BDNF acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, helping to support survival of existing neurons, and encouraging growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses.[10][11] In the brain it is active in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain—areas vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking.[12] BDNF is also expressed in the retina, kidneys, prostate, motor neurons, and skeletal muscle, and is also found in saliva.[13][14]

BDNF itself is important for long-term memory.[15] Although the vast majority of neurons in the mammalian brain are formed prenatally, parts of the adult brain retain the ability to grow new neurons from neural stem cells in a process known as neurogenesis. Neurotrophins are proteins that help to stimulate and control neurogenesis, BDNF being one of the most active.[16][17][18] Mice born without the ability to make BDNF suffer developmental defects in the brain and sensory nervous system, and usually die soon after birth, suggesting that BDNF plays an important role in normal neural development.[19] Other important neurotrophins structurally related to BDNF include NT-3, NT-4, and NGF.

BDNF is made in the endoplasmic reticulumand secreted from dense-core vesicles. It binds carboxypeptidase E (CPE), and disruption of this binding has been proposed to cause the loss of sorting BDNF into dense-core vesicles. The phenotype for BDNF knockout mice can be severe, including postnatal lethality. Other traits include sensory neuron losses that affect coordination, balance, hearing, taste, and breathing. Knockout mice also exhibit cerebellar abnormalities and an increase in the number of sympathetic neurons.[20]

Certain types of physical exercise have been shown to markedly (threefold) increase BDNF synthesis in the human brain, a phenomenon which is partly responsible for exercise-induced neurogenesis and improvements in cognitive function.[14][21][22][23][24] Niacinappears to upregulate BDNF and tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) expression as well.[25]

  1. BDNF is a neurotrophic factor for dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra
  2. The BDNF val66met polymorphism affects activity-dependent secretion of BDNF and human memory and hippocampal function
  3. Distribution of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein and mRNA in the normal adult rat CNS: evidence for anterograde axonal transport
  4. Regulation of BDNF and trkB mRNA in rat brain by chronic electroconvulsive seizure and antidepressant drug treatments
  5. Alterations of serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in depressed patients with or without antidepressants
  6. Ca2+ influx regulates BDNF transcription by a CREB family transcription factor-dependent mechanism
  7. Increased hippocampal BDNF immunoreactivity in subjects treated with antidepressant medication
  8. DNA methylation-related chromatin remodeling in activity-dependent BDNF gene regulation
  9. Antidepressant-like effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  10. Recombinant BDNF rescues deficits in basal synaptic transmission and hippocampal LTP in BDNF knockout mice
  11. A BDNF autocrine loop in adult sensory neurons prevents cell death
  12. NT-3, BDNF, and NGF in the developing rat nervous system: parallel as well as reciprocal patterns of expression
  13. A controlled trial of recombinant methionyl human BDNF in ALS
  14. Targeted disruption of the BDNF gene perturbs brain and sensory neuron development but not motor neuron development
  15. BDNF regulates eating behavior and locomotor activity in mice
  16. Derepression of BDNF transcription involves calcium-dependent phosphorylation of MeCP2
  17. Multiple promoters direct tissue-specific expression of the rat BDNF gene
  18. Loss of huntingtin-mediated BDNF gene transcription in Huntington’s disease
  19. … synthesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the lesioned peripheral nerve: different mechanisms are responsible for the regulation of BDNF and NGF mRNA.
  20. Requirement for BDNF in activity-dependent survival of cortical neurons
  21. Activity dependent regulation of BDNF and NGF mRNAs in the rat hippocampus is mediated by non‐NMDA glutamate receptors.
  22. Reduced BDNF mRNA expression in the Parkinson’s disease substantia nigra
  23. BDNF and activity-dependent synaptic modulation
  24. Voluntary exercise induces a BDNF-mediated mechanism that promotes neuroplasticity
  25. Learning deficit in BDNF mutant mice
  26. BDNF mRNA is decreased in the hippocampus of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
  27. Neurotrophin-3: a neurotrophic factor related to NGF and BDNF
  28. Synaptic secretion of BDNF after high‐frequency stimulation of glutamatergic synapses
  29. BDNF controls dopamine D 3 receptor expression and triggers behavioural sensitization
  30. NT-3 and/or BDNF therapy prevents loss of auditory neurons following loss of hair cells.
  31. BDNF mRNA expression is increased in adult rat forebrain after limbic seizures: temporal patterns of induction distinct from NGF
  32. Rapid and selective induction of BDNF expression in the hippocampus during contextual learning
  33. Retrograde axonal transport of BDNF in retinal ganglion cells is blocked by acute IOP elevation in rats
  34. Postsynaptic induction of BDNF-mediated long-term potentiation
  35. BDNF regulates the maturation of inhibition and the critical period of plasticity in mouse visual cortex
  36. The neurotrophins BDNF, NT-3, and NGF display distinct patterns of retrograde axonal transport in peripheral and central neurons
  37. Complementary roles of BDNF and NT-3 in vestibular and auditory development
  38. Expression and function of TRK-B and BDNF in human neuroblastomas.
  39. BDNF and gp145trkB in multiple sclerosis brain lesions: neuroprotective interactions between immune and neuronal cells?
  40. Widespread expression of BDNF but not NT3 by target areas of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons
  41. Family-based association study of 76 candidate genes in bipolar disorder: BDNF is a potential risk locus
  42. NT-3 and BDNF protect CNS neurons against metabolic/excitotoxic insults
  43. BDNF promotes the regenerative sprouting, but not survival, of injured serotonergic axons in the adult rat brain
  44. Opposing roles for endogenous BDNF and NT-3 in regulating cortical dendritic growth
  45. Identification of a signaling pathway involved in calcium regulation of BDNF expression
  46. Neuronal deficits, not involving motor neurons, in mice lacking BDNF and/or NT4
  47. Neurotrophin expression in rat hippocampal slices: a stimulus paradigm inducing LTP in CA1 evokes increases in BDNF and NT-3 mRNAs
  48. BDNF enhances quantal neurotransmitter release and increases the number of docked vesicles at the active zones of hippocampal excitatory synapses
  49. Characteristics of BDNF-induced weight loss
  50. BDNF protects the neonatal brain from hypoxic-ischemic injuryin vivo via the ERK pathway
  51. BDNF enhances the differentiation but not the survival of CNS stem cell-derived neuronal precursors
  52. Potentiation of developing neuromuscular synapses by the neurotrophins NT-3 and BDNF
  53. Synapsins as mediators of BDNF-enhanced neurotransmitter release
  54. Inhibition of GABAA synaptic responses by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rat hippocampus
  55. Impairments in high-frequency transmission, synaptic vesicle docking, and synaptic protein distribution in the hippocampus of BDNF knockout mice
  56. Exercise-induced regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) transcripts in the rat hippocampus
  57. Electrical stimulation accelerates and increases expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA in regenerating rat femoral motoneurons
  58. BDNF protein measured by a novel enzyme immunoassay in normal brain and after seizure: partial disagreement with mRNA levels
  59. BDNF has opposite effects on the quantal amplitude of pyramidal neuron and interneuron excitatory synapses
  60. BDNF and full-length and truncated TrkB expression in Alzheimer disease. Implications in therapeutic strategies
  61. BDNF and NT-415 enhance glutamatergic synaptic transmission in cultured hippoeampal neurones
  62. Obstructed axonal transport of BDNF and its receptor TrkB in experimental glaucoma
  63. BDNF and epilepsy: too much of a good thing?
  64. Permeability at the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers of the neurotrophic factors: NGF, CNTF, NT-3, BDNF
  65. Endogenous BDNF is required for myelination and regeneration of injured sciatic nerve in rodents
  66. BDNF and NT-4/5 prevent atrophy of rat rubrospinal neurons after cervical axotomy, stimulate GAP-43 and Tα1-tubulin mRNA expression, and promote axonal …
  67. BDNF-induced TrkB activation down-regulates the K+–Cl− cotransporter KCC2 and impairs neuronal Cl− extrusion
  68. Intraventricular administration of BDNF increases the number of newly generated neurons in the adult olfactory bulb
  69. The induction of LTP increases BDNF and NGF mRNA but decreases NT-3 mRNA in the dentate gyrus.
  70. BDNF–triggered events in the rat hippocampus are required for both short‐and long‐term memory formation
  71. Differential regulation by exercise of BDNF and NT‐3 in rat spinal cord and skeletal muscle
  72. Rapid induction of BDNF expression in the hippocampus during immobilization stress challenge in adult rats
  73. Transplants of fibroblasts genetically modified to express BDNF promote regeneration of adult rat rubrospinal axons and recovery of forelimb function
  74. Inhibition of ocular dominance column formation by infusion of NT-4/5 or BDNF
  75. BDNF regulates spontaneous correlated activity at early developmental stages by increasing synaptogenesis and expression of the K+/Cl-co-transporter KCC2
  76. Corticosterone effects on BDNF expression in the hippocampus implications for memory formation
  77. Some forms of cAMP-mediated long-lasting potentiation are associated with release of BDNF and nuclear translocation of phospho-MAP kinase
  78. Nerve growth factors (NGF, BDNF) enhance axonal regeneration but are not required for survival of adult sensory neurons
  79. BDNF acutely increases tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor subunit 2B in cortical and hippocampal postsynaptic densities
  80. Downregulation of BDNF mRNA in the hippocampal dentate gyrus after re-exposure to cues previously associated with footshock
  81. Downregulation of BDNF mRNA and protein in the rat hippocampus by corticosterone
  82. BDNF release from single cells elicits local dendritic growth in nearby neurons
  83. Overlapping and distinct actions of the neurotrophins BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4/5 on cultured dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons of the ventral mesencephalon
  84. Early maternal deprivation reduces the expression of BDNF and NMDA receptor subunits in rat hippocampus
  85. Presynaptic BDNF required for a presynaptic but not postsynaptic component of LTP at hippocampal CA1-CA3 synapses
  86. Visualizing synapse formation in arborizing optic axons in vivo: dynamics and modulation by BDNF
  87. Induction of TrkB by retinoic acid mediates biologic responsiveness to BDNF and differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells
  88. Destabilization of cortical dendrites and spines by BDNF
  89. A combination of BDNF and NT-3 promotes supraspinal axonal regeneration into Schwann cell grafts in adult rat thoracic spinal cord
  90. Abnormal cerebellar development and foliation in BDNF−/− mice reveals a role for neurotrophins in CNS patterning
  91. Bi-phasic change in BDNF gene expression following antidepressant drug treatment
  92. Transport of human recombinant brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through the rat blood− brain barrier in vivo using vector-mediated peptide drug delivery
  93. Sequence variants of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene are strongly associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder
  94. BDNF‐mediated signal transduction is modulated by GSK3β and mood stabilizing agents
  95. A calcium-responsive transcription factor, CaRF, that regulates neuronal activity-dependent expression of BDNF
  96. Synaptic innervation density is regulated by neuron-derived BDNF
  97. BDNF stimulates migration of cerebellar granule cells
  98. BDNF mediates the effects of testosterone on the survival of new neurons in an adult brain
  99. Glatiramer acetate‐specific T‐helper 1‐and 2‐type cell lines produce BDNF: implications for multiple sclerosis therapy
  100. Arrest of motor neuron disease in wobbler mice cotreated with CNTF and BDNF
  101. Miniature synaptic transmission and BDNF modulate dendritic spine growth and form in rat CA1 neurones
  102. Schwann cells genetically modified to secrete human BDNF promote enhanced axonal regrowth across transected adult rat spinal cord
  103. Expression of BDNF and trkB as a function of age and cognitive performance
  104. BDNF blocks caspase-3 activation in neonatal hypoxia–ischemia
  105. BDNF: a neuromodulator in nociceptive pathways?
  106. BDNF overexpression increases dendrite complexity in hippocampal dentate gyrus
  107. A role for BDNF in the late-phase of hippocampal long-term potentiation
  108. Suppressed epileptogenesis in BDNF mutant mice
  109. Dietary restriction increases the number of newly generated neural cells, and induces BDNF expression, in the dentate gyrus of rats
  110. The NeurotroDhins BDNF, NT‐3 and NT‐4/5 Promote Survival and Morphological and Biochemical Differentiation of Striatal Neurons In Vitro
  111. Regional specificity of alterations in NGF, BDNF and NT-3 levels in Alzheimer’s disease.
  112. Association between the BDNF 196 A/G polymorphism and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
  113. Activity-dependent dendritic targeting of BDNF and TrkB mRNAs in hippocampal neurons
  114. A BDNF coding variant is associated with the NEO personality inventory domain neuroticism, a risk factor for depression
  115. A novel polymorphism of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
  116. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents the degeneration of medial septal cholinergic neurons following fimbria transection
  117. BDNF prevents and reverses adult rat motor neuron degeneration and induces axonal outgrowth
  118. Nitric oxide acts in a positive feedback loop with BDNF to regulate neural progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation in the mammalian brain
  119. Dietary restriction normalizes glucose metabolism and BDNF levels, slows disease progression, and increases survival in huntingtin mutant mice
  120. BDNF reduces miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents by rapid downregulation of GABAA receptor surface expression
  121. Transplants of fibroblasts genetically modified to express BDNF promote axonal regeneration from supraspinal neurons following chronic spinal cord injury
  122. Sensory but not motor neuron deficits in mice lacking NT4 and BDNF
  123. Cellular processing of the neurotrophin precursors of NT3 and BDNF by the mammalian proprotein convertases
  124. Met66 in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) precursor is associated with anorexia nervosa restrictive type
  125. BDNF and NT-4/5 exert neurotrophic influences on injured adult spinal motor neurons
  126. Functional evidence that BDNF is an anterograde neuronal trophic factor in the CNS
  127. Noradrenergic and serotonergic blockade inhibits BDNF mRNA activation following exercise and antidepressant
  128. BDNF increases monoaminergic activity in rat brain following intracerebroventricular or intraparenchymal administration
  129. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase: a molecule mediating BDNF-dependent spatial memory formation
  130. GABAergic stimulation switches from enhancing to repressing BDNF expression in rat hippocampal neurons during maturation in vitro
  131. Intracerebral transplantation of bone marrow with BDNF after MCAo in rat
  132. Acute intrahippocampal infusion of BDNF induces lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the rat dentate gyrus
  133. Reduced behavioral effects of cocaine in heterozygous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) knockout mice
  134. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and release from hippocampal neurons is mediated by non-NMDA type glutamate receptors
  135. BDNF mRNA expression in rat hippocampus and prefrontal cortex: effects of neonatal ventral hippocampal damage and antipsychotic drugs
  136. Activation of a TRPC3-dependent cation current through the neurotrophin BDNF
  137. Quantitation of BDNF mRNA in human parietal cortex by competitive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction: decreased levels in Alzheimer’s disease
  138. BDNF and NT‐3, but not NGF, Prevent Axotomy‐induced Death of Rat Corticospinal Neurons In Vivo
  139. Spinal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) produces hyperalgesia in normal mice while antisense directed against either BDNF or trkB, prevent inflammation …
  140. Axonal growth and fasciculation linked to differential expression of BDNF and NT3 receptors in developing cerebellar granule cells
  141. Signaling mechanisms mediating BDNF modulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus
  142. Levels of trkA and BDNF mRNA, but not NGF mRNA, fluctuate across the estrous cycle and increase in response to acute hormone replacement
  143. Serotonin transporter function is modulated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) but not nerve growth factor (NGF)
  144. BDNF regulates the intrinsic excitability of cortical neurons
  145. Cultured hippocampal neurons show responses to BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4, but not NGF
  146. BDNF protects against spatial memory deficits following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
  147. Expression of mRNAs for neurotrophic factors (NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and GDNF) and their receptors (p75 NGFR, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC) in the adult human peripheral …
  148. BDNF enhances retinal ganglion cell survival in cats with optic nerve damage
  149. Lipopolysaccharide causes deficits in spatial learning in the watermaze but not in BDNF expression in the rat dentate gyrus
  150. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in schizophrenia are indistinguishable from controls
  151. Visual cortex is rescued from the effects of dark rearing by overexpression of BDNF
  152. Upregulation of BDNF mRNA expression in the barrel cortex of adult mice after sensory stimulation
  153. Novel roles for neurotrophins are suggested by BDNF and NT-3 mRNA expression in developing neurons
  154. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) modulates inhibitory, but not excitatory, transmission in the CA1 region of the hippocampus
  155. BDNF-GFP containing secretory granules are localized in the vicinity of synaptic junctions of cultured cortical neurons
  156. BDNF mRNA expression during postnatal development, maturation and aging of the human prefrontal cortex
  157. Diabetic neuropathies in brain are induced by deficiency of BDNF
  158. Localized synaptic potentiation by BDNF requires local protein synthesis in the developing axon
  159. 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 regulates NT-3, NT-4 but not BDNF mRNA in astrocytes.
  160. Involvement of BDNF receptor TrkB in spatial memory formation
  161. BDNF‐induced survival of auditory neurons in vivo: Cessation of treatment leads to accelerated loss of survival effects
  162. Rapid alterations of BDNF protein levels in the rat brain after focal ischemia: evidence for increased synthesis and anterograde axonal transport
  163. Survival effects of BDNF and NT‐3 on axotomized rubrospinal neurons depend on the temporal pattern of neurotrophin administration
  164. Cholinergic regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) but not neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) mRNA levels in the developing rat …
  165. BDNF sensitizes the response of lamina II neurons to high threshold primary afferent inputs
  166. A role for BDNF in mechanosensation
  167. BDNF injected into the superior colliculus reduces developmental retinal ganglion cell death
  168. Dose-related effects of chronic antidepressants on neuroprotective proteins BDNF, Bcl-2 and Cu/Zn-SOD in rat hippocampus
  169. Selective binding and internalisation by truncated receptors restrict the availability of BDNF during development
  170. PSA‐NCAM modulates BDNF‐dependent survival and differentiation of cortical neurons
  171. Dietary restriction stimulates BDNF production in the brain and thereby protects neurons against excitotoxic injury
  172. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants association with age at onset and therapeutic response in schizophrenia
  173. Opposing roles of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors in neuronal calcium signalling and BDNF gene regulation
  174. Molecular mechanisms underlying activity‐dependent regulation of BDNF expression
  175. Simultaneous treatment with BDNF and CNTF after peripheral nerve transection and repair enhances rate of functional recovery compared with BDNF treatment alone
  176. Delayed grafting of BDNF and NT-3 producing fibroblasts into the injured spinal cord stimulates sprouting, partially rescues axotomized red nucleus neurons from loss …
  177. Neurotrophins BDNF and NT‐3 promote axonal re‐entry into the distal host spinal cord through Schwann cell‐seeded mini‐channels
  178. Post-occlusion treatment with BDNF reduces infarct size in a model of permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rat
  179. Neurotrophism without neurotropism: BDNF promotes survival but not growth of lesioned corticospinal neurons
  180. Ethanol consumption and serotonin‐1A (5‐HT1A) receptor function in heterozygous BDNF (+/–) mice
  181. Excitatory Actions of GABA Increase BDNF Expression via a MAPK-CREB–Dependent Mechanism—A Positive Feedback Circuit in Developing Neurons
  182. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates glucose and energy metabolism in diabetic mice
  183. Alterations in BDNF and NT-3 mRNAs in rat hippocampus after experimental brain trauma
  184. Autocrine—paracrine Regulation of Hippocampal Neuron Survival by IGF‐1 and the Neurotrophins BDNF, NT‐3 and NT‐4
  185. Truncated trkB Receptors on Nonneuronal Cells Inhibit BDNF-Induced Neurite Outgrowthin Vitro
  186. Deprived of habitual running, rats downregulate BDNF and TrkB messages in the brain
  187. … factor (GDNF) promotes the survival of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in adult rats: Comparison to and combination with brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  188. Point mutation in trkB causes loss of NT4-dependent neurons without major effects on diverse BDNF responses
  189. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) induces dendritic targeting of BDNF and tyrosine kinase B mRNAs in hippocampal neurons through a phosphatidylinositol-3 …
  190. Axotomy results in major changes in BDNF expression by dorsal root ganglion cells: BDNF expression in large trkB and trkC cells, in pericellular baskets, and in …
  191. Frontal cortex BDNF levels correlate with working memory in an animal model of Down syndrome
  192. Trkl3 mediates BDNF/NT-3-dependent survival and proliferation in fibroblasts lacking the low affinity NGF receptor
  193. Signaling mechanisms mediating BDNF modulation of memory formation in vivo in the hippocampus
  194. Effects of early visual experience and diurnal rhythms on BDNF mRNA and protein levels in the visual system, hippocampus, and cerebellum
  195. Differential effect of short-term REM sleep deprivation on NGF and BDNF protein levels in the rat brain
  196. Immobilization stress rapidly modulates BDNF mRNA expression in the hypothalamus of adult male rats
  197. BDNF and NGF treatment in lesioned rats: effects on cholinergic function and weight gain.
  198. Differential effects of protein synthesis inhibition on the activity-dependent expression of BDNF transcripts: evidence for immediate-early gene responses from specific …
  199. BDNF is a target-derived survival factor for arterial baroreceptor and chemoafferent primary sensory neurons
  200. Hippocampal damage and kainic acid injection induce a rapid increase in mRNA for BDNF and NGF in the rat brain
  201. Rapid increase of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 mRNAs in inflamed bladder
  202. Intraventricular administration of BDNF increases neuropeptide expression in newborn rat brain
  203. Association study of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene with bipolar disorder
  204. BDNF up‐regulates TrkB protein and prevents the death of CA1 neurons following transient forebrain ischemia
  205. Astrocytes retrovirally transduced with BDNF elicit behavioral improvement in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
  206. BDNF and NT-3 induce intracellular Ca2+ elevation in hippocampal neurones.
  207. ERK5 activation of MEF2-mediated gene expression plays a critical role in BDNF-promoted survival of developing but not mature cortical neurons
  208. Corticosterone regulates expression of BDNF and trkB but not NT‐3 and trkC mRNA in the rat hippocampus
  209. Differential distribution of exogenous BDNF, NGF, and NT‐3 in the brain corresponds to the relative abundance and distribution of high‐affinity and low‐affinity …
  210. Correlation between hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression and memory performance in senescent rats
  211. Amelioration of chronic neuropathic pain after partial nerve injury by adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector-mediated over-expression of BDNF in the rat spinal …
  212. An AMPA receptor potentiator modulates hippocampal expression of BDNF: an in vivo study
  213. Increased expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA in rat facial motoneurons after axotomy
  214. Release of BDNF and GABA in the dorsal horn of neuropathic rats
  215. Cell death in regenerating populations of neurons in BDNF mutant mice
  216. Dopamine regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in cultured embryonic mouse striatal cells
  217. Differential regulation of hippocampal BDNF mRNA by typical and atypical antipsychotic administration
  218. A retrospective study of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in ALS patients during the BDNF and CNTF trials
  219. BDNF upregulation during declarative memory formation in monkey inferior temporal cortex
  220. Endogenous BDNF protein is increased in adult rat hippocampus after a kainic acid induced excitotoxic insult but exogenous BDNF is not neuroprotective
  221. BDNF regulates reelin expression and Cajal-Retzius cell development in the cerebral cortex
  222. Alterations in hippocampal GAP-43, BDNF, and L1 following sustained cerebral ischemia
  223. Prevention of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced rotational behavior by BDNF somatic gene transfer
  224. Manipulations of brain 5-HT levels affect gene expression for BDNF in rat brain
  225. Administration of a cAMP phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor enhances antidepressant-induction of BDNF mRNA in rat hippocampus
  226. The action of BDNF on GABAA currents changes from potentiating to suppressing during maturation of rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
  227. BDNF modulates, but does not mediate, activity-dependent branching and remodeling of optic axon arbors in vivo
  228. Long-term high-frequency electro-acupuncture stimulation prevents neuronal degeneration and up-regulates BDNF mRNA in the substantia nigra and ventral …
  229. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can prevent apoptosis of rat cerebellar granule neurons in culture
  230. Gating of BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation by cAMP
  231. Differential expression of GDNF, BDNF, and NT-3 in the aging nigrostriatal system following a neurotoxic lesion
  232. BDNF gene expression is reduced in the frontal cortex of dopamine transporter knockout mice
  233. NGF, BDNF, leptin, and mast cells in human coronary atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome
  234. BDNF is needed for postnatal maturation of basal forebrain and neostriatum cholinergic neurons in vivo
  235. BDNF in the development of the visual system of Xenopus
  236. Regulation of neuropeptides in adult rat forebrain by the neurotrophins BDNF and NGF
  237. Lack of BDNF and TrkB signalling in the postnatal cochlea leads to a spatial reshaping of innervation along the tonotopic axis and hearing loss
  238. BDNF is upregulated by postnatal development and visual experience: quantitative and immunohistochemical analyses of BDNF in the rat retina
  239. Effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on compression-induced spinal cord injury: BDNF attenuates down-regulation of superoxide dismutase expression …
  240. Expression of a dominant negative TrkB receptor, T1, reveals a requirement for presynaptic signaling in BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation in cultured hippocampal …
  241. Regionally specific effects of BDNF on oligodendrocytes
  242. The neurotrophins BDNF, NT‐3 and NT‐4/5, but not NGF, up‐regulate the cholinergic phenotype of developing motor neurons
  243. Expression of TrkB and TrkC but not BDNF mRNA in neurochemically identified interneurons in rat visual cortex in vivo and in organotypic cultures
  244. Mapping the differences in the brain concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in an animal model of depression
  245. The mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway is more resistant than the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway to MPTP and MPP+ toxicity: role of BDNF gene expression
  246. Learning abilities, NGF and BDNF brain levels in two lines of TNF-α transgenic mice, one characterized by neurological disorders, the other phenotypically normal
  247. Neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) act at later stages of cerebellar granule cell differentiation
  248. BDNF and trkB mRNAs oscillate in rat brain during the light–dark cycle
  249. Knocking the NT4 gene into the BDNF locus rescues BDNF deficient mice and reveals distinct NT4 and BDNF activities
  250. An extended surface of binding to Trk tyrosine kinase receptors in NGF and BDNF allows the engineering of a multifunctional pan‐neurotrophin.
  251. Combined effects of GDNF, BDNF, and CNTF on motoneuron differentiation in vitro
  252. Ischemic brain damage in mice after selectively modifying BDNF or NT4 gene expression
  253. BDNF attenuates the effects of intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine
  254. Repeated electroconvulsive shock extends the duration of enhanced gene expression for BDNF in rat brain compared with a single administration
  255. Exogenous BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4 differentially regulate neurite outgrowth in cultured hippocampal neurons
  256. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents lesion-induced axonal die-back in young rat optic nerve
  257. Postsynaptic action of BDNF on GABAergic synaptic transmission in the superficial layers of the mouse superior colliculus
  258. BDNF gene replacement reveals multiple mechanisms for establishing neurotrophin specificity during sensory nervous system development
  259. Rat retinal ganglion cells co-express brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor TrkB
  260. In Situ Hybridization of trkB and trkC Receptor mRNA in Rat Forebrain and Association with High‐affinity Binding of [125I]BDNF, [125I]NT‐4/5 and [125I]NT‐3
  261. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is upregulated and associated with pain in chronic pancreatitis
  262. Protection of axotomized retinal ganglion cells by adenovirally delivered BDNF in vivo
  263. Are there differences between the secretion characteristics of NGF and BDNF? Implications for the modulatory role of neurotrophins in activity‐dependent neuronal …
  264. Changes in spinal GDNF, BDNF, and NT‐3 expression after transient spinal cord ischemia in the rat
  265. Up‐regulation of the neuronal serotoninergic phenotype in vitro: BDNF and cAMP share Trk B‐dependent mechanisms
  266. Expression of BDNF and NT-3 mRNA in hair cells of the organ of Corti: quantitative analysis in developing rats
  267. Coexpression of mRNAs for NGF, BDNF, and NT-3 in the cardiovascular system of the pre-and postnatal rat
  268. BDNF enhances the functional reinnervation of the striatum by grafted fetal dopamine neurons
  269. Regulation of BDNF expression in primary neuron culture by LY392098, a novel AMPA receptor potentiator
  270. BDNF induction of tryptophan hydroxylase mRNA levels in the rat brain
  271. Development of normal and injury-induced gene expression of aFGF, bFGF, CNTF, BDNF, GFAP and IGF-I in the rat retina
  272. Effects of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor, neurotrophin‐3, and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on neurite growth from adult sensory neurons in …
  273. Accelerated dendritic development of rat cortical pyramidal cells and interneurons after biolistic transfection with BDNF and NT4/5
  274. Effects of chronic exercise and imipramine on mRNA for BDNF after olfactory bulbectomy in rat
  275. Maternal infection regulates BDNF and NGF expression in fetal and neonatal brain and maternal–fetal unit of the rat
  276. Selegiline and desmethylselegiline stimulate NGF, BDNF, and GDNF synthesis in cultured mouse astrocytes
  277. BDNF up‐regulates evoked GABAergic transmission in developing hippocampus by potentiating presynaptic N‐ and P/Q‐type Ca2+ channels signalling
  278. Degeneration of vestibular neurons in late embryogenesis of both heterozygous and homozygous BDNF null mutant mice
  279. Association between the BDNF gene and schizophrenia
  280. A combination of CNTF and BDNF rescues rd photoreceptors but changes rod differentiation in the presence of RPE in retinal explants
  281. GDNF and BDNF alter the expression of neuronal NOS, c-Jun, and p75 and prevent motoneuron death following spinal root avulsion in adult rats
  282. Grafts of BDNF-producing fibroblasts rescue axotomized rubrospinal neurons and prevent their atrophy
  283. Control of early cell death by BDNF in the chick retina
  284. GDNF but not BDNF is increased in cerebrospinal fluid in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  285. Changes in BDNF-immunoreactive structures in the hippocampal formation of the aged macaque monkey
  286. Thyroid hormone regulation of NGF, NT-3 and BDNF RNA in the adult rat brain
  287. Decreased BDNF signalling in transgenic mice reduces epileptogenesis
  288. Signalling pathways involved in the short-term potentiation of dopamine release by BDNF
  289. Lingual deficits in BDNF and NT3 mutant mice leading to gustatory and somatosensory disturbances, respectively
  290. Dynamic patterns of BDNF expression in injured sensory neurons: differential modulation by NGF and NT‐3
  291. Dopaminergic stimulation up-regulates the in vivo expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the striatum
  292. Beta-amyloid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, up-regulate the expression of glutamate transporter GLT-1/EAAT2 via different signaling pathways utilizing …
  293. Delayed transplantation of fibroblasts genetically modified to secrete BDNF and NT-3 into a spinal cord injury site is associated with limited recovery of function
  294. Ngf, BDNF, Nt3, Nt4 and Gdnf in Tooth Development
  295. Animal model of dementia induced by entorhinal synaptic damage and partial restoration of cognitive deficits by BDNF and carnitine
  296. Alterations in BDNF and synapsin I within the occipital cortex and hippocampus after mild traumatic brain injury in the developing rat: reflections of injury-induced …
  297. A caged Ab reveals an immediate/instructive effect of BDNF during hippocampal synaptic potentiation
  298. Blockade of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors prevents BDNF enhancement of glutamatergic transmission in hippocampal neurons
  299. VIP and PACAP potentiate the action of glutamate on BDNF expression in mouse cortical neurones
  300. NT‐3, but not BDNF, prevents atrophy and death of axotomized spinal cord projection neurons
  301. Autocrine BDNF secretion enhances the survival and serotonergic differentiation of raphe neuronal precursor cells grafted into the adult rat CNS
  302. NGF and BDNF are differentially modulated by visual experience in the developing geniculocortical pathway
  303. Brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor (BDNF) stress response in rats bred for learned helplessness
  304. The neurotrophins NT-4/5 and BDNF augment serotonin, dopamine, and GABAergic systems during behaviorally effective infusions to the substantia nigra
  305. Alterations in size, number, and morphology of gustatory papillae and taste buds in BDNF null mutant mice demonstrate neural dependence of developing taste …
  306. Effects of BDNF infusion on the regulation of TrkB protein and message in adult rat brain
  307. Mismatch between BDNF mRNA and protein expression in the developing visual cortex: the role of visual experience
  308. Chimeric molecules with multiple neurotrophic activities reveal structural elements determining the specificities of NGF and BDNF.
  309. Patterned expression of BDNF and NT-3 in the retina and anterior segment of the developing mammalian eye
  310. BDNF mediates the neuroprotective effect of PACAP-38 on rat cortical neurons
  311. Embryonic precursor cells that express Trk receptors: induction of different cell fates by NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and CNTF
  312. Co‐localization of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and wild‐type huntingtin in normal and quinolinic acid‐lesioned rat brain
  313. Cortical spreading depression induces long-term alterations of BDNF levels in cortex and hippocampus distinct from lesion effects: implications for ischemic tolerance
  314. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in stress and affective disorders
  315. The regrowth of axons within tissue defects in the CNS is promoted by implanted hydrogel matrices that contain BDNF and CNTF producing fibroblasts
  316. BDNF prevents NO mediated glutamate cytotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons
  317. Rescue of axotomized retinal ganglion cells by BDNF gene electroporation in adult rats
  318. Differences in survival‐promoting effects and intracellular signaling properties of BDNF and IGF‐1 in cultured cerebral cortical neurons
  319. Defective HSV-1 vector expressing BDNF in auditory ganglia elicits neurite outgrowth: model for treatment of neuron loss following cochlear degeneration
  320. A prospective, randomized, placebo‐controlled evaluation of corticoneuronal response to intrathecal BDNF therapy in ALS using magnetic resonance spectroscopy …
  321. Adenoviral gene transfer of GDNF, BDNF and TGFβ2, but not CNTF, cardiotrophin‐1 or IGF1, protects injured adult motoneurons after facial nerve avulsion
  322. Truncated TrkB mediates the endocytosis and release of BDNF and neurotrophin-4/5 by rat astrocytes and schwann cells in vitro
  323. Modulation of DOI-induced increases in cortical BDNF expression by group II mGlu receptors
  324. Evaluation of nigrostriatal dopaminergic function in adult+/+ and+/− BDNF mutant mice
  325. BDNF synthesis in spiral ganglion neurons is constitutive and CREB-dependent
  326. BDNF mRNA expression in the developing rat brain following kainic acid-induced seizure activity
  327. Effect of BDNF on dopaminergic, serotonergic, and GABAergic neurons in cultures of human fetal ventral mesencephalon
  328. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphisms in Parkinson’s disease and age of onset
  329. Granule cell mRNA levels for BDNF, NGF, and NT-3 correlate with neuron losses or supragranular mossy fiber sprouting in the chronically damaged and epileptic …
  330. A polymorphism of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease in patients lacking the Apolipoprotein E ε4 allele
  331. Neurotrophins induce BDNF expression through the glutamate receptor pathway in neocortical neurons
  332. Grafts of fibroblasts genetically modified to secrete NGF, BDNF, NT-3, or basic FGF elicit differential responses in the adult spinal cord
  333. BDNF diminishes caspase-2 but not c-Jun immunoreactivity of neurons in retinal ganglion cell layer after transient ischemia
  334. Synergistic but transient rescue effects of BDNF and GDNF on axotomized neonatal motoneurons
  335. Analysis of effects and pharmacokinetics of subcutaneously administered BDNF
  336. BDNF but not NT-4 is required for normal flexion reflex plasticity and function
  337. The Cellular Patterns of BDNF andtrkBExpression Suggest Multiple Roles for BDNF duringXenopusVisual System Development
  338. Grafting of encapsulated BDNF-producing fibroblasts into the injured spinal cord without immune suppression in adult rats
  339. Circadian variation in BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus
  340. BDNF modulates sensory neuron synaptic activity by a facilitation of GABA transmission in the dorsal horn
  341. Ceramide activates microglia to enhance the production/secretion of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) without induction of deleterious factors in vitro
  342. Synergistic effects of BDNF and NT‐3 on postnatal spiral ganglion neurons
  343. Role of the neurotrophic factors BDNF and NGF in the commitment of pluripotent neural crest cells
  344. Induction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the receptor trk B mRNA following middle cerebral artery occlusion in rat
  345. FGF-2, NGF and IGF-1, but not BDNF, utilize a nitric oxide pathway to signal neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects against alcohol toxicity in cerebellar granule cell …
  346. Lesion-induced increase of BDNF is greater in the striatum of young versus old rat brain
  347. Hippocampal BDNF mRNA shows a diurnal regulation, primarily in the exon III transcript
  348. Treatment with genetically engineered fibroblasts producing NGF or BDNF can accelerate recovery from traumatic spinal cord injury in the adult rat.
  349. … antagonists elevate both mRNA and protein levels of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) but not neurotrophin …
  350. Increased BDNF and trk‐B mRNA expression in cortical and limbic regions following formation of a social recognition memory
  351. BDNF attenuates hippocampal LTD via activation of phospholipase C: implications for a vertical shift in the frequency–response curve of synaptic plasticity
  352. Intact spatial learning and memory in transgenic mice with reduced BDNF
  353. Atrophy but not death of adult septal cholinergic neurons after ablation of target capacity to produce mRNAs for NGF, BDNF, and NT3
  354. Transient changes of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in hippocampus during moderate ischemia induced by chronic bilateral common …
  355. BDNF and trkB mRNA expression in the hippocampal formation of aging rats
  356. BDNF heightens the sensitivity of motor neurons to excitotoxic insults through activation of TrkB
  357. Serotonergic cells of the rat raphe nuclei express mRNA of tyrosine kinase B (trkB), the high-affinity receptor for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  358. Immobilization stress rapidly and differentially modulates BDNF and TrkB mRNA expression in the pituitary gland of adult male rats
  359. Glucocorticoids depress activity-dependent expression of BDNF mRNA in hippocampal neurones.
  360. Effects of biologically delivered NGF, BDNF and bFGF on striatal excitotoxic lesions.
  361. BDNF produces analgesia in the formalin test and modifies neuropeptide levels in rat brain and spinal cord areas associated with nociception
  362. Neurotrophic effects of BDNF and CNTF, alone and in combination, on postnatal day 5 rat acoustic ganglion neurons
  363. Pharmacokinetics of intrathecally applied BDNF and effects on spinal motoneurons
  364. Determinants of BDNF-induced hippocampal synaptic plasticity: role of the Trk B receptor and the kinetics of neurotrophin delivery.
  365. NGF, BDNF and NT-5, but not NT-3 protect against MPP+ toxicity and oxidative stress in neonatal animals
  366. Expression of the BDNF gene in the developing visual system of the chick
  367. Tool-use learning induces BDNF expression in a selective portion of monkey anterior parietal cortex
  368. BDNF and NT‐4 differentially modulate neurite outgrowth in developing retinal ganglion cells
  369. … MR determined apparent diffusion coefficients correlate with motor recovery mediated by intraspinal transplants of fibroblasts genetically modified to express BDNF
  370. Effects of dopamine agonists bromocriptine, pergolide, cabergoline, and SKF-38393 on GDNF, NGF, and BDNF synthesis in cultured mouse astrocytes
  371. BDNF induces translocation of initiation factor 4E to mRNA granules: evidence for a role of synaptic microfilaments and integrins
  372. Neurotrophic factor regulation of developing avian oculomotor neurons: differential effects of BDNF and GDNF
  373. Effect of NT‐4 and BDNF delivery to damaged sciatic nerves on phenotypic recovery of fast and slow muscles fibres
  374. A possible role for BDNF, NT-4 and TrkB in the spinal cord and muscle of rat subjected to mechanical overload, bupivacaine injection and axotomy
  375. ECS-Induced mossy fiber sprouting and BDNF expression are attenuated by ketamine pretreatment
  376. Differential effects of BDNF, ADNF9, and TNFα on levels of NMDA receptor subunits, calcium homeostasis, and neuronal vulnerability to excitotoxicity
  377. BDNF protection of auditory neurons from cisplatin involves changes in intracellular levels of both reactive oxygen species and glutathione
  378. Epithelial overexpression of BDNF or NT4 disrupts targeting of taste neurons that innervate the anterior tongue
  379. LIF is more potent than BDNF in promoting neurite outgrowth of mammalian auditory neurons in vitro
  380. Expression of mRNAs for neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, and NT-3) and their receptors (p75 NGFR, trk, trkB, and trkC) in human peripheral neuropathies
  381. The human BDNF gene maps between FSHB and HVBS1 at the boundary of 11p13–p14
  382. BDNF, NT‐3 and NGF induce distinct new Ca2+ channel synthesis in developing hippocampal neurons
  383. Differential effects of NGF and BDNF on voltage-gated calcium currents in embryonic basal forebrain neurons
  384. Effects of neurotransplants and BDNF on the survival and regeneration of injured adult spinal motoneurons
  385. Topically applied betaxolol attenuates ischaemia-induced effects to the rat retina and stimulates BDNF mRNA
  386. Distribution of BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4 in the developing auditory brainstem
  387. Brain insults in rats induce increased expression of the BDNF gene through differential use of multiple promoters
  388. Corticosterone effects on BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus during morris water maze training
  389. Alterations in nigrostriatal dopaminergic function within BDNF mutant mice
  390. Expression of specific tubulin isotypes increases during regeneration of injured CNS neurons, but not after the application of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  391. Retinal ganglion cell survival is promoted by genetically modified astrocytes designed to secrete brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  392. NT-3 regulates BDNF-induced modulation of synaptic transmission in cultured hippocampal neurons
  393. Rapid increase of BDNF mRNA levels in cortical neurons following spreading depression: regulation by glutamatergic mechanisms independent of seizure activity
  394. Rapid and opposite effects of BDNF and NGF on the functional organization of the adult cortex in vivo
  395. BDNF enhances neuronal growth and synaptic activity in hippocampal cell cultures
  396. Cellular hybridization for BDNF. trk B, and NGF mRNAs and BDNF-immunoreactivity in rat forebrain after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus
  397. Retrograde transport of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) following infusion in neo‐and limbic cortex in rat: relationship to BDNF mRNA expressing neurons
  398. Expression of neurotrophins BDNF and NT-3, and their receptors in rat brain after administration of antipsychotic and psychotrophic agents
  399. REST4-mediated modulation of REST/NRSF-silencing function during BDNF gene promoter activation
  400. Striatal dopamine output is compromised within+/− BDNF mice
  401. Transplantation of genetically modified fibroblasts expressing BDNF in adult rats with a subtotal hemisection improves specific motor and sensory functions
  402. Alterations in BDNF and trkB mRNA levels in the cerebral cortex following experimental brain trauma in rats
  403. BDNF, and full length and truncated TrkB expression in the hippocampus of the rat following kainic acid excitotoxic damage. Evidence of complex time-dependent and …
  404. Signaling pathways and survival effects of BDNF and NT-3 on cultured cerebellar granule cells
  405. Early BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4 signaling events
  406. Dynamic regulation of BDNF and NT‐3 expression during visual system development
  407. Down-regulation of BDNF mRNA, with no effect on trkB or glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs, in the porcine hippocampus after acute dexamethasone treatment
  408. GABA–glutamate interaction in the control of BDNF expression in hypothalamic neurons
  409. Nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (LNGFR) mRNA levels in cultured rat Schwann cells; …
  410. NMDA-stimulated expression of BDNF mRNA in cultured cerebellar granule neurones.
  411. trkB-receptor activation contributes to the kainate-induced increase in BDNF mRNA synthesis
  412. Differential effects of GDNF and BDNF on cultured ventral mesencephalic neurons
  413. Association of partial epilepsy with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphisms
  414. Agonistic encounters in aged male mouse potentiate the expression of endogenous brain NGF and BDNF: possible implication for brain progenitor cells’ activation
  415. Interaction of BDNF and testosterone in the regulation of adult perineal motoneurons
  416. TrkB mediates BDNF-induced potentiation of neuronal necrosis in cortical culture
  417. Intracerebroventricular administration of an endothelin ETB receptor agonist increases expressions of GDNF and BDNF in rat brain
  418. EGF and NGF injected into the brain of old mice enhance BDNF and ChAT in proliferating subventricular zone
  419. Heritability of BDNF alleles and their effect on brain morphology in schizophrenia
  420. Acute modulation of synaptic transmission to motoneurons by BDNF in the neonatal rat spinal cord
  421. Glucocorticoids modulate BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus after traumatic brain injury
  422. BDNF as an anterophin; a novel neurotrophic relationship between brain neurons
  423. Human cerebral endothelial cells are a potential source for bioactive BDNF
  424. BDNF, but not NT-3, promotes long-term survival of axotomized adult rat corticospinal neurons in vivo
  425. Protective effect against ischemia and light damage of iris pigment epithelial cells transfected with the BDNF gene
  426. A controlled trial of recombinant methionyl human BDNF in ALS
  427. Differential Effects of NGF and BDNF on Axotomy-Induced Changes in GABAA-Receptor-Mediated Conductance and Sodium Currents in Cutaneous Afferent …
  428. Effects of BDNF and NT-3 on hair cell survival in guinea pig cochlea damaged by kanamycin treatment
  429. Does BDNF have pre-or postsynaptic targets?
  430. Effects of BDNF and NT-3 on development of Ia/motoneuron functional connectivity in neonatal rats
  431. BDNF is required for the normal development of taste neurons in vivo
  432. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor‐transduced fibroblasts: Production of BDNF and effects of grafting to the adult rat brain
  433. Protective effects of BDNF and NT-3 but not PDGF against hypoglycemic injury to cultured striatal neurons
  434. Signal transduction events mediated by the BDNF receptor gp 145trkB in primary hippocampal pyramidal cell culture
  435. A discrete domain of the human TrkB receptor defines the binding sites for BDNF and NT-4
  436. Modulation of HERG current and herg gene expression during retinoic acid treatment of human neuroblastoma cells: Potentiating effects of BDNF
  437. Co-infusion with a TrkB-Fc receptor body carrier enhances BDNF distribution in the adult rat brain
  438. Induction of functional and morphological expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in cortical cultures by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): evidence for a …
  439. Simultaneous GDNF and BDNF application leads to increased motoneuron survival and improved functional outcome in an experimental model for obstetric brachial …
  440. BDNF increases the number of axotomized rat retinal ganglion cells expressing GAP-43, L1, and TAG-1 mRNA—a supportive role for nitric oxide?
  441. BDNF or IGF-I potentiates free radical-mediated injury in cortical cell cultures.
  442. Developmentally regulated expression of HDNF/NT‐3 mRNA in rat spinal cord motoneurons and expression of BDNF mRNA in embryonic dorsal root ganglion
  443. No linkage or linkage disequilibrium between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) dinucleotide repeat polymorphism and schizophrenia in Irish families
  444. Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in rat astrocyte cultures treated with Levetiracetam
  445. Memory consolidation in day-old chicks requires BDNF but not NGF or NT-3; an antisense study
  446. Fibroblasts genetically modified to produce BDNF support regrowth of chronically injured serotonergic axons
  447. BDNF atelocollagen mini-pellet accelerates facial nerve regeneration
  448. Rat fetal ventral mesencephalon grown as solid tissue cultures: influence of culture time and BDNF treatment on dopamine neuron survival and function
  449. Photochemical stroke and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression.
  450. BDNF and NGF afford in vitro neuroprotection against ethanol combined with acute ischemia and chronic hypoglycemia
  451. Expression and binding characteristics of the BDNF receptor chick trkB
  452. Effects of BDNF and NT‐4/5 on Striatonigral Neuropeptides or Nigral GABA Neurons In Vivo
  453. BDNF stimulates expression, activity and release of tissue‐type plasminogen activator in mouse cortical neurons
  454. Activation of NMDA receptors increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the hippocampal formation.
  455. Anterograde transport and trophic actions of BDNF and NT-4/5 in the developing rat visual system
  456. Perinatal exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin alters activity-dependent expression of BDNF mRNA in the neocortex and male rat sexual behavior in …
  457. BDNF and NT-3 rescue sensory but not motoneurones following axotomy in the neonate.
  458. The anterogradely transported BDNF promotes retinal axon remodeling during eye specific segregation within the LGN
  459. BDNF supports mammalian chemoafferent neurons in vitro and following peripheral target removal in vivo
  460. BDNF regulates the expression of fragile X mental retardation protein mRNA in the hippocampus
  461. 5-HT 2A receptor activation leads to increased BDNF mRNA expression in C6 glioma cells
  462. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): role in neuronal development and survival.
  463. BDNF gene transfer to the mammalian brain using CNS-derived neural precursors
  464. Influence of BDNF on the expression of the dopaminergic phenotype of tissue used for brain transplants
  465. NMDA induces BDNF expression in the albino rat retina in vivo
  466. The effect of a global birth asphyxia on the ontogeny of BDNF and NGF protein expression in the juvenile brain
  467. Infarct tolerance accompanied enhanced BDNF-like immunoreactivity in neuronal nuclei
  468. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediates bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (BMP‐2) effects on cultured striatal neurones
  469. Neonatal olfactory sensory deprivation decreases BDNF in the olfactory bulb of the rat
  470. NGF but not NT-3 or BDNF prevents the A fiber sprouting into lamina II of the spinal cord that occurs following axotomy
  471. The BDNF content of postnatal and adult rat brain: the effects of 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in adult brain
  472. Interactions of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the NT-3. BDNF heterodimer with the extracellular domains of the TrkB and TrkC …
  473. Ultrastructural localisation of intramuscular expression of BDNF mRNA by silver-gold intensified non-radioactive in situ hybridisation
  474. Unilateral hippocampal lesions in newborn and adult rats: effects on spatial memory and BDNF gene expression
  475. Involvement of VIP on BDNF-induced somatostatin gene expression in cultured fetal rat cerebral cortical cells
  476. The effects of intrahippocampal BDNF and NGF on spatial learning in aged Long Evans rats
  477. Characterization of dopaminergic midbrain neurons in a DBH: BDNF transgenic mouse
  478. Target‐derived BDNF (brain‐derived neurotrophic factor) is essential for the survival of developing neurons in the isthmo‐optic nucleus
  479. BDNF attenuates retinal cell death caused by chemically induced hypoxia in rats
  480. The p75 receptor is required for BDNF-induced differentiation of neural precursor cells
  481. Dopaminergic transmitter up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis in mouse astrocytes in culture
  482. Distinct populations of hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons exhibit differential responses to brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin‐3 (NT3)
  483. BDNF is involved in sympathetic sprouting in the dorsal root ganglia following peripheral nerve injury in rats
  484. BDNF and CNTF regulate cholinergic properties of sympathetic neurons through independent mechanisms
  485. Expression of BDNF and TrkB in mouse taste buds after denervation and in circumvallate papillae during development
  486. Soya phytoestrogens change cortical and hippocampal expression of BDNF mRNA in male rats
  487. DCG-IV but not other group-II metabotropic receptor agonists induces microglial BDNF mRNA expression in the rat striatum. Correlation with neuronal injury
  488. Lack of association between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and Parkinson’s disease in a Swedish population
  489. BDNF dependence in neuroblastoma
  490. BDNF‐activated Sianal Transduction in Rat Cortical Glial Cells
  491. BDNF attenuates functional and structural disorders in nerves of galactose-fed rats
  492. Purification and characterisation of a brain‐derived neurotrophic factor/neurotrophin‐3 (BDNF/NT‐3) heterodimer
  493. Changes in BDNF and neurotrophin receptor expression in degenerating and regenerating rat retinal ganglion cells
  494. The expression of trkB and p75 and the role of BDNF in the developing neuromuscular system of the chick embryo
  495. The control of [125I] BDNF release from striatal rat brain slices
  496. Neurotrophins and their receptors in the rat pituitary gland: regulation of BDNF and trk B mRNA levels by adrenal hormones
  497. Transient PKA activity is required for initiation but not maintenance of BDNF-mediated protection from nitric oxide-induced growth-cone collapse
  498. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in rats with neonatal ibotenic acid lesions of the ventral hippocampus
  499. The morphogenesis of mouse vallate gustatory epithelium and taste buds requires BDNF-dependent taste neurons
  500. Retinoic acid induces BDNF responsiveness of sympathetic neurons by alteration of Trk neurotrophin receptor expression
  501. BDNF and NT4/5 promote survival and neurite outgrowth of pontocerebellar mossy fiber neurons
  502. Lingual BDNF and NT‐3 mRNA expression patterns and their relation to innervation in the human tongue: Similarities and differences compared with rodents
  503. Coordination of early neural tube development by BDNF/trkB
  504. BDNF potentiates spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in cultured hippocampal neurons
  505. Early induction of mRNA for calbindin-D28k and BDNF but not NT-3 in rat hippocampus after kainic acid treatment
  506. Suppressed kindling epileptogenesis and perturbed BDNF and TrkB gene regulation in NT-3 mutant mice
  507. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protects cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons against glucose deprivation-induced apoptosis
  508. Facilitation of AVP (4–8) on gene expression of BDNF and NGF in rat brain
  509. BDNF makes cultured dentate granule cells more resistant to hypoglycaemic damage.
  510. BDNF protection of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons after axotomy: complete protection of p75NGFR-positive cells.
  511. Regulation of NGF, BDNF and LNGFR gene expression in ROS 172.8 cells
  512. Neurotrophin dependence mediated by p75 NTR: contrast between rescue by BDNF and NGF
  513. Expression of mRNAs encoding BDNF and its receptor in adult rat hypothalamus
  514. Cell death in the inner nuclear layer of the retina is modulated by BDNF
  515. BDNF induces glutamate release in cerebrocortical nerve terminals and in cortical astrocytes
  516. BDNF and NT-4, but not NT-3, promote development of inhibitory synapses in the absence of neuronal activity
  517. Impaired eye-blink conditioning in waggler, a mutant mouse with cerebellar BDNF deficiency
  518. MK801 induces immediate-early gene proteins and BDNF mRNA in rat cerebrocortical neurones.
  519. Regulation of BDNF promoters in the rat hippocampus
  520. Opposing effects of morphine and the neurotrophins, NT-3, NT-4, and BDNF, on locus coeruleus neurons in vitro
  521. The depolarisation-induced release of [125I] BDNF from brain tissue
  522. Early postnatal ethanol exposure selectively decreases BDNF and truncated TrkB-T2 receptor mRNA expression in the rat cerebellum
  523. Peptide immunoreactivity in aged rat cortex and hippocampus as a function of memory and BDNF infusion
  524. Spatially restricted actions of BDNF
  525. Alterations in the Neurotrophic Factors BDNF, GDNF and CNTF in the Regenerating Olfactory Systema
  526. Paracrine interactions of BDNF involving NGF-dependent embryonic sensory neurons
  527. Up-and down-regulation of BDNF mRNA in distinct subgroups of rat sensory neurons after axotomy
  528. … of serotonergic neurons following spinal hemisection restores spinal serotonin, downregulates serotonin transporter, and increases BDNF tissue content in rat
  529. Organization, sequence and functional analysis of a mouse BDNF promoter
  530. BDNF increases the expression of neuropeptide Y mRNA and promotes differentiation/maturation of neuropeptide Y-positive cultured cortical neurons from embryonic …
  531. Neuronal precursors of the adult rat subependymal zone persist into senescence, with no decline in spatial extent or response to BDNF
  532. Influence of thyroid hormone on 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor-mediated regulation of hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression
  533. MEK inhibitors block BDNF-dependent and-independent expression of GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs in cultured mouse cerebellar granule neurons
  534. Immunohistochemical localization of BDNF‐, TrkB‐and TrkA‐like proteins in the teleost lateral line system
  535. Sodium chloride enhances the storage and conformational stability of BDNF and PEG-BDNF
  536. Enhancement of BDNF and activated-ERK immunoreactivity in spinal motor neurons after peripheral administration of BDNF
  537. Glutamate receptor agonists enhance the expression of BDNF mRNA in cultured cerebellar granule cells
  538. Exercise increases mRNA levels for adhesion molecules N-CAM and L1 correlating with BDNF response
  539. NGF and BDNF increase the immunoreactivity of vesicular acetylcholine transporter in cultured neurons from the embryonic rat septum
  540. BDNF-mediated rescue of axotomized motor neurones decreases with increasing dose.
  541. Experimental changes in BDNF-and NT-3-like immunoreactivities in the spinal cord following its transection
  542. BDNF abolishes the survival effect of NT‐3 in axotomized clarke neurons of adult rats
  543. The survival of NGF-dependent but not BDNF-dependent cranial sensory neurons is promoted by several different neurotrophins early in their development
  544. Effects of combined BDNF and GDNF treatment on cultured dopaminergic midbrain neurons
  545. BDNF Gene Can Be Activated by Ca2+ Signals without Involvement ofde NovoAP-1 Synthesis
  546. Developmental changes in BDNF protein levels in the hamster retina and superior colliculus
  547. Identification of potential compounds promoting BDNF production in nigral dopaminergic neurons: clinical implication in Parkinson’s disease
  548. Repetitive firing deficits and reduced sodium current density in retinal ganglion cells developing in the absence of BDNF
  549. BDNF-induced potentiation of spontaneous twitching in innervated myocytes requires calcium release from intracellular stores
  550. A paracrine effect for neuron-derived BDNF in development of dorsal root ganglia: stimulation of Schwann cell myelin protein expression by glial cells
  551. A novel BDNF gene promoter directs expression to skeletal muscle
  552. Timing and Regulation of trkB and BDNF mRNA Expression in Placode‐derived Sensory Neurons and their Targets
  553. Implanted BDNF-producing fibroblasts prevent neurotoxin-induced serotonergic denervation in the rat striatum
  554. 6-Hydroxydopamine lesions reduce BDNF mRNA levels in adult rat brain substantia nigra.
  555. BDNF and NT-3 widen the scope of neurotrophin activity: pharmacological implications
  556. In vivo activation and in situ BDNF-stimulated nuclear translocation of mitogen-activated/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase is inhibited by ethanol in the …
  557. BDNF
  558. Transcript-specific effects of adrenalectomy on seizure-induced BDNF expression in rat hippocampus
  559. BDNF and TrkB co-localize in CA1 neurons resistant to transient forebrain ischemia in the adult gerbil
  560. … permeability disturbances, edema formation and cell injury in the spinal cord following trauma: an experimental study using topical application of BDNF and IGF-1 in …
  561. Functional recovery of transected nerves treated with systemic BDNF and CNTF
  562. The effect of NGF, BDNF and bFGF on expression of galanin in cultured rat dorsal root ganglia
  563. 5-Azacytidine and BDNF enhance the maturation of neurons derived from EGF-generated neural stem cells
  564. Spatiotemporal expression of BDNF in the hippocampus induced by the continuous intracerebroventricular infusion of β-amyloid in rats
  565. A role for BDNF in early postnatal rat vestibular epithelia maturation: implication of supporting cells
  566. BDNF and trkB mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus following entorhinal cortex lesions.
  567. Upregulation of BDNF mRNA and trkB mRNA in the nigrostriatal system and in the lesion site following unilateral transection of the medial forebrain bundle
  568. Retinoic acid increases BDNF-dependent regeneration of chick retinal ganglion cells in vitro
  569. Differential influence of BDNF and NT3 on the expression of calcium binding proteins and neuropeptide Y in vivo
  570. Short increase of BDNF messenger RNA triggers kainic acid-induced neuronal hypertrophy in adult mice
  571. Effect of the novel sigma1 receptor ligand and putative atypical antipsychotic E-5842 on BDNF mRNA expression in the rat brain
  572. Survival factors promote BDNF protein expression in mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons
  573. Relationship between BDNF-and trk-expressing neurones in rat dorsal root ganglion: an analysis by in situ hybridization
  574. Reciprocal up-and down-regulation of BDNF mRNA in tetanus toxin-induced epileptic focus and inhibitory surround in cerebral cortex.
  575. Does BDNF contribute to temporal lobe epilepsy?
  576. BDNF-dependent enhancement of exocytosis in cultured cortical neurons requires translation but not transcription
  577. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression following antibiotic treatment of experimental bacterial meningitis
  578. … convertase PC1 is induced in the transected sciatic nerve and is present in cultured Schwann cells: comparison with PC5, furin and PC7, implication in pro-BDNF …
  579. Pattern of trkB protein-like immunoreactivity in vivo and the in vitro effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on developing cochlear and vestibular neurons
  580. NGF, BDNF and NT-3 play unique roles in the in vitro development and patterning of innervation of the mammalian inner ear
  581. Different patterns of induction of FGF‐2, FGF‐1 and BDNF mRNAs during kindling epileptogenesis in the rat
  582. BDNF regulation of androgen receptor expression in axotomized SNB motoneurons of adult male rats
  583. BDNF and NT3 extend the critical period for developmental climbing fibre plasticity
  584. Distribution of BDNF, NT-3, trkB and trkC in the developing retino-tectal system of the pigeon (Columba livia)
  585. The neurotrophins BDNF, NT-3 and-4, but not NGF, TGF-β1 and GDNF, increase the number of NADPH-diaphorase-reactive neurons in rat spinal cord cultures
  586. Coactivation of secretogranin-II and BDNF genes mediated by calcium signals in mouse cerebellar granule cells
  587. BDNF/trkB signaling in the developmental sculpting of visual connections
  588. Distinct neurotrophic responses of axotomized motor neurons to BDNF and CNTF in adult rats.
  589. Influence of time in culture and BDNF pretreatment on survival and function of grafted embryonic rat ventral mesencephalon in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s …
  590. Unilateral vestibular deafferentation induces brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein expression in the guinea pig lateral but not medial vestibular nuclei
  591. Comparison of the effects of HGF, BDNF, CT‐1, CNTF, and the branchial arches on the growth of embryonic cranial motor neurons
  592. NGF/BDNF chimeric proteins: analysis of neurotrophin specificity by homolog-scanning mutagenesis
  593. Neurotrophic factors BDNF and GDNF protect embryonic chick spinal cord motoneurons from ethanol neurotoxicity in vivo
  594. Optimal effectiveness of BDNF for fetal nigral transplants coincides with the ontogenic appearance of BDNF in the striatum
  595. Activation of BDNF mRNA and protein after seizures in hyperbaric oxygen: implications for sensitization to seizures in re-exposures
  596. BDNF overexpression induces differential increases among subsets of sympathetic innervation in murine back skin
  597. BDNF and NT-3 modulate expression and threonine phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein 2 analogues, and alter their distribution in the developing rat …
  598. Developmental regulation of BDNF and NT-3 expression by quinolinic acid in the striatum and its main connections
  599. Down-regulation of phosphatidylinositol response to BDNF and NT-3 in cultures of cortical neurons
  600. Decrease in the levels of NGF and BDNF in brains of mice fed a tryptophan-deficient diet
  601. BDNF increases the early expression of TRH mRNA in fetal TrkB+ hypothalamic neurons in primary culture
  602. BDNF restores the expression of Jun and Fos inducible transcription factors in the rat brain following repetitive electroconvulsive seizures
  603. Immunohistochemical analysis of the neurotrophins BDNF and NT-3 and their receptors trk B, trk C, and p75 in the developing chick retina
  604. Immunological relationships of NGF, BDNF, and NT-3: recognition and functional inhibition by antibodies to NGF
  605. Developing vestibular ganglion neurons switch trophic sensitivity from BDNF to GDNF after target innervation
  606. Attenuation of cell death mediated by membrane depolarization different from that by exogenous BDNF in cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells
  607. Effect of electroacupuncture on BDNF expression at ischemia cortex and infarct volume after middle cerebral artery occlusion in rat
  608. Effects of astragalosides on the expression of BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR mRNA against focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury
  609. Sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation induced by a brief BDNF application in rat visual cortex neurons
  610. The distribution of PGP9. 5, BDNF and NGF in the vallate papilla of adult and developing mice
  611. Regionally specific induction of BDNF and truncated trkB. T1 receptors in the hippocampal formation after intraseptal injection of kainic acid
  612. The periodontal Ruffini endings in brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) deficient mice
  613. TrkB expression and early sensory neuron survival are independent of endogenous BDNF
  614. The involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the regeneration of periodontal Ruffini endings following transection of the inferior alveolar nerve
  615. Selective up‐regulation of P‐ and R‐type Ca2+ channels in rat embryo motoneurons by BDNF
  616. BDNF activated TrkB/IRR receptor chimera promotes survival of sympathetic neurons through Ras and PI‐3 kinase signaling
  617. Estrogen affects BDNF expression following chronic constriction nerve injury
  618. Differential induction of Pax genes by NGF and BDNF in cerebellar primary cultures.
  619. BDNF gene transcripts in mesencephalic neurons and its differential regulation by NMDA
  620. NT‐4/5 and LIF, but not NT‐3 and BDNF, promote NPY mRNA expression in cortical neurons in the absence of spontaneous bioelectrical activity
  621. Inducibility of BDNF gene promoter I detected by calcium-phosphate-mediated DNA transfection is confined to neuronal but not to glial cells
  622. Chronic supranigral infusion of BDNF in normal and MPTP-treated common marmosets
  623. Involvement of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the development of periodontal Ruffini endings
  624. BDNF and trkB mRNA expression in neurons of the neonatal mouse barrel field cortex: normal development and plasticity after cauterizing facial vibrissae
  625. Influence of ethanol on neonatal cerebellum of BDNF gene‐deleted animals: analyses of effects on Purkinje cells, apoptosis‐related proteins, and endogenous …
  626. Expression of BDNF and TrkB mRNAs in the crista neurosensory epithelium and vestibular ganglia following ototoxic damage
  627. BDNF/NT4‐5 receptor TrkB and cadherin participate in cell‐cell adhesion
  628. Sex-specific effects of in utero manipulation of GABAA receptors on pre-and postnatal expression of BDNF in rats
  629. Localization of putative calcium-responsive regions in the rat BDNF gene
  630. Differential regulation of BDNF and NT-3 mRNA levels in primary cultures of rat cerebellar neurons
  631. Effect of NGF, BDNF, bFGF, aFGF and cell density on NPY expression in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurones
  632. Recombinant human brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (rHuBDNF) Disulfide structure and characterization of BDNF expressed in CHO cells
  633. Conditioned medium from aged monkey fibroblasts stably expressing GDNF and BDNF improves survival of embryonic dopamine neurons in vitro
  634. Hyperglycemia and hypercapnia suppress BDNF gene expression in vulnerable regions after transient forebrain ischemia in the rat
  635. Increased expression of endogenous biotin, but not BDNF, in telencephalic song regions during zebra finch vocal learning
  636. Functional redundancy and gustatory development in BDNF null mutant mice
  637. Liposome-mediated BDNF cDNA transfer in intact and injured rat brain.
  638. A 1.7-Mb YAC contig around the human BDNF gene (11p13): integration of the physical, genetic, and cytogenetic maps in relation to WAGR syndrome
  639. Interactions of neurotrophic factors GDNF and NT-3, but not BDNF, with the immune system following fetal spinal cord transplantation
  640. BDNF and NT-3 but not CNTF counteract the Ca2+ ionophore-induced apoptosis of cultured cortical neurons: involvement of dual pathways
  641. BDNF accelerates gene expression in cultured cerebellar granule neurons
  642. BDNF binding to truncated trkB. T1 does not affect gene expression
  643. Differential effects of the trophic factors BDNF, NT‐4, GDNF, and IGF‐I on the isthmo‐optic nucleus in chick embryos
  644. Gene sequences of chicken BDNF and NT-3
  645. BDNF and TrkB expression in intrastriatal ventral mesencephalic grafts in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
  646. Intraventricular application of BDNF and NT-3 failed to protect nucleus basalis magnocellularis cholinergic neurones.
  647. BDNF and NT‐4 differentiate two pathways in the modulation of neuropeptide protein levels in postnatal hippocampal interneurons
  648. Differential regulation of p75 and trkB mRNA expression after depolarizing stimuli or BDNF treatment in basal forebrain neuron cultures
  649. Highest trkB mRNA expression in the entorhinal cortex among hippocampal subregions in the adult rat: contrasting pattern with BDNF mRNA expression
  650. The effect of ZMS, an active component of Zhimu, on NGF and BDNF in brains of aged rats
  651. Effect of hypergravity on the mouse basal expression of NGF and BDNF in the retina, visual cortex and geniculate nucleus: correlative aspects with NPY …
  652. NGF and BDNF in the anterior pituitary lobe of adult rats
  653. The induction of BDNF and c-fos mRNA in the hippocampal formation after febrile seizures
  654. Enhancement of NMDA receptor maturation by BDNF in cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells.
  655. Contribution of BDNF-mediated inhibition in patterning avian skin innervation
  656. An improved method detects differential NGF and BDNF gene expression in response to depolarization in cultured hippocampal neurons
  657. Effects of chronic ethanol administration on expression of BDNF and trkB mRNAs in rat hippocampus after experimental brain injury
  658. The survival response of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons to the neurotrophins BDNF and NT-4 requires priming with serum: comparison with members of the …
  659. BDNF and NT‐3 applied in the whisker pad reverse cortical changes after peripheral deafferentation in neonatal rats
  660. A common mechanism for recombinant human NGF, BDNF, NT‐3, and murine NGF slow unfolding
  661. Expression of BDNF mRNA in substantia nigra is dependent on target integrity and independent of neuronal activation
  662. Activation of Ras and protection from apoptotic cell death by BDNF in PC12 cells expressing TrkB
  663. Dopaminergic regulation of BDNF content in the pituitary intermediate lobe
  664. Metal-catalyzed oxidation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): Analytical challenges for the identification of modified sites
  665. Cerebellar pathology in BDNF-/-mice: the classic view of neurotrophins is changing.
  666. Effects of three Chinese formulas on BDNF, TrkB in rat contex and hippocampus with chronic immobilization stress
  667. PMA decreases the proliferation of retinal cells in vitro: the involvement of acetylcholine and BDNF
  668. Synergistic trophic actions on rat basal forebrain neurons revealed by a synthetic NGF/BDNF chimaeric molecule
  669. Rescue of injury-induced neurofilaments loss by BDNF gene transfection in primary septo-hippocampal cell cultures
  670. Attenuation of the seizure‐induced expression of BDNF mRNA in adult rat brain by an inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinases
  671. A stimulus paradigm inducing long-term desensitization of AMPA receptors evokes a specific increase in BDNF mRNA in cerebellar slices.
  672. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) peptide antibodies: characterization using a Vaccinia virus expression system.
  673. The effects of intra-vestibular nucleus administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on recovery from peripheral vestibular damage in guinea pig
  674. Plant-derived amino acids increase hippocampal BDNF, NGF, c-fos and hsp70 mRNAs
  675. Trauma-induced striatal CNTF and BDNF mRNA in hemiparkinsonian rats
  676. Intraventricular injection of NGF, but not BDNF, induces rapid motor activation that is inhibited by nicotinic receptor antagonists
  677. Decreased hippocampal BDNF expression after acute systemic injection of quinpirole
  678. Farnesyltransferase inhibitor FTI-277 prevents autocrine growth stimulation of neuroblastoma by BDNF
  679. Short-term hypergravity influences NGF and BDNF expression, and mast cell distribution in the lungs and heart of adult male mice.
  680. Effects of bFGF and BDNF on the cells of injured adult mouse olfactory epithelium in vitro
  681. Quantitative Analysis of Long-Term Survival and Neuritogenesisin Vitro: Cochleovestibular Ganglion of the Chick Embryo in BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5, and Insulin
  682. Silencer-mediated repression and non-mediated activation of BDNF and c-fos gene promoters in primary glial or neuronal cells
  683. Malonate-induced cortico-motoneuron death is attenuated by NT-4, but not by BDNF or NT-3
  684. Influence of BDNF and FCS on viability and programmed cell death (PCD) of developing cortical chicken neurons in vitro
  685. BDNF rapidly induces aspartate release from cultured CNS neurons
  686. Evidence for a synergistic effect of the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) leading to enhanced expression of somatostatin …
  687. The cognition-enhancer nefiracetam is protective in BDNF-independent neuronal cell death under the serum-free condition
  688. BDNF, and NT-4/5 enhance glutamatergic synaptic transmission in cultured hippocampal neurones
  689. NR2A but not NR2B N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit is altered in the visual cortex of BDNF-knock-out mice
  691. Expression of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 in satellite cells of dorsal root ganglion
  692. Genetic transfer of the wobbler gene to a C57BL/6J× NZB hybrid stock: natural history of the motor neuron disease and response to CNTF and BDNF cotreatment
  693. Rescue of axotomized rubrospinal neurons by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the developing opossum, Didelphis virginiana
  694. Metal-catalyzed oxidation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): selectivity and conformational consequences of histidine modification.
  695. Effect of panax notoginseng saponinsa on the expression of BDNF in rats with cerebral ischemia reperfusion
  696. Detection and localization of BDNF in vestibular nuclei during the postnatal development of the rat
  697. Distribution of BDNF and trkB mRNA in the otic region of 3.5 and 4.5 day chick embryos as revealed with a combination of in situ hybridization and tract tracing.
  698. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the human BDNF gene encoding mature peptide
  699. BDNF is Expressed at the Crush Site after Spinal Cord Lesion in Newborn Opossum (Monodelphis domestica)
  700. Expression of tenascin and BDNF during the migration and differentiation of grafted Purkinje and granule cells in the adult rat cerebellum
  701. Expression of BDNF and trk B mRNAs in comparison to dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNAs and tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactivity in nigrostriatal in oculo co …
  702. Expression of BDNF Receptor TrkBmRNA in hypoxia-induced fetal cortical neurons
  703. Influence of Acupuncture on the Expression of BDNF and TrkB in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury of Rats [J]
  704. Analysis of BDNF production in the aging gerbil cochlea
  705. Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene from giant panda
  706. The effect of acupuncture on the expression of BDNF in the process of spinal plasticity
  707. Expression of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in rat retrosplenial cortex following administration of phencyclidine
  708. Cerebellopontine Angle Cisternal Infusion of NGF, BDNF and NT-3: Effects on Cochlear Neurons Disconnected from Central Target, Cochlear Nucleus: An in vivo …
  709. Changes of BDNF mRNA by molecular hybridization during embryonic spinal cord repairing injury of adult rats
  710. The neurotrophins NT3 and BDNF induce selective specification of neuropeptide coexpression and neuronal connectivity in arcuate and periventricular hypothalamic …
  711. … ‐activated α2‐macroglobulin inhibits choline acetyltransferase of embryonic basal forebrain neurons and reversal of the inhibition by NGF and BDNF but not NT‐3
  712. Modulation of proteolytic potential and differentiation by CNTF and BDNF in two mouse neuroblastoma clones: Relation to invasion
  713. HSV-1 vector mediated transfer of BDNF into cerebellar granule cells.
  714. The expression of BDNF and NT-3 in dorsal root ganglion following peripheral and central axotomy–an immunohistochemical study
  715. Effects of BCPT on the expressions of cerebral cortex BDNF and Bax and the ultrastructure of hippocampus of rats treated with chronic unpredictable stress
  716. Expression of mRNAs for BDNF and NT-3 in Reactive Astrocytes.
  717. Distribution of NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and NT-4 in the spinal cord of adult cat
  718. Interaction of NT-4 and BDNF with gp145trkb receptor: effect on cellular metabolism
  719. Implantation of BDNF-producing packaging cells into brain
  720. A preliminary exploration of autocrine and paracrine for BDNF and NT-3 in adult cat neurons of dorsal root ganglion-In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical …
  721. The gene encoding bovine brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  722. Stress and BDNF signal transduction: implications for stress-related psychiatric disorders
  723. Relation between BDNF and synaptic reorganization of hippocampal mossy fibers
  725. Effects of BDNF and NT-3on growth and development of neurons from spinal cord of embryonic rat in vitro [J]
  726. Effects of Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on substantial nigra dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson dis-ease rats [J]
  727. Expression of BDNF and FGF-2 following axotomy in rat facial motoneurons
  729. Suppression of BDNF‐induced expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in cortical cultures by oxygen‐glucose deprivation: A model system to study ischemic mechanisms …
  730. Facilitation of synaptic plasticity and improvement of learning disorder by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  731. Minor immunoreactivity in GDNF-, BDNF-, or NT-3-treated substantia Nigra allografts
  733. The expression of neurotrophic factors (NGF, BDNF) and receptors, TrkA, TrkB and TrkC in the spinal cord of the monkey
  735. The Expression on the BDNF, NT_3 and their mRNA in Dorsal Root Ganglion of Adult Cat
  736. The Expression and distribution of NGF and BDNF in adult rat motocortex following spinal cord complete transection
  737. Construction of recombinant adenovirus expressing BDNF and its expression in expanded rat mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
  738. Biological properties of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  739. Selection of the most effective small interfering RNA inhibiting the expression of BDNF in microglial cells and detection of its inhibitory effect
  740. Effects of BDNF and NT-3 on AChE-or NADPH-d-positive neurons in embryonic rat spinal cord cultures
  741. Expression of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene in Rat Myoblast Cells.
  742. Structure and regulation of BDNF and NT-4 genes
  743. Expression of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Injured Rat Brain [J]
  744. Modulation of BDNF and NGF on the development of embryonic cholinergic neurons in brain grafts of AD model rats
  745. Differential distribution of BDNF and TRKB in regenerating dorsal column axons
  746. A continuous supply of BDNF is necessary for sustained auditory neuron survival in deafened guinea pigs
  747. Autonomic and sensory innervation of skin and hair follicles in BDNF-overexpressing and BDNF-knockout mice
  748. BDNF is involved in expression of long-term potentiation in visual cortex of young rats.
  749. BDNF promotes robust survival of retinal ganglion cells but not axon regeneration within the adult rat optic nerve
  750. Effects on neurtie outgrowth in conditioned media derivered from BDNF gene-transferred fibroblast in vitro
  752. Retrograde HRP tracing after transplantation of BDNF genetically modified NSCs at spinal cord injury in rat
  753. Changes of BDNF and TrkB expression in rat motocortex following complete spinal cord transection
  754. Regulation of BDNF and Its Receptor TrkB in retina of normal aged mice and senescence-accelerated mice
  756. Molecular cloning and sequence of the coding region of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene from Helarctos malayanus
  757. The neurotrophic effect of endogeneous NT-3 and BDNF of fetal mouse on the neurons of spinal cord
  758. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene from lesser panda
  759. Protective effect of adenovirus-mediated BDNF gene expression on spinal axon following in rats after spinal cord injury [J]
  760. Effects of BCEF0083on Hippocampus Neurons and mRNA Expression of BDNF in Chronic Stress Depression Rat Models BCEF0083
  761. A brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) related system is involved in the maintenance of the polyinnervate Torpedo electric organ
  762. BDNF decrease in response to stress is not seen in rats bred for learned helplessness
  763. Potential Therapeutic Use of BDNF or NT-4/5 in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases
  764. Changes of BDNF level expression in Hippocampal and Habenular nucles in experimental depression rats
  765. Effect of chronic fluxetine administration on expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) mRNA in hippocampal region of rat brain
  766. A comparison of the kinetic characters of NT-3, NT-4 and BDNF retrogradely transported in facial nerve
  767. Eukaryotic Expression in COS7 Cells and Biological Activity of Human Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).
  768. Neurotrophins and murine hair follicle morphogenesis: expression patterns of NT-3, NT-4, BDNF, TrkB and TrkC and indications for a functional role in hair follicle …
  770. The Change of BDNF Expression and Its mRNA in Neurons and Satellite Cells of Spared Root Ganglion Following Partial Dorsal Root Rhizotomy
  771. Effect of gonadotropins upon BDNF production in human follicular cumulus cells
  772. Neuronal tracing and immunohistochemistry of BDNF gene transfected olfactory ensheathing cells transplant in spinal cord injury
  773. The protection effect of BDNF mediated by adenovirus to the serum free cultured SH-SY5Y cells
  774. Experimental study on the effects of recombinate human BDNF in the cultured neurons of Alzheimer^ s disease model
  775. Transplantation of Schwann cell line clones secreting GDNF or BDNF into the retina of the Royal College of Surgeons rat prolongs visual function
  776. Regulation of the expression of BDNF and its receptors in the developing nervous system
  777. BDNF is produced in NGF-responsive sensory neurons of rats
  778. Expression of Genes Coding NGF and BDNF Human Proteins in Embryos of Transgenic Stocks of Drosophila melanogaster
  779. Analysis of BDNF mRNA expression induced by calcium influx into neurons
  780. BDNF-immunoreactive structures in the primate central nervous system
  781. BDNF mRNA Expression and Calcium Influx Pathways in Kainate-induced Neurotoxicity
  782. BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) induces glutamate and aspartate release from cultured rat CNS neurons
  783. BDNF Expression in the OECs Infected by Ad-BDNF in Vitro and Surviving the Primary Cultured Spinal Neurons
  784. Effects of Intracerebral Transplantation of Genetically Modified Myoblasts Producing BDNF on Different Brain Regions of Neonatal Rats Subjected to Hypoxic-ischemic …
  785. Construction of recombinant adenovirus expressing BDNF and its expression in expanded rat mesenchymal stem cells in vitro
  786. Construction and identification of recombinant BDNF and pLCNX plasmid
  787. Effects of Enriched Enviroment on Expression of BDNF and Motor Performence after Alcohol-induced Brain Injury in Neonatal Rats
  788. Effects of cannabinoid on the expression of PKAC-?, c-fos and BDNF in cerebral cortex after ICH
  789. Transfection of the BDNF gene increases survival and serotonin synthesis in transplanted serotonergic neurons.
  790. The subcellular localization and function of endogenous BDNF in the adult rat CNS.
  791. Dopamine content in the striatum of rat Parkinson model by BDNF gene therapy
  792. Neuroprotective effect of BDNF in a murine model of Parkinson’s disease.
  793. Effects of BDNF on the exocytotic release of neurotransmitters.
  794. The effect of a global birth asphyxia on the ontogeny of BDNF and NGF protein expression in the brain
  795. Postsynaptic Action of BDNF in Synaptic Plasticity
  796. Correlation between the expression of neuron-specific protein and apoptosis in the process of differentiation from rat bone marrow stromal cells into neuron with BDNF
  797. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Regulates Glucose Metabolism in Obese Diabetic Mice
  798. CaRF Increases BDNF Expression
  799. Mechanism of hippocampal neuron death in the trisomy 16 mouse: Failure of BDNF signaling
  800. Astrocytes retrovirally transduced with BDNF elicit behavioral improvement in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
  801. A study of BDNF and TrKB in rat brain after fluid percussion injury by the immunohistochemistry
  802. The functions of BDNF/TrkB signaling during chick retinal development.
  803. Neurotrophins in neuroendocrine control: brain derived-neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and somatostatin involvement in the stress response and reproductive …
  804. Intracellular signal transduction following stimulation with BDNF in culturei
  805. The gene expressions at the spinal cord injury site of rat after transplantation of BDNF genetically modified NSCs
  806. Synergic effects of neurotrophins NGF and BDNF on the development of the fetal forebrain cholinergic neurons in vitro and in vivo
  807. Response: BDNF and epilepsy–the bad could turn out to be good
  808. The Mechanism of BDNF Evoked Release of Dopamine from the Rabbit Retina
  809. Activity-dependent regulation of BDNF expression (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor).
  810. Changes in Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (Trk) in Micturition Reflexes after …
  811. Effects of adenosine A_1 receptor antagonist on the hippocampal BDNF protein expression and endoplasmic reticulum content of rats
  812. Study on the expression of BDNF after status convulsion in wistar rats and seizure-like discharge of cultured hippocampal neurons
  813. Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells from Normal and Glaucomatous Donors Respond to TGFb2 and BDNF Treatment Differently
  814. Effects of Bushen Xingnao jiedu Fang on expressions of NGF and BDNF after herpes simplex virus infection in rat brain
  815. Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in myoblasts transfected by PSVCEP BDNF-CAT with lipofect AMINE
  816. BDNF administration after traumatic brain injury in the rat
  817. BDNF requirements within the neostriatum and substantia nigra of mice: A study of conditional BDNF expression.
  818. The Expression of BDNF mRNA in the Hippocampal Formation after Febrile Seizure
  819. The role of endogenous NT-3 and BDNF in cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization: An immunohistochemical and behavioral analysis.
  820. Effects of NGF and BDNF on superoxide anion-triggered apoptosis of PC12 cells
  821. Age-related changes in levels of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 in the mouse brain
  822. Effects of BDNF on ocular dominance column plasticity in kitten visual cortex.
  823. A protective effect of BDNF against glutamate neurotoxicity in cultured retinal neurons
  824. Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Enhances Depolarization-induced Glutamate Release through Activation of Phospholipase C-γ and Mitogen …
  825. Carl Cotman and The Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Increased BDNF Expression
  826. The comparison on the distribution of NGF and BDNF in cerebral cortex of adult rat–Immunohistochemical study
  827. Molecular basis of the receptor specificity of NGF and BDNF and the cloning of a novel member of the neurotrophin family
  828. Effects of BDNF and NT-3 on growth and development of fetal rats^ spinal cord neurons
  829. Map Kinase and PI3 Kinase Pathways Regulate BDNF-Medicated Muller Cell Survival
  830. Transfer BDNF Plasmid by Electroporation Supports the Survival of Axotomized RGCs in Adult Rat
  831. A novel BDNF gene promoter directs expression to skeletal muscle
  832. BDNF Regulation of NMDA Receptor Function in the Rat Retina
  833. The effect of ZMS, an active component of Zhimu, on NGF and BDNF in brains of aged rats
  834. Protective Role of BDNF and NGF Against Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity
  835. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents nitric oxide (NO)-mediated glutamate cytotoxicity.
  836. The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in development and survival in the mammalian nervous system.
  837. lntraventricular Administration of BDNF Increases Neuropeptide Expression in Newborn Rat Brain
  838. CNTF Alone Inhibits Rhodopsin in rd Mouse Retinal Organ Cultures, but Requires BDNF to Block Photoreceptor Degeneration
  839. Regulation of BDNF release in dopaminergic neurons
  840. Preparation of genetically modified BDNF and NT-3 secreting fibroblasts and evaluation of their capacity to enhance regrowth of injured spinal cord fibers
  841. Effect of Tianbing Tiaodu Capsule on learning and memory, and expression of BDNF in hippocampus of epilepsy rats
  842. Distribution of BDNF and p75NTR in Spinal Cord and DRG of Adult Rats
  843. Effects of NGF and BDNF on Hippocampal Transplantation in AD Rats
  844. Effect of BDNF on synchronous and asynchronous activity in cultured networks of cortical neurons
  845. Differential Effects of Optic Nerve Injury and BDNF Treatment on the Dendritic Fields of Cat Retinal Ganglion Cells
  846. BDNF is Regulated by Visual Experience and Controls Synaptic Plasticity in Developing Visual Cortex
  847. Control of early cell death by BDNF in the chick retina
  848. The regulation of excitation and inhibition in developing visual cortical neurons by activity-dependent BDNF production.
  849. Cellular and Molecular Pathways underlying Photoreceptor Rescue by CNTF+ BDNF Treatment in Mouse Retinal Explants
  850. Expressions of NGF and BDNF in cerebellum areas after whole brain ischemia/reperfusion in senile Wistar rats
  851. Role of Shp2 Tyrosine Phosphatase in Trophic Effects of BDNF in Cultured Dopaminergic Neurons of Substantia Nigra
  852. Amplification And Sequencing of The Huaman Brain-Derived Nenrotrophin Factor (BDNF)
  853. Long term restoration of GDNF and BDNF on lesioned motoneurons
  854. BDNF induces susceptibility to ionotropic glutamate receptor-mediated toxicity in cultured embryonic rat motor neurons.
  855. Rescue the ability of spatial learning and memory and ameliorate sprouting in septohippocampal circuit after direct gene transfection of BDNF to the fimbria-fornix …
  856. Changes of the BDNF in the hippocampus of P77PMC during seizures
  857. Effect of peripheral axotomy on the expression of BDNF, NT-3 and their mRNA in dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
  858. Effecis of intracerebroventricular injection of BDNF on hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in neonatal rats
  859. Roles of Shp-2 and BIT in BDNF Signaling in Cultured Cerebral Cortical Neurons
  860. Effect of intracerebroventricular administration of BDNF on malondialehyde and lactic acid in neonatal rats subjected to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
  861. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) inhibit eosinophil apoptosis in atopic dermatitis
  862. Expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide in axotomized rubrospinal neurons and the upregulation by BDNF treatment
  863. Experimental Study of the Effects of Congsheng Capsules on BDNF and trkB in the Forebrain of the Rats with Cortical Devascularization
  864. BDNF in learning and memory
  865. Influence of electroacupuncture on expression of ChAT and BDNF after hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal rat brain
  866. The effects of BDNF antiserum on expression of GAP-43 in lesion in mice
  867. Effect of He-Ne laser acuoint irradiation on Nissl bodies and expression of BDNF after hyposiz-ischemia in neonatal rat’s brain
  868. The different effects of two sorts of sections on BDNF immunoreactivityt in the lamina Ⅱ of spinal dorsal horn
  869. BDNF and CRF in the dorsalhorn of spinalcord increased in arthritic rats
  870. Changes of expression of c-fos gene and BDNF in neocortex induced by audiogenic kindling
  872. BDNF-Dependent Behavioral Sensitization in Hemiparkinsonian Rats
  873. Protective effects of adeno-associated viral gene transfer of BDNF on the hippocampal neurons
  874. A Non-Synonymous Polymorphism in BDNF and Its Association with Alzheimer’s Disease
  875. Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in myoblasts transfected by PSVCEP BDNF-CAT with lipofect AMINE
  876. Effects of BDNF on hypothalamic vasopressinergic neurons in primary culture
  877. Role of BDNF in synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hippocampus
  878. Cntf+ BDNF Treatment Of Rd Mouse Retinal Explants Increases Ngf And Gdnf Gene Expression
  879. The regulation of central excitatory synaptic transmission by BDNF.
  880. Activity-dependent modulation of hippocampal NMDA receptors by BDNF.
  881. Changes of BDNF mRNA by molecular hybridization during embryonic spinal cord repairing injury of adult rats
  882. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Traumatic Brain Injury (Head and Spinal)
  883. Influence of intrathecal injection of p38 MAPK inhibitor on BDNF expression in dorsal horn of spinal cord of rats with neuropathic pain
  884. Effects of recombinant adenovirus-mediated BDNF gene transfer on iNOS expression and apoptosis after post traumatic braininjury in the rat
  885. Regulation of BDNF mRNA mediated by glutamate receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons by in situ hybridization
  886. The correlation between Val66Met polymorphism in BDNF gene and Alzheimer’s disease
  887. Grafting myoblasts genetically engineered to produce BDNF in rats Parkinson disease models
  888. Modulation of neurotrophins bFGF, BDNF, CNTF in 3D structures generated from human retinal progenitors in the NASA Bioreactor
  889. Effect of Congsheng Capsule on Expression of BDNF, trkB, BDNFmRNA, trkBmRNA in Rat Cortex and Hippocampus after Cortkal Devasculation
  890. Protective Effects of Intracord Transplantation of NGF, BDNF Genes Modified Olfactory Ensheathing Cells on Spinal Cord Injury
  891. Differential Upregulation of BDNF mRNA in the Rat Hippocampus after Sing and Recurrent Hyperthermia-Induced Seizures
  892. Grafting of Encapsulated BDNF-Producing Fibroblasts into the Injured Spinal Cord Without Immune Suppression in…
  893. The Effect of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on Facial Nerve Regeneration
  894. of NGF and BDNF
  895. Seizure-Dependent Regulation of BDNF mRNA in the Rat Brain
  896. In Vitro Neural Cell Differentiation Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Effects of PDGF-bb and BDNF on the Generation of Functional Neurons
  897. BDNF potentiates spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in cultured hippocampal neurons
  898. BDNF Promotes Neurite Growth and Survival of Antennal Lobe Neurons from the Silk Moth Bombyx mori in vitro
  899. Effects of Chinese medicine SMⅠon learning and memory ability and hippocampal BDNF expression in mice with Alzheimer’s disease
  900. Spatial and temporal regulation of BDNF action in synaptic plasticity
  901. Retinal ganglion cell survival after transient ischemia of the retina: effects of intraocular injection of BDNF.
  902. In vitro Neural Cell Differentiation Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells; II. Generation of Specific Neurons from Neural Progentor Cells Treated with BDNF and …
  903. Locomotor recovery promoted by sensorimotor training and the graft of fibroblasts genetically engineered to produce BDNF and NT3 in the injured cat spinal cord
  904. Cotreated with CNTF and BDNF
  905. In Vitro Neural Cell Differentiation Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells: II. Generation of Specific Neurons from Neural Progenitor Cells Treated with BDNF and …
  906. Effect of Melatonin on Expression of c-Jun Proteins and BDNF mRNA in Transient Global Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of Rat Brain
  907. … With Aerobic Training and Donepezil Co-therapy in Amyloid-β beta Injected Male Rats Through the CREB aand BDNF Signaling Pathway Pharmaceutical and …
  908. Molecular studies on the BDNF (Brian-derived neurotrophic factor) from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
  909. Cloning of the human BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) gene and functional expression
  910. Expression analysis of BDNF, NT-3, CNTF, HGF, FGF1, FGF2, and their receptors in rat visual system after optic nerve transection
  911. NEUROBIOLOGY. For the article ”A caged Ab reveals an immediate/instructive effect of BDNF during hippocampal synaptic poten-tiation,”by Albrecht H. Kossel …
  912. Neuropeptides and Neuroactive Substance in the Bembyx mori Brain: Allatotropin Gene and Localization, Neuronal Growth by BDNF, and Apoptosis by Edysone
  913. < Abstract of Published Report> BDNF and NT-3 Modulate Expression and Threonine Phosphorylation of Microtubule-associated Protein-2 Analogues, and Alter Their …
  914. The effect of beta-adrenoreceptor blockade during chronic exercise on contextual fear conditioning and mRNA for BDNF
  915. Trans-synaptic Regulation of Neural Connections: The Role of Neuronal Activity and Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
  917. 8. Ketamine Effects on ECS Induced BDNF Expression and Mossy Fiber Sprouting
  918. Variant brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)(Met66) alters the intracellular trafficking and activity-dependent secretion of wild-type BDNF in neurosecretory cells …
  919. Hippocampal BDNF mediates the efficacy of exercise on synaptic plasticity and cognition
  920. Genetic variant BDNF (Val66Met) polymorphism alters anxiety-related behavior
  921. Essential role of BDNF in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway in social defeat stress
  922. BDNF function in adult synaptic plasticity: the synaptic consolidation hypothesis
  923. BDNF from microglia causes the shift in neuronal anion gradient underlying neuropathic pain
  924. Mouse and rat BDNF gene structure and expression revisited
  925. The impact of age, weight and gender on BDNF levels in human platelets and plasma
  926. BDNF and 5-HT: a dynamic duo in age-related neuronal plasticity and neurodegenerative disorders
  927. Low brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in serum of depressed patients probably results from lowered platelet BDNF release unrelated to platelet …
  928. New insights into BDNF function in depression and anxiety
  929. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and type 2 diabetes
  930. The disease progression of Mecp2 mutant mice is affected by the level of BDNF expression
  931. Increased neurogenesis and the ectopic granule cells after intrahippocampal BDNF infusion in adult rats
  932. Dissecting the human BDNF locus: bidirectional transcription, complex splicing, and multiple promoters
  933. Hippocampus-specific deletion of BDNF in adult mice impairs spatial memory and extinction of aversive memories
  934. Huntingtin controls neurotrophic support and survival of neurons by enhancing BDNF vesicular transport along microtubules
  935. Hyperphagia, severe obesity, impaired cognitive function, and hyperactivity associated with functional loss of one copy of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) …
  936. Decreased plasma BDNF level in depressive patients
  937. Histone modifications around individual BDNF gene promoters in prefrontal cortex are associated with extinction of conditioned fear
  938. Dynamic BDNF activity in nucleus accumbens with cocaine use increases self-administration and relapse
  939. BDNF is necessary and sufficient for spinal respiratory plasticity following intermittent hypoxia
  940. BDNF in schizophrenia, depression and corresponding animal models
  941. BDNF Val66Met allele is associated with reduced hippocampal volume in healthy subjects
  942. Atorvastatin induction of VEGF and BDNF promotes brain plasticity after stroke in mice
  943. Is it time to reassess the BDNF hypothesis of depression?
  944. BDNF gene-modified mesenchymal stem cells promote functional recovery and reduce infarct size in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model
  945. BDNF val66met polymorphism is associated with modified experience-dependent plasticity in human motor cortex
  946. Decreased levels of plasma BDNF in first-episode schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients
  947. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is required for the enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis following environmental enrichment
  948. Stage-dependent BDNF serum concentrations in Alzheimer’s disease
  949. Low plasma BDNF is associated with suicidal behavior in major depression
  950. Rodent BDNF genes, novel promoters, novel splice variants, and regulation by cocaine
  951. Selective deletion of BDNF in the ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamus of adult mice results in hyperphagic behavior and obesity
  952. Neuroprotection by BDNF against glutamate-induced apoptotic cell death is mediated by ERK and PI3-kinase pathways
  953. Chronic stress, as well as acute stress, reduces BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus but less robustly
  954. Paracrine and autocrine functions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in brain-derived endothelial cells
  955. Acute BDNF and cortisol response to low intensity exercise and following ramp incremental exercise to exhaustion in humans
  956. Human brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genes, splicing patterns, and assessments of associations with substance abuse and Parkinson’s Disease
  957. The exercise-induced expression of BDNF within the hippocampus varies across life-span
  958. Brain-specific phosphorylation of MeCP2 regulates activity-dependent BDNF transcription, dendritic growth, and spine maturation
  959. Role of BDNF in bipolar and unipolar disorder: clinical and theoretical implications
  960. Dietary omega-3 fatty acids normalize BDNF levels, reduce oxidative damage, and counteract learning disability after traumatic brain injury in rats
  961. ERK1/2 activation is necessary for BDNF to increase dendritic spine density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
  962. Persistence of long-term memory storage requires a late protein synthesis-and BDNF-dependent phase in the hippocampus
  963. BDNF serum and CSF concentrations in Alzheimer’s disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus and healthy controls
  964. Up-regulation of BDNF in astrocytes by TNF-α: a case for the neuroprotective role of cytokine
  965. Conditional deletion of TrkB but not BDNF prevents epileptogenesis in the kindling model
  966. Activity-dependent modulation of the BDNF receptor TrkB: mechanisms and implications
  967. BDNF-expressing marrow stromal cells support extensive axonal growth at sites of spinal cord injury
  968. Cyclic AMP controls BDNF-induced TrkB phosphorylation and dendritic spine formation in mature hippocampal neurons
  969. Variant BDNF (Val66Met) impact on brain structure and function
  970. Physiology of BDNF: focus on hypothalamic function
  971. BDNF induction with mild exercise in the rat hippocampus
  972. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and food intake regulation: a minireview
  973. BDNF induces transport of PSD-95 to dendrites through PI3K-AKT signaling after NMDA receptor activation
  974. Exercise differentially regulates synaptic proteins associated to the function of BDNF
  975. Estrogen–BDNF interactions: implications for neurodegenerative diseases
  976. BDNF regulates the translation of a select group of mRNAs by a mammalian target of rapamycin-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent pathway during neuronal …
  977. A BDNF infusion into the medial prefrontal cortex suppresses cocaine seeking in rats
  978. BDNF serum concentrations in healthy volunteers are associated with depression-related personality traits
  979. Blood–brain barrier targeting of BDNF improves motor function in rats with middle cerebral artery occlusion
  980. Interactions between life stressors and susceptibility genes (5-HTTLPR and BDNF) on depression in Korean elders
  981. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deprivation in rats decreases frontal cortex BDNF via a p38 MAPK-dependent mechanism
  982. Evidence for a relationship between genetic variants at the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) locus and major depression
  983. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) increases serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in drug resistant depressed patients
  984. Serum BDNF, TNF-α and IL-1β levels in dementia patients
  985. Effects of mood stabilizers on hippocampus BDNF levels in an animal model of mania
  986. Estrogen and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in hippocampus: complexity of steroid hormone-growth factor interactions in the adult CNS
  987. Chronic mild stress inhibits BDNF protein expression and CREB activation in the dentate gyrus but not in the hippocampus proper
  988. Regulation of late-phase LTP and long-term memory in normal and aging hippocampus: role of secreted proteins tPA and BDNF
  989. BDNF regulates the expression and traffic of NMDA receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons
  990. Oligomeric amyloid decreases basal levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA via specific downregulation of BDNF transcripts IV and V in …
  991. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) changes in the serum of depressed women
  992. Central administration of IGF-I and BDNF leads to long-lasting antidepressant-like effects
  993. Reduced plasma levels of NGF and BDNF in patients with acute coronary syndromes
  994. Low brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in serum of Huntington’s disease patients
  995. Reduced serum BDNF levels in schizophrenic patients on clozapine or typical antipsychotics
  996. Exercise induces BDNF and synapsin I to specific hippocampal subfields
  997. BDNF is expressed in skeletal muscle satellite cells and inhibits myogenic differentiation
  998. General anesthesia activates BDNF-dependent neuroapoptosis in the developing rat brain
  999. BDNF in sensory neurons and chronic pain
  1000. Association of a functional BDNF polymorphism and anxiety-related personality traits
  1001. In situ gelling hydrogels for conformal repair of spinal cord defects, and local delivery of BDNF after spinal cord injury
  1002. Exploratory behavior, cortical BDNF expression, and sleep homeostasis
  1003. Altered expression of BDNF and its high-affinity receptor TrkB in response to complex motor learning and moderate exercise
  1004. Amygdala BDNF signaling is required for consolidation but not encoding of extinction
  1005. BDNF gene is a risk factor for schizophrenia in a Scottish population
  1006. The molecular genetics of cognition: dopamine, COMT and BDNF
  1007. Decreased BDNF in serum of patients with chronic schizophrenia on long-term treatment with antipsychotics
  1008. Cystamine and cysteamine increase brain levels of BDNF in Huntington disease via HSJ1b and transglutaminase
  1009. Similarities between actions of estrogen and BDNF in the hippocampus: coincidence or clue?
  1010. A single cocaine exposure increases BDNF and D3 receptor expression: implications for drug-conditioning
  1011. BDNF mRNA expression in rat hippocampus following contextual learning is blocked by intrahippocampal IL-1β administration
  1012. Association of BDNF with anorexia, bulimia and age of onset of weight loss in six European populations
  1013. Maternal poly I: C exposure during pregnancy regulates TNFα, BDNF, and NGF expression in neonatal brain and the maternal–fetal unit of the rat
  1014. Curcumin reverses the effects of chronic stress on behavior, the HPA axis, BDNF expression and phosphorylation of CREB
  1015. BDNF protects against stress‐induced impairments in spatial learning and memory and LTP
  1016. BDNF mobilizes synaptic vesicles and enhances synapse formation by disrupting cadherin–β-catenin interactions
  1017. Age-related changes in BDNF protein levels in human serum: differences between autism cases and normal controls
  1018. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants and Alzheimer’s disease, affective disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and substance …
  1019. Progressive loss of BDNF in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease and rescue by BDNF delivery
  1020. Association between BDNF val66 met genotype and episodic memory
  1021. Chronic corticosterone decreases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and protein in the hippocampus, but not in the frontal cortex, of the rat
  1022. BDNF and trkB mRNA expression in the hippocampus and temporal cortex during the human lifespan
  1023. Neurotrophin presence in human coronary atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome: a role for NGF and BDNF in cardiovascular disease?
  1024. A neural signaling triumvirate that influences ageing and age-related disease: insulin/IGF-1, BDNF and serotonin
  1025. BDNF variation and mood disorders: a novel functional promoter polymorphism and Val66Met are associated with anxiety but have opposing effects
  1026. The effects of energy-rich diets on discrimination reversal learning and on BDNF in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of the rat
  1027. BDNF promotes connections of corticospinal neurons onto spared descending interneurons in spinal cord injured rats
  1028. Mutation screen of the brain derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF): Identification of several genetic variants and association studies in patients with obesity, eating …
  1029. Decreased levels of BDNF protein in Alzheimer temporal cortex are independent of BDNF polymorphisms
  1030. BDNF-induced recruitment of TrkB receptor into neuronal lipid rafts: roles in synaptic modulation
  1031. Gene expression profiling of facilitated L-LTP in VP16-CREB mice reveals that BDNF is critical for the maintenance of LTP and its synaptic capture
  1032. BDNF, NT-3, and NGF released from transplanted neural progenitor cells promote corticospinal axon growth in organotypic cocultures
  1033. Exercise increased BDNF and trkB in the contralateral hemisphere of the ischemic rat brain
  1034. BDNF regulates primary dendrite formation in cortical neurons via the PI3‐kinase and MAP kinase signaling pathways
  1035. Intrahippocampal administration of BDNF in adult rats affects short‐term behavioral plasticity in the Morris water maze and performance in the elevated plus‐maze
  1036. Ovarian brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes the development of oocytes into preimplantation embryos
  1037. Sorting and activity-dependent secretion of BDNF require interaction of a specific motif with the sorting receptor carboxypeptidase e
  1038. … between serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: analysis of BDNF protein and extraneuronal 5-HT in mice with reduced serotonin transporter or BDNF …
  1039. BDNF stabilizes synapses and maintains the structural complexity of optic axons in vivo
  1040. BDNF/TrkB interaction regulates migration of SVZ precursor cells via PI3‐K and MAP‐K signalling pathways
  1041. Sex and ovarian steroids modulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels in rat hippocampus under stressful and non-stressful conditions
  1042. Long-term down-regulation of BDNF mRNA in rat hippocampal CA1 subregion correlates with PTSD-like behavioural stress response
  1043. Traumatic life events in bipolar disorder: impact on BDNF levels and psychopathology
  1044. Polarized signaling endosomes coordinate BDNF-induced chemotaxis of cerebellar precursors
  1045. Cdk5 is involved in BDNF-stimulated dendritic growth in hippocampal neurons
  1046. Vagus nerve stimulation increases norepinephrine concentration and the gene expression of BDNF and bFGF in the rat brain
  1047. Modeling the neurovascular niche: VEGF‐and BDNF‐mediated cross‐talk between neural stem cells and endothelial cells: an in vitro study
  1048. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia is associated with age at onset and symptoms
  1049. A neurotrophin axis in myeloma: TrkB and BDNF promote tumor-cell survival
  1050. Endogenous BDNF is required for long-term memory formation in the rat parietal cortex
  1051. Exercise, antidepressant treatment, and BDNF mRNA expression in the aging brain
  1052. Postsynaptic secretion of BDNF and NT-3 from hippocampal neurons depends on calcium–calmodulin kinase II signaling and proceeds via delayed fusion pore …
  1053. Association of BDNF with restricting anorexia nervosa and minimum body mass index: a family-based association study of eight European populations
  1054. Synergetic effects of quetiapine and venlafaxine in preventing the chronic restraint stress‐induced decrease in cell proliferation and BDNF expression in rat …
  1055. Identification of genes co‐upregulated with Arc during BDNF‐induced long‐term potentiation in adult rat dentate gyrus in vivo
  1056. AAV-mediated gene delivery of BDNF or GDNF is neuroprotective in a model of Huntington disease
  1057. BDNF-mediated neurotransmission relies upon a myosin VI motor complex
  1058. From modulator to mediator: rapid effects of BDNF on ion channels
  1059. Norepinephrine induces BDNF and activates the PI-3K and MAPK cascades in embryonic hippocampal neurons
  1060. The Met allele of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism predicts poor outcome among survivors of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
  1061. Interaction between BDNF Val66Met and dopamine transporter gene variation influences anxiety-related traits
  1062. Autonomic dysfunction in ALS: a preliminary study on the effects of intrathecal BDNF
  1063. BDNF-induced LTP in dentate gyrus is impaired with age: analysis of changes in cell signaling events
  1064. Confirmation of association between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and bipolar I disorder
  1065. Increased BDNF serum concentration in fibromyalgia with or without depression or antidepressants
  1066. Cochlear implants and ex vivo BDNF gene therapy protect spiral ganglion neurons
  1067. Comparison of the capability of GDNF, BDNF, or both, to protect nigrostriatal neurons in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
  1068. Effects of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on glial cells and serotonergic neurones during development
  1069. BDNF increases rat brain mitochondrial respiratory coupling at complex I, but not complex II
  1070. BDNF-dependent synaptic sensitization in midbrain dopamine neurons after cocaine withdrawal
  1071. MeCP2 deficiency in the brain decreases BDNF levels by REST/CoREST-mediated repression and increases TRKB production
  1072. BDNF and learning: evidence that instrumental training promotes learning within the spinal cord by up-regulating BDNF expression
  1073. Hippocampal neurons recycle BDNF for activity‐dependent secretion and LTP maintenance
  1074. The expanding role of BDNF: a therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease?
  1075. Inhibiting BDNF expression by antisense oligonucleotide infusion causes loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons
  1076. Genetic variation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in bipolar disorder: case-control study of over 3000 individuals from the UK
  1077. The BDNF Val 66 Met polymorphism has a gender specific influence on planning ability in Parkinson’s disease
  1078. Maternal serum concentrations of BDNF and depression in the perinatal period
  1079. The effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) administration on kindling induction, Trk expression and seizure-related morphological changes
  1080. Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces brain region-specific upregulation of genes associated with BDNF-induced long-term potentiation
  1081. Chronic treatment with fluoxetine up-regulates cellular BDNF mRNA expression in rat dopaminergic regions
  1082. Alginate encapsulated BDNF-producing fibroblast grafts permit recovery of function after spinal cord injury in the absence of immune suppression
  1083. Chronic low-level mercury exposure, BDNF polymorphism, and associations with cognitive and motor function
  1084. BDNF increases release probability and the size of a rapidly recycling vesicle pool within rat hippocampal excitatory synapses
  1085. Interaction between 5-HT1A and BDNF genotypes increases the risk of treatment-resistant depression
  1086. Chronic duloxetine treatment induces specific changes in the expression of BDNF transcripts and in the subcellular localization of the neurotrophin protein
  1087. Genetic analyses of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene in autism
  1088. p75 neurotrophin receptor expression defines a population of BDNF-responsive neurogenic precursor cells
  1089. Effects of local continuous release of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on peripheral nerve regeneration in a rat model
  1090. BDNF-induced white matter neuroprotection and stage-dependent neuronal survival following a neonatal excitotoxic challenge
  1091. The secreted brain‐derived neurotrophic factor precursor pro‐BDNF binds to TrkB and p75NTR but not to TrkA or TrkC
  1092. Repeated exposure to cocaine differently modulates BDNF mRNA and protein levels in rat striatum and prefrontal cortex
  1093. Association study of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and personality trait and intelligence in healthy young females
  1094. Tinnitus behavior and hearing function correlate with the reciprocal expression patterns of BDNF and Arg3. 1/arc in auditory neurons following acoustic trauma
  1095. Differential effects of long-term treatment with typical and atypical antipsychotics on NGF and BDNF levels in rat striatum and hippocampus
  1096. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) induce striatal neurogenesis in adult rats with 6-hydroxydopamine lesions
  1097. Enhanced BDNF signaling is associated with an antidepressant-like behavioral response and changes in brain monoamines
  1098. … the paternally transmitted copy of common Valine allele of the Val66Met polymorphism of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene with susceptibility …
  1099. To BDNF or not to BDNF: that is the epileptic hippocampus
  1100. Specificity and timing of neocortical transcriptome changes in response to BDNF gene ablation during embryogenesis or adulthood
  1101. Examination of behavioral deficits triggered by targeting BDNF in fetal or postnatal brains of mice
  1102. Neuroactive steroids modulate HPA axis activity and cerebral brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels in adult male rats
  1103. Treatment of trigeminal ganglion neurons in vitro with NGF, GDNF or BDNF: effects on neuronal survival, neurochemical properties and TRPV1-mediated …
  1104. BDNF/TrkB signaling regulates HNK-1 carbohydrate expression in regenerating motor nerves and promotes functional recovery after peripheral nerve repair
  1105. Early social enrichment augments adult hippocampal BDNF levels and survival of BrdU‐positive cells while increasing anxiety‐and “depression”‐like behavior
  1106. Olfactory bulbectomy in mice leads to increased BDNF levels and decreased serotonin turnover in depression-related brain areas
  1107. The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced XBP1 splicing during brain development
  1108. CNTF+ BDNF treatment and neuroprotective pathways in the rd1 mouse retina
  1109. Neuronal activity regulates the developmental expression and subcellular localization of cortical BDNF mRNA isoforms in vivo
  1110. BDNF induces widespread changes in synaptic protein content and up-regulates components of the translation machinery: an analysis using high-throughput …
  1111. Serum BDNF levels and weight gain in schizophrenic patients on long-term treatment with antipsychotics
  1112. Shedding light into the role of BDNF in the pharmacotherapy of Parkinson’s disease
  1113. Exogenous BDNF rescues rat spiral ganglion neurons in vivo
  1114. Exposure to music in the perinatal period enhances learning performance and alters BDNF/TrkB signaling in mice as adults
  1115. BDNF overexpression produces a long‐term increase in myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system
  1116. Transplants of fibroblasts expressing BDNF and NT-3 promote recovery of bladder and hindlimb function following spinal contusion injury in rats
  1117. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced synthesis of early growth response factor 3 (Egr3) controls the levels of type a GABA Receptorα4 subunits …
  1118. Illness-specific association of val66met BDNF polymorphism with performance on Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in bipolar mood disorder
  1119. BDNF variant linked to anxiety‐related behaviors
  1120. Expression of c-fos and BDNF mRNA in subregions of the prefrontal cortex of male and female rats after acute uncontrollable stress
  1121. Family trios analysis of common polymorphisms in the obestatin/ghrelin, BDNF and AGRP genes in patients with Anorexia nervosa: association with subtype, body …
  1122. The peristaltic reflex induced by short-chain fatty acids is mediated by sequential release of 5-HT and neuronal CGRP but not BDNF
  1123. Immunohistochemical distribution of NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4 in adult rhesus monkey brains
  1124. Delayed GM‐CSF treatment stimulates axonal regeneration and functional recovery in paraplegic rats via an increased BDNF expression by endogenous …
  1125. A large case–control study of common functional SLC6A4 and BDNF variants in obsessive–compulsive disorder
  1126. Dual regulation of translation initiation and peptide chain elongation during BDNF‐induced LTP in vivo: evidence for compartment‐specific translation control
  1127. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder: family-based association study
  1128. Serum BDNF levels in suicide attempters related to psychosocial stressors: a comparative study with depression
  1129. AAV‐mediated delivery of BDNF augments neurogenesis in the normal and quinolinic acid‐lesioned adult rat brain
  1130. Pain facilitation and activity-dependent plasticity in pain modulatory circuitry: role of BDNF-TrkB signaling and NMDA receptors
  1131. Local effects of BDNF on dendritic growth
  1132. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) contributes to neuronal dysfunction in a model of allergic airway inflammation
  1133. Association of the met66 allele of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) with smoking
  1134. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in patients with panic disorder: as a biological predictor of response to group cognitive behavioral therapy
  1135. BDNF production by olfactory ensheathing cells contributes to axonal regeneration of cultured adult CNS neurons
  1136. Correlated network activity enhances synaptic efficacy via BDNF and the ERK pathway at immature CA3–CA1 connections in the hippocampus
  1137. Chronic psychosocial stress-induced impairment of hippocampal LTP: possible role of BDNF
  1138. Interaction of BDNF/TrkB signaling with NMDA receptor in learning and memory.
  1139. Increased GABAergic function in mouse models of Huntington’s disease: reversal by BDNF
  1140. Alterations in BDNF and trkB mRNAs following acute or sensitizing cocaine treatments and withdrawal
  1141. Monoaminergic neuronal activity up-regulates BDNF synthesis in cultured neonatal rat astrocytes
  1142. Influence of age on BDNF modulation of hippocampal synaptic transmission: Interplay with adenosine A2A receptors
  1143. Differences in the regulation of BDNF and NGF synthesis in cultured neonatal rat astrocytes
  1144. The role of BDNF in epilepsy and other diseases of the mature nervous system
  1145. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) variants and schizophrenia: an association study
  1146. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 ablation causes dysregulation of the HPA axis and increases hippocampal BDNF protein levels: implications for …
  1147. Peptidic delta opioid receptor agonists produce antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test and regulate BDNF mRNA expression in rats
  1148. Sequential changes in BDNF mRNA expression and synaptic levels of AMPA receptor subunits in rat hippocampus after chronic antidepressant treatment
  1149. Genetic modulation of BDNF signaling affects the outcome of axonal competition in vivo
  1150. Retinal functional development is sensitive to environmental enrichment: a role for BDNF
  1151. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with body mass index in healthy adults
  1152. Prostaglandins are powerful inducers of NGF and BDNF production in mouse astrocyte cultures
  1153. Response to lithium prophylaxis: Interaction between serotonin transporter and BDNF genes
  1154. BDNF increases synapse density in dendrites of developing tectal neurons in vivo
  1155. Transplantation of Schwann cell line clones secreting GDNF or BDNF into the retinas of dystrophic Royal College of Surgeons rats
  1156. BDNF gene is a downstream target of Nurr1 transcription factor in rat midbrain neurons in vitro
  1157. Neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression is differentially modulated in the rat spinal dorsal horn and hippocampus …
  1158. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) acts primarily via the JAK/STAT pathway to promote neurite growth in the major pelvic ganglion of the rat: Part 2
  1159. Costorage of BDNF and neuropeptides within individual dense‐core vesicles in central and peripheral neurons
  1160. Association study of the INPP1, 5HTT, BDNF, AP-2β and GSK-3β GENE variants and restrospectively scored response to lithium prophylaxis in bipolar disorder
  1161. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism predicts rumination and depression differently in young adolescent girls and their mothers
  1162. CNTF and BDNF have similar effects on retinal ganglion cell survival but differential effects on nitric oxide synthase expression soon after optic nerve injury
  1163. Association analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
  1164. BDNF gene variants and brain morphology in schizophrenia
  1165. Different expressions of BDNF, NT3, and NT4 in muscle and nerve after various types of peripheral nerve injuries
  1166. Role of megakaryoblastic acute leukemia-1 in ERK1/2-dependent stimulation of serum response factor-driven transcription by BDNF or increased synaptic activity
  1167. The localization, trafficking and retrograde transport of BDNF bound to p75NTR in sympathetic neurons
  1168. Interaction of FGF-2 with IGF-1 and BDNF in stimulating Akt, ERK, and neuronal survival in hippocampal cultures
  1169. BDNF expression in rat skeletal muscle after acute or repeated exercise.
  1170. … neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity through a phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase‐dependent activation in extracellular signal‐regulated kinase to upregulate BDNF …
  1171. Application of bFGF and BDNF to improve angiogenesis and cardiac function
  1172. Gender-dependent modulation of brain monoamines and anxiety-like behaviors in mice with genetic serotonin transporter and BDNF deficiencies
  1173. Induction of neurotrophic factors GDNF and BDNF associated with the mechanism of neurorescue action of rasagiline and ladostigil: new insights and implications for …
  1174. Retrograde axonal transport obstruction of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its TrkB receptor in the retina and optic nerve of American Cocker Spaniel …
  1175. Effects of rolipram, a phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, in combination with imipramine on depressive behavior, CRE-binding activity and BDNF level in learned …
  1176. Central κ-opioid receptor-mediated antidepressant-like effects of nor-Binaltorphimine: Behavioral and BDNF mRNA expression studies
  1177. Persistent, non‐cytolytic infection of neurons by Borna disease virus interferes with ERK 1/2 signaling and abrogates BDNF‐induced synaptogenesis
  1178. No association between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and mood status in a non-clinical community sample of 7389 older adults
  1179. SMAD pathway mediation of BDNF and TGFβ2 regulation of proliferation and differentiation of hippocampal granule neurons
  1180. No association between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and schizophrenia in Asian populations: evidence from a case–control …
  1181. BDNF in Anxiety and Depression.
  1182. Rapid BDNF-induced retrograde synaptic modification in a developing retinotectal system
  1183. BDNF locally potentiates GABAergic presynaptic machineries: target-selective circuit inhibition
  1184. Neurotrophins: a ticket to ride for BDNF
  1185. BDNF genetic variants are associated with onset age of familial Parkinson disease: GenePD Study
  1186. Adenovirus Vector-Mediated In Vivo Gene Transfer of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Promotes Rubrospinal Axonal Regeneration and Functional …
  1187. BDNF-mediated enhancement of inflammation and injury in the aging heart
  1188. Biphasic change in BDNF gene expression following antidepressant drug treatment explained by differential transcript regulation
  1189. Monocytes of allergics and non-allergics produce, store and release the neurotrophins NGF, BDNF and NT-3
  1190. … balance of glutamatergic/GABAergic synaptic input and associated changes in dendrite morphology after BDNF expression in BDNF-deficient hippocampal neurons
  1191. The 196G/A (val66met) polymorphism of the BDNF gene is significantly associated with binge eating behavior in women with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder
  1192. Increased processing of APLP2 and APP with concomitant formation of APP intracellular domains in BDNF and retinoic acid‐differentiated human neuroblastoma cells
  1193. BDNF Induces Calcium Elevations Associated With IBDNF, a Nonselective Cationic Current Mediated by TRPC Channels
  1194. BDNF rescues myosin heavy chain IIB muscle fibers after neonatal nerve injury
  1195. Effects of fluoxetine on ischemic cells and expressions in BDNF and some antioxidants in the gerbil hippocampal CA1 region induced by transient ischemia
  1196. Quetiapine regulates FGF-2 and BDNF expression in the hippocampus of animals treated with MK-801
  1197. BDNF up-regulates α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor levels on subpopulations of hippocampal interneurons
  1198. Semax, an analog of ACTH (4–10) with cognitive effects, regulates BDNF and trkB expression in the rat hippocampus
  1199. Alterations in IGF-I, BDNF and NT-3 levels following experimental brain trauma and the effect of IGF-I administration
  1200. Chronic low-level mercury exposure, BDNF polymorphism, and associations with self-reported symptoms and mood
  1201. Sleep deprivation effects on growth factor expression in neonatal rats: a potential role for BDNF in the mediation of delta power
  1202. Regional expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is correlated with dynamic patterns of promoter methylation in the developing mouse forebrain
  1203. Electro-acupuncture induced NGF, BDNF and NT-3 expression in spared L6 dorsal root ganglion in cats subjected to removal of adjacent ganglia
  1204. Chronic treatment with desipramine and fluoxetine modulate BDNF, CaMKKα and CaMKKβ mRNA levels in the hippocampus of transgenic mice expressing antisense …
  1205. Diminished hypothalamic BDNF expression and impaired VMH function are associated with reduced SF‐1 gene dosage
  1206. Catalpol increases hippocampal neuroplasticity and up-regulates PKC and BDNF in the aged rats
  1207. The δ-opioid receptor agonist (+) BW373U86 regulates BDNF mRNA expression in rats
  1208. Reduced overflow of BDNF from the brain is linked with suicide risk in depressive illness
  1209. Rapid and long-term induction of effector immediate early genes (BDNF, Neuritin and Arc) in peri-infarct cortex and dentate gyrus after ischemic injury in rat brain
  1210. Significant association of BDNF haplotypes in European‐American male smokers but not in European‐American female or African‐American smokers
  1211. Environmental enrichment effects on development of retinal ganglion cell dendritic stratification require retinal BDNF
  1212. BDNF contributes to animal model neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve transection
  1213. Triggering of BDNF facilitatory action on neuromuscular transmission by adenosine A2A receptors
  1214. Peripheral levels of BDNF and NGF in primary headaches
  1215. Effects of NGF and BDNF on baseline glutamate and dopamine release in the hippocampal formation of the adult rat
  1216. BDNF enhancement of postsynaptic NMDA receptors is blocked by ethanol
  1217. Estradiol‐induced modulation of estrogen receptor‐β and GABA within the adult neocortex: A potential transsynaptic mechanism for estrogen modulation of BDNF
  1218. BDNF-modulated spatial organization of Cajal–Retzius and GABAergic neurons in the marginal zone plays a role in the development of cortical organization
  1219. Peripheral electrical stimulation reversed the cell size reduction and increased BDNF level in the ventral tegmental area in chronic morphine-treated rats
  1220. Robust stimulation of TrkB induces delayed increases in BDNF and Arc mRNA expressions in cultured rat cortical neurons via distinct mechanisms
  1221. Reduced presynaptic efficiency of excitatory synaptic transmission impairs LTP in the visual cortex of BDNF‐heterozygous mice
  1222. Maturation but not survival of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons is affected in developing and aging BDNF-deficient mice
  1223. Severe deficits in 5‐HT2A‐mediated neurotransmission in BDNF conditional mutant mice
  1224. Chronic amphetamine treatment reduces NGF and BDNF in the rat brain
  1225. Spreading depression induces long-lasting brain protection against infarcted lesion development via BDNF gene-dependent mechanism
  1226. NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and GDNF mRNA expression in rat skeletal muscle following denervation and sensory protection
  1227. Letter to the Editors: Effect of the BDNF Val66Met genotype on episodic memory in schizophrenia.
  1228. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and BDNF plasma levels in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  1229. Bi‐directional regulation of postsynaptic cortactin distribution by BDNF and NMDA receptor activity
  1230. Recovery of hippocampal cell proliferation and BDNF levels, both of which are reduced by repeated restraint stress, is accelerated by chronic venlafaxine
  1231. Effects of chronic multiple stress on learning and memory and the expression of Fyn, BDNF, TrkB in the hippocampus of rats
  1232. Repeated electroconvulsive stimuli have long-lasting effects on hippocampal BDNF and decrease immobility time in the rat forced swim test
  1233. A quantitative association study between schizotypal traits and COMT, PRODH and BDNF genes in a healthy Chinese population
  1234. Analysis of functional polymorphisms in three synaptic plasticity-related genes (BDNF, COMT AND UCHL1) in Alzheimer’s disease in Colombia
  1235. Nitric oxide synthesis is required for exercise-induced increases in hippocampal BDNF and phosphatidylinositol 3′ kinase expression
  1236. … 4 weeks increased plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxypnenylglycol (MHPG) levels, but did not alter plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in schizophrenic …
  1237. What is the biological significance of BDNF mRNA targeting in the dendrites?
  1238. A study of how socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between SNPs encompassing BDNF and ADHD symptom counts in ADHD families
  1239. Immobilization stress induces BDNF in rat submandibular glands
  1240. Creating a neurogenic environment: the role of BDNF and FGF2
  1241. Sprouty2 inhibits BDNF-induced signaling and modulates neuronal differentiation and survival
  1242. Effect of the BDNF V166M polymorphism on working memory in healthy adolescents
  1243. BDNF plasma levels in acute stroke
  1244. Non‐replication of the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) association in bipolar affective disorder: A Belgian patient‐control study
  1245. BDNF modulates GABAA receptors microtransplanted from the human epileptic brain to Xenopus oocytes
  1246. BDNF protects neurons following injury by modulation of caspase activity
  1247. Towards controlled release of BDNF—Manufacturing strategies for protein-loaded lipid implants and biocompatibility evaluation in the brain
  1248. Immune cell BDNF secretion is associated with white matter volume in multiple sclerosis
  1249. Variations in the BDNF gene in autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies in Japan
  1250. Post-stress changes in BDNF and Bcl-2 immunoreactivities in hippocampal neurons: effect of chronic administration of olanzapine
  1251. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) acts primarily via the JAK/STAT pathway to promote neurite growth in the major pelvic ganglion of the rat: Part I
  1252. Caffeic acid attenuates the decrease in cortical BDNF mRNA expression induced by exposure to forced swimming stress in mice
  1253. Recombinant AAV-mediated expression of human BDNF protects neurons against cell apoptosis in Aβ-induced neuronal damage model
  1254. Stress-resistant mice overexpressing glucocorticoid receptors display enhanced BDNF in the amygdala and hippocampus with unchanged NGF and serotonergic …
  1255. Effect of aging on the expression of BDNF and TrkB isoforms in rat pituitary
  1256. A complex polymorphic region in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene confers susceptibility to bipolar disorder and affects transcriptional activity
  1257. Submandibular glands contribute to increases in plasma BDNF levels
  1258. Investigation of the effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphisms on the risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and quantitative measures of …
  1259. Effect of glatiramer acetate (Copaxone®) on the immunophenotypic and cytokine profile and BDNF production in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study
  1260. Something old, something new: BDNF-induced neuron survival requires TRPC channel function
  1261. Association analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene 196 A/G polymorphism with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in mainland Chinese
  1262. Local acute application of BDNF in the lesioned spinal cord anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects
  1263. Cranial sensory neuron development in the absence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in BDNF/Bax double null mice
  1264. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) during sleep apnoea treatment
  1265. Involvement of dopamine D2/D3 receptors and BDNF in the neuroprotective effects of S32504 and pramipexole against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium in terminally …
  1266. Attenuation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by ethanol and cytoprotective effect of exogenous BDNF against ethanol damage in neuronal cells
  1267. Association of BDNF serum concentrations with central serotonergic activity: evidence from auditory signal processing
  1268. Fibroblast growth factor 2 applied to the optic nerve after axotomy up‐regulates BDNF and TrkB in ganglion cells by activating the ERK and PKA signaling pathways
  1269. Serotonin transporter function, but not expression, is dependent on brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): in vivo studies in BDNF‐deficient mice
  1270. Contextual learning induces an increase in the number of hippocampal CA1 neurons expressing high levels of BDNF
  1271. Genetic analysis of BDNF and TrkB gene polymorphisms in Alzheimer’s disease
  1272. Association study of the brain‐derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) gene in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  1273. BDNF mRNA expression and protein localization are changed in age-related hearing loss
  1274. BDNF‐mediated modulation of GABA and glycine release in dorsal horn lamina II from postnatal rats
  1275. Adeno-associated viruses containing bFGF or BDNF are neuroprotective against excitotoxicity
  1276. Platelet activation during tumor development, the potential role of BDNF–TrkB autocrine loop
  1277. Transcriptional regulation of neuronal genes and its effect on neural functions: cumulative mRNA expression of PACAP and BDNF genes controlled by calcium and …
  1278. No evidence for an association between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and schizophrenia or personality traits
  1279. Risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease associated with BDNF C270T polymorphism
  1280. Fetal hippocampal CA3 cell grafts enriched with FGF-2 and BDNF exhibit robust long-term survival and integration and suppress aberrant mossy fiber sprouting in the …
  1281. … sustained extracellular-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation but differential modulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the …
  1282. Neuroprotective effect of BDNF in young and aged 6-OHDA treated rat model of Parkinson disease
  1283. Caloric restriction does not reverse aging-related changes in hippocampal BDNF
  1284. P2X receptor signaling inhibits BDNF-mediated spiral ganglion neuron development in the neonatal rat cochlea
  1285. Presynaptic plasticity in an immature neocortical network requires NMDA receptor activation and BDNF release
  1286. No association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphisms with panic disorder
  1287. BDNF is induced by wild-type α-synuclein but not by the two mutants, A30P or A53T, in glioma cell line
  1288. Ontogeny of seizure‐induced increases in BDNF immunoreactivity and TrkB receptor activation in rat hippocampus
  1289. Paradoxical role of BDNF: BDNF+/− retinas are protected against light damage–mediated stress
  1290. Enlarged infarct volume and loss of BDNF mRNA induction following brain ischemia in mice lacking FGF-2
  1291. The role of CaMKII in BDNF-mediated neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells (RGC-5)
  1292. BIG news in alcohol addiction: new findings on growth factor pathways BDNF, insulin, and GDNF
  1293. BDNF and TrkB protein expression is altered in the fetal hippocampus but not cerebellum after chronic prenatal compromise
  1294. Interferon-β regulates cytokines and BDNF: greater effect in relapsing than in progressive multiple sclerosis
  1295. Production of NGF, BDNF and GDNF in mouse astrocyte cultures is strongly enhanced by a cerebral vasodilator, ifenprodil
  1296. Repeated l-DOPA treatment increases c-fos and BDNF mRNAs in the subthalamic nucleus in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease
  1297. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphisms G196A and C270T are not associated with response to electroconvulsive therapy in major depressive …
  1298. BDNF and COMT polymorphisms
  1299. The ups and downs of BDNF in Rett syndrome
  1300. PLCγ signaling underlies BDNF potentiation of Purkinje cell responses to GABA
  1301. Association between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and age at onset in Huntington disease
  1302. Alterations of BDNF and NT-3 genes expression in the nucleus paragigantocellularis during morphine dependency and withdrawal
  1303. BDNF, but not NT-4, is necessary for normal development of Meissner corpuscles
  1304. Increased expression of BDNF and proliferation of dentate granule cells after bacterial meningitis
  1305. Cellular mechanisms underlying an effect of “early handling” on pCREB and BDNF in the neonatal rat hippocampus
  1306. Chronic administration of the delta opioid receptor agonist (+) BW373U86 and antidepressants on behavior in the forced swim test and BDNF mRNA expression in …
  1307. Cross talk between vestibular neurons and Schwann cells mediates BDNF release and neuronal regeneration
  1308. Disruption of a novel regulatory locus results in decreased BDNF expression, obesity, and type 2 diabetes in mice
  1309. The mGlu2/3 receptor agonist LY354740 suppresses immobilization stress-induced increase in rat prefrontal cortical BDNF mRNA expression
  1310. COMT Val158Met and BDNF C270T polymorphisms in schizophrenia: a case-control study
  1311. Differential effects of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA,“ecstasy”) on BDNF mRNA expression in rat frontal cortex and hippocampus
  1312. Control of hyperphagia prevents obesity in BDNF heterozygous mice
  1313. Anterograde axonal transport of BDNF and NT-3 by retinal ganglion cells: roles of neurotrophin receptors
  1314. A “deficient environment” in prenatal life may compromise systems important for cognitive function by affecting BDNF in the hippocampus
  1315. Adaption of the serotoninergic neuronal phenotype in the absence of 5‐HT autoreceptors or the 5‐HT transporter: involvement of BDNF and cAMP
  1316. Expression analysis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA isoforms after chronic and acute antidepressant treatment
  1317. The Val66Met coding variant of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene does not contribute toward variation in the personality trait neuroticism
  1318. Continuous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) infusion after methylprednisolone treatment in severe spinal cord injury
  1319. Focal photothrombotic lesion of the rat motor cortex increases BDNF levels in motor-sensory cortical areas not accompanied by recovery of forelimb motor skills
  1320. Clinical features of psychotic disorders and polymorphisms in HT2A, DRD2, DRD4, SLC6A3 (DAT1), and BDNF: a family based association study
  1321. BDNF Met66 allele is associated with anorexia nervosa in the Polish population
  1322. Amyloid-β at sublethal level impairs BDNF-induced arc expression in cortical neurons
  1323. A role for BDNF in cocaine reward and relapse
  1324. No implication of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene in unipolar affective disorder: Evidence from Belgian first and replication patient–control studies
  1325. Brn-3c (POU4F3) regulates BDNF and NT-3 promoter activity
  1326. The BDNF Gene: Exemplifying Complexity in Ca2+-Dependent Gene Expression
  1327. Lack of association between the BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism and Alzheimer disease in a Chinese Han population
  1328. Cellular levels of TrkB and MAPK in the neuroprotective role of BDNF for embryonic rat cortical neurons against hypoxia in vitro
  1329. No evidence for preferential transmission of common valine allele of the Val66Met polymorphism of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) in ADHD
  1330. Association between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and schizophrenia in the Chinese population
  1331. Gelatin–tricalcium phosphate membranes immobilized with NGF, BDNF, or IGF‐1 for peripheral nerve repair: An in vitro and in vivo study
  1332. BDNF heterozygous mice demonstrate age-related changes in striatal and nigral gene expression
  1333. Regulation of NT‐3 and BDNF levels in guinea pig auditory brain stem nuclei after unilateral cochlear ablation
  1334. Alterations of cerebellar mRNA specific for BDNF, p75NTR, and TrkB receptor isoforms occur within hours of ethanol administration to 4-day-old rat pups
  1335. Overexpression of pitx3 upregulates expression of BDNF and GDNF in SH-SY5Y cells and primary ventral mesencephalic cultures
  1336. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS-I) knockout increases the survival rate of neural cells in the hippocampus independentlyof BDNF
  1337. Epithelial overexpression of BDNF and NT4 produces distinct gustatory axon morphologies that disrupt initial targeting
  1338. Nuclear receptor NR4A2 IVS6 +18insG and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) V66M polymorphisms and risk of Taiwanese parkinson’s disease
  1339. BDNF is necessary for maintenance of noradrenergic innervations in the aged rat brain
  1340. Late onset loss of hippocampal 5-HT and NE is accompanied by increases in BDNF protein expression in mice co-expressing mutant APP and PS1
  1341. Area-specific effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genetic ablation on various neuronal subtypes of the mouse brain
  1342. BDNF‐dependent stimulation of dopamine D5 receptor expression in developing striatal astrocytes involves PI3‐kinase signaling
  1343. Adenoviral gene transfer of BDNF and GDNF synergistically prevent motoneuron loss in the nucleus ambiguus
  1344. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is not associated with late onset Alzheimer’s disease in three case–control samples
  1345. Drug-induced decrease of protein kinase a activity reveals alteration in BDNF expression of bipolar affective disorder
  1346. Transcellular induction of neuropeptide Y expression by NT4 and BDNF
  1347. Interaction between catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val108/158Met and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphisms in age at onset and …
  1348. Behavioral testing upregulates pCaMKII, BDNF, PSD-95 and egr-1 in hippocampus of FVB/N mice
  1349. BDNF promotes target innervation of Xenopus mandibular trigeminal axons in vivo
  1350. Upregulation of penile brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and activation of the JAK/STAT signalling pathway in the major pelvic ganglion of the rat after …
  1351. Oligomers of β-amyloid peptide inhibit BDNF-induced arc expression in cultured cortical neurons
  1352. Platelet and plasma BDNF in lower respiratory tract infections of the adult
  1353. Repair of spinal cord injury by neural stem cells modified with BDNF gene in rats.
  1354. Axonal transport of BDNF precursor in primary sensory neurons
  1355. Postsynaptic inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate signaling maintains presynaptic function of parallel fiber–Purkinje cell synapses via BDNF
  1356. Methamphetamine‐induced loss of striatal dopamine innervation in BDNF heterozygote mice does not further reduce D3 receptor concentrations
  1357. Lack of association between variations in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and temporal lobe epilepsy
  1358. Adenosine A2A receptors modulate BDNF both in normal conditions and in experimental models of Huntington’s disease
  1359. Association study of BDNF and CNTF polymorphism to depression in non-demented subjects of the “VITA” study
  1360. Postischemic alterations of BDNF, NGF, HSP 70 and ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the gerbil hippocampus: pharmacological approach
  1361. Possible involvement of the BDNF-dependent pathway in treatment-emergent suicidality or decreased response to antidepressants
  1362. A critical role for system A amino acid transport in the regulation of dendritic development by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  1363. BDNF and DPP-IV in polyps and middle turbinates epithelial cells
  1364. IGF-1 and BDNF promote chick bulbospinal neurite outgrowth in vitro
  1365. Expression profiles of BDNF splice variants in cultured DRG neurons stimulated with NGF
  1366. Changes in BDNF gene expression correlate with rat strain differences in neuropathic pain
  1367. Differential expression of BDNF mRNA splice variants in mouse brain and immune cells
  1368. BDNF acutely modulates synaptic transmission and calcium signalling in developing cortical neurons
  1369. TrkB/BDNF signaling regulates photoreceptor progenitor cell fate decisions
  1370. Eya1 acts upstream of Tbx1, Neurogenin 1, NeuroD and the neurotrophins BDNF and NT-3 during inner ear development
  1371. Possible involvement of BDNF release in long-lasting synapse formation induced by repetitive PKA activation
  1372. Major depressive disorders and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)
  1373. The effect of gender and the neurotrophin, BDNF, upon methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in mice
  1374. IL-1β regulation of BDNF expression in rat cultured hypothalamic neurons depends on the presence of glial cells
  1375. Effects of Korea red ginseng total saponin on repeated unpredictable stress-induced changes of proliferation of neural progenitor cells and BDNF mRNA expression in …
  1376. BDNF: a missing link between sympathetic dysfunction and inflammatory disease?
  1377. Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene not associated with antidepressant‐induced mania
  1378. BDNF tagging polymorphisms and haplotype analysis in sporadic Parkinson’s disease in diverse ethnic groups
  1379. BDNF down-regulates the caspase 3 pathway in injured geniculo-cortical neurones
  1380. Transmission distortion of BDNF variants to bipolar disorder type I patients from a south american population isolate,
  1381. Neural network plasticity, BDNF and behavioral interventions in Alzheimer s disease
  1382. Stimulation of neurite outgrowth on neonatal cerebral astrocytes is enhanced in the presence of BDNF
  1383. Developmental changes in the BDNF‐induced modulation of inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Kölliker–Fuse nucleus of rat
  1384. Dark‐rearing‐induced reduction of GABA and GAD and prevention of the effect by BDNF in the mouse retina
  1385. BDNF transgene improves ataxic and motor behaviors in stargazer mice
  1386. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene delivery into the CNS using bone marrow cells as vehicles in mice
  1387. Cysteamine-related agents could be potential antidepressants through increasing central BDNF levels
  1388. CCK-8 induces NGF and BDNF synthesis and modulates TrkA and TrkB expression in the rat hippocampus and septum: Effects on kindling development
  1389. A gastrin-releasing peptide receptor antagonist blocks D-amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion and increases hippocampal NGF and BDNF levels in rats
  1390. Neurotrophic effects of BDNF on embryonic gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons
  1391. BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism and GAD67 mRNA Expression in the Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects With Schizophrenia
  1392. Developing with BDNF: a moving experience
  1393. Developmental alcohol exposure disrupts circadian regulation of BDNF in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus
  1394. Intrathecal injection of GDNF and BDNF induces immediate early gene expression in rat spinal dorsal horn
  1395. No association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene C-270T polymorphism with schizophrenia
  1396. Temporal grey matter reductions in bipolar disorder are associated with the BDNF Val 66 Met polymorphism
  1397. Activity-and BDNF-induced plasticity of miniature synaptic currents in ES cell-derived neurons integrated in a neocortical network
  1398. NT-3 modulates BDNF and proBDNF levels in naive and kindled rat hippocampus
  1399. BDNF-induced facilitation of afferent-evoked responses in lamina II neurons is reduced after neonatal spinal cord contusion injury
  1400. Chronic stress induces upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and integrin α5 expression in the rat pineal gland
  1401. Phosphorylation of the growth factors bFGF, NGF and BDNF: a prerequisite for their biological activity
  1402. BDNF reduces the retinal toxicity of verteporfin photodynamic therapy
  1403. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphisms in febrile seizures
  1404. … transfer to nigrostriatal neurons in the rat brain by helper virus-free HSV-1 vector particles that contain either a chimeric HSV-1 glycoprotein C-GDNF or a gC-BDNF …
  1405. NMDA receptor activation modulates programmed cell death during early post‐natal retinal development: a BDNF‐dependent mechanism
  1406. BDNF up-regulates pre-pro-TRH mRNA expression in the fetal/neonatal paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Properties of the transduction pathway
  1407. Effects of subchronic lithium treatment on levels of BDNF, Bcl‐2 and phospho‐CREB in the rat hippocampus
  1408. Memory coding and retention: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in synaptic plasticity
  1409. Effects of a 14-day period of hindpaw sensory restriction on mRNA and protein levels of NGF and BDNF in the hindpaw primary somatosensory cortex
  1410. S18986: a positive modulator of AMPA-receptors enhances (S)-AMPA-mediated BDNF mRNA and protein expression in rat primary cortical neuronal cultures
  1411. Carbamazepine protects against megencephaly and abnormal expression of BDNF and Nogo signaling components in the mceph/mceph mouse
  1412. Regulation of NGF and BDNF by dexamethasone and theophylline in human peripheral eosinophils in allergics and non-allergics
  1413. BDNF boosts spike fidelity in chaotic neural oscillations
  1414. BDNF and NT‐3 promote thalamocortical axon growth with distinct substrate and temporal dependency
  1415. Antidepressants reverse corticosterone-mediated decrease in BDNF expression: differential regulation of specific exons by antidepressants and …
  1416. Differential effects of NT‐4, NGF and BDNF on development of neurochemical architecture and cell size regulation in rat visual cortex during the critical period
  1417. Hzf protein regulates dendritic localization and BDNF-induced translation of type 1 inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor mRNA
  1418. The BDNF-Val66Met polymorphism: implications for susceptibility to multiple sclerosis and severity of disease
  1419. The effect of stimulated microglia conditioned media on BDNF gene expression of striatal astrocytes: quantification by real-time PCR
  1420. Chronic pain impairs spatial learning and memory ability and down-regulates Bcl-2 and BDNF mRNA expression in hippocampus of neonatal rats
  1421. Continuous supply of the neurotrophins BDNF and NT-3 improve chick motor neuron survival in vivo
  1422. Stage‐specific and opposing roles of BDNF, NT‐3 and bFGF in differentiation of purified callosal projection neurons toward cellular repair of complex circuitry
  1423. Letter to the Editor Variance in Facial Recognition Performance Associated With BDNF in Schizophrenia
  1424. No association of the Val66Met polymorphism of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to multiple sclerosis
  1425. Differential down‐regulation of voltage‐gated calcium channel currents by glutamate and BDNF in embryonic cortical neurons
  1426. The impact of environment in comparison with moderate physical exercise and dietary restriction on BDNF in the cerebral parietotemporal cortex of aged Sprague …
  1427. Multiple variants of the DRD3, but not BDNF gene, influence age-at-onset of schizophrenia
  1428. No evidence of association between BDNF gene variants and age-at-onset of Huntington’s disease
  1429. Effects of BDNF infusion on the axon terminals of locus coeruleus neurons of aging rats
  1430. Spontaneous retinal activity modulates BDNF trafficking in the developing chick visual system
  1431. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) release from the human brain in patients with type 2 diabetes—possible influence of venous anatomy and comorbid …
  1432. Prostaglandin E2 and BDNF levels in rat hippocampus are negatively correlated with status epilepticus severity: no impact on survival of seizure-generated neurons
  1433. BDNF regulation in the rat dorsal vagal complex during stress-induced anorexia
  1434. Intraocular delivery of BDNF following visual cortex lesion upregulates cytosolic branched chain aminotransferase (BCATc) in the rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
  1435. Cytosolic branched chain aminotransferase (BCATc) mRNA is up-regulated in restricted brain areas of BDNF transgenic mice
  1436. Differential expression of the four untranslated BDNF exons in the adult mouse brain
  1437. No association between polymorphisms in the BDNF gene and age at onset in Huntington disease
  1438. Chronic immobilization stress differentially affects the expression of BDNF mRNA and protein in the mouse hippocampus
  1439. Expression profile of BDNF-responsive genes during cerebellar granule cell development
  1440. Chronic corticosterone manipulations in mice affect brain cell proliferation rates, but only partly affect BDNF protein levels
  1441. Differential effects of ocular BDNF-injections onto the development of tectal cells characterized by calcium-binding proteins in pigeons
  1442. BDNF enhances dendritic Ca2+ signals evoked by coincident EPSPs and back-propagating action potentials in CA1 pyramidal neurons
  1443. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the dentate gyrus mossy fibers: Implications for epilepsy
  1444. Possible involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the innervation of dopaminergic neurons from the rat periventricular nucleus to the pars …
  1445. Divergent regulatory mechanisms governing BDNF mRNA expression in cerebral cortex and substantia nigra in response to striatal target ablation
  1446. Chronic depolarization enhances the trophic effects of BDNF in rescuing auditory neurons following a sensorineural hearing loss
  1447. Combining exercise and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition does not ameliorate learning deficits after brain insult, despite an increase in BDNF levels
  1448. Neuroprotective effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on hearing in experimental pneumococcal meningitis
  1449. BDNF-overexpression regulates the reactivity of small pulmonary arteries to neurokinin A
  1450. Variation of BDNF mRNA on focalcerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats with notogisenoside-Rg1
  1451. Effects of estrogen treatment on expression of BDNF and CREB expression and phosphorylation in rat amygdaloid and hippocampal structures
  1452. Spinal cord transection enhances afferent-evoked inhibition in lamina II neurons and abolishes BDNF-induced facilitation of their sensory input
  1453. Effects of adenoviral vector-mediated BDNF expression on the bulbectomy-induced apoptosis of olfactory receptor neurons
  1454. The effect of butylphthalide on expression of NGF and BDNF in ischemia stroke tissue of rat cerebrum
  1455. Novel role for aspartoacylase in regulation of BDNF and timing of postnatal oligodendrogenesis
  1456. Kainate‐induced zinc translocation from presynaptic terminals causes neuronal and astroglial cell death and mRNA loss of BDNF receptors in the hippocampal …
  1457. Dynamic regulation of DNA methylation coupled transcriptional repression: BDNF regulation by MeCP2
  1458. Somato-dendritic distribution of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B autoreceptors in the BDNF-and cAMP-differentiated RN46A serotoninergic raphe cell line
  1459. BDNF instructs the kinase LKB1 to grow an axon
  1460. Expression of BDNF and TrkB receptor subtypes in the postnatal developing Purkinje cells of monkey cerebellum
  1461. Local protein synthesis by BDNF is potentiated in hippocampal neurons exposed to ephrins
  1462. Strategy to develop anew drug for treatment-resistant depression–role of electroconvulsive stimuli and BDNF
  1463. Additional repression of activity-dependent c-fos and BDNF mRNA expression by lipophilic compounds accompanying a decrease in Ca2+ influx into neurons
  1464. Effects of castration on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the vas deferens and male accessory genital glands of the rat
  1465. Survival and axonal regeneration of off-center retinal ganglion cells of adult cats are promoted with an anti-glaucoma drug, nipradilol, but not BDNF and CNTF
  1466. In vitro neurite outgrowth induced by BDNF and GDNF in combination with dexamethasone on cultured spiral ganglion cells
  1467. BDNF regulates NMDA receptor activity in developing retinal ganglion cells
  1468. Effect of polygonum multiflorum thunb on BDNF expression in rat hippocampus induced by amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) 1-40
  1469. The neurotoxin 2′-NH2-MPTP degenerates serotonin axons and evokes increases in hippocampal BDNF
  1470. Modulation of BDNF and TrkB expression in rat hippocampus in response to acute neurotoxicity by diethyldithiocarbamate
  1471. Transfection of CCE mouse embryonic stem cells with EGFP and BDNF genes by the electroporation method
  1472. Comment on: Krabbe KS, Nielsen AR, Krogh-Madsen R et al (2007) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 50: 431–438
  1473. Expression and physiological regulation of BDNF receptors in the neuroendocrine melanotrope cell of Xenopus laevis
  1474. The change of the neuron–glia differentiation rate in human neural precursor cells (HPCs) and Ad-BDNF-/-GDNF-infected HPCs following the administration of a …
  1475. Chronic BDNF deficiency permanently modifies excitatory synapses in the piriform cortex
  1476. Enhancement of BDNF and serotonin terminal density in phrenic and hypoglossal motor nuclei in a rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  1477. Prolonged prenatal exposure to low-level ozone affects aggressive behaviour as well as NGF and BDNF levels in the central nervous system of CD-1 mice
  1478. Modulation of BDNF expression by electrical stimulation in hindlimb muscles of rats
  1479. An association study between GRIN1, BDNF genes and bipolar disorder
  1480. Depolarization promotes survival of ciliary ganglion neurons by BDNF-dependent and-independent mechanisms
  1481. Effects of afobazole on the BDNF content in brain structures of inbred mice with different phenotypes of emotional stress reaction
  1482. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and type 2 diabetes. Reply to Lambert GW et al
  1483. BDNF occludes GABAB receptor‐mediated inhibition of GABA release in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
  1484. Distribution and change of NGF, BDNF and NT3 in the hippocampus of rat with AD
  1485. Rapid modulation of inhibitory synaptic currents in cerebellar Purkinje cells by BDNF
  1486. Learning to take a deep breath—with BDNF
  1487. Effect of BDNF depletion on the formation of Ruffini endings in vibrissa follicles and the survival of their mechanoreceptive neurons in trigeminal ganglion
  1488. Weak synaptic activity induces ongoing signaling to the nucleus that is enhanced by BDNF and suppressed by low-levels of nicotine
  1489. Differential mRNA expression of neurotrophic factors GDNF, BDNF, and NT-3 in experimental herpes simplex virus encephalitis
  1491. BDNF and NT-3 regulation of trkB and trkC mRNA levels in the developing chick spinal cord
  1492. Effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on activity mediated by NMDA receptors in rat spinal cord cultures
  1493. Interference with activity-dependent transcriptional activation of BDNF gene depending upon the expanded polyglutamines in neurons
  1494. Retinal damage caused by photodynamic therapy can be reduced using BDNF
  1495. Effects of treadmill exercise on memory and hippocampal BDNF Expression in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
  1496. Construction of rat BDNF gene lentiviral vector and its expression in mesenchymal stem cells
  1497. TRPC channels as novel effectors of BDNF signaling: Potential implications for Rett syndrome
  1498. Differential regulation of glutamate receptor-mediated BDNF mRNA expression in the cerebellum and its defects in stargazer mice
  1499. Analysis of BDNF in brain structures of inbred mice with different phenotypes of mental and stress reaction
  1500. Hippocampal BDNF and TrkB expression in young rats after status epilepticus
  1501. Anterograde trophic mechanisms participate in pattern formation in the striatum: a role for BDNF in glutamatergic afferents
  1502. Role of gisenoside-Rg1 on BDNF protein incerebrum cortex and hippocampus after brain ischemia [J]
  1503. Effects of exercise‐induced fatigue on the expression of BDNF and GFAP of rats’ hippocampus and striatum
  1504. Association of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with depressive and cognitive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia
  1505. Acute role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on the respiratory neural network activity in mice in vitro
  1506. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 ablation causes dysregulation of the HPA axis and increases hippocampal BDNF protein levels: implications for stress …
  1507. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) levels in newborn cord sera
  1508. The changes in neurotrophic properties of the peripheral nerves extracts following blocking of BDNF activity
  1509. Effect of Acupuncture on BDNF mRNA Expression Following Complete Spinal Cord Injury in Rats [J]
  1510. BDNF and NT-3 expression in muscles of diabetic periperal neuropathy rats [J]
  1511. An analysis of serum levels of BDNF and relative factors in depressive patients
  1512. BDNF preferentially targets membrane properties of rhythmically active neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex in neonatal mice
  1513. BDNF/TrkB pathway upregulates PTHrP in neuroblastoma
  1515. Signaling pathway of BDNF protecting embryonic cortical neurons from hypoxia
  1516. Affection of BDNF on recovery of cerebral ischemia damage [J]
  1517. Expressions of BDNF and NGF in focal cerebral ischemia and the effect of Puerarin in rats [J]
  1518. Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in patients with unipolar depression or with bipolar I and II disorders
  1519. BDNF microsphere treatment increases functional effects of retinal transplants
  1520. Neuroprotective effect of BDNF on hypoxia for embryonic rat cortical neurons in vitro
  1521. Progesterone increases BDNF expression and protects against glutamate toxicity in a MAPK-and PI3-K-dependent manner in cerebral cortical explants
  1522. Construction and identification of recombinant adenovirus vector containing Tet-on adjustable NT3 and BDNF genes
  1523. Cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript induces BDNF synthesis through ERK activation in hippocampal neurons [J]
  1525. Expression of BDNF and trk B in the cochleas of the aged rats
  1526. The intercostal nerve transplantation with olfactory ensheathing cells modified by NGF, BDNF genes repairs the injured rat spinal cord
  1527. FGF–2 up–regulates the expression of BDNF and TrkB in retinal ganglion cells after nerve injury through the activation of the ERK/CREB signaling pathway
  1528. Intracellular Signaling Pathway of Neuroprotective Function of BDNF on Hypoxic-cultured Embryonic Neurons in Vitro [J]
  1529. The Effect of BDNF and Its Recceptor TrkB in Experimental Epliptic Rats [J]
  1530. Effect of BDNF on the Neural Differatiation of Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
  1531. The effect of APP17 peptide on NGF and BDNF in hippocampal neurons of rats after cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  1532. Cognitive impairment and expression of BDNF in rat hippocampus after chronic cerebral ischemia
  1533. NMDA and BDNF induce distinct profiles of Extracellular regulated kinase (ERK), Mitogen and stress activated kinase (MSK) and Ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) …
  1534. Interplay between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and platelets in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
  1535. Protective effect of BDNF on neural stem cells against damage by β-amyloid protein [J]
  1536. Changes of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) Expression Associated with Urodynamic Changes in Rat Spinal Cord Injury Animal Model
  1537. Expression of BDNF after neural stem cell transplantation in the retina of the Sprague-Dawley rats with optic nerve injury
  1539. The expression changes of BDNF following transected spinal cord in adult rat
  1540. BDNF and TrkB mRNA expression in aged hippocampus neurons and their relationship with learning and memory
  1541. The phenotypic differentiation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons mediated by BDNF is enhanced by corticotropin releasing factor through the activation …
  1542. Construction and Identification of Replication-deficient Recombinant Adenovirus Cloned with a SD Rat BDNF Gene [J]
  1543. The Investigation of the Expression of BDNF in the Hippocampi in PSD Rat Treatment by Huoxue Quyu Jieyu Method [J]
  1544. The expression and significance of BDNF and TrkB in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma [J]
  1545. 224. Adenoviral Co-Delivery of BDNF and Noggin Induces Striatal Neuronal Replacement and Delays Motor Impairment in a Transgenic Model of Huntington’s …
  1546. Exercise, BDNF and Learning-Memory
  1547. Effects of ginsenosides on BDNF in nucleus basalis of Meynert and cerebral cortex of aged rats
  1548. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in children with learning disorder
  1549. Biosynthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Neotype Neurotrophin TAT-BDNF
  1550. Drug-free depressed patients show decreased plasma and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels
  1551. Interactive involvement of BDNF, NGF and CGRP in colonic hypersensitivity in the rat
  1552. Effects of combined neural stem cells and BDNF on NOS–positive neurons of basal forebrain of AD rat
  1554. Construction and identification of recombinant adeno-associated virus vector encoding BDNF by Helper-Free system []
  1555. The Study of Infarction and the BDNF Expression in Rat Influenced by Intraventricular Injection Plasmid pLXSN-mediated Transfer of bcl-2 Gene after MCAO [J]
  1556. Association study of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and intelligence in children
  1558. Reply to comments on” Low plasma BDNF is associated with suicidal Behavior in Major Depression”, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological …
  1559. Expression of BDNF protein in rat after focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion [J]
  1560. BDNF as a trigger for transsynaptic consolidation in the adult brain
  1562. Preparation and Release Profile of BDNF-Loaded PLGA/SIS Scaffold
  1563. Cloning and expression of PTD-BDNF fusion gene and purification of expressed product
  1564. Release profile of BSA or BDNF from temperature sensitive hydrogels
  1565. 451. AAV-BDNF Augments Neurogenesis in Both the Normal Adult Rat Brain and the Quinolinic Acid Lesion Model of Huntington’s Disease
  1566. Dark–Rearing–Induced Falls of GAD65 and GABA and Reversion by BDNF in the Mouse Retina
  1567. Recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor increase the expression of BDNF in the marginal zone of the cerebral infarction
  1568. The expressions of BDNF and GNF in the rats after acute brain injury following complete cerebral Ischemia reperfusion [J]
  1569. Expression of BDNF Protein in Hypoxic Neural Stem Cells of Rats [J]
  1570. Comments on” Low plasma BDNF is associated with suicidal behavior in major depression” by YK Kim et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological …
  1571. Effects of Zuogui Wan (左归丸) and Yougui Wan (右归丸) on cognition-related gene BDNF mRNA expressions in the aging rats’ hippocampus [J]
  1572. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Genetic Polymorphism and the Long-term Outcome of Antidepressant Treatment in Korean Depressive Patients
  1573. Cortical BDNF and NTRK2 transcript expression in completed suicide
  1574. … Brain Injury (TBI) on Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) Survival After Optic Nerve Crush, and the Role of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Immune Mediated …
  1575. Effect of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants on therapeutic response and the risk for schizophrenia
  1576. Molecular mechanisms of synaptic consolidation during sleep: BDNF function and dendritic protein synthesis
  1577. Alginate Encapsulated BDNF-Producing Fibroblast Grafts Permit Recovery of Function after Spinal Cord Injury in the Absence of…
  1578. REMOVED: Association between the BDNF C270T polymorphism and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
  1579. Effects of Garoderma lucidum spores on BDNF expression in rats with pentylenetetrazol-induced epilepsy [J]
  1580. P. 1.06 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene in unipolar affective disorder: a Belgian patient-control association study
  1581. Time course analysis of retinal transcriptome changes following intravitreal injection of CNTF, BDNF, and FGF-2
  1582. Effects of 17-βestrogen on the expressions of NGF and BDNF in vascular dementia rats [J]
  1583. Generation and analysis of transgenic Xenopus laevis with cell-specific overexpression of proBDNF and mature BDNF in intermediate pituitary melanotrope …
  1584. Neural stem cells and BDNF combined to improve the ability of learning and memory and regeneration of cholinergic fibers in hippocampus of AD rats
  1585. Effect of Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture on NGF and BDNF expression in experimental spinal cord injury rats
  1586. The Expression Changes of BDNF in Spinal Cord Neurons Following Crushed Injury
  1587. BDNF regulates the KCC2-dependent switch from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing GABA action
  1588. AAV Mediated–BDNF Transduced Iris Pigment Epithelial Cell Transplantation: Correlation of Photoreceptor Rescue Effect and AAV–BDNF Concentration
  1589. Roles of protein kinases in regulation of BDNF protein level in the developing visual cortex
  1590. BDNF promotes bladder tumor growth in SCID mice
  1591. Expression of BDNF and the receptor TrkB dramatically changes in the liver and adipose tissue in obese mice.
  1592. Effect of Exercise on Neurotrophins, BDNF, NT-3, GAP43 Protein Expression and Axonal Regeneration after Sciatic Nerve Injury in F344 Rats
  1593. Microarray Analysis of the Postnatal Conditionally Deleted BDNF Brain
  1594. The Expression of BDNF and TrkB in Rat Cerebellum
  1597. The brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates skeletal muscle regeneration and is mis‐regulated in dystrophic muscle
  1598. Effects of ionizing-radiation to the expressions of bFGF and BDNF and the protective and repaired functions of melatonin in the forebrain of rat
  1599. Differential Temporal and Spatial Expression of TrkB Isoforms During AAV–BDNF Transduced Iris Pigment Epithelium Transplantation
  1600. Estrogen modulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1) during inflammatory nociception.
  1601. The potential role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in angiogenesis
  1602. Effects of encapsulated BDNF-producing fibroblasts on dorsal root ganglia neurite growth
  1603. The Neuroprotective Effect of BDNF on Retinal Ganglion Cells Damaged by Experimental Acute Hyper-intraocular Pressure
  1604. BDNF protect basal ganglia neurons from injury mediate by glutamate
  1605. Adenoviral BDNF and Noggin cooperate to induce neuronal recruitment from endogenous progenitor cells in the adult mammalian forebrain
  1606. Activity pattern-dependency of BDNF release from mossy fiber terminals of hippocampus
  1607. Serotonin transporter function in BDNF (+/-) mice
  1609. Neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells in BDNF over–expression mice with induced elevated intraocular pressure
  1610. Genetic and pharmacologic identification of Akt as a mediator of BDNF/TrkB rescue of SY5Y neuroblastoma cells from etoposide-induced cell death
  1611. Endogenous BDNF regulates the expression of PACAP in rat DRG neurons after sciatic nerve injury
  1612. Activity-dependent release of BDNF from mossy fiber terminals of mouse hippocampus
  1613. Association Between the BDNF Gene Polymorphism and Normal Tension Glaucoma
  1614. An experimental study on time-dependent expressions of BDNF and BDNF mRNA after spinal cord contusion in rats
  1615. Follow-up of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) during a one-year antidepressant treatment.
  1616. BDNF stimulates invasion of neuroblastoma tumor cells via activation of TrkB through the PI-3 kinase and MAPK pathways.
  1617. Glia Produce the Pain Signal: BDNF
  1618. Application of FGF–2 to the Optic Nerve After Axotomy Increases the Long–Term Survival of Ganglion Cells Expressing BDNF and TrkB
  1619. Effects of prenatal malnutrition on hippocampal BDNF expression and spatial learning behavior in rats.
  1620. Effects of BDNF on growth and apoptosis of neuroblastoma cell line induced by cisplatin
  1621. BDNF causes complex modifications of cortical neurotransmitter protein expression in the rat cortex after photothrombotic ischaemia
  1622. Effects of BDNF on growth and apoptosis of neuroblastoma cell line induced by cisplatin
  1624. Expression of BDNF and CaBP protein in hippocampus after deep hypothermia cardiopulmonary bypass
  1625. The Changes on BDNF Expression in Transected Spinal Cord, Associated Motor Cortex and Skeleton Muscle Following Spinal Cord Injury in Rats
  1626. BDNF Confers Long–Term Protection From the Retinal Toxicity of Verteporfin PDT
  1627. Role of hypothalamic ACTH and α-MSH in appetite regulation–an in situ hybridization study of BDNF and MC4-receptor mRNA expression
  1628. Notoginsenoside-Rg_1 Effect on the Expression of BDNF in Cerebella and Medulla Oblongata after Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Rats
  1629. Downregulation of Bim by BDNF/TrkB protects neuroblastoma cells from chemotherapy-induced cell death
  1630. Protective Role of BDNF and NGF Against Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity
  1631. Establishment of the method to efficiently transfer BDNF gene into IPE cells by adeno–associated virus vector
  1632. Developmental changes in the BDNF mediated modulation of spontaneous and evoked postsynaptic currents (sPSCs, ePSCs) in the pontine Kölliker‐Fuse nucleus …
  1635. Role of BDNF in inflammatiory hyperalgesia and sprouting
  1636. BDNF Enhances Ganglion Cell Function Following Optic Nerve Damage in the Cat
  1637. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a novel steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) target gene in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH): implications for obesity onset
  1638. Effects of NGF and BDNF on Hippocampal Transplantation in AD Rats
  1639. BDNF-Induced Gene Expression Changes in Axotomized Adult Rat Retinas
  1640. The construction and identification of replication-deficient recombinant Adeno-X-BDNF
  1641. Preservation of Visual Function After Intraocular Transplantation of BDNF Secreting Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Glaucomatous Rat Eyes
  1642. Effect of antibody-blocked HSP70 on the expression of BDNF in injured astrocytes
  1643. Expression of NGF and BDNF after cerebral infarction and cerebral infarction combined with diabetes in rats brain
  1644. The effect of dietary n‐3 fatty acid deficiency on BDNF expression and spatial learning behavior in rats
  1645. Depression of excitatory synaptic transmission to GABAergic neurons by BDNF in visual cortical slices of GAD67-GFP knock-in mice
  1646. Peptidic delta opioid receptor agonists produce antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test amd regulate BDNF mRNA expression in rats.
  1647. The Gene Expression of BDNF in Normal Rabbit Retina
  1648. 992. Ultrasound-Mediated Gene Transfer of HGF Improved Abeta-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Mice Associated with Upregulation of BDNF, Recovery of and …
  1649. Study on association between dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of BDNF gene and autism in children
  1650. A Kinase-Free BDNF Signaling Mechanism
  1651. Effects of Quetiapine on the Immobilization Stress-induced BDNF and CRF Expression in Rat Brain
  1653. Recombinant AAV-mediated Expression of Human BDNF Protects Neurons against Cell Apoptosis in Aβ-induced Neuronal Damage Model
  1654. Hypothalamic BDNF gene expression is modulated by thyroid hormones in vivo.
  1655. Expression of Brain–Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Is Regulated by CaMKII in Retinal Ganglion Cells
  1656. Expression of BDNF and trk B in the cochleas of the aged rats
  1658. Mutant Huntingtin Blocks BDNF Transport
  1659. LTP mechanisms in the dentate gyrus in vivo: BDNF signaling, translation control, and gene function
  1660. Owing to a printer’s error in the article entitled” Complementary Roles of BDNF and NT-3 in Vestibular and Auditory Development” by Ernfors et al.(Neuron 14, 1153 …
  1661. Construction and identification of astrocyte lines expressing NGF, BDNF, and NT3 steadily
  1662. Effect of C57BL/6 mice infected with Cryptococcus neoformans on the expression of BDNF and bFGF in cerebral cortex
  1663. Linkage and association studies of the HOXA1 and BDNF genes as susceptibility loci for autism spectrum disorders.
  1664. Combined therapy of BMSCs and BDNF improves morphological repairing and functional recovery following traumatic paraplegia of spinal cord in rabbits
  1665. In Situ Expression of BDNF or NT-3 Promotes Sprouting of Cortical Serotonergic Fibers Following a Neurotoxic Injury
  1666. Expression and Meaning of NOS and BDNF in the Lateral Zone of Rats’ Hypothalamus with Diabetes
  1667. Sustained Release of BDNF using Temperature Sensitive MPEG-PCL Hydrogels
  1668. Huntingtin transports BDNF
  1669. NGF, BDNF gene modified bone marrow stem cells transplantation with vein on spinal cord injnry
  1670. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Genetic Risk in Brain Function
  1671. Changes in BDNF-dependence of fiber regeneration from cochlear nuclei neurons after the birth of animals
  1672. Effects of Intracerebroventricular Application of “Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor”(BDNF) on Cerebral Recovery after Cardiac Arrest in Rats
  1673. Opposing and Complementary Roles of GDNF, PEDF and BDNF During Development of Histiotypic Reaggregates of Chicken Retina
  1674. The Protective Function of BDNF on Cortical Neuronal Injuries of Big Mouse [J]
  1675. Development of Relationship between Neurotrophic Factors NGF, BDNF and Women’s Cognition in Perimenopausal Period
  1676. Expression of BDNF, GDNF and PLPmRNA following BMSCs Transplantation in Rats with Spinal Cord Injury
  1677. Novel NMDA receptor antagonist neramexane, enhances antidepressant-like effects of imipramine but not imipramine-induced increase in BDNF expression
  1678. Intraorbital Optic Nerve Crush Induces Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss: Transient Protection With the Neurotrophic Factors BDNF, NT–4 or CNTF
  1679. The effects of BDNF on the survival of axotomized retinal ganglion cells
  1680. Effect of chronic and comprehensive stress on expression of nNOS and BDNF of rat hippocampal CA3 neurons and changes fo behaviors
  1681. Role of bFGF and BDNF-conjugated Chitosan Hydrogel Transplantation in Promoting Recovery of Rat’s Pallial Lesion
  1683. The Effect of Proprioceptive and Vestibular Sensory Input on Expression of BDNF after Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat
  1684. O▪ 95 Transfection of embryonic stem cells with EGFP and BDNF genes by electroporation method
  1685. Enhancement of synaptic transmission induced by BDNF in cultured cortical neurons
  1686. The expression of BDNF and NGF of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and protective effect for spinal cord neurons
  1687. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)–a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  1688. … adrenocortical (HPA) axis dysregulation in patients with major depression and polymorphisms in the brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophic tyrosine …
  1689. Effect of Recombinant Human BDNF Gene Therapy on the Nerve Regeneration in Rat Sciatic Nerve Transection
  1690. CNTF+ BDNF treatment suppresses increased MMP–9 secretion by rd1 mouse retinal explants
  1692. An Analysis of the Relationship Between Serum BDNF Levels and Syndrome Diffeventiation in Patients with Depression
  1693. Effects of daily acute intermittent hypoxia on 5‐HT2A, BDNF, TrkB and VEGF mRNA expression in rat ventral cervical spinal cord
  1695. A clinical view of BDNF-TrkB signaling in the treatment of major depression
  1696. The effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on recovery of neural functions and expression of BDNF in cerebral cortex of rats after cerebral infarction
  1697. (620): Exogenous BDNF reduces NRTI-induced allodynia in mouse
  1698. TRAIL sensitivity in NB is increased by higher N-myc level but not blocked by TrkB/BDNF activation
  1699. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a Key Mediator of Learning Plasticity
  1700. Time-dependent and sequential modulation of signaling, CREB activation and BDNF expression induced by antidepressants
  1701. The role of BDNF in the injured/regenerating sensory neuron
  1702. BDNF-mediated neuronal protection requires TRPC channels
  1703. Targeting the BDNF/TrkB Pathway in Poor Prognosis Neuroblastoma
  1704. GABA (C) and BDNF receptor-activated currents in cerebellar neurons of the rat-a slice patch study.
  1705. … component I read the paper by Lencz et al1 with concern for the future of psychosis genetics. The authors claim that their candidate gene study of BDNF is ‘the first to …
  1706. Effects of BAI-SONG tablets on expression of BDNF and its receptor TrkB in hippocampus of depression model rats
  1707. Effects of Electroacupuncture and Treadmill Exercise on Muscle Atrophy and BDNF on the Ischemic Stroke Model of Rats
  1708. Effects of Ginkgo Lactone on the Expressions of BDNF in Cortical Neuron Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats
  1709. ONO-5046 attenuates delayed motor neuron death and affects the induction of BDNF, p-ERK and caspase3 after spinal cord ischemia in rabbits
  1710. Neuronal tracing and immunohistochemistry of BDNF gene transfected olfactory ensheathing cells transplant in spinal cord injury
  1711. The Effect of Sensory Stimulation and Therapeutic Environment on Expression of BDNF after Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat
  1712. A study of how exercise impacts neuronal and cognitive function via a BDNF-mediated mechanism
  1713. BDNF-induced facilitation on regeneration of enteric nerve pathways for the defecation reflex in guinea pigs
  1714. The function of spontaneous and BDNF-induced repair of the rat olivocerebellar system
  1715. The effect of traditional medicine YI ZHI JIAN NAO KE LI on the capacity of learning and memory and the BDNF expression of CA1 hippocampus in rat induced by the …
  1716. Adenoviral vector mediated in vivo gene transfer of BDNF promote functional recovery after facial nerve crush injury
  1717. Physiological correlates of happiness: Role of serotonin and BDNF
  1718. Effect of physical training on BDNF expression
  1719. Adenoviral gene transfer of GDNF, BDNF and TGFβ2, but not CNTF, cardiotrophin-1 or IGF1, protects injured adult motoneurons after facial nerve avulsion
  1722. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant (CXCL13), and Macrophage Inhibitory Protein 3 [alpha](MIP-3 [alpha]) are Increased in …
  1723. Local protein synthesis by BDNF is potentiated in hippocampal neurons exposed to ephrins
  1724. Hzf protein regulates dendritic localization and BDNF-induced translation of type 1 inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor mRNA
  1725. Injury induced cytogenesis and the influence of BDNF on cell proliferation in adult zebra finches
  1729. 10-03 Identifying pathways to depressed mood and cognitive dysfunction: the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and early life stress
  1730. Molecular cloning and expression of human BDNF gene encoding mature peptide
  1731. Coupling Neuronal Activity to Proteasome-dependent Synaptic Protein turnover by BDNF-TrkB Signaling
  1732. Epithelial NGF and BDNF production induce prolonged survival of eosinophils during allergic airway inflammation
  1733. Abilities of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) to Enhance the Developmental Competence of Bovine Oocytes during In Vitro Maturation Period are Promoted …
  1734. Effects of swimming on functional recovery and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression after sciatic crushed nerve injury in rats
  1735. Acute BDNF and cortisol response to low intensity exercise and following ramp incremental exercise to exhaustion in humans
  1736. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Modulation of Kv1. 3 in the Olfactory Bulb
  1737. Chronic administration of the delta opioid receptor agonist (+) BW373U86 and antidepressants on behavior in the forced swim test and BDNF mRNA expression in …
  1738. BDNF derived from microglia involving neuropathic pain
  1739. Roles of BDNF and tPA/plasmin system in long-term hippocampal plasticity
  1740. BDNF-mediated enhancement of inflammation and injury
  1741. Investigating the Role of Muscle-derived BDNF in Neuromuscular Disease Pathology
  1742. Le BDNF favorise le développement préimplantatoire de l’ovocyte
  1743. Spinal cord injury repair using multichannel scaffolds seeded with NT-3 and BDNF-expressing Schwann cells
  1744. The effects of peripheral nerve estracts versus BDNF on retinal ganglion cells survival following injury
  1745. BDNF from microglia causes the shift in neuronal anion gradient underlying neuropathic pain
  1746. BDNF 88
  1747. BDNF-based Matching of Bigraphs
  1748. Epigenetic regulation of BDNF gene transcription in the consolidation of fear memory
  1749. Lasting epigenetic influence of early-life adversity on the BDNF gene
  1750. BDNF: a key regulator for protein synthesis-dependent LTP and long-term memory?
  1751. A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies on major depression and BDNF levels: implications for the role of neuroplasticity in depression
  1752. New insights in the biology of BDNF synthesis and release: implications in CNS function
  1753. Distinct role of long 3′ UTR BDNF mRNA in spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons
  1754. Neural stem cells improve cognition via BDNF in a transgenic model of Alzheimer disease
  1755. BDNF is essential to promote persistence of long-term memory storage
  1756. Interaction between BDNF and serotonin: role in mood disorders
  1757. Biosynthesis and processing of endogenous BDNF: CNS neurons store and secrete BDNF, not pro-BDNF
  1758. Association study of the decreased serum BDNF concentrations in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and the Val66Met polymorphism in Chinese Han
  1759. Interactions between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and early life stress predict brain and arousal pathways to syndromal depression and anxiety
  1760. Plasma and serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in depressed patients during 1 year of antidepressant treatments
  1761. A common polymorphism in the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) modulates human cortical plasticity and the response to rTMS
  1762. Acute administration of ketamine induces antidepressant-like effects in the forced swimming test and increases BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus
  1763. Changes in BDNF serum levels in patients with major depression disorder (MDD) after 6 months treatment with sertraline, escitalopram, or venlafaxine
  1764. Up-regulation of P2X4 receptors in spinal microglia after peripheral nerve injury mediates BDNF release and neuropathic pain
  1765. BDNF is a novel marker of cognitive function in ageing women: the DR’s EXTRA Study
  1766. Exercise-induced improvement in cognitive performance after traumatic brain injury in rats is dependent on BDNF activation
  1767. New insights into brain BDNF function in normal aging and Alzheimer disease
  1768. BDNF signaling in the formation, maturation and plasticity of glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses
  1769. Evidence of biologic epistasis between BDNF and SLC6A4 and implications for depression
  1770. Protective effect of BDNF against beta-amyloid induced neurotoxicity in vitro and in vivo in rats
  1771. Blueberry-induced changes in spatial working memory correlate with changes in hippocampal CREB phosphorylation and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) …
  1772. BDNF-hypersecreting human mesenchymal stem cells promote functional recovery, axonal sprouting, and protection of corticospinal neurons after spinal cord injury
  1773. A set of differentially expressed miRNAs, including miR-30a-5p, act as post-transcriptional inhibitors of BDNF in prefrontal cortex
  1774. BDNF as a pain modulator
  1775. Glucocorticoid receptor interaction with TrkB promotes BDNF-triggered PLC-γ signaling for glutamate release via a glutamate transporter
  1776. Single immobilization stress differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its …
  1777. Systematic assessment of BDNF and its receptor levels in human cortices affected by Huntington’s disease
  1778. Critical role of promoter IV-driven BDNF transcription in GABAergic transmission and synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex
  1779. A biological function for the neuronal activity-dependent component of BDNF transcription in the development of cortical inhibition
  1780. Differential regulation of central BDNF protein levels by antidepressant and non-antidepressant drug treatments
  1781. Mechanisms, locations, and kinetics of synaptic BDNF secretion: an update
  1782. Reviews: BDNF and memory formation and storage
  1783. Voluntary exercise and caloric restriction enhance hippocampal dendritic spine density and BDNF levels in diabetic mice
  1784. Long‐lasting depression‐like behavior and epigenetic changes of BDNF gene expression induced by perinatal exposure to methylmercury
  1785. Decreased serum BDNF levels in chronic institutionalized schizophrenia on long-term treatment with typical and atypical antipsychotics
  1786. Early adversity and 5-HTT-BDNF genes: New evidences of Gene-Environment interactions on depressive symptoms in a general population
  1787. The Met allele of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with increased BDNF serum concentrations
  1788. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with HPA axis reactivity to psychological stress characterized by genotype and gender interactions
  1789. Synaptotagmin-IV modulates synaptic function and long-term potentiation by regulating BDNF release
  1790. Calcium signaling cascade links dopamine D1–D2 receptor heteromer to striatal BDNF production and neuronal growth
  1791. Ventral tegmental area BDNF induces an opiate-dependent–like reward state in naïve rats
  1792. BDNF impairment in the hippocampus is related to enhanced despair behavior in CB1 knockout mice
  1793. Dendritic trafficking of BDNF mRNA is mediated by translin and blocked by the G196A (Val66Met) mutation
  1794. Simvastatin-mediated upregulation of VEGF and BDNF, activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, and increase of neurogenesis are associated with therapeutic …
  1795. BDNF activates mTOR to regulate GluR1 expression required for memory formation
  1796. Reduced platelet BDNF level in patients with major depression
  1797. Histone deacetylase inhibitors up-regulate astrocyte GDNF and BDNF gene transcription and protect dopaminergic neurons
  1798. Uptake and recycling of pro-BDNF for transmitter-induced secretion by cortical astrocytes
  1799. Up-regulating BDNF with an ampakine rescues synaptic plasticity and memory in Huntington’s disease knockin mice
  1800. Positive AMPA receptor modulation rapidly stimulates BDNF release and increases dendritic mRNA translation
  1801. Increased oxidative stress as a mechanism for decreased BDNF levels in acute manic episodes
  1802. Endogenous BDNF in the dorsolateral striatum gates alcohol drinking
  1803. Exercise enhances hippocampal‐dependent learning in the rat: evidence for a BDNF‐related mechanism
  1804. Investigation of serum BDNF levels in drug-naive patients with schizophrenia
  1805. Cardio-respiratory fitness, habitual physical activity and serum brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in men and women
  1806. The BDNF Val66Met × 5‐HTTLPR × child adversity interaction and depressive symptoms: An attempt at replication
  1807. BDNF mRNA splice variants display activity-dependent targeting to distinct hippocampal laminae
  1808. Developmental axon pruning mediated by BDNF-p75NTR–dependent axon degeneration
  1809. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has proliferative effects on neural stem cells through the truncated TRK-B receptor, MAP kinase, AKT, and STAT-3 signaling …
  1810. Increase of BDNF serum concentration in lithium treated patients with early Alzheimer’s disease
  1811. Variant BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects extinction of conditioned aversive memory
  1812. BDNF val66met influences time to onset of levodopa induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease
  1813. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism impacts parahippocampal and amygdala volume in healthy humans: incremental support for a genetic risk factor for depression
  1814. Ethanol–BDNF interactions: still more questions than answers
  1815. Multiple functions of precursor BDNF to CNS neurons: negative regulation of neurite growth, spine formation and cell survival
  1816. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) contributes to the pain hypersensitivity following surgical incision in the rats
  1817. Backpropagating action potentials trigger dendritic release of BDNF during spontaneous network activity
  1818. Increased levels of plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  1819. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects amygdala activity in response to emotional stimuli: evidence from a genetic imaging study
  1820. Exercise increases BDNF levels in the striatum and decreases depressive-like behavior in chronically stressed rats
  1821. BDNF–exercise interactions in the recovery of symmetrical stepping after a cervical hemisection in rats
  1822. BDNF and the diseased nervous system: a delicate balance between adaptive and pathological processes of gene regulation
  1823. Chronic stress increases pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the bed nucleus of …
  1824. Depletion of central BDNF in mice impedes terminal differentiation of new granule neurons in the adult hippocampus
  1825. Meta-analysis of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism in anxiety disorders and anxiety-related personality traits
  1826. Pro-BDNF–induced synaptic depression and retraction at developing neuromuscular synapses
  1827. Role of accumbens BDNF and TrkB in cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization, conditioned-place preference, and reinstatement in rats
  1828. Escalating ethanol intake is associated with altered corticostriatal BDNF expression
  1829. BDNF overexpression in hippocampal neurons prevents dendritic atrophy caused by Rett-associated MECP2 mutations
  1830. … by Imipramine against lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptosis in hippocampus-derived neural stem cells mediated by activation of BDNF and the MAPK pathway
  1831. BDNF selectively regulates GABAA receptor transcription by activation of the JAK/STAT pathway
  1832. Adenosine A2A receptors are required for normal BDNF levels and BDNF‐induced potentiation of synaptic transmission in the mouse hippocampus
  1833. Relationship of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and health-related lifestyle in healthy human subjects
  1834. A single intra-PFC infusion of BDNF prevents cocaine-induced alterations in extracellular glutamate within the nucleus accumbens
  1835. Increase of BDNF serum concentration during donepezil treatment of patients with early Alzheimer’s disease
  1836. The antidepressant sertraline improves the phenotype, promotes neurogenesis and increases BDNF levels in the R6/2 Huntington’s disease mouse model
  1837. Environmental enrichment ameliorates a motor coordination deficit in a mouse model of Rett syndrome –Mecp2 gene dosage effects and BDNF expression
  1838. Genetic contributions to age-related decline in executive function: a 10-year longitudinal study of COMT and BDNF polymorphisms
  1839. Evaluation of the effect of caloric restriction on serum BDNF in overweight and obese subjects: preliminary evidences
  1840. BDNF improves the effects of neural stem cells on the rat model of Alzheimer’s disease with unilateral lesion of fimbria-fornix
  1841. A history of corticosterone exposure regulates fear extinction and cortical NR2B, GluR2/3, and BDNF
  1842. Acute stress responsiveness of the neurotrophin BDNF in the rat hippocampus is modulated by chronic treatment with the antidepressant duloxetine
  1843. Preliminary evidence of cannabinoid effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in humans
  1844. Peripherally-derived BDNF promotes regeneration of ascending sensory neurons after spinal cord injury
  1845. Diurnal variation of plasma brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in humans: an analysis of sex differences
  1846. Early-life infection leads to altered BDNF and IL-1β mRNA expression in rat hippocampus following learning in adulthood
  1847. Neonatal exposure to decabrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE 209) results in changes in BDNF, CaMKII and GAP-43, biochemical substrates of neuronal survival …
  1848. Activity-dependent dendritic release of BDNF and biological consequences
  1849. BDNF levels and genotype are associated with antipsychotic-induced weight gain in patients with chronic schizophrenia
  1850. Interaction between BDNF Val66Met and childhood trauma on adult’s violent suicide attempt
  1851. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) overexpression in the forebrain results in learning and memory impairments
  1852. Impact of genetic variant BDNF (Val66Met) on brain structure and function
  1853. Combined neonatal stress and young‐adult glucocorticoid stimulation in rats reduce BDNF expression in hippocampus: effects on learning and memory
  1854. … of electroconvulsive therapy is associated with changing blood levels of homovanillic acid and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in refractory depressed …
  1855. Neuroprotection by NGF and BDNF against neurotoxin-exerted apoptotic death in neural stem cells are mediated through Trk receptors, activating PI3-kinase and …
  1856. Tyrosine kinase B receptor and BDNF expression in ovarian cancers–Effect on cell migration, angiogenesis and clinical outcome
  1857. … alters serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels in healthy volunteers: BDNF and MHPG as …
  1858. Effect of a neuroprotective exercise protocol on oxidative state and BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus
  1859. Genetic and vascular modifiers of age-sensitive cognitive skills: effects of COMT, BDNF, ApoE, and hypertension.
  1860. Promoting neurite outgrowth from spiral ganglion neuron explants using polypyrrole/BDNF‐coated electrodes
  1861. Deficit in BDNF does not increase vulnerability to stress but dampens antidepressant-like effects in the unpredictable chronic mild stress
  1862. Glutamate elicits release of BDNF from basal forebrain astrocytes in a process dependent on metabotropic receptors and the PLC pathway
  1863. Association between obesity and polymorphisms in SEC16B, TMEM18, GNPDA2, BDNF, FAIM2 and MC4R in a Japanese population
  1864. Low and dysregulated BDNF secretion from immune cells of MS patients is related to reduced neuroprotection
  1865. Acute harmine administration induces antidepressive-like effects and increases BDNF levels in the rat hippocampus
  1866. Cell biology of BDNF and its relevance to schizophrenia
  1867. Rapid antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation therapy correlates with serum BDNF changes in major depression
  1868. Association between Val66Met brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphism and post‐treatment relapse in alcohol dependence
  1869. Noradrenergic stimulation of BDNF synthesis in astrocytes: Mediation via α1-and β1/β2-adrenergic receptors
  1870. Progesterone reverses 17β‐estradiol‐mediated neuroprotection and BDNF induction in cultured hippocampal slices
  1871. Variation in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene is associated with symptoms of depression
  1872. Disturbances in selective information processing associated with the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism: evidence from cognition, the P300 and fronto-hippocampal …
  1873. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with cognitive impairment in Italian patients with Parkinson’s disease
  1874. Maternal supply of BDNF to mouse fetal brain through the placenta
  1875. Regulation of hippocampal progenitor cell survival, proliferation and dendritic development by BDNF
  1876. NGF and BDNF: from nerves to adipose tissue, from neurokines to metabokines
  1877. The common BDNF polymorphism may be a modifier of disease severity in Rett syndrome
  1878. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is not associated with response to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): a pilot study in drug resistant depressed patients
  1879. NGF and BDNF signaling control amyloidogenic route and Aβ production in hippocampal neurons
  1880. Glutamatergic neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells after transient expression of neurogenin 1 and treatment with BDNF and GDNF: in vitro and in …
  1881. A DRD4/BDNF gene–gene interaction associated with maximum BMI in women with bulimia nervosa
  1882. BDNF induces late-phase LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn
  1883. Maternal deprivation by early weaning increases corticosterone and decreases hippocampal BDNF and neurogenesis in mice
  1884. Aβ (1–42) injection causes memory impairment, lowered cortical and serum BDNF levels, and decreased hippocampal 5-HT2A levels
  1885. Chronic administration of mood stabilizers upregulates BDNF and bcl-2 expression levels in rat frontal cortex
  1886. BHLHB2 controls BDNF promoter 4 activity and neuronal excitability
  1887. BDNF-mediated cerebellar granule cell development is impaired in mice null for CaMKK2 or CaMKIV
  1888. Cerium oxide nanoparticles trigger neuronal survival in a human Alzheimer disease model by modulating BDNF pathway
  1889. The role of the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met variant in the phenotypic expression of obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD)
  1890. Early raise of BDNF in hippocampus suggests induction of posttranscriptional mechanisms by antidepressants
  1891. Dynorphin is a downstream effector of striatal BDNF regulation of ethanol intake
  1892. Intermittent administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) ameliorates glucose metabolism and prevents pancreatic exhaustion in diabetic mice
  1893. Caffeine improves adult mice performance in the object recognition task and increases BDNF and TrkB independent on phospho-CREB immunocontent in the …
  1894. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism significantly affects d′ in verbal recognition memory at short and long delays
  1895. Chronic intermittent fasting improves the survival following large myocardial ischemia by activation of BDNF/VEGF/PI3K signaling pathway
  1896. Association of the BDNF Val66Met variation with obesity in women
  1897. Cografted Wharton’s jelly cells-derived neurospheres and BDNF promote functional recovery after rat spinal cord transection
  1898. Modulation of dendritic spine development and plasticity by BDNF and vesicular trafficking: fundamental roles in neurodevelopmental disorders associated with …
  1899. Genetic association study of BDNF in depression: Finding from two cohort studies and a meta‐analysis
  1900. 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms and response to rTMS treatment in drug resistant depression
  1901. Decreased BDNF levels are a major contributor to the embryonic phenotype of huntingtin knockdown zebrafish
  1902. Nature vs. nurture: can enrichment rescue the behavioural phenotype of BDNF heterozygous mice?
  1903. Extensive genotyping of the BDNF and NTRK2 genes define protective haplotypes against obsessive-compulsive disorder
  1904. BDNF genotype potentially modifying the association between incident stroke and depression
  1905. Effects of multiparity on recognition memory, monoaminergic neurotransmitters, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  1906. A brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) haplotype is associated with antidepressant treatment outcome in mood disorders
  1907. Effects of the Chinese traditional prescription Xiaoyaosan decoction on chronic immobilization stress-induced changes in behavior and brain BDNF, TrkB, and NT-3 in …
  1908. BDNF gene: functional Val66Met polymorphism in mood disorders and schizophrenia
  1909. Daily intermittent hypoxia augments spinal BDNF levels, ERK phosphorylation and respiratory long-term facilitation
  1910. Association between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and trait depression is mediated via resting EEG alpha band activity
  1911. BDNF modulation of NMDA receptors is activity dependent
  1912. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with rumination in healthy adults.
  1913. Differential effects of pro‐BDNF on sensory neurons after sciatic nerve transection in neonatal rats
  1914. Mature BDNF, but not proBDNF, reduces excitability of fast-spiking interneurons in mouse dentate gyrus
  1915. Activation of pro-BDNF by the pericellular serine protease plasmin
  1916. Temporal expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in the rat hippocampus after treatment with selective and mixed monoaminergic …
  1917. BDNF, relative preference, and reward circuitry responses to emotional communication
  1918. The role of BDNF and HPA axis in the neurobiology of burnout syndrome
  1919. Influences of chronic venlafaxine, olanzapine and nicotine on the hippocampal and cortical concentrations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  1920. Investigating the role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met variant in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  1921. Orbitofrontal cortex and drug use during adolescence: role of prenatal exposure to maternal smoking and BDNF genotype
  1922. BDNF regulates neuronal sensitivity to endocannabinoids
  1923. GABAB receptor activation triggers BDNF release and promotes the maturation of GABAergic synapses
  1924. Association of COMT (Val158Met) and BDNF (Val66Met) gene polymorphisms with anxiety, ADHD and tics in children with autism spectrum disorder
  1925. BDNF Val66Met variant and age of onset in schizophrenia
  1926. The actions of BDNF on dendritic spine density and morphology in organotypic slice cultures depend on the presence of serum in culture media
  1927. Local injection of BDNF producing mesenchymal stem cells increases neuronal survival and synaptic stability following ventral root avulsion
  1928. Association studies of the BDNF and the NTRK2 gene polymorphisms with prophylactic lithium response in bipolar patients
  1929. Eps8 regulates axonal filopodia in hippocampal neurons in response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  1930. Complementary actions of BDNF and neurotrophin-3 on the firing patterns and synaptic composition of motoneurons
  1931. Increased plasma levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after multiple sclerosis relapse
  1932. Two British women studies replicated the association between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and BMI
  1933. BDNF exerts contrasting effects on peripheral myelination of NGF-dependent and BDNF-dependent DRG neurons
  1934. Validation of internal control genes for expression studies: effects of the neurotrophin BDNF on hippocampal neurons
  1935. Low serum BDNF and food intake regulation: a possible new explanation of the pathophysiology of eating disorders
  1936. Association between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and Alzheimer disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and Pick disease
  1937. Retinoic acid receptor stimulation protects midbrain dopaminergic neurons from inflammatory degeneration via BDNF‐mediated signaling
  1938. AAV–BDNF mediated attenuation of quinolinic acid-induced neuropathology and motor function impairment
  1939. Memantine upregulates BDNF and prevents dopamine deficits in SIV-infected macaques: a novel pharmacological action of memantine
  1940. GAP-43 is essential for the neurotrophic effects of BDNF and positive AMPA receptor modulator S18986
  1941. Long-term effects of environmental stimulation following hypoxia–ischemia on the oxidative state and BDNF levels in rat hippocampus and frontal cortex
  1942. Differential effects of aripiprazole and haloperidol on BDNF-mediated signal changes in SH-SY5Y cells
  1943. Role of BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism in Alzheimer’s disease-related depression
  1944. Dynamic chromatin remodeling events in hippocampal neurons are associated with NMDA receptor‐mediated activation of BDNF gene promoter 1
  1945. Synaptic network activity induces neuronal differentiation of adult hippocampal precursor cells through BDNF signaling
  1946. The effect of COMT, BDNF, 5-HTT, NRG1 and DTNBP1 genes on hippocampal and lateral ventricular volume in psychosis
  1947. Changes in CREB phosphorylation and BDNF plasma levels during psychotherapy of depression
  1948. Gene-gene interactions among CHRNA4, CHRNB2, BDNF, and NTRK2 in nicotine dependence
  1949. BDNF in RA: downregulated in plasma following anti-TNF treatment but no correlation with inflammatory parameters
  1950. Undesired effects of a combinatorial treatment for spinal cord injury–transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells and BDNF infusion to the red nucleus
  1951. Chronic treatment with a selective ligand for the sigma-1 receptor chaperone, SA4503, up-regulates BDNF protein levels in the rat hippocampus
  1952. BDNF genetic variations increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease-related depression
  1953. Evidence of association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and bipolar disorder
  1954. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with unstable angina
  1955. CEP-1347 reduces mutant huntingtin-associated neurotoxicity and restores BDNF levels in R6/2 mice
  1956. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents the development of diabetes in prediabetic mice
  1957. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genetic polymorphism (Val66Met) in suicide: a study of 512 cases
  1958. … -fiber–CA3 synapses, correlated presynaptic and postsynaptic activity persistently enhances GABA release and network excitability via BDNF and cAMP-dependent …
  1959. Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on serotonin neurotransmission in the hippocampus of adult rodents
  1960. Amphetamine‐induced locomotion and gene expression are altered in BDNF heterozygous mice
  1961. Changes in plasma levels of BDNF and NGF reveal a gender-selective vulnerability to early adversity in rhesus macaques
  1962. Regulated release of BDNF by cortical oligodendrocytes is mediated through metabotropic glutamate receptors and the PLC pathway
  1963. The psychology of psychiatric genetics: Evidence that positive emotions in females moderate genetic sensitivity to social stress associated with the BDNF Val⁶⁶Met …
  1964. Genetics of bipolar disorder: focus on BDNF Val66Met polymorphism
  1965. A bi-directional carboxypeptidase E-driven transport mechanism controls BDNF vesicle homeostasis in hippocampal neurons
  1966. White matter activated glial cells produce BDNF in a stroke model of monkeys
  1967. BDNF is not associated with schizophrenia: data from a Japanese population study and meta-analysis
  1968. Prenatal opiate exposure impairs radial arm maze performance and reduces levels of BDNF precursor following training
  1969. Over-expression of BDNF by adenovirus with concurrent electrical stimulation improves cochlear implant thresholds and survival of auditory neurons
  1970. Brain volumes and Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene: local or global effects?
  1971. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism influences age differences in microstructure of the Corpus Callosum
  1972. Association study of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and LIN‐7 homolog (LIN‐7) genes with adult attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  1973. Effects of serotonin depletion on the hippocampal GR/MR and BDNF expression during the stress adaptation
  1974. The differential regulation of BDNF and TrkB levels in juvenile rats after four days of escitalopram and desipramine treatment
  1975. Adipose stromal cells-conditional medium protected glutamate-induced CGNs neuronal death by BDNF
  1976. Genetic and pharmacological inhibition of calcineurin corrects the BDNF transport defect in Huntington’s disease
  1977. BDNF variability in opioid addicts and response to methadone treatment: preliminary findings
  1978. Effects of BDNF, T3, and corticosterone on expression of the hypothalamic obesity gene network in vivo and in vitro
  1979. NMDA-mediated and self-induced BDNF exon IV transcriptions are differentially regulated in cultured cortical neurons
  1980. Chronic fluoxetine treatment increases expression of synaptic proteins in the hippocampus of the ovariectomized rat: role of BDNF signalling
  1981. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism: relation to familiar risk of affective disorder, BDNF levels and salivary cortisol
  1982. BDNF-induced changes in the expression of the translation machinery in hippocampal neurons: protein levels and dendritic mRNA
  1983. Developmentally Regulated Ca2+-Dependent Activator Protein for Secretion 2 (CAPS2) is Involved in BDNF Secretion and is Associated with Autism Susceptibility
  1984. Effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on digital working memory and spatial localization in a healthy Chinese Han population
  1985. Death receptors and caspases but not mitochondria are activated in the GDNF-or BDNF-deprived dopaminergic neurons
  1986. Differential effects of ziprasidone and haloperidol on immobilization stress-induced mRNA BDNF expression in the hippocampus and neocortex of rats
  1987. Molecular implications of repeated aggression: Th, Dat1, Snca and BDNF gene expression in the VTA of victorious male mice
  1988. Influence of environmental manipulation on exploratory behaviour in male BDNF knockout mice
  1989. Consequences of changes in BDNF levels on serotonin neurotransmission, 5-HT transporter expression and function: studies in adult mice hippocampus
  1990. BDNF level in the rat prefrontal cortex increases following chronic but not acute treatment with duloxetine, a dual acting inhibitor of noradrenaline and serotonin re …
  1991. BDNF genotype modulates resting functional connectivity in children
  1992. Tissue-specific and neural activity-regulated expression of human BDNF gene in BAC transgenic mice
  1993. In vivo BDNF modulation of adult functional and morphological synaptic plasticity at hippocampal mossy fibers
  1994. BDNF preserves the dendritic morphology of α and β ganglion cells in the cat retina after optic nerve injury
  1995. Persistent neural activity in the prefrontal cortex: a mechanism by which BDNF regulates working memory?
  1996. BDNF mediates the neuroprotective effects of positive AMPA receptor modulators against MPP+-induced toxicity in cultured hippocampal and mesencephalic slices
  1997. A critical role for dynamic changes in histone H3 methylation at the BDNF promoter during postnatal thermotolerance acquisition
  1998. BDNF-treated retinal progenitor sheets transplanted to degenerate rats: improved restoration of visual function
  1999. BDNF activates CaMKIV and PKA in parallel to block MAG-mediated inhibition of neurite outgrowth
  2000. Effect of BDNF val66met polymorphism on age-related amygdala volume changes in healthy subjects
  2001. Rescue of Photoreceptors by BDNF Gene Transfer Using In Vivo Electroporation in the RCS Rat of Retinitis Pigmentosa
  2002. Sonic hedgehog mediates BDNF-induced neuroprotection against mitochondrial inhibitor 3-nitropropionic acid
  2003. A possible role of BDNF in prostate cancer detection
  2004. BDNF reverses the CTA memory deficits produced by inhibition of protein synthesis
  2005. BDNF-induced synaptic delivery of AMPAR subunits is differentially dependent on NMDA receptors and requires ERK
  2006. Remote control of activity-dependent BDNF gene promoter-I transcription mediated by REST/NRSF
  2007. The concept of staging in bipolar disorder: the role of BDNF and TNF-alpha as biomarkers
  2008. Repeated stress prevents cocaine-induced activation of BDNF signaling in rat prefrontal cortex
  2009. Genetic study of BDNF, DRD3, and their interaction in tardive dyskinesia
  2010. Activation of EP2 prostanoid receptors in human glial cell lines stimulates the secretion of BDNF
  2011. Involvement of glutathione, ERK1/2 phosphorylation and BDNF expression in the antidepressant-like effect of zinc in rats
  2012. Molecular differentiation of schizoaffective disorder from schizophrenia using BDNF haplotypes
  2013. Thyroxin regulates BDNF expression to promote survival of injured neurons
  2014. Acute and chronic effects of neurotrophic factors BDNF and GDNF on responses mediated by thermo-sensitive TRP channels in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion …
  2015. Tissue‐type plasminogen activator‐plasmin‐BDNF modulate glutamate‐induced phase‐shifts of the mouse suprachiasmatic circadian clock in vitro
  2016. An involvement of BDNF and PI3-K/Akt in the anti-apoptotic effect of memantine on staurosporine-evoked cell death in primary cortical neurons
  2017. The p. Val66Met polymorphism in the BDNF gene protects against early seizures in Rett syndrome
  2018. Spontaneous glutamatergic activity induces a BDNF‐dependent potentiation of GABAergic synapses in the newborn rat hippocampus
  2019. … performance in a spatial memory task, decreases levels of oxidative stress markers in the hippocampus and increases levels of the neurotrophin BDNF in adult mice
  2020. Additive effect of BDNF and REST polymorphisms is associated with improved general cognitive ability
  2021. (+)‐Methamphetamine increases corticosterone in plasma and BDNF in brain more than forced swim or isolation in neonatal rats
  2022. Noopept stimulates the expression of NGF and BDNF in rat hippocampus
  2023. BDNF A196G and C270T gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in the Polish population. Gender differences
  2024. Increased truncated TrkB receptor expression and decreased BDNF/TrkB signaling in the frontal cortex of reeler mouse model of schizophrenia
  2025. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and smoking
  2026. Erythropoietin prevents haloperidol treatment-induced neuronal apoptosis through regulation of BDNF
  2027. Attenuated BDNF-induced upregulation of GABAergic markers in neurons lacking Xbp1
  2028. Cystamine prevents haloperidol‐induced decrease of BDNF/TrkB signaling in mouse frontal cortex
  2029. Interferon-β therapy up-regulates BDNF secretion from PBMCs of MS patients through a CD40-dependent mechanism
  2030. BDNF downregulates 5-HT2A receptor protein levels in hippocampal cultures
  2031. BDNF increases homotypic olivocerebellar reinnervation and associated fine motor and cognitive skill
  2032. Role of melatonin receptors in the effects of melatonin on BDNF and neuroprotection in mouse cerebellar neurons
  2033. Knockdown of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor attenuates excitotoxicity and enhances NMDA‐induced BDNF expression in cortical neurons
  2034. Single-dose application of CNTF and BDNF improves remyelination of regenerating nerve fibers after C7 ventral root avulsion and replantation
  2035. BDNF protein levels are decreased in transformed lymphoblasts from lithium-responsive patients with bipolar disorder
  2036. Combined use of BDNF, ascorbic acid, low oxygen, and prolonged differentiation time generates tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing neurons after long-term in vitro …
  2037. BDNF splice variants from the second promoter cluster support cell survival of differentiated neuroblastoma upon cytotoxic stress
  2038. Genetic association of BDNF val66met and GSK‐3β‐50T/C polymorphisms with tardive dyskinesia
  2039. Whole blood BDNF levels in healthy twins discordant for affective disorder: association to life events and neuroticism
  2040. … effects of serotonin 5-HT1A receptor activation against ischemic cell damage in gerbil hippocampus: Involvement of NMDA receptor NR1 subunit and BDNF
  2041. BDNF-TrkB signaling interacts with the GABAergic system to inhibit rhythmic swallowing in the rat
  2042. Time-dependent biphasic modulation of human BDNF by antidepressants in neuroblastoma cells
  2043. Stimulatory effects of a melatonin receptor agonist, ramelteon, on BDNF in mouse cerebellar granule cells
  2044. Family-based association study of the BDNF, COMT and serotonin transporter genes and DSM-IV bipolar-I disorder in children
  2045. Prenatal dexamethasone impairs behavior and the activation of the BDNF exon IV promoter in the paraventricular nucleus in adult offspring
  2046. … of supraspinal input II: regularly spaced stimulation induces a lasting alteration in spinal function that depends on the NMDA receptor, BDNF release, and protein …
  2047. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and TrkB in the piglet brainstem after post-natal nicotine and intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia
  2048. Emergence of an egocentric cue guiding and allocentric inferring strategy that mirrors hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the Morris …
  2049. Modified low molecular weight cyclic peptides as mimetics of BDNF with improved potency, proteolytic stability and transmembrane passage in vitro
  2050. BDNF regulates BIM expression levels in 3-nitropropionic acid-treated cortical neurons
  2051. Plasma BDNF is reduced among middle-aged and elderly women with impaired insulin function: evidence of a compensatory mechanism
  2052. Decreased expression of Sprouty2 in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a correlation with BDNF expression
  2053. Cleavage of proBDNF to BDNF by a tolloid-like metalloproteinase is required for acquisition of in vitro eyeblink classical conditioning
  2054. A phase advance of the light‐dark cycle stimulates production of BDNF, but not of other neurotrophins, in the adult rat cerebral cortex: association with the activation of …
  2055. BDNF gene is a genetic risk factor for schizophrenia and is related to the chlorpromazine-induced extrapyramidal syndrome in the Chinese population
  2056. The Val66Met polymorphism in the BDNF gene is associated with epilepsy in fragile X syndrome
  2057. Panax Notoginseng Burk Attenuates Impairment of Learning and Memory Functions and Increases ED1, BDNF and β-Secretase Immunoreactive Cells in Chronic …
  2058. NGF and BDNF expression drop off in neurally differentiated bone marrow stromal stem cells
  2059. Variants in doublecortin-and calmodulin kinase like 1, a gene up-regulated by BDNF, are associated with memory and general cognitive abilities
  2060. Association study between BDNF gene polymorphisms and autism by three-dimensional gel-based microarray
  2061. Prenatal auditory stimulation alters the levels of CREB mRNA, p-CREB and BDNF expression in chick hippocampus
  2062. Seizure activity involved in the up-regulation of BDNF mRNA expression by activation of central mu opioid receptors
  2063. Requirement of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 for BDNF-mediated neuronal survival
  2064. Effect of prenatal protein malnutrition on long-term potentiation and BDNF protein expression in the rat entorhinal cortex after neocortical and hippocampal …
  2065. Peripheral blood leukocyte production of BDNF following mitogen stimulation in early onset and regressive autism
  2066. Can the ‘yin and yang’BDNF hypothesis be used to predict the effects of rTMS treatment in neuropsychiatry?
  2067. Association between leptin receptor (LEPR) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants and obesity: a case-control study
  2068. Distinct subcellular localization of BDNF transcripts in cultured hypothalamic neurons and modification by neuronal activation
  2069. Functions and mechanisms of BDNF mRNA trafficking
  2070. Human BDNF isoforms are differentially expressed in cocaine addicts and are sorted to the regulated secretory pathway independent of the Met66 substitution
  2071. Possible relation of hemin-induced HO-1 expression to the upregulation of VEGF and BDNF mRNA levels in rat C6 glioma cells
  2072. Progesterone pretreatment enhances serotonin-stimulated BDNF gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells through production of 5α-reduced neurosteroids
  2073. Acute prefrontal cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy volunteers: no effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations in serum
  2074. Progesterone, BDNF and neuroprotection in the injured CNS
  2075. BDNF-TrkB signaling pathway mediates the induction of epileptiform activity induced by a convulsant drug cyclothiazide
  2076. Effects of soft-diet feeding on BDNF expression in hippocampus of mice
  2077. Gustatory papillae and taste bud development and maintenance in the absence of TrkB ligands BDNF and NT-4
  2078. Potential antidepressant properties of cysteamine on hippocampal BDNF levels and behavioral despair in mice
  2079. BDNF and extracellular matrix regulate differentiation of mice neurosphere‐derived cells into a GABAergic neuronal phenotype
  2080. Exogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reverts phenotypic changes in the retinas of transgenic mice lacking the BDNF gene
  2081. Higher BDNF concentrations in the hippocampus and cortex of an aggressive mouse strain
  2082. Transduced PTD-BDNF fusion protein protects against beta amyloid peptide-induced learning and memory deficits in mice
  2083. Expression and localisation of BDNF, NT4 and TrkB in proliferative vitreoretinopathy
  2084. Higher expression of BDNF receptor gp145trkB is associated with lower apoptosis intensity in T cell lines in multiple sclerosis
  2085. Non-neuronal BDNF, a key player in development of central sensitization and neuropathic pain
  2086. A TTX‐sensitive local circuit is involved in the expression of PK2 and BDNF circadian rhythms in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus
  2087. The association of genotypic combination of the DRD3 and BDNF polymorphisms on the adhesio interthalamica and medial temporal lobe structures
  2088. BDNF and NT‐3 increase excitatory input connectivity in rat hippocampal cultures
  2089. BDNF in synaptic plasticity and memory
  2090. The expression of ENa+ C and ASIC2 proteins in Pacinian corpuscles is differently regulated by TrkB and its ligands BDNF and NT-4
  2091. BDNF increases survival of retinal dopaminergic neurons after prenatal compromise
  2092. The effect of BDNF gene variants on asthma in German children
  2093. Back-propagating action potential: a key contributor in activity-dependent dendritic release of BDNF
  2094. The AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator, S18986, is neuroprotective against neonatal excitotoxic and inflammatory brain damage through BDNF synthesis
  2095. Prelimbic cortex BDNF knock-down reduces instrumental responding in extinction
  2096. Polyacrylamide gel-based microarray: a novel method applied to the association Study between the polymorphisms of BDNF gene and autism
  2097. Alternative splicing variants and DNA methylation status of BDNF in inbred chicken lines
  2098. A tasty morsel: the role of the dorsal vagal complex in the regulation of food intake and swallowing. Focus on “BDNF/TrkB signaling interacts with GABAergic system …
  2099. Early postnatal ethanol exposure induces fluctuation in the expression of BDNF mRNA in the developing rat hippocampus
  2100. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-like immunoreactivity localization in the retina and brain of Cichlasoma dimerus (Teleostei, Perciformes)
  2101. BDNF Promoter–Mediated β-Galactosidase Expression in the Olfactory Epithelium and Bulb
  2102. Choline up-regulates BDNF and down-regulates TrkB neurotrophin receptor in rat cortical cell culture
  2103. Association of serum BDNF and val66met polymorphism of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor in a sample of first psychotic episode patients.
  2104. BDNF signaling during olfactory bulb neurogenesis
  2105. Continuous decrease in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in a neuropsychiatric syndrome of systemic lupus erythematosus patient with …
  2106. Brain adaptation to stressful stimuli: a new perspective on potential therapeutic approaches based on BDNF and NMDA receptors
  2107. An analysis of time-dependent changes of neurotrophic factors (BDNF, CNTF) in traumatic facial nerve injury of a nerve-cut and nerve-crush model in rats
  2108. Topical doxycycline can induce expression of BDNF in transduced retinal pigment epithelial cells transplanted into the subretinal space
  2109. Breaking the balance: Ocular BDNF‐injections induce visual asymmetry in pigeons
  2110. Pre-differentiated embryonic stem cells promote neuronal regeneration by cross-coupling of BDNF and IL-6 signaling pathways in the host tissue
  2111. Association between polymorphisms of Val66Met in the BDNF gene and the response to escitalopram and nortriptyline treatment in the light of the …
  2112. Study on the expression of BDNF in human gliomas
  2113. Effect of FK506 and cyclosporine A on the expression of BDNF, tyrosine kinase B and p75 neurotrophin receptors in astrocytes exposed to simulated ischemia in vitro
  2114. Social support in older individuals: the role of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism
  2115. Delayed electrical stimulation and BDNF application following induced deafness in rats
  2116. Neurite responses to ephrin-A5 modulated by BDNF: Evidence for TrkB–EphA interactions
  2117. Caffeic acid attenuates the decrease of cortical BDNF transcript IV mRNA induced by swim stress in wild-type but not in 5-lipoxygenase-deficient mice
  2118. Therapeutic efficacy of lentiviral vector mediated BDNF gene-modified MSCs in cerebral infarction
  2119. The role of RIM1α in BDNF-enhanced glutamate release
  2120. BDNF and its receptors in human myasthenic thymus: implications for cell fate in thymic pathology
  2121. The expression of BDNF and PSD-95 in hippocampal CA1 region of morphine-withdrawn rat with different dependent times
  2122. BDNF Measurement in Stress-Related Mood Disorders: A Review of Clinical Studies.
  2123. BDNF variants, premorbid educational attainment, and disease characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease: an exploratory study
  2124. Repeated application of an electric field increases BDNF in the brain, enhances spatial learning, and induces infarct tolerance
  2125. Treatment of injured neurons with bone marrow stem cells cotransfected by hTERT and Ad-BDNF in vitro
  2126. Effect of electroacupuncture of different acupoints on the excitability of detrusor muscle and the expression of BDNF and TrkB in the spinal cord of rats with urinary …
  2127. Persistent BDNF exon I–IX mRNA expression following the withdrawal of neuronal activity in neurons
  2128. Investigation of association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a serotonin receptor 2A (5-HTR2A) genes with voluntary and involuntary attention in …
  2129. Variation in the BDNF and NGFB genes in German atopic dermatitis patients
  2130. Effects of dietary Na+ deprivation on epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), BDNF, and TrkB mRNA expression in the rat tongue
  2131. Monoamines, BDNF, dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA-sulfate, and childhood depression—an animal model study
  2132. Increase in levels of BDNF is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress during cardiopulmonary bypass
  2133. Casein kinase II contributes to the synergistic effects of BMP7 and BDNF on Smad 1/5/8 phosphorylation in septal neurons under hypoglycemic stress
  2134. Effects of nootropic drugs on hippocampal and cortical BDNF levels in mice with different exploratory behavior efficacy
  2135. Effects of castration on the immunoreactivity to NGF, BDNF and their receptors in the pelvic ganglia of the male rat
  2136. Impacts of tetramethylpyrazine on BDNF, bFGF expression and neuron-protection in severe brain injury tissue of rat
  2137. Analysis of BDNF Val66Met allele-specific mRNA levels in bipolar disorder
  2138. Alzheimer’S disease (ad) and mild cognitive impairment (mci) patients are characterized by increased BDNF serum levels
  2139. BDNF plasma level in ADHD children: correlation to different symptomatology
  2140. BDNF and TrkB in the preterm and near-term ovine fetal brain and the effect of intermittent umbilical cord occlusion
  2141. Sex-specific expression of BDNF and CART in the midbrain non-preganglionic Edinger–Westphal nucleus in the rat
  2142. Cognitive function, serum BDNF levels and BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism in amnestic mild cognitive impairment
  2143. Association between the obestatin and BDNF gene polymorphism and panic disorder, and depressive disorder
  2144. Regulation of BDNF-mediated transcription of immediate early gene Arc by intracellular calcium and calmodulin
  2145. Protein kinase C regulates the expression of M1 receptors and BDNF in rat retinal cells
  2146. … late-onset Tourette’s disorder successfully treated with aripiprazole: View from blood levels of catecholamine metabolites and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF …
  2147. Effects of 1-bromopropane, a substitute for chlorofluorocarbons, on BDNF expression
  2148. Adulthood olanzapine treatment fails to alleviate decreases of ChAT and BDNF RNA expression in rats quinpirole-primed as neonates
  2149. Different postischemic protein expression of the GABA_ {A} receptor α2 subunit and the plasticity-associated protein MAP1B after treatment with BDNF versus G-CSF …
  2150. Regarding “Dynorphin is a downstream effector of striatal BDNF regulation of ethanol intake”
  2151. Age-related changes of NGF, BDNF, parvalbumin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in the mouse hippocampal CA1 sector
  2152. Selective anxiolytic afobazole increases the content of BDNF and NGF in cultured hippocampal HT-22 line neurons
  2153. BDNF and TrkB mediated mechanisms in the spinal cord
  2154. Blocking TrkB-BDNF signal pathway decreases the livability of neuroblastoma cells
  2155. Amphibian larvae and zinc sulphate: a suitable model to study the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the neuronal turnover of the olfactory epithelium
  2156. Lack of association between BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphism and late‐onset depression in a Chinese Han population
  2157. Effects of rAAV-mediated rhBDNF gene transfection on BDNF gene expression in the retina of a rabbit model of acute high intraocular pressure
  2158. Effects of infrasound on the proliferation and the expression of BDNF in the hippocampus
  2159. Protein synthesis inhibition before or after stress exposure results in divergent endocrine and BDNF responses disassociated from behavioral responses
  2160. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism is not significantly correlated to Transient Global Amnesia: Preliminary results of an on-going …
  2161. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: generation and characterization of adult mice lacking BDNF in the adult brain
  2162. Possible relation of BDNF and GDNF to neuropsychiatric disorders
  2163. Influence of PTS on expressions of BDNF and TrkB in MCAO rats
  2164. BDNF and Obesity in the WAGR Syndrome
  2165. Effect of electroacupuncture on CREB-BDNF postreceptor signal transduction pathway in hippocampus of depression rats
  2166. Effect of maternal BDE-209 exposure on the expression of GAP-43 and BDNF in the hippocampus of the offspring rats
  2167. MET BDNF protects against morphological S allele effects of 5-HTTLPR
  2168. Original Paper: BDNF Enhancement of Neuronal Differentiation with Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs)
  2169. Expression and significance of survivin, TrkB and BDNF in gastric carcinoma [J]
  2170. The firing properties of vestibular ganglion cells in heterozygous BDNF null mice
  2171. The expression of BDNF-immunoreactive neurons in the parietal sensory cortex in animal model of autism of rat [J]
  2172. Effects of electroacupuncture combining with herbs on expressions of GAP-43mRNA and BDNF mRNA in the rats with spinal cord injury
  2173. Intracerebral administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reduces severity of cataleptic freezing in mice with genetic predisposition to catalepsy
  2174. Effects of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix on the functional recovery and expression of BDNF and c-Fos after sciatic crushed nerve injury in rats
  2175. Regional‐specific regulation of BDNF and trkB correlates with nigral dopaminergic cell sprouting following unilateral nigrostriatal axotomy
  2176. A large case-control study of Common Functional SLC6A4 and BDNF Variants in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  2177. Effects of melatonin on expression of BDNF and TrkB in cerebral cortex and changes of cognitive-behaviors in model rats with chronic mild stress depressant [J]
  2178. Effects of BDNF pretreatment on apoptosis following focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats [J]
  2179. Expression of BDNF protein in the middle cerebralartery occlusio rats [J]
  2180. Intranasal administration of the peptide Selank regulates BDNF expression in the rat hippocampus in vivo
  2181. BDNF increases the phagocytic activity in cultured iris pigment epithelial cells
  2182. Association between polymorphism of BDNF and internalizing disorders
  2183. BDNF increases BrdU-IR cells in the injured adult zebra finch hippocampus
  2184. The Effect of Exercise Training on Aβ-42, BDNF, GLUT-1 and HSP-70 Proteins in a NSE/APPsw-transgenic Model for Alzheimer’s Disease.
  2185. Ampakines cause sustained increases in BDNF signaling at excitatory synapses without changes in AMPA receptor subunit expression
  2186. GABAergic synapse maturation: evidence of the instructive role of activity-dependent BDNF release
  2187. The expression level of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 in spinal cord of growing embryonic chicken
  2188. Development of a new genotyping assay for detection of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism using melting-curve analysis
  2189. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) SNP 6265 polymorphisms in febrile seizure and GEFS+
  2190. Effect of Two Kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription on BDNF and bFGF Expression in Convalescent Period Rats’ Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion …
  2191. Effect of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene Variants on the Therapeutic Response and the Risk for Mood Disorders
  2192. Establishment of Midbrain–Derived Neural Stem Cells Modified by BDNF and EGFP Gene
  2193. Effect of Electroacupuncture on NGF, BDNF of Hippocampus of Depression Model Rats [J]
  2194. BDNF polymorphism and clinical outcome in the GAIN trials
  2195. Effect of ketamine on learning and memory behavioa and BDNF expression in immature mice
  2196. Expression of BDNF and its receptor TrkB in brain tissue resected from patients with intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy [J]
  2197. Effect of Regular Exercise and DL-a-Upoic Acid Supplementation on BDNF, Caspase-3 Proteins and Apoptosis in Aging-Induced Rate Hippocampus.
  2198. Preparation and BDNF release profile of BDNF-loaded PLGA scaffolds for tissue engineered nerve regeneration
  2199. Effects of Hyperthermia on the Expression of BDNF and TrkB in the Development of Neural Tube Defects [J]
  2200. Stable isotopic labeling of amino acids in cultured primary neurons: Application to BDNF-dependent phosphotyrosine-associated signaling
  2201. Establish the BDNF-modified neural stem cells and transplant into the brain of rats with cerebral ischemia [J]
  2202. A single neurotoxic dose of MDMA decreases BDNF expression in the frontoparietal cortex but not in the hippocampus
  2203. Follicular fluid brain-derived neurotrophic factor concentrations (BDNF) higher in women with diminished ovarian reserve
  2204. The Meaning of BDNF Level Measured in Blood of Depressed Patients
  2205. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism modulates the effects of serious life events on impulsive aggression in patients with Borderline …
  2206. Expression of BDNF in Different Tissues after Acellular Nerve Allografts Repairing Nerve Gap [J]
  2207. The Effects of three complex prescriptions on BDNF and CREB expression of liver depression model by chronic unpredicatable mild stress in rats [J]
  2208. Construction and identification of lentiviral vector encoding BDNF gene
  2209. BDNF Effect upon Apoptosis Induced by Amyloid-Beta Peptide: Changes in TRKB Receptors Expression
  2210. A Tale of Two Genes: Reelin and BDNF
  2211. Coordinate action of pre-and postsynaptic BDNF is required for AMPAR trafficking and acquisition of in vitro classical conditioning
  2212. Different types of coexpression of BDNF, NGF and NT-3 mRNA and proteins in the left sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion of cats
  2213. BDNF intranasal administration rescues visual memory deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease (AD), the AD11 mouse
  2214. Effect of BDNF on Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Substantia Nigra of a Model of Intra-ventricular Injection of Lipopolysaccharide in the Rat
  2215. Study of relationship between BDNF gene polymorpbism and cognitive impairment in postmenopausal women
  2216. The effect of BDNF on maturation in-vitro and developmental competence of murine immature oocytes
  2217. Interaction of SNP in non-coding region between estrogen receptor alpha gene and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease …
  2218. Expression changes of BDNF\slit-2 during the spinal cord injury of rats [J]
  2219. Elevation of somatic ca2+ upregulates genes nr4a1 and egr2, but not BDNF and arc
  2220. The mRNA expression of BDNF in human dental pulp stem cells and its effect on proliferation and differentiation of the cells [J]
  2221. Changes of BDNF expression in brain of spleen-deficiency rat model and influence of Guipi decoction
  2222. Central BDNF levels in an animal model of depression
  2224. MPP+ decreased BDNF expression in PC12 cells
  2225. Omega-3 and BDNF regulation: eicosapentaenoic acid may play a key role in limitation of CNS injury
  2226. PLGA microparticles loaded with neuroprotective agents (GDNF and BDNF). A potential treatment for glaucoma
  2227. Effect of Siwutang (四物汤) on the content of BDNF and EGF in brain tissue of vascular dementia rats [J]
  2228. Intervention Effects of Jiaweibugan Decoction on BDNF Expression of Sciatic Nerve in Experimental Diabetic Rats [J]
  2229. The psychopathology of prenatal stress: The role of epigenetic regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promoter
  2230. The Impact of BDNF on the Expression of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in Neural Stem Cells of Rat Embryos
  2231. Mood stabilizers for alcoholism: BDNF hypothesis
  2233. Expression of the PV‐and BDNF‐immunoreactive neurons in the brain regions associated with emotion and cognition in animal models of autism
  2234. The effects of early anti-inflammatory therapy on the expression of BDNF in adult rats after reperfusion in focal cerebral ischemia
  2235. BDNF and NT-3 modulate neurotransmitter receptor expressions on developing spiral ganglion neurons
  2236. Different Roles of BDNF, KDR and Bax in Liver Response to Acute or Repeated Immobilization Stress: Evidence from Quantified Reverse Transcription-polymerase …
  2237. Serum-free retinal explant culture system and comparative rescue effects of LEDGF, GST, CNTF, BDNF, NGF, bFGF and antioxidants in the rd1 mouse model of …
  2238. Allele frequency distribution of three single neucleotide polymorphisms of BDNF gene in Liaoning Han population
  2239. NGF and BDNF: from nerves to adipose tissue, from neurokines to metabokines. Relevance to neuropsychiatric and cardiometabolic diseases
  2240. Influence of Polygonum Multiflorum on The BDNF mRNA of Hippocampus in The Senile Rat
  2242. Age-related decrease for in vivo brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in response to cavernous nerve axotomy: A neuromodulatory target for …
  2243. One more view of neurotrophin-netrotrasmitter signaling in neurons: BDNF-AMPAR crosstalk
  2244. Intrahippocampal Transplantation of MSC and MSC-expressing BDNF in Rat Models of Depression-like Behaviour
  2245. Role of the PI-3K/Akt and ERK pathways in phencyclidine-induced neurotoxicity in neonatal rats and the protection by lithium and BDNF
  2246. Effects of treadmill exercise on memory, hippocampal cell proliferation, BDNF, TrkB, and forebrain cholinergic cells in adolescent rats
  2247. Measuring the expression of exogenous BDNF of NSCs after infection of supernatant from recombi-nant retrovirus pLXSN-BDNF
  2248. Effect of PTD-BDNF on excitatory synaptic activity of hippocampal neurons [J]
  2249. Platelet BDNF Level in Patients with Acute Bipolar Manic Episode: The Preliminary Study
  2250. Expression and Distribution of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) in the Rat Hypothalamus
  2251. Cdk5 activity is required for BDNF-stimulated neuronal survival and synaptic plasticity
  2252. Detection of BDNF expression after injection of BDNF gene lentiviral vector in rat hippocampus
  2253. BDNF plasma level changes after transcranial direct current stimulation in major depressive disorder
  2254. Effects of BDNF pretreatment against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in gerbils
  2255. Alteration in Plasma BDNF Level after Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study
  2256. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) blunts neural activity in the nucleus tractus solitarius (nTS)
  2257. Exon-specific regulation of BDNF transcripts in the urocortin1 neurons of the non-preganglionic Edinger-Westphal nucleus
  2258. Presynaptic and postsynaptic NMDA receptors mediate distinct effects of BDNF on excitatory synaptic transmission
  2259. BDNF protein exhibits a circadian rhythm in the hypoglossal, but not phrenic, motor nucleus
  2260. BDNF/NF-κB signal pathway activation in rats with febrile seizures
  2261. Interaction of BDNF and Connexin43–two downstream targets of CRH-activated gene transcription
  2262. Study on the Expression of BDNF and TrkB in Rat Hippocampal Formation CA1
  2263. Features of BDNF and GDNF secretion in microencapsulated cells of bovine retinal pigment epithelium in vitro
  2264. The expression and role of endogenous BDNF in the DRG and spinal cord in the different injury models
  2266. Effects of hBDNF-GFP gene-transfected neural stem cell transplantation on BDNF expression in the retina of rats following optic nerve crush injury
  2267. BDNF protects against phencyclidine neurotoxicity in neonatal brain via activation of the PI‐3K/Ak/GSK‐3β and MEK/ERK pathways
  2268. The role of BDNF in spinal learning
  2269. BDNF suppresses atherosclerogenic adipokine PAI-1 mRNA expression in adipocytes through TrkB-T1 in PI3-K/Akt-and MAPK-dependent pathways.
  2270. Promoting neurite outgrowth from spiral ganglion neuron explants using polypyrrole/BDNF-coated electrodes
  2271. The expression of BDNF and the effect of valproate on Parkinson’s disease mice
  2272. Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator-plasmin-BDNF Modulate Glutamate-induced Phase-shifts of the Mouse Suprachiasmatic Circadian Clock in Vitro
  2273. Phosphorylation of CREB and Up-Regulation of BDNF in TNF–Induced Optic Nerve Degeneration
  2274. Construction and expression of the eukaryotic expression plasmid of BDNF-EGFP fusion protein
  2275. Silencing of BDNF Expression by shRNA Down-Regulates Stroma-Derived VEGF Secretion and Inhibits In Vivo Multiple Myeloma Growth and Angiogenesis in the …
  2276. Whole blood BDNF levels in healthy twins discordant for affective disorder: Association to life events and neuroticism
  2277. Effect of electroacupuncture at acupoint Guanyuan on excitability of detrusor and expression of BDNF and TrkB in spinal cord of rat with urinary retention after spinal …
  2278. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF is involved in MP4-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (99.11)
  2279. Influence of JieYouFang in Expression of BDNF and TrkB in Hippocampus of Rat Models with Depression
  2280. New Insight into Role of BDNF in Anxiety
  2281. BDNF and Trkb Expression in Rats Following Somatic-Autonomic and Somatic-Somatic Nerves Anastomosis
  2282. Stress and cocaine interact to modulate the activation of BDNF intracellular signalling
  2283. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Released From Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Attenuates Glutamate-and Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated …
  2284. Expressions of BDNF and TrkB in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma and its clinical significance
  2285. Effects of intermittent hypoxia on regulation of BDNF mRNA in the brainstem and spinal cord of MeCP2 mutants
  2286. Neuroplasticity pathways-ß-catenin, AKT/PKB, BDNF-in an animal model of depression: influence of chronic F9-tetrahydrocannabinol administration
  2287. Study on expression and postmortem stability of BDNF after traumatic brain injury in rat [J]
  2288. Effects of enriched environment on the capacity of learning and memory and expression of BDNF expression of CA1 hippocampus in rats
  2289. Morphological changes apoptosis and BDNF mRNA expression in the conus medullaris neurons in cauda equina compressed rats
  2290. Study on Changes of Neurotrophic Factor of BDNF and Its Receptors (TrkB, P75) Following Transection of Sciatic Nerve in Neonate Rats
  2291. S30. 02-Role of BDNF gene in suicidal behaviours
  2292. Depresyonlu Hastalarda Mirtazapin ve Venlafaxinin Serum BDNF Üzerine Etkisi.
  2293. Abstract# 2169: Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) induces anoikis suppression in a nasopharyngeal cancer cell line, HONE-1-EBV
  2294. Hyperoxia‐induced enhancement of lung parenchymal contraction is mediated via brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  2295. BDNF variant affects human memory
  2296. Multiple sclerosis (MS)-induced expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in dorsal root ganglia (DRG)
  2297. BDNF and Drug Dependence
  2298. Long Term Changes of BDNF Expression of Hippocampus in Vascular Dementia Rats [J]
  2299. Microglia/motor neuron interactions in response to ATP and BDNF
  2300. Effect of endogenous BDNF on peripheral nerve myelination and its mechanism in postnatal rats
  2301. Endogenous BDNF promote regeneration of injured nervous system
  2302. The BDNF expression of brain tissue in focal cerebral ischemia in rats and the interventional effects of Tongxinluo capsule
  2304. Effects of BDNF and Other Neuroprotectants on the Neuropathology of Huntington’s Disease
  2305. Effects of Jiawei Bugan Decoction on BDNF Expression of Sciatic Nerve in Diabetic Rats
  2306. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Preserved Axonal Transport After Optic Nerve Crush in Rat: Manganese-Enhanced MRI Study
  2307. Construction of Vector pTAT-BDNF and Expression of Fusion Protein
  2308. Glaucoma Model Gene Expression Responses in the Retinal Ganglion Cell Layer: BDNF, TrkB and p75NTR
  2309. … alters serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) levels in healthy volunteers: BDNF and MHPG as …
  2310. The effect of nicergolent on expression of BDNF and NGF in rats with chronical cerebral ischemia [J]
  2311. Clinical significance of serum levels of BDNF and estradiol in patients with cerebral infarction
  2312. Effects of prenatal stress on ABR and expression of BDNF in cochlear nucleus of offsprings
  2313. Valproic Acid Enhances Transduction and Promotes Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival Mediated by rAAV2-BDNF Following Optic Nerve Transection
  2314. Imipramine Against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Apoptosis in Retinal Stem Cells Mediated by Activation of BDNF Pathway
  2315. Comparison of Visual Preservation After Transplantation of BDNF or GDNF Secreting Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Glaucomatous Rat Eyes
  2316. The differences of BDNF and NT-3 gene expression of the amnion epithelial cells (AECs) from pregnancy rats
  2317. New home for BDNF
  2318. The effects of exercises on expressions of BDNF and BDNFmRNA after ICH in rats
  2319. Effect of BDNF pre-treated on expression of phospho-EIK-1 in rat retina after acute high intraocular pressure
  2320. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reguliert Apoptose in primärer enterischer Glia über einen autokrinen Mechanismus
  2321. BDNF sends mixed signals
  2322. Expression of phosphorylated-TrkB receptor in rat retina following acute high intraocular pressure pretreated with BDNF
  2323. Prenatal alcohol: Effect on Depression and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels
  2324. Genetic analyses of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene in autism
  2325. Salicylate Alters Expression of Calcium Response Transcription Factor 1 (CaRF1) in the Cochlea: Implications for BDNF Transcriptional Regulation
  2326. Effect of lamotrigine of different concentration on the survival rate and the expression of BDNF and p-CREB in the cultured hippocampus neuron
  2327. Study on the expression of BDNF in hippocampus and cerebrum in D-galactose-induced aging rats
  2328. BDNF and the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system: Social stress-induced psychomotor sensitization and social behaviors
  2329. Automated Methods for Profiling the Axonal Transport of Secretory BDNF Granules in Live Cultured Neurons from Time-lapse Microscopy Data
  2330. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) stimulates the secretion of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from cultured human microglia
  2331. … a mechanism for decreased BDNF levels in acute manic episodes Aumento do estresse oxidativo como um mecanismo para a diminuição dos níveis de BDNF …
  2332. BDNF and NT-4 each employ distinct mechanisms to regulate development of the geniculate ganglion
  2333. Effect of Lushi Misture on Immune Expressiones of BDNF, NGF and NSE in Hippocampus of Neonatal Rats with Hypoxic-ischemic Brain Damage [J]
  2334. Neuropathic pain impairs spatial learning and memory and reduces BDNF mRNA expression in the hippocampus of rats
  2336. Region-Specific Expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) mRNA after Long Term Treatment with Lithium Carbonate.
  2337. Investigating the Epigenetic Regulation of the BDNF, PGC-1α, Myogenin and MHC-IIb Genes
  2338. Peripheral inflammation regulates BDNF expression in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons
  2339. Induction of BDNF Expression by Intracerebral Transplantation of Adipose Tissue Derived-stem Cells in Niemann-Pick Type C Mice
  2340. BDNF impairment in the hippocampus is related to enhanced despair behavior in CB1 knockout mice
  2341. Study of the regulation of BDNF protein synthesis and BDNF protein levels for clinical applications.
  2342. Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in hyperoxia-induced enhancement of contractility and impairment of relaxation in lung parenchyma
  2343. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and the affective
  2344. Effects of Jiaweibugan decoction on BDNF expression of sciatic nerve in rats with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
  2345. The developmental functions of BDNF and MeCP2 on dendritic and synaptic structure
  2346. Protection of mouse photoreceptors by BDNF in retinal photic injury
  2347. 5-HT4 receptor agonist RS67333 increases hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF after only 3 days of treatment
  2348. The association of BDNF gene val66met polymorphism with the serum BDNF levels in drug-free depressed patients
  2349. Single immobilization stress differentially alters the expression profile of transcripts of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and histone acetylation at its …
  2350. The role of hypothalamic neuropeptides and BDNF in obesity and the effects of dietary intervention
  2351. CK2 Contributes to the Synergistic Effects of BMP7 and BDNF on Smad 1/5/8 Phosphorylation in Septal Neurons
  2352. Neural correlates of age-related memory decline and sensitivity to BDNF gene delivery
  2353. Role of BDNF secretion and signaling in the activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections
  2354. Activation of Serotonin Metabolism and BDNF Changes in Depressed Patients with Multiple Sclerosis During Interferon-Beta Therapy
  2355. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) polymorphisms and methylation in suicide victims: a study of 512 cases
  2356. Midazolam Reverses Salicylate Induced Changes in BDNF and Arg3. 1 Expression: Implications for Tinnitus Perception and Auditory Plasticity
  2357. The role of NMDA receptors and BDNF in learning and memory
  2358. P. 1.35 Hippocampal expression of BDNF is involved in the behavioral effects of the β3 adrenoceptor agonist, SR58611A
  2359. Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs Act As Inhibitors of BDNF in Prefrontal Cortex-Implications for Schizophrenia: A Dissertation
  2360. … maladie de Parkinson (MPTP, PITX3) et modification des cellules souches hématopoïétiques pour stimuler la production du” Brain-derived neurotrophic factor”(BDNF …
  2361. Compensatory changes in the ubiquitin-proteasome system, BDNF and mitochondrial complex II/III in YAC72 and R6/2 transgenic mice partially model …
  2362. The Involvement of BDNF in Pathogenesis and Treatment of Depression
  2363. BDNF infusion into the sensorimotor cortex promotes sprouting of inact corticospinal fibers within the spinal cord after a unilateral pyramidal lesion
  2364. Eps8 Regulates Axonal Filopodia in Hippocampal Neurons in Response to Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
  2365. BDNF Variants Influence Educational Attainment But Not Disease Characteristics in Alzheimers Disease
  2366. Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and BDNF gene expression in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice
  2367. Role of BDNF in Animal Models of Epilepsy
  2368. The Effect of the Swimming Exercise by Load on Concentration of BDNF in Serum and Behavioral Change of CNS Injury in the Rats
  2369. Expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 4 (NT4) and their common receptor, TrkB, by human Muller cells in vitro and vivo.
  2370. … amyloid toxicity induced by a single icv injection of Aβ (25–35) on cerebral inflammation, hippocampic cellular death and neuroprotective molecule expression (BDNF …
  2371. Developmental and experience-dependent regulation of BDNF, TrkB isoforms, and P75 (NTR) in rodent visual cortex
  2372. … Expression of Ryanodine Receptors and the Iron Transporter DMT1 in Hippocampal Neurons by Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), NMDA or Spatial …
  2373. TRPC1 function in BDNF-induced potentiation at the neuromuscular junction
  2374. Effect of CIMT on the Functional Improvement and BDNF Expression in Hemiplegic Rats Whose Somatomotor Area was Removed
  2375. Quetiapine modulates anxiety-like behaviours and alleviates the decrease of BDNF in the amygdala of an APP/PS1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s …
  2376. Interaction between ephrin/Eph and BDNF in modulating hippocampal synaptic transmission and synapse formation
  2377. Estrogen, progesterone and BDNF interactions: Roles in neuroprotection
  2378. Cross talk between adenosine A2A receptors and the Trk receptores for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) at the rat hippocampus
  2380. The BDNF val66met polymorphism predicts human spatial memory behaviour, fMRI activity and brain morphology
  2381. Lack of neuroprotective effect of astroglia-derived BDNF on hippocampal cell cultures exposed to trimethyltin
  2382. Genetic variant of BDNF (Va166Met) polymorphism attenuates neoangiogenic responses in cerebral ischemia
  2383. Direct current stimulation promotes BDNF-dependent synaptic plasticity: potential implications for motor learning
  2384. Blood BDNF concentrations reflect brain-tissue BDNF levels across species
  2385. Induction of fear extinction with hippocampal-infralimbic BDNF
  2386. The role of BDNF and its receptors in depression and antidepressant drug action: reactivation of developmental plasticity
  2387. Postsynaptic BDNF‐TrkB signaling in synapse maturation, plasticity, and disease
  2388. A simple role for BDNF in learning and memory?
  2389. The roles of BDNF in the pathophysiology of major depression and in antidepressant treatment
  2390. Potential therapeutic uses of BDNF in neurological and psychiatric disorders
  2391. Peripheral BDNF produces antidepressant-like effects in cellular and behavioral models
  2392. Endurance training enhances BDNF release from the human brain
  2393. A genetic variant BDNF polymorphism alters extinction learning in both mouse and human
  2394. Aerobic exercise improves hippocampal function and increases BDNF in the serum of young adult males
  2395. The lighter side of BDNF
  2396. Serum and plasma BDNF levels in major depression: a replication study and meta-analyses
  2397. Meta-analysis of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in major depressive disorder: effects of gender and ethnicity
  2398. Cell type–specific loss of BDNF signaling mimics optogenetic control of cocaine reward
  2399. Decreased BDNF levels in CSF of drug-naive first-episode psychotic subjects: correlation with plasma BDNF and psychopathology
  2400. Epigenetic modification of hippocampal BDNF DNA in adult rats in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder
  2401. BDNF overexpression in the forebrain rescues Huntington’s disease phenotypes in YAC128 mice
  2402. Small molecule BDNF mimetics activate TrkB signaling and prevent neuronal degeneration in rodents
  2403. Distinct 3′ UTRs differentially regulate activity-dependent translation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  2404. Population genetic study of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene
  2405. Training augments resistance exercise induced elevation of circulating brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  2406. Acute and gradual increases in BDNF concentration elicit distinct signaling and functions in neurons
  2407. Environmental and genetic activation of a brain-adipocyte BDNF/leptin axis causes cancer remission and inhibition
  2408. DNA methylation profiles of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene as a potent diagnostic biomarker in major depression
  2409. Adipose-derived stem cells stimulate regeneration of peripheral nerves: BDNF secreted by these cells promotes nerve healing and axon growth de novo
  2410. MeCP2 controls BDNF expression and cocaine intake through homeostatic interactions with microRNA-212
  2411. The role of BDNF in depression on the basis of its location in the neural circuitry
  2412. Self-amplifying autocrine actions of BDNF in axon development
  2413. Spatial segregation of BDNF transcripts enables BDNF to differentially shape distinct dendritic compartments
  2414. Wheel running and environmental enrichment differentially modify exon‐specific BDNF expression in the hippocampus of wild‐type and pre‐motor symptomatic male …
  2415. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism impairs NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus
  2416. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphisms shape cortical plasticity in humans
  2417. β-Amyloid impairs axonal BDNF retrograde trafficking
  2418. Decreased BDNF, trkB-TK+ and GAD67 mRNA expression in the hippocampus of individuals with schizophrenia and mood disorders
  2419. The impact of childhood abuse and recent stress on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and the moderating role of BDNF Val 66 Met
  2420. Time-dependent contribution of non neuronal cells to BDNF production after ischemic stroke in rats
  2421. Effects of environmental enrichment and voluntary exercise on neurogenesis, learning and memory, and pattern separation: BDNF as a critical variable?
  2422. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation enhances BDNF–TrkB signaling in both brain and lymphocyte
  2423. Increased BDNF levels and NTRK2 gene association suggest a disruption of BDNF/TrkB signaling in autism
  2424. Decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is associated with post-stroke depression but not with BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism
  2425. Serum BDNF levels before treatment predict SSRI response in depression
  2426. Low serum truncated-BDNF isoform correlates with higher cognitive impairment in schizophrenia
  2427. Increased BDNF promoter methylation in the Wernicke area of suicide subjects
  2428. Decreased BDNF in patients with antipsychotic naive first episode schizophrenia
  2429. Higher BDNF serum levels predict slower cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease patients
  2430. Role of BDNF and GDNF in drug reward and relapse: a review
  2431. BDNF genotype moderates the relation between physical activity and depressive symptoms.
  2432. The effect of depression, BDNF gene val66met polymorphism and gender on serum BDNF levels
  2433. An inverse relationship between cortisol and BDNF levels in schizophrenia: data from human postmortem and animal studies
  2434. The role of BDNF as a mediator of neuroplasticity in bipolar disorder
  2435. Increase in BDNF-mediated TrkB signaling promotes epileptogenesis in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
  2436. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the chronic unpredictable stress rat model and the effects of chronic antidepressant treatment
  2437. Prelimbic cortical BDNF is required for memory of learned fear but not extinction or innate fear
  2438. Running exercise protects the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons against inflammation-induced degeneration via the activation of BDNF signaling pathway
  2439. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients are characterized by increased BDNF serum levels
  2440. Exercise-induced normalization of decreased BDNF serum concentration in elderly women with remitted major depression
  2441. Contribution of the spinal cord BDNF to the development of neuropathic pain by activation of the NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in rats with spinal nerve ligation
  2442. … bouts of mild-intensity physical exercise improve spatial learning and memory in aging rats: involvement of hippocampal plasticity via AKT, CREB and BDNF …
  2443. Transplantation of BDNF-secreting mesenchymal stem cells provides neuroprotection in chronically hypertensive rat eyes
  2444. Up-regulation of dorsal root ganglia BDNF and trkB receptor in inflammatory pain: an in vivo and in vitro study
  2445. Synaptic activity controls dendritic spine morphology by modulating eEF2-dependent BDNF synthesis
  2446. Maternal obesity impairs hippocampal BDNF production and spatial learning performance in young mouse offspring
  2447. Identification of cis-elements and transcription factors regulating neuronal activity-dependent transcription of human BDNF gene
  2448. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) infusion restored astrocytic plasticity in the hippocampus of a rat model of depression
  2449. BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influences Motor System Function in the Human Brain
  2450. Epigenetic marking of the BDNF gene by early-life adverse experiences
  2451. Effects of BDNF polymorphisms on brain function and behavior in health and disease
  2452. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression is regulated by microRNAs miR-26a and miR-26b allele-specific binding
  2453. BDNF expression in perirhinal cortex is associated with exercise-induced improvement in object recognition memory
  2454. Variations in FKBP5 and BDNF genes are suggestively associated with depression in a Swedish population-based cohort
  2455. Correlations between peripheral blood mononuclear cell production of BDNF, TNF‐alpha, IL‐6, IL‐10 and cognitive performances in multiple sclerosis patients
  2456. BDNF regulation under GFAP promoter provides engineered astrocytes as a new approach for long-term protection in Huntington’s disease
  2457. Inverse correlation of brain and blood BDNF levels in a genetic rat model of depression
  2458. Curcumin reverses corticosterone-induced depressive-like behavior and decrease in brain BDNF levels in rats
  2459. The CREB1-BDNF-NTRK2 pathway in depression: multiple gene-cognition-environment interactions
  2460. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus increases energy expenditure
  2461. CBP gene transfer increases BDNF levels and ameliorates learning and memory deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  2462. Three-dimensional nanofibrous scaffolds incorporating immobilized BDNF promote proliferation and differentiation of cortical neural stem cells
  2463. Acute stress and chronic stress change brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tyrosine kinase-coupled receptor (TrkB) expression in both young and …
  2464. The effect of the Mediterranean diet on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels: the PREDIMED-NAVARRA randomized trial
  2465. Paradoxical reversal learning enhancement by stress or prefrontal cortical damage: rescue with BDNF
  2466. … metalloproteinase-9 contributes to kindled seizure development in pentylenetetrazole-treated mice by converting pro-BDNF to mature BDNF in the hippocampus
  2467. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene: no major impact on antidepressant treatment response
  2468. Epigenetic enhancement of BDNF signaling rescues synaptic plasticity in aging
  2469. Genetic variant of BDNF (Val66Met) polymorphism attenuates stroke-induced angiogenic responses by enhancing anti-angiogenic mediator CD36 expression
  2470. Chronic antidepressant administration alleviates frontal and hippocampal BDNF deficits in CUMS rat
  2471. The antidepressive effect of the physical exercise correlates with increased levels of mature BDNF, and proBDNF proteolytic cleavage-related genes, p11 and tPA
  2472. Conditional BDNF release under pathological conditions improves Huntington’s disease pathology by delaying neuronal dysfunction
  2473. Levels of BDNF impact oligodendrocyte lineage cells following a cuprizone lesion
  2474. The MAP kinase phosphatase MKP-1 regulates BDNF-induced axon branching
  2475. BDNF Val66Met is associated with introversion and interacts with 5-HTTLPR to influence neuroticism
  2476. Working memory deficits, increased anxiety-like traits, and seizure susceptibility in BDNF overexpressing mice
  2477. Elevated BDNF after cocaine withdrawal facilitates LTP in medial prefrontal cortex by suppressing GABA inhibition
  2478. The association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism (BDNF Val66Met) and suicide
  2479. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects HPA-axis reactivity to acute stress
  2480. Regulation of local translation at the synapse by BDNF
  2481. Reduced serum BDNF levels in patients with chronic schizophrenic disorder in relapse, who were treated with typical or atypical antipsychotics
  2482. BDNF-induced increase of PSD-95 in dendritic spines requires dynamic microtubule invasions
  2483. Ketamine plus imipramine treatment induces antidepressant-like behavior and increases CREB and BDNF protein levels and PKA and PKC phosphorylation in rat …
  2484. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with higher anticipatory cortisol stress response, anxiety, and alcohol consumption in healthy adults
  2485. Is BDNF sufficient for information transfer between microglia and dorsal horn neurons during the onset of central sensitization?
  2486. BDNF gene polymorphism (Val66Met) predicts amygdala and anterior hippocampus responses to emotional faces in anxious and depressed adolescents
  2487. Childhood abuse, the BDNF-Val66Met polymorphism and adult psychotic-like experiences
  2488. Enhancement of LTP in aged rats is dependent on endogenous BDNF
  2489. Intranasal delivery of neurotrophic factors BDNF, CNTF, EPO, and NT-4 to the CNS
  2490. Antidepressant drugs transactivate TrkB neurotrophin receptors in the adult rodent brain independently of BDNF and monoamine transporter blockade
  2491. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and anxiety: support for animal knock-in studies from a genetic association study in humans
  2492. Escalated or suppressed cocaine reward, tegmental BDNF, and accumbal dopamine caused by episodic versus continuous social stress in rats
  2493. Decreased serum BDNF levels in patients with epileptic and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
  2494. BDNF gene effects on brain circuitry replicated in 455 twins
  2495. Low serum BDNF may indicate the development of PSD in patients with acute ischemic stroke
  2496. Anti-depressant natural flavonols modulate BDNF and beta amyloid in neurons and hippocampus of double TgAD mice
  2497. Endogenous BDNF regulates induction of intrinsic neuronal growth programs in injured sensory neurons
  2498. Local presynaptic activity gates homeostatic changes in presynaptic function driven by dendritic BDNF synthesis
  2499. BDNF-promoted increases in proximal dendrites occur via CREB-dependent transcriptional regulation of cypin
  2500. Lactate infusion at rest increases BDNF blood concentration in humans
  2501. Impaired spatial working memory and decreased frontal cortex BDNF protein level in dopamine transporter knockout mice
  2502. Correlation between cortical plasticity, motor learning and BDNF genotype in healthy subjects
  2503. Sleep deprivation prevents stimulation-induced increases of levels of P-CREB and BDNF: protection by caffeine
  2504. Altering BDNF expression by genetics and/or environment: impact for emotional and depression-like behaviour in laboratory mice
  2505. Enhanced hippocampal BDNF/TrkB signaling in response to fear conditioning in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder
  2506. Excellent lithium responders have normal cognitive functions and plasma BDNF levels
  2507. Presynaptic BDNF promotes postsynaptic long-term potentiation in the dorsal striatum
  2508. Detection of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rat blood and brain preparations using ELISA: pitfalls and solutions
  2509. Cooperation between BDNF and glutamate in the regulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal development
  2510. Hippocampal FGF-2 and BDNF overexpression attenuates epileptogenesis-associated neuroinflammation and reduces spontaneous recurrent seizures
  2511. BDNF mRNA expression of peripheral blood mononuclear cells was decreased in depressive patients who had or had not recently attempted suicide
  2512. No exercise-induced increase in serum BDNF after cycling near a major traffic road
  2513. … Ca2+ Release Inducing Mitochondrial Fragmentation in Hippocampal Neurons and Prevent RyR-Mediated Dendritic Spine Remodeling Produced by BDNF
  2514. Age at onset of psychotic disorder: Cannabis, BDNF Val66Met, and sex‐specific models of gene–environment interaction
  2515. Dietary zinc supplementation of 3xTg-AD mice increases BDNF levels and prevents cognitive deficits as well as mitochondrial dysfunction
  2516. Sexually dimorphic effect of the Val66Met polymorphism of BDNF on susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease: New data and meta‐analysis
  2517. Short-term, moderate exercise is capable of inducing structural, BDNF-independent hippocampal plasticity
  2518. BDNF val66met polymorphism, white matter abnormalities and remission of geriatric depression
  2519. BDNF expression in the hippocampus of maternally separated rats: does Bifidobacterium breve 6330 alter BDNF levels?
  2520. Epigenetic regulation of BDNF gene in response to stress
  2521. Stress induces altered CRE/CREB pathway activity and BDNF expression in the hippocampus of glucocorticoid receptor-impaired mice
  2522. Circulating and brain BDNF levels in stroke rats. Relevance to clinical studies
  2523. Reduced function of the serotonin transporter is associated with decreased expression of BDNF in rodents as well as in humans
  2524. Neuroticism, depressive symptoms, and serum BDNF
  2525. Meta-analysis of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism association with treatment response in patients with major depressive disorder
  2526. The suppressive effect of an intra-prefrontal cortical infusion of BDNF on cocaine-seeking is Trk receptor and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase mitogen …
  2527. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with aggressive behavior in schizophrenia
  2528. BDNF evokes release of endogenous cannabinoids at layer 2/3 inhibitory synapses in the neocortex
  2529. Epigenetic modifications induced by early enrichment are associated with changes in timing of induction of BDNF expression
  2530. Pitx3 is a critical mediator of GDNF-induced BDNF expression in nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons
  2531. Nicotinamide improves motor deficits and upregulates PGC-1α and BDNF gene expression in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  2532. Plasma BDNF concentration, Val66Met genetic variant and depression‐related personality traits
  2533. … feedback regulation between γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor signaling and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) release in developing …
  2534. Transgenic BDNF induces nerve fiber regrowth into the auditory epithelium in deaf cochleae
  2535. Changes in spatial memory and BDNF expression to concurrent dietary restriction and voluntary exercise
  2536. Association among basal serum BDNF, cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in untrained healthy Korean men
  2537. Activity-Dependent Release of Endogenous BDNF From Mossy Fibers Evokes a TRPC3 Current and Ca2+ Elevations in CA3 Pyramidal Neurons
  2538. BDNF promotes EGF-induced proliferation and migration of human fetal neural stem/progenitor cells via the PI3K/Akt pathway
  2539. Implication of genetic variants near negr1, sec16b, tmem18, etv5/dgkg, gnpda2, lin7c/BDNF, mtch2, bcdin3d/faim2, sh2b1, fto, mc4r, and kctd15 with obesity and type 2 …
  2540. Glucocorticoid suppresses BDNF-stimulated MAPK/ERK pathway via inhibiting interaction of Shp2 with TrkB
  2541. Chronic administration of harmine elicits antidepressant-like effects and increases BDNF levels in rat hippocampus
  2542. Calcium-dependent activator protein for secretion 2 (CAPS2) promotes BDNF secretion and is critical for the development of GABAergic interneuron network
  2543. The epigenetic effects of antidepressant treatment on human prefrontal cortex BDNF expression
  2544. The Met-allele of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism enhances task switching in elderly
  2545. Increased plasma levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in patients with fibromyalgia
  2546. BDNF‐Akt‐Bcl2 antiapoptotic signaling pathway is compromised in the brain of autistic subjects
  2547. A Shh/miR-206/BDNF cascade coordinates innervation and formation of airway smooth muscle
  2548. S-100B is superior to NSE, BDNF and GFAP in predicting outcome of resuscitation from cardiac arrest with hypothermia treatment
  2549. Pre-and post-treatments with escitalopram protect against experimental ischemic neuronal damage via regulation of BDNF expression and oxidative stress
  2550. BDNF and GDNF serum levels in alcohol-dependent patients during withdrawal
  2551. 5‐HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms moderate effects of stress on rumination
  2552. Alcohol induced depressive-like behavior is associated with a reduction in hippocampal BDNF
  2553. Lack of promoter IV‐driven BDNF transcription results in depression‐like behavior
  2554. Neurosteroids reduce social isolation-induced behavioral deficits: a proposed link with neurosteroid-mediated upregulation of BDNF expression
  2555. Association of serum BDNF levels with hippocampal volumes in first psychotic episode drug-naive schizophrenic patients
  2556. The promotion of neurological recovery in the rat spinal cord crushed injury model by collagen-binding BDNF
  2557. Metaplasticity governs compartmentalization of synaptic tagging and capture through brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ)
  2558. Electrical Stimulation Promotes BDNF Expression in Spinal Cord Neurons Through Ca2+- and Erk-Dependent Signaling Pathways
  2559. BDNF and TrkB in neuronal differentiation of Fmr1-knockout mouse
  2560. Region-specific involvement of BDNF secretion and synthesis in conditioned taste aversion memory formation
  2561. Environmental enrichment influences BDNF and NR1 levels in the hippocampus and restores cognitive impairment in chronic cerebral hypoperfused rats
  2562. Effect of antidepressants on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) release from platelets in the rats
  2563. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphism Val66Met is associated with neither serum BDNF level nor response to selective serotonin reuptake …
  2564. The metabotrophic NGF and BDNF: an emerging concept
  2565. Sustained delivery of activated Rho GTPases and BDNF promotes axon growth in CSPG-rich regions following spinal cord injury
  2566. Early growth response 4 mediates BDNF induction of potassium chloride cotransporter 2 transcription
  2567. Epistasis of the DRD2/ANKK1 Taq Ia and the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism impacts novelty seeking and harm avoidance
  2568. Polymorphisms in BDNF (Val66Met) and 5-HTTLPR, morning cortisol and subsequent depression in at-risk adolescents
  2569. JIP3 mediates TrkB axonal anterograde transport and enhances BDNF signaling by directly bridging TrkB with kinesin-1
  2570. BDNF facilitates L-LTP maintenance in the absence of protein synthesis through PKMζ
  2571. P2X7, NMDA and BDNF receptors converge on GSK3 phosphorylation and cooperate to promote survival in cerebellar granule neurons
  2572. Enriched environment effects on behavior, memory and BDNF in low and high exploratory mice
  2573. BDNF‐restricted knockout mice as an animal model for aggression
  2574. Overexpression of BDNF and TrkB in human bladder cancer specimens
  2575. An increase in basal BDNF provokes hyperactivation of the Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway and deregulation of local dendritic translation in a mouse …
  2576. Lead exposure during synaptogenesis alters vesicular proteins and impairs vesicular release: potential role of NMDA receptor–dependent BDNF signaling
  2577. Nonneuronal cells regulate synapse formation in the vestibular sensory epithelium via erbB-dependent BDNF expression
  2578. Effects of antipsychotic drugs on BDNF, GSK-3β, and β-catenin expression in rats subjected to immobilization stress
  2579. Sex-dependent and region-specific changes in TrkB signaling in BDNF heterozygous mice
  2580. BDNF serum levels, but not BDNF Val66Met genotype, are correlated with personality traits in healthy subjects
  2581. Interaction between 5-HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms on HPA axis reactivity in preschoolers
  2582. Regulation of dendritic development by BDNF requires activation of CRTC1 by glutamate
  2583. CREB-Dependent Regulation of GAD65 Transcription by BDNF/TrkB in Cortical Interneurons
  2584. Effects of exercise and muscle type on BDNF, NT‐4/5, and TrKB expression in skeletal muscle
  2585. Cytoprotective effects of growth factors: BDNF more potent than GDNF in an organotypic culture model of Parkinson’s disease
  2586. Functional interactions between steroid hormones and neurotrophin BDNF
  2587. Influence of citalopram and environmental temperature on exercise-induced changes in BDNF
  2588. BDNF variant Val66Met interacts with estrous cycle in the control of hippocampal function
  2589. … reactivity: evidence that social enrichment has greater effects than handling on anxiety-like behaviors, neuroendocrine responses to stress and central BDNF levels
  2590. Simvastatin treatment improves functional recovery after experimental spinal cord injury by upregulating the expression of BDNF and GDNF
  2591. … supplementation of soy germ phytoestrogens or estradiol improves spatial memory performance and increases gene expression of BDNF, TrkB receptor and …
  2592. Sub-chronic exposure to atomoxetine up-regulates BDNF expression and signalling in the brain of adolescent spontaneously hypertensive rats: comparison with …
  2593. The novel squamosamide derivative FLZ enhances BDNF/TrkB/CREB signaling and inhibits neuronal apoptosis in APP/PS1 mice
  2594. Distinct signaling pathways of precursor BDNF and mature BDNF in cultured cerebellar granule neurons
  2595. Differential regulation of neurotrophin S100B and BDNF in two rat models of depression
  2596. BDNF polymorphism predicts general intelligence after penetrating traumatic brain injury
  2597. Effects of mood stabilizers on hippocampus and amygdala BDNF levels in an animal model of mania induced by ouabain
  2598. No effect of 5HTTLPR or BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on hippocampal morphology in major depression
  2599. Synergistic mechanisms in the modulation of the neurotrophin BDNF in the rat prefrontal cortex following acute agomelatine administration
  2600. Intranigral transplantation of epigenetically induced BDNF-secreting human mesenchymal stem cells: implications for cell-based therapies in Parkinson’s …
  2601. Rai1 haploinsufficiency causes reduced BDNF expression resulting in hyperphagia, obesity and altered fat distribution in mice and humans with no evidence of …
  2602. Enhanced auditory neuron survival following cell-based BDNF treatment in the deaf guinea pig
  2603. Placental BDNF/TrkB signaling system is modulated by fetal growth disturbances in rat and human
  2604. Localized overexpression of FGF‐2 and BDNF in hippocampus reduces mossy fiber sprouting and spontaneous seizures up to 4 weeks after pilocarpine‐induced …
  2605. Combined application of BDNF to the eye and brain enhances ganglion cell survival and function in the cat after optic nerve injury
  2606. Monoamines, BDNF, IL-6 and corticosterone in CSF in patients with Parkinson’s disease and major depression
  2607. Plasma BDNF and tPA are associated with late‐onset geriatric depression
  2608. The administration of BDNF and GDNF to the brain via PLGA microparticles patterned within a degradable PEG‐based hydrogel: Protein distribution and the glial …
  2609. Involvement of spinal cord BDNF in the generation and maintenance of chronic neuropathic pain in rats
  2610. Oroxylin A increases BDNF production by activation of MAPK–CREB pathway in rat primary cortical neuronal culture
  2611. … approach in posttraumatic stress disorder after urban violence: association analysis of the genes encoding serotonin transporter, dopamine transporter, and BDNF
  2612. Galectin-1 enhances astrocytic BDNF production and improves functional outcome in rats following ischemia
  2613. Time-dependent effects of escitalopram on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neuroplasticity related targets in the central nervous system of rats
  2614. Effect of oral resveratrol on the BDNF gene expression in the hippocampus of the rat brain
  2615. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) enhances GABA transport by modulating the trafficking of GABA transporter-1 (GAT-1) from the plasma membrane of …
  2616. Childhood adversity interacts separately with 5-HTTLPR and BDNF to predict lifetime depression diagnosis
  2617. Voluntary exercise induces adult hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF expression in a rodent model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  2618. BDNF/TrkB content and interaction with gastrin-releasing peptide receptor blockade in colorectal cancer
  2619. Cocaine alters BDNF expression and neuronal migration in the embryonic mouse forebrain
  2620. Changes in plasma and platelet BDNF levels induced by S-citalopram in major depression
  2621. RNA polymerase 1-driven transcription as a mediator of BDNF-induced neurite outgrowth
  2622. A meta-analysis of circulating BDNF concentrations in anorexia nervosa
  2623. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plasma levels in drug-naïve OCD patients are lower than those in healthy people, but are not lower than those in drug …
  2624. BDNF/MAPK/ERK–Induced BMP7 Expression in the Developing Cerebral Cortex Induces Premature Radial Glia Differentiation and Impairs Neuronal Migration
  2625. The role of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism for the synchronization of error-specific neural networks
  2626. Association of polymorphisms in the BDNF, DRD1 and DRD3 genes with tobacco smoking in schizophrenia
  2627. Nicotine dependence and serum BDNF levels in male patients with schizophrenia
  2628. A role for BDNF/TrkB signaling in behavioral and physiological consequences of social defeat stress
  2629. Gonadotrophin-induced paracrine regulation of human oocyte maturation by BDNF and GDNF secreted by granulosa cells
  2630. Implication of the env gene of the human endogenous retrovirus W family in the expression of BDNF and DRD3 and development of recent-onset schizophrenia
  2631. Acute stress alters transcript expression pattern and reduces processing of proBDNF to mature BDNF in Dicentrarchus labrax
  2632. Sildenafil protects against 3-nitropropionic acid neurotoxicity through the modulation of calpain, CREB, and BDNF
  2633. TrkB is highly expressed in NSCLC and mediates BDNF-induced the activation of Pyk2 signaling and the invasion of A549 cells
  2634. Activation of Adenosine A2 A Receptor Up-Regulates BDNF Expression in Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
  2635. Peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a biomarker for affective disorders?
  2636. … effects of Tanshinone IIA are associated with induced nuclear translocation of TORC1 and upregulated expression of TORC1, pCREB and BDNF in the acute stage of …
  2637. Brief social isolation in early adolescence affects reversal learning and forebrain BDNF expression in adult rats
  2638. Darkness reduces BDNF expression in the visual cortex and induces repressive chromatin remodeling at the BDNF gene in both hippocampus and visual cortex
  2639. Involvement of BDNF in age-dependent alterations in the hippocampus
  2640. The early non-increase of serum BDNF predicts failure of antidepressant treatment in patients with major depression: a pilot study
  2641. Effects of antipsychotics on the serum BDNF levels in schizophrenia
  2642. The roles of BDNF, pCREB and Wnt3a in the latent period preceding activation of progenitor cell mitosis in the adult dentate gyrus by fluoxetine
  2643. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is an independent risk factor for high lethality in suicide attempts of depressed patients
  2644. Using polymer chemistry to modulate the delivery of neurotrophic factors from degradable microspheres: delivery of BDNF
  2645. Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of delivery
  2646. More expressions of BDNF and TrkB in multiple hepatocellular carcinoma and anti-BDNF or K252a induced apoptosis, supressed invasion of HepG2 and …
  2647. Overexpression of α-synuclein down-regulates BDNF expression
  2648. Release reaction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through PAR1 activation and its two distinct pools in human platelets
  2649. Ebbinghaus Revisited: Influences of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Backward Serial Recall Are Modulated by Human Aging
  2650. Serum levels of BDNF are associated with craving in opiate-dependent patients
  2651. BDNF polymorphism predicts the rate of decline in skilled task performance and hippocampal volume in healthy individuals
  2652. Reduced cortical BDNF expression and aberrant memory in Carf knock-out mice
  2653. Modulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) actions in the nervous system by adenosine A2A receptors and the role of lipid rafts
  2654. BDNF polymorphism rs6265 and hippocampal structure and memory performance in healthy control subjects
  2655. Low concentrations of alcohol inhibit BDNF-dependent GABAergic plasticity via L-type Ca2+ channel inhibition in developing CA3 hippocampal pyramidal neurons
  2656. Weighing in the role of BDNF in the central control of eating behavior
  2657. Alterations in BDNF and phospho-CREB levels following chronic oral nicotine treatment and its withdrawal in dopaminergic brain areas of mice
  2658. Retrolinkin cooperates with endophilin A1 to mediate BDNF–TrkB early endocytic trafficking and signaling from early endosomes
  2659. Effects of combining electrical stimulation with BDNF gene transfer on the regeneration of crushed rat sciatic nerve
  2660. Extract from Terminalia chebula seeds protect against experimental ischemic neuronal damage via maintaining SODs and BDNF levels
  2661. Intense training overcomes effects of the val66met BDNF polymorphism on short-term plasticity
  2662. Mechanism of GABAB receptor‐induced BDNF secretion and promotion of GABAA receptor membrane expression
  2663. Late protein synthesis-dependent phases in CTA long-term memory: BDNF requirement
  2664. Developmental thyroid hormone insufficiency reduces expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in adults but not in neonates
  2665. Repeated anabolic androgenic steroid treatment causes antidepressant-reversible alterations of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, BDNF levels and behavior
  2666. Role of BDNF val66met polymorphism on the association between physical activity and incident dementia
  2667. Genetic association of the interaction between the BDNF and GSK3B genes and major depressive disorder in a Chinese population
  2668. Down-regulation of hippocampal BDNF and Arc associated with improvement in aversive spatial memory performance in socially isolated rats
  2669. Oligomeric amyloid-β inhibits the proteolytic conversion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), AMPA receptor trafficking, and classical conditioning
  2670. Enriched housing reverses age-associated impairment of cognitive functions and tPA-dependent maturation of BDNF
  2671. MicroRNA function and neurotrophin BDNF
  2672. … -induced disruption in cognitive performance is gender-specific and associated with a reduction in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in specific regions …
  2673. The combined effects of the BDNF and GSK3B genes modulate the relationship between negative life events and major depressive disorder
  2674. Adenoviral astrocyte-specific expression of BDNF in the striata of mice transgenic for Huntington’s disease delays the onset of the motor phenotype
  2675. Genotyping the BDNF rs6265 (val66met) polymorphism by one-step amplified refractory mutation system PCR
  2676. Differential epigenetic regulation of BDNF and NT-3 genes by trichostatin A and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine in Neuro-2a cells
  2677. Social defeat during adolescence and adulthood differentially induce BDNF-regulated immediate early genes
  2678. Interaction effect of functional variants of the BDNF and DRD2/ANKK1 gene is associated with alexithymia in healthy human subjects
  2679. β‐Adrenergic receptors link NO/sGC/PKG signaling to BDNF expression during the consolidation of object recognition long‐term memory
  2680. Postnatal BDNF expression profiles in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of a rat schizophrenia model induced by MK-801 administration
  2681. An epistasis effect of functional variants on the BDNF and DRD2 genes modulates gray matter volume of the anterior cingulate cortex in healthy humans
  2682. Early exposure to caffeine affects gene expression of adenosine receptors, DARPP-32 and BDNF without affecting sensibility and morphology of developing zebrafish …
  2683. Lack of effect of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism on early onset schizophrenia in Chinese Han population
  2684. Evidence of associations between bipolar disorder and the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene
  2685. Quadri-pulse stimulation (QPS) induced LTP/LTD was not affected by Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene
  2686. Prefrontal cortex, caloric restriction and stress during aging: studies on dopamine and acetylcholine release, BDNF and working memory
  2687. Activation of adenosine A2A receptors induces TrkB translocation and increases BDNF-mediated phospho-TrkB localization in lipid rafts: implications for …
  2688. Effects of BDNF polymorphisms on antidepressant action
  2689. Cholinergic hypofunction impairs memory acquisition possibly through hippocampal Arc and BDNF downregulation
  2690. The formation of actin waves during regeneration after axonal lesion is enhanced by BDNF
  2691. BDNF/TrkB signaling as an anti-tumor target
  2692. Epigenetic regulation of BDNF expression via the scaffolding protein RACK1
  2693. Regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) by anti-parkinsonian drug therapy in vivo
  2694. Consideration of the BDNF gene in relation to two phenotypes: Hoarding and obesity.
  2695. Roles of BDNF, dopamine D3 receptors, and their interactions in the expression of morphine-induced context-specific locomotor sensitization
  2696. The behavioral and biochemical effects of BDNF containing polymers implanted in the hippocampus of rats
  2697. An association study between the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene and postpartum depression
  2698. Chronic unpredictable stress-induced reduction in the hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression is antagonized by zinc treatment
  2699. BDNF is required for the survival of differentiated geniculate ganglion neurons
  2700. BDNF and CGRP interaction: implications in migraine susceptibility
  2701. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism alters sympathovagal balance in healthy subjects
  2702. BDNF mediated TrkB activation is a survival signal for transitional cell carcinoma cells
  2703. Early life stress decreases hippocampal BDNF content and exacerbates recognition memory deficits induced by repeated D-amphetamine exposure
  2704. Immunolocalization of pro-and mature-brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and receptor TrkB in the human brainstem and hippocampus
  2705. Neonatal exposure to propofol affects BDNF but not CaMKII, GAP-43, synaptophysin and tau in the neonatal brain and causes an altered behavioural response to …
  2706. Association of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism with Parkinson’s disease in a Greek population
  2707. Limited BDNF contributes to the failure of injury to skin afferents to produce a neuropathic pain condition
  2708. Cerebellum volume in high-risk offspring from multiplex alcohol dependence families: association with allelic variation in GABRA2 and BDNF
  2709. Do COMT, BDNF and NRG1 polymorphisms influence P50 sensory gating in psychosis?
  2710. Dual response of BDNF to sublethal concentrations of β-amyloid peptides in cultured cortical neurons
  2711. Curcumin attenuates the effects of transport stress on serum cortisol concentration, hippocampal NO production, and BDNF expression in the pig
  2712. The relationship between the Met allele of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and impairments in decision making under ambiguity in patients with obsessive …
  2713. The promotion of cerebral ischemia recovery in rats by laminin-binding BDNF
  2714. Age-related olfactory decline is associated with the BDNF val66met polymorphism: evidence from a population-based study
  2715. The exclusive induction of extinction is gated by BDNF
  2716. BDNF-secreting capsule exerts neuroprotective effects on epilepsy model of rats
  2717. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)–regulated DNA methylation alters CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)/cohesin binding and transcription at the BDNF locus
  2718. BDNF and PDE4, but not the GRPR, regulate viability of human medulloblastoma cells
  2719. Interaction between CRHR1 and BDNF genes increases the risk of recurrent major depressive disorder in Chinese population
  2720. BDNF Val66Met genotype and 6-month remission rates in late-life depression
  2721. Maternal exercise decreases maternal deprivation induced anxiety of pups and correlates to increased prefrontal cortex BDNF and VEGF
  2722. BDNF-TrkB signalling in fear learning: from genetics to neural networks
  2723. Correlation of serum BDNF levels with hippocampal volumes in first episode, medication-free depressed patients
  2724. Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-like sequences are involved in dendritic targeting of BDNF mRNA in hippocampal neurons
  2725. Developmental expression of BDNF, Ntf4/5, and TrkB in the mouse peripheral taste system
  2726. Performance-Related Increases in Hippocampal N-acetylaspartate (NAA) Induced by Spatial Navigation Training Are Restricted to BDNF Val Homozygotes
  2727. Characterisation of a new regulator of BDNF signalling, Sprouty3, involved in axonal morphogenesis in vivo
  2728. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): the severity and symptomatic dimensions of depression
  2729. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) ameliorates the suppression of thyroid hormone-induced granule cell neurite extension by hexabromocyclododecane …
  2730. The effect of dopamine agonists: the expression of GDNF, NGF, and BDNF in cultured mouse astrocytes
  2731. Phylogenesis of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)‏ in vertebrates
  2732. Localization of BDNF mRNA with the Huntington’s disease protein in rat brain
  2733. Viral depletion of VTA BDNF in rats modulates social behavior, consequences of intermittent social defeat stress, and long-term weight regulation
  2734. Involvement of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the functional elimination of synaptic contacts at polyinnervated neuromuscular synapses during …
  2735. The study of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in Chinese schizophrenic patients
  2736. The functional BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects functions of pre-attentive visual sensory memory processes
  2737. Panicolytic-like effect of BDNF in the rat dorsal periaqueductal grey matter: the role of 5-HT and GABA
  2738. Differential effect of clopidogrel and aspirin on the release of BDNF from platelets
  2739. RACK1 affects morphine reward via BDNF
  2740. Evidence of association between Val66Met polymorphism at BDNF gene and anxiety disorders in a community sample of children and adolescents
  2741. Effects of SYJN, a Chinese herbal formula, on chronic unpredictable stress-induced changes in behavior and brain BDNF in rats
  2742. Association analysis between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and treatment response to venlafaxine XR in …
  2743. BDNF gene polymorphisms are associated with Alzheimer’s disease-related depression and antidepressant response
  2744. Fine-mapping of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene supports an association of the Val66Met polymorphism with episodic memory
  2745. Expression of BDNF, TrkB, and p53 in early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix
  2746. BDNF concentrations are decreased in serum and parietal cortex in immunotoxin 192 IgG-Saporin rat model of cholinergic degeneration
  2747. Lack of a synergistic effect of a non-viral ALS gene therapy based on BDNF and a TTC fusion molecule
  2748. The role of BDNF genetic polymorphisms in bipolar disorder with psychiatric comorbidities
  2749. The effects of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on brain function in controls and patients with multiple sclerosis: an imaging genetic study
  2750. Pharmacological characterization of six trkB antibodies reveals a novel class of functional agents for the study of the BDNF receptor
  2751. Activity-dependent transcription of BDNF enhances visual acuity during development
  2752. Influence of BDNF and COMT polymorphisms on emotional decision making
  2753. The hydrophobic dipeptide Leu–Ile inhibits immobility induced by repeated forced swimming via the induction of BDNF
  2754. Effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on neural responses to facial emotion
  2755. Neural stem cells modified to express BDNF antagonize trimethyltin‐induced neurotoxicity through PI3K/Akt and MAP kinase pathways
  2756. Effects of chronic forced swim stress on hippocampal brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor (TrkB) immunoreactive cells in juvenile and aged …
  2757. Effects of antiepileptic drugs on mRNA levels of BDNF and NT-3 and cell neogenesis in the developing rat brain
  2758. Genetic variants in the BDNF gene and therapeutic response to risperidone in schizophrenia patients: a pharmacogenetic study
  2759. Serotonin transporter and BDNF genetic variants interact to predict cognitive reactivity in healthy adults
  2760. An investigation of associations between alcohol use disorder and polymorphisms on ALDH2, BDNF, 5‐HTTLPR, and MTHFR genes in older Korean men
  2761. Blood levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in major depressive disorder
  2762. Lrrk2 S1647T and BDNF V66M interact with environmental factors to increase risk of Parkinson’s disease
  2763. Val/Val genotype of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism is associated with a better response to OROS-MPH in Korean ADHD children
  2764. BDNF signaling during learning is regionally differentiated within hippocampus
  2765. BDNF is essentially required for the early postnatal survival of nociceptors
  2766. Met carriers of BDNF Val66Met genotype show increased N-acetylaspartate concentration in the anterior cingulate cortex
  2767. Activation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene transcription induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its selective inhibition through Ca2+ signals …
  2768. Age-related changes in plasma levels of BDNF in Down syndrome patients
  2769. Genetic variation in BDNF is associated with allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis in an ethnic Chinese population in Singapore
  2770. Expression and role of the BDNF receptor-TrkB in rat adrenal gland under acute immobilization stress
  2771. Positive association between the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and bipolar disorder in the Han Chinese population
  2772. Lentiviral shRNA silencing of BDNF inhibits in vivo multiple myeloma growth and angiogenesis via down‐regulated stroma‐derived VEGF expression in the bone …
  2773. Snca and BDNF gene expression in the VTA and raphe nuclei of midbrain in chronically victorious and defeated male mice
  2774. Ceruloplasmin deficiency reduces levels of iron and BDNF in the cortex and striatum of young mice and increases their vulnerability to stroke
  2775. BDE-99 deregulates BDNF, Bcl-2 and the mRNA expression of thyroid receptor isoforms in rat cerebellar granular neurons
  2776. NMDA receptor activation induces differential epigenetic modification of BDNF promoters in hippocampal neurons
  2777. A close correlation between plasma and serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in healthy volunteers
  2778. Role of adenosine A2A receptors in modulating synaptic functions and brain levels of BDNF: a possible key mechanism in the pathophysiology of Huntington’s …
  2779. Lingual and palatal gustatory afferents each depend on both BDNF and NT‐4, but the dependence is greater for lingual than palatal afferents
  2780. Comparison of the temporary dynamics of NGF and BDNF gene expression in rat hippocampus, frontal cortex, and retina under Semax action
  2781. Midbrain dopaminergic neurons utilize nitric oxide/cyclic GMP signaling to recruit ERK that links retinoic acid receptor stimulation to up‐regulation of BDNF
  2782. Genetic variation on the BDNF gene is not associated with differences in white matter tracts in healthy humans measured by tract‐based spatial statistics
  2783. Aging and depression vulnerability interaction results in decreased serotonin innervation associated with reduced BDNF levels in hippocampus of rats bred for …
  2784. Use of polyamidoamine dendrimers to engineer BDNF-producing human mesenchymal stem cells
  2785. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism, energy intake and BMI: a follow-up study in schoolchildren at risk of eating disorders
  2786. Effect of Mozart music on hippocampal content of BDNF in postnatal rats
  2787. Interaction effects between COMT and BDNF polymorphisms on boredom susceptibility of sensation seeking traits
  2788. Trophic factors GDNF and BDNF improve function of retinal sheet transplants
  2789. Postsynaptic TRPC1 function contributes to BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation at the developing neuromuscular junction
  2790. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM): codistribution in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei …
  2791. Peptides derived from the solvent‐exposed loops 3 and 4 of BDNF bind TrkB and p75NTR receptors and stimulate neurite outgrowth and survival
  2792. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of BDNF val66met polymorphism in unmedicated subjects at high genetic risk of schizophrenia performing a verbal memory …
  2793. The effects of paraquat on regional brain neurotransmitter activity, hippocampal BDNF and behavioural function in female mice
  2794. SCF, BDNF, and Gas6 are regulators of growth plate chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation
  2795. Administration of BDNF/ginsenosides combination enhanced synaptic development in human neural stem cells
  2796. Lactational zinc deficiency‐induced hippocampal neuronal apoptosis by a BDNF‐independent TrkB signaling pathway
  2797. Expression of TrkB and BDNF in human cochlea—an immunohistochemical study
  2798. Effects of repeated minimal electroshock seizures on NGF, BDNF and FGF-2 protein in the rat brain during postnatal development
  2799. Differential expression and regulation by activin of the neurotrophins BDNF and NT4 during human and mouse ovarian development
  2800. Genetic association of the Phosphoinositide‐3 kinase in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and interaction with a BDNF gene polymorphism
  2801. Neutralization of BDNF attenuates the in vitro protective effects of olfactory ensheathing cell-conditioned medium on scratch-insulted retinal ganglion cells
  2802. Dissociation of antidepressant-like activity of escitalopram and nortriptyline on behaviour and hippocampal BDNF expression in female rats
  2803. Nitric oxide regulates BDNF release from nodose ganglion neurons in a pattern‐dependent and cGMP‐independent manner
  2804. TrkB/BDNF-dependent striatal plasticity and behavior in a genetic model of epilepsy: modulation by valproic acid
  2805. … functioning as measured by the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials is related to a haplotype in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene
  2806. DREAM regulates BDNF-dependent spinal sensitization
  2807. New insights into the mechanisms underlying the effects of BDNF on eating behavior
  2808. … and social stimulation in adolescence causes antidepressant-like effects associated with epigenetic induction of the hippocampal BDNF and mossy fibre sprouting in …
  2809. Association of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism with both baseline HRQOL scores and improvement in HRQOL scores in Chinese major depressive patients treated …
  2810. Correlation of BDNF blood levels with interoceptive awareness and maturity fears in anorexia and bulimia nervosa patients
  2811. Sex-differential modulation of visceral pain by brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rats
  2812. Enhanced cocaine-conditioned place preference and associated brain regional levels of BDNF, p-ERK1/2 and p-Ser845-GluA1 in food-restricted rats
  2813. Selective Upregulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Transcripts and BDNF Direct Induction of Activity Independent N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Currents in …
  2814. BDNF moderates early environmental risk factors for anxiety in mouse
  2815. Hippocampal enlargement in Bassoon-mutant mice is associated with enhanced neurogenesis, reduced apoptosis, and abnormal BDNF levels
  2816. BDNF plasma levels decrease during benzodiazepine withdrawal in patients suffering from comorbidity of depressive disorder and benzodiazepine dependence
  2817. Genetic association between BDNF gene polymorphisms and phobic disorders: a case–control study among mainland Han Chinese
  2818. Chronic administration of cyclosporine a changes expression of BDNF and TrkB in rat hippocampus and midbrain
  2819. Positive association between MET allele (BDNF Val66Met polymorphism) and obsessive-compulsive disorder
  2820. The rs2030324 SNP of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is associated with visual cognitive processing in multiple sclerosis
  2821. ShcD interacts with TrkB via its PTB and SH2 domains and regulates BDNF-induced MAPK activation
  2822. A Detoxified Extract of Rhus verniciflua Stokes Upregulated the Expression of BDNF and GDNF in the Rat Brain and the Human Dopaminergic Cell Line SH-SY5Y
  2823. Increased prevalence of val66met BDNF genotype among subjects with cervical dystonia
  2824. Ethanol alters BDNF‐induced Rho GTPase activation in axonal growth cones
  2825. Cortical neurons from intrauterine growth retardation rats exhibit lower response to neurotrophin BDNF
  2826. Effects of serotonin transporter promoter and BDNF Val66Met genotype on personality traits in a population representative sample of adolescents
  2827. Association between C-281A and val66met functional polymorphisms of BDNF gene and risk of recurrent major depressive disorder in Polish population
  2828. Chronic ethanol ingestion, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rats
  2829. Hippocampal deletion of BDNF gene attenuates gamma oscillations in area CA1 by up-regulating 5-HT3 receptor
  2830. Total and mitochondrial nitrosative stress, decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels and glutamate uptake, and evidence of endoplasmic reticulum …
  2831. Ameliorative effect of BDNF on prenatal ethanol and stress exposure-induced behavioral disorders
  2832. PPARγ-mediated advanced glycation end products regulate neural stem cell proliferation but not neural differentiation through the BDNF–CREB pathway
  2833. Decreased serum BDNF levels in major depressive patients
  2834. Differential expression and regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA isoforms in androgen-sensitive motoneurons of the rat lumbar spinal cord
  2835. Functional coupling analysis suggests link between the obesity gene FTO and the BDNF-NTRK2 signaling pathway
  2836. Effects of chaihu shugan powder on the behavior and expressions of BDNF and TrkB in the hippocampus, amygdala, and the frontal lobe in rat model of depression
  2837. Effect of 8 weeks of endurance training at different durations on serum brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in male rats
  2838. Effects of repeatedly heading a soccer ball on serum levels of two neurotrophic factors of brain tissue, BDNF and NGF, in professional soccer players
  2839. Association between brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphisms and executive function in Japanese patients with Alzheimer’s disease
  2840. Decoding BDNF-LTP coupling in cocaine addiction
  2841. Association study of BDNF and DRD3 genes in schizophrenia diagnosis using matched case–control and family based study designs
  2842. A preliminary association study between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) haplotype and late-onset depression in mainland Chinese
  2843. Measurements in the blood of BDNF for RA patients and in response to anti-TNF treatment help us to clarify the magnitude of centrally related pain and to …
  2844. Varenicline does not increase serum BDNF levels in patients with nicotine dependence
  2845. A novel BDNF polymorphism affects plasma protein levels in interaction with early adversity in rhesus macaques
  2846. Effects of increasing durations of immobilization stress on plasma corticosterone level, learning and memory and hippocampal BDNF gene expression in rats
  2847. Cerebral 5-HT2A Receptor and Serotonin Transporter Binding in Humans Are Not Affected by the val66met BDNF Polymorphism Status or Blood BDNF Levels
  2848. Resuscitation of newborn piglets. Short-term influence of FiO 2 on matrix metalloproteinases, caspase-3 and BDNF
  2849. High-dose dibutyl phthalate improves performance of F1 generation male rats in spatial learning and increases hippocampal BDNF expression independent on p …
  2850. Acute low dose of MK-801 prevents memory deficits without altering hippocampal DARPP-32 expression and BDNF levels in sepsis survivor rats
  2851. Dysregulation of CREB activation and histone acetylation in 3-nitropropionic acid-treated cortical neurons: prevention by BDNF and NGF
  2852. Proliferative retinopathy is associated with impaired increase in BDNF and RANTES expression levels after preterm birth
  2853. Genetic modulation of training and transfer in older adults: BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with wider useful field of view
  2854. Possible role of BDNF-induced microglial intracellular Ca2+ elevation in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders
  2855. Spatiotemporal changes of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 in the developing spinal cords of embryonic chicken
  2856. Association of BDNF gene polymorphism with asthma in polish children
  2857. NRG1 and BDNF genes in schizophrenia: an association study in an Italian case-control sample
  2858. Frequency-dependent changes in synaptic plasticity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the CA1 to perirhinal cortex projection
  2859. BDNF protein expression in the hippocampus following exposure of rats to forced swimming stress
  2860. Effects of GABAB ligands alone and in combination with paroxetine on hippocampal BDNF gene expression
  2861. Effect of ADRA2A and BDNF gene–gene interaction on the continuous performance test phenotype
  2862. No major clinical impact of Val66Met BDNF gene polymorphism on temporal lobe epilepsy
  2863. Epibranchial placode‐derived neurons produce BDNF required for early sensory neuron development
  2864. Penicillin induced epileptiform activity and EEG spectrum analysis of BDNF heterozygous mice: an in vivo electrophysiological study
  2865. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and mood disorder
  2866. BDNF mRNA expression is significantly upregulated in vestibular schwannomas and correlates with proliferative activity
  2867. BDNF improves the efficacy ERG amplitude maintenance by transplantation of retinal stem cells in RCS rats
  2868. An intrastriatal brain-derived neurotrophic factor infusion restores striatal gene expression in BDNF heterozygous mice
  2869. Effects of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on brain metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease
  2870. Opposite effects of acute ethanol exposure on GAP-43 and BDNF expression in the hippocampus versus the cerebellum of juvenile rats
  2871. Elevated BDNF protein level in cortex but not in hippocampus of MDMA-treated Dark Agouti rats: a potential link to the long-term recovery of serotonergic axons
  2872. The expression mechanism of the residual LTP in the CA1 region of BDNF ko mice is insensitive to NO synthase inhibition
  2873. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and protein levels in amniotic fluid
  2874. Occlusal disharmony induces BDNF level in rat submandibular gland
  2875. Strain-specific BDNF expression of rat primary astrocytes
  2876. BDNF and GAP43 contribute to dynamic transhemispheric functional reorganization in rat brain after contralateral C7 root transfer following brachial plexus avulsion …
  2877. Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in autistic children in central Saudi Arabia
  2878. Involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in MP4-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  2879. The influence of N-desmethylclozapine and clozapine on recognition memory and BDNF expression in hippocampus
  2880. The role of BDNF/TrkB signaling in acute amphetamine-induced locomotor activity and opioid peptide gene expression in the rat dorsal striatum
  2881. BAC transgenic mice reveal distal cis‐regulatory elements governing BDNF gene expression
  2882. Behavior in the forced-swimming test and expression of BDNF and Bcl-xl genes in the rat brain
  2883. BDNF contributes to the genetic variance of milk fat yield in German Holstein cattle
  2884. Effect of Met66 allele of the BDNF rs6265 SNP on regional gray matter volumes in patients with multiple sclerosis: A voxel-based morphometry study
  2885. Effects of the BDNF val66met polymorphism on prefrontal brain function in a population at high genetic risk of schizophrenia
  2886. BDNF-trkB signaling in late life cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease
  2887. Parent of origin effect and differential allelic expression of BDNF Val66Met in suicidal behaviour
  2888. Aging effects on the BDNF mRNA and TrkB mRNA expression of the hippocampus in different durations of stress
  2889. BDNF is required for the induction of a presynaptic component of the functional conversion of silent synapses
  2890. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and brain volumes in multiple sclerosis
  2891. Dose‐related effects of venlafaxine on pCREB and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus of the rat by chronic unpredictable stress
  2892. Enhanced dopamine D1 and BDNF signaling in the adult dorsal striatum but not nucleus accumbens of prenatal cocaine treated mice
  2893. Effects of Curcumin supplementation on BDNF and Oxidative/antioxidative process in rat’s hippocampus which exposed to lead
  2894. Association of BDNF and COMT genotypes with cognitive processing of anti‐smoking PSAs
  2895. Roles of BDNF in spinal neuroplasticity in cats subjected to partial dorsal ganglionectomy
  2896. Expression of BDNF and NT‐3 during the ontogeny and regeneration of the lacertidian (Gallotia galloti) visual system
  2897. Effects of different CMS on behaviors, BDNF/CREB/Bcl-2 expression in rat hippocampus
  2898. BDNF copycats
  2899. Time-course of changes in phosphorylated CREB in neuroblasts and BDNF in the mouse dentate gyrus at early postnatal stages
  2900. Distinctive effects of unpredictable subchronic stress on memory, serum corticosterone and hippocampal BDNF levels in high and low exploratory mice
  2901. Temporal lobe epilepsy and the BDNF receptor, TrkB
  2902. VIP, PACAP‐38, BDNF and ADNP in NMDA‐induced excitotoxicity in the rat retina
  2903. Study of the profile of the neurotrophin BDNF in new leprosy cases before, during and after multidrug therapy
  2904. BDNF stimulates Ca2+ oscillation frequency in melanotrope cells of Xenopus laevis: contribution of IP3-receptor-mediated release of intracellular Ca2+ to gene …
  2905. Research progress of BDNF and depression
  2906. Association between Val66Met polymorphism of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) gene and a deficiency of colour vision in alcohol-dependent male patients
  2907. Predisposition to epilepsy in fragile X syndrome: does the Val66Met polymorphism in the BDNF gene play a role?
  2908. The role of genetic variation of BDNF gene in antidepressant-induced mania in bipolar disorder
  2909. The role of BDNF genotype, parental depression, and relationship discord in predicting early-emerging negative emotionality
  2910. Estrogen reduces BDNF level, but maintains dopaminergic cell density in the striatum of MPTP mouse model
  2911. BDNF and NT-3 increase velocity of activity front propagation in unidimensional hippocampal cultures
  2912. Synergistic increase of BDNF release from rat primary cortical neuron by combination of several medicinal plant-derived compounds
  2913. Cellular BRET assay suggests a conformational rearrangement of preformed TrkB/Shc complexes following BDNF-dependent activation
  2914. Effects of TrkB-BDNF signal pathway on synthesis and secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor in human neuroblastoma cells
  2915. Effects of voluntary running in the female mice lateral septum on BDNF and corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2
  2916. BDNF-TrkB pathway mediates NMDA receptor NR2B subunit phosphorylation in the supraoptic nuclei following progressive dehydration
  2917. BDNF levels are not related with levodopa‐induced dyskinesias in MPTP monkeys
  2918. Aging-induced seizure-related changes to the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway in forebrain specific BDNF overexpressing mice
  2919. Neonatal caffeine treatment does not induce long-term consequences on TrkB receptors or BDNF expression in chemosensory organs of adult rats
  2920. Ethyl Acetate Extracts of Raw and Steamed Codonopsis lanceolata Protects Against Ischemic Damage Potentially by Maintaining SOD1 and BDNF Levels
  2921. Repetitive acute intermittent hypoxia increases BDNF and trkb expression in respiratory motor neurons: dose effects
  2922. In Vitro Expression of BDNF, GDNF, NGF, NT3 and NT4/5 Genes in Selegiline Induced Bone Marrow Stromal Cells.
  2923. No association between genetic markers in BDNF gene and lithium prophylaxis in a Greek sample
  2924. Requirements of Gαi1 and Gαi3 for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) induced PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling as well as …
  2925. Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase‐Activating Peptide (PACAP) and Substance P (SP) induce the release of Brain‐Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) from the longitudinal …
  2926. Effect of Ganoderma lucidum spores on cytochrome C, mitochondrial Ca2+, HSP70 and BDNF in brain of epilepsy rats
  2927. Association analysis of polymorphisms of the NTRK2 and BDNF genes with bipolar affective disorder in a Polish sample
  2928. EphA activation overrides the presynaptic actions of BDNF
  2929. Study of the serotonin transporter (SLC6A4) and BDNF genes in French patients with non syndromic mental deficiency
  2930. Decreased serum BDNF levels in patients with epileptic and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
  2931. Skeletal muscle-derived BDNF regulates satellite cell differentiation and muscle regeneration
  2932. Generation of TrkA/TrkB chimeric receptor constructs reveals molecular mechanisms underlying BDNF-induced dendritic outgrowth in hippocampal neurons
  2933. Short-and long-term effects of intermittent social defeat stress on BDNF expression in mesocorticolimbic brain regions
  2934. Genetic analysis of BDNF expression cliques and adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus
  2935. Differential regulation of the neurotrophins, NGF and BDNF, and their receptors in the myometrium of women affected by adenomyosis
  2936. Peripheral BDNF produces antidepressant-like effects in cellular and behavioral models: Corrigendum.
  2937. Effect of acupuncture on the expression of bcl-xl and BDNF of retina in rabbits with chronic intraocular hypertension
  2938. BIT/SHPS-1 promotes antiapoptotic effect of BDNF on low potassium-induced cell death of cultured cerebellar granule neurons
  2939. Changes of BDNF expression in hippocampus and serum of rats with artificial chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  2940. Rapid-effect mechanism on BDNF-TrkB in hippocampus of depressive model rats by electro-acupuncture
  2941. … Associated Peptide-1 (TCAP-1): Protection Against Hypoxic-stress and Regulation of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Immortalized Hypothalamic …
  2942. Study of the effects of lanthanum on hippocampal CaMKIV, CREB phosphorylation and BDNF expression in rats
  2943. Expression of BDNF mRNA in nasal mucosa with allergic rhinitis rat model
  2944. PDGF-AA and BDNF promote neural stem cell differentiation
  2945. Effects of citalopram on serum deprivation induced PC12 cell apoptosis and BDNF expression
  2946. Laboratory research of changes in expression of BDNF and NGF in focal cerebral ischemia in rats and impacts of modified Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang.
  2947. Research on the Enhancement of Treadmill Training on Learning-memory and BDNF mRNA Expression in Hippocampus of Rats [J]
  2948. No association between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and emergence of psychiatric symptoms in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
  2949. Serum BDNF concentrations in major depressive disorder: state-trait issues, clinical features and pharmacological treatment
  2950. Tumor necrosis factor-α increases BDNF expression in trigeminal ganglion neurons in an activity-dependent manner
  2951. Gestational IV nicotine produces elevated BDNF in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system of adolescent rat offspring
  2952. BDNF effects on brain fiber microstructure replicated in two twin samples (N= 455)
  2953. Effect of hypothermia on the expressions of BDNF in patients with severe traumatic brain injury [J]
  2954. Catalpol up-regulated NGF, BDNF and mRNA gene expression and improved behavior outcome of rats with ischemic stroke
  2955. Cocaine-induced chromatin remodeling increases BDNF transcription in the rat medial prefrontal cortex, which alters the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine
  2956. Effect of moxibustion pretreatment on expression of NGF and BDNF in hippocampus CA1 of Alzheimer disease model rats
  2957. Improvement of learning and memory impairment of Alzheimer’s disease rat models treated by bone mesenchymal stem cells modified with BDNF gene
  2958. Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and cognitive performance in subjects with schizophrenia
  2959. Bioinformatics approach to BDNF and BDNF-related disorders
  2960. Effects of cannabinoid on the expression of PKAC-β, c-fos and BDNF in cerebral cortex after ICH
  2961. Allergen and BDNF‐induced TRP Channel Expression in Nodose Cough‐fiber Neurons
  2962. Increased BDNF levels and association with the NTRK2 gene suggest a disruption of BDNF/TRKB signaling in autism
  2963. BDNF and COMT interaction in determining clinical presentation of first-episode psychosis: data from the PICOS-Veneto study
  2964. The Tissue Plasminogen Activator/Plasmin System May Act Through Cleavage of Pro-BDNF to Increase Risk of Substance Abuse
  2965. Expression of COX-2, BDNF, PDGF-B after closed traumatic brain injury in rats [J]
  2966. Phosphorylation of zipcode binding protein is required for BDNF signaling of local β-actin synthesis and growth cone turning
  2967. The expressions of NGF and BDNF in the rats with intracerebral hemorrhage
  2968. BDNF and EGF activate neuronal m-calpain via MAP Kinase-dependent phosphorylation
  2969. Peripheral BDNF produces antidepressant-like effects in cellular and behavioral models
  2970. Early evidence implicating the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism in the pathogenesis of oesophageal visceral sensitivity
  2971. 7, 8-dihydroxyflavone, a selective tyrosine kinase receptor B agonist and BDNF mimic, promotes angiogenesis.
  2972. The Effect of Eye Acupuncture Therapy on BDNF Expression of Rats with Acute Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury [J]
  2973. Diminished activity-dependent BDNF expression underlies cortical neuron microcircuit hypoconnectivity resulting from exposure to mutant huntingtin fragments
  2974. Sequental Involvement of Hippocampal BDNF and Inducible Nitric Oxide in Depression Induced by Chronic Unpredicted Mild Stress [J]
  2975. The effects of electro-acupuncture on behavior and the level of BDNF in the hippocampus of rats with chronic stress depression
  2976. Rescue of Degenerated Retinal Ganglion Cells by BDNF and Bcl-2 Gene Transfer Using in vivo Electroporation in Adult Rats
  2977. Influence of Buguzhi decoction on BDNF/TrKB and GAP-43 in the hippocampus of vascular dementia rats
  2978. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the nucleus tractus solitarii (nTS) contributes to sympathoexcitation in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  2979. Regulation of heterogeneous nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) by BDNF: changes in mRNA binding as determined by microarray analysis
  2980. Smoking And Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Level In Serum
  2981. Effects of Decabromodiphenyl Ethe r Exposure on Learning And Memory Ability and Hippocampal BDNF Gen e Expression of Male Rat
  2982. Effect of Electroacupuncture on The Expression of BDNF and TrKB in Mesencephic Substantia Nigra of The Parkinson’s disease Model Rats [J]
  2983. Effects of BDNF on activation of spinal dorsal horn astrocytes in rats with spinal nerve ligation
  2984. The comparison of serum BDNF levels in early, middle and latestages of Parkinson′ s disease cases
  2985. Depression-like behavior and change in hippocampus BDNF mRNA expression induced by early deprivation in rats
  2986. Role of transplantation of BDNF gene-modified dermal multipotent stem cells in repairment of spinal cord injury [J]
  2987. Critical period of axoglial signaling between Neuregulin-1 and BDNF required for early Schwann cell survival and differentiation
  2988. The Influence of Electroacupuncture Therapy on the Expression of Hippocampus BDNF, TrkB in Rats Model of Alzheimer′ s Disease [J]
  2989. Cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript induces BDNF synthesis through ERK activation in hippocampal neurons
  2990. Effect of Gengnianchun formula on hippocampal BDNF of ovariectomized SD rat
  2991. BDNF-deficiency downregulates SIRT1 and upregulates SIRT2 expression in aging mouse retina
  2992. BDNF as a biomarker in psychiatry
  2993. Transcriptional changes of BDNF and clock genes in the rat prefrontal cortex following acute agomelatine administration
  2994. BDNF and NTRK2 polymorphisms and antidepressant treatment outcome
  2995. Hyperoxia decreases brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production in the carotid body and brainstem and catecholaminergic neurons in nucleus tractus solitarii …
  2996. Expression of BDNF mRNA in nasal mucosa with allergic rhinitis rat model [J]
  2997. Correlation between serum levels of BDNF and life quality in patients with chronic hepatitis C complicated with depressive symptoms [J]
  2998. Plasma BDNF associations with cortical thickness in normal controls and mild cognitive impairment
  2999. The Effect of Eye Acupuncture Therapy on Serum BDNF Levels in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion in Jury
  3000. Association of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene polymorphisms with early-onset and female schizophrenia in the Chinese population
  3001. Effects of Zhijujieyu-Soup on Ability of Spatial Learning-memory and Expression of BDNF In the Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex of Depression Model Mice [J]
  3002. Transient changes in BDNF parallel plasticity observed in the IML following distal axon injury
  3003. Experimental study of scalp-acupuncture on BDNF expression in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion rats
  3004. Effect of Swimming Training with Different Weights on the Expression of BDNF and trkB in Adrenal Body [J]
  3005. Effects of electroacupuncture at point Baihui and Fengfu on the expressions of BDNF and the cognitive function in dementia rats
  3006. Depressive behavior of rats induced by CUMS involved in abnormal pathomorphology and BDNF expression in hippocampus of rats [J]
  3007. Protective effect of BDNF to newborn rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain damage [J]
  3008. A food restriction protocol that increases drug reward decreases TrkB in the ventral tegmental area, with no effect on BDNF or TrkB protein levels in …
  3009. Effects of Rotarod Exercise and Electroacupuncture on Muscle Activity and Serum BDNF Level in the Ataxic Rats by the 3-Acetylpyridine
  3010. In vitro effect of BDNF and NGF on the axonal growth cones of cortical neurons from apolipoprotein E3 or apolipoprotein E4 transfected newborn mice
  3011. Essential role for vav GEFs in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced dendritic spine growth and synapse plasticity
  3012. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Produced by Human Umbilical Tissue-derived Cells (hUTC) Is Required for its Effect on Hippocampal Dendritic …
  3013. … treatment with the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor fluoxetine and the 5-HT2A/2C antagonist ketansesrine induces an increase in BDNF and beta-catenin in …
  3014. Retinal BDNF expressions in RCS rats after transplantation of gene transfected iris pigment epithelium
  3015. Conditional BDNF release under pathological conditions improves Huntington’s disease pathology by delaying neuronal dysfunction
  3016. Impairment of BDNF-mediated hippocampal synaptic facilitation in a transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease-like Tau pathology
  3017. BDNF expression in the nervous system of zebrafish embryo
  3018. The modulation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) during exercise in obesity
  3019. The Effects of BDNF in the Growth and Differentiation of Human Embryonic Spinal Cord Neural Stem Cells
  3020. Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Concentrations in Children and Adolescents
  3021. Snca and BDNF gene expression in the VTA and raphe nuclei of midbrain in chronically victorious and defeated male mice
  3022. Gene Transfer Of BDNF Promotes Cone Survival And Function In A Model Of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
  3023. Expression and Clinical Significance of TrkB/BDNF in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
  3024. The relation of BDNF VAL66MET polymorphism to neural volume and drinking behavior among adolescents
  3025. Acute stress alters transcript expression pattern and reduces processing of proBDNF to mature BDNF in Dicentrarchus labrax
  3026. Impact of a haplotype (Val66Met) in the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene on serotonergic neurotransmission as reflected by the loudness dependence of …
  3027. BDNF and TrkB Expression in the Retina of the DBA/2J Mouse Model of Glaucoma
  3028. BDNF Expression in Myocardial Ischemic Preconditioning and Its Significance
  3029. Effect of BDNF gene modified umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells transplantation on neurological function improvement in rats subjected to brain trauma
  3030. Functional Effects of Endogenous BDNF in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (nTS)
  3031. Serum BDNF in OCD and major depressive disorder patients before and during antidepressant treatment. European neuropsychopharmacology 2010, 20 (3): S541 …
  3032. The changes of BDNF in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion following hindpaw-incision in the rats
  3033. The plasticity effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) for stroke rehabilitation through Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) study
  3034. Delayed electrical stimulation and BDNF application following induced deafness in rats
  3035. Interferon-β impairs BDNF-induced neuronal signaling and differentiation.
  3036. P2-01-21: The Biological Influence of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) on the Aggressiveness of Human Breast Cancer Cells.
  3037. Increase of serum BDNF level in depressive patients identifies therapy response and correlates with mood improvement
  3038. BDNF Secretion is Dependent on Optineurin Expression
  3039. P2-05-10: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, BDNF, and Its Biological Impact on Vascular Endothelial Cells.
  3040. Effect of oxymatrine on the expression of BDNF and its receptor TrkB after focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in rats
  3041. Association of smoking in first-episode schizophrenia with BDNF and psychiatric symptoms and cognition
  3042. 5.6: Presentation session: Neuroscience informatics:“Genetic analysis of BDNF expression cliques and adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus”
  3043. Long-term changes of morphology of in vitro cultured Schwann cells in distal stump of sciatic nerve following denervation and their ability of secreting BDNF and NT-3
  3044. Roles of GQ1b on the learning and memory via NMDA receptor and BDNF/TrkB signaling pathway of rats
  3045. Construction of Ad-EGFP-BDNF vector and its expression in neural stem cells**☆
  3046. Expression of BDNF in corresponding spinal cord after rat sciatic nerve transplantation
  3047. Region-specific involvement of BDNF secretion and synthesis in conditioned taste aversion memory formation
  3048. Deteimination of recombinant retrovirus pLXSN-BDNF liter with fluorescent quantitative PCR
  3049. … of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) systems in neuroblastoma: New insight into mechanisms of BDNF‘s pro-survival effects
  3050. Requirements of Gαi1 and Gαi3 for Brain‐Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) induced signaling
  3051. Construction and Package of Recombinant Retrovirus PLXSN-BDNF and RSC Labelled by GFP Subretinal Space Transplantion
  3053. Preparation and drug-release properties in vitro of chitosan/alginate microcyst encapsulating BDNF
  3054. BDNF Mediated Functional and Structural Optic Nerve Protection in Canine Hypertensive Eyes
  3055. Effects of Lanthanum on CREB Phosphorylation and BDNF Expression in Cerebral Cortex of Rats after Weaning
  3056. Effect of Erythropoietin on NGF and BDNF in Hippocampal Neurons of Rats after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  3057. The Expression of BDNF and Receptor TrkB in the Brains of Intractable Epilepsy
  3058. BDNF and NT 3 gene delivery mediated by Adenovirus enhances survival and differentiation of cultured spinal cord neurons in vitro
  3059. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is not associated with coronary atherosclerosis in Czech patients
  3060. BDNF Expression in the Central Nervous System of Tree Shrews (Tupaia Belangeri Chinensis)
  3061. Experimental research on expression changes of BDNF and high affinity receptor TrKB in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of guinea pigs with bilirubin induced nerve …
  3063. P02-94-BDNF and NT3 concentrations in post-mortem brain tissue of individuals with recurrent depressive disorder
  3064. Relationship between fast-acting antidepressant properties of total sleep deprivation and serum BDNF levels
  3065. P01-92-Early changes are associated with late changes of BDNF serum levels in inpatients with major depression during short-term antidepressant treatment
  3066. Brain‐derived neutrotrophic factor (BDNF) binding is required for its receptor TrkB activation in the supraoptic nuclei (SON) following dehydration in the rat
  3067. Effects of three Chinese formulas on BDNF, TrkB in rat contex and hippocampus with chronic immobilization stress
  3068. Changes of hippocampal BDNF and TrkB expression during AMPA receptors mediated ketamine-induced antidepressant effect in rats
  3069. Influence of a high-fat diet on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  3070. BDNF Val66Met modulates 5-HTTLPR for develop neuroticism in borderline personality disorder
  3071. The Effect of Decoy ODN Inhibiting BDNF in Rat Neuropathic Pain Model
  3072. The expression of BDNF and TrkB in primary liver cancer and the effects of BDNF on liver cancer cell line Bel-7402
  3073. AAV mediated BDNF expression combined with BDNF protein rescues rat retinal ganglion cells and visual function after acute elevation of intraocular pressure
  3074. Changes in expression of CGRP, SP and BDNF in dorsal root ganglion and effects of electroacupuncture on morphine tolerance in rats with chronic inflammatory pain …
  3075. Effect of adenovirus-mediated BDNF transfer on sciatic nerve injury in rats and functional evaluation
  3076. BDNF receptor TrkB modulates voltage‐gated K+ (Kv) 1.5 channel protein expression
  3077. Effect of ketamine on the expressions of CREB and BDNF in preforntal cortex of depressed rats
  3078. Mechanisms Underlying p53 Genetic Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Mice Retina
  3079. The Neuroprotective Effect Of AAV Mediated BDNF On Retinal Ganglion Cells Survival Of Experimental Glaucoma DBA/2J Mice
  3080. Expression and significance of plasma BDNF in patients with schizophrenia [J]
  3081. Signaling pathways regulating BDNF expression in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia during bladder inflammation
  3082. Running coordinately upregulates hippocampal BDNF and GAD67 expression in Long‐Evans rats
  3083. Expression of BDNF in Hippocampi Resected from Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Associated with Hippocampal Sclerosis
  3084. Construction of Recombinant Plasmid pcDNA3. 1-TK-IRES-BDNF and Its Expression in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  3085. Effect of breviscapine with BDNF and TrkB in cerebral ischemic rat
  3086. The expression of BDNF for Salvianolate on pilocarpine induced seizures in rats [J]
  3087. Effect of Huatuo Jiancong Decoction on Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) excreted from Primary Cultural Astrocytes injured by H_2O_2 [J]
  3088. Hyperoxia Decreases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Production In The Carotid Body (CB) And Brainstem (BS) As Well As Catecholaminergic Neurons In …
  3089. BDNF plasma levels in bipolar and unipolar depression
  3090. The Expression of BDNF and TrkB in Rat Hippocampus and Its Relationship with Learning-remembering Ability in Chronic Electronic Ignition of Insular Lobe [J]
  3091. Influences of Yinao Jieyu Fang on brain GFAP, bFGF and BDNF in rat model of depression [J]
  3092. P. 1.022 Epigenetic modifications in transgenic mouse with human polymorphism (Val66Met) of BDNF gene
  3093. Antidepressant treatment restores brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum levels and ameliorates motor function in parkinson’s disease patients
  3094. Construction of pcDNA3/BDNF eukaryotic expression vectors
  3095. C-2Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Levels are Associated with Memory Performance in Alzheimer’s Disease: An Investigation by the Texas …
  3097. Investigating differential regulation of BDNF promoter IV activity by upstream polymorphic evolutionary conserved regions: implications for mood disorders and …
  3100. Detection of BDNF, MTL and SS in Serum of Depression with Functional Dyspepsia Patients
  3101. Aging and BDNF‐deficiency upregulates heat shock protein expression in mouse retina
  3102. Impact of BDNF/TrkB signaling on recovery of phrenic activity after cervical spinal cord injury in rats
  3103. Changes of PKAC-β, c-Fos and BDNF in cerebral cortex after intracerebral hemorrhage in rats treated with WIN55-212-2
  3104. … Leu-Ile Delivery Using Thermo-Reversible Hydrogel Promotes Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival After Optic Nerve Injury by Inducing BDNF and GDNF Production
  3105. Effects of Shenxionghuayu capsule on the expression of BDNF in hippocampus CA1 area of rats with vascular dementia [J]
  3106. Food Restriction Induces Cardiac BDNF/TrkB Signaling and Improves Physical Activity in Obese Mice
  3107. … phrenic long‐term facilitation (pLTF) following intermittent hypoxia in a rat ALS model (SOD1G93A) is attenuated by spinal siRNAs targeting BDNF and TrkB synthesis
  3108. 244 Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
  3109. The acute effect of tryptophan depletion on serum neurotrophin levels (BDNF, FGF2, and S100B) in healthy subjects
  3110. BDNF Preferentially Targets Membrane Properties of Rhythmically Active Neurons in the pre-Botzinger Complex
  3111. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSANCAM) in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to …
  3112. Analyses of the Effects of BDNF on Memory Ability in Dementia Senile Mice’s GrayⅠof CA1 Area
  3113. Dynamic expression of BDNF mRNA of cerebellar cortex after the infarction of rats middle cerebral artery supply area
  3114. The role of brain derived neurotrohpihc factor (BDNF) in incisional pain in rats.
  3115. Study of BDNF-TrKB Trafficking Regulated by Neuronal Activity in Hippocampal Neurons by Live Cell Imaging
  3116. Treadmill training enhanced learning-memory and BDNF mRNA expression in hippocampus of rats
  3117. OC-073 Evidence for genetic contribution to plasticity of the human swallowing motor system: the role of BDNF polymorphism
  3118. BDNF-mediated regulation of GABAergic neurotransmission in hippocampus neurons
  3119. Neuronal Activity-Dependent Transcription Factors and Regulation of Human Gene BDNF
  3120. BDNF and DISC1 are associated with cognitive dysfunction but not with schizophrenia in a hungarian sample
  3121. BDNF-Second Best?
  3123. The cytotoxic effect of methylglyoxal on BDNF and TrkB expression in rat hippocampal neurons
  3124. Roles of huntingtin associated protein 1 in BDNF trafficking
  3125. Abstract P107: Interactions of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism, Gender, and High-Carbohydrate Diets on Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases
  3126. GeranylgeranyltransferaseⅠmediates BDNF-induced synaptogenesis
  3128. Selective DNA methylation of BDNF promoter and nociceptin gene in bipolar disorder
  3129. Childhood Abuse and the BDNF-Val66Met Polymorphism: Evidence for Gene-Environment Interaction in the Development of Adult Psychosis-Like Experiences
  3130. The collapse of the BDNF/POMC system in the hypothalamus is responsible for the extreme obesity with hyperphagia observed in female heterozygous MeCP2 …
  3132. Characterization of the Expression of BDNF and CGRP and their Regulatory Pathways in Dorsal Root Ganglion during Cystitis.
  3133. … and Pathways in Cord Blood (CB) Vs Peripheral Blood (PB) CD56+ dim NK Cells: Over Expression of CELSR1, BLM and BDNF Early Developmental Stage Proteins …
  3134. Acute exercise modulatesthe PBMCs content of BDNF and Pro-BDNF and affects cognitive performance in an intensity-related modality
  3135. Activity-Dependent Development of Inhibitory Synapses and Innervation Pattern in the Visual Cortex: From BDNF to GABA Signaling
  3137. Role of BDNF-TRKB signaling in development and maintenance of the basal ganglia
  3138. PW01-04-Isolation-rearing differentially affects BDNF levels in plasma, hippocampus and frontal cortex of normal and genetically depressed rats
  3139. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism affects HRQoL in MDD
  3140. Molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) translation in dendrites
  3141. … activation in the amygdala both increase amyloid β precursor protein (APP) and amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide but have divergent effects on BDNF and pre-synaptic …
  3142. Role of Dendritic BDNF Synthesis in Adult Neurogenesis and Spine Morphogenesis
  3143. Hydrogen-rich saline reducing the expression of BDNF in the spinal cord in neuropathic pain
  3144. Chronic duloxetine treatment normalizes altered BDNF expression in serotonin transporter knock-out rats through the modulation of specific neurotrophin …
  3145. Cognitive performance in schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder: The influence of COMT and BDNF polymorphisms
  3146. BDNF, Dopamine, and Cocaine Reward
  3147. Ceruloplasmin Deficiency Reduces Levels of Iron and BDNF in the Cortex and Striatum
  3148. Effects of NGF and BDNF on proliferation of bovine granulosa cells.
  3149. Translational regulation in the adult brain: mediated by BDNF signalling, stress, and chronic antidepressant treatment
  3150. Rapid BDNF-dependent sequestration of amygdala and hippocampal GABAA receptors via different TrkB-mediated phosphorylation pathways
  3151. BDNF and FGF-2 in the development of human striatal primordium: an in vitro study/.
  3152. Polymorphism rs6265 near BDNF gene is associated with blood pressure in Chinese children and adolescents
  3153. The association of BDNF gene variants with behaviour traits in sika deer (Cervus nippon).
  3154. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism modulates sleep intensity: EEG frequency-and state-specificity
  3155. Reversal of Morphine-Induced Locomotion in M5 Muscarinic Receptor Knockout Mice with Food Deprivation but not Bilateral Infusions of VTA BDNF
  3156. Derepression of tPA expression by knocking out NRSF enhances mature BDNF and upregulates hippocampal LTP
  3157. Engineering of a Human Endothelialized Connective Tissue and Evaluation of the Angiogenic Potential of the Neurotrophic Factors NGF, BDNF, NT3 and GDNF
  3159. Haploinsufficiency of RAI1 and Its Effect on BDNF Expression
  3160. Dietary omega-3 deficiency impairs NMDA and Fyn interaction and reduces BDNF content in dorsal hippocampus: implications on persistence of long-term …
  3161. The effects of voluntary exercise on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF levels in a rodent model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  3162. Oroxylin A Enhances Memory Consolidation by Increasing Hippocampal BDNF Levels
  3163. Polymorphisms in BDNF (Val66Met) and 5-HTTLPR, morning
  3164. The influence of the Val66Met BDNF and ApoE4 polymorphism on hemispheric and lateral ventricular volumes of young, healthy adults
  3165. Endurance training enhances BDNF release from the
  3166. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-dependent activation of calpain: Involvement of ERK pathway and regulation of AMPA receptor function and stability
  3168. Delineating the mechanism (s) of BDNF/TrkB mediated proliferation in Neuroblastoma
  3169. Axogial communication mediated by soluble neuregulin-1 and BDNF
  3170. The neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2: its regulation by BDNF and its role in learning and memory
  3171. The aging hippocampus: interactions between exercise, depression, and BDNF
  3172. Epigenetic regulation of the BDNF gene: implications for psychiatric disorders
  3173. Intense exercise increases circulating endocannabinoid and BDNF levels in humans—possible implications for reward and depression
  3174. BDNF promotes differentiation and maturation of adult-born neurons through GABAergic transmission
  3175. Decreased serum levels of mature brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), but not its precursor proBDNF, in patients with major depressive disorder
  3176. Fear extinction and BDNF: translating animal models of PTSD to the clinic
  3177. BDNF Val66Met impairs fluoxetine-induced enhancement of adult hippocampus plasticity
  3178. BDNF and its pro-peptide are stored in presynaptic dense core vesicles in brain neurons
  3179. Fingolimod, a sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor modulator, increases BDNF levels and improves symptoms of a mouse model of Rett syndrome
  3180. Molecular evidence for BDNF-and GABA-related dysfunctions in the amygdala of female subjects with major depression
  3181. Cooperative roles of BDNF expression in neurons and Schwann cells are modulated by exercise to facilitate nerve regeneration
  3182. The role of BDNF in the pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia
  3183. The concentrations of serum, plasma and platelet BDNF are all increased by treadmill VO2max performance in healthy college men
  3184. Running throughout middle‐age improves memory function, hippocampal neurogenesis, and BDNF levels in female C57BL/6J mice
  3185. Dendritically targeted BDNF mRNA is essential for energy balance and response to leptin
  3186. BDNF and glucocorticoids regulate corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) homeostasis in the hypothalamus
  3187. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism impairs synaptic transmission and plasticity in the infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex
  3188. Dynamic changes in DNA methylation of stress-associated genes (OXTR, BDNF) after acute psychosocial stress
  3189. BDNF is a negative modulator of morphine action
  3190. Glucocorticoid receptors recruit the CaMKIIα-BDNF-CREB pathways to mediate memory consolidation
  3191. Abnormal hippocampal BDNF and miR-16 expression is associated with depression-like behaviors induced by stress during early life
  3192. Low BDNF is associated with cognitive impairment in chronic patients with schizophrenia
  3193. Physical therapy intervention (PTI) increases plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in non-frail and pre-frail elderly women
  3194. Cognitive and serum BDNF correlates of BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls
  3195. Impact of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on cognition: implications for behavioral genetics
  3196. Selective DNA methylation of BDNF promoter in bipolar disorder: differences among patients with BDI and BDII
  3197. Quercetin attenuates cell apoptosis in focal cerebral ischemia rat brain via activation of BDNF–TrkB–PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
  3198. Antidepressant‐like effects of ginsenoside Rg1 are due to activation of the BDNF signalling pathway and neurogenesis in the hippocampus
  3199. Social deprivation stress is a triggering factor for the emergence of anxiety-and depression-like behaviours and leads to reduced brain BDNF levels in C57BL/6J mice
  3200. BDNF: the career of a multifaceted neurotrophin in spinal cord injury
  3201. Physical exercise and antidepressants enhance BDNF targeting in hippocampal CA3 dendrites: further evidence of a spatial code for BDNF splice variants
  3202. Neural stem cells over-expressing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) stimulate synaptic protein expression and promote functional recovery following …
  3203. Acute exercise modulates BDNF and pro-BDNF protein content in immune cells.
  3204. Interaction of BDNF and COMT polymorphisms on paired-associative stimulation-induced cortical plasticity
  3205. BDNF Val66Met genotype modulates the effect of childhood adversity on subgenual anterior cingulate cortex volume in healthy subjects
  3206. Genetic sensitivity to the caregiving context: The influence of 5httlpr and BDNF val66met on indiscriminate social behavior
  3207. Effect of BDNF val66met polymorphism on declarative memory and its neural substrate: A meta-analysis
  3208. Plasma BDNF is associated with age-related white matter atrophy but not with cognitive function in older, non-demented adults
  3209. Comparative effect of treadmill exercise on mature BDNF production in control versus stroke rats
  3210. BDNF control of adult SVZ neurogenesis
  3211. The role of 5-HT1A receptors in fish oil-mediated increased BDNF expression in the rat hippocampus and cortex: a possible antidepressant mechanism
  3212. Associations of BDNF genotype and promoter methylation with acute and long-term stroke outcomes in an East Asian cohort
  3213. Role of pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor (proBDNF) to mature BDNF conversion in activity-dependent competition at developing neuromuscular synapses
  3214. Blueberry supplementation induces spatial memory improvements and region-specific regulation of hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression in young rats
  3215. BDNF function as a potential mediator of bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder comorbidity
  3216. Associations between parenting behavior and anxiety in a rodent model and a clinical sample: relationship to peripheral BDNF levels
  3217. BDNF Val66Met and cognition: all, none, or some? A meta‐analysis of the genetic association
  3218. … ‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the ventral tegmental area during cocaine abstinence is associated with increased histone acetylation at BDNF …
  3219. BDNF increases with behavioral enrichment and an antioxidant diet in the aged dog
  3220. Long‐lasting regulation of hippocampal BDNF gene transcription after contextual fear conditioning
  3221. Action control is mediated by prefrontal BDNF and glucocorticoid receptor binding
  3222. Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is regulated by the Wnt signaling pathway
  3223. Plasma BDNF levels vary in relation to body weight in females
  3224. The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Modulates Sleep Intensity: EEG Frequency- and State-Specificity
  3225. Dysregulation of BDNF-TrkB Signaling in Developing Hippocampal Neurons by Pb2+: Implications for an Environmental Basis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  3226. … female ovariectomized rats promotes improvement of spatial reference memory and an antidepressant effect and alters monoamines and BDNF levels in memory-and …
  3227. Snapin recruits dynein to BDNF-TrkB signaling endosomes for retrograde axonal transport and is essential for dendrite growth of cortical neurons
  3228. Roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor/tropomyosin-related kinase B (BDNF/TrkB) signalling in Alzheimer’s disease
  3229. Postsynaptic BDNF signalling regulates long‐term potentiation at thalamo‐amygdala afferents
  3230. DNA methylation and expression profiles of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and dopamine transporter (DAT1) genes in patients with schizophrenia
  3231. Expression of TrkB and BDNF is associated with poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer
  3232. Object recognition memory and BDNF expression are reduced in young TgCRND8 mice
  3233. BDNF blended chitosan scaffolds for human umbilical cord MSC transplants in traumatic brain injury therapy
  3234. Serum BDNF concentrations show strong seasonal variation and correlations with the amount of ambient sunlight
  3235. Activity-dependent BDNF release and TRPC signaling is impaired in hippocampal neurons of Mecp2 mutant mice
  3236. SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of MeCP2 contributes to BDNF expression
  3237. A systematic review and meta‐analysis on the association between BDNF val66met and hippocampal volume—A genuine effect or a winners curse?
  3238. Estradiol promotes purkinje dendritic growth, spinogenesis, and synaptogenesis during neonatal life by inducing the expression of BDNF
  3239. Corticosterone reduces brain mitochondrial function and expression of mitofusin, BDNF in depression-like rodents regardless of exercise preconditioning
  3240. Infusion of BDNF into the nucleus accumbens of aged rats improves cognition and structural synaptic plasticity through PI3K-ILK-Akt signaling
  3241. Voluntary resistance running with short distance enhances spatial memory related to hippocampal BDNF signaling
  3242. Serotonergic and BDNF genes and risk of depression after stroke
  3243. The early events of Alzheimer’s disease pathology: from mitochondrial dysfunction to BDNF axonal transport deficits
  3244. PI3-kinase/Akt pathway-regulated membrane insertion of acid-sensing ion channel 1a underlies BDNF-induced pain hypersensitivity
  3245. … 4-methylcatechol (4-MC) ameliorates chronic pain associated with depression-like behavior via induction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  3246. The brain‐derived neurotrophic‐factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism is associated with geriatric depression: A meta‐analysis
  3247. Depression, the Val66Met polymorphism, age, and gender influence the serum BDNF level
  3248. Members of the myocyte enhancer factor 2 transcription factor family differentially regulate BDNF transcription in response to neuronal depolarization
  3249. Temporal lobe epilepsy and the BDNF receptor, TrkB
  3250. … produced antidepressant-like effects on the learned helplessness rats with alterations in levels of monoamine in the amygdala and no changes in BDNF levels in the …
  3251. The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene variants in antipsychotic response and antipsychotic-induced weight gain
  3252. Association between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and cognitive performance in antipsychotic-naive patients with schizophrenia
  3253. The effect of intrathecal administration of glial activation inhibitors on dorsal horn BDNF overexpression and hind paw mechanical allodynia in spinal nerve ligated rats
  3254. Central nervous system rather than immune cell-derived BDNF mediates axonal protective effects early in autoimmune demyelination
  3255. Differential modulation of motor cortex excitability in BDNF Met allele carriers following experimentally induced and use‐dependent plasticity
  3256. Naringin treatment improves functional recovery by increasing BDNF and VEGF expression, inhibiting neuronal apoptosis after spinal cord injury
  3257. BDNF/TrkB signaling protects HT-29 human colon cancer cells from EGFR inhibition
  3258. Serum levels of mature brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its precursor proBDNF in healthy subjects
  3259. Reduced hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in neonatal rats after prenatal exposure to propylthiouracil (PTU)
  3260. Testosterone has sublayer-specific effects on dendritic spine maturation mediated by BDNF and PSD-95 in pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus CA1 area
  3261. Long-term behavioral and NMDA receptor effects of young-adult corticosterone treatment in BDNF heterozygous mice
  3262. Reduction of BDNF expression in Fmr1 knockout mice worsens cognitive deficits but improves hyperactivity and sensorimotor deficits
  3263. The use of BDNF to enhance the patency rate of small-diameter tissue-engineered blood vessels through stem cell homing mechanisms
  3264. Memantine treatment reverses anhedonia, normalizes corticosterone levels and increases BDNF levels in the prefrontal cortex induced by chronic mild stress in rats
  3265. Regulation of BDNF expression by cocaine
  3266. Deletion of the BDNF truncated receptor TrkB. T1 delays disease onset in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3267. GABA a receptor blockade enhances memory consolidation by increasing hippocampal BDNF levels
  3268. BDNF val 66 met affects hippocampal volume and emotion-related hippocampal memory activity
  3269. HDAC activity is required for BDNF to increase quantal neurotransmitter release and dendritic spine density in CA1 pyramidal neurons
  3270. Exercise does not protect against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in BDNF happloinsufficent mice
  3271. A novel role for BDNF-TrkB in the regulation of chemotherapy resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  3272. Therapeutic effect of adipose‐derived stem cells and BDNF‐immobilized PLGA membrane in a rat model of cavernous nerve injury
  3273. BDNF-, IGF-1-and GDNF-secreting human neural progenitor cells rescue amyloid β-induced toxicity in cultured rat septal neurons
  3274. Differential BDNF signaling in dentate gyrus and perirhinal cortex during consolidation of recognition memory in the rat
  3275. Catechins protect neurons against mitochondrial toxins and HIV proteins via activation of the BDNF pathway
  3276. Ras/p38 and PI3K/Akt but not Mek/Erk signaling mediate BDNF-induced neurite formation on neonatal cochlear spiral ganglion explants
  3277. Neuronal regeneration and protection by collagen-binding BDNF in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model
  3278. BDNF upregulation rescues synaptic plasticity in middle-aged ovariectomized rats
  3279. Distinct subsets of Syt-IV/BDNF vesicles are sorted to axons versus dendrites and recruited to synapses by activity
  3280. Maternal treadmill exercise during pregnancy decreases anxiety and increases prefrontal cortex VEGF and BDNF levels of rat pups in early and late periods of life
  3281. BDNF regulates GLAST and glutamine synthetase in mouse retinal Müller cells
  3282. … D1–D2 receptor heteromer in dual phenotype GABA/glutamate-coexpressing striatal medium spiny neurons: regulation of BDNF, GAD67 and VGLUT1/2
  3283. Modulation of BDNF expression by repeated treatment with the novel antipsychotic lurasidone under basal condition and in response to acute stress
  3284. Prelimbic BDNF and TrkB signaling regulates consolidation of both appetitive and aversive emotional learning
  3285. BDNF as an effect modifier for gender effects on pain thresholds in healthy subjects
  3286. Long-term rescue of rat retinal ganglion cells and visual function by AAV-mediated BDNF expression after acute elevation of intraocular pressure
  3287. Sexually dimorphic BDNF signaling directs sensory innervation of the mammary gland
  3288. Intracellular Ca2+ stores and Ca2+ influx are both required for BDNF to rapidly increase quantal vesicular transmitter release
  3289. Interacting effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and stressful life events on adolescent depression
  3290. Expression levels of the BDNF gene and histone modifications around its promoters in the ventral tegmental area and locus ceruleus of rats during forced abstinence …
  3291. BDNF gene therapy induces auditory nerve survival and fiber sprouting in deaf Pou4f3 mutant mice
  3292. The role of genetic variability in the SLC6A4, BDNF and GABRA6 genes in anxiety‐related traits
  3293. Striatal dopamine transporter binding correlates with serum BDNF levels in patients with striatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration
  3294. Site-specific synapsin I phosphorylation participates in the expression of post-tetanic potentiation and its enhancement by BDNF
  3295. Tau protein is involved in morphological plasticity in hippocampal neurons in response to BDNF
  3296. Influence of BDNF variants on diagnosis and response to treatment in patients with major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
  3297. The Met-genotype of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with reduced Stroop interference in elderly
  3298. Dendritic BDNF synthesis is required for late-phase spine maturation and recovery of cortical responses following sensory deprivation
  3299. Reduced axonal localization of a Caps2 splice variant impairs axonal release of BDNF and causes autistic-like behavior in mice
  3300. Association of BDNF Gene Polymorphism with Bipolar Disorders in Han Chinese Population
  3301. Intermittent social defeat stress enhances mesocorticolimbic ΔFosB/BDNF co-expression and persistently activates corticotegmental neurons: implication for …
  3302. Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATc4) is required for BDNF-dependent survival of adult-born neurons and spatial memory formation in the hippocampus
  3303. pH buffering does not influence BDNF responses to exercise
  3304. Pgc-1α overexpression downregulates Pitx3 and increases susceptibility to MPTP toxicity associated with decreased BDNF
  3305. Treadmill rehabilitation treatment enhanced BDNF-TrkB but not NGF-TrkA signaling in a mouse intracerebral hemorrhage model
  3306. Variation in the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and response to cognitive-behavior therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder
  3307. The dopamine D1 but not D3 receptor plays a fundamental role in spatial working memory and BDNF expression in prefrontal cortex of mice
  3308. Impact of BDNF Val66Met and 5‐HTTLPR polymorphism variants on neural substrates related to sadness and executive function
  3309. Agomelatine (S20098) modulates the expression of cytoskeletal microtubular proteins, synaptic markers and BDNF in the rat hippocampus, amygdala and PFC
  3310. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism moderates early deprivation effects on attention problems
  3311. Serum and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in abstinent alcoholics and social drinkers
  3312. Chronic unpredictable stress decreases expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in mouse ovaries: relationship to oocytes developmental …
  3313. Stable release of BDNF from the fibroblast cell line NIH3T3 grown on silicone elastomers enhances survival of spiral ganglion cells in vitro and in vivo
  3314. Interaction between BDNF Val66Met and childhood stressful life events is associated to affective memory bias in men but not women
  3315. In vivo BDNF modulation of hippocampal mossy fiber plasticity induced by high frequency stimulation
  3316. Association between BDNF polymorphism (Val66Met) and executive function in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer disease
  3317. Age-dependent deficits in fear learning in heterozygous BDNF knock-out mice
  3318. The responsiveness of TrkB to BDNF and antidepressant drugs is differentially regulated during mouse development
  3319. Neuroprotective effects of reactive oxygen species mediated by BDNF-independent activation of TrkB
  3320. BDNF‐mediated migration of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells is impaired during ageing
  3321. Ceruloplasmin deficiency results in an anxiety phenotype involving deficits in hippocampal iron, serotonin, and BDNF
  3322. Environmental enrichment blocks ethanol‐induced locomotor sensitization and decreases BDNF levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice
  3323. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reverses the effects of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation (REMSD) on developmentally regulated, long-term potentiation …
  3324. In vitro beneficial activation of microglial cells by mechanically-injured astrocytes enhances the synthesis and secretion of BDNF through p38MAPK
  3325. Combination of apolipoprotein E4 and high carbohydrate diet reduces hippocampal BDNF and arc levels and impairs memory in young mice
  3326. Peony glycosides reverse the effects of corticosterone on behavior and brain BDNF expression in rats
  3327. Association between BDNF rs6265 and obesity in the Boston puerto rican health study
  3328. Dopamine induces LTP differentially in apical and basal dendrites through BDNF and voltage-dependent calcium channels
  3329. BDNF/TrkB signaling augments smooth muscle cell proliferation in pulmonary hypertension
  3330. The effect of BDNF val66met polymorphism on visuomotor adaptation
  3331. Sustained induction of neuronal addition to the adult rat neostriatum by AAV4-delivered noggin and BDNF
  3332. Negative affectivity moderated by BDNF and stress response
  3333. Exercise training plus calorie restriction causes synergistic protection against cognitive decline via up-regulation of BDNF in hippocampus of stroke-prone …
  3334. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with Stage III–IV endometriosis and poor in vitro fertilization outcome
  3335. Effects of genistein and daidzein on hippocampus neuronal cell proliferation and BDNF expression in H19-7 neural cell line
  3336. Acute footshock-stress increases spatial learning–memory and correlates to increased hippocampal BDNF and VEGF and cell numbers in adolescent male and …
  3337. Antidepressant‐like effect of magnolol on BDNF up‐regulation and serotonergic system activity in unpredictable chronic mild stress treated rats
  3338. TrkB receptor signaling in the nucleus tractus solitarius mediates the food intake-suppressive effects of hindbrain BDNF and leptin
  3339. Agonistic effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and its metabolites on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) through molecular docking simulation
  3340. Incensole acetate reduces depressive-like behavior and modulates hippocampal BDNF and CRF expression of submissive animals
  3341. BDNF− 270 C> T polymorphisms might be associated with stroke type and BDNF− 196 G> A corresponds to early neurological deficit in hemorrhagic stroke
  3342. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) induces polarized signaling of small GTPase (Rac1) protein at the onset of Schwann cell myelination through …
  3343. Behavioral phenotype and BDNF differences related to apoE isoforms and sex in young transgenic mice
  3344. … changes in expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and protein across the brain do not translate to detectable changes in BDNF levels in CSF …
  3345. Increase in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in met allele carriers of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is specific to males
  3346. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene: a gender-specific role in cognitive function during normal cognitive aging of the MEMO-Study?
  3347. Daily serum and salivary BDNF levels correlate with morning-evening personality type in women and are affected by light therapy
  3348. BDNF alters ERK/p38 MAPK activity ratios to promote differentiation in growth plate chondrocytes
  3349. Expressions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of children with meningitis and encephalitis/encephalopathy
  3350. Synergistic effect of mesenchymal stem cells infected with recombinant adenovirus expressing human BDNF on erectile function in a rat model of cavernous …
  3351. GDNF and BDNF gene interplay in chronic tinnitus
  3352. Cooperation between cholinergic and glutamatergic receptors are essential to induce BDNF‐dependent long‐lasting memory storage
  3353. Association of time-dependent changes in mu opioid receptor mRNA, but not BDNF, TrkB, or MeCP2 mRNA and protein expression in the rat nucleus accumbens with …
  3354. Stage-dependent association of BDNF and TGF-β 1 with lung function in stable COPD
  3355. Expression of mutant N-terminal huntingtin fragment (htt552-100Q) in astrocytes suppresses the secretion of BDNF
  3356. Expression and localization of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and protein in human submandibular gland
  3357. NPY intraperitoneal injections produce antidepressant‐like effects and downregulate BDNF in the rat hypothalamus
  3358. Parkinson’s disease combined with depression treated with electroacupuncture and medication and its effect on serum BDNF
  3359. Sex-specific and region-specific changes in BDNF–TrkB signalling in the hippocampus of 5-HT1A receptor and BDNF single and double mutant mice
  3360. Functional characterization and axonal transport of quantum dot labeled BDNF
  3361. Copper, BDNF and Its N‐terminal Domain: Inorganic Features and Biological Perspectives
  3362. LIM kinase 1 (LIMK1) interacts with tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) and Mediates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-induced axonal elongation
  3363. No association of the BDNF val66met polymorphism with implicit associative vocabulary and motor learning
  3364. c-Jun-dependent sulfiredoxin induction mediates BDNF protection against mitochondrial inhibition in rat cortical neurons
  3365. 17β-Estradiol regulates the sexually dimorphic expression of BDNF and TrkB proteins in the song system of juvenile zebra finches
  3366. Resveratrol produces neurotrophic effects on cultured dopaminergic neurons through prompting astroglial BDNF and GDNF release
  3367. Tianeptine treatment induces antidepressive-like effects and alters BDNF and energy metabolism in the brain of rats
  3368. Direct interaction between scaffolding proteins RACK1 and 14-3-3ζ regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) transcription
  3369. Childhood trauma and platelet brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after a three month follow-up in patients with major depressive disorder
  3370. New insights into BDNF signaling: relevance to major depression and antidepressant action
  3371. BDNF may play a differential role in the protective effect of the mGluR2/3 agonist LY379268 on striatal projection neurons in R6/2 Huntington’s disease mice
  3372. Recapitulation of the Association of the Val66Met Polymorphism of BDNF Gene With BMI in Koreans
  3373. Role of stress-related brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the rat submandibular gland
  3374. Plasma BDNF and PDGF-AA levels are associated with high TCD velocity and stroke in children with sickle cell anemia
  3375. Lamotrigine treatment reverses depressive-like behavior and alters BDNF levels in the brains of maternally deprived adult rats
  3376. … , 8-(trifluoromethyl)-1, 2, 3, 4, 5-benzopentathiepin-6-amine hydrochloride (TC-2153), decreased hereditary catalepsy and increased the BDNF gene expression in the …
  3377. Interaction between the BDNF gene Val/66/Met polymorphism and morning cortisol levels as a predictor of depression in adult women
  3378. Type I interferons impair BDNF‐induced cell signaling and neurotrophic activity in differentiated human SH‐SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and mouse primary cortical …
  3379. Time-dependent changes in BDNF expression of pentylenetetrazole-induced hippocampal astrocytes in vitro
  3380. Divergent effects of lithium and sodium valproate on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production in human astrocytoma cells at therapeutic concentrations
  3381. Oroxylin A induces BDNF expression on cortical neurons through adenosine A2A receptor stimulation: a possible role in neuroprotection
  3382. Inhibition of BDNF in multiple myeloma blocks osteoclastogenesis via down-regulated stroma-derived RANKL expression both in vitro and in vivo
  3383. Age-dependent decline of motor neocortex but not hippocampal performance in heterozygous BDNF mice correlates with a decrease of cortical PSD-95 but an …
  3384. Acquisition and generalization of fear conditioning are not modulated by the BDNF‐val66met polymorphism in humans
  3385. The functional epistasis of 5‐HTTLPR and BDNF Val66Met on emotion processing: A preliminary study
  3386. Gene regulation via excitation and BDNF is mediated by induction and phosphorylation of the Etv1 transcription factor in cerebellar granule cells
  3387. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in schizophrenia: A systematic review
  3388. Aberrant heart rate and brainstem brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
  3389. Serotonergic and BDNF genes associated with depression 1 week and 1 year after mastectomy for breast cancer
  3390. Hypothalamic BDNF and obesity: found in translation
  3391. Propofol interacts with stimulus intensities of electroconvulsive shock to regulate behavior and hippocampal BDNF in a rat model of depression
  3392. Deltamethrin, a type II pyrethroid insecticide, has neurotrophic effects on neurons with continuous activation of the BDNF promoter
  3393. Peripheral administration of poly I: C disrupts contextual fear memory consolidation and BDNF expression in mice
  3394. Cyclotraxin-B, a new TrkB antagonist, and glial blockade by propentofylline, equally prevent and reverse cold allodynia induced by BDNF or partial infraorbital nerve …
  3395. Does BDNF genotype influence creative output in bipolar I manic patients?
  3396. Alcohol exposure induces depression-like behavior by decreasing hippocampal neuronal proliferation through inhibition of the BDNF-ERK pathway in gerbils
  3397. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) genetic polymorphism greatly increases risk of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) for Parkinson’s disease
  3398. The Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene influences trigeminal pain-related evoked responses
  3399. Dock3 regulates BDNF‐T rk B signaling for neurite outgrowth by forming a ternary complex with E lmo and R ho G
  3400. The effect of age and tongue exercise on BDNF and TrkB in the hypoglossal nucleus of rats
  3401. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its role in the functioning of the central nervous system
  3402. The contribution of BDNF and 5-HTT polymorphisms and early life stress to the heterogeneity of major depressive disorder: a preliminary study
  3403. Alterations in grooming activity and syntax in heterozygous SERT and BDNF knockout mice: the utility of behavior-recognition tools to characterize mutant mouse …
  3404. Interaction of the DRD3 and BDNF gene variants in subtyped bipolar disorder
  3405. Antidepressant-like effects of central BDNF administration in mice of antidepressant sensitive catalepsy (ASC) strain
  3406. Effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on normal variability of executive functions
  3407. The interaction between BDNF and DRD2 in bipolar II disorder but not in bipolar I disorder
  3408. Pramipexole is active in depression tests and modulates monoaminergic transmission, but not brain levels of BDNF in mice
  3409. Is BDNF biological link between depression and type 2 diabetes mellitus?
  3410. Polycystic ovary syndrome: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plasma and follicular fluid levels
  3411. Reduced brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression and presence of BDNF‐immunoreactive granules in the spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) …
  3412. Impaired transmission at corticothalamic excitatory inputs and intrathalamic GABAergic synapses in the ventrobasal thalamus of heterozygous BDNF knockout mice
  3413. BDNF Val66Met variant and smoking in a Chinese population
  3414. COMT Val158Met, BDNF Val66Met, and OPRM1 Asn40Asp and methamphetamine dependence treatment response: preliminary investigation
  3415. BDNF serum concentrations show no relationship with diagnostic group or medication status in neurodegenerative disease
  3416. BDNF Val66Met and spontaneous dyskinesias in non-clinical psychosis
  3417. CD4+ T cell-mediated neuroprotection is independent of T cell-derived BDNF in a mouse facial nerve axotomy model
  3418. Vascular BDNF expression and oxidative stress during aging and the development of chronic hypertension
  3419. The AMPA receptor potentiator Org 26576 modulates stress-induced transcription of BDNF isoforms in rat hippocampus
  3420. Hippocampal BDNF expression in a tau transgenic mouse model
  3421. Elevated IKKα accelerates the differentiation of human neuronal progenitor cells and induces MeCP2-dependent BDNF expression
  3422. Knockdown of BDNF suppressed invasion of HepG2 and HCCLM3 cells, a mechanism associated with inactivation of RhoA or Rac1 and actin skeleton …
  3423. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism interacts with sex to influence bimanual motor control in healthy humans
  3424. Differential BDNF responses of triple versus dual reuptake inhibition in neuronal and astrocytoma cells as well as in rat hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
  3425. Association of polymorphisms in BDNF, MTHFR, and genes involved in the dopaminergic pathway with memory in a healthy Chinese population
  3426. Long-term actions of BDNF on inhibitory synaptic transmission in identified neurons of the rat substantia gelatinosa
  3427. Endogenous BDNF regulates inhibitory synaptic transmission in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
  3428. Multiple approaches to investigate the transport and activity-dependent release of BDNF and their application in neurogenetic disorders
  3429. BDNF and DYRK1A are variable and inversely correlated in lymphoblastoid cell lines from Down syndrome patients
  3430. Interaction effect between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and parental rearing for interpersonal sensitivity in healthy subjects
  3431. BDNF expression in olfactory bulb and epithelium during regeneration of olfactory epithelium
  3432. Highly penetrant alterations of a critical region including BDNF in human psychopathology and obesity
  3433. BDNF and NT-3 expression by using glucocorticoid-induced bicistronic expression vector pGC-BDNF-IRES-NT3 protects apoptotic cells in a cellular injury model
  3434. Synthesis and biological evaluation of pyrethroid insecticide-derivatives as a chemical inducer for BDNF mRNA expression in neurons
  3435. Intravitreal delivery of mesenchymal stem cells loaded onto hydrogel affects the regulatory expression of endogenous NGF and BDNF in ischemic rat retina
  3436. Duration of last depressive episode may influence serum BDNF levels in remitted patients with major depression
  3437. Neurotrophins (BDNF and NGF) in follicular fluid of women with different infertility diagnoses
  3438. A BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and ketamine-induced rapid antidepressant action
  3439. Bipolar disorder, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and brain morphology
  3440. Quantitative analysis of BDNF/TrkB protein and mRNA in cortical and striatal neurons using α‐tubulin as a normalization factor
  3441. BDNF polymorphism–dependent OFC and DLPFC plasticity differentially moderates implicit and explicit bias
  3442. … pattern processing and homeostatic plasticity in recurrent on-center off-surround shunting networks: Noise, saturation, short-term memory, synaptic scaling, and BDNF
  3443. Identification of a novel brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-inhibitory factor: regulation of BDNF by teneurin C-terminal associated peptide (TCAP)-1 in …
  3444. Association of BDNF Met66Met polymorphism with arm tremor in cervical dystonia
  3445. BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels across the female life span: implications for the sex bias in affective disorders
  3446. Do levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in plasma correlate with psychopathology in healthy subjects?

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