
  1. l-carnosine (β-alanyl-l-histidine) and Carcinine (β-alanylhistamine) act as natural antioxidants with hydroxyl-radical-scavenging and lipid-peroxidase activities
  2. Biological activities of the natural imidazole-containing peptidomimetics n-acetylcarnosine, Carcinine and L-carnosine in ophthalmic and skin care products
  3. Quantification of Histamine and Carcinine in Drosophila melanogaster Tissues
  4. The Carcinine transporter CarT is required in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons to sustain histamine recycling
  5. Pharmacological effects of Carcinine on histaminergic neurons in the brain
  6. Carnosine and Carcinine derivatives rapidly react with hypochlorous acid to form chloramines and dichloramines
  7. Histamine Recycling Is Mediated by CarT, a Carcinine Transporter in Drosophila Photoreceptors
  8. Skin beautification with oral non-hydrolized versions of carnosine and Carcinine: Effective therapeutic management and cosmetic skincare solutions against oxidative …
  9. The role of Carcinine in signaling at the Drosophila photoreceptor synapse
  10. Drosophila vision depends on Carcinine uptake by an organic cation transporter
  11. Existence of Carcinine, a histamine-related compound, in mammalian tissues
  12. Carcinine has 4-hydroxynonenal scavenging property and neuroprotective effect in mouse retina
  13. Positive inotropic effect of Carcinine in the isolated perfused guinea pig heart.
  14. Advanced drug delivery of N-acetylcarnosine (N-acetyl-beta-alanyl-L-histidine), Carcinine (beta-alanylhistamine) and L-carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) in targeting …
  15. Carcinine (beta-alanyl-histamine): rapid synthesis and action on vertebrate blood pressure
  16. The detox strategy in smoking comprising nutraceutical formulas of non-hydrolyzed carnosine or Carcinine used to protect human health
  17. Carcinine-β-cyclodextrin derivatives as scavenger entities of OH radicals and SOD-like properties of their copper (II) complexes
  18. Treatment of skin aging and photoaging with innovative oral dosage forms of nonhydrolized carnosine and Carcinine
  19. Transition-metal complexes of Carcinine, a peptide-type derivative of histamine
  20. Novel intraocular and systemic absorption drug delivery and efficacy of N‐acetylcarnosine lubricant eye drops or Carcinine biologics in pharmaceutical usage and …
  21. Biosynthese de la Carcinine (β-alanyl-histamine) in vivo
  22. … activity and posttranslational modifications of alpha-crystallin and its related subunits in the crystalline lens: N-acetylcarnosine, carnosine and Carcinine act as alpha …
  23. Reinvestigation of the copper (II)–Carcinine equilibrium system:“two-dimensional” EPR simulation and NMR relaxation studies for determining the formation constants …
  24. La Carcinine (β-alanyl-histamine), substance caracteristique du cȩur de Carcinus maenas (L.): Synthese chimique et recherche d’un role eventuel dans la regulation …
  25. Demonstration of Carcinine synthetase, a new enzyme catalysing the metabolism of histamine in the central nervous system of Carcinus maenas
  26. Titration method for determination of Carcinine (beta-alanyl-histamine). Application to the heart of Carcinus maenas (L.)
  27. Effect of histamine antagonists on myocardial Carcinine metabolism during compound 4880-induced shock
  28. Vibrational investigation on the copper (II) binding mode of Carcinine and its pH dependence
  29. Synthesis of phosphamide conjugates of 5″-mononucleotides with Carcinine and its analogs
  30. Hemodynamic effects of Carcinine in the anesthetized, instrumented, open-chest rat
  31. Mise en evidence de la Carcinine synthetase, une nouvelle enzyme catalysant le metabolisme de l’histamine dans le systeme nerveux central de Carcinus maenas
  32. Répartition de la Carcinine (β-alanylhistamine) chez les crustacés décapodes
  33. La Carcinine (β-alanyl-histamine): Synthese rapide, action sur la pression sanguine des vertebres
  34. Relation between the conformation and antioxidant properties in a series of topochemical analogs of carnosine and Carcinine with different N-acyl substitutes
  35. Pharmacological effects of Carcinine on histaminergic neurons in the brain
  36. The Multi-functional and Neuroprotective Peptide Derivative Carcinine Has Strong Potential for Therapeutic Applications In Retinopathies
  37. Carcinine Has Antioxidant and 4-Hydroxynonenal Scavenging Properties Offering Strong Neuroprotection From Oxidative Damage in Mouse Retina
  38. The Pseudodipeptide Carcinine Protects Photoreceptors From Toxic Products of Oxidative Stress
  39. Investigating Carcinine Transport and the Expression Profile of Transporter Genes in Human Corneal Epithelial Cells
  40. Advanced Drug Delivery of N-Acetylcarnosine (N-Acetyl-beta-alanyl-Lhistidine), Carcinine (Beta-alanylhistamine) and L-carnosine (Beta-alanyl-L-histidine) in …
  42. Characterization and rescue of a Drosophila model of prion disease, and, The role of Carcinine in signaling at the Drosophila photoreceptor synapse

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