
First asymmetric synthesis of 6-hydroxy-4-sphingenine-containing Ceramides. Use of chiral propargylic alcohols to prepare a lipid found in human skin
Regulation of Cytochrome P450 2C11 (CYP2C11) Gene Expression by Interleukin-1, Sphingomyelin Hydrolysis, and Ceramides in Rat Hepatocytes (∗)
Skin Efficacy of liposomes composed of internal wool lipids rich in Ceramides
Influence of the level of Ceramides in the permeability of stratum corneum lipid liposomes caused by sodium dodecyl sulfate
… comparison to progenitor platelets, microparticles are deficient in GpIb, GpIb-derived carbohydrates, glycerophospholipids, glycosphingolipids, and Ceramides
Synthesis of New Trans Double-Bond Sphingolipid Analogues: Δ4,6 and Δ6 Ceramides
Anti‐tumor activity of Ceramides and glycosphingolipids in a murine tumor system
Ceramides that mediate apoptosis reduce glucose uptake and transporter affinity for glucose in human leukaemic cell lines but not in neutrophils
Flexible, polymer-supported synthesis of sphingosine derivatives provides Ceramides with enhanced biological activity
Stratum corneum and nail lipids in patients with atopic dermatitis. Decrease in Ceramides–a pathogenetic factor in atopic xerosis?
Stereoselective synthesis of fluorinated and nonfluorinated triazolo analogues of Ceramides
Cell-permeable Ceramides preferentially inhibit coated vesicle formation and exocytosis in Chinese hamster ovary compared with Madin–Darby canine kidney cells by …
Molecular association of phytosphingosine Ceramides of type III as investigated by synchrotron X-ray: Part 1
The effect of gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) extract on the stratum corneum hydration and Ceramides content in atopic dermatitis patients
Studies on the biosynthesis of Ceramide. Does the reversed ceramidase reaction yield Ceramides?
Melicimides A and B: Two new Ceramides from stem bark of Melicia excelsa
A solvent-free approach to glycosyl amides: toward the synthesis of α-N-galactosyl Ceramides
Selective reduction in α‐hydroxypalmitic acid‐containing sphingomyelin and concurrent increase in hydroxylated Ceramides in murine skin tumors induced by an …
Enzymatic glucosylation of dolichol monophosphate and transfer of glucose from isolated dolichyl‐D‐glucosyl phosphate to Ceramides by BHK‐21 cell microsemes
Ceramides/cholesterol mixtures as characterized by FT Raman spectroscopy
Quantitative determination of the neutral glycosyl Ceramides in bovine thyroid gland
Liposome formation with wool lipid extracts rich in Ceramides
CETP inhibitory activity of Ceramides, isolated from the gorgonian Acabaria undulata
In vitro anti‐inflammatory and skin protective properties of extract comprising Ceramides from de‐oiled rice bran
Successful incorporation of pseudo-Ceramides into emulsions at effective concentrations
Long-term biopermanence of Ceramides, cholesteryl esters, and ether-linked triglycerides with very-long-chain PUFA in the cadmium-damaged testis
Effects of expression of lcb1/lcb2 and lac1/lag1 genes on the biosynthesis of Ceramides
Inhibition of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis in rat‐2 fibroblasts by cell‐permeable Ceramides
Enzymatic deoxyglucosylation of Ceramides by microsomes of BHK-21 cells: The effect of deoxyglucose treatment and herpesvirus infection
Conversion of short-chain Ceramides to short-chain Ceramide GM3 in B16 melanoma cells
Three Ceramides from gorgonian Echinogorgia sp
Antiproliferative activity of Ceramides isolated from normal human ovary and ovarian tumor.
Synthesis of Ceramides and cerebrosides in rat brain: comparison with synthesis of lignoceroyl-coenzyme A
Analysis of molecular species of cellular sphingomyelins and Ceramides
Quantitation of Ceramides in nude mouse skin by normal-phase liquid chromatography and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Improvement of evaporative light scattering detection of Ceramides using triethylamine and formic acid in non-aqueous reversed phase liquid chromatography
A comparison of trabecular meshwork sphingolipids and Ceramides of ocular normotensive and hypertensive states of DBA/2J mice
Sphingomyelins and Ceramides with VLCPUFAs are excluded from low-density raft-like domains in differentiating spermatogenic cells
Synthesis and biological activity of α-glucosyl C24: 0 and C20: 2 Ceramides
Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of 6‐Hydroxylated New Ceramides in Human Skin, Ceramides B, 4, 7 and 8
In vivo studies on the introduction of the 4-t-double bond of the sphingenine moiety of rat brain Ceramides
Ceramides: Branched alkyl chains in the sphingolipid siblings of diacylglycerol improve biological potency
Identification of the individual molecular species of Ceramides derived from human erythrocytes using HPLC/MS and HPLC/MS/MS
A study of Ceramides and related compounds.
Immunochemical study of the blood group-active poly (glycosyl) Ceramides isolated from human erythrocytes
… new procedure for synthesis of 3-keto derivatives of sphingolipids and its application for study of fatty acid composition of brain Ceramides and cerebrosides containing …
Conversion by rat brain preparation of lignoceric acid to Ceramides and cerebrosides containing both alpha-hydroxy and nonhydroxy fatty acids. Effects of compounds …
Studies on Selectin Blockers. 4. Structure− Function Relationships of Sulfated Sialyl Lewis X Hexasaccharide Ceramides toward E-, P-, and L-Selectin Binding
6-Acyl galactosyl Ceramides of pig brain: structure and fatty acid composition
Synthesis and photochemical properties of PEGylated coumarin-caged Ceramides for cell studies
Differential roles of 2, 6, and 8 carbon Ceramides on the modulation of gap junctional communication and apoptosis during carcinogenesis
Plasma Ceramides are elevated in depression
Covalently bound fatty acids and Ceramides in wool
Sphingolipid metabolic changes during chiral C2-Ceramides induced apoptosis in human leukemia cells
Synergy between vitamin D precursor 25-hydroxyvitamin D and short chain Ceramides on keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation.
Bcl-2 transfected HaCaT keratinocytes resist apoptotic signals of Ceramides, tumor necrosis factor α and 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
Ceramides and gangliosides in benign and malignant human ovarian tumors
Ceramides and mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
Dietary sericin enhances epidermal levels of glucosylCeramides and Ceramides with up-regulating protein expressions of glucosylCeramide synthase, β …
The identification of Ceramides and glyceryl ethers in unsaponifiable lipid of human aorta
Isokinetic torque timing parameters and Ceramides as markers of muscle dysfunction in systolic heart failure
Human ovarian Ceramides and gangliosides in aging
Effect of growth phase on the content and composition of Ceramides of the hydrocarbon-assimilating yeast Candida lipolytica
Synthesis and Growth Inhibitory Activity of Chiral 5-Hydroxy-2-N-Acyl-(3E)-Sphingenines: Ceramides with an Unusual Sphingoid Backbone
Cytotoxic Ceramides from Antipathes dichotoma
Constituents of Crinoidea, 4. Isolation and structure of Ceramides and glucocerebrosides from the feather star Comanthus japonica
Role of Ceramides in skin stress: ultraviolet light, tape stripping and crowding
Influence of Ceramides in the solubilization of stratum corneum lipid liposomes by C12-betaine/sodium dodecyl sulfate mixtures
Ceramides increase mitochondrial ROS generation via altered mitochondrial dynamics in skeletal muscle
Ceramides induce apoptosis in HeLa cells and enhance cytochrome c-induced apoptosis in Xenopus egg extracts
Plasma Ceramides independently predict coronary artery disease and major adverse cardiovascular events
Characterization of a complexe mixture of phytosphingosine-type Ceramides from the Tunisian Reaumuria vermiculata
[16] Synthesis of ganglioside GM3 and analogs containing modified sialic acids and Ceramides
Synthesis of Enantiopure Fluorinated Ceramides; Analogues of Natural Sphingolipids
Topical Ceramides neither enhance UVB‐induced apoptosis in normal human keratinocytes nor affect viability in UVB‐irradiated reconstructed human epidermis
Ceramides for liposomes
… on the Thioglycosides of N-Acetylneuraminic Acid 7: Synthesis of S-(α-Sialyl)-(2↠ 6)-β-D-Hexopyranosyl and-(2↠ 6)-β-D-Lactosyl Ceramides and their Biological …
On the biosynthesis of cerebrosides from 2-hydroxy acid Ceramides: use of deuterium labeled substrate and multiple ion detector
Influence of short chain Ceramides and lipophilic penetration enhancers on the nano-structure of stratum corneum model membranes studied using neutron diffraction
Ceramides and lipids
Rapid access to 6 ″-functionalized α-galactosyl Ceramides by using 2-naphthylmethyl ether as the permanent protecting group
Analysis of Ceramides in Soy Sauce Oil
Specific distribution of barrier-relevant Ceramides in the emerging epidermis and the periderm/subperiderm during chicken embryogenesis
Improvement of skin moisture capacity through dietary beauty supplement containing Ceramides derived from rice
De novo Ceramides synthesis is not involved in skeletal muscle atrophy induced by short-term mechanical unloading
Identification of the in vivo topically applied” human-identical” Ceramides included in negatively charged liposomes.
Influence of the level of Ceramides on the permeability of stratum corneum lipid liposomes caused by a C14-alkyl betaine/sodium dodecyl sulfate mixture
Total Synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-N-Tetracosanoyl-2-amino-1,3,4-octadecanetriol, a Ceramide Part of Wheat Flour Glycosyl Ceramides
Synthesis of Ceramides Bearing DL-erythro-and DL-threo-Cn-Dihydrosphingosines, and the Determination of the erythro and threo Isomers by Mass Spectrometry
DPPG liposomes as preferential vehicles for” human-identical” Ceramides
Gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) Supplementation Enhances Epidermal Levels of Ceramides, GlucosylCeramides, β-Glucocerebrosidase, and Acidic …
LC Separation of Fatty Acid Ceramides Using a Two Column System
Thermotropic Properties of Ceramides in Aqueous or Lipidic Environments
Sphingolipids of Euhadra hickonis. III. Ceramides of the Viscera
Alterations in stratum corneum lipid liposomes due to the action of Triton X-100: influence of the level of Ceramides on this process
Saturated Ceramides from the Sponge Dysidea Robusta
Unraveling the Ceramide-calpain-caspase connection in cadmium-induced apoptosis: a novel role for Ceramides as activators of calpains. Focus on “ …
Synthesis of 1-O-(N-Acetyl-α-and-β-D-Neuraminyl)-Ceramides
C6-Ceramide enhances phagocytic activity of Kupffer cells through the production of endogenous Ceramides
Effects of Ceramides on meibomian lipid layers in vitro
Smart textiles with slow-release Ceramides for sensitive skin
… sphingolipids by gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of their derived aldehydes with particular reference to the Ceramides of children’s plasma
[43] Preparation of radiolabeled Ceramides and phosphosphingolipids
Radiation-induced free-radical fragmentation of Ceramides in a model system
… kinase C and tyrosine kinases in mediating endothelin-1-stimulated phospholipase D activity in rat myometrium: differential inhibition by Ceramides and cyclic AMP
Mn2+ and Mg2+ improved sphingomyelinase production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus FTDC 8313 and binding affinity to sphingomyelin for generation of Ceramides
Membrane properties of structurally modified Ceramides: effects on lipid lateral distribution and sphingomyelin-interactions in artificial bilayer membranes
Stratum corneum Ceramides and free amino acids in the lesion of scaly hand eczema
Developing CHARMM-compatible lipid parameters for Ceramides and united atom chains
Physico-chemical properties and metabolism of lissamine-rhodamine Ceramides: effect of acyl chain length
Changes in the neutral glycosyl Ceramides of duck erythrocytes during infection with the avian malaria parasite, PlasmodiumLophurae
The levels of glycosphingolipids, Ceramides, sialic acid and glycogen are changed in plasma membranes of rat platelets harvested during recovery from immune …
Separation and detection of Ceramides by HPLC followed by evaporative light-scattering detection and thin layer chromatography
Solubilization of stratum corneum lipid liposomes by C14-betaine/sodium dodecyl sulfate mixtures. Influence of the level of Ceramides in the solubilization process
11 The Lipid Organization in Stratum Corneum and Model Systems Based on Ceramides
Ceramides and glucosylCeramides are independent antagonists of insulin action
… Thioglycosides of N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid 8: Synthesis of S-(α-Sialyl)-(2→ 6)-β-Hexopyranosyl and -(2→ 6′)-β-Lactosyl Ceramides Containing β-Thioglycosidically …
… sudden cardiac death difficult to prevent and treat: Potential roles of unrecognized ionized hypomagnesemia and release of Ceramides and platelet-activating …
The Relationship Between Very Long Chain Plasma Ceramides and Anxiety in Coronary Artery Disease
Farber bodies found in murine phagocytes after injection of Ceramides and related sphingolipids
The Role of Ceramides in Mediating Endotoxin-Induced Mitochondrial Disruption
Ceramides and gangliosides from bening and malignant tumors of human ovary
Ceramides in Alzheimer’s disease: key mediators of neuronal apoptosis induced by oxidative stress and A accumulation
Role of cell-permeant Ceramides in keratinocyte growth, differentiation and apoptosis.
Activation of UDP-galactose: globotriaosylCeramide. alpha. 1-3-galactosyltransferase during PC12D cell differentiation induced by galactosyl Ceramides
Changes in the physicochemical properties of transferrin upon chemical derivatization with Ceramides
Type 2 diabetes: Ceramides as a therapeutic target?
Novel Ceramides of Porphyromonas Gingivalis Recovered in Human Carotid Endarterectomy Samples
Preparation of Alexa Fluor 350-conjugated nonradioactive or 3H-labeled GM1 ganglioside derivatives with different Ceramides
Reduction of long-chain fatty acid Ceramides in dermatitis caused by repeated exposure to house-dust mite in NC/Nga mice
Ceramides Dissociate Steatosis and Insulin Resistance in the Human Liver in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Detection and significance of free Ceramides
The structure of sphingolipid long chain bases from Ceramides of the anaerobe genus Bacteroides
Dietary royal jelly improves epidermal hydration with increased levels of Ceramides in the epidermis of mid-aged healthy human subjects
Many Ceramides
Analysis and clinical significance of free Ceramides
Perturbed sphingomyelin metabolism and accumulation of Ceramides and cholesterol esters in Alzheimer’s disease and ALS
Identification of four new Ceramides from Anthopleura pacifica
Methods of analysis of Ceramides and their relation to milk products
Identification of individual molecular species of Ceramides derived from human erythrocytes by high? performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and …
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Sphingomyelinase and Ceramides Activate Tyrosine Kinase, P21ras and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase: Implications for Glucose Transport …
… be due to reversible constriction of cerebral blood vessels: potential roles of unrecognized ionized hypomagnesemia, and release of Ceramides and platelet-activating …
Comment: Serum Ceramides—A new biomarker for preclinical AD?
Studies in the Sphingolipids Series. XIII. On the Ceramides and Ceramide Esters of C20-Phytosphingosine and Cio-Phytosphingosine Anhydro Base of Yeast
Identification and quantitation of Ceramides in yeast {\sl Yarrowia lipolitica}
Comparative contents of plant Ceramides in agricultural products analyzed by HPLC
Evaluating the Relationship between Ceramides and Depressive Symptoms in Coronary Artery Disease Patients
Fenretinide increased Ceramides through progressive de novo synthesis and inhibition of sphingomyelin synthesis in a neuroblastoma cell line
Synthesis of diene Ceramides with organozirconium reagents
Ceramides of the psoriatic scale: fatty acids composition
Use of Plasma Ceramides to Predict Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events-A Community-Based Analysis
Attachment of Helicobacter pylori to MonohexosylCeramide with Various Ceramides
Safety Assessment of Ceramides as Used in Cosmetics
The Propensity of Ceramides to Segregate into Ceramides-Rich Phase in Fluid Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer is Markedly Influenced by their Long-Chain …
Growth Inhibitory Effects and Mechanisms of Ceramides in Renal Cell Carcinoma Cells
Ceramides and sphingosine-1-phosphate in molecular mechanisms of neuronal cell death
Cream-gel with Ceramides (part II): An evaluation of the effects on skin hydration and transepidermal water loss
The role of Ceramides in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway induced by acetic acid
Analysis of Ceramides in Body Fluids by Electrospray LC-MS/MS
The role of Ceramides in cigarette smoke-induced alveolar cell death
Roles of omega-hydroxyacid-containing Ceramides in stratum corneum
Asymmetry Determines the Effect of Ceramides on Model Membranes. In Natural Membranes Too?
Effects of enzyme-generated diacylglycerols and Ceramides in membrane fusion and leakage.
Ceramides in Alzheimer’s Disease: Key Mediators of Neuronal Apoptosis Induced by Oxidative Stress and A𝛽 Accumulation
Coumarinyl-Caged Ceramides, a New Tool for Assessing the Biological Effects of Ceramide in Cells
Plasma Ceramides, Mediterranean Diet, and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED Trial
Plasma Ceramides identify residual cardiovascular risk in statin treated coronary artery disease patients
Liver and skeletal muscle Ceramides in alloxan-induced diabetes
Regional analysis of Ceramides within the stratum corneum in relation to seasonal changes
The Essential Role of Esterified omega-Hydroxy Ceramides as Skin Lipids
Semiquantitative discovery of Ceramides by isoenergetic precursor ion scan in the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer: fundamental issues and proof-of-principle …
Muscle-specific Plin2 down-regulation affects accumulation of ectopic lipid metabolites including Ceramides
Association between Plasma Ceramides and Phosphatidylcholines and Hippocampal Brain Volume in Late Onset Alzheimer’s
New Immunomodulating Glycosyl Ceramides from Marine Sponges
Role of Central Nervous System Ceramides and Free Radicals in a Mouse Model of Orofacial Pain
Long-vs short-chain Ceramides: evidence for different penetration into skin and barrier properties
Bilayer Properties of Ceramides: Role of Interfacial Hydroxylation, Acyl Chain Length, and Chain Unsaturation
Sphingolipids in foods and differential sensitivity of human colon cancer cells to sphingoid bases and Ceramides
Development of lipid A binding agents based on cholic acid scaffolding and the synthesis of monoglycosyl Ceramides for immunological activity studies
Shifting our focus to blood-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease: the promise of Ceramides and sphingomyelins
HMGB1 and Ceramides: Potential Mediators of Cigarette Smoke-induced Metabolic Dysfunction
Sphingomyelins and Ceramides with very-long-chain PUFA are excluded from lowdensity, raft-like domains in differentiating spermatogenic cells
Metformin decreases cellular Ceramides in MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cell lines by inhibition of Ceramide synthetic enzymes
Impact of Ceramides and penetration enhancers on the nanostructure of Stratum corneum lipid model membranes
In Situ Synthesis of Fluorescent Membrane Lipids (Ceramides) using Click Chemistry
Evaluation of medicines containing mometasone furoate or methylprednisolone aceponate with Ceramides influence on the development of non-specific contact …
Overexpression of hELOVL4 prevents diabetes-induced blood-retinal barrier breakdown through an increase in very long chain Ceramides
Gangliosides and Ceramides in blood serum of patients with ovary tumors
Development and validation of a LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of diabetogenic lipids, diacylglycerols and Ceramides, in subcellular fractions of …
Cholesteryl Phosphocholine forms Fluid Bilayer Membranes with Saturated or Monounsaturated Ceramides
Short-Chain Ceramides for Enhancing Cytotoxicity of Liposome-Encapsulated Doxorubicin Toward Human Breast Cancer (MDA-MB-231) and Prostate Cancer (PC-3) …
Ceramides: Quantification, and regulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in response to hypoxia
Novel Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Trigger Drug Sensitivity of Primary CLL Cells by Controlling Glucosylation of Ceramides
Semi-pilot scale-up of a continuous packed-bed bioreactor system developed for the lipase-catalyzed production of pseudo-Ceramides
Effects of cell-permeable Ceramides and tumor necrosis (factor-alpha) on insulin signaling and glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of cerebrosides and Ceramides from sea cucumbers by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light …
On route to stratum corneum-the role of Ceramides towards model skin
Comparative Effect of Gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) Extract and Borage Oil on the Level of Serum IgE, Pruritus and Epidermal Ceramides in NC/Nga Mice.
Membrane structure in Fc (epsilon) RI signaling: Measurement of lipid order and disruption of order and signaling by short chain Ceramides
Very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are the major acyl groups of sphingomyelins and Ceramides located in the head of bull and rat spermatozoa
… and Cardiac Failure in Cancer Patients: Is This a Consequence of Unrecognized Hypomagnesemia and Release of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor?
Contents and composition of Ceramides in the bovine hoof horn from normal cows and cows with subclinical laminitis.
Thermotropic Behaviour of Ceramides/Oleic Acid Mixtures Studied by FT-Raman Spectroscopy and DSC
Involvement Of Ceramides And DihydroCeramides In Lung Apoptosis And Autophagy
… of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac and Lung Surgeries Related to Hypomagnesemia and Releases of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating Factor?
Circulating Ceramides Predict Fatal and All Incident Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events: A Prospective Analysis of the FINRISK 2002 Cohort
Differential Comparison of Trabecular Meshwork Ceramides from Control and Glaucomatous Donors
Role of Ceramides and Ceramides-formed pores in the process of mitochondria permeabilization and yeast programmed cell death
The influence of “mometasone with Ceramides” cream in the course of allergic contact dermatitis
ABT-737 increased intracellular Ceramides through sphingomyelin hydrolysis in ALL cell lines
The role of Ceramides in the response to chemotherapy of lung cancer
Interplay between Aβ, Ceramides and Hyperphosphorylated Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease
Synthesis of a versatile building block for the preparation of 6-N-derivatized-galactosyl Ceramides: rapid access to biologically active glycolipids.
In vitro anti ‚Äêinflammatory and skin protective properties of extract comprising Ceramides from de ‚Äêoiled rice bran
Molecular species of free Ceramides in Aspergillus oryzae.
Differential susceptibility of lung endothelial and epithelial cells to Ceramides‐induced apoptosis
Ceramides and steroids of the zoanthides Palythoa caribaeorum and Protopalythoa variabilis
147: Long-chain Ceramides in women with metabolic abnormalities: a possible mechanistic explanation for off-spring risk for insulin resistance
Atomic force microscopy and spectroscopic studies of the physical effects of Ceramides on model and cell membranes
Synergy between the active vitamin D precursor, 25 hydroxyvitamin D and short chain Ceramides on keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation.
Plasma Ceramides Predict Residual Cardiovascular Death Risk in Optimally Statin Treated Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Studies on the chemical constituents of the Chinese soft coral (ⅢⅩⅥ)–Structures of two Ceramides
Ceramide Synthase 4 and De Novo Production of Ceramides with Specific N-Acyl Chain Lengths Are Involved in…
Impact of diabetes on Ceramides in skeletal muscle subcellular fractions
Stereoselective preparation of quaternary 2-vinyl sphingosines and Ceramides and their effect on basal sphingolipid metabolism
Profiling and Characterizing Skin Ceramides Using Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatographyâ Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Effect of the expression of LCB1 gene on yeast Ceramides synthesis
Synthetic Ceramides inhibit CD36 expression in U937 cells through a reduction in cytosolic peroxide
Constituents of Crinoidea, 4. Isolation and Structure of Ceramides and Glucocerebrosides from the Feather Star Comanthus japonica
7 Membrane Microdomains Enriched in Ceramides
Stereoselective preparation of quaternary 2-vinyl sphingosines and Ceramides and their effect on basal sphingolipid metabolism
Semi-pilot scale-up of a continuous packed-bed bioreactor system developed for the lipase-catalyzed production of pseudo-Ceramides
Fate of exogenous Ceramides and gangliosides on isolated liver mitochondria
Separation and Detection of Ceramides by HPLC Followed by Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection and Thin Layer Chromatography
Ceramides isolated of Luffa operculatta Cogn. specie; Ceramidas isoladas da especie Luffa operculatta Cogn.
Toward Quantitation and Characterization of Ceramides in Human Meibum and Tear Film
Ceramides, mitochondrial fission, and reactive oxygen species a novel mechanism of obesity‐induced insulin resistance (LB167)
Bcl-2 transfected HaCaT keratinocytes resist apoptotic signals of Ceramides, tumor necrosis factor and 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
Increased Circulating Levels of Total and Very Long-Chain Ceramides as Markers of Abnormal Lipid Metabolism and Lipotoxicity in Patients With Chronic Stable …
Lipotoxic Induction of Myocardial and Circulating Very Long-chain Ceramides in Patients With Advanced Heart Failure Improves With Mechanical Unloading Through …
Structure determination of glucosyl Ceramides (cerebrosides) from the fungus Cladosporium resinae and antimicrobial action against bacillus species
… Around Christmas, New Year’s, Monday Mornings and in the Morning Hours: Potential Roles of Unrecognized Ionized Hypomagnesemia and Release of Ceramides?
Macrophage‐secreted Ceramides are Necessary for Myocardial Mitochondrial Disruption with LPS Treatments
Macrophage‐secreted Ceramides are Necessary for Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Disruption with LPS Treatments
Topically applied γ-linolenic acid restores corneocyte-bound ω-hydroxy Ceramides and ameliorates atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in mice
Stimulatory effect of dietary red ginseng on epidermal levels of hydration and Ceramides in ultraviolet radiated hairless mice
Synthetic Ceramides induce growth arrest or apoptosis by reducing cytosolic peroxide with differing kinetics
Multidrug resistance P‐glycoprotein/ABCB1/MDR1 protects against apoptosis by reducing cellular Ceramides (Cer) induced by cadmium (Cd)
The composition and content of Ceramides and sphingomyelins in gastrointestinal epithelium
Ceramides isolated of Luffa operculatta Cogn. specie
P-28: Effect of gastric bypass surgery on plasma Ceramides, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in severely obese patients
Sphingomyelins and Ceramides of umbilical cord tissues and their alterations in preeclampsia
Expression of glycosyl inositol phosphoryl Ceramides and monohexosyl Ceramides in pathogenic fungi
6. Oceanapins AF, Unique Branched Ceramides Isolated from the Haplosclerid Sponge Oceanapia cf. tenuis of the Coral Sea
Structure elucidation of glycosylinositol phosphoryl Ceramides from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Anti-choline esterase activity of Ceramides from the Red Sea Marine Sponge Mycale euplectellioides
Structural characterization of glycosilinositol-phosphoryl-Ceramides from Mycelium forms of different strain of Sporothrix schenckii
P1. 9.1 Investigation of Water Penetration into Ceramides with Lateral Field Excitation Sensors
… -71] Comparative Effect of Gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon) Extract and Borage Oil on the Level of Serum IgE, Pruritus and Epidermal Ceramides in NC/Nga …
[P10-62] Dietary Supplementation of Gromwell (the dried root of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc.) Increases the Level of Ceramides and Serine, an Amino …
… Matilde Inglese, Peter A. Calabresi, Gang Wu, Aaron E. Miller, Norman J. Haughey, Fred D. Lublin, Patrizia Casaccia. Cerebrospinal fluid Ceramides from patients with …
The role of Ceramides in insulin resistance
Ceramides as novel disease biomarkers
The physical properties of Ceramides in membranes
Ceramides in skin health and disease: an update
Plasma Ceramides pathophysiology, measurements, challenges, and opportunities
Ceramides in metabolism: key lipotoxic players
The role of Ceramides in metabolic disorders: when size and localization matters
Visualizing bioactive Ceramides
Metabolic messengers: Ceramides
Contribution of specific Ceramides to obesity-associated metabolic diseases
Could Ceramides become the new cholesterol?
Ceramides and other sphingolipids as drivers of cardiovascular disease
Ceramides and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Role of Ceramides in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and its complications
The role of Ceramides in diabetes and cardiovascular disease regulation of Ceramides by adipokines
Ceramides in adipose tissue
The long and the short of Ceramides
Contribution of Ceramides metabolism in psychiatric disorders
Ceramides and phosphatidylcholines associate with cardiovascular diseases in the elderly
Roles of Ceramides and other sphingolipids in immune cell function and inflammation
Ceramides and Ceramide scores: clinical applications for cardiometabolic risk stratification
Ceramides and diabetes mellitus: an update on the potential molecular relationships
The lard works in mysterious ways: Ceramides in nutrition-linked chronic disease
Emerging roles of Ceramides in breast cancer biology and therapy
Circulating Ceramides-are origins important for sphingolipid biomarkers and treatments?
Roles of Ceramides in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Ceramides and sphingosino-1-phosphate in obesity
Ceramides as mediators of oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiometabolic disease
Associations between plasma Ceramides and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease
The role of Ceramides in skin homeostasis and inflammatory skin diseases
Ceramides bind VDAC2 to trigger mitochondrial apoptosis
Whole picture of human stratum corneum Ceramides, including the chain-length diversity of long-chain bases
Circulating Ceramides as biomarkers of cardiovascular disease: Evidence from phenotypic and genomic studies
Ceramides: nutrient signals that drive hepatosteatosis
Sphingomyelins and Ceramides: possible biomarkers for dementia?
Recent advances on topical application of Ceramides to restore barrier function of skin
Plasma Ceramides: a novel predictor of major adverse cardiovascular events after coronary angiography
State of the art in Stratum Corneum research: The biophysical properties of Ceramides
Ceramides in autoimmune rheumatic diseases: Existing evidence and therapeutic considerations for diet as an antiCeramide treatment
Ceramides improve atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk assessment beyond standard risk factors
Ceramides and their roles in programmed cell death
Role of Ceramides in diabetic foot ulcers
The relevance of Ceramides and their synthesizing enzymes for multiple sclerosis
Increased serum concentration of Ceramides in obese children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Ceramides in Parkinson’s disease: from recent evidence to new hypotheses
Plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelins in relation to heart failure risk: The Cardiovascular Health Study
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and Ceramides
Ceramides as Dietary Biomarkers
Adipocyte Ceramides—The nexus of inflammation and metabolic disease
Ceramides and acute kidney injury
Ceramides and cardiovascular risk factors, inflammatory parameters and left ventricular function in AMI patients
Interplay between Ceramides and phytonutrients: New insights in metabolic syndrome
Comparative profiling and comprehensive quantification of stratum corneum Ceramides in humans and mice by LC/MS/MS [S]
Ceramides profile identifies patients with more advanced stages of colorectal cancer
Barrier capability of skin lipid models: effect of Ceramides and free fatty acid composition
The ERAD system is restricted by elevated Ceramides
Ceramides and phospholipids are downregulated with liraglutide treatment: Results from the LiraFlame randomized controlled trial
How Ceramides orchestrate cardiometabolic health—an ode to physically active living
Too much of a good thing? An evolutionary theory to explain the role of Ceramides in NAFLD
Lipotoxic very-long-chain Ceramides cause mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and cell death in cardiomyocytes
Plasma levels of Ceramides relate to ischemic stroke risk and clinical severity
Serum Ceramides in early pregnancy as predictors of gestational diabetes
Overeating saturated fat promotes fatty liver and Ceramides compared with polyunsaturated fat: a randomized trial
Plasma Ceramides as prognostic biomarkers and their arterial and myocardial tissue correlates in acute myocardial infarction
Plasma Ceramides are associated with outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients
Altered levels of sphingosine, sphinganine and their Ceramides in atopic dermatitis are related to skin barrier function, disease severity and local cytokine …
Lowering Ceramides to overcome diabetes
The fatty acids of sphingomyelins and Ceramides in mammalian tissues and cultured cells: Biophysical and physiological implications
Circulating Ceramides and sphingomyelins and risk of mortality: the Cardiovascular Health Study
Seasonal changes in epidermal Ceramides are linked to impaired barrier function in acne patients
Plasma Ceramides in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Stratification
You aren’t IMMUNE to the Ceramides that accumulate in cardiometabolic disease
The Biological Variability of Plasma Ceramides in Healthy Subjects
Effect of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Ceramides Supplementation on Improving Skin Barrier Functions and Depigmentation: An Open-Label Prospective Study
Fat-secreted Ceramides regulate vascular redox state and influence outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease
Role of Ceramides in the molecular pathogenesis and potential therapeutic strategies of cardiometabolic diseases: What we know so far
Genetic, dietary, and sex-specific regulation of hepatic Ceramides and the relationship between hepatic Ceramides and IR [S]
High levels of modified Ceramides are a defining feature of murine and human cancer cachexia
Ceramides are necessary and sufficient for diet-induced impairment of thermogenic adipocytes
Relation of plasma Ceramides to visceral adiposity, insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Dallas Heart Study
Ceramides and Ceramide Synthases in Cancer: Focus on Apoptosis and Autophagy
Ceramides during Pregnancy and Obstetrical Adverse Outcomes
Role of Ceramides in drug delivery
Strong heart, low Ceramides
Targeted lipidomics reveal derangement of Ceramides in major depression and bipolar disorder
Plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelins in relation to atrial fibrillation risk: the cardiovascular health study
Circulating lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines, Ceramides, and sphingomyelins and ovarian cancer risk: a 23-year prospective study
Role of Omega-Hydroxy Ceramides in Epidermis: Biosynthesis, Barrier Integrity and Analyzing Method
Cell-intrinsic Ceramides determine T cell function during melanoma progression
Long chain Ceramides raise the main phase transition of monounsaturated phospholipids to physiological temperature
The Role of Ceramides in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
Associations between specific plasma Ceramides and severity of coronary-artery stenosis assessed by coronary angiography
Blood Ceramides as novel markers for renal impairment in systemic lupus erythematosus
New evidence from plasma Ceramides links apoE polymorphism to greater risk of coronary artery disease in Finnish adults [S]
Blood-brain barrier permeability analysis of plant Ceramides
Writing and erasing Ceramides to alter liver disease
Commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis contributes to skin barrier homeostasis by generating protective Ceramides
Ceramides as risk markers for future cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in long-standing type 1 diabetes
Why and how increased plasma Ceramides predict future cardiovascular events?
Influence of exercise training on skeletal muscle insulin resistance in aging: spotlight on muscle Ceramides
Role of Ceramides and sphingolipids in Parkinson’s disease
Comprehensive profiling of Ceramides in human serum by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry combining data independent/dependent …
Nanodelivery strategies for skin diseases with barrier impairment: Focusing on Ceramides and glucocorticoids
Ceramides and sphingosine-1-phosphate as potential markers in diagnosis of ischaemic stroke
Elevated serum Ceramides are linked with obesity-associated gut dysbiosis and impaired glucose metabolism
Association between increased plasma Ceramides and chronic kidney disease in patients with and without ischemic heart disease
Association of circulating Ceramides with cardiac structure and function in the community: the framingham heart study
Comprehensive characterization of bovine milk lipids: Phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, and Ceramides
Biochemistry of very-long-chain and long-chain Ceramides in cystic fibrosis and other diseases: the importance of side chain
Long-chain Ceramides are cell non-autonomous signals linking lipotoxicity to endoplasmic reticulum stress in skeletal muscle
Ceramides metabolism and impaired epidermal barrier in cutaneous diseases and skin aging: focus on the role of the enzyme PNPLA1 in the synthesis of ω-O …
Skeletal muscle Ceramides and daily fat oxidation in obesity and diabetes
Plasma Ceramides and Sphingomyelins and Sudden Cardiac Death in the Cardiovascular Health Study
Ceramides: a cause of insulin resistance in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in both murine models and humans
Lipidomic Analysis to Assess the Correlation between Ceramides, Stress Hyperglycemia, and HbA1c in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Ceramides regulate defense response by binding to RbohD in Arabidopsis
Inimitable Impacts of Ceramides on Lipid Rafts Formed in Artificial and Natural Cell Membranes
Unraveling the molecular principles by which Ceramides commit cells to death
Yeast Svf1 binds Ceramides and contributes to sphingolipid metabolism at the ER cis-Golgi interface
Adiponectin/T-cadherin system enhances exosome biogenesis and decreases cellular Ceramides by exosomal release
… from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells promote epidermal barrier repair by inducing de novo synthesis of Ceramides in atopic dermatitis
Intrinsic lipid curvatures of mammalian plasma membrane outer leaflet lipids and Ceramides
Skeletal muscle Ceramides and relationship with insulin sensitivity after 2 weeks of simulated sedentary behaviour and recovery in healthy older adults
Plasma Ceramides containing saturated fatty acids are associated with risk of type 2 diabetes
Short photoswitchable Ceramides enable optical control of apoptosis
An exploratory study of plasma Ceramides in comorbidities in Down syndrome
Development and validation of a RPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of Ceramides in human serum
Metabolomic profiling suggests long chain Ceramides and sphingomyelins as a possible diagnostic biomarker of epithelial ovarian cancer
Fluorescently Labeled Ceramides and 1-DeoxyCeramides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Cellular Distribution Studies
Exploring mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis of cutaneous Ceramides in health and disease
Review of available “extraction+ purification” methods of natural Ceramides and their feasibility for sewage sludge analysis
Plasma Ceramides and cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk
Traceless synthesis of Ceramides in living cells reveals saturation-dependent apoptotic effects
Elevated plasma Ceramides are associated with antiretroviral therapy use and progression of carotid artery atherosclerosis in HIV infection
Optical manipulation of sphingolipid biosynthesis using photoswitchable Ceramides
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation significantly alters circulating Ceramides in peripheral blood of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis …
Abnormal plasma Ceramides refine high-risk patients with worsening heart failure
Structural characterization of plant glucosylCeramides and the corresponding Ceramides by UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry
Associations of NAFLD with circulating Ceramides and impaired glycemia
Differences in plasma levels of long chain and very long chain Ceramides between African Americans and whites: An observational study
Associations of adiposity and diet quality with serum Ceramides in middle-aged adults with cardiovascular risk factors
New insight into phase behavior and permeability of skin lipid models based on sphingosine and phytosphingosine Ceramides
Ceramides mediate positional signals in Arabidopsis thaliana protoderm differentiation
Decreased serum levels of sphingomyelins and Ceramides in sickle cell disease patients
Association of plasma Ceramides with myocardial perfusion in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
Plasma Ceramides in relation to coronary plaque characterization determined by optical coherence tomography
Formation of keto-type Ceramides in palmoplantar keratoderma based on biallelic KDSR mutations in patients
Role of hypothalamic de novo Ceramides synthesis in obesity and associated metabolic disorders
Distinct mechanisms involving diacylglycerol, Ceramides, and inflammation underlie insulin resistance in oxidative and glycolytic muscles from high fat-fed rats
Determining the structure of protein-bound Ceramides, essential lipids for skin barrier function
Sex differences in cardiovascular diseases: a matter of estrogens, Ceramides, and sphingosine 1-phosphate
Accumulation of cholesterol, triglycerides and Ceramides in hepatocellular carcinomas of diethylnitrosamine injected mice
Anandamide revisited: how cholesterol and Ceramides control receptor-dependent and receptor-independent signal transmission pathways of a lipid neurotransmitter
Involvement of Ceramides in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (Nafld) atherosclerosis (ats) development: Mechanisms and therapeutic targets
Association of Diet Quality and Body Mass Index with Serum Ceramides in Middle-aged Adults
Ceramides in tracheal aspirates of preterm infants: Marker for bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Ceramides are early responders in metabolic syndrome development in rhesus monkeys
Dysregulated Ceramides metabolism by fatty acid 2-hydroxylase exposes a metabolic vulnerability to target cancer metastasis
Increased levels of short-chain Ceramides modify the lipid organization and reduce the lipid barrier of skin model membranes
Ceramides and phospholipids in plasma extracellular vesicles are associated with high risk of major cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy
Serum Ceramides as prognostic biomarkers of large thrombus burden in patients with STEMI: a micro-computed tomography study
Analysis of circulating Ceramides and hexosylCeramides in patients with coronary artery disease and type II diabetes mellitus
Knockout of neutrophil elastase protects against western diet induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice by regulating hepatic Ceramides metabolism
Alteration of barrier properties, stratum corneum Ceramides and microbiome composition in response to lotion application on cosmetic dry skin
Interaction of Ceramides and tear lipocalin
Ceramides affect alcohol consumption and depressive‐like and anxiety‐like behavior in a brain region‐and Ceramide species‐specific way in male mice
Association of plasma Ceramides with prevalent and incident type 2 diabetes mellitus in middle and older aged adults
Associations between plasma Ceramides and cerebral microbleeds or lacunes
Quantitative imprint mass spectrometry imaging of endogenous Ceramides in rat brain tissue with kinetic calibration
Following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, serum Ceramides demarcate patients that will fail to achieve normoglycemia and diabetes remission
ELOVL4-mediated production of very long-chain Ceramides stabilizes tight junctions and prevents diabetes-induced retinal vascular permeability
Dietary supplementation with exogenous sea-cucumber-derived Ceramides and glucosylCeramides alleviates insulin resistance in high-fructose-diet-fed rats by …
Relation between plasma Ceramides and cardiovascular death in chronic heart failure: a subset analysis of the GISSI‐HF trial
27742 From the inside-out: A more effective way of delivering Ceramides to the stratum corneum–an in silico simulation study
Dose-dependent reductions in plasma Ceramides after anthocyanin supplementation are associated with improvements in plasma lipids and cholesterol efflux …
Comparative Study on Epidermal Moisturizing Effects and Hydration Mechanisms of Rice-Derived GlucosylCeramides and Ceramides
Silybin-induced apoptosis occurs in parallel to the increase of Ceramides synthesis and miRNAs secretion in human hepatocarcinoma cells
Epicardial Adipose Tissue Ceramides Are Related to Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Coronary Artery Disease: Unfolding a Missing Link
Appearance of intact molecules of dietary Ceramides prepared from soy sauce lees and rice glucosylCeramides in mouse plasma
Distinct mouse models of Stargardt disease display differences in pharmacological targeting of Ceramides and inflammatory responses
Lysosomal Ceramides regulate cathepsin B-mediated processing of saposin C and glucocerebrosidase activity
Endocannabinoid system and the expression of endogenous Ceramides in human hepatocellular carcinoma
Circulating Ceramides and sphingomyelins and the risk of incident cardiovascular disease among people with diabetes: the strong heart study
Plasma Ceramides relate to mild cognitive impairment in middle‐aged men: The Maastricht Study
Plasma Ceramides and Risk of Impaired Lower-Extremity Function in Older Adults: A Nested Case–Control Study
Alterations in plasma triglycerides and Ceramides: links with cardiac function in humans with type 2 diabetes
Topically Applied Ceramides Interact with the Stratum Corneum Lipid Matrix in Compromised Ex Vivo Skin
Decrease of Ceramides with long‐chain fatty acids in psoriasis: Possible inhibitory effect of interferon gamma on chain elongation
Plasma Ceramides as Biomarkers for Microvascular Disease in Diabetes: Evaluating the Relationship Between Ceramide and Multiple Outcomes
Hydrogel-mediated delivery of celastrol and doxorubicin induces a synergistic effect on tumor regression via upregulation of Ceramides
Ceramides and sphingolipids are more than simple building blocks
Elevated plasma Ceramides are associated with higher white matter hyperintensity volume—brief report
Elevated peritoneal fluid Ceramides in human endometriosis-associated infertility and their effects on mouse oocyte maturation
Involvement of ω-O-acylCeramides and protein-bound Ceramides in oral permeability barrier formation
Panduramides AD, new Ceramides from Ficus pandurata fruits
Association between Ceramides and coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease
Maternal obesity leads to long-term altered levels of plasma Ceramides in the offspring as revealed by a longitudinal lipidomic study in children
Coffee, atrial fibrillation, and circulating Ceramides in patients with chronic heart failure
Arrangement of Ceramides in the skin: sphingosine chains localize at a single position in stratum corneum lipid matrix models
Ceramides and metabolic profiles of patients with acute coronary disease: a cross-sectional study
Dietary inulin decreases circulating Ceramides by suppressing neutral sphingomyelinase expression and activity in mice
… -inflammation and pro-atherosclerotic responses to short-term air pollution exposure associated with alterations in sphingolipid Ceramides and neutrophil extracellular …
Selectivity in cornified envelop binding of Ceramides in human skin and the role of LXR inactivation on Ceramide binding
ω-O-AcylCeramides but not ω-hydroxy Ceramides are required for healthy lamellar phase architecture of skin barrier lipids
Bioactive Ceramides in Health and Disease: Intertwined Roles of Enigmatic Lipids
Assessment of plasma Ceramides as predictor for subclinical atherosclerosis
Role of Ceramides in skin disease and skin care formulations-A Review
Improved organotypic skin model with reduced quantity of monounsaturated Ceramides by inhibiting stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
An investigation of the skin barrier restoring effects of a cream and lotion containing Ceramides in a multi-vesicular emulsion in people with dry, eczema-prone …
Bifunctional DEGS2 has higher hydroxylase activity toward substrates with very-long-chain fatty acids in the production of phytosphingosine Ceramides
… hepatitis B virus PreS variants synergistically promotes hepatocellular carcinoma development in a high-fat diet context by generating abnormal Ceramides
… components ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 and PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 4 are required for cell death caused by overaccumulation of Ceramides in …
Differences in the distribution of Ceramides and sphingosine among lipoprotein and lipoprotein-depleted fractions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Extraction Optimization, UHPLC-Triple-TOF-MS/MS Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Ceramides from Sea Red Rice Bran
Lipids at the Nexus between Cerebrovascular Disease and Vascular Dementia: The Impact of HDL-Cholesterol and Ceramides
Effects of sex, age, and apolipoprotein E genotype on brain Ceramides and sphingosine-1-phosphate in Alzheimer’s disease and control mice
Skeletal muscle Ceramides do not contribute to physical-inactivity-induced insulin resistance
Ceramides Increase Fatty Acid Utilization in Intestinal Progenitors to Enhance Stemness and Increase Tumor Risk
Skin mast cell-driven Ceramides drive early apoptosis in pre-symptomatic eczema in mice
Species-specific accumulation of Ceramides in cerebrospinal fluid from encephalomyeloradiculoneurpathy patients associated with peripheral complement activation …
High-throughput quantitation of serological Ceramides/dihydroCeramides by LC/MS/MS: pregnancy baseline biomarkers and potential metabolic messengers
Monanchoramides A–D, Ceramides from the marine sponge Monanchora clathrata with cytotoxic activity
Early postoperative changes of sphingomyelins and Ceramides after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Links between Ceramides and cardiac function
Association between plasma Ceramides and inducible myocardial ischemia in patients with established or suspected coronary artery disease undergoing myocardial …
Effects of (R)- and (S)-α-Hydroxylation of Acyl Chains in Sphingosine, Dihydrosphingosine, and Phytosphingosine Ceramides on Phase Behavior and Permeability …
Inhibiting tau-induced elevated nSMase2 activity and Ceramides is therapeutic in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Ceramides from Sea Red Rice Bran Improve Health Indicators and Increase Stress Resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans through Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling (IIS) …
Cumulative sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is associated with higher concentrations of circulating Ceramides in the Framingham Offspring Cohort
Plasma Ceramides independently predict all-cause mortality in men aged 85+
Relationships between Very Low‐Density Lipoproteins–Ceramides,− Diacylglycerols, and–Triacylglycerols in Insulin‐Resistant Men
Reduction of stratum corneum Ceramides in Neu-Laxova syndrome caused by phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency
Aberrant accumulation of Ceramides in mitochondria triggers cell death by inducing autophagy in Arabidopsis
Cardiovascular prognosis: a new role for Ceramides and other cardiometabolites
Effect of cis-and trans-Monounsaturated Fatty Acids on Palmitate Toxicity and on Palmitate-induced Accumulation of Ceramides and Diglycerides
CERS6-derived Ceramides aggravate kidney fibrosis by inhibiting PINK1-mediated mitophagy in diabetic kidney disease
Effect of circulating Ceramides on adiposity and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes: An observational cross‐sectional study
Genetic Variants Associated with Elevated Plasma Ceramides in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome
Ceramides biomarkers determination in quantitative dried blood spots by UHPLC-MS/MS
Consistent alteration of chain length-specific Ceramides in human and mouse fibrotic kidneys
Quantification of α-hydroxy Ceramides in mice serum by LC-MS/MS: Application to sepsis study
Altered Levels of Sphingosine, Sphinganine and Their Ceramides in Atopic Dermatitis Are Related to Skin Barrier Function, Disease Severity and Local Cytokine …
Duodenal-jejunal bypass reduces serum Ceramides via inhibiting intestinal bile acid-farnesoid X receptor pathway
Long-and very long-chain Ceramides are predictors of acute kidney injury in patients with acute coronary syndrome: the PEACP study
FTY720 decreases Ceramides levels in the brain and prevents memory impairments in a mouse model of familial Alzheimer’s disease expressing APOE4
Ceramides and their interactive effects with trimethylamine-N-oxide metabolites on risk of gestational diabetes: A nested case-control study
Inhibiting tau-induced elevated nSMase2 activity and Ceramides is therapeutic in murine Alzheimer’s disease
Periplocymarin alleviates doxorubicin-induced heart failure and excessive accumulation of Ceramides
Ramadan intermittent fasting is associated with ameliorated inflammatory markers and improved plasma sphingolipids/Ceramides in subjects with obesity …
Molecular docking, SAR analysis and biophysical approaches in the study of the antibacterial activity of Ceramides isolated from Cissus incisa
A method for quantifying hepatic and intestinal Ceramides on mice by UPLC-MS/MS
Stratum corneum Ceramide profiles in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo: characterization of the α-hydroxy double esterified Ceramides
Elevated Ceramides 18: 0 and 24: 1 with aging are associated with hip fracture risk through increased bone resorption
Targeted liposomal doxorubicin/Ceramides combinations: The importance to assess the nature of drug interaction beyond bulk tumor cells
Effect of combined testing of Ceramides with high-sensitive troponin T on the detection of acute coronary syndrome in patients with chest pain in China: a …
Ceramides and pro-inflammatory cytokines for the prediction of acute coronary syndrome: a multi-marker approach
Plasma Ceramides are associated with MRI-based liver fat content but not with noninvasive scores of liver fibrosis in patients with type 2 diabetes
Ceramides and other bioactive compounds from Celtis tessmannii Rendle
… and seasonal changes in covalently bound Ceramide content in forearm stratum corneum of Japanese subjects: determination of molecular species of Ceramides
Ceramides are decreased after liraglutide treatment in two randomized clinical trials
First report of isolation of antibacterial Ceramides from the leaves of Euclinia longiflora Salisb
Chasing the major sphingolipids on earth: automated annotation of plant Glycosyl inositol Phospho Ceramides by Glycolipidomics
Mixing brain cerebrosides with brain Ceramides, cholesterol and phospholipids
Electrospray ionization with higher-energy collision dissociation tandem mass spectrometry toward characterization of Ceramides as [M+ Li]+ ions: Mechanisms of …
Development and validation of LC/APCI-MS method for the quantification of oat Ceramides in skin permeation studies
Changes in Choline Metabolites and Ceramides in Response to a DASH-Style Diet in Older Adults
Low serum levels of (dihydro-) Ceramides reflect liver graft dysfunction in a real-world cohort of patients post liver transplantation
Ceramides and sphingosine-1-phosphate mediate the distinct effects of M1/M2-macrophage infusion on liver recovery after hepatectomy
Long acyl chain Ceramides govern cholesterol and cytoskeleton dependence of membrane outer leaflet dynamics
Ceramides and other sphingolipids as predictors of incident dysglycemia (CASPID): Design, methods, and baseline characteristics
Relationship between elevated plasma Ceramides and plaque rupture in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Ceramides Mediate Insulin-Induced Impairments in Cerebral Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in ApoE4 Mice
In vivo Pilot Study of Moisturizer Evaluation and Correlation between Ceramides Gene Expression Towards Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) in Skin Barrier
Study of the effect of using a foam form with Ceramides and a cholesterol-phytosterol complex in patients with atopic dermatitis
Effects of wine and tyrosol on the lipid metabolic profile of subjects at risk of cardiovascular disease: Potential cardioprotective role of Ceramides
Ceramides improve cardiovascular risk prediction beyond LDL-cholesterol
White matter injury is associated with reduced manual dexterity and elevated serum Ceramides in subjects with cerebral small vessel disease
Long and very-long-chain Ceramides correlate with a more aggressive behavior in skull base chordoma patients
Fenretinide inhibits obesity and fatty liver disease but induces Smpd3 to increase serum Ceramides and worsen atherosclerosis in LDLR−/− mice
New Ceramides and Cerebrosides from the Deep-Sea Far Eastern Starfish Ceramaster patagonicus
Syntheses of the ω-pyridinium-containing very-long-chain Ceramides PyrCer (24: 1 (15Z)) and PyrCer (24: 0) and their anticancer activity
Sex-specific associations of Ceramides with cardiopulmonary fitness in the general population
Anti-skin-aging effects of human Ceramides via collagen and fibrillin expression in dermal fibroblasts
Gutting out Myc to decrease Ceramides
Long-chain and very long-chain Ceramides mediate doxorubicin-induced toxicity and fibrosis
Two C18 hydroxy-cyclohexenone fatty acids from mammalian epidermis: Potential relation to 12R-lipoxygenase and covalent binding of Ceramides
Platelet Ceramides drive thrombo-inflammation in aortic aneurysm formation
A mediterranean style diet is favorably associated with concentrations of circulating Ceramides and Ceramide ratios in the framingham offspring cohort (P18 …
Enrichment of short-chain Ceramides and free fatty acids in the skin epidermis, liver, and kidneys of db/db mice, a type 2 diabetes mellitus model
Myocardial Fibrosis and Steatosis in Patients with Aortic Stenosis: Roles of Myostatin and Ceramides
Mechanical properties of bilayers containing sperm sphingomyelins and Ceramides with very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Behavior of 1-Deoxy-, 3-Deoxy- and N-Methyl-Ceramides in Skin Barrier Lipid Models
Sake (rice wine) brewing hydrolyzes highly polar sphingolipids to Ceramides and increases free sphingoid bases
Plasma multi-omics analysis reveals very long chain Ceramides as validated biomarkers of Friedreich’s ataxia
Ormdl3 regulation of specific Ceramides is dispensable for mouse β-cell function and glucose homeostasis under obesogenic conditions
… to omega hydroxy very long chain fatty acids and free Ceramides of canine stratum corneum without effect on protein-bound Ceramides and skin barrier …
Chain length of covalently bound Ceramides correlates with skin barrier function in healthy subjects
Chemical characterization of Ceramides isolated from a gliding marine bacterium Aureispira marina
Short chain Ceramides disrupt immunoreceptor signaling by inhibiting segregation of Lo from Ld Plasma membrane components
… of a Ceramide synthase gene, GhCS1, inhibits fiber cell initiation and elongation by promoting the synthesis of Ceramides containing dihydroxy LCB and …
Azido-Ceramides, a Tool to Analyse SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Inhibition—SARS-CoV-2 Is Inhibited by Ceramides
Oral intake of milk Ceramides improves skin hydration, elasticity, and wrinkles around the eyes: A 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Role of Ceramides and Lysosomes in Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis, Cargo Sorting and Release
Microphase transitions of Langmuir-Blodgett lipid-assembled monolayers with new types of Ceramides, ultra-long-chain Ceramide and 1-O-acylCeramide
… acid ethyl ester ameliorates atopic dermatitis–like symptoms in special diet–fed hairless mice, partly by restoring covalently bound Ceramides in the stratum corneum
The Use of Ceramides to Predict Metabolic Response to Metformin in Women With PCOS
Plasma Ceramides are associated with coronary atherosclerotic burden in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
High-Fat Diet and Short-Term Unpredictable Stress Increase Long-Chain Ceramides Without Enhancing Behavioral Despair
Targeting Ceramides and Adiponectin Receptors in the Islet of Langerhans for Treating Diabetes
Chiral combinatorial preparation and biological evaluation of unique Ceramides for inhibition of sphingomyelin synthase
Simplified mass spectrometric analysis of Ceramides using a common collision energy
Alternative splicing of Ceramide synthase 2 alters levels of specific Ceramides and modulates cancer cell proliferation and migration in Luminal B breast …
Reduced Ceramides Are Associated with Acute Rejection in Liver Transplant Patients and Skin Graft and Hepatocyte Transplant Mice, Reducing Tolerogenic …
Diets with higher ω-6/ω-3 ratios show differences in Ceramides and fatty acid levels accompanied by increased amyloid-beta in the brains of male APP/PS1 transgenic …
Isolation of Ceramides from Tagetes patula L. yellow flowersn> and nematicidal activity of the fractions and pure compounds against cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae
Novel Role for Ceramides in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
Dysregulated Ceramides metabolism via PTPN11 exposes a metabolic vulnerability to breast cancer metastasis
Hypothalamic Ceramides and the ovarian sympathetic system: at the crossroads of obesity and puberty
Identification of circulating plasma Ceramides as a potential sexually dimorphic biomarker of pancreatic cancer‐induced cachexia
Clinical Update: Ceramides As Novel Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Characterization of Ceramides and glucosylCeramides of the Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu) fruit
Ceramides: Where do we stand?
Association between specific plasma Ceramides and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes
Taurine accelerates the synthesis of Ceramides and hyaluronic acid in cultured epidermis and dermal fibroblasts
Anticancer Effects of New Ceramides Isolated from the Red Sea Red Algae Hypnea musciformis in a Model of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma: LC-HRMS …
Evaluation of methotrexate-loaded surfactants, Ceramides and cholesterol-based lamellar phases as a topical treatment for psoriasis
Enhanced Ceramides production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus IDCC 3201 and its proposed mechanism
The 24‐hr, 28‐day, and 7‐day post‐moisturizing efficacy of Ceramides 1, 3, 6‐II containing moisturizing cream compared with hydrophilic cream on skin dryness and …
Effects of age, sex, and breed on the composition of free extractable Ceramides in the stratum corneum of healthy dogs
Association between Higher Circulating Leucine-Rich α-2 Glycoprotein 1 Concentrations and Specific Plasma Ceramides in Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 …
Fatty acid transport protein 4 is required for incorporation of saturated ultralong-chain fatty acids into epidermal Ceramides and monoacylglycerols
Ceramides and phospholipids are associated with high risk of major cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy
Molecular species profiles of plasma Ceramides in different clinical types of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Reducing the oral isotretinoin skin side effects: efficacy of 8% omega-Ceramides, hydrophilic sugars, 5% niacinamide cream compound in acne patients.
The combination elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor (ETI) modulates the de novo synthethic pathway of Ceramides in a genotype-independent manner
Membrane restructuring events during the enzymatic generation of Ceramides with very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Mechanisms of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells barrier dysfunction induced by LPS: The roles of Ceramides and the Txnip/NLRP3 inflammasome
Skin Ceramides based systems in transdermal drug delivery and skin care
Activation of neutral sphingomyelinase 2 through hyperglycemia contributes to endothelial apoptosis via vesicle-bound intercellular transfer of Ceramides
Rapid, sensitive, and high-throughput quantification of broad serological Ceramides by using isotope dilution liquid chromatography-negative ion electrospray tandem …
Serum Ceramides could predict durable diabetes remission following gastric bypass surgery
Ceramides: focus on obesity
Anxiolytic and anticonvulsant activity followed by molecular docking study of Ceramides from the Red Sea sponge Negombata sp
Changes in phospholipid profiles in early larval stages of the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis indicate a role of Ceramides in bivalve development
Probing the interactions among sphingosine and phytosphingosine Ceramides with non-and alpha-hydroxylated acyl chains in skin lipid model membranes
The Role of Ceramides in Human Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance Development
Cohort using a Ceramides containing cleanser and cream with salicylic acid for dry, flaking, and scaling skin conditions
Ceramides and phospholipids are associated with high risk of major cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy
Expert consensus on Ceramides containing skincare in newborns and infants and potential mitigation of atopic dermatitis.
Plasma Ceramides and triglycerides are elevated during pregnancy in association with markers of insulin resistance in hutterite women
Sex‐specific effects of Ceramides on White Matter Hyperintensities in the Rhineland Study
Natural Ceramides and lysophospholipids cosegregate in fluid phosphatidylcholine bilayers
Supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid and linoleic acid increases the production of epidermal Ceramides in in vitro canine keratinocytes
The Role of Ceramides and Sphingomyelinases for Dynamic Membrane Processes in T Cells
Surplus Ceramides: An Added Twist in the Tale of TREM2 and Insulin Resistance
Maternal diets affected Ceramides and fatty acids in brain regions of neonatal rats with prenatal ethanol exposure
Targeted analysis of Ceramides and cerebrosides in yellow lupin seeds by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and multistage …
Ceramides: Shared Lipid Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease and Schizophrenia
* Effects of Icosapent Ethyl on Plasma Ceramides and Coronary Plaque Progression in EVAPORATE trial
High-resolution mass spectrometry assay for quantifying Ceramides and dihydroCeramides in the cerebrospinal fluid from patients who experienced intracranial …
Editorial Comment: Ceramides: novel actors in cardiovascular epigenetics?
Letter to the Editor Regarding ‘An Investigation of the Skin Barrier Restoring Effects of a Cream and Lotion Containing Ceramides in a Multi-Vesicular …
Total synthesis of Ceramides and β-O-glucosylCeramides via intramolecular fatty acyl group migration
Fatty Acid Compositions of Ceramides and Sphingomyelins in Mammalian Tissues and Cultured Cells
Plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelins of pediatric patients increase in primary ciliary dyskinesia but decrease in cystic fibrosis
67P High levels of circulating Ceramides are associated with poor prognosis in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
Ceramides, autophagy, and apoptosis mechanisms of ventilator-induced lung injury and potential therapeutic targets
Pharmacological reduction of Ceramides increases levels of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the mouse retina
Chemical Composition of the Red Sea Green Algae Ulva lactuca: Isolation and In Silico Studies of New Anti-COVID-19 Ceramides
Discrimination of cellular developmental states focusing on glycan transformation and membrane dynamics by using BODIPY-tagged lactosyl Ceramides
Development of an in vitro submerged culture system to synthesize epidermal Ceramides in canine keratinocytes
Development of genetically-encoded fluorescent KSR1-based probes to track Ceramides during phagocytosis
Evaluation of the filming and protective properties of a new trehalose and Ceramides based ingredient
Wound Healing Effect of “Prolidoxid” and ‘Dexpanthenol With Ceramides: A сomparative Study Based on the Model of Chemical Burns With Expressed Alterative Skin …
A 14-day Controlled Study Assessing Qualitative Improvement with 15% Lactic Acid and Ceramides in Skin Moisturization and Desquamation
… kinase 1 (SK1) enhances oncogene-induced senescence through Ceramide synthase 2 (CerS2)-mediated generation of very-long-chain Ceramides
Grade IV Sacral Sore Treated with an Ointment Rich in PUFAs, Ceramides, and Antimicrobial Peptides
Ormdl3 regulation of specific Ceramides is dispensable for β-cell function and glucose homeostasis under obesogenic conditions
… stroke in type 2 diabetics over age 60: roles of unrecognized hypomagnesemia and epigenetics coupled with increased levels of Ceramides, cytokines, ROS, 4 …
Possible targets related to connexins and Ceramides in the treatment of depression using a combination approach
Op0053 Ceramides and dihydroCeramides levels are associated with the inflammatory response in a murine model of gout
The role of asprosin and Ceramides in the development of growth hormone deficiency in children
Response to: Letter to the Editor Regarding “An Investigation of the Skin Barrier Restoring Effects of a Cream and Lotion Containing Ceramides in a Multi …
Quantitative LCMS for Ceramides/dihydroCeramides: pregnancy baseline biomarkers and potential metabolic messengers
Anti-inflammatory Effects of Ceramides from Incarvillea compacta.
Diverse effects of single molecules of rice-derived functional lipids, glucosylCeramides, Ceramides, and β-sitosterol glucoside, on epidermal and lung functions
Treatment of allergic asthma with Fenretinide formulation (LAU-7b) downregulates Ormdl3 expression and normalizes Ceramides imbalance
Changes in the composition of molecular species of covalently bound and free Ceramides, and their correlation with disease severity in atopic dermatitis
Molecular Mechanism of hERG1 Channel Regulation by Ceramides
Detection of 2-hydroxy-fatty acids and 2-hydroxy-fatty acid-containing Ceramides in a gliding marine bacterium Aureispira marina
Characterization of Ceramides with phytosphingosine backbone by hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Elucidate a Role for Bacterial Ceramides
Plasma levels of Ceramides and their association with Hematocrit and Thrombocytopenia in Severe and Non-severe dengue
Jnk Activation Is Accompanied By Ceramides And Diacylglycerol Accumulation In Isolated Hepatocytes
BS1 Adipose tissue derived Ceramides regulate myocardial redox state and predict cardiovascular outcomes
Study on Stability of Ceramides in Liquid Crystalline Emulsions at High Temperature
Cerebrospinal fluid Ceramides and cognition as a function of striatal asymmetry in early Parkinson’s disease
Plasma Ceramides as a sexually dimorphic biomarker of pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia
Depending on Chain Length Plasma Ceramides Are Associated With Higher or Lower Cardiorespiratory Fitness in the General Population
Assessment of plasma Ceramides as predictor for preclinical atherosclerosis
Effects of White Wine and Tyrosol on Circulating Ceramides in Individuals at Cardiovascular Risk
Associations of NAFLD with circulating Ceramides and impaired glycemia.
Decrease of Ceramides with Long-Chain Fatty Acids in Psoriasis: Possible Inhibitory Effect of Interferon Gamma on Chain Elongation
PMON209 Ceramides Predict Metabolic Response to Metformin in Women with PCOS
Quantitative analysis of Ceramides by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Borage Oil Enhances Lamellar Body Content and Alters Fatty Acid Composition of Epidermal Ceramides in Essential Fatty Acid‐Deficient Guinea Pigs
Liquid Crystal Emulsions Containing High Content Ceramides for Improved Skin Barrier Functions
Functional Insights of Ceramides in Epidermis
Liraglutide improves myocardial redox state in humans by regulating the adipose tissue-derived long-chain Ceramides
Ceramides Predict the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
Glycosylation of stannyl Ceramides promoted by modified montmorillonite in supercritical carbon dioxide
Impact of Targeting Glycosylated Ceramides on Tumorigenic Properties, and Characterization of Sphingolipids in Head and Neck Tumors
Association Between Plasma Ceramides and One-Year Mortality in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Insight from the PEACP Study
Structure, supramolecular organization and thermotropic phase behavior of N-acyl tris homologs (n= 9–18): Structural analogs of apoptosis inducing Ceramides
Influence of an adjuvant treatment with an emollient containing 10% urea, Ceramides, glycerin und glyceryl glucoside in patients with psoriasis vulgaris
Ceramides are related to subclinical atherogenesis in the general population
Diets with higher¿-6/¿-3 ratios show differences in Ceramides and fatty acid levels accompanied by increased amyloid-beta in the brains of male APP/PS1 transgenic …
… risks for development of hypertension and heart disease: potential roles of unrecognized ionized hypomagnesemia and release of Ceramides and platelet-activating …
Anticancer Effects of New Ceramides Isolated from the Red Sea Red Algae Hypnea musciformis in a Model of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma: LC-HRMS Analysis Profile …
Biochemical and planimetric investigations of hydrophilic creams containing Ceramides or dexpanthenol on the model of chemical burns
A Western Diet Alters Skin Ceramides and Compromises the Skin Barrier in Ears
Conjugation of peptides to short-acyl-chain Ceramides for delivery across mucosal cell barriers
Plasma Ceramides and sphingomyelins increase in primary ciliary dyskinesia but decrease in cystic fibrosis
CerS2 ko in vivo reduces pro-inflammatory Ceramides and improves doxorubicin mediated cardiotoxicity
Formation of skin permeability barrier by diverse Ceramides
Syntheses of the Ω-Pyridinium-Containing Very-Long-Chain Ceramides PyrCer (24: 1 (15z)) and PyrCer (24: 0) and Their Evaluation
Isolation of Ceramides from Tagetes patula L. yellow flowersn> and nematicidal activity of the fractions and pure compounds against cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae.
Roles of Ceramides in development of insulin resistance
Molecular Mechanisms of Human ERG1 Channel Blockade by Ceramides
Rifaximin-α reduces circulating Ceramides and increases phosphatidylcholines in patients with ALD: A lipidome analysis of the GALA-RIF Trial
PPP1CC Affects the Progression of the Liver by Regulating Ceramides
… Elderly Due in Large Measure to an Unrecognized Hypomagnesemia, Downregulation of Telomerase and Progressive Release of Ceramides and Platelet-Activating …
Ceramides Mediate Insulin-Induced Impairments in Cerebral Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in ApoE4 Mice (preprint)
Ceramides in peripheral arterial plaque lead to endothelial cell dysfunction
Lipotoxicity-induced metabolic inflammation: potential role of Ceramides in glial cells interaction and inflammatory-damage propagation
Adipose Tissue Derived Ceramides Regulate the Myocardial Redox State and Predict Cardiovascular Outcomes
Serum Ceramides and type 2 diabetes are mutually independent predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with peripheral artery disease
Anti-inflammatory Effects of Ceramides from Incarvillea compacta
LC-MS/MS analysis of elevated Ceramides by inhibition of SphK1 in IMQ-induced psoriasis mouse model
A High Fat Diet Increases Plasma Ceramides and Leads to Depressive‐Like Behavior in Female Rats
Development of novel genetically-encoded fluorescent probes to track Ceramides during phagocytosis
Associations between specific plasma Ceramides and severity of coronary-artery stenosis assessed by coronary angiography
Relationship between hepatic and mitochondrial Ceramides: a novel in vivo method to track Ceramide synthesis
Alkaline ceramidase catalyzes the hydrolysis of Ceramides via a catalytic mechanism shared by Zn2+-dependent amidases
New method for skin Ceramides profiling by SFC-HRMS
Expansion microscopy of cellular and bacterial membranes by functionalized Ceramides
Histological evaluation of therapeutic effects of dexpanthenol composition with Ceramides in rats with skin burn injury
Role of the most abundant plant sphingolipids, Glycosyl Inositol Phosphoryl Ceramides GIPCs, in membrane structure and host/pathogen interactions
… pulmonary hypertension: Relevance to treatment of pulmonary hypertension in humans and newborns and the roles of hypomagnesemia, Ceramides and PAF
Ceramides, crucial actors in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
New method to characterize epidermal Ceramides by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) coupled to High Resolution Mass (Q-Tof): Application to various …
Very long chain Ceramides production mediated by ELOVL4 stabilizes tight junctions and prevents diabetes-induced retinal vascular permeability
Chiral pool approaches to lycopodium alkaloids, orchidaceae alkaloids and photoswitchable Ceramides
… metabolomics interrogation of adipose tissue secretome from participants of the oxford cohort for heart, vessels & fat highlighted Ceramides as potential adipokines …
16818 An investigation of the skin barrier restoring effects of a cream containing Ceramides in a multivesicular emulsion in people with dry, eczema-prone, skin: The …
Globo-series glycosphingolipid-protein interactions in immortalized proximal tubular epithelial cells and formation of keto-type Ceramides in the skin of KDSR patients
Simultaneous Quantification of Selected Ceramides by Uplc-Ms/Ms and the Application to Distribution, Pharmacokinetics and Anti-Hypoxia Activities
The ERAD system is controlled by Ceramides in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
Thiolation of gold surfaces for biomimetic hair surface models; Studying the adsorption of Ceramides and rhamnolipids with QCM-D
… to various samples with skin barrier default. Conclusion & outlooks Skin Ceramides extraction SFC-QTOF analysis Data Processing Ceramides characterization by MS …
Author Reply to letter to the editor” Plasma Ceramides are associated with outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients”
In Silico Studies, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 4, 5-Dehydrospisulosine Butyrate Ceramides as Potential Sphingosine Kinase I Inhibitors
Investigating the Role of Ceramides in and Optimizing Models of Cancer-Induced Cachexia to Enhance Our Understanding of Human Disease
Age-induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Heart: Role of Increased Very Long-chain Ceramides
… 3 in liver regeneration impedes the progression of colorectal cancer liver metastasis via exosome-bound intercellular transfer of Ceramides
Reduced Ceramides are associated with acute rejection in liver transplant patients and skin and hepatocyte transplant mice
P4497 Serum Ceramides and type 2 diabetes are mutually independent predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with peripheral artery disease
158-OR: Ceramides Predict the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
Therapeutic potential of targeting Ceramides for the treatment of retinal diseases
… Controlled Study to Assess the Qualitative Improvement in Skin Moisturization and Desquamation of 15% Lactic Acid Moisturizer with Ceramides (LAMC) Treatment in …
Serum Ceramides and type 2 diabetes are mutually independent predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with peripheral artery disease
Decreased circulating sphingomyelins and Ceramides in sickle cell disease patients
1390-P: Maternal Plasma Ceramides Predict Preeclampsia in Women with Type 1 Diabetes
Abstract P186: Plasma Ceramides Are Associated With HIV Treatment and Increased Risk of Carotid Artery Plaque in Two Prospective HIV Cohorts
The Prognostic Value of Plasma Ceramides as Cardiovascular Death Markers for Coronary Artery Disease
Increased Level of Serum Ceramides Correlate with Liver Steatosis, Hba1c and Cholesterol in Obese Patients
Metabolomic profiling suggests long chain Ceramides and sphingomyelins as a possible diagnostic biomarker of epithelial ovarian cancer
… triacylglycerides (TAG) with shorter chain lengths localized to the hair follicle region (MW 787.7 and 815.7) as well as lactosyl/galabiosyl Ceramides (MW 994.7 and …
Ceramides metabolism and impaired epidermal barrier in cutaneous diseases and skin aging: focus on the role of the enzyme PNPLA1 in the synthesis of ω-O …
457-P: Ceramides and the Ceramide-Based Risk Scores CERT1 and CERT2 Are Elevated in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome
Abstract WP413: White Matter Tract Disruption on Diffusor Tensor Imaging is Associated With Serum Ceramides in a Healthy Middle-Aged High Risk Population
Inverse relationship between very low‐density lipoprotein (VLDL) Ceramides, diacylglycerols, and triacylglycerols in human hepatic lipid accumulation
Adipose Tissue Ceramides Reduces Endothelium-Dependent Vasorelaxation, Amplifies Vascular Oxidative Stress & Induces Systemic Inflammation Ultimately …
Phytosphingosine and Its Derived Ceramides; Their Versatile Roles on ‘Bricks & Mortar’Formation in Stratum Corneum
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of 12 Ceramides in human plasma
2-D microphase properties of 1-o-acylCeramide and ultra-long chain Ceramides-assembled lipid membranes
2-D microphase properties of novel Ceramides assembled to intercellular lipid membranes
1349-P: Bariatric Surgery Causes an Early Improvement in the Lipidomic Profile and a Decrease in Plasma Ceramides and Diacylglycerols in Patients with Type 2 …
5893 Adipose tissue secreted Ceramides and related sphingolipids-potential modulators of vascular redox signalling in cardiovascular disease
1900-P: Very Low-Density Lipoprotein Ceramides and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation
Ceramide: an intracellular signal for apoptosis
Functions of Ceramide in coordinating cellular responses to stress
Ceramide signaling in apoptosis
Programmed cell death induced by Ceramide
Role for Ceramide in Cell Cycle Arrest (∗)
Role of Ceramide in Cellular Senescence (∗)
Ceramide synthase mediates daunorubicin-induced apoptosis: an alternative mechanism for generating death signals
Ceramide composition of the psoriatic scale
Ceramide signalling and the immune response
Role of Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase in Ceramide-mediated signal transduction.
Globotriosyl Ceramide is specifically recognized by the Escherichia coli verocytotoxin 2
Suppression of Ceramide-mediated programmed cell death by sphingosine-1-phosphate
Ionizing radiation acts on cellular membranes to generate Ceramide and initiate apoptosis.
Compartmentalized production of Ceramide at the cell surface
Implication of mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide generation in Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide stimulates a cytosolic protein phosphatase.
Ceramide activates heterotrimeric protein phosphatase 2A
Ceramide Activates the Stress-activated Protein Kinases (∗)
Stimulation of DNA synthesis by natural Ceramide 1-phosphate
Ceramide inactivates cellular protein kinase Cα
Selectivity of Ceramide-mediated biology. Lack of activity of erythro-dihydroCeramide.
Direct inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III by cell-permeable Ceramide
Ceramide: a stress signal and mediator of growth suppression and apoptosis
Characterization of a Ceramide-activated protein kinase: stimulation by tumor necrosis factor alpha.
Abnormality of water barrier function in psoriasis: role of Ceramide fractions
Ceramide-binding and activation defines protein kinase c-Raf as a Ceramide-activated protein kinase.
A Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase mediates Ceramide-induced G1 arrest of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Kinase suppressor of Ras is Ceramide-activated protein kinase
Modulation of cell growth and differentiation by Ceramide
Ceramide UDPgalactosyltransferase from myelinating rat brain: purification, cloning, and expression.
Ceramide: a signal for apoptosis or mitogenesis?
Requirement for Ceramide-initiated SAPK/JNK signalling in stress-induced apoptosis
Lipopolysaccharide induces disseminated endothelial apoptosis requiring Ceramide generation
Role of Ceramide as a lipid mediator of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced HL-60 cell differentiation.
Ceramide: a novel second messenger
Role for Ceramide as an endogenous mediator of Fas-induced cytotoxicity.
Ceramide: a novel second messenger.
Phosphorylation of Raf by Ceramide-activated protein kinase
Ceramide: an endogenous regulator of apoptosis and growth suppresion
Enzymatic synthesis of Ceramide-glucose and Ceramide-lactose by glycosyltransferases from embryonic chicken brain
Daunorubicin‐induced apoptosis: triggering of Ceramide generation through sphingomyelin hydrolysis.
Ceramide-mediated biology. Determination of structural and stereospecific requirements through the use of N-acyl-phenylaminoalcohol analogs.
Distinct roles for Ceramide and glucosylCeramide at different stages of neuronal growth
Ceramide is involved in triggering of cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion.
PKC zeta is a molecular switch in signal transduction of TNF‐alpha, bifunctionally regulated by Ceramide and arachidonic acid.
A sphingolipid having a novel type of Ceramide and lacto-N-fucopentaose III
Ceramide 1-phosphate, a novel phospholipid in human leukemia (HL-60) cells. Synthesis via Ceramide from sphingomyelin.
Retinoblastoma gene product as a downstream target for a Ceramide-dependent pathway of growth arrest.
Role of the Ceramide-signaling pathway in cytokine responses to P-fimbriated Escherichia coli.
Ceramide 1‐phosphate phosphatase activity in brain
Molecular arrangements in sphingolipids Conformation and hydrogen bonding of Ceramide and their implication on membrane stability and permeability
Direct effect of Ceramide on the mitochondrial electron transport chain leads to generation of reactive oxygen species: role of mitochondrial glutathione
A mediator role of Ceramide in the regulation of neuroblastoma Neuro2a cell differentiation
Analogs of Ceramide that inhibit glucocerebroside synthetase in mouse brain
Loss of Ceramide production confers resistance to radiation-induced apoptosis
Conversion of dihydroCeramide into Ceramide: involvement of a desaturase
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide has structural similarity to Ceramide and stimulates Ceramide-activated protein kinase in myeloid cells
Ceramide-mediated growth inhibition and CAPP are conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mechanisms of Ceramide-mediated apoptosis
Characterization of Ceramide synthesis: a dihydroCeramide desaturase introduces the 4, 5-trans-double bond of sphingosine at the level of dihydroCeramide
FAS-induced apoptosis is mediated via a Ceramide-initiated RAS signaling pathway
Lipid microdomains in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine–Ceramide liposomes
Determination of aminosugar linkages in glycolipids by methylation: aminosugar linkages of Ceramide pentasaccharides of rabbit erythrocytes and of Forssman …
Requirement for GD3 ganglioside in CD95-and Ceramide-induced apoptosis
TAK1 mediates the Ceramide signaling to stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase
Ceramide induces hepatocyte cell death through disruption of mitochondrial function in the rat
Ceramide induces apoptosis via CPP32 activation
Constituents of Ceramide and Ceramide monohexoside in rice bran
Conversion of dihydroCeramide to Ceramide occurs at the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic reticulum
The presence of sphingomyelin-and Ceramide-cleaving enzymes in the small intestinal tract
In vivo conversions of cerebroside and Ceramide in rat brain
Ceramide induces apoptosis in cultured mesencephalic neurons
Endothelial cell inflammatory responses to tumor necrosis factor α: Ceramide-dependent and-independent mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades
Expression cloning of a cDNA for human Ceramide glucosyltransferase that catalyzes the first glycosylation step of glycosphingolipid synthesis.
Sphingolipid metabolism in cultured fibroblasts: microscopic and biochemical studies employing a fluorescent Ceramide analogue.
prICE: a downstream target for Ceramide-induced apoptosis and for the inhibitory action of Bcl-2.
Ceramide-induced inhibition of T lymphocyte voltage-gated potassium channel is mediated by tyrosine kinases
Enzymatic synthesis of Ceramide
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its second messenger, Ceramide, stimulate apoptosis in cultured ovarian follicles
The enzymatic formation of sphingomyelin from Ceramide and lecithin in mouse liver
Ceramide profiling of complex lipid mixtures by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Ceramide signalling: regulatory role in cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in human epidermis
Ceramide synthesis enhances transport of GPI‐anchored proteins to the Golgi apparatus in yeast.
Ceramide inhibits antigen uptake and presentation by dendritic cells
The fatty acid composition of brain sphingolipids: sphingomyelin, Ceramide, cerebroside, and cerebroside sulfate
Mitochondrial free radical signal in Ceramide‐dependent apoptosis: a putative mechanism for neuronal death in Parkinson’s disease
Ceramide induces structural defects into phosphatidylcholine bilayers and activates phospholipase A2
Identification of Ceramide phosphorylethanolamine and Ceramide phosphorylglycerol in the lipids of an anaerobic bacterium
Requirement of an ICE-like protease for induction of apoptosis and Ceramide generation by REAPER
Characterization of a Ceramide kinase activity from human leukemia (HL-60) cells. Separation from diacylglycerol kinase activity.
The role of diacylglycerol and Ceramide in tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 signal transduction
Ceramide structure predicts tumor ganglioside immunosuppressive activity.
Phosphatidate phosphohydrolase catalyzes the hydrolysis of Ceramide 1-phosphate, lysophosphatidate, and sphingosine 1-phosphate
Chemistry of lipid of the posthemolytic residue or stroma of erythrocytes: XVI. occurrence of Ceramide pentasaccharide in the membrane of erythocytes and …
Synaptic vesicle Ceramide kinase: a calcium-stimulated lipid kinase that co-purifies with brain synaptic vesicles
Ceramide induces apoptosis in PC12 cells
Coordinate regulation of stress-and mitogen-activated protein kinases in the apoptotic actions of Ceramide and sphingosine
A novel fluorescent Ceramide analogue for studying membrane traffic in animal cells: accumulation at the Golgi apparatus results in altered spectral properties of the …
Abnormal expression of sphingomyelin acylase in atopic dermatitis: an etiologic factor for Ceramide deficiency?
Phospholipase A2 is necessary for tumor necrosis factor α-induced Ceramide generation in L929 cells
Resistance to radiation-induced apoptosis in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells is associated with defective Ceramide signaling
Attenuation of Ceramide-induced apoptosis by diglyceride in human myeloid leukemia cells.
Ceramide-induced Translocation of Protein Kinase C-δ and-ϵ to the Cytosol: IMPLICATIONS IN APOPTOSIS
Galactosyl Ceramide or a derivative is an essential component of the neural receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein gp120.
Ceramide As a Modulator of Endocytosis∗
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide Suppress Insulin-induced Tyrosine Phosphorylation of the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (∗)
Induction of apoptotic DNA fragmentation and cell death by natural Ceramide
Possible role of Ceramide in defining structure and function of membrane glycolipids.
Synthesis of galactosyl Ceramide and glucosyl Ceramide by rat brain: assay procedures and changes with age
Lipid mediators of insulin resistance: Ceramide signalling down-regulates GLUT4 gene transcription in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
Seasonal influences on stratum corneum Ceramide 1 fatty acids and the influence of topical essential fatty acids
Does endotoxin stimulate cells by mimicking Ceramide?
Ceramide trihexosidosis (Fabry’s disease) without skin lesions
Elevated Ceramide levels in GH4C1 cells treated with retinoic acid
Fas-or Ceramide-induced apoptosis is mediated by a Rac1-regulated activation of Jun N-terminal kinase/p38 kinases and GADD153
Ceramide formation during heat shock: a potential mediator of alpha B-crystallin transcription.
Ceramide: a novel lipid mediator of apoptosis
Ceramide stimulates epidermal growth factor receptor phosphorylation in A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells. Evidence that Ceramide may mediate sphingosine …
Ceramide and the eukaryotic stress response
Ceramide mediates the apoptotic response of WEHI 231 cells to anti-immunoglobulin, corticosteroids and irradiation
Role of Ceramide in mitogenesis induced by exogenous sphingoid bases.
Defective Ceramide response in C3H/HeJ (Lpsd) macrophages.
Ceramide induces interleukin 6 gene expression in human fibroblasts.
Synthesis of cerebroside by brain from uridine diphosphate galactose and Ceramide containing hydroxy fatty acid
Galactosyl Ceramide (or a closely related molecule) is the receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 on human colon epithelial HT29 cells
Distribution of Ceramide 2-aminoethylphosphonate and Ceramide aminoethylphosphate (sphingoethanolamine) in some aquatic animals
Ceramidase and Ceramide synthesis in human kidney and cerebellum: description of a new alkaline ceramidase
Cell‐free reconstitution of Fas‐, UV radiation‐and Ceramide‐induced apoptosis.
Ceramide: an intracellular mediator of apopotosis and growth supression
Detection and characterization of Ceramide-1-phosphate phosphatase activity in rat liver plasma membrane.
Induction of apoptotic cell death in hen granulosa cells by Ceramide
Ceramide di-and trihexosides of wheat flour
Ceramide inhibits phospholipase D in a cell-free system
Cytokine response modifier A (CrmA) inhibits Ceramide formation in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α: CrmA and Bcl-2 target distinct components in the …
Ceramide-induced nuclear translocation of NF-κB is a potential mediator of the apoptotic response to TNF-α in murine clonal osteoblasts
Effect of lactic acid isomers on keratinocyte Ceramide synthesis, stratum corneum lipid levels and stratum corneum barrier function
Ceramide: a novel cell signaling mechanism for vasodilation
Induction of apoptosis and potentiation of Ceramide-mediated cytotoxicity by sphingoid bases in human myeloid leukemia cells
… that reverse multidrug resistance, tamoxifen, verapamil, and cyclosporin A, block glycosphingolipid metabolism by inhibiting Ceramide glycosylation in human …
Staurosporine induces programmed cell death in embryonic neurons and activation of the Ceramide pathway
Sphingolipid activator protein D (sap-D) stimulates the lysosomal degradation of Ceramide in vivo
Low nanogram range quantitation of diglycerides and Ceramide by high-performance liquid chromatography
Induction of glucosylCeramide synthase by synthase inhibitors and Ceramide
Fas-induced apoptosis of T cells occurs independently of Ceramide generation
Ceramide protects hippocampal neurons against excitotoxic and oxidative insults, and amyloid β‐peptide toxicity
The sphingomyelin-Ceramide signaling pathway is involved in oxidized low density lipoprotein-induced cell proliferation
Farber’s lipogranulomatosis: Report of a case and demonstration of an excess of free Ceramide and ganglioside
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) signal transduction through Ceramide. Dissociation of growth inhibitory effects of TNF-alpha from activation of nuclear factor …
Permeability barrier disruption coordinately regulates mRNA levels for key enzymes of cholesterol, fatty acid, and Ceramide synthesis in the epidermis
Different Ceramide compositions of gangliosides between human motor and sensory nerves
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide activate mitogen-activated protein kinase in myeloid HL-60 cells
Structures of Ceramide tetrasaccharides from various sources: uniqueness of rat kidney Ceramide tetrasaccharide
Specificity in Ceramide biosynthesis from long chain bases and various fatty acyl coenzyme A’s by brain microsomes
Ceramide inhibits pancreatic β-cell insulin production and mitogenesis and mimics the actions of interleukin-1β
Molecular trapping of a fluorescent Ceramide analogue at the Golgi apparatus of fixed cells: interaction with endogenous lipids provides a trans-Golgi marker for both …
Mycotoxins reveal connections between plants and animals in apoptosis and Ceramide signaling
On the structure of brain cerebroside sulfuric ester and Ceramide dihexoside of erythrocytes
Lactosyl ceramidosis: Normal activity for two lactosyl Ceramide β-galactosidases
Sphingolipid Biosynthesis de Novo by Rat Hepatocytes in Culture.: Ceramide AND SPHINGOMYELIN ARE ASSOCIATED WITH, BUT NOT REQUIRED FOR …
Selective involvement of Ceramide in cytokine-induced apoptosis: Ceramide inhibits phorbol ester activation of nuclear factor κB
Altered Ceramide and sphingosine expression during the induction phase of ischemic acute renal failure
Anomeric structures of globoside and Ceramide trihexoside of human erythrocytes and hamster fibroblasts
Phosphorylation of Ceramide by diglyceride kinase preparations from Escherichia coli
Induction of intracellular Ceramide by interleukin‐1β in oligodendrocytes
Globoid cell leukodystrophy: deficiency of lactosyl Ceramide beta-galactosidase
Isolation and characterization of Ceramide glycanase from the leech, Macrobdella decora
Changes in the Ceramide composition of rat forebrain gangliosides with age
Role of Ceramide in stimulation of the transcription of cytosolic phospholipase A2and cyclooxygenase 2
Accumulation of Ceramide in ischemic human brain of an acute case of cerebral occlusion.
Synthesis of branched poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine type pentaantennary pentacosasaccharide: Glycan part of a glycosyl Ceramide from rabbit erythrocyte membrane
Involvement of Ceramide in inhibitory effect of IL-1 beta on L-type Ca2+ current in adult rat ventricular myocytes
Ceramide: A new lipid “second messenger”?
Bcl-2 interrupts the Ceramide-mediated pathway of cell death.
Synthesis of non-hydroxy-galactosylCeramides and galactosyldiglycerides by hydroxy-Ceramide galactosyltransferase
A novel glycosphingolipid-degrading enzyme cleaves the linkage between the oligosaccharide and Ceramide of neutral and acidic glycosphingolipids.
Analysis and quantitation of free Ceramide containing nonhydroxy and 2-hydroxy fatty acids, and phytosphingosine by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Inhibition of glycoprotein traffic through the secretory pathway by Ceramide.
CD95/Fas-induced Ceramide formation proceeds with slow kinetics and is not blocked by caspase-3/CPP32 inhibition
An efficient approach to stereoselective glycosylation of Ceramide derivatives: use of pivaloyl group as a stereocontrolling auxiliary
Transfer of ganglioside GM3 oligosaccharide from a water soluble polymer to Ceramide by Ceramide glycanase. A novel approach for the chemical-enzymatic …
Immunohistochemical localization of galactosyl and sulfogalactosyl Ceramide in the brain of the 30-day-old mouse
Changes in bioactive lipids, alkylacylglycerol and Ceramide, occur in HIV-infected cells
A fluorescent derivative of Ceramide: physical properties and use in studying the Golgi apparatus of animal cells
A Ceramide analog inhibits T cell proliferative response through inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis and enhancement of N, N-dimethylsphingosine synthesis
The accumulation and metabolism of a fluorescent Ceramide derivative inPlasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes
Plasma membrane ubiquinone controls Ceramide production and prevents cell death induced by serum withdrawal
Ceramide inhibits IgG-dependent phagocytosis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Abnormalities of glycosphingolipid, sulfatide, and Ceramide in the polycystic (cpk/cpk) mouse.
Ceramide regulates oxidant release in adherent human neutrophils
Sphingomyelin‐Ceramide turnover in CD28 costimulatory signaling
Ceramide prevents neuronal programmed cell death induced by nerve growth factor deprivation
The galactosyl Ceramide/sulfatide receptor binding region of HIV-1 gp120 maps to amino acids 206-275
Ceramide and Ganglioside Accumulation in Farber’s Lipogranulomatosis.
A unique glycosphingolipid-splitting enzyme (Ceramide-glycanase from leech) cleaves the linkage between the oligosaccharide and the Ceramide
Inhibition of Ceramide-induced apoptosis by Bcl-2.
Brain Ceramide hexosides in Tay-Sachs disease and generalized gangliosidosis (GM1-gangliosidosis)
Isolation and characterization of an I-active Ceramide decasaccharide from rabbit erythrocyte membranes
… carbohydrates of hamster fibroblasts. I. Chemical characterization of surface-labeled glycosphingolipids and aspecific Ceramide tetrasaccharide for transformants.
[51] Enzymes of Ceramide biosynthesis
A cytofluorometric assay of nuclear apoptosis induced in a cell-free system: application to Ceramide-induced apoptosis
The carbohydrate structures of the neutral Ceramide glycolipids in kidneys of different mouse strains with special reference to the Ceramide dihexosides
Substrate recognition by Ceramide-activated protein kinase. Evidence that kinase activity is proline-directed.
c-Jun is a downstream target for Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase in A431 cells
Hexadecylpalmitoyglycerol or Ceramide is linked to similar glycophosphoinositol anchor‐like structures in Trypanosoma cruzi
Two distinct binding sites for globotriaosyl Ceramide on verotoxins: identification by molecular modelling and confirmation using deoxy analogues and a new …
CPP32 inhibition prevents Fas‐induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis in human cells
The isolation and partial characterization of two novel sphingolipids from Neurospora crassa: di (inositolphosphoryl) Ceramide and [(gal) 3glu] Ceramide
Pathway of C6-NBD-Ceramide on the Host Cell Infected with Toxoplasma gondtii
Regulatory Role of Ceramide in Interleukin (IL)-1β-induced E-selectin Expression in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells: Ceramide ENHANCES IL-1β …
The human gene CGT encoding the UDP-galactose Ceramide galactosyl transferase (cerebroside synthase): cloning, characterization, and assignment to human …
Ceramide‐activated protein phosphatase‐2A activity in insulin‐secreting cells
Effect of cyclodextrins on the solubilization of lignoceric acid, Ceramide, and cerebroside, and on the enzymatic reactions involving these compounds.
Modified low density lipoprotein delivers substrate for Ceramide formation and stimulates the sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway in human macrophages
… receptor function is modified by fatty acid content. Verotoxin 1 and verotoxin 2c preferentially recognize different globotriaosyl Ceramide fatty acid homologues
Protein kinase C inhibition induces apoptosis and Ceramide production through activation of a neutral sphingomyelinase
Central glial and neuronal populations display differential sensitivity to Ceramide‐dependent cell death
Ceramide generation in response to photodynamic treatment of L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells
Programmed cell death in neurotumour cells involves the generation of Ceramide
… -carbohydrate interaction between galactosylCeramide-containing liposomes and cerebroside sulfate-containing liposomes: dependence on the glycolipid Ceramide …
Evidence That Ceramide Selectively Inhibits Protein Kinase C-α Translocation and Modulates Bradykinin Activation of Phospholipase D (∗)
Molecular species of Ceramide and mono-, di-, tri-, and tetraglycosylCeramide in bran and endosperm of rice grains
Fabry’s disease as an α-galactosidosis: evidence for an α-configuration in trihexosyl Ceramide
Isolation, characterization, and expression of cDNA clones that encode rat UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase
Alteration of the glycolipid binding specificity of the pig edema toxin from globotetraosyl to globotriaosyl Ceramide alters in vivo tissue targetting and results in a …
Alteration of the sphingomyelin/Ceramide pathway is associated with resistance of human breast carcinoma MCF7 cells to tumor necrosis factor-α-mediated …
Interleukin-1β-induced Ceramide and Diacylglycerol Generation 5 Lead to Activation of the c-Jun NH2-terminal Kinase and the Transcription Factor ATF2 in …
Ceramide metabolism in brain
Sphingomyelinase and cell-permeable Ceramide analogs stimulate cellular proliferation in quiescent Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts.
The Dimeric and Catalytic Subunit Forms of Protein Phosphatase 2A from Rat Brain Are Stimulated by C2-Ceramide (∗)
The UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase: Expression pattern in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells during myelination and substrate preference for …
Activation of CD95 (APO‐1/Fas) signaling by Ceramide mediates cancer therapy‐induced apoptosis
Occurrence of Ceramide-glycanase in the earthworm, Lumbricusterrestris
Mice genetically hyporesponsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exhibit a defect in endocytic uptake of LPS and Ceramide
A Ceramide tetrasaccharide of human erythrocyte membrane reacting with anti-type XIV pneumococcal polysaccharide antiserum
Sequential operation of Ceramide synthesis and ICE cascade in CPT-11-initiated apoptotic death signaling
Rapid method to detect Shiga toxin and Shiga-like toxin I based on binding to globotriosyl Ceramide (Gb3), their natural receptor
Influence of phospholipid chain length on verotoxin/globotriaosyl Ceramide binding in model membranes: comparison of a supported bilayer film and liposomes
Structural study on tetraglycosyl Ceramide and gangliosides isolated from human red blood cells
N-Acetylsphingosine (C2–Ceramide) Inhibited Neutrophil Superoxide Formation and Calcium Influx (∗)
On the structure of cytolipin R, a Ceramide tetrahexoside hapten from rat lymphosarcoma
Ceramide quantitation: evaluation of a mixed micellar assay using E. coli diacylglycerol kinase.
Effect of L-carnitine treatment in vivo on apoptosis and Ceramide generation in peripheral blood lymphocytes from AIDS patients.
Ceramide mediates tumor necrosis factor effects on P450-aromatase activity in cultured granulosa cells
Neurodegenerative course in ceramidase deficiency (Farber disease) correlates with the residual lysosomal Ceramide turnover in cultured living patient cells
Generation of diacylglycerol and Ceramide during homologous complement activation.
Elevation of Ceramide within distal neurites inhibits neurite growth in cultured rat sympathetic neurons
Metabolic effects of short‐chain Ceramide and glucosylCeramide on sphingolipids and protein kinase C
Orientation of the saccharide chains of glycolipids at the membrane surface: conformational analysis of the glucose-Ceramide and the glucose-glyceride linkages …
Chemical composition of Ceramide and cerebroside in azuki bean seeds
Factors affecting expression of glycolipid tumor antigens: influence of Ceramide composition and coexisting glycolipid on the antigenicity of gangliotriaosylCeramide in …
Dissociation of endogenous cellular Ceramide from NF-kappa B activation.
The role of endogenous phosphatidylcholine and Ceramide in the biosynthesis of sphingomyelin in mouse fibroblasts
Evidence against an early signalling role for Ceramide in Fas-mediated apoptosis
Induction of Ceramide glucosyltransferase activity in cultured human keratinocytes: correlation with culture differentiation
Isolation and characterization of a novel monosialosylpentahexosyl Ceramide from Tay-Sachs brain.
CD19 has a potential CD77 (globotriaosyl Ceramide)-binding site with sequence similarity to verotoxin B-subunits: implications of molecular mimicry for B cell …
Increased levels of Ceramide in the retina of a patient with Farber’s disease
Cloning, characterization, and expression of human Ceramide galactosyltransferase cDNA
Sphingomyelin and Ceramide-phosphoethanolamine synthesis by microsomes and plasma membranes from rat liver and brain.
Stereospecific Induction of Apoptosis in U937 Cells by N‐Octanoyl‐Sphingosine Stereoisomers and N‐Octyl‐Sphingosine: The Ceramide Amide Group is not …
Purification and Characterization of UDP-glucose: Ceramide Glucosyltransferase from Rat Liver Golgi Membranes (∗)
Ceramide and the regulation of apoptosis and the stress response
Serine protease inhibitors block neutral sphingomyelinase activation, Ceramide generation, and apoptosis triggered by daunorubicin
Glycolipid depletion using a Ceramide analogue (PDMP) alters growth, adhesion, and membrane lipid organization in human A431 cells
Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate in the fungus Pythium prolatum
Synthesis of cerebroside, lactosyl Ceramide, and ganglioside GM3 analogs containing β-thioglycosidically linked Ceramide
Isolation and partial characterization of a major inositol-containing lipid in baker’s yeast, mannosyl-diinositol, diphosphoryl-Ceramide
Thermotropic characterization of phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing ganglioside GM1 with homogeneous Ceramide chain length
Acidic sphingomyelinase-generated Ceramide is needed but not sufficient for TNF-induced apoptosis and nuclear factor-kappa B activation.
The central executioner of apoptosis: multiple connections between protease activation and mitochondria in Fas/APO-1/CD95-and Ceramide-induced apoptosis
… of I/i-active oligo-and polyglycosylCeramides from rabbit erythrocyte membranes. Determination of branching patterns of a Ceramide pentadecasaccharide by 1H …
Characterization of a novel glycosphingolipid, Ceramide nonasaccharide, isolated from spermatozoa of the fresh water bivalve, Hyriopsis schlegelii.
Role of lysosomal acid ceramidase in the metabolism of Ceramide in human skin fibroblasts
Ceramide is a competitive inhibitor of diacylglycerol kinase in vitro and in intact human leukemia (HL-60) cells.
Renaturation and tumor necrosis factor-alpha stimulation of a 97-kDa Ceramide-activated protein kinase.
Phospholipids of the sea anemone: Quantitative distribution; absence of carbon‐phosphorus linkages in glycerol phospholipids; structural elucidation of Ceramide …
Hydrolysis of Ceramide trihexoside by a specific α-galactosidase from human liver
Enantioselective Synthesis of D‐erythro‐Sphingosine and of Ceramide
Biologically active glycosides from asteroidea, XXVI. Stereochemistry of the four diastereomers of Ceramide and Ceramide lactoside
Determination of the presence of Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and Ceramide N-methylaminoethylphosphonate in marine animals by fast atom bombardment …
Developmentally regulated expression of Ceramide in Trypanosoma cruzi
Enzymic hydrolysis of sphingolipids: Hydrolysis of Ceramide lactoside by an enzyme from rat brain
Enzymic hydrolysis of sphingolipids. Hydrolysis of Ceramide glucoside by an enzyme from ox brain
UDP-galactose-Ceramide galactosyltransferase in rat brain myelin subfractions during development
Glycosphingolipids in insects: Chemical structures of Ceramide monosaccharide, disaccharide, and trisaccharide from pupae of Calliphora vicina (Insecta: Diptera)
The effect of a synthetic Ceramide‐2 on transepidermal water loss after stripping or sodium lauryl sulfate treatment: an in vivo study
Biochemistry of Organ Glycolipid I. Ceramide-Oligohexosides of Human, Equine and Bovine Spleens
Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation during IgG-dependent phagocytosis in human neutrophils: inhibition by Ceramide.
Stimulation of the Ceramide pathway partially mimics lipopolysaccharide-induced responses in murine peritoneal macrophages
Cross-talk between Ceramide and PKC activity in the control of apoptosis in WEHI-231
Chronic exposure to κ‐opioids enhances the susceptibility of immortalized neurons (F‐11κ7) to apoptosis‐inducing drugs by a mechanism that may involve Ceramide
Turnover of endogenous Ceramide in cultured normal and Farber fibroblasts
… activation in vitro and in vivo induced by glycoinositolphospholipids from Trypanosoma cruzi. Assignment of the T cell-suppressive determinant to the Ceramide …
Characterization of the major ganglioside in human red cells and of a related tetrahexosyl Ceramide in white cells
Studies in vitro on the Biosynthesis of Ceramide and Sphingomyelin A Reevaluation of Proposed Pathways
Regulation of the stress response by Ceramide
Total synthesis of Ceramide trihexoside accumulating with fabry’s disease
Permissive effect of Ceramide on growth factor-induced cell proliferation
Monosialogangliosides of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. Characterization of N-Acetylneuraminosyl Lacto-N-noroctaosyl Ceramide
Phase behavior of artificial stratum corneum lipids containing a synthetic pseudo-Ceramide: a study of the function of cholesterol
Ceramide Triggers Meiotic Cell Cycle Progression in Xenopus Oocytes.: A POTENTIAL MEDIATOR OF PROGESTERONE-INDUCED MATURATION∗
A Ceramide analogue (PDMP) inhibits glycolipid synthesis in fish embryos
Characterization of the iso-branched sphinganines from the Ceramide phospholipids of Bacteroides melaninogenicus
Up-regulation of ganglioside biosynthesis, functional synapse formation, and memory retention by a synthetic Ceramide analog (L-PDMP)
Golgi staining by two fluorescent Ceramide analogues in cultured fibroblasts requires metabolism.
Ceramide inhibits IgE-mediated activation of phospholipase D, but not of phospholipase C, in rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) cells.
Inhibition of Ceramide pathway does not affect ability of TNF-alpha to activate nuclear factor-kappa B.
Nature of Ceramide in bovine milk
Anomeric structure of Ceramide digalactoside isolated from the kidney of a patient with Fabry’s disease
Ceramide-induced translocation of protein kinase C ζ in primary cultures of astrocytes
[14C] Ceramide Synthesis by Sphingolipid CeramideN-Deacylase: New Assay for Ceramidase Activity Detection
Free Ceramide, sphingomyelin, and glucosylCeramide of isolated rat intestinal cells.
The synthesis of Ceramide phosphoinositol
Involvement of a Ceramide activated protein phosphatase in the differentiation of neuroblastoma Neuro2a cells
Influence of L-carnitine on CD95 cross-lining-induced apoptosis and Ceramide generation in human cell lines: correlation with its effects on purified acidic and neutral …
Changes in the activity and mRNA levels of phospholipase D during Ceramide‐induced apoptosis in rat C6 glial cells
The mode of Ceramide action: the alkyl chain protrusion model
Studies of the action of Ceramide-like substances (d- andl-PDMP) on sphingolipid glycosyltransferases and purified lactosylCeramide synthase
Increased concentrations of phosphatidate, diacylglycerol and Ceramide in ras-and tyrosine kinase (fps)-transformed fibroblasts
Cholesterol deprivation affects the fluorescence properties of a Ceramide analog at the Golgi apparatus of living cells.
Factors affecting surface expression of glycolipids: influence of lipid environment and Ceramide composition on antibody recognition of cerebroside sulfate in …
Ceramide does not mediate the effect of tumour necrosis factor α on superoxide generation in human neutrophils
Protein kinase C in the developing kidney: isoform expression and effects of Ceramide and PKC inhibitors
Requirement of AP-1 for Ceramide-induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells
Rat intestinal glycolipids: II. Distribution and biosynthesis of glycolipids and Ceramide in villus and crypt cells
… 1β in Inducing Transcriptional Down-regulation of Muscarinic M2 Receptor Gene Expression: INVOLVEMENT OF PROTEIN KINASE A AND Ceramide …
Glycosphingolipids in insects. Chemical structures of Ceramide tetra-, penta-, hexa-, and heptasaccharides from Calliphora vicina pupae (Insecta: Diptera).
Ceramide: role in growth inhibitory cascades
UDPglucose-Ceramide glucosyltransferase from porcine submaxillary glands is associated with the Golgi apparatus
Molecular cloning, chromosomal mapping, and characterization of the mouse UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene
Metabolism of short-chain Ceramide and dihydroCeramide analogues in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells
Composition of long chain bases in Ceramide of the guinea pig Harderian gland
Age‐related changes in the Ceramide composition of the major gangliosides present in rat brain subcellular fractions enriched in plasma membranes of neuronal and …
Synthesis of neoglycoconjugates using oligosaccharide transferring activity of Ceramide glycanase
Isolation and characterization of Ceramide trihexosidases (form A) from human plasma
Studies on galactosyl Ceramide and lactosyl Ceramide β-galactosidase
Synthesis of a fluorescent derivative of glucosyl Ceramide for the sensitive determination of glucocerebrosidase activity
Isolation and characterization of a novel ganglioside, monosialosyl pentahexaosyl Ceramide from human brain
The phosphorylcholine acceptor in the phosphatidylcholine: Ceramide cholinephosphotransferase reaction is the enzyme a transferase or a hydrolase?
Inhibition of entry of HIV-1 in neural cell lines by antibodies against galactosyl Ceramide
Influence of Bcl-2 overexpression on the Ceramide pathway in daunorubicin-induced apoptosis of leukemic cells
Molecular arrangements in sphingolipids: crystal structure of the Ceramide N-(2D, 3D-dihydroxyoctadecanoyl)-phytosphingosine
Preparative isolation of cerebrosides (galactosyl and glucosyl Ceramide)
Novel Ceramide 1-sulfates, potent DNA topoisomerase I inhibitors isolated from the bryozoa Watersipora cucullata
Ceramide Reverses Brefeldin A (BFA) Resistance in BFA-resistant Cell Lines (∗)
Inhibition of Tumor-Necrosis-Factor α-and Ceramide-Induced Internucleosomal DNA Fragmentation by Herbimycin a in U937 Cells
Ceramide is not a signal for tumor necrosis factor–induced gene expression but does cause programmed cell death in human vascular endothelial cells
Identification of free Ceramide in human erythrocyte membrane.
Identification and characterization of a novel monocyte/macrophage differentiation-dependent gene that is responsive to lipopolysaccharide, Ceramide, and …
Ceramide selectively decreases tau levels in differentiated PC12 cells through modulation of calpain I
1, 2-Diacylglycerol and Ceramide levels in insulin-resistant tissues of the rat in vivo.
Interconversion of the A and B forms of Ceramide trihexosidase from human plasma
Molecular cloning and characterization of the mouse CGT gene encoding UDP-galactose Ceramide-galactosyltransferase (cerebroside synthetase)
The isolation and partial characterization of gangliosides and Ceramide polyhexosides from the lens of the human eye
Monosialo-lactoisohexaosyl-Ceramide: a ganglioside from human spleen.
Ceramide glucosylation in bean hypocotyl microsomes: evidence that steryl glucoside serves as glucose donor
Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes utilize a synthetic truncated Ceramide precursor for synthesis and secretion of truncated sphingomyelin
Existence of Ceramide in alfalfa leaves
Regulation of phosphatidylinositol: Ceramide phosphoinositol transferase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
… of nuclear factor kappa B activation induced by tumor necrosis factor requires membrane-associated components. Comparison with pathway activated by Ceramide.
Taurocholate induces pericanalicular localization of C6-NBD-Ceramide in isolated hepatocyte couplets
Isolation of Ceramide fractions from human stratum corneum lipid extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography
Biochemistry of Shellfish Lipid III. Purification and Elemental Analysis of Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate from Corbicula Complex Lipid Mixtures
Ceramide and inositol content of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan from Trypanosoma cruzi
Characterization of Blood‐Group‐H‐Active Ceramide Tetrasaccharide from Hog‐Stomach Mucosa
Cell-associated Ceramide in HIV-1-infected subjects
Occurrence of free Ceramide in Acetobacter xylinum
Interconversion of sphingomyelin and Ceramide in adult Schistosoma mansoni
Ceramide galactoside of enriched neuronal and glial fractions from rat brain
A long chain spin label for glycosphingolipid studies: transbilayer fatty acid interdigitation of lactosyl Ceramide
Ceramide: A novel second messenger and lipid mediator
Structure determination of a Ceramide pentadecasaccharide by two-dimensional J-resolved and J-correlated NMR spectroscopy
Isolation of Ceramide-monomethylaminoethylphosphonate from the lipids of Tetrahymena pyriformis W.
Dietary (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids suppress murine lymphoproliferation, interleukin-2 secretion, and the formation of diacylglycerol and Ceramide
Ceramide synthesis in rat brain: characterization of the synthesis requiring pyridine nucleotide
Biochemistry of Shellfish Lipids: IX. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ceramide 2-Aminoethylphosphonate and Sphingoethanolamine
The enzymic synthesis of ganglioside: IV. UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine:(N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosylglucosyl Ceramide N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferase in rat …
Chromatography of lipids. I. An improved chromatographic procedure for the quantitative isolation of the neutral Ceramide-containing glycolipids from mammalian …
Ceramide phosphorylglycerol phosphate a new sphingolipid found in bacteria
Cell-permeable Ceramide inhibits the growth of B lymphoma Raji cells lacking TNF-alpha-receptors by inducing G0/G1 arrest but not apoptosis: a new model for …
Synthesis of mannose-(inositol-P) 2-Ceramide, the major sphingolipid in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, requires the IPT1 (YDR072c) gene
Chemical characterization of Ceramide and cerebroside in soybean leaves
Influence of topically applied Ceramide/phospholipid mixture on the barrier function of intact skin, atopic skin and experimentally induced barrier damage
Isolation of Ceramide phosphorylethanolamine from the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala.
Spectrophotometric determination of molar amounts of glycosphingolipids and Ceramide by hydrolysis and reaction with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid
Ceramide Accumulation Uncovers a Cycling Pathway for the cis-Golgi Network Marker, Infectious Bronchitis Virus M Protein
Metabolism of glucosyl [13H] Ceramide by human skin fibroblasts from normal and glucosylceramidotic subjects.
Ceramide-like synthetic amides that inhibit cerebroside galactosidase
Monoclonal antibody to galactosylCeramide: discrimination of structural difference in the Ceramide moiety
… binding of propionibacterium granulosum to glycosphingolipids adsorbed on surfaces. An apparent recognition of lactose which is dependent on the Ceramide …
… neolactoglycolipids: sialosyl-, disialosyl-,O-acetyldisialosyl- and fucosyl- derivatives of neolactotetraosyl Ceramide and neolactohexaosyl Ceramide in the developing …
Formation of Ceramide phosphorylethanolamine from phosphatidylethanolamine in the rumen protozoon Entodinium caudatum (Short Communication)
Analysis of glycosphingolipids by fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis using Ceramide glycanase from Mercenaria mercenaria
Enzymic synthesis of cerebroside from Ceramide and uridine diphosphate galactose.
Fabry’s disease with partially deficient hydrolysis of Ceramide trihexoside
Synthetic studies toward the preparation of phosphonate analogs of sphingomyelin and Ceramide 1-phosphate using pentacovalent organophospholene methodology
Measurement of the rate of myelination using a fluorescent analogue of Ceramide
Glycosphingolipids in cestodes: Chemical structures of Ceramide monosaccharide, disaccharide, trisaccharide and tetrasaccharide from metacestodes of the fox …
Induction of nerve growth factor synthesis by sphingomyelinase and Ceramide in primary astrocyte cultures
Synthesis of sphingomyelin and Ceramide 1-phosphate from Ceramide without protection of the allylic hydroxyl group
… -1-mediated PGE2 production and sphingomyelin metabolism. Evidence for the regulation of cyclooxygenase gene expression by sphingosine and Ceramide.
Total synthesis of stereospecific sphingosine and Ceramide
Stability of carbohydrate-modified vesicles in vivo: comparative effects of Ceramide and cholesterol glycoconjugates.
Metabolism of Ceramide-containing endocytotic vesicles in human diploid fibroblasts.
Effects of niacinamide on Ceramide biosynthesis and differentiation of cultured human keratinocytes.
Ceramide selectively inhibits early events in the response of human neutrophils to tumor necrosis factor
A new approach to assay endo-type carbohydrases: bifluorescent-labeled substrates for glycoamidases and Ceramide glycanases
Consecutive Analysis of Sphingoglycolipids on the Basis of Sugar and Ceramide Moieties by High Performance Liquid Cromatography
Separation of molecular species of sphingomyelin and Ceramide by argentation and reversed-phase HPLC.
Structural and thermotropic properties of synthetic C16: 0 (palmitoyl) Ceramide: effect of hydration.
Sphingomyelinase and cell-permeable Ceramide analogs increase the release of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 from cultured endothelial cells
Existence of glucosaminyl lactosyl Ceramide (amino CTH-I) in human erythrocyte membranes as a possible precursor of blood group-active glycolipids
Fas-mediated apoptosis and sphingomyelinase signal transduction: the role of Ceramide as a second messenger for apoptosis.
Evaluation of a trans configuration for the apoptosis-inducing activity of Ceramide
IsoglobotriaosylCeramideand the forssman glycolipid of dog small intestine occupy separate tissue compartments and differ in Ceramide composition
Ceramide structure of sphingomyelin from human milk fat globule membrane
Synthesis of triantennary blood group I antigens: Neolacto-glycopentadecaosyl Ceramide
Studies on the desaturation of sphinganine. Ceramide and sphingomyelin metabolism in the rat and in BHK 21 cells in tissue culture
Formation of free sphingosine and Ceramide from exogenous ganglioside GM1 by cerebellar granule cells in culture
Effects of Ceramide analogs on myelinating organ cultures
Substrate specificity for Ceramide in the enzymatic formation of sphingomyelin
Role of Ceramide in suramin-induced cancer cell death
Ceramide glycanase from the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris
Glycosphingolipids in insects: The amphoteric moiety, N‐acetylglucosamine‐linked phosphoethanolamine, distinguishes a group of Ceramide oligosaccharides from the pupae …
Total synthesis of a hexaosyl Ceramide glycolipid acting as a receptor for macrophage migration inhibition-factor
The reactions of antibodies to paragloboside (lacto-N-neotetraosyl Ceramide) with human erythrocytes and lymphocytes
Composition and molecular species of Ceramide and cerebroside in scarlet runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus L.) and kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Quantitation of lipids by charring on thin-layer plates and scintillation quenching: application to Ceramide determination
1-beta-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine stimulates Ceramide and diglyceride formation in HL-60 cells.
Comparative responses of liposomes prepared with different Ceramide antigens to antibody and complement
Opposite effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha on the sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway in two myeloid leukemia cell lines: role of transverse sphingomyelin …
The in situ degradation of Ceramide, a potential lipid mediator, is not completely impaired in Farber disease
Phenotypic changes in 3T3 cells associated with the change of sphingolipid synthesis by a Ceramide analog, 2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-phenylpropanol …
Differential effects of sphingomyelinase and cell-permeable Ceramide analogs on proliferation of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts
Effect of the addition of Ceramide to dioleoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles: an ESR and SEM study
Isolation and partial characterization of an endogenous inhibitor of Ceramide glycosyltransferases from rat brain.
The human retinoblastoma gene product suppresses Ceramide-induced apoptosis in human bladder tumor cells.
Neutral glycosphingolipids and Ceramide composition of ethylnitrosourea‐induced rat neural tumors: accumulation of Ceramide in tumors
Occurrence of Ceramide digalactoside as the main glycosphingolipid in the marine sponge Halichondria japonica
The structure and distribution of Ceramide aminoethylphosphonates in the oyster (Ostrea gigas).
Subcellular distribution of UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase in rat brain oligodendroglia
UDPgalactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase of rat brain: a new method of purification and production of specific antibodies
Phosphonolipids. XX. Total synthesis of a naturally occurring Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and of its enantiomer
… of the forssman glycolipid hapten and a leb-like glycolipid of dog small intestine, as revealed by mass spectrometry: Difference in Ceramide structure related to tissue …
Studies on the Glycosphingolipids of the Starfish, Asterina pectinifera I. The Isolation and Characterization of Ceramide Mono- and Di-Hexosides
Glycosphingolipids in insects: Chemical structures of two variants of a glucuronic‐acid‐containing Ceramide hexasaccharide from a pupae of Calliphora vicina (Insecta: Diptera) …
Ceramide and inflammation
Comparison of Ceramide synthase inhibitors with other phytotoxins produced by Fusarium species
Ceramide excluded from cell-free vesicular lipid transfer from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi apparatus. Evidence for lipid sorting
Formation of stable lamellar structures with pseudo-Ceramide
Diacylglycerol and Ceramide kinetics in primary cultures of activated T-lymphocytes
Gangliotetraosyl-Ceramide, the rat T lymphocyte-macrophage-associated antigen: chemical detection and cellular distribution.
Sidedness of Ceramide-phosphoethanolamine synthesis on rat liver and brain microsomal membranes.
Haptenic activity of galactosyl Ceramide and its topographical distribution on liposomal membranes I. effect of cholesterol incorporation
Vitamin D3 and Ceramide reduce the invasion of tumor cells through extracellular matrix components by elevating protein phosphatase-2A.
Stereoselective total synthesis of the blood group I-active biantennary neolacto-glycodecaosyl Ceramide
A synthetic Ceramide analog, D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol, selectively inhibits adherence during macrophage differentiation …
Enzymic glycosphingolipid synthesis on polymer supports. II. Synthesis of lactosyl Ceramide
Gel phase preference of ganglioside GM1 at low concentration in two-component, two-phase phosphatidylcholine bilayers depends upon the Ceramide moiety
Suppression of Bcl-2 Messenger RNA Production May Mediate Apoptosis after Ionizing Radiation, Tumor Necrosis Factor α, and Ceramide
C2‐Ceramide and C6‐Ceramide inhibited priming for enhanced release of superoxide in monocytes, but had no effect on the killing of leukaemic cells by monocytes
The sphingomyelin–Ceramide pathway participates in cytokine regulation of C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, but not α-fibrinogen
A Novel Ceramide Trihexoside from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus
Anti-immunoglobulin-induced apoptosis in WEHI 231 cells involves the slow formation of Ceramide from sphingomyelin and is blocked by bcl-XL
Di-O-alkylglycerol, mono-O-alkylglycerol and Ceramide inositol phosphates of LeishmaniaMexicanaMexicana promastigotes
[39] Ceramide glycanase from Leech, Hirudo medicinalis, and earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris
Transforming growth factor β1 attenuates Ceramide-induced CPP32/Yama activation and apoptosis in human leukaemic HL-60 cells
Bombesin-stimulated Ceramide production and MAP kinase activation in rabbit rectosigmoid smooth muscle cells
Developmental changes of monohexosylCeramide and free Ceramide in the large intestine of the rat
The cohydrolases in human spleen that stimulate glucosyl Ceramide β-glucosidase
A micromethod for the determination of Ceramide
Studies on Glycosphingolipids of Fresh-Water Bivalves V. The Structure of a Novel Ceramide Octasaccharide Containing Mannose-6-Phosphate Found in the Bivalve …
Synthesis of ganglioside GM3 and GM4 analogs having mimics of Ceramide moieties and their binding activities with influenza virus A
Forssman glycolipid variants of dog gastric mucosa: structure of a branched Ceramide octasaccharide
Effect of exogenous lipids on membrane-bound Ceramide glycosyltransferases of rat brain
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sphingolipids. VI. Hydrolysis of Ceramide Glycosides by Calf Brain β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase*
A convenient synthesis of sphingosine and Ceramide from D-xylose or D-galactose
C2-Ceramide primes specifically for the superoxide anion production induced by N-formylmethionylleucyl phenylalanine (fMLP) in human neutrophils
Reactivity of two anti-galactosyl Ceramide antibodies towards myelin basic protein
Ceramide-mediated and isoquinolinesulfonamide-sensitive pathways of neuronal death: anything in common?
Isolation of cerebroside containing glucose (Glucosyl Ceramide) and its possible significance in ganglioside synthesis
Enzymatic Formation of Plant Cerebroside: Properties of UDP-glucose: Ceramide Glu-cosyltransferase in Radish Seedlings
Blood group A active Ceramide hexasaccharide lacking N-acetylglucosamine isolated from hog stomach mucosa
Increased stratum corneum Ceramide levels and improved barrier function following topical treatment with tetraacetylphytosphingosine.
Exposure of galactosylCeramide to galactose oxidase in liposomes: dependence on lipid environment and Ceramide composition
A novel glycosphingolipid hydrolyzing enzyme, glycosphingolipid Ceramide deacylase, which cleaves the linkage between the fatty acid and sphingosine base in …
Ceramide-1-phosphate sugars: new types of glycophospholipids
A simplified assay method for galactosyl Ceramide β-galactosidase
Linomide prevents the lethal effect of anti-Fas antibody and reduces Fas-mediated Ceramide production in mouse hepatocytes.
Ceramide synthesis from free fatty acids in rat brain: Function of NADPH and substrate specificity
Activation of phospholipase D in human fibroblasts by Ceramide and sphingosine: evaluation of their modulatory role in bradykinin stimulation of phospholipase D
A two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography procedure for simultaneous separation of Ceramide and diacylglycerol species
Activation of the sphingomyelin cycle by brefeldin A: effects of brefeldin A on differentiation and implications for a role for Ceramide in regulation of protein trafficking
Structure elucidation of blood group B-like and I-active Ceramide eicosa-and pentacosa-saccharides from rabbit erythrocyte membranes by combined gas …
The inhibitor-sensitive sites of galactosyl Ceramide galactosidase
UDP galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and glutamate/aspartate transporter: copurification, separation and characterization of the two glycoproteins
Water‐Soluble Glycosphingolipids of Dog Gastric Mucosa: Characterization of a Branched Ceramide Heptasaccharide
Purification and properties of UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase from rat brain microsomes
Immune reactivities of antibodies against glycolipids—II comparative properties, using liposomes, of purified antibodies against mono-, di-and thihexosyl Ceramide …
A total synthesis of Forssman glycolipid, globopentaosyl Ceramide
Glycolipids from sponges, I. Glycosyl Ceramide composition of the marine sponge Agelas clathrodes
MelibiosylCeramide as the Sole Ceramide Dihexoside from the Eggs of the Sea Urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina
A rapid and simple assay method for UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase
Distribution of glycosphingolipids and Ceramide of rat small intestinal mucosa
Sphingomyelin is synthesized at the plasma membrane of oligodendrocytes and by purified myelin membranes: a study with fluorescent‐and radio‐labelled Ceramide …
Inhibition of the expression of ornithine decarboxylase and c-Myc by cell-permeant Ceramide in difluoromethylornithine-resistant leukaemia cells
Isolation and Characterization of a Monosialosylgangliopentaosyl Ceramide from Xenopus laevis Oocyte
Interferon-γ decreases cell surface expression of galactosyl Ceramide, the receptor for HIV-1 gp120 on human colonic epithelial cells
Interleukin-1 beta stimulates sphingomyelin hydrolysis in cultured granulosa cells: evidence for a regulatory role of Ceramide on progesterone and prostaglandin …
Metabolism of Ceramide phosphorylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylglycerol by housefly larvae
UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyl transferase of isolated oligodendroglia
Structure of the Ceramide octadekahexoside isolated from gastric mucosa
Ganglioside shedding and changes in Ceramide biosynthesis in human ovarian tumors.
Ceramide lactoside in amniotic fluid: high concentration in chorioamnionitis and in preterm labor
In situ assay of acid sphingomyelinase and ceramidase based on LDL-mediated lysosomal targeting of Ceramide-labeled sphingomyelin
1, 2-Diacylglycerol and Ceramide levels in rat skeletal muscle and liver in vivo. Studies with insulin, exercise, muscle denervation, and vasopressin.
The presence of sialidase-sensitive sialosylgangliotetraosyl Ceramide (GM1b) in stimulated murine macrophages. Deficiency of GM1b in Escherichia coli-activated …
Monensin inhibits synthesis of plasma membrane sphingomyelin by blocking transport of Ceramide through the Golgi: evidence for two sites of sphingomyelin …
Identification of molecular species of Ceramide 2-N-methyl-aminoethylphosphonates containing normal fatty acids and dihydroxy long chain bases from Turbo …
UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase of rat central-nervous-system myelin.
Inhibition of acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by short-chain Ceramide and dihydroCeramide
A facile stereoselective synthesis of sphingosine and Ceramide
… virus type 1 infection of SK-N-MC cells: domains of gp120 involved in entry into a CD4-negative, galactosyl Ceramide/3’sulfo-galactosyl Ceramide-positive cell line
The enzymic synthesis of ganglioside: I. Brain uridine diphopphate D‐galactose: N‐acetyl‐galactosaminyl‐galactosyl‐glucosyl‐Ceramide galactosyl transferase
Upregulation of Bcl-2 and elevation of Ceramide in Batten disease
Determination of the anomeric configurations of Corbicula Ceramide di-and trihexoside by chromium trioxide oxidation
Ceramide synthase and ceramidases in the regulation of sphingoid base metabolism
Regulation of UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and UDP‐glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase after crush and transection nerve injury
A bi-fluorescence-labeled substrate for Ceramide glycanase based on fluorescence energy transfer
Synthesis of D-erythro-sphingomyelin and of D-erythro-Ceramide-1-phosphoinositol
… of HeLa Cells During the Cell Cycle: Suppression of Sphingomyelin and Higher‐Glycosphingolipid Synthesis and Accumulation of Ceramide and GlucosylCeramide in …
Activated Ki-ras Enhances Sensitivity of Ceramide-induced Apoptosis without c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase/Stress-activated Protein Kinase or Extracellular Signal …
A study of the bidimensional miscibility of Ceramide and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine
Purification of uridine diphosphate-galactose: glucosyl Ceramide, beta 1-4 galactosyltransferase from human kidney.
A part of glucosylCeramide formed from exogenous lactosylCeramide is not degraded to Ceramide but re-cycled and glycosylated in the Golgi apparatus
Ceramide glycanase from rat mammary tissues: inhibition by PPMP (D-/L-) and its probable role in signal transduction.
Metabolism of Ceramide trihexoside in cultured skin fibroblasts from Fabry’s patients, carriers and normal controls
Stereoselective total synthesis of wheat flour Ceramide dihexoside
Kinetic and topographical studies of the phosphatidylcholine: Ceramide choline phosphotransferase in plasma membrane particles from mouse ascites cells
Haptemc Activity of Galactosyl Ceramide and Its Topographical Distribution on Liposomal Membranes. Effects of Temperature and Phospholipid Composition
Thermotropic behavior of stratum corneum lipids containing a pseudo-Ceramide
Lack of in vitro Ceramide formation in the PNS of Trembler mice
Galactose to Ceramide linkage is essential for the binding of a polyclonal antibody to galactosyl Ceramide
Deacylation of Ceramide, triacylglycerol and phospholipids in guinea pig epidermal cells
The enzymic synthesis of ganglioside. II. UDP-galactose: N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(N-acetyl-neuraminyl) galactosyl-glucosyl-Ceramide galactosyltransferase in rat …
Cytolipin R and its possible precursor Ceramide trisaccharide from metastatic rat mammary tumor
Cerebrosides of frog brain. Structure of the Ceramide part of the cerebrosides
Biochemistry of Shellfish Lipids VIII. Ocurrence of Ceramide Mono- and Dihexoside in Corbicula, corbicula sandai
Accumulation of lactosyl Ceramide in leukocytes of patients with adult Gaucher’s disease
Involvement of the acyl chain of Ceramide in carbohydrate recognition by an anti-glycolipid monoclonal antibody: the case of an anti-melanoma antibody, M2590, to G …
Ceramide, triglyceride, and sterol ester in normal human whole brain at different ages
Synthesis of bi-fluorescence-labeled lactoside: A substrate for continual assay of Ceramide glycanase
Topical Ceramide corrected epidermal cell hyperproliferation and stratum corneum dysmaturation in atopic eczema
Synthesis of sulfated cerebroside analogs having mimicks of Ceramide and their anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 activities
Cyclic AMP accumulation in HeLa cells induced by cholera toxin. Involvement of the Ceramide moiety of GM1 ganglioside
Solubilization of UDPglucose-Ceramide glucosyltransferase from the Golgi apparatus
Globotriaosyl Ceramide glycolipid in seminoma: its clinicopathological importance in differentiation from testicular malignant lymphoma
Phosphono-sphingomyelins. I: Synthesis of Ceramide (trimethyl) aminoethyl phosphonate
Glycosphingolipids: deuterium NMR study of the influence of Ceramide fatty acid characteristics on the carbohydrate headgroup in phospholipid bilayers
Synthesis of ganglioside GM1 containing a thioglycosidic bond to its labeled Ceramide (s). A facile synthesis starting from natural gangliosides
Ceramide Dihexosides from the Spermatozoa of the Starfish, Asterias amurensis, Consist of Gentiobiosyl-, Cellobiosyl-, and Lactosy leer amide
Complex Fucolipids of Hog Gastric Mucosa Structure of the Ceramide Eikosahexoside
Glycosphingolipids: deuterium NMR study of the influence of carbohydrate headgroup structure on Ceramide acyl chain behavior in glycolipid-phospholipid bilayers
Total synthesis of a sulfated glucuronic acid containing glycoheptaosyl Ceramide, a minor glycolipid isolated from human cauda equina tissue
Release of Ceramide after membrane sphingomyelin hydrolysis decreases the basolateral secretion of triacylglycerol and apolipoprotein B in cultured human …
Isolation of Free Ceramide from Zymomonas mobilis
Synthetic studies on sialoglycoconjugates 40: stereocontrolled synthesis of sialyl Lewis X epitope and its Ceramide derivative
A fluorometric assay of Ceramide glycanase with 4-methylumbelliferyl β-d-lactoside derivatives
Fumonisins: naturally occurring inhibitors of Ceramide synthesis
Complete 1H-NMR spectral assignments for globotriaosyl-Z-and isoglobotriaosyl-E-Ceramide
Ceramide galactosyltransferase and cerebroside sulphotransferase in chicken brain cellular fractions and glial and neuronal cells in culture
Human Kidney α-Galactosidase: Multiplicity and Enzyme Activities for Ceramide Trihexoside and Some Aryl α-Galactosides
Ceramide, a sphingolipid second messenger
Synthesis of myelin glycosphingolipids (galactosylCeramide and galactosyl (3-O-sulfate) Ceramide (sulfatide)) by cloned cell lines derived from mouse …
Characterization and developmental changes of UDP‐galactose‐Ceramide galactosyl transferase in a rat CNS axolemma‐enriched fraction. Differences and …
Ceramide hexosides in Niemann-Pick disease brain
Bcl‐2 antagonizes apoptotic cell death induced by two new Ceramide analogues
Hypoxic injury to oligodendrocytes: Reversible inhibition of ATP‐dependent transport of Ceramide from the endoplasmic reticulum to the golgi
Analysis of Ceramide and monohexaosyl glycolipid derivatives by high-performance liquid chromatography and its application to the determination of the molecular …
Interaction of Shigella toxin with globotriaosyl Ceramide receptor—Containing membranes: A fluorescence study
Clear differences in Ceramide metabolism between glycosphingolipids and sphingomyelin in a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 stimulated by a …
Structure elucidation of the blood group B like and blood group I active octaantennary Ceramide tetracontasaccharide from rabbit erythrocyte membranes by two …
Occurrence of phosphonotetraglycosyl Ceramide in the sea hare Dolabella auricularia
Temporal phases in apoptosis defined by the actions of Src Homology 2 domains, Ceramide, Bcl-2, interleukin-1β converting enzyme family proteases, and a dense …
Total synthesis of glycononaosyl Ceramide with a sialyl dimeric Lex sequence
Brain UDPgalactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase: Purification of a catalytically active protein obtained after proteolytic digestion
Ceramide in rice grain
Effect of thiols on epidermal Ceramide biosynthesis.
Glycolipid sialosyltransferase activity in synaptosomes exhibits a product specificity for (2–8) disialosy lactosyl Ceramide (ganglioside GD3)
Uptake and metabolism of fluorescent Ceramide analogs by rat oligodendrocytes in culture
Ceramide biosynthesis in mouse brain microsomes: Comparison between C57/BL controls and quaking mutants
Enzymatic deficiency in neurological mutants. Brain uridine diphosphate galactose: Ceramide galactosyl transferase in Jimpy mouse
UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase of rat brain: an association with smooth microsomes and requirement of an intact membrane for enzyme activity
Bradykinin increases Ceramide and sphingosine content in human fibroblasts: possible involvement of glycosphingolipids
Sheep erythrocyte Forssman hapten, an isohapten system: Composition of the Ceramide
A novel synthesis of Ceramide from lignoceric acid and sphingosine by rat brain preparation; the amide formation requires a pyridine nucleotide
Effects of Ceramide and protein kinase C on the regulation of type I 5′-deiodinase in FRTL-5 rat thyroid cells
Glycolipids from sponges, II. Glycosyl Ceramide composition of the marine sponge Agelas longissima
Occurrence of Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate in Edible Shellfish, AGEMAKI, Sinonovacula constricta
Novel modification of Ceramide: rat glioma ganglioside GM3 having 3‐O‐acetylated sphingenine
Kinetic changes in free Ceramide and cerebroside during germination of black gram
Characterization of a novel Ceramide octasaccharide isolated from whole tissue of a fresh-water bivalve, Corbicula sandai
Expression of the Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene during myelination of the mouse nervous system. Comparison with the genes encoding myelin basic proteins …
Distribution of Ceramide 2-aminoethylphosphonate in nature and its quantitative correlation to sphingomyelin
UDPgalactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and 2′, 3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase activities in rat brain after long-term exposure to methylmercury …
Structures of fucose‐containing Ceramide pentasaccharides from the plasma of blood group O Le(a−b−) nonsecretors
Structural analysis by mass spectrometry of the major mammalian retinal ganglioside, a sialyl‐sialyl‐dihexosyl‐Ceramide
Fabry’s disease (Ceramide trihexosidase deficiency): diagnostic confirmation by analysis of dental pulp
Alteration of Ceramide monohexoside in human diploid fetal lung fibroblasts during cell aging
Formation of Lysosulfatide, 3′, 6′-Anhydropsychosine, Ceramide, and Sphingosine by Saponification of Cerebroside Sulfate: Effect of the Sulfate Group on the …
Solubilization and partial characterization of fatty acyl-CoA: sphingosine acyltransferase (Ceramide synthetase) from rat liver and brain
Properties of immobilized FIG α-galactosidase and effect of Ceramide-3 content of plasma from patients with fabry’s disease
Detection of the gangliosideN-glycolyl-neuraminyl-lactosyl-Ceramide by biotinylatedEscherichia coli K99 lectin
The presence of Ceramide hydrolase and synthetase in pig lens epithelium.
Less polar glycolipids in Alaskan pollack brain: isolation and characterization of acyl galactosyl diacylglycerol, acyl galactosyl Ceramide, and acyl glucosyl Ceramide.
Immunogenic properties of mannose-containing Ceramide tetrasaccharide from fresh-water bivalve, Hyriopsis schlegelii
Occurrence of Ceramide phosphorylethanolamine containing hydroxy fatty acid in a bivalve
… galactosphingolipid synthesis in an immortalized Schwann cell line: evidence for different intracellular locations of galactosylCeramide sulfotransferase and Ceramide …
Enantiospecific Syntheses of Sphingosine and Ceramide Stereoisomers with 3S Configuration from d-Glucose
High-energy collision-induced dissociation of Ceramide ions from permethylated glycosphingolipids
Sidedness of Ceramide-phosphoethanolamine synthesis on rat liver plasma membrane
Localization of mRNA for UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase in the brain during mouse development
Immunocytochemical localization of UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase in myelin and oligodendroglial cells of rat brain
Immunogenic properties of mannose-containing Ceramide disaccharide and immunochemical detection of its hapten in the two kinds of crustacean, Euphausia …
Formation of free fatty acid and Ceramide during brain handling: lability of sphingomyelin
On the Biosynthesis of Cerebrosides Containing 2-Hydroxy Acids: MASS SPECTROMETRIC EVIDENCE FOR BIOSYNTHESIS VIA THE Ceramide PATHWAY
UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase of rat central nervous system myelin during development
A total synthesis of a stage specific embryonic antigen-3 (SSEA-3), globopentaosyl Ceramide, IV3GalGb4Cer. Use of 2, 4, 6-trimethylbenzoyl group as a …
Induction of Oligodendrocyte Apoptosis by C2-Ceramide
Regional and developmental estimations of UDP galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase activity in the rat brain
Ceramide stimulates prostaglandin production by human amnion and decidual cells
N-Hexyl-0-glucosyl sphingosine, an inhibitor of glucosyl Ceramide, β-glucosidase
[14] Ceramide glycanase from the leech Macrobdella decora and oligosaccharide-transferring activity
Solubilization and characterization of microsomal‐associated phosphatidylinositol: Ceramide phosphoinositol transferase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Enzymatic synthesis of glucocerebroside by UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase during ontogenesis of chicken retina
Hydrolysis of sphingomyelin to Ceramide with hydrofluoric acid
Brain-specific Ceramide synthesis activity: Change during brain maturation and in jimpy mouse brain
C6-Ceramide maintains elevated cytosolic calcium levels in activated platelets
The metastability of glucosyl Ceramide in aqueous phase: effect of hydration and phosphatidylcholines of various chain length
Rapid internalization of exogenous ganglioside GM3 and its metabolism to Ceramide in human myelogenous leukemia HL‐60 cells compared with control ganglioside …
Inhibitory action of sphingosine or Ceramide on amylase secretion from isolated rat pancreatic acini
Sphingosine and phytosphingosine from D-threose synthesis of a 4-keto-Ceramide
On the biosynthesis of cerebrosides containing non-hydroxy acids: 2. Mass spectrometric evidence for the Ceramide pathway
1, 2-Diacylglycerol and Ceramide levels in rat liver and skeletal muscle in vivo
1H NMR Ganglioside Ceramide Resonance Region on the Differential Diagnosis of Low and High Malignancy of Brain Gliomas
Sulfatide and sphingomyelin loading of living cells as tools for the study of Ceramide turnover by lysosomal ceramidase-Implications for the diagnosis of farber-disease
Occurrence of nonenzymatic N‐acetylation of sphinganine with acetyl coenzyme a producing C2‐H2‐Ceramide and its inconvertibility to apoptotic C2‐Ceramide
Accumulation of isogloboside and ganglio-N-tetraosyl Ceramide having blood group B determinant in the hepatomas of female LEC rats
Constituents of Ceramide of a Native Mushroom
Synthesis of 2‐N‐oleoylamino‐octadecane‐1,3‐diol: a new Ceramide highly effective for the treatment of skin and hair
Resistance to anti‐IgM‐induced apoptosis in a WEHI‐231 subline is due to insufficient production of Ceramide
Synthetic studies on selectin ligands/inhibitors: a systematic synthesis of sulfatide and its higher congeners carrying 2-(tetradecyl) hexadecyl group as a Ceramide …
Cattle blood group J glycolipid—I Isolation and identification of the trihexoside Ceramide component of J hapten
The Rise and Fall of Ceramide and 1, 2-Diacylglycerol (DAG): Modulation by Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGFβ1) and by Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
A comparative study on Ceramide composition of cetacean brain gangliosides.
Factors affecting the hydrolysis of Ceramide-3 by alpha-galactosidase A from human liver.
In vivo metabolism of fluorescent Ceramide in central nervous system myelin of adult rats
Turnover In Vivo of Lactosyl‐Ceramide and Other Glycosphingolipids in the Adult Rat Brain
Tumor necrosis factor α increases tyrosine phosphorylation of a 23-Kda nuclear protein in U937 cells through Ceramide signaling pathway
Reactivity of sphingosine base in enzymatic synthesis of Ceramide
… synthesis of gangliosides: Uridine diphosphate galactose: N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosyl-glucosyl-Ceramide galactosyltranferase in rat …
A comparison of the properties and bile salt specificities of galactosylCeramide and lactosyl Ceramide β-galactosidase activities in human leucocytes and fibroblasts
Preparation of superoxide dismutase entrapped in Ceramide-containing liposomes for oral administration
… spongiform encephalopathy: I. Changes in the activities of 2′, 3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase, oligodendroglial Ceramide galactosyl transferase, and …
First‐trimester enzyme exclusion of farber disease using a micromethod with [3H]Ceramide
Assignment of a UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase gene (UGCG) to human chromosome band 9q31 by in situ hybridization
Stimulation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 expression by Ceramide
Efficient synthesis of sphingosine‐1‐phosphate, Ceramide‐1‐phosphate, lysosphingomyelin, and sphingomyelin
UPD-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase activity in dissociated cell cultures from brain hemispheres of newborn rats
Evidence for the biosynthesis of Ceramide-phosphoethanolamine in brain synaptic plasma membrane vesicles and in sciatic nerve microsomes from normal and …
… molecule (ICAM)-1 and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR expression on cultured normal human keratinocytes: possible involvement of Ceramide in biologic action …
Dependence of rat liver CMP-N-acetylneuraminate: GM1 sialyltransferase (SAT IV) activity on the Ceramide composition of GM1 ganglioside
Phosphonolipids. XIX. Synthesis of a naturally occurring Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and its enantiomer
Synthetic Studies on Sialoglycoconjugates 82: First Total Synthesis of Sialyl Globopentaosyl Ceramide (V3Neu5AcGb5Cer) and its Positional Isomer …
Studies on sphingolipids of Barnea (Umitakea) dilatata japonica. I. Cerebroside and Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate
Synthesis of sialo-oligosaccharides and their Ceramide derivatives as tools for elucidation of biologic functions of gangliosides
A convenient synthesis of galactocerebroside using D-glucosamine as a chiral source of the Ceramide moiety
Ceramide hexosides in rabbit meat
Sphingomyelin and Ceramide: phosphoethanolamine synthesis in ram spermatozoa plasma membrane.
Inhibition of thrombin-stimulated cell proliferation by Ceramide is not through inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase
Thermotropic behavior of phosphatidylcholine-glucosyl Ceramide mixtures: Effects of phospholipid acyl chain composition and interaction with water
Phosphatidylethanolamine-Ceramide-ethanolaminephosphotransferase activity in synaptic plasma membrane vesicles: comparison with sialidase and ouabain …
Benzopurpurin and related compounds inhibit the binding of gp120 to galactosyl Ceramide/sulfatide and infection of human immunodeficiency virus
Ceramide from the marine sponge Phyllospongia sp
Specific cleavage of the glycosidic bond between the carbohydrate and Ceramide portions in glycosphingolipids using trifluoroacetolysis
… Studies on Sialoglycoconjugates 89: Synthesis of Ganglioside GM3 and KDN-GM3 Containing Different Carbon-Chain Length Fatty Acyl Groups at the Ceramide …
2-Hydroxy fatty acid-and phytosphingosine-containing Ceramide 2-N-methylaminoethyl-phosphonate from turbo cornutus
Purification of GM 1-ganglioside and Ceramide lactoside β-galactosidase from rabbit brain
Immunohistochemical study of globotriaosyl Ceramide (Gb3) in testicular tumors
… type 2 chain in A-active hexaglycosylCeramide of rat small intestine at weaning time. Demonstration by affinity chromatography and Ceramide glycanase hydrolysis of …
UPD-Galactose: Ceramide Galactosyltransferase. Kinetic Properties and Effect of Detergents and Phospholipids on the Partially Purified Enzyme of Rat Brain
Involvement of a CrmA-insensitive ICE/Ced-3-like protease in Ceramide-induced apoptosis.
Studies on the Interaction of Clostridium perfringens Sialidase with Sialic Acid Linked to the Internal Galactose in Monosialogangliotetraosyl Ceramide
Biologically active glycosides from asteroidea, XVII. Glycosphingolipids from the starfish Acanthaster planci, 3. Isolation and structure of two new Ceramide lactosides
Recognition by a natural cytotoxic antibody of lactoneotetraglycosyl Ceramide as an antigenic molecule in a syngeneic rat fibrosarcoma
Chemical effects of ionizing radiations on Ceramide digalactoside and component molecules
Characterization of the lacto series of gangliosides, especially of disialo-lacto-N-norhexaosyl Ceramide isolated from adult bovine nasal cartilage
Spectroscopical characteristics of galactosylCeramide-pyrene and Ceramide-pyrene incorporated in model and in clathrin coated vesicles
Biologically Active Glycosides from Asteroidea, XXX. – Synthesis of an Optically Active Ceramide of GM1‐Type Ganglioside from (+)‐diethyl L‐Tartrate
Synthetic studies on sialoglycoconjugates 70: synthesis of sialyl and sulfo lewis× analogs containing a Ceramide or 2-(Tetradecyl) hexadecyl residue
Influence of phospholipid environment on the phosphatidylethanolamine: Ceramide-phosphorylethanolamine transferase activity in rat liver plasma membranes.
Effect of structural variability of the Ceramide part on the saccharide-Ceramide linkage in model glycolipids studied by Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics …
UDP galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase, CDP choline: 1, 2‐diacyl‐sn‐glycerol phosphocholine transferase, and microsomal reductases in major regions of …
Occurrence of 2-O-Acyl Galactosyl Ceramide in Whale Brain
Sphingolipids of Hemifusus ternatanus Ceramide monohexosides and Ceramide aminoethylphosphonate of the viscera
A role for Ceramide in meiosis
Effect of phospholipids on UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase from Golgi membranes.
Synthetic Studies on Sialoglycoconjugates 12: Total Synthesis of Sialyl Neolactotetraosyl Ceramide
Sexual differences in galactose metabolism: galactosyl Ceramide galactosidase and other galactosidases in mouse kidney
… and biological activity of the isomers and analogs of (4E, 8E, 2S, 3R, 2’R)-N-2′-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-9-methyl-4, 8-sphingadienine, the Ceramide portion of the …
The Role of Ceramide in the Cellular Stress Response
Biochemical Studies on GM1-Gangliosidosis and Ceramide Trihexosidosis
Udpgalactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase in cultured oligodendrocytes: An enzymological and immunological study
The partial synthesis of some naturally occurring glycosphingolipids with special reference to 0-β-D-galactosyl-(1→ 4)-0-β-D-galactosyl-(1→ 1)-Ceramide
Hydrolases of the Simple Sphingolipids: Ceramide, Glucocerebroside, and Galactocerebroside
Application of monoclonal antibody KH2 against lactosyl and neolactotetraosyl Ceramide to immunohistochemical study of human cancers
Effect of Ceramide on cell growth and cell cycle related proteins in U-937 cells
Ceramide: a lipid mediator of apoptotic signal transduction
Ceramide inhibits nitric oxide production in alveolar macrophages of endotoxin and ethanol plus endotoxin-treated rats
Invivo conversion of 3-ketoCeramide to Ceramide in rat liver
The distribution and excretion of tritium labeled cerebroside (galactosyl Ceramide) radioactivity by the monkey
Calculation of the conformation of glycosphingolipids 1. β-d-glucosyl-N-(2-d-hydroxyoctadecanoyl)-d-dihydrosphingosine (glucosyl-Ceramide) and α-dN …
Structural Determination of Long Chain Bases of Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate, Hemifusus ternatanus. I. Structure of Octadeca Sphinga-4, 11-dienine
[65e] Phosphorylcholine-Ceramide transferase: Cytidine diphosphate choline+ N-acyl-threo-trans-sphingosine→ Sphingomyelin+ CMP
… on the Thioglycosides of N-Acetylneuraminic Acid 10: Synthesis of S-(α-Sialosyl)-(2→6)-O-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-Hexopyranosyl Ceramide and Its Related …
Studies on the induction of apoptosis in WEHI 231 cells by pharmacological agents and lipid mediators. Sphingosine and Ceramide induce apoptosis in WEHI 231.
Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate in the Egg of the JANBOTANISHI
Effects of C2-Ceramide on cell cycle alteration and c-fos gene expression in U-937 cells
The Phase Behavior of Artificial Intercellular Stratum Corneum Lipids Containing a Synthetic Pseudo-Ceramide and the Formation Mechanism of Lamellar …
Effect of a fatty acid moiety of phospholipid and Ceramide on purified GalT-3 (UDP-Gal: GM2 beta 1-3 galactosyltransferase) activity from embryonic chicken brain.
Synthesis of (2s, 3r, 4e, 8e)-n-(2′ r)-2′-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-9-methyl-4, 8-sphingadienine, the Ceramide portion of the fruiting-inducing cerebroside in a …
Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Analysis of Globotriaosyl Ceramide from Bovine Spermatozoa
Studies on the Lipids of Japanese Littleneck, Tapes japonica Deshayes. III On the Ceramide 2-Aminoethylphosphonate
Occurrence of 2-O-acyl galactosyl Ceramide in human and bovine brains
Total synthesis of a stage specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) a glycoheptaosyl Ceramide V3FucnLc6Cer
Tumor necrosis factor-α induces interleukin-6 mRNA and protein in human granulosa luteinizing cells via protein tyrosine kinase without involving Ceramide
Stereoselective total synthesis of tri-and tetrahexoside wheat flour Ceramide
[18] Replacement of glycosphingolipid Ceramide residues by glycerolipid for microtiter plate assays
Ceramide composition of whole brain synaptosomal gangliosides from mice genetically bred for divergent ethanol sensitivities
Apoptotic damage of DNA in human leukaemic HL-60 cells treated with C2-Ceramide was detected after G1 blockade of the cell cycle
Activation of NF kappa B and potentiation of TNF-induced NF kappa B activation by Ceramide analogues in leukemic cell lines despite the absence of an observed …
THE LIPIDS OF EGG YOLK. 5. Presence of Ceramide
Molecular cloning and expression of Ceramide galactosyltransferases. Comparison with other glycosyltransferases
Glycosyl Imidates, 43 Synthesis of Lactoneotetraosyl Ceramide
Synthetic Studies Toward the Preparation of Phosphonate Analogs of Sphingomyelins and Ceramide 1-Phosphate Using Pentacovalent Organophosphorus …
Sialylation of lacto‐N‐neotetraosyl Ceramide by a solubilized sialyltransferase(s) from chicken skeletal muscle: Effect of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin
Epidermal permeability barrier function regulates mRNA levels for the key enzymes of cholesterol, fatty acid and Ceramide synthesis.
Ceramide: a central regulator of the cellular response to injury and stress
Effect of Ceramide on c-myc Gene Expression during Differentiation of U-937 Cells
Characterization Of Ceramide Mixtures by Fast Atom Bombardmentand Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Sphingolipids of Euhadra hickonis. I. Ceramide monohexosides and sphingophosphonolipids of viscera
Comparative effects of sulfhydryl reagents on membrane-bound and solubilized UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase from Golgi membranes. Evidence for …
Induction of Ceramide glucosyltransferase activity in cultured human keratinocytes: correlation with culture differentiation.
Diacylglycerol and Ceramide inara-C stimulated HL-60 cell differentiation and apoptosis
Sphingolipid changes in rat cerebral cortex during focal ischemia–how does Ceramide accumulate in an ischemic condition?
Inhibition of gp120 binding to galactosyl Ceramide and sulfatide by potential anti-HIV compounds
The role of Ceramide in cell death
Phosphatidylethanolamine: Ceramide-ethanolaminephosphotransferase activity in synaptic plasma membrane vesicles. Influence of some cations and phospholipid …
Synthesis of a glioma-related ganglioside, O-Ac GM3 having 3-O-Ac Ceramide and its substrate property toward hydrolases
… N-Acetyl-Neuraminic Acid 8: Synthesis of S-(α-Sialyl)-(2→ 6)-β-Hexopyranosyl and -(2→ 6′)-β-Lactosyl Ceramides Containing β-Thioglycosidically Linked Ceramide
Isolation and Characterization of Ceramide 2-Aminoethyiphosphonate from Ova of the Fresh-Water Bivalve, Hyriopsis schlegelii
Purification and characterization of UDP-gal: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and reconstitution of its activity by incorporation into liposomes
Determination of Ceramide in Mouse Epiderm by Thin-layer Chromatography and G el Image-Forming System
Isolation and Purification of Ceramide-aminoethylphosphonate in the
Ceramide to grow into a full regimen
The retarded rate of acid-catalyzed solvolysis of glycoside bonds between reducing-end glucose residue and Ceramide in glycosphingolipids compared with that of …
The Presence of a Novel Compound, Ceramide-1-Phosphate, in HL-60 Cells
Biochemistry of Organ Glycolipid: I. Ceramide-Oligohexosides of Human, Equine and Bovine Spleens
Acid lipase expression in cultured human keratinocytes: potential role in epidermal Ceramide metabolism
The Evidence for the Functioning of Ceramide as a Second Messenger
Ceramide-mediated c-jun Gene Expression in U-937 Cells
Original Articles; Effects of Sphingomyelin Hydrolysis and Ceramide on the Inhibition of Cell Growth
… of Sialyl-α (2→ 6)-D-glucopyranosyl, 2-Acetamido-2-deoxyhexopyranosyl, and Sialyl-α (2→ 3)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranosyl Ceramide or the Analogs at …
Occurrence of Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate in Edible
Radiochemical Decomposition of lactosyl‐6‐[3H]‐Ceramide
Surface expression of glycolipids: effect of membrane environment and glycolipid Ceramide structure.
The androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cells undergo apoptosis in response to C2-Ceramide treatment: a role of Ceramide in induction of apoptosis
Synthesis of a Ganglioside GM3 Position Isomer, N-Acetylneuraminosyl-α (2→ 6)-lactosyl-β (1→ 1)-Ceramide
Programmed Cell Death lnduced by Ceramide
Immunochemical Studies on Phosphonolipids (Ceramide 2-Aminoethylphosphonate)
Role for Ceramide in apoptosis of leukemia cells
Ceramide, Aging and Cellular Senescence
Apoptosis and Ceramide Generation by Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from AIDS
Rapid internalization of exogenous ganglioside GM3 and its metabolism to Ceramide in human myelogenous leukemia HL-60 cells compared with control …
Branched Long-chain Bases in Ceramide 2-Aminoethylphosphonate from Ova of the Fresh-water Bivalve, Hyriopsis schlegelii
Synthesis of Ganglioside GM3 and GM4 Analogs Having Mimics of Ceramide Moieties and Their Binding Activities with Influenza Virus A.
Phase behavior of artificial intercellular stratum corneum lipids containing a synthetic pseudo-Ceramide and mechanism for the formation of lamellar membranes
Ceramide changes during FAS (CD95/APO-1) mediated programmed cell death are blocked with the ICE protease inhibitor zVAD. FMK: Evidence against an …
Cell Cycle Alteration and Apoptosis Induced by Ceramide in IM-9 Cells
Biological relations between parasite polyhexosamine of the Ceramide complex and blood group antigen.
… synthesis of (2S, 3S, 4R)-2-[(2′ R)-2-benzoyloxydocosanoylamino]-16-methylheptadecane-1, 3, 4,-triol 3, 4-dibenzoate, a partially protected Ceramide part of sponge …
Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy and neutral lipid, phospholipid, and Ceramide composition of normal and hereditary lysosomal β-glucosidase deficient …
… Studies on Sialoglycoconjugates 88: Synthesis of Ganglioside GM3 and GM4 Analogs Containing 2- OR 3-Branched Fatty-Alkyl Residues in Place of Ceramide
… of the protein kinase C enzyme system. Chapter Two. Syntheses of fumonisin analogues as non-metabolizable protein kinase C inhibitors and as proposed Ceramide …
Biochemistry of Organ Glycolipids: III. The Structures of Human Kidney Cerebroside Sulfuric Ester, Ceramide Dihexoside and Ceramide Trihexoside
Abnormal expression of sphingomyelin acylase results in the Ceramide deficiency and the vulnerable basis to inflammation in atopic dermatitis.
Induction of p21 and apoptosis by Ceramide in Human Hepatoma Cells
Induction of decidual cell prostaglandin E 2 by Ceramide.
Effects of Ceramide on c-fos and c-jun Gene Expression during Differentiation of U-937 Cells.
Effects of Sini decoction on atherosclerosis and Ceramide content of aorta in rabbits
Characterization of beta (1-3) galactosyltransferase and Ceramide glycanase involved in biosynthesis and degradation of gangliosides
Ceramide mechanism of anti-myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury of effective position in Sini Decoction
Chemistry of Lipid of the Posthemolytic Residue or Stroma of Erythrocytes: XVI. Occurrence of Ceramide Pentasaccharide in the Membrane of Erythrocytes and …
Ceramide, a Mediator of Cytosine Arabinoside Induced Apoptosis
Induction of p53-independent p21 during Ceramide-mediated G1 arrest in Human Hepatoma cells
Linking AZT to Ceramide Increases Drug Uptake, Retention and Antiviral Action While Decreasing Bone Marrow Toxicity
Biochemistry of Shellfish Lipid:III. Purification and Elemental Analysis of Ceramide Aminoethylphosphonate from Corbicula Complex Lipid Mixtures
Crystallographic and molecular structure of trihexosyl-Ceramide deposits characteristic of Fabry’s disease (particularly the rheumatic form). Digital imaging processing
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies directed to glucosyl Ceramide, galactosyl Ceramide and lactosyl Ceramide
… and biological activity of the isomers and analogs of (4E, 8E, 2S, 3R, 2’R)-N-2′-hydroxyhexadecanoyl-9-methyl-4, 8-sphingadienine, the Ceramide portion of the …
Effect of thyroxine on synthesis of Ceramide, sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine in rat hepatocytes
Regulation of sodium-potassium ion-ATPase by sulfogalactosyl Ceramide in the gill basolateral membrane of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Ceramide and Cell Suicide Pathways: 449
bile acids, Ceramide, chylomicrons, gangliosides, and lecithin-all of which are considered in the text.
Expression of UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene in jimpy mutant mice.
… . V. The structure of a novel Ceramide octasaccharide containing mannose-6-phosphate found in the bivalve, Corbicula sandai.: V. The Structure of a Novel Ceramide …
Detection of S-100 antigen and anti Ceramide antibody in sera of leprosy patients with and without reaction.
… by monocytes as well as on the proliferative activity of this lymphokine on thymocytes depends on the structures of both oligosaccharide and Ceramide moieties of the …
Acetyl-Ceramide induced apoptosis in cultured human keratinocytes.
P-50: Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide mimic TNF-α inhibitory effect on insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1
A Reverse transcriptase Inhibitor-Ceramide Prodrug Providing greater Cell & Organ Uptake, Retention, Antiviral Action and Reduced Marrow Progenitor Cell Toxicity …
{omicron}-{beta}-D-Galp-(1 {yields} 1)-D-glycerol and {omicron}-{beta}-D-Galp-(1 {yields} 1)-Ceramide of Ramalina celastri;{omicron}-{beta}-D-Galp-(1 {yields} 1)-D …
Regulation of Ceramide production and apoptosis
Signal transduction of stress via Ceramide
Ceramide and apoptosis
Ceramide in the eukaryotic stress response
Inhibition of Akt kinase by cell-permeable Ceramide and its implications for Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide interaction with the respiratory chain of heart mitochondria
Ceramide and cholesterol composition of the skin of patients with atopic dermatitis
Ceramide in apoptosis—does it really matter?
Ceramide and sphingomyelinases in the regulation of stress responses
p53-dependent Ceramide response to genotoxic stress.
The lipids C2-and C16-Ceramide form large stable channels: implications for apoptosis
Ceramide inhibits protein kinase B/Akt by promoting dephosphorylation of serine 473
Mass spectrometric identification of increased C16 Ceramide levels during apoptosis
The role of Ceramide composition in the lipid organisation of the skin barrier
Role of Ceramide 1 in the molecular organization of the stratum corneum lipids
Inhibition of PKB/Akt1 by C2-Ceramide involves activation of Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase in PC12 cells
Cathepsin D targeted by acid sphingomyelinase‐derived Ceramide
Ceramide as a second messenger: sticky solutions to sticky problems
Stress signals for apoptosis: Ceramide and c-Jun kinase
Ceramide induces Bcl2 dephosphorylation via a mechanism involving mitochondrial PP2A
Modification of Ceramide metabolism increases cancer cell sensitivity to cytotoxics.
Role of Ceramide in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced signaling: LPS increases Ceramide rather than acting as a structural homolog
Ceramide directly activates protein kinase C ζ to regulate a stress-activated protein kinase signaling complex
BAD enables Ceramide to signal apoptosis via Ras and Raf-1
Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: involvement of sustained Ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation
Heat-induced elevation of Ceramide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae via de novo synthesis
Regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transporter GLUT4 translocation and Akt kinase activity by Ceramide
Increase of Ceramide and Induction of Mixed Apoptosis/Necrosis by N -(4-Hydroxyphenyl)- retinamide in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines
Mitochondria and cells produce reactive oxygen species in virtual anaerobiosis: relevance to Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Induction of Ceramide-mediated apoptosis by the anticancer phospholipid analog, hexadecylphosphocholine
Phase behavior and molecular interactions in mixtures of Ceramide with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine
Diversity and complexity of Ceramide signalling in apoptosis
Vectorial budding of vesicles by asymmetrical enzymatic formation of Ceramide in giant liposomes
Biophysics of Ceramide signaling: interaction with proteins and phase transition of membranes
Ceramide induces cytochrome c release from isolated mitochondria: importance of mitochondrial redox state
Quantitative measurement of different Ceramide species from crude cellular extracts by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS)
Ceramide generation is sufficient to account for the inhibition of the insulin-stimulated PKB pathway in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells pretreated with palmitate
Cytokine-mediated induction of Ceramide production is redox-sensitive: implications to proinflammatory cytokine-mediated apoptosis in demyelinating …
De novo‐synthesized Ceramide signals apoptosis in astrocytes via extracellular signal‐regulated kinase
… endothelial cells are a rich and regulatable source of secretory sphingomyelinase: implications for early atherogenesis and Ceramide-mediated cell signaling
High-expression of sphingomyelin deacylase is an important determinant of Ceramide deficiency leading to barrier disruption in atopic Dermatitis1
Hypoxic preconditioning protects cultured neurons against hypoxic stress via TNF-α and Ceramide
N-acylated serinol is a novel Ceramide mimic inducing apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells
Expression of glucosylCeramide synthase, converting Ceramide to glucosylCeramide, confers adriamycin resistance in human breast cancer cells
Pivotal role for acidic sphingomyelinase in cerebral ischemia-induced Ceramide and cytokine production, and neuronal apoptosis
The formation of Ceramide-1-phosphate during neutrophil phagocytosis and its role in liposome fusion
L‐carnitine prevents doxorubicin‐induced apoptosis of cardiac myocytes: role of inhibition of Ceramide generation
Effect of the lactic acid BacteriumStreptococcus thermophilus on Ceramide levels in human KeratinocytesIn vitro and stratum corneum in vivo
Ceramide path in human lung cell death
CLN3 defines a novel antiapoptotic pathway operative in neurodegeneration and mediated by Ceramide
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry studies of fatty acid homogeneous Ceramide 2
Selective Ceramide binding to protein kinase C-α and-δ isoenzymes in renal mesangial cells
Ceramidase activity in bacterial skin flora as a possible cause of Ceramide deficiency in atopic dermatitis
Ceramide mediates radiation-induced death of endothelium
Quantitative analysis of Ceramide molecular species by high performance liquid chromatography
UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase is a class I integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum
The use of diglyceride kinase for quantifying Ceramide
The yins and yangs of Ceramide
Atypical PKC ζ is activated by Ceramide, resulting in coactivation of NF‐κb/JNK kinase and cell survival
Ordering of Ceramide formation, caspase activation, and Bax/Bcl-2 expression during etoposide-induced apoptosis in C6 glioma cells
FK506 prevents stroke-induced generation of Ceramide and apoptosis signaling
Specific and sensitive assay for alkaline and neutral ceramidases involving C12-NBD-Ceramide
Epidermal growth factor inhibits Ceramide‐induced apoptosis and lowersn> Ceramide levels in primary placental trophoblasts
H2O2 acts on cellular membranes to generate Ceramide signaling and initiate apoptosis in tracheobronchial epithelial cells
Cloning of an alkaline ceramidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: an enzyme with reverse (CoA-independent) Ceramide synthase activity
Calcium-independent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by Ceramide
Suppression of Ceramide-mediated apoptosis by HSP70
Integrins αvβ3 and αvβ5 Are Expressed by Endothelium of High-Risk Neuroblastoma and Their Inhibition Is Associated with Increased Endogenous Ceramide
Sindbis virus entry into cells triggers apoptosis by activating sphingomyelinase, leading to the release of Ceramide
Permeability barrier disorder in Niemann–Pick disease: sphingomyelin–Ceramide processing required for normal barrier homeostasis
Sphingomyelin hydrolysis to Ceramide during the execution phase of apoptosis results from phospholipid scrambling and alters cell-surface morphology
Ceramide concentrations in septic patients: a possible marker of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide stimulate the expression of inducible nitric-oxide synthase in rat primary astrocytes
p21 promotes Ceramide-induced apoptosis and antagonizes the antideath effect of Bcl-2 in human hepatocarcinoma cells
Difference in Ceramide composition between” dry” and” normal” skin in patients with atopic dermatitis
Stress‐induced apoptosis is not mediated by endolysosomal Ceramide
Ceramide activates NFκB by inducing the processing of p105
Natural Ceramide is unable to escape the lysosome, in contrast to a fluorescent analogue
Nitric oxide inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis by reducing the generation of Ceramide
Sphingomyelin synthase, a potential regulator of intracellular levels of Ceramide and diacylglycerol during SV40 transformation: does sphingomyelin synthase …
Activation of sphingolipid turnover and chronic generation of Ceramide and sphingosine in liver during aging
Ceramide signaling downstream of the p75 neurotrophin receptor mediates the effects of nerve growth factor on outgrowth of cultured hippocampal neurons
Non‐enzymatic triggering of the Ceramide signalling cascade by solar UVA radiation
Two Ceramide subfractions detectable in Cer (AS) position by HPTLC in skin surface lipids of non-lesional skin of atopic eczema
Nitric oxide donors induce stress signaling via Ceramide formation in rat renal mesangial cells
Implication of radical oxygen species in Ceramide generation, c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and apoptosis induced by daunorubicin
Role of the Outward Delayed Rectifier K+ Current in Ceramide‐Induced Caspase Activation and Apoptosis in Cultured Cortical Neurons
Altered sphingomyelinase and Ceramide expression in the setting of ischemic and nephrotoxic acute renal failure
Doxorubicin induces slow Ceramide accumulation and late apoptosis in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes
Apoptosis and dysregulated Ceramide metabolism in a murine model of alcohol‐enhanced lipopolysaccharide hepatotoxicity
Positive feedback control of neutral sphingomyelinase activity by Ceramide
Modulation of the Ceramide level, a novel therapeutic concept
Cell-cycle-dependent changes in Ceramide levels preceding retinoblastoma protein dephosphorylation in G2/M
Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated gene product inhibits DNA damage-induced apoptosis via Ceramide synthase
Ordering of Ceramide formation, caspase activation, and mitochondrial changes during CD95-and DNA damage–induced apoptosis
Ceramide regulates the transcription of cyclooxygenase-2: evidence for involvement of extracellular signal-regulated kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 …
Inhibition of neutral sphingomyelinase activation and Ceramide formation by glutathione in hypoxic PC12 cell death
Purification and characterization of Ceramide-activated protein phosphatases
Binding and antigen presentation of Ceramide-containing glycolipids by soluble mouse and human CD1d molecules
Ceramide formation leads to caspase-3 activation during hypoxic PC12 cell death: inhibitory effects of Bcl-2 on Ceramide formation and caspase-3 activation
Advances in the signal transduction of Ceramide and related sphingolipids
Effect of Ceramide on KCa Channel Activity and Vascular Tone in Coronary Arteries
Ceramide analysis utilizing gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Genetic evidence for ATP-dependent endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi apparatus trafficking of Ceramide for sphingomyelin synthesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells
The identification of three biologically relevant globotriaosyl Ceramide receptor binding sites on the Verotoxin 1 B subunit
Inhibition of sphingolipid induced apoptosis by caspase inhibitors indicates that sphingosine acts in an earlier part of the apoptotic pathway than Ceramide
Lipopolysaccharide and Ceramide use divergent signaling pathways to induce cell death in murine macrophages
Ceramide-coated balloon catheters limit neointimal hyperplasia after stretch injury in carotid arteries
… by Ceramide synthase: formation of N-palmitoyl-aminopentol produces a toxic metabolite of hydrolyzed fumonisin, AP1, and a new category of Ceramide …
Keloid fibroblasts resist Ceramide-induced apoptosis by overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I receptor
Reversal of radiation resistance in LNCaP cells by targeting apoptosis through Ceramide synthase
Requirement of seminolipid in spermatogenesis revealed by UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase-deficient mice
A role for neutral sphingomyelinase-mediated Ceramide production in T cell receptor–induced apoptosis and mitogen-activated protein kinase–mediated signal …
Molecular cloning and characterization of the mouse Ceramide glucosyltransferase gene
Multidrug resistance modulators and doxorubicin synergize to elevate Ceramide levels and elicit apoptosis in drug‐resistant cancer cells
… plays a drug-efflux–independent role in augmenting cell survival in acute myeloblastic leukemia and is associated with modulation of a sphingomyelin-Ceramide …
Ceramide initiates NFκB-mediated caspase activation in neuronal apoptosis
Activation of Src family kinase yes induced by Shiga toxin binding to globotriaosyl Ceramide (Gb3/CD77) in low density, detergent-insoluble microdomains
Effects of Ceramide on apoptosis, proteoglycan degradation, and matrix metalloproteinase expression in rabbit articular cartilage
Restoration of TNF‐α‐induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis in resistant human leukemia KG1a cells by the P‐glycoprotein blocker PSC833
C2‐Ceramide induces apoptosis in a human squamous cell carcinoma cell line
Induction of endocytic vesicles by exogenous C6-Ceramide
Lack of Ceramide generation in TF-1 human myeloid leukemic cells resistant to ionizing radiation
Exchange of C16-Ceramide between Phospholipid Vesicles
Uncoupling Ceramide glycosylation by transfection of glucosylCeramide synthase antisense reverses adriamycin resistance
The Role of De Novo Ceramide Synthesis in Chemotherapy‐Induced Apoptosis
Combined cytotoxic action of paclitaxel and Ceramide against the human Tu138 head and neck squamous carcinoma cell line
Apoptotic signal of Fas is not mediated by Ceramide
Partial purification and characterization of sphingosine N-acyltransferase (Ceramide synthase) from bovine liver mitochondrion-rich fraction
… -induced apoptosis in PC12 cells is associated with diminished membrane phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, accumulation of Ceramide and diacylglycerol, and …
Ceramide accumulation during oxidant renal tubular injury: mechanisms and potential consequences.
Ceramide toxicity and metabolism differ in wild-type and multidrug-resistant cancer cells.
Ceramide generation in nitric oxide-induced apoptosis: activation of magnesium-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase via caspase-3
Glycosylation of Ceramide potentiates cellular resistance to tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis
Ceramide and its interconvertible metabolite sphingosine function as indispensable lipid factors involved in survival and dendritic differentiation of cerebellar Purkinje …
Possible involvement of Ceramide in the regulation of rat Leydig cell function
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide analogs induce contraction and rises in [Ca2+]i in canine cerebral vascular muscle
Does Ceramide play a role in neural cell apoptosis?
Membrane-Destabilizing Properties of C2-Ceramide May Be Responsible for Its Ability To Inhibit Platelet Aggregation
Caspases are the main executioners of Fas-mediated apoptosis, irrespective of the Ceramide signalling pathway
The role of Ceramide in the cellular response to cytotoxic agents
A possible role of nuclear Ceramide and sphingosine in hepatocyte apoptosis in rat liver
Tumor Necrosis Factor, Ceramide, Transforming Growth Factor-β1, and Aging Reduce Na+/I− Symporter Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Levels in FRTL-5 Cells
Regulation of intracellular Ceramide content in B16 melanoma cells: biological implications of Ceramide glycosylation
Ceramide second messengers and Ceramide assays
The stimulation of ketogenesis by cannabinoids in cultured astrocytes defines carnitine palmitoyltransferase I as a new Ceramide‐activated enzyme
HPTLC analysis of sphingomylein, Ceramide and sphingosine in ischemic/reperfused rat heart
Role of enhanced Ceramide generation in DNA damage and cell death in chemical hypoxic injury to LLC-PK1 cells
Association of Ceramide accumulation with photodynamic treatment‐induced cell death
Differential responses of oligodendrocytes to tumor necrosis factor and other pro‐apoptotic agents: role of Ceramide in apoptosis
Verotoxin/globotriaosyl Ceramide recognition: angiopathy, angiogenesis and antineoplasia
Bipotential roles of Ceramide in the growth of hippocampal neurons: Promotion of cell survival and dendritic outgrowth in dose‐and developmental stage–dependent …
Role of an acidic compartment in tumor‐necrosis‐factor‐α− induced production of Ceramide, activation of caspase‐3 and apoptosis
Tumor necrosis factor induces Ceramide oscillations and negatively controls sphingolipid synthases by caspases in apoptotic Kym-1 cells
Lethal forebrain ischemia stimulates sphingomyelin hydrolysis and Ceramide generation in the gerbil hippocampus
TNF-α-induced endothelium-independent vasodilation: a role for phospholipase A2-dependent Ceramide signaling
Ceramide induces expression of the senescence histochemical marker, β-galactosidase, in human fibroblasts
Ceramide can induce cell death in sensory neurons, whereas Ceramide analogues and sphingosine promote survival
Role of Ceramide in neuronal cell death and differentiation
Synthetic assembly of trisaccharide moieties of globotriaosyl Ceramide using carbosilane dendrimers as cores. A new type of functional glyco-material
… of the endoplasmic reticulum/nuclear envelope by retrograde transport may determine cell hypersensitivity to verotoxin via globotriaosyl Ceramide fatty acid isoform …
TNF-α pretreatment prevents subsequent activation of cultured brain cells with TNF-α and hypoxia via Ceramide
Ceramide-induced cell death is independent of the Fas/Fas ligand pathway and is prevented by Nur77 overexpression in A20 B cells
Oxalate-induced Ceramide accumulation in Madin-Darby canine kidney and LLC-PK1 cells
Fumonisin B1 induces apoptosis in cultured human keratinocytes through sphinganine accumulation and Ceramide depletion.
Digestion of Ceramide by human milk bile salt-stimulated lipase
Early transitory rise in intracellular pH leads to Bax conformation change during Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide generation by the Reaper protein is not blocked by the caspase inhibitor, p35
Reconstitution of ATP-and cytosol-dependent transport of de novo synthesized Ceramide to the site of sphingomyelin synthesis in semi-intact cells
Signal transduction and the regulation of apoptosis: roles of Ceramide
Dexamethasone suppresses tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis in osteoblasts: possible role for Ceramide
Synergistic Cytotoxicity in Solid Tumor Cell Lines Between N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)retinamide and Modulators of Ceramide Metabolism
Lamellar granule biogenesis: a role for Ceramide glucosyltransferase, lysosomal enzyme transport, and the Golgi
Sphingomyelin, glycosphingolipids and Ceramide signalling in cells exposed to P‐fimbriated Escherichia coli
The structure of D-erythro-C18 Ceramide at the air-water interface
… and characterization of a neutral ceramidase from mouse liver: a single protein catalyzes the reversible reaction in which Ceramide is both hydrolyzed and …
Role of c-jun expression increased by heat shock-and Ceramide-activated caspase-3 in HL-60 cell apoptosis: possible involvement of Ceramide in heat shock …
Regulation of rheumatoid synovial cell growth by Ceramide
Dual role of Ceramide in the control of apoptosis following IL-2 withdrawal
Radiation-induced apoptosis: The Ceramide-SAPK signaling pathway and clinical aspects
New Ceramide from Marine Sponge Haliclona koremella and Related Compounds as Antifouling Substances against Macroalgae
Differential effects of glycolipid biosynthesis inhibitors on Ceramide‐induced cell death in neuroblastoma cells
Effect of Ceramide on intracellular glutathione determines apoptotic or necrotic cell death of JB6 tumor cells
Analysis of sphingomyelin, glucosylCeramide, Ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine 1-phosphate by tandem mass spectrometry.
A potential role for Ceramide in the regulation of mouse epidermal keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation
CD40 signals apoptosis through FAN-regulated activation of the sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway
Effect of L-carnitine treatment in vivo on apoptosis and Ceramide generation in peripheral blood lymphocytes from AIDS patients.
Resistance to CD95/Fas-induced and Ceramide-mediated apoptosis of human melanoma cells is caused by a defective mitochondrial cytochrome c release
Nitric oxide stimulates chronic Ceramide formation in glomerular endothelial cells
Metabolism and apoptotic properties of elevated Ceramide in HT29rev cells
Renal cortical Ceramide patterns during ischemic and toxic injury: assessments by HPLC-mass spectrometry
Ceramide‐independent CD28 and TCR signaling but reduced IL‐2 secretion in T cells of acid sphingomyelinase‐deficient mice
Reduction of sphingomyelin level without accumulation of Ceramide in Chinese hamster ovary cells affects detergent-resistant membrane domains and …
Potential role for Ceramide in mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells induced by oxidized low density …
Ceramide-induced apoptosis occurs independently of caspases and is decreased by leupeptin
Possible involvement of cytochrome c release and sequential activation of caspases in Ceramide-induced apoptosis in SK-N-MC cells
Initiation of ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis: DNA damage-mediated or does Ceramide have a role?
Globotriaosyl Ceramide (CD77/Gb3) in the glycolipid-enriched membrane domain participates in B-cell receptor–mediated apoptosis by regulating Lyn kinase …
Synthesis of Ceramide Analogues Having the C (4)− C (5) Bond of the Long-Chain Base as Part of an Aromatic or Heteroaromatic System
Proapoptotic activity of a Trypanosoma cruzi Ceramide-containing glycolipid turned on in host macrophages by IFN-γ
Paclitaxel-induced apoptosis in Jurkat, a leukemic T cell line, is enhanced by Ceramide
Extended Ceramide exposure activates the trkA receptor by increasing receptor homodimer formation
BCR–ABL accelerates C2-Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Synthesis and apoptogenic activity of fluorinated Ceramide and dihydroCeramide analogues
Involvement of p27kip1 in Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in HL-60 cells
Inhibitory effects of TNFα on mouse tumor Leydig cells: possible role of Ceramide in the mechanism of action
Ceramide induces cytochrome c release from isolated mitochondria
Ceramide-induced killing of normal and malignant human lymphocytes is by a non-apoptotic mechanism
A new 6-hydroxy-4-sphingenine-containing Ceramide in human skin
Ceramide induction of COX-2 and PGE2 in pulmonary A549 cells does not involve activation of NF-κB
Ceramide inhibits L-type calcium channel currents in rat pinealocytes
Apoptosis induction in synovial fibroblasts by Ceramide: in vitro and in vivo effects
Overexpression of Akt (protein kinase B) confers protection against apoptosis and prevents formation of Ceramide in response to pro‐apoptotic stimuli
Relationships of apoptotic signaling mediated by Ceramide and TNF-α in U937 cells
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulation of Ceramide-induced apoptosis in murine hepatoma 1c1c7 cells: a function independent of aryl hydrocarbon receptor …
Apoptosis induced by Ceramide in hepatocellular carcinoma Bel7402 cells.
… 1-phosphate inhibits activation of caspases that cleave poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and lamins during Fas-and Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T …
Polyene antibiotics: relative degrees of in vitro cytotoxicity and potential effects on tubule phospholipid and Ceramide content
Changes in Ceramide and sphingomyelin following fludarabine treatment of human chronic B-cell leukemia cells
Partial lithium-associated protection against apoptosis induced by C2-Ceramide in cerebellar granule neurons
Caspase-dependent Ceramide production in Fas-and HLA class I-mediated peripheral T cell apoptosis
Stereoselective preparation of Ceramide and its skeleton backbone modified analogues via cyclic thionocarbonate intermediates derived by catalytic asymmetric …
The growth arrest and downregulation of c-myc transcription induced by Ceramide are related events dependent on p21 induction, Rb underphosphorylation and E2F …
Down-regulation of Ceramide production abrogates ionizing radiation-induced cytochrome c release and apoptosis
Ceramide-induced TCR up-regulation
Is Ceramide signaling a target for vascular therapeutic intervention?
Activation of the sphingomyelinase/Ceramide signal transduction pathway in insulin-secreting beta-cells: role in cytokine-induced beta-cell death.
Characterization of UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferases from different organisms
Inhibition of human erythroid colony formation by Ceramide
Streptolysin O-permeabilized granulocytes shed L-selectin concomitantly with Ceramide generation via neutral sphingomyelinase
Application of exogenous Ceramide to cultured rat spinal motoneurons promotes survival or death by regulation of apoptosis depending on its concentrations
Activation of a Plasma Membrane–Associated Neutral Sphingomyelinase and Concomitant Ceramide Accumulation During IgG-Dependent Phagocytosis in Human …
Comparative analysis of Ceramide structural modification found in fungal cerebrosides by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry with low energy collision‐induced …
Tumor necrosis factor-α and Ceramide induce cell death through different mechanisms in rat mesangial cells
On the complexities of Ceramide changes in cells undergoing apoptosis: lack of evidence for a second messenger function in apoptotic induction
The role of the endothelium in Ceramide-induced vasodilation
Daunorubicin-and mitoxantrone-triggered phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis: implication in drug-induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis
Ceramide-β-d-Glucuronide: Synthesis, Digestion, and Suppression of Early Markers of Colon Carcinogenesis
[24] Ceramide kinase
Two distinct phospholipases C of Listeria monocytogenes induce Ceramide generation, nuclear factor-κB activation, and E-selectin expression in human endothelial …
Incorporation of Ceramide 3B in dermatocosmetic emulsions: effect on the transepidermal water loss of sodium lauryl sulphate‐damaged skin
Apoptosis Induced by Doxorubicin in Neurotumor Cells Is Divorced from Drug Effects on Ceramide Accumulation and May Involve Cell Cycle‐Dependent Caspase …
Ceramide induces caspase‐independent apoptosis in rat hepatocytes sensitized by inhibition of RNA synthesis
Ceramide-induced apoptosis of human thyroid cancer cells resistant to apoptosis by irradiation
Ceramide-induced sustained depression of synaptic currents mediated by ionotropic glutamate receptors in the hippocampus: an essential role of postsynaptic protein …
GlucosylCeramide synthase does not attenuate the Ceramide pool accumulating during apoptosis induced by CD95 or anti-cancer regimens
Different effects of cell‐permeable Ceramide analogs on platelet activation
Helicobacter pylori–dependent Ceramide production may mediate increased interleukin 8 expression in human gastric cancer cell lines
The roles of Ceramide in the regulation of neuronal growth and development
Tumor necrosis factor-α induces apoptosis in immortalized hypothalamic neurons: involvement of Ceramide-generating pathways
Apoptosis and activation of the sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway induced by oxidized low density lipoproteins are not causally related in ECV-304 …
Limited role of Ceramide in lipopolysaccharide-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, transcription factor induction, and cytokine release
A novel pathway for tumor necrosis factor-α and Ceramide signaling involving sequential activation of tyrosine kinase, p21ras, and phosphatidylinositol 3 …
TNF-α increases Ceramide without inducing apoptosis in alveolar type II epithelial cells
The p75NTR-induced apoptotic program develops through a Ceramide-caspase pathway negatively regulated by nitric oxide
Fas-induced apoptosis in rat thecal/interstitial cells signals through sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway
Influence of Bax or Bcl-2 overexpression on the Ceramide-dependent apoptotic pathway in glioma cells
Fas or Ceramide induce apoptosis by Ras-regulated phosphoinositide-3-kinase activation
Ceramide, a mediator of interleukin 1, tumour necrosis factor α, as well as Fas receptor signalling, induces apoptosis of rheumatoid arthritis synovial cells
Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/C16: 0-Ceramide binary liposomes studied by differential scanning calorimetry and wide-and small-angle x-ray scattering
Protective effects of the TNF-Ceramide pathway against glutamate neurotoxicity on cultured mesencephalic neurons
… of a novel trans double bond Ceramide analogue via catalytic asymmetric dihydroxylation of an enyne. The role of the trans double bond of Ceramide in the fusion of …
Ceramide-mediated stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) accumulation in murine macrophages requires tyrosine …
Adamantyl globotriaosyl Ceramide: a monovalent soluble mimic which inhibits verotoxin binding to its glycolipid receptor
Induction of Apoptosis by All-trans-Retinoic Acid and C2-Ceramide Treatment in Rat Stromal–Vascular Cultures
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide inhibit formation of F-actin ring in and bone resorption by rabbit mature osteoclasts
Induction of apoptosis by synthetic Ceramide analogues in the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT
CML and apoptosis: the Ceramide pathway.
Ceramide induces apoptosis to immature cerebellar granule cells in culture
Ceramide transport from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi apparatus is not vesicle-mediated
Substrate specificity and some other enzymatic properties of dihydroCeramide desaturase (Ceramide synthase) in fetal rat skin
Ceramide inhibits inwardly rectifying K+ currents via a Ras-and Raf-1-dependent pathway in cultured oligodendrocytes
Suramin induced Ceramide accumulation leads to apoptotic cell death in dorsal root ganglion neurons
Biochemical and morphological identification of Ceramide-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cultured granulosa cells
Synthesis of β-d-Galactosyl Ceramide Methylene Isostere
Enzymatic synthesis of ω-amino-Ceramide: preparation of a sensitive fluorescent substrate for ceramidase
Enhancement of fibroblast collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase-1) gene expression by Ceramide is mediated by extracellular signal-regulated and stress …
Atomic force microscopic study on the surface properties of phospholipid monolayers containing Ceramide 3
Acid sphingomyelinase-derived Ceramide is not required for inflammatory cytokine signalling in murine macrophages
Molecular cloning and expression of mouse Ceramide glucosyltransferase
Protein tyrosine kinase p56 lck is required for Ceramide-induced but not tumor necrosis factor-induced activation of NF-κB, AP-1, JNK, and apoptosis
An accessory role for Ceramide in interleukin-1β induced prostaglandin synthesis
Potentiation by vitamin D analogs of TNFα and Ceramide-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells is associated with activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2
Induction of p21 during Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma cells
Globotriaosyl Ceramide (Gb_3) expression in human tumour cells: Intracellular trafficking defines a new retrograde transport pathway from the cell surface to the …
Biomodulatory role of Ceramide in basic fibroblast growth factor‐induced proliferation of cerebellar astrocytes in primary culture
Enhancement of hydrolytic activity of sphingolipid Ceramide N-deacylase in the aqueous–organic biphasic system
Inhibition of caspase activity prevents anti-IgM induced apoptosis but not Ceramide generation in WEHI 231 B cells
Involvement of de novo Ceramide biosynthesis in lymphotoxin-induced oligodendrocyte death
Ceramide prevents motoneuronal cell death through inhibition of oxidative signal
Neurotrophic factors prevent Ceramide‐induced apoptosis downstream of c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase activation in PC12 cells
A New Ceramide with a Novel Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Isolated from the Epiphytic Dinoflagellate Coolia monotis
Caspases mediate C2-Ceramide-induced apoptosis of the human oligodendroglial cell line, MO3. 13
Induction of the manganese superoxide dismutase gene by sphingomyelinase and Ceramide
Ceramide triggers p53-dependent apoptosis in genetically defined fibrosarcoma tumour cells
Ceramide 2 (N‐acetyl sphingosine) is associated with reduction in Bcl‐2 protein levels by Western blotting and with apoptosis in cultured human keratinocytes
Ceramide promotes calpain-mediated proteolysis of protein kinase C β in murine polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Ceramide triggers intracellular calcium release via the IP3 receptor inXenopus laevisoocytes
Ceramide increases steroid hormone production in MA-10 Leydig cells
Ceramide derivatives for therapeutic agents
SDZ PSC 833, the cyclosporine A analogue and multidrug resistance modulator, activates Ceramide synthesis and increases vinblastine sensitivity in drug-sensitive …
… is a potent competitive inhibitor of sphingosine kinase but not of protein kinase C: modulation of cellular levels of sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide
Synthesis and immobilization of Ceramide analogs on silica particles
Regulation of UDP‐glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase‐1 by Ceramide
Synthesis and biological evaluation of Ceramide analogues with substituted aromatic rings or an allylic fluoride in the sphingoid moiety
Ceramide induces cell death in the human prostatic carcinoma cell lines PC3 and DU145 but does not seem to be involved in Fas-mediated apoptosis
Functional significance of globotriaosyl Ceramide in interferon‐α2/type 1 interferon receptor‐mediated antiviral activity
Caveolin 1-mediated regulation of receptor tyrosine kinase-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity by Ceramide
Evidence that Ceramide mediates the ability of tumor necrosis factor to modulate primitive human hematopoietic cell fates
Involvement of caspase 3-and 8-like proteases in Ceramide-induced apoptosis of cardiomyocytes
Elevated Ceramide is downstream of altered calcium homeostasis in low serum-induced apoptosis
Phosphatidic acid is a potent and selective inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 and an inhibitor of Ceramide-mediated responses
… of a novel platelet-activating factor (PAF)-dependent transacetylase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of PAF, formation of PAF analogs, and C2-Ceramide
Sphingosine-and Ceramide-analog toxins—an update
Hypothesis: Ceramide conditionally activates atypical protein kinases C, Raf-1 and KSR through binding to their cysteine-rich domains.
Ceramide accumulation is associated with increased apoptotic cell death in cultured fibroblasts of sphingolipid activator protein‐deficient mouse but not in fibroblasts …
Programmed cell death in cortical chick embryo astrocytes is associated with activation of protein kinase PK60 and Ceramide formation
Ceramide and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) induce cAMP response element binding protein phosphorylation via distinct signaling pathways while having …
Identification of Ceramide targets in interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α signaling in mesangial cells
Isolation and chemical composition of the Ceramide of the Candida lipolytica yeast
The mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway inhibits Ceramide-induced terminal differentiation of a human monoblastic leukemia cell line, U937
L-selectin stimulates the neutral sphingomyelinase and induces release of Ceramide
Synovial fibroblasts and the sphingomyelinase pathway: sphingomyelin turnover and Ceramide generation are not signaling mechanisms for the actions of tumor …
Distinct effects of Ceramide‐generating pathways in prostate adenocarcinoma cells
Inhibition of phosphatidylcholine synthesis precedes apoptosis induced by C2-Ceramide: protection by exogenous phosphatidylcholine
Regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 activity by Ceramide
Decreased phospholipase D (PLD) activity in Ceramide-induced apoptosis of human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT
Akt mediates insulin rescue from apoptosis in brown adipocytes: effect of Ceramide
Involvement of protein kinase C-β and Ceramide in tumor necrosis factor-α-induced but not Fas-induced apoptosis of human myeloid leukemia cells
Ceramide-induced vasorelaxation An inhibitory action on protein kinase C
CD95 (Fas/APO-1) signals Ceramide generation independent of the effector stage of apoptosis
[14] Inositolphosphoryl Ceramide synthase from yeast
12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced Apoptosis in LNCaP Cells Is Mediated through Ceramide Synthase
Up-regulation of neutral glycosphingolipid synthesis upon long term inhibition of Ceramide synthesis by fumonisin B1
Alteration of the daunorubicin‐triggered sphingomyelin‐Ceramide pathway and apoptosis in MDR cells: Influence of drug transport abnormalities
Synthesis of two unique compounds, a Ceramide and a cerebroside, occurring in human stratum corneum
A Synthetic Ceramide Analog (l‐PDMP) Up‐regulates Neuronal Function
Stimulation by Ceramide of Phospholipase A2 Activation through a Mechanism Related to the Phospholipase C-Initiated Signaling Pathway in Rabbit Platelets
Effect of aromatic short-chain analogues of Ceramide on axonal growth in hippocampal neurons
Apparent cooperativity in multivalent verotoxin-globotriaosyl Ceramide binding: kinetic and saturation binding studies with [125I] verotoxin
Ceramide-induced apoptosis in fas-resistant Hodgkin’s disease cell lines is caspase independent
Lack of costimulation by both sphingomyelinase and C2 Ceramide in resting human T cells
Interleukin‐10 and interleukin‐13 inhibit proinflammatory cytokine‐induced Ceramide production through the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase
Involvement of protein kinase C-regulated Ceramide generation in inostamycin-induced apoptosis
Ceramide-mediated apoptosis of hepatocytes in vivo: a matter of the nucleus?
Galactocerebroside and not glucocerebroside or Ceramide stimulate epidermal β-glucocerebrosidase activity
Induction of tissue factor production but not the upregulation of adhesion molecule expression by Ceramide in human vascular endothelial cells
Distinct sites of action of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL in the Ceramide pathway of apoptosis
Modulation of Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase 2A activity by low molecular weight aromatic compounds
A novel sulfonic-acid analogue of Ceramide is the major extractable lipid of the gram-negative marine bacterium Cyclobacterium marinus WH
Ceramide mimics tumour necrosis factor‐α in the induction of cell cycle arrest in endothelial cells: Induction of the tumour suppressor p53 with decrease in …
Regulation of phospholipase D activity and Ceramide production in daunorubicin-induced apoptosis in A-431 cells
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Sphingomyelinase, and Ceramide Inhibit Store-operated Calcium Entry in Thyroid FRTL-5 Cells
Globotriaosyl Ceramide modulates interferon-α-induced growth inhibition and CD19 expression in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells
Serine palmitoyltransferase inhibition reverses anti-proliferative effects of Ceramide synthase inhibition in cultured renal cells and suppresses free sphingoid base …
The formation of Ceramide from sphingomyelin is associated with cellular apoptosis.
Acceleration by Ceramide of calcium-dependent translocation of phospholipase A2 from cytosol to membranes in platelets
The multidrug resistance modulator SDZ PSC 833 is a potent activator of cellular Ceramide formation
Rectangular solid domains in Ceramide–cholesterol monolayers–2D crystals
Ceramide-induced apoptosis is mediated by caspase activation independently from retinoblastoma protein post-translational modification
Activation of caspase-9 and -3 during H2O2-induced apoptosis of PC12 cells independent of Ceramide formation
C2‐Ceramide attenuates phenylephrine‐induced vasoconstriction and elevation in [Ca2+]i in rat aortic smooth muscle
Synthesis and intermembrane transfer of pyrene-labelled liponucleotides: Ceramide phosphothymidines
Exogenous C2-Ceramide activates c-fos serum response element via Rac-dependent signalling pathway
Redistribution of cytochrome c is not an essential requirement in C2-Ceramide induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells
Increased, not decreased activation of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) receptor signalling pathway during Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Absolute Configuration of a Ceramide with a Novel Branched-chain Fatty Acid Isolated from the Epiphytic Dinoflagellate, Coolia monotis
Divergence in regulation of nitric-oxide synthase and its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin by tumor necrosis factor-α: Ceramide potentiates nitric oxide synthesis …
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block the late, prostanoid-dependent/Ceramide-independent component of ovarian IL-1 action: implications for the …
Effect of Ceramide on interleukin-6 synthesis in osteoblast-like cells
Enzymatic Synthesis of 14C-Glycosphingolipids by Reverse Hydrolysis Reaction of Sphingolipid Ceramide N-Deacylase: Detection of Endoglycoceramidase Activity …
Regulation of Raf-1 kinase by TNF via its second messenger Ceramide and cross-talk with mitogenic signalling
Killing of T lymphocytes by synthetic Ceramide is by a nonapoptotic mechanism and is abrogated following mitogenic activation
Effects of Ceramide, the Fas signal intermediate, on apoptosis and phospholipase D activity in mouse ovarian granulosa cells in vitro
Stage-associated expression of Ceramide structures in glycosphingolipids from the human trematode parasite Schistosoma mansoni
Suppression of heat shock protein-70 by Ceramide in heat shock-induced HL-60 cell apoptosis
Identification of Ceramide-phosphorylethanolamine in Oomycete plant pathogens: Pythium ultimum, phytophthora infestans, and Phytophthora capsici
CD95 (Fas/APO-1) induces Ceramide formation and apoptosis in the absence of a functional acid sphingomyelinase
Selective Stimulation by Ceramide of the Expression of the α Isoform of Retinoic Acid and Retinoid X Receptors in Osteoblastic Cells: A ROLE OF …
… increases insulin-like growth factor 1 levels in asymptomatic HIV-1-infected subjects: correlation with its suppressive effect on lymphocyte apoptosis and Ceramide …
[5] Assays for the biosynthesis of sphingomyelin and Ceramide phosphoethanolamine
Postcolumn fluorescence as an alternative to evaporative light scattering detection for Ceramide analysis with gradient elution in non-aqueous reversed-phase liquid …
Src kinase and PI 3-kinase as a transduction pathway in Ceramide-induced contraction of colonic smooth muscle
Increased tyrosine kinase activity but not calcium mobilization is required for Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide enhances susceptibility of membrane phospholipids to phospholipase A2 through modification of lipid organization in platelet membranes
Ceramide potentiates, but sphingomyelin inhibits, vitamin D-induced keratinocyte differentiation: comparison between keratinocytes and HL-60 cells
Mitochondrial free calcium levels (Rhod‐2 fluorescence) and ultrastructural alterations in neuronally differentiated PC12 cells during Ceramide‐dependent cell death
Hepatocyte growth factor protects gastric epithelial cells against Ceramide-induced apoptosis through induction of cyclooxygenase-2
A deficiency in Syk enhances Ceramide-induced apoptosis in DT40 lymphoma B cells
Ceramide-dependent regulation of p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun N-terminal-directed protein kinase in cultured airway smooth muscle cells
… regulation of sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 and the enzymes of cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis but not Ceramide synthesis in cultured human …
[27] Analysis of Ceramide 1-phosphate and sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase activities
Ceramide-induced cell death in cultured rat retinal pigment epithelial cells
… of human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 resistance to tumor necrosis factor-induced cell death: lack of correlation between JNK activation and Ceramide …
Effect of C2 Ceramide on the inositol phospholipid metabolism (uptake of 32P, 3H-serine and 3H-palmitic acid) and apoptosis-related morphological changes in …
Ceramide glycanase activities in human cancer cells
Progesterone release of lipid second messengers at the amphibian oocyte plasma membrane: role of Ceramide in initiating the G2/M transition
Preparation of fluorescence-labeled GM1 and sphingomyelin by the reverse hydrolysis reaction of sphingolipid Ceramide N-deacylase as substrates for assay of …
C2-Ceramide increases cytoplasmic calcium concentrations in human parathyroid cells
Apoptosis parallels Ceramide content in the developing rat kidney
Local delivery of Ceramide for restenosis: is there a future for lipid therapy?
A facile regioselective synthesis of sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide 1-phosphate
Involvement of caspase-3 and GD3 ganglioside in Ceramide-induced apoptosis in Farber disease
Variable Expression of Apoptotic Phenotype in Keratinocytes Treated with Ultraviolet Radiation; Ceramide; Or Suspended in Semisolid Methylcellulose.
[50] Preparation of radioactive gangliosides, 3H or 14C isotopically labeled at oligosaccharide or Ceramide moieties
Effect of Ceramide on apoptosis and phospholipase D activity in FRTL-5 thyroid cells
Synthesis of D‐erythro‐Ceramide‐1‐phosphoinositol and Its Aminoglucosylated Derivative − Intermediates in GPI‐Anchor Biosynthesis
Interferon-γ-Induced Differentiation and Apoptosis of HT29 Cells: Dissociation of (Glucosyl) Ceramide Signaling
Mass spectrometric analysis of Ceramide composition in mono‐, di‐, tri‐, and tetraglycosylCeramides from mouse kidney: an experimental model for uropathogenic …
Ligation of the WC1 receptor induces γδ T cell growth arrest through fumonisin B1-sensitive increases in cellular Ceramide
A convenient oxidation of natural glycosphingolipids to their “Ceramide acids” for neoglycoconjugation: bovine serum albumin-glycosylCeramide acid …
Ceramide selectively inhibits apoptosis-associated events in NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons
Redox-sensitive events in Fas-induced apoptosis in human NK cells include Ceramide generation and protein tyrosine dephosphorylation.
Suppressed UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and myelin protein mRNA in twitcher mouse brain
Activation of integrin and Ceramide signalling pathways can inhibit the mitogenic effect of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in human breast cancer cell lines
Selective involvement of caspase-3 in Ceramide induced apoptosis in AK-5 tumor cells
Endothelium dependent and independent relaxations induced by Ceramide in vascular smooth muscles.
The role of Ceramide in the modulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels by interleukin 1β in rat cortical synaptosomes
Fingerprinting of large oligosaccharides linked to Ceramide by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: highly heterogeneous …
Bradykinin inhibits Ceramide production and activates phospholipase D in rabbit cortical collecting duct cells
Ceramide induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma cell cultures resistant to CD95 (Fas/APO-1)-mediated apoptosis
Lipid microsphere preparation of a lipophilic Ceramide derivative suppresses colony formation in a murine experimental pulmonary metastasis model
… necrosis factor-α-induced release of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 from human umbilical vein endothelial cells: involvement of intracellular Ceramide …
Domain Formation and Phase Separation in Mixed Phospatidylcholine/Ceramide 3 Monolayers and Bilayers
SDZ PSC 833 the drug resistance modulator activates cellular Ceramide formation by a pathway independent of P-glycoprotein
Proximal promoter region is sufficient to regulate tissue‐specific expression of UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene
Hydrophobic nature of mammalian Ceramide glycanases: purified from rabbit and rat mammary tissues.
Content and structure of Ceramide and sphingomyelin and sphingomyelinase activity in mouse hepatoma-22.
Oxidation of glycosphingolipids under basic conditions: synthesis of glycosyl “serine acids” as opposed to “Ceramide acids”. Precursors for neoglycoconjugates with …
The lipid moiety of the GPI-anchor of the major plasma membrane proteins in Paramecium primaurelia is a Ceramide: variation of the amide-linked fatty acid …
C2-Ceramide attenuates prostaglandin F2α-induced vasoconstriction and elevation of [Ca2+] i in canine cerebral vascular smooth muscle
Apoptosis induced by N-hexanoylsphingosine in CHP-100 cells associates with accumulation of endogenous Ceramide and is potentiated by inhibition of …
[52] Enzymatic synthesis of [14C] Ceramide,[14C] glycosphingolipids, and ω-aminoCeramide
Selective phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibition and increased Ceramide formation is associated with B-cell death by apoptosis
Ceramide enhances growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone-stimulated cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate accumulation but inhibits GH release in rat …
Globotriaosyl Ceramide and globoside as major glycolipid components of fibroblasts in scirrhous gastric carcinoma tissues
Regulation by Ceramide of epidermal growth factor signal transduction and mitogenesis in cell lines overexpressing the growth factor receptor.
Ceramide accumulation precedes caspase-dependent apoptosis in CHP-100 neuroepithelioma cells exposed to the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid
Ceramide‐enhanced urokinase‐type plasminogen activator (uPA) release is mediated by protein kinase C in cultured microglia
Acyl Chain Length-Specific Ceramide-Induced Changes in Intracellular Ca2+ Concentration and Progesterone Production Are Not Regulated by Tumor Necrosis …
Involvement of the 92-kDa gelatinase (matrix metalloproteinase-9) in the Ceramide-mediated inhibition of human keratinocyte growth
Ceramide selectively inhibits calcium-mediated potentiation of β-adrenergic-stimulated cyclic nucleotide accumulation in rat pinealocytes
A comparison of the effects of lipopolysaccharide and Ceramide on arachidonic acid metabolism in THP-1 monocytic cells
The Effects of a Ceramide analogue, N-acetylsphingosine, on basal and tumor necrosis factor-α-stimulated production of prostaglandins and cytokines in gestational …
Glucocorticoid receptor-mediated post-Ceramide inhibition of the interleukin-1β-dependent induction of ovarian prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 in rats
Ceramide stimulates the uptake of neutral red in human neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes
Specific processing of poly (ADP‐ribose) polymerase, accompanied by activation of caspase‐3 and elevation/reduction of Ceramide/hydrogen peroxide levels, during …
Ceramide and apoptosis
Interfacial hydration of Ceramide in stratum corneum model membrane measured by 2H NMR of D2O
Total Synthesis of Glycohexa- and Nonaosyl Ceramide with a Sialyl Lea and Sialyl Dimeric Lea Sequence
Induction of programmed cell death in human retinoblastoma Y79 cells by C2-Ceramide
Phthalocyanine 4-photodynamic therapy induces Ceramide generation and apoptosis in acid sphingomyelinase-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
Increases in Ceramide levels in normal human mesangial cells subjected to different cellular stresses result from changes in distinct enzyme activities and can …
Involvement of the Ceramide signaling pathway in modulating the differentiated state of porcine thyroid cells
Protective effect of cell-permeable Ceramide analogs against modeccin, ricin, Pseudomonas toxin, and diphtheria toxin
Sphingomyelin and Ceramide mass assay
Tumor necrosis factor-α, sphingosine, Ceramide: Which is the appropriate marker of inflammation?
Bilayer properties of totally synthetic C16: 0-lactosyl-Ceramide
Apoptosis of cultured neuroblastoma cells is induced by Ceramide and not by ligation of the Fas/Apo-1/CD95 receptor
GlucosylCeramide synthesized in vitro from endogenous Ceramide is uncoupled from synthesis of lactosylCeramide in Golgi membranes from chicken embryo neural …
Activation of SAPK and increase in Bak levels during Ceramide and indomethacin-induced apoptosis in HT29 cells
Cytokines and septic myocardial depression: Nitric oxide versus sphingosine/Ceramide?
The effect of a Ceramide analog, N-acetylsphingosine on the induction of proliferation and IL-2 synthesis in T cells from young and old F344 rats
Release of plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 from human astrocytes is regulated by intracellular Ceramide
Synthesis and biological evaluation of Ceramide analogues with substituted aromatic rings or an allylic fluoride in the sphingoid moiety
Structural elucidation of the Ceramide moiety of starfish gangliosides by collision-induced dissociation of the sodium ion complex
Ceramide synergizes with phorbol ester or okadaic acid to induce IκB degradation
[31] Properties of animal Ceramide glycanases
Assignment of a UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase gene (Ugcg) to mouse chromosome band 4B3 by in situ hybridization
Differential activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase by endothelin and Ceramide in colonic smooth muscle cells
Ceramide does not inhibit protein kinase C β-dependent phospholipase D activity stimulated by anti-Fas monoclonal antibody in A20 cells
Density dependent interaction of polymeric analogs of beta-galactosyl Ceramide with GP120 of human immunodeficiency virus 1.
Measurement of sphingomyelin and Ceramide cellular levels after sphingomyelinase-mediated sphingomyelin hydrolysis
A direct method for the simultaneous measurement of Ceramide and phospholipase D activity
Oxidation of aglycone of glycosphingolipids: serine and Ceramide acid precursors for soluble glycoconjugates.
The role of Ceramide in apoptosis
Measurement of 1, 2-diacylglycerol and Ceramide in hearts subjected to ischemic preconditioning
Synthesis of aryl 3′-sulfo-β-lactosides as fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates for Ceramide glycanases
Ceramide: a stress response mediator involved in growth suppression
Sex‐and age‐related differences in Ceramide dihexosides of primary human brain tumors
Effect of Ceramide-analogues on the actin cytockeleton of Tetrahymena pyriformis GL. A confocal microscopic analysis
Comparison of Ceramide Monohexoside and Sulfatide in Brain and Liver of Japanese Pilchard (Sardines)
Spatial and temporal expression of UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyl transferase mRNA during rat brain development
Preparation, Characteristics and Toxicity of Ricin-containing Galactosyl Ceramide Liposomes.
A novel Ceramide from starfish Asterias rollestoni Bell—rollCeramide A
… Studies on Selectin Ligands/Inhibitors: Synthesis and Inhibitory Activity of 2-O-Fucosyl Sulfatides Containing 2-Branched Fatty Alkyl Residues in Place of Ceramide
Inhibition of the synthesis of glycosphingolipid by a Ceramide analogue (PPMP) in the gastrulation of Bufo arenarum
Mitochondrial Role in the Signal Transduction Pathway of Ceramide-Induced Apoptosis
Ceramide-mediated cell death was accompanied with changes of c-Myc and Rb protein
Antigenicity of the carbohydrate moiety of ganglioside GM3 having 3-O-acetyl Ceramide
The effects of Ceramide and its analogues on the secretion of the mucocyst content of Tetrahymena.
The yins and yangs of Ceramide
Effects of emodin on activity of sphingomylinase and content of Ceramide in rabbit aorta of experimental atherosclerosis
Ceramide Transmits the Lipolytic Action of TNF-[Alpha] Signal in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
Molecular Mechanisms in the Activation of Apoptotic and Antiapoptotic Pathways by Ceramide
Characterization of the Contribution of Ceramide to Chemotherapy Sensitization in Breast Cancer Cells
Stimulation by Ceramide of Phospholipase A2 Activation through a Mechanism Related to the Phospholipase C-Initiated Signaling Pathway in Rabbit Platelets.
Apoptosis and Ceramide Generation by Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from AIDS
Bax is required for Ceramide-regulation of cell death
The Integrin-Mediated Suppression of Apoptosis Correlates with Suppression of Ceramide Generation† 780
Differences in the Induction of Apoptosis After Treatment with γ-Irradiation and C2-Ceramide
Ceramide is not involved in nuclear translocation of NF-{kappa} B in L5178Y sublines
Ceramide generation in nitric oxide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide Accumulation in the Heart of a Hypoxic Rat Model Mimicking Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) of Ceramide Derivatives
Cathepsin D targeted by acid sphingomyelinase‐derived Ceramide
Determination of Ceramide-Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Mouse Granulosa Cell Cultured In Vitro
Stress signaling of apoptosis via Ceramide and c-jun kinase
Role of Ceramide in induction of Fos, Jun, and collagenase in chondrocytes
Purification and characterization of inositolphosphoryl Ceramide synthase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Analysis of the role of Ceramide in tumor necrosis factor signal transduction in human endothelial cells
44 Involvement of Ceramide and JNK in CD40-Mediated Growth Inhibition
Effect of a Ceramide/cholesterol/FFA–containing body lotion on the barrier function of aged skin
Effect of L-carnitine treatment in vivo on apoptosis and Ceramide generation in peripheral blood lymphocytes from AIDS patients: correlation with in vitro results
p27kip1 promotes Ceramide-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells
Effects of TNF-[Alpha] and Ceramide Treatment on Insulin Signal Transduction in Rat Adipocytes
Utilization of the second messenger, Ceramide, by the chemotherapeutic agent daunorubicin and the reaper protein during induction of apoptosis
Induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase by Ceramide in human colon carcinoma HT-29 cell
Benzene-derived quinol-thioethers induce apoptosis in hematopoietic tissue via a unique Ceramide signaling pathway
De novo Synthesis Pathway of Ceramide Causes Hypoxia-induced Apoptosis of SH-SY5Y Human Neurublastoma Cells
Skin Ceramide composition of atopic dermatitis patients.
HIV-1gp120 binding conformation of galactosyl Ceramide: Studies of the biomimetic synthesis of porphobilinogen
Ceramide 2 (N-acetyl sphingosine) induces G1 arrest and Rb dephosphorilation in cultured human keratinocytes
Potential involvement of Ceramide in IFN-γ-induced ICAM-1 and HLA-DR expression on cultured normal human epidermal keratinocytes.
The mechanism of Ceramide-induced circular smooth muscle cells contraction in feline esophagus
Ceramide signals through the extracellular-signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) pathway via Ras and Raf-1
Ceramide-induced apoptosis is prevented through p53
Chemical Hypoxia Activates De novo Synthesis Pathway of Ceramide in SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells
Ceramide and apoptosis induced by radiation
Yeast Ceramide synthetase gene family
The Inhibition of γ-Radiation Induced Apoptosis in Astrocytoma-Derived Cell Lines Is Associated with a Failure of Ceramide Synthesis and Fas-Mediated Apoptosis
Rax, the cellular pkr activator, potentiates Ceramide-induced apoptosis in hematopoietic cells
Effect of C2 Ceramide on the inositol phospholipid metabolism (uptake of 32P, 3H-serine and 3H-palmitic acid) and…
Ceramide-induced thyroid cell apoptosis
The Regulation of Prostaglandin E2 Synthesis by Interleukin-1β and Ceramide in Human Fibroblasts: Effects on Cyclooxygenase-1, Cyclooxygenase-2, and …
Induction of Ganglioside Biosynthesis, Neurite Outgrowth and Functional Synapse Formation by a Symthetic Ceramide Analog
Inhibitory Effect of Ceramide on PI 3-kinase-PKC [Zeta] Activation
A rapid method for the identification of Ceramide activated protein phosphatase
Effect of Ceramide on apoptosis of rat granulosa cells in vitro
Promotion of Ceramide-induced apoptosis by p21 in human hepatocarcinoma cells
The Ceramide pathway increases cholesterol mobilization and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein mRNA
Purified human Ceramide-activated protein kinase
Ceramide-Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Mouse Granulosa Cells
Characterization of Ceramide activated protein phosphatase: effect of cations
Apoptosis Triggered by the Absence of an Integrin Signal: Role of the Sphingolipid Ceramide
Expression Patterns of Ceramide Glucosyltransferase during Mice Postimplantation Embryogenesis
GD3 ganglioside mediates programmed cell death triggered by CD95 (Fas/APO-1) and Ceramide
Role of Ceramide in the activation and activation-induced cell death of gammadelta~(+) T cells
Inhibition of Insulin-and PDGF-Stimulated Phosphatidylinositol Trisphosphate Production by Ceramide
Glycosphingolipid engineering using a sphingolipid Ceramide N-deacylase (SCDase); SCDase wo mochiita sufuingo toshishitsu kogaku
Protective effects of C2-Ceramide against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons
Introduction of p53-independent p21 during Ceramide-mediated G1 arrest in SK-Hep 1 cell
An experimental study on the cytotoxicity and characteristics of ricin-containing galactosyl Ceramide liposomes to human hepatoma cells
The role of Ceramide in the signal transduction during the NIH 3T3 cell apoptosis induced by UVB irradiation: II. Variations of intracellular Ca~(2+) and pH during the …
Cathepsin D targeted by acid sphingomyelinase-derived Ceramide M. Heinrich, M. Wickel, W. Schneider-Brachert, C. Sandberg, J. Gahr, R. Schwandner, T. Weber
C2-Ceramide triggers a BCL-2 mediated apoptosis in normal human keratinocytes.
Effect of C {sub 2} Ceramide on the inositol phospholipid metabolism (uptake of {sup 32} P,{sup 3} H-serine and {sup 3} H-palmitic acid) and apoptosis-related …
G1 Arrest and Rb Dephosphorilation is Induced by Ceramide 2 (N-Acetyl Sphingosine) in Cultured Human Keratinocytes.
Inhibitory action of sphingosine or Ceramide on amylase secretion from isolated rat pancreatic acini
Ceramide in apoptosis: an overview and current perspectives
Radiation and Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Ceramide-enriched membrane domains
Raft Ceramide in molecular medicine
Ceramide synthesis and metabolism as a target for cancer therapy
Ceramide enables fas to cap and kill
Regulation of insulin action by Ceramide: dual mechanisms linking Ceramide accumulation to the inhibition of Akt/protein kinase B
Targeting Ceramide metabolism—a strategy for overcoming drug resistance
Molecular machinery for non-vesicular trafficking of Ceramide
Mitochondrial Ceramide and the induction of apoptosis
… Ceramide in Response to Exogenous Short Chain Ceramide in the A549 Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line: ROLE FOR ENDOGENOUS Ceramide …
Ceramide-mediated macroautophagy involves inhibition of protein kinase B and up-regulation of beclin 1
Ceramide in apoptosis signaling: relationship with oxidative stress
Ceramide: second messenger or modulator of membrane structure and dynamics?
Molecular mechanisms and regulation of Ceramide transport
Intracellular signal transduction pathways activated by Ceramide and its metabolites
The therapeutic potential of modulating the Ceramide/sphingomyelin pathway
Ceramide content is increased in skeletal muscle from obese insulin-resistant humans
Ceramide, a target for antiretroviral therapy
The Ceramide-centric universe of lipid-mediated cell regulation: stress encounters of the lipid kind
Involvement of Ceramide in hyperosmotic shock-induced death of erythrocytes
Palmitate-induced apoptosis can occur through a Ceramide-independent pathway
Ceramide kinase, a novel lipid kinase: molecular cloning and functional characterization
Astroglial expression of Ceramide in Alzheimer’s disease brains: a role during neuronal apoptosis
Ceramide, membrane rafts and infections
Ceramide and cell death receptor clustering
Molecular mechanisms of Ceramide-mediated CD95 clustering
Ceramide regulates cellular homeostasis via diverse stress signaling pathways
Ceramide upregulation causes pulmonary cell apoptosis and emphysema-like disease in mice
Rhinoviruses infect human epithelial cells via Ceramide-enriched membrane platforms
Regulation of death receptor signaling and apoptosis by Ceramide
Ceramide glycosylation potentiates cellular multidrug resistance
Novel Ceramide analogs as potential chemotherapeutic agents in breast cancer
Lip1p: a novel subunit of acyl‐CoA Ceramide synthase
CD95 signaling via Ceramide-rich membrane rafts
Mitochondria and Ceramide: intertwined roles in regulation of apoptosis
Ceramide-induced inhibition of Akt is mediated through protein kinase Cζ: implications for growth arrest
Ceramide-mediated clustering is required for CD95-DISC formation
Involvement of oxidative stress-induced abnormalities in Ceramide and cholesterol metabolism in brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease
Ceramide 1-phosphate is a direct activator of cytosolic phospholipase A2
C26-CoA-dependent Ceramide synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is operated by Lag1p and Lac1p
De novo-synthesized Ceramide is involved in cannabinoid-induced apoptosis
The structural requirements for Ceramide activation of serine-threonine protein phosphatases
Angiotensin receptors: signaling, vascular pathophysiology, and interactions with Ceramide
Perturbation of sphingolipid metabolism and Ceramide production in HIV‐dementia
Ceramide: a new second messenger of cannabinoid action
Ceramide mediates caspase‐independent programmed cell death
Ceramide-1-phosphate: a novel regulator of cell activation
Lag1p and Lac1p Are Essential for the Acyl-CoA–dependent Ceramide Synthase Reaction in Saccharomyces cerevisae
Substrate specificity of human Ceramide kinase
The Ca2+ concentration of the endoplasmic reticulum is a key determinant of Ceramide-induced apoptosis: significance for the molecular mechanism of Bcl-2 …
Ceramide 1-phosphate, a mediator of phagocytosis
Host defense against Pseudomonas aeruginosa requires Ceramide-rich membrane rafts
Induction of apoptotic cell death and prevention of tumor growth by Ceramide analogues in metastatic human colon cancer
Taxol-induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis in human breast cancer cells
Sphingomyelin and Ceramide as regulators of development and lifespan
PAF-mediated pulmonary edema: a new role for acid sphingomyelinase and Ceramide
Possible role of Ceramide as an indicator of chemoresistance: decrease of the Ceramide content via activation of glucosylCeramide synthase and sphingomyelin …
Palmitate inhibition of insulin gene expression is mediated at the transcriptional level via Ceramide synthesis
Ceramide levels are inversely associated with malignant progression of human glial tumors
Ceramide: does it matter for T cells?
Role of sphingomyelinase and Ceramide in modulating rafts: do biophysical properties determine biologic outcome?
Ceramide-rich membrane rafts mediate CD40 clustering
Ceramide as an activator lipid of cathepsin D
Ceramide channels increase the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane to small proteins
Ceramidases in the regulation of Ceramide levels and function
A role for Ceramide, but not diacylglycerol, in the antagonism of insulin signal transduction by saturated fatty acids
Stimulation of erythrocyte Ceramide formation by platelet-activating factor
Ceramide dissociates 3′-phosphoinositide production from pleckstrin homology domain translocation
Rapid reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria in endothelial cells exposed to tumor necrosis factor-α is mediated by Ceramide
Pivotal role of the cell death factor BNIP3 in Ceramide-induced autophagic cell death in malignant glioma cells
Ceramide-1-phosphate blocks apoptosis through inhibition of acid sphingomyelinase in macrophages
Activation of the Drosophila MLK by Ceramide reveals TNF-α and Ceramide as agonists of mammalian MLK3
Plasma Ceramide and lysophosphatidylcholine inversely correlate with mortality in sepsis patients
Membrane restructuring via Ceramide results in enhanced solute efflux
Ceramide in the antiapoptotic effect of ischemic preconditioning
Vesicular and nonvesicular transport of Ceramide from ER to the Golgi apparatus in yeast
Interfacial interactions of Ceramide with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine: impact of the N-acyl chain
Ceramide selectively displaces cholesterol from ordered lipid domains (rafts): implications for lipid raft structure and function
Roles for C16-Ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate in regulating hepatocyte apoptosis in response to tumor necrosis factor-α
Sphingoid bases and de novo Ceramide synthesis: enzymes involved, pharmacology and mechanisms of action
Ceramide disables 3-phosphoinositide binding to the pleckstrin homology domain of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt by a PKCζ-dependent mechanism
Direct binding to Ceramide activates protein kinase Cζ before the formation of a pro-apoptotic complex with PAR-4 in differentiating stem cells
Ceramide mediates insulin resistance by tumor necrosis factor-α in brown adipocytes by maintaining Akt in an inactive dephosphorylated state
Characterization of a Ceramide kinase-like protein
Ceramide induces mitochondrial activation and apoptosis via a Bax-dependent pathway in human carcinoma cells
Killing tumours by Ceramide-induced apoptosis: a critique of available drugs
Substantial sulfatide deficiency and Ceramide elevation in very early Alzheimer’s disease: potential role in disease pathogenesis
Ceramide induces aSMase expression: implications for oxLDI‐induced apoptosis
Delayed ERK activation by Ceramide reduces melanin synthesis in human melanocytes
Mouse anti-Ceramide antiserum: a specific tool for the detection of endogenous Ceramide
The synthesis and biological characterization of a Ceramide library
Production and metabolism of Ceramide in normal and ischemic-reperfused myocardium of rats
Golgi fragmentation is associated with Ceramide-induced cellular effects
Subcellular compartmentalization of Ceramide metabolism: MAM (mitochondria-associated membrane) and/or mitochondria?
Ceramide-dominant barrier repair lipids alleviate childhood atopic dermatitis: changes in barrier function provide a sensitive indicator of disease activity
Roles for inositol-phosphoryl Ceramide synthase 1 (IPC1) in pathogenesis of C. neoformans
Ceramide kinase mediates cytokine-and calcium ionophore-induced arachidonic acid release
Ultraviolet A-induced signaling involves a Ceramide-mediated autocrine loop leading to Ceramide de novo synthesis
Ceramide/Long-Chain Base Phosphate Rheostat in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Regulation of Ceramide Synthesis by Elo3p and Cka2p
Role of the Ceramide-signaling pathways in ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis
Ceramide generation by two distinct pathways in tumor necrosis factor α-induced cell death
Differential Regulation of Ceramide Synthase Components LAC1 and LAG1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Liposomal delivery enhances short-chain Ceramide-induced apoptosis of breast cancer cells
The roles of Ceramide and complex sphingolipids in neuronal cell function
Ceramide induces neuronal apoptosis through the caspase-9/caspase-3 pathway
An inverse relationship between Ceramide synthesis and clinical severity in patients with psoriasis
Ceramide in apoptosis: a revisited role
Characterizing the effects of saturated fatty acids on insulin signaling and Ceramide and diacylglycerol accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and C2C12 myotubes
Ceramide profiles of the uninvolved skin in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis are comparable to those of healthy skin
Role of membrane sphingomyelin and Ceramide in platform formation for Fas-mediated apoptosis
Dual effect of Ceramide on human endothelial cells: induction of oxidative stress and transcriptional upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
A novel inhibitor of Ceramide trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the site of sphingomyelin synthesis
Sphingoid bases and Ceramide induce apoptosis in HT-29 and HCT-116 human colon cancer cells
Lipopolysaccharide and Ceramide docking to CD14 provokes ligand‐specific receptor clustering in rafts
Exercise and training effects on Ceramide metabolism in human skeletal muscle
A functional role for the B56 α-subunit of protein phosphatase 2A in Ceramide-mediated regulation of Bcl2 phosphorylation status and function
Ceramide-1-phosphate promotes cell survival through activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway
A central role for Ceramide in the age‐related acceleration of apoptosis in the female germline
De Novo Ceramide Regulates the Alternative Splicing of Caspase 9 and Bcl-x in A549 Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells: DEPENDENCE ON PROTEIN …
Resveratrol induces growth inhibition and apoptosis in metastatic breast cancer cells via de novo Ceramide signaling
Ceramide-induced activation of NADPH oxidase and endothelial dysfunction in small coronary arteries
FAS activation induces dephosphorylation of SR proteins: dependence on the de novo generation of Ceramide and activation of protein phosphatase 1
Ceramide stabilizes β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 and promotes amyloid β-peptide biogenesis
Killing cancer cells by poly‐drug elevation of Ceramide levels: a hypothesis whose time has come?
Ceramide impairs the insulin-dependent membrane recruitment of protein kinase B leading to a loss in downstream signalling in L6 skeletal muscle cells
Updates on functions of Ceramide in chemotherapy-induced cell death and in multidrug resistance
Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in lung epithelial cells is regulated by glutathione
Ceramide, stress, and a” LAG” in aging
Fumonisins and fumonisin analogs as inhibitors of Ceramide synthase and inducers of apoptosis
Role of Ceramide in mediating the inhibition of telomerase activity in A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells
Cannabinoids and Ceramide: two lipids acting hand-by-hand
Ceramide pathways modulate ethanol‐induced cell death in astrocytes
Ceramide down‐regulates System A amino acid transport and protein synthesis in rat skeletal muscle cells
Amyloid-β peptide induces oligodendrocyte death by activating the neutral sphingomyelinase–Ceramide pathway
Bioorganic chemistry of Ceramide
Ceramide kinase is a mediator of calcium-dependent degranulation in mast cells
Role of Ceramide in ischemic preconditioning
Enlargement and contracture of C2-Ceramide channels
Mutation of CERKL, a novel human Ceramide kinase gene, causes autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP26)
Ceramide and reactive oxygen species generated by H2O2 induce caspase-3-independent degradation of Akt/protein kinase B
Synthesis of α-galactosyl Ceramide, a potent immunostimulatory agent
The AMP-activated protein kinase prevents Ceramide synthesis de novo and apoptosis in astrocytes
Sphingosine-phosphate lyase enhances stress-induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis
Ceramide-induced neuronal apoptosis is associated with dephosphorylation of Akt, BAD, FKHR, GSK-3β, and induction of the mitochondrial-dependent intrinsic …
Ceramide and other sphingolipids in cellular responses
Natural Ceramide reverses Fas resistance of acid sphingomyelinase−/− hepatocytes
Immunotherapeutic potential for Ceramide-based activators of iNKT cells
Systemic delivery of liposomal short-chain Ceramide limits solid tumor growth in murine models of breast adenocarcinoma
Ceramide induces the dephosphorylation and inhibition of constitutively activated Akt in PTEN negative U87mg cells
Ceramide inhibits the potassium channel Kv1. 3 by the formation of membrane platforms
Cell surface Ceramide generation precedes and controls FcγRII clustering and phosphorylation in rafts
Protein kinase Cδ amplifies Ceramide formation via mitochondrial signaling in prostate cancer cells
AcylCeramide head group architecture affects lipid organization in synthetic Ceramide mixtures
LAG1 puts the focus on Ceramide signaling
Thalidomide-induced antiangiogenic action is mediated by Ceramide through depletion of VEGF receptors, and is antagonized by sphingosine-1-phosphate
Ceramide synthesis correlates with the posttranscriptional regulation of the sterol-regulatory element-binding protein
Resistance to TRAIL is associated with defects in Ceramide signaling that can be overcome by exogenous C6-Ceramide without requiring down-regulation of cellular …
Characterization and direct quantitation of Ceramide molecular species from lipid extracts of biological samples by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
Proinflammatory cytokine impairment of insulin-like growth factor I-induced protein synthesis in skeletal muscle myoblasts requires Ceramide
Bax-dependent apoptosis induced by Ceramide in HL-60 cells
Increase of Ceramide in adriamycin-induced HL-60 cell apoptosis: detection by a novel anti-Ceramide antibody
Preparation of liposomes containing Ceramide 3 and their membrane characteristics
Ceramide displaces cholesterol from lipid rafts and decreases the association of the cholesterol binding protein caveolin-1
Ceramide-dominant, barrier-repair lipids improve childhood atopic dermatitis
Ceramide mediates tumor-induced dendritic cell apoptosis
Ceramide binds to the CaLB domain of cytosolic phospholipase A2 and facilitates its membrane docking and arachidonic acid release
Intracellular Ceramide synthesis and protein kinase Cζ activation play an essential role in palmitate-induced insulin resistance in rat L6 skeletal muscle cells
Upregulation of Ceramide and its regulating mechanism in a rat model of chronic cerebral ischemia
Lipopolysaccharide-induced ischemic tolerance is associated with increased levels of Ceramide in brain and in plasma
The role of sphingosine and Ceramide kinases in inflammatory responses
Sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide 1-phosphate: expanding roles in cell signaling
Cannabinoids protect astrocytes from Ceramide-induced apoptosis through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B pathway
Human homologues of LAG1 reconstitute Acyl-CoA-dependent Ceramide synthesis in yeast
Induction of apoptosis through B-cell receptor cross-linking occurs via de novo generated C16-Ceramide and involves mitochondria
Ceramide‐induced apoptosis in cortical neurons is mediated by an increase in p38 phosphorylation and not by the decrease in ERK phosphorylation
Synthesis and characterization of novel Ceramide analogs for induction of apoptosis in human cancer cells
The Ceramide analog, B13, induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cell lines and inhibits tumor growth in prostate cancer xenografts
Ceramide accumulation precedes caspase-3 activation during apoptosis of A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells
Increasing intracellular Ceramide: an approach that enhances the cytotoxic response in prostate cancer cells
p53-independent Ceramide formation in human glioma cells during γ-radiation-induced apoptosis
Sphingosine kinase activity counteracts Ceramide-mediated cell death in human melanoma cells: role of Bcl-2 expression
Serine palmitoyltransferase: role in apoptotic de novo Ceramide synthesis and other stress responses
Ceramide constituents from five mushrooms
Sustained expansion of NKT cells and antigen-specific T cells after injection of α-galactosyl-Ceramide loaded mature dendritic cells in cancer patients
Ceramide signaling in fenretinide-induced endothelial cell apoptosis
Death-associated protein (DAP) kinase plays a central role in Ceramide-induced apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons
Structural determinants of sphingolipid recognition by commercially available anti-Ceramide antibodies
Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase, Ceramide synthase, and acid ceramidase activities in cutaneous aging
Ceramide is involved in r (+)-methanandamide-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human neuroglioma cells
Ceramide metabolite, not intact Ceramide molecule, may be responsible for cellular toxicity
Intracellular delivery of Ceramide lipids via liposomes enhances apoptosis in vitro
Inhibition of Ceramide production reverses TNF-induced insulin resistance
… ‐proliferative and apoptotic effects of anandamide in human prostatic cancer cell lines: Implication of epidermal growth factor receptor down‐regulation and Ceramide …
Ceramide-1-phosphate: the “missing” link in eicosanoid biosynthesis and inflammation
Sphingomyelinase activity of LDL: a link between atherosclerosis, Ceramide, and apoptosis?
Positively charged Ceramide is a potent inducer of mitochondrial permeabilization
Elevated sphingomyelinase activity and Ceramide concentration in serum of patients undergoing high dose spatially fractionated radiation treatment: implications for …
Ceramide induces neuronal apoptosis through mitogen-activated protein kinases and causes release of multiple mitochondrial proteins
Ceramide‐induced cell death in primary neuronal cultures: upregulation of Ceramide levels during neuronal apoptosis
Ceramide-induced apoptosis by translocation, phosphorylation, and activation of protein kinase Cδ in the Golgi complex
Acid sphingomyelinase-derived Ceramide signaling in apoptosis
High density lipoprotein binding to scavenger receptor, Class B, type I activates endothelial nitric-oxide synthase in a Ceramide-dependent manner
A new Ceramide from the basidiomycete Russula cyanoxantha
Sphingosine forms channels in membranes that differ greatly from those formed by Ceramide
Effect of globotriaosyl Ceramide fatty acid α-hydroxylation on the binding by verotoxin 1 and verotoxin 2
Ceramide, a putative second messenger for nerve growth factor, modulates the TTX‐resistant Na+ current and delayed rectifier K+ current in rat sensory neurons
Molecular mechanisms of Ceramide-mediated telomerase inhibition in the A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cell line
… has cytostatic and pro-apoptotic effects on human pancreatic islets: evidence that β-cell death is caspase mediated, partially dependent on Ceramide pathway, and Bcl …
Synthesis of cyclopropene analogues of Ceramide and their effect on dihydroCeramide desaturase
p53 regulates Ceramide formation by neutral sphingomyelinase through reactive oxygen species in human glioma cells
C16 Ceramide accumulates following androgen ablation in LNCaP prostate cancer cells
The effect of Ceramide on phosphatidylcholine membranes: a deuterium NMR study
Regulation of apoptosis during neuronal differentiation by Ceramide and b-series complex gangliosides
Caspase-dependent initiation of apoptosis and necrosis by the Fas receptor in lymphoid cells: onset of necrosis is associated with delayed Ceramide increase
Effects of Ceramide inhibition on experimental radiation-induced oral mucositis
High Ceramide content liposomes with in vivo antitumor activity.
Mechanisms involved in exogenous C2-and C6-Ceramide-induced cancer cell toxicity
Lipid metabolism: Ceramide transfer protein adds a new dimension
Saturated free fatty acids, palmitic acid and stearic acid, induce apoptosis by stimulation of Ceramide generation in rat testicular Leydig cell
Ceramide: a potential mediator of apoptosis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Ceramide-induced and age-associated increase in macrophage COX-2 expression is mediated through up-regulation of NF-κB activity
BcR-induced apoptosis involves differential regulation of C16 and C24-Ceramide formation and sphingolipid-dependent activation of the proteasome
Inhibitory actions of Ceramide upon PKC-ε/ERK interactions
Synthesis of a resveratrol analogue with high Ceramide-mediated proapoptotic activity on human breast cancer cells
Rapid shortening of telomere length in response to Ceramide involves the inhibition of telomere binding activity of nuclear glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate …
Ceramide-induced apoptosis: role of catalase and hepatocyte growth factor
Thalidomide suppresses NF-κB activation induced by TNF and H2O2, but not that activated by Ceramide, lipopolysaccharides, or phorbol ester
Ceramide Promotes Apoptosis in Lung Cancer-Derived A549 Cells by a Mechanism Involving c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase
Selective apoptosis of pluripotent mouse and human stem cells by novel Ceramide analogues prevents teratoma formation and enriches for neural precursors in ES …
Resveratrol structure and Ceramide-associated growth inhibition in prostate cancer cells.
Lithium blocks the PKB and GSK3 dephosphorylation induced by Ceramide through protein phosphatase-2A
Ceramide biosynthesis is required for the formation of the oligomeric H+-ATPase Pma1p in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum
Ceramide regulation of apoptosis versus differentiation: a walk on a fine line. Lessons from neurobiology
Efficient synthesis of α-galactosyl Ceramide analogues using glycosyl iodide donors
Effect of a lipid‐rich emollient containing Ceramide 3 in experimentally induced skin barrier dysfunction
Interfacial regulation of acid ceramidase activity: stimulation of Ceramide degradation by lysosomal lipids and sphingolipid activator proteins
c-myc proto-oncogene expression in hemophilic synovitis: in vitro studies of the effects of iron and Ceramide
Palmitate-induced apoptosis in cultured bovine retinal pericytes: roles of NAD (P) H oxidase, oxidant stress, and Ceramide
Anti-Plasmodium activity of Ceramide analogs
Ceramide triggers Weibel–Palade body exocytosis
Epidermal barrier lipids in human vernix caseosa: corresponding Ceramide pattern in vernix and fetal skin
New advances on structural and biological functions of Ceramide in apoptotic/necrotic cell death and cancer
Ceramide-induced intracellular oxidant formation, iron signaling, and apoptosis in endothelial cells: protective role of endogenous nitric oxide
DAP kinase activity is critical for C2‐Ceramide‐induced apoptosis in PC12 cells
Ceramide-induced alterations in dopamine transporter function
Newbouldiaquinone and newbouldiamide: A new naphthoquinone–anthraquinone coupled pigment and a new Ceramide from Newbouldia laevis
P53 mediates Ceramide-induced apoptosis in SKN-SH cells
Nerve growth factor-induced p75-mediated death of cultured hippocampal neurons is age-dependent and transduced through Ceramide generated by neutral …
Polymorphism of Ceramide 3. Part 1: an investigation focused on the head group of N-octadecanoylphytosphingosine
Selective inhibition of juxtanuclear translocation of protein kinase C βII by a negative feedback mechanism involving Ceramide formed from the salvage …
The characterization of molecular organization of multilamellar emulsions containing pseudoCeramide and type III synthetic Ceramide
Effect of the lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus on stratum corneum Ceramide levels and signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis patients
Lcb4p is a key regulator of Ceramide synthesis from exogenous long chain sphingoid base in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ceramide mediates growth inhibition of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite
Role of Ceramide during cisplatin-induced apoptosis in C6 glioma cells
Ceramide increases mitochondrial free calcium levels via caspase 8 and Bid: role in initiation of cell death
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors block cell growth, increase Ceramide and inhibit cell cycle
Synthesis of α-galactosyl Ceramide and the related glycolipids for evaluation of their activities on mouse splenocytes
Do longevity assurance genes containing Hox domains regulate cell development via Ceramide synthesis?
Ceramide reduces endothelium-dependent vasodilation by increasing superoxide production in small bovine coronary arteries
Acute activation of de novo sphingolipid biosynthesis upon heat shock causes an accumulation of Ceramide and subsequent dephosphorylation of SR …
Advanced glycation end-products induce apoptosis of bovine retinal pericytes in culture: involvement of diacylglycerol/Ceramide production and oxidative stress …
Increase of nuclear Ceramide through caspase-3-dependent regulation of the “sphingomyelin cycle” in Fas-induced apoptosis
Overcoming resistance to γ-rays in squamous carcinoma cells by poly-drug elevation of Ceramide levels
Neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitor scyphostatin prevents and Ceramide mimics mechanotransduction in vascular endothelium
Modulation of Ceramide-induced NF-κB binding activity and apoptotic response by caffeic acid in U937 cells: comparison with other antioxidants
Ceramide mediates age-associated increase in macrophage cyclooxygenase-2 expression
Analysis of fluorescently labeled glycosphingolipid-derived oligosaccharides following Ceramide glycanase digestion and anthranilic acid labeling
Mitochondrial Ceramide increases in UV-irradiated HeLa cells and is mainly derived from hydrolysis of sphingomyelin
Ceramide triggers an NF-κB-dependent survival pathway through calpain
Subtype-specific translocation of the δ subtype of protein kinase C and its activation by tyrosine phosphorylation induced by Ceramide in HeLa cells
Structure of cholesterol/Ceramide monolayer mixtures: implications to the molecular organization of lipid rafts
Current status and perspectives in Ceramide-targeting molecular medicine
Homocysteine activates NADH/NADPH oxidase through Ceramide-stimulated Rac GTPase activity in rat mesangial cells
Synthesis of a cyclopropene analogue of Ceramide, a potent inhibitor of dihydroCeramide desaturase
Ceramide inhibits cell proliferation through Akt/PKB inactivation and decreases melanin synthesis in Mel‐Ab cells
Formation of phosphatidic acid, Ceramide, and diglyceride on radiolysis of lipids: identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
De novo Ceramide synthesis participates in the ultraviolet B irradiation-induced apoptosis in undifferentiated cultured human keratinocytes
Ceramide 1-phosphate acts as a positive allosteric activator of group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A2α and enhances the interaction of the enzyme with …
De novo Ceramide accumulation due to inhibition of its conversion to complex sphingolipids in apoptotic photosensitized cells
Role of Ceramide synthase in oxidant injury to renal tubular epithelial cells
Ceramide activates microglia to enhance the production/secretion of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) without induction of deleterious factors in vitro
Structure, Cellular Distribution, Antigenicity, and Biological Functions of Fonsecaea pedrosoi Ceramide Monohexosides
Ceramide alters endothelial cell permeability by a nonapoptotic mechanism
Inhibition of rat sympathetic neuron apoptosis by Ceramide. Role of p75NTR in Ceramide generation
Acyl-CoA-binding protein, Acb1p, is required for normal vacuole function and Ceramide synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
A specific Ceramide kinase assay to measure cellular levels of Ceramide
Ceramide Induces Release of Pro-Apoptotic Proteins from Mitochondria by Either a Ca2+-Dependent or a Ca2+-Independent Mechanism
Hippocampal programmed cell death after status epilepticus: evidence for NMDA‐receptor and Ceramide‐mediated mechanisms
Ceramide sensitizes astrocytes to oxidative stress: protective role of cannabinoids
Ceramide regulates protein synthesis by a novel mechanism involving the cellular PKR activator RAX
Molecular mechanisms of TNF-α-induced Ceramide formation in human glioma cells: p53-mediated oxidant stress-dependent and-independent pathways
Decreased levels of covalently bound Ceramide are associated with ultraviolet B-induced perturbation of the skin barrier
Elevation of Ceramide in serum lipoproteins during acute phase response in humans and mice: role of serine–palmitoyl transferase
Nanoscale properties of mixed fengycin/Ceramide monolayers explored using atomic force microscopy
Tumor necrosis factor-α induces stress fiber formation through Ceramide production: role of sphingosine kinase
Opposite regulation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway by C2‐Ceramide and PACAP through a MAP‐kinase‐dependent mechanism in cerebellar granule cells
Modelling the stratum corneum lipid organisation with synthetic lipid mixtures: the importance of synthetic Ceramide composition
Phytosphingosine and sphingosine Ceramide headgroup hydrogen bonding: structural insights through thermotropic hydrogen/deuterium exchange
Localization of Ceramide and glucosylCeramide in human epidermis by immunogold electron microscopy
GlucosylCeramide synthesis and synthase expression protect against Ceramide-induced stress
Angiostatin effects on endothelial cells mediated by Ceramide and RhoA
Ceramide synthase is essential for endonuclease-mediated death of renal tubular epithelial cells induced by hypoxia-reoxygenation
Transient mechanoactivation of neutral sphingomyelinase in caveolae to generate Ceramide
Pituitary adenylate cyclase‐activating polypeptide prevents C2‐Ceramide‐induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule cells
Design, synthesis, and characterization of the antitumor activity of novel Ceramide analogues
Ceramide Signaling
Cross-talk between nitric oxide and superoxide determines Ceramide formation and apoptosis in glomerular cells
Modulators of Ceramide metabolism sensitize colorectal cancer cells to chemotherapy: a novel treatment strategy
Synergistic interaction between sphingomyelin and gemcitabine potentiates Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in pancreatic cancer
Shape transitions and lattice structuring of Ceramide-enriched domains generated by sphingomyelinase in lipid monolayers
Generation of Ceramide in murine macrophages infected with Leishmania donovani alters macrophage signaling events and aids intracellular parasitic survival
FTIR spectroscopic studies of lipid dynamics in phytosphingosine Ceramide models of the stratum corneum lipid matrix
Ceramide enhances cholesterol efflux to apolipoprotein AI by increasing the cell surface presence of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1
Role of Ceramide in mediating apoptosis of irradiated LNCaP prostate cancer cells
Ceramide induces non-apoptotic cell death in human glioma cells
Synthetic Ceramide analogues as skin permeation enhancers: structure–activity relationships
Role of Ceramide in TNF-α-induced impairment of endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in coronary arteries
Interaction among molecules in mixtures of Ceramide/stearic acid, Ceramide/cholesterol and Ceramide/stearic acid/cholesterol
Ceramide reduction and transcriptional up-regulation of glucosylCeramide synthase through doxorubicin-activated Sp1 in drug-resistant HL-60/ADR cells
Structural requirements of Ceramide and sphingosine based inhibitors of mitochondrial ceramidase
Downregulation of the HERG (KCNH2) K+ channel by Ceramide: evidence for ubiquitin-mediated lysosomal degradation
P-glycoprotein modulates Ceramide-mediated sensitivity of human breast cancer cells to tubulin-binding anticancer drugs
Association of the Golgi UDP-galactose transporter with UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase allows UDP-galactose import in the endoplasmic reticulum
The coordination of prostaglandin E2 production by sphingosine-1-phosphate and Ceramide-1-phosphate
Suppressor analysis points to the subtle role of the LAG1 Ceramide synthase gene in determining yeast longevity
Involvement of neutral ceramidase in Ceramide metabolism at the plasma membrane and in extracellular milieu
Ultraviolet B radiation induces activation of neutral and acidic sphingomyelinases and Ceramide generation in cultured normal human keratinocytes
The effect on the skin barrier function of Ceramide
Synthesis of novel internal standards for the quantitative determination of plasma Ceramide trihexoside in Fabry disease by tandem mass spectrometry
Efficient synthesis of α-C-galactosyl Ceramide immunostimulants: use of ethylene-promoted olefin cross-metathesis
Effects of C2-Ceramide on the Malme-3M melanoma cell line
Serum deprivation increases Ceramide levels and induces apoptosis in undifferentiated HN9. 10e cells
Endothelial apoptosis induced by inhibition of integrins αvβ3 and αvβ5 involves Ceramide metabolic pathways
Ceramide-dependent caspase 3 activation is prevented by coenzyme Q from plasma membrane in serum-deprived cells
Hsp70s contain a specific sulfogalactolipid binding site. Differential aglycone influence on sulfogalactosyl Ceramide binding by recombinant prokaryotic and eukaryotic …
Aberrant sphingomyelin/Ceramide metabolic-induced neuronal endosomal/lysosomal dysfunction: potential pathological consequences in age-related …
Cycloserine and threo-dihydrosphingosine inhibit TNF-α-induced cytotoxicity: evidence for the importance of de novo Ceramide synthesis in TNF-α signaling
… biosynthetic pathway in Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus by inhibitors of UDP-Glc: Ceramide glucosyltransferase strongly affects spore …
C-Jun N-terminal kinases/c-Jun and p38 pathways cooperate in Ceramide-induced neuronal apoptosis
LASS5 is the predominant Ceramide synthase isoform involved in de novo sphingolipid synthesis in lung epithelia
Ceramide induces caspase‐dependent and‐independent apoptosis in A‐431 cells
Calorimetric and spectroscopic investigations of phytosphingosine Ceramide membrane organisation
NO induced apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells accompanied by Ceramide increase
Akt protein kinase inhibits non-apoptotic programmed cell death induced by Ceramide
Ceramide 1-phosphate formation in neutrophils
Low glucose-enhanced TRAIL cytotoxicity is mediated through the Ceramide–Akt–FLIP pathway
Persistence and reversibility of the elevation in free sphingoid bases induced by fumonisin inhibition of Ceramide synthase
The role of neutral sphingomyelinase produced Ceramide in lipopolysaccharide‐mediated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase
Kit signaling inhibits the sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway through PLCγ1: implication in stem cell factor radioprotective effect
Ceramide induces cell cycle arrest and upregulates p27kip in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
Oxidized low density lipoprotein inhibits macrophage apoptosis by blocking Ceramide generation, thereby maintaining protein kinase B activation and Bcl-XL …
Ceramide increases oxidative damage due to inhibition of catalase by caspase-3-dependent proteolysis in HL-60 cell apoptosis
N -(4-Hydroxyphenyl)retinamide Elevates Ceramide in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines by Coordinate Activation of Serine Palmitoyltransferase and Ceramide …
Amyloid‐β peptide enhances tumor necrosis factor‐α‐induced iNOS through neutral sphingomyelinase/Ceramide pathway in oligodendrocytes
Shiga toxin binding to globotriaosyl Ceramide induces intracellular signals that mediate cytoskeleton remodeling in human renal carcinoma-derived cells
Effect of cholesterol on miscibility and phase behavior in binary mixtures with synthetic Ceramide 2 and octadecanoic acid. Infrared studies
Ceramide inhibits IL-2 production by preventing protein kinase C-dependent NF-κB activation: possible role in protein kinase Cθ regulation
Prolactin acts as a potent survival factor against C2‐Ceramide‐induced apoptosis in human granulosa cells
The protective effect of Ceramide in immature rat brain hypoxia—ischemia involves up-regulation of BCL-2 and reduction of TUNEL-positive cells
Role of Ceramide in activation of stress-associated MAP kinases by minimally modified LDL in vascular smooth muscle cells
Phyllanthus urinaria induces the Fas receptor/ligand expression and Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in HL-60 cells
Ceramide in nitric oxide inhibition of glioma cell growth: evidence for the involvement of Ceramide traffic
P-glycoprotein is implicated in the inhibition of Ceramide-induced apoptosis in TF-1 acute myeloid leukemia cells by modulation of the glucosylCeramide …
Reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria in endothelial cells exposed to reoxygenation after hypoxia and glucose depletion is mediated by Ceramide
Ceramide regulates lipopolysaccharide-induced phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Akt activity in human alveolar macrophages
Distinct stress and cell destruction pathways are engaged by TNF and Ceramide during apoptosis of MCF-7 cells
Differential binding of Ceramide to MEKK1 in glomerular endothelial and mesangial cells
Ceramide kinase targeting and activity determined by its N-terminal pleckstrin homology domain
… Reactions of N-Acylimino Esters for Direct Formation of N-Acylated Amino Acid Derivatives. Efficient Synthesis of a Novel Inhibitor of Ceramide Trafficking, HPA-12
Calmodulin is involved in the Ca2+-dependent activation of Ceramide kinase as a calcium sensor
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of Ceramide and sphingosine in mouse blood by naphthalene-2, 3-dicarboxyaldehyde derivatization after hydrolysis with …
Cell Permeable Exogenous Ceramide Reduces Infarct Size in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Supporting In Vitro Studies That Have Implicated Ceramide in …
Cell line dependent involvement of Ceramide in ultraviolet light-induced apoptosis
Neutral ceramidase gene: role in regulating Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Nerve growth factor signaling of p75 induces differentiation and Ceramide‐mediated apoptosis in Schwann cells cultured from degenerating nerves
Mass spectrometric analysis of Ceramide perturbations in brain and fibroblasts of mice and human patients with peroxisomal disorders
Signaling events mediating activation of brain ethanolamine plasmalogen hydrolysis by Ceramide
Oxidation of pyridine nucleotides during Fas-and Ceramide-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells: correlation with changes in mitochondria, glutathione depletion …
Ceramide in rafts (detergent‐insoluble fraction) mediates cell death in neurotumor cell lines
TGF-β1 suppresses apoptosis via differential regulation of MAP kinases and Ceramide production
Dopamine release in PC12 cells is mediated by Ca2+‐dependent production of Ceramide via sphingomyelin pathway
UVA radiation stimulates Ceramide production: relationship to oxidative stress and potential role in ERK, JNK, and p38 activation
… activator protein gene causes urinary system defects and cerebellar Purkinje cell degeneration with accumulation of hydroxy fatty acid-containing Ceramide in mouse
Ceramide activates a mitochondrial p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase: a potential mechanism for loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential and apoptosis
Sp1/Sp3-dependent regulation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter activity by the bioactive sphingolipid Ceramide
Acyl chain length affects Ceramide action on sterol/sphingomyelin-rich domains
Enhanced phagocytosis through inhibition of de novo Ceramide synthesis
Psychosine is as potent an inducer of cell death as C6-Ceramide in cultured fibroblasts and in MOCH-1 cells
Sphingomyelinase and Ceramide analogs induce vasoconstriction and leukocyte–endothelial interactions in cerebral venules in the intact rat brain: Insight into …
Biochemical characterization of the reverse activity of rat brain ceramidase: a CoA-independent and fumonisin B1-insensitive Ceramide synthase
Life and death decisions: Ceramide generation and EGF receptor trafficking are modulated by oxidative stress
Gangliosides Link the Acidic Sphingomyelinase–Mediated Induction of Ceramide to 12-Lipoxygenase–Dependent Apoptosis of Neuroblastoma in Response to …
Interactions of vitamin D analogue CB1093, TNFα and Ceramide on breast cancer cell apoptosis
Polymorphism of Ceramide 6: a vibrational spectroscopic and X-ray powder diffraction investigation of the diastereomers of N-(α-hydroxyoctadecanoyl) …
Rebamipide inhibits Ceramide-induced interleukin-8 production in Kato III human gastric cancer cells
New Ceramide fromAlocasia macrorrhiza
Detection and activation of human Vα24+ natural killer T cells using α-galactosyl Ceramide-pulsed dendritic cells
Acute exposure of Ceramide enhances cardiac contractile function in isolated ventricular myocytes
Ceramide inhibits lipopolysaccharide-mediated nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 induction in macrophages: effects on protein kinases and transcription …
Does protein kinase R mediate TNF-α-and Ceramide-induced increases in expression and activation of matrix metalloproteinases in articular cartilage by a …
Ceramide-induced impairment of endothelial function is prevented by CuZn superoxide dismutase overexpression
On the importance of the phosphocholine methyl groups for sphingomyelin/cholesterol interactions in membranes: a study with Ceramide …
Prevalence of necrosis in C2-Ceramide–induced cytotoxicity in NB16 neuroblastoma cells
Temporal relationships between Ceramide production, caspase activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in cell lines with varying sensitivity to anti-Fas-induced …
Ceramide conversion to sphingosine-1-phosphate is essential for survival in C3H10T1/2 cells
Inhibition of CTP: phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase by C2-Ceramide and its relationship to apoptosis
Cell death induction by betulinic acid, Ceramide and TRAIL in primary glioblastoma multiforme cells
Ceramide-1-P induces Ca2+ mobilization in Jurkat T-cells by elevation of Ins (1, 4, 5)-P3 and activation of a store-operated calcium channel
Crocin prevents the death of PC-12 cells through sphingomyelinase-Ceramide signaling by increasing glutathione synthesis
Apoptotic activities of C2-Ceramide and C2-dihydroCeramide homologues against HL-60 cells
Ceramide lances the lungs
Uptake and metabolism of low density lipoproteins with elevated Ceramide content by human microvascular endothelial cells: implications for the regulation of …
Increasing endogenous Ceramide using inhibitors of sphingolipid metabolism maximizes ionizing radiation‐induced mitochondrial injury and apoptotic cell killing
… c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway via FAS receptor activation in primary hepatocytes: role of acidic sphingomyelinase-mediated Ceramide generation in FAS …
Differential carbohydrate epitope recognition of globotriaosyl Ceramide by verotoxins and a monoclonal antibody: Role in human renal glomerular binding
Favorable and unfavorable lateral interactions of Ceramide, neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides in mixed monolayers
Intratesticular delivery of tumor necrosis factor-α and Ceramide directly abrogates steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression and Leydig cell steroidogenesis in …
The role of Ceramide in receptor-and stress-induced apoptosis studied in acidic ceramidase-deficient Farber disease cells
Stereoselective Synthesis and Structure−Activity Relationship of Novel Ceramide Trafficking Inhibitors. (1R,3R)-N-(3-Hydroxy-1-hydroxymethyl-3-phenylpropyl) …
The Natural LewisX‐Bearing Lipids Promote Membrane Adhesion: Influence of Ceramide on Carbohydrate–Carbohydrate Recognition
Ceramide induces mitochondrial abnormalities in insulin-secreting INS-1 cells: potential mechanisms underlying Ceramide-mediated metabolic dysfunction of the β …
Ceramide regulation of the tumor suppressor phosphatase PTEN in rafts isolated from neurotumor cell lines
Study of pH variation on the skin using cosmetic formulation s with and without vitamins A, E or Ceramide: by a non-invasive method
L-Serine and glycine based Ceramide analogues as transdermal permeation enhancers: polar head size and hydrogen bonding
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 deficiency reduces Ceramide synthesis by downregulating serine palmitoyltransferase and increasing β-oxidation in skeletal muscle
Ceramide inhibition of NF‐κB activation involves reverse translocation of classical protein kinase C (PKC) isoenzymes: requirement for kinase activity and carboxyl …
Ceramide generation occurring during 7β-hydroxycholesterol-and 7-ketocholesterol-induced apoptosis is caspase independent and is not required to trigger …
Ceramide induces activation of the mitochondrial/caspases pathway in Jurkat and SCC61 cells sensitive to γ-radiation but activation of this sequence is defective in …
Sphingolipid Synthesis via Olefin Cross Metathesis: Preparation of a Differentially Protected Building Block and Application to the Synthesis of d-erythro-Ceramide
Quantitative measurement of different Ceramide species from crude cellular extracts by normal‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography coupled to …
Fas, Ceramide and serum withdrawal induce apoptosis via a common pathway in a type II Jurkat cell line
Reversal of non‐hydroxy: α‐hydroxy galactosylCeramide ratio and unstable myelin in transgenic mice overexpressing UDP‐galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase
Observation of different Ceramide species from crude cellular extracts by normal‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure …
Ceramide modulates the lipid membrane organization at molecular and supramolecular levels
Designing anticancer drugs via the achilles heel: Ceramide, allylic ketones, and mitochondria
GlucosylCeramide synthase activity and Ceramide levels are modulated during cerebral ischemia after ischemic preconditioning
Interleukin-4 suppresses the enhancement of Ceramide synthesis and cutaneous permeability barrier functions induced by tumor necrosis factor-α and …
Bovine milk gangliosides: changes in Ceramide moiety with stage of lactation
New glyceroglycolipid and Ceramide from Premna microphylla
Ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate in anti-cancer therapies
Slight impairment of Na+, K+-ATPase synergistically aggravates Ceramide-and β-amyloid-induced apoptosis in cortical neurons
Cytochrome c dissociation and release from mitochondria by truncated Bid and Ceramide
Synthesis of a novel Ceramide analogue via Tebbe methylenation and evaluation of its antiproliferative activity
Effect of acute exercise and training on metabolism of Ceramide in the heart muscle of the rat
Ceramide and sphingosine have an antagonistic effect on the plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase from human erythrocytes
Polymorphism of Ceramide 3. Part 2: a vibrational spectroscopic and X-ray powder diffraction investigation of N-octadecanoyl phytosphingosine and the analogous …
Ceramide analogue 14S24 ((S)-2-tetracosanoylamino-3-hydroxypropionic acid tetradecyl ester) is effective in skin barrier repair in vitro
Influence of Ceramide metabolism on P-glycoprotein function in immature acute myeloid leukemia KG1a cells
Synthesis and stereochemistry of Ceramide B,(2S, 3R, 4E, 6R)-N-(30-hydroxytriacontanoyl)-6-hydroxy-4-sphingenine, a new Ceramide in human epidermis
Role for matrix metalloproteinase-2 in oxidized low-density lipoprotein–induced activation of the sphingomyelin/Ceramide pathway and smooth muscle cell …
High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of ganglioside carbohydrates at the picomole level after Ceramide glycanase digestion and fluorescent labeling with …
Synthetic α-mannosyl Ceramide as a potent stimulant for an NKT cell repertoire bearing the invariant Vα19-Jα26 TCR α chain
Elevation of de novo Ceramide synthesis in tumor masses and the role of microsomal dihydroCeramide synthase
Ceramide promotes the death of human cervical tumor cells in the absence of biochemical and morphological markers of apoptosis
Synthetic, non-natural sphingolipid analogs inhibit the biosynthesis of cellular sphingolipids, elevate Ceramide and induce apoptotic cell death
Identification of Ceramide binding proteins in neuronal cells: a critical point of view
Ceramide inhibits axonal growth and nerve growth factor uptake without compromising the viability of sympathetic neurons
Role of NKT cells and α-galactosyl Ceramide
The EP3 receptor stimulates Ceramide and diacylglycerol release and inhibits growth of primary keratinocytes
Ceramide in lipid particles enhances heparan sulfate proteoglycan and low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-mediated uptake by macrophages
Enhanced de Novo Ceramide Generation through Activation of Serine Palmitoyltransferase by the P-Glycoprotein Antagonist SDZ PSC 833 in Breast Cancer Cells
Analysis of sphingomyelin and Ceramide levels and the enzymes regulating their metabolism in response to cell stress
Fenretinide stimulates redox-sensitive Ceramide production in breast cancer cells: potential role in drug-induced cytotoxicity
Isolation and Structure of a New Ceramide from the Basidiomycete Hygrophorus eburnesus
β-Sitosterol stimulates Ceramide metabolism in differentiated Caco2 cells
NAD+/NADH and/or CoQ/CoQH2 ratios from plasma membrane electron transport may determine Ceramide and sphingosine‐1‐phosphate levels accompanying G1 …
Differential regulation of Ceramide in lipid‐rich microdomains (rafts): Antagonistic role of palmitoyl: protein thioesterase and neutral sphingomyelinase 2
Suppression of mast cell degranulation by a novel Ceramide kinase inhibitor, the F-12509A olefin isomer K1
Involvement of endogenous Ceramide in the inhibition of telomerase activity and induction of morphologic differentiation in response to all-trans-retinoic acid in human …
Ceramide binding to African–American hair fibre correlates with resistance to hair breakage
Secretory phospholipase A2 induces apoptosis via a mechanism involving Ceramide generation
Ceramide inhibition of mammalian phospholipase D1 and D2 activities is antagonized by phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate
Catalytic enantioselective synthesis of a novel inhibitor of Ceramide trafficking,(1R, 3R)-N-(3-hydroxy-1-hydroxymethyl-3-phenylpropyl) dodecanamide (HPA-12)
Instability of N-acetylated fumonisin B1 (FA1) and the impact on inhibition of Ceramide synthase in rat liver slices
Sodium nitroprusside-induced osteoblast apoptosis is mediated by long chain Ceramide and is decreased by raloxifene
Effect of overexpression of a neutral sphingomyelinase on CD95-induced Ceramide production and apoptosis
Bile salt-stimulated carboxyl ester lipase influences lipoprotein assembly and secretion in intestine: a process mediated via Ceramide hydrolysis
Glutathione peroxidase-1 overexpression prevents Ceramide production and partially inhibits apoptosis in doxorubicin-treated human breast carcinoma cells
Ceramide inhibits the outward potassium current in rat pinealocytes
Characterization of Ceramide-induced apoptotic death in cerebellar granule cells in culture
Nerve growth factor-induced glutamate release is via p75 receptor, Ceramide, and Ca2+ from ryanodine receptor in developing cerebellar neurons
Occurrence of an α-galacturonosyl-Ceramide in the dioxin-degrading bacterium Sphingomonas wittichii
Nitric oxide regulates synthesis of gene products involved in keratinocyte differentiation and Ceramide metabolism
Ceramide, tumor necrosis factor and alcohol‐induced liver disease
Laser induces apoptosis and Ceramide production in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Ceramide-and ERK-dependent pathway for the activation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein by interleukin-1β in hepatocytes
C2-Ceramide Influences the Expression and Insulin-Mediated Regulation of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase 3B and Lipolysis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
Coupled assay of sphingomyelin and Ceramide molecular species by gas liquid chromatography
Defects in cell growth regulation by C18: 0-Ceramide and longevity assurance gene 1 in human head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
Ceramide Inhibits the Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Current in GH3 Lactotrophs
… 1 (uog1), a mammalian homolog of the yeast Longevity Assurance Gene 1 (LAG1), regulatesN-Stearoyl-sphinganine (C18-(Dihydro) Ceramide) synthesis in a …
Impaired Ceramide signalling in spontaneously hypertensive rat vascular smooth muscle: a possible mechanism for augmented cell proliferation
Ceramide generation in situ alters leukocyte cytoskeletal organization and β2-integrin function and causes complete degranulation
Ceramide increases Fas-mediated apoptosis in glioblastoma cells through FLIP down-regulation
Modulation of Ceramide content and lack of apoptosis in the chronically hypoxic neonatal rat heart
Ceramide involvement in homocamptothecin-and camptothecin-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in colon HT29 cells
Oligodendrocyte‐specific Ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) expression phenotypically rescues CGT‐deficient mice and demonstrates that CGT activity does not …
Ceramide triggers caspase activation during γ-radiation-induced apoptosis of human glioma cells lacking functional p53
Activation of bacterial ceramidase by anionic glycerophospholipids: possible involvement in Ceramide hydrolysis on atopic skin by Pseudomonas ceramidase
Ceramide‐induced cell death in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP has both necrotic and apoptotic features
IGF-I protects cortical neurons against Ceramide-induced apoptosis via activation of the PI-3K/Akt and ERK pathways; is this protection independent of CREB and Bcl …
Cross-talk between phosphatidic acid and Ceramide during ethanol-induced apoptosis in astrocytes
Activation of the JAK/STAT pathway by Ceramide in cultured human fibroblasts
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains bind bovine milk gangliosides in a Ceramide-dependent process
Inhibition of growth and telomerase activity by novel cationic Ceramide analogs with high solubility in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells
Regulation of nociceptin/orphanin FQ gene expression in astrocytes by Ceramide
Dynamic ergosterol-and Ceramide-rich domains in the peroxisomal membrane serve as an organizing platform for peroxisome fusion
A lipid analogue that inhibits sphingomyelin hydrolysis and synthesis, increases Ceramide, and leads to cell death
Mitochondrial effects with Ceramide-induced cardiac apoptosis are different from those of palmitate
Leishmania donovani Suppresses Activated Protein 1 and NF-κB Activation in Host Macrophages via Ceramide Generation: Involvement of Extracellular Signal …
Fumonisin-induced tumor necrosis factor-α expression in a porcine kidney cell line is independent of sphingoid base accumulation induced by Ceramide synthase …
Mitochondrial cytochrome c release mediates Ceramide-induced activator protein 2 activation and gene expression in keratinocytes
Regulation of polymorphonuclear leukocyte degranulation and oxidant production by Ceramide through inhibition of phospholipase D
Identification of genes involved in Ceramide-dependent neuronal apoptosis using cDNA arrays
Ceramide increase cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in Jurkat T cells by liberation of calcium from intracellular stores and activation of a store-operated calcium …
Neuronal endosomal/lysosomal membrane destabilization activates caspases and induces abnormal accumulation of the lipid secondary messenger Ceramide
Ceramide generated by acidic sphingomyelinase contributes to tumor necrosis factor-α-mediated apoptosis in human colon HT-29 cells through …
Ceramide and cholesterol: possible connections between normal aging of the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. Just hypotheses or molecular pathways to be identified?
Effects of Ceramide on aggrecanase activity in rabbit articular cartilage
Apoptotic death by Ceramide: will the real killer please stand up?
Formation of Ceramide-enriched domains in lipid particles enhances the binding of apolipoprotein E
Ceramide in Regulation of Apoptosis: Implication in multitoxicant resistance
The total syntheses of D-erythro-sphingosine, N-palmitoylsphingosine (Ceramide), and glucosylCeramide (cerebroside) via an azidosphingosine analog
Basic fibroblast growth factor activates endothelial nitric-oxide synthase in CHO-K1 cells via the activation of Ceramide synthesis
Tumor necrosis factor-α-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression via sequential activation of Ceramide-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinases, and IκB kinase 1/2 …
Poly-drug cancer therapy based on Ceramide.
The role of de novo Ceramide synthesis in the mechanism of action of the tricyclic xanthate D609
Characterization of zebrafish caspase-3 and induction of apoptosis through Ceramide generation in fish fathead minnow tailbud cells and zebrafish embryo
Ceramide accelerates dephosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 to decrease prostaglandin D2 production in RBL-2H3 cells
Decreased activity and enhanced nuclear export of CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein β during inhibition of adipogenesis by Ceramide
Control of Ceramide-induced apoptosis by IGF-1: involvement of PI-3 kinase, caspase-3 and catalase
Radiation‐induced apoptosis of oligodendrocytes and its association with increased Ceramide and down‐regulated protein kinase B/Akt activity
Inositol phosphoCeramide synthase is a regulator of intracellular levels of diacylglycerol and Ceramide during the G1 to S transition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ceramide and glucosamine antagonism of alternate signaling pathways regulating insulin-and osmotic shock-induced glucose transporter 4 translocation
Modulation of CYP3A4 expression by Ceramide in human colon carcinoma HT-29 cells
Significant role of Ceramide pathway in experimental gastric ulcer formation in rats
Reduced expression of Bax in Ceramide-resistant HL-60 subline
Superoxide potently induces Ceramide formation in glomerular endothelial cells
Isolation of Ceramide fractions from skin sample by subcritical chromatography with packed silica and evaporative light scattering detection
Ceramide and glutathione define two independently regulated pathways of cell death initiated by p53 in Molt-4 leukaemia cells
Metabolic formation of Ceramide-1-phosphate in cerebellar granule cells: evidence for the phosphorylation of Ceramide by different metabolic pathways
Ceramide in primary astrocytes from cerebellum: metabolism and role in cell proliferation
C2-Ceramide signaling in glioma cells: synergistic enhancement of CD95-mediated, caspase-dependent apoptosis
Enhancement of radiosensitivity by combined Ceramide and dimethylsphingosine treatment in lung cancer cells
Ceramide 1-phosphate enhances calcium entry through voltage-operated calcium channels by a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism in GH4C1 rat pituitary cells
Renal apoptosis parallels Ceramide content after prolonged ureteral obstruction in the neonatal rat
Characterization of the reversible nature of the reaction catalyzed by sphingolipid Ceramide N‐deacylase: A novel form of reverse hydrolysis reaction
… and perifosine synergistically induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells through Akt and ERK1/2 inactivation and the generation of Ceramide and reactive oxygen …
Divergent role of Ceramide generated by exogenous sphingomyelinases on NF-κB activation and apoptosis in human colon HT-29 cells
Saturated free fatty acid release and intracellular Ceramide generation during apoptosis induction are closely related processes
The sphingomyelin/Ceramide pathway is involved in ERK1/2 phosphorylation, cell proliferation, and uPAR overexpression induced by tissue‐type plasminogen …
PAF, Ceramide and pulmonary edema: alveolar flooding and a flood of questions
Increased Akt protein expression is associated with decreased Ceramide content in skeletal muscle of troglitazone-treated mice
Fumonisin-induced blockade of Ceramide synthase in sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway alters aortic input impedance spectrum of pigs
Ceramide 1-phosphate increases intracellular free calcium concentrations in thyroid FRTL-5 cells: evidence for an effect mediated by inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate and …
Increase in Ceramide level alters the lysosomal targeting of cathepsin D prior to onset of apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cells
Amphimelibiosides A−F, Six New Ceramide Dihexosides Isolated from a Japanese Marine Sponge Amphimedon sp.
Glycoinositol phospholipids from Trypanosoma cruzi transmit signals to the cells of the host immune system through both Ceramide and glycan chains
Loss of cyclin A and G1-cell cycle arrest are a prerequisite of Ceramide-induced toxicity in human arterial endothelial cells
Ceramide accumulation is independent of camptothecin-induced apoptosis in prostate cancer LNCaP cells
Mannosyl-Diinositolphospho-Ceramide, the Major Yeast Plasma Membrane Sphingolipid, Governs Toxicity of Kluyveromyces lactis Zymocin
CrmA protects against apoptosis and Ceramide formation in PC12 cells
Brefeldin A and filipin distinguish two globotriaosyl Ceramide/verotoxin-1 intracellular trafficking pathways involved in Vero cell cytotoxicity
Induction of apoptosis in chicken oviduct cells by C2-Ceramide.
Ceramide‐induced apoptosis of D283 medulloblastoma cells requires mitochondrial respiratory chain activity but occurs independently of caspases and is not …
Regulation of Ceramide signaling by plasma membrane coenzyme Q reductases
Ceramide analogues in apoptosis: a new strategy for anticancer drug development
Inflammatory mediator and β-amyloid (25–35)-induced Ceramide generation and iNOS expression are inhibited by vitamin E
Generation of receptor-active, globotriaosyl Ceramide/cholesterol lipid ‘rafts’ in vitro: A new assay to define factors affecting glycosphingolipid receptor activity
Ceramide inhibits L-type calcium channel currents in GH3 cells
Short-chain Ceramide regulates hepatic methionine adenosyltransferase expression
Synthesis of a novel fluorescent Ceramide analogue and its use in the characterization of recombinant ceramidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01
… cell death in mitotic neural progenitor cells by asymmetric distribution of prostate apoptosis response 4 (PAR-4) and simultaneous elevation of endogenous Ceramide
CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase inhibition by Ceramide via PKC-α, p38 MAPK, cPLA2, and 5-lipoxygenase
Positive inotropic effect of Ceramide in adult ventricular myocytes: mechanisms dissociated from its reduction in Ca2+ influx
Synthesis of homoCeramides, novel Ceramide analogues, and their lack of effect on the growth of hippocampal neurons
Method for quantitative determination of cerebroside in “plant Ceramide” foodstuffs by high performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering …
Mobile phase compositions for Ceramide III by normal phase high performance liquid chromatography
Inhibition of Ceramide synthesis in plants by phytotoxins
Quantitative Studies of Binding between Synthetic Galactosyl Ceramide Analogues and HIV‐1 Gp120 at Planar Membrane Surfaces
Ceramide induces translocation of protein kinase C-α to the Golgi compartment of human embryonic kidney cells by interacting with the C2 domain
Pravastatin Attenuates Ceramide‐Induced Cytotoxicity in Mouse Cerebral Endothelial Cells with HIF‐1 Activation and VEGF Upregulation
… human colon carcinoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through clustering of DR5 and concentrating death-inducing signaling complex components into Ceramide …
N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide increases Ceramide and is cytotoxic to acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines, but not to non-malignant lymphocytes
Structure of the Ceramide moiety of GM1 ganglioside determines its occurrence in different detergent-resistant membrane domains in HL-60 cells
The molecular relationship between deficient UDP-galactose uridyl transferase (GALT) and Ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) enzyme function: a possible cause …
Anoxia and reoxygenation of human endothelial cells decreases Ceramide glucosyltransferase expression and activates caspases
The 4, 5-double bond of Ceramide regulates its dipole potential, elastic properties, and packing behavior
Vesnarinone causes oxidative damage by inhibiting catalase function through Ceramide action in myeloid cell apoptosis
Suppression of Ceramide-induced cell death by hepatitis C virus core protein
HIV-1 gp41 envelope residues 650–685 exposed on native virus act as a lectin to bind epithelial cell galactosyl Ceramide
Stimulation by de novo-synthesized Ceramide of phospholipase A2-dependent cholesterol esterification promoted by the uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein in …
Inhibition of steroidogenesis and induction of apoptosis in rat luteal cells by cell-permeable Ceramide in vitro.
Mitochondrial cytochrome c release precedes transmembrane depolarisation and caspase-3 activation during Ceramide-induced apoptosis of Jurkat T cells
Up‐regulation of prosaposin by the retinoid HPR and the effect on Ceramide production and integrin receptors
Synthesis of Ceramide mimics with a pseudo cyclic framework
Inhibitory effect of Ceramide on insulin-induced protein kinase Cζ translocation in rat adipocytes
Synthesis of the glycosphingolipid β-galactosyl Ceramide and analogues via olefin cross metathesis
Fenretinide cytotoxicity for Ewing’s sarcoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumor cell lines is decreased by hypoxia and synergistically enhanced by Ceramide …
Heat shock and Ceramide have different apoptotic pathways in radiation induced fibrosarcoma (RIF) cells
Nitric oxide, Ceramide and sphingomyelinase-coupled receptors: a tale of enzymes and messengers coordinating cell death, survival and differentiation
T‐Cell Receptor Downregulation by Ceramide‐Induced Caspase Activation and Cleavage of the ζ Chain
Inhibitory activity of a Ceramide library on interleukin-4 production from activated T cells
Interleukin-2-induced survival of natural killer (NK) cells involving phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase-dependent reduction of Ceramide through acid sphingomyelinase …
Nano capsulization of Ceramide and the efficacy of atopy skin
Oleandrin suppresses activation of nuclear transcription factor-κB and activator protein-1 and potentiates apoptosis induced by Ceramide
Ceramide and sphingosine rapidly induce apoptosis of murine mast cells supported by interleukin-3 and stem cell factor
Role of Ceramide in Ca2+-sensing receptor-induced apoptosis
Involvement of Ceramide in the mechanism of Cr (VI)-induced apoptosis of CHO cells
Effects of cations on Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase 2A
The thermotropic phase behaviour of phyto-Ceramide 1 as investigated by ATR-FTIR and DSC
Aggregation behaviour of Ceramide class 3 lipids
Ceramide-induced enhancement of secretory phospholipase A2 expression via generation of reactive oxygen species in tumor necrosis factor-α-stimulated mesangial …
Inhibition of sodium-calcium exchange by Ceramide and sphingosine
… B100 oligosaccharides in LDL subfractions derived from normal and hyperlipidemic plasma: deficiency of α-N-acetylneuraminyllactosyl-Ceramide in light and small …
A study of the safety & effect of products containing Ceramide, glucan for atopic dermatitis
Characterization of the human UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene promoter
Ceramide influences neurite outgrowth and neuroblastoma cell apoptosis regulated by novel protein kinase C isoforms
Synthesis of non-natural C2-homo-Ceramide and its apoptotic activity against HL-60 cells
C2-Ceramide exhibits antiproliferative activity and potently induces apoptosis in endometrial carcinoma
Improved irras apparatus for studies of aqueous monolayer films: Determination of the orientation of each chain in a fatty-acid homogeneous Ceramide 2
Insulin or bFGF and C2 Ceramide increase newborn rat retinal ganglion cell survival rate
Keratinocytes Rapidly Readjust Ceramide–Sphingomyelin Homeostasis and Contain a Phosphatidylcholine–Sphingomyelin Transacylase
Ordering Ceramide-induced cell detachment and apoptosis in human neuroepithelioma
Synthesis of novel and non-natural Ceramide analogues derived from l-glutamic acid
Brain microvessel endothelin type A receptors are coupled to Ceramide production
Ceramide enhances acrosomal exocytosis triggered by calcium and the calcium ionophore A23187 in boar spermatozoa
Differential Expression of Proteins in Response to Ceramide-Mediated Stress Signal in Colon Cancer Cells by 2-D Gel Electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF− MS
Cloning of a mouse β1, 3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase GlcNAc (β1, 3) Gal (β1, 4) Glc-Ceramide synthase gene encoding the key regulator of lacto-series …
Gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) inhibits lipopolysaccharide stimulated tumor necrosis factor-α through Ceramide pathway
Study on Ceramide expression and DNA content in patients with healthy mucosa, leukoplakia, and carcinoma of the larynx
Ceramide negatively regulates glutathione S-transferase gene transactivation via repression of hepatic nuclear factor-1 that is degraded by the ubiquitin proteasome …
Nitric oxide production stimulated by the basic fibroblast growth factor requires the synthesis of Ceramide
Human diploid fibroblasts that undergo a senescent-like differentiation have elevated Ceramide and diacylglycerol
Interactions of Adriamycin, Cytochrome c, and Serum Albumin withLipid Monolayers Containing Poly (ethylene glycol)-Ceramide
Treatment of atopic blepharitis by controlling eyelid skin water retention ability with Ceramide gel application
Ceramide induces a loss in cytosolic peroxide levels in mononuclear cells
Requirement of Ceramide for adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to glycosphingolipids
TNFα reduces the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) via the production of Ceramide and activation of atypical PKC
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a patient with Fabry’s disease: Identification of Ceramide trihexoside in the bone by delayed‐extraction matrix‐assisted laser …
In vivo influence of Ceramide accumulation induced by treatment with a glucosylCeramide synthase inhibitor on ischemic neuronal cell death
Ceramide inhibition of phospholipase D and its relationship to RhoA and ARF1 translocation in GTPγS-stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Ceramide-induced apoptosis in rabbit corneal fibroblasts
Isolation and Structural Determination of Four New Ceramide Lactosides from the Starfish Luidia maculata
Modulation by C2 Ceramide of the nicotinic transmission within the coeliac ganglion in the rabbit
Synthesis of D-erythro-sphingosine and D-erythro-Ceramide
Enhanced Ceramide generation and induction of apoptosis in human leukemia cells exposed to DT388–granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) …
A synthetic Ceramide analog ameliorates spatial cognition deficit and stimulates biosynthesis of brain gangliosides in rats with cerebral ischemia
Synergistic effect of interleukin (IL)-1α and Ceramide analogue on the production of IL-6, IL-8, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor by endometrial …
Simultaneous quantitative determination method for Ceramide species from crude cellular extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography–thermospray mass …
Tanacetamide C: One new Ceramide from Tanacetum artemisioides
Distinct apoptotic phenotypes induced by radiation and Ceramide in both p53-wild-type and p53-mutated lymphoblastoid cells
Enhancement of C2-Ceramide antitumor activity by small interfering RNA on X chromosome—linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in resistant human glioma cells
C 2-Ceramide inhibits LPS-induced nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells through down-regulating the activation of Akt
IL-1 stimulates Ceramide accumulation without inducing apoptosis in intestinal epithelial cells
Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (SFRP1) protects fibroblasts from Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Uptake and Rapid Transfer of Fluorescent Ceramide Analogues to Acidosomes (Late Endosomes) in Paramecium
Lipoarabinomannan-induced cell signaling involves Ceramide and mitogen-activated protein kinase
Dominant-negative suppression of HNF-1α results in mitochondrial dysfunction, INS-1 cell apoptosis, and increased sensitivity to Ceramide-, but not to high …
C2-Ceramide-induced circular smooth muscle cell contraction involves PKC-ε and p44/p42 MAPK activation in cat oesophagus
Glycosphingolipids from Magnaporthe grisea cells: expression of a Ceramide dihexoside presenting phytosphingosine as the long-chain base
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I-transformed T-cells have a partial defect in Ceramide synthesis in response to N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide
Potentiation of lipopolysaccharide-inducible cyclooxygenase 2 expression by C2-Ceramide via c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated activation of CCAAT/enhancer …
Tumor necrosis factor α and Ceramide depolarise the resting membrane potential of thyroid FRTL-5 cells via a protein kinase Cζ-dependent regulation of K+ channels
Synthesis of a Ceramide sphingolipid as a potential sex pheromone of the hair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii using butane-2, 3-diacetal desymmetrised glycolic acid …
Identification of two RNA cis-elements that function to regulate the 5′ splice site selection of Bcl-x pre-mRNA in response to Ceramide
Measurement of Ceramide and sphingolipid metabolism in tumors: potential modulation of chemotherapy
Ceramide does not act as a general second messenger for ultraviolet-induced apoptosis
Bcl-2 rescues Ceramide-and etoposide-induced mitochondrial apoptosis through blockage of caspase-2 activation
Characterization of C2-Ceramide-resistant HL-60 subline (HL-CR): involvement of PKC δ in C2-Ceramide resistance
C2-Ceramide as a cell death inducer in HC11 mouse mammary epithelial cells
Synergistic Effect of Interleukin‐1α and Ceramide Analogue on Production of Prostaglandin E2 and F2α by Endometrial Stromal Cells
Differential sensitivity to short-chain Ceramide analogues of human intestinal carcinoma cells grown in tumor spheroids versus monolayer culture
Transcriptional regulation of the human UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase (hCGT) gene expression: functional role of GC-box and CRE
Ceramide: a messenger of cell death
Transmembrane domain of Bcl-2 is required for inhibition of Ceramide synthesis, but not cytochrome c release in the pathway of inostamycin-induced apoptosis
Phase diagram and emulsion properties of n-octyl β-d-glucoside/water/octanoic acid containing pseudo-Ceramide mixtures
The leucine 10 residue in the pleckstrin homology domain of Ceramide kinase is crucial for its catalytic activity
A chicken-or-egg conundrum in apoptosis: which comes first? Ceramide or PKCδ?
The gel phase structure of hydrated Ceramide 3b as investigated by synchrotron X-ray and atomic force microscopy
Ceramide attenuates high glucose-induced cardiac contractile abnormalities in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes.
Potentiation of Ceramide-induced apoptosis by p27kip1 Overexpression
Changes in Ceramide levels upon catechins-induced apoptosis in lovo cells
Ceramide, an apoptotic rheostat, inhibits CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-β and NF-E2-related factor-2 activation: The role in glutathione S-transferase A2 gene …
Cell cycle arrest of hematopoietic cell lines after treatment with Ceramide is commonly associated with retinoblastoma activation
Dissociated ROS production and Ceramide generation in sulfasalazine-induced cell death in Raw 264.7 cells
Diacylglycerol and Ceramide formation induced by dopamine D2S receptors via Gβγ-subunits in Balb/c-3T3 cells
Reduced levels of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein are associated with Ceramide-induced apoptosis of colon cancer cells
Stimulation of astrocyte-enriched culture with C2 Ceramide increases proenkephalin mRNA: involvement of cAMP-response element binding protein and mitogen …
Sphingomyelinase but not Ceramide induces nitric oxide synthase expression in rat brain microglia
[14C] serine from phosphatidylserine labels Ceramide and sphingomyelin in L929 cells: evidence for a new metabolic relationship between glycerophospholipids and …
Activation of serine/threonine protein phosphatase-1 is required for Ceramide-induced survival of sympathetic neurons
Sphingosine-induced c-jun expression: differences between sphingosine-and C2-Ceramide-mediated signaling pathways
A Tandem Mass Spectrometric Approach for Determining the Structure of Molecular Species of Ceramide in the Marine Sponge, Haliclona Cribricutis
Tissue-specific Ceramide response in the chronically hypoxic rat model mimicking cyanotic heart disease
High levels of exogenous C2‐Ceramide promote morphological and biochemical evidences of necrotic features in thyroid follicular cells
… membrane-bound CD54 (mCD54) and soluble form of CD54 (sCD54) in endothelial cells by glucosyl transferase inhibitor: possible role of Ceramide for the shedding …
… enhances the DNA single-strand breakage induced by the short-chain lipid hydroperoxide analogue tert-butylhydroperoxide via Ceramide-dependent inhibition of …
Ceramide 1-(2-cyanoethyl) phosphate enhances store-operated Ca2+ entry in thyroid FRTL-5 cells
Selective and transient activation of protein kinase C α by fumonisin B1, a Ceramide synthase inhibitor mycotoxin, in cultured porcine renal cells
Growth Hormone-induced Diacylglycerol and Ceramide Formation via Gαi3 and Gβγ in GH4 Pituitary Cells: POTENTIATION BY DOPAMINE-D2 RECEPTOR …
The role of Ceramide of human macrophage gangliosides in activation of human macrophages
Synthesis of 7‐Oxasphingosine and‐Ceramide Analogues and Their Evaluation in a Model for Apoptosis
Ceramide blocks PDGF-induced DNA synthesis in mesangial cells via inhibition of Akt kinase in the absence of apoptosis
C2-Ceramide induces vasodilation in phenylephrine-induced pre-contracted rat thoracic aorta: role of RhoA/Rho-kinase and intracellular Ca2+ concentration
The Clinical Efficacy of Multi-Lameller Emulsion (MLE) contained Pseudo-Ceramide (PC-9S) on Atopic Dermatitis
Identification of the LIM kinase-1 as a Ceramide-regulated gene in renal mesangial cells
Involvement of the ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic system in the signaling pathway induced by Ceramide in primary astrocyte cultures
Lactic acidosis stimulates ganglioside and Ceramide generation without sphingomyelin hydrolysis in rat cortical astrocytes
Bradykinin stimulates Ceramide production by activating specific BK-B1 receptor in rat small artery
Ceramide glycosylation and fatty acid hydroxylation influence serological reactivity in Trypanosoma cruzi glycosphingolipids
Involvement of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in nuclear translocation of protein kinase C ζ induced by C2-Ceramide in rat hepatocytes
Modelling of Ceramide interactions with porous graphite carbon in non-aqueous liquid chromatography
Nerve conduction velocity measurements reveal the functional deficit in Ceramide galactosyl transferase-deficient (cgt−/−) mice
Insights into Ceramide 3A molecular arrangement
Quantitative Analysis of Ceramide III of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Normal Phase HPLC
… phosphoenol ether derived from a dienone. Approaches to the syntheses of phosphonate analogs of sphingomyelin, sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide 1 …
Inhibition of EGF-mediated receptor activity and cell proliferation by HK1-Ceramide, a stable analog of the ganglioside GM3-lactone
Effect of Ceramide analogs on interleukin-1a-induced production of rostaglandin E2 by amnion-derived (WISH) cells
Sphingomyelin and Ceramide in brain aging, neuronal plasticity and neurodegenerative disorders
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate suppresses galactose-α1, 4-galactose-β1, 4-glucose Ceramide expression in TNF-α stimulated human intestinal epithelial cells …
Protection of LLC-PK1 cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death by modulation of Ceramide level
A turn in the road: How studies on the pharmacology of glucosylCeramide synthase inhibitors led to the identification of a lysosomal phospholipase A2 with Ceramide …
Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) induces a crosstalk between cAMP and Ceramide signaling pathways in thyroid epithelial cells
A novel GlcNAcα1-HPO3-6Gal(1-1)Ceramide antigen and alkylated inositol-phosphoglycerolipids expressed by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
Aromatase inhibition by 15-deoxy-prostaglandin J2 (15-dPGJ2) and N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-retinamide (4HPR) is associated with enhanced Ceramide production
A Novel Ceramide from the Indian Marine Sponge Fasciospongia Cavernosa
Emulsion properties of pseudo-Ceramide PC104/water/polyoxyethylene cholesteryl ether and polyoxyethylene cetyl ether mixtures
Phenoxodiol, a synthetic analog of genistein, generates Ceramide and is equipotent in wild-type and multidrug-resistant human tumor cells
Neutralizing Ceramide: A major breakthrough or yet another marginal target for the treatment of acute lung injury?
Conformationally restrained Ceramide analogues: effects of lipophilic modifications on the antiproliferative activity
Ceramide modulates nicotinic receptor‐dependent Ca2+ signaling in rat chromaffin cells
Interleukin‐1β inhibits ATP‐induced protein kinase B activation in renal mesangial cells by two different mechanisms: the involvement of nitric oxide and Ceramide
Π-A isotherms, phase behaviors, and lamellar structures of synthetic vitamin E Ceramide mixed with cholesterol and linoleic acid
Sphingolipids as Emerging Drug Targets: Therapeutic Applications of Ceramide Analogs
First total synthesis of α-(2→ 3)/α-(2→ 6)-disialyl lactotetraosyl Ceramide and disialyl Lewis A ganglioside as cancer-associated carbohydrate antigens
Ceramide signaling under oxidative stress
Molecular cloning of Chinese hamster Ceramide glucosyltransferase and its enhanced expression in peroxisome-defective mutant Z65 cells
Nano capsulization of Ceramide and the efficacy of atopy skin
Potentiation of okadaic acid-induced Ceramide elevation but not apoptosis by inhibition of glucosylCeramide synthase in human neuroepithelioma cells
C2‐Ceramide and reactive oxygen species inhibit pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP)‐induced cyclic‐AMP‐dependent signalling pathway
Ceramide is Involved in Cytotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma Cells
Structural analysis of Ceramide-amino-ethyl-phosphonate in edible mediterranean cephalopods
Procedure for separation of GM2 ganglioside species with different Ceramide structures by a flash reversed-phase silica gel liquid chromatography
Differential involvement of Ceramide in TNFalpha-mediated activation of NF-kappaB in primary human keratinocytes and HaCaT keratinocytes.
Developmental patterns of Ceramide glucosyltransferase (GlcT-1) expression in the mouse: in situ hybridization using DIG-labeled RNA probes.
Sphingomyelinase amplifies BMP-4-induced osteocalcin synthesis in osteoblasts: role of Ceramide
GalCer Synthase (Ceramide Galactosyltransferase, CGT)
Combating cancer-drug resistance: The Ceramide connection
Ceramide generation and apoptosis in autoimmunity
GlcCer synthase (UDP-glucose: Ceramide glucosyltransferase, UGCG)
Synthesis of (2S,2′R,3S,4R)-2-(2′-Hydroxy-21′-methyldocosanoylamino)- 1,3,4-pentadecanetriol, the Ceramide Sex Pheromone of the Female Hair Crab,…
Effect of cellular zinc on the regulation of C2-Ceramide induced apoptosis in mammary epithelial and macrophage cell lines
Rapid induction of senescence-like changes in human umbilic vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) by C6 Ceramide
Ceramide trafficking: learning from the rebels
… 1 upregulates ovarian prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 expression: evidence for prostaglandin-dependent/Ceramide-independent transcriptional stimulation …
Gas-phase structure and conformation of the glycosidase and Ceramide glucosyltransferase inhibitor N-benzyl deoxynojirimycin
Sphingosine 1-phosphate acts as a signal molecule in Ceramide signal transduction of TNF-α-induced activator protein-1 in osteoblastic cell line MC3T3-E1 cells
Ceramide-driven stress signals in cancer and aging
Ceramide: Cell Regulation from a Lipid Perspective
Ceramide is a key mediator in the apoptosis of retina photoreceptors
Ceramide-Induced Apoptosis in Cultured Keratocyte
Chromatographic analysis of Ceramide III ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae
… death in embryonic chick cardiomyocyte is more dependent on caspase-2 than caspase-3 inhibition and is independent of sphingomyelinase activation and Ceramide …
The Application of Nanoliposome Composed of Ceramide as an Anti-irritant in Cosmetics
Synthesis and cytotoxicity of new 3-alkyl-1-(1-methyl-2-phenylethyl) ureas related to Ceramide
Ceramide, Ceramidase, and FasL Gene Therapy in Prostate Cancer
Effects of antioxidation and Ceramide of improved prescription of didang-tang (IPDT) on exprimental atherosclerosis rabbits
Light at the end of the “Tunel”? Role of Ceramide in seizure-induced programmed cell death
A new Ceramide from two edible mushrooms, Grifola frondosa and Lyophyllum connatum
Top down analysis Ceramide-induced mitochondrial dysfunctions: role of mitochondrial swelling
The metalloprotease-directed shedding of BP 180 (collagen XVII) from human keratinocytes in culture is unaffected by Ceramide and cell-matrix interaction
Prevention of PC-12 cell death by crocin via sphingomyelinase-Ceramide signaling by increase of glutathione biosynthesis
Repeated administration of alpha-galactosyl Ceramide attenuates of Natural Killer T cells
Safingol, an inhibitor of sphingosine kinase, stimulates autophagy in a Ceramide-independent and phosphatidylinositol (PI)-3 kinase-mediated manner
Utilization of the lipids of the deep-sea grenadier: the high content of Ceramide derivatives in the internal organ lipids of genus Corypaenoides
Benzene increases the ratio of arachidonic acids to docosahexaenoic acids and inhibits the de novo synthesis of Ceramide in the rat liver
Molecular targeting therapy for leukemia by sphingolipid Ceramide
Inhibition of Ceramide synthase in corn seedlings infected with Fusarium verticillioides or exposed directly to fumonisin B1 in soil
Ceramide–induced Upregulation of Redoxin Proteins in RPE and Effect of Hepatocyte Growth Factor
Elevated Ceramide levels contribute to the age-associated decline in vascular endothelial nitric oxide. Pharmacologic administration of lipoic acid partially …
Cyclosporin A enhances Ceramide signalling in human breast cancer cells in response to N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide
Ceramide Inhibits IL-2 Production by
Gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM) inhibits lipopolysaccharide stimulated tumor necrosis factor-α through Ceramide pathway
… of methyl-3, 5-diiodo-4-(4′-methoxyphenoxy) benzoate: Drug-induced protein dephosphorylations and inhibition of the permissive action of Ceramide on growth factor …
Commentary:“Ceramide and cholesterol: Possible connections between normal aging of the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. Just hypotheses or molecular …
Therapeutic applications of Ceramide lipids for apoptosis induction
Synthesis of biologically relevant sphingoid-and Ceramide-analogues.
Regulation of C2-Ceramide-induced neuronal death
Compartmentalization and properties of Ceramide metabolizing enzymes.
Down-regulation of Ceramide synthase-6 during epithelial-to-mesenchymal
The Application of Nanoliposome Composed of Ceramide as an Anti-irritant in Cosmetics
The role of Ceramide in growth arrest and terminal differentiation of human leukaemia cells
Light at the End of the “TUNEL”? Role of Ceramide in Seizure-induced Programmed Cell Death.
Practical Synthesis of -Galactosyl Ceramide, KRN 7000.
Role of Ceramide in Hypoxia-induced Neuronal Cell Death
Alternative splicing mechanisms mediated by Ceramide for the regulation of apoptosis
Ceramide and reactive oxygen species (ROS) as signal transduction molecules in inflammation
The Development and Evaluation of Systemic Drug Delivery Systems for C6-Ceramide as a Breast Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agent
Ceramide-1-Phosphate a Novel Mediator for Phagocytosis.
In vivo antineoplastic efficacy of Ceramide via novel drug delivery systems
Regulation of Ceramide metabolism in glioma cells: evidence on the role of phosphatidylinosotol-4-kinases
Characterization of the apoptotic molecular events induced by a lysosomotropic Ceramide analog in prostate cancer cells
Ceramide pathway and Apoptosis in Autoimmunity and Atherosclerosis
Astroglial expression of Ceramide in Alzheimer’s disease brains
Molecular mechanisms of responses to radiation through Ceramide
Pharmacological preconditioning with Ceramide: implication of antideath signaling through the upregulation of the antiapoptotic gene Bcl-2
Modulation of Human Cytochrome P450 3A4 Expression by Ceramide, a Lipid Second Messenger
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Suppresses Galactose-1, 4-galactose-1, 4-glucose Ceramide Expression in TNF-Stimulated Human IntestinalEpithelial Cells Through …
The role of Ceramide in the antagonism of insulin signal transduction by free fatty acids in skeletal muscle
p38 MAP kinase is involved in Ceramide-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells
Induction effects of C2-Ceramide on early apoptosis in rat glioma cell C6
Antitumor properties of Ceramide
Role of catalase in Ceramide–induced apoptosis and its protection by hepatocyte growth factor.
Effects of β-sitosterol and tamoxifen on growth and Ceramide metabolism in breast cancer cells
TNF-a and Ceramide as Mediators of Neuronal Tolerance to Brain Ischemia
Interventional effect of emodin on the changes of sphingomylinase activity and Ceramide content in experimental rabbit with atherosclerosis
Nitric oxide modulates Ceramide traffic in human glioma cells: a fluorescence microscopy study
Inhibition of C2-Ceramide induced contraction in cat esophageal smooth muscle cell by newly synthesized Ceramide analogues
Investigation of the interaction of Ceramide and acyl-coenzyme A with the mitochondrial associated protein, endozepine, using heteronuclear NMR
Ceramide Initiates NF Kappa B‐Mediated Caspase Activation In Neuronal Apoptosis
Hypoxia-induced Neuronal Cell Death is Caused by Increase in the de novo Synthesis of Ceramide Linked to Caspase Activation
Investigation of the binding of Ceramide and palmitoyl-CoA to murine t-ACBP using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy: NRF/Royal Society programme
Asymmetric syntheses of new analogues of Ceramide
Ceramide is Linked to Glutamate-induced Cell Death in Cultured Cortical Neurons
TNF-and Ceramide are involved in the mediation of neuronal tolerance to brain ischemia
Role of the de novo Ceramide and Arachidonic Acid in Paclitaxel-Induced Apoptosis
Ceramide permeabilization of mitochondrial outer membrane: Pharmacological characterization and relation to MAC and Bax
Channel formation by the pro-apoptotic sphingolipid Ceramide
TNF-α and Ceramide are involved in the mediation of neuronal tolerance to brain ischemia
Autophagic Cell Death in Leukemia Cells Regulated by Ceramide and Sphingosine-1-Phosphate through Mammalian Target of Rapamycin.
Roles for C16-Ceramide and Sphingosine 1-Phosphate in Regulating Hepatocyte Apoptosis in Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor-* DS
Studies on the human UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase gene promoter
Distribution of neutral/alkaline ceramidase in marine invertebrates revealed by fluorescence-labeled Ceramide
Multidrug resistance in neuroblastoma cell lines is not associated with altered mRNA expression for Ceramide pathway enzymes
Delayed ERK Activation by Ceramide Reduces Melanin Synthesis in Human Melanocytes
Caloric restriction prevents the age-associated activation of amyloidβ-peptide generation induced by the p75NTR-Ceramide signaling pathway
Cell Surface Ceramide Generation Precedes and Controls Fc RII Clustering and Phosphorylation in Rafts
Characterization of a POROSTM-fumonisin B1 Affinity Column for Isolating Ceramide Synthase from Rat Liver
The involvement of Ceramide/sphingomyelinase in high and low LET radiation induced apoptosis in human tumor cells
The Apoptosis Induced by Ceramide in the Endothelial Cell
Ceramide-mediated signaling in vascular endothelial cells: A novel mechanism responsible for endothelial dysfunction in coronary circulation
The roles of Ceramide on the cellular signal transduction in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages activated with lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma.
Ceramide triggers caspase activation during y-radiation-induced apoptosis of human glioma cells lacking functional p53
Preventive Effect of Fibroblast Growth Factor and Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Ceramide‐Induced Dysfunction Human Small Intestinal Cells
Possible involvement of Pseudomonas sphingolipid Ceramide N-deacylase in red spot disease of eels
Anti-tumor Agent, Paclitaxel, Induces de novo Synthesis of Ceramide, Which May Lead to Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells
Does C6-Ceramide induce activation of a rectifying chloride channel (ORCC) in vivo in patients with CysSc Fibrosis
Phase behaviors, lamellar structures, and physical properties of synthetic vitamin E Ceramide (Tocomide) mixed with cholesterol and linoleic acid
The mechanism of C2-Ceramide-induced contraction of smooth muscle cells in cat esophagus
The Study on the Mechanism of Cyclosporine A-induced Nephroptoxicity: The Effects of Ceramide and Phospholipase A2 on Cyclosporine A-induced Apoptosis of …
p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) regulates Ceramide-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells.
Identification of Proteineous Biomarkers for Cadmium-and Ceramide-Induced Toxicity in Human Brain Cells through Display Proteomic Analysis
Mechanism of intracellular trafficking of Ceramide
Dietary supplementation of silk protein increases Ceramide synthesis and moisturization of skin in the animal model of atopic dermatitis, NC/Nga mice
Sterol Glucosides and Ceramide Glucosides: Cloning of Enzymes Contributing to Their Biosynthesis
Study of Ceramide monohexoside in ovarian cell line COC1/DDP resistant to cisplantin
Roles of sphingomyelin and Ceramide in membrane structure, apolipoprotein binding, and cell uptake of lipid particles
The functional effects of Ceramide on the monocyte CD36 scavenger receptor and NADPH oxidase
Synergistic Cytotoxicity of Human Breast Cancer Cells by a Novel Nano-Particle Based Delivery of Ceramide With Paclitaxel and/or Doxorubicin
p38 MAP kinase and Akt regulate Bax translocation from mitochondria during Ceramide-mediated apoptosis
Regulation of human UDP‐galactose: Ceramide β‐galactosyltransferase (CGT) gene expression
Fas and Ceramide inhibition of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) cell survival pathway in human granulosa luteal cells (hGLC).
Impairment of Retinoic Acid Receptor-Ceramide Signaling in Retinoic Acid-Resistant Breast Cancer Cells. Implications for Retinoid Differentiation Therapy of Breast …
Arachidonic acid release by cPLA (2) and Ceramide synthesis may be causally related to nitric oxide induced apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells
Functional impacts of transgenic overexpression of UDP-galactose: Ceramide galactosyltransferase and polysialyltransferase on the development of …
The correlation between Ceramide and p53 in endothelial cells apoptosis induced by AngⅡ
Intracellular Ceramide induces apoptosis in breast carcinoma cells.
A role of sphingomyelin lipid circle components in inflammation process caused by CCl/sub 4/at rats liposomes loaded by sphingomyelin or Ceramide administered
Ceramide mediated apoptotic pathway is involved in galectin-1 induced apoptosis in Jurkat T lymphocytes
Significant Role of Ceramide Pathway in Experimental Gastric Ulcer Formation in Rats.
Cell apoptosis induced by Ceramide in human colon cancer cells
405: Lysosomotropic Ceramide Analogue LCL-204, Acid Ceramidase (AC) Inhibitor, a Potential Novel Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer (PCA)
The mechanism of ET-1 or C2-Ceramide-induced the contraction of circular smooth muscle cells in cat esophagus
Combating cancer-drug resistance: the Ceramide connection
Workshop 2: Approaches for Studying the Biological Roles of Sphingolipids. Probing apoptosis during neuronal development with novel Ceramide analogs
Significance of Ceramide from precancerous lesion to carcinoma of larynx
Mechanisms of the anti-proliferative effects of exogenous Ceramide in chemoresistant and chemosensitive human breast carcinoma cells.
Attenuated Ceramide-induced Neuronal Apoptosis by Acanthopanax senticous
SF508 Protects Ceramide-induced Neuronal Cell Death
Activation of CD95 Receptor Modulates CYP3A4 Expression Through Ceramide and Nitric Oxide Production in Human Colon Carcinoma HT-29 Cells
Commentary:“Ceramide and cholesterol: Possible connections between normal aging of the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. Just hypotheses or molecular …
Influence of ionizing radiation and Taxotere pathway Ceramide pathway on apoptosis activation in Guerin’s carcinoma
Protective Effect of Magnolol Against Ceramide-induced Apoptosis in SK-N-SH cells
The Protective Role of Estrogen by Down-regulation of Bax in Ceramide Induced Neuronal Cell Death
… by Augé et al,“Role for Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Activation of the Sphingomyelin/Ceramide Pathway and Smooth …
Shifting of Cholesterol Maximum Solubility in Lipid Bilayers by Ceramide
BCL-2 Down Regulating Ceramide De Novo Pathway
Ceramide Induces the Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Activated RAW 264.7 Murine Macrophage Cells
9: 46 AM: Telomerase Modulation by Gemcitabine and Ceramide Analogs in Human Head and Neck Cancer
676. A Role for Ceramide in AdGFPFasLTET Gene Therapy
Ceramide-induced apoptosis in lung cancer derived A549 cells is independent of PP2A but may involve JNK
Downregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by a Ceramide analogue in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages
Sphingolipids in inflammation: The synergistic role of sphingosine-1-phosphate in COX-2 induction and Ceramide-1-phosphate in cPLA (2) binding …
Apoptosis of# gamma## delta# T cells and# alpha## beta# T cells induced by Ceramide
… )) are elevated. We have shown previously that IL-1 activates phospholipid signaling pathways in intestinal epithe-lial cells (IEC), leading to increased Ceramide …
A new natural Ceramide N-octadecanoyl-phytosphingosine from soft coral Sinularia sp
Potentiation of COX-2 Induction by C2-Ceramide, a Potential Cell Death Marker
A new Ceramide from the soft coral lobophytum sp.
MeHg-induced Ceramide generation by the activation of acid form of sphingomyelinase in MDCK cells
Study on the hydrolyzation of the sphingomyelin from pig erythrocyte membrane to Ceramide
Suppression of Heat Shock Protein-70 by Ceramide in Heat Shock-induced HL-60 Cell Apoptosis
An Anti-cancer Drug, Paclitaxel. Induces Apoptosis in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells by Generating Ceramide and Arachidonic Acid
A novel GlcNAca1-HPO3-6Gal (1-1) Ceramide antigen and alkylated inositol-phosphoglycerolipids expressed by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
The sphingomyelin-Ceramide pathway in cytokine-induced apoptotic signalling
Phase behaviour of aqueous dispersions of mixtures of Ceramide, cholesterol and protonated fatty acid
Ceramide, a mediator of apoptosis, synergizes with paclitaxel to induce regression of the L3. 6 human pancreatic carcinoma implanted in SCID mice
The cross talk between nitric oxide and Ceramide: Coordinate interactions among signaling pathways regulating cell death, survival, and differentiation
Potentiation of Lipopolysaccharide-Inducible COX-2 Expression by C2-Ceramide: The Role of JNK- and AP-1-Mediated C/EBP Activation
A Novel Sphingomyelin Synthase Gene, SMS1-Regulated Sphingomyelin/Ceramide-Rich Microdomain Plays a Crucial Role in Fas-Mediated Apoptosis.
Morphological and functional status of liver at rats having toxic hepatites during injections of the liposomes loaded by sphingomyelin or Ceramide
Cell specific reversal of PSC 833-induced growth inhibition in human breast cancer cells by inhibitors of de novo Ceramide synthesis
New green synthesis process of Ceramide analogousover solid catalysts. 26th World Congress of the ISF, 25-28 september 2005, Prague, République Tchèque.
… that increased local produc-tion ofcytokines and inflammatory mediators could account for an increased osteoclastic activity and, via the Ceramide-NF-KB signalling …
Ceramide method of apoptosis activation in the Geren tumor at combined action of ionizing irradiation and taxoter
Ceramide-induced apoptosis by translocation, phosphorylation and activation of protein kinase Cδ at Golgi complex
YW1-06 Protein kinase Cδ amplifies Ceramide formation via mitochondrial signaling in prostate cancer cells (Young Urologist Research Workshop)
Homologs of the yeast longevity-assurance gene (LAG1) in Trypanosoma cruzi: unraveling the mechanisms of Ceramide biosynthesis
UVB Radiation Induces Neutral and Acidic Sphingomyelinases in Normal Human Keratinocytes: Trigger for Ceramide Pathway.
Ceramide generated in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane controls signalling of FcRIIA immunoreceptor
Physiological and pathophysiological aspects of Ceramide
Ceramide: physiological and pathophysiological aspects
When do Lasses (longevity assurance genes) become CerS (Ceramide synthases)?: Insights into the regulation of Ceramide synthesis
Ceramide is a cardiotoxin in lipotoxic cardiomyopathy* s⃞
Ceramide synthases and Ceramide levels are increased in breast cancer tissue
Biological aspects of Ceramide-enriched membrane domains
Ceramide-enriched membrane domains—structure and function
Ceramide: a common pathway for atherosclerosis?
DihydroCeramide hinders Ceramide channel formation: Implications on apoptosis
Ceramide and Cerebrosides from the Octocoral Sarcophyton ehrenbergi
Ceramide biosynthesis in keratinocyte and its role in skin function
Ceramide starves cells to death by downregulating nutrient transporter proteins
Characterization of overall Ceramide species in human stratum corneums⃞
The sphingolipid salvage pathway in Ceramide metabolism and signaling
CERT-mediated trafficking of Ceramide
Ceramide-induced cell death in malignant cells
Development and characterization of a novel anti-Ceramide antibody
Regulation of Ceramide biosynthesis by TOR complex 2
Targeting Ceramide metabolism with a potent and specific Ceramide kinase inhibitor
Central role of Ceramide biosynthesis in body weight regulation, energy metabolism, and the metabolic syndrome
A role for Ceramide in driving cancer cell resistance to doxorubicin
Increased skeletal muscle Ceramide level in men at risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Necessary role for the Lag1p motif in (dihydro) Ceramide synthase activity
CERT and intracellular trafficking of Ceramide
Ceramide accumulation mediates inflammation, cell death and infection susceptibility in cystic fibrosis
Ceramide signaling in cancer and stem cells
Characterization of Ceramide synthase 2: tissue distribution, substrate specificity, and inhibition by sphingosine 1-phosphate
Changes in mitochondrial dynamics during Ceramide-induced cardiomyocyte early apoptosis
Effects of Ceramide and other simple sphingolipids on membrane lateral structure
Ceramide kinase uses Ceramide provided by Ceramide transport protein: localization to organelles of eicosanoid synthesiss⃞
Comprehensive quantification of Ceramide species in human stratum corneum [S]
Ceramide 1-phosphate/Ceramide, a switch between life and death
Recent advances in the immunobiology of Ceramide
Sphingosine and Ceramide signalling in apoptosis
The role of Ceramide in major depressive disorder
Ceramide-induced autophagy: to junk or to protect cells?
HPLC for simultaneous quantification of total Ceramide, glucosylCeramide, and Ceramide trihexoside concentrations in plasma
Ceramide in apoptotic signaling and anticancer therapy
Ceramide-containing membranes: the interface between biophysics and biology
Ceramide and mitochondria in ischemia/reperfusion
Effects of Ceramide on liquid-ordered domains investigated by simultaneous AFM and FCS
Ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) promotes cell migration: Involvement of a specific C1P receptor
Mechanisms of Ceramide-mediated neurodegeneration
Inhibition of Ceramide synthesis ameliorates glucocorticoid-, saturated-fat-, and obesity-induced insulin resistance
Ceramide synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum can permeabilize mitochondria to proapoptotic proteins
Ceramide is a mediator of apoptosis in retina photoreceptors
Saturated fatty acids induce endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis independently of Ceramide in liver cells
Ceramide recruits and activates protein kinase C ζ (PKCζ) within structured membrane microdomains
Clinical relevance of Ceramide metabolism in the pathogenesis of human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC): Attenuation of C18-Ceramide in HNSCC …
Ceramide-platform formation and-induced biophysical changes in a fluid phospholipid membrane
Detergent-resistant, Ceramide-enriched domains in sphingomyelin/Ceramide bilayers
Human skeletal muscle Ceramide content is not a major factor in muscle insulin sensitivity
Ceramide forms channels in mitochondrial outer membranes at physiologically relevant concentrations
JNK3 signaling pathway activates Ceramide synthase leading to mitochondrial dysfunction
Protection from high fat diet-induced increase in Ceramide in mice lacking plasminogen activator inhibitor 1
The permeability enhancing mechanism of DMSO in Ceramide bilayers simulated by molecular dynamics
Modulation of intracellular Ceramide using polymeric nanoparticles to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer
Ceramidases: regulators of cellular responses mediated by Ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine-1-phosphate
Regulators of mitotic arrest and Ceramide metabolism are determinants of sensitivity to paclitaxel and other chemotherapeutic drugs
Liver cell death and anemia in Wilson disease involve acid sphingomyelinase and Ceramide
Structural basis for specific lipid recognition by CERT responsible for nonvesicular trafficking of Ceramide
Adipose tissue inflammation and increased Ceramide content characterize subjects with high liver fat content independent of obesity
A house divided: Ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine-1-phosphate in programmed cell death
Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein SMSr controls Ceramide homeostasis in the ER
Ceramide synthase 1 is regulated by proteasomal mediated turnover
Ceramide triggers budding of exosome vesicles into multivesicular endosomes
Schlank, a member of the Ceramide synthase family controls growth and body fat in Drosophila
Ceramide and neurodegeneration: susceptibility of neurons and oligodendrocytes to cell damage and death
Ceramide synthase 6 modulates TRAIL sensitivity and nuclear translocation of active caspase-3 in colon cancer cells
Ceramide kinase regulates growth and survival of A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells
Fenretinide corrects newly found Ceramide deficiency in cystic fibrosis
Implication of Ceramide, Ceramide 1-phosphate and sphingosine 1-phosphate in tumorigenesis
Remodeling of cellular cytoskeleton by the acid sphingomyelinase/Ceramide pathway
Ceramide transfer protein function is essential for normal oxidative stress response and lifespan
Ceramide induces p38 MAPK and JNK activation through a mechanism involving a thioredoxin-interacting protein-mediated pathway
Ceramide Biogenesis Is Required for Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in the Germ Line of C. elegans
A modified α-galactosyl Ceramide for staining and stimulating natural killer T cells
Adult Ceramide synthase 2 (CERS2)-deficient mice exhibit myelin sheath defects, cerebellar degeneration, and hepatocarcinomas
Rapid distribution of liposomal short-chain Ceramide in vitro and in vivo
TRAIL activates acid sphingomyelinase via a redox mechanism and releases Ceramide to trigger apoptosis
Role of Ceramide in membrane protein organization investigated by combined AFM and FCS
Regulation of primary cilia formation by Ceramide [S]
Kinetic characterization of mammalian Ceramide synthases: Determination of Km values towards sphinganine
Absence of fluid-ordered/fluid-disordered phase coexistence in Ceramide/POPC mixtures containing cholesterol
Disruption of Ceramide synthesis by CerS2 down-regulation leads to autophagy and the unfolded protein response
Ceramide: a novel player in reactive oxygen species-induced signaling?
Transmembrane topology of Ceramide synthase in yeast
De novo C16- and C24-Ceramide generation contributes to spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis
Molecular-dynamics simulation of a Ceramide bilayer
Regulation of secretory transport by protein kinase D–mediated phosphorylation of the Ceramide transfer protein
Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: potential role of Ceramide metabolism in Lewy body disease
Regulation and traffic of Ceramide 1-phosphate produced by Ceramide kinase: comparative analysis to glucosylCeramide and sphingomyelin
Involvement of astroglial Ceramide in palmitic acid‐induced Alzheimer‐like changes in primary neurons
Superoxide dismutase protects against apoptosis and alveolar enlargement induced by Ceramide
Ceramide in bacterial infections and cystic fibrosis
Ceramide-domain formation and collapse in lipid rafts: membrane reorganization by an apoptotic lipid
Ceramide is the key mediator of oxidative stress‐induced apoptosis in retinal photoreceptor cells
Ceramide kinase and the Ceramide-1-phosphate/cPLA2α interaction as a therapeutic target
Gene expression of Ceramide kinase, galactosyl Ceramide synthase and ganglioside GD3 synthase is associated with prognosis in breast cancer
Regulation of Ceramide-induced neuronal death: cell metabolism meets neurodegeneration
Ceramide synthase inhibition by fumonisin B1 causes accumulation of 1-deoxysphinganine: a novel category of bioactive 1-deoxysphingoid bases and 1 …
Inhibition of Ceramide–redox signaling pathway blocks glomerular injury in hyperhomocysteinemic rats
Efficient trafficking of Ceramide from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus requires a VAMP-associated protein-interacting FFAT motif of CERT
Cholesterol-rich fluid membranes solubilize Ceramide domains: implications for the structure and dynamics of mammalian intracellular and plasma …
Mutations in the neutral sphingomyelinase gene SMPD3 implicate the Ceramide pathway in human leukemias
Searching for the molecular arrangement of transmembrane Ceramide channels
Ceramide involvement in apoptosis and apoptotic diseases
Organelle-targeted nanocarriers: specific delivery of liposomal Ceramide to mitochondria enhances its cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo
Interorganelle trafficking of Ceramide is regulated by phosphorylation-dependent cooperativity between the PH and START domains of CERT
Aureobasidin A arrests growth of yeast cells through both Ceramide intoxication and deprivation of essential inositolphosphorylCeramides
Alterations of Ceramide/sphingosine 1-phosphate rheostat involved in the regulation of resistance to imatinib-induced apoptosis in K562 human chronic …
Ceramide induces endothelial cell senescence
Ceramide mediates the rapid phase of febrile response to IL-1β
A PAMPA study of the permeability‐enhancing effect of new Ceramide analogues
De novo N-palmitoylsphingosine synthesis is the major biochemical mechanism of Ceramide accumulation following p53 up-regulation
Combining nanoliposomal Ceramide with sorafenib synergistically inhibits melanoma and breast cancer cell survival to decrease tumor development
Increased transepidermal water loss and decreased Ceramide content in lesional and non‐lesional skin of dogs with atopic dermatitis
FTY720 inhibits Ceramide synthases and up-regulates dihydrosphingosine 1-phosphate formation in human lung endothelial cells
Caged Ceramide 1-phosphate analogues: synthesis and properties
Cannabinoid Receptor Activation Induces Apoptosis through Tumor Necrosis Factor α–Mediated Ceramide De novo Synthesis in Colon Cancer Cells
Synthesis of a novel Ceramide analogue and its use in a high‐throughput fluorogenic assay for ceramidases
Distinct Ceramide Synthases Regulate Polarized Growth in the Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus nidulans
Physicochemical and biological characterization of Ceramide-containing liposomes: paving the way to Ceramide therapeutic application
Ceramide-and oxidant-induced insulin resistance involve loss of insulin-dependent Rac-activation and actin remodeling in muscle cells
Resveratrol sensitization of DU145 prostate cancer cells to ionizing radiation is associated to Ceramide increase
Curcumin mediates Ceramide generation via the de novo pathway in colon cancer cells
Ceramide Kinase and Ceramide‐1‐Phosphate
Cystic fibrosis fatty acid imbalance is linked to Ceramide deficiency and corrected by fenretinide
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis enhancement in brain tumor cells upon coadministration of paclitaxel and Ceramide in nanoemulsion formulations
Ceramide 1-phosphate inhibits serine palmitoyltransferase and blocks apoptosis in alveolar macrophages
Ceramide/sphingosine/sphingosine 1-phosphate metabolism on the cell surface and in the extracellular space
Fluorescent annexin A1 reveals dynamics of Ceramide platforms in living cells
The natural marine anhydrophytosphingosine, Jaspine B, induces apoptosis in melanoma cells by interfering with Ceramide metabolism
Differential recognition of CD1d-α-galactosyl Ceramide by the Vβ8. 2 and Vβ7 semi-invariant NKT T cell receptors
Ceramide as a TLR4 agonist; a putative signalling intermediate between sphingolipid receptors for microbial ligands and TLR4
Effect of Ceramide N-acyl chain and polar headgroup structure on the properties of ordered lipid domains (lipid rafts)
The effect of Ceramide-containing skin care products on eczema resolution duration
Ceramide-1-phosphate activates cytosolic phospholipase A2α directly and by PKC pathway
Raft domain reorganization driven by short-and long-chain Ceramide: a combined AFM and FCS study
Hepatic Ceramide may mediate brain insulin resistance and neurodegeneration in type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Increase of Skin-Ceramide Levels in Aged Subjects following a Short-Term Topical Application of Bacterial Sphingomyelinase from Streptococcus Thermophilus
ABCA12 maintains the epidermal lipid permeability barrier by facilitating formation of Ceramide linoleic esters
Protection of C. elegans from Anoxia by HYL-2 Ceramide Synthase
Ceramide 1-phosphate stimulates macrophage proliferation through activation of the PI3-kinase/PKB, JNK and ERK1/2 pathways
Ceramide effects in the bicelle structure
AMPK inhibitor Compound C stimulates Ceramide production and promotes Bax redistribution and apoptosis in MCF7 breast carcinoma cells
Wild-type levels of Ceramide and Ceramide-1-phosphate in the retina of Ceramide kinase-like-deficient mice
Ceramide and glucosylCeramide upregulate expression of the multidrug resistance gene MDR1 in cancer cells
β‐Sitosterol enhances tamoxifen effectiveness on breast cancer cells by affecting Ceramide metabolism
Involvement of de novo Ceramide synthesis in radiocontrast-induced renal tubular cell injury
Ceramide-1-phosphate binds group IVA cytosolic phospholipase a2 via a novel site in the C2 domain
Formation of Ceramide/sphingomyelin gel domains in the presence of an unsaturated phospholipid: a quantitative multiprobe approach
Soluble oligomers of amyloid-β peptide induce neuronal apoptosis by activating a cPLA2-dependent sphingomyelinase-Ceramide pathway
Oxysterol-binding protein and vesicle-associated membrane protein–associated protein are required for sterol-dependent activation of the Ceramide transport protein
The role of Ceramide trihexoside (globotriaosylCeramide) in the diagnosis and follow-up of the efficacy of treatment of Fabry disease: a review of the literature
Biodistribution and pharmacokinetic analysis of Paclitaxel and Ceramide administered in multifunctional polymer-blend nanoparticles in drug resistant breast cancer …
Targeting of PKCζ and PKB to caveolin-enriched microdomains represents a crucial step underpinning the disruption in PKB-directed signalling by Ceramide
Tithoniamarin and tithoniamide: a structurally unique isocoumarin dimer and a new Ceramide from Tithonia diversifolia
A Ceramide and Cerebroside from the Starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken and Their Plant-Growth Promotion Activities
Involvement of nitric oxide in the promotion of cell survival by Ceramide 1-phosphate
Ceramide regulation of nuclear protein imports⃞
Targeting the conversion of Ceramide to sphingosine 1-phosphate as a novel strategy for cancer therapy
Detergent-resistant globotriaosyl Ceramide may define verotoxin/glomeruli-restricted hemolytic uremic syndrome pathology
Modulation of drug resistance in ovarian adenocarcinoma by enhancing intracellular Ceramide using tamoxifen-loaded biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles
Ceramide induces p38 MAPK-dependent apoptosis and Bax translocation via inhibition of Akt in HL-60 cells
Lipid alterations in experimental murine colitis: role of Ceramide and imipramine for matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression
Paclitaxel and Ceramide co‐administration in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticulate delivery system to overcome drug resistance in ovarian cancer
Discovery of the molecular machinery CERT for endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi trafficking of Ceramide
Ceramide: a key signaling molecule in a Guinea pig model of allergic asthmatic response and airway inflammation
Mitochondrial degeneration and not apoptosis is the primary cause of embryonic lethality in Ceramide transfer protein mutant mice
Ceramide 1-phosphate is required for the translocation of group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A2 and prostaglandin synthesis
Ceramide inhibits LPS‐induced production of IL‐5, IL‐10, and IL‐13 from mast cells
Distribution in skin of Ceramide after oral administration to rats
Ceramide synthesis is modulated by the sphingosine analog FTY720 via a mixture of uncompetitive and noncompetitive inhibition in an Acyl-CoA chain length …
Ceramide regulates gemcitabine-induced senescence and apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cell lines
Vorinostat and sorafenib increase ER stress, autophagy and apoptosis via Ceramide-dependent CD95 and PERK activation
Ceramide enrichment of the plasma membrane induces CD81 internalization and inhibits hepatitis C virus entry
Effect of exercise duration on Ceramide metabolism in the rat heart
(Dihydro) Ceramide synthase 1–regulated sensitivity to cisplatin is associated with the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and is abrogated by …
Ceramide promotes restructuring of model raft membranes
On the presence of C2-Ceramide in mammalian tissues: possible relationship to etherphospholipids and phosphorylation by Ceramide kinase
Differential expression of (dihydro) Ceramide synthases in mouse brain: oligodendrocyte-specific expression of CerS2/Lass2
Ceramide and sphingomyelin species of fibroblasts and neurons in culture
Sphingomyelinase generation of Ceramide promotes clustering of nanoscale domains in supported bilayer membranes
Deoxycholate promotes survival of breast cancer cells by reducing the level of pro-apoptotic Ceramide
Surface tension induced by sphingomyelin to Ceramide conversion in lipid membranes
Cholesterol displacement by Ceramide in sphingomyelin-containing liquid-ordered domains, and generation of gel regions in giant lipidic vesicles
The CB2 cannabinoid receptor signals apoptosis via Ceramide-dependent activation of the mitochondrial intrinsic pathway
Ceramide analogue 14S24 selectively recovers perturbed human skin barrier
Sphingosine kinase isoforms regulate oxaliplatin sensitivity of human colon cancer cells through Ceramide accumulation and Akt activation
Hydrolyzed fumonisins HFB1 and HFB2 are acylated in vitro and in vivo by Ceramide synthase to form cytotoxic N‐acyl‐metabolites
Lipid raft composition modulates sphingomyelinase activity and Ceramide-induced membrane physical alterations
Effect of exercise duration on the key pathways of Ceramide metabolism in rat skeletal muscles
Sphingosine, a product of Ceramide hydrolysis, influences the formation of Ceramide channels
Doxorubicin enhances TRAIL-induced cell death via Ceramide-enriched membrane platforms
Modulation of Ceramide metabolism enhances viral protein apoptin’s cytotoxicity in prostate cancer
Casein kinase Iγ2 down-regulates trafficking of Ceramide in the synthesis of sphingomyelin
JNK and Ceramide kinase govern the biogenesis of lipid droplets through activation of group IVA phospholipase A2
Inhibition of de novo Ceramide synthesis upregulates phospholipase D and enhances myogenic differentiation
Ceramide-induced formation of ROS and ATP depletion trigger necrosis in lymphoid cells
2-Hydroxy-Ceramide synthesis by Ceramide synthase family: enzymatic basis for the preference of FA chain length
Male germ cells require polyenoic sphingolipids with complex glycosylation for completion of meiosis: a link to Ceramide synthase-3
Combined therapeutic use of AdGFPFasL and small molecule inhibitors of Ceramide metabolism in prostate and head and neck cancers: a status report
Ceramide-enriched membrane domains in infectious biology and development
Role of MAPK in Ceramide-induced cell death in primary cultured astrocytes from mouse embryonic brain
Benjaminamide: A new Ceramide and other compounds from the twigs of Ficus benjamina (Moraceae)
Mechanisms of Ceramide‐mediated repression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter via deacetylation of Sp3 by histone deacetylase 1
Protein kinase C-induced activation of a Ceramide/protein phosphatase 1 pathway leading to dephosphorylation of p38 MAPK
Laportoside A and laportomide A: a new cerebroside and a new Ceramide from leaves of Laportea ovalifolia
Neutropenia with impaired immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae in Ceramide kinase-deficient mice
Ceramide promotes apoptosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia-derived K562 cells by a mechanism involving caspase-8 and JNK
Cholesterol precursors stabilize ordinary and Ceramide-rich ordered lipid domains (lipid rafts) to different degrees: implications for the Bloch hypothesis and …
A possible mechanism underlying the Ceramide deficiency in atopic dermatitis: expression of a deacylase enzyme that cleaves the N-acyl linkage of sphingomyelin …
SAP155 Binds to Ceramide‐responsive RNA cis‐element 1 and regulates the alternative 5′ splice site selection of Bcl‐x pre‐mRNA
A new take on Ceramide: starving cells by cutting off the nutrient supply
Importance of C16 Ceramide accumulation during apoptosis in prostate cancer cells
A Concise Synthesis of Tetrahydroxy-LCB, α-Galactosyl Ceramide, and 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-l-ribitol via d-Allosamines as Key Building Blocks
LASS3 (longevity assurance homologue 3) is a mainly testis-specific (dihydro) Ceramide synthase with relatively broad substrate specificity
Ceramide-Enriched Membrane Domains in Red Blood Cells and the Mechanism of Sphingomyelinase-Induced Hot− Cold Hemolysis
Regulation of neural progenitor cell motility by Ceramide and potential implications for mouse brain development
Long‐chain Ceramide is elevated in presenilin 1 (PS1M146V) mouse brain and induces apoptosis in PS1 astrocytes
The carboxyl-terminal domain of atypical protein kinase Cζ binds to Ceramide and regulates junction formation in epithelial cells
A new intranasal influenza vaccine based on a novel polycationic lipid—Ceramide carbamoyl-spermine (CCS): I. Immunogenicity and efficacy studies in mice
… phosphorylation and nitric oxide dependent vasodilation: evidence for a novel mechanism involving sphingomyelinase and Ceramide‐activated phosphatase 2A
Protein phosphatase 2Cϵ is an endoplasmic reticulum integral membrane protein that dephosphorylates the Ceramide transport protein CERT to enhance its …
Membrane organization and ionization behavior of the minor but crucial lipid Ceramide-1-phosphate
De novo Ceramide synthesis is responsible for the anti-tumor properties of camptothecin and doxorubicin in follicular thyroid carcinoma
Ceramide generated by sphingomyelin hydrolysis and the salvage pathway is involved in hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced Bax redistribution to mitochondria …
IL‐1β induces a MyD88‐dependent and Ceramide‐mediated activation of Src in anterior hypothalamic neurons
A novel soluble mimic of the glycolipid, globotriaosyl Ceramide inhibits HIV infection
Lysosomal Ceramide mediates gemcitabine-induced death of glioma cells
Design, synthesis, and biological activity of a family of novel Ceramide analogues in chemoresistant breast cancer cells
Sphingomyelin synthase SMS2 displays dual activity as Ceramide phosphoethanolamine synthase [S]
Potentiation of cannabinoid-induced cytotoxicity in mantle cell lymphoma through modulation of Ceramide metabolism
Vitamin E Succinate Induces Ceramide-Mediated Apoptosis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma In vitro and In vivo
Evidence of free fatty acid interdigitation in stratum corneum model membranes based on Ceramide [AP] by deuterium labelling
Ceramide 1 and Ceramide 3 act synergistically on skin hydration and the transepidermal water loss of sodium lauryl sulfate‐irritated skin
Long-chain Ceramide is a potent inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore
Inhibition of sphingomyelin hydrolysis: targeting the lipid mediator Ceramide as a key regulator of cellular fate
Enzymatic production of Ceramide from sphingomyelin
Modulation of total Ceramide and constituent Ceramide species in the acutely and chronically hypoxic mouse heart at different ages
Preparation and characterization of Ceramide-based liposomes with high fusion activity and high membrane fluidity
Fatty acid‐induced defects in insulin signalling, in myotubes derived from children, are related to Ceramide production from palmitate rather than the accumulation of …
The proapoptotic C16-Ceramide-dependent pathway requires the death-promoting factor Btf in colon adenocarcinoma cells
A CERTain role for Ceramide in taxane-induced cell death
Ceramide-dependent PP2A regulation of TNFα-induced IL-8 production in respiratory epithelial cells
Evaluation of a new pressure ulcer preventive dressing containing Ceramide 2 with low frictional outer layer
Decreased Ceramide transport protein (CERT) function alters sphingomyelin production following UVB irradiation
Fumonisin Disruption of Ceramide Biosynthesis in Maize Roots and the Effects on Plant Development and Fusarium verticillioides-Induced Seedling Disease
Effect of dietary cholesterol and high fat on Ceramide concentration in rat tissues
Ceramide: a contributor to insulin resistance or an innocent bystander?
Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins disassemble Ceramide channels
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for comprehensive profiling of Ceramide molecules in human hair
PPARalpha agonist induces the accumulation of Ceramide in the heart of rats fed high-fat diet
Spinal Ceramide modulates the development of morphine antinociceptive tolerance via peroxynitrite-mediated nitroxidative stress and neuroimmune activation
Ceramide stimulates ABCA12 expression via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ in human keratinocytes
Metabolism and biological functions of two phosphorylated sphingolipids, sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide 1-phosphate
Role of JNK1-dependent Bcl-2 phosphorylation in Ceramide-induced macroautophagy
Ceramide kinase regulates phospholipase C and phosphatidylinositol 4, 5, bisphosphate in phototransduction
… Drives Cholesterol Out of the Ordered Lipid Bilayer Phase into the Crystal Phase in 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/Cholesterol/Ceramide Ternary …
Neutral sphingomyelinase-induced Ceramide accumulation by oxidative stress during carbon tetrachloride intoxication
Arrangement of Ceramide [EOS] in a stratum corneum lipid model matrix: new aspects revealed by neutron diffraction studies
The murine TRAIL receptor signals caspase-independent cell death through Ceramide
Potent antitumor activity of a novel cationic pyridinium-Ceramide alone or in combination with gemcitabine against human head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in …
Calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2β)-mediated Ceramide generation plays a key role in the cross-talk between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) …
Fatty acid-dependent globotriaosyl Ceramide receptor function in detergent resistant model membranes
Increase of Ceramide in the liver and plasma after carbon tetrachloride intoxication in the rat
Skeletal muscle lipogenic protein expression is not different between lean and obese individuals: a potential factor in Ceramide accumulation
Design, synthesis, and preliminary biological evaluation of a novel triazole analogue of Ceramide
Functionally different pools of Shiga toxin receptor, globotriaosyl Ceramide, in HeLa cells
Galactosyl Ceramide expressed on dendritic cells can mediate HIV-1 transfer from monocyte derived dendritic cells to autologous T cells
Effect of Ceramide on nonraft proteins
Cadmium-induced Ceramide formation triggers calpain-dependent apoptosis in cultured kidney proximal tubule cells
Apoptosis Occurs via the Ceramide Recycling Pathway in Human HaCaT Keratinocytes
Subcellular localization of Ceramide kinase and Ceramide kinase-like protein requires interplay of their Pleckstrin Homology domain-containing N-terminal regions …
The generation and behavioral analysis of Ceramide kinase-null mice, indicating a function in cerebellar Purkinje cells
Ceramide production associated with retinal apoptosis after retinal detachment
Shift in sphingolipid metabolism leads to an accumulation of Ceramide in senescence
Ceramide metabolism determines glioma cell resistance to chemotherapy
A new functional motif in Hox domain-containing Ceramide synthases: identification of a novel region flanking the Hox and TLC domains essential for activity
Mechanism of inhibition of sequestration of protein kinase C α/βII by Ceramide: Roles of Ceramide-activated protein phosphatases and phosphorylation …
Effects of a short-chain Ceramide on bilayer domain formation, thickness, and chain mobililty: DMPC and asymmetric Ceramide mixtures
Further characterization of mammalian Ceramide kinase: substrate delivery and (stereo) specificity, tissue distribution, and subcellular localization studies
Conformation of Ceramide 6 molecules and chain-flip transitions in the lipid matrix of the outermost layer of mammalian skin, the stratum corneum
Ceramide attenuates hypoxic cell death via reactive oxygen species signaling
… Leukemia Cell Death through a Process Involving XIAP Down-Regulation, Oxidative Injury, and the Acid Sphingomyelinase-Dependent Generation of Ceramide
GSK-3β acts downstream of PP2A and the PI 3-kinase-Akt pathway, and upstream of caspase-2 in Ceramide-induced mitochondrial apoptosis
Ceramide mediates inhibition of the renal epithelial sodium channel by tumor necrosis factor-α through protein kinase C
Lithium inhibits Ceramide-and etoposide-induced protein phosphatase 2A methylation, Bcl-2 dephosphorylation, caspase-2 activation, and apoptosis
Role of lipid rafts in Ceramide and nitric oxide signaling in the ischemic and preconditioned hearts
Apoptosis and the activity of Ceramide, Bax and Bcl-2 in the lungs of neonatal rats exposed to limited and prolonged hyperoxia
Bax distribution into mitochondrial detergent‐resistant microdomains is related to Ceramide and cholesterol content in postischemic hearts
Cationic long-chain Ceramide LCL-30 induces cell death by mitochondrial targeting in SW403 cells
Propofol pretreatment reduces Ceramide production and attenuates intestinal mucosal apoptosis induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats
A new covalently bound Ceramide from human stratum corneum –ω‐hydroxyacylphytosphingosine
Ceramide regulates atypical PKCζ/λ-mediated cell polarity in primitive ectoderm cells: a novel function of sphingolipids in morphogenesis
Mitochondrially targeted Ceramide LCL-30 inhibits colorectal cancer in mice
Quantification of the nanomechanical stability of Ceramide-enriched domains
Improvement of atopic dermatitis and reduction of skin allergic responses by oral intake of konjac Ceramide
Potential roles of membrane fluidity and Ceramide in hyperthermia and alcohol stimulation of TRAIL apoptosis
Lipid domain morphologies in phosphatidylcholine− Ceramide monolayers
A Ceramide-binding C1 domain mediates kinase suppressor of ras membrane translocation
Effects of Ceramide, ceramidase inhibition and expression of Ceramide kinase on cytosolic phospholipase A2α; additional role of Ceramide-1-phosphate in …
… of cytotoxic levels of Ceramide in acute promyelocytic leukemia and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells through de novo Ceramide synthesis and inhibition …
Tithoniaquinone A and tithoniamide B: A new anthraquinone and a new Ceramide from leaves of Tithonia diversifolia
Structures of the human Ceramide activator protein saposin D
Expression of Ceramide glucosyltransferases, which are essential for glycosphingolipid synthesis, is only required in a small subset of C. elegans cells
Ciliary neurotrophic factor prevents acute lipid-induced insulin resistance by attenuating Ceramide accumulation and phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in …
Acid sphingomyelinase mediated release of Ceramide is essential to trigger the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis by galectin-1
Ceramide traffic in C6 glioma cells: evidence for CERT-dependent and independent transport from ER to the Golgi apparatus
Transbilayer movement of Ceramide in the plasma membrane of live cells
Ceramide Synthase Inhibition by Fumonisin B1 Treatment Activates Sphingolipid-Metabolizing Systems in Mouse Liver
Regulation of the sphingosine-recycling pathway for Ceramide generation by oxidative stress, and its role in controlling c-Myc/Max function
Ceramide regulates SR protein phosphorylation during adenoviral infection
Lack of Ceramide generation and altered sphingolipid composition are associated with drug resistance in human ovarian carcinoma cells
Plasma glucosylCeramide and Ceramide in type 1 Gaucher disease patients: correlations with disease severity and response to therapeutic intervention
Ceramide-induced preconditioning involves reactive oxygen species
Morphological effects of Ceramide on DMPC/DHPC bicelles
Central leptin regulates total Ceramide content and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1C proteolytic maturation in rat white adipose tissue
A new Ceramide from Ramaria botrytis (Pers.) Ricken
Stress-Induced Cell Death Is Mediated by Ceramide Synthesis in Neurospora crassa
E‐LDL and Ox‐LDL differentially regulate Ceramide and cholesterol raft microdomains in human Macrophages
Simulations of skin barrier function: free energies of hydrophobic and hydrophilic transmembrane pores in Ceramide bilayers
Alzheimer’s disease, Ceramide, visfatin and NAD
Potassium loss is involved in tobacco cell death induced by palmitoleic acid and Ceramide
Regulation of the activity and fatty acid specificity of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase by sphingomyelin and its metabolites, Ceramide and Ceramide phosphate
Synthesis of constrained Ceramide analogs and their potent antileukemic activities
Characteristic expression of globotriaosyl Ceramide in human ovarian carcinoma‐derived cells with anticancer drug resistance
Mechanistic insights into the hydrolysis and synthesis of Ceramide by neutral ceramidase
Dietary Soy Protein Reduces Cardiac Lipid Accumulation and the Ceramide Concentration in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats and ob/ob Mice
Mechanisms involved in Ceramide-induced cell cycle arrest in human hepatocarcinoma cells
Ceramide mediates TNF-α-induced insulin resistance on GLUT4 gene expression in brown adipocytes
Caspase-dependent and-independent cell death of Jurkat human leukemia cells induced by novel synthetic Ceramide analogs
Starvation in the midst of plenty: making sense of Ceramide-induced autophagy by analysing nutrient transporter expression
Effect of sphingomyelinase-mediated generation of Ceramide on aggregation of low-density lipoprotein
Enhanced Ceramide-induced apoptosis in Ceramide kinase overexpressing cells
Functional modulation of mitochondria by eicosapentaenoic acid provides protection against Ceramide toxicity to C6 glioma cells
Modulation of Ceramide metabolism in T-leukemia cell lines potentiates apoptosis induced by the cationic antimicrobial peptide bovine lactoferricin
A fluorescent plate reader assay for Ceramide kinase
A New Ceramide from Suillus luteus and Its Cytotoxic Activity against Human Melanoma Cells
Death or survival: membrane Ceramide controls the fate and activation of antigen-specific T-cells depending on signal strength and duration
PKB/Akt inhibits Ceramide‐induced apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells by blocking apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF) translocation
Ceramide-induced starvation triggers homeostatic autophagy
Clathrin-dependent pathways and the cytoskeleton network are involved in Ceramide endocytosis by a parasitic protozoan, Giardia lamblia
Changes in sphingomyelinases, Ceramide, Bax, Bcl2, and caspase-3 during and after experimental status epilepticus
Ceramide accelerates ultraviolet-induced MMP-1 expression through JAK1/STAT-1 pathway in cultured human dermal fibroblasts
Synthesis of α-galactosyl Ceramide (KRN7000) and analogues thereof via a common precursor and their preliminary biological assessment
Conjugated linoleic acid increases skeletal muscle Ceramide content and decreases insulin sensitivity in overweight, non-diabetic humans
Characterization of glycoinositolphosphoryl Ceramide structure mutant strains of Cryptococcus neoformans
Chemical mapping of Ceramide distribution in sphingomyelin-rich domains in monolayers
Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase involvement in insulin resistance via Akt, serine/arginine-rich protein 40, and ribonucleic acid splicing in L6 skeletal muscle …
Differential effects of Ceramide species on exocytosis in rat PC12 cells
… homology domain of Ceramide kinase and phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate regulates the plasma membrane targeting and Ceramide 1-phosphate levels
Direct interaction between the inhibitor 2 and Ceramide via sphingolipid-protein binding is involved in the regulation of protein phosphatase 2A activity and …
Apoptosis induced by capsaicin in prostate PC-3 cells involves Ceramide accumulation, neutral sphingomyelinase, and JNK activation
Trans-Golgi Network and Endosome Dynamics Connect Ceramide Homeostasis with Regulation of the Unfolded Protein Response and TOR Signaling in Yeast
High tolerance to apoptotic stimuli induced by serum depletion and Ceramide in side-population cells: high expression of CD55 as a novel character for side …
Role of Ceramide structure and its microenvironment on the conformational order of model stratum corneum lipids mixtures: an approach by FTIR spectroscopy
De novo Ceramide biosynthesis is associated with resveratrol-induced inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase activity
Anandamide-induced apoptosis in Chang liver cells involves Ceramide and JNK/AP-1 pathway
Structure of Ceramide-1-phosphate at the air-water solution interface in the absence and presence of Ca2+
Enzymatic generation of Ceramide induces membrane restructuring: correlated AFM and fluorescence imaging of supported bilayers
Leishmania donovani-Induced Ceramide as the Key Mediator of Akt Dephosphorylation in Murine Macrophages: Role of Protein Kinase Cζ and Phosphatase
Mitomycin C, Ceramide, and 5-fluorouracil inhibit corneal haze and apoptosis after PRK
Structural organisation and phase behaviour of a stratum corneum lipid analogue: Ceramide 3A
Ceramide decreases surfactant protein B gene expression via downregulation of TTF-1 DNA binding activity
Paclitaxel and Ceramide synergistically induce cell death with transient activation of EGFR and ERK pathway in pancreatic cancer cells
Elastin peptides antagonize Ceramide-induced apoptosis
The influence of domain crowding on the lateral diffusion of Ceramide-enriched domains in a sphingomyelin monolayer
Ceramide mediates inhibition of the AKT/eNOS signaling pathway by palmitate in human vascular endothelial cells.
Hepatic stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD)-1 activity and diacylglycerol but not Ceramide concentrations are increased in the nonalcoholic human fatty liver
Apoptosis induced by intracellular Ceramide accumulation in MDA-MB-435 breast carcinoma cells is dependent on the generation of reactive oxygen species
ATP-induced apoptosis of thymocytes is mediated by activation of P2X7 receptor and involves de novo Ceramide synthesis and mitochondria
Production of Ceramide with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Modulation of Vα19 NKT cell immune responses by α‐mannosyl Ceramide derivatives consisting of a series of modified sphingosines
MDA-7/IL-24–induced cell killing in malignant renal carcinoma cells occurs by a Ceramide/CD95/PERK–dependent mechanism
Stimulatory effect of dietary red ginseng on epidermal hydration and Ceramide levels in ultraviolet-irradiated hairless mice
Short-term manipulation of plasma free fatty acids does not change skeletal muscle concentrations of Ceramide and glucosylCeramide in lean and overweight subjects
SRp30a (ASF/SF2) regulates the alternative splicing of caspase-9 pre-mRNA and is required for Ceramide-responsiveness
Ceramide inhibition of chondrocyte proliferation and bone growth is IGF-I independent
Differential effects of Ceramide on cell viability and extracellular matrix remodeling in keratinocytes and fibroblasts
Ceramide causes pulmonary cell apoptosis and emphysema: a role for sphingolipid homeostasis in the maintenance of alveolar cells
Rapid phase change of lipid microdomains in giant vesicles induced by conversion of sphingomyelin to Ceramide
Propagation of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells with nano-liposomal Ceramide
The role of sphingomyelin in regulating phase coexistence in complex lipid model membranes: competition between Ceramide and cholesterol
Ceramide kinase deficiency impairs microendothelial cell angiogenesis in vitro
A Ceramide‐1‐phosphate analogue, PCERA‐1, simultaneously suppresses tumour necrosis factor‐α and induces interleukin‐10 production in activated macrophages
… cytotoxicity between tamoxifen and the plant toxin persin in human breast cancer cells is dependent on Bim expression and mediated by modulation of Ceramide …
Regulation of autophagy by Ceramide-CD95-PERK signaling
Diversity and complexity of Ceramide generation after exposure of jurkat leukemia cells to irradiation
Synthesis and biological activity of α-galactosyl Ceramide KRN7000 and galactosyl (α1→ 2) galactosyl Ceramide
… dihydroCeramide production after Photofrin-PDT alone and improved tumour response after the combination with the Ceramide analogue LCL29. Evidence …
Regulation of thioredoxin by Ceramide in retinal pigment epithelial cells
PACAP and C2‐Ceramide generate different AP‐1 complexes through a MAP‐kinase‐dependent pathway: involvement of c‐Fos in PACAP‐induced Bcl‐2 expression
Ceramide: from embryos to tumors
Ceramide and raft signaling are linked with each other in UVA radiation-induced gene expression
Effects of pioglitazone and high-fat diet on Ceramide metabolism in rat skeletal muscles
Inhibition of Ceramide biosynthesis ameliorates pathological consequences of spinal cord injury
Ceramide elevates 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid levels and upregulates 12-lipoxygenase in rat primary hippocampal cell cultures containing predominantly …
Effects of Ceramide-1-phosphate on cultured cells: dependence on dodecane in the vehicles⃞
Ceramide catabolism critically controls survival of human dendritic cells
Sphingolipid Metabolite Ceramide Causes Metabolic Perturbation Contributing to HERG K+ Channel Dysfunction
Ceramide-dependent regulation of human epidermal keratinocyte CD1d expression during terminal differentiation
Pioglitazone induces de novo Ceramide synthesis in the rat heart
Leptin-induced suppression of cardiomyocyte contraction is amplified by Ceramide
The nuclear Ceramide/diacylglycerol balance depends on the physiological state of thyroid cells and changes during UV-C radiation-induced apoptosis
Induction of apoptotic cell death by a Ceramide analog in PC-3 prostate cancer cells
Spinal Ceramide and neuronal apoptosis in morphine antinociceptive tolerance
Ceramide-induced G2 arrest in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells requires p21Cip1/Waf1 induction and is prevented by MDM2 overexpression
Ceramide-induced cell death in lens epithelial cells
Goodpasture antigen-binding protein and its spliced variant, Ceramide transfer protein, have different functions in the modulation of apoptosis during zebrafish …
De novo Ceramide synthesis is required for N-linked glycosylation in plasma cells
C-Glycoside analogues of β-galactosylCeramide with a simple Ceramide substitute: Synthesis and binding to HIV-1 gp120
Anticancer activity of a Ceramide analog containing a disulfide linkage
Enhancement in anti-proliferative effects of paclitaxel in aortic smooth muscle cells upon co-administration with Ceramide using biodegradable polymeric …
Hydrophobic bile salts trigger Ceramide formation through endosomal acidification
Sphingomyelinase-induced Ceramide production stimulate calcium-independent JNK and PP2A activation following cerebral ischemia
Effect of serial microdermabrasion on the Ceramide level in the stratum corneum
Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 is activated by cigarette smoke to augment Ceramide-induced apoptosis in lung cell death
… quantification of glucosylCeramide and galactosylCeramide by normal-phase HPLC using O-phtalaldehyde derivatives prepared with sphingolipid Ceramide N …
Parkin modulates gene expression in control and Ceramide-treated PC12 cells
Enhancing effects of Ceramide derivatives on 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced differentiation of human HL-60 leukemia cells
Potential mechanisms involved in Ceramide-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer HT29 cells
Loss of Regulators of Vacuolar ATPase Function and Ceramide Synthesis Results in Multidrug Sensitivity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Fabrication and characterization of pseudo-Ceramide-based liposomal membranes
Cytolytic T cells induce Ceramide-rich platforms in target cell membranes to initiate graft-versus-host disease
Divergent syntheses of all stereoisomers of phytosphingosine and their use in the construction of a Ceramide library
Formation and function of Ceramide-enriched membrane platforms with CD38 during M1-receptor stimulation in bovine coronary arterial myocytes
Combined saposin C and D deficiencies in mice lead to a neuronopathic phenotype, glucosylCeramide and α-hydroxy Ceramide accumulation, and altered prosaposin …
Undulating tubular liposomes through incorporation of a synthetic skin Ceramide into phospholipid bilayers
… expression alterations in the sphingolipid metabolism pathways during progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: a shift toward Ceramide accumulation at the …
Novel synthetic Ceramide derivatives increase intracellular calcium levels and promote epidermal keratinocyte differentiation
Involvement of acid β-glucosidase 1 in the salvage pathway of Ceramide formation
Ceramide-induced transbilayer (flip-flop) lipid movement in membranes
Role of human longevity assurance gene 1 and C18-Ceramide in chemotherapy-induced cell death in human head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIIβ regulates the transport of Ceramide between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
Ceramide and adenosine 5′-monophosphate-activated protein kinase are two novel regulators of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression and activity …
Identification of a nuclear localization signal in the retinitis pigmentosa-mutated RP26 protein, Ceramide kinase-like protein
A study to determine the effect of tacrolimus on Ceramide levels in the stratum corneum of patients with atopic dermatitis
Ceramide induces apoptosis via a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ-dependent pathway
PKCζ protects against UV-C-induced apoptosis by inhibiting acid sphingomyelinase-dependent Ceramide production
Phase Behavior of Aqueous Dispersions of Mixtures of N-Palmitoyl Ceramide and Cholesterol: A Lipid System with Ceramide−Cholesterol Crystalline Lamellar …
A critical β6–β7 loop in the pleckstrin homology domain of Ceramide kinase
Confluence induced threonine41/serine45 phospho-β-catenin dephosphorylation via Ceramide-mediated activation of PP1cγ
Inhibition of atopic dermatitis‐like skin lesions by topical application of a novel Ceramide derivative, K6PC‐9p, in NC/Nga mice
Modification of the Ceramide moiety of isoglobotrihexosylCeramide on its agonist activity in stimulation of invariant natural killer T cells
Altering the sphingosine-1-phosphate/Ceramide balance: a promising approach for tumor therapy
Neuroprotective effects of furopyrazole derivative of benzylindazole analogs on C2 Ceramide-induced apoptosis in cultured cortical neurons
… growth factor‐1‐dependent maintenance of neuronal metabolism through the phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase–Akt pathway is inhibited by C2‐Ceramide in CAD cells
Role of sphingomyelin and Ceramide in the regulation of the activity and fatty acid specificity of group V secretory phospholipase A2
Anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic effects of fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of Ceramide synthase, in a rodent model of splanchnic ischemia and reperfusion injury
Nanoliposomal short-chain Ceramide inhibits agonist-dependent translocation of neurotensin receptor 1 to structured membrane microdomains in breast cancer cells
A soluble sulfogalactosyl Ceramide mimic promotes ΔF508 CFTR escape from endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation
Fumonisin concentration and Ceramide synthase inhibitory activity of corn, masa, and tortilla chips
Ceramide inhibition of MMP-2 expression and human cancer bronchial cell invasiveness involve decreased histone acetylation
Role of Ceramide kinase in peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor beta‐induced cell survival of mouse keratinocytes
Ceramide structural features required to stimulate ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux to apolipoprotein AI
C2‐Ceramide mediates cerebellar granule cells apoptosis by activation of caspases‐2, ‐9, and ‐3
Ceramide-1-phosphate, in contrast to Ceramide, is not segregated into lateral lipid domains in phosphatidylcholine bilayers
Ceramide is a potent activator of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase from kidney proximal tubule cells with protein kinase A as an intermediate
Ceramide-dependent release of Ceramide kinase from cultured cells
Sphingosine-1-phosphate protects proliferating endothelial cells from Ceramide-induced apoptosis but not from DNA damage–induced mitotic death
Neuronal conduction of excitation without action potentials based on Ceramide production
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α down-regulation is associated with enhanced Ceramide levels in age-associated cardiac hypertrophy
FcγRII activation induces cell surface Ceramide production which participates in the assembly of the receptor signaling complex
Ceramide kinase: a potential anti-inflammatory target?
Effect of externally applied electrostatic fields on the surface topography of Ceramide-enriched domains in mixed monolayers with sphingomyelin
The role of sphingosine-1-phosphate and Ceramide-1-phosphate in calcium homeostasis.
Identification of small molecule Ceramide kinase inhibitors using a homogeneous chemiluminescence high throughput assay
Rapid transmembrane diffusion of Ceramide and dihydroCeramide spin-labelled analogues in the liquid ordered phase
In Vitro and in Vivo Anti-angiogenic Activities and Inhibition of Hormone-Dependent and -Independent Breast Cancer Cells by Ceramide …
Effect of biotin supplementation on hoof health and Ceramide composition in dairy cattle
Ectopic and eutopic stromal endometriotic cells have a damaged Ceramide signaling pathway to apoptosis
Kinetics of the Ceramide kinase inhibitor K1, a suppressor of mast-cell activation
Cannabinoid receptor-mediated apoptosis induced by R (+)-methanandamide and Win55, 212-2 is associated with Ceramide accumulation and p38 activation in …
Doxorubicin induces Ceramide and diacylglycerol accumulation in rat hepatocytes through independent routes
Inhibition of caspases but not of calpains temporarily protect against C2-Ceramide-induced death of CAD cells
Divergent pathways for TNF and C2-Ceramide toxicity in HTC hepatoma cells
Effects of Ceramide inhibition on radiation-induced apoptosis in human leukemia MOLT-4 cells
Neutral sphingomyelinase-induced Ceramide triggers germinal vesicle breakdown and oxidant-dependent apoptosis in Xenopus laevis oocytes
Suppression of sphingomyelin synthase 1 by small interference RNA is associated with enhanced Ceramide production and apoptosis after photodamage
Involvement of de novo Ceramide biosynthesis in macrophage death induced by activation of ATP-sensitive P2X7 receptor
Antibody labeling of cholesterol/Ceramide ordered domains in cell membranes
Sphingomyelin synthase 1 suppresses Ceramide production and apoptosis post-photodamage
Immobilization of phospholipase C for the production of Ceramide from sphingomyelin hydrolysis
A new germacranolide and a new Ceramide from Salvia nubicola (Lamiaceae)
Smart drugs for smarter stem cells: making SENSe (sphingolipid-enhanced neural stem cells) of Ceramide
Top–down glycolipidomics: fragmentation analysis of ganglioside oligosaccharide core and Ceramide moiety by chip‐nanoelectrospray collision‐induced dissociation MS2–MS …
Synergistic IL-10 induction by LPS and the Ceramide-1-phosphate analog PCERA-1 is mediated by the cAMP and p38 MAP kinase pathways
A conserved cysteine motif essential for Ceramide kinase function
Spisulosine (ES-285) induces prostate tumor PC-3 and LNCaP cell death by de novo synthesis of Ceramide and PKCζ activation
… VIA Calcium-Independent Phospholipase A2 Participates in ER Stress-Induced INS-1 Insulinoma Cell Apoptosis by Promoting Ceramide Generation via Hydrolysis …
Lactoferricin-induced apoptosis in estrogen-nonresponsive MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells is enhanced by C6 Ceramide or tamoxifen
The two Cs: Ceramide and cardiomyopathy1
Impedance spectroscopic investigation of the bilayer lipid membranes formed from the phosphatidylserine–Ceramide mixture
Stimulation of Ceramide formation and suicidal erythrocyte death by vitamin K3 (menadione)
Synthesis and cytotoxicity of new aromatic Ceramide analogs with alkylsulfonamido chains
Membrane domain formation, interdigitation, and morphological alterations induced by the very long chain asymmetric C24: 1 Ceramide
Effect of l-menthol on the thermotropic behavior of Ceramide 2/cholesterol mixtures as a model for the intercellular lipids in stratum corneum
Increase of Ceramide monohexoside and dipalmitoyl glycerophospholipids in the brain of Zellweger syndrome
The initial surface composition and topography modulate sphingomyelinase-driven sphingomyelin to Ceramide conversion in lipid monolayers
Identification of Mg2+-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase 1 as a mediator of heat stress-induced Ceramide generation and apoptosis
Ceramide inhibits development and cytokinesis and induces apoptosis in preimplantation bovine embryos
C18 Ceramide analysis in mammalian cells employing reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Conversion of apical plasma membrane sphingomyelin to Ceramide attenuates the intoxication of host cells by cholera toxin
A novel biotinylated diazirinyl Ceramide analogue for photoaffinity labeling
Modulation of TNFα, IL-10 and IL-12p40 levels by a Ceramide-1-phosphate analog, PCERA-1, in vivo and ex vivo in primary macrophages
Acid β-glucosidase 1 counteracts p38δ-dependent induction of interleukin-6: possible role for Ceramide as an anti-inflammatory lipid
Dysregulation of human bestrophin‐1 by Ceramide‐induced dephosphorylation
Ethanolaminephosphate side chain added to glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor by mcd4p is required for Ceramide remodeling and forward transport …
Sphingolipids and cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Effect of Ceramide on cholesterol trafficking and HMG CoA reductase activity
Resveratrol impairs the formation of MDA-MB-231 multicellular tumor spheroids concomitant with Ceramide accumulation
Simultaneous HPLC analysis of Ceramide and dihydroCeramide in human hairs
Cholesterol surrogates: a comparison of cholesterol and 16: 0 Ceramide in POPC bilayers
Structural Recognition of Cholesterol–Ceramide Monolayers by a Specific Monoclonal Antibody
Significance of Ceramide and DNA ploidy in laryngeal carcinogenesis
The expression of the Goodpasture antigen-binding protein (Ceramide transporter) in adult rat brain
Oral supplementation of Lithospermum erythrorhizon prevents the development of atopic dermatitis with reducing Ceramide degradation in the epidermis of NC/Nga …
… lysosomal storage diseases via inhibition of the ABC drug transporter, MDR1: Cyclosporin A can lower serum and liver globotriaosyl Ceramide levels in the Fabry …
Ceramide induces apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells through mitogen‐activated protein kinases
More chores for TOR: de novo Ceramide synthesis
Effects of sphingosine‐1‐phosphate and Ceramide‐1‐phosphate on rat intestinal smooth muscle cells: implications for postoperative ileus
HOS3, an ELO-like gene, inhibits effects of ABA and implicates a S-1-P/Ceramide control system for abiotic stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ceramide is responsible for the failure of compensatory nerve sprouting in apolipoprotein E knock-out mice
4-HPR-mediated leukemia cell cytotoxicity is triggered by Ceramide-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress and is regulated downstream by Bcl-2
Ceramide kinase expression is altered during macrophage-like cell differentiation of the leukemia cell line HL-60
Topical application of a novel Ceramide derivative, K6PC-9, inhibits dust mite extract-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice
Ceramide induces myogenic differentiation and apoptosis in Drosophila Schneider cells
Nitric oxide-enhanced caspase-3 and acidic sphingomyelinase interaction: a novel mechanism by which airway epithelial cells escape Ceramide-induced apoptosis
Dietary effect of silk protein on Ceramide synthesis and the expression of Ceramide metabolic enzymes in the epidermis of NC/Nga mice
Inhibition of corneal inflammation by liposomal delivery of short-chain, C-6 Ceramide
Natural products supporting the extracellular matrix: rice Ceramide and other plant extracts for skin health
Synthesis of threitol Ceramide and [14C] threitol Ceramide, non-glycosidic analogues of the potent CD1d antigen α-galactosyl Ceramide
Labeling the Golgi apparatus with BODIPY-FL-Ceramide (C5-DMB-Ceramide) for imaging
Ceramide kinase promotes Ca2+ signaling near IgG-opsonized targets and enhances phagolysosomal fusion in COS-1 cellss⃞
Confirmation of the Anomeric Structure of Galacturonic Acid in the Galacturonosyl‐Ceramide of Sphingomonas yanoikuyae
Programmed cell death in the lithium pilocarpine model: evidence for NMDA receptor and Ceramide-mediated mechanisms
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT pathway regulates the endoplasmic reticulum to golgi traffic of Ceramide in glioma cells: a link between lipid signaling …
Physicochemical analysis of phosphatidylcholine-Ceramide system in bilayer lipid membranes
Sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphohydrolase regulates endoplasmic reticulum-to-golgi trafficking of Ceramide
Syriacin, a novel unusual sulfated Ceramide glycoside from the freshwater sponge Ephydatia syriaca (Porifera, Demospongiae, Spongillidae)
C6‐Ceramide inhibited Na+ currents by intracellular Ca2+ release in rat myoblasts
Ceramide induces early and late apoptosis in human papilloma virus+ cervical cancer cells by inhibiting reactive oxygen species decay, diminishing the intracellular …
Induction of HIV-1 resistance: cell susceptibility to infection is an inverse function of globotriaosyl Ceramide levels
C6-Ceramide-coated catheters promote re-endothelialization of stretch-injured arteries
Inhibition of skin inflammation and atopic dermatitis by topical application of a novel Ceramide derivative, K112PC-5, in mice
Involvement of lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine 1-phosphate and Ceramide 1-phosphate in the metabolization of phosphatidic acid by lipid phosphate …
Influence of Ceramide 2 on in vitro skin permeation and retention of 5-ALA and its ester derivatives, for Photodynamic Therapy
Ceramide induces release of mitochondrial proapoptotic proteins in caspase-dependent and-independent manner in HT-29 cells
Self-recognition of N-linked glycans with multivalent GlcNAc, determined as Ceramide mimetic conjugate
UDP-GlcNAc2-epimerase regulates cell surface sialylation and Ceramide-induced cell death in human malignant lymphoma
Long-chain Ceramide Produced in Response to N-Hexanoylsphingosine does not Induce Apoptosis in CHP-100 Cells
Peptidoglycan induces cyclooxygenase-2 expression in macrophages by activating the neutral sphingomyelinase-Ceramide pathway
Effect of Ceramide on the contractility of pregnant rat uterus
N-oleoyl-D-erythro-sphingosine-based analysis of Ceramide by high performance liquid chromatography and its application to determination in diverse biological …
Safety studies of pseudo-Ceramide SLE66: Acute and short-term toxicity
Induction of promotive rather than suppressive immune responses from a novel NKT cell repertoire Vα19 NKT cell with α-mannosyl Ceramide analogues consisting of …
Phospholipase C-catalyzed sphingomyelin hydrolysis in a membrane reactor for Ceramide production
Computational modeling of a metabolic pathway in Ceramide de novo synthesis
Stress-induced Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase can compensate for loss of amphiphysin-like activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and functions to …
StARD13(Dlc-2) RhoGap Mediates Ceramide Activation of Phosphatidylglycerolphosphate Synthase and Drug Response in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Ganglioside GM3 Derivatives with Truncated Ceramide Moiety: Facial Synthesis and Inhibitory Activity against KB Cell Growth
Thrombospondin-1 C-terminal-derived peptide protects thyroid cells from Ceramide-induced apoptosis through the adenylyl cyclase pathway
Fumonisin inhibition of Ceramide synthase: A possible risk factor for human neural tube defects
PLC‐dependent intracellular Ca2+ release was associated with C6‐Ceramide‐induced inhibition of Na+ current in rat granule cells
N-tosyl-l-phenylalanyl-chloromethyl ketone reduces Ceramide during hypoxic–ischemic brain injury in newborn rat
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of GM 3 and GM 2 gangliosides containing a truncated Ceramide functionalized for glycoconjugate synthesis and solid phase applications
Interleukin-4 depresses levels of transcripts for acid-sphingomyelinase and glucocerebrosidase and the amount of Ceramide in acetone-wounded epidermis, as …
Ceramide activates JNK to inhibit a cAMP-gated K+ conductance and Cl–secretion in intestinal epithelia
Kinetic study of sphingomyelin hydrolysis for Ceramide production
The Effect of Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761) Pretreatment on Intestinal Epithelial Apoptosis Induced by Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion in Rats: Role of Ceramide
Ceramide response post-photodamage is absent after treatment with HA14-1
Apoptosis of human colon carcinoma HT-29 cells induced by Ceramide
A Straightforward Protocol for the Solution‐Phase Parallel Synthesis of Ceramide Analogues
… ‐crystallin and αB‐crystallin, newly identified interaction proteins of protease‐activated receptor‐2, rescue astrocytes from C2‐Ceramide‐and staurosporine‐induced …
The Ceramide contents of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in batch culture
The binding of HIV-1 gp41 membrane proximal domain to its mucosal receptor, galactosyl Ceramide, is structure-dependent
Changes in Ceramide in Stratum Corneum and Anti-inflamatory Effects of Sopungdojeok-tang on Atopic Dermatitis.
siRNA-mediated depletion of endogenous protein phosphatase 2Acα markedly attenuates Ceramide-activated protein phosphatase activity in insulin-secreting INS …
… -induced tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide production by Clostridium perfringens α-toxin and its relation to α-toxin-induced intracellular Ceramide generation
Ceramide-1-phosphate, a new bioactive sphingolipid in regulating cell signaling
Oxysterol-binding protein and VAMP-associated protein are required for sterol-dependent activation of the Ceramide transport protein
The synthetic Ceramide analog L-PDMP partially protects striatal dopamine levels but does not promote dopamine neuron survival in murine models of parkinsonism
An efficient, one-pot synthesis of various Ceramide 1-phosphates from sphingosine 1-phosphate
Activation of telomerase and cyclooxygenase‐2 in PDGF and FGF inhibition of C2‐Ceramide‐induced apoptosis
Synthetic triterpenoids have cytotoxicity in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines but cytotoxicity is independent of induced Ceramide increase in MOLT-4 …
Ethanolaminephosphate side chain added to GPI anchor by Mcd4p is required for Ceramide remodeling and forward transport of GPI proteins from ER to Golgi
Relaxation effect of synthetic Ceramide analogues in cat esophageal smooth muscle cells
Dietary sphingolipids suppress a subset of preneoplastic rat liver lesions exhibiting high PTEN, low phospho-Akt and high levels of Ceramide species
Effect of Ceramide on apoptosis of human colon cancer HT-29 cells
Influence of the Ceramide (III) and cholesterol on the structure of a non-hydrous phospholipid-based lamellar liquid crystal: Structural and thermal transition behaviors
The regulation of Ceramide content and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
Ceramide Modulation of Antigen‐ Triggered Ca2+ Signals and Cell Fate: Diversity in the Responses of Various Immunocytes
Ceramide formation on the γ-irradiation of galactocerebroside as a constituent of micelles
… of colonocyte differentiation in CaCo-2 cells by sodium butyrate causes an increase in glucosylCeramide synthesis in order to avoid apoptosis based on Ceramide
Ceramide 1-Phosphate
… in cadmium-induced apoptosis: a novel role for Ceramides as activators of calpains. Focus on “Cadmium-induced Ceramide formation triggers calpain …
… -2 but not clusterin/apolipoprotein J protected human diploid fibroblasts and immortalized keratinocytes from Ceramide-induced apoptosis: Role of p53 in the Ceramide …
Inhibition of Ceramide de novo biosynthesis in an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa: I. Morphological and biochemical effects
Safety studies of pseudo-Ceramide SLE66. Part 3: Effects on embryo/fetal development in rats
15 Bioactive Sphingolipids: An Overview on Ceramide, Ceramide 1-Phosphate DihydroCeramide, Sphingosine, Sphingosine 1-Phosphate
Ceramide inhibits CCN2 expression in fibroblasts
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