
  2. The mechanism of CATALASE action. I. Steady-state analysis
  3. CATALASE activity
  4. Some variables affecting the measurement of “CATALASE activity” in soil
  5. A spectrophotometric method for measuring the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  6. Perborate as substrate in a new assay of CATALASE
  7. On the mechanism of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  8. CATALASE photoinactivation
  9. The molecular weight of crystalline CATALASE
  10. Photometric determination of CATALASE activity
  11. The reaction between aminotriazole and CATALASE
  12. New method for CATALASE determination
  13. Hydrogen peroxide formation and CATALASE activity in the lactic acid bacteria
  14. CATALASE: kinetics of photooxidation
  15. Effect of temperature on CATALASE activity
  16. A study of the inhibition of CATALASE by 3-amino-1: 2: 4-triazole
  17. An intermediate compound in the CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide reaction
  18. Isoniazid-resistance and CATALASE activity of tubercle bacilli: a preliminary report
  19. The reactions of CATALASE in the presence of the notatin system
  20. The kinetics of CATALASE synthesis and destruction in vivo
  21. Reaction between CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide
  22. Crystalline bacterial CATALASE
  23. Effect of pH upon the reaction kinetics of the enzyme-substrate compounds of CATALASE
  24. Properties of CATALASE. Catalysis of coupled oxidation of alcohols
  25. CATALASE production by lactobacilli
  26. Purification of horse-radish peroxidase and comparison of its properties with those of CATALASE and methaemoglobin
  28. The mechanism of CATALASE inhibitions
  30. The effect of CATALASE on the inhibine and peroxide values of various honeys
  31. Production of CATALASE by the pediococci
  32. Activity of CATALASE in the red cell
  33. Dissociation of CATALASE into subunits
  34. Production of CATALASE changes in animals with 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  35. The enzyme-substrate compounds of bacterial CATALASE and peroxides
  36. On some properties of CATALASE haematin
  37. Liver CATALASE I. A manometric determination of CATALASE activity
  38. Denaturation of CATALASE by freezing and thawing
  39. The reactions of azide with CATALASE and their significance
  40. Studies on the CATALASE activity of acid-fast bacilli: I. An attempt to subgroup these organisms on the basis of their CATALASE activities at different temperatures and pH
  41. The state of CATALASE in the respiring bacterial cell
  42. Spectroscopy of CATALASE
  43. CATALASE assay with special reference to manometric methods
  44. On the detailed mechanism of a new type of CATALASE-like action
  45. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by liver CATALASE
  46. Dissociation of bovine liver CATALASE at low pH
  47. Further Studies of the Liver CATALASE
  48. A toxic cancer tissue constituent as evidenced by its effect on liver CATALASE activity
  49. Interrelationships of CATALASE, peroxidase, hematin, and chlorophyll
  50. Peroxidatic activity of CATALASE
  51. CATALASE studies on normal and cancerous rats
  52. The effect of pH upon the equilibria of CATALASE compounds
  53. Selectivity of sorbic acid media for the CATALASE negative lactic acid bacteria and clostridia
  55. Studies on Isoniazid and Tubercle Bacilli, II. The Growth Requirements, CATALASE Activities, and Pathogenic Properties of Isoniazid-Resistant Mutants
  56. Studies on rat liver CATALASE II. Incorporation of 14C-leucine into CATALASE of liver cell fractions in vivo
  57. CATALASE, a new enzym of general occurrence
  58. An ultracentrifugal study of CATALASE
  59. Liver CATALASE
  60. Studies on rat liver CATALASE I. Combined immunochemical and enzymatic determination of CATALASE in liver cell fractions
  61. CATALASE, peroxidase and metmyoglobin as catalysts of coupled peroxidatic reactions
  62. Properties of azide-CATALASE
  63. A study of the CATALASE reaction
  64. … FRACTIONS FROM RAT LIVER: Analysis of Preparations Enriched in Lysosomes or in Particles Containing Urate Oxidase, D-Amino Acid Oxidase, and CATALASE
  65. The spectra of the enzyme-substrate complexes of CATALASE and peroxidase
  66. The constitution of the prosthetic group of CATALASE
  67. The mechanism of CATALASE action. II. Electric analog computer studies
  68. Primary compounds of CATALASE and peroxidase
  69. A method for the localization of CATALASE on starch gels
  70. Anti-CATALASE and the mechanism of sulfanilamide action
  72. Subunit dissociation and recombination of CATALASE isozymes.
  74. Studies on the mechanism of inhibition of liver and erythrocyte CATALASE activity by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole (AT)
  75. The interaction of CATALASE with synthetic polyelectrolytes
  76. The in vitro inhibition of CATALASE by a tumor factor
  77. Crystalline human erythrocyte CATALASE
  78. The induced synthesis of CATALASE in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
  80. Mechanism of CATALASE action
  81. Immunochemistry of CATALASE II. Activity in multilayers
  82. Sulfide inhibition of CATALASE
  83. The nature of the primary complex of CATALASE
  84. The preparation and properties of a highly active CATALASE from horse liver
  85. On the reaction of CATALASE peroxides with acceptors
  86. CATALASE abnormality in a Caucasian family in the United States
  87. Studies on Isoniazid and Tubercle Bacilli, III. The Isolation, Drug-Susceptibility, and CATALASE-Testing of Tubercle Bacilli from Isoniazid – Treated Patients
  88. Inhibitors of CATALASE reaction
  89. CATALASE in insect trypanosomatids
  90. The kinetics of the decomposition of peroxide by CATALASE
  92. CATALASE hybrid enzymes in maize
  93. Reaction between CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide
  94. The mechanism of the liver CATALASE depressing action of tumours in mice
  95. CATALASE inhibition as a possible mechanism of the fungistatic action of sorbic acid
  96. The radiation sensitivity of CATALASE as a function of temperature
  97. The formation of choleglobin and the role of CATALASE in the erythrocyte
  98. Some amino acid sequences in bovine-liver CATALASE
  99. Magnetic properties of some peroxide compounds of myoglobin, peroxidase and CATALASE
  100. Physical factors influencing CATALASE rate constants
  101. Erythrocyte CATALASE and detoxication of hydrogen peroxide
  102. Mechanism of inhibition of CATALASE by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  103. The effect of magnesium concentration on chlorophyll and CATALASE development in Chlorella
  104. Preparation of crystalline erythrocuprein and CATALASE from human erythrocytes
  105. The effect of the peroxide concentration and other factors on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  106. The relationship between CATALASE and haemoglobin in human blood
  107. The effect of deficiencies in copper and iron on the CATALASE activity of rat tissues
  108. Methods for determining the rates of CATALASE synthesis and destruction in vivo
  109. Studies on the liver CATALASE of normal and cancerous rats
  110. The reaction between CATALASE, azide and hydrogen peroxide
  111. CATALASE-chlorophyll relationship in barley seedlings
  112. The preparation of highly purified spinach leaf CATALASE
  113. The composition of CATALASE-peroxide complexes
  114. Studies on plant CATALASE
  116. Autoxidation of pyrogallol: general characteristics and inhibition by CATALASE
  117. On the occurrence of CATALASE in human tissues and its variations in diseases
  118. Manometric Determination of CATALASE Activity-Apparatus and Method
  119. CATALASE activity and ethanol metabolism in the rat.
  120. Attempt in classification of CATALASE-positive staphylococci and micrococci
  121. Peroxidase and CATALASE in saliva.
  122. Studies on rat liver CATALASE IV. Heterogeneity of mitochondrial and supernatant CATALASE
  123. Detection of urinary CATALASE by disk flotation
  124. CATALASE activity in Escherichia coli
  125. Purified CATALASE from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
  127. The effect of the degree of homogenization on the CATALASE activity of liver “homogenates”
  129. Studies on Xanthine Oxidase: The Function of CATALASE
  130. Relation of oxidases and CATALASE to respiration in plants
  131. Irreversible reaction of 3-amino-1: 2: 4-triazole and related inhibitors with the protein of CATALASE
  132. Isolation and Characterization of the Cyanide-Resistant and Azide-Resistant CATALASE of Lactobacillus plantarum
  133. The action of anions on CATALASE peroxide compounds
  134. CATALASE and peroxidase in mycobacteria: possible relationship to the mode of action of isoniazid
  136. Cancer and human liver CATALASE
  140. Restoration induced by CATALASE in irradiated microorganisms
  141. Virulence in the Guinea-Pig, Susceptibility to Hydrogen-Peroxide, and CATALASE Activity of Isoniazid-Sensitive Tubercle Bacilli from South Indian and British Patients.
  142. Convenient methods for preparing crystalline CATALASE from cow liver
  143. Iron enzymes in iron deficiency. II. CATALASE in human erythrocytes
  144. … studies. 17. Intracellular distribution of monoamine oxidase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, D-amino acid oxidase and CATALASE in rat-liver …
  146. The effect of temperature on the direct action of ionizing radiation on CATALASE
  147. Studies of the effect of sodium azide on microbic growth and respiration: II. The action of sodium azide on bacterial CATALASE
  148. Salivary CATALASE and peroxidase values in normal subjects and in persons with periodontal disease
  149. The formation and catalytic role of CATALASE peroxide compound II
  150. Oxidation of chlorpromazine by peroxidase and CATALASE
  151. Divergence of CATALASE and respiration in germination
  152. Crystalline CATALASE from beef erythrocytes
  153. CATALASE, hydrogen peroxide, and ionizing radiation
  154. The peroxidatic activity of CATALASE
  155. Splitting of CATALASE molecule by alkali treatment
  156. CATALASE requirement for mammalian cells in culture
  157. Role of peroxidase and CATALASE in the physiological deiodination of thyroxine
  158. Permeability barriers and the assay of CATALASE in intact cells
  159. The action of roentgen rays on the enzyme CATALASE
  161. Is CATALASE a measure of metabolic activity?
  162. CATALASE activity and sex in plants
  163. The sporicidal action of hydrogen peroxide and the use of crystalline CATALASE to dissipate residual peroxide
  164. The inactivation of CATALASE by deuterons and heat
  165. Classification of CATALASE-poisons based on observations of their interaction with CATALASE. II
  166. CATALASE inhibition by normal and neoplastic tissue extracts
  167. On the intracellular distribution of CATALASE and alcohol dehydrogenase in horse, guinea pig and rat liver tissues
  168. The inter-relations of CATALASE, respiration, after-ripening, and germination in some dormant seeds of the Polygonaceae
  169. Role of CATALASE and peroxidase in the metabolism of leucocytes
  170. Food stabilization, glucose conversion in preparation of albumen solids by glucose oxidase-CATALASE system
  171. CATALASE and Chlorophyll Depression by 3-Amino-1, 2, 4-Triazole.
  172. … in mitochondria. 2. Rate of incorporation in vitro of radioactive amino acids into soluble proteins in the mitochondrial fraction, including CATALASE, malic dehydrogenase and …
  173. CATALASE content of rabbit, ram, bull and boar semen
  174. Variations in CATALASE activity in human leukocytes
  176. Crystalline CATALASE, a peroxidase
  177. … IN A HEMIN REQUIRING STRAIN OF MICROCOCCUS PYOGENES VAR. AUREUS I: The Significance of Coenzyme A for the Terminal Synthesis of CATALASE
  178. Study of CATALASE in erythrocytes and bacteria. II. CATALASE activity of erythrocytes from different species of normal animals and from normal humans
  179. ACATALASEmia (lack of CATALASE in blood) and an oral progressive gangrene
  180. CATALASE poisons in relation to changes in radiosensitivity
  181. On the hematin and the bile pigments in CATALASE
  182. Formation induite de CATALASE et métabolisme des acides nucléiques chez la levure effet des rayons X
  184. Improved method for the preparation of crystalline oxyhemoglobin free from CATALASE and methemoglobin
  185. States of tyrosine residues in the molecules of insulin, lysozyme and CATALASE
  186. CATALASE activity in chloroplast pigment deficient types of corn
  187. On the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by the CATALASE of blood
  188. CATALASE activity in pathogenic Leptospira
  189. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE: III. Amino Acid Composition of Rat Liver CATALASE
  190. Does CATALASE participate in the physiological oxidation of alcohols?
  191. Liver CATALASE of tumor-bearing and leprous rats
  192. Identification of Haemoglobin by its CATALASE Reaction with Peroxide and o-Dianisidine
  193. Small angle x-ray scattering studies of the size, shape, and hydration of CATALASE
  194. The Effect of Different Iron and Manganese Nutrient Levels on the CATALASE and Cytochrome Oxidase Activities of Green and Albino Sunflower Leaf Tissues.
  195. In vitro inhibition of CATALASE by ovomucoid
  196. Metabolism of inorganic nitrite and nitrate esters I. The coupled oxidation of nitrite by peroxide-forming systems and CATALASE
  197. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  198. Crystalline horse liver CATALASE
  199. Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism of CATALASE and Other Ferric Compounds with Doubly O18-labeled Hydrogen Peroxide
  200. On “Anenzymia CATALASEa”. a New Type of Constitutional Abnormity A Biochemical Note on the Physiological Significance of CATALASE in Animal Organism
  201. Study of CATALASE in erythrocytes and bacteria. I. Procedure for the determination of the CATALASE activity of erythrocytes
  202. Two types of CATALASE-like activity in lactic acid bacteria
  203. Normal and abnormal blood CATALASE activity in adults
  204. Crystallization of animal CATALASE and studies on its optimum temperature
  205. Changes in CATALASE activity and other responses induced in plants by red and blue light
  206. The CATALASE, California, and cell count tests for detecting abnormalities in milk.
  207. Relationship of Isoniazid to the Metabolism of Mycobacteria: CATALASE and Peroxidase
  208. A comparison of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE, ferrous and ferric ions, haemin and ferrous phthalocyanine
  209. Further investigation of the reducibility of lyophilized CATALASE
  210. Kinetics of CATALASE steady state activity
  211. Studies on the reaction between CATALASE molecule and various inhibitory substances, I
  213. The action of ultraviolet radiation on yeast CATALASE
  214. Immunological evidence of repressed CATALASE synthesis in livers of tumor-bearing mice
  215. CATALASE Activity in Anaplasma marginale
  216. Experimental porphyria IV. Studies of liver CATALASE and other heme enzymes in Sedormid porphyria
  217. Reaction mechanism of the enzymes CATALASE and peroxidase in the light of the theory of chain reactions
  218. Hormonal factors influencing liver CATALASE activity in mice. Testicular and adrenal factors
  219. The effect of heavy metal and bicarbonate excess on sunflower plants grown in sand culture, with special reference to CATALASE and peroxidase
  220. The inactivation of mussel CATALASE by oxygen
  221. Further observations on the liver CATALASE depressing action of tumours
  222. The action of peroxidase with enzymically generated peroxide in the presence of CATALASE
  223. Simplified apparatus for CATALASE determination
  224. Variations in CATALASE activity during a bacterial growth cycle
  225. Chemical nature of CATALASE
  226. A Study of Yeast CATALASE
  227. Peroxidase activity of hemoproteins. I. Generation of activity by acid or alkali denaturation of methemoglobin and CATALASE
  228. Studies on bone enzymes. The activation and release of latent acid hydrolases and CATALASE in bone-tissue homogenates
  229. A study of the CATALASE of the fruits of pear varieties
  230. The Effects of Some Sulfhydryl Compounds on Growth of CATALASE-Positive and CATALASE-Negative Tubercle Bacilli,,
  232. Studies on estimation of CATALASE activity by the use of titanium sulfate
  234. CATALASE-producing strains of streptococci
  235. Composition and nutritive value of cheese produced from milk treated with hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE
  236. The intracellular CATALASE of Micrococcus lysodeikticus
  237. CATALASE inhibition: A possible mechanism for the production of Heinz bodies in erythrocytes
  238. Immunological experiments with CATALASE
  239. Survival of bull sperm in milk and yolk extenders with added CATALASE
  241. Isoniazid susceptibility, CATALASE activity, and guinea pig virulence of recently isolated cultures of tubercle bacilli
  242. Genetic analysis of liver CATALASE activity in two substrains of C57BL mice
  243. The relationship between the CATALASE activity, hydrogen peroxide sensitivity, and isoniazid resistance of mycobacteria
  244. Effect of adrenalectomy on liver CATALASE activity in the rat
  245. Tissue CATALASE activity in several C57BL substrains and in other strains of inbred mice
  246. CATALASE from horse kidney and human liver
  247. Immunochemical Studies on CATALASE I. Assay of CATALASE in Erythrocytes and Liver
  248. The relation between oxidase and CATALASE in plant tissues
  249. Cellular distribution of CATALASE activity in red cells of homozygous and heterozygous cases of acatalasia
  250. Denaturation of CATALASE by formamide and urea related to the subunit make-up of the molecule
  251. A solubility analysis of crystalline ox-liver CATALASE
  252. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  253. A synthetic compound with CATALASE-like activity
  254. The inhibition of CATALASE by ascorbic acid.
  255. CATALASE activity and the aerobic and anaerobic germination of rice
  256. CATALASE activity in young red cells
  257. Hormonal control of liver CATALASE
  258. Cyanide inhibition of the CATALASE system
  259. CATALASE protein of aCATALASEmic red blood cells: an electrophoretic and immunologic study
  260. The effect of certain chemicals on the CATALASE activity in plants
  261. The mechanism of liver CATALASE depression by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  262. Effect of excess supply of heavy metals on barley during germination, with special reference to CATALASE and peroxidase
  263. The proteinase inactivation of CATALASE and some properties of the digests
  264. Effects of carbon dioxide on CATALASE
  265. Studies on the localization of intracellular CATALASE of mouse liver
  266. Evaluation of the urinary CATALASE test in hypertensive vascular disease
  267. Oxidative possibilities in the CATALASE positive Acetobacter species
  268. The combined effect of temperature and ultraviolet radiation on dry CATALASE
  269. A study of the irradiation of CATALASE by ionizing radiations in the presence of cysteine, cystine and glutathione
  270. Physiological and biochemical changes accompanying pollination in orchid flowers. II. Respiration, CATALASE activity, and chemical constituents
  271. Iron enzymes in iron deficiency: III. CATALASE in rat red cells and liver with some further observations on cytochrome C
  272. ApoCATALASE of CATALASE-Negative Staphylococci
  273. A CATALASE negative Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus
  274. The effect of some cystine derivatives on CATALASE activity
  275. Effect of whole body X-radiation and of intraperitoneal hydrogen peroxide on mouse liver CATALASE
  276. Possible role of CATALASE in radiation effects on mammals
  277. The properties of various crystalline horse erythrocyte CATALASE preparations
  278. Simple method of anaerobic cultivation, with removal of oxygen by a buffered glucose oxidase-CATALASE system
  279. On the in vitro inhibition of CATALASE by amino acids
  280. Effects of radiations on CATALASE solutions. 1. Kinetic studies of inactivation
  281. Effects of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole (AT) on CATALASE and other compounds
  282. The production of CATALASE by an anaerobic organism
  283. Studies on CATALASE
  284. A further note on CATALASE activity as a measure of seed viability
  285. Serum isoniazid levels and CATALASE activities of tubercle bacilli from isoniazid-treated patients.
  286. Measurement of the catalytic power of CATALASE
  287. Relation between the amount of CATALASE in the different muscles of the body and the amount of work done by these muscles
  288. Honey CATALASE
  289. Effect on Radiation Lethality of Various Agents Relevant to the H2O2-CATALASE Hypothesis
  290. Isolation of two lines of transplantable, ethionine-induced rat hepatomas of high and low CATALASE activity from a primary tumor
  291. Activity of CATALASE-lipid complexes at oil/water interfaces
  292. Effect of cysteine on respiration and CATALASE synthesis by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  293. Studies on the spores of aerobic bacteria. IV. A heat resistant CATALASE from spores of Bacillus terminalis.
  294. Respiration in corn with special reference to CATALASE
  295. Iron deficiency in rats: changes in body and organ weights, plasma proteins, hemoglobins, myoglobins, and CATALASE
  296. The effect of the emotions on the CATALASE content of the liver
  297. Studies on the biosynthesis of iodotyrosines: the relationship of peroxidase, CATALASE and cytochrome oxidase
  298. CATALASE synthesis and destruction in starvation
  299. Effects of radiations on CATALASE solutions. 2. The protecting action of complexing agents
  300. Respiration and CATALASE activity in sweet corn
  301. Protein synthesis in the induced formation of CATALASE in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
  302. Stability of Spinach CATALASE. II. Inactivation by Heata
  303. Effect of CATALASE inhibitors on the deiodination of thyroxine
  304. Studies on the mechanism of CATALASE depression by toxohormone, with the aid of allylisopropylacetamide, allylisopropylacetylcarbamide, and 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  305. Studies on CATALASE from the California mussel
  306. Relation of CATALASE, Oxidase, and H+ Concentration to the Formation of Overgrowths
  307. On the activation of CATALASE
  308. Mouse liver CATALASE. The antagonistic effect of tumour tissue upon the hormonal control mechanisms
  309. Comparative Researches in the Stabilities of Plant CATALASE and Animal CATALASE
  310. Hydrogen peroxide, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, quinones, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, and phosphopyridine nucleotides in relation to X-ray action on cancer …
  311. Studies on the intracellular localization and incorporation of 59Fe into CATALASE in rat liver
  312. The action of some chemical substances on mouse liver CATALASE activity in vivo
  313. The enzymic composition of nuclei isolated from radio-sensitive and non-sensitive tissues with special reference to CATALASE activity
  314. Ethanol protection against the CATALASE-depressing effect of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  315. The intracellular localization of enzymes in tobacco leaves. II. Cytochrome oxidase, CATALASE, and polyphenol oxidase
  317. Effect of temperature and light on CATALASE content of Spirogyra
  318. Effects of soft X-rays on urease and CATALASE
  319. CATALASE activity, sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide, and radiation response in the genus Escherichia
  320. Studies on bone enzymes. Distribution of acid hydrolases, alkaline phenylphosphatase, cytochrome oxidase and CATALASE in subcellular fraction of bone tissue …
  321. Studies on the Cachexia of Tumor-bearing Animals: II. CATALASE Activity in the Tissues of Hepatoma-bearing Animals
  322. Delayed germination and CATALASE activity in Xanthium
  323. CATALASE activity as a measure of seed viability
  324. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 1st Report A New Micromethod of Estimation of Blood and Plasma CATALASE
  325. Crystallization and alkali-denaturation of porcine blood CATALASE
  328. Occurrence of CATALASE in pleuropneumonia-like organisms and bacterial L forms
  329. Activation of Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase by CATALASE
  330. Oxidation-reduction potentials of pneumococcus cultures: Effect of CATALASE
  331. Relationship of CATALASE activity to virulence in Pasteurella pestis
  332. The effect of starvation on the CATALASE content of the tissues
  333. The effect of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on phosphorylase, phosphatase, amylase, CATALASE, and peroxidase activity in wheat
  334. A study of the CATALASE reaction, with special reference to respiration in plants
  335. Equilibrium Inhibition of the CATALASE–Hydrogen Peroxide System during the Steady State.
  336. Effect of low concentrations of ozone on the enzymes CATALASE, peroxidase, papain and urease
  337. The reversion of CATALASE during growth of yeast in anaerobiosis
  338. Progressive inhibition of the CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide system by acetate, chloride and azide
  339. The mechanism of the action of androgenic hormones on mouse-liver CATALASE
  340. The intracellular redistribution of CATALASE during the incubation of mouse-liver slices
  341. Some observations on the enzyme CATALASE
  342. Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by CATALASE
  343. Liver CATALASE Activity of Patients with Gastric Cancer
  344. Motile CATALASE-producing strains of Lactobacillus delbrückii
  345. Effect of reduced liver and kidney CATALASE concentrations on lethality of x irradiation in rats.
  347. Respiration and oxidase and CATALASE activity of apples in relation to maturity and storage.
  348. The Magnetic Properties of CATALASE
  349. Bacteriologic and clinical significance of the CATALASE activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  350. The Physiology of Sea-Urchin Spermatozoa: CATALASE
  351. CATALASE, hydrogen-ion concentration, and growth in the potato wart disease
  352. Ultra-violet absorption spectrum of CATALASE
  353. CATALASE activity of psychrophilic bacteria grown at 2 and 30° C
  354. Hormonal balance and liver CATALASE activity
  356. Note on the CATALASE Activity of Several Mammalian Cell Strains After Long Cultivation In Vitro
  357. Heat inactivation of CATALASE in deuterium oxide
  358. Colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of plasma CATALASE activity
  359. A colorimetric test for measuring CATALASE activity of cultures of M. tuberculosis
  360. The biological activity and physical state of intracellular CATALASE
  361. Mechanism of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  362. CATALASE and Uricase Studies on Rats during 2-Acetylaminofluorene Carcinogenesis
  363. Liver CATALASE in the riboflavin-deficient mouse
  364. On the intermediate compound built in the process of CATALASE reaction
  366. CATALASE activity as a measure of viability of tree seeds
  367. Kinetics of irreversible inhibition of CATALASE
  368. Suppression of CATALASE activity by peroxidase and its substrates
  369. THE ALTERATION OF INTRACELLULAR ENZYMES: III. The Effect of Temperature on the Kinetics of Altered and Unaltered Yeast CATALASE
  370. The effect of metal ions on the radiation sensitivity of CATALASE
  371. The correlation of rate of CATALASE activity, guinea pig virulence, and isoniazid resistance of tubercle bacilli from specimens of patients under isoniazid therapy
  372. Comparison of the amount of CATALASE in the muscles of large and of small animals
  373. The effect of exogenous CATALASE on the aerobic growth of clostridia
  374. Effects of gibberellin and growth-retarding chemicals on respiration and CATALASE activity in various organs of cucumber seedlings
  376. The influence of some hormonal, dietary, and tumor factors on liver CATALASE activity in rats
  377. Purification of the liver CATALASE-reducing substance occurring in cancer tissues, with special reference to its activity
  378. Stability of Spinach CATALASE. III. Regenerationa
  379. The CATALASE activities of Pasteurella pestis and other bacteria
  380. Kinetics and thermodynamics of the steady state system of CATALASE with hydrogen peroxide
  381. Motility and fertility of bull semen extended at high rates in yolk extender containing CATALASE
  382. A polarographic study of the enzyme-substrate complexes of CATALASE and peroxidase
  383. CATALASE in activated sludge
  384. Paper electrophoretic studies on the CATALASE protein in aCATALASEmic blood extract (stage 3 by Herbert-Pinsent)
  385. Apparatus for measurement of oxidase and CATALASE activity
  386. Thermal analysis of blood CATALASE reaction
  387. Sex Differences in Tissue CATALASE Levels, and Their Relation to the CATALASE-Depressing action of Tumours
  389. The effect on mouse-liver CATALASE activity and blood-haemoglobin level of a milk diet deficient in iron, copper and manganese
  390. Effect of storage temperature on the precipitable protein content and CATALASE activity of whole saliva
  391. CATALASE activity in relation to the growth curve of barley
  392. The relationship of induced CATALASE synthesis to ribonucleic acid metabolism in yeast.
  393. A Requirement for CATALASE in Tyrosine Metabolism: the Oxidation of p-Hydroxy-phenylpyruvic Acid to Homogentisic Acid
  394. Effect of chlorates upon the CATALASE activity of the roots of bindweed
  395. A chromatographical study of crystalline CATALASE from bovine liver
  396. The effect of inanition on liver CATALASE activity in mice.
  397. Some factors affecting the permeability of large-granule membranes to mouse-liver CATALASE in vitro
  398. Relation of CATALASE activity to physiological breakdown in Jonathan apples
  399. Rapidly labeled ribonucleic acids of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides under varying conditions of CATALASE synthesis
  400. Studies on the CATALASE of a thermophilic bacterium
  401. A role of CATALASE in S-methyl group oxidation
  402. A study of crystalline beef liver CATALASE dried in the frozen state
  403. Effects of lipopolysaccharides derived from bacteria and tumor tissues on liver CATALASE activity, plasma iron concentration, and organ weights
  404. Kinetics of the irreversible inhibition of CATALASE by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide complex I hydrogen …
  405. The inactivation of bacteriophage and CATALASE by soft x-rays
  406. The relation of CATALASE to heart activity
  407. Hormonal influences on liver CATALASE activity
  409. Fertility of bull sperm with added CATALASE
  410. Some studies on CATALASE in mouse-liver slices
  411. The effect of boron on the CATALASE activity of rice plant.
  412. Comparative studies on the susceptibility of photosynthesis, the Hill reaction and the CATALASE reaction towards various inhibitors
  414. The activity of CATALASE in Pasteurella tularensis
  415. Oxidation-reduction potentials of haemolytic streptococci: Effect of CATALASE
  416. Inhibitors in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  417. Stability of Spinach CATALASE. I. Purification and Stability During Storagea
  418. CATALASE test for abnormal milk. I. Techniques and factors affecting the test
  419. Peroxidase activity of hemoproteins: III. Activation of methemoglobin and CATALASE by formamide and guanidine
  420. Decreased activity of the ironcontaining enzyme CATALASE in human iron-deficiency anemia.
  421. Distribution of total soluble solids and CATALASE in different parts of Jonathan apples.
  422. CATALASE activity in the epidermis of patients with advanced cancer
  423. Effect of haemin supplementation on porphyrin accumulation and CATALASE synthesis during anaerobic growth of Staphylococcus
  424. Effect of copper on growth and CATALASE levels of Corcyra cephalonica St. in zinc toxicity
  425. Identification of CATALASE following electrophoresis on acrylamide gels
  426. The CATALASE content of cheese
  427. The Effect of Phosphorus Poisoning on the CATALASE Content of the Tissues
  428. Detection of CATALASE after electrophoresis of haemolysates on starch gel
  429. Oxidative Enzymes: I. Succinic Dehydrogenase, DPN Cytochrome C Reductase, Cytochrome Oxidase, and CATALASE in Oral, Liver, and Brain Cortex Tissues
  430. Studies of the concentration of CATALASE in urine, chyme, and feces
  431. The effect of acetylation on the properties of beef liver CATALASE
  432. Inter-individual variations in blood CATALASE activity
  433. Action of non-penetrating heavy metals on the CATALASE activity of yeast cells
  434. Studies on histidine residues in hemeproteins related to their activities V. Photooxidation of CATALASE in the presence of methylene blue
  435. The effect of benign and malignant tumors on liver CATALASE activity
  436. Effect of CATALASE and anaerobic conditions upon the post-thawing survival of bovine spermatozoa frozen in citrate-and Tris-buffered yolk extenders
  437. CATALASE activity in thermal blue-green algae in relation to temperature
  438. Heat sensitivity of pectinesterase activity in papaya puree and of CATALASE‐like activity in passion fruit juice
  439. Composition of Cottonseeds. II. CATALASE
  440. CATALASE studies on rats during p-dimethylaminoazobenzene carcinogenesis
  442. CATALASE and peroxidase activities of isoniazid-susceptible and-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis
  443. Activation of a CATALASE peroxidative pathway for the oxidation of alcohols in mammalian erythrocytes
  444. CATALASE activity in tomato fruits at different stages of their development
  445. The effect of manganese on the CATALASE activity of rice plants.
  446. Relation of oxidation-reduction potential, respiration, and CATALASE activity to induction of reproductive development in sugar beets
  448. Ferrous complexes in the CATALASE reaction
  449. The effect of thyroid feeding on the CATALASE content of the tissues
  450. Effects of 2, 4-D and soil moisture on the CATALASE activity, respiration, and protein content of bean plants
  453. The relationship between prodigiosin production and CATALASE activity
  454. Anti-CATALASE Activity of Sulfanilamide and Related Compounds. VI. Further Studies on Sulfonhydroxamides
  455. The effect of growth hormone on hepatic CATALASE, and on cell volume and hemoglobin content of blood in rats
  456. The activation of muscle CATALASE by liver
  457. Cliniceal Significance of Successive Estimation of the Blood CATALASE Activity in the Cancer Patient during Surgical and Anti-cancer Drug Therapy
  458. Intracellular distribution of uricase and CATALASE in livers of tumor-bearing mice and mice given injections of aminotriazole
  459. Two leukocyte enzymes with CATALASE activity in acute leukemia
  460. CATALASE activity of wheat leaf juice in relation to frost resistance
  461. Inhibition of CATALASE by carboxylic acids related to dissociation and association of the apoprotein
  462. Photoinhibition de la CATALASE des chloroplastes
  463. The CATALASE activity of Bact. lactis aerogenes
  464. The lethal effects of X-irradiation and of hydrogen peroxide on wild-type and on a high-CATALASE mutant of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
  465. The effect of heat and urea treatment on crystalline horse erythrocyte CATALASE
  466. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 3rd Report The Blood and Plasma CATALASE Content in Blood Diseases
  467. Observations on the Mechanism of Action of Tranquillisers—A Study of their Effect on Monoamine Oxidase, d-AND l-AMINO ACID OXIDASES AND CATALASE
  468. The effect of a high protein diet on the blood CATALASE
  469. [137] Liver CATALASE
  470. La synthèse adaptative de la CATALASE dans des fragments nucléés et anucléés d’Acetabularia Mediterranean
  471. Oxidase and CATALASE activity of Bartlett pears in relation to maturity and storage
  472. Role of ergothioneine and CATALASE in infection by ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea Tul.)
  473. Effect of atrazine on CATALASE and peroxidase in resistant and susceptible lines of corn
  475. Radiation sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in relation to induced formation of intracellular CATALASE
  476. A Study of the Behavior of Di-(Hydroxymethyl)-Peroxide in vivo and in vitro and its Effect on the CATALASE Activity of the Blood
  477. Effect of tumor cell fractions upon plasma iron, liver CATALASE and organ weights of rats
  478. Coupled aldehyde dehydrogenase and CATALASE in mitochondrial extracts
  479. Action of ionizing radiations on CATALASE in presence of cysteine, cystine and glutathione
  480. The effects of range-restricted electrons on intracellular yeast CATALASE
  481. A gas buret for CATALASE apparatus
  482. Acceleration of CATALASE action
  483. Relationship of CATALASE and sodium nitrite to protection against X-rays
  484. Inhibition of CATALASE by reducing agents in the presence of phenazine methosulfate
  486. Influence of hypophyseal factors on liver CATALASE activity in normal and tumor-bearing rats
  487. Isolation of Yeast CATALASE and Its Properties
  488. A study of the CATALASE content of codling moth larvae
  489. Preliminary report on development of methods for CATALASE determination in frozen vegetables.
  490. A rapid blood CATALASE screening technique adjustable to any level of activity
  491. The effect of acids, alkalies and salts on CATALASE production
  493. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 2nd Report The Blood CATALASE Content in Digestive Disease Patients
  494. Effect of partial hepatectomy on liver CATALASE activity in normal and protein-depleted rats
  495. Susceptibility of CATALASE-negative Bacteria to Ultra-violet Irradiation
  496. XV. Free Radical Production in Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Peroxidase, CATALASE and Metmyoglobin
  498. Evaluation of criteria used in the identification of Actinomyces bovis with particular reference to the CATALASE reaction
  499. CATALASE levels and radiosensitivity of liver cells
  500. The influence of an oxidizing substance (sodium iodoxybenzoate) on the CATALASE value of the blood and tissues
  501. Disc flotation test for measurement of CATALASE activity in milk
  502. Some studies of tocopherol deficiency in infants and children. 3. Relation of blood CATALASE activity and other factors to hemolysis of erythrocytes in hydrogen peroxide.
  505. CATALASE ratio as a rapid method for determining the germinating capacity of seeds
  508. Calorimetric estimation of CATALASE activity.
  510. Observations on the CATALASE activity of tubercle bacilli
  511. Relationship Between Isoniazid Resistance, Endogenous CATALASE Activity and Guinea Pig Pathogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  512. Effect of isoniazid on CATALASE and peroxidase of tuberele bacilli in vitro
  513. Constitution of the prosthetic group of CATALASE
  514. The kinetics of the action of CATALASE extract from marine algae, with a note on oxidase
  515. Effect of thiouracil and of thyroidectomy on liver CATALASE activity of animals with and without implanted tumors
  516. The Effect of Pancreatectomy on the CATALASE Content of the Tissues
  517. CATALASE activity during the development of the chick embryo
  518. Studies on CATALASE in chloroplasts
  520. [138] Blood CATALASE
  522. Inhibition of CATALASE Activity by Isoniazid and the Effect of Vitamin B6.
  523. Inverse effect of gibberellin and Amo-1618 on growth, CATALASE and peroxidase activity in cucumber seedlings
  524. A rapid procedure for CATALASE determination in blood and tissue samples with the Van Slyke manometric apparatus
  525. Spectrometric studies on the CATALASE in aCATALASEmic red blood cell extracts, Stages 2 and 3 by Herbert-Pinsent
  526. The CATALASE of echinoderm eggs before and after fertilization
  527. Biochemical Studies on Irradiated Protozoa. III. CATALASE Activity in Tetrahymena pyriformis W*
  528. The fertility of bovine semen in citrate-yolk extenders containing added CATALASE
  529. Isozyme of CATALASE
  530. Complexes of bacterial CATALASE with peroxide, azide and carbon monoxide
  531. STUDIES ON HEMOGLOBIN IV. The CATALASE Activity of Hemoglobin and Derivatives
  532. 325. Catalytic properties of the phthalocyanines. Part I. CATALASE properties
  533. The separation of oxidase reactions from the CATALASE reaction
  534. Changes in the CATALASE content during the life cycle
  535. The symptomatology of diverticulum formations of the colon especially with regard to the CATALASE action in faeces.
  536. CATALASE and oxidative processes in animal tissues as possible factors in adaptation
  537. The effect of pyridoxine deficiency in the rat upon the CATALASE activity of its tissues.
  538. CATALASE Studies on Protein-depleted Rats Bearing the Jensen Sarcoma
  539. A laboratory demonstration of blood CATALASE
  540. The estimation of blood galactose using a glucose oxidase-CATALASE reagent
  541. The Effect of Ether Anaesthesia, the Emotions and Stimulation of the Splanchnics on the CATALASE Content of the Blood
  542. Effect of hypophysectomy on liver CATALASE activity in tumor-bearing mice
  543. The Oxidation of o-Aminophenols by Cytochrome c and Cytochrome Oxidase V. INACTIVATION OF CATALASE AND ARGINASE BY 2-IMINO-1, 2 …
  544. Studies of the Physiological Importance of the Mineral Elements in Plants V. The Distribution of Diastase, Invertase and CATALASE in Normal and Potassiumstarved …
  545. CATALASE Activity and Isoniazid Sensitivity of Tubercle Bacilli
  546. Bacterial CATALASE
  547. The effect of molybdenum deficiency on the CATALASE and peroxidase content of Neurospora crassa
  548. Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by CATALASE
  549. A Study of the Effect of Hot and Cold Weather on the CATALASE of the Plant and Animal in Relation to their Respiratory Metabolism
  550. [140] Plant CATALASE
  551. Immunochemical study of CATALASE
  552. Some Studies on Liver CATALASE in Embryonic and Immature Chickens and Mice
  553. Effect of Hypophysectomy on the Lowering of Organ CATALASE by a Transplanted Tumor
  554. The Enzymes of Washed Zymin and Dried Yeast (Lebedeff). III. Peroxydase, CATALASE, Invertase and Maltase
  555. The comparative biochemistry of developing Ascaris eggs: V. Changes in CATALASE activity during embryonation
  556. Isolation and Characterization of Protoporphyrin IX from Bacterial CATALASE
  557. The pathogenicity of isoniazid-resistant, CATALASE-negative tubercle bacilli for the silicotic host (guinea pig)
  558. Effect of molybdenum deficiency on CATALASE and peroxidase in Neurospora
  559. Studies on the CATALASE Enzyme of Mycobacteria: I. Correlation Between CATALASE Activity and Virulence of Mycobacteria Under Certain Experimental Conditions
  560. Comparison of the CATALASE content of the tissues of the mother and of the offspring
  561. Insensitivity of erythrocyte CATALASE to substances that depress liver CATALASE
  562. CATALASE during embryonic development
  563. Differences in CATALASE Activity in the Tissues and Blood between the Smolt and Parr of Masu, Oncorhynchus masou
  564. The CATALASE Content of Ascaris Suum, with a Suggestion as to Its Role in Protecting Parasites Against the Digestive Enzymes of Their Hosts
  565. Non-equilibrium Inhibition of the CATALASE–Hydrogen Peroxide System
  566. CATALASE activity of liver and kidney in frogs with spontaneous renal carcinoma
  567. Effect of Excess Dietary DL-Methionine on Liver and Kidney CATALASE of Rats
  568. Influence of diglycyl-glycine on the radiation sensitivity of CATALASE
  569. Studies on Activation of Intracellular CATALASE of Mouse Liver
  570. Influences of anticancer agents on the activities of liver CATALASE, uricase, and xanthine oxidase in normal and tumor-bearing mice
  571. The relation between CATALASE activity and vigor in inbred strains and crosses of corn seedlings
  572. XIV. Differences in the CATALASE content of muscle from different parts of the stomach
  573. Electrophoresis of serum haptoglobins and erythrocyte CATALASE using capillary blood
  575. The CATALASE protein of aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic red blood cells. I. Quantitative precipitin studies on hemolysate and acetone extract
  576. CATALASE activity in mouse leukemia L1210
  577. Crystalline components of CATALASE
  578. The lethal effects of alpha irradiation on wild-type and on a high-CATALASE mutant of Rheudopseudomonas spheroides
  579. On the specificity of kidney CATALASE activity in salmonid fishes
  580. Attempts at protection of mice against ionizing radiation by exogenous CATALASE
  581. Amperometric measurement of the potency of CATALASE
  582. Bactericidal effectiveness of hydro-gen-peroxide-CATALASE treatments on Staphylococcus aureus.
  583. Antipyretic action and CATALASE activity
  584. Bacterial CATALASE. A Contribution to the Discussion of the Anaerobic Respiration.
  585. Alterations in the fine structure of liver cells during depressed CATALASE synthesis in the mouse
  586. Effects of sodium fluoride on leaf CATALASE activity
  587. Qualitative Estimation of Erythrocyte CATALASE by Starch-gel Electrophoresis
  588. CATALASE activity during embryonic development (Acrididae, Orthoptera)
  589. Liver CATALASE and tumor inhibition by urinary extracts
  590. The Effect of CATALASE on the Lethality of Cobalt60 Gamma Radiation for Certain Anaerobic Bacterial Spores
  591. Kinetics of the pre-steady state system of CATALASE with hydrogen peroxide
  592. The Effect of different Anesthetics on the CATALASE Content and Oxygen Consumption of unicellular Organisms
  593. Inactivation of CATALASE by phospholipide extracts
  594. CATALASE activity of seedling wheat leaves infected with stem rust
  595. Urinary CATALASE in health and disease
  596. Behavior of the protein-bound dye, N-demethylase, CATALASE and xanthine oxidase activities of rat liver during the course of repeated administrations of 3′-me-DAB
  597. Effect of Limited Oxygen Supply on Activities of CATALASE, Peroxidase and Cytochrome Oxidase in Germinating Rice Seeds.
  598. Nerve CATALASE
  599. On potato CATALASE
  600. Studies on the Optimum Temperature of CATALASE-activity
  601. The Effect of CATALASE on the Respiration of a Filterable Organism from Sewage
  602. Physical chemistry of CATALASE
  603. Isolation of a peroxidatically active product from the peptic digest of ox-liver CATALASE and some of its properties
  604. CATALASE activity in the regenerating tail tip of xenopus larvae and the effect of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  605. Effect of the urine extract of cancer patients on liver CATALASE in mice
  606. A Histochemical Study of Wound Periderm Formation (II): Changes in Activity of Nadi-Oxidase, Dehydrogenase, Peroxidase and CATALASE
  607. Location of proteinase, peptidase, CATALASE, and NADH oxidase in cells of Staphylococcus lactis
  608. The determination of blood CATALASE, with some observations on the factors affecting the ratio between quantity and activity of this enzyme
  609. Studies on rat liver CATALASE
  610. Effect of high energy cathode rays on the CATALASE activity of Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus
  611. XV. The CATALASE content of the mucous membrane from different parts of the digestive tract
  612. CATALASE test for detection of abnormal milk.
  613. Changes of enzyme activity during starvation and encystment of a ciliate (Urostyla). Amylase, CATALASE
  614. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  615. Desmolytic enzymes of the semen (indophenoloxidase, CATALASE and peroxidase).
  616. Comparison of the CATALASE Content of the Breast Muscle of Wild Pigeons and of Bantam Chickens
  617. CATALASE Activity of a Crude Enzyme Preparation from Iron-chlorotic Barley (Hordeum vulgaris) Seedlings
  618. The effect of sarcoma 37 on the intracellular distribution of mouse liver CATALASE
  619. The CATALASE of malignant tissue
  620. Use of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole to reduce body CATALASE activity in cancer studies
  621. Toxicity of micronutrients toward corn leaf CATALASE
  622. In vitro and in vivo activity on CATALASE of electrophoretically pure human serum albumin
  623. Studies on the Dwarf-disease of Mulberry-trees (I) Respiration and CATALASE Action of the Silk-worms attacked by Polyhedral Disease
  624. The effect of Zinc on the activities of CATALASE, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase in the tomato plant
  625. Observations upon the action of salts on the CATALASE of the blood in rabbits
  626. The action of the carcinogen N-(2-fluorenyl) acetamide on rat liver CATALASE and arginase in vivo
  627. Effects of surgery and autologous tissue implantation on liver CATALASE activity of the mouse
  628. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by organic compounds and its Bearing On The CATALASE Reaction
  630. On the protective action of some organic substances on CATALASE in acid medium
  631. On CATALASE activity in spores of Aspergillus niger
  632. Studies and Observations on Bovine Mastitis. II. CATALASE Test For Mastitis
  633. Blood CATALASE in cattle experimentally infected with F. & M. disease.
  634. Carbohydrate fermentation, nitrogenous metabolism and CATALASE production by variants of B. anthracis
  635. On the mechanism of coupled oxidation of ascorbic acid and haemoglobin, and the role of CATALASE in erythrocytes.
  636. The activity of CATALASE and phosphatase in wheat when controlling the growth rate
  637. Inhibitory effect of cyanine and related dyes upon CATALASE
  638. Studies on liver CATALASE, β-glucuronidase, and plasma iron during development of mice
  639. Irreversible inhibition of CATALASE by the 3-amino-1: 2: 4-triazole group of inhibitors in the presence of CATALASE donors
  640. Radiosensitivity and Biological Properties of Two Tumor Types Indigenous to the Same Host. VIII. CATALASE Activity Within Three Intracellular Fractions and Its …
  641. Studies on the CATALASE and peroxidase activity of the liver cell
  642. CATALASE-Enriched Medium
  643. Physiological behavior of Grimes Golden apples in storage: I. Respiratory intensity. II. CATALASE and oxidase activity
  644. Liver CATALASE Activity in Rat Leukemia
  645. Intracellular distribution of liver CATALASE reducing substance in malignant tumor tissues
  646. A simple apparatus for measuring CATALASE activity in plant and animal tissues
  647. Kinetic Studies on the Liver CATALASE Depression in Vivo Using 3, 5-Dicarbethoxy-1, 4-dihydrocollidine
  648. Liver CATALASE and liver non-hemin iron in gastric cancer
  649. The CATALASE Content of Conifer Leaves, with Notes on its Measurement
  650. An Improved Method of Crystallization of Beef Liver CATALASE
  651. Arginase and CATALASE activity in livers of patients having benign and malignant gastric lesions.
  652. A Contribution to the Biological Determination of” Toxohormone” or” Liver CATALASE Reducing Factor”
  653. Resonance radiation effects of low energy monochromatic X-rays on CATALASE
  654. Studies on the activation of CATALASE activity
  655. CATALASE activity in some forest soils.
  656. Determining the Activity of a Glucose Oxidase and CATALASE Mixed Enzyme
  658. A starch film method for the identification of CATALASE in histological sections
  659. Effects of certain inorganic ions on corn leaf CATALASE
  660. Purification and properties of CATALASE from Mycobacterium smegmatis
  661. Some notes on the CATALASE activity of Bordetella pertussis.
  662. Seasonal Change in the CATALASE Content of Conifer Leaves
  663. Liver CATALASE Activity during Complete Extra‐Hepatic Biliary Stasis in Rabbits and Dogs
  664. … constituents in domestic animals in South Africa. 1. Normal values for methaemoglobin reductase, erythrocyte fragility, blood glutathione, plasma CATALASE and the total …
  665. The influence of the ingestion of the amino-acids, adequate and inadequate proteins upon the production of CATALASE
  667. Studies on Bacterial CATALASE.
  668. Inhibition of mycobacterial CATALASE activity by isoniazid
  669. Toxic Substances in Cancer IV. On a Factor in Gastric Carcinoma Tissue Inhibiting the CATALASE Activity of the Mouse Liver
  670. The CATALASE content of luminous and non-luminous insects compared
  671. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 4th Report The Blood and Plasma CATALASE Content in Various Experimental Anemias
  672. The in vitro inhibition of hepatic CATALASE by boiled aqueous extracts from a human carcinoma of the stomach and from human non malignant stomach epithelium
  673. CATALASE Activity in Army Cutworm Moths (Chorizagrotis Auxiliaris Grote)
  674. Proof that a high protein diet increases and starvation decreases the CATALASE content of the entire animal
  676. Influence of sugars on the radiation sensitivity of CATALASE
  677. Cobalt and Blood CATALASE Activity
  678. Heinz-Body Formation after Exposure to Aniline and to 2, 4-Dichlorophenol. Role of CATALASE and Peroxide.
  679. Peripheral Blood Changes and Liver CATALASE Response to Isologously Transplanted Rat Leukemia IRC 741
  680. The effect of alcoholic intoxication on CATALASE
  681. Liver CATALASE activity in gastric cancer patients, in relation to the classified types of gastric carcinoma and pathological changes of liver
  682. … gibberellin and 2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride (OCC) on some biochemical processes in bean, plaints. I. Effect on CATALASE and peroxidase activity
  683. The Nature of the CATALASE Reaction in the Residue of Staphylococcus aureus Lysed by Bacteriophage
  684. Study on the liver CATALASE of malignant tumors
  685. Spectrophotometric effect of salicylic acid and selected antiradiation agents on CATALASE and lactic dehydrogenase
  688. The CATALASE protein of aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic red blood cells. II. Spectrophotometric study
  689. Addition of CATALASE to Lowenstein-Jensen medium
  690. Inorganic Model of CATALASE and Its Activity Affected by X-ray Radiation
  691. Studies of the CATALASE Activity of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strain H37Rv
  693. CATALASE in cunninghamella blakesleeana h‐334
  694. Studies on maturity of fruit. IV. The CATALASE and oxidase activity of apples in storage as affected by conditions obtaining during growth.
  695. Study of CATALASE in erythrocytes and bacteria. IV. Effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on the CATALASE activity of bacteria
  696. The degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid by l-cysteine and the promoting effect of metal chelating agents and of CATALASE
  697. Effect of Naja naja atra venom on cytochrome c oxidase, L-ascorbic acid oxidase, peroxidase, and CATALASE
  698. Origin of CATALASE in cow’s milk.
  699. Glycolic Acid Oxidase, CATALASE and Peroxidase of Cotton Tissue
  700. Studies on CATALASE Induction in Staphylococcus aureus Cultures.
  701. CATALASE Activity and Drug-Resistance of African M. tuberculosis. 1. CATALASE and Combined Resistance to INH, PAS and SM; Constancy of Enzyme’s Activity.
  702. An Evaluation of the CATALASE Test for the Detection of Mastitis Milk
  703. The addition of para-aminobenzoic acid or CATALASE to Löwenstein-Jensen medium and the effect of prolonged incubation in the culture of tubercle bacilli
  704. Further Study on the Effect of Summer and Winter Temperatures on the CATALASE of Pine Needles: A Reply to Criticism
  705. Experimental Studies on Benzene Poisoning. 2. Effect of Benzene on the CATALASE Activity in Blood.
  706. Changes in Ascorbic Acid Oxidase Polyphenol Oxidase and CATALASE Activity in Relation to Respiration of Pears During Storage [J]
  708. The effect of adrenalin, desiccated thyroid and certain inorganic salts on CATALASE production
  709. Studies on the CATALASE Activity of Babteria Part I Effect of Added Substance to the Media on CATALASE Activity Part II Oxidation of glucose and alanine by CATALASE …
  710. Comparative activity of CATALASE and saccharase in peat and some mineral soils.
  711. Studies on CATALASE activity and the amount of 3-hydroxykynurenin in the egg of the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
  712. Ascorbic acid, other vitamins and blood CATALASE.
  713. An experiment suitable for the demonstration of the preparation and properties of oxygen and of enzyme action (CATALASE)
  714. Effect of antibiotics of the tetracycline group on the activity of liver CATALASE
  716. The Relation of Chlorine and CATALASE Content of Milk to its Curd Tension
  717. Dimethylsulphate and CATALASE.
  719. Suitability of the CATALASE test described by Nyiredy for typing brucella.
  720. Erythrocyte CATALASE in liver cirrhosis and in experimental liver injury
  721. On the Failure of Tumour Homogenate Injections to Simulate Quantitatively the Changes in CATALASE Activity in the Tumour-bearing host
  722. Comparison of the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the intracellular CATALASE of aerobic and anaerobic yeast
  723. Effect of toxohormone-Like substances on respiratory adaptive production of CATALASE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  724. A study of the in vitro reaction of CATALASE and hemin with organic mercury compounds
  725. Effect of some anthelmintics on CATALASE activity in pig Ascaris.
  727. An Improved Method for the Estimation of CATALASE Activity and Its Application to the Study of Toxohormone
  728. CATALASE-enriched Medium
  730. Mechanism of the action of CATALASE.
  731. A study of oxygen absorption and CATALASE production during growth of Chaetomium globosum on cotton fiber and yarn
  733. Scurvy in Addison’s disease: CATALASE coefficient in adrenal insufficiency.
  734. CATALASE Levels in Line 15 East Lansing White Leghorns
  735. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE
  736. Effect of xeductones and sulphydryl compounds on CATALASE.
  737. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE
  738. CATALASE from fish.
  740. CATALASE, Respiration, and Vitamines
  741. Relationship of liver lyochrome to CATALASE.
  742. of the liver CATALASE activity would occur
  743. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 6th Report Influence of the Liver upon the Blood and Plasma CATALASE Content
  744. Would There be a CATALASE Diminishing Action in the Blood of ACATALASEmic Patients
  745. A method for detection of CATALASE mutants
  746. Does the liver secrete a CATALASE accelerator?
  747. CATALASE oxidation mechanisms
  748. On B-Avitaminosis of Man and Animals and on the Blood CATALASE of the Beriberic Cases. I.
  750. Liver CATALASE activity in parabiotic rats, one of which is thyroidectomized
  751. The Rôle of CATALASE in Acidosis
  753. Hormonal influences on CATALASE activity
  754. CATALASE and ionizing radiations
  755. Studies on the CATALASE: I. Behavior of CATALASE in Thermophilic Cellulose Fermenter II. Role of Buffer Solution in the CATALASE Test III. Influence of Hydrogen …
  756. Seasonal variation in mouse liver CATALASE
  757. Inhibition of CATALASE by Lead.
  758. Biochemical studies on the mammary gland functions. 4. Changes in the CATALASE activity of the rat mammary gland.
  759. Studies on Blood and Plasma CATALASE The 5th Report Influence of the Spleen and Reticulo-Endothelial System upon the Blood and Plasma CATALASE Content
  760. On the Oxidation of Dihydrothiamine by the Peroxidatic Reaction of Liver CATALASE
  764. Blood CATALASE activity in rabbits.
  765. Some Observations on CATALASE. Contributions from the Hull Botanical Laboratory 139
  766. Effect of vitamins on the CATALASE content of the blood.
  768. Temperature and CATALASE Activity in Germinating Corn
  769. The CATALASE in Gramnegative Pathogenic Bacteria. II. The CATALASE in Pathogenic Strains of E. coli.
  770. The CATALASE Activity of Salmonella paratyphi B.
  772. Influence of vitamins on the CATALASE content of blood. 2.
  773. Effect of Polyamino Carboxylic Acids on CATALASE
  774. CATALASE Activity and Virulence of Shi gella.
  775. The Liver CATALASE Reducing Factor in the Urines of Cancerous Patients
  776. CATALASE Activity as Variable Property of Mycobacteria
  778. The dependence of CATALASE activity in legumes on the nature of the inoculant.
  779. to reduce body CATALASE activity in cancer studies. Cancer Res.
  780. Effect of ferritin on liver CATALASE activity
  781. X. The Effect of Chemically Modified Aminotriazole on Erythrocyte CATALASE
  782. Peroxidase and CATALASE
  785. CATALASE Activity of Mouse Liver and its Relation to the Condition of the Animal
  786. Effect of cobalt complexes on CATALASE.
  788. CATALASE Activity and Heinz Body Formation.
  789. Ascorbic acid and blood CATALASE.
  790. The CATALASE Activity of Mycobacteria.
  791. Blood CATALASE and ascorbic acid.
  792. Metabolism of arginine in insects. 2. Relation between CATALASE and L-amino acid oxidase activities.
  793. Role of CATALASE in Heinz body formation
  794. Ferrous complexes in the CATALASE reaction
  795. The CATALASE test for determining the amount of impurities in semen.
  796. Ascorbic acid and blood CATALASE. 3. Relationship to hormones.
  797. Hepatic CATALASE in Relation to Transplantable Tumors in Rats
  798. Quantitative Precipitin Studies on CATALASE Protein in Hemolysate and Acetone Extract from ACATALASEmia and HypoCATALASEmia
  799. Quantity of CATALASE and Peroxydase in ACATALASEmia Cases and Quantity of CATALASE in Wild duck, Goose and Pigeon Part I. Quantity of CATALASE in blood and …
  800. Studies on CATALASE Activity of Acid-fast Bacilli. Especially of atypical acid-fast bacilli
  803. Studies on the Liver CATALASE Activity Part 1. The CATALASE Activity of Liver in Various Diseases
  805. Studies on the Liver CATALASE of Malignant Tumor Animals (3rd Report): Effect of Vitamin B2 on the Liver CATALASE Activity of Malignant Tumor Animals
  806. Clinical Studies on Liver CATALASE Activity in Gastric Carcinoma Cases
  807. On the vartieal difference of CATALASE activity in seeds of rice plants.
  808. The Effect of Some Cystine Derivatives on CATALASE Activity
  809. On the inheritance of biochemical characteristics by animals and its relation to their growth. 2. The CATALASE content in the blood of horned cattle and sheep.
  810. Influence of avitaminosis C on the lipase and CATALASE content of the animal body.
  811. Addendum to the Report on the Morphology of Plague Bacilli, their CATALASE Action and Reducing Power.
  813. Prevention of a virus disease by feeding silkworms with CATALASE.
  814. On the varietal differences of CATALASE activity in seeds of wheat plant.: Prelimimary
  815. Clinical Studies on Liver CATALASE Activity in Gastric Carcinoma Cases II. Experimental Supplement
  818. Cliniceal Significance of Successive Estimation of the Blood CATALASE Activity in the Cancer Patient during Surgical and Anti-cancer Drug Therapy
  819. IX. The heat-stable factor necessary for inhibition of CATALASE
  821. On the CATALASE activity and riboflavine level in the liver of the rats fed p-dimethylaminoazobenzene with cholesterol supplement
  823. CATALASE activity, growth and spore production of Sphaeropsis malorum as influenced by temperature
  824. First Experimental Results of Studies on the CATALASE Activity of Irradiated Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  825. Some experimental data on the activity of CATALASE from Dictyocaulus filaria.
  826. Effect of muscular activity on blood sugar and blood CATALASE.
  827. Blood CATALASE in Kala Azar.
  829. The CATALASE Activity of Various Strains of Brucella.
  830. A Study on the Purification of the Liver CATALASE Reducing Substance in Malignant Tissues
  833. On the Acceleration of Blood CATALASE Reaction With Surface-Active Agents
  834. Biology of Dysentery Bacilli, with Special Reference to the CATALASE Reaction.
  835. Role of CATALASE in Biological Oxidation as Demonstrated by Proteus vulgaris
  836. Effect of a lowered CATALASE level on actions of cardiac glycosides
  837. Ascorbic acid, blood CATALASE and the autonomic nervous system.
  838. Various Types of CATALASE Activity in Mycobacteria. II.-pH and Temperature.
  839. The different effects of dithiazanine and methylene blue on CATALASE activity in living ascarids and in their isolated tissues.
  840. Clinical Studies on Liver CATALASE Activity in Gastric Carcinoma Cases I. Clinical Observations
  841. CATALASE Activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
  842. The Relation of Temperature to the Extraction Rate of CATALASE in Sweet Potatoes
  843. CATALASE Activity and Sensitivity to Antibiotics in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  844. Dependence of the CATALASE activity of blood on the supply of vitamin C to the organism.
  845. Blood CATALASE and liver function in Hungarian Pied cattle.
  846. CATALASE activity and critical energy in seeds from plants grown with different water supplies.
  847. Quantity of CATALASE and Peroxydase in ACATALASEmia Cases and Quantity of CATALASE in Wild duck, Goose and Pigeon Part III. Quantity of Peroxydase in …
  848. Studies on Newcastle Disease Virus. CATALASE Production in Infected Chick Embryos
  849. X-Ray Induced Methahemoglobin Formation in Hemolysates and in Intact Erythrocytes of Different CATALASE Concentration
  850. CATALASE activity and critical energy of seeds coming from plants with diverse water regimes.
  852. Influence of unbalanced diet on the CATALASE and peioxidase content of the blood of white rats.
  854. Activation of CATALASE in homogenates of active and ancysted forms of a Ciliate (Urostyla)
  855. Activite de CATALASE dans les premieres phases embryonaires des aeufs de Salmo irideus et d’Esox lucius.
  856. Leaf CATALASE Activity varying with Growth of Wheat Plants including both of Spring and Winter Types
  857. Quantity of CATALASE and Peroxydase in ACATALASEmia Cases and Quantity of CATALASE in Wild duck, Goose and Pigeon Part II. Quantity of CATALASE in Organ’s Tissues …
  858. The change of the CATALASE activity in laver by waste
  859. Studies on the Activity of Liver CATALASE of Malignant Tumors (II Report) Influences on the Activity of Mice Liver CATALASE of Uterine Cancer Urine Extracts
  860. Studies on the Reaction of CATALASE with Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen Donors
  861. Activite de CATALASE pendant la periode de croissance des embryons de Salmo irideus et d’Esox lucius.
  862. Effect of the ascites of cancer patients on liver CATALASE in mice
  863. CATALASE activity and glutathione content of the red corpuscles in anæmic conditions.
  864. Study of CATALASE in tobacco. The thermostability of the enzyme and determination of its activity.
  865. Studies on CATALASE Activity of Liver and Plasma Protein Fraction at varions carcinolytic Processes
  866. The Effect of Filtration on Biologic Products: II. Influence on CATALASE and Lipase Activity
  867. The action and quality of CATALASE in wheats, barleys and plants of genera related to that of wheat.
  868. Studies on an in Vitro CATALASE Inhibitor from Silkworm Blood II. Fractionation of the Inhibitor
  869. CATALASE, oxidase and ionizable constituents of the tomato as influenced by the soil reaction
  870. CATALASE in Gram-Negative Pathogenic Bacteria. I. CATALASEin Strains of the Salmonella Group.
  871. Bacterial Physiology: Resistance to Antibiotics and Enzyme Activity of Tubercle Bacilli. II. CATALASE.
  872. The Effect of Viscosity and Dielectric Constants on Hemoglobin and CATALASE Reactions
  873. On the relation of the types of gastric cancer to liver CATALASE activity, and histochemical change in the liver
  874. CATALASE Reaction oí Bacillus dysenteriae, together with a New View on the Classification of the Dysentery Bacilli.
  876. The Effect of Viscosity and Temperature on CATALASE and Myoglobin Reactions
  877. Studies of the Anti-CATALASE Action of Isoniazid on Mycobacteria.
  878. On the CATALASE activity in the integument of some marking mutants in the silkworm
  879. Enzymes of Bombyx mori, L. 3. Tyrosinase and CATALASE of the blood of the silkworm.
  880. The effect of the serum of immunized guinea pigs on the multiplication and CATALASE activity of mycobacterium tuberculosis
  881. Studies on the isolation of the liver CATALASE reducing substance in the tumor cells
  882. Activity and qualitative properties of CATALASE in wheat, barley and genera related to wheat.
  883. CATALASE Activity and Drug-Resistance of African M. tuberculosis. 2. Stability of CATALASE Enzyme after Action of INH in vitro.
  884. Study on Weakening of Resistance of Isoniazid-Resistant Tubercle Bacilli, CATALASE-Activity and Virulence Part III Study on CATALASE Activity and Virulence of INH …
  885. CATALASE activity as an indicator of the curl virus in hops.
  886. The Hydrogen Peroxide CATALASE Treatment of Milk for Swiss Cheese Manufacture
  888. Studies on the Liver CATALASE of Mice Bearing Ehrlich’s Ascites Carcinoma. The Mechanism of Toxohormone Effect
  889. The value of the CATALASE test for establishing the sufficient heating of meat and for examining preserved meat, especially on open shelves.
  890. CATALASE activity as an indicator of Hop virus’ curl disease’.
  891. A CATALASE Liver Extraet as a Growth Stimulant for Fastidious Brucella Cultures.
  892. Studies on the Liver CATALASE Activity Part 2 Changes of Liver CATALASE Activity before and after the Hepatoma Formation of Rats by Feeding DAB
  893. Compartive Studies of CATALASE, Cytochrome Oxidase, and Succinic Dehyrogenase of some Animal Tissues
  894. Study of the Redox Activity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. II. The CATALASE Activity of Toxigenic and Non-Toxigenic Strains.
  895. CATALASE and Succinic Dehydrogenase Activity of the Liver under Conditions of Sleep Inhibition
  896. CATALASE Activity and Drug-Resistance of African M. tuberculosis. 3. Resistance to Drugs of the Second Line and its Influence on CATALASE Activity.
  897. Effect of mud cure on the content of CATALASE in the blood of arthritic patients. AD Bernstein (Kur. Delo, 1926, No. 5)
  898. The dependence of the radioinduced formate oxidation in the CATALASE-C14-formate system on various milieu factors
  899. Studies on the CATALASE of adrenalectomized guinea-pigs and in Addison’s disease. Studies on adrenalectomized guinea-pigs. 3.
  900. Kinetic studies of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by wheat CATALASE
  901. CATALASE and Peroxidase Alteration in Experimental Nitrobenzene Poisoning.
  902. Studies on the Peroxidase and CATALASE Activity of Freshly Isolated Tubercle Bacilli.
  904. Studies on a factor in human gastric carcinoma tissue inhibiting the CATALASE activity of the mouse liver
  905. … Capacity of the Saprophytic Bacteria to Tolerate H202 (shown by the Chance in Oxidation-reduction Potential), in Relation to Their Isoniazid Sensitivity and CATALASE …
  906. Variations during the lactation period in the chlorine, CATALASE, and pH values of the milk from cows with normal udders.
  907. The Effect of β-Indolebutyric Acid on Phosphatase and CATALASE Activity in Grape Vine Cuttings
  908. Variations in the CATALASE and lipase contents of milk from Czechoslovak Red Spotted cows.
  909. Virulence and CATALASE Activity of Human Tubercle Bacilli Resistant to Isoniazid.
  910. CATALASE activity in the serosal cells of the silkworm eggs (I) On the serosal cells of the refrigerated and hydrochlorized eggs
  911. Studies on the relationship between the INH-resistance, CATALASE activity and virulence of some strains of M. tuberculosis avium
  913. Urease and CATALASE Activities of Isoniazid-Resistant Strains of Tubercle Bacilli.
  915. An electron microscopic analysis of ultrastructural alterations in mouse hepatic cells associated with CATALASE depression and peripheral injury
  917. Quantitative changes in blood enzymes (CATALASE, amylase, lipase) under the influence of artificial sun
  918. Toxic Substances in Cancer: IV. On a Factor in Gastric Carcinoma Tissue Inhibiting the CATALASE Activity of the Mouse Liver
  919. The Red and White Blood Corpuscles and CATALASE in the Blood of Complement Deficient Guinea Pigs
  920. On the CATALASE activity and the riboflavin level in the rat liver, in DAB carcinogenesis supplemented with cholesterol.
  921. The Prophylactic Use of Disodium-Calcium Versenate in Experimental Lead Poisoning in Rabbits. II. Effect on CATALASE Activity of Erythrocytes.
  922. The quality of CATALASE in the beetroot, and the resistance of sugar beet to Botrytis cinerea during storage.
  923. On the CATALASE Activity of the Liver Soluble Proteins in Rats Fed on 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene and Localization of the Protein-Bound Dyes
  924. Relationships between CATALASE-Activity, Isoniazid-Resistance and Pathogenicity of Isoniazid-Resistant Strains of Tubercle Bacilli.
  925. On the changes of amylase and CATALASE activity in winter buds of mulberry trees during bud sprout
  926. Study on Weakening of Resistance of Isoniazid-Resistant Tubercle Bacilli, CATALASE-Activity and Virulence
  927. Variations of Microbial Metabolism as related to the Peptone used in the Culture Medium, Respiratory Activity, CATALASE and Déhydrogénases of Salm. typhi-murium, S …
  928. Studies on the organellae of liver of cancer bearing animals II. CATALASE activity in the liver of animals treated with cyto-plasmic organellae from hepatoma cell (AH 130 …
  929. STUDIES ON THE SPORES OF AEROBIC BACTERIA IV. Bacillus Terminalis A Heat Resistant CATALASE from Spores of
  930. The inter-relation of CATALASE, respiration, after-ripening, and germination in some dormant seeds of the Polygonaceae
  931. Isoniazid Structure of the Paris BCG Strain. Isolation, Culture and Production of CATALASE+ and CATALASE-Isoniazid-Resistant Mutants with a View to Vaccination.
  932. Biochemical studies on sweet potatoes I. Effect of chilling treatment on CATALASE, oxidase and peroxidase activity
  933. Increase of Resistance and Decrease of CATALASE Activity in Isoniazid-Resistant Strains of Tubercle Bacilli Kept in Prolonged Contact with Isoniazid.
  934. Water absorption and CATALASE activity of hibernating larvae of Chilo simplex Butler in spring
  935. Photoinactivation of CATALASE and some other porphyrins in an albino mutant of corn (W3) and Sarcina lutea
  936. Behaviour of Protoporphyrin in Relation to CATALASE Activity and O2-Uptake of Sarcoma 180-Bearing Mouse Liver
  937. A Study of the Use of the Hydrogen Peroxide-CATALASE Treatment of Milk in the Manufacture of a Reduced Fat, Cheddar-Like Cheese
  938. … of Phenol and Naphthol on Blood CATALASE and Intracellular Respiration. III. Effect of 2-4 dinitro-1-naphthol and 1-6 dinitro-2-naphthol on Blood CATALASE
  939. Photosynthesis, respiratory quotient, transpiration, CATALASE and oxidase activity of some plant species in relation to availability of water in the soil. Note I.
  940. Oxidase, CATALASE, carboanidrase and peroxidase activities and reduced glutathione and ascorbic acid content during fruit and seed maturation. Note 1.
  943. The influence of liver-or RES-function on the CATALASE activity and free porphyrin content of tissue and blood of rats inoculated with Sasaki-ascites-hepatoma
  944. The aqueous extract prepared from the tissue was injected intra peritoneally into the mouse and the liver CATALASE activity was measured after 24 hours …
  945. Study on Weakening of Resistance of Isoniazid-Resistant Tubercle Bacilli, CATALASE-Activity and Virulence Part II Study on Weakening of INH Resistance under the …
  947. Studies on the Fruit Formation of Peanut Ⅲ. The Influences of Day Length on the Sugar Content, Nitrogen Content, and the Oxido-reductase (CATALASE) Activity of the …
  948. Biological Studies of Specific Water-soluble Substances from Tissues a) Seasonal Fluctuations of CATALASE Activity Observed in Liver, Blood and Brain of Normal Mice …
  949. Comparative anatomy; long bone measurement; weight curves in unweaned mice; the estrus cycle; liver CATALASE; the effects of ether and nembutal on the blood; …
  950. Study on the Anemia in Rabbit Produced by Toxohormone Part 2. On the Liver CATALASE, Blood CATALASE and Serum Iron in Rabbit Following Injection of …
  951. On changes in metabolism under irradiation. 7. Changes in CATALASE content.
  952. Studies on the Metabolism of Ferric Iron Instillated into Vein Part 3. The Liver CATALASE Activities under the Influences of Various Iron Compounds instillated into the …
  953. Stndies on the Treatment of Malignant Tumors with Fibroblast-Inhibiting Agent Part 2 Effects of Chloroquine on Liver CATALASE Activity of Animals Bearing Tumors
  954. … Drug-Resistance of Tubercle-Bacilli Part 3. Studies on the Virulence of INAH-Resistant Bacilli and Double-Resistant Bacilli, as well as on the CATALASE-Activity of INAH …
  956. [139] CATALASE from bacteria (Micrococcus lysodeikticus)
  957. Enzymatic Properties of Shigella Dysenteriae Part 2. CATALASE and Peroxidase Activities
  959. Enzymes in human colostrum. 2. Oxido-reductase, CATALASE.
  961. An improved procedure using ferricyanide for detecting CATALASE isozymes
  962. Colorimetric assay of CATALASE
  963. CATALASE: Physical and chemical properties, mechanism of catalysis, and physiological role.
  964. Epigenetic interconversions of the multiple forms of mouse liver CATALASE
  965. Heterogeneity of erythrocyte CATALASE II: isolation and characterization of normal and variant erythrocyte CATALASE and their subunits
  966. The CATALASE–hydrogen peroxide system. A theoretical appraisal of the mechanism of CATALASE action
  967. CATALASE: its effect on microbial enumeration
  968. The characteristics of the ‘peroxidatic’reaction of CATALASE in ethanol oxidation
  969. CATALASE Test as an Aid to the Identification of Enterobacteriaceae
  970. Brain peroxidase and CATALASE in Parkinson disease
  971. Effect of covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol on immunogenicity and circulating life of bovine liver CATALASE.
  972. Human erythrocyte CATALASE: an improved method of isolation and a reevaluation of reported properties
  974. CATALASE Activities of Hydrocarbon-utilizing Candida Yeasts
  975. CATALASE activity in leaves and cotyledons during plant development and senescence
  976. CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, and virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. In vitro and in vivo studies with emphasis on staphylococcal–leukocyte interaction.
  977. CATALASE, peroxidase, and polyphenoloxidase activities during rice leaf senescence
  978. Breaking of seed dormancy by CATALASE inhibition
  979. Peroxidatic activity of CATALASE
  980. Enthalpy of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE at 25 C (with molar extinction coefficients of H2O2 solutions in the UV)
  981. Comparative study of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase levels in erythrocytes of different animals
  982. Compounds I of CATALASE and horse radish peroxidase: π-cation radicals
  983. Hepatic microsomal ethanol oxidation: hydrogen peroxide formation and the role of CATALASE
  984. Semipermeable microcapsules containing CATALASE for enzyme replacement in acatalasaemic mice
  985. Electron diffraction of wet proteins: CATALASE
  986. Activity and stability of CATALASE in blood and tissues of normal and aCATALASEmic mice
  987. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase: solutions to the problems of living with oxygen
  988. A more sensitive modification of the CATALASE assay with the Clark oxygen electrode: application to the kinetic study of the pea leaf enzyme
  989. The role of H2O2 generation in perfused rat liver and the reaction of CATALASE compound I and hydrogen donors
  990. Role of CATALASE in the oxidation of mercury vapor
  991. Action of shear on enzymes: studies with CATALASE and urease
  992. The steady state level of CATALASE compound I in isolated hemoglobin‐free perfused rat liver
  993. CATALASE and Peroxidase in Primary Bean Leavesduring Development and Senescence
  994. Cytochemical localization of peroxidatic activity of CATALASE in rat hepatic microbodies (peroxisomes)
  995. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation of normal and sickled erythrocytes
  996. Peroxide levels and the activities of CATALASE, peroxidase, and indoleacetic acid oxidase during and after chilling cucumber seedlings
  997. Kinetics and mechanisms of CATALASE in peroxisomes of the mitochondrial fraction
  998. Genetic control of multiple molecular forms of CATALASE in maize
  999. The CATALASE activity of ferrihaems
  1000. CATALASE in honey
  1001. A direct colorimetric determination of uric acid in serum and urine with uricase-CATALASE system
  1002. The CATALASE–hydrogen peroxide system. Kinetics of catalatic action at high substrate concentrations
  1003. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE in leaf microbodies (peroxisomes)
  1004. Purification and properties of the CATALASE of bakers’ yeast
  1005. Properties of erythrocyte CATALASE from homozygotes and heterozygotes for Swiss-type aCATALASEmia
  1006. High-CATALASE strains of Mycobacterium kansasii isolated from water in Texas
  1007. Regulation of the synthesis of CATALASE and peroxidase in Escherichia coli.
  1008. Formation of compound I by the reaction of CATALASE with peroxoacetic acid
  1009. Biogenesis of peroxisomes: intracellular site of synthesis of CATALASE and uricase
  1010. The levels of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in human tissues as determined immunochemically
  1011. CATALASE-aminotriazole method for measuring secretion of hydrogen peroxide by microorganisms
  1012. The recA+ gene product is more important than CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in protecting Escherichia coli against hydrogen peroxide toxicity
  1013. Cytochemical detection of CATALASE with 3, 3′-diaminobenzidine
  1014. Superoxide dismutase of the eye relative functions of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in protecting the ocular lens from oxidative damage
  1015. Regulation of CATALASE synthesis in Salmonella typhimurium
  1016. Biological response of lactic streptococci and lactobacilli to CATALASE
  1017. CATALASE Biosynthesis in Yeast: Formation of CATALASE A and CATALASE T during Oxygen Adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1019. The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver Peroxisomes: V. Intracellular Pathway of CATALASE Synthesis
  1020. Effect of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on spontaneously occurring chromosome breaks in patients with Fanconi’s anemia
  1021. Increased myocardial CATALASE in rats fed ethanol.
  1022. Independent genetic control of the catalytic activity and the rate of degradation of CATALASE in mice
  1023. An examination of conditions for the cleavage of polypeptide chains with cyanogen bromide: application to CATALASE
  1024. Diffusion artifacts in cytochemistry of CATALASE
  1025. Spectrophotometric assay of CATALASE with perborate as substrate
  1026. A method for assay of CATALASE with the oxygen cathode
  1027. An accurate measurement of the CATALASE crystal period and its use as an internal marker for electron microscopy
  1028. Liver cadmium uptake, CATALASE inhibition and cadmium thionein production in the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) induced by experimental cadmium exposure
  1029. Isolation and Characterization of CATALASE Produced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  1030. Changes in the activity of some hydrolases, peroxidase, and CATALASE in the rice seed during germination
  1031. Honey CATALASE: occurrence and some kinetic properties
  1032. Studies on Ascorbic Acid. I. Factors Influencing the Ascorbate-Mediated Inhibition of CATALASE*
  1033. An ultrastructural study of glomerular permeability in aminonucleoside nephrosis using CATALASE as a tracer protein
  1034. The biosynthesis of CATALASE
  1036. Liver and blood cell CATALASE activity of tumor-bearing mice
  1037. Heme occupancy of CATALASE in hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver and of isolated rat liver CATALASE
  1038. Simultaneous determination of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in biological materials by polarography
  1039. Regulation of CATALASE activity in mice of different ages
  1040. Optical measurement of the CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide intermediate (Compound I) in the liver of anaesthetized rats and its implication to hydrogen peroxide …
  1041. Hydrogen peroxide detoxication by glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in rat liver homogenates
  1042. Assignment of the gene coding for human CATALASE to the short arm of chromosome 11.
  1043. Cat3, a third gene locus coding for a tissue-specific CATALASE in maize: genetics, intracellular location, and some biochemical properties
  1044. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and scavengers of hydroxyl radical protect against the toxic action of alloxan on pancreatic islet cells in vitro
  1045. Predominant CATALASE-negative Soil Bacteria. III. Agromyces, gen. n., Microorganisms Intermediary to Actinomyces and Nocardia
  1046. CATALASE and enumeration of stressed Staphylococcus aureus cells
  1047. The mechanism of DNA strand breakage by vitamin C and superoxide and the protective roles of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  1048. CATALASE turnover in rat liver and kidney as a function of age
  1049. The Isolation of High CATALASE Mycobacterium Kansasii from Tap Water
  1050. Demonstration of anaerobic CATALASE synthesis in the cz1 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1051. Oxygen metabolism of CATALASE-negative and CATALASE-positive strains of Lactobacillus plantarum
  1052. CATALASE and Peroxidase Activity of Cu2+ Complexes
  1053. CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and thiobarbituric acid-reactive products in normal and dystrophic human muscle
  1054. The direct oxidation of ethanol by a CATALASE-and alcohol dehydrogenase-free reconstituted system containing cytochrome P-450
  1055. Microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS): Purification and properties of a rat liver system free of CATALASE and alcohol dehydrogenase
  1056. Preparation and properties of crosslinked water-insoluble CATALASE
  1057. Capillary tube CATALASE test
  1058. Factors affecting CATALASE level and sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide in Escherichia coli
  1059. Inhibition of alloxan action in isolated pancreatic islets by superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and a metal chelator
  1060. Evidence for the existence of CATALASE in the matrix space of rat‐heart mitochondria
  1061. Immunohistochemical localization of CATALASE in mammalian tissues
  1062. Mechanism of paraquat tolerance in perennial ryegrass: II. Role of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase
  1063. … hydroperoxide, demethylation of aminopyrine and oxidation of some substances in perfused rat liver, and their implications for the physiological function of CATALASE
  1064. Simultaneously immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE in controlled‐pore titania
  1065. Superoxide dismutase: a contaminant of bovine CATALASE (Short Communication)
  1066. CATALASE activity and red cell metabolism
  1067. Blood CATALASE polymorphism: Some immunological aspects
  1068. CATALASE of Neurospora crassa. 1. Induction, purification, and physical properties
  1069. Species specific features of the distribution and multiplicity of mammalian liver CATALASE
  1070. Electron diffraction from single, fully-hydrated, ox-liver CATALASE microcrystals
  1071. The effect of CCC and Amo‐1618 on growth, CATALASE, peroxidase and indoleacetic acid oxidase activity of young barley seedlings
  1072. The alteration of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, and NAD (P) H cytochrome c reductase in guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes and …
  1073. Synthesis of CATALASE in two cell-free protein-synthesizing systems and in rat liver
  1074. Detoxification reactions in isolated hepatocytes. Role of glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, and formaldehyde dehydrogenase in reactions relating to N-demethylation …
  1075. Isolation and characterization of a CATALASE-negative strain of Staphylococcus aureus
  1076. Contributions of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase to red cell peroxide removal
  1077. CATALASE-dependent peroxidative metabolism in the alveolar macrophage during phagocytosis
  1078. Comparison of the enzyme kinetics and immunological properties of CATALASE immobilized by microencapsulation and CATALASE in free solution for enzyme …
  1079. Stabilization of mutant CATALASE by complex formation with antibody to normal CATALASE
  1080. Glomerular permeability to proteins. Effects of hemodynamic factors on the distribution of endogenous immunoglobulin G and exogenous CATALASE in the rat …
  1081. Deactivation of immobilized beef liver CATALASE by hydrogen peroxide
  1082. Intracellular localization of CATALASE (peroxidatic) activity in plant microbodies
  1083. BIOCHEMICAL CYTOLOGY OF TRICHOMONAD FLAGELLATES: I. Subcellular Localization of Hydrolases, Dehydrogenases, and CATALASE in Tritrichomonas foetus
  1084. The synthesis and turnover of rat liver peroxisomes: IV. Biochemical pathway of CATALASE synthesis
  1085. Nature of the change produced in CATALASE by lyophilization
  1086. Factors affecting production of CATALASE by Bacteroides
  1087. Induction of CATALASE activity by hydrocarbons in Candida tropicalis pK 233
  1088. THE EFFECT OF GLUTARALDEHYDE ON CATALASE: Biochemical and Cytochemical Studies with Beef Liver CATALASE and Rat Liver Peroxisomes
  1089. Cytochemical demonstration of extraperoxisomal CATALASE. I. Sheep liver.
  1090. Beneficial effects of CATALASE or pyruvate in a most-probable-number technique for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus
  1091. Microbodies (peroxisomes) containing CATALASE in myocardium: morphological and biochemical evidence
  1092. Carcinogenic and antitumor effects of aminotriazole on aCATALASEmic and normal CATALASE mice
  1093. Degradation of microbodies in relation of activities of alcohol oxidase and CATALASE in Candida boidinii
  1094. Genetic studies of murine CATALASE: regulation of multiple molecular forms of kidney CATALASE
  1095. Responses of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities to aging
  1096. Residual CATALASE in the blood of Japanese aCATALASEmia
  1097. Chromosomal location of the CATALASE structural genes in Zea mays using BA translocations
  1098. Relationship of Hydrogen Peroxide Production by Mycoplasma pulmonis to Virulence for CATALASE-deficient Mice
  1099. Ultrastructure of methanol-utilizing yeast cells: appearance of microbodies in relation to high CATALASE activity
  1100. Turnover of genetically defined CATALASE isozymes in maize
  1101. The Kinetics of Disappearance of Labeled Leucine from the Free Leucine Pool and Rat Liver and Its Effect on the Apparent Turnover of CATALASE and Other Hepatic …
  1102. Crystallization of CATALASE in the form of tubes with monomolecular walls
  1103. The use of beef liver CATALASE as a protein tracer for electron microscopy
  1104. Differential identification of Mycobacteria: I. tests on CATALASE activity
  1105. The peroxidatic and catalatic activity of CATALASE in normal and aCATALASEmic mouse liver
  1106. Alternative molecular forms of erythrocyte CATALASE
  1107. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE and peroxidase in sinusoidal cells of rat liver.
  1108. The intracellular pathway of newly formed rat liver CATALASE
  1109. Influence of CATALASE activity on resistance of coagulase-positive staphylococci to hydrogen peroxide
  1110. Stereospecificity of the oxidation of ethanol by CATALASE
  1111. Color reaction streak test for CATALASE-positive microorganisms
  1112. CATALASE in skeletal muscle fibers.
  1113. Proteins and CATALASE isoenzymes from Fusarium solani and their taxonomic significance
  1114. Hepatic ethanol metabolism: Respective roles of alcohol dehydrogenase, the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system, and CATALASE
  1115. An ultrastructural study of glomerular permeability using CATALASE and peroxidase as tracer proteins
  1116. On the nature and characteristics of the multiple forms of CATALASE in mouse liver
  1117. Alcohol Oxidase and CATALASE in Peroxisomes of Methanol‐Grown Candida boidinii
  1118. Effects of ultrasound on CATALASE and malate dehydrogenase
  1119. Effect of Salts and Organic Solvents on the Activity of Halobacterium cutirubrum CATALASE
  1120. Regulation of CATALASE level in Escherichia coli K12
  1121. Nuclease Production and Lysostaphin Susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus and Other CATALASE-Positive Cocci
  1122. Effect of vitamin E deficiency on the level of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE and lipid peroxide in rat liver.
  1123. Macrokinetics and operational stability of immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1124. Immunoelectrophoretic identification of CATALASE subcomponents in the homogenates of rat tissues
  1125. Studies on Ascorbic Acid. II. Physical Changes in CATALASE Following Incubation with Ascorbate or Ascorbate and Copper(II)*
  1126. Kinetics and mechanism of CATALASE action: Formation of the intermediate complex
  1127. Further investigations with glucose oxidase-CATALASE enzyme systems for use with wine
  1128. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE activity in methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha
  1129. Sub-unit nature of CATALASE compound II
  1130. Microbody of Methanol‐Grown Yeasts: Localization of CATALASE and Flavin‐Dependent Alcohol Oxidase in the Isolated Microbody
  1131. Murine CATALASE phenotypes
  1132. Hepatic CATALASE activity in advanced human cancer
  1133. Regional assignment of CATALASE (CAT) gene to band 11p13. Association with the aniridia-Wilms’ tumor-Gonadoblastoma (WAGR) complex.
  1134. Isolation and characterization of CATALASE from papaya
  1135. The interactions of thiol compounds with porcine erythrocyte CATALASE
  1136. Iron deficiency in pea plants effect on CATALASE, peroxidase, chlorophyll and proteins of leaves
  1137. Nafenopin-induced hepatic microbody (peroxisome) proliferation and CATALASE synthesis in rats and mice: absence of sex difference in response
  1138. Structure of the tubes of CATALASE: analysis of electron micrographs by optical filtering
  1139. Red cell metabolism in iron deficiency anemia: III. The relationship between glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, serum vitamin E, and susceptibility of iron-deficient red …
  1140. The levels of CATALASE and of erythrocuprein in human erythrocytes
  1141. Improved assay for CATALASE based upon steady-state substrate concentration
  1142. Stimulation of liver CATALASE synthesis in rats by ethyl-α-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate
  1143. Heterogeneity of erythrocyte CATALASE: Correlations between sulfhydryl group content, chromatographic and electrophoretic properties
  1144. Electron spin resonance study of the role of NO. CATALASE in the activation of guanylate cyclase by NaN3 and NH2OH. Modulation of enzyme responses by …
  1145. Cytochemistry of human CATALASE. The demonstration of hepatic and renal peroxisomes by a high temperature procedure.
  1146. CATALASE activity during the recovery of heat-stressed Staphylococcus aureus MF-31
  1147. CATALASE activity in the organs of Japanese aCATALASEmias
  1148. Effects of inhibitors of CATALASE on photosynthesis and on CATALASE activity in unwashed preparations of intact chloroplasts
  1149. Genetic regulation of the CATALASE developmental program in maize scutellum: Identification of a temporal regulatory gene
  1150. New aspects on the heterogeneity of beef liver CATALASE
  1151. Alkaline CATALASE Produced by Bacillus No. Ku-1
  1152. Plant Microbody Proteins, I. Purification and Characterization of CATALASE from Leaves of Lens culinaris
  1153. Amizol-induced cataract and inhibition of lens CATALASE in rabbit
  1154. Metal ions and hydrogen peroxide. CATALASE-like activity of copper (2+) ion in aqueous solution and its promotion by the coordination of 2, 2′-bipyridyl
  1155. Magnetic circular dichroism studies on the electronic configuration of CATALASE compounds I and II
  1156. CATALASE of Neurospora crassa. 2. Electron paramagnetic resonance and chemical properties of the prosthetic group
  1157. Lysosomes of the arterial wall: IV. Cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase and CATALASE in smooth muscle cells and foam cells from rabbit atheromatous aorta
  1158. Nascent CATALASE and its messenger RNA on rat liver polyribosomes
  1159. Magnetic circular dichroism studies of bovine liver CATALASE
  1160. Crystallographic study of beef liver CATALASE
  1161. Senescence in Drosophila—II. Renewal of CATALASE activity in flies of different ages
  1162. Intracellular distinction between peroxidase and CATALASE in exocrine cells of rat lacrimal gland: a biochemical and cytochemical study
  1163. Comparative heat stability of blood CATALASE
  1164. Semiquantitative CATALASE test as an aid in identification of oxidative and nonsaccharolytic gram-negative bacteria
  1165. … the mechanism of the oxygen/dialuric acid-induced hemolysis of vitamin E-deficient rat red blood cells and the protective roles of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  1166. Independent activity of CATALASE haematins
  1167. Fractionation of erythrocyte CATALASE from normal, hypocatalatic and acatalatic humans
  1168. Cytochrome composition and effect of CATALASE on growth of Agromyces ramnosus
  1169. CATALASE multiplicity in normal and aCATALASEmic mice
  1170. Oxidation of D‐glucose in the presence of glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1171. CATALASE particles in the epithelial cells of the guinea-pig small intestine
  1172. Recovery of clostridia on CATALASE-treated plating media
  1173. Magnetic susceptibility and EPR measurements of CATALASE and its derivatives
  1174. Hepatic microbody proliferation and CATALASE synthesis induced by methyl clofenapate, a hypolipidemic analog of CPIB
  1175. CATALASE model systems. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide catalysed by mesoferrihaem, deuteroferrihaem, coproferrihaem and haematoferrihaem
  1176. Purification and properties of rat erythrocyte CATALASE; comparison with rat liver CATALASE
  1177. Reaction of 3-amino-1: 2: 4-triazole with bovine liver CATALASE and human erythrocyte CATALASE
  1178. The effects of intragenic and intergenic complementation on CATALASE structure and function in maize: a molecular approach to heterosis
  1179. Beneficial effect of CATALASE treatment on growth of Clostridium perfringens
  1180. The reaction of human erythrocyte CATALASE with hydroperoxides to form compound I.
  1181. Endogenous CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities in photosynthetic membranes
  1182. CATALASE turnover in human diploid cell cultures
  1183. Factors influencing myeloperoxidase and CATALASE activities in polymorphonuclear leukocytes
  1184. An assessment of the DAB methods for cytochemical detection of CATALASE and peroxidase.
  1185. CATALASE positive particles from pig lung
  1186. Increased membrane binding of erythrocyte CATALASE in hereditary spherocytosis and in metabolically stressed normal cells
  1187. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE activity in yeast peroxisomes
  1188. Analysis of the CATALASE–hydrogen peroxide intermediate in coupled oxidations.
  1189. Reconstitution of alkaline-denatured CATALASE
  1190. Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the dissociation of bovine liver CATALASE
  1191. Participation of the Mehler reaction and CATALASE in the oxygen exchange of chloroplast preparations
  1192. The relation of heme to CATALASE apoprotein synthesis in yeast.
  1193. Heat inactivation of CATALASE from Staphylococcus aureus MF-31
  1194. Radiation damage in stained CATALASE at low temperature
  1195. Intermediates in the biosynthesis of peroxisomal CATALASE in rat liver
  1196. CATALASE: an enzymatic indicator of the degree of muscle wasting
  1197. The localization of CATALASE in the pulmonary alveolar macrophage.
  1198. The synthesis and turnover of rat liver peroxisomes: III. The size distribution of peroxisomes and the incorporation of new CATALASE
  1199. Specific precipitation of CATALASE-synthesizing ribosomes by anti-CATALASE antiserum
  1200. Peroxidatic activity of CATALASE in the cortical granules of sea urchin eggs
  1201. CATALASE activity in the developing rabbit testis
  1202. Studies on the EPR and light absorption spectra of horse erythrocyte CATALASE and its derivatives
  1203. Developmental changes of hepatic CATALASE in the rat
  1204. Regulation of hydrogen peroxide in eye humors effect of 3-amino-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole on CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase of rabbit eye
  1205. Relation of CATALASE to Substrate Utilization by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  1206. Superoxide dismutase, peroxidatic activity and CATALASE in Mycobacterium leprae purified from armadillo liver
  1207. The effects of γ-irradiation on solutions of CATALASE, apoCATALASE and haematin
  1208. Dissociation of erythrocyte CATALASE into subunits and their re-association
  1209. On the Heterogeneity of CATALASE from Goat Liver Purification and Characterization
  1210. CATALASE polymorphism in the red cells of horses
  1211. Disorder in erythrocyte CATALASE crystals
  1212. Inactivation of CATALASE by near ultraviolet light and tryptophan photoproducts.
  1213. The CATALASE–hydrogen peroxide system. Role of sub-units in the thermal deactivation of bacterial CATALASE in the absence of substrate
  1214. Increase in hepatic CATALASE and glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase activities on administration of clofibrate and clofenapate to the rat
  1215. Effects of washing and osmotic shock on CATALASE activity of intact chloroplast preparations
  1216. On the differential inhibition of the multiple forms of CATALASE in mouse tissue
  1217. Effect of phytochrome on development of CATALASE activity and isoenzyme pattern in mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings
  1218. Blockade by metal complexing agents and by CATALASE of the effects of arachidonic acid on platelets: relevance to the study of anti-inflammatory mechanisms
  1219. Inhibition by CATALASE of dark-mediated glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activation in pea chloroplasts
  1220. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE and several hydrogen peroxide-producing oxidases in the nucleoids and matrix of rat liver peroxisomes
  1221. CATALASE-negative Escherichia coli isolated from blood
  1222. CATALASE deficiency in myeloperoxidase deficient polymorphonuclear leucocytes from chicken
  1223. Regulation of CATALASE synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by carbon catabolite repression
  1224. Mössbauer effect in bacterial CATALASE
  1225. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE: VI. Biosynthesis of CATALASE by Free and Membrane-bound Polysomes
  1226. Dissociation of bovine liver CATALASE into subunits on acetylation
  1227. Production and some properties of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase from the anaerobe Bacteroides distasonis
  1228. Effect of kinetin on growth, auxin catabolism, peroxidase and CATALASE activities
  1229. Microbodies in experimentally altered cells: VII. CPIB-induced hepatic microbody proliferation in the absence of significant CATALASE synthesis
  1230. Nuclear proteins capable of depressing in vivo liver CATALASE
  1231. Cytochemical demonstration of extraperoxisomal CATALASE. II. Liver of rhesus monkey and guinea pig.
  1232. Effect of pyrazole on rat liver CATALASE
  1233. Concerning the formation of singlet O2 during the decomposition of H2O2 CATALASE
  1234. Immobilized CATALASE‐containing yeast cells: Preparation and enzymatic properties
  1235. Specific precipitation of CATALASE-synthesizing ribosomes by anti-CATALASE antiserum
  1236. Light microscopic study of the peroxidatic activity of CATALASE in formaldehyde-fixed rat liver
  1237. The influence of dehydration on CATALASE stability. A comparison with freezing effects
  1238. Developmental expression of a CATALASE inhibitor in maize
  1239. Preparation and characterization of CATALASE-positive particles (‘microperoxisomes’) from Harder’s gland of the rat
  1240. CATALASE of tumor-bearing animals I. Combined immunochemical and enzymic determination of CATALASE in liver cell fractions
  1241. Haemoprotein formation in yeast. III. The role of carbon catabolite repression in the regulation of CATALASE A and T formation.
  1242. The role of hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE in hepatic microsomal ethanol oxidation
  1243. Evaluation of a CATALASE inhibitor in the developmental regulation of maize CATALASE
  1244. On the turnover and proteolysis of CATALASE in tissues of the guinea pig and aCATALASEmic mice
  1245. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE V. Incorporation of 14C-Leucine into CATALASE by Isolated Rat Liver Ribosomes
  1246. Comparative investigations of CATALASE activity in different ocular tissues of cattle and man
  1247. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on central nervous system toxicity of hyperbaric oxygen
  1248. [8] The inhibition of CATALASE (hydrogen-peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide oxireductase, EC 1.11. 1.6) by ascorbate
  1249. The conformational changes of CATALASE molecule caused by ligand molecules
  1250. Heterozygosity of the sheep: Polymorphism of’malic enzyme’, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+), CATALASE and esterase.
  1251. Role of the intracellular distribution of hepatic CATALASE in the peroxidative oxidation of methanol
  1252. Copper-induced radiolytic deactivation of α-amylase and CATALASE
  1253. Immobilized xanthine oxidase: kinetics,(in) stability, and stabilization by coimmobilization with superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  1254. Post-transcriptional regulation of CATALASE synthesis in rat liver and hepatoma: Factors activating and inhibiting CATALASE synthesis
  1255. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE: VII. Double-labeling of CATALASE by 14C-Leucine and 3H-δ-Aminolevulinic Acid
  1256. Adaptation to hyperoxia in the neonatal rat: kinetic parameters of the oxygen-mediated induction of lung superoxide dismutases, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase
  1257. Nature of the heterozygote blood CATALASE in a hypoCATALASEmic mouse mutant
  1258. Comparison of the effects of liquid medium repair and the incorporation of CATALASE in MacConkey type media on the recovery of Enterobacteriaceae sublethally …
  1259. Superoxide production in pulmonary alveolar macrophages and killing of BCG by the superoxide-generating system with or without CATALASE
  1260. The susceptibility of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to CATALASE-mediated peroxidative killing
  1261. The cytochemical demonstration of CATALASE and D-amino acid oxidase in the microbodies of teleost kidney cells
  1262. Stabilization of CATALASE-ammonia complex in frozen solution
  1263. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE levels in halophilic vibrios
  1264. The purification and crystallization of beef erythrocyte CATALASE
  1265. Effects of life-long dietary protein restriction on mortality, growth, organ weights, blood counts, liver aldolase and kidney CATALASE in Balb/C mice.
  1266. Hepatic microsomal alcohol-oxidizing system in normal and aCATALASEmic mice: its dissociation from the peroxidatic activity of CATALASE-H2O2
  1267. Stimulation of CATALASE synthesis and increase of carnitine acetyltransferase activity in the liver of intact female rats fed clofibrate
  1268. Induction of CATALASE Activity in a Methanol-utilizing Yeast, Kloeckera sp. No. 2201
  1269. Highly reproducible techniques for use in systematic bacteriology in the genus Mycobacterium: tests for niacin and CATALASE and for resistance to isoniazid, thiophene …
  1270. Inactivation of CATALASE monolayers by irradiation with 100 keV electrons
  1271. Heterogeneity of erythrocyte CATALASE: variability of the isoelectric point
  1272. Formation of CATALASE compound I by reaction with peroxoacetic acid: pH changes in unbuffered systems
  1273. Ox liver CATALASE crystal structure by electron microscopy
  1274. Immunoprecipitation studies of mycobacterial CATALASE
  1275. Generation of the superoxide radical during the peroxidatic oxidation of NADH by CATALASE at acid pH values
  1276. Localization of CATALASE A in Vacuoles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Evidence for the Vacuolar Nature of Isolated “Yeast Peroxisomes”
  1277. Dietary vitamin E and levels of reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in rat blood.
  1278. CATALASE activates cerebral guanylate cyclase in the presence of sodium azide
  1279. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the protection of the proton-donating systems of nitrogen fixation in the blue-green alga Anabaena cylindrica
  1280. The regulation of nitrate reductas enad CATALASE by amino acids in Neurospora crassa
  1281. Intracellular distribution of hepatic CATALASE activity in rats treated with aminotriazole and allylisopropylacetamide
  1282. Inactivation of CATALASE by chloride
  1283. Partition of CATALASE and its peroxidase activities in human red cell membrane. Effect of ATP depletion
  1284. The effect of delta-aminolevulinate on CATALASE T-messenger RNA levels in delta-aminolevulinate synthase-defective mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  1285. Quantitation of glucose concentration using a glucoseoxidase-CATALASE electrode by potentiometric measurement
  1286. pH dependency of kinetic parameters and reaction mechanism of beef liver CATALASE
  1287. Ultrastructural localization of peroxidatic CATALASE in human peripheral blood leukocytes.
  1288. Oxidation of methanol, formaldehyde and formate by CATALASE purified from methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha
  1289. On the synthesis and degradation of the multiple forms of CATALASE in mouse liver
  1290. The effect of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and L-cysteine on spontaneous and on mitomycin C induced chromosomal breakage in Fanconi’s anemia and normal …
  1291. Relative efficiencies of a soluble and immobilized two-enzyme system of glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1292. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in maternal and cord blood erythrocytes
  1293. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of CATALASE in mammalian tissues
  1294. Detection and measurement of bacterial CATALASE by the disk-flotation method using the CATALASEmeter®
  1295. Analysis of the coupled transport, reaction, and deactivation phenomena in the immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE system
  1296. CATALASE-positive particles (“microperoxisomes”) from rat preputial gland and bovine adrenal cortex
  1297. Effect of iron deficiency and red cell age on human erythrocyte CATALASE activity.
  1298. CATALASE in the blood and leukocytes of patients with nuclear schizophrenia
  1299. Presence of a high-molecular-weight form of CATALASE in enzyme purified from mouse liver
  1300. Actinomyces viscosus, comb. nov., a CATALASE positive, facultative member of the genus Actinomyces
  1301. Parameters of biological freezing damage in simple solutions: CATALASE: II. Demonstration of an optimum-recovery cooling-rate curve in a membraneless system
  1302. On the sixth coordination position of beef liver CATALASE
  1303. Carbohydrate repression of CATALASE synthesis in Bacteroides fragilis
  1304. Residual CATALASE in Japanese type aCATALASEmia
  1305. Browning potential, PPO, CATALASE and acid phosphatase activities during ripening of non‐chilled and chilled avocado
  1306. Post-transcriptional regulation of CATALASE synthesis in rat liver and hepatoma: Binding of inhibiting factor (s) with polyribosomes synthesizing CATALASE
  1307. Effects of CATALASE inhibitors on the ultrastructure and peroxidase activity of proliferating microbodies
  1308. … derivatives and their polymers, 4. Synthesis of poly (styrene) bonded Fe (III)‐as well as Co (II)‐4, 4′, 4 ″, 4 ″′‐tetracarboxyphthalocyanine and their CATALASE‐like …
  1309. Enzymic and morphological studies on CATALASE positive particles from brown fat of cold adapted rats
  1310. Immobilized glucose oxidase–CATALASE and their deactivation in a differential‐bed loop reactor
  1312. Cytochemical localization of CATALASE in glyoxysomes isolated from maize scutella
  1313. The roles of synthesis and degradation in the regulation of CATALASE levels in the neoplastic tissues
  1314. Metal ions and hydrogen peroxide. XXVI. Kinetics and mechanism of the CATALASE-like activity of cobalt (III) hematoporphyrin
  1315. Characterization of radiation-resistant species of Pseudomonas radiora and patterns of CATALASE activities
  1316. Interrelationship of CATALASE and C-reactive protein in aCATALASEmic erythrocytes
  1317. … of CATALASE. A correlation between changes in sedimentation and spectroscopic properties accompanying dissociation of bacterial CATALASE in alkaline solution
  1318. Role of the intracellular distribution of hepatic CATALASE in the peroxidative oxidation of methanol
  1319. Endogenous CATALASE protects human blood phagocytes against oxidative damage by extracellularly generated hydrogen peroxide
  1320. Relationship between peroxidase, CATALASE, and protein synthesis during cellular development in cell cultures of peanut
  1321. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate: an industrial plasticizer induces hypolipidemia and enhances hepatic CATALASE and carnitine acetyltransferase activities in rats and mice
  1322. Change in respiration rate of rice seedlings as affected by storage and viability, and its possible relation with CATALASE and peroxidase activities during germination
  1323. Further studies on the localization of CATALASE in yeast microbodies by ultrathin frozen sectioning
  1324. Turnover of rat liver and rat kidney CATALASE as a function of age
  1325. CATALASE in salivary gland striated and excretory duct cells. I. The distribution of cytoplasmic and particulate CATALASE and the presence of CATALASE-positive rods
  1326. Effect of pH on bovine liver CATALASE as determined by electron paramagnetic resonance
  1327. Predominant CATALASE-negative Soil Bacteria. II. Occurrence and Characterization of Actinomyces humiferus, sp. N
  1328. Acetylcholinesterase, carbonic anhydrase and CATALASE activity in Friend erythroleukemic cells, non-erythroid mouse cell lines and their somatic hybrids
  1329. Does CATALASE play a role in adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity?
  1330. Studies on the modulation of CATALASE activity in mammalian cell culture
  1331. Occurrence and biosynthesis of CATALASE at different stages of seed maturation
  1332. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of bovine liver CATALASE
  1333. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE: XI. Site of Synthesis and Segregation by Stripped ER Membranes
  1334. Effects on various types of liver CATALASE by growth of rhodamine sarcoma and by administration of in vivo CATALASE-depressing substance prepared from the tumor
  1335. Ontogeny of mouse liver peroxisomes and CATALASE isozymes
  1336. Effects of Inflammation on Peroxisomal Enzyme Activity, CATALASE Synthesis and Lipid Metabolism.
  1337. Inactivation and regeneration of immobilized CATALASE
  1338. Properties of residual CATALASE in the erythrocytes of Japanese-type aCATALASEmia
  1339. Metal ions and hydrogen peroxide. XXIV. On the kinetics and mechanism of the CATALASE-like activity of the Fe3+ complex of 4, 4′, 4 ″, 4‴-tetrasulfophthalocyanine
  1340. The molecular symmetry of bovine liver CATALASE
  1341. Stimulation of the microsomal alkylglycerol monooxygenase by CATALASE
  1342. Effect of buffer storage on fine structure and CATALASE cytochemistry of peroxisomes
  1343. Reciprocal immunological distances of CATALASE derived from strains of Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and closely related species
  1344. Regulation of maize CATALASE by changing rates of synthesis and degradation
  1345. Acquired isoniazid resistance and CATALASE activity of mycobacteria
  1346. Unit cell and space group of CATALASE from Micrococcus luteus
  1347. Multiple CATALASE enzymes in two species of mycobacteria
  1348. The methyl viologen-catalyzed Mehler reaction and CATALASE activity in blue-green algae and Chlamydomonas reinhardi
  1349. Cytochemical distinction between azurophils and CATALASE-containing granules in leukocytes. I. Studies in developing neutrophils and monocytes from patients with …
  1350. Efficiency of bovine liver CATALASE as a catalyst to cleave H2O2 added continually to buffer solutions
  1351. Purification of a CATALASE inhibitor from maize by affinity chromatography
  1352. The effect of haematin and CATALASE on Streptococcus faecalis var. zymogenes growing on glycerol
  1353. Calibration of the oxygen polarograph by the depletion of oxygen with hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase-CATALASE
  1354. Predominant CATALASE-negative soil bacteria. I. Streptococcal population indigenous to soil
  1355. Peroxidase and CATALASE in monocytes, macrophages, epithelioid cells and giant cells of the rat
  1356. The oxidation of lysine and oxalysine by Mytilus edulis: Identification of the products formed in the presence and the absence of CATALASE
  1357. Phosphoglucomutase, carbonic anhydrase and CATALASE in Indonesians
  1358. Recovery of CATALASE activity after inhibition with aminotriazole in aCATALASEmia mice
  1359. Effects of Interferon Inducing Agents (Polyriboinosinic Acid· Polyribocytidylic Acid, Tilorone) on Hepatic Hemoproteins (Cytochrome P-450, CATALASE, Tryptophan 2, 3 …
  1360. Heterogeneity of CATALASE in blood of heterozygous gases of acatalasia
  1361. Electrochemistry of enzymes. Determination of peroxidase and CATALASE
  1363. The value of serum CATALASE activity determinations in acute pancreatitis
  1364. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on radiation‐induced chromosome aberrations: Dose and cell cycle dependence
  1365. Properties of leukocyte CATALASE in Swiss type aCATALASEmia: a comparative study of normals, heterozygotes and homozygotes
  1366. On the heterogeneity of CATALASE in rat liver and experimental hepatomas of rats and mice
  1367. Improved automated kinetic determination of uric acid in serum by use of uricase/CATALASE/aldehyde dehydrogenase.
  1368. Relationship between California Mastitis Test reaction and leucocyte count, CATALASE activity, and A-esterase activity of milk from opposite quarters
  1369. Heat inactivation and pH optima of peroxidase and CATALASE in carrot, swede and Brussels sprouts
  1370. Tryptic digestion and alkaline denaturation of CATALASE. The influence on catalatic activity, peroxidatic activity towards phenolic compounds, and the reactivity with …
  1371. Red-cell CATALASE and the production of methaemoglobin, Heinz bodies and changes in osmotic fragility due to drugs
  1372. Turnover of hepatic CATALASE modified by aminotriazole
  1373. Leaf microbodies (peroxisomes) and CATALASE localization in plants differing in their photosynthetic carbon pathways
  1374. Glycosylation of CATALASE inhibitor necessary for activity
  1375. Toxicity of hyperbaric oxygen to bacteria in relation to the cell cycle and CATALASE synthesis
  1376. Hepatic CATALASE is not essential for the hypolipidemic action of peroxisome proliferators
  1377. Optical and magnetic resonance studies of formate binding to horse liver CATALASE and sperm whale myoglobin
  1378. Difference spectra, CATALASE-and peroxidase activities of isolated parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells from rat liver
  1379. … : III. Tissue selection and its effects on total nitrogen, free amino acid nitrogen and enzyme activity (polyphenolase, monophenolase, peroxidase and CATALASE)
  1380. Specific immunoassay for quantitative determination of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  1381. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in ataxia telangiectasia and normal fibroblast cell extracts
  1382. Isolation and characterization of CATALASE deficient mutants of Salmonella typhimurium
  1383. CATALASE levels in Drosophila and the lack of induction by hypolipidemic compounds. A brief note
  1384. Defense of mouse red blood cells against oxidative damage by phenylhydrazine: glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE deficiency
  1385. Radiation damage of proteins in the solid state: Changes of amino acid composition in CATALASE
  1386. Stimulation of indoleacetic acid oxidase and inhibition of CATALASE in cotton extracts by plant acids
  1387. The Chemical Modification of Beef Liver CATALASE
  1388. Calibration of oxygen polarographs by CATALASE-catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
  1389. The properties of the secondary CATALASE—peroxide complex (Compound II) in the hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver
  1391. Slide CATALASE: a reliable test for differentiation and presumptive identification of certain clinically significant anaerobes
  1392. Effects of Autogamy In Paramecium Tetraurelia On CATALASE Activity and On Radiosensitivity to Natural Ionizing Radiations
  1393. Kinetics of reduction of the CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide complex by ethanol
  1394. Apparent CATALASE Synthesis in Sunflower Cotyledons during the Change in Microbody Function: A Mathematical Approach for the Quantitative Evaluation of Density …
  1395. Comparison of the catalytic and physical properties of the components of lyophilized beef erythrocyte CATALASE with those of lyophilized beef liver CATALASE components
  1396. CATALASE is not involved in control of germination of cocklebur seeds
  1397. On the synthesis and degradation of the multiple forms of CATALASE in mouse liver: effects of aminotriazole and p-chlorophenoxyisobutric acid ethyl ester
  1398. Oxidation of Methanol and Formaldehyde by a System Containing Alcohol Oxidase and CATALASE Purified from Candida sp. N-16
  1399. Heterogeneity of erythrocyte CATALASE: dissociation, recombination and hybridization of human erythrocyte CATALASEs
  1400. Effects of leukocytic endogenous mediator on hemopexin, transferrin, and liver CATALASE
  1401. Plating isolation of various CATALASE-negative microorganisms from soil
  1402. … -electron oxidation of vinylidene-carbene complexes of iron porphyrins. Isolation of complexes spectrally analogous to CATALASE and horseradish peroxidase …
  1403. Endogenous peroxidase in the lacrimal gland of the rat and its differentiation against injected CATALASE and horseradish-peroxidase
  1404. Ultrastructural localization of CATALASE on ultracryotomic sections of mouse liver by ferritin-conjugated antibody technique
  1405. Proliferation of microbodies and synthesis of CATALASE in rat liver. Induction in tumor-bearing host by CPIB.
  1406. Impaired synthesis of liver CATALASE in tumor-bearing rats
  1407. Egg white CATALASE: 1. Catalatic reaction
  1408. Daily variation of body temperature, liver CATALASE activity, and plasma iron concentration in normal and tumor-bearing rats
  1409. Erythrocyte CATALASE in inbred mice
  1410. Stable intermediates in kinetic models of CATALASE action
  1411. Studies on in vivo degradation of rat hepatic CATALASE with or without modification by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  1412. Ultrastructural localization of CATALASE and L-alpha-hydroxy acid oxidase in microperoxisomes of Hydra.
  1413. CATALASE anabolism in yeast: loss of regulation by oxygen of CATALASE apoprotein synthesis after mutation
  1414. Comparisons of primate CATALASE tryptic peptides and implications for the study of molecular evolution
  1415. Inhibition of CATALASE in vitro and in vivo by 4‐hydroxypyrazole, a metabolite of pyrazole
  1416. Haptoglobin and CATALASE loci in man: possible genetic linkage
  1417. Interdependence of hemoglobin, CATALASE and the hexose monophosphate shunt in red blood cells exposed to oxidative agents
  1418. The peroxisome (microbody) membrane: effects of detergents and lipid solvents on its ultrastructure and permeability to CATALASE
  1419. Numerical taxonomy of Gram-positive and CATALASE-positive rods isolated from frozen vegetables
  1420. The effect of amylase, CATALASE, and a decapacitating preparation on fertility of bull semen diluted in ambient temperature extender
  1421. Method for the determination of CATALASE activity in tobacco
  1422. Purification and properties of CATALASE from a methanol-utilizing yeast, Candida sp. N-16
  1423. Monoclonal antibodies to yeast CATALASE T
  1424. Cinnabarinate synthase from baboon (Papio ursinus) liver. Identity with CATALASE
  1425. Heterogeneity of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  1426. Analysis of heme biosynthesis in CATALASE and cytochrome deficient yeast mutants
  1427. Selective advantage of heterozygotes at CATALASE locus in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
  1428. Inhibition of CATALASE activity in wines
  1429. A simple quantitative CATALASE procedure for abnormal milk
  1430. Effects of different vitamin E-deficient basal diets on hepatic CATALASE and microsomal cytochromes P-450 and b5 in rats
  1431. Decreased levels of cytochrome P-450 and CATALASE in hepatic porphyria caused by substituted acetamides and barbiturates: Importance of the allyl group in the …
  1432. Cell-free synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CATALASE T
  1433. Immunochemical studies on CATALASE: II. An antiCATALASE reacting component in normal, hypocatalasic, and acatalasic human erythrocytes
  1434. On the characterization of porcine erythrocyte CATALASE and its disulfide-linked dimer
  1435. Synthesis of a soluble CATALASE–dextran conjugate
  1436. The molecular replacement method. I. The rotation function problem, application to bovine liver CATALASE and STNV
  1437. Organic peroxides and the antibacterial action of irradiated sucrose as affected by CATALASE
  1438. Evidence of the presence of extraperoxisomal CATALASE in chloragogen cells of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris L.
  1439. Biosynthesis of Liver CATALASE in Rats Treated with Allylisopropylacetylcarbamide
  1440. Influence of sulphur dioxide on chlorophyll content and CATALASE activity in some chosen lichen species
  1441. Hydrogen peroxide-CATALASE milk treatment for enhancement and stabilization of diacetyl in lactic starter cultures
  1442. Residual CATALASE like protein in the erythrocytes of Japanese aCATALASEmia
  1443. Immunochemical gel diffusion study of relationships between erythrocyte CATALASE of various species
  1444. The nature of active centers of a polymeric CATALASE analog
  1445. Glucose and dietary vitamin E protection against CATALASE inactivation in the red cells of rats.
  1446. Inhibition of CATALASE activity of Candida albicans by serum
  1447. The CATALASE requirement in the reversal of mitochondrial swelling caused by reduced glutathione and by trace metals
  1448. Purification of human granulocyte CATALASE in chronic myeloid leukemia
  1449. L-Dopa peroxidase activity of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  1450. The electrophoretical analysis of esterase and CATALASE and its use in taxonomical studies of mycobacteria
  1451. Effects of local applications of microencapsulated CATALASE on the response of oral lesions to hydrogen peroxide in aCATALASEmia
  1452. Studies on precipitin reaction of rat CATALASE
  1453. The metabolic interrelationship and physicochemical analysis of C-reactive protein and hepatic CATALASE
  1454. Magnetic Susceptibilities of Horse Erythrocyte CATALASE and Its Derivatives in the Range from Room Temperature to 4.2° K
  1455. Circular Dichroism and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Studies on CATALASE and Its Derivatives, with Special Reference to the Peroxide Compounds
  1456. Synthesis of CATALASE T under anaerobic conditions in a mutant of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
  1457. Identification and subcellular localization of CATALASE activity in bovine adrenal medulla and cortex
  1458. The influence of progressive growth on the specific CATALASE activity of human diploid cell strains. I. Effect of cellular genotype: homozygous strains
  1459. In vitro inhibition of CATALASE by 4-hydroxypyrazole, a metabolite of pyrazole
  1460. X-irradiation effects on lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in copper deficient and copper loaded rat liver.
  1461. Sources and mechanism of CATALASE activity in the CATALASE test for abnormal milk
  1462. … hydroxylase by 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6, 7-dimethyltetrahydropteridine and the aerobic oxidation of the latter. The effects of CATALASE, dithiothreitol and reduced …
  1463. Isotope effect in peroxidation of deuterium-labelled ethanol by liver CATALASE
  1464. A nuclear magnetic resonance study of the heme environment in beef liver CATALASE
  1465. Stabilizing effect of anti-normal erythrocyte CATALASE antibody on the labile CATALASE variant present in Swiss-type aCATALASEmia
  1466. CATALASE activity measured with a micro oxygen electrode in a pressurized reaction vessel
  1467. Three-dimensional reconstruction of tubular crystals of CATALASE
  1468. Regulation of glyoxysomal enzymes during germination of cucumber: 2. Isolation and immunological detection of isocitrate lyase and CATALASE
  1469. Effects of dietary vitamin B-2 and vitamin E on the delta9-desaturase and CATALASE activities in the rat liver microsomes.
  1470. Microbial flora of vacuum-packaged lamb with special reference to psychrotrophic, Gram-positive, CATALASE-positive pleomorphic rods
  1471. Perioxidatic Reaction of CATALASE-Antibody Complex of Leukocytes Demonstrated by Diaminobenzidine
  1472. Effect of pH on the Optical Absorption Spectrum and Effective Number of the Bohr Magneton of Horse Erythrocyte CATALASE in the Range from 77° K to 267° K
  1473. Isoenzyme pattern of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and CATALASE during germination and early plant development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  1474. Biochemical characterization of a CATALASE inhibitor from maize
  1475. Renewal of CATALASE activity in Drosophila following treatment with 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  1476. Activation of hematin CATALASE function by ethylenediamine
  1477. CATALASE and peroxidase in leaves of iron deficient plants
  1478. Preparation of soluble conjugates of glucose oxidase and CATALASE by cross‐linking with glutaraldehyde
  1479. Tritium effect in peroxidation of ehtanol by liver CATALASE
  1480. Effect of enzyme ratio and pH on the efficiency of an immobilized dual catalyst of glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1481. Fibrin membrane endowed with biological function. V. Multienzyme complex of uricase, CATALASE, allantoinase and allantoicase
  1482. Oxidation of thiol compounds by CATALASE and peroxidase in the presence of manganese (II) and phenols
  1483. Appearance of abnormal CATALASE antigen and concurrent deletion of normal antigen in leukocytes of myelogenous leukemia
  1484. Polymorphism of CATALASE isozyme in Porphyra
  1485. CATALASE activity of synovial fluid in joint diseases
  1486. Restoration of red cell CATALASE activity by glucose metabolism after exposure to a vitamin K analog
  1487. Electron spin resonance studies on the cumene hydroperoxide-supported oxidation of aminopyrine by CATALASE
  1488. Radiosensitivity and Biological Properties of Tumours: XI. The Effects of X-irradiation on Intracellular Distribution of CATALASE
  1489. Translation regulation of CATALASE synthesis in morris 5123tc hepatoma
  1490. Oxidation of nitrous oxide during decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by CATALASE
  1491. Immunochemical studies on the liver CATALASE depression by toxohormone
  1492. Activities of CATALASE in leucocytes and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in erythrocytes of hypoCATALASEmia and aCATALASEmia
  1493. Molecular size of in vivo liver CATALASE-depressing substance from rhodamine sarcoma of rat
  1494. Genetic regulation of the expression of CATALASE activity in murine red blood cells
  1495. Activation with CATALASE of mutagenicity of hydroperoxides of some fatty acids and hydrocarbons
  1496. The enzymic response of pea (Pisum sativum) stem sections to applied indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid and ethrel: CATALASE, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase
  1497. Numerical taxonomy of CATALASE-negative cocci isolated from frozen vegetables
  1498. Genetics of peroxisomal enzymes in the mouse: Nonlinkage of d-amino acid oxidase locus (Dao) to CATALASE (Cs) and l-α-hydroxyacid oxidase (Hao-1) loci on …
  1499. Properties of leukocyte CATALASE from normal and aCATALASEmic humans
  1500. Mechanism of N-Demethylation of Aminopyrine by CATALASE-Organic Hydroperoxide Systems
  1501. Fertility of Bull Semen Frozen with β-Amylase, β-Glucuronidase, and CATALASE
  1502. The role of hydrogen peroxide production and CATALASE in hepatic ethanol metabolism
  1503. Changes of specific activity and synthesizing activity of CATALASE in aCATALASEmia mouse liver
  1504. Hepatic CATALASE changes and leucine incorporation in talc-injected mice
  1505. Glycolate content, glycolate oxidase and CATALASE activity in intact sunflower plant during ageing and development
  1506. Blood CATALASE activity in brain tumors during the postoperative period
  1507. Reversal of H2O2 toxicity in the aCATALASEmic mouse by CATALASE administration: suggested model for possible replacement therapy of inborn errors of metabolism
  1508. On the specific association of porcine erythrocyte CATALASE caused by formation of disulfide cross-links
  1509. Isoenzyme polymorphism of peroxidase, IAA-oxidase, CATALASE and amylase in rooting etiolated stem segments of Salix tetrasperma
  1510. [32] The glucose oxidase—CATALASE system
  1511. A comparison of the esterase and CATALASE zymograms of Fusarium species with special reference to the classification of a causal fungus of Fusarium leaf spot of rice
  1512. On the kinetics and mechanism of the CATALASE-like activity of diaquocobinamide: Evidence for the formation of a μ-peroxo-bis (cobinamide) species
  1513. NADH-and NADPH-dependent desaturation of linoleic acid in the extracted microsomal fraction of rat liver, and related effects of CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide
  1514. … forms of beef liver CATALASE as obtained by biochemical and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments. A model for the quaternary structure of the beef liver CATALASE …
  1515. CATALASE-like activity of chicken egg white: A reconsideration
  1516. Structure and activity in molluscicides II. Activity assay of CATALASE and peroxidase in snails
  1517. Immunochemical Studies of Human Erythrocyte Proteins: Erythrocuprein and CATALASE
  1518. Analysis and γ-Irradiation of Polymer-Bound CATALASE
  1519. The reversible inhibition of CATALASE activity by nucleotides and its possible relationship to mouse liver CATALASE depression induced by biological substances
  1520. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE
  1521. Senescence and the regulation of CATALASE activity and the effect of hydrogen peroxide on nucleic acids
  1522. Selective inactivation of CATALASE during protoporphyrin induced photohemolysis of human red blood cells
  1523. Properties of erythrocyte CATALASE from heterozygotes for Japanese type aCATALASEmia.
  1524. Metal Ions and Hydrogen Peroxide. Evidence for a CATALASE-Like Activity of the cis-Diaquo Isomer of the Cu2+-2,2′-Bipyridyl 1:2 Complex
  1525. CATALASE in salivary gland striated and excretory duct cells. II. ϕ Body: an ellipsoidal peroxisomal organelle with crystalloid axial projections
  1526. Inhibition of CATALASE by cyanide
  1527. Dopamine-β-hydroxylase: Stimulation by nitrogen-containing heterocyclics and the role of CATALASE
  1528. Screening tests for significant bacteriuria: A comparison of the CATALASE test with microscopy of the unstained sediment
  1529. Recovery and stability of phenolase, peroxidase and CATALASE activity in dried potato tissue
  1530. Changes in CATALASE activity in higher plants and fungi treated with oxygen at high pressure
  1531. Response of Liver and Kidney CATALASE to α-p-Chloro-phenoxyisobutyrate (Clofibrate) in C57B1/6J Male Mice of Different Ages
  1532. Glyoxylate cycle enzymes and CATALASE in digitonin-fractionated mitochondria in Turbatrix aceti
  1533. Factors affecting the growth and the CATALASE synthesis in Micrococcus luteus cells
  1534. Effect of 3-Amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on CATALASE and Formation of Methemoglobin from Oxyhemoglobin in Erythrocyte by Superoxide Radicals
  1535. Inhibition of CATALASE and lactate dehydrogenase by radiation-protective thiols and thiol derivatives
  1536. The determination of CATALASE activity in liver tissue (author’s transl)
  1537. Differentiation of Micrococcus luteus and Micrococcus varians on the Basis of CATALASE Isoenzymes
  1538. Subunit Structure of Micrococcus luteus CATALASE. Dissociation of M. luteus CATALASE Induced by Dodecylsulfate, Citraconic and 2,3-Dimethylmaleic Anhydrides and …
  1539. Heterogeneity of CATALASE in Morris hepatomas as revealed by isoelectric focusing and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography
  1541. Behavior of rat liver CATALASE during electrophoresis in a pH gradient.
  1542. The effect of phage infection on the CATALASE induction of the Staphylococcus aureus culture
  1543. Metal Ions and Hydrogen Peroxide XXIX. On the Kinetics and Mechanism of the CATALASE-like Activity of Nickel (II) and Nickel (II)-Amine Complexes
  1544. CATALASE and dehydroascorbate reductase in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN): Possible functional relationship
  1545. Free Radical Intermediate in the N-Demethylation of Aminopyrine by CATALASE-Cumene Hydroperoxide System
  1546. Degradation of peroxisomal CATALASE and urate oxidase of rat liver
  1547. Effect of glucose and adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate on the induced synthesis of CATALASE in Escherichia coli
  1548. Action of Rennet on Casein as Influenced by Hydrogen Peroxide–CATALASE Treatment
  1549. Crystallographic evidence for the structural isomorphism of deer and beef CATALASE
  1550. Isoenzyme polymorphism of amylase and CATALASE in relation to rooting etiolated stem segments of Populus nigra
  1551. Subcellular distribution of renal and hepatic CATALASE activity in senescent rodents
  1552. Effect of injection of nuclear fraction from rhodamine sarcoma on turnover of liver CATALASE
  1553. Isolation and purification of pig liver CATALASE
  1554. Development of CATALASE activity in yeast in relation to growth and respiration
  1555. Elimination of glucose in egg white by co-immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1556. Membrane fractions from rat hepatoma III. Immunochemical characterization of detergent-soluble membrane phosphatases, electron transport chains and CATALASE
  1557. Histochemical location of CATALASE in peroxisomes and of peroxidase in cell walls and Golgi bodies of cells in differentiating potato tuber tissue
  1559. In vivo liver CATALASE-depressing substance from Rhodamine sarcoma
  1560. Inhibition of the CATALASE-like activity of cobalt (III)-hematoporphyrin by amino acids, adenine and related ligands Stability of the inhibitor adducts
  1561. The effect of CATALASE on the toxicity of cadmium in cadmium-sensitive and cadmium-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  1562. A uv-absorptiostat and its applications: Determination of CATALASE, ascorbate oxidase, peroxidase, sorbitol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase
  1563. diversity of plant organelles with special reference to the electron cytochemical localization of CATALASE in plant microbodies
  1564. A study of peroxidase and CATALASE distribution in the potato tuber
  1565. Starch Gel Electrophoresis of CATALASE and Esterase Isoenzymes from Some Rhizobium and Agrobacterium spp.
  1566. The Chemical Modification of Beef Liver CATALASE: V. Ethoxyformylation of Histidine and Tyrosine Residues of CATALASE with Diethylpyrocarbonate
  1567. Erythrocyte CATALASE activity in thalassaemia
  1568. Clinical value of preoperative cancer chemotherapy as an index to the changes in tissue CATALASE activity
  1569. Stability studies on the immobilized glucose oxidase/CATALASE enzyme system
  1570. CATALASE in salivary gland striated and excretory duct cells. III. Immunocytochemical demonstration with fluorescein-and peroxidase-labelled antibodies
  1571. Biosynthesis of Liver CATALASE in Rats Treated with Allylisopropylacetylcarbamide: II. Double-labeling of CATALASE with [14C]Leucine and δ-[3H]Aminolevulinic Acid
  1572. Drug effects on CATALASE activity in the mammalian cell: the role of the cell in drug action
  1573. Biosynthesis of proteins by the retina. Inactivation by near-ultraviolet light and the effects of tryptophan, epinephrine, and CATALASE.
  1574. Quantitative urinary CATALASE measurement: a new mass screening technique for bacteriological and cellular urine abnormality
  1575. Studies on the Development and Localization of CATALASE and H2O2-generating Oxidases in the Endosperm of Germinating Castor Beans
  1576. Decrease in hepatic cytochrome P-450 and CATALASE following allylisopropylacetamide: the effect of concomitant hemin administration
  1577. A convenient method for isolation of murine erythrocyte CATALASE by gel filtration and DEAE cellulose chromatography
  1578. Evidence for altered hepatic CATALASE molecules in allylisopropylacetamide-treated mice
  1579. The significance of CATALASE activity in Pseudomonas solanacearum
  1580. Separation of CATALASE from phenylalanine hydroxylase: Use of a Sepharose anti-CATALASE IgG affinity matrix
  1581. Intracellular distribution of iron, CATALASE, and protein in tomato plant tissue
  1582. The effect of histone fractions on liver CATALASE and tryptophan pyrrolase activities
  1583. Survival of fungi in hyperbaric oxygen in relation to changes in CATALASE activity
  1584. Influence of the Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virns and Simazine upon the Buffer Soluble Proteins and CATALASE Activity of a Virus‐susceptible and a Virus‐tolerant Variety of …
  1585. Incorporation of 14C-Leucine and 3H-δ-Aminolevulinic Acid into CATALASE of Liver and Kidney
  1586. The biogenesis of peroxisomal CATALASE in rat liver
  1587. Electron spin resonance investigations of methyl hydrogen peroxide compound II of CATALASE
  1588. Peroxide generation in mitochondria and utilization by CATALASE
  1589. CATALASE activity in the agent of tularemia
  1590. Mechanism of CATALASE induction in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides: Role of porphyrin excretion
  1591. The Reaction of Bacterial CATALASE with H2O2
  1592. Synthesis of CATALASE in liver slices from aminotriazole-pretreated rats
  1593. Reversal by phosphate of glucose repression of CATALASE synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1594. CATALASE formation in Rhodotorula mucilaginosa in relation to the effect of glucose and antibiotics
  1595. The effects of dichlorvos and trichlorphon on CATALASE induction, respiration and growth of yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae
  1596. Nature of Residual Erythrocyte CATALASE Activity in Swiss-Type ACATALASEmia
  1597. A study of the effects of applied ethephon on enzyme (polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, CATALASE, ATPase) activity in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) apical tissue …
  1598. Selective inhibitory effect of toxohormone on mice hepatic CATALASE forms
  1599. The reaction of red blood cell CATALASE with perchlorate
  1600. Peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and CATALASE isoenzymes during germination and early plant development of tall and dwarf wheats (Triticum aestivum L.)
  1601. CATALASE in Plodia interpunctella I. Genetic control and enzymatic patterns during development
  1602. Microperoxisomes and CATALASE peroxidatic activity in the pancreas of two amphibian species (Salamandra salamandra L. and Rana esculenta L.)
  1603. Effect of a magnetic field on the rate of H202 breakdown by CATALASE and by an Fe3+–EDTA complex
  1604. Simple screening test for significant bacteriuria in urine CATALASE determination by disk flotation method
  1605. The effect of low-energy electron bombardment on bacterial spore CATALASE
  1606. Alterations in lysosomes, CATALASE-containing organelles, mitochondria and plasma membrane fragments from hypertensive rat aorta and caudal artery
  1607. Production of CATALASE from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
  1608. CATALASE and peroxidase activities, chlorophyll and proteins during storage of pea plants of chilling temperatures
  1609. CATALASE-like crystals in parathyroid gland cells of Rana temporaria L.
  1610. Denaturation of Enzyme Protein by Freeze-Thawing and Freeze-Drying; Ⅱ. Freeze-thawing and freeze-drying of CATALASE
  1611. A blue CATALASE screening test for pyuria and haematuria
  1612. Characteristics of Psychrotrophic, Gram-Positive, CATALASE-Positive, Pleomorphic Coccoid Rods from Vacuum-Packaged Wholesale Cuts of Beef.
  1613. Enhancement of rat liver CATALASE activity dietary cholesterol
  1614. Catalytic and physical properties of γ-irradiated CATALASE in dilute solution
  1615. Electrochemical studies on plant photosystems II effects of CATALASE and peroxidase on thylakoid behaviour
  1616. Effect of Capsella bursa-pastoris on liver CATALASE activity in rats fed 3′-methyl-4-(dimethylamino) azobenzene
  1617. Toxinogeny in Corynebacterium diphtheriae After Loss of CATALASE, Cystinase, or Deoxyribonuclease Activity
  1618. Changes in 65Zn and 59Fe Metabolism, and Carbonic Anhydrase and CATALASE Activity in Animals With Liver-Damaged by Carbon Tetrachloride or Ethionine
  1619. Effect of some antitumor drugs on metabolism of mouse liver CATALASE
  1620. The CATALASE of a freshwater bivalve
  1621. Some characteristics of the kinetics of enzymatic reactions based on the example of CATALASE
  1622. Properties of CATALASE protein in immature and mature red cells of aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic mouse mutants
  1623. Effects of Reducing Agents, CATALASE, and Reuse of Medium on Toxicity of Media for Growth of Ureaplasma urealyticum
  1624. Distribution of oxidase enzymes in potato tubers relative to blackspot susceptibility II. Peroxidase and CATALASE
  1625. Localization of the Meler’s reaction with ethanol CATALASE trap in the chain of photosynthetic electron transport
  1626. The relationship between δ-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction and the concentrations of cytochrome P-450 and CATALASE in rat liver
  1627. Scattering of neutrons by CATALASE: a study of molecules, subunits, and tubules
  1628. The Inhibition of Cow-Liver CATALASE by 3-Nitropropionate
  1629. Methanol oxidation in a reconstituted system of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, CATALASE, and a factor from trypsin digested microsomes
  1630. Ambient temperature of hypoxia: a differential study of liver CATALASE and cytochrome oxidase in guinea pig.
  1631. Metabolism of resistant and susceptible Cowpea varieties infected with Cowpea mosaic virus. II. Changes in the peroxidase and CATALASE enzyme activity.
  1632. Mechanism of CATALASE induction in Rhodopseudomonas spheroides: The effects of acridine, acriflavin, and diphenylamine
  1633. CATALASE activity of yeast grown in anaerobic conditions
  1634. Immobilization of Penicillium vitale Pidopl. et Bilai CATALASE by inorganic carriers
  1635. Changes in the subcellular location of CATALASE and ℴ-diphenol oxidase during infection of potato tubers by Phytophthora erythrosepttica
  1636. Induction of CATALASE in the athiorhodaceae
  1637. The favourable effect of adding a CATALASE to the treatment of syndromes due to intervertebral disc degenerations.
  1638. Respiration rate, CATALASE activity, peroxidase activity and growth of roots of Citrus rootstocks
  1639. Effect of CATALASE on the activation of crude and purified tryptophan oxygenase (pyrrolase)
  1640. Absence of hydrogen peroxide production by or CATALASE action in Rickettsia prowazeki
  1641. Changes in peroxisomes and CATALASE activity of Morris hepatoma 7316A in culture
  1642. Development of a double antibody radioimmunoassay for a CATALASE inhibitor from maize
  1643. Strains of Mycobacterium Kansasii with Weak CATALASE Activity
  1644. Protection of CATALASE from Radiation-inactivation by Adenosine and its Derivatives in Dilute Solution
  1645. Deficiency of peroxysomes, CATALASE and cytochrome B: A genetic defect of oxygen metabolism?
  1646. Rapid Labeling of RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during Gamma Irradiation Correlated with CATALASE Formation
  1647. Erythrocyte CATALASE activity in human ulceromembranous gingivitis
  1648. On the effect of immune and normal sera on CATALASE
  1649. Spectral properties of the prosthetic group of Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  1650. Genetic variation among eleven populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as determined by CATALASE polymorphism.
  1651. Effects of gibberellin on activity of IAA oxidase and CATALASE at early seedling stage in some rice varieties
  1652. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE
  1653. Hemoprotein formation in yeast. VI. Mutants with changed levels of CATALASE and of other heme enzymes under conditions of glucose repression.
  1654. Studies on Rat Liver CATALASE: X. Effect of Hemin and an Inhibitor on the Translation of CATALASE Messenger RNA
  1655. Effects of glucose oxidase and CATALASE preparations used in the food industry on experimental animals.
  1656. An Investigation into the Effect of Varying Nitrogen Regimes on the Abundance of Peroxisomes and Activities of Nitrate Reductase and CATALASE in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) …
  1657. Specificity of CATALASE Degradation in C57BL Mice: Comparison with other Liver Enzymes
  1658. Egg White CATALASE: 2. Active Component
  1659. Some aspects of CATALASE induction in baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  1660. The isozymes of human erythrocyte CATALASE.
  1661. CATALASE levels and radiation resistance in three species of wild duck
  1662. Oxidation of tryptophan-P-1 and P-2 by beef liver CATALASE-H2O2 intermediate: comparison with horseradish peroxidase.
  1663. Electrochemical Method for Detecting Hydrogen Peroxide–CATALASE-Treated Milk
  1664. Familial deletion of the short arm of the D1-chromosome (46, XX, 13 p-) not associated with loss of haptoglobin or CATALASE activity
  1665. CATALASE and alcohol dehydrogenase-mediated oxidation of ethanol in hepatic microsomes of aCATALASEmic mice
  1666. Influence of Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE on the Stimulation by Phagocytosis of L-Thyroxine and L-Triiodothyronine Deiodination in the Human Leukocyte
  1667. Comparative study of the influence of yeast mannans on the rate of CATALASE synthesis in the liver of rats
  1668. Effect of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole treatment on CATALASE activity and triglyceride level in fatty liver of the rat
  1669. Immobilization of CATALASE and specifics of its activity.
  1670. The influence of progressive growth on the specific CATALASE activity of human diploid cell strains. II. Effect of cellular genotype: A heterozygous strain
  1671. Factors in posttranscription regulation of the rate of liver CATALASE synthesis in rats with tumors
  1672. CATALASE-like activity in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with cerebral stroke
  1673. Effect of adding trace elements to hydrogen peroxide-CATALASE treated milk on the flora of the resultant Ras cheese.
  1674. Quantitative indices of the activity and the electrophoretic characteristics of staphylococcal CATALASE
  1675. Physiology of Phaseolus mungo L. affected by urd mosaic virus. 1. Effect on chlorophyll content, CATALASE and peroxidase activity
  1676. A study of the interaction of natural polymers—surfactants I. International of CATALASE (EC 1.11. 1.6) with ionic surfactants
  1677. … of complex treatment with gamma radiations, microelements (Cu and Mn) and growth substances (indole-3-acetic acid) on the amylase and CATALASE activity in wheat …
  1679. Properties of CATALASE Molecules in Rats of Different Ages
  1680. Peroxidatic Activity of Mycobacteria and Relation to CATALASE
  1681. Single radial diffusion using CATALASE antibody as screening method of hypoCATALASEmia
  1682. Blood CATALASE as an index of dietary protein quality
  1683. The Deactivation behavior of immobilized glucose-oxidase/CATALASE on hydrogen peroxide decomposing supports
  1684. Regulation of CATALASE synthesis in Proteus mirabilis
  1685. The CATALASE activity of Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei and other enterobacteria.
  1686. Continuous Inuous Countercurrent Ion Exchange Recovery of CATALASE from Beef Liver Extract
  1688. In vitro assay of CATALASE-depressing activity of toxohormone in cultured liver cells
  1689. … Negroes (pyrophosphatase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase, acid phosphatase, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase assays)
  1690. Catalysis and inhibition of the oxidative degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid by CATALASE showing maximum catalytic effect in pico-molar concentrations
  1691. Hemoprotein formation in yeast. VI. Mutants with changed level of CATALASE and of other heme enzymes under conditions of glucose repression
  1692. Immunological studies on in vivo liver CATALASE-depressing substance
  1693. Isolation and Translation of CATALASE mRNA of Bovine Liver
  1694. Further characterization of liver CATALASE‐depressing factor from spleens of friend virus‐infected germfree and conventional mice
  1695. Development of Temporary Preservation Method for Small Scale Dairy Farm Milk by CATALASE Treatment (Part 1) Bactericidal Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide and Its …
  1696. The relationship between the California Mastitis Test, Whiteside test, Brabant mastitis reaction, CATALASE test, and direct cell counting of milk
  1697. On the mechanism of the CATALASE-like activity of cobalt (III)-hematoporphyrin
  1698. A study of CATALASE and peroxidase activities during development of oat
  1699. The Effect of Hydrogen Donors on the CATALASE‐Hydrogen Peroxide System in the Steady State
  1700. Effect of Treatment with Hemin on Rat Liver CATALASE
  1701. Effect of Triton WR-1339 on the rates of synthesis and degradation of hepatic CATALASE of rat
  1702. delta-aminolaevulate synthetase induction and CATALASE repression by porphyrinogenic drugs.
  1703. Comparative characteristics of CATALASE from the fungus Penicillium vitale, which is synthesized under different nutritional conditions
  1704. CATALASE activity in Corynebacterium pyogenes
  1705. Kinetics and stability of immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1706. Determination of uric acid using 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto-1, 2, 4-triazole and urate oxidase-CATALASE system
  1707. CATALASE in Plodia interpunctella II. Biochemical variation associated with an XY translocation
  1708. Spectrophotometric study of the mechanism of radiation inactivation and the modifying action of thioglycolic acid on CATALASE
  1709. Relation of splenomegaly to depressed liver CATALASE in Friend virus-infected germfree and conventional mice.
  1710. CHOD/CATALASE method
  1711. Differential effect of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on multiple forms of rat liver CATALASE
  1712. Conformational stability of antigenic determinant sites of bovine liver CATALASE
  1713. … Measurement of Human Blood CATALASE Activity and the Screening Method of HypoCATALASEmia by Spectrophotometry Part 2. Measurement of human blood CATALASE …
  1714. Ascorbic acid: preferential lysis and CATALASE induction in antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus
  1715. Effect of gibberellic acid on growth and activity of CATALASE and peroxidase in cotton and sorghum
  1716. CATALASE induction in non-proliferating suspensions of Pseudomonas fluorescens (type R.). I. Influence of the buffer.
  1717. The influence of progressive growth on the specific CATALASE activity of human diploid cell strains. III. Experiments bearing on the mechanism responsible for change in …
  1718. Temperature-sensitive mutation. III. Temperature-sensitive CATALASE reaction of a ts-mutant in Paramecium aurelia
  1719. Fungistatic activity of some acetylene derivatives of furan and their influence on the respiration intensity and CATALASE activity of pathogenic fungi.
  1720. Effect of Temperature on Peroxidase, Polyphenol Oxidase and CATALASE Isoenzymes during Germination of Tall and Dwarf Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.)
  1721. Effect of Different Vitamin E-deficient Basal Diets on Hepatic CATALASE and Microsomal Cytochrome P-450 and b5 in Rats
  1722. Factors Affecting Reliability of CATALASE Test Results. I. Sanitizers
  1723. Electron spin resonance studies of CATALASE and some of the CATALASE compounds
  1724. Microperoxisomes and CATALASE-Positive Particles
  1726. Inhibition of CATALASE by (Arylthio)-acetohydroxamic acids
  1727. Experimental Studies on CATALASE Synthesis in Animals
  1729. In vitro experiments on effects of selective x radiation on CATALASE activity
  1730. Determination of the CATALASE activity of soil by colori-metry.
  1731. Modifications in the CATALASE system of x-irradiated (DL/sub 100/15/) rats.
  1732. CATALASE dynamics in chickens during ontogenesis
  1733. Partial purification and properties of bovine heart CATALASE.
  1734. Studies of Human Erythrocyte CATALASE by Fluorescent Antibody Technic The Distribution of CATALASE in Acatalasia and Hypocatalasia
  1735. Molecular Variations in Erythrocyte CATALASE
  1737. CATALASE isoenzymes in maize during the initial stages of growth.
  1738. Quantitation of bovine liver CATALASE by single radial immunodiffusion
  1740. CATALASE and Peroxidase
  1741. Action of ionizing radiation on CATALASE synthesis in the rat liver
  1742. Regulation of CATALASE Synthesis in Escherichia coli K12: 1. Further
  1743. The preparation, properties and applications of nylon-tube immobilised CATALASE
  1744. CATALASE activity in the red cell ghost of hypoCATALASEmia and normal subject. I. CATALASE in the red cell ghost of hypoCATALASEmia and normal subject
  1745. A quantitative study of CATALASE produced by Mycobacterium kansasii and its clinical significance.
  1746. Biochemical aspects of radiosensitivity in fowls with different blood CATALASE
  1747. Workplace contamination when performing the slide CATALASE test.
  1748. method for the preparation of crystalline beef liver CATALASE
  1749. Wheat CATALASE iso-enzymes during the first growing stages.
  1750. The effect of high pressure on the rate of decomposition of H2O2 by liver CATALASE
  1751. CATALASE and protease activities in sewage, sludges and effluents.
  1752. Molecular heterogeneity of blood and liver CATALASE rats with tumors
  1753. Effect of Cycloheximide on Biosynthesis of Rat Liver CATALASE
  1755. The yearly dynamic change of CATALASE activity in the vegetative part of apple varieties.
  1757. CATALASE activity in honeybee larvae.
  1758. CATALASE activity in the red cell ghost of hypoCATALASEmia and normal subject. II. Isolation of CATALASE in the red cell ghost by electrophoresis
  1759. Influence of ecological conditions on the CATALASE activity in the rectal glands
  1760. CATALASE Polymorphism in the Red Cell of Horse
  1761. CATALASE-negative bacteria predominant in soil
  1762. A study of the cytoplasmic factors controlling the rate of CATALASE synthesis in rat liver
  1763. Dissociation of Penicillium vitale CATALASE under the effect of urea and acid pH
  1765. Denaturation of CATALASE in Livers by SDS Treatment
  1766. Studies on the estimation of CATALASE activity in milk, with particular reference to its application as a screening test in bovine mastitis and milk quality control
  1767. CATALASE activity in sugar beet differing in ploidy.
  1768. Studies on the connection between antimycotic activity of hydrogen peroxide and fungal CATALASE activity.
  1769. Isolation and recombination of subunits of anti-CATALASE immunoglobulin
  1770. The oxidase and CATALASE activity of strains of brucella
  1771. The quality of CATALASE in haploids of maize.
  1772. Isolation and Purification of Erythrocyte CATALASE of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  1773. Electron spin resonance study of the role of NO. CATALASE in the activation of guanylate cyclase by NaN/sub 3/and NH/sub 2/OH
  1774. Uptake of metallic mercury by CATALASE from spinach (Part I)
  1776. Hepatic CATALASE activity after whole-body irradiation of the mouse
  1777. Multiple Forms of CATALASE From Normal Human Liver, Hepatomas and Tumor-Bearing Livers
  1778. CATALASE activity in Paramecium aurelia
  1779. Effect of several surface-active substances on the biological and mechanical properties of a CATALASE monolayer
  1780. Effect of ascorbic acid on blood CATALASE in adult and very young animals.
  1781. Properties of enzymes. V. CATALASE inhibition of glucose oxidase reaction.
  1782. Purification of anti-CATALASE antibody by affinity chromatography
  1783. Induction of Collagenolytic Enzymes and CATALASE in Ascites Cells Growing as Solid Invasive Tumour
  1784. Factors of post-transcription regulation of the rate of liver CATALASE synthesis in tumor-bearing rats
  1786. The relationship of CATALASE activity in raw milk to quality of the processed product
  1788. CATALASE inactivation during storage in solution and its stabilization by polysaccharides of microbial origin
  1789. Changes in the CATALASE activity of pear varieties on different rootstocks during the growing period.
  1790. A model for the replacement of congenitally deficient enzymes: semipermeable microcapsules containing CATALASE for aCATALASEmic mice.
  1791. The developmental control of glyoxysomal localization of the CATALASE variants specified by the Ct gene in maize.
  1792. Liver CATALASE activity in patients with iron deficiency anemia.
  1793. Hepatic CATALASE in rats bearing walker tumor in the brain
  1794. Changes in Peroxisomal Enzyme Activities and Heterogeneity of CATALASE during 3′-Methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene
  1795. On the mechanism of regulation of the CATALASE synthesis rate in the rat liver in the course of acute radiation disease
  1796. Mechanism of regulation of the CATALASE synthesis rate in the rat liver in the course of acute radiation disease.[Regulating factors]
  1797. Homogeneity of erythrocyte CATALASE and its stability to SDS and to LIS in aCATALASEmia and hypoCATALASEmia mice
  1798. Post-translational control of CATALASE in maize by a regulatory molecule
  1799. Study of CATALASE activity and the contents of sugar and ascorbic acid in some red pepper varieties.
  1800. Studies on the Measurement of Human Blood CATALASE Activity and the Screening Method of HypoCATALASEmia by Spectrophotometry Part 3. Evaluation of UV method …
  1801. Relationship between CATALASE activity and changes of motility and survival of bull and ram spermatozoa.
  1802. Liver CATALASE Electrophoretic Pattern of the Quail Coturnix coturni japonica
  1803. CATALASE (KT) and ceruloplasmine (CP) activity in piglets and sows
  1804. CATALASE biogenesis in various subcellular fractions of regenerating rat liver cells
  1805. CATALASE Activity of Serum and Hepatic Tissue in Experimental Murine Hepatitis by MHV-3 Virus and in Acute Experimental CCI (4) Poisoning
  1807. Immobilized Glucose-Oxidase/CATALASE: Deactivation in a Differential Reactor
  1808. Biosynthesis of Rat Kidney CATALASE: Double-labeling by [14C]Leucine and δ-Amino 13Hilevulinic Acid
  1809. The effect of different herbicides on CATALASE and peroxidase activity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
  1810. Effect of growth retardants on CATALASE activity in soybean seedlings.
  1811. CATALASE activity and oxalic acid content in two salt-stressed species of Atriplex.
  1812. The peroxidative system involving CATALASE plays an important role in the oxidation,; methanol in the rat, but is of little importance for this purpose in the monkey …
  1813. An Electron Spin Resonance Study of the Production, Transmission and Decay of Free Radicals in X-irradiated CATALASE
  1814. effect of S-rays and molybdenum and their joint use on the content of ascorbic acid and the activity of CATALASE in the haricot bean
  1815. Correlation between regeneration capacity and CATALASE activity in woody red currant cuttings.
  1816. Studies on peroxidase activity of mycobacteria in presence of their selectively inhibited CATALASE.
  1817. Seasonal changes of peroxidase and CATALASE activities in leaves of several arborescent species subject to different industrial air pollutions in Upper Silesia
  1819. The Role of Certain Oxidative Enzymes, CATALASE, and β-Glucosidase on Virulence of Cephalosporium maydis
  1821. Relationship between activity of oxidation-reducing enzymes (CATALASE and per oxidase) and rate of water exosmosis from leaves of buckwheat at various growth …
  1822. Studies on the energetic metabolism of Shigella flexneri x Escherichia coli hybrids devoid of penetration ability. III. CATALASE and phosphatase activity.
  1823. The purification and partial characterization of CATALASE from the bacterium Micrococcus varians neotype strain ATCC 15306.
  1824. Enzimatic activity of polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and CATALASE in Coffea arabica L. beans and their relation to [coffee] beverage quality
  1825. Use of trace elements in accelerating ripening of Ras cheese made from hydrogen peroxide-CATALASE treated milk.
  1826. Effect of different oxygen pressures and of age on changes in CATALASE and peroxidase activities of Rhizopus oryzae under high pressures of oxygen
  1827. Microdetermination of Glucose using 3-Methyl-2-benzothiazolone Hydrazone Hydrochloride and Glucose Oxidase-CATALASE Enzyme System
  1828. Effect of composition, pH and ionic strength of the extracting buffer on assessment of peroxidase and CATALASE activity in lentil roots.
  1830. Effect of added hydrogen peroxide on induced synthesis of CATALASE of Mucor racemosus under high pressures on oxygen and air
  1831. Evidence for CATALASE activity in peroxisomes of Micrasterias fimbriata (Ralfs)
  1832. Cytochemical-localization of CATALASE, urate oxidase and alcohol oxidase in rat and fish liver microbodies
  1833. Different experimental diseases induced in the guineapig by the historical Pasteur Institute BCG strain and by the B1 CATALASE positive isoniazid-resistant strain. Study …
  1834. … plant and animal CATALASE and peroxidase. I. Effect of benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid and potassium sorbate on the activity of CATALASE and peroxidase of …
  1835. Influence of diuretics on renal calcium excretion the duration of action of single and multiple injections of puromycin on leucine incorporation and hepatic CATALASE …
  1836. The absence of action of chlorophos and its analogues on CATALASE and peroxidase of Ascaridia of chickens.
  1837. A macrocyclic chelate iron complex as an effective model of CATALASE: Part A. Hydrolytic behavior of [Fe (CRH) CI₂] BF₄. Part B. Catalyc decomposition of …
  1838. Determination of Glucose and Sucrose by Polarographic Platinum Electrode, Glucose Oxidase, CATALASE andβ-Fructofuranosidase
  1839. Metallic mercury uptake by CATALASE Part 1 In Vitro metallic mercury uptake by various kind of animals’ erythrocytes and purified human erythrocyte CATALASE
  1840. Investigations concerning the enzymes aspartate transcarbamylase and CATALASE of the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus.
  1842. Comparative Enzymology of Malate Dehydrogenases: VII. Evidence for a Genetic Regulation of Malate Dehydrogenase, CATALASE, Hexokinase, Glucose-6-phosphate …
  1843. … from epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi Ammerer, G. and H. Ruis, Cell-free synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CATALASE T Amselem, S., see Y …
  1844. Various experimental diseases induced in guinea pigs by the historical Institut Pasteur BCG strain and by the B-1 positive CATALASE strain. Study of the viability of the …
  1846. Effect of vitamins B-6 and C, heparin and dicoumarin on the CATALASE activity of the blood in rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis.
  1847. Effects of dietary vitamin B-2 and vitamin E on the Δ9-desaturase and CATALASE activities in the rat liver microsomes
  1848. Studies on the Thiamine Content of “Pisum sativum LINNAEUS variety arvense (POIR)”(Part 4) CATALASE activities of “Pisum sativum LINNAEUS variety arvense (POIR …
  1849. Effects of/sup 60/Co gamma-ray local irradiation on rat liver on alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and CATALASE in the liver and serum
  1850. … Obtained From Alkaline Extracts of Sasa-leaves (Leaves of Pseudosasa Owatrii Makino). 3. Influence of This Substance Upon Liver CATALASE Activity in Tumor …
  1851. Study on the Treatment of Malignant Tumors with Fibroblast-Inhibiting Agent Part 1. Effect of Phytonadione on Liver CATALASE Activity of Animals Bearing Malignant …
  1852. Effects of 60Co gamma-ray local irradiation on rat liver on alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and CATALASE in the liver and serum
  1853. A Simple and Rapid Measurement of Glucose in Serum Using 3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazolone Hydrazone Hydrochloride and Glucose Oxidase-CATALASE Enzyme System
  1854. Effect of $ gamma $$ sup 60$ Co irradiation on some properties of CATALASE
  1855. Physiological comparison of dormant TMV 1 and non-dormant TMV 2 varieties of groundnut. II. Sucrose content, CATALASE activity and respiratory rates
  1859. The active center of CATALASE
  1860. Photoinactivation of CATALASE
  1861. Photoinactivation of CATALASE in vitro and in leaves
  1862. CATALASE: an old enzyme with a new role?
  1863. Three-dimensional structure of the enzyme CATALASE
  1864. Structure of beef liver CATALASE
  1865. Superoxide radical inhibits CATALASE.
  1866. Biochemical and developmental characterization of multiple forms of CATALASE in tobacco leaves
  1867. A spectrophotometric method for determination of CATALASE activity in small tissue samples
  1868. The function of CATALASE-bound NADPH.
  1869. Isolation and characterization of the human CATALASE gene
  1870. Analysis of variants affecting the CATALASE developmental program in maize scutellum
  1871. Regional distribution of CATALASE in the adult rat brain
  1872. Characterization of a manganese-containing CATALASE from the obligate thermophile Thermoleophilum album
  1873. Erythrocyte CATALASE. A somatic oxidant defense?
  1874. Purification and characterization of a new fungal CATALASE
  1875. The reaction of superoxide radical with CATALASE. Mechanism of the inhibition of CATALASE by superoxide radical.
  1876. CATALASE activity in human spermatozoa and seminal plasma
  1877. Isolation of CATALASE-deficient Escherichia coli mutants and genetic mapping of katE, a locus that affects CATALASE activity
  1878. Stimulation of glutathione synthesis in photorespiring plants by CATALASE inhibitors
  1879. Structure and heme environment of beef liver CATALASE at 2.5 A resolution
  1880. Canine myocardial reperfusion injury. Its reduction by the combined administration of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE.
  1881. CATALASE: a tetrameric enzyme with four tightly bound molecules of NADPH
  1882. Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  1883. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in skeletal muscle: adaptive response to exercise
  1884. A proposed mechanism for the catalatic ation of CATALASE
  1885. Changes in CATALASE activity and hydrogen peroxide concentration in plants in response to low temperature
  1886. An inhibitor of CATALASE induced by cold in chilling-sensitive plants
  1887. The relationship of oxygen uptake to superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity in human skeletal muscle
  1888. Characterization of CATALASE transcripts and their differential expression in maize
  1889. Polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase and CATALASE reduce ischemic brain injury
  1890. Three-dimensional structure of CATALASE from Penicillium vitale at 2.0 Å resolution
  1891. The NADPH binding site on beef liver CATALASE
  1892. CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase are equally active in detoxification of hydrogen peroxide in human erythrocytes
  1893. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE conjugated to polyethylene glycol increases endothelial enzyme activity and oxidant resistance.
  1894. Analysis of the peroxidatic mode of action of CATALASE
  1895. Protection against oxygen toxicity by intravenous injection of liposome-entrapped CATALASE and superoxide dismutase.
  1896. Changes in the expression of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE as a function of age and dietary restriction
  1897. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in the human cataractous lens
  1898. Metabolism of hydrogen peroxide in isolated hepatocytes: relative contributions of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in decomposition of endogenously generated …
  1899. Genetic mapping of katF, a locus that with katE affects the synthesis of a second CATALASE species in Escherichia coli
  1900. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, and lipid peroxidation in the major organs of the aging rats
  1901. CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in different fish species
  1902. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE protect cultured hepatocytes from the cytotoxicity of acetaminophen
  1903. The genetics of CATALASE in Drosophila melanogaster: isolation and characterization of aCATALASEmic mutants.
  1904. The refined structure of beef liver CATALASE at 2· 5 Å resolution
  1905. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE: a possible role in established pancreatitis
  1906. Time‐dependent inactivation of immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  1907. Superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE improve contractile function in the canine model of the” stunned myocardium”.
  1908. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in developing rat brain
  1909. New perspectives in CATALASE dependent ethanol metabolism
  1910. Effects of molecular oxygen on detection of superoxide radical with nitroblue tetrazolium and on activity stains for CATALASE
  1911. CuZn-superoxide dismutase, Mn-superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in pancreatic islets and other tissues in the mouse
  1912. Nucleotide sequence of katG, encoding CATALASE HPI of Escherichia coli
  1913. Immunohistochemical localization of CATALASE in ocular tissue
  1914. A double staining method for differentiating between two classes of mycobacterial CATALASE in polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels
  1915. Endotoxin pretreatment increases endogenous myocardial CATALASE activity and decreases ischemia-reperfusion injury of isolated rat hearts
  1916. Enhanced-peroxidatic activity in specific CATALASE isozymes of tobacco, barley, and maize
  1917. Effect of adriamycin on the activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in tissues of mice
  1918. CATALASE activity and post-anoxic injury in monocotyledonous species
  1919. The isolation and characterisation of a CATALASE-deficient mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  1920. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase in red blood cells from patients with malignant diseases
  1921. Antioxidant defense mechanisms of endothelial cells: glutathione redox cycle versus CATALASE
  1922. Effects of crop rotation and fertilization on CATALASE activity in a soil of the southeastern United States
  1923. Properties of Aspergillus niger CATALASE
  1924. Exonuclease III and the CATALASE hydroperoxidase II in Escherichia coli are both regulated by the katF gene product
  1925. Copper-and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase, manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase in normal and neoplastic …
  1926. Inhibition and reactivation of Mn-CATALASE. Implications for valence changes at the active site manganese.
  1927. Beneficial actions of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in stunned myocardium of dogs
  1928. Role of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE as determinants of pathogenicity of Nocardia asteroides: importance in resistance to microbicidal activities of human …
  1929. Effect of hematin on the activities of nitrite reductase and CATALASE in lactobacilli
  1930. Genetic mapping of katG, a locus that affects synthesis of the bifunctional CATALASE-peroxidase hydroperoxidase I in Escherichia coli
  1931. Action of hypochlorous acid on the antioxidant protective enzymes superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase
  1932. Functional significance of manganese CATALASE in Lactobacillus plantarum
  1933. Mechanism of the inhibition of CATALASE by ascorbate. Roles of active oxygen species, copper and semidehydroascorbate.
  1934. Changes in the Activity of CATALASE (EC in Relation to the Dormancy of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Buds
  1935. Classification of Lactobacillus divergens, Lactobacillus piscicola, and some CATALASE-negative, asporogenous, rod-shaped bacteria from poultry in a new genus …
  1936. Photoinactivation of CATALASE at low temperature and its relevance to photosynthetic and peroxide metabolism in leaves
  1937. Increased levels of glutathione in a CATALASE-deficient mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  1938. Diminution of mouse epidermal superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities by tumor promoters
  1939. The independent effects of oxygen radical scavengers on canine infarct size. Reduction by superoxide dismutase but not CATALASE.
  1940. Effects of oxygen stress on membrane functions in Escherichia coli: role of HPI CATALASE
  1941. Distribution of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in developing rat brain
  1942. Thermotolerant Campylobacter with no or weak CATALASE activity isolated from dogs
  1943. Proposed structure for the prosthetic group of the CATALASE HPII from Escherichia coli
  1944. Sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CATI gene and amino acid sequence of CATALASE A derived from it
  1945. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities in virulent and nonvirulent Staphylococcus aureus isolates
  1946. Peroxidase and CATALASE activity in leaves of Halimione portulacoides exposed to salinity
  1947. CATALASE: its role in xenobiotic detoxification
  1948. The complete amino acid sequence of bovine liver CATALASE and the partial sequence of bovine erythrocyte CATALASE
  1949. Complete nucleotide sequence of cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of rat liver CATALASE
  1950. Steady-state kinetics of the CATALASE reaction in the presence of cyanide
  1951. Superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE enhances the efficacy of hypothermic cardioplegia to protect the globally ischemic, reperfused heart
  1952. Regulation of CATALASE Activity in Leaves of Nicotiana sylvestris by High CO2
  1953. Isolation of the CATALASE A gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by complementation of the cta1 mutation
  1954. Human vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells lack CATALASE activity and are susceptible to hydrogen peroxide
  1955. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in Escherichia coli.
  1956. Immunocytochemical localization of CATALASE in rat liver.
  1957. A simultaneous visualization of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE on polyacrylamide gels
  1958. Determination of CATALASE, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase within the genus Legionella
  1959. Cloning and physical characterization of katE and katF required for CATALASE HPII expression in Escherichia coli
  1960. Activity of peroxisomal enzymes and intracellular distribution of CATALASE in Zellweger syndrome
  1961. Induction and inactivation of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase of Escherichia coli by ozone
  1962. Physical characterization of katG, encoding CATALASE HPI of Escherichia coli
  1963. Evidence for three differentially regulated CATALASE genes in Neurospora crassa: effects of oxidative stress, heat shock, and development
  1964. Protection against pulmonary oxygen toxicity in rats by the intratracheal administration of liposome-encapsulated superoxide dismutase or CATALASE
  1965. Photoperoxidation in lens and cataract formation: preventive role of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and vitamin C
  1966. Irreversible inactivation of CATALASE by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  1967. Possible involvement of nodule superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in leghemoglobin protection
  1968. Serum CATALASE enzyme activity in liver diseases.
  1969. Correlation between induction of duodenal tumor by hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE activity in mice
  1970. Expression of the developmentally regulated CATALASE (Cat) genes in maize
  1971. EPR spectral evidence for a dinuclear active site in the Lactobacillus plantarum manganese CATALASE
  1972. Nucleotide sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CTT1 gene and deduced amino‐acid sequence of yeast CATALASE T
  1973. Isolation and characterization of the rat CATALASE-encoding gene
  1974. Role of oxyradicals in the inactivation of CATALASE by ozone
  1975. Purification and biosynthesis of cottonseed (Gossypium hirsutum L.) CATALASE
  1976. Selective cytochemical localization of peroxidase, cytochrome oxidase and CATALASE in rat liver with 3, 3′-diaminobenzidine
  1977. Changes in Activity of Malate Dehydrogenase, CATALASE, Peroxidase and Superoxide Dismutase in Leaves of Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen Exposed to High …
  1978. Induction of CATALASE in Escherichia coli by ascorbic acid involves hydrogen peroxide
  1979. Protection by superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase inhibitors against alloxan-and streptozotocin-induced islet DNA strand …
  1980. The inhibition of CATALASE by glutathione
  1981. On the multiplicity of the enzyme CATALASE in mammalian liver
  1982. Polyethylene glycol-modified CATALASE exhibits unexpectedly high activity in benzene
  1983. Modulation of oxidant lung injury by using liposome-entrapped superoxide dismutase and CATALASE.
  1984. Heterogeneity of CATALASE in maturing and germinated cotton seeds
  1985. cDNA sequence coding for human kidney CATALASE.
  1986. Comparison of constitutive and inducible levels of expression of peroxisomal β-oxidation and CATALASE genes in liver and extrahepatic tissues of rat
  1987. Free radical production, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities and membrane integrity during senescence of petals of cut carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus)
  1988. Effect of deglycosylation on the stability of Aspergillus niger CATALASE
  1989. A correlation between voluntary ethanol consumption and brain CATALASE activity in the rat
  1990. Failure of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE to alter size of infarction in conscious dogs after 3 hours of occlusion followed by reperfusion.
  1991. Reperfusion injury by oxygen-derived free radicals? Effect of superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE, given at the time of reperfusion, on myocardial infarct size …
  1992. Human disease associated with” Campylobacter upsaliensis”(CATALASE-negative or weakly positive Campylobacter species) in the United States
  1993. Differentiation of CATALASE-positive campylobacters with special reference to morphology
  1994. Liposome-mediated augmentation of brain SOD and CATALASE inhibits CNS O2 toxicity
  1995. Intracellular CATALASE function: analysis of the catalatic activity by product formation in isolated liver cells
  1996. CATALASE activity in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
  1997. The metabolic activation of cyanamide to an inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase is catalyzed by CATALASE
  1998. Linkage map of the short arm of human chromosome 11: location of the genes for CATALASE, calcitonin, and insulin-like growth factor II
  1999. Alcohol precipitation of proteins: the relationship of denaturation and precipitation for CATALASE
  2000. Stable Variants of Chinese Hamster Fibroblasts Demonstrate Increases in CATALASE Activity
  2001. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on disseminated intravascular coagulation in rats
  2002. CATALASE in guinea pig hepatocytes is localized in cytoplasm, nuclear matrix and peroxisomes.
  2003. A biomimetic model for CATALASE: the mechanisms of reaction of hydrogen peroxide and hydroperoxides with iron (III) porphyrins
  2004. Purification and properties of CATALASE from sweet potato root microbodies
  2005. The development of antioxidant enzymatic defense in the perinatal rat lung: activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and CATALASE
  2006. Isolation of the CATALASE T structural gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by functional complementation
  2007. Suppression of experimental autoimmune neuritis by the oxygen radical scavengers superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2008. Hydrogen peroxide elicits activation of bovine pulmonary arterial soluble guanylate cyclase by a mechanism associated with its metabolism by CATALASE
  2009. The effect of CATALASE on recovery of heat-injured DNA-repair mutants of Escherichia coli
  2010. Differential inhibition of rat tissue CATALASE by cyanamide
  2011. Immunogenicity of polyethylene glycol-modified superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2012. CATALASE has only a minor role in protection against near-ultraviolet radiation damage in bacteria
  2013. Glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in liver, kidney, testis and brain regions of rats following cadmium exposure and subsequent withdrawal
  2014. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities after heat injury of Listeria monocytogenes
  2015. CATALASE mediated conversion of cyanamide to an inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase
  2016. Humic acid association with peroxidase and CATALASE
  2017. Pulse Radiolysis of CATALASE in Solution. I. Reactions of O−2 with CATALASE and Its Compound I
  2018. Control of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CATALASE T gene (CTT1) expression by nutrient supply via the RAS-cyclic AMP pathway
  2019. Serum CATALASE enzyme activity in acute pancreatitis.
  2020. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Toxoplasma gondii
  2021. Purification and characterization of a CATALASE-peroxidase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata.
  2022. Erythrocytes from cigarette smokers contain more glutathione and CATALASE and protect endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide better than do erythrocytes from …
  2023. Inhibition of CATALASE by 3, 3′-diaminobenzidine
  2024. Purification of glyoxysomal CATALASE and immunochemical comparison of glyoxysomal and leaf peroxisomal CATALASE in germinating pumpkin cotyledons
  2025. The activation of Aspergillus niger CATALASE by sodium n-dodecyl-sulphate
  2026. Purification and characterization of a novel type of CATALASE from the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae
  2027. Superoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation. Problems with the use of CATALASE as a specific probe for fenton-derived hydroxyl radicals
  2028. Spin trapping of the azidyl radical in azide/CATALASE/H2O2 and various azide/peroxidase/H2O2 peroxidizing systems.
  2029. Effect of CATALASE inactivation on levels of inorganic peroxides, superoxide dismutase, glutathione, oxygen consumption and life span in adult houseflies (Musca …
  2030. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in the red cells of patients with malignant lymphoma
  2031. Superoxol (CATALASE) test for identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  2032. Proteolytic modification of mouse liver CATALASE
  2033. Diminished synthesis of CATALASE due to the decrease in CATALASE mRNA in Japanese-type aCATALASEmia.
  2034. CATALASE prevents prostanoid release and lung lipid peroxidation after endotoxemia in sheep
  2035. Isolation of a cDNA clone for murine CATALASE and analysis of an aCATALASEmic mutant.
  2036. Inhibition of host cell CATALASE by Mycoplasma pneumoniae: a possible mechanism for cell injury
  2037. Effect of particle size on labeling density for CATALASE in protein A-gold immunocytochemistry.
  2038. Properties of CATALASE purified from a methanol‐grown yeast, Kloeckera sp. 2201
  2039. Relationships among CATALASE-positive campylobacters determined by deoxyribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization
  2040. Effects of the hepatocarcinogen nafenopin, a peroxisome proliferator, on the activities of rat liver glutathione-requiring enzymes and CATALASE in comparison to the …
  2041. Response of glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE to excess dietary iron in rats
  2042. CATALASE activity of C3 and C4 species and its relationship to mercury vapor uptake
  2043. Superoxide anion production and superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in Coxiella burnetii
  2044. Purification, crystallization, and properties of bovine milk CATALASE
  2045. Reactions of hypochlorite with CATALASE
  2046. Differential expression of the maize CATALASE genes during kernel development: the role of steady‐state mRNA levels
  2047. Cationization of CATALASE, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Effect of improved intraarticular retention on experimental arthritis in mice.
  2048. Soil macroinvertebrates, aldehyde oxidase, CATALASE, cellulase and peroxidase
  2049. CATALASE-dependent ethanol metabolism in vivo in deermice lacking alcohol dehydrogenase
  2050. Distribution of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and peroxidase activities among Treponema pallidum and other spirochetes
  2051. Relative importance of intracellular glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in vivo for prevention of peroxidation to the heart
  2052. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE reduce infarct size in a porcine myocardial occlusion-reperfusion model
  2053. Translational control of photo-induced expression of the Cat2 CATALASE gene during leaf development in maize
  2054. Safety evaluation of free radical scavengers PEG-CATALASE and PEG-superoxide dismutase
  2055. Involvement of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical in the ‘oxygen paradox’: reduction of creatine kinase release by CATALASE, allopurinol or deferoxamine, but not …
  2056. The association of human erythrocyte CATALASE with the cell membrane
  2057. Protection from toxic and mutagenic effects of H2O2 by CATALASE induction in Salmonella typhimurium
  2058. Normal CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in Werner’s syndrome.
  2059. An iron (III)-porphyrin complex with a vinylidene group inserted into an iron-nitrogen bond: Relevance to the structure of the active oxygen complex of CATALASE
  2060. Subcellular localization of superoxide dismutases, glutatione peroxidase and CATALASE in developing rat cerebral cortex
  2061. Superoxide dismutases, glutathione peroxidase, and CATALASE in neuromuscular disease
  2062. Radiation resistance and the CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase activities of seven human cell lines
  2063. Isozymes of bovine milk CATALASE
  2064. Kinetics of the aromatic l-amino acid oxidase from dead bovine spermatozoa and the effect of CATALASE on fertility of diluted bovine semen stored at 5 C and ambient …
  2065. CATALASE‐dependent ethanol oxidation in perfused rat liver: Requirement for fatty‐acid‐stimulated H2O2 production by peroxisomes
  2066. Loss of CATALASE activity in Tn1545-induced mutants does not reduce growth of Listeria monocytogenes in vivo
  2067. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE failed to improve neurologic outcome after complete cerebral ischemia in the dog
  2068. In vitro study on the interactive effects of heavy metals on CATALASE activity of Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters)
  2069. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in β‐thalassaemia (major and minor)
  2070. Characterization of Aspergillus niger CATALASE
  2071. Role of CATALASE and hydroxyl radicals in the oxidation of methanol by rat liver microsomes
  2072. Alterations inRhizobium trifolii CATALASE under water stress
  2073. Inactivation of CATALASE by phenylhydrazine. Formation of a stable aryl-iron heme complex.
  2074. Extraction of CATALASE from soil
  2075. Hepatic ethanol metabolism is mediated predominantly by CATALASE-H2O2 in the fasted state
  2076. Immunoelectron microscopic localization of CATALASE in human eosinophilic leukocytes.
  2077. Effect of CATALASE on Endotoxin-induced Acute Lung Injury in Unanesthetized Sheep1-3
  2078. Reaction of human myeloperoxidase with hydrogen peroxide and its true CATALASE activity
  2079. Isolation of human fibroblast CATALASE cDNA clones. Sequence of clones derived from spliced and unspliced mRNA.
  2080. CATALASE from Comamonas compransoris
  2081. Preparation of spray-dried, sugar-free egg powder using glucose oxidase and CATALASE coimmobilized on cotton cloth
  2082. Spatial organization of CATALASE proteins
  2083. Liposome-mediated augmentation of CATALASE in alveolar type II cells protects against H2O2 injury
  2084. Synthesis of CATALASE in Staphylococcus aureus MF-31
  2085. Influence of added CATALASE on chromosome stability and neoplastic transformation of mouse cells in culture
  2086. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in oxidative hemolysis. A study of Fanconi’s anemia erythrocytes
  2087. Determination of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, reduced glutathione and malonyldialdehyde in uremia
  2088. Comparative studies on superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in livers of fish and other Antarctic vertebrates.
  2089. Increased erythrocyte CATALASE activity in patients with hyperthyroidism
  2090. Study of the coinduction by fatty acids of CATALASE A and acyl‐CoA oxidase in standard and mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains
  2091. Regional mapping of CATALASE and Wilms tumor—aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities, and mental retardation triad loci to the chromosome segment 11p1305→ …
  2092. Effect of chronic ethanol treatment under partial CATALASE inhibition on the activity of enzymes related to peroxide metabolism in rat liver and heart
  2093. Activity and hematin content of CATALASE from greening sunflower cotyledons
  2094. Acceleration of peroxidase and CATALASE activities in leaves of wild dicotyledonous plants, as an indication of automobile exhaust pollution
  2095. Maturation of CATALASE precursor proceeds to a different extent in glyoxysomes and leaf peroxisomes of pumpkin cotyledons
  2096. Serological, taxonomic, and kinetic studies of the T and M classes of mycobacterial CATALASE
  2097. Resistance to hydrogen peroxide associated with altered CATALASE mRNA stability in MCF7 breast cancer cells
  2098. Effects of lead acetate on cerebral glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in the suckling rat
  2099. Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of full‐length cDNA for sweet potato CATALASE mRNA
  2100. Isolation and characterization of CATALASE-negative and CATALASE-weak strains of Campylobacter species, including” Campylobacter upsaliensis,” from humans with …
  2101. Chondrocyte antioxidant defences: the roles of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in protection against H2O2 dependent inhibition of proteoglycan biosynthesis.
  2102. Determination of the intrinsic kinetic constants of immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  2103. Effect of superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE on Ca2+ transport in ischemic and reperfused skeletal muscle
  2104. Correlation of H2O2 production and liver CATALASE during riboflavin deficiency and repletion in mammals
  2105. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE of calf trabecular meshwork.
  2106. Effects of CATALASE, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and 10 scavengers of oxygen radicals in carrageenin edema and in adjuvant arthritis of rats
  2107. Effects of intratracheal administration of bleomycin on GSH-shuttle enzymes, CATALASE, lipid peroxidation, and collagen content in the lungs of hamsters
  2108. Effect of elevated temperature on CATALASE and superoxide dismutase during maize development
  2109. Immunocytochemical localization of CATALASE and heat-labile enoyl-CoA hydratase in the livers of normal and peroxisome proliferator-treated rats.
  2110. Blockade of ethanol induced conditioned taste aversion by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole: evidence for CATALASE mediated synthesis of acetaldehyde in rat brain
  2111. Activation of CATALASE and other enzymes by corn oil intake
  2112. Studies on the CATALASE of Histoplasma capsulatum
  2113. CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in lymphocytes and erythrocytes in insulin-dependent diabetic children
  2114. Dinuclear manganese-oxide complexes as models for manganese CATALASE
  2115. Sequential alterations in the micro-localization of CATALASE in mouse liver after treatment with hypolipidemic drugs
  2116. CATALASE activity measured in rats naive to ethanol correlates with later voluntary ethanol consumption: possible evidence for a biological marker system of ethanol …
  2117. Deficiency in the CATALASE activity of xeroderma pigmentosum cell and simian virus 40-transformed human cell extracts
  2118. Inheritance and expression of tissue-specific CATALASE activity during development and aging in mice
  2119. … of synthesis of mitochondrial and non‐mitochondrial hemoproteins: a binding site for the HAP1 (CYP1) protein in the UAS region of the yeast CATALASE T gene (CTT1).
  2120. CATALASE is needed to avoid tissue peroxidation in Rana perezi in normoxia
  2121. Role of CATALASE in metabolism of hydrogen peroxide by the perfused rat heart
  2122. Coimmobilization of D-amino acid oxidase and CATALASE by entrapment ofTrigonopsis variabilis in radiation polymerised Polyacrylamide beads
  2123. Rapid CATALASE supplemental test for identification of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae
  2124. Change in CATALASE activity and dormancy of apricot buds in response to chilling
  2126. Post-translational import of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase and CATALASE into peroxisomes of rat liver in vitro.
  2127. Chronic effects of ethanol under partial inhibition of CATALASE activity in the rat heart: light and electron microscopic observations
  2128. γ-Butyrobetaine hydroxylase: a unique protective effect of CATALASE
  2129. Oxygenated perfluorocarbon, recombinant human superoxide dismutase, and CATALASE ameliorate free radical induced myocardial injury during heart preservation …
  2130. Cell-type-specific gene expression and aCATALASEmic peroxisomes in a null Cat2 CATALASE mutant of maize
  2131. An oxygen electrode‐based assay of CATALASE activity as a rapid method for estimating the bacterial content of foods
  2132. Crithidia fasciculata: a CATALASE-containing trypanosomatid sensitive to nitroheterocyclic drugs
  2133. CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and cytochrome P-450
  2134. Electron pathways in CATALASE and peroxidase enzymic catalysis. Metal and macrocycle oxidations of iron porphyrins and chlorins
  2135. Effect of polyethylene glycol-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on endotoxemia in pigs
  2136. CATALASE modeling. 2. Dynamics of reaction of a water-soluble and non. mu.-oxo dimer forming manganese (III) porphyrin with hydrogen peroxide
  2137. Effect of superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE on myocardial infarct size in rabbits.
  2138. Effects of supplementing hypothermic crystalloid cardioplegic solution with CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, allopurinol, or deferoxamine on functional recovery of …
  2139. CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase in the rete mirabile and gas gland epithelium of six species of marine fishes
  2140. Effects of paraquat administration on longevity, oxygen consumption, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione reductase, inorganic peroxides …
  2141. Photoinactivation in vivo of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
  2142. In vivo cooperation between hepatic CATALASE and superoxide dismutase demonstrated by diethyldithiocarbamate
  2143. An RFLP associated with the human CATALASE gene.
  2144. Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in a facultative anaerobe Ep01 lacking cytochrome, quinone and CATALASE
  2145. Purification and characterization of heme‐containing low‐activity form of CATALASE from greening pumpkin cotyledons
  2146. CATALASE negative Staphylococcus aureus.
  2147. Hydrogenase activity in CATALASE-positive strains of Campylobacter spp
  2148. CATALASE-like catalytic activity of ion-exchange resins modified with metalloporphyrins
  2149. Molecular cloning of cDNA for rat liver CATALASE
  2150. Bromide-assisted hydrogen peroxide disproportionation catalyzed by vanadium bromoperoxidase: absence of direct CATALASE activity and implications for the catalytic …
  2151. … of Larvae of the Cabbage Looper Moth, Trzchoplusza Ni: Subcellular Distribution and Activities of Superoxide Dismutase, CATALASE and Glutathione Reductase
  2152. Heterogeneity of CATALASE staining in human hepatocellular peroxisomes.
  2153. CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activity in cells with trisomy 21
  2154. Effects of β-carotene and retinyl palmitate on corn oil-induced superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in rats
  2155. Purification and properties of the Proteus mirabilis CATALASE
  2156. Liver superoxide dismutases and CATALASE during ethanol inhalation and withdrawal
  2157. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Azotobacter vinelandii grown in continuous culture at different dissolved oxygen concentrations
  2158. Resonance Raman spectra of bovine liver CATALASE compound II: Similarity of the heme environment to horseradish peroxidase compound II
  2159. Purification, properties and immunological detection of a bromoperoxidase-CATALASE from Streptomyces venezuelae and from a chloramphenicol-nonproducing mutant
  2160. Chromosome abnormalities involving 11p13 and low erythrocyte CATALASE activity
  2161. Use of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE to protect catecholamines from oxidation in tissue culture studies
  2162. Effect of hydrogen peroxide administration on life span, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione in the adult housefly, Musca domestica
  2163. A Reduced Activity of CATALASE as a Basis for Light Dependent Methionine Sensitivity of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mutant
  2164. Effect of Lysosomes on Rat‐Liver CATALASE
  2165. Biochemical properties of CATALASE-positive avian haemophili
  2166. CATALASE Synthesis and Turnover during Peroxisome Transition in the Cotyledons of Helianthus annuus L.
  2167. CATALASE prevents increased lung vascular permeability during air emboli in unanesthetized sheep
  2168. Age-related changes in CATALASE and peroxidase activities in the excised leaves of Eleusine coracana Gaertn. cv PR 202 during senescence
  2169. Purification of a human red blood cell protein supporting the survival of cultured CNS neurons, and its identification as CATALASE
  2170. Evidence for heme π cation radical species in compound I of horseradish peroxidase and CATALASE
  2171. Changes in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities and thiobarbituric acid-reactive products levels in early …
  2172. On the topology of the CATALASE biosynthesis and-degradation in the guinea pig liver
  2173. Binding of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate and protons to CATALASE
  2174. Approaches to prevention of asbestos-induced lung disease using polyethylene glycol (PEG)-conjugated CATALASE
  2175. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on catalysis of 6-hydroxydopamine and 6-aminodopamine autoxidation by iron and ascorbate
  2176. CATALASE T deficient mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  2177. CATALASE is Induced by Ecdysterone and Ethanol in Drosophila Cells
  2178. Factor analysis of the activities of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in normal tissues and neoplastic cell lines
  2179. CATALASE gene of the yeast Candida tropicalis Sequence analysis and comparison with peroxisomal and cytosolic CATALASEs from other sources
  2180. On the role of CATALASE in the oxidation of tissue fatty acids
  2181. Gene dosage effects on CATALASE expression in maize
  2182. Effects of diethyldithiocarbamate on life span, metabolic rate, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, inorganic peroxides and glutathione in the adult male housefly, Musca …
  2183. Decoration and shadowing of freeze-etched CATALASE crystals
  2184. Glutathione status and sensitivity to GSH-reacting compounds of Escherichia coli strains deficient in glutathione metabolism and/or CATALASE activity
  2185. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the murine malaria, Plasmodium berghei: content and subcellular distribution
  2186. CATALASE inhibitiob by sulfide and hydrogen peroxide-induced mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA102
  2187. Resonance Raman spectra of bovine liver CATALASE: Enhancement of proximal tyrosinate vibrations
  2188. Study of the subunit structure of CATALASE from Penicillium vitale
  2189. Isoelectric focusing of CATALASE from aCATALASEmic mouse and human blood, and cultured human skin fibroblasts
  2190. Feasibility of using CATALASE activity as an index of microbial loads on chicken surfaces
  2191. Enhancement of cysteamine cytotoxicity by hyperthermia and its modification by CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in Chinese hamster ovary cells
  2192. One-step purification and properties of CATALASE from leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica
  2193. Protection against oxygen-induced reperfusion injury of the isolated canine heart by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2194. Mechanism of CATALASE action
  2195. Peroxide sensitivity and CATALASE activity in Campylobacter jejuni after injury and during recovery
  2196. Genetic and biochemical characterization of a Cat2 CATALASE null mutant of Zea mays
  2197. A two dimensional model of alcohol consumption: possible interaction of brain CATALASE and aldehyde dehydrogenase
  2198. Purification and characterization of rat liver cytosol CATALASE
  2199. In vivo roles of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), CATALASE and the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) in deermice
  2200. Conversion of CATALASE to the secondary CATALASE-peroxide complex (compound II) by α-methyldopa
  2201. Effect of CATALASE on the proliferation of human lymphocytes to phorbol myristate acetate.
  2202. Antiphlogistic effect of CATALASE on experimental phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis
  2203. Cytochemical study of CATALASE and peroxidase in the mesophyll of Lolium rigidum plants treated with isoproturon
  2204. Cyanide is a product of the CATALASE-mediated oxidation of the alcohol deterrent agent, cyanamide
  2205. An immunological investigation of CATALASE in three mammalian species.
  2206. Peroxisomes in pigment epithelium and Müller cells of amphibian retina possess D-amino acid oxidase as well as CATALASE
  2207. Effect of cimetidine, hydrocortisone, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on the development of oedema after thermal injury
  2208. Autosomal dominant aniridia linked to the chromosome 11p13 markers CATALASE and D11S151 in a large Dutch family
  2209. A new facultative anaerobic xylan-using alkalophile lacking cytochrome, quinone, and CATALASE
  2210. Translational control of CATALASE synthesis by hemin in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2211. Cytochemical localization of uricase and CATALASE in developing root nodules of soybean
  2212. … leukocyte chemiluminescence induced by formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine and phorbol myristate acetate: effects of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  2213. Effects of cysteine on growth, protease production, and CATALASE activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens
  2214. Changes in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and the glutathione cycle during induced myeloid differentiation
  2215. Properties of a CATALASE from a peroxide-resistant mutant of Proteus mirabilis
  2216. … of peroxisomes: immunocytochemical investigation of peroxisomal membrane proteins in proliferating rat liver peroxisomes and in CATALASE-negative membrane loops …
  2217. Protection by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the isolated rat heart reperfused after prolonged cardioplegia: a combined study of metabolic, functional, and …
  2218. Immunocytochemical analysis of soluble epoxide hydrolase and CATALASE in mouse and rat hepatocytes demonstrates a peroxisomal localization before and after …
  2219. Hydrogen peroxide in the rabbit anterior chamber: effects on glutathione, and CATALASE effects on peroxide kinetics
  2220. Spectroscopic properties of spinach CATALASE
  2221. The differential response of tissue CATALASE activity to chronic alcohol administration in the rat
  2222. Interaction between pyridine adenine dinucleotides and bovine liver CATALASE: a chromatographic and spectral study
  2223. Protection of cultured endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced injury by antibody-conjugated CATALASE
  2224. Synthesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CATALASE A in vitro
  2225. Role of formaldehyde hydrazone and CATALASE in hydrazine-induced methylation of DNA guanine
  2226. Protection of Bacillus larvae from Oxygen Toxicity with Emphasis on the Role of CATALASE
  2227. CATALASE-negative mutants of Escherichia coli
  2228. Beneficial effects of coronary venous retroinfusion of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on reperfusion arrhythmias, myocardial function, and infarct size in dogs.
  2229. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase in the swim bladder of the physoclistous fish, Opsanus tau L
  2230. … -performance chromatographic and electrophoretic methods to the purification and characterization of glucose oxidase and CATALASE from Penicillium chrysogenum
  2231. Peptide mapping of peroxisomal CATALASE and its precursor. Comparison to the primary wheat germ translation product.
  2232. Butyrate increases CATALASE activity and protects rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells against hyperoxia
  2233. Effect of age on oxygen consumption, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione, inorganic peroxides and chloroform-soluble antioxidants in the adult male housefly …
  2234. Morphologic changes induced by short‐term ischemia in the rat testis are not affected by treatment with superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2235. Identification of CATALASE-producing Campylobacter species based on biochemical characteristics and on cellular fatty acid composition
  2236. Plasmid-influenced changes in Mycobacterium avium CATALASE activity
  2237. The grid sectioning technique: a study of CATALASE platelets.
  2238. Studies on the equilibria and kinetics of the reactions of ferrous CATALASE with ligands
  2239. Serum antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus CATALASE in patients with cystic fibrosis
  2240. Formation and use of poly-L-histidine-CATALASE complexes
  2241. Synthesis of CATALASE by “Streptococcus faecalis subsp. zymogenes”
  2242. The effect of allopurinol and CATALASE on cardiovascular hemodynamics during hemorrhagic shock.
  2243. Prevention of oxygen toxicity with superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in premature lambs
  2244. Biogenesis of peroxisomes in regenerating rat liver. I. Sequential changes of CATALASE and urate oxidase detected by ultrastructural cytochemistry.
  2245. Heme control region of the CATALASE T gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2246. Deficiency of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in patients with malignant lymphoma and acute myeloid leukemia
  2247. CATALASE activity of activated sludge
  2248. Quantitation of CATALASE activity by microspectrophotometry after diaminobenzidine staining
  2249. Effect of endogenous glutathione, superoxide dismutases, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase on adriamycin tolerance of Chinese hamster ovary cells
  2250. A comparative study of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation in red blood cells from muscular dystrophy patients and normal controls
  2251. Ultrastructure of the mesophyll cells of leaves of a CATALASE-deficient mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  2252. Relationship between peroxisomes and endoplasmic reticulum investigated by combined CATALASE and glucose-6-phosphatase cytochemistry.
  2253. Significance of CATALASE in peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA beta-oxidation.
  2254. Confirmation that CATALASE is a glycoprotein.
  2255. The structure of the active oxygen complex of CATALASE: Model calculations
  2256. Genetic studies of RBC CATALASE in the RAT Rattus norvegicus
  2257. Functional complementation of CATALASE‐defective peroxisomes in a methylotrophic yeast by import of the CATALASE A from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2258. The effect of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on the extended preservation of the ex vivo heart for transplantation
  2259. Effect of heme on Bacteroides distasonis CATALASE and aerotolerance
  2260. Cell‐Free Translation and Regulation of Candida tropicalis CATALASE Messenger RNA
  2261. Xanthine oxidase, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation in Mastomys natalensis: effect of Dipetalonema viteae infection.
  2262. Relationship between CATALASE activity and uptake of elemental mercury by rat brain
  2263. Respective roles of the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system and CATALASE in ethanol metabolism by deermice lacking alcohol dehydrogenase
  2264. Cyanogen bromide fragments of Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  2265. Genetically determined conidial longevity is positively correlated with superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, cytochrome c peroxidase, and …
  2266. Transmission electron microscopic studies on the quaternary structure of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  2267. Serological approaches for the characterization of CATALASE in tissue-derived mycobacteria.
  2268. Effect of physical activity on superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, inorganic peroxides and glutathione in the adult male housefly, Musca domestica
  2269. Potentiometric measurement of glucose concentration with an immobilized glucose oxidase/CATALASE electrode
  2270. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation liver of young mice of different ages
  2271. Physiological significance of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidases, and in vivo peroxidation, in selected tissues of the toadDiscoglossus pictus (Amphibia) during …
  2272. Subcellular distribution and activities of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in the southern armyworm, Spodoptera …
  2273. Human erythrocyte CATALASE, isolation with an improved method, characterization and comparison to bovine liver CATALASE
  2274. Evaluation of glucose oxidase-CATALASE treatment to improve the microbiological quality of poultry meat
  2275. Activities of enzymes in β-carboxylation reactions and of CATALASE in cell-free preparations from the symbiotic dinoflagellates Symbiodinium spp. from a coral, a clam …
  2276. Equivalence of the projected structure of thin CATALASE crystals preserved for electron microscopy by negative stain, glucose or embedding in the presence of tannic …
  2277. Ascorbate activates soluble guanylate cyclase via H2O2-metabolism by CATALASE
  2278. Effect of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on myocardial energy metabolism during ischemia and reperfusion.
  2279. Biosynthesis of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in chemostat culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2280. CATALASE activity among leptospires
  2281. CATALASE degradation in sunflower cotyledons during peroxisome transition from glyoxysomal to leaf peroxisomal function
  2282. Purification and characterization of a rat liver ferroactivator with CATALASE activity.
  2283. A comparative study of the low-temperature magnetic circular dichroism spectra of horse heart metmyoglobin and bovine liver CATALASE derivatives
  2284. Effect of erythropoietin on membrane lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase of rat RBC
  2285. Use of CATALASE polymorphisms in the study of sporadic aniridia
  2286. Inhibition of the peroxidatic activity of CATALASE towards alcohols by the aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor cyanamide
  2287. Origin of serum CATALASE activity in acute pancreatitis
  2288. A note on CATALASE enhanced recovery of acid injured cells of Gram negative bacteria and its consequences for the assessment of the lethality of L‐lactic acid …
  2289. Preparation and properties of mycelium bound glucose oxidase co-immobilized with excess CATALASE
  2290. Photohemolysis of erythrocytes enriched with superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase
  2291. On the Denaturation of Porcine Erythrocyte CATALASE with Alkali, Urea, and Guarndine Hydrochloride in Relation to Its Subunit Structure
  2292. Different levels of hyperoxia reversibly induce CATALASE activity in amphibian tadpoles
  2293. Determination of the inherent deactivation characteristics for the parallel poisoning of immobilized CATALASE
  2294. Purification and properties of goat liver CATALASE: two pH optima.
  2295. Radiation immobilization of CATALASE and its application
  2296. CATALASE levels in patients with aniridia and/or Wilms’ tumor: Utility and limitations
  2297. Mechanism of the increase in CATALASE activity through microbody development in wounded sweet potato root tissue
  2298. Copper catalyzed oxidation of ascorbate (vitamin C). Inhibitory effect of CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, serum proteins (ceruloplasmin, albumin, apotransferrin) and …
  2299. The partial amino acid sequence of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  2300. Avocado Mesocarp; Browning potential, carotenoid content, Polyphetiol oxidase, CATALASE and peroxidase activities: comparison between six avocado cultivars
  2301. Infantile Refsum disease: deficiency of CATALASE-containing particles (peroxisomes), alkyldihydroxyacetone phosphate synthase and peroxisomal β-oxidation enzyme …
  2302. Changes of peroxidase, CATALASE, and superoxide dismutase activities in ozone-fumigated spinach leaves
  2303. CATALASE from Aspergillus niger KUF-04
  2304. Failure of antioxidant therapy (polyethylene glycol-conjugated CATALASE) in acute pancreatitis
  2305. Studies on CATALASE compartmentation in digitonin-treated rat hepatocytes
  2306. Enzyme sequence and competition electrodes based on immobilized glucose oxidase, peroxidase and CATALASE
  2307. Temperature dependence in the absorption spectra of beef liver CATALASE
  2308. Utilization of methanol by a CATALASE-negative mutant of Hansenula polymorpha
  2309. Production of CATALASE-free alcohol oxidase by Hansenula polymorpha
  2310. Distribution of CATALASE and its modulation by 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in murine dermis and subpopulations of keratinocytes differing in …
  2311. Functional metal‐porphyrazine derivatives and their polymers. VIII. CATALASE‐like activity of Fe (III)‐and Co (II)‐2, 9, 16, 23‐tetracarboxyphthalocyanine supported on …
  2312. Application of automatic image analysis for morphometric studies of peroxisomes stained cytochemically for CATALASE
  2313. Correlation between superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in isolated rat hepatocytes during fetal development
  2314. CATALASE synthesis in Escherichia coli is not controlled by catabolite repression
  2315. Evidence for the processing of maize CATALASE-2 and purification of its messenger RNA aided by translation of antibody-bound polysomes
  2316. Glutathione peroxidase and reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and CATALASE activities in multiple sclerosis
  2317. Apparent effect of CATALASE on airway edema in guinea pigs: role of endotoxin contamination
  2318. Application of automatic image analysis for morphometric studies of peroxisomes stained cytochemically for CATALASE
  2319. Deferent behaviour of normal and neoplastic cells cultured in vitro in the presence of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  2320. Hepatic CATALASE and superoxide dismutases after acute ethanol administration in rats
  2321. Purification of copper-zinc-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE from human erythrocytes by copper-chelate affinity chromatography
  2322. Effects of 3‐Arnino‐1, 2, 4‐triazole on Ethanol‐induced Open‐Field Activity: Evidence for Brain CATALASE Mediation of Ethanol’s Effects
  2323. Effect of starvation and refeeding on CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities in skeletal and cardiac muscles from 12-month-old rats
  2324. A separate CATALASE and peroxidase in sea urchin sperm
  2326. Hydrogen Peroxide and CATALASE Activity
  2327. Effect of chronic ethanol, CATALASE inhibitor 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole and clofibrate treatment on lipid peroxidation in rat myocardium.
  2328. A prenatal test for the cerebro-hepato-renal (Zellweger) syndrome by demonstration of the absence of CATALASE-containing particles (peroxisomes) in cultured amniotic …
  2329. On the acid denaturation of porcine erythrocyte CATALASE in relation to its subunit structure
  2330. A method of quantitative determination of alcohol oxidase and CATALASE in yeast colonies
  2331. Near-infrared emission in the CATALASE-hydrogen peroxide system: a reevaluation
  2332. [54] Stabilization of pyranose 2-oxidase and CATALASE by chemical modification
  2333. Factors Affecting CATALASE Activity in Staphylococcus aureus MF‐31
  2334. CATALASE pretreatment attenuates oleic acid-induced edema in isolated rabbit lung
  2335. In vitro toxicity of hydrogen peroxide against normal vs. tumor rat hepatocytes: Role of CATALASE and of the glutathione redox cycle
  2336. In vitro synthesis of CATALASE protein in sweet potato root microbodies
  2337. Porphyrin test as an alternative to benzidine test for detecting cytochromes in CATALASE-negative gram-positive cocci
  2338. Effect of diamide administration on longevity, oxygen consumption, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, inorganic peroxides and glutathione in the adult housefly, Musca …
  2339. … Formation in Malpighian Tubules of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori: Reaction Mechanism of Cinnabarinate Formation in the Presence of CATALASE and Manganese Ions
  2340. Effects of multiple doxorubicin doses on mouse cardiac and hepatic CATALASE
  2341. Spatial pattern of CATALASE (Cat2) gene activation in scutella during postgerminative development in maize
  2342. Time-course alteration of lipid peroxidation and the activities of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase in blast-infected rice leaves
  2343. Effect of level of dietary protein and total or partial starvation on CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity in cardiac and skeletal muscles in young rats
  2344. A CATALASE from tomato fruit
  2345. Uptake of Elemental Mercury and Activity of CATALASE in Rat, Hamster, Guinea‐pig, Normal and ACATALASEmic Mice
  2346. Ligand Binding to CATALASE and Metmyoglobin: Direct Measurements of Proton Involvement
  2347. Posttranscriptional heme control of CATALASE synthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2348. Superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE improves post-ischaemic recovery in the diabetic heart
  2349. Increase in CATALASE mRNA in wounded sweet potato tuberous root tissue
  2350. Tryptic peptides of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 1. Isolation and amino acid composition of soluble peptides
  2351. Evaluation of the Rapid Strep System for identification of gram-positive, CATALASE-negative cocci isolated from bovine intramammary infections
  2352. Localization of the human CATALASE and apolipoprotein AI genes to chromosome 11
  2353. Lipoperoxides, vitamin E, and activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and CATALASE in regenerating rat liver.
  2354. CATALASE determination in various etiologic forms of Wilms’ tumor and gonadoblastoma
  2355. Histoenzymatic alterations in kidney CATALASE activity following hormonal treatment of Syrian hamsters
  2356. The distinct role of CATALASE and DNA repair systems in protection against hydrogen peroxide in Escherichiacoli
  2357. Oscillatory accumulation of CATALASE during the cell cycle of Acanthamoeba castellanii
  2358. Developmental and tissue‐specific control of CATALASE expression in Drosophila melanogaster: Correlations with rates of enzyme synthesis and degradation
  2359. Inhibition of CATALASE-dependent ethanol metabolism in alcohol dehydrogenase-deficient deermice by fructose
  2360. Activity of IAA oxidase, CATALASE and amylase in morphactin-induced malformations of mango inflorescences
  2361. Serum sialyltransferase and liver CATALASE activity in cachectic nude mice bearing a human malignant melanoma
  2362. Compartmentation of peroxisomal enzymes in algae of the group of prasinophyceae: occurrence of possible microbodies without CATALASE
  2363. Heat and pH dependence of CATALASE. A comparative study
  2364. Determination of intrinsic parameters for immobilization reactions of CATALASE and amyloglucosidase in porous glass supports
  2365. Properties of CATALASE Purified from Whole Cells and Peroxisomes of n‐Alkane‐Grown Candida tropicalis
  2366. Immunocytochemical localization of urate oxidase, fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, and CATALASE in bovine kidney peroxisomes.
  2367. Correlations between the CATALASE-like activity, and the H2O2-ATP production of haemocyanin and its subunits; implications with the radioresistance of the scorpion …
  2368. Susceptibility of Treponema pallidum to the toxic products of oxygen reduction and the non-treponemal nature of its CATALASE.
  2370. Inducible CATALASE in Pseudomonas fluorescens
  2371. Detection of a novel CATALASE in extracts of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare
  2372. Interaction of nitrite with CATALASE in the perfused rat liver
  2373. CATALASE activity and its heat inactivation for differentiation of Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, and Mycobacterium scrofulaceum
  2374. Effect of endotoxin treatment and tumour induction on liver CATALASE activity in mice
  2375. Alteration of mutagenic potentials by peroxidase, CATALASE, and superoxide dismutase
  2376. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  2377. On the interactions of CATALASE with subcellular structure
  2378. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on endotoxin shock in rats
  2379. Parenteral superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE diminishes pancreatic edema in sodium taurocholate-induced pancreatitis in the rat.
  2380. Use of CATALASE from Escherichia coli in model experiments for oxygen supply of microorganisms with hydrogen peroxide
  2381. Subcellular distribution and characterization of porcine kidney CATALASE
  2382. Association of del (11)(p15. 1p12), aniridia, CATALASE deficiency, and cardiomyopathy
  2383. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in infantile, late infantile and juvenile neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis
  2384. Establishment of mouse cell lines homozygous for temperature-sensitive mutation in CATALASE gene
  2385. The Effect of CATALASE and Methionine-S-oxide Reductase on Oxidised α1-Proteinase Inhibitor
  2386. Membrane enclosed alginate beads containing Gluconobacter cells and molecular dispersed CATALASE
  2387. Evaluation of CATALASE and peroxidase activity as indicators of Fe and Mn nutrition for soybean
  2388. CATALASE-like activity of anion-exchange resin modified with metalloporphyrin in the oxidation of methyl alcohol and its application to the determination of hydrogen …
  2389. Effect of dietary zinc or copper deficiency on CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities in rat heart
  2390. Evaluation of whole blood CATALASE estimation for diagnosis of malignancy
  2391. Ethanol metabolism in alcohol dehydrogenase deficient deermice is mediated by the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system, not by CATALASE.
  2393. Parallel inheritance of tissue CATALASE activity and immunostimulatory action of amphotericin B in inbred mouse strains
  2394. Effects of growth conditions on superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus
  2395. Regulation of CATALASE‐specific mRNA and its processing during development in mice
  2396. Inhibition by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE of the damage of isolated Leishmania mexicana amazonensis by phenazine methosulfate
  2397. Lipid metabolism in microsomal fraction from photosynthetic tissue. Effects of CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide on oleate desaturation
  2398. Identification of mycobacteria by specific precipitation of CATALASE with absorbed sera
  2399. Identification of ‘Campylobacter upsaliensis’ and other CATALASE-negative campylobacters from paediatric blood cultures by numerical analysis of electrophoretic …
  2400. REVIEW The Oxidation of Metallic Mercury by CATALASE in Relation to ACATALASEmia
  2401. Genetic mapping of katA, a locus that affects CATALASE 1 level in Bacillus subtilis
  2402. Non-coordinate genetic alterations in the expression of CATALASE and other glyoxysomal enzymes during maize development
  2403. Rapid immunoelectrophoretic assay for detection of serum antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus CATALASE in patients with pulmonary aspergillosis
  2404. The nucleotide sequence of complementary DNA and the deduced amino acid sequence of peroxisomal CATALASE of the yeast Candida tropicalis pK233
  2405. Hydrogen peroxide detoxication by CATALASE in subcellular fractions of human brain tumors and normal brain tissues
  2406. Feasibility of using CATALASE activity as an index of microbial loads on food surfaces
  2407. CATALASE and lipopolysaccharide enhance proliferation in the rat mixed lymphocyte reaction
  2408. Discrepancy between the different subcellular activities of rat liver CATALASE and superoxide dismutases in response to acute ethanol administration
  2409. CATALASE activity and isozyme pattern of the metalloenzyme system, superoxide dismutase, as a function of leaf development during growth of Pisum sativum L. plants
  2410. Ultrastructural localization of CATALASE and D-amino acid oxidase in ‘normal’fetal mouse liver
  2411. CATALASE: a system for studying the molecular basis of developmental gene regulation
  2412. Immature precursor CATALASE in subcellular fractions of rat liver
  2413. Conversion of methanol to formic acid through the coupling of the enzyme reactions of alcohol oxidase, CATALASE and formaldehyde dismutase
  2414. Peroxidase activity of CATALASE with respect to aromatic amines
  2415. Detection of peroxisomes in human liver and kidney fixed with formalin and embedded in paraffin: the use of CATALASE and lipid β-oxidation enzymes as …
  2416. Effect of age, sex, and smoking on serum CATALASE activity.
  2417. Glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the red blood cells of GSH-normal and GSH-deficient sheep
  2418. CATALASE-positive microperoxisomes in rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscle fiber types.
  2419. Similarities Between CATALASE and Cyt0s0lic Epoxide Hydrolase
  2420. CATALASE enhances damage to DNA by bleomycin-iron (II): the role of hydroxyl radicals.
  2421. CATALASE in cultured skin fibroblasts from patients with the cerebro-hepato-renal (Zellweger) syndrome: normal maturation in peroxisome-deficient cells
  2422. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in mice with natural lymphocytic leukemia
  2423. Peripheral blood CATALASE in patients undergoing renal transplantation
  2424. The levels of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and carbonic anhydrase in erythrocytes of patients with Down’s syndrome
  2425. On the compartmentalization of CATALASE, fatty acyl-CoA oxidase and urate oxidase in mammalian livers, and the influence of clofibrate treatment on this …
  2426. Characterization of human residual CATALASE of an aCATALASEmic patient by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis …
  2427. Automated image analysis of rat liver peroxisomes after treatment with thyroid hormones: changes in number, size and CATALASE reaction
  2428. An electron spin resonance study of oxyradical generation in superoxide dismutase-and CATALASE-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli K-12
  2429. Evaluation of the CATALASE and Limulus Amoeboctye Lysate Tests for Rapid Determination of The Microbial Quality of Vacuum-Packed Cooked Turkey
  2430. Intrinsic CATALASE dot blot immunoassay for identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, and Mycobacterium intracellulare
  2431. Pulmonary antioxidant enzyme maturation in the fetal and neonatal rat. II. The influence of maternal iron supplements upon fetal lung CATALASE activity
  2432. Influence of endogenous CATALASE activity on the sensitivity of the oral bacterium Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and the oral haemophili to the bactericidal …
  2433. … phosphoric acid and acidified ammonium persulphate and a method for the detection of surviving bacteria involving solid medium repair in the presence of CATALASE
  2434. Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy: impaired plasmalogen biosynthesis and peroxisomal β-oxidation due to a deficiency of CATALASE-containing particles (peroxisomes) …
  2435. Concentrations of superoxide dismutase (copper and manganese), CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in red cells, platelets and plasma in patients with rheumatoid …
  2436. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in purified Frankia vesicles
  2437. CuZn superoxide dismutase, Mn superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in glutathione-deficient human fibroblasts
  2438. Effect of intravenous CATALASE on the pulmonary vascular response to endotoxemia in goats
  2439. CATALASE, peroxidase, and chlorphyll relationships to yield and iron deficiency chlorosis in Cicer genotypes
  2440. Effects of experimentally altered glutathione levels on life span, metabolic rate, superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and inorganic peroxides in the adult housefly, Musca …
  2441. The effects of CATALASE, indomethacin and FPL 55712 on vascular permeability in the hamster cheek pouch following scald injury
  2442. CATALASE enzymatic activity and electrophoretic patterns in adult amphibians–a comparative study.
  2443. Microsomal and cytosolic epoxide hydrolases, the peroxisomal fatty acid β‐oxidation system and CATALASE: Activities, distribution and induction in rat liver parenchymal …
  2444. The effect of CATALASE on the inactivation of tyrosinase by ascorbic acid and by cysteine or glutathione.
  2445. Cinnabarinic Acid Formation in Malpighian Tubules of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. Participation of CATALASE in Cinnabarinic Acid Formation in the Presence of …
  2446. Histochemical localization of CATALASE in cultured lens epithelial cells
  2447. Biosynthesis of liver CATALASE in rats treated with allylisopropylacetylcarbamide. III. Occurrence of a possible precursor to CATALASE
  2448. Partial purification and characterization of mRNAs encoding glycollate oxidase and CATALASE
  2449. Catecholamine stimulation of copper dependent haemolysis: protective action of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, hydroxyl radical scavengers and serum proteins …
  2450. Enhancement of crystalloid cardioplegic protection against global normothermic ischemia by superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE but not diltiazem in the isolated …
  2451. CATALASE protection of neuronal survival in vitro is not directed to the accumulation of peroxides in the culture medium
  2452. Enhanced lipid peroxidation of erythrocyte membranes and phosphatidylcholine liposomes induced by a xanthine oxidase system in the presence of CATALASE
  2453. Characterization of CATALASE by micro-immunoprecipitation in tissue-derived cells of Mycobacterium lepraemurium TMC 1701
  2454. Influence of magnetic field on hydrogen peroxide decomposition by CATALASE
  2455. Peroxidase, CATALASE and palmitoyl‐CoA hydrolase activity in blanched carrot cubes after storage at− 20° C
  2456. Distribution of 59-and 55-kDa CATALASE in dark-and light-grown pumpkin and various other plant tissues
  2457. Studies on CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and superoxidismutase activities in aging cells of Paramecium tetraurelia
  2458. CATALASE like activity of iron phthalocyanine incorporated in a carbon paste electrode
  2459. Flow microcalorimetric study of immobilized enzyme kinetics using the co-immobilized glucose oxidase-CATALASE system
  2460. The catalatic and peroxidatic activity of irradiated dilute aqueous solutions of CATALASE
  2461. Role of cytochrome P 450 IIE1 and CATALASE in the oxidation of acetonitrile to cyanide
  2462. A comparative study of human placental and fetal liver CATALASE during development
  2463. Microperoxisomes in the epithelial cells of the amphibian urinary bladder: an electron microscopic demonstration of CATALASE and malate synthase.
  2464. A Laboratory Experiment of the Purification of CATALASE.
  2465. Bovine non-pigmented and pigmented ciliary epithelial cells in culture: comparison of CATALASE, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities
  2466. A study of the CATALASE monomer produced by lyophilization
  2467. Morphological changes and CATALASE activity in the hearts of CD 1 mice following acute starvation or single doses of doxorubicin, epirubicin or mitoxantrone.
  2468. Hematin iron valence in CATALASE and peroxidase compound I: relationship to free radical reaction mechanism
  2469. Biosynthesis of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: effects of oxygen and cytochromec deficiency
  2470. Theoretical prediction and experimental measurement of the bile-pigment isomer pattern obtained from degradation of CATALASE haem
  2471. Ethanenitronate is a peroxide-dependent suicide substrate for CATALASE.
  2472. Synergistic action of gamma interferon and CATALASE to reverse the suppressive effect of peritoneal macrophages on concanavalin A‐induced lymphocyte proliferation
  2473. Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on polymerization of tubulin protection by superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, or anaerobic conditions
  2474. Radiation-induced inactivation of bovine liver CATALASE in nitrous oxide-saturated solutions
  2475. The oxidation mechanism of metallic mercury in vitro by CATALASE.
  2476. Properties of CATALASE subfractions separated by chromatofocusing of aCATALASEmia hemolysates.
  2477. Effect of 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole, a CATALASE inhibitor, on peroxide content of suspension-cultured pear fruit cells
  2478. The effect of three hypolipidemic drugs on CATALASE activity and peroxisomal and mitochondrial palmitate oxidation in rat cardiac and skeletal muscle
  2479. The structure of beef liver CATALASE
  2480. Rapid identification of the Bacteroides fragilis group by bile disk and CATALASE tests
  2481. On the synthesis and incorporation of CATALASE and urate oxidase into the peroxisomes of mouse liver.
  2482. Ubiquitous formation of CATALASE compound II in hemoglobin-free perfused rat liver and detection of novel spectral species
  2483. Purification and characterization of CATALASE from developing embryos of Hyalomma dromedarii (Acarina: Ixodidae)
  2484. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and CATALASE activities in equine erythrocytes.
  2485. CATALASE, esterase and peroxidase enzymes in seeds and leaves of Malus× domestica Borkh
  2486. Changes in lipid peroxidation and activities of xanthine oxidase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in kidneys of cephaloridine-administered rats
  2487. CATALASE-mediated cyclization: Synthesis of 3-allyl-4-imino substituted 2 (1H)-quinazolinones and 1, 3-benzoxazine-2 (3H)-ones
  2488. Complexation of amphoteric copolymer of 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine-acrylic acid with copper (II) ions and CATALASE-like activity of polyampholyte-metal complexes
  2489. New types of CATALASE regulatory mutants in yeast
  2490. Activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in two L5178Y murine lymphoma cell strains with different radiosensitivities
  2491. Decrease in CATALASE activity of cultured cells by Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection
  2492. Polypeptide chain fragments of the Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  2493. CATALASE activity of a Pseudomonas putida strain oxidizing arsenic
  2494. Nonstationary inhibition of enzyme action. The cyanide inhibition of CATALASE
  2495. Radiation-induced inhibition of human lymphocyte blastogenesis: the effect of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2496. Enhanced killing of penicillin-treated gram-positive cocci by human granulocytes: role of bacterial autolysins, CATALASE, and granulocyte oxidative pathways.
  2497. Plasmid profiles of clinical isolates of Campylobacter with no or weak CATALASE activity
  2498. Stability of glucose oxidase and CATALASE adsorbed on variously activated 13X zeolite
  2499. Isolation of cDNA clones coding for peroxisomal proteins of Candida tropicalis: identification and sequence of a clone for CATALASE
  2500. Effect of permeabilization on the thermostability of CATALASE in immobilized yeast cells
  2501. The gene for CATALASE is assigned between the antigen loci MIC4 and MIC11
  2502. Identification and characterization of catA, a mutation causing CATALASE deficiency in Dictyostelium discoideum
  2503. Tryptic peptides of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 2. Isolation and amino acid composition of unsoluble peptides
  2504. Cumene Hydroperoxide-Supported N-Demethylation of N, N-Dimethylanilines Catalyzed by CATALASE
  2505. Trigonal CATALASE crystals: A new molecular packing assignment obtained from sections preserved with tannic acid
  2506. Effects of Peroxide and CATALASE on Near Ultraviolet Radiation Sensitivity in Escherichia Coli Strains
  2507. Reversal of human myeloid leukemia cells into normal granulocytes and macrophages: activity and intracellular distribution of CATALASE
  2508. … from mice treated with Nocardia rubra cell-wall skeleton: inhibition of macrophage cytotoxicity by a protease inhibitor but not by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2509. CATALASE and sulfur in the rice rhizosphere: an ultrastructural histochemical demonstration of a symbiotic relationship
  2510. The Role of Cellular CATALASE on the Radiosensitization of Bacterial Vegetative Cells by N2O
  2511. Oxidation of mercury by CATALASE and peroxidase in homogeneous solution
  2512. CATALASE, lipoxygenase, and peroxidase activities in cucumber pickles as affected by fermentation, processing, and calcium chloride
  2513. Kinetics of the organic hydroperoxide-supported oxidation of aminopyrine catalyzed by CATALASE
  2514. Antagonism between CATALASE and ascorbic acid in control of normal and neoplastic cell multiplication
  2515. The kinetics of cyanide binding by human erythrocyte CATALASE
  2516. Activity of CATALASE and peroxidase during natural and virus induce papaya leaf ageing
  2517. Improvement of CATALASE Activity and Formaldehyde Production in a Mutant of a Methanol Yeast, Candida boidinii S2, Grown on Hydrogen Peroxide-containing …
  2518. Interaction of Radiation-generated Radicals with Myoglobin in Aqueous Solution: III. Effects of Oxygen and CATALASE on the Product Distribution in Solutions of …
  2519. Cell multiplication of an ascites tumour in the presence of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2520. CATALASE activity in cell-free preparations of some symbiotic and nonsymbiotic marine invertebrates
  2521. Deficiency of Dihydroxyacetonephosphate Acyltransferase and CATALASE-containing Particles in Patients with Infantile Refsum’s Disease
  2522. Intracellular inhibition of CATALASE by alpha-methyldopa.
  2523. Further evaluation of the effects of laminin, testosterone, ganglioside GM 1, and CATALASE on early growth in rat nerve regeneration chambers
  2524. Prosthetic group content and ligand binding properties of a spinach CATALASE
  2525. A new property of CATALASE: the concerted synthesis of nucleotide triphosphates
  2526. Suppression of primary antibody response in genetically susceptible mice infected with Salmonella typhimurium: restoration by CATALASE
  2527. Effect of carnitine administration on levels of lipid peroxides and activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats
  2528. Changes in CATALASE, Glutathione Peroxidase and Glutathione‐S‐transferase Activities in the Liver of Newts Exposed to 2‐Methyl‐4‐chlorophenoxyacetic Acid …
  2529. Demonstration of glucose-6-phosphatase and peroxisomal CATALASE activity by ultrastructural cytochemistry in oval cells from livers of carcinogen-treated rats.
  2530. Effect of ethanol and the CATALASE inhibitor aminotriazole on lipid peroxidation in the rat myocardium
  2531. CATALASE in sulfide-and methane-dependent macrofauna from petroleum seeps
  2532. Deoxygenation of supporting electrolytes in stripping voltammetry by glocuse and co-immobilized glocuse oxidase and CATALASE in a flow system
  2533. Effect of light and benzyladenine on dark‐treated growing rice leaves (Oryza sativa). I. Changes in chlorophyll content and CATALASE activity
  2534. Reaction of CATALASE with ethylhydrogen peroxide
  2535. Inactivation of low-Km rat liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase by cyanamide in vitro: A CATALASE-mediated reaction
  2536. Quantitative addition of dissolved oxygen to in situ benthic chamber systems by use of CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide
  2537. The effects of clofibrate and 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on liver CATALASE and lipid metabolism in mice
  2538. Formation and magnetic properties of hemin-azide-dimethyl sulfoxide, a model complex for azide CATALASE
  2539. Lack of effect of deferoxamine, dimethyl sulfoxide, and CATALASE on monocrotaline pyrrole pulmonary injury
  2540. NADPH mediates the inactivation of bovine liver CATALASE by monochloroamine
  2541. A regulatory mutation in yeast which affects CATALASE T formation and metabolism of carbohydrate reserves
  2542. Quantitative determination of CATALASE activity produced by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Neisseria meningitidis and other bacterial strains …
  2543. Studies on CATALASE in ageing Zaprionus para vittiger (diptera) with special reference to an antioxidant feeding
  2544. Post-irradiation modification of oxygen-dependent and independent damage by CATALASE in barley seeds
  2545. Studies on superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in different tissues of rat infected with Plasmodium berghei.
  2546. CATALASE as a manganese-dependent NADPH peroxidase
  2547. CATALASE and peroxidase activity of porphyrins
  2548. Effect of ethylene on the increase in CATALASE activity through microbody development in wounded sweet potato root tissue
  2549. The level and stability of residual CATALASE in cultured aCATALASEmic skin fibroblasts.
  2550. Near-infrared magnetic circular dichroism of CATALASE and heme octapeptide: comparison with other hemoproteins
  2551. Protein and nucleotide contamination of bovine liver CATALASE used in culture medium explains growth of Trypanosoma cruzi
  2552. Effects of doxorubicin on mouse heart CATALASE.
  2553. Bacterial metabolism of aliphatic diols. Function of alcohol oxidases and CATALASE in Flavobacterium sp. NCIB 11171
  2554. CATALASE activity measurement with the disk flotation method
  2555. The absence of adaptive changes in tissue activities of glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE following selenium and vitamin E …
  2556. CATALASE peroxidase and IAA‐oxidase activities and O‐diphenolics contents in sunflower leaves grown with different boron levels
  2557. An evaluation of the effect of CATALASE and 3, 3-thiodipropionic acid on the recovery of freeze-injured coliform bacteria
  2558. The Uptake iu vitro of Metallic Mercury by Lactoperoxidase and CATALASE
  2559. Owl monkey gene mapping: the assignment of gene loci for CATALASE, β-globin gene cluster, HRAS1, insulin, and parathyroid hormone
  2560. Fatty acids supply H2O2 at high rates for the oxidation of ethanol by CATALASE.
  2561. Activity and stability of CATALASE in the organs of aCATALASEmic mice Comparison of activities at different incubating temperatures by the perborate method
  2562. Peroxidase activity of succinylated CATALASE
  2563. In vitro translation of cytosolic and peroxisomal epoxide hydrolase and CATALASE on liver polyribosomes from untreated and clofibrate-treated C57B1/6 mice
  2564. Effect of allopurinol or superoxide dismutase plus CATALASE on cardiovascular function after burn injury in the anaesthetized rat
  2565. Nucleotide sequence of peroxisomal CATALASE from the yeast Candida tropicalis pK233: identification of an upstream BamHI site polymorphism.
  2566. The Effect of Alkaline Denaturation on Organic Hydroperoxide-supported N-Demethylase Activities of CATALASE
  2567. Morphometric cytochemistry of CATALASE and myeloperoxidase-containing granules in the rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocyte
  2568. A small-angle X-ray scattering study on pre-irradiated malate synthase. The influence of formate, superoxide dismutase, and CATALASE on the X-ray induced …
  2569. Induction of cytochrome P‐450 and CATALASE activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by UV and X‐ray irradiation. Possible role for cytochrome P‐450 in cell protection …
  2570. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities of cultured erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum.
  2571. Haemoprotein b-590 (Escherichia coli), a Reducible CATALASE and Peroxidase: Evidence for its Close Relationship to Hydroperoxidase I and a “Cytochrome a1b” …
  2572. A comparison of two CATALASE preparations used to examine vascular permeability
  2573. Serum antibodies to the CATALASE antigen of Aspergillus fumigatus in cattle
  2574. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase in four strains of Neisseria meningitidis of different virulence
  2575. Effect of hyperoxia acclimation on CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities and in vivo peroxidation products in various tissues of the frog Rana ridibunda perezi
  2577. Failure of heparin, superoxide dismutase, and CATALASE to protect against decompression sickness.
  2578. Comparable effects in the radiolysis and ultrasound sonolysis of aqueous solutions of CATALASE
  2579. Importance of hydrogen peroxide in nitrofurantoin-induced cytotoxicity: evidence from an inbred CATALASE-deficient strain of mice.
  2580. Relationship between uptake of mercury vapor by mushrooms and its CATALASE activity
  2581. Pressure variation of enzymatic reaction rates: III. CATALASE.
  2582. Preliminary data regarding decreased CATALASE specific activity in the tears as a result of environmental stress
  2583. Variation of a 470 000 daltons antigen complex and CATALASE antigen in clinical isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus
  2584. Application of a Membrane Reactor to Gas-Liquid Two-phase Enzyme: Reactions: Oxidation of Glucose by Soluble Immobilized Glucose Oxidase and CATALASE
  2585. Cu (II)-dependent inactivation of Mn-CATALASE by hydroxylamine
  2586. Isoelectric Focusing Property of Blood CATALASE in HypoCATALASEmic and ACATALASEmic Mice, and Japanese ACATALASEmia
  2587. Does CATALASE play a role in adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity?
  2588. … of the iodination reaction in normal human neutrophils and in whole blood by penicillamine, congeners and intracellular enzyme CATALASE and superoxide dismutase.
  2589. Trace Determination of Iron (ID) by a Kinetic Method Based on CATALASE like Activity of [(trien) Fe (OH) 2]+ Complex on Decomposition Rate of Hydrogen Peroxide
  2590. Oxidation of o-dihydroxyphenols by CATALASE and its application to the colorimetric determination and visualization of CATALASE on polyacrylamide gel
  2591. CATALASE-aminotriazole assay, an invalid method for measurement of hydrogen peroxide production by wood decay fungi
  2592. Biosynthesis of CATALASE in aerobically grown Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Effect of glucose and cyclic 3′, 5′-adenosine monophosphate
  2593. The decrease of CATALASE or esterase D activity in patients with microdeletions of 11p or 13q does not increase their radiosensitivity.
  2594. A comparative analysis of the active site properties of the resting states of cytochrome c peroxidase, metmyoglobin, and CATALASE
  2595. Peroxidase activity of CATALASE modified by progesterone
  2597. Interaction with deoxycholate of rat liver peroxisomal and cytosolic CATALASE
  2598. Regulation of CATALASE biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: factor repressing CATALASE biosynthesis.
  2599. Human erythrocyte CATALASE activity in Japanese adults
  2600. Selective inhibition of cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activity in vitro by compounds that inhibit CATALASE
  2601. Effect of chronic aurothioglucose treatment of rats on kidney CATALASE and cytochromes
  2602. Combined modified heat-stable acid phosphatase and 68 C CATALASE test for differentiation of mycobacteria
  2603. Measurement of amino acid racemization in alkali-treated proteins using an immobilized D-amino acid oxidase-CATALASE reactor
  2604. Effect of the Radioprotector 2-Mercaptopropionylglycine (MPG) on the Radiation Inactivation of CATALASE In Vitro
  2605. Interference of target cell CATALASE with an early step of the neutrophil cytolytic pathway.
  2606. Application of ultrafiltration for concentration and purification of Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  2607. CATALASE activity in rice shoot apex during panicle initiation
  2608. CATALASE depression in malignant liver from chickens with myeloblastosis and Marek’s disease
  2609. Vitamin E, CATALASE, manganous or cobaltous ions and dithiothreitol protect against Tween 20-induced hemolysis of vitamin E-deficient chick and kid erythrocytes
  2610. Hepatocytes with extraperoxisomal CATALASE in rats fed 3′-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene.
  2611. Bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma: superoxide dismutase and CATALASE levels
  2612. Quantitative changes in Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE isolated from the liver of alloxan diabetic rats
  2613. Relationship between CATALASE activity and methemoglobin concentration in the blood of aCATALASEmic, homozygous hypoCATALASEmic and normal mice
  2614. CATALASE, peroxidase and alkaline inorganic pyrophosphatase activities during petal development and senescence in Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum
  2615. Studies on microbody development in wounded sweet potato root tissue: Proposal for the post-translational transport of CATALASE into preexisting microbodies
  2616. Effect of AY-25,712 and other lipid-lowering agents on liver CATALASE and liver carnitine acetyltransferase in rats
  2617. Morphometric cytochemistry of diminution of CATALASE-containing peroxisomes in copper-loaded liver
  2618. Gas chromatographic determination of uric acid in serum with uricase-CATALASE system
  2619. Thermodynamics of the interaction of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate with Aspergillus niger CATALASE in low ionic strength aqueous solutions
  2620. Micromethods in single muscle fibers: 1. Determination of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  2621. [FeII(MeCN)4]2+(ClO4−)2 and [FeIIICl33] as Mimics for the Catalytic Centers of Peroxidase, CATALASE and Cvtochrome P‐450
  2622. Gene order on the short arm of human chromosome 11: regional assignment of the LDH A gene distal to CATALASE in two translocations
  2623. Contamination of cytochrome c oxidase preparations with CATALASE
  2624. Influence of CATALASE on the radiation sensitizing effect of misonidazole
  2625. Efficient expression of peroxidatic activity of CATALASE in the coupled system with glucose oxidase—A model of yeast peroxisomes
  2626. Anaerobic adaptation of Paracoccus denitrificans: Sequential formation of denitrification pathway and changes in activity of 5-aminolevulinate synthase and CATALASE
  2627. Properties of CATALASE activity in vegetative and sporulating cells of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2628. Effect of 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine and hydrogen peroxide for the duodenal tumorigenesis in relation to blood CATALASE activity in mice
  2629. … Agents on Intracellular Functions The real-time observations of changes in the spectra of mitochondrial cytochromes, cytochrome P-450, and CATALASE and in the …
  2631. The effect of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on metabolism of 3H-arachidonic acid by washed platelets
  2632. Effects of halide ions on porcine kidney CATALASE
  2633. Intracellular hormonal function of acetylcholine and noradrenaline: the regulation of the CATALASE level in liver cells
  2634. Activity of glutathione-dependent enzymes, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in the liver and myocardium of rats with vitamin A deficiency
  2635. Aerosols from the CATALASE test
  2636. Endogenous superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities and radiation resistance in mouse cell lines
  2638. Effect of ionizing radiation on the turnover of CATALASE-degrading proteinase in rat hepatocytes
  2639. Radioimmunoassays for CATALASE and glutathion peroxidase
  2640. Electron paramagnetic resonance crystallography of bacterial CATALASE: g-Contour mapping method of analysis
  2641. Minimization of CATALASE Interference in Glucose Determinations with Immobilized Glucose Oxidase
  2642. Large ΔH≠ and ΔS≠ Values Obtained in Hydrolysis of α-Chymotrypsin or CATALASE with α-Chymotrypsin
  2643. Effect of γ-radiation on the activities of superoxide dimutase, CATALASE and peroxidase on the germinating wheat grain (Triticum aestivum, L.)
  2644. Turnover of peroxisomal proteins: Mechanistic aspects of CATALASE turnover in greening sunflower cotyledons
  2645. Enhanced Breakdown in Vitro of Bovine Articular Cartilage Proteoglykans by Conditional Synovial Medium: The Effect of Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE
  2647. Proteolytic resistance and thermostability of CATALASE and histidine decarboxylase from Micrococcus sp. n.
  2648. Resistance of a mutant with an extremely low CATALASE production from Staphylococcus aureus Cowan-I strain to the bactericidal activity of human leukocytes
  2649. Immobilization of CATALASE on porous acid clay
  2650. A MspI RFLP associated with the human CATALASE gene.
  2652. Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Foods Containing CATALASE Activity
  2653. Studies on alkaline phosphatase, CATALASE and z-galactosidase in Vibrio el tor under normal and rifampicin resistant conditions.
  2654. Isolation from Micrococcus sp. n. of a homogeneous heme-containing CATALASE and a crystalline protein with CATALASE activity
  2655. Electron spin resonance studies on the reaction of peroxyphenylacetic acid with aminopyrine in the presence and absence of CATALASE
  2656. Effect of oxygen and substrates for growth on the superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity of microorganisms
  2657. Isolation and Characterization of Staphylococcus Aureus Mf-31 CATALASE (Enzyme, Protein)
  2658. Effect of CATALASE on the Stability of Immobilized Glucose Oxidase
  2659. Thermography of CATALASE crystals: the role of crystallographic modification
  2660. Ontogeny of human fetal CATALASE superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxidation: A comparative study
  2661. Peroxidatic activity of CATALASE in the sea urchin ovary
  2662. … ‐liganded model heme proteins: Predictions of 17O hyperfine broadening of ESR spectra of metmyoglobin, cytochrome c peroxidase, CATALASE, and cytochrome P450
  2663. Methemoglobin and CATALASE activity in erythrocytes of children with hypothyroidism
  2664. Cytochemical Localization of CATALASE on Microbodies of Narcissus tazetta L, Var Chinese, Roem of Leaf Cells
  2665. Kinetics and mechanism of aniline hydroxylation by cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of CATALASE
  2666. Applications of glucose oxidase-CATALASE in oxidative stability improvement of salad dressings
  2667. Purification of human plasma CATALASE and monoamine oxidase and the partial characterization of monoamine oxidase.
  2668. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase of propionic acid bacteria
  2669. Dose-Response Relationship between CATALASE and Superoxide dismutase Activity in Testes of Acutely Intoxicated Rats by Cadmium
  2670. Significance of CATALASE in peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA β-oxidation
  2671. Effect of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid on liver CATALASE in chicken embryos
  2672. Effect of various anti-inflammatory agents on the stability of lysosomes and peroxisomes and total CATALASE and acid phosphatase activity
  2673. A method of determining the CATALASE activity of bacteria
  2674. Effects of actinomycin D and cycloheximide on the activities of CATALASE and D-amino acid oxidase in the rat kidney cortex during sodium restriction
  2676. Effect of 3-amine-1-2, 4-triazole on the CATALASE activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a new procedure of cytochrome c peroxidase assay
  2677. Deficiency in the CATALASE activity in human precancerous stages of Xeroderma pigmentosum: Comparison with XP, at and blomm’s cultured fibroblasts and SV40 …
  2678. Determining the activity of soil CATALASE
  2679. Hydrogen cyanamide on triphenyltetrazolium chloride reduction, sulfhydryl group binding, and CATALASE activity in bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) cells
  2680. Evaluation of methods for elimination of residual hydrogen peroxide from salted and hydrogen peroxide-treated herring roe cakes by the use of CATALASE and sulfite
  2681. Investigations on the susceptibility of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). 3. Activities of peroxidase, CATALASE and polyphenoloxidase.
  2682. Effects of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid on the CATALASE liver activity of chicken embryos
  2683. Preliminary data on the possibility of blood CATALASE activity with the aim to determine metabolism level in salmonids
  2684. and CATALASE in the Suckling Rat
  2685. 1 H and 19 F nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the active site of CATALASE
  2686. Preparation and determination of immobilized CATALASE
  2687. Properties of the CATALASE molecule obtained from aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic mice Part II. Analysis of liver CATALASE of aCATALASEmic mice by …
  2688. Properties of the CATALASE molecule obtained from aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic mice Part I. Effects of denaturants on the CATALASE activity in the mouse liver
  2689. CATALASE activity in argon-laser irradiation
  2690. A Study on Coimmobilized Glucose Oxidase-CATALASE System
  2691. Inhibition of CATALASE in human erythrocytes by Egyptian snake venoms
  2692. Utilization of CTAF bound CATALASE for removing H (, 2) O (, 2) residues in milk
  2693. [22] Production of antibodies to CATALASE and their effect on enzyme activity
  2694. [Utilization of CTAF bound CATALASE for removing H (, 2) O (, 2) residues in milk].[Italian]
  2695. Evaluation of Blood CATALASE as a Simple and Quick Index of Protein Quality
  2696. The Thermodynamics of the Interaction Between CATALASE and Detergents
  2697. Immobilization of CATALASE on porous acid clay.
  2698. Oxidation of metallic mercury by CATALASE in relation to aCATALASEmia.[Mice; man]
  2700. Immunological properties of erythrocyte CATALASE in Japanese type aCATALASEmia.
  2701. Fatty acyl coupled CATALASE
  2702. Determination of oxidoreductases in sugar beet, CATALASE and peroxidase
  2703. Inheritance of peroxidase and CATALASE activity in sugarbeet
  2704. Morphology, Haemolysis and Environmental sources of CATALASE-positive Campylobacters
  2705. Preparation and Properties of Coimmobilized Glucose Oxidase-CATALASE
  2706. CATALASE activity of synovial fluid leukocytes in rheumatoid arthritis
  2707. Further characterization of post-translational regulation of maize CATALASE by the endogenous inhibitor.
  2708. Thyroparathyroidectomy increases the activity of CATALASE in the adrenal gland of the rat. A structural and functional study.
  2709. Separation and Characterization of Several Forms of CATALASE in Leaf Extracts of Nicotiana Sylvestris.
  2710. CATALASE induction in normal and tumorigenic mice using x-rays, clofibrate, ethanol, or hydrogen peroxide
  2711. Specific Release fo Rat Liver MIcrosomal CATALASE
  2712. Rapid assay of activity of CATALASE with Chemiluminescent micro-analytic method
  2713. Metallic mercury uptake by CATALASE
  2714. Properties of the CATALASE molecule obtained from aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic mice Part III. Analysis of erythrocyte CATALASE of aCATALASEmic mice by DEAE …
  2716. Investigation of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase from Mycobacterium avium, M. intracellulare and M. scrofulaceum
  2717. Pulse radiolysis of CATALASE in solution: Pt. 1. Reactions of O/sub 2//sup-/with CATALASE and its Compound I
  2718. Kinetic behavior of CATALASE immobilized by covalent coupling
  2719. The effect of CATALASE added to Löwenstein-Jensen medium on the rate of growth of M. tuberculosis
  2720. Assay of the activity of CATALASE in erythrocytes and myocardium in rats by titrimetry with perborate as substrate
  2721. The potential utilization of CATALASE-detection techniques for the non-destructive assay of wood decay
  2722. Enzymatic Activity Can be Recovered from Solvent-Denatured CATALASE
  2723. A New Method on the Measurement of CATALASE Activity of Panax ginseng CA Meyer Tissues
  2724. An Assessment of the Assay for Serum Antibodies to Aspergillus Fumigatus CATALASE in the Diagnostic Laboratory
  2725. Ionic Binding of CATALASE to CM-Cellulose
  2726. Changes in erythrocyte CATALASE activity in subjects with respiratory insufficiency
  2727. CATALASE Activity in Crown Galls, Helianthus Annuus
  2728. Cloning and partial characterization of katE encoding HPII CATALASE in Escherichia coli
  2729. Response of CATALASE-and superoxide dismutase-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli to oxidative stress.
  2730. Amelioration of hepatic reperfusion injury by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  2732. Serum Sialyltransferase and Liver CATALASE Activity in
  2733. Change in CATALASE and peroxidase activity in rat blood in case of combined radiation and mechanical injuries
  2734. Role of cellular CATALASE on the radiosensitization of various bacterial vegetative cells by N/sub 2/O
  2735. An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Measuring Human Erythrocytes CATALASE
  2736. The effects of CATALASE on expression of cytokines and activation of nuclear factor? B in intestinal mucosa in rat with ulcerative colitis
  2737. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in red cells of patients with malignancy of haematological origin.
  2738. Spectroscopic and kinetic characterization of the Mn site in the Lactobacillus plantarum Mn CATALASE
  2739. Kinetic properties of CATALASE and its conjugates with strophanthin K in ethanol oxidation by cumyl hydroperoxide
  2740. Partial purification of polypeptides activating CATALASE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  2741. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoretic Studies of Residual CATALASE in ACATALASEmia
  2742. Plasmid-influenced changes in Mycobacterium avium CATALASE activity
  2743. CATALASE, Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase
  2744. Acid and alkaline stability of CATALASE in the erythrocytes of anemic aCATALASEmic mice
  2745. Effect of ethanol and the CATALASE inhibitor aminotriazole on the activity of antioxidative enzymes in the rat liver and heart
  2746. CATALASE, Superoxide Dismutase, and Staphylococcus Aureus Virulence
  2747. Stability of Penicillium vitale immobilized CATALASE in continuous decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
  2748. Immobilization of Penicillium vitale CATALASE on aminoethyl cellulose and properties of the obtained preparations
  2749. Influence of storage period of gamma-irradiated seeds on the CATALASE activity and the sinthesis of alpha-amilase in maize
  2750. Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoretic studies of residual CATALASE in aCATALASEmia.
  2751. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in alfalfa root nodules.[Medicago sativa L]
  2752. Effect of 1, 2, 4-triaminotriazole on Candida mycoderma CATALASE in substrate oxidation
  2753. Change in CATALASE and peroxidase activity in rat blood in case of combined burn and radiation injury
  2754. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity in response to elevated oxygen in Drosophila melanogaster
  2755. Inactivation and degradation of rat liver CATALASE by mitochondrial and lysosomal proteinases
  2756. Effect of and ABA on Peroxidase and CATALASE Activities and Isoperoxidase Patterns in Mung Bean Seedling
  2757. Roles of copper and free radicals in the inactivation of CATALASE by ascorbate
  2758. Metabolism and various properties of proteinase controlling CATALASE metabolism in rat liver mitochondria
  2759. Activity of peroxidase, CATALASE and glycollate oxidase after tratment with various herbicides [Cucumber seedlings]
  2760. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities and serum uric acid in patients with malignant lymphoma.
  2761. Single Tube Heat Stable Acid Phosphatase and 68oC CATALASE Test for the Differentiation of Mycobacteria
  2762. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity in HeLa 229 cells infected with Chlamydia trachomatis
  2763. Identification of metal ligands in amicyanin, hemocyanin and CATALASE by resonance Raman spectroscopy.
  2764. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in red cell infected with plasmodium vivax.
  2765. Evidence for separate substrate binding sites for hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) in the oxidation of ethanol by CATALASE
  2766. Binding equilibria and CATALASE-like reactivity of deuteroferrihaem–poly-L-lysine complexes
  2767. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity in isogenous bacterial strains with different degrees of radioresistance
  2768. The Effect of Light and Zinc on CATALASE Activity during the Development of Phycomyces blakesleeanus Bgff.
  2769. Cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity and resistance to radiation lethality in murine tumor cells
  2770. Theromodynamics of the interaction of sodium-n-dodecyl sulphate with Aspergillus niger CATALASE in high ionic strength aqueous solutions
  2771. Activity of NAD-and NADP-containing enzymes and CATALASE in human erythrocytes after sucrose loading
  2772. Calorimetric studies of oxyhemoglobin ligand dissociation. III. Evidence for a hemoglobin-CATALASE-superoxide dismutase integrated system in the oxygen
  2774. Models for the active sites in the manganese CATALASE, oxygen evolving complex and vanadium bromoperoxidase
  2776. Evaluation of the co-immobilization of L-lysine alpha-oxidase and CATALASE in a hollow fiber reactor system.
  2778. Inability of Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE to Inhibit Calcium Influx on Reoxygenation of Rabbit Myocardium
  2779. Lipid Peroxides, Superoxide Dismutase, CATALASE and Glutathione Peroxidase in Lung Carcinoma Tissue
  2780. Platelet superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in patients with myeloproliferative disorders
  2781. Changes in CATALASE, acyl-CoA oxidase and carnitine octanoyltransferase activities during development of mouse kidney
  2782. Large. DELTA. H. NEQ. and. DELTA. S. NEQ. values obtained in hydrolysis of. ALPHA.-chymotrypsin or CATALASE with. ALPHA.-chymotrypsin.
  2783. Changes of CATALASE and Peroxidase Activities with Indole Acetic Acid in the Dormant Bark of Populus euramericana cv. gelrica
  2784. Genetic Analysis of Some Polymorphic Isozymes in Pinus densiflora (II)-Inheritance of acid phosphatase, alcohol dehydrogenase and CATALASE isozymes
  2785. Genetic Analysis of Some Polymorphic Isozymes in Pinus densiflora (II)-Inheritance of acid phosphatase, alcohol dehydrogenase and CATALASE isozymes
  2789. Heat stability of CATALASE activity in the blood and liver of aCATALASEmic mice Part 2. Heat stabilty of CATALASE activity and changes in the serum enzyme activities after …
  2790. Heat stability of CATALASE activity in the blood and liver of aCATALASEmic mice Part 1. Heat stabilty of CATALASE activity after administration of phenylhydrazine …
  2792. Electron paramagnetic resonance and resonance Raman spectroscopic investigations of the ferric ligand complexes and the oxidized intermediates of CATALASE and …
  2793. Two-point kinetic determination of uric acid in serum with uricase, CATALASE and aldehyde dehydrogenase on the KONE CD analyser
  2794. Platelet glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in the familial glutathione reductase deficiency of erythrocyte
  2797. Assay of erythrocyte, platelet and serum superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in rheumatoid polyarthritis
  2798. Differentiation of Catalytic Activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cytochrome B2: L-Lactate Dehydrogenase from CATALASE T by Starch Gel Electrophoresis.
  2799. Comparison of Constitutive and Inducible Levels of Expression of Peroxisomal/^-Oxidation and CATALASE Genes in Liver and Extrahepatic Tissues of Rat1
  2800. Development and characterization of a hydrogen peroxide sensor using CATALASE immobilized on a pyroelectric poly (vinylidene flouride) film
  2804. Study on the role of CATALASE for uptake of metallic mercury Part 3 In vitro oxidation of metallic mercury by CATALASE and hydrogen peroxide generated by several …
  2805. Study on the role of CATALASE for uptake of metallic mercury Part 5 Exhalation of metallic mercury from aCATALASEmic and normal mice intraperitoneally injected with …
  2806. Study on the role of CATALASE for uptake of metallic mercury Part 4 In vitro reduction of mercuric ion by superoxide anion, NADPH, NADH and aCATALASEmic mouse liver …
  2807. … enzymes and senescence in Vigna seedlings [Vigna catjang, calcium treatment, IAA-oxidase, Peroxidase, Glycolate oxidase, CATALASE, chlorophyll, protein, AA …
  2809. Changes in glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, and CATALASE activity in erythrocytes depending …
  2810. Biological applications and effects of optical masers. Annual report, 16 March 1985-15 March 1986.[Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE injected intravenously]
  2811. … Model Heme Proteins: Predictions of 17 Hyperfine Broadening of ESR Spectra of Metmyoglobin, Cytochrome C Peroxidase, CATALASE, and Cytochrome P450
  2812. … in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP).(4) Platelet Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase and CATALASE in Spontaneously Hypertensive …
  2813. [13] CATALASE in vitro
  2815. … rat liver–simultaneous observation of sequential changes of the spectra of mitochondrial cytochromes, cytochrome P-450, and CATALASE and fluorescence changes of …
  2816. Synthesis, characterization and properties of sialylated CATALASE
  2817. Structure of CATALASE-A from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2818. Determination of CATALASE activity at physiological hydrogen peroxide concentrations
  2819. Mechanisms of protection of CATALASE by NADPH: kinetics and stoichiometry
  2820. Importance of CATALASE in the adaptive response to hydrogen peroxide: analysis of acatalasaemic Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2821. Oxidation of CATALASE by singlet oxygen
  2822. CATALASE is a sink for H2O2 and is indispensable for stress defence in C3 plants
  2823. Cloning and Sequencing of a Candida albicans CATALASE Gene and Effects of Disruption of This Gene
  2824. Polyhemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-CATALASE as a blood substitute with antioxidant properties
  2825. Cloning and genetic characterization of Helicobacter pylori CATALASE and construction of a CATALASE-deficient mutant strain
  2826. Direct Evidence for CATALASE as the Predominant H2O2 -Removing Enzyme in Human Erythrocytes
  2827. Antioxidant activities and mRNA expression of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase in normal and preeclamptic placentas
  2828. Protective Role of CATALASE in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxide
  2829. CATALASE, a novel antigen for Helicobacter pylori vaccination
  2830. Suppression of Doxorubicin Cardiotoxicity by Overexpression of CATALASE in the Heart of Transgenic Mice (∗)
  2831. Expression of superoxide dismutases, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase in glioma cells
  2832. Synthesis and activity of Helicobacter pylori urease and CATALASE at low pH.
  2833. CATALASE is encoded by a multigene family in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh
  2834. SOD and CATALASE inactivation by singlet oxygen and peroxyl radicals
  2835. Role of CATALASE in inducing chilling tolerance in pre-emergent maize seedlings
  2836. A modified CATALASE assay suitable for a plate reader and for the analysis of brain cell cultures
  2837. Distribution of CATALASE in rat brain: aminergic neurons as possible targets for ethanol effects
  2838. A cytosolic CATALASE is needed to extend adult lifespan in C. elegans daf-C and clk-1 mutants
  2839. Development of necrosis and activation of disease resistance in transgenic tobacco plants with severely reduced CATALASE levels
  2840. Structural and functional changes in CATALASE induced by near‐UV radiation
  2841. The determination of enzymic activity and its inhibition on CATALASE by ultraviolet spectrophotometry
  2842. Overexpression of CATALASE in cytosolic or mitochondrial compartment protects HepG2 cells against oxidative injury
  2843. The three-dimensional structure of the di-Mn CATALASE and the environment of the di-Mn sites in different redox states
  2844. Structure of CATALASE HPII from Escherichia coli at 1.9 Å resolution
  2845. Glutathione and CATALASE provide overlapping defenses for protection against hydrogen peroxide in the yeastsaccharomyces cerevisiae
  2846. Genomic instability and CATALASE gene amplification induced by chronic exposure to oxidative stress
  2847. Two divergent CATALASE genes are differentially regulated during Aspergillus nidulans development and oxidative stress
  2848. Glycation-induced inactivation and loss of antigenicity of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  2849. Overexpression, purification, and characterization of the CATALASE-peroxidase KatG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2850. Maternal administration of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in phenytoin teratogenicity1
  2851. Glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE modulate the genotoxicity of arsenite
  2852. Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE and Peroxidase Activities and Resistance to Oxidative Killing in Human Monocytes In Vitro
  2853. Overexpression of human CATALASE inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells
  2854. Overexpression of CATALASE provides partial protection to transgenic mouse beta cells
  2855. Differential accumulation of salicylic acid and salicylic acid-sensitive CATALASE in different rice tissues
  2856. Manganic porphyrins possess CATALASE activity and protect endothelial cells against hydrogen peroxide-mediated injury
  2857. Role of hydrogen peroxide and different classes of antioxidants in the regulation of CATALASE and glutathione S‐transferase gene expression in maize (Zea mays L.)
  2858. Parallel Changes in H2O2 and CATALASE during Thermotolerance Induced by Salicylic Acid or Heat Acclimation in Mustard Seedlings
  2859. Reversible inhibition and irreversible inactivation of CATALASE in presence of hydrogen peroxide
  2860. Involvement of glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in the disposal of exogenous hydrogen peroxide by cultured astroglial cells
  2861. Effect of nitrate and incubation conditions on the production of CATALASE and nitrate reductase by staphylococci
  2862. Site‐directed mutagenesis of the katG gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: effects on CATALASE–peroxidase activities and isoniazid resistance
  2863. CATALASE-overexpressing transgenic mouse heart is resistant to ischemia-reperfusion injury
  2864. KatP, a novel CATALASE-peroxidase encoded by the large plasmid of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: H7
  2865. Quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa controls expression of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase genes and mediates biofilm susceptibility to hydrogen …
  2866. A discontinuous method for CATALASE determination at ‘near physiological’concentrations of H2O2 and its application to the study of H2O2 fluxes within cells
  2867. Intron loss and gain during evolution of the CATALASE gene family in angiosperms
  2868. Adsorption of CATALASE on hydroxyapatite
  2869. Activity, Peroxide Compound Formation, and Heme d Synthesis inEscherichia coliHPII CATALASE
  2870. Changes in malondialdehyde content and in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione reductase activities in sunflower seeds as related to deterioration during …
  2871. … of antioxidant enzymes to transfer from elevated carbon dioxide to air and ozone fumigation, in the leaves and roots of wild‐type and a CATALASE‐deficient mutant of …
  2872. Oxidative stress response in an anaerobe, Bacteroides fragilis: a role for CATALASE in protection against hydrogen peroxide
  2873. Cloning and disruption of the antigenic CATALASE gene of Aspergillus fumigatus
  2874. Stimulation by nitroxides of CATALASE-like activity of hemeproteins: kinetics and mechanism
  2875. Toxic Responses and CATALASE Activity ofLemna minorL. Exposed to Folpet, Copper, and Their Combination
  2876. Oxidative stress to DNA, protein, and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and CATALASE) in rats treated with benzo (a) pyrene
  2877. Bacterioferritin A Modulates CATALASE A (KatA) Activity and Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxide in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  2878. Targeting of human CATALASE to peroxisomes is dependent upon a novel COOH-terminal peroxisomal targeting sequence.
  2879. Oxygen-Dependent Regulation of the Expression of the CATALASE Gene katA of Lactobacillus sakei LTH677
  2880. Active involvement of CATALASE during hemolytic crises of favism
  2881. Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis KatG(S315T) Is a Competent CATALASE-Peroxidase with Reduced Activity toward Isoniazid
  2882. CATALASE mediates acetaldehyde formation from ethanol in fetal and neonatal rat brain
  2883. In Vivo Role of CATALASE-Peroxidase inSynechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803
  2884. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in apple fruit during ripening and post‐harvest and with special reference to ethylene
  2885. Synthetic combined superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics are protective as a delayed treatment in a rat stroke model: a key role for reactive oxygen species in …
  2886. Targeted delivery and improved therapeutic potential of CATALASE by chemical modification: combination with superoxide dismutase derivatives
  2887. Glutathione, glutathione-related enzymes, and CATALASE activities in the earthworm Eisenia fetida andrei
  2888. Probing the structure of CATALASE HPII of Escherichia coli—a review
  2889. Transgenic tobacco with a reduced CATALASE activity develops necrotic lesions and induces pathogenesis‐related expression under high light
  2890. Oxidative Stress Responses Accompanying Photoinactivation of CATALASE in NaCI‐treated Rye Leaves
  2891. Changes in concentration, localization and activity of CATALASE within the human placenta during early gestation
  2892. Molecular cloning of manganese CATALASE from Lactobacillus plantarum
  2893. EUK-134, a synthetic superoxide dismutase and CATALASE mimetic, prevents oxidative stress and attenuates kainate-induced neuropathology
  2894. Hydrogen peroxide determination in pharmaceutical formulations and cosmetics using a new CATALASE biosensor
  2895. CATALASE in the heat-induced chilling tolerance of cold-stored hybrid Fortune mandarin fruits
  2896. Inhibition of ascorbate peroxidase under oxidative stress in tobacco having bacterial CATALASE in chloroplasts
  2897. The effects of exhaustive exercise on the activity levels of CATALASE in various tissues of male and female rats
  2898. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in human blood: influence of sex, age and cigarette smoking
  2899. CATALASE mRNA expression in the male rat reproductive tract
  2900. Use of site-directed mutagenesis to probe the structure, function and isoniazid activation of the CATALASE/peroxidase, KatG, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2901. Purification and Characterization of an Intracellular CATALASE‐Peroxidase from Penicillium Simplicissimum
  2902. Abnormality in CATALASE import into peroxisomes leads to severe neurological disorder
  2903. An in situ AFM investigation of CATALASE crystallization
  2904. Resistance to photoinhibition of photosystem II and CATALASE and antioxidative protection in high mountain plants
  2905. In vitro and in vivo studies of potential biomarkers of lead and uranium contamination: lipid peroxidation, acetylcholinesterase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase …
  2906. Role of glutathione and CATALASE in H2O2detoxification in LPS-activated hepatic endothelial and Kupffer cells
  2907. Characterization of CATALASE from green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  2908. Characterization of the CATALASE-Peroxidase Gene (katG) and inhA Locus in Isoniazid-Resistant and -Susceptible Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by …
  2909. A laboratory experiment investigating different aspects of CATALASE activity in an inquiry-based approach
  2910. Molecular chaperones protect CATALASE against thermal stress
  2911. The antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE increase following traumatic brain injury in the rat
  2912. CATALASE activity measurements in suspended aerobic biomass and soil samples
  2913. Binding of a bovine oviductal fluid CATALASE to mammalian spermatozoa
  2914. Comparison of CATALASE in diploid and haploid Rana rugosa using heat and chemical inactivation techniques
  2915. The Periplasmic, Group III CATALASE of Vibrio fischeriIs Required for Normal Symbiotic Competence and Is Induced Both by Oxidative Stress and by Approach to …
  2916. Benzothiadiazole, an inducer of plant defenses, inhibits CATALASE and ascorbate peroxidase
  2917. Manipulation of CATALASE levels produces altered photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco plants
  2918. Salen-manganese complexes: combined superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimics with broad pharmacological efficacy
  2919. Production and utilization of CATALASE using Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  2920. Structure of orthorhombic crystals of beef liver CATALASE
  2921. Alterations in superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE activities in experimental cerebral ischemia-reperfusion
  2922. Prospective study of CATALASE-positive coryneform organisms in clinical specimens: identification, clinical relevance, and antibiotic susceptibility
  2923. Identification of the peroxisomal targeting signal for cottonseed CATALASE
  2924. CATALASE and the production of brain acetaldehyde: a possible mediator of the psychopharmacological effects of ethanol
  2925. Effect of the in vivo CATALASE inhibition on aminonucleoside nephrosis
  2926. The circadian clock gates expression of two Arabidopsis CATALASE genes to distinct and opposite circadian phases
  2927. CATALASE HPII from Escherichia coli Exhibits Enhanced Resistance to Denaturation
  2928. Targeted Mutagenesis by Duplication Insertion in the Radioresistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans: Radiation Sensitivities of CATALASE (katA) and Superoxide Dismutase …
  2929. The coimmobilization of D-amino acid oxidase and CATALASE enables the quantitative transformation of D-amino acids (D-phenylalanine) into α-keto acids …
  2930. Reduced susceptibility to waterlogging together with high-light stress is related to increases in superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in sweet potato
  2931. CATALASE activity and hydrogen peroxide levels are inversely correlated in maize scutella during seed germination
  2932. Amyloid-beta binds CATALASE with high affinity and inhibits hydrogen peroxide breakdown.
  2933. Synthesis conditions for encapsulating cytochrome c and CATALASE in SiO2 sol-gel materials
  2934. … of Pseudomonas aeruginosa demonstrate defective siderophore-mediated iron uptake, altered aerobic growth, and decreased superoxide dismutase and CATALASE …
  2935. … cells elicited by pharmacologically attainable concentrations of ascorbic acid: cell death prevention by extracellular CATALASE or CATALASE from cocultured erythrocytes …
  2936. Influence of UV-light on the expression of the Cat2 and Cat3 CATALASE genes in maize
  2937. Evolutionary relationship of plant CATALASE genes inferred from exon-intron structures: isozyme divergence after the separation of monocots and dicots
  2938. Purification and Characterization of a Homodimeric CATALASE-Peroxidase from the CyanobacteriumAnacystis nidulans
  2939. Immunotargeting of CATALASE to ACE or ICAM-1 protects perfused rat lungs against oxidative stress
  2940. Hypolipidemic Effect of Green Tea Leaves through Induction of Antioxidant and Phase II Enzymes Including Superoxide Dismutase, CATALASE, and Glutathione S …
  2941. CATALASE and α-enolase: two novel granulocyte autoantigens in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  2942. Salicylic acid is needed in hypersensitive cell death in soybean but does not act as a CATALASE inhibitor
  2943. CATALASE activity is necessary for heat-shock recovery in Aspergillus nidulans germlings
  2944. Virulence of CATALASE-deficient aspergillus nidulans in p47 (phox)-/-mice. Implications for fungal pathogenicity and host defense in chronic granulomatous disease.
  2945. Adenovirus-mediated CATALASE gene transfer reduces oxidant stress in human, porcine and rat pancreatic islets
  2946. Gram-positive, CATALASE-positive cocci from dry cured Iberian ham and their enterotoxigenic potential
  2947. The CATALASE inhibitor sodium azide reduces ethanol-induced locomotor activity
  2948. Isolation and characterization of spinach photosystem II membrane-associated CATALASE and polyphenol oxidase
  2949. Characterization of a Facultatively Psychrophilic Bacterium, Vibrio rumoiensis sp. nov., That Exhibits High CATALASE Activity
  2950. Brain superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase activities in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  2951. … lead-exposure in blood and urine of lead-exposed workers and concentrations of major and trace elements and activities of SOD, GSH-Px and CATALASE in their blood
  2952. CATALASE, myeloperoxidase and hydrogen peroxide in cystic fibrosis
  2953. … phenotypes of Escherichia coli cydDC and cydAB strains are due to deficiencies in cytochrome bd and are corrected by exogenous CATALASE and reducing agents
  2954. Differential role of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in cultured human fibroblasts under exposure of H2O2 or ultraviolet B light
  2955. Ferryl intermediates of CATALASE captured by time-resolved Weissenberg crystallography and UV-VIS spectroscopy
  2956. Reference ranges of normal blood CATALASE activity and levels in familial hypoCATALASEmia in Hungary
  2957. Transcriptional activation of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and CATALASE genes by panaxadiol ginsenosides extracted from Panax ginseng
  2958. Role of superoxide in CATALASE-peroxidase-mediated isoniazid action against mycobacteria
  2959. Immobilization of CATALASE in poly(isopropylacrylamide‐co‐hydroxyethylmethacrylate) thermally reversible hydrogels
  2960. Increased longevity of kinetin‐fed Zaprionus fruitflies is accompanied by their reduced fecundity and enhanced CATALASE activity
  2961. Alkaline unfolding and salt‐induced folding of bovine liver CATALASE at high pH
  2962. Spectrophotometric determination of hydrogen peroxide: CATALASE activity and rates of hydrogen peroxide removal by erythrocytes
  2963. Purification of CATALASE from pea leaf peroxisomes: identification of five different isoforms
  2964. … oxidative modifications and enhances apoptosis in HIT cells through accumulation of reactive oxygen species by suppression of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase
  2965. RpoS-and OxyR-independent induction of HPI CATALASE at stationary phase in Escherichia coli and identification of rpoS mutations in common laboratory strains
  2966. Evidence for Isoniazid Oxidation by Oxyferrous Mycobacterial CATALASE− Peroxidase
  2967. Status of Plasmodium falciparum towards CATALASE.
  2968. CATALASE and paraoxonase in hypertensive type 2 diabetes mellitus: correlation with glycemic control
  2969. Effect of mixing conditions on the behavior of lipoxygenase, peroxidase, and CATALASE in wheat flour doughs
  2970. The role of Mn (II)-peroxidase activity of mycobacterial CATALASE-peroxidase in activation of the antibiotic isoniazid
  2971. Posttranscriptional Control Mediates Cell Type-Specific Localization of CATALASE A during Aspergillus nidulans Development
  2972. Antioxidative effects of melatonin in Drosophila melanogaster: Antagonization of damage induced by the inhibition of CATALASE
  2973. Role of the lateral channel in CATALASE HPII of Escherichia coli
  2974. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in the brain of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  2975. Effects of synergistic signaling by phytochrome A and cryptochrome1 on circadian clock-regulated CATALASE expression.
  2976. CATALASE activity in macro-and microorganisms as an indicator of biotic stress in coastal waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea
  2977. Regulation of the oxidative stress protective enzymes, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in Xanthomonas—a review
  2978. Cloning, Characterization, and Targeted Disruption of cpcat1, Coding for an in Planta Secreted CATALASE of Claviceps purpurea
  2979. Catalytic activity of CATALASE under strong magnetic fields of up to 8 T
  2980. Chronic exposure of neonatal cardiac myocytes to hydrogen peroxide enhances the expression of CATALASE
  2981. Identification and characterization of autoantibodies against CATALASE and α‐enolase in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis
  2982. The regulation of alcohol consumption in rats: The role of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes—CATALASE and aldehyde dehydrogenase
  2983. AcuteLead Acetate Administration Potentiates Ethanol‐Induced Locomotor Activity in Mice: The Role of Brain CATALASE
  2984. EPR Polarization Studies on Mn CATALASE from Lactobacillus plantarum
  2985. Inhibition of CATALASE by antisense RNA increases susceptibility to oxidative stress and chilling injury in transgenic tomato plants
  2986. Studies on the effect of peroxisomicine on CATALASE activity in albino mice
  2987. Binding of CATALASE-Peroxidase-Activated Isoniazid to Wild-Type and Mutant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Enoyl-ACP Reductases
  2988. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida and their roles in resistance to reactive oxygen species
  2989. CATALASE and Superoxide Dismutase Secreted from Helicobacter pylori
  2990. Adeno-associated viral-mediated CATALASE expression suppresses optic neuritis in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
  2991. Molecular Characterization of KatY (Antigen 5), a Thermoregulated Chromosomally Encoded CATALASE-Peroxidase of Yersinia pestis
  2992. Purification and characterization of a thermostable CATALASE from culture broth of Thermoascus aurantiacus
  2993. In vitro inhibition of CATALASE activity by cigarette smoke: relevance for oxidative stress
  2994. Effects of the plant growth regulator abscisic acid and high osmoticum on the developmental expression of the maize CATALASE genes
  2995. Screening and mutagenesis of molds for improvement of the simultaneous production of CATALASE and glucose oxidase
  2996. Resistance of biofilms to the CATALASE inhibitor 3‐amino‐1, 2, 4‐triazole
  2997. Manganese L-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Manganese CATALASE from Lactobacillus plantarum and Mixed Valence Manganese Complexes
  2998. Construction of CATALASE deficient Escherichia coli strains for the production of uricase
  2999. Effects of chronic lead administration on ethanol-induced locomotor and brain CATALASE activity
  3000. Peroxidatic degradation of azide by CATALASE and irreversible enzyme inactivation
  3001. The Existence of Two Oxidized Mn(III)Mn(III) Forms of Thermus thermophilus Manganese CATALASE
  3002. Purification, characterization, and primary structure of a monofunctional CATALASE from Methanosarcina barkeri
  3003. The CATALASE-peroxidase of Synechococcus PCC 7942: purification, nucleotide sequence analysis and expression in Escherichia coli
  3004. The mycelium-associated Streptomyces reticuli CATALASE-peroxidase, its gene and regulation by FurS
  3005. Purification and cloning of a thermostable manganese CATALASE from a thermophilic bacterium
  3006. Identification of a novel bond between a histidine and the essential tyrosine in CATALASE HPII of Escherichia coli
  3007. Decreased CATALASE activity in malformation‐prone embryos of diabetic rats
  3008. CATALASE activity of rice seed embryo and its relation to germination rate at a low temperature
  3009. Gene structure, activity and localization of a CATALASE from intracellular bacteria in Onchocerca volvulus
  3010. A low CATALASE activity in dog erythrocytes is due to a very low content of CATALASE protein despite having a normal specific activity
  3011. Cloning and characterization of the katA gene of Rhizobium meliloti encoding a hydrogen peroxide-inducible CATALASE
  3012. Ascorbate peroxidase and CATALASE cooperate for protection against hydrogen peroxide generated in potato tubers during low‐temperature storage
  3013. Developmental expression of glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, and manganese superoxide dismutase mRNAs during spermatogenesis in the mouse
  3014. Milk CATALASE activity as an indicator of thermization treatments used in the manufacture of cheddar cheese
  3015. Effect of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, chelating agents, and free radical scavengers on the toxicity of alloxan to isolated pancreatic islets in vitro
  3017. Surface modification of carbon black by oxidation and its influence on the activity of immobilized CATALASE and iron-phthalocyanines
  3018. Lysyl oxidase coupled with CATALASE in egg shell membrane
  3019. Active biomass in activated sludge: comparison of respirometry with CATALASE activity measured using an on-line monitor
  3020. Legionella pneumophilaCATALASE-Peroxidases: Cloning of the katB Gene and Studies of KatB Function
  3021. EXAFS comparison of the dimanganese core structures of manganese CATALASE, arginase, and manganese-substituted ribonucleotide reductase and hemerythrin
  3022. Secretion of a Fungal Extracellular CATALASE by Claviceps purpurea During Infection of Rye: Putative Role in Pathogenicity and Suppression of Host Defense
  3023. Fate of the porphyrin cofactors during the light-dependent turnover of CATALASE and of the photosystem II reaction-center protein D1 in mature rye leaves
  3024. The katX Gene, Which Codes for the CATALASE in Spores of Bacillus subtilis, Is a Forespore-Specific Gene Controlled by ςF, and KatX Is Essential for Hydrogen …
  3025. EUK-134, a synthetic superoxide dismutase and CATALASE mimetic, protects rat kidneys from ischemia-reperfusion-induced damage
  3026. Therapeutic benefits of putrescine-modified CATALASE in a transgenic mouse model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3027. Isolation of CATALASE-negative Listeria monocytogenes strains from listeriosis patients and their rapid identification by anti-p60 antibodies and/or PCR
  3028. Changes in the TBARs content and superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in the lymphoid organs and skeletal muscles of …
  3029. Effect of benzoic acid hydroxy-and methoxy-ring substituents during cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) germination. I.: Isocitrate lyase and CATALASE activity
  3030. Determination of the kinetic parameters for the “suicide substrate” inactivation of bovine liver CATALASE by hydrogen peroxide
  3031. Infection-associated decline of cape buffalo blood CATALASE augments serum trypanocidal activity
  3032. Activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in erythrocytes and transaminases in the plasma of carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) expose to cadmium
  3033. Identification and analysis of the rpoS-dependent promoter of katE, encoding CATALASE HPII in Escherichia coli
  3034. Purification and Characterization of Recombinant CATALASE-Peroxidase, Which Confers Isoniazid Sensitivity inMycobacterium tuberculosis
  3035. EPR evidence for a tyrosyl radical intermediate in bovine liver CATALASE
  3036. The Expression of the Pathogenic Yeast Candida albicans CATALASE Gene in Response to Hydrogen Peroxide
  3037. Zinc induces CATALASE expression in cultured fetal human retinal pigment epithelial cells
  3038. A gasometric method to determine erythrocyte CATALASE activity
  3039. Changes in activities of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase during senescence of gladiolus florets
  3040. Developmental changes of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase isoenzymes in zygotic and somatic embryos of horse chestnut
  3041. Plasma CATALASE and glutathione levels are decreased in response to inhalation injury
  3042. Immunocytochemical investigation of CATALASE and peroxisomal lipid β-oxidation enzymes in human hepatocellular tumors and liver cirrhosis
  3043. Preparation of detergent permeabilized Bakers’ yeast whole cell CATALASE
  3044. Spectral and Kinetic Studies of the Oxidation of Monosubstituted Phenols and Anilines by Recombinant Synechocystis CATALASE−Peroxidase Compound I
  3045. Effects of mannitol or CATALASE on the generation of reactive oxygen species leading to DNA damage by chromium (VI) reduction with ascorbate
  3046. Regulation of cyclo-oxygenase gene expression in rat smooth muscle cells by CATALASE
  3047. Gene therapy for oxidant injury-related diseases: adenovirus-mediated transfer of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE cDNAs protects against hyperoxia but not …
  3048. Cytokinin modulates CATALASE activity and cournarin accumulation in in vitro cultures of tobacco
  3049. µ-Oxo bridged diiron (III) complexes and hydrogen peroxide: Oxygenation and CATALASE-like activities
  3050. Influence of quinoline-containing antimalarials in the CATALASE activity of ferriprotoporphyrin IX
  3051. Dependence of CATALASE photoinactivation in rye leaves on light intensity and quality and characterization of a chloroplast-mediated inactivation in red light
  3052. Crystallization and preliminary structural analysis of CATALASE A from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  3053. Synthesis of glucose oxidase and CATALASE by Aspergillus niger in resting cell culture system
  3054. Colmmobilization of L-α-glycerophosphate oxidase with CATALASE and its application for the synthesis of dihydroxyacetone phosphate
  3055. Cyanamide reduces brain CATALASE and ethanol-induced locomotor activity: is there a functional link?
  3056. A CATALASE microbiosensor for detecting hydrogen peroxide
  3057. Decrease of hepatic CATALASE level by treatment with diallyl sulfide and garlic homogenates in rats and mice
  3058. Role of CATALASE in in vitro acetaldehyde formation by human colonic contents
  3059. Selection of biochemical mutants of Aspergillus niger with enhanced CATALASE production
  3060. Expression of tobacco class II CATALASE gene activates the endogenous homologous gene and is associated with disease resistance in transgenic potato plants
  3061. In vivo and in vitro analysis of Bordetella pertussis CATALASE and Fe-superoxide dismutase mutants
  3062. Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, CATALASE, MrgA, and superoxide dismutase are not involved in resistance of Bacillus subtilis spores to heat or oxidizing agents
  3063. Structural analysis of compound I in hemoproteins: study on Proteus mirabilis CATALASE
  3064. Optimization of CATALASE biosynthesis in submerged cultures of Aspergillus niger mutant
  3065. Regional differences in the distribution of CATALASE in the epithelium of the ocular lens.
  3066. Molecular cloning of a CATALASE cDNA from Nicotiana glutinosa L. and its repression by tobacco mosaic virus infection.
  3067. Superoxide Dismutase-Dependent, CATALASE-Sensitive Peroxides in Human Endothelial Cells Infected by Rickettsia rickettsii
  3068. Spectroscopic Characterization of Inhibitor Interactions with the Mn(III)/Mn(IV) Core in Lactobacillus plantarum Manganese CATALASE
  3069. Possible involvement of CATALASE in the protective effect of interleukin-6 against 6-hydroxydopamine toxicity in PC12 cells
  3070. Stabilization of L-Ascorbic Acid by Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE
  3071. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE levels in diseases of the aged
  3072. Blood superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in familial and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3073. Structural and spectroscopic models of the manganese CATALASE active site. Isolation and structures of the asymmetric [(H2O) MnIII (μ-O)-(μ-O2CR) 2MnIII (L)](L …
  3074. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activities as biomarkers of oxidative stress in workers exposed to mercury vapors
  3075. The predominant protein in peroxisomal cores of sunflower cotyledons is a CATALASE that differs in primary structure from the CATALASE in the peroxisomal matrix
  3076. Cloning and characterization of the rice CatA CATALASE gene, a homologue of the maize Cat3 gene
  3077. In VitroPhotoinactivation of CATALASE Isoforms from Cotyledons of Sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.)
  3078. Nitric oxide inhibits pulmonary artery CATALASE and H2O2-associated relaxation
  3079. Identification of a novel growth-promoting factor with a wide target cell spectrum from various tumor cells as CATALASE
  3080. Nonadditivity of mutational effects on the properties of CATALASE I and its application to efficient directed evolution.
  3081. A novel biosensor for specific determination of hydrogen peroxide: CATALASE enzyme electrode based on dissolved oxygen probe
  3082. Overexpression of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in immortalized neural cells: toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide
  3083. Spectroscopic studies of oxidized manganese CATALASE and μ-oxo-bridged dimanganese (III) model complexes: electronic structure of the active site and its relation to …
  3084. p-SINE1-like intron of the CatA CATALASE homologs and phylogenetic relationships among AA-genome Oryza and related species
  3085. Age-related alterations in superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in rat brain
  3086. Overexpression of human CATALASE gene decreases oxidized lipid-induced cytotoxicity in vascular smooth muscle cells
  3087. Anomalous phylogenies based on bacterial CATALASE gene sequences
  3088. Liver-specific CATALASE expression in transgenic mice inhibits NF-kappaB activation and DNA synthesis induced by the peroxisome proliferator ciprofibrate.
  3089. Clinical surfactant preparations mediate SOD and CATALASE uptake by type II cells and lung tissue
  3090. Purification of CATALASE from human placenta
  3091. Aspergillus fumigatus CATALASEs: cloning of an Aspergillus nidulans CATALASE B homologue and evidence for at least three CATALASEs
  3092. Low CATALASE activity in xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts and SV40-transformed human cell lines is directly related to decreased intracellular levels of the cofactor …
  3093. Solvent and structural effects on CATALASE-like function of binuclear manganese (II) compounds with μ-phenoxide bridge
  3094. Recombinant Hansenula polymorpha as a biocatalyst: coexpression of the spinach glycolate oxidase (GO) and the S. cerevisiae CATALASE T (CTT1) gene
  3095. Alpha-crystallin acting as a molecular chaperone protects CATALASE against steroid-induced inactivation
  3096. Low CATALASE activity in rats with ureteral ligation: relation to lipid peroxidation
  3097. Role for salicylic acid in the activation of defense responses in CATALASE-deficient transgenic tobacco
  3098. CATALASE-peroxidase from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803: cloning, overexpression in Escherichia coli, and kinetic characterization
  3099. Adenoviral gene therapy with CATALASE suppresses experimental optic neuritis
  3100. Changes in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione reductase activities in sunflower seeds during accelerated ageing and subsequent priming
  3101. Characterization of a novel Gram-positive, CATALASE-negative coccus from horses: description of Eremococcus coleocola gen. nov. sp. nov.
  3102. CATALASE A fromBotrytis cinereais not expressed during infection on tomato leaves
  3103. Antioxidative effect of glucose oxidase and CATALASE in mayonnaises of different oxidative susceptibility. I. Product trials
  3104. Molecular characterization of beef liver CATALASE by scanning tunneling microscopy
  3105. Hepatocyte-specific distribution of CATALASE and its inhibitory effect on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice
  3106. Daily injections of cyanamide enhance both ethanol-induced locomotion and brain CATALASE activity
  3107. CATALASE Activity During C3-CAM Transition in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. Leaves
  3108. Primary sequence and activity analyses of a CATALASE from Ascaris suum
  3109. Distribution of a Nocardia brasiliensisCATALASE Gene Fragment in Members of the GeneraNocardia, Gordona, andRhodococcus
  3110. Ultracentrifugal crystallization of proteins: transport-kinetic modelling, and experimental behavior of CATALASE
  3111. Oxidation of human CATALASE by singlet oxygen in myeloid leukemia cells
  3112. Cloning and mutational analysis of the gene for the stationary-phase inducible CATALASE (catC) from Pseudomonas putida
  3113. CATALASE-peroxidase of Caulobacter crescentus: function and role in stationary-phase survival
  3114. The effects of temperature and pH on the kinetics of reactions between CATALASE and its suicide substrate hydrogen peroxide.
  3115. CATALASE gene is associated with facial eczema disease resistance in sheep
  3116. Structure of peroxisomes and activity of the marker enzyme CATALASE in digestive epithelial cells in relation to PAH content of mussels from two Basque estuaries (Bay …
  3117. Changes in levels of CATALASE and glutathione in erythrocytes of patients with stable asthma, treated with beclomethasone dipropionate
  3118. Isolation, characterization and expression of the maize Cat2 CATALASE gene
  3119. Dinucleotide-binding site of bovine liver CATALASE mimics a CATALASE mRNA-binding protein domain
  3120. Immobilized iminodiacetic acid (IDA)‐type Cu2+‐chelating membrane affinity chromatography for purification of bovine liver CATALASE
  3121. … growth phase-and temperature-dependent expression and H2O2 toxicity protection of a superoxide-inducible monofunctional CATALASE gene from Xanthomonas …
  3122. Imidazole and p-Nitrophenolate Complexes of Oxoiron(IV) Porphyrin π-Cation Radicals as Models for Compounds I of Peroxidase and CATALASE
  3123. Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase mRNA expression in the rat testis after surgical cryptorchidism and efferent duct ligation
  3124. Surfactant modified enzymes: solubility and activity of surfactant-modified CATALASE in organic solvents
  3125. The effect of organic solvent properties on a CATALASE enzyme sensor for monitoring hydrogen peroxide in nonaqueous solutions
  3126. Mutants That Alter the Covalent Structure of CATALASE Hydroperoxidase II from Escherichia coli* xs
  3127. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in the lymphoid organs and skeletal muscles of rats treated with dexamethasone
  3128. Two barley CATALASE genes respond differentially to light
  3129. Relations between occupational exposure to coal mine dusts, erythrocyte CATALASE and Cu++/Zn++ superoxide dismutase activities, and the severity of coal workers’ …
  3130. Isolation and expression of the catA gene encoding the major vegetative CATALASE in Streptomyces coelicolor Müller
  3131. Effect of aluminum on superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation of rat liver.
  3132. Changes in CATALASE activity and hydrogen peroxide level in rat ovary during estrous cycle and induction of CATALASE in rat ovary by estradiol-17 beta.
  3133. Preparation and CATALASE-type activity of manganese (II) amino acid complexes
  3134. The katE gene, which encodes the CATALASE HPII of Mycobacterium avium
  3135. Direct selection of IS 903 transposon insertions by use of a broad-host-range vector: isolation of CATALASE-deficient mutants of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
  3136. Middle ear CATALASE distribution in an animal model of otitis media
  3137. Distribution of CATALASE isoforms in Nicotiana tabacum
  3138. … study of the distribution of the free radical scavenging enzymes Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1); MN superoxide dismutase (MN SOD) and CATALASE in the normal …
  3139. Effects of vitamins E, C and CATALASE on bromobenzene-and hydrogen peroxide-induced intracellular oxidation and DNA single-strand breakage in Hep G2 cells
  3140. Effect of hydrogen cyanamide on apricot bud break and CATALASE activity
  3141. In VitroAntiarrhythmic Effect of Prior Whole Body Hyperthermia: Implication of CATALASE
  3142. Involvement of CATALASE and Superoxide Dismutase in Resistance ofBotrytis cinereato Dicarboximide Fungicide Vinclozolin
  3143. Thermal conversion from low-to high-activity forms of CATALASE I from Bacillus stearothermophilus
  3144. Susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE activity of root nodule bacteria
  3145. Changes in the redox potential and CATALASE activity of Mn2+ ions during formation of Mn-bicarbonate complexes.
  3146. Monocyte-dependent death of freshly isolated T lymphocytes: induction by phorbolester and mitogens and differential effects of CATALASE
  3147. CATALASE activity in erythrocytes from colon and gastric cancer patients. Influence of nickel, lead, mercury, and cadmium
  3148. CATALASE adsorption onto Cibacron Blue F3GA and Fe (III)-derivatized poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) membranes and application to a continuous system
  3149. Activity of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) selected for postponed senescence
  3150. Age-related changes in CATALASE activity and its inhibition by manganese (II) chloride in the brain of two species of poikilothermic vertebrates
  3151. Conjugation of CATALASE to a carrier antibody via a streptavidinŐbiotin cross‐linker
  3152. Rat liver CATALASE is sorted to peroxisomes by its C-terminal tripeptide Ala-Asn-Leu, not by the internal Ser-Lys-Leu motif.
  3153. Role of CATALASE in retinal antioxidant defence system: its comparative study among rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats
  3154. Absence of Hemoprotein-Associated Free Radical Events Following Oxidant Challenge of Crosslinked Hemoglobin–Superoxide Dismutase CATALASE
  3155. Inhibition of CATALASE activity in vitro by diesel exhaust particles
  3156. Retroviral-mediated correction of DNA repair defect in xeroderma pigmentosum cells is associated with recovery of CATALASE activity
  3157. Measurement of serum CATALASE activity and its clinical significance
  3158. Decrease of immunoreactive CATALASE protein in specific areas of ageing rat brain
  3159. Effect of CATALASE and thioredoxin addition to sperm incubation medium before in vitro fertilization on sperm capacity to support embryo development
  3160. Changes of CATALASE and SOD activities in the early response of tomato to Meloidogyne attack
  3161. CATALASE in the stratum corneum of patients with polymorphic light eruption.
  3162. D-amino acid oxidase and CATALASE of detergent permeabilized Rhodotorula gracilis cells and its potential use for the synthesis of α-keto acids
  3163. CATALASE activity and sensitivity to the fungicides, iprodione and fludioxonil in Botrytis cinerea
  3164. An Investigation of the Molecular Basis of the Spontaneous Occurrence of a CATALASE‐Negative Phenotype in Helicobacter pylori
  3165. Peroxide-inducible CATALASE inAeromonas salmonicidasubsp. salmonicidaprotects against exogenous hydrogen peroxide and killing by activated rainbow trout …
  3166. Crosslinked hemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-CATALASE scavenges free radicals in a rat model of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury
  3167. CATALASE catalyzes of peroxynitrite-mediated phenolic nitration
  3168. CATALASE and oviductal fluid reverse the decreased motility of bovine sperm in culture medium containing specific amino acids
  3169. Expression of CATALASE and its relation to light stress and stress tolerance
  3170. Novel dinuclear manganese (III) complexes with tridentate and bridging tetradentate Schiff base ligands: Preparation, properties and CATALASE-like function
  3171. Influence of different types of effectors on the kinetic parameters of suicide inactivation of CATALASE by hydrogen peroxide
  3172. Inverted repeats in the TATA-less promoter of the rat CATALASE gene
  3173. Homoprotocatechuate 2, 3-dioxygenase from Brevibacterium fuscum: a dioxygenase with CATALASE activity
  3174. Effects of aluminum sulphate and citric acid ingestion on lipid peroxidation and on activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in cerebral hemisphere and liver of …
  3175. Purification and characterization of a CATALASE from the nonsulfur phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATH 2.4. 1 and its role in the oxidative stress …
  3176. Further development of CATALASE, tyrosinase and glucose oxidase based organic phase enzyme electrode response as a function of organic solvent properties
  3177. Multiplicity of antioxidant enzyme CATALASE in mouse liver cells
  3178. Repression of hypoxia-reoxygenation injury in the CATALASE-overexpressing heart of transgenic mice
  3179. Dinuclear complexes of Mn II, Co II and Zn II triply bridged by carboxylate groups: structures, properties and CATALASE-like function
  3180. Increased effective activity of rat liver CATALASE by dietary restriction
  3181. Identification and characterisation of a superoxide dismutase and CATALASE from Mycobacterium ulcerans
  3182. … over the heme and the axial ligands of one of the two oxidizing equivalents stored above the ferric state in the peroxidase and CATALASE Compound-I intermediates …
  3183. Induction of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity in different rat tissues and protection from UVB irradiation after topical application of Ginkgo biloba extracts.
  3184. Hydrogen peroxide and coffee induce G:C→T:A transversions in the lacI gene of CATALASE-defective Escherichia coli
  3185. Putrescine-modified CATALASE with preserved enzymatic activity exhibits increased permeability at the blood-nerve and blood-brain barriers
  3186. The importance of carboxylate ligands in the differentiation of CATALASE reactivity from Gif ketonization systems
  3187. Intracellular location of CATALASE-peroxidase hydroperoxidase I of Escherichia coli
  3188. Isolation and characterization of a novel CATALASE‐negative, urease‐positive Campylobacter from cattle faeces
  3189. Diperoxovanadate participates in peroxidation reactions of H2O2 in presence of abundant CATALASE
  3190. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of human CATALASE
  3191. A case of carbuncle caused by a CATALASE-negative strain of Staphylococcus aureus
  3192. Exogenous CATALASE may potentiate oxidant-mediated lung injury in the female Sprague-Dawley rat
  3193. A new CATALASE enzyme sensor able to determine the hydrogen peroxide directly in chloroform
  3194. CATALASE-Free Photosystem II:  The O2-Evolving Complex Does Not Dismutate Hydrogen Peroxide
  3195. Plasma CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and selenium levels in adult diabetic patients
  3196. Chitin-graft-poly (2-methyl-2-oxazoline) enhanced solubility and activity of CATALASE in organic solvent
  3197. … growth factor β is a modulator of platelet-derived growth factor action in vascular smooth muscle cells: A possible role for CATALASE activity and glutathione peroxidase …
  3198. Caloric intake alters the efficiency of CATALASE mRNA translation in the liver of old female mice
  3199. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and xanthine oxidase in diabetic rat lenses
  3200. Imaging two-dimensional crystals of CATALASE by atomic force microscopy
  3201. Two Distinct Upstream Regions Are Involved in Expression of the CATALASE Gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe in Response to Oxidative Stress
  3202. Reduced sensitivity of HeLa cells to cis-platinum by simultaneous overexpression of copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  3203. Linear-transform and non-linear modelling of bovine milk CATALASE inactivation in a high-temperature short-time pasteurizer
  3204. CATALASE and epoxidation activity of polynuclear manganese (III)–Schiff base complexes
  3205. Role of CATALASE in rat gastric mucosal ethanol metabolism in vitro
  3206. Identification of a novel periplasmic CATALASE-peroxidase KatA of Legionella pneumophila
  3207. An iron staining method for determination of CATALASE activity
  3208. The Oxidized (3,3) State of Manganese CATALASE. Comparison of Enzymes from Thermus thermophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum
  3209. Changes of CATALASE Activity after Ischemia-Reperf usion in Rat Retina
  3210. Investigation with chitosan-oxalate oxidase-CATALASE conjugate for degrading oxalate from hyperoxaluric rat chyme.
  3211. Aluminum effect on lipid peroxidation and on the activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the cerebral hemisphere and liver of young chicks
  3212. Effect of heavy metal salts on the activity of rat liver and kidney CATALASE and lysosomal hydrolases
  3213. Polymorphism of 5′ of the CATALASE gene in Hungarian aCATALASEmia and hypoCATALASEmia
  3214. Operational stability of CATALASE and its conjugates with aldehyde dextrans and superoxide dismutase
  3215. Identification of a Regulator That Controls Stationary-Phase Expression of CATALASE-Peroxidase in Caulobacter crescentus
  3216. Cloning, sequencing and disruption of a bromoperoxidase-CATALASE gene in Streptomyces venezuelae: evidence that it is not required for chlorination in …
  3217. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in patients undergoing hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
  3218. Cloning and characterization of the CATALASE gene of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: use of the gonococcus as a host organism for recombinant DNA
  3219. Evaluation of inhA gene and CATALASE-peroxidase gene among isoniazid-sensitive and resistantMycobacterium tuberculosisisolates
  3220. Time course of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase during acclimatization and growth of micropropagated Calathea and Spathiphyllum plants
  3221. Tritrichomonas foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis: the pattern of inactivation of hydrogenase activity by oxygen and activities of CATALASE and ascorbate peroxidase
  3222. Nonlinear oscillatory reaction of CATALASE induced by gradual entry of substrate
  3223. Increased cellular resistance to oxidative stress by expression of cyanobacterium CATALASE‐peroxidase in animal cells
  3224. Novel bacterial peroxidase without CATALASE activity from Flavobacterium meningosepticum: purification and characterization
  3225. The effect of CATALASE amplification on immortal lens epithelial cell lines
  3226. Detection and purification of a CATALASE-peroxidase from Mycobacterium sp. Pyr-1
  3227. Novel dinuclear manganese (II) complexes with monocapped trigonal prism geometries: implication of Mn Mn distance on the CATALASE activity of dinuclear …
  3228. CATALASE-like activity of a water-soluble complex of Ru (II)
  3229. Resistance to nitric oxide-mediated apoptosis in HL-60 variant cells is associated with increased activities of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  3230. Use of polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis to detect a point mutation in the CATALASE-peroxidase gene (katG) …
  3231. Investigation of the primary structure of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 1. Tryptic peptides of nonmodified CATALASE
  3232. Truncation and heme pocket mutations reduce production of functional CATALASE HPII in Escherichia coli.
  3233. CATALASE as a regulator of the propensity to ingest alcohol in genetically determined aCATALASEmic individuals from Israel
  3234. Relationship between the structure of some humic compounds and their inhibitory effects on carp CATALASE
  3235. Food deprivation changes peroxisomal β-oxidation activity but not CATALASE activity during postnatal development in pig tissues
  3236. A novel binding site in CATALASE is suggested by structural similarity to the calycin superfamily
  3237. Reduced levels of CATALASE activity potentiate MPP+-induced toxicity: comparison between MN9D cells and CHO cells
  3238. Reaction of E. coli CATALASE HPII with cyanide as ligand and as inhibitor
  3239. CATALASE-peroxidases in cyanobacteria–similarities and differences to ascorbate peroxidases
  3240. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in protection of cardiopulmonary bypass-induced cardiac dysfunction and cellular injury.
  3241. CATALASE transaction decreases hydrogen peroxide toxicity in a pancreatic beta cell line
  3242. The protective effect of 17β-estradiol on vasomotor responses of aorta from cholesterol-fed rabbit is reduced by inhibitors of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE
  3243. Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding CATALASE in wheat
  3244. Effects of Cadmium on the Activities of Transaminase and CATALASE in Tissues of Carassias Auratus [J]
  3245. Purification and characterization of CATALASE-2 from Deinococcus radiophilus
  3246. The kinetic and catalytic properties of Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  3247. Rapid one-step isolation of mouse liver CATALASE by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography
  3248. Studies on a CATALASE model system based on immobilised metalloporphyrins on modified solid polystyrene support
  3249. Enzyme electrophoresis, CATALASE test and PCR-RFLP analysis for the typing of Edwardsiella tarda
  3250. Characterization of hydrogen peroxide removal activities in mouse hemolysates: CATALASE activity and hydrogen peroxide removal activity by hemoglobin
  3251. On the CATALASE-peroxidase gene, katG, of Mycobacterium leprae and the implications for treatment of leprosy with isoniazid
  3252. Post-transcriptional control of increased hepatic CATALASE gene expression in response to oxidative stress
  3253. Circadian expression of the maize CATALASE Cat3 gene is highly conserved among diverse maize genotypes with structurally different promoters
  3254. … influence of ascorbic acid, glutathione, dimethylsulfoxide, Nt-butyl-a-phenyl-nitrone, copper-ions and a copper complex, CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, hexobarbital …
  3255. The protein sequence of an archaeal CATALASE-peroxidase
  3256. The effect ofGinkgo biloba on the activity of CATALASE and lipid peroxidation in experimental strangulation ileus
  3257. Isolation of Vibrio sp. S-1 exhibiting extraordinarily high CATALASE activity
  3258. Crystallization and preliminary structural results of CATALASE from human erythrocytes
  3259. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and nitrogenase activities of symbiotic Frankia (Alnus incana) in response to different oxygen tensions
  3260. Modification of CATALASE by chondroitin sulfate
  3261. Are either sod and CATALASE or the polyamines involved in the paraquat resistance of Conyza canadensis ?
  3262. Purification of extracellular CATALASE from Aspergillus niger.
  3263. Adsorption, catalytic and electrochemical activity of CATALASE immobilized on carbon materials
  3264. Transforming growth factor-βs block cytokine induction of CATALASE and xanthine oxidase mRNA levels in cultured rat cardiac cells
  3265. Inhibitory effect of ascorbate on cell growth: relation to CATALASE activity
  3266. Effects of Iron and Selenium on the Production of CATALASE, Superoxide Dismutase, and Listeriolysin O in Listeria monocytogenes
  3267. Magnetization Studies of the Reduced Active Form of the CATALASE from Thermus thermophilus
  3268. CATALASE-like activity of divinylbenzene (DVB)-crosslinked polyacrylamide supported amino metal complexes
  3269. Abnormality in translational regulation of CATALASE expression in disorders of peroxisomal biogenesis
  3270. Reduction of hydroxyl radical generation in a rat hindlimb model of ischemia-reperfusion injury using crosslinked hemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-CATALASE
  3271. Analysis of the transcriptional activity of the 5′‐flanking region of the rat CATALASE gene in transiently transfected cells and in transgenic mice
  3272. Swine CATALASE deduced from cDNA and localization of the CATALASE gene on swine chromosome 2p16-p15
  3273. Genetic heterogeneity of the 5′ uncoding region of the CATALASE gene in Hungarian aCATALASEmic and hypoCATALASEmic subjects
  3274. Polyamine profiles of Gram-positive CATALASE positive cocci
  3275. Photoinactivation of cellular CATALASE by ultraviolet radiation
  3276. Suppression of intracellular hydrogen peroxide generation and CATALASE levels in CD8+ T-lymphocytes from HIV+ individuals
  3277. Effect of 1, 10-phenanthroline on peroxidase and CATALASE activity and chlorophyll, sugar, and ascorbic acid contents
  3278. Effect of high concentration of ascorbate on CATALASE activity in cultured cells and tissues of guinea pigs
  3279. β-D (+) glucose-glucose oxidase-CATALASE for use as an antioxidant system
  3280. An increase of acidic isoform of CATALASE in red blood cells from HIV (+) population
  3281. cDNA sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of bovine oviductal fluid CATALASE
  3282. Increased liver-specific CATALASE activity in transgenic mice
  3283. Protection against oxidative injury and permeability alteration in cultured alveolar epithelium by transferrin-CATALASE conjugate
  3284. Changes in SH-containing compounds and CATALASE activity in apricot flower bud during the winter season
  3285. Glutathione peroxidase, reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in red cells of patients with hairy cell leukemia.
  3286. The in vitro study on genotoxic activity of adriamycin and bleomycin in cells of mice with different CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity.
  3287. Influence of polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase/CATALASE on altered opioid-induced pial artery dilation after brain injury
  3288. Effect of the peroxisome proliferator ciprofibrate on lipid peroxidation and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine formation in transgenic mice with elevated hepatic CATALASE …
  3289. Heme content of CATALASE I from Bacillus stearothermophilus
  3290. Overproduction of mycobacterial ribosomal protein S13 induces CATALASE/peroxidase activity and hypersensitivity to isoniazid in Mycobacterium smegmatis
  3291. Investigation of the primary structure of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 2. Tryptic peptides of maleilated CATALASE
  3292. Identification of the CATALASE gene promoter region involved in superinduction in Schizosaccharomyces pombe caused by cycloheximide and hydrogen peroxide
  3293. Direct methods in protein electron crystallography–beef liver CATALASE in its fully hydrated form at room temperature
  3294. Antioxidative effect of glucose oxidase and CATALASE in mayonnaises of different oxidative susceptibility. II. Mathematical modelling
  3295. The Effects of Vitamin E on CATALASE Activies in Various Rat Tissues
  3296. CATALASE activity as an index of microbial load and end‐point cooking temperature of fish
  3297. Adenoviral-mediated CATALASE gene transfer protects porcine and human islets in vitro against oxidative stress
  3298. Effect of sampling season and storage period on dehydrogenase and CATALASE activity of on Orthic Luvisol
  3299. A Tourist element in the 5′-flanking region of the CATALASE gene CatA reveals evolutionary relationships among Oryza species with various genome types
  3300. Quaternary structure of CATALASE using a bioskin-immobilized enzyme
  3301. Role of CATALASE in H 2 O 2-induced oxidant stress in marsupial erythrocytes
  3302. … pharmacokinetics, nervous system biodistribution and biostability, and spinal cord permeability at the blood–brain barrier of putrescine-modified CATALASE in the adult …
  3303. Structural and Functional Investigations on Diiron Complexes: CATALASE‐Like Activity and Mechanistic Studies on the Formation of (μ‐Peroxo) diiron (III) Adducts
  3304. Is tobacco response to TMV infection modulated by CATALASE activity?
  3305. Expression of heat shock proteins, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and nephroblastoma
  3306. Complete amino acid sequence of CATALASE from the fungus Penicillium vitale
  3307. Identification of adjacent genes encoding the major CATALASE and a bacterioferritin from the plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas putida
  3308. The activities of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in erythrocytes of rats with experimental neoplastic disease.
  3309. Lipid and protein peroxidation process and CATALASE activity in pre-eclamptic placenta
  3310. Quantitative changes in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and peroxidase with reference to resistance in tomato to Meloidogyne incognita
  3311. A method for determining the cytoprotective effect of CATALASE in transiently transfected cell lines and in corneal tissue
  3312. Allelic deletion at chromosome 11p13 defines a tumour suppressor region between the CATALASE gene and D11S935 in human non-small cell lung carcinoma.
  3313. Effects of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on growth of retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro following addition of linoleic acid or linoleic acid hydroperoxide
  3314. The prophylactic effects of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, desferrioxamine, verapamil and disulfiram in experimental colitis.
  3315. Investigation of the primary structure of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 3. Peptides obtained by cleavage of the CATALASE by Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase
  3316. Investigation of the primary structure of Penicillium vitale CATALASE. 4. Cyanogen bromide fragments
  3317. 82 Structural characterization of recombinant CATALASE-peroxidase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3318. Simultaneous production of CATALASE, glucose oxidase and gluconic acid by Aspergillus niger mutant.
  3319. Accumulation of lead and zinc and effects on activities of CATALASE and GPT in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum A
  3320. DNA repair of adriamycin induced damage in mouse and human cells differing in CATALASE activity.
  3321. Investigation of the Penicillium vitale CATALASE primar structure. 5. Reconstruction of the polypsptide chain and comparison it with other CATALASEs
  3323. Protective effects of trolox C, vitamin C, and CATALASE on bromobenzene-induced damage to rat hepatocytes
  3324. Studies on Preparing and Characteristics of Immobilized CATALASE in Silk Fibroin [J]
  3325. Total process lethality as related to residual CATALASE activity in cooked chicken breast
  3326. Microinjection of CATALASE cDNA prevents hydrogen peroxide-induced motoneuron death
  3327. The functionalization of saturated hydrocarbons. Part 35. On the intermediates in an FeIII CATALASE model in pyridine. Relevance to the CATALASE enzyme
  3328. Tissue and organ expression of CATALASE in aCATALASEmic Beagle dogs
  3329. Light-dependent expression of two CATALASE subunits in leaves of barley seedlings
  3330. E. coli HPII CATALASE interaction with high spin ligands: formate and fluoride as active site probes
  3331. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity in tracheobronchial secretions after surfactant treatment of newborn infants with respiratory distress syndrome
  3332. Viscosity control of guar polysaccharide solutions by treatment with galactose oxidase and CATALASE enzymes
  3333. Anaerobic stopped-flow studies of indole-3-acetic acid oxidation by dioxygen catalysed by horseradish C and anionic tobacco peroxidase at neutral pH: CATALASE …
  3334. Caloric restriction diminishes the age‐associated loss of immunoreactive CATALASE in rat prostate
  3335. Operational stability of CATALASE and its conjugates with aldehyde dextrans and superoxide dismutase
  3336. Lung CuZn-superoxide dismutase and CATALASE gene expression in premature rabbits treated intratracheally with antioxidant-surfactant liposomes
  3337. Glycolaldehyde production from ethylene glycol with immobilized alcohol oxidase and CATALASE
  3338. Red blood cell superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone.
  3339. The contribution of GSH peroxidase-1, CATALASE and GSH to the degradation of H2O2by the mouse lens
  3340. A study on axial ligands of model enzyme to activize CATALASE: a new method of enhancement natural enzyme activity
  3341. Decrement of CATALASE mRNA level after salicylic acid treatment
  3342. Hydrogen peroxide and CATALASE are inversely related in adult patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass: implications for antioxidant protection
  3343. Inhibition of CATALASE in mesencephalic cultures by L-DOPA and dopamine
  3344. Catalytic properties of CATALASE in microemulsions of surface-active agents in octane
  3345. Isolation of the met-derivative intermediate in the CATALASE-like activity of deoxygenated Octopus vulgaris hemocyanin
  3346. EPC-K1, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, prevents 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopamine depletion in the mouse striatum by up-regulation of CATALASE activity
  3347. Retinal nitro blue tetrazolium staining and CATALASE activity in rat models of diabetes
  3348. Elevated CATALASE activity in red and white muscles of MyoD gene‐inactivated mice
  3349. Influence of Heavy Metals on the Activity of Spirodela Polyrrhiza CATALASE (CAT)[J]
  3350. The activities of superoxide disumtase, CATALASE and ascorbic acid content in the liver of goldfish (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch.) exposed to cadmium
  3351. Peroxidase-like activity of CATALASE immobilized on carbon materials
  3352. cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of dog CATALASE
  3353. Effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) modulators, TEMPOL and CATALASE, on methoxyacetaldehyde (MALD)-induced chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster …
  3354. Effect of Postharvest Calcium Treatments on the Activities of CATALASE, Peroxidase, Polyphenol Oxidase and Ascorbic Acid Oxidase in Carambola Fruits [J]
  3355. Novel enrichment technique for the isolation of highly potent CATALASE producing yeasts from soil1
  3356. The effect of various food parameters on the activity and stability of CATALASE from Aspergillus niger and CATALASE from bovine liver
  3357. CATALASE-like activity of triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate-crosslinked polyacrylamide supported metal complexes
  3358. In vitro cell toxicity and CATALASE destruction by metalic copper of the intrauterine device
  3359. CATALASE-positive Eikenelia corrodens and Eikenella-like isolates of human and canine origin
  3360. Changes in CATALASE and glucose‐6‐phosphatase distribution patterns within oval cell compartment as possible differentiation markers during viral …
  3361. Isolation of CATALASE-negative Listeria monocytogenes from foods
  3362. Effect of the CATALASE inhibitor 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on oxidation-phosphorylation coupling and the state of the mitochondrial adenosine system in the liver of albino …
  3363. CATALASE induction in galls produced by Meloidogyne-tomato root interaction in vitro
  3364. Regulation of ascorbate peroxidase activity in dark-grown radish cotyledons by a CATALASE inhibitor, 3-Amino-1, 2, 4-Triazole
  3365. A positive correlation between CATALASE activity and ascorbate uptake in the tissues of guinea pigs and cultured cells of mammals
  3366. … -Binding Proteins Interacting with Short Repeat Sequences of the 3′ UTR May Be Involved in the Post-Transcriptional Regulation of the Mouse CATALASE Gene, Cas-1
  3367. Inhibition of CATALASE by Sulfite and Oxidation of Sulfite by H2O2 Cooperating with Ascorbic Acid
  3368. Effects of Dill Pickling Process, and Storage Duration on Lipoxygenase, Peroxidase and CATALASE Activities in Cucumber and Brine
  3369. CATALASE activity in activated sludge plant effluents
  3370. CATALASE activity as a potential indicator of the reducer component of small closed ecosystems
  3371. New phenolic antioxidants of PYA and PYE class increase the resistanceS. cerevisiae strain SP4, its SOD- and CATALASE-deficient mutants to lipophilic oxidants
  3372. Tissue Variance of Salicylic Acid-sensitive CATALASE and Enhancement of Disease Resistance with Exogenous Salicylic Acid in Maize
  3373. Further Studies on Peroxidase, Polyphenol Oxidase, Lipoxygenase, CATALASE during Malting and Mashing [J]
  3374. Simultaneous Catalyzing of Uricase-and CATALASE-Like Reactions of Resins Modified with Metalloporphyrins and Its Application for Determination of Uric Acid1
  3375. Evaluation of a rapid method for measurement of CATALASE activity in cooked beef and sausage
  3376. Oxidative stress: clinical and metabolic parameters and a polymorphic marker of the CATALASE gene in the development of retinopathy in patients with type II diabetes
  3377. Interaction of CATALASE with cationic hydrogels: Influence of pH, kinetics of process and isotherms of adsorption
  3378. On the CATALASE activity of the diapausing pupae of Cabbage Moth, Mamestra brassicae
  3379. The effect of NPK fertilization on chlorophyll, sugars, ascorbic acid content and activity of CATALASE and peroxidase in leaf parsley
  3380. NO production through CATALASE and myoglobin, hemeproteins, in vascular smooth muscle
  3381. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of CATALASE cDNA from green pepper seedlings elicited with arachidonic acid
  3382. Expression and subcellular localization of Candida tropicalis CATALASE in CATALASE gene disruptants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  3383. Effect of butylated hydroxyanisole on CATALASE activity and malondialdehyde content in aging Zaprionus paravittiger (Diptera)
  3384. Do Tea Polyphenols Protect Dogfish Lens (Mustelus canis) CATALASE Against UV Damage?
  3385. Interaction of sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) with CATALASE and horseradish peroxidase in an aqueous solution and in the reverse micelles of AOT/N …
  3386. General Equation of Steady-State Enzyme Kinetics Using Net Rate Constants and Its Applicaiton to the Kinetic Analysis of CATALASE Reaction
  3387. Inhibitor and temperature effect on CATALASE in the liver of adult diploid and haploid Rana rugosa
  3388. Lipid peroxidation induced by okadaic acid, a marine toxin, in vero cell cultures: prevention by superoxide dismutase+ CATALASE, vitamin C and vitamin E
  3389. Subcellular localization of CATALASE in sea urchin (Tetrapigus niger) gametes: Implications for peroxisome biogenesis
  3390. Effects of metal ions on biosynthesis of CATALASE
  3391. Biosynthesis of glucose oxidase and CATALASE by Aspergillus niger ZBY-7
  3392. Effect of H_2O_2 on Activities of CATALASE and Peroxidase in Rice Seedlings [J]
  3393. A novel versatility of CATALASE I as a dioxygenase for indole-ring-opening dioxygenation
  3394. Combination of low CATALASE activity with lipid peroxidation activation in serum of chronic alcoholics with kidney diseases
  3395. Tissue Variance of Salicylic Acid-sensitive CATALASE and Enhancement of Disease Resistance with Exogenous Salicylic Acid in Maize [J]
  3396. Promoter analysis of the CATALASE-peroxidase gene (cpeA) from Rhodobacter capsulatus
  3397. Interactions of a CATALASE– and an Urease-Negative Mutant of Helicobacter Pylori with Polymorphonuclear Granulocytes
  3398. Cytochemical study of CATALASE activity in Candida boidinii during incubation on methanol
  3399. Stability and refractoriness of the high CATALASE activity in the oxidative-stress-resistant fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe
  3400. Activation of CATALASE treated with high vol tage eletrostatic field [J]
  3401. Effect of hydration degree of aerosol OT reversed micelles and surfactant concentration in heptane on spectral and catalytic properties of CATALASE.
  3402. Do alpha-crystallins protect CATALASE against UV damage?
  3403. The activity of CATALASE in haemolymph of the silkworm, bombyx mori (L.) And its relation to larval resistance
  3404. Regulation of Arabidopsis CATALASE gene expression by light and the circadian clock
  3405. Study of the deactivation process of the glucose oxidase-CATALASE enzymatic system by means of simulation
  3406. Glucose oxidase and CATALASE activities of Penicillium variabile P16 immobilized in polyurethane sponge
  3407. Optimizing synthesis of conjugates of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE with aldehyde dextrans in surfactant microemulsions in heptane
  3408. Site-directed mutants of the CATALASE-peroxidase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3409. Immobilized CATALASE in water purification systems
  3410. CATALASE activity in developing seedling of opium poppyPapaver somniferum L
  3411. FTIR study of the catalytic mechanism of CATALASE on the hydrolysis of soman
  3412. The amino acid sequence around the cystein residue of Penicillium vitale CATALASE
  3413. Efficiency surveys of the peracids Degaclean and Clarmarin in combination with the CATALASE inhibitor KH10 from the Degussa company for eradicating the two …
  3414. CATALASE prevents estradiol-induced chondrocyte cytotoxicity
  3415. Activation of CATALASE treated with high vol tage electrostatic field
  3416. The improvement of immobilization for CATALASE
  3417. Amine oxidase, peroxidase, CATALASE and acid phosphatase activities in powdery mildew infected plants of Cucumis sativus
  3418. Influence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE gene (KatG) expression on nitric oxide production and the intracellular growth of transfected Mycobacterium …
  3419. Transgenic mice overexpressing CATALASE specifically in the heart for studying cardiac oxidative injury induced by copper deficiency
  3421. Characteristics of mutagenesis by bleomycin and adriamycin in Salmonella typhimurium: action of CATALASE.
  3422. Human Hepatic Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Human Erythrocyte CATALASE Do Not Metabolize the Cytochrome P‐4502E1 Substrate, Chlorzoxazone
  3423. A 13-week drinking water study with 6-week recovery period in CATALASE-deficient mice with hydrogen peroxide
  3424. Effect of fixation with reduced osmium tetroxide upon the antigenicity of liver CATALASE and erythrocyte esterase D
  3425. Oxygen Production by Dogfish (Mustelus canis) Cornea and Lens CATALASE In Situ
  3426. The Investigation of Interaction on CATALASE with Silver (I) Ion
  3427. CATALASE-mediated production of acetaldehyde as a mechanism underlying ethanol-enhanced apoptosis in the developing brain
  3428. Changes in activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and CATALASE from leaves of Impatiens flanaganiae in response to light intensity
  3429. On the CATALASE Activity of the Diapausing Pupae of Cabbage Moth, Mamestra brassicae
  3430. Features of the inhibition of CATALASE activity by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole in erythrocytes and liver of rats with streptozotocin diabetes
  3431. Synthesis of new bis bidentate ligands: CATALASE activities of the corresponding bis (1, 3-diketonato) iron (III) complexes
  3432. Isolation and characterization of the CATALASE gene from Rhizobium sp. SNU003, a root nodule symbiont of Canavalia lineata.
  3433. Effects of Chinese Taihe chicken and its melanin on CATALASE of red blood cells and lipid peroxide of plasma in mice
  3434. Studies on CATALASE activity in aging of tomato seeds
  3435. Characteristics of alcohol bio sensor system with immobilized CATALASE
  3436. The role of CATALASE in histologic changes of acute experimental pancreatitis
  3437. The relationship of CATALASE activity to the trade-off between reproduction and lifespan in the giant waterbug, Belostoma flumineum
  3438. CATALASE from bacillus subtilis IAM 1026 (FERM BP-4844)
  3439. Relationship between CATALASE activity, KatG gene and isoniazid-resistance in M. tuberculosis
  3440. Immobilized IDA-type Cu2+-chelating membrane affinity chromatography for purification of bovine liver CATALASE.
  3441. CATALASE and Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase isozymes patterns of races of Heterodera cajani and H. zeae.
  3442. Effects of deltamethrin on CATALASE activity in cucumber seedlings
  3443. A CATALASE journey
  3444. The determination of superoxidase, peroxidase and CATALASE activities in transgenic tomato
  3445. The Effect of Temperature on the Activities of CATALASE and Glutathione S-Transferase in Drosophila melanogaster Strains
  3446. Regulation of Brucella abortus CATALASE as a defensive mechanism against oxidative stress
  3447. The age-related characteristics of the effect of dimethylsulfoxide on myocardial CATALASE activity in immobilization stress
  3448. Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide and CATALASE on Physical Properties of Surfactant
  3449. Transposon-induced CATALASE-deficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens
  3450. Peroxidase oxidation of phenol by CATALASE immobilized on carbon materials
  3451. Biosynthesis of Glucose Oxidase and CATALASE in Resting Cell Culture System
  3452. Effect of occupational exposure to ammonia on enzymatic activities of CATALASE and mono amine oxidase.
  3453. Dimanganese Complexes Bridged with a (μ-X)(μ-Carboxylato) Unit as Models for the Active Site of Manganese CATALASE (X = OH, O or (O)2)
  3454. Structure, Magnetic Properties and CATALASE‐like Activity of Asymmetric Dimanganese (III, III) Carboxylate Complexes with Salicylaldimine Ligands
  3455. Interaction of sodium bis (2‐ethylhexyljt) sulfosuccinate (AOT) with CATALASE and horseradish peroxidase in an aqueous solution and in the reverse micelles of AOT/n …
  3456. Manganese redox metalloenzymes: Mn superoxide dismutase and Mn CATALASE
  3457. The effect of the duration of hypoxia on the activity of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the roots of clonal Eucalyptus marginata
  3459. Superoxide augmentation in a rat brain under hyperoxia as monitored in vivo by a superoxide dismutase/CATALASE-modified microelectrode
  3460. Effects of CATALASE and endothelin on anoxia-induced vasoconstriction of porcine basilar artery in vitro.
  3461. Influence of radiation damage repair inhibitor on superoxide dismutase (SOD), CATALASE (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in different sensitive crops
  3462. Biologic effects of the static magnetic field generated by a 0.5 T magnetic resonance tomograph on the enzyme activity of CATALASE and creatine kinase in the rat
  3463. Lipid peroxidation as a consequence of aluminum toxicity in human skin fibroblast cultures: prevention by superoxide dismutase+ CATALASE, vitamin E and vitamin C
  3464. Studies on simulating CATALASE with Fe (II) complex
  3465. Structure of CATALASE HPII From Escherichia coli at 1.9 AResolution
  3466. Production of aspergillus niger CATALASE-R
  3467. Pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity of polysialylated CATALASE
  3469. Antioxidant defense in L5178Y sublines: CATALASE
  3470. Activities of Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE in… The activity of CATALASE (CAT) in erythrocytes
  3471. Oxidation of Propagyl Alcohol by CATALASE
  3472. Probing the structure and function of CATALASE HPII of Escherichia coli
  3473. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE levels in diseases of the aged
  3474. Stability of CATALASE and its role in lipid oxidation in beef muscle
  3476. Purification and properties of the CATALASE from earthworm
  3477. Gene sequence encoding aspergillus niger CATALASE-R
  3478. Effects of M-DNB and P-DNB on liver CATALASE activity of carp
  3479. CATALASE against met-Hb excess during oximetries of dilute Hb-A samples.
  3480. Novel versatility of CATALASE I for dioxygenase reactions
  3481. Heme-dependent CATALASE activity of lactobacilli isolated from Thai fermented food
  3482. Serological and taxonomic studies of a novel class of mycobacterial CATALASE.
  3483. The CATALASE reaction in photosystem II
  3484. CATALASE-Peroxidase from Streptomyces seoulensis
  3485. ESR spectra of prosthetic group Fe (III) in injuring CATALASE with O~(.) _ (2)
  3486. Studies on preparing and characteristics of immobilized CATALASE in silk fibroin
  3487. The evolution of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and CATALASE values in acute phase of myocardial infarction (MI)
  3488. Characterization of CATALASE in Arabidopsis thaliana
  3489. Manipulation of CATALASE levels produces altered photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco plants.[Erratum: Feb 1998, v. 116 (2), p. 870.]
  3490. Establishment of cloning techniques of CATALASE gene in Bradyrhizobium japonicum
  3491. Effect of H_ (2) O_ (2) on activities of CATALASE and peroxidase in rice seedlings
  3492. CATALASE activity in the myocardium during stress in adult and aged rats
  3493. Studies on simulating CATALASE with Fe (II) metallomicelle
  3494. CATALASE gene therapy in experimental optic neuritis: Immunocytochemistry study
  3495. CATALASE Profiles of The Genus Deinococcus
  3496. A test to evaluate the activity of n-acetyltransferase and CATALASE in pathologic states of pregnancy
  3497. Partial Cloning of CATALASE Gene from Vitreoscilla sp.
  3498. Purification and characterization of a thermostable CATALASE from culture broth of Thermoascus aurantiacus [Eurotiales]
  3499. Cloning and expression of CATALASE gene of Lactobacillus sake 911 in Lactobacillus species A28
  3500. Effect of Cyanate on Lens Protein Carbamylation and CATALASE Activuty
  3501. Role of Adenosine in the Activation of Myocardial CATALASE Induced by Brief Regional Ischemia
  3502. Activity of glutathione-s-transferase, gammaglutamiltransferase and CATALASE in the erythrocytic membrane in arterial hypertension.
  3503. Effects of naphthyleneacetic acid on the activities of glycolate oxidase and CATALASE in wheat seedlings
  3504. Antithrombotic effect of CATALASE and chondroitin sulfate derivatives in arterial damage in rats
  3505. Effects of high temperature on the activity of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in citrus
  3506. Expression or possession of CATALASE gene does not alter the capacity of M. smegmatis to survive within human macrophages
  3507. CATALASE and Catalas-peroxidase from Streptomyces seoluensis
  3509. Effect of CATALASE overexpression on adriamycin cardiotoxicity in transgenic mice
  3510. A novel red blood cell substitute based on crosslinked hemoglobin, superoxide dismutase, and CATALASE
  3511. dismutases (SOD),” CATALASE” and glutathione peroxidase, or low molecular mass
  3512. Effect of dioxydine and cyclophosphane on lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in C57Bl/6 and BALB/c mice
  3514. The regulation of glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE transcripts by NGF in PC12 cells.
  3515. Probing the CATALASE activity associated with the R2 protein of ribonucleotide reductase from E. coli
  3516. The use of CATALASE transgenic mice to elucidate the mechanism of action of peroxisome proliferators
  3517. Primary studies on the improvement of enzyme thermostability by elongation mutation of CATALASE I
  3518. Cloning, Sequencing and Regulation of CATALASE-Peroxidase of Rhizobium etli
  3519. Three Dimensional Structure of Chloride Inhibited Di-Manganese CATALASE from Thermus thermophilus at 0.98 Å Resolution.
  3521. Gram-positive, CATALASE negative cocci isolated from clinical material–identification and drug sensitivity of strains
  3522. Peroxisome proliferators increase ethanol catabolism through utilization of the CATALASE pathway
  3523. The influence of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on the course of the pathological process in the lungs in experimental silicosis
  3524. The role of CATALASE in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm resistance to hydrogen peroxide
  3525. Structural characterization of the Mn sites in Mn CATALASE and in the photosynthetic oxygen evolving complex
  3526. The alteration of membrane-bound CATALASE level in erythrocytes of breast cancer patients under radiotherapy.; Izmenenie urovnya membranosvyazannoj katalazy …
  3527. The clinical and pathogenetic role of erythrocyte CATALASE activity in diphtheria patients
  3528. Purification and Characterization of CATALASE from Rhodospirillum rubrum ATCC 11170
  3529. Influence of ionizing radiation on synthesis and molecular heterogeneity of CATALASE in tissue culture of Rauwolfia serpentina
  3530. Cloning, Expression and Genomic Characterization of Three CATALASE Genes from Small Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
  3531. Effects of Benzyladenine on the Activities of Glycolate Oxidase and CATALASE in Wheat Seedlings
  3532. Effects of benzyladenine on the activities of glycolate oxidase and CATALASE in wheat seedlings
  3533. Purification, characterization and cloning of a periplasmic CATALASE from Brucella abortus and the role it plays in the pathogenesis of Brucella.
  3534. Purification and Characterization of a CATALASE-Peroxidase from Pleurotus ostreatus
  3535. Role of residues on the proximal side of the heme in CATALASE HPII of Escherichia coli
  3536. An analysis of PAGE combined with enzyme activity staining for CATALASE and superoxide dismutase of Deinococcus radiodurans
  3538. Changes in the Activity of the CATALASE Antioxidant Enzyme Complex of the Erythrocytes as Dependent on Autonomic Nervous System Function in Closed …
  3539. Changes of superoxiddismutase and CATALASE activity in the aqueous humor in hyphema after magnet-laser stimulation
  3540. Oxidative DNA damage in Escherichia coli strains deficient in CATALASE and Fapy-glycosylase
  3541. Comparative characterization and structure-function analyses of the CATALASE-peroxidases of Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3542. Changes and correlation of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase of bronchopneumonia
  3543. Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the native and inhibitor bound forms of the Lactobacillus plantarum manganese CATALASE and related proteins
  3544. Correlation between the sensitivity of Rhizobium fredii USDA191 to hydrogen peroxide and the activities of CATALASE and peroxidase
  3546. CATALASE induction in galls produced by Meloidogyne tomato root interactions in vitro [Lycopersicon esculentum]
  3547. Characterization of transgenic tomato plants expressing an antisense CATALASE gene and cloning of a TOMCAT2 gene
  3548. Effects of CATALASE and Cumulus Cells during In Vitro Maturation in Porcine Oocytes
  3549. Synthesis, spectroscopic and structural studies of a new family of dipyrromethane ligands and their manganese complexes as CATALASE models
  3550. Analysis of a Tn917 transposon mutant and preliminary characterization of nonhemolytic, CATALASE-deficient variants of Staphylococcus aureus
  3551. The effect of nitrogen fertilization on peroxidase and CATALASE activity in potato tubers
  3552. Induction of CATALASE Gene Expression in Hepatoma and Fibroblast Cell Lines with Peroxisome Proliferator (Clofibric Acid)
  3553. Inhibition of solubilized superoxide dismutase co-immobilized with CATALASE by the polydisulfide of gallic acid.
  3554. 15.1 CATALASE Activity
  3555. An examination of the effects of the CATALASE inhibitor 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on ethanol, food and water intake
  3556. Changes in the activity of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and L-ascorbic acid concentration in rats under effect of alphamethrine and cadmium and alphamethrine
  3557. Mineral content, in shoots and roots of maize and soybean seedlings as affected by nacl and their relation to changes in chlorophylls and CATALASE activity
  3558. The antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase): Their molecular evolution and regulation in mice.
  3559. Asymmetric Homo-and Heterodinuclear Complexes as Models for the Metalloenzyme CATALASE: EPR-Spectroscopy and Electrochemical Investigations
  3560. Effects of Hirudo therapy on lipid peroxidation and CATALASE activity of the rabbit retina after light-induced eye injuries
  3561. Root Colonization by Pseudomonas putida: The Role of CATALASE and Superoxide Dismutase Isozymes
  3562. Isolation and Characterization of Three cDNAs Encoding CATALASE from Small Radish (Raphanus sativus L. var sativus)
  3563. … of biotechnology in paraquat detoxification, Novel system development: Regulation of the oxidative stress protective enzymes, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in …
  3564. … , glycosylated hemoglobin and duration of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus on the activity of antioxidant enzymes [superoxide dismutase and CATALASE]
  3565. Adsorption of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE from microemulsions of surface active agents in heptane
  3566. Progressive Reduction of the Mn-CATALASE Mn (III)-Mn (III) State to the Mn (II)-Mn (III) and Mn (II)-Mn (II) States by Nitrogen Monoxide
  3567. Cloning and characterization of catA, which encodes the major CATALASE of Streptomyces coelicolor
  3568. Glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, superoxide dismutase and aldose reductase: mRNA levels and enzyme activity in diabetic rat lenses
  3569. In vitro evaluation of genotoxic activity of adriamycin and bleomycin in mouse embryo cells which differ in CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity
  3570. In vitro inactivation of surface active properties of pulmonary surfactant by hydrogen peroxide and reversal by CATALASE.† 1566
  3571. Effects of Dill Pickling Process, and Storage Duration on Lipoxygenase, Peroxidase and CATALASE Activities in Cucumber and Brine
  3572. Aldolase, carbonic anhydrase and CATALASE activity in faba bean leaves as affected by iron and zinc
  3573. Changed level of peripheral blood red cell total and membrane-bound CATALASE in liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl Power Plant accident and in …
  3574. Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Decrease of Liver CATALASE in Long-Evans Cinnamon Rats Predisposed to Hepatitis and Hepatoma
  3575. Salen-Manganese Complexes: Combined Superoxide Dismutasel CATALASE Mimics with Broad Pharmacological Efficacy
  3576. Changes in activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in cotton seedling after infection with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum and their relations to the …
  3577. Enzyme activity and yield of stalk celery and leek under the influence of mineral fertilization. Part II. CATALASE activity in plant leaves
  3578. Increased expression of classical cellular glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE and heme oxygenase-1 genes in murine erythroleukemia cells treated with 5 …
  3579. Effects of CATALASE and endothelin on anoxia-induced vasoconstriction of porcine basilar artery in vitro
  3580. Radiation-initiated, immortal Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts release elevated levels of H2O2 and show divergent MnSOD and CATALASE activities
  3581. … growth phase-and temperature-dependent expression and H2O2 toxicity protection of a superoxide-inducible monofunctional CATALASE gene from Xanthomonas …
  3582. Overexpression of F MN Superoxide Dismutase (MnSOD) or MnSOD/CATALASE (CAT) Protects Lung Epithelial Cells Against Oxident Injury
  3583. Markers of antioxidative capacity [superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase] in female rats: correlation with cigarette smoke …
  3584. F344/Shi rats bearing type b CATALASE‐1 locus are sensitive to sodium L‐ascorbate promotion of two‐stage urinary bladder carcinogenesis
  3585. Erratum to ”Further development of CATALASE, tyrosinase and glucose oxidase based organic phase enzyme electrode response as a function of organic solvent …
  3586. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Trichoderma harzianum, a biological control fungus of Rhizoctonia solani disease of sugar beet
  3587. K eywords: Biological control, glucose oxidase, Ceratocystis coeru-lescens, Bjerkandera adusta, Talaromyces flavus, CATALASE, ligninase, per-oxidase, sapstain
  3588. Studies on high-valent (⩾ 2) dinuclear manganese complexes using a septadentate schiff-base ligand in relation to manganese CATALASE enzymes
  3589. … study of mRNA binding proteins specific to a 134 base CA dinucleotide-rich portion of the 3′-untranslated region from the BALB/c mouse CATALASE gene, Cas-1.
  3590. Decomposition of H_ (2) O_ (2) by microencapsulated CATALASE
  3591. A Critical Role for H 2 O 2 in O 2-mediated Cytotoxicity of Rat Distal Fetal Lung Epithelial Cells. Protective effects of Trolox and liposomal CATALASE♦ 1699
  3592. The 2.0 Å crystal structure of CATALASE-peroxidase from Haloarcula marismortui
  3593. Modulation of CATALASE peroxidatic and catalatic activity by nitric oxide
  3594. Studies of stabilization of native CATALASE using additives
  3595. Crystal structure of manganese CATALASE from Lactobacillus plantarum
  3596. Hereditary CATALASE deficiencies and increased risk of diabetes
  3597. Mitochondrial CATALASE and oxidative injury
  3598. New evidences on the CATALASE mechanism of microbial corrosion
  3599. Miscellaneous CATALASE-negative, gram-positive cocci: emerging opportunists
  3600. Extension of life-span with superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics
  3601. CATALASE evaluation in different human diseases associated with oxidative stress.
  3602. Immobilization of CATALASE on chitosan film
  3603. The contribution of CATALASE and other natural products to the antibacterial activity of honey: a review
  3604. UVB light stimulates production of reactive oxygen species: unexpected role for CATALASE
  3605. CATALASE activity in equine semen
  3606. Differential expression of manganese superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in lung cancer
  3607. Targeting of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE to vascular endothelium
  3608. Role of CATALASE in Campylobacter jejuniIntracellular Survival
  3609. Identification of a functional peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor response element in the rat CATALASE promoter
  3610. Hydrogen peroxide homeostasis: activation of plant CATALASE by calcium/calmodulin
  3611. CATALASE/superoxide dismutase (SOD) and CATALASE/paraoxonase (PON) ratios may implicate poor glycemic control
  3612. Inhibition of CATALASE activity by oxidative stress and its relationship to salicylic acid accumulation in plants
  3613. Blood CATALASE deficiency and diabetes in Hungary
  3614. Stability of CATALASE and its potential role in lipid oxidation in meat
  3615. … polymorphism in the promoter region of the human CATALASE gene influences transcription factor binding, reporter gene transcription and is correlated to blood CATALASE …
  3616. Active and inhibited human CATALASE structures: ligand and NADPH binding and catalytic mechanism
  3617. Preparation of highly efficient manganese CATALASE mimics
  3618. CATALASE expression in delayed and premature aging mouse models☆
  3619. Three-dimensional structure of the enzyme dimanganese CATALASE from Thermus thermophilus at 1 Å resolution
  3620. The molecular peculiarities of CATALASE‐peroxidases
  3621. Immobilization of CATALASE into chemically crosslinked chitosan beads
  3622. Functional analysis of an extracellular CATALASE of Botrytis cinerea
  3623. Nitric oxide inhibition of tobacco CATALASE and ascorbate peroxidase
  3624. Genetic Association of the CATALASE Gene (CAT) with Vitiligo Susceptibility
  3625. Enterococcus faecalis Heme-Dependent CATALASE
  3626. Multiple CATALASE Genes Are Differentially Regulated in Aspergillus nidulans
  3627. Structure of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  3628. Effect of CATALASE on Hydrogen Peroxide Penetration into Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
  3629. CATALASE activity is regulated by c-Abl and Arg in the oxidative stress response
  3630. Gene expression of antioxidative enzymes in the human heart: increased expression of CATALASE in the end-stage failing heart
  3631. A polymorphism in the promoter region of CATALASE is associated with blood pressure levels
  3632. Direct Voltammetry and Catalysis with Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE−Peroxidase, Peroxidases, and CATALASE in Lipid Films
  3633. CATALASE-peroxidase KatG of Burkholderia pseudomallei at 1.7 Å resolution
  3634. CATALASE enzyme activity is related to tolerance of mandarin fruits to chilling
  3635. Purification and Characterization of a CATALASE from the Facultatively Psychrophilic Bacterium Vibrio rumoiensis S-1T Exhibiting High CATALASE Activity
  3636. Cellular and subcellular localization of CATALASE in the heart of transgenic mice
  3637. CATALASE, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activities in various rat tissues after carbon tetrachloride intoxication
  3638. CATALASE—an “old” enzyme that continues to surprise us
  3639. Fully-automated spectrophotometric method for measurement of antioxidant activity of CATALASE
  3640. Lipid peroxides induce expression of CATALASE in cultured vascular cells
  3641. Lens superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in diabetic cataract
  3642. Relative contributions of heart mitochondria glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE to H2O2 detoxification in in vivo conditions
  3643. The Pseudomonas secretory product pyocyanin inhibits CATALASE activity in human lung epithelial cells
  3644. An Agrobacterium CATALASE is a virulence factor involved in tumorigenesis
  3645. Wheat CATALASE expressed in transgenic rice can improve tolerance against low temperature stress
  3646. … plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase and CATALASE are less sensitive to oxidative stress than single antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase or CATALASE
  3647. A kinetic analysis of the CATALASE activity of myeloperoxidase
  3648. Identification of a non‐haem CATALASE in Salmonella and its regulation by RpoS (σS)
  3649. Effects of long‐term in vitro incubation of human spermatozoa: functional parameters and CATALASE effect
  3650. A quantum chemical study of the mechanism of manganese CATALASE
  3651. CATALASE-deficient tobacco plants: tools for in planta studies on the role of hydrogen peroxide
  3652. Hydrogen-peroxide-induced heme degradation in red blood cells: the protective roles of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase
  3653. Mycobacterial FurA is a negative regulator of CATALASE–peroxidase gene katG
  3654. Reversal of age-related learning deficits and brain oxidative stress in mice with superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics
  3655. Effects of growth hormone on hypothalamic CATALASE and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase1
  3656. Hydrogen peroxide-mediated CATALASE gene expression in response to wounding
  3657. Ectopic expression of CATALASE in Drosophila mitochondria increases stress resistance but not longevity
  3658. A major CATALASE (KatB) that is required for resistance to H2O2 and phagocyte-mediated killing in Edwardsiella tarda
  3659. Inhibition of experimental pulmonary metastasis by controlling biodistribution of CATALASE in mice
  3660. Isolation and characterisation of a cassava CATALASE expressed during post-harvest physiological deterioration
  3661. Inactivation of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase by singlet oxygen derived from photoactivated dye
  3662. Theoretical study of the mechanisms of substrate recognition by CATALASE
  3663. CATALASE Is Regulated by Ubiquitination and Proteosomal Degradation. Role of the c-Abl and Arg Tyrosine Kinases†
  3664. Lifespan extension and rescue of spongiform encephalopathy in superoxide dismutase 2 nullizygous mice treated with superoxide dismutase–CATALASE mimetics
  3665. Immunotargeting of CATALASE to the pulmonary endothelium alleviates oxidative stress and reduces acute lung transplantation injury
  3666. CATALASE-like activity of horseradish peroxidase: relationship to enzyme inactivation by H2O2
  3667. Preparation of a stable biocatalyst of bovine liver CATALASE using immobilization and postimmobilization techniques
  3668. Oxidative damage to CATALASE induced by peroxyl radicals: functional protection by melatonin and other antioxidants
  3669. Modulation of the Activities of CATALASE−Peroxidase HPI of Escherichia coli by Site-Directed Mutagenesis
  3670. In vitro salicylic acid inhibition of CATALASE activity in maize: differences between the isozymes and a possible role in the induction of chilling tolerance
  3671. Slow intracellular trafficking of CATALASE nanoparticles targeted to ICAM-1 protects endothelial cells from oxidative stress
  3672. Unique Presence of a Manganese CATALASE in a Hyperthermophilic Archaeon, Pyrobaculum calidifontis VA1
  3673. CATALASE-like and superoxide dismutase-like activities in human seminal plasma
  3674. Prevention of neutrophil-mediated hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury by superoxide dismutase and CATALASE derivatives
  3675. … interactive regulator with PerR, contributes to virulence, and is necessary for oxidative stress resistance through positive regulation of CATALASE and iron homeostasis
  3676. Transduction of human CATALASE mediated by an HIV-1 TAT protein basic domain and arginine-rich peptides into mammalian cells
  3677. Lipid peroxidation as pathway of aluminium cytotoxicity in human skin fibroblast cultures: prevention by superoxide dismutase+ CATALASE and vitamins E and C
  3678. CATALASE protects HepG2 cells from apoptosis induced by DNA-damaging agents by accelerating the degradation of p53
  3679. CATALASE-Peroxidase (Mycobacterium tuberculosis KatG) Catalysis and Isoniazid Activation
  3680. CATALASE effects on glucose-sensitive hydrogels
  3681. Characterization of a Heme-Dependent CATALASE fromMethanobrevibacter arboriphilus
  3682. Free radical scavengers, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase provide protection from oxalate-associated injury to LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells
  3683. Age-associated changes of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in the rat brain
  3684. Changes in superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities of rat brain regions during early global transient ischemia/reperfusion
  3685. Characterization of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in Staphylococcus carnosus 833 strain
  3686. Regulation of CATALASE enzyme activity by cell signaling molecules
  3687. Expression of the Bacterial CATALASE Genes During Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago sativa Symbiosis and Their Crucial Role During the Infection Process
  3688. Regulation of CATALASE–peroxidase (KatG) expression, isoniazid sensitivity and virulence by furA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  3689. Scavenging of extracellular H2O2 by CATALASE inhibits the proliferation of HER-2/Neu-transformed rat-1 fibroblasts through the induction of a stress response
  3690. CATALASE contents in cells determine sensitivity to the apoptosis inducer gallic acid
  3691. CATALASE-overexpressing thymocytes are resistant to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis and exhibit increased net tumor growth
  3692. A sulfonamide based glucose-responsive hydrogel with covalently immobilized glucose oxidase and CATALASE
  3693. The influence of oxidative stress on CATALASE and MnSOD gene transcription in astrocytes
  3694. Distal site aspartate is essential in the CATALASE activity of CATALASE-peroxidases
  3695. Regulation of Brucella abortusCATALASE
  3696. The application of CATALASE for the elimination of hydrogen peroxide residues after bleaching of cotton fabrics
  3697. High-fructose diet decreases CATALASE mRNA levels in rat tissues
  3698. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and NADPH oxidase in lead-induced hypertension
  3699. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen on glassy carbon: catalysis by CATALASE
  3700. Synthetic superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics reduce oxidative stress and prolong survival in a mouse amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model
  3701. CATALASE gene expression in response to chronic high temperature stress in maize
  3702. Effects of overexpression of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutases, CATALASE, and thioredoxin reductase genes on longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
  3703. Unique oligomeric intermediates of bovine liver CATALASE
  3704. Oxidation of nitric oxide by oxomanganese–salen complexes: a new mechanism for cellular protection by superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics
  3705. Involvement of CATALASE in the endometrium of patients with endometriosis and adenomyosis
  3706. Helicobacter pylori induces but survives the extracellular release of oxygen radicals from professional phagocytes using its CATALASE activity
  3707. Mechanism of hydrogen peroxide dismutation by a dimanganese CATALASE mimic: dominant role of an intramolecular base on substrate binding affinity and rate …
  3708. Improved human sperm recovery using superoxide dismutase and CATALASE supplementation in semen cryopreservation procedure
  3709. The structures of Micrococcus lysodeikticus CATALASE, its ferryl intermediate (compound II) and NADPH complex
  3710. Antioxidant effect of red wine anthocyanins in normal and CATALASE-inactive human erythrocytes
  3711. Roles of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE of Staphylococcus xylosus in the inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation
  3712. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the maize Cat2 gene have altered CATALASE levels that affect plant-pathogen interactions and resistance to oxidative stress
  3713. OxyR Acts as a Repressor of CATALASE Expression in Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  3714. Toxoplasma gondii CATALASE: are there peroxisomes in toxoplasma?
  3715. … of the defense system in chloroplasts to photooxidative stress caused by paraquat using transgenic tobacco plants expressing CATALASE from Escherichia coli
  3716. Superoxide reactivates nitric oxide-inhibited CATALASE
  3717. Oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans: protective effects of superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics
  3718. CATALASE activity, hydrogen peroxide content and thermotolerance of pepper leaves
  3719. Protection against reactive oxygen species during mouse preimplantation embryo development: role of EDTA, oxygen tension, CATALASE, superoxide dismutase and …
  3720. Roles of Fe Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE in Resistance of Campylobacter coli to Freeze-Thaw Stress
  3721. CATALASE gene expression in response to auxin‐mediated developmental signals
  3722. CATALASE (KatA) and KatA-associated protein (KapA) are essential to persistent colonization in the Helicobacter pylori SS1 mouse model
  3723. Hyperbaric oxygenation pretreatment induces CATALASE and reduces infarct size in ischemic rat myocardium
  3724. Dormancy in grape buds: isolation and characterization of CATALASE cDNA and analysis of its expression following chemical induction of bud dormancy release
  3725. Attenuation of CATALASE activity in the malignant phenotype plays a functional role in an in vitro model for tumor progression
  3726. Enhancing effect of rasagiline on superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in the dopaminergic system in the rat
  3727. Dyeing in CATALASE‐treated bleaching baths
  3728. Induction of CATALASE, alpha, and microsomal glutathione S‐transferase in CYP2E1 overexpressing HepG2 cells and protection against short‐term oxidative stress
  3729. Induction of CATALASE and ascorbate peroxidase activities in tobacco roots inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal Glomus mosseae
  3730. Role of glutathione redox cycle and CATALASE in defense against oxidative stress induced by endosulfan in adrenocortical cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  3731. PECAM-directed delivery of CATALASE to endothelium protects against pulmonary vascular oxidative stress
  3732. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase mimics for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
  3733. Differential activity of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in seedlings and in vitro micropropagated oak (Quercus robur L.)
  3734. Determination of the activity of CATALASE using a europium (III)–tetracycline-derived fluorescent substrate
  3735. Influence of CATALASE and Superoxide Dismutase on Ozone Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes
  3736. CATALASE enzyme in mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  3737. The structure and spin coupling of CATALASE compound I: a study of noncovalent effects
  3738. Aspergillus nidulans CATALASE-Peroxidase Gene (cpeA) Is Transcriptionally Induced during Sexual Development through the Transcription Factor StuA
  3739. Distinctive properties of the CATALASE B of Aspergillus nidulans
  3740. Resistance to hydrogen peroxide in Helicobacter pylori: role of CATALASE (KatA) and Fur, and functional analysis of a novel gene product designated ‘KatA-associated …
  3741. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the Danio rerio CATALASE gene
  3742. Ethanol-stimulated behaviour in mice is modulated by brain CATALASE activity and H 2 O 2 rate of production
  3743. Effect of distal cavity mutations on the formation of compound I in CATALASE-peroxidases
  3744. Dehydrogenase and CATALASE activity of soil irrigated with municipal wastewater
  3745. Activities of amine oxidase, peroxidase and CATALASE in seedlings of Pisum sativum L. under different light conditions
  3746. Thin films of polyelectrolyte-encapsulated CATALASE microcrystals for biosensing
  3747. Factors Affecting CATALASE Expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms and Planktonic Cells
  3748. Activity of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE and the level of lipid peroxidation products reactive with TBA in patients with psoriasis
  3749. A CATALASE-peroxidase from a newly isolated thermoalkaliphilic Bacillus sp. with potential for the treatment of textile bleaching effluents
  3750. Characterization of a CATALASE-peroxidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
  3751. … oxygen species-mediated loss of bovine sperm motility in egg yolk Tris extender: protection by pyruvate, metal chelators and bovine liver or oviductal fluid CATALASE
  3752. Effect of CATALASE supplementation in storage media for avulsed teeth
  3753. Sequential inactivation of reactive oxygen species by combined overexpression of SOD isoforms and CATALASE in insulin-producing cells
  3754. Amelioration of antigen-induced arthritis in rats by transfer of extracellular superoxide dismutase and CATALASE genes
  3755. Isoniazid Activation Defects in Recombinant Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE-Peroxidase (KatG) Mutants Evident in InhA Inhibitor Production
  3756. Cytokines and nitric oxide inhibit the enzyme activity of CATALASE but not its protein or mRNA expression in insulin-producing cells
  3757. CATALASE activity in human erythrocytes: effect of phenoxyherbicides and their metabolites
  3758. Effects of estrogens and androgens on erythrocyte antioxidant superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities during the menstrual cycle
  3759. Erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE activities in healthy male subjects in Republic of Macedonia
  3760. Characterization for didodecyldimethylammonium bromide liquid crystal film entrapping CATALASE with enhanced direct electron transfer rate
  3761. H2O2-sensitive fur-like repressor CatR regulating the major CATALASE gene in Streptomyces coelicolor
  3762. Mitochondrial or cytosolic CATALASE reverses the MnSOD-dependent inhibition of proliferation by enhancing respiratory chain activity, net ATP production, and …
  3763. Purification and Characterization of an Iron Superoxide Dismutase and a CATALASE from the Sulfate-Reducing BacteriumDesulfovibrio gigas
  3764. Haemonchus contortus utilises CATALASE in defence against exogenous hydrogen peroxide in vitro
  3765. An association study of a functional CATALASE gene polymorphism,− 262C→ T, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease
  3766. Preliminary study on glucose oxidase–CATALASE enzyme system to control the browning of apple and pear purées
  3767. CATALASE negative Staphylococcus aureus retain virulence in mouse model of chronic granulomatous disease
  3768. An immobilised CATALASE peroxidase from the alkalothermophilic Bacillus SF for the treatment of textile-bleaching effluents
  3769. Expression and prognostic significance of CATALASE in malignant mesothelioma
  3770. Rapid formation of compound II and a tyrosyl radical in the Y229F mutant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE-peroxidase disrupts CATALASE but not peroxidase …
  3771. Direct electrochemistry of CATALASE on glassy carbon electrodes
  3772. Changes of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase in the corneal epithelium after UVB rays. Histochemical and biochemical study
  3773. FSH induced stimulation of CATALASE activity in goat granulosa cells in vitro
  3774. Production of CATALASE and glucose oxidase by Aspergillus niger using unconventional oxygenation of culture
  3775. Methylmercury-mediated inhibition of 3H-D-aspartate transport in cultured astrocytes is reversed by the antioxidant CATALASE
  3776. Differential diurnal expression of rice CATALASE genes: the 5′-flanking region of CatA is not sufficient for circadian control
  3777. Cytoprotective antioxidant activity of serum albumin and autocrine CATALASE in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
  3778. The changes of superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in erythrocytes of active and passive smokers
  3779. Effects of superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics on life span and oxidative stress resistance in the housefly, Musca domestica
  3780. Inhibition of CATALASE activity with 3-amino-triazole enhances the cytotoxicity of the Alzheimer’s amyloid-β peptide
  3781. Multifrequency EPR investigation of dimanganese CATALASE and related Mn (III) Mn (IV) complexes
  3782. Lack of association between polymorphisms of CATALASE, copper–zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD), extracellular SOD and endothelial nitric oxide synthase genes and …
  3783. Identification of peroxisomal targeting signal of pumpkin CATALASE and the binding analysis with PTS1 receptor
  3784. Brain CATALASE activity is highly correlated with ethanol-induced locomotor activity in mice
  3785. Protective effect of melatonin and CATALASE in bovine neutrophil-induced model of mammary cell damage
  3786. Lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in brain tumor tissues
  3787. Protein-Based Radicals in the CATALASE-Peroxidase of Synechocystis PCC6803:  A Multifrequency EPR Investigation of Wild-Type and Variants on the Environment …
  3788. In vitro resistance of Burkholderia cepacia complex isolates to reactive oxygen species in relation to CATALASE and superoxide dismutase production
  3789. Molecular characterization and response to salt stress of mRNAs encoding cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and CATALASE from Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
  3790. A new type of inherited CATALASE deficiencies: its characterization and comparison to the Japanese and Swiss type of aCATALASEmia
  3791. Characterization of the CATALASE-peroxidase KatG from Burkholderia pseudomallei by mass spectrometry
  3792. A strategy for the ubiquitous overexpression of human CATALASE and CuZn superoxide dismutase genes in transgenic mice
  3793. A psychopharmacological study of the relationship between brain CATALASE activity and ethanol-induced locomotor activity in mice.
  3794. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase activity in ammonia-oxidising bacteria
  3795. Supplementation of conventional freezing medium with a combination of CATALASE and trehalose results in better protection of surface molecules and functionality of …
  3796. Increased mRNA levels of Mn-SOD and CATALASE in embryos of diabetic rats from a malformation-resistant strain.
  3797. A Protease-Resistant CATALASE, KatA, Released upon Cell Lysis during Stationary Phase Is Essential for Aerobic Survival of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa oxyR Mutant …
  3798. Total conversion of bifunctional CATALASE-peroxidase (KatG) to monofunctional peroxidase by exchange of a conserved distal side tyrosine
  3799. Purification and characterization of liver CATALASE in aCATALASEmic beagle dog: comparison with normal dog liver CATALASE
  3800. High CATALASE content of rabbit semen appears to be inherited
  3801. Molecular and kinetic study of CATALASE-1, a durable large CATALASE of Neurospora crassa
  3802. The role of distal tryptophan in the bifunctional activity of CATALASE-peroxidases
  3803. Susceptibility to arsenic-induced hyperkeratosis and oxidative stress genes myeloperoxidase and CATALASE
  3804. Regulation of the CATALASE gene promoter by Sp1, CCAAT-recognizing factors, and a WT1/Egr-related factor in hydrogen peroxide-resistant HP100 cells
  3805. Identification of CATALASE-negative, non-beta-hemolytic, gram-positive cocci isolated from milk samples
  3806. Adenosine deaminase enzyme activity is increased and negatively correlates with CATALASE, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in patients with …
  3807. Superoxide dismutase mimetics with CATALASE activity reduce the organ injury in hemorrhagic shock
  3808. Purification and partial characterization of CATALASE from chicken erythrocytes and the effect of various inhibitors on enzyme activity
  3809. Characterization of the W321F mutant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE–peroxidase KatG
  3810. Ligand diffusion in the CATALASE from Proteus mirabilis: A molecular dynamics study
  3811. Recycling of textile bleaching effluents for dyeing using immobilized CATALASE
  3812. Adenoviral-mediated overexpression of CATALASE inhibits endothelial cell proliferation
  3813. The effects of hydrogen peroxide promoted by homocysteine and inherited CATALASE deficiency on human hypoCATALASEmic patients
  3814. CATALASE-like oxygen production by horseradish peroxidase must predominantly be an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
  3815. A developmentally regulated CATALASE required for proper differentiation and osmoprotection of Streptomyces coelicolor
  3816. Immune responses in mice to intranasal and intracutaneous administration of a DNA vaccine encoding Helicobacter pylori-CATALASE
  3817. In vitro and in vivo effects of chlorpyrifos on glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE in developing rat brain.
  3818. Development of a CATALASE based biosensor for alcohol determination in beer samples
  3819. Roles of water in heme peroxidase and CATALASE mechanisms
  3820. Cardiac-specific overexpression of CATALASE rescues ventricular myocytes from ethanol-induced cardiac contractile defect
  3821. Overexpression of bacterial CATALASE in tomato leaf chloroplasts enhances photo‐oxidative stress tolerance
  3822. CATALASE induction protects Haemonchus contortus against hydrogen peroxide in vitro
  3823. Two future generations of blood substitutes based on polyhemoglobin–SOD–CATALASE and nanoencapsulation
  3824. Evaluation of five selective media for isolation of CATALASE-negative gram-positive cocci from bulk tank milk
  3825. Inhibition of doxorubicin chronic toxicity in CATALASE-overexpressing transgenic mouse hearts
  3826. CATALASE-Peroxidases of Legionella pneumophila: Cloning of the katA Gene and Studies of KatA Function
  3827. CATALASE has negligible inhibitory effects on endothelium‐dependent relaxations in mouse isolated aorta and small mesenteric artery
  3828. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in the cells of strictly anaerobic microorganisms
  3829. Edwardsiella tarda mutants defective in siderophore production, motility, serum resistance and CATALASE activityThe GenBank accession numbers for the sequences …
  3830. Design of an immobilized preparation of CATALASE from Thermus thermophilus to be used in a wide range of conditions.: Structural stabilization of a multimeric enzyme
  3831. Disruption of the Human Pathogenic Yeast Candida albicans CATALASE Gene Decreases Survival in Mouse‐Model Infection and Elevates Susceptibility to Higher …
  3832. Attenuation of staurosporine-induced apoptosis, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction by synthetic superoxide dismutase and CATALASE mimetics, in cultured …
  3833. Search for micromycetes producing extracellular CATALASE and study of conditions of CATALASE synthesis
  3834. Influence of brain CATALASE on ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex in mice
  3835. … glutathione peroxidase of Drosophila encodes a thioredoxin peroxidase that provides resistance against oxidative stress but fails to complement a lack of CATALASE …
  3836. Oral administration of trans-resveratrol to guinea pigs increases cardiac DT-diaphorase and CATALASE activities, and protects isolated atria from menadione toxicity
  3837. Differential effects of CATALASE on apoptosis induction in human promonocytic cells. Relationships with heat-shock protein expression
  3838. DNA damage induced by indirect and direct acting mutagens in CATALASE-deficient transgenic tobacco: cellular and acellular comet assays
  3839. The impact of CATALASE expression on the replicative lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  3840. Decreasing Cellular Hydrogen Peroxide With CATALASE Mimics the Effects of Hypoxia on the Sensitivity of the L-Type Ca2+ Channel to β-Adrenergic Receptor …
  3841. Peroxisomal CATALASE in the Methylotrophic Yeast Candida boidinii: Transport Efficiency and Metabolic Significance
  3842. Cloning, expression, and characterization of the katG gene, encoding CATALASE-peroxidase, from the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium …
  3843. Purification and Some Properties of CATALASE from Wheat Germ (Triticum aestivum L.)
  3844. Nitrite–CATALASE interaction as an important element of nitrite toxicity
  3845. Characterisation of the katA gene encoding a CATALASE and evidence for at least a second CATALASE activity in Staphylococcus xylosus, bacteria used in food …
  3846. Post-transcriptional control of CATALASE expression in garlic-treated rats
  3847. Synthesis and structural characterisation of new manganese (II) and (III) complexes. Study of their photolytic and CATALASE activity and X-ray crystal structure of [Mn (3 …
  3848. Purification and Characterization of a Novel Thermo‐Alkali‐Stable CATALASE from Thermus brockianus
  3849. Local delivery of liposome‐encapsulated superoxide dismutase and CATALASE suppress periodontal inflammation in beagles
  3850. Recombinant Helicobacter pylori CATALASE
  3851. Stress protein response and CATALASE activity in freshwater planarian Dugesia (Girardia) schubarti exposed to copper
  3852. Oxidative stress and aging–the use of superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetics to extend lifespan
  3853. Effects of metal ions on simultaneous production of glucose oxidase and CATALASE by Aspergillus niger
  3854. A novel CATALASE mutation (a GA insertion) causes the Hungarian type of aCATALASEmia
  3855. CATALASE-like activity of a non-heme dibenzotetraaza [14] annulene− Fe (III) complex under physiological conditions
  3856. CATALASE-negative Staphylococcus aureus: a rare isolate of human infection
  3857. Peroxynitrite formation and decreased CATALASE activity in autoimmune MRL-lpr/lpr mice
  3858. Legionella pneumophila CATALASE-Peroxidases Are Required for Proper Trafficking and Growth in Primary Macrophages
  3859. Cross-linked polyhemoglobin-superoxide dismutase-CATALASE supplies oxygen without causing blood brain barrier disruption or brain edema in a rat model of …
  3860. … metabolism and embryotoxicity in rat and mouse conceptuses: comparisons of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1), formaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH3), and CATALASE
  3861. Manganese superoxide dismutase and CATALASE are coordinately expressed in the alveolar region in chronic interstitial pneumonias and granulomatous diseases of …
  3862. Effect of helium-neon laser on activity and optical properties of CATALASE
  3863. Overexpression of CATALASE in the mitochondrial or cytosolic compartment increases sensitivity of HepG2 cells to tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis
  3864. Interaction of CATALASE with montmorillonite homoionic to cations with different hydrophobicity: effect on enzymatic activity and microbial utilization
  3865. Effects of the plasticiser DEHP on lung of newborn rats: CATALASE immunocytochemistry and morphometric analysis
  3866. A comparative study of the interaction between nafcillin and CATALASE by equilibrium dialysis and ζ-potential measurements
  3867. Rapid electrochemical detection and identification of CATALASE positive micro-organisms
  3868. Analysis of heme structural heterogeneity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE-peroxidase (KatG)
  3869. CATALASE-negative Actinomyces neuii subsp. neuii isolated from an infected mammary prosthesis
  3870. Structure of tetragonal crystals of human erythrocyte CATALASE
  3871. Ceramide increases oxidative damage due to inhibition of CATALASE by caspase-3-dependent proteolysis in HL-60 cell apoptosis
  3872. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of CATALASE–peroxidase from Synechococcus PCC 7942
  3873. Effects of topical CATALASE application on dental pulp tissue: a histopathological evaluation
  3874. Down-Regulation of CATALASE Gene Expression in the Doxorubicin-Resistant AML Subline AML-2/DX1001
  3875. Levels of DNA damage are unaltered in mice overexpressing human CATALASE in nuclei
  3876. Reduction of pressor response to vasoconstrictor agents by overexpression of CATALASE in mice
  3877. PECAM-directed immunotargeting of CATALASE: specific, rapid and transient protection against hydrogen peroxide
  3878. The effect of the antioxidant CATALASE on oestrogens, triiodothyronine, and noradrenaline in the Comet assay
  3879. Glutathione and CATALASE Provide Overlapping Defenses for Protection against Respiration-Generated Hydrogen Peroxide in Haemophilus influenzae
  3880. Direct voltammetry and electrocatalytic properties of CATALASE incorporated in polyacrylamide hydrogel films
  3881. CATALASE deficiency, diabetes, and mitochondrial function
  3882. CATALASE-peroxidase from Synechocystis is capable of chlorination and bromination reactions
  3883. Reactions of the class II peroxidases, lignin peroxidase andarthromyces ramosus peroxidase, with hydrogen peroxide: CATALASE-LIKE ACTIVITY, COMPOUND III …
  3884. CATALASE catalyzes nitrotyrosine formation from sodium azide and hydrogen peroxide
  3885. Induction of new isoforms of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE enzymes in the flag leaf of wheat during monocarpic senescence
  3886. Effect of CATALASE-specific inhibitor 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole on yeast peroxisomal CATALASE in vivo
  3887. Synthesis, structure and CATALASE-like activity of a new dinuclear mixed valence MnIIMnIII complex containing an unsymmetric N5O2 donor ligand
  3888. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a CATALASE cDNA from hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
  3889. A superoxide dismutase mimetic with CATALASE activity (EUK-8) reduces the organ injury in endotoxic shock
  3890. Identification of two highly divergent CATALASE genes in the fungal tomato pathogen, Cladosporium fulvum
  3891. First report of a CATALASE-negative methicillin-resistant Staphalococcus aureus
  3892. The oxyR from Agrobacterium tumefaciens: evaluation of its role in the regulation of CATALASE and peroxide responses
  3893. The C‐terminal domain of HPII CATALASE is a member of the type I glutamine amidotransferase superfamily
  3894. Bacterial CATALASE in the Microsporidian Nosema locustae: Implications for Microsporidian Metabolism and Genome Evolution
  3895. Role of Atfl and Papl in the Induction of the CATALASE Gene of Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  3896. Only one CATALASE, katG, is detectable in Rhizobium etli, and is encoded along with the regulator OxyR on a plasmid replicon
  3897. AnkB, a Periplasmic Ankyrin-Like Protein inPseudomonas aeruginosa, Is Required for Optimal CATALASE B (KatB) Activity and Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxide
  3898. Prolonged oxygen-carrying ability of hemoglobin vesicles by coencapsulation of CATALASE in vivo
  3899. Kinetics of CATALASE inactivation induced by ultrasonic cavitation
  3900. Outer sphere mutagenesis of Lactobacillus plantarum manganese CATALASE disrupts the cluster core: Mechanistic implications
  3901. Localisation of Helicobacter pylori CATALASE in both the periplasm and cytoplasm, and its dependence on the twin-arginine target protein, KapA, for activity
  3902. Status of antioxidant metabolites and enzymes in a CATALASE-deficient mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
  3903. Isozymes of Ipomoea batatas catechol oxidase differ in CATALASE-like activity
  3904. Novel dicopper (II) CATALASE-like model complexes: synthesis, crystal structure, properties and kinetic studies
  3905. Targeting and subcellular localization of Toxoplasma gondii CATALASE: Identification of peroxisomes in an apicomplexan parasite
  3906. Common phylogeny of CATALASE-peroxidases and ascorbate peroxidases
  3907. … reactive oxygen species in bovine retained and not-retained placenta: activity of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione transferase, CATALASE and superoxide dismutase
  3908. Distal side tryptophan, tyrosine and methionine in CATALASE–peroxidases are covalently linked in solution
  3909. Purification and Characterization of CATALASE from Chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla)
  3910. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of CATALASE in the cytosolic or mitochondrial compartment protects against cytochrome P450 2E1-dependent toxicity in HepG2 …
  3911. … -and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced nitration of tyrosine hydroxylase and neurotoxicity by EUK-134, a superoxide dismutase and CATALASE mimetic, in cultured …
  3912. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the organs of mammals of different ecogenesis
  3913. Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a new dinuclear manganese (III) complex: a mimic for CATALASE
  3914. Effect of temperature and bath composition on the dyeing of cotton with CATALASE‐treated bleaching effluent
  3915. Lead acetate potentiates brain CATALASE activity and enhances ethanol-induced locomotion in mice
  3916. Protective effect of coadministered superoxide dismutase and CATALASE against stress‐induced gastric muocsal lesions
  3917. cDNA cloning and expression of mutant CATALASE from the hypoCATALASEmic mouse: comparison with the aCATALASEmic mutant
  3918. CATALASE in astroglia-rich primary cultures from rat brain: immunocytochemical localization and inactivation during the disposal of hydrogen peroxide
  3919. Expression of CATALASE mRNA and protein in adult rat brain: detection by nonradioactive in situ hybridization with signal amplification by catalyzed reporter deposition …
  3920. Immobilization of CATALASE via adsorption onto l-histidine grafted functional pHEMA based membrane
  3921. Enhancement of CATALASE activity by repetitive low-grade H2O2 exposures protects fibroblasts from subsequent stress-induced apoptosis
  3922. Polyamines and” scavenging system”: influence of exogenous spermidine on CATALASE and guaiacol peroxidase activities, and free polyamine level in barley leaves …
  3923. Modulation of CATALASE in human skin in vivo by acute and chronic UV radiation.
  3924. Activities and properties of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in the haemolymph of Chlamys farreri
  3925. Cloning and Expression of a cDNA Coding for CATALASE from Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  3926. Differences between the CATALASE isozymes of maize (Zea mays L.) in respect of inhibition by various phenolic compounds
  3927. Superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in the liver of young and old mice: linear regression and correlation
  3928. CATALASE activities of Phanerochaete chrysosporium are not coordinately produced with ligninolytic metabolism: CATALASEs from a white-rot fungus
  3929. Deletion of all Cochliobolus heterostrophus Monofunctional CATALASE-Encoding Genes Reveals a Role for One in Sensitivity to Oxidative Stress but None with a Role …
  3930. Production of two different CATALASE-peroxidases by Deinococcus radiophilus
  3931. Stabilization of D‐amino acid oxidase and CATALASE in permeabilized Rhodotorula gracilis cells and its application for the preparation of α‐ketoacids
  3932. Identification of Brucella abortus OxyR and Its Role in Control of CATALASE Expression
  3933. … granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-induced monocyte-derived macrophages are resistant to H2O2 via their high basal and inducible levels of CATALASE …
  3934. … against whole-body gamma-ray irradiation: age-and gender-related changes in malondialdehyde levels, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in rat liver
  3935. Effect of freezing on the activity of CATALASE in apple flesh tissue
  3936. Regulation of the furA and catC Operon, Encoding a Ferric Uptake Regulator Homologue and CATALASE-Peroxidase, Respectively, in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
  3937. A comparative study between CATALASE gene therapy and the cardioprotector monohydroxyethylrutoside (MonoHER) in protecting against doxorubicin …
  3938. Separation and characterization of two CATALASE activities isolated from the yeast Trigonopsis variabilis
  3939. Biooxidation of n‐hexanol by alcohol oxidase and CATALASE in biphasic and micellar systems without solvent
  3940. Potential application of CATALASE-peroxidase from Comamonas terrigena N3H in the biodegradation of phenolic compounds
  3941. Expression level of specific isozymes of maize CATALASE mutants influences other antioxidants on norflurazon-induced oxidative stress
  3942. Antioxidant effect of licorice root on blood CATALASE activity in vibration stress
  3943. Isolation and identification of an antioxidant enzyme CATALASE stimulatory compound from Garnoderma lucidum
  3944. Oxidation of Isoniazid by Manganese and Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE−Peroxidase Yields a New Mechanism of Activation
  3945. CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in the cells of strictly anaerobic microorganisms
  3946. CATALASE and chondroitin sulfate derivatives against thrombotic effect induced by reactive oxygen species in a rat artery
  3947. Effects of hydrogen peroxide scavenger CATALASE on villous microcirculation in the rat small intestine in a model of inflammatory bowel disease
  3948. Age-correlated changes of the erythrocyte CATALASE activity in the Spanish population
  3949. Study of CATALASE electrode for organic peroxides assays
  3950. Engineering the proximal heme cavity of CATALASE-peroxidase
  3951. CATALASE deficiency in Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius is associated with natural loss-of-function mutations within the structural geneThe GenBank …
  3952. The catalytic role of the distal site asparagine‐histidine couple in CATALASE‐peroxidases
  3953. CATALASE activity in human healthy and inflamed dental pulps
  3954. CATALASE expression in Drosophila melanogaster is responsive to ecdysone and exhibits both transcriptional and post‐transcriptional regulation
  3955. Involvement of adrenergic pathways in activation of CATALASE by myocardial ischemia-reperfusion
  3956. Differential production of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE isozymes during infection of wheat by a Fusarium proliferatum-like fungal isolate
  3957. CATALASE activity in arctic microfungi grown at different temperatures
  3958. Specific determination of hydrogen peroxide with a CATALASE biosensor based on mercury thin film electrodes
  3959. Conformational Differences in Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE-Peroxidase KatG and Its S315T Mutant Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
  3960. Decreased expression of CATALASE mRNA in thyroid anaplastic carcinoma
  3961. Interaction of nitric oxide with the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II and manganese CATALASE: a comparative study
  3962. Induction of apoptosis in fetal pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells by a combined superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetic
  3963. The heme‐independent manganese‐peroxidase activity depends on the presence of the C‐terminal domain within the Streptomyces reticuli CATALASE‐peroxidase …
  3964. A simple method for demonstrating enzyme kinetics using CATALASE from beef liver extract
  3965. CATALASE immunization from Pseudomonas aeruginosa enhances bacterial clearance in the rat lung
  3966. Induction of cellular glutathione-linked enzymes and CATALASE by the unique chemoprotective agent, 3H-1, 2-dithiole-3-thione in rat cardiomyocytes affords protection …
  3967. High‐resolution structure and biochemical properties of a recombinant Proteus mirabilis CATALASE depleted in iron
  3968. Age-related effect of aluminium on the CATALASE activities of the brains of two species of poikilothermic vertebrates
  3969. Attenuation of zinc-induced intracellular dysfunction and neurotoxicity by a synthetic superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimetic, in cultured cortical neurons
  3970. CATALASE, glutathione S-transferase and thioltransferase respond differently to oxidative stress in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  3971. Pharmacokinetics and preventive effects of targeted CATALASE derivatives on hydrogen peroxide-induced injury in perfused rat liver
  3972. Effect of oxygen radicals and differential expression of CATALASE and superoxide dismutase in adult Heligmosomoides polygyrus during primary infections in mice with …
  3973. Relationship between posttranslational modification of transaldolase and CATALASE deficiency in UV-sensitive repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts and …
  3974. The Dictyostelium discoideum prespore-specific CATALASE B functions to control late development and to protect spore viability
  3975. Oxygen and haem regulate the synthesis of peroxisomal proteins: CATALASE A, acyl-CoA oxidase and Pex1p in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; the regulation of …
  3976. Encapsulation of CATALASE and PEG-CATALASE in erythrocyte
  3977. A Dinuclear Manganese(II) Complex with the {Mn2(μ-O2CCH3)3}+ Core:  Synthesis, Structure, Characterization, Electroinduced Transformation, and CATALASE …
  3978. Therapeutic benefit of polyamine‐modified CATALASE as a scavenger of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis transgenics
  3979. CATALASE, but not MnSOD, inhibits glucose deprivation‐activated ASK1‐MEK‐MAPK signal transduction pathway and prevents relocalization of Daxx: Hydrogen …
  3980. Soil CATALASE activity of main plant communities in Leymus chinensis grassland in northeast China
  3981. Inter-and intramolecular domain interactions of the CATALASE-peroxidase KatG from M. tuberculosis
  3982. Hydroperoxide determination by a CATALASE OPEE: application to the study of extra virgin olive oil rancidification process
  3983. Effect of Cadmium on Activities of Superoxide Dismutase and CATALASE in Aristchthys nobilis [J]
  3984. Feedback regulation of an Agrobacterium CATALASE gene katA involved in Agrobacterium–plant interaction
  3985. New Insights into the Heme Cavity Structure of CATALASE-Peroxidase:  A Spectroscopic Approach to the Recombinant Synechocystis Enzyme and Selected Distal …
  3986. Bioelectrochemical studies on CATALASE modified glassy carbon paste electrodes
  3987. Immunization with Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Producing CATALASE in Protection against Gastric Helicobacter pylori Infection in Mice
  3988. Glucose oxidase and CATALASE adsorption onto Cibacron Blue F3GA-attached microporous polyamide hollow-fibres
  3989. Post‐transcriptional mechanisms control CATALASE synthesis during its light‐induced turnover in rye leaves through the availability of the hemin cofactor and reversible …
  3990. [11] CATALASE modification as a marker for singlet oxygen
  3991. CATALASE–peroxidase activity has no influence on virulence in a murine model of tuberculosis
  3992. Taurine modulates CATALASE, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and ethanol elimination rates in rat brain
  3993. Short communication/Iso-CATALASE Profiles of Deinococcus spp.
  3994. Superoxide dismutase mimetic with CATALASE activity, EUK-134, attenuates the multiple organ injury and dysfunction caused by endotoxin in the rat.
  3995. Studies on the effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) administration on the activity of xanthine oxidase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in hepatic tissue of adult …
  3996. Effects of hypothyroidism induced by 6-n-propylthiouracil and its reversal by T3 on rat heart superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and lipid peroxidation
  3997. A comparison of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activity in patients with hepatitis C infection
  3998. Conversion of a typical CATALASE from Bacillus sp. TE124 to a CATALASE-peroxidase by directed evolution
  3999. Manipulation of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE to enhance sulfur dioxide tolerance in transgenic Chinese cabbage
  4000. CATALASE deficiency reduces survival and pleiotropically affects agronomic performance in field-grown barley progeny
  4001. Nitric Oxide Converts CATALASE Compounds Ⅱ and Ⅲ to FerriCATALASE
  4002. The role of HNF-1α in controlling hepatic CATALASE activity
  4003. Optimal analytical conditions for CATALASE in fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium malcolmsonii
  4004. Expression analysis and characterization of the mutant of a growth-phase-and starvation-regulated monofunctional CATALASE gene from Xanthomonas campestris pv …
  4005. Lipid peroxidation, o-diphenolase, superoxide dismutase and CATALASE profile along the three physiological regions of Dioscorea rotundata Poir cv Omi
  4006. Improvement of oxidative and emulsion stability of model salad dressing by glucose oxidase‐CATALASE
  4007. Organophosphate insecticide chlorfenvinphos affects superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and malondialdehyde in rat liver
  4008. Decreased mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide release in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster expressing intramitochondrial CATALASE
  4009. Effects of in vitro exposure to ozone and/or hyperoxia on superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, glutathione and lipid peroxidation in red blood cells and plasma of rainbow …
  4010. Novel dinuclear manganese (III) complexes with bi-or tridentate and bridging tetradentate Schiff base ligands: preparation, properties and CATALASE-like function
  4011. The regulation of CATALASE gene expression in mouse muscle cells is dependent on the CCAAT-binding factor NF-Y
  4012. Structural studies of Proteus mirabilis CATALASE in its ground state, oxidized state and in complex with formic acid
  4013. Bio-effectiveness of Tat-CATALASE conjugate: a potential tool for the identification of H2O2-dependent cellular signal transduction pathways
  4014. Research Progress in the Manganese CATALASE and Its Model Complexes
  4015. Overproduction of Thermus sp. YS 8‐13 manganese CATALASE in Escherichia coli Production of soluble apoenzyme and in vitro formation of active holoenzyme
  4016. … detection of alkaline‐diaminobenzidine‐negativeperoxisomes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Purification and unique pH optima of peroxisomal CATALASE
  4017. Animal model for oxidative stress research—CATALASE mutant mice
  4018. Influence of salicylic acid on protein content and CATALASE activity in relation to systemic acquired resistance in cowpea against root rot
  4019. Protection against acetaminophen hepatotoxicity by clofibrate pretreatment: role of CATALASE induction
  4020. Dimanganese (II)-CATALASE-like model complexes: synthesis, structure characterization and catalytic mechanism
  4021. CATALASE-less Peroxisomes: Implication in the milder forms of peroxisome biogenesis disorder
  4022. Novel macrocyclic heterodinuclear CATALASE-like model complex CuMnL and CuZnL (L= BDBPH): synthesis, stability and catalytic properties
  4023. Effects of cysteine on the inactivation of bovine liver CATALASE
  4024. Cloning and high expression of CATALASE gene from Bacillus sp. TE124
  4025. Relationships Between Melatonin, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, and CATALASE
  4026. Plant regeneration from callus of Cuscuta reflexa–an angiospermic parasite–and modulation of CATALASE and peroxidase activity by salicylic acid and naphthalene …
  4027. Intracellular superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, and glutathione peroxidase activities and membrane lipid peroxide levels in Fusarium acuminatum upon environmental …
  4028. Selective sensitization of bacteria to peroxide damage associated with fluoride inhibition of CATALASE and pseudoCATALASE
  4029. Purification, Characterization, and Gene Sequencing of a CATALASE from an Alkali- and Halo-tolerant Bacterium, Halomonas sp. SK1
  4030. A novel CATALASE mutation detected by polymerase chain reaction‐single strand conformation polymorphism, nucleotide sequencing, and Western blot analyses is …
  4031. Increased activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE are not the mechanism of desiccation tolerance induced by hardening in the moss Atrichum androgynum
  4032. CATALASE, a Specific Antigen in the Feces of Human Subjects Infected with Helicobacter pylori
  4033. Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray analysis of CATALASE–peroxidase from the halophilic archaeon Haloarcula marismortui
  4034. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the CATALASE–peroxidase KatG from Burkholderia pseudomallei
  4035. Lipid peroxidation, activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE during post-harvest deterioration of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) root tubers
  4036. Reactions of Tetraazamacrocyclic FeIII Complexes with Hydrogen Peroxide − Putative CATALASE Mimics?
  4037. The stimulatory effect of Garnoderma lucidum and Phellinus linteus on the antioxidant enzyme CATALASE
  4038. UV photolysis of CATALASE revisited: a spectral study of photolytic intermediates
  4039. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE do not affect the pulmonary hypertensive response to group B streptococcus in the lamb
  4040. Newly described, difficult-to-identify, CATALASE-negative, Gram-positive cocci
  4041. … by the “hydrogen peroxide–manganese (IV) complex–carboxylic acid” system. Part 4. Efficient acid-base switching between CATALASE and oxygenase activities of a …
  4042. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in carotenoid-synthesizing fungi Blakeslea trispora and Neurospora crassa fungi in oxidative stress
  4043. CATALASE Activity for Rapid Assessment of High Level Total Mesophilic Microbial Load in Milk
  4044. Time-dependent inhibition of immune complex-induced lung injury by CATALASE: relationship to alterations in macrophage and neutrophil matrix metalloproteinase …
  4045. Overexpression of CATALASE or Bcl-2 delays or prevents alterations in phospholipid metabolism during glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in WEHI7. 2 cells
  4046. … and characterization of katA, encoding the major monofunctional CATALASE from Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and characterization of the encoded CATALASE …
  4047. 13-week drinking water toxicity study of hydrogen peroxide with 6-week recovery period in CATALASE-deficient mice
  4048. A simple PCR-heteroduplex screening method for detection of a common mutation of the CATALASE gene in Hungary
  4049. Vesnarinone causes oxidative damage by inhibiting CATALASE function through ceramide action in myeloid cell apoptosis
  4050. Role of CATALASE in ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion: a study with 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole
  4051. CATALASE andα-tocopherol attenuate blood–brain barrier breakdown in pentylenetetrazole-induced epileptic seizures in acute hyperglycaemic rats
  4052. Arginine administration reduces CATALASE activity in midbrain of rats
  4053. CATALASE transcript accumulation in response to dehydration and osmotic stress in leaves of maize viviparous mutants
  4054. Mercury intolerance in relation to superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, CATALASE, and the nitroblue tetrazolium responses
  4055. Increase of ceramides and its inhibition by CATALASE during chemically induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells determined by electrospray ionization tandem mass …
  4056. CATALASE immunocytochemistry allows automatic detection of lung type II alveolar cells
  4057. Streptococcus didelphis sp. nov., a streptococcus with marked CATALASE activity isolated from opossums (Didelphis virginiana) with suppurative dermatitis and liver …
  4058. Common properties for propargylamines of enhancing superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in the dopaminergic system in the rat: implications for the life …
  4059. Kinetic study of hydrogen peroxide decomposition by CATALASE in a flow-mix microcalorimetric system
  4060. Human liver CATALASE: cloning, expression and characterization of monoclonal antibodies.
  4061. Role of CATALASE in the smooth muscle relaxant actions of sodium azide and cyanamide
  4062. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of CATALASE in the cytosolic or mitochondrial compartment protects against toxicity caused by glutathione depletion in HepG2 …
  4063. … of acetaldehyde from ethanol in human prenatal cephalic tissues: evaluation of the relative contributions of CYP2E1, alcohol dehydrogenase, and CATALASE …
  4064. Purification and characterization of a novel bromoperoxidase-CATALASE isolated from bacteria found in recycled pulp white water
  4065. Retraction Note to: A cytosolic CATALASE is needed to extend adult lifespan in C. elegans daf-C and clk-1 mutants
  4066. Molecular mechanism of detectable CATALASE-containing particles, peroxisomes, in fibroblasts from a PEX2-defective patient
  4067. Production of Aspergillus niger CATALASE under various stress conditions.
  4068. Microcalorimetric studies on CATALASE reaction and inhibition of CATALASE by cyanide ion
  4069. Multiple elements for negative regulation of the rat CATALASE gene expression in dedifferentiated hepatoma cells
  4070. Time-dependent changes in superoxide dismutase, CATALASE, xanthine dehydrogenase and oxidase activities in focal cerebral ischaemia.
  4071. A novel pex2 mutant: CATALASE-deficient but temperature-sensitive PTS1 and PTS2 import
  4072. Electrooxidation of phenol by CATALASE immobilized on graphite electrodes
  4073. Existence of CATALASE-less peroxisomes in Sf21 insect cells
  4074. Short-term depletion of CATALASE suppresses cadmium-elicited c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and apoptosis: role of protein phosphatases
  4075. The Overexpression CATALASE Reduces NO‐Mediated Inhibition of Endothelial NO Synthase
  4076. Influence of fenvalerate and its metabolites on CATALASE activity in soil
  4077. Identification of CATALASE-like activity from Mycobacterium leprae and the relationship between CATALASE and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)
  4078. Modulation of hydrogen peroxide induced injury to corneal endothelium by virus mediated CATALASE gene transfer
  4079. Production of CATALASE-peroxidase and continuous degradation of hydrogen peroxide by an immobilised alkalothermophilic Bacillus sp.
  4080. Infections with Haemophilus species in chronic granulomatous disease: insights into the interaction of bacterial CATALASE and H2O2 production
  4081. Formation of a Tyrosyl Radical Intermediate in Proteus mirabilis CATALASE by Directed Mutagenesis and Consequences for Nucleotide Reactivity
  4082. Presence of stable active oxygen scavenging enzymes superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and CATALASE in a desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Lyngbya …
  4083. Gene cloning and expression of the CATALASE from the hydrogen peroxide-resistant bacterium Vibrio rumoiensis S-1 and its subcellular localization
  4084. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic reduction of brucine N-oxide by aldehyde oxidase and CATALASE
  4085. Prevention of hydrogen peroxide and cisplatin induced apoptosis by intracellular CATALASE overexpression
  4086. Nucleotide sequence analysis, overexpression in Escherichia coli and kinetic characterization of Anacystis nidulans CATALASE-peroxidase
  4087. Structure-function study of the amino-terminal stretch of the CATALASE subunit molecule in oligomerization, heme binding, and activity expression
  4088. CATALASE has a novel protective role against electrophile killing of Xanthomonas
  4089. Reactive oxygen species as second messengers? Induction of the expression of yeast CATALASE T gene by heat and hyperosmotic stress does not require oxygen.
  4090. CATALASE activity in normal and preeclamptic placentas
  4091. Escherichia coli Δfur mutant displays low HPII CATALASE activity in stationary phase
  4092. CATALASE-negative Staphylococcus aureus: a rare cause of catheter-related bacteremia
  4093. Plasmid-encoded CATALASE KatA, the main CATALASE of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Cb36
  4094. Structure of the Clade 1 CATALASE, CatF of Pseudomonas syringae, at 1.8 Å resolution
  4095. CATALASE-dependent measurement of H2O2 in intact mitochondria
  4096. Stabilization of entrapped CATALASE using photo‐crosslinked resin gel for use in wastewater containing hydrogen peroxide
  4097. Effects of glutathione peroxidase and CATALASE on hemolysis and methemoglobin modifications induced by photooxidized psoralen
  4098. Increased activity of CATALASE in tumor cells overexpressing IGFBP-2
  4099. Induction of Cyclooxygenase‐2 by Overexpression of the Human CATALASE Gene in Cerebral Microvascular Endothelial Cells
  4100. Growth of Escherichia coli in iron-enriched medium increases HPI CATALASE activity
  4101. Regulation of CATALASE: inhibition by peroxynitrite and reactivation by reduced glutathione and glutathione S-transferase
  4102. Studies on stability and mechanism of CATALASE treating with high voltage electrostatic field
  4103. Effect of salicylic acid on the isozymes of peroxidase and CATALASE in cells of wheat callus
  4104. … gondii parasites is associated with a decrease in interleukin-12-inducing tachyzoite activity and reduced expression of actin, CATALASE and excretory proteins
  4105. Overexpression of wild-type and nuclear-targeted CATALASE modulates resistance to oxidative stress but does not alter spontaneous mutant frequencies at APRT
  4106. Reversible electrochemistry and catalysis with Mycobacterium tuberculosis CATALASE-peroxidase in lipid films
  4107. Active site structure of the CATALASE-peroxidases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Escherichia coli by extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis
  4108. Search for micromycetes–producers extracellular CATALASE and study of conditions of its synthesis
  4109. Relationship between CATALASE and life span in recombinant inbred strains of Caenorhabditis elegans
  4110. Blood CATALASE and haematocrit values in a breeding colony of Dutch-belted rabbits
  4111. Polymer-supported CATALASE: A green approach to the removal of hydrogen peroxide from reaction mixtures
  4112. Isolation, purification, and characterization of CATALASE from the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris
  4113. Water stress effects on membrane damage and activities of CATALASE, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzymes in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.).
  4114. Negative staining permits 4.0 Å resolution with low-dose electron diffraction of CATALASE crystals
  4115. No association between CATALASE gene polymorphism and gastric carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in Koreans
  4116. CATALASE activity in coronary artery endothelium protects smooth muscle against peroxide damage
  4117. Allofustis seminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel Gram-positive, CATALASE-negative, rod-shaped bacterium from pig semen
  4118. Magnetization studies of the active and fluoride-inhibited derivatives of the reduced CATALASE of Lactobacillus plantarum: toward a general picture of the anion-inhibited …
  4119. Increased capacity for synthesis of the D1 protein and of CATALASE at low temperature in leaves of cold-hardened winter rye (Secale cereale L.)
  4120. The first macrocyclic “layer-to-layer” type tetranuclear copper (II) complex: structure, stability and unprecedented CATALASE-like activity
  4121. Identification and expression studies of a CATALASE and a bifunctional CATALASE-peroxidase in Frankia strain R43
  4122. JNK1 activity lowers the cellular production of H2O2 and modulates the growth arrest response to scavenging of H2O2 by CATALASE
  4123. A CATALASE gene of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. malvae is highly expressed during the necrotrophic phase of infection of round-leaved mallow, Malva pusilla
  4124. Effects of P-NCB on liver CATALASE activity of grasscarp (Ctenophoryngodon idellus)
  4125. ESR analysis of a photo-activated insecticide and its effects on superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and CATALASE activity in Culex pipiens pallens
  4126. Improvement in the resting‐cell bioconversion of penicillin G to deacetoxycephalosporin G by addition of CATALASE
  4127. A commercial preparation of CATALASE inhibits nitric oxide production by activated murine macrophages: role of arginase
  4128. Role of polyphenoloxidase and CATALASE in Ascochyta blight resistance in chickpea
  4129. Archaeal promoter-directed expression of the Halobacterium salinarum CATALASE-peroxidase gene
  4130. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in organs of three canidae species
  4131. Comparative kinetic characteristics of CATALASE of Penicillium species molds
  4132. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the manganese CATALASE gene from Thermoleophilum album NM
  4133. Effect of aminotriazole on the activity of CATALASE and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in tissues of two frog species–Rana ridibunda and Rana esculenta
  4134. Comparative studies of CATALASE activities and isozymes in three clones of Eucalyptus [J]
  4135. Identification of epitopes for cross-reaction, auto-reaction and autoantibodies to CATALASE
  4136. Stage specificity of CATALASE isoform activity in Exserohilum turcicum
  4137. Genotoxicity of bleomycin in human cell lines differing in CATALASE activity.
  4138. Brain CATALASE inhibition blocks ethanol‐related decrease of blood luteinizing hormone levels in mice
  4139. Influence of pesticide imidacloprid and its metabolites on CATALASE activity in soil.
  4140. Bcl‐2 overexpression decreases BCNU sensitivity of a human glioblastoma line through enhancement of CATALASE activity
  4141. A mutation in the yeast mitochondrial ribosomal protein Rml2p is associated with a defect in CATALASE gene expression
  4142. Cloning and Expression of the CATALASE Gene from the Anaerobic Bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Miyazaki F)
  4143. Control of ceramide-induced apoptosis by IGF-1: involvement of PI-3 kinase, caspase-3 and CATALASE
  4144. Identification of CATALASE in human livers as a factor that enhances phenytoin dihydroxy metabolite formation by human liver microsomes
  4145. Atypical Refsum disease with pipecolic acidemia and abnormal CATALASE distribution
  4146. CATALASE mimic with Fe (II) metallomicelle
  4147. CATALASE activity and water quality control
  4148. Purification and gene cloning of CATALASE from Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1
  4149. CATALASE activity of oxygenase domain of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Evidence for product formation from L-arginine
  4150. pH-dependency of Escherichia coli CATALASE activity under modified culture conditions
  4151. CATALASE in microsporidian spores before and during discharge
  4152. Alteration of cadmium-induced mutational spectrum by CATALASE depletion in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells
  4153. Effects of microbial metabolites on CATALASE activity and growth of Staphylococcus aureus 6538 P
  4155. 6, 6′-Bis (2-hydroxyphenyl)-2, 2′-bipyridine manganese (III) complexes: A novel series of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE mimetics
  4156. CATALASE enzyme in mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 5, núm. 1, abril, 2002, pp. 29-41 Pontificia Universidad …
  4157. Mathematical models of simultaneous production of glucose oxidase and CATALASE by Aspergillus niger in Erlenmeyer flask
  4158. Purification and Properties of Thermostable CATALASE in Engineered E. coli [J]
  4159. Purification, characterization, and physiological response of a CATALASE-peroxidase in Mycobacterium sp. strain JC1 DSM 3803 grown on methanol
  4160. Effect of cadmium on activities of superoxide dismutase and CATALASE in Aristchthys nobilis
  4161. Monocyte 5-HT1A receptors mediate pindobind suppression of natural killer cell activity: modulation by CATALASE
  4162. CATALASE prevents elevation of [Ca2+] i induced by alcohol in cultured canine cerebral vascular smooth muscle cells: Possible relationship to alcohol-induced stroke …
  4163. The Antioxidant System β-D (+) Glucose–Glucose Oxidase–CATALASE: Tests for Pyrogenicity and Antigenicity
  4164. Interleukin 1beta decreases the GSH content and CATALASE activity in the human peritoneal mesothelial cells in vitro
  4165. Molecular cloning, sequencing analysis and expression of the CATALASE-peroxidase gene from Halobacterium salinarum
  4166. Role of CATALASE in pre-and postjunctional responses of mammalian irides to hydrogen peroxide
  4167. Structure, Magnetic Properties, Mössbauer and CATALASE‐like Activity of Spin Crossover Iron (III) Complexes with Salicylaldimine Ligands
  4168. Necrotic cell death by hydrogen peroxide in immortal DF-1 chicken embryo fibroblast cells expressing deregulated MnSOD and CATALASE
  4169. Superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities in carotenoid-synthesizing fungi Blakeslea trispora and Neurospora crassa under the oxidative stress
  4170. Interaction between quinolone antibacterial agents and CATALASE by fluorescence spectroscopy
  4171. Effect of millimeter wave radiation on CATALASE activity
  4172. Peroxisomal CATALASE in extrusion apparatus posterior vacuole of microsporidian spores
  4173. Study on Culture Conditions of Engineered Strain of Thermostable CATALASE [J]
  4174. Possible role of CATALASE in adaptation to diving of semi-aquatic rodents Ondatra zibethica
  4175. Effect of nitrogen and potassium supply on concentration of iron and manganese and activities of CATALASE, peroxidase and aconitase in pepper plants
  4176. The expression level of a specific CATALASE isozyme of maize mutants alters CATALASE and superoxide dismutase during norflurazon-induced oxidative stress in scutella
  4177. Correlation of CATALASE and peroxidase with pesticide tolerance in massonpine caterpillar
  4178. CATALASE production by membrane process for treatment of industrial wastewater containing hydrogen peroxide
  4179. A case-controlled analysis of CATALASE expression in endometriosis.
  4180. Dismutation of hydrogen peroxide from water medium by catalytic reactive membrane immobilizing peroxidase and CATALASE by molecular recognition process
  4181. Studies on the fluorometric method for determining activity of CATALASE and its application to marine biosamples
  4182. An associated process for the purification of immuno globulin g, CATALASE, superoxide dismutase and albumin from haemolysed human placenta blood
  4183. Catalytic properties of the Penicilium vitate CATALASE. Peroxidatic reaction of the enzyme
  4184. The association between Korean schizophrenics and CATALASE gene polymorphism
  4185. Microencapsulation of Aerococcus viridans with CATALASE and its application for the synthesis of dihydroxyacetone phosphate
  4186. Study on interaction betwenn atrazine and CATALASE by fluorospectroscopy
  4187. CATALASE is the Bacteria‐Derived Detoxifying Substance against Paramecia‐Killing Toxin in Wheat Grass Powder Infusion
  4188. Isolation of the Regulator Gene Responsible for Overproduction of CATALASE A in -resistant Mutant of Streptomyces coelicolor
  4189. Production and secretion of Aspergillus nidulans CATALASE B in filamentous fungi driven by the promoter and signal peptide of the Cladosporium fulvum hydrophobin …
  4190. Construction of the non-resistant attenuated Salmonella typhimurium strain expressing Helicobacter pylori CATALASE
  4191. Effects of mefenacet on CATALASE in soil and soil respiration
  4192. Effects of combined superoxide dismutase and CATALASE on somatosensory evoked potentials and neuropathologic changes in asphyxiated newborn lambs
  4193. Polymorphism of CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase genes in macrovascular complications in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and …
  4194. Effect of heavy metal stress on the CATALASE activity and expression of isozymes in the leaves of rice seedling
  4195. Histological and biochemical changes in Pinus spp. seeds during germination and post-germinative growth: triacylglycerol distribution and CATALASE activity
  4196. Construction of attenuated Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain expressing Helicobacter pylori CATALASE and observation on its protective immunity
  4197. Analysis of polymorphism of the D11S2008 locus of the CATALASE gene in patients with hypertension and ischemic heart disease in non-insulin-dependent diabetes …
  4198. Heritability of some important parameters of the antioxidant defense system like glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, CATALASE, glutathione peroxidase and lipid …
  4199. Immunoconjugates of CATALASE attenuate radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis in C57bl mice
  4200. The voltammetric behavior of superoxide dismutase/CATALASE mimics
  4201. Effect of N+ beam exposure on superoxide dismutase and CATALASE activities and induction of Mn-SOD in deinococcus radiodurans
  4202. Studies of biological effects of high intensities static magnetic fields on the conformation and activity of vitro CATALASE in bovine liver
  4203. Study on the effect of ultrasound on the activities of CATALASE and polyphenol oxidase from yeasts
  4204. Effect of the nature of crosslinking agent on the CATALASE‐like activity of polystyrene‐bound glycine–metal complexes
  4205. Correlative Links Between Superoxide Dismutase, CATALASE and Glutathione Peroxidase Activities in Mouse Liver
  4206. Kinetic characteristics of extracellular CATALASE from Penicillium piceum F-648 and variants of fungi, adapted to hydrogen peroxide
  4207. The effects of small hydroxyl molecule on interaction between high voltage electrostatic field and CATALASE
  4208. Activities of peroxidase, IAA-oxidase and CATALASE in the development of adventitious root of Paulownia foutunei (Seem.) Hemsl
  4209. Purification and properties of thermostable CATALASE in engineered E. coli
  4210. Correlative links between superoxide dismutase, CATALASE and glutathione peroxidase activities in mouse liver
  4211. Protective effects of ibuprofen and its major metabolites against in vitro inactivation of CATALASE and fumarase: relevance to cataract

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